commonModule.controller('previewAccountVoucherController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', '$uibModal', 'vatPreviewService', '$http', 'region', 'citSessionService', '$state', '$compile', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants, vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, $uibModal, vatPreviewService, $http, region, citSessionService, $state, $compile) { 'use strict'; // Subject Code Popup $scope.getCIT = "CIT"; $scope.serviceType = $scope.project.serviceTypeID; $scope.popTheParentCode = function (e) { $scope.isShowParentCodePop = true; $(e.originalEvent.srcElement).parents(".dx-texteditor:first").dxAutocomplete("instance").option("opened", false); } $scope.confirmCodes = function (confirmedRecords) { var codes = ""; $scope.queryParams.inputs.accountCode = ""; confirmedRecords.forEach(function (item) { codes = codes + " " + item.subjectCode + " "; }); //$scope.filterData.accountCode = codes; $scope.queryParams.inputs.accountCode = codes; } $scope.cancelCodes = function () { } // Subject Code Popup var projectYear = $scope.project.year; var startMonth = 1; var endMonth = 12; //VAT if ($scope.serviceType === '2') { var startMonth = $scope.month; var endMonth = $scope.month; } var minDate = new Date("2010-01-01"); var maxDate = new Date("2030-12-31"); var defaultPeriodDate = { from: new Date(projectYear, startMonth-1, 1), to: new Date(new Date(projectYear, endMonth, 1) - 10000) }; var pageCanLeave = false; $scope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, options) { //根据 Michelle YT Yao 的要求取消跳转提示拦截,但是以下代码保留,可能以后会需要拦截 //将 pageCanLeave 设为 true 表示可以直接跳转 pageCanLeave = true; if (!pageCanLeave) { event.preventDefault(); var msgboxOptions = { title: $translate.instant('WarningTitle'), text: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AlertMsg_Leave'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#e0301e", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('ConfirmYes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('ConfirmNo'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }; SweetAlert.swal(msgboxOptions, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { pageCanLeave = true; $state.go(toState, toParams, options); }; }); } return false; }); $scope.filterMode = { //普通查询 normal: true, //高级查询 advanced: false, //自定义查询 custom: false, //借/贷方关联科目查询 debitCrebitAccountCode: false } $scope.openAccountCodeModal = function () { ${ animation: true, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'account-code.html', controller: 'vatPreviewAccountVoucherAccountCodeCtrl', controllerAs: '$accountCodeCtrl', size: "520px", scope: $scope }); } var closeAccountVoucherFilterDialog = function (e) { var dialogs = $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']:visible"); //不存在查询窗体事可以离开当前界面 if (dialogs.length < 1) { return; } if (!(e && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.srcElement)) return; var srcElement = e.originalEvent.srcElement; /* * 不关闭 filterDialog 的情形 * 1.触发点击事件的控件在 filterDialog 内部时 * 2.在打开 filterDialog 的菜单中时 * 3.存在显示的 modal 时 * 4.点击会计期间控件时 * 5.点击自动补全控件内容时 */ for (var i = 0; i < dialogs.length; i++) { if (dialogs[i].contains(srcElement)) return; } if ($("#mainPreviewDiv .filter-menu")[0].contains(srcElement)) return; if ($(".sweet-alert:visible").length > 0 || $(".modal-open").length > 0) return; var rp = dialogs.find('#period-picker').data("_ranegPicker"); if (rp && rp.tether && rp.tether.element && rp.tether.element.contains(srcElement)) { return; } //点击的是自动补全控件时不关闭 if ($(srcElement).parents("md-virtual-repeat-container:first").length > 0) return; dialogs.hide(); $(".vat-preview-account-voucher#mainPreviewDiv").off("click", closeAccountVoucherFilterDialog); } $scope.showFilterDialog = function ($evn, selector) { var target = $evn.delegateTarget; var fDialog = $(selector); if (fDialog.length < 1) return; var dialogs = $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']"); $.each(dialogs, function (i, n) { if (n == fDialog[0]) return; $(n).hide(); }); fDialog.css({ "top": ((target.offsetHeight + target.offsetTop) + "px"), "left": (target.offsetLeft + "px") });; $(".vat-preview-account-voucher#mainPreviewDiv").on("click", closeAccountVoucherFilterDialog); $scope.UpdateDisableStatusManual("accountCode", $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountCode.selected); $scope.UpdateDisableStatusManual("accountName", $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountName.selected); //初始化month-picker ,以下代码被屏蔽:界面暂时不再使用 rangePicker ,切换到 dx 的 dateBox 控件 //var rp = fDialog.find('#period-picker').data("_ranegPicker"); //if (!rp) { // var monthList = [ // $translate.instant('Month01'), // $translate.instant('Month02'), // $translate.instant('Month03'), // $translate.instant('Month04'), // $translate.instant('Month05'), // $translate.instant('Month06'), // $translate.instant('Month07'), // $translate.instant('Month08'), // $translate.instant('Month09'), // $translate.instant('Month10'), // $translate.instant('Month11'), // $translate.instant('Month12') // ]; // fDialog.find('#period-picker').rangePicker({ // minDate: [1, citSessionService.project.year], // maxDate: [12, citSessionService.project.year], // setDate: [ // [citSessionService.month, citSessionService.project.year], // [citSessionService.month, citSessionService.project.year] // ], // months: monthList, // ConfirmBtnText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), // CancelBtnText: $translate.instant('ButtonCancel') // }) // .on('datePicker.done', function (e, result) { // //开始月份 // var startMonth = result[0][0]; // //结束月份 // var endMonth = result[1][0]; // $scope.queryParams.inputs.period.from = startMonth; // $ = endMonth; // }) // .data("_ranegPicker") // .applyDate(); //} if ($scope.accountCodes.length < 1) { vatPreviewService.getEnterpriseAccount().success(function (data) { $scope.accountCodes = data; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { $[i]); } $scope.autocompleteDataSource.load(); }); } } $scope.autocompleteDataSource = new[]); $scope.autocompleteAccountCodeSearchMode = "startswith"; $scope.autocompleteAccountCodePlaceholder = $translate.instant("AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text"); $scope.autocompleteAccountNameSearchMode = "startswith"; $scope.autocompleteAccountNamePlaceholder = $translate.instant("AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text"); $scope.UpdateDisableStatusManual = function (type, item) { if (!(type && item)) return; //var searchModes = ["contains", "startswith"]; var input = $("#filterMode-normal div[ng-class*='" + type + "'] input"); if ( && !$scope.isFromReMapping) { input.removeAttr("disabled"); var searchMode = ( == "1" || == "2") ? "startswith" : "contains"; if (type.toLowerCase() === "accountCode".toLowerCase()) { $scope.autocompleteAccountCodeSearchMode = searchMode; } else { $scope.autocompleteAccountNameSearchMode = searchMode; } } else { input.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } $scope.getVoucherDataFromDatabase = function (mainRelation, allJe, period, vID, group, queryCondition) { var deferred = $q.defer(); vatPreviewService.getVoucherByConditon(mainRelation, allJe, period, vID, group, queryCondition).success(function (dataList) { deferred.resolve(dataList); }).error(function () { deferred.reject(); }); return deferred.promise; }; var voucherDataLoad = function (pageIndex) { $log.debug("vat-preview-accountVoucher-ctrl: voucherDataLoad"); $scope.curVoucherItemPage = pageIndex; $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.pageIndex = pageIndex; $log.debug($scope.queryParams); if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByEntry($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { = PWC.round(, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); $scope.voucherDataList =; //var dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance'); //dataGrid.refresh(); initDataGrid(); vatPreviewService.getSelectWhereString($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (queryString) { showVoucherCount(,,,, queryString); }); }); computeVoucherItemPage(false); } else { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByVoucher($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { = PWC.round(, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); (v) { v.debitSum = PWC.round(v.debitSum, 2); v.creditSum = PWC.round(v.creditSum, 2); }); $scope.voucherDataList =; //var dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance'); //dataGrid.refresh(); initDataGrid(); vatPreviewService.getSelectWhereString($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (queryString) { showVoucherCount(,,,, queryString); }); }); computeVoucherItemPage(false); } }; //显示凭证相关信息(分录数、凭证数、借贷方总金额、查询条件) var showVoucherCount = function (itemIDCount, vIDCount, debitSum, creditSum, queryString) { $scope.vIDCount = vIDCount; $scope.itemIDCount = itemIDCount; $scope.debitSum = debitSum; $scope.creditSum = creditSum; $scope.queryString = queryString; }; //计算页数,创建分页栏 var computeVoucherItemPage = function (fristLoad) { if (!fristLoad) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedCount($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result&&data.resultMsg) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return false; } $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount =; if ($scope.queryParams.pagingInfo && $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount > 0) { var totalPage = parseInt($scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount / $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.pageSize); totalPage = $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount % $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.pageSize == 0 ? totalPage : totalPage + 1; var createPage = $("#totalVoucherPage").createPage({ pageCount: totalPage, current: $scope.curVoucherItemPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 voucherDataLoad(p); } }); $('#totalVoucherPage').css('display', 'inline-block'); } else { var createPage = $("#totalVoucherPage").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curVoucherItemPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 voucherDataLoad(p); } }); $('#totalVoucherPage').css('display', 'inline-block'); } }); } else { var createPage = $("#totalVoucherPage").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curVoucherItemPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 voucherDataLoad(p); } }); $('#totalVoucherPage').css('display', 'inline-block'); } return true; }; $scope.queryParams = { //查询模板 listQueryCondition: [], //分页信息 pagingInfo: { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 100 }, andOr: 'AND', //主条件 mainRelation: '8', //是否显示所有凭证 allJe: false, //是否为分录显示 isEntryShow: true, //二级子查询-期间 period: '', //二级子查询-凭证编号 vID: '', //二级子查询-凭证类型 group: null }; $scope.queryConditionTemp = { conditionName: null, searchKeyWord: 0, searchValue: null }; var copyArray = function (data) { var ret = []; data.forEach(function (row) { ret.push(row); }); return ret; }; //按凭证显示 var voucherShow = function () { if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = false; if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition && $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length > 0) { $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; computeVoucherItemPage(false); voucherDataLoad($scope.curVoucherItemPage); } else { initDataGrid(); } } }; //按分录显示 var entryShow = function () { if (!$scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = true; if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition && $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length > 0) { $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; computeVoucherItemPage(false); voucherDataLoad($scope.curVoucherItemPage); } else { initDataGrid(); } } }; //查询确定 var selectVoucher = function () { $log.debug("start to selectVoucher"); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition = []; //条件间主关系 if ($scope.queryParams.andOr == "AND") { $scope.queryParams.mainRelation = '8'; } else { $scope.queryParams.mainRelation = '7'; } //是否显示所有凭证 //$scope.queryParams.allJe = $scope.filterParams.isAllJe; //是否按分录显示 //$scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = $scope.filterParams.isEntryShow; //$scope.queryParams.pagingInfo = $scope.pagingInfo; var selectors = $scope.queryParams.selectors; var inputs = $scope.queryParams.inputs; //企业科目代码 if ( { //期望使用该字段参与查询,却不给定查询关键字时,给出提示 if (!inputs.accountCode) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountCodeEmpty')); return; } var accountCodeMto = {}; accountCodeMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountCode'); accountCodeMto.searchKeyWord =; accountCodeMto.searchValue = inputs.accountCode; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(accountCodeMto); } //企业科目名称 if ( { if (!inputs.accountName) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountNameEmpty')); return; } var accountNameMto = {}; accountNameMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountName'); accountNameMto.searchKeyWord =; accountNameMto.searchValue = inputs.accountName; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(accountNameMto); } //会计期间 if (inputs.period.from || { var from = inputs.period.from; var to =; if (to && from && to < from) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEndMonthTooBig')); return; } var periodMto = {}; periodMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Period'); periodMto.searchKeyWord = 14; periodMto.searchValue = (from ? from.getMonth() + 1 : "null") + " " + (to ? to.getMonth() + 1 : "null"); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(periodMto); } //凭证类型 if ( { if (! { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupEmpty')); return; } var groupMto = {}; groupMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Group'); groupMto.searchKeyWord =; groupMto.searchValue =; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(groupMto); } //凭证编号 if ( { if (!inputs.groupNum) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupNumEmpty')); return; } var groupNumMto = {}; groupNumMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_GroupNum'); groupNumMto.searchKeyWord =; groupNumMto.searchValue = inputs.groupNum; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(groupNumMto); } //凭证摘要 if ( { if (!inputs.summary) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryEmpty')); return; } if (inputs.summary.toString().length < 3) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryTooShort')); return; } var summaryMto = {}; summaryMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Summary'); summaryMto.searchKeyWord =; summaryMto.searchValue = inputs.summary; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(summaryMto); } //往来核算代码 //if ( { // if (!inputs.customerCode) { // SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerCodeEmpty')); // return; // } // var customerCodeMto = {}; // customerCodeMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_CustomerCode'); // customerCodeMto.searchKeyWord =; // customerCodeMto.searchValue = inputs.customerCode; // $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(customerCodeMto); //} //往来核算名称 //if ( { // if (!inputs.customerName) { // SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerNameEmpty')); // return; // } // var customerNameMto = {}; // customerNameMto.conditionName =$translate.instant('AccountVoucher_CustomerName')"; // customerNameMto.searchKeyWord =; // customerNameMto.searchValue = inputs.customerName; // $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(customerNameMto); //} //凭证日期 if ( || { var from =; var to =; if ((from && (from > maxDate || from < minDate)) || (to && (to > maxDate || to < minDate))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateInvalid')); return; } if (to && from && to < from) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEndDateTooBig')); return; } var dateMto = {}; dateMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Date'); dateMto.searchKeyWord = 14; dateMto.searchValue = (from ? moment(from).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "null") + " " + (to ? moment(to).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "null"); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(dateMto); } //借方金额 if (inputs.debit.from || { var from = inputs.debit.from; var to =; from = from == null ? "" : from; to = to == null ? "" : to; if ((from && isNaN(from)) || (to && isNaN(to))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitInvalid')); return; } if (to && from && Number(to) < Number(from)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEndAmountTooBig')); return; } if (!from) { from = "null"; } if (!to) { to = "null"; } var debitMto = {}; debitMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Debit'); debitMto.searchKeyWord = 14; debitMto.searchValue = from + " " + to; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(debitMto); } //贷方金额 if ( || { var from =; var to =; from = from == null ? "" : from; to = to == null ? "" : to; if ((from && isNaN(from)) || (to && isNaN(to))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditInvalid')); return; } if (to && from && Number(to) < Number(from)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEndAmountTooBig')); return; } if (!from) { from = "null"; } if (!to) { to = "null"; } var creditMto = {}; creditMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Credit'); creditMto.searchKeyWord = 14; creditMto.searchValue = from + " " + to; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(creditMto); } setRemapSearchConditions(); if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length == 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant("NotInputTheQueryConditions")); return; } $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; if (computeVoucherItemPage(false)) { $log.debug("start to voucherDataLoad"); voucherDataLoad($scope.curVoucherItemPage); $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']:visible").hide(); } }; //查询重置 var resetSelectCondition = function () { var obj = { id: "" }; $scope.queryParams.andOr = "AND"; $scope.queryParams.allJe = false; $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountCode.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountName.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.period.selected = obj; $ = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.groupNum.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.summary.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.inputs = { accountCode: null, accountName: null, period: { from: new Date(projectYear, startMonth - 1, 1), to: new Date(projectYear, endMonth - 1, 1) }, group: null, groupNum: null, summary: null, date: { from: new Date(defaultPeriodDate.from), to: new Date( }, debit: { from: null, to: null }, credit: { from: null, to: null } }; //以下代码被屏蔽:界面暂时不再使用 rangePicker ,切换到 dx 的 dateBox 控件 //var dialog = $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']"); //var rq = dialog.find("#period-picker").data("_ranegPicker"); //if (!_.isNull(rq) && !_.isUndefined(rq)) { // rq.result[0][0] = citSessionService.month; // rq.result[0][1] = citSessionService.project.year; // rq.result[1][0] = citSessionService.month; // rq.result[1][1] = citSessionService.project.year; // rq.update(rq.result); //} } //导出 var exportToExcel = function () { var dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance'); setExportFileName(); var exportValues = dataGrid.option("export"); exportValues.fileName = $scope.exportToExcelFileName; dataGrid.option("export", exportValues); //dataGrid.fileName="testExport", dataGrid.exportToExcel(false); }; // **************************************************************************************** //************ EXCEL EXPORT FUNCTION ***************/ $scope.$on('ngEntryRepeatFinished', function (ngRepeatFinishedEvent) { if ($scope.isToPrint) { setExportFileName(); export_table_to_excel('exportEntryTable', $scope.exportToExcelFileName, 'xlsx', ''); } $scope.isToPrint = false; }); $scope.$on('ngVoucherRepeatFinished', function (ngRepeatFinishedEvent) { if ($scope.isToPrint) { setExportFileName(); export_table_to_excel('exportVoucherTable', $scope.exportToExcelFileName, 'xlsx', ''); } $scope.isToPrint = false; }); //导出全部 $scope.exportAllToExcel = function () { $scope.isToPrint = true; $scope.getExportData(); }; $scope.getExportData = function () { if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition && $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length > 0) { if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByEntry($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, null, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); $scope.exportEntryDataList =; }); } else { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByVoucher($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, null, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { (v) { v.debitSum = PWC.round(v.debitSum, 2); v.creditSum = PWC.round(v.creditSum, 2); }); $scope.exportVoucherDataList =; }); } } }; $scope.toggleAllMasterRows = function ($event) { var expand = "dx-datagrid-group-closed"; var collapse = "dx-datagrid-group-opened"; if ($($ { $scope.gridInstance.expandAll(-1); $($; $($; } else { $scope.gridInstance.collapseAll(-1); $($; $($; } } var initDataGrid = function () { //分录显示 $log.debug("start to initDataGrid"); if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: $scope.voucherDataList, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, sorting: { mode: "none" }, export: { fileName: $scope.exportToExcelFileName }, allowColumnResizing: true, //columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), columns: [ { alignment: "left", dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 65 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), sortIndex: 1, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 95 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), sortIndex: 2, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 180 }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), sortIndex: 3, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "20%" }, { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "30%" }, //{ // dataField: "customerCodeAndNameShow", // caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow'), // //width: 170 //}, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), width: "20%" }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), width: "30%" }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", width: 120 }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", width: 120 } ], masterDetail: { enabled: false }, onContentReady: function () { $log.debug("onContentReady entry"); $scope.setVoucherSelected(); }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; } }); } else { $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: $scope.voucherDataList, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, sorting: { mode: "none" }, export: { fileName: $scope.exportToExcelFileName, }, allowColumnResizing: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), columns: [ { dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 130 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), format: "yyyy-MM-dd", sortIndex: 1, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 100 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), sortIndex: 2, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "50%" }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), sortIndex: 3, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "50%" }, { dataField: "debitSum", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebitSum'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }, { dataField: "creditSum", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCreditSum'), alignment: "right", width: 170 } ], masterDetail: { enabled: true, template: function (container, options) { var currentVoucherData =; $scope.queryParams.period = currentVoucherData.period; $scope.queryParams.vID = currentVoucherData.vid; $ =; container.addClass("internal-grid-container"); $("<div>") .addClass("internal-grid") .dxDataGrid({ columnAutoWidth: true, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, showBorders: true, sorting: { mode: "none" }, columns: [ { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "50%" }, //{ // dataField: "customerCodeAndNameShow", // caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow') , // //width: 170 //}, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), sortIndex: 1, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "25%" }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "25%" }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", width: 170 } ], dataSource: { store: new{ load: function (loadOptions) { return $scope.getVoucherDataFromDatabase($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, currentVoucherData.period, currentVoucherData.vid,, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).then(function (data) { (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); return { data:, totalCount: }; }, function () { return $q.reject($translate.instant("DataLoadingError")); }); } }) } }).appendTo(container); } }, onCellPrepared: function(e) { if (e.rowType === "header" && $(e.cellElement).hasClass("dx-command-expand")) { var btn = $("<div class='dx-datagrid-group-closed'></div>"); btn.attr("ng-click", "toggleAllMasterRows($event)"); e.cellElement.empty(); e.cellElement.append($compile(btn) ($scope)); } }, onContentReady: function() { $log.debug("onContentReady voucher"); $scope.setVoucherSelected(); }, onInitialized: function(e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; } }); } }; var setExportFileName = function () { var myDate = new Date(); var now = myDate.formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + myDate.formatDateTime('HH') + myDate.formatDateTime('mm') + myDate.formatDateTime('ss'); $scope.exportToExcelFileName = $translate.instant('Voucher_Export_result')+" " + now ; }; $scope.queryParams.selectors = { accountCode: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, accountName: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "3", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_3') }, { id: "4", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_4') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, period: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, group: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "3", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_3') }, { id: "4", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_4') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, groupNum: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, summary: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "3", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_3') }, { id: "4", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_4') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, date: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "9", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_9') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, debit: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "9", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_9') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, credit: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "9", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_9') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } } }; $scope.queryParams.inputs = { accountCode: null, accountName: null, period: { from: null, to: null }, group: null, groupNum: null, summary: null, date: { from: null, to: null }, debit: { from: null, to: null }, credit: { from: null, to: null } }; $scope.accountCodes = []; $scope.dxControlsOptions = { queryPeriodFrom: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy年MM月", max: new Date(projectYear, 11, 31), min: new Date(projectYear, 0, 1), maxZoomLevel: "year", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "queryParams.inputs.period.from" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryPeriodFrom.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryPeriodTo: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy年MM月", max: new Date(projectYear, 11, 31), min: new Date(projectYear, 0, 1), maxZoomLevel: "year", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryPeriodTo.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryDateFrom: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", maxZoomLevel: "month", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryDateFrom.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryDateTo: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", maxZoomLevel: "month", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryDateTo.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryAccountCode: { dataSource: $scope.autocompleteDataSource, minSearchLength: 1, maxItemCount: 7, searchTimeout: 50, maxlength: 12, placeholder: $scope.autocompleteAccountCodePlaceholder, valueExpr: 'acctCode', searchExpr: 'acctCode', focusStateEnabled: true, itemTemplate: 'autocompleteAcctCodeItemTemplate', bindingOptions: { disabled: "!", searchMode: 'autocompleteAccountCodeSearchMode', value: 'queryParams.inputs.accountCode' }, onInitialized: function (e) { var initialBtn = function () { if (e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-buttons-container").length < 1) return false; if (e.element.find(".display-flex.dx-dropdowneditor-icon").length > 0) return true; var btnStr = '<div class="dx-dropdowneditor-button dx-button-normal dx-widget" ng-click="popTheParentCode($event)" role="button">' + '<div class="dx-button-content">' + '<div class="dx-dropdowneditor-icon display-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">' + '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i>' + '</div></div></div>'; var button = $(btnStr); var container = e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-buttons-container"); container.empty(); container.append($compile(button)($scope)); e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-input").css("padding-right", "34px"); return true; } var tryInitialBtn = function () { if (initialBtn()) return; var rst = $timeout(initialBtn, 100); rst.then(function (data) { if (!data) tryInitialBtn(); }); } tryInitialBtn(); } }, queryAccountName: { dataSource: $scope.autocompleteDataSource, minSearchLength: 1, maxItemCount: 7, searchTimeout: 50, maxlength: 12, placeholder: $scope.autocompleteAccountNamePlaceholder, valueExpr: 'name', searchExpr: 'name', focusStateEnabled: true, itemTemplate: 'autocompleteAccountNameItemTemplate', bindingOptions: { disabled: "!", searchMode: 'autocompleteAccountNameSearchMode', value: 'queryParams.inputs.accountName' } } }; //凭证重对应编辑时, 勾选已重对应的凭证 var setVoucherSelected = function () { $log.debug("setVoucherSelected"); if ($scope.isFromReMapping && !_.isUndefined($scope.selectedVouchers) && !_.isNull($scope.selectedVouchers) && !_.isUndefined($scope.voucherDataList) && !_.isNull($scope.voucherDataList) && $scope.selectedVouchers.length > 0 && $scope.voucherDataList.length > 0) { $log.debug("star to setVoucherSelected"); var voucherIndexArray = []; $scope.selectedVouchers.forEach(function (item, index) { $scope.voucherDataList.forEach(function (vdItem, vdIndex) { if (_.isEqual(item.voucherID, vdItem.voucherID)) { $log.debug(vdIndex); voucherIndexArray.push(vdIndex); } }); }); $log.debug(voucherIndexArray); $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance').selectRowsByIndexes(voucherIndexArray); } } //从科目对应调用时,初始化整个页面 function InitPageFromReMapping(fromReMapping) { $log.debug("start InitPageFromReMapping"); if (fromReMapping) { //初始化页面样式 $("#mainPreviewDiv").addClass('vat-preview-account-voucher-accountmapping'); $("#filterMode-normal").css({ "left": 10 + "px" }); //初始化grid $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ selection: { mode: 'multiple', allowSelectAll: false, selectAllMode: 'allPages', showCheckBoxesMode: 'always' }, onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems) { $scope.selectedVouchers = selectedItems.selectedRowsData; VoucherReMapping($scope.selectedVouchers); } }); } } function VoucherReMapping(selectedVouchers) { $log.debug("start VoucherReMapping"); $log.debug(selectedVouchers); } //科目重对应时设置默认的查询条件 function setRemapSearchConditions() { if ($scope.isFromReMapping && $scope.isEdit) { $log.debug("start to setRemapSearchConditions"); $scope.resetSelectCondition(); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition = []; var acctMto = {}; //科目代码 acctMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountCode'); acctMto.searchKeyWord = "1"; acctMto.searchValue = $scope.enterpriseCode; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(acctMto); //会计期间 var periodMto = {}; periodMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Period'); periodMto.searchKeyWord = 14; periodMto.searchValue = startMonth + " " + endMonth; //eg: "5 5" $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(periodMto); //其它查询条件 $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo = { pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100, totalCount: 87 }; $scope.queryParams.andOr = "AND", $scope.queryParams.mainRelation = '8'; $scope.queryParams.allJe = false; $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = true; $scope.queryParams.period = ""; $scope.queryParams.vID = ""; $ = null; $log.debug($scope.queryParams); } } //开始 (function initialize() { $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; $scope.selectVoucher = selectVoucher; $scope.resetSelectCondition = resetSelectCondition; $scope.voucherShow = voucherShow; $scope.entryShow = entryShow; $scope.selectedVouchers; $scope.enterpriseCode; $scope.setVoucherSelected = setVoucherSelected; $scope.isEdit; $scope.exportToExcel = exportToExcel; showVoucherCount("0", "0", "0", "0", null); computeVoucherItemPage(true); $timeout(function () { initDataGrid(); InitPageFromReMapping($scope.isFromReMapping); }, 100); $scope.resetSelectCondition(); $scope.selectVoucher(); // Reposition Header when the window is resized //$(window).on('resize', function () { // SetUiGridHeader(); //}); })(); } ]); //树形控件弹出模态框 commonModule.controller('vatPreviewAccountVoucherAccountCodeCtrl', ["$scope", "$translate", "$uibModalInstance", "ivhTreeviewBfs", function ($scope, $translate, $uibModalInstance, ivhTreeviewBfs) { var $ctrl = this; var initControls = function () { var itemSource = angular.copy($scope.$parent.accountCodes); var dic = {}; var debit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit'), credit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit'); for (var ix = 0; ix < itemSource.length; ix++) { var item = itemSource[ix]; dic[item.acctCode] = { id: item.acctCode, code: item.acctCode, name:, selected: false, parentNode: null, parentCode: item.parentCode, direction: item.direction == 1 ? debit : credit, children: [], data: item }; } //查找每个节点是否存在父节点,并维护父节点与本节点的关系 for (var key in dic) { if (dic.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var item = dic[key]; var pCode = item.parentCode || "undefined"; var p = dic[pCode]; if (!p) continue; if (pCode == "undefined") throw "parentCode is undefined,please check the data in database"; item.parentNode = p; p.children.push(item); } } //node 是已经转化的数据结构 var trans = function (node) { for (var ix = 0; ix < node.children.length; ix++) { var cn = node.children[ix]; cn.parentNode = node; trans(cn); } } //对于树节点的根节点(没有父节点信息的节点)的所有子节点数据格式进行转换,并缓存到所有根节点 srcData 中 var srcData = []; for (var key in dic) { if (dic.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var item = dic[key]; if (!item || item.parentNode) continue; trans(item); srcData.push(item); } } //会计科目分类 var groupData = [ { id: "1", code: "资产", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "2", code: "负债", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "3", code: "共同", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "4", code: "权益", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "5", code: "成本", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "6", code: "损益", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] } ]; //其他未知类型 var other = { id: "0", code: "其他", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }; //将会计科目进行分类 for (var ix = 0; ix < srcData.length; ix++) { item = srcData[ix]; var p = _.find(groupData, function (n) { return Number( === Number(; }); if (p) { item.parentNode = p; item.parentCode =; p.children.push(item); } else { other.children.push(item); } } if (other.children.length > 0) { groupData.push(other); } $ctrl.treeSrcData = groupData; $ctrl.treeViewOps = { idAttribute: 'id', labelAttribute: 'code', childrenAttribute: 'children', selectedAttribute: 'selected', useCheckboxes: true, expandToDepth: 0, validate: true, defaultSelectedState: false, twistieExpandedTpl: '<span class="fa fa-caret-right"></span>', twistieCollapsedTpl: '<span class="fa fa-caret-right"></span>', twistieLeafTpl: ' ', nodeTpl: [ '<div class="ivh-treeview-node-content" title="{{trvw.label(node)}}">', '<div>', '<div>', '<span ivh-treeview-toggle>', '<span class="ivh-treeview-twistie-wrapper" ivh-treeview-twistie></span>', '</span>', '<span class="ivh-treeview-checkbox-wrapper" ng-if="trvw.useCheckboxes()" ivh-treeview-checkbox></span>', '<span class="ivh-treeview-node-label" ivh-treeview-label-select>{{trvw.label(node)}}</span>', '</div>', '<span class="accountName">{{}}</span>', '<span class="debitOrCredit">{{node.direction}}</span>', '</div>', '<div ivh-treeview-children></div>', '</div>' ].join('\n') }; } $ctrl.ok = function () { var selects = []; ivhTreeviewBfs($ctrl.treeSrcData, $ctrl.treeViewOps, function (node) { if (node.selected && && > 1) selects.push(; return true; }); selects = selects.join(' '); $scope.$parent.queryParams.inputs.accountCode = selects; $uibModalInstance.close(); }; $ctrl.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; initControls(); }]);