RadioButton.qml 3.47 KB
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import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
import QtQuick.Controls.Private 1.0

    \qmltype RadioButton
    \inqmlmodule QtQuick.Controls
    \since 5.1
    \ingroup controls
    \brief A radio button with a text label.

    \image radiobutton.png

    A RadioButton is an option button that can be switched on (checked) or off
    (unchecked). Radio buttons typically present the user with a "one of many"
    choices. In a group of radio buttons, only one radio button can be
    checked at a time; if the user selects another button, the previously
    selected button is switched off.

    GroupBox {
        title: "Tab Position"

        RowLayout {
            ExclusiveGroup { id: tabPositionGroup }
            RadioButton {
                text: "Top"
                checked: true
                exclusiveGroup: tabPositionGroup
            RadioButton {
                text: "Bottom"
                exclusiveGroup: tabPositionGroup

    You can create a custom appearance for a RadioButton by
    assigning a \l {RadioButtonStyle}.

AbstractCheckable {
    id: radioButton

    activeFocusOnTab: true text
    Accessible.role: Accessible.RadioButton

        The style that should be applied to the radio button. Custom style
        components can be created with:

        \codeline Qt.createComponent("path/to/style.qml", radioButtonId);
    style: Settings.styleComponent(, "RadioButtonStyle.qml", radioButton)

    __cycleStatesHandler: function() { checked = !checked; }