"""Implementation of OpenGL errors/exceptions

Note that OpenGL-ctypes will also throw standard errors,
such as TypeError or ValueError when appropriate.

ErrorChecker is an _ErrorChecker instance that allows you
to register a new error-checking function for use 
throughout the system.
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger( 'OpenGL.error' )
from OpenGL import platform, _configflags
from ctypes import ArgumentError
__all__ = (

class Error( Exception ):
    """Base class for all PyOpenGL-specific exception classes"""
class NoContext( Error ):
    """Raised to indicate that there is no currently active context
    Technically almost *any* OpenGL call can segfault if there is 
    no active context.  The OpenGL.CHECK_CONTEXT flag, if enabled 
    will cause this error to be raised whenever a GL or GLU call is 
    issued (via PyOpenGL) if there is no currently valid context.
class CopyError( Error ):
    """Raised to indicate that operation requires data-copying
    if you set:
        OpenGL.ERROR_ON_COPY = True 
    before importing OpenGL.GL, this error will be raised when 
    a passed argument would require a copy to be made.

class NullFunctionError( Error ):
    """Error raised when an undefined function is called"""

class GLError( Error ):
    """OpenGL core error implementation class
    Primary purpose of this error class is to allow for 
    annotating an error with more details about the calling 
    environment so that it's easier to debug errors in the
    wrapping process.
        err -- the OpenGL error code for the error 
        result -- the OpenGL result code for the operation
        baseOperation -- the "function" being called
        pyArgs -- the translated set of Python arguments
        cArgs -- the Python objects matching 1:1 the C arguments
        cArguments -- ctypes-level arguments to the operation,
            often raw integers for pointers and the like
        description -- OpenGL description of the error (textual)
    def __init__( 
        """Initialise the GLError, storing metadata for later display"""
            self.err, self.result, self.cArguments, 
            self.baseOperation, self.pyArgs, self.cArgs,
        ) = (
            err, result, cArguments,
            baseOperation, pyArgs, cArgs,
    def __str__( self ):
        """Create a fully formatted representation of the error"""
        args = []
        for property in self.DISPLAY_ORDER:
            value = getattr( self, property, None )
            if value is not None or property=='description':
                formatFunction = 'format_%s'%(property)
                if hasattr( self, formatFunction ):
                    args.append( getattr(self,formatFunction)( property, value ))
                    args.append( '%s = %s'%(
                        self.shortRepr( value ),
        return '%s(\n\t%s\n)'%(self.__class__.__name__, ',\n\t'.join(
            [x for x in args if x]
    def __repr__( self ):
        """Produce a much shorter version of the error as a string"""
        return '%s( %s )'%(
            ", ".join([x for x in [
                self.format_description( 'description', self.description ) or '',
                self.format_baseOperation( 'baseOperation', self.baseOperation ) or '',
            ] if x])
    def format_description( self, property, value ):
        """Format description using GLU's gluErrorString"""
        if value is None and self.err is not None:
                from OpenGL.GLU import gluErrorString
                self.description = value = gluErrorString( self.err )
            except Exception as err:
                return None
        if value is None:
            return None
        return '%s = %s'%(
            self.shortRepr( value ),
    def shortRepr( self, value, firstLevel=True ):
        """Retrieve short representation of the given value"""
        if isinstance( value, (list,tuple) ) and value and len(repr(value))>=40:
            if isinstance( value, list ):
                template = '[\n\t\t%s\n\t]'
                template = '(\n\t\t%s,\n\t)'
            return template%( ",\n\t\t".join(
                    self.shortRepr(x,False) for x in value
        r = repr( value )
        if len(r) < 120:
            return r
            return r[:117] + '...'
    def format_baseOperation( self, property, value ):
        """Format a baseOperation reference for display"""
        if hasattr( value, '__name__' ):
            return '%s = %s'%( property, value.__name__ )
            return '%s = %r'%( property, value )

class GLUError( Error ):
    """GLU error implementation class"""

class GLUTError( Error ):
    """GLUT error implementation class"""

if _configflags.ERROR_CHECKING:
    from OpenGL import acceleratesupport
    _ErrorChecker = None
    if acceleratesupport.ACCELERATE_AVAILABLE:
            from OpenGL_accelerate.errorchecker import _ErrorChecker
        except ImportError as err:
            _log.warn( """OpenGL_accelerate seems to be installed, but unable to import error checking entry point!""" )
    if _ErrorChecker is None:
        class _ErrorChecker( object ):
            """Per-API error-checking object
                _registeredChecker -- the checking function enabled when 
                    not doing onBegin/onEnd processing
                _currentChecker -- currently active checking function
            _getErrors = None
            def __init__( self, platform, baseOperation=None, noErrorResult=0 ):
                """Initialize from a platform module/reference"""
                self._isValid = platform.CurrentContextIsValid
                self._getErrors = baseOperation
                self._noErrorResult = noErrorResult
                if self._getErrors:
                    if _configflags.CONTEXT_CHECKING:
                        self._registeredChecker = self.safeGetError 
                        self._registeredChecker = self._getErrors
                    self._registeredChecker = self.nullGetError
                self._currentChecker = self._registeredChecker
            def __bool__( self ):
                """We are "true" if we actually do anything"""
                if self._registeredChecker is self.nullGetError:
                    return False 
                return True
            def safeGetError( self ):
                """Check for error, testing for context before operation"""
                if self._isValid():
                    return self._getErrors()
                return None 
            def nullGetError( self ):
                """Used as error-checker when no error checking should be done"""
                return self._noErrorResult
            def glCheckError( 
                """Base GL Error checker compatible with new ctypes errcheck protocol
                This function will raise a GLError with just the calling information
                available at the C-calling level, i.e. the error code, cArguments,
                baseOperation and result.  Higher-level code is responsible for any 
                extra annotations.
                    glCheckError relies on glBegin/glEnd interactions to 
                    prevent glGetError being called during a glBegin/glEnd 
                    sequence.  If you are calling glBegin/glEnd in C you 
                    should call onBegin and onEnd appropriately.
                err = self._currentChecker()
                if err != self._noErrorResult:
                    raise GLError(
                        cArguments = cArguments,
                        baseOperation = baseOperation,
                return result
            def onBegin( self ):
                """Called by glBegin to record the fact that glGetError won't work"""
                self._currentChecker = self.nullGetError
            def onEnd( self ):
                """Called by glEnd to record the fact that glGetError will work"""
                self._currentChecker = self._registeredChecker
    _ErrorChecker = None
# Compatibility with PyOpenGL 2.x series
GLUerror = GLUError
GLerror = GLError 
GLUTerror = GLUTError