QtGuimod.sip 7.61 KB
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// QtGuimod.sip generated by MetaSIP on Sun Jun 16 16:09:29 2013
// This file is part of the QtGui Python extension module.
// Copyright (c) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited <info@riverbankcomputing.com>
// This file is part of PyQt.
// This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
// included in the packaging of this file.  Alternatively you may (at
// your option) use any later version of the GNU General Public
// License if such license has been publicly approved by Riverbank
// Computing Limited (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt
// Foundation. In addition, as a special exception, Riverbank gives you
// certain additional rights. These rights are described in the Riverbank
// GPL Exception version 1.1, which can be found in the file
// GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
// If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
// contact the sales department at sales@riverbankcomputing.com.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE

%Module(name=PyQt4.QtGui, keyword_arguments="Optional")

%Import QtCore/QtCoremod.sip

Copyright (c) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited <info@riverbankcomputing.com>

This file is part of PyQt.

This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public
License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software
Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
included in the packaging of this file.  Alternatively you may (at
your option) use any later version of the GNU General Public
License if such license has been publicly approved by Riverbank
Computing Limited (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt
Foundation. In addition, as a special exception, Riverbank gives you
certain additional rights. These rights are described in the Riverbank
GPL Exception version 1.1, which can be found in the file
GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.

If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please
contact the sales department at sales@riverbankcomputing.com.


%Include(name=staticplugins.sip, optional=True)

%DefaultSupertype sip.simplewrapper

%Include qabstractbutton.sip
%Include qabstractitemdelegate.sip
%Include qabstractitemview.sip
%Include qabstractprintdialog.sip
%Include qabstractproxymodel.sip
%Include qabstractscrollarea.sip
%Include qabstractslider.sip
%Include qabstractspinbox.sip
%Include qabstracttextdocumentlayout.sip
%Include qaction.sip
%Include qactiongroup.sip
%Include qapplication.sip
%Include qbitmap.sip
%Include qboxlayout.sip
%Include qcolor.sip
%Include qcommandlinkbutton.sip
%Include qbrush.sip
%Include qbuttongroup.sip
%Include qcalendarwidget.sip
%Include qcheckbox.sip
%Include qclipboard.sip
%Include qcolumnview.sip
%Include qcolordialog.sip
%Include qcombobox.sip
%Include qcommonstyle.sip
%Include qcompleter.sip
%Include qcursor.sip
%Include qdatawidgetmapper.sip
%Include qdatetimeedit.sip
%Include qdesktopservices.sip
%Include qdesktopwidget.sip
%Include qdial.sip
%Include qdialog.sip
%Include qdialogbuttonbox.sip
%Include qdirmodel.sip
%Include qdockwidget.sip
%Include qdrag.sip
%Include qdrawutil.sip
%Include qerrormessage.sip
%Include qevent.sip
%Include qfiledialog.sip
%Include qfileiconprovider.sip
%Include qfilesystemmodel.sip
%Include qfocusframe.sip
%Include qfont.sip
%Include qfontcombobox.sip
%Include qfontdatabase.sip
%Include qfontdialog.sip
%Include qfontinfo.sip
%Include qfontmetrics.sip
%Include qformlayout.sip
%Include qframe.sip
%Include qgenericmatrix.sip
%Include qgesture.sip
%Include qgesturerecognizer.sip
%Include qglyphrun.sip
%Include qgraphicsanchorlayout.sip
%Include qgraphicseffect.sip
%Include qgraphicsgridlayout.sip
%Include qgraphicsitem.sip
%Include qgraphicsitemanimation.sip
%Include qgraphicslayout.sip
%Include qgraphicslayoutitem.sip
%Include qgraphicslinearlayout.sip
%Include qgraphicsproxywidget.sip
%Include qgraphicsscene.sip
%Include qgraphicswidget.sip
%Include qgraphicssceneevent.sip
%Include qgraphicstransform.sip
%Include qgraphicsview.sip
%Include qgridlayout.sip
%Include qgroupbox.sip
%Include qguiapplication.sip
%Include qheaderview.sip
%Include qicon.sip
%Include qiconengine.sip
%Include qidentityproxymodel.sip
%Include qimage.sip
%Include qimageiohandler.sip
%Include qimagereader.sip
%Include qimagewriter.sip
%Include qinputcontext.sip
%Include qinputcontextfactory.sip
%Include qinputdialog.sip
%Include qitemdelegate.sip
%Include qitemeditorfactory.sip
%Include qitemselectionmodel.sip
%Include qkeyeventtransition.sip
%Include qkeysequence.sip
%Include qlabel.sip
%Include qlayout.sip
%Include qlayoutitem.sip
%Include qlcdnumber.sip
%Include qlineedit.sip
%Include qlistview.sip
%Include qlistwidget.sip
%Include qmainwindow.sip
%Include qmatrix.sip
%Include qmatrix4x4.sip
%Include qmdiarea.sip
%Include qmdisubwindow.sip
%Include qmenu.sip
%Include qmenubar.sip
%Include qmessagebox.sip
%Include qmime.sip
%Include qmouseeventtransition.sip
%Include qmovie.sip
%Include qpagedpaintdevice.sip
%Include qpagesetupdialog.sip
%Include qpainter.sip
%Include qpaintdevice.sip
%Include qpaintengine.sip
%Include qpainterpath.sip
%Include qpalette.sip
%Include qpen.sip
%Include qpicture.sip
%Include qpixmap.sip
%Include qpixmapcache.sip
%Include qplaintextedit.sip
%Include qpolygon.sip
%Include qprinter.sip
%Include qprintdialog.sip
%Include qprintengine.sip
%Include qprinterinfo.sip
%Include qprintpreviewdialog.sip
%Include qprintpreviewwidget.sip
%Include qprogressbar.sip
%Include qprogressdialog.sip
%Include qproxymodel.sip
%Include qpushbutton.sip
%Include qquaternion.sip
%Include qradiobutton.sip
%Include qrawfont.sip
%Include qregion.sip
%Include qrgb.sip
%Include qrubberband.sip
%Include qscreen.sip
%Include qscrollarea.sip
%Include qscrollbar.sip
%Include qsessionmanager.sip
%Include qshortcut.sip
%Include qsizegrip.sip
%Include qsizepolicy.sip
%Include qslider.sip
%Include qsortfilterproxymodel.sip
%Include qsound.sip
%Include qspinbox.sip
%Include qsplashscreen.sip
%Include qsplitter.sip
%Include qstackedlayout.sip
%Include qstackedwidget.sip
%Include qstandarditemmodel.sip
%Include qstatictext.sip
%Include qstatusbar.sip
%Include qstringlistmodel.sip
%Include qstyle.sip
%Include qstyleditemdelegate.sip
%Include qstylefactory.sip
%Include qstyleoption.sip
%Include qstylepainter.sip
%Include qsyntaxhighlighter.sip
%Include qsystemtrayicon.sip
%Include qtabbar.sip
%Include qtableview.sip
%Include qtablewidget.sip
%Include qtabwidget.sip
%Include qtextbrowser.sip
%Include qtextcursor.sip
%Include qtextdocument.sip
%Include qtextdocumentfragment.sip
%Include qtextdocumentwriter.sip
%Include qtextedit.sip
%Include qtextformat.sip
%Include qtextlayout.sip
%Include qtextlist.sip
%Include qtextobject.sip
%Include qtextoption.sip
%Include qtexttable.sip
%Include qtoolbar.sip
%Include qtoolbox.sip
%Include qtoolbutton.sip
%Include qtooltip.sip
%Include qtouchdevice.sip
%Include qtransform.sip
%Include qtreeview.sip
%Include qtreewidget.sip
%Include qtreewidgetitemiterator.sip
%Include qundogroup.sip
%Include qundostack.sip
%Include qundoview.sip
%Include qvalidator.sip
%Include qvector2d.sip
%Include qvector3d.sip
%Include qvector4d.sip
%Include qwhatsthis.sip
%Include qwidget.sip
%Include qwidgetaction.sip
%Include qwindowdefs.sip
%Include qwizard.sip
%Include qworkspace.sip
%Include qx11embed_x11.sip
%Include qx11info_x11.sip
%Include qpytextobject.sip