* the SrsPlayer object.
* @param container the html container id.
* @param width a float value specifies the width of player.
* @param height a float value specifies the height of player.
* @param private_object [optional] an object that used as private object, 
*       for example, the logic chat object which owner this player.
* Usage:
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/srs.player.js"></script>
        <div id="player"></div>
        var p = new SrsPlayer("player", 640, 480);
        p.on_player_ready = function() {
        p.on_player_metadata = function(metadata) {
function SrsPlayer(container, width, height, private_object) {
    if (!SrsPlayer.__id) {
        SrsPlayer.__id = 100;
    if (!SrsPlayer.__players) {
        SrsPlayer.__players = [];
    this.private_object = private_object;
    this.container = container;
    this.width = width;
    this.height = height;
    this.id = SrsPlayer.__id++;
    this.stream_url = null;
    this.buffer_time = 0.3; // default to 0.3
    this.max_buffer_time = this.buffer_time * 3; // default to 3 x bufferTime.
    this.volume = 1.0; // default to 100%
    this.callbackObj = null;
    this.srs_player_url = "srs_player/release/srs_player.swf?_version="+srs_get_version_code();
    // callback set the following values.
    this.meatadata = {}; // for on_player_metadata
    this.time = 0; // current stream time.
    this.buffer_length = 0; // current stream buffer length.
    this.kbps = 0; // current stream bitrate(video+audio) in kbps.
    this.fps = 0; // current stream video fps.
    this.rtime = 0; // flash relative time in ms.

    this.__fluency = {
        total_empty_count: 0,
        total_empty_time: 0,
        current_empty_time: 0
    this.__fluency.on_stream_empty = function(time) {
        this.current_empty_time = time;
    this.__fluency.on_stream_full = function(time) {
        if (this.current_empty_time > 0) {
            this.total_empty_time += time - this.current_empty_time;
            this.current_empty_time = 0;
    this.__fluency.calc = function(time) {
        var den = this.total_empty_count * 4 + this.total_empty_time * 2 + time;
        if (den > 0) {
            return time * 100 / den;
        return 0;
* user can set some callback, then start the player.
* @param url the default url.
* callbacks:
*      on_player_ready():int, when srs player ready, user can play().
*      on_player_metadata(metadata:Object):int, when srs player get metadata.
* methods:
*      set_bt(t:Number):void, set the buffer time in seconds.
*      set_mbt(t:Number):void, set the max buffer time in seconds.
*      dump_log():String, get all logs of player.
SrsPlayer.prototype.start = function(url) {
    if (url) {
        this.stream_url = url;
    // embed the flash.
    var flashvars = {};
    flashvars.id = this.id;
    flashvars.on_player_ready = "__srs_on_player_ready";
    flashvars.on_player_metadata = "__srs_on_player_metadata";
    flashvars.on_player_timer = "__srs_on_player_timer";
    flashvars.on_player_empty = "__srs_on_player_empty";
    flashvars.on_player_full = "__srs_on_player_full";
    flashvars.on_player_status = "__srs_on_player_status";
    var params = {};
    params.wmode = "opaque";
    params.allowFullScreen = "true";
    params.allowScriptAccess = "always";
    var attributes = {};
    var self = this;
        this.width, this.height,
        "11.1.0", "js/AdobeFlashPlayerInstall.swf",
        flashvars, params, attributes,
            self.callbackObj = callbackObj;
            if (!callbackObj.success) {
                console.error('Initialize player failed:'); console.error(callbackObj);
    return this;
* play the stream.
* @param stream_url the url of stream, rtmp or http.
* @param volume the volume, 0 is mute, 1 is 100%, 2 is 200%.
SrsPlayer.prototype.play = function(url, volume) {
    if (url) {
        this.stream_url = url;
    // volume maybe 0, so never use if(volume) to check its value.
    if (volume != null && volume != undefined) {
        this.volume = volume;
    this.callbackObj.ref.__play(this.stream_url, this.width, this.height, this.buffer_time, this.max_buffer_time, this.volume);
 * stop play stream.
SrsPlayer.prototype.stop = function() {
 * pause the play.
SrsPlayer.prototype.pause = function() {
 * resume the play.
SrsPlayer.prototype.resume = function() {
 * get the stream fluency, where 100 is 100%.
SrsPlayer.prototype.fluency = function() {
    return this.__fluency.calc(this.rtime);
 * get the stream empty count.
SrsPlayer.prototype.empty_count = function() {
    return this.__fluency.total_empty_count;
 * get all log data.
SrsPlayer.prototype.dump_log = function() {
    return this.callbackObj.ref.__dump_log();
* to set the DAR, for example, DAR=16:9 where num=16,den=9.
* @param num, for example, 16. 
*       use metadata width if 0.
*       use user specified width if -1.
* @param den, for example, 9. 
*       use metadata height if 0.
*       use user specified height if -1.
SrsPlayer.prototype.set_dar = function(num, den) {
    this.callbackObj.ref.__set_dar(num, den);
* set the fullscreen size data.
* @refer the refer fullscreen mode. it can be:
*       video: use video orignal size.
*       screen: use screen size to rescale video.
* @param percent, the rescale percent, where
*       100 means 100%.
SrsPlayer.prototype.set_fs = function(refer, percent) {
    this.callbackObj.ref.__set_fs(refer, percent);
* set the stream buffer time in seconds.
* @buffer_time the buffer time in seconds.
SrsPlayer.prototype.set_bt = function(buffer_time) {
    if (this.buffer_time == buffer_time) {

    this.buffer_time = buffer_time;

    // reset the max buffer time to 3 x buffer_time.
    this.set_mbt(buffer_time * 3);
 * set the stream max buffer time in seconds.
 * @param max_buffer_time the max buffer time in seconds.
 * @remark this is the key feature for realtime communication by flash.
SrsPlayer.prototype.set_mbt = function(max_buffer_time) {
    // we must atleast set the max buffer time to 0.6s.
    max_buffer_time = Math.max(0.6, max_buffer_time);
    // max buffer time always greater than buffer time.
    max_buffer_time = Math.max(this.buffer_time, max_buffer_time);

    if (parseInt(this.max_buffer_time * 10) == parseInt(max_buffer_time * 10)) {

    this.max_buffer_time = max_buffer_time;
 * set the srs_player.swf url
 * @param url, srs_player.swf's url.
 * @param params, object.
 SrsPlayer.prototype.set_srs_player_url = function(url, params) {
    var query_array = [], 
        query_string = "", 
    params = params || {}; 
    params._version = srs_get_version_code();
    for (p in params) {
        if (params.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
            query_array.push(p + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[p]));
    query_string = query_array.join("&");
    this.srs_player_url = url + "?" + query_string;
  * the callback when player is ready.
SrsPlayer.prototype.on_player_ready = function() {
 * the callback when player got metadata.
 * @param metadata the metadata which player got.
SrsPlayer.prototype.on_player_metadata = function(metadata) {
    // ignore.
 * the callback when player timer event.
 * @param time current stream time.
 * @param buffer_length current buffer length.
 * @param kbps current video plus audio bitrate in kbps.
 * @param fps current video fps.
 * @param rtime current relative time by flash.util.getTimer().
SrsPlayer.prototype.on_player_timer = function(time, buffer_length, kbps, fps, rtime) {
    // ignore.
 * the callback when player got NetStream.Buffer.Empty
 * @param time current relative time by flash.util.getTimer().
SrsPlayer.prototype.on_player_empty = function(time) {
    // ignore.
 * the callback when player got NetStream.Buffer.Full
 * @param time current relative time by flash.util.getTimer().
SrsPlayer.prototype.on_player_full = function(time) {
    // ignore.
 * the callback when player status change.
 * @param code the status code, "init", "connected", "play", "closed", "rejected", "failed".
 *      init => connected/rejected/failed
 *      connected => play/rejected => closed
 * @param desc the description for the status.
SrsPlayer.prototype.on_player_status = function(code, desc) {
    // ignore.

 * helpers.
function __srs_find_player(id) {
    for (var i = 0; i < SrsPlayer.__players.length; i++) {
        var player = SrsPlayer.__players[i];
        if (player.id != id) {
        return player;
    throw new Error("player not found. id=" + id);
function __srs_on_player_ready(id) {
    var player = __srs_find_player(id);
function __srs_on_player_metadata(id, metadata) {
    var player = __srs_find_player(id);
    // user may override the on_player_metadata, 
    // so set the data before invoke it.
    player.metadata = metadata;
function __srs_on_player_timer(id, time, buffer_length, kbps, fps, rtime) {
    var player = __srs_find_player(id);
    buffer_length = Math.max(0, buffer_length);
    buffer_length = Math.min(player.buffer_time, buffer_length);
    time = Math.max(0, time);
    // user may override the on_player_timer, 
    // so set the data before invoke it.
    player.time = time;
    player.buffer_length = buffer_length;
    player.kbps = kbps;
    player.fps = fps;
    player.rtime = rtime;

    player.on_player_timer(time, buffer_length, kbps, fps, rtime);
function __srs_on_player_empty(id, time) {
    var player = __srs_find_player(id);
function __srs_on_player_full(id, time) {
    var player = __srs_find_player(id);
function __srs_on_player_status(id, code, desc) {
    var player = __srs_find_player(id);
    player.on_player_status(code, desc);

    if (code != "closed") {
    for (var i = 0; i < SrsPlayer.__players.length; i++) {
        var player = SrsPlayer.__players[i];

        if (player.id != this.id) {

        SrsPlayer.__players.splice(i, 1);