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<em><b>db.copy</b></em>  - Copy a table.<BR>
Either 'from_table' (optionally with 'where') can be used or 'select' option, but not 'from_table' and 'select' at the same time.
<a href="database.html">database</a>, <a href="topic_attribute_table.html">attribute table</a>, <a href="keywords.html#SQL">SQL</a>
<div id="name"><b>db.copy</b><br></div>
<b>db.copy --help</b><br>
<div id="synopsis"><b>db.copy</b>  [<b>from_driver</b>=<em>name</em>]   [<b>from_database</b>=<em>name</em>]   [<b>from_table</b>=<em>name</em>]   [<b>to_driver</b>=<em>name</em>]   [<b>to_database</b>=<em>name</em>]  <b>to_table</b>=<em>name</em>  [<b>where</b>=<em>sql_query</em>]   [<b>select</b>=<em>string</em>]   [--<b>overwrite</b>]  [--<b>help</b>]  [--<b>verbose</b>]  [--<b>quiet</b>]  [--<b>ui</b>] 

<div id="flags">
<dd>Allow output files to overwrite existing files</dd>
<dd>Print usage summary</dd>
<dd>Verbose module output</dd>
<dd>Quiet module output</dd>
<dd>Force launching GUI dialog</dd>

<div id="parameters">
<dd>Input driver name</dd>
<dd>Options: <em>dbf, odbc, ogr, pg, sqlite</em></dd>
<dd>Default: <em>sqlite</em></dd>

<dd>Input database name</dd>
<dd>Default: <em>$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db</em></dd>

<dd>Input table name (only, if 'select' is not used)</dd>

<dd>Output driver name</dd>
<dd>Options: <em>dbf, odbc, ogr, pg, sqlite</em></dd>
<dd>Default: <em>sqlite</em></dd>

<dd>Output database name</dd>
<dd>Default: <em>$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db</em></dd>

<dd>Output table name</dd>

<dd>WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword</dd>
<dd>Example: income &lt; 1000 and population &gt;= 10000</dd>

<dd>Full select statement (only, if 'from_table' and 'where' is not used)</dd>
<dd>E.g.: SELECT dedek FROM starobince WHERE obec = 'Frimburg'</dd>

<div class="toc">
<h4 class="toc">Table of contents</h4>
<ul class="toc">
    <li class="toc"><a href="#description" class="toc">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
    <li class="toc"><a href="#notes" class="toc">NOTES</a></li>
    <li class="toc"><a href="#examples" class="toc">EXAMPLES</a>
    <ul class="toc">
        <li class="toc"><a href="#from-dbf-to-postgresql" class="toc">From DBF to PostgreSQL</a></li>
        <li class="toc"><a href="#from-postgresql-to-dbf" class="toc">From PostgreSQL to DBF</a></li>
        <li class="toc"><a href="#from-postgresql-to-postgresql-with-condition" class="toc">From PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL with condition</a></li>
        <li class="toc"><a href="#from-dbf-to-sqlite" class="toc">From DBF to SQLite</a></li>
        <li class="toc"><a href="#from-sqlite-to-dbf" class="toc">From SQLite to DBF</a></li>
    <li class="toc"><a href="#see-also" class="toc">SEE ALSO</a></li>
    <li class="toc"><a href="#author" class="toc">AUTHOR</a></li>
<h2><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h2>

<em>db.copy</em> allows the user to copy a table between two databases.
Databases can be connected through different drivers (see examples below).

<h2><a name="notes">NOTES</a></h2>

Attribute tables can be copied using <em>db.copy</em> and, when to be
associated to a vector map, assigned to the map with
<em><a href="v.db.connect.html">v.db.connect</a></em>. Current connection 
settings are saved in the file <em>$LOCATION/vector_map/dbln</em>.  

<h2><a name="examples">EXAMPLES</a></h2>

<h3><a name="from-dbf-to-postgresql">From DBF to PostgreSQL</a></h3>

<em>Storing table 'geonames.dbf' (in current directory) into PostgreSQL
through ODBC:</em><br>

<div class="code"><pre>
db.copy from_driver=dbf from_database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/PERMANENT/dbf' \
  from_table=geonames to_driver=pg to_database="host=pgserver,dbname=testdb" \

<h3><a name="from-postgresql-to-dbf">From PostgreSQL to DBF</a></h3>

<div class="code"><pre>
db.copy from_driver=pg  from_database="host=pgserver.example.org,dbname=testdb" \
  from_table=origtable to_driver=dbf \
  to_database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf' to_table=origtable

<h3><a name="from-postgresql-to-postgresql-with-condition">From PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL with condition</a></h3>

<div class="code"><pre>
db.copy from_driver=pg  from_database="host=localhost,dbname=testdb" \
  from_table=geonames to_driver=pg to_database="host=localhost,dbname=testdb" \
  to_table=selection where="cat &lt; 500" 

<h3><a name="from-dbf-to-sqlite">From DBF to SQLite</a></h3>

<div class="code"><pre>
db.copy from_driver=dbf from_database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/PERMANENT/dbf' \
   from_table=geonames_features to_driver=sqlite \
   to_database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db' to_table=geonames_features

# convenient viewer:
sqlitebrowser $HOME/grassdata/nc_spm_08/user1/sqlite/sqlite.db

<h3><a name="from-sqlite-to-dbf">From SQLite to DBF</a></h3>

<div class="code"><pre>
db.copy from_driver=sqlite from_database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sqlite/sqlite.db' \
   from_table=ammprv to_driver=dbf to_database='$GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/dbf/' \

<h2><a name="see-also">SEE ALSO</a></h2>

<a href="db.connect.html">db.connect</a>,
<a href="db.drivers.html">db.drivers</a>,
<a href="db.login.html">db.login</a>,
<a href="v.db.connect.html">v.db.connect</a>,
<a href="v.clean.html">v.clean</a>
<a href="sql.html">GRASS SQL interface</a>

<h2><a name="author">AUTHOR</a></h2>

Radim Blazek, ITC-irst, Trento, Italy

<i>Last changed: $Date$</i>
--><h2>SOURCE CODE</h2>
<p>Available at: <a href="https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/tree/master/db/db.copy">db.copy source code</a> (<a href="https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/commits/master/db/db.copy">history</a>)</p>
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GRASS GIS 7.8.3 Reference Manual
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