var constant = {}; constant.apiUrl = ""; constant.regesterInformation = { active: true, userKey: ",164826354976336#A0jDtCLiYzMzYzN9QTNzYjM8QjNxIiOiQWSiwSflNHbhZmOiI7ckJye0ICbuFkI1pjIEJCLi4TP7JGMrVjMIV5YHh4L5BTUMNGa9wkc4hzL4QURnpGVPxWWulVQQZDRkRGV7d4NvlVNll5RvJVVohWT98GN5QjQHV5LDlWTNN6SIdVb9Y4QzZUNsZWdwVnI0IyUiwCM8kjMxIjNwQTM0IicfJye&Qf35VfiMjY6cmI0IyQiwiIxEjL6ByUKBCZhVmcwNlI0IiTis7W0ICZyBlIsISO5UDMxADI7IjMwkTMwIjI0ICdyNkIsISbvNmLn9Wa8VHajlGZpRmLwJXZuMHdkJiOiMXbEJCLig1jlzahlbIilfbtmrIukj1jlzahlDZmpnInmnIvvPLnlH1tmjIvvL0rojqklPZgpjLsm1Yjl1ammLieiom" }; constant.guid = { empty: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' }; //数据验证起始值范围 constant.startNum = -1000000000000; constant.endNum = 1000000000000; constant.organization = { parentIdNull: "-1", defaultMaxLength: 25, EstateIndustryId: 23, NonEstateIndustryId: 0, } = { maxDate: '9999-11', minDate: '1900-01', dateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd', dateFormatUppercase: 'YYYY-MM-DD', dateFormatyyyyMMdd: 'yyyy/MM/dd', dateFormatyyyyMMddUppper: 'YYYY/MM/DD', dateFormatSeparator: '/', hourSelection: [0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120] } constant.workflow = { codeStartWith: 10000, } constant.toFixedNumber4 = 4; constant.toFixedNumber2 = 2; constant.priority = { low: 1, medium: 2, high: 3 } constant.importTypeList = [ {value: 0, name: "默认导入"}, {value: 1, name: "覆盖导入"}, {value: 2, name: "追加导入"} ] constant.customer = { codeMaxLength: 50, nameMaxLength: 100, errorArray: ['CustomerImportDataFormatError', 'SaveFileError', 'CustomerCodeOutOfLength', 'CustomerNameOutOfLength'] } constant.payTaxTypeList = [ {value: 1, name: '一般纳税人'}, {value: 2, name: '小规模纳税人'}]; constant.citReportTypeList = [ {value: 1, name: 'TaxReturnType', orderIndex: 1}, {value: 2, name: 'QuarterlyFilingReturnType', orderIndex: 2}, {value: 3, name: 'WorkingPaperType', orderIndex: 3}, {value: 4, name: 'DocumentListType', orderIndex: 4}, {value: 5, name: 'FinancialStatementsType', orderIndex: 5}, {value: 6, name: 'OtherTaxes', orderIndex: 6}]; constant.cfReportTypeList = [ {value: 1, name: '企业所得税预算'}, {value: 2, name: '增值税预算'}, {value: 3, name: '消费税预算'}, {value: 4, name: '增值税&消费税附加税费预算'}, {value: 5, name: '房产税税预算'}, {value: 6, name: '城镇土地使用税预算'}, {value: 7, name: '印花税预算'}, {value: 8, name: '契税预算'}, {value: 9, name: '车辆购置税预算'}, {value: 10, name: '车船税预算'}, {value: 11, name: '土地增值税预算'}, {value: 12, name: '个人所得税预算'}, {value: 13, name: '关税预算'} ]; constant.businessUnit = { BUmaxLength: 21 } constant.activeStatus = { active: 1, deactive: 0 } constant.organizationStructManage = { nameMaxLength: 21 } constant.webapi = { prefix: '/api/v1' } constant.cache = { cacheName: 'webadmin', hubName: 'cacheHub', storageMode: 'localStorage', defaultCacheTime: '00000000', cacheUpdateMessage: '系统有更新,为了保证数据准确性,请刷新页面更新系统!', //will move to i18n cachePrex: '', notify: { position: 'right', classes: 'alert-danger' } } constant.common = { undefined: 'undefined' } constant.serviceType = { Admin: 1, VAT: 2, AM: 3, FDD: 4, Dashboard: 5, CIT: 6, TCS: 7 } constant.roleSource = { Unknown: 0, OrganizationLevel: 1, AreaLevel: 2, BusinessUnitLevel: 3, OriginalLevel: 4, DimensionLevel: 5, } constant.import = { overwrite: '1', append: '2' } constant.OperateLogType = { OperationLogOrganization: 0, OperationLogUser: 1, OperationLogProject: 2, OperationLogBasicData: 3, OperationLogReport: 4, OperationLogEnterPrise: 5, OperationLogSubjectCorres: 6, OperationLogRole: 7, OperationLogModelConfiguration: 8, OperationRuleEngineConfiguration: 9, OperationKeyvalueConfiguration: 10, OperationLogWorkflow: 11, OperationLogStock: 12 } = { pageSize: 10, logPageSize: 20 } = [10, 20, 50, 100]; constant.Action = { View: 0, New: 1, Update: 2, Delete: 3, Copy: 4, AutoMapping: 5, ManualMapping: 6, CancelMapping: 7, Edit: 8 } constant.OperationModule = { BasicDataOrganizationStructure: 1, BasicDataRegion: 2, BasicDataStandardAccount: 3, BasicDataWordLibrary: 4, BasicDataKeyValue: 5, Project: 6, ProjectServiceType: 7, User: 8, Organization: 9, Role: 10, UserRole: 11, BasicDataEnterpriceAccount: 12, TemplateFormula: 13, Template: 14, TemplateGroup: 15, ReportConfiguration: 16, BasicDataArea: 17, BasicDataCustomer: 18, BusinessUnit: 19 }; constant.UIGrid = { rowHeight: 40, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 40, errorRowHeight: 30, errorRowHeaderWidth: 30, minRowHeight: 25, minselectionRowHeaderWidth: 25, gapHeight: 6 } constant.enterpriceAccount = { codeEmpty: 'EnterpriseAccountCodeEmpty', codeMaxLength: 'EnterpriseAccountCodeMaxLength', enterpriseAccountNameEmpty: 'EnterpriseAccountNameEmpty', nameMaxLength: 'EnterpriseAccountNameMaxLength', directionFormatError: 'DirectionFormatError', acctPropFormatError: 'AcctPropFormatError', noParentCode: 'NoParentCode', } constant.dimensionID = { businessUnitID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5", areaID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e6", //机构层级和子公司不是一个定义,机构层级的ID之后用到会更改 organizationStructureID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7", orgSubChildrenID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7" } // 系统定义的属性ID constant.attributeID = { businessUnitID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5', areaID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e6', organizationStructureID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053966537e8', userID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053996237e8', industryID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053996537e8', orgSubChildrenID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7', administrativeAreaID: 'c62a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053996537e88' } constant.userRoleDimensionValueID = { extraOrgDimensionID: 'extraOrgDimensionID', extaDimensionName: '附加', extraOrgDimensionValueName: '附加角色', originalRoleDimensionValueName: '原始角色', //附加在维度上的角色 extraOrgDimensionValueID: 'extraOrgDimensionValueID', //附加原始角色 originalRoleDimensionValueID: 'originalRoleDimensionValueID' } constant.dimensionType = { Unknown: 0, SelfDimension: 1, BusinessUnit: 2, Area: 3, OrganizationStructure: 4, User: 5, Industry: 6, OrgSubChildren: 7 } constant.attributeType = { Unknown: 0, SelfDimension: 1, BusinessUnit: 2, Area: 3, OrganizationStructure: 4, User: 5, Industry: 6, OrgSubChildren: 7, RegionID: 10 } // 区域排除的下拉选项 constant.areaExcludeAttributeType = [ // 未知 0, ]; constant.excludeAttributeType = [ 0, 5, 7 ] constant.level = { First: 0 } constant.espAccountFilter = { key_0: '0', key_1: '1', key_2: '2', key_3: '3', key_4: '4', data: [{key: '0', value: 'AllMappingStatus'}, {key: '1', value: 'Unmapped'}, {key: '2', value: 'Mapped'}, {key: '3', value: 'DirectionDifferent'}, {key: '4', value: 'AccountTypeDifferent'}] } constant.taxpayerNumberFilter = { key_0: '0', key_1: '1', key_2: '2', } constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.dataSource = [ {key: constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0, value: 'All'}, {key: constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_1, value: 'HasTaxPayerNumber'}, {key: constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_2, value: 'NoTaxPayerNumber'}, ]; constant.comma = ','; constant.DimensionType = { Unknown: 0, SelfDimension: 1, BusinessUnit: 2, Area: 3, OrganizationStructure: 4, User: 5, Industry: 6, OrgSubChildren: 7, Stock: 8 } constant.Operation = { Add: 'add', Edit: 'edit', // 禁用 Disable: 'disable', // 启用 Enable: 'enable', // 查找添加 findAdd: 'findAdd', // 删除 Delete: 'delete', // 查询 Query: 'Query', // 打开 Open: 'Open', // 关闭 Close: 'Close' } constant.TemplateGroupOperation = { // 直接连模板一起添加 AddDirectly: 'addDirectly', // 先加模板组,暂不加模板 AddGroupFirst: 'addGroupFirst', Edit: 'edit', // 删除 Delete: 'delete' } constant.selectAllValue = '99'; constant.BasicDataManageMenuID = 'F9A18F3A-7E39-4661-BA00-F149710577C8'; constant.noPermissionClass = "no-permission"; constant.attributeTypeIDColMap = { 0: '', 1: '', 2: 'businessUnitID', 3: 'areaID', 4: 'structureID', 5: '', 6: 'industryID', 7: 'structureID', 10: 'regionID' }; constant.attributeTypeNameColMap = { 0: '', 1: '', 2: 'businessUnitName', 3: 'areaName', 4: 'structureName', 5: '', 6: 'industryName', 7: 'structureName', 10: 'regionName' }; // vat权限code constant.vatPermission = { code: '02', dataImport: { dataImportCode: '02.001', balanceSheet: { queryCode: '02.001.001', importCode: '02.001.002' }, journalEntry: { queryCode: '02.001.003', importCode: '02.001.004' }, erpImport: { queryCode: '02.001.005', importCode: '02.001.006' }, outputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.001.009', importCode: '02.001.010' }, inputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.001.011', importCode: '02.001.012' }, customInvoice: { queryCode: '02.001.013', importCode: '02.001.014' }, voucherMapping: { queryCode: '02.001.015', importCode: '02.001.016' }, invoiceMapping: { queryCode: '02.001.017', importCode: '02.001.018' }, auditAdjust: { queryCode: '02.001.007', importCode: '02.001.008' }, }, dataPreview: { dataPreviewCode: '02.002', balanceSheet: { queryCode: '02.002.001' }, accountVoucher: { queryCode: '02.002.002' }, customInvoice: { queryCode: '02.002.006' }, outputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.002.004' }, inputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.002.003' }, // todo 维护入数据库 invoiceRecord: { queryCode: '02.002.007' }, certifiedInvoicesList: { queryCode: '02.002.008' }, redLetterInformationTable: { queryCode: '02.002.009' }, coupaPurchasingReport: { queryCode: '02.002.010' }, adjustmentTab: { queryCode: '02.002.011' }, profitLoss: { queryCode: '02.002.013' }, quarterlyOwnersEquityChangeTable: { queryCode: '02.002.014' }, directMethodCashFlowStatement: { queryCode: '02.002.015' }, trialBalance: { queryCode: '02.002.016' }, offBalanceSheet: { queryCode: '02.002.017' }, journal: { queryCode: '02.002.018' }, cashFlow: { queryCode: '02.002.019' }, invoiceData: { queryCode: '02.002.020' }, profitLossPrcManual: { queryCode: '02.002.021' }, cashFlowManual: { queryCode: '02.002.022' }, offBalanceSheetPrcManual: { queryCode: '02.002.023' }, profitTable: { queryCode: '02.002.024' } }, dataManage: { dataManageCode: '02.003', accountMappingCode: '02.003.001', accountMapping: { queryCode: '', importCode: '' }, goodsMappingCode: '02.003.002', goodsMapping: { queryCode: '', saveCode: '' }, revenueDetailCode: '02.003.004', billDetailCode: '02.003.005', caculateDataCode: '02.003.003', unbilledInvoiceCode: '02.003.004', }, reportView: { reportViewCode: '02.004', bsplCode: '02.004.001', bspl: { bsCode: '', plCode: '' }, taxReturnCode: '02.004.002', taxReturn: { queryCode: '', editCode: '' }, }, dataAnalysis: { dataAnalysisCode: '02.005', modelAnalysisCode: '02.005.001', modelAnalysis: { queryCode: '', filterCode: '' }, dashboard: { dashboardCode: '02.005.002', querySummaryDashboardCode: '', singleOrgIndexDashboardCode: '', } }, outputInvoice: { importVehicelCase: { queryCode: '', holdCaseCode: '', reassignCaseCode: '', triggerSyncCode: '' }, bdInvoice: { queryCode: '', manualPrintBDInvoiceCode: '', autoPrintBDInvoiceCode: '', editVehicleCaseCode: '', cancelAndReprintCode: '', cancelInvoiceCode: '' }, gdInvoice: { queryCode: '', printCode: '', cancelAndReprintCode: '', cancelInvoiceCode: '', RedLetterCode: '', fapiaoQuotaSettingsCode: '', markupRateCode: '' }, gdShipment: { queryCode: '', importCodeCode: '' }, reconciliationConfig: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', deleteCode: '', reSortCode: '' }, outputReconciliationOverview: { queryCode: '' }, mappingConfig: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', }, taxControlDisk: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', } } }; // cit权限code constant.citPermission = { code: '03', dataImport: { dataImportCode: '03.001', balanceSheet: { queryCode: '03.001.001', // importCode: '03.001.002' }, journalEntry: { queryCode: '03.001.003', // importCode: '03.001.004' }, erpImport: { queryCode: '03.001.005', // importCode: '03.001.006' }, auditAdjust: { queryCode: '03.001.007', // importCode: '03.001.008' }, documentList: { queryCode: '03.001.009', // importCode: '03.001.010' }, assetList: { queryCode: '03.001.011', importCode: '03.001.012' }, }, dataPreview: { dataPreviewCode: '03.002', balanceSheet: { queryCode: '03.002.001' }, accountVoucher: { queryCode: '03.002.002' }, journalMerge: { queryCode: '03.002.003' }, bsGenerateVer: { queryCode: '03.002.004' }, bsMappingVer: { queryCode: '03.002.005' }, assetsList: { queryCode: '03.002.006' }, salaryAdvance: { queryCode: '03.002.007' }, eamDisposal: { queryCode: '03.002.008' }, }, dataManage: { dataManageCode: '03.003', accountMappingCode: '03.003.001', assetEamMapping: '03.003.002', distributionTable: '03.003.003', accountMapping: { queryCode: '', importCode: '' }, caculateDataCode: '03.003.004', }, reportView: { reportViewCode: '03.004', bsplCode: '03.004.001', bspl: { bsCode: '', plCode: '' }, quarterlyFilingReturnTypeCode: '03.004.002', quarterlyFilingReturnType: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', submitCode: '', reviewCode: '', }, workingPaperTypeCode: '03.004.003', workingPaperType: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', submitCode: '', reviewCode: '', }, taxReturnCode: '03.004.004', taxReturn: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', submitCode: '', reviewCode: '', approveCode: '', taxVoucherCode: '', }, otherReportCode: '03.004.005', otherReport: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', submitCode: '', reviewCode: '', }, }, // dataAnalysis: { // dataAnalysisCode: '03.005', // modelAnalysisCode: '03.005.001', // modelAnalysis: { // queryCode: '', // filterCode: '' // }, // dashboard: { // dashboardCode: '03.005.002', // querySummaryDashboardCode: '', // singleOrgIndexDashboardCode: '', // } // }, }; // 权限代码 constant.adminPermission = { WebAdmin: '01', basicData: { mainData: { queryCode: '01.001.012' }, financialData: { queryCode: '01.001.013' }, // 企业账套 enterpriseAccountSet: { // 查看 queryCode: '01.001.001', // 添加 addCode: '01.001.002', // 维护 editCode: '01.001.003' }, // 事业部 businessUnit: { queryCode: '01.001.008', editCode: '01.001.009' }, // 区域 areaManage: { queryCode: '01.001.010', editCode: '01.001.011' }, // 机构层级 orangizationStructure: { queryCode: '01.001.006', editCode: '01.001.007' }, // 客户列表 customerList: { queryCode: '01.001.004', editCode: '01.001.005' }, // 自定义维度 selfDimension: { queryCode: '01.001.012', editCode: '01.001.013' } }, infrastructure: { //用户管理 userManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '' }, //机构管理 organizationManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', }, //角色管理 roleManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', }, //自定义显示属性管理 customAttribute: { queryCode: '', }, //维度上的用户权限设置 accessSetting: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', }, //工作流配置 workflowManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', }, }, systemConfiguration: { //报表配置 declarationFormConfigurationCode: '01.003.002', declarationFormConfiguration: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '' }, //分析模型配置 modelConfiguration: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', maintainCustomCode: '', maintainModelTreeCode: '' }, // 科目对应 subjectCorresponding: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', }, ruleEnginee: { viewRatePayer: '', defaultRatePayerAction: '', specialRatePayerAction: '', //地方税 LocalTax: '01.004.002', //地方税-城市建设 viewCityBuilding: '', defaultCityBuildingAction: '', specialCityBuildingAction: '', //地方教育 viewLocalEducation: '', defaultLocalEducationAction: '', specialLocalEducationAction: '', //教育费附加税 viewEducationAttach: '', defaultEducationAttachAction: '', specialEducationAttachAction: '', //印花税 viewStampTax: '', defaultStampTaxAction: '', specialStampTaxAction: '', //水利基金 viewWaterFund: '', defaultWaterFundAction: '', specialWaterFundAction: '' }, keyValueConfig: { viewKey: '', keyAction: '' } } }; constant.batchImportPermisson = { batchImportPermissonCode: '04', ExtractDistribution: { code: '04.001', financialDataExtraction: { code: '04.001.001' }, invoiceDataExtraction: { code: '04.001.002' } }, ImportDistribution: { code: '04.002', vATInvoiceRecord: {code: '04.002.001'}, certifiedInvoicesList: {code: '04.002.002'}, redLetterVATSpecialInvoiceInfo: {code: '04.002.003'}, invoiceInformation: {code: '04.002.004'}, coupaInvoiceReport: {code: '04.002.005'}, adjustmentTable: {code: '04.002.006'}, balanceSheetPRC: {code: '04.002.007'}, incomeStatementPRC: {code: '04.002.008'}, cashFlowStatement: {code: '04.002.009'}, cITAdjustmentJournal: {code: '04.002.010'}, cITTrialBalance: {code: '04.002.011'}, cITDocumentSubjectMappingTable: {code: '04.002.012'}, cITBalanceSheetPRC: {code: '04.002.013'}, cITProfitStatementPRC: {code: '04.002.014'}, cITEAMAssetDisposalAmountRecord: {code: '04.002.015'}, cITPreClassifiedDataSource: {code: '04.002.016'} }, Configuration: { RevenueTypeConfiguration: {code: '04.003.001'}, BillingRecordAndRevenueTypeMappingConfiguration: {code: '04.003.002'}, InputRollOutConfiguration: {code: '04.003.003'} }, log: { code: '05', dataImportRecord: {code: '04.004.001'}, dataProcessingCheckRecord: {code: '04.004.002'} } }; constant.analysisPermisson = { code: '05', Dashboard: {code: '05.001'}, DataImport: { code: '05.002', DomesticDataImport: {code: '05.002.001'}, InternationalDataImport: {code: '05.002.002'} }, Form: { code: '05.003', TBEBITForm: {code: '05.003.001'} } }; constant.menuRecordManagePermission = { code: '06' }; constant.menuListApprovalPermission = { code: '07' }; constant.citMenuList = [ // constant.citPermission.dataImport.balanceSheet.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataImport.journalEntry.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataImport.erpImport.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataImport.auditAdjust.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataImport.documentList.queryCode, constant.citPermission.dataImport.assetList.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataPreview.balanceSheet.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataPreview.accountVoucher.queryCode, constant.citPermission.dataPreview.journalMerge.queryCode, constant.citPermission.dataPreview.bsGenerateVer.queryCode, constant.citPermission.dataPreview.bsMappingVer.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataPreview.assetsList.queryCode, constant.citPermission.dataPreview.salaryAdvance.queryCode, constant.citPermission.dataPreview.eamDisposal.queryCode, // constant.citPermission.dataManage.accountMappingCode, constant.citPermission.dataManage.caculateDataCode, constant.citPermission.dataManage.assetEamMapping, constant.citPermission.dataManage.distributionTable, constant.citPermission.reportView.bsplCode, // constant.citPermission.reportView.quarterlyFilingReturnTypeCode, // constant.citPermission.reportView.workingPaperTypeCode, // constant.citPermission.reportView.taxReturnCode, // constant.citPermission.reportView.otherReportCode, // constant.citPermission.dataAnalysis.modelAnalysisCode, // constant.citPermission.dataAnalysis.dashboard.dashboardCode, ]; constant.basicDataUrl = { orangizationStructureManage: '#/masterData/orangizationStructureManage', businessUnit: '#/masterData/businessUnit', regionManage: '#/masterData/regionManage', enterpriseAccountManage: '#/financialData/enterpriseAccountManage', customerListManage: '#/financialData/customerListManage', }; /************************************************vat constant start*************************************************/ constant.inputInvoice = { //发票状态 statusType: { InvoiceHasUpload: {id: 1, value: 'InvoiceHasUpload'}, //上传 InvoiceHasAddRecord: {id: 2, value: 'InvoiceHasAddRecord'},//补录 InvoiceUnrecognize: {id: 3, value: 'InvoiceUnrecognize'}, //无法识别 InvoiceHasRefund: {id: 4, value: 'InvoiceHasRefund'}, //已退票 InvoiceRecognizeSuccess: {id: 5, value: 'InvoiceRecognizeSuccess'}, //识别成功 InvoiceVerifyFailure: {id: 6, value: 'InvoiceVerifyFailure'}, //验真失败 InvoicePendingMatch: {id: 7, value: 'InvoicePendingMatch'}, //待匹配 InvoiceHasMatch: {id: 8, value: 'InvoiceHasMatch'}, InvoicePendingVerify: {id: 9, value: 'InvoicePendingVerify'}, InvoiceHasVerify: {id: 10, value: 'InvoiceHasVerify'}, InvoiceUnableVerify: {id: 11, value: 'InvoiceUnableVerify'}, InvoiceManualVerify: {id: 12, value: 'InvoiceManualVerify'}, InvoiceHasClean: {id: 13, value: 'InvoiceHasClean'},//已清理 InvoiceHasExpired: {id: 14, value: 'InvoiceHasExpired'}, //已失效 InvoiceRecognizeFailure: {id: 15, value: 'InvoiceRecognizeFailure'}, //识别失败 }, //发票类型,普票或专票 invoiceType: { VatInvoiceSpecialTicket: {id: 1, value: 'VatInvoiceSpecialTicket'}, VatInvoiceOrdinaryTicket: {id: 2, value: 'VatInvoiceOrdinaryTicket'}, }, //发票来源类型,原料采购,非原料集中采购,报销 invoiceSourceType: { InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase: {id: 1, value: 'InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase'}, InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase: {id: 2, value: 'InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase'}, InvoiceClaim: {id: 3, value: 'InvoiceClaim'}, }, //发票实体类型,纸票或电子票 invoiceEntityType: { InvoicePaperTicket: {id: 1, value: 'InvoicePaperTicket'}, InvoiceElectronicTicket: {id: 2, value: 'InvoiceElectronicTicket'}, }, //发票上传方式,纸质文档,扫描枪,扫描仪 invoiceUploadType: { InvoiceModePDF: {id: 1, value: 'InvoiceModePDF'}, InvoiceModeScan: {id: 2, value: 'InvoiceModeScan'}, InvoiceModeMobileDevice: {id: 3, value: 'InvoiceModeMobileDevice'}, //扫描抢 }, //上传文件的时候,上传的状态,成功,失败,和重复 invoiceUploadStatus: { success: {id: 1, value: 'UploadSuccess'}, failure: {id: 2, value: 'UploadFailure'}, duplicate: {id: 3, value: 'UploadDuplicate'}, } } constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceTypeArray = [constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceType.InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase, constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceType.InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase, constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceType.InvoiceClaim ]; constant.inputInvoiceImportBackEndErrorType = { DuplicateInputInvoice: 'DuplicateInputInvoice', InputInvoiceAlreadyPassed: 'InputInvoiceAlreadyPassed', LessThanDetailsTotal: 'LessThanDetailsTotal', NotHaveTotalInvoice: 'NotHaveTotalInvoice' }; constant.errorLength = 600; constant.errorMaxLine = 10; constant.validateLength = { StringLength_50: 50, StringLength_100: 100, StringLength_256: 256, StringLength_500: 500, StringLength_200: 200 } constant.effectiveTaxRate = ['17%', '13%', '11%', '6%', '5%', '3%', '1.5%', '0.17', '0.13', '0.11', '0.06', '0.05', '0.03', '0.015']; constant.outputTaxRate = ['17%', '13%', '11%', '6%', '5%', '3%', '1.5%', '0%', '0.17', '0.13', '0.11', '0.06', '0.05', '0.03', '0.015', '0', '0.00']; constant.AccountMappingProcessKey = {UnSelected: 'UnSelected', Submit: 'Submit', Undo: 'Undo'} constant.pagesize = 50; constant.vatPagesize = 50; constant.ErpCheckType = { CustomInvoice_DuplicatePayNum: 20 } constant.ProjectStatusEnum = { UnStarted: 10, Imported: 20, AccountMapSubmitted: 30, Generated: 40, ReportSubmitted: 50, ReportApproved: 60, ReportRejected: 70, Completed: 100 } //对应TaxAdmin.Dictionary表中workflow相关的Task的Dickey constant.DictionaryDictKey = { //节点: ApproveReport: 'ApproveReport', //报表审核 DataImport: 'DataImport', //数据导入 DeclarationComplete: 'DeclarationComplete', //申报完成 DataProcess: 'DataProcess', //数据处理 ViewReport: 'ViewReport',//查看报表 //数据导入Task: WFImportErpData: 'WFImportErpData', WFImportBalanceTable: 'WFImportBalanceTable', WFImportJournalEntry: 'WFImportJournalEntry', WFImportOutputInvoice: 'WFImportOutputInvoice', WFImportIncomeInvoice: 'WFImportIncomeInvoice', WFImportCustomInvoice: 'WFImportCustomInvoice', WFImportVoucherMap: 'WFImportVoucherMap', WFImportInvoiceMap: 'WFImportInvoiceMap', WFImportAuditAdjust: 'WFImportAuditAdjust', //数据整理Task WFAccountMap: 'WFAccountMap', WFCargoNameMatch: 'WFCargoNameMatch', //货物名称匹配 WFDataProcess: 'WFDataProcess', //数据处理 WFUnBilledInvoice: 'WFUnBilledInvoice', //未开票销售 //查看报表Task: WFViewFinancialReport: 'WFViewFinancialReport', //查看财务报表 WFSubmitReport: 'WFSubmitReport', //提交审核 //报表审核Task: WFReportApproval: 'WFReportApproval',//审核报表 //WFApproveReport: 'WFApproveReport', //报表审核 //完成申报Task: WFDeclarationComplete: 'WFDeclarationComplete', //完成申报 WFUploadCertificate: 'WFUploadCertificate',//上传凭证 } //task一旦启用,必须为选中Mandatory constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFMandatoryTask = [constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFSubmitReport, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFReportApproval, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFDeclarationComplete]; //task不能选择mandatory constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFNoSelectionTask = [constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFCargoNameMatch]; constant.inValidNum = -1; constant.ReMapMaxLength = { MaxStdCodeLength: 20, MaxTextLength: 20, MaxRemarkLength: 50 } constant.ValidationMessag = { ValidationExisted: "validation existed", ReValidate: "revalidate" } constant.WorkflowMessage = { Issue: "异常事项:", CalDateTime: "计算时间:", MessageDetail: "异常详情:", ExceptionIssueValue: "数据处理" } constant.WholeYearPeriod = -1; constant.DataProccessStatus = { Unstarted: "unstarted", //未生成 Processing: "processing", //处理中 Completed: "completed",//已生成 ToUpdate: "toUpdate",//需更新 NoData: "noData",//无数据 Error: "error"//错误 } /************************************************vat constant end*************************************************/ /********key value*****************/ constant.keyValueType = [ {value: 1, name: '系统公共'}, {value: 2, name: '自定义'} ]; constant.geoCoordMap = { '海门': [121.15, 31.89], '鄂尔多斯': [109.781327, 39.608266], '招远': [120.38, 37.35], '舟山': [122.207216, 29.985295], '齐齐哈尔': [123.97, 47.33], '盐城': [120.13, 33.38], '赤峰': [118.87, 42.28], '青岛': [120.33, 36.07], '乳山': [121.52, 36.89], '金昌': [102.188043, 38.520089], '泉州': [118.58, 24.93], '莱西': [120.53, 36.86], '日照': [119.46, 35.42], '胶南': [119.97, 35.88], '南通': [121.05, 32.08], '拉萨': [91.11, 29.97], '云浮': [112.02, 22.93], '梅州': [116.1, 24.55], '文登': [122.05, 37.2], '上海': [121.48, 31.22], '攀枝花': [101.718637, 26.582347], '威海': [122.1, 37.5], '承德': [117.93, 40.97], '厦门': [118.1, 24.46], '汕尾': [115.375279, 22.786211], '潮州': [116.63, 23.68], '丹东': [124.37, 40.13], '太仓': [121.1, 31.45], '曲靖': [103.79, 25.51], '烟台': [121.39, 37.52], '福州': [119.3, 26.08], '瓦房店': [121.979603, 39.627114], '即墨': [120.45, 36.38], '抚顺': [123.97, 41.97], '玉溪': [102.52, 24.35], '张家口': [114.87, 40.82], '阳泉': [113.57, 37.85], '莱州': [119.942327, 37.177017], '湖州': [120.1, 30.86], '汕头': [116.69, 23.39], '昆山': [120.95, 31.39], '宁波': [121.56, 29.86], '湛江': [110.359377, 21.270708], '揭阳': [116.35, 23.55], '荣成': [122.41, 37.16], '连云港': [119.16, 34.59], '葫芦岛': [120.836932, 40.711052], '常熟': [120.74, 31.64], '东莞': [113.75, 23.04], '河源': [114.68, 23.73], '淮安': [119.15, 33.5], '泰州': [119.9, 32.49], '南宁': [108.33, 22.84], '营口': [122.18, 40.65], '惠州': [114.4, 23.09], '江阴': [120.26, 31.91], '蓬莱': [120.75, 37.8], '韶关': [113.62, 24.84], '嘉峪关': [98.289152, 39.77313], '广州': [113.23, 23.16], '延安': [109.47, 36.6], '太原': [112.53, 37.87], '清远': [113.01, 23.7], '中山': [113.38, 22.52], '昆明': [102.73, 25.04], '寿光': [118.73, 36.86], '盘锦': [122.070714, 41.119997], '长治': [113.08, 36.18], '深圳': [114.07, 22.62], '珠海': [113.52, 22.3], '宿迁': [118.3, 33.96], '咸阳': [108.72, 34.36], '铜川': [109.11, 35.09], '平度': [119.97, 36.77], '佛山': [113.11, 23.05], '海口': [110.35, 20.02], '江门': [113.06, 22.61], '章丘': [117.53, 36.72], '肇庆': [112.44, 23.05], '大连': [121.62, 38.92], '临汾': [111.5, 36.08], '吴江': [120.63, 31.16], '石嘴山': [106.39, 39.04], '沈阳': [123.38, 41.8], '苏州': [120.62, 31.32], '茂名': [110.88, 21.68], '嘉兴': [120.76, 30.77], '长春': [125.35, 43.88], '胶州': [120.03336, 36.264622], '银川': [106.27, 38.47], '张家港': [120.555821, 31.875428], '三门峡': [111.19, 34.76], '锦州': [121.15, 41.13], '南昌': [115.89, 28.68], '柳州': [109.4, 24.33], '三亚': [109.511909, 18.252847], '自贡': [104.778442, 29.33903], '吉林': [126.57, 43.87], '阳江': [111.95, 21.85], '泸州': [105.39, 28.91], '西宁': [101.74, 36.56], '宜宾': [104.56, 29.77], '呼和浩特': [111.65, 40.82], '成都': [104.06, 30.67], '大同': [113.3, 40.12], '镇江': [119.44, 32.2], '桂林': [110.28, 25.29], '张家界': [110.479191, 29.117096], '宜兴': [119.82, 31.36], '北海': [109.12, 21.49], '西安': [108.95, 34.27], '金坛': [119.56, 31.74], '东营': [118.49, 37.46], '牡丹江': [129.58, 44.6], '遵义': [106.9, 27.7], '绍兴': [120.58, 30.01], '扬州': [119.42, 32.39], '常州': [119.95, 31.79], '潍坊': [119.1, 36.62], '重庆': [106.54, 29.59], '台州': [121.420757, 28.656386], '南京': [118.78, 32.04], '滨州': [118.03, 37.36], '贵阳': [106.71, 26.57], '无锡': [120.29, 31.59], '本溪': [123.73, 41.3], '克拉玛依': [84.77, 45.59], '渭南': [109.5, 34.52], '马鞍山': [118.48, 31.56], '宝鸡': [107.15, 34.38], '焦作': [113.21, 35.24], '句容': [119.16, 31.95], '北京': [116.46, 39.92], '徐州': [117.2, 34.26], '衡水': [115.72, 37.72], '包头': [110, 40.58], '绵阳': [104.73, 31.48], '乌鲁木齐': [87.68, 43.77], '枣庄': [117.57, 34.86], '杭州': [120.19, 30.26], '淄博': [118.05, 36.78], '鞍山': [122.85, 41.12], '溧阳': [119.48, 31.43], '库尔勒': [86.06, 41.68], '安阳': [114.35, 36.1], '开封': [114.35, 34.79], '济南': [117, 36.65], '德阳': [104.37, 31.13], '温州': [120.65, 28.01], '九江': [115.97, 29.71], '邯郸': [114.47, 36.6], '临安': [119.72, 30.23], '兰州': [103.73, 36.03], '沧州': [116.83, 38.33], '临沂': [118.35, 35.05], '南充': [106.110698, 30.837793], '天津': [117.2, 39.13], '富阳': [119.95, 30.07], '泰安': [117.13, 36.18], '诸暨': [120.23, 29.71], '郑州': [113.65, 34.76], '哈尔滨': [126.63, 45.75], '聊城': [115.97, 36.45], '芜湖': [118.38, 31.33], '唐山': [118.02, 39.63], '平顶山': [113.29, 33.75], '邢台': [114.48, 37.05], '德州': [116.29, 37.45], '济宁': [116.59, 35.38], '荆州': [112.239741, 30.335165], '宜昌': [111.3, 30.7], '义乌': [120.06, 29.32], '丽水': [119.92, 28.45], '洛阳': [112.44, 34.7], '秦皇岛': [119.57, 39.95], '株洲': [113.16, 27.83], '石家庄': [114.48, 38.03], '莱芜': [117.67, 36.19], '常德': [111.69, 29.05], '保定': [115.48, 38.85], '湘潭': [112.91, 27.87], '金华': [119.64, 29.12], '岳阳': [113.09, 29.37], '长沙': [113, 28.21], '衢州': [118.88, 28.97], '廊坊': [116.7, 39.53], '菏泽': [115.480656, 35.23375], '合肥': [117.27, 31.86], '武汉': [114.31, 30.52], '大庆': [125.03, 46.58], '香港特别行政区': [113.95, 22.26] }; constant.colorArray = ['#a32020', '#eb8c00', '#db536a', '#dc6900', '#e0301e', '#602320', '#3f3f40', '#968c6d']; /************************************************cit constant start*************************************************/ constant.yearPeriod = -1; constant.pageSize = 100; constant.allDataPageSize = 0; constant.periodInforConst = { NoRecord: -10, //没有记录 }; constant.OutputInvoiceCancalDialog = "cancelGDModal.html"; constant.CaseImportedStatusEnum = { Normal: 1, Opccupied: 2, Duplicated: 3, Prohibit: 4, Holded: 5 }; constant.TagRule = { Unknown: 0, // 自动 Auto: 1, // 顺序计算 Aggregation: 2, // 手动 Manual: 3, }; constant.purchaserSeller = { "N": 0, "Y": 1, "N/A": 2 }; constant.specialText = { "NULL": 0, "Other": 1, "N/A": 2 }; constant.teslaConfirmClassName = 'tesla-confirm'; constant.splitValidation = "<#@@#>"; //身份证省份 constant.vcity = { 11: "北京", 12: "天津", 13: "河北", 14: "山西", 15: "内蒙古", 21: "辽宁", 22: "吉林", 23: "黑龙江", 31: "上海", 32: "江苏", 33: "浙江", 34: "安徽", 35: "福建", 36: "江西", 37: "山东", 41: "河南", 42: "湖北", 43: "湖南", 44: "广东", 45: "广西", 46: "海南", 50: "重庆", 51: "四川", 52: "贵州", 53: "云南", 54: "西藏", 61: "陕西", 62: "甘肃", 63: "青海", 64: "宁夏", 65: "新疆", 71: "台湾", 81: "香港", 82: "澳门", 91: "国外" }; constant.taxControlStatus = { 0: 'InActive', 1: 'Active', null: '' }; constant.TaxControlDiskType = { 1: 'BaiWang', 2: 'HangXing', null: '' }; constant.CarType = ['纯电动轿车', '纯电动乘用车']; constant.CertificateTypeList = [ {code: 0, type: "营业执照"}, {code: 1, type: "税务登记证"}, {code: 2, type: "组织机构代码证"}, {code: 3, type: "身份证"}, {code: 4, type: "护照"}, {code: 5, type: "其他"} ]; constant.EquityCurrency = [ {code: 0, type: "人民币"}, {code: 1, type: "美元"} ]; constant.GroupTypeList = [ {code: 0, type: "增值税"}, {code: 1, type: "企业所得税"}, {code: 2, type: "印花税"}, {code: 3, type: "城建税"}, {code: 4, type: "教育费附加"}, {code: 5, type: "地方教育费附加"}, {code: 6, type: "个人所得税"}, {code: 7, type: "水利建设基金"}, {code: 8, type: "文化事业建设费"}, {code: 9, type: "房产税"}, {code: 10, type: "城建土地使用税"}, {code: 11, type: "工会经费"}, {code: 12, type: "残疾人就业保障基金"}, {code: 13, type: "代扣代缴税费"}, {code: 14, type: "国际税"} ]; constant.InvoiceTypeList = [ {code: 0, type: "增值税专用发票"}, {code: 1, type: "增值税普通发票"}, {code: 2, type: "机动车销售统一发票"}, {code: 3, type: "其他票种"} ]; constant.InvoiceUnitList = [ {code: 0, type: "份"}, {code: 1, type: "本"}, {code: 2, type: "其他"} ]; constant.TaxDecCycleList = [ {code: 0, type: "月度"}, {code: 1, type: "季度"}, {code: 2, type: "年度"} ]; constant.ApprovedLevyTermList = [ {code: 0, type: "次"}, {code: 1, type: "月"}, {code: 2, type: "季"}, {code: 3, type: "半年"}, {code: 4, type: "年"} ]; constant.TaxpayerQualificationTypeList = [ {code: 0, type: "一般纳税人"}, {code: 1, type: "小规模纳税人"} ]; constant.RegStatusList = [ {code: 0, type: "存续"}, {code: 1, type: "注销中"}, {code: 2, type: "已注销"} ]; constant.ArchitectureTypeList = ["DE", "WFOE", "VIE", "JV", "有限合伙", "Branch", "其他"]; constant.trueFalse = [ {code: false, type: "否"}, {code: true, type: "是"} ]; constant.TaxReturnBusinessTypeList = [ {code: 100, type: "非跨地区经营企业"}, {code: 210, type: "跨地区经营企业总机构 总机构(跨省)"}, {code: 220, type: "总机构(跨省)——不适用《跨地区经营汇总纳税企业所得税征收管理办法》"}, // {code: 230, type: "undefine"}, {code: 311, type: "跨地区经营企业分支机构 需进行完整年度纳税申报 分支机构(须进行完整年度申报并按比例纳税)"}, {code: 312, type: "分支机构(须进行完整年度申报但不就地缴纳)"} ]; constant.RegFinancialAccountingTypeList = [ {code: false, type: "非独立核算"}, {code: true, type: "独立核算"} ]; constant.ApplicableAccountingRuleList = [ {code: 0, type: "企业会计制度"}, {code: 1, type: "金融企业会计制度"}, {code: 2, type: "小企业会计制度"}, {code: 3, type: "企业会计准则"} ]; constant.AccountingSoftwareList = [ {code: 0, type: "Oracle"}, {code: 1, type: "SAP"}, {code: 2, type: "其他"} ]; constant.LowValueConsumablesAmortizationMethodList = [ {code: 0, type: "一次摊销法"}, {code: 1, type: "分期摊销法"}, {code: 2, type: "五五摊销法"} ]; constant.TaxCreditRatingList = [ {code: 0, type: "A"}, {code: 1, type: "B"}, {code: 2, type: "C"}, {code: 3, type: "D"}, {code: 4, type: "M"} ]; constant.DepreciationMethodList = [ {code: 0, type: "年限平均法(直线法)"}, {code: 1, type: "工作量法"}, {code: 2, type: "年数总和法"}, {code: 3, type: "双倍余额递减法"} ]; constant.importFileType = { undefined: 0, profitLoss: 1, balanceSheet: 2, redLetterInfoTable: 3, adjustmentTable: 4, cashFlow: 5, coupaPurchasingReport: 6, invoiceData: 7, certifiedInvoicesList: 8, invoiceRecord: 9, ExtractFinancialData: 10, ExtractInvoiceData: 11, RevenueMapping: 12, RevenueConfig: 13 }; constant.citImportFileType = { undefined: 0, JournalAdjust: 1, TrialBalance: 2, DraftAccountMapping: 3, BalanceSheetPrcAdjust: 4, ProfitPrcAdjust: 5, EAMAssetsDisposal: 6, SalaryAdvance: 7 }; constant.fileTypeList = [ {code: 100, type: "月度科目余额表"}, {code: 101, type: "日记账"}, {code: 102, type: "资产负债表PRC"}, {code: 103, type: "利润表PRC"}, {code: 104, type: "资产负债表"}, {code: 105, type: "利润表"}, {code: 106, type: "直接法现金流量表"}, // {code: 107, type: "所有者权益变动表"}, //todo 暂未开放 {code: 108, type: "汇率表"} ]; constant.domesticDataList = [ {code: 0, type: "EachTaxAmount"}, {code: 1, type: "ActualReturnTax"}, {code: 2, type: "GMVSubsidy"}, {code: 3, type: "EmployeeNum"}, {code: 4, type: "DriverNum"} ]; constant.internationalDataList = [ {code: 100, type: "BUData"}, {code: 101, type: "TaxData"} ]; constant.NationalEconomicIndustryList = [ {code: "A", type: "农、林、牧、渔业"}, {code: "B", type: "采矿业"}, {code: "C", type: "制造业"}, {code: "D", type: "电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业"}, {code: "E", type: "建筑业"}, {code: "F", type: "批发和零售业"}, {code: "G", type: "交通运输、仓储和邮政业"}, {code: "H", type: "住宿和餐饮业"}, {code: "I", type: "信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业"}, {code: "J", type: "金融业"}, {code: "K", type: "房地产业"}, {code: "L", type: "租赁和商务服务业"}, {code: "M", type: "科学研究和技术服务业"}, {code: "N", type: "水利、环境和公共设施管理业"}, {code: "O", type: "居民服务、修理和其他服务业"}, {code: "P", type: "教育"}, {code: "Q", type: "卫生和社会工作"}, {code: "R", type: "文化、体育和娱乐业"}, {code: "S", type: "公共管理、社会保障和社会组织"}, {code: "T", type: "国际组织"} ]; constant.maxButtonTitleLength = 20; constant.exportExcelFileName = { invoicesRecord: "invoices_record_", certifiedInvoicesList: "certified_invoices_list_", redLetterInfoTab: "red_letter_info_tab_", coupaPurchasingReport: "coupa_purchasing_report_", invoiceData: "invoice_data_" }; constant.anlTemplateNameList = [ {code: 0, name: "各税种税额"}, {code: 1, name: "实际返还税额"}, {code: 2, name: "业务线"}, {code: 3, name: "职工人数"}, {code: 4, name: "司机人数"}, {code: 100, name: "国际税业务数据"}, {code: 101, name: "国际税税务数据"} ]; constant.anlDownLoadFileNameList = [ {code: 0, name: "各税种税额_"}, {code: 1, name: "实际返还税额_"}, {code: 2, name: "業務線_"}, {code: 3, name: "职工人数_"}, {code: 4, name: "司機人數_"}, {code: 100, name: "国际税业务数据_"}, {code: 101, name: "国际税税务数据_"} ]; constant.countryCNList = ['安哥拉', '阿富汗', '阿尔巴尼亚', '阿尔及利亚', '安道尔共和国', '安圭拉岛', '安提瓜和巴布达', '阿根廷', '亚美尼亚', '阿森松', '澳大利亚', '奥地利', '阿塞拜疆', '巴哈马', '巴林', '孟加拉国', '巴巴多斯', '白俄罗斯', '比利时', '伯利兹', '贝宁', '百慕大群岛', '玻利维亚', '博茨瓦纳', '巴西', '文莱', '保加利亚', '布基纳法索', '缅甸', '布隆迪', '喀麦隆', '加拿大', '开曼群岛', '中非共和国', '乍得', '智利', '中国', '哥伦比亚', '刚果', '库克群岛', '哥斯达黎加', '古巴', '塞浦路斯', '捷克', '丹麦', '吉布提', '多米尼加共和国', '厄瓜多尔', '埃及', '萨尔瓦多', '爱沙尼亚', '埃塞俄比亚', '斐济', '芬兰', '法国', '法属圭亚那', '法属玻利尼西亚', '加蓬', '冈比亚', '格鲁吉亚', '德国', '加纳', '直布罗陀', '希腊', '格林纳达', '关岛', '危地马拉', '几内亚', '圭亚那', '海地', '洪都拉斯', '香港', '匈牙利', '冰岛', '印度', '印度尼西亚', '伊朗', '伊拉克', '爱尔兰', '以色列', '意大利', '科特迪瓦', '牙买加', '日本', '约旦', '柬埔寨', '哈萨克斯坦', '肯尼亚', '韩国', '科威特', '吉尔吉斯坦', '老挝', '拉脱维亚', '黎巴嫩', '莱索托', '利比里亚', '利比亚', '列支敦士登', '立陶宛', '卢森堡', '澳门', '马达加斯加', '马拉维', '马来西亚', '马尔代夫', '马里', '马耳他', '马里亚那群岛', '马提尼克', '毛里求斯', '墨西哥', '摩尔多瓦', '摩纳哥', '蒙古', '蒙特塞拉特岛', '摩洛哥', '莫桑比克', '纳米比亚', '瑙鲁', '尼泊尔', '荷属安的列斯', '荷兰', '新西兰', '尼加拉瓜', '尼日尔', '尼日利亚', '朝鲜', '挪威', '阿曼', '巴基斯坦', '巴拿马', '巴布亚新几内亚', '巴拉圭', '秘鲁', '菲律宾', '波兰', '葡萄牙', '波多黎各', '卡塔尔', '留尼旺', '罗马尼亚', '俄罗斯', '圣卢西亚', '圣文森特岛', '东萨摩亚(美)', '西萨摩亚', '圣马力诺', '圣多美和普林西比', '沙特阿拉伯', '塞内加尔', '塞舌尔', '塞拉利昂', '新加坡', '斯洛伐克', '斯洛文尼亚', '所罗门群岛', '索马里', '南非', '西班牙', '斯里兰卡', '圣文森特', '苏丹', '苏里南', '斯威士兰', '瑞典', '瑞士', '叙利亚', '台湾省', '塔吉克斯坦', '坦桑尼亚', '泰国', '多哥', '汤加', '特立尼达和多巴哥', '突尼斯', '土耳其', '土库曼斯坦', '乌干达', '乌克兰', '阿拉伯联合酋长国', '英国', '美国', '乌拉圭', '乌兹别克斯坦', '委内瑞拉', '越南', '也门', '南斯拉夫', '津巴布韦', '扎伊尔', '赞比亚']; constant.countryCNNAMEList = [{'name': '安哥拉'}, {'name': '阿富汗'}, {'name': '阿尔巴尼亚'}, {'name': '阿尔及利亚'}, {'name': '安道尔共和国'}, {'name': '安圭拉岛'}, {'name': '安提瓜和巴布达'}, {'name': '阿根廷'}, {'name': '亚美尼亚'}, {'name': '阿森松'}, {'name': '澳大利亚'}, {'name': '奥地利'}, {'name': '阿塞拜疆'}, {'name': '巴哈马'}, {'name': '巴林'}, {'name': '孟加拉国'}, {'name': '巴巴多斯'}, {'name': '白俄罗斯'}, {'name': '比利时'}, {'name': '伯利兹'}, {'name': '贝宁'}, {'name': '百慕大群岛'}, {'name': '玻利维亚'}, {'name': '博茨瓦纳'}, {'name': '巴西'}, {'name': '文莱'}, {'name': '保加利亚'}, {'name': '布基纳法索'}, {'name': '缅甸'}, {'name': '布隆迪'}, {'name': '喀麦隆'}, {'name': '加拿大'}, {'name': '开曼群岛'}, {'name': '中非共和国'}, {'name': '乍得'}, {'name': '智利'}, {'name': '中国'}, {'name': '哥伦比亚'}, {'name': '刚果'}, {'name': '库克群岛'}, {'name': '哥斯达黎加'}, {'name': '古巴'}, {'name': '塞浦路斯'}, {'name': '捷克'}, {'name': '丹麦'}, {'name': '吉布提'}, {'name': '多米尼加共和国'}, {'name': '厄瓜多尔'}, {'name': '埃及'}, {'name': '萨尔瓦多'}, {'name': '爱沙尼亚'}, {'name': '埃塞俄比亚'}, {'name': '斐济'}, {'name': '芬兰'}, {'name': '法国'}, {'name': '法属圭亚那'}, {'name': '法属玻利尼西亚'}, {'name': '加蓬'}, {'name': '冈比亚'}, {'name': '格鲁吉亚'}, {'name': '德国'}, {'name': '加纳'}, {'name': '直布罗陀'}, {'name': '希腊'}, {'name': '格林纳达'}, {'name': '关岛'}, {'name': '危地马拉'}, {'name': '几内亚'}, {'name': '圭亚那'}, {'name': '海地'}, {'name': '洪都拉斯'}, {'name': '香港'}, {'name': '匈牙利'}, {'name': '冰岛'}, {'name': '印度'}, {'name': '印度尼西亚'}, {'name': '伊朗'}, {'name': '伊拉克'}, {'name': '爱尔兰'}, {'name': '以色列'}, {'name': '意大利'}, {'name': '科特迪瓦'}, {'name': '牙买加'}, {'name': '日本'}, {'name': '约旦'}, {'name': '柬埔寨'}, {'name': '哈萨克斯坦'}, {'name': '肯尼亚'}, {'name': '韩国'}, {'name': '科威特'}, {'name': '吉尔吉斯坦'}, {'name': '老挝'}, {'name': '拉脱维亚'}, {'name': '黎巴嫩'}, {'name': '莱索托'}, {'name': '利比里亚'}, {'name': '利比亚'}, {'name': '列支敦士登'}, {'name': '立陶宛'}, {'name': '卢森堡'}, {'name': '澳门'}, {'name': '马达加斯加'}, {'name': '马拉维'}, {'name': '马来西亚'}, {'name': '马尔代夫'}, {'name': '马里'}, {'name': '马耳他'}, {'name': '马里亚那群岛'}, {'name': '马提尼克'}, {'name': '毛里求斯'}, {'name': '墨西哥'}, {'name': '摩尔多瓦'}, {'name': '摩纳哥'}, {'name': '蒙古'}, {'name': '蒙特塞拉特岛'}, {'name': '摩洛哥'}, {'name': '莫桑比克'}, {'name': '纳米比亚'}, {'name': '瑙鲁'}, {'name': '尼泊尔'}, {'name': '荷属安的列斯'}, {'name': '荷兰'}, {'name': '新西兰'}, {'name': '尼加拉瓜'}, {'name': '尼日尔'}, {'name': '尼日利亚'}, {'name': '朝鲜'}, {'name': '挪威'}, {'name': '阿曼'}, {'name': '巴基斯坦'}, {'name': '巴拿马'}, {'name': '巴布亚新几内亚'}, {'name': '巴拉圭'}, {'name': '秘鲁'}, {'name': '菲律宾'}, {'name': '波兰'}, {'name': '葡萄牙'}, {'name': '波多黎各'}, {'name': '卡塔尔'}, {'name': '留尼旺'}, {'name': '罗马尼亚'}, {'name': '俄罗斯'}, {'name': '圣卢西亚'}, {'name': '圣文森特岛'}, {'name': '东萨摩亚(美)'}, {'name': '西萨摩亚'}, {'name': '圣马力诺'}, {'name': '圣多美和普林西比'}, {'name': '沙特阿拉伯'}, {'name': '塞内加尔'}, {'name': '塞舌尔'}, {'name': '塞拉利昂'}, {'name': '新加坡'}, {'name': '斯洛伐克'}, {'name': '斯洛文尼亚'}, {'name': '所罗门群岛'}, {'name': '索马里'}, {'name': '南非'}, {'name': '西班牙'}, {'name': '斯里兰卡'}, {'name': '圣文森特'}, {'name': '苏丹'}, {'name': '苏里南'}, {'name': '斯威士兰'}, {'name': '瑞典'}, {'name': '瑞士'}, {'name': '叙利亚'}, {'name': '台湾省'}, {'name': '塔吉克斯坦'}, {'name': '坦桑尼亚'}, {'name': '泰国'}, {'name': '多哥'}, {'name': '汤加'}, {'name': '特立尼达和多巴哥'}, {'name': '突尼斯'}, {'name': '土耳其'}, {'name': '土库曼斯坦'}, {'name': '乌干达'}, {'name': '乌克兰'}, {'name': '阿拉伯联合酋长国'}, {'name': '英国'}, {'name': '美国'}, {'name': '乌拉圭'}, {'name': '乌兹别克斯坦'}, {'name': '委内瑞拉'}, {'name': '越南'}, {'name': '也门'}, {'name': '南斯拉夫'}, {'name': '津巴布韦'}, {'name': '扎伊尔'}, {'name': '赞比亚'}]; constant.countryENList = ['Angola', 'Afghanistan', 'Albania', 'Algeria', 'Andorra', 'Anguilla', 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Argentina', 'Armenia', 'Ascension', 'Australia', 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan', 'Bahamas', 'Bahrain', 'Bangladesh', 'Barbados', 'Belarus', 'Belgium', 'Belize', 'Benin', 'Bermuda Is', 'Bolivia', 'Botswana', 'Brazil', 'Brunei', 'Bulgaria', 'Burkina Faso', 'Burma', 'Burundi', 'Cameroon', 'Canada', 'Cayman Is', 'Central African Republic', 'Chad', 'Chile', 'China', 'Colombia', 'Congo', 'Cook Is', 'Costa Rica', 'Cuba', 'Cyprus', 'Czech Republic', 'Denmark', 'Djibouti', 'Dominica Rep', 'Ecuador', 'Egypt', 'EI Salvador', 'Estonia', 'Ethiopia', 'Fiji', 'Finland', 'France', 'French Guiana', 'French Polynesia', 'Gabon', 'Gambia', 'Georgia', 'Germany', 'Ghana', 'Gibraltar', 'Greece', 'Grenada', 'Guam', 'Guatemala', 'Guinea', 'Guyana', 'Haiti', 'Honduras', 'Hongkong', 'Hungary', 'Iceland', 'India', 'Indonesia', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Ireland', 'Israel', 'Italy', 'Ivory Coast', 'Jamaica', 'Japan', 'Jordan', 'Kampuchea (Cambodia )', 'Kazakstan', 'Kenya', 'Korea', 'Kuwait', 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Laos', 'Latvia', 'Lebanon', 'Lesotho', 'Liberia', 'Libya', 'Liechtenstein', 'Lithuania', 'Luxembourg', 'Macao', 'Madagascar', 'Malawi', 'Malaysia', 'Maldives', 'Mali', 'Malta', 'Mariana Is', 'Martinique', 'Mauritius', 'Mexico', 'Moldova', 'Monaco', 'Mongolia', 'Montserrat Is', 'Morocco', 'Mozambique', 'Namibia', 'Nauru', 'Nepal', 'Netheriands Antilles', 'Netherlands', 'New Zealand', 'Nicaragua', 'Niger', 'Nigeria', 'North Korea', 'Norway', 'Oman', 'Pakistan', 'Panama', 'Papua New Cuinea', 'Paraguay', 'Peru', 'Philippines', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Puerto Rico', 'Qatar', 'Reunion', 'Romania', 'Russia', 'Saint Lueia', 'Saint Vincent', 'Samoa Eastern', 'Samoa Western', 'San Marino', 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Senegal', 'Seychelles', 'Sierra Leone', 'Singapore', 'Slovakia', 'Slovenia', 'Solomon Is', 'Somali', 'South Africa', 'Spain', 'SriLanka', 'St.Lucia', 'St.Vincent', 'Sudan', 'Suriname', 'Swaziland', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'Syria', 'Taiwan', 'Tajikstan', 'Tanzania', 'Thailand', 'Togo', 'Tonga', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Tunisia', 'Turkey', 'Turkmenistan', 'Uganda', 'Ukraine', 'United Arab Emirates', 'United Kiongdom', 'United States of America', 'Uruguay', 'Uzbekistan', 'Venezuela', 'Vietnam', 'Yemen', 'Yugoslavia', 'Zimbabwe', 'Zaire', 'Zambia']; /************************************************cit constant end*************************************************/