invoiceModule.controller('outputReconciliationEntitiesController', ['$scope', '$log', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'stdAccountService', '$interval', 'orgService', '$timeout', '$q', 'commonWebService', 'loginContext', '$uibModal', 'outputReconciliationConfiguration', function($scope, $log, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, $translate, stdAccountService, $interval, orgService, $timeout, $q, commonWebService, loginContext, $uibModal, outputReconciliationConfiguration) { 'use strict'; var entityModule = { OrganizationList: [], allOrgs: $translate.instant('AllOrganization'), name: 'name', id: 'id', // uiOrgID: 'ApplyingEntitesControls', uiOrgID: window.PWC.newGuid(), orgText: $translate.instant('AllOrganization'), // 选中机构ID列表 selectOrgList: [], selectOrgMap: {}, // 有效的机构列表,包括所有机构,id,name,parentID,expanded orgList: [], main: function() { $scope.uiOrgID = entityModule.uiOrgID; $scope.openEntityModal = function() { if ($scope.editModel.type === 'query' || $scope.editModel.type === 'edit' || $scope.editModel.type === 'copy') { entityModule.openEditModal($scope.editModel.applyEntities); } else { entityModule.openModal(); } }; $scope.add = function() { entityModule.openEditModal($scope.selectList); }; }, loadData: function() { orgService.getOrganizationFilterList().success(function(data) { entityModule.OrganizationList = data; entityModule.orgList = entityModule.getOrgDropDownList(); mainModule.parseViewList(); }); }, openModal: function() { var editModel = { }; $scope.editEntityModel = editModel; mainModule.initModalControls(); var parnet = $('#outputReconciliationConfigurationEditModalBody'); var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'ApplyingEntitesDetailsModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-invoice-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, size: 'entity-size', appendTo: parnet, resolve: { editModel: $scope.editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { // 确定关闭 }, function() { // 取消关闭 }); $scope.saveApplyingEntitesDetailsModal = function() { $scope.editModel.selectOrgList = entityModule.selectOrgList; modalInstance.close({}); }; $scope.cancelApplyingEntitesDetailsModal = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $timeout(function() { entityModule.drawGridList(entityModule.orgList); }, 100); }, openEditModal: function(selectOrgList) { var orgIdList = _.pluck(selectOrgList, 'organizationID'); var data = angular.copy(entityModule.orgList); var index = 0; data.forEach(function(r) { if (orgIdList.indexOf( > -1) { r.isSelected = true; } else { r.isSelected = false; } r.viewName = r.code + ' ' +; r.index = index; index ++; }); var editModel = { }; $scope.editEntityModel = editModel; // mainModule.initModalControls(); var parnet = $('#outputReconciliationConfigurationEditModalBody'); var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'ApplyingEntitesDetailsModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-invoice-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, size: 'entity-size', appendTo: parnet, resolve: { editModel: $scope.editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { // 确定关闭 }, function() { // 取消关闭 }); $scope.saveApplyingEntitesDetailsModal = function() { // $scope.editModel.selectOrgList = entityModule.selectOrgList; var selectOrgTempList = []; if (!entityModule.selectOrgList || entityModule.selectOrgList.length === 0) { entityModule.selectOrgList = []; selectOrgTempList = []; } else { selectOrgTempList = entityModule.selectOrgList; } var result = []; selectOrgTempList.forEach(function(r) { var item = {}; item.organizationID =; item.organizationCode = r.code; result.push(item); }); $scope.selectList = result; mainModule.parseViewList(); modalInstance.close({}); }; $scope.cancelApplyingEntitesDetailsModal = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $timeout(function() { console.log('open'); entityModule.drawGridList(data); console.log('open end'); }, 100); }, filterDropDownOrgList: function(orgList, selectIDList, idCol) { if (!orgList || orgList.length === 0) { return orgList; } // 什么都没有选 if (!selectIDList) { return orgList; } // 按照条件进行过滤 orgList = _.filter(orgList, function(row) { return selectIDList.indexOf(row[idCol]) > -1; }); return orgList; }, filterOrgs: function() { if (entityModule.OrganizationList && entityModule.OrganizationList.length > 0) { // 只要启用的和有权限的机构 var filter = _.filter(entityModule.OrganizationList, function(row) { return row.isActive; }); return filter; } else { return []; } }, // 获取机构drop down的list getOrgDropDownList: function() { var showList = entityModule.filterOrgs(); showList = angular.copy(showList); for (var i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) { var item = showList[i]; item.selected = false; item.expanded = true; if (item.parentID === null) { continue; } var parentNode = _.find(showList, function(num) { return === item.parentID }); if (parentNode) { continue; } item.parentID = getParentID(item, entityModule.OrganizationList, showList); } var idList = _.pluck(showList, 'id'); $scope.selectedOrganizationList = idList; return showList; }, drawGridList: function(data) { if (!$scope.selectList) { $scope.selectList = []; } var selectKeyIDs = _.pluck($scope.selectList, 'organizationCode'); $("#" + entityModule.uiOrgID).dxDataGrid({ dataSource: data, keyExpr: 'code', height: 400, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), // rowAlternationEnabled: true, selectedRowKeys: selectKeyIDs, paging: { enabled: false }, columns: [ { dataField: 'viewName', caption: $translate.instant('SelectAll') } ], showBorders: true, selection: { mode: 'multiple', showCheckBoxesMode: "always" }, onSelectionChanged: function(args) { entityModule.selectOrgList = args.selectedRowsData; } }); // $timeout(function(){ // $("#" + entityModule.uiOrgID).dxDataGrid('instance').selectRows(selectKeyIDs, false); // },10); // $("#" + entityModule.uiOrgID).dxDataGrid({ // "dataSource": [{ // "ID": 1, // "CompanyName": "Super Mart of the West", // "City": "Bentonville", // "State": "Arkansas" // }, // { // "ID": 2, // "CompanyName": "Electronics Depot", // "City": "Atlanta", // "State": "Georgia" // }, // { // "ID": 3, // "CompanyName": "K&S Music", // "City": "Minneapolis", // "State": "Minnesota" // }, // { // "ID": 4, // "CompanyName": "Tom's Club", // "City": "Issaquah", // "State": "Washington" // }, // { // "ID": 5, // "CompanyName": "E-Mart", // "City": "Hoffman Estates", // "State": "Illinois" // } // ], // "keyExpr": "ID", // "selectedRowKeys": [ // 1, // 2, // 3 // ], // "selection": { // "mode": "multiple", // "showCheckBoxesMode": "always" // } // }); }, drawOrgTreeList: function(data) { // var getShowData = function(){ // var data = angular.copy(entityModule.orgList); // if (data && $scope.selectList && $scope.selectList.length > 0){ // $scope.selectList.forEach(function(s){ // var find = _.find(data, function(d){ // return === s.organizationID; // }); // find.selected = true; // }); // } // return data; // }; // var showData = getShowData(); $("#" + entityModule.uiOrgID).dxTreeView({ dataSource: data, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentIDStr", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, noDataText: '', // height: 300, itemTemplate: function(itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { var str = itemData.code + ' ' +; itemElement.append("<span title='" + str + "'>" + str + "</span>"); }, onContentReady: function(args) {}, selectNodesRecursive: false, expandAllEnabled: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: entityModule.allOrgs, onItemSelectionChanged: function(args) { }, onSelectionChanged: function(args) { entityModule.selectOrgList = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); } }); }, // 机构drop down list drawOrgDropDownList: function(data) { entityModule.selectOrgList = _.pluck(data, 'id'); $scope.onChanged({ model: entityModule.selectOrgList }); var syncTreeViewSelection = function(treeView, value, isReady) { if (isReady) { $scope.selectedOrganizationList = entityModule.selectOrgList; $scope.onChanged({ model: entityModule.selectOrgList }); } else { $scope.selectedOrganizationList = value; $scope.onChanged({ model: value }); } }; entityModule.orgDropDownInstantce = $("#" + entityModule.uiOrgID).dxDropDownBox({ value: '', showClearButton: false, contentTemplate: function(e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $("<div>").dxTreeView({ dataSource: data, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentIDStr", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, noDataText: '', height: 300, itemTemplate: function(itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { var str = itemData.code + ' ' +; itemElement.append("<span title='" + str + "'>" + str + "</span>"); }, onContentReady: function(args) {}, selectNodesRecursive: false, expandAllEnabled: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: entityModule.allOrgs, onItemSelectionChanged: function(args) { }, onSelectionChanged: function(args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); var text = ''; if (value && value.length === data.length) { text = entityModule.allOrgs; } else { text = '选中' + value.length + '个机构'; } entityModule.selectOrgList = value; e.component.option("value", text); entityModule.orgText = text; syncTreeViewSelection(entityModule.orgTreeView, value, false); } }); entityModule.orgTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); entityModule.orgText = e.component.option("text"); return $treeView; } }); } }; var mainModule = { main: function() { if (!$scope.selectList) { $scope.selectList = []; } entityModule.loadData(); entityModule.main(); // $scope.add = mainModule.add; $scope.delete = mainModule.delete; }, parseViewList: function() { $scope.selectList.forEach(function(r) { var org = _.find(entityModule.orgList, function(o) { return === r.organizationID; }); if (org) { r.value = org.code + ' ' +; } r.suffix = ';'; }); if ($scope.selectList && $scope.selectList.length > 0) { var length = $scope.selectList.length - 1; $scope.selectList[length].suffix = ''; } }, add: function() { var length = $scope.selectList.length; var prefixStr = ''; if (length !== 0) { prefixStr = ';'; } var obj = { id: window.PWC.newGuid(), value: '', suffix: prefixStr, }; $scope.selectList.push(obj); }, delete: function(obj) { if ($scope.selectList && $scope.selectList.length > 0) { var findIndex = _.indexOf($scope.selectList, obj); if (findIndex > -1) { $scope.selectList.splice(findIndex, 1); } if (findIndex === 0 && $scope.selectList.length >= 0) { $scope.selectList[0].prefix = ''; } } }, }; (function initializa() { mainModule.main(); $log.debug('outputReconciliationKeywordsController.ctor()...'); })(); } ]);