    "@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序",
    "AccessControl": "Access control",
    "Accessable": "可访问",
    "AccountPeriod": "Accounting period",
    "AcctProp": "Account type",
    "Add": "Add",
    "AddChart": "Add chart",
    "AddChartButton": "Confirm to add",
    "AddDataSource": "Add data source",
    "AddSuccess": "Add successful",
    "AdvancedSearch": "More search criterias",
    "After": "After",
    "All": "All",
    "AlreadyCompleted": "Completed",
    "AmountType": "取值",
    "AnyPasswordCanNotEmpty": "Password cannot be empty",
    "ApplicationScope": "应用范围",
    "ApplyService": "适用服务",
    "AreaDesc": "Area",
    "AreaID": "Area",
    "AreaRegion": "下属地区",
    "Asset": "Asset",
    "AssetManagement": "Asset management",
    "AssignmentsList": "Assignment list",
    "Authorization": "Add permission",
    "AutoMapping": "Automatic mapping",
    "Before": "Before",
    "BelongService": "Affiliated service(s)",
    "BusinessUnitDesc": "Business unit",
    "BusinessUnitID": "Business Unit",
    "BusinessUnitLog": "日志-事业部",
    "ByYear": "By Year",
    "YearPeriod": "Year Period",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "CancelMapping": "Cancel mapping",
    "CellPosition": "Cell at: ",
    "CertificationPeriod": "Verification period",
    "CertificationResult": "Verification results",
    "Change": "Edit",
    "UpdateOrgExtraSubmit": "Commit",
    "ChangePassword": "Change password",
    "ChangePasswordFailInfo": "Password change failed: ",
    "ChangePasswordSuccessInfo": "Password successfully updated, page closing in 3 seconds...",
    "Close": "Close",
    "Code": "Code",
    "ColumnNum": "Column number",
    "ComfirmDisable": "Confirm to disable",
    "ComfirmDisableSuccess": "Successfully disabled",
    "Confirm": "Confirm",
    "ConfirmDelete": "Confirm to delete",
    "ConfirmDeleteSelected": "Confirm to delete all selected items",
    "ConfirmInformation": "Confirm to delete this item: ",
    "ConfirmPassword": "Confirm password",
    "ConfirmTheSameInfo": "Both password input should be the same ",
    "Copy": "Copy",
    "Cost": "Cost",
    "CreateUser": "Create user",
    "CurrentlyInProgress": "In progress",
    "CustomerDesc": "Client list",
    "CustomerListManageLog": "日志-客户列表",
    "Dashboard": "Dashboard",
    "DataSource": "Data source: ",
    "DataSourceName": "Data source",
    "Debt": "Liability",
    "Delete": "Delete",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Direction": "Debit credit direction",
    "Disable": "Disable",
    "Disabled": "Disabled",
    "Edit": "Edit",
    "Enable": "Enable",
    "Enabled": "Enabled",
    "EnterpriceAccountDesc": "Set of accounts",
    "EnterpriseAccountManageLog": "日志-企业账套",
    "EntriesCheck": "Entry level cross validations",
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    "EstateIndustry": "Estate",
    "ExportAllPage": "Export All",
    "ExportCurrentPage": "Export",
    "False": "False",
    "FollowTips": "Please follow the tips",
    "Formula": "Formula: ",
    "GeneralIndustry": "General",
    "GoodsName": "Goods name",
    "Home": "Home",
    "ImportError": "Failed to import data",
    "ImportErrorTips": "出现{0}处错误,请修正!",
    "ImportSuccess": "Import success",
    "IncomeInvoiceManage": "Income invoice",
    "IndexAnalysis": "Index analysis",
    "Industry": "Industry",
    "IndustryID": "Industry",
    "IndustryIndustry": "Industry",
    "InheritRole": "Inherit role",
    "Instructions": "Filing instructions",
    "InvoiceCat": "Invoice type",
    "InvoiceMain": "Invoice management",
    "InvoiceManagement": "Invoice management",
    "IsActiveStatus": "Active status",
    "Joint": "Common",
    "KeyCode": "Key value code",
    "KeyName": "Key value name",
    "KeyValueDesc": "Key value",
    "LessThan": "及以下",
    "LogComments": "Comments",
    "LogIndex": "Index",
    "LogOperateObject": "Operands",
    "LogOperationDescription": "Operation",
    "LogOperationIP": "IP",
    "LogOperationOID": "OID",
    "LogOperationTime": "Operation Time",
    "LogOperationUser": "Operator",
    "LogOrganizationType": "Organization",
    "LogOriginalState": "Original State",
    "LogOut": "Logout",
    "LogProjectType": "Project",
    "LogUpdateState": "Updated State",
    "LogUserType": "User",
    "Logout": "Log out",
    "Loss": "Profit and loss",
    "ManualMapping": "Manual mapping",
    "ManufacturingIndustry": "Manufacturing",
    "MappingInvoice": "Invoice mapping management",
    "MenuAMVAT": "Asset VAT",
    "MenuCIT": "CIT",
    "MenuCashFlow": "Cash Flow",
    "MenuDeferredTax": "Deferred Tax",
    "MenuIndexAnalytics": "Tax Index Analysis",
    "MenuInvoiceManagement": "Input Invoice",
    "MenuOverview": "Overview",
    "MenuRND": "RND",
    "MenuRiskAlert": "Risk Early Warning",
    "MenuStatistics": "Data Statistics",
    "MenuTaxAnalysisPlatform": "Tax Analysis",
    "MenuTaxOperationManagement": "Tax Operation",
    "MenuTaxPolicyManagement": "Tax Policy",
    "MenuVAT": "VAT",
    "MenuListApproval": "List approval",
    "MobileManufacturingIndustry": "Mobile manufacturing",
    "ModelException": "Model exception",
    "Month01": "Jan",
    "Month02": "Feb",
    "Month03": "Mar",
    "Month04": "Apr",
    "Month05": "May",
    "Month06": "Jun",
    "Month07": "Jul",
    "Month08": "Aug",
    "Month09": "Sep",
    "Month1": "Jan",
    "Month10": "Oct",
    "Month11": "Nov",
    "Month12": "Dec",
    "Month2": "Feb",
    "Month3": "Mar",
    "Month4": "Apr",
    "Month5": "May",
    "Month6": "Jun",
    "Month7": "Jul",
    "Month8": "Aug",
    "Month9": "Sep",
    "MsgExpired": "Account expired",
    "MsgInactive": "Account locked",
    "MsgUsedPassword": "Detected an old password, please re-enter",
    "MsgWrongPassword": "Old password incorrect",
    "Name": "Name",
    "New": "New",
    "NewPassword": "New password",
    "NewPasswordTips": "Password needs to include at least 6 digits, combination of number and alphabets, and not the same as previous",
    "NewRegistration": "New registration",
    "NewReport": "Draft new report",
    "NextPage": "Next page",
    "NoDataInChart": "No data in current chart",
    "NoData": "No data",
    "NoDataText": "No data",
    "NoInvoiceVerify": "Verification without receiving invoice",
    "NoSearchContent": "Sorry, no search results found",
    "NotYetStart": "Not started yet",
    "NumberOfTaskes": "个任务:",
    "NumberType": "数字型",
    "OldPassword": "Old password",
    "OperateOrganizationLog": "Log-Organization Management",
    "OperateProjectLog": "Log-Project Management",
    "OperateRoleLog": "Log-Role Management",
    "OperateUserLog": "Log-User Management",
    "OperationContent": "Operation contents",
    "OrangizationStructureManageLog": "日志-机构层级",
    "OrgCommonModel": "Org common models",
    "OrgCustomModel": "Org customised models",
    "Organization": "Organization",
    "OrganizationCount": "访问机构数",
    "OrganizationDesc": "Organisation",
    "OrganizationServiceTemplateGroup": "Service Management",
    "OrganizationStructureDesc": "Org struction level",
    "OutMenuInvoiceManagement": "Output Invoice",
    "OverView": "Overview",
    "PageTotalCount": "Total",
    "PagerFooter": "{{currentPageCount}} records in current page, {{totalCount}} records in total",
    "ParentCode": "Parent code",
    "ParentID": "Parent",
    "PasswordNotChanged": "Please set a different password",
    "PendingReturnInvoice": "Invoices pending to return",
    "PleaseSelect": "Please select",
    "ProjectDesc": "Project",
    "ProjectPeriod": "Period",
    "ProjectServiceTypeDesc": "Service",
    "Refresh": "Refresh",
    "RegionDesc": "Region",
    "RegionID": "Region",
    "RegionManageLog": "日志-区域管理",
    "ReportCode": "Report ID",
    "ReportConfigurationDesc": "Return form configurations",
    "ReportException": "Report exception",
    "ReportValidation": "Report validation",
    "RequiredInfo": "Required field(s)",
    "Reset": "Reset",
    "RetrievePermissions": "Delete permission",
    "RiskWarning": "Risk warning",
    "Role": "Role",
    "RoleDesc": "Role",
    "RowNum": "Row number",
    "RowNumber": "Row count",
    "Save": "Save",
    "SaveFail": "Fail to save",
    "SaveFileError": "Server failed to save file",
    "SaveSuccess": "Save successful!",
    "Search": "Search",
    "SearchHintText": "Search",
    "SearchPlaceholder": "Please enter search details",
    "SearchResult": "Search results",
    "SearchText": "Search",
    "SelectAccount": "Please select account",
    "SelectAll": "Select all",
    "SelectArea": "请选择区域",
    "SelectNone": "Clear",
    "SelectOrg": "Please Select Organization",
    "SelectOrgDefault": "不选择",
    "Seq": "Seq.",
    "SheetNum": "Working paper ID",
    "ShowPageItem": "items",
    "ShowPerPageCount": "Display on page",
    "SpecialAccess": "Special access",
    "SpecialChar": "Special characters not allowed",
    "SpecialRoleAccess": "特殊权限设置",
    "StandardAccountCredit": "Credit",
    "StandardAccountDebit": "Debit",
    "StandardAccountDesc": "Standard account",
    "StopUse": "Stop",
    "StringType": "字符串",
    "StructureID": "Structure",
    "SubjectCode": "Account code",
    "SubjectDirection": "Debit credit direction",
    "SubjectName": "Account name",
    "SubjectType": "Account type",
    "Summary": "Subtotal",
    "SystemCommonModel": "Solution common models",
    "SystemError": "System error",
    "TPermission": "Permission",
    "TaxBurden": "Tax Burden",
    "TaxBurdenRate": "Tax Burden Rate",
    "TaxCategory": "Tax type",
    "TaxType": "Tax type",
    "TemplateDesc": "Template",
    "TemplateFormulaDesc": "Formula",
    "TemplateGroupDesc": "Set of templates",
    "TestDemo": "测试例子",
    "TestDemoNew": "测试新例子",
    "TotalProjectRecords": "总揽",
    "TpRpt": "TP RPT Form",
    "True": "True",
    "UnAccessable": "Cannot access",
    "Update": "Edit",
    "UserDesc": "User",
    "UserExists": "User already exists",
    "UserProfile": "User profile",
    "UserRoleAccess": "User access right configuration",
    "UserRoleDesc": "Role",
    "ViewDetail": "View details",
    "Welcome": "Welcome, ",
    "WordLibraryDesc": "Word dictionary",
    "Worklist": "工作列表",
    "Yuan": "",
    "cellComment": "Remark",
    "cellCommentCommit": "Submt",
    "cellCommentDelete": "Delete",
    "cellCommentDialogComment": "Remark information",
    "cellCommentReply": "Reply",
    "cellCommentReplyEmptyMsg": "Please input content",
    "chartsetting": "Chart settings",
    "dashboard": "Data summary",
    "dateFormat4Year": " yyyy ",
    "dateFormat4YearMonth": " yyyy-mm ",
    "dateFormat4YearMonthDay": "yyyy-mm-dd",
    "dateFormat4YearMonthDayCh": "yyyy-mm-dd",
    "dateFormat4YearMonthForDX": "yyyy-MM",
    "fileupload": "File upload",
    "log": "Log",
    "logoff": "Log off",
    "messages": "Message",
    "modifiedAmount": "New Amount",
    "modifyCellDataTitle": "Amount modification",
    "modifyReason": "Modification Reason",
    "originalAmount": "Orginal Amount",
    "settings": "Configurations management",
    "RecordSize": "Record Size",
    "TaxPayerIdNum": "纳税人识别号",

    "~MustBeEndOneApp": "I Must be the End One, please!"