infrastructureModule. controller('MenuManageController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$log', '$http', '$location', '$translate', '$timeout', '$attrs', 'ngDraggable', 'menuService', 'serviceTypeService', function ($scope, $rootScope, $log, $http, $location, $translate, $timeout, $attrs, ngDraggable, menuService, serviceTypeService) { //'use strict'; $log.debug('MenuManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.bag = [{ label: 'Glasses', value: 'glasses', children: [{ label: 'Top Hat', value: 'top_hat', children: [{ label: 'Top Hat 2', value: 'top_hat 2' }, { label: 'Top Hat 3', value: 'top_hat 3' }] }, { label: 'Curly Mustache', value: 'mustachio' }] }]; $scope.awesomeCallback = function (node, tree) { // Do something with node or tree $'callback'); }; $scope.otherAwesomeCallback = function (node, isSelected, tree) { // Do soemthing with node or tree based on isSelected $'other call back',node); } //scope model $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.selectedMenu = null; $scope.editMenuModel = null; $scope.menuData = []; $scope.checkedMenusSet = {}; $scope.set = []; $scope.defaultServiceType = {}; $scope.currentServiceTypeId = null; var getMenusByServiceTypeId = function (serviceTypeId) { menuService.getMenus(serviceTypeId).success(function(menuData) { $scope.menuData = menuData; }); }; //根据serviceTypeId重新获取菜单 $scope.updateMenus = function (selectedServiceType) { $scope.currentServiceTypeId =; $scope.selectedMenu = null; menuService.getMenus($scope.currentServiceTypeId).success(function (menuData) { if (menuData.length === 0) { $scope.showTree = false; $scope.menuData = []; return; } $scope.menuData = menuData; $scope.editMenuModel = null; $scope.showTree = true; }); }; serviceTypeService.getServiceTypeList().success(function (serviceTypeList) { $scope.serviceTypeList = serviceTypeList; $scope.selectedServiceType = _.find($scope.serviceTypeList, function (num) { return === '1'; }); $scope.currentServiceTypeId = $; getMenusByServiceTypeId($scope.currentServiceTypeId); $scope.showTree = true; }); //scope function $scope.addMenu = function () { $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.editMenuModel = {}; }; $scope.toggle = function (scope) { scope.toggle(); }; $scope.toggleSub = function (menu) { if (menu.isChecked) { $scope.checkedMenusSet[] = menu; } else { delete $scope.checkedMenusSet[]; //if the menu is child menu, and parent menu is checked, need to uncheck parent menu if (!menu.parentID) { //return; } if ($.inArray(menu.parentID + "", $scope.set) !== - 1) { delete $scope.checkedMenusSet[menu.parentID]; for (var i = 0, len = $scope.menuData.length; i < len; i++) { var parentMenu = $scope.menuData[i]; if ( === menu.parentID) { parentMenu.isChecked = false; break; } } } } $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); if (!menu.subMenus) { return; } menu.subMenus.forEach(function (d) { d.isChecked = menu.isChecked; if (menu.isChecked) { $scope.checkedMenusSet[] = d; } else { delete $scope.checkedMenusSet[]; } }); $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); }; $ = function () { if (!$scope.editMenuModel) { return; } if (!$scope.isAdd) { $scope.editMenuModel.serviceTypeID = $scope.currentServiceTypeId; menuService.updateMenu($scope.editMenuModel).success(function () { exchangeModel($scope.editMenuModel, $scope.selectedMenu); $scope.editMenuModel = null; $scope.selectedMenu = null; $log.debug('Update menu successfully'); }); } else { if ($scope.selectedMenu != null) { $scope.editMenuModel.parentID = $; } $scope.editMenuModel.serviceTypeID = $scope.currentServiceTypeId; menuService.addMenu($scope.editMenuModel).success(function (id) { $ = id; if ($scope.selectedMenu != null) { $scope.selectedMenu.subMenus = $scope.selectedMenu.subMenus || []; //when parent menu check box is checked, the new child should be checked as well. if ($scope.selectedMenu.isChecked) { $scope.editMenuModel.isChecked = true; $scope.checkedMenusSet[$scope.editMenuModel.ID]= $scope.editMenuModel; $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); } $scope.selectedMenu.subMenus.push($scope.editMenuModel); $scope.showTree = true; } else { $scope.editMenuModel.parentID = null; $scope.editMenuModel.subMenus = []; $scope.menuData.push($scope.editMenuModel); $scope.showTree = true; } $scope.selectedMenu = null; $scope.editMenuModel = null; $log.debug('Add new menu successfully'); }); } }; $scope.cancel = function () { $scope.selectedMenu = null; $scope.editMenuModel = null; }; //$scope.selectMenu = function (node, isSelected, tree) { // menu = node.value; // $scope.isAdd = false; // $scope.selectedMenu = menu; // $scope.editMenuModel = {}; // exchangeModel(menu, $scope.editMenuModel); //}; $scope.selectMenu = function (menu) { $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.selectedMenu = menu; $scope.editMenuModel = { }; exchangeModel(menu, $scope.editMenuModel); }; function exchangeModel(from, to) { =; to.orderIndex = from.orderIndex; to.parentID = from.parentID; to.navigationUrl = from.navigationUrl; to.isActive = from.isActive; to.isVisible = from.isVisible; to.moduleID = from.moduleID; to.iconClassName = from.iconClassName; =; to.createTime = from.createTime; to.updateTime = from.updateTime; }; $scope.deleteMenus = function () { menuService.deleteMenus($scope.set) .success(function () { $scope.set = []; menuService.getMenus($scope.currentServiceTypeId).success(function (menuData) { $scope.menuData = menuData; }); }); //.fail(function () { //}); } } ]);