** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the Qt3Support module of the Qt Toolkit.
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** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
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#include <QtGui/qwidget.h>
#include <Qt3Support/q3toolbar.h>
#include <QtCore/qtextstream.h>





class QMenuBar;
class QStatusBar;
class QToolTipGroup;
class Q3MainWindowPrivate;
class Q3MainWindowLayout;
class Q3PopupMenu;
class QHideDock;
template<class T> class QList;

class Q_COMPAT_EXPORT Q3MainWindow: public QWidget

    Q_PROPERTY(bool rightJustification READ rightJustification WRITE setRightJustification DESIGNABLE false)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool usesBigPixmaps READ usesBigPixmaps WRITE setUsesBigPixmaps)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool usesTextLabel READ usesTextLabel WRITE setUsesTextLabel)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool dockWindowsMovable READ dockWindowsMovable WRITE setDockWindowsMovable)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool opaqueMoving READ opaqueMoving WRITE setOpaqueMoving)

    Q3MainWindow(QWidget* parent=0, const char* name=0, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WType_TopLevel);

    QMenuBar * menuBar() const;
    QStatusBar * statusBar() const;
#if 0
    QToolTipGroup * toolTipGroup() const;

    virtual void setCentralWidget(QWidget *);
    QWidget * centralWidget() const;

    virtual void setDockEnabled(Qt::Dock dock, bool enable);
    bool isDockEnabled(Qt::Dock dock) const;
    bool isDockEnabled(Q3DockArea *area) const;
    virtual void setDockEnabled(Q3DockWindow *tb, Qt::Dock dock, bool enable);
    bool isDockEnabled(Q3DockWindow *tb, Qt::Dock dock) const;
    bool isDockEnabled(Q3DockWindow *tb, Q3DockArea *area) const;

    virtual void addDockWindow(Q3DockWindow *, Qt::Dock = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false);
    virtual void addDockWindow(Q3DockWindow *, const QString &label,
                                Qt::Dock = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false);
    virtual void moveDockWindow(Q3DockWindow *, Qt::Dock = Qt::DockTop);
    virtual void moveDockWindow(Q3DockWindow *, Qt::Dock, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset = -1);
    virtual void removeDockWindow(Q3DockWindow *);

    void setVisible(bool);
    QSize sizeHint() const;
    QSize minimumSizeHint() const;

    bool rightJustification() const;
    bool usesBigPixmaps() const;
    bool usesTextLabel() const;
    bool dockWindowsMovable() const;
    bool opaqueMoving() const;

    bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*);

    bool getLocation(Q3DockWindow *tb, Qt::Dock &dock, int &index, bool &nl, int &extraOffset) const;

    QList<Q3DockWindow *> dockWindows(Qt::Dock dock) const;
    QList<Q3DockWindow *> dockWindows() const;
    void lineUpDockWindows(bool keepNewLines = false);

    bool isDockMenuEnabled() const;

    // compatibility stuff
    bool hasDockWindow(Q3DockWindow *dw);
    void addToolBar(Q3DockWindow *, Qt::Dock = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false);
    void addToolBar(Q3DockWindow *, const QString &label,
                     Qt::Dock = Qt::DockTop, bool newLine = false);
    void moveToolBar(Q3DockWindow *, Qt::Dock = Qt::DockTop);
    void moveToolBar(Q3DockWindow *, Qt::Dock, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset = -1);
    void removeToolBar(Q3DockWindow *);

    bool toolBarsMovable() const;
    QList<Q3ToolBar *> toolBars(Qt::Dock dock) const;
    void lineUpToolBars(bool keepNewLines = false);

    virtual Q3DockArea *dockingArea(const QPoint &p);
    Q3DockArea *leftDock() const;
    Q3DockArea *rightDock() const;
    Q3DockArea *topDock() const;
    Q3DockArea *bottomDock() const;

    virtual bool isCustomizable() const;

    bool appropriate(Q3DockWindow *dw) const;

    enum DockWindows { OnlyToolBars, NoToolBars, AllDockWindows };
    virtual Q3PopupMenu *createDockWindowMenu(DockWindows dockWindows = AllDockWindows) const;

public Q_SLOTS:
    virtual void setRightJustification(bool);
    virtual void setUsesBigPixmaps(bool);
    virtual void setUsesTextLabel(bool);
    virtual void setDockWindowsMovable(bool);
    virtual void setOpaqueMoving(bool);
    virtual void setDockMenuEnabled(bool);
    virtual void whatsThis();
    virtual void setAppropriate(Q3DockWindow *dw, bool a);
    virtual void customize();

    // compatibility stuff
    void setToolBarsMovable(bool);

    void pixmapSizeChanged(bool);
    void usesTextLabelChanged(bool);
    void dockWindowPositionChanged(Q3DockWindow *);

    // compatibility stuff
    void toolBarPositionChanged(Q3ToolBar *);

protected Q_SLOTS:
    virtual void setUpLayout();
    virtual bool showDockMenu(const QPoint &globalPos);
    void menuAboutToShow();

    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
    void childEvent(QChildEvent *);
    bool event(QEvent *);

private Q_SLOTS:
    void slotPlaceChanged();
    void doLineUp() { lineUpDockWindows(true); }


    void triggerLayout(bool deleteLayout = true);
    bool dockMainWindow(QObject *dock) const;

    virtual void setMenuBar(QMenuBar *);
    virtual void setStatusBar(QStatusBar *);
#if 0
    virtual void setToolTipGroup(QToolTipGroup *);

    friend class Q3DockWindow;
    friend class QMenuBarPrivate;
    friend class QHideDock;
    friend class Q3ToolBar;
    friend class Q3MainWindowLayout;

inline void Q3MainWindow::addToolBar(Q3DockWindow *w, Qt::ToolBarDock dock, bool newLine)
    addDockWindow(w, dock, newLine);

inline void Q3MainWindow::addToolBar(Q3DockWindow *w, const QString &label,
                              Qt::ToolBarDock dock, bool newLine)
    addDockWindow(w, label, dock, newLine);

inline void Q3MainWindow::moveToolBar(Q3DockWindow *w, Qt::ToolBarDock dock)
    moveDockWindow(w, dock);

inline void Q3MainWindow::moveToolBar(Q3DockWindow *w, Qt::ToolBarDock dock, bool nl, int index, int extraOffset)
    moveDockWindow(w, dock, nl, index, extraOffset);

inline void Q3MainWindow::removeToolBar(Q3DockWindow *w)

inline bool Q3MainWindow::toolBarsMovable() const
    return dockWindowsMovable();

inline void Q3MainWindow::lineUpToolBars(bool keepNewLines)

inline void Q3MainWindow::setToolBarsMovable(bool b)

Q_COMPAT_EXPORT QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &, const Q3MainWindow &);
Q_COMPAT_EXPORT QTextStream &operator>>(QTextStream &, Q3MainWindow &);




#endif // Q3MAINWINDOW_H