    begin                : October 5, 2014
    copyright            : (C) 2014 by Boundless Spatial, Inc. USA
    author               : Larry Shaffer
    email                : lshaffer at boundlessgeo dot com
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


#include <QWidget>
#include <QLabel>
#include "qgis_sip.h"

#include "ui_qgsauthconfigselect.h"
#include "qgsauthconfig.h"
#include "qgis_gui.h"

 * \ingroup gui
 * Selector widget for authentication configs
class GUI_EXPORT QgsAuthConfigSelect : public QWidget, private Ui::QgsAuthConfigSelect


     * Create a dialog for setting an associated authentication config, either
     * from existing configs, or creating/removing them from auth database
     * \param parent Parent widget
     * \param dataprovider The key of the calling layer provider, if applicable
    explicit QgsAuthConfigSelect( QWidget *parent SIP_TRANSFERTHIS = nullptr, const QString &dataprovider = QString() );

    //! Sets the authentication config id for the resource
    void setConfigId( const QString &authcfg );

    //! Gets the authentication config id for the resource
    const QString configId() const { return mAuthCfg; }

    //! Sets key of layer provider, if applicable
    void setDataProviderKey( const QString &key );

    //! Emitted when authentication config is changed or missing
    void selectedConfigIdChanged( const QString &authcfg );

    //! Emitted when authentication config is removed
    void selectedConfigIdRemoved( const QString &authcfg );

  public slots:
    //! Show a small message bar with a close button
    void showMessage( const QString &msg );

    //! Clear and hide small message bar
    void clearMessage();

  private slots:
    void loadConfig();
    void clearConfig();
    void validateConfig();
    void populateConfigSelector();

    void cmbConfigSelect_currentIndexChanged( int index );

    void btnConfigAdd_clicked();

    void btnConfigEdit_clicked();

    void btnConfigRemove_clicked();

    void btnConfigMsgClear_clicked();

    void loadAvailableConfigs();

    QString mAuthCfg;
    QString mDataProvider;
    QgsAuthMethodConfigsMap mConfigs;

    bool mDisabled = false;
    QVBoxLayout *mAuthNotifyLayout = nullptr;
    QLabel *mAuthNotify = nullptr;
    bool mTemporarilyBlockLoad = false;

//////////////// Embed in dialog ///////////////////

#include "ui_qgsauthconfiguriedit.h"

class QPushButton;

 * \ingroup gui
 * Dialog wrapper of select widget to edit an authcfg in a data source URI
class GUI_EXPORT QgsAuthConfigUriEdit : public QDialog, private Ui::QgsAuthConfigUriEdit


     * Construct wrapper dialog for select widget to edit an authcfg in a data source URI
     * \param parent Parent widget
     * \param datauri URI QString with of without an authcfg=ID string
     * \param dataprovider The key of the calling layer provider, if applicable
    explicit QgsAuthConfigUriEdit( QWidget *parent SIP_TRANSFERTHIS = nullptr,
                                   const QString &datauri = QString(),
                                   const QString &dataprovider = QString() );

    //! Sets the data source URI to parse
    void setDataSourceUri( const QString &datauri );

    //! The returned, possibly edited data source URI
    QString dataSourceUri();

    //! Whether a string contains an authcfg ID
    static bool hasConfigId( const QString &txt );

  private slots:
    void saveChanges();

    void resetChanges();

    void authCfgUpdated( const QString &authcfg );

    void authCfgRemoved( const QString &authcfg );

    int authCfgIndex();

    QString authCfgFromUri();

    void selectAuthCfgInUri();

    void updateUriWithAuthCfg();

    void removeAuthCfgFromUri();

    QString mAuthCfg;
    QString mDataUri;
    QString mDataUriOrig;

    bool mDisabled = false;
    QVBoxLayout *mAuthNotifyLayout = nullptr;
    QLabel *mAuthNotify = nullptr;