Commit 1531b669 authored by xuebingbing's avatar xuebingbing


parent 0e6b18f0
"""The asyncio package, tracking PEP 3156."""
# flake8: noqa
import sys
# This relies on each of the submodules having an __all__ variable.
from .base_events import *
from .coroutines import *
from .events import *
from .futures import *
from .locks import *
from .protocols import *
from .runners import *
from .queues import *
from .streams import *
from .subprocess import *
from .tasks import *
from .transports import *
# Exposed for _asynciomodule.c to implement now deprecated
# Task.all_tasks() method. This function will be removed in 3.9.
from .tasks import _all_tasks_compat # NoQA
__all__ = (base_events.__all__ +
coroutines.__all__ +
events.__all__ +
futures.__all__ +
locks.__all__ +
protocols.__all__ +
runners.__all__ +
queues.__all__ +
streams.__all__ +
subprocess.__all__ +
tasks.__all__ +
if sys.platform == 'win32': # pragma: no cover
from .windows_events import *
__all__ += windows_events.__all__
from .unix_events import * # pragma: no cover
__all__ += unix_events.__all__
This diff is collapsed.
__all__ = ()
import concurrent.futures._base
import reprlib
from . import format_helpers
Error = concurrent.futures._base.Error
CancelledError = concurrent.futures.CancelledError
TimeoutError = concurrent.futures.TimeoutError
class InvalidStateError(Error):
"""The operation is not allowed in this state."""
# States for Future.
def isfuture(obj):
"""Check for a Future.
This returns True when obj is a Future instance or is advertising
itself as duck-type compatible by setting _asyncio_future_blocking.
See comment in Future for more details.
return (hasattr(obj.__class__, '_asyncio_future_blocking') and
obj._asyncio_future_blocking is not None)
def _format_callbacks(cb):
"""helper function for Future.__repr__"""
size = len(cb)
if not size:
cb = ''
def format_cb(callback):
return format_helpers._format_callback_source(callback, ())
if size == 1:
cb = format_cb(cb[0][0])
elif size == 2:
cb = '{}, {}'.format(format_cb(cb[0][0]), format_cb(cb[1][0]))
elif size > 2:
cb = '{}, <{} more>, {}'.format(format_cb(cb[0][0]),
size - 2,
return f'cb=[{cb}]'
def _future_repr_info(future):
# (Future) -> str
"""helper function for Future.__repr__"""
info = [future._state.lower()]
if future._state == _FINISHED:
if future._exception is not None:
# use reprlib to limit the length of the output, especially
# for very long strings
result = reprlib.repr(future._result)
if future._callbacks:
if future._source_traceback:
frame = future._source_traceback[-1]
info.append(f'created at {frame[0]}:{frame[1]}')
return info
import collections
import subprocess
import warnings
from . import protocols
from . import transports
from .log import logger
class BaseSubprocessTransport(transports.SubprocessTransport):
def __init__(self, loop, protocol, args, shell,
stdin, stdout, stderr, bufsize,
waiter=None, extra=None, **kwargs):
self._closed = False
self._protocol = protocol
self._loop = loop
self._proc = None
self._pid = None
self._returncode = None
self._exit_waiters = []
self._pending_calls = collections.deque()
self._pipes = {}
self._finished = False
if stdin == subprocess.PIPE:
self._pipes[0] = None
if stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
self._pipes[1] = None
if stderr == subprocess.PIPE:
self._pipes[2] = None
# Create the child process: set the _proc attribute
self._start(args=args, shell=shell, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
stderr=stderr, bufsize=bufsize, **kwargs)
self._pid =
self._extra['subprocess'] = self._proc
if self._loop.get_debug():
if isinstance(args, (bytes, str)):
program = args
program = args[0]
logger.debug('process %r created: pid %s',
program, self._pid)
def __repr__(self):
info = [self.__class__.__name__]
if self._closed:
if self._pid is not None:
if self._returncode is not None:
elif self._pid is not None:
info.append('not started')
stdin = self._pipes.get(0)
if stdin is not None:
stdout = self._pipes.get(1)
stderr = self._pipes.get(2)
if stdout is not None and stderr is stdout:
if stdout is not None:
if stderr is not None:
return '<{}>'.format(' '.join(info))
def _start(self, args, shell, stdin, stdout, stderr, bufsize, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def set_protocol(self, protocol):
self._protocol = protocol
def get_protocol(self):
return self._protocol
def is_closing(self):
return self._closed
def close(self):
if self._closed:
self._closed = True
for proto in self._pipes.values():
if proto is None:
if (self._proc is not None and
# has the child process finished?
self._returncode is None and
# the child process has finished, but the
# transport hasn't been notified yet?
self._proc.poll() is None):
if self._loop.get_debug():
logger.warning('Close running child process: kill %r', self)
except ProcessLookupError:
# Don't clear the _proc reference yet: _post_init() may still run
def __del__(self):
if not self._closed:
warnings.warn(f"unclosed transport {self!r}", ResourceWarning,
def get_pid(self):
return self._pid
def get_returncode(self):
return self._returncode
def get_pipe_transport(self, fd):
if fd in self._pipes:
return self._pipes[fd].pipe
return None
def _check_proc(self):
if self._proc is None:
raise ProcessLookupError()
def send_signal(self, signal):
def terminate(self):
def kill(self):
async def _connect_pipes(self, waiter):
proc = self._proc
loop = self._loop
if proc.stdin is not None:
_, pipe = await loop.connect_write_pipe(
lambda: WriteSubprocessPipeProto(self, 0),
self._pipes[0] = pipe
if proc.stdout is not None:
_, pipe = await loop.connect_read_pipe(
lambda: ReadSubprocessPipeProto(self, 1),
self._pipes[1] = pipe
if proc.stderr is not None:
_, pipe = await loop.connect_read_pipe(
lambda: ReadSubprocessPipeProto(self, 2),
self._pipes[2] = pipe
assert self._pending_calls is not None
loop.call_soon(self._protocol.connection_made, self)
for callback, data in self._pending_calls:
loop.call_soon(callback, *data)
self._pending_calls = None
except Exception as exc:
if waiter is not None and not waiter.cancelled():
if waiter is not None and not waiter.cancelled():
def _call(self, cb, *data):
if self._pending_calls is not None:
self._pending_calls.append((cb, data))
self._loop.call_soon(cb, *data)
def _pipe_connection_lost(self, fd, exc):
self._call(self._protocol.pipe_connection_lost, fd, exc)
def _pipe_data_received(self, fd, data):
self._call(self._protocol.pipe_data_received, fd, data)
def _process_exited(self, returncode):
assert returncode is not None, returncode
assert self._returncode is None, self._returncode
if self._loop.get_debug():'%r exited with return code %r', self, returncode)
self._returncode = returncode
if self._proc.returncode is None:
# asyncio uses a child watcher: copy the status into the Popen
# object. On Python 3.6, it is required to avoid a ResourceWarning.
self._proc.returncode = returncode
# wake up futures waiting for wait()
for waiter in self._exit_waiters:
if not waiter.cancelled():
self._exit_waiters = None
async def _wait(self):
"""Wait until the process exit and return the process return code.
This method is a coroutine."""
if self._returncode is not None:
return self._returncode
waiter = self._loop.create_future()
return await waiter
def _try_finish(self):
assert not self._finished
if self._returncode is None:
if all(p is not None and p.disconnected
for p in self._pipes.values()):
self._finished = True
self._call(self._call_connection_lost, None)
def _call_connection_lost(self, exc):
self._loop = None
self._proc = None
self._protocol = None
class WriteSubprocessPipeProto(protocols.BaseProtocol):
def __init__(self, proc, fd):
self.proc = proc
self.fd = fd
self.pipe = None
self.disconnected = False
def connection_made(self, transport):
self.pipe = transport
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} fd={self.fd} pipe={self.pipe!r}>'
def connection_lost(self, exc):
self.disconnected = True
self.proc._pipe_connection_lost(self.fd, exc)
self.proc = None
def pause_writing(self):
def resume_writing(self):
class ReadSubprocessPipeProto(WriteSubprocessPipeProto,
def data_received(self, data):
self.proc._pipe_data_received(self.fd, data)
import linecache
import traceback
from . import base_futures
from . import coroutines
def _task_repr_info(task):
info = base_futures._future_repr_info(task)
if task._must_cancel:
# replace status
info[0] = 'cancelling'
coro = coroutines._format_coroutine(task._coro)
info.insert(1, f'coro=<{coro}>')
if task._fut_waiter is not None:
info.insert(2, f'wait_for={task._fut_waiter!r}')
return info
def _task_get_stack(task, limit):
frames = []
# 'async def' coroutines
f = task._coro.cr_frame
except AttributeError:
f = task._coro.gi_frame
if f is not None:
while f is not None:
if limit is not None:
if limit <= 0:
limit -= 1
f = f.f_back
elif task._exception is not None:
tb = task._exception.__traceback__
while tb is not None:
if limit is not None:
if limit <= 0:
limit -= 1
tb = tb.tb_next
return frames
def _task_print_stack(task, limit, file):
extracted_list = []
checked = set()
for f in task.get_stack(limit=limit):
lineno = f.f_lineno
co = f.f_code
filename = co.co_filename
name = co.co_name
if filename not in checked:
line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno, f.f_globals)
extracted_list.append((filename, lineno, name, line))
exc = task._exception
if not extracted_list:
print(f'No stack for {task!r}', file=file)
elif exc is not None:
print(f'Traceback for {task!r} (most recent call last):', file=file)
print(f'Stack for {task!r} (most recent call last):', file=file)
traceback.print_list(extracted_list, file=file)
if exc is not None:
for line in traceback.format_exception_only(exc.__class__, exc):
print(line, file=file, end='')
import enum
# After the connection is lost, log warnings after this many write()s.
# Seconds to wait before retrying accept().
# Number of stack entries to capture in debug mode.
# The larger the number, the slower the operation in debug mode
# (see extract_stack() in
# Number of seconds to wait for SSL handshake to complete
# The default timeout matches that of Nginx.
# Used in sendfile fallback code. We use fallback for platforms
# that don't support sendfile, or for TLS connections.
# The enum should be here to break circular dependencies between
# base_events and sslproto
class _SendfileMode(enum.Enum):
__all__ = 'coroutine', 'iscoroutinefunction', 'iscoroutine'
import functools
import inspect
import os
import sys
import traceback
import types
from . import base_futures
from . import constants
from . import format_helpers
from .log import logger
def _is_debug_mode():
# If you set _DEBUG to true, @coroutine will wrap the resulting
# generator objects in a CoroWrapper instance (defined below). That
# instance will log a message when the generator is never iterated
# over, which may happen when you forget to use "await" or "yield from"
# with a coroutine call.
# Note that the value of the _DEBUG flag is taken
# when the decorator is used, so to be of any use it must be set
# before you define your coroutines. A downside of using this feature
# is that tracebacks show entries for the CoroWrapper.__next__ method
# when _DEBUG is true.
return sys.flags.dev_mode or (not sys.flags.ignore_environment and
_DEBUG = _is_debug_mode()
class CoroWrapper:
# Wrapper for coroutine object in _DEBUG mode.
def __init__(self, gen, func=None):
assert inspect.isgenerator(gen) or inspect.iscoroutine(gen), gen
self.gen = gen
self.func = func # Used to unwrap @coroutine decorator
self._source_traceback = format_helpers.extract_stack(sys._getframe(1))
self.__name__ = getattr(gen, '__name__', None)
self.__qualname__ = getattr(gen, '__qualname__', None)
def __repr__(self):
coro_repr = _format_coroutine(self)
if self._source_traceback:
frame = self._source_traceback[-1]
coro_repr += f', created at {frame[0]}:{frame[1]}'
return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} {coro_repr}>'
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return self.gen.send(None)
def send(self, value):
return self.gen.send(value)
def throw(self, type, value=None, traceback=None):
return self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
def close(self):
return self.gen.close()
def gi_frame(self):
return self.gen.gi_frame
def gi_running(self):
return self.gen.gi_running
def gi_code(self):
return self.gen.gi_code
def __await__(self):
return self
def gi_yieldfrom(self):
return self.gen.gi_yieldfrom
def __del__(self):
# Be careful accessing self.gen.frame -- self.gen might not exist.
gen = getattr(self, 'gen', None)
frame = getattr(gen, 'gi_frame', None)
if frame is not None and frame.f_lasti == -1:
msg = f'{self!r} was never yielded from'
tb = getattr(self, '_source_traceback', ())
if tb:
tb = ''.join(traceback.format_list(tb))
msg += (f'\nCoroutine object created at '
f'(most recent call last, truncated to '
f'{constants.DEBUG_STACK_DEPTH} last lines):\n')
msg += tb.rstrip()
def coroutine(func):
"""Decorator to mark coroutines.
If the coroutine is not yielded from before it is destroyed,
an error message is logged.
if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
# In Python 3.5 that's all we need to do for coroutines
# defined with "async def".
return func
if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(func):
coro = func
def coro(*args, **kw):
res = func(*args, **kw)
if (base_futures.isfuture(res) or inspect.isgenerator(res) or
isinstance(res, CoroWrapper)):
res = yield from res
# If 'res' is an awaitable, run it.
await_meth = res.__await__
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(res,
res = yield from await_meth()
return res
coro = types.coroutine(coro)
if not _DEBUG:
wrapper = coro
def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
w = CoroWrapper(coro(*args, **kwds), func=func)
if w._source_traceback:
del w._source_traceback[-1]
# Python < 3.5 does not implement __qualname__
# on generator objects, so we set it manually.
# We use getattr as some callables (such as
# functools.partial may lack __qualname__).
w.__name__ = getattr(func, '__name__', None)
w.__qualname__ = getattr(func, '__qualname__', None)
return w
wrapper._is_coroutine = _is_coroutine # For iscoroutinefunction().
return wrapper
# A marker for iscoroutinefunction.
_is_coroutine = object()
def iscoroutinefunction(func):
"""Return True if func is a decorated coroutine function."""
return (inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func) or
getattr(func, '_is_coroutine', None) is _is_coroutine)
# Prioritize native coroutine check to speed-up
# asyncio.iscoroutine.
_COROUTINE_TYPES = (types.CoroutineType, types.GeneratorType,, CoroWrapper)
_iscoroutine_typecache = set()
def iscoroutine(obj):
"""Return True if obj is a coroutine object."""
if type(obj) in _iscoroutine_typecache:
return True
if isinstance(obj, _COROUTINE_TYPES):
# Just in case we don't want to cache more than 100
# positive types. That shouldn't ever happen, unless
# someone stressing the system on purpose.
if len(_iscoroutine_typecache) < 100:
return True
return False
def _format_coroutine(coro):
assert iscoroutine(coro)
is_corowrapper = isinstance(coro, CoroWrapper)
def get_name(coro):
# Coroutines compiled with Cython sometimes don't have
# proper __qualname__ or __name__. While that is a bug
# in Cython, asyncio shouldn't crash with an AttributeError
# in its __repr__ functions.
if is_corowrapper:
return format_helpers._format_callback(coro.func, (), {})
if hasattr(coro, '__qualname__') and coro.__qualname__:
coro_name = coro.__qualname__
elif hasattr(coro, '__name__') and coro.__name__:
coro_name = coro.__name__
# Stop masking Cython bugs, expose them in a friendly way.
coro_name = f'<{type(coro).__name__} without __name__>'
return f'{coro_name}()'
def is_running(coro):
return coro.cr_running
except AttributeError:
return coro.gi_running
except AttributeError:
return False
coro_code = None
if hasattr(coro, 'cr_code') and coro.cr_code:
coro_code = coro.cr_code
elif hasattr(coro, 'gi_code') and coro.gi_code:
coro_code = coro.gi_code
coro_name = get_name(coro)
if not coro_code:
# Built-in types might not have __qualname__ or __name__.
if is_running(coro):
return f'{coro_name} running'
return coro_name
coro_frame = None
if hasattr(coro, 'gi_frame') and coro.gi_frame:
coro_frame = coro.gi_frame
elif hasattr(coro, 'cr_frame') and coro.cr_frame:
coro_frame = coro.cr_frame
# If Cython's coroutine has a fake code object without proper
# co_filename -- expose that.
filename = coro_code.co_filename or '<empty co_filename>'
lineno = 0
if (is_corowrapper and
coro.func is not None and
not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(coro.func)):
source = format_helpers._get_function_source(coro.func)
if source is not None:
filename, lineno = source
if coro_frame is None:
coro_repr = f'{coro_name} done, defined at {filename}:{lineno}'
coro_repr = f'{coro_name} running, defined at {filename}:{lineno}'
elif coro_frame is not None:
lineno = coro_frame.f_lineno
coro_repr = f'{coro_name} running at {filename}:{lineno}'
lineno = coro_code.co_firstlineno
coro_repr = f'{coro_name} done, defined at {filename}:{lineno}'
return coro_repr
This diff is collapsed.
import functools
import inspect
import reprlib
import sys
import traceback
from . import constants
def _get_function_source(func):
func = inspect.unwrap(func)
if inspect.isfunction(func):
code = func.__code__
return (code.co_filename, code.co_firstlineno)
if isinstance(func, functools.partial):
return _get_function_source(func.func)
if isinstance(func, functools.partialmethod):
return _get_function_source(func.func)
return None
def _format_callback_source(func, args):
func_repr = _format_callback(func, args, None)
source = _get_function_source(func)
if source:
func_repr += f' at {source[0]}:{source[1]}'
return func_repr
def _format_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs):
"""Format function arguments and keyword arguments.
Special case for a single parameter: ('hello',) is formatted as ('hello').
# use reprlib to limit the length of the output
items = []
if args:
items.extend(reprlib.repr(arg) for arg in args)
if kwargs:
items.extend(f'{k}={reprlib.repr(v)}' for k, v in kwargs.items())
return '({})'.format(', '.join(items))
def _format_callback(func, args, kwargs, suffix=''):
if isinstance(func, functools.partial):
suffix = _format_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs) + suffix
return _format_callback(func.func, func.args, func.keywords, suffix)
if hasattr(func, '__qualname__') and func.__qualname__:
func_repr = func.__qualname__
elif hasattr(func, '__name__') and func.__name__:
func_repr = func.__name__
func_repr = repr(func)
func_repr += _format_args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs)
if suffix:
func_repr += suffix
return func_repr
def extract_stack(f=None, limit=None):
"""Replacement for traceback.extract_stack() that only does the
necessary work for asyncio debug mode.
if f is None:
f = sys._getframe().f_back
if limit is None:
# Limit the amount of work to a reasonable amount, as extract_stack()
# can be called for each coroutine and future in debug mode.
limit = constants.DEBUG_STACK_DEPTH
stack = traceback.StackSummary.extract(traceback.walk_stack(f),
return stack
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
"""Logging configuration."""
import logging
# Name the logger after the package.
logger = logging.getLogger(__package__)
This diff is collapsed.
"""Abstract Protocol base classes."""
__all__ = (
'BaseProtocol', 'Protocol', 'DatagramProtocol',
'SubprocessProtocol', 'BufferedProtocol',
class BaseProtocol:
"""Common base class for protocol interfaces.
Usually user implements protocols that derived from BaseProtocol
like Protocol or ProcessProtocol.
The only case when BaseProtocol should be implemented directly is
write-only transport like write pipe
def connection_made(self, transport):
"""Called when a connection is made.
The argument is the transport representing the pipe connection.
To receive data, wait for data_received() calls.
When the connection is closed, connection_lost() is called.
def connection_lost(self, exc):
"""Called when the connection is lost or closed.
The argument is an exception object or None (the latter
meaning a regular EOF is received or the connection was
aborted or closed).
def pause_writing(self):
"""Called when the transport's buffer goes over the high-water mark.
Pause and resume calls are paired -- pause_writing() is called
once when the buffer goes strictly over the high-water mark
(even if subsequent writes increases the buffer size even
more), and eventually resume_writing() is called once when the
buffer size reaches the low-water mark.
Note that if the buffer size equals the high-water mark,
pause_writing() is not called -- it must go strictly over.
Conversely, resume_writing() is called when the buffer size is
equal or lower than the low-water mark. These end conditions
are important to ensure that things go as expected when either
mark is zero.
NOTE: This is the only Protocol callback that is not called
through EventLoop.call_soon() -- if it were, it would have no
effect when it's most needed (when the app keeps writing
without yielding until pause_writing() is called).
def resume_writing(self):
"""Called when the transport's buffer drains below the low-water mark.
See pause_writing() for details.
class Protocol(BaseProtocol):
"""Interface for stream protocol.
The user should implement this interface. They can inherit from
this class but don't need to. The implementations here do
nothing (they don't raise exceptions).
When the user wants to requests a transport, they pass a protocol
factory to a utility function (e.g., EventLoop.create_connection()).
When the connection is made successfully, connection_made() is
called with a suitable transport object. Then data_received()
will be called 0 or more times with data (bytes) received from the
transport; finally, connection_lost() will be called exactly once
with either an exception object or None as an argument.
State machine of calls:
start -> CM [-> DR*] [-> ER?] -> CL -> end
* CM: connection_made()
* DR: data_received()
* ER: eof_received()
* CL: connection_lost()
def data_received(self, data):
"""Called when some data is received.
The argument is a bytes object.
def eof_received(self):
"""Called when the other end calls write_eof() or equivalent.
If this returns a false value (including None), the transport
will close itself. If it returns a true value, closing the
transport is up to the protocol.
class BufferedProtocol(BaseProtocol):
"""Interface for stream protocol with manual buffer control.
Important: this has been added to asyncio in Python 3.7
*on a provisional basis*! Consider it as an experimental API that
might be changed or removed in Python 3.8.
Event methods, such as `create_server` and `create_connection`,
accept factories that return protocols that implement this interface.
The idea of BufferedProtocol is that it allows to manually allocate
and control the receive buffer. Event loops can then use the buffer
provided by the protocol to avoid unnecessary data copies. This
can result in noticeable performance improvement for protocols that
receive big amounts of data. Sophisticated protocols can allocate
the buffer only once at creation time.
State machine of calls:
start -> CM [-> GB [-> BU?]]* [-> ER?] -> CL -> end
* CM: connection_made()
* GB: get_buffer()
* BU: buffer_updated()
* ER: eof_received()
* CL: connection_lost()
def get_buffer(self, sizehint):
"""Called to allocate a new receive buffer.
*sizehint* is a recommended minimal size for the returned
buffer. When set to -1, the buffer size can be arbitrary.
Must return an object that implements the
:ref:`buffer protocol <bufferobjects>`.
It is an error to return a zero-sized buffer.
def buffer_updated(self, nbytes):
"""Called when the buffer was updated with the received data.
*nbytes* is the total number of bytes that were written to
the buffer.
def eof_received(self):
"""Called when the other end calls write_eof() or equivalent.
If this returns a false value (including None), the transport
will close itself. If it returns a true value, closing the
transport is up to the protocol.
class DatagramProtocol(BaseProtocol):
"""Interface for datagram protocol."""
def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
"""Called when some datagram is received."""
def error_received(self, exc):
"""Called when a send or receive operation raises an OSError.
(Other than BlockingIOError or InterruptedError.)
class SubprocessProtocol(BaseProtocol):
"""Interface for protocol for subprocess calls."""
def pipe_data_received(self, fd, data):
"""Called when the subprocess writes data into stdout/stderr pipe.
fd is int file descriptor.
data is bytes object.
def pipe_connection_lost(self, fd, exc):
"""Called when a file descriptor associated with the child process is
fd is the int file descriptor that was closed.
def process_exited(self):
"""Called when subprocess has exited."""
def _feed_data_to_buffered_proto(proto, data):
data_len = len(data)
while data_len:
buf = proto.get_buffer(data_len)
buf_len = len(buf)
if not buf_len:
raise RuntimeError('get_buffer() returned an empty buffer')
if buf_len >= data_len:
buf[:data_len] = data
buf[:buf_len] = data[:buf_len]
data = data[buf_len:]
data_len = len(data)
__all__ = ('Queue', 'PriorityQueue', 'LifoQueue', 'QueueFull', 'QueueEmpty')
import collections
import heapq
from . import events
from . import locks
class QueueEmpty(Exception):
"""Raised when Queue.get_nowait() is called on an empty Queue."""
class QueueFull(Exception):
"""Raised when the Queue.put_nowait() method is called on a full Queue."""
class Queue:
"""A queue, useful for coordinating producer and consumer coroutines.
If maxsize is less than or equal to zero, the queue size is infinite. If it
is an integer greater than 0, then "await put()" will block when the
queue reaches maxsize, until an item is removed by get().
Unlike the standard library Queue, you can reliably know this Queue's size
with qsize(), since your single-threaded asyncio application won't be
interrupted between calling qsize() and doing an operation on the Queue.
def __init__(self, maxsize=0, *, loop=None):
if loop is None:
self._loop = events.get_event_loop()
self._loop = loop
self._maxsize = maxsize
# Futures.
self._getters = collections.deque()
# Futures.
self._putters = collections.deque()
self._unfinished_tasks = 0
self._finished = locks.Event(loop=self._loop)
# These three are overridable in subclasses.
def _init(self, maxsize):
self._queue = collections.deque()
def _get(self):
return self._queue.popleft()
def _put(self, item):
# End of the overridable methods.
def _wakeup_next(self, waiters):
# Wake up the next waiter (if any) that isn't cancelled.
while waiters:
waiter = waiters.popleft()
if not waiter.done():
def __repr__(self):
return f'<{type(self).__name__} at {id(self):#x} {self._format()}>'
def __str__(self):
return f'<{type(self).__name__} {self._format()}>'
def _format(self):
result = f'maxsize={self._maxsize!r}'
if getattr(self, '_queue', None):
result += f' _queue={list(self._queue)!r}'
if self._getters:
result += f' _getters[{len(self._getters)}]'
if self._putters:
result += f' _putters[{len(self._putters)}]'
if self._unfinished_tasks:
result += f' tasks={self._unfinished_tasks}'
return result
def qsize(self):
"""Number of items in the queue."""
return len(self._queue)
def maxsize(self):
"""Number of items allowed in the queue."""
return self._maxsize
def empty(self):
"""Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise."""
return not self._queue
def full(self):
"""Return True if there are maxsize items in the queue.
Note: if the Queue was initialized with maxsize=0 (the default),
then full() is never True.
if self._maxsize <= 0:
return False
return self.qsize() >= self._maxsize
async def put(self, item):
"""Put an item into the queue.
Put an item into the queue. If the queue is full, wait until a free
slot is available before adding item.
while self.full():
putter = self._loop.create_future()
await putter
putter.cancel() # Just in case putter is not done yet.
# Clean self._putters from canceled putters.
except ValueError:
# The putter could be removed from self._putters by a
# previous get_nowait call.
if not self.full() and not putter.cancelled():
# We were woken up by get_nowait(), but can't take
# the call. Wake up the next in line.
return self.put_nowait(item)
def put_nowait(self, item):
"""Put an item into the queue without blocking.
If no free slot is immediately available, raise QueueFull.
if self.full():
raise QueueFull
self._unfinished_tasks += 1
async def get(self):
"""Remove and return an item from the queue.
If queue is empty, wait until an item is available.
while self.empty():
getter = self._loop.create_future()
await getter
getter.cancel() # Just in case getter is not done yet.
# Clean self._getters from canceled getters.
except ValueError:
# The getter could be removed from self._getters by a
# previous put_nowait call.
if not self.empty() and not getter.cancelled():
# We were woken up by put_nowait(), but can't take
# the call. Wake up the next in line.
return self.get_nowait()
def get_nowait(self):
"""Remove and return an item from the queue.
Return an item if one is immediately available, else raise QueueEmpty.
if self.empty():
raise QueueEmpty
item = self._get()
return item
def task_done(self):
"""Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete.
Used by queue consumers. For each get() used to fetch a task,
a subsequent call to task_done() tells the queue that the processing
on the task is complete.
If a join() is currently blocking, it will resume when all items have
been processed (meaning that a task_done() call was received for every
item that had been put() into the queue).
Raises ValueError if called more times than there were items placed in
the queue.
if self._unfinished_tasks <= 0:
raise ValueError('task_done() called too many times')
self._unfinished_tasks -= 1
if self._unfinished_tasks == 0:
async def join(self):
"""Block until all items in the queue have been gotten and processed.
The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the
queue. The count goes down whenever a consumer calls task_done() to
indicate that the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete.
When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero, join() unblocks.
if self._unfinished_tasks > 0:
await self._finished.wait()
class PriorityQueue(Queue):
"""A subclass of Queue; retrieves entries in priority order (lowest first).
Entries are typically tuples of the form: (priority number, data).
def _init(self, maxsize):
self._queue = []
def _put(self, item, heappush=heapq.heappush):
heappush(self._queue, item)
def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop):
return heappop(self._queue)
class LifoQueue(Queue):
"""A subclass of Queue that retrieves most recently added entries first."""
def _init(self, maxsize):
self._queue = []
def _put(self, item):
def _get(self):
return self._queue.pop()
__all__ = 'run',
from . import coroutines
from . import events
from . import tasks
def run(main, *, debug=False):
"""Run a coroutine.
This function runs the passed coroutine, taking care of
managing the asyncio event loop and finalizing asynchronous
This function cannot be called when another asyncio event loop is
running in the same thread.
If debug is True, the event loop will be run in debug mode.
This function always creates a new event loop and closes it at the end.
It should be used as a main entry point for asyncio programs, and should
ideally only be called once.
async def main():
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if events._get_running_loop() is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
" cannot be called from a running event loop")
if not coroutines.iscoroutine(main):
raise ValueError("a coroutine was expected, got {!r}".format(main))
loop = events.new_event_loop()
return loop.run_until_complete(main)
def _cancel_all_tasks(loop):
to_cancel = tasks.all_tasks(loop)
if not to_cancel:
for task in to_cancel:
tasks.gather(*to_cancel, loop=loop, return_exceptions=True))
for task in to_cancel:
if task.cancelled():
if task.exception() is not None:
'message': 'unhandled exception during shutdown',
'exception': task.exception(),
'task': task,
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