infrastructureModule .controller('RoleManageController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'loginContext', 'roleService', 'risDialog', 'permissionService', '$state', '$q', '$timeout', 'menuService', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', 'userService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, loginContext, roleService, risDialog, permissionService, $state, $q, $timeout, menuService, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, userService) { 'use strict'; $ = false; $scope.openRolePanel = false; $scope.serviceType = constant.serviceType.VAT; $scope.validateOnServer = function (newValue, role) { $scope.editRole = role; var defer = $q.defer(); //check duplication name var nodeListWithoutCurrentOne = _.without($scope.roleList, role); var IsFindExistOne = _.find(nodeListWithoutCurrentOne, function (item) { return === newValue.trim(); }); if (IsFindExistOne) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('hasDuplicateRoleCategory')); defer.reject(); } else if (newValue.trim() === '') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('roleCategoryNameEmptyWarn')); defer.reject(); } else if (newValue.trim().length > 50) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('roleCategoryName50Warn')); defer.reject(); } else { $scope.updateRoleCategory(newValue.trim()); defer.resolve(); } return defer.promise; }; $scope.updateRoleCategory = function (updateName) { $ = updateName; console.log($scope.editRole); var roleCategoryID = $ == undefined ? $scope.editRole.roleCategoryID : $; roleService.updateRoleCategory(updateName, roleCategoryID).success(function (data) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('updateRoleCategoryTitle'), $translate.instant('updateRoleCategorySuccess')); }); }; //添加用户,弹框,call指令 add-exist-user-modal $scope.addUser = function () { var selectedKeyItem = []; $scope.nameList.forEach(function (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.userID); }); $scope.addUserOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addUserIsUpdate = false; $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem.length == 0 ? [''] : selectedKeyItem; }; //如果添加了用户,则写入该维度下的库 $scope.$watch('addUserIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedUserList && $scope.selectedUserList.length > 0) { console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedUserList)); addUsersToRole($scope.selectedUserList); } } }); //为当前维度添加用户 var addUsersToRole = function (selectedUserArray) { var userIdList =$scope.nameList, function (item) { return item.userID; }); var selectedUserIdList =, function (item) { return item.userID; }); var addedUserList = []; selectedUserIdList.forEach(function (item) { if (userIdList.indexOf(item) < 0) { addedUserList.push(item); } }); var updatedModel = { userIdList: addedUserList, serviceTypeID: $scope.serviceType, roleID: $ }; if (addedUserList && addedUserList.length > 0) { userService.updateUserToRole(updatedModel).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); //刷新角色列表 getUsersByRoleID($; } }); } }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; //删除用户 $scope.removeUser = function (user) { var roleID = user.roleID; var userID = user.userID; var userName = user.userName; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('UserDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + userName + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var roleIDList = []; roleIDList.push(roleID); roleService.removeUserRole(userID, roleIDList, $scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { $scope.nameList = _.without($scope.nameList, _.find($scope.nameList, function (item) { return item.userID === userID })); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteUserRole'), $translate.instant('deleteUserSuccess')); }); } }); }; //获取当前角色对应的权限列表 var loadPermissionTree = function () { $scope.permissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'permissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "single" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 //showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), }; }; //获取所有的权限 var breakFlag = false; var loadAllPermissionTree = function () { $scope.allPermissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'allPermissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "multiple" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.widgetInstance = e.component; // $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem($; }, onItemSelectionChanged: function (e) { var node = e.node; var relyOnCodesStr = node.itemData.relyOnCodes; if (relyOnCodesStr !== null && relyOnCodesStr !== undefined) { var relyOnCodesArray = relyOnCodesStr.split(','); if (relyOnCodesArray && relyOnCodesArray.length > 0) { //提取出统一层级的属性为数组 var relyOnCodeList =, function (item) { return { 'key': item.key, 'code': item.itemData.relyOnCodes, 'selected': item.itemData.selected }; }); node.parent.children.forEach(function (child) { if (!node.selected) { var filtered = _.filter(relyOnCodeList, function (item) { return item.code == child.itemData.code && item.selected !== node.selected; }); if (filtered && filtered.length >= 0) return; } // if (relyOnCodesArray.indexOf(child.itemData.code) >= 0) { if (node.selected) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(child.key); } else { $scope.widgetInstance.unselectItem(child.key); } } }); } } else { if (node.selected) return; //比如手动取消查看的权限,那么此时修改等权限也应该做相应的改动 var codeList =, function (item) { return { 'key': item.key, 'selected': item.selected, 'relyOnCodes': item.itemData.relyOnCodes }; }); var filtered = _.filter(codeList, function (item) { return item.relyOnCodes !== null && item.relyOnCodes.indexOf(node.itemData.code) >= 0 && item.selected == true; }); //unchecked _.each(filtered, function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.unselectItem(item.key); }); } } }; }; $scope.searchOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "searchValue" }, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: '92%', mode: "search", valueChangeEvent: "keyup" }; var checkedRelyOnCodesRecursion = function (child, relyOnCodesArray, selected) { if (child === undefined || child.items === undefined || child.items.length == 0) return; child.items.forEach(function (sub) { if (relyOnCodesArray.indexOf(sub.code) >= 0) { sub.selected = selected; } checkedRelyOnCodesRecursion(sub, relyOnCodesArray, selected); }); }; function clearAddFormValidation() { $scope.newRoleModel = {}; //form validation $scope.roleNameExist = false; $scope.notServiceSelected = false; $scope.roleCategory = undefined; }; function clearAllExceptRoleList() { //To save new role model or edit role model $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.editRoleModel = {}; $scope.selectedRole = null; $scope.isSelected = false; //search $scope.searchText = ''; //loading $scope.loadingMenu = false; clearAddFormValidation(); }; var initVariable = function () { //display $scope.roleList = []; clearAllExceptRoleList(); }; //Save role info var createRole = function () { var roleName = $scope.newRoleModel.Name; if (!$scope.newRoleModel || !$scope.newRoleModel.Name || !$scope.newRoleModel.RoleCategoryID) { return; } $scope.newRoleModel.ServiceTypeID = $scope.serviceType; $scope.newRoleModel.PermissionIDs = $scope.selectedPermissionCodes; roleService.addRole($scope.newRoleModel).success(function (res) { if ( === -1) { $scope.roleNameExist = true; } else { initVariable(); $('#addRolePop').modal('hide'); //Reload role list $scope.roleList =; var newRole; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if ( == roleName) { newRole = item; } if (item.subRoles && item.subRoles.length > 0) { item.subRoles.forEach(function (child) { if ( == roleName) { newRole = child; } }); } }); if (newRole !== undefined) { selectRole(newRole); } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('createRole'), $translate.instant('addOneRole')); } }); }; var selectedPermissons = []; var selectedPermissonsRecursion = function (p) { if (p.items === null && p.items === undefined && p.items.length == 0) return; p.items.forEach(function (child) { if (child.selected) { var selectedItem = { id:, pLevel: child.pLevel, name: child.text }; var find = _.find(selectedPermissons, function (item) { return ===; }); if (find === undefined) { selectedPermissons.push(selectedItem); } } selectedPermissonsRecursion(child); }); }; var saveRole = function () { //save role description selectedPermissons = []; //get all selected item var selectedItemKeys = $scope.widgetInstance.getSelectedNodesKeys(); selectedItemKeys.forEach(function (items) { //为了与后端统一,暂时传对象 var selectedItem = { id: items }; selectedPermissons.push(selectedItem); }); var updatedRoleInfo = { }; updatedRoleInfo.updateRolePermissionDtoList = selectedPermissons; //add role name, role desc updatedRoleInfo.roleName = $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editRoleName; updatedRoleInfo.roleDescription = $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editDescription; //save to database roleService.updateRole(updatedRoleInfo, $ (roleData) { $scope.isEdit = false; $ = updatedRoleInfo.roleName; $scope.selectedRole.description = updatedRoleInfo.roleDescription; getPermissionsByService($scope.serviceType, $; SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); }); }; $scope.updateRoleName = function (data) { console.log(data); }; //获取特定服务下制定角色的权限列表 function getPermissionsByService(serviceID, roleID) { if (roleID !== undefined) { $scope.permissionTreeViewData = []; permissionService.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID(roleID, serviceID).success(function (data) { //指定roleId下所拥有的权限 只显示有权限的列表,然后不需要显示checkbox $scope.permissionTreeViewData = data.permissionDevTreeList; $scope.rolePermissionList = data.rolePermissionList console.log('permissionTreeViewData', data); //先全部清空 $scope.widgetInstance.unselectAll(); $scope.rolePermissionList.forEach(function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(item.permissionID); }); //permissionService.getPermissionListByRoleID(roleID, serviceID).success(function (permissionList) { // //编辑模式下默认checked上拥有的权限 // $scope.permisionTreeview = angular.copy($scope.allRawPermissionTreeViewData); // $scope.permisionTreeview.forEach(function (s) { // if (s.items && s.items.length > 0) { // s.items.forEach(function (sub) { // if (isPermissionChecked(permissionList, sub)) { // //,js,output // sub.selected = true; // } // checkedAuthorityDataRecursion(permissionList, sub); // }); // } // }); // $scope.allPermissionTreeViewData = $scope.permisionTreeview; //}); }); // 获取对应用户 getUsersByRoleID(roleID); //获取额外添加此角色的用户 getExtraUserByRoleID(roleID); } }; var getExtraUserByRoleID = function (roleID) { $scope.extraUserList = []; roleService.getExtraUsersByRoleID(roleID).success(function (extraUsers) { extraUsers.forEach(function (row) { if (!row.orgName) { row.orgName = $translate.instant('NoOrganization'); } }); $scope.extraUserList = extraUsers; $scope.rightUserGridInstance.refresh(); console.log("extraUsers: ", $scope.extraUserList); }); }; $scope.gotoPage1 = function () { $scope.leftUserGridInstance.refresh(); }; $scope.gotoPage2 = function () { $scope.rightUserGridInstance.refresh(); }; var getUsersByRoleID = function (roleID) { //获取对应用户 $scope.nameList = []; roleService.getUsersByRoleID(roleID).success(function (users) { if (users) { users.forEach(function (row) { if (!row.orgName) { row.orgName = $translate.instant('NoOrganization'); } }); $scope.nameList = users; $scope.leftUserGridInstance.refresh(); console.log("nameList: ", $scope.nameList); } }); }; var checkedAuthorityDataRecursion = function (permissionList, subPermission) { if (subPermission === undefined || subPermission.items === undefined || subPermission.items.length == 0) return; subPermission.items.forEach(function (sub) { if (isPermissionChecked(permissionList, sub)) { sub.selected = true; } checkedAuthorityDataRecursion(permissionList, sub); }); }; ///检查当前permission是否在list中存在 var isPermissionChecked = function (permissionList, permission) { var isChecked = false; permissionList.forEach(function (s) { if (s.permissionID === { isChecked = true; } }); return isChecked; }; //select an org var selectRole = function (role) { if (! || === role.roleCategoryID) { return; } clearAllExceptRoleList(); $scope.isSelected = true; $scope.selectedRole = role; if ( !== role.roleCategoryID) { $scope.editRoleModel.ServiceTypeId = role.serviceTypeID; getPermissionsByService(role.serviceTypeID,; } }; //Clear role model var newRole = function () { $scope.newRoleModel = {}; $scope.roleNameExist = false; //初始化权限选中状态 $scope.selectedPermissionNames = []; $('#addRolePop').modal('show'); }; //create role category $scope.addRoleCategory = function () { $scope.newRoleCategory = ''; $scope.isShow = !$scope.isShow; }; // function setEndOfContenteditable(contentEditableElement) { var range, selection; if (document.createRange)//Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE 9+ { range = document.createRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible) range.selectNodeContents(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start selection = window.getSelection();//get the selection object (allows you to change selection) selection.removeAllRanges();//remove any selections already made selection.addRange(range);//make the range you have just created the visible selection } else if (document.selection)//IE 8 and lower { range = document.body.createTextRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible) range.moveToElementText(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start;//Select the range (make it the visible selection } } $scope.modifyRoleCategoryName = function (role, $event) { var element = $; var div = $(element).parent().siblings('.divRoleCategoryName'); if ($(div).attr('contenteditable')) { $(div).removeAttr('contenteditable'); } else { $(div).attr('contenteditable', true); } setTimeout(function () { div.focus(); //setEndOfContenteditable(div); }, 0); $scope.editRole = role; }; $scope.deleteRoleCategoryName = function (role) { if (!(role &&{ SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('RoleCategoryNotFound')); return; } if (role.subRoles && role.subRoles.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('hasSubRolesWarn')); return; } SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('roleCategoryDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { roleService.deleteRoleCategory( (data) { if (!data.result) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } $scope.roleList = _.without($scope.roleList, role); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteRoleCategoryTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteRoleCategorySuccess')); }); } }); }; $scope.cancelRoleCategoryPanel = function () { $scope.isShow = false; }; $scope.createRoleCategory = function () { var roleCategoryName = $scope.newRoleCategory; //check existance var roleCategoryList = _.pluck($scope.roleList, 'name'); if (roleCategoryList.indexOf(roleCategoryName) >= 0) { SweetAlert.warning("", $translate.instant('updateRoleCategoryDuplicate')); return; } $scope.isShow = !$scope.isShow; var roleCategoryID = PWC.newGuid(); roleService.addRoleCategory(roleCategoryName, roleCategoryID).success(function (data) { var newRoleCategory = { id: roleCategoryID, isRoleCategory: true, name: roleCategoryName, subRoles: [] }; $scope.roleList.push(newRoleCategory); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('createRoleCategoryTitle'), $translate.instant('createRoleCategorySuccess')); }); }; //$translate.instant(selectOneRole) var editRole = function () { if (!$scope.isSelected) { SweetAlert.warning("", $translate.instant('selectOneRole')); return; } $scope.roleUpdatedModel = {}; $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editDescription = $scope.selectedRole.description; $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editRoleName = $; $scope.isEdit = true; }; var deleteRole = function () { roleService.deleteRole($scope.selectedRole).success(function (roleData) { //$('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteOneRoleTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteOneRole')); initVariable(); //reload data $scope.roleList = roleData; //select first one if (roleData[0].subRoles[0]) { selectRole(roleData[0].subRoles[0]); } }); }; //Delete role info var deleteRoleConfirm = function () { if (!$scope.isSelected) { SweetAlert.warning("", $translate.instant('selectOneRole')); return; } //if there is at least user have this role, not allow to delete the role. roleService.checkReference($ (canDelete) { if (eval(canDelete)) { //$('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('show'); deleteConfirmPop(); } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('notDeleteOneRoleTitle'), $translate.instant('notDeleteOneRole')) } }); }; var deleteConfirmPop = function () { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('roleDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + $ + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { deleteRole(); } }); }; /*-------------------------------------------------------org list function start-------------------------------------------------*/ //init org list var initRoleList = function () { var isSuperAdmin; userService.getUserPermissionNew(loginContext.userName, function (data) { isSuperAdmin = data.isSuperAdmin; }); $scope.isSelected = false; roleService.getRoleListByServiceGroup().success(function (roleData) { if(!isSuperAdmin){ roleData[0].subRoles = [roleData[0].subRoles[0]]; } console.log('roleData:', roleData); $scope.roleList = roleData; if (roleData[0].subRoles != null && roleData[0].subRoles !== undefined && roleData[0].subRoles[0]) { permissionService.getAllPermissions($scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { $scope.allRawPermissionTreeViewData = data; if(!isSuperAdmin){ data[0].items[0].items.splice(3,1); data[0].items[0].items[2].items.splice(1,2); $scope.allPermissionTreeViewData = data; } else { $scope.allPermissionTreeViewData = data; } selectRole(roleData[0].subRoles[0]); }); } }); }; //toggle tree node var toggleItem = function (icon) { icon.toggle(); }; var fillServiceType = function () { $scope.newRoleModel.RoleCategoryID = $scope.roleCategory; }; var cancelRole = function () { clearAddFormValidation(); }; var cancelSave = function () { $scope.isEdit = false; }; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; //构造用户datagrid var loadLeftUserDatagrid = function () { //删除列定义 var deleteColumnDef = { dataField: "userID", caption: $translate.instant('Delete'), alignment: 'center', cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { var template = '<i class="material-icons highlight-tag" style="font-size:18px; cursor:pointer;"></i>'; $(template).on('dxclick', function () { $scope.removeUser(; }).appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }; //grid 列定义 var columnsDef = [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "orgName", caption: $translate.instant('PCompany') } ]; //如果有编辑权限,那么添加删除列到grid中 if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { columnsDef.push(deleteColumnDef); } $scope.leftUserdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'nameList' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: columnsDef, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.leftUserGridInstance = e.component; }, allowColumnResizing: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, rowAlternationEnabled: false, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; var loadRightUserDatagrid = function () { $scope.rightUserdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'extraUserList' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "orgName", caption: $translate.instant('PCompany') } ], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.rightUserGridInstance = e.component; }, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, allowColumnResizing: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, rowAlternationEnabled: false, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; $scope.hasUserQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasOrgQueryPermission = false; //角色管理查看,添加和编辑角色权限Code var temp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.roleManage; list.push(temp.queryCode); list.push(temp.addCode); list.push(temp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[temp.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[temp.editCode]; $scope.hasAddPermission = data[temp.addCode]; loadLeftUserDatagrid(); }); }; /*-------------------------------------------------------org list function end-------------------------------------------------*/ (function initialize() { $log.debug('RoleManageController.ctor()...'); initVariable(); initRoleList(); $scope.currentNavItem = 'page1'; loadRightUserDatagrid(); //Save role info $scope.createRole = createRole; $scope.saveRole = saveRole; //Clear role model $scope.newRole = newRole; $scope.editRole = editRole; //Delete role info $scope.deleteRole = deleteRole; $scope.deleteRoleConfirm = deleteRoleConfirm; $scope.selectRole = selectRole; $scope.cancelRole = cancelRole; $scope.fillServiceType = fillServiceType; $scope.cancelSave = cancelSave; loadPermissionTree(); loadAllPermissionTree(); checkUserPermission(); })(); } ]);