    "@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTDisplayItemCount": "Display Item Count",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTHTL": "From Largest to Smallest",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTLTH": "From Smallest to Largest",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTOnlyUnread": "Unread Only",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTOrderByPriority": "By Priority",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTOrderByTime": "By Send Time",
    "APPTodoListConfigOTTitle": "Task Management Configuration",
    "AccessControl": "Manage Access",
    "Accessible": "Access Permitted",
    "Account": "Account",
    "AccountDirection": "Debit or Credit",
    "AccountJudgementFormula": "Subject Judgment Formula",
    "AccountPeriod": "Accounting Period",
    "AccountProperty": "Account Nature",
    "AccountsInformation": "Accounts Information",
    "AcctProp": "Account Type",
    "AccumulativeAmortization": "Accumulated Amortization (Accounting)",
    "AccumulativeDepreciation": "Accumulated Depreciation (Accounting)",
    "AccumulativeTaxDepreciation": "Accumulated Tax Depreciation",
    "Accumulativedepreciation": "Accumulated Depreciation",
    "Accumulativetaxdepreciation": "Accumulated Tax Depreciation",
    "Action": "User Activity",
    "Actions": "User Activities",
    "Add": "Add",
    "AddChart": "Add Chart",
    "AddChartButton": "Confirm to Add",
    "AddDataSource": "Add Data Source",
    "AddExistingReport": "Add Current Form",
    "AddReport": "Add Form",
    "AddSuccess": "Successfully Added!",
    "AddTemplate": "Add Template",
    "AddWidget": "Add Widget",
    "AdjustmentItems": "Adjustment Item",
    "TotalNumberUnit": "Sheet",
    "AdjustmentSummaryInCurrentPeriod": "Current Period CIT Adjustment Summary",
    "AdvancedSearch": "More Search Options",
    "AdvertisingExpense": "Advertisement Expense",
    "AdvertisingExpenses": "Advertisement Expenses",
    "After": "After",
    "AlertDetail": "Alert details",
    "AlertMap": "Alert Map",
    "All": "All",
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    "AmortizationInCurrentYear": "Current Year Amortization Amount",
    "Amount": "Amount",
    "AmountJudgement": "Entry Comparison Formula",
    "AmountType": "Data Extraction",
    "Analytics": "Profit Forecast",
    "AnalyzeReportLog": "Log",
    "AnnualIndex": "Annual Value",
    "Anticounterfeiting": "Anti-counterfeiting Tax Control Enterprise Related Materials",
    "AnyPasswordCanNotEmpty": "No password Can be Empty!",
    "ApplicationScope": "Scope of Service",
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    "AreaDesc": "Area Details",
    "AreaID": "Area",
    "AreaRegion": "Subordinate Area",
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    "AssetImpairmentLoss": "Asset Impairment Loss",
    "AssetItem": "Asset Item",
    "AssetList": "Asset List",
    "AssetLoss": "Asset Loss",
    "AssetManagement": "Asset Management",
    "AssetsManage": "Value-added Tax Service for Asset Management",
    "AssignmentsList": "Assignments List",
    "AuditFeedback": "Notification of Tax Inspection",
    "AuditImplementation": "Implementation of Tax Inspection",
    "AuditNotice": "Notice of Tax Inspection",
    "AuditSolution": "Tax Inspection and Processing",
    "Authorization": "New Permissions",
    "AutoMapping": "Auto Mapping",
    "BadDebtProvision": "Bad Debt Preparation",
    "BankCharges": "Bank Charges",
    "Baseon": "Base on",
    "Before": "Before",
    "BelongService": "Subordinate Services",
    "Bi": "Pen",
    "BillingManagement": "Billing Management",
    "BranchCo": "Branch Office",
    "BudgetTaxAmount": "Budgetary Tax",
    "BudgetValue": "Budget Value",
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    "BusinessAllottedTimeFrom": "Starting of Business Term",
    "BusinessAllottedTimeTo": "Business Deadline",
    "BusinessPromition": "Business Publicity Fees",
    "BusinessScope": "Business Scope",
    "RegStatus": "State of Business Registration",
    "BusinessUnit": "Business Unit",
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    "ButtonClose": "Close",
    "ByYear": "By Year",
    "CIT": "CIT",
    "CITDeclareDocument": "CIT Declare Document",
    "CITTypeDesc": "There Are SignificantTtax Risks in the High Tax Burden Rate of Enterprise Income Tax. Enterprise Income Tax Should be Regarded as Tax Risks Such as Sales Uncounted Income and Frequent Issuance of Red-letter Invoices",
    "Cancel": "Cancel",
    "CancelMapping": "Cancel Mapping",
    "CapitalForecastWorkingPaper": "Capital Forecast Working Paper",
    "CashFlow": "Cash Flow",
    "CategoryStandard": "Category Standard",
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    "MenuAnalysis": "Tax Analysis",
    "ChangePassword": "Change Password",
    "ChangePasswordFailInfo": "Failed Password Modification Operation:",
    "ChangePasswordSuccessInfo": "The Password Modification Operation was Successful! Automatic Shutdown After 3 Seconds...",
    "ChildCo": "Subsidiary",
    "CityBuildingTax": "City Building Tax",
    "Clear": "Clear",
    "Close": "Close",
    "Code": "Code",
    "ColumnNum": "Column Num",
    "ComfirmDisable": "Confirm Disable",
    "ComfirmDisableSuccess": "Confirm Disable Success",
    "Comments": "Subsidiary Opinion",
    "CompanyA1": "Branch A1 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "CompanyA2": "Branch A2 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "CompanyA3": "Branch A3 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "CompanyA4": "Branch A4 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "CompanyA5": "Branch A5 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "CompanyA6": "Branch A6 of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "CompanyAddress": "Company Address",
    "CompanyB": "CompanyB",
    "CompanyTelephone": "Company Telephone",
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    "Config": "Setting",
    "Confirm": "Confirm",
    "ConfirmDelete": "Confirm Delete",
    "ConfirmDeleteSelected": "Confirm Delete Selected",
    "ConfirmInformation": "Confirm to Delete This{0}?",
    "ConfirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
    "ConfirmTheSameInfo": "Confirm Password Must be the Same as New Password",
    "ConstructionTax": "Construction Tax",
    "ConsultingFees": "Consulting Fees",
    "ConsumTaxTitle": "Excise Tax",
    "CoordinatingCondition": "Coordinating Condition",
    "Copy": "Copy",
    "Cost": "Cost",
    "CostOfGoodsPurchased": "Physical Cost",
    "Costperbook": "Original Value of Assets",
    "Count": "Count",
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    "CreditFlow": "Credit System Flow",
    "CurrentPage": "Current Page",
    "CurrentlyInProgress": "Processing",
    "CustomerDesc": "Customer List",
    "CustomerListManageLog": "Customer List Manage Log",
    "DTA": "Deferred Income Tax",
    "Dashboard": "Dashboard",
    "DashboardOTAnnualTaxBurdenAmount": "Annual Tax Burden",
    "DashboardOTProjectProgress": "Project Progress",
    "DashboardOTReportException": "Report Exception",
    "DashboardOTRiskDashboard": "Risk Dashboard",
    "DashboardOTRiskWarning": "Risk Warning",
    "DashboardOTSubtotal": "Summary of Tax Burden",
    "DashboardOTSubtotalByBusinessUnit": "Business Unit Summary",
    "DashboardOTSubtotalByRegion": "Area Summary",
    "DashboardOTTaxBurdenDistribution": "Tax Burden Distribution",
    "DashboardOTTaxBurdenDistributionConfig": "Configuration of Tax Situation",
    "DataCalculation": "Prediction Calculation",
    "DataEnquiry": "Data Preview",
    "DataSource": "Data Source",
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    "DeductionList": "Deduction List",
    "DefaultWidgets": "Restore Default",
    "DeferredTaxAnalysis": " Analysis of Deferred Income Tax",
    "DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTAssetStructure": "Assets Composition",
    "DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTTaxStructure": "Liability Structure",
    "DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTTitle": "Analysis and Allocation of Deferred Income Tax",
    "DeferredTaxAnalysisConfigOTVariationAnalysis": "Asset/Liability Variation Analysis",
    "Delete": "Delete",
    "DeleteReport": "Delete Report",
    "DepositBank": "Bank Account",
    "DepreciationFixedAsset": "Depreciation of Fixed Assets (Management Agency)",
    "DepreciationInCurrentYear": "Depreciation In Current Year",
    "DepreciationInLastYear": "Depreciation In Last Year",
    "DepreciationMethod": "Depreciation Method",
    "Depreciationincurrentyear": "Depreciation in Current Year",
    "Description": "Description",
    "Detail": "Detail",
    "DetailedInformation": "Detailed Information",
    "DiffenenceReason": "Reason for Difference",
    "DifferenceRate": "Difference Rate",
    "DirectionCredit": "Direction Credit",
    "DirectionDebt": "Direction Debit",
    "Disable": "Disable",
    "Disabled": "Disabled",
    "DisplayCharts": "Display Charts",
    "DisplayContent": "Display Content",
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    "DisposalProceedsTrading": "Disposal of Profit or Loss From Trading Financial Assets",
    "DocNameColon": "File Name:",
    "DocTypeColon": "File Type:",
    "DocTypeDocNameRequired": "Document Type and Document Name Must be Selected",
    "Document": "Document",
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    "DocumentDetail": "Document Detail",
    "DocumentExpiredDuration": "Validity Period",
    "DocumentListType": "Business Information List",
    "DocumentName": "Document Name",
    "DocumentPeriod": "Document Period",
    "DocumentProjectCode": "Document Project Code",
    "DonationInfor": "Donation Information",
    "DoneInvoice": "Processed",
    "DownloadTemplate": "Download Template",
    "DueDate": "Due Date",
    "Duration": "Duration",
    "DutyPaid": "Tax Clearance Certificate",
    "Edit": "Edit",
    "EditReport": "Edit Report",
    "EducationAttach": "Educational Surcharge",
    "EffectiveInColon": "Term of validity",
    "EffectiveIncomeTaxRate": "Effective Tax Burden Rate of Income Tax",
    "EffectiveIncomeTaxRateDetail": "Effective Tax Burden Rate of Income Tax (= Income Tax Expenses/Total Profit)",
    "EmployeeBenefits": "Employee Benefits",
    "Empty": "Empty",
    "Enable": "Enable",
    "Enabled": "Enabled",
    "EnterpriceAccountDesc": "Set of Books",
    "EnterpriseAccountManageLog": "Log - Business Account Sheet",
    "EnterpriseSubjectCodeCol": "Enterprise Subject Code",
    "EnterpriseSubjectNameCol": "Enterprise Subject Name",
    "EntriesCheck": "Entry Comparison",
    "EntryCondition": "Entry Condition",
    "EntrySummary": "Abstract",
    "Equity": "Equity",
    "EquityChangeSuccess": "Equity Change Record Submitted Successfully!",
    "EstateIndustry": "Estate",
    "Exception": "Abnormal",
    "ExceptionJudgement": "Exception Judgement",
    "ExclusionCondition": "Exclusion Condition",
    "ExemptioinGoods": "Approval of Duty-free Goods",
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    "ExitFullScreen": "Exit Full Screen",
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    "ExportAllPage": "Export All Page",
    "ExportButton_Failed": "Export Excel Failed",
    "ExportButton_InvalidCallBack": "Export Function Not Implemented",
    "ExportButton_Succeeded": "Export Excel Succeeded",
    "ExportCurrentPage": "Export Current Page",
    "False": "False",
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    "FinancialDataVersionB": "Financial Data Version B",
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    "FinancialReport": "Financial Report",
    "FinancialServiceIndustry": "Financial Service Industry",
    "FinancialStatement": "Financial Statement",
    "FixedAssets": "Fixed Assets",
    "FixedAssetsMaintenance": "Fixed Assets Maintenance",
    "FollowTips": "Follow Tips",
    "ForecastDataSource": "Forecast Data Source",
    "ForecastReportType": "Forecast Report Type",
    "ForecastvsActual": "Pre-real Comparison",
    "Formula": "Formula",
    "FoundationDate": "Foundation Date",
    "Country": "Country",
    "MainBusiness": "Main Business",
    "BusinessLine": "Business Line",
    "FreightCosts": "Shipping Fee",
    "FundFlow": "Capital System Transport Fee",
    "GainAndLossForecast": "Profit and Loss Budget",
    "GainAndLosses": "Fair Value Change Gains and Losses",
    "GeneralAdmin": "Management Cost",
    "GeneralIndex": "General Index",
    "GeneralIndustry": "GeneralIndustry",
    "GeneralPublicity": "Publicity Expenses",
    "GlobalDataImportOPBatchImport": "Batch Import",
    "GlobalDataImportOTDisplayByDataType": "View by Data Type",
    "GlobalDataImportOTDisplayByOrganization": "View by Institution",
    "GlobalDataImportOTImportedStatus": "Data Import Status",
    "GlobalTax": "Global Tax Situation",
    "GoodsName": "Goods Name",
    "GovernmentSubsidies": "Benefits from Government Subsidies",
    "GrossProfit": "Gross Profit",
    "GrossProfitMarginDetail": "Gross Interest Rate (= Gross Profit/Main Business Income)",
    "HasTaxPayerNumber": "Taxpayer ID Number",
    "HeaderCompany": "Head Office of XXX Bank Co., Ltd.",
    "High": "High",
    "Home": "Home",
    "IIT": "IIT",
    "IITTypeDesc": "Medium Tax Risk of Tax Issuance of Unpaid Individual Income Tax",
    "ImportError": "Import Error",
    "ImportErrorTips": "An Error Occurred in {0}. Please Correct it.!",
    "ImportSuccess": "Import Success",
    "IncomeInvoiceManage": "Procurement Invoice Management",
    "IncomeInvoiceOverview": "Income Invoice Overview",
    "IncomeTaxContribution": "Income Tax Contribution Rate",
    "IncomeTaxContributionDetail": "Income Tax Contribution Rate (= Income Tax Expenses/Business Income)",
    "IncomeTaxExpense": "Income Tax Expenses",
    "IndexAnalysis": "Index Analysis",
    "IndexAnalysisConfig": "Indicator Analysis Allocation",
    "IndexDataType": "Display Type",
    "IndexFormula": "Index Formula",
    "IndexName": "Index Name",
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    "IndustryID": "Industry",
    "IndustryIndex": "Industry Index",
    "IndustryIndustry": "Industry",
    "InheritRole": "Inherit Role",
    "InputVAT": "Input VAT",
    "InputVATTransferOut": "Input VAT Transfer-out",
    "Instructions": "Instructions",
    "IntangibleAssets": "Intangible Assets",
    "InterestExpense": "Interest Expense",
    "InterestIncome": "Interest Income",
    "InvestmentIncome": "Investment Income",
    "InvoiceCat": "Invoice Type",
    "InvoiceMain": "Control Over Invoices",
    "InvoiceManagement": "Invoice Management",
    "InvoiceSearch": "Invoice Search",
    "InvoiceSource": "Invoice Source",
    "InvolvedOrganization": "Subordinate Institutions:",
    "IsActiveStatus": "Enabled State",
    "IsDisplay": "Whether to Display",
    "Joint": "Common",
    "JumpTo": "Jump To",
    "KeyCode": "Key Code",
    "KeyName": "Key Name",
    "KeyValueDesc": "Key Value",
    "LVATType": "Land Value Added Tax",
    "LVATTypeDesc": "There is a Moderate Risk of Duplicate Expenditure being Included in the Total Contract Cost.",
    "LabourCosts": "Labour Costs",
    "LabourUnionExpenditure": "Trade Union Funds",
    "LandAppreciationTax": "Land Value Added Tax",
    "LastMonth": "Last Month",
    "LegalCode": "Corporate Code",
    "LegalPersonName": "Name of Legal Representative/Person in Charge",
    "LegalPersonPhoneNumber": "Mobile Phone of Legal Representative/Responsible Person",
    "LegalPersonLandlineNum": "Statutory Representative/Responsible Person Seating",
    "LegalPersonEmailAddress": "Statutory Representative/Official Mailbox",
    "RegFinancialOfficerName": "Name of Registered Financial Officer",
    "RegFinancialOfficerPhoneNum": "Registered Finance Officer Mobile Phone",
    "RegFinancialOfficerLandlineNum": "Registered Financial Officer Seating Machine",
    "RegFinancialOfficerEmailAddress": "Registered Financial Officer Mailbox",
    "SecondaryApprovalAmount": "Secondary Approval Amount",
    "BusinessRegistrationNumber": "Business Registration Number",
    "ParValue": "Par Value",
    "IssuedShares": "Issued Shares",
    "Directors": "Directors",
    "LegalPersonIdNum": "Corporate Identity Card Number",
    "LessThan": "Less Than",
    "LinkToIssue": "Related Matters",
    "LinkToProject": "Related Project",
    "LocalEducationAttach": "Local Education Surcharge",
    "LogComments": "Remarks",
    "LogIndex": "Serial Number",
    "LogOperateObject": "Operating Object",
    "LogOperationDescription": "Operating",
    "LogOperationIP": "IP",
    "LogOperationOID": "OID",
    "LogOperationTime": "Operation Time",
    "LogOperationUser": "Operation User",
    "LogOrganizationType": "Organization Type",
    "LogOriginalState": "Original State",
    "LogOut": "Log Out",
    "LogProjectType": "Operating Item",
    "LogUpdateState": "Update Status",
    "LogUserType": "User",
    "Logout": "Log out",
    "LossDisposalFixedAssets": "Disposal of Fixed Assets Loss",
    "LossIntangibleAssets": "Disposal of Intangible Assets",
    "LossInventory": "Inventory Price Loss",
    "LossProjectConstruction": "Disposal of Construction in Progress",
    "Low": "Low",
    "MailRoomPendingInvoice": "Mail Room Pending Invoice",
    "MainCondition": "Main Condition",
    "MainIndex": "Main Index",
    "ManualMapping": "Manual Mapping",
    "ManufacturingIndustry": "Manufacturing Industry",
    "MappingInvoice": "Association management",
    "MenuAMVAT": "Asset Management VAT Return",
    "MenuCIT": "CIT Return",
    "MenuCashFlow": "Tax Cash Flow",
    "MenuIndexAnalytics": "Tax Indicator Analysis",
    "MenuInvoiceManagement": "Invoice Management",
    "MenuOverview": "Overview",
    "MenuRND": "R & D Preferential Solutions",
    "MenuRiskAlert": "Tax Risk Warning",
    "MenuStatistics": "Data Statistics",
    "MenuTaxAnalysisPlatform": "Tax Analysis Platform",
    "MenuTaxDocument": "Tax File Management",
    "MenuTaxForecast": "Profit Forecast",
    "MenuTaxOperationManagement": "Tax Operation Management Platform",
    "MenuTaxPolicyManagement": "Tax Policy Management Platform",
    "MenuVAT": "VAT Return",
    "MenuListApproval": "Report Approval",
    "Mid": "Mid",
    "MobileManufacturingIndustry": "Mobile Manufacturing Industry",
    "ModelAlert": "Model Anomaly",
    "ModelException": "Model Exception",
    "ModelStatusException": "System Detection Abnormality",
    "ModelStatusNormal": "System Detection Normal",
    "Month": "Month",
    "Month02": "Feb",
    "Month03": "Mar",
    "Month04": "Apr",
    "Month05": "May",
    "Month06": "Jun",
    "Month07": "Jul",
    "Month08": "Aug",
    "Month09": "Sep",
    "Month01": "Jan",
    "MoveDown": "Move Down",
    "MoveUp": "Move Up",
    "MsgExpired": "Account Has Expired",
    "MsgInactive": "Account is Locked",
    "MsgUsedPassword": "I Have Used This Password Recently, Please Reset it.!",
    "MsgWrongPassword": "Old Password is Incorrect",
    "NA": "NA",
    "Name": "Name",
    "NetProfit": "Net Profit",
    "NetProfitMargin": "Net Profit Margin",
    "New": "New",
    "NewPassword": "New Password",
    "NewPasswordTips": "The Length is More Than 6 Characters, Must be a Combination of Numbers and Letters, and Cannot be the Same as the Original Password.",
    "NewRegistration": "New Registration",
    "NewReport": "Write Report",
    "NextPage": "Next Page",
    "NoData": "No Data",
    "NoDataAvailable": "No Data Available",
    "NoDataInChart": "No Data In Chart",
    "NoDataText": "No Data",
    "NoInvoiceVerify": "Not Invoiced",
    "NoRiskAboveMid": "No Medium or Above Tax Risk",
    "NoSearchContent": "Sorry, No Matching Information!",
    "NoTaxPayerNumber": "No TaxPayer Number",
    "NonOperatingExpenses": "Non Operating Expenses",
    "NonOperatingIncome": "Non Operating Income",
    "NonTaxation": "Certificate of Tax-free and Tax-free Income",
    "NormalStatus": "Normal",
    "NotYetStart": "Not Yet Start",
    "Number": "Number",
    "NumberOfTaskes": "Number Of Taskes:",
    "NumberType": "NumberT ype",
    "OOCosts": "Other Business Costs",
    "OldPassword": "Original Password",
    "OperateOrganizationLog": "Operate Organization Log",
    "OperateProjectLog": "Operate Project Log",
    "OperateRoleLog": "Operate Role Log",
    "OperateUserLog": "Operate User Log",
    "OperatingCosts": "Operating Costs",
    "OperatingProfit": "Operating Profit",
    "OperatingProfitMargin": "Operating Profit Margin",
    "OperatingProfitMarginDetail": "Operating Profit Margin (= Operating Profit/Operating Income)",
    "OperatingRevenue": "Operating Revenue",
    "OperationContent": "Operation Content",
    "OrangizationStructureManageLog": "Organization Structure Manage Log",
    "OrgCommonModel": "Institutional Common Model",
    "OrgCustomModel": "Institutional Customization Model",
    "OrgName": "Organization Name",
    "Organization": "Entity",
    "OrganizationColon": "Applicable Organization ",
    "OrganizationCount": "Number of Visiting Organization ",
    "OrganizationNameEn": "Organization Name(En)(英文)",
    "Abbreviation": "Abbreviation",
    "OrganizationServiceTemplateGroup": "Service Management",
    "Organize": "Organize",
    "Other": "Other",
    "OtherOR": "Other Business Income",
    "OtherRevenue": "Other Revenue",
    "OtherTaxes": "Other Taxes",
    "Others": "Others",
    "OutMenuInvoiceManagement": "Sales Invoice Management",
    "OutputInvoiceTitle": "Output Invoice Amount",
    "OutputVAT": "Output VAT",
    "OverView": "OverView",
    "P2PPendingInvoice": "P2P Pending Invoice",
    "PCompany": "Company",
    "PIC": "Person in Charge",
    "PLEntity": "Entity",
    "PLItem": "Item",
    "POCosts": "Main Business Cost",
    "Page": "Page",
    "PageTotalCount": "Total",
    "ParentCode": "Superior Code",
    "ParentID": "Superior",
    "PasswordNotChanged": "Please Set a Different New Password!",
    "PendingReturnInvoice": "Management of Tickets to be Refunded",
    "Percentage": "Percentage",
    "Period": "Period",
    "PleaseAddMeasuresRight": "Please Add Data Indicators to the Right",
    "PleaseChooseModel": "Please Choose Model",
    "PleaseContactAdministrator": "Please Contact Administrator",
    "PleaseSelect": "Please Select",
    "PredictedData": "Predicted Data",
    "PretaxMargin": "Pretax Margin",
    "PretaxMarginDetail": "Pre-tax Profit Margin (= Gross Profit/Operating Income)",
    "PreviewMail": "Preview Mail",
    "PrimeOR": "Main Business Income",
    "ProductLineConfigManageLog": "Product Line ConfigManage Log",
    "ProductLineManageLog": "Product Line Manage Log",
    "ProjectCodeColon": "Project Code",
    "ProjectDesc": "Project",
    "ProjectPeriod": "Project Period",
    "ProjectServiceTypeDesc": "Project Service",
    "PromotionExpenses": "Promotion Expenses",
    "PropertyTax": "Property Tax",
    "PropertyTaxTypeDesc": "There is a Moderate Tax Risk That the Change of Real Estate Tax Amount Exceeds 20%.",
    "ProvisionDepreciationFixedAsset": "Fixed Assets Depreciation Reserves",
    "PurchaseDate": "Purchase Date",
    "PushMessageCategory_All": "All",
    "PushMessageCategory_Overdue": "Overdue",
    "PushMessageCategory_Today": "Today",
    "PushMessageCategory_Yesterday": "Yesterday",
    "QuarterlyFilingReturnType": "Quarterly Advance Statement",
    "RDExpenseCapitalised": "R&D Expenses-Capitalization",
    "RDExpenseExpensed": "R&D Expenses-Expensation",
    "RDExpenses": "RD Expenses",
    "RPT": "Pricing Transfer",
    "RealTaxAmount": "Real Tax Amount",
    "RecordCount": "Record Count",
    "Reduction": "Additional Deduction/Half",
    "Refresh": "Refresh",
    "RegionDesc": "Region",
    "RegionManageLog": "Region Manage Log",
    "RegistrationAddress": "Registered Address",
    "RegistrationAddressEn": "Registered Address (English)",
    "RegistrationCapital": "Registered Capital (Ten Thousand Yuan)",
    "PaidInCapital": "Paid-in Capital (Ten Thousand Yuan)",
    "UpdateType": "Update Type",
    "RegistrationDate": "Registration Date",
    "RegistrationLocation": "Registration Location",
    "RegistrationLocationEn": "RegistrationLocation(En)",
    "RegistrationType": "Registration Type",
    "ArchitectureType": "Architecture Type",
    "RemarkColon": "Remarks:",
    "RentalExpense": "Rental Expense",
    "Report": "Report",
    "ReportCode": "Report Code",
    "ReportConfigurationDesc": "Report ConfigurationDesc",
    "ReportException": "Report Exception",
    "ReportValidation": "Report Validation",
    "RequiredInfo": "Required Info",
    "ResearchCosts": "Research Costs",
    "Reset": "Reset",
    "ResidualRate": "Residual Rate",
    "RetrievePermissions": "Retrieve Permissions",
    "ReturnExemption": "Free Return Declaration and Tax Exemption Certificate",
    "ReturnRatioDistrictLevel": "Return Ratio (Actual) District Level",
    "ReturnRatioMunicipalLevel": "Return Ratio (Actual) City Level",
    "ReturnTaxItem": "Return Tax Item",
    "Revenue": "Revenue",
    "RiskAlert": "Risk Alert",
    "RiskDesc": "Risk Description",
    "RiskLevel": "Risk Level",
    "RiskWarning": "Risk Warning",
    "Role": "Role",
    "RowForPage": "Row For Page",
    "RowNum": "Row Num",
    "Royalties": "Royalties",
    "SalesDiscount": "Sales Discount",
    "SalesOnRawMaterial": "Sales of Raw Materials",
    "Save": "Save",
    "SaveAsNew": "Save as Custom",
    "SaveFail": "Save Fail",
    "SaveFileError": "Server Save File Error",
    "SaveSuccess": "Save Success",
    "SaveasNewVersion": "Save as New Version",
    "Search": "Search",
    "SearchHintText": "Search for",
    "SearchPlaceholder": "Please Enter the Query Criteria",
    "SearchResult": "Search Result",
    "SearchText": "Inquire",
    "SelectAccount": "Select Account",
    "SelectAll": "Select All",
    "SelectArea": "Select Area",
    "SelectInvoiceSource": "Please Select the Source of the Invoice",
    "SelectNone": "Clear Data",
    "SelectOrg": "Please Select an Institution",
    "SelectOrgDefault": "Do Not Choose",
    "SelectUploadFileRequired": "Please Select a File before uploading",
    "SellingExpenses": "Selling Expenses",
    "SendEmail": "Send Email",
    "Seq": "Serial Number",
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    "TaxTreatmentRecord": "Special Tax Treatment Filing",
    "TaxType": "Tax Type",
    "TaxTypeName": "Tax Type Name",
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    "TaxationAmountbytheendofcurrentperiod": "Total Tax Due to The Current Month",
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    "TaxforecastVersionB": "Tax Forecast Version B",
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    "TotalProjectRecords": "General",
    "TotalTraining": "Total Training Costs",
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    "VATTypeDesc3": "Income or Sales Without VAT",
    "VATTypeDescDetail1": "There May be Cases Where Purchase Invoices are Not Obtained and Input Tax Cannot be Deducted.",
    "VATTypeDescDetail2": "In the Case of Inventory Goods and Raw Materials Used by Enterprises for Internal Welfare, There is no Case Where the Input Tax is Transferred out.",
    "VATTypeDescDetail3": "There May be Cases Where VAT Taxable Income is Not Included in VAT.",
    "ValidationException": "Check Exception",
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    "dateFormat4YearMonthDayCh": "yyyy-mm-dd",
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