Commit a9d2c83b authored by xuebingbing's avatar xuebingbing

1 适配gnu编译器

parent d14afb3e
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ namespace jfhd {
bool Convertor::Pcd2Las(const std::string& pcdfilepath, std::string& lasfilepath, const Pcd2LasInfo& info, std::string* errormsg)
bool Convertor::Pcd2Las(const std::string& pcdfilepath, const std::string& lasfilepath, const Pcd2LasInfo& info, std::string* errormsg)
//std::string pcdfilepath{ "E:/data/jd/task1-2/1106/JF_PCD/12_ground_utm_add.pcd" };
Eigen::Vector4f origin;
......@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ int pcd2lasByStationFiles(const cxxopts::ParseResult& argsresult)
jf_stationfilepath = system_complete(jf_stationfilepath, sys_err_code);
//auto jf_stationfilepath = system_complete(path(temp), sys_err_code);
if (sys_err_code.failed() || !exists(jf_stationfilepath) || !is_regular_file(jf_stationfilepath))
if (0 != sys_err_code.value() || !exists(jf_stationfilepath) || !is_regular_file(jf_stationfilepath))
std::cout << "ERROR:" << currentmode << " 找不到觉非站心文件:" << jf_stationfilepath.string() << " DETAIL:" << sys_err_code.message() << std::endl;
return -1;
......@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ int pcd2lasByStationFiles(const cxxopts::ParseResult& argsresult)
return -1;
auto las_filepath = system_complete(path(temp), sys_err_code);
if (!sys_err_code && !sys_err_code.failed() && exists(las_filepath) && is_regular_file(las_filepath))
if (!sys_err_code && exists(las_filepath) && is_regular_file(las_filepath))
std::cout << "INFO:" << currentmode << " 指定输出las文件已存在,将覆盖原文件 " << las_filepath.string() << std::endl;
//return -1;
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