import traceback, sys, string

import win32com.server.util
from win32com.util import IIDToInterfaceName
from win32com.client.util import Enumerator
from win32com.server.exception import COMException
import pythoncom
from .framework import trace
from win32com.axdebug import axdebug, gateways, contexts, stackframe, documents, adb
from win32com.axdebug.codecontainer import SourceCodeContainer
from win32com.axdebug.util import _wrap, _wrap_remove
import win32com.client.connect
import win32api, winerror
import os

	debuggingTrace = 1		# Should we print "trace" output?
except KeyError:
	debuggingTrace = 0

def trace(*args):
	"""A function used instead of "print" for debugging output.
	if not debuggingTrace:
	print(win32api.GetCurrentThreadId(), end=' ')
	for arg in args:
		print(arg, end=' ')

# Note that the DebugManager is not a COM gateway class for the 
# debugger - but it does create and manage them.
class DebugManager:
	_debugger_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IActiveScriptDebug]
	def __init__(self, scriptEngine):
		self.scriptEngine = scriptEngine
		self.adb = adb.Debugger()
		self.rootNode = None
		self.debugApplication = None
		self.ccProvider = documents.CodeContainerProvider()
			self.scriptSiteDebug = scriptEngine.GetScriptSite(axdebug.IID_IActiveScriptSiteDebug)
		except pythoncom.com_error:
			# No debugger interface (ie, dumb host).  Do the extra work.
			trace("Scripting site has no debugger interface")
			self.scriptSiteDebug = None
		# Get the debug application object.
		self.debugApplication = None
		if self.scriptSiteDebug is not None:
			# Spec says that we should test for this, and if it fails revert to
			# PDM application.
				self.debugApplication = self.scriptSiteDebug.GetApplication()
				self.rootNode = self.scriptSiteDebug.GetRootApplicationNode()
			except pythoncom.com_error:
				self.debugApplication = None
		if self.debugApplication is None:
			# Try to get/create the default one
			# NOTE - Dont catch exceptions here - let the parent do it,
			# so it knows debug support is available.
			pdm=pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(axdebug.CLSID_ProcessDebugManager,None,pythoncom.CLSCTX_ALL, axdebug.IID_IProcessDebugManager)
			self.debugApplication = pdm.GetDefaultApplication()
			self.rootNode = self.debugApplication.GetRootNode()
		assert self.debugApplication is not None, "Need to have a DebugApplication object by now!"
		self.activeScriptDebug = None

		if self.debugApplication is not None:
			self.adb.AttachApp(self.debugApplication, self.ccProvider)
		self.codeContainers = {}
		self.activeScriptDebug = _wrap(ActiveScriptDebug(self, self.codeContainers), axdebug.IID_IActiveScriptDebug)

	def Close(self):
		# Called by the language engine when it receives a close request
		if self.activeScriptDebug is not None:
			self.activeScriptDebug = None
		self.scriptEngine = None
		self.rootNode = None
		self.debugApplication = None
		self.scriptSiteDebug = None
		if self.ccProvider is not None:
			self.ccProvider = None
		self.codeContainers = {}
		if self.adb:
			self.adb = None
#		print "Close complete"

	def IsAnyHost(self):
		"Do we have _any_ debugging interfaces installed?"
		return self.debugApplication is not None

	def IsSimpleHost(self):
		return self.scriptSiteDebug is None

	def HandleRuntimeError( self ):
		"""Called by the engine when a runtime error occurs.  If we have a debugger,
		we let it know.
		The result is a boolean which indicates if the error handler should call
#		if self.IsAnyHost:
#			site = _wrap(self, axdebug.IID_IActiveScriptSite)
#			breakResume, errorResume, fCallOnError = self.debugApplication(activeScriptErrorDebug, site)
			# Do something with these!
#		else:
		fCallOnError = 1
		return fCallOnError

	def _query_interface_for_debugger_(self, iid):
		if iid in self._debugger_interfaces_:
			return self.activeScriptDebug
		trace("DebugManager QI - unknown IID", iid)
		return 0
	def OnEnterScript(self):
			# Bit of a hack - reach into engine.
			baseFrame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back

	def OnLeaveScript(self):

	def AddScriptBlock(self, codeBlock):
		# If we dont have debugging support, dont bother.
		cc = DebugCodeBlockContainer(codeBlock, self.scriptSiteDebug)
		if self.IsSimpleHost():
			document = documents.DebugDocumentText(cc)
			document = _wrap(document, axdebug.IID_IDebugDocument)
			provider = documents.DebugDocumentProvider(document)
			provider = _wrap(provider, axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentProvider)
			cc.debugDocument = document
			newNode = self.debugApplication.CreateApplicationNode()
			newNode = None # Managed by smart host.
			self.codeContainers[cc.sourceContext] = cc
		self.ccProvider.AddCodeContainer(cc, newNode)

class DebugCodeBlockContainer(SourceCodeContainer):
	def __init__(self, codeBlock, site):
		self.codeBlock = codeBlock
		SourceCodeContainer.__init__(self, codeBlock.codeText, codeBlock.GetFileName(), codeBlock.sourceContextCookie, codeBlock.startLineNumber, site)

	def GetName(self, dnt):
			return self.codeBlock.GetDisplayName()
		elif dnt==axdebug.DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_TITLE:
			return self.codeBlock.GetDisplayName()
#		elif dnt==axdebug.DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_FILE_TAIL:
#		elif dnt==axdebug.DOCUMENTNAMETYPE_URL:
			raise COMException(scode=winerror.S_FALSE)

class EnumDebugCodeContexts(gateways.EnumDebugCodeContexts):
	def _wrap(self, ob):
		return ob

class ActiveScriptDebug:
	"""The class which implements the IActiveScriptDebug interface for the Active Script engine.

	   Only ever used by smart hosts.
	_public_methods_ = ["GetScriptTextAttributes", "GetScriptletTextAttributes", "EnumCodeContextsOfPosition"]
	_com_interfaces_ = [axdebug.IID_IActiveScriptDebug]
	def __init__(self, debugMgr, codeContainers):
		self.debugMgr = debugMgr
		self.scriptSiteDebug = debugMgr.scriptSiteDebug
		self.codeContainers = codeContainers

	def _Close(self):
		self.debugMgr = None
		self.scriptSiteDebug = None
		self.codeContainers = {}

	def _query_interface_(self, iid):
		trace("DebuggerQI with", iid)
		return _wrap(self.debugMgr.scriptEngine, iid)

	def GetScriptTextAttributes(self, code, delim, flags):
		container = SourceCodeContainer(code, "<Temp Code Block>")
		return container.GetSyntaxColorAttributes()
	def GetScriptletTextAttributes(self, code, delim, flags):
		trace ("GetScriptletTextAttributes", code, delim, flags)
		container = SourceCodeContainer(code, "<Temp Code Block>")
		return container.GetSyntaxColorAttributes()

	def EnumCodeContextsOfPosition(self, context, charOffset, numChars):
		trace("EnumCodeContextsOfPosition", context, charOffset, numChars)
			context = self.codeContainers[context].GetCodeContextAtPosition(charOffset)
		except KeyError:
			raise COMException(scode=winerror.E_UNEXPECTED)
		enum = EnumDebugCodeContexts([context])
		return _wrap(enum, axdebug.IID_IEnumDebugCodeContexts)