################################################################################ # # # NKG Common Nordic Reference Frame # # Transformations to and from the common Nordic referenc frame NKG_ETRF00. # This init-file describes transformations between global reference frames # and NKG_ETRF00 as well as transformations from NKG_ERTF00 to the local # realisations of ETRS89 in each of the countries involved with NKG. # # All transformations in this init-file uses the common Nordic frame as a # pivot datum. Exempt from this dogma are transformations with labels # starting with "_". Those transformations are "private" to this file and are # only used as steps in more complicated transformations. # # Sources: # # [0] Häkli, P. et al, 2016, The NKG2008 GPS Campaign - final transformation # results and a new common Nordic reference frame. # https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/jogs.2016.6.issue-1/jogs-2016-0001/jogs-2016-0001.pdf # # [1] Häkli, P., 2019, ETRS89 Transformations in Fennoscandia (NKG transformation), # EUREF2019 Tutorial. # http://www.euref.eu/documentation/Tutorial2019/t-03-Hakli.pdf ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # Global Frames # # Input: Cartesian coordinates # Output: Cartesian coordinates # ############################################################################### # NKG_ETRF00 -> ITRF2008 <ITRF2008> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 # NKG_ETRF00@2000.0 -> ETRF00@t_obs step proj = deformation t_epoch = 2000.0 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif # ETRF00@t_obs -> ITRF2000@t_obs step init = NKG:ITRF2000_ETRF2000 inv # ITRF2000@t_obs -> ITRF2008@t_obs step init = ITRF2008:ITRF2000 inv # NKG_ETRF00 -> ITRF2014 <ITRF2014> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 # NKG_ETRF00@2000.0 -> ETRF00@t_obs step proj = deformation t_epoch = 2000.0 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif # ETRF00@t_obs -> ITRF2000@t_obs step init = NKG:ITRF2000_ETRF2000 inv # ITRF2000@t_obs -> ITRF2014@t_obs step init = ITRF2014:ITRF2000 inv # ITRF2000 -> ETRF2000 # Source: Specifications for reference frame fixing in the analysis of a # EUREF GPS campaign - http://etrs89.ensg.ign.fr/memo-V8.pdf <ITRF2000_ETRF2000> proj=helmert x=0.054 +y=0.051 z=-0.048 rx=0.000891 ry=0.00539 rz=-0.008712 drx=8.1e-05 dry=0.00049 drz=-0.000792 t_epoch=2000.0 convention=position_vector ############################################################################### # # National ETRS89 Realizations # # Input: Cartesian coordinates # Output: Geodetic coordinates # ############################################################################### # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(DK) [ETRF92@1994.704] <DK> proj = pipeline ellps=GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1DK step proj = deformation dt = -5.296 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj=cart inv # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(EE) [ETRF96@1997.56] <EE> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1EE step proj = deformation dt = -2.44 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj = cart inv # The Faroese Islands are outside the defined area for the uplift model and # should be treated accordingly. # # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(FO) [ETRS2000@2008.75] # <FO> # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(FI) [ETRF96@1997.0] <FI> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1FI step proj = deformation dt = -3 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj=cart inv # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(LV) [ETRF89@1992.75] <LV> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1LV step proj = deformation dt = -7.25 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj = cart inv # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(LT) [ETRF2000@2003.75] <LT> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1LT step proj = deformation dt = 3.75 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj=cart inv # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(NO) [ETRF93@1995.0] <NO> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1NO step proj = deformation dt = -5 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj=cart inv # NKG_ETRF00 -> ETRS89(SE) [ETRF97@1999.5] <SE> proj = pipeline ellps = GRS80 step init = NKG:_P1SE step proj = deformation -0.5 grids = nkgrf03vel_realigned.tif step proj = cart inv ############################################################################### # # "Private" transformations # ############################################################################### # The Helmert definitions below are taken from table 8 in [0]. The table lists # parameters for Helmert transformations between NKG_ERTF00@2000.0 and the # local realisation of ETRS89 at epoch 2000.0. Transformations starting with # "_P1" are only to be used with the realigned velocity model, whereas # transformations starting with "_P2" are to be used with the original velocity # model of 2003. <_P1DK> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.03863 y= 0.147 z= 0.02776 s=-0.009420 rx= 0.00617753 ry= 5.064e-05 rz= 4.729e-05 <_P1EE> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.12194 y= 0.02225 z=-0.03541 s=-0.005626 rx= 0.00227196 ry=-0.00323934 rz= 0.00247008 <_P1FO> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x=-0.10947 y= 0.235 z= 0.09432 s=-0.002626 rx= 0.00734019 ry= 0.00454595 rz=-0.00253141 <_P1FI> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.07251 y=-0.13019 z=-0.11323 s= 0.013012 rx=-0.00157399 ry=-0.00308833 rz= 0.00410332 <_P1LV> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.41812 y=-0.78105 z=-0.01335 s= 0.000757 rx=-0.0216436 ry=-0.0115184 rz= 0.01719911 <_P1LT> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.05692 y= 0.11549 z=-0.00078 s=-0.006182 rx= 0.00314291 ry=-0.00147975 rz=-0.00134758 <_P1NO> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x=-0.13116 y=-0.02817 z=0.02036 s= 0.006569 rx=-0.00038674 ry= 0.00408947 rz= 0.00103588 <_P1SE> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x=-0.01642 y=-0.00064 z=-0.0305 s= 0.001861 rx= 0.00187431 ry= 0.00046382 rz= 0.00228487 <_P2DK> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.02746 y= 0.14404 z= 0.02104 s=-0.006958 rx= 0.00609221 ry= 0.00021292 rz=-2.866e-05 <_P2EE> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.1168 y= 0.02088 z=-0.03851 s= 0.004492 rx= 0.00223263 ry=-0.00316453 rz= 0.00243507 <_P2FO> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x=-0.10947 y= 0.235 z= 0.09432 s=-0.002626 rx= 0.00734019 ry= 0.00454595 rz=-0.00253141 <_P2FI> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.06618 y=-0.13187 z=-0.11704 s= 0.14407 rx=-0.00162235 ry=-0.00299635 rz= 0.00406027 <_P2LV> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.40283 y=-0.78511 z=-0.02256 s= 0.004128 rx=-0.02176047 ry=-0.01129611 rz= 0.01709507 <_P2LT> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x= 0.06483 y= 0.11759 z= 0.00398 s=-0.007925 rx= 0.00320336 ry=-0.00159472 rz=-0.00129376 <_P2NO> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x=-0.14171 y=-0.03097 z= 0.01401 s= 0.008894 rx=-0.00046734 ry= 0.00424277 rz= 0.00096413 <_P2SE> proj=helmert convention=position_vector x=-0.01748 y=-0.00092 z=-0.03114 s= 2.093 rx= 0.00186625 ry= 0.00047915 rz= 0.00227769