ogr_feature.h 35.6 KB
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 * $Id: ogr_feature.h b1bcc1fb9ead43f093fa78f7126e332a51d2701a 2019-01-11 15:55:15 +0100 Even Rouault $
 * Project:  OpenGIS Simple Features Reference Implementation
 * Purpose:  Class for representing a whole feature, and layer schemas.
 * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
 * Copyright (c) 1999,  Les Technologies SoftMap Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org>
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
 * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


#include "cpl_atomic_ops.h"
#include "ogr_featurestyle.h"
#include "ogr_geometry.h"

#include <exception>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

 * \file ogr_feature.h
 * Simple feature classes.

#ifndef DEFINE_OGRFeatureH
/*! @cond Doxygen_Suppress */
#define DEFINE_OGRFeatureH
/*! @endcond */
#ifdef DEBUG
typedef struct OGRFieldDefnHS   *OGRFieldDefnH;
typedef struct OGRFeatureDefnHS *OGRFeatureDefnH;
typedef struct OGRFeatureHS     *OGRFeatureH;
typedef struct OGRStyleTableHS *OGRStyleTableH;
/** Opaque type for a field definition (OGRFieldDefn) */
typedef void *OGRFieldDefnH;
/** Opaque type for a feature definition (OGRFeatureDefn) */
typedef void *OGRFeatureDefnH;
/** Opaque type for a feature (OGRFeature) */
typedef void *OGRFeatureH;
/** Opaque type for a style table (OGRStyleTable) */
typedef void *OGRStyleTableH;
/** Opaque type for a geometry field definition (OGRGeomFieldDefn) */
typedef struct OGRGeomFieldDefnHS *OGRGeomFieldDefnH;
#endif /* DEFINE_OGRFeatureH */

class OGRStyleTable;

/*                             OGRFieldDefn                             */

 * Definition of an attribute of an OGRFeatureDefn. A field is described by :
 * <ul>
 * <li>a name. See SetName() / GetNameRef()</li>
 * <li>a type: OFTString, OFTInteger, OFTReal, ... See SetType() / GetType()</li>
 * <li>a subtype (optional): OFSTBoolean, ... See SetSubType() / GetSubType()</li>
 * <li>a width (optional): maximal number of characters. See SetWidth() / GetWidth()</li>
 * <li>a precision (optional): number of digits after decimal point. See SetPrecision() / GetPrecision()</li>
 * <li>a NOT NULL constraint (optional). See SetNullable() / IsNullable()</li>
 * <li>a default value (optional).  See SetDefault() / GetDefault()</li>
 * <li>a boolean to indicate whether it should be ignored when retrieving features.  See SetIgnored() / IsIgnored()</li>
 * </ul>

class CPL_DLL OGRFieldDefn
    char                *pszName;
    OGRFieldType        eType;
    OGRJustification    eJustify;
    int                 nWidth;  // Zero is variable.
    int                 nPrecision;
    char                *pszDefault;

    int                 bIgnore;
    OGRFieldSubType     eSubType;

    int                 bNullable;

                        OGRFieldDefn( const char *, OGRFieldType );
               explicit OGRFieldDefn( const OGRFieldDefn * );

    void                SetName( const char * );
    const char         *GetNameRef() const { return pszName; }

    OGRFieldType        GetType() const { return eType; }
    void                SetType( OGRFieldType eTypeIn );
    static const char  *GetFieldTypeName( OGRFieldType );

    OGRFieldSubType     GetSubType() const { return eSubType; }
    void                SetSubType( OGRFieldSubType eSubTypeIn );
    static const char  *GetFieldSubTypeName( OGRFieldSubType );

    OGRJustification    GetJustify() const { return eJustify; }
    void                SetJustify( OGRJustification eJustifyIn )
                                                { eJustify = eJustifyIn; }

    int                 GetWidth() const { return nWidth; }
    void                SetWidth( int nWidthIn ) { nWidth = MAX(0,nWidthIn); }

    int                 GetPrecision() const { return nPrecision; }
    void                SetPrecision( int nPrecisionIn )
                                                { nPrecision = nPrecisionIn; }

    void                Set( const char *, OGRFieldType, int = 0, int = 0,
                             OGRJustification = OJUndefined );

    void                SetDefault( const char* );
    const char         *GetDefault() const;
    int                 IsDefaultDriverSpecific() const;

    int                 IsIgnored() const { return bIgnore; }
    void                SetIgnored( int bIgnoreIn ) { bIgnore = bIgnoreIn; }

    int                 IsNullable() const { return bNullable; }
    void                SetNullable( int bNullableIn ) { bNullable = bNullableIn; }

    int                 IsSame( const OGRFieldDefn * ) const;

    /** Convert a OGRFieldDefn* to a OGRFieldDefnH.
    * @since GDAL 2.3
    static inline OGRFieldDefnH ToHandle(OGRFieldDefn* poFieldDefn)
        { return reinterpret_cast<OGRFieldDefnH>(poFieldDefn); }

    /** Convert a OGRFieldDefnH to a OGRFieldDefn*.
    * @since GDAL 2.3
    static inline OGRFieldDefn* FromHandle(OGRFieldDefnH hFieldDefn)
        { return reinterpret_cast<OGRFieldDefn*>(hFieldDefn); }

/*                          OGRGeomFieldDefn                            */

 * Definition of a geometry field of an OGRFeatureDefn. A geometry field is
 * described by :
 * <ul>
 * <li>a name. See SetName() / GetNameRef()</li>
 * <li>a type: wkbPoint, wkbLineString, ... See SetType() / GetType()</li>
 * <li>a spatial reference system (optional). See SetSpatialRef() / GetSpatialRef()</li>
 * <li>a NOT NULL constraint (optional). See SetNullable() / IsNullable()</li>
 * <li>a boolean to indicate whether it should be ignored when retrieving features.  See SetIgnored() / IsIgnored()</li>
 * </ul>
 * @since OGR 1.11

class CPL_DLL OGRGeomFieldDefn
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
        char                *pszName = nullptr;
        OGRwkbGeometryType   eGeomType = wkbUnknown; /* all values possible except wkbNone */
        mutable OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = nullptr;

        int                 bIgnore = false;
        mutable int         bNullable = true;

        void                Initialize( const char *, OGRwkbGeometryType );
//! @endcond

                            OGRGeomFieldDefn( const char *pszNameIn,
                                              OGRwkbGeometryType eGeomTypeIn );
                  explicit OGRGeomFieldDefn( const OGRGeomFieldDefn * );
        virtual            ~OGRGeomFieldDefn();

        void                SetName( const char * );
        const char         *GetNameRef() const { return pszName; }

        OGRwkbGeometryType  GetType() const { return eGeomType; }
        void                SetType( OGRwkbGeometryType eTypeIn );

        virtual OGRSpatialReference* GetSpatialRef() const;
        void                 SetSpatialRef( OGRSpatialReference* poSRSIn );

        int                 IsIgnored() const { return bIgnore; }
        void                SetIgnored( int bIgnoreIn ) { bIgnore = bIgnoreIn; }

        int                 IsNullable() const { return bNullable; }
        void                SetNullable( int bNullableIn )
            { bNullable = bNullableIn; }

        int                 IsSame( const OGRGeomFieldDefn * ) const;

        /** Convert a OGRGeomFieldDefn* to a OGRGeomFieldDefnH.
        * @since GDAL 2.3
        static inline OGRGeomFieldDefnH ToHandle(OGRGeomFieldDefn* poGeomFieldDefn)
            { return reinterpret_cast<OGRGeomFieldDefnH>(poGeomFieldDefn); }

        /** Convert a OGRGeomFieldDefnH to a OGRGeomFieldDefn*.
        * @since GDAL 2.3
        static inline OGRGeomFieldDefn* FromHandle(OGRGeomFieldDefnH hGeomFieldDefn)
            { return reinterpret_cast<OGRGeomFieldDefn*>(hGeomFieldDefn); }

/*                            OGRFeatureDefn                            */

 * Definition of a feature class or feature layer.
 * This object contains schema information for a set of OGRFeatures.  In
 * table based systems, an OGRFeatureDefn is essentially a layer.  In more
 * object oriented approaches (such as SF CORBA) this can represent a class
 * of features but doesn't necessarily relate to all of a layer, or just one
 * layer.
 * This object also can contain some other information such as a name and
 * potentially other metadata.
 * It is essentially a collection of field descriptions (OGRFieldDefn class).
 * Starting with GDAL 1.11, in addition to attribute fields, it can also
 * contain multiple geometry fields (OGRGeomFieldDefn class).
 * It is reasonable for different translators to derive classes from
 * OGRFeatureDefn with additional translator specific information.

class CPL_DLL OGRFeatureDefn
//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
    volatile int nRefCount;

    mutable int         nFieldCount;
    mutable OGRFieldDefn **papoFieldDefn;

    mutable int                nGeomFieldCount;
    mutable OGRGeomFieldDefn **papoGeomFieldDefn;

    char        *pszFeatureClassName;

    int         bIgnoreStyle;
//! @endcond

       explicit OGRFeatureDefn( const char * pszName = nullptr );
    virtual    ~OGRFeatureDefn();

    void                 SetName( const char* pszName );
    virtual const char  *GetName() const;

    virtual int         GetFieldCount() const;
    virtual OGRFieldDefn *GetFieldDefn( int i );
    virtual const OGRFieldDefn *GetFieldDefn( int i ) const;
    virtual int         GetFieldIndex( const char * ) const;
    int                 GetFieldIndexCaseSensitive( const char * ) const;

    virtual void        AddFieldDefn( OGRFieldDefn * );
    virtual OGRErr      DeleteFieldDefn( int iField );
    virtual OGRErr      ReorderFieldDefns( int* panMap );

    virtual int         GetGeomFieldCount() const;
    virtual OGRGeomFieldDefn *GetGeomFieldDefn( int i );
    virtual const OGRGeomFieldDefn *GetGeomFieldDefn( int i ) const;
    virtual int         GetGeomFieldIndex( const char * ) const;

    virtual void        AddGeomFieldDefn( OGRGeomFieldDefn *,
                                          int bCopy = TRUE );
    virtual OGRErr      DeleteGeomFieldDefn( int iGeomField );

    virtual OGRwkbGeometryType GetGeomType() const;
    virtual void        SetGeomType( OGRwkbGeometryType );

    virtual OGRFeatureDefn *Clone() const;

    int         Reference() { return CPLAtomicInc(&nRefCount); }
    int         Dereference() { return CPLAtomicDec(&nRefCount); }
    int         GetReferenceCount() const { return nRefCount; }
    void        Release();

    virtual int         IsGeometryIgnored() const;
    virtual void        SetGeometryIgnored( int bIgnore );
    virtual int         IsStyleIgnored() const { return bIgnoreStyle; }
    virtual void        SetStyleIgnored( int bIgnore )
        { bIgnoreStyle = bIgnore; }

    virtual int         IsSame( const OGRFeatureDefn * poOtherFeatureDefn ) const;

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
    void ReserveSpaceForFields(int nFieldCountIn);
//! @endcond

    std::vector<int>    ComputeMapForSetFrom( const OGRFeatureDefn* poSrcFDefn,
                                              bool bForgiving = true ) const;

    static OGRFeatureDefn  *CreateFeatureDefn( const char *pszName = nullptr );
    static void         DestroyFeatureDefn( OGRFeatureDefn * );

    /** Convert a OGRFeatureDefn* to a OGRFeatureDefnH.
     * @since GDAL 2.3
    static inline OGRFeatureDefnH ToHandle(OGRFeatureDefn* poFeatureDefn)
        { return reinterpret_cast<OGRFeatureDefnH>(poFeatureDefn); }

    /** Convert a OGRFeatureDefnH to a OGRFeatureDefn*.
     * @since GDAL 2.3
    static inline OGRFeatureDefn* FromHandle(OGRFeatureDefnH hFeatureDefn)
        { return reinterpret_cast<OGRFeatureDefn*>(hFeatureDefn); }


/*                              OGRFeature                              */

 * A simple feature, including geometry and attributes.

class CPL_DLL OGRFeature

    GIntBig              nFID;
    OGRFeatureDefn      *poDefn;
    OGRGeometry        **papoGeometries;
    OGRField            *pauFields;
    char                *m_pszNativeData;
    char                *m_pszNativeMediaType;

    bool                SetFieldInternal( int i, OGRField * puValue );

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
    mutable char        *m_pszStyleString;
    mutable OGRStyleTable *m_poStyleTable;
    mutable char        *m_pszTmpFieldValue;
//! @endcond

    bool                CopySelfTo( OGRFeature *poNew ) const;

    explicit            OGRFeature( OGRFeatureDefn * );
    virtual            ~OGRFeature();

    /** Field value. */
    class CPL_DLL FieldValue
        friend class OGRFeature;
        struct Private;
        std::unique_ptr<Private> m_poPrivate;

        FieldValue(OGRFeature* poFeature, int iFieldIndex);
        FieldValue(const OGRFeature* poFeature, int iFieldIndex);
        FieldValue(const FieldValue& oOther) = delete;

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
//! @endcond

        /** Set a field value from another one. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const FieldValue& oOther);
        /** Set an integer value to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (int nVal);
        /** Set an integer value to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (GIntBig nVal);
        /** Set a real value to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (double  dfVal);
        /** Set a string value to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const char *pszVal);
        /** Set a string value to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const std::string& osVal);
        /** Set an array of integer to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const std::vector<int>& oArray);
        /** Set an array of big integer to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const std::vector<GIntBig>& oArray);
        /** Set an array of double to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const std::vector<double>& oArray);
        /** Set an array of strings to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (const std::vector<std::string>& oArray);
        /** Set an array of strings to the field. */
        FieldValue& operator= (CSLConstList papszValues);
        /** Set a null value to the field. */
        void SetNull();
        /** Unset the field. */
        void clear();
        /** Unset the field. */
        void Unset() { clear(); }
        /** Set date time value/ */
        void SetDateTime(int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay,
                         int nHour=0, int nMinute=0, float fSecond=0.f,
                         int nTZFlag = 0 );

        /** Return field index. */
        int GetIndex() const;
        /** Return field definition. */
        const OGRFieldDefn* GetDefn() const;
        /** Return field name. */
        const char* GetName() const { return GetDefn()->GetNameRef(); }
        /** Return field type. */
        OGRFieldType GetType() const { return GetDefn()->GetType(); }
        /** Return field subtype. */
        OGRFieldSubType GetSubType() const { return GetDefn()->GetSubType(); }

        /** Return whether the field value is unset/empty. */
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        bool empty() const { return IsUnset(); }

        /** Return whether the field value is unset/empty. */
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        bool IsUnset() const;

        /** Return whether the field value is null. */
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        bool IsNull() const;

        /** Return the raw field value */
        const OGRField *GetRawValue() const;

        /** Return the integer value.
            * Only use that method if and only if GetType() == OFTInteger.
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        int GetInteger() const  { return GetRawValue()->Integer; }

        /** Return the 64-bit integer value.
            * Only use that method if and only if GetType() == OFTInteger64.
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        GIntBig GetInteger64() const  { return GetRawValue()->Integer64; }

        /** Return the double value.
            * Only use that method if and only if GetType() == OFTReal.
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        double GetDouble() const  { return GetRawValue()->Real; }

        /** Return the string value.
            * Only use that method if and only if GetType() == OFTString.
        // cppcheck-suppress functionStatic
        const char* GetString() const { return GetRawValue()->String; }

        /** Return the date/time/datetime value. */
        bool GetDateTime( int *pnYear, int *pnMonth,
                            int *pnDay,
                            int *pnHour, int *pnMinute,
                            float *pfSecond,
                            int *pnTZFlag ) const;

        /** Return the field value as integer, with potential conversion */
        operator int () const { return GetAsInteger(); }
        /** Return the field value as 64-bit integer, with potential conversion */
        operator GIntBig() const { return GetAsInteger64(); }
        /** Return the field value as double, with potential conversion */
        operator double () const { return GetAsDouble(); }
        /** Return the field value as string, with potential conversion */
        operator const char*() const { return GetAsString(); }
        /** Return the field value as integer list, with potential conversion */
        operator const std::vector<int>& () const { return GetAsIntegerList(); }
        /** Return the field value as 64-bit integer list, with potential conversion */
        operator const std::vector<GIntBig>& () const { return GetAsInteger64List(); }
        /** Return the field value as double list, with potential conversion */
        operator const std::vector<double>& () const { return GetAsDoubleList(); }
        /** Return the field value as string list, with potential conversion */
        operator const std::vector<std::string>& () const { return GetAsStringList(); }
        /** Return the field value as string list, with potential conversion */
        operator CSLConstList () const;

        /** Return the field value as integer, with potential conversion */
        int GetAsInteger() const;
        /** Return the field value as 64-bit integer, with potential conversion */
        GIntBig GetAsInteger64() const;
        /** Return the field value as double, with potential conversion */
        double GetAsDouble() const;
        /** Return the field value as string, with potential conversion */
        const char* GetAsString() const;
        /** Return the field value as integer list, with potential conversion */
        const std::vector<int>& GetAsIntegerList() const;
        /** Return the field value as 64-bit integer list, with potential conversion */
        const std::vector<GIntBig>& GetAsInteger64List() const;
        /** Return the field value as double list, with potential conversion */
        const std::vector<double>& GetAsDoubleList() const;
        /** Return the field value as string list, with potential conversion */
        const std::vector<std::string>& GetAsStringList() const;

    /** Field value iterator class. */
    class CPL_DLL ConstFieldIterator
        friend class OGRFeature;
        struct Private;
        std::unique_ptr<Private> m_poPrivate;

        ConstFieldIterator(const OGRFeature* poSelf, int nPos);

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
        ConstFieldIterator(ConstFieldIterator&& oOther) noexcept; // declared but not defined. Needed for gcc 5.4 at least
        const FieldValue& operator*() const;
        ConstFieldIterator& operator++();
        bool operator!=(const ConstFieldIterator& it) const;
//! @endcond

    /** Return begin of field value iterator.
     * Using this iterator for standard range-based loops is safe, but
     * due to implementation limitations, you shouldn't try to access
     * (dereference) more than one iterator step at a time, since you will get
     * a reference to the same object (FieldValue) at each iteration step.
     * <pre>
     * for( auto&& oField: poFeature )
     * {
     *      std::cout << oField.GetIndex() << "," << oField.GetName()<< ": " << oField.GetAsString() << std::endl;
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @since GDAL 2.3
    ConstFieldIterator begin() const;
    /** Return end of field value iterator. */
    ConstFieldIterator end() const;

    const FieldValue operator[](int iField) const;
    FieldValue operator[](int iField);

    /** Exception raised by operator[](const char*) when a field is not found. */
    class FieldNotFoundException: public std::exception {};

    const FieldValue operator[](const char* pszFieldName) const;
    FieldValue operator[](const char* pszFieldName);

    OGRFeatureDefn     *GetDefnRef() { return poDefn; }
    const OGRFeatureDefn     *GetDefnRef() const { return poDefn; }

    OGRErr              SetGeometryDirectly( OGRGeometry * );
    OGRErr              SetGeometry( const OGRGeometry * );
    OGRGeometry        *GetGeometryRef();
    const OGRGeometry  *GetGeometryRef() const;
    OGRGeometry        *StealGeometry() CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;

    int                 GetGeomFieldCount() const
                                { return poDefn->GetGeomFieldCount(); }
    OGRGeomFieldDefn   *GetGeomFieldDefnRef( int iField )
                                { return poDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(iField); }
    const OGRGeomFieldDefn   *GetGeomFieldDefnRef( int iField ) const
                                { return poDefn->GetGeomFieldDefn(iField); }
    int                 GetGeomFieldIndex( const char * pszName ) const
                                { return poDefn->GetGeomFieldIndex(pszName); }

    OGRGeometry*        GetGeomFieldRef( int iField );
    const OGRGeometry*  GetGeomFieldRef( int iField ) const;
    OGRGeometry*        StealGeometry( int iField );
    OGRGeometry*        GetGeomFieldRef( const char* pszFName );
    const OGRGeometry*  GetGeomFieldRef( const char* pszFName ) const;
    OGRErr              SetGeomFieldDirectly( int iField, OGRGeometry * );
    OGRErr              SetGeomField( int iField, const OGRGeometry * );

    OGRFeature         *Clone() const CPL_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
    virtual OGRBoolean  Equal( const OGRFeature * poFeature ) const;

    int                 GetFieldCount() const
        { return poDefn->GetFieldCount(); }
    const OGRFieldDefn *GetFieldDefnRef( int iField ) const
                                      { return poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); }
    OGRFieldDefn       *GetFieldDefnRef( int iField )
                                      { return poDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField); }
    int                 GetFieldIndex( const char * pszName ) const
                                      { return poDefn->GetFieldIndex(pszName); }

    int                 IsFieldSet( int iField ) const;

    void                UnsetField( int iField );

    bool                IsFieldNull( int iField ) const;

    void                SetFieldNull( int iField );

    bool                IsFieldSetAndNotNull( int iField ) const;

    OGRField           *GetRawFieldRef( int i ) { return pauFields + i; }
    const OGRField     *GetRawFieldRef( int i ) const { return pauFields + i; }

    int                 GetFieldAsInteger( int i ) const;
    GIntBig             GetFieldAsInteger64( int i ) const;
    double              GetFieldAsDouble( int i ) const;
    const char         *GetFieldAsString( int i ) const;
    const int          *GetFieldAsIntegerList( int i, int *pnCount ) const;
    const GIntBig      *GetFieldAsInteger64List( int i, int *pnCount ) const;
    const double       *GetFieldAsDoubleList( int i, int *pnCount ) const;
    char              **GetFieldAsStringList( int i ) const;
    GByte              *GetFieldAsBinary( int i, int *pnCount ) const;
    int                 GetFieldAsDateTime( int i,
                                            int *pnYear, int *pnMonth,
                                            int *pnDay,
                                            int *pnHour, int *pnMinute,
                                            int *pnSecond,
                                            int *pnTZFlag ) const;
    int                 GetFieldAsDateTime( int i,
                                            int *pnYear, int *pnMonth,
                                            int *pnDay,
                                            int *pnHour, int *pnMinute,
                                            float *pfSecond,
                                            int *pnTZFlag ) const;
    char               *GetFieldAsSerializedJSon( int i ) const;

    int                 GetFieldAsInteger( const char *pszFName )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsInteger( GetFieldIndex(pszFName) ); }
    GIntBig             GetFieldAsInteger64( const char *pszFName )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsInteger64( GetFieldIndex(pszFName) ); }
    double              GetFieldAsDouble( const char *pszFName )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsDouble( GetFieldIndex(pszFName) ); }
    const char         *GetFieldAsString( const char *pszFName )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsString( GetFieldIndex(pszFName) ); }
    const int          *GetFieldAsIntegerList( const char *pszFName,
                                               int *pnCount )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsIntegerList( GetFieldIndex(pszFName),
                                                      pnCount ); }
    const GIntBig      *GetFieldAsInteger64List( const char *pszFName,
                                               int *pnCount )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsInteger64List( GetFieldIndex(pszFName),
                                                      pnCount ); }
    const double       *GetFieldAsDoubleList( const char *pszFName,
                                              int *pnCount )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsDoubleList( GetFieldIndex(pszFName),
                                                     pnCount ); }
    char              **GetFieldAsStringList( const char *pszFName )  const
                      { return GetFieldAsStringList(GetFieldIndex(pszFName)); }

    void                SetField( int i, int nValue );
    void                SetField( int i, GIntBig nValue );
    void                SetField( int i, double dfValue );
    void                SetField( int i, const char * pszValue );
    void                SetField( int i, int nCount, const int * panValues );
    void                SetField( int i, int nCount,
                                  const GIntBig * panValues );
    void                SetField( int i, int nCount, const double * padfValues );
    void                SetField( int i, const char * const * papszValues );
    void                SetField( int i, OGRField * puValue );
    void                SetField( int i, int nCount, const void * pabyBinary );
    void                SetField( int i, int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay,
                                  int nHour=0, int nMinute=0, float fSecond=0.f,
                                  int nTZFlag = 0 );

    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, int nValue )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName), nValue ); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, GIntBig nValue )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName), nValue ); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, double dfValue )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName), dfValue ); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, const char * pszValue )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName), pszValue ); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, int nCount,
                                  const int * panValues )
                         { SetField(GetFieldIndex(pszFName),nCount,panValues); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, int nCount,
                                  const GIntBig * panValues )
                         { SetField(GetFieldIndex(pszFName),nCount,panValues); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, int nCount,
                                  const double * padfValues )
                         {SetField(GetFieldIndex(pszFName),nCount,padfValues); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, const char * const * papszValues )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName), papszValues); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName, OGRField * puValue )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName), puValue ); }
    void                SetField( const char *pszFName,
                                  int nYear, int nMonth, int nDay,
                                  int nHour=0, int nMinute=0, float fSecond=0.f,
                                  int nTZFlag = 0 )
                           { SetField( GetFieldIndex(pszFName),
                                       nYear, nMonth, nDay,
                                       nHour, nMinute, fSecond, nTZFlag ); }

    GIntBig             GetFID() const { return nFID; }
    virtual OGRErr      SetFID( GIntBig nFIDIn );

    void                DumpReadable( FILE *, char** papszOptions = nullptr ) const;

    OGRErr              SetFrom( const OGRFeature *, int = TRUE );
    OGRErr              SetFrom( const OGRFeature *, const int *, int = TRUE );
    OGRErr              SetFieldsFrom( const OGRFeature *, const int *, int = TRUE );

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
    OGRErr              RemapFields( OGRFeatureDefn *poNewDefn,
                                     const int *panRemapSource );
    void                AppendField();
    OGRErr              RemapGeomFields( OGRFeatureDefn *poNewDefn,
                                         const int *panRemapSource );
//! @endcond

    int                 Validate( int nValidateFlags,
                                  int bEmitError ) const;
    void                FillUnsetWithDefault( int bNotNullableOnly,
                                              char** papszOptions );

    virtual const char *GetStyleString() const;
    virtual void        SetStyleString( const char * );
    virtual void        SetStyleStringDirectly( char * );

    /** Return style table.
     * @return style table.
    virtual OGRStyleTable *GetStyleTable() const { return m_poStyleTable; } /* f.i.x.m.e: add a const qualifier for return type */
    virtual void        SetStyleTable( OGRStyleTable *poStyleTable );
    virtual void        SetStyleTableDirectly( OGRStyleTable *poStyleTable );

    const char         *GetNativeData() const { return m_pszNativeData; }
    const char         *GetNativeMediaType() const
        { return m_pszNativeMediaType; }
    void                SetNativeData( const char* pszNativeData );
    void                SetNativeMediaType( const char* pszNativeMediaType );

    static OGRFeature  *CreateFeature( OGRFeatureDefn * );
    static void         DestroyFeature( OGRFeature * );

    /** Convert a OGRFeature* to a OGRFeatureH.
     * @since GDAL 2.3
    static inline OGRFeatureH ToHandle(OGRFeature* poFeature)
        { return reinterpret_cast<OGRFeatureH>(poFeature); }

    /** Convert a OGRFeatureH to a OGRFeature*.
     * @since GDAL 2.3
    static inline OGRFeature* FromHandle(OGRFeatureH hFeature)
        { return reinterpret_cast<OGRFeature*>(hFeature); }


//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
struct CPL_DLL OGRFeatureUniquePtrDeleter
    void operator()(OGRFeature*) const;
//! @endcond

/** Unique pointer type for OGRFeature.
 * @since GDAL 2.3
typedef std::unique_ptr<OGRFeature, OGRFeatureUniquePtrDeleter> OGRFeatureUniquePtr;

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
/** @see OGRFeature::begin() const */
inline OGRFeature::ConstFieldIterator begin(const OGRFeature* poFeature) { return poFeature->begin(); }
/** @see OGRFeature::end() const */
inline OGRFeature::ConstFieldIterator end(const OGRFeature* poFeature) { return poFeature->end(); }

/** @see OGRFeature::begin() const */
inline OGRFeature::ConstFieldIterator begin(const OGRFeatureUniquePtr& poFeature) { return poFeature->begin(); }
/** @see OGRFeature::end() const */
inline OGRFeature::ConstFieldIterator end(const OGRFeatureUniquePtr& poFeature) { return poFeature->end(); }

//! @endcond

/*                           OGRFeatureQuery                            */

//! @cond Doxygen_Suppress
class OGRLayer;
class swq_expr_node;
class swq_custom_func_registrar;

class CPL_DLL OGRFeatureQuery
    OGRFeatureDefn *poTargetDefn;
    void           *pSWQExpr;

    char      **FieldCollector( void *, char ** );

    GIntBig    *EvaluateAgainstIndices( swq_expr_node*, OGRLayer *,
                                           GIntBig& nFIDCount );

    int         CanUseIndex( swq_expr_node*, OGRLayer * );

    OGRErr      Compile( OGRLayer *, OGRFeatureDefn*, const char *,
                         int bCheck,
                         swq_custom_func_registrar* poCustomFuncRegistrar );



    OGRErr      Compile( OGRLayer *, const char *,
                         int bCheck = TRUE,
                         poCustomFuncRegistrar = nullptr );
    OGRErr      Compile( OGRFeatureDefn *, const char *,
                         int bCheck = TRUE,
                         poCustomFuncRegistrar = nullptr );
    int         Evaluate( OGRFeature * );

    GIntBig    *EvaluateAgainstIndices( OGRLayer *, OGRErr * );

    int         CanUseIndex( OGRLayer * );

    char      **GetUsedFields();

    void       *GetSWQExpr() { return pSWQExpr; }
//! @endcond

#endif /* ndef OGR_FEATURE_H_INCLUDED */