/****************************************************************************** * $Id: ogr_geometry.h 0ca04053b3a7d0ebc1f0ecdc86e7084162945176 2019-06-13 10:53:23 +0200 Even Rouault $ * * Project: OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation * Purpose: Classes for manipulating simple features that is not specific * to a particular interface technology. * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1999, Frank Warmerdam * Copyright (c) 2008-2014, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef OGR_GEOMETRY_H_INCLUDED #define OGR_GEOMETRY_H_INCLUDED #include "cpl_conv.h" #include "cpl_json.h" #include "ogr_core.h" #include "ogr_spatialref.h" #include <memory> /** * \file ogr_geometry.h * * Simple feature geometry classes. */ /*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */ #ifndef DEFINEH_OGRGeometryH #define DEFINEH_OGRGeometryH #ifdef DEBUG typedef struct OGRGeometryHS *OGRGeometryH; #else typedef void *OGRGeometryH; #endif #endif /* DEFINEH_OGRGeometryH */ /*! @endcond */ /** * Simple container for a position. */ class OGRRawPoint { public: /** Constructor */ OGRRawPoint() : x(0.0), y(0.0) {} /** Constructor */ OGRRawPoint(double xIn, double yIn) : x(xIn), y(yIn) {} /** x */ double x; /** y */ double y; }; /** GEOS geometry type */ typedef struct GEOSGeom_t *GEOSGeom; /** GEOS context handle type */ typedef struct GEOSContextHandle_HS *GEOSContextHandle_t; /** SFCGAL geometry type */ typedef void sfcgal_geometry_t; class OGRPoint; class OGRCurve; class OGRCompoundCurve; class OGRSimpleCurve; class OGRLinearRing; class OGRLineString; class OGRCircularString; class OGRSurface; class OGRCurvePolygon; class OGRPolygon; class OGRMultiPoint; class OGRMultiSurface; class OGRMultiPolygon; class OGRMultiCurve; class OGRMultiLineString; class OGRGeometryCollection; class OGRTriangle; class OGRPolyhedralSurface; class OGRTriangulatedSurface; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress typedef OGRLineString* (*OGRCurveCasterToLineString)(OGRCurve*); typedef OGRLinearRing* (*OGRCurveCasterToLinearRing)(OGRCurve*); typedef OGRPolygon* (*OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon)(OGRSurface*); typedef OGRCurvePolygon* (*OGRSurfaceCasterToCurvePolygon)(OGRSurface*); typedef OGRMultiPolygon* (*OGRPolyhedralSurfaceCastToMultiPolygon)(OGRPolyhedralSurface*); //! @endcond /** OGRGeometry visitor interface. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ class CPL_DLL IOGRGeometryVisitor { public: /** Destructor/ */ virtual ~IOGRGeometryVisitor() = default; /** Visit OGRPoint. */ virtual void visit(OGRPoint*) = 0; /** Visit OGRLineString. */ virtual void visit(OGRLineString*) = 0; /** Visit OGRLinearRing. */ virtual void visit(OGRLinearRing*) = 0; /** Visit OGRPolygon. */ virtual void visit(OGRPolygon*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiPoint. */ virtual void visit(OGRMultiPoint*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiLineString. */ virtual void visit(OGRMultiLineString*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiPolygon. */ virtual void visit(OGRMultiPolygon*) = 0; /** Visit OGRGeometryCollection. */ virtual void visit(OGRGeometryCollection*) = 0; /** Visit OGRCircularString. */ virtual void visit(OGRCircularString*) = 0; /** Visit OGRCompoundCurve. */ virtual void visit(OGRCompoundCurve*) = 0; /** Visit OGRCurvePolygon. */ virtual void visit(OGRCurvePolygon*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiCurve. */ virtual void visit(OGRMultiCurve*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiSurface. */ virtual void visit(OGRMultiSurface*) = 0; /** Visit OGRTriangle. */ virtual void visit(OGRTriangle*) = 0; /** Visit OGRPolyhedralSurface. */ virtual void visit(OGRPolyhedralSurface*) = 0; /** Visit OGRTriangulatedSurface. */ virtual void visit(OGRTriangulatedSurface*) = 0; }; /** OGRGeometry visitor default implementation. * * This default implementation will recurse down to calling * visit(OGRPoint*) on each point. * * @since GDAL 2.3 */ class CPL_DLL OGRDefaultGeometryVisitor: public IOGRGeometryVisitor { void _visit(OGRSimpleCurve* poGeom); public: void visit(OGRPoint*) override {} void visit(OGRLineString*) override; void visit(OGRLinearRing*) override; void visit(OGRPolygon*) override; void visit(OGRMultiPoint*) override; void visit(OGRMultiLineString*) override; void visit(OGRMultiPolygon*) override; void visit(OGRGeometryCollection*) override; void visit(OGRCircularString*) override; void visit(OGRCompoundCurve*) override; void visit(OGRCurvePolygon*) override; void visit(OGRMultiCurve*) override; void visit(OGRMultiSurface*) override; void visit(OGRTriangle*) override; void visit(OGRPolyhedralSurface*) override; void visit(OGRTriangulatedSurface*) override; }; /** OGRGeometry visitor interface. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ class CPL_DLL IOGRConstGeometryVisitor { public: /** Destructor/ */ virtual ~IOGRConstGeometryVisitor() = default; /** Visit OGRPoint. */ virtual void visit(const OGRPoint*) = 0; /** Visit OGRLineString. */ virtual void visit(const OGRLineString*) = 0; /** Visit OGRLinearRing. */ virtual void visit(const OGRLinearRing*) = 0; /** Visit OGRPolygon. */ virtual void visit(const OGRPolygon*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiPoint. */ virtual void visit(const OGRMultiPoint*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiLineString. */ virtual void visit(const OGRMultiLineString*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiPolygon. */ virtual void visit(const OGRMultiPolygon*) = 0; /** Visit OGRGeometryCollection. */ virtual void visit(const OGRGeometryCollection*) = 0; /** Visit OGRCircularString. */ virtual void visit(const OGRCircularString*) = 0; /** Visit OGRCompoundCurve. */ virtual void visit(const OGRCompoundCurve*) = 0; /** Visit OGRCurvePolygon. */ virtual void visit(const OGRCurvePolygon*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiCurve. */ virtual void visit(const OGRMultiCurve*) = 0; /** Visit OGRMultiSurface. */ virtual void visit(const OGRMultiSurface*) = 0; /** Visit OGRTriangle. */ virtual void visit(const OGRTriangle*) = 0; /** Visit OGRPolyhedralSurface. */ virtual void visit(const OGRPolyhedralSurface*) = 0; /** Visit OGRTriangulatedSurface. */ virtual void visit(const OGRTriangulatedSurface*) = 0; }; /** OGRGeometry visitor default implementation. * * This default implementation will recurse down to calling * visit(const OGRPoint*) on each point. * * @since GDAL 2.3 */ class CPL_DLL OGRDefaultConstGeometryVisitor: public IOGRConstGeometryVisitor { void _visit(const OGRSimpleCurve* poGeom); public: void visit(const OGRPoint*) override {} void visit(const OGRLineString*) override; void visit(const OGRLinearRing*) override; void visit(const OGRPolygon*) override; void visit(const OGRMultiPoint*) override; void visit(const OGRMultiLineString*) override; void visit(const OGRMultiPolygon*) override; void visit(const OGRGeometryCollection*) override; void visit(const OGRCircularString*) override; void visit(const OGRCompoundCurve*) override; void visit(const OGRCurvePolygon*) override; void visit(const OGRMultiCurve*) override; void visit(const OGRMultiSurface*) override; void visit(const OGRTriangle*) override; void visit(const OGRPolyhedralSurface*) override; void visit(const OGRTriangulatedSurface*) override; }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRGeometry */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Abstract base class for all geometry classes. * * Some spatial analysis methods require that OGR is built on the GEOS library * to work properly. The precise meaning of methods that describe spatial * relationships between geometries is described in the SFCOM, or other simple * features interface specifications, like "OpenGISĀ® Implementation * Specification for Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: * Common architecture": * <a href="http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/sfa">OGC 06-103r4</a> * * In GDAL 2.0, the hierarchy of classes has been extended with * <a href="https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=32024"> * (working draft) ISO SQL/MM Part 3 (ISO/IEC 13249-3)</a> curve geometries : * CIRCULARSTRING (OGRCircularString), COMPOUNDCURVE (OGRCompoundCurve), * CURVEPOLYGON (OGRCurvePolygon), MULTICURVE (OGRMultiCurve) and * MULTISURFACE (OGRMultiSurface). * */ class CPL_DLL OGRGeometry { private: OGRSpatialReference * poSRS = nullptr; // may be NULL protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress friend class OGRCurveCollection; unsigned int flags = 0; OGRErr importPreambleFromWkt( const char ** ppszInput, int* pbHasZ, int* pbHasM, bool* pbIsEmpty ); OGRErr importCurveCollectionFromWkt( const char ** ppszInput, int bAllowEmptyComponent, int bAllowLineString, int bAllowCurve, int bAllowCompoundCurve, OGRErr (*pfnAddCurveDirectly)(OGRGeometry* poSelf, OGRCurve* poCurve) ); OGRErr importPreambleFromWkb( const unsigned char * pabyData, int nSize, OGRwkbByteOrder& eByteOrder, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant ); OGRErr importPreambleOfCollectionFromWkb( const unsigned char * pabyData, int& nSize, int& nDataOffset, OGRwkbByteOrder& eByteOrder, int nMinSubGeomSize, int& nGeomCount, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant ); OGRErr PointOnSurfaceInternal( OGRPoint * poPoint ) const; OGRBoolean IsSFCGALCompatible() const; void HomogenizeDimensionalityWith( OGRGeometry* poOtherGeom ); //! @endcond public: /************************************************************************/ /* Bit flags for OGRGeometry */ /* The OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT is used *only* for points. */ /* Do not use these outside of the core. */ /* Use Is3D, IsMeasured, set3D, and setMeasured instead */ /************************************************************************/ //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static const unsigned int OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT = 0x1; static const unsigned int OGR_G_3D = 0x2; static const unsigned int OGR_G_MEASURED = 0x4; //! @endcond OGRGeometry(); OGRGeometry( const OGRGeometry& other ); virtual ~OGRGeometry(); OGRGeometry& operator=( const OGRGeometry& other ); /** Returns if two geometries are equal. */ bool operator==( const OGRGeometry& other ) const { return CPL_TO_BOOL(Equals(&other)); } /** Returns if two geometries are different. */ bool operator!=( const OGRGeometry& other ) const { return !CPL_TO_BOOL(Equals(&other)); } // Standard IGeometry. virtual int getDimension() const = 0; virtual int getCoordinateDimension() const; int CoordinateDimension() const; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const = 0; virtual OGRBoolean IsValid() const; virtual OGRGeometry* MakeValid() const; virtual OGRBoolean IsSimple() const; /*! Returns whether the geometry has a Z component. */ OGRBoolean Is3D() const { return flags & OGR_G_3D; } /*! Returns whether the geometry has a M component. */ OGRBoolean IsMeasured() const { return flags & OGR_G_MEASURED; } virtual OGRBoolean IsRing() const; virtual void empty() = 0; virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const = 0; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const = 0; // IWks Interface. virtual int WkbSize() const = 0; OGRErr importFromWkb( const GByte*, int=-1, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ); virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) = 0; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const = 0; virtual OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ppszInput ) = 0; /** Deprecated. * @deprecated in GDAL 2.3 */ OGRErr importFromWkt( char ** ppszInput ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use importFromWkt(const char**) instead") { return importFromWkt( const_cast<const char**>(ppszInput) ); } virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const = 0; // Non-standard. virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const = 0; OGRwkbGeometryType getIsoGeometryType() const; virtual const char *getGeometryName() const = 0; virtual void dumpReadable( FILE *, const char * = nullptr , char** papszOptions = nullptr ) const; virtual void flattenTo2D() = 0; virtual char * exportToGML( const char* const * papszOptions = nullptr ) const; virtual char * exportToKML() const; virtual char * exportToJson() const; /** Accept a visitor. */ virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) = 0; /** Accept a visitor. */ virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const = 0; static GEOSContextHandle_t createGEOSContext(); static void freeGEOSContext( GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt ); virtual GEOSGeom exportToGEOS( GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry(int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE) const; virtual OGRGeometry* getCurveGeometry( const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry* getLinearGeometry( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; // SFCGAL interfacing methods. //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static sfcgal_geometry_t* OGRexportToSFCGAL( const OGRGeometry *poGeom ); static OGRGeometry* SFCGALexportToOGR( const sfcgal_geometry_t* _geometry ); //! @endcond virtual void closeRings(); virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ); virtual void set3D( OGRBoolean bIs3D ); virtual void setMeasured( OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ); virtual void assignSpatialReference( OGRSpatialReference * poSR ); OGRSpatialReference *getSpatialReference( void ) const { return poSRS; } virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) = 0; OGRErr transformTo( OGRSpatialReference *poSR ); virtual void segmentize(double dfMaxLength); // ISpatialRelation virtual OGRBoolean Intersects( const OGRGeometry * ) const; virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry * ) const = 0; virtual OGRBoolean Disjoint( const OGRGeometry * ) const; virtual OGRBoolean Touches( const OGRGeometry * ) const; virtual OGRBoolean Crosses( const OGRGeometry * ) const; virtual OGRBoolean Within( const OGRGeometry * ) const; virtual OGRBoolean Contains( const OGRGeometry * ) const; virtual OGRBoolean Overlaps( const OGRGeometry * ) const; // virtual OGRBoolean Relate( const OGRGeometry *, const char * ) const; // virtual OGRGeometry *LocateAlong( double mValue ) const; // virtual OGRGeometry *LocateBetween( double mStart, double mEnd ) const; virtual OGRGeometry *Boundary() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual double Distance( const OGRGeometry * ) const ; virtual OGRGeometry *ConvexHull() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *Buffer( double dfDist, int nQuadSegs = 30 ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *Intersection( const OGRGeometry *) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *Union( const OGRGeometry * ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *UnionCascaded() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *Difference( const OGRGeometry * ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *SymDifference( const OGRGeometry * ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRErr Centroid( OGRPoint * poPoint ) const; virtual OGRGeometry *Simplify(double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; OGRGeometry *SimplifyPreserveTopology(double dTolerance) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *DelaunayTriangulation( double dfTolerance, int bOnlyEdges ) const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual OGRGeometry *Polygonize() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT; virtual double Distance3D( const OGRGeometry *poOtherGeom ) const; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress // backward compatibility to non-standard method names. OGRBoolean Intersect( OGRGeometry * ) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. " "Use Intersects() instead"); OGRBoolean Equal( OGRGeometry * ) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. " "Use Equals() instead"); OGRGeometry *SymmetricDifference( const OGRGeometry * ) const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. " "Use SymDifference() instead"); OGRGeometry *getBoundary() const CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Non standard method. " "Use Boundary() instead"); //! @endcond //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress // Special HACK for DB2 7.2 support static int bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER; //! @endcond virtual void swapXY(); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static OGRGeometry* CastToIdentity( OGRGeometry* poGeom ) { return poGeom; } static OGRGeometry* CastToError( OGRGeometry* poGeom ); //! @endcond /** Convert a OGRGeometry* to a OGRGeometryH. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ static inline OGRGeometryH ToHandle(OGRGeometry* poGeom) { return reinterpret_cast<OGRGeometryH>(poGeom); } /** Convert a OGRGeometryH to a OGRGeometry*. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ static inline OGRGeometry* FromHandle(OGRGeometryH hGeom) { return reinterpret_cast<OGRGeometry*>(hGeom); } /** Down-cast to OGRPoint*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbPoint. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRPoint* toPoint() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRPoint*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRPoint*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbPoint. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRPoint* toPoint() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRPoint*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCurve*. * Implies prior checking that OGR_GT_IsSubClass(getGeometryType(), wkbCurve). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRCurve* toCurve() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCurve*. * Implies prior checking that OGR_GT_IsSubClass(getGeometryType(), wkbCurve). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRCurve* toCurve() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. * Implies prior checking that getGeometryType() is wkbLineString, wkbCircularString or a derived type. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRSimpleCurve* toSimpleCurve() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRSimpleCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. * Implies prior checking that getGeometryType() is wkbLineString, wkbCircularString or a derived type. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRSimpleCurve* toSimpleCurve() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRSimpleCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRLineString*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRLineString* toLineString() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRLineString*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRLineString*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRLineString* toLineString() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRLineString*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRLinearRing*. * Implies prior checking that EQUAL(getGeometryName(), "LINEARRING"). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRLinearRing* toLinearRing() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRLinearRing*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRLinearRing*. * Implies prior checking that EQUAL(getGeometryName(), "LINEARRING"). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRLinearRing* toLinearRing() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRLinearRing*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCircularString*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbCircularString. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRCircularString* toCircularString() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRCircularString*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCircularString*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbCircularString. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRCircularString* toCircularString() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRCircularString*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCompoundCurve*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbCompoundCurve. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRCompoundCurve* toCompoundCurve() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRCompoundCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCompoundCurve*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbCompoundCurve. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRCompoundCurve* toCompoundCurve() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRCompoundCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRSurface*. * Implies prior checking that OGR_GT_IsSubClass(getGeometryType(), wkbSurface). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRSurface* toSurface() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRSurface*. * Implies prior checking that OGR_GT_IsSubClass(getGeometryType(), wkbSurface). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRSurface* toSurface() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRPolygon*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbPolygon or wkbTriangle. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRPolygon* toPolygon() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRPolygon*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRPolygon*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbPolygon or wkbTriangle. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRPolygon* toPolygon() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRPolygon*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRTriangle*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbTriangle. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRTriangle* toTriangle() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRTriangle*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRTriangle*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbTriangle. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRTriangle* toTriangle() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRTriangle*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCurvePolygon*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbCurvePolygon or wkbPolygon or wkbTriangle. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRCurvePolygon* toCurvePolygon() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRCurvePolygon*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRCurvePolygon*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbCurvePolygon or wkbPolygon or wkbTriangle. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRCurvePolygon* toCurvePolygon() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRCurvePolygon*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRGeometryCollection*. * Implies prior checking that OGR_GT_IsSubClass(getGeometryType(), wkbGeometryCollection). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRGeometryCollection* toGeometryCollection() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRGeometryCollection*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRGeometryCollection*. * Implies prior checking that OGR_GT_IsSubClass(getGeometryType(), wkbGeometryCollection). * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection* toGeometryCollection() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRGeometryCollection*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiPoint*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRMultiPoint* toMultiPoint() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRMultiPoint*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiPoint*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPoint. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRMultiPoint* toMultiPoint() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRMultiPoint*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiLineString*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRMultiLineString* toMultiLineString() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRMultiLineString*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiLineString*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiLineString. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRMultiLineString* toMultiLineString() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRMultiLineString*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiPolygon*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRMultiPolygon* toMultiPolygon() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRMultiPolygon*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiPolygon*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiPolygon. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRMultiPolygon* toMultiPolygon() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRMultiPolygon*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiCurve*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiCurve and derived types. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRMultiCurve* toMultiCurve() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRMultiCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiCurve*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiCurve and derived types. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRMultiCurve* toMultiCurve() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRMultiCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiSurface*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiSurface and derived types. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRMultiSurface* toMultiSurface() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRMultiSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRMultiSurface*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbMultiSurface and derived types. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRMultiSurface* toMultiSurface() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRMultiSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRPolyhedralSurface*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbPolyhedralSurface or wkbTIN. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRPolyhedralSurface* toPolyhedralSurface() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRPolyhedralSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRPolyhedralSurface*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbPolyhedralSurface or wkbTIN. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRPolyhedralSurface* toPolyhedralSurface() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRPolyhedralSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRTriangulatedSurface*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbTIN. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline OGRTriangulatedSurface* toTriangulatedSurface() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRTriangulatedSurface*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRTriangulatedSurface*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbTIN. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ inline const OGRTriangulatedSurface* toTriangulatedSurface() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRTriangulatedSurface*>(this); } }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress struct CPL_DLL OGRGeometryUniquePtrDeleter { void operator()(OGRGeometry*) const; }; //! @endcond /** Unique pointer type for OGRGeometry. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ typedef std::unique_ptr<OGRGeometry, OGRGeometryUniquePtrDeleter> OGRGeometryUniquePtr; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRPoint */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Point class. * * Implements SFCOM IPoint methods. */ class CPL_DLL OGRPoint : public OGRGeometry { double x; double y; double z; double m; public: OGRPoint(); OGRPoint( double x, double y ); OGRPoint( double x, double y, double z ); OGRPoint( double x, double y, double z, double m ); OGRPoint( const OGRPoint& other ); ~OGRPoint() override; OGRPoint& operator=( const OGRPoint& other ); // IWks Interface int WkbSize() const override; OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry virtual int getDimension() const override; virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual void empty() override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const override { return !(flags & OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT); } // IPoint /** Return x */ double getX() const { return x; } /** Return y */ double getY() const { return y; } /** Return z */ double getZ() const { return z; } /** Return m */ double getM() const { return m; } // Non standard virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ) override; /** Set x * @param xIn x */ void setX( double xIn ) { x = xIn; flags |= OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT; } /** Set y * @param yIn y */ void setY( double yIn ) { y = yIn; flags |= OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT; } /** Set z * @param zIn z */ void setZ( double zIn ) { z = zIn; flags |= (OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT | OGR_G_3D); } /** Set m * @param mIn m */ void setM( double mIn ) { m = mIn; flags |= (OGR_G_NOT_EMPTY_POINT | OGR_G_MEASURED); } // ISpatialRelation virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean Intersects( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean Within( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; // Non standard from OGRGeometry virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) override; virtual void flattenTo2D() override; virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void swapXY() override; }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRPointIterator */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Interface for a point iterator. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRPointIterator { public: virtual ~OGRPointIterator(); virtual OGRBoolean getNextPoint( OGRPoint* p ) = 0; static void destroy( OGRPointIterator* ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRCurve */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Abstract curve base class for OGRLineString, OGRCircularString and * OGRCompoundCurve */ class CPL_DLL OGRCurve : public OGRGeometry { protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress OGRCurve(); OGRCurve( const OGRCurve& other ); virtual OGRCurveCasterToLineString GetCasterToLineString() const = 0; virtual OGRCurveCasterToLinearRing GetCasterToLinearRing() const = 0; friend class OGRCurvePolygon; friend class OGRCompoundCurve; //! @endcond virtual int ContainsPoint( const OGRPoint* p ) const; virtual int IntersectsPoint( const OGRPoint* p ) const; virtual double get_AreaOfCurveSegments() const = 0; private: class CPL_DLL ConstIterator { struct Private; std::unique_ptr<Private> m_poPrivate; public: ConstIterator(const OGRCurve* poSelf, bool bStart); ConstIterator(ConstIterator&& oOther) noexcept; // declared but not defined. Needed for gcc 5.4 at least ~ConstIterator(); const OGRPoint& operator*() const; ConstIterator& operator++(); bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& it) const; }; friend inline ConstIterator begin(const OGRCurve*); friend inline ConstIterator end(const OGRCurve*); public: ~OGRCurve() override; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress OGRCurve& operator=( const OGRCurve& other ); //! @endcond /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRPoint ChildType; /** Return begin of a point iterator. * * Using this iterator for standard range-based loops is safe, but * due to implementation limitations, you shouldn't try to access * (dereference) more than one iterator step at a time, since you will get * a reference to the same OGRPoint& object. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ConstIterator begin() const; /** Return end of a point iterator. */ ConstIterator end() const; // ICurve methods virtual double get_Length() const = 0; virtual void StartPoint( OGRPoint * ) const = 0; virtual void EndPoint( OGRPoint * ) const = 0; virtual int get_IsClosed() const; virtual void Value( double, OGRPoint * ) const = 0; virtual OGRLineString* CurveToLine( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr) const = 0; virtual int getDimension() const override; // non standard virtual int getNumPoints() const = 0; virtual OGRPointIterator* getPointIterator() const = 0; virtual OGRBoolean IsConvex() const; virtual double get_Area() const = 0; /** Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString or wkbCircularString. */ inline OGRSimpleCurve* toSimpleCurve() { return cpl::down_cast<OGRSimpleCurve*>(this); } /** Down-cast to OGRSimpleCurve*. * Implies prior checking that wkbFlatten(getGeometryType()) == wkbLineString or wkbCircularString. */ inline const OGRSimpleCurve* toSimpleCurve() const { return cpl::down_cast<const OGRSimpleCurve*>(this); } static OGRCompoundCurve* CastToCompoundCurve( OGRCurve* puCurve ); static OGRLineString* CastToLineString( OGRCurve* poCurve ); static OGRLinearRing* CastToLinearRing( OGRCurve* poCurve ); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRCurve::begin() const */ inline OGRCurve::ConstIterator begin(const OGRCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->begin(); } /** @see OGRCurve::end() const */ inline OGRCurve::ConstIterator end(const OGRCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRSimpleCurve */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Abstract curve base class for OGRLineString and OGRCircularString * * Note: this class does not exist in SQL/MM standard and exists for * implementation convenience. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRSimpleCurve: public OGRCurve { protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress friend class OGRGeometry; int nPointCount; OGRRawPoint *paoPoints; double *padfZ; double *padfM; void Make3D(); void Make2D(); void RemoveM(); void AddM(); OGRErr importFromWKTListOnly( const char ** ppszInput, int bHasZ, int bHasM, OGRRawPoint*& paoPointsIn, int& nMaxPoints, double*& padfZIn ); //! @endcond virtual double get_LinearArea() const; OGRSimpleCurve(); OGRSimpleCurve( const OGRSimpleCurve& other ); private: class CPL_DLL Iterator { struct Private; std::unique_ptr<Private> m_poPrivate; void update(); public: Iterator(OGRSimpleCurve* poSelf, int nPos); Iterator(Iterator&& oOther) noexcept; // declared but not defined. Needed for gcc 5.4 at least ~Iterator(); OGRPoint& operator*(); Iterator& operator++(); bool operator!=(const Iterator& it) const; }; friend inline Iterator begin(OGRSimpleCurve*); friend inline Iterator end(OGRSimpleCurve*); class CPL_DLL ConstIterator { struct Private; std::unique_ptr<Private> m_poPrivate; public: ConstIterator(const OGRSimpleCurve* poSelf, int nPos); ConstIterator(ConstIterator&& oOther) noexcept; // declared but not defined. Needed for gcc 5.4 at least ~ConstIterator(); const OGRPoint& operator*() const; ConstIterator& operator++(); bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& it) const; }; friend inline ConstIterator begin(const OGRSimpleCurve*); friend inline ConstIterator end(const OGRSimpleCurve*); public: ~OGRSimpleCurve() override; OGRSimpleCurve& operator=( const OGRSimpleCurve& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRPoint ChildType; /** Return begin of point iterator. * * Using this iterator for standard range-based loops is safe, but * due to implementation limitations, you shouldn't try to access * (dereference) more than one iterator step at a time, since you will get * a reference to the same OGRPoint& object. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ Iterator begin(); /** Return end of point iterator. */ Iterator end(); /** Return begin of point iterator. * * Using this iterator for standard range-based loops is safe, but * due to implementation limitations, you shouldn't try to access * (dereference) more than one iterator step at a time, since you will get * a reference to the same OGRPoint& object. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ConstIterator begin() const; /** Return end of point iterator. */ ConstIterator end() const; // IWks Interface. virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry interface. virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual void empty() override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const override; // ICurve methods. virtual double get_Length() const override; virtual void StartPoint( OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual void EndPoint( OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual void Value( double, OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual double Project( const OGRPoint * ) const; virtual OGRLineString* getSubLine( double, double, int ) const; // ILineString methods. virtual int getNumPoints() const override { return nPointCount; } void getPoint( int, OGRPoint * ) const; double getX( int i ) const { return paoPoints[i].x; } double getY( int i ) const { return paoPoints[i].y; } double getZ( int i ) const; double getM( int i ) const; // ISpatialRelation virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; // non standard. virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ) override; virtual void set3D( OGRBoolean bIs3D ) override; virtual void setMeasured( OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ) override; void setNumPoints( int nNewPointCount, int bZeroizeNewContent = TRUE ); void setPoint( int, OGRPoint * ); void setPoint( int, double, double ); void setZ( int, double ); void setM( int, double ); void setPoint( int, double, double, double ); void setPointM( int, double, double, double ); void setPoint( int, double, double, double, double ); void setPoints( int, const OGRRawPoint *, const double * = nullptr ); void setPointsM( int, const OGRRawPoint *, const double * ); void setPoints( int, const OGRRawPoint *, const double *, const double * ); void setPoints( int, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double *padfZIn = nullptr ); void setPointsM( int, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double *padfMIn = nullptr ); void setPoints( int, const double * padfX, const double * padfY, const double *padfZIn, const double *padfMIn ); void addPoint( const OGRPoint * ); void addPoint( double, double ); void addPoint( double, double, double ); void addPointM( double, double, double ); void addPoint( double, double, double, double ); void getPoints( OGRRawPoint *, double * = nullptr ) const; void getPoints( void* pabyX, int nXStride, void* pabyY, int nYStride, void* pabyZ = nullptr, int nZStride = 0 ) const; void getPoints( void* pabyX, int nXStride, void* pabyY, int nYStride, void* pabyZ, int nZStride, void* pabyM, int nMStride ) const; void addSubLineString( const OGRLineString *, int nStartVertex = 0, int nEndVertex = -1 ); void reversePoints( void ); virtual OGRPointIterator* getPointIterator() const override; // non-standard from OGRGeometry virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) override; virtual void flattenTo2D() override; virtual void segmentize(double dfMaxLength) override; virtual void swapXY() override; }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRSimpleCurve::begin() */ inline OGRSimpleCurve::Iterator begin(OGRSimpleCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->begin(); } /** @see OGRSimpleCurve::end() */ inline OGRSimpleCurve::Iterator end(OGRSimpleCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->end(); } /** @see OGRSimpleCurve::begin() const */ inline OGRSimpleCurve::ConstIterator begin(const OGRSimpleCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->begin(); } /** @see OGRSimpleCurve::end() const */ inline OGRSimpleCurve::ConstIterator end(const OGRSimpleCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRLineString */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Concrete representation of a multi-vertex line. * * Note: for implementation convenience, we make it inherit from OGRSimpleCurve * whereas SFSQL and SQL/MM only make it inherits from OGRCurve. */ class CPL_DLL OGRLineString : public OGRSimpleCurve { // cppcheck-suppress unusedPrivateFunction static OGRLinearRing* CasterToLinearRing(OGRCurve* poCurve); protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static OGRLineString* TransferMembersAndDestroy( OGRLineString* poSrc, OGRLineString* poDst); virtual OGRCurveCasterToLineString GetCasterToLineString() const override; virtual OGRCurveCasterToLinearRing GetCasterToLinearRing() const override; virtual double get_AreaOfCurveSegments() const override; //! @endcond static OGRLinearRing* CastToLinearRing( OGRLineString* poLS ); public: OGRLineString(); OGRLineString( const OGRLineString& other ); ~OGRLineString() override; OGRLineString& operator=(const OGRLineString& other); virtual OGRLineString* CurveToLine( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getCurveGeometry( const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; virtual double get_Area() const override; // Non-standard from OGRGeometry. virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRSimpleCurve* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRSimpleCurve* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRLinearRing */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Concrete representation of a closed ring. * * This class is functionally equivalent to an OGRLineString, but has a * separate identity to maintain alignment with the OpenGIS simple feature * data model. It exists to serve as a component of an OGRPolygon. * * The OGRLinearRing has no corresponding free standing well known binary * representation, so importFromWkb() and exportToWkb() will not actually * work. There is a non-standard GDAL WKT representation though. * * Because OGRLinearRing is not a "proper" free standing simple features * object, it cannot be directly used on a feature via SetGeometry(), and * cannot generally be used with GEOS for operations like Intersects(). * Instead the polygon should be used, or the OGRLinearRing should be * converted to an OGRLineString for such operations. * * Note: this class exists in SFSQL 1.2, but not in ISO SQL/MM Part 3. */ class CPL_DLL OGRLinearRing : public OGRLineString { static OGRLineString* CasterToLineString( OGRCurve* poCurve ); protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress friend class OGRPolygon; friend class OGRTriangle; // These are not IWks compatible ... just a convenience for OGRPolygon. virtual int _WkbSize( int _flags ) const; virtual OGRErr _importFromWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, int _flags, const unsigned char *, int, int& nBytesConsumedOut ); virtual OGRErr _exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, int _flags, unsigned char * ) const; virtual OGRCurveCasterToLineString GetCasterToLineString() const override; virtual OGRCurveCasterToLinearRing GetCasterToLinearRing() const override; //! @endcond static OGRLineString* CastToLineString( OGRLinearRing* poLR ); public: OGRLinearRing(); OGRLinearRing( const OGRLinearRing& other ); explicit OGRLinearRing( OGRLinearRing * ); ~OGRLinearRing() override; OGRLinearRing& operator=( const OGRLinearRing& other ); // Non standard. virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual int isClockwise() const; virtual void reverseWindingOrder(); virtual void closeRings() override; OGRBoolean isPointInRing( const OGRPoint* pt, int bTestEnvelope = TRUE ) const; OGRBoolean isPointOnRingBoundary( const OGRPoint* pt, int bTestEnvelope = TRUE ) const; virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRLineString* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRLineString* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } // IWks Interface - Note this isn't really a first class object // for the purposes of WKB form. These methods always fail since this // object can't be serialized on its own. virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRCircularString */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Concrete representation of a circular string, that is to say a curve made * of one or several arc circles. * * Note: for implementation convenience, we make it inherit from OGRSimpleCurve * whereas SQL/MM only makes it inherits from OGRCurve. * * Compatibility: ISO SQL/MM Part 3. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRCircularString : public OGRSimpleCurve { private: void ExtendEnvelopeWithCircular( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const; OGRBoolean IsValidFast() const; int IsFullCircle( double& cx, double& cy, double& square_R ) const; protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress virtual OGRCurveCasterToLineString GetCasterToLineString() const override; virtual OGRCurveCasterToLinearRing GetCasterToLinearRing() const override; virtual int IntersectsPoint( const OGRPoint* p ) const override; virtual int ContainsPoint( const OGRPoint* p ) const override; virtual double get_AreaOfCurveSegments() const override; //! @endcond public: OGRCircularString(); OGRCircularString( const OGRCircularString& other ); ~OGRCircularString() override; OGRCircularString& operator=(const OGRCircularString& other); // IWks Interface. virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry interface. virtual OGRBoolean IsValid() const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; // ICurve methods. virtual double get_Length() const override; virtual OGRLineString* CurveToLine( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; virtual void Value( double, OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual double get_Area() const override; // Non-standard from OGRGeometry. virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual void segmentize( double dfMaxLength ) override; virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getLinearGeometry( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr) const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRSimpleCurve* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRSimpleCurve* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRCurveCollection */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Utility class to store a collection of curves. Used as a member of * OGRCompoundCurve and OGRCurvePolygon. * * This class is only exported because of linking issues. It should never * be directly used. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress class CPL_DLL OGRCurveCollection { protected: friend class OGRCompoundCurve; friend class OGRCurvePolygon; friend class OGRPolygon; friend class OGRTriangle; int nCurveCount = 0; OGRCurve **papoCurves = nullptr; public: OGRCurveCollection(); OGRCurveCollection(const OGRCurveCollection& other); ~OGRCurveCollection(); OGRCurveCollection& operator=(const OGRCurveCollection& other); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRCurve ChildType; /** Return begin of curve iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ OGRCurve** begin() { return papoCurves; } /** Return end of curve iterator. */ OGRCurve** end() { return papoCurves + nCurveCount; } /** Return begin of curve iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const OGRCurve* const* begin() const { return papoCurves; } /** Return end of curve iterator. */ const OGRCurve* const* end() const { return papoCurves + nCurveCount; } void empty(OGRGeometry* poGeom); OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const; void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const; void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const; OGRErr addCurveDirectly( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRCurve* poCurve, int bNeedRealloc ); int WkbSize() const; OGRErr importPreambleFromWkb( OGRGeometry* poGeom, const unsigned char * pabyData, int& nSize, int& nDataOffset, OGRwkbByteOrder& eByteOrder, int nMinSubGeomSize, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant ); OGRErr importBodyFromWkb( OGRGeometry* poGeom, const unsigned char * pabyData, int nSize, int bAcceptCompoundCurve, OGRErr (*pfnAddCurveDirectlyFromWkb)( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRCurve* poCurve ), OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ); OGRErr exportToWkt( const OGRGeometry* poGeom, char ** ppszDstText ) const; OGRErr exportToWkb( const OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant ) const; OGRBoolean Equals(const OGRCurveCollection *poOCC) const; void setCoordinateDimension( OGRGeometry* poGeom, int nNewDimension ); void set3D( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRBoolean bIs3D ); void setMeasured( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ); void assignSpatialReference( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRSpatialReference * poSR ); int getNumCurves() const; OGRCurve *getCurve( int ); const OGRCurve *getCurve( int ) const; OGRCurve *stealCurve( int ); OGRErr removeCurve( int iIndex, bool bDelete = true ); OGRErr transform( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ); void flattenTo2D( OGRGeometry* poGeom ); void segmentize( double dfMaxLength ); void swapXY(); OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry(int bLookForNonLinear) const; }; //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRCompoundCurve */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Concrete representation of a compound curve, made of curves: OGRLineString * and OGRCircularString. Each curve is connected by its first point to * the last point of the previous curve. * * Compatibility: ISO SQL/MM Part 3. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRCompoundCurve : public OGRCurve { private: OGRCurveCollection oCC{}; OGRErr addCurveDirectlyInternal( OGRCurve* poCurve, double dfToleranceEps, int bNeedRealloc ); static OGRErr addCurveDirectlyFromWkt( OGRGeometry* poSelf, OGRCurve* poCurve ); static OGRErr addCurveDirectlyFromWkb( OGRGeometry* poSelf, OGRCurve* poCurve ); OGRLineString* CurveToLineInternal( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees, const char* const* papszOptions, int bIsLinearRing ) const; // cppcheck-suppress unusedPrivateFunction static OGRLineString* CasterToLineString( OGRCurve* poCurve ); // cppcheck-suppress unusedPrivateFunction static OGRLinearRing* CasterToLinearRing( OGRCurve* poCurve ); protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static OGRLineString* CastToLineString( OGRCompoundCurve* poCC ); static OGRLinearRing* CastToLinearRing( OGRCompoundCurve* poCC ); virtual OGRCurveCasterToLineString GetCasterToLineString() const override; virtual OGRCurveCasterToLinearRing GetCasterToLinearRing() const override; //! @endcond public: OGRCompoundCurve(); OGRCompoundCurve( const OGRCompoundCurve& other ); ~OGRCompoundCurve() override; OGRCompoundCurve& operator=( const OGRCompoundCurve& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRCurve ChildType; /** Return begin of curve iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return oCC.begin(); } /** Return end of curve iterator. */ ChildType** end() { return oCC.end(); } /** Return begin of curve iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const * begin() const { return oCC.begin(); } /** Return end of curve iterator. */ const ChildType* const * end() const { return oCC.end(); } // IWks Interface virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry interface. virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual void empty() override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const override; // ICurve methods. virtual double get_Length() const override; virtual void StartPoint( OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual void EndPoint( OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual void Value( double, OGRPoint * ) const override; virtual OGRLineString* CurveToLine( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; virtual int getNumPoints() const override; virtual double get_AreaOfCurveSegments() const override; virtual double get_Area() const override; // ISpatialRelation. virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; // ICompoundCurve method. int getNumCurves() const; OGRCurve *getCurve( int ); const OGRCurve *getCurve( int ) const; // Non-standard. virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ) override; virtual void set3D( OGRBoolean bIs3D ) override; virtual void setMeasured( OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ) override; virtual void assignSpatialReference( OGRSpatialReference * poSR ) override; OGRErr addCurve( OGRCurve*, double dfToleranceEps = 1e-14 ); OGRErr addCurveDirectly( OGRCurve*, double dfToleranceEps = 1e-14 ); OGRCurve *stealCurve( int ); virtual OGRPointIterator* getPointIterator() const override; // Non-standard from OGRGeometry. virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) override; virtual void flattenTo2D() override; virtual void segmentize(double dfMaxLength) override; virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry(int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getLinearGeometry( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr) const override; virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void swapXY() override; }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRCompoundCurve::begin() const */ inline const OGRCompoundCurve::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRCompoundCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->begin(); } /** @see OGRCompoundCurve::end() const */ inline const OGRCompoundCurve::ChildType* const * end(const OGRCompoundCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->end(); } /** @see OGRCompoundCurve::begin() */ inline OGRCompoundCurve::ChildType** begin(OGRCompoundCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->begin(); } /** @see OGRCompoundCurve::end() */ inline OGRCompoundCurve::ChildType** end(OGRCompoundCurve* poCurve) { return poCurve->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRSurface */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Abstract base class for 2 dimensional objects like polygons or curve * polygons. */ class CPL_DLL OGRSurface : public OGRGeometry { protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon GetCasterToPolygon() const = 0; virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToCurvePolygon GetCasterToCurvePolygon() const = 0; //! @endcond public: virtual double get_Area() const = 0; virtual OGRErr PointOnSurface( OGRPoint * poPoint ) const { return PointOnSurfaceInternal(poPoint); } //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static OGRPolygon* CastToPolygon(OGRSurface* poSurface); static OGRCurvePolygon* CastToCurvePolygon(OGRSurface* poSurface); //! @endcond }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRCurvePolygon */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Concrete class representing curve polygons. * * Note that curve polygons consist of one outer (curve) ring, and zero or * more inner rings. A curve polygon cannot represent disconnected * regions (such as multiple islands in a political body). The * OGRMultiSurface must be used for this. * * Compatibility: ISO SQL/MM Part 3. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRCurvePolygon : public OGRSurface { static OGRPolygon* CasterToPolygon(OGRSurface* poSurface); private: OGRBoolean IntersectsPoint( const OGRPoint* p ) const; OGRBoolean ContainsPoint( const OGRPoint* p ) const; virtual int checkRing( OGRCurve * poNewRing ) const; OGRErr addRingDirectlyInternal( OGRCurve* poCurve, int bNeedRealloc ); static OGRErr addCurveDirectlyFromWkt( OGRGeometry* poSelf, OGRCurve* poCurve ); static OGRErr addCurveDirectlyFromWkb( OGRGeometry* poSelf, OGRCurve* poCurve ); protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress friend class OGRPolygon; friend class OGRTriangle; OGRCurveCollection oCC{}; virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon GetCasterToPolygon() const override; virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToCurvePolygon GetCasterToCurvePolygon() const override; //! @endcond static OGRPolygon* CastToPolygon( OGRCurvePolygon* poCP ); public: OGRCurvePolygon(); OGRCurvePolygon( const OGRCurvePolygon& ); ~OGRCurvePolygon() override; OGRCurvePolygon& operator=( const OGRCurvePolygon& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRCurve ChildType; /** Return begin of curve iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return oCC.begin(); } /** Return end of curve iterator. */ ChildType** end() { return oCC.end(); } /** Return begin of curve iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const * begin() const { return oCC.begin(); } /** Return end of curve iterator. */ const ChildType* const * end() const { return oCC.end(); } // Non standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual void empty() override; virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) override; virtual void flattenTo2D() override; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const override; virtual void segmentize( double dfMaxLength ) override; virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getLinearGeometry( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; // ISurface Interface virtual double get_Area() const override; // IWks Interface virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant = wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry virtual int getDimension() const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; // ICurvePolygon virtual OGRPolygon* CurvePolyToPoly( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const; // ISpatialRelation virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean Intersects( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; virtual OGRBoolean Contains( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; // Non standard virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ) override; virtual void set3D( OGRBoolean bIs3D ) override; virtual void setMeasured( OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ) override; virtual void assignSpatialReference( OGRSpatialReference * poSR ) override; virtual OGRErr addRing( OGRCurve * ); virtual OGRErr addRingDirectly( OGRCurve * ); OGRCurve *getExteriorRingCurve(); const OGRCurve *getExteriorRingCurve() const; int getNumInteriorRings() const; OGRCurve *getInteriorRingCurve( int ); const OGRCurve *getInteriorRingCurve( int ) const; OGRCurve *stealExteriorRingCurve(); OGRErr removeRing( int iIndex, bool bDelete = true ); virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void swapXY() override; }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRCurvePolygon::begin() const */ inline const OGRCurvePolygon::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRCurvePolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRCurvePolygon::end() const */ inline const OGRCurvePolygon::ChildType* const * end(const OGRCurvePolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRCurvePolygon::begin() */ inline OGRCurvePolygon::ChildType** begin(OGRCurvePolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRCurvePolygon::end() */ inline OGRCurvePolygon::ChildType** end(OGRCurvePolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRPolygon */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Concrete class representing polygons. * * Note that the OpenGIS simple features polygons consist of one outer ring * (linearring), and zero or more inner rings. A polygon cannot represent * disconnected regions (such as multiple islands in a political body). The * OGRMultiPolygon must be used for this. */ class CPL_DLL OGRPolygon : public OGRCurvePolygon { static OGRCurvePolygon* CasterToCurvePolygon(OGRSurface* poSurface); protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress friend class OGRMultiSurface; friend class OGRPolyhedralSurface; friend class OGRTriangulatedSurface; virtual int checkRing( OGRCurve * poNewRing ) const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWKTListOnly( const char ** ppszInput, int bHasZ, int bHasM, OGRRawPoint*& paoPoints, int& nMaxPoints, double*& padfZ ); static OGRCurvePolygon* CastToCurvePolygon(OGRPolygon* poPoly); virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon GetCasterToPolygon() const override; virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToCurvePolygon GetCasterToCurvePolygon() const override; //! @endcond public: OGRPolygon(); OGRPolygon(const OGRPolygon& other); ~OGRPolygon() override; OGRPolygon& operator=(const OGRPolygon& other); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRLinearRing ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(oCC.begin()); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(oCC.end()); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(oCC.begin()); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(oCC.end()); } // Non-standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getCurveGeometry( const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getLinearGeometry( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr) const override; // IWks Interface. virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // ICurvePolygon. virtual OGRPolygon* CurvePolyToPoly( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; OGRLinearRing *getExteriorRing(); const OGRLinearRing *getExteriorRing() const; virtual OGRLinearRing *getInteriorRing( int ); virtual const OGRLinearRing *getInteriorRing( int ) const; OGRLinearRing *stealExteriorRing(); virtual OGRLinearRing *stealInteriorRing(int); OGRBoolean IsPointOnSurface( const OGRPoint * ) const; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRCurvePolygon* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRCurvePolygon* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void closeRings() override; }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRPolygon::begin() const */ inline const OGRPolygon::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRPolygon::end() const */ inline const OGRPolygon::ChildType* const * end(const OGRPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRPolygon::begin() */ inline OGRPolygon::ChildType** begin(OGRPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRPolygon::end() */ inline OGRPolygon::ChildType** end(OGRPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRTriangle */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Triangle class. * * @since GDAL 2.2 */ class CPL_DLL OGRTriangle : public OGRPolygon { private: // cppcheck-suppress unusedPrivateFunction static OGRPolygon* CasterToPolygon(OGRSurface* poSurface); bool quickValidityCheck() const; protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon GetCasterToPolygon() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWKTListOnly( const char ** ppszInput, int bHasZ, int bHasM, OGRRawPoint*& paoPoints, int& nMaxPoints, double*& padfZ ) override; //! @endcond public: OGRTriangle(); OGRTriangle( const OGRPoint &p, const OGRPoint &q, const OGRPoint &r ); OGRTriangle( const OGRTriangle &other ); OGRTriangle( const OGRPolygon &other, OGRErr &eErr ); OGRTriangle& operator=( const OGRTriangle& other ); ~OGRTriangle() override; virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; // IWks Interface. virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; // New methods rewritten from OGRPolygon/OGRCurvePolygon/OGRGeometry. virtual OGRErr addRingDirectly( OGRCurve * poNewRing ) override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRPolygon* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRPolygon* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static OGRGeometry* CastToPolygon( OGRGeometry* poGeom ); //! @endcond }; /************************************************************************/ /* OGRGeometryCollection */ /************************************************************************/ /** * A collection of 1 or more geometry objects. * * All geometries must share a common spatial reference system, and * Subclasses may impose additional restrictions on the contents. */ class CPL_DLL OGRGeometryCollection : public OGRGeometry { OGRErr importFromWkbInternal( const unsigned char * pabyData, int nSize, int nRecLevel, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ); OGRErr importFromWktInternal( const char **ppszInput, int nRecLevel ); protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress int nGeomCount = 0; OGRGeometry **papoGeoms = nullptr; OGRErr exportToWktInternal( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant, const char* pszSkipPrefix ) const; static OGRGeometryCollection* TransferMembersAndDestroy( OGRGeometryCollection* poSrc, OGRGeometryCollection* poDst ); //! @endcond virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const; public: OGRGeometryCollection(); OGRGeometryCollection( const OGRGeometryCollection& other ); ~OGRGeometryCollection() override; OGRGeometryCollection& operator=( const OGRGeometryCollection& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRGeometry ChildType; /** Return begin of sub-geometry iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return papoGeoms; } /** Return end of sub-geometry iterator. */ ChildType** end() { return papoGeoms + nGeomCount; } /** Return begin of sub-geometry iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return papoGeoms; } /** Return end of sub-geometry iterator. */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return papoGeoms + nGeomCount; } // Non standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual void empty() override; virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT ) override; virtual void flattenTo2D() override; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const override; virtual void segmentize(double dfMaxLength) override; virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getCurveGeometry( const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; virtual OGRGeometry* getLinearGeometry( double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees = 0, const char* const* papszOptions = nullptr ) const override; // IWks Interface virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; virtual double get_Length() const; virtual double get_Area() const; // IGeometry methods virtual int getDimension() const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; // IGeometryCollection int getNumGeometries() const; OGRGeometry *getGeometryRef( int ); const OGRGeometry *getGeometryRef( int ) const; // ISpatialRelation virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry * ) const override; // Non standard virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ) override; virtual void set3D( OGRBoolean bIs3D ) override; virtual void setMeasured( OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ) override; virtual OGRErr addGeometry( const OGRGeometry * ); virtual OGRErr addGeometryDirectly( OGRGeometry * ); virtual OGRErr removeGeometry( int iIndex, int bDelete = TRUE ); virtual void assignSpatialReference( OGRSpatialReference * poSR ) override; void closeRings() override; virtual void swapXY() override; virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } static OGRGeometryCollection* CastToGeometryCollection( OGRGeometryCollection* poSrc ); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRGeometryCollection::begin() const */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRGeometryCollection* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRGeometryCollection::end() const */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection::ChildType* const * end(const OGRGeometryCollection* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRGeometryCollection::begin() */ inline OGRGeometryCollection::ChildType** begin(OGRGeometryCollection* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRGeometryCollection::end() */ inline OGRGeometryCollection::ChildType** end(OGRGeometryCollection* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRMultiSurface */ /************************************************************************/ /** * A collection of non-overlapping OGRSurface. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRMultiSurface : public OGRGeometryCollection { protected: virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const override; public: OGRMultiSurface(); OGRMultiSurface( const OGRMultiSurface& other ); ~OGRMultiSurface() override; OGRMultiSurface& operator=( const OGRMultiSurface& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRSurface ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } // Non standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char **, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IMultiSurface methods virtual OGRErr PointOnSurface( OGRPoint * poPoint ) const; // IGeometry methods virtual int getDimension() const override; // Non standard virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } static OGRMultiPolygon* CastToMultiPolygon( OGRMultiSurface* poMS ); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRMultiSurface::begin() const */ inline const OGRMultiSurface::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRMultiSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiSurface::end() const */ inline const OGRMultiSurface::ChildType* const * end(const OGRMultiSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRMultiSurface::begin() */ inline OGRMultiSurface::ChildType** begin(OGRMultiSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiSurface::end() */ inline OGRMultiSurface::ChildType** end(OGRMultiSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRMultiPolygon */ /************************************************************************/ /** * A collection of non-overlapping OGRPolygon. */ class CPL_DLL OGRMultiPolygon : public OGRMultiSurface { protected: virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const override; friend class OGRPolyhedralSurface; friend class OGRTriangulatedSurface; private: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress OGRErr _addGeometryWithExpectedSubGeometryType( const OGRGeometry * poNewGeom, OGRwkbGeometryType eSubGeometryType ); OGRErr _addGeometryDirectlyWithExpectedSubGeometryType( OGRGeometry * poNewGeom, OGRwkbGeometryType eSubGeometryType ); //! @endcond public: OGRMultiPolygon(); OGRMultiPolygon( const OGRMultiPolygon& other ); ~OGRMultiPolygon() override; OGRMultiPolygon& operator=(const OGRMultiPolygon& other); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRPolygon ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } // Non-standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char **, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // Non standard virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } static OGRMultiSurface* CastToMultiSurface( OGRMultiPolygon* poMP ); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRMultiPolygon::begin() const */ inline const OGRMultiPolygon::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRMultiPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiPolygon::end() const */ inline const OGRMultiPolygon::ChildType* const * end(const OGRMultiPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRMultiPolygon::begin() */ inline OGRMultiPolygon::ChildType** begin(OGRMultiPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiPolygon::end() */ inline OGRMultiPolygon::ChildType** end(OGRMultiPolygon* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRPolyhedralSurface */ /************************************************************************/ /** * PolyhedralSurface class. * * @since GDAL 2.2 */ class CPL_DLL OGRPolyhedralSurface : public OGRSurface { protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress friend class OGRTriangulatedSurface; OGRMultiPolygon oMP{}; virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToPolygon GetCasterToPolygon() const override; virtual OGRSurfaceCasterToCurvePolygon GetCasterToCurvePolygon() const override; virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const; virtual const char* getSubGeometryName() const; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getSubGeometryType() const; OGRErr exportToWktInternal (char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant eWkbVariant, const char* pszSkipPrefix ) const; virtual OGRPolyhedralSurfaceCastToMultiPolygon GetCasterToMultiPolygon() const; static OGRMultiPolygon* CastToMultiPolygonImpl(OGRPolyhedralSurface* poPS); //! @endcond public: OGRPolyhedralSurface(); OGRPolyhedralSurface( const OGRPolyhedralSurface &poGeom ); ~OGRPolyhedralSurface() override; OGRPolyhedralSurface& operator=(const OGRPolyhedralSurface& other); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRPolygon ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return oMP.begin(); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return oMP.end(); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return oMP.begin(); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return oMP.end(); } // IWks Interface. virtual int WkbSize() const override; virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRErr importFromWkb( const unsigned char *, int, OGRwkbVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkb( OGRwkbByteOrder, unsigned char *, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char ** ppszDstText, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry methods. virtual int getDimension() const override; virtual void empty() override; virtual OGRGeometry *clone() const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void getEnvelope( OGREnvelope3D * psEnvelope ) const override; virtual void flattenTo2D() override; virtual OGRErr transform( OGRCoordinateTransformation* ) override; virtual OGRBoolean Equals( const OGRGeometry* ) const override; virtual double get_Area() const override; virtual OGRErr PointOnSurface( OGRPoint* ) const override; static OGRMultiPolygon* CastToMultiPolygon( OGRPolyhedralSurface* poPS ); virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; virtual OGRErr addGeometry( const OGRGeometry * ); OGRErr addGeometryDirectly( OGRGeometry *poNewGeom ); int getNumGeometries() const; OGRGeometry* getGeometryRef(int i); const OGRGeometry* getGeometryRef(int i) const; virtual OGRBoolean IsEmpty() const override; virtual void setCoordinateDimension( int nDimension ) override; virtual void set3D( OGRBoolean bIs3D ) override; virtual void setMeasured( OGRBoolean bIsMeasured ) override; virtual void swapXY() override; OGRErr removeGeometry( int iIndex, int bDelete = TRUE ); virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void assignSpatialReference( OGRSpatialReference * poSR ) override; }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRPolyhedralSurface::begin() const */ inline const OGRPolyhedralSurface::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRPolyhedralSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRPolyhedralSurface::end() const */ inline const OGRPolyhedralSurface::ChildType* const * end(const OGRPolyhedralSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRPolyhedralSurface::begin() */ inline OGRPolyhedralSurface::ChildType** begin(OGRPolyhedralSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRPolyhedralSurface::end() */ inline OGRPolyhedralSurface::ChildType** end(OGRPolyhedralSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRTriangulatedSurface */ /************************************************************************/ /** * TriangulatedSurface class. * * @since GDAL 2.2 */ class CPL_DLL OGRTriangulatedSurface : public OGRPolyhedralSurface { protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const override; virtual const char* getSubGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getSubGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRPolyhedralSurfaceCastToMultiPolygon GetCasterToMultiPolygon() const override; static OGRMultiPolygon * CastToMultiPolygonImpl( OGRPolyhedralSurface* poPS ); //! @endcond public: OGRTriangulatedSurface(); OGRTriangulatedSurface( const OGRTriangulatedSurface &other ); ~OGRTriangulatedSurface(); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRTriangle ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(oMP.begin()); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(oMP.end()); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(oMP.begin()); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(oMP.end()); } OGRTriangulatedSurface& operator=( const OGRTriangulatedSurface& other ); virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; // IWks Interface. virtual OGRErr addGeometry( const OGRGeometry * ) override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRPolyhedralSurface* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRPolyhedralSurface* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } static OGRPolyhedralSurface * CastToPolyhedralSurface( OGRTriangulatedSurface* poTS ); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRTriangulatedSurface::begin() const */ inline const OGRTriangulatedSurface::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRTriangulatedSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRTriangulatedSurface::end() const */ inline const OGRTriangulatedSurface::ChildType* const * end(const OGRTriangulatedSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRTriangulatedSurface::begin() */ inline OGRTriangulatedSurface::ChildType** begin(OGRTriangulatedSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRTriangulatedSurface::end() */ inline OGRTriangulatedSurface::ChildType** end(OGRTriangulatedSurface* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRMultiPoint */ /************************************************************************/ /** * A collection of OGRPoint. */ class CPL_DLL OGRMultiPoint : public OGRGeometryCollection { private: OGRErr importFromWkt_Bracketed( const char **, int bHasM, int bHasZ ); protected: virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const override; public: OGRMultiPoint(); OGRMultiPoint(const OGRMultiPoint& other); ~OGRMultiPoint() override; OGRMultiPoint& operator=(const OGRMultiPoint& other); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRPoint ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } // Non-standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char **, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry methods. virtual int getDimension() const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } // Non-standard. virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRMultiPoint::begin() const */ inline const OGRMultiPoint::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRMultiPoint* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiPoint::end() const */ inline const OGRMultiPoint::ChildType* const * end(const OGRMultiPoint* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRMultiPoint::begin() */ inline OGRMultiPoint::ChildType** begin(OGRMultiPoint* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiPoint::end() */ inline OGRMultiPoint::ChildType** end(OGRMultiPoint* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRMultiCurve */ /************************************************************************/ /** * A collection of OGRCurve. * * @since GDAL 2.0 */ class CPL_DLL OGRMultiCurve : public OGRGeometryCollection { protected: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress static OGRErr addCurveDirectlyFromWkt( OGRGeometry* poSelf, OGRCurve* poCurve ); //! @endcond virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const override; public: OGRMultiCurve(); OGRMultiCurve( const OGRMultiCurve& other ); ~OGRMultiCurve() override; OGRMultiCurve& operator=( const OGRMultiCurve& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRCurve ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } // Non standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; using OGRGeometry::importFromWkt; /** deprecated */ OGRErr importFromWkt( const char ** ) override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char **, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // IGeometry methods. virtual int getDimension() const override; // Non-standard. virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } static OGRMultiLineString* CastToMultiLineString(OGRMultiCurve* poMC); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRMultiCurve::begin() const */ inline const OGRMultiCurve::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRMultiCurve* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiCurve::end() const */ inline const OGRMultiCurve::ChildType* const * end(const OGRMultiCurve* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRMultiCurve::begin() */ inline OGRMultiCurve::ChildType** begin(OGRMultiCurve* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiCurve::end() */ inline OGRMultiCurve::ChildType** end(OGRMultiCurve* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRMultiLineString */ /************************************************************************/ /** * A collection of OGRLineString. */ class CPL_DLL OGRMultiLineString : public OGRMultiCurve { protected: virtual OGRBoolean isCompatibleSubType( OGRwkbGeometryType ) const override; public: OGRMultiLineString(); OGRMultiLineString( const OGRMultiLineString& other ); ~OGRMultiLineString() override; OGRMultiLineString& operator=( const OGRMultiLineString& other ); /** Type of child elements. */ typedef OGRLineString ChildType; /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ ChildType** begin() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ ChildType** end() { return reinterpret_cast<ChildType**>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } /** Return begin of iterator. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ const ChildType* const* begin() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms); } /** Return end of iterator */ const ChildType* const* end() const { return reinterpret_cast<const ChildType* const*>(papoGeoms + nGeomCount); } // Non standard (OGRGeometry). virtual const char *getGeometryName() const override; virtual OGRwkbGeometryType getGeometryType() const override; virtual OGRErr exportToWkt( char **, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ) const override; // Non standard virtual OGRBoolean hasCurveGeometry( int bLookForNonLinear = FALSE ) const override; /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() { return this; } /** Return pointer of this in upper class */ inline const OGRGeometryCollection* toUpperClass() const { return this; } virtual void accept(IOGRGeometryVisitor* visitor) override { visitor->visit(this); } virtual void accept(IOGRConstGeometryVisitor* visitor) const override { visitor->visit(this); } static OGRMultiCurve* CastToMultiCurve( OGRMultiLineString* poMLS ); }; //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress /** @see OGRMultiLineString::begin() const */ inline const OGRMultiLineString::ChildType* const * begin(const OGRMultiLineString* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiLineString::end() const */ inline const OGRMultiLineString::ChildType* const * end(const OGRMultiLineString* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } /** @see OGRMultiLineString::begin() */ inline OGRMultiLineString::ChildType** begin(OGRMultiLineString* poGeom) { return poGeom->begin(); } /** @see OGRMultiLineString::end() */ inline OGRMultiLineString::ChildType** end(OGRMultiLineString* poGeom) { return poGeom->end(); } //! @endcond /************************************************************************/ /* OGRGeometryFactory */ /************************************************************************/ /** * Create geometry objects from well known text/binary. */ class CPL_DLL OGRGeometryFactory { static OGRErr createFromFgfInternal( const unsigned char *pabyData, OGRSpatialReference * poSR, OGRGeometry **ppoReturn, int nBytes, int *pnBytesConsumed, int nRecLevel ); public: static OGRErr createFromWkb( const void *, OGRSpatialReference *, OGRGeometry **, int = -1, OGRwkbVariant=wkbVariantOldOgc ); static OGRErr createFromWkb( const void * pabyData, OGRSpatialReference *, OGRGeometry **, int nSize, OGRwkbVariant eVariant, int& nBytesConsumedOut ); static OGRErr createFromWkt( const char* , OGRSpatialReference *, OGRGeometry ** ); static OGRErr createFromWkt( const char **, OGRSpatialReference *, OGRGeometry ** ); /** Deprecated. * @deprecated in GDAL 2.3 */ static OGRErr createFromWkt( char ** ppszInput, OGRSpatialReference * poSRS, OGRGeometry ** ppoGeom ) CPL_WARN_DEPRECATED("Use createFromWkt(const char**, ...) instead") { return createFromWkt( const_cast<const char**>(ppszInput), poSRS, ppoGeom); } static OGRErr createFromFgf( const void*, OGRSpatialReference *, OGRGeometry **, int = -1, int * = nullptr ); static OGRGeometry *createFromGML( const char * ); static OGRGeometry *createFromGEOS( GEOSContextHandle_t hGEOSCtxt, GEOSGeom ); static OGRGeometry *createFromGeoJson( const char *); static OGRGeometry *createFromGeoJson( const CPLJSONObject &oJSONObject ); static void destroyGeometry( OGRGeometry * ); static OGRGeometry *createGeometry( OGRwkbGeometryType ); static OGRGeometry * forceToPolygon( OGRGeometry * ); static OGRGeometry * forceToLineString( OGRGeometry *, bool bOnlyInOrder = true ); static OGRGeometry * forceToMultiPolygon( OGRGeometry * ); static OGRGeometry * forceToMultiPoint( OGRGeometry * ); static OGRGeometry * forceToMultiLineString( OGRGeometry * ); static OGRGeometry * forceTo( OGRGeometry* poGeom, OGRwkbGeometryType eTargetType, const char*const* papszOptions = nullptr ); static OGRGeometry * organizePolygons( OGRGeometry **papoPolygons, int nPolygonCount, int *pbResultValidGeometry, const char **papszOptions = nullptr); static bool haveGEOS(); /** Opaque class used as argument to transformWithOptions() */ class CPL_DLL TransformWithOptionsCache { friend class OGRGeometryFactory; struct Private; std::unique_ptr<Private> d; public: TransformWithOptionsCache(); ~TransformWithOptionsCache(); }; static OGRGeometry* transformWithOptions( const OGRGeometry* poSrcGeom, OGRCoordinateTransformation *poCT, char** papszOptions, const TransformWithOptionsCache& cache = TransformWithOptionsCache() ); static OGRGeometry* approximateArcAngles( double dfX, double dfY, double dfZ, double dfPrimaryRadius, double dfSecondaryAxis, double dfRotation, double dfStartAngle, double dfEndAngle, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees ); static int GetCurveParmeters( double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double& R, double& cx, double& cy, double& alpha0, double& alpha1, double& alpha2 ); static OGRLineString* curveToLineString( double x0, double y0, double z0, double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2, int bHasZ, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees, const char* const * papszOptions = nullptr ); static OGRCurve* curveFromLineString( const OGRLineString* poLS, const char* const * papszOptions = nullptr); }; OGRwkbGeometryType CPL_DLL OGRFromOGCGeomType( const char *pszGeomType ); const char CPL_DLL * OGRToOGCGeomType( OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomType ); /** Prepared geometry API (needs GEOS >= 3.1.0) */ typedef struct _OGRPreparedGeometry OGRPreparedGeometry; int OGRHasPreparedGeometrySupport(); OGRPreparedGeometry* OGRCreatePreparedGeometry( const OGRGeometry* poGeom ); void OGRDestroyPreparedGeometry( OGRPreparedGeometry* poPreparedGeom ); int OGRPreparedGeometryIntersects( const OGRPreparedGeometry* poPreparedGeom, const OGRGeometry* poOtherGeom ); int OGRPreparedGeometryContains( const OGRPreparedGeometry* poPreparedGeom, const OGRGeometry* poOtherGeom ); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress struct CPL_DLL OGRPreparedGeometryUniquePtrDeleter { void operator()(OGRPreparedGeometry*) const; }; //! @endcond /** Unique pointer type for OGRPreparedGeometry. * @since GDAL 2.3 */ typedef std::unique_ptr<OGRPreparedGeometry, OGRPreparedGeometryUniquePtrDeleter> OGRPreparedGeometryUniquePtr; #endif /* ndef OGR_GEOMETRY_H_INCLUDED */