package pwc.taxtech.atms.entity;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;

 * This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.
 * This class corresponds to the database table cit_salary_advance
 * @mbg.generated do_not_delete_during_merge
public class CitSalaryAdvance extends BaseEntity implements Serializable {
     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   唯一编号 系统唯一编号
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column
     * @mbg.generated
    private Long id;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   机构编号 对应机构编号
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.organization_id
     * @mbg.generated
    private String organizationId;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   项目ID 
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.project_id
     * @mbg.generated
    private String projectId;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   期间
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.period
     * @mbg.generated
    private Integer period;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   来源 GL
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.source
     * @mbg.generated
    private String source;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   PO号
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.po_no
     * @mbg.generated
    private String poNo;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   PO行
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.po_row
     * @mbg.generated
    private String poRow;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   PO创建日期
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.po_create_time
     * @mbg.generated
    private Date poCreateTime;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   提单人
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.lading_bill_person
     * @mbg.generated
    private String ladingBillPerson;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   请购人
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.purchase_person
     * @mbg.generated
    private String purchasePerson;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   PO主体CODE
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.po_subject_code
     * @mbg.generated
    private String poSubjectCode;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   PO主体
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.po_subject_name
     * @mbg.generated
    private String poSubjectName;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   成本中心code
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.cost_center_code
     * @mbg.generated
    private String costCenterCode;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   成本中心
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.cost_center
     * @mbg.generated
    private String costCenter;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   供应商
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.supplier
     * @mbg.generated
    private String supplier;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   ITEM
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.item
     * @mbg.generated
    private String item;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   本位币
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.standard_money
     * @mbg.generated
    private String standardMoney;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   币种
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.currency
     * @mbg.generated
    private String currency;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   订购金额
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.order_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal orderAmount;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   已执行服务进度
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.executed_service_schedule
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal executedServiceSchedule;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   COUPA接收合计
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.coupa_total_accept
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal coupaTotalAccept;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   预提
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.advance
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal advance;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   未执行服务金额
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.unexecuted_service_schedule
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal unexecutedServiceSchedule;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   已批准标准发票金额
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.approved_standard_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal approvedStandardInvoiceAmount;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   已付标准发票总金额
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.paid_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal paidInvoiceAmount;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   可用预付款发票金额
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.usable_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal usableInvoiceAmount;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   可用预付款余额
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.usable_balance
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal usableBalance;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   预提/(预付)冲销
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.advance_write_off
     * @mbg.generated
    private BigDecimal advanceWriteOff;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   科目
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.subject_code
     * @mbg.generated
    private String subjectCode;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   科目描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.subject_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String subjectDescription;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   辅助科目
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject
     * @mbg.generated
    private String auxiliarySubject;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   辅助科目描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String auxiliarySubjectDescription;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   利润中心
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.profit_center
     * @mbg.generated
    private String profitCenter;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   利润中心描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.profit_center_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String profitCenterDescription;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   产品
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.product
     * @mbg.generated
    private String product;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   产品描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.product_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String productDescription;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   项目
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.project
     * @mbg.generated
    private String project;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   项目描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.project_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String projectDescription;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   公司间
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column
     * @mbg.generated
    private String company;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   项目描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.company_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String companyDescription;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   备用段1
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.segment1
     * @mbg.generated
    private String segment1;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   备用段1描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.segment1_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String segment1Description;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   备用段2
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.segment2
     * @mbg.generated
    private String segment2;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   备用段2描述
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.segment2_description
     * @mbg.generated
    private String segment2Description;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   创建人 
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.created_by
     * @mbg.generated
    private String createdBy;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   最后更新人 
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.updated_by
     * @mbg.generated
    private String updatedBy;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   创建时间 
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.create_time
     * @mbg.generated
    private Date createTime;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   更新时间 
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.update_time
     * @mbg.generated
    private Date updateTime;

     * Database Column Remarks:
     *   月份期间
     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database column cit_salary_advance.month
     * @mbg.generated
    private Integer month;

     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This field corresponds to the database table cit_salary_advance
     * @mbg.generated
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column
     * @return the value of
     * @mbg.generated
    public Long getId() {
        return id;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column
     * @param id the value for
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.organization_id
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.organization_id
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getOrganizationId() {
        return organizationId;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.organization_id
     * @param organizationId the value for cit_salary_advance.organization_id
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setOrganizationId(String organizationId) {
        this.organizationId = organizationId == null ? null : organizationId.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.project_id
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.project_id
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProjectId() {
        return projectId;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.project_id
     * @param projectId the value for cit_salary_advance.project_id
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProjectId(String projectId) {
        this.projectId = projectId == null ? null : projectId.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.period
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.period
     * @mbg.generated
    public Integer getPeriod() {
        return period;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.period
     * @param period the value for cit_salary_advance.period
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPeriod(Integer period) {
        this.period = period;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.source
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.source
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSource() {
        return source;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.source
     * @param source the value for cit_salary_advance.source
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSource(String source) {
        this.source = source == null ? null : source.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_no
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.po_no
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getPoNo() {
        return poNo;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_no
     * @param poNo the value for cit_salary_advance.po_no
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPoNo(String poNo) {
        this.poNo = poNo == null ? null : poNo.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_row
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.po_row
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getPoRow() {
        return poRow;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_row
     * @param poRow the value for cit_salary_advance.po_row
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPoRow(String poRow) {
        this.poRow = poRow == null ? null : poRow.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_create_time
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.po_create_time
     * @mbg.generated
    public Date getPoCreateTime() {
        return poCreateTime;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_create_time
     * @param poCreateTime the value for cit_salary_advance.po_create_time
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPoCreateTime(Date poCreateTime) {
        this.poCreateTime = poCreateTime;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.lading_bill_person
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.lading_bill_person
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getLadingBillPerson() {
        return ladingBillPerson;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.lading_bill_person
     * @param ladingBillPerson the value for cit_salary_advance.lading_bill_person
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setLadingBillPerson(String ladingBillPerson) {
        this.ladingBillPerson = ladingBillPerson == null ? null : ladingBillPerson.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.purchase_person
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.purchase_person
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getPurchasePerson() {
        return purchasePerson;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.purchase_person
     * @param purchasePerson the value for cit_salary_advance.purchase_person
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPurchasePerson(String purchasePerson) {
        this.purchasePerson = purchasePerson == null ? null : purchasePerson.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_subject_code
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.po_subject_code
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getPoSubjectCode() {
        return poSubjectCode;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_subject_code
     * @param poSubjectCode the value for cit_salary_advance.po_subject_code
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPoSubjectCode(String poSubjectCode) {
        this.poSubjectCode = poSubjectCode == null ? null : poSubjectCode.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_subject_name
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.po_subject_name
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getPoSubjectName() {
        return poSubjectName;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.po_subject_name
     * @param poSubjectName the value for cit_salary_advance.po_subject_name
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPoSubjectName(String poSubjectName) {
        this.poSubjectName = poSubjectName == null ? null : poSubjectName.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.cost_center_code
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.cost_center_code
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getCostCenterCode() {
        return costCenterCode;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.cost_center_code
     * @param costCenterCode the value for cit_salary_advance.cost_center_code
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCostCenterCode(String costCenterCode) {
        this.costCenterCode = costCenterCode == null ? null : costCenterCode.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.cost_center
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.cost_center
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getCostCenter() {
        return costCenter;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.cost_center
     * @param costCenter the value for cit_salary_advance.cost_center
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCostCenter(String costCenter) {
        this.costCenter = costCenter == null ? null : costCenter.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.supplier
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.supplier
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSupplier() {
        return supplier;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.supplier
     * @param supplier the value for cit_salary_advance.supplier
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSupplier(String supplier) {
        this.supplier = supplier == null ? null : supplier.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.item
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.item
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getItem() {
        return item;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.item
     * @param item the value for cit_salary_advance.item
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setItem(String item) {
        this.item = item == null ? null : item.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.standard_money
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.standard_money
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getStandardMoney() {
        return standardMoney;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.standard_money
     * @param standardMoney the value for cit_salary_advance.standard_money
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setStandardMoney(String standardMoney) {
        this.standardMoney = standardMoney == null ? null : standardMoney.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.currency
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.currency
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getCurrency() {
        return currency;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.currency
     * @param currency the value for cit_salary_advance.currency
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCurrency(String currency) {
        this.currency = currency == null ? null : currency.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.order_amount
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.order_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getOrderAmount() {
        return orderAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.order_amount
     * @param orderAmount the value for cit_salary_advance.order_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setOrderAmount(BigDecimal orderAmount) {
        this.orderAmount = orderAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.executed_service_schedule
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.executed_service_schedule
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getExecutedServiceSchedule() {
        return executedServiceSchedule;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.executed_service_schedule
     * @param executedServiceSchedule the value for cit_salary_advance.executed_service_schedule
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setExecutedServiceSchedule(BigDecimal executedServiceSchedule) {
        this.executedServiceSchedule = executedServiceSchedule;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.coupa_total_accept
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.coupa_total_accept
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getCoupaTotalAccept() {
        return coupaTotalAccept;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.coupa_total_accept
     * @param coupaTotalAccept the value for cit_salary_advance.coupa_total_accept
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCoupaTotalAccept(BigDecimal coupaTotalAccept) {
        this.coupaTotalAccept = coupaTotalAccept;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.advance
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.advance
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getAdvance() {
        return advance;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.advance
     * @param advance the value for cit_salary_advance.advance
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setAdvance(BigDecimal advance) {
        this.advance = advance;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.unexecuted_service_schedule
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.unexecuted_service_schedule
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getUnexecutedServiceSchedule() {
        return unexecutedServiceSchedule;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.unexecuted_service_schedule
     * @param unexecutedServiceSchedule the value for cit_salary_advance.unexecuted_service_schedule
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setUnexecutedServiceSchedule(BigDecimal unexecutedServiceSchedule) {
        this.unexecutedServiceSchedule = unexecutedServiceSchedule;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.approved_standard_invoice_amount
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.approved_standard_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getApprovedStandardInvoiceAmount() {
        return approvedStandardInvoiceAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.approved_standard_invoice_amount
     * @param approvedStandardInvoiceAmount the value for cit_salary_advance.approved_standard_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setApprovedStandardInvoiceAmount(BigDecimal approvedStandardInvoiceAmount) {
        this.approvedStandardInvoiceAmount = approvedStandardInvoiceAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.paid_invoice_amount
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.paid_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getPaidInvoiceAmount() {
        return paidInvoiceAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.paid_invoice_amount
     * @param paidInvoiceAmount the value for cit_salary_advance.paid_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setPaidInvoiceAmount(BigDecimal paidInvoiceAmount) {
        this.paidInvoiceAmount = paidInvoiceAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.usable_invoice_amount
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.usable_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getUsableInvoiceAmount() {
        return usableInvoiceAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.usable_invoice_amount
     * @param usableInvoiceAmount the value for cit_salary_advance.usable_invoice_amount
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setUsableInvoiceAmount(BigDecimal usableInvoiceAmount) {
        this.usableInvoiceAmount = usableInvoiceAmount;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.usable_balance
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.usable_balance
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getUsableBalance() {
        return usableBalance;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.usable_balance
     * @param usableBalance the value for cit_salary_advance.usable_balance
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setUsableBalance(BigDecimal usableBalance) {
        this.usableBalance = usableBalance;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.advance_write_off
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.advance_write_off
     * @mbg.generated
    public BigDecimal getAdvanceWriteOff() {
        return advanceWriteOff;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.advance_write_off
     * @param advanceWriteOff the value for cit_salary_advance.advance_write_off
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setAdvanceWriteOff(BigDecimal advanceWriteOff) {
        this.advanceWriteOff = advanceWriteOff;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.subject_code
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.subject_code
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSubjectCode() {
        return subjectCode;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.subject_code
     * @param subjectCode the value for cit_salary_advance.subject_code
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSubjectCode(String subjectCode) {
        this.subjectCode = subjectCode == null ? null : subjectCode.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.subject_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.subject_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSubjectDescription() {
        return subjectDescription;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.subject_description
     * @param subjectDescription the value for cit_salary_advance.subject_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSubjectDescription(String subjectDescription) {
        this.subjectDescription = subjectDescription == null ? null : subjectDescription.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getAuxiliarySubject() {
        return auxiliarySubject;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject
     * @param auxiliarySubject the value for cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setAuxiliarySubject(String auxiliarySubject) {
        this.auxiliarySubject = auxiliarySubject == null ? null : auxiliarySubject.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getAuxiliarySubjectDescription() {
        return auxiliarySubjectDescription;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject_description
     * @param auxiliarySubjectDescription the value for cit_salary_advance.auxiliary_subject_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setAuxiliarySubjectDescription(String auxiliarySubjectDescription) {
        this.auxiliarySubjectDescription = auxiliarySubjectDescription == null ? null : auxiliarySubjectDescription.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.profit_center
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.profit_center
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProfitCenter() {
        return profitCenter;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.profit_center
     * @param profitCenter the value for cit_salary_advance.profit_center
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProfitCenter(String profitCenter) {
        this.profitCenter = profitCenter == null ? null : profitCenter.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.profit_center_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.profit_center_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProfitCenterDescription() {
        return profitCenterDescription;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.profit_center_description
     * @param profitCenterDescription the value for cit_salary_advance.profit_center_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProfitCenterDescription(String profitCenterDescription) {
        this.profitCenterDescription = profitCenterDescription == null ? null : profitCenterDescription.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.product
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.product
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProduct() {
        return product;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.product
     * @param product the value for cit_salary_advance.product
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProduct(String product) {
        this.product = product == null ? null : product.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.product_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.product_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProductDescription() {
        return productDescription;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.product_description
     * @param productDescription the value for cit_salary_advance.product_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProductDescription(String productDescription) {
        this.productDescription = productDescription == null ? null : productDescription.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.project
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.project
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProject() {
        return project;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.project
     * @param project the value for cit_salary_advance.project
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProject(String project) {
        this.project = project == null ? null : project.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.project_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.project_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getProjectDescription() {
        return projectDescription;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.project_description
     * @param projectDescription the value for cit_salary_advance.project_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setProjectDescription(String projectDescription) {
        this.projectDescription = projectDescription == null ? null : projectDescription.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column
     * @return the value of
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getCompany() {
        return company;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column
     * @param company the value for
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCompany(String company) { = company == null ? null : company.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.company_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.company_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getCompanyDescription() {
        return companyDescription;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.company_description
     * @param companyDescription the value for cit_salary_advance.company_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCompanyDescription(String companyDescription) {
        this.companyDescription = companyDescription == null ? null : companyDescription.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment1
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.segment1
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSegment1() {
        return segment1;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment1
     * @param segment1 the value for cit_salary_advance.segment1
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSegment1(String segment1) {
        this.segment1 = segment1 == null ? null : segment1.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment1_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.segment1_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSegment1Description() {
        return segment1Description;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment1_description
     * @param segment1Description the value for cit_salary_advance.segment1_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSegment1Description(String segment1Description) {
        this.segment1Description = segment1Description == null ? null : segment1Description.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment2
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.segment2
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSegment2() {
        return segment2;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment2
     * @param segment2 the value for cit_salary_advance.segment2
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSegment2(String segment2) {
        this.segment2 = segment2 == null ? null : segment2.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment2_description
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.segment2_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getSegment2Description() {
        return segment2Description;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.segment2_description
     * @param segment2Description the value for cit_salary_advance.segment2_description
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setSegment2Description(String segment2Description) {
        this.segment2Description = segment2Description == null ? null : segment2Description.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.created_by
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.created_by
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getCreatedBy() {
        return createdBy;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.created_by
     * @param createdBy the value for cit_salary_advance.created_by
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) {
        this.createdBy = createdBy == null ? null : createdBy.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.updated_by
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.updated_by
     * @mbg.generated
    public String getUpdatedBy() {
        return updatedBy;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.updated_by
     * @param updatedBy the value for cit_salary_advance.updated_by
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy) {
        this.updatedBy = updatedBy == null ? null : updatedBy.trim();

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.create_time
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.create_time
     * @mbg.generated
    public Date getCreateTime() {
        return createTime;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.create_time
     * @param createTime the value for cit_salary_advance.create_time
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setCreateTime(Date createTime) {
        this.createTime = createTime;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.update_time
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.update_time
     * @mbg.generated
    public Date getUpdateTime() {
        return updateTime;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.update_time
     * @param updateTime the value for cit_salary_advance.update_time
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setUpdateTime(Date updateTime) {
        this.updateTime = updateTime;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method returns the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.month
     * @return the value of cit_salary_advance.month
     * @mbg.generated
    public Integer getMonth() {
        return month;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method sets the value of the database column cit_salary_advance.month
     * @param month the value for cit_salary_advance.month
     * @mbg.generated
    public void setMonth(Integer month) {
        this.month = month;

     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.
     * This method corresponds to the database table cit_salary_advance
     * @mbg.generated
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append(" [");
        sb.append("Hash = ").append(hashCode());
        sb.append(", id=").append(id);
        sb.append(", organizationId=").append(organizationId);
        sb.append(", projectId=").append(projectId);
        sb.append(", period=").append(period);
        sb.append(", source=").append(source);
        sb.append(", poNo=").append(poNo);
        sb.append(", poRow=").append(poRow);
        sb.append(", poCreateTime=").append(poCreateTime);
        sb.append(", ladingBillPerson=").append(ladingBillPerson);
        sb.append(", purchasePerson=").append(purchasePerson);
        sb.append(", poSubjectCode=").append(poSubjectCode);
        sb.append(", poSubjectName=").append(poSubjectName);
        sb.append(", costCenterCode=").append(costCenterCode);
        sb.append(", costCenter=").append(costCenter);
        sb.append(", supplier=").append(supplier);
        sb.append(", item=").append(item);
        sb.append(", standardMoney=").append(standardMoney);
        sb.append(", currency=").append(currency);
        sb.append(", orderAmount=").append(orderAmount);
        sb.append(", executedServiceSchedule=").append(executedServiceSchedule);
        sb.append(", coupaTotalAccept=").append(coupaTotalAccept);
        sb.append(", advance=").append(advance);
        sb.append(", unexecutedServiceSchedule=").append(unexecutedServiceSchedule);
        sb.append(", approvedStandardInvoiceAmount=").append(approvedStandardInvoiceAmount);
        sb.append(", paidInvoiceAmount=").append(paidInvoiceAmount);
        sb.append(", usableInvoiceAmount=").append(usableInvoiceAmount);
        sb.append(", usableBalance=").append(usableBalance);
        sb.append(", advanceWriteOff=").append(advanceWriteOff);
        sb.append(", subjectCode=").append(subjectCode);
        sb.append(", subjectDescription=").append(subjectDescription);
        sb.append(", auxiliarySubject=").append(auxiliarySubject);
        sb.append(", auxiliarySubjectDescription=").append(auxiliarySubjectDescription);
        sb.append(", profitCenter=").append(profitCenter);
        sb.append(", profitCenterDescription=").append(profitCenterDescription);
        sb.append(", product=").append(product);
        sb.append(", productDescription=").append(productDescription);
        sb.append(", project=").append(project);
        sb.append(", projectDescription=").append(projectDescription);
        sb.append(", company=").append(company);
        sb.append(", companyDescription=").append(companyDescription);
        sb.append(", segment1=").append(segment1);
        sb.append(", segment1Description=").append(segment1Description);
        sb.append(", segment2=").append(segment2);
        sb.append(", segment2Description=").append(segment2Description);
        sb.append(", createdBy=").append(createdBy);
        sb.append(", updatedBy=").append(updatedBy);
        sb.append(", createTime=").append(createTime);
        sb.append(", updateTime=").append(updateTime);
        sb.append(", month=").append(month);
        return sb.toString();