<HTML> <BODY> <SCRIPT> b="Hello" </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Python"> import win32traceutil import sys print "Hello" a="Hi there" print "Location is", document.location document.write("Hello", " from version ", 2, " of the Python AXScript Engine","<P>") document.writeln("This is Python", sys.version) </SCRIPT> <P>The caption on the first button is set by the Window Load code. Clicking that button changes the text in the first edit box. <P>The second button changes its own text when clicked. <P>The fourth button calls a global function, defined in the global 'script' scope, rather than the 'MyForm' scope. <FORM NAME="MyForm" METHOD="GET"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Python"> print "Hello from in the form" </SCRIPT> <INPUT NAME="Button1" TYPE="Button" OnClick="MyForm.Text1.value='Hi'" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=25 NAME="Text1"> <INPUT NAME="Button2" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Click for 'Hi'" OnClick="a='Howdy'; MyForm.Button2.value='Hi'" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT NAME="Button3" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Click for URL" OnClick="MyForm.Text2.value=document.location" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=25 NAME="Text2"> <INPUT NAME="Button4" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Call global fn" OnClick="foo1()" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT NAME="Button5" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Script for... Test"> <script for="Button5" event="onClick" language="Python"> print "HelloThere"; window.alert("Hello") def ATest(): print "Hello from ATEst" ATest() </script> <INPUT NAME="Button6" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Set Other" OnClick="Form2.Text1.Value='Hi from other'" LANGUAGE="Python"> </FORM><BR> <P> And here is a second form <P> <FORM NAME="Form2" METHOD="GET"> <INPUT NAME="Button1" TYPE="Button" OnClick="Form2.Text1.Value='Hi'" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT NAME="Button2" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Set Other" OnClick="MyForm.Text1.Value='Hi from other'" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE=25 NAME="Text1"> <INPUT NAME="ButRExec" TYPE="Button" VALUE="RExec fail" OnClick="import win32api;win32api.MessageBox(0,'Oops')" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT NAME="ButRExec2" TYPE="Button" VALUE="RExec fail 2" OnClick="import sys,win32traceutil;print sys.modules;from win32com.client import dynamic;import win32com.client.dynamic, pythoncom, win32com.client;o=win32com.client.Dispatch('Word.Application')" LANGUAGE="Python"> <INPUT NAME="ButVB" TYPE="Button" VALUE="VBScript Button" OnClick='alert("Hi from VBScript")'> <INPUT NAME="ButCallChain" TYPE="Button" VALUE="Multi-Language call" OnClick='CallPython()'> </FORM><BR> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript"> function CallPython() alert("Hello from VB - Im about to call Python!") PythonGlobalFunction() end function </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> function JScriptFunction() { alert("Hello from JScript"); } </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Python"> x=13 def foo1(): y = 14 for name, item in globals().items(): print name, `item` alert ("Hello from AXCode") print "Y is ",y def PythonGlobalFunction(): window.alert("Hello from Python - Im about to call JScript!") window.JScriptFunction() def Window_OnLoad(): print "X is", x print "a is", a # print "------ GLOBALS ----------" # for n,v in globals().items(): # print n,'=',v print "MyForm is", MyForm print "MyForm is repr", `MyForm` print "MyForm.Button1 is", `MyForm.Button1` MyForm.Button1.Value = "Python Rules!" Form2.Button1.value = "Form2!" MyForm.Text1.value = document.location </SCRIPT> </BODY> </HTML>