# debugger.py # A debugger for Pythonwin. Built from pdb. # Mark Hammond (MHammond@skippinet.com.au) - Dec 94. # usage: # >>> import pywin.debugger # >>> pywin.debugger.GetDebugger().run("command") import pdb import bdb import sys import string import os import types import win32ui import win32api import win32con import pywin.docking.DockingBar from pywin.mfc import dialog, object, afxres, window from pywin.framework import app, interact, editor, scriptutils from pywin.framework.editor.color.coloreditor import MARKER_CURRENT, MARKER_BREAKPOINT from pywin.tools import browser, hierlist import commctrl import traceback #import win32traceutil if win32ui.UNICODE: LVN_ENDLABELEDIT = commctrl.LVN_ENDLABELEDITW else: LVN_ENDLABELEDIT = commctrl.LVN_ENDLABELEDITA from .dbgcon import * error = "pywin.debugger.error" def SetInteractiveContext(globs, locs): if interact.edit is not None and interact.edit.currentView is not None: interact.edit.currentView.SetContext(globs, locs) def _LineStateToMarker(ls): if ls==LINESTATE_CURRENT: return MARKER_CURRENT # elif ls == LINESTATE_CALLSTACK: # return MARKER_CALLSTACK return MARKER_BREAKPOINT class HierListItem(browser.HLIPythonObject): pass class HierFrameItem(HierListItem): def __init__(self, frame, debugger): HierListItem.__init__(self, frame, repr(frame)) self.debugger = debugger def GetText(self): name = self.myobject.f_code.co_name if not name or name == '?' : # See if locals has a '__name__' (ie, a module) if '__name__' in self.myobject.f_locals: name = str(self.myobject.f_locals['__name__']) + " module" else: name = '<Debugger Context>' return "%s (%s:%d)" % (name, os.path.split(self.myobject.f_code.co_filename)[1], self.myobject.f_lineno) def GetBitmapColumn(self): if self.debugger.curframe is self.myobject: return 7 else: return 8 def GetSubList(self): ret = [] ret.append(HierFrameDict(self.myobject.f_locals, "Locals", 2)) ret.append(HierFrameDict(self.myobject.f_globals, "Globals", 1)) return ret def IsExpandable(self): return 1 def TakeDefaultAction(self): # Set the default frame to be this frame. self.debugger.set_cur_frame(self.myobject) return 1 class HierFrameDict(browser.HLIDict): def __init__(self, dict, name, bitmapColumn): self.bitmapColumn=bitmapColumn browser.HLIDict.__init__(self, dict, name) def GetBitmapColumn(self): return self.bitmapColumn class NoStackAvailableItem(HierListItem): def __init__(self, why): HierListItem.__init__(self, None, why) def IsExpandable(self): return 0 def GetText(self): return self.name def GetBitmapColumn(self): return 8 class HierStackRoot(HierListItem): def __init__( self, debugger ): HierListItem.__init__(self, debugger, None) self.last_stack = [] ## def __del__(self): ## print "HierStackRoot dieing" def GetSubList(self): debugger = self.myobject # print self.debugger.stack, self.debugger.curframe ret = [] if debugger.debuggerState==DBGSTATE_BREAK: stackUse=debugger.stack[:] stackUse.reverse() self.last_stack = [] for frame, lineno in stackUse: self.last_stack.append( (frame, lineno) ) if frame is debugger.userbotframe: # Dont bother showing frames below our bottom frame. break for frame, lineno in self.last_stack: ret.append( HierFrameItem( frame, debugger ) ) ## elif debugger.debuggerState==DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING: ## ret.append(NoStackAvailableItem('<nothing is being debugged>')) ## else: ## ret.append(NoStackAvailableItem('<stack not available while running>')) return ret def GetText(self): return 'root item' def IsExpandable(self): return 1 class HierListDebugger(hierlist.HierListWithItems): """ Hier List of stack frames, breakpoints, whatever """ def __init__(self): hierlist.HierListWithItems.__init__(self, None, win32ui.IDB_DEBUGGER_HIER, None, win32api.RGB(255,0,0)) def Setup(self, debugger): root = HierStackRoot(debugger) self.AcceptRoot(root) # def Refresh(self): # self.Setup() class DebuggerWindow(window.Wnd): def __init__(self, ob): window.Wnd.__init__(self, ob) self.debugger = None def Init(self, debugger): self.debugger = debugger def GetDefRect(self): defRect = app.LoadWindowSize("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title) if defRect[2]-defRect[0]==0: defRect = 0, 0, 150, 150 return defRect def OnDestroy(self, msg): newSize = self.GetWindowPlacement()[4] pywin.framework.app.SaveWindowSize("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, newSize) return window.Wnd.OnDestroy(self, msg) def OnKeyDown(self, msg): key = msg[2] if key in [13, 27, 32]: return 1 if key in [46,8]: # delete/BS key self.DeleteSelected() return 0 view = scriptutils.GetActiveView() try: firer = view.bindings.fire_key_event except AttributeError: firer = None if firer is not None: return firer(msg) else: return 1 def DeleteSelected(self): win32api.MessageBeep() def EditSelected(self): win32api.MessageBeep() class DebuggerStackWindow(DebuggerWindow): title = "Stack" def __init__(self): DebuggerWindow.__init__(self, win32ui.CreateTreeCtrl()) self.list = HierListDebugger() self.listOK = 0 def SaveState(self): self.list.DeleteAllItems() self.listOK = 0 win32ui.WriteProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, "Visible", self.IsWindowVisible()) def CreateWindow(self, parent): style = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_BORDER | commctrl.TVS_HASLINES | commctrl.TVS_LINESATROOT | commctrl.TVS_HASBUTTONS self._obj_.CreateWindow(style, self.GetDefRect(), parent, win32ui.IDC_LIST1) self.HookMessage(self.OnKeyDown, win32con.WM_KEYDOWN) self.HookMessage(self.OnKeyDown, win32con.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) self.list.HierInit (parent, self) self.listOK = 0 # delayed setup #self.list.Setup() def RespondDebuggerState(self, state): assert self.debugger is not None, "Init not called" if not self.listOK: self.listOK = 1 self.list.Setup(self.debugger) else: self.list.Refresh() def RespondDebuggerData(self): try: handle = self.GetChildItem(0) except win32ui.error: return # No items while 1: item = self.list.ItemFromHandle(handle) col = self.list.GetBitmapColumn(item) selCol = self.list.GetSelectedBitmapColumn(item) if selCol is None: selCol = col if self.list.GetItemImage(handle)!= (col, selCol): self.list.SetItemImage(handle, col, selCol) try: handle = self.GetNextSiblingItem(handle) except win32ui.error: break class DebuggerListViewWindow(DebuggerWindow): def __init__(self): DebuggerWindow.__init__(self, win32ui.CreateListCtrl()) def CreateWindow(self, parent): list = self style = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_BORDER | commctrl.LVS_EDITLABELS | commctrl.LVS_REPORT self._obj_.CreateWindow(style, self.GetDefRect(), parent, win32ui.IDC_LIST1) self.HookMessage(self.OnKeyDown, win32con.WM_KEYDOWN) self.HookMessage(self.OnKeyDown, win32con.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) list = self title, width = self.columns[0] itemDetails = (commctrl.LVCFMT_LEFT, width, title, 0) list.InsertColumn(0, itemDetails) col = 1 for title, width in self.columns[1:]: col = col + 1 itemDetails = (commctrl.LVCFMT_LEFT, width, title, 0) list.InsertColumn(col, itemDetails) parent.HookNotify(self.OnListEndLabelEdit, LVN_ENDLABELEDIT) parent.HookNotify(self.OnItemRightClick, commctrl.NM_RCLICK) parent.HookNotify(self.OnItemDoubleClick, commctrl.NM_DBLCLK) def RespondDebuggerData(self): pass def RespondDebuggerState(self, state): pass def EditSelected(self): try: sel = self.GetNextItem(-1, commctrl.LVNI_SELECTED) except win32ui.error: return self.EditLabel(sel) def OnKeyDown(self, msg): key = msg[2] # If someone starts typing, they probably are trying to edit the text! if chr(key) in string.ascii_uppercase: self.EditSelected() return 0 return DebuggerWindow.OnKeyDown(self, msg) def OnItemDoubleClick(self, notify_data, extra): self.EditSelected() def OnItemRightClick(self, notify_data, extra): # First select the item we right-clicked on. pt = self.ScreenToClient(win32api.GetCursorPos()) flags, hItem, subitem = self.HitTest(pt) if hItem==-1 or commctrl.TVHT_ONITEM & flags==0: return None self.SetItemState(hItem, commctrl.LVIS_SELECTED, commctrl.LVIS_SELECTED) menu = win32ui.CreatePopupMenu() menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1000, "Edit item") menu.AppendMenu(win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED,1001, "Delete item") dockbar = self.GetParent() if dockbar.IsFloating(): hook_parent = win32ui.GetMainFrame() else: hook_parent = self.GetParentFrame() hook_parent.HookCommand(self.OnEditItem, 1000) hook_parent.HookCommand(self.OnDeleteItem, 1001) menu.TrackPopupMenu(win32api.GetCursorPos()) # track at mouse position. return None def OnDeleteItem(self,command, code): self.DeleteSelected() def OnEditItem(self, command, code): self.EditSelected() class DebuggerBreakpointsWindow(DebuggerListViewWindow): title = "Breakpoints" columns = [ ("Condition", 70), ("Location", 1024)] def SaveState(self): items = [] for i in range(self.GetItemCount()): items.append(self.GetItemText(i,0)) items.append(self.GetItemText(i,1)) win32ui.WriteProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, "BreakpointList", "\t".join(items)) win32ui.WriteProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, "Visible", self.IsWindowVisible()) return 1 def OnListEndLabelEdit(self, std, extra): item = extra[0] text = item[4] if text is None: return item_id = self.GetItem(item[0])[6] from bdb import Breakpoint for bplist in Breakpoint.bplist.values(): for bp in bplist: if id(bp)==item_id: if text.strip().lower()=="none": text = None bp.cond = text break self.RespondDebuggerData() def DeleteSelected(self): try: num = self.GetNextItem(-1, commctrl.LVNI_SELECTED) item_id = self.GetItem(num)[6] from bdb import Breakpoint for bplist in list(Breakpoint.bplist.values()): for bp in bplist: if id(bp)==item_id: self.debugger.clear_break(bp.file, bp.line) break except win32ui.error: win32api.MessageBeep() self.RespondDebuggerData() def RespondDebuggerData(self): l = self l.DeleteAllItems() index = -1 from bdb import Breakpoint for bplist in Breakpoint.bplist.values(): for bp in bplist: baseName = os.path.split(bp.file)[1] cond = bp.cond item = index+1, 0, 0, 0, str(cond), 0, id(bp) index = l.InsertItem(item) l.SetItemText(index, 1, "%s: %s" % (baseName, bp.line)) class DebuggerWatchWindow(DebuggerListViewWindow): title = "Watch" columns = [ ("Expression", 70), ("Value", 1024)] def CreateWindow(self, parent): DebuggerListViewWindow.CreateWindow(self, parent) items = win32ui.GetProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, "Items", "").split("\t") index = -1 for item in items: if item: index = self.InsertItem(index+1, item) self.InsertItem(index+1, "<New Item>") def SaveState(self): items = [] for i in range(self.GetItemCount()-1): items.append(self.GetItemText(i,0)) win32ui.WriteProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, "Items", "\t".join(items)) win32ui.WriteProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + self.title, "Visible", self.IsWindowVisible()) return 1 def OnListEndLabelEdit(self, std, extra): item = extra[0] itemno = item[0] text = item[4] if text is None: return self.SetItemText(itemno, 0, text) if itemno == self.GetItemCount()-1: self.InsertItem(itemno+1, "<New Item>") self.RespondDebuggerState(self.debugger.debuggerState) def DeleteSelected(self): try: num = self.GetNextItem(-1, commctrl.LVNI_SELECTED) if num < self.GetItemCount()-1: # We cant delete the last self.DeleteItem(num) except win32ui.error: win32api.MessageBeep() def RespondDebuggerState(self, state): globs = locs = None if state==DBGSTATE_BREAK: if self.debugger.curframe: globs = self.debugger.curframe.f_globals locs = self.debugger.curframe.f_locals elif state==DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING: import __main__ globs = locs = __main__.__dict__ for i in range(self.GetItemCount()-1): text = self.GetItemText(i, 0) if globs is None: val = "" else: try: val = repr( eval( text, globs, locs) ) except SyntaxError: val = "Syntax Error" except: t, v, tb = sys.exc_info() val = traceback.format_exception_only(t, v)[0].strip() tb = None # prevent a cycle. self.SetItemText(i, 1, val) def CreateDebuggerDialog(parent, klass): control = klass() control.CreateWindow(parent) return control DebuggerDialogInfos = ( (0xe810, DebuggerStackWindow, None), (0xe811, DebuggerBreakpointsWindow, (10, 10)), (0xe812, DebuggerWatchWindow, None), ) # Prepare all the "control bars" for this package. # If control bars are not all loaded when the toolbar-state functions are # called, things go horribly wrong. def PrepareControlBars(frame): style = win32con.WS_CHILD | afxres.CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC | afxres.CBRS_TOP | afxres.CBRS_TOOLTIPS | afxres.CBRS_FLYBY tbd = win32ui.CreateToolBar (frame, style, win32ui.ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR_DBG) tbd.ModifyStyle(0, commctrl.TBSTYLE_FLAT) tbd.LoadToolBar(win32ui.IDR_DEBUGGER) tbd.EnableDocking(afxres.CBRS_ALIGN_ANY) tbd.SetWindowText("Debugger") frame.DockControlBar(tbd) # and the other windows. for id, klass, float in DebuggerDialogInfos: try: frame.GetControlBar(id) exists=1 except win32ui.error: exists=0 if exists: continue bar = pywin.docking.DockingBar.DockingBar() style=win32con.WS_CHILD | afxres.CBRS_LEFT # don't create visible. bar.CreateWindow(frame, CreateDebuggerDialog, klass.title, id, style, childCreatorArgs=(klass,)) bar.SetBarStyle( bar.GetBarStyle()|afxres.CBRS_TOOLTIPS|afxres.CBRS_FLYBY|afxres.CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC) bar.EnableDocking(afxres.CBRS_ALIGN_ANY) if float is None: frame.DockControlBar(bar) else: frame.FloatControlBar(bar, float, afxres.CBRS_ALIGN_ANY) ## frame.ShowControlBar(bar, 0, 1) SKIP_NONE=0 SKIP_STEP=1 SKIP_RUN=2 debugger_parent=pdb.Pdb class Debugger(debugger_parent): def __init__(self): self.inited = 0 self.skipBotFrame = SKIP_NONE self.userbotframe = None self.frameShutdown = 0 self.pumping = 0 self.debuggerState = DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING # Assume so, anyway. self.shownLineCurrent = None # The last filename I highlighted. self.shownLineCallstack = None # The last filename I highlighted. self.last_cmd_debugged = "" self.abortClosed = 0 self.isInitialBreakpoint = 0 debugger_parent.__init__(self) # See if any break-points have been set in the editor for doc in editor.editorTemplate.GetDocumentList(): lineNo = -1 while 1: lineNo = doc.MarkerGetNext(lineNo+1, MARKER_BREAKPOINT) if lineNo <= 0: break self.set_break(doc.GetPathName(), lineNo) self.reset() self.inForcedGUI = win32ui.GetApp().IsInproc() self.options = LoadDebuggerOptions() self.bAtException = self.bAtPostMortem = 0 def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self, frameShutdown = 0): # abortClose indicates if we have total shutdown # (ie, main window is dieing) if self.pumping: # Can stop pump here, as it only posts a message, and # returns immediately. if not self.StopDebuggerPump(): # User cancelled close. return 0 # NOTE - from this point on the close can not be # stopped - the WM_QUIT message is already in the queue. self.frameShutdown = frameShutdown if not self.inited: return 1 self.inited = 0 SetInteractiveContext(None, None) frame = win32ui.GetMainFrame() # Hide the debuger toolbars (as they wont normally form part of the main toolbar state. for id, klass, float in DebuggerDialogInfos: try: tb = frame.GetControlBar(id) if tb.dialog is not None: # We may never have actually been shown. tb.dialog.SaveState() frame.ShowControlBar(tb, 0, 1) except win32ui.error: pass self._UnshowCurrentLine() self.set_quit() return 1 def StopDebuggerPump(self): assert self.pumping, "Can't stop the debugger pump if Im not pumping!" # After stopping a pump, I may never return. if self.GUIAboutToFinishInteract(): self.pumping = 0 win32ui.StopDebuggerPump() # Posts a message, so we do return. return 1 return 0 def get_option(self, option): """Public interface into debugger options """ try: return self.options[option] except KeyError: raise error("Option %s is not a valid option" % option) def prep_run(self, cmd): pass def done_run(self, cmd=None): self.RespondDebuggerState(DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING) self.close() def canonic(self, fname): return os.path.abspath(fname).lower() def reset(self): debugger_parent.reset(self) self.userbotframe = None self.UpdateAllLineStates() self._UnshowCurrentLine() def setup(self, f, t): debugger_parent.setup(self, f, t) self.bAtException = t is not None def set_break(self, filename, lineno, temporary=0, cond = None): filename = self.canonic(filename) self.SetLineState(filename, lineno, LINESTATE_BREAKPOINT) return debugger_parent.set_break(self, filename, lineno, temporary, cond) def clear_break(self, filename, lineno): filename = self.canonic(filename) self.ResetLineState(filename, lineno, LINESTATE_BREAKPOINT) return debugger_parent.clear_break(self, filename, lineno) def cmdloop(self): if self.frameShutdown: return # App in the process of closing - never break in! self.GUIAboutToBreak() def print_stack_entry(self, frame): # We dont want a stack printed - our GUI is better :-) pass def user_return(self, frame, return_value): # Same as parent, just no "print" # This function is called when a return trap is set here frame.f_locals['__return__'] = return_value self.interaction(frame, None) def user_call(self, frame, args): # base class has an annoying 'print' that adds no value to us... if self.stop_here(frame): self.interaction(frame, None) def user_exception(self, frame, exc_info): # This function is called if an exception occurs, # but only if we are to stop at or just below this level (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) = exc_info if self.get_option(OPT_STOP_EXCEPTIONS): frame.f_locals['__exception__'] = exc_type, exc_value print("Unhandled exception while debugging...") # on both py2k and py3k, we may be called with exc_value # being the args to the exception, or it may already be # instantiated (IOW, PyErr_Normalize() hasn't been # called on the args). In py2k this is fine, but in # py3k, traceback.print_exception fails. So on py3k # we instantiate an exception instance to print. if sys.version_info > (3,) and not isinstance(exc_value, BaseException): # they are args - may be a single item or already a tuple if not isinstance(exc_value, tuple): exc_value = (exc_value,) exc_value = exc_type(*exc_value) traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) self.interaction(frame, exc_traceback) def user_line(self, frame): if frame.f_lineno==0: return debugger_parent.user_line(self, frame) def stop_here(self, frame): if self.isInitialBreakpoint: self.isInitialBreakpoint = 0 self.set_continue() return 0 if frame is self.botframe and self.skipBotFrame == SKIP_RUN: self.set_continue() return 0 if frame is self.botframe and self.skipBotFrame == SKIP_STEP: self.set_step() return 0 return debugger_parent.stop_here(self, frame) def run(self, cmd,globals=None, locals=None, start_stepping = 1): if not isinstance(cmd, (str, types.CodeType)): raise TypeError("Only strings can be run") self.last_cmd_debugged = cmd if start_stepping: self.isInitialBreakpoint = 0 else: self.isInitialBreakpoint = 1 try: if globals is None: import __main__ globals = __main__.__dict__ if locals is None: locals = globals self.reset() self.prep_run(cmd) sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) if type(cmd) != types.CodeType: cmd = cmd+'\n' try: try: if start_stepping: self.skipBotFrame = SKIP_STEP else: self.skipBotFrame = SKIP_RUN exec(cmd, globals, locals) except bdb.BdbQuit: pass finally: self.skipBotFrame = SKIP_NONE self.quitting = 1 sys.settrace(None) finally: self.done_run(cmd) def runeval(self, expr, globals=None, locals=None): self.prep_run(expr) try: debugger_parent.runeval(self, expr, globals, locals) finally: self.done_run(expr) def runexec(self, what, globs=None, locs=None): self.reset() sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) try: try: exec(what, globs, locs) except bdb.BdbQuit: pass finally: self.quitting = 1 sys.settrace(None) def do_set_step(self): if self.GUIAboutToRun(): self.set_step() def do_set_next(self): if self.GUIAboutToRun(): self.set_next(self.curframe) def do_set_return(self): if self.GUIAboutToRun(): self.set_return(self.curframe) def do_set_continue(self): if self.GUIAboutToRun(): self.set_continue() def set_quit(self): ok = 1 if self.pumping: ok = self.StopDebuggerPump() if ok: debugger_parent.set_quit(self) def _dump_frame_(self, frame,name=None): if name is None: name = "" if frame: if frame.f_code and frame.f_code.co_filename: fname = os.path.split(frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] else: fname = "??" print(repr(name), fname, frame.f_lineno, frame) else: print(repr(name), "None") def set_trace(self): # Start debugging from _2_ levels up! try: 1 + '' except: frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_back self.reset() self.userbotframe = None while frame: # scriptutils.py creates a local variable with name # '_debugger_stop_frame_', and we dont go past it # (everything above this is Pythonwin framework code) if "_debugger_stop_frame_" in frame.f_locals: self.userbotframe = frame break frame.f_trace = self.trace_dispatch self.botframe = frame frame = frame.f_back self.set_step() sys.settrace(self.trace_dispatch) def set_cur_frame(self, frame): # Sets the "current" frame - ie, the frame with focus. This is the # frame on which "step out" etc actions are taken. # This may or may not be the top of the stack. assert frame is not None, "You must pass a valid frame" self.curframe = frame for f, index in self.stack: if f is frame: self.curindex = index break else: assert 0, "Can't find the frame in the stack." SetInteractiveContext(frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) self.GUIRespondDebuggerData() self.ShowCurrentLine() def IsBreak(self): return self.debuggerState == DBGSTATE_BREAK def IsDebugging(self): return self.debuggerState != DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING def RespondDebuggerState(self, state): if state == self.debuggerState: return if state==DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING: # Debugger exists, but not doing anything title = "" elif state==DBGSTATE_RUNNING: # Code is running under the debugger. title = " - running" elif state==DBGSTATE_BREAK: # We are at a breakpoint or stepping or whatever. if self.bAtException: if self.bAtPostMortem: title = " - post mortem exception" else: title = " - exception" else: title = " - break" else: raise error("Invalid debugger state passed!") win32ui.GetMainFrame().SetWindowText(win32ui.LoadString(win32ui.IDR_MAINFRAME) + title) if self.debuggerState == DBGSTATE_QUITTING and state != DBGSTATE_NOT_DEBUGGING: print("Ignoring state change cos Im trying to stop!", state) return self.debuggerState = state try: frame = win32ui.GetMainFrame() except win32ui.error: frame = None if frame is not None: for id, klass, float in DebuggerDialogInfos: cb = win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetControlBar(id).dialog cb.RespondDebuggerState(state) # Tell each open editor window about the state transition for doc in editor.editorTemplate.GetDocumentList(): doc.OnDebuggerStateChange(state) self.ShowCurrentLine() # # GUI debugger interface. # def GUICheckInit(self): if self.inited: return self.inited = 1 frame = win32ui.GetMainFrame() # Ensure the debugger windows are attached to the debugger. for id, klass, float in DebuggerDialogInfos: w = frame.GetControlBar(id) w.dialog.Init(self) # Show toolbar if it was visible during last debug session # This would be better done using a CDockState, but that class is not wrapped yet if win32ui.GetProfileVal("Debugger Windows\\" + w.dialog.title, "Visible", 0): frame.ShowControlBar(w, 1, 1) # ALWAYS show debugging toolbar, regardless of saved state tb = frame.GetControlBar(win32ui.ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR_DBG) frame.ShowControlBar(tb, 1, 1) self.GUIRespondDebuggerData() # frame.RecalcLayout() def GetDebuggerBar(self, barName): frame = win32ui.GetMainFrame() for id, klass, float in DebuggerDialogInfos: if klass.title == barName: return frame.GetControlBar(id) assert 0, "Can't find a bar of that name!" def GUIRespondDebuggerData(self): if not self.inited: # GUI not inited - no toolbars etc. return for id, klass, float in DebuggerDialogInfos: cb = win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetControlBar(id).dialog cb.RespondDebuggerData() def GUIAboutToRun(self): if not self.StopDebuggerPump(): return 0 self._UnshowCurrentLine() self.RespondDebuggerState(DBGSTATE_RUNNING) SetInteractiveContext(None, None) return 1 def GUIAboutToBreak(self): "Called as the GUI debugger is about to get context, and take control of the running program." self.GUICheckInit() self.RespondDebuggerState(DBGSTATE_BREAK) self.GUIAboutToInteract() if self.pumping: print("!!! Already pumping - outa here") return self.pumping = 1 win32ui.StartDebuggerPump() # NOTE - This will NOT return until the user is finished interacting assert not self.pumping, "Should not be pumping once the pump has finished" if self.frameShutdown: # User shut down app while debugging win32ui.GetMainFrame().PostMessage(win32con.WM_CLOSE) def GUIAboutToInteract(self): "Called as the GUI is about to perform any interaction with the user" frame = win32ui.GetMainFrame() # Remember the enabled state of our main frame # may be disabled primarily if a modal dialog is displayed. # Only get at enabled via GetWindowLong. self.bFrameEnabled = frame.IsWindowEnabled() self.oldForeground = None fw = win32ui.GetForegroundWindow() if fw is not frame: self.oldForeground = fw # fw.EnableWindow(0) Leave enabled for now? self.oldFrameEnableState = frame.IsWindowEnabled() frame.EnableWindow(1) if self.inForcedGUI and not frame.IsWindowVisible(): frame.ShowWindow(win32con.SW_SHOW) frame.UpdateWindow() if self.curframe: SetInteractiveContext(self.curframe.f_globals, self.curframe.f_locals) else: SetInteractiveContext(None, None) self.GUIRespondDebuggerData() def GUIAboutToFinishInteract(self): """Called as the GUI is about to finish any interaction with the user Returns non zero if we are allowed to stop interacting""" if self.oldForeground is not None: try: win32ui.GetMainFrame().EnableWindow(self.oldFrameEnableState) self.oldForeground.EnableWindow(1) except win32ui.error: # old window may be dead. pass # self.oldForeground.SetForegroundWindow() - fails?? if not self.inForcedGUI: return 1 # Never a problem, and nothing else to do. # If we are running a forced GUI, we may never get an opportunity # to interact again. Therefore we perform a "SaveAll", to makesure that # any documents are saved before leaving. for template in win32ui.GetApp().GetDocTemplateList(): for doc in template.GetDocumentList(): if not doc.SaveModified(): return 0 # All documents saved - now hide the app and debugger. if self.get_option(OPT_HIDE): frame = win32ui.GetMainFrame() frame.ShowWindow(win32con.SW_HIDE) return 1 # # Pythonwin interface - all stuff to do with showing source files, # changing line states etc. # def ShowLineState(self, fileName, lineNo, lineState): # Set the state of a line, open if not already self.ShowLineNo(fileName, lineNo) self.SetLineState(fileName, lineNo, lineState) def SetLineState(self, fileName, lineNo, lineState): # Set the state of a line if the document is open. doc = editor.editorTemplate.FindOpenDocument(fileName) if doc is not None: marker = _LineStateToMarker(lineState) if not doc.MarkerCheck(lineNo, marker): doc.MarkerAdd(lineNo, marker) def ResetLineState(self, fileName, lineNo, lineState): # Set the state of a line if the document is open. doc = editor.editorTemplate.FindOpenDocument(fileName) if doc is not None: marker = _LineStateToMarker(lineState) doc.MarkerDelete(lineNo, marker) def UpdateDocumentLineStates(self, doc): # Show all lines in their special status color. If the doc is open # all line states are reset. doc.MarkerDeleteAll( MARKER_BREAKPOINT ) doc.MarkerDeleteAll( MARKER_CURRENT ) fname = self.canonic(doc.GetPathName()) # Now loop over all break-points for line in self.breaks.get(fname, []): doc.MarkerAdd(line, MARKER_BREAKPOINT) # And the current line if in this document. if self.shownLineCurrent and fname == self.shownLineCurrent[0]: lineNo = self.shownLineCurrent[1] if not doc.MarkerCheck(lineNo, MARKER_CURRENT): doc.MarkerAdd(lineNo, MARKER_CURRENT) # if self.shownLineCallstack and fname == self.shownLineCallstack[0]: # doc.MarkerAdd(self.shownLineCallstack[1], MARKER_CURRENT) def UpdateAllLineStates(self): for doc in editor.editorTemplate.GetDocumentList(): self.UpdateDocumentLineStates(doc) def ShowCurrentLine(self): # Show the current line. Only ever 1 current line - undoes last current # The "Current Line" is self.curframe. # The "Callstack Line" is the top of the stack. # If current == callstack, only show as current. self._UnshowCurrentLine() # un-highlight the old one. if self.curframe: fileName = self.canonic(self.curframe.f_code.co_filename) lineNo = self.curframe.f_lineno self.shownLineCurrent = fileName, lineNo self.ShowLineState(fileName, lineNo, LINESTATE_CURRENT) def _UnshowCurrentLine(self): "Unshow the current line, and forget it" if self.shownLineCurrent is not None: fname, lineno = self.shownLineCurrent self.ResetLineState(fname, lineno, LINESTATE_CURRENT) self.shownLineCurrent = None def ShowLineNo( self, filename, lineno ): wasOpen = editor.editorTemplate.FindOpenDocument(filename) is not None if os.path.isfile(filename) and scriptutils.JumpToDocument(filename, lineno): if not wasOpen: doc = editor.editorTemplate.FindOpenDocument(filename) if doc is not None: self.UpdateDocumentLineStates(doc) return 1 return 0 return 1 else: # Can't find the source file - linecache may have it? import linecache line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno) print("%s(%d): %s" % (os.path.basename(filename), lineno, line[:-1].expandtabs(4))) return 0