/*! ranegPicker v1.0 (c) 2013 Yair Even Or MIT-style license. */ ; (function ($) { "use strict"; var $doc = $(document), RangePicker, lastValue, // DOM structure Template = $('<div class="rangePicker"> \ <div class="wrap"> \ <div class="preset"></div> \ <div class="custom"> \ <div class="calendar from"><strong></strong></div> \ <div class="calendar to"></div> \ <footer> \ <button type="button" class="confirm btn btn-primary"></button> \ <button type="button" class="cancel btn"></button> \ </footer> \ </div> \ </div> \ </div>'); RangePicker = function (obj, settings, callback) { this.settings = settings; this.picker = Template.clone(); this.obj = $(obj); this.callback = typeof callback == 'function' ? callback : null; this.result; // the chosen date // set direction mode if (this.settings.RTL) this.picker.addClass('RTL'); // inject picker this.picker.insertAfter(this.obj); // for positioning this.tether = new Tether({ element: this.picker, target: this.obj, attachment: this.settings.RTL ? 'top right' : 'top left', targetAttachment: this.settings.RTL ? 'bottom right' : 'bottom left', constraints: [{ to: 'window', attachment: 'together' }] }) }; RangePicker.prototype = { // prepare the DOM for a new picker init: function () { var i, len; // prevent bubbling of clicking inside the picker to the outside this.picker.add(this.obj).on('mousedown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }); var that = this, presetWrap = this.picker.find('.preset'), presetDefault = null, years = '', months = '', startYear = this.settings.minDate[1], endYear = this.settings.maxDate[1], totalYears = endYear - startYear, month, button, i; // add the "custom" preset to the array of presets // this.settings.presets.push({ buttonText:'custom', value:'custom' }); // presets for (i = this.settings.presets.length; i--;) { presetWrap.prepend("<button type='button' value='" + this.settings.presets[i].value + "'>" + this.settings.presets[i].buttonText + "</button>"); } this.presets = presetWrap.find('button'); // add indexes to match them for the right place in the this.result array this.calendar = { from: this.picker.find('.calendar.from'), to: this.picker.find('.calendar.to') } //2017-04-24init btn text this.picker.find('.confirm.btn.btn-primary').html(this.settings.ConfirmBtnText); this.picker.find('.cancel.btn').html(this.settings.CancelBtnText); // years for (i = totalYears + 1; i--;) { years += '<option value="' + (endYear - i) + '">' + (endYear - i) + '</option>'; } // months for (i = 0, len = this.settings.months.length; i < len; i++) { month = '<button>' + this.settings.months[i] + '</button>'; months += month; } // generate "custom" markup for years and months this.calendar.from.append( $('<select>').html(years), // years.replace(/%%/g,'From - ') $('<div>').addClass('months').html(months) ); this.calendar.to.append(this.calendar.from.html()); this.yearSelectors = this.picker.find('select'); this.yearSelectors.addClass('form-control'); // pre-select the last year for the END picker // link each <select> to the other one for validation purposes this.yearSelectors[0].selectedIndex = this.yearSelectors[1].selectedIndex = totalYears; this.bind(); // preselect years: this.yearSelectors.trigger('change'); if (this.settings.setDate) this.update(this.settings.setDate); }, bind: function () { var that = this; // when clicking the input object bound to this picker, show the picker this.obj.on('click', function () { that.show.apply(that) }); this.picker .on('click', '.preset > button', that.presetClick.bind(that)) .on('click.dp', '.months > button', that.monthClick.bind(that)) .on('change', 'select', that.changeYear.bind(that)) .on('click', '.confirm', that.applyDate.bind(that)) .on('click', '.cancel', that.cancel.bind(that)) }, destroy: function () { this.picker.remove(); this.obj.removeData('_ranegPicker'); }, show: function () { var that = this; // hide all other pickers, if present on the page $('.rangePicker.show').removeClass('show'); if (this.picker.hasClass('show')) { this.hide(); return; } this.picker.addClass('show'); // close picker when clicking outside setTimeout(function () { $doc.on('mousedown._rp', function () { that.cancel.apply(that); }); }, 100); this.tether.position(); this.obj.trigger('datePicker.show'); //2017-04-24增加,直接进入自定义期间选择 if (this.settings.onlyCustom) { this.changePreset('custom'); } }, hide: function () { this.picker.removeClass('show'); $doc.off('mousedown._rp'); }, cancel: function () { // reverse changes this.update(lastValue); this.hide(); }, monthClick: function (e) { var calendarIdx = $(e.target).parents('.calendar').index(), monthIdx = $(e.target).index(); this.changeMonth(calendarIdx, monthIdx); }, // when clicking the "apply" button applyDate: function () { this.update(); if (this.settings.closeOnSelect) this.hide(); this.obj.trigger('datePicker.done', [this.result]); }, presetClick: function (e) { this.changePreset(e.target.value); }, // change selected preset and remove the selection from the custom area changePreset: function (val) { var presetWrap = this.presets.parent(); this.summary(); if (val) { this.presets.removeClass('selected').filter('[value=' + val + ']').addClass('selected'); // set the result presetWrap.addClass('set'); // remove the custom range selections if (val == 'custom') { this.picker.addClass('custom'); this.applyBtnState(); } else { this.result = val; this.picker.find('.months').find('.selected').removeClass('selected'); this.picker.removeClass('custom'); this.applyDate(); } } }, // make sure the all options for the END year will be valid, relative to the chosen START year valideEndYear: function () { var index = this.yearSelectors[0].selectedIndex; // hide irrelevant options in the END year selector this.yearSelectors.eq(1).find('option').hide().slice(index).show(); if (this.yearSelectors[1].selectedIndex < index) { this.yearSelectors[1].selectedIndex = index; this.result[1][1] = this.result[0][1] } }, // disable irrelevant months validMonthsInYear: function (reset) { var that = this, monthsElements; // both month pickers must be validated because they are "linked" to each-other. this.yearSelectors.each(function () { monthsElements = $(this).next('.months').find('button'); // reset all months if (reset) monthsElements.prop('disabled', false); // for FIRST year if (this.selectedIndex == 0) monthsElements.slice(0, that.settings.minDate[0] - 1).prop('disabled', true); // for LAST year if (this.selectedIndex == (this.length - 1)) monthsElements.slice(that.settings.maxDate[0]).prop('disabled', true); }); }, changeYear: function (e) { var that = this, calendarIdx = this.yearSelectors.index(e.target); // FROM or TO range this.changePreset(); this.validMonthsInYear(true); if (calendarIdx == 0) this.valideEndYear(); if (typeof this.result != 'object') this.result = [[], []]; // on year change, reset last selected month $(e.target).next('.months').find('.selected').removeAttr('class'); this.result[calendarIdx][0] = undefined; // set the result this.result[calendarIdx][1] = e.target.value | 0; // disable the dates of the "TO" calendar which are in the relative past if (calendarIdx == 1) this.picker.find('.calendar.from').find('.selected').trigger('click.dp'); this.summary(); this.applyBtnState(); }, // validate months in one picker, relative to the other, to prevent "illegal" time-frame selections changeMonth: function (calendarIdx, monthIdx) { var that = this, monthBtn = this.picker.find('.calendar').eq(calendarIdx).find('button').eq(monthIdx); monthBtn.addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected'); // it can also be a "string" when a preset was previously selected,so the result object needs to be reset if (typeof this.result != 'object') { this.result = [[undefined, this.yearSelectors[0].value | 0], [undefined, this.yearSelectors[1].value | 0]]; } this.result[calendarIdx][0] = monthIdx + 1; this.changePreset(); // if both month pickers are currently at the same year, disable the END month which are in the "relative" past // & only the START month picker should affect the END picker and disable its "past" buttons if (this.result[0][1] == this.result[1][1] && calendarIdx == 0) { this.picker.find('.calendar.to').find('button').prop('disabled', false).slice(0, monthIdx).prop('disabled', true).removeClass('selected'); // update the result if the "TO" value is now invalid because it's in the relative PAST to the "FROM" value if (this.result[0][0] > this.result[1][0]) this.result[1][0] = ''; // if is also the last available year if (this.result[0][1] == this.settings.maxDate[1]) this.validMonthsInYear(false); } // set the year (should happen here as well) this.result[0][1] = this.yearSelectors[0].value; this.result[1][1] = this.yearSelectors[1].value; this.applyBtnState(!this.validateResult()); }, // update the state (disabled/enabled) of the control buttons (apply) applyBtnState: function (state) { if (state !== false) state = (typeof this.result == 'string') || !this.validateResult(); this.picker.find('.confirm').prop('disabled', state); }, // validate the result object // disable the "apply" button if validation fails validateResult: function (result) { result = result || this.result; if (typeof this.result == 'object') { if (result[0].length < 2 || result[1].length < 2 || !result[0][0] || !result[1][0] // if there is no value || result[0][1] < this.settings.minDate[1] || result[0][1] > this.settings.maxDate[1] // if START year is in the range || result[1][1] < this.settings.minDate[1] || result[1][1] > this.settings.maxDate[1] // if END year is in the range || result[0][1] > result[1][1] // if START year is bigger than END year || result[0][0] < 0 || result[0][0] > 12 || result[1][0] < 0 || result[1][0] > 12 || (result[0][1] == result[1][1] && result[0][0] > result[1][0]) // if START year == END year, then START month should be before the END month in the timeframe ) return false; } return true; }, changeCalendar: function (result) { if (!this.validateResult(result)) return false; var that = this; // Years this.yearSelectors[0].value = +result[0][1]; this.yearSelectors[1].value = +result[1][1]; this.valideEndYear(); // Months this.validMonthsInYear(true); this.picker.find('.months').each(function (i) { that.changeMonth(i, result[i][0] - 1); }); this.summary(); return this; }, summary: function (calendarIdx) { if (!this.result) return this; var from = '', to = ''; if (typeof this.result != 'string') { if (this.result[0][0] && this.result[0][1]) from = '<span>' + this.displayValue('%S') + '</span>'; if (this.result[1][0] && this.result[1][1]) to = '<span>' + this.displayValue('%E') + '</span>'; } this.calendar.from.find('strong').html(from); this.calendar.to.find('strong').html(to); }, // human-readable format for custom date displayValue: function (format) { format = format || '%S - %E'; format = format.replace('%S', this.result[0][1] + '-' + this.settings.months[this.result[0][0] - 1]); format = format.replace('%E', this.result[1][1] + '-' + this.settings.months[this.result[1][0] - 1]); return format; }, update: function (result) { var displayValue = ''; if (result) { this.result = result; // if it's a preset if (typeof result == 'string') { this.changePreset(result); return this; } if (!this.changeCalendar(result)) return this; this.changePreset('custom'); } result = result || this.result || this.settings.presets[0].value; // update the object which had triggered rangePicker if (typeof result == 'string') { for (var i = this.settings.presets.length; i--;) { if (this.settings.presets[i].value == result) { displayValue = this.settings.presets[i].displayText; break; } } } else { // parse it displayValue = this.displayValue(); // normalize result type to "Number" result[0][1] = +result[0][1]; result[1][1] = +result[1][1]; } if (displayValue != undefined) this.obj[0].value = displayValue; lastValue = (typeof result == 'string') ? result : $.extend(true, {}, result); this.result = result; return this; } }; //////////////////////////////////// // jQuery plugin intitilization $.fn.rangePicker = function (settings, callback) { return this.each(function () { var $obj = $(this), $settings, rangePicker; if ($obj.data('_ranegPicker')) { rangePicker = $obj.data('_ranegPicker'); if (settings.setDate) rangePicker.update(settings.setDate); return this; } else $settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.rangePicker.defaults, settings || {}); // when calling rangePicker without any settings, only callback if (typeof settings == 'function') callback = settings; rangePicker = new RangePicker($obj, $settings, callback); rangePicker.init(); // save this instance on the element it's bound to $obj.data('_ranegPicker', rangePicker); }); }; //////////////////////////////////// // Defaults $.fn.rangePicker.defaults = { RTL: false, closeOnSelect: true, //2017-04-24 删除,因为不需要左边的预设,原版请参照https://github.com/yairEO/dateRangePicker/tree/gh-pages //presets: [{ // buttonText: '1 month', // displayText: 'one month', // value: '1m' //}, { // buttonText: '3 months', // displayText: 'three months', // value: '3m' //}, { // buttonText: '6 months', // displayText: 'six months', // value: '6m' //}, { // buttonText: '12 months', // displayText: 'twelve months', // value: '12m', //}, { // buttonText: 'Custom', // displayText: 'twelve months', // value: 'custom' //}], presets: [], months: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'], minDate: [5, 2006], maxDate: [8, 2013], setDate: null, //2017-04-24 增设是否只有自定义,直接在打开时执行一次自定义选择事件 onlyCustom: false, ConfirmBtnText: 'Apply', CancelBtnText: 'Cancel' }; })(window.jQuery);