commonModule. controller('userBusinessUnitModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'dimensionService', 'userService', 'roleService','$q', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, dimensionService, userService, roleService, $q) { var modalSelector="#userBuModal"; var roleCardSelector = '#assign-user-box'; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function () { getSpecialUserRoleList().then(function () { $(modalSelector).modal("show");; }); //getSpecialUserRoleList(); //$(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { showModal(); } } }); //如果添加了用户,则写入该维度下的库 $scope.$watch('addUserIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedUserList && $scope.selectedUserList.length > 0) { //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedUserList)); addUserToDimensionValue($scope.selectedUserList); } } }); //为当前维度添加用户 var addUserToDimensionValue = function (selectedUserArray) { var selectedArr = []; if (selectedUserArray && selectedUserArray.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < selectedUserArray.length; i++) { //用户的角色列表 //var roleList = selectedUserArray[i].roleInfoList; //去掉在当前维度下存在的用户,当前用户的权限可能已经改动过 var isUserExist = _.find($, function (num) { return num.userID == selectedUserArray[i].userID; }); if (isUserExist) { continue; } selectedArr.push(selectedUserArray); uiGridAction.addRow(selectedUserArray[i]); } } if (selectedArr.length == 0) { showWarning('UserExists'); } }; $(modalSelector).on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); //添加用户,弹框,call指令 add-exist-user-modal $scope.addUser = function () { var selectedKeyItem = []; $ (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.userID); }); $scope.addUserOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addUserIsUpdate = false; $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; }; var dataHasChanged = function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }; $ = function () { //比较新旧数据的变化更新数据库 var oldData = $scope.oldUIGridData; var newData = uiGridAction.populateDataObject($; if (angular.equals(oldData, newData)) { //nothing to do // alert('same data'); } else { // alert('something changed'); var deleteList = []; var addList = []; var updateList = []; //旧数据在新数据中没有找到,则放到addList newData.forEach(function (row) { var findResult = _.find(oldData, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //旧数据没有找到,说明是新加的数据 if (!findResult) { addList.push(row); //添加的用户,改变了默认值,则添加到update list if (!row.isAccessible || !row.hasOriginalRole || row.extraRoleList.length > 0) { updateList.push(row); } } else { //如果旧数据找到了,查看是否相等,,不等的话,放到update list if (!angular.equals(row, findResult)) { updateList.push(row); } } }); //新数据在旧数据中没有找到,则放到deleteList oldData.forEach(function (row) { var findResult = _.find(newData, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //新数据没有找到,说明是删除的数据 if (!findResult) { deleteList.push(row); } }); //console.log('addList: ' + JSON.stringify(addList)); //console.log('updateList: ' + JSON.stringify(updateList)); //console.log('deleteList: ' + JSON.stringify(deleteList)); service.addList(addList).then(function () { service.updateList(updateList).then(function () { service.deleteList(deleteList).then(function () { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); dataHasChanged(); }); }); }); } $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; //数据库更新 var service = { addList: function (rowList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var selectedArr = []; rowList.forEach(function (row) { var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: row.userID, IsAccessible: true, //添加用户,默认可访问 hasOriginalRole: true,//添加用户,默认继承原始角色 }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (selectedArr.length > 0) { //添加用户 userService.updateUserRoleForDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; }, updateList: function (rowList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var selectedArr = []; rowList.forEach(function (row) { //如果有附加角色 if (row.extraRoleList && row.extraRoleList.length > 0) { row.extraRoleList.forEach(function (item) { var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: $scope.currentUserID, roleID:, isAdd: true, IsAccessible: row.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: row.hasOriginalRole || false }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); } else { //如果没有附加角色 var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: $scope.currentUserID, // roleID:, isAdd: false, IsAccessible: row.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: row.hasOriginalRole || false }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); } }); if (selectedArr.length > 0) { //edit row userService.updateUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; }, deleteList: function (rowList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var selectedArr = []; rowList.forEach(function (row) { var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: row.userID } selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (selectedArr.length > 0) { //删除用户橘色 userService.deleteUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; } }; $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; //用户角色框隐藏 $scope.closeSetRoleCard = function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }; //所有角色,全选和全不选的时候 $scope.AllRoleChecked = function () { angular.forEach($scope.roleList, function (item) { item.isChecked = $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked; }); }; $scope.rowItemClick = function () { var hasCheckAll = true; var roleList = $scope.roleList; for (var i = 0; i < roleList.length; i++) { if (!roleList[i].isChecked) { hasCheckAll = false; break; } } $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked = hasCheckAll; }; //显示角色卡片的时候,原始角色绑定,并绑定是否选中 //var getOrignalUserRole = function (userID) { // //getUserRoleListByUserID // userService.getUserRoleListByUserID(userID).success(function (data) { // if (data) { // var subRoleList = data && data.roleInfoList || []; // $scope.originalUserRoleList = subRoleList; // //console.log(JSON.stringify("rolelist:" + JSON.stringify(data.RoleInfoList))); // } // }); //}; //所有角色列表 var getRoleByService = function (row) { roleService.getRoleListByRoleTypeId(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (roleData) { if (roleData) { $scope.roleList = roleData; } }); }; //显示角色卡片的时候,获取所有当前用户的角色列表,如果在所有角色列表中有存在,则选中 var setRoleByService = function (row) { //当前用户行 var selectedUserRole = _.find($scope.useRoleList, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //当前用户行的角色列表 var roleInfoList = selectedUserRole && selectedUserRole.extraRoleList; var hasAllCheck = true; // if (selectedUserRole && roleInfoList && roleInfoList.length > 0) { $scope.roleList.forEach(function (roleItem) { //只有是附加维度上的角色才显示在所有角色列表 var selectedRole = _.find(roleInfoList, function (item) { return ==; }); if (selectedRole) { roleItem.isChecked = true; } else { roleItem.isChecked = false; hasAllCheck = false; } }); $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked = hasAllCheck; $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable = row.hasOriginalRole; $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible = row.isAccessible; }; //为事业部的值(其他维度的值)编辑用户角色 $scope.setRoleToDimensionValue = function () { var selectedArr = []; var hasOneItem = false; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isChecked) { hasOneItem = true; //var selectedObject = { // //id: PWC.newGuid(), // //dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, // //dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, // //userID: $scope.currentUserID, // roleID: // //IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, // //hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable || false //}; selectedArr.push(item); } }); if (!hasOneItem && $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible && !$scope.roleEntity.isHeritable) { showWarning("SelectAtLeastOneRole"); return false; }; uiGridAction.updateRow(selectedArr); //userService.updateUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { // if (data) // { // showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); // //刷新角色列表 // getUserRoleList(); // $scope.hasDataChanged = true; // hideRoleInfoCard(); // } //}); hideRoleInfoCard(); } var confirmWarningWindow = function (title, text) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; //删除用户角色 $scope.deleteUserRole = function (row) { //var selectedObject = { // dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, // dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, // userID: row.userID //}; var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'); confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (data) { if (data) { //userService.deleteUserRoleDimension(selectedObject).success(function () { // showSuccessMsg("OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess"); // //刷新角色列表 // getUserRoleList(); //}); uiGridAction.deleteRow(row.userID); } }); }; //ui grid上面的增加删除修改 var uiGridAction = { deleteRow: function (userID) { var tempData = $; for (var i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { if (tempData[i].userID == userID) { tempData.splice(i, 1); break; } } $ = tempData; }, addRow: function (row) { var tempData = $; var hasSpecialRole = false; var specialRole = _.find($scope.specialUserRoleList, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //默认为原始角色,设置角色来源于原始角色 row.roleInfoList.forEach(function (item) { item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.OriginalLevel; }); if (specialRole) { hasSpecialRole = true; } var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: row.userID, userName:row.userName, isAccessible: true, hasOriginalRole: true, extraRoleList: [], roleInfoStr: row.roleInfoStr, roleInfoList: row.roleInfoList, hasSpecialRole: hasSpecialRole }; tempData.push(selectedObject); $ = tempData; }, updateRow: function (extraRoleList) { var allShowList = angular.copy(extraRoleList); var tempData = $; //追加原始角色 if ($scope.roleEntity.isHeritable) { $scope.originalUserRoleList.forEach(function (row) { var newRow = { id:, roleSource: constant.roleSource.OriginalLevel, name: } allShowList.push(newRow); }); } //附加角色 extraRoleList.forEach(function (row) { row.roleSource = constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; var newRow = { id:, roleSource: constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel, name: } allShowList.push(newRow); }); var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(allShowList, function (item) { return }); for (var i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { var row = tempData[i]; if (row.userID == $scope.currentUserID) { row.isAccessible = $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible; row.hasOriginalRole = $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable || false; row.extraRoleList = extraRoleList; if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleInfoStr =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); } break; } } $ = tempData; },//构造对象,用来比较对象是否相等 populateDataObject: function (uiGridData) { var arraryList = []; if (uiGridData) { uiGridData.forEach(function (row) { var newObject = {}; newObject.userID = row.userID; newObject.userName = row.userName; newObject.isAccessible = row.isAccessible; newObject.hasOriginalRole = row.hasOriginalRole; newObject.extraRoleList = row.extraRoleList; arraryList.push(newObject); }); } return arraryList; } }; //点击显示当前用户的角色卡片 $scope.showRoleInfoCard = function (row) { $scope.roleEntity = {}; $scope.currentUserID = row.entity.userID; var roleCard = $(roleCardSelector); var rowId = $('#' + row.entity.userID); //原始角色 var originalRole = _.filter(row.entity.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.OriginalLevel; }); $scope.originalUserRoleList = originalRole; setRoleByService(row.entity); showOrgCard(roleCard, rowId, -60, -270); stopPropagation(); }; var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } // 显示机构角色卡片 var showOrgCard = function (popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.offset().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - 20; } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.offset().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.offset().left - popCard.width() - 30; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }); }; var hideRoleInfoCard = function () { $(roleCardSelector).hide(); }; //初始化也的ui grid var initUIGrid = function () { userUIGridInit(); priUIGridInit(); }; //用户角色数据初始化 var getUserRoleList = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); userService.getUserRoleByDimensionValueID($scope.dimensionId, $scope.dimensionValueId).success(function (data) { if (data) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); data.forEach(function (row) { //这儿包括了原始角色和附加角色,不管有没有可继承 var roleInfoList = angular.copy(row.roleInfoList); if (!row.hasOriginalRole) { roleInfoList= _.filter(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; }); } var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(roleInfoList, function (item) { return }); //附加角色 row.extraRoleList = _.filter(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; }); if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleInfoStr =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); } var specialRole = _.find($scope.specialUserRoleList, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); if (specialRole) { row['hasSpecialRole'] = true; } else { row['hasSpecialRole'] = false; } }); $scope.useRoleList = data; $ = data; $scope.oldUIGridData = uiGridAction.populateDataObject(data); deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise; }; //机构特殊权限初始化 var getSpecialUserRoleList = function () { var parentDimensionID = $scope.dimensionId; var dimensionValueID = $scope.dimensionValueId ; var deferred = $q.defer(); userService.getSpecialUserRoleByDimensionValueID(parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID).success(function (data) { if (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return }); if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleInfoStr =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); } row.isHighLight = false; }); $scope.specialUserRoleList = data; $ = data; //初始化角色列表 getUserRoleList().then(function () { deferred.resolve(); }); } }); return deferred.promise; }; //reset hightlight to false. var setDefaultTheme = function () { if ($ && $ > 0) { $ (row) { row.isHighLight = false; }); } }; //选中高亮特殊角色 $scope.chooseRelavantRow = function (row) { setDefaultTheme(); if (row.hasSpecialRole == true) { var matchList = _.filter($, function (num) { return num.userID == row.userID; }); if (matchList && matchList.length > 0) { matchList.forEach(function (row2) { row2.isHighLight = !row2.isHighLight; }); } } }; var userUIGridInit = function () { $scope.columns = [ { field: 'userName', name: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), width: '25%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ><span title="{{row.entity.userName }}">{{row.entity.userName | limitString:20}}</span></div>' } ]; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { var column = { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{row.entity.userID}}" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.showRoleInfoCard(row)"><span title="{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}">{{row.entity.roleInfoStr | limitString:24}}</span><i class="fa fa-caret-down icon-right" ></i></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); column = { field: 'isAccess', name: $translate.instant('SpecialAccess'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-left:22px" ng-show="row.entity.hasSpecialRole==true" > <span><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true" ></i> </span></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); column = { field: 'Delete', name: $translate.instant('Delete'), headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-left:5px"> \ <a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)">\ <i class="material-icons highlight-tag" ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteUserRole(row.entity)"></i></a></div>', width: '15%', }; $scope.columns.push(column); } else { var column = { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), width: '55%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{row.entity.userID}}" aria-hidden="true"><span title="{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}">{{row.entity.roleInfoStr | limitString:40}}</span></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); column = { field: 'isAccess', name: $translate.instant('SpecialAccess'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-left:22px" ng-show="row.entity.hasSpecialRole==true" > <span><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true" ></i> </span></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); } $scope.userUIGridOptions = { data: [], enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, renderContainers: undefined, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableColumnResizing: false, enableFiltering: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: $scope.columns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.userGridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.userGridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; //如果有特殊权限,就高亮特殊角色的那行 gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) { $scope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity); }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.userGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //特殊权限UI grid初始化 var priUIGridInit = function () { $scope.priUIGridOptions = { data:[], enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, renderContainers: undefined, enableSorting: true, enableColumnResizing: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; rowTemplate: '<div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{\'ui-grid-row-header-cell\':col.isRowHeader,\'red-color\':row.entity.isHighLight }" ui-grid-cell></div>', columnDefs: [ { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" title ="{{row.entity.userName}}"><span>{{row.entity.userName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" title ="{{row.entity.organizationName}}"><span>{{row.entity.organizationName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-right:30px;" ><span title="{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}">{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}</span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; //权限设置的权限 var tempAcess = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.accessSetting; list.push(tempAcess.queryCode); list.push(tempAcess.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[tempAcess.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[tempAcess.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initUIGrid(); } }); }; ;(function initialize() { $log.debug('userBusinessUnitModalController.ctor()...'); // $scope.dimensionId = 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5'; //$scope.dimensionValueId = '0bae00f7-96dc-46c8-b6f5-a427616c5bcf'; checkUserPermission(); getRoleByService(); // showModal(); //$scope.setRoleToDimensionValue = setRoleToDimensionValue; })(); } ]);