qregion.sip 4.57 KB
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// qregion.sip generated by MetaSIP on Sun Jun 16 16:09:29 2013
// This file is part of the QtGui Python extension module.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited <info@riverbankcomputing.com>
// This file is part of PyQt.
// This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
// included in the packaging of this file.  Alternatively you may (at
// your option) use any later version of the GNU General Public
// License if such license has been publicly approved by Riverbank
// Computing Limited (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt
// Foundation. In addition, as a special exception, Riverbank gives you
// certain additional rights. These rights are described in the Riverbank
// GPL Exception version 1.1, which can be found in the file
// GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
// If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
// contact the sales department at sales@riverbankcomputing.com.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

#include <qregion.h>

class QRegion
#include <qregion.h>

    enum RegionType

    QRegion(int x, int y, int w, int h, QRegion::RegionType type = QRegion::Rectangle);
    QRegion(const QRect &r, QRegion::RegionType type = QRegion::Rectangle);
    QRegion(const QPolygon &a, Qt::FillRule fillRule = Qt::OddEvenFill);
    QRegion(const QBitmap &bitmap);
    QRegion(const QRegion &region);
    QRegion(const QVariant &variant) /NoDerived/;
        #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
        sipCpp = new QRegion(a0->value<QRegion>());
        sipCpp = new QRegion(qVariantValue<QRegion>(*a0));

    bool isEmpty() const;
    int __bool__() const;
        sipRes = !sipCpp->isEmpty();

    bool contains(const QPoint &p) const;
    int __contains__(const QPoint &p) const;
        sipRes = sipCpp->contains(*a0);

    bool contains(const QRect &r) const;
    int __contains__(const QRect &r) const;
        sipRes = sipCpp->contains(*a0);

    void translate(int dx, int dy);
    void translate(const QPoint &p);
    QRegion translated(int dx, int dy) const;
    QRegion translated(const QPoint &p) const;
%If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0)
    QRegion unite(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
    QRegion united(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
    QRegion united(const QRect &r) const;
%If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0)
    QRegion intersect(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0)
    QRegion subtract(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0)
    QRegion eor(const QRegion &r) const;
    QRect boundingRect() const;
    QVector<QRect> rects() const;
    const QRegion operator|(const QRegion &r) const;
    const QRegion operator+(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
    const QRegion operator+(const QRect &r) const;
    const QRegion operator&(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
    const QRegion operator&(const QRect &r) const;
    const QRegion operator-(const QRegion &r) const;
    const QRegion operator^(const QRegion &r) const;
    QRegion &operator|=(const QRegion &r);
    QRegion &operator+=(const QRegion &r);
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
    QRegion &operator+=(const QRect &r);
    QRegion &operator&=(const QRegion &r);
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
    QRegion &operator&=(const QRect &r);
    QRegion &operator-=(const QRegion &r);
    QRegion &operator^=(const QRegion &r);
    bool operator==(const QRegion &r) const;
    bool operator!=(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
    QRegion intersected(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_4_0 -)
    QRegion intersected(const QRect &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
    QRegion subtracted(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
    QRegion xored(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
    bool intersects(const QRegion &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_2_0 -)
    bool intersects(const QRect &r) const;
%If (Qt_4_4_0 - Qt_5_0_0)
    int numRects() const;
%If (Qt_4_6_0 -)
    int rectCount() const;
%If (Qt_4_8_0 -)
    void swap(QRegion &other);
%If (Qt_5_0_0 -)
    bool isNull() const;

QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &, const QRegion & /Constrained/);
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &, QRegion & /Constrained/);