qssldiffiehellmanparameters.h 4.73 KB
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** Copyright (C) 2015 Mikkel Krautz <mikkel@krautz.dk>
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include <QtNetwork/qssl.h>
#include <QtCore/qnamespace.h>
#include <QtCore/qbytearray.h>
#include <QtCore/qshareddata.h>


#ifndef QT_NO_SSL

class QIODevice;
class QSslContext;
class QSslDiffieHellmanParametersPrivate;

class QSslDiffieHellmanParameters;
// qHash is a friend, but we can't use default arguments for friends (§
Q_NETWORK_EXPORT uint qHash(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &dhparam, uint seed = 0) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;

class QDebug;
Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &dhparams);

Q_NETWORK_EXPORT bool operator==(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &lhs, const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;

inline bool operator!=(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &lhs, const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW
    return !operator==(lhs, rhs);

class QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
    enum Error {

    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT static QSslDiffieHellmanParameters defaultParameters();

    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QSslDiffieHellmanParameters();
    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QSslDiffieHellmanParameters(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &other);
    QSslDiffieHellmanParameters(QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(other.d) { other.d = nullptr; }
    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT ~QSslDiffieHellmanParameters();

    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &operator=(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &other);
    QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &operator=(QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW { swap(other); return *this; }

    void swap(QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW { qSwap(d, other.d); }

    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT static QSslDiffieHellmanParameters fromEncoded(const QByteArray &encoded, QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem);
    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT static QSslDiffieHellmanParameters fromEncoded(QIODevice *device, QSsl::EncodingFormat format = QSsl::Pem);

    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT bool isEmpty() const Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT bool isValid() const Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT Error error() const Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
    Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QString errorString() const Q_DECL_NOTHROW;

    QSslDiffieHellmanParametersPrivate *d;
    friend class QSslContext;
    friend Q_NETWORK_EXPORT bool operator==(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &lhs, const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &rhs) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;
    friend Q_NETWORK_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &dhparam);
    friend Q_NETWORK_EXPORT uint qHash(const QSslDiffieHellmanParameters &dhparam, uint seed) Q_DECL_NOTHROW;


#endif // QT_NO_SSL

