vatModule.controller('VatRevenueConfMappingController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'SweetAlert', '$q', '$interval','dxDataGridService','$http','apiConfig','Upload','apiInterceptor','templateService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, SweetAlert, $q, $interval,dxDataGridService,$http,apiConfig,Upload, apiInterceptor,templateService) { 'use strict'; //表格配置 $scope.revenueGridOptions = $.extend(true, {}, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS, { columns: [ {dataField: 'id', caption: '', visible: false}, {dataField: 'orgId', caption: $translate.instant('RevenueColOrg'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, minWidth: '300px', calculateCellValue: function(data) { return _.find($scope.selectOrgList, function(o) { return === data.orgId; }).name; }}, {dataField: 'ouName', caption: $translate.instant('RevCMApplyBU'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, width: '100px'}, {dataField: 'content', caption: $translate.instant('RevCMInvoiceCTX'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, width: '120px'}, {dataField: 'taxRate', caption: $translate.instant('RevenueColTaxRate'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, width: '50px', calculateCellValue: function(data) { return (data.taxRate * 100) + '%'; }}, {dataField: 'revenueTypeName', caption: $translate.instant('RevSearchType'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, minWidth: '300px'}, {dataField: 'startDate', caption: $translate.instant('RevenueColEnable'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, width: '120px'}, {dataField: 'endDate', caption: $translate.instant('RevenueColDisable'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, width: '120px'}, {dataField: 'statusStr', caption: $translate.instant('RevenueColStatus'), fixed: true, allowHeaderFiltering: true, width: '50px'}, {dataField: '', caption: $translate.instant('RevenueColEdit'), fixed: true,width: '80px', alignment: 'center', cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" style="cursor: pointer"></i> ') .on('click', function () { $scope.editConfig(; }).appendTo(container); $('<i class="fa fa-trash" style="cursor: pointer;margin-left: 5px;"></i>') .on('click', function () { $scope.delConfig([]); }).appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } }}, ], bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'pageConfDataSource', }, selection: { mode: 'multiple', showCheckBoxesMode: 'always', allowSelectAll: true }, onSelectionChanged: function (data) { $scope.selectedItems = data.selectedRowsData; $scope.selectedRecourdCount = data.selectedRowsData.length; }, }); //刷新页面 $scope.refreshConfigGrid = function () { $'/revenueConfMapping/queryPage',{pageInfo: $scope.pagingOptions}, apiConfig.createVat()) .success(function (res) { if (res && res.list) { $scope.pageConfDataSource = res.list; $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems = res.pageInfo.totalCount; }else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('SystemError')); } }) }; //添加配置 $scope.addConfig = function () { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.isOrgReadOnly = false; $($scope.revenueConfAddDiv).modal('show'); }; $scope.batchDelConfig = function () { if (!!$scope.selectedRecourdCount) { $scope.delConfig($scope.selectedItems, function(item){ return; })); }else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('PleaseSelectAtLeastOneItem')); } }; ///删除配置 $scope.delConfig = function (idList) { $'/revenueConfMapping/del',idList, apiConfig.createVat()) .success(function (res) { if (res && 0 === res.code) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('RevenueDelSuccess')); $scope.refreshConfigGrid(); }else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('SystemError')); } }) }; //添加配置 $scope.saveConfig = function () { if(PWC.objIsEmpty($scope.formParam)){ SweetAlert.error("表单不能为空") return; } if ($scope.isEdit) { $'/revenueConfMapping/update',$scope.formParam, apiConfig.createVat()) .success(function (res) { if (res && 0 === res.code) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('Configuration relationship needs to be processed')); $scope.refreshConfigGrid(); $($scope.revenueConfAddDiv).modal('hide'); $scope.cancelModal(); }else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('SystemError')); } }) }else { $'/revenueConfMapping/add',$scope.formParam, apiConfig.createVat()) .success(function (res) { if (res && 0 === res.code) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('Configuration relationship needs to be processed')); $scope.refreshConfigGrid(); $($scope.revenueConfAddDiv).modal('hide'); $scope.cancelModal(); }else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('SystemError')); } }) } }; //关闭配置框 $scope.cancelModal = function () { $scope.formParam = { startDate: null, endDate: null, }; $('#configForm')[0].reset(); }; //编辑 $scope.editConfig = function (data) { $scope.isEdit = true; $scope.isOrgReadOnly = true; $scope.formParam = data; $scope.formParam.orgList = [data.orgId]; $($scope.revenueConfAddDiv).modal('show'); }; //获取机构列表 function getMyOrgList() { $http.get('/org/getMyOrgList',apiConfig.createVat()) .success(function (res) { if (res && 0 === res.code) { $scope.selectOrgList =; $scope.refreshConfigGrid(); }else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('RevenueGetOrgError')); } }) } $scope.upload = function(uploadType) { if (!$scope.uploadFile || !$ { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectUploadFileRequired')); return; } $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); var deferred = $q.defer(); Upload.upload({ url: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/revenueConfMapping/upload', data: { type: uploadType, }, file: $scope.uploadFile.file, // resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken(), withCredentials: true }, withCredentials: true }).then(function(res) { $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); deferred.resolve(); if (res && && 0 === { if({ SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); }else{ var msg = ''; angular.forEach(,function (item) { msg += item +" \n "; }); SweetAlert.success(msg); } $scope.refreshConfigGrid(); } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('SystemError')); } }, function(resp) { deferred.resolve(); if (resp.statusText === 'HttpRequestValidationException') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('HttpRequestValidationException')); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); }, function(evt) { deferred.resolve(); var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }; $scope.downloadTemplate = function () { templateService.downloadTemplate(constant.importFileType.RevenueMapping).success(function (data, status, headers) { var octetStreamMime = 'application/octet-stream'; var contentType = headers('content-type') || octetStreamMime; if (window.navigator.msSaveBlob) { var blob = new Blob([data], { type: contentType }); navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, "开票记录与收入类型映射模板"); } else { var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL; if (urlCreator) { var a = document.createElement('a'); var blob = new Blob([data], { type: contentType }); var url = urlCreator.createObjectURL(blob); a.href = url; = '_blank'; = "开票记录与收入类型映射模板.xlsx"; document.body.appendChild(a);; } } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }; (function initialize() { //分页的设置 $scope.pagingOptions = { pageIndex: 1, //当前页码 totalItems: 0, //总数据 pageSize: 20, //每页多少条数据 }; $scope.formParam = { }; $scope.isOrgReadOnly = false; //机构下拉设置 $scope.selectOrgOptions = { displayExpr: 'name', valueExpr: 'id', width: '95%', bindingOptions: { value: 'formParam.orgList', dataSource: 'selectOrgList', readOnly: 'isOrgReadOnly' }, height: '30px', placeholder: '', showClearButton: true, searchEnabled: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('RevenueNoOrgData'), showSelectionControls: true }; //税率下拉框 $scope.selectTaxRateOptions = { displayExpr: 'key', valueExpr: 'val', bindingOptions: { value: 'formParam.taxRate' }, dataSource: [ {'key': '0%', 'val': 0}, {'key': '1.5%', 'val': 0.015}, {'key': '3%', 'val': 0.03}, {'key': '5%', 'val': 0.05}, {'key': '6%', 'val': 0.06}, {'key': '9%', 'val': 0.09}, {'key': '10%', 'val': 0.1}, {'key': '11%', 'val': 0.11}, {'key': '13%', 'val': 0.13}, {'key': '16%', 'val': 0.16}, {'key': '16%', 'val': 0.17}, ] }; $scope.selectStatusOptions = { displayExpr: 'key', valueExpr: 'val', bindingOptions: { value: 'formParam.status' }, dataSource: [ {'key': '启用', 'val': 0}, {'key': '停用', 'val': 1}, ] }; $scope.dateBoxStart = { width: '100%', acceptCustomValue: false, openOnFieldClick: true, displayFormat: 'yyyy-MM', maxZoomLevel: "year", dateSerializationFormat: 'yyyy-MM', bindingOptions: { value: 'formParam.startDate' } }; $scope.dateBoxEnd = { width: '100%', acceptCustomValue: false, openOnFieldClick: true, displayFormat: 'yyyy-MM', maxZoomLevel: "year", dateSerializationFormat: 'yyyy-MM', bindingOptions: { value: 'formParam.endDate' } }; $scope.revenueConfAddDiv = ".vat-revenue-conf-mapping #revenueTypeAddDiv"; function init() { getMyOrgList(); } init() })(); } ]);