Commit 12f13daa authored by zhanghaohua's avatar zhanghaohua


parent 613029f9
#include <ogr_spatialref.h>
#include "station.h"
namespace jf {
Eigen::Matrix3d Station::CalcRtStationToEpsg4978(double lon, double lat)
double radianL = lon;
double radianB = lat;
double sinB = std::sin(radianB);
double cosB = std::cos(radianB);
double sinL = std::sin(radianL);
double cosL = std::cos(radianL);
Eigen::Matrix3d result_m;
result_m <<
-sinL, -sinB * cosL, cosB* cosL,
cosL, -sinB * sinL, cosB* sinL,
0, cosB, sinB;
return result_m;
Eigen::Vector3d Station::CalcTranslateStationToEpsg4978(double lon, double lat, double height)
double xyz[3]{ lat,lon,height };
Wgs84::Instance().BLH2ECEF(&xyz[0], &xyz[1], &xyz[2]);
return Eigen::Vector3d(xyz[1], xyz[0], xyz[2]);
Station::Station(double lon, double lat, double high):lon_(lon), lat_(lat), height_(high)
Eigen::Matrix3d rref = CalcRtStationToEpsg4978(lon, lat);
Eigen::Vector3d tref = CalcTranslateStationToEpsg4978(lon, lat, high);
r_enutoepsg_ = rref;
t_enutoepsg_ = tref;
rt_enutoepsg_ <<
rref(0, 0), rref(0, 1), rref(0, 2), tref.x(),
rref(1, 0), rref(1, 1), rref(1, 2), tref.y(),
rref(2, 0), rref(2, 1), rref(2, 2), tref.z(),
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0;
rt_enutoepsg_inverse_ = rt_enutoepsg_.inverse();
bool Station::TransToEpsg4978(double* e2x, double* n2y, double* u2z, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Eigen::Vector4d enuhomo(e2x[i], n2y[i], u2z[i], 1.0);
// auto res = rt_enutoepsg_ * enuhomo;
// e2x[i] = res.x();
// n2y[i] = res.y();
// u2z[i] = res.z();
double x = rt_enutoepsg_(0,0)*e2x[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(0,1)*e2x[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(0,2)*e2x[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(0,3);
double y = rt_enutoepsg_(1,0)*n2y[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(1,1)*n2y[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(1,2)*n2y[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(1,3);
double z = rt_enutoepsg_(2,0)*u2z[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(2,1)*u2z[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(2,2)*u2z[i] + rt_enutoepsg_(2,3);
e2x[i] = x;
n2y[i] = y;
u2z[i] = z;
return true;
bool Station::TransFromEpsg4978(double* x2e, double* y2n, double* z2u, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Eigen::Vector4d enuhomo(x2e[i], y2n[i], z2u[i], 1.0);
auto res = rt_enutoepsg_inverse_ * enuhomo;
x2e[i] = res.x();
y2n[i] = res.y();
z2u[i] = res.z();
return true;
bool Station::TransToEpsg4326(double* e2lon, double* n2lat, double* u2h, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Eigen::Vector4d enuhomo(e2lon[i], n2lat[i], u2h[i], 1.0);
auto res = rt_enutoepsg_ * enuhomo;
e2lon[i] = res.x();
n2lat[i] = res.y();
u2h[i] = res.z();
Wgs84::Instance().ECEF2BLH(&(e2lon[i]), &(n2lat[i]), &(u2h[i]));
return true;
bool Station::TransFromEpsg4326(double* lon2e, double* lat2n, double* h2u, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
double x = lon2e[i];
double y = lat2n[i];
double z = h2u[i];
Wgs84::Instance().BLH2ECEF(&y, &x, &z);
// Eigen::Vector4d epsg4978homo(x, y, z, 1.0);
// Eigen::Vector4d res = rt_enutoepsg_inverse_ * epsg4978homo;
// lon2e[i] = res.x();
// lat2n[i] = res.y();
// h2u[i] = res.z();
double x1 = rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(0,0)*x + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(0,1)*y + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(0,2)*z + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(0,3);
double y1 = rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(1,0)*x + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(1,1)*y + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(1,2)*z + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(1,3);
double z1 = rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(2,0)*x + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(2,1)*y + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(2,2)*z + rt_enutoepsg_inverse_(2,3);
lon2e[i] = x1;
lat2n[i] = y1;
h2u[i] = z1;
return true;
bool Station::EnuToECEF(double* x, double* y, double* z, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Eigen::Vector4d enuhomo(x[i], y[i], z[i], 1.0);
auto res = rt_enutoepsg_ * enuhomo;
x[i] = res.x();
y[i] = res.y();
z[i] = res.z();
return true;
bool Station::ECEFToWGS84(double* x, double* y, double* z, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Wgs84::Instance().ECEF2BLH(&(x[i]), &(y[i]), &(z[i]));
return true;
bool Station::WGS84ToECEF(double* x, double* y, double* z, int count)
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Wgs84::Instance().BLH2ECEF(&(x[i]), &(y[i]), &(z[i]));
return true;
void Station::resetNEH() {
OGRSpatialReference* res4326 = OGRSpatialReference::GetWGS84SRS();
OGRSpatialReference* resutm51 = new OGRSpatialReference();
int zone_code = 31 + std::floor(lon_ / 6.0);
resutm51->SetUTM(zone_code, 1);
OGRCoordinateTransformation* trans = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(res4326, resutm51);
double E0 = lon_;
double N0 = lat_;
double H0 = height_;
int nCount = 1;
trans->Transform(nCount, &E0, &N0, &H0);
UTM_E0_ = floor(E0);
UTM_N0_ = floor(N0);
UTM_H0_ = 0.0;
trans = nullptr;
// #include <device/export.h>
// #include "device.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <memory>
#include "wgs84.h"
namespace jf {
站心坐标系的站心, EPSG:4326 的经纬度坐标,单位度,高,单位米
Enu 东北天(xyz) 的站心坐标系, 右手系
class Station
explicit Station (double lon, double lat, double high);
Eigen::Matrix3d CalcRtStationToEpsg4978(double lon, double lat);
Eigen::Vector3d CalcTranslateStationToEpsg4978(double lon, double lat, double height);
bool TransToEpsg4978(double* e2x, double* n2y, double* u2z, int count = 1);
bool TransFromEpsg4978(double* x2e, double* y2n, double* z2u, int count = 1);
bool TransToEpsg4326(double* e2lon, double* n2lat, double* u2h, int count = 1);
bool TransFromEpsg4326(double* lon2e, double* lat2n, double* h2u, int count = 1);
bool EnuToECEF(double* x, double* y, double* z, int count = 1);
bool ECEFToWGS84(double* x, double* y, double* z, int count = 1);
bool WGS84ToECEF(double* x, double* y, double* z, int count = 1);
double lon() {return lon_;}
double lat() {return lat_;}
double height() {return height_;}
double UTM_E0() {return UTM_E0_;}
double UTM_N0() {return UTM_N0_;}
double UTM_H0() {return UTM_H0_;}
void resetNEH();
void setENH(double E0, double N0, double H0) {
UTM_E0_ = E0;
UTM_N0_ = N0;
UTM_H0_ = H0;
int getSRID() {
// 根据经纬度计算utm 6度分带的代号
//int zone_code = 31 + math.floor(lon / 6.0)
int zone_code = 31 + std::floor(lon_ / 6.0);
// 南半球的EPSG SRID
// int zone_code_base = 32600;
// if (lat < 0.0 && lat >= -80.0)
// {
// zone_code_base = 32700;
// }
// else if (lat >= 0.0 && lat <= 84.0)
// {
// zone_code_base = 32600;
// }
// else
// return false;
// *srid = zone_code + zone_code_base;
// return true;
return zone_code;
double lon_;
double lat_;
double height_;
double UTM_E0_;
double UTM_N0_;
double UTM_H0_;
Eigen::Matrix3d r_enutoepsg_;
Eigen::Vector3d t_enutoepsg_;
Eigen::Matrix4d rt_enutoepsg_;
Eigen::Matrix4d rt_enutoepsg_inverse_;
This diff is collapsed.
#include <cmath>
class Wgs84
static Wgs84& Instance();
/// <summary>
/// 获得某纬度处的卯酉圈曲率半径N (70/269)页 (11-13)公式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="B_radian">纬度值,以弧度位单位</param>
/// <returns></returns>
double GetN(double B_radian);
/// <summary>
/// 获得某纬度处的子午线弧长,(76/269)页,(11-49)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="B_radian">纬度值,以弧度为单位</param>
/// <returns></returns>
double GetX(double B_radian);
/// <summary>
/// 由子午圈弧长获得纬度,GetX()方法的反向计算
/// (75/269)页,公式(11-46)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="X">子午圈弧长</param>
/// <returns>返回的纬度值以弧度为单位</returns>
double GetLatByX(double X);
/// <summary>
/// V为第二基本纬度函数,(38/269)页,(6-6)公式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lat">纬度值,以弧度为单位</param>
/// <returns></returns>
double GetV(double lat);
//List<GeoPoint> ECEFList2BLH(IReadOnlyList<PointECEF> ecefs);
// 经纬高转空间直角坐标
// b 纬度 l经度 h 高 单位 度 度 米
void BLH2ECEF(double* b2y, double* l2x, double* h2z);
/// 空间直角坐标转经纬高
// 单位米
void ECEF2BLH(double* x2l, double* y2b, double* z2h);
double GetAngleDif(double distance);
void Rad2Degree(double* rad2degree);
void Degree2Rad(double* degree2rad);
#endif// define JF_HDMAP_DEVICE_WGS_ECEG_H_
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