/** * Globalize v1.2.3 * * http://github.com/jquery/globalize * * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * http://jquery.org/license * * Date: 2017-03-17T01:41Z */ /*! * Globalize v1.2.3 2017-03-17T01:41Z Released under the MIT license * http://git.io/TrdQbw */ (function( root, factory ) { // UMD returnExports if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD define([ "cldr", "../globalize", "./number", "cldr/event", "cldr/supplemental" ], factory ); } else if ( typeof exports === "object" ) { // Node, CommonJS module.exports = factory( require( "cldrjs" ), require( "../globalize" ) ); } else { // Extend global factory( root.Cldr, root.Globalize ); } }(this, function( Cldr, Globalize ) { var createError = Globalize._createError, createErrorUnsupportedFeature = Globalize._createErrorUnsupportedFeature, formatMessage = Globalize._formatMessage, numberSymbol = Globalize._numberSymbol, regexpEscape = Globalize._regexpEscape, removeLiteralQuotes = Globalize._removeLiteralQuotes, runtimeBind = Globalize._runtimeBind, stringPad = Globalize._stringPad, validateCldr = Globalize._validateCldr, validateDefaultLocale = Globalize._validateDefaultLocale, validateParameterPresence = Globalize._validateParameterPresence, validateParameterType = Globalize._validateParameterType, validateParameterTypePlainObject = Globalize._validateParameterTypePlainObject, validateParameterTypeString = Globalize._validateParameterTypeString; var validateParameterTypeDate = function( value, name ) { validateParameterType( value, name, value === undefined || value instanceof Date, "Date" ); }; var createErrorInvalidParameterValue = function( name, value ) { return createError( "E_INVALID_PAR_VALUE", "Invalid `{name}` value ({value}).", { name: name, value: value }); }; /** * expandPattern( options, cldr ) * * @options [Object] if String, it's considered a skeleton. Object accepts: * - skeleton: [String] lookup availableFormat; * - date: [String] ( "full" | "long" | "medium" | "short" ); * - time: [String] ( "full" | "long" | "medium" | "short" ); * - datetime: [String] ( "full" | "long" | "medium" | "short" ); * - raw: [String] For more info see datetime/format.js. * * @cldr [Cldr instance]. * * Return the corresponding pattern. * Eg for "en": * - "GyMMMd" returns "MMM d, y G"; * - { skeleton: "GyMMMd" } returns "MMM d, y G"; * - { date: "full" } returns "EEEE, MMMM d, y"; * - { time: "full" } returns "h:mm:ss a zzzz"; * - { datetime: "full" } returns "EEEE, MMMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz"; * - { raw: "dd/mm" } returns "dd/mm"; */ var dateExpandPattern = function( options, cldr ) { var dateSkeleton, result, skeleton, timeSkeleton, type; function combineDateTime( type, datePattern, timePattern ) { return formatMessage( cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/dateTimeFormats", type ]), [ timePattern, datePattern ] ); } switch ( true ) { case "skeleton" in options: skeleton = options.skeleton; result = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats", skeleton ]); if ( !result ) { timeSkeleton = skeleton.split( /[^hHKkmsSAzZOvVXx]/ ).slice( -1 )[ 0 ]; dateSkeleton = skeleton.split( /[^GyYuUrQqMLlwWdDFgEec]/ )[ 0 ]; if ( /(MMMM|LLLL).*[Ec]/.test( dateSkeleton ) ) { type = "full"; } else if ( /MMMM/g.test( dateSkeleton ) ) { type = "long"; } else if ( /MMM/g.test( dateSkeleton ) || /LLL/g.test( dateSkeleton ) ) { type = "medium"; } else { type = "short"; } result = combineDateTime( type, cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats", dateSkeleton ]), cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/dateTimeFormats/availableFormats", timeSkeleton ]) ); } break; case "date" in options: case "time" in options: result = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian", "date" in options ? "dateFormats" : "timeFormats", ( options.date || options.time ) ]); break; case "datetime" in options: result = combineDateTime( options.datetime, cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/dateFormats", options.datetime ]), cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/timeFormats", options.datetime ]) ); break; case "raw" in options: result = options.raw; break; default: throw createErrorInvalidParameterValue({ name: "options", value: options }); } return result; }; /** * dayOfWeek( date, firstDay ) * * @date * * @firstDay the result of `dateFirstDayOfWeek( cldr )` * * Return the day of the week normalized by the territory's firstDay [0-6]. * Eg for "mon": * - return 0 if territory is GB, or BR, or DE, or FR (week starts on "mon"); * - return 1 if territory is US (week starts on "sun"); * - return 2 if territory is EG (week starts on "sat"); */ var dateDayOfWeek = function( date, firstDay ) { return ( date.getDay() - firstDay + 7 ) % 7; }; /** * distanceInDays( from, to ) * * Return the distance in days between from and to Dates. */ var dateDistanceInDays = function( from, to ) { var inDays = 864e5; return ( to.getTime() - from.getTime() ) / inDays; }; /** * startOf changes the input to the beginning of the given unit. * * For example, starting at the start of a day, resets hours, minutes * seconds and milliseconds to 0. Starting at the month does the same, but * also sets the date to 1. * * Returns the modified date */ var dateStartOf = function( date, unit ) { date = new Date( date.getTime() ); switch ( unit ) { case "year": date.setMonth( 0 ); /* falls through */ case "month": date.setDate( 1 ); /* falls through */ case "day": date.setHours( 0 ); /* falls through */ case "hour": date.setMinutes( 0 ); /* falls through */ case "minute": date.setSeconds( 0 ); /* falls through */ case "second": date.setMilliseconds( 0 ); } return date; }; /** * dayOfYear * * Return the distance in days of the date to the begin of the year [0-d]. */ var dateDayOfYear = function( date ) { return Math.floor( dateDistanceInDays( dateStartOf( date, "year" ), date ) ); }; /** * millisecondsInDay */ var dateMillisecondsInDay = function( date ) { // TODO Handle daylight savings discontinuities return date - dateStartOf( date, "day" ); }; var datePatternRe = ( /([a-z])\1*|'([^']|'')+'|''|./ig ); /** * hourFormat( date, format, timeSeparator, formatNumber ) * * Return date's timezone offset according to the format passed. * Eg for format when timezone offset is 180: * - "+H;-H": -3 * - "+HHmm;-HHmm": -0300 * - "+HH:mm;-HH:mm": -03:00 */ var dateTimezoneHourFormat = function( date, format, timeSeparator, formatNumber ) { var absOffset, offset = date.getTimezoneOffset(); absOffset = Math.abs( offset ); formatNumber = formatNumber || { 1: function( value ) { return stringPad( value, 1 ); }, 2: function( value ) { return stringPad( value, 2 ); } }; return format // Pick the correct sign side (+ or -). .split( ";" )[ offset > 0 ? 1 : 0 ] // Localize time separator .replace( ":", timeSeparator ) // Update hours offset. .replace( /HH?/, function( match ) { return formatNumber[ match.length ]( Math.floor( absOffset / 60 ) ); }) // Update minutes offset and return. .replace( /mm/, function() { return formatNumber[ 2 ]( absOffset % 60 ); }); }; var dateWeekDays = [ "sun", "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat" ]; /** * format( date, properties ) * * @date [Date instance]. * * @properties * * TODO Support other calendar types. * * Disclosure: this function borrows excerpts of dojo/date/locale. */ var dateFormat = function( date, numberFormatters, properties ) { var timeSeparator = properties.timeSeparator; return properties.pattern.replace( datePatternRe, function( current ) { var ret, chr = current.charAt( 0 ), length = current.length; if ( chr === "j" ) { // Locale preferred hHKk. // http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Time_Data chr = properties.preferredTime; } if ( chr === "Z" ) { // Z..ZZZ: same as "xxxx". if ( length < 4 ) { chr = "x"; length = 4; // ZZZZ: same as "OOOO". } else if ( length < 5 ) { chr = "O"; length = 4; // ZZZZZ: same as "XXXXX" } else { chr = "X"; length = 5; } } switch ( chr ) { // Era case "G": ret = properties.eras[ date.getFullYear() < 0 ? 0 : 1 ]; break; // Year case "y": // Plain year. // The length specifies the padding, but for two letters it also specifies the // maximum length. ret = date.getFullYear(); if ( length === 2 ) { ret = String( ret ); ret = +ret.substr( ret.length - 2 ); } break; case "Y": // Year in "Week of Year" // The length specifies the padding, but for two letters it also specifies the // maximum length. // yearInWeekofYear = date + DaysInAWeek - (dayOfWeek - firstDay) - minDays ret = new Date( date.getTime() ); ret.setDate( ret.getDate() + 7 - dateDayOfWeek( date, properties.firstDay ) - properties.firstDay - properties.minDays ); ret = ret.getFullYear(); if ( length === 2 ) { ret = String( ret ); ret = +ret.substr( ret.length - 2 ); } break; // Quarter case "Q": case "q": ret = Math.ceil( ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) / 3 ); if ( length > 2 ) { ret = properties.quarters[ chr ][ length ][ ret ]; } break; // Month case "M": case "L": ret = date.getMonth() + 1; if ( length > 2 ) { ret = properties.months[ chr ][ length ][ ret ]; } break; // Week case "w": // Week of Year. // woy = ceil( ( doy + dow of 1/1 ) / 7 ) - minDaysStuff ? 1 : 0. // TODO should pad on ww? Not documented, but I guess so. ret = dateDayOfWeek( dateStartOf( date, "year" ), properties.firstDay ); ret = Math.ceil( ( dateDayOfYear( date ) + ret ) / 7 ) - ( 7 - ret >= properties.minDays ? 0 : 1 ); break; case "W": // Week of Month. // wom = ceil( ( dom + dow of `1/month` ) / 7 ) - minDaysStuff ? 1 : 0. ret = dateDayOfWeek( dateStartOf( date, "month" ), properties.firstDay ); ret = Math.ceil( ( date.getDate() + ret ) / 7 ) - ( 7 - ret >= properties.minDays ? 0 : 1 ); break; // Day case "d": ret = date.getDate(); break; case "D": ret = dateDayOfYear( date ) + 1; break; case "F": // Day of Week in month. eg. 2nd Wed in July. ret = Math.floor( date.getDate() / 7 ) + 1; break; // Week day case "e": case "c": if ( length <= 2 ) { // Range is [1-7] (deduced by example provided on documentation) // TODO Should pad with zeros (not specified in the docs)? ret = dateDayOfWeek( date, properties.firstDay ) + 1; break; } /* falls through */ case "E": ret = dateWeekDays[ date.getDay() ]; ret = properties.days[ chr ][ length ][ ret ]; break; // Period (AM or PM) case "a": ret = properties.dayPeriods[ date.getHours() < 12 ? "am" : "pm" ]; break; // Hour case "h": // 1-12 ret = ( date.getHours() % 12 ) || 12; break; case "H": // 0-23 ret = date.getHours(); break; case "K": // 0-11 ret = date.getHours() % 12; break; case "k": // 1-24 ret = date.getHours() || 24; break; // Minute case "m": ret = date.getMinutes(); break; // Second case "s": ret = date.getSeconds(); break; case "S": ret = Math.round( date.getMilliseconds() * Math.pow( 10, length - 3 ) ); break; case "A": ret = Math.round( dateMillisecondsInDay( date ) * Math.pow( 10, length - 3 ) ); break; // Zone case "z": case "O": // O: "{gmtFormat}+H;{gmtFormat}-H" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-8" or "GMT". // OOOO: "{gmtFormat}{hourFormat}" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-08:00" or "GMT". if ( date.getTimezoneOffset() === 0 ) { ret = properties.gmtZeroFormat; } else { ret = dateTimezoneHourFormat( date, length < 4 ? "+H;-H" : properties.tzLongHourFormat, timeSeparator, numberFormatters ); ret = properties.gmtFormat.replace( /\{0\}/, ret ); } break; case "X": // Same as x*, except it uses "Z" for zero offset. if ( date.getTimezoneOffset() === 0 ) { ret = "Z"; break; } /* falls through */ case "x": // x: hourFormat("+HH;-HH") // xx or xxxx: hourFormat("+HHmm;-HHmm") // xxx or xxxxx: hourFormat("+HH:mm;-HH:mm") ret = length === 1 ? "+HH;-HH" : ( length % 2 ? "+HH:mm;-HH:mm" : "+HHmm;-HHmm" ); ret = dateTimezoneHourFormat( date, ret, ":" ); break; // timeSeparator case ":": ret = timeSeparator; break; // ' literals. case "'": ret = removeLiteralQuotes( current ); break; // Anything else is considered a literal, including [ ,:/.@#], chinese, japonese, and // arabic characters. default: ret = current; } if ( typeof ret === "number" ) { ret = numberFormatters[ length ]( ret ); } return ret; }); }; var dateFormatterFn = function( numberFormatters, properties ) { return function dateFormatter( value ) { validateParameterPresence( value, "value" ); validateParameterTypeDate( value, "value" ); return dateFormat( value, numberFormatters, properties ); }; }; /** * firstDayOfWeek */ var dateFirstDayOfWeek = function( cldr ) { return dateWeekDays.indexOf( cldr.supplemental.weekData.firstDay() ); }; /** * properties( pattern, cldr ) * * @pattern [String] raw pattern. * ref: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns * * @cldr [Cldr instance]. * * Return the properties given the pattern and cldr. * * TODO Support other calendar types. */ var dateFormatProperties = function( pattern, cldr ) { var properties = { numberFormatters: {}, pattern: pattern, timeSeparator: numberSymbol( "timeSeparator", cldr ) }, widths = [ "abbreviated", "wide", "narrow" ]; function setNumberFormatterPattern( pad ) { properties.numberFormatters[ pad ] = stringPad( "", pad ); } pattern.replace( datePatternRe, function( current ) { var formatNumber, chr = current.charAt( 0 ), length = current.length; if ( chr === "j" ) { // Locale preferred hHKk. // http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Time_Data properties.preferredTime = chr = cldr.supplemental.timeData.preferred(); } // ZZZZ: same as "OOOO". if ( chr === "Z" && length === 4 ) { chr = "O"; length = 4; } switch ( chr ) { // Era case "G": properties.eras = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/eras", length <= 3 ? "eraAbbr" : ( length === 4 ? "eraNames" : "eraNarrow" ) ]); break; // Year case "y": // Plain year. formatNumber = true; break; case "Y": // Year in "Week of Year" properties.firstDay = dateFirstDayOfWeek( cldr ); properties.minDays = cldr.supplemental.weekData.minDays(); formatNumber = true; break; case "u": // Extended year. Need to be implemented. case "U": // Cyclic year name. Need to be implemented. throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "year pattern `" + chr + "`" }); // Quarter case "Q": case "q": if ( length > 2 ) { if ( !properties.quarters ) { properties.quarters = {}; } if ( !properties.quarters[ chr ] ) { properties.quarters[ chr ] = {}; } properties.quarters[ chr ][ length ] = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/quarters", chr === "Q" ? "format" : "stand-alone", widths[ length - 3 ] ]); } else { formatNumber = true; } break; // Month case "M": case "L": if ( length > 2 ) { if ( !properties.months ) { properties.months = {}; } if ( !properties.months[ chr ] ) { properties.months[ chr ] = {}; } properties.months[ chr ][ length ] = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/months", chr === "M" ? "format" : "stand-alone", widths[ length - 3 ] ]); } else { formatNumber = true; } break; // Week - Week of Year (w) or Week of Month (W). case "w": case "W": properties.firstDay = dateFirstDayOfWeek( cldr ); properties.minDays = cldr.supplemental.weekData.minDays(); formatNumber = true; break; // Day case "d": case "D": case "F": formatNumber = true; break; case "g": // Modified Julian day. Need to be implemented. throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "Julian day pattern `g`" }); // Week day case "e": case "c": if ( length <= 2 ) { properties.firstDay = dateFirstDayOfWeek( cldr ); formatNumber = true; break; } /* falls through */ case "E": if ( !properties.days ) { properties.days = {}; } if ( !properties.days[ chr ] ) { properties.days[ chr ] = {}; } if ( length === 6 ) { // If short day names are not explicitly specified, abbreviated day names are // used instead. // http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#months_days_quarters_eras // http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/ticket/6790 properties.days[ chr ][ length ] = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/days", chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format", "short" ]) || cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/days", chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format", "abbreviated" ]); } else { properties.days[ chr ][ length ] = cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/days", chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format", widths[ length < 3 ? 0 : length - 3 ] ]); } break; // Period (AM or PM) case "a": properties.dayPeriods = { am: cldr.main( "dates/calendars/gregorian/dayPeriods/format/wide/am" ), pm: cldr.main( "dates/calendars/gregorian/dayPeriods/format/wide/pm" ) }; break; // Hour case "h": // 1-12 case "H": // 0-23 case "K": // 0-11 case "k": // 1-24 // Minute case "m": // Second case "s": case "S": case "A": formatNumber = true; break; // Zone case "z": case "O": // O: "{gmtFormat}+H;{gmtFormat}-H" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-8" or "GMT". // OOOO: "{gmtFormat}{hourFormat}" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-08:00" or "GMT". properties.gmtFormat = cldr.main( "dates/timeZoneNames/gmtFormat" ); properties.gmtZeroFormat = cldr.main( "dates/timeZoneNames/gmtZeroFormat" ); properties.tzLongHourFormat = cldr.main( "dates/timeZoneNames/hourFormat" ); /* falls through */ case "Z": case "X": case "x": setNumberFormatterPattern( 1 ); setNumberFormatterPattern( 2 ); break; case "v": case "V": throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "timezone pattern `" + chr + "`" }); } if ( formatNumber ) { setNumberFormatterPattern( length ); } }); return properties; }; /** * isLeapYear( year ) * * @year [Number] * * Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year. */ var dateIsLeapYear = function( year ) { return new Date( year, 1, 29 ).getMonth() === 1; }; /** * lastDayOfMonth( date ) * * @date [Date] * * Return the last day of the given date's month */ var dateLastDayOfMonth = function( date ) { return new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0 ).getDate(); }; /** * Differently from native date.setDate(), this function returns a date whose * day remains inside the month boundaries. For example: * * setDate( FebDate, 31 ): a "Feb 28" date. * setDate( SepDate, 31 ): a "Sep 30" date. */ var dateSetDate = function( date, day ) { var lastDay = new Date( date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0 ).getDate(); date.setDate( day < 1 ? 1 : day < lastDay ? day : lastDay ); }; /** * Differently from native date.setMonth(), this function adjusts date if * needed, so final month is always the one set. * * setMonth( Jan31Date, 1 ): a "Feb 28" date. * setDate( Jan31Date, 8 ): a "Sep 30" date. */ var dateSetMonth = function( date, month ) { var originalDate = date.getDate(); date.setDate( 1 ); date.setMonth( month ); dateSetDate( date, originalDate ); }; var outOfRange = function( value, low, high ) { return value < low || value > high; }; /** * parse( value, tokens, properties ) * * @value [String] string date. * * @tokens [Object] tokens returned by date/tokenizer. * * @properties [Object] output returned by date/tokenizer-properties. * * ref: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns */ var dateParse = function( value, tokens, properties ) { var amPm, day, daysOfYear, month, era, hour, hour12, timezoneOffset, valid, YEAR = 0, MONTH = 1, DAY = 2, HOUR = 3, MINUTE = 4, SECOND = 5, MILLISECONDS = 6, date = new Date(), truncateAt = [], units = [ "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "milliseconds" ]; if ( !tokens.length ) { return null; } valid = tokens.every(function( token ) { var century, chr, value, length; if ( token.type === "literal" ) { // continue return true; } chr = token.type.charAt( 0 ); length = token.type.length; if ( chr === "j" ) { // Locale preferred hHKk. // http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Time_Data chr = properties.preferredTimeData; } switch ( chr ) { // Era case "G": truncateAt.push( YEAR ); era = +token.value; break; // Year case "y": value = token.value; if ( length === 2 ) { if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 99 ) ) { return false; } // mimic dojo/date/locale: choose century to apply, according to a sliding // window of 80 years before and 20 years after present year. century = Math.floor( date.getFullYear() / 100 ) * 100; value += century; if ( value > date.getFullYear() + 20 ) { value -= 100; } } date.setFullYear( value ); truncateAt.push( YEAR ); break; case "Y": // Year in "Week of Year" throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "year pattern `" + chr + "`" }); // Quarter (skip) case "Q": case "q": break; // Month case "M": case "L": if ( length <= 2 ) { value = token.value; } else { value = +token.value; } if ( outOfRange( value, 1, 12 ) ) { return false; } // Setting the month later so that we have the correct year and can determine // the correct last day of February in case of leap year. month = value; truncateAt.push( MONTH ); break; // Week (skip) case "w": // Week of Year. case "W": // Week of Month. break; // Day case "d": day = token.value; truncateAt.push( DAY ); break; case "D": daysOfYear = token.value; truncateAt.push( DAY ); break; case "F": // Day of Week in month. eg. 2nd Wed in July. // Skip break; // Week day case "e": case "c": case "E": // Skip. // value = arrayIndexOf( dateWeekDays, token.value ); break; // Period (AM or PM) case "a": amPm = token.value; break; // Hour case "h": // 1-12 value = token.value; if ( outOfRange( value, 1, 12 ) ) { return false; } hour = hour12 = true; date.setHours( value === 12 ? 0 : value ); truncateAt.push( HOUR ); break; case "K": // 0-11 value = token.value; if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 11 ) ) { return false; } hour = hour12 = true; date.setHours( value ); truncateAt.push( HOUR ); break; case "k": // 1-24 value = token.value; if ( outOfRange( value, 1, 24 ) ) { return false; } hour = true; date.setHours( value === 24 ? 0 : value ); truncateAt.push( HOUR ); break; case "H": // 0-23 value = token.value; if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 23 ) ) { return false; } hour = true; date.setHours( value ); truncateAt.push( HOUR ); break; // Minute case "m": value = token.value; if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 59 ) ) { return false; } date.setMinutes( value ); truncateAt.push( MINUTE ); break; // Second case "s": value = token.value; if ( outOfRange( value, 0, 59 ) ) { return false; } date.setSeconds( value ); truncateAt.push( SECOND ); break; case "A": date.setHours( 0 ); date.setMinutes( 0 ); date.setSeconds( 0 ); /* falls through */ case "S": value = Math.round( token.value * Math.pow( 10, 3 - length ) ); date.setMilliseconds( value ); truncateAt.push( MILLISECONDS ); break; // Zone case "Z": case "z": case "O": case "X": case "x": timezoneOffset = token.value; break; } return true; }); if ( !valid ) { return null; } // 12-hour format needs AM or PM, 24-hour format doesn't, ie. return null // if amPm && !hour12 || !amPm && hour12. if ( hour && !( !amPm ^ hour12 ) ) { return null; } if ( era === 0 ) { // 1 BC = year 0 date.setFullYear( date.getFullYear() * -1 + 1 ); } if ( month !== undefined ) { dateSetMonth( date, month - 1 ); } if ( day !== undefined ) { if ( outOfRange( day, 1, dateLastDayOfMonth( date ) ) ) { return null; } date.setDate( day ); } else if ( daysOfYear !== undefined ) { if ( outOfRange( daysOfYear, 1, dateIsLeapYear( date.getFullYear() ) ? 366 : 365 ) ) { return null; } date.setMonth( 0 ); date.setDate( daysOfYear ); } if ( hour12 && amPm === "pm" ) { date.setHours( date.getHours() + 12 ); } if ( timezoneOffset !== undefined ) { date.setMinutes( date.getMinutes() + timezoneOffset - date.getTimezoneOffset() ); } // Truncate date at the most precise unit defined. Eg. // If value is "12/31", and pattern is "MM/dd": // => new Date( <current Year>, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); truncateAt = Math.max.apply( null, truncateAt ); date = dateStartOf( date, units[ truncateAt ] ); return date; }; /** * Generated by: * * regenerate().add( require( "unicode-7.0.0/categories/N/symbols" ) ).toString(); * * https://github.com/mathiasbynens/regenerate * https://github.com/mathiasbynens/unicode-7.0.0 */ var regexpN = /[0-9\xB2\xB3\xB9\xBC-\xBE\u0660-\u0669\u06F0-\u06F9\u07C0-\u07C9\u0966-\u096F\u09E6-\u09EF\u09F4-\u09F9\u0A66-\u0A6F\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B72-\u0B77\u0BE6-\u0BF2\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C78-\u0C7E\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0D66-\u0D75\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0E50-\u0E59\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0F20-\u0F33\u1040-\u1049\u1090-\u1099\u1369-\u137C\u16EE-\u16F0\u17E0-\u17E9\u17F0-\u17F9\u1810-\u1819\u1946-\u194F\u19D0-\u19DA\u1A80-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1B50-\u1B59\u1BB0-\u1BB9\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C50-\u1C59\u2070\u2074-\u2079\u2080-\u2089\u2150-\u2182\u2185-\u2189\u2460-\u249B\u24EA-\u24FF\u2776-\u2793\u2CFD\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3038-\u303A\u3192-\u3195\u3220-\u3229\u3248-\u324F\u3251-\u325F\u3280-\u3289\u32B1-\u32BF\uA620-\uA629\uA6E6-\uA6EF\uA830-\uA835\uA8D0-\uA8D9\uA900-\uA909\uA9D0-\uA9D9\uA9F0-\uA9F9\uAA50-\uAA59\uABF0-\uABF9\uFF10-\uFF19]|\uD800[\uDD07-\uDD33\uDD40-\uDD78\uDD8A\uDD8B\uDEE1-\uDEFB\uDF20-\uDF23\uDF41\uDF4A\uDFD1-\uDFD5]|\uD801[\uDCA0-\uDCA9]|\uD802[\uDC58-\uDC5F\uDC79-\uDC7F\uDCA7-\uDCAF\uDD16-\uDD1B\uDE40-\uDE47\uDE7D\uDE7E\uDE9D-\uDE9F\uDEEB-\uDEEF\uDF58-\uDF5F\uDF78-\uDF7F\uDFA9-\uDFAF]|\uD803[\uDE60-\uDE7E]|\uD804[\uDC52-\uDC6F\uDCF0-\uDCF9\uDD36-\uDD3F\uDDD0-\uDDD9\uDDE1-\uDDF4\uDEF0-\uDEF9]|\uD805[\uDCD0-\uDCD9\uDE50-\uDE59\uDEC0-\uDEC9]|\uD806[\uDCE0-\uDCF2]|\uD809[\uDC00-\uDC6E]|\uD81A[\uDE60-\uDE69\uDF50-\uDF59\uDF5B-\uDF61]|\uD834[\uDF60-\uDF71]|\uD835[\uDFCE-\uDFFF]|\uD83A[\uDCC7-\uDCCF]|\uD83C[\uDD00-\uDD0C]/; /** * tokenizer( value, pattern, properties ) * * @value [String] string date. * * @properties [Object] output returned by date/tokenizer-properties. * * Returns an Array of tokens, eg. value "5 o'clock PM", pattern "h 'o''clock' a": * [{ * type: "h", * lexeme: "5" * }, { * type: "literal", * lexeme: " " * }, { * type: "literal", * lexeme: "o'clock" * }, { * type: "literal", * lexeme: " " * }, { * type: "a", * lexeme: "PM", * value: "pm" * }] * * OBS: lexeme's are always String and may return invalid ranges depending of the token type. * Eg. "99" for month number. * * Return an empty Array when not successfully parsed. */ var dateTokenizer = function( value, numberParser, properties ) { var valid, timeSeparator = properties.timeSeparator, tokens = [], widths = [ "abbreviated", "wide", "narrow" ]; valid = properties.pattern.match( datePatternRe ).every(function( current ) { var chr, length, numeric, tokenRe, token = {}; function hourFormatParse( tokenRe, numberParser ) { var aux = value.match( tokenRe ); numberParser = numberParser || function( value ) { return +value; }; if ( !aux ) { return false; } // hourFormat containing H only, e.g., `+H;-H` if ( aux.length < 8 ) { token.value = ( aux[ 1 ] ? -numberParser( aux[ 1 ] ) : numberParser( aux[ 4 ] ) ) * 60; // hourFormat containing H and m, e.g., `+HHmm;-HHmm` } else { token.value = ( aux[ 1 ] ? -numberParser( aux[ 1 ] ) : numberParser( aux[ 7 ] ) ) * 60 + ( aux[ 1 ] ? -numberParser( aux[ 4 ] ) : numberParser( aux[ 10 ] ) ); } return true; } // Transform: // - "+H;-H" -> /\+(\d\d?)|-(\d\d?)/ // - "+HH;-HH" -> /\+(\d\d)|-(\d\d)/ // - "+HHmm;-HHmm" -> /\+(\d\d)(\d\d)|-(\d\d)(\d\d)/ // - "+HH:mm;-HH:mm" -> /\+(\d\d):(\d\d)|-(\d\d):(\d\d)/ // // If gmtFormat is GMT{0}, the regexp must fill {0} in each side, e.g.: // - "+H;-H" -> /GMT\+(\d\d?)|GMT-(\d\d?)/ function hourFormatRe( hourFormat, gmtFormat, timeSeparator ) { var re; if ( !gmtFormat ) { gmtFormat = "{0}"; } re = hourFormat .replace( "+", "\\+" ) // Unicode equivalent to (\\d\\d) .replace( /HH|mm/g, "((" + regexpN.source + ")(" + regexpN.source + "))" ) // Unicode equivalent to (\\d\\d?) .replace( /H|m/g, "((" + regexpN.source + ")(" + regexpN.source + ")?)" ); if ( timeSeparator ) { re = re.replace( /:/g, timeSeparator ); } re = re.split( ";" ).map(function( part ) { return gmtFormat.replace( "{0}", part ); }).join( "|" ); return new RegExp( re ); } function oneDigitIfLengthOne() { if ( length === 1 ) { // Unicode equivalent to /\d/ numeric = true; return tokenRe = regexpN; } } function oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOne() { if ( length === 1 ) { // Unicode equivalent to /\d\d?/ numeric = true; return tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){1,2}" ); } } function oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOneOrTwo() { if ( length === 1 || length === 2 ) { // Unicode equivalent to /\d\d?/ numeric = true; return tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){1,2}" ); } } function twoDigitsIfLengthTwo() { if ( length === 2 ) { // Unicode equivalent to /\d\d/ numeric = true; return tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){2}" ); } } // Brute-force test every locale entry in an attempt to match the given value. // Return the first found one (and set token accordingly), or null. function lookup( path ) { var i, re, data = properties[ path.join( "/" ) ]; for ( i in data ) { re = new RegExp( "^" + data[ i ] ); if ( re.test( value ) ) { token.value = i; return tokenRe = new RegExp( data[ i ] ); } } return null; } token.type = current; chr = current.charAt( 0 ), length = current.length; if ( chr === "Z" ) { // Z..ZZZ: same as "xxxx". if ( length < 4 ) { chr = "x"; length = 4; // ZZZZ: same as "OOOO". } else if ( length < 5 ) { chr = "O"; length = 4; // ZZZZZ: same as "XXXXX" } else { chr = "X"; length = 5; } } switch ( chr ) { // Era case "G": lookup([ "gregorian/eras", length <= 3 ? "eraAbbr" : ( length === 4 ? "eraNames" : "eraNarrow" ) ]); break; // Year case "y": case "Y": numeric = true; // number l=1:+, l=2:{2}, l=3:{3,}, l=4:{4,}, ... if ( length === 1 ) { // Unicode equivalent to /\d+/. tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + ")+" ); } else if ( length === 2 ) { // Lenient parsing: there's no year pattern to indicate non-zero-padded 2-digits // year, so parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for `yy`. // // Unicode equivalent to /\d\d?/ tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){1,2}" ); } else { // Unicode equivalent to /\d{length,}/ tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){" + length + ",}" ); } break; // Quarter case "Q": case "q": // number l=1:{1}, l=2:{2}. // lookup l=3... oneDigitIfLengthOne() || twoDigitsIfLengthTwo() || lookup([ "gregorian/quarters", chr === "Q" ? "format" : "stand-alone", widths[ length - 3 ] ]); break; // Month case "M": case "L": // number l=1:{1,2}, l=2:{2}. // lookup l=3... // // Lenient parsing: skeleton "yMd" (i.e., one M) may include MM for the pattern, // therefore parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for M and MM. // Similar for L. oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOneOrTwo() || lookup([ "gregorian/months", chr === "M" ? "format" : "stand-alone", widths[ length - 3 ] ]); break; // Day case "D": // number {l,3}. if ( length <= 3 ) { // Equivalent to /\d{length,3}/ numeric = true; tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){" + length + ",3}" ); } break; case "W": case "F": // number l=1:{1}. oneDigitIfLengthOne(); break; // Week day case "e": case "c": // number l=1:{1}, l=2:{2}. // lookup for length >=3. if ( length <= 2 ) { oneDigitIfLengthOne() || twoDigitsIfLengthTwo(); break; } /* falls through */ case "E": if ( length === 6 ) { // Note: if short day names are not explicitly specified, abbreviated day // names are used instead http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#months_days_quarters_eras lookup([ "gregorian/days", [ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ], "short" ]) || lookup([ "gregorian/days", [ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ], "abbreviated" ]); } else { lookup([ "gregorian/days", [ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ], widths[ length < 3 ? 0 : length - 3 ] ]); } break; // Period (AM or PM) case "a": lookup([ "gregorian/dayPeriods/format/wide" ]); break; // Week case "w": // number l1:{1,2}, l2:{2}. oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOne() || twoDigitsIfLengthTwo(); break; // Day, Hour, Minute, or Second case "d": case "h": case "H": case "K": case "k": case "j": case "m": case "s": // number l1:{1,2}, l2:{2}. // // Lenient parsing: // - skeleton "hms" (i.e., one m) always includes mm for the pattern, i.e., it's // impossible to use a different skeleton to parse non-zero-padded minutes, // therefore parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for m. Similar // for seconds s. // - skeleton "hms" (i.e., one h) may include h or hh for the pattern, i.e., it's // impossible to use a different skeleton to parser non-zero-padded hours for some // locales, therefore parser accepts both zero-padded and non-zero-padded for h. // Similar for d (in skeleton yMd). oneOrTwoDigitsIfLengthOneOrTwo(); break; case "S": // number {l}. // Unicode equivalent to /\d{length}/ numeric = true; tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){" + length + "}" ); break; case "A": // number {l+5}. // Unicode equivalent to /\d{length+5}/ numeric = true; tokenRe = new RegExp( "(" + regexpN.source + "){" + ( length + 5 ) + "}" ); break; // Zone case "z": case "O": // O: "{gmtFormat}+H;{gmtFormat}-H" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-8" or "GMT". // OOOO: "{gmtFormat}{hourFormat}" or "{gmtZeroFormat}", eg. "GMT-08:00" or "GMT". if ( value === properties[ "timeZoneNames/gmtZeroFormat" ] ) { token.value = 0; tokenRe = new RegExp( properties[ "timeZoneNames/gmtZeroFormat" ] ); } else { tokenRe = hourFormatRe( length < 4 ? "+H;-H" : properties[ "timeZoneNames/hourFormat" ], properties[ "timeZoneNames/gmtFormat" ], timeSeparator ); if ( !hourFormatParse( tokenRe, numberParser ) ) { return null; } } break; case "X": // Same as x*, except it uses "Z" for zero offset. if ( value === "Z" ) { token.value = 0; tokenRe = /Z/; break; } /* falls through */ case "x": // x: hourFormat("+HH;-HH") // xx or xxxx: hourFormat("+HHmm;-HHmm") // xxx or xxxxx: hourFormat("+HH:mm;-HH:mm") tokenRe = hourFormatRe( length === 1 ? "+HH;-HH" : ( length % 2 ? "+HH:mm;-HH:mm" : "+HHmm;-HHmm" ) ); if ( !hourFormatParse( tokenRe ) ) { return null; } break; case "'": token.type = "literal"; tokenRe = new RegExp( regexpEscape( removeLiteralQuotes( current ) ) ); break; default: token.type = "literal"; tokenRe = new RegExp( regexpEscape( current ) ); } if ( !tokenRe ) { return false; } // Get lexeme and consume it. value = value.replace( new RegExp( "^" + tokenRe.source ), function( lexeme ) { token.lexeme = lexeme; if ( numeric ) { token.value = numberParser( lexeme ); } return ""; }); if ( !token.lexeme ) { return false; } tokens.push( token ); return true; }); if ( value !== "" ) { valid = false; } return valid ? tokens : []; }; var dateParserFn = function( numberParser, parseProperties, tokenizerProperties ) { return function dateParser( value ) { var tokens; validateParameterPresence( value, "value" ); validateParameterTypeString( value, "value" ); tokens = dateTokenizer( value, numberParser, tokenizerProperties ); return dateParse( value, tokens, parseProperties ) || null; }; }; /** * parseProperties( cldr ) * * @cldr [Cldr instance]. * * Return parser properties. */ var dateParseProperties = function( cldr ) { return { preferredTimeData: cldr.supplemental.timeData.preferred() }; }; var objectFilter = function( object, testRe ) { var key, copy = {}; for ( key in object ) { if ( testRe.test( key ) ) { copy[ key ] = object[ key ]; } } return copy; }; /** * tokenizerProperties( pattern, cldr ) * * @pattern [String] raw pattern. * * @cldr [Cldr instance]. * * Return Object with data that will be used by tokenizer. */ var dateTokenizerProperties = function( pattern, cldr ) { var properties = { pattern: pattern, timeSeparator: numberSymbol( "timeSeparator", cldr ) }, widths = [ "abbreviated", "wide", "narrow" ]; function populateProperties( path, value ) { // The `dates` and `calendars` trim's purpose is to reduce properties' key size only. properties[ path.replace( /^.*\/dates\//, "" ).replace( /calendars\//, "" ) ] = value; } cldr.on( "get", populateProperties ); pattern.match( datePatternRe ).forEach(function( current ) { var chr, length; chr = current.charAt( 0 ), length = current.length; if ( chr === "Z" && length < 5 ) { chr = "O"; length = 4; } switch ( chr ) { // Era case "G": cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/eras", length <= 3 ? "eraAbbr" : ( length === 4 ? "eraNames" : "eraNarrow" ) ]); break; // Year case "u": // Extended year. Need to be implemented. case "U": // Cyclic year name. Need to be implemented. throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "year pattern `" + chr + "`" }); // Quarter case "Q": case "q": if ( length > 2 ) { cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/quarters", chr === "Q" ? "format" : "stand-alone", widths[ length - 3 ] ]); } break; // Month case "M": case "L": // number l=1:{1,2}, l=2:{2}. // lookup l=3... if ( length > 2 ) { cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/months", chr === "M" ? "format" : "stand-alone", widths[ length - 3 ] ]); } break; // Day case "g": // Modified Julian day. Need to be implemented. throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "Julian day pattern `g`" }); // Week day case "e": case "c": // lookup for length >=3. if ( length <= 2 ) { break; } /* falls through */ case "E": if ( length === 6 ) { // Note: if short day names are not explicitly specified, abbreviated day // names are used instead http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#months_days_quarters_eras cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/days", [ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ], "short" ]) || cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/days", [ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ], "abbreviated" ]); } else { cldr.main([ "dates/calendars/gregorian/days", [ chr === "c" ? "stand-alone" : "format" ], widths[ length < 3 ? 0 : length - 3 ] ]); } break; // Period (AM or PM) case "a": cldr.main( "dates/calendars/gregorian/dayPeriods/format/wide" ); properties[ "gregorian/dayPeriods/format/wide" ] = objectFilter( properties[ "gregorian/dayPeriods/format/wide" ], /^am|^pm/ ); break; // Zone case "z": case "O": cldr.main( "dates/timeZoneNames/gmtFormat" ); cldr.main( "dates/timeZoneNames/gmtZeroFormat" ); cldr.main( "dates/timeZoneNames/hourFormat" ); break; case "v": case "V": throw createErrorUnsupportedFeature({ feature: "timezone pattern `" + chr + "`" }); } }); cldr.off( "get", populateProperties ); return properties; }; function validateRequiredCldr( path, value ) { validateCldr( path, value, { skip: [ /dates\/calendars\/gregorian\/dateTimeFormats\/availableFormats/, /dates\/calendars\/gregorian\/days\/.*\/short/, /supplemental\/timeData\/(?!001)/, /supplemental\/weekData\/(?!001)/ ] }); } /** * .dateFormatter( options ) * * @options [Object] see date/expand_pattern for more info. * * Return a date formatter function (of the form below) according to the given options and the * default/instance locale. * * fn( value ) * * @value [Date] * * Return a function that formats a date according to the given `format` and the default/instance * locale. */ Globalize.dateFormatter = Globalize.prototype.dateFormatter = function( options ) { var args, cldr, numberFormatters, pad, pattern, properties, returnFn; validateParameterTypePlainObject( options, "options" ); cldr = this.cldr; options = options || { skeleton: "yMd" }; args = [ options ]; validateDefaultLocale( cldr ); cldr.on( "get", validateRequiredCldr ); pattern = dateExpandPattern( options, cldr ); properties = dateFormatProperties( pattern, cldr ); cldr.off( "get", validateRequiredCldr ); // Create needed number formatters. numberFormatters = properties.numberFormatters; delete properties.numberFormatters; for ( pad in numberFormatters ) { numberFormatters[ pad ] = this.numberFormatter({ raw: numberFormatters[ pad ] }); } returnFn = dateFormatterFn( numberFormatters, properties ); runtimeBind( args, cldr, returnFn, [ numberFormatters, properties ] ); return returnFn; }; /** * .dateParser( options ) * * @options [Object] see date/expand_pattern for more info. * * Return a function that parses a string date according to the given `formats` and the * default/instance locale. */ Globalize.dateParser = Globalize.prototype.dateParser = function( options ) { var args, cldr, numberParser, parseProperties, pattern, tokenizerProperties, returnFn; validateParameterTypePlainObject( options, "options" ); cldr = this.cldr; options = options || { skeleton: "yMd" }; args = [ options ]; validateDefaultLocale( cldr ); cldr.on( "get", validateRequiredCldr ); pattern = dateExpandPattern( options, cldr ); tokenizerProperties = dateTokenizerProperties( pattern, cldr ); parseProperties = dateParseProperties( cldr ); cldr.off( "get", validateRequiredCldr ); numberParser = this.numberParser({ raw: "0" }); returnFn = dateParserFn( numberParser, parseProperties, tokenizerProperties ); runtimeBind( args, cldr, returnFn, [ numberParser, parseProperties, tokenizerProperties ] ); return returnFn; }; /** * .formatDate( value, options ) * * @value [Date] * * @options [Object] see date/expand_pattern for more info. * * Formats a date or number according to the given options string and the default/instance locale. */ Globalize.formatDate = Globalize.prototype.formatDate = function( value, options ) { validateParameterPresence( value, "value" ); validateParameterTypeDate( value, "value" ); return this.dateFormatter( options )( value ); }; /** * .parseDate( value, options ) * * @value [String] * * @options [Object] see date/expand_pattern for more info. * * Return a Date instance or null. */ Globalize.parseDate = Globalize.prototype.parseDate = function( value, options ) { validateParameterPresence( value, "value" ); validateParameterTypeString( value, "value" ); return this.dateParser( options )( value ); }; return Globalize; }));