#app._print_details_() # Use this to see what Python knows about a COM object.

g_index = 1
# A procedure, using a global.
def Show(desc, value = None):
	global g_index # Need global for g_index, as I locally assign.
	# No global needed to "xl" object, as only referenced.
	# Also note "xl" is assigned later in the script - ie, Python is very late bound.
	xl.Cells(g_index, 1).Value = desc
	if value: xl.Cells(g_index, 2).Value = value
	g_index = g_index + 1

xl = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
import sys

xl.Visible = 1
#xl.Workbooks().Add() # Excel versions before 98

# Show the WScript properties.
Show("Application Friendly Name", WScript.Name)
Show("Application Version", WScript.Version)
Show("Application Context: Fully Qualified Name", WScript.FullName)
Show("Application Context: Path Only", WScript.Path)
Show("State of Interactive Mode", WScript.Interactive)

Show("All script arguments:")
args = WScript.Arguments

for i in range(0,args.Count()):
	Show("Arg %d" % i, args(i))