// Boost.Geometry (aka GGL, Generic Geometry Library) // Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Barend Gehrels, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. // Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, // Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_OVERLAY_TRAVERSE_HPP #define BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_OVERLAY_TRAVERSE_HPP #include <cstddef> #include <boost/range.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/backtrack_check_si.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/copy_segments.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/turn_info.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/algorithms/num_points.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/core/access.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/core/closure.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/core/coordinate_dimension.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/concepts/check.hpp> #if defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_INTERSECTION) \ || defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_OVERLAY_REPORT_WKT) \ || defined(BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_TRAVERSE) # include <string> # include <boost/geometry/algorithms/detail/overlay/debug_turn_info.hpp> # include <boost/geometry/io/wkt/wkt.hpp> #endif namespace boost { namespace geometry { #ifndef DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL namespace detail { namespace overlay { template <typename Turn, typename Operation> #ifdef BOOST_GEOMETRY_DEBUG_TRAVERSE inline void debug_traverse(Turn const& turn, Operation op, std::string const& header) { std::cout << header << " at " << op.seg_id << " meth: " << method_char(turn.method) << " op: " << operation_char(op.operation) << " vis: " << visited_char(op.visited) << " of: " << operation_char(turn.operations[0].operation) << operation_char(turn.operations[1].operation) << " " << geometry::wkt(turn.point) << std::endl; if (boost::contains(header, "Finished")) { std::cout << std::endl; } } #else inline void debug_traverse(Turn const& , Operation, const char*) { } #endif template <typename Info, typename Turn> inline void set_visited_for_continue(Info& info, Turn const& turn) { // On "continue", set "visited" for ALL directions if (turn.operation == detail::overlay::operation_continue) { for (typename boost::range_iterator < typename Info::container_type >::type it = boost::begin(info.operations); it != boost::end(info.operations); ++it) { if (it->visited.none()) { it->visited.set_visited(); } } } } template < bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2, typename GeometryOut, typename G1, typename G2, typename Turns, typename IntersectionInfo, typename RobustPolicy > inline bool assign_next_ip(G1 const& g1, G2 const& g2, Turns& turns, typename boost::range_iterator<Turns>::type& ip, GeometryOut& current_output, IntersectionInfo& info, segment_identifier& seg_id, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy) { info.visited.set_visited(); set_visited_for_continue(*ip, info); // If there is no next IP on this segment if (info.enriched.next_ip_index < 0) { if (info.enriched.travels_to_vertex_index < 0 || info.enriched.travels_to_ip_index < 0) { return false; } BOOST_ASSERT(info.enriched.travels_to_vertex_index >= 0); BOOST_ASSERT(info.enriched.travels_to_ip_index >= 0); if (info.seg_id.source_index == 0) { geometry::copy_segments<Reverse1>(g1, info.seg_id, info.enriched.travels_to_vertex_index, robust_policy, current_output); } else { geometry::copy_segments<Reverse2>(g2, info.seg_id, info.enriched.travels_to_vertex_index, robust_policy, current_output); } seg_id = info.seg_id; ip = boost::begin(turns) + info.enriched.travels_to_ip_index; } else { ip = boost::begin(turns) + info.enriched.next_ip_index; seg_id = info.seg_id; } detail::overlay::append_no_dups_or_spikes(current_output, ip->point, robust_policy); return true; } inline bool select_source(operation_type operation, int source1, int source2) { return (operation == operation_intersection && source1 != source2) || (operation == operation_union && source1 == source2) ; } template < typename Turn, typename Iterator > inline bool select_next_ip(operation_type operation, Turn& turn, segment_identifier const& seg_id, Iterator& selected) { if (turn.discarded) { return false; } bool has_tp = false; selected = boost::end(turn.operations); for (Iterator it = boost::begin(turn.operations); it != boost::end(turn.operations); ++it) { if (it->visited.started()) { selected = it; //std::cout << " RETURN"; return true; } // In some cases there are two alternatives. // For "ii", take the other one (alternate) // UNLESS the other one is already visited // For "uu", take the same one (see above); // For "cc", take either one, but if there is a starting one, // take that one. if ( (it->operation == operation_continue && (! has_tp || it->visited.started() ) ) || (it->operation == operation && ! it->visited.finished() && (! has_tp || select_source(operation, it->seg_id.source_index, seg_id.source_index) ) ) ) { selected = it; debug_traverse(turn, *it, " Candidate"); has_tp = true; } } if (has_tp) { debug_traverse(turn, *selected, " Accepted"); } return has_tp; } /*! \brief Traverses through intersection points / geometries \ingroup overlay */ template < bool Reverse1, bool Reverse2, typename Geometry1, typename Geometry2, typename Backtrack = backtrack_check_self_intersections<Geometry1, Geometry2> > class traverse { public : template <typename RobustPolicy, typename Turns, typename Rings> static inline void apply(Geometry1 const& geometry1, Geometry2 const& geometry2, detail::overlay::operation_type operation, RobustPolicy const& robust_policy, Turns& turns, Rings& rings) { typedef typename boost::range_value<Rings>::type ring_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator<Turns>::type turn_iterator; typedef typename boost::range_value<Turns>::type turn_type; typedef typename boost::range_iterator < typename turn_type::container_type >::type turn_operation_iterator_type; std::size_t const min_num_points = core_detail::closure::minimum_ring_size < geometry::closure<ring_type>::value >::value; std::size_t size_at_start = boost::size(rings); typename Backtrack::state_type state; do { state.reset(); // Iterate through all unvisited points for (turn_iterator it = boost::begin(turns); state.good() && it != boost::end(turns); ++it) { // Skip discarded ones if (! (it->discarded || ! it->selectable_start || it->blocked())) { for (turn_operation_iterator_type iit = boost::begin(it->operations); state.good() && iit != boost::end(it->operations); ++iit) { if (iit->visited.none() && ! iit->visited.rejected() && (iit->operation == operation || iit->operation == detail::overlay::operation_continue) ) { set_visited_for_continue(*it, *iit); ring_type current_output; detail::overlay::append_no_dups_or_spikes(current_output, it->point, robust_policy); turn_iterator current = it; turn_operation_iterator_type current_iit = iit; segment_identifier current_seg_id; if (! detail::overlay::assign_next_ip<Reverse1, Reverse2>( geometry1, geometry2, turns, current, current_output, *iit, current_seg_id, robust_policy)) { Backtrack::apply( size_at_start, rings, current_output, turns, *current_iit, "No next IP", geometry1, geometry2, robust_policy, state); } if (! detail::overlay::select_next_ip( operation, *current, current_seg_id, current_iit)) { Backtrack::apply( size_at_start, rings, current_output, turns, *iit, "Dead end at start", geometry1, geometry2, robust_policy, state); } else { iit->visited.set_started(); detail::overlay::debug_traverse(*it, *iit, "-> Started"); detail::overlay::debug_traverse(*current, *current_iit, "Selected "); unsigned int i = 0; while (current_iit != iit && state.good()) { if (current_iit->visited.visited()) { // It visits a visited node again, without passing the start node. // This makes it suspicious for endless loops Backtrack::apply( size_at_start, rings, current_output, turns, *iit, "Visit again", geometry1, geometry2, robust_policy, state); } else { // We assume clockwise polygons only, non self-intersecting, closed. // However, the input might be different, and checking validity // is up to the library user. // Therefore we make here some sanity checks. If the input // violates the assumptions, the output polygon will not be correct // but the routine will stop and output the current polygon, and // will continue with the next one. // Below three reasons to stop. detail::overlay::assign_next_ip<Reverse1, Reverse2>( geometry1, geometry2, turns, current, current_output, *current_iit, current_seg_id, robust_policy); if (! detail::overlay::select_next_ip( operation, *current, current_seg_id, current_iit)) { // Should not occur in valid (non-self-intersecting) polygons // Should not occur in self-intersecting polygons without spikes // Might occur in polygons with spikes Backtrack::apply( size_at_start, rings, current_output, turns, *iit, "Dead end", geometry1, geometry2, robust_policy, state); } else { detail::overlay::debug_traverse(*current, *current_iit, "Selected "); } if (i++ > 2 + 2 * turns.size()) { // Sanity check: there may be never more loops // than turn points. // Turn points marked as "ii" can be visited twice. Backtrack::apply( size_at_start, rings, current_output, turns, *iit, "Endless loop", geometry1, geometry2, robust_policy, state); } } } if (state.good()) { iit->visited.set_finished(); detail::overlay::debug_traverse(*current, *iit, "->Finished"); if (geometry::num_points(current_output) >= min_num_points) { clean_closing_dups_and_spikes(current_output, robust_policy); rings.push_back(current_output); } } } } } } } } while (! state.good()); } }; }} // namespace detail::overlay #endif // DOXYGEN_NO_DETAIL }} // namespace boost::geometry #endif // BOOST_GEOMETRY_ALGORITHMS_DETAIL_OVERLAY_TRAVERSE_HPP