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<td ><a href="index.html">Qt 5.11</a></td><td >Qt for Windows</td></tr></table><table class="buildversion"><tr>
<td id="buildversion" width="100%" align="right">Qt 5.11.2 Reference Documentation</td>
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<h3><a name="toc">Contents</a></h3>
<li class="level1"><a href="#downloading-and-installing-qt">Downloading and Installing Qt</a></li>
<li class="level2"><a href="#building-qt-5-from-source">Building Qt 5 from Source</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#deployment-and-other-issues">Deployment and Other Issues</a></li>
<li class="level1"><a href="#where-to-go-from-here">Where to Go from Here</a></li>
<li class="level2"><a href="#visual-studio-tools">Visual Studio Tools</a></li>
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<h1 class="title">Qt for Windows</h1>
<span class="subtitle"></span>
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<div class="descr"> <a name="details"></a>
<p>Qt's support for different Windows platforms is extensive and mature. Before you get started, ensure that your development environment fulfills the <a href="windows-requirements.html">requirements</a>.</p>
<p>The <i>Reference Configuration</i> section of the <a href="supported-platforms.html#reference-configurations">supported platforms</a> page contains a list of Windows versions and compilers tested to work with Qt.</p>
<a name="downloading-and-installing-qt"></a>
<h2 id="downloading-and-installing-qt">Downloading and Installing Qt</h2>
<p>There are two ways to install Qt:</p>
<ol class="1" type="1"><li>through the Qt Installers - downloads and installs Qt</li>
<li>through the <i>Qt sources</i>.</li>
<p>You can download the Qt 5 installers and sources from the <a href="http://qt.io/download">Downloads</a> page. For more information, visit the <a href="gettingstarted.html">Getting Started with Qt</a> page.</p>
<a name="building-qt-5-from-source"></a>
<h3 >Building Qt 5 from Source</h3>
<p>You can also build Qt 5 from the source package and configure it according to your target platform. The source packages are obtained from <a href="http://www.qt.io/download/">http://www.qt.io/download/</a>.</p>
<p>Below, you will find more information about building Qt from source.</p>
<li><a href="windows-requirements.html">Qt for Windows - Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="windows-building.html">Qt for Windows - Building from Source</a></li>
<a name="deployment-and-other-issues"></a>
<h2 id="deployment-and-other-issues">Deployment and Other Issues</h2>
<p>The pages below covers specific issues and recommendations for creating Windows applications.</p>
<li><a href="windows-deployment.html">Qt for Windows - Deployment</a></li>
<li><a href="windows-issues.html">Qt for Windows - Specific Issues</a></li>
<a name="where-to-go-from-here"></a>
<h2 id="where-to-go-from-here">Where to Go from Here</h2>
<p>We invite you to explore the rest of Qt. We prepared overviews which help you decide which APIs to use and our examples demonstrate how to use our API.</p>
<li><a href="overviews-main.html">Qt Overviews</a> - list of topics about application development</li>
<li><a href="qtexamplesandtutorials.html">Examples and Tutorials</a> - code samples and tutorials</li>
<li><a href="reference-overview.html">Qt Reference Pages</a> - a listing of C++ and QML APIs</li>
<li><a href="qt-activex.html">ActiveX in Qt</a></li>
<p>Qt's vibrant and active community site, <a href="http://qt.io">http://qt.io</a> houses a wiki, a forum, and additional learning guides and presentations.</p>
<a name="visual-studio-tools"></a>
<h3 >Visual Studio Tools</h3>
<p>The <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qtvstools/index.html">Qt VS Tools</a> allows programmers to create, build, debug and run Qt applications from within non-Express versions of Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 and later. The add-in contains project wizards, Qt project import/export support, integrated Qt resource manager and automated build setup for the Qt Meta-Object Compiler, User Interface Compiler, and Resource Compiler.</p>
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