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#include <QtWidgets/qtwidgetsglobal.h>
#include <QtWidgets/qabstractitemview.h>

class tst_QTreeView;



class QTreeViewPrivate;
class QHeaderView;

class Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QTreeView : public QAbstractItemView
    Q_PROPERTY(int autoExpandDelay READ autoExpandDelay WRITE setAutoExpandDelay)
    Q_PROPERTY(int indentation READ indentation WRITE setIndentation RESET resetIndentation)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool rootIsDecorated READ rootIsDecorated WRITE setRootIsDecorated)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool uniformRowHeights READ uniformRowHeights WRITE setUniformRowHeights)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool itemsExpandable READ itemsExpandable WRITE setItemsExpandable)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool sortingEnabled READ isSortingEnabled WRITE setSortingEnabled)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool animated READ isAnimated WRITE setAnimated)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool allColumnsShowFocus READ allColumnsShowFocus WRITE setAllColumnsShowFocus)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool wordWrap READ wordWrap WRITE setWordWrap)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool headerHidden READ isHeaderHidden WRITE setHeaderHidden)
    Q_PROPERTY(bool expandsOnDoubleClick READ expandsOnDoubleClick WRITE setExpandsOnDoubleClick)

    explicit QTreeView(QWidget *parent = nullptr);

    void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) override;
    void setRootIndex(const QModelIndex &index) override;
    void setSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel) override;

    QHeaderView *header() const;
    void setHeader(QHeaderView *header);

    int autoExpandDelay() const;
    void setAutoExpandDelay(int delay);

    int indentation() const;
    void setIndentation(int i);
    void resetIndentation();

    bool rootIsDecorated() const;
    void setRootIsDecorated(bool show);

    bool uniformRowHeights() const;
    void setUniformRowHeights(bool uniform);

    bool itemsExpandable() const;
    void setItemsExpandable(bool enable);

    bool expandsOnDoubleClick() const;
    void setExpandsOnDoubleClick(bool enable);

    int columnViewportPosition(int column) const;
    int columnWidth(int column) const;
    void setColumnWidth(int column, int width);
    int columnAt(int x) const;

    bool isColumnHidden(int column) const;
    void setColumnHidden(int column, bool hide);

    bool isHeaderHidden() const;
    void setHeaderHidden(bool hide);

    bool isRowHidden(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) const;
    void setRowHidden(int row, const QModelIndex &parent, bool hide);

    bool isFirstColumnSpanned(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) const;
    void setFirstColumnSpanned(int row, const QModelIndex &parent, bool span);

    bool isExpanded(const QModelIndex &index) const;
    void setExpanded(const QModelIndex &index, bool expand);

    void setSortingEnabled(bool enable);
    bool isSortingEnabled() const;

    void setAnimated(bool enable);
    bool isAnimated() const;

    void setAllColumnsShowFocus(bool enable);
    bool allColumnsShowFocus() const;

    void setWordWrap(bool on);
    bool wordWrap() const;

    void setTreePosition(int logicalIndex);
    int treePosition() const;

    void keyboardSearch(const QString &search) override;

    QRect visualRect(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
    void scrollTo(const QModelIndex &index, ScrollHint hint = EnsureVisible) override;
    QModelIndex indexAt(const QPoint &p) const override;
    QModelIndex indexAbove(const QModelIndex &index) const;
    QModelIndex indexBelow(const QModelIndex &index) const;

    void doItemsLayout() override;
    void reset() override;

    void sortByColumn(int column, Qt::SortOrder order);

    void dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector<int> &roles = QVector<int>()) override;
    void selectAll() override;

    void expanded(const QModelIndex &index);
    void collapsed(const QModelIndex &index);

public Q_SLOTS:
    void hideColumn(int column);
    void showColumn(int column);
    void expand(const QModelIndex &index);
    void collapse(const QModelIndex &index);
    void resizeColumnToContents(int column);
    void sortByColumn(int column);
    void expandAll();
    void collapseAll();
    void expandToDepth(int depth);

protected Q_SLOTS:
    void columnResized(int column, int oldSize, int newSize);
    void columnCountChanged(int oldCount, int newCount);
    void columnMoved();
    void reexpand();
    void rowsRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int first, int last);
    void verticalScrollbarValueChanged(int value) override;

    QTreeView(QTreeViewPrivate &dd, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
    void scrollContentsBy(int dx, int dy) override;
    void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) override;
    void rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) override;

    QModelIndex moveCursor(CursorAction cursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) override;
    int horizontalOffset() const override;
    int verticalOffset() const override;

    void setSelection(const QRect &rect, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags command) override;
    QRegion visualRegionForSelection(const QItemSelection &selection) const override;
    QModelIndexList selectedIndexes() const override;

    void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;
    void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override;

    void drawTree(QPainter *painter, const QRegion &region) const;
    virtual void drawRow(QPainter *painter,
                         const QStyleOptionViewItem &options,
                         const QModelIndex &index) const;
    virtual void drawBranches(QPainter *painter,
                              const QRect &rect,
                              const QModelIndex &index) const;

    void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
    void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
    void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
    void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override;
    void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
#if QT_CONFIG(draganddrop)
    void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) override;
    bool viewportEvent(QEvent *event) override;

    void updateGeometries() override;

    QSize viewportSizeHint() const override;

    int sizeHintForColumn(int column) const override;
    int indexRowSizeHint(const QModelIndex &index) const;
    int rowHeight(const QModelIndex &index) const;

    void horizontalScrollbarAction(int action) override;

    bool isIndexHidden(const QModelIndex &index) const override;
    void selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected,
                          const QItemSelection &deselected) override;
    void currentChanged(const QModelIndex &current, const QModelIndex &previous) override;

    friend class ::tst_QTreeView;
    friend class QAccessibleTable;
    friend class QAccessibleTree;
    friend class QAccessibleTableCell;
    int visualIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const;

    Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_endAnimatedOperation())
    Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_modelAboutToBeReset())
    Q_PRIVATE_SLOT(d_func(), void _q_sortIndicatorChanged(int column, Qt::SortOrder order))


#endif // QTREEVIEW_H