basicDataModule .controller('BasicDataFinancialInfrastructureController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'organizationStructureService', '$translate', 'businessUnitService', 'customerService', function($scope, $log, SweetAlert, organizationStructureService, $translate, businessUnitService, customerService) { 'use strict'; var successAddMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureAddSuccess'); var successEditMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEditSuccess'); var successDeleteMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess'); var operationDeleteMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperationSuccess'); var notAllowDisableMessage = $translate.instant('notAllowDisableMessage'); $scope.add = function(newrow) { organizationStructureService.addOrganizationStructure(newrow).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successAddMessage); }); }; $scope.edit = function(newcontent) { organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(newcontent).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successEditMessage); }); }; $scope.remove = function(id) { organizationStructureService.deleteOrganizationStructure(id).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successDeleteMessage); }); }; $scope.stop = function(id) { organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(id).success(function(successFlag) { $scope.updateflag = successFlag; $scope.$broadcast('to-child', successFlag); if (successFlag) { SweetAlert.success(operationDeleteMessage); } else { SweetAlert.warning(notAllowDisableMessage); } }); }; //BusinessUnit $scope.addbs = function(newrow) { businessUnitService.addBusinessUnit(newrow).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successAddMessage); }); }; $scope.editbs = function(newcontent) { businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(newcontent).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successEditMessage); }); }; $scope.removebs = function(id) { businessUnitService.deleteBusinessUnit(id).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successDeleteMessage); }); }; $scope.stopbs = function(id) { businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(id).success(function(successFlag) { $scope.updateflag = successFlag; $scope.$broadcast('to-child', successFlag); if (successFlag) { SweetAlert.success(operationDeleteMessage); } else { SweetAlert.warning(notAllowDisableMessage); } }); }; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function() { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; var getUserPermission = function() { var list = []; var basicData = constant.adminPermission.basicData; list.push(basicData.orangizationStructure.queryCode); list.push(basicData.businessUnit.queryCode); list.push(basicData.areaManage.queryCode); list.push(basicData.enterpriseAccountSet.queryCode); list.push(basicData.customerList.queryCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function(data) { $scope.orangizationStructureShow = data[basicData.orangizationStructure.queryCode]; $scope.businessUnitShow = data[basicData.businessUnit.queryCode]; $scope.areaManageShow = data[basicData.areaManage.queryCode]; $scope.enterpriseAccountSetShow = data[basicData.enterpriseAccountSet.queryCode]; $scope.customerListShow = data[basicData.customerList.queryCode]; }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('BasicDataInfrastructureController.ctor()...'); getUserPermission(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('basicDataFinancialInfrastructure', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('BasicDataInfrastructure.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/financialData/basicDataInfrastructure/basic-data-infrastructure.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { state:'=' }, controller: 'BasicDataFinancialInfrastructureController', link: function (scope, element) { //$; } }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('customerListManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'customerService', 'enterpriseAccountService', 'uiGridConstants', '$translate', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', '$interval', '$timeout','$q', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, customerService, enterpriseAccountService, uiGridConstants, $translate, Upload, apiInterceptor, $interval, $timeout, $q) { 'use strict'; var successAddMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureAddSuccess'); var successEditMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEditSuccess'); var successDeleteMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess'); var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'); var ImportErrorMsg = $translate.instant('ImportErrorMsg'); var noItemSelected = $translate.instant('NoItemSelected'); var depulicateNote = $translate.instant('CustomerDuplicateNode'); var confirmImportOverwriteTitle = $translate.instant('ConfirmImportOverwriteTitle'); var confirmImportOverwriteText = $translate.instant('ConfirmImportOverwriteText'); var resumable = true; var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/customer/Upload'; //var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/init/Upload'; var showError = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; //获取企业账套列表 var loadEnterpriseAccountSetList = function () { enterpriseAccountService.getEnterpriseAccountSetList().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.enterpriseAccountSetList = data; } }); }; //ng-repeat,根据字符串转换为json对象 var getJson = function (obj) { if (obj) { return JSON.parse(obj); } } //根据账套ID获取客户列表 var loadCustomerListBySetID = function () { resetErrorTab(); resetUIGridStatus(); var id = $scope.accountSetID; $scope.hasCustomerList = false; customerService.getByID(id).success(function (data) { if (data.customerList && data.customerList.length > 0) { $scope.customerList = data.customerList; $ = data.customerList; //查看是否有错误信息 loadImportErrorInfoList(data.validateInfoList); $scope.hasCustomerList = true; } else { $scope.hasCustomerList = false; } }); }; //reset hightlight to false. var setDefaultTheme = function () { if ($ && $ > 0) { $ (row) { row.isHighLight = false; }); } }; //当选择错误信息时,highlight data $scope.chooseRelavantRow = function (err) { //setDefaultTheme(); if (err && err.inValidateCodeList && err.inValidateCodeList.length > 0) { err.inValidateCodeList.forEach(function (row) { var matchList = _.filter($, function (num) { return num.code === row }); if (matchList && matchList.length > 0) { matchList.forEach(function (row2) { row2.isHighLight = !row2.isHighLight; }); } }); } }; var loadImportErrorInfoList = function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var totalLength = 0; var i = 1; data.forEach(function (row) { totalLength += row.inValidateCodeList.length; row.detail = row.inValidateCodeList.join(constant.comma); if (row.type === 'CustomerDuplicateNode') { row.isRepeatError = true; } else { row.isRepeatError = false; } row.type = $translate.instant(row.type); row.index = i; i++; }); showErrTab(data,totalLength); } else { resetErrorTab(); } }; var init = function () { $('#importCustomerListSet').modal('hide'); resetErrorTab(); loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); CheckHasAccountSet(); }; //没有选择企业账套时,显示请选择账套 var CheckHasAccountSet = function () { if (!$scope.accountSetID) { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = false; //没有选择账套,肯定没有客户列表 $scope.hasCustomerList = false; } else { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = true; } }; var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#addcustomerForm'); $.each(currentForm.children(), function (index, element) { $(element).find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); }); validator.resetForm(); }; var resources = { codeRequired: $translate.instant('CustomerCodeEmptyNode'), nameRequired: $translate.instant('CustomerNameEmptyNode'), customerDuplicateNode: $translate.instant('CustomerDuplicateNode') }; $.validator.addMethod("codeDuplicate", function (value, element, param) { if ($scope.customerList && $scope.customerList.length > 0) { var objects = $.grep($scope.customerList, function (n, i) { return $ != && $.trim(n.code) == $.trim(value); }); return objects && objects.length < 1; //if < 1, then pass the validation } return true; }); var validator = $("#addcustomerForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { code: { required: true, codeDuplicate: true }, name: { required: true } }, messages: { code: { required: resources.codeRequired, codeDuplicate: depulicateNote }, name: { required: resources.nameRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); } }; $scope.hideErrorLine = function () { $scope.ImportErrorLine = false; $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; //不显示 setErrorWrapCssDefault(); }; var resetErrorTab = function () { $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; $scope.importErrorTips = null; $scope.ImportErrorLine = false; // $ = []; resetErrorStatus(); }; $ = function () { $scope.gridApi.grid.refresh(); }; var $contentResizerCustomer=$("#content-resizer-customer"); var $topIcon = $("#customer-topIcon"); var $customerErrorWarp = $("#customer-error-warp"); //点击Icon切换显示错误列表 $scope.toggleErrorTab = function () { $scope.ImportErrorTab = !$scope.ImportErrorTab; //topIcon and content-resize gapBottom 15px if (!$scope.ImportErrorTab) { setErrorWrapCssDefault(); } else { var resizeBottemHeight = $contentResizerCustomer.css('bottom'); $log.debug('resizeBottemHeight: ' + resizeBottemHeight); if (parseInt(resizeBottemHeight) < 130) { $contentResizerCustomer.css('bottom', '130px'); $topIcon.css({ bottom: '124px', }); $customerErrorWarp.css('height', '130px'); } } }; var setErrorWrapCssDefault = function () { $contentResizerCustomer.css('bottom', '26px'); $topIcon.css({ bottom: '20px', }); $customerErrorWarp.css('height', '26px'); }; //enterprise list onchange then repopulate the customer list $scope.loadCustomerListBySetID = function () { CheckHasAccountSet(); loadCustomerListBySetID(); setErrorWrapCssDefault(); }; var resetUIGridStatus = function () { //切换 的时候设置全选为false $scope.gridApi.grid.selection.selectAll = false; $ = []; $ = []; $scope.customerList = null; }; //when import failed, then show error list var showErrTab = function (data,errorLength) { $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; //默认不显示 $scope.ImportErrorTag = true; $scope.ImportErrorLine = true; $scope.importErrorTips = $translate.instant('ImportErrorTips').format(errorLength); $ = data; }; $scope.popupImportFileModel = function () { if ($scope.file) $scope.file = null; $('#importCustomerListSet').modal('show'); }; //pop up model to add or edit customer var fillModel = function () { resetErrorStatus(); $scope.editModel = {}; var set = _.find($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList, function(num){return === $scope.accountSetID;}); $scope.editModel.enterpriceAccountSetName =; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetID = $scope.accountSetID; }; $scope.popupNewCustomer = function () { $scope.isAdd = true; fillModel(); $('#addCustomerModel').modal('show'); } $scope.popupEditCustomer = function (customer) { $scope.gridApi.selection.clearSelectedRows(); $scope.isAdd = false; fillModel(); $scope.editModel = angular.extend($scope.editModel, customer); $('#addCustomerModel').modal('show'); } //save or edit customer $scope.saveCustomer = function () { if (!($('#addcustomerForm').valid())) { return; } var customer = []; var enterpriseAccountSetID = $scope.accountSetID; var code = $scope.editModel.code; var name = $; if (!code || !name) return false; //add customer if ($scope.isAdd) { customer.push({ id: PWC.newGuid(), code: code, name: name, enterPriseAccountID: enterpriseAccountSetID }); customerService.addRange(customer).success(function (data) { var result = data[0]; if (result && && result.result == false && result.resultMsg != null) { showError(result.resultMsg); return false; } $('#addCustomerModel').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success(successAddMessage); loadCustomerListBySetID(); }); } //edit customer else { customer.push({ id: $, code: code, name: name, enterPriseAccountID: enterpriseAccountSetID }); customerService.updateRange(customer).success(function (data) { var result = data[0]; if (result && && result.result == false && result.resultMsg != null) { showError(result.resultMsg); return false; } $('#addCustomerModel').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success(successEditMessage); loadCustomerListBySetID(); }); } }; var confirmWarningWindow = function (title, text) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick:false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; $scope.deleteSelectedCustomers = function () { var selectedRows = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedRows.length === 0) { SweetAlert.warning(noItemSelected); return; } confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (data) { if (data) { var customerArr = []; selectedRows.forEach(function (item) { customerArr.push(item); }); deleteCustomer(customerArr); } }); }; //delete customer action var deleteCustomer = function (customerArr) { customerService.deleteRange(customerArr).success(function (result) { SweetAlert.success(successDeleteMessage); loadCustomerListBySetID(); }); }; //delete single row customer $scope.removeCustomer = function (customer) { $scope.gridApi.selection.clearSelectedRows(); confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (data) { if (data) { var customerArr = []; customerArr.push(customer); deleteCustomer(customerArr); } }); }; //覆盖导入 $scope.ImportCustomerOverwrite = function () { if (!$scope.file || !$ { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectCustomerFileRequired')); return; } confirmWarningWindow(confirmImportOverwriteTitle, confirmImportOverwriteText).then(function (data) { if (data) { ImportCustomer(constant.import.overwrite); } }); }; //追加导入 $scope.ImportCustomerAppend = function () { ImportCustomer(constant.import.append); } //upload file var ImportCustomer = function (action) { if (!$scope.file || !$ { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectCustomerFileRequired')); return; } var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); // updateProgressToZero(); Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { cancel: false, enterpriseAccountID: $scope.accountSetID, filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName, action: action }, file: $scope.file, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, withCredentials: true }).then(function (resp) { // $log.debug('Success ' + + 'uploaded. Response: ' + JSON.stringify(; var ret =; if (ret && ret.length == 0) { // 全部导入成功 $('#importCustomerListSet').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); } else { // 提示没有导入成功的数据 //var errorInfo = $translate.instant('ImportPartialSuccess'); var errorMsg = ''; if (ret[0].resultMsg && constant.customer.errorArray.indexOf(ret[0].resultMsg) > -1) { errorMsg = ret[0].resultMsg; } else { errorMsg = 'ImportPartialSuccess'; } var errorInfo = $translate.instant(errorMsg); SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('BasicDataCustomer'), text: errorInfo, type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); $("#importCustomerListSet").modal('hide'); } loadCustomerListBySetID(); }, function (resp) { console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function (evt) { var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }; var initErrorUIGrid = function () { $scope.gridErrorOptions = { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.errorRowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.errorRowHeaderWidth, enableColumnMenus: false, enableSorting: true, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: false, // 行选择是否可用,默认为true; 如果想选择任意位置和勾勾,需要设置为false enableRowHeaderSelection: false, // enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false enableSelectAll: false, // 选择所有checkbox是否可用,默认为true; multiSelect: false,// 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [ { field: 'SequenceNo', name: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ng-click="grid.appScope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity)"><span>{{row.entity.index}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'type', name: $translate.instant('ErrorMesssage'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ng-click="grid.appScope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity)"><span>{{row.entity.type}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'detail', name: $translate.instant('CustomerCode'), cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ng-click="grid.appScope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity)">' + '<span title="{{row.entity.detail}}">{{row.entity.detail | limitString:95 }}</span>' + '</div>', width: '65%' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.grideErrorApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.grideErrorApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } } }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete && $scope.hasCustomerList) { var y = $("#customerDataList").height(); // Enough space if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight; return { height: y + "px" }; } else { return { height: '0px' }; } } return {}; }; $scope.getErrorGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $("#customer-error-warp").height(); // Enough space if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight; return { height: y + "px" }; } else { return { height: '0px' }; } } return {}; }; var initListUIGrid = function () { var operateStr = ''; if ($scope.hasEditPermission){ operateStr = '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents> <a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)">\ <i class="material-icons"></i> \ <span ng-click="grid.appScope.popupEditCustomer(row.entity)">{{"Edit"|translate}}</span>\ </a>\ | \ <a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)">\ <i class="material-icons highlight-tag"></i> \ <span ng-click="grid.appScope.removeCustomer(row.entity)">{{"Delete"|translate}}</span>\ </a>'+ '</div>'; } else{ operateStr = '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents '+constant.noPermissionClass + '">\ <a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)" >\ <i class="material-icons"></i> \ <span>{{"Edit"|translate}}</span>\ </a>\ | \ <a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)">\ <i class="material-icons highlight-tag"></i> \ <span>{{"Delete"|translate}}</span>\ </a>'+ '</div>'; } $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: false, // 行选择是否可用,默认为true; 如果想选择任意位置和勾勾,需要设置为false enableRowHeaderSelection: true, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false enableSelectAll: true, // 选择所有checkbox是否可用,默认为true; multiSelect: true,// 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; virtualizationThreshold: 60, rowTemplate: '<div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{\'ui-grid-row-header-cell\':col.isRowHeader,\'red-color\':row.entity.isHighLight }" ui-grid-cell></div>', columnDefs: [ { field: 'code', name: $translate.instant('CustomerCode'), width: '35%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.code}}">{{row.entity.code}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('CustomerName'), width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{}}">{{}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'Operation', name: $translate.instant('Operation'), cellTemplate: operateStr, width: '25%', headerCellClass: 'operate-text-align-center' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#customerlistUIGrid'); }); $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function (renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchEASText); renderableRows.forEach(function (row) { try { var match = false; ['code', 'name'].forEach(function (field) { if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); if (!match) { row.visible = false; } } catch (e) { $log.debug('singleFilter-match:' + JSON.stringify(row.entity)); } }); return renderableRows; }; }; var havePermission = function() { $scope.$root.checkUserPermission(constant.adminPermission.basicData.customerList.editCode).success(function(data) { $scope.hasEditPermission = data; initListUIGrid(); initErrorUIGrid(); init(); }); }; (function initialize() { $scope.hasEditPermission = false; havePermission(); $scope.isLoadComplete = false; $log.debug('customerListManageController.ctor()...'); $timeout(function () { $scope.isLoadComplete = true; }, 500); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('customerListManage', ['$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', function ($log, SweetAlert, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('customerListManageController.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/financialData/customerListManage/customer-list-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { //addCustFn: '&addCustomer', //removeCustlFn: '&removeCustomer', //editCustFn: '&editCustomer', //deleteCustFn:'&removeCustomer', //attr: '@', //list:'=bind' }, controller: 'customerListManageController' //link: function (scope, element, attrs, $element) { }; } ]); basicDataModule.directive('slideToggle', function () { return { restrict: 'A', scope:{ isOpen: "=slideToggle" }, link: function(scope, element, attr) { var slideDuration = parseInt(attr.slideToggleDuration, 10) || 200; if (attr.startShown=="false") { element.hide(); } scope.$watch('isOpen', function(newVal,oldVal){ if(newVal !== oldVal){ element.stop().slideToggle(slideDuration); } }); } }; }); basicDataModule .controller('EnterpriseAccountManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'keywordmapService', 'uiGridConstants', '$translate', 'enterpriseAccountService', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', 'templateFormulaService', 'stdAccountService', '$interval', '$timeout', '$q', 'region', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, keywordmapService, uiGridConstants, $translate, enterpriseAccountService, Upload, apiInterceptor, templateFormulaService, stdAccountService, $interval, $timeout, $q, region) { 'use strict'; // default enterprise account var defaultEnterpriceAccount = { id: '0', name: '', fullName: '', code: '', parentCode: '', acctLevel: 0, selectValue: ' ' }; // 添加关联机构ID var addEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg = 'addEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg'; // 编辑关联机构 var updateEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg = 'updateEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg'; var expiredDateTo = $translate.instant('ExpiredDateTo'); // upload file url var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/enterpriseAccountManage/Upload'; var resumable = true; // is active map var isActiveMap = { false: 'Disable', true: 'Enable' }; // is actived map var isActivedMap = { false: 'Disabled', true: 'Enabled' }; var parseObj = function (obj) { return JSON.parse(obj); } $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelect = function (obj) { if (obj) { // set $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectJson =; } else { // get if ($scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectJson) { var obj = _.find($scope.enterpriseAccountList, function (num) { return === $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectJson; }); return obj; } else { return null; } } }; $scope.selectStandardAccount = function (obj) { if (obj) { // set $scope.selectStandardAccountID =; } else { // get if ($scope.selectStandardAccountID) { return _.find($scope.enterpriceAccountList, function (num) { return === $scope.selectStandardAccountID }); } else { return null; } } }; // last edit code $scope.lastCode = null; // all enterprise account list var allEnterpriceAccountList = []; var errorTypeList = [ constant.enterpriceAccount.codeEmpty, constant.enterpriceAccount.codeMaxLength, constant.enterpriceAccount.enterpriseAccountNameEmpty, constant.enterpriceAccount.nameMaxLength, constant.enterpriceAccount.directionFormatError, constant.enterpriceAccount.acctPropFormatError, constant.enterpriceAccount.noParentCode ]; // load enterprice account list var loadEnterpriceAccountList = function () { enterpriseAccountService.getListByEnterpriseAccountSetID($scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID).success(function (result) { var data = result.enterpriseAccountList; data.forEach(function (row) { row.selectValue = row.code + ' ' + row.fullName; row.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActivedMap[row.isActive]); if (row.parentCode) { row.parent = row.parentCode + ' ' + row.parentName; } else { row.parent = ''; } row.directionStr = $scope.directionMap[row.direction + '']; if (row.acctProp <= 6 && row.acctProp >= 0) { row.acctPropStr = $scope.acctPropArray[row.acctProp]; } else { //row.acctPropStr = row.acctProp + ''; row.acctPropStr = ''; } }); var list = data.concat(); list = _.sortBy(list, 'code'); if (list && list.length > 0) { list.splice(0, 0, defaultEnterpriceAccount); } else { list = []; list.push(defaultEnterpriceAccount); } $scope.enterpriceAccountList = list; allEnterpriceAccountList = copyArray(list); $ = data; $scope.gridOptions.noData = data.length === 0; setDefaultTheme(); if ($scope.lastCode) { var entity = _.find(list, function (num) { return num.code === $scope.lastCode; }); if (entity) { $scope.singleSelected = {}; $scope.singleClick(entity); scrollSetting(); } } loadImportErrorInfoList(result.validateInfoList); }); }; var loadImportErrorInfoList = function (data) { setErrorWrapCssDefault(); if (data && data.length > 0) { var i = 1; data.forEach(function (row) { row.detail = row.inValidateCodeList.join(constant.comma); if (row.type === 'EnterpriceAccountRepeat') { row.isRepeatError = true; } else { row.isRepeatError = false; } row.type = $translate.instant(row.type); row.index = i; i++; }); } $scope.importErrorInfoList = data; $scope.importErrorTips = $translate.instant('ImportErrorTips').format($scope.importErrorInfoList.length); if ($scope.importErrorInfoList && $scope.importErrorInfoList.length > 0) { $scope.ImportErrorTag = true; $timeout(function () { $scope.toggleErrorTab(); }, 100); } else { $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $ = data; }; // copy array var copyArray = function (data) { var copyRet = []; if (data && data.length > 0) { data.forEach(function (row) { copyRet.push(row); }); } return copyRet; }; // load enterpriseAccountSetList var loadEnterpriseAccountSetList = function () { enterpriseAccountService.getEnterpriseAccountSetList().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { // data = _.sortBy(data, 'name'); data = sortByEnterpriseName(data); } $scope.enterpriseAccountSetList = data; if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = true; // 默认设置为上次编辑或者添加的账套 // 如果没有就设置为第一条数据 var setDefault = false; if ($scope.editModel && $ && $ > 0) { var first = _.find(data, function (num) { return === $ }); if (first && { $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID =; setDefault = true; } } if (!setDefault) { $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID = data[0].id; } $scope.changeEnterpriseAccountSet(); //loadEnterpriceAccountList(); } else { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = false; } }); }; // 添加关联机构列表 $scope.newRelevantOrgList = function () { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.isAdd = true; var set = _.find($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList, function (num) { return === $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID }); $ = $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; $ =; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; $scope.addEnterpriseAccountSetOrg(); $('#' + addEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg).modal('show'); }; $scope.changeEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { if (!$scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID) { return; } $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; loadEnterpriceAccountList(); loadEnterpriseAccountSet(); }; var loadEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { enterpriseAccountService.getEnterpriseAccountSet($scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID).success(function (data) { if (data && data.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList && data.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length > 0) { data.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.forEach(function (row) { // {{row.entity.effectiveDateStr}}{{"ExpiredDateTo"|translate}}{{row.entity.expiredDateStr}} if (!row.effectiveDateStr && !row.expiredDateStr) { } else { row.effectiveSection = row.effectiveDateStr + expiredDateTo + row.expiredDateStr; if (!row.effectiveDateStr && row.expiredDateStr) { row.isRight = true; } } }); } $ = data.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList; }); }; var load = function () { if ($scope.singleSelected && $ { // 选中 enterpriseAccountService.get($ (data) { $scope.editModel = data; // $scope.enterpriceAccountList = _.filter(allEnterpriceAccountList, function(num) { // return num.code !== data.code // }); $scope.enterpriceAccountList = getParentList(allEnterpriceAccountList, data.code); // $scope.selectStandardAccount(_.find($scope.enterpriceAccountList, function(num) { // return num.code === data.parentCode // })); // if (!$scope.selectStandardAccount()) { // $scope.selectStandardAccount(defaultEnterpriceAccount); // } $scope.selectDirection = _.find($scope.directionList, function (num) { return === data.direction }); $scope.selectAcctProp = _.find($scope.acctPropList, function (num) { return === data.acctProp }); $scope.isAdd = false; }); resetErrorStatus(); $('#addEnterpriceAccountPop').modal('show'); } else { $log.debug('please select one keywordMap...'); SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('PleaseChooseEnterpriseAccount')); return; } }; var getParentList = function (allEnterpriceAccountList, code) { var currentSubList = getSubEnterpriseAccountList(allEnterpriceAccountList, code); var notCurrentNodeList = _.filter(allEnterpriceAccountList, function (num) { return num.code !== code; }); var notCurrentAndSubNodeList = notCurrentNodeList; if (notCurrentNodeList && notCurrentNodeList.length > 0 && currentSubList && currentSubList.length > 0) { notCurrentAndSubNodeList = _.filter(notCurrentNodeList, function (num) { var inSubNode = _.find(currentSubList, function (num2) { return num2.code === num.code; }); if (inSubNode) { return false; } else { return true; } }); } return notCurrentAndSubNodeList; }; var getSubEnterpriseAccountList = function (allEnterpriceAccountList, code) { var list = _.filter(allEnterpriceAccountList, function (num) { return num.parentCode === code; }); if (list && list.length > 0) { list.forEach(function (row) { var tempList = getSubEnterpriseAccountList(allEnterpriceAccountList, row.code); if (tempList && tempList.length > 0) { list = _.union(list, tempList); } }); } return list; }; $scope.codeChange = function (code) { $scope.editModel.checkHasParent = true; if (code) { var result = null; for (var i = code.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result = _.find($scope.enterpriceAccountList, function (num) { return num.code === code.substr(0, i); }); if (result) { break; } } if (result) { $scope.editModel.parentCode = result.code; $scope.editModel.parentFullName = result.fullName; $scope.editModel.parentAcctLevel = result.acctLevel; } } }; var save = function () { if (!$scope.editModel.checkHasParent) { // 直接点的保存,没有上级科目 $scope.codeChange($scope.editModel.code); } if (!($('#addEnterpriceAccountForm').valid())) { return; } $scope.editModel.isActive = true; $scope.editModel.ruleType = 2; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetID = $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; if ($scope.editModel.parentCode && $scope.editModel.parentCode.length > 0) { $scope.editModel.fullName = $scope.editModel.parentFullName + '-' + $; $scope.editModel.acctLevel = $scope.editModel.parentAcctLevel + 1; } else { $scope.editModel.acctLevel = 1; $scope.editModel.fullName = $; $scope.editModel.parentCode = null; } if ($scope.selectDirection && $ { $scope.editModel.direction = $; } if ($scope.selectAcctProp && $ { $scope.editModel.acctProp = $; } if ($scope.isAdd) { enterpriseAccountService.add($scope.editModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { var errorList = []; var template = $translate.instant(data.resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(template); return; }; $scope.lastCode = $scope.editModel.code; SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $('#addEnterpriceAccountPop').modal('hide'); loadEnterpriceAccountList(); }); } else { enterpriseAccountService.update($scope.editModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { var errorList = []; var template = $translate.instant(data.resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(template); return; }; $scope.lastCode = $scope.editModel.code; SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $('#addEnterpriceAccountPop').modal('hide'); loadEnterpriceAccountList(); }); } }; var search = function () { $scope.dataGridApi.grid.refresh(); }; // 新增 var newModel = function () { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.enterpriceAccountList = allEnterpriceAccountList; $scope.selectStandardAccount(defaultEnterpriceAccount); $scope.selectDirection = null; $scope.selectAcctProp = _.find($scope.acctPropList, function (num) { return === -1 }); $scope.file = null; resetErrorStatus(); $('#addEnterpriceAccountPop').modal('show'); }; var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#addEnterpriceAccountForm'); $('#addEnterpriceAccountForm .has-error > label').remove(); $('#addEnterpriceAccountForm').find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); validator.resetForm(); }; var resources = { codeRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountCodeRequired'), nameRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountNameRequired'), selectDirectionRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountRequired'), //selectAcctPropRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAccountTypesRequired'), setnameRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountSetNameRequired'), setcodeRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetCodeRequired'), setfileRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountSetFileRequired'), enterpriseAccountSetNameRepeat: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetNameRepeat'), enterpriseAccountSetCodeRepeat: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetCodeRepeat'), organizationRequired: $translate.instant('SelectOrganizationRequired'), effectiveDateRequired: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateRequired'), expiredDateRequired: $translate.instant('ExpiredDateRequired') }; var validator = $("#addEnterpriceAccountForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { code: { required: true }, name: { required: true }, selectDirection: { required: true }, //selectAcctProp: { // required: true //}, organization: { required: true }, effectiveDate: { required: true }, expiredDate: { required: true } }, messages: { code: { required: resources.codeRequired }, name: { required: resources.nameRequired }, selectDirection: { required: resources.selectDirectionRequired }, //selectAcctProp: { // required: resources.selectAcctPropRequired //}, organization: { required: resources.organizationRequired }, effectiveDate: { required: resources.effectiveDateRequired }, expiredDate: { required: resources.expiredDateRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); } }; var validatorset = $("#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { name: { required: true, remote: { type: "get", url: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + "/enterpriseAccountManage/enterpriseAccountSetNameValidate", data: { id: function () { return $("#enterpriseAccountSetID").val(); }, name: function () { return $("#enterpriseAccountSetName").val(); } }, dataType: "json", dataFilter: function (data, type) { var ret = JSON.parse(data); if (ret && ret.result) return true; else return false; } } }, code: { required: true, remote: { type: "get", url: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + "/enterpriseAccountManage/enterpriseAccountSetCodeValidate", data: { id: function () { return $("#enterpriseAccountSetID").val(); }, code: function () { return $("#enterpriseAccountSetCode").val(); } }, dataType: "json", dataFilter: function (data, type) { var ret = JSON.parse(data); if (ret && ret.result) return true; else return false; } } }, fileName: { // 把这条注释条, ng-required生效 // required: true }, organization: { // required: true }, effectiveDate: { // required: true }, expiredDate: { // required: true } }, messages: { name: { required: resources.setnameRequired, remote: resources.enterpriseAccountSetNameRepeat }, code: { required: resources.setcodeRequired, remote: resources.enterpriseAccountSetCodeRepeat }, fileName: { required: resources.setfileRequired }, organization: { required: resources.organizationRequired }, effectiveDate: { required: resources.effectiveDateRequired }, expiredDate: { required: resources.expiredDateRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var resetErrorStatusSet = function () { var currentForm = $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm'); $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm .has-error > label').remove(); currentForm.find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); validatorset.resetForm(); }; var modifyIsActive = function () { if ($scope.singleSelected && $ { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $scope.isActiveBtStr + '?', text: $translate.instant('ComfirmEnterpriceAccountIsActive').formatObj({ isActiveStr: $scope.isActiveBtStr, code: $scope.singleSelected.code, fullName: $scope.singleSelected.fullName }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 var model = $scope.singleSelected; model.isActive = !model.isActive; enterpriseAccountService.isactive(model).success(function (data) { //'info', 'log success'); if (!data.result) { model.isActive = !model.isActive; //SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); //SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant('Confirm') + $scope.isActiveBtStr, $translate.instant('Confirm') + $scope.isActiveBtStr + $translate.instant("SaveSuccess"), "success"); loadEnterpriceAccountList(); var newModel = _.find($, function (num) { return === }); newModel.repeatSingleClick = true; $scope.singleClick(newModel); } }); } }); } else { $log.debug('please select one keywordMap...'); } }; $scope.parentChange = function () { var tempselectStandardAccount = $scope.selectStandardAccount(); if (tempselectStandardAccount && tempselectStandardAccount.code && tempselectStandardAccount.code.length > 0) { $scope.selectDirection = _.find($scope.directionList, function (num) { return === tempselectStandardAccount.direction }); $scope.selectAcctProp = _.find($scope.acctPropList, function (num) { return === tempselectStandardAccount.acctProp }); } else { $scope.selectDirection = null; $scope.selectAcctProp = null; } }; $scope.newAccountSetModal = function () { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; $scope.editModel.RegionNames = ''; $scope.isAdd = true; resetErrorStatusSet(); $scope.file = null; $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('show'); }; $scope.saveEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { resetErrorStatusSet(); if (!($('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm').valid())) { return; } if ($scope.isAdd && !$scope.file) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(resources.setfileRequired)); return; } enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate(); }; // 验证机构唯一性 var enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate = function () { var model = { id: $, enterpriseAccountSetOrgList: [] }; // if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { // return; // } // model.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; enterpriseAccountService.enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate(model).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { // 验证成功 saveEditEnterpriseAccountSet(); } else { if ( && > 0) { var orgNameList = []; var i = 1; (row) { orgNameList.push(i + '.' + $translate.instant('OrganizationName') + ':' + row.organizationName); i++; }); orgNameList = getLimitLogs(orgNameList); var str = orgNameList.join('<br/>'); str = "<div class='text-left'>" + str + '</div>'; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), text: str, type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: false, html: true }); } } }); }; var saveEditEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { resetErrorStatus(); if (!($('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm').valid())) { return; } if ($scope.isAdd) { $scope.isImportAppend = false; importData(); } else { // 有文件的修改 if ($scope.file) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ComfirmImportData'), text: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetOverLayImportTips'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 importData(); } }); } else { // 没有文件修改 var model = { id: $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID, name: $, code: $scope.editModel.code // enterpriseAccountSetOrgList: [] }; // if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { // return; // } // model.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; enterpriseAccountService.updateEnterpriseAccountSet(model).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } }); } } }; var importData = function () { if (!$scope.file || !$ {$translate.instant('SelectCustomerFileRequired')); return; } var deferred = $q.defer(); var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); // if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { // return; // } // var orgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; // var json = JSON.stringify(orgList); var enterpriseAccountSetID = $scope.isAdd ? '' : $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); // updateProgressToZero(); Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { cancel: false, filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName, Remark: $scope.remark, name: $, code: $scope.editModel.code, // selectedOrgList: json, enterpriseAccountSetID: enterpriseAccountSetID, isImportAppend: $scope.isImportAppend, }, file: $scope.file, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function (resp) { var ret =; $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); deferred.resolve(); if (ret.result) { $scope.errList = []; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; // 全部导入成功 $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); $('#importEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); if ($scope.isAdd) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('AddSuccess')); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); } loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); //SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); $scope.errList = []; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } else { // 提示没有导入成功的数据 var codeNameList = []; var errorInfo = $translate.instant('ImportErrorTips').format(; $scope.errList =; $scope.ImportErrorTag = true; loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountManage'), text: errorInfo, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); } } }, function (resp) { deferred.resolve(); if (resp.statusText === 'HttpRequestValidationException') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('HttpRequestValidationException')); } else { SweetAlert.warning('SaveFail'); } console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function (evt) { deferred.resolve(); var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }; $scope.overlayUpload = function () { $scope.isImportAppend = false; if ($scope.file) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ComfirmImportData'), text: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetOverLayImportTips'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $scope.editModel = {}; var set = _.find($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList, function (num) { return === $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; }); $ =; $scope.isAdd = false; // 选中 importData(); } }); } else {$translate.instant('SelectCustomerFileRequired')); return; } }; $scope.editEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.isAdd = false; resetErrorStatusSet(); $scope.file = null; enterpriseAccountService.getEnterpriseAccountSet($scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID).success(function (data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.editModel.IsEdit = true; setEditEnterpriseAccountSetOrgList(); }); $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('show'); }; var scrollSetting = function () { var ex = document.getElementById("enterpriseAccountUIGrid"); if (ex) { ex.scrollTop = ex.scrollHeight; } }; var getLimitLogs = function (arr) { if (arr.length > constant.errorMaxLine) { $log.debug(JSON.stringify(arr)); arr = arr.slice(0, constant.errorMaxLine); arr.push('.....'); return arr; } return arr; }; $scope.toggleErrorTab = function () { $scope.ImportErrorTab = !$scope.ImportErrorTab; // topIcon and content-resize gapBottom 15px if (!$scope.ImportErrorTab) { setErrorWrapCssDefault(); } else { if (parseInt($('#content-resizer').css('bottom')) < 100) { $('#content-resizer').css('bottom', '100px'); $('#topIcon').css({ bottom: '90px', }); $('.error-wrap').css('height', '100px'); } } }; var setErrorWrapCssDefault = function () { $('#content-resizer').css('bottom', '25px'); $('#topIcon').css({ bottom: '15px', }); $('.error-wrap').css('height', '0px'); }; var setDefaultTheme = function () { if ($ && $ > 0) { $ (row) { row.isHighLight = false; }); } }; $scope.chooseRelavantRow = function (err) { setDefaultTheme(); var selectedAccount = null; var index = 0; if (err && err.inValidateCodeList && err.inValidateCodeList.length > 0) { err.inValidateCodeList.forEach(function (row) { var matchList = _.filter($, function (num) { return num.code === row }); if (matchList && matchList.length > 0) { if (!selectedAccount) { selectedAccount = matchList[0]; index = _.findIndex($, function (num) { return num.code === row; }); } matchList.forEach(function (row2) { row2.isHighLight = true; $log.debug(row2.code); }); } }); } if (selectedAccount) { $timeout(function () { $scope.singleSelected = {}; $scope.singleClick(selectedAccount); scrollSetting(); var gridApi = $scope.dataGridApi; var rowIndex = gridApi.grid.renderContainers.body.visibleRowCache.indexOf(gridApi.grid.rows[index]); gridApi.grid.element[0].getElementsByClassName("ui-grid-viewport")[0].scrollTop = rowIndex * gridApi.grid.options.rowHeight; }, 100); } }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $("#enterprise-account-error-wrap").height(); // Enough space if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight; return { height: y + "px" }; } else { return { height: '0px' }; } } return {}; } $scope.getEnterpriseAccountUIGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $('.import-result').height(); if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight; return { height: y + "px" }; } return {}; } return {}; }; $scope.getOrgListUIGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $('.enterprise-account-list-wrap').height(); if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { // y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight + 4; return { height: y + "px" }; } } return {}; }; var clearRepeatData = function (row) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmOperation'), text: $translate.instant('ClearRepeatItemTips'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { enterpriseAccountService.clearRepeatEnterpriseAccountList($scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID, row.inValidateCodeList).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); } loadEnterpriceAccountList(); }); } }); }; var errorGridOptionsFun = function () { $scope.errorGridOptions = { rowHeight: 30, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 30, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: false, // 行选择是否可用,默认为true; 如果想选择任意位置和勾勾,需要设置为false enableRowHeaderSelection: false, enableFullRowSelection: false, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false enableSelectAll: false, // 选择所有checkbox是否可用,默认为true; multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'index', name: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), width: '10%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-click="grid.appScope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity)"><span>{{row.entity.index}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'type', name: $translate.instant('ErrorMesssage'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-click="grid.appScope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity)"><span>{{row.entity.type}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'errorMsg', name: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountErrorCodeList'), cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-click="grid.appScope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity)">' + '<span title="{{row.entity.detail}}">{{row.entity.detail}}</span>' + '</div>', width: '45%', }, { name: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperation'), width: '15%', headerCellClass: 'center', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="grid-operation">' + '<a ng-show="row.entity.isRepeatError" class="btn btn-in-grid" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="grid.appScope.clearRepeatData(row.entity)"> <i class="material-icons">clear</i><span>{{"ClearRepeatItem" | translate }}</span></a>' + '</div>' }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.errorGridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.errorGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; var setEditEnterpriseAccountSetOrgList = function () { if (!$scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList) { $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; } var index = 1; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.forEach(function (item) { item.fromID = 'from' + index; item.toID = 'to' + index; index++; $timeout(function () { $("#" + item.fromID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: region, format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + item.toID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: region, format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + item.fromID).on('changeDate', function () { if ($("#" + item.fromID).val === '') { } else { $("#" + item.toID).datepicker('setStartDate', $("#" + item.fromID).val()); } }); }, 100); }); }; $scope.addEnterpriseAccountSetOrg = function () { var index = $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length + 1; var item = { organizationName: '', organizationID: '', componentSelectedOrg: null, fromID: 'from' + index, toID: 'to' + index }; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(item); $timeout(function () { $("#" + item.fromID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: region, format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + item.toID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: region, format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + item.fromID).on('changeDate', function () { if ($("#" + item.fromID).val === '') { } else { $("#" + item.toID).datepicker('setStartDate', $("#" + item.fromID).val()); } }); }, 100); }; $scope.deleteEnterpriseAccountSetOrg = function (x) { if (x) { $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.splice(jQuery.inArray(x, $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList), 1); }; }; var getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI = function () { var enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; var isError = false; if ($scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList && $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length - 1; i++) { var row = $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList[i]; var item = { OrganizationID: row.organizationID, EffectiveDateStr: row.effectiveDateStr, ExpiredDateStr: row.expiredDateStr, EnterpriseAccountSetID: $ }; if (!row.organizationID) { SweetAlert.warning(resources.organizationRequired); return false; } if (!row.effectiveDateStr) { // row.effectiveDateStr =; //SweetAlert.warning(resources.effectiveDateRequired); // return false; } if (!row.expiredDateStr) { //row.expiredDateStr =; // SweetAlert.warning(resources.expiredDateRequired); // return false; } if (row.effectiveDateStr && row.expiredDateStr && !validateDate(row.effectiveDateStr, row.expiredDateStr)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('EffectiveDateAreaProblem')); return false; } enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(item); }; } $scope.editModel.saveOrgList = enterpriseAccountSetOrgList; return true; }; var validateDate = function (from, to) { var fromDate = new Date(from + '-01'); var toDate = new Date(to + '-01'); toDate.setMonth(toDate.getMonth() + 1); toDate.setDate(toDate.getDate() - 1); if (fromDate <= toDate) { return true; } else { return false; } }; var dataType = { isPrefixNumber: function (value) { var reg = /^\d+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixChar: function (value) { var reg = /^[a-zA-Z]+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixNumberOrChar: function (value) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumber(value)) { return true; } if (dataType.isPrefixChar(value)) { return true; } return false; } } var sortByEnterpriseName = function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var charList = []; var nocharList = []; data.forEach(function (row) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumberOrChar( { row.nameSort =; if (row.nameSort) { row.nameSort = row.nameSort.toLowerCase(); } charList.push(row); } else { nocharList.push(row); } }); charList = _.sortBy(charList, 'nameSort'); nocharList = nocharList.sort(function compareFunction(param1, param2) { return, 'zh'); }); var all = _.union(charList, nocharList); return all; } return data; }; $scope.importAppend = function () { $scope.isImportAppend = true; $scope.editModel = {}; var set = _.find($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList, function (num) { return === $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; }); $ =; $scope.isAdd = false; importData(); }; $scope.popupImport = function () { $scope.file = null; $('#importEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('show'); }; // 机构的UIGrid初始化 var orgUIGridInit = function () { var operateStr = ''; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { operateStr = '<div class="project-manage-grid-operation ui-grid-cell-contents">' + '<span ng-click="grid.appScope.editRelevantOrg(row.entity)" class="operate-span" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="false" style=""><i class="material-icons middle black-color">create</i></span>' + '<span ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteRelevantOrg(row.entity)" class="operate-span" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="false" style=""><i class="material-icons button-icons middle delete red-color">delete</i></span>' + '</div>'; } else { operateStr = '<div class="project-manage-grid-operation ui-grid-cell-contents">' + '<span class="operate-span no-permission" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="false" style=""><i class="material-icons middle black-color">create</i></span>' + '<span class="operate-span no-permission" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="false" style=""><i class="material-icons button-icons middle delete red-color">delete</i></span>' + '</div>'; } $scope.orgGridOptions = { rowHeight: 40, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowSelection: true, enableSorting: true, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: [{ field: 'organizationName', name: $translate.instant('FieldorgName'), width: '30%', headerCellClass: 'right', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><a title="{{row.entity.organizationName}}" href="#/organization/{{row.entity.organizationID}}">{{row.entity.organizationName}}<a></div>' }, { field: 'EffectiveDateStr', name: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateStr'), width: '40%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" ng-class="{\'padding-right45\':row.entity.isRight}"><span title="{{row.entity.effectiveSection}}">{{row.entity.effectiveSection}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('Operation'), width: '30%', headerCellClass: 'center', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: operateStr }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.orgGridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.orgGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; // 添加关联机构 $scope.addRelevantOrgList = function () { var model = { id: $, name: $, enterpriseAccountSetOrgList: [] }; if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { return; } model.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; enterpriseAccountService.addEnterpriseAccountSetOrg(model).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { $('#' + addEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg).modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); loadEnterpriseAccountSet(); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } }); }; // 编辑关联机构 $scope.editRelevantOrg = function (model) { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.isAdd = false; var set = _.find($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList, function (num) { return === $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; }); $ =; $ =; $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; var vmModel = angular.copy(model); $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(vmModel); setEditEnterpriseAccountSetOrgList(); $('#' + updateEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg).modal('show'); }; // 保存修改的关联机构 $scope.updateRelevantOrg = function () { var updateModel = $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList[0]; updateModel.enterpriseAccountSetName = $; enterpriseAccountService.updateEnterpriseAccountSetOrg(updateModel).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { $('#' + updateEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg).modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); loadEnterpriseAccountSet(); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } }); }; // 删除关联机构 $scope.deleteRelevantOrg = function (model) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('DeleteRelevantOrg') + '?', text: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('DeleteRelevantOrg') + model.organizationName, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 var deleteModel = { id: model.enterpriseAccountSetID, name: model.enterpriseAccountSetName, enterpriseAccountSetOrgList: [], }; deleteModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(model); enterpriseAccountService.deleteEnterpriseAccountSetOrg(deleteModel).success(function (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteOneRole')); loadEnterpriseAccountSet(); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); } }); }; $scope.downEntepriseAccountTemplate = function () { enterpriseAccountService.downEntepriseAccountTemplate(); }; var getUserPermission = function () { var list = []; var userManageTemp = constant.adminPermission.basicData.enterpriseAccountSet; list.push(userManageTemp.addCode); list.push(userManageTemp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasAddPermission = data[userManageTemp.addCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[userManageTemp.editCode]; afterGetPermission(); }); }; // 获取权限之后显示 var afterGetPermission = function () { $scope.downloadEnterpriseAccountUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/enterpriseAccountManage/downEntepriseAccountTemplate'; $log.debug('EnterpriseAccountManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.clearRepeatData = clearRepeatData; $scope.errorGridOptionsFun = errorGridOptionsFun; errorGridOptionsFun(); $scope.enterpriceAccountList = []; $ = search; $scope.newModel = newModel; $ = save; $scope.load = load; $scope.modifyIsActive = modifyIsActive; $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = true; $scope.acctPropArray = ['', $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropAsset'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropDebt'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCommon'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropInterest'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCost'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss') ]; $scope.directionMap = { '1': $translate.instant('StandardAccountDebit'), '-1': $translate.instant('StandardAccountCredit') }; $scope.selectStandardAccount(defaultEnterpriceAccount); $scope.selectDirection = null; $scope.selectAcctProp = null; $scope.defaultEnterpriceAccount = defaultEnterpriceAccount; $scope.isActiveBtStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[false]); $scope.directionList = [{ id: 1, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountDebit') }, { id: -1, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountCredit') }, ]; $scope.acctPropList = [ { id: -1, name: '' }, { id: 1, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropAsset') }, { id: 2, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropDebt') }, { id: 3, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCommon') }, { id: 4, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropInterest') }, { id: 5, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCost') }, { id: 6, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss') }, ]; loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); $scope.singleSelected = {}; $scope.singleClick = function (entity) { if ($scope.singleSelected && === $ && !entity.repeatSingleClick) { $scope.isActiveBtStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[false]); $scope.singleSelected = {}; } else { $scope.isActiveBtStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[!entity.isActive]); if (entity.repeatSingleClick) { entity.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActivedMap[entity.isActive]); } $scope.singleSelected = entity; } } $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: 40, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 40, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowSelection: true, enableSorting: true, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, rowTemplate: '<div sglclick="grid.appScope.singleClick(row.entity)" >' + ' <div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{\'header-cell-class\':col.isRowHeader,\'single-row-select\',\'red-color\':row.entity.isHighLight }" ui-grid-cell></div>' + '</div>', columnDefs: [{ field: 'code', name: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountCode'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.code}}">{{row.entity.code}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountName'), width: '31%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{}}">{{}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'parent', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountSuperiorAccount'), width: '32%', }, { field: 'directionStr', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountDirection'), width: '11%', }, { field: 'acctPropStr', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAccountTypes'), width: '11%', } //, { // field: 'isMappedStr', // name: $translate.instant('IsMappedStatus'), // width: '11%' //} //, { // field: 'isActiveStr', // name: $translate.instant('IsActiveStatus'), // width: '11%' //}, ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.dataGridApi = gridApi; $scope.dataGridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); $interval(function () { $scope.dataGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function (renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchEASText); renderableRows.forEach(function (row) { try { var match = false; ['code', 'name', 'parent', 'directionStr', 'acctPropStr'].forEach(function (field) { if (row.entity[field] && row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); if (!match) { row.visible = false; } } catch (e) { $log.debug('singleFilter-match:' + JSON.stringify(row.entity)); } }); return renderableRows; }; $scope.loadEnterpriceAccountList = loadEnterpriceAccountList; orgUIGridInit(); $timeout(function () { $scope.isLoadComplete = true; }, 500); }; var KeyDown = function () { //屏蔽鼠标右键、Ctrl+n、shift+F10、F5刷新、退格键 //alert("ASCII代码是:"+event.keyCode); if ((window.event.altKey) && ((window.event.keyCode == 37) || //屏蔽 Alt+ 方向键 ← (window.event.keyCode == 39))) { //屏蔽 Alt+ 方向键 → // alert("不准你使用ALT+方向键前进或后退网页!"); $('#addEnterpriceAccountPop').modal('hide'); $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); $('#importEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg').modal('hide'); $('#updateEnterpriceAccountSetRelevantOrg').modal('hide'); // $('#addEnterpriceAccountPop').modal('hide'); event.returnValue = true; } // if ((event.keyCode == 8) || //屏蔽退格删除键 // (event.keyCode == 116) || //屏蔽 F5 刷新键 // (event.keyCode == 112) || //屏蔽 F1 刷新键 // (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 82)) { //Ctrl + R // // event.keyCode = 0; // event.returnValue = false; // // alert("不准你使用快捷!"); // } // if ((event.ctrlKey) && (event.keyCode == 78)) //屏蔽 Ctrl+n // { // alert("ctrl + n"); // event.returnValue = false; // } // if ((event.shiftKey) && (event.keyCode == 121)) //屏蔽 shift+F10 // { alert(" shift+F10 "); // event.returnValue = false; } // if (window.event.srcElement.tagName == "A" && window.event.shiftKey) { window.event.returnValue = false; //屏蔽 shift 加鼠标左键新开一网页 // } // if ((window.event.altKey) && (window.event.keyCode == 115)) { //屏蔽Alt+F4 // // // alert('Alt+F4'); // //window.showModelessDialog("about:blank","","dialogWidth:1px;dialogheight:1px"); // return false; // } } document.onkeydown = KeyDown; (function initialize() { //testErrorShowParams(); getUserPermission(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('enterpriseAccountManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('enterpriseAccountManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/financialData/enterpriseAccountManage/enterprise-account-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, controller: 'EnterpriseAccountManageController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); basicDataModule.directive('sglclick', ['$parse','$log', function ($parse, $log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('sglclick.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attr) { var fn = $parse(attr['sglclick']); var delay = 300, clicks = 0, timer = null; element.on('click', function (event) { clicks++; //count clicks if (clicks === 1) { timer = setTimeout(function () { scope.$apply(function () { fn(scope, { $event: event }); }); clicks = 0; //after action performed, reset counter }, delay); } else { clearTimeout(timer); //prevent single-click action clicks = 0; //after action performed, reset counter } }); } }; }]); basicDataModule .controller('ProductManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', '$timeout', 'productService', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, $timeout, productService) { 'use strict'; var loadData = function () { productService.getProductList().success(function (data) { $scope.productList = data; initDXGrid(); }); }; var initDXGrid = function () { $scope.dataGridOptions = { dataSource: $scope.productList, showBorders: true, height: 535, columns: [ { caption: '年份', dataField: 'fYear' }, { caption: '产品标识', dataField: "fSetID" }, { caption: '产品编号', dataField: "fSetCode" }, { caption: '产品描述(名称)', dataField: "fSetName" }, { caption: '财务主管', dataField: "fManager" }, { caption: '启用年份', dataField: "fStartYear" }, { caption: '启用月份', dataField: "fStartMonth" }, { caption: '所属机构', dataField: "accountDepartment" }] }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('ProductManageController.ctor()...'); loadData(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('productManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('productManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/financialData/productManage/product-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, controller: 'ProductManageController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('StandardAccountManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'keywordmapService', 'uiGridConstants', 'stdAccountService', '$translate', 'orgService', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, keywordmapService, uiGridConstants, stdAccountService, $translate, orgService) { 'use strict'; var loadProjectIndustryList = function () { orgService.getProjectIndustrys().success(function (orgData) { $scope.projectIndustryList = orgData; }); }; var defaultSelectStandardAccount = { id: 0, name: '', fullName: '', code: '', parentCode: '', acctLevel: 0, selectValue: ' ' }; var loadstdAccountList = function () { stdAccountService.GetStdAccountList().success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { row.directionStr = $scope.directionMap[row.direction + '']; row.acctPropStr = $scope.acctPropArray[row.acctProp]; row.selectValue = row.code + ' ' + row.fullName; }); var list = data.concat(); list = _.sortBy(list, 'code'); if (list && list.length > 0) { list.splice(0, 0, defaultSelectStandardAccount); } else { list = []; list.push(defaultSelectStandardAccount); } $scope.stdAccountList = list; $ = data; $scope.gridOptions.noData = data.length === 0; $log.debug('keywordmapService.get...'); }); }; var loadKeyWordMapList = function () { keywordmapService.get(1).success(function (data) { $ = data; $scope.gridOptions.noData = data.length === 0; $log.debug('keywordmapService.get...'); }); }; var load = function () { var selectedKeywordMapList = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedKeywordMapList && selectedKeywordMapList.length > 0) { // 选中 stdAccountService.get(selectedKeywordMapList[0].id).success(function (data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.selectStandardAccount = _.find($scope.stdAccountList, function (num) { return num.code === data.parentCode }); if (!$scope.selectStandardAccount) { $scope.selectStandardAccount = defaultSelectStandardAccount; } $scope.selectDirection = _.find($scope.directionList, function (num) { return === data.direction }); $scope.selectAcctProp = _.find($scope.acctPropList, function (num) { return === data.acctProp }); $scope.selectProjectIndustry = _.find($scope.projectIndustryList, function (num) { return === data.industryID }); $('#addStandardAccountPop').modal('show'); }); } else { $log.debug('please select one keywordMap...'); } }; var changesStdAccountSelect = function () { if ($scope.selectAccount) { $ = $; $scope.editModel.stdFullName = $scope.selectAccount.fullName; $scope.editModel.stdCode = $scope.selectAccount.code; } else { $ = ''; $scope.editModel.stdFullName = ''; $scope.editModel.stdCode = ''; } }; var save = function () { if (!($('#addStandardAccountForm').valid())) { return; } $scope.editModel.isActive = 1; $scope.editModel.ruleType = 2; if ($scope.selectStandardAccount && $scope.selectStandardAccount.code && $scope.selectStandardAccount.code.length > 0) { $scope.editModel.parentCode = $scope.selectStandardAccount.code; $scope.editModel.fullName = $scope.selectStandardAccount.fullName + '-' + $; $scope.editModel.acctLevel = $scope.selectStandardAccount.acctLevel + 1; } else { $scope.editModel.acctLevel = 1; $scope.editModel.fullName = $; } if ($scope.selectProjectIndustry && $ { $scope.editModel.industryID = $; } if ($scope.selectDirection && $ { $scope.editModel.direction = $; } if ($scope.selectAcctProp && $ { $scope.editModel.acctProp = $; } if ($scope.isAdd) { stdAccountService.add($scope.editModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { var errorList = []; var template = $translate.instant(data.resultMsg); (row) { var error = template.formatObj({ code: row.code, name: }); errorList.push(error); }); showInfo('region', errorList.join(';', errorList), 'addStandardAccountPop'); //"region", errorList.join(';', errorList)); //$log.debug("add error", errorList.join(';', errorList)); return; }; $('#addStandardAccountPop').modal('hide'); loadstdAccountList(); }); } else { stdAccountService.update($scope.editModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { var errorList = []; var template = $translate.instant(data.resultMsg); (row) { var error = template.formatObj({ code: row.code, name: }); errorList.push(error); }); //"region", errorList.join(';', errorList)); showInfo('region', errorList.join(';', errorList), 'addStandardAccountPop'); return; }; $('#addStandardAccountPop').modal('hide'); loadstdAccountList(); }); } }; var search = function () { $scope.gridApi.grid.refresh(); }; // 新增 var newModel = function () { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.selectStandardAccount = defaultSelectStandardAccount; $scope.selectDirection = null; $scope.selectAcctProp = null; resetErrorStatus(); $('#addStandardAccountPop').modal('show'); }; var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#addStandardAccountForm'); $.each(currentForm.children(), function (index, element) { // 去除div $(element).children('div').removeClass('has-error'); }); validator.resetForm(); }; var resources = { codeRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountCodeRequired'), nameRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountNameRequired'), selectDirectionRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountRequired'), selectAcctPropRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAccountTypesRequired') }; var validator = $("#addStandardAccountForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { code: { required: true }, name: { required: true }, selectDirection: { required: true }, selectAcctProp: { required: true } }, messages: { code: { required: resources.codeRequired }, name: { required: resources.nameRequired }, selectDirection: { required: resources.selectDirectionRequired }, selectAcctProp: { required: resources.selectAcctPropRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); // error.addClass('label-danger'); } }; var modifyIsActive = function () { var selectedKeywordMapList = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedKeywordMapList && selectedKeywordMapList.length > 0) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ComfirmDisable') + '?', text: $translate.instant('ComfirmStandardAccountDisable').formatObj({ code: selectedKeywordMapList[0].code, fullName: selectedKeywordMapList[0].fullName }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 var model = selectedKeywordMapList[0]; model.isActive = !model.isActive; stdAccountService.isactive(model).success(function (data) {'info', 'log success'); if (!data.result) {'info', $translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } else { SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant('ComfirmDisable') + '!', $translate.instant("ComfirmDisableSuccess"), "success"); loadstdAccountList(); } }); } }); } else { $log.debug('please select one keywordMap...'); } }; var showInfo = function (title, msg, id) { if (id) { $('#' + id).modal('hide'); } SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: msg, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonClass: "btn-info", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), closeOnConfirm: true }, function () { if (id) { $('#' + id).modal('show'); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('StandardAccountManageControllerController.ctor()...'); $scope.stdAccountList = []; $ = search; $scope.newModel = newModel; $scope.changesStdAccountSelect = changesStdAccountSelect; $ = save; $scope.load = load; $scope.modifyIsActive = modifyIsActive; $scope.acctPropArray = ['', $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropAsset'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropDebt'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCommon'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropInterest'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCost'), $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss')]; $scope.directionMap = { '1': $translate.instant('StandardAccountDebit'), '-1': $translate.instant('StandardAccountCredit') }; $scope.selectStandardAccount = defaultSelectStandardAccount; $scope.selectDirection = null; $scope.selectAcctProp = null; $scope.directionList = [ { id: 1, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountDebit') }, { id: -1, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountCredit') }, ]; $scope.acctPropList = [ { id: 1, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropAsset') }, { id: 2, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropDebt') }, { id: 3, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCommon') }, { id: 4, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropInterest') }, { id: 5, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropCost') }, { id: 6, name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss') }, ]; loadProjectIndustryList(); loadstdAccountList(); //loadKeyWordMapList(); $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: 45, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 45, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowSelection: true, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: [ { field: 'code', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountCode'), width: '20%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.code}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountName'), width: '30%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'parentName', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountSuperiorAccount'), width: '30%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.parentName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'directionStr', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountDirection'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.directionStr}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'acctPropStr', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAccountTypes'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.acctPropStr}}</span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function (renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchText); renderableRows.forEach(function (row) { var match = false; ['code', 'name', 'parentName', 'directionStr', 'acctPropStr'].forEach(function (field) { if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); if (!match) { row.visible = false; } }); return renderableRows; }; })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('standardAccountManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('standardAccountManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/financialData/standardAccountManage/standard-account-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, controller: 'StandardAccountManageController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('BasicDataMasterInfrastructureController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'organizationStructureService', '$translate', 'businessUnitService', 'customerService', function($scope, $log, SweetAlert, organizationStructureService, $translate, businessUnitService, customerService) { 'use strict'; var successAddMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureAddSuccess'); var successEditMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEditSuccess'); var successDeleteMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess'); var operationDeleteMessage = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperationSuccess'); var notAllowDisableMessage = $translate.instant('notAllowDisableMessage'); $scope.add = function(newrow) { organizationStructureService.addOrganizationStructure(newrow).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successAddMessage); }); }; $scope.edit = function(newcontent) { organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(newcontent).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successEditMessage); }); }; $scope.remove = function(id) { organizationStructureService.deleteOrganizationStructure(id).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successDeleteMessage); }); }; $scope.stop = function(id) { organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(id).success(function(successFlag) { $scope.updateflag = successFlag; $scope.$broadcast('to-child', successFlag); if (successFlag) { SweetAlert.success(operationDeleteMessage); } else { SweetAlert.warning(notAllowDisableMessage); } }); }; //BusinessUnit $scope.addbs = function(newrow) { businessUnitService.addBusinessUnit(newrow).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successAddMessage); }); }; $scope.editbs = function(newcontent) { businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(newcontent).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successEditMessage); }); }; $scope.removebs = function(id) { businessUnitService.deleteBusinessUnit(id).success(function(guid) { SweetAlert.success(successDeleteMessage); }); }; $scope.stopbs = function(id) { businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(id).success(function(successFlag) { $scope.updateflag = successFlag; $scope.$broadcast('to-child', successFlag); if (successFlag) { SweetAlert.success(operationDeleteMessage); } else { SweetAlert.warning(notAllowDisableMessage); } }); }; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function() { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; var getUserPermission = function() { var list = []; var basicData = constant.adminPermission.basicData; list.push(basicData.orangizationStructure.queryCode); list.push(basicData.businessUnit.queryCode); list.push(basicData.areaManage.queryCode); list.push(basicData.enterpriseAccountSet.queryCode); list.push(basicData.customerList.queryCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function(data) { $scope.orangizationStructureShow = data[basicData.orangizationStructure.queryCode]; $scope.businessUnitShow = data[basicData.businessUnit.queryCode]; $scope.areaManageShow = data[basicData.areaManage.queryCode]; $scope.enterpriseAccountSetShow = data[basicData.enterpriseAccountSet.queryCode]; $scope.customerListShow = data[basicData.customerList.queryCode]; }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('BasicDataInfrastructureController.ctor()...'); getUserPermission(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('basicDataMasterInfrastructure', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('BasicDataInfrastructure.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/masterData/basicDataInfrastructure/basic-data-infrastructure.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { state:'=' }, controller: 'BasicDataMasterInfrastructureController', link: function (scope, element) { //$; } }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('businessUnitController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'businessUnitService', 'uiGridConstants', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', '$interval', function($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, businessUnitService, uiGridConstants, Upload, apiInterceptor, $interval) { 'use strict'; // 模态框的编辑状态 true 编辑状态,false 创建状态 $scope.isEdit = false; var formValidator = null; //当前编辑对象 $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; var editModalSelector = ".business-unit #edit-modal"; //显示指定消息编码对应的翻译文本信息 var showError = function(messageCode) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(messageCode); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; //清空当前编辑字段值 $scope.resetEditingObject = function() { $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; var elms = $(editModalSelector).find("form:first div[data-for]"); elms.html(""); elms.attr("class", "validate-success"); } //创建(添加)新事业部,使用模态框实现编辑入口 $scope.createNewData = function() { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.resetEditingObject(); $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }; //编辑焦点行数据 $scope.editFocusedRow = function(data) { $scope.isEdit = true; $scope.editingObject = { ID:, Name:, IsActive: data.isActive }; $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }; //保存当前正在编辑数据行,经过界面初步校验后才会进入本功能 $scope.saveEditRow = function() { if ($scope.editingObject == null) { showError("BusinessUnitNoSelected"); return; } if (!($(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").valid())) { return; } var businessUnitArray = []; businessUnitArray.push($scope.editingObject); var successedFun = function(rst) { $scope.refreshData(); $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); if ($scope.isEdit) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureEditSuccess")); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureAddSuccess")); } } if ($scope.isEdit) { businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(businessUnitArray).success(successedFun); } else { businessUnitService.addBusinessUnit(businessUnitArray).success(successedFun); } }; //取消保存当前编辑行 $scope.cancelEditBusinessUnit = function() { $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); }; //停用或启用当前事业部 $scope.activeBusinessUnit = function(data) { data.isActive = !data.isActive; var businessUnitArray = []; businessUnitArray.push(data); businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(businessUnitArray).success(function(rst) { $scope.refreshData(); }); }; //获取事业部数据 $scope.refreshData = function() { businessUnitService.getBusinessUnitList().success(function(data) { $ = data; }); }; $scope.getGridHeight = function() { return { height: $(".business-unit-containers .list-container").height() + "px" }; } function intiUiGrid() { var opertionStr = ''; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { opertionStr = '<div class="business-unit-gridcell-operation">' + '<a ng-click="grid.appScope.editFocusedRow(row.entity)">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="margin-right: 10px;"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureEdit"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a atms-permission permission-code="{{$root.adminPermission.basicData.businessUnit.editCode}}" ng-click="grid.appScope.activeBusinessUnit(row.entity)" ng-if="row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#3f3f40"></i>' + ' <span>{{"BusinessUnitDisabledNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a atms-permission permission-code="{{$root.adminPermission.basicData.businessUnit.editCode}}" ng-click="grid.appScope.activeBusinessUnit(row.entity)" ng-if="!row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#e64400"></i>' + ' <span>{{"BusinessUnitEnableNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '</div>' } else { opertionStr = '<div class="business-unit-gridcell-operation ' + constant.noPermissionClass + '">' + '<a>' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="margin-right: 10px;"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureEdit"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a ng-if="row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#3f3f40"></i>' + ' <span>{{"BusinessUnitDisabledNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a ng-if="!row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#e64400"></i>' + ' <span>{{"BusinessUnitEnableNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '</div>' } $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: true, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, columnDefs: [{ field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitName'), width: '50%', cellTemplate: '<div class="business-unit-gridcell-name"><span>{{}}</span><span ng-hide="true">{{}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'isActive', name: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitStatus'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="business-unit-gridcell-isactive">' + '<span ng-if="row.entity.isActive">{{"BusinessUnitActive"|translate}}</span>' + '<span ng-if="!row.entity.isActive">{{"BusinessUnitDisabled"|translate}}</span>' + '</div>' }, { field: 'Operation', name: $translate.instant('Operation'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: opertionStr }], onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); $interval(function() { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function(renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchEASText); renderableRows.forEach(function(row) { try { var match = false; ['code', 'name'].forEach(function(field) { if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); if (!match) { row.visible = false; } } catch (e) { $log.debug('singleFilter-match:' + JSON.stringify(row.entity)); } }); return renderableRows; }; } function intiValidate() { $.validator.addMethod("BURepeated", function(value, element, param) { if ($ && $ > 0) { var objects = $.grep($, function(n, i) { return $scope.editingObject.ID != && $.trim( == $.trim(value); }); return objects.length < 1; } return true; }); formValidator = $(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").validate({ debug: true, rules: { Name: { required: true, minlength: 2, maxlength: 50, BURepeated: true }, IsActive: { required: "input[name='IsActive']:checked" } }, messages: { Name: { required: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitEmptyNode'), minlength: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitEmptyNode'), maxlength: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitOutOfLengthNode'), BURepeated: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitDuplicateNode') }, IsActive: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitStatusUnsureness') }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { var elm = $(element).parents("form:first"); elm = elm.find("div[data-for='" + element.attr("name") + "']"); elm.html(error); elm.attr("class", "validate-fail"); } }); } var havePermission = function() { $scope.$root.checkUserPermission(constant.adminPermission.basicData.businessUnit.editCode).success(function(data) { $scope.hasEditPermission = data; intiUiGrid(); $scope.refreshData(); intiValidate(); }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('businessUnitController.ctor()...'); $scope.hasEditPermission = false; havePermission(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('businessUnit', ['$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', function ($log, SweetAlert, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('businessUnit.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/masterData/businessUnit/business-unit.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { //addCtrlFn: '&addBsFn', //removeCtrlFn: '&removeBsFn', //editCtrlFn: '&editBsFn', //stopCtrlFn: '&stopBsFn', //attr: '@', //list:'=bind' }, controller: 'businessUnitController', //link: function (scope, element, attrs, $element) { // var originalContent, target, isEdit, isAdd; // var originalArray = []; // var isNodeActive = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureActive'); // var isNodeDisabled = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDisabled'); // var disableNode = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDisabledNode'); // var activeNode = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEnableNode'); // var emptyNote = $translate.instant('BusinessUnitEmptyNode'); // var outOfLengthNote = $translate.instant('BusinessUnitOutOfLengthNode'); // var depulicateNote = $translate.instant('BusinessUnitDuplicateNode'); // var addInvalidNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperationAddInvalid'); // var editInvalidNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperationEditInvalid'); // //添加行的时候删除行 // $(document).on('click', '.remove-bs-row', function () { // var tr = $(this).parent().parent(); // var id = $(tr).children('td').eq(2).text(); // $(tr).remove(); // if (id !== '') { // scope.removeCtrlFn({ id: id }); // } // if ($('.remove-bs-row').length == 0) { // $(".bs-save-group").css('display', 'none'); // isAdd = false; // } // }); // //选中行 // $(document).on('click', '#businessUnitTable tr:not(.header)', function (evt) { // $("#businessUnitTable tr").removeClass("selected"); // $(this).toggleClass('selected'); // target = $("#businessUnitTable tr.selected td"); // }); // //编辑 // scope.editBusinessUnit = function (e, org) { // if (isAdd) { // SweetAlert.warning(editInvalidNote); // return; // } // var elem; // isEdit = true; isAdd = false; // $(".bs-save-group").css('display', 'block'); // elem = (e.srcElement ||; //for IE: e.srcElement, others, // target = $(elem).parent().parent().parent().children('td'); // scope.currentTarget = target; // scope.currentOrg = org; // var element = $(target).eq(0); // originalContent = $(element).text(); // var result = $.grep(originalArray, function (e) { return === }); // if (result.length === 0 || originalContent != '') { // //add to originalArray for the cancel // originalArray.push({ 'id':, 'content': originalContent }); // $(element).addClass("cellEditing"); // $(element).html("<input type='text' class='form-control' value='" + originalContent + "' /></div>"); // $(element).children().first().focus(); // $(element).children().first().keypress(function (e) { // if (e.which == 13) { // var newContent = $(element).children().first().val(); // $(element).text(newContent); // $(element).removeClass("cellEditing"); // } // }); // } // }; // //取消保存 // scope.cancelBusinessUnit = function (e) { // var elem = (e.srcElement ||; //for IE: e.srcElement, others, // if (isEdit) { // var element = $(".cellEditing"); // element.each(function (index) { // var td = $(this).parent().children('td').eq(2); // var id = $(td).text(); // var obj = $.grep(originalArray, function (x) { return === id }); // if (obj.length > 0) { // $(this).text(obj[0].content); // $(this).removeClass("cellEditing"); // } // }); // originalArray = []; // isEdit = false; // } else { // $('.new-add-bs').remove(); // isAdd = false; // } // $(".bs-save-group").css('display', 'none'); // }; // $("#btnAddBusinessUnit").on('click', function () { // if (isEdit) { // SweetAlert.warning(addInvalidNote); // return; // } // isEdit = false; isAdd = true; // $(".bs-save-group").css('display', 'block'); // $('#businessUnitTable tr:last').after('<tr class="new-add-bs"><td><input type="text" class="form-control new-add-input" value="" /></td><td>' + isNodeActive + '</td><td><i class="fa fa-times remove-bs-row" aria-hidden="true"></i></td></tr>'); // }); // //保存 // scope.saveBusinessUnit = function (e) { // if (isEdit) { // //编辑保存 // var elem = (e.srcElement ||; //for IE: e.srcElement, others, // var element = $(".cellEditing"); // var newValues = []; // var idArray = []; // element.each(function (index) { // var td = $(this).parent().children('td'); // var newContent = $(td).eq(0).children().first().val(); // var isActive = $(td).eq(1).text(); // var id = $(td).eq(2).text(); // idArray.push(id); // newValues.push({ // id: id, name: newContent, isActive: isActive // }); // }); // var validationResult = formValidation(newValues); // if (!validationResult.duplicateFlag && !validationResult.emptyFlag && !validationResult.outOfLengthFlag) { // isEdit = false; // $(".bs-save-group").css('display', 'none'); // element.each(function (index) { // var td = $(this).parent().children('td'); // var firstTd = $(td).eq(0); // var newVal = $(firstTd).children().first().val(); // $(firstTd).text(newVal); // $(firstTd).removeClass("cellEditing"); // }); // scope.editCtrlFn({ // newcontent: newValues // }); // originalArray = []; // } // } else { // //新增层级 // var newaddTarget = $('.new-add-input'); // var values = []; // var hasName = true; // var outOfLength = false; // var duplicate = false; // var newValues = []; // $(newaddTarget).each(function () { // var guid = PWC.newGuid(); // var name = $(this).val(); // newValues.push({ // id: guid, name: name, isActive: true // }); // }); // var validationResult = formValidation(newValues); // if (!validationResult.duplicateFlag && !validationResult.emptyFlag && !validationResult.outOfLengthFlag) { // $(".bs-save-group").css('display', 'none'); // $('.new-add-bs').remove(); // var newAdd = { // newrow: newValues // }; // newValues.forEach(function (item) { // scope.businessUnitList.push(item); // }); // scope.addCtrlFn(newAdd); // originalArray = []; // } // } // }; // //停用和启用 // var currentId; // scope.stopOrActiveBusinessUnit = function (org) { // currentId =; // var name =; // var id =; // var updateArray = []; // var values = { id: id, name: name, isActive: !org.isActive }; // updateArray.push(values); // scope.stopCtrlFn({ newcontent: updateArray }); // scope.$on('to-child', function (event, successFlag) { // if (successFlag) { // var item = _.where(scope.businessUnitList, { id: currentId }); // item[0].isActive = values.isActive; // } // }); // }; // //form validation before saving add/edit operation // var formValidation = function (newValues) { // var duplicateFlag = false; // var emptyFlag = false; // var outOfLengthFlag = false; // //判断同时输入多个的时候不能重复 // var uniqueList = _.uniq(newValues, function (item, key, name) { // return; // }); // if (uniqueList.length != newValues.length) { // duplicateFlag = true; // } // newValues.forEach(function (item) { // var filterResult = _.find(scope.businessUnitList, { name: }); // //如果找的这个object和newvalue的id是同一个的话,不是重复 // if (filterResult != undefined && !== { // duplicateFlag = true; // } else if ( === '') { // emptyFlag = true; // } else if (PWC.getLength( > constant.businessUnit.BUmaxLength) { // outOfLengthFlag = true; // } // }); // //give notice to user // if (emptyFlag) { // SweetAlert.warning(emptyNote); // } else if (duplicateFlag) { // SweetAlert.warning(depulicateNote); // } else if (outOfLengthFlag) { // SweetAlert.warning(outOfLengthNote); // } // return { // duplicateFlag: duplicateFlag, // emptyFlag: emptyFlag, // outOfLengthFlag: outOfLengthFlag // }; // }; //} }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('KeyvalueManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert) { 'use strict'; (function initialize() { $log.debug('KeyvalueManageController.ctor()...'); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('keyvalueManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('keyvalueManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/masterData/keyvalueManage/keyvalue-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, controller: 'KeyvalueManageController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('orangizationStructureManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'organizationStructureService', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', '$interval', function($scope, $log, SweetAlert, organizationStructureService, $translate, uiGridConstants, Upload, apiInterceptor, $interval) { 'use strict'; // 模态框的编辑状态 true 编辑状态,false 创建状态 $scope.isEdit = false; var formValidator = null; //当前编辑对象 $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", name: "", IsActive: true }; var editModalSelector = ".orangization-structure #edit-modal"; //显示指定消息编码对应的翻译文本信息 var showError = function(messageCode) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(messageCode); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; //清空当前编辑字段值 $scope.resetEditingObject = function() { $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", name: "", IsActive: true }; var elms = $(editModalSelector).find("form:first div[data-for]"); elms.html(""); elms.attr("class", "validate-success"); } //创建(添加)新事业部,使用模态框实现编辑入口 $scope.createNewData = function() { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.resetEditingObject(); $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }; //编辑焦点行数据 $scope.editFocusedRow = function(data) { $scope.isEdit = true; $scope.editingObject = { ID:, name:, IsActive: data.isActive }; $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }; //保存当前正在编辑数据行,经过界面初步校验后才会进入本功能 $scope.saveEditRow = function() { if ($scope.editingObject == null) { showError("OrganizationStructureNoSelected"); return; } if ($scope.editingObject && $ == 0) { showError("OrganizationStructureEmptyNode"); return; } if (!($(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").valid())) { return; } var osArray = []; osArray.push($scope.editingObject); var successedFun = function(rst) { $scope.refreshData(); $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); if ($scope.isEdit) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureEditSuccess")); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureAddSuccess")); } } if ($scope.isEdit) { organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(osArray).success(successedFun); } else { organizationStructureService.addOrganizationStructure(osArray).success(successedFun); } }; //取消保存当前编辑行 $scope.cancelEditOS = function() { $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); }; //停用或启用当前事业部 $scope.activeOS = function(data) { data.isActive = !data.isActive; var osArray = []; osArray.push(data); organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(osArray).success(function(rst) { $scope.refreshData(); }); }; //获取事业部数据 $scope.refreshData = function() { organizationStructureService.getOrganizationStructureList().success(function(data) { $ = data; }); }; $scope.getGridHeight = function() { return { height: $(".orangization-structure-containers .list-container").height() + "px" }; } function intiUiGrid() { var operation = ""; if ($scope.hasEditPermission){ operation = '<div class="orangization-structure-gridcell-operation">' + '<a ng-click="grid.appScope.editFocusedRow(row.entity)">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="margin-right: 10px;"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureEdit"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a ng-click="grid.appScope.activeOS(row.entity)" ng-if="row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#3f3f40"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureDisabledNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a ng-click="grid.appScope.activeOS(row.entity)" ng-if="!row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#e64400"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureEnableNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '</div>' } else{ operation = '<div class="orangization-structure-gridcell-operation ' + constant.noPermissionClass + '">' + '<a enabled="false" >' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="margin-right: 10px;"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureEdit"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a enabled="false" ng-if="row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#3f3f40"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureDisabledNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '<a enabled="false" ng-if="!row.entity.isActive">' + ' <i class="material-icons" style="color:#e64400"></i>' + ' <span>{{"OrganizationStructureEnableNode"|translate}}</span>' + '</a>' + '</div>' } $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: true, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, columnDefs: [{ field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureName'), width: '50%', cellTemplate: '<div class="orangization-structure-gridcell-name"><span>{{}}</span><span ng-hide="true">{{}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'isActive', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureStatus'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="orangization-structure-gridcell-isactive">' + '<span ng-if="row.entity.isActive">{{"OrganizationStructureActive"|translate}}</span>' + '<span ng-if="!row.entity.isActive">{{"OrganizationStructureDisabled"|translate}}</span>' + '</div>' }, { field: 'Operation', name: $translate.instant('Operation'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: operation }], onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); $interval(function() { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function(renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchEASText); renderableRows.forEach(function(row) { try { var match = false; ['code', 'name'].forEach(function(field) { if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); if (!match) { row.visible = false; } } catch (e) { $log.debug('singleFilter-match:' + JSON.stringify(row.entity)); } }); return renderableRows; }; } function intiValidate() { $.validator.addMethod("OSRepeated", function(value, element, param) { var objects = $.grep($, function(n, i) { return $scope.editingObject.ID != && $.trim( == $.trim(value); }); return objects.length < 1; }); formValidator = $(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").validate({ debug: true, rules: { name: { required: true, minlength: 2, maxlength: 50, OSRepeated: true }, IsActive: { required: "input[name='IsActive']:checked" } }, messages: { name: { required: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEmptyNode'), minlength: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEmptyNode'), maxlength: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOutOfLengthNode'), OSRepeated: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDuplicateNode') }, IsActive: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureStatusUnsureness') }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { var elm = $(element).parents("form:first"); elm = elm.find("div[data-for='" + element.attr("name") + "']"); elm.html(error); elm.attr("class", "validate-fail"); } }); } var havePermission = function() { $scope.$root.checkUserPermission(constant.adminPermission.basicData.orangizationStructure.editCode).success(function(data) { $scope.hasEditPermission = data; intiUiGrid(); $scope.refreshData(); intiValidate(); }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('orangizationStructureManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.hasEditPermission = false; havePermission(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('orangizationStructureManage', ['$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', function ($log, SweetAlert, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orangizationStructureManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/masterData/orangizationStructureManage/orangization-structure-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { addCtrlFn: '&addFn', removeCtrlFn: '&removeFn', editCtrlFn: '&editFn', stopCtrlFn: '&stopFn', attr: '@', list:'=bind' }, controller: 'orangizationStructureManageController', //link: function (scope, element, attrs, $element) { // var originalContent, target, isEdit, isAdd; // var originalArray = []; // var isNodeActive = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureActive'); // var isNodeDisabled = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDisabled'); // var disableNode = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDisabledNode'); // var activeNode = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEnableNode'); // var emptyNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEmptyNode'); // var outOfLengthNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOutOfLengthNode'); // var depulicateNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDuplicateNode'); // var addInvalidNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperationAddInvalid'); // var editInvalidNote = $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperationEditInvalid'); // //添加行的时候删除行 // $(document).on('click', '.remove-row', function () { // var tr=$(this).parent().parent(); // var id = $(tr).children('td').eq(2).text(); // $(tr).remove(); // if (id !== '') { // scope.removeCtrlFn({ id: id }); // } // if ($('.remove-row').length == 0) { // $(".save-group").css('display', 'none'); // isAdd = false; // } // }); // //选中行 // $(document).on('click', '#orgTable tr:not(.header)', function (evt) { // $("#orgTable tr").removeClass("selected"); // $(this).toggleClass('selected'); // target = $("#orgTable tr.selected td"); // }); // //编辑 // scope.edit = function (e, org) { // if (isAdd) { // SweetAlert.warning(editInvalidNote); // return; // } // var elem; // isEdit = true; isAdd = false; // $(".save-group").css('display', 'block'); // elem = (e.srcElement||; //for IE: e.srcElement, others, // target=$(elem).parent().parent().parent().children('td'); // scope.currentTarget = target; // scope.currentOrg =org; // var element = $(target).eq(0); // originalContent = $(element).text(); // var result=$.grep(originalArray,function(e){ return}); // if (result.length === 0 || originalContent!='') { // //add to originalArray for the cancel // originalArray.push({ 'id':, 'content': originalContent }); // $(element).addClass("cellEditing"); // $(element).html("<input type='text' class='form-control' value='" + originalContent + "' /></div>"); // $(element).children().first().focus(); // $(element).children().first().keypress(function (e) { // if (e.which == 13) { // var newContent = $(element).children().first().val(); // $(element).text(newContent); // $(element).removeClass("cellEditing"); // } // }); // } // }; // //取消保存 // scope.cancel = function (e) { // var elem = (e.srcElement ||; //for IE: e.srcElement, others, // if (isEdit) { // var element = $(".cellEditing"); // element.each(function (index) { // var td = $(this).parent().children('td').eq(2); // var id = $(td).text(); // var obj = $.grep(originalArray, function (x) { return === id }); // if (obj.length > 0) { // $(this).text(obj[0].content); // $(this).removeClass("cellEditing"); // } // }); // originalArray = []; // isEdit = false; // } else { // $('.new-add').remove(); // isAdd = false; // } // $(".save-group").css('display', 'none'); // }; // $("#btnAddOrgStructure").on('click', function () { // if (isEdit) { // SweetAlert.warning(addInvalidNote); // return; // } // isEdit = false; isAdd = true; // $(".save-group").css('display', 'block'); // $('#orgTable tr:last').after('<tr class="new-add"><td><input type="text" class="form-control new-add-input" value="" /></td><td>' + isNodeActive + '</td><td><i class="fa fa-times remove-row" aria-hidden="true"></i></td></tr>'); // }); // //保存 // = function (e) { // if (isEdit) { // //编辑保存 // var elem = (e.srcElement ||; //for IE: e.srcElement, others, // var element = $(".cellEditing"); // var newValues = []; // var idArray = []; // element.each(function (index) { // var td = $(this).parent().children('td'); // var newContent = $(td).eq(0).children().first().val(); // var isActive = $(td).eq(1).text(); // var id = $(td).eq(2).text(); // idArray.push(id); // newValues.push({ // id: id, name: newContent, isActive: isActive // }); // }); // var validationResult = formValidation(newValues); // if (!validationResult.duplicateFlag && !validationResult.emptyFlag && !validationResult.outOfLengthFlag) { // isEdit = false; // $(".save-group").css('display', 'none'); // element.each(function (index) { // var td = $(this).parent().children('td'); // var firstTd = $(td).eq(0); // var newVal = $(firstTd).children().first().val(); // $(firstTd).text(newVal); // $(firstTd).removeClass("cellEditing"); // }); // scope.editCtrlFn({ // newcontent: newValues // }); // originalArray = []; // } // } else { // //新增层级 // var newaddTarget = $('.new-add-input'); // var values = []; // var hasName = true; // var outOfLength = false; // var duplicate = false; // var newValues = []; // $(newaddTarget).each(function () { // var guid = PWC.newGuid(); // var name = $(this).val(); // newValues.push({ // id: guid, name: name, isActive: true // }); // }); // var validationResult = formValidation(newValues); // if (!validationResult.duplicateFlag && !validationResult.emptyFlag && !validationResult.outOfLengthFlag) { // $(".save-group").css('display', 'none'); // $('.new-add').remove(); // var newAdd = { // newrow: newValues // }; // newValues.forEach(function (item) { // scope.organizationStructureList.push(item); // }); // scope.addCtrlFn(newAdd); // originalArray = []; // } // } // }; // //停用和启用 // var currentId; // scope.stopOrActive=function (org) { // currentId =; // var name; // var id; // var updateArray = []; // var values = { id: id, name: name, isActive: !org.isActive }; // updateArray.push(values); // scope.stopCtrlFn({ newcontent: updateArray }); // scope.$on('to-child', function (event, successFlag) { // if (successFlag) { // var item = _.where(scope.organizationStructureList, { id: currentId }); // item[0].isActive = values.isActive; // } // }); // }; // //form validation before saving add/edit operation // var formValidation = function (newValues) { // var duplicateFlag = false; // var emptyFlag = false; // var outOfLengthFlag = false; // //判断同时输入多个的时候不能重复 // var uniqueList = _.uniq(newValues, function (item, key, name) { // return; // }); // if (uniqueList.length != newValues.length) { // duplicateFlag = true; // } // newValues.forEach(function (item) { // var filterResult = _.find(scope.organizationStructureList, { name: }); // //如果找的这个object和newvalue的id是同一个的话,不是重复 // if (filterResult!=undefined && !== { // duplicateFlag = true; // } else if ( === '') { // emptyFlag = true; // } else if (PWC.getLength( > constant.organizationStructManage.nameMaxLength) { // outOfLengthFlag = true; // } // }); // //give notice to user // if (emptyFlag) { // SweetAlert.warning(emptyNote); // } else if (duplicateFlag) { // SweetAlert.warning(depulicateNote); // } else if (outOfLengthFlag) { // SweetAlert.warning(outOfLengthNote); // } // return { // duplicateFlag: duplicateFlag, // emptyFlag: emptyFlag, // outOfLengthFlag: outOfLengthFlag // }; // }; //} }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('RegionManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'regionService', '$translate', 'areaRegionService', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', '$q', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, regionService, $translate, areaRegionService, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, $q) { 'use strict'; var tree; $scope.my_tree = tree = {}; $scope.defaultCity = { id: '', parentID: '', name: '' }; $scope.regionTypeData = [{ type: 0, name: $translate.instant('AdministrativeRegions') }, { type: 1, name: $translate.instant('CustomArea') }]; var isActiveMap = { false: 'Enable', true: 'Disable' }; $scope.awesomeCallback = function (node, tree) { // Do something with node or tree $'callback'); }; $scope.otherAwesomeCallback = function (node, isSelected, tree) { // Do soemthing with node or tree based on isSelected $'other call back', node); $scope.tree = tree; } var getProvinceAndCityList = function (branch) { var citys = []; if ( { // 如果是自定义区域 if (branch.children && branch.children.length > 0) { branch.children.forEach(function (row) { if (! { var tempList = getProvinceAndCityList(row); citys = _.union(citys, tempList); } }); } } else { // 如果是行政区域, 省 if (branch.children && branch.children.length > 0) { var tempCities = []; branch.children.forEach(function (row) { citys.push({ id:, name: row.text, level: 2, status: 2, parentId: row.itemData.parentId, }); }); //var allCities = _.find($scope.provinceCityData, function(num) { // return === //}); //if (allCities && allCities.children && allCities.children.length === branch.children.length) { // citys.push({ // id:, // name: branch.text, // level: 1, // status: 2 // }); //} else { // citys.push({ // id:, // name: branch.text, // level: 1, // status: 1 // }); //} } else { // 市 } } return citys; }; var colorPanel = { // 颜色列表 // yellow,orange,gold colorList: ['#FFB300', '#FEE002', '#FFFA23'], createNew: function () { var colorPanelInstance = {}; colorPanelInstance.index = 0; colorPanelInstance.getNextColor = function () { if (colorPanelInstance.index >= colorPanel.colorList.length - 1) { colorPanelInstance.index = 0; } else { colorPanelInstance.index++; } return colorPanel.colorList[colorPanelInstance.index]; } return colorPanelInstance; } }; var colorPanelInstance = colorPanel.createNew(); //var loadRegionTree = function () { // $scope.doing_async = true; // regionService.getSettingRegionTree().success(function (data) { // initParam(); // setAreaRegionTreeColor(data); // $scope.areaRegionTreeData = data; // $timeout(function () { // if ($scope.selectedBranch) { // $scope.gridInstance.selectItem($scope.selectedBranch.key); // } else { // $scope.gridInstance.selectItem(data[0].id); // } // }, 20); // }); //}; var setAreaRegionTreeColor = function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { data.forEach(function (row) { var color = colorPanelInstance.getNextColor(); = color; if (row.items && row.items.length > 0) { row.items.forEach(function (row2) { setColor(row2, color); }); } }); // if (data[0].items && data[0].items.length > 0) { // data[0].items.forEach(function(row) { // var color = colorPanelInstance.getNextColor(); // = color; // if (row.children && row.children.length > 0) { // row.children.forEach(function(row2) { // setColor(row2, color); // }); // } // }); // } } }; var orders = new{ url: "http://localhost:20001/api/v1/region/getSettingRegionTree" }); var dataSource = new{ load: function (loadOptions) { var d = new $.Deferred(); regionService.getSettingRegionTree().success(function (data) { initParam(); setAreaRegionTreeColor(data); //$scope.areaRegionTreeData = data; $timeout(function () { if ($scope.selectedBranch) { $scope.gridInstance.selectItem($scope.selectedBranch.key); } else { // 菜单直接点进来就可以加一级 // $scope.gridInstance.selectItem(data[0].id); } }, 20); d.resolve(data); }); return d.promise(); } }); $scope.unSelectArea = function (event) { var className =; if (className && (className.indexOf('cannot-click') > -1 || className.indexOf('material-icons') > -1)) { return; } $scope.gridInstance.unselectAll(); $scope.selectedBranch = null; initParam(); $timeout(refreshMap, 20); }; var loadRegionTree = function () { $scope.areaTreeViewOptions = { // bindingOptions: { // dataSource: 'areaRegionTreeData', // searchValue: 'searchValue', // expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll', // }, itemTemplate: 'itemAreaTreeTemplate', dataStructure: "plain", //dataSource: new{ // store: new{ // url: "http://localhost:20001/api/v1/region/getSettingRegionTree" // }) //}), dataSource: dataSource, // remoteOperations: { // sorting: true, // //paging: true // }, // selection: { // mode: "single" // }, selectionMode: 'single', //单选 loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "uniqueId", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, // selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), selectByClick: true, // 点击选中 scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: false, //级联选择 onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; }, onItemClick: function (e) { // $scope.gridInstance.selectItem(e.node.key); // if ($scope.selectedBranch != null && $scope.selectedBranch.key === e.node.key){ // //默认全部不选择 // $scope.gridInstance.unselectAll(); // $scope.selectedBranch = null; // $timeout(refreshMap, 20); // return; // } $scope.selectedBranch = e.node; // 可以添加的条件 if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { $scope.isActiveOperate = $; if ($ { if ($ { $scope.canEdit = true; $scope.canAdd = true; $scope.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$]); } else { $scope.canEdit = false; $scope.canAdd = false; $scope.isActiveStr = ''; } } else { $scope.canAdd = false; $scope.canEdit = false; $scope.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$]); } } $timeout(refreshMap, 20); } }; }; var setColor = function (branch, color) { = color; if (branch.items && branch.items.length) { branch.items.forEach(function (row) { setColor(row, color); }); } }; var loadProvinceAndCity = function () { regionService.getProvinceAndCityTreeList().success(function (data) { // 只取有效的数据 //data = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.isActive }); //$scope.provinceList = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.levelType === 1 }); //$scope.allCityList = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.levelType === 2 }); $scope.provinceCityData = data; }); }; var selectRegion = function (region) { $scope.selectedBranch = region; $scope.selectedRegion =; $scope.selectedRegion.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$scope.selectedRegion.isActive]); if (!$scope.selectedRegion.isActive) { $scope.canAdd = false; } else { if ($scope.selectedRegion.isArea) { $scope.canAdd = true; } else { $scope.canAdd = false; } } refreshMap(); }; var refreshMap = function () { $timeout(function () { if ($scope.mychart) { var option = angular.copy($scope.option); var data = []; if ($scope.selectedBranch && $scope.selectedBranch.parent === null) { // 如果是根节点 if ($scope.selectedBranch.children && $scope.selectedBranch.children.length > 0) { $scope.selectedBranch.children.forEach(function (row) { var tempCity = getAreaCityRecursive(row); var tempData = getMapData(tempCity, row); if (tempData && tempData.length > 0) { data = _.union(data, tempData); } }); } } else { var areaCity = getAreaCityRecursive($scope.selectedBranch); var tempData = getMapData(areaCity, $scope.selectedBranch); if (tempData && tempData.length > 0) { data = _.union(data, tempData); } } if (data && data.length > 0) { option.series[0].data = data; $scope.mychart.setOption(option); } else { option.series[0].data = []; $scope.mychart.setOption(option); } } }, 0); }; var getMapData = function (areaCity, branch) { var data = []; if (areaCity && areaCity.length > 0) { var reg = /省$/gi; var cityreg = /市$/gi; areaCity.forEach(function (row) { //will replace with constanct variable if (row === '香港特别行政区') { row = '香港'; } else if (row === '澳门特别行政区') { row = '澳门'; } var item = { name: row.replace(reg, '').replace(cityreg, ''), value: randomData(), itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: } } }; data.push(item); }); } return data; }; var getAreaCityRecursive = function (branch) { var citys = []; if (!branch || !branch.itemData || ! { return citys; } if ( { // 如果是自定义区域 if (branch.children && branch.children.length > 0) { var tempCities = []; branch.children.forEach(function (row) { var temp = getAreaCityRecursive(row); if (temp && temp.length > 0) { tempCities = _.union(tempCities, temp); } }); citys = _.union(citys, tempCities); } } else { // 如果是行政区域 if (branch.children && branch.children.length > 0) { var tempCities = []; tempCities.push(branch.text); citys = _.union(citys, tempCities); } else { } } return citys; }; var newRegion = function ($event) { if (!$scope.canAdd) { return; $event.stopPropagation(); } $scope.editModel = {}; if ($scope.selectedBranch) { $scope.editModel.mergerName = $; } $scope.editModel.isfirstShow = true; $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.editModel.RegionNames = []; // 如果是选择行政省,则添加输入框中,行政省不能选 if ($scope.canAdd && $scope.selectedBranch && $scope.selectedBranch.children && $scope.selectedBranch.children.length > 0 && !$scope.selectedRegion.isArea) { $scope.selectProvince = _.find($scope.provinceList, function (num) { return + '' === $ }); $scope.loadCity(); } else { $scope.selectProvince = null; $scope.selectCity = null; } resetErrorStatus(); $scope.editModel.SelectedCityList = []; $('#addRegionPop').modal('show'); $event.stopPropagation(); }; var changeRegionName = function () { if (!$ { $ = ''; } $scope.editModel.mergerName = $scope.selectedRegion.mergerName + ',' + $; $scope.editModel.shortName = $; }; var save = function () { resetErrorStatus(); if (!($('#addRegionForm').valid())) { return; } var selectedCity = $scope.selectedNodeList; console.log('selectedCity', selectedCity); //var tree = $scope.editModel.MyTree; var areaId = $scope.selectedBranch ? $ : null; var parentId = $scope.selectedBranch ? $scope.selectedBranch.itemData.parentId : null; var name = $scope.editModel.areaName; //增加区域的情况 if ($scope.isAdd) { $scope.editModel.IsEdit = false; var saveModel = { parentId: areaId, name: name, cityList: selectedCity }; console.log(saveModel); areaRegionService.add(saveModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); refreshAreaRegionTree(); $('#addRegionPop').modal('hide'); }); } else { //编辑区域的情况 var saveModel = { id: areaId, parentId: $scope.selectedBranch.itemData.parentId, name: name, cityList: selectedCity, isActive: true }; areaRegionService.update(saveModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); refreshAreaRegionTree(); $('#addRegionPop').modal('hide'); }); } }; var addCityToMap = function (model) { if (model.isArea) { return; } if ($scope.mychart) { var option = $scope.option; var areaCity = []; if (model.provinceRegionID && model.cityRegionID) { // 指定市 areaCity.push(model.cityName); } else { // 某一个省的所有市 var cityNameList = _.pluck($scope.cityList, 'name'); cityNameList = _.filter(cityNameList, function (num) { return num !== '' }); areaCity = cityNameList; } var item = getMapData(areaCity, $scope.selectedBranch); if (!option.series[0].data || option.series[0].data.length === 0) { option.series[0].data = []; } // 两个数组union起来 option.series[0].data = _.union(option.series[0].data, item); $timeout(function () { $scope.mychart.setOption(option); }, 100); } }; var selectedCityList = []; var getCity = function (item) { if (item.children.length == 0) { selectedCityList.push(item); return; } item.children.forEach(function (itm) { getCity(itm); }); }; var edit = function ($event) { $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.editModel = $scope.selectedRegion; selectedCityList = []; var selectItem = $scope.selectedBranch; var selectedProvinceCityInfo = getProvinceAndCityList(selectItem); $scope.editModel.SelectedCityList = selectedProvinceCityInfo; $scope.editModel.IsEdit = true; $scope.selectRegionType = $scope.regionTypeData[1]; $scope.selectProvince = null; $scope.selectCity = null; $scope.editModel.areaName = $scope.selectedBranch.text; resetErrorStatus(); $('#addRegionPop').modal('show'); $event.stopPropagation(); }; var cancel = function () { if ($ { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.selectedRegion.isEditRegionItem = false; } else { $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.selectedRegion.parentNode.subRegionList = _.filter($scope.selectedRegion.parentNode.subRegionList, function (num) { return }); } }; var regionItemDbClick = function (model) { if (!$scope.isEdit) { $scope.selectedRegion = model; $scope.selectedRegion.pinYin = ''; $scope.selectedRegion.isEditRegionItem = true; $scope.selectedRegion.editName = $; $scope.isEdit = true; } }; var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#addRegionForm'); $.each(currentForm.children(), function (index, element) { // $(element).find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); $(element).find('.has-error label').remove(); }); validator.resetForm(); }; // 启用禁用 var updateIsActive = function ($event) { var updateModel = {}; updateModel.isActive = !$; = $; updateModel.text = $scope.selectedBranch.text; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $scope.isActiveStr + '?', text: $translate.instant('ComfirmRegionIsActive').formatObj({ isActiveStr: $scope.isActiveStr, regionName: updateModel.text }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { areaService.isactive(updateModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { if (data.resultMsg) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } else { var errorList = []; var template = $translate.instant(data.resultMsg); var orgNameList =','); swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), template.formatObj({ orgNameList: orgNameList }), 'warning'); } updateModel.isActive = !$scope.selectedRegion.isActive; return; }; SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); refreshAreaRegionTree(); $event.stopPropagation(); }); } }); }; var resources = { provinceRequired: $translate.instant('ProvinceRequired'), areaNameRequired: $translate.instant('AreaNameRequired') }; var validator = $("#addRegionForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { province: { required: true }, areaName: { required: true, maxlength: 50 } }, messages: { province: { required: resources.provinceRequired }, areaName: { required: resources.areaNameRequired, maxlength: $translate.instant('AreaNameOutOfLengthNode'), } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); // error.addClass('label-danger'); } }; var setCollapsedID = function (model) { if (model.parentNode) { $scope.collapsedIDList.push(; setCollapsedID(model.parentNode); } }; var setParentNodeList = function (model) { if (model.subRegionList && model.subRegionList.length > 0) { model.subRegionList.forEach(function (row) { row.parentNode = model; setParentNodeList(row); }); } }; // id:主键ID // node:对应节点 // model:添加的时候的数据 var reloadById = function (id, node, model) { regionService.getAreRegionTreeByNodeID(id).success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var oldData =; node.children = angular.copy(data[0].children); node.label = data[0].label; = angular.copy(data[0].data); = oldData.isRoot; if (!oldData.color) { oldData.color = colorPanelInstance.getNextColor(); } setColor(node, oldData.color); $scope.selectedRegion.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$scope.selectedRegion.isActive]); selectRegion(node); //if (model) { // addCityToMap(model); //} } }); }; var randomData = function () { return Math.round(Math.random() * 1000); }; $scope.drawChinaMap = function () { //var mychart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chinaMap')); $.get('/app-resources/map/china.json', function (chinaJson) { $scope.chinaJson = chinaJson; echarts.registerMap('china', chinaJson); var mychart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chinaMap')); var option = { //visualMap: { // min: 0, // max: 2500, // left: 'left', // top: 'bottom', // text: ['高', '低'], // 文本,默认为数值文本 // show: false, //}, legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data: [] }, series: [{ type: 'map', map: 'china', nameMap: { 'China': '中国' }, label: { normal: { show: true, textStyle: { // #c12e34, 改label字体的颜色 color: '#894A00' } }, emphasis: { //textStyle: { // color: '#fff' //} } }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: '#C9C9C9', borderColor: 'white', borderWidth: 0.5, label: { show: false } }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#F2D997', label: { show: true } } }, scaleLimit: { min: 1 }, selectedMode: false, roam: true, data: [] }] }; $scope.option = option; mychart.setOption(option); //mychart.on('click', function (parmas) { //}); //mychart.dispatchAction({ // type: 'highlight', // // 可选,系列 index,可以是一个数组指定多个系列 // seriesIndex: 0, // // 可选,系列名称,可以是一个数组指定多个系列 // dataIndex: 1, // // 可选,数据的 名称 //}); //mychart.dispatchAction({ // type: 'highlight', // // 可选,系列 index,可以是一个数组指定多个系列 // seriesIndex: 0, // // 可选,系列名称,可以是一个数组指定多个系列 // dataIndex: 29, // // 可选,数据的 名称 //}); //mychart.dispatchAction({ // type: 'highlight', // // 可选,系列 index,可以是一个数组指定多个系列 // seriesIndex: 0, // // 可选,系列名称,可以是一个数组指定多个系列 // dataIndex: 28 // // 可选,数据的 名称 //}); mychart.on('click', function (parmas) { }); $scope.mychart = mychart; }); //mychart.setOption(option); }; $scope.changeRegionType = function () { if ($ == 0) { $scope.editModel.areaName = ''; } else { $scope.selectProvince = null; $scope.selectCity = null; } }; $scope.loadCity = function () { $scope.cityList = _.filter($scope.allCityList, function (num) { return num.parentID === $ }); if ($scope.cityList != null && $scope.cityList.length > 0) { // 加上默认的城市 $scope.cityList.splice(0, 0, $scope.defaultCity); } else { $scope.cityList.push($scope.defaultCity); } $scope.selectCity = $scope.defaultCity; }; var havePermission = function () { $scope.$root.checkUserPermission(constant.adminPermission.basicData.areaManage.editCode).success(function (data) { $scope.hasEditPermission = data; initParam(); }); }; var initParam = function () { $scope.isActiveStr = ''; $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.canEdit = false; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { $scope.canAdd = true; } else { $scope.canAdd = false; } }; var refreshAreaRegionTree = function () { dataSource.reload() //$scope.gridInstance.repaint(); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('RegionManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.regionList = []; $scope.selectedRegion = {}; $scope.selectedRegion.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[false]);; $scope.selectRegion = selectRegion; $scope.newRegion = newRegion; // $scope.newRegionNode = newRegionNode; $scope.changeRegionName = changeRegionName; $ = save; $scope.edit = edit; $scope.updateIsActive = updateIsActive; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; havePermission(); //loadAreaTree(); loadRegionTree(); $scope.drawChinaMap(); //loadProvinceAndCity(); })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('regionManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('regionManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/masterData/regionManage/region-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'RegionManageController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); basicDataModule .controller('WordLibraryManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'keywordmapService', 'uiGridConstants', 'stdAccountService', '$translate', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, keywordmapService, uiGridConstants, stdAccountService, $translate) { 'use strict'; var loadstdAccountList = function () { stdAccountService.GetStdAccountList().success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { row.optionText = row.code + ' ' + row.fullName; }); $scope.stdAccountList = data; }); }; var loadKeyWordMapList = function () { keywordmapService.get(1).success(function (data) { $ = data; $scope.gridOptions.noData = data.length === 0; $log.debug('keywordmapService.get...'); }); }; var loadSingleKeyWordMap = function () { var selectedKeywordMapList = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedKeywordMapList && selectedKeywordMapList.length > 0) { // 选中 keywordmapService.getsingle(selectedKeywordMapList[0].id).success(function (data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.editModel $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.selectAccount = _.find($scope.stdAccountList, function (num) { return num.code === data.standardCode }); $('#addKeywordMapPop').modal('show'); }); } else { $log.debug('please select one keywordMap...'); } }; var changesStdAccountSelect = function () { if ($scope.selectAccount) { $ = $; $scope.editModel.stdFullName = $scope.selectAccount.fullName; $scope.editModel.standardCode = $scope.selectAccount.code; } else { $ = ''; $scope.editModel.stdFullName = ''; $scope.editModel.standardCode = ''; } }; var save = function () { if (!($('#addKeywordMapForm').valid())) { return; } $scope.editModel.isActive = 1; if ($scope.isAdd) { keywordmapService.add($scope.editModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { var errorList = []; if ( != null && > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { if (![i].result &&[i].resultMsg) { var fullNameList =[i].data, function (num) { return num.fullName; }); var fullNameListStr = fullNameList.join(',', fullNameList); var error = $translate.instant([i].resultMsg) + ''; error = error.formatObj({ code: $scope.editModel.standardCode, fullNameList: fullNameListStr }); errorList.push(error); } } }"region", errorList.join(';', errorList)); return; }; $log.debug(data); $('#addKeywordMapPop').modal('hide'); loadKeyWordMapList(); }); } else { keywordmapService.update($scope.editModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) {'info', $translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } $('#addKeywordMapPop').modal('hide'); loadKeyWordMapList(); }); } }; var search = function () { $scope.gridApi.grid.refresh(); }; // 新增 var newKeywordMap = function () { $scope.editModel = {}; $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.selectAccount = null; resetErrorStatus(); $('#addKeywordMapPop').modal('show'); }; var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#addKeywordMapForm'); $.each(currentForm.children(), function (index, element) { // 去除div $(element).children('div').removeClass('has-error'); }); validator.resetForm(); }; var resources = { stdCodeRequired: $translate.instant('AccountKeywordStandardCodeRequired'), fullNameRequired: $translate.instant('AccountKeywordTextRequired') }; var validator = $("#addKeywordMapForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { stdCode: { required: true }, fullName: { required: true } }, messages: { stdCode: { required: resources.stdCodeRequired }, fullName: { required: resources.fullNameRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); // error.addClass('label-danger'); } }; var modifyIsActive = function () { var selectedKeywordMapList = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedKeywordMapList && selectedKeywordMapList.length > 0) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ComfirmDisable') + '?', text: $translate.instant('ComfirmAccountMappingKeywordDisable').formatObj({ code: selectedKeywordMapList[0].standardCode, name: selectedKeywordMapList[0].name, fullName: selectedKeywordMapList[0].fullName }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 var model = selectedKeywordMapList[0]; model.isActive = model.isActive === 1 ? 0 : 1; keywordmapService.isactive(model).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) {'info', $translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } else { SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant('ComfirmDisable') + '!', $translate.instant("ComfirmDisableSuccess"), "success"); loadKeyWordMapList(); } }); } }); } else { $log.debug('please select one keywordMap...'); } }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('WordLibraryManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.stdAccountList = []; $ = search; $scope.newKeywordMap = newKeywordMap; $scope.changesStdAccountSelect = changesStdAccountSelect; $ = save; $scope.loadSingleKeyWordMap = loadSingleKeyWordMap; $scope.modifyIsActive = modifyIsActive; loadstdAccountList(); loadKeyWordMapList(); $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: 45, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 45, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowSelection: true, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: [ { field: 'standardCode', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountCode'), width: '20%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.standardCode}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('StandardAccountName'), width: '40%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'fullName', name: $translate.instant('AccountKeywordText'), width: '40%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.fullName}}</span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function (renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchText); renderableRows.forEach(function (row) { var match = false; ['standardCode', 'name', 'fullName'].forEach(function (field) { if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); if (!match) { row.visible = false; } }); return renderableRows; }; })(); } ]); basicDataModule.directive('wordLibraryManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('wordLibraryManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/basicData/masterData/wordLibraryManage/word-library-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, controller: 'WordLibraryManageController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]);