 *          Copyright Andrey Semashev 2007 - 2014.
 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
 *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
 *          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
 * \file   value_ref.hpp
 * \author Andrey Semashev
 * \date   27.07.2012
 * The header contains implementation of a value reference wrapper.


#include <cstddef>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/is_sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/front.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/size.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/int.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/and.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/equal_to.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/contains.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/index_of.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/addressof.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/optional/optional_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_void.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/parameter_tools.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/value_ref_visitation.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/explicit_operator_bool.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/formatting_ostream_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/functional/logical.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/functional/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/functional/bind_output.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/functional/bind_to_log.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/manipulators/to_log.hpp>
#include <boost/log/utility/value_ref_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/log/detail/header.hpp>

#pragma once

namespace boost {


namespace aux {

//! The function object applies the function object to the bound visitable object and argument
template< typename VisitableT, typename FunT >
struct vistation_invoker
    typedef typename FunT::result_type result_type;

    vistation_invoker(VisitableT& visitable, result_type const& def_val) : m_visitable(visitable), m_def_val(def_val)

    template< typename ArgT >
    result_type operator() (ArgT const& arg) const
        return m_visitable.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< FunT, ArgT const& >(FunT(), arg), m_def_val);

    VisitableT& m_visitable;
    result_type m_def_val;

//! Attribute value reference implementation for a single type case
template< typename T, typename TagT >
class singular_ref
    //! Referenced value type
    typedef T value_type;
    //! Tag type
    typedef TagT tag_type;

    //! The metafunction tests if the type is compatible with the reference wrapper
    template< typename U >
    using is_compatible = is_same< U, value_type >;
    template< typename U >
    struct is_compatible :
        public is_same< U, value_type >

    //! Pointer to the value
    const value_type* m_ptr;

    //! Default constructor
    singular_ref() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr(NULL)

    //! Initializing constructor
    explicit singular_ref(const value_type* p) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr(p)

    //! Returns a pointer to the referred value
    const value_type* operator-> () const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_ptr != NULL);
        return m_ptr;

    //! Returns a pointer to the referred value
    const value_type* get_ptr() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return m_ptr;

    //! Returns a pointer to the referred value
    template< typename U >
    typename enable_if< is_compatible< U >, const U* >::type get_ptr() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return m_ptr;

    //! Returns a reference to the value
    value_type const& operator* () const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_ptr != NULL);
        return *m_ptr;

    //! Returns a reference to the value
    value_type const& get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_ptr != NULL);
        return *m_ptr;

    //! Returns a reference to the value
    template< typename U >
    typename enable_if< is_compatible< U >, U const& >::type get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_ptr != NULL);
        return *m_ptr;

    //! Resets the reference
    void reset() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        m_ptr = NULL;

    //! Returns the stored type index
    static BOOST_CONSTEXPR unsigned int which()
        return 0u;

    //! Swaps two reference wrappers
    void swap(singular_ref& that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        const void* p = m_ptr;
        m_ptr = that.m_ptr;
        that.m_ptr = p;

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value
    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type apply_visitor(VisitorT visitor) const
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_ptr != NULL);
        return visitor(*m_ptr);

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value
    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename enable_if< is_void< typename VisitorT::result_type >, bool >::type apply_visitor_optional(VisitorT visitor) const
        if (m_ptr)
            return true;
            return false;

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value
    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename disable_if< is_void< typename VisitorT::result_type >, optional< typename VisitorT::result_type > >::type apply_visitor_optional(VisitorT visitor) const
        typedef optional< typename VisitorT::result_type > result_type;
        if (m_ptr)
            return result_type(visitor(*m_ptr));
            return result_type();

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value or returns a default value
    template< typename VisitorT, typename DefaultT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type apply_visitor_or_default(VisitorT visitor, DefaultT& def_val) const
        if (m_ptr)
            return visitor(*m_ptr);
            return def_val;

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value or returns a default value
    template< typename VisitorT, typename DefaultT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type apply_visitor_or_default(VisitorT visitor, DefaultT const& def_val) const
        if (m_ptr)
            return visitor(*m_ptr);
            return def_val;

//! Attribute value reference implementation for multiple types case
template< typename T, typename TagT >
class variant_ref
    //! Referenced value type
    typedef T value_type;
    //! Tag type
    typedef TagT tag_type;

    //! The metafunction tests if the type is compatible with the reference wrapper
    template< typename U >
    using is_compatible = mpl::contains< value_type, U >;
    template< typename U >
    struct is_compatible :
        public mpl::contains< value_type, U >

    //! Pointer to the value
    const void* m_ptr;
    //! Type index
    unsigned int m_type_idx;

    //! Default constructor
    variant_ref() BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr(NULL), m_type_idx(0)

    //! Initializing constructor
    template< typename U >
    explicit variant_ref(const U* p) BOOST_NOEXCEPT : m_ptr(p), m_type_idx(mpl::index_of< value_type, U >::type::value)

    //! Resets the reference
    void reset() BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        m_ptr = NULL;
        m_type_idx = 0;

    //! Returns a pointer to the referred value
    template< typename U >
    typename enable_if< is_compatible< U >, const U* >::type get_ptr() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        if (m_type_idx == static_cast< unsigned int >(mpl::index_of< value_type, U >::type::value))
            return static_cast< const U* >(m_ptr);
            return NULL;

    //! Returns a reference to the value
    template< typename U >
    typename enable_if< is_compatible< U >, U const& >::type get() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        const U* const p = get_ptr< U >();
        BOOST_ASSERT(p != NULL);
        return *p;

    //! Returns the stored type index
    unsigned int which() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return m_type_idx;

    //! Swaps two reference wrappers
    void swap(variant_ref& that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        const void* p = m_ptr;
        m_ptr = that.m_ptr;
        that.m_ptr = p;
        unsigned int type_idx = m_type_idx;
        m_type_idx = that.m_type_idx;
        that.m_type_idx = type_idx;

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value
    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type apply_visitor(VisitorT visitor) const
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_ptr != NULL);
        return do_apply_visitor(visitor);

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value
    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename enable_if< is_void< typename VisitorT::result_type >, bool >::type apply_visitor_optional(VisitorT visitor) const
        if (m_ptr)
            return true;
            return false;

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value
    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename disable_if< is_void< typename VisitorT::result_type >, optional< typename VisitorT::result_type > >::type apply_visitor_optional(VisitorT visitor) const
        typedef optional< typename VisitorT::result_type > result_type;
        if (m_ptr)
            return result_type(do_apply_visitor(visitor));
            return result_type();

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value or returns a default value
    template< typename VisitorT, typename DefaultT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type apply_visitor_or_default(VisitorT visitor, DefaultT& def_val) const
        if (m_ptr)
            return do_apply_visitor(visitor);
            return def_val;

    //! Applies a visitor function object to the referred value or returns a default value
    template< typename VisitorT, typename DefaultT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type apply_visitor_or_default(VisitorT visitor, DefaultT const& def_val) const
        if (m_ptr)
            return do_apply_visitor(visitor);
            return def_val;

    template< typename VisitorT >
    typename VisitorT::result_type do_apply_visitor(VisitorT& visitor) const
        BOOST_ASSERT(m_type_idx < static_cast< unsigned int >(mpl::size< value_type >::value));
        return apply_visitor_dispatch< value_type, VisitorT >::call(m_ptr, m_type_idx, visitor);

template< typename T, typename TagT >
struct value_ref_base
    typedef typename mpl::eval_if<
        mpl::and_< mpl::is_sequence< T >, mpl::equal_to< mpl::size< T >, mpl::int_< 1 > > >,
        mpl::front< T >,
        mpl::identity< T >
    >::type value_type;

    typedef typename mpl::if_<
        mpl::is_sequence< value_type >,
        variant_ref< value_type, TagT >,
        singular_ref< value_type, TagT >
    >::type type;

} // namespace aux

 * \brief Reference wrapper for a stored attribute value.
 * The \c value_ref class template provides access to the stored attribute value. It is not a traditional reference wrapper
 * since it may be empty (i.e. refer to no value at all) and it can also refer to values of different types. Therefore its
 * interface and behavior combines features of Boost.Ref, Boost.Optional and Boost.Variant, depending on the use case.
 * The template parameter \c T can be a single type or an MPL sequence of possible types being referred. The reference wrapper
 * will act as either an optional reference or an optional variant of references to the specified types. In any case, the
 * referred values will not be modifiable (i.e. \c value_ref always models a const reference).
 * Template parameter \c TagT is optional. It can be used for customizing the operations on this reference wrapper, such as
 * putting the referred value to log.
template< typename T, typename TagT >
class value_ref :
    public aux::value_ref_base< T, TagT >::type
    typedef void _has_basic_formatting_ostream_insert_operator;

    //! Base implementation type
    typedef typename aux::value_ref_base< T, TagT >::type base_type;

     * Default constructor. Creates a reference wrapper that does not refer to a value.

     * Copy constructor.
    BOOST_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION(value_ref(value_ref const& that), BOOST_NOEXCEPT : base_type(static_cast< base_type const& >(that)) {})

     * Initializing constructor. Creates a reference wrapper that refers to the specified value.
    template< typename U >
    explicit value_ref(U const& val, typename enable_if< typename base_type::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE is_compatible< U >, int >::type = 0) BOOST_NOEXCEPT :

     * The operator verifies if the wrapper refers to a value.

     * The operator verifies if the wrapper does not refer to a value.
    bool operator! () const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return !this->m_ptr;

     * \return \c true if the wrapper does not refer to a value.
    bool empty() const BOOST_NOEXCEPT
        return !this->m_ptr;

     * Swaps two reference wrappers
    void swap(value_ref& that) BOOST_NOEXCEPT

//! Free swap function
template< typename T, typename TagT >
inline void swap(value_ref< T, TagT >& left, value_ref< T, TagT >& right)

//! Stream output operator
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename T, typename TagT >
inline std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& operator<< (std::basic_ostream< CharT, TraitsT >& strm, value_ref< T, TagT > const& val)
    if (!!val)
    return strm;

//! Log formatting operator
template< typename CharT, typename TraitsT, typename AllocatorT, typename T, typename TagT >
inline basic_formatting_ostream< CharT, TraitsT, AllocatorT >& operator<< (basic_formatting_ostream< CharT, TraitsT, AllocatorT >& strm, value_ref< T, TagT > const& val)
    if (!!val)
        val.apply_visitor(boost::log::bind_to_log< TagT >(strm));
    return strm;

// Equality comparison
template< typename T, typename TagT, typename U >
inline bool operator== (value_ref< T, TagT > const& left, U const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(binder2nd< equal_to, U const& >(equal_to(), right), false);

template< typename U, typename T, typename TagT >
inline bool operator== (U const& left, value_ref< T, TagT > const& right)
    return right.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< equal_to, U const& >(equal_to(), left), false);

template< typename T1, typename TagT1, typename T2, typename TagT2 >
inline bool operator== (value_ref< T1, TagT1 > const& left, value_ref< T2, TagT2 > const& right)
    if (!left && !right)
        return true;
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(aux::vistation_invoker< value_ref< T2, TagT2 >, equal_to >(right, false), false);

// Inequality comparison
template< typename T, typename TagT, typename U >
inline bool operator!= (value_ref< T, TagT > const& left, U const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(binder2nd< not_equal_to, U const& >(not_equal_to(), right), false);

template< typename U, typename T, typename TagT >
inline bool operator!= (U const& left, value_ref< T, TagT > const& right)
    return right.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< not_equal_to, U const& >(not_equal_to(), left), false);

template< typename T1, typename TagT1, typename T2, typename TagT2 >
inline bool operator!= (value_ref< T1, TagT1 > const& left, value_ref< T2, TagT2 > const& right)
    if (!left && !right)
        return false;
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(aux::vistation_invoker< value_ref< T2, TagT2 >, not_equal_to >(right, false), false);

// Less than ordering
template< typename T, typename TagT, typename U >
inline bool operator< (value_ref< T, TagT > const& left, U const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(binder2nd< less, U const& >(less(), right), false);

template< typename U, typename T, typename TagT >
inline bool operator< (U const& left, value_ref< T, TagT > const& right)
    return right.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< less, U const& >(less(), left), false);

template< typename T1, typename TagT1, typename T2, typename TagT2 >
inline bool operator< (value_ref< T1, TagT1 > const& left, value_ref< T2, TagT2 > const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(aux::vistation_invoker< value_ref< T2, TagT2 >, less >(right, false), false);

// Greater than ordering
template< typename T, typename TagT, typename U >
inline bool operator> (value_ref< T, TagT > const& left, U const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(binder2nd< greater, U const& >(greater(), right), false);

template< typename U, typename T, typename TagT >
inline bool operator> (U const& left, value_ref< T, TagT > const& right)
    return right.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< greater, U const& >(greater(), left), false);

template< typename T1, typename TagT1, typename T2, typename TagT2 >
inline bool operator> (value_ref< T1, TagT1 > const& left, value_ref< T2, TagT2 > const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(aux::vistation_invoker< value_ref< T2, TagT2 >, greater >(right, false), false);

// Less or equal ordering
template< typename T, typename TagT, typename U >
inline bool operator<= (value_ref< T, TagT > const& left, U const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(binder2nd< less_equal, U const& >(less_equal(), right), false);

template< typename U, typename T, typename TagT >
inline bool operator<= (U const& left, value_ref< T, TagT > const& right)
    return right.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< less_equal, U const& >(less_equal(), left), false);

template< typename T1, typename TagT1, typename T2, typename TagT2 >
inline bool operator<= (value_ref< T1, TagT1 > const& left, value_ref< T2, TagT2 > const& right)
    if (!left && !right)
        return true;
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(aux::vistation_invoker< value_ref< T2, TagT2 >, less_equal >(right, false), false);

// Greater or equal ordering
template< typename T, typename TagT, typename U >
inline bool operator>= (value_ref< T, TagT > const& left, U const& right)
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(binder2nd< greater_equal, U const& >(greater_equal(), right), false);

template< typename U, typename T, typename TagT >
inline bool operator>= (U const& left, value_ref< T, TagT > const& right)
    return right.apply_visitor_or_default(binder1st< greater_equal, U const& >(greater_equal(), left), false);

template< typename T1, typename TagT1, typename T2, typename TagT2 >
inline bool operator>= (value_ref< T1, TagT1 > const& left, value_ref< T2, TagT2 > const& right)
    if (!left && !right)
        return true;
    return left.apply_visitor_or_default(aux::vistation_invoker< value_ref< T2, TagT2 >, greater_equal >(right, false), false);


} // namespace boost

#include <boost/log/detail/footer.hpp>