// Copyright 2008 John Maddock // // Use, modification and distribution are subject to the // Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt // or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) #ifndef BOOST_MATH_DISTRIBUTIONS_DETAIL_HG_QUANTILE_HPP #define BOOST_MATH_DISTRIBUTIONS_DETAIL_HG_QUANTILE_HPP #include <boost/math/policies/error_handling.hpp> #include <boost/math/distributions/detail/hypergeometric_pdf.hpp> namespace boost{ namespace math{ namespace detail{ template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_p(unsigned x, T p, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned lbound, unsigned /*ubound*/, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>&) { if((p < cum * fudge_factor) && (x != lbound)) { BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(x-1); return --x; } return x; } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_p(unsigned x, T p, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned /*lbound*/, unsigned ubound, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>&) { if((cum < p * fudge_factor) && (x != ubound)) { BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(x+1); return ++x; } return x; } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_p(unsigned x, T p, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned lbound, unsigned ubound, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_inwards>&) { if(p >= 0.5) return round_x_from_p(x, p, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>()); return round_x_from_p(x, p, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>()); } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_p(unsigned x, T p, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned lbound, unsigned ubound, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_outwards>&) { if(p >= 0.5) return round_x_from_p(x, p, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>()); return round_x_from_p(x, p, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>()); } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_p(unsigned x, T /*p*/, T /*cum*/, T /*fudge_factor*/, unsigned /*lbound*/, unsigned /*ubound*/, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_nearest>&) { return x; } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_q(unsigned x, T q, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned lbound, unsigned /*ubound*/, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>&) { if((q * fudge_factor > cum) && (x != lbound)) { BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(x-1); return --x; } return x; } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_q(unsigned x, T q, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned /*lbound*/, unsigned ubound, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>&) { if((q < cum * fudge_factor) && (x != ubound)) { BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(x+1); return ++x; } return x; } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_q(unsigned x, T q, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned lbound, unsigned ubound, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_inwards>&) { if(q < 0.5) return round_x_from_q(x, q, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>()); return round_x_from_q(x, q, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>()); } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_q(unsigned x, T q, T cum, T fudge_factor, unsigned lbound, unsigned ubound, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_outwards>&) { if(q >= 0.5) return round_x_from_q(x, q, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_down>()); return round_x_from_q(x, q, cum, fudge_factor, lbound, ubound, policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_up>()); } template <class T> inline unsigned round_x_from_q(unsigned x, T /*q*/, T /*cum*/, T /*fudge_factor*/, unsigned /*lbound*/, unsigned /*ubound*/, const policies::discrete_quantile<policies::integer_round_nearest>&) { return x; } template <class T, class Policy> unsigned hypergeometric_quantile_imp(T p, T q, unsigned r, unsigned n, unsigned N, const Policy& pol) { #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable:4267) #endif typedef typename Policy::discrete_quantile_type discrete_quantile_type; BOOST_MATH_STD_USING BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD T result; T fudge_factor = 1 + tools::epsilon<T>() * ((N <= boost::math::prime(boost::math::max_prime - 1)) ? 50 : 2 * N); unsigned base = static_cast<unsigned>((std::max)(0, (int)(n + r) - (int)(N))); unsigned lim = (std::min)(r, n); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(p); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(q); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(r); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(n); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(N); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(fudge_factor); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(base); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(lim); if(p <= 0.5) { unsigned x = base; result = hypergeometric_pdf<T>(x, r, n, N, pol); T diff = result; while(result < p) { diff = (diff > tools::min_value<T>() * 8) ? T(n - x) * T(r - x) * diff / (T(x + 1) * T(N + x + 1 - n - r)) : hypergeometric_pdf<T>(x + 1, r, n, N, pol); if(result + diff / 2 > p) break; ++x; result += diff; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT if(diff != 0) { BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(x); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(diff); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(result); } #endif } return round_x_from_p(x, p, result, fudge_factor, base, lim, discrete_quantile_type()); } else { unsigned x = lim; result = 0; T diff = hypergeometric_pdf<T>(x, r, n, N, pol); while(result + diff / 2 < q) { result += diff; diff = (diff > tools::min_value<T>() * 8) ? x * T(N + x - n - r) * diff / (T(1 + n - x) * T(1 + r - x)) : hypergeometric_pdf<T>(x - 1, r, n, N, pol); --x; #ifdef BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT if(diff != 0) { BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(x); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(diff); BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_VARIABLE(result); } #endif } return round_x_from_q(x, q, result, fudge_factor, base, lim, discrete_quantile_type()); } #ifdef BOOST_MSVC # pragma warning(pop) #endif } template <class T, class Policy> inline unsigned hypergeometric_quantile(T p, T q, unsigned r, unsigned n, unsigned N, const Policy&) { BOOST_FPU_EXCEPTION_GUARD typedef typename tools::promote_args<T>::type result_type; typedef typename policies::evaluation<result_type, Policy>::type value_type; typedef typename policies::normalise< Policy, policies::promote_float<false>, policies::promote_double<false>, policies::assert_undefined<> >::type forwarding_policy; return detail::hypergeometric_quantile_imp<value_type>(p, q, r, n, N, forwarding_policy()); } }}} // namespaces #endif