infrastructureModule.controller('landManageController', ['$log', '$scope', '$translate', '$timeout', 'orgService', 'landManageService', 'SweetAlert', 'loginContext', function ($log, $scope, $translate, $timeout, orgService, landManageService, SweetAlert, loginContext) { //---------------land---manage------------------- $scope.pageStatus = { noData: 0, hasData: 1 }; var showAddLandDialog = function () { $scope.editLand = initLand(); $scope.isEdit = false; $('#add-land').modal('show'); }; var showEditLandDialog = function () { $scope.editLand = angular.copy($scope.Land); $scope.isEdit = true; $('#add-land').modal('show'); }; var toDisplay = function () { $scope.Land.computeTaxWayText = $scope.Land.computeTaxWay === 1 ? $translate.instant('SpecialComputeTaxWay') : $translate.instant('GeneralComputeTaxWay'); $scope.Land.isPrepaidText = $scope.Land.isPrepaid ? $translate.instant('Yes') : $translate.instant('No'); }; var addorUpdateLand = function () { // $scope.editLand.updator = loginContext.userId; if ($scope.isEdit) { $scope.editLand.updater = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; landManageService.updateLand($scope.editLand).success(function (data) { if (data.result) { $scope.Land = $scope.editLand; //toDisplay(); //initGrid(); //$scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.hasData; } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('AddLandFail'), ''); } }).error(function (err) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); } else { $scope.editLand.creator = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; landManageService.addLand($scope.editLand).success(function (data) { if (data.result) { $scope.Land = $scope.editLand; $ = data.resultMsg;//new land id toDisplay(); initGrid(); $scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.hasData; } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('AddLandFail'), ''); } }).error(function (err) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); } }; var initLand = function () { return { id: '', //because organization selector need it organization: { id: null, name: '' }, //in order to map the backend feild organizationID: '', organizationName: '', code: '', name: '', area: '', city: '', period: '', amount: null, computeTaxWay: 0, isPrepaid: false, creator: null, updater: null, isActive: 1 }; }; var loadLandData = function () { landManageService.loadAll().success(function (data) { if (data.result) { if ( && > 0) { $scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.hasData; $scope.LandList =; } else { $scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.noData } } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); }; var showLand = function (land) { $scope.Land = land; toDisplay(); var datagrid = $('#taxGrid').dxDataGrid("instance"); datagrid.refresh(); $('#detail-content').show(); }; var disableOrActiveLand = function () { $scope.Land.isActive = !$scope.Land.isActive var currentLand = initLand(); = $; currentLand.isActive = $scope.Land.isActive; currentLand.updater = $scope.Land.updater; landManageService.disableOrEnableLand(currentLand).success(function (res) { if (!res.result) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); }; //------------------taxation----basic----------------------------------- var getTaxData = function () { landManageService.loadAllTax($ .then(function (response) { $scope.taxBasicData =; //return { data:, totalCount: }; }, function (response) { return SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); }; var initGrid = function () { // getTaxData(); // customStore(); CustomStore $scope.taxBasicSource = new{ load: function (loadOptions) { return landManageService.loadAllTax($ .then(function (response) { return { data:, totalCount: }; }, function (response) { return $q.reject($translate.instant('CommonFail')); }); }, key: 'id', insert: function (values) { values.landManageID = $; values.creator = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; values.updater = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; //validation return landManageService.addTaxBasic(values); }, //onInserted: function (values, key) { // console.log('inserted'); // console.log(values); // console.log(key); //}, remove: function (key) { return landManageService.deleteTaxBasic(key); }, update: function (key, values) { return landManageService.updateTaxBasic(values); }, errorHandler: function (error) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); return false; } }); //loadAllTax $scope.gridOptions = { height:300, dataSource: $scope.taxBasicSource, paging: { pageSize: 6 }, pager: { showNavigationButtons: true }, editing: { mode: "form", allowUpdating: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, form: { colCount: 2, items: [ 'accountCode', 'accountName', { colSpan: 2, dataField: "description", editorType: "dxTextArea" //editorOptions: { // height: 90, //} }, "isTaxpaying" ] } }, //scrolling:{ // mode: 'standard', // showScrollbar: 'Always' //}, searchPanel: { visible: true, width: 240, placeholder: "Search..." }, onRowUpdating: function (e) { // console.log(e.oldData); e.newData = _.extend(e.oldData, e.newData); }, showBorders: true, showRowLines: true, columns: [ //{ dataField: 'id', caption: 'ID', width: '3%' }, { dataField: 'accountCode', caption: $translate.instant('SubjectCode'), width: '25%', validationRules: [{ type: "required" }] }, { dataField: 'accountName', caption: $translate.instant('SubjectName'), width: '25%', validationRules: [{ type: "required" }] }, { dataField: 'description', caption: $translate.instant('Description'), width: '37%', editCellTemplate: function (cellElement, cellInfo) { $('<div/>').dxTextArea({ value: cellInfo.value, valueChangeEvent: "change", onValueChanged: function (data) { cellInfo.setValue(data.value); } }).appendTo(cellElement); } //cellTemplate: function (cellElement, cellInfo) { // console.log(cellInfo.value); //} }, { dataField: 'isTaxpaying', dataType: 'boolean', caption: $translate.instant('IsCompute'), width: '13%' }, ], onCellPrepared: function (e) { if (e.rowType === "data" && e.column.command === "edit") { var isEditing = e.row.isEditing, $links = e.cellElement.find(".dx-link"); $links.text(""); if (isEditing) { //$links.filter(".dx-link-save").addClass("dx-icon-save"); //$links.filter(".dx-link-cancel").addClass("dx-icon-revert"); $links.filter(".dx-link-save").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-floppy-o").addClass('action-icon'); $links.filter(".dx-link-cancel").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-undo").addClass('action-icon'); } else { //$links.filter(".dx-link-edit").addClass("dx-icon-edit"); //$links.filter(".dx-link-delete").addClass("dx-icon-trash"); $links.filter(".dx-link-edit").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-pencil-square-o").addClass('action-icon'); $links.filter(".dx-link-delete").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-trash-o").addClass('action-icon'); } } } }; }; var filterTax = function (value) { var dataGrid = $('#taxGrid').dxDataGrid("instance"); if (value === -1) dataGrid.clearFilter(); else dataGrid.filter(["isTaxpaying", "=", value]); }; var initTaxation = function () { return { id: '', landManageID: '', accountCode: null, accountName: null, description: null, isTaxpaying: false, creator: null, updater: null } }; //----------------------taxation----basic-end------------------------------- (function initialize() { $scope.addorUpdateLand = addorUpdateLand; $scope.disableOrActiveLand = disableOrActiveLand; $scope.showEditLandDialog = showEditLandDialog; $scope.showAddLandDialog = showAddLandDialog; loadLandData(); //current land $scope.Land = {}; $scope.editLand = {}; $scope.initLand = initLand; $scope.ways = [ { id: 0, name: $translate.instant('GeneralComputeTaxWay') }, { id: 1, name: $translate.instant('SpecialComputeTaxWay') }, ]; $scope.wayOptions = { dataSource: $scope.ways, valueExpr: 'id', displayExpr: 'name', bindingOptions: { value: "editLand.computeTaxWay" } }; //show land detail $scope.showLand = showLand; initGrid(); //taxation basic $scope.filterTax = filterTax; $scope.editTaxationBasic = {}; })(); }]);