infrastructureModule.controller('docManageController', ['$log', '$http', '$q', '$scope', '$translate', '$timeout', 'SweetAlert', '$compile', 'docManageService', '$filter', function ($log, $http, $q, $scope, $translate, $timeout, SweetAlert, $compile, docManageService, $filter) { $scope.localData = {}; $scope.pagingOptions = { totalItems: 10, //总数据 }; $scope.loadMainData = function () { var config = { params: {} }; docManageService.getMainList(config).then(function (data, status, headers) { if (status === 204) { SweetAlert.warning("没有数据可以下载"); return; } $scope.dataGridUpdate(data); }) }; $scope.dataGridUpdate = function (_data) { $scope.localData = _data.items; $scope.queryStatusType($scope.localData); $scope.pagingOptions = { totalItems: $scope.localData.length, //总数据 }; $scope.dataGridOptions = { // dataSource: { // store: $scope.localData.items, // reshapeOnPush: true // }, bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'localData', }, // repaintChangesOnly: true, // twoWayBindingEnabled: true, showBorders: true, paging: { enable: true, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 10 }, pager: { allowedPageSizes: 5, infoText: "当前 {0}页 /共 {1}页 ({2} 项)", showInfo: true, showNavigationButtons: true, showPageSizeSelector: true, visible: true }, searchPanel: {//查询 highlightCaseSensitive: true, highlightSearchText: true, searchVisibleColumnsOnly: false, text: "", width: 518, visible: true, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), }, sorting: {//排序 ascendingText: "Sort Ascending", clearText: "Clear Sorting", descendingText: "Sort Descending", mode: "single" }, 'export': { allowExportSelectedData: false,//允许选择导出 customizeExcelCell: null, enabled: true,//允许导出 excelFilterEnabled: false, excelWrapTextEnabled: false, fileName: "docManage",//名字 ignoreExcelErrors: true, }, showRowLines: true, columnAutoWidth: true, allowColumnReordering: true, columns: [ { dataField: "id", caption: $translate.instant('SequenceNumber'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span ' + style + '>').text(; } else { $('<span>').text("").appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "fileAttr", caption: $translate.instant('DocumentAttr'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span ' + style + '>').text(; } else { $('<span>').text("").appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "fileType", caption: $translate.instant('DocumentType'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span ' + style + '>').text(; } else { $('<span>').text("").appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "description", caption: $translate.instant('Explain'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span ' + style + '>').text(; } else { $('<span>').text("").appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "requiredField", caption: $translate.instant('RequiredFields'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span '+style+'>').text(",")).appendTo(container); } else { $('<span>').text("").appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "creator", caption: $translate.instant('Creator'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span ' + style + '>').text(; } else { $('<span>').text("").appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "updateTime", caption: $translate.instant('UpdateTime'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; var style = == 1 ? '' : 'style="color:#999"'; if ( { $('<span '+style+'>').text($filter('date')(, 'yyyy-MM-dd')).appendTo(container); } else { $('<span>').text('').appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "status", caption: $translate.instant('State'), allowHeaderFiltering: true, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $scope.queryStatusType(; if ( == 1) { = $translate.instant('Enabled'); $('<span>').text(; } else { = $translate.instant('Disabled'); $('<span style="color:#999">').text($translate.instant('Disabled')).appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "operation", caption: $translate.instant('Operation'), allowHeaderFiltering: false, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { var eventTarget = $('<a style="color:#506bf7;" data-id="''" href="javascript:void(0)"><span>'+$translate.instant("Edit")+'</span></a>');'click').on('click',function(){ $scope.openEditPop(; }); container.append(eventTarget); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } } ], rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 }; }; $scope.getTableHeight=function(){ var row_height=$("table").find("tr").height(); if(row_height){ return { height:(row_height*12+100)+"px" } } }; $scope.exportEventTrigger = function(){ $(".dx-datagrid-export-button").click(); }; //弹出框 var openEditPop = function (rowId) { if (rowId) { $scope.confirmDocFileType = editDocFileType; $scope.localData.forEach(function (item) { if ( == rowId) { $scope.editModel = angular.copy(item); // if($scope.editModel.status != 1 || $scope.editModel.status != 0){ // // 特殊处理状态值,1 = “已启用”, 0 = “已禁用” // $scope.editModel.status = item.status == $translate.instant("Enabled") ? 1 : 0; // } $scope.queryStatusType($scope.editModel); } }); } else { $scope.confirmDocFileType = createDocFileType; $scope.editModel = {}; } createMultiSelect(); $('#editPopDialog').modal('show'); }; function createMultiSelect() { $("#appMultiSelectContainer").html(""); var htmlTemplate = $('<app-multi-select class="form-control" style="width:320px;"' + ' this-option-map="editRequiredFieldsMap"' + ' this-callback="editRequiredFieldsCallback"' + ' this-default-checked="editModel.requiredField"' + '></app-multi-select>'); $compile(htmlTemplate)($scope); $("#appMultiSelectContainer").append(htmlTemplate); } //保存 增加档案类型 var createDocFileType = function () { var uploadModel = angular.copy($scope.editModel); delete; //新增文档不需要上传ID // 默认status为1 if(uploadModel.status === undefined || uploadModel.status === null || uploadModel.status === "") uploadModel.status = 1; $scope.queryStatusType(uploadModel); docManageService.addFileType(uploadModel).then(function (data) { if (data == true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $scope.loadMainData(); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } }); $('#editPopDialog').modal('hide'); }; var editDocFileType = function () { var uploadModel = angular.copy($scope.editModel); $scope.queryStatusType(uploadModel); docManageService.editFileType(uploadModel).then(function (data) { if (data == true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $scope.loadMainData(); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } }); $('#editPopDialog').modal('hide'); }; //取消 var cancelDocFileType = function () { console.log("cancelDocFileType") }; $scope.editModel = { "id": null,//主键id "fileAttr": null,//档案属性 手写 "fileTypeId": null,//暂无作用 因档案类型手写 "fileType": null,//档案类型 "requiredField": [],//必填字段对应id(先写死) 对应关系以前端为主导 "requiredFieldJson": null,//后台转换使用 "description": null,//说明 "creatorId": null,//创建人id "creator": null,//创建人名字 "createTime": null,//创建时间 "updateTime": null,//更新时间 "status": null,//'状态(0代表停用,1代表启用)' "remarks": null//备注 }; $scope.editRequiredFieldsMap = { 1: "文件生效日期", 2: "所属期间", 3: "到期日", 4: "实物索引号", 5: "实物存放地点", 6: "实物保管人", 7: "税种" }; $scope.editRequiredFieldsCallback = function (keys, values) { $scope.editModel.requiredField = values; $scope.editModel.requiredFieldJson = JSON.stringify(values); } // 在入口和出口都对数据的status字段进行过滤 $scope.queryStatusType = function(model){ if( === "[object Array]"){ model.forEach(function(item){ if(item.status === $translate.instant('Enabled')){ item.status = 1; }else if(item.status === $translate.instant('Disabled')){ item.status = 0; } }) }else{ if(model.status === $translate.instant('Enabled')){ model.status = 1; }else if(model.status === $translate.instant('Disabled')){ model.status = 0; } } } //----------------------taxation----basic-end------------------------------- ;(function initialize() { $scope.loadMainData(); //注册方法 $scope.openEditPop = openEditPop; $scope.confirmDocFileType = createDocFileType; $scope.cancelDocFileType = cancelDocFileType; })(); }]); infrastructureModule.directive('exportPlugin',function(){ return{ restrict:"EA", controller:['$scope','SweetAlert','$translate','docManageService','$q','$log', function($scope,SweetAlert,$translate,docManageService,$q,$log){ $scope.exportTableData = function () { docManageService.exportTableData().then(function (data, status, headers) { if(status===204){ SweetAlert.warning("没有数据可以下载"); return; } exportToExcel(data, 'docType.xls'); },function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }) }; //下载服务器上的xls文件 var exportToExcel = function (data, filename) { $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); var defer = $q.defer(); // var octetStreamMime = 'application/'; var success = false; // Get the headers // headers = headers(); // Get the filename from the x-filename header or default to "download.bin" // var filename = decodeURI(headers['x-file-name']) + defaultFileName; // Determine the content type from the header or default to "application/octet-stream" // var contentType = headers['content-type'] || octetStreamMime; try { // Try using msSaveBlob if supported //console.log("Trying saveBlob method ..."); var blob = new Blob([data], { type: "arraybuffer" }); if (navigator.msSaveBlob) navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, filename); else { // Try using other saveBlob implementations, if available var saveBlob = navigator.webkitSaveBlob || navigator.mozSaveBlob || navigator.saveBlob; if (saveBlob === undefined) throw "Not supported"; saveBlob(blob, filename); } //console.log("saveBlob succeeded"); success = true; } catch (ex) { $log.debug("saveBlob method failed with the following exception:"); $log.debug(ex); } if (!success) { // Get the blob url creator var urlCreator = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL; if (urlCreator) { // Try to use a download link var link = document.createElement('a'); if ('download' in link) { // Try to simulate a click try { // Prepare a blob URL //console.log("Trying download link method with simulated click ..."); var blobdownload = new Blob([data], { type: "arraybuffer" }); var urldownload = urlCreator.createObjectURL(blobdownload); link.setAttribute('href', urldownload); // Set the download attribute (Supported in Chrome 14+ / Firefox 20+) link.setAttribute("download", filename); // Simulate clicking the download link var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); event.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); link.dispatchEvent(event); //console.log("Download link method with simulated click succeeded"); success = true; } catch (ex) { $log.debug("Download link method with simulated click failed with the following exception:"); $log.debug(ex); $q.reject(); } } if (!success) { // Fallback to window.location method try { // Prepare a blob URL // Use application/octet-stream when using window.location to force download //console.log("Trying download link method with window.location ..."); var blobsuccess = new Blob([data], { type: "arraybuffer" }); var urlsuccess = urlCreator.createObjectURL(blobsuccess); window.location = urlsuccess; //console.log("Download link method with window.location succeeded"); success = true; } catch (ex) { //console.log("Download link method with window.location failed with the following exception:"); $log.debug(ex); $q.reject(); } } } } if (!success) { // Fallback to method $log.debug("No methods worked for saving the arraybuffer, using last resort");, '_blank', ''); } //Delete the file // deleteFile(encodeURI(filename)); defer.resolve('success'); $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); return defer.promise; }; }] } });