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Changes in version 0.7-2

  o new command #Rscript2.bat is a simpler version of #Rscript.bat

  o bug fix in clip2r.js

Changes in version 0.7-1

  o remove duplicates from R_TOOLS_PATH

Changes in version 0.7-0

  o R.bat reworked. It now has a  with different interface and many prior 
    batch files have been incorporated into it and removed

  o new Rpathset.bat

  o new documentation: (and batchfiles.pdf produced from it
    using make-batchfiles.pdf.bat

Change in version 0.6-7

  o Rtools paths changed

Changes in version 0.6-6

  o bug fixes

Changes in version 0.6-5

  o if MYSQL_HOME has not already been set then it set it to the last file
    among these, if any:


    This allows one to install and run RMySQL without setting any environment 
    variables.  (Note that MySQL should be installed from the mysql site.
    xampp and wamp do not include the header files needed by RMySQL.)

Changes in version 0.6-4

  o fixed bugs

Changes in version 0.6-3

  o fixed bugs

Changes in version 0.6-1

  o fixed bugs

  o R_ARCH and --arch can consistently be any of 32, i386, 64, x64, /i386 or /64
    (vs R itself which otherwise uses different values for R_ARCH and --arch)

Changes in version 0.6

  o enhancements to handle architecture specific directory structure in R 2.12.0
    Supports R_ARCH environment variable and --arch= first argument.  Valid
    values are 32, 64, i386, x64.  Default is i386.

Changes in version 0.5-1

  o new experimental command clip2r.js

  o bug fixes

Changes in version 0.5-0

  o new command show-svn-info.hta when run from a Tortoise SVN checkout
    folder shows some info about it.  Requires Tortoise SVN version 1.5
    or higher.

  o new command find-miktex.hta can be run without arguments from the
    Windows command line or double clicked from Windows Explorer 
    to show path to the MiKTeX bin directory.

  o Rversions.hta now also changes the .RData association and has
    been verified to work on both XP and Vista.

  o new RExcelversion.hta (also distributed with RExcel) that is like
    Rversions.hta but also sets the version for Rexcel at the same time
    and has been verified to work on both XP and Vista.

  o jgr.bat now passes the Windows library and R home to jgr.exe automatically

  o added defensive code to allow code to work even in the presence of
    certain bad PATH variables

  o testing on XP32, XPx64, Vista32, Win7x64 (thanks to Nicholas Hirschey)

Changes in version 0.4-3

  o Sweave.bat and Stangle.bat were not automatically finding MiKTeX.  

Changes in version 0.4-2

  o can optionally work off initialization files in place of registry.
    Place rbatchfilesrc.bat in current directory or %userprofile% (so 
    different directories can work off different versions of R, say) 
    or same directory as the other batchfiles and it will run it first.
    Typically rbatchfiles.bat would constain these two lines or similar:
		set R_HOME=C:\Program Files\R\R-2.7.0
		set R_TOOLS=C:\Rtools

  o added Stangle.bat

Changes in version 0.4-1

  o it is no longer necessary to set any paths to build R packages
    provided Rtools 2.7 or later is used.  Rcmd.bat and the other
    scripts automatically find Rtools from the registry (including perl)
    and if MikTeX is at %ProgramFiles%\MiKTeX* or %SystemDrive%:\MiKTex  
    then it will find MiKTeX too.  New optional environment variables 
    R_TOOLS and R_MIKTEX are available to force specified paths to be used.

  o new Rtools.bat command that sets the path for the current cmd instance
    to the one that R*.bat files use internally.  That is, rtools/bin,
    rtools/perl/bin, rtools/MinGW/bin and MiKTeX .../miktex/bin are added 
    to the path.  This is not needed to run or install R programs but only
    if you want to access the rtools for other purposes.

  o new el.js command which runs the command given as its argument elevated.
    e.g. el cmd

Changes in version 0.4-0

  o as of 0.4-0 batchfiles is being developed and tested on Vista.
    It may still work on XP but if any of the commands do not then use
    version 0.3-2 instead since that was exclusively tested on XP.

  o added RguiStart.bat which is like Rgui.bat but takes a single argument
    which is a directory and starts up there

  o the dependency of sweave.bat on Rterm.bat was eliminated so all
    batch and javascript programs in this collection are now independent
    of each other and have no dependencies aside form R.  (The perl
    program,, is does depend on perl and toggleDoc.js.)

  o added info on how to use RguiStart.bat and sweave.bat with SendTo

  o misc improvements to README file

  o improved help message given by sweave.bat when issued with no arguments

  o removed only tested on XP messages since they work on Vista

  o changed algorithm in Rversions.bat.  Now it checks current directory,
    R_HOME and all keys in R's portion of the registry plus all sibling
    folders of those mentioned.  Also it runs RSetReg.exe elevated
    on Vista.  New version has not been tested on XP; however, older
    versions are still available and were tested on XP.

  o updated copydir.bat portion of README to discuss additional alternatives

  o removed find-miktex.bat, Rfind.bat and makepkg.bat (they are still
    available in batchfiles version 0.3-2)

  o added which adds a toggle box to each 00Index.html
    which when checked collapses similar HTML help lines into one.  Contributed
    by Dieter Menne.

Changes in version 0.3-2
  o sweave.bat now uses Rterm.bat rather than Rcmd.bat which makes it usable
    with a basic R installation (i.e. sh.exe not needed).  Previously it
    required Rcmd.bat but now it requires Rterm.bat instead.

  o added Rterm.bat (just a copy of Rcmd.bat)

Changes in Version 0.3-1

  o new find-miktex.bat which lists the mixktex folders from the registry

  o new Rscript.bat which allows one to use the Rscript facility in 
    R 2.5.0 and later without changing pathnames.  Just place Rscript.bat
    in any existing path and it will automatically find the
    current version of R from the registry and run the Rscript.exe that
    is there.

  o runR.bat.  If you have an R script such as myfile.R then you can create
    a batch script for it by copying runR.bat to myfile.bat.  Then when you
    issue the command myfile or myfile.bat it will run the R script in
    myfile.R .  Just place myfile.bat and myfile.R anywhere in your path.  
    This uses Rscript.bat .

  o #Rscript.  If you have an Rscript called myfile.R, say, then if you
    copy the script to myfile.bat and place 
       #Rscript %0 %*  
    as the first line with the remainder being the R commands then issuing
    the command myfile or myfile.bat will run the R script.  The advantage
    over the runR.bat method is that there is only one file, myfile.bat.
    You don't need myfile.R anymore.  The disadvantage is that it will 
    echo the #Rscript line to stdout.  This will be fixed if and when 
    Rscript ever gets the perl/python/ruby -x flag.  (The runR approach will 
    not echo additional lines but does require two files.)  

  o new Rtidy.bat is a sample Rscript that uses the #Rscript facility
    based on George Georgalis' UNIX code

  o withgs.bat now checks for latest ghostscript version.  (Previously 
    version was hard coded and it only worked for that version.)

Changes in Version 0.3-0

  o sweave now generates a second .pdf ending which is a copy of the first
    but has a unique name and displays that.  This works around a problem
    with acrobat that it will not display two files with the same name
    at the same time.

  o new --tex, --pdf, --nobck.pdf switches are available on sweave.  Also
    expanded help when entering sweave without args.
Changes in Version 0.2-9

  o updated README and other documentation files and inline documentation

  o added sweave.bat
  o new google code home page and svn repository

Changes in Version 0.2-8

  o bug fix in copydir.bat and movedir.bat

Changes in Version 0.2-7

  o removed extra popup from Rversions.hta

  o Rfind.bat now looks in registry for MiKTeX, replacing
    previous heuristic.  [Thanks for help from Duncan
    Murdoch].  Also RToolsDir typo fixed in Rfind.bat.

Changes in Version 0.2-6

  o batch files no longer use short names internally since this
    triggers a bug in Windows batch in the case of the new R
    folder naming conventions.

  o Rversions.hta - fix for path names with spaces

  o Rrefresh.bat has been removed (after having been deprecated in
    in previous versions of batchfiles).

  o tested movedir.bat by using it to upgrade R-2.2.0pat to R-2.2.1.  
    See instructions in README.

Changes in Version 0.2-5

  o added movedir.bat which moves libraries from one version of
    R to another.  This is like copydir.bat but is much faster and
    can be used when the older version of R is no longer needed
    (unlike copydir.bat which preserves the older version).  See
    README for usage.

Changes in Version 0.2-3

  o added copydir.bat which can copy libraries from one version of
    R to another.  (This is a temporary solution until R provides
    facilities for upgrading the libraries, expected in R 2.3.0 .)
    See README for usage.
  o eliminated all code associated with reading and manipulation of
    R_ENVIRON, R_PROFILE and R_LIBS simplifying the batch files.  Use
    copydir.bat instead.

  o Rversions.hta is a javascript GUI version of Rversions.bat 

Changes in Version 0.2-2

  o added jgr.bat which starts up the JGR GUI.

  o added Rversions.bat which can list the directories of all R versions 
    available and can set one to become the current R version.

  o all batch scripts which used the environment variable name Rrw now 
    use the environment variable name R_HOME instead.

  o Rcmd.bat, Rgui.bat, R.bat, jgr.bat files will now read R_ENVIRON, 
    if present, and set the R_LIBS definition in it, if present (unless
    R_LIBS is already defined as an environment variable).  All R_ENVIRON
    file syntax accepted by R is supported including comments (#), 
    var=value, var=${foo-bar} and recursions, var=${A-${B-C}}.

  o makepkg.bat internals were simplified due to previous point.

  o updated WISHLIST.

  o updated THANKS.

  o updated README.  More introductory information.  Also instructions 
    for Rgui shortcut will disable screen flash on startup. Corrections.

Changes in Version 0.2-1

  o improvements to README

Changes in Version 0.2-0

  o can now support configurations without *.site files (as well as
    configurations with *.site files) thereby reducing the minimum 
    configuration even further.  

  o Rcmd.bat, Rgui.bat and R.bat now temporarily set R_ENVIRON,
    R_PROFILE and R_LIBS as needed so that it is no longer necessary to 
    copy the *.site files into the etc directory eliminating all
    reconfiguration when upgrading to a new version of R (except for
    refreshing MiKTeX).

  o new command miktex-refresh.bat is used to refresh MiKTeX after a
    new version of R is installed. Previously this was done in
    Rrefresh.bat which is now deprecated.  Rrefresh.bat is no longer 
    needed (unless you want each R version to have its own *.site files).

  o new NEWS, WISHLIST and RESOURCES files.

  o README provides additional details.