file_position.hpp 5.67 KB
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    Boost.Wave: A Standard compliant C++ preprocessor library

    Definition of the position_iterator and file_position templates

    Copyright (c) 2001-2012 Hartmut Kaiser. Distributed under the Boost
    Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
    LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at

#if !defined(FILE_POSITION_H_52BDEDF7_DAD3_4F24_802F_E66BB8098F68_INCLUDED)

#include <string>
#include <ostream>

#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_version.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/classic_position_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/wave/wave_config.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>

// this must occur after all of the includes and before any code appears

namespace boost {
namespace wave {
namespace util {

//  file_position
//  A structure to hold positional information. This includes the filename,
//  line number and column number of a current token position.

template <typename StringT>
struct file_position {

    typedef StringT string_type;

    :   file(), line(1), column(1)
    explicit file_position(string_type const& file_, std::size_t line_ = 1, 
            std::size_t column_ = 1)
    :   file(file_), line(line_), column(column_)

// accessors
    string_type const &get_file() const { return file; }
    std::size_t get_line() const { return line; }
    std::size_t get_column() const { return column; }

    void set_file(string_type const &file_) 
        file = file_; 
    void set_line(std::size_t line_) { line = line_; }
    void set_column(std::size_t column_) { column = column_; }

    friend class boost::serialization::access;
    template<typename Archive>
    void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
        using namespace boost::serialization;
        ar & make_nvp("filename", file);
        ar & make_nvp("line", line);
        ar & make_nvp("column", column);

    string_type file;
    std::size_t line;
    std::size_t column;

template <typename StringT>
bool operator== (file_position<StringT> const &lhs, 
    file_position<StringT> const &rhs)
    return lhs.get_column() == rhs.get_column() && 
        lhs.get_line() == rhs.get_line() && lhs.get_file() == rhs.get_file();

template <typename StringT>
inline std::ostream &
operator<< (std::ostream &o, file_position<StringT> const &pos)
    o << pos.get_file() << ":" << pos.get_line() << ":"  << pos.get_column();
    return o;

typedef file_position<BOOST_WAVE_STRINGTYPE> file_position_type;

//  position_iterator
//  The position_iterator used by Wave is now based on the corresponding Spirit 
//  type. This type is used with our own file_position though. The needed
//  specialization of the boost::spirit::classic::position_policy class is 
//  provided below.

template <typename IteratorT, typename PositionT>
struct position_iterator 
:   boost::spirit::classic::position_iterator<IteratorT, PositionT>
    typedef boost::spirit::classic::position_iterator<IteratorT, PositionT> base_type;


    position_iterator(IteratorT const &begin, IteratorT const &end,
            PositionT const &pos)
    :   base_type(begin, end, pos)

}   // namespace util
}   // namespace wave


namespace spirit { namespace classic {

//  The boost::spirit::classic::position_policy has to be specialized for our 
//  file_position class

    template <>
    class position_policy<boost::wave::util::file_position_type> {

            : m_CharsPerTab(4)

        void next_line(boost::wave::util::file_position_type &pos)
            pos.set_line(pos.get_line() + 1);

        void set_tab_chars(unsigned int chars)
            m_CharsPerTab = chars;

        void next_char(boost::wave::util::file_position_type &pos)
            pos.set_column(pos.get_column() + 1);

        void tabulation(boost::wave::util::file_position_type &pos)   
            pos.set_column(pos.get_column() + m_CharsPerTab - 
                (pos.get_column() - 1) % m_CharsPerTab);

        unsigned int m_CharsPerTab;

}}   // namespace spirit::classic

}   // namespace boost 

// the suffix header occurs after all of the code

#endif // !defined(FILE_POSITION_H_52BDEDF7_DAD3_4F24_802F_E66BB8098F68_INCLUDED)