#!/usr/bin/env python3

# MODULE:       v.import
# AUTHOR(S):    Markus Metz
# PURPOSE:      Import and reproject vector data on the fly
# COPYRIGHT:    (C) 2015 by GRASS development team
#               This program is free software under the GNU General
#               Public License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that
#               comes with GRASS for details.

#% description: Imports vector data into a GRASS vector map using OGR library and reprojects on the fly.
#% keyword: vector
#% keyword: import
#% keyword: projection
#% key: input
#% type: string
#% required: yes
#% description: Name of OGR datasource to be imported
#% gisprompt: old,datasource,datasource
#% guisection: Input
#% key: layer
#% type: string
#% multiple: yes
#% description: OGR layer name. If not given, all available layers are imported
#% guisection: Input
#% gisprompt: old,datasource_layer,datasource_layer
#%option G_OPT_V_OUTPUT
#% description: Name for output vector map (default: input)
#% required: no
#% guisection: Output
#% key: extent
#% type: string
#% options: input,region
#% answer: input
#% description: Output vector map extent
#% descriptions: input;extent of input map;region;extent of current region
#% guisection: Output
#% key: encoding
#% type: string
#% label: Encoding value for attribute data
#% descriptions: Overrides encoding interpretation, useful when importing ESRI Shapefile
#% guisection: Output
#% key: snap
#% type: double
#% label: Snapping threshold for boundaries (map units)
#% description: A suitable threshold is estimated during import
#% answer: -1
#% guisection: Output
#% key: epsg
#% type: integer
#% options: 1-1000000
#% guisection: Input SRS
#% description: EPSG projection code
#% key: datum_trans
#% type: integer
#% options: -1-100
#% guisection: Input SRS
#% label: Index number of datum transform parameters
#% description: -1 to list available datum transform parameters
#% key: f
#% description: List supported OGR formats and exit
#% suppress_required: yes
#% key: l
#% description: List available OGR layers in data source and exit
#% key: o
#% label: Override projection check (use current location's projection)
#% description: Assume that the dataset has the same projection as the current location

import sys
import os
import atexit
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # only needed for GDAL version < 2.4.1
import re # only needed for GDAL version < 2.4.1

import grass.script as grass
from grass.exceptions import CalledModuleError

# initialize global vars

def cleanup():
    if TGTGISRC:
        os.environ['GISRC'] = str(TGTGISRC)
    # remove temp location
    if TMPLOC:
        grass.try_rmdir(os.path.join(GISDBASE, TMPLOC))
    if SRCGISRC:

def gdal_version():
    """Returns the GDAL version as tuple
    version = grass.parse_command('g.version', flags='reg')['gdal']
    return version

def GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION(maj, min, rev):
    return ((maj) * 1000000 + (min) * 10000 + (rev) * 100)

def fix_gfsfile(input):
    """Fixes the gfs file of an gml file by adding the SRSName

    :param input: gml file name to import with v.import
    :type input: str
    # get srs string from gml file
    gmltree = ET.parse(input)
    gmlroot = gmltree.getroot()
    gmlstring = ET.tostring(gmlroot).decode('utf-8')
    srs_str = re.search(r"srsname=\"(.*?)\"", gmlstring.lower()).groups()[0]

    # set srs string in gfs file
    gml = os.path.basename(input).split('.')[-1]
    gfsfile = input.replace(gml, 'gfs')
    if os.path.isfile(gfsfile):
        tree = ET.parse(gfsfile)
        root = tree.getroot()
        gfsstring = ET.tostring(root).decode('utf-8')
        if not "srsname" in gfsstring.lower():
            for featClass in root.findall('GMLFeatureClass'):
                ET.SubElement(featClass, 'SRSName').text = srs_str

def main():
    overwrite = grass.overwrite()

    # list formats and exit
    if flags['f']:
        grass.run_command('v.in.ogr', flags='f')
        return 0

    # list layers and exit
    if flags['l']:
            grass.run_command('v.in.ogr', flags='l', input=options['input'])
        except CalledModuleError:
            return 1
        return 0

    OGRdatasource = options['input']
    output = options['output']
    layers = options['layer']

    vflags = ''
    if options['extent'] == 'region':
        vflags += 'r'
    if flags['o']:
        vflags += 'o'

    vopts = {}
    if options['encoding']:
        vopts['encoding'] = options['encoding']

    if options['datum_trans'] and options['datum_trans'] == '-1':
        # list datum transform parameters
        if not options['epsg']:
            grass.fatal(_("Missing value for parameter <%s>") % 'epsg')

        return grass.run_command('g.proj', epsg=options['epsg'],

    if layers:
        vopts['layer'] = layers
    if output:
        vopts['output'] = output
    vopts['snap'] = options['snap']

    # try v.in.ogr directly
    if flags['o'] or grass.run_command('v.in.ogr', input=OGRdatasource, flags='j',
                                       errors='status', quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite,
                                       **vopts) == 0:
            grass.run_command('v.in.ogr', input=OGRdatasource,
                              flags=vflags, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts)
                _("Input <%s> successfully imported without reprojection") %
            return 0
        except CalledModuleError:
            grass.fatal(_("Unable to import <%s>") % OGRdatasource)

    grassenv = grass.gisenv()
    tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME']

    # make sure target is not xy
    if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected':
            _("Coordinate reference system not available for current location <%s>") %

    tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET']
    GISDBASE = grassenv['GISDBASE']
    TGTGISRC = os.environ['GISRC']
    SRCGISRC = grass.tempfile()

    TMPLOC = 'temp_import_location_' + str(os.getpid())

    f = open(SRCGISRC, 'w')
    f.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT\n')
    f.write('GISDBASE: %s\n' % GISDBASE)
    f.write('LOCATION_NAME: %s\n' % TMPLOC)
    f.write('GUI: text\n')

    tgtsrs = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='j', quiet=True)

    # create temp location from input without import
    grass.verbose(_("Creating temporary location for <%s>...") % OGRdatasource)
        if OGRdatasource.lower().endswith("gml"):
                from osgeo import gdal
                grass.fatal(_("Unable to load GDAL Python bindings (requires package 'python-gdal' being installed)"))
            if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION(2, 4, 1):
        grass.run_command('v.in.ogr', input=OGRdatasource,
                          location=TMPLOC, flags='i',
                          quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to create location from OGR datasource <%s>") % OGRdatasource)

    # switch to temp location
    os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC)

    if options['epsg']:  # force given EPSG
        kwargs = {}
        if options['datum_trans']:
            kwargs['datum_trans'] = options['datum_trans']
        grass.run_command('g.proj', flags='c', epsg=options['epsg'], **kwargs)

    # print projection at verbose level
    grass.verbose(grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='p').rstrip(os.linesep))

    # make sure input is not xy
    if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected':
        grass.fatal(_("Coordinate reference system not available for input <%s>") % OGRdatasource)

    if options['extent'] == 'region':
        # switch to target location
        os.environ['GISRC'] = str(TGTGISRC)

        # v.in.region in tgt
        vreg = 'vreg_' + str(os.getpid())
        grass.run_command('v.in.region', output=vreg, quiet=True)

        # reproject to src
        # switch to temp location
        os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC)
            grass.run_command('v.proj', input=vreg, output=vreg,
                              location=tgtloc, mapset=tgtmapset, quiet=True, overwrite=overwrite)
        except CalledModuleError:
            grass.fatal(_("Unable to reproject to source location"))

        # set region from region vector
        grass.run_command('g.region', res='1')
        grass.run_command('g.region', vector=vreg)

    # import into temp location
    grass.message(_("Importing <%s> ...") % OGRdatasource)
        if OGRdatasource.lower().endswith("gml"):
                from osgeo import gdal
                grass.fatal(_("Unable to load GDAL Python bindings (requires package 'python-gdal' being installed)"))
            if int(gdal.VersionInfo('VERSION_NUM')) < GDAL_COMPUTE_VERSION(2, 4, 1):
        grass.run_command('v.in.ogr', input=OGRdatasource,
                          flags=vflags, overwrite=overwrite, **vopts)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to import OGR datasource <%s>") % OGRdatasource)

    # if output is not define check source mapset
    if not output:
        output = grass.list_grouped('vector')['PERMANENT'][0]

    # switch to target location
    os.environ['GISRC'] = str(TGTGISRC)

    # check if map exists
    if not grass.overwrite() and \
       grass.find_file(output, element='vector', mapset='.')['mapset']:
        grass.fatal(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists.") % ('output', output))

    if options['extent'] == 'region':
        grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg,
                          flags='f', quiet=True)

    # v.proj
    grass.message(_("Reprojecting <%s>...") % output)
        grass.run_command('v.proj', location=TMPLOC,
                          mapset='PERMANENT', input=output, overwrite=overwrite)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject vector <%s>") % output)

    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    options, flags = grass.parser()