/*! * jquery.fancytree.table.js * * Render tree as table (aka 'tree grid', 'table tree'). * (Extension module for jquery.fancytree.js: https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/) * * Copyright (c) 2008-2017, Martin Wendt (http://wwWendt.de) * * Released under the MIT license * https://github.com/mar10/fancytree/wiki/LicenseInfo * * @version @VERSION * @date @DATE */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { "use strict"; /* ***************************************************************************** * Private functions and variables */ function _assert(cond, msg){ msg = msg || ""; if(!cond){ $.error("Assertion failed " + msg); } } function insertFirstChild(referenceNode, newNode) { referenceNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.firstChild); } function insertSiblingAfter(referenceNode, newNode) { referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); } /* Show/hide all rows that are structural descendants of `parent`. */ function setChildRowVisibility(parent, flag) { parent.visit(function(node){ var tr = node.tr; // currentFlag = node.hide ? false : flag; // fix for ext-filter if(tr){ tr.style.display = (node.hide || !flag) ? "none" : ""; } if(!node.expanded){ return "skip"; } }); } /* Find node that is rendered in previous row. */ function findPrevRowNode(node){ var i, last, prev, parent = node.parent, siblings = parent ? parent.children : null; if(siblings && siblings.length > 1 && siblings[0] !== node){ // use the lowest descendant of the preceeding sibling i = $.inArray(node, siblings); prev = siblings[i - 1]; _assert(prev.tr); // descend to lowest child (with a <tr> tag) while(prev.children && prev.children.length){ last = prev.children[prev.children.length - 1]; if(!last.tr){ break; } prev = last; } }else{ // if there is no preceding sibling, use the direct parent prev = parent; } return prev; } /* Render callback for 'wide' mode. */ // function _renderStatusNodeWide(event, data) { // var node = data.node, // nodeColumnIdx = data.options.table.nodeColumnIdx, // $tdList = $(node.tr).find(">td"); // $tdList.eq(nodeColumnIdx).attr("colspan", data.tree.columnCount); // $tdList.not(":eq(" + nodeColumnIdx + ")").remove(); // } $.ui.fancytree.registerExtension({ name: "table", version: "@VERSION", // Default options for this extension. options: { checkboxColumnIdx: null, // render the checkboxes into the this column index (default: nodeColumnIdx) // customStatus: false, // true: generate renderColumns events for status nodes indentation: 16, // indent every node level by 16px nodeColumnIdx: 0 // render node expander, icon, and title to this column (default: #0) }, // Overide virtual methods for this extension. // `this` : is this extension object // `this._super`: the virtual function that was overriden (member of prev. extension or Fancytree) treeInit: function(ctx){ var i, columnCount, n, $row, $tbody, tree = ctx.tree, opts = ctx.options, tableOpts = opts.table, $table = tree.widget.element; if( tableOpts.customStatus != null ) { if( opts.renderStatusColumns != null) { $.error("The 'customStatus' option is deprecated since v2.15.0. Use 'renderStatusColumns' only instead."); } else { tree.warn("The 'customStatus' option is deprecated since v2.15.0. Use 'renderStatusColumns' instead."); opts.renderStatusColumns = tableOpts.customStatus; } } if( opts.renderStatusColumns ) { if( opts.renderStatusColumns === true ) { opts.renderStatusColumns = opts.renderColumns; // } else if( opts.renderStatusColumns === "wide" ) { // opts.renderStatusColumns = _renderStatusNodeWide; } } $table.addClass("fancytree-container fancytree-ext-table"); tree.tbody = $table.find(">tbody")[0]; $tbody = $(tree.tbody); // Prepare row templates: // Determine column count from table header if any columnCount = $("thead >tr:last >th", $table).length; // Read TR templates from tbody if any $row = $tbody.children("tr:first"); if( $row.length ) { n = $row.children("td").length; if( columnCount && n !== columnCount ) { tree.warn("Column count mismatch between thead (" + columnCount + ") and tbody (" + n + "): using tbody."); columnCount = n; } $row = $row.clone(); } else { // Only thead is defined: create default row markup _assert(columnCount >= 1, "Need either <thead> or <tbody> with <td> elements to determine column count."); $row = $("<tr />"); for(i=0; i<columnCount; i++) { $row.append("<td />"); } } $row.find(">td").eq(tableOpts.nodeColumnIdx) .html("<span class='fancytree-node' />"); if( opts.aria ) { $row.attr("role", "row"); $row.find("td").attr("role", "gridcell"); } tree.rowFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); tree.rowFragment.appendChild($row.get(0)); // // If tbody contains a second row, use this as status node template // $row = $tbody.children("tr:eq(1)"); // if( $row.length === 0 ) { // tree.statusRowFragment = tree.rowFragment; // } else { // $row = $row.clone(); // tree.statusRowFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // tree.statusRowFragment.appendChild($row.get(0)); // } // $tbody.empty(); // Make sure that status classes are set on the node's <tr> elements tree.statusClassPropName = "tr"; tree.ariaPropName = "tr"; this.nodeContainerAttrName = "tr"; // #489: make sure $container is set to <table>, even if ext-dnd is listed before ext-table tree.$container = $table; this._superApply(arguments); // standard Fancytree created a root UL $(tree.rootNode.ul).remove(); tree.rootNode.ul = null; // Add container to the TAB chain // #577: Allow to set tabindex to "0", "-1" and "" this.$container.attr("tabindex", opts.tabindex); // this.$container.attr("tabindex", opts.tabbable ? "0" : "-1"); if(opts.aria) { tree.$container .attr("role", "treegrid") .attr("aria-readonly", true); } }, nodeRemoveChildMarkup: function(ctx) { var node = ctx.node; // node.debug("nodeRemoveChildMarkup()"); node.visit(function(n){ if(n.tr){ $(n.tr).remove(); n.tr = null; } }); }, nodeRemoveMarkup: function(ctx) { var node = ctx.node; // node.debug("nodeRemoveMarkup()"); if(node.tr){ $(node.tr).remove(); node.tr = null; } this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(ctx); }, /* Override standard render. */ nodeRender: function(ctx, force, deep, collapsed, _recursive) { var children, firstTr, i, l, newRow, prevNode, prevTr, subCtx, tree = ctx.tree, node = ctx.node, opts = ctx.options, isRootNode = !node.parent; if( tree._enableUpdate === false ) { // $.ui.fancytree.debug("*** nodeRender _enableUpdate: false"); return; } if( !_recursive ){ ctx.hasCollapsedParents = node.parent && !node.parent.expanded; } // $.ui.fancytree.debug("*** nodeRender " + node + ", isRoot=" + isRootNode, "tr=" + node.tr, "hcp=" + ctx.hasCollapsedParents, "parent.tr=" + (node.parent && node.parent.tr)); if( !isRootNode ){ if( node.tr && force ) { this.nodeRemoveMarkup(ctx); } if( !node.tr ) { if( ctx.hasCollapsedParents && !deep ) { // #166: we assume that the parent will be (recursively) rendered // later anyway. // node.debug("nodeRender ignored due to unrendered parent"); return; } // Create new <tr> after previous row // if( node.isStatusNode() ) { // newRow = tree.statusRowFragment.firstChild.cloneNode(true); // } else { newRow = tree.rowFragment.firstChild.cloneNode(true); // } prevNode = findPrevRowNode(node); // $.ui.fancytree.debug("*** nodeRender " + node + ": prev: " + prevNode.key); _assert(prevNode); if(collapsed === true && _recursive){ // hide all child rows, so we can use an animation to show it later newRow.style.display = "none"; }else if(deep && ctx.hasCollapsedParents){ // also hide this row if deep === true but any parent is collapsed newRow.style.display = "none"; // newRow.style.color = "red"; } if(!prevNode.tr){ _assert(!prevNode.parent, "prev. row must have a tr, or be system root"); // tree.tbody.appendChild(newRow); insertFirstChild(tree.tbody, newRow); // #675 }else{ insertSiblingAfter(prevNode.tr, newRow); } node.tr = newRow; if( node.key && opts.generateIds ){ node.tr.id = opts.idPrefix + node.key; } node.tr.ftnode = node; // if(opts.aria){ // $(node.tr).attr("aria-labelledby", "ftal_" + opts.idPrefix + node.key); // } node.span = $("span.fancytree-node", node.tr).get(0); // Set icon, link, and title (normally this is only required on initial render) this.nodeRenderTitle(ctx); // Allow tweaking, binding, after node was created for the first time // tree._triggerNodeEvent("createNode", ctx); if ( opts.createNode ){ opts.createNode.call(tree, {type: "createNode"}, ctx); } } else { if( force ) { // Set icon, link, and title (normally this is only required on initial render) this.nodeRenderTitle(ctx); // triggers renderColumns() } else { // Update element classes according to node state this.nodeRenderStatus(ctx); } } } // Allow tweaking after node state was rendered // tree._triggerNodeEvent("renderNode", ctx); if ( opts.renderNode ){ opts.renderNode.call(tree, {type: "renderNode"}, ctx); } // Visit child nodes // Add child markup children = node.children; if(children && (isRootNode || deep || node.expanded)){ for(i=0, l=children.length; i<l; i++) { subCtx = $.extend({}, ctx, {node: children[i]}); subCtx.hasCollapsedParents = subCtx.hasCollapsedParents || !node.expanded; this.nodeRender(subCtx, force, deep, collapsed, true); } } // Make sure, that <tr> order matches node.children order. if(children && !_recursive){ // we only have to do it once, for the root branch prevTr = node.tr || null; firstTr = tree.tbody.firstChild; // Iterate over all descendants node.visit(function(n){ if(n.tr){ if(!n.parent.expanded && n.tr.style.display !== "none"){ // fix after a node was dropped over a collapsed n.tr.style.display = "none"; setChildRowVisibility(n, false); } if(n.tr.previousSibling !== prevTr){ node.debug("_fixOrder: mismatch at node: " + n); var nextTr = prevTr ? prevTr.nextSibling : firstTr; tree.tbody.insertBefore(n.tr, nextTr); } prevTr = n.tr; } }); } // Update element classes according to node state // if(!isRootNode){ // this.nodeRenderStatus(ctx); // } }, nodeRenderTitle: function(ctx, title) { var $cb, res, node = ctx.node, opts = ctx.options, isStatusNode = node.isStatusNode(); res = this._super(ctx, title); if( node.isRootNode() ) { return res; } // Move checkbox to custom column if(opts.checkbox && !isStatusNode && opts.table.checkboxColumnIdx != null ){ $cb = $("span.fancytree-checkbox", node.span); //.detach(); $(node.tr).find("td").eq(+opts.table.checkboxColumnIdx).html($cb); } // Update element classes according to node state this.nodeRenderStatus(ctx); if( isStatusNode ) { if( opts.renderStatusColumns ) { // Let user code write column content opts.renderStatusColumns.call(ctx.tree, {type: "renderStatusColumns"}, ctx); } // else: default rendering for status node: leave other cells empty } else if ( opts.renderColumns ) { opts.renderColumns.call(ctx.tree, {type: "renderColumns"}, ctx); } return res; }, nodeRenderStatus: function(ctx) { var indent, node = ctx.node, opts = ctx.options; this._super(ctx); $(node.tr).removeClass("fancytree-node"); // indent indent = (node.getLevel() - 1) * opts.table.indentation; $(node.span).css({paddingLeft: indent + "px"}); // #460 // $(node.span).css({marginLeft: indent + "px"}); }, /* Expand node, return Deferred.promise. */ nodeSetExpanded: function(ctx, flag, callOpts) { // flag defaults to true flag = (flag !== false); if((ctx.node.expanded && flag) || (!ctx.node.expanded && !flag)) { // Expanded state isn't changed - just call base implementation return this._superApply(arguments); } var dfd = new $.Deferred(), subOpts = $.extend({}, callOpts, {noEvents: true, noAnimation: true}); callOpts = callOpts || {}; function _afterExpand(ok) { setChildRowVisibility(ctx.node, flag); if( ok ) { if( flag && ctx.options.autoScroll && !callOpts.noAnimation && ctx.node.hasChildren() ) { // Scroll down to last child, but keep current node visible ctx.node.getLastChild().scrollIntoView(true, {topNode: ctx.node}).always(function(){ if( !callOpts.noEvents ) { ctx.tree._triggerNodeEvent(flag ? "expand" : "collapse", ctx); } dfd.resolveWith(ctx.node); }); } else { if( !callOpts.noEvents ) { ctx.tree._triggerNodeEvent(flag ? "expand" : "collapse", ctx); } dfd.resolveWith(ctx.node); } } else { if( !callOpts.noEvents ) { ctx.tree._triggerNodeEvent(flag ? "expand" : "collapse", ctx); } dfd.rejectWith(ctx.node); } } // Call base-expand with disabled events and animation this._super(ctx, flag, subOpts).done(function () { _afterExpand(true); }).fail(function () { _afterExpand(false); }); return dfd.promise(); }, nodeSetStatus: function(ctx, status, message, details) { if(status === "ok"){ var node = ctx.node, firstChild = ( node.children ? node.children[0] : null ); if ( firstChild && firstChild.isStatusNode() ) { $(firstChild.tr).remove(); } } return this._superApply(arguments); }, treeClear: function(ctx) { this.nodeRemoveChildMarkup(this._makeHookContext(this.rootNode)); return this._superApply(arguments); }, treeDestroy: function(ctx) { this.$container.find("tbody").empty(); this.$source && this.$source.removeClass("ui-helper-hidden"); return this._superApply(arguments); } /*, treeSetFocus: function(ctx, flag) { // alert("treeSetFocus" + ctx.tree.$container); ctx.tree.$container.focus(); $.ui.fancytree.focusTree = ctx.tree; }*/ }); }(jQuery, window, document));