 * DevExtreme (dx.viz.debug.js)
 * Version: 17.1.5
 * Build date: Tue Aug 01 2017
 * Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017 Developer Express Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
 * Read about DevExtreme licensing here: https://js.devexpress.com/Licensing/
"use strict";
! function(modules) {
    var installedModules = {};

    function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
        if (installedModules[moduleId]) {
            return installedModules[moduleId].exports
        var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
            exports: {},
            id: moduleId,
            loaded: false
        modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
        module.loaded = true;
        return module.exports
    __webpack_require__.m = modules;
    __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
    __webpack_require__.p = "";
    return __webpack_require__(0)
      !*** multi dx.viz.debug ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! c:\Projects\DevExtreme\17.1\BuildLabel\Temp\DevExtreme.v17.1\repo\GitHub\js\bundles\dx.viz.js */ 659)
    }, , , , ,
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/parts/core.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var DevExpress = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../bundles/modules/core */ 6);
        DevExpress.framework = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../bundles/modules/framework */ 91);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../integration/angular */ 144);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../integration/knockout */ 92);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../localization/globalize/core */ 176);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../localization/globalize/message */ 178);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../localization/globalize/number */ 179);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../localization/globalize/date */ 180);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../localization/globalize/currency */ 181);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/click */ 75);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/contextmenu */ 165);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/double_click */ 182);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/drag */ 110);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/hold */ 164);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/hover */ 103);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/pointer */ 76);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/swipe */ 183);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../events/transform */ 184);
        module.exports = DevExpress
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/core.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var DevExpress = window.DevExpress = window.DevExpress || {};
        var errors = DevExpress.errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7);
            throw errors.Error("E0024")
        DevExpress.clientExporter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../client_exporter */ 20);
        DevExpress.VERSION = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/version */ 19);
        DevExpress.Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25);
        DevExpress.DOMComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/dom_component */ 43);
        DevExpress.Component = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component */ 48);
        DevExpress.registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57);
        DevExpress.devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53);
        DevExpress.Color = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../color */ 38);
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var compareVersions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/version */ 17).compare;
        if (compareVersions($.fn.jquery, [1, 10]) < 0) {
            throw errors.Error("E0012")
        var animationFrame = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/frame */ 59);
        DevExpress.requestAnimationFrame = function() {
            errors.log("W0000", "DevExpress.requestAnimationFrame", "15.2", "Use the 'DevExpress.utils.requestAnimationFrame' method instead.");
            return animationFrame.requestAnimationFrame.apply(animationFrame, arguments)
        DevExpress.cancelAnimationFrame = function() {
            errors.log("W0000", "DevExpress.cancelAnimationFrame", "15.2", "Use the 'DevExpress.utils.cancelAnimationFrame' method instead.");
            return animationFrame.cancelAnimationFrame.apply(animationFrame, arguments)
        DevExpress.EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/events_mixin */ 51);
        DevExpress.utils = {};
        DevExpress.utils.requestAnimationFrame = animationFrame.requestAnimationFrame;
        DevExpress.utils.cancelAnimationFrame = animationFrame.cancelAnimationFrame;
        DevExpress.utils.initMobileViewport = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../mobile/init_mobile_viewport/init_mobile_viewport */ 60).initMobileViewport;
        DevExpress.utils.extendFromObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extendFromObject;
        DevExpress.utils.createComponents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56).createComponents;
        DevExpress.utils.triggerShownEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56).triggerShownEvent;
        DevExpress.utils.triggerHidingEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56).triggerHidingEvent;
        DevExpress.utils.resetActiveElement = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56).resetActiveElement;
        DevExpress.utils.findBestMatches = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).findBestMatches;
        DevExpress.createQueue = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/queue */ 62).create;
        DevExpress.utils.dom = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56);
        DevExpress.utils.common = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14);
        DevExpress.utils.date = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63);
        DevExpress.utils.browser = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/browser */ 23);
        DevExpress.utils.inflector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/inflector */ 39);
        DevExpress.utils.resizeCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/window */ 44).resizeCallbacks;
        DevExpress.utils.console = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/console */ 13);
        DevExpress.utils.string = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/string */ 18);
        DevExpress.utils.support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/support */ 61);
        DevExpress.processHardwareBackButton = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../mobile/process_hardware_back_button */ 64);
        DevExpress.viewPort = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/view_port */ 55).value;
        DevExpress.hideTopOverlay = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../mobile/hide_top_overlay */ 65);
        DevExpress.formatHelper = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../format_helper */ 66);
        var config = DevExpress.config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/config */ 15);
        Object.defineProperty(DevExpress, "rtlEnabled", {
            get: function() {
                errors.log("W0003", "DevExpress", "rtlEnabled", "16.1", "Use the 'DevExpress.config' method instead");
                return config().rtlEnabled
            set: function(value) {
                errors.log("W0003", "DevExpress", "rtlEnabled", "16.1", "Use the 'DevExpress.config' method instead");
                    rtlEnabled: value
        Object.defineProperty(DevExpress, "designMode", {
            get: function() {
                return config().designMode
            set: function(value) {
                    designMode: value
        DevExpress.animationPresets = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/presets/presets */ 67).presets;
        DevExpress.fx = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/fx */ 68);
        DevExpress.TransitionExecutor = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/transition_executor/transition_executor */ 74).TransitionExecutor;
        DevExpress.AnimationPresetCollection = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/presets/presets */ 67).PresetCollection;
        module.exports = DevExpress.events = {};
        DevExpress.events.click = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/click */ 75);
        DevExpress.events.utils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71);
        DevExpress.events.GestureEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/gesture/emitter.gesture */ 86);
        DevExpress.localization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../localization */ 88);
        module.exports = DevExpress
      !*** ./js/core/errors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errorUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/error */ 8);
        module.exports = errorUtils({
            E0001: "Method is not implemented",
            E0002: "Member name collision: {0}",
            E0003: "A class must be instantiated using the 'new' keyword",
            E0004: "The NAME property of the component is not specified",
            E0005: "Unknown device",
            E0006: "Unknown endpoint key is requested",
            E0007: "'Invalidate' method is called outside the update transaction",
            E0008: "Type of the option name is not appropriate to create an action",
            E0009: "Component '{0}' has not been initialized for an element",
            E0010: "Animation configuration with the '{0}' type requires '{1}' configuration as {2}",
            E0011: "Unknown animation type '{0}'",
            E0012: "jQuery version is too old. Please upgrade jQuery to 1.10.0 or later",
            E0013: "KnockoutJS version is too old. Please upgrade KnockoutJS to 2.3.0 or later",
            E0014: "The 'release' method shouldn't be called for an unlocked Lock object",
            E0015: "Queued task returned an unexpected result",
            E0017: "Event namespace is not defined",
            E0018: "DevExpress.ui.DevExpressPopup widget is required",
            E0020: "Template engine '{0}' is not supported",
            E0021: "Unknown theme is set: {0}",
            E0022: "LINK[rel=DevExpress-theme] tags must go before DevExpress included scripts",
            E0023: "Template name is not specified",
            E0024: "DevExtreme bundle already included",
            E0100: "Unknown validation type is detected",
            E0101: "Misconfigured range validation rule is detected",
            E0102: "Misconfigured comparison validation rule is detected",
            E0110: "Unknown validation group is detected",
            E0120: "Adapter for a DevExpressValidator component cannot be configured",
            E0121: "The onCustomItemCreating action should return an item or Promise of jQuery Deferred object resolved when an item is created",
            E4016: "The compileSetter(expr) method is called with 'self' passed as a parameter",
            W0000: "'{0}' is deprecated in {1}. {2}",
            W0001: "{0} - '{1}' option is deprecated in {2}. {3}",
            W0002: "{0} - '{1}' method is deprecated in {2}. {3}",
            W0003: "{0} - '{1}' property is deprecated in {2}. {3}",
            W0004: "Timeout for theme loading is over: {0}",
            W0005: "'{0}' event is deprecated in {1}. {2}",
            W0006: "Invalid recurrence rule: '{0}'",
            W0007: "'{0}' Globalize culture is not defined",
            W0008: "Invalid view name: '{0}'",
            W0009: "Invalid time zone name: '{0}'",
            W0010: "{0} is deprecated in {1}. {2}",
            W0011: "Number parsing is invoked while the parser is not defined",
            W0012: "Date parsing is invoked while the parser is not defined",
            W0013: "'{0}' file is deprecated in {1}. {2}"
      !*** ./js/core/utils/error.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./extend */ 11).extend,
            consoleUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./console */ 13),
            stringUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./string */ 18),
            version = __webpack_require__( /*! ../version */ 19);
        var ERROR_URL = "http://js.devexpress.com/error/" + version.split(".").slice(0, 2).join("_") + "/";
        module.exports = function(baseErrors, errors) {
            var exports = {
                ERROR_MESSAGES: extend(errors, baseErrors),
                Error: function() {
                    return makeError($.makeArray(arguments))
                log: function(id) {
                    var method = "log";
                    if (/^E\d+$/.test(id)) {
                        method = "error"
                    } else {
                        if (/^W\d+$/.test(id)) {
                            method = "warn"
                    consoleUtils.logger[method]("log" === method ? id : combineMessage($.makeArray(arguments)))
            var combineMessage = function(args) {
                var id = args[0];
                args = args.slice(1);
                return formatMessage(id, formatDetails(id, args))
            var formatDetails = function(id, args) {
                args = [exports.ERROR_MESSAGES[id]].concat(args);
                return stringUtils.format.apply(this, args).replace(/\.*\s*?$/, "")
            var formatMessage = function(id, details) {
                return stringUtils.format.apply(this, ["{0} - {1}. See:\n{2}", id, details, ERROR_URL + id])
            var makeError = function(args) {
                var id, details, message;
                id = args[0];
                args = args.slice(1);
                details = formatDetails(id, args);
                message = formatMessage(id, details);
                return extend(new Error(message), {
                    __id: id,
                    __details: details
            return exports
      !*** ./js/core/renderer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! jquery */ 10);
        module.exports = $
      !*** external "jQuery" ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = jQuery
      !*** ./js/core/utils/extend.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ./type */ 12).isPlainObject;
        var extendFromObject = function(target, source, overrideExistingValues) {
            target = target || {};
            for (var prop in source) {
                if (source.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                    var value = source[prop];
                    if (!(prop in target) || overrideExistingValues) {
                        target[prop] = value
            return target
        var extend = function(target) {
            target = target || {};
            var i = 1,
                deep = false;
            if ("boolean" === typeof target) {
                deep = target;
                target = arguments[1] || {};
            for (; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                var source = arguments[i];
                if (null == source) {
                for (var key in source) {
                    var clone, targetValue = target[key],
                        sourceValue = source[key],
                        sourceValueIsArray = false;
                    if (target === sourceValue) {
                    if (deep && sourceValue && (isPlainObject(sourceValue) || (sourceValueIsArray = Array.isArray(sourceValue)))) {
                        if (sourceValueIsArray) {
                            clone = targetValue && Array.isArray(targetValue) ? targetValue : []
                        } else {
                            clone = targetValue && isPlainObject(targetValue) ? targetValue : {}
                        target[key] = extend(deep, clone, sourceValue)
                    } else {
                        if (void 0 !== sourceValue) {
                            target[key] = sourceValue
            return target
        exports.extend = extend;
        exports.extendFromObject = extendFromObject
      !*** ./js/core/utils/type.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var isEmptyObject = function(object) {
            var property;
            for (property in object) {
                return false
            return true
        var isPlainObject = function(object) {
            if (!object || "[object Object]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(object)) {
                return false
            var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(object),
                ctor = Object.hasOwnProperty.call(proto, "constructor") && proto.constructor;
            return "function" === typeof ctor && Object.toString.call(ctor) === Object.toString.call(Object)
        exports.isEmptyObject = isEmptyObject;
        exports.isPlainObject = isPlainObject
      !*** ./js/core/utils/console.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14).isFunction;
        var logger = function() {
            var console = window.console;

            function info(text) {
                if (!console || !isFunction(console.info)) {

            function warn(text) {
                if (!console || !isFunction(console.warn)) {

            function error(text) {
                if (!console || !isFunction(console.error)) {
            return {
                info: info,
                warn: warn,
                error: error
        var debug = function() {
            function assert(condition, message) {
                if (!condition) {
                    throw new Error(message)

            function assertParam(parameter, message) {
                assert(null !== parameter && void 0 !== parameter, message)
            return {
                assert: assert,
                assertParam: assertParam
        exports.logger = logger;
        exports.debug = debug
      !*** ./js/core/utils/common.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../config */ 15),
            deferredUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16);
        var type = function(object) {
            var types = {
                    "[object Array]": "array",
                    "[object Date]": "date",
                    "[object Object]": "object",
                    "[object Null]": "null"
                typeOfObject = Object.prototype.toString.call(object);
            return "object" === typeof object ? types[typeOfObject] || "object" : typeof object
        var isDefined = function(object) {
            return null !== object && void 0 !== object
        var isString = function(object) {
            return "string" === typeof object
        var isNumeric = function(object) {
            return "number" === typeof object && isFinite(object) || !isNaN(object - parseFloat(object))
        var isObject = function(object) {
            return "object" === type(object)
        var isDate = function(object) {
            return "date" === type(object)
        var isBoolean = function(object) {
            return "boolean" === typeof object
        var isFunction = function(object) {
            return "function" === typeof object
        var isPrimitive = function(value) {
            return ["object", "array", "function"].indexOf(type(value)) === -1
        var isExponential = function(value) {
            return isNumeric(value) && value.toString().indexOf("e") !== -1
        var isWindow = function(object) {
            return null != object && object === object.window
        var ensureDefined = function(value, defaultValue) {
            return isDefined(value) ? value : defaultValue
        var executeAsync = function(action, context) {
            var timerId, deferred = $.Deferred(),
                normalizedContext = context || this,
                task = {
                    promise: deferred.promise(),
                    abort: function() {
                callback = function() {
                    var result = action.call(normalizedContext);
                    if (result && result.done && isFunction(result.done)) {
                        result.done(function() {
                    } else {
            timerId = (arguments[2] || setTimeout)(callback, "number" === typeof context ? context : 0);
            return task
        var delayedFuncs = [];
        var delayedNames = [];
        var delayedDeferreds = [];
        var executingName;
        var deferExecute = function(name, func, deferred) {
            if (executingName && executingName !== name) {
                deferred = deferred || $.Deferred();
                return deferred
            } else {
                var oldExecutingName = executingName,
                    currentDelayedCount = delayedDeferreds.length;
                executingName = name;
                var result = func();
                if (!result) {
                    if (delayedDeferreds.length > currentDelayedCount) {
                        result = deferredUtils.when.apply($, delayedDeferreds.slice(currentDelayedCount))
                    } else {
                        if (deferred) {
                executingName = oldExecutingName;
                if (deferred && result && result.done) {
                if (!executingName && delayedFuncs.length) {
                    ("render" === delayedNames.shift() ? deferRender : deferUpdate)(delayedFuncs.shift(), delayedDeferreds.shift())
                return result
        var deferRender = function(func, deferred) {
            return deferExecute("render", func, deferred)
        var deferUpdate = function(func, deferred) {
            return deferExecute("update", func, deferred)
        var deferRenderer = function(func) {
            return function() {
                var that = this;
                return deferExecute("render", function() {
                    return func.call(that)
        var deferUpdater = function(func) {
            return function() {
                var that = this;
                return deferExecute("update", function() {
                    return func.call(that)
        var findBestMatches = function(targetFilter, items, mapFn) {
            var bestMatches = [],
                maxMatchCount = 0;
            $.each(items, function(index, itemSrc) {
                var matchCount = 0,
                    item = mapFn ? mapFn(itemSrc) : itemSrc;
                $.each(targetFilter, function(paramName, targetValue) {
                    var value = item[paramName];
                    if (void 0 === value) {
                    if (match(value, targetValue)) {
                    matchCount = -1;
                    return false
                if (matchCount < maxMatchCount) {
                if (matchCount > maxMatchCount) {
                    bestMatches.length = 0;
                    maxMatchCount = matchCount
            return bestMatches
        var match = function(value, targetValue) {
            if (Array.isArray(value) && Array.isArray(targetValue)) {
                var mismatch = false;
                $.each(value, function(index, valueItem) {
                    if (valueItem !== targetValue[index]) {
                        mismatch = true;
                        return false
                if (mismatch) {
                    return false
                return true
            if (value === targetValue) {
                return true
            return false
        var splitPair = function(raw) {
            switch (typeof raw) {
                case "string":
                    return raw.split(/\s+/, 2);
                case "object":
                    return [raw.x || raw.h, raw.y || raw.v];
                case "number":
                    return [raw];
                    return raw
        var splitQuad = function(raw) {
            switch (typeof raw) {
                case "string":
                    return raw.split(/\s+/, 4);
                case "object":
                    return [raw.x || raw.h || raw.left, raw.y || raw.v || raw.top, raw.x || raw.h || raw.right, raw.y || raw.v || raw.bottom];
                case "number":
                    return [raw];
                    return raw
        var normalizeKey = function(id) {
            var key = isString(id) ? id : id.toString(),
                arr = key.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g);
            arr && $.each(arr, function(_, sign) {
                key = key.replace(sign, "__" + sign.charCodeAt() + "__")
            return key
        var denormalizeKey = function(key) {
            var arr = key.match(/__\d+__/g);
            arr && arr.forEach(function(char) {
                var charCode = parseInt(char.replace("__", ""));
                key = key.replace(char, String.fromCharCode(charCode))
            return key
        var isArraysEqualByValue = function(array1, array2, deep) {
            if (array1.length !== array2.length) {
                return false
            for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
                if (!equalByValue(array1[i], array2[i], deep + 1)) {
                    return false
            return true
        var isObjectsEqualByValue = function(object1, object2, deep) {
            for (var propertyName in object1) {
                if (object1.hasOwnProperty(propertyName) && !equalByValue(object1[propertyName], object2[propertyName], deep + 1)) {
                    return false
            for (propertyName in object2) {
                if (!(propertyName in object1)) {
                    return false
            return true
        var equalByValue = function(object1, object2, deep) {
            if (object1 === object2) {
                return true
            var maxDeep = 3;
            deep = deep || 0;
            if (deep >= maxDeep) {
                return true
            if (isObject(object1) && isObject(object2)) {
                return isObjectsEqualByValue(object1, object2, deep)
            } else {
                if (Array.isArray(object1) && Array.isArray(object2)) {
                    return isArraysEqualByValue(object1, object2, deep)
                } else {
                    if (isDate(object1) && isDate(object2)) {
                        return object1.getTime() === object2.getTime()
            return false
        var getKeyHash = function(key) {
            if (isObject(key) || Array.isArray(key)) {
                try {
                    var keyHash = JSON.stringify(key);
                    return "{}" === keyHash ? key : keyHash
                } catch (e) {
                    return key
            return key
        var escapeRegExp = function(string) {
            return string.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&")
        var applyServerDecimalSeparator = function(value) {
            var separator = config().serverDecimalSeparator;
            if (isDefined(value)) {
                value = value.toString().replace(".", separator)
            return value
        var noop = function() {};
        var grep = function(elements, checkFunction, invert) {
            var check, result = [],
                expectedCheck = !invert;
            for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                check = !!checkFunction(elements[i], i);
                if (check === expectedCheck) {
            return result
        exports.type = type;
        exports.isDefined = isDefined;
        exports.isString = isString;
        exports.isNumeric = isNumeric;
        exports.isObject = isObject;
        exports.isDate = isDate;
        exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;
        exports.isFunction = isFunction;
        exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive;
        exports.isExponential = isExponential;
        exports.isWindow = isWindow;
        exports.ensureDefined = ensureDefined;
        exports.executeAsync = executeAsync;
        exports.deferRender = deferRender;
        exports.deferRenderer = deferRenderer;
        exports.deferUpdate = deferUpdate;
        exports.deferUpdater = deferUpdater;
        exports.splitPair = splitPair;
        exports.splitQuad = splitQuad;
        exports.findBestMatches = findBestMatches;
        exports.normalizeKey = normalizeKey;
        exports.denormalizeKey = denormalizeKey;
        exports.equalByValue = equalByValue;
        exports.getKeyHash = getKeyHash;
        exports.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;
        exports.applyServerDecimalSeparator = applyServerDecimalSeparator;
        exports.noop = noop;
        exports.grep = grep
      !*** ./js/core/config.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extendUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/extend */ 11),
            config = {
                rtlEnabled: false,
                defaultCurrency: "USD",
                designMode: false,
                serverDecimalSeparator: ".",
                forceIsoDateParsing: true,
                wrapActionsBeforeExecute: false
        module.exports = function() {
            if (!arguments.length) {
                return config
            extendUtils.extend(config, arguments[0])
      !*** ./js/integration/jquery/deferred.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            compareVersion = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/version */ 17).compare;
        exports.fromPromise = function(promise, context) {
            var isDeferred = promise && commonUtils.isFunction(promise.done) && commonUtils.isFunction(promise.fail);
            if (isDeferred) {
                return promise
            var d = $.Deferred();
            promise.then(function() {
                d.resolveWith.apply(d, [context].concat([$.makeArray(arguments)]))
            }, function() {
                d.rejectWith.apply(d, [context].concat([$.makeArray(arguments)]))
            return d
        exports.when = compareVersion($.fn.jquery, [3]) < 0 ? $.when : function(singleArg) {
            if (0 === arguments.length) {
                return $.Deferred().resolve()
            } else {
                if (1 === arguments.length) {
                    return singleArg && singleArg.then ? singleArg : $.Deferred().resolve(singleArg)
                } else {
                    return $.when.apply($, arguments)
      !*** ./js/core/utils/version.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        exports.compare = function(x, y, maxLevel) {
            function normalizeArg(value) {
                if ("string" === typeof value) {
                    return value.split(".")
                if ("number" === typeof value) {
                    return [value]
                return value
            x = normalizeArg(x);
            y = normalizeArg(y);
            var length = Math.max(x.length, y.length);
            if (isFinite(maxLevel)) {
                length = Math.min(length, maxLevel)
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                var xItem = parseInt(x[i] || 0, 10),
                    yItem = parseInt(y[i] || 0, 10);
                if (xItem < yItem) {
                    return -1
                if (xItem > yItem) {
                    return 1
            return 0
      !*** ./js/core/utils/string.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14);
        var encodeHtml = function() {
            var encodeRegExp = [new RegExp("&", "g"), new RegExp('"', "g"), new RegExp("'", "g"), new RegExp("<", "g"), new RegExp(">", "g")];
            return function(str) {
                return String(str).replace(encodeRegExp[0], "&amp;").replace(encodeRegExp[1], "&quot;").replace(encodeRegExp[2], "&#39;").replace(encodeRegExp[3], "&lt;").replace(encodeRegExp[4], "&gt;")
        var pairToObject = function(raw) {
            var pair = commonUtils.splitPair(raw),
                h = parseInt(pair && pair[0], 10),
                v = parseInt(pair && pair[1], 10);
            if (!isFinite(h)) {
                h = 0
            if (!isFinite(v)) {
                v = h
            return {
                h: h,
                v: v
        var quadToObject = function(raw) {
            var quad = commonUtils.splitQuad(raw),
                left = parseInt(quad && quad[0], 10),
                top = parseInt(quad && quad[1], 10),
                right = parseInt(quad && quad[2], 10),
                bottom = parseInt(quad && quad[3], 10);
            if (!isFinite(left)) {
                left = 0
            if (!isFinite(top)) {
                top = left
            if (!isFinite(right)) {
                right = left
            if (!isFinite(bottom)) {
                bottom = top
            return {
                top: top,
                right: right,
                bottom: bottom,
                left: left
        var stringFormat = function() {
            var replaceDollarCount, reg, value, s = arguments[0],
                values = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
            if (commonUtils.isFunction(s)) {
                return s.apply(this, values)
            for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                reg = new RegExp("\\{" + i + "\\}", "gm");
                value = values[i];
                if ("string" === commonUtils.type(value) && value.indexOf("$") >= 0) {
                    replaceDollarCount = "$".replace("$", "$$").length;
                    value = value.replace("$", 1 === replaceDollarCount ? "$$$$" : "$$")
                s = s.replace(reg, value)
            return s
        var replaceAll = function() {
            var quote = function(str) {
                return (str + "").replace(/([\+\*\?\\\.\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\><\|\=\!\:])/g, "\\$1")
            return function(text, searchToken, replacementToken) {
                return text.replace(new RegExp("(" + quote(searchToken) + ")", "gi"), replacementToken)
        var isEmpty = function() {
            var SPACE_REGEXP = /\s/g;
            return function(text) {
                return !text || !text.replace(SPACE_REGEXP, "")
        exports.encodeHtml = encodeHtml;
        exports.pairToObject = pairToObject;
        exports.quadToObject = quadToObject;
        exports.format = stringFormat;
        exports.replaceAll = replaceAll;
        exports.isEmpty = isEmpty
      !*** ./js/core/version.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = "17.1.5"
      !*** ./js/client_exporter.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var fileSaver = __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/file_saver */ 21).fileSaver,
            _isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction;
        exports.export = function(data, options, getData) {
            if (!data) {
            var exportingAction = options.exportingAction,
                exportedAction = options.exportedAction,
                fileSavingAction = options.fileSavingAction,
                eventArgs = {
                    fileName: options.fileName,
                    format: options.format,
                    cancel: false
            _isFunction(exportingAction) && exportingAction(eventArgs);
            if (!eventArgs.cancel) {
                getData(data, options, function(blob) {
                    _isFunction(exportedAction) && exportedAction();
                    if (_isFunction(fileSavingAction)) {
                        eventArgs.data = blob;
                    if (!eventArgs.cancel) {
                        fileSaver.saveAs(eventArgs.fileName, options.format, blob, options.proxyUrl)
        exports.fileSaver = fileSaver;
        exports.excel = {
            creator: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/excel_creator */ 24).ExcelCreator,
            getData: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/excel_creator */ 24).getData,
            formatConverter: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/excel_format_converter */ 31)
        exports.excel.__internals = __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/excel_creator */ 24).__internals;
        exports.image = {
            creator: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/image_creator */ 37).imageCreator,
            getData: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/image_creator */ 37).getData
        exports.pdf = {
            getData: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/pdf_creator */ 40).getData
        exports.svg = {
            creator: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/svg_creator */ 41).svgCreator,
            getData: __webpack_require__( /*! ./client_exporter/svg_creator */ 41).getData
      !*** ./js/client_exporter/file_saver.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../ui/widget/ui.errors */ 22),
            browser = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/browser */ 23),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            FILE_EXTESIONS = {
                EXCEL: "xlsx",
                CSS: "css",
                PNG: "png",
                JPEG: "jpeg",
                GIF: "gif",
                SVG: "svg",
                PDF: "pdf"
        var MIME_TYPES = exports.MIME_TYPES = {
            CSS: "text/css",
            EXCEL: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
            PNG: "image/png",
            JPEG: "image/jpeg",
            GIF: "image/gif",
            SVG: "image/svg+xml",
            PDF: "application/pdf"
        exports.fileSaver = {
            _getDataUri: function(format, data) {
                return "data:" + MIME_TYPES[format] + ";base64," + data
            _linkDownloader: function(fileName, href, callback) {
                var exportLinkElement = document.createElement("a"),
                    attributes = {
                        download: fileName,
                        href: href
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(callback)) {
                    attributes.onclick = callback
                    display: "none"
                return exportLinkElement
            _formDownloader: function(proxyUrl, fileName, contentType, data, callback) {
                var formAttributes = {
                        method: "post",
                        action: proxyUrl,
                        enctype: "multipart/form-data"
                    exportForm = $("<form>").css({
                        display: "none"
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(callback)) {
                exportForm.append('<input type="hidden" name="fileName" value="' + fileName + '" />');
                exportForm.append('<input type="hidden" name="contentType" value="' + contentType + '" />');
                exportForm.append('<input type="hidden" name="data" value="' + data + '" />');
                if (exportForm.submit()) {
                return exportForm
            _saveByProxy: function(proxyUrl, fileName, format, data, callback) {
                return this._formDownloader(proxyUrl, fileName, MIME_TYPES[format], data, callback)
            _winJSBlobSave: function(blob, fileName, format) {
                var savePicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker;
                savePicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.documentsLibrary;
                savePicker.fileTypeChoices.insert(MIME_TYPES[format], ["." + FILE_EXTESIONS[format]]);
                savePicker.suggestedFileName = fileName;
                savePicker.pickSaveFileAsync().then(function(file) {
                    if (file) {
                        file.openAsync(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode.readWrite).then(function(outputStream) {
                            var inputStream = blob.msDetachStream();
                            Windows.Storage.Streams.RandomAccessStream.copyAsync(inputStream, outputStream).then(function() {
                                outputStream.flushAsync().done(function() {
            _saveBlobAs: function(fileName, format, data, linkClick) {
                this._blobSaved = false;
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob)) {
                    navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(data, fileName);
                    this._blobSaved = true
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isDefined(window.WinJS)) {
                        this._winJSBlobSave(data, fileName, format);
                        this._blobSaved = true
                    } else {
                        var URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL || window.oURL;
                        linkClick = commonUtils.isDefined(linkClick) ? linkClick : function() {
                            var link = $("#dxExportLink");
                        if (commonUtils.isDefined(URL)) {
                            return this._linkDownloader(fileName, URL.createObjectURL(data), linkClick)
            saveAs: function(fileName, format, data, proxyURL, linkClick) {
                fileName += "." + FILE_EXTESIONS[format];
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(window.Blob)) {
                    this._saveBlobAs(fileName, format, data)
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isDefined(proxyURL) && !commonUtils.isDefined(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) {
                        this._saveByProxy(proxyURL, fileName, format, data)
                    } else {
                        if (!commonUtils.isDefined(navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) {
                        if (browser.msie && parseInt(browser.version) < 10) {
                        this._linkDownloader(fileName, this._getDataUri(format, data), linkClick)
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/ui.errors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errorUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/error */ 8),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7);
        module.exports = errorUtils(errors.ERROR_MESSAGES, {
            E1001: "Module '{0}'. Controller '{1}' is already registered",
            E1002: "Module '{0}'. Controller '{1}' does not inherit from DevExpress.ui.dxDataGrid.Controller",
            E1003: "Module '{0}'. View '{1}' is already registered",
            E1004: "Module '{0}'. View '{1}' does not inherit from DevExpress.ui.dxDataGrid.View",
            E1005: "Public method '{0}' is already registered",
            E1006: "Public method '{0}.{1}' does not exist",
            E1007: "State storing cannot be provided due to the restrictions of the browser",
            E1010: "The template does not contain the TextBox widget",
            E1011: 'Items cannot be deleted from the List. Implement the "remove" function in the data store',
            E1012: "Editing type '{0}' with the name '{1}' is unsupported",
            E1016: "Unexpected type of data source is provided for a lookup column",
            E1018: "The 'collapseAll' method cannot be called if you use a remote data source",
            E1019: "Search mode '{0}' is unavailable",
            E1020: "The type cannot be changed after initialization",
            E1021: "{0} '{1}' you are trying to remove does not exist",
            E1022: 'The "markers" option is given an invalid value. Assign an array instead',
            E1023: 'The "routes" option is given an invalid value. Assign an array instead',
            E1025: "This layout is too complex to render",
            E1026: 'The "calculateCustomSummary" function is missing from a field whose "summaryType" option is set to "custom"',
            E1030: "Unknown ScrollView refresh strategy: '{0}'",
            E1031: "Unknown subscription in the Scheduler widget: '{0}'",
            E1032: "Unknown start date in an appointment: '{0}'",
            E1033: "Unknown step in the date navigator: '{0}'",
            E1034: "The browser does not implement an API for saving files",
            E1035: "The editor cannot be created because of an internal error: {0}",
            E1036: "Validation rules are not defined for any form item",
            E1037: "Invalid structure of grouped data",
            E1038: "The browser does not support local storages for local web pages",
            E1039: "A cell's position cannot be calculated",
            E1040: "The '{0}' key value is not unique within the data array",
            E1041: "The JSZip script is referenced after DevExtreme scripts",
            E1042: 'Deferred selection cannot be performed. Set the "key" field for the data store',
            E1043: "Changes cannot be processed due to the incorrectly set key",
            E1044: "The key field specified by the keyExpr option does not match the key field specified in the data store",
            E1045: "Editing requires the key field to be specified in the data store",
            E1046: "The '{0}' key field is not found in data objects",
            W1001: 'The "key" option cannot be modified after initialization',
            W1002: "An item with the key '{0}' does not exist",
            W1003: "A group with the key '{0}' in which you are trying to select items does not exist",
            W1004: "The item '{0}' you are trying to select in the group '{1}' does not exist",
            W1005: "Due to column data types being unspecified, data has been loaded twice in order to apply initial filter settings. To resolve this issue, specify data types for all grid columns.",
            W1006: "The map service returned the '{0}' error",
            W1007: "No item with key {0} was found in the data source, but this key was used as the parent key for item {1}",
            W1008: "Cannot scroll to the '{0}' date because it does not exist on the current view"
      !*** ./js/core/utils/browser.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./extend */ 11).extend;
        var webkitRegExp = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
            ieRegExp = /(msie) (\d{1,2}\.\d)/,
            ie11RegExp = /(trident).*rv:(\d{1,2}\.\d)/,
            msEdge = /(edge)\/((\d+)?[\w\.]+)/,
            safari = /(safari)/i,
            mozillaRegExp = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))/;
        var browserFromUA = function(ua) {
            ua = ua.toLowerCase();
            var result = {},
                matches = ieRegExp.exec(ua) || ie11RegExp.exec(ua) || msEdge.exec(ua) || ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && mozillaRegExp.exec(ua) || webkitRegExp.exec(ua) || [],
                browserName = matches[1],
                browserVersion = matches[2];
            if ("webkit" === browserName && ua.indexOf("chrome") < 0 && safari.exec(ua)) {
                browserName = "safari";
                result.webkit = true;
                browserVersion = /Version\/([0-9.]+)/i.exec(ua);
                browserVersion = browserVersion && browserVersion[1]
            if ("trident" === browserName || "edge" === browserName) {
                browserName = "msie"
            if (browserName) {
                result[browserName] = true;
                result.version = browserVersion
            return result
        module.exports = extend({
            _fromUA: browserFromUA
        }, browserFromUA(navigator.userAgent))
      !*** ./js/client_exporter/excel_creator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../ui/widget/ui.errors */ 22),
            stringUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/string */ 18),
            JSZip = __webpack_require__( /*! jszip */ 30),
            fileSaver = __webpack_require__( /*! ./file_saver */ 21),
            excelFormatConverter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./excel_format_converter */ 31),
            XML_TAG = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>',
            GROUP_SHEET_PR_XML = '<sheetPr><outlinePr summaryBelow="0"/></sheetPr>',
            SINGLE_SHEET_PR_XML = "<sheetPr/>",
            BASE_STYLE_XML = '<fonts count="2"><font><sz val="11"/><color theme="1"/><name val="Calibri"/><family val="2"/><scheme val="minor"/></font><font><b/><sz val="11"/><color theme="1"/><name val="Calibri"/><family val="2"/><scheme val="minor"/></font></fonts><fills count="1"><fill><patternFill patternType="none"/></fill></fills><borders count="1"><border><left style="thin"><color rgb="FFD3D3D3"/></left><right style="thin"><color rgb="FFD3D3D3"/></right><top style="thin"><color rgb="FFD3D3D3"/></top><bottom style="thin"><color rgb="FFD3D3D3"/></bottom></border></borders><cellStyleXfs count="1"><xf numFmtId="0" fontId="0" fillId="0" borderId="0"/></cellStyleXfs>',
            OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org",
            RELATIONSHIP_PART_NAME = "rels",
            XL_FOLDER_NAME = "xl",
            WORKBOOK_FILE_NAME = "workbook.xml",
            CONTENTTYPES_FILE_NAME = "[Content_Types].xml",
            SHAREDSTRING_FILE_NAME = "sharedStrings.xml",
            STYLE_FILE_NAME = "styles.xml",
            WORKSHEETS_FOLDER = "worksheets",
            WORKSHEET_FILE_NAME = "sheet1.xml",
            VALID_TYPES = {
                "boolean": "b",
                date: "d",
                number: "n",
                string: "s"
            EXCEL_START_TIME = Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30),
            DAYS_COUNT_BEFORE_29_FEB_1900 = 60,
            BOLD_STYLES_COUNT = 4,
            MAX_DIGIT_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS = 7,
            CUSTOM_FORMAT_START_INDEX = 165;
        exports.ExcelCreator = Class.inherit({
            _getXMLTag: function(tagName, attributes, content) {
                var i, attr, result = "<" + tagName,
                    length = attributes.length;
                for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                    attr = attributes[i];
                    result = result + " " + attr.name + '="' + attr.value + '"'
                return commonUtils.isDefined(content) ? result + ">" + content + "</" + tagName + ">" : result + " />"
            _getCellIndex: function(rowIndex, cellIndex) {
                var charCode, sheetIndex = "",
                    max = 26;
                if (this._maxIndex[0] < Number(rowIndex)) {
                    this._maxIndex[0] = Number(rowIndex)
                if (this._maxIndex[1] < Number(cellIndex)) {
                    this._maxIndex[1] = Number(cellIndex)
                while (true) {
                    charCode = 65 + (cellIndex >= max ? cellIndex % max : Math.ceil(cellIndex));
                    sheetIndex = String.fromCharCode(charCode) + sheetIndex;
                    if (cellIndex >= max) {
                        cellIndex = Math.floor(cellIndex / max) - 1
                    } else {
                return sheetIndex + rowIndex
            _getDataType: function(dataType) {
                return VALID_TYPES[dataType] || "s"
            _formatObjectConverter: function(format, precision, dataType) {
                var result = {
                    format: format,
                    precision: precision,
                    dataType: dataType
                if (commonUtils.isObject(format)) {
                    return extend(result, format, {
                        format: format.type,
                        currency: format.currency
                return result
            _appendFormat: function(format, precision, dataType) {
                var currency, newFormat = this._formatObjectConverter(format, precision, dataType);
                format = newFormat.format;
                precision = newFormat.precision;
                currency = newFormat.currency;
                dataType = newFormat.dataType;
                format = excelFormatConverter.convertFormat(format, precision, dataType, currency);
                if (format) {
                    if (inArray(format, this._styleFormat) === -1) {
                    return inArray(format, this._styleFormat) + 1
            _appendString: function(value) {
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(value)) {
                    value = String(value);
                    if (value.length) {
                        value = stringUtils.encodeHtml(value);
                        if (void 0 === this._stringHash[value]) {
                            this._stringHash[value] = this._stringArray.length;
                        return this._stringHash[value]
            _getExcelDateValue: function(date) {
                var days, totalTime;
                if (commonUtils.isDate(date)) {
                    days = Math.floor((Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()) - EXCEL_START_TIME) / 864e5);
                    if (days < DAYS_COUNT_BEFORE_29_FEB_1900) {
                    totalTime = (3600 * date.getHours() + 60 * date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds()) / 86400;
                    return days + totalTime
            _prepareValue: function(rowIndex, cellIndex) {
                var dataProvider = this._dataProvider,
                    value = dataProvider.getCellValue(rowIndex, cellIndex),
                    type = this._getDataType(dataProvider.getCellType(rowIndex, cellIndex)),
                    formatID = this._styleArray[this._dataProvider.getStyleId(rowIndex, cellIndex)].formatID,
                    format = commonUtils.isNumeric(formatID) ? this._styleFormat[formatID - 1] : null;
                if ("d" === type && !commonUtils.isDate(value)) {
                    type = "s"
                switch (type) {
                    case "s":
                        value = this._appendString(value);
                    case "d":
                        value = this._getExcelDateValue(value, format);
                        type = "n"
                return {
                    value: value,
                    type: type
            _getDataArray: function() {
                var rowIndex, cellIndex, cellsArray, cellData, cellsLength, that = this,
                    result = [],
                    dataProvider = that._dataProvider,
                    rowsLength = dataProvider.getRowsCount(),
                    columns = dataProvider.getColumns();
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsLength; rowIndex++) {
                    cellsArray = [];
                    cellsLength = columns.length;
                    for (cellIndex = 0; cellIndex !== cellsLength; cellIndex++) {
                        cellData = that._prepareValue(rowIndex, cellIndex);
                            style: dataProvider.getStyleId(rowIndex, cellIndex),
                            value: cellData.value,
                            type: cellData.type
                    if (!that._needSheetPr && dataProvider.getGroupLevel(rowIndex) > 0) {
                        that._needSheetPr = true
                return result
            _getBoldStyleID: function(alignment) {
                for (var i = 0; i < BOLD_STYLES_COUNT - 1; i++) {
                    if (this._styleArray[i].alignment === alignment) {
                        return i
            _calculateWidth: function(pixelsWidth) {
                pixelsWidth = parseInt(pixelsWidth, 10);
                if (!pixelsWidth || pixelsWidth < 5) {
                    pixelsWidth = 100
                return Math.min(255, Math.floor((pixelsWidth - 5) / MAX_DIGIT_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS * 100 + .5) / 100)
            _prepareStyleData: function() {
                var that = this,
                    styles = that._dataProvider.getStyles();
                that._dataProvider.getColumns().forEach(function(column) {
                styles.forEach(function(style) {
                        bold: !!style.bold,
                        alignment: style.alignment || "left",
                        formatID: that._appendFormat(style.format, style.precision, style.dataType),
                        wrapText: style.wrapText
            _prepareCellData: function() {
                this._cellsArray = this._getDataArray()
            _createXMLRelationships: function(xmlRelationships) {
                return this._getXMLTag("Relationships", [{
                    name: "xmlns",
                    value: OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + "/package/2006/relationships"
                }], xmlRelationships)
            _createXMLRelationship: function(id, type, target) {
                return this._getXMLTag("Relationship", [{
                    name: "Id",
                    value: "rId" + id
                }, {
                    name: "Type",
                    value: OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + "/officeDocument/2006/relationships/" + type
                }, {
                    name: "Target",
                    value: target
            _getWorkbookContent: function() {
                var content = '<bookViews><workbookView xWindow="0" yWindow="0" windowWidth="0" windowHeight="0"/></bookViews><sheets><sheet name="Sheet" sheetId="1" r:id="rId1" /></sheets><definedNames><definedName name="_xlnm.Print_Titles" localSheetId="0">Sheet!$1:$1</definedName><definedName name="_xlnm._FilterDatabase" hidden="0" localSheetId="0">Sheet!$A$1:$F$6332</definedName></definedNames>';
                return XML_TAG + this._getXMLTag("workbook", [{
                    name: "xmlns:r",
                    value: OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + "/officeDocument/2006/relationships"
                }, {
                    name: "xmlns",
                    value: OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + "/spreadsheetml/2006/main"
                }], content)
            _getContentTypesContent: function() {
                return XML_TAG + '<Types xmlns="' + OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + '/package/2006/content-types"><Default Extension="rels" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml" /><Default Extension="xml" ContentType="application/xml" /><Override PartName="/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml" /><Override PartName="/xl/styles.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml" /><Override PartName="/xl/sharedStrings.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml" /><Override PartName="/xl/workbook.xml" ContentType="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml" /></Types>'
            _generateStylesXML: function() {
                var formatIndex, that = this,
                    folder = that._zip.folder(XL_FOLDER_NAME),
                    xmlStyles = [],
                    XML = "";
                for (formatIndex = 0; formatIndex < that._styleFormat.length; formatIndex++) {
                    that._styleFormat[formatIndex] = that._getXMLTag("numFmt", [{
                        name: "numFmtId",
                        value: Number(formatIndex) + CUSTOM_FORMAT_START_INDEX
                    }, {
                        name: "formatCode",
                        value: that._styleFormat[formatIndex]
                XML = XML + that._getXMLTag("numFmts", [{
                    name: "count",
                    value: that._styleFormat.length
                }], that._styleFormat.join("")) + BASE_STYLE_XML;
                this._styleArray.forEach(function(style) {
                    xmlStyles.push(that._getXMLTag("xf", [{
                        name: "xfId",
                        value: 0
                    }, {
                        name: "applyAlignment",
                        value: 1
                    }, {
                        name: "fontId",
                        value: Number(!!style.bold)
                    }, {
                        name: "applyNumberFormat",
                        value: commonUtils.isDefined(style.formatID) ? 1 : 0
                    }, {
                        name: "numFmtId",
                        value: commonUtils.isDefined(style.formatID) ? Number(style.formatID) + CUSTOM_FORMAT_START_INDEX - 1 : 0
                    }], that._getXMLTag("alignment", [{
                        name: "vertical",
                        value: "top"
                    }, {
                        name: "wrapText",
                        value: Number(!!style.wrapText)
                    }, {
                        name: "horizontal",
                        value: style.alignment
                XML += that._getXMLTag("cellXfs", [{
                    name: "count",
                    value: xmlStyles.length
                }], xmlStyles.join(""));
                XML += that._getXMLTag("cellStyles", [{
                    name: "count",
                    value: 1
                }], that._getXMLTag("cellStyle", [{
                    name: "name",
                    value: "Normal"
                }, {
                    name: "xfId",
                    value: 0
                }, {
                    name: "builtinId",
                    value: 0
                XML = XML_TAG + that._getXMLTag("styleSheet", [{
                    name: "xmlns",
                    value: OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + "/spreadsheetml/2006/main"
                }], XML);
                folder.file(STYLE_FILE_NAME, XML);
                that._styleArray = []
            _generateStringsXML: function() {
                var stringIndex, folder = this._zip.folder(XL_FOLDER_NAME),
                    stringsLength = this._stringArray.length,
                    sharedStringXml = XML_TAG;
                for (stringIndex = 0; stringIndex < stringsLength; stringIndex++) {
                    this._stringArray[stringIndex] = this._getXMLTag("si", [], this._getXMLTag("t", [], this._stringArray[stringIndex]))
                sharedStringXml += this._getXMLTag("sst", [{
                    name: "xmlns",
                    value: OPEN_XML_FORMAT_URL + "/spreadsheetml/2006/main"
                }, {
                    name: "count",
                    value: this._stringArray.length
                }, {
                    name: "uniqueCount",
                    value: this._stringArray.length
                }], this._stringArray.join(""));
                folder.file(SHAREDSTRING_FILE_NAME, sharedStringXml);
                this._stringArray = []
            _getPaneXML: function() {
                var attributes = [{
                        name: "activePane",
                        value: "bottomLeft"
                    }, {
                        name: "state",
                        value: "frozen"
                    frozenArea = this._dataProvider.getFrozenArea();
                if (!(frozenArea.x || frozenArea.y)) {
                    return ""
                if (frozenArea.x) {
                        name: "xSplit",
                        value: frozenArea.x
                if (frozenArea.y) {
                        name: "ySplit",
                        value: frozenArea.y
                    name: "topLeftCell",
                    value: this._getCellIndex(frozenArea.y + 1, frozenArea.x)
                return this._getXMLTag("pane", attributes)
            _generateWorksheetXML: function() {
                var colIndex, rowIndex, cellData, xmlCells, maxCellIndex, cellsLength, counter = 0,
                    xmlRows = [],
                    rowsLength = this._cellsArray.length,
                    colsLength = this._colsArray.length,
                    rSpans = "1:" + colsLength,
                    headerRowCount = this._dataProvider.getHeaderRowCount ? this._dataProvider.getHeaderRowCount() : 1,
                    xmlResult = [
                        ['<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="x14ac" xmlns:x14ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac">', this._needSheetPr ? GROUP_SHEET_PR_XML : SINGLE_SHEET_PR_XML, '<dimension ref="A1:', this._getCellIndex(this._maxIndex[0], this._maxIndex[1]) + '"/><sheetViews><sheetView ' + (this._rtlEnabled ? 'rightToLeft="1" ' : "") + 'tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0">' + this._getPaneXML() + '</sheetView></sheetViews><sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15" outlineLevelRow="', this._dataProvider.getRowsCount() > 0 ? this._dataProvider.getGroupLevel(0) : 0, '" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25"/>'].join("")
                for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < colsLength; colIndex++) {
                    this._colsArray[colIndex] = this._getXMLTag("col", [{
                        name: "width",
                        value: this._colsArray[colIndex]
                    }, {
                        name: "min",
                        value: Number(colIndex) + 1
                    }, {
                        name: "max",
                        value: Number(colIndex) + 1
                xmlResult.push(this._getXMLTag("cols", [], this._colsArray.join("")) + "<sheetData>");
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsLength; rowIndex++) {
                    xmlCells = [];
                    cellsLength = this._cellsArray[rowIndex].length;
                    for (colIndex = 0; colIndex < cellsLength; colIndex++) {
                        rowIndex = Number(rowIndex);
                        cellData = this._cellsArray[rowIndex][colIndex];
                        xmlCells.push(this._getXMLTag("c", [{
                            name: "r",
                            value: this._getCellIndex(rowIndex + 1, colIndex)
                        }, {
                            name: "s",
                            value: cellData.style
                        }, {
                            name: "t",
                            value: cellData.type
                        }], commonUtils.isDefined(cellData.value) ? this._getXMLTag("v", [], cellData.value) : null))
                    xmlRows.push(this._getXMLTag("row", [{
                        name: "r",
                        value: Number(rowIndex) + 1
                    }, {
                        name: "spans",
                        value: rSpans
                    }, {
                        name: "outlineLevel",
                        value: rowIndex >= headerRowCount ? this._dataProvider.getGroupLevel(rowIndex) : 0
                    }, {
                        name: "x14ac:dyDescent",
                        value: "0.25"
                    }], xmlCells.join("")));
                    this._cellsArray[rowIndex] = null;
                    if (counter++ > 1e4) {
                        xmlRows = [];
                        counter = 0
                xmlRows = [];
                maxCellIndex = this._getCellIndex(this._maxIndex[0], this._maxIndex[1]);
                xmlResult.push("</sheetData>" + (this._options.autoFilterEnabled ? '<autoFilter ref="A' + this._dataProvider.getHeaderRowCount() + ":" + maxCellIndex + '" />' : "") + this._generateMergingXML() + '<ignoredErrors><ignoredError sqref="A1:' + maxCellIndex + '" numberStoredAsText="1" /></ignoredErrors></worksheet>');
                this._zip.folder(XL_FOLDER_NAME).folder(WORKSHEETS_FOLDER).file(WORKSHEET_FILE_NAME, xmlResult.join(""));
                this._colsArray = [];
                this._cellsArray = [];
                xmlResult = []
            _generateMergingXML: function() {
                var k, l, cellIndex, rowIndex, mergeArrayLength, mergeIndex, rowsLength = commonUtils.isDefined(this._dataProvider.getHeaderRowCount) ? this._dataProvider.getHeaderRowCount() : this._dataProvider.getRowsCount(),
                    columnsLength = this._dataProvider.getColumns().length,
                    usedArea = [],
                    mergeArray = [],
                    mergeXML = "";
                for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsLength; rowIndex++) {
                    for (cellIndex = 0; cellIndex !== columnsLength; cellIndex++) {
                        if (!commonUtils.isDefined(usedArea[rowIndex]) || !commonUtils.isDefined(usedArea[rowIndex][cellIndex])) {
                            var cellMerge = this._dataProvider.getCellMerging(rowIndex, cellIndex);
                            if (cellMerge.colspan || cellMerge.rowspan) {
                                    start: this._getCellIndex(rowIndex + 1, cellIndex),
                                    end: this._getCellIndex(rowIndex + 1 + (cellMerge.rowspan || 0), cellIndex + (cellMerge.colspan || 0))
                                for (k = rowIndex; k <= rowIndex + cellMerge.rowspan || 0; k++) {
                                    for (l = cellIndex; l <= cellIndex + cellMerge.colspan || 0; l++) {
                                        if (!commonUtils.isDefined(usedArea[k])) {
                                            usedArea[k] = []
                                        usedArea[k][l] = true
                mergeArrayLength = mergeArray.length;
                for (mergeIndex = 0; mergeIndex < mergeArrayLength; mergeIndex++) {
                    mergeXML += this._getXMLTag("mergeCell", [{
                        name: "ref",
                        value: mergeArray[mergeIndex].start + ":" + mergeArray[mergeIndex].end
                return mergeXML.length ? this._getXMLTag("mergeCells", [{
                    name: "count",
                    value: mergeArrayLength
                }], mergeXML) : ""
            _generateCommonXML: function() {
                var xmlRelationships, relsFileContent = XML_TAG + this._createXMLRelationships(this._createXMLRelationship(1, "officeDocument", "xl/" + WORKBOOK_FILE_NAME)),
                    folder = this._zip.folder(XL_FOLDER_NAME),
                    relsXML = XML_TAG;
                this._zip.folder("_" + RELATIONSHIP_PART_NAME).file("." + RELATIONSHIP_PART_NAME, relsFileContent);
                xmlRelationships = this._createXMLRelationship(1, "worksheet", "worksheets/" + WORKSHEET_FILE_NAME) + this._createXMLRelationship(2, "styles", STYLE_FILE_NAME) + this._createXMLRelationship(3, "sharedStrings", SHAREDSTRING_FILE_NAME);
                relsXML += this._createXMLRelationships(xmlRelationships);
                folder.folder("_" + RELATIONSHIP_PART_NAME).file(WORKBOOK_FILE_NAME + ".rels", relsXML);
                folder.file(WORKBOOK_FILE_NAME, this._getWorkbookContent());
                this._zip.file(CONTENTTYPES_FILE_NAME, this._getContentTypesContent())
            _generateContent: function() {
            _generateWorkXML: function() {
            ctor: function(dataProvider, options) {
                this._rtlEnabled = options && !!options.rtlEnabled;
                this._options = options;
                this._maxIndex = [1, 2];
                this._stringArray = [];
                this._stringHash = {};
                this._styleArray = [];
                this._colsArray = [];
                this._cellsArray = [];
                this._styleFormat = [];
                this._needSheetPr = false;
                this._dataProvider = dataProvider;
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(JSZip)) {
                    this._zip = new JSZip
                } else {
                    this._zip = null
            _checkZipState: function() {
                if (!this._zip) {
                    throw errors.Error("E1041")
            ready: function() {
                return this._dataProvider.ready()
            getData: function(isBlob) {
                var options = {
                    type: isBlob ? "blob" : "base64",
                    compression: "DEFLATE",
                    mimeType: fileSaver.MIME_TYPES.EXCEL
                return this._zip.generateAsync ? this._zip.generateAsync(options) : this._zip.generate(options)
        exports.getData = function(data, options, callback) {
            var excelCreator = new exports.ExcelCreator(data, options);
            excelCreator.ready().done(function() {
                if (excelCreator._zip.generateAsync) {
                } else {
        exports.__internals = {
      !*** ./js/core/class.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 7);
        var wrapOverridden = function(baseProto, methodName, method) {
            return function() {
                var prevCallBase = this.callBase;
                this.callBase = baseProto[methodName];
                try {
                    return method.apply(this, arguments)
                } finally {
                    this.callBase = prevCallBase
        var clonePrototype = function(obj) {
            var func = function() {};
            func.prototype = obj.prototype;
            return new func
        var redefine = function(members) {
            var overridden, memberName, member, that = this;
            if (!members) {
                return that
            for (memberName in members) {
                member = members[memberName];
                overridden = "function" === typeof that.prototype[memberName] && "function" === typeof member;
                that.prototype[memberName] = overridden ? wrapOverridden(that.parent.prototype, memberName, member) : member
            return that
        var include = function() {
            var argument, name, i, classObj = this;
            for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
                argument = arguments[i];
                if (argument.ctor) {
                if (argument.postCtor) {
                for (name in argument) {
                    if ("ctor" === name || "postCtor" === name) {
                    if (name in classObj.prototype) {
                        throw errors.Error("E0002", name)
                    classObj.prototype[name] = argument[name]
            return classObj
        var subclassOf = function(parentClass) {
            if (this.parent === parentClass) {
                return true
            if (!this.parent || !this.parent.subclassOf) {
                return false
            return this.parent.subclassOf(parentClass)
        var abstract = function() {
            throw errors.Error("E0001")
        var copyStatic = function() {
            var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
            return function(source, destination) {
                for (var key in source) {
                    if (!hasOwn.call(source, key)) {
                    destination[key] = source[key]
        var classImpl = function() {};
        classImpl.inherit = function(members) {
            var inheritor = function() {
                if (!this || this === window || "function" !== typeof this.constructor) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0003")
                var i, instance = this,
                    ctor = instance.ctor,
                    includedCtors = instance.constructor._includedCtors,
                    includedPostCtors = instance.constructor._includedPostCtors;
                for (i = 0; i < includedCtors.length; i++) {
                if (ctor) {
                    ctor.apply(instance, arguments)
                for (i = 0; i < includedPostCtors.length; i++) {
            inheritor.prototype = clonePrototype(this);
            copyStatic(this, inheritor);
            inheritor.inherit = this.inherit;
            inheritor.abstract = abstract;
            inheritor.redefine = redefine;
            inheritor.include = include;
            inheritor.subclassOf = subclassOf;
            inheritor.parent = this;
            inheritor._includedCtors = this._includedCtors ? this._includedCtors.slice(0) : [];
            inheritor._includedPostCtors = this._includedPostCtors ? this._includedPostCtors.slice(0) : [];
            inheritor.prototype.constructor = inheritor;
            return inheritor
        classImpl.abstract = abstract;
        module.exports = classImpl
      !*** ./js/core/utils/array.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14),
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./object */ 27);
        var isEmpty = function(entity) {
            return Array.isArray(entity) && !entity.length
        var wrapToArray = function(entity) {
            return Array.isArray(entity) ? entity : [entity]
        var intersection = function(a, b) {
            if (!Array.isArray(a) || 0 === a.length || !Array.isArray(b) || 0 === b.length) {
                return []
            var result = [];
            $.each(a, function(_, value) {
                var index = inArray(value, b);
                if (index !== -1) {
            return result
        var removeDuplicates = function(from, what) {
            if (!Array.isArray(from) || 0 === from.length) {
                return []
            if (!Array.isArray(what) || 0 === what.length) {
                return from.slice()
            var result = [];
            $.each(from, function(_, value) {
                var index = inArray(value, what);
                if (index === -1) {
            return result
        var normalizeIndexes = function(items, indexParameterName, currentItem, needIndexCallback) {
            var indexedItems = {},
                parameterIndex = 0;
            $.each(items, function(index, item) {
                index = item[indexParameterName];
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(index)) {
                    indexedItems[index] = indexedItems[index] || [];
                    if (item === currentItem) {
                    } else {
                    delete item[indexParameterName]
            objectUtils.orderEach(indexedItems, function(index, items) {
                $.each(items, function() {
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        this[indexParameterName] = parameterIndex++
            $.each(items, function() {
                if (!commonUtils.isDefined(this[indexParameterName]) && (!needIndexCallback || needIndexCallback(this))) {
                    this[indexParameterName] = parameterIndex++
            return parameterIndex
        var inArray = function(value, object) {
            if (!object) {
                return -1
            var array = Array.isArray(object) ? object : object.toArray();
            return array.indexOf(value)
        exports.isEmpty = isEmpty;
        exports.wrapToArray = wrapToArray;
        exports.intersection = intersection;
        exports.removeDuplicates = removeDuplicates;
        exports.normalizeIndexes = normalizeIndexes;
        exports.inArray = inArray
      !*** ./js/core/utils/object.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./type */ 12),
            variableWrapper = __webpack_require__( /*! ./variable_wrapper */ 28);
        var clone = function() {
            function Clone() {}
            return function(obj) {
                Clone.prototype = obj;
                return new Clone
        var orderEach = function(map, func) {
            var key, i, keys = [];
            for (key in map) {
                if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            keys.sort(function(x, y) {
                var isNumberX = commonUtils.isNumeric(x),
                    isNumberY = commonUtils.isNumeric(y);
                if (isNumberX && isNumberY) {
                    return x - y
                if (isNumberX && !isNumberY) {
                    return -1
                if (!isNumberX && isNumberY) {
                    return 1
                if (x < y) {
                    return -1
                if (x > y) {
                    return 1
                return 0
            for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                key = keys[i];
                func(key, map[key])
        var assignValueToProperty = function(target, property, value, assignByReference) {
            if (!assignByReference && variableWrapper.isWrapped(target[property])) {
                variableWrapper.assign(target[property], value)
            } else {
                target[property] = value
        var deepExtendArraySafe = function(target, changes, extendComplexObject, assignByReference) {
            var prevValue, newValue;
            for (var name in changes) {
                prevValue = target[name];
                newValue = changes[name];
                if (target === newValue) {
                if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(newValue) && !(newValue instanceof $.Event)) {
                    var goDeeper = extendComplexObject ? commonUtils.isObject(prevValue) : typeUtils.isPlainObject(prevValue);
                    newValue = deepExtendArraySafe(goDeeper ? prevValue : {}, newValue, extendComplexObject, assignByReference)
                if (void 0 !== newValue) {
                    assignValueToProperty(target, name, newValue, assignByReference)
            return target
        exports.clone = clone;
        exports.orderEach = orderEach;
        exports.deepExtendArraySafe = deepExtendArraySafe
      !*** ./js/core/utils/variable_wrapper.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var logger = __webpack_require__( /*! ./console */ 13).logger,
            dependencyInjector = __webpack_require__( /*! ./dependency_injector */ 29);
        module.exports = dependencyInjector({
            isWrapped: function() {
                return false
            isWritableWrapped: function() {
                return false
            wrap: function(value) {
                return value
            unwrap: function(value) {
                return value
            assign: function() {
                logger.error("Method 'assign' should not be used for not wrapped variables. Use 'isWrapped' method for ensuring.")
      !*** ./js/core/utils/dependency_injector.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = function(object) {
            var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
                extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./extend */ 11).extend,
                isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14).isFunction,
                Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../class */ 25);
            var BaseClass = Class.inherit(object),
                InjectedClass = BaseClass,
                instance = new InjectedClass(object),
                initialFields = {};
            var injectFields = function(injectionObject, initial) {
                $.each(injectionObject, function(key) {
                    if (isFunction(instance[key])) {
                        if (initial || !object[key]) {
                            object[key] = function() {
                                return instance[key].apply(object, arguments)
                    } else {
                        if (initial) {
                            initialFields[key] = object[key]
                        object[key] = instance[key]
            injectFields(object, true);
            object.inject = function(injectionObject) {
                InjectedClass = InjectedClass.inherit(injectionObject);
                instance = new InjectedClass;
            object.resetInjection = function() {
                extend(object, initialFields);
                InjectedClass = BaseClass;
                instance = new BaseClass
            return object
      !*** external "window.JSZip" ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = window.JSZip
      !*** ./js/client_exporter/excel_format_converter.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            stringUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/string */ 18),
            numberFormatter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/number */ 32),
            dateLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/date */ 33),
            getLanguageID = __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/language_codes */ 35).getLanguageId,
                quarter: "shortDate",
                quarterAndYear: "shortDate",
                minute: "longTime",
                millisecond: "longTime"
            FORMAT_SEPARATORS = " .,:;/\\<>()-",
            ARABIC_ZERO_CODE = 1632,
                thousands: "#,##0{0},&quot;K&quot;",
                millions: "#,##0{0},,&quot;M&quot;",
                billions: "#,##0{0},,,&quot;B&quot;",
                trillions: "#,##0{0},,,,&quot;T&quot;",
                percent: "0{0}%",
                decimal: "#{0}",
                fixedpoint: "#,##0{0}",
                exponential: "0{0}E+00",
                currency: " "
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/currency */ 36);
        var excelFormatConverter = module.exports = {
            _applyPrecision: function(format, precision) {
                var result, i;
                if (precision > 0) {
                    result = "decimal" !== format ? "." : "";
                    for (i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
                        result += "0"
                    return result
                return ""
            _getCurrencyFormat: function(currency) {
                return numberFormatter.getOpenXmlCurrencyFormat(currency)
            _isDigit: function(char) {
                var code = char && char.charCodeAt(0);
                return char >= "0" && char <= "9" || code >= ARABIC_ZERO_CODE && code < ARABIC_ZERO_CODE + 10
            _getDifference: function(defaultPattern, patterns, processedIndexes) {
                var isDigit, i = 0,
                    that = this,
                    result = [];
                var patternsFilter = function(pattern) {
                    return defaultPattern[i] !== pattern[i]
                if (!Array.isArray(patterns)) {
                    patterns = [patterns]
                for (i = 0; i < defaultPattern.length; i++) {
                    if (processedIndexes.indexOf(i) < 0 && patterns.filter(patternsFilter).length) {
                        do {
                            isDigit = that._isDigit(defaultPattern[i]);
                            if (!result.length && !isDigit && that._isDigit(patterns[0][i])) {
                        } while (defaultPattern[i] && FORMAT_SEPARATORS.indexOf(defaultPattern[i]) < 0 && isDigit === that._isDigit(defaultPattern[i]));
                if (1 === result.length && ("0" === defaultPattern[processedIndexes[0] - 1] || "Ù " === defaultPattern[processedIndexes[0] - 1])) {
                    processedIndexes.unshift(processedIndexes[0] - 1)
                return result
            _replaceCharsCore: function(pattern, indexes, char, patternPositions) {
                var baseCharIndex = indexes[0];
                var patternIndex = baseCharIndex < patternPositions.length ? patternPositions[baseCharIndex] : baseCharIndex;
                indexes.forEach(function(_, index) {
                    pattern = pattern.substr(0, patternIndex + index) + (char.length > 1 ? char[index] : char) + pattern.substr(patternIndex + index + 1)
                if (1 === indexes.length) {
                    pattern = pattern.replace("0" + char, char + char);
                    pattern = pattern.replace("Ù " + char, char + char)
                return pattern
            _replaceChars: function(pattern, indexes, char, patternPositions) {
                var i, index, patternIndex;
                if (!this._isDigit(pattern[indexes[0]] || "0")) {
                    var letterCount = Math.max(indexes.length <= 3 ? 3 : 4, char.length);
                    while (indexes.length > letterCount) {
                        index = indexes.pop();
                        patternIndex = patternPositions[index];
                        patternPositions[index] = -1;
                        for (i = index + 1; i < patternPositions.length; i++) {
                        pattern = pattern.substr(0, patternIndex) + pattern.substr(patternIndex + 1)
                    index = indexes[indexes.length - 1] + 1, patternIndex = index < patternPositions.length ? patternPositions[index] : index;
                    while (indexes.length < letterCount) {
                        indexes.push(indexes[indexes.length - 1] + 1);
                        for (i = index; i < patternPositions.length; i++) {
                        pattern = pattern.substr(0, patternIndex) + " " + pattern.substr(patternIndex)
                pattern = this._replaceCharsCore(pattern, indexes, char, patternPositions);
                return pattern
            _format: function(value, format) {
                if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                    return value.map(function(value) {
                        return (dateLocalization.format(value, format) || "").toString()
                return (dateLocalization.format(value, format) || "").toString()
            _escapeChars: function(pattern, defaultPattern, processedIndexes, patternPositions) {
                var escapeIndexes = defaultPattern.split("").map(function(char, index) {
                    if (processedIndexes.indexOf(index) < 0 && (FORMAT_SEPARATORS.indexOf(char) < 0 || "/" === char)) {
                        return patternPositions[index]
                    return -1
                pattern = pattern.split("").map(function(char, index) {
                    if (escapeIndexes.indexOf(index) >= 0) {
                        return "\\" + char
                    return char
                pattern = pattern.replace("AM\\/PM", "AM/PM");
                return pattern
            _hasArabicDigits: function(text) {
                var code;
                for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
                    code = text.charCodeAt(i);
                    if (code >= ARABIC_ZERO_CODE && code < ARABIC_ZERO_CODE + 10) {
                        return true
                return false
            _convertDateFormat: function(format) {
                format = UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_MAPPING[format && format.type || format] || format;
                var that = this,
                    processedIndexes = [],
                    defaultPattern = that._format(new Date(2009, 8, 8, 6, 5, 4), format),
                    patternPositions = defaultPattern.split("").map(function(_, index) {
                        return index
                    result = defaultPattern,
                    datePatterns = [{
                        date: new Date(2009, 8, 8, 6, 5, 2),
                        pattern: "s"
                    }, {
                        date: new Date(2009, 8, 8, 6, 2, 4),
                        pattern: "m"
                    }, {
                        date: new Date(2009, 8, 8, 2, 5, 4),
                        pattern: "H"
                    }, {
                        date: new Date(2009, 8, 8, 18, 5, 4),
                        pattern: "AM/PM"
                    }, {
                        date: new Date(2009, 8, 1, 6, 5, 4),
                        pattern: "d"
                    }, {
                        date: [new Date(2009, 8, 2, 6, 5, 4), new Date(2009, 8, 3, 6, 5, 4), new Date(2009, 8, 4, 6, 5, 4)],
                        pattern: "d"
                    }, {
                        date: new Date(2009, 9, 6, 6, 5, 4),
                        pattern: "M"
                    }, {
                        date: new Date(1998, 8, 8, 6, 5, 4),
                        pattern: "y"
                if (!result) {
                datePatterns.forEach(function(test) {
                    var diff = that._getDifference(defaultPattern, that._format(test.date, format), processedIndexes);
                    result = that._replaceChars(result, diff, test.pattern, patternPositions)
                result = that._escapeChars(result, defaultPattern, processedIndexes, patternPositions);
                result = that._getLanguageInfo(defaultPattern) + result;
                return result
            _getLanguageInfo: function(defaultPattern) {
                var languageID = getLanguageID(),
                    languageIDStr = languageID ? languageID.toString(16) : "",
                    languageInfo = "";
                if (this._hasArabicDigits(defaultPattern)) {
                    while (languageIDStr.length < 3) {
                        languageIDStr = "0" + languageIDStr
                    languageInfo = "[$-2010" + languageIDStr + "]"
                } else {
                    if (languageIDStr) {
                        languageInfo = "[$-" + languageIDStr + "]"
                return languageInfo
            _convertNumberFormat: function(format, precision, currency) {
                var result, excelFormat = "currency" === format ? this._getCurrencyFormat(currency) : DEFINED_NUMBER_FORMTATS[format.toLowerCase()];
                if (excelFormat) {
                    result = stringUtils.format(excelFormat, this._applyPrecision(format, precision))
                return result
            convertFormat: function(format, precision, type, currency) {
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(format)) {
                    if ("date" === type) {
                        return excelFormatConverter._convertDateFormat(format)
                    } else {
                        if (commonUtils.isString(format) && DEFINED_NUMBER_FORMTATS[format.toLowerCase()]) {
                            return excelFormatConverter._convertNumberFormat(format, precision, currency)
      !*** ./js/localization/number.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            dependencyInjector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dependency_injector */ 29),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7);
        var MAX_LARGE_NUMBER_POWER = 4,
            DECIMAL_BASE = 10;
        var NUMERIC_FORMATS = ["currency", "fixedpoint", "exponential", "percent", "decimal"];
        var LargeNumberFormatPostfixes = {
            1: "K",
            2: "M",
            3: "B",
            4: "T"
        var LargeNumberFormatPowers = {
            largenumber: "auto",
            thousands: 1,
            millions: 2,
            billions: 3,
            trillions: 4
        var numberLocalization = dependencyInjector({
            numericFormats: NUMERIC_FORMATS,
            defaultLargeNumberFormatPostfixes: LargeNumberFormatPostfixes,
            _parseNumberFormatString: function(formatType) {
                var formatList, formatObject = {};
                if (!formatType || "string" !== typeof formatType) {
                formatList = formatType.split(" ");
                $.each(formatList, function(index, value) {
                    if (inArray(value, NUMERIC_FORMATS) > -1) {
                        formatObject.formatType = value
                    } else {
                        if (value in LargeNumberFormatPowers) {
                            formatObject.power = LargeNumberFormatPowers[value]
                if (formatObject.power && !formatObject.formatType) {
                    formatObject.formatType = "fixedpoint"
                if (formatObject.formatType) {
                    return formatObject
            _calculateNumberPower: function(value, base, minPower, maxPower) {
                var number = Math.abs(value),
                    power = 0;
                if (number > 1) {
                    while (number && number >= base && (void 0 === maxPower || power < maxPower)) {
                        number /= base
                } else {
                    if (number > 0 && number < 1) {
                        while (number < 1 && (void 0 === minPower || power > minPower)) {
                            number *= base
                return power
            _getNumberByPower: function(number, power, base) {
                var result = number;
                while (power > 0) {
                    result /= base;
                while (power < 0) {
                    result *= base;
                return result
            _formatNumber: function(value, formatObject, formatConfig) {
                var powerPostfix;
                var result;
                if ("auto" === formatObject.power) {
                    formatObject.power = this._calculateNumberPower(value, 1e3, 0, MAX_LARGE_NUMBER_POWER)
                if (formatObject.power) {
                    value = this._getNumberByPower(value, formatObject.power, 1e3)
                powerPostfix = this.defaultLargeNumberFormatPostfixes[formatObject.power] || "";
                result = this._formatNumberCore(value, formatObject.formatType, formatConfig);
                result = result.replace(/(\d|.$)(\D*)$/, "$1" + powerPostfix + "$2");
                return result
            _formatNumberExponential: function(value, formatConfig) {
                var powString, power = this._calculateNumberPower(value, DECIMAL_BASE),
                    number = this._getNumberByPower(value, power, DECIMAL_BASE);
                if (void 0 === formatConfig.precision) {
                    formatConfig.precision = 1
                if (number.toFixed(formatConfig.precision || 0) >= DECIMAL_BASE) {
                    number /= DECIMAL_BASE
                powString = (power >= 0 ? "+" : "") + power.toString();
                return this._formatNumberCore(number, "fixedpoint", formatConfig) + "E" + powString
            _addZeroes: function(value, precision) {
                var multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
                value = (value * multiplier >>> 0) / multiplier;
                var result = value.toString();
                while (result.length < precision) {
                    result = "0" + result
                return result
            _addGroupSeparators: function(value) {
                var parts = value.toString().split(".");
                return parts[0].replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + (parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "")
            _formatNumberCore: function(value, format, formatConfig) {
                if ("exponential" === format) {
                    return this._formatNumberExponential(value, formatConfig)
                if ("decimal" !== format && null !== formatConfig.precision) {
                    formatConfig.precision = formatConfig.precision || 0
                if ("percent" === format) {
                    value = 100 * value
                if (void 0 !== formatConfig.precision) {
                    if ("decimal" === format) {
                        value = this._addZeroes(value, formatConfig.precision)
                    } else {
                        value = null === formatConfig.precision ? value.toPrecision() : value.toFixed(formatConfig.precision)
                if ("decimal" !== format) {
                    value = this._addGroupSeparators(value)
                if ("percent" === format) {
                    value += "%"
                return value.toString()
            _normalizeFormat: function(format) {
                if (!format) {
                    return {}
                if ("function" === typeof format) {
                    return format
                if (!isPlainObject(format)) {
                    format = {
                        type: format
                if (format.type) {
                    format.type = format.type.toLowerCase()
                return format
            format: function(value, format) {
                if ("number" !== typeof value) {
                    return value
                if ("number" === typeof format) {
                    return value
                format = format && format.formatter || format;
                if ("function" === typeof format) {
                    return format(value)
                format = this._normalizeFormat(format);
                if (!format.type) {
                    format.type = "decimal"
                var numberConfig = this._parseNumberFormatString(format.type);
                if (!numberConfig) {
                return this._formatNumber(value, numberConfig, format)
            parse: function(text, format) {
                if (!text) {
                if (format && format.parser) {
                    return format.parser(text)
                if (format) {
                return parseFloat(text.replace(/^\D+|,+/g, ""))
        module.exports = numberLocalization
      !*** ./js/localization/date.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            numberLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ./number */ 32),
            dependencyInjector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dependency_injector */ 29),
            isString = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).isString,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 34);
        var FORMATS_TO_PATTERN_MAP = {
            shortdate: "M/d/y",
            shorttime: "h:mm a",
            longdate: "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
            longtime: "h:mm:ss a",
            monthandday: "MMMM d",
            monthandyear: "MMMM y",
            quarterandyear: "QQQ y",
            day: "d",
            year: "y",
            shortdateshorttime: "M/d/y, h:mm a",
            mediumdatemediumtime: "MMMM d, h:mm a",
            longdatelongtime: "EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a",
            month: "LLLL",
            shortyear: "yy",
            dayofweek: "EEEE",
            quarter: "QQQ",
            hour: "HH",
            minute: "mm",
            second: "ss",
            millisecond: "SSS",
            "datetime-local": "yyyy-MM-ddTHH':'mm':'ss"
        var parseTime = function(text) {
            var now = new Date,
                parts = text.split(" "),
                time = parts[0].split(":"),
                hours = Number(time[0]),
                minutes = Number(time[1]),
                second = Number(time[2]) || 0,
                pm = /^pm$/i.test(parts[1]),
                isValid = second < 60 && minutes < 60 && hours > 0 && hours < 13;
            if (!isValid) {
                return null
            if (!pm && 12 === hours) {
                hours = 0
            if (pm && 12 !== hours) {
                hours += 12
            return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), hours, minutes, second)
        var removeTimezoneOffset = function(date) {
            return new Date(date.valueOf() + 60 * date.getTimezoneOffset() * 1e3)
        var months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
            days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
        var amPm = function(date) {
            return date.getHours() >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"
        var getTwelveHourTimeFormat = function(hours) {
            return hours % 12 || 12
        var formatNumber = function(number, precision) {
            return numberLocalization.format(number, {
                type: "decimal",
                precision: precision
        var FORMATTERS = {
            millisecond: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getMilliseconds(date), 3)
            second: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getSeconds(), 2)
            minute: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getMinutes(), 2)
            h: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(getTwelveHourTimeFormat(date.getHours()), 1)
            hh: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(getTwelveHourTimeFormat(date.getHours()), 2)
            hour: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getHours(), 2)
            day: function(date) {
                return String(date.getDate())
            dayofweek: function(date) {
                return days[date.getDay()]
            M: function(date) {
                return date.getMonth() + 1
            MM: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getMonth() + 1, 2)
            month: function(date) {
                return months[date.getMonth()]
            year: function(date) {
                return String(date.getFullYear())
            shortyear: function(date) {
                return String(date.getFullYear()).substr(2, 2)
            shorttime: function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS.h(date) + ":" + FORMATTERS.minute(date) + " " + amPm(date)
            shortdate: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.M(date), FORMATTERS.day(date), FORMATTERS.year(date)].join("/")
            shortdateshorttime: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.shortdate(date), FORMATTERS.shorttime(date)].join(", ")
            mediumdatemediumtime: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.monthandday(date), FORMATTERS.shorttime(date)].join(", ")
            monthandyear: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.month(date), FORMATTERS.year(date)].join(" ")
            monthandday: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.month(date), FORMATTERS.day(date)].join(" ")
            longdate: function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS.dayofweek(date) + ", " + FORMATTERS.month(date) + " " + FORMATTERS.day(date) + ", " + FORMATTERS.year(date)
            longtime: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.h(date), FORMATTERS.minute(date), FORMATTERS.second(date)].join(":") + " " + amPm(date)
            longdatelongtime: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.longdate(date), FORMATTERS.longtime(date)].join(", ")
            d: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getDate(), 1)
            dd: function(date) {
                return formatNumber(date.getDate(), 2)
            "d MMMM": function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS.day(date) + " " + FORMATTERS.month(date)
            "yyyy/M/d": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.year(date), FORMATTERS.M(date), FORMATTERS.day(date)].join("/")
            "yyyy/MM/dd": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.year(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.dd(date)].join("/")
            "dd.MM.yyyy": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.dd(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.year(date)].join(".")
            "HH:mm": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.hour(date), FORMATTERS.minute(date)].join(":")
            "HH:mm:ss": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS["HH:mm"](date), FORMATTERS.second(date)].join(":")
            "h:mm:ss": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.h(date), FORMATTERS.minute(date), FORMATTERS.second(date)].join(":")
            "h:mm:ss:SSS": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.h(date), FORMATTERS.minute(date), FORMATTERS.second(date), FORMATTERS.SSS(date)].join(":")
            "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS["yyyy/MM/dd"](date), FORMATTERS["HH:mm:ss"](date)].join(" ")
            "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SSS a": function(date) {
                return [
                    [FORMATTERS.year(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.dd(date)].join("-"), [FORMATTERS.hh(date), FORMATTERS.minute(date), FORMATTERS.second(date)].join(":") + "." + FORMATTERS.SSS(date), amPm(date)
                ].join(" ")
            "yyyy-MM-dd": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.year(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.dd(date)].join("-")
            yyyyMMddTHHmmss: function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.year(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.dd(date), "T", FORMATTERS.hour(date), FORMATTERS.minute(date), FORMATTERS.second(date)].join("")
            "datetime-local": function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS["yyyy-MM-dd"](date) + "T" + FORMATTERS["HH:mm:ss"](date)
            "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ": function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS["datetime-local"](date) + "Z"
            "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ": function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS["yyyy-MM-dd"](date) + "T" + FORMATTERS.hour(date) + ":" + FORMATTERS.minute(date) + "Z"
            "dd/MM/yyyy": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.dd(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.year(date)].join("/")
            "yyyy MMMM d": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.year(date), FORMATTERS.month(date), FORMATTERS.day(date)].join(" ")
            "EEEE, d": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.dayofweek(date), FORMATTERS.d(date)].join(", ")
            "EEEE MM yy": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.dayofweek(date), FORMATTERS.MM(date), FORMATTERS.shortyear(date)].join(" ")
            "d MMMM yyyy": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.day(date), FORMATTERS.month(date), FORMATTERS.year(date)].join(" ")
            E: function(date) {
                return cutCaptions([FORMATTERS.dayofweek(date)], "abbreviated")[0]
            EEE: function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS.E(date)
            "EEE hh": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.EEE(date), FORMATTERS.hh(date)].join(" ")
            "ss SSS": function(date) {
                return [FORMATTERS.second(date), FORMATTERS.SSS(date)].join(" ")
            quarter: function(date) {
                var month = date.getMonth();
                if (month >= 0 && month < 3) {
                    return "Q1"
                if (month > 2 && month < 6) {
                    return "Q2"
                if (month > 5 && month < 9) {
                    return "Q3"
                return "Q4"
            quarterandyear: function(date) {
                return FORMATTERS.quarter(date) + " " + FORMATTERS.year(date)
        var parseWithoutTimezone = function(text) {
            if ("Z" !== text.slice(-1)) {
                text += "Z"
            return removeTimezoneOffset(new Date(text))
        var PARSERS = {
            day: function(text) {
                var now = new Date;
                return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), Number(text))
            hour: function(text) {
                var now = new Date;
                return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), Number(text))
            minute: function(text) {
                var now = new Date;
                return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), now.getHours(), Number(text))
            month: function(text) {
                return new Date((new Date).getFullYear(), inArray(text, months))
            monthandday: function(text) {
                var parts = text.split(" "),
                    result = PARSERS.month(parts[0]);
                return result
            monthandyear: function(text) {
                var parts = text.split(" "),
                    result = PARSERS.month(parts[0]);
                return result
            year: function(text) {
                var date = new Date(new Date(0));
                return removeTimezoneOffset(date)
            second: function(text) {
                var now = new Date;
                return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate(), now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), Number(text))
            shortyear: function(text) {
                var MAX_YEAR_IN_XXI_CENTURY = 36;
                var year = Number(text);
                if (year > MAX_YEAR_IN_XXI_CENTURY) {
                    year += 1900
                } else {
                    year += 2e3
                return PARSERS.year(year)
            shortdate: function(text) {
                if (!/^(0?[1-9]|1[012])\/(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/\d{1,4}/.test(text)) {
                var parts = text.split("/");
                var date = new Date(Number(parts[2]), Number(parts[0]) - 1, Number(parts[1]));
                if (parts[2].length < 3) {
                    date.setFullYear(Number(parts[2]), Number(parts[0]) - 1, Number(parts[1]))
                return date
            longtime: function(text) {
                return parseTime(text)
            shorttime: function(text) {
                return parseTime(text)
            millisecond: function(text) {
                return new Date(Number(text))
            "yyyy MMMM d": function(text) {
                var parts = text.split(" ");
                if (3 !== parts.length) {
                return new Date(Number(parts[0]), inArray(parts[1], months), Number(parts[2]))
            "HH:mm": function(text) {
                var parts = text.split(":");
                return new Date(0, 0, 0, Number(parts[0]), Number(parts[1]), 0, 0)
            "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ": parseWithoutTimezone,
            "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ": parseWithoutTimezone,
            "datetime-local": parseWithoutTimezone,
            mediumdatemediumtime: function(text) {
                var parts = text.split(", "),
                    dateParts = parts[0].split(" "),
                    timeParts = parts[1].split(" ");
                var amPm = 2 === timeParts.length ? timeParts.pop() : void 0;
                var result = PARSERS.month(dateParts[0]);
                timeParts = timeParts[0].split(":");
                var hours = Number(timeParts[0]);
                switch (String(amPm).toLowerCase()) {
                    case "am":
                        hours = 12 === hours ? 0 : hours;
                    case "pm":
                        hours = 12 === hours ? 12 : hours + 12
                return result
        $.each(FORMATS_TO_PATTERN_MAP, function(key, value) {
            value = value.replace(/'/g, "");
            FORMATTERS[value] = FORMATTERS[key];
            PARSERS[value] = PARSERS[key]
        var getByFormat = function(obj, format) {
            return isString(format) && (obj[format.toLowerCase()] || obj[format.replace(/'/g, "")])
        var cutCaptions = function(captions, format) {
            var lengthByFormat = {
                abbreviated: 3,
                "short": 2,
                narrow: 1
            return $.map(captions, function(caption) {
                return caption.substr(0, lengthByFormat[format])
        var possiblePartPatterns = {
            year: ["y", "yy", "yyyy"],
            day: ["d", "dd"],
            month: ["M", "MM", "MMM", "MMMM"],
            hours: ["H", "HH", "h", "hh", "ah"],
            minutes: ["m", "mm"],
            seconds: ["s", "ss"],
            milliseconds: ["S", "SS", "SSS"]
        var dateLocalization = dependencyInjector({
            _getPatternByFormat: function(format) {
                return FORMATS_TO_PATTERN_MAP[format.toLowerCase()]
            _expandPattern: function(pattern) {
                return this._getPatternByFormat(pattern) || pattern
            formatUsesMonthName: function(format) {
                return this._expandPattern(format).indexOf("MMMM") !== -1
            formatUsesDayName: function(format) {
                return this._expandPattern(format).indexOf("EEEE") !== -1
            getFormatParts: function(format) {
                var pattern = this._getPatternByFormat(format) || format,
                    result = [];
                $.each(pattern.split(/\W+/), function(_, formatPart) {
                    $.each(possiblePartPatterns, function(partName, possiblePatterns) {
                        if (inArray(formatPart, possiblePatterns) > -1) {
                return result
            getMonthNames: function(format) {
                return cutCaptions(months, format)
            getDayNames: function(format) {
                return cutCaptions(days, format)
            getTimeSeparator: function() {
                return ":"
            format: function(date, format) {
                if (!date) {
                if (!format) {
                    return date
                var formatter;
                if ("function" === typeof format) {
                    formatter = format
                } else {
                    if (format.formatter) {
                        formatter = format.formatter
                    } else {
                        format = format.type || format;
                        formatter = getByFormat(FORMATTERS, format)
                if (!formatter) {
                return formatter(date)
            parse: function(text, format) {
                var result, parser;
                if (!text) {
                if (!format) {
                    return new Date(text)
                if (format.parser) {
                    return format.parser(text)
                if (format.type || format.formatter) {
                    format = format.type
                if (format && "function" !== typeof format) {
                    parser = getByFormat(PARSERS, format)
                if (parser) {
                    result = parser(text)
                } else {
                    result = new Date(text)
                if (!result || isNaN(result.getTime())) {
                return result
            firstDayOfWeekIndex: function() {
                return 0
        module.exports = dateLocalization
      !*** ./js/localization/core.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var dependencyInjector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dependency_injector */ 29);
        module.exports = dependencyInjector({
            locale: function() {
                var currentLocale = "en";
                return function(locale) {
                    if (!locale) {
                        return currentLocale
                    currentLocale = locale
      !*** ./js/localization/language_codes.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var locale = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 34).locale,
            LANGUAGE_CODES = {
                ar: 1,
                bg: 2,
                ca: 3,
                "zh-Hans": 4,
                cs: 5,
                da: 6,
                de: 7,
                el: 8,
                en: 9,
                es: 10,
                fi: 11,
                fr: 12,
                he: 13,
                hu: 14,
                is: 15,
                it: 16,
                ja: 17,
                ko: 18,
                nl: 19,
                no: 20,
                pl: 21,
                pt: 22,
                rm: 23,
                ro: 24,
                ru: 25,
                hr: 26,
                sk: 27,
                sq: 28,
                sv: 29,
                th: 30,
                tr: 31,
                ur: 32,
                id: 33,
                uk: 34,
                be: 35,
                sl: 36,
                et: 37,
                lv: 38,
                lt: 39,
                tg: 40,
                fa: 41,
                vi: 42,
                hy: 43,
                az: 44,
                eu: 45,
                hsb: 46,
                mk: 47,
                tn: 50,
                xh: 52,
                zu: 53,
                af: 54,
                ka: 55,
                fo: 56,
                hi: 57,
                mt: 58,
                se: 59,
                ga: 60,
                ms: 62,
                kk: 63,
                ky: 64,
                sw: 65,
                tk: 66,
                uz: 67,
                tt: 68,
                bn: 69,
                pa: 70,
                gu: 71,
                or: 72,
                ta: 73,
                te: 74,
                kn: 75,
                ml: 76,
                as: 77,
                mr: 78,
                sa: 79,
                mn: 80,
                bo: 81,
                cy: 82,
                km: 83,
                lo: 84,
                gl: 86,
                kok: 87,
                syr: 90,
                si: 91,
                iu: 93,
                am: 94,
                tzm: 95,
                ne: 97,
                fy: 98,
                ps: 99,
                fil: 100,
                dv: 101,
                ha: 104,
                yo: 106,
                quz: 107,
                nso: 108,
                ba: 109,
                lb: 110,
                kl: 111,
                ig: 112,
                ii: 120,
                arn: 122,
                moh: 124,
                br: 126,
                ug: 128,
                mi: 129,
                oc: 130,
                co: 131,
                gsw: 132,
                sah: 133,
                qut: 134,
                rw: 135,
                wo: 136,
                prs: 140,
                gd: 145,
                "ar-SA": 1025,
                "bg-BG": 1026,
                "ca-ES": 1027,
                "zh-TW": 1028,
                "cs-CZ": 1029,
                "da-DK": 1030,
                "de-DE": 1031,
                "el-GR": 1032,
                "en-US": 1033,
                "fi-FI": 1035,
                "fr-FR": 1036,
                "he-IL": 1037,
                "hu-HU": 1038,
                "is-IS": 1039,
                "it-IT": 1040,
                "ja-JP": 1041,
                "ko-KR": 1042,
                "nl-NL": 1043,
                "nb-NO": 1044,
                "pl-PL": 1045,
                "pt-BR": 1046,
                "rm-CH": 1047,
                "ro-RO": 1048,
                "ru-RU": 1049,
                "hr-HR": 1050,
                "sk-SK": 1051,
                "sq-AL": 1052,
                "sv-SE": 1053,
                "th-TH": 1054,
                "tr-TR": 1055,
                "ur-PK": 1056,
                "id-ID": 1057,
                "uk-UA": 1058,
                "be-BY": 1059,
                "sl-SI": 1060,
                "et-EE": 1061,
                "lv-LV": 1062,
                "lt-LT": 1063,
                "tg-Cyrl-TJ": 1064,
                "fa-IR": 1065,
                "vi-VN": 1066,
                "hy-AM": 1067,
                "az-Latn-AZ": 1068,
                "eu-ES": 1069,
                "hsb-DE": 1070,
                "mk-MK": 1071,
                "tn-ZA": 1074,
                "xh-ZA": 1076,
                "zu-ZA": 1077,
                "af-ZA": 1078,
                "ka-GE": 1079,
                "fo-FO": 1080,
                "hi-IN": 1081,
                "mt-MT": 1082,
                "se-NO": 1083,
                "ms-MY": 1086,
                "kk-KZ": 1087,
                "ky-KG": 1088,
                "sw-KE": 1089,
                "tk-TM": 1090,
                "uz-Latn-UZ": 1091,
                "tt-RU": 1092,
                "bn-IN": 1093,
                "pa-IN": 1094,
                "gu-IN": 1095,
                "or-IN": 1096,
                "ta-IN": 1097,
                "te-IN": 1098,
                "kn-IN": 1099,
                "ml-IN": 1100,
                "as-IN": 1101,
                "mr-IN": 1102,
                "sa-IN": 1103,
                "mn-MN": 1104,
                "bo-CN": 1105,
                "cy-GB": 1106,
                "km-KH": 1107,
                "lo-LA": 1108,
                "gl-ES": 1110,
                "kok-IN": 1111,
                "syr-SY": 1114,
                "si-LK": 1115,
                "iu-Cans-CA": 1117,
                "am-ET": 1118,
                "ne-NP": 1121,
                "fy-NL": 1122,
                "ps-AF": 1123,
                "fil-PH": 1124,
                "dv-MV": 1125,
                "ha-Latn-NG": 1128,
                "yo-NG": 1130,
                "quz-BO": 1131,
                "nso-ZA": 1132,
                "ba-RU": 1133,
                "lb-LU": 1134,
                "kl-GL": 1135,
                "ig-NG": 1136,
                "ii-CN": 1144,
                "arn-CL": 1146,
                "moh-CA": 1148,
                "br-FR": 1150,
                "ug-CN": 1152,
                "mi-NZ": 1153,
                "oc-FR": 1154,
                "co-FR": 1155,
                "gsw-FR": 1156,
                "sah-RU": 1157,
                "qut-GT": 1158,
                "rw-RW": 1159,
                "wo-SN": 1160,
                "prs-AF": 1164,
                "gd-GB": 1169,
                "ar-IQ": 2049,
                "zh-CN": 2052,
                "de-CH": 2055,
                "en-GB": 2057,
                "es-MX": 2058,
                "fr-BE": 2060,
                "it-CH": 2064,
                "nl-BE": 2067,
                "nn-NO": 2068,
                "pt-PT": 2070,
                "sr-Latn-CS": 2074,
                "sv-FI": 2077,
                "az-Cyrl-AZ": 2092,
                "dsb-DE": 2094,
                "se-SE": 2107,
                "ga-IE": 2108,
                "ms-BN": 2110,
                "uz-Cyrl-UZ": 2115,
                "bn-BD": 2117,
                "mn-Mong-CN": 2128,
                "iu-Latn-CA": 2141,
                "tzm-Latn-DZ": 2143,
                "quz-EC": 2155,
                "ar-EG": 3073,
                "zh-HK": 3076,
                "de-AT": 3079,
                "en-AU": 3081,
                "es-ES": 3082,
                "fr-CA": 3084,
                "sr-Cyrl-CS": 3098,
                "se-FI": 3131,
                "quz-PE": 3179,
                "ar-LY": 4097,
                "zh-SG": 4100,
                "de-LU": 4103,
                "en-CA": 4105,
                "es-GT": 4106,
                "fr-CH": 4108,
                "hr-BA": 4122,
                "smj-NO": 4155,
                "ar-DZ": 5121,
                "zh-MO": 5124,
                "de-LI": 5127,
                "en-NZ": 5129,
                "es-CR": 5130,
                "fr-LU": 5132,
                "bs-Latn-BA": 5146,
                "smj-SE": 5179,
                "ar-MA": 6145,
                "en-IE": 6153,
                "es-PA": 6154,
                "fr-MC": 6156,
                "sr-Latn-BA": 6170,
                "sma-NO": 6203,
                "ar-TN": 7169,
                "en-ZA": 7177,
                "es-DO": 7178,
                "sr-Cyrl-BA": 7194,
                "sma-SE": 7227,
                "ar-OM": 8193,
                "en-JM": 8201,
                "es-VE": 8202,
                "bs-Cyrl-BA": 8218,
                "sms-FI": 8251,
                "ar-YE": 9217,
                "en-029": 9225,
                "es-CO": 9226,
                "sr-Latn-RS": 9242,
                "smn-FI": 9275,
                "ar-SY": 10241,
                "en-BZ": 10249,
                "es-PE": 10250,
                "sr-Cyrl-RS": 10266,
                "ar-JO": 11265,
                "en-TT": 11273,
                "es-AR": 11274,
                "sr-Latn-ME": 11290,
                "ar-LB": 12289,
                "en-ZW": 12297,
                "es-EC": 12298,
                "sr-Cyrl-ME": 12314,
                "ar-KW": 13313,
                "en-PH": 13321,
                "es-CL": 13322,
                "ar-AE": 14337,
                "es-UY": 14346,
                "ar-BH": 15361,
                "es-PY": 15370,
                "ar-QA": 16385,
                "en-IN": 16393,
                "es-BO": 16394,
                "en-MY": 17417,
                "es-SV": 17418,
                "en-SG": 18441,
                "es-HN": 18442,
                "es-NI": 19466,
                "es-PR": 20490,
                "es-US": 21514,
                "bs-Cyrl": 25626,
                "bs-Latn": 26650,
                "sr-Cyrl": 27674,
                "sr-Latn": 28698,
                smn: 28731,
                "az-Cyrl": 29740,
                sms: 29755,
                zh: 30724,
                nn: 30740,
                bs: 30746,
                "az-Latn": 30764,
                sma: 30779,
                "uz-Cyrl": 30787,
                "mn-Cyrl": 30800,
                "iu-Cans": 30813,
                "zh-Hant": 31748,
                nb: 31764,
                sr: 31770,
                "tg-Cyrl": 31784,
                dsb: 31790,
                smj: 31803,
                "uz-Latn": 31811,
                "mn-Mong": 31824,
                "iu-Latn": 31837,
                "tzm-Latn": 31839,
                "ha-Latn": 31848
        exports.getLanguageId = function() {
            return LANGUAGE_CODES[locale()]
      !*** ./js/localization/currency.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            numberLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ./number */ 32);
            _formatNumberCore: function(value, format, formatConfig) {
                if ("currency" === format) {
                    formatConfig.precision = formatConfig.precision || 0;
                    return this.getCurrencySymbol().symbol + this.format(value, extend({}, formatConfig, {
                        type: "fixedpoint"
                return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            getCurrencySymbol: function() {
                return {
                    symbol: "$"
            getOpenXmlCurrencyFormat: function() {
                return "$#,##0{0}_);\\($#,##0{0}\\)"
      !*** ./js/client_exporter/image_creator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var clipPaths, imageDeferreds, patterns, filters, $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Color = __webpack_require__( /*! ../color */ 38),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            camelize = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/inflector */ 39).camelize,
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            _math = Math,
            PI = _math.PI,
            _min = _math.min,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _sqrt = _math.sqrt,
            _pow = _math.pow,
            _atan2 = _math.atan2,
            _cos = _math.cos,
            _sin = _math.sin,
            _each = $.each,
            _extend = extend,
            _number = Number,
            IMAGE_QUALITY = 1,
            DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE = {
                x: 30,
                y: 20
            DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = "10px",
            DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY = "sans-serif",
            DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = "#000";

        function createCanvas(width, height, withoutMargins) {
            var canvas = $("<canvas>")[0];
            canvas.width = width + (withoutMargins ? 0 : 2 * DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.x);
            canvas.height = height + (withoutMargins ? 0 : 2 * DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.y);
            return canvas

        function getStringFromCanvas(canvas, mimeType) {
            var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(mimeType, IMAGE_QUALITY),
                imageData = atob(dataURL.substring(("data:" + mimeType + ";base64,").length));
            return imageData

        function arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius, largeArcFlag, clockwise, context) {
            var opSide, adjSide, centerX, centerY, startAngle, endAngle, cBx = (x1 + x2) / 2,
                cBy = (y1 + y2) / 2,
                aB = _atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2),
                k = largeArcFlag ? 1 : -1;
            aB += 90 * (PI / 180) * (clockwise ? 1 : -1);
            opSide = _sqrt(_pow(x2 - x1, 2) + _pow(y2 - y1, 2)) / 2;
            adjSide = _sqrt(_abs(_pow(radius, 2) - _pow(opSide, 2)));
            centerX = cBx + k * (adjSide * _cos(aB));
            centerY = cBy + k * (adjSide * _sin(aB));
            startAngle = _atan2(y1 - centerY, x1 - centerX);
            endAngle = _atan2(y2 - centerY, x2 - centerX);
            context.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle, endAngle, !clockwise)

        function getElementOptions(element) {
            var coords, attr = parseAttributes(element.attributes || {}),
                style = element.style || {},
                options = _extend({}, attr, {
                    text: element.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, " "),
                    textAlign: "middle" === attr["text-anchor"] ? "center" : attr["text-anchor"]
                transform = attr.transform;
            if (transform) {
                coords = transform.match(/translate\(-*\d+([.]\d+)*(,*\s*-*\d+([.]\d+)*)*/);
                if (coords) {
                    coords = coords[0].match(/-*\d+([.]\d+)*/g);
                    options.translateX = _number(coords[0]);
                    options.translateY = coords[1] ? _number(coords[1]) : 0
                coords = transform.match(/rotate\(-*\d+([.]\d+)*(,*\s*-*\d+([.]\d+)*,*\s*-*\d+([.]\d+)*)*/);
                if (coords) {
                    coords = coords[0].match(/-*\d+([.]\d+)*/g);
                    options.rotationAngle = _number(coords[0]);
                    options.rotationX = coords[1] && _number(coords[1]);
                    options.rotationY = coords[2] && _number(coords[2])
            parseStyles(style, options);
            return options

        function drawRect(context, options) {
            var x = options.x,
                y = options.y,
                width = options.width,
                height = options.height,
                cornerRadius = options.rx;
            if (!cornerRadius) {
                context.rect(options.x, options.y, options.width, options.height)
            } else {
                cornerRadius = _min(cornerRadius, width / 2, height / 2);
                context.translate(x, y);
                context.moveTo(width / 2, 0);
                context.arcTo(width, 0, width, height, cornerRadius);
                context.arcTo(width, height, 0, height, cornerRadius);
                context.arcTo(0, height, 0, 0, cornerRadius);
                context.arcTo(0, 0, cornerRadius, 0, cornerRadius);
                context.lineTo(width / 2, 0);

        function drawImage(context, options) {
            var d = $.Deferred(),
                image = new Image;
            image.onload = function() {
                context.globalAlpha = options.globalAlpha;
                transformElement(context, options);
                clipElement(context, options);
                context.drawImage(image, options.x, options.y, options.width, options.height);
            image.onerror = function() {
            image.setAttribute("crossOrigin", "anonymous");
            image.src = options["xlink:href"]

        function drawPath(context, dAttr) {
            var param1, param2, dArray = dAttr.split(" "),
                i = 0;
            do {
                param1 = _number(dArray[i + 1]);
                param2 = _number(dArray[i + 2]);
                switch (dArray[i]) {
                    case "M":
                        context.moveTo(param1, param2);
                        i += 3;
                    case "L":
                        context.lineTo(param1, param2);
                        i += 3;
                    case "C":
                        context.bezierCurveTo(param1, param2, _number(dArray[i + 3]), _number(dArray[i + 4]), _number(dArray[i + 5]), _number(dArray[i + 6]));
                        i += 7;
                    case "A":
                        arcTo(_number(dArray[i - 2]), _number(dArray[i - 1]), _number(dArray[i + 6]), _number(dArray[i + 7]), param1, _number(dArray[i + 4]), _number(dArray[i + 5]), context);
                        i += 8;
                    case "Z":
                        i += 1
            } while (i < dArray.length)

        function parseStyles(style, options) {
            _each(style, function(_, field) {
                if ("" !== style[field]) {
                    options[camelize(field)] = style[field]
            options.textDecoration = options.textDecoration || options.textDecorationLine;
            options.globalAlpha = options.opacity || options.globalAlpha

        function parseUrl(urlString) {
            var matches = urlString && urlString.match(/url\(.*\#(.*?)["']?\)/i);
            return matches && matches[1]

        function setFontStyle(context, options) {
            var fontParams = [];
            options.fontSize = options.fontSize || DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
            options.fontFamily || DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY;
            options.fill = options.fill || DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR;
            options.fontStyle && fontParams.push(options.fontStyle);
            options.fontWeight && fontParams.push(options.fontWeight);
            context.font = fontParams.join(" ");
            context.textAlign = options.textAlign;
            context.fillStyle = options.fill;
            context.globalAlpha = options.globalAlpha

        function drawText(context, options) {
            setFontStyle(context, options);
            options.text && context.fillText(options.text, options.x || 0, options.y || 0);
            strokeElement(context, options, true);
            drawTextDecoration(context, options)

        function drawTextDecoration(context, options) {
            if (!options.textDecoration || "none" === options.textDecoration) {
            var x = options.x,
                textWidth = context.measureText(options.text).width,
                textHeight = parseInt(options.fontSize, 10),
                lineHeight = textHeight * TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_WIDTH_COEFF < 1 ? 1 : textHeight * TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_WIDTH_COEFF,
                y = options.y;
            switch (options.textDecoration) {
                case "line-through":
                    y -= textHeight / 3 + lineHeight / 2;
                case "overline":
                    y -= textHeight - lineHeight;
                case "underline":
                    y += lineHeight
            context.rect(x, y, textWidth, lineHeight);
            fillElement(context, options);
            strokeElement(context, options)

        function createClipPath(element) {
            clipPaths[element.attributes.id.textContent] = element.childNodes[0]

        function createPattern(element) {
            patterns[element.attributes.id.textContent] = element

        function aggregateOpacity(options) {
            options.strokeOpacity = void 0 !== options["stroke-opacity"] ? options["stroke-opacity"] : 1;
            options.fillOpacity = void 0 !== options["fill-opacity"] ? options["fill-opacity"] : 1;
            if (void 0 !== options.opacity) {
                options.strokeOpacity *= options.opacity;
                options.fillOpacity *= options.opacity

        function hasTspan(element) {
            var nodes = element.childNodes;
            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                if ("tspan" === nodes[i].tagName) {
                    return true
            return false

        function drawTextElement(childNodes, context, options) {
            var line, lines = [],
                offset = 0;
            for (var i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) {
                var element = childNodes[i];
                if (void 0 === element.tagName) {
                    drawElement(element, context, options)
                } else {
                    if ("tspan" === element.tagName || "text" === element.tagName) {
                        var elementOptions = getElementOptions(element),
                            mergedOptions = _extend({}, options, elementOptions);
                        if ("tspan" === element.tagName && hasTspan(element)) {
                            drawTextElement(element.childNodes, context, mergedOptions);
                        mergedOptions.textAlign = "start";
                        if (!line || void 0 !== elementOptions.x) {
                            line = {
                                elements: [],
                                options: [],
                                widths: [],
                                offsets: []
                        if (void 0 !== elementOptions.dy) {
                            offset += Number(elementOptions.dy)
                        setFontStyle(context, mergedOptions);
            lines.forEach(function(line) {
                var commonWidth = line.widths.reduce(function(commonWidth, width) {
                        return commonWidth + width
                    }, 0),
                    xDiff = 0,
                    currentOffset = 0;
                if ("center" === options.textAlign) {
                    xDiff = commonWidth / 2
                if ("end" === options.textAlign) {
                    xDiff = commonWidth
                line.options.forEach(function(o, index) {
                    var width = line.widths[index];
                    o.x = o.x - xDiff + currentOffset;
                    o.y += line.offsets[index];
                    currentOffset += width
                line.elements.forEach(function(element, index) {
                    drawTextElement(element.childNodes, context, line.options[index])

        function drawElement(element, context, parentOptions) {
            var tagName = element.tagName,
                isText = "text" === tagName || "tspan" === tagName || void 0 === tagName,
                isImage = "image" === tagName,
                options = _extend({}, parentOptions, getElementOptions(element));
            if ("hidden" === options.visibility) {
            !isImage && transformElement(context, options);
            clipElement(context, options);
            switch (element.tagName) {
                case void 0:
                    drawText(context, options);
                case "text":
                case "tspan":
                    drawTextElement(element.childNodes, context, options);
                case "image":
                    drawImage(context, options);
                case "path":
                    drawPath(context, options.d);
                case "rect":
                    drawRect(context, options);
                case "circle":
                    context.arc(options.cx, options.cy, options.r, 0, 2 * PI, 1)
            applyFilter(context, options);
            if (!isText) {
                fillElement(context, options);
                strokeElement(context, options)

        function applyFilter(context, options) {
            var filterOptions, id = parseUrl(options.filter);
            if (id) {
                filterOptions = filters && filters[id];
                if (!filterOptions) {
                    filterOptions = {
                        offsetX: 0,
                        offsetY: 0,
                        blur: 0,
                        color: "#000"
                context.shadowOffsetX = filterOptions.offsetX;
                context.shadowOffsetY = filterOptions.offsetY;
                context.shadowColor = filterOptions.color;
                context.shadowBlur = filterOptions.blur

        function transformElement(context, options) {
            context.translate(options.translateX || 0, options.translateY || 0);
            delete options.translateX;
            delete options.translateY;
            if (options.rotationAngle) {
                context.translate(options.rotationX || 0, options.rotationY || 0);
                context.rotate(options.rotationAngle * PI / 180);
                context.translate(-(options.rotationX || 0), -(options.rotationY || 0));
                delete options.rotationAngle;
                delete options.rotationX;
                delete options.rotationY

        function clipElement(context, options) {
            if (options["clip-path"]) {
                drawElement(clipPaths[parseUrl(options["clip-path"])], context, {});
                delete options["clip-path"]

        function hex2rgba(hexColor, alpha) {
            var color = new Color(hexColor);
            return "rgba(" + color.r + "," + color.g + "," + color.b + "," + alpha + ")"

        function createFilter(element) {
            var color, opacity, filterOptions = {};
            _each(element.childNodes, function(_, node) {
                var attr = node.attributes;
                if (!attr.result) {
                switch (attr.result.value) {
                    case "gaussianBlurResult":
                        if (attr.stdDeviation) {
                            filterOptions.blur = _number(attr.stdDeviation.value)
                    case "offsetResult":
                        filterOptions.offsetX = _number(attr.dx.value);
                        filterOptions.offsetY = _number(attr.dy.value);
                    case "floodResult":
                        color = attr["flood-color"] ? attr["flood-color"].value : "#000";
                        opacity = attr["flood-opacity"] ? attr["flood-opacity"].value : 1;
                        filterOptions.color = hex2rgba(color, opacity)
            filters[element.id] = filterOptions

        function drawCanvasElements(elements, context, parentOptions) {
            var options;
            _each(elements, function(_, element) {
                switch (element.tagName && element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
                    case "g":
                        options = _extend({}, parentOptions, getElementOptions(element));
                        transformElement(context, options);
                        clipElement(context, options);
                        drawCanvasElements(element.childNodes, context, options);
                    case "defs":
                        clipPaths = {};
                        patterns = {};
                        filters = {};
                        drawCanvasElements(element.childNodes, context);
                    case "clippath":
                    case "pattern":
                    case "filter":
                        drawElement(element, context, parentOptions)

        function setLineDash(context, options) {
            var matches = options["stroke-dasharray"] && options["stroke-dasharray"].match(/(\d+)/g);
            if (matches && matches.length && context.setLineDash) {
                matches = $.map(matches, function(item) {
                    return _number(item)

        function strokeElement(context, options, isText) {
            var stroke = options.stroke;
            if (stroke && "none" !== stroke && 0 !== options["stroke-width"]) {
                setLineDash(context, options);
                context.lineJoin = options["stroke-linejoin"];
                context.lineWidth = options["stroke-width"];
                context.globalAlpha = options.strokeOpacity;
                context.strokeStyle = stroke;
                isText ? context.strokeText(options.text, options.x, options.y) : context.stroke()

        function getPattern(context, fill) {
            var pattern = patterns[parseUrl(fill)],
                options = getElementOptions(pattern),
                patternCanvas = createCanvas(options.width, options.height, true),
                patternContext = patternCanvas.getContext("2d");
            drawCanvasElements(pattern.childNodes, patternContext, options);
            return context.createPattern(patternCanvas, "repeat")

        function fillElement(context, options) {
            var fill = options.fill;
            if (fill && "none" !== fill) {
                context.fillStyle = fill.search(/url/) === -1 ? fill : getPattern(context, fill);
                context.globalAlpha = options.fillOpacity;
        var parseAttributes = function(attributes) {
            var attr, newAttributes = {};
            $.each(attributes, function(index, item) {
                attr = item.textContent;
                if (isFinite(attr)) {
                    attr = _number(attr)
                newAttributes[item.name.toLowerCase()] = attr
            return newAttributes

        function drawBackground(context, width, height, backgroundColor) {
            context.fillStyle = backgroundColor || "#ffffff";
            context.fillRect(-DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.x, -DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.y, width + 2 * DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.x, height + 2 * DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.y)

        function getCanvasFromSvg(markup, width, height, backgroundColor) {
            var canvas = createCanvas(width, height),
                context = canvas.getContext("2d"),
                parser = new DOMParser,
                elem = parser.parseFromString(markup, "image/svg+xml"),
                svgElem = elem.childNodes[0];
            context.translate(DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.x, DEFAULT_MARGIN_SIZE.y);
            imageDeferreds = [];
            if (svgElem.attributes.direction) {
                canvas.dir = svgElem.attributes.direction.textContent
            drawBackground(context, width, height, backgroundColor);
            drawCanvasElements(svgElem.childNodes, context, {});
            return canvas

        function resolveString(string, canvas, mimeType) {
            when.apply($, imageDeferreds).done(function() {
                var resultString = getStringFromCanvas(canvas, mimeType);
        exports.imageCreator = {
            getImageData: function(markup, options) {
                var mimeType = "image/" + options.format,
                    string = $.Deferred(),
                    width = options.width,
                    height = options.height,
                    backgroundColor = options.backgroundColor;
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(options.__parseAttributesFn)) {
                    parseAttributes = options.__parseAttributesFn
                resolveString(string, getCanvasFromSvg(markup, width, height, backgroundColor), mimeType);
                return string
            getData: function(markup, options) {
                var that = this,
                    imageData = exports.imageCreator.getImageData(markup, options),
                    mimeType = "image/" + options.format,
                    data = $.Deferred();
                when(imageData).done(function(binaryData) {
                    imageData = commonUtils.isFunction(window.Blob) ? that._getBlob(binaryData, mimeType) : that._getBase64(binaryData);
                return data
            _getBlob: function(binaryData, mimeType) {
                var i, dataArray = new Uint8Array(binaryData.length);
                for (i = 0; i < binaryData.length; i++) {
                    dataArray[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i)
                return new Blob([dataArray.buffer], {
                    type: mimeType
            _getBase64: function(binaryData) {
                return window.btoa(binaryData)
        exports.getData = function(data, options, callback) {
            exports.imageCreator.getData(data, options).done(callback)
      !*** ./js/color.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var standardColorNames = {
            aliceblue: "f0f8ff",
            antiquewhite: "faebd7",
            aqua: "00ffff",
            aquamarine: "7fffd4",
            azure: "f0ffff",
            beige: "f5f5dc",
            bisque: "ffe4c4",
            black: "000000",
            blanchedalmond: "ffebcd",
            blue: "0000ff",
            blueviolet: "8a2be2",
            brown: "a52a2a",
            burlywood: "deb887",
            cadetblue: "5f9ea0",
            chartreuse: "7fff00",
            chocolate: "d2691e",
            coral: "ff7f50",
            cornflowerblue: "6495ed",
            cornsilk: "fff8dc",
            crimson: "dc143c",
            cyan: "00ffff",
            darkblue: "00008b",
            darkcyan: "008b8b",
            darkgoldenrod: "b8860b",
            darkgray: "a9a9a9",
            darkgreen: "006400",
            darkkhaki: "bdb76b",
            darkmagenta: "8b008b",
            darkolivegreen: "556b2f",
            darkorange: "ff8c00",
            darkorchid: "9932cc",
            darkred: "8b0000",
            darksalmon: "e9967a",
            darkseagreen: "8fbc8f",
            darkslateblue: "483d8b",
            darkslategray: "2f4f4f",
            darkturquoise: "00ced1",
            darkviolet: "9400d3",
            deeppink: "ff1493",
            deepskyblue: "00bfff",
            dimgray: "696969",
            dodgerblue: "1e90ff",
            feldspar: "d19275",
            firebrick: "b22222",
            floralwhite: "fffaf0",
            forestgreen: "228b22",
            fuchsia: "ff00ff",
            gainsboro: "dcdcdc",
            ghostwhite: "f8f8ff",
            gold: "ffd700",
            goldenrod: "daa520",
            gray: "808080",
            green: "008000",
            greenyellow: "adff2f",
            honeydew: "f0fff0",
            hotpink: "ff69b4",
            indianred: "cd5c5c",
            indigo: "4b0082",
            ivory: "fffff0",
            khaki: "f0e68c",
            lavender: "e6e6fa",
            lavenderblush: "fff0f5",
            lawngreen: "7cfc00",
            lemonchiffon: "fffacd",
            lightblue: "add8e6",
            lightcoral: "f08080",
            lightcyan: "e0ffff",
            lightgoldenrodyellow: "fafad2",
            lightgrey: "d3d3d3",
            lightgreen: "90ee90",
            lightpink: "ffb6c1",
            lightsalmon: "ffa07a",
            lightseagreen: "20b2aa",
            lightskyblue: "87cefa",
            lightslateblue: "8470ff",
            lightslategray: "778899",
            lightsteelblue: "b0c4de",
            lightyellow: "ffffe0",
            lime: "00ff00",
            limegreen: "32cd32",
            linen: "faf0e6",
            magenta: "ff00ff",
            maroon: "800000",
            mediumaquamarine: "66cdaa",
            mediumblue: "0000cd",
            mediumorchid: "ba55d3",
            mediumpurple: "9370d8",
            mediumseagreen: "3cb371",
            mediumslateblue: "7b68ee",
            mediumspringgreen: "00fa9a",
            mediumturquoise: "48d1cc",
            mediumvioletred: "c71585",
            midnightblue: "191970",
            mintcream: "f5fffa",
            mistyrose: "ffe4e1",
            moccasin: "ffe4b5",
            navajowhite: "ffdead",
            navy: "000080",
            oldlace: "fdf5e6",
            olive: "808000",
            olivedrab: "6b8e23",
            orange: "ffa500",
            orangered: "ff4500",
            orchid: "da70d6",
            palegoldenrod: "eee8aa",
            palegreen: "98fb98",
            paleturquoise: "afeeee",
            palevioletred: "d87093",
            papayawhip: "ffefd5",
            peachpuff: "ffdab9",
            peru: "cd853f",
            pink: "ffc0cb",
            plum: "dda0dd",
            powderblue: "b0e0e6",
            purple: "800080",
            rebeccapurple: "663399",
            red: "ff0000",
            rosybrown: "bc8f8f",
            royalblue: "4169e1",
            saddlebrown: "8b4513",
            salmon: "fa8072",
            sandybrown: "f4a460",
            seagreen: "2e8b57",
            seashell: "fff5ee",
            sienna: "a0522d",
            silver: "c0c0c0",
            skyblue: "87ceeb",
            slateblue: "6a5acd",
            slategray: "708090",
            snow: "fffafa",
            springgreen: "00ff7f",
            steelblue: "4682b4",
            tan: "d2b48c",
            teal: "008080",
            thistle: "d8bfd8",
            tomato: "ff6347",
            turquoise: "40e0d0",
            violet: "ee82ee",
            violetred: "d02090",
            wheat: "f5deb3",
            white: "ffffff",
            whitesmoke: "f5f5f5",
            yellow: "ffff00",
            yellowgreen: "9acd32"
        var standardColorTypes = [{
            re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
            process: function(colorString) {
                return [parseInt(colorString[1], 10), parseInt(colorString[2], 10), parseInt(colorString[3], 10)]
        }, {
            re: /^rgba\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d*\.*\d+)\)$/,
            process: function(colorString) {
                return [parseInt(colorString[1], 10), parseInt(colorString[2], 10), parseInt(colorString[3], 10), parseFloat(colorString[4])]
        }, {
            re: /^#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})$/,
            process: function(colorString) {
                return [parseInt(colorString[1], 16), parseInt(colorString[2], 16), parseInt(colorString[3], 16)]
        }, {
            re: /^#([a-f0-9]{1})([a-f0-9]{1})([a-f0-9]{1})$/,
            process: function(colorString) {
                return [parseInt(colorString[1] + colorString[1], 16), parseInt(colorString[2] + colorString[2], 16), parseInt(colorString[3] + colorString[3], 16)]
        }, {
            re: /^hsv\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
            process: function(colorString) {
                var h = parseInt(colorString[1], 10),
                    s = parseInt(colorString[2], 10),
                    v = parseInt(colorString[3], 10),
                    rgb = hsvToRgb(h, s, v);
                return [rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 1, [h, s, v]]
        }, {
            re: /^hsl\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
            process: function(colorString) {
                var h = parseInt(colorString[1], 10),
                    s = parseInt(colorString[2], 10),
                    l = parseInt(colorString[3], 10),
                    rgb = hslToRgb(h, s, l);
                return [rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], 1, null, [h, s, l]]

        function Color(value) {
            this.baseColor = value;
            var color;
            if (value) {
                color = String(value).toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "");
                color = standardColorNames[color] ? "#" + standardColorNames[color] : color;
                color = parseColor(color)
            if (!color) {
                this.colorIsInvalid = true
            color = color || {};
            this.r = normalize(color[0]);
            this.g = normalize(color[1]);
            this.b = normalize(color[2]);
            this.a = normalize(color[3], 1, 1);
            if (color[4]) {
                this.hsv = {
                    h: color[4][0],
                    s: color[4][1],
                    v: color[4][2]
            } else {
                this.hsv = toHsvFromRgb(this.r, this.g, this.b)
            if (color[5]) {
                this.hsl = {
                    h: color[5][0],
                    s: color[5][1],
                    l: color[5][2]
            } else {
                this.hsl = toHslFromRgb(this.r, this.g, this.b)

        function parseColor(color) {
            if ("transparent" === color) {
                return [0, 0, 0, 0]
            var str, i = 0,
                ii = standardColorTypes.length;
            for (; i < ii; ++i) {
                str = standardColorTypes[i].re.exec(color);
                if (str) {
                    return standardColorTypes[i].process(str)
            return null

        function normalize(colorComponent, def, max) {
            def = def || 0;
            max = max || 255;
            return colorComponent < 0 || isNaN(colorComponent) ? def : colorComponent > max ? max : colorComponent

        function toHexFromRgb(r, g, b) {
            return "#" + (16777216 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b).toString(16).slice(1)

        function toHsvFromRgb(r, g, b) {
            var H, S, V, max = Math.max(r, g, b),
                min = Math.min(r, g, b),
                delta = max - min;
            V = max;
            S = 0 === max ? 0 : 1 - min / max;
            if (max === min) {
                H = 0
            } else {
                switch (max) {
                    case r:
                        H = 60 * ((g - b) / delta);
                        if (g < b) {
                            H += 360
                    case g:
                        H = 60 * ((b - r) / delta) + 120;
                    case b:
                        H = 60 * ((r - g) / delta) + 240
            S *= 100;
            V *= 100 / 255;
            return {
                h: Math.round(H),
                s: Math.round(S),
                v: Math.round(V)

        function hsvToRgb(h, s, v) {
            var vDec, vInc, vMin, index, a, r, g, b;
            index = Math.floor(h % 360 / 60);
            vMin = (100 - s) * v / 100;
            a = (v - vMin) * (h % 60 / 60);
            vInc = vMin + a;
            vDec = v - a;
            switch (index) {
                case 0:
                    r = v;
                    g = vInc;
                    b = vMin;
                case 1:
                    r = vDec;
                    g = v;
                    b = vMin;
                case 2:
                    r = vMin;
                    g = v;
                    b = vInc;
                case 3:
                    r = vMin;
                    g = vDec;
                    b = v;
                case 4:
                    r = vInc;
                    g = vMin;
                    b = v;
                case 5:
                    r = v;
                    g = vMin;
                    b = vDec
            return [Math.round(2.55 * r), Math.round(2.55 * g), Math.round(2.55 * b)]

        function calculateHue(r, g, b, delta) {
            var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
            switch (max) {
                case r:
                    return (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
                case g:
                    return (b - r) / delta + 2;
                case b:
                    return (r - g) / delta + 4

        function toHslFromRgb(r, g, b) {
            r = convertTo01Bounds(r, 255);
            g = convertTo01Bounds(g, 255);
            b = convertTo01Bounds(b, 255);
            var h, s, max = Math.max(r, g, b),
                min = Math.min(r, g, b),
                maxMinSum = max + min,
                l = maxMinSum / 2;
            if (max === min) {
                h = s = 0
            } else {
                var delta = max - min;
                if (l > .5) {
                    s = delta / (2 - maxMinSum)
                } else {
                    s = delta / maxMinSum
                h = calculateHue(r, g, b, delta);
                h /= 6
            return {
                h: _round(360 * h),
                s: _round(100 * s),
                l: _round(100 * l)

        function makeColorTint(colorPart, h) {
            var colorTint = h;
            if ("r" === colorPart) {
                colorTint = h + 1 / 3
            if ("b" === colorPart) {
                colorTint = h - 1 / 3
            return colorTint

        function modifyColorTint(colorTint) {
            if (colorTint < 0) {
                colorTint += 1
            if (colorTint > 1) {
                colorTint -= 1
            return colorTint

        function hueToRgb(p, q, colorTint) {
            colorTint = modifyColorTint(colorTint);
            if (colorTint < 1 / 6) {
                return p + 6 * (q - p) * colorTint
            if (colorTint < .5) {
                return q
            if (colorTint < 2 / 3) {
                return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - colorTint) * 6
            return p

        function hslToRgb(h, s, l) {
            var r, g, b;
            h = convertTo01Bounds(h, 360);
            s = convertTo01Bounds(s, 100);
            l = convertTo01Bounds(l, 100);
            if (0 === s) {
                r = g = b = l
            } else {
                var q = l < .5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s,
                    p = 2 * l - q;
                r = hueToRgb(p, q, makeColorTint("r", h));
                g = hueToRgb(p, q, makeColorTint("g", h));
                b = hueToRgb(p, q, makeColorTint("b", h))
            return [_round(255 * r), _round(255 * g), _round(255 * b)]

        function convertTo01Bounds(n, max) {
            n = Math.min(max, Math.max(0, parseFloat(n)));
            if (Math.abs(n - max) < 1e-6) {
                return 1
            return n % max / parseFloat(max)

        function isIntegerBetweenMinAndMax(number, min, max) {
            min = min || 0;
            max = max || 255;
            if (number % 1 !== 0 || number < min || number > max || "number" !== typeof number || isNaN(number)) {
                return false
            return true
        var _round = Math.round;
        Color.prototype = {
            constructor: Color,
            highlight: function(step) {
                step = step || 10;
                return this.alter(step).toHex()
            darken: function(step) {
                step = step || 10;
                return this.alter(-step).toHex()
            alter: function(step) {
                var result = new Color;
                result.r = normalize(this.r + step);
                result.g = normalize(this.g + step);
                result.b = normalize(this.b + step);
                return result
            blend: function(blendColor, opacity) {
                var other = blendColor instanceof Color ? blendColor : new Color(blendColor),
                    result = new Color;
                result.r = normalize(_round(this.r * (1 - opacity) + other.r * opacity));
                result.g = normalize(_round(this.g * (1 - opacity) + other.g * opacity));
                result.b = normalize(_round(this.b * (1 - opacity) + other.b * opacity));
                return result
            toHex: function() {
                return toHexFromRgb(this.r, this.g, this.b)
            getPureColor: function() {
                var rgb = hsvToRgb(this.hsv.h, 100, 100);
                return new Color("rgb(" + rgb.join(",") + ")")
            isValidHex: function(hex) {
                return /(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i.test(hex)
            isValidRGB: function(r, g, b) {
                if (!isIntegerBetweenMinAndMax(r) || !isIntegerBetweenMinAndMax(g) || !isIntegerBetweenMinAndMax(b)) {
                    return false
                return true
            isValidAlpha: function(a) {
                if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1 || "number" !== typeof a) {
                    return false
                return true
            colorIsInvalid: false
        module.exports = Color
      !*** ./js/core/utils/inflector.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var _normalize = function(text) {
            if (void 0 === text || null === text) {
                return ""
            return String(text)
        var _upperCaseFirst = function(text) {
            return _normalize(text).charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.substr(1)
        var _chop = function(text) {
            return _normalize(text).replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1 $2").split(/[\s_-]+/)
        var dasherize = function(text) {
            return $.map(_chop(text), function(p) {
                return p.toLowerCase()
        var underscore = function(text) {
            return dasherize(text).replace(/-/g, "_")
        var camelize = function(text, upperFirst) {
            return $.map(_chop(text), function(p, i) {
                p = p.toLowerCase();
                if (upperFirst || i > 0) {
                    p = _upperCaseFirst(p)
                return p
        var humanize = function(text) {
            return _upperCaseFirst(dasherize(text).replace(/-/g, " "))
        var titleize = function(text) {
            return $.map(_chop(text), function(p) {
                return _upperCaseFirst(p.toLowerCase())
            }).join(" ")
        var captionize = function(name) {
            var i, char, captionList = [],
                isPrevCharNewWord = false,
                isNewWord = false;
            for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
                char = name.charAt(i);
                isNewWord = char === char.toUpperCase() || char in ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"];
                if ("_" === char || "." === char) {
                    char = " ";
                    isNewWord = true
                } else {
                    if (0 === i) {
                        char = char.toUpperCase();
                        isNewWord = true
                    } else {
                        if (!isPrevCharNewWord && isNewWord) {
                            if (captionList.length > 0) {
                                captionList.push(" ")
                isPrevCharNewWord = isNewWord
            return captionList.join("")
        exports.dasherize = dasherize;
        exports.camelize = camelize;
        exports.humanize = humanize;
        exports.titleize = titleize;
        exports.underscore = underscore;
        exports.captionize = captionize
      !*** ./js/client_exporter/pdf_creator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            VERSION = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/version */ 19),
            imageCreator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./image_creator */ 37).imageCreator,
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            mainPageTemplate = "%PDF-1.3\r\n2 0 obj\r\n<</ProcSet[/PDF/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<</I0 5 0 R>>>>\r\nendobj\r\n4 0 obj\r\n<</Type/Pages/Kids[1 0 R]/Count 1>>\r\nendobj\r\n7 0 obj\r\n<</OpenAction[1 0 R /FitH null]/Type/Catalog/Pages 4 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn>>\r\nendobj\r\n1 0 obj\r\n<</Type/Page/Resources 2 0 R/MediaBox[0 0 _width_ _height_]/Contents 3 0 R/Parent 4 0 R>>\r\nendobj\r\n",
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        var pad = function(str, len) {
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        var getCurDate = function() {
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        var getBlob = function(binaryData) {
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                dataArray[i] = binaryData.charCodeAt(i)
            return new Blob([dataArray.buffer], {
                type: "application/pdf"
        var getBase64 = function(binaryData) {
            return window.btoa(binaryData)
        exports.getData = function(data, options, callback) {
            var imageData = imageCreator.getImageData(data, extend({}, options, {
                    format: "jpeg"
                blob = $.Deferred();
            when(imageData).done(function(imageString) {
                var binaryData = composePdfString(imageString, options, getCurDate()),
                    pdfData = isFunction(window.Blob) ? getBlob(binaryData) : getBase64(binaryData);
        exports.__tests = {
            set_composePdfString: function(func) {
                exports.__tests.composePdfString = composePdfString;
                composePdfString = func
            restore_composePdfString: function(func) {
                if (exports.__tests.composePdfString) {
                    composePdfString = exports.__tests.composePdfString;
                    exports.__tests.composePdfString = null
            set_getCurDate: function(func) {
                exports.__tests.getCurDate = getCurDate;
                getCurDate = func
            restore_getCurDate: function(func) {
                if (exports.__tests.getCurDate) {
                    getCurDate = exports.__tests.getCurDate;
                    exports.__tests.getCurDate = null
            set_getBlob: function(func) {
                exports.__tests.getBlob = getBlob;
                getBlob = func
            restore_getBlob: function(func) {
                if (exports.__tests.getBlob) {
                    getBlob = exports.__tests.getBlob;
                    exports.__tests.getBlob = null
            set_getBase64: function(func) {
                exports.__tests.getBase64 = getBase64;
                getBase64 = func
            restore_getBase64: function(func) {
                if (exports.__tests.getBase64) {
                    getBase64 = exports.__tests.getBase64;
                    exports.__tests.getBase64 = null
      !*** ./js/client_exporter/svg_creator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            getSvgMarkup = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/svg */ 42).getSvgMarkup,
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        exports.svgCreator = {
            _markup: "",
            _imageArray: {},
            _imageDeferreds: [],
            _getBinaryFile: function(src, callback) {
                var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
                xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
                    if (xhr.readyState === xhr.DONE) {
                        if (200 === xhr.status && xhr.response) {
                        } else {
                xhr.open("GET", src, true);
                xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
            _loadImages: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._imageArray, function(src) {
                    var deferred = new $.Deferred;
                    that._getBinaryFile(src, function(response) {
                        if (!response) {
                            delete that._imageArray[src];
                        var i, binary = "",
                            bytes = new Uint8Array(response),
                            length = bytes.byteLength;
                        for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                            binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i])
                        that._imageArray[src] = "data:image/png;base64," + btoa(binary);
            _parseImages: function(element) {
                var href, that = this;
                if ("image" === element.tagName) {
                    href = $(element).attr("xlink:href");
                    if (!that._imageArray[href]) {
                        that._imageArray[href] = ""
                $.each(element.childNodes, function(_, element) {
            _prepareImages: function(svgElem) {
                return when.apply($, this._imageDeferreds)
            getData: function(data, options) {
                var markup, that = this,
                    xmlVersion = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>',
                    blob = $.Deferred(),
                    parser = new DOMParser,
                    elem = parser.parseFromString(data, "image/svg+xml"),
                    svgElem = elem.childNodes[0],
                    $svgObject = $(svgElem);
                $svgObject.css("background-color", options.backgroundColor);
                markup = xmlVersion + getSvgMarkup($svgObject.get(0));
                that._prepareImages(svgElem).done(function() {
                    $.each(that._imageArray, function(href, dataURI) {
                        markup = markup.split(href).join(dataURI)
                    blob.resolve(commonUtils.isFunction(window.Blob) ? that._getBlob(markup) : that._getBase64(markup))
                return blob
            _getBlob: function(markup) {
                return new Blob([markup], {
                    type: "image/svg+xml"
            _getBase64: function(markup) {
                return window.btoa(markup)
        exports.getData = function(data, options, callback) {
            exports.svgCreator.getData(data, options).done(callback)
      !*** ./js/core/utils/svg.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        function getMarkup(element) {
            var temp = document.createElement("div");
            return temp.innerHTML

        function fixIENamespaces(markup) {
            var first = true;
            markup = markup.replace(/xmlns="[\s\S]*?"/gi, function(match) {
                if (!first) {
                    return ""
                first = false;
                return match
            return markup.replace(/xmlns:NS1="[\s\S]*?"/gi, "").replace(/NS1:xmlns:xlink="([\s\S]*?)"/gi, 'xmlns:xlink="$1"')

        function decodeHtmlEntities(markup) {
            return markup.replace(/&quot;/gi, "&#34;").replace(/&amp;/gi, "&#38;").replace(/&apos;/gi, "&#39;").replace(/&lt;/gi, "&#60;").replace(/&gt;/gi, "&#62;").replace(/&nbsp;/gi, "&#160;").replace(/&shy;/gi, "&#173;")
        exports.getSvgMarkup = function(element) {
            return fixIENamespaces(decodeHtmlEntities(getMarkup(element)))
      !*** ./js/core/dom_component.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            config = __webpack_require__( /*! ./config */ 15),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 7),
            windowResizeCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/window */ 44).resizeCallbacks,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/common */ 14),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            publicComponentUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/public_component */ 45),
            Component = __webpack_require__( /*! ./component */ 48),
            abstract = Component.abstract;
        var RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS = "dx-rtl",
            VISIBILITY_CHANGE_CLASS = "dx-visibility-change-handler",
            VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE = "VisibilityChange";
        var DOMComponent = Component.inherit({
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    width: void 0,
                    height: void 0,
                    rtlEnabled: config().rtlEnabled,
                    elementAttr: {},
                    disabled: false,
                    integrationOptions: {}
            ctor: function(element, options) {
                this._$element = $(element);
                publicComponentUtils.attachInstanceToElement(this._$element, this, this._dispose);
            _visibilityChanged: abstract,
            _dimensionChanged: abstract,
            _init: function() {
            _setOptionsByDevice: function(instanceCustomRules) {
                this.callBase([].concat(this.constructor._classCustomRules || [], instanceCustomRules || []))
            _isInitialOptionValue: function(name) {
                var isCustomOption = this.constructor._classCustomRules && this._convertRulesToOptions(this.constructor._classCustomRules).hasOwnProperty(name);
                return !isCustomOption && this.callBase(name)
            _attachWindowResizeCallback: function() {
                if (this._isDimensionChangeSupported()) {
                    var windowResizeCallBack = this._windowResizeCallBack = this._dimensionChanged.bind(this);
            _isDimensionChangeSupported: function() {
                return this._dimensionChanged !== abstract
            _render: function() {
            _renderElementAttributes: function() {
                var attributes = extend({}, this.option("elementAttr")),
                    classNames = attributes.class;
                delete attributes.class;
            _renderVisibilityChange: function() {
                if (this._isDimensionChangeSupported()) {
                if (!this._isVisibilityChangeSupported()) {
            _renderDimensions: function() {
                var width = this.option("width"),
                    height = this.option("height"),
                    $element = this.element();
            _attachDimensionChangeHandlers: function() {
                var that = this;
                var resizeEventName = "dxresize." + this.NAME + VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE;
                that.element().off(resizeEventName).on(resizeEventName, function() {
            _attachVisibilityChangeHandlers: function() {
                var that = this;
                var hidingEventName = "dxhiding." + this.NAME + VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE;
                var shownEventName = "dxshown." + this.NAME + VISIBILITY_CHANGE_EVENTNAMESPACE;
                that._isHidden = !that._isVisible();
                that.element().off(hidingEventName).on(hidingEventName, function() {
                }).off(shownEventName).on(shownEventName, function() {
            _isVisible: function() {
                return this.element().is(":visible")
            _checkVisibilityChanged: function(event) {
                if ("hiding" === event && this._isVisible() && !this._isHidden) {
                    this._isHidden = true
                } else {
                    if ("shown" === event && this._isVisible() && this._isHidden) {
                        this._isHidden = false;
            _isVisibilityChangeSupported: function() {
                return this._visibilityChanged !== abstract
            _clean: commonUtils.noop,
            _modelByElement: function() {
                var modelByElement = this.option("modelByElement") || commonUtils.noop;
                return modelByElement(this.element())
            _invalidate: function() {
                if (!this._updateLockCount) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0007")
                this._requireRefresh = true
            _refresh: function() {
            _dispose: function() {
            _detachWindowResizeCallback: function() {
                if (this._isDimensionChangeSupported()) {
            _toggleRTLDirection: function(rtl) {
                this.element().toggleClass(RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS, rtl)
            _createComponent: function(element, component, config) {
                var that = this;
                config = config || {};
                var synchronizableOptions = commonUtils.grep(["rtlEnabled", "disabled"], function(value) {
                    return !(value in config)
                var nestedComponentOptions = that.option("nestedComponentOptions") || commonUtils.noop;
                that._extendConfig(config, extend({
                    integrationOptions: this.option("integrationOptions"),
                    rtlEnabled: this.option("rtlEnabled"),
                    disabled: this.option("disabled")
                }, nestedComponentOptions(this)));
                var instance;
                if (commonUtils.isString(component)) {
                    var $element = $(element)[component](config);
                    instance = $element[component]("instance")
                } else {
                    if (element) {
                        instance = component.getInstance(element);
                        if (instance) {
                        } else {
                            instance = new component(element, config)
                if (instance) {
                    var optionChangedHandler = function(args) {
                        if (inArray(args.name, synchronizableOptions) >= 0) {
                            instance.option(args.name, args.value)
                    that.on("optionChanged", optionChangedHandler);
                    instance.on("disposing", function() {
                        that.off("optionChanged", optionChangedHandler)
                return instance
            _extendConfig: function(config, extendConfig) {
                $.each(extendConfig, function(key, value) {
                    config[key] = config.hasOwnProperty(key) ? config[key] : value
            _defaultActionConfig: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    context: this._modelByElement(this.element())
            _defaultActionArgs: function() {
                var element = this.element(),
                    model = this._modelByElement(this.element());
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    element: element,
                    model: model
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "width":
                    case "height":
                    case "rtlEnabled":
                    case "elementAttr":
                    case "disabled":
                    case "integrationOptions":
            endUpdate: function() {
                var requireRender = !this._initializing && !this._initialized;
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                if (!this._updateLockCount) {
                    if (requireRender) {
                    } else {
                        if (this._requireRefresh) {
                            this._requireRefresh = false;
            element: function() {
                return this._$element
        DOMComponent.getInstance = function($element) {
            return publicComponentUtils.getInstanceByElement($($element), this)
        DOMComponent.defaultOptions = function(rule) {
            this._classCustomRules = this._classCustomRules || [];
        module.exports = DOMComponent
      !*** ./js/core/utils/window.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var resizeCallbacks = function() {
            var prevSize, callbacks = $.Callbacks(),
                jqWindow = $(window),
                resizeEventHandlerAttached = false,
                originalCallbacksAdd = callbacks.add,
                originalCallbacksRemove = callbacks.remove;
            var formatSize = function() {
                return {
                    width: jqWindow.width(),
                    height: jqWindow.height()
            var handleResize = function() {
                var now = formatSize();
                if (now.width === prevSize.width && now.height === prevSize.height) {
                var changedDimension;
                if (now.width === prevSize.width) {
                    changedDimension = "height"
                if (now.height === prevSize.height) {
                    changedDimension = "width"
                prevSize = now;
                setTimeout(function() {
            prevSize = formatSize();
            callbacks.add = function() {
                var result = originalCallbacksAdd.apply(callbacks, arguments);
                if (!resizeEventHandlerAttached && callbacks.has()) {
                    jqWindow.on("resize", handleResize);
                    resizeEventHandlerAttached = true
                return result
            callbacks.remove = function() {
                var result = originalCallbacksRemove.apply(callbacks, arguments);
                if (!callbacks.has() && resizeEventHandlerAttached) {
                    jqWindow.off("resize", handleResize);
                    resizeEventHandlerAttached = false
                return result
            return callbacks
        var defaultScreenFactorFunc = function(width) {
            if (width < 768) {
                return "xs"
            } else {
                if (width < 992) {
                    return "sm"
                } else {
                    if (width < 1200) {
                        return "md"
                    } else {
                        return "lg"
        var getCurrentScreenFactor = function(screenFactorCallback) {
            var screenFactorFunc = screenFactorCallback || defaultScreenFactorFunc;
            return screenFactorFunc($(window).width())
        exports.resizeCallbacks = resizeCallbacks;
        exports.defaultScreenFactorFunc = defaultScreenFactorFunc;
        exports.getCurrentScreenFactor = getCurrentScreenFactor
      !*** ./js/core/utils/public_component.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            WeakMap = __webpack_require__( /*! ../polyfills/weak_map */ 46),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14),
            removeEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../remove_event */ 47);
        var COMPONENT_NAMES_DATA_KEY = "dxComponents",
            ANONYMOUS_COMPONENT_DATA_KEY = "dxPrivateComponent";
        var componentNames = new WeakMap,
            nextAnonymousComponent = 0;
        var getName = exports.name = function(componentClass, newName) {
            if (commonUtils.isDefined(newName)) {
                componentNames.set(componentClass, newName);
            if (!componentNames.has(componentClass)) {
                var generatedName = ANONYMOUS_COMPONENT_DATA_KEY + nextAnonymousComponent++;
                componentNames.set(componentClass, generatedName);
                return generatedName
            return componentNames.get(componentClass)
        exports.attachInstanceToElement = function($element, componentInstance, disposeFn) {
            var data = $.data($element.get(0)),
                name = getName(componentInstance.constructor);
            data[name] = componentInstance;
            if (disposeFn) {
                $element.one(removeEvent, function() {
            if (!data[COMPONENT_NAMES_DATA_KEY]) {
                data[COMPONENT_NAMES_DATA_KEY] = []
        exports.getInstanceByElement = function($element, componentClass) {
            var name = getName(componentClass);
            return $.data($element.get(0), name)
      !*** ./js/core/polyfills/weak_map.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            WeakMap = window.WeakMap;
        if (!WeakMap) {
            WeakMap = function() {
                var keys = [],
                    values = [];
                this.set = function(key, value) {
                    var index = inArray(key, keys);
                    if (index === -1) {
                    } else {
                        values[index] = value
                this.get = function(key) {
                    var index = inArray(key, keys);
                    if (index === -1) {
                    return values[index]
                this.has = function(key) {
                    var index = inArray(key, keys);
                    if (index === -1) {
                        return false
                    return true
        module.exports = WeakMap
      !*** ./js/core/remove_event.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            jQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! jquery */ 10),
            cleanData = jQuery.cleanData,
            specialEvents = $.event.special;
        var eventName = "dxremove",
            eventPropName = "dxRemoveEvent";
        jQuery.cleanData = function(elements) {
            elements = [].slice.call(elements);
            for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                var $element = $(elements[i]);
                if ($element.prop(eventPropName)) {
            return cleanData(elements)
        specialEvents[eventName] = {
            noBubble: true,
            setup: function() {
                $(this).prop(eventPropName, true)
        module.exports = eventName
      !*** ./js/core/component.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Config = __webpack_require__( /*! ./config */ 15),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ./class */ 25),
            Action = __webpack_require__( /*! ./action */ 49),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 7),
            coreDataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/data */ 50),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/type */ 12),
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ./events_mixin */ 51),
            publicComponentUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/public_component */ 45),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ./devices */ 53),
            isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction,
            noop = commonUtils.noop;
        var cachedGetters = {};
        var cachedSetters = {};
        var Component = Class.inherit({
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                this._deprecatedOptions = {}
            _getDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                return this._deprecatedOptions
            _getOptionAliasesByName: function(optionName) {
                return $.map(this._deprecatedOptions, function(deprecate, aliasName) {
                    return optionName === deprecate.alias ? aliasName : void 0
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return {
                    onInitialized: null,
                    onOptionChanged: null,
                    onDisposing: null,
                    defaultOptionsRules: null
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                this._options = this._getDefaultOptions()
            _defaultOptionsRules: function() {
                return []
            _setOptionsByDevice: function(customRules) {
                var rules = this._defaultOptionsRules();
                if (Array.isArray(customRules)) {
                    rules = rules.concat(customRules)
                var rulesOptions = this._convertRulesToOptions(rules);
                extend(true, this._options, rulesOptions);
                for (var fieldName in this._optionsByReference) {
                    if (rulesOptions.hasOwnProperty(fieldName)) {
                        this._options[fieldName] = rulesOptions[fieldName]
            _convertRulesToOptions: function(rules) {
                var options = {};
                var currentDevice = devices.current();
                var deviceMatch = function(device, filter) {
                    filter = $.makeArray(filter);
                    return 1 === filter.length && typeUtils.isEmptyObject(filter[0]) || commonUtils.findBestMatches(device, filter).length > 0
                for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
                    var match, rule = rules[i],
                        deviceFilter = rule.device || {};
                    if (isFunction(deviceFilter)) {
                        match = deviceFilter(currentDevice)
                    } else {
                        match = deviceMatch(currentDevice, deviceFilter)
                    if (match) {
                        extend(options, rule.options)
                return options
            _isInitialOptionValue: function(name) {
                var optionValue = this.option(name),
                    initialOptionValue = this.initialOption(name),
                    isInitialOption = isFunction(optionValue) && isFunction(initialOptionValue) ? optionValue.toString() === initialOptionValue.toString() : commonUtils.equalByValue(optionValue, initialOptionValue);
                return isInitialOption
            _setOptionsByReference: function() {
                this._optionsByReference = {}
            _getOptionsByReference: function() {
                return this._optionsByReference
            ctor: function(options) {
                this.NAME = publicComponentUtils.name(this.constructor);
                options = options || {};
                if (options.eventsStrategy) {
                this._options = {};
                this._updateLockCount = 0;
                this._optionChangedCallbacks = options._optionChangedCallbacks || $.Callbacks();
                this._disposingCallbacks = options._disposingCallbacks || $.Callbacks();
                try {
                    if (options && options.onInitializing) {
                        options.onInitializing.apply(this, [options])
                } finally {
            _initOptions: function(options) {
            _optionValuesEqual: function(name, oldValue, newValue) {
                oldValue = coreDataUtils.toComparable(oldValue, true);
                newValue = coreDataUtils.toComparable(newValue, true);
                if (oldValue && newValue && oldValue.jquery && newValue.jquery) {
                    return newValue.is(oldValue)
                var oldValueIsNaN = oldValue !== oldValue,
                    newValueIsNaN = newValue !== newValue;
                if (oldValueIsNaN && newValueIsNaN) {
                    return true
                if (null === oldValue || "object" !== typeof oldValue) {
                    return oldValue === newValue
                return false
            _init: function() {
                this.on("disposing", function(args) {
                    this._disposingCallbacks.fireWith(this, [args])
            _createOptionChangedAction: function() {
                this._optionChangedAction = this._createActionByOption("onOptionChanged", {
                    excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly", "designMode"]
            _createDisposingAction: function() {
                this._disposingAction = this._createActionByOption("onDisposing", {
                    excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly", "designMode"]
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "onDisposing":
                    case "onInitialized":
                    case "onOptionChanged":
                    case "defaultOptionsRules":
            _dispose: function() {
                this._disposed = true
            instance: function() {
                return this
            beginUpdate: function() {
            endUpdate: function() {
                this._updateLockCount = Math.max(this._updateLockCount - 1, 0);
                if (!this._updateLockCount) {
                    if (!this._initializing && !this._initialized) {
                        this._initializing = true;
                        try {
                        } finally {
                            this._initializing = false;
                            this._createActionByOption("onInitialized", {
                                excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly", "designMode"]
                            this._initialized = true
            _logWarningIfDeprecated: function(option) {
                var info = this._deprecatedOptions[option];
                if (info && !this._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed) {
                    this._logDeprecatedWarning(option, info)
            _logDeprecatedWarningCount: 0,
            _logDeprecatedWarning: function(option, info) {
                var message = info.message || "Use the '" + info.alias + "' option instead";
                errors.log("W0001", this.NAME, option, info.since, message);
            _suppressDeprecatedWarnings: function() {
                this._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed = true
            _resumeDeprecatedWarnings: function() {
                this._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed = false
            _optionChanging: noop,
            _notifyOptionChanged: function(option, value, previousValue) {
                var that = this;
                if (this._initialized) {
                    var optionNames = [option].concat(that._getOptionAliasesByName(option));
                    for (var i = 0; i < optionNames.length; i++) {
                        var name = optionNames[i],
                            args = {
                                name: name.split(/[.\[]/)[0],
                                fullName: name,
                                value: value,
                                previousValue: previousValue
                        that._optionChangedCallbacks.fireWith(that, [extend(that._defaultActionArgs(), args)]);
                        that._optionChangedAction(extend({}, args));
                        if (!that._disposed) {
            initialOption: function(optionName) {
                var currentOptions, currentInitialized = this._initialized;
                if (!this._initialOptions) {
                    currentOptions = this._options;
                    this._options = {};
                    this._initialized = false;
                    this._initialOptions = this._options;
                    this._options = currentOptions;
                    this._initialized = currentInitialized
                return this._initialOptions[optionName]
            _defaultActionConfig: function() {
                return {
                    context: this,
                    component: this
            _defaultActionArgs: function() {
                return {
                    component: this
            _createAction: function(actionSource, config) {
                var action, that = this;
                return function(e) {
                    if (!arguments.length) {
                        e = {}
                    if (e instanceof $.Event) {
                        throw Error("Action must be executed with jQuery.Event like action({ jQueryEvent: event })")
                    if (!typeUtils.isPlainObject(e)) {
                        e = {
                            actionValue: e
                    action = action || new Action(actionSource, extend(config, that._defaultActionConfig()));
                    return action.execute.call(action, extend(e, that._defaultActionArgs()))
            _createActionByOption: function(optionName, config) {
                var action, eventName, actionFunc, that = this;
                var result = function() {
                    if (!eventName) {
                        config = config || {};
                        if ("string" !== typeof optionName) {
                            throw errors.Error("E0008")
                        if (0 === optionName.indexOf("on")) {
                            eventName = that._getEventName(optionName)
                        if (0 !== optionName.indexOf("on")) {
                            throw Error("The '" + optionName + "' option name should start with 'on' prefix")
                        actionFunc = that.option(optionName)
                    if (!action && !actionFunc && !config.beforeExecute && !config.afterExecute && !that.hasEvent(eventName)) {
                    if (!action) {
                        var beforeExecute = config.beforeExecute;
                        config.beforeExecute = function(args) {
                            that.fireEvent(eventName, args.args);
                            beforeExecute && beforeExecute.apply(that, arguments)
                        action = that._createAction(actionFunc, config);
                    if (Config().wrapActionsBeforeExecute) {
                        var beforeActionExecute = that.option("beforeActionExecute") || noop;
                        action = beforeActionExecute(that, action, config) || action
                    return action.apply(that, arguments)
                if (!Config().wrapActionsBeforeExecute) {
                    var onActionCreated = that.option("onActionCreated") || noop;
                    result = onActionCreated(that, result, config) || result
                return result
            _getEventName: function(actionName) {
                return actionName.charAt(2).toLowerCase() + actionName.substr(3)
            hasActionSubscription: function(actionName) {
                return !!this.option(actionName) || this.hasEvent(this._getEventName(actionName))
            isOptionDeprecated: function(name) {
                var deprecatedOptions = this._getDeprecatedOptions();
                return deprecatedOptions.hasOwnProperty(name)
            option: function() {
                var normalizeOptionName = function(that, name) {
                    var deprecate;
                    if (name) {
                        if (!that._cachedDeprecateNames) {
                            that._cachedDeprecateNames = [];
                            for (var optionName in that._deprecatedOptions) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < that._cachedDeprecateNames.length; i++) {
                            if (that._cachedDeprecateNames[i] === name) {
                                deprecate = that._deprecatedOptions[name];
                        if (deprecate) {
                            var alias = deprecate.alias;
                            if (alias) {
                                name = alias
                    return name
                var getPreviousName = function(fullName) {
                    var splitNames = fullName.split(".");
                    return splitNames.join(".")
                var getFieldName = function(fullName) {
                    var splitNames = fullName.split(".");
                    return splitNames[splitNames.length - 1]
                var getOptionValue = function(options, name, unwrapObservables) {
                    var getter = cachedGetters[name];
                    if (!getter) {
                        getter = cachedGetters[name] = coreDataUtils.compileGetter(name)
                    return getter(options, {
                        functionsAsIs: true,
                        unwrapObservables: unwrapObservables
                var clearOptionsField = function(options, name) {
                    delete options[name];
                    var previousFieldName = getPreviousName(name),
                        fieldName = getFieldName(name),
                        fieldObject = previousFieldName ? getOptionValue(options, previousFieldName, false) : options;
                    if (fieldObject) {
                        delete fieldObject[fieldName]
                var setOptionsField = function(options, fullName, value) {
                    var fieldObject, fieldName = "";
                    do {
                        if (fieldName) {
                            fieldName = "." + fieldName
                        fieldName = getFieldName(fullName) + fieldName;
                        fullName = getPreviousName(fullName);
                        fieldObject = fullName ? getOptionValue(options, fullName, false) : options
                    } while (!fieldObject);
                    fieldObject[fieldName] = value
                var normalizeOptionValue = function(that, options, name, value) {
                    if (name) {
                        var alias = normalizeOptionName(that, name);
                        if (alias && alias !== name) {
                            setOptionsField(options, alias, value);
                            clearOptionsField(options, name)
                var prepareOption = function(that, options, name, value) {
                    if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(value)) {
                        for (var valueName in value) {
                            prepareOption(that, options, name + "." + valueName, value[valueName])
                    normalizeOptionValue(that, options, name, value)
                var setOptionValue = function(that, name, value) {
                    if (!cachedSetters[name]) {
                        cachedSetters[name] = coreDataUtils.compileSetter(name)
                    var path = name.split(/[.\[]/);
                    cachedSetters[name](that._options, value, {
                        functionsAsIs: true,
                        merge: !that._getOptionsByReference()[name],
                        unwrapObservables: path.length > 1 && !!that._getOptionsByReference()[path[0]]
                var setOption = function(that, name, value) {
                    var previousValue = getOptionValue(that._options, name, false);
                    if (that._optionValuesEqual(name, previousValue, value)) {
                    if (that._initialized) {
                        that._optionChanging(name, previousValue, value)
                    setOptionValue(that, name, value);
                    that._notifyOptionChanged(name, value, previousValue)
                return function(options, value) {
                    var that = this,
                        name = options;
                    if (arguments.length < 2 && "object" !== commonUtils.type(name)) {
                        name = normalizeOptionName(that, name);
                        return getOptionValue(that._options, name)
                    if ("string" === typeof name) {
                        options = {};
                        options[name] = value
                    try {
                        var optionName;
                        for (optionName in options) {
                            prepareOption(that, options, optionName, options[optionName])
                        for (optionName in options) {
                            setOption(that, optionName, options[optionName])
                    } finally {
        module.exports = Component
      !*** ./js/core/action.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            config = __webpack_require__( /*! ./config */ 15),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/type */ 12),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ./class */ 25);
        var Action = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(action, config) {
                config = config || {};
                this._action = action;
                this._context = config.context || window;
                this._beforeExecute = config.beforeExecute;
                this._afterExecute = config.afterExecute;
                this._component = config.component;
                this._validatingTargetName = config.validatingTargetName;
                var excludeValidators = this._excludeValidators = {};
                if (config.excludeValidators) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < config.excludeValidators.length; i++) {
                        excludeValidators[config.excludeValidators[i]] = true
            execute: function() {
                var e = {
                    action: this._action,
                    args: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
                    context: this._context,
                    component: this._component,
                    validatingTargetName: this._validatingTargetName,
                    cancel: false,
                    handled: false
                var beforeExecute = this._beforeExecute,
                    afterExecute = this._afterExecute;
                if (!this._validateAction(e)) {
                beforeExecute && beforeExecute.call(this._context, e);
                if (e.cancel) {
                var result = this._executeAction(e);
                var argsBag = e.args[0];
                if (argsBag && argsBag.cancel) {
                afterExecute && afterExecute.call(this._context, e);
                return result
            _validateAction: function(e) {
                var excludeValidators = this._excludeValidators,
                    executors = Action.executors;
                for (var name in executors) {
                    if (!excludeValidators[name]) {
                        var executor = executors[name];
                        if (executor.validate) {
                        if (e.cancel) {
                            return false
                return true
            _executeAction: function(e) {
                var result, executors = Action.executors;
                for (var name in executors) {
                    var executor = executors[name];
                    if (executor.execute) {
                    if (e.handled) {
                        result = e.result;
                return result
        Action.executors = {};
        Action.registerExecutor = function(name, executor) {
            if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(name)) {
                $.each(name, Action.registerExecutor);
            Action.executors[name] = executor
        Action.unregisterExecutor = function() {
            var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
            $.each(args, function() {
                delete Action.executors[this]
            undefined: {
                execute: function(e) {
                    if (!e.action) {
                        e.result = void 0;
                        e.handled = true
            func: {
                execute: function(e) {
                    if (commonUtils.isFunction(e.action)) {
                        e.result = e.action.call(e.context, e.args[0]);
                        e.handled = true
        var createValidatorByTargetElement = function(condition) {
            return function(e) {
                if (!e.args.length) {
                var args = e.args[0],
                    element = args[e.validatingTargetName] || args.element;
                if (element && condition(element)) {
                    e.cancel = true
            designMode: {
                validate: function(e) {
                    if (config().designMode) {
                        e.cancel = true
            disabled: {
                validate: createValidatorByTargetElement(function($target) {
                    return $target.is(".dx-state-disabled, .dx-state-disabled *")
            readOnly: {
                validate: createValidatorByTargetElement(function($target) {
                    return $target.is(".dx-state-readonly, .dx-state-readonly *")
        module.exports = Action
      !*** ./js/core/utils/data.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 7),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../class */ 25),
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./object */ 27),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./type */ 12),
            variableWrapper = __webpack_require__( /*! ./variable_wrapper */ 28),
            unwrapVariable = variableWrapper.unwrap,
            isWrapped = variableWrapper.isWrapped,
            assign = variableWrapper.assign;
        var bracketsToDots = function(expr) {
            return expr.replace(/\[/g, ".").replace(/\]/g, "")
        var readPropValue = function(obj, propName) {
            if ("this" === propName) {
                return obj
            return obj[propName]
        var assignPropValue = function(obj, propName, value, options) {
            if ("this" === propName) {
                throw new errors.Error("E4016")
            var propValue = obj[propName];
            if (options.unwrapObservables && isWrapped(propValue)) {
                assign(propValue, value)
            } else {
                obj[propName] = value
        var prepareOptions = function(options) {
            options = options || {};
            options.unwrapObservables = void 0 !== options.unwrapObservables ? options.unwrapObservables : true;
            return options
        var unwrap = function(value, options) {
            return options.unwrapObservables ? unwrapVariable(value) : value
        var compileGetter = function(expr) {
            if (arguments.length > 1) {
                expr = $.makeArray(arguments)
            if (!expr || "this" === expr) {
                return function(obj) {
                    return obj
            if ("string" === typeof expr) {
                expr = bracketsToDots(expr);
                var path = expr.split(".");
                return function(obj, options) {
                    options = prepareOptions(options);
                    var functionAsIs = options.functionsAsIs,
                        current = unwrap(obj, options);
                    for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
                        if (!current) {
                        var next = unwrap(current[path[i]], options);
                        if (!functionAsIs && commonUtils.isFunction(next)) {
                            next = next.call(current)
                        current = next
                    return current
            if (Array.isArray(expr)) {
                return combineGetters(expr)
            if (commonUtils.isFunction(expr)) {
                return expr
        var combineGetters = function(getters) {
            var compiledGetters = {};
            for (var i = 0, l = getters.length; i < l; i++) {
                var getter = getters[i];
                compiledGetters[getter] = compileGetter(getter)
            return function(obj, options) {
                var result;
                $.each(compiledGetters, function(name) {
                    var current, path, last, i, value = this(obj, options);
                    if (void 0 === value) {
                    current = result || (result = {});
                    path = name.split(".");
                    last = path.length - 1;
                    for (i = 0; i < last; i++) {
                        current = current[path[i]] = {}
                    current[path[i]] = value
                return result
        var compileSetter = function(expr) {
            expr = expr || "this";
            expr = bracketsToDots(expr);
            var pos = expr.lastIndexOf("."),
                targetGetter = compileGetter(expr.substr(0, pos)),
                targetPropName = expr.substr(1 + pos);
            return function(obj, value, options) {
                options = prepareOptions(options);
                var target = targetGetter(obj, {
                        functionsAsIs: options.functionsAsIs,
                        unwrapObservables: options.unwrapObservables
                    prevTargetValue = readPropValue(target, targetPropName);
                if (!options.functionsAsIs && commonUtils.isFunction(prevTargetValue) && !isWrapped(prevTargetValue)) {
                } else {
                    prevTargetValue = unwrap(prevTargetValue, options);
                    if (options.merge && typeUtils.isPlainObject(value) && (void 0 === prevTargetValue || typeUtils.isPlainObject(prevTargetValue)) && !(value instanceof $.Event)) {
                        if (!prevTargetValue) {
                            assignPropValue(target, targetPropName, {}, options)
                        target = unwrap(readPropValue(target, targetPropName), options);
                        objectUtils.deepExtendArraySafe(target, value, false, true)
                    } else {
                        assignPropValue(target, targetPropName, value, options)
        var toComparable = function(value, caseSensitive) {
            if (value instanceof Date) {
                return value.getTime()
            if (value && value instanceof Class && value.valueOf) {
                return value.valueOf()
            if (!caseSensitive && "string" === typeof value) {
                return value.toLowerCase()
            return value
        exports.compileGetter = compileGetter;
        exports.compileSetter = compileSetter;
        exports.toComparable = toComparable
      !*** ./js/core/events_mixin.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            DefaultEventsStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./events_strategy */ 52),
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject;
        module.exports = {
            ctor: function() {
                this._events = {};
                this.setEventsStrategy(new DefaultEventsStrategy(this))
            setEventsStrategy: function(strategy) {
                this._eventsStrategy = strategy
            hasEvent: function(eventName) {
                return this._eventsStrategy.hasEvent(eventName)
            fireEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs) {
                this._eventsStrategy.fireEvent(eventName, eventArgs);
                return this
            on: function(eventName, eventHandler) {
                if (isPlainObject(eventName)) {
                    $.each(eventName, function(e, h) {
                        this.on(e, h)
                } else {
                    this._eventsStrategy.on(eventName, eventHandler)
                return this
            off: function(eventName, eventHandler) {
                this._eventsStrategy.off(eventName, eventHandler);
                return this
            _disposeEvents: function() {
      !*** ./js/core/events_strategy.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ./class */ 25);
        module.exports = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(owner) {
                this._events = {};
                this._owner = owner
            hasEvent: function(eventName) {
                var callbacks = this._events[eventName];
                if (callbacks) {
                    return callbacks.has()
                return false
            fireEvent: function(eventName, eventArgs) {
                var callbacks = this._events[eventName];
                if (callbacks) {
                    callbacks.fireWith(this._owner, eventArgs)
            on: function(eventName, eventHandler) {
                var addFn, callbacks = this._events[eventName];
                if (!callbacks) {
                    callbacks = $.Callbacks();
                    this._events[eventName] = callbacks
                addFn = callbacks.originalAdd || callbacks.add;
                addFn.call(callbacks, eventHandler)
            off: function(eventName, eventHandler) {
                var callbacks = this._events[eventName];
                if (callbacks) {
                    if (isFunction(eventHandler)) {
                    } else {
            dispose: function() {
                $.each(this._events, function() {
      !*** ./js/core/devices.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ./class */ 25),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 7),
            resizeCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/window */ 44).resizeCallbacks,
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ./events_mixin */ 51),
            SessionStorage = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/storage */ 54).sessionStorage,
            viewPort = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/view_port */ 55),
            Config = __webpack_require__( /*! ./config */ 15);
        var KNOWN_UA_TABLE = {
            iPhone: "iPhone",
            iPhone5: "iPhone",
            iPhone6: "iPhone",
            iPhone6plus: "iPhone",
            iPad: "iPad",
            iPadMini: "iPad Mini",
            androidPhone: "Android Mobile",
            androidTablet: "Android",
            win8: "MSAppHost",
            win8Phone: "Windows Phone 8.0",
            msSurface: "Windows ARM Tablet PC",
            desktop: "desktop",
            win10Phone: "Windows Phone 10.0",
            win10: "MSAppHost/3.0"
        var DEFAULT_DEVICE = {
            deviceType: "desktop",
            platform: "generic",
            version: [],
            phone: false,
            tablet: false,
            android: false,
            ios: false,
            win: false,
            generic: true,
            grade: "A",
            mac: false
        var uaParsers = {
            win: function(userAgent) {
                var isPhone = /windows phone/i.test(userAgent) || userAgent.match(/WPDesktop/),
                    isTablet = !isPhone && /Windows(.*)arm(.*)Tablet PC/i.test(userAgent),
                    isDesktop = !isPhone && !isTablet && /msapphost/i.test(userAgent);
                if (!(isPhone || isTablet || isDesktop)) {
                var matches = userAgent.match(/windows phone (\d+).(\d+)/i) || userAgent.match(/windows nt (\d+).(\d+)/i),
                    version = [];
                if (matches) {
                    version.push(parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10))
                } else {
                    matches = userAgent.match(/msapphost(\/(\d+).(\d+))?/i);
                    matches && version.push(3 === parseInt(matches[2], 10) ? 10 : 8)
                return {
                    deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : isTablet ? "tablet" : "desktop",
                    platform: "win",
                    version: version,
                    grade: "A"
            ios: function(userAgent) {
                if (!/ip(hone|od|ad)/i.test(userAgent)) {
                var isPhone = /ip(hone|od)/i.test(userAgent),
                    matches = userAgent.match(/os (\d+)_(\d+)_?(\d+)?/i),
                    version = matches ? [parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10), parseInt(matches[3] || 0, 10)] : [],
                    isIPhone4 = 480 === window.screen.height,
                    grade = isIPhone4 ? "B" : "A";
                return {
                    deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : "tablet",
                    platform: "ios",
                    version: version,
                    grade: grade
            android: function(userAgent) {
                if (!/android|htc_|silk/i.test(userAgent)) {
                var isPhone = /mobile/i.test(userAgent),
                    matches = userAgent.match(/android (\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?/i),
                    version = matches ? [parseInt(matches[1], 10), parseInt(matches[2], 10), parseInt(matches[3] || 0, 10)] : [],
                    worseThan4_4 = version.length > 1 && (version[0] < 4 || 4 === version[0] && version[1] < 4),
                    grade = worseThan4_4 ? "B" : "A";
                return {
                    deviceType: isPhone ? "phone" : "tablet",
                    platform: "android",
                    version: version,
                    grade: grade
        var Devices = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this._window = options && options.window || window;
                this._realDevice = this._getDevice();
                this._currentDevice = void 0;
                this._currentOrientation = void 0;
                this.changed = $.Callbacks();
            current: function(deviceOrName) {
                if (deviceOrName) {
                    this._currentDevice = this._getDevice(deviceOrName);
                    this._forced = true;
                    if ("win" === this._currentDevice.platform && 8 === this._currentDevice.version[0]) {
                        errors.log("W0010", "the 'win8' theme", "16.1", "Use the 'win10' theme instead.")
                if (!this._currentDevice) {
                    deviceOrName = void 0;
                    try {
                        deviceOrName = this._getDeviceOrNameFromWindowScope()
                    } catch (e) {
                        deviceOrName = this._getDeviceNameFromSessionStorage()
                    } finally {
                        if (!deviceOrName) {
                            deviceOrName = this._getDeviceNameFromSessionStorage()
                        if (deviceOrName) {
                            this._forced = true
                    this._currentDevice = this._getDevice(deviceOrName)
                return this._currentDevice
            real: function() {
                var forceDevice = arguments[0];
                if (isPlainObject(forceDevice)) {
                    extend(this._realDevice, forceDevice);
                return extend({}, this._realDevice)
            orientation: function() {
                return this._currentOrientation
            isForced: function() {
                return this._forced
            isRippleEmulator: function() {
                return !!this._window.tinyHippos
            _getCssClasses: function(device) {
                var result = [];
                var realDevice = this._realDevice;
                device = device || this.current();
                if (device.deviceType) {
                    result.push("dx-device-" + device.deviceType);
                    if ("desktop" !== device.deviceType) {
                result.push("dx-device-" + realDevice.platform);
                if (realDevice.version && realDevice.version.length) {
                    result.push("dx-device-" + realDevice.platform + "-" + realDevice.version[0])
                if (devices.isSimulator()) {
                if (Config().rtlEnabled) {
                return result
            attachCssClasses: function(element, device) {
                this._deviceClasses = this._getCssClasses(device).join(" ");
            detachCssClasses: function(element) {
            isSimulator: function() {
                try {
                    return this._isSimulator || this._window.top !== this._window.self && this._window.top["dx-force-device"] || this.isRippleEmulator()
                } catch (e) {
                    return false
            forceSimulator: function() {
                this._isSimulator = true
            _getDevice: function(deviceName) {
                if ("genericPhone" === deviceName) {
                    deviceName = {
                        deviceType: "phone",
                        platform: "generic",
                        generic: true
                if (isPlainObject(deviceName)) {
                    return this._fromConfig(deviceName)
                } else {
                    var ua;
                    if (deviceName) {
                        ua = KNOWN_UA_TABLE[deviceName];
                        if (!ua) {
                            throw errors.Error("E0005")
                    } else {
                        ua = navigator.userAgent
                    return this._fromUA(ua)
            _getDeviceOrNameFromWindowScope: function() {
                var result;
                if (this._window.top["dx-force-device-object"] || this._window.top["dx-force-device"]) {
                    result = this._window.top["dx-force-device-object"] || this._window.top["dx-force-device"]
                return result
            _getDeviceNameFromSessionStorage: function() {
                var sessionStorage = SessionStorage();
                if (!sessionStorage) {
                var deviceOrName = sessionStorage.getItem("dx-force-device");
                try {
                    return JSON.parse(deviceOrName)
                } catch (ex) {
                    return deviceOrName
            _fromConfig: function(config) {
                var result = extend({}, DEFAULT_DEVICE, this._currentDevice, config),
                    shortcuts = {
                        phone: "phone" === result.deviceType,
                        tablet: "tablet" === result.deviceType,
                        android: "android" === result.platform,
                        ios: "ios" === result.platform,
                        win: "win" === result.platform,
                        generic: "generic" === result.platform
                return extend(result, shortcuts)
            _fromUA: function(ua) {
                var config;
                $.each(uaParsers, function(platform, parser) {
                    config = parser(ua);
                    return !config
                if (config) {
                    return this._fromConfig(config)
                var isMac = /(mac os)/.test(ua.toLowerCase()),
                    deviceWithOS = DEFAULT_DEVICE;
                deviceWithOS.mac = isMac;
                return deviceWithOS
            _changeOrientation: function() {
                var $window = $(this._window),
                    orientation = $window.height() > $window.width() ? "portrait" : "landscape";
                if (this._currentOrientation === orientation) {
                this._currentOrientation = orientation;
                this.fireEvent("orientationChanged", [{
                    orientation: orientation
            _recalculateOrientation: function() {
                var windowWidth = $(this._window).width();
                if (this._currentWidth === windowWidth) {
                this._currentWidth = windowWidth;
        var devices = new Devices;
        viewPort.changeCallback.add(function(viewPort, prevViewport) {
        if (!devices.isForced() && "win" === devices.current().platform) {
                version: [10]
        module.exports = devices
      !*** ./js/core/utils/storage.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var getSessionStorage = function() {
            var sessionStorage;
            try {
                sessionStorage = window.sessionStorage
            } catch (e) {}
            return sessionStorage
        exports.sessionStorage = getSessionStorage
      !*** ./js/core/utils/view_port.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            ready = __webpack_require__( /*! ./dom */ 56).ready,
            changeCallback = $.Callbacks(),
            $originalViewPort = $();
        var value = function() {
            var $current;
            return function(element) {
                if (!arguments.length) {
                    return $current
                var $element = $(element);
                $originalViewPort = $element;
                var isNewViewportFound = !!$element.length;
                var prevViewPort = value();
                $current = isNewViewportFound ? $element : $("body");
                changeCallback.fire(isNewViewportFound ? value() : $(), prevViewPort)
        ready(function() {
        exports.value = value;
        exports.changeCallback = changeCallback;
        exports.originalViewPort = function() {
            return $originalViewPort
      !*** ./js/core/utils/dom.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 7),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array */ 26).inArray,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14);
        var resetActiveElement = function() {
            var activeElement = document.activeElement;
            if (activeElement && activeElement !== document.body && activeElement.blur) {
        var clearSelection = function() {
            var selection = window.getSelection();
            if (!selection) {
            if ("Caret" === selection.type) {
            if (selection.empty) {
            } else {
                if (selection.removeAllRanges) {
                    try {
                    } catch (e) {}
        var closestCommonParent = function(startTarget, endTarget) {
            var $startTarget = $(startTarget),
                $endTarget = $(endTarget);
            if ($startTarget[0] === $endTarget[0]) {
                return $startTarget[0]
            var $startParents = $startTarget.parents(),
                $endParents = $endTarget.parents(),
                startingParent = Math.min($startParents.length, $endParents.length);
            for (var i = -startingParent; i < 0; i++) {
                if ($startParents.get(i) === $endParents.get(i)) {
                    return $startParents.get(i)
        var triggerVisibilityChangeEvent = function(eventName) {
            var VISIBILITY_CHANGE_SELECTOR = ".dx-visibility-change-handler";
            return function(element) {
                var $element = $(element || "body");
                var changeHandlers = $element.filter(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_SELECTOR).add($element.find(VISIBILITY_CHANGE_SELECTOR));
                for (var i = 0; i < changeHandlers.length; i++) {
        var uniqueId = function() {
            var counter = 0;
            return function(prefix) {
                return (prefix || "") + counter++
        var dataOptionsAttributeName = "data-options";
        var getElementOptions = function(element) {
            var result, optionsString = $(element).attr(dataOptionsAttributeName);
            if ("{" !== $.trim(optionsString).charAt(0)) {
                optionsString = "{" + optionsString + "}"
            try {
                result = new Function("return " + optionsString)()
            } catch (ex) {
                throw errors.Error("E3018", ex, optionsString)
            return result
        var createComponents = function(elements, componentTypes) {
            var result = [],
                selector = "[" + dataOptionsAttributeName + "]";
            var $items = elements.find(selector).add(elements.filter(selector));
            $items.each(function(index, element) {
                var $element = $(element),
                    options = getElementOptions(element);
                for (var componentName in options) {
                    if (!componentTypes || inArray(componentName, componentTypes) > -1) {
                        if ($element[componentName]) {
            return result
        var createMarkupFromString = function(str) {
            if (!window.WinJS) {
                return $(str)
            var tempElement = $("<div />");
            window.WinJS.Utilities.setInnerHTMLUnsafe(tempElement.get(0), str);
            return tempElement.contents()
        var normalizeTemplateElement = function(element) {
            var $element = commonUtils.isDefined(element) && (element.nodeType || element.jquery) ? $(element) : $("<div>").html(element).contents();
            if (1 === $element.length) {
                if ($element.is("script")) {
                    $element = normalizeTemplateElement($element.html())
                } else {
                    if ($element.is("table")) {
                        $element = $element.children("tbody").contents()
            return $element
        var toggleAttr = function($target, attr, value) {
            value ? $target.attr(attr, value) : $target.removeAttr(attr)
        var clipboardText = function(event, text) {
            var clipboard = event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
            if (1 === arguments.length) {
                return clipboard && clipboard.getData("Text")
            clipboard && clipboard.setData("Text", text)
        exports.ready = function(callback) {
            if ("complete" === document.readyState || "loading" !== document.readyState && !document.documentElement.doScroll) {
            var loadedCallback = function() {
                document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadedCallback)
            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", loadedCallback)
        exports.resetActiveElement = resetActiveElement;
        exports.createMarkupFromString = createMarkupFromString;
        exports.triggerShownEvent = triggerVisibilityChangeEvent("dxshown");
        exports.triggerHidingEvent = triggerVisibilityChangeEvent("dxhiding");
        exports.triggerResizeEvent = triggerVisibilityChangeEvent("dxresize");
        exports.getElementOptions = getElementOptions;
        exports.createComponents = createComponents;
        exports.normalizeTemplateElement = normalizeTemplateElement;
        exports.clearSelection = clearSelection;
        exports.uniqueId = uniqueId;
        exports.closestCommonParent = closestCommonParent;
        exports.clipboardText = clipboardText;
        exports.toggleAttr = toggleAttr
      !*** ./js/core/component_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            jQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! jquery */ 10),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 7),
            MemorizedCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ./memorized_callbacks */ 58),
            publicComponentUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils/public_component */ 45);
        var callbacks = new MemorizedCallbacks;
        var registerComponent = function(name, namespace, componentClass) {
            if (!componentClass) {
                componentClass = namespace
            } else {
                namespace[name] = componentClass
            publicComponentUtils.name(componentClass, name);
            callbacks.fire(name, componentClass)
        registerComponent.callbacks = callbacks;
        var registerJQueryComponent = function(name, componentClass) {
            $.fn[name] = jQuery.fn[name] = function(options) {
                var result, isMemberInvoke = "string" === typeof options;
                if (isMemberInvoke) {
                    var memberName = options,
                        memberArgs = $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1);
                    this.each(function() {
                        var instance = componentClass.getInstance(this);
                        if (!instance) {
                            throw errors.Error("E0009", name)
                        var member = instance[memberName],
                            memberValue = member.apply(instance, memberArgs);
                        if (void 0 === result) {
                            result = memberValue
                } else {
                    this.each(function() {
                        var instance = componentClass.getInstance(this);
                        if (instance) {
                        } else {
                            new componentClass(this, options)
                    result = this
                return result
        module.exports = registerComponent
      !*** ./js/core/memorized_callbacks.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9);
        var MemorizedCallbacks = function() {
            var memory = [];
            var callbacks = $.Callbacks();
            this.add = function(fn) {
                $.each(memory, function(_, item) {
                    fn.apply(fn, item)
            this.remove = function(fn) {
            this.fire = function() {
                callbacks.fire.apply(callbacks, arguments)
        module.exports = MemorizedCallbacks
      !*** ./js/animation/frame.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var FRAME_ANIMATION_STEP_TIME = 1e3 / 60,
            request = function(callback) {
                return this.setTimeout(callback, FRAME_ANIMATION_STEP_TIME)
            cancel = function(requestID) {
            nativeRequest = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame,
            nativeCancel = window.cancelAnimationFrame || window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || window.mozCancelAnimationFrame || window.oCancelAnimationFrame || window.msCancelAnimationFrame;
        if (nativeRequest && nativeCancel) {
            request = nativeRequest;
            cancel = nativeCancel
        if (nativeRequest && !nativeCancel) {
            var canceledRequests = {};
            request = function(callback) {
                var requestId = nativeRequest.call(window, function() {
                    try {
                        if (requestId in canceledRequests) {
                        callback.apply(this, arguments)
                    } finally {
                        delete canceledRequests[requestId]
                return requestId
            cancel = function(requestId) {
                canceledRequests[requestId] = true
        exports.requestAnimationFrame = request.bind(window);
        exports.cancelAnimationFrame = cancel.bind(window)
      !*** ./js/mobile/init_mobile_viewport/init_mobile_viewport.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            resizeCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/window */ 44).resizeCallbacks,
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/support */ 61),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53);
        var initMobileViewport = function(options) {
            options = extend({}, options);
            var realDevice = devices.real();
            var allowZoom = options.allowZoom;
            var allowPan = options.allowPan;
            var allowSelection = "allowSelection" in options ? options.allowSelection : "generic" === realDevice.platform;
            var metaSelector = "meta[name=viewport]";
            if (!$(metaSelector).length) {
                $("<meta />").attr("name", "viewport").appendTo("head")
            var metaVerbs = ["width=device-width"],
                msTouchVerbs = [];
            if (allowZoom) {
            } else {
                metaVerbs.push("initial-scale=1.0", "maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no")
            if (allowPan) {
                msTouchVerbs.push("pan-x", "pan-y")
            if (!allowPan && !allowZoom) {
                $("html, body").css({
                    "-ms-content-zooming": "none",
                    "-ms-user-select": "none",
                    overflow: "hidden"
            } else {
                $("html").css("-ms-overflow-style", "-ms-autohiding-scrollbar")
            if (!allowSelection && support.supportProp("user-select")) {
                $(".dx-viewport").css(support.styleProp("user-select"), "none")
            $(metaSelector).attr("content", metaVerbs.join());
            $("html").css("-ms-touch-action", msTouchVerbs.join(" ") || "none");
            realDevice = devices.real();
            if (support.touch && !("win" === realDevice.platform && 10 === realDevice.version[0])) {
                $(document).off(".dxInitMobileViewport").on("dxpointermove.dxInitMobileViewport", function(e) {
                    var count = e.pointers.length,
                        isTouchEvent = "touch" === e.pointerType,
                        zoomDisabled = !allowZoom && count > 1,
                        panDisabled = !allowPan && 1 === count && !e.isScrollingEvent;
                    if (isTouchEvent && (zoomDisabled || panDisabled)) {
            if (realDevice.ios) {
                var isPhoneGap = "file:" === document.location.protocol;
                if (!isPhoneGap) {
                    resizeCallbacks.add(function() {
                        var windowWidth = $(window).width();
            if (realDevice.android) {
                resizeCallbacks.add(function() {
                    setTimeout(function() {
        exports.initMobileViewport = initMobileViewport
      !*** ./js/core/utils/support.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var inflector = __webpack_require__( /*! ./inflector */ 39),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array */ 26).inArray,
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../devices */ 53);
        var camelize = inflector.camelize;
        var jsPrefixes = ["", "Webkit", "Moz", "O", "Ms"],
            cssPrefixes = {
                "": "",
                Webkit: "-webkit-",
                Moz: "-moz-",
                O: "-o-",
                ms: "-ms-"
            styles = document.createElement("dx").style;
        var transitionEndEventNames = {
            webkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd",
            MozTransition: "transitionend",
            OTransition: "oTransitionEnd",
            msTransition: "MsTransitionEnd",
            transition: "transitionend"
        var forEachPrefixes = function(prop, callBack) {
            prop = camelize(prop, true);
            var result;
            for (var i = 0, cssPrefixesCount = jsPrefixes.length; i < cssPrefixesCount; i++) {
                var jsPrefix = jsPrefixes[i];
                var prefixedProp = jsPrefix + prop;
                var lowerPrefixedProp = camelize(prefixedProp);
                result = callBack(lowerPrefixedProp, jsPrefix);
                if (void 0 === result) {
                    result = callBack(prefixedProp, jsPrefix)
                if (void 0 !== result) {
            return result
        var styleProp = function(prop) {
            return forEachPrefixes(prop, function(specific) {
                if (specific in styles) {
                    return specific
        var stylePropPrefix = function(prop) {
            return forEachPrefixes(prop, function(specific, jsPrefix) {
                if (specific in styles) {
                    return cssPrefixes[jsPrefix]
        var supportProp = function(prop) {
            return !!styleProp(prop)
        var isNativeScrollingSupported = function() {
            var realDevice = devices.real(),
                realPlatform = realDevice.platform,
                realVersion = realDevice.version,
                isObsoleteAndroid = realVersion && realVersion[0] < 4 && "android" === realPlatform,
                isNativeScrollDevice = !isObsoleteAndroid && inArray(realPlatform, ["ios", "android", "win"]) > -1 || realDevice.mac;
            return isNativeScrollDevice
        var inputType = function(type) {
            if ("text" === type) {
                return true
            var input = document.createElement("input");
            try {
                input.setAttribute("type", type);
                input.value = "wrongValue";
                return !input.value
            } catch (e) {
                return false
        var touchEvents = "ontouchstart" in window && !("callPhantom" in window),
            pointerEvents = !!window.navigator.pointerEnabled || !!window.navigator.msPointerEnabled,
            touchPointersPresent = !!window.navigator.maxTouchPoints || !!window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;
        exports.touchEvents = touchEvents;
        exports.pointerEvents = pointerEvents;
        exports.touch = touchEvents || pointerEvents && touchPointersPresent;
        exports.transition = supportProp("transition");
        exports.transitionEndEventName = transitionEndEventNames[styleProp("transition")];
        exports.animation = supportProp("animation");
        exports.nativeScrolling = isNativeScrollingSupported();
        exports.styleProp = styleProp;
        exports.stylePropPrefix = stylePropPrefix;
        exports.supportProp = supportProp;
        exports.hasKo = !!window.ko;
        exports.inputType = inputType
      !*** ./js/core/utils/queue.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 7),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;

        function createQueue(discardPendingTasks) {
            var _tasks = [],
                _busy = false;

            function exec() {
                while (_tasks.length) {
                    _busy = true;
                    var task = _tasks.shift(),
                        result = task();
                    if (void 0 === result) {
                    if (result.then) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0015")
                _busy = false

            function add(task, removeTaskCallback) {
                if (!discardPendingTasks) {
                } else {
                    if (_tasks[0] && removeTaskCallback) {
                    _tasks = [task]
                if (!_busy) {

            function busy() {
                return _busy
            return {
                add: add,
                busy: busy
        exports.create = createQueue;
        exports.enqueue = createQueue().add
      !*** ./js/core/utils/date.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14),
            camelize = __webpack_require__( /*! ./inflector */ 39).camelize,
            isObject = commonUtils.isObject,
            isString = commonUtils.isString,
            isDate = commonUtils.isDate,
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined;
        var dateUnitIntervals = ["millisecond", "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "quarter", "year"];
        var toMilliseconds = function(value) {
            switch (value) {
                case "millisecond":
                    return 1;
                case "second":
                    return 1e3 * toMilliseconds("millisecond");
                case "minute":
                    return 60 * toMilliseconds("second");
                case "hour":
                    return 60 * toMilliseconds("minute");
                case "day":
                    return 24 * toMilliseconds("hour");
                case "week":
                    return 7 * toMilliseconds("day");
                case "month":
                    return 30 * toMilliseconds("day");
                case "quarter":
                    return 3 * toMilliseconds("month");
                case "year":
                    return 365 * toMilliseconds("day");
                    return 0
        var getDatesInterval = function(startDate, endDate, intervalUnit) {
            var delta = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime(),
                millisecondCount = toMilliseconds(intervalUnit) || 1;
            return Math.floor(delta / millisecondCount)
        var getNextDateUnit = function(unit, withWeeks) {
            var interval = getDateUnitInterval(unit);
            switch (interval) {
                case "millisecond":
                    return "second";
                case "second":
                    return "minute";
                case "minute":
                    return "hour";
                case "hour":
                    return "day";
                case "day":
                    return withWeeks ? "week" : "month";
                case "week":
                    return "month";
                case "month":
                    return "quarter";
                case "quarter":
                    return "year";
                case "year":
                    return "year";
                    return 0
        var convertMillisecondsToDateUnits = function(value) {
            var i, dateUnitCount, dateUnitInterval, dateUnitIntervals = ["millisecond", "second", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "year"],
                result = {};
            for (i = dateUnitIntervals.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                dateUnitInterval = dateUnitIntervals[i];
                dateUnitCount = Math.floor(value / toMilliseconds(dateUnitInterval));
                if (dateUnitCount > 0) {
                    result[dateUnitInterval + "s"] = dateUnitCount;
                    value -= convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(dateUnitInterval, dateUnitCount)
            return result
        var dateToMilliseconds = function(tickInterval) {
            var milliseconds = 0;
            if (isObject(tickInterval)) {
                $.each(tickInterval, function(key, value) {
                    milliseconds += convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(key.substr(0, key.length - 1), value)
            if (isString(tickInterval)) {
                milliseconds = convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(tickInterval, 1)
            return milliseconds
        var convertDateUnitToMilliseconds = function(dateUnit, count) {
            return toMilliseconds(dateUnit) * count
        var getDateUnitInterval = function(tickInterval) {
            var i, maxInterval = -1;
            if (isString(tickInterval)) {
                return tickInterval
            if (isObject(tickInterval)) {
                $.each(tickInterval, function(key, value) {
                    for (i = 0; i < dateUnitIntervals.length; i++) {
                        if (value && (key === dateUnitIntervals[i] + "s" || key === dateUnitIntervals[i]) && maxInterval < i) {
                            maxInterval = i
                return dateUnitIntervals[maxInterval]
            return ""
        var tickIntervalToFormatMap = {
            millisecond: "millisecond",
            second: "longtime",
            minute: "shorttime",
            hour: "shorttime",
            day: "day",
            week: "day",
            month: "month",
            quarter: "quarter",
            year: "year"

        function getDateFormatByTickInterval(tickInterval) {
            return tickIntervalToFormatMap[getDateUnitInterval(tickInterval)] || ""
        var getQuarter = function(month) {
            return Math.floor(month / 3)
        var getFirstQuarterMonth = function(month) {
            return 3 * getQuarter(month)
        var correctDateWithUnitBeginning = function(date, dateInterval, withCorrection) {
            date = new Date(date.getTime());
            var firstQuarterMonth, oldDate = new Date(date.getTime()),
                dateUnitInterval = getDateUnitInterval(dateInterval);
            switch (dateUnitInterval) {
                case "second":
                case "minute":
                    date.setSeconds(0, 0);
                case "hour":
                    date.setMinutes(0, 0, 0);
                case "year":
                case "month":
                case "day":
                    date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
                case "week":
                    date.setDate(date.getDate() - date.getDay());
                    date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
                case "quarter":
                    firstQuarterMonth = getFirstQuarterMonth(date.getMonth());
                    if (date.getMonth() !== firstQuarterMonth) {
                    date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
            if (withCorrection && "hour" !== dateUnitInterval && "minute" !== dateUnitInterval && "second" !== dateUnitInterval) {
                fixTimezoneGap(oldDate, date)
            return date
        var trimTime = function(date) {
            return dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(date, "day")
        var getDatesDifferences = function(date1, date2) {
            var differences, counter = 0;
            differences = {
                year: date1.getFullYear() !== date2.getFullYear(),
                month: date1.getMonth() !== date2.getMonth(),
                day: date1.getDate() !== date2.getDate(),
                hour: date1.getHours() !== date2.getHours(),
                minute: date1.getMinutes() !== date2.getMinutes(),
                second: date1.getSeconds() !== date2.getSeconds(),
                millisecond: date1.getMilliseconds() !== date2.getMilliseconds()
            $.each(differences, function(key, value) {
                if (value) {
            differences.count = counter;
            return differences

        function addDateInterval(value, interval, dir) {
            var result = new Date(value.getTime()),
                intervalObject = isString(interval) ? getDateIntervalByString(interval.toLowerCase()) : interval;
            if (intervalObject.years) {
                result.setFullYear(result.getFullYear() + intervalObject.years * dir)
            if (intervalObject.quarters) {
                result.setMonth(result.getMonth() + 3 * intervalObject.quarters * dir)
            if (intervalObject.months) {
                result.setMonth(result.getMonth() + intervalObject.months * dir)
            if (intervalObject.weeks) {
                result.setDate(result.getDate() + 7 * intervalObject.weeks * dir)
            if (intervalObject.days) {
                result.setDate(result.getDate() + intervalObject.days * dir)
            if (intervalObject.hours) {
                result.setHours(result.getHours() + intervalObject.hours * dir)
            if (intervalObject.minutes) {
                result.setMinutes(result.getMinutes() + intervalObject.minutes * dir)
            if (intervalObject.seconds) {
                result.setSeconds(result.getSeconds() + intervalObject.seconds * dir)
            if (intervalObject.milliseconds) {
                result.setMilliseconds(value.getMilliseconds() + intervalObject.milliseconds * dir)
            return result
        var addInterval = function(value, interval, isNegative) {
            var dir = isNegative ? -1 : 1;
            return isDate(value) ? addDateInterval(value, interval, dir) : value + interval * dir
        var getSequenceByInterval = function(min, max, interval) {
            var cur, intervals = [];
            intervals.push(isDate(min) ? new Date(min.getTime()) : min);
            cur = min;
            while (cur < max) {
                cur = addInterval(cur, interval);
            return intervals
        var getViewFirstCellDate = function(viewType, date) {
            if ("month" === viewType) {
                return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1)
            if ("year" === viewType) {
                return new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, date.getDate())
            if ("decade" === viewType) {
                return new Date(getFirstYearInDecade(date), date.getMonth(), date.getDate())
            if ("century" === viewType) {
                return new Date(getFirstDecadeInCentury(date), date.getMonth(), date.getDate())
        var getViewLastCellDate = function(viewType, date) {
            if ("month" === viewType) {
                return new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), getLastMonthDay(date))
            if ("year" === viewType) {
                return new Date(date.getFullYear(), 11, date.getDate())
            if ("decade" === viewType) {
                return new Date(getFirstYearInDecade(date) + 9, date.getMonth(), date.getDate())
            if ("century" === viewType) {
                return new Date(getFirstDecadeInCentury(date) + 90, date.getMonth(), date.getDate())
        var getViewMinBoundaryDate = function(viewType, date) {
            var resultDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
            if ("month" === viewType) {
                return resultDate
            if ("year" === viewType) {
                return resultDate
            if ("decade" === viewType) {
            if ("century" === viewType) {
            return resultDate
        var getViewMaxBoundaryDate = function(viewType, date) {
            var resultDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), getLastMonthDay(date));
            if ("month" === viewType) {
                return resultDate
            if ("year" === viewType) {
                return resultDate
            if ("decade" === viewType) {
                resultDate.setFullYear(getFirstYearInDecade(date) + 9)
            if ("century" === viewType) {
                resultDate.setFullYear(getFirstDecadeInCentury(date) + 99)
            return resultDate
        var getLastMonthDay = function(date) {
            var resultDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0);
            return resultDate.getDate()
        var sameView = function(view, date1, date2) {
            return dateUtils[camelize("same " + view)](date1, date2)
        var getViewUp = function(typeView) {
            switch (typeView) {
                case "month":
                    return "year";
                case "year":
                    return "decade";
                case "decade":
                    return "century"
        var getViewDown = function(typeView) {
            switch (typeView) {
                case "century":
                    return "decade";
                case "decade":
                    return "year";
                case "year":
                    return "month"
        var getDifferenceInMonth = function(typeView) {
            var difference = 1;
            if ("year" === typeView) {
                difference = 12
            if ("decade" === typeView) {
                difference = 120
            if ("century" === typeView) {
                difference = 1200
            return difference
        var getDifferenceInMonthForCells = function(typeView) {
            var difference = 1;
            if ("decade" === typeView) {
                difference = 12
            if ("century" === typeView) {
                difference = 120
            return difference
        var getDateIntervalByString = function(intervalString) {
            var result = {};
            switch (intervalString) {
                case "year":
                    result.years = 1;
                case "month":
                    result.months = 1;
                case "quarter":
                    result.months = 3;
                case "week":
                    result.days = 7;
                case "day":
                    result.days = 1;
                case "hour":
                    result.hours = 1;
                case "minute":
                    result.minutes = 1;
                case "second":
                    result.seconds = 1;
                case "millisecond":
                    result.milliseconds = 1
            return result
        var sameDate = function(date1, date2) {
            return sameMonthAndYear(date1, date2) && date1.getDate() === date2.getDate()
        var sameMonthAndYear = function(date1, date2) {
            return sameYear(date1, date2) && date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth()
        var sameYear = function(date1, date2) {
            return date1 && date2 && date1.getFullYear() === date2.getFullYear()
        var sameDecade = function(date1, date2) {
            if (!isDefined(date1) || !isDefined(date2)) {
            var startDecadeDate1 = date1.getFullYear() - date1.getFullYear() % 10,
                startDecadeDate2 = date2.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear() % 10;
            return date1 && date2 && startDecadeDate1 === startDecadeDate2
        var sameCentury = function(date1, date2) {
            if (!isDefined(date1) || !isDefined(date2)) {
            var startCenturyDate1 = date1.getFullYear() - date1.getFullYear() % 100,
                startCenturyDate2 = date2.getFullYear() - date2.getFullYear() % 100;
            return date1 && date2 && startCenturyDate1 === startCenturyDate2
        var getFirstDecadeInCentury = function(date) {
            return date && date.getFullYear() - date.getFullYear() % 100
        var getFirstYearInDecade = function(date) {
            return date && date.getFullYear() - date.getFullYear() % 10
        var getShortDateFormat = function() {
            return "yyyy/MM/dd"
        var getFirstMonthDate = function(date) {
            if (!isDefined(date)) {
            var newDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1);
            return newDate
        var getLastMonthDate = function(date) {
            if (!isDefined(date)) {
            var newDate = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1, 0);
            return newDate
        var getFirstWeekDate = function(date, firstDayOfWeek) {
            var delta = (date.getDay() - firstDayOfWeek + 7) % 7;
            var result = new Date(date);
            result.setDate(date.getDate() - delta);
            return result
        var normalizeDateByWeek = function(date, currentDate) {
            var differenceInDays = dateUtils.getDatesInterval(date, currentDate, "day"),
                resultDate = new Date(date);
            if (differenceInDays >= 6) {
                resultDate = new Date(resultDate.setDate(resultDate.getDate() + 7))
            return resultDate
        var dateInRange = function(date, min, max, format) {
            if ("date" === format) {
                min = min && dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(min, "day");
                max = max && dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(max, "day");
                date = date && dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(date, "day")
            return normalizeDate(date, min, max) === date
        var normalizeDate = function(date, min, max) {
            var normalizedDate = date;
            if (!isDefined(date)) {
                return date
            if (isDefined(min) && date < min) {
                normalizedDate = min
            if (isDefined(max) && date > max) {
                normalizedDate = max
            return normalizedDate
        var fixTimezoneGap = function(oldDate, newDate) {
            if (!isDefined(oldDate)) {
            var sign, trial, diff = newDate.getHours() - oldDate.getHours();
            if (0 === diff) {
            sign = 1 === diff || diff === -23 ? -1 : 1;
            trial = new Date(newDate.getTime() + 36e5 * sign);
            if (sign > 0 || trial.getDate() === newDate.getDate()) {
        var roundToHour = function(date) {
            date.setHours(date.getHours() + 1);
            return date
        var getTimezonesDifference = function(min, max) {
            return 60 * (max.getTimezoneOffset() - min.getTimezoneOffset()) * 1e3
        var makeDate = function(date) {
            return new Date(date)
        var dateUtils = {
            dateUnitIntervals: dateUnitIntervals,
            convertMillisecondsToDateUnits: convertMillisecondsToDateUnits,
            dateToMilliseconds: dateToMilliseconds,
            getNextDateUnit: getNextDateUnit,
            convertDateUnitToMilliseconds: convertDateUnitToMilliseconds,
            getDateUnitInterval: getDateUnitInterval,
            getDateFormatByTickInterval: getDateFormatByTickInterval,
            getDatesDifferences: getDatesDifferences,
            correctDateWithUnitBeginning: correctDateWithUnitBeginning,
            trimTime: trimTime,
            addDateInterval: addDateInterval,
            addInterval: addInterval,
            getSequenceByInterval: getSequenceByInterval,
            getDateIntervalByString: getDateIntervalByString,
            sameDate: sameDate,
            sameMonthAndYear: sameMonthAndYear,
            sameMonth: sameMonthAndYear,
            sameYear: sameYear,
            sameDecade: sameDecade,
            sameCentury: sameCentury,
            sameView: sameView,
            getDifferenceInMonth: getDifferenceInMonth,
            getDifferenceInMonthForCells: getDifferenceInMonthForCells,
            getFirstYearInDecade: getFirstYearInDecade,
            getFirstDecadeInCentury: getFirstDecadeInCentury,
            getShortDateFormat: getShortDateFormat,
            getViewFirstCellDate: getViewFirstCellDate,
            getViewLastCellDate: getViewLastCellDate,
            getViewDown: getViewDown,
            getViewUp: getViewUp,
            getLastMonthDay: getLastMonthDay,
            getLastMonthDate: getLastMonthDate,
            getFirstMonthDate: getFirstMonthDate,
            getFirstWeekDate: getFirstWeekDate,
            normalizeDateByWeek: normalizeDateByWeek,
            getQuarter: getQuarter,
            getFirstQuarterMonth: getFirstQuarterMonth,
            dateInRange: dateInRange,
            roundToHour: roundToHour,
            normalizeDate: normalizeDate,
            getViewMinBoundaryDate: getViewMinBoundaryDate,
            getViewMaxBoundaryDate: getViewMaxBoundaryDate,
            fixTimezoneGap: fixTimezoneGap,
            getTimezonesDifference: getTimezonesDifference,
            makeDate: makeDate,
            getDatesInterval: getDatesInterval
        module.exports = dateUtils
      !*** ./js/mobile/process_hardware_back_button.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            hardwareBack = $.Callbacks();
        module.exports = function() {
        module.exports.processCallback = hardwareBack
      !*** ./js/mobile/hide_top_overlay.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray;
        var hideCallback = function() {
            var callbacks = [];
            return {
                add: function(callback) {
                    var indexOfCallback = inArray(callback, callbacks);
                    if (indexOfCallback === -1) {
                remove: function(callback) {
                    var indexOfCallback = inArray(callback, callbacks);
                    if (indexOfCallback !== -1) {
                        callbacks.splice(indexOfCallback, 1)
                fire: function() {
                    var callback = callbacks.pop(),
                        result = !!callback;
                    if (result) {
                    return result
                hasCallback: function() {
                    return callbacks.length > 0
                reset: function() {
                    callbacks = []
        module.exports = function() {
            return hideCallback.fire()
        module.exports.hideCallback = hideCallback
      !*** ./js/format_helper.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/type */ 12),
            dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/date */ 63),
            numberLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/number */ 32),
            dateLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/date */ 33),
            dependencyInjector = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/dependency_injector */ 29),
            logger = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/console */ 13).logger;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/currency */ 36);
        module.exports = dependencyInjector({
            format: function(value, format, precision) {
                var formatIsValid = commonUtils.isString(format) && "" !== format || typeUtils.isPlainObject(format) || commonUtils.isFunction(format),
                    valueIsValid = commonUtils.isNumeric(value) || commonUtils.isDate(value);
                if (!formatIsValid || !valueIsValid) {
                    return commonUtils.isDefined(value) ? value.toString() : ""
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(format)) {
                    return format(value)
                if (void 0 !== precision) {
                    logger.warn("Option 'precision' is deprecated. Use field 'precision' of a format object instead.")
                if (commonUtils.isString(format)) {
                    format = {
                        type: format,
                        precision: precision
                if (commonUtils.isNumeric(value)) {
                    return numberLocalization.format(value, format)
                if (commonUtils.isDate(value)) {
                    return dateLocalization.format(value, format)
            getTimeFormat: function(showSecond) {
                return showSecond ? "longtime" : "shorttime"
            _normalizeFormat: function(format) {
                if (!Array.isArray(format)) {
                    return format
                if (1 === format.length) {
                    return format[0]
                return function(date) {
                    return format.map(function(formatPart) {
                        return dateLocalization.format(date, formatPart)
                    }).join(" ")
            getDateFormatByDifferences: function(dateDifferences) {
                var resultFormat = [];
                if (dateDifferences.millisecond) {
                if (dateDifferences.hour || dateDifferences.minute || dateDifferences.second) {
                if (dateDifferences.year && dateDifferences.month && dateDifferences.day) {
                    return this._normalizeFormat(resultFormat)
                if (dateDifferences.year && dateDifferences.month) {
                    return "monthandyear"
                if (dateDifferences.year && dateDifferences.quarter) {
                    return "quarterandyear"
                if (dateDifferences.year) {
                    return "year"
                if (dateDifferences.quarter) {
                    return "quarter"
                if (dateDifferences.month && dateDifferences.day) {
                    return this._normalizeFormat(resultFormat)
                if (dateDifferences.month) {
                    return "month"
                if (dateDifferences.day) {
                    var dayFormatter = function(date) {
                        return dateLocalization.format(date, "dayofweek") + ", " + dateLocalization.format(date, "day")
                    return this._normalizeFormat(resultFormat)
                return this._normalizeFormat(resultFormat)
            getDateFormatByTicks: function(ticks) {
                var resultFormat, maxDiff, currentDiff, i;
                if (ticks.length > 1) {
                    maxDiff = dateUtils.getDatesDifferences(ticks[0], ticks[1]);
                    for (i = 1; i < ticks.length - 1; i++) {
                        currentDiff = dateUtils.getDatesDifferences(ticks[i], ticks[i + 1]);
                        if (maxDiff.count < currentDiff.count) {
                            maxDiff = currentDiff
                } else {
                    maxDiff = {
                        year: true,
                        month: true,
                        day: true,
                        hour: ticks[0].getHours() > 0,
                        minute: ticks[0].getMinutes() > 0,
                        second: ticks[0].getSeconds() > 0,
                        millisecond: ticks[0].getMilliseconds() > 0
                resultFormat = this.getDateFormatByDifferences(maxDiff);
                return resultFormat
            getDateFormatByTickInterval: function(startValue, endValue, tickInterval) {
                var resultFormat, dateDifferences, dateUnitInterval, dateDifferencesConverter = {
                        week: "day"
                    correctDateDifferences = function(dateDifferences, tickInterval, value) {
                        switch (tickInterval) {
                            case "year":
                            case "quarter":
                                dateDifferences.month = value;
                            case "month":
                                dateDifferences.day = value;
                            case "week":
                            case "day":
                                dateDifferences.hour = value;
                            case "hour":
                                dateDifferences.minute = value;
                            case "minute":
                                dateDifferences.second = value;
                            case "second":
                                dateDifferences.millisecond = value
                    correctDifferencesByMaxDate = function(differences, minDate, maxDate) {
                        if (!maxDate.getMilliseconds() && maxDate.getSeconds()) {
                            if (maxDate.getSeconds() - minDate.getSeconds() === 1) {
                                differences.millisecond = true;
                                differences.second = false
                        } else {
                            if (!maxDate.getSeconds() && maxDate.getMinutes()) {
                                if (maxDate.getMinutes() - minDate.getMinutes() === 1) {
                                    differences.second = true;
                                    differences.minute = false
                            } else {
                                if (!maxDate.getMinutes() && maxDate.getHours()) {
                                    if (maxDate.getHours() - minDate.getHours() === 1) {
                                        differences.minute = true;
                                        differences.hour = false
                                } else {
                                    if (!maxDate.getHours() && maxDate.getDate() > 1) {
                                        if (maxDate.getDate() - minDate.getDate() === 1) {
                                            differences.hour = true;
                                            differences.day = false
                                    } else {
                                        if (1 === maxDate.getDate() && maxDate.getMonth()) {
                                            if (maxDate.getMonth() - minDate.getMonth() === 1) {
                                                differences.day = true;
                                                differences.month = false
                                        } else {
                                            if (!maxDate.getMonth() && maxDate.getFullYear()) {
                                                if (maxDate.getFullYear() - minDate.getFullYear() === 1) {
                                                    differences.month = true;
                                                    differences.year = false
                tickInterval = commonUtils.isString(tickInterval) ? tickInterval.toLowerCase() : tickInterval;
                dateDifferences = dateUtils.getDatesDifferences(startValue, endValue);
                if (startValue !== endValue) {
                    correctDifferencesByMaxDate(dateDifferences, startValue > endValue ? endValue : startValue, startValue > endValue ? startValue : endValue)
                dateUnitInterval = dateUtils.getDateUnitInterval(dateDifferences);
                correctDateDifferences(dateDifferences, dateUnitInterval, true);
                dateUnitInterval = dateUtils.getDateUnitInterval(tickInterval || "second");
                correctDateDifferences(dateDifferences, dateUnitInterval, false);
                dateDifferences[dateDifferencesConverter[dateUnitInterval] || dateUnitInterval] = true;
                resultFormat = this.getDateFormatByDifferences(dateDifferences);
                return resultFormat
      !*** ./js/animation/presets/presets.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Component = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component */ 48),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            fx = __webpack_require__( /*! ../fx */ 68);
        var directionPostfixes = {
            forward: " dx-forward",
            backward: " dx-backward",
            none: " dx-no-direction",
            undefined: " dx-no-direction"
        var optionPrefix = "preset_";
        var AnimationPresetCollection = Component.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._registeredPresets = [];
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    defaultAnimationDuration: 400,
                    defaultAnimationDelay: 0,
                    defaultStaggerAnimationDuration: 300,
                    defaultStaggerAnimationDelay: 40,
                    defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay: 500
            _defaultOptionsRules: function() {
                return this.callBase().concat([{
                    device: function(device) {
                        return device.phone
                    options: {
                        defaultStaggerAnimationDuration: 350,
                        defaultStaggerAnimationDelay: 50,
                        defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay: 0
                }, {
                    device: function() {
                        return devices.current().android || devices.real.android
                    options: {
                        defaultAnimationDelay: 100
            _getPresetOptionName: function(animationName) {
                return optionPrefix + animationName
            _createAndroidSlideAnimationConfig: function(throughOpacity, widthMultiplier) {
                var that = this;
                var createBaseConfig = function(configModifier) {
                    return {
                        type: "slide",
                        delay: void 0 === configModifier.delay ? that.option("defaultAnimationDelay") : configModifier.delay,
                        duration: void 0 === configModifier.duration ? that.option("defaultAnimationDuration") : configModifier.duration
                return {
                    enter: function($element, configModifier) {
                        var width = $element.parent().width() * widthMultiplier,
                            direction = configModifier.direction,
                            config = createBaseConfig(configModifier);
                        config.to = {
                            left: 0,
                            opacity: 1
                        if ("forward" === direction) {
                            config.from = {
                                left: width,
                                opacity: throughOpacity
                        } else {
                            if ("backward" === direction) {
                                config.from = {
                                    left: -width,
                                    opacity: throughOpacity
                            } else {
                                config.from = {
                                    left: 0,
                                    opacity: 0
                        return fx.createAnimation($element, config)
                    leave: function($element, configModifier) {
                        var width = $element.parent().width() * widthMultiplier,
                            direction = configModifier.direction,
                            config = createBaseConfig(configModifier);
                        config.from = {
                            left: 0,
                            opacity: 1
                        if ("forward" === direction) {
                            config.to = {
                                left: -width,
                                opacity: throughOpacity
                        } else {
                            if ("backward" === direction) {
                                config.to = {
                                    left: width,
                                    opacity: throughOpacity
                            } else {
                                config.to = {
                                    left: 0,
                                    opacity: 0
                        return fx.createAnimation($element, config)
            _createOpenDoorConfig: function() {
                var that = this;
                var createBaseConfig = function(configModifier) {
                    return {
                        type: "css",
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-opendoor-animation",
                        delay: void 0 === configModifier.delay ? that.option("defaultAnimationDelay") : configModifier.delay,
                        duration: void 0 === configModifier.duration ? that.option("defaultAnimationDuration") : configModifier.duration
                return {
                    enter: function($element, configModifier) {
                        var direction = configModifier.direction,
                            config = createBaseConfig(configModifier);
                        config.delay = "none" === direction ? config.delay : config.duration;
                        config.from = "dx-enter dx-opendoor-animation" + directionPostfixes[direction];
                        config.to = "dx-enter-active";
                        return fx.createAnimation($element, config)
                    leave: function($element, configModifier) {
                        var direction = configModifier.direction,
                            config = createBaseConfig(configModifier);
                        config.from = "dx-leave dx-opendoor-animation" + directionPostfixes[direction];
                        config.to = "dx-leave-active";
                        return fx.createAnimation($element, config)
            _createWinPopConfig: function() {
                var that = this,
                    baseConfig = {
                        type: "css",
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-win-pop-animation",
                        duration: that.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                return {
                    enter: function($element, configModifier) {
                        var config = baseConfig,
                            direction = configModifier.direction;
                        config.delay = "none" === direction ? that.option("defaultAnimationDelay") : that.option("defaultAnimationDuration") / 2;
                        config.from = "dx-enter dx-win-pop-animation" + directionPostfixes[direction];
                        config.to = "dx-enter-active";
                        return fx.createAnimation($element, config)
                    leave: function($element, configModifier) {
                        var config = baseConfig,
                            direction = configModifier.direction;
                        config.delay = that.option("defaultAnimationDelay");
                        config.from = "dx-leave dx-win-pop-animation" + directionPostfixes[direction];
                        config.to = "dx-leave-active";
                        return fx.createAnimation($element, config)
            resetToDefaults: function() {
            clear: function(name) {
                var that = this,
                    newRegisteredPresets = [];
                $.each(this._registeredPresets, function(index, preset) {
                    if (!name || name === preset.name) {
                        that.option(that._getPresetOptionName(preset.name), void 0)
                    } else {
                this._registeredPresets = newRegisteredPresets;
            registerPreset: function(name, config) {
                    name: name,
                    config: config
            applyChanges: function() {
                var that = this;
                var customRules = [];
                $.each(this._registeredPresets, function(index, preset) {
                    var rule = {
                        device: preset.config.device,
                        options: {}
                    rule.options[that._getPresetOptionName(preset.name)] = preset.config.animation;
            getPreset: function(name) {
                var result = name;
                while ("string" === typeof result) {
                    result = this.option(this._getPresetOptionName(result))
                return result
            registerDefaultPresets: function() {
                this.registerPreset("pop", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-android-pop-animation",
                        delay: this.option("defaultAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                this.registerPreset("openDoor", {
                    animation: this._createOpenDoorConfig()
                this.registerPreset("win-pop", {
                    animation: this._createWinPopConfig()
                this.registerPreset("fade", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-fade-animation",
                        delay: this.option("defaultAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                this.registerPreset("slide", {
                    device: function() {
                        return devices.current().android || devices.real.android
                    animation: this._createAndroidSlideAnimationConfig(1, 1)
                this.registerPreset("slide", {
                    device: function() {
                        return !devices.current().android && !devices.real.android
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-slide-animation",
                        delay: this.option("defaultAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                this.registerPreset("ios7-slide", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-ios7-slide-animation",
                        delay: this.option("defaultAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                this.registerPreset("overflow", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-overflow-animation",
                        delay: this.option("defaultAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                this.registerPreset("ios7-toolbar", {
                    device: function() {
                        return !devices.current().android && !devices.real.android
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-ios7-toolbar-animation",
                        delay: this.option("defaultAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultAnimationDuration")
                this.registerPreset("ios7-toolbar", {
                    device: function() {
                        return devices.current().android || devices.real.android
                    animation: this._createAndroidSlideAnimationConfig(0, .4)
                this.registerPreset("stagger-fade", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-fade-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-slide", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-slide-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-fade-slide", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-fade-slide-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-drop", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-drop-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-fade-drop", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-fade-drop-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-fade-rise", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-fade-rise-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-3d-drop", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-3d-drop-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
                this.registerPreset("stagger-fade-zoom", {
                    animation: {
                        extraCssClasses: "dx-fade-zoom-animation",
                        staggerDelay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDelay"),
                        duration: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationDuration"),
                        delay: this.option("defaultStaggerAnimationStartDelay")
        exports.PresetCollection = AnimationPresetCollection;
        var animationPresets = new AnimationPresetCollection;
        exports.presets = animationPresets
      !*** ./js/animation/fx.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            translator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./translator */ 69),
            animationFrame = __webpack_require__( /*! ./frame */ 59),
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/support */ 61),
            positionUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./position */ 70),
            removeEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/remove_event */ 47),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../events/utils */ 71),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            transitionEndEventName = support.transitionEndEventName + ".dxFX",
            removeEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(removeEvent, "dxFX"),
            isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction,
            isPlainObject = typeUtils.isPlainObject,
            noop = commonUtils.noop;
        var CSS_TRANSITION_EASING_REGEX = /cubic-bezier\((\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\)/,
            RELATIVE_VALUE_REGEX = /^([+-])=(.*)/i,
            ANIM_DATA_KEY = "dxAnimData",
            ANIM_QUEUE_KEY = "dxAnimQueue",
            TRANSFORM_PROP = "transform";
        var TransitionAnimationStrategy = {
            initAnimation: function($element, config) {
                    transitionProperty: "none"
                if ("string" === typeof config.from) {
                } else {
                    setProps($element, config.from)
                var that = this,
                    deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    cleanupWhen = config.cleanupWhen;
                config.transitionAnimation = {
                    deferred: deferred,
                    finish: function() {
                        if (cleanupWhen) {
                            when(deferred, cleanupWhen).always(function() {
                                that._cleanup($element, config)
                        } else {
                            that._cleanup($element, config)
                        deferred.resolveWith($element, [config, $element])
                this._completeAnimationCallback($element, config).done(function() {
                }).fail(function() {
                    deferred.rejectWith($element, [config, $element])
                if (!config.duration) {
            animate: function($element, config) {
                this._startAnimation($element, config);
                return config.transitionAnimation.deferred.promise()
            _completeAnimationCallback: function($element, config) {
                var simulatedEndEventTimer, waitForJSCompleteTimer, that = this,
                    startTime = $.now() + config.delay,
                    deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    transitionEndFired = $.Deferred(),
                    simulatedTransitionEndFired = $.Deferred();
                config.transitionAnimation.cleanup = function() {
                $element.one(transitionEndEventName, function() {
                    if ($.now() - startTime >= config.duration) {
                }).off(removeEventName).on(removeEventName, function() {
                    that.stop($element, config);
                waitForJSCompleteTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    simulatedEndEventTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    }, config.duration + config.delay + fx._simulatedTransitionEndDelay);
                    when(transitionEndFired, simulatedTransitionEndFired).fail(function() {
                return deferred.promise()
            _startAnimation: function($element, config) {
                    transitionProperty: "all",
                    transitionDelay: config.delay + "ms",
                    transitionDuration: config.duration + "ms",
                    transitionTimingFunction: config.easing
                if ("string" === typeof config.to) {
                    $element[0].className += " " + config.to
                } else {
                    if (config.to) {
                        setProps($element, config.to)
            _finishTransition: function($element) {
                $element.css("transition", "none")
            _cleanup: function($element, config) {
                if ("string" === typeof config.from) {
            stop: function($element, config, jumpToEnd) {
                if (!config) {
                if (jumpToEnd) {
                } else {
                    if (isPlainObject(config.to)) {
                        $.each(config.to, function(key) {
                            $element.css(key, $element.css(key))
                    this._cleanup($element, config)
        var FrameAnimationStrategy = {
            initAnimation: function($element, config) {
                setProps($element, config.from)
            animate: function($element, config) {
                var deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    that = this;
                if (!config) {
                    return deferred.reject().promise()
                $.each(config.to, function(prop) {
                    if (void 0 === config.from[prop]) {
                        config.from[prop] = that._normalizeValue($element.css(prop))
                if (config.to[TRANSFORM_PROP]) {
                    config.from[TRANSFORM_PROP] = that._parseTransform(config.from[TRANSFORM_PROP]);
                    config.to[TRANSFORM_PROP] = that._parseTransform(config.to[TRANSFORM_PROP])
                config.frameAnimation = {
                    to: config.to,
                    from: config.from,
                    currentValue: config.from,
                    easing: convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing(config.easing),
                    duration: config.duration,
                    startTime: (new Date).valueOf(),
                    finish: function() {
                        this.currentValue = this.to;
                    draw: function() {
                        if (config.draw) {
                        var currentValue = extend({}, this.currentValue);
                        if (currentValue[TRANSFORM_PROP]) {
                            currentValue[TRANSFORM_PROP] = $.map(currentValue[TRANSFORM_PROP], function(value, prop) {
                                if ("translate" === prop) {
                                    return translator.getTranslateCss(value)
                                } else {
                                    if ("scale" === prop) {
                                        return "scale(" + value + ")"
                                    } else {
                                        if ("rotate" === prop.substr(0, prop.length - 1)) {
                                            return prop + "(" + value + "deg)"
                            }).join(" ")
                if (config.delay) {
                    config.frameAnimation.startTime += config.delay;
                    config.frameAnimation.delayTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        that._startAnimation($element, config)
                    }, config.delay)
                } else {
                    that._startAnimation($element, config)
                return deferred.promise()
            _startAnimation: function($element, config) {
                $element.off(removeEventName).on(removeEventName, function() {
                    if (config.frameAnimation) {
                this._animationStep($element, config)
            _parseTransform: function(transformString) {
                var result = {};
                $.each(transformString.match(/(\w|\d)+\([^\)]*\)\s*/g), function(i, part) {
                    var translateData = translator.parseTranslate(part),
                        scaleData = part.match(/scale\((.+?)\)/),
                        rotateData = part.match(/(rotate.)\((.+)deg\)/);
                    if (translateData) {
                        result.translate = translateData
                    if (scaleData && scaleData[1]) {
                        result.scale = parseFloat(scaleData[1])
                    if (rotateData && rotateData[1]) {
                        result[rotateData[1]] = parseFloat(rotateData[2])
                return result
            stop: function($element, config, jumpToEnd) {
                var frameAnimation = config && config.frameAnimation;
                if (!frameAnimation) {
                if (jumpToEnd) {
                delete config.frameAnimation
            _animationStep: function($element, config) {
                var frameAnimation = config && config.frameAnimation;
                if (!frameAnimation) {
                var now = (new Date).valueOf();
                if (now >= frameAnimation.startTime + frameAnimation.duration) {
                frameAnimation.currentValue = this._calcStepValue(frameAnimation, now - frameAnimation.startTime);
                var that = this;
                frameAnimation.animationFrameId = animationFrame.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
                    that._animationStep($element, config)
            _calcStepValue: function(frameAnimation, currentDuration) {
                var calcValueRecursively = function(from, to) {
                    var result = Array.isArray(to) ? [] : {};
                    var calcEasedValue = function(propName) {
                        var x = currentDuration / frameAnimation.duration,
                            t = currentDuration,
                            b = 1 * from[propName],
                            c = to[propName] - from[propName],
                            d = frameAnimation.duration;
                        return $.easing[frameAnimation.easing](x, t, b, c, d)
                    $.each(to, function(propName, endPropValue) {
                        if ("string" === typeof endPropValue && false === parseFloat(endPropValue, 10)) {
                            return true
                        result[propName] = "object" === typeof endPropValue ? calcValueRecursively(from[propName], endPropValue) : calcEasedValue(propName)
                    return result
                return calcValueRecursively(frameAnimation.from, frameAnimation.to)
            _normalizeValue: function(value) {
                var numericValue = parseFloat(value, 10);
                if (false === numericValue) {
                    return value
                return numericValue
        var FallbackToNoAnimationStrategy = {
            initAnimation: function() {},
            animate: function() {
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            stop: noop,
            isSynchronous: true
        var animationStrategies = {
            transition: support.transition ? TransitionAnimationStrategy : FrameAnimationStrategy,
            frame: FrameAnimationStrategy,
            noAnimation: FallbackToNoAnimationStrategy
        var getAnimationStrategy = function(config) {
            config = config || {};
            var strategy = config.strategy || "transition";
            if ("css" === config.type && !support.transition) {
                strategy = "noAnimation"
            return animationStrategies[strategy]
        var TransitionTimingFuncMap = {
            linear: "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1)",
            ease: "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)",
            "ease-in": "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1)",
            "ease-out": "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1)",
            "ease-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)"
        var convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing = function(cssTransitionEasing) {
            cssTransitionEasing = TransitionTimingFuncMap[cssTransitionEasing] || cssTransitionEasing;
            var coeffs = cssTransitionEasing.match(CSS_TRANSITION_EASING_REGEX);
            if (!coeffs) {
                return "linear"
            coeffs = coeffs.slice(1, 5);
            $.each(coeffs, function(index, value) {
                coeffs[index] = parseFloat(value)
            var easingName = "cubicbezier_" + coeffs.join("_").replace(/\./g, "p");
            if (!isFunction($.easing[easingName])) {
                var polynomBezier = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
                    var Cx = 3 * x1,
                        Bx = 3 * (x2 - x1) - Cx,
                        Ax = 1 - Cx - Bx,
                        Cy = 3 * y1,
                        By = 3 * (y2 - y1) - Cy,
                        Ay = 1 - Cy - By;
                    var bezierX = function(t) {
                        return t * (Cx + t * (Bx + t * Ax))
                    var bezierY = function(t) {
                        return t * (Cy + t * (By + t * Ay))
                    var findXFor = function(t) {
                        var z, x = t,
                            i = 0;
                        while (i < 14) {
                            z = bezierX(x) - t;
                            if (Math.abs(z) < .001) {
                            x -= z / derivativeX(x);
                        return x
                    var derivativeX = function(t) {
                        return Cx + t * (2 * Bx + 3 * t * Ax)
                    return function(t) {
                        return bezierY(findXFor(t))
                $.easing[easingName] = function(x, t, b, c, d) {
                    return c * polynomBezier(coeffs[0], coeffs[1], coeffs[2], coeffs[3])(t / d) + b
            return easingName
        var baseConfigValidator = function(config, animationType, validate, typeMessage) {
            $.each(["from", "to"], function() {
                if (!validate(config[this])) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0010", animationType, this, typeMessage)
        var isObjectConfigValidator = function(config, animationType) {
            return baseConfigValidator(config, animationType, function(target) {
                return isPlainObject(target)
            }, "a plain object")
        var isStringConfigValidator = function(config, animationType) {
            return baseConfigValidator(config, animationType, function(target) {
                return "string" === typeof target
            }, "a string")
        var CustomAnimationConfigurator = {
            setup: function() {}
        var CssAnimationConfigurator = {
            validateConfig: function(config) {
                isStringConfigValidator(config, "css")
            setup: function() {}
        var positionAliases = {
            top: {
                my: "bottom center",
                at: "top center"
            bottom: {
                my: "top center",
                at: "bottom center"
            right: {
                my: "left center",
                at: "right center"
            left: {
                my: "right center",
                at: "left center"
        var SlideAnimationConfigurator = {
            validateConfig: function(config) {
                isObjectConfigValidator(config, "slide")
            setup: function($element, config) {
                var location = translator.locate($element);
                if ("slide" !== config.type) {
                    var positioningConfig = "slideIn" === config.type ? config.from : config.to;
                    positioningConfig.position = extend({ of: window
                    }, positionAliases[config.direction]);
                    setupPosition($element, positioningConfig)
                this._setUpConfig(location, config.from);
                this._setUpConfig(location, config.to);
            _setUpConfig: function(location, config) {
                config.left = "left" in config ? config.left : "+=0";
                config.top = "top" in config ? config.top : "+=0";
                this._initNewPosition(location, config)
            _initNewPosition: function(location, config) {
                var position = {
                    left: config.left,
                    top: config.top
                delete config.left;
                delete config.top;
                var relativeValue = this._getRelativeValue(position.left);
                if (void 0 !== relativeValue) {
                    position.left = relativeValue + location.left
                } else {
                    config.left = 0
                relativeValue = this._getRelativeValue(position.top);
                if (void 0 !== relativeValue) {
                    position.top = relativeValue + location.top
                } else {
                    config.top = 0
                config[TRANSFORM_PROP] = translator.getTranslateCss({
                    x: position.left,
                    y: position.top
            _getRelativeValue: function(value) {
                var relativeValue;
                if ("string" === typeof value && (relativeValue = RELATIVE_VALUE_REGEX.exec(value))) {
                    return parseInt(relativeValue[1] + "1") * relativeValue[2]
        var FadeAnimationConfigurator = {
            setup: function($element, config) {
                var toOpacity, from = config.from,
                    fromOpacity = isPlainObject(from) ? config.skipElementInitialStyles ? 0 : $element.css("opacity") : String(from);
                switch (config.type) {
                    case "fadeIn":
                        toOpacity = 1;
                    case "fadeOut":
                        toOpacity = 0;
                        toOpacity = String(config.to)
                config.from = {
                    visibility: "visible",
                    opacity: fromOpacity
                config.to = {
                    opacity: toOpacity
        var PopAnimationConfigurator = {
            validateConfig: function(config) {
                isObjectConfigValidator(config, "pop")
            setup: function($element, config) {
                var from = config.from,
                    to = config.to,
                    fromOpacity = "opacity" in from ? from.opacity : $element.css("opacity"),
                    toOpacity = "opacity" in to ? to.opacity : 1,
                    fromScale = "scale" in from ? from.scale : 0,
                    toScale = "scale" in to ? to.scale : 1;
                config.from = {
                    opacity: fromOpacity
                var translate = translator.getTranslate($element);
                config.from[TRANSFORM_PROP] = this._getCssTransform(translate, fromScale);
                config.to = {
                    opacity: toOpacity
                config.to[TRANSFORM_PROP] = this._getCssTransform(translate, toScale)
            _getCssTransform: function(translate, scale) {
                return translator.getTranslateCss(translate) + "scale(" + scale + ")"
        var animationConfigurators = {
            custom: CustomAnimationConfigurator,
            slide: SlideAnimationConfigurator,
            slideIn: SlideAnimationConfigurator,
            slideOut: SlideAnimationConfigurator,
            fade: FadeAnimationConfigurator,
            fadeIn: FadeAnimationConfigurator,
            fadeOut: FadeAnimationConfigurator,
            pop: PopAnimationConfigurator,
            css: CssAnimationConfigurator
        var getAnimationConfigurator = function(config) {
            var result = animationConfigurators[config.type];
            if (!result) {
                throw errors.Error("E0011", config.type)
            return result
        var defaultJSConfig = {
                type: "custom",
                from: {},
                to: {},
                duration: 400,
                start: noop,
                complete: noop,
                easing: "ease",
                delay: 0
            defaultCssConfig = {
                duration: 400,
                easing: "ease",
                delay: 0
        var setupAnimationOnElement = function() {
            var animation = this,
                $element = animation.element,
                config = animation.config;
            setupPosition($element, config.from);
            setupPosition($element, config.to);
            animation.configurator.setup($element, config);
            $element.data(ANIM_DATA_KEY, animation);
            if (fx.off) {
                config.duration = 0;
                config.delay = 0
            animation.strategy.initAnimation($element, config);
            if (config.start) {
                config.start.apply(this, [$element, config])
        var onElementAnimationComplete = function(animation) {
            var $element = animation.element,
                config = animation.config;
            if (config.complete) {
                config.complete.apply(this, [$element, config])
            animation.deferred.resolveWith(this, [$element, config])
        var startAnimationOnElement = function() {
            var animation = this,
                $element = animation.element,
                config = animation.config;
            animation.isStarted = true;
            return animation.strategy.animate($element, config).done(function() {
            }).fail(function() {
                animation.deferred.rejectWith(this, [$element, config])
        var stopAnimationOnElement = function(jumpToEnd) {
            var animation = this,
                $element = animation.element,
                config = animation.config;
            if (!animation.isStarted) {
            animation.strategy.stop($element, config, jumpToEnd)
        var scopedRemoveEvent = eventUtils.addNamespace(removeEvent, "dxFXStartAnimation");
        var subscribeToRemoveEvent = function(animation) {
            animation.element.off(scopedRemoveEvent).on(scopedRemoveEvent, function() {
            animation.deferred.always(function() {
        var createAnimation = function(element, initialConfig) {
            var defaultConfig = "css" === initialConfig.type ? defaultCssConfig : defaultJSConfig,
                config = extend(true, {}, defaultConfig, initialConfig),
                configurator = getAnimationConfigurator(config),
                strategy = getAnimationStrategy(config),
                animation = {
                    element: $(element),
                    config: config,
                    configurator: configurator,
                    strategy: strategy,
                    isSynchronous: strategy.isSynchronous,
                    setup: setupAnimationOnElement,
                    start: startAnimationOnElement,
                    stop: stopAnimationOnElement,
                    deferred: $.Deferred()
            if (isFunction(configurator.validateConfig)) {
            return animation
        var animate = function(element, config) {
            var $element = $(element);
            if (!$element.length) {
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            var animation = createAnimation($element, config);
            pushInAnimationQueue($element, animation);
            return animation.deferred.promise()
        var pushInAnimationQueue = function($element, animation) {
            var queueData = getAnimQueueData($element);
            writeAnimQueueData($element, queueData);
            if (!isAnimating($element)) {
                shiftFromAnimationQueue($element, queueData)
        var getAnimQueueData = function($element) {
            return $element.data(ANIM_QUEUE_KEY) || []
        var writeAnimQueueData = function($element, queueData) {
            $element.data(ANIM_QUEUE_KEY, queueData)
        var destroyAnimQueueData = function($element) {
        var isAnimating = function($element) {
            return !!$element.data(ANIM_DATA_KEY)
        var shiftFromAnimationQueue = function($element, queueData) {
            queueData = getAnimQueueData($element);
            if (!queueData.length) {
            var animation = queueData.shift();
            if (0 === queueData.length) {
            executeAnimation(animation).done(function() {
                if (!isAnimating($element)) {
        var executeAnimation = function(animation) {
            if (fx.off || animation.isSynchronous) {
            } else {
                animation.startTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
            return animation.deferred.promise()
        var setupPosition = function($element, config) {
            if (!config || !config.position) {
            var position = positionUtils.calculate($element, config.position),
                offset = $element.offset(),
                currentPosition = $element.position();
            extend(config, {
                left: position.h.location - offset.left + currentPosition.left,
                top: position.v.location - offset.top + currentPosition.top
            delete config.position
        var setProps = function($element, props) {
            $.each(props, function(key, value) {
                try {
                    $element.css(key, value)
                } catch (e) {}
        var stop = function(element, jumpToEnd) {
            var $element = $(element),
                queueData = getAnimQueueData($element);
            $.each(queueData, function(_, animation) {
                animation.config.delay = 0;
                animation.config.duration = 0;
                animation.isSynchronous = true
            if (!isAnimating($element)) {
                shiftFromAnimationQueue($element, queueData)
            var animation = $element.data(ANIM_DATA_KEY);
            if (animation) {
        var fx = {
            off: false,
            animationTypes: animationConfigurators,
            animate: animate,
            createAnimation: createAnimation,
            isAnimating: isAnimating,
            stop: stop,
            _simulatedTransitionEndDelay: 100
        fx.__internals = {
            convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing: convertTransitionTimingFuncToJQueryEasing
        module.exports = fx
      !*** ./js/animation/translator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            type = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).type;
        var TRANSLATOR_DATA_KEY = "dxTranslator",
            TRANSFORM_MATRIX_REGEX = /matrix(3d)?\((.+?)\)/,
            TRANSLATE_REGEX = /translate(?:3d)?\((.+?)\)/;
        var locate = function($element) {
            var translate = getTranslate($element);
            return {
                left: translate.x,
                top: translate.y
        var move = function($element, position) {
            var translate, left = position.left,
                top = position.top;
            if (void 0 === left) {
                translate = getTranslate($element);
                translate.y = top || 0
            } else {
                if (void 0 === top) {
                    translate = getTranslate($element);
                    translate.x = left || 0
                } else {
                    translate = {
                        x: left || 0,
                        y: top || 0,
                        z: 0
                    cacheTranslate($element, translate)
                transform: getTranslateCss(translate)
            if (isPercentValue(left) || isPercentValue(top)) {
        var isPercentValue = function(value) {
            return "string" === type(value) && "%" === value[value.length - 1]
        var getTranslate = function($element) {
            var result = $element.length ? $.data($element.get(0), TRANSLATOR_DATA_KEY) : null;
            if (!result) {
                var transformValue = $element.css("transform") || getTranslateCss({
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                    matrix = transformValue.match(TRANSFORM_MATRIX_REGEX),
                    is3D = matrix && matrix[1];
                if (matrix) {
                    matrix = matrix[2].split(",");
                    if ("3d" === is3D) {
                        matrix = matrix.slice(12, 15)
                    } else {
                        matrix = matrix.slice(4, 7)
                } else {
                    matrix = [0, 0, 0]
                result = {
                    x: parseFloat(matrix[0]),
                    y: parseFloat(matrix[1]),
                    z: parseFloat(matrix[2])
                cacheTranslate($element, result)
            return result
        var cacheTranslate = function($element, translate) {
            if ($element.length) {
                $.data($element.get(0), TRANSLATOR_DATA_KEY, translate)
        var clearCache = function($element) {
            if ($element.length) {
                $.removeData($element.get(0), TRANSLATOR_DATA_KEY)
        var resetPosition = function($element) {
                left: 0,
                top: 0,
                transform: "none"
        var parseTranslate = function(translateString) {
            var result = translateString.match(TRANSLATE_REGEX);
            if (!result || !result[1]) {
            result = result[1].split(",");
            result = {
                x: parseFloat(result[0]),
                y: parseFloat(result[1]),
                z: parseFloat(result[2])
            return result
        var getTranslateCss = function(translate) {
            translate.x = translate.x || 0;
            translate.y = translate.y || 0;
            var xValueString = isPercentValue(translate.x) ? translate.x : translate.x + "px";
            var yValueString = isPercentValue(translate.y) ? translate.y : translate.y + "px";
            return "translate(" + xValueString + ", " + yValueString + ")"
        exports.move = move;
        exports.locate = locate;
        exports.clearCache = clearCache;
        exports.parseTranslate = parseTranslate;
        exports.getTranslate = getTranslate;
        exports.getTranslateCss = getTranslateCss;
        exports.resetPosition = resetPosition
      !*** ./js/animation/position.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            stringUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/string */ 18),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            translator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./translator */ 69),
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/support */ 61);
        var horzRe = /left|right/,
            vertRe = /top|bottom/,
            collisionRe = /fit|flip|none/;
        var normalizeAlign = function(raw) {
            var result = {
                h: "center",
                v: "center"
            var pair = commonUtils.splitPair(raw);
            if (pair) {
                $.each(pair, function() {
                    var w = String(this).toLowerCase();
                    if (horzRe.test(w)) {
                        result.h = w
                    } else {
                        if (vertRe.test(w)) {
                            result.v = w
            return result
        var normalizeOffset = function(raw) {
            return stringUtils.pairToObject(raw)
        var normalizeCollision = function(raw) {
            var pair = commonUtils.splitPair(raw),
                h = String(pair && pair[0]).toLowerCase(),
                v = String(pair && pair[1]).toLowerCase();
            if (!collisionRe.test(h)) {
                h = "none"
            if (!collisionRe.test(v)) {
                v = h
            return {
                h: h,
                v: v
        var getAlignFactor = function(align) {
            switch (align) {
                case "center":
                    return .5;
                case "right":
                case "bottom":
                    return 1;
                    return 0
        var inverseAlign = function(align) {
            switch (align) {
                case "left":
                    return "right";
                case "right":
                    return "left";
                case "top":
                    return "bottom";
                case "bottom":
                    return "top";
                    return align
        var calculateOversize = function(data, bounds) {
            var oversize = 0;
            if (data.myLocation < bounds.min) {
                oversize += bounds.min - data.myLocation
            if (data.myLocation > bounds.max) {
                oversize += data.myLocation - bounds.max
            return oversize
        var collisionSide = function(direction, data, bounds) {
            if (data.myLocation < bounds.min) {
                return "h" === direction ? "left" : "top"
            if (data.myLocation > bounds.max) {
                return "h" === direction ? "right" : "bottom"
            return "none"
        var initMyLocation = function(data) {
            data.myLocation = data.atLocation + getAlignFactor(data.atAlign) * data.atSize - getAlignFactor(data.myAlign) * data.mySize + data.offset
        var collisionResolvers = {
            fit: function(data, bounds) {
                var result = false;
                if (data.myLocation > bounds.max) {
                    data.myLocation = bounds.max;
                    result = true
                if (data.myLocation < bounds.min) {
                    data.myLocation = bounds.min;
                    result = true
                data.fit = result
            flip: function(data, bounds) {
                data.flip = false;
                if ("center" === data.myAlign && "center" === data.atAlign) {
                if (data.myLocation < bounds.min || data.myLocation > bounds.max) {
                    var inverseData = extend({}, data, {
                        myAlign: inverseAlign(data.myAlign),
                        atAlign: inverseAlign(data.atAlign),
                        offset: -data.offset
                    inverseData.oversize = calculateOversize(inverseData, bounds);
                    if (inverseData.myLocation >= bounds.min && inverseData.myLocation <= bounds.max || data.oversize > inverseData.oversize) {
                        data.myLocation = inverseData.myLocation;
                        data.oversize = inverseData.oversize;
                        data.flip = true
            flipfit: function(data, bounds) {
                this.flip(data, bounds);
                this.fit(data, bounds)
            none: function(data) {
                data.oversize = 0
        var scrollbarWidth;
        var calculateScrollbarWidth = function() {
            var $scrollDiv = $("<div>").css({
                    width: 100,
                    height: 100,
                    overflow: "scroll",
                    position: "absolute",
                    top: -9999
                result = $scrollDiv.get(0).offsetWidth - $scrollDiv.get(0).clientWidth;
            scrollbarWidth = result
        var defaultPositionResult = {
            h: {
                location: 0,
                flip: false,
                fit: false,
                oversize: 0
            v: {
                location: 0,
                flip: false,
                fit: false,
                oversize: 0
        var calculatePosition = function(what, options) {
            var $what = $(what),
                currentOffset = $what.offset(),
                result = extend(true, {}, defaultPositionResult, {
                    h: {
                        location: currentOffset.left
                    v: {
                        location: currentOffset.top
            if (!options) {
                return result
            var my = normalizeAlign(options.my),
                at = normalizeAlign(options.at),
                of = options.of || window,
                offset = normalizeOffset(options.offset),
                collision = normalizeCollision(options.collision),
                boundary = options.boundary,
                boundaryOffset = normalizeOffset(options.boundaryOffset);
            var h = {
                mySize: $what.outerWidth(),
                myAlign: my.h,
                atAlign: at.h,
                offset: offset.h,
                collision: collision.h,
                boundaryOffset: boundaryOffset.h
            var v = {
                mySize: $what.outerHeight(),
                myAlign: my.v,
                atAlign: at.v,
                offset: offset.v,
                collision: collision.v,
                boundaryOffset: boundaryOffset.v
            if ( of .preventDefault) {
                h.atLocation = of .pageX;
                v.atLocation = of .pageY;
                h.atSize = 0;
                v.atSize = 0
            } else { of = $( of );
                if (commonUtils.isWindow( of [0])) {
                    h.atLocation = of .scrollLeft();
                    v.atLocation = of .scrollTop();
                    h.atSize = of [0].innerWidth > of [0].outerWidth ? of [0].innerWidth : of .width();
                    v.atSize = of [0].innerHeight > of [0].outerHeight ? of [0].innerHeight : of .height()
                } else {
                    if (9 === of [0].nodeType) {
                        h.atLocation = 0;
                        v.atLocation = 0;
                        h.atSize = of .width();
                        v.atSize = of .height()
                    } else {
                        var o = of .offset();
                        h.atLocation = o.left;
                        v.atLocation = o.top;
                        h.atSize = of .outerWidth();
                        v.atSize = of .outerHeight()
            var bounds = function() {
                var win = $(window),
                    windowWidth = win.width(),
                    windowHeight = win.height(),
                    left = win.scrollLeft(),
                    top = win.scrollTop(),
                    hScrollbar = document.width > document.documentElement.clientWidth,
                    vScrollbar = document.height > document.documentElement.clientHeight,
                    hZoomLevel = support.touch ? document.documentElement.clientWidth / (vScrollbar ? windowWidth - scrollbarWidth : windowWidth) : 1,
                    vZoomLevel = support.touch ? document.documentElement.clientHeight / (hScrollbar ? windowHeight - scrollbarWidth : windowHeight) : 1;
                if (void 0 === scrollbarWidth) {
                var boundaryWidth = windowWidth,
                    boundaryHeight = windowHeight;
                if (boundary) {
                    var $boundary = $(boundary),
                        boundaryPosition = $boundary.offset();
                    left = boundaryPosition.left;
                    top = boundaryPosition.top;
                    boundaryWidth = $boundary.width();
                    boundaryHeight = $boundary.height()
                return {
                    h: {
                        min: left + h.boundaryOffset,
                        max: left + boundaryWidth / hZoomLevel - h.mySize - h.boundaryOffset
                    v: {
                        min: top + v.boundaryOffset,
                        max: top + boundaryHeight / vZoomLevel - v.mySize - v.boundaryOffset
            h.oversize = calculateOversize(h, bounds.h);
            v.oversize = calculateOversize(v, bounds.v);
            h.collisionSide = collisionSide("h", h, bounds.h);
            v.collisionSide = collisionSide("v", v, bounds.v);
            if (collisionResolvers[h.collision]) {
                collisionResolvers[h.collision](h, bounds.h)
            if (collisionResolvers[v.collision]) {
                collisionResolvers[v.collision](v, bounds.v)
            var preciser = function(number) {
                return options.precise ? number : Math.round(number)
            extend(true, result, {
                h: {
                    location: preciser(h.myLocation),
                    oversize: preciser(h.oversize),
                    fit: h.fit,
                    flip: h.flip,
                    collisionSide: h.collisionSide
                v: {
                    location: preciser(v.myLocation),
                    oversize: preciser(v.oversize),
                    fit: v.fit,
                    flip: v.flip,
                    collisionSide: v.collisionSide
                precise: options.precise
            return result
        var position = function(what, options) {
            var $what = $(what);
            if (!options) {
                return $what.offset()
            var offset = $what.offset(),
                targetPosition = options.h && options.v ? options : calculatePosition($what, options);
            var preciser = function(number) {
                return options.precise ? number : Math.round(number)
            translator.move($what, {
                left: targetPosition.h.location - preciser(offset.left),
                top: targetPosition.v.location - preciser(offset.top)
            return targetPosition
        var offset = function(element) {
            element = $(element).get(0);
            if (commonUtils.isWindow(element)) {
                return null
            } else {
                if (element instanceof $.Event) {
                    return {
                        top: element.pageY,
                        left: element.pageX
            return $(element).offset()
        if (!position.inverseAlign) {
            position.inverseAlign = inverseAlign
        if (!position.normalizeAlign) {
            position.normalizeAlign = normalizeAlign
        module.exports = {
            calculateScrollbarWidth: calculateScrollbarWidth,
            calculate: calculatePosition,
            setup: position,
            offset: offset
      !*** ./js/events/utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            copyEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/hooks */ 72).copy;
        var eventSource = function() {
            var EVENT_SOURCES_REGEX = {
                dx: /^dx/i,
                mouse: /(mouse|wheel)/i,
                touch: /^touch/i,
                keyboard: /^key/i,
                pointer: /^(ms)?pointer/i
            return function(e) {
                var result = "other";
                $.each(EVENT_SOURCES_REGEX, function(key) {
                    if (this.test(e.type)) {
                        result = key;
                        return false
                return result
        var isDxEvent = function(e) {
            return "dx" === eventSource(e)
        var isNativeMouseEvent = function(e) {
            return "mouse" === eventSource(e)
        var isNativeTouchEvent = function(e) {
            return "touch" === eventSource(e)
        var isPointerEvent = function(e) {
            return "pointer" === eventSource(e)
        var isMouseEvent = function(e) {
            return isNativeMouseEvent(e) || (isPointerEvent(e) || isDxEvent(e)) && "mouse" === e.pointerType
        var isTouchEvent = function(e) {
            return isNativeTouchEvent(e) || (isPointerEvent(e) || isDxEvent(e)) && "touch" === e.pointerType
        var isKeyboardEvent = function(e) {
            return "keyboard" === eventSource(e)
        var isFakeClickEvent = function(e) {
            return 0 === e.screenX && !e.offsetX && 0 === e.pageX
        var eventData = function(e) {
            return {
                x: e.pageX,
                y: e.pageY,
                time: e.timeStamp
        var eventDelta = function(from, to) {
            return {
                x: to.x - from.x,
                y: to.y - from.y,
                time: to.time - from.time || 1
        var hasTouches = function(e) {
            if (isNativeTouchEvent(e)) {
                return (e.originalEvent.touches || []).length
            if (isDxEvent(e)) {
                return (e.pointers || []).length
            return 0
        var needSkipEvent = function(e) {
            var $target = $(e.target),
                touchInInput = $target.is("input, textarea, select");
            if ($target.is(".dx-skip-gesture-event *, .dx-skip-gesture-event")) {
                return true
            if ("dxmousewheel" === e.type) {
                return $target.is("input[type='number'], textarea, select") && $target.is(":focus")
            if (isMouseEvent(e)) {
                return touchInInput || e.which > 1
            if (isTouchEvent(e)) {
                return touchInInput && $target.is(":focus")
        var createEvent = function(originalEvent, args) {
            var event = copyEvent(originalEvent);
            if (args) {
                extend(event, args)
            return event
        var fireEvent = function(props) {
            var event = createEvent(props.originalEvent, props);
            $.event.trigger(event, null, props.delegateTarget || event.target);
            return event
        var addNamespace = function(eventNames, namespace) {
            if (!namespace) {
                throw errors.Error("E0017")
            if ("string" === typeof eventNames) {
                if (eventNames.indexOf(" ") === -1) {
                    return eventNames + "." + namespace
                return addNamespace(eventNames.split(/\s+/g), namespace)
            $.each(eventNames, function(index, eventName) {
                eventNames[index] = eventName + "." + namespace
            return eventNames.join(" ")
        module.exports = {
            eventSource: eventSource,
            isPointerEvent: isPointerEvent,
            isMouseEvent: isMouseEvent,
            isTouchEvent: isTouchEvent,
            isKeyboardEvent: isKeyboardEvent,
            isFakeClickEvent: isFakeClickEvent,
            hasTouches: hasTouches,
            eventData: eventData,
            eventDelta: eventDelta,
            needSkipEvent: needSkipEvent,
            createEvent: createEvent,
            fireEvent: fireEvent,
            addNamespace: addNamespace
      !*** ./js/events/core/hooks.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            compareVersion = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/version */ 17).compare,
            isNumeric = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isNumeric,
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./event_registrator */ 73);
        var touchPropsToHook = ["pageX", "pageY", "screenX", "screenY", "clientX", "clientY"];
        var touchPropHook = function(name, event) {
            if (event[name] || !event.touches) {
                return event[name]
            var touches = event.touches.length ? event.touches : event.changedTouches;
            if (!touches.length) {
            return touches[0][name]
        if (compareVersion($.fn.jquery, [3]) < 0) {
            var POINTER_TYPE_MAP = {
                2: "touch",
                3: "pen",
                4: "mouse"
            $.each(["MSPointerDown", "MSPointerMove", "MSPointerUp", "MSPointerCancel", "MSPointerOver", "MSPointerOut", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "pointerdown", "pointermove", "pointerup", "pointercancel", "pointerover", "pointerout", "pointerenter", "pointerleave"], function() {
                $.event.fixHooks[this] = {
                    filter: function(event, originalEvent) {
                        var pointerType = originalEvent.pointerType;
                        if (isNumeric(pointerType)) {
                            event.pointerType = POINTER_TYPE_MAP[pointerType]
                        return event
                    props: $.event.mouseHooks.props.concat(["pointerId", "pointerType", "originalTarget", "width", "height", "pressure", "result", "tiltX", "charCode", "tiltY", "detail", "isPrimary", "prevValue"])
            $.each(["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel"], function() {
                $.event.fixHooks[this] = {
                    filter: function(event, originalEvent) {
                        $.each(touchPropsToHook, function(_, name) {
                            event[name] = touchPropHook(name, originalEvent)
                        return event
                    props: $.event.mouseHooks.props.concat(["touches", "changedTouches", "targetTouches", "detail", "result", "originalTarget", "charCode", "prevValue"])
            $.event.fixHooks.wheel = $.event.mouseHooks;
            var DX_EVENT_HOOKS = {
                props: $.event.mouseHooks.props.concat(["pointerType", "pointerId", "pointers"])
            registerEvent.callbacks.add(function(name) {
                $.event.fixHooks[name] = DX_EVENT_HOOKS
            var fix = function(event) {
                var originalEvent = event.originalEvent;
                var fixHook = $.event.fixHooks[originalEvent.type] || $.event.mouseHooks;
                var props = fixHook.props ? $.event.props.concat(fixHook.props) : $.event.props,
                    propIndex = props.length;
                while (propIndex--) {
                    var prop = props[propIndex];
                    event[prop] = originalEvent[prop]
                return fixHook.filter ? fixHook.filter(event, originalEvent) : event
            exports.copy = function(originalEvent) {
                return fix($.Event(originalEvent))
        } else {
            $.each(touchPropsToHook, function(_, name) {
                $.event.addProp(name, function(event) {
                    return touchPropHook(name, event)
            exports.copy = function(originalEvent) {
                return $.Event(originalEvent, originalEvent)
      !*** ./js/events/core/event_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            MemorizedCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/memorized_callbacks */ 58);
        var callbacks = new MemorizedCallbacks;
        var registerEvent = function(name, eventObject) {
            var strategy = {};
            if ("noBubble" in eventObject) {
                strategy.noBubble = eventObject.noBubble
            if ("bindType" in eventObject) {
                strategy.bindType = eventObject.bindType
            if ("delegateType" in eventObject) {
                strategy.delegateType = eventObject.delegateType
            $.each(["setup", "teardown", "add", "remove", "trigger", "handle", "_default", "dispose"], function(_, methodName) {
                if (!eventObject[methodName]) {
                strategy[methodName] = function() {
                    var args = $.makeArray(arguments);
                    return eventObject[methodName].apply(eventObject, args)
            callbacks.fire(name, strategy)
        registerEvent.callbacks = callbacks;
        var registerJQueryEvent = function(name, eventObject) {
            $.event.special[name] = eventObject
        module.exports = registerEvent
      !*** ./js/animation/transition_executor/transition_executor.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            fx = __webpack_require__( /*! ../fx */ 68),
            animationPresetsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../presets/presets */ 67),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        var directionPostfixes = {
                forward: " dx-forward",
                backward: " dx-backward",
                none: " dx-no-direction",
                undefined: " dx-no-direction"
            DX_ANIMATING_CLASS = "dx-animating";
        var TransitionExecutor = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._accumulatedDelays = {
                    enter: 0,
                    leave: 0
                this._animations = [];
            _createAnimations: function($elements, initialConfig, configModifier, type) {
                var animationConfig, that = this,
                    result = [];
                configModifier = configModifier || {};
                animationConfig = this._prepareElementAnimationConfig(initialConfig, configModifier, type);
                if (animationConfig) {
                    $elements.each(function() {
                        var animation = that._createAnimation($(this), animationConfig, configModifier);
                        if (animation) {
                return result
            _prepareElementAnimationConfig: function(config, configModifier, type) {
                var result;
                if ("string" === typeof config) {
                    var presetName = config;
                    config = animationPresetsModule.presets.getPreset(presetName)
                if (!config) {
                    result = void 0
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isFunction(config[type])) {
                        result = config[type]
                    } else {
                        result = extend({
                            skipElementInitialStyles: true,
                            cleanupWhen: this._completePromise
                        }, config, configModifier);
                        if (!result.type || "css" === result.type) {
                            var cssClass = "dx-" + type,
                                extraCssClasses = (result.extraCssClasses ? " " + result.extraCssClasses : "") + directionPostfixes[result.direction];
                            result.type = "css";
                            result.from = (result.from || cssClass) + extraCssClasses;
                            result.to = result.to || cssClass + "-active"
                        result.staggerDelay = result.staggerDelay || 0;
                        result.delay = result.delay || 0;
                        if (result.staggerDelay) {
                            result.delay += this._accumulatedDelays[type];
                            this._accumulatedDelays[type] += result.staggerDelay
                return result
            _createAnimation: function($element, animationConfig, configModifier) {
                var result;
                if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(animationConfig)) {
                    result = fx.createAnimation($element, animationConfig)
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isFunction(animationConfig)) {
                        result = animationConfig($element, configModifier)
                return result
            _startAnimations: function() {
                var animations = this._animations;
                for (var i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
            _stopAnimations: function(jumpToEnd) {
                var animations = this._animations;
                for (var i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
            _clearAnimations: function() {
                var animations = this._animations;
                for (var i = 0; i < animations.length; i++) {
                this._animations.length = 0
            reset: function() {
                this._accumulatedDelays.enter = 0;
                this._accumulatedDelays.leave = 0;
                this._completeDeferred = $.Deferred();
                this._completePromise = this._completeDeferred.promise()
            enter: function($elements, animationConfig, configModifier) {
                var animations = this._createAnimations($elements, animationConfig, configModifier, "enter");
                this._animations.push.apply(this._animations, animations)
            leave: function($elements, animationConfig, configModifier) {
                var animations = this._createAnimations($elements, animationConfig, configModifier, "leave");
                this._animations.push.apply(this._animations, animations)
            start: function() {
                var result, that = this;
                if (!this._animations.length) {
                    result = $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                } else {
                    var animationDeferreds = $.map(this._animations, function(animation) {
                        var result = $.Deferred();
                        animation.deferred.always(function() {
                        return result.promise()
                    result = when.apply($, animationDeferreds).always(function() {
                    commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                return result
            stop: function(jumpToEnd) {
        exports.TransitionExecutor = TransitionExecutor
      !*** ./js/events/click.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            animationFrame = __webpack_require__( /*! ../animation/frame */ 59),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pointer */ 76),
            Emitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter */ 83),
            registerEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter_registrator */ 84),
            compareVersions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/version */ 17).compare;
        var CLICK_EVENT_NAME = "dxclick",
            TOUCH_BOUNDARY = 10,
            abs = Math.abs;
        var isInput = function(element) {
            return $(element).is("input, textarea, select, button ,:focus, :focus *")
        var misc = {
            requestAnimationFrame: animationFrame.requestAnimationFrame,
            cancelAnimationFrame: animationFrame.cancelAnimationFrame
        var ClickEmitter = Emitter.inherit({
            ctor: function(element) {
            _makeElementClickable: function($element) {
                if (!$element.attr("onclick")) {
                    $element.attr("onclick", "void(0)")
            start: function(e) {
                this._blurPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented();
                this._startTarget = e.target;
                this._startEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e)
            end: function(e) {
                if (this._eventOutOfElement(e, this.getElement().get(0)) || e.type === pointerEvents.cancel) {
                if (!isInput(e.target) && !this._blurPrevented) {
                this._clickAnimationFrame = misc.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
            _eventOutOfElement: function(e, element) {
                var target = e.target,
                    targetChanged = !$.contains(element, target) && element !== target,
                    gestureDelta = eventUtils.eventDelta(eventUtils.eventData(e), this._startEventData),
                    boundsExceeded = abs(gestureDelta.x) > TOUCH_BOUNDARY || abs(gestureDelta.y) > TOUCH_BOUNDARY;
                return targetChanged || boundsExceeded
            _fireClickEvent: function(e) {
                this._fireEvent(CLICK_EVENT_NAME, e, {
                    target: domUtils.closestCommonParent(this._startTarget, e.target)
            dispose: function() {
        ! function() {
            var NATIVE_CLICK_CLASS = "dx-native-click";
            var realDevice = devices.real(),
                useNativeClick = realDevice.generic || realDevice.ios && compareVersions(realDevice.version, [9, 3]) >= 0 || realDevice.android && compareVersions(realDevice.version, [5]) >= 0;
            var isNativeClickEvent = function(target) {
                return useNativeClick || $(target).closest("." + NATIVE_CLICK_CLASS).length
            var prevented = null,
                lastFiredEvent = null;
            var clickHandler = function(e) {
                var originalEvent = e.originalEvent,
                    eventAlreadyFired = lastFiredEvent !== originalEvent,
                    leftButton = !e.which || 1 === e.which;
                if (leftButton && !prevented && isNativeClickEvent(e.target) && eventAlreadyFired) {
                    lastFiredEvent = originalEvent;
                        type: CLICK_EVENT_NAME,
                        originalEvent: e
            ClickEmitter = ClickEmitter.inherit({
                _makeElementClickable: function($element) {
                    if (!isNativeClickEvent($element)) {
                    $element.on("click", clickHandler)
                configure: function(data) {
                    if (data.useNative) {
                start: function(e) {
                    prevented = null;
                    if (!isNativeClickEvent(e.target)) {
                end: function(e) {
                    if (!isNativeClickEvent(e.target)) {
                cancel: function() {
                    prevented = true
                dispose: function() {
                    this.getElement().off("click", clickHandler)
            exports.useNativeClick = useNativeClick
        ! function() {
            var desktopDevice = devices.real().generic;
            if (!desktopDevice) {
                var startTarget = null,
                    blurPrevented = false;
                var pointerDownHandler = function(e) {
                    startTarget = e.target;
                    blurPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented()
                var clickHandler = function(e) {
                    var $target = $(e.target);
                    if (!blurPrevented && startTarget && !$target.is(startTarget) && !$(startTarget).is("label") && isInput($target)) {
                    startTarget = null;
                    blurPrevented = false
                $(document).on(eventUtils.addNamespace(pointerEvents.down, NATIVE_CLICK_FIXER_NAMESPACE), pointerDownHandler).on(eventUtils.addNamespace("click", NATIVE_CLICK_FIXER_NAMESPACE), clickHandler)
            emitter: ClickEmitter,
            bubble: true,
            events: [CLICK_EVENT_NAME]
        exports.name = CLICK_EVENT_NAME;
        exports.misc = misc
      !*** ./js/events/pointer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/support */ 61),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53),
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/event_registrator */ 73),
            TouchStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pointer/touch */ 77),
            MsPointerStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pointer/mspointer */ 79),
            MouseStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pointer/mouse */ 81),
            MouseAndTouchStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pointer/mouse_and_touch */ 82);
        var EventStrategy = function() {
            if (support.pointerEvents) {
                return MsPointerStrategy
            var device = devices.real();
            if (support.touch && !(device.tablet || device.phone)) {
                return MouseAndTouchStrategy
            if (support.touch) {
                return TouchStrategy
            return MouseStrategy
        $.each(EventStrategy.map, function(pointerEvent, originalEvents) {
            registerEvent(pointerEvent, new EventStrategy(pointerEvent, originalEvents))
        module.exports = {
            down: "dxpointerdown",
            up: "dxpointerup",
            move: "dxpointermove",
            cancel: "dxpointercancel",
            enter: "dxpointerenter",
            leave: "dxpointerleave",
            over: "dxpointerover",
            out: "dxpointerout"
      !*** ./js/events/pointer/touch.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            BaseStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base */ 78);
        var eventMap = {
            dxpointerdown: "touchstart",
            dxpointermove: "touchmove",
            dxpointerup: "touchend",
            dxpointercancel: "touchcancel",
            dxpointerover: "",
            dxpointerout: "",
            dxpointerenter: "",
            dxpointerleave: ""
        var normalizeTouchEvent = function(e) {
            var pointers = [];
            $.each(e.touches, function(_, touch) {
                    pointerId: touch.identifier
                }, touch))
            return {
                pointers: pointers,
                pointerId: e.changedTouches[0].identifier
        var skipTouchWithSameIdentifier = function(pointerEvent) {
            return "ios" === devices.real().platform && ("dxpointerdown" === pointerEvent || "dxpointerup" === pointerEvent)
        var TouchStrategy = BaseStrategy.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._pointerId = 0
            _handler: function(e) {
                if (skipTouchWithSameIdentifier(this._eventName)) {
                    var touch = e.changedTouches[0];
                    if (this._pointerId === touch.identifier && 0 !== this._pointerId) {
                    this._pointerId = touch.identifier
                return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _fireEvent: function(args) {
                return this.callBase(extend(normalizeTouchEvent(args.originalEvent), args))
        TouchStrategy.map = eventMap;
        TouchStrategy.normalize = normalizeTouchEvent;
        module.exports = TouchStrategy
      !*** ./js/events/pointer/base.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            browser = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/browser */ 23),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71);
        var POINTER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE = "dxPointerEvents";
        var BaseStrategy = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(eventName, originalEvents) {
                this._eventName = eventName;
                this._originalEvents = eventUtils.addNamespace(originalEvents, POINTER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE);
                this._handlerCount = 0;
                this.noBubble = this._isNoBubble()
            _isNoBubble: function() {
                var eventName = this._eventName;
                return "dxpointerenter" === eventName || "dxpointerleave" === eventName
            _handler: function(e) {
                var delegateTarget = this._getDelegateTarget(e);
                return this._fireEvent({
                    type: this._eventName,
                    pointerType: e.pointerType || eventUtils.eventSource(e),
                    originalEvent: e,
                    delegateTarget: delegateTarget,
                    timeStamp: browser.mozilla ? (new Date).getTime() : e.timeStamp
            _getDelegateTarget: function(e) {
                var delegateTarget;
                if (this.noBubble) {
                    delegateTarget = e.delegateTarget
                return delegateTarget
            _fireEvent: function(args) {
                return eventUtils.fireEvent(args)
            setup: function() {
                return true
            add: function(element, handleObj) {
                if (this._handlerCount <= 0 || this.noBubble) {
                    this._selector = handleObj.selector;
                    element = this.noBubble ? element : document;
                    var that = this;
                    $(element).on(this._originalEvents, this._selector, function(e) {
                if (!this.noBubble) {
            remove: function() {
                if (!this.noBubble) {
            teardown: function(element) {
                if (this._handlerCount && !this.noBubble) {
                element = this.noBubble ? element : document;
                if (this._originalEvents !== "." + POINTER_EVENTS_NAMESPACE) {
                    $(element).off(this._originalEvents, this._selector)
            dispose: function(element) {
                element = this.noBubble ? element : document;
        module.exports = BaseStrategy
      !*** ./js/events/pointer/mspointer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BaseStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base */ 78),
            Observer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./observer */ 80),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            onlyMSPointerSupport = !window.PointerEvent && window.MSPointerEvent;
        var eventMap = {
            dxpointerdown: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "MSPointerDown" : "pointerdown",
            dxpointermove: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "MSPointerMove" : "pointermove",
            dxpointerup: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "MSPointerUp" : "pointerup",
            dxpointercancel: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "MSPointerCancel" : "pointercancel",
            dxpointerover: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "MSPointerOver" : "pointerover",
            dxpointerout: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "MSPointerOut" : "pointerout",
            dxpointerenter: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "mouseenter" : "pointerenter",
            dxpointerleave: onlyMSPointerSupport ? "mouseleave" : "pointerleave"
        var observer;
        var activated = false;
        var activateStrategy = function() {
            if (activated) {
            observer = new Observer(eventMap, function(a, b) {
                return a.pointerId === b.pointerId
            }, function(e) {
                if (e.isPrimary) {
            activated = true
        var MsPointerStrategy = BaseStrategy.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _fireEvent: function(args) {
                return this.callBase(extend({
                    pointers: observer.pointers(),
                    pointerId: args.originalEvent.pointerId
                }, args))
        MsPointerStrategy.map = eventMap;
        MsPointerStrategy.resetObserver = function() {
        module.exports = MsPointerStrategy
      !*** ./js/events/pointer/observer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var addEventsListener = function(events, handler) {
            events.split(" ").forEach(function(event) {
                document.addEventListener(event, handler, true)
        var Observer = function(eventMap, pointerEquals, onPointerAdding) {
            onPointerAdding = onPointerAdding || function() {};
            var pointers = [];
            var getPointerIndex = function(e) {
                var index = -1;
                $.each(pointers, function(i, pointer) {
                    if (!pointerEquals(e, pointer)) {
                        return true
                    index = i;
                    return false
                return index
            var addPointer = function(e) {
                if (getPointerIndex(e) === -1) {
            var removePointer = function(e) {
                var index = getPointerIndex(e);
                if (index > -1) {
                    pointers.splice(index, 1)
            var updatePointer = function(e) {
                pointers[getPointerIndex(e)] = e
            addEventsListener(eventMap.dxpointerdown, addPointer);
            addEventsListener(eventMap.dxpointermove, updatePointer);
            addEventsListener(eventMap.dxpointerup, removePointer);
            addEventsListener(eventMap.dxpointercancel, removePointer);
            this.pointers = function() {
                return pointers
            this.reset = function() {
                pointers = []
        module.exports = Observer
      !*** ./js/events/pointer/mouse.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            BaseStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base */ 78),
            Observer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./observer */ 80);
        var eventMap = {
            dxpointerdown: "mousedown",
            dxpointermove: "mousemove",
            dxpointerup: "mouseup",
            dxpointercancel: "",
            dxpointerover: "mouseover",
            dxpointerout: "mouseout",
            dxpointerenter: "mouseenter",
            dxpointerleave: "mouseleave"
        var normalizeMouseEvent = function(e) {
            e.pointerId = 1;
            return {
                pointers: observer.pointers(),
                pointerId: 1
        var observer;
        var activated = false;
        var activateStrategy = function() {
            if (activated) {
            observer = new Observer(eventMap, function() {
                return true
            activated = true
        var MouseStrategy = BaseStrategy.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _fireEvent: function(args) {
                return this.callBase(extend(normalizeMouseEvent(args.originalEvent), args))
        MouseStrategy.map = eventMap;
        MouseStrategy.normalize = normalizeMouseEvent;
        MouseStrategy.activate = activateStrategy;
        MouseStrategy.resetObserver = function() {
        module.exports = MouseStrategy
      !*** ./js/events/pointer/mouse_and_touch.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            BaseStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base */ 78),
            MouseStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./mouse */ 81),
            TouchStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./touch */ 77),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71);
        var eventMap = {
            dxpointerdown: "touchstart mousedown",
            dxpointermove: "touchmove mousemove",
            dxpointerup: "touchend mouseup",
            dxpointercancel: "touchcancel",
            dxpointerover: "mouseover",
            dxpointerout: "mouseout",
            dxpointerenter: "mouseenter",
            dxpointerleave: "mouseleave"
        var activated = false;
        var activateStrategy = function() {
            if (activated) {
            activated = true
        var MouseAndTouchStrategy = BaseStrategy.inherit({
            EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT: 100,
            ctor: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _handler: function(e) {
                var isMouseEvent = eventUtils.isMouseEvent(e);
                if (!isMouseEvent) {
                    this._skipNextEvents = true
                if (isMouseEvent && this._mouseLocked) {
                if (isMouseEvent && this._skipNextEvents) {
                    this._skipNextEvents = false;
                    this._mouseLocked = true;
                    var that = this;
                    this._unlockMouseTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                        that._mouseLocked = false
                    }, this.EVENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
                return this.callBase(e)
            _fireEvent: function(args) {
                var isMouseEvent = eventUtils.isMouseEvent(args.originalEvent),
                    normalizer = isMouseEvent ? MouseStrategy.normalize : TouchStrategy.normalize;
                return this.callBase(extend(normalizer(args.originalEvent), args))
            dispose: function() {
                this._skipNextEvents = false;
                this._mouseLocked = false;
        MouseAndTouchStrategy.map = eventMap;
        MouseAndTouchStrategy.resetObserver = MouseStrategy.resetObserver;
        module.exports = MouseAndTouchStrategy
      !*** ./js/events/core/emitter.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71);
        var Emitter = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(element) {
                this._$element = $(element);
                this._cancelCallback = $.Callbacks();
                this._acceptCallback = $.Callbacks()
            getElement: function() {
                return this._$element
            validate: function(e) {
                return "dxmousewheel" !== e.type
            validatePointers: function(e) {
                return 1 === eventUtils.hasTouches(e)
            allowInterruptionByMouseWheel: function() {
                return true
            configure: function(data) {
                extend(this, data)
            addCancelCallback: function(callback) {
            removeCancelCallback: function() {
            _cancel: function(e) {
                this._cancelCallback.fire(this, e)
            addAcceptCallback: function(callback) {
            removeAcceptCallback: function() {
            _accept: function(e) {
                this._acceptCallback.fire(this, e)
            _requestAccept: function(e) {
                this._acceptRequestEvent = e
            _forgetAccept: function() {
                this._acceptRequestEvent = null
            start: noop,
            move: noop,
            end: noop,
            cancel: noop,
            reset: function() {
                if (this._acceptRequestEvent) {
            _fireEvent: function(eventName, e, params) {
                var eventData = extend({
                    type: eventName,
                    originalEvent: e,
                    target: this._getEmitterTarget(e),
                    delegateTarget: this.getElement().get(0)
                }, params);
                e = eventUtils.fireEvent(eventData);
                if (e.cancel) {
                return e
            _getEmitterTarget: function(e) {
                return (this.delegateSelector ? $(e.target).closest(this.delegateSelector) : this.getElement()).get(0)
            dispose: noop
        module.exports = Emitter
      !*** ./js/events/core/emitter_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./event_registrator */ 73),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../pointer */ 76),
            wheelEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./wheel */ 85);
        var MANAGER_EVENT = "dxEventManager",
            EMITTER_DATA = "dxEmitter";
        var EventManager = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._proxiedCancelHandler = this._cancelHandler.bind(this);
                this._proxiedAcceptHandler = this._acceptHandler.bind(this)
            _attachHandlers: function() {
                $(document).on(eventUtils.addNamespace(pointerEvents.down, MANAGER_EVENT), this._pointerDownHandler.bind(this)).on(eventUtils.addNamespace(pointerEvents.move, MANAGER_EVENT), this._pointerMoveHandler.bind(this)).on(eventUtils.addNamespace([pointerEvents.up, pointerEvents.cancel].join(" "), MANAGER_EVENT), this._pointerUpHandler.bind(this)).on(eventUtils.addNamespace(wheelEvent.name, MANAGER_EVENT), this._mouseWheelHandler.bind(this))
            _eachEmitter: function(callback) {
                var activeEmitters = this._activeEmitters || [];
                var i = 0;
                while (activeEmitters.length > i) {
                    var emitter = activeEmitters[i];
                    if (false === callback(emitter)) {
                    if (activeEmitters[i] === emitter) {
            _applyToEmitters: function(method, arg) {
                this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) {
                    emitter[method].call(emitter, arg)
            reset: function() {
                this._activeEmitters = []
            resetEmitter: function(emitter) {
            _pointerDownHandler: function(e) {
                if (eventUtils.isMouseEvent(e) && e.which > 1) {
            _updateEmitters: function(e) {
                if (!this._isSetChanged(e)) {
            _isSetChanged: function(e) {
                var currentSet = this._closestEmitter(e);
                var previousSet = this._emittersSet || [];
                var setChanged = currentSet.length !== previousSet.length;
                $.each(currentSet, function(index, emitter) {
                    setChanged = setChanged || previousSet[index] !== emitter;
                    return !setChanged
                this._emittersSet = currentSet;
                return setChanged
            _closestEmitter: function(e) {
                var that = this,
                    result = [],
                    $element = $(e.target);

                function handleEmitter(_, emitter) {
                    if (!!emitter && emitter.validatePointers(e) && emitter.validate(e)) {
                while ($element.length) {
                    var emitters = $.data($element.get(0), EMITTER_DATA) || [];
                    $.each(emitters, handleEmitter);
                    $element = $element.parent()
                return result
            _acceptHandler: function(acceptedEmitter, e) {
                var that = this;
                this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) {
                    if (emitter !== acceptedEmitter) {
                        that._cancelEmitter(emitter, e)
            _cancelHandler: function(canceledEmitter, e) {
                this._cancelEmitter(canceledEmitter, e)
            _cancelEmitter: function(emitter, e) {
                var activeEmitters = this._activeEmitters;
                if (e) {
                } else {
                var emitterIndex = inArray(emitter, activeEmitters);
                if (emitterIndex > -1) {
                    activeEmitters.splice(emitterIndex, 1)
            _cleanEmitters: function(e) {
                this._applyToEmitters("end", e);
            _fetchEmitters: function(e) {
                this._activeEmitters = this._emittersSet.slice();
                this._applyToEmitters("start", e)
            _pointerMoveHandler: function(e) {
                this._applyToEmitters("move", e)
            _pointerUpHandler: function(e) {
            _mouseWheelHandler: function(e) {
                if (!this._allowInterruptionByMouseWheel()) {
                e.pointers = [null];
                e.pointers = [];
            _allowInterruptionByMouseWheel: function() {
                var allowInterruption = true;
                this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) {
                    allowInterruption = emitter.allowInterruptionByMouseWheel() && allowInterruption;
                    return allowInterruption
                return allowInterruption
            _adjustWheelEvent: function(e) {
                var closestGestureEmitter = null;
                this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) {
                    if (!emitter.gesture) {
                    var direction = emitter.getDirection(e);
                    if ("horizontal" !== direction && !e.shiftKey || "vertical" !== direction && e.shiftKey) {
                        closestGestureEmitter = emitter;
                        return false
                if (!closestGestureEmitter) {
                var direction = closestGestureEmitter.getDirection(e),
                    verticalGestureDirection = "both" === direction && !e.shiftKey || "vertical" === direction,
                    prop = verticalGestureDirection ? "pageY" : "pageX";
                e[prop] += e.delta
            isActive: function(element) {
                var result = false;
                this._eachEmitter(function(emitter) {
                    result = result || emitter.getElement().is(element)
                return result
        var eventManager = new EventManager;
        var EMITTER_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA = "dxEmitterSubscription";
        var registerEmitter = function(emitterConfig) {
            var emitterClass = emitterConfig.emitter,
                emitterName = emitterConfig.events[0],
                emitterEvents = emitterConfig.events;
            $.each(emitterEvents, function(_, eventName) {
                registerEvent(eventName, {
                    noBubble: !emitterConfig.bubble,
                    setup: function(element) {
                        var subscriptions = $.data(element, EMITTER_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA) || {},
                            emitters = $.data(element, EMITTER_DATA) || {},
                            emitter = emitters[emitterName] || new emitterClass(element);
                        subscriptions[eventName] = true;
                        emitters[emitterName] = emitter;
                        $.data(element, EMITTER_DATA, emitters);
                        $.data(element, EMITTER_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA, subscriptions)
                    add: function(element, handleObj) {
                        var emitters = $.data(element, EMITTER_DATA),
                            emitter = emitters[emitterName];
                            delegateSelector: handleObj.selector
                        }, handleObj.data), handleObj.type)
                    teardown: function(element) {
                        var subscriptions = $.data(element, EMITTER_SUBSCRIPTION_DATA),
                            emitters = $.data(element, EMITTER_DATA),
                            emitter = emitters[emitterName];
                        delete subscriptions[eventName];
                        var disposeEmitter = true;
                        $.each(emitterEvents, function(_, eventName) {
                            disposeEmitter = disposeEmitter && !subscriptions[eventName];
                            return disposeEmitter
                        if (disposeEmitter) {
                            if (eventManager.isActive(element)) {
                            emitter && emitter.dispose();
                            delete emitters[emitterName]
        module.exports = registerEmitter
      !*** ./js/events/core/wheel.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./event_registrator */ 73),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71);
        var EVENT_NAME = "dxmousewheel",
            EVENT_NAMESPACE = "dxWheel";
        var wheelEvent = void 0 !== document.onwheel ? "wheel" : "mousewheel";
        var wheel = {
            setup: function(element) {
                var $element = $(element);
                $element.on(eventUtils.addNamespace(wheelEvent, EVENT_NAMESPACE), wheel._wheelHandler.bind(wheel))
            teardown: function(element) {
                var $element = $(element);
                $element.off("." + EVENT_NAMESPACE)
            _wheelHandler: function(e) {
                var delta = this._getWheelDelta(e.originalEvent);
                    type: EVENT_NAME,
                    originalEvent: e,
                    delta: delta,
                    pointerType: "mouse"
            _getWheelDelta: function(event) {
                return event.wheelDelta ? event.wheelDelta : 30 * -event.deltaY
        registerEvent(EVENT_NAME, wheel);
        exports.name = EVENT_NAME
      !*** ./js/events/gesture/emitter.gesture.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/support */ 61),
            browser = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/browser */ 23),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            mathUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/math */ 87),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71),
            Emitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/emitter */ 83),
            sign = mathUtils.sign,
            abs = Math.abs;
        var SLEEP = 0,
            INITED = 1,
            STARTED = 2,
            TOUCH_BOUNDARY = 10,
            IMMEDIATE_TIMEOUT = 180;
        var isMouseWheelEvent = function(e) {
            return e && "dxmousewheel" === e.type
        var supportPointerEvents = function() {
            var cssSupport = support.styleProp("pointer-events");
            var msieLess11 = browser.msie && parseInt(browser.version, 10) < 11;
            return cssSupport && !msieLess11
        var gestureCover = function() {
            var GESTURE_COVER_CLASS = "dx-gesture-cover";
            var isDesktop = "generic" === devices.real().platform;
            if (!supportPointerEvents() || !isDesktop) {
                return commonUtils.noop
            var $cover = $("<div>").addClass(GESTURE_COVER_CLASS).css("pointerEvents", "none");
            $cover.on("dxmousewheel", function(e) {
            domUtils.ready(function() {
            return function(toggle, cursor) {
                $cover.css("pointerEvents", toggle ? "all" : "none");
                toggle && $cover.css("cursor", cursor)
        var GestureEmitter = Emitter.inherit({
            gesture: true,
            configure: function(data) {
                this.getElement().css("msTouchAction", data.immediate ? "pinch-zoom" : "");
            allowInterruptionByMouseWheel: function() {
                return this._stage !== STARTED
            getDirection: function() {
                return this.direction
            _cancel: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._stage = SLEEP
            start: function(e) {
                if (eventUtils.needSkipEvent(e)) {
                this._startEvent = eventUtils.createEvent(e);
                this._startEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                this._stage = INITED;
            _setupImmediateTimer: function() {
                this._immediateAccepted = false;
                if (!this.immediate) {
                this._immediateTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    this._immediateAccepted = true
                }.bind(this), IMMEDIATE_TIMEOUT)
            move: function(e) {
                if (this._stage === INITED && this._directionConfirmed(e)) {
                    this._stage = STARTED;
                    if (this._stage === SLEEP) {
                } else {
                    if (this._stage === STARTED) {
            _directionConfirmed: function(e) {
                var touchBoundary = this._getTouchBoundary(e),
                    delta = eventUtils.eventDelta(this._startEventData, eventUtils.eventData(e)),
                    deltaX = abs(delta.x),
                    deltaY = abs(delta.y);
                var horizontalMove = this._validateMove(touchBoundary, deltaX, deltaY),
                    verticalMove = this._validateMove(touchBoundary, deltaY, deltaX);
                var direction = this.getDirection(e),
                    bothAccepted = "both" === direction && (horizontalMove || verticalMove),
                    horizontalAccepted = "horizontal" === direction && horizontalMove,
                    verticalAccepted = "vertical" === direction && verticalMove;
                return bothAccepted || horizontalAccepted || verticalAccepted || this._immediateAccepted
            _validateMove: function(touchBoundary, mainAxis, crossAxis) {
                return mainAxis && mainAxis >= touchBoundary && (this.immediate ? mainAxis >= crossAxis : true)
            _getTouchBoundary: function(e) {
                return this.immediate || isMouseWheelEvent(e) ? IMMEDIATE_TOUCH_BOUNDARY : TOUCH_BOUNDARY
            _adjustStartEvent: function(e) {
                var touchBoundary = this._getTouchBoundary(e),
                    delta = eventUtils.eventDelta(this._startEventData, eventUtils.eventData(e));
                this._startEvent.pageX += sign(delta.x) * touchBoundary;
                this._startEvent.pageY += sign(delta.y) * touchBoundary
            _resetActiveElement: function() {
                if ("ios" === devices.real().platform && $(":focus", this.getElement()).length) {
            _toggleGestureCover: function(toggle) {
                var isStarted = this._stage === STARTED;
                if (isStarted) {
                    gestureCover(toggle, this.getElement().css("cursor"))
            _clearSelection: function(e) {
                if (isMouseWheelEvent(e) || eventUtils.isTouchEvent(e)) {
            end: function(e) {
                if (this._stage === STARTED) {
                } else {
                    if (this._stage === INITED) {
                this._stage = SLEEP
            dispose: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _init: commonUtils.noop,
            _start: commonUtils.noop,
            _move: commonUtils.noop,
            _stop: commonUtils.noop,
            _end: commonUtils.noop
        GestureEmitter.initialTouchBoundary = TOUCH_BOUNDARY;
        GestureEmitter.touchBoundary = function(newBoundary) {
            if (commonUtils.isDefined(newBoundary)) {
                TOUCH_BOUNDARY = newBoundary;
            return TOUCH_BOUNDARY
        module.exports = GestureEmitter
      !*** ./js/core/utils/math.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var sign = function(value) {
            if (0 === value) {
                return 0
            return value / Math.abs(value)
        var fitIntoRange = function(value, minValue, maxValue) {
            var isMinValueUndefined = !minValue && 0 !== minValue,
                isMaxValueUndefined = !maxValue && 0 !== maxValue;
            isMinValueUndefined && (minValue = !isMaxValueUndefined ? Math.min(value, maxValue) : value);
            isMaxValueUndefined && (maxValue = !isMinValueUndefined ? Math.max(value, minValue) : value);
            return Math.min(Math.max(value, minValue), maxValue)
        var inRange = function(value, minValue, maxValue) {
            return value >= minValue && value <= maxValue
        exports.sign = sign;
        exports.fitIntoRange = fitIntoRange;
        exports.inRange = inRange
      !*** ./js/localization.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        exports.locale = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/core */ 34).locale;
        exports.loadMessages = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/message */ 89).load;
        exports.message = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/message */ 89);
        exports.number = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/number */ 32);
        exports.date = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/date */ 33);
        exports.currency = __webpack_require__( /*! ./localization/currency */ 36)
      !*** ./js/localization/message.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            dependencyInjector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dependency_injector */ 29),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            stringFormat = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/string */ 18).format,
            humanize = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/inflector */ 39).humanize,
            coreLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 34);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 34);
        var baseDictionary = extend(true, {}, __webpack_require__( /*! ./default_messages */ 90));
        var newMessages = {};
        var messageLocalization = dependencyInjector({
            _dictionary: baseDictionary,
            load: function(messages) {
                extend(true, this._dictionary, messages)
            _localizablePrefix: "@",
            setup: function(localizablePrefix) {
                this._localizablePrefix = localizablePrefix
            localizeString: function(text) {
                var that = this,
                    regex = new RegExp("(^|[^a-zA-Z_0-9" + that._localizablePrefix + "-]+)(" + that._localizablePrefix + "{1,2})([a-zA-Z_0-9-]+)", "g"),
                    escapeString = that._localizablePrefix + that._localizablePrefix;
                return text.replace(regex, function(str, prefix, escape, localizationKey) {
                    var result, defaultResult = that._localizablePrefix + localizationKey;
                    if (escape !== escapeString) {
                        result = that.format(localizationKey)
                    if (!result) {
                        newMessages[localizationKey] = humanize(localizationKey)
                    return prefix + (result || defaultResult)
            _messageLoaded: function(key, locale) {
                return void 0 !== this._dictionary[locale || coreLocalization.locale()][key]
            localizeNode: function(node) {
                var that = this;
                $(node).each(function(index, nodeItem) {
                    if (!nodeItem.nodeType) {
                    if (3 === nodeItem.nodeType) {
                        nodeItem.nodeValue = that.localizeString(nodeItem.nodeValue)
                    } else {
                        if (!$(nodeItem).is("iframe")) {
                            $.each(nodeItem.attributes || [], function(index, attr) {
                                if ("string" === typeof attr.value) {
                                    var localizedValue = that.localizeString(attr.value);
                                    if (attr.value !== localizedValue) {
                                        attr.value = localizedValue
                            $(nodeItem).contents().each(function(index, node) {
            getMessagesByLocales: function() {
                return this._dictionary
            getDictionary: function(onlyNew) {
                if (onlyNew) {
                    return newMessages
                return extend({}, newMessages, this.getMessagesByLocales()[coreLocalization.locale()])
            getFormatter: function(key) {
                return this._getFormatterBase(key) || this._getFormatterBase(key, "en")
            _getFormatterBase: function(key, locale) {
                var localeMessages = this._dictionary[locale || coreLocalization.locale()],
                    message = localeMessages && localeMessages[key];
                if (message) {
                    return function() {
                        var args = 1 === arguments.length && Array.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0].slice(0) : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
                        return stringFormat.apply(this, args)
            format: function(key) {
                var formatter = this.getFormatter(key);
                return formatter && formatter() || ""
        module.exports = messageLocalization
      !*** ./js/localization/default_messages.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = {
            en: {
                Yes: "Yes",
                No: "No",
                Cancel: "Cancel",
                Clear: "Clear",
                Done: "Done",
                Loading: "Loading...",
                Select: "Select...",
                Search: "Search",
                Back: "Back",
                OK: "OK",
                "dxCollectionWidget-noDataText": "No data to display",
                "validation-required": "Required",
                "validation-required-formatted": "{0} is required",
                "validation-numeric": "Value must be a number",
                "validation-numeric-formatted": "{0} must be a number",
                "validation-range": "Value is out of range",
                "validation-range-formatted": "{0} is out of range",
                "validation-stringLength": "The length of the value is not correct",
                "validation-stringLength-formatted": "The length of {0} is not correct",
                "validation-custom": "Value is invalid",
                "validation-custom-formatted": "{0} is invalid",
                "validation-compare": "Values do not match",
                "validation-compare-formatted": "{0} does not match",
                "validation-pattern": "Value does not match pattern",
                "validation-pattern-formatted": "{0} does not match pattern",
                "validation-email": "Email is invalid",
                "validation-email-formatted": "{0} is invalid",
                "validation-mask": "Value is invalid",
                "dxLookup-searchPlaceholder": "Minimum character number: {0}",
                "dxList-pullingDownText": "Pull down to refresh...",
                "dxList-pulledDownText": "Release to refresh...",
                "dxList-refreshingText": "Refreshing...",
                "dxList-pageLoadingText": "Loading...",
                "dxList-nextButtonText": "More",
                "dxList-selectAll": "Select All",
                "dxListEditDecorator-delete": "Delete",
                "dxListEditDecorator-more": "More",
                "dxScrollView-pullingDownText": "Pull down to refresh...",
                "dxScrollView-pulledDownText": "Release to refresh...",
                "dxScrollView-refreshingText": "Refreshing...",
                "dxScrollView-reachBottomText": "Loading...",
                "dxDateBox-simulatedDataPickerTitleTime": "Select time",
                "dxDateBox-simulatedDataPickerTitleDate": "Select date",
                "dxDateBox-simulatedDataPickerTitleDateTime": "Select date and time",
                "dxDateBox-validation-datetime": "Value must be a date or time",
                "dxFileUploader-selectFile": "Select file",
                "dxFileUploader-dropFile": "or Drop file here",
                "dxFileUploader-bytes": "bytes",
                "dxFileUploader-kb": "kb",
                "dxFileUploader-Mb": "Mb",
                "dxFileUploader-Gb": "Gb",
                "dxFileUploader-upload": "Upload",
                "dxFileUploader-uploaded": "Uploaded",
                "dxFileUploader-readyToUpload": "Ready to upload",
                "dxFileUploader-uploadFailedMessage": "Upload failed",
                "dxRangeSlider-ariaFrom": "From",
                "dxRangeSlider-ariaTill": "Till",
                "dxSwitch-onText": "ON",
                "dxSwitch-offText": "OFF",
                "dxForm-optionalMark": "optional",
                "dxForm-requiredMessage": "{0} is required",
                "dxNumberBox-invalidValueMessage": "Value must be a number",
                "dxDataGrid-columnChooserTitle": "Column Chooser",
                "dxDataGrid-columnChooserEmptyText": "Drag a column here to hide it",
                "dxDataGrid-groupContinuesMessage": "Continues on the next page",
                "dxDataGrid-groupContinuedMessage": "Continued from the previous page",
                "dxDataGrid-groupHeaderText": "Group by This Column",
                "dxDataGrid-ungroupHeaderText": "Ungroup",
                "dxDataGrid-ungroupAllText": "Ungroup All",
                "dxDataGrid-editingEditRow": "Edit",
                "dxDataGrid-editingSaveRowChanges": "Save",
                "dxDataGrid-editingCancelRowChanges": "Cancel",
                "dxDataGrid-editingDeleteRow": "Delete",
                "dxDataGrid-editingUndeleteRow": "Undelete",
                "dxDataGrid-editingConfirmDeleteMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
                "dxDataGrid-validationCancelChanges": "Cancel changes",
                "dxDataGrid-groupPanelEmptyText": "Drag a column header here to group by that column",
                "dxDataGrid-noDataText": "No data",
                "dxDataGrid-searchPanelPlaceholder": "Search...",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowShowAllText": "(All)",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowResetOperationText": "Reset",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationEquals": "Equals",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationNotEquals": "Does not equal",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationLess": "Less than",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationLessOrEquals": "Less than or equal to",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationGreater": "Greater than",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationGreaterOrEquals": "Greater than or equal to",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationStartsWith": "Starts with",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationContains": "Contains",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationNotContains": "Does not contain",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationEndsWith": "Ends with",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationBetween": "Between",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationBetweenStartText": "Start",
                "dxDataGrid-filterRowOperationBetweenEndText": "End",
                "dxDataGrid-applyFilterText": "Apply filter",
                "dxDataGrid-trueText": "true",
                "dxDataGrid-falseText": "false",
                "dxDataGrid-sortingAscendingText": "Sort Ascending",
                "dxDataGrid-sortingDescendingText": "Sort Descending",
                "dxDataGrid-sortingClearText": "Clear Sorting",
                "dxDataGrid-editingSaveAllChanges": "Save changes",
                "dxDataGrid-editingCancelAllChanges": "Discard changes",
                "dxDataGrid-editingAddRow": "Add a row",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryMin": "Min: {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryMinOtherColumn": "Min of {1} is {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryMax": "Max: {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryMaxOtherColumn": "Max of {1} is {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryAvg": "Avg: {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryAvgOtherColumn": "Avg of {1} is {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summarySum": "Sum: {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summarySumOtherColumn": "Sum of {1} is {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-summaryCount": "Count: {0}",
                "dxDataGrid-columnFixingFix": "Fix",
                "dxDataGrid-columnFixingUnfix": "Unfix",
                "dxDataGrid-columnFixingLeftPosition": "To the left",
                "dxDataGrid-columnFixingRightPosition": "To the right",
                "dxDataGrid-exportTo": "Export",
                "dxDataGrid-exportToExcel": "Export to Excel file",
                "dxDataGrid-excelFormat": "Excel file",
                "dxDataGrid-selectedRows": "Selected rows",
                "dxDataGrid-exportSelectedRows": "Export selected rows",
                "dxDataGrid-exportAll": "Export all data",
                "dxDataGrid-headerFilterEmptyValue": "(Blanks)",
                "dxDataGrid-headerFilterOK": "OK",
                "dxDataGrid-headerFilterCancel": "Cancel",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaColumn": "Column",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaValue": "Value",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaFilterCell": "Filter cell",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaCollapse": "Collapse",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaExpand": "Expand",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaDataGrid": "Data grid",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaSearchInGrid": "Search in data grid",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaSelectAll": "Select all",
                "dxDataGrid-ariaSelectRow": "Select row",
                "dxTreeList-ariaTreeList": "Tree list",
                "dxTreeList-editingAddRowToNode": "Add",
                "dxPager-infoText": "Page {0} of {1} ({2} items)",
                "dxPager-pagesCountText": "of",
                "dxPivotGrid-grandTotal": "Grand Total",
                "dxPivotGrid-total": "{0} Total",
                "dxPivotGrid-fieldChooserTitle": "Field Chooser",
                "dxPivotGrid-showFieldChooser": "Show Field Chooser",
                "dxPivotGrid-expandAll": "Expand All",
                "dxPivotGrid-collapseAll": "Collapse All",
                "dxPivotGrid-sortColumnBySummary": 'Sort "{0}" by This Column',
                "dxPivotGrid-sortRowBySummary": 'Sort "{0}" by This Row',
                "dxPivotGrid-removeAllSorting": "Remove All Sorting",
                "dxPivotGrid-dataNotAvailable": "N/A",
                "dxPivotGrid-rowFields": "Row Fields",
                "dxPivotGrid-columnFields": "Column Fields",
                "dxPivotGrid-dataFields": "Data Fields",
                "dxPivotGrid-filterFields": "Filter Fields",
                "dxPivotGrid-allFields": "All Fields",
                "dxPivotGrid-columnFieldArea": "Drop Column Fields Here",
                "dxPivotGrid-dataFieldArea": "Drop Data Fields Here",
                "dxPivotGrid-rowFieldArea": "Drop Row Fields Here",
                "dxPivotGrid-filterFieldArea": "Drop Filter Fields Here",
                "dxScheduler-editorLabelTitle": "Subject",
                "dxScheduler-editorLabelStartDate": "Start Date",
                "dxScheduler-editorLabelEndDate": "End Date",
                "dxScheduler-editorLabelDescription": "Description",
                "dxScheduler-editorLabelRecurrence": "Repeat",
                "dxScheduler-openAppointment": "Open appointment",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceNever": "Never",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceDaily": "Daily",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceWeekly": "Weekly",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceMonthly": "Monthly",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceYearly": "Yearly",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceEvery": "Every",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceEnd": "End repeat",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceAfter": "After",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceOn": "On",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceRepeatDaily": "day(s)",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceRepeatWeekly": "week(s)",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceRepeatMonthly": "month(s)",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceRepeatYearly": "year(s)",
                "dxScheduler-switcherDay": "Day",
                "dxScheduler-switcherWeek": "Week",
                "dxScheduler-switcherWorkWeek": "Work Week",
                "dxScheduler-switcherMonth": "Month",
                "dxScheduler-switcherAgenda": "Agenda",
                "dxScheduler-switcherTimelineDay": "Timeline Day",
                "dxScheduler-switcherTimelineWeek": "Timeline Week",
                "dxScheduler-switcherTimelineWorkWeek": "Timeline Work Week",
                "dxScheduler-switcherTimelineMonth": "Timeline Month",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceRepeatOnDate": "on date",
                "dxScheduler-recurrenceRepeatCount": "occurrence(s)",
                "dxScheduler-allDay": "All day",
                "dxScheduler-confirmRecurrenceEditMessage": "Do you want to edit only this appointment or the whole series?",
                "dxScheduler-confirmRecurrenceDeleteMessage": "Do you want to delete only this appointment or the whole series?",
                "dxScheduler-confirmRecurrenceEditSeries": "Edit series",
                "dxScheduler-confirmRecurrenceDeleteSeries": "Delete series",
                "dxScheduler-confirmRecurrenceEditOccurrence": "Edit appointment",
                "dxScheduler-confirmRecurrenceDeleteOccurrence": "Delete appointment",
                "dxScheduler-noTimezoneTitle": "No timezone",
                "dxCalendar-todayButtonText": "Today",
                "dxCalendar-ariaWidgetName": "Calendar",
                "dxColorView-ariaRed": "Red",
                "dxColorView-ariaGreen": "Green",
                "dxColorView-ariaBlue": "Blue",
                "dxColorView-ariaAlpha": "Transparency",
                "dxColorView-ariaHex": "Color code",
                "vizExport-printingButtonText": "Print",
                "vizExport-titleMenuText": "Exporting/Printing",
                "vizExport-exportButtonText": "{0} file"
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/framework.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 6);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/knockout */ 92);
        module.exports = DevExpress.framework = {};
        DevExpress.framework.dxCommand = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/command */ 121);
        DevExpress.framework.Router = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/router */ 123);
        DevExpress.framework.StateManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/state_manager */ 124);
        DevExpress.framework.ViewCache = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/view_cache */ 125);
        DevExpress.framework.NullViewCache = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/view_cache */ 125).NullViewCache;
        DevExpress.framework.ConditionalViewCacheDecorator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/view_cache */ 125).ConditionalViewCacheDecorator;
        DevExpress.framework.CapacityViewCacheDecorator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/view_cache */ 125).CapacityViewCacheDecorator;
        DevExpress.framework.HistoryDependentViewCacheDecorator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/view_cache */ 125).HistoryDependentViewCacheDecorator;
        DevExpress.framework.dxCommandContainer = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/command_container */ 126);
        DevExpress.framework.dxView = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128).dxView;
        DevExpress.framework.dxLayout = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128).dxLayout;
        DevExpress.framework.dxViewPlaceholder = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128).dxViewPlaceholder;
        DevExpress.framework.dxContentPlaceholder = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128).dxContentPlaceholder;
        DevExpress.framework.dxTransition = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128).dxTransition;
        DevExpress.framework.dxContent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128).dxContent;
        DevExpress.framework.html = {};
        DevExpress.framework.html.HtmlApplication = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/html_application */ 129);
        DevExpress.framework.Route = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/router */ 123).Route;
        DevExpress.framework.MemoryKeyValueStorage = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/state_manager */ 124).MemoryKeyValueStorage;
        DevExpress.framework.NavigationDevices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_devices */ 134);
        DevExpress.framework.NavigationManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_manager */ 133);
        DevExpress.framework.createActionExecutors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/action_executors */ 132).createActionExecutors;
        DevExpress.framework.Application = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/application */ 130).Application;
        var browserAdapters = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/browser_adapters */ 135);
        DevExpress.framework.DefaultBrowserAdapter = browserAdapters.DefaultBrowserAdapter;
        DevExpress.framework.OldBrowserAdapter = browserAdapters.OldBrowserAdapter;
        DevExpress.framework.BuggyAndroidBrowserAdapter = browserAdapters.BuggyAndroidBrowserAdapter;
        DevExpress.framework.HistorylessBrowserAdapter = browserAdapters.HistorylessBrowserAdapter;
        DevExpress.framework.BuggyCordovaWP81BrowserAdapter = browserAdapters.BuggyCordovaWP81BrowserAdapter;
        DevExpress.framework.CommandMapping = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/command_mapping */ 136);
        DevExpress.framework.HistoryBasedNavigationDevice = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_devices */ 134).HistoryBasedNavigationDevice;
        DevExpress.framework.StackBasedNavigationDevice = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_devices */ 134).StackBasedNavigationDevice;
        DevExpress.framework.HistoryBasedNavigationManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_manager */ 133).HistoryBasedNavigationManager;
        DevExpress.framework.StackBasedNavigationManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_manager */ 133).StackBasedNavigationManager;
        DevExpress.framework.NavigationStack = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/navigation_manager */ 133).NavigationStack;
        DevExpress.framework.utils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/utils */ 131).utils;
        DevExpress.framework.templateProvider = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/utils */ 131).templateProvider;
        DevExpress.framework.html.CommandManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/command_manager */ 139);
        DevExpress.framework.html.HtmlApplication = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/html_application */ 129);
        DevExpress.framework.html.layoutSets = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/presets */ 138).layoutSets;
        DevExpress.framework.html.animationSets = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/presets */ 138).animationSets;
        DevExpress.framework.html.DefaultLayoutController = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/layout_controller */ 142).DefaultLayoutController;
        DevExpress.framework.html.layoutSets = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/layout_controller */ 142).layoutSets;
        DevExpress.framework.html.MarkupComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/markup_component */ 127).MarkupComponent;
        DevExpress.framework.html.ViewEngine = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine */ 141).ViewEngine;
        DevExpress.framework.html.ViewEngineComponents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/view_engine_components */ 128);
        var widgetCommandAdaptersModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../framework/html/widget_command_adapters */ 140);
        DevExpress.framework.html.commandToDXWidgetAdapters = {
            dxToolbar: widgetCommandAdaptersModule.dxToolbar,
            dxList: widgetCommandAdaptersModule.dxList,
            dxNavBar: widgetCommandAdaptersModule.dxNavBar,
            dxPivot: widgetCommandAdaptersModule.dxPivot,
            dxSlideOut: widgetCommandAdaptersModule.dxSlideOut
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93);
        if (ko) {
            var errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
                compareVersion = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/version */ 17).compare;
            if (compareVersion(ko.version, [2, 3]) < 0) {
                throw errors.Error("E0013")
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/component_registrator */ 94);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/event_registrator */ 113);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/components */ 114);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/validation */ 116);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/variable_wrapper_utils */ 118);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/clean_node */ 119);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./knockout/clean_node_old */ 120)
      !*** external "window.ko" ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = window.ko
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/component_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7),
            inflector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/inflector */ 39),
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            Widget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/widget/ui.widget */ 95),
            KoTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ./template */ 105),
            Editor = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/editor/editor */ 106),
            Locker = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/locker */ 112),
            config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/config */ 15);
        var LOCKS_DATA_KEY = "dxKoLocks",
            CREATED_WITH_KO_DATA_KEY = "dxKoCreation";
        var editorsBindingHandlers = [];
        var registerComponentKoBinding = function(componentName, componentClass) {
            if (componentClass.subclassOf(Editor)) {
            ko.bindingHandlers[componentName] = {
                init: function(domNode, valueAccessor) {
                    var component, isBindingPropertyPredicate, $element = $(domNode),
                        optionChangedCallbacks = $.Callbacks(),
                        optionsByReference = {},
                        knockoutConfig = config().knockout,
                        isBindingPropertyPredicateName = knockoutConfig && knockoutConfig.isBindingPropertyPredicateName,
                        ctorOptions = {
                            onInitializing: function() {
                                optionsByReference = this._getOptionsByReference();
                                ko.computed(function() {
                                    var model = ko.unwrap(valueAccessor());
                                    if (component) {
                                    isBindingPropertyPredicate = isBindingPropertyPredicateName && model && model[isBindingPropertyPredicateName];
                                    if (component) {
                                }, null, {
                                    disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: domNode
                                component = this
                            modelByElement: function($element) {
                                if ($element.length) {
                                    return ko.dataFor($element.get(0))
                            nestedComponentOptions: function(component) {
                                return {
                                    modelByElement: component.option("modelByElement"),
                                    nestedComponentOptions: component.option("nestedComponentOptions")
                            _optionChangedCallbacks: optionChangedCallbacks,
                            integrationOptions: {
                                watchMethod: function(fn, callback, options) {
                                    options = options || {};
                                    var skipCallback = options.skipImmediate;
                                    var watcher = ko.computed(function() {
                                        var newValue = ko.unwrap(fn());
                                        if (!skipCallback) {
                                        skipCallback = false
                                    return function() {
                                templates: {
                                    "dx-polymorph-widget": {
                                        render: function(options) {
                                            var widgetName = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(options.model.widget);
                                            if (!widgetName) {
                                            if ("button" === widgetName || "tabs" === widgetName || "dropDownMenu" === widgetName) {
                                                var deprecatedName = widgetName;
                                                widgetName = inflector.camelize("dx-" + widgetName);
                                                errors.log("W0001", "dxToolbar - 'widget' item field", deprecatedName, "16.1", "Use: '" + widgetName + "' instead")
                                            var markup = $('<div data-bind="' + widgetName + ': options">').get(0);
                                            ko.applyBindings(options.model, markup)
                                createTemplate: function(element) {
                                    return new KoTemplate(element)
                        optionNameToModelMap = {};
                    var applyModelValueToOption = function(optionName, modelValue, unwrap) {
                        var locks = $element.data(LOCKS_DATA_KEY),
                            optionValue = unwrap ? ko.unwrap(modelValue) : modelValue;
                        if (ko.isWriteableObservable(modelValue)) {
                            optionNameToModelMap[optionName] = modelValue
                        if (component) {
                            if (locks.locked(optionName)) {
                            try {
                                if (ko.ignoreDependencies) {
                                    ko.ignoreDependencies(component.option, component, [optionName, optionValue])
                                } else {
                                    component.option(optionName, optionValue)
                            } finally {
                        } else {
                            ctorOptions[optionName] = optionValue
                    var handleOptionChanged = function(args) {
                        var optionName = args.fullName,
                            optionValue = args.value;
                        if (!(optionName in optionNameToModelMap)) {
                        var $element = this._$element,
                            locks = $element.data(LOCKS_DATA_KEY);
                        if (locks.locked(optionName)) {
                        try {
                        } finally {
                    var createComponent = function() {
                        $element.data(CREATED_WITH_KO_DATA_KEY, true).data(LOCKS_DATA_KEY, new Locker)[componentName](ctorOptions);
                        ctorOptions = null
                    var unwrapModelValue = function(currentModel, propertyName, propertyPath) {
                        if (propertyPath === isBindingPropertyPredicateName) {
                        if (!isBindingPropertyPredicate || isBindingPropertyPredicate(propertyPath, propertyName, currentModel)) {
                            var unwrappedPropertyValue;
                            ko.computed(function() {
                                var propertyValue = currentModel[propertyName];
                                applyModelValueToOption(propertyPath, propertyValue, true);
                                unwrappedPropertyValue = ko.unwrap(propertyValue)
                            }, null, {
                                disposeWhenNodeIsRemoved: domNode
                            if (isPlainObject(unwrappedPropertyValue)) {
                                if (!optionsByReference[propertyPath]) {
                                    unwrapModel(unwrappedPropertyValue, propertyPath)
                        } else {
                            applyModelValueToOption(propertyPath, currentModel[propertyName], false)
                    var unwrapModel = function(model, propertyPath) {
                        for (var propertyName in model) {
                            if (model.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
                                unwrapModelValue(model, propertyName, propertyPath ? [propertyPath, propertyName].join(".") : propertyName)
                    return {
                        controlsDescendantBindings: componentClass.subclassOf(Widget)
            if ("dxValidator" === componentName) {
                ko.bindingHandlers.dxValidator.after = editorsBindingHandlers
        registerComponent.callbacks.add(function(name, componentClass) {
            registerComponentKoBinding(name, componentClass)
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/ui.widget.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.errors */ 22),
            Action = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/action */ 49),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            DOMComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/dom_component */ 43),
            Template = __webpack_require__( /*! ./jquery.template */ 96),
            FunctionTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ./function_template */ 98),
            EmptyTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ./empty_template */ 99),
            ChildDefaultTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ./child_default_template */ 100),
            KeyboardProcessor = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.keyboard_processor */ 101),
            selectors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./jquery.selectors */ 102),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71),
            hoverEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/hover */ 103),
            feedbackEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/emitter.feedback */ 104),
            clickEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/click */ 75),
            inflector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/inflector */ 39);
        var UI_FEEDBACK = "UIFeedback",
            WIDGET_CLASS = "dx-widget",
            ACTIVE_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-active",
            DISABLED_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-disabled",
            INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-invisible",
            HOVER_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-hover",
            FOCUSED_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-focused",
            FEEDBACK_SHOW_TIMEOUT = 30,
            FEEDBACK_HIDE_TIMEOUT = 400,
            FOCUS_NAMESPACE = "Focus",
            ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME = "template",
            TEXT_NODE = 3,
            TEMPLATE_SELECTOR = "[data-options*='dxTemplate']",
            TEMPLATE_WRAPPER_CLASS = "dx-template-wrapper";
        var DX_POLYMORPH_WIDGET_TEMPLATE = new FunctionTemplate(function(options) {
            var widgetName = options.model.widget;
            if (widgetName) {
                var widgetElement = $("<div>"),
                    widgetOptions = options.model.options || {};
                if ("button" === widgetName || "tabs" === widgetName || "dropDownMenu" === widgetName) {
                    var deprecatedName = widgetName;
                    widgetName = inflector.camelize("dx-" + widgetName);
                    errors.log("W0001", "dxToolbar - 'widget' item field", deprecatedName, "16.1", "Use: '" + widgetName + "' instead")
                return widgetElement
            return $()
        var beforeActivateExists = void 0 !== document.onbeforeactivate;
        var Widget = DOMComponent.inherit({
            _supportedKeys: function() {
                return {}
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    disabled: false,
                    visible: true,
                    hint: void 0,
                    activeStateEnabled: false,
                    onContentReady: null,
                    hoverStateEnabled: false,
                    focusStateEnabled: false,
                    tabIndex: 0,
                    accessKey: null,
                    onFocusIn: null,
                    onFocusOut: null,
                    integrationOptions: {
                        watchMethod: function(fn, callback, options) {
                            options = options || {};
                            if (!options.skipImmediate) {
                            return commonUtils.noop
                        templates: {
                            "dx-polymorph-widget": DX_POLYMORPH_WIDGET_TEMPLATE
                        createTemplate: function(element) {
                            return new Template(element)
                    _keyboardProcessor: void 0
            _feedbackShowTimeout: FEEDBACK_SHOW_TIMEOUT,
            _feedbackHideTimeout: FEEDBACK_HIDE_TIMEOUT,
            _init: function() {
                this._tempTemplates = [];
                this._defaultTemplates = {};
            _initTemplates: function() {
            _extractTemplates: function() {
                var templates = this.option("integrationOptions.templates"),
                    templateElements = this.element().contents().filter(TEMPLATE_SELECTOR);
                var templatesMap = {};
                templateElements.each(function(_, template) {
                    var templateOptions = domUtils.getElementOptions(template).dxTemplate;
                    if (!templateOptions) {
                    if (!templateOptions.name) {
                        throw errors.Error("E0023")
                    templatesMap[templateOptions.name] = templatesMap[templateOptions.name] || [];
                $.each(templatesMap, function(templateName, value) {
                    var deviceTemplate = this._findTemplateByDevice(value);
                    if (deviceTemplate) {
                        templates[templateName] = this._createTemplate(deviceTemplate)
            _findTemplateByDevice: function(templates) {
                var suitableTemplate = commonUtils.findBestMatches(devices.current(), templates, function(template) {
                    return domUtils.getElementOptions(template).dxTemplate
                $.each(templates, function(index, template) {
                    if (template !== suitableTemplate) {
                return suitableTemplate
            _extractAnonymousTemplate: function() {
                var templates = this.option("integrationOptions.templates"),
                    anonymousTemplateName = this._getAnonymousTemplateName(),
                    $anonymousTemplate = this.element().contents().detach();
                var $notJunkTemplateContent = $anonymousTemplate.filter(function(_, element) {
                        var isTextNode = element.nodeType === TEXT_NODE,
                            isEmptyText = $.trim($(element).text()).length < 1;
                        return !(isTextNode && isEmptyText)
                    onlyJunkTemplateContent = $notJunkTemplateContent.length < 1;
                if (!templates[anonymousTemplateName] && !onlyJunkTemplateContent) {
                    templates[anonymousTemplateName] = this._createTemplate($anonymousTemplate)
            _getAriaTarget: function() {
                return this._focusTarget()
            _getAnonymousTemplateName: function() {
                return ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME
            _getTemplateByOption: function(optionName) {
                return this._getTemplate(this.option(optionName))
            _getTemplate: function(templateSource) {
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(templateSource)) {
                    return new FunctionTemplate(function(options) {
                        var templateSourceResult = templateSource.apply(this, this._getNormalizedTemplateArgs(options));
                        if (!commonUtils.isDefined(templateSourceResult)) {
                            return new EmptyTemplate
                        var dispose = false;
                        var template = this._acquireTemplate(templateSourceResult, function(templateSource) {
                            if (templateSource.nodeType || templateSource.jquery && !$(templateSource).is("script")) {
                                return new FunctionTemplate(function() {
                                    return templateSource
                            dispose = true;
                            return this._createTemplate(templateSource)
                        var result = template.render(options);
                        dispose && template.dispose && template.dispose();
                        return result
                return this._acquireTemplate(templateSource, this._createTemplateIfNeeded.bind(this))
            _acquireTemplate: function(templateSource, createTemplate) {
                if (null == templateSource) {
                    return new EmptyTemplate
                if (templateSource instanceof ChildDefaultTemplate) {
                    return this._defaultTemplates[templateSource.name]
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(templateSource.render) && !templateSource.jquery) {
                    return templateSource
                if (templateSource.nodeType || templateSource.jquery) {
                    templateSource = $(templateSource);
                    return createTemplate(templateSource)
                if ("string" === typeof templateSource) {
                    var userTemplate = this.option("integrationOptions.templates")[templateSource];
                    if (userTemplate) {
                        return userTemplate
                    var dynamicTemplate = this._defaultTemplates[templateSource];
                    if (dynamicTemplate) {
                        return dynamicTemplate
                    return createTemplate(templateSource)
                return this._acquireTemplate(templateSource.toString(), createTemplate)
            _createTemplateIfNeeded: function(templateSource) {
                var templateKey = function(templateSource) {
                    return templateSource.jquery && templateSource[0] || templateSource
                var cachedTemplate = this._tempTemplates.filter(function(t) {
                    templateSource = templateKey(templateSource);
                    return t.source === templateSource
                if (cachedTemplate) {
                    return cachedTemplate.template
                var template = this._createTemplate(templateSource);
                    template: template,
                    source: templateKey(templateSource)
                return template
            _createTemplate: function(templateSource) {
                templateSource = "string" === typeof templateSource ? domUtils.normalizeTemplateElement(templateSource) : templateSource;
                return this.option("integrationOptions.createTemplate")(templateSource)
            _getNormalizedTemplateArgs: function(options) {
                var args = [];
                if ("model" in options) {
                if ("index" in options) {
                return args
            _cleanTemplates: function() {
                this._tempTemplates.forEach(function(t) {
                    t.template.dispose && t.template.dispose()
                this._tempTemplates = []
            _initContentReadyAction: function() {
                this._contentReadyAction = this._createActionByOption("onContentReady", {
                    excludeValidators: ["designMode", "disabled", "readOnly"]
            _render: function() {
            _renderHint: function() {
                domUtils.toggleAttr(this.element(), "title", this.option("hint"))
            _renderContent: function() {
                var that = this;
                commonUtils.deferRender(function() {
            _renderContentImpl: commonUtils.noop,
            _fireContentReadyAction: function() {
            _dispose: function() {
                this._contentReadyAction = null;
            _clean: function() {
            _toggleVisibility: function(visible) {
                this.element().toggleClass(INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS, !visible);
                this.setAria("hidden", !visible || void 0)
            _renderFocusState: function() {
                if (!this.option("focusStateEnabled") || this.option("disabled")) {
            _renderAccessKey: function() {
                var focusTarget = this._focusTarget();
                focusTarget.attr("accesskey", this.option("accessKey"));
                var clickNamespace = eventUtils.addNamespace(clickEvent.name, UI_FEEDBACK);
                this.option("accessKey") && focusTarget.on(clickNamespace, function(e) {
                    if (eventUtils.isFakeClickEvent(e)) {
            _eventBindingTarget: function() {
                return this.element()
            _focusTarget: function() {
                return this._getActiveElement()
            _getActiveElement: function() {
                var activeElement = this._eventBindingTarget();
                if (this._activeStateUnit) {
                    activeElement = activeElement.find(this._activeStateUnit).not("." + DISABLED_STATE_CLASS)
                return activeElement
            _renderFocusTarget: function() {
                this._focusTarget().attr("tabindex", this.option("tabIndex"))
            _keyboardEventBindingTarget: function() {
                return this._eventBindingTarget()
            _detachFocusEvents: function() {
                var $element = this._focusTarget(),
                    namespace = this.NAME + FOCUS_NAMESPACE,
                    focusEvents = eventUtils.addNamespace("focusin", namespace);
                focusEvents = focusEvents + " " + eventUtils.addNamespace("focusout", namespace);
                if (beforeActivateExists) {
                    focusEvents = focusEvents + " " + eventUtils.addNamespace("beforeactivate", namespace)
            _attachFocusEvents: function() {
                var namespace = this.NAME + FOCUS_NAMESPACE,
                    focusInEvent = eventUtils.addNamespace("focusin", namespace),
                    focusOutEvent = eventUtils.addNamespace("focusout", namespace);
                this._focusTarget().on(focusInEvent, this._focusInHandler.bind(this)).on(focusOutEvent, this._focusOutHandler.bind(this));
                if (beforeActivateExists) {
                    var beforeActivateEvent = eventUtils.addNamespace("beforeactivate", namespace);
                    this._focusTarget().on(beforeActivateEvent, function(e) {
                        if (!$(e.target).is(selectors.focusable)) {
            _refreshFocusEvent: function() {
            _focusInHandler: function(e) {
                var that = this;
                that._createActionByOption("onFocusIn", {
                    beforeExecute: function() {
                        that._updateFocusState(e, true)
                    excludeValidators: ["readOnly"]
                    jQueryEvent: e
            _focusOutHandler: function(e) {
                var that = this;
                that._createActionByOption("onFocusOut", {
                    beforeExecute: function() {
                        that._updateFocusState(e, false)
                    excludeValidators: ["readOnly", "disabled"]
                    jQueryEvent: e
            _updateFocusState: function(e, isFocused) {
                var target = e.target;
                if (inArray(target, this._focusTarget()) !== -1) {
                    this._toggleFocusClass(isFocused, $(target))
            _toggleFocusClass: function(isFocused, $element) {
                var $focusTarget = $element && $element.length ? $element : this._focusTarget();
                $focusTarget.toggleClass(FOCUSED_STATE_CLASS, isFocused)
            _hasFocusClass: function(element) {
                var $focusTarget = $(element || this._focusTarget());
                return $focusTarget.hasClass(FOCUSED_STATE_CLASS)
            _attachKeyboardEvents: function() {
                var processor = this.option("_keyboardProcessor") || new KeyboardProcessor({
                    element: this._keyboardEventBindingTarget(),
                    focusTarget: this._focusTarget()
                this._keyboardProcessor = processor.reinitialize(this._keyboardHandler, this)
            _keyboardHandler: function(options) {
                var e = options.originalEvent,
                    key = options.key;
                var keys = this._supportedKeys(),
                    func = keys[key];
                if (void 0 !== func) {
                    var handler = func.bind(this);
                    return handler(e) || false
                } else {
                    return true
            _refreshFocusState: function() {
            _cleanFocusState: function() {
                var $element = this._focusTarget();
                if (this._keyboardProcessor) {
            _attachHoverEvents: function() {
                var that = this,
                    hoverableSelector = that._activeStateUnit,
                    nameStart = eventUtils.addNamespace(hoverEvents.start, UI_FEEDBACK),
                    nameEnd = eventUtils.addNamespace(hoverEvents.end, UI_FEEDBACK);
                that._eventBindingTarget().off(nameStart, hoverableSelector).off(nameEnd, hoverableSelector);
                if (that.option("hoverStateEnabled")) {
                    var startAction = new Action(function(args) {
                        var $target = args.element;
                    }, {
                        excludeValidators: ["readOnly"]
                    that._eventBindingTarget().on(nameStart, hoverableSelector, function(e) {
                            element: $(e.target),
                            event: e
                    }).on(nameEnd, hoverableSelector, function(e) {
                } else {
            _hoverStartHandler: commonUtils.noop,
            _hoverEndHandler: commonUtils.noop,
            _attachFeedbackEvents: function() {
                var feedbackAction, feedbackActionDisabled, that = this,
                    feedbackSelector = that._activeStateUnit,
                    activeEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(feedbackEvents.active, UI_FEEDBACK),
                    inactiveEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(feedbackEvents.inactive, UI_FEEDBACK);
                that._eventBindingTarget().off(activeEventName, feedbackSelector).off(inactiveEventName, feedbackSelector);
                if (that.option("activeStateEnabled")) {
                    var feedbackActionHandler = function(args) {
                        var $element = args.element,
                            value = args.value,
                            jQueryEvent = args.jQueryEvent;
                        that._toggleActiveState($element, value, jQueryEvent)
                    that._eventBindingTarget().on(activeEventName, feedbackSelector, {
                        timeout: that._feedbackShowTimeout
                    }, function(e) {
                        feedbackAction = feedbackAction || new Action(feedbackActionHandler);
                            element: $(e.currentTarget),
                            value: true,
                            jQueryEvent: e
                    }).on(inactiveEventName, feedbackSelector, {
                        timeout: that._feedbackHideTimeout
                    }, function(e) {
                        feedbackActionDisabled = feedbackActionDisabled || new Action(feedbackActionHandler, {
                            excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
                            element: $(e.currentTarget),
                            value: false,
                            jQueryEvent: e
            _toggleActiveState: function($element, value) {
                $element.toggleClass(ACTIVE_STATE_CLASS, value)
            _refreshHoveredElement: function(hoveredElement) {
                var selector = this._activeStateUnit || this._eventBindingTarget();
                this._hoveredElement = hoveredElement.closest(selector);
            _forgetHoveredElement: function() {
                delete this._hoveredElement
            _toggleHoverClass: function(value) {
                if (this._hoveredElement) {
                    this._hoveredElement.toggleClass(HOVER_STATE_CLASS, value && this.option("hoverStateEnabled"))
            _toggleDisabledState: function(value) {
                this.element().toggleClass(DISABLED_STATE_CLASS, Boolean(value));
                this.setAria("disabled", value || void 0)
            _setWidgetOption: function(widgetName, args) {
                if (!this[widgetName]) {
                if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(args[0])) {
                    $.each(args[0], function(option, value) {
                        this._setWidgetOption(widgetName, [option, value])
                var optionName = args[0];
                var value = args[1];
                if (1 === args.length) {
                    value = this.option(optionName)
                var widgetOptionMap = this[widgetName + "OptionMap"];
                this[widgetName].option(widgetOptionMap ? widgetOptionMap(optionName) : optionName, value)
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "disabled":
                    case "hint":
                    case "activeStateEnabled":
                    case "hoverStateEnabled":
                    case "tabIndex":
                    case "_keyboardProcessor":
                    case "focusStateEnabled":
                    case "onFocusIn":
                    case "onFocusOut":
                    case "accessKey":
                    case "visible":
                        var visible = args.value;
                        if (this._isVisibilityChangeSupported()) {
                            this._checkVisibilityChanged(args.value ? "shown" : "hiding")
                    case "onContentReady":
            _isVisible: function() {
                return this.callBase() && this.option("visible")
            beginUpdate: function() {
            endUpdate: function() {
                if (this._initialized) {
            _ready: function(value) {
                if (0 === arguments.length) {
                    return this._isReady
                this._isReady = value
            setAria: function() {
                var setAttribute = function(option) {
                    var attrName = "role" === option.name || "id" === option.name ? option.name : "aria-" + option.name,
                        attrValue = option.value;
                    if (null === attrValue || void 0 === attrValue) {
                        attrValue = void 0
                    } else {
                        attrValue = attrValue.toString()
                    domUtils.toggleAttr(option.target, attrName, attrValue)
                if (!typeUtils.isPlainObject(arguments[0])) {
                        name: arguments[0],
                        value: arguments[1],
                        target: arguments[2] || this._getAriaTarget()
                } else {
                    var $target = arguments[1] || this._getAriaTarget();
                    $.each(arguments[0], function(key, value) {
                            name: key,
                            value: value,
                            target: $target
            isReady: function() {
                return this._ready()
            repaint: function() {
            focus: function() {
            registerKeyHandler: function(key, handler) {
                var currentKeys = this._supportedKeys(),
                    addingKeys = {};
                addingKeys[key] = handler;
                this._supportedKeys = function() {
                    return extend(currentKeys, addingKeys)
        module.exports = Widget
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/jquery.template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.template_base */ 97),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56);
        var templateEngines = {};
        var registerTemplateEngine = function(name, templateEngine) {
            templateEngines[name] = templateEngine
        var outerHtml = function(element) {
            element = $(element);
            var templateTag = element.length && element[0].nodeName.toLowerCase();
            if ("script" === templateTag) {
                return element.html()
            } else {
                element = $("<div>").append(element);
                return element.html()
        registerTemplateEngine("default", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return domUtils.normalizeTemplateElement(element)
            render: function(template) {
                return template.clone()
        registerTemplateEngine("jquery-tmpl", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return outerHtml(element)
            render: function(template, data) {
                return $.tmpl(template, data)
        registerTemplateEngine("jsrender", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return $.templates(outerHtml(element))
            render: function(template, data) {
                return template.render(data)
        registerTemplateEngine("mustache", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return outerHtml(element)
            render: function(template, data) {
                return Mustache.render(template, data)
        registerTemplateEngine("hogan", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return Hogan.compile(outerHtml(element))
            render: function(template, data) {
                return template.render(data)
        registerTemplateEngine("underscore", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return _.template(outerHtml(element))
            render: function(template, data) {
                return template(data)
        registerTemplateEngine("handlebars", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return Handlebars.compile(outerHtml(element))
            render: function(template, data) {
                return template(data)
        registerTemplateEngine("doT", {
            compile: function(element) {
                return doT.template(outerHtml(element))
            render: function(template, data) {
                return template(data)
        var currentTemplateEngine;
        var setTemplateEngine = function(templateEngine) {
            if (commonUtils.isString(templateEngine)) {
                currentTemplateEngine = templateEngines[templateEngine];
                if (!currentTemplateEngine) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0020", templateEngine)
            } else {
                currentTemplateEngine = templateEngine
        var Template = TemplateBase.inherit({
            ctor: function(element) {
                this._element = element;
                this._compiledTemplate = currentTemplateEngine.compile(element)
            _renderCore: function(options) {
                return $("<div>").append(currentTemplateEngine.render(this._compiledTemplate, options.model)).contents()
            source: function() {
                return $(this._element).clone()
        module.exports = Template;
        module.exports.setTemplateEngine = setTemplateEngine
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/ui.template_base.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            triggerShownEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56).triggerShownEvent,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            abstract = Class.abstract;
        var renderedCallbacks = $.Callbacks();
        var TemplateBase = Class.inherit({
            render: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                var $result = this._renderCore(options);
                this._ensureResultInContainer($result, options.container);
                renderedCallbacks.fire($result, options.container);
                return $result
            _ensureResultInContainer: function($result, $container) {
                if (!$container) {
                var resultInContainer = $.contains($container.get(0), $result.get(0));
                if (resultInContainer) {
                var resultInBody = $.contains(document.body, $container.get(0));
                if (!resultInBody) {
            _renderCore: abstract
        module.exports = TemplateBase;
        module.exports.renderedCallbacks = renderedCallbacks
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/function_template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.template_base */ 97),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56);
        var FunctionTemplate = TemplateBase.inherit({
            ctor: function(render) {
                this._render = render
            _renderCore: function(options) {
                return domUtils.normalizeTemplateElement(this._render(options))
        module.exports = FunctionTemplate
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/empty_template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.template_base */ 97);
        var EmptyTemplate = TemplateBase.inherit({
            _renderCore: function() {
                return $()
        module.exports = EmptyTemplate
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/child_default_template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.template_base */ 97);
        module.exports = TemplateBase.inherit({
            ctor: function(name) {
                this.name = name
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/ui.keyboard_processor.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71);
        var KeyboardProcessor = Class.inherit({
            _keydown: eventUtils.addNamespace("keydown", "KeyboardProcessor"),
            codes: {
                8: "backspace",
                9: "tab",
                13: "enter",
                27: "escape",
                33: "pageUp",
                34: "pageDown",
                35: "end",
                36: "home",
                37: "leftArrow",
                38: "upArrow",
                39: "rightArrow",
                40: "downArrow",
                46: "del",
                32: "space",
                70: "F",
                65: "A",
                106: "asterisk",
                109: "minus"
            ctor: function(options) {
                var _this = this;
                options = options || {};
                if (options.element) {
                    this._element = $(options.element)
                if (options.focusTarget) {
                    this._focusTarget = options.focusTarget
                this._handler = options.handler;
                this._context = options.context;
                this._childProcessors = [];
                if (this._element) {
                    this._processFunction = function(e) {
                    this._element.on(this._keydown, this._processFunction)
            dispose: function() {
                if (this._element) {
                    this._element.off(this._keydown, this._processFunction)
                this._element = void 0;
                this._handler = void 0;
                this._context = void 0;
                this._childProcessors = void 0
            clearChildren: function() {
                this._childProcessors = []
            push: function(child) {
                if (!this._childProcessors) {
                return child
            attachChildProcessor: function() {
                var childProcessor = new KeyboardProcessor;
                return childProcessor
            reinitialize: function(childHandler, childContext) {
                this._context = childContext;
                this._handler = childHandler;
                return this
            process: function(e) {
                if (this._focusTarget && this._focusTarget !== e.target && inArray(e.target, this._focusTarget) < 0) {
                    return false
                var args = {
                    key: this.codes[e.which] || e.which,
                    ctrl: e.ctrlKey,
                    shift: e.shiftKey,
                    alt: e.altKey,
                    originalEvent: e
                var handlerResult = this._handler && this._handler.call(this._context, args);
                if (handlerResult && this._childProcessors) {
                    $.each(this._childProcessors, function(index, childProcessor) {
        module.exports = KeyboardProcessor
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/jquery.selectors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var focusable = function(element, tabIndex) {
            if (!visible(element)) {
                return false
            var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
                isTabIndexNotNaN = !isNaN(tabIndex),
                isDisabled = element.disabled,
                isDefaultFocus = /^(input|select|textarea|button|object|iframe)$/.test(nodeName),
                isHyperlink = "a" === nodeName,
                isFocusable = true;
            if (isDefaultFocus) {
                isFocusable = !isDisabled
            } else {
                if (isHyperlink) {
                    isFocusable = element.href || isTabIndexNotNaN
                } else {
                    isFocusable = isTabIndexNotNaN
            return isFocusable
        var visible = function(element) {
            var $element = $(element);
            return $element.is(":visible") && "hidden" !== $element.css("visibility") && "hidden" !== $element.parents().css("visibility")
        module.exports = {
            focusable: function(index, element) {
                return focusable(element, $(element).attr("tabindex"))
            tabbable: function(index, element) {
                var tabIndex = $(element).attr("tabindex");
                return (isNaN(tabIndex) || tabIndex >= 0) && focusable(element, tabIndex)
      !*** ./js/events/hover.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53),
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/event_registrator */ 73),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pointer */ 76);
        var HOVERSTART_NAMESPACE = "dxHoverStart",
            HOVERSTART = "dxhoverstart",
            POINTERENTER_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace(pointerEvents.enter, HOVERSTART_NAMESPACE),
            HOVEREND_NAMESPACE = "dxHoverEnd",
            HOVEREND = "dxhoverend",
            POINTERLEAVE_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace(pointerEvents.leave, HOVEREND_NAMESPACE);
        var Hover = Class.inherit({
            noBubble: true,
            ctor: function() {
                this._handlerArrayKeyPath = this._eventNamespace + "_HandlerStore"
            setup: function(element) {
                $.data(element, this._handlerArrayKeyPath, {})
            add: function(element, handleObj) {
                var that = this,
                    $element = $(element),
                    handler = function(e) {
                $element.on(this._originalEventName, handleObj.selector, handler);
                $.data(element, this._handlerArrayKeyPath)[handleObj.guid] = handler
            _handler: function(e) {
                if (eventUtils.isTouchEvent(e) || devices.isSimulator()) {
                    type: this._eventName,
                    originalEvent: e,
                    delegateTarget: e.delegateTarget
            remove: function(element, handleObj) {
                var handler = $.data(element, this._handlerArrayKeyPath)[handleObj.guid];
                $(element).off(this._originalEventName, handleObj.selector, handler)
            teardown: function(element) {
                $.removeData(element, this._handlerArrayKeyPath)
        var HoverStart = Hover.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._eventNamespace = HOVERSTART_NAMESPACE;
                this._eventName = HOVERSTART;
                this._originalEventName = POINTERENTER_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME;
            _handler: function(e) {
                var pointers = e.pointers || [];
                if (!pointers.length) {
        var HoverEnd = Hover.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._eventNamespace = HOVEREND_NAMESPACE;
                this._eventName = HOVEREND;
                this._originalEventName = POINTERLEAVE_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME;
        registerEvent(HOVERSTART, new HoverStart);
        registerEvent(HOVEREND, new HoverEnd);
        exports.start = HOVERSTART;
        exports.end = HOVEREND
      !*** ./js/events/core/emitter.feedback.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 71),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../pointer */ 76),
            Emitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./emitter */ 83),
            registerEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./emitter_registrator */ 84);
        var ACTIVE_EVENT_NAME = "dxactive",
            INACTIVE_EVENT_NAME = "dxinactive",
            ACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 30,
            INACTIVE_TIMEOUT = 400;
        var FeedbackEvent = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(timeout, fire) {
                this._timeout = timeout;
                this._fire = fire
            start: function() {
                var that = this;
                this._schedule(function() {
            _schedule: function(fn) {
                this._timer = window.setTimeout(fn, this._timeout)
            stop: function() {
            force: function() {
                if (this._fired) {
                this._fired = true
            fired: function() {
                return this._fired
        var activeFeedback;
        var FeedbackEmitter = Emitter.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._active = new FeedbackEvent(0, commonUtils.noop);
                this._inactive = new FeedbackEvent(0, commonUtils.noop)
            configure: function(data, eventName) {
                switch (eventName) {
                    case ACTIVE_EVENT_NAME:
                        data.activeTimeout = data.timeout;
                    case INACTIVE_EVENT_NAME:
                        data.inactiveTimeout = data.timeout
            start: function(e) {
                if (activeFeedback) {
                    var activeChildExists = $.contains(this.getElement().get(0), activeFeedback.getElement().get(0));
                    var childJustActivated = !activeFeedback._active.fired();
                    if (activeChildExists && childJustActivated) {
                activeFeedback = this;
            _initEvents: function(e) {
                var that = this,
                    eventTarget = this._getEmitterTarget(e),
                    mouseEvent = eventUtils.isMouseEvent(e),
                    isSimulator = devices.isSimulator(),
                    deferFeedback = isSimulator || !mouseEvent,
                    activeTimeout = commonUtils.ensureDefined(this.activeTimeout, ACTIVE_TIMEOUT),
                    inactiveTimeout = commonUtils.ensureDefined(this.inactiveTimeout, INACTIVE_TIMEOUT);
                this._active = new FeedbackEvent(deferFeedback ? activeTimeout : 0, function() {
                    that._fireEvent(ACTIVE_EVENT_NAME, e, {
                        target: eventTarget
                this._inactive = new FeedbackEvent(deferFeedback ? inactiveTimeout : 0, function() {
                    that._fireEvent(INACTIVE_EVENT_NAME, e, {
                        target: eventTarget
                    activeFeedback = null
            cancel: function(e) {
            end: function(e) {
                var skipTimers = e.type !== pointerEvents.up;
                if (skipTimers) {
                } else {
                if (skipTimers) {
            dispose: function() {
            lockInactive: function() {
                activeFeedback = null;
                return this._inactive.force.bind(this._inactive)
        FeedbackEmitter.lock = function(deferred) {
            var lockInactive = activeFeedback ? activeFeedback.lockInactive() : commonUtils.noop;
            emitter: FeedbackEmitter,
        exports.lock = FeedbackEmitter.lock;
        exports.active = ACTIVE_EVENT_NAME;
        exports.inactive = INACTIVE_EVENT_NAME
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/widget/ui.template_base */ 97),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56);
        var KoTemplate = TemplateBase.inherit({
            ctor: function(element) {
                this._element = element;
                this._template = $("<div>").append(domUtils.normalizeTemplateElement(element));
            _registerKoTemplate: function() {
                var template = this._template.get(0);
                new ko.templateSources.anonymousTemplate(template).nodes(template)
            _prepareDataForContainer: function(data, container) {
                var containerElement, containerContext, result = data;
                if (container.length) {
                    containerElement = container.get(0);
                    data = void 0 !== data ? data : ko.dataFor(containerElement) || {};
                    containerContext = ko.contextFor(containerElement);
                    if (containerContext) {
                        result = data === containerContext.$data ? containerContext : containerContext.createChildContext(data)
                    } else {
                        result = data
                return result
            _renderCore: function(options) {
                var model = options.model;
                if (options.container) {
                    model = this._prepareDataForContainer(model, options.container)
                var $placeholder = $("<div>").appendTo(options.container);
                var $result;
                ko.renderTemplate(this._template.get(0), model, {
                    afterRender: function(nodes) {
                        $result = $(nodes)
                }, $placeholder.get(0), "replaceNode");
                return $result
            source: function() {
                return $(this._element).clone()
            dispose: function() {
        module.exports = KoTemplate
      !*** ./js/ui/editor/editor.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            getDefaultAlignment = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/position */ 107).getDefaultAlignment,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            Widget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/ui.widget */ 95),
            ValidationMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../validation/validation_mixin */ 108),
            Overlay = __webpack_require__( /*! ../overlay */ 109);
        var READONLY_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-readonly",
            INVALID_CLASS = "dx-invalid",
            INVALID_MESSAGE = "dx-invalid-message",
            INVALID_MESSAGE_AUTO = "dx-invalid-message-auto",
            INVALID_MESSAGE_ALWAYS = "dx-invalid-message-always",
            VALIDATION_TARGET = "dx-validation-target",
        var Editor = Widget.inherit({
            _init: function() {
                this.validationRequest = $.Callbacks();
                var $element = this.element();
                if ($element) {
                    $.data($element[0], VALIDATION_TARGET, this)
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    value: null,
                    name: "",
                    onValueChanged: null,
                    readOnly: false,
                    isValid: true,
                    validationError: null,
                    validationMessageMode: "auto",
                    validationBoundary: void 0,
                    validationMessageOffset: {
                        h: 0,
                        v: 0
            _attachKeyboardEvents: function() {
                if (this.option("readOnly")) {
            _attachChildKeyboardEvents: commonUtils.noop,
            _setOptionsByReference: function() {
                extend(this._optionsByReference, {
                    validationError: true
            _createValueChangeAction: function() {
                this._valueChangeAction = this._createActionByOption("onValueChanged", {
                    excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
            _suppressValueChangeAction: function() {
                this._valueChangeActionSuppressed = true
            _resumeValueChangeAction: function() {
                this._valueChangeActionSuppressed = false
            _render: function() {
            _raiseValueChangeAction: function(value, previousValue) {
                if (!this._valueChangeAction) {
                this._valueChangeAction(this._valueChangeArgs(value, previousValue))
            _valueChangeArgs: function(value, previousValue) {
                return {
                    value: value,
                    previousValue: previousValue,
                    jQueryEvent: this._valueChangeEventInstance
            _saveValueChangeEvent: function(e) {
                this._valueChangeEventInstance = e
            _renderValidationState: function() {
                var isValid = this.option("isValid"),
                    validationError = this.option("validationError"),
                    validationMessageMode = this.option("validationMessageMode"),
                    $element = this.element();
                $element.toggleClass(INVALID_CLASS, !isValid);
                this.setAria("invalid", !isValid || void 0);
                if (this._$validationMessage) {
                    this._$validationMessage = null
                if (!isValid && validationError && validationError.message) {
                    this._$validationMessage = $("<div/>", {
                        "class": INVALID_MESSAGE
                    this._validationMessage = this._createComponent(this._$validationMessage, Overlay, {
                        integrationOptions: {},
                        templatesRenderAsynchronously: false,
                        target: this._getValidationMessageTarget(),
                        shading: false,
                        width: "auto",
                        height: "auto",
                        container: $element,
                        position: this._getValidationMessagePosition("below"),
                        closeOnOutsideClick: false,
                        closeOnTargetScroll: false,
                        animation: null,
                        visible: true,
                        propagateOutsideClick: true,
                        _checkParentVisibility: false
                    this._$validationMessage.toggleClass(INVALID_MESSAGE_AUTO, "auto" === validationMessageMode).toggleClass(INVALID_MESSAGE_ALWAYS, "always" === validationMessageMode);
            _setValidationMessageMaxWidth: function() {
                if (!this._validationMessage) {
                if (0 === this._getValidationMessageTarget().outerWidth()) {
                    this._validationMessage.option("maxWidth", "100%");
                var validationMessageMaxWidth = Math.max(VALIDATION_MESSAGE_MIN_WIDTH, this._getValidationMessageTarget().outerWidth());
                this._validationMessage.option("maxWidth", validationMessageMaxWidth)
            _getValidationMessageTarget: function() {
                return this.element()
            _getValidationMessagePosition: function(positionRequest) {
                var rtlEnabled = this.option("rtlEnabled"),
                    messagePositionSide = getDefaultAlignment(rtlEnabled),
                    messageOriginalOffset = this.option("validationMessageOffset"),
                    messageOffset = {
                        h: messageOriginalOffset.h,
                        v: messageOriginalOffset.v
                    verticalPositions = "below" === positionRequest ? [" top", " bottom"] : [" bottom", " top"];
                if (rtlEnabled) {
                    messageOffset.h = -messageOffset.h
                if ("below" !== positionRequest) {
                    messageOffset.v = -messageOffset.v
                return {
                    offset: messageOffset,
                    boundary: this.option("validationBoundary"),
                    my: messagePositionSide + verticalPositions[0],
                    at: messagePositionSide + verticalPositions[1],
                    collision: "none flip"
            _toggleReadOnlyState: function() {
                this.element().toggleClass(READONLY_STATE_CLASS, !!this.option("readOnly"));
                this.setAria("readonly", this.option("readOnly") || void 0)
            _dispose: function() {
                var element = this.element()[0];
                $.data(element, VALIDATION_TARGET, null);
            _setSubmitElementName: function(name) {
                var $submitElement = this._getSubmitElement();
                if (!$submitElement) {
                if (name.length > 0) {
                    $submitElement.attr("name", name)
                } else {
            _getSubmitElement: function() {
                return null
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "onValueChanged":
                    case "isValid":
                    case "validationError":
                    case "validationBoundary":
                    case "validationMessageMode":
                    case "readOnly":
                    case "value":
                        if (!this._valueChangeActionSuppressed) {
                            this._raiseValueChangeAction(args.value, args.previousValue);
                            this._saveValueChangeEvent(void 0)
                        if (args.value != args.previousValue) {
                                value: args.value,
                                editor: this
                    case "width":
                    case "name":
            reset: function() {
                this.option("value", null)
        module.exports = Editor
      !*** ./js/core/utils/position.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../config */ 15);
        var getDefaultAlignment = function(isRtlEnabled) {
            var rtlEnabled = isRtlEnabled || config().rtlEnabled;
            return rtlEnabled ? "right" : "left"
        exports.getDefaultAlignment = getDefaultAlignment
      !*** ./js/ui/validation/validation_mixin.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var ValidationMixin = {
            _findGroup: function() {
                var $dxGroup, group = this.option("validationGroup");
                if (!group) {
                    $dxGroup = this.element().parents(".dx-validationgroup").first();
                    if ($dxGroup.length) {
                        group = $dxGroup.dxValidationGroup("instance")
                    } else {
                        group = this._modelByElement(this.element())
                return group
        module.exports = ValidationMixin
      !*** ./js/ui/overlay.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            fx = __webpack_require__( /*! ../animation/fx */ 68),
            translator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../animation/translator */ 69),
            compareVersions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/version */ 17).compare,
            viewPortUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/view_port */ 55),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            viewPortChanged = viewPortUtils.changeCallback,
            hideTopOverlayCallback = __webpack_require__( /*! ../mobile/hide_top_overlay */ 65).hideCallback,
            positionUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../animation/position */ 70),
            fitIntoRange = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/math */ 87).fitIntoRange,
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            Widget = __webpack_require__( /*! ./widget/ui.widget */ 95),
            KeyboardProcessor = __webpack_require__( /*! ./widget/ui.keyboard_processor */ 101),
            selectors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./widget/jquery.selectors */ 102),
            dragEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../events/drag */ 110),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../events/utils */ 71),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../events/pointer */ 76),
            Resizable = __webpack_require__( /*! ./resizable */ 111),
            EmptyTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ./widget/empty_template */ 99);
        var OVERLAY_CLASS = "dx-overlay",
            OVERLAY_WRAPPER_CLASS = "dx-overlay-wrapper",
            OVERLAY_CONTENT_CLASS = "dx-overlay-content",
            OVERLAY_SHADER_CLASS = "dx-overlay-shader",
            OVERLAY_MODAL_CLASS = "dx-overlay-modal",
            INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-invisible",
            ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME = "content",
            RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS = "dx-rtl",
            ACTIONS = ["onShowing", "onShown", "onHiding", "onHidden", "onPositioning", "onPositioned", "onResizeStart", "onResize", "onResizeEnd"],
            FIRST_Z_INDEX = 1500,
            OVERLAY_STACK = [],
            DISABLED_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-disabled",
            TAB_KEY = 9;
        var realDevice = devices.real(),
            realVersion = realDevice.version,
            iOS = "ios" === realDevice.platform,
            iOS7_0andBelow = iOS && compareVersions(realVersion, [7, 1]) < 0,
            android4_0nativeBrowser = "android" === realDevice.platform && 0 === compareVersions(realVersion, [4, 0], 2) && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") === -1;
        var forceRepaint = function($element) {
            if (iOS7_0andBelow) {
            if (android4_0nativeBrowser) {
                var $parents = $element.parents(),
                    inScrollView = $parents.is(".dx-scrollable-native");
                if (!inScrollView) {
                    $parents.css("backface-visibility", "hidden");
                    $parents.css("backface-visibility", "visible")
        var getElement = function(value) {
            return value && $(value instanceof $.Event ? value.target : value)
        $(document).on(pointerEvents.down, function(e) {
            for (var i = OVERLAY_STACK.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (!OVERLAY_STACK[i]._proxiedDocumentDownHandler(e)) {
        var Overlay = Widget.inherit({
            _supportedKeys: function() {
                var offsetSize = 5,
                    move = function(top, left, e) {
                        if (!this.option("dragEnabled")) {
                        var allowedOffsets = this._allowedOffsets();
                        var offset = {
                            top: fitIntoRange(top, -allowedOffsets.top, allowedOffsets.bottom),
                            left: fitIntoRange(left, -allowedOffsets.left, allowedOffsets.right)
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    escape: function() {
                    upArrow: move.bind(this, -offsetSize, 0),
                    downArrow: move.bind(this, offsetSize, 0),
                    leftArrow: move.bind(this, 0, -offsetSize),
                    rightArrow: move.bind(this, 0, offsetSize)
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    activeStateEnabled: false,
                    visible: false,
                    deferRendering: true,
                    shading: true,
                    shadingColor: "",
                    position: {
                        my: "center",
                        at: "center"
                    width: function() {
                        return .8 * $(window).width()
                    minWidth: null,
                    maxWidth: null,
                    height: function() {
                        return .8 * $(window).height()
                    minHeight: null,
                    maxHeight: null,
                    animation: {
                        show: {
                            type: "pop",
                            duration: 300,
                            from: {
                                scale: .55
                        hide: {
                            type: "pop",
                            duration: 300,
                            to: {
                                opacity: 0,
                                scale: .55
                            from: {
                                opacity: 1,
                                scale: 1
                    closeOnOutsideClick: false,
                    closeOnBackButton: true,
                    onShowing: null,
                    onShown: null,
                    onHiding: null,
                    onHidden: null,
                    contentTemplate: "content",
                    dragEnabled: false,
                    resizeEnabled: false,
                    onResizeStart: null,
                    onResize: null,
                    onResizeEnd: null,
                    onContentReady: null,
                    target: void 0,
                    container: void 0,
                    hideTopOverlayHandler: void 0,
                    closeOnTargetScroll: false,
                    onPositioned: null,
                    boundaryOffset: {
                        h: 0,
                        v: 0
                    propagateOutsideClick: false,
                    _checkParentVisibility: true
            _defaultOptionsRules: function() {
                return this.callBase().concat([{
                    device: function() {
                        var realDevice = devices.real(),
                            realPlatform = realDevice.platform,
                            realVersion = realDevice.version;
                        return "android" === realPlatform && compareVersions(realVersion, [4, 2]) < 0
                    options: {
                        animation: {
                            show: {
                                type: "fade",
                                duration: 400
                            hide: {
                                type: "fade",
                                duration: 400,
                                to: {
                                    opacity: 0
                                from: {
                                    opacity: 1
            _setOptionsByReference: function() {
                extend(this._optionsByReference, {
                    animation: true
            _getAnonymousTemplateName: function() {
                return ANONYMOUS_TEMPLATE_NAME
            _wrapper: function() {
                return this._$wrapper
            _container: function() {
                return this._$content
            _eventBindingTarget: function() {
                return this._$content
            _init: function() {
                this._$wrapper = $("<div>").addClass(OVERLAY_WRAPPER_CLASS);
                this._$content = $("<div>").addClass(OVERLAY_CONTENT_CLASS);
                var $element = this.element();
                this._$wrapper.attr("data-bind", "dxControlsDescendantBindings: true");
                this._$wrapper.on("MSPointerDown", commonUtils.noop);
                this._$wrapper.on("focusin", function(e) {
            _initOptions: function(options) {
            _initTarget: function(target) {
                if (!commonUtils.isDefined(target)) {
                var options = this.option();
                $.each(["position.of", "animation.show.from.position.of", "animation.show.to.position.of", "animation.hide.from.position.of", "animation.hide.to.position.of"], function(_, path) {
                    var pathParts = path.split(".");
                    var option = options;
                    while (option) {
                        if (1 === pathParts.length) {
                            if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(option)) {
                                option[pathParts.shift()] = target
                        } else {
                            option = option[pathParts.shift()]
            _initContainer: function(container) {
                container = void 0 === container ? viewPortUtils.value() : container;
                var $element = this.element(),
                    $container = $element.closest(container);
                if (!$container.length) {
                    $container = $(container).first()
                this._$container = $container.length ? $container : $element.parent()
            _initHideTopOverlayHandler: function(handler) {
                this._hideTopOverlayHandler = void 0 !== handler ? handler : this._defaultHideTopOverlayHandler.bind(this)
            _defaultHideTopOverlayHandler: function() {
            _initActions: function() {
                this._actions = {};
                $.each(ACTIONS, function(_, action) {
                    this._actions[action] = this._createActionByOption(action, {
                        excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
                    }) || commonUtils.noop
            _initCloseOnOutsideClickHandler: function() {
                var that = this;
                this._proxiedDocumentDownHandler = function() {
                    return that._documentDownHandler.apply(that, arguments)
            _documentDownHandler: function(e) {
                if (this._showAnimationProcessing) {
                var closeOnOutsideClick = this.option("closeOnOutsideClick");
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(closeOnOutsideClick)) {
                    closeOnOutsideClick = closeOnOutsideClick(e)
                if (closeOnOutsideClick) {
                    var $container = this._$content,
                        outsideClick = !$container.is(e.target) && !$.contains($container.get(0), e.target) && $(e.target).closest(document).length;
                    if (outsideClick) {
                        if (this.option("shading")) {
                return this.option("propagateOutsideClick")
            _initTemplates: function() {
                this._defaultTemplates.content = new EmptyTemplate(this)
            _isTopOverlay: function() {
                var overlayStack = this._overlayStack();
                return overlayStack[overlayStack.length - 1] === this
            _overlayStack: function() {
                return OVERLAY_STACK
            _zIndexInitValue: function() {
                return FIRST_Z_INDEX
            _toggleViewPortSubscription: function(toggle) {
                if (toggle) {
                    this._viewPortChangeHandle = this._viewPortChangeHandler.bind(this);
            _viewPortChangeHandler: function() {
            _renderVisibilityAnimate: function(visible) {
                return visible ? this._show() : this._hide()
            _normalizePosition: function() {
                this._position = this.option("position")
            _getAnimationConfig: function() {
                var animation = this.option("animation");
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(animation)) {
                    animation = animation.call(this)
                return animation
            _show: function() {
                var that = this,
                    deferred = $.Deferred();
                this._parentHidden = this._isParentHidden();
                deferred.done(function() {
                    delete that._parentHidden
                if (this._parentHidden) {
                    return deferred.resolve()
                if (this._currentVisible) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                this._currentVisible = true;
                var animation = that._getAnimationConfig() || {},
                    showAnimation = this._normalizeAnimation(animation.show, "to"),
                    startShowAnimation = showAnimation && showAnimation.start || commonUtils.noop,
                    completeShowAnimation = showAnimation && showAnimation.complete || commonUtils.noop;
                if (this._isHidingActionCanceled) {
                    delete this._isHidingActionCanceled;
                } else {
                    var show = function() {
                        this._animate(showAnimation, function() {
                            if (that.option("focusStateEnabled")) {
                            completeShowAnimation.apply(this, arguments);
                            that._showAnimationProcessing = false;
                        }, function() {
                            startShowAnimation.apply(this, arguments);
                            that._showAnimationProcessing = true
                    if (this.option("templatesRenderAsynchronously")) {
                        this._asyncShowTimeout = setTimeout(show)
                    } else {
                return deferred.promise()
            _normalizeAnimation: function(animation, prop) {
                if (animation) {
                    animation = extend({
                        type: "slide"
                    }, animation);
                    if (animation[prop] && "object" === typeof animation[prop]) {
                        extend(animation[prop], {
                            position: this._position
                return animation
            _hide: function() {
                if (!this._currentVisible) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                this._currentVisible = false;
                var that = this,
                    deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    animation = that._getAnimationConfig() || {},
                    hideAnimation = this._normalizeAnimation(animation.hide, "from"),
                    startHideAnimation = hideAnimation && hideAnimation.start || commonUtils.noop,
                    completeHideAnimation = hideAnimation && hideAnimation.complete || commonUtils.noop,
                    hidingArgs = {
                        cancel: false
                if (hidingArgs.cancel) {
                    this._isHidingActionCanceled = true;
                    this.option("visible", true);
                } else {
                    this._animate(hideAnimation, function() {
                        that._$content.css("pointer-events", "");
                        completeHideAnimation.apply(this, arguments);
                    }, function() {
                        that._$content.css("pointer-events", "none");
                        startHideAnimation.apply(this, arguments)
                return deferred.promise()
            _forceFocusLost: function() {
                document.activeElement && this._$content.find(document.activeElement).length && document.activeElement.blur()
            _animate: function(animation, completeCallback, startCallback) {
                if (animation) {
                    startCallback = startCallback || animation.start || commonUtils.noop;
                    fx.animate(this._$content, extend({}, animation, {
                        start: startCallback,
                        complete: completeCallback
                } else {
            _stopAnimation: function() {
                fx.stop(this._$content, true)
            _renderVisibility: function(visible) {
                if (visible && this._isParentHidden()) {
                this._currentVisible = visible;
                if (!visible) {
                this._$content.toggleClass(INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS, !visible);
                if (visible) {
                } else {
            _updateZIndexStackPosition: function(pushToStack) {
                var overlayStack = this._overlayStack(),
                    index = inArray(this, overlayStack);
                if (pushToStack) {
                    if (index === -1) {
                        var length = overlayStack.length;
                        this._zIndex = (length ? overlayStack[length - 1]._zIndex : this._zIndexInitValue()) + 1;
                    this._$wrapper.css("z-index", this._zIndex);
                    this._$content.css("z-index", this._zIndex)
                } else {
                    if (index !== -1) {
                        overlayStack.splice(index, 1)
            _toggleShading: function(visible) {
                this._$wrapper.toggleClass(OVERLAY_MODAL_CLASS, this.option("shading") && !this.option("container"));
                this._$wrapper.toggleClass(OVERLAY_SHADER_CLASS, visible && this.option("shading"));
                this._$wrapper.css("background-color", this.option("shading") ? this.option("shadingColor") : "");
                this._toggleTabTerminator(visible && this.option("shading"))
            _initTabTerminatorHandler: function() {
                var that = this;
                this._proxiedTabTerminatorHandler = function() {
                    that._tabKeyHandler.apply(that, arguments)
            _toggleTabTerminator: function(enabled) {
                var eventName = eventUtils.addNamespace("keydown", this.NAME);
                if (enabled) {
                    $(document).on(eventName, this._proxiedTabTerminatorHandler)
                } else {
                    $(document).off(eventName, this._proxiedTabTerminatorHandler)
            _tabKeyHandler: function(e) {
                if (e.keyCode !== TAB_KEY || !this._isTopOverlay()) {
                var tabbableElements = this._$wrapper.find("*").filter(selectors.tabbable),
                    $firstTabbable = tabbableElements.first(),
                    $lastTabbable = tabbableElements.last(),
                    isTabOnLast = !e.shiftKey && e.target === $lastTabbable.get(0),
                    isShiftTabOnFirst = e.shiftKey && e.target === $firstTabbable.get(0),
                    isEmptyTabList = 0 === tabbableElements.length,
                    isOutsideTarget = inArray(e.target, tabbableElements) === -1;
                if (isTabOnLast || isShiftTabOnFirst || isEmptyTabList || isOutsideTarget) {
                    (e.shiftKey ? $lastTabbable : $firstTabbable).focusin().focus()
            _toggleSubscriptions: function(enabled) {
            _toggleHideTopOverlayCallback: function(subscribe) {
                if (!this._hideTopOverlayHandler) {
                if (subscribe && this.option("closeOnBackButton")) {
                } else {
            _toggleParentsScrollSubscription: function(subscribe) {
                if (!this._position) {
                var target = this._position.of || $(),
                    closeOnScroll = this.option("closeOnTargetScroll"),
                    $parents = getElement(target).parents(),
                    scrollEvent = eventUtils.addNamespace("scroll", this.NAME);
                if ("generic" === devices.real().platform) {
                    $parents = $parents.add(window)
                this._proxiedTargetParentsScrollHandler = this._proxiedTargetParentsScrollHandler || function(e) {
                $().add(this._$prevTargetParents).off(scrollEvent, this._proxiedTargetParentsScrollHandler);
                if (subscribe && closeOnScroll) {
                    $parents.on(scrollEvent, this._proxiedTargetParentsScrollHandler);
                    this._$prevTargetParents = $parents
            _targetParentsScrollHandler: function(e) {
                var closeHandled = false,
                    closeOnScroll = this.option("closeOnTargetScroll");
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(closeOnScroll)) {
                    closeHandled = closeOnScroll(e)
                if (!closeHandled && !this._showAnimationProcessing) {
            _render: function() {
            _renderContent: function() {
                var shouldDeferRendering = !this._currentVisible && this.option("deferRendering");
                var isParentHidden = this.option("visible") && this._isParentHidden();
                if (isParentHidden) {
                    this._isHidden = true;
                if (this._contentAlreadyRendered || shouldDeferRendering) {
                this._contentAlreadyRendered = true;
            _isParentHidden: function() {
                if (!this.option("_checkParentVisibility")) {
                    return false
                if (void 0 !== this._parentHidden) {
                    return this._parentHidden
                var $parent = this.element().parent();
                if ($parent.is(":visible")) {
                    return false
                var isHidden = false;
                $parent.add($parent.parents()).each(function() {
                    var $element = $(this);
                    if ("none" === $element.css("display")) {
                        isHidden = true;
                        return false
                return isHidden || !$.contains(document, $parent.get(0))
            _renderContentImpl: function() {
                var $element = this.element();
                var contentTemplate = this._getTemplate(this.option("contentTemplate"));
                contentTemplate && contentTemplate.render({
                    container: this.content(),
                    noModel: true
            _renderDrag: function() {
                var $dragTarget = this._getDragTarget();
                if (!$dragTarget) {
                var startEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(dragEvents.start, this.NAME),
                    updateEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(dragEvents.move, this.NAME);
                if (!this.option("dragEnabled")) {
                $dragTarget.on(startEventName, this._dragStartHandler.bind(this)).on(updateEventName, this._dragUpdateHandler.bind(this))
            _renderResize: function() {
                this._resizable = this._createComponent(this._$content, Resizable, {
                    handles: this.option("resizeEnabled") ? "all" : "none",
                    onResizeEnd: this._resizeEndHandler.bind(this),
                    onResize: this._actions.onResize.bind(this),
                    onResizeStart: this._actions.onResizeStart.bind(this),
                    minHeight: 100,
                    minWidth: 100,
                    area: this._getDragResizeContainer()
            _resizeEndHandler: function() {
                this._positionChangeHandled = true;
                var width = this._resizable.option("width"),
                    height = this._resizable.option("height");
                width && this.option("width", width);
                height && this.option("height", height);
            _renderScrollTerminator: function() {
                var $scrollTerminator = this._wrapper();
                var terminatorEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(dragEvents.move, this.NAME);
                $scrollTerminator.off(terminatorEventName).on(terminatorEventName, {
                    validate: function() {
                        return true
                    getDirection: function() {
                        return "both"
                    _toggleGestureCover: commonUtils.noop,
                    _clearSelection: commonUtils.noop,
                    isNative: true
                }, function(e) {
                    var originalEvent = e.originalEvent.originalEvent;
                    e._cancelPreventDefault = true;
                    if (originalEvent && "mousemove" !== originalEvent.type) {
            _getDragTarget: function() {
                return this.content()
            _dragStartHandler: function(e) {
                e.targetElements = [];
                this._prevOffset = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                var allowedOffsets = this._allowedOffsets();
                e.maxTopOffset = allowedOffsets.top;
                e.maxBottomOffset = allowedOffsets.bottom;
                e.maxLeftOffset = allowedOffsets.left;
                e.maxRightOffset = allowedOffsets.right
            _getDragResizeContainer: function() {
                var isContainerDefined = viewPortUtils.originalViewPort().get(0) || this.option("container"),
                    $container = !isContainerDefined ? $(window) : this._$container;
                return $container
            _deltaSize: function() {
                var $content = this._$content,
                    $container = this._getDragResizeContainer();
                var contentWidth = $content.outerWidth(),
                    contentHeight = $content.outerHeight(),
                    containerWidth = $container.outerWidth(),
                    containerHeight = $container.outerHeight();
                return {
                    width: containerWidth - contentWidth,
                    height: containerHeight - contentHeight
            _dragUpdateHandler: function(e) {
                var offset = e.offset,
                    prevOffset = this._prevOffset,
                    targetOffset = {
                        top: offset.y - prevOffset.y,
                        left: offset.x - prevOffset.x
                this._prevOffset = offset
            _changePosition: function(offset) {
                var position = translator.locate(this._$content);
                translator.move(this._$content, {
                    left: position.left + offset.left,
                    top: position.top + offset.top
                this._positionChangeHandled = true
            _allowedOffsets: function() {
                var position = translator.locate(this._$content),
                    deltaSize = this._deltaSize(),
                    isAllowedDrag = deltaSize.height >= 0 && deltaSize.width >= 0,
                    shaderOffset = this.option("shading") && !this.option("container") && !this._isWindow(this._getContainer()) ? translator.locate(this._$wrapper) : {
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0
                    boundaryOffset = this.option("boundaryOffset");
                return {
                    top: isAllowedDrag ? position.top + shaderOffset.top + boundaryOffset.v : 0,
                    bottom: isAllowedDrag ? -position.top - shaderOffset.top + deltaSize.height - boundaryOffset.v : 0,
                    left: isAllowedDrag ? position.left + shaderOffset.left + boundaryOffset.h : 0,
                    right: isAllowedDrag ? -position.left - shaderOffset.left + deltaSize.width - boundaryOffset.h : 0
            _fireContentReadyAction: function() {
                if (this.option("visible")) {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _moveFromContainer: function() {
            _detachWrapperToContainer: function() {
            _moveToContainer: function() {
            _attachWrapperToContainer: function() {
                var $element = this.element();
                if (this._$container && this._$container[0] !== $element.parent()[0]) {
                } else {
            _renderGeometry: function() {
                if (this.option("visible")) {
            _renderGeometryImpl: function() {
                var resultPosition = this._renderPosition();
                    position: resultPosition
            _renderShading: function() {
                var $wrapper = this._$wrapper,
                    $container = this._getContainer();
                $wrapper.css("position", this._isWindow($container) && !iOS ? "fixed" : "absolute");
            _renderShadingPosition: function() {
                if (this.option("shading")) {
                    var $container = this._getContainer();
                    positionUtils.setup(this._$wrapper, {
                        my: "top left",
                        at: "top left",
                        of: $container
            _renderShadingDimensions: function() {
                var wrapperWidth, wrapperHeight;
                if (this.option("shading")) {
                    var $container = this._getContainer();
                    wrapperWidth = this._isWindow($container) ? "100%" : $container.outerWidth(), wrapperHeight = this._isWindow($container) ? "100%" : $container.outerHeight()
                } else {
                    wrapperWidth = "";
                    wrapperHeight = ""
                    width: wrapperWidth,
                    height: wrapperHeight
            _isWindow: function($element) {
                return !!$element && commonUtils.isWindow($element.get(0))
            _getContainer: function() {
                var position = this._position,
                    container = this.option("container"),
                    positionOf = position ? position.of || window : null;
                return getElement(container || positionOf)
            _renderDimensions: function() {
                    minWidth: this.option("minWidth"),
                    maxWidth: this.option("maxWidth"),
                    minHeight: this.option("minHeight"),
                    maxHeight: this.option("maxHeight")
            _renderPosition: function() {
                if (this._positionChangeHandled) {
                    var allowedOffsets = this._allowedOffsets();
                        top: fitIntoRange(0, -allowedOffsets.top, allowedOffsets.bottom),
                        left: fitIntoRange(0, -allowedOffsets.left, allowedOffsets.right)
                } else {
                    var resultPosition = positionUtils.setup(this._$content, this._position);
                    return resultPosition
            _renderOverlayBoundaryOffset: function() {
                var boundaryOffset = this.option("boundaryOffset");
                this._$content.css("margin", boundaryOffset.v + "px " + boundaryOffset.h + "px")
            _focusTarget: function() {
                return this._$content
            _attachKeyboardEvents: function() {
                this._keyboardProcessor = new KeyboardProcessor({
                    element: this._$content,
                    handler: this._keyboardHandler,
                    context: this
            _keyboardHandler: function(options) {
                var e = options.originalEvent,
                    $target = $(e.target);
                if ($target.is(this._$content)) {
                    this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _isVisible: function() {
                return this.option("visible")
            _visibilityChanged: function(visible) {
                if (visible) {
                    if (this.option("visible")) {
                } else {
            _dimensionChanged: function() {
            _clean: function() {
                if (!this._contentAlreadyRendered) {
            _dispose: function() {
                fx.stop(this._$content, false);
                this._actions = null;
            _toggleDisabledState: function(value) {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._$content.toggleClass(DISABLED_STATE_CLASS, Boolean(value))
            _toggleRTLDirection: function(rtl) {
                this._$content.toggleClass(RTL_DIRECTION_CLASS, rtl)
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                var value = args.value;
                if (inArray(args.name, ACTIONS) > -1) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "dragEnabled":
                    case "resizeEnabled":
                    case "shading":
                    case "shadingColor":
                    case "width":
                    case "height":
                    case "minWidth":
                    case "maxWidth":
                    case "minHeight":
                    case "maxHeight":
                    case "position":
                    case "boundaryOffset":
                    case "visible":
                        this._renderVisibilityAnimate(value).done(function() {
                            if (!this._animateDeferred) {
                    case "target":
                    case "container":
                    case "deferRendering":
                    case "contentTemplate":
                        this._contentAlreadyRendered = false;
                    case "closeOnBackButton":
                    case "closeOnTargetScroll":
                    case "closeOnOutsideClick":
                    case "animation":
                    case "propagateOutsideClick":
            toggle: function(showing) {
                showing = void 0 === showing ? !this.option("visible") : showing;
                if (showing === this.option("visible")) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                var animateDeferred = $.Deferred();
                this._animateDeferred = animateDeferred;
                this.option("visible", showing);
                return animateDeferred.promise().done(function() {
                    delete this._animateDeferred
            show: function() {
                return this.toggle(true)
            hide: function() {
                return this.toggle(false)
            content: function() {
                return this._$content
            repaint: function() {
        Overlay.baseZIndex = function(zIndex) {
            FIRST_Z_INDEX = zIndex
        registerComponent("dxOverlay", Overlay);
        module.exports = Overlay
      !*** ./js/events/drag.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            wrapToArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).wrapToArray,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/event_registrator */ 73),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            GestureEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./gesture/emitter.gesture */ 86),
            registerEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter_registrator */ 84);
        var DRAG_START_EVENT = "dxdragstart",
            DRAG_EVENT = "dxdrag",
            DRAG_END_EVENT = "dxdragend",
            DRAG_ENTER_EVENT = "dxdragenter",
            DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT = "dxdragleave",
            DROP_EVENT = "dxdrop";
        var knownDropTargets = [],
            knownDropTargetSelectors = [],
            knownDropTargetConfigs = [];
        var dropTargetRegistration = {
            setup: function(element, data) {
                var knownDropTarget = inArray(element, knownDropTargets) !== -1;
                if (!knownDropTarget) {
                    knownDropTargetConfigs.push(data || {})
            add: function(element, handleObj) {
                var index = inArray(element, knownDropTargets);
                var selector = handleObj.selector;
                if (inArray(selector, knownDropTargetSelectors[index]) === -1) {
            teardown: function(element) {
                var elementEvents = $._data(element, "events"),
                    handlersCount = 0;
                $.each([DRAG_ENTER_EVENT, DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT, DROP_EVENT], function(_, eventName) {
                    var eventHandlers = elementEvents[eventName];
                    if (eventHandlers) {
                        handlersCount += eventHandlers.length
                if (!handlersCount) {
                    var index = inArray(element, knownDropTargets);
                    knownDropTargets.splice(index, 1);
                    knownDropTargetSelectors.splice(index, 1);
                    knownDropTargetConfigs.splice(index, 1)
        registerEvent(DRAG_ENTER_EVENT, dropTargetRegistration);
        registerEvent(DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT, dropTargetRegistration);
        registerEvent(DROP_EVENT, dropTargetRegistration);
        var getItemDelegatedTargets = function($element) {
            var dropTargetIndex = inArray($element.get(0), knownDropTargets),
                dropTargetSelectors = knownDropTargetSelectors[dropTargetIndex];
            var $delegatedTargets = $element.find(dropTargetSelectors.join(", "));
            if (inArray(void 0, dropTargetSelectors) !== -1) {
                $delegatedTargets = $delegatedTargets.add($element)
            return $delegatedTargets
        var getItemConfig = function($element) {
            var dropTargetIndex = inArray($element.get(0), knownDropTargets);
            return knownDropTargetConfigs[dropTargetIndex]
        var getItemPosition = function(dropTargetConfig, $element) {
            if (dropTargetConfig.itemPositionFunc) {
                return dropTargetConfig.itemPositionFunc($element)
            } else {
                return $element.offset()
        var getItemSize = function(dropTargetConfig, $element) {
            if (dropTargetConfig.itemSizeFunc) {
                return dropTargetConfig.itemSizeFunc($element)
            return {
                width: $element.width(),
                height: $element.height()
        var DragEmitter = GestureEmitter.inherit({
            ctor: function(element) {
                this.direction = "both"
            _init: function(e) {
                this._initEvent = e
            _start: function(e) {
                e = this._fireEvent(DRAG_START_EVENT, this._initEvent);
                this._maxLeftOffset = e.maxLeftOffset;
                this._maxRightOffset = e.maxRightOffset;
                this._maxTopOffset = e.maxTopOffset;
                this._maxBottomOffset = e.maxBottomOffset;
                var dropTargets = wrapToArray(e.targetElements || (null === e.targetElements ? [] : knownDropTargets));
                this._dropTargets = $.map(dropTargets, function(element) {
                    return $(element).get(0)
            _move: function(e) {
                var eventData = eventUtils.eventData(e),
                    dragOffset = this._calculateOffset(eventData);
                e = this._fireEvent(DRAG_EVENT, e, {
                    offset: dragOffset
                if (!e._cancelPreventDefault) {
            _calculateOffset: function(eventData) {
                return {
                    x: this._calculateXOffset(eventData),
                    y: this._calculateYOffset(eventData)
            _calculateXOffset: function(eventData) {
                if ("vertical" !== this.direction) {
                    var offset = eventData.x - this._startEventData.x;
                    return this._fitOffset(offset, this._maxLeftOffset, this._maxRightOffset)
                return 0
            _calculateYOffset: function(eventData) {
                if ("horizontal" !== this.direction) {
                    var offset = eventData.y - this._startEventData.y;
                    return this._fitOffset(offset, this._maxTopOffset, this._maxBottomOffset)
                return 0
            _fitOffset: function(offset, minOffset, maxOffset) {
                if (null != minOffset) {
                    offset = Math.max(offset, -minOffset)
                if (null != maxOffset) {
                    offset = Math.min(offset, maxOffset)
                return offset
            _processDropTargets: function(e) {
                var target = this._findDropTarget(e),
                    sameTarget = target === this._currentDropTarget;
                if (!sameTarget) {
                    this._fireDropTargetEvent(e, DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT);
                    this._currentDropTarget = target;
                    this._fireDropTargetEvent(e, DRAG_ENTER_EVENT)
            _fireDropTargetEvent: function(event, eventName) {
                if (!this._currentDropTarget) {
                var eventData = {
                    type: eventName,
                    originalEvent: event,
                    draggingElement: this._$element.get(0),
                    target: this._currentDropTarget
            _findDropTarget: function(e) {
                var result, that = this;
                $.each(knownDropTargets, function(_, target) {
                    if (!that._checkDropTargetActive(target)) {
                    var $target = $(target);
                    $.each(getItemDelegatedTargets($target), function(_, delegatedTarget) {
                        var $delegatedTarget = $(delegatedTarget);
                        if (that._checkDropTarget(getItemConfig($target), $delegatedTarget, e)) {
                            result = delegatedTarget
                return result
            _checkDropTargetActive: function(target) {
                var active = false;
                $.each(this._dropTargets, function(_, activeTarget) {
                    active = active || activeTarget === target || $.contains(activeTarget, target);
                    return !active
                return active
            _checkDropTarget: function(config, $target, e) {
                var isDraggingElement = $target.get(0) === this._$element.get(0);
                if (isDraggingElement) {
                    return false
                var targetPosition = getItemPosition(config, $target);
                if (e.pageX < targetPosition.left) {
                    return false
                if (e.pageY < targetPosition.top) {
                    return false
                var targetSize = getItemSize(config, $target);
                if (e.pageX > targetPosition.left + targetSize.width) {
                    return false
                if (e.pageY > targetPosition.top + targetSize.height) {
                    return false
                return $target
            _end: function(e) {
                var eventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                this._fireEvent(DRAG_END_EVENT, e, {
                    offset: this._calculateOffset(eventData)
                this._fireDropTargetEvent(e, DROP_EVENT);
                delete this._currentDropTarget
            emitter: DragEmitter,
        exports.dropTargets = knownDropTargets;
        exports.move = DRAG_EVENT;
        exports.start = DRAG_START_EVENT;
        exports.end = DRAG_END_EVENT;
        exports.enter = DRAG_ENTER_EVENT;
        exports.leave = DRAG_LEAVE_EVENT;
        exports.drop = DROP_EVENT
      !*** ./js/ui/resizable.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            stringUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/string */ 18),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            translator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../animation/translator */ 69),
            fitIntoRange = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/math */ 87).fitIntoRange,
            DOMComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/dom_component */ 43),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../events/utils */ 71),
            dragEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../events/drag */ 110),
            isPlainObject = typeUtils.isPlainObject,
            isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction;
        var RESIZABLE = "dxResizable",
            RESIZABLE_CLASS = "dx-resizable",
            RESIZABLE_RESIZING_CLASS = "dx-resizable-resizing",
            RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CLASS = "dx-resizable-handle",
            RESIZABLE_HANDLE_TOP_CLASS = "dx-resizable-handle-top",
            RESIZABLE_HANDLE_BOTTOM_CLASS = "dx-resizable-handle-bottom",
            RESIZABLE_HANDLE_LEFT_CLASS = "dx-resizable-handle-left",
            RESIZABLE_HANDLE_RIGHT_CLASS = "dx-resizable-handle-right",
            RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CORNER_CLASS = "dx-resizable-handle-corner",
            DRAGSTART_START_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace(dragEvents.start, RESIZABLE),
            DRAGSTART_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace(dragEvents.move, RESIZABLE),
            DRAGSTART_END_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace(dragEvents.end, RESIZABLE);
        var Resizable = DOMComponent.inherit({
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    handles: "all",
                    step: "1",
                    stepPrecision: "simple",
                    area: void 0,
                    minWidth: 30,
                    maxWidth: 1 / 0,
                    minHeight: 30,
                    maxHeight: 1 / 0,
                    onResizeStart: null,
                    onResize: null,
                    onResizeEnd: null
            _init: function() {
            _render: function() {
            _renderActions: function() {
                this._resizeStartAction = this._createActionByOption("onResizeStart");
                this._resizeEndAction = this._createActionByOption("onResizeEnd");
                this._resizeAction = this._createActionByOption("onResize")
            _renderHandles: function() {
                var handles = this.option("handles");
                if ("none" === handles) {
                var directions = "all" === handles ? ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"] : handles.split(" ");
                $.each(directions, function(index, handleName) {
                inArray("bottom", directions) + 1 && inArray("right", directions) + 1 && this._renderHandle("corner-bottom-right");
                inArray("bottom", directions) + 1 && inArray("left", directions) + 1 && this._renderHandle("corner-bottom-left");
                inArray("top", directions) + 1 && inArray("right", directions) + 1 && this._renderHandle("corner-top-right");
                inArray("top", directions) + 1 && inArray("left", directions) + 1 && this._renderHandle("corner-top-left")
            _renderHandle: function(handleName) {
                var $element = this.element(),
                    $handle = $("<div>");
                $handle.addClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CLASS).addClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CLASS + "-" + handleName).appendTo($element);
            _attachEventHandlers: function($handle) {
                if (this.option("disabled")) {
                var handlers = {};
                handlers[DRAGSTART_START_EVENT_NAME] = this._dragStartHandler.bind(this);
                handlers[DRAGSTART_EVENT_NAME] = this._dragHandler.bind(this);
                handlers[DRAGSTART_END_EVENT_NAME] = this._dragEndHandler.bind(this);
                $handle.on(handlers, {
                    direction: "both",
                    immediate: true
            _dragStartHandler: function(e) {
                var $element = this.element();
                if ($element.is(".dx-state-disabled, .dx-state-disabled *")) {
                    e.cancel = true;
                this._movingSides = this._getMovingSides(e);
                this._elementLocation = translator.locate($element);
                this._elementSize = {
                    width: $element.outerWidth(),
                    height: $element.outerHeight()
                    jQueryEvent: e,
                    width: this._elementSize.width,
                    height: this._elementSize.height,
                    handles: this._movingSides
                e.targetElements = null
            _toggleResizingClass: function(value) {
                this.element().toggleClass(RESIZABLE_RESIZING_CLASS, value)
            _renderDragOffsets: function(e) {
                var area = this._getArea();
                if (!area) {
                var $handle = $(e.target).closest("." + RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CLASS),
                    handleWidth = $handle.outerWidth(),
                    handleHeight = $handle.outerHeight(),
                    handleOffset = $handle.offset(),
                    areaOffset = area.offset;
                e.maxLeftOffset = handleOffset.left - areaOffset.left;
                e.maxRightOffset = areaOffset.left + area.width - handleOffset.left - handleWidth;
                e.maxTopOffset = handleOffset.top - areaOffset.top;
                e.maxBottomOffset = areaOffset.top + area.height - handleOffset.top - handleHeight
            _getBorderWidth: function($element, direction) {
                if (commonUtils.isWindow($element.get(0))) {
                    return 0
                var borderWidth = $element.css("border-" + direction + "-width");
                return parseInt(borderWidth) || 0
            _dragHandler: function(e) {
                var $element = this.element(),
                    sides = this._movingSides;
                var location = this._elementLocation,
                    size = this._elementSize,
                    offset = this._getOffset(e);
                var width = size.width + offset.x * (sides.left ? -1 : 1),
                    height = size.height + offset.y * (sides.top ? -1 : 1);
                if (offset.x || "strict" === this.option("stepPrecision")) {
                if (offset.y || "strict" === this.option("stepPrecision")) {
                var offsetTop = offset.y - ((this.element().outerHeight() || height) - height),
                    offsetLeft = offset.x - ((this.element().outerWidth() || width) - width);
                translator.move($element, {
                    top: location.top + (sides.top ? offsetTop : 0),
                    left: location.left + (sides.left ? offsetLeft : 0)
                    jQueryEvent: e,
                    width: this.option("width") || width,
                    height: this.option("height") || height,
                    handles: this._movingSides
            _getOffset: function(e) {
                var offset = e.offset,
                    steps = stringUtils.pairToObject(this.option("step")),
                    sides = this._getMovingSides(e),
                    strictPrecision = "strict" === this.option("stepPrecision");
                if (!sides.left && !sides.right) {
                    offset.x = 0
                if (!sides.top && !sides.bottom) {
                    offset.y = 0
                return strictPrecision ? this._getStrictOffset(offset, steps, sides) : this._getSimpleOffset(offset, steps)
            _getSimpleOffset: function(offset, steps) {
                return {
                    x: offset.x - offset.x % steps.h,
                    y: offset.y - offset.y % steps.v
            _getStrictOffset: function(offset, steps, sides) {
                var location = this._elementLocation,
                    size = this._elementSize,
                    xPos = sides.left ? location.left : location.left + size.width,
                    yPos = sides.top ? location.top : location.top + size.height,
                    newXShift = (xPos + offset.x) % steps.h,
                    newYShift = (yPos + offset.y) % steps.v,
                    sign = Math.sign || function(x) {
                        x = +x;
                        if (0 === x || isNaN(x)) {
                            return x
                        return x > 0 ? 1 : -1
                    separatorOffset = function(steps, offset) {
                        return (1 + .2 * sign(offset)) % 1 * steps
                    isSmallOffset = function(offset, steps) {
                        return Math.abs(offset) < .2 * steps
                var newOffsetX = offset.x - newXShift,
                    newOffsetY = offset.y - newYShift;
                if (newXShift > separatorOffset(steps.h, offset.x)) {
                    newOffsetX += steps.h
                if (newYShift > separatorOffset(steps.v, offset.y)) {
                    newOffsetY += steps.v
                return {
                    x: (sides.left || sides.right) && !isSmallOffset(offset.x, steps.h) ? newOffsetX : 0,
                    y: (sides.top || sides.bottom) && !isSmallOffset(offset.y, steps.v) ? newOffsetY : 0
            _getMovingSides: function(e) {
                var $target = $(e.target),
                    hasCornerTopLeftClass = $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CORNER_CLASS + "-top-left"),
                    hasCornerTopRightClass = $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CORNER_CLASS + "-top-right"),
                    hasCornerBottomLeftClass = $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CORNER_CLASS + "-bottom-left"),
                    hasCornerBottomRightClass = $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CORNER_CLASS + "-bottom-right");
                return {
                    top: $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_TOP_CLASS) || hasCornerTopLeftClass || hasCornerTopRightClass,
                    left: $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_LEFT_CLASS) || hasCornerTopLeftClass || hasCornerBottomLeftClass,
                    bottom: $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_BOTTOM_CLASS) || hasCornerBottomLeftClass || hasCornerBottomRightClass,
                    right: $target.hasClass(RESIZABLE_HANDLE_RIGHT_CLASS) || hasCornerTopRightClass || hasCornerBottomRightClass
            _getArea: function() {
                var area = this.option("area");
                if (isFunction(area)) {
                    area = area.call(this)
                if (isPlainObject(area)) {
                    return this._getAreaFromObject(area)
                return this._getAreaFromElement(area)
            _getAreaFromObject: function(area) {
                var result = {
                    width: area.right - area.left,
                    height: area.bottom - area.top,
                    offset: {
                        left: area.left,
                        top: area.top
                return result
            _getAreaFromElement: function(area) {
                var result, $area = $(area);
                if ($area.length) {
                    result = {
                        width: $area.innerWidth(),
                        height: $area.innerHeight(),
                        offset: extend({
                            top: 0,
                            left: 0
                        }, commonUtils.isWindow($area[0]) ? {} : $area.offset())
                    this._correctAreaGeometry(result, $area)
                return result
            _correctAreaGeometry: function(result, $area) {
                var areaBorderLeft = $area ? this._getBorderWidth($area, "left") : 0,
                    areaBorderTop = $area ? this._getBorderWidth($area, "top") : 0;
                result.offset.left += areaBorderLeft + this._getBorderWidth(this.element(), "left");
                result.offset.top += areaBorderTop + this._getBorderWidth(this.element(), "top");
                result.width -= this.element().outerWidth() - this.element().innerWidth();
                result.height -= this.element().outerHeight() - this.element().innerHeight()
            _dragEndHandler: function(e) {
                var $element = this.element();
                    jQueryEvent: e,
                    width: $element.outerWidth(),
                    height: $element.outerHeight(),
                    handles: this._movingSides
            _renderWidth: function(width) {
                this.option("width", fitIntoRange(width, this.option("minWidth"), this.option("maxWidth")))
            _renderHeight: function(height) {
                this.option("height", fitIntoRange(height, this.option("minHeight"), this.option("maxHeight")))
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "disabled":
                    case "handles":
                    case "minWidth":
                    case "maxWidth":
                    case "minHeight":
                    case "maxHeight":
                    case "onResize":
                    case "onResizeStart":
                    case "onResizeEnd":
                    case "area":
                    case "stepPrecision":
                    case "step":
            _clean: function() {
                this.element().find("." + RESIZABLE_HANDLE_CLASS).remove()
        registerComponent(RESIZABLE, Resizable);
        module.exports = Resizable
      !*** ./js/core/utils/locker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 7);
        var Locker = function() {
            var info = {};
            var currentCount = function(lockName) {
                return info[lockName] || 0
            return {
                obtain: function(lockName) {
                    info[lockName] = currentCount(lockName) + 1
                release: function(lockName) {
                    var count = currentCount(lockName);
                    if (count < 1) {
                        throw errors.Error("E0014")
                    if (1 === count) {
                        delete info[lockName]
                    } else {
                        info[lockName] = count - 1
                locked: function(lockName) {
                    return currentCount(lockName) > 0
        module.exports = Locker
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/event_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            eventRegistrator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/event_registrator */ 73),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71);
        eventRegistrator.callbacks.add(function(name) {
            var koBindingEventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(name, name + "Binding");
            ko.bindingHandlers[name] = {
                update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
                    var $element = $(element),
                        unwrappedValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()),
                        eventSource = unwrappedValue.execute ? unwrappedValue.execute : unwrappedValue;
                    $element.off(koBindingEventName).on(koBindingEventName, isPlainObject(unwrappedValue) ? unwrappedValue : {}, function(e) {
                        eventSource.call(viewModel, viewModel, e)
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/components.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Action = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/action */ 49),
            compileGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).compileGetter,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            iconUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/icon */ 115),
            clickEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/click */ 75);
        ko.bindingHandlers.dxAction = {
            update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
                var $element = $(element);
                var unwrappedValue = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()),
                    actionSource = unwrappedValue,
                    actionOptions = {
                        context: element
                if (unwrappedValue.execute) {
                    actionSource = unwrappedValue.execute;
                    extend(actionOptions, unwrappedValue)
                var action = new Action(actionSource, actionOptions);
                $element.off(".dxActionBinding").on(clickEvent.name + ".dxActionBinding", function(e) {
                        element: $element,
                        model: viewModel,
                        evaluate: function(expression) {
                            var context = viewModel;
                            if (expression.length > 0 && "$" === expression[0]) {
                                context = ko.contextFor(element)
                            var getter = compileGetter(expression);
                            return getter(context)
                        jQueryEvent: e
                    if (!actionOptions.bubbling) {
        ko.bindingHandlers.dxControlsDescendantBindings = {
            init: function(_, valueAccessor) {
                return {
                    controlsDescendantBindings: ko.unwrap(valueAccessor())
        ko.bindingHandlers.dxIcon = {
            init: function(element, valueAccessor) {
                var options = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) || {},
                    iconElement = iconUtils.getImageContainer(options);
                if (iconElement) {
                    ko.virtualElements.prepend(element, iconElement.get(0))
            update: function(element, valueAccessor) {
                var options = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(valueAccessor()) || {},
                    iconElement = iconUtils.getImageContainer(options);
                if (iconElement) {
                    ko.virtualElements.prepend(element, iconElement.get(0))
        ko.virtualElements.allowedBindings.dxIcon = true
      !*** ./js/core/utils/icon.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var getImageSourceType = function(source) {
            if (!source || "string" !== typeof source) {
                return false
            if (/data:.*base64|\.|\//.test(source)) {
                return "image"
            if (/^[\w-_]+$/.test(source)) {
                return "dxIcon"
            return "fontIcon"
        var getImageContainer = function(source) {
            var imageType = getImageSourceType(source),
                ICON_CLASS = "dx-icon";
            switch (imageType) {
                case "image":
                    return $("<img>", {
                        src: source
                case "fontIcon":
                    return $("<i>", {
                        "class": ICON_CLASS + " " + source
                case "dxIcon":
                    return $("<i>", {
                        "class": ICON_CLASS + " " + ICON_CLASS + "-" + source
                    return null
        exports.getImageSourceType = getImageSourceType;
        exports.getImageContainer = getImageContainer
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/validation.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            ValidationEngine = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/validation_engine */ 117),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93);
        var koDxValidator = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(target, option) {
                var that = this;
                that.target = target;
                that.validationRules = option.validationRules;
                that.name = option.name;
                that.isValid = ko.observable(true);
                that.validationError = ko.observable();
                $.each(this.validationRules, function(_, rule) {
                    rule.validator = that
            validate: function() {
                var result = ValidationEngine.validate(this.target(), this.validationRules, this.name);
                return result
            reset: function() {
                var result = {
                    isValid: true,
                    brokenRule: null
                return result
            _applyValidationResult: function(result) {
                result.validator = this;
                this.fireEvent("validated", [result])
        ko.extenders.dxValidator = function(target, option) {
            target.dxValidator = new koDxValidator(target, option);
            return target
        ValidationEngine.registerModelForValidation = function(model) {
            $.each(model, function(name, member) {
                if (ko.isObservable(member) && member.dxValidator) {
                    ValidationEngine.registerValidatorInGroup(model, member.dxValidator)
        ValidationEngine.unregisterModelForValidation = function(model) {
            $.each(model, function(name, member) {
                if (ko.isObservable(member) && member.dxValidator) {
                    ValidationEngine.removeRegisteredValidator(model, member.dxValidator)
        ValidationEngine.validateModel = ValidationEngine.validateGroup
      !*** ./js/ui/validation_engine.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            numberLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/number */ 32),
            messageLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/message */ 89);
        var BaseRuleValidator = Class.inherit({
            NAME: "base",
            defaultMessage: function(value) {
                return messageLocalization.getFormatter("validation-" + this.NAME)(value)
            defaultFormattedMessage: function(value) {
                return messageLocalization.getFormatter("validation-" + this.NAME + "-formatted")(value)
            validate: function(value, rule) {
                var valueArray = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value],
                    result = true;
                valueArray.every(function(itemValue) {
                    result = this._validate(itemValue, rule);
                    return result
                }, this);
                return result
        var RequiredRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "required",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                if (!commonUtils.isDefined(value)) {
                    return false
                if (false === value) {
                    return false
                value = String(value);
                if (rule.trim || !commonUtils.isDefined(rule.trim)) {
                    value = $.trim(value)
                return "" !== value
        var NumericRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "numeric",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                if (!rulesValidators.required.validate(value, {})) {
                    return true
                if (rule.useCultureSettings && commonUtils.isString(value)) {
                    return !isNaN(numberLocalization.parse(value))
                } else {
                    return commonUtils.isNumeric(value)
        var RangeRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "range",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                if (!rulesValidators.required.validate(value, {})) {
                    return true
                var validNumber = rulesValidators.numeric.validate(value, rule),
                    validValue = commonUtils.isDefined(value),
                    number = validNumber ? parseFloat(value) : validValue && value.valueOf(),
                    min = rule.min,
                    max = rule.max;
                if (!(validNumber || commonUtils.isDate(value)) && !validValue) {
                    return false
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(min)) {
                    if (commonUtils.isDefined(max)) {
                        return number >= min && number <= max
                    return number >= min
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isDefined(max)) {
                        return number <= max
                    } else {
                        throw errors.Error("E0101")
        var StringLengthRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "stringLength",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                value = commonUtils.isDefined(value) ? String(value) : "";
                if (rule.trim || !commonUtils.isDefined(rule.trim)) {
                    value = $.trim(value)
                return rulesValidators.range.validate(value.length, extend({}, rule))
        var CustomRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "custom",
            validate: function(value, rule) {
                return rule.validationCallback({
                    value: value,
                    validator: rule.validator,
                    rule: rule
        var CompareRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "compare",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                if (!rule.comparisonTarget) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0102")
                extend(rule, {
                    reevaluate: true
                var otherValue = rule.comparisonTarget(),
                    type = rule.comparisonType || "==";
                switch (type) {
                    case "==":
                        return value == otherValue;
                    case "!=":
                        return value != otherValue;
                    case "===":
                        return value === otherValue;
                    case "!==":
                        return value !== otherValue;
                    case ">":
                        return value > otherValue;
                    case ">=":
                        return value >= otherValue;
                    case "<":
                        return value < otherValue;
                    case "<=":
                        return value <= otherValue
        var PatternRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "pattern",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                if (!rulesValidators.required.validate(value, {})) {
                    return true
                var pattern = rule.pattern;
                if (commonUtils.isString(pattern)) {
                    pattern = new RegExp(pattern)
                return pattern.test(value)
        var EmailRuleValidator = BaseRuleValidator.inherit({
            NAME: "email",
            _validate: function(value, rule) {
                if (!rulesValidators.required.validate(value, {})) {
                    return true
                return rulesValidators.pattern.validate(value, extend({}, rule, {
                    pattern: /^[\d\w\._\-]+@([\d\w\._\-]+\.)+[\w]+$/i
        var rulesValidators = {
            required: new RequiredRuleValidator,
            numeric: new NumericRuleValidator,
            range: new RangeRuleValidator,
            stringLength: new StringLengthRuleValidator,
            custom: new CustomRuleValidator,
            compare: new CompareRuleValidator,
            pattern: new PatternRuleValidator,
            email: new EmailRuleValidator
        var GroupConfig = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(group) {
                this.group = group;
                this.validators = []
            validate: function() {
                var result = {
                    isValid: true,
                    brokenRules: [],
                    validators: []
                $.each(this.validators, function(_, validator) {
                    var validatorResult = validator.validate();
                    result.isValid = result.isValid && validatorResult.isValid;
                    if (validatorResult.brokenRule) {
                this.fireEvent("validated", [{
                    validators: result.validators,
                    brokenRules: result.brokenRules,
                    isValid: result.isValid
                return result
            reset: function() {
                $.each(this.validators, function(_, validator) {
        var ValidationEngine = {
            groups: [],
            getGroupConfig: function(group) {
                var result = commonUtils.grep(this.groups, function(config) {
                    return config.group === group
                if (result.length) {
                    return result[0]
            initGroups: function() {
                this.groups = [];
            addGroup: function(group) {
                var config = this.getGroupConfig(group);
                if (!config) {
                    config = new GroupConfig(group);
                return config
            removeGroup: function(group) {
                var config = this.getGroupConfig(group),
                    index = inArray(config, this.groups);
                if (index > -1) {
                    this.groups.splice(index, 1)
                return config
            _setDefaultMessage: function(rule, validator, name) {
                if (!commonUtils.isDefined(rule.message)) {
                    if (validator.defaultFormattedMessage && commonUtils.isDefined(name)) {
                        rule.message = validator.defaultFormattedMessage(name)
                    } else {
                        rule.message = validator.defaultMessage()
            validate: function(value, rules, name) {
                var result = {
                        name: name,
                        value: value,
                        brokenRule: null,
                        isValid: true,
                        validationRules: rules
                    that = this;
                $.each(rules || [], function(_, rule) {
                    var ruleValidationResult, ruleValidator = rulesValidators[rule.type];
                    if (ruleValidator) {
                        if (commonUtils.isDefined(rule.isValid) && rule.value === value && !rule.reevaluate) {
                            if (!rule.isValid) {
                                result.isValid = false;
                                result.brokenRule = rule;
                                return false
                            return true
                        rule.value = value;
                        ruleValidationResult = ruleValidator.validate(value, rule);
                        rule.isValid = ruleValidationResult;
                        if (!ruleValidationResult) {
                            result.isValid = false;
                            that._setDefaultMessage(rule, ruleValidator, name);
                            result.brokenRule = rule
                        if (!rule.isValid) {
                            return false
                    } else {
                        throw errors.Error("E0100")
                return result
            registerValidatorInGroup: function(group, validator) {
                var groupConfig = ValidationEngine.addGroup(group);
                if (inArray(validator, groupConfig.validators) < 0) {
            _shouldRemoveGroup: function(group, validatorsInGroup) {
                var isDefaultGroup = void 0 === group,
                    isValidationGroupInstance = group && "dxValidationGroup" === group.NAME;
                return !isDefaultGroup && !isValidationGroupInstance && !validatorsInGroup.length
            removeRegisteredValidator: function(group, validator) {
                var config = ValidationEngine.getGroupConfig(group),
                    validatorsInGroup = config && config.validators;
                var index = inArray(validator, validatorsInGroup);
                if (index > -1) {
                    validatorsInGroup.splice(index, 1);
                    if (this._shouldRemoveGroup(group, validatorsInGroup)) {
            validateGroup: function(group) {
                var groupConfig = ValidationEngine.getGroupConfig(group);
                if (!groupConfig) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0110")
                return groupConfig.validate()
            resetGroup: function(group) {
                var groupConfig = ValidationEngine.getGroupConfig(group);
                if (!groupConfig) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0110")
                return groupConfig.reset()
        module.exports = ValidationEngine
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/variable_wrapper_utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            variableWrapper = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/variable_wrapper */ 28);
            isWrapped: ko.isObservable,
            isWritableWrapped: ko.isWritableObservable,
            wrap: ko.observable,
            unwrap: function(value) {
                if (ko.isObservable(value)) {
                    return ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value)
                return this.callBase(value)
            assign: function(variable, value) {
                if (ko.isObservable(variable)) {
                } else {
                    this.callBase(variable, value)
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/clean_node.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! jquery */ 10),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            cleanData = $.cleanData,
            compareVersion = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/version */ 17).compare;
        if (compareVersion($.fn.jquery, [2, 0]) >= 0) {
            $.cleanData = function(nodes) {
                var result = cleanData(nodes);
                for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                    nodes[i].cleanedByJquery = true
                for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                    if (!nodes[i].cleanedByKo) {
                    delete nodes[i].cleanedByKo
                for (i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                    delete nodes[i].cleanedByJquery
                return result
            ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.cleanExternalData = function(node) {
                node.cleanedByKo = true;
                if (!node.cleanedByJquery) {
      !*** ./js/integration/knockout/clean_node_old.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            compareVersion = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/version */ 17).compare;
        if (compareVersion($.fn.jquery, [2, 0]) < 0) {
            var cleanKoData = function(element, andSelf) {
                var cleanNode = function() {
                if (andSelf) {
                } else {
            var originalEmpty = $.fn.empty;
            $.fn.empty = function() {
                cleanKoData(this, false);
                return originalEmpty.apply(this, arguments)
            var originalRemove = $.fn.remove;
            $.fn.remove = function(selector, keepData) {
                if (!keepData) {
                    var subject = this;
                    if (selector) {
                        subject = subject.filter(selector)
                    cleanKoData(subject, true)
                return originalRemove.call(this, selector, keepData)
            var originalHtml = $.fn.html;
            $.fn.html = function(value) {
                if ("string" === typeof value) {
                    cleanKoData(this, false)
                return originalHtml.apply(this, arguments)
            var originalReplaceWith = $.fn.replaceWith;
            $.fn.replaceWith = function() {
                var result = originalReplaceWith.apply(this, arguments);
                if (!this.parent().length) {
                    cleanKoData(this, true)
                return result
      !*** ./js/framework/command.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 122),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            DOMComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/dom_component */ 43),
            isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction,
            isPlainObject = typeUtils.isPlainObject,
            noop = commonUtils.noop;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/knockout */ 92);
        var Command = DOMComponent.inherit({
            ctor: function(element, options) {
                if (isPlainObject(element)) {
                    options = element;
                    element = $("<div />")
                this.callBase(element, options)
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    iconSrc: {
                        since: "15.1",
                        alias: "icon"
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    onExecute: null,
                    id: null,
                    title: "",
                    icon: "",
                    visible: true,
                    disabled: false,
                    renderStage: "onViewShown"
            execute: function() {
                var isDisabled = this._options.disabled;
                if (isFunction(isDisabled)) {
                    isDisabled = !!isDisabled.apply(this, arguments)
                if (isDisabled) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3004", this._options.id)
                this.fireEvent("beforeExecute", arguments);
                this._createActionByOption("onExecute").apply(this, arguments);
                this.fireEvent("afterExecute", arguments)
            _render: function() {
            _renderDisabledState: noop,
            _dispose: function() {
        registerComponent("dxCommand", Command);
        module.exports = Command
      !*** ./js/framework/errors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errorUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/error */ 8),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7);
        module.exports = errorUtils(errors.ERROR_MESSAGES, {
            E3001: "Routing rule is not found for the '{0}' URI.",
            E3002: "The passed object cannot be formatted into a URI string by the application's router. An appropriate route should be registered.",
            E3003: "Unable to navigate. Application is being initialized.",
            E3004: "Cannot execute the command: {0}.",
            E3005: "The '{0}' command {1} is not registered in the application's command mapping. Go to http://dxpr.es/1bTjfj1 for more details.",
            E3006: "Unknown navigation target: '{0}'. Use the 'current', 'back' or 'blank' values.",
            E3007: "Error while restoring the application state. The state has been cleared. Refresh the page.",
            E3008: "Unable to go back.",
            E3009: "Unable to go forward.",
            E3010: "The command's 'id' option should be specified.\r\nProcessed markup: {0}\n",
            E3011: "Layout controller cannot be resolved. There are no appropriate layout controllers for the current context. Check browser console for details.",
            E3012: "Layout controller cannot be resolved. Two or more layout controllers suit the current context. Check browser console for details.",
            E3013: "The '{0}' template with the '{1}' name is not found. Make sure the case is correct in the specified view name and the template fits the current context.",
            E3014: "All the children of the dxView element should be either of the dxCommand or dxContent type.\r\nProcessed markup: {0}",
            E3015: "The 'exec' method should be called before the 'finalize' method.",
            E3016: "Unknown transition type '{0}'.",
            E3018: "Unable to parse options.\nMessage: {0};\nOptions value: {1}.",
            E3019: "View templates should be updated according to the 13.1 changes. Go to http://dxpr.es/15ikrJA for more details.",
            E3020: "Concurrent templates are found:\r\n{0}Target device:\r\n{1}.",
            E3021: "Remote template cannot be loaded.\r\nUrl:{0}\r\nError:{1}.",
            E3022: "Cannot initialize the HtmlApplication component.",
            E3023: "Navigation item is not found",
            E3024: "Layout controller is not initialized",
            W3001: "A view with the '{0}' key doesn't exist.",
            W3002: "A view with the '{0}' key has already been released.",
            W3003: "Layout resolving context:\n{0}\nAvailable layout controller registrations:\n{1}\n",
            W3004: "Layout resolving context:\n{0}\nConcurent layout controller registrations for the context:\n{1}\n",
            W3005: 'Direct hash-based navigation is detected in a mobile application. Use data-bind="dxAction: url" instead of href="#url" to avoid navigation issues.\nFound markup:\n{0}\n'
      !*** ./js/framework/router.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25);
        var JSON_URI_PREFIX = encodeURIComponent("json:");
        var Route = Class.inherit({
            _trimSeparators: function(str) {
                return str.replace(/^[\/.]+|\/+$/g, "")
            _escapeRe: function(str) {
                return str.replace(/[^-\w]/g, "\\$1")
            _checkConstraint: function(param, constraint) {
                param = String(param);
                if ("string" === typeof constraint) {
                    constraint = new RegExp(constraint)
                var match = constraint.exec(param);
                if (!match || match[0] !== param) {
                    return false
                return true
            _ensureReady: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (this._patternRe) {
                    return false
                this._pattern = this._trimSeparators(this._pattern);
                this._patternRe = "";
                this._params = [];
                this._segments = [];
                this._separators = [];
                this._pattern.replace(/[^\/]+/g, function(segment, index) {
                    if (index) {
                        that._separators.push(that._pattern.substr(index - 1, 1))
                $.each(this._segments, function(index) {
                    var segment = this,
                        separator = index ? that._separators[index - 1] : "";
                    if (":" === segment.charAt(0)) {
                        segment = segment.substr(1);
                        that._patternRe += "(?:" + separator + "([^/]*))";
                        if (segment in that._defaults) {
                            that._patternRe += "?"
                    } else {
                        that._patternRe += separator + that._escapeRe(segment)
                this._patternRe = new RegExp("^" + this._patternRe + "$")
            ctor: function(pattern, defaults, constraints) {
                this._pattern = pattern || "";
                this._defaults = defaults || {};
                this._constraints = constraints || {}
            parse: function(uri) {
                var that = this;
                var matches = this._patternRe.exec(uri);
                if (!matches) {
                    return false
                var result = extend({}, this._defaults);
                $.each(this._params, function(i) {
                    var index = i + 1;
                    if (matches.length >= index && matches[index]) {
                        result[this] = that.parseSegment(matches[index])
                $.each(this._constraints, function(key) {
                    if (!that._checkConstraint(result[key], that._constraints[key])) {
                        result = false;
                        return false
                return result
            format: function(routeValues) {
                var that = this,
                    query = "";
                var mergeValues = extend({}, this._defaults),
                    useStatic = 0,
                    result = [],
                    dels = [],
                    unusedRouteValues = {};
                $.each(routeValues, function(paramName, paramValue) {
                    routeValues[paramName] = that.formatSegment(paramValue);
                    if (!(paramName in mergeValues)) {
                        unusedRouteValues[paramName] = true
                $.each(this._segments, function(index, segment) {
                    result[index] = index ? that._separators[index - 1] : "";
                    if (":" === segment.charAt(0)) {
                        var paramName = segment.substr(1);
                        if (!(paramName in routeValues) && !(paramName in that._defaults)) {
                            result = null;
                            return false
                        if (paramName in that._constraints && !that._checkConstraint(routeValues[paramName], that._constraints[paramName])) {
                            result = null;
                            return false
                        if (paramName in routeValues) {
                            if (void 0 !== routeValues[paramName]) {
                                mergeValues[paramName] = routeValues[paramName];
                                result[index] += routeValues[paramName];
                                useStatic = index
                            delete unusedRouteValues[paramName]
                        } else {
                            if (paramName in mergeValues) {
                                result[index] += mergeValues[paramName];
                    } else {
                        result[index] += segment;
                        useStatic = index
                $.each(mergeValues, function(key, value) {
                    if (!!value && inArray(":" + key, that._segments) === -1 && routeValues[key] !== value) {
                        result = null;
                        return false
                var unusedCount = 0;
                if (!typeUtils.isEmptyObject(unusedRouteValues)) {
                    query = "?";
                    $.each(unusedRouteValues, function(key) {
                        query += key + "=" + routeValues[key] + "&";
                    query = query.substr(0, query.length - 1)
                if (null === result) {
                    return false
                if (dels.length) {
                    $.map(dels, function(i) {
                        if (i >= useStatic) {
                            result[i] = ""
                var path = result.join("");
                path = path.replace(/\/+$/, "");
                return {
                    uri: path + query,
                    unusedCount: unusedCount
            formatSegment: function(value) {
                if (Array.isArray(value) || typeUtils.isPlainObject(value)) {
                    return JSON_URI_PREFIX + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(value))
                return encodeURIComponent(value)
            parseSegment: function(value) {
                if (value.substr(0, JSON_URI_PREFIX.length) === JSON_URI_PREFIX) {
                    try {
                        return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(value.substr(JSON_URI_PREFIX.length)))
                    } catch (x) {}
                return decodeURIComponent(value)
        var Router = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._registry = []
            _trimSeparators: function(str) {
                return str.replace(/^[\/.]+|\/+$/g, "")
            _createRoute: function(pattern, defaults, constraints) {
                return new Route(pattern, defaults, constraints)
            register: function(pattern, defaults, constraints) {
                this._registry.push(this._createRoute(pattern, defaults, constraints))
            _parseQuery: function(query) {
                var result = {},
                    values = query.split("&");
                $.each(values, function(index, value) {
                    var keyValuePair = value.split("=");
                    result[keyValuePair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(keyValuePair[1])
                return result
            parse: function(uri) {
                var result, that = this;
                uri = this._trimSeparators(uri);
                var parts = uri.split("?", 2),
                    path = parts[0],
                    query = parts[1];
                $.each(this._registry, function() {
                    var parseResult = this.parse(path);
                    if (false !== parseResult) {
                        result = parseResult;
                        if (query) {
                            result = extend(result, that._parseQuery(query))
                        return false
                return result ? result : false
            format: function(obj) {
                var result = false,
                    minUnusedCount = 99999;
                obj = obj || {};
                $.each(this._registry, function() {
                    var toFormat = extend(true, {}, obj);
                    var formatResult = this.format(toFormat);
                    if (false !== formatResult) {
                        if (minUnusedCount > formatResult.unusedCount) {
                            minUnusedCount = formatResult.unusedCount;
                            result = formatResult.uri
                return result
        Route.__internals = {
        module.exports = Router;
        module.exports.Route = Route
      !*** ./js/framework/state_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9);
        var MemoryKeyValueStorage = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this.storage = {}
            getItem: function(key) {
                return this.storage[key]
            setItem: function(key, value) {
                this.storage[key] = value
            removeItem: function(key) {
                delete this.storage[key]
        var StateManager = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this.storage = options.storage || new MemoryKeyValueStorage;
                this.stateSources = options.stateSources || []
            addStateSource: function(stateSource) {
            removeStateSource: function(stateSource) {
                var index = inArray(stateSource, this.stateSources);
                if (index > -1) {
                    this.stateSources.splice(index, 1);
            saveState: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(this.stateSources, function(index, stateSource) {
            restoreState: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(this.stateSources, function(index, stateSource) {
            clearState: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(this.stateSources, function(index, stateSource) {
        module.exports = StateManager;
        module.exports.MemoryKeyValueStorage = MemoryKeyValueStorage
      !*** ./js/framework/view_cache.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/events_mixin */ 51);
        var ViewCache = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._cache = {}
            setView: function(key, viewInfo) {
                this._cache[key] = viewInfo
            getView: function(key) {
                return this._cache[key]
            removeView: function(key) {
                var result = this._cache[key];
                if (result) {
                    delete this._cache[key];
                    this.fireEvent("viewRemoved", [{
                        viewInfo: result
                return result
            clear: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(this._cache, function(key) {
            hasView: function(key) {
                return key in this._cache
        var NullViewCache = ViewCache.inherit({
            setView: function(key, viewInfo) {
                this.callBase(key, viewInfo);

        function delegateEvent(eventName, source, target) {
            source.on(eventName, function() {
                target.fireEvent(eventName, arguments)
        var ConditionalViewCacheDecorator = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this._filter = options.filter;
                this._viewCache = options.viewCache;
                this.viewRemoved = this._viewCache.viewRemoved;
                delegateEvent("viewRemoved", this._viewCache, this)
            setView: function(key, viewInfo) {
                this._viewCache.setView(key, viewInfo);
                if (!this._filter(key, viewInfo)) {
            getView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.getView(key)
            removeView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.removeView(key)
            clear: function() {
                return this._viewCache.clear()
            hasView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.hasView(key)
        var CapacityViewCacheDecorator = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this._keys = [];
                this._size = options.size || DEFAULT_VIEW_CACHE_CAPACITY;
                this._viewCache = options.viewCache;
                this.viewRemoved = this._viewCache.viewRemoved;
                delegateEvent("viewRemoved", this._viewCache, this)
            setView: function(key, viewInfo) {
                if (!this.hasView(key)) {
                    if (this._keys.length === this._size) {
                this._viewCache.setView(key, viewInfo)
            getView: function(key) {
                var index = inArray(key, this._keys);
                if (index < 0) {
                    return null
                this._keys.splice(index, 1);
                return this._viewCache.getView(key)
            removeView: function(key) {
                var index = inArray(key, this._keys);
                if (index > -1) {
                    this._keys.splice(index, 1)
                return this._viewCache.removeView(key)
            clear: function() {
                this._keys = [];
                return this._viewCache.clear()
            hasView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.hasView(key)
        var HistoryDependentViewCacheDecorator = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this._viewCache = options.viewCache || new ViewCache;
                this._navigationManager = options.navigationManager;
                this._navigationManager.on("itemRemoved", this._onNavigationItemRemoved.bind(this));
                this.viewRemoved = this._viewCache.viewRemoved;
                delegateEvent("viewRemoved", this._viewCache, this)
            _onNavigationItemRemoved: function(item) {
            setView: function(key, viewInfo) {
                this._viewCache.setView(key, viewInfo)
            getView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.getView(key)
            removeView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.removeView(key)
            clear: function() {
                return this._viewCache.clear()
            hasView: function(key) {
                return this._viewCache.hasView(key)
        module.exports = ViewCache;
        module.exports.NullViewCache = NullViewCache;
        module.exports.ConditionalViewCacheDecorator = ConditionalViewCacheDecorator;
        module.exports.CapacityViewCacheDecorator = CapacityViewCacheDecorator;
        module.exports.HistoryDependentViewCacheDecorator = HistoryDependentViewCacheDecorator
      !*** ./js/framework/html/command_container.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            MarkupComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./markup_component */ 127).MarkupComponent,
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/knockout */ 92);
        var CommandContainer = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            ctor: function(element, options) {
                if (isPlainObject(element)) {
                    options = element;
                    element = $("<div />")
                this.callBase(element, options)
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    id: null
            _render: function() {
        registerComponent("dxCommandContainer", CommandContainer);
        module.exports = CommandContainer
      !*** ./js/framework/html/markup_component.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            publicComponentUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/public_component */ 45);
        var MarkupComponent = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(element, options) {
                this.NAME = publicComponentUtils.name(this.constructor);
                options = options || {};
                this._$element = $(element);
                publicComponentUtils.attachInstanceToElement(this._$element, this, this._dispose);
                if (options.fromCache) {
                    this._options = options
                } else {
                    this._options = {};
                    if (options) {
            _setDefaultOptions: noop,
            _render: noop,
            _dispose: noop,
            element: function() {
                return this._$element
            option: function(name, value) {
                if (0 === arguments.length) {
                    return this._options
                } else {
                    if (1 === arguments.length) {
                        if ("string" === typeof name) {
                            return this._options[name]
                        } else {
                            value = name;
                            extend(this._options, value)
                    } else {
                        this._options[name] = value
            instance: function() {
                return this
        MarkupComponent.getInstance = function($element) {
            return publicComponentUtils.getInstanceByElement($($element), this)
        exports.MarkupComponent = MarkupComponent
      !*** ./js/framework/html/view_engine_components.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 122),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            MarkupComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./markup_component */ 127).MarkupComponent;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/knockout */ 92);
        var View = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    name: null,
                    title: null
            ctor: function() {
                this._id = domUtils.uniqueId();
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _render: function() {
                this.element().attr("dx-data-template-id", this._id)
            getId: function() {
                return this._id
        var Layout = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    name: null
            _render: function() {
        var ViewPlaceholder = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    viewName: null
            _render: function() {
        var setupTransitionElement = function($element, transitionType, transitionName, contentCssPosition) {
            if ("absolute" === contentCssPosition) {
            } else {
            $element.addClass("dx-transition").addClass("dx-transition-" + transitionName).addClass("dx-transition-" + transitionType).attr("data-dx-transition-type", transitionType).attr("data-dx-transition-name", transitionName)
        var setupTransitionInnerElement = function($element) {
        var Transition = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    name: null,
                    type: void 0,
                    animation: "slide"
            _render: function() {
                var element = this.element();
                setupTransitionElement(element, this.option("type") || this.option("animation"), this.option("name"), "absolute");
                if (this.option("type")) {
                    errors.log("W0003", "dxTransition", "type", "15.1", "Use the 'animation' property instead")
            _clean: function() {
        var ContentPlaceholder = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    name: null,
                    transition: void 0,
                    animation: "none",
                    contentCssPosition: "absolute"
            _render: function() {
                var $element = this.element();
                $element.addClass("dx-content-placeholder").addClass("dx-content-placeholder-" + this.option("name"));
                $element.attr("data-dx-content-placeholder-name", this.option("name"));
                setupTransitionElement($element, this.option("transition") || this.option("animation"), this.option("name"), this.option("contentCssPosition"));
                if (this.option("transition")) {
                    errors.log("W0003", "dxContentPlaceholder", "transition", "15.1", "Use the 'animation' property instead")
        var Content = MarkupComponent.inherit({
            _setDefaultOptions: function() {
                    targetPlaceholder: null
            _optionChanged: function() {
            _clean: function() {
            _render: function() {
                var element = this.element();
                this._currentClass = "dx-content-" + this.option("targetPlaceholder");
                element.attr("data-dx-target-placeholder-id", this.option("targetPlaceholder"));
        registerComponent("dxView", View);
        registerComponent("dxLayout", Layout);
        registerComponent("dxViewPlaceholder", ViewPlaceholder);
        registerComponent("dxContentPlaceholder", ContentPlaceholder);
        registerComponent("dxTransition", Transition);
        registerComponent("dxContent", Content);
        exports.dxView = View;
        exports.dxLayout = Layout;
        exports.dxViewPlaceholder = ViewPlaceholder;
        exports.dxContentPlaceholder = ContentPlaceholder;
        exports.dxTransition = Transition;
        exports.dxContent = Content
      !*** ./js/framework/html/html_application.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            Component = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component */ 48),
            extendUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 122),
            Application = __webpack_require__( /*! ../application */ 130).Application,
            ConditionalViewCacheDecorator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../view_cache */ 125).ConditionalViewCacheDecorator,
            html = __webpack_require__( /*! ./presets */ 138),
            CommandManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./command_manager */ 139),
            ViewEngine = __webpack_require__( /*! ./view_engine */ 141).ViewEngine,
            messageLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../localization/message */ 89),
            viewPort = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/view_port */ 55).value,
            initMobileViewportModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../mobile/init_mobile_viewport/init_mobile_viewport */ 60),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            feedbackEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/emitter.feedback */ 104),
            TransitionExecutorModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/transition_executor/transition_executor */ 74),
            animationPresetsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/presets/presets */ 67),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./layout_controller */ 142);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/themes */ 143);
        var VIEW_PORT_CLASSNAME = "dx-viewport",
            LAYOUT_CHANGE_ANIMATION_NAME = "layout-change";
        var HtmlApplication = Application.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._$root = $(options.rootNode || document.body);
                if ("mobileApp" === this._applicationMode) {
                this.device = options.device || devices.current();
                this.commandManager = options.commandManager || new CommandManager({
                    commandMapping: this.commandMapping
                this.viewEngine = options.viewEngine || new ViewEngine({
                    $root: this._$root,
                    device: this.device,
                    templateCacheStorage: options.templateCacheStorage || window.localStorage,
                    templatesVersion: options.templatesVersion,
                    templateContext: this._templateContext
                this._layoutSet = options.layoutSet || html.layoutSets.default;
                this._animationSet = options.animationSet || html.animationSets.default;
                this._availableLayoutControllers = [];
                this._activeLayoutControllersStack = [];
                this.transitionExecutor = new TransitionExecutorModule.TransitionExecutor;
            _initAnimations: function(animationSet) {
                if (!animationSet) {
                $.each(animationSet, function(name, configs) {
                    $.each(configs, function(index, config) {
                        animationPresetsModule.presets.registerPreset(name, config)
            _localizeMarkup: function($markup) {
            _notifyIfBadMarkup: function($markup) {
                $markup.each(function() {
                    var html = $(this).html();
                    if (/href="#/.test(html)) {
                        errors.log("W3005", html)
            _initMarkupFilters: function(viewEngine) {
                var filters = [];
                if ("mobileApp" === this._applicationMode) {
                if (viewEngine.markupLoaded) {
                    viewEngine.markupLoaded.add(function(args) {
                        $.each(filters, function(_, filter) {
            _createViewCache: function(options) {
                var result = this.callBase(options);
                if (!options.viewCache) {
                    result = new ConditionalViewCacheDecorator({
                        filter: function(key, viewInfo) {
                            return !viewInfo.viewTemplateInfo.disableCache
                        viewCache: result
                return result
            _initViewport: function() {
                this._$viewPort = this._getViewPort();
            _getViewPort: function() {
                var $viewPort = $("." + VIEW_PORT_CLASSNAME);
                if (!$viewPort.length) {
                    $viewPort = $("<div>").addClass(VIEW_PORT_CLASSNAME).appendTo(this._$root)
                return $viewPort
            _initTemplateContext: function() {
                this._templateContext = new Component({
                    orientation: devices.orientation()
                devices.on("orientationChanged", function(args) {
                    this._templateContext.option("orientation", args.orientation)
            _showViewImpl: function(viewInfo, direction) {
                var that = this,
                    deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    result = deferred.promise(),
                    layoutController = viewInfo.layoutController;
                layoutController.showView(viewInfo, direction).done(function() {
                    that._activateLayoutController(layoutController, that._getTargetNode(viewInfo), direction).done(function() {
                return result
            _resolveLayoutController: function(viewInfo) {
                var args = {
                    viewInfo: viewInfo,
                    layoutController: null,
                    availableLayoutControllers: this._availableLayoutControllers
                this._processEvent("resolveLayoutController", args, viewInfo.model);
                return args.layoutController || this._resolveLayoutControllerImpl(viewInfo)
            _checkLayoutControllerIsInitialized: function(layoutController) {
                if (layoutController) {
                    var isControllerInited = false;
                    $.each(this._layoutSet, function(_, controllerInfo) {
                        if (controllerInfo.controller === layoutController) {
                            isControllerInited = true;
                            return false
                    if (!isControllerInited) {
                        throw errors.Error("E3024")
            _ensureOneLayoutControllerFound: function(target, matches) {
                var toJSONInterceptor = function(key, value) {
                    if ("controller" === key) {
                        return "[controller]: { name:" + value.name + " }"
                    return value
                if (!matches.length) {
                    errors.log("W3003", JSON.stringify(target, null, 4), JSON.stringify(this._availableLayoutControllers, toJSONInterceptor, 4));
                    throw errors.Error("E3011")
                if (matches.length > 1) {
                    errors.log("W3004", JSON.stringify(target, null, 4), JSON.stringify(matches, toJSONInterceptor, 4));
                    throw errors.Error("E3012")
            _resolveLayoutControllerImpl: function(viewInfo) {
                var templateInfo = viewInfo.viewTemplateInfo || {},
                    navigateOptions = viewInfo.navigateOptions || {},
                    target = extendUtils.extend({
                        root: !viewInfo.canBack,
                        customResolveRequired: false,
                        pane: templateInfo.pane,
                        modal: void 0 !== navigateOptions.modal ? navigateOptions.modal : templateInfo.modal || false
                    }, devices.current());
                var matches = commonUtils.findBestMatches(target, this._availableLayoutControllers);
                this._ensureOneLayoutControllerFound(target, matches);
                return matches[0].controller
            _onNavigatingBack: function(args) {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                if (!args.cancel && !this.canBack() && this._activeLayoutControllersStack.length > 1) {
                    var previousActiveLayoutController = this._activeLayoutControllersStack[this._activeLayoutControllersStack.length - 2],
                        previousViewInfo = previousActiveLayoutController.activeViewInfo();
                    args.cancel = true;
                    this._activateLayoutController(previousActiveLayoutController, void 0, "backward");
            _activeLayoutController: function() {
                return this._activeLayoutControllersStack.length ? this._activeLayoutControllersStack[this._activeLayoutControllersStack.length - 1] : void 0
            _getTargetNode: function(viewInfo) {
                var jQueryEvent = (viewInfo.navigateOptions || {}).jQueryEvent;
                return jQueryEvent ? $(jQueryEvent.target) : void 0
            _activateLayoutController: function(layoutController, targetNode, direction) {
                var that = this,
                    previousLayoutController = that._activeLayoutController();
                if (previousLayoutController === layoutController) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                var d = $.Deferred();
                layoutController.ensureActive(targetNode).done(function(result) {
                    that._deactivatePreviousLayoutControllers(layoutController, direction, result).done(function() {
                return d.promise()
            _deactivatePreviousLayoutControllers: function(layoutController, direction) {
                var that = this,
                    tasks = [],
                    controllerToDeactivate = that._activeLayoutControllersStack.pop();
                if (!controllerToDeactivate) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                if (layoutController.isOverlay) {
                } else {
                    var transitionDeferred = $.Deferred(),
                        skipAnimation = false;
                    var getControllerDeactivator = function(controllerToDeactivate, d) {
                        return function() {
                            controllerToDeactivate.deactivate().done(function() {
                    while (controllerToDeactivate && controllerToDeactivate !== layoutController) {
                        var d = $.Deferred();
                        if (controllerToDeactivate.isOverlay) {
                            skipAnimation = true
                        } else {
                            that.transitionExecutor.leave(controllerToDeactivate.element(), LAYOUT_CHANGE_ANIMATION_NAME, {
                                direction: direction
                        transitionDeferred.promise().done(getControllerDeactivator(controllerToDeactivate, d));
                        controllerToDeactivate = that._activeLayoutControllersStack.pop()
                    if (skipAnimation) {
                    } else {
                        that.transitionExecutor.enter(layoutController.element(), LAYOUT_CHANGE_ANIMATION_NAME, {
                            direction: direction
                        that.transitionExecutor.start().done(function() {
                return when.apply($, tasks)
            init: function() {
                var that = this,
                    result = this.callBase();
                result.done(function() {
                return result
            _disposeView: function(viewInfo) {
                if (viewInfo.layoutController.disposeView) {
            viewPort: function() {
                return this._$viewPort
            _createViewInfo: function() {
                var viewInfo = this.callBase.apply(this, arguments),
                    templateInfo = this.getViewTemplateInfo(viewInfo.viewName);
                if (!templateInfo) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3013", "dxView", viewInfo.viewName)
                viewInfo.viewTemplateInfo = templateInfo;
                viewInfo.layoutController = this._resolveLayoutController(viewInfo);
                return viewInfo
            _createViewModel: function(viewInfo) {
                extendUtils.extendFromObject(viewInfo.model, viewInfo.viewTemplateInfo)
            _initLayoutControllers: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._layoutSet, function(index, controllerInfo) {
                    var controller = controllerInfo.controller,
                        target = devices.current();
                    if (commonUtils.findBestMatches(target, [controllerInfo]).length) {
                        if (controller.init) {
                                app: that,
                                $viewPort: that._$viewPort,
                                navigationManager: that.navigationManager,
                                viewEngine: that.viewEngine,
                                templateContext: that._templateContext,
                                commandManager: that.commandManager
                        if (controller.on) {
                            controller.on("viewReleased", function(viewInfo) {
                            controller.on("viewHidden", function(viewInfo) {
                            controller.on("viewRendered", function(viewInfo) {
                                that._processEvent("viewRendered", {
                                    viewInfo: viewInfo
                                }, viewInfo.model)
                            controller.on("viewShowing", function(viewInfo, direction) {
                                that._processEvent("viewShowing", {
                                    viewInfo: viewInfo,
                                    direction: direction,
                                    params: viewInfo.routeData
                                }, viewInfo.model)
                            controller.on("viewShown", function(viewInfo, direction) {
                                that._processEvent("viewShown", {
                                    viewInfo: viewInfo,
                                    direction: direction,
                                    params: viewInfo.routeData
                                }, viewInfo.model)
            _onViewReleased: function(viewInfo) {
            renderNavigation: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._availableLayoutControllers, function(index, controllerInfo) {
                    var controller = controllerInfo.controller;
                    if (controller.renderNavigation) {
            getViewTemplate: function(viewName) {
                return this.viewEngine.getViewTemplate(viewName)
            getViewTemplateInfo: function(viewName) {
                var viewComponent = this.viewEngine.getViewTemplateInfo(viewName);
                return viewComponent && viewComponent.option()
            loadTemplates: function(source) {
                return this.viewEngine.loadTemplates(source)
            templateContext: function() {
                return this._templateContext
        module.exports = HtmlApplication
      !*** ./js/framework/application.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BACK_COMMAND_TITLE, $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            abstract = Class.abstract,
            Action = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/action */ 49),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            mergeCommands = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 131).utils.mergeCommands,
            createActionExecutors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./action_executors */ 132).createActionExecutors,
            Router = __webpack_require__( /*! ./router */ 123),
            NavigationManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./navigation_manager */ 133),
            StateManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./state_manager */ 124),
            dxCommand = __webpack_require__( /*! ./command */ 121),
            messageLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../localization/message */ 89),
            CommandMapping = __webpack_require__( /*! ./command_mapping */ 136),
            ViewCache = __webpack_require__( /*! ./view_cache */ 125),
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            sessionStorage = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/storage */ 54).sessionStorage,
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../data/utils */ 137),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 122),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            INIT_IN_PROGRESS = "InProgress",
            INIT_COMPLETE = "Inited";
        var Application = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._options = options;
                this.namespace = options.namespace || window;
                this._applicationMode = options.mode ? options.mode : "mobileApp";
                this.components = [];
                BACK_COMMAND_TITLE = messageLocalization.localizeString("@Back");
                this.router = options.router || new Router;
                var navigationManagers = {
                    mobileApp: NavigationManager.StackBasedNavigationManager,
                    webSite: NavigationManager.HistoryBasedNavigationManager
                this.navigationManager = options.navigationManager || new navigationManagers[this._applicationMode]({
                    keepPositionInStack: "keepHistory" === options.navigateToRootViewMode
                this.navigationManager.on("navigating", this._onNavigating.bind(this));
                this.navigationManager.on("navigatingBack", this._onNavigatingBack.bind(this));
                this.navigationManager.on("navigated", this._onNavigated.bind(this));
                this.navigationManager.on("navigationCanceled", this._onNavigationCanceled.bind(this));
                this.stateManager = options.stateManager || new StateManager({
                    storage: options.stateStorage || sessionStorage()
                this.viewCache = this._createViewCache(options);
                this.commandMapping = this._createCommandMapping(options.commandMapping);
                this._isNavigating = false;
                this._viewLinksHash = {};
            _createViewCache: function(options) {
                var result;
                if (options.viewCache) {
                    result = options.viewCache
                } else {
                    if (options.disableViewCache) {
                        result = new ViewCache.NullViewCache
                    } else {
                        result = new ViewCache.CapacityViewCacheDecorator({
                            size: options.viewCacheSize,
                            viewCache: new ViewCache
                result.on("viewRemoved", function(e) {
                return result
            _createCommandMapping: function(commandMapping) {
                var result = commandMapping;
                if (!(commandMapping instanceof CommandMapping)) {
                    result = new CommandMapping;
                    result.load(CommandMapping.defaultMapping || {}).load(commandMapping || {})
                return result
            createNavigation: function(navigationConfig) {
                this.navigation = this._createNavigationCommands(navigationConfig);
                this._mapNavigationCommands(this.navigation, this.commandMapping)
            _createNavigationCommands: function(commandConfig) {
                if (!commandConfig) {
                    return []
                var generatedIdCount = 0;
                return $.map(commandConfig, function(item) {
                    var command;
                    if (item instanceof dxCommand) {
                        command = item
                    } else {
                        command = new dxCommand(extend({
                            root: true
                        }, item))
                    if (!command.option("id")) {
                        command.option("id", "navigation_" + generatedIdCount++)
                    return command
            _mapNavigationCommands: function(navigationCommands, commandMapping) {
                var navigationCommandIds = $.map(navigationCommands, function(command) {
                    return command.option("id")
                commandMapping.mapCommands("global-navigation", navigationCommandIds)
            _callComponentMethod: function(methodName, args) {
                var tasks = [];
                $.each(this.components, function(index, component) {
                    if (component[methodName] && commonUtils.isFunction(component[methodName])) {
                        var result = component[methodName](args);
                        if (result && result.done) {
                return when.apply($, tasks)
            init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._initState = INIT_IN_PROGRESS;
                return that._callComponentMethod("init").done(function() {
                    that._initState = INIT_COMPLETE;
                }).fail(function(error) {
                    throw error || errors.Error("E3022")
            _onNavigatingBack: function(args) {
                this._processEvent("navigatingBack", args)
            _onNavigating: function(args) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._isNavigating) {
                    that._pendingNavigationArgs = args;
                    args.cancel = true;
                } else {
                    that._isNavigating = true;
                    delete that._pendingNavigationArgs
                var routeData = this.router.parse(args.uri);
                if (!routeData) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3001", args.uri)
                var uri = this.router.format(routeData);
                if (args.uri !== uri && uri) {
                    args.cancel = true;
                    args.cancelReason = "redirect";
                    commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                        that.navigate(uri, args.options)
                } else {
                    that._processEvent("navigating", args)
            _onNavigated: function(args) {
                var resultDeferred, that = this,
                    direction = args.options.direction,
                    viewInfo = that._acquireViewInfo(args.item, args.options);
                if (!viewInfo.model) {
                    this._processEvent("beforeViewSetup", {
                        viewInfo: viewInfo
                    this._processEvent("afterViewSetup", {
                        viewInfo: viewInfo
                resultDeferred = that._showView(viewInfo, direction).always(function() {
                    that._isNavigating = false;
                    var pendingArgs = that._pendingNavigationArgs;
                    if (pendingArgs) {
                        commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                            that.navigate(pendingArgs.uri, pendingArgs.options)
                return resultDeferred
            _isViewReadyToShow: function(viewInfo) {
                return !!viewInfo.model
            _onNavigationCanceled: function(args) {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._pendingNavigationArgs || that._pendingNavigationArgs.uri !== args.uri) {
                    var currentItem = that.navigationManager.currentItem();
                    if (currentItem) {
                        commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                            var viewInfo = that._acquireViewInfo(currentItem, args.options);
                            that._highlightCurrentNavigationCommand(viewInfo, true)
                    that._isNavigating = false
            _disposeRemovedViews: function() {
                var args, that = this;
                $.each(that._viewLinksHash, function(key, link) {
                    if (!link.linkCount) {
                        args = {
                            viewInfo: link.viewInfo
                        that._processEvent("viewDisposing", args, args.viewInfo.model);
                        that._processEvent("viewDisposed", args, args.viewInfo.model);
                        delete that._viewLinksHash[key]
            _onViewHidden: function(viewInfo) {
                var args = {
                    viewInfo: viewInfo
                this._processEvent("viewHidden", args, args.viewInfo.model)
            _disposeView: function(viewInfo) {
                var commands = viewInfo.commands || [];
                $.each(commands, function(index, command) {
            _acquireViewInfo: function(navigationItem, navigateOptions) {
                var routeData = this.router.parse(navigationItem.uri),
                    viewInfoKey = this._getViewInfoKey(navigationItem, routeData),
                    viewInfo = this.viewCache.getView(viewInfoKey);
                if (!viewInfo) {
                    viewInfo = this._createViewInfo(navigationItem, navigateOptions);
                    this.viewCache.setView(viewInfoKey, viewInfo)
                } else {
                    this._updateViewInfo(viewInfo, navigationItem, navigateOptions)
                return viewInfo
            _getViewInfoKey: function(navigationItem, routeData) {
                var args = {
                    key: navigationItem.key,
                    navigationItem: navigationItem,
                    routeData: routeData
                this._processEvent("resolveViewCacheKey", args);
                return args.key
            _processEvent: function(eventName, args, model) {
                this._callComponentMethod(eventName, args);
                this.fireEvent(eventName, args && [args]);
                var modelMethod = (model || {})[eventName];
                if (modelMethod) {
                    modelMethod.call(model, args)
            _updateViewInfo: function(viewInfo, navigationItem, navigateOptions) {
                var uri = navigationItem.uri,
                    routeData = this.router.parse(uri);
                viewInfo.viewName = routeData.view;
                viewInfo.routeData = routeData;
                viewInfo.uri = uri;
                viewInfo.navigateOptions = navigateOptions;
                viewInfo.canBack = this.canBack(navigateOptions.stack);
                viewInfo.previousViewInfo = this._getPreviousViewInfo(navigateOptions)
            _createViewInfo: function(navigationItem, navigateOptions) {
                var uri = navigationItem.uri,
                    routeData = this.router.parse(uri),
                    viewInfo = {
                        key: this._getViewInfoKey(navigationItem, routeData)
                this._updateViewInfo(viewInfo, navigationItem, navigateOptions);
                return viewInfo
            _createViewModel: function(viewInfo) {
                viewInfo.model = viewInfo.model || this._callViewCodeBehind(viewInfo)
            _createViewCommands: function(viewInfo) {
                viewInfo.commands = viewInfo.model.commands || [];
                if (viewInfo.canBack && "webSite" !== this._applicationMode) {
            _callViewCodeBehind: function(viewInfo) {
                var setupFunc = commonUtils.noop,
                    routeData = viewInfo.routeData;
                if (routeData.view in this.namespace) {
                    setupFunc = this.namespace[routeData.view]
                return setupFunc.call(this.namespace, routeData, viewInfo) || {}
            _appendBackCommand: function(viewInfo) {
                var commands = viewInfo.commands,
                    that = this,
                    backTitle = BACK_COMMAND_TITLE;
                if (that._options.useViewTitleAsBackText) {
                    backTitle = ((viewInfo.previousViewInfo || {}).model || {}).title || backTitle
                var toMergeTo = [new dxCommand({
                    id: "back",
                    title: backTitle,
                    behavior: "back",
                    onExecute: function() {
                            stack: viewInfo.navigateOptions.stack
                    icon: "arrowleft",
                    type: "back",
                    renderStage: that._options.useViewTitleAsBackText ? "onViewRendering" : "onViewShown"
                var result = mergeCommands(toMergeTo, commands);
                commands.length = 0;
                commands.push.apply(commands, result)
            _showView: function(viewInfo, direction) {
                var that = this;
                var eventArgs = {
                    viewInfo: viewInfo,
                    direction: direction,
                    params: viewInfo.routeData
                return that._showViewImpl(eventArgs.viewInfo, eventArgs.direction).done(function() {
                    commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                        that._processEvent("viewShown", eventArgs, viewInfo.model);
            _highlightCurrentNavigationCommand: function(viewInfo, forceUpdate) {
                var selectedCommand, that = this,
                    currentNavigationItemId = viewInfo.model && viewInfo.model.currentNavigationItemId;
                if (void 0 !== currentNavigationItemId) {
                    $.each(this.navigation, function(index, command) {
                        if (command.option("id") === currentNavigationItemId) {
                            selectedCommand = command;
                            return false
                if (!selectedCommand) {
                    $.each(this.navigation, function(index, command) {
                        var commandUri = command.option("onExecute");
                        if (commonUtils.isString(commandUri)) {
                            commandUri = commandUri.replace(/^#+/, "");
                            if (commandUri === that.navigationManager.rootUri()) {
                                selectedCommand = command;
                                return false
                $.each(this.navigation, function(index, command) {
                    if (forceUpdate && command === selectedCommand && command.option("highlighted")) {
                        command.fireEvent("optionChanged", [{
                            name: "highlighted",
                            value: true,
                            previousValue: true
                    command.option("highlighted", command === selectedCommand)
            _showViewImpl: abstract,
            _obtainViewLink: function(viewInfo) {
                var key = viewInfo.key;
                if (!this._viewLinksHash[key]) {
                    this._viewLinksHash[key] = {
                        viewInfo: viewInfo,
                        linkCount: 1
                } else {
            _releaseViewLink: function(viewInfo) {
                if (void 0 === this._viewLinksHash[viewInfo.key]) {
                    errors.log("W3001", viewInfo.key)
                if (0 === this._viewLinksHash[viewInfo.key].linkCount) {
                    errors.log("W3002", viewInfo.key)
            navigate: function(uri, options) {
                var that = this;
                if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(uri)) {
                    uri = that.router.format(uri);
                    if (false === uri) {
                        throw errors.Error("E3002")
                if (!that._initState) {
                    that.init().done(function() {
                        that.navigate(uri, options)
                } else {
                    if (that._initState === INIT_COMPLETE) {
                        if (!that._isNavigating || uri) {
                            that.navigationManager.navigate(uri, options)
                    } else {
                        throw errors.Error("E3003")
            canBack: function(stackKey) {
                return this.navigationManager.canBack(stackKey)
            _getPreviousViewInfo: function(navigateOptions) {
                var result, previousNavigationItem = this.navigationManager.previousItem(navigateOptions.stack);
                if (previousNavigationItem) {
                    var routeData = this.router.parse(previousNavigationItem.uri);
                    result = this.viewCache.getView(this._getViewInfoKey(previousNavigationItem, routeData))
                return result
            back: function(options) {
            saveState: function() {
            restoreState: function() {
            clearState: function() {
        exports.Application = Application
      !*** ./js/framework/utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            ko = __webpack_require__( /*! knockout */ 93),
            KoTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/knockout/template */ 105);
        var mergeWithReplace = function(targetArray, arrayToMerge, needReplaceFn) {
            var result = [];
            for (var i = 0, length = targetArray.length; i < length; i++) {
                if (!needReplaceFn(targetArray[i], arrayToMerge)) {
            result.push.apply(result, arrayToMerge);
            return result
        var prepareCommandToReplace = function(targetCommand, commandsToMerge) {
            var needToReplace = false;
            $.each(commandsToMerge, function(_, commandToMerge) {
                var idEqual = targetCommand.option("id") === commandToMerge.option("id") && commandToMerge.option("id"),
                    behaviorEqual = targetCommand.option("behavior") === commandToMerge.option("behavior") && targetCommand.option("behavior");
                needToReplace = idEqual || behaviorEqual;
                if (behaviorEqual && null === commandToMerge.option("onExecute")) {
                    commandToMerge.option("onExecute", targetCommand.option("onExecute"))
                if (needToReplace) {
                    return false
            return needToReplace
        var mergeCommands = function(targetCommands, commandsToMerge) {
            return mergeWithReplace(targetCommands, commandsToMerge, prepareCommandToReplace)
        var resolvePropertyValue = function(command, containerOptions, propertyName, defaultValue) {
            var containerOption = containerOptions ? containerOptions[propertyName] : void 0,
                defaultOption = void 0 === containerOption ? defaultValue : containerOption,
                commandOption = command.option(propertyName);
            return void 0 === commandOption || commandOption === defaultValue ? defaultOption : commandOption
        var resolveTextValue = function(command, containerOptions) {
            var showText = resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "showText"),
                hasIcon = !!command.option("icon"),
                titleValue = resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "title", "");
            return showText || !hasIcon ? titleValue : ""
        var resolveIconValue = function(command, containerOptions) {
            var showIcon = resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "showIcon"),
                hasText = !!command.option("title"),
                iconValue = resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "icon", "");
            return showIcon || !hasText ? iconValue : ""
        exports.utils = {
            mergeCommands: mergeCommands,
            commandToContainer: {
                resolveIconValue: resolveIconValue,
                resolveTextValue: resolveTextValue,
                resolvePropertyValue: resolvePropertyValue
        exports.templateProvider = {
            createTemplate: function(element) {
                return new KoTemplate(element)
            applyTemplate: function(element, model) {
                ko.applyBindings(model, element)
      !*** ./js/framework/action_executors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            dataCoreUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/data */ 50),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            Route = __webpack_require__( /*! ./router */ 123).Route;

        function prepareNavigateOptions(options, actionArguments) {
            if (actionArguments.args) {
                var sourceEventArguments = actionArguments.args[0];
                options.jQueryEvent = sourceEventArguments.jQueryEvent
            if ("dxCommand" === (actionArguments.component || {}).NAME) {
                extend(options, actionArguments.component.option())

        function preventDefaultLinkBehavior(e) {
            if (!e) {
            var $targetElement = $(e.target);
            if ($targetElement.attr("href")) {
        var createActionExecutors = function(app) {
            return {
                routing: {
                    execute: function(e) {
                        var routeValues, uri, action = e.action,
                            options = {};
                        if (isPlainObject(action)) {
                            routeValues = action.routeValues;
                            if (routeValues && isPlainObject(routeValues)) {
                                options = action.options
                            } else {
                                routeValues = action
                            uri = app.router.format(routeValues);
                            prepareNavigateOptions(options, e);
                            app.navigate(uri, options);
                            e.handled = true
                hash: {
                    execute: function(e) {
                        if ("string" !== typeof e.action || "#" !== e.action.charAt(0)) {
                        var uriTemplate = e.action.substr(1),
                            args = e.args[0],
                            uri = uriTemplate;
                        var defaultEvaluate = function(expr) {
                            var getter = dataCoreUtils.compileGetter(expr),
                                model = e.args[0].model;
                            return getter(model)
                        var evaluate = args.evaluate || defaultEvaluate;
                        uri = uriTemplate.replace(/\{([^}]+)\}/g, function(entry, expr) {
                            expr = $.trim(expr);
                            if (expr.indexOf(",") > -1) {
                                expr = $.map(expr.split(","), $.trim)
                            var value = evaluate(expr);
                            if (void 0 === value) {
                                value = ""
                            value = Route.prototype.formatSegment(value);
                            return value
                        var options = {};
                        prepareNavigateOptions(options, e);
                        app.navigate(uri, options);
                        e.handled = true
                url: {
                    execute: function(e) {
                        if ("string" === typeof e.action && "#" !== e.action.charAt(0)) {
                            document.location = e.action
        exports.createActionExecutors = createActionExecutors
      !*** ./js/framework/navigation_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            navigationDevices = __webpack_require__( /*! ./navigation_devices */ 134),
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 122),
            hardwareBackButton = __webpack_require__( /*! ../mobile/process_hardware_back_button */ 64).processCallback,
            hideTopOverlay = __webpack_require__( /*! ../mobile/hide_top_overlay */ 65),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        var NAVIGATION_TARGETS = {
                current: "current",
                blank: "blank",
                back: "back"
            STORAGE_HISTORY_KEY = "__history";
        var HistoryBasedNavigationManager = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._currentItem = void 0;
                this._previousItem = void 0;
            _createNavigationDevice: function(options) {
                this._navigationDevice = options.navigationDevice || new navigationDevices.HistoryBasedNavigationDevice;
            _uriChangedHandler: function(uri) {
                while (hideTopOverlay()) {}
            _syncUriWithCurrentNavigationItem: function() {
                var currentUri = this._currentItem && this._currentItem.uri;
                this._navigationDevice.setUri(currentUri, true)
            _cancelNavigation: function(args) {
                this.fireEvent("navigationCanceled", [args])
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return {
                    direction: "none",
                    target: NAVIGATION_TARGETS.blank
            _updateHistory: function(uri, options) {
                this._previousItem = this._currentItem;
                this._currentItem = {
                    uri: uri,
                    key: uri
                this._navigationDevice.setUri(uri, options.target === NAVIGATION_TARGETS.current)
            _setCurrentItem: function(item) {
                this._currentItem = item
            navigate: function(uri, options) {
                options = options || {};
                var args, that = this,
                    isFirstNavigate = !that._currentItem,
                    currentItem = that._currentItem || {},
                    targetItem = options.item || {},
                    currentUri = currentItem.uri,
                    currentKey = currentItem.key,
                    targetKey = targetItem.key;
                if (void 0 === uri) {
                    uri = that._navigationDevice.getUri()
                if (/^_back$/.test(uri)) {
                options = extend(that._getDefaultOptions(), options || {});
                if (isFirstNavigate) {
                    options.target = NAVIGATION_TARGETS.current
                args = {
                    currentUri: currentUri,
                    uri: uri,
                    cancel: false,
                    navigateWhen: [],
                    options: options
                that.fireEvent("navigating", [args]);
                uri = args.uri;
                if (args.cancel || currentUri === uri && (void 0 === targetKey || targetKey === currentKey) && !that._forceNavigate) {
                } else {
                    that._forceNavigate = false;
                    when.apply($, args.navigateWhen).done(function() {
                        commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                            that._updateHistory(uri, options);
                            that.fireEvent("navigated", [{
                                uri: uri,
                                previousUri: currentUri,
                                options: options,
                                item: that._currentItem
            back: function() {
                return this._navigationDevice.back()
            previousItem: function() {
                return this._previousItem
            currentItem: function(item) {
                if (arguments.length > 0) {
                    if (!item) {
                        throw errors.Error("E3023")
                } else {
                    return this._currentItem
            rootUri: function() {
                return this._currentItem && this._currentItem.uri
            canBack: function() {
                return true
            saveState: commonUtils.noop,
            restoreState: commonUtils.noop,
            removeState: commonUtils.noop
        var StackBasedNavigationManager = HistoryBasedNavigationManager.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._stateStorageKey = options.stateStorageKey || STORAGE_HISTORY_KEY
            init: function() {
                return this._navigationDevice.init()
            _createNavigationDevice: function(options) {
                if (!options.navigationDevice) {
                    options.navigationDevice = new navigationDevices.StackBasedNavigationDevice
            _uriChangedHandler: function(uri) {
            _createNavigationStacks: function(options) {
                this.navigationStacks = {};
                this._keepPositionInStack = options.keepPositionInStack;
                this.currentStack = new NavigationStack
            _deviceBackInitiated: function() {
                if (!hideTopOverlay()) {
                        isHardwareButton: true
                } else {
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return {
                    target: NAVIGATION_TARGETS.blank
            _createNavigationStack: function() {
                var result = new NavigationStack;
                return result
            _setCurrentItem: function(item) {
            _setCurrentStack: function(stackOrStackKey) {
                var stack, stackKey;
                if ("string" === typeof stackOrStackKey) {
                    stackKey = stackOrStackKey;
                    if (!(stackKey in this.navigationStacks)) {
                        this.navigationStacks[stackKey] = this._createNavigationStack()
                    stack = this.navigationStacks[stackKey]
                } else {
                    stack = stackOrStackKey;
                    stackKey = $.map(this.navigationStacks, function(stack, key) {
                        if (stack === stackOrStackKey) {
                            return key
                        return null
                this.currentStack = stack;
                this.currentStackKey = stackKey
            _getViewTargetStackKey: function(uri, isRoot) {
                var result;
                if (isRoot) {
                    if (void 0 !== this.navigationStacks[uri]) {
                        result = uri
                    } else {
                        for (var stackKey in this.navigationStacks) {
                            if (this.navigationStacks[stackKey].items[0].uri === uri) {
                                result = stackKey;
                        result = result || uri
                } else {
                    result = this.currentStackKey || uri
                return result
            _updateHistory: function(uri, options) {
                var isRoot = options.root,
                    forceIsRoot = isRoot,
                    forceToRoot = false,
                    previousStack = this.currentStack,
                    keepPositionInStack = void 0 !== options.keepPositionInStack ? options.keepPositionInStack : this._keepPositionInStack;
                options.stack = options.stack || this._getViewTargetStackKey(uri, isRoot);
                if (isRoot || !this.currentStack.items.length) {
                    forceToRoot = this.currentStack === previousStack;
                    forceIsRoot = true
                if (isRoot && this.currentStack.items.length) {
                    if (!keepPositionInStack || forceToRoot) {
                        this.currentStack.currentIndex = 0;
                        if (this.currentItem().uri !== uri) {
                            this.currentStack.navigate(uri, true)
                    options.direction = options.direction || "none"
                } else {
                    var prevIndex = this.currentStack.currentIndex,
                        prevItem = this.currentItem() || {};
                    switch (options.target) {
                        case NAVIGATION_TARGETS.blank:
                        case NAVIGATION_TARGETS.current:
                            this.currentStack.navigate(uri, true);
                        case NAVIGATION_TARGETS.back:
                            if (this.currentStack.currentIndex > 0) {
                            } else {
                                this.currentStack.navigate(uri, true)
                            throw errors.Error("E3006", options.target)
                    if (void 0 === options.direction) {
                        var indexDelta = this.currentStack.currentIndex - prevIndex;
                        if (indexDelta < 0) {
                            options.direction = this.currentStack.currentItem().backDirection || "backward"
                        } else {
                            if (indexDelta > 0 && this.currentStack.currentIndex > 0) {
                                options.direction = "forward"
                            } else {
                                options.direction = "none"
                    prevItem.backDirection = "forward" === options.direction ? "backward" : "none"
                options.root = forceIsRoot;
                this._currentItem = this.currentStack.currentItem();
            _removeItems: function(items) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(items, function(index, item) {
                    that.fireEvent("itemRemoved", [item])
            back: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                var navigatingBackArgs = extend({
                    cancel: false
                }, options);
                this.fireEvent("navigatingBack", [navigatingBackArgs]);
                if (navigatingBackArgs.cancel) {
                var item = this.previousItem(navigatingBackArgs.stack);
                if (item) {
                    this.navigate(item.uri, {
                        stack: navigatingBackArgs.stack,
                        target: NAVIGATION_TARGETS.back,
                        item: item
                } else {
            rootUri: function() {
                return this.currentStack.items.length ? this.currentStack.items[0].uri : this.callBase()
            canBack: function(stackKey) {
                var stack = stackKey ? this.navigationStacks[stackKey] : this.currentStack;
                return stack ? stack.canBack() : false
            saveState: function(storage) {
                if (this.currentStack.items.length) {
                    var state = {
                        navigationStacks: {},
                        currentStackKey: this.currentStackKey
                    $.each(this.navigationStacks, function(stackKey, stack) {
                        var stackState = {};
                        state.navigationStacks[stackKey] = stackState;
                        stackState.currentIndex = stack.currentIndex;
                        stackState.items = $.map(stack.items, function(item) {
                            return {
                                key: item.key,
                                uri: item.uri
                    var json = JSON.stringify(state);
                    storage.setItem(this._stateStorageKey, json)
                } else {
            restoreState: function(storage) {
                if (this.disableRestoreState) {
                var json = storage.getItem(this._stateStorageKey);
                if (json) {
                    try {
                        var that = this,
                            state = JSON.parse(json);
                        $.each(state.navigationStacks, function(stackKey, stackState) {
                            var stack = that._createNavigationStack();
                            that.navigationStacks[stackKey] = stack;
                            stack.currentIndex = stackState.currentIndex;
                            stack.items = $.map(stackState.items, function(item) {
                                item.stack = stack;
                                return item
                        this.currentStackKey = state.currentStackKey;
                        this.currentStack = this.navigationStacks[this.currentStackKey];
                        this._currentItem = this.currentStack.currentItem();
                        this._forceNavigate = true
                    } catch (e) {
                        throw errors.Error("E3007")
            removeState: function(storage) {
            currentIndex: function() {
                return this.currentStack.currentIndex
            previousItem: function(stackKey) {
                var stack = this.navigationStacks[stackKey] || this.currentStack;
                return stack.previousItem()
            getItemByIndex: function(index) {
                return this.currentStack.items[index]
            clearHistory: function() {
                    keepPositionInStack: this._keepPositionInStack
            itemByKey: function(itemKey) {
                var result;
                $.each(this.navigationStacks, function(stackKey, stack) {
                    var item = stack.itemByKey(itemKey);
                    if (item) {
                        result = item;
                        return false
                return result
            currentItem: function(itemOrItemKey) {
                var item;
                if (arguments.length > 0) {
                    if ("string" === typeof itemOrItemKey) {
                        item = this.itemByKey(itemOrItemKey)
                    } else {
                        if (isPlainObject(itemOrItemKey)) {
                            item = itemOrItemKey
                } else {
                    return this.callBase()
        var NavigationStack = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this.itemsRemoved = $.Callbacks();
            currentItem: function(item) {
                if (item) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
                        if (item === this.items[i]) {
                            this.currentIndex = i;
                } else {
                    return this.items[this.currentIndex]
            previousItem: function() {
                return this.items.length > 1 ? this.items[this.currentIndex - 1] : void 0
            canBack: function() {
                return this.currentIndex > 0
            clear: function() {
                this.items = [];
                this.currentIndex = -1
            back: function(uri) {
                if (this.currentIndex < 0) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3008")
                var currentItem = this.currentItem();
                if (currentItem.uri !== uri) {
                    this._updateItem(this.currentIndex, uri)
            forward: function() {
                if (this.currentIndex >= this.items.length) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3009")
            navigate: function(uri, replaceCurrent) {
                if (this.currentIndex < this.items.length && this.currentIndex > -1 && this.items[this.currentIndex].uri === uri) {
                if (replaceCurrent && this.currentIndex > -1) {
                if (this.currentIndex + 1 < this.items.length && this.items[this.currentIndex + 1].uri === uri) {
                } else {
                    var toDelete = this.items.splice(this.currentIndex + 1, this.items.length - this.currentIndex - 1);
                        stack: this
                    this._updateItem(this.currentIndex, uri);
                return this.currentItem()
            itemByKey: function(key) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
                    var item = this.items[i];
                    if (item.key === key) {
                        return item
            _updateItem: function(index, uri) {
                var item = this.items[index];
                item.uri = uri;
                item.key = this.items[0].uri + "_" + index + "_" + uri
            _deleteItems: function(items) {
                if (items) {
        HistoryBasedNavigationManager.NAVIGATION_TARGETS = NAVIGATION_TARGETS;
        exports.HistoryBasedNavigationManager = HistoryBasedNavigationManager;
        exports.StackBasedNavigationManager = StackBasedNavigationManager;
        exports.NavigationStack = NavigationStack
      !*** ./js/framework/navigation_devices.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            browserAdapters = __webpack_require__( /*! ./browser_adapters */ 135),
            SessionStorage = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/storage */ 54).sessionStorage,
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53);
        var SESSION_KEY = "dxPhoneJSApplication";
        var HistoryBasedNavigationDevice = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._browserAdapter = options.browserAdapter || this._createBrowserAdapter(options);
                this.uriChanged = $.Callbacks();
            init: noop,
            getUri: function() {
                return this._browserAdapter.getHash()
            setUri: function(uri, replaceCurrent) {
                if (replaceCurrent) {
                    return this._browserAdapter.replaceState(uri)
                } else {
                    if (uri !== this.getUri()) {
                        return this._browserAdapter.pushState(uri)
                    } else {
                        return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            back: function() {
                return this._browserAdapter.back()
            _onPopState: function() {
            _isBuggyAndroid2: function() {
                var realDevice = devices.real();
                var version = realDevice.version;
                return "android" === realDevice.platform && version.length > 1 && (2 === version[0] && version[1] < 4 || version[0] < 2)
            _isBuggyAndroid4: function() {
                var realDevice = devices.real();
                var version = realDevice.version;
                return "android" === realDevice.platform && version.length > 1 && 4 === version[0] && 0 === version[1]
            _isWindowsPhone8: function() {
                var realDevice = devices.real();
                return "win" === realDevice.platform && realDevice.phone
            _createBrowserAdapter: function(options) {
                var result, sourceWindow = options.window || window,
                    supportPushReplace = sourceWindow.history.replaceState && sourceWindow.history.pushState;
                if (this._isWindowsPhone8()) {
                    result = new browserAdapters.BuggyCordovaWP81BrowserAdapter(options)
                } else {
                    if (sourceWindow !== sourceWindow.top) {
                        result = new browserAdapters.HistorylessBrowserAdapter(options)
                    } else {
                        if (this._isBuggyAndroid4()) {
                            result = new browserAdapters.BuggyAndroidBrowserAdapter(options)
                        } else {
                            if (this._isBuggyAndroid2() || !supportPushReplace) {
                                result = new browserAdapters.OldBrowserAdapter(options)
                            } else {
                                result = new browserAdapters.DefaultBrowserAdapter(options)
                return result
        var StackBasedNavigationDevice = HistoryBasedNavigationDevice.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this.backInitiated = $.Callbacks();
                this._rootStateHandler = null;
                $(window).on("unload", this._saveBrowserState)
            init: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._browserAdapter.canWorkInPureBrowser) {
                    return that._initRootPage().done(function() {
                        if (that._browserAdapter.isRootPage()) {
                } else {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            setUri: function(uri) {
                return this.callBase(uri, !this._browserAdapter.isRootPage())
            _saveBrowserState: function() {
                var sessionStorage = SessionStorage();
                if (sessionStorage) {
                    sessionStorage.setItem(SESSION_KEY, true)
            _initRootPage: function() {
                var hash = this.getUri(),
                    sessionStorage = SessionStorage();
                if (!sessionStorage || sessionStorage.getItem(SESSION_KEY)) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                return this._browserAdapter.pushState(hash)
            _onPopState: function() {
                if (this._browserAdapter.isRootPage()) {
                    if (this._rootStateHandler) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    if (!this._rootStateHandler) {
            _createRootStateHandler: function() {
                var uri = this.getUri();
                this._rootStateHandler = function() {
                    this._rootStateHandler = null
        exports.HistoryBasedNavigationDevice = HistoryBasedNavigationDevice;
        exports.StackBasedNavigationDevice = StackBasedNavigationDevice
      !*** ./js/framework/browser_adapters.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            queue = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/queue */ 62);
        var ROOT_PAGE_URL = "__root__",
            BUGGY_ANDROID_BUFFER_PAGE_URL = "__buffer__";
        var DefaultBrowserAdapter = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._window = options.window || window;
                this.popState = $.Callbacks();
                $(this._window).on("hashchange", this._onHashChange.bind(this));
                this._tasks = queue.create();
                this.canWorkInPureBrowser = true
            replaceState: function(uri) {
                var that = this;
                return this._addTask(function() {
                    uri = that._normalizeUri(uri);
                    that._window.history.replaceState(null, null, "#" + uri);
            pushState: function(uri) {
                var that = this;
                return this._addTask(function() {
                    uri = that._normalizeUri(uri);
                    that._window.history.pushState(null, null, "#" + uri);
            createRootPage: function() {
                return this.replaceState(ROOT_PAGE_URL)
            _onHashChange: function() {
                if (this._currentTask) {
            back: function() {
                var that = this;
                return this._addTask(function() {
            getHash: function() {
                return this._normalizeUri(this._window.location.hash)
            isRootPage: function() {
                return this.getHash() === ROOT_PAGE_URL
            _normalizeUri: function(uri) {
                return (uri || "").replace(/^#+/, "")
            _addTask: function(task) {
                var that = this,
                    d = $.Deferred();
                this._tasks.add(function() {
                    that._currentTask = d;
                    return d
                return d.promise()
        var OldBrowserAdapter = DefaultBrowserAdapter.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._innerEventCount = 0;
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._skipNextEvent = false
            replaceState: function(uri) {
                var that = this;
                uri = that._normalizeUri(uri);
                if (that.getHash() !== uri) {
                    that._addTask(function() {
                        that._skipNextEvent = true;
                    return that._addTask(function() {
                        that._skipNextEvent = true;
                        that._window.location.hash = uri
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            pushState: function(uri) {
                var that = this;
                uri = this._normalizeUri(uri);
                if (this.getHash() !== uri) {
                    return that._addTask(function() {
                        that._skipNextEvent = true;
                        that._window.location.hash = uri
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            createRootPage: function() {
                return this.pushState(ROOT_PAGE_URL)
            _onHashChange: function() {
                var currentTask = this._currentTask;
                this._currentTask = null;
                if (this._skipNextEvent) {
                    this._skipNextEvent = false
                } else {
                if (currentTask) {
        var BuggyAndroidBrowserAdapter = OldBrowserAdapter.inherit({
            createRootPage: function() {
                return this.callBase()
        var HistorylessBrowserAdapter = DefaultBrowserAdapter.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._window = options.window || window;
                this.popState = $.Callbacks();
                $(this._window).on("dxback", this._onHashChange.bind(this));
                this._currentHash = this._window.location.hash
            replaceState: function(uri) {
                this._currentHash = this._normalizeUri(uri);
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            pushState: function(uri) {
                return this.replaceState(uri)
            createRootPage: function() {
                return this.replaceState(ROOT_PAGE_URL)
            getHash: function() {
                return this._normalizeUri(this._currentHash)
            back: function() {
                return this.replaceState(ROOT_PAGE_URL)
            _onHashChange: function() {
                var promise = this.back();
                return promise
        var BuggyCordovaWP81BrowserAdapter = DefaultBrowserAdapter.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this.canWorkInPureBrowser = false
        exports.DefaultBrowserAdapter = DefaultBrowserAdapter;
        exports.OldBrowserAdapter = OldBrowserAdapter;
        exports.BuggyAndroidBrowserAdapter = BuggyAndroidBrowserAdapter;
        exports.HistorylessBrowserAdapter = HistorylessBrowserAdapter;
        exports.BuggyCordovaWP81BrowserAdapter = BuggyCordovaWP81BrowserAdapter
      !*** ./js/framework/command_mapping.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            grep = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).grep,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 122);
        var CommandMapping = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._commandMappings = {};
                this._containerDefaults = {}
            setDefaults: function(containerId, defaults) {
                this._containerDefaults[containerId] = defaults;
                return this
            mapCommands: function(containerId, commandMappings) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(commandMappings, function(index, commandMapping) {
                    if ("string" === typeof commandMapping) {
                        commandMapping = {
                            id: commandMapping
                    var commandId = commandMapping.id;
                    var mappings = that._commandMappings[containerId] || {};
                    mappings[commandId] = extend({
                        showIcon: true,
                        showText: true
                    }, that._containerDefaults[containerId] || {}, commandMapping);
                    that._commandMappings[containerId] = mappings
                return this
            unmapCommands: function(containerId, commandIds) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(commandIds, function(index, commandId) {
                    var mappings = that._commandMappings[containerId] || {};
                    if (mappings) {
                        delete mappings[commandId]
            getCommandMappingForContainer: function(commandId, containerId) {
                return (this._commandMappings[containerId] || {})[commandId]
            checkCommandsExist: function(commands) {
                var that = this,
                    result = grep(commands, function(commandName, index) {
                        return inArray(commandName, that._existingCommands) < 0 && inArray(commandName, commands) === index
                if (0 !== result.length) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3005", result.join("', '"), 1 === result.length ? " is" : "s are")
            load: function(config) {
                if (!config) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(config, function(name, container) {
                    that.setDefaults(name, container.defaults);
                    that.mapCommands(name, container.commands)
                return this
            _initExistingCommands: function() {
                var that = this;
                this._existingCommands = [];
                $.each(that._commandMappings, function(name, _commands) {
                    $.each(_commands, function(index, command) {
                        if (inArray(command.id, that._existingCommands) < 0) {
        CommandMapping.defaultMapping = {
            "global-navigation": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: true,
                    showText: true
                commands: []
            "ios-header-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: false,
                    showText: true,
                    location: "after"
                commands: ["edit", "save", {
                    id: "back",
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "cancel",
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "create",
                    showIcon: true,
                    showText: false
            "ios-action-sheet": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: false,
                    showText: true
                commands: []
            "ios-view-footer": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: false,
                    showText: true
                commands: [{
                    id: "delete",
                    type: "danger"
            "android-header-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: true,
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
                commands: [{
                    id: "back",
                    showIcon: false,
                    location: "before"
                }, "create", {
                    id: "save",
                    showText: true,
                    showIcon: false,
                    location: "after"
                }, {
                    id: "edit",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
                }, {
                    id: "cancel",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "delete",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
            "android-simple-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: true,
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
                commands: [{
                    id: "back",
                    showIcon: false,
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "create"
                }, {
                    id: "save",
                    showText: true,
                    showIcon: false,
                    location: "after"
                }, {
                    id: "edit",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
                }, {
                    id: "cancel",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "delete",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
            "android-footer-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    location: "after"
                commands: [{
                    id: "create",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "center"
                }, {
                    id: "edit",
                    showText: false,
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "delete",
                    locateInMenu: "always"
                }, {
                    id: "save",
                    showIcon: false,
                    location: "before"
            "generic-header-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: false,
                    showText: true,
                    location: "after"
                commands: ["edit", "save", {
                    id: "back",
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "cancel",
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "create",
                    showIcon: true,
                    showText: false
            "generic-view-footer": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: false,
                    showText: true
                commands: [{
                    id: "delete",
                    type: "danger"
            "win8-appbar": {
                defaults: {
                    location: "after"
                commands: ["edit", "cancel", "save", "delete", {
                    id: "create",
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "refresh",
                    location: "before"
            "win8-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showText: false,
                    location: "before"
                commands: [{
                    id: "previousPage"
            "win8-phone-appbar": {
                defaults: {
                    location: "center"
                commands: ["create", "edit", "cancel", "save", "refresh", {
                    id: "delete",
                    locateInMenu: "always"
            "win8-split-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: true,
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
                commands: [{
                    id: "back",
                    showIcon: false,
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "create"
                }, {
                    id: "save",
                    showText: true,
                    location: "before"
                }, {
                    id: "edit",
                    showText: true,
                    locateInMenu: "always"
                }, {
                    id: "cancel",
                    showText: true,
                    locateInMenu: "always"
                }, {
                    id: "delete",
                    showText: true,
                    locateInMenu: "always"
            "win8-master-detail-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showText: false,
                    location: "before"
                commands: ["back"]
            "win10-appbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showText: false,
                    location: "after"
                commands: [{
                    id: "back",
                    location: "before"
                }, "edit", "cancel", "save", "delete", "create", "refresh"]
            "win10-phone-appbar": {
                defaults: {
                    location: "after"
                commands: ["create", "edit", "cancel", "save", "refresh", {
                    id: "delete",
                    locateInMenu: "always"
            "desktop-toolbar": {
                defaults: {
                    showIcon: false,
                    showText: true,
                    location: "after"
                commands: ["cancel", "create", "edit", "save", {
                    id: "delete",
                    type: "danger"
        module.exports = CommandMapping
      !*** ./js/data/utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            toComparable = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/data */ 50).toComparable;
        var normalizeBinaryCriterion = function(crit) {
            return [crit[0], crit.length < 3 ? "=" : String(crit[1]).toLowerCase(), crit.length < 2 ? true : crit[crit.length - 1]]
        var normalizeSortingInfo = function(info) {
            if (!Array.isArray(info)) {
                info = [info]
            return $.map(info, function(i) {
                return {
                    selector: isFunction(i) || "string" === typeof i ? i : i.getter || i.field || i.selector,
                    desc: !!(i.desc || "d" === String(i.dir).charAt(0).toLowerCase())
        var errorMessageFromXhr = function() {
            var textStatusMessages = {
                timeout: "Network connection timeout",
                error: "Unspecified network error",
                parsererror: "Unexpected server response"
            var textStatusDetails = {
                timeout: "possible causes: the remote host is not accessible, overloaded or is not included into the domain white-list when being run in the native container",
                error: "if the remote host is located on another domain, make sure it properly supports cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), or use the JSONP approach instead",
                parsererror: "the remote host did not respond with valid JSON data"
            var explainTextStatus = function(textStatus) {
                var result = textStatusMessages[textStatus];
                if (!result) {
                    return textStatus
                result += " (" + textStatusDetails[textStatus] + ")";
                return result
            return function(xhr, textStatus) {
                if (xhr.status < 400) {
                    return explainTextStatus(textStatus)
                return xhr.statusText
        var aggregators = {
            count: {
                seed: 0,
                step: function(count) {
                    return 1 + count
            sum: {
                seed: 0,
                step: function(sum, item) {
                    return sum + item
            min: {
                step: function(min, item) {
                    return item < min ? item : min
            max: {
                step: function(max, item) {
                    return item > max ? item : max
            avg: {
                seed: [0, 0],
                step: function(pair, value) {
                    return [pair[0] + value, pair[1] + 1]
                finalize: function(pair) {
                    return pair[1] ? pair[0] / pair[1] : NaN
        var processRequestResultLock = function() {
            var lockDeferred, lockCount = 0;
            var obtain = function() {
                if (0 === lockCount) {
                    lockDeferred = $.Deferred()
            var release = function() {
                if (lockCount < 1) {
            var promise = function() {
                var deferred = 0 === lockCount ? $.Deferred().resolve() : lockDeferred;
                return deferred.promise()
            var reset = function() {
                lockCount = 0;
                if (lockDeferred) {
            return {
                obtain: obtain,
                release: release,
                promise: promise,
                reset: reset

        function isDisjunctiveOperator(condition) {
            return /^(or|\|\||\|)$/i.test(condition)

        function isConjunctiveOperator(condition) {
            return /^(and|\&\&|\&)$/i.test(condition)
        var keysEqual = function(keyExpr, key1, key2) {
            if (Array.isArray(keyExpr)) {
                var name, names = $.map(key1, function(v, k) {
                    return k
                for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                    name = names[i];
                    if (toComparable(key1[name], true) != toComparable(key2[name], true)) {
                        return false
                return true
            return toComparable(key1, true) == toComparable(key2, true)
        var BASE64_CHARS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
        var base64_encode = function(input) {
            if (!Array.isArray(input)) {
                input = stringToByteArray(String(input))
            var result = "";

            function getBase64Char(index) {
                return BASE64_CHARS.charAt(index)
            for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i += 3) {
                var octet1 = input[i],
                    octet2 = input[i + 1],
                    octet3 = input[i + 2];
                result += $.map([octet1 >> 2, (3 & octet1) << 4 | octet2 >> 4, isNaN(octet2) ? 64 : (15 & octet2) << 2 | octet3 >> 6, isNaN(octet3) ? 64 : 63 & octet3], getBase64Char).join("")
            return result
        var stringToByteArray = function(str) {
            var code, i, bytes = [];
            for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
                code = str.charCodeAt(i);
                if (code < 128) {
                } else {
                    if (code < 2048) {
                        bytes.push(192 + (code >> 6), 128 + (63 & code))
                    } else {
                        if (code < 65536) {
                            bytes.push(224 + (code >> 12), 128 + (code >> 6 & 63), 128 + (63 & code))
                        } else {
                            if (code < 2097152) {
                                bytes.push(240 + (code >> 18), 128 + (code >> 12 & 63), 128 + (code >> 6 & 63), 128 + (63 & code))
            return bytes
        var isUnaryOperation = function(crit) {
            return "!" === crit[0] && Array.isArray(crit[1])
        var utils = {
            normalizeBinaryCriterion: normalizeBinaryCriterion,
            normalizeSortingInfo: normalizeSortingInfo,
            errorMessageFromXhr: errorMessageFromXhr,
            aggregators: aggregators,
            keysEqual: keysEqual,
            isDisjunctiveOperator: isDisjunctiveOperator,
            isConjunctiveOperator: isConjunctiveOperator,
            processRequestResultLock: processRequestResultLock,
            isUnaryOperation: isUnaryOperation,
            base64_encode: base64_encode
        module.exports = utils
      !*** ./js/framework/html/presets.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        exports.layoutSets = {};
        exports.animationSets = {
            "native": {
                "view-content-change": [{
                    animation: "slide"
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                    animation: "ios7-slide",
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                        platform: "ios"
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                    animation: "none",
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                        deviceType: "desktop",
                        platform: "generic"
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                    animation: "none",
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                        grade: "C"
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                    animation: "ios7-toolbar"
                }, {
                    animation: "slide",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
            "default": {
                "layout-change": [{
                    animation: "none"
                }, {
                    animation: "ios7-slide",
                    device: {
                        platform: "ios"
                }, {
                    animation: "pop",
                    device: {
                        platform: "android"
                }, {
                    animation: "openDoor",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "phone",
                        platform: "win",
                        version: [8]
                }, {
                    animation: "win-pop",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "phone",
                        platform: "win"
                "view-content-change": [{
                    animation: "slide"
                }, {
                    animation: "ios7-slide",
                    device: {
                        platform: "ios"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop",
                        platform: "generic"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "view-content-rendered": [{
                    animation: "fade"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "view-header-toolbar": [{
                    animation: "ios7-toolbar"
                }, {
                    animation: "slide",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "command-rendered-top": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-drop"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        platform: "win",
                        version: [10]
                "command-rendered-bottom": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-rise"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        platform: "win",
                        version: [10]
                "list-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-3d-drop",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
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                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "detail-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-3d-drop",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
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                "edit-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-3d-drop",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
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                        deviceType: "desktop"
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                    animation: "none",
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                        grade: "C"
            slide: {
                "view-content-change": [{
                    animation: "slide"
                }, {
                    animation: "ios7-slide",
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                        platform: "ios"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop",
                        platform: "generic"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
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                        grade: "C"
                "view-content-rendered": [{
                    animation: "fade"
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                    animation: "none",
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                "view-header-toolbar": [{
                    animation: "ios7-toolbar"
                }, {
                    animation: "slide",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "command-rendered-top": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-drop"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "command-rendered-bottom": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-rise"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
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                    animation: "none",
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                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
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                    animation: "none",
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                "detail-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-slide",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
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                "edit-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-slide",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
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                    animation: "none",
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            zoom: {
                "view-content-change": [{
                    animation: "slide"
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                    animation: "ios7-slide",
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                        platform: "ios"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop",
                        platform: "generic"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "view-content-rendered": [{
                    animation: "fade"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
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                        grade: "C"
                "view-header-toolbar": [{
                    animation: "ios7-toolbar"
                }, {
                    animation: "slide",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
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                "command-rendered-top": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-zoom"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "command-rendered-bottom": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-zoom"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        grade: "B"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "list-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-zoom",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "detail-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-zoom",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
                "edit-item-rendered": [{
                    animation: "stagger-fade-zoom",
                    device: {
                        grade: "A"
                }, {
                    animation: "fade",
                    device: {
                        deviceType: "desktop"
                }, {
                    animation: "none",
                    device: {
                        grade: "C"
      !*** ./js/framework/html/command_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 122),
            CommandMapping = __webpack_require__( /*! ../command_mapping */ 136),
            commandToDXWidgetAdapters = __webpack_require__( /*! ./widget_command_adapters */ 140),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../command */ 121);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./command_container */ 126);
        var CommandManager = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this.defaultWidgetAdapter = options.defaultWidgetAdapter || this._getDefaultWidgetAdapter();
                this.commandMapping = options.commandMapping || new CommandMapping
            _getDefaultWidgetAdapter: function() {
                return {
                    addCommand: noop,
                    clearContainer: noop
            _getContainerAdapter: function($container) {
                var componentNames = $container.data("dxComponents"),
                    adapters = commandToDXWidgetAdapters;
                if (componentNames) {
                    for (var index in componentNames) {
                        var widgetName = componentNames[index];
                        if (widgetName in adapters) {
                            return adapters[widgetName]
                return this.defaultWidgetAdapter
            findCommands: function($items) {
                var items = $items.find(".dx-command").add($items.filter(".dx-command"));
                var result = $.map(items, function(element) {
                    return $(element).dxCommand("instance")
                return result
            findCommandContainers: function($markup) {
                var result = $.map($markup.find(".dx-command-container"), function(element) {
                    return $(element).dxCommandContainer("instance")
                return result
            _checkCommandId: function(id, command) {
                if (null === id) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3010", command.element().get(0).outerHTML)
            renderCommandsToContainers: function(commands, containers) {
                var that = this,
                    commandHash = {},
                    commandIds = [],
                    deferreds = [];
                $.each(commands, function(i, command) {
                    var id = command.option("id");
                    that._checkCommandId(id, command);
                    commandHash[id] = command
                $.each(containers, function(k, container) {
                    var commandInfos = [];
                    $.each(commandHash, function(id, command) {
                        var commandId = id;
                        var commandOptions = that.commandMapping.getCommandMappingForContainer(commandId, container.option("id"));
                        if (commandOptions) {
                                command: command,
                                options: commandOptions
                    if (commandInfos.length) {
                        var deferred = that._attachCommandsToContainer(container.element(), commandInfos);
                        if (deferred) {
                return when.apply($, deferreds)
            clearContainer: function(container) {
                var $container = container.element(),
                    adapter = this._getContainerAdapter($container);
            _arrangeCommandsToContainers: function(commands, containers) {
                errors.log("W0002", "CommandManager", "_arrangeCommandsToContainers", "14.1", "Use the 'renderCommandsToContainers' method instead.");
                this.renderCommandsToContainers(commands, containers)
            _attachCommandsToContainer: function($container, commandInfos) {
                var result, adapter = this._getContainerAdapter($container);
                if (adapter.beginUpdate) {
                $.each(commandInfos, function(index, commandInfo) {
                    adapter.addCommand($container, commandInfo.command, commandInfo.options)
                if (adapter.endUpdate) {
                    result = adapter.endUpdate($container)
                return result
        module.exports = CommandManager
      !*** ./js/framework/html/widget_command_adapters.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            commandToContainer = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 131).utils.commandToContainer,
            fx = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/fx */ 68),
            TransitionExecutorModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/transition_executor/transition_executor */ 74),
            DX_COMMAND_TO_WIDGET_ADAPTER = "dxCommandToWidgetAdapter";
        var WidgetItemWrapperBase = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(command, containerOptions) {
                this.command = command;
                this.widgetItem = this._createWidgetItem(command, containerOptions)
            _createWidgetItem: function(command, containerOptions) {
                var result, itemOptions = extend({}, containerOptions, command.option()),
                    executeCommandCallback = function(e) {
                itemOptions.text = commandToContainer.resolveTextValue(command, containerOptions);
                itemOptions.icon = commandToContainer.resolveIconValue(command, containerOptions);
                itemOptions.type = commandToContainer.resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "type");
                itemOptions.location = commandToContainer.resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "location");
                itemOptions.locateInMenu = commandToContainer.resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "locateInMenu");
                itemOptions.showText = commandToContainer.resolvePropertyValue(command, containerOptions, "showText");
                result = this._createWidgetItemCore(itemOptions, executeCommandCallback);
                result.command = command;
                return result
            _createWidgetItemCore: function(itemOptions, executeCommandCallback) {
                return itemOptions
            dispose: function() {
                delete this.command;
                delete this.widgetItem
        var WidgetAdapterBase = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function($widgetElement) {
                this._commandToWidgetItemOptionNames = {};
                this.$widgetElement = $widgetElement;
                this.$widgetElement.data(DX_COMMAND_TO_WIDGET_ADAPTER, this);
                this.widget = this._getWidgetByElement($widgetElement);
                this._widgetWidgetContentReadyHandler = this._onWidgetContentReady.bind(this);
                this._widgetWidgetItemRenderedHandler = this._onWidgetItemRendered.bind(this);
                this._widgetDisposingHandler = this._onWidgetDisposing.bind(this);
                this.widget.on("itemRendered", this._widgetWidgetItemRenderedHandler);
                this.widget.on("contentReady", this._widgetWidgetContentReadyHandler);
                this.widget.on("disposing", this._widgetDisposingHandler);
                this.itemWrappers = [];
                this._transitionExecutor = new TransitionExecutorModule.TransitionExecutor
            addCommand: function(command, containerOptions) {
                var itemWrapper = this._createItemWrapper(command, containerOptions);
                this._commandChangedHandler = this._onCommandChanged.bind(this);
                itemWrapper.command.on("optionChanged", this._commandChangedHandler)
            beginUpdate: function() {
            endUpdate: function() {
                return this.animationDeferred
            _onWidgetItemRendered: function(e) {
                if (e.itemData.isJustAdded && e.itemData.command && e.itemData.command.option("visible") && this._commandRenderedAnimation) {
                    this._transitionExecutor.enter(e.itemElement, this._commandRenderedAnimation);
                    delete e.itemData.isJustAdded
            _onWidgetContentReady: function(e) {
                this.animationDeferred = this._transitionExecutor.start()
            _onWidgetDisposing: function() {
            _setWidgetItemOption: function(optionName, optionValue, itemCommand) {
                var items = this.widget.option("items"),
                    itemIndex = inArray(itemCommand, $.map(items, function(item) {
                        return item.command || {}
                if (itemIndex > -1) {
                    var optionPath = "items[" + itemIndex + "].";
                    if (!this._requireWidgetRefresh(optionName) && this.widget.option("items[" + itemIndex + "]").options) {
                        optionPath += "options."
                    optionPath += this._commandToWidgetItemOptionNames[optionName] || optionName;
                    this.widget.option(optionPath, optionValue)
            _requireWidgetRefresh: function(optionName) {
                return "visible" === optionName || "locateInMenu" === optionName || "location" === optionName
            _onCommandChanged: function(args) {
                if ("highlighted" === args.name || args.component.isOptionDeprecated(args.name)) {
                this._setWidgetItemOption(args.name, args.value, args.component)
            _addItemToWidget: function(itemWrapper) {
                var items = this.widget.option("items");
                if (this.widget.element().is(":visible")) {
                    itemWrapper.widgetItem.isJustAdded = true
                this.widget.option("items", items)
            refresh: function() {
                var items = this.widget.option("items");
                this.widget.option("items", items)
            clear: function(widgetDisposing) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that.itemWrappers, function(index, itemWrapper) {
                    itemWrapper.command.off("optionChanged", that._commandChangedHandler);
                this.itemWrappers.length = 0;
                if (!widgetDisposing) {
            _clearWidgetItems: function() {
                this.widget.option("items", [])
            dispose: function(widgetDisposing) {
                if (this.widget) {
                    this.widget.off("itemRendered", this._widgetWidgetItemRenderedHandler);
                    this.widget.off("contentReady", this._widgetContentReadyHandler);
                    this.widget.off("disposing", this._widgetDisposingHandler);
                    delete this.widget;
                    delete this.$widgetElement
        var CommandToWidgetAdapter = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(createAdapter) {
                this.createAdapter = createAdapter
            _getWidgetAdapter: function($container) {
                var widgetAdapter = $container.data(DX_COMMAND_TO_WIDGET_ADAPTER);
                if (!widgetAdapter) {
                    widgetAdapter = this.createAdapter($container)
                return widgetAdapter
            addCommand: function($container, command, containerOptions) {
                var widgetAdapter = this._getWidgetAdapter($container);
                widgetAdapter.addCommand(command, containerOptions)
            clearContainer: function($container) {
                var widgetAdapter = this._getWidgetAdapter($container);
            beginUpdate: function($container) {
                var widgetAdapter = this._getWidgetAdapter($container);
            endUpdate: function($container) {
                var widgetAdapter = this._getWidgetAdapter($container);
                return widgetAdapter.endUpdate()
        var dxToolbarItemWrapper = WidgetItemWrapperBase.inherit({
            _createWidgetItemCore: function(itemOptions, executeCommandCallback) {
                var widgetItem;
                itemOptions.onClick = executeCommandCallback;
                if ("menu" === itemOptions.location || "always" === itemOptions.locateInMenu) {
                    widgetItem = itemOptions;
                    widgetItem.isAction = true
                } else {
                    widgetItem = {
                        locateInMenu: itemOptions.locateInMenu,
                        location: itemOptions.location,
                        visible: itemOptions.visible,
                        options: itemOptions,
                        widget: "dxButton"
                    if ("inMenu" === itemOptions.showText) {
                        widgetItem.showText = itemOptions.showText
                    itemOptions.visible = true;
                    delete itemOptions.location
                return widgetItem
        var dxToolbarAdapter = WidgetAdapterBase.inherit({
            ctor: function($widgetElement) {
                this._commandToWidgetItemOptionNames = {
                    title: "text"
                if ("topToolbar" === this.widget.option("renderAs")) {
                    this._commandRenderedAnimation = "command-rendered-top"
                } else {
                    this._commandRenderedAnimation = "command-rendered-bottom"
            _getWidgetByElement: function($element) {
                return $element.dxToolbar("instance")
            _createItemWrapper: function(command, containerOptions) {
                return new dxToolbarItemWrapper(command, containerOptions)
            addCommand: function(command, containerOptions) {
                this.widget.option("visible", true);
                this.callBase(command, containerOptions)
        var dxListItemWrapper = WidgetItemWrapperBase.inherit({
            _createWidgetItemCore: function(itemOptions, executeCommandCallback) {
                itemOptions.title = itemOptions.text;
                itemOptions.onClick = executeCommandCallback;
                return itemOptions
        var dxListAdapter = WidgetAdapterBase.inherit({
            _createItemWrapper: function(command, containerOptions) {
                return new dxListItemWrapper(command, containerOptions)
            _getWidgetByElement: function($element) {
                return $element.dxList("instance")
        var dxNavBarItemWrapper = WidgetItemWrapperBase.inherit({});
        var dxNavBarAdapter = WidgetAdapterBase.inherit({
            ctor: function($widgetElement) {
                this._commandToWidgetItemOptionNames = {
                    title: "text"
                this.widget.option("onItemClick", this._onNavBarItemClick.bind(this))
            _onNavBarItemClick: function(e) {
                var items = this.widget.option("items");
                for (var i = items.length; --i;) {
                    items[i].command.option("highlighted", false)
            _getWidgetByElement: function($element) {
                return $element.dxNavBar("instance")
            _createItemWrapper: function(command, containerOptions) {
                return new dxNavBarItemWrapper(command, containerOptions)
            addCommand: function(command, containerOptions) {
                this.callBase(command, containerOptions);
            _onCommandChanged: function(args) {
                var optionName = args.name,
                    newValue = args.value;
                if ("highlighted" === optionName && newValue) {
            _updateSelectedIndex: function() {
                var items = this.widget.option("items");
                for (var i = 0, itemsCount = items.length; i < itemsCount; i++) {
                    var command = items[i].command;
                    if (command && command.option("highlighted")) {
                        this.widget.option("selectedIndex", i);
        var dxPivotItemWrapper = WidgetItemWrapperBase.inherit({
            _createWidgetItemCore: function(itemOptions, executeCommandCallback) {
                itemOptions.title = itemOptions.text;
                return itemOptions
        var dxPivotAdapter = WidgetAdapterBase.inherit({
            ctor: function($widgetElement) {
                this.widget.option("onSelectionChanged", this._onPivotSelectionChange.bind(this))
            _onPivotSelectionChange: function(e) {
                if (e.addedItems.length && e.removedItems.length && e.addedItems[0] && e.addedItems[0].command) {
            _getWidgetByElement: function($element) {
                return $element.dxPivot("instance")
            _createItemWrapper: function(command, containerOptions) {
                return new dxPivotItemWrapper(command, containerOptions)
            addCommand: function(command, containerOptions) {
                this.callBase(command, containerOptions);
            _onCommandChanged: function(args) {
                var optionName = args.name,
                    newValue = args.value;
                if ("visible" === optionName) {
                } else {
                    if ("highlighted" === optionName && newValue) {
            _addItemToWidget: function(itemWrapper) {
                if (itemWrapper.command.option("visible")) {
            _updateSelectedIndex: function() {
                var pivot = this.widget,
                    items = pivot.option("items") || [];
                fx.off = true;
                for (var i = 0, itemsCount = items.length; i < itemsCount; i++) {
                    var command = items[i].command;
                    if (command && command.option("highlighted")) {
                        pivot.option("selectedIndex", i);
                fx.off = false
            _reRenderPivot: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.widget.option("items", []);
                $.each(that.itemWrappers, function(index, itemWrapper) {
                    if (itemWrapper.command.option("visible")) {
        var dxSlideOutItemWrapper = WidgetItemWrapperBase.inherit({});
        var dxSlideOutAdapter = WidgetAdapterBase.inherit({
            ctor: function($widgetElement) {
                this._commandToWidgetItemOptionNames = {
                    title: "text"
                this.widget.option("onItemClick", this._onSlideOutItemClick.bind(this))
            _onSlideOutItemClick: function(e) {
            _getWidgetByElement: function($element) {
                return $element.dxSlideOut("instance")
            _createItemWrapper: function(command, containerOptions) {
                return new dxSlideOutItemWrapper(command, containerOptions)
            _updateSelectedIndex: function() {
                var items = this.widget.option("items") || [];
                for (var i = 0, itemsCount = items.length; i < itemsCount; i++) {
                    var command = items[i].command;
                    if (command && command.option("highlighted")) {
                        this.widget.option("selectedIndex", i);
            addCommand: function(command, containerOptions) {
                this.callBase(command, containerOptions);
            _onCommandChanged: function(args) {
                var optionName = args.name,
                    newValue = args.value;
                if ("highlighted" === optionName && newValue) {
        exports.dxToolbar = new CommandToWidgetAdapter(function($widgetElement) {
            return new dxToolbarAdapter($widgetElement)
        exports.dxList = new CommandToWidgetAdapter(function($widgetElement) {
            return new dxListAdapter($widgetElement)
        exports.dxNavBar = new CommandToWidgetAdapter(function($widgetElement) {
            return new dxNavBarAdapter($widgetElement)
        exports.dxPivot = new CommandToWidgetAdapter(function($widgetElement) {
            return new dxPivotAdapter($widgetElement)
        exports.dxSlideOut = new CommandToWidgetAdapter(function($widgetElement) {
            return new dxSlideOutAdapter($widgetElement)
        exports.WidgetItemWrapperBase = WidgetItemWrapperBase;
        exports.WidgetAdapterBase = WidgetAdapterBase
      !*** ./js/framework/html/view_engine.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            version = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/version */ 19),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 122),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            _VIEW_ROLE = "dxView",
            _LAYOUT_ROLE = "dxLayout",
            MARKUP_TEMPLATE_MARKER = "MarkupTemplate:";
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./view_engine_components */ 128);
        var ViewEngine = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this.$root = options.$root;
                this.device = options.device || {};
                this.dataOptionsAttributeName = options.dataOptionsAttributeName || "data-options";
                this._templateMap = {};
                this._pendingViewContainer = null;
                this.markupLoaded = $.Callbacks();
                this._templateContext = options.templateContext;
                this._$skippedMarkup = $();
                if (void 0 !== options.templatesVersion && options.templateCacheStorage && this._isReleaseVersion()) {
                    this._templateCacheEnabled = true;
                    this._templatesVersion = "v_" + options.templatesVersion;
                    this._templateCacheStorage = options.templateCacheStorage;
                    this._templateCacheKey = "dxTemplateCache_" + version + "_" + JSON.stringify(this.device)
            _isReleaseVersion: function() {
                return !/http:\/\/localhost/.test(location.href)
            _enumerateTemplates: function(processFn) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._templateMap, function(name, templatesByRoleMap) {
                    $.each(templatesByRoleMap, function(role, templates) {
                        $.each(templates, function(index, template) {
            _findComponent: function(name, role) {
                var components = (this._templateMap[name] || {})[role] || [],
                    filter = this._templateContext && this._templateContext.option() || {};
                components = this._filterTemplates(filter, components);
                return components[0]
            _findTemplate: function(name, role) {
                var component = this._findComponent(name, role);
                if (!component) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3013", role, name)
                var $result, $template = component.element();
                if (!component._isStaticComponentsCreated) {
                    domUtils.createComponents($template, ["dxContent", "dxContentPlaceholder", "dxTransition"]);
                    component._isStaticComponentsCreated = true
                $result = $template.clone().removeClass("dx-hidden");
                return $result
            _clearCache: function() {
                if (this._templateCacheEnabled) {
            _loadTemplatesFromMarkupCore: function($markup) {
                var that = this;
                if ($markup.find("[data-dx-role]").length) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3019")
                    markup: $markup
                var components = domUtils.createComponents($markup, [_VIEW_ROLE, _LAYOUT_ROLE]);
                $.each(components, function(index, component) {
                    var $element = component.element();
                var $skipped = $markup.filter("script");
                that._$skippedMarkup = that._$skippedMarkup.add($skipped)
            _registerTemplateComponent: function(component) {
                var role = component.NAME,
                    options = component.option(),
                    templateName = options.name,
                    componentsByRoleMap = this._templateMap[templateName] || {};
                componentsByRoleMap[role] = componentsByRoleMap[role] || [];
                this._templateMap[templateName] = componentsByRoleMap
            _applyPartialViews: function($render) {
                var that = this;
                domUtils.createComponents($render, ["dxViewPlaceholder"]);
                $.each($render.find(".dx-view-placeholder"), function() {
                    var $partialPlaceholder = $(this);
                    if ($partialPlaceholder.children().length) {
                    var viewName = $partialPlaceholder.data("dxViewPlaceholder").option("viewName"),
                        $view = that._findTemplate(viewName, _VIEW_ROLE);
            _ajaxImpl: function() {
                return $.ajax.apply($, arguments)
            _loadTemplatesFromURL: function(url) {
                var that = this,
                    options = this._getLoadOptions(),
                    deferred = $.Deferred();
                url = options.winPhonePrefix + url;
                    url: url,
                    isLocal: options.isLocal,
                    dataType: "html"
                }).done(function(data) {
                }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                    var error = errors.Error("E3021", url, errorThrown);
                return deferred.promise()
            _getLoadOptions: function() {
                if (location.protocol.indexOf("wmapp") >= 0) {
                    return {
                        winPhonePrefix: location.protocol + "www/",
                        isLocal: true
                return {
                    winPhonePrefix: "",
                    isLocal: void 0
            _loadExternalTemplates: function() {
                var tasks = [],
                    that = this;
                $("head").find("link[rel='dx-template']").each(function(index, link) {
                    var task = that._loadTemplatesFromURL($(link).attr("href"));
                return when.apply($, tasks)
            _processTemplates: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._templateMap, function(name, templatesByRoleMap) {
                    $.each(templatesByRoleMap, function(role, templates) {
                that._enumerateTemplates(function(template) {
            _filterTemplatesByDevice: function(components) {
                var filteredComponents = this._filterTemplates(this.device, components);
                $.each(components, function(index, component) {
                    if (inArray(component, filteredComponents) < 0) {
                components.length = 0;
                components.push.apply(components, filteredComponents)
            _filterTemplates: function(filter, components) {
                return commonUtils.findBestMatches(filter, components, function(component) {
                    return component.option()
            _checkMatchedTemplates: function(bestMatches) {
                if (bestMatches.length > 1) {
                    var message = "";
                    $.each(bestMatches, function(index, match) {
                        message += match.element().attr("data-options") + "\r\n"
                    throw errors.Error("E3020", message, JSON.stringify(this.device))
            _wrapViewDefaultContent: function($viewTemplate) {
                $viewTemplate.wrapInner('<div class="dx-full-height"></div>');
                    targetPlaceholder: "content"
            _initDefaultLayout: function() {
                this._$defaultLayoutTemplate = $('<div class="dx-full-height" data-options="dxLayout : { name: \'default\' } "> \n    <div class="dx-full-height" data-options="dxContentPlaceholder : { name: \'content\' } " ></div> \n</div>');
            _getDefaultLayoutTemplate: function() {
                return this._$defaultLayoutTemplate.clone()
            applyLayout: function($view, $layout) {
                if (void 0 === $layout || 0 === $layout.length) {
                    $layout = this._getDefaultLayoutTemplate()
                if (0 === $view.children(".dx-content").length) {
                var $toMerge = $().add($layout).add($view);
                var $placeholderContents = $toMerge.find(".dx-content");
                $.each($placeholderContents, function() {
                    var $placeholderContent = $(this);
                    var placeholderId = $placeholderContent.attr("data-dx-target-placeholder-id");
                    var $placeholder = $toMerge.find(".dx-content-placeholder-" + placeholderId);
                for (var i = $placeholderContents.length; i >= 0; i--) {
                    var $item = $placeholderContents.eq(i);
                    if (!$item.is(".dx-content-placeholder .dx-content")) {
                return $layout
            _loadTemplatesFromCache: function() {
                if (!this._templateCacheEnabled) {
                var cache;
                var fromJSONInterceptor = function(key, value) {
                    if ("string" === typeof value && 0 === value.indexOf(MARKUP_TEMPLATE_MARKER)) {
                        var data = JSON.parse(value.substr(MARKUP_TEMPLATE_MARKER.length)),
                            type = data.type,
                            options = data.options,
                            $markup = domUtils.createMarkupFromString(data.markup);
                        options.fromCache = true;
                        return $markup[type](options)[type]("instance")
                    } else {
                        if ("skippedMarkup" === key) {
                            return $("<div>").append(domUtils.createMarkupFromString(value)).contents()
                    return value
                var toParse = this._templateCacheStorage.getItem(this._templateCacheKey);
                if (toParse) {
                    try {
                        var cacheContainer = JSON.parse(toParse, fromJSONInterceptor);
                        cache = cacheContainer[this._templatesVersion]
                    } catch (e) {
                if (!cache) {
                this._templateMap = cache.templates;
                return true
            _putTemplatesToCache: function() {
                if (!this._templateCacheEnabled) {
                var toJSONInterceptor = function(key, value) {
                    if (value && value.element) {
                        return MARKUP_TEMPLATE_MARKER + JSON.stringify({
                            markup: value.element().prop("outerHTML"),
                            options: value.option(),
                            type: value.NAME
                    } else {
                        if ("skippedMarkup" === key) {
                            return $("<div>").append(value.clone()).html()
                    return value
                var cacheContainer = {};
                cacheContainer[this._templatesVersion] = {
                    templates: this._templateMap,
                    skippedMarkup: this._$skippedMarkup
                this._templateCacheStorage.setItem(this._templateCacheKey, JSON.stringify(cacheContainer, toJSONInterceptor, 4))
            init: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!this._loadTemplatesFromCache()) {
                    return this._loadExternalTemplates().done(function() {
                } else {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            getViewTemplate: function(viewName) {
                return this._findTemplate(viewName, _VIEW_ROLE)
            getViewTemplateInfo: function(name) {
                return this._findComponent(name, _VIEW_ROLE)
            getLayoutTemplate: function(layoutName) {
                if (!layoutName) {
                    return this._getDefaultLayoutTemplate()
                return this._findTemplate(layoutName, _LAYOUT_ROLE)
            getLayoutTemplateInfo: function(name) {
                return this._findComponent(name, _LAYOUT_ROLE)
            loadTemplates: function(source) {
                var result;
                if ("string" === typeof source) {
                    result = this._loadTemplatesFromURL(source)
                } else {
                    result = $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                return result.done(this._processTemplates.bind(this))
        exports.ViewEngine = ViewEngine
      !*** ./js/framework/html/layout_controller.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            frameworkUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 131),
            layoutSets = __webpack_require__( /*! ./presets */ 138).layoutSets,
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 122),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            HIDDEN_BAG_ID = "__hidden-bag",
            TRANSITION_SELECTOR = ".dx-transition",
            CONTENT_SELECTOR = ".dx-content",
            DEFAULT_COMMAND_RENDER_STAGE = "onViewShown",
            CONTENT_RENDERED_EVENT_NAME = "dxcontentrendered.layoutController",
            PENDING_RENDERING_SELECTOR = ".dx-pending-rendering",
            PENDING_RENDERING_MANUAL_SELECTOR = ".dx-pending-rendering-manual",
            TransitionExecutorModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../animation/transition_executor/transition_executor */ 74);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./command_container */ 126);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./view_engine_components */ 128);
        var transitionSelector = function(transitionName) {
            return ".dx-transition-" + transitionName
        var DefaultLayoutController = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this.name = options.name || "";
                this._layoutModel = options.layoutModel || {};
                this._defaultPaneName = options.defaultPaneName || "content";
                this._transitionDuration = void 0 === options.transitionDuration ? 400 : options.transitionDuration;
                this._showViewFired = false
            init: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._visibleViews = {};
                this._$viewPort = options.$viewPort || $("body");
                this._commandManager = options.commandManager;
                this._viewEngine = options.viewEngine;
                this.transitionExecutor = new TransitionExecutorModule.TransitionExecutor;
                if (options.templateContext) {
                    this._templateContext = options.templateContext;
                    this._proxiedTemplateContextChangedHandler = this._templateContextChangedHandler.bind(this)
            ensureActive: function(targetNode) {
                if (this._disabledState) {
                    return this.enable()
                } else {
                    return this.activate(targetNode)
            activate: function() {
                this._showViewFired = false;
                var $rootElement = this.element();
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            deactivate: function() {
                this._disabledState = false;
                this._showViewFired = false;
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            enable: function() {
                this._disabledState = false;
                if (!this._showViewFired) {
                this._showViewFired = false;
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            disable: function() {
                this._disabledState = true;
                this._showViewFired = false;
            activeViewInfo: function() {
                return this._visibleViews[this._defaultPaneName]
            _fireViewEvents: function(eventName, views) {
                var that = this;
                views = views || this._visibleViews;
                $.each(views, function(index, viewInfo) {
                    that.fireEvent(eventName, [viewInfo])
            _notifyShowing: function(views) {
                this._fireViewEvents("viewShowing", views)
            _notifyShown: function(views) {
                this._fireViewEvents("viewShown", views)
            _notifyHidden: function(views) {
                this._fireViewEvents("viewHidden", views)
            _applyTemplate: function($elements, model) {
                $elements.each(function(i, element) {
                    frameworkUtils.templateProvider.applyTemplate(element, model)
            _releaseVisibleViews: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(this._visibleViews, function(index, viewInfo) {
                this._visibleViews = {}
            _templateContextChangedHandler: function() {
                var that = this,
                    viewsToShow = [];
                $.each(that._visibleViews, function(index, viewInfo) {
                    if (viewInfo.currentViewTemplateId !== that._getViewTemplateId(viewInfo)) {
                when.apply($, $.map(viewsToShow, function(viewInfo) {
                    return that.showView(viewInfo)
                })).done(function() {
            _attachRefreshViewRequiredHandler: function() {
                if (this._templateContext) {
                    this._templateContext.on("optionChanged", this._proxiedTemplateContextChangedHandler)
            _detachRefreshViewRequiredHandler: function() {
                if (this._templateContextChanged) {
                    this._templateContext.off("optionChanged", this._proxiedTemplateContextChangedHandler)
            _getPreviousViewInfo: function(viewInfo) {
                return this._visibleViews[this._getViewPaneName(viewInfo.viewTemplateInfo)]
            _prepareTemplates: function() {
                var that = this;
                var $layoutTemplate = that._viewEngine.getLayoutTemplate(this._getLayoutTemplateName());
                that._$layoutTemplate = $layoutTemplate;
                that._$mainLayout = that._createEmptyLayout();
                that._applyTemplate(that._$mainLayout, that._layoutModel);
                that._$navigationWidget = that._createNavigationWidget()
            renderNavigation: function(navigationCommands) {
            _renderNavigationImpl: function(navigationCommands) {
                this._renderCommands(this._$mainLayout, navigationCommands)
            _createNavigationWidget: function() {
                var result, containers = this._findCommandContainers(this._$mainLayout);
                $.each(containers, function(k, container) {
                    if ("global-navigation" === container.option("id")) {
                        result = container.element();
                        return false
                return result
            _clearNavigationWidget: function() {
                if (this._$navigationWidget) {
            element: function() {
                return this._$mainLayout
            _getViewFrame: function(viewInfo) {
                return this._$mainLayout
            _getLayoutTemplateName: function() {
                return this.name
            _applyModelToTransitionElements: function($markup, model) {
                var that = this;
                this._getTransitionElements($markup).each(function(i, item) {
                    that._applyTemplate($(item).children(), model)
            _createViewLayoutTemplate: function() {
                var that = this;
                var $viewLayoutTemplate = that._$layoutTemplate.clone();
                return $viewLayoutTemplate
            _createEmptyLayout: function() {
                var that = this;
                var $result = that._$layoutTemplate.clone();
                return $result
            _getTransitionElements: function($markup) {
                var $items = $markup.find(TRANSITION_SELECTOR).add($markup.filter(TRANSITION_SELECTOR)),
                    result = [];
                for (var i = 0; i < $items.length; i++) {
                    var $item = $items.eq(i);
                    if (0 === $item.parents(TRANSITION_SELECTOR).length) {
                return $(result)
            showView: function(viewInfo, direction) {
                direction = direction || "forward";
                var result, that = this,
                    previousViewInfo = that._getPreviousViewInfo(viewInfo),
                    previousViewTemplateId = previousViewInfo === viewInfo ? previousViewInfo.currentViewTemplateId : void 0;
                this._showViewFired = true;
                if (previousViewTemplateId && previousViewTemplateId === viewInfo.currentViewTemplateId && viewInfo === previousViewInfo) {
                    that.fireEvent("viewShowing", [viewInfo, direction]);
                    result = $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                } else {
                    that.fireEvent("viewShowing", [viewInfo, direction]);
                    result = this._showViewImpl(viewInfo, direction, previousViewTemplateId).done(function() {
                return result
            disposeView: function(viewInfo) {
            _clearRenderResult: function(viewInfo) {
                if (viewInfo.renderResult) {
                    delete viewInfo.renderResult
            _renderViewImpl: function($viewTemplate, viewInfo) {
                var $viewItems, that = this,
                    allowedChildrenSelector = ".dx-command,.dx-content,script",
                    $layout = this._createViewLayoutTemplate(),
                    isSimplifiedMarkup = true,
                    outOfContentItems = $();
                if (0 === $viewTemplate.children(allowedChildrenSelector).length) {
                $viewItems = $viewTemplate.children();
                this._applyModelToTransitionElements($layout, viewInfo.model);
                this._viewEngine.applyLayout($viewTemplate, $layout);
                $viewItems.each(function(i, item) {
                    var $item = $(item);
                    that._applyTemplate($item, viewInfo.model);
                    if ($item.is(allowedChildrenSelector)) {
                        isSimplifiedMarkup = false
                    } else {
                        outOfContentItems = outOfContentItems.add($item)
                if (outOfContentItems.length && !isSimplifiedMarkup) {
                    throw errors.Error("E3014", outOfContentItems[0].outerHTML)
                viewInfo.renderResult = viewInfo.renderResult || {};
                viewInfo.renderResult.$viewItems = $viewItems;
                viewInfo.renderResult.$markup = $layout
            _renderCommands: function($markup, commands) {
                var commandContainers = this._findCommandContainers($markup);
                return this._commandManager.renderCommandsToContainers(commands, commandContainers)
            _prepareViewCommands: function(viewInfo) {
                var $viewItems = viewInfo.renderResult.$viewItems,
                    viewCommands = this._commandManager.findCommands($viewItems),
                    commandsToRenderMap = {};
                viewInfo.commands = frameworkUtils.utils.mergeCommands(viewInfo.commands || [], viewCommands);
                viewInfo.commandsToRenderMap = commandsToRenderMap;
                $.each(viewInfo.commands, function(index, command) {
                    var renderStage = command.option("renderStage") || DEFAULT_COMMAND_RENDER_STAGE,
                        targetArray = commandsToRenderMap[renderStage] = commandsToRenderMap[renderStage] || [];
            _applyViewCommands: function(viewInfo, renderStage) {
                renderStage = renderStage || DEFAULT_COMMAND_RENDER_STAGE;
                var result, commandsToRender = viewInfo.commandsToRenderMap[renderStage],
                    $markup = viewInfo.renderResult.$markup;
                if (commandsToRender) {
                    result = this._renderCommands($markup, commandsToRender);
                    delete viewInfo.commandsToRenderMap[renderStage]
                } else {
                    result = $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                return result
            _findCommandContainers: function($markup) {
                return domUtils.createComponents($markup, ["dxCommandContainer"])
            _getViewTemplateId: function(viewInfo) {
                var viewTemplateInstance = viewInfo.$viewTemplate ? viewInfo.$viewTemplate.dxView("instance") : this._viewEngine.getViewTemplateInfo(viewInfo.viewName);
                return viewTemplateInstance.getId()
            _updateCurrentViewTemplateId: function(viewInfo) {
                viewInfo.currentViewTemplateId = this._getViewTemplateId(viewInfo)
            _ensureViewRendered: function(viewInfo) {
                var $cachedMarkup = viewInfo.renderResult && viewInfo.renderResult.markupCache[viewInfo.currentViewTemplateId];
                if ($cachedMarkup) {
                    viewInfo.renderResult.$markup = $cachedMarkup
                } else {
                    viewInfo.renderResult.markupCache = viewInfo.renderResult.markupCache || {};
                    viewInfo.renderResult.markupCache[viewInfo.currentViewTemplateId] = viewInfo.renderResult.$markup
            _renderView: function(viewInfo) {
                var $viewTemplate = viewInfo.$viewTemplate || this._viewEngine.getViewTemplate(viewInfo.viewName);
                this._renderViewImpl($viewTemplate, viewInfo);
                this._applyViewCommands(viewInfo, "onViewRendering");
                this.fireEvent("viewRendered", [viewInfo])
            _prepareTransition: function($element, targetPlaceholderName) {
                if (0 === $element.children(".dx-content").length) {
                        targetPlaceholder: targetPlaceholderName
            _appendViewToLayout: function(viewInfo) {
                var that = this,
                    $viewFrame = that._getViewFrame(viewInfo),
                    $markup = viewInfo.renderResult.$markup,
                    $transitionContentElements = $(),
                    animationItems = [];
                $.each($markup.find(".dx-content-placeholder"), function(index, el) {
                    that._prepareTransition($(el), $(el).attr("data-dx-content-placeholder-name"))
                $.each(that._getTransitionElements($viewFrame), function(index, transitionElement) {
                    var $transition = $(transitionElement),
                        $viewElement = $markup.find(transitionSelector($transition.attr("data-dx-transition-name"))).children(),
                        animationItem = {
                            $element: $viewElement,
                            animation: $transition.attr("data-dx-transition-type")
                    $transitionContentElements = $transitionContentElements.add($viewElement)
                viewInfo.renderResult.$markup = $transitionContentElements;
                viewInfo.renderResult.animationItems = animationItems
            _onRenderComplete: function(viewInfo) {},
            _onViewShown: function(viewInfo) {
            _enter: function(animationItems, animationModifier) {
                var transitionExecutor = this.transitionExecutor;
                $.each(animationItems, function(index, item) {
                    transitionExecutor.enter(item.$element, item.animation, animationModifier)
            _leave: function(animationItems, animationModifier) {
                var transitionExecutor = this.transitionExecutor;
                $.each(animationItems, function(index, item) {
                    transitionExecutor.leave(item.$element, item.animation, animationModifier)
            _doTransition: function(oldViewInfo, newViewInfo, animationModifier) {
                if (oldViewInfo) {
                    this._leave(oldViewInfo.renderResult.animationItems, animationModifier)
                this._enter(newViewInfo.renderResult.animationItems, animationModifier);
                return this.transitionExecutor.start()
            _showViewImpl: function(viewInfo, direction, previousViewTemplateId) {
                var that = this,
                    previousViewInfo = this._getPreviousViewInfo(viewInfo),
                    animationModifier = {
                        direction: direction
                if (previousViewInfo === viewInfo) {
                    previousViewInfo = void 0
                if (!previousViewInfo) {
                    animationModifier.duration = 0;
                    animationModifier.delay = 0
                var d = $.Deferred();
                that._doTransition(previousViewInfo, viewInfo, animationModifier).done(function() {
                    that._changeView(viewInfo, previousViewTemplateId).done(function(result) {
                return d.promise()
            _releaseView: function(viewInfo) {
                this.fireEvent("viewReleased", [viewInfo])
            _getReadyForRenderDeferredItems: function(viewInfo) {
                return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
            _changeView: function(viewInfo, previousViewTemplateId) {
                var that = this;
                if (previousViewTemplateId) {
                    that._hideView(viewInfo, previousViewTemplateId)
                } else {
                    var previousViewInfo = that._getPreviousViewInfo(viewInfo);
                    if (previousViewInfo && previousViewInfo !== viewInfo) {
                    this._visibleViews[this._getViewPaneName(viewInfo.viewTemplateInfo)] = viewInfo
                var d = $.Deferred();
                this._getReadyForRenderDeferredItems(viewInfo).done(function() {
                    that._applyViewCommands(viewInfo).done(function() {
                        that._renderDeferredItems(viewInfo.renderResult.$markup).done(function() {
                return d.promise()
            _subscribeToDeferredItems: function(viewInfo) {
                var that = this,
                    $markup = viewInfo.renderResult.$markup;
                $markup.find(PENDING_RENDERING_SELECTOR).add($markup.filter(PENDING_RENDERING_SELECTOR)).each(function() {
                    var eventData = {
                        viewInfo: viewInfo,
                        context: that
                    $(this).on(CONTENT_RENDERED_EVENT_NAME, eventData, that._onDeferredContentRendered)
            _onDeferredContentRendered: function(event) {
                var $element = $(event.target),
                    viewInfo = event.data.viewInfo,
                    that = event.data.context;
                $element.off(CONTENT_RENDERED_EVENT_NAME, that._onDeferredContentRendered);
                that._renderCommands($element, viewInfo.commands)
            _renderDeferredItems: function($items) {
                var that = this,
                    result = $.Deferred();
                var $pendingItem = $items.find(PENDING_RENDERING_MANUAL_SELECTOR).add($items.filter(PENDING_RENDERING_MANUAL_SELECTOR)).first();
                if ($pendingItem.length) {
                    var render = $pendingItem.data("dx-render-delegate");
                    commonUtils.executeAsync(function() {
                        render().done(function() {
                            that._renderDeferredItems($items).done(function() {
                } else {
                return result.promise()
            _getViewPaneName: function(viewTemplateInfo) {
                return this._defaultPaneName
            _hideElements: function($elements) {
            _showElements: function($elements) {
            _hideViewElements: function($elements) {
            _hideView: function(viewInfo, templateId) {
                if (viewInfo.renderResult) {
                    var $markupToHide = void 0 === templateId ? viewInfo.renderResult.$markup : viewInfo.renderResult.markupCache[templateId];
                    this.fireEvent("viewHidden", [viewInfo])
            _showViewElements: function($elements) {
            _showView: function(viewInfo) {
                if (viewInfo.renderResult) {
            _skipAnimation: function($elements) {
                for (var i = 0; i < $elements.length; i++) {
            _patchIds: function($markup) {
                this._processIds($markup, function(id) {
                    var result = id;
                    if (id.indexOf(HIDDEN_BAG_ID) === -1) {
                        result = HIDDEN_BAG_ID + "-" + id
                    return result
            _unPatchIds: function($markup) {
                this._processIds($markup, function(id) {
                    var result = id;
                    if (0 === id.indexOf(HIDDEN_BAG_ID)) {
                        result = id.substr(HIDDEN_BAG_ID.length + 1)
                    return result
            _processIds: function($markup, process) {
                var elementsWithIds = $markup.find("[id]");
                $.each(elementsWithIds, function(index, element) {
                    var $el = $(element),
                        id = $el.attr("id");
                    $el.attr("id", process(id))
            _enableInputs: function($markup) {
                var $inputs = this._getInputs($markup).filter("[data-disabled='true']");
                $.each($inputs, function(index, input) {
            _disableInputs: function($markup) {
                var $inputs = this._getInputs($markup);
                $inputs = $inputs.filter(":not([disabled])").add($inputs.filter("[disabled=true]"));
                $.each($inputs, function(index, input) {
                        disabled: true,
                        "data-disabled": true
            _getInputs: function($markup) {
                return $markup.find("input, button, select, textarea")
        layoutSets.default = layoutSets.default || [];
            controller: new DefaultLayoutController
        exports.DefaultLayoutController = DefaultLayoutController;
        exports.layoutSets = layoutSets
      !*** ./js/ui/themes.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./widget/ui.errors */ 22),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53),
            viewPortUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/view_port */ 55),
            viewPort = viewPortUtils.value,
            viewPortChanged = viewPortUtils.changeCallback,
            holdReady = $.holdReady || $.fn.holdReady;
        var DX_LINK_SELECTOR = "link[rel=dx-theme]",
            THEME_ATTR = "data-theme",
            ACTIVE_ATTR = "data-active",
            DX_HAIRLINES_CLASS = "dx-hairlines";
        var context, $activeThemeLink, knownThemes, currentThemeName, pendingThemeName;
        var THEME_MARKER_PREFIX = "dx.";

        function readThemeMarker() {
            var result, element = $("<div></div>", context).addClass("dx-theme-marker").appendTo(context.documentElement);
            try {
                result = element.css("font-family");
                if (!result) {
                    return null
                result = result.replace(/["']/g, "");
                if (result.substr(0, THEME_MARKER_PREFIX.length) !== THEME_MARKER_PREFIX) {
                    return null
                return result.substr(THEME_MARKER_PREFIX.length)
            } finally {

        function waitForThemeLoad(themeName, callback) {
            var timerId, waitStartTime;
            pendingThemeName = themeName;

            function handleLoaded() {
                pendingThemeName = null;
            if (isPendingThemeLoaded()) {
            } else {
                waitStartTime = $.now();
                timerId = setInterval(function() {
                    var isLoaded = isPendingThemeLoaded(),
                        isTimeout = !isLoaded && $.now() - waitStartTime > 15e3;
                    if (isTimeout) {
                        errors.log("W0004", pendingThemeName)
                    if (isLoaded || isTimeout) {
                }, 10)

        function isPendingThemeLoaded() {
            return !pendingThemeName || readThemeMarker() === pendingThemeName

        function processMarkup() {
            var $allThemeLinks = $(DX_LINK_SELECTOR, context);
            if (!$allThemeLinks.length) {
            knownThemes = {};
            $activeThemeLink = $(domUtils.createMarkupFromString("<link rel=stylesheet>"), context);
            $allThemeLinks.each(function() {
                var link = $(this, context),
                    fullThemeName = link.attr(THEME_ATTR),
                    url = link.attr("href"),
                    isActive = "true" === link.attr(ACTIVE_ATTR);
                knownThemes[fullThemeName] = {
                    url: url,
                    isActive: isActive

        function resolveFullThemeName(desiredThemeName) {
            var desiredThemeParts = desiredThemeName.split("."),
                result = null;
            if (knownThemes) {
                if (desiredThemeName in knownThemes) {
                    return desiredThemeName
                $.each(knownThemes, function(knownThemeName, themeData) {
                    var knownThemeParts = knownThemeName.split(".");
                    if (knownThemeParts[0] !== desiredThemeParts[0]) {
                    if (desiredThemeParts[1] && desiredThemeParts[1] !== knownThemeParts[1]) {
                    if (desiredThemeParts[2] && desiredThemeParts[2] !== knownThemeParts[2]) {
                    if (!result || themeData.isActive) {
                        result = knownThemeName
                    if (themeData.isActive) {
                        return false
            return result

        function initContext(newContext) {
            try {
                if (newContext !== context) {
                    knownThemes = null
            } catch (x) {
                knownThemes = null
            context = newContext

        function init(options) {
            options = options || {};
            initContext(options.context || document);
            currentThemeName = void 0;

        function current(options) {
            if (!arguments.length) {
                currentThemeName = currentThemeName || readThemeMarker();
                return currentThemeName
            options = options || {};
            if ("string" === typeof options) {
                options = {
                    theme: options
            var currentThemeData, isAutoInit = options._autoInit,
                loadCallback = options.loadCallback;
            currentThemeName = options.theme || currentThemeName;
            if (isAutoInit && !currentThemeName) {
                currentThemeName = themeNameFromDevice(devices.current())
            currentThemeName = resolveFullThemeName(currentThemeName);
            if (currentThemeName) {
                currentThemeData = knownThemes[currentThemeName]
            if (currentThemeData) {
                $activeThemeLink.attr("href", knownThemes[currentThemeName].url);
                if (loadCallback) {
                    waitForThemeLoad(currentThemeName, loadCallback)
                } else {
                    if (pendingThemeName) {
                        pendingThemeName = currentThemeName
            } else {
                if (isAutoInit) {
                    if (loadCallback) {
                } else {
                    throw errors.Error("E0021", currentThemeName)
            attachCssClasses(viewPortUtils.originalViewPort(), currentThemeName)

        function themeNameFromDevice(device) {
            var themeName = device.platform;
            var majorVersion = device.version && device.version[0];
            switch (themeName) {
                case "ios":
                    themeName += "7";
                case "android":
                    themeName += "5";
                case "win":
                    themeName += majorVersion && 8 === majorVersion ? "8" : "10"
            return themeName

        function getCssClasses(themeName) {
            themeName = themeName || current();
            var result = [],
                themeNameParts = themeName && themeName.split(".");
            if (themeNameParts) {
                result.push("dx-theme-" + themeNameParts[0], "dx-theme-" + themeNameParts[0] + "-typography");
                if (themeNameParts.length > 1) {
                    result.push("dx-color-scheme-" + themeNameParts[1])
            return result
        var themeClasses;

        function attachCssClasses(element, themeName) {
            themeClasses = getCssClasses(themeName).join(" ");
            var activateHairlines = function() {
                var pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio;
                if (!pixelRatio || pixelRatio < 2) {
                var $tester = $("<div>");
                $tester.css("border", ".5px solid transparent");
                if (1 === $tester.outerHeight()) {
                    themeClasses += " " + DX_HAIRLINES_CLASS

        function detachCssClasses(element) {
            _autoInit: true,
            loadCallback: function() {
        domUtils.ready(function() {
            if ($(DX_LINK_SELECTOR, context).length) {
                throw errors.Error("E0022")
        viewPortChanged.add(function(viewPort, prevViewPort) {
        devices.changed.add(function() {
                _autoInit: true
        exports.current = current;
        exports.init = init;
        exports.attachCssClasses = attachCssClasses;
        exports.detachCssClasses = detachCssClasses;
        exports.themeNameFromDevice = themeNameFromDevice;
        exports.waitForThemeLoad = waitForThemeLoad;
        exports.resetTheme = function() {
            $activeThemeLink && $activeThemeLink.attr("href", "about:blank");
            currentThemeName = null;
            pendingThemeName = null
      !*** ./js/integration/angular.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var angular = __webpack_require__( /*! angular */ 145);
        if (angular) {
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./angular/component_registrator */ 146);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./angular/event_registrator */ 173);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./angular/components */ 174);
            __webpack_require__( /*! ./angular/action_executors */ 175)
      !*** external "window.angular" ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = window.angular
      !*** ./js/integration/angular/component_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/config */ 15),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            type = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).type,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            Locker = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/locker */ 112),
            Widget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/widget/ui.widget */ 95),
            Editor = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/editor/editor */ 106),
            NgTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ./template */ 147),
            ngModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./module */ 148),
            CollectionWidget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/collection/ui.collection_widget.edit */ 149),
            compileSetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).compileSetter,
            compileGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).compileGetter,
            extendFromObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extendFromObject,
            isNumeric = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isNumeric,
            inflector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/inflector */ 39),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7);
        var ITEM_ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "dxItemAlias",
            SKIP_APPLY_ACTION_CATEGORIES = ["rendering"];
        var safeApply = function(func, scope) {
            if (scope.$root.$$phase) {
                return func(scope)
            } else {
                return scope.$apply(function() {
                    return func(scope)
        var ComponentBuilder = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this._componentDisposing = $.Callbacks();
                this._optionChangedCallbacks = $.Callbacks();
                this._ngLocker = new Locker;
                this._scope = options.scope;
                this._$element = options.$element;
                this._$templates = options.$templates;
                this._componentClass = options.componentClass;
                this._parse = options.parse;
                this._compile = options.compile;
                this._itemAlias = options.itemAlias;
                this._transcludeFn = options.transcludeFn;
                this._digestCallbacks = options.dxDigestCallbacks;
                if (!options.ngOptions) {
            _addOptionsStringWatcher: function(optionsString) {
                var that = this;
                var clearOptionsStringWatcher = that._scope.$watch(optionsString, function(newOptions) {
                    if (!newOptions) {
            _normalizeOptions: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that._ngOptions = extendFromObject({}, options);
                if (!options) {
                if (!options.hasOwnProperty("bindingOptions") && options.bindingOptions) {
                    that._ngOptions.bindingOptions = options.bindingOptions
                if (options.bindingOptions) {
                    $.each(options.bindingOptions, function(key, value) {
                        if ("string" === type(value)) {
                            that._ngOptions.bindingOptions[key] = {
                                dataPath: value
            _initComponent: function(scope) {
                this._component = new this._componentClass(this._$element, this._evalOptions(scope));
                this._component._isHidden = true;
            _handleDigestPhase: function() {
                var that = this,
                    beginUpdate = function() {
                    endUpdate = function() {
                that._componentDisposing.add(function() {
            _initComponentBindings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    optionDependencies = {};
                if (!that._ngOptions.bindingOptions) {
                $.each(that._ngOptions.bindingOptions, function(optionPath, value) {
                    var prevWatchMethod, clearWatcher, separatorIndex = optionPath.search(/\[|\./),
                        optionForSubscribe = separatorIndex > -1 ? optionPath.substring(0, separatorIndex) : optionPath,
                        valuePath = value.dataPath,
                        deepWatch = true,
                        forcePlainWatchMethod = false;
                    if (void 0 !== value.deep) {
                        forcePlainWatchMethod = deepWatch = !!value.deep
                    if (!optionDependencies[optionForSubscribe]) {
                        optionDependencies[optionForSubscribe] = {}
                    optionDependencies[optionForSubscribe][optionPath] = valuePath;
                    var watchCallback = function(newValue, oldValue) {
                        if (that._ngLocker.locked(optionPath)) {
                        that._component.option(optionPath, newValue);
                        if (that._component._optionValuesEqual(optionPath, oldValue, newValue) && that._ngLocker.locked(optionPath)) {
                    var updateWatcher = function() {
                        var watchMethod = Array.isArray(that._scope.$eval(valuePath)) && !forcePlainWatchMethod ? "$watchCollection" : "$watch";
                        if (prevWatchMethod !== watchMethod) {
                            if (clearWatcher) {
                            clearWatcher = that._scope[watchMethod](valuePath, watchCallback, deepWatch);
                            prevWatchMethod = watchMethod
                that._optionChangedCallbacks.add(function(args) {
                    var optionName = args.name,
                        fullName = args.fullName,
                        component = args.component;
                    if (that._ngLocker.locked(fullName)) {
                    if (!optionDependencies || !optionDependencies[optionName]) {
                    safeApply(function() {
                        $.each(optionDependencies[optionName], function(optionPath, valuePath) {
                            if (!that._optionsAreLinked(fullName, optionPath)) {
                            var value = component.option(optionPath);
                            that._parse(valuePath).assign(that._scope, value);
                            var scopeValue = that._parse(valuePath)(that._scope);
                            if (scopeValue !== value) {
                                args.component.option(optionPath, scopeValue)
                    }, that._scope);
                    var releaseOption = function() {
                        if (that._ngLocker.locked(fullName)) {
            _optionsAreNested: function(optionPath1, optionPath2) {
                var parentSeparator = optionPath1[optionPath2.length];
                return 0 === optionPath1.indexOf(optionPath2) && ("." === parentSeparator || "[" === parentSeparator)
            _optionsAreLinked: function(optionPath1, optionPath2) {
                if (optionPath1 === optionPath2) {
                    return true
                return optionPath1.length > optionPath2.length ? this._optionsAreNested(optionPath1, optionPath2) : this._optionsAreNested(optionPath2, optionPath1)
            _compilerByTemplate: function(template) {
                var that = this,
                    scopeItemsPath = this._getScopeItemsPath();
                return function(options) {
                    var $resultMarkup = $(template).clone(),
                        dataIsScope = options.model && options.model.constructor === that._scope.$root.constructor,
                        templateScope = dataIsScope ? options.model : options.noModel ? that._scope : that._createScopeWithData(options.model);
                    if (scopeItemsPath) {
                        that._synchronizeScopes(templateScope, scopeItemsPath, options.index)
                    if (!options.noModel) {
                        $resultMarkup.on("$destroy", function() {
                            var destroyAlreadyCalled = !templateScope.$parent;
                            if (destroyAlreadyCalled) {
                    that._applyAsync(that._compile($resultMarkup, that._transcludeFn), templateScope);
                    return $resultMarkup
            _applyAsync: function(func, scope) {
                var that = this;
                if (!scope.$root.$$phase) {
                    if (!that._renderingTimer) {
                        that._renderingTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                            that._renderingTimer = null
                    that._componentDisposing.add(function() {
            _getScopeItemsPath: function() {
                if (this._componentClass.subclassOf(CollectionWidget) && this._ngOptions.bindingOptions && this._ngOptions.bindingOptions.items) {
                    return this._ngOptions.bindingOptions.items.dataPath
            _createScopeWithData: function(data) {
                var newScope = this._scope.$new();
                if (this._itemAlias) {
                    newScope[this._itemAlias] = data
                return newScope
            _synchronizeScopes: function(itemScope, parentPrefix, itemIndex) {
                if (this._itemAlias && "object" !== typeof itemScope[this._itemAlias]) {
                        parentScope: this._scope,
                        childScope: itemScope,
                        fieldPath: this._itemAlias,
                        parentPrefix: parentPrefix,
                        itemIndex: itemIndex
            _synchronizeScopeField: function(args) {
                var parentScope = args.parentScope,
                    childScope = args.childScope,
                    fieldPath = args.fieldPath,
                    parentPrefix = args.parentPrefix,
                    itemIndex = args.itemIndex;
                var optionOuterPath, innerPathSuffix = fieldPath === this._itemAlias ? "" : "." + fieldPath,
                    collectionField = void 0 !== itemIndex,
                    optionOuterBag = [parentPrefix];
                if (collectionField) {
                    if (!isNumeric(itemIndex)) {
                    optionOuterBag.push("[", itemIndex, "]")
                optionOuterPath = optionOuterBag.join("");
                var clearParentWatcher = parentScope.$watch(optionOuterPath, function(newValue, oldValue) {
                    if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                        compileSetter(fieldPath)(childScope, newValue)
                var clearItemWatcher = childScope.$watch(fieldPath, function(newValue, oldValue) {
                    if (newValue !== oldValue) {
                        if (collectionField && !compileGetter(parentPrefix)(parentScope)[itemIndex]) {
                        compileSetter(optionOuterPath)(parentScope, newValue)
                this._componentDisposing.add([clearParentWatcher, clearItemWatcher])
            _evalOptions: function(scope) {
                var result = extendFromObject({}, this._ngOptions);
                delete result.bindingOptions;
                if (this._ngOptions.bindingOptions) {
                    $.each(this._ngOptions.bindingOptions, function(key, value) {
                        result[key] = scope.$eval(value.dataPath)
                result._optionChangedCallbacks = this._optionChangedCallbacks;
                result._disposingCallbacks = this._componentDisposing;
                result.onActionCreated = function(component, action, config) {
                    if (config && inArray(config.category, SKIP_APPLY_ACTION_CATEGORIES) > -1) {
                        return action
                    var wrappedAction = function() {
                        var that = this,
                            args = arguments;
                        if (!scope || !scope.$root || scope.$root.$$phase) {
                            return action.apply(that, args)
                        return safeApply(function() {
                            return action.apply(that, args)
                        }, scope)
                    return wrappedAction
                result.beforeActionExecute = result.onActionCreated;
                result.nestedComponentOptions = function(component) {
                    return {
                        templatesRenderAsynchronously: component.option("templatesRenderAsynchronously"),
                        forceApplyBindings: component.option("forceApplyBindings"),
                        modelByElement: component.option("modelByElement"),
                        onActionCreated: component.option("onActionCreated"),
                        beforeActionExecute: component.option("beforeActionExecute"),
                        nestedComponentOptions: component.option("nestedComponentOptions")
                result.templatesRenderAsynchronously = true;
                if (Config().wrapActionsBeforeExecute) {
                    result.forceApplyBindings = function() {
                        safeApply(function() {}, scope)
                result.integrationOptions = {
                    createTemplate: function(element) {
                        return new NgTemplate(element, this._compilerByTemplate.bind(this))
                    watchMethod: function(fn, callback, options) {
                        options = options || {};
                        var immediateValue;
                        var skipCallback = options.skipImmediate;
                        var disposeWatcher = scope.$watch(function() {
                            var value = fn();
                            if (value instanceof Date) {
                                value = value.valueOf()
                            return value
                        }, function(newValue) {
                            var isSameValue = immediateValue === newValue;
                            if (!skipCallback && (!isSameValue || isSameValue && options.deep)) {
                            skipCallback = false
                        }, options.deep);
                        if (!skipCallback) {
                            immediateValue = fn();
                        if (Config().wrapActionsBeforeExecute) {
                            safeApply(function() {}, scope)
                        return disposeWatcher
                    templates: {
                        "dx-polymorph-widget": {
                            render: function(options) {
                                var widgetName = options.model.widget;
                                if (!widgetName) {
                                if ("button" === widgetName || "tabs" === widgetName || "dropDownMenu" === widgetName) {
                                    var deprecatedName = widgetName;
                                    widgetName = inflector.camelize("dx-" + widgetName);
                                    errors.log("W0001", "dxToolbar - 'widget' item field", deprecatedName, "16.1", "Use: '" + widgetName + "' instead")
                                var markup = $("<div " + inflector.dasherize(widgetName) + '="options">').get(0);
                                var newScope = this._scope.$new();
                                newScope.options = options.model.options;
                result.modelByElement = function() {
                    return scope
                return result
        ComponentBuilder = ComponentBuilder.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this._componentName = options.componentName;
                this._ngModel = options.ngModel;
                this._ngModelController = options.ngModelController;
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _isNgModelRequired: function() {
                return this._componentClass.subclassOf(Editor) && this._ngModel
            _initComponentBindings: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _initNgModelBinding: function() {
                if (!this._isNgModelRequired()) {
                var that = this;
                var clearNgModelWatcher = this._scope.$watch(this._ngModel, function(newValue, oldValue) {
                    if (that._ngLocker.locked(that._ngModelOption())) {
                    if (newValue === oldValue) {
                    that._component.option(that._ngModelOption(), newValue)
                that._optionChangedCallbacks.add(function(args) {
                    try {
                        if (args.name !== that._ngModelOption()) {
                    } finally {
            _ngModelOption: function() {
                if (inArray(this._componentName, ["dxFileUploader", "dxTagBox"]) > -1) {
                    return "values"
                return "value"
            _evalOptions: function() {
                if (!this._isNgModelRequired()) {
                    return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
                var result = this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                result[this._ngModelOption()] = this._parse(this._ngModel)(this._scope);
                return result
        var registeredComponents = {};
        var registerComponentDirective = function(name) {
            var priority = "dxValidator" !== name ? 1 : 10;
            ngModule.directive(name, ["$compile", "$parse", "dxDigestCallbacks", function($compile, $parse, dxDigestCallbacks) {
                return {
                    restrict: "A",
                    require: "^?ngModel",
                    priority: priority,
                    compile: function($element) {
                        var componentClass = registeredComponents[name],
                            $content = componentClass.subclassOf(Widget) ? $element.contents().detach() : null;
                        return function(scope, $element, attrs, ngModelController, transcludeFn) {
                            safeApply(function() {
                                new ComponentBuilder({
                                    componentClass: componentClass,
                                    componentName: name,
                                    compile: $compile,
                                    parse: $parse,
                                    $element: $element,
                                    scope: scope,
                                    ngOptionsString: attrs[name],
                                    ngOptions: attrs[name] ? scope.$eval(attrs[name]) : {},
                                    ngModel: attrs.ngModel,
                                    ngModelController: ngModelController,
                                    transcludeFn: transcludeFn,
                                    itemAlias: attrs[ITEM_ALIAS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME],
                                    dxDigestCallbacks: dxDigestCallbacks
                            }, scope)
        registerComponent.callbacks.add(function(name, componentClass) {
            if (!registeredComponents[name]) {
            registeredComponents[name] = componentClass
      !*** ./js/integration/angular/template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../ui/widget/ui.template_base */ 97),
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56);
        var NgTemplate = TemplateBase.inherit({
            ctor: function(element, templateCompiler) {
                this._element = element;
                this._compiledTemplate = templateCompiler(domUtils.normalizeTemplateElement(this._element))
            _renderCore: function(options) {
                var compiledTemplate = this._compiledTemplate,
                    result = isFunction(compiledTemplate) ? compiledTemplate(options) : compiledTemplate;
                return result
            source: function() {
                return $(this._element).clone()
        module.exports = NgTemplate
      !*** ./js/integration/angular/module.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var angular = __webpack_require__( /*! angular */ 145);
        module.exports = angular.module("dx", [])
      !*** ./js/ui/collection/ui.collection_widget.edit.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            BaseCollectionWidget = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.collection_widget.base */ 150),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/ui.errors */ 22),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            PlainEditStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.collection_widget.edit.strategy.plain */ 167),
            compileGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).compileGetter,
            DataSource = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/data_source/data_source */ 153).DataSource,
            Selection = __webpack_require__( /*! ../selection/selection */ 169),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        var ITEM_DELETING_DATA_KEY = "dxItemDeleting",
            NOT_EXISTING_INDEX = -1;
        var indexExists = function(index) {
            return index !== NOT_EXISTING_INDEX
        var CollectionWidget = BaseCollectionWidget.inherit({
            _setOptionsByReference: function() {
                extend(this._optionsByReference, {
                    selectedItem: true
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    selectionMode: "none",
                    selectionRequired: false,
                    selectionByClick: true,
                    selectedItems: [],
                    selectedItemKeys: [],
                    maxFilterLengthInRequest: 1500,
                    keyExpr: null,
                    selectedIndex: NOT_EXISTING_INDEX,
                    selectedItem: null,
                    onSelectionChanged: null,
                    onItemReordered: null,
                    onItemDeleting: null,
                    onItemDeleted: null
            ctor: function(element, options) {
                this._userOptions = options || {};
                this.callBase(element, options)
            _init: function() {
                if ("multi" === this.option("selectionMode")) {
            _initKeyGetter: function() {
                this._keyGetter = compileGetter(this.option("keyExpr"))
            _getKeysByItems: function(selectedItems) {
                return this._editStrategy.getKeysByItems(selectedItems)
            _getItemsByKeys: function(selectedItemKeys, selectedItems) {
                return this._editStrategy.getItemsByKeys(selectedItemKeys, selectedItems)
            _getKeyByIndex: function(index) {
                return this._editStrategy.getKeyByIndex(index)
            _getIndexByKey: function(key) {
                return this._editStrategy.getIndexByKey(key)
            _getIndexByItemData: function(itemData) {
                return this._editStrategy.getIndexByItemData(itemData)
            _isKeySpecified: function() {
                return !!(this._dataSource && this._dataSource.key())
            keyOf: function(item) {
                var key = item,
                    store = this._dataSource && this._dataSource.store();
                if (this.option("keyExpr")) {
                    key = this._keyGetter(item)
                } else {
                    if (store) {
                        key = store.keyOf(item)
                return key
            _initSelectionModule: function() {
                var that = this,
                    itemsGetter = that._editStrategy.itemsGetter;
                this._selection = new Selection({
                    mode: this.option("selectionMode"),
                    maxFilterLengthInRequest: this.option("maxFilterLengthInRequest"),
                    equalByReference: !this._isKeySpecified(),
                    onSelectionChanged: function(args) {
                        if (args.addedItemKeys.length || args.removedItemKeys.length) {
                            that.option("selectedItems", that._getItemsByKeys(args.selectedItemKeys, args.selectedItems));
                            that._updateSelectedItems(args.addedItems, args.removedItems)
                    filter: function() {
                        return that._dataSource && that._dataSource.filter()
                    totalCount: function() {
                        var items = that.option("items");
                        var dataSource = that._dataSource;
                        return dataSource && dataSource.totalCount() >= 0 ? dataSource.totalCount() : items.length
                    key: function() {
                        if (that.option("keyExpr")) {
                            return that.option("keyExpr")
                        return that._dataSource && that._dataSource.key()
                    keyOf: that.keyOf.bind(that),
                    load: function(options) {
                        if (that._dataSource) {
                            var loadOptions = that._dataSource.loadOptions();
                            options.customQueryParams = loadOptions.customQueryParams;
                            options.userData = that._dataSource._userData
                        var store = that._dataSource && that._dataSource.store();
                        return store ? store.load(options) : $.Deferred().resolve([])
                    dataFields: function() {
                        return that._dataSource && that._dataSource.select()
                    plainItems: itemsGetter.bind(that._editStrategy)
            _initEditStrategy: function() {
                var Strategy = PlainEditStrategy;
                this._editStrategy = new Strategy(this)
            _forgetNextPageLoading: function() {
            _getSelectedItemIndices: function(keys) {
                var that = this,
                    indices = [];
                keys = keys || this._selection.getSelectedItemKeys();
                $.each(keys, function(_, key) {
                    var selectedIndex = that._getIndexByKey(key);
                    if (indexExists(selectedIndex)) {
                return indices
            _render: function() {
                this._rendering = true;
                if (!this._dataSource || !this._dataSource.isLoading()) {
                var selectedItemIndices = this._getSelectedItemIndices();
                this._renderSelection(selectedItemIndices, []);
                this._rendering = false
            _fireContentReadyAction: function() {
                this._rendering = false;
                this._rendered = true;
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _syncSelectionOptions: function(byOption) {
                byOption = byOption || this._chooseSelectOption();
                var selectedItem, selectedItems, selectedIndex;
                switch (byOption) {
                    case "selectedIndex":
                        selectedItem = this._editStrategy.getItemDataByIndex(this.option("selectedIndex"));
                        if (commonUtils.isDefined(selectedItem)) {
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", [selectedItem]);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItem", selectedItem);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItemKeys", this._editStrategy.getKeysByItems([selectedItem]))
                        } else {
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", []);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItemKeys", []);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItem", null)
                    case "selectedItems":
                        selectedItems = this.option("selectedItems") || [];
                        selectedIndex = this._editStrategy.getIndexByItemData(selectedItems[0]);
                        if (this.option("selectionRequired") && !indexExists(selectedIndex)) {
                        this._setOptionSilent("selectedItem", selectedItems[0]);
                        this._setOptionSilent("selectedIndex", selectedIndex);
                        this._setOptionSilent("selectedItemKeys", this._editStrategy.getKeysByItems(selectedItems));
                    case "selectedItem":
                        selectedItem = this.option("selectedItem");
                        selectedIndex = this._editStrategy.getIndexByItemData(selectedItem);
                        if (this.option("selectionRequired") && !indexExists(selectedIndex)) {
                        if (commonUtils.isDefined(selectedItem)) {
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", [selectedItem]);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedIndex", selectedIndex);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItemKeys", this._editStrategy.getKeysByItems([selectedItem]))
                        } else {
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", []);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItemKeys", []);
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedIndex", NOT_EXISTING_INDEX)
                    case "selectedItemKeys":
                        var selectedItemKeys = this.option("selectedItemKeys");
                        if (this.option("selectionRequired") && !indexExists(this._getIndexByKey(selectedItemKeys[0]))) {
            _chooseSelectOption: function() {
                var optionName = "selectedIndex";
                var arrayOptionsDefined = function(optionName) {
                    var length = this.option(optionName).length;
                    return length || !length && optionName in this._userOptions
                if (arrayOptionsDefined("selectedItems")) {
                    optionName = "selectedItems"
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isDefined(this.option("selectedItem"))) {
                        optionName = "selectedItem"
                    } else {
                        if (arrayOptionsDefined("selectedItemKeys")) {
                            optionName = "selectedItemKeys"
                return optionName
            _compareKeys: function(oldKeys, newKeys) {
                if (oldKeys.length !== newKeys.length) {
                    return false
                for (var i = 0; i < newKeys.length; i++) {
                    if (oldKeys[i] !== newKeys[i]) {
                        return false
                return true
            _normalizeSelectedItems: function() {
                if ("none" === this.option("selectionMode")) {
                    this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", []);
                } else {
                    if ("single" === this.option("selectionMode")) {
                        var newSelection = this.option("selectedItems");
                        if (newSelection.length > 1 || !newSelection.length && this.option("selectionRequired") && this.option("items") && this.option("items").length) {
                            var currentSelection = this._selection.getSelectedItems();
                            var normalizedSelection = void 0 === newSelection[0] ? currentSelection[0] : newSelection[0];
                            if (void 0 === normalizedSelection) {
                                normalizedSelection = this._editStrategy.itemsGetter()[0]
                            if (this.option("grouped") && normalizedSelection && normalizedSelection.items) {
                                normalizedSelection.items = [normalizedSelection.items[0]]
                            this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", [normalizedSelection]);
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        var newKeys = this._getKeysByItems(this.option("selectedItems"));
                        var oldKeys = this._selection.getSelectedItemKeys();
                        if (!this._compareKeys(oldKeys, newKeys)) {
            _renderSelection: commonUtils.noop,
            _itemClickHandler: function(e) {
                this._createAction(function(e) {
                }.bind(this), {
                    validatingTargetName: "itemElement"
                    itemElement: $(e.currentTarget),
                    jQueryEvent: e
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _itemSelectHandler: function(e) {
                if (!this.option("selectionByClick")) {
                var $itemElement = e.currentTarget;
                if (this.isItemSelected($itemElement)) {
                } else {
            _selectedItemElement: function(index) {
                return this._itemElements().eq(index)
            _postprocessRenderItem: function(args) {
                if ("none" === this.option("selectionMode")) {
                var $itemElement = $(args.itemElement);
                if (this._isItemSelected(this._editStrategy.getNormalizedIndex($itemElement))) {
                    this._setAriaSelected($itemElement, "true")
                } else {
                    this._setAriaSelected($itemElement, "false")
            _updateSelectedItems: function(addedItems, removedItems) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._rendered && (addedItems.length || removedItems.length)) {
                    var selectionChangePromise = that._selectionChangePromise;
                    if (!that._rendering) {
                        var normalizedIndex, i, addedSelection = [],
                            removedSelection = [];
                        for (i = 0; i < addedItems.length; i++) {
                            normalizedIndex = that._getIndexByItemData(addedItems[i]);
                        for (i = 0; i < removedItems.length; i++) {
                            normalizedIndex = that._getIndexByItemData(removedItems[i]);
                        that._updateSelection(addedSelection, removedSelection)
                    when(selectionChangePromise).done(function() {
                        that._fireSelectionChangeEvent(addedItems, removedItems)
            _fireSelectionChangeEvent: function(addedItems, removedItems) {
                this._createActionByOption("onSelectionChanged", {
                    excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
                    addedItems: addedItems,
                    removedItems: removedItems
            _updateSelection: function() {
                this._renderSelection.apply(this, arguments)
            _setAriaSelected: function($target, value) {
                this.setAria("selected", value, $target)
            _removeSelection: function(normalizedIndex) {
                var $itemElement = this._editStrategy.getItemElement(normalizedIndex);
                if (indexExists(normalizedIndex)) {
                    this._setAriaSelected($itemElement, "false");
                    $itemElement.triggerHandler("stateChanged", false)
            _showDeprecatedSelectionMode: function() {
                errors.log("W0001", this.NAME, "selectionMode: 'multi'", "16.1", "Use selectionMode: 'multiple' instead");
                this.option("selectionMode", "multiple")
            _addSelection: function(normalizedIndex) {
                var $itemElement = this._editStrategy.getItemElement(normalizedIndex);
                if (indexExists(normalizedIndex)) {
                    this._setAriaSelected($itemElement, "true");
                    $itemElement.triggerHandler("stateChanged", true)
            _isItemSelected: function(index) {
                var key = this._getKeyByIndex(index);
                return this._selection.isItemSelected(key)
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                if (this._cancelOptionChange === args.name) {
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "selectionMode":
                        if ("multi" === args.value) {
                        } else {
                    case "selectedIndex":
                    case "selectedItem":
                    case "selectedItems":
                    case "selectedItemKeys":
                    case "keyExpr":
                    case "selectionRequired":
                    case "selectionByClick":
                    case "onSelectionChanged":
                    case "onItemDeleting":
                    case "onItemDeleted":
                    case "onItemReordered":
                    case "maxFilterLengthInRequest":
            _clearSelectedItems: function() {
                this._setOptionSilent("selectedItems", []);
            _setOptionSilent: function(name, value) {
                this._cancelOptionChange = name;
                this.option(name, value);
                this._cancelOptionChange = false
            _waitDeletingPrepare: function($itemElement) {
                if ($itemElement.data(ITEM_DELETING_DATA_KEY)) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                $itemElement.data(ITEM_DELETING_DATA_KEY, true);
                var deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    deletingActionArgs = {
                        cancel: false
                    deletePromise = this._itemEventHandler($itemElement, "onItemDeleting", deletingActionArgs, {
                        excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
                when(deletePromise).always(function(value) {
                    var deletePromiseExists = !deletePromise,
                        deletePromiseResolved = !deletePromiseExists && "resolved" === deletePromise.state(),
                        argumentsSpecified = !!arguments.length,
                        shouldDelete = deletePromiseExists || deletePromiseResolved && !argumentsSpecified || deletePromiseResolved && value;
                    when(deletingActionArgs.cancel).always(function() {
                        $itemElement.data(ITEM_DELETING_DATA_KEY, false)
                    }).done(function(cancel) {
                        shouldDelete && !cancel ? deferred.resolve() : deferred.reject()
                return deferred.promise()
            _deleteItemFromDS: function($item) {
                if (!this._dataSource) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve().promise()
                var deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    disabledState = this.option("disabled"),
                    dataStore = this._dataSource.store();
                this.option("disabled", true);
                if (!dataStore.remove) {
                    throw errors.Error("E1011")
                dataStore.remove(dataStore.keyOf(this._getItemData($item))).done(function(key) {
                    if (void 0 !== key) {
                    } else {
                }).fail(function() {
                deferred.always(function() {
                    this.option("disabled", disabledState)
                return deferred
            _tryRefreshLastPage: function() {
                var deferred = $.Deferred();
                if (this._isLastPage() || this.option("grouped")) {
                } else {
                    this._refreshLastPage().done(function() {
                return deferred.promise()
            _refreshLastPage: function() {
                return this._dataSource.load()
            _updateSelectionAfterDelete: function(index) {
                var key = this._getKeyByIndex(index);
            _simulateOptionChange: function(optionName) {
                var optionValue = this.option(optionName);
                if (optionValue instanceof DataSource) {
                    name: optionName,
                    fullName: optionName,
                    value: optionValue
            isItemSelected: function(itemElement) {
                return this._isItemSelected(this._editStrategy.getNormalizedIndex(itemElement))
            selectItem: function(itemElement) {
                if ("none" === this.option("selectionMode")) {
                var itemIndex = this._editStrategy.getNormalizedIndex(itemElement);
                if (!indexExists(itemIndex)) {
                var key = this._getKeyByIndex(itemIndex);
                if (this._selection.isItemSelected(key)) {
                if ("single" === this.option("selectionMode")) {
                } else {
                    var selectedItemKeys = this.option("selectedItemKeys");
            unselectItem: function(itemElement) {
                var itemIndex = this._editStrategy.getNormalizedIndex(itemElement);
                if (!indexExists(itemIndex)) {
                var selectedItemKeys = this._selection.getSelectedItemKeys();
                if (this.option("selectionRequired") && selectedItemKeys.length <= 1) {
                var key = this._getKeyByIndex(itemIndex);
            deleteItem: function(itemElement) {
                var that = this,
                    deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    $item = this._editStrategy.getItemElement(itemElement),
                    index = this._editStrategy.getNormalizedIndex(itemElement),
                    changingOption = this._dataSource ? "dataSource" : "items",
                    itemResponseWaitClass = this._itemResponseWaitClass();
                if (indexExists(index)) {
                    this._waitDeletingPrepare($item).done(function() {
                        var deletedActionArgs = that._extendActionArgs($item);
                        that._deleteItemFromDS($item).done(function() {
                            that._itemEventHandler($item, "onItemDeleted", deletedActionArgs, {
                                beforeExecute: function() {
                                excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
                            that._tryRefreshLastPage().done(function() {
                        }).fail(function() {
                    }).fail(function() {
                } else {
                return deferred.promise()
            reorderItem: function(itemElement, toItemElement) {
                var deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    that = this,
                    strategy = this._editStrategy,
                    $movingItem = strategy.getItemElement(itemElement),
                    $destinationItem = strategy.getItemElement(toItemElement),
                    movingIndex = strategy.getNormalizedIndex(itemElement),
                    destinationIndex = strategy.getNormalizedIndex(toItemElement),
                    changingOption = this._dataSource ? "dataSource" : "items";
                var canMoveItems = indexExists(movingIndex) && indexExists(destinationIndex) && movingIndex !== destinationIndex;
                if (canMoveItems) {
                } else {
                return deferred.promise().done(function() {
                    $destinationItem[strategy.itemPlacementFunc(movingIndex, destinationIndex)]($movingItem);
                    strategy.moveItemAtIndexToIndex(movingIndex, destinationIndex);
                    that.option("selectedItems", that._getItemsByKeys(that._selection.getSelectedItemKeys(), that._selection.getSelectedItems()));
                    if ("items" === changingOption) {
                    that._itemEventHandler($movingItem, "onItemReordered", {
                        fromIndex: strategy.getIndex(movingIndex),
                        toIndex: strategy.getIndex(destinationIndex)
                    }, {
                        excludeValidators: ["disabled", "readOnly"]
        module.exports = CollectionWidget
      !*** ./js/ui/collection/ui.collection_widget.base.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            isPlainObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12).isPlainObject,
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            Action = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/action */ 49),
            Guid = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/guid */ 151),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50),
            Widget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/ui.widget */ 95),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76),
            DataHelperMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data_helper */ 152),
            CollectionWidgetItem = __webpack_require__( /*! ./item */ 163),
            selectors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/jquery.selectors */ 102),
            messageLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../localization/message */ 89),
            holdEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/hold */ 164),
            clickEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/click */ 75),
            contextMenuEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/contextmenu */ 165),
            BindableTemplate = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/bindable_template */ 166);
        var COLLECTION_CLASS = "dx-collection",
            ITEM_CLASS = "dx-item",
            CONTENT_CLASS_POSTFIX = "-content",
            ITEM_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER_CLASS = "dx-item-content-placeholder",
            ITEM_DATA_KEY = "dxItemData",
            ITEM_INDEX_KEY = "dxItemIndex",
            ITEM_TEMPLATE_ID_PREFIX = "tmpl-",
            ITEMS_SELECTOR = "[data-options*='dxItem']",
            SELECTED_ITEM_CLASS = "dx-item-selected",
            ITEM_RESPONSE_WAIT_CLASS = "dx-item-response-wait",
            EMPTY_COLLECTION = "dx-empty-collection",
            TEMPLATE_WRAPPER_CLASS = "dx-template-wrapper",
            ITEM_PATH_REGEX = /^([^.]+\[\d+\]\.)+([\w\.]+)$/;
        var FOCUS_UP = "up",
            FOCUS_DOWN = "down",
            FOCUS_LEFT = "left",
            FOCUS_RIGHT = "right",
            FOCUS_PAGE_UP = "pageup",
            FOCUS_PAGE_DOWN = "pagedown",
            FOCUS_LAST = "last",
            FOCUS_FIRST = "first";
        var CollectionWidget = Widget.inherit({
            _activeStateUnit: "." + ITEM_CLASS,
            _supportedKeys: function() {
                var enter = function(e) {
                        var $itemElement = this.option("focusedElement");
                        if (!$itemElement) {
                        e.target = $itemElement;
                        e.currentTarget = $itemElement;
                    space = function(e) {
                        enter.call(this, e)
                    move = function(location, e) {
                        this._moveFocus(location, e)
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    space: space,
                    enter: enter,
                    leftArrow: move.bind(this, FOCUS_LEFT),
                    rightArrow: move.bind(this, FOCUS_RIGHT),
                    upArrow: move.bind(this, FOCUS_UP),
                    downArrow: move.bind(this, FOCUS_DOWN),
                    pageUp: move.bind(this, FOCUS_UP),
                    pageDown: move.bind(this, FOCUS_DOWN),
                    home: move.bind(this, FOCUS_FIRST),
                    end: move.bind(this, FOCUS_LAST)
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    selectOnFocus: false,
                    loopItemFocus: true,
                    items: [],
                    itemTemplate: "item",
                    onItemRendered: null,
                    onItemClick: null,
                    onItemHold: null,
                    itemHoldTimeout: 750,
                    onItemContextMenu: null,
                    onFocusedItemChanged: null,
                    noDataText: messageLocalization.format("dxCollectionWidget-noDataText"),
                    dataSource: null,
                    _itemAttributes: {},
                    itemTemplateProperty: "template",
                    focusOnSelectedItem: true,
                    focusedElement: null,
                    disabledExpr: function(data) {
                        return data ? data.disabled : void 0
                    visibleExpr: function(data) {
                        return data ? data.visible : void 0
            _getAnonymousTemplateName: function() {
                return "item"
            _init: function() {
            _initTemplates: function() {
                this._defaultTemplates.item = new BindableTemplate(function($container, data) {
                    if (isPlainObject(data)) {
                        if (data.text) {
                        if (data.html) {
                    } else {
                }, ["text", "html"], this.option("integrationOptions.watchMethod"))
            _initItemsFromMarkup: function() {
                var $items = this.element().contents().filter(ITEMS_SELECTOR);
                if (!$items.length || this.option("items").length) {
                var items = $.map($items, function(item) {
                    var $item = $(item);
                    var result = domUtils.getElementOptions(item).dxItem;
                    var isTemplateRequired = $.trim($item.html()) && !result.template;
                    if (isTemplateRequired) {
                        result.template = this._prepareItemTemplate($item)
                    } else {
                    return result
                this.option("items", items)
            _prepareItemTemplate: function($item) {
                var templateId = ITEM_TEMPLATE_ID_PREFIX + new Guid;
                var templateOptions = 'dxTemplate: { name: "' + templateId + '" }';
                $item.detach().clone().attr("data-options", templateOptions).data("options", templateOptions).appendTo(this.element());
                return templateId
            _dataSourceOptions: function() {
                return {
                    paginate: false
            _cleanRenderedItems: function() {
                this._renderedItemsCount = 0
            _focusTarget: function() {
                return this.element()
            _focusInHandler: function(e) {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                if (inArray(e.target, this._focusTarget()) === -1) {
                var $focusedElement = this.option("focusedElement");
                if ($focusedElement && $focusedElement.length) {
                } else {
                    var $activeItem = this._getActiveItem();
                    if ($activeItem.length) {
                        this.option("focusedElement", $activeItem)
            _focusOutHandler: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                var $target = this.option("focusedElement");
                if ($target) {
                    this._toggleFocusClass(false, $target)
            _getActiveItem: function(last) {
                var $focusedElement = this.option("focusedElement");
                if ($focusedElement && $focusedElement.length) {
                    return $focusedElement
                var index = this.option("focusOnSelectedItem") ? this.option("selectedIndex") : 0,
                    activeElements = this._getActiveElement(),
                    lastIndex = activeElements.length - 1;
                if (index < 0) {
                    index = last ? lastIndex : 0
                return activeElements.eq(index)
            _renderFocusTarget: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _moveFocus: function(location) {
                var $newTarget, $items = this._getAvailableItems();
                switch (location) {
                    case FOCUS_PAGE_UP:
                    case FOCUS_UP:
                        $newTarget = this._prevItem($items);
                    case FOCUS_PAGE_DOWN:
                    case FOCUS_DOWN:
                        $newTarget = this._nextItem($items);
                    case FOCUS_RIGHT:
                        $newTarget = this.option("rtlEnabled") ? this._prevItem($items) : this._nextItem($items);
                    case FOCUS_LEFT:
                        $newTarget = this.option("rtlEnabled") ? this._nextItem($items) : this._prevItem($items);
                    case FOCUS_FIRST:
                        $newTarget = $items.first();
                    case FOCUS_LAST:
                        $newTarget = $items.last();
                        return false
                if (0 !== $newTarget.length) {
                    this.option("focusedElement", $newTarget)
            _getAvailableItems: function($itemElements) {
                $itemElements = $itemElements || this._itemElements();
                return $itemElements.filter(":visible").not(".dx-state-disabled")
            _prevItem: function($items) {
                var $target = this._getActiveItem(),
                    targetIndex = $items.index($target),
                    $last = $items.last(),
                    $item = $($items[targetIndex - 1]),
                    loop = this.option("loopItemFocus");
                if (0 === $item.length && loop) {
                    $item = $last
                return $item
            _nextItem: function($items) {
                var $target = this._getActiveItem(true),
                    targetIndex = $items.index($target),
                    $first = $items.first(),
                    $item = $($items[targetIndex + 1]),
                    loop = this.option("loopItemFocus");
                if (0 === $item.length && loop) {
                    $item = $first
                return $item
            _selectFocusedItem: function($target) {
            _removeFocusedItem: function($target) {
                if ($target && $target.length) {
                    this._toggleFocusClass(false, $target);
            _refreshActiveDescendant: function() {
                this.setAria("activedescendant", "");
                this.setAria("activedescendant", this.getFocusedItemId())
            _setFocusedItem: function($target) {
                if (!$target || !$target.length) {
                $target.attr("id", this.getFocusedItemId());
                this._toggleFocusClass(true, $target);
                if (this.option("selectOnFocus")) {
            _findItemElementByItem: function(item) {
                var result = $(),
                    that = this;
                this.itemElements().each(function() {
                    var $item = $(this);
                    if ($item.data(that._itemDataKey()) === item) {
                        result = $item;
                        return false
                return result
            _getIndexByItem: function(item) {
                return this.option("items").indexOf(item)
            _itemOptionChanged: function(item, property, value, oldValue) {
                var $item = this._findItemElementByItem(item);
                if (!$item.length) {
                if (!this.constructor.ItemClass.getInstance($item).setDataField(property, value)) {
                    var itemData = this._getItemData($item),
                        index = $item.data(this._itemIndexKey());
                    this._renderItem(index, itemData, null, $item)
            _optionChanged: function(args) {
                if ("items" === args.name) {
                    var matches = args.fullName.match(ITEM_PATH_REGEX);
                    if (matches && matches.length) {
                        var property = matches[matches.length - 1],
                            itemPath = args.fullName.replace("." + property, ""),
                            item = this.option(itemPath);
                        this._itemOptionChanged(item, property, args.value, args.previousValue);
                switch (args.name) {
                    case "items":
                    case "_itemAttributes":
                    case "itemTemplateProperty":
                    case "dataSource":
                        this.option("items", []);
                    case "noDataText":
                    case "itemTemplate":
                    case "onItemRendered":
                    case "onItemClick":
                    case "onItemHold":
                    case "itemHoldTimeout":
                    case "onItemContextMenu":
                    case "onFocusedItemChanged":
                        this.onFocusedItemChanged = this._createActionByOption("onFocusedItemChanged");
                    case "selectOnFocus":
                    case "loopItemFocus":
                    case "focusOnSelectedItem":
                    case "focusedElement":
                    case "visibleExpr":
                    case "disabledExpr":
            _loadNextPage: function() {
                var dataSource = this._dataSource;
                dataSource.pageIndex(1 + dataSource.pageIndex());
                return dataSource.load()
            _expectNextPageLoading: function() {
                this._startIndexForAppendedItems = 0
            _expectLastItemLoading: function() {
                this._startIndexForAppendedItems = -1
            _forgetNextPageLoading: function() {
                this._startIndexForAppendedItems = null
            _dataSourceChangedHandler: function(newItems) {
                var items = this.option("items");
                if (this._initialized && items && this._shouldAppendItems()) {
                    this._renderedItemsCount = items.length;
                    if (!this._isLastPage() || this._startIndexForAppendedItems !== -1) {
                        this.option().items = items.concat(newItems.slice(this._startIndexForAppendedItems))
                } else {
                    this.option("items", newItems)
            _dataSourceLoadErrorHandler: function() {
                this.option("items", this.option("items"))
            _shouldAppendItems: function() {
                return null != this._startIndexForAppendedItems && this._allowDynamicItemsAppend()
            _allowDynamicItemsAppend: function() {
                return false
            _clean: function() {
            _cleanItemContainer: function() {
            _dispose: function() {
            _refresh: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _itemContainer: function() {
                return this.element()
            _itemClass: function() {
                return ITEM_CLASS
            _itemContentClass: function() {
                return this._itemClass() + CONTENT_CLASS_POSTFIX
            _selectedItemClass: function() {
                return SELECTED_ITEM_CLASS
            _itemResponseWaitClass: function() {
                return ITEM_RESPONSE_WAIT_CLASS
            _itemSelector: function() {
                return "." + this._itemClass()
            _itemDataKey: function() {
                return ITEM_DATA_KEY
            _itemIndexKey: function() {
                return ITEM_INDEX_KEY
            _itemElements: function() {
                return this._itemContainer().find(this._itemSelector())
            _render: function() {
                this.onFocusedItemChanged = this._createActionByOption("onFocusedItemChanged");
            _attachClickEvent: function() {
                var itemSelector = this._itemSelector(),
                    clickEventNamespace = eventUtils.addNamespace(clickEvent.name, this.NAME),
                    pointerDownEventNamespace = eventUtils.addNamespace(pointerEvents.down, this.NAME),
                    that = this;
                var pointerDownAction = new Action(function(args) {
                    var event = args.event;
                this._itemContainer().off(clickEventNamespace, itemSelector).off(pointerDownEventNamespace, itemSelector).on(clickEventNamespace, itemSelector, function(e) {
                }.bind(this)).on(pointerDownEventNamespace, itemSelector, function(e) {
                        element: $(e.target),
                        event: e
            _itemClickHandler: function(e, args, config) {
                this._itemJQueryEventHandler(e, "onItemClick", args, config)
            _itemPointerDownHandler: function(e) {
                if (!this.option("focusStateEnabled")) {
                this._itemFocusHandler = function() {
                    this._itemFocusHandler = null;
                    if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
                    var $target = $(e.target),
                        $closestItem = $target.closest(this._itemElements()),
                        $closestFocusable = this._closestFocusable($target);
                    if ($closestItem.length && inArray($closestFocusable.get(0), this._focusTarget()) !== -1) {
                        this.option("focusedElement", $closestItem)
                this._itemFocusTimeout = setTimeout(this._forcePointerDownFocus.bind(this))
            _closestFocusable: function($target) {
                if ($target.is(selectors.focusable)) {
                    return $target
                } else {
                    $target = $target.parent();
                    while ($target.length) {
                        if ($target.is(selectors.focusable)) {
                            return $target
                        $target = $target.parent()
            _forcePointerDownFocus: function() {
                this._itemFocusHandler && this._itemFocusHandler()
            _updateFocusState: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _attachHoldEvent: function() {
                var $itemContainer = this._itemContainer(),
                    itemSelector = this._itemSelector(),
                    eventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(holdEvent.name, this.NAME);
                $itemContainer.off(eventName, itemSelector);
                $itemContainer.on(eventName, itemSelector, {
                    timeout: this._getHoldTimeout()
                }, this._itemHoldHandler.bind(this))
            _getHoldTimeout: function() {
                return this.option("itemHoldTimeout")
            _shouldFireHoldEvent: function() {
                return this.hasActionSubscription("onItemHold")
            _itemHoldHandler: function(e) {
                if (this._shouldFireHoldEvent()) {
                    this._itemJQueryEventHandler(e, "onItemHold")
                } else {
                    e.cancel = true
            _attachContextMenuEvent: function() {
                var $itemContainer = this._itemContainer(),
                    itemSelector = this._itemSelector(),
                    eventName = eventUtils.addNamespace(contextMenuEvent.name, this.NAME);
                $itemContainer.off(eventName, itemSelector);
                $itemContainer.on(eventName, itemSelector, this._itemContextMenuHandler.bind(this))
            _shouldFireContextMenuEvent: function() {
                return this.hasActionSubscription("onItemContextMenu")
            _itemContextMenuHandler: function(e) {
                if (this._shouldFireContextMenuEvent()) {
                    this._itemJQueryEventHandler(e, "onItemContextMenu")
                } else {
                    e.cancel = true
            _renderContentImpl: function() {
                var items = this.option("items") || [];
                if (this._renderedItemsCount) {
                } else {
            _renderItems: function(items) {
                if (items.length) {
                    $.each(items, this._renderItem.bind(this))
            _renderItem: function(index, itemData, $container, $itemToReplace) {
                $container = $container || this._itemContainer();
                var $itemFrame = this._renderItemFrame(index, itemData, $container, $itemToReplace);
                this._setElementData($itemFrame, itemData, index);
                this._attachItemClickEvent(itemData, $itemFrame);
                var $itemContent = $itemFrame.find("." + ITEM_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER_CLASS);
                var renderContentPromise = this._renderItemContent({
                    index: index,
                    itemData: itemData,
                    container: $itemContent,
                    contentClass: this._itemContentClass(),
                    defaultTemplateName: this.option("itemTemplate")
                var that = this;
                when(renderContentPromise).done(function($itemContent) {
                        itemElement: $itemFrame,
                        itemContent: $itemContent,
                        itemData: itemData,
                        itemIndex: index
                    that._executeItemRenderAction(index, itemData, $itemFrame)
                return $itemFrame
            _attachItemClickEvent: function(itemData, $itemElement) {
                if (!itemData || !itemData.onClick) {
                $itemElement.on(clickEvent.name, function(e) {
                    this._itemEventHandlerByHandler($itemElement, itemData.onClick, {
                        jQueryEvent: e
            _renderItemContent: function(args) {
                var itemTemplateName = this._getItemTemplateName(args);
                var itemTemplate = this._getTemplate(itemTemplateName);
                var $templateResult = this._createItemByTemplate(itemTemplate, args);
                if (!$templateResult.hasClass(TEMPLATE_WRAPPER_CLASS)) {
                    return args.container
                return this._renderItemContentByNode(args, $templateResult)
            _renderItemContentByNode: function(args, $node) {
                args.container = $node;
                return $node
            _addItemContentClasses: function(args) {
                var classes = [ITEM_CLASS + CONTENT_CLASS_POSTFIX, args.contentClass];
                args.container.addClass(classes.join(" "))
            _renderItemFrame: function(index, itemData, $container, $itemToReplace) {
                var $itemFrame = $("<div>");
                new this.constructor.ItemClass($itemFrame, this._itemOptions(), itemData || {});
                if ($itemToReplace && $itemToReplace.length) {
                } else {
                return $itemFrame
            _itemOptions: function() {
                var that = this;
                return {
                    watchMethod: function() {
                        return that.option("integrationOptions.watchMethod")
                    fieldGetter: function(field) {
                        var expr = that.option(field + "Expr"),
                            getter = dataUtils.compileGetter(expr);
                        return getter
            _postprocessRenderItem: commonUtils.noop,
            _executeItemRenderAction: function(index, itemData, itemElement) {
                    itemElement: itemElement,
                    itemIndex: index,
                    itemData: itemData
            _setElementData: function(element, data, index) {
                element.addClass([ITEM_CLASS, this._itemClass()].join(" ")).data(this._itemDataKey(), data).data(this._itemIndexKey(), index)
            _createItemRenderAction: function() {
                return this._itemRenderAction = this._createActionByOption("onItemRendered", {
                    element: this.element(),
                    excludeValidators: ["designMode", "disabled", "readOnly"],
                    category: "rendering"
            _getItemRenderAction: function() {
                return this._itemRenderAction || this._createItemRenderAction()
            _getItemTemplateName: function(args) {
                var data = args.itemData,
                    templateProperty = args.templateProperty || this.option("itemTemplateProperty"),
                    template = data && data[templateProperty];
                return template || args.defaultTemplateName
            _createItemByTemplate: function(itemTemplate, renderArgs) {
                return itemTemplate.render({
                    model: renderArgs.itemData,
                    container: renderArgs.container,
                    index: renderArgs.index
            _emptyMessageContainer: function() {
                return this._itemContainer()
            _renderEmptyMessage: function() {
                var noDataText = this.option("noDataText"),
                    items = this.option("items"),
                    hideNoData = !noDataText || items && items.length || this._isDataSourceLoading();
                if (hideNoData && this._$noData) {
                    this._$noData = null;
                    this.setAria("label", void 0)
                if (!hideNoData) {
                    this._$noData = this._$noData || $("<div>").addClass("dx-empty-message");
                    this.setAria("label", noDataText)
                this.element().toggleClass(EMPTY_COLLECTION, !hideNoData)
            _itemJQueryEventHandler: function(jQueryEvent, handlerOptionName, actionArgs, actionConfig) {
                this._itemEventHandler(jQueryEvent.target, handlerOptionName, extend(actionArgs, {
                    jQueryEvent: jQueryEvent
                }), actionConfig)
            _itemEventHandler: function(initiator, handlerOptionName, actionArgs, actionConfig) {
                var action = this._createActionByOption(handlerOptionName, extend({
                    validatingTargetName: "itemElement"
                }, actionConfig));
                return this._itemEventHandlerImpl(initiator, action, actionArgs)
            _itemEventHandlerByHandler: function(initiator, handler, actionArgs, actionConfig) {
                var action = this._createAction(handler, extend({
                    validatingTargetName: "itemElement"
                }, actionConfig));
                return this._itemEventHandlerImpl(initiator, action, actionArgs)
            _itemEventHandlerImpl: function(initiator, action, actionArgs) {
                var $itemElement = this._closestItemElement($(initiator)),
                    args = extend({}, actionArgs);
                return action(extend(actionArgs, this._extendActionArgs($itemElement), args))
            _extendActionArgs: function($itemElement) {
                return {
                    itemElement: $itemElement,
                    itemIndex: this._itemElements().index($itemElement),
                    itemData: this._getItemData($itemElement)
            _closestItemElement: function($element) {
                return $($element).closest(this._itemSelector())
            _getItemData: function(itemElement) {
                return $(itemElement).data(this._itemDataKey())
            getFocusedItemId: function() {
                if (!this._focusedItemId) {
                    this._focusedItemId = "dx-" + new Guid
                return this._focusedItemId
            itemElements: function() {
                return this._itemElements()
            itemsContainer: function() {
                return this._itemContainer()
        CollectionWidget.ItemClass = CollectionWidgetItem;
        module.exports = CollectionWidget
      !*** ./js/core/guid.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ./class */ 25);
        var Guid = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(value) {
                if (value) {
                    value = String(value)
                this._value = this._normalize(value || this._generate())
            _normalize: function(value) {
                value = value.replace(/[^a-f0-9]/gi, "").toLowerCase();
                while (value.length < 32) {
                    value += "0"
                return [value.substr(0, 8), value.substr(8, 4), value.substr(12, 4), value.substr(16, 4), value.substr(20, 12)].join("-")
            _generate: function() {
                var value = "";
                for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
                    value += Math.round(15 * Math.random()).toString(16)
                return value
            toString: function() {
                return this._value
            valueOf: function() {
                return this._value
            toJSON: function() {
                return this._value
        module.exports = Guid
      !*** ./js/data_helper.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var DataSource = __webpack_require__( /*! ./data/data_source/data_source */ 153).DataSource,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            normalizeDataSourceOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ./data/data_source/data_source */ 153).normalizeDataSourceOptions;
        var DATA_SOURCE_OPTIONS_METHOD = "_dataSourceOptions",
            DATA_SOURCE_CHANGED_METHOD = "_dataSourceChangedHandler",
            DATA_SOURCE_LOAD_ERROR_METHOD = "_dataSourceLoadErrorHandler",
            DATA_SOURCE_LOADING_CHANGED_METHOD = "_dataSourceLoadingChangedHandler",
            DATA_SOURCE_FROM_URL_LOAD_MODE_METHOD = "_dataSourceFromUrlLoadMode",
            SPECIFIC_DATA_SOURCE_OPTION = "_getSpecificDataSourceOption";
        var DataHelperMixin = {
            postCtor: function() {
                this.on("disposing", function() {
            _refreshDataSource: function() {
            _initDataSource: function() {
                var widgetDataSourceOptions, dataSourceType, dataSourceOptions = SPECIFIC_DATA_SOURCE_OPTION in this ? this[SPECIFIC_DATA_SOURCE_OPTION]() : this.option("dataSource");
                if (dataSourceOptions) {
                    if (dataSourceOptions instanceof DataSource) {
                        this._isSharedDataSource = true;
                        this._dataSource = dataSourceOptions
                    } else {
                        widgetDataSourceOptions = DATA_SOURCE_OPTIONS_METHOD in this ? this[DATA_SOURCE_OPTIONS_METHOD]() : {};
                        dataSourceType = this._dataSourceType ? this._dataSourceType() : DataSource;
                        dataSourceOptions = normalizeDataSourceOptions(dataSourceOptions, {
                            fromUrlLoadMode: DATA_SOURCE_FROM_URL_LOAD_MODE_METHOD in this && this[DATA_SOURCE_FROM_URL_LOAD_MODE_METHOD]()
                        this._dataSource = new dataSourceType(extend(true, {}, widgetDataSourceOptions, dataSourceOptions))
            _addDataSourceHandlers: function() {
                if (DATA_SOURCE_CHANGED_METHOD in this) {
                if (DATA_SOURCE_LOAD_ERROR_METHOD in this) {
                if (DATA_SOURCE_LOADING_CHANGED_METHOD in this) {
            _addReadyWatcher: function() {
                this._dataSource.on("loadingChanged", function(isLoading) {
                    this._ready && this._ready(!isLoading)
            _addDataSourceChangeHandler: function() {
                var dataSource = this._dataSource;
                this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler = function() {
                dataSource.on("changed", this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler)
            _addDataSourceLoadErrorHandler: function() {
                this._proxiedDataSourceLoadErrorHandler = this[DATA_SOURCE_LOAD_ERROR_METHOD].bind(this);
                this._dataSource.on("loadError", this._proxiedDataSourceLoadErrorHandler)
            _addDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler: function() {
                this._proxiedDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler = this[DATA_SOURCE_LOADING_CHANGED_METHOD].bind(this);
                this._dataSource.on("loadingChanged", this._proxiedDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler)
            _loadDataSource: function() {
                if (this._dataSource) {
                    var dataSource = this._dataSource;
                    if (dataSource.isLoaded()) {
                        this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler && this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler()
                    } else {
            _loadSingle: function(key, value) {
                key = "this" === key ? this._dataSource.key() || "this" : key;
                return this._dataSource.loadSingle(key, value)
            _isLastPage: function() {
                return !this._dataSource || this._dataSource.isLastPage() || !this._dataSource._pageSize
            _isDataSourceLoading: function() {
                return this._dataSource && this._dataSource.isLoading()
            _disposeDataSource: function() {
                if (this._dataSource) {
                    if (this._isSharedDataSource) {
                        delete this._isSharedDataSource;
                        this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler && this._dataSource.off("changed", this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler);
                        this._proxiedDataSourceLoadErrorHandler && this._dataSource.off("loadError", this._proxiedDataSourceLoadErrorHandler);
                        this._proxiedDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler && this._dataSource.off("loadingChanged", this._proxiedDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler)
                    } else {
                    delete this._dataSource;
                    delete this._proxiedDataSourceChangedHandler;
                    delete this._proxiedDataSourceLoadErrorHandler;
                    delete this._proxiedDataSourceLoadingChangedHandler
            getDataSource: function() {
                return this._dataSource || null
        module.exports = DataHelperMixin
      !*** ./js/data/data_source/data_source.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 137),
            Store = __webpack_require__( /*! ../abstract_store */ 154),
            ArrayStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ../array_store */ 158),
            CustomStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ../custom_store */ 162),
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 155).errors,
            array = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26),
            queue = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/queue */ 62),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            __isString = commonUtils.isString,
            __isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            __isBoolean = commonUtils.isBoolean,
            __isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined;
        var CANCELED_TOKEN = "canceled";

        function OperationManager() {
            this._counter = -1;
            this._deferreds = {}
        OperationManager.prototype.constructor = OperationManager;
        OperationManager.prototype.add = function(deferred) {
            this._counter += 1;
            this._deferreds[this._counter] = deferred;
            return this._counter
        OperationManager.prototype.remove = function(operationId) {
            return delete this._deferreds[operationId]
        OperationManager.prototype.cancel = function(operationId) {
            if (operationId in this._deferreds) {
                return true
            return false
        var operationManager = new OperationManager;

        function isPending(deferred) {
            return "pending" === deferred.state()

        function normalizeDataSourceOptions(options, normalizationOptions) {
            var store;

            function createCustomStoreFromLoadFunc() {
                var storeConfig = {};
                $.each(["useDefaultSearch", "key", "load", "loadMode", "cacheRawData", "byKey", "lookup", "totalCount", "insert", "update", "remove"], function() {
                    storeConfig[this] = options[this];
                    delete options[this]
                return new CustomStore(storeConfig)

            function createStoreFromConfig(storeConfig) {
                var alias = storeConfig.type;
                delete storeConfig.type;
                return Store.create(alias, storeConfig)

            function createCustomStoreFromUrl(url) {
                return new CustomStore({
                    load: function() {
                        return $.getJSON(url)
                    loadMode: normalizationOptions && normalizationOptions.fromUrlLoadMode
            if ("string" === typeof options) {
                options = {
                    paginate: false,
                    store: createCustomStoreFromUrl(options)
            if (void 0 === options) {
                options = []
            if (Array.isArray(options) || options instanceof Store) {
                options = {
                    store: options
            } else {
                options = extend({}, options)
            if (void 0 === options.store) {
                options.store = []
            store = options.store;
            if ("load" in options) {
                store = createCustomStoreFromLoadFunc()
            } else {
                if (Array.isArray(store)) {
                    store = new ArrayStore(store)
                } else {
                    if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(store)) {
                        store = createStoreFromConfig(extend({}, store))
            options.store = store;
            return options

        function normalizeStoreLoadOptionAccessorArguments(originalArguments) {
            switch (originalArguments.length) {
                case 0:
                case 1:
                    return originalArguments[0]
            return $.makeArray(originalArguments)

        function generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor(optionName) {
            return function() {
                var args = normalizeStoreLoadOptionAccessorArguments(arguments);
                if (void 0 === args) {
                    return this._storeLoadOptions[optionName]
                this._storeLoadOptions[optionName] = args

        function mapDataRespectingGrouping(items, mapper, groupInfo) {
            function mapRecursive(items, level) {
                if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
                    return items
                return level ? mapGroup(items, level) : $.map(items, mapper)

            function mapGroup(group, level) {
                return $.map(group, function(item) {
                    var result = {
                        key: item.key,
                        items: mapRecursive(item.items, level - 1)
                    if ("aggregates" in item) {
                        result.aggregates = item.aggregates
                    return result
            return mapRecursive(items, groupInfo ? dataUtils.normalizeSortingInfo(groupInfo).length : 0)
        var DataSource = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                options = normalizeDataSourceOptions(options);
                this._store = options.store;
                this._storeLoadOptions = this._extractLoadOptions(options);
                this._mapFunc = options.map;
                this._postProcessFunc = options.postProcess;
                this._pageIndex = void 0 !== options.pageIndex ? options.pageIndex : 0;
                this._pageSize = void 0 !== options.pageSize ? options.pageSize : 20;
                this._loadingCount = 0;
                this._loadQueue = this._createLoadQueue();
                this._searchValue = "searchValue" in options ? options.searchValue : null;
                this._searchOperation = options.searchOperation || "contains";
                this._searchExpr = options.searchExpr;
                this._paginate = options.paginate;
                $.each(["onChanged", "onLoadError", "onLoadingChanged", "onCustomizeLoadResult", "onCustomizeStoreLoadOptions"], function(_, optionName) {
                    if (optionName in options) {
                        that.on(optionName.substr(2, 1).toLowerCase() + optionName.substr(3), options[optionName])
            _init: function() {
                this._items = [];
                this._userData = {};
                this._totalCount = -1;
                this._isLoaded = false;
                if (!__isDefined(this._paginate)) {
                    this._paginate = !this.group()
                this._isLastPage = !this._paginate
            dispose: function() {
                delete this._store;
                if (this._delayedLoadTask) {
                this._disposed = true
            _extractLoadOptions: function(options) {
                var result = {},
                    names = ["sort", "filter", "select", "group", "requireTotalCount"],
                    customNames = this._store._customLoadOptions();
                if (customNames) {
                    names = names.concat(customNames)
                $.each(names, function() {
                    result[this] = options[this]
                return result
            loadOptions: function() {
                return this._storeLoadOptions
            items: function() {
                return this._items
            pageIndex: function(newIndex) {
                if (!__isNumber(newIndex)) {
                    return this._pageIndex
                this._pageIndex = newIndex;
                this._isLastPage = !this._paginate
            paginate: function(value) {
                if (!__isBoolean(value)) {
                    return this._paginate
                if (this._paginate !== value) {
                    this._paginate = value;
            pageSize: function(value) {
                if (!__isNumber(value)) {
                    return this._pageSize
                this._pageSize = value
            isLastPage: function() {
                return this._isLastPage
            sort: generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor("sort"),
            filter: function() {
                var newFilter = normalizeStoreLoadOptionAccessorArguments(arguments);
                if (void 0 === newFilter) {
                    return this._storeLoadOptions.filter
                this._storeLoadOptions.filter = newFilter;
            group: generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor("group"),
            select: generateStoreLoadOptionAccessor("select"),
            requireTotalCount: function(value) {
                if (!__isBoolean(value)) {
                    return this._storeLoadOptions.requireTotalCount
                this._storeLoadOptions.requireTotalCount = value
            searchValue: function(value) {
                if (arguments.length < 1) {
                    return this._searchValue
                this._searchValue = value;
            searchOperation: function(op) {
                if (!__isString(op)) {
                    return this._searchOperation
                this._searchOperation = op;
            searchExpr: function(expr) {
                var argc = arguments.length;
                if (0 === argc) {
                    return this._searchExpr
                if (argc > 1) {
                    expr = $.makeArray(arguments)
                this._searchExpr = expr;
            store: function() {
                return this._store
            key: function() {
                return this._store && this._store.key()
            totalCount: function() {
                return this._totalCount
            isLoaded: function() {
                return this._isLoaded
            isLoading: function() {
                return this._loadingCount > 0
            _createLoadQueue: function() {
                return queue.create()
            _changeLoadingCount: function(increment) {
                var newLoading, oldLoading = this.isLoading();
                this._loadingCount += increment;
                newLoading = this.isLoading();
                if (oldLoading ^ newLoading) {
                    this.fireEvent("loadingChanged", [newLoading])
            _scheduleLoadCallbacks: function(deferred) {
                var that = this;
                deferred.always(function() {
            _scheduleFailCallbacks: function(deferred) {
                var that = this;
                deferred.fail(function() {
                    if (arguments[0] === CANCELED_TOKEN) {
                    that.fireEvent("loadError", arguments)
            _scheduleChangedCallbacks: function(deferred) {
                var that = this;
                deferred.done(function() {
            loadSingle: function(propName, propValue) {
                var that = this;
                var d = $.Deferred(),
                    key = this.key(),
                    store = this._store,
                    options = this._createStoreLoadOptions(),
                    handleDone = function(data) {
                        if (!__isDefined(data) || array.isEmpty(data)) {
                            d.reject(new errors.Error("E4009"))
                        } else {
                if (arguments.length < 2) {
                    propValue = propName;
                    propName = key
                delete options.skip;
                delete options.group;
                delete options.refresh;
                delete options.pageIndex;
                delete options.searchString;

                function shouldForceByKey() {
                    return store instanceof CustomStore && !store._byKeyViaLoad()
                }(function() {
                    if (propName === key || shouldForceByKey()) {
                        return store.byKey(propValue, options)
                    options.take = 1;
                    options.filter = options.filter ? [options.filter, [propName, propValue]] : [propName, propValue];
                    return store.load(options)
                return d.promise()
            load: function() {
                var loadOperation, that = this,
                    d = $.Deferred();

                function loadTask() {
                    if (that._disposed) {
                    if (!isPending(d)) {
                    return that._loadFromStore(loadOperation, d)
                loadOperation = this._createLoadOperation(d);
                this.fireEvent("customizeStoreLoadOptions", [loadOperation]);
                this._loadQueue.add(function() {
                    if ("number" === typeof loadOperation.delay) {
                        that._delayedLoadTask = commonUtils.executeAsync(loadTask, loadOperation.delay)
                    } else {
                    return d.promise()
                return d.promise({
                    operationId: loadOperation.operationId
            _createLoadOperation: function(deferred) {
                var id = operationManager.add(deferred),
                    options = this._createStoreLoadOptions();
                deferred.always(function() {
                return {
                    operationId: id,
                    storeLoadOptions: options
            reload: function() {
                var store = this.store();
                if (store instanceof CustomStore) {
                return this.load()
            cancel: function(operationId) {
                return operationManager.cancel(operationId)
            _addSearchOptions: function(storeLoadOptions) {
                if (this._disposed) {
                if (this.store()._useDefaultSearch) {
                } else {
                    storeLoadOptions.searchOperation = this._searchOperation;
                    storeLoadOptions.searchValue = this._searchValue;
                    storeLoadOptions.searchExpr = this._searchExpr
            _createStoreLoadOptions: function() {
                var result = extend({}, this._storeLoadOptions);
                if (this._paginate) {
                    if (this._pageSize) {
                        result.skip = this._pageIndex * this._pageSize;
                        result.take = this._pageSize
                result.userData = this._userData;
                return result
            _addSearchFilter: function(storeLoadOptions) {
                var value = this._searchValue,
                    op = this._searchOperation,
                    selector = this._searchExpr,
                    searchFilter = [];
                if (!value) {
                if (!selector) {
                    selector = "this"
                if (!Array.isArray(selector)) {
                    selector = [selector]
                $.each(selector, function(i, item) {
                    if (searchFilter.length) {
                    searchFilter.push([item, op, value])
                if (storeLoadOptions.filter) {
                    storeLoadOptions.filter = [searchFilter, storeLoadOptions.filter]
                } else {
                    storeLoadOptions.filter = searchFilter
            _loadFromStore: function(loadOptions, pendingDeferred) {
                var that = this;

                function handleSuccess(data, extra) {
                    function processResult() {
                        var loadResult;
                        if (data && !Array.isArray(data) && data.data) {
                            extra = data;
                            data = data.data
                        if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
                            data = $.makeArray(data)
                        loadResult = extend({
                            data: data,
                            extra: extra
                        }, loadOptions);
                        that.fireEvent("customizeLoadResult", [loadResult]);
                        when(loadResult.data).done(function(data) {
                            loadResult.data = data;
                            that._processStoreLoadResult(loadResult, pendingDeferred)
                    if (that._disposed) {
                    if (!isPending(pendingDeferred)) {
                if (loadOptions.data) {
                    return $.Deferred().resolve(loadOptions.data).done(handleSuccess)
                return this.store().load(loadOptions.storeLoadOptions).done(handleSuccess).fail(pendingDeferred.reject)
            _processStoreLoadResult: function(loadResult, pendingDeferred) {
                var that = this,
                    data = loadResult.data,
                    extra = loadResult.extra,
                    storeLoadOptions = loadResult.storeLoadOptions;

                function resolvePendingDeferred() {
                    that._isLoaded = true;
                    that._totalCount = isFinite(extra.totalCount) ? extra.totalCount : -1;
                    return pendingDeferred.resolve(data, extra)

                function proceedLoadingTotalCount() {
                    that.store().totalCount(storeLoadOptions).done(function(count) {
                        extra.totalCount = count;
                if (that._disposed) {
                data = that._applyPostProcessFunction(that._applyMapFunction(data));
                if (!typeUtils.isPlainObject(extra)) {
                    extra = {}
                that._items = data;
                if (!data.length || !that._paginate || that._pageSize && data.length < that._pageSize) {
                    that._isLastPage = true
                if (storeLoadOptions.requireTotalCount && !isFinite(extra.totalCount)) {
                } else {
            _applyMapFunction: function(data) {
                if (this._mapFunc) {
                    return mapDataRespectingGrouping(data, this._mapFunc, this.group())
                return data
            _applyPostProcessFunction: function(data) {
                if (this._postProcessFunc) {
                    return this._postProcessFunc(data)
                return data
        exports.DataSource = DataSource;
        exports.normalizeDataSourceOptions = normalizeDataSourceOptions
      !*** ./js/data/abstract_store.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            abstract = Class.abstract,
            EventsMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/events_mixin */ 51),
            errorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 155),
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 137),
            compileGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/data */ 50).compileGetter,
            storeHelper = __webpack_require__( /*! ./store_helper */ 156),
            queryByOptions = storeHelper.queryByOptions,
            storeImpl = {};
        var Store = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                options = options || {};
                $.each(["onLoaded", "onLoading", "onInserted", "onInserting", "onUpdated", "onUpdating", "onRemoved", "onRemoving", "onModified", "onModifying"], function(_, optionName) {
                    if (optionName in options) {
                        that.on(optionName.slice(2).toLowerCase(), options[optionName])
                this._key = options.key;
                this._errorHandler = options.errorHandler;
                this._useDefaultSearch = true
            _customLoadOptions: function() {
                return null
            key: function() {
                return this._key
            keyOf: function(obj) {
                if (!this._keyGetter) {
                    this._keyGetter = compileGetter(this.key())
                return this._keyGetter(obj)
            _requireKey: function() {
                if (!this.key()) {
                    throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4005")
            load: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                options = options || {};
                this.fireEvent("loading", [options]);
                return this._withLock(this._loadImpl(options)).done(function(result) {
                    that.fireEvent("loaded", [result, options])
            _loadImpl: function(options) {
                return queryByOptions(this.createQuery(options), options).enumerate()
            _withLock: function(task) {
                var result = $.Deferred();
                task.done(function() {
                    var that = this,
                        args = arguments;
                    dataUtils.processRequestResultLock.promise().done(function() {
                        result.resolveWith(that, args)
                }).fail(function() {
                    result.rejectWith(this, arguments)
                return result
            createQuery: abstract,
            totalCount: function(options) {
                return this._totalCountImpl(options)
            _totalCountImpl: function(options) {
                return queryByOptions(this.createQuery(options), options, true).count()
            byKey: function(key, extraOptions) {
                return this._addFailHandlers(this._withLock(this._byKeyImpl(key, extraOptions)))
            _byKeyImpl: abstract,
            insert: function(values) {
                var that = this;
                that.fireEvent("inserting", [values]);
                return that._addFailHandlers(that._insertImpl(values).done(function(callbackValues, callbackKey) {
                    that.fireEvent("inserted", [callbackValues, callbackKey]);
            _insertImpl: abstract,
            update: function(key, values) {
                var that = this;
                that.fireEvent("updating", [key, values]);
                return that._addFailHandlers(that._updateImpl(key, values).done(function(callbackKey, callbackValues) {
                    that.fireEvent("updated", [callbackKey, callbackValues]);
            _updateImpl: abstract,
            remove: function(key) {
                var that = this;
                that.fireEvent("removing", [key]);
                return that._addFailHandlers(that._removeImpl(key).done(function(callbackKey) {
                    that.fireEvent("removed", [callbackKey]);
            _removeImpl: abstract,
            _addFailHandlers: function(deferred) {
                return deferred.fail(this._errorHandler, errorsModule._errorHandler)
        Store.create = function(alias, options) {
            if (!(alias in storeImpl)) {
                throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4020", alias)
            return new storeImpl[alias](options)
        Store.inherit = function(inheritor) {
            return function(members, alias) {
                var type = inheritor.apply(this, [members]);
                if (alias) {
                    storeImpl[alias] = type
                return type
        module.exports = Store
      !*** ./js/data/errors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errorUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/error */ 8),
            coreErrors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            handlers = {};
        var errors = errorUtils(coreErrors.ERROR_MESSAGES, {
            E4000: "[DevExpress.data]: {0}",
            E4001: "Unknown aggregating function is detected: '{0}'",
            E4002: "Unsupported OData protocol version is used",
            E4003: "Unknown filter operation is used: {0}",
            E4004: "The thenby() method is called before the sortby() method",
            E4005: "Store requires a key expression for this operation",
            E4006: "ArrayStore 'data' option must be an array",
            E4007: "Compound keys cannot be auto-generated",
            E4008: "Attempt to insert an item with the a duplicated key",
            E4009: "Data item cannot be found",
            E4010: "CustomStore does not support creating queries",
            E4011: "Custom Store method is not implemented or is not a function: {0}",
            E4012: "Custom Store method returns an invalid value: {0}",
            E4013: "Local Store requires the 'name' configuration option is specified",
            E4014: "Unknown data type is specified for ODataStore: {0}",
            E4015: "Unknown entity name or alias is used: {0}",
            E4017: "Keys cannot be modified",
            E4018: "The server has returned a non-numeric value in a response to an item count request",
            E4019: "Mixing of group operators inside a single group of filter expression is not allowed",
            E4020: "Unknown store type is detected: {0}",
            E4021: "The server response does not provide the totalCount value",
            E4022: "The server response does not provide the groupCount value",
            W4000: "Data returned from the server has an incorrect structure",
            W4001: 'The {0} field is listed in both "keyType" and "fieldTypes". The value of "fieldTypes" is used.',
            W4002: "Data loading has failed for some cells due to the following error: {0}"

        function handleError(error) {
            var id = "E4000";
            if (error && "__id" in error) {
                id = error.__id
            errors.log(id, error)
        var errorHandler = null;
        var _errorHandler = function(error) {
            if (handlers.errorHandler) {
        handlers = {
            errors: errors,
            errorHandler: errorHandler,
            _errorHandler: _errorHandler
        module.exports = handlers
      !*** ./js/data/store_helper.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            grep = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).grep,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            arrayQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array_query */ 157),
            normalizeSortingInfo = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 137).normalizeSortingInfo;

        function multiLevelGroup(query, groupInfo) {
            query = query.groupBy(groupInfo[0].selector);
            if (groupInfo.length > 1) {
                query = query.select(function(g) {
                    return extend({}, g, {
                        items: multiLevelGroup(arrayQuery(g.items), groupInfo.slice(1)).toArray()
            return query

        function arrangeSortingInfo(groupInfo, sortInfo) {
            var filteredGroup = [];
            $.each(groupInfo, function(_, group) {
                var collision = grep(sortInfo, function(sort) {
                    return group.selector === sort.selector
                if (collision.length < 1) {
            return filteredGroup.concat(sortInfo)

        function queryByOptions(query, options, isCountQuery) {
            options = options || {};
            var filter = options.filter,
                sort = options.sort,
                select = options.select,
                group = options.group,
                skip = options.skip,
                take = options.take;
            if (filter) {
                query = query.filter(filter)
            if (group) {
                group = normalizeSortingInfo(group)
            if (!isCountQuery) {
                if (sort || group) {
                    sort = normalizeSortingInfo(sort || []);
                    if (group) {
                        sort = arrangeSortingInfo(group, sort)
                    $.each(sort, function(index) {
                        query = query[index ? "thenBy" : "sortBy"](this.selector, this.desc)
                if (select) {
                    query = query.select(select)
            if (group) {
                query = multiLevelGroup(query, group)
            if (!isCountQuery) {
                if (take || skip) {
                    query = query.slice(skip || 0, take)
            return query
        module.exports = {
            multiLevelGroup: multiLevelGroup,
            arrangeSortingInfo: arrangeSortingInfo,
            queryByOptions: queryByOptions
      !*** ./js/data/array_query.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            compileGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/data */ 50).compileGetter,
            toComparable = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/data */ 50).toComparable,
            errorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 155),
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 137);
        var Iterator = Class.inherit({
            toArray: function() {
                var result = [];
                while (this.next()) {
                return result
            countable: function() {
                return false
        var ArrayIterator = Iterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(array) {
                this.array = array;
                this.index = -1
            next: function() {
                if (this.index + 1 < this.array.length) {
                    return true
                return false
            current: function() {
                return this.array[this.index]
            reset: function() {
                this.index = -1
            toArray: function() {
                return this.array.slice(0)
            countable: function() {
                return true
            count: function() {
                return this.array.length
        var WrappedIterator = Iterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter) {
                this.iter = iter
            next: function() {
                return this.iter.next()
            current: function() {
                return this.iter.current()
            reset: function() {
                return this.iter.reset()
        var MapIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter, mapper) {
                this.index = -1;
                this.mapper = mapper
            current: function() {
                return this.mapper(this.callBase(), this.index)
            next: function() {
                var hasNext = this.callBase();
                if (hasNext) {
                return hasNext
        var SortIterator = Iterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter, getter, desc) {
                if (!(iter instanceof MapIterator)) {
                    iter = new MapIterator(iter, this._wrap)
                this.iter = iter;
                this.rules = [{
                    getter: getter,
                    desc: desc
            thenBy: function(getter, desc) {
                var result = new SortIterator(this.sortedIter || this.iter, getter, desc);
                if (!this.sortedIter) {
                    result.rules = this.rules.concat(result.rules)
                return result
            next: function() {
                return this.sortedIter.next()
            current: function() {
                return this.sortedIter.current()
            reset: function() {
                delete this.sortedIter
            countable: function() {
                return this.sortedIter || this.iter.countable()
            count: function() {
                if (this.sortedIter) {
                    return this.sortedIter.count()
                return this.iter.count()
            _ensureSorted: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that.sortedIter) {
                $.each(that.rules, function() {
                    this.getter = compileGetter(this.getter)
                that.sortedIter = new MapIterator(new ArrayIterator(this.iter.toArray().sort(function(x, y) {
                    return that._compare(x, y)
                })), that._unwrap)
            _wrap: function(record, index) {
                return {
                    index: index,
                    value: record
            _unwrap: function(wrappedItem) {
                return wrappedItem.value
            _compare: function(x, y) {
                var xIndex = x.index,
                    yIndex = y.index;
                x = x.value;
                y = y.value;
                if (x === y) {
                    return xIndex - yIndex
                for (var i = 0, rulesCount = this.rules.length; i < rulesCount; i++) {
                    var rule = this.rules[i],
                        xValue = toComparable(rule.getter(x)),
                        yValue = toComparable(rule.getter(y)),
                        factor = rule.desc ? -1 : 1;
                    if (null === xValue && null !== yValue) {
                        return -factor
                    if (null !== xValue && null === yValue) {
                        return factor
                    if (void 0 === xValue && void 0 !== yValue) {
                        return factor
                    if (void 0 !== xValue && void 0 === yValue) {
                        return -factor
                    if (xValue < yValue) {
                        return -factor
                    if (xValue > yValue) {
                        return factor
                return xIndex - yIndex
        var compileCriteria = function() {
            var compileGroup = function(crit) {
                var groupOperator, nextGroupOperator, idx = 0,
                    bag = [],
                    ops = [];
                $.each(crit, function() {
                    if (Array.isArray(this) || commonUtils.isFunction(this)) {
                        if (bag.length > 1 && groupOperator !== nextGroupOperator) {
                            throw new errorsModule.errors.Error("E4019")
                        bag.push("op[" + idx + "](d)");
                        groupOperator = nextGroupOperator;
                        nextGroupOperator = "&&"
                    } else {
                        nextGroupOperator = dataUtils.isConjunctiveOperator(this) ? "&&" : "||"
                return new Function("op", "return function(d) { return " + bag.join(" " + groupOperator + " ") + " }")(ops)
            var toString = function(value) {
                return commonUtils.isDefined(value) ? value.toString() : ""
            var compileBinary = function(crit) {
                crit = dataUtils.normalizeBinaryCriterion(crit);
                var getter = compileGetter(crit[0]),
                    op = crit[1],
                    value = crit[2];
                value = toComparable(value);
                switch (op.toLowerCase()) {
                    case "=":
                        return compileEquals(getter, value);
                    case "<>":
                        return compileEquals(getter, value, true);
                    case ">":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return toComparable(getter(obj)) > value
                    case "<":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return toComparable(getter(obj)) < value
                    case ">=":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return toComparable(getter(obj)) >= value
                    case "<=":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return toComparable(getter(obj)) <= value
                    case "startswith":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return 0 === toComparable(toString(getter(obj))).indexOf(value)
                    case "endswith":
                        return function(obj) {
                            var getterValue = toComparable(toString(getter(obj))),
                                searchValue = toString(value);
                            if (getterValue.length < searchValue.length) {
                                return false
                            return getterValue.lastIndexOf(value) === getterValue.length - value.length
                    case "contains":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return toComparable(toString(getter(obj))).indexOf(value) > -1
                    case "notcontains":
                        return function(obj) {
                            return toComparable(toString(getter(obj))).indexOf(value) === -1
                throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4003", op)

            function compileEquals(getter, value, negate) {
                return function(obj) {
                    obj = toComparable(getter(obj));
                    var result = useStrictComparison(value) ? obj === value : obj == value;
                    if (negate) {
                        result = !result
                    return result

            function useStrictComparison(value) {
                return "" === value || 0 === value || false === value

            function compileUnary(crit) {
                var op = crit[0],
                    criteria = compileCriteria(crit[1]);
                if ("!" === op) {
                    return function(obj) {
                        return !criteria(obj)
                throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4003", op)
            return function(crit) {
                if (commonUtils.isFunction(crit)) {
                    return crit
                if (Array.isArray(crit[0])) {
                    return compileGroup(crit)
                if (dataUtils.isUnaryOperation(crit)) {
                    return compileUnary(crit)
                return compileBinary(crit)
        var FilterIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter, criteria) {
                this.criteria = compileCriteria(criteria)
            next: function() {
                while (this.iter.next()) {
                    if (this.criteria(this.current())) {
                        return true
                return false
        var GroupIterator = Iterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter, getter) {
                this.iter = iter;
                this.getter = getter
            next: function() {
                return this.groupedIter.next()
            current: function() {
                return this.groupedIter.current()
            reset: function() {
                delete this.groupedIter
            countable: function() {
                return !!this.groupedIter
            count: function() {
                return this.groupedIter.count()
            _ensureGrouped: function() {
                if (this.groupedIter) {
                var hash = {},
                    keys = [],
                    iter = this.iter,
                    getter = compileGetter(this.getter);
                while (iter.next()) {
                    var current = iter.current(),
                        key = getter(current);
                    if (key in hash) {
                    } else {
                        hash[key] = [current];
                this.groupedIter = new ArrayIterator($.map(keys, function(key) {
                    return {
                        key: key,
                        items: hash[key]
        var SelectIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter, getter) {
                this.getter = compileGetter(getter)
            current: function() {
                return this.getter(this.callBase())
            countable: function() {
                return this.iter.countable()
            count: function() {
                return this.iter.count()
        var SliceIterator = WrappedIterator.inherit({
            ctor: function(iter, skip, take) {
                this.skip = Math.max(0, skip);
                this.take = Math.max(0, take);
                this.pos = 0
            next: function() {
                if (this.pos >= this.skip + this.take) {
                    return false
                while (this.pos < this.skip && this.iter.next()) {
                return this.iter.next()
            reset: function() {
                this.pos = 0
            countable: function() {
                return this.iter.countable()
            count: function() {
                return Math.min(this.iter.count() - this.skip, this.take)
        var arrayQueryImpl = function(iter, queryOptions) {
            queryOptions = queryOptions || {};
            if (!(iter instanceof Iterator)) {
                iter = new ArrayIterator(iter)
            var handleError = function(error) {
                var handler = queryOptions.errorHandler;
                if (handler) {
            var aggregateCore = function(aggregator) {
                var seed, d = $.Deferred().fail(handleError),
                    step = aggregator.step,
                    finalize = aggregator.finalize;
                try {
                    if ("seed" in aggregator) {
                        seed = aggregator.seed
                    } else {
                        seed = iter.next() ? iter.current() : NaN
                    var accumulator = seed;
                    while (iter.next()) {
                        accumulator = step(accumulator, iter.current())
                    d.resolve(finalize ? finalize(accumulator) : accumulator)
                } catch (x) {
                return d.promise()
            var aggregate = function(seed, step, finalize) {
                if (arguments.length < 2) {
                    return aggregateCore({
                        step: arguments[0]
                return aggregateCore({
                    seed: seed,
                    step: step,
                    finalize: finalize
            var standardAggregate = function(name) {
                return aggregateCore(dataUtils.aggregators[name])
            var select = function(getter) {
                if (!commonUtils.isFunction(getter) && !Array.isArray(getter)) {
                    getter = $.makeArray(arguments)
                return chainQuery(new SelectIterator(iter, getter))
            var selectProp = function(name) {
                return select(compileGetter(name))
            var chainQuery = function(iter) {
                return arrayQueryImpl(iter, queryOptions)
            return {
                toArray: function() {
                    return iter.toArray()
                enumerate: function() {
                    var d = $.Deferred().fail(handleError);
                    try {
                    } catch (x) {
                    return d.promise()
                sortBy: function(getter, desc) {
                    return chainQuery(new SortIterator(iter, getter, desc))
                thenBy: function(getter, desc) {
                    if (iter instanceof SortIterator) {
                        return chainQuery(iter.thenBy(getter, desc))
                    throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4004")
                filter: function(criteria) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(criteria)) {
                        criteria = $.makeArray(arguments)
                    return chainQuery(new FilterIterator(iter, criteria))
                slice: function(skip, take) {
                    if (void 0 === take) {
                        take = Number.MAX_VALUE
                    return chainQuery(new SliceIterator(iter, skip, take))
                select: select,
                groupBy: function(getter) {
                    return chainQuery(new GroupIterator(iter, getter))
                aggregate: aggregate,
                count: function() {
                    if (iter.countable()) {
                        var d = $.Deferred().fail(handleError);
                        try {
                        } catch (x) {
                        return d.promise()
                    return standardAggregate("count")
                sum: function(getter) {
                    if (getter) {
                        return selectProp(getter).sum()
                    return standardAggregate("sum")
                min: function(getter) {
                    if (getter) {
                        return selectProp(getter).min()
                    return standardAggregate("min")
                max: function(getter) {
                    if (getter) {
                        return selectProp(getter).max()
                    return standardAggregate("max")
                avg: function(getter) {
                    if (getter) {
                        return selectProp(getter).avg()
                    return standardAggregate("avg")
        module.exports = arrayQueryImpl
      !*** ./js/data/array_store.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/type */ 12),
            Guid = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/guid */ 151),
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/object */ 27),
            keysEqual = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 137).keysEqual,
            Query = __webpack_require__( /*! ./query */ 159),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 155).errors,
            Store = __webpack_require__( /*! ./abstract_store */ 154);
        var hasKey = function(target, keyOrKeys) {
            var key, keys = $.makeArray(keyOrKeys);
            while (keys.length) {
                key = keys.shift();
                if (key in target) {
                    return true
            return false
        var trivialPromise = function() {
            var d = $.Deferred();
            return d.resolve.apply(d, arguments).promise()
        var rejectedPromise = function() {
            var d = $.Deferred();
            return d.reject.apply(d, arguments).promise()
        var ArrayStore = Store.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                if (Array.isArray(options)) {
                    options = {
                        data: options
                } else {
                    options = options || {}
                var initialArray = options.data;
                if (initialArray && !Array.isArray(initialArray)) {
                    throw errors.Error("E4006")
                this._array = initialArray || []
            createQuery: function() {
                return Query(this._array, {
                    errorHandler: this._errorHandler
            _byKeyImpl: function(key) {
                var index = this._indexByKey(key);
                if (index === -1) {
                    return rejectedPromise(errors.Error("E4009"))
                return trivialPromise(this._array[index])
            _insertImpl: function(values) {
                var keyValue, obj, keyExpr = this.key();
                if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(values)) {
                    obj = extend({}, values)
                } else {
                    obj = values
                if (keyExpr) {
                    keyValue = this.keyOf(obj);
                    if (void 0 === keyValue || "object" === typeof keyValue && typeUtils.isEmptyObject(keyValue)) {
                        if (Array.isArray(keyExpr)) {
                            throw errors.Error("E4007")
                        keyValue = obj[keyExpr] = String(new Guid)
                    } else {
                        if (void 0 !== this._array[this._indexByKey(keyValue)]) {
                            return rejectedPromise(errors.Error("E4008"))
                } else {
                    keyValue = obj
                return trivialPromise(values, keyValue)
            _updateImpl: function(key, values) {
                var index, target, keyExpr = this.key(),
                    extendComplexObject = true;
                if (keyExpr) {
                    if (hasKey(values, keyExpr) && !keysEqual(keyExpr, key, this.keyOf(values))) {
                        return rejectedPromise(errors.Error("E4017"))
                    index = this._indexByKey(key);
                    if (index < 0) {
                        return rejectedPromise(errors.Error("E4009"))
                    target = this._array[index]
                } else {
                    target = key
                objectUtils.deepExtendArraySafe(target, values, extendComplexObject);
                return trivialPromise(key, values)
            _removeImpl: function(key) {
                var index = this._indexByKey(key);
                if (index > -1) {
                    this._array.splice(index, 1)
                return trivialPromise(key)
            _indexByKey: function(key) {
                for (var i = 0, arrayLength = this._array.length; i < arrayLength; i++) {
                    if (keysEqual(this.key(), this.keyOf(this._array[i]), key)) {
                        return i
                return -1
            clear: function() {
                this._array = [];
        }, "array");
        module.exports = ArrayStore
      !*** ./js/data/query.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var arrayQueryImpl = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array_query */ 157),
            remoteQueryImpl = __webpack_require__( /*! ./remote_query */ 160);
        var queryImpl = {
            array: arrayQueryImpl,
            remote: remoteQueryImpl
        var query = function() {
            var impl = Array.isArray(arguments[0]) ? "array" : "remote";
            return queryImpl[impl].apply(this, arguments)
        module.exports = query;
        module.exports.queryImpl = queryImpl
      !*** ./js/data/remote_query.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            queryAdapters = __webpack_require__( /*! ./query_adapters */ 161),
            errorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 155),
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            arrayQueryImpl = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array_query */ 157);
        var remoteQueryImpl = function(url, queryOptions, tasks) {
            tasks = tasks || [];
            queryOptions = queryOptions || {};
            var createTask = function(name, args) {
                return {
                    name: name,
                    args: args
            var exec = function(executorTask) {
                var _adapterFactory, _adapter, _taskQueue, _currentTask, _mergedSortArgs, d = $.Deferred();
                var rejectWithNotify = function(error) {
                    var handler = queryOptions.errorHandler;
                    if (handler) {

                function mergeSortTask(task) {
                    switch (task.name) {
                        case "sortBy":
                            _mergedSortArgs = [task.args];
                            return true;
                        case "thenBy":
                            if (!_mergedSortArgs) {
                                throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4004")
                            return true
                    return false

                function unmergeSortTasks() {
                    var head = _taskQueue[0],
                        unmergedTasks = [];
                    if (head && "multiSort" === head.name) {
                        $.each(head.args[0], function() {
                            unmergedTasks.push(createTask(unmergedTasks.length ? "thenBy" : "sortBy", this))
                    _taskQueue = unmergedTasks.concat(_taskQueue)
                try {
                    _adapterFactory = queryOptions.adapter;
                    if (!isFunction(_adapterFactory)) {
                        _adapterFactory = queryAdapters[_adapterFactory]
                    _adapter = _adapterFactory(queryOptions);
                    _taskQueue = [].concat(tasks).concat(executorTask);
                    while (_taskQueue.length) {
                        _currentTask = _taskQueue[0];
                        if (!mergeSortTask(_currentTask)) {
                            if (_mergedSortArgs) {
                                _taskQueue.unshift(createTask("multiSort", [_mergedSortArgs]));
                                _mergedSortArgs = null;
                            if ("enumerate" !== String(_currentTask.name)) {
                                if (!_adapter[_currentTask.name] || false === _adapter[_currentTask.name].apply(_adapter, _currentTask.args)) {
                    _adapter.exec(url).done(function(result, extra) {
                        if (!_taskQueue.length) {
                            d.resolve(result, extra)
                        } else {
                            var clientChain = arrayQueryImpl(result, {
                                errorHandler: queryOptions.errorHandler
                            $.each(_taskQueue, function() {
                                clientChain = clientChain[this.name].apply(clientChain, this.args)
                } catch (x) {
                return d.promise()
            var query = {};
            $.each(["sortBy", "thenBy", "filter", "slice", "select", "groupBy"], function() {
                var name = String(this);
                query[name] = function() {
                    return remoteQueryImpl(url, queryOptions, tasks.concat(createTask(name, arguments)))
            $.each(["count", "min", "max", "sum", "avg", "aggregate", "enumerate"], function() {
                var name = String(this);
                query[name] = function() {
                    return exec.call(this, createTask(name, arguments))
            return query
        module.exports = remoteQueryImpl
      !*** ./js/data/query_adapters.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = {}
      !*** ./js/data/custom_store.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            deferredUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16),
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 137),
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 155).errors,
            Store = __webpack_require__( /*! ./abstract_store */ 154),
            arrayQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array_query */ 157),
            queryByOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ./store_helper */ 156).queryByOptions;
        var TOTAL_COUNT = "totalCount",
            LOAD = "load",
            BY_KEY = "byKey",
            INSERT = "insert",
            UPDATE = "update",
            REMOVE = "remove";

        function isPromise(obj) {
            return obj && isFunction(obj.then)

        function trivialPromise(value) {
            return $.Deferred().resolve(value).promise()

        function ensureRequiredFuncOption(name, obj) {
            if (!isFunction(obj)) {
                throw errors.Error("E4011", name)

        function throwInvalidUserFuncResult(name) {
            throw errors.Error("E4012", name)

        function createUserFuncFailureHandler(pendingDeferred) {
            function errorMessageFromXhr(promiseArguments) {
                var xhr = promiseArguments[0],
                    textStatus = promiseArguments[1];
                if (!xhr || !xhr.getResponseHeader) {
                    return null
                return dataUtils.errorMessageFromXhr(xhr, textStatus)
            return function(arg) {
                var error;
                if (arg instanceof Error) {
                    error = arg
                } else {
                    error = new Error(errorMessageFromXhr(arguments) || arg && String(arg) || "Unknown error")

        function invokeUserLoad(store, options) {
            var userResult, userFunc = store._loadFunc;
            ensureRequiredFuncOption(LOAD, userFunc);
            userResult = userFunc.apply(store, [options]);
            if (Array.isArray(userResult)) {
                userResult = trivialPromise(userResult)
            } else {
                if (null === userResult || void 0 === userResult) {
                    userResult = trivialPromise([])
                } else {
                    if (!isPromise(userResult)) {
            return deferredUtils.fromPromise(userResult)

        function invokeUserTotalCountFunc(store, options) {
            var userResult, userFunc = store._totalCountFunc;
            if (!isFunction(userFunc)) {
                throw errors.Error("E4021")
            userResult = userFunc.apply(store, [options]);
            if (!isPromise(userResult)) {
                userResult = Number(userResult);
                if (!isFinite(userResult)) {
                userResult = trivialPromise(userResult)
            return deferredUtils.fromPromise(userResult)

        function invokeUserByKeyFunc(store, key, extraOptions) {
            var userResult, userFunc = store._byKeyFunc;
            ensureRequiredFuncOption(BY_KEY, userFunc);
            userResult = userFunc.apply(store, [key, extraOptions]);
            if (!isPromise(userResult)) {
                userResult = trivialPromise(userResult)
            return deferredUtils.fromPromise(userResult)

        function runRawLoad(pendingDeferred, store, userFuncOptions, continuation) {
            if (store.__rawData) {
            } else {
                invokeUserLoad(store, userFuncOptions).done(function(rawData) {
                    if (store._cacheRawData) {
                        store.__rawData = rawData

        function runRawLoadWithQuery(pendingDeferred, store, options, countOnly) {
            options = options || {};
            var userFuncOptions = {};
            if ("userData" in options) {
                userFuncOptions.userData = options.userData
            runRawLoad(pendingDeferred, store, userFuncOptions, function(rawData) {
                var itemsQuery, totalCountQuery, rawDataQuery = arrayQuery(rawData, {
                        errorHandler: store._errorHandler
                    waitList = [];
                var items, totalCount;
                if (!countOnly) {
                    itemsQuery = queryByOptions(rawDataQuery, options);
                    if (itemsQuery === rawDataQuery) {
                        items = rawData.slice(0)
                    } else {
                        waitList.push(itemsQuery.enumerate().done(function(asyncResult) {
                            items = asyncResult
                if (options.requireTotalCount || countOnly) {
                    totalCountQuery = queryByOptions(rawDataQuery, options, true);
                    if (totalCountQuery === rawDataQuery) {
                        totalCount = rawData.length
                    } else {
                        waitList.push(totalCountQuery.count().done(function(asyncResult) {
                            totalCount = asyncResult
                $.when.apply($, waitList).done(function() {
                    if (countOnly) {
                    } else {
                        if (options.requireTotalCount) {
                            pendingDeferred.resolve(items, {
                                totalCount: totalCount
                        } else {
                }).fail(function(x) {

        function runRawLoadWithKey(pendingDeferred, store, key) {
            runRawLoad(pendingDeferred, store, {}, function(rawData) {
                var item, keyExpr = store.key();
                for (var i = 0, len = rawData.length; i < len; i++) {
                    item = rawData[i];
                    if (dataUtils.keysEqual(keyExpr, store.keyOf(rawData[i]), key)) {
        var CustomStore = Store.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._useDefaultSearch = !!options.useDefaultSearch || "raw" === options.loadMode;
                this._loadMode = options.loadMode;
                this._cacheRawData = false !== options.cacheRawData;
                this._loadFunc = options[LOAD];
                this._totalCountFunc = options[TOTAL_COUNT];
                this._byKeyFunc = options[BY_KEY];
                this._insertFunc = options[INSERT];
                this._updateFunc = options[UPDATE];
                this._removeFunc = options[REMOVE]
            createQuery: function() {
                throw errors.Error("E4010")
            clearRawDataCache: function() {
                delete this.__rawData
            _totalCountImpl: function(options) {
                var d = $.Deferred();
                if ("raw" === this._loadMode && !this._totalCountFunc) {
                    runRawLoadWithQuery(d, this, options, true)
                } else {
                    invokeUserTotalCountFunc(this, options).done(function(count) {
                    d = this._addFailHandlers(d)
                return d.promise()
            _loadImpl: function(options) {
                var d = $.Deferred();
                if ("raw" === this._loadMode) {
                    runRawLoadWithQuery(d, this, options, false)
                } else {
                    invokeUserLoad(this, options).done(function(data, extra) {
                        d.resolve(data, extra)
                    d = this._addFailHandlers(d)
                return d.promise()
            _byKeyImpl: function(key, extraOptions) {
                var d = $.Deferred();
                if (this._byKeyViaLoad()) {
                    runRawLoadWithKey(d, this, key)
                } else {
                    invokeUserByKeyFunc(this, key, extraOptions).done(function(obj) {
                return d.promise()
            _byKeyViaLoad: function() {
                return "raw" === this._loadMode && !this._byKeyFunc
            _insertImpl: function(values) {
                var userResult, userFunc = this._insertFunc,
                    d = $.Deferred();
                ensureRequiredFuncOption(INSERT, userFunc);
                userResult = userFunc.apply(this, [values]);
                if (!isPromise(userResult)) {
                    userResult = trivialPromise(userResult)
                deferredUtils.fromPromise(userResult).done(function(newKey) {
                    d.resolve(values, newKey)
                return d.promise()
            _updateImpl: function(key, values) {
                var userResult, userFunc = this._updateFunc,
                    d = $.Deferred();
                ensureRequiredFuncOption(UPDATE, userFunc);
                userResult = userFunc.apply(this, [key, values]);
                if (!isPromise(userResult)) {
                    userResult = trivialPromise()
                deferredUtils.fromPromise(userResult).done(function() {
                    d.resolve(key, values)
                return d.promise()
            _removeImpl: function(key) {
                var userResult, userFunc = this._removeFunc,
                    d = $.Deferred();
                ensureRequiredFuncOption(REMOVE, userFunc);
                userResult = userFunc.apply(this, [key]);
                if (!isPromise(userResult)) {
                    userResult = trivialPromise()
                deferredUtils.fromPromise(userResult).done(function() {
                return d.promise()
        module.exports = CustomStore
      !*** ./js/ui/collection/item.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            publicComponentUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/public_component */ 45);
        var INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-invisible",
            DISABLED_STATE_CLASS = "dx-state-disabled",
            ITEM_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER_CLASS = "dx-item-content-placeholder";
        var forcibleWatcher = function(watchMethod, fn, callback) {
            var filteredCallback = function() {
                var oldValue;
                return function(value) {
                    if (oldValue !== value) {
                        callback(value, oldValue);
                        oldValue = value
            return {
                dispose: watchMethod(fn, filteredCallback),
                force: function() {
        var CollectionItem = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function($element, options, rawData) {
                this._$element = $element;
                this._options = options;
                this._rawData = rawData;
                publicComponentUtils.attachInstanceToElement($element, this, this._dispose);
            _render: function() {
                var $placeholder = $("<div>").addClass(ITEM_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER_CLASS);
                this._watchers = [];
            _renderWatchers: function() {
                this._startWatcher("disabled", this._renderDisabled.bind(this));
                this._startWatcher("visible", this._renderVisible.bind(this))
            _startWatcher: function(field, render) {
                var rawData = this._rawData,
                    exprGetter = this._options.fieldGetter(field);
                var watcher = forcibleWatcher(this._options.watchMethod(), function() {
                    return exprGetter(rawData)
                }, function(value, oldValue) {
                    this._dirty = true;
                    render(value, oldValue)
            setDataField: function() {
                this._dirty = false;
                $.each(this._watchers, function(_, watcher) {
                if (this._dirty) {
                    return true
            _renderDisabled: function(value, oldValue) {
                this._$element.toggleClass(DISABLED_STATE_CLASS, !!value)
            _renderVisible: function(value, oldValue) {
                this._$element.toggleClass(INVISIBLE_STATE_CLASS, void 0 !== value && !value)
            _dispose: function() {
                $.each(this._watchers, function(_, watcher) {
        CollectionItem.getInstance = function($element) {
            return publicComponentUtils.getInstanceByElement($element, this)
        module.exports = CollectionItem
      !*** ./js/events/hold.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            Emitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter */ 83),
            registerEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter_registrator */ 84),
            abs = Math.abs;
        var HOLD_EVENT_NAME = "dxhold",
            HOLD_TIMEOUT = 750,
            TOUCH_BOUNDARY = 5;
        var HoldEmitter = Emitter.inherit({
            start: function(e) {
                this._startEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
            _startTimer: function(e) {
                var holdTimeout = "timeout" in this ? this.timeout : HOLD_TIMEOUT;
                this._holdTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                    this._fireEvent(HOLD_EVENT_NAME, e, {
                        target: e.target
                }.bind(this), holdTimeout)
            move: function(e) {
                if (this._touchWasMoved(e)) {
            _touchWasMoved: function(e) {
                var delta = eventUtils.eventDelta(this._startEventData, eventUtils.eventData(e));
                return abs(delta.x) > TOUCH_BOUNDARY || abs(delta.y) > TOUCH_BOUNDARY
            end: function() {
            _stopTimer: function() {
            cancel: function() {
            dispose: function() {
            emitter: HoldEmitter,
            bubble: true,
            events: [HOLD_EVENT_NAME]
        module.exports = {
            name: HOLD_EVENT_NAME
      !*** ./js/events/contextmenu.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/support */ 61),
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/devices */ 53),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/event_registrator */ 73),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            holdEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./hold */ 164);
        var CONTEXTMENU_NAMESPACE = "dxContexMenu",
            CONTEXTMENU_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace("contextmenu", CONTEXTMENU_NAMESPACE),
            HOLD_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME = eventUtils.addNamespace(holdEvent.name, CONTEXTMENU_NAMESPACE),
            CONTEXTMENU_EVENT_NAME = "dxcontextmenu";
        var ContextMenu = Class.inherit({
            setup: function(element) {
                var $element = $(element);
                $element.on(CONTEXTMENU_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME, this._contextMenuHandler.bind(this));
                if (support.touch || devices.isSimulator()) {
                    $element.on(HOLD_NAMESPACED_EVENT_NAME, this._holdHandler.bind(this))
            _holdHandler: function(e) {
                if (eventUtils.isMouseEvent(e) && !devices.isSimulator()) {
            _contextMenuHandler: function(e) {
            _fireContextMenu: function(e) {
                return eventUtils.fireEvent({
                    type: CONTEXTMENU_EVENT_NAME,
                    originalEvent: e
            teardown: function(element) {
                $(element).off("." + CONTEXTMENU_NAMESPACE)
        registerEvent(CONTEXTMENU_EVENT_NAME, new ContextMenu);
        exports.name = CONTEXTMENU_EVENT_NAME
      !*** ./js/ui/widget/bindable_template.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            TemplateBase = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.template_base */ 97),
            removeEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/remove_event */ 47),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14);
        var watchChanges = function() {
            var start = function(rawData, watchMethod, fields, fieldsMap, callback) {
                var globalDispose, fieldsDispose;
                globalDispose = globalWatch(rawData, watchMethod, function(dataWithRawFields) {
                    fieldsDispose && fieldsDispose();
                    if (commonUtils.isPrimitive(dataWithRawFields)) {
                    fieldsDispose = fieldsWatch(dataWithRawFields, watchMethod, fields, fieldsMap, function(data) {
                return function() {
                    fieldsDispose && fieldsDispose();
                    globalDispose && globalDispose()
            var globalWatch = function(data, watchMethod, callback) {
                return watchMethod(function() {
                    return data
                }, callback)
            var fieldsWatch = function(data, watchMethod, fields, fieldsMap, callback) {
                var resolvedData = {},
                    missedFields = fields.slice();
                var watchHandlers = $.map(fields, function(name) {
                    var fieldGetter = fieldsMap[name];
                    return watchMethod(fieldGetter ? function() {
                        return fieldGetter(data)
                    } : function() {
                        return data[name]
                    }, function(value) {
                        resolvedData[name] = value;
                        if (missedFields.length) {
                            var index = missedFields.indexOf(name);
                            if (index >= 0) {
                                missedFields.splice(index, 1)
                        if (!missedFields.length) {
                return function() {
                    $.each(watchHandlers, function(_, dispose) {
            return start
        module.exports = TemplateBase.inherit({
            ctor: function(render, fields, watchMethod, fieldsMap) {
                this._render = render;
                this._fields = fields;
                this._fieldsMap = fieldsMap || {};
                this._watchMethod = watchMethod
            _renderCore: function(options) {
                var $container = options.container;
                var dispose = watchChanges(options.model, this._watchMethod, this._fields, this._fieldsMap, function(data) {
                    this._render($container, data, options.model)
                $container.on(removeEvent, dispose);
                return $container.contents()
      !*** ./js/ui/collection/ui.collection_widget.edit.strategy.plain.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            EditStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./ui.collection_widget.edit.strategy */ 168);
        var PlainEditStrategy = EditStrategy.inherit({
            _getPlainItems: function() {
                return this._collectionWidget.option("items") || []
            getIndexByItemData: function(itemData) {
                var keyOf = this._collectionWidget.keyOf.bind(this._collectionWidget);
                if (keyOf) {
                    return this.getIndexByKey(keyOf(itemData))
                } else {
                    return inArray(itemData, this._getPlainItems())
            getItemDataByIndex: function(index) {
                return this._getPlainItems()[index]
            deleteItemAtIndex: function(index) {
                this._getPlainItems().splice(index, 1)
            itemsGetter: function() {
                return this._getPlainItems()
            getKeysByItems: function(items) {
                var keyOf = this._collectionWidget.keyOf.bind(this._collectionWidget);
                var result = items;
                if (keyOf) {
                    result = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                return result
            getIndexByKey: function(key) {
                var keys = this.getKeysByItems(this._getPlainItems());
                for (var i = 0, length = keys.length; i < length; i++) {
                    if (this._equalKeys(key, keys[i])) {
                        return i
                return -1
            getItemsByKeys: function(keys, items) {
                return items || keys
            moveItemAtIndexToIndex: function(movingIndex, destinationIndex) {
                var items = this._getPlainItems(),
                    movedItemData = items[movingIndex];
                items.splice(movingIndex, 1);
                items.splice(destinationIndex, 0, movedItemData)
            _isItemIndex: function(index) {
                return "number" === typeof index && Math.round(index) === index
            _getNormalizedItemIndex: function(itemElement) {
                return this._collectionWidget._itemElements().index(itemElement)
            _normalizeItemIndex: function(index) {
                return index
            _denormalizeItemIndex: function(index) {
                return index
            _getItemByNormalizedIndex: function(index) {
                return index > -1 ? this._collectionWidget._itemElements().eq(index) : null
            _itemsFromSameParent: function() {
                return true
        module.exports = PlainEditStrategy
      !*** ./js/ui/collection/ui.collection_widget.edit.strategy.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            abstract = Class.abstract;
        var EditStrategy = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(collectionWidget) {
                this._collectionWidget = collectionWidget
            getIndexByItemData: abstract,
            getItemDataByIndex: abstract,
            getKeysByItems: abstract,
            getItemsByKeys: abstract,
            itemsGetter: abstract,
            getKeyByIndex: function(index) {
                var resultIndex = this._denormalizeItemIndex(index);
                return this.getKeysByItems([this.getItemDataByIndex(resultIndex)])[0]
            _equalKeys: function(key1, key2) {
                if (this._collectionWidget._isKeySpecified()) {
                    return commonUtils.equalByValue(key1, key2)
                } else {
                    return key1 === key2
            getIndexByKey: abstract,
            getNormalizedIndex: function(value) {
                if (this._isNormalizedItemIndex(value)) {
                    return value
                if (this._isItemIndex(value)) {
                    return this._normalizeItemIndex(value)
                if (this._isDOMNode(value)) {
                    return this._getNormalizedItemIndex(value)
                return this._normalizeItemIndex(this.getIndexByItemData(value))
            getIndex: function(value) {
                if (this._isNormalizedItemIndex(value)) {
                    return this._denormalizeItemIndex(value)
                if (this._isItemIndex(value)) {
                    return value
                if (this._isDOMNode(value)) {
                    return this._denormalizeItemIndex(this._getNormalizedItemIndex(value))
                return this.getIndexByItemData(value)
            getItemElement: function(value) {
                if (this._isNormalizedItemIndex(value)) {
                    return this._getItemByNormalizedIndex(value)
                if (this._isItemIndex(value)) {
                    return this._getItemByNormalizedIndex(this._normalizeItemIndex(value))
                if (this._isDOMNode(value)) {
                    return $(value)
                return this._getItemByNormalizedIndex(this.getIndexByItemData(value))
            deleteItemAtIndex: abstract,
            itemPlacementFunc: function(movingIndex, destinationIndex) {
                return this._itemsFromSameParent(movingIndex, destinationIndex) && movingIndex < destinationIndex ? "after" : "before"
            moveItemAtIndexToIndex: abstract,
            _isNormalizedItemIndex: function(index) {
                return "number" === typeof index && Math.round(index) === index
            _isDOMNode: function(value) {
                var $value;
                try {
                    $value = $(value)
                } catch (error) {
                    return false
                return $value && $value.length && $value.get(0).nodeType
            _isItemIndex: abstract,
            _getNormalizedItemIndex: abstract,
            _normalizeItemIndex: abstract,
            _denormalizeItemIndex: abstract,
            _getItemByNormalizedIndex: abstract,
            _itemsFromSameParent: abstract
        module.exports = EditStrategy
      !*** ./js/ui/selection/selection.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            deferredStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./selection.strategy.deferred */ 170),
            standardStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./selection.strategy.standard */ 172),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14);
        module.exports = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this.options = extend(this._getDefaultOptions(), options, {
                    selectedItemKeys: options.selectedKeys || []
                this._selectionStrategy = this.options.deferred ? new deferredStrategy(this.options) : new standardStrategy(this.options);
                this._focusedItemIndex = -1;
                if (!this.options.equalByReference) {
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return {
                    deferred: false,
                    equalByReference: false,
                    mode: "multiple",
                    selectedItems: [],
                    selectionFilter: [],
                    maxFilterLengthInRequest: 0,
                    onSelectionChanged: commonUtils.noop,
                    key: commonUtils.noop,
                    keyOf: function(item) {
                        return item
                    load: function() {
                        return $.Deferred().resolve([])
                    totalCount: function() {
                        return -1
                    isSelectableItem: function() {
                        return true
                    isItemSelected: function() {
                        return false
                    getItemData: function(item) {
                        return item
                    dataFields: commonUtils.noop,
                    filter: commonUtils.noop
            validate: function() {
            getSelectedItemKeys: function() {
                return this._selectionStrategy.getSelectedItemKeys()
            getSelectedItems: function() {
                return this._selectionStrategy.getSelectedItems()
            selectionFilter: function(value) {
                if (void 0 === value) {
                    return this.options.selectionFilter
                var filterIsChanged = this.options.selectionFilter !== value && JSON.stringify(this.options.selectionFilter) !== JSON.stringify(value);
                this.options.selectionFilter = value;
                filterIsChanged && this.onSelectionChanged()
            setSelection: function(keys) {
                return this.selectedItemKeys(keys)
            select: function(keys) {
                return this.selectedItemKeys(keys, true)
            deselect: function(keys) {
                return this.selectedItemKeys(keys, true, true)
            selectedItemKeys: function(keys, preserve, isDeselect, isSelectAll) {
                var that = this;
                keys = keys || [];
                keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys];
                return this._selectionStrategy.selectedItemKeys(keys, preserve, isDeselect, isSelectAll)
            clearSelection: function() {
                return this.selectedItemKeys([])
            _addSelectedItem: function(itemData, key) {
                this._selectionStrategy.addSelectedItem(key, itemData)
            _removeSelectedItem: function(key) {
            _setSelectedItems: function(keys, items) {
                this._selectionStrategy.setSelectedItems(keys, items)
            onSelectionChanged: function() {
            changeItemSelection: function(itemIndex, keys) {
                var isSelectedItemsChanged, items = this.options.plainItems(),
                    item = items[itemIndex];
                if (!this.isSelectable() || !this.isDataItem(item)) {
                    return false
                var itemData = this.options.getItemData(item),
                    itemKey = this.options.keyOf(itemData);
                keys = keys || {};
                if (keys.shift && "multiple" === this.options.mode && this._focusedItemIndex >= 0) {
                    isSelectedItemsChanged = this.changeItemSelectionWhenShiftKeyPressed(itemIndex, items)
                } else {
                    if (keys.control) {
                        var isSelected = this._selectionStrategy.isItemDataSelected(itemData);
                        if ("single" === this.options.mode) {
                        if (isSelected) {
                        } else {
                            this._addSelectedItem(itemData, itemKey)
                        isSelectedItemsChanged = true
                    } else {
                        var isKeysEqual = this._selectionStrategy.equalKeys(this.options.selectedItemKeys[0], itemKey);
                        if (1 !== this.options.selectedItemKeys.length || !isKeysEqual) {
                            this._setSelectedItems([itemKey], [itemData]);
                            isSelectedItemsChanged = true
                if (isSelectedItemsChanged) {
                    this._focusedItemIndex = itemIndex;
                    return true
            isDataItem: function(item) {
                return this.options.isSelectableItem(item)
            isSelectable: function() {
                return "single" === this.options.mode || "multiple" === this.options.mode
            isItemSelected: function(arg) {
                return this._selectionStrategy.isItemKeySelected(arg)
            _resetItemSelectionWhenShiftKeyPressed: function() {
                delete this._shiftFocusedItemIndex
            changeItemSelectionWhenShiftKeyPressed: function(itemIndex, items) {
                var itemIndexStep, index, isSelectedItemsChanged = false,
                    keyOf = this.options.keyOf,
                    key = keyOf(items[this._focusedItemIndex].data),
                    isFocusedItemSelected = items[this._focusedItemIndex] && this.isItemSelected(key);
                if (!commonUtils.isDefined(this._shiftFocusedItemIndex)) {
                    this._shiftFocusedItemIndex = this._focusedItemIndex
                var data, itemKey;
                if (this._shiftFocusedItemIndex !== this._focusedItemIndex) {
                    itemIndexStep = this._focusedItemIndex < this._shiftFocusedItemIndex ? 1 : -1;
                    for (index = this._focusedItemIndex; index !== this._shiftFocusedItemIndex; index += itemIndexStep) {
                        if (this.isDataItem(items[index])) {
                            itemKey = keyOf(this.options.getItemData(items[index]));
                            isSelectedItemsChanged = true
                if (itemIndex !== this._shiftFocusedItemIndex) {
                    itemIndexStep = itemIndex < this._shiftFocusedItemIndex ? 1 : -1;
                    for (index = itemIndex; index !== this._shiftFocusedItemIndex; index += itemIndexStep) {
                        if (this.isDataItem(items[index])) {
                            data = this.options.getItemData(items[index]);
                            itemKey = keyOf(data);
                            this._addSelectedItem(data, itemKey);
                            isSelectedItemsChanged = true
                if (this.isDataItem(items[this._focusedItemIndex]) && !isFocusedItemSelected) {
                    data = this.options.getItemData(items[index]);
                    itemKey = keyOf(data);
                    this._addSelectedItem(data, itemKey);
                    isSelectedItemsChanged = true
                return isSelectedItemsChanged
            clearSelectedItems: function() {
                this._setSelectedItems([], [])
            selectAll: function(isOnePage) {
                if (isOnePage) {
                    return this._onePageSelectAll(false)
                } else {
                    return this.selectedItemKeys([], true, false, true)
            deselectAll: function(isOnePage) {
                if (isOnePage) {
                    return this._onePageSelectAll(true)
                } else {
                    return this.selectedItemKeys([], true, true, true)
            _onePageSelectAll: function(isDeselect) {
                var items = this.options.plainItems();
                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    var item = items[i];
                    if (this.isDataItem(item)) {
                        var itemData = this.options.getItemData(item),
                            itemKey = this.options.keyOf(itemData),
                            isSelected = this.isItemSelected(itemKey);
                        if (!isSelected && !isDeselect) {
                            this._addSelectedItem(itemData, itemKey)
                        if (isSelected && isDeselect) {
                return $.Deferred().resolve()
            getSelectAllState: function(visibleOnly) {
                return this._selectionStrategy.getSelectAllState(visibleOnly)
      !*** ./js/ui/selection/selection.strategy.deferred.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            SelectionStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./selection.strategy */ 171),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/ui.errors */ 22),
            dataQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/query */ 159);
        module.exports = SelectionStrategy.inherit({
            getSelectedItems: function() {
                return this._loadFilteredData(this.options.selectionFilter)
            getSelectedItemKeys: function() {
                var d = $.Deferred(),
                    that = this,
                    key = this.options.key(),
                    select = commonUtils.isString(key) ? [key] : key;
                this._loadFilteredData(this.options.selectionFilter, null, select).done(function(items) {
                    var keys = items.map(function(item) {
                        return that.options.keyOf(item)
                return d.promise()
            selectedItemKeys: function(keys, preserve, isDeselect, isSelectAll) {
                if (isSelectAll) {
                    var filter = this.options.filter();
                    if (!filter) {
                        this._setOption("selectionFilter", isDeselect ? [] : null)
                    } else {
                        this._addSelectionFilter(isDeselect, filter, false)
                } else {
                    if (!preserve) {
                        this._setOption("selectionFilter", [])
                    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                        if (isDeselect) {
                        } else {
                return $.Deferred().resolve()
            setSelectedItems: function(keys) {
                this._setOption("selectionFilter", null);
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            isItemDataSelected: function(itemData) {
                return this.isItemKeySelected(itemData)
            isItemKeySelected: function(itemData) {
                var selectionFilter = this.options.selectionFilter;
                if (!selectionFilter) {
                    return true
                return !!dataQuery([itemData]).filter(selectionFilter).toArray().length
            _processSelectedItem: function(key) {
                var keyField = this.options.key(),
                    filter = [keyField, "=", key];
                if (Array.isArray(keyField)) {
                    filter = [];
                    for (var i = 0; i < keyField.length; i++) {
                        filter.push([keyField[i], "=", key[keyField[i]]]);
                        if (i !== keyField.length - 1) {
                return filter
            addSelectedItem: function(key) {
                var filter = this._processSelectedItem(key);
                this._addSelectionFilter(false, filter, true)
            removeSelectedItem: function(key) {
                var filter = this._processSelectedItem(key);
                this._addSelectionFilter(true, filter, true)
            validate: function() {
                var key = this.options.key;
                if (key && void 0 === key()) {
                    throw errors.Error("E1042")
            _hasSameFilter: function(selectionFilter, currentFilter) {
                return this._findSubFilter(selectionFilter, currentFilter) >= 0
            _findSubFilter: function(selectionFilter, filter) {
                if (!selectionFilter) {
                    return -1
                var filterString = JSON.stringify(filter);
                for (var index = 0; index < selectionFilter.length; index++) {
                    var subFilter = selectionFilter[index];
                    if (subFilter && JSON.stringify(subFilter) === filterString) {
                        return index
                return -1
            _isLastSubFilter: function(selectionFilter, filter) {
                if (selectionFilter && filter) {
                    return this._findSubFilter(selectionFilter, filter) === selectionFilter.length - 1
                return false
            _addFilterOperator: function(selectionFilter, filterOperator) {
                if (selectionFilter.length > 1 && commonUtils.isString(selectionFilter[1]) && selectionFilter[1] !== filterOperator) {
                    selectionFilter = [selectionFilter]
                if (selectionFilter.length) {
                return selectionFilter
            _denormalizeFilter: function(filter) {
                if (filter && commonUtils.isString(filter[0])) {
                    filter = [filter]
                return filter
            _addSelectionFilter: function(isDeselect, filter, isUnique) {
                var that = this,
                    needAddFilter = true,
                    currentFilter = isDeselect ? ["!", filter] : filter,
                    selectionFilter = that.options.selectionFilter || [];
                selectionFilter = that._denormalizeFilter(selectionFilter);
                if (selectionFilter && selectionFilter.length) {
                    if (that._hasSameFilter(selectionFilter, currentFilter)) {
                    if (that._removeInvertedFilter(selectionFilter, isDeselect, filter)) {
                        needAddFilter = !isUnique
                    if (needAddFilter) {
                        selectionFilter = that._addFilterOperator(selectionFilter, isDeselect ? "and" : "or")
                if (needAddFilter) {
                selectionFilter = that._normalizeFilter(selectionFilter);
                that._setOption("selectionFilter", !isDeselect && !selectionFilter.length ? null : selectionFilter)
            _normalizeFilter: function(filter) {
                if (filter && 1 === filter.length) {
                    filter = filter[0]
                return filter
            _removeInvertedFilter: function(selectionFilter, isDeselect, filter) {
                filter = isDeselect ? filter : ["!", filter];
                var filterIndex = this._findSubFilter(selectionFilter, filter);
                if (JSON.stringify(filter) === JSON.stringify(selectionFilter)) {
                    selectionFilter.splice(0, selectionFilter.length);
                    return true
                if (filterIndex >= 0) {
                    if (filterIndex > 0) {
                        selectionFilter.splice(filterIndex - 1, 2)
                    } else {
                        selectionFilter.splice(filterIndex, 2)
                    return true
                return false
            getSelectAllState: function() {
                var filter = this.options.filter(),
                    selectionFilter = this.options.selectionFilter;
                if (!selectionFilter) {
                    return true
                if (!selectionFilter.length) {
                    return false
                if (!filter || !filter.length) {
                selectionFilter = this._denormalizeFilter(selectionFilter);
                if (this._isLastSubFilter(selectionFilter, filter)) {
                    return true
                if (this._isLastSubFilter(selectionFilter, ["!", filter])) {
                    return false
      !*** ./js/ui/selection/selection.strategy.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            dataQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/query */ 159),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            getKeyHash = commonUtils.getKeyHash,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25);
        module.exports = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                this.options = options;
            _clearItemKeys: function() {
                this._setOption("addedItemKeys", []);
                this._setOption("removedItemKeys", []);
                this._setOption("removedItems", []);
                this._setOption("addedItems", [])
            validate: commonUtils.noop,
            _setOption: function(name, value) {
                this.options[name] = value
            onSelectionChanged: function() {
                var addedItemKeys = this.options.addedItemKeys,
                    removedItemKeys = this.options.removedItemKeys,
                    addedItems = this.options.addedItems,
                    removedItems = this.options.removedItems,
                    selectedItems = this.options.selectedItems,
                    selectedItemKeys = this.options.selectedItemKeys,
                    onSelectionChanged = this.options.onSelectionChanged || commonUtils.noop;
                    selectedItems: selectedItems,
                    selectedItemKeys: selectedItemKeys,
                    addedItemKeys: addedItemKeys,
                    removedItemKeys: removedItemKeys,
                    addedItems: addedItems,
                    removedItems: removedItems
            equalKeys: function(key1, key2) {
                if (this.options.equalByReference) {
                    if (commonUtils.isObject(key1) && commonUtils.isObject(key2)) {
                        return key1 === key2
                return commonUtils.equalByValue(key1, key2)
            _clearSelection: function(keys, preserve, isDeselect, isSelectAll) {
                keys = keys || [];
                keys = Array.isArray(keys) ? keys : [keys];
                return this.selectedItemKeys(keys, preserve, isDeselect, isSelectAll)
            _loadFilteredData: function(remoteFilter, localFilter, select) {
                var filterLength = encodeURI(JSON.stringify(remoteFilter)).length,
                    needLoadAllData = this.options.maxFilterLengthInRequest && filterLength > this.options.maxFilterLengthInRequest,
                    deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    loadOptions = {
                        filter: needLoadAllData ? void 0 : remoteFilter,
                        select: needLoadAllData ? this.options.dataFields() : select || this.options.dataFields()
                if (remoteFilter && 0 === remoteFilter.length) {
                } else {
                    this.options.load(loadOptions).done(function(items) {
                        var filteredItems = typeUtils.isPlainObject(items) ? items.data : items;
                        if (localFilter) {
                            filteredItems = filteredItems.filter(localFilter)
                        } else {
                            if (needLoadAllData) {
                                filteredItems = dataQuery(filteredItems).filter(remoteFilter).toArray()
                return deferred
            updateSelectedItemKeyHash: function(keys) {
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                    var keyHash = getKeyHash(keys[i]);
                    if (!commonUtils.isObject(keyHash)) {
                        this.options.keyHashIndices[keyHash] = this.options.keyHashIndices[keyHash] || [];
                        var keyIndices = this.options.keyHashIndices[keyHash];
            _isAnyItemSelected: function(items) {
                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    if (this.options.isItemSelected(items[i])) {
                return false
            _getFullSelectAllState: function() {
                var items = this.options.plainItems(),
                    dataFilter = this.options.filter(),
                    selectedItems = this.options.selectedItems;
                if (dataFilter) {
                    selectedItems = dataQuery(selectedItems).filter(dataFilter).toArray()
                var selectedItemsLength = selectedItems.length;
                if (!selectedItemsLength) {
                    return this._isAnyItemSelected(items)
                if (selectedItemsLength >= this.options.totalCount()) {
                    return true
            _getVisibleSelectAllState: function() {
                var items = this.options.plainItems(),
                    hasSelectedItems = false,
                    hasUnselectedItems = false;
                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    var item = items[i],
                        itemData = this.options.getItemData(item),
                        key = this.options.keyOf(itemData);
                    if (this.options.isSelectableItem(item)) {
                        if (this.isItemKeySelected(key)) {
                            hasSelectedItems = true
                        } else {
                            hasUnselectedItems = true
                if (hasSelectedItems) {
                    return !hasUnselectedItems ? true : void 0
                } else {
                    return false
      !*** ./js/ui/selection/selection.strategy.standard.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            getKeyHash = commonUtils.getKeyHash,
            dataQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/query */ 159),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../widget/ui.errors */ 22),
            SelectionStrategy = __webpack_require__( /*! ./selection.strategy */ 171);

        function SelectionFilterCreator(keyExpr, selectedItemKeys, isSelectAll, equalKeys, keyOf, equalByReference) {
            this.getLocalFilter = function() {
                return functionFilter
            this.getExpr = function() {
                if (!keyExpr) {
                var filterExpr;
                for (var i = 0, length = selectedItemKeys.length; i < length; i++) {
                    filterExpr = filterExpr || [];
                    var filterExprPart, itemKeyValue = selectedItemKeys[i];
                    if (i > 0) {
                        filterExpr.push(isSelectAll ? "and" : "or")
                    if (commonUtils.isString(keyExpr)) {
                        filterExprPart = getFilterForPlainKey(itemKeyValue)
                    } else {
                        filterExprPart = getFilterForCompositeKey(itemKeyValue)
                if (filterExpr && 1 === filterExpr.length) {
                    filterExpr = filterExpr[0]
                this._filter = filterExpr;
                return filterExpr
            this.getCombinedFilter = function(dataSourceFilter) {
                var filterExpr = this.getExpr(),
                    combinedFilter = filterExpr;
                if (isSelectAll && dataSourceFilter) {
                    if (filterExpr) {
                        combinedFilter = [];
                    } else {
                        combinedFilter = dataSourceFilter
                return combinedFilter
            var selectedItemKeyHashesMap;
            var getSelectedItemKeyHashesMap = function(selectedItemKeys) {
                if (!selectedItemKeyHashesMap) {
                    selectedItemKeyHashesMap = {};
                    for (var i = 0; i < selectedItemKeys.length; i++) {
                        selectedItemKeyHashesMap[getKeyHash(selectedItemKeys[i])] = true
                return selectedItemKeyHashesMap
            var functionFilter = function(item) {
                var keyHash, i, key = keyOf(item);
                if (!equalByReference) {
                    keyHash = getKeyHash(key);
                    if (!commonUtils.isObject(keyHash)) {
                        var selectedKeyHashesMap = getSelectedItemKeyHashesMap(selectedItemKeys);
                        if (selectedKeyHashesMap[keyHash]) {
                            return !isSelectAll
                        return !!isSelectAll
                for (i = 0; i < selectedItemKeys.length; i++) {
                    if (equalKeys(selectedItemKeys[i], key)) {
                        return !isSelectAll
                return !!isSelectAll
            var getFilterForPlainKey = function(keyValue, key) {
                return [key || keyExpr, isSelectAll ? "<>" : "=", keyValue]
            var getFilterForCompositeKey = function(itemKeyValue) {
                var filterExpr = [];
                for (var i = 0, length = keyExpr.length; i < length; i++) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                        filterExpr.push(isSelectAll ? "or" : "and")
                    var currentKeyExpr = keyExpr[i],
                        currentKeyValue = itemKeyValue && itemKeyValue[currentKeyExpr],
                        filterExprPart = getFilterForPlainKey(currentKeyValue, currentKeyExpr);
                return filterExpr
        module.exports = SelectionStrategy.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
            _initSelectedItemKeyHash: function() {
                this._setOption("keyHashIndices", this.options.equalByReference ? null : {})
            getSelectedItemKeys: function() {
                return this.options.selectedItemKeys.slice(0)
            getSelectedItems: function() {
                return this.options.selectedItems.slice(0)
            _preserveSelectionUpdate: function(items, isDeselect) {
                var keyIndicesToRemoveMap, keyIndex, i, keyOf = this.options.keyOf;
                if (!keyOf) {
                var isBatchDeselect = isDeselect && items.length > 1 && !this.options.equalByReference;
                if (isBatchDeselect) {
                    keyIndicesToRemoveMap = {}
                for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    var item = items[i],
                        key = keyOf(item);
                    if (isDeselect) {
                        keyIndex = this.removeSelectedItem(key, keyIndicesToRemoveMap);
                        if (keyIndicesToRemoveMap && keyIndex >= 0) {
                            keyIndicesToRemoveMap[keyIndex] = true
                    } else {
                        this.addSelectedItem(key, item)
                if (isBatchDeselect) {
            _batchRemoveSelectedItems: function(keyIndicesToRemoveMap) {
                var selectedItemKeys = this.options.selectedItemKeys.slice(0);
                var selectedItems = this.options.selectedItems.slice(0);
                this.options.selectedItemKeys.length = 0;
                this.options.selectedItems.length = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < selectedItemKeys.length; i++) {
                    if (!keyIndicesToRemoveMap[i]) {
            _loadSelectedItemsCore: function(keys, isDeselect, isSelectAll) {
                var deferred = $.Deferred(),
                    key = this.options.key;
                if (!keys.length && !isSelectAll) {
                    return deferred
                var filter = this.options.filter();
                if (isSelectAll && isDeselect && !filter) {
                    return deferred
                var selectionFilterCreator = new SelectionFilterCreator(key(), keys, isSelectAll, this.equalKeys.bind(this), this.options.keyOf, this.options.equalByReference),
                    combinedFilter = selectionFilterCreator.getCombinedFilter(filter);
                var deselectedItems = [];
                if (isDeselect) {
                    deselectedItems = combinedFilter ? dataQuery(this.options.selectedItems).filter(combinedFilter).toArray() : this.options.selectedItems.slice(0)
                var filteredItems = deselectedItems.length ? deselectedItems : this.options.plainItems().filter(this.options.isSelectableItem).map(this.options.getItemData);
                var localFilter = selectionFilterCreator.getLocalFilter();
                filteredItems = filteredItems.filter(localFilter);
                if (deselectedItems.length || !isSelectAll && filteredItems.length === keys.length) {
                } else {
                    deferred = this._loadFilteredData(combinedFilter, localFilter)
                return deferred
            _replaceSelectionUpdate: function(items) {
                var internalKeys = [],
                    keyOf = this.options.keyOf;
                if (!keyOf) {
                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    var item = items[i],
                        key = keyOf(item);
                this.setSelectedItems(internalKeys, items)
            _warnOnIncorrectKeys: function(keys) {
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                    if (!this.isItemKeySelected(keys[i])) {
                        errors.log("W1002", keys[i])
            _loadSelectedItems: function(keys, isDeselect, isSelectAll) {
                var that = this,
                    deferred = $.Deferred();
                when(that._lastLoadDeferred).always(function() {
                    that._loadSelectedItemsCore(keys, isDeselect, isSelectAll).done(deferred.resolve).fail(deferred.reject)
                that._lastLoadDeferred = deferred;
                return deferred
            selectedItemKeys: function(keys, preserve, isDeselect, isSelectAll) {
                var that = this,
                    deferred = that._loadSelectedItems(keys, isDeselect, isSelectAll);
                deferred.done(function(items) {
                    if (preserve) {
                        that._preserveSelectionUpdate(items, isDeselect)
                    } else {
                    if (!isSelectAll && !isDeselect) {
                return deferred
            addSelectedItem: function(key, itemData) {
                var keyHash = this._getKeyHash(key);
                if (this._indexOfSelectedItemKey(keyHash) === -1) {
                    if (!commonUtils.isObject(keyHash) && this.options.keyHashIndices) {
                        this.options.keyHashIndices[keyHash] = [this.options.selectedItemKeys.length]
            _getSelectedIndexByKey: function(key, ignoreIndicesMap) {
                var selectedItemKeys = this.options.selectedItemKeys;
                for (var index = 0; index < selectedItemKeys.length; index++) {
                    if ((!ignoreIndicesMap || !ignoreIndicesMap[index]) && this.equalKeys(selectedItemKeys[index], key)) {
                        return index
                return -1
            _getSelectedIndexByHash: function(key, ignoreIndicesMap) {
                var indices = this.options.keyHashIndices[key];
                if (indices && indices.length > 1 && ignoreIndicesMap) {
                    indices = indices.filter(function(index) {
                        return !ignoreIndicesMap[index]
                return indices && indices[0] >= 0 ? indices[0] : -1
            _indexOfSelectedItemKey: function(key, ignoreIndicesMap) {
                var selectedIndex;
                if (this.options.equalByReference) {
                    selectedIndex = this.options.selectedItemKeys.indexOf(key)
                } else {
                    if (commonUtils.isObject(key)) {
                        selectedIndex = this._getSelectedIndexByKey(key, ignoreIndicesMap)
                    } else {
                        selectedIndex = this._getSelectedIndexByHash(key, ignoreIndicesMap)
                return selectedIndex
            _shiftSelectedKeyIndices: function(keyIndex) {
                for (var currentKeyIndex = keyIndex; currentKeyIndex < this.options.selectedItemKeys.length; currentKeyIndex++) {
                    var currentKey = this.options.selectedItemKeys[currentKeyIndex],
                        currentKeyHash = getKeyHash(currentKey),
                        currentKeyIndices = this.options.keyHashIndices[currentKeyHash];
                    if (!currentKeyIndices) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < currentKeyIndices.length; i++) {
                        if (currentKeyIndices[i] > keyIndex) {
            removeSelectedItem: function(key, keyIndicesToRemoveMap) {
                var keyHash = this._getKeyHash(key),
                    isBatchDeselect = !!keyIndicesToRemoveMap,
                    keyIndex = this._indexOfSelectedItemKey(keyHash, keyIndicesToRemoveMap);
                if (keyIndex < 0) {
                    return keyIndex
                if (isBatchDeselect) {
                    return keyIndex
                this.options.selectedItemKeys.splice(keyIndex, 1);
                this.options.selectedItems.splice(keyIndex, 1);
                if (commonUtils.isObject(keyHash) || !this.options.keyHashIndices) {
                    return keyIndex
                var keyIndices = this.options.keyHashIndices[keyHash];
                if (!keyIndices) {
                    return keyIndex
                if (!keyIndices.length) {
                    delete this.options.keyHashIndices[keyHash]
                return keyIndex
            _needRemoveItemKey: function(keys, key) {
                var hashIndices = this.options.keyHashIndices;
                if (!hashIndices) {
                    return keys.indexOf(key) < 0
                var hash = this._getKeyHash(key);
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                    var keyHash = this._getKeyHash(keys[i]);
                    if (this.equalKeys(hash, keyHash)) {
                        return false
                return true
            _updateAddedItemKeys: function(keys, items) {
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                    if (this._indexOfSelectedItemKey(keys[i]) < 0) {
            _updateRemovedItemKeys: function(keys) {
                var oldSelectedKeys = this.options.selectedItemKeys,
                    oldSelectedItems = this.options.selectedItems;
                for (var i = 0; i < oldSelectedKeys.length; i++) {
                    if (this._needRemoveItemKey(keys, oldSelectedKeys[i])) {
            _getKeyHash: function(key) {
                return this.options.equalByReference ? key : getKeyHash(key)
            setSelectedItems: function(keys, items) {
                this._updateRemovedItemKeys(keys, items);
                this._updateAddedItemKeys(keys, items);
                if (!this.options.equalByReference) {
                this._setOption("selectedItemKeys", keys);
                this._setOption("selectedItems", items)
            isItemDataSelected: function(itemData) {
                var key = this.options.keyOf(itemData);
                return this.isItemKeySelected(key)
            isItemKeySelected: function(key) {
                var keyHash = this._getKeyHash(key);
                var index = this._indexOfSelectedItemKey(keyHash);
                return index !== -1
            getSelectAllState: function(visibleOnly) {
                if (visibleOnly) {
                    return this._getVisibleSelectAllState()
                } else {
                    return this._getFullSelectAllState()
      !*** ./js/integration/angular/event_registrator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            eventRegistrator = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/event_registrator */ 73),
            ngModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./module */ 148);
        eventRegistrator.callbacks.add(function(name) {
            var ngEventName = name.slice(0, 2) + name.charAt(2).toUpperCase() + name.slice(3);
            ngModule.directive(ngEventName, ["$parse", function($parse) {
                return function(scope, element, attr) {
                    var handler, attrValue = $.trim(attr[ngEventName]),
                        eventOptions = {};
                    if ("{" === attrValue.charAt(0)) {
                        eventOptions = scope.$eval(attrValue);
                        handler = $parse(eventOptions.execute)
                    } else {
                        handler = $parse(attr[ngEventName])
                    element.on(name, eventOptions, function(e) {
                        scope.$apply(function() {
                            handler(scope, {
                                $event: e
      !*** ./js/integration/angular/components.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            ngModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./module */ 148);
        ngModule.service("dxDigestCallbacks", ["$rootScope", function($rootScope) {
            var begin = $.Callbacks(),
                end = $.Callbacks();
            var digestPhase = false;
            $rootScope.$watch(function() {
                if (digestPhase) {
                digestPhase = true;
                $rootScope.$$postDigest(function() {
                    digestPhase = false;
            return {
                begin: {
                    add: function(callback) {
                        if (digestPhase) {
                    remove: begin.remove
                end: end
      !*** ./js/integration/angular/action_executors.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var Action = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/action */ 49);
            ngExpression: {
                execute: function(e) {
                    if ("string" === typeof e.action) {
      !*** ./js/localization/globalize/core.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var Globalize = __webpack_require__( /*! globalize */ 177),
            coreLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core */ 34);
        if (Globalize && Globalize.load) {
            var likelySubtags = {
                supplemental: {
                    version: {
                        _cldrVersion: "28",
                        _unicodeVersion: "8.0.0",
                        _number: "$Revision: 11965 $"
                    likelySubtags: {
                        en: "en-Latn-US",
                        de: "de-Latn-DE",
                        ru: "ru-Cyrl-RU",
                        ja: "ja-Jpan-JP"
            if (!Globalize.locale()) {
                locale: function(locale) {
                    if (!locale) {
                        return Globalize.locale().locale
      !*** external "window.Globalize" ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = window.Globalize
      !*** ./js/localization/globalize/message.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 176);
        var Globalize = __webpack_require__( /*! globalize */ 177),
            messageLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../message */ 89),
            coreLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core */ 34);
        __webpack_require__( /*! globalize/message */ 177);
        if (Globalize && Globalize.formatMessage) {
            var DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en";
            var originalLoadMessages = Globalize.loadMessages;
            Globalize.loadMessages = function(messages) {
            var globalizeMessageLocalization = {
                ctor: function() {
                load: function(messages) {
                getMessagesByLocales: function() {
                    return Globalize.cldr.get("globalize-messages")
                getFormatter: function(key, locale) {
                    var currentLocale = locale || coreLocalization.locale(),
                        formatter = this._getFormatterBase(key, locale);
                    if (!formatter) {
                        formatter = this._formatterByGlobalize(key, locale)
                    if (!formatter && currentLocale !== DEFAULT_LOCALE) {
                        formatter = this.getFormatter(key, DEFAULT_LOCALE)
                    return formatter
                _formatterByGlobalize: function(key, locale) {
                    var result, currentGlobalize = !locale || locale === coreLocalization.locale() ? Globalize : new Globalize(locale);
                    if (this._messageLoaded(key, locale)) {
                        result = currentGlobalize.messageFormatter(key)
                    return result
                _messageLoaded: function(key, locale) {
                    var currentCldr = locale ? new Globalize(locale).cldr : Globalize.locale(),
                        value = currentCldr.get(["globalize-messages/{bundle}", key]);
                    return void 0 !== value
                _loadSingle: function(key, value, locale) {
                    var data = {};
                    data[locale] = {};
                    data[locale][key] = value;
      !*** ./js/localization/globalize/number.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 176);
        var Globalize = __webpack_require__( /*! globalize */ 177),
            numberLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../number */ 32),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7);
        __webpack_require__( /*! globalize/number */ 177);
        if (Globalize && Globalize.formatNumber) {
            var enNumbers = {
                main: {
                    en: {
                        identity: {
                            version: {
                                _cldrVersion: "28",
                                _number: "$Revision: 11972 $"
                            language: "en"
                        numbers: {
                            defaultNumberingSystem: "latn",
                            otherNumberingSystems: {
                                "native": "latn"
                            minimumGroupingDigits: "1",
                            "symbols-numberSystem-latn": {
                                decimal: ".",
                                group: ",",
                                list: ";",
                                percentSign: "%",
                                plusSign: "+",
                                minusSign: "-",
                                exponential: "E",
                                superscriptingExponent: "×",
                                perMille: "‰",
                                infinity: "∞",
                                nan: "NaN",
                                timeSeparator: ":"
                            "decimalFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
                                standard: "#,##0.###",
                                "long": {
                                    decimalFormat: {
                                        "1000-count-one": "0 thousand",
                                        "1000-count-other": "0 thousand",
                                        "10000-count-one": "00 thousand",
                                        "10000-count-other": "00 thousand",
                                        "100000-count-one": "000 thousand",
                                        "100000-count-other": "000 thousand",
                                        "1000000-count-one": "0 million",
                                        "1000000-count-other": "0 million",
                                        "10000000-count-one": "00 million",
                                        "10000000-count-other": "00 million",
                                        "100000000-count-one": "000 million",
                                        "100000000-count-other": "000 million",
                                        "1000000000-count-one": "0 billion",
                                        "1000000000-count-other": "0 billion",
                                        "10000000000-count-one": "00 billion",
                                        "10000000000-count-other": "00 billion",
                                        "100000000000-count-one": "000 billion",
                                        "100000000000-count-other": "000 billion",
                                        "1000000000000-count-one": "0 trillion",
                                        "1000000000000-count-other": "0 trillion",
                                        "10000000000000-count-one": "00 trillion",
                                        "10000000000000-count-other": "00 trillion",
                                        "100000000000000-count-one": "000 trillion",
                                        "100000000000000-count-other": "000 trillion"
                                "short": {
                                    decimalFormat: {
                                        "1000-count-one": "0K",
                                        "1000-count-other": "0K",
                                        "10000-count-one": "00K",
                                        "10000-count-other": "00K",
                                        "100000-count-one": "000K",
                                        "100000-count-other": "000K",
                                        "1000000-count-one": "0M",
                                        "1000000-count-other": "0M",
                                        "10000000-count-one": "00M",
                                        "10000000-count-other": "00M",
                                        "100000000-count-one": "000M",
                                        "100000000-count-other": "000M",
                                        "1000000000-count-one": "0B",
                                        "1000000000-count-other": "0B",
                                        "10000000000-count-one": "00B",
                                        "10000000000-count-other": "00B",
                                        "100000000000-count-one": "000B",
                                        "100000000000-count-other": "000B",
                                        "1000000000000-count-one": "0T",
                                        "1000000000000-count-other": "0T",
                                        "10000000000000-count-one": "00T",
                                        "10000000000000-count-other": "00T",
                                        "100000000000000-count-one": "000T",
                                        "100000000000000-count-other": "000T"
                            "scientificFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
                                standard: "#E0"
                            "percentFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
                                standard: "#,##0%"
                            "currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn": {
                                currencySpacing: {
                                    beforeCurrency: {
                                        currencyMatch: "[:^S:]",
                                        surroundingMatch: "[:digit:]",
                                        insertBetween: " "
                                    afterCurrency: {
                                        currencyMatch: "[:^S:]",
                                        surroundingMatch: "[:digit:]",
                                        insertBetween: " "
                                standard: "¤#,##0.00",
                                accounting: "¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00)",
                                "short": {
                                    standard: {
                                        "1000-count-one": "¤0K",
                                        "1000-count-other": "¤0K",
                                        "10000-count-one": "¤00K",
                                        "10000-count-other": "¤00K",
                                        "100000-count-one": "¤000K",
                                        "100000-count-other": "¤000K",
                                        "1000000-count-one": "¤0M",
                                        "1000000-count-other": "¤0M",
                                        "10000000-count-one": "¤00M",
                                        "10000000-count-other": "¤00M",
                                        "100000000-count-one": "¤000M",
                                        "100000000-count-other": "¤000M",
                                        "1000000000-count-one": "¤0B",
                                        "1000000000-count-other": "¤0B",
                                        "10000000000-count-one": "¤00B",
                                        "10000000000-count-other": "¤00B",
                                        "100000000000-count-one": "¤000B",
                                        "100000000000-count-other": "¤000B",
                                        "1000000000000-count-one": "¤0T",
                                        "1000000000000-count-other": "¤0T",
                                        "10000000000000-count-one": "¤00T",
                                        "10000000000000-count-other": "¤00T",
                                        "100000000000000-count-one": "¤000T",
                                        "100000000000000-count-other": "¤000T"
                                "unitPattern-count-one": "{0} {1}",
                                "unitPattern-count-other": "{0} {1}"
                            "miscPatterns-numberSystem-latn": {
                                atLeast: "{0}+",
                                range: "{0}–{1}"
            if ("en" === Globalize.locale().locale) {
            var formattersCache = {};
            var getFormatter = function(format) {
                var formatter, formatCacheKey;
                if ("object" === typeof format) {
                    formatCacheKey = Globalize.locale().locale + ":" + JSON.stringify(format)
                } else {
                    formatCacheKey = Globalize.locale().locale + ":" + format
                formatter = formattersCache[formatCacheKey];
                if (!formatter) {
                    formatter = formattersCache[formatCacheKey] = Globalize.numberFormatter(format)
                return formatter
            var globalizeNumberLocalization = {
                _formatNumberCore: function(value, format, formatConfig) {
                    if ("exponential" === format) {
                        return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
                    return getFormatter(this._normalizeFormatConfig(format, formatConfig, value))(value)
                _normalizeFormatConfig: function(format, formatConfig, value) {
                    var config;
                    if ("decimal" === format) {
                        config = {
                            minimumIntegerDigits: formatConfig.precision || 1,
                            useGrouping: false,
                            maximumFractionDigits: 0,
                            round: value < 0 ? "ceil" : "floor"
                    } else {
                        config = this._getPrecisionConfig(formatConfig.precision)
                    if ("percent" === format) {
                        config.style = "percent"
                    return config
                _getPrecisionConfig: function(precision) {
                    var config;
                    if (null === precision) {
                        config = {
                            minimumFractionDigits: 0,
                            maximumFractionDigits: 20
                    } else {
                        config = {
                            minimumFractionDigits: precision || 0,
                            maximumFractionDigits: precision || 0
                    return config
                format: function(value, format) {
                    if ("number" !== typeof value) {
                        return value
                    format = this._normalizeFormat(format);
                    if (!format || "function" !== typeof format && !format.type && !format.formatter) {
                        return getFormatter(format)(value)
                    return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
                parse: function(text, format) {
                    if (!text) {
                    if (format && format.parser) {
                        return format.parser(text)
                    if (format) {
                    return Globalize.parseNumber(text)
      !*** ./js/localization/globalize/date.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 176);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./number */ 179);
        __webpack_require__( /*! globalize/date */ 177);
        var timeData = {
            supplemental: {
                version: {
                    _cldrVersion: "28",
                    _unicodeVersion: "8.0.0",
                    _number: "$Revision: 11969 $"
                timeData: {
                    "001": {
                        _allowed: "H h",
                        _preferred: "H"
                    DE: {
                        _allowed: "H",
                        _preferred: "H"
                    JP: {
                        _allowed: "H K h",
                        _preferred: "H"
                    RU: {
                        _allowed: "H",
                        _preferred: "H"
                    US: {
                        _allowed: "H h",
                        _preferred: "h"
        var enCaGregorian = {
            main: {
                en: {
                    identity: {
                        version: {
                            _cldrVersion: "28",
                            _number: "$Revision: 11972 $"
                        language: "en"
                    dates: {
                        calendars: {
                            gregorian: {
                                months: {
                                    format: {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            1: "Jan",
                                            2: "Feb",
                                            3: "Mar",
                                            4: "Apr",
                                            5: "May",
                                            6: "Jun",
                                            7: "Jul",
                                            8: "Aug",
                                            9: "Sep",
                                            10: "Oct",
                                            11: "Nov",
                                            12: "Dec"
                                        narrow: {
                                            1: "J",
                                            2: "F",
                                            3: "M",
                                            4: "A",
                                            5: "M",
                                            6: "J",
                                            7: "J",
                                            8: "A",
                                            9: "S",
                                            10: "O",
                                            11: "N",
                                            12: "D"
                                        wide: {
                                            1: "January",
                                            2: "February",
                                            3: "March",
                                            4: "April",
                                            5: "May",
                                            6: "June",
                                            7: "July",
                                            8: "August",
                                            9: "September",
                                            10: "October",
                                            11: "November",
                                            12: "December"
                                    "stand-alone": {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            1: "Jan",
                                            2: "Feb",
                                            3: "Mar",
                                            4: "Apr",
                                            5: "May",
                                            6: "Jun",
                                            7: "Jul",
                                            8: "Aug",
                                            9: "Sep",
                                            10: "Oct",
                                            11: "Nov",
                                            12: "Dec"
                                        narrow: {
                                            1: "J",
                                            2: "F",
                                            3: "M",
                                            4: "A",
                                            5: "M",
                                            6: "J",
                                            7: "J",
                                            8: "A",
                                            9: "S",
                                            10: "O",
                                            11: "N",
                                            12: "D"
                                        wide: {
                                            1: "January",
                                            2: "February",
                                            3: "March",
                                            4: "April",
                                            5: "May",
                                            6: "June",
                                            7: "July",
                                            8: "August",
                                            9: "September",
                                            10: "October",
                                            11: "November",
                                            12: "December"
                                days: {
                                    format: {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            sun: "Sun",
                                            mon: "Mon",
                                            tue: "Tue",
                                            wed: "Wed",
                                            thu: "Thu",
                                            fri: "Fri",
                                            sat: "Sat"
                                        narrow: {
                                            sun: "S",
                                            mon: "M",
                                            tue: "T",
                                            wed: "W",
                                            thu: "T",
                                            fri: "F",
                                            sat: "S"
                                        "short": {
                                            sun: "Su",
                                            mon: "Mo",
                                            tue: "Tu",
                                            wed: "We",
                                            thu: "Th",
                                            fri: "Fr",
                                            sat: "Sa"
                                        wide: {
                                            sun: "Sunday",
                                            mon: "Monday",
                                            tue: "Tuesday",
                                            wed: "Wednesday",
                                            thu: "Thursday",
                                            fri: "Friday",
                                            sat: "Saturday"
                                    "stand-alone": {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            sun: "Sun",
                                            mon: "Mon",
                                            tue: "Tue",
                                            wed: "Wed",
                                            thu: "Thu",
                                            fri: "Fri",
                                            sat: "Sat"
                                        narrow: {
                                            sun: "S",
                                            mon: "M",
                                            tue: "T",
                                            wed: "W",
                                            thu: "T",
                                            fri: "F",
                                            sat: "S"
                                        "short": {
                                            sun: "Su",
                                            mon: "Mo",
                                            tue: "Tu",
                                            wed: "We",
                                            thu: "Th",
                                            fri: "Fr",
                                            sat: "Sa"
                                        wide: {
                                            sun: "Sunday",
                                            mon: "Monday",
                                            tue: "Tuesday",
                                            wed: "Wednesday",
                                            thu: "Thursday",
                                            fri: "Friday",
                                            sat: "Saturday"
                                quarters: {
                                    format: {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            1: "Q1",
                                            2: "Q2",
                                            3: "Q3",
                                            4: "Q4"
                                        narrow: {
                                            1: "1",
                                            2: "2",
                                            3: "3",
                                            4: "4"
                                        wide: {
                                            1: "1st quarter",
                                            2: "2nd quarter",
                                            3: "3rd quarter",
                                            4: "4th quarter"
                                    "stand-alone": {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            1: "Q1",
                                            2: "Q2",
                                            3: "Q3",
                                            4: "Q4"
                                        narrow: {
                                            1: "1",
                                            2: "2",
                                            3: "3",
                                            4: "4"
                                        wide: {
                                            1: "1st quarter",
                                            2: "2nd quarter",
                                            3: "3rd quarter",
                                            4: "4th quarter"
                                dayPeriods: {
                                    format: {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            midnight: "midnight",
                                            am: "AM",
                                            "am-alt-variant": "am",
                                            noon: "noon",
                                            pm: "PM",
                                            "pm-alt-variant": "pm",
                                            morning1: "in the morning",
                                            afternoon1: "in the afternoon",
                                            evening1: "in the evening",
                                            night1: "at night"
                                        narrow: {
                                            midnight: "mi",
                                            am: "a",
                                            "am-alt-variant": "am",
                                            noon: "n",
                                            pm: "p",
                                            "pm-alt-variant": "pm",
                                            morning1: "in the morning",
                                            afternoon1: "in the afternoon",
                                            evening1: "in the evening",
                                            night1: "at night"
                                        wide: {
                                            midnight: "midnight",
                                            am: "AM",
                                            "am-alt-variant": "am",
                                            noon: "noon",
                                            pm: "PM",
                                            "pm-alt-variant": "pm",
                                            morning1: "in the morning",
                                            afternoon1: "in the afternoon",
                                            evening1: "in the evening",
                                            night1: "at night"
                                    "stand-alone": {
                                        abbreviated: {
                                            midnight: "midnight",
                                            am: "AM",
                                            "am-alt-variant": "am",
                                            noon: "noon",
                                            pm: "PM",
                                            "pm-alt-variant": "pm",
                                            morning1: "in the morning",
                                            afternoon1: "in the afternoon",
                                            evening1: "in the evening",
                                            night1: "at night"
                                        narrow: {
                                            midnight: "midnight",
                                            am: "AM",
                                            "am-alt-variant": "am",
                                            noon: "noon",
                                            pm: "PM",
                                            "pm-alt-variant": "pm",
                                            morning1: "in the morning",
                                            afternoon1: "in the afternoon",
                                            evening1: "in the evening",
                                            night1: "at night"
                                        wide: {
                                            midnight: "midnight",
                                            am: "AM",
                                            "am-alt-variant": "am",
                                            noon: "noon",
                                            pm: "PM",
                                            "pm-alt-variant": "pm",
                                            morning1: "morning",
                                            afternoon1: "afternoon",
                                            evening1: "evening",
                                            night1: "night"
                                eras: {
                                    eraNames: {
                                        0: "Before Christ",
                                        "0-alt-variant": "Before Common Era",
                                        1: "Anno Domini",
                                        "1-alt-variant": "Common Era"
                                    eraAbbr: {
                                        0: "BC",
                                        "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                        1: "AD",
                                        "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                    eraNarrow: {
                                        0: "B",
                                        "0-alt-variant": "BCE",
                                        1: "A",
                                        "1-alt-variant": "CE"
                                dateFormats: {
                                    full: "EEEE, MMMM d, y",
                                    "long": "MMMM d, y",
                                    medium: "MMM d, y",
                                    "short": "M/d/yy"
                                timeFormats: {
                                    full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
                                    "long": "h:mm:ss a z",
                                    medium: "h:mm:ss a",
                                    "short": "h:mm a"
                                dateTimeFormats: {
                                    full: "{1} 'at' {0}",
                                    "long": "{1} 'at' {0}",
                                    medium: "{1}, {0}",
                                    "short": "{1}, {0}",
                                    availableFormats: {
                                        d: "d",
                                        E: "ccc",
                                        Ed: "d E",
                                        Ehm: "E h:mm a",
                                        EHm: "E HH:mm",
                                        Ehms: "E h:mm:ss a",
                                        EHms: "E HH:mm:ss",
                                        Gy: "y G",
                                        GyMMM: "MMM y G",
                                        GyMMMd: "MMM d, y G",
                                        GyMMMEd: "E, MMM d, y G",
                                        h: "h a",
                                        H: "HH",
                                        hm: "h:mm a",
                                        Hm: "HH:mm",
                                        hms: "h:mm:ss a",
                                        Hms: "HH:mm:ss",
                                        hmsv: "h:mm:ss a v",
                                        Hmsv: "HH:mm:ss v",
                                        hmv: "h:mm a v",
                                        Hmv: "HH:mm v",
                                        M: "L",
                                        Md: "M/d",
                                        MEd: "E, M/d",
                                        MMM: "LLL",
                                        MMMd: "MMM d",
                                        MMMEd: "E, MMM d",
                                        MMMMd: "MMMM d",
                                        ms: "mm:ss",
                                        y: "y",
                                        yM: "M/y",
                                        yMd: "M/d/y",
                                        yMEd: "E, M/d/y",
                                        yMMM: "MMM y",
                                        yMMMd: "MMM d, y",
                                        yMMMEd: "E, MMM d, y",
                                        yMMMM: "MMMM y",
                                        yQQQ: "QQQ y",
                                        yQQQQ: "QQQQ y"
                                    appendItems: {
                                        Day: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        "Day-Of-Week": "{0} {1}",
                                        Era: "{0} {1}",
                                        Hour: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        Minute: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        Month: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        Quarter: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        Second: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        Timezone: "{0} {1}",
                                        Week: "{0} ({2}: {1})",
                                        Year: "{0} {1}"
                                    intervalFormats: {
                                        intervalFormatFallback: "{0} – {1}",
                                        d: {
                                            d: "d – d"
                                        h: {
                                            a: "h a – h a",
                                            h: "h – h a"
                                        H: {
                                            H: "HH – HH"
                                        hm: {
                                            a: "h:mm a – h:mm a",
                                            h: "h:mm – h:mm a",
                                            m: "h:mm – h:mm a"
                                        Hm: {
                                            H: "HH:mm – HH:mm",
                                            m: "HH:mm – HH:mm"
                                        hmv: {
                                            a: "h:mm a – h:mm a v",
                                            h: "h:mm – h:mm a v",
                                            m: "h:mm – h:mm a v"
                                        Hmv: {
                                            H: "HH:mm – HH:mm v",
                                            m: "HH:mm – HH:mm v"
                                        hv: {
                                            a: "h a – h a v",
                                            h: "h – h a v"
                                        Hv: {
                                            H: "HH – HH v"
                                        M: {
                                            M: "M – M"
                                        Md: {
                                            d: "M/d – M/d",
                                            M: "M/d – M/d"
                                        MEd: {
                                            d: "E, M/d – E, M/d",
                                            M: "E, M/d – E, M/d"
                                        MMM: {
                                            M: "MMM – MMM"
                                        MMMd: {
                                            d: "MMM d – d",
                                            M: "MMM d – MMM d"
                                        MMMEd: {
                                            d: "E, MMM d – E, MMM d",
                                            M: "E, MMM d – E, MMM d"
                                        y: {
                                            y: "y – y"
                                        yM: {
                                            M: "M/y – M/y",
                                            y: "M/y – M/y"
                                        yMd: {
                                            d: "M/d/y – M/d/y",
                                            M: "M/d/y – M/d/y",
                                            y: "M/d/y – M/d/y"
                                        yMEd: {
                                            d: "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y",
                                            M: "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y",
                                            y: "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y"
                                        yMMM: {
                                            M: "MMM – MMM y",
                                            y: "MMM y – MMM y"
                                        yMMMd: {
                                            d: "MMM d – d, y",
                                            M: "MMM d – MMM d, y",
                                            y: "MMM d, y – MMM d, y"
                                        yMMMEd: {
                                            d: "E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y",
                                            M: "E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y",
                                            y: "E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y"
                                        yMMMM: {
                                            M: "MMMM – MMMM y",
                                            y: "MMMM y – MMMM y"
        var weekData = {
            supplemental: {
                version: {
                    _cldrVersion: "28",
                    _unicodeVersion: "8.0.0",
                    _number: "$Revision: 11969 $"
                weekData: {
                    minDays: {
                        "001": "1",
                        US: "1",
                        DE: "4"
                    firstDay: {
                        "001": "mon",
                        DE: "mon",
                        RU: "mon",
                        JP: "sun",
                        US: "sun"
                    weekendStart: {
                        "001": "sat"
                    weekendEnd: {
                        "001": "sun"
        var ACCEPTABLE_JSON_FORMAT_PROPERTIES = ["skeleton", "date", "time", "datetime", "raw"];
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Globalize = __webpack_require__( /*! globalize */ 177),
            dateLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../date */ 33),
            isObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isObject,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7);
        if (Globalize && Globalize.formatDate) {
            if ("en" === Globalize.locale().locale) {
                Globalize.load(weekData, timeData, enCaGregorian);
            var formattersCache = {};
            var FORMATS_TO_GLOBALIZE_MAP = {
                shortdate: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/yMd"
                shorttime: {
                    path: "timeFormats/short"
                longdate: {
                    path: "dateFormats/full"
                longtime: {
                    path: "timeFormats/medium"
                monthandday: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/MMMMd"
                monthandyear: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/yMMMM"
                quarterandyear: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/yQQQ"
                day: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/d"
                year: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/availableFormats/y"
                shortdateshorttime: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/short",
                    parts: ["shorttime", "shortdate"]
                mediumdatemediumtime: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/medium",
                    parts: ["shorttime", "monthandday"]
                longdatelongtime: {
                    path: "dateTimeFormats/medium",
                    parts: ["longtime", "longdate"]
                month: {
                    pattern: "LLLL"
                shortyear: {
                    pattern: "yy"
                dayofweek: {
                    pattern: "EEEE"
                quarter: {
                    pattern: "QQQ"
                millisecond: {
                    pattern: "SSS"
                hour: {
                    pattern: "HH"
                minute: {
                    pattern: "mm"
                second: {
                    pattern: "ss"
            var globalizeDateLocalization = {
                _getPatternByFormat: function(format) {
                    var that = this,
                        lowerFormat = format.toLowerCase(),
                        globalizeFormat = FORMATS_TO_GLOBALIZE_MAP[lowerFormat];
                    if ("datetime-local" === lowerFormat) {
                        return "yyyy-MM-ddTHH':'mm':'ss"
                    if (!globalizeFormat) {
                    var result = globalizeFormat.path && that._getFormatStringByPath(globalizeFormat.path) || globalizeFormat.pattern;
                    if (globalizeFormat.parts) {
                        $.each(globalizeFormat.parts, function(index, part) {
                            result = result.replace("{" + index + "}", that._getPatternByFormat(part))
                    return result
                _getFormatStringByPath: function(path) {
                    return Globalize.locale().main("dates/calendars/gregorian/" + path)
                getMonthNames: function(format) {
                    var months = Globalize.locale().main("dates/calendars/gregorian/months/stand-alone/" + (format || "wide"));
                    return $.map(months, function(month) {
                        return month
                getDayNames: function(format) {
                    var days = Globalize.locale().main("dates/calendars/gregorian/days/stand-alone/" + (format || "wide"));
                    return $.map(days, function(day) {
                        return day
                getTimeSeparator: function() {
                    return Globalize.locale().main("numbers/symbols-numberSystem-latn/timeSeparator")
                format: function(date, format) {
                    if (!date) {
                    if (!format) {
                        return date
                    var formatter, formatCacheKey;
                    if ("function" === typeof format) {
                        return format(date)
                    if (format.formatter) {
                        return format.formatter(date)
                    format = format.type || format;
                    if ("string" === typeof format) {
                        formatCacheKey = Globalize.locale().locale + ":" + format;
                        formatter = formattersCache[formatCacheKey];
                        if (!formatter) {
                            format = {
                                raw: this._getPatternByFormat(format) || format
                            formatter = formattersCache[formatCacheKey] = Globalize.dateFormatter(format)
                    } else {
                        formatter = Globalize.dateFormatter(format)
                    return formatter(date)
                parse: function(text, format) {
                    if (!text) {
                    if (!format || "function" === typeof format || isObject(format) && !this._isAcceptableFormat(format)) {
                        if (format) {
                        return Globalize.parseDate(text)
                    if (format.parser) {
                        return format.parser(text)
                    if ("string" === typeof format) {
                        format = {
                            raw: this._getPatternByFormat(format) || format
                    return Globalize.parseDate(text, format)
                _isAcceptableFormat: function(format) {
                    if (format.parser) {
                        return true
                    for (var i = 0; i < ACCEPTABLE_JSON_FORMAT_PROPERTIES.length; i++) {
                        if (format.hasOwnProperty(ACCEPTABLE_JSON_FORMAT_PROPERTIES[i])) {
                            return true
                firstDayOfWeekIndex: function() {
                    var firstDay = Globalize.locale().supplemental.weekData.firstDay();
                    return inArray(firstDay, this._getDayKeys())
                _getDayKeys: function() {
                    var days = Globalize.locale().main("dates/calendars/gregorian/days/format/short");
                    return $.map(days, function(day, key) {
                        return key
      !*** ./js/localization/globalize/currency.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 176);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./number */ 179);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../currency */ 36);
        __webpack_require__( /*! globalize/currency */ 177);
        var enCurrencyUSD = {
            main: {
                en: {
                    identity: {
                        version: {
                            _cldrVersion: "28",
                            _number: "$Revision: 11972 $"
                        language: "en"
                    numbers: {
                        currencies: {
                            USD: {
                                displayName: "US Dollar",
                                "displayName-count-one": "US dollar",
                                "displayName-count-other": "US dollars",
                                symbol: "$",
                                "symbol-alt-narrow": "$"
        var currencyData = {
            supplemental: {
                version: {
                    _cldrVersion: "28",
                    _unicodeVersion: "8.0.0",
                    _number: "$Revision: 11969 $"
                currencyData: {
                    fractions: {
                        DEFAULT: {
                            _rounding: "0",
                            _digits: "2"
        var Globalize = __webpack_require__( /*! globalize */ 177),
            config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/config */ 15),
            numberLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../number */ 32);
        if (Globalize && Globalize.formatCurrency) {
            if ("en" === Globalize.locale().locale) {
                Globalize.load(enCurrencyUSD, currencyData);
            var formattersCache = {};
            var getFormatter = function(currency, format) {
                var formatter, formatCacheKey;
                if ("object" === typeof format) {
                    formatCacheKey = Globalize.locale().locale + ":" + currency + ":" + JSON.stringify(format)
                } else {
                    formatCacheKey = Globalize.locale().locale + ":" + currency + ":" + format
                formatter = formattersCache[formatCacheKey];
                if (!formatter) {
                    formatter = formattersCache[formatCacheKey] = Globalize.currencyFormatter(currency, format)
                return formatter
            var globalizeCurrencyLocalization = {
                _formatNumberCore: function(value, format, formatConfig) {
                    if ("currency" === format) {
                        var currency = formatConfig && formatConfig.currency || config().defaultCurrency;
                        return getFormatter(currency, this._normalizeFormatConfig(format, formatConfig, value))(value)
                    return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
                _normalizeFormatConfig: function(format, formatConfig, value) {
                    var config = this.callBase(format, formatConfig, value);
                    if ("currency" === format) {
                        config.style = "accounting"
                    return config
                format: function(value, format) {
                    if ("number" !== typeof value) {
                        return value
                    format = this._normalizeFormat(format);
                    if (format) {
                        if ("default" === format.currency) {
                            format.currency = config().defaultCurrency
                        if ("currency" === format.type) {
                            return this._formatNumber(value, this._parseNumberFormatString("currency"), format)
                        } else {
                            if (!format.type && format.currency) {
                                return getFormatter(format.currency, format)(value)
                    return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
                getCurrencySymbol: function(currency) {
                    if (!currency) {
                        currency = config().defaultCurrency
                    return Globalize.cldr.main("numbers/currencies/" + currency)
                getOpenXmlCurrencyFormat: function(currency) {
                    var i, result, symbol, encodeSymbols, currencySymbol = this.getCurrencySymbol(currency).symbol,
                        currencyFormat = Globalize.cldr.main("numbers/currencyFormats-numberSystem-latn");
                    if (currencyFormat.accounting) {
                        encodeSymbols = {
                            ".00": "{0}",
                            "'": "\\'",
                            "\\(": "\\(",
                            "\\)": "\\)",
                            " ": "\\ ",
                            '"': "&quot;",
                            "\\¤": currencySymbol
                        result = currencyFormat.accounting.split(";");
                        for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                            for (symbol in encodeSymbols) {
                                if (encodeSymbols.hasOwnProperty(symbol)) {
                                    result[i] = result[i].replace(new RegExp(symbol, "g"), encodeSymbols[symbol])
                        return 2 === result.length ? result[0] + "_);" + result[1] : result[0]
      !*** ./js/events/double_click.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            domUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/dom */ 56),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            registerEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/event_registrator */ 73),
            clickEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ./click */ 75),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71);
        var DBLCLICK_EVENT_NAME = "dxdblclick",
            DBLCLICK_NAMESPACE = "dxDblClick",
            NAMESPACED_CLICK_EVENT = eventUtils.addNamespace(clickEvent.name, DBLCLICK_NAMESPACE),
            DBLCLICK_TIMEOUT = 300;
        var DblClick = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
                this._handlerCount = 0;
            _forgetLastClick: function() {
                this._firstClickTarget = null;
                this._lastClickTimeStamp = -DBLCLICK_TIMEOUT
            add: function() {
                if (this._handlerCount <= 0) {
                    $(document).on(NAMESPACED_CLICK_EVENT, this._clickHandler.bind(this))
            _clickHandler: function(e) {
                var timeStamp = e.timeStamp || $.now();
                if (timeStamp - this._lastClickTimeStamp < DBLCLICK_TIMEOUT) {
                        type: DBLCLICK_EVENT_NAME,
                        target: domUtils.closestCommonParent(this._firstClickTarget, e.target),
                        originalEvent: e
                } else {
                    this._firstClickTarget = e.target;
                    this._lastClickTimeStamp = timeStamp
            remove: function() {
                if (this._handlerCount <= 0) {
        registerEvent(DBLCLICK_EVENT_NAME, new DblClick);
        exports.name = DBLCLICK_EVENT_NAME
      !*** ./js/events/swipe.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            GestureEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./gesture/emitter.gesture */ 86),
            registerEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter_registrator */ 84);
        var SWIPE_START_EVENT = "dxswipestart",
            SWIPE_EVENT = "dxswipe",
            SWIPE_END_EVENT = "dxswipeend";
        var HorizontalStrategy = {
            defaultItemSizeFunc: function() {
                return this.getElement().width()
            getBounds: function() {
                return [this._maxLeftOffset, this._maxRightOffset]
            calcOffsetRatio: function(e) {
                var endEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                return (endEventData.x - (this._savedEventData && this._savedEventData.x || 0)) / this._itemSizeFunc().call(this, e)
            isFastSwipe: function(e) {
                var endEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                return this.FAST_SWIPE_SPEED_LIMIT * Math.abs(endEventData.x - this._tickData.x) >= endEventData.time - this._tickData.time
        var VerticalStrategy = {
            defaultItemSizeFunc: function() {
                return this.getElement().height()
            getBounds: function() {
                return [this._maxTopOffset, this._maxBottomOffset]
            calcOffsetRatio: function(e) {
                var endEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                return (endEventData.y - (this._savedEventData && this._savedEventData.y || 0)) / this._itemSizeFunc().call(this, e)
            isFastSwipe: function(e) {
                var endEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                return this.FAST_SWIPE_SPEED_LIMIT * Math.abs(endEventData.y - this._tickData.y) >= endEventData.time - this._tickData.time
        var STRATEGIES = {
            horizontal: HorizontalStrategy,
            vertical: VerticalStrategy
        var SwipeEmitter = GestureEmitter.inherit({
            TICK_INTERVAL: 300,
            FAST_SWIPE_SPEED_LIMIT: 10,
            ctor: function(element) {
                this.direction = "horizontal";
                this.elastic = true
            _getStrategy: function() {
                return STRATEGIES[this.direction]
            _defaultItemSizeFunc: function() {
                return this._getStrategy().defaultItemSizeFunc.call(this)
            _itemSizeFunc: function() {
                return this.itemSizeFunc || this._defaultItemSizeFunc
            _init: function(e) {
                this._tickData = eventUtils.eventData(e)
            _start: function(e) {
                this._savedEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e);
                e = this._fireEvent(SWIPE_START_EVENT, e);
                if (!e.cancel) {
                    this._maxLeftOffset = e.maxLeftOffset;
                    this._maxRightOffset = e.maxRightOffset;
                    this._maxTopOffset = e.maxTopOffset;
                    this._maxBottomOffset = e.maxBottomOffset
            _move: function(e) {
                var strategy = this._getStrategy(),
                    moveEventData = eventUtils.eventData(e),
                    offset = strategy.calcOffsetRatio.call(this, e);
                offset = this._fitOffset(offset, this.elastic);
                if (moveEventData.time - this._tickData.time > this.TICK_INTERVAL) {
                    this._tickData = moveEventData
                this._fireEvent(SWIPE_EVENT, e, {
                    offset: offset
            _end: function(e) {
                var strategy = this._getStrategy(),
                    offsetRatio = strategy.calcOffsetRatio.call(this, e),
                    isFast = strategy.isFastSwipe.call(this, e),
                    startOffset = offsetRatio,
                    targetOffset = this._calcTargetOffset(offsetRatio, isFast);
                startOffset = this._fitOffset(startOffset, this.elastic);
                targetOffset = this._fitOffset(targetOffset, false);
                this._fireEvent(SWIPE_END_EVENT, e, {
                    offset: startOffset,
                    targetOffset: targetOffset
            _fitOffset: function(offset, elastic) {
                var strategy = this._getStrategy(),
                    bounds = strategy.getBounds.call(this);
                if (offset < -bounds[0]) {
                    return elastic ? (-2 * bounds[0] + offset) / 3 : -bounds[0]
                if (offset > bounds[1]) {
                    return elastic ? (2 * bounds[1] + offset) / 3 : bounds[1]
                return offset
            _calcTargetOffset: function(offsetRatio, isFast) {
                var result;
                if (isFast) {
                    result = Math.ceil(Math.abs(offsetRatio));
                    if (offsetRatio < 0) {
                        result = -result
                } else {
                    result = Math.round(offsetRatio)
                return result
            emitter: SwipeEmitter,
        exports.swipe = SWIPE_EVENT;
        exports.start = SWIPE_START_EVENT;
        exports.end = SWIPE_END_EVENT
      !*** ./js/events/transform.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            mathUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/math */ 87),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 71),
            Emitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter */ 83),
            registerEmitter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/emitter_registrator */ 84);
        var DX_PREFIX = "dx",
            TRANSFORM = "transform",
            TRANSLATE = "translate",
            ZOOM = "zoom",
            PINCH = "pinch",
            ROTATE = "rotate",
            START_POSTFIX = "start",
            UPDATE_POSTFIX = "",
            END_POSTFIX = "end";
        var eventAliases = [];
        var addAlias = function(eventName, eventArgs) {
                name: eventName,
                args: eventArgs
        addAlias(TRANSFORM, {
            scale: true,
            deltaScale: true,
            rotation: true,
            deltaRotation: true,
            translation: true,
            deltaTranslation: true
        addAlias(TRANSLATE, {
            translation: true,
            deltaTranslation: true
        addAlias(ZOOM, {
            scale: true,
            deltaScale: true
        addAlias(PINCH, {
            scale: true,
            deltaScale: true
        addAlias(ROTATE, {
            rotation: true,
            deltaRotation: true
        var getVector = function(first, second) {
            return {
                x: second.pageX - first.pageX,
                y: -second.pageY + first.pageY,
                centerX: .5 * (second.pageX + first.pageX),
                centerY: .5 * (second.pageY + first.pageY)
        var getEventVector = function(e) {
            var pointers = e.pointers;
            return getVector(pointers[0], pointers[1])
        var getDistance = function(vector) {
            return Math.sqrt(vector.x * vector.x + vector.y * vector.y)
        var getScale = function(firstVector, secondVector) {
            return getDistance(firstVector) / getDistance(secondVector)
        var getRotation = function(firstVector, secondVector) {
            var scalarProduct = firstVector.x * secondVector.x + firstVector.y * secondVector.y;
            var distanceProduct = getDistance(firstVector) * getDistance(secondVector);
            if (0 === distanceProduct) {
                return 0
            var sign = mathUtils.sign(firstVector.x * secondVector.y - secondVector.x * firstVector.y);
            var angle = Math.acos(mathUtils.fitIntoRange(scalarProduct / distanceProduct, -1, 1));
            return sign * angle
        var getTranslation = function(firstVector, secondVector) {
            return {
                x: firstVector.centerX - secondVector.centerX,
                y: firstVector.centerY - secondVector.centerY
        var TransformEmitter = Emitter.inherit({
            configure: function(data, eventName) {
                if (eventName.indexOf(ZOOM) > -1) {
                    errors.log("W0005", eventName, "15.1", "Use '" + eventName.replace(ZOOM, PINCH) + "' event instead")
            validatePointers: function(e) {
                return eventUtils.hasTouches(e) > 1
            start: function(e) {
                var startVector = getEventVector(e);
                this._startVector = startVector;
                this._prevVector = startVector;
                this._fireEventAliases(START_POSTFIX, e)
            move: function(e) {
                var currentVector = getEventVector(e),
                    eventArgs = this._getEventArgs(currentVector);
                this._fireEventAliases(UPDATE_POSTFIX, e, eventArgs);
                this._prevVector = currentVector
            end: function(e) {
                var eventArgs = this._getEventArgs(this._prevVector);
                this._fireEventAliases(END_POSTFIX, e, eventArgs)
            _getEventArgs: function(vector) {
                return {
                    scale: getScale(vector, this._startVector),
                    deltaScale: getScale(vector, this._prevVector),
                    rotation: getRotation(vector, this._startVector),
                    deltaRotation: getRotation(vector, this._prevVector),
                    translation: getTranslation(vector, this._startVector),
                    deltaTranslation: getTranslation(vector, this._prevVector)
            _fireEventAliases: function(eventPostfix, originalEvent, eventArgs) {
                eventArgs = eventArgs || {};
                $.each(eventAliases, function(_, eventAlias) {
                    var args = {};
                    $.each(eventAlias.args, function(name) {
                        if (name in eventArgs) {
                            args[name] = eventArgs[name]
                    this._fireEvent(DX_PREFIX + eventAlias.name + eventPostfix, originalEvent, args)
        var eventNames = $.map(eventAliases, function(eventAlias) {
            var eventNames = [];
            $.each([START_POSTFIX, UPDATE_POSTFIX, END_POSTFIX], function(_, eventPostfix) {
                eventNames.push(DX_PREFIX + eventAlias.name + eventPostfix)
            return eventNames
            emitter: TransformEmitter,
            events: eventNames
        $.each(eventNames, function(_, eventName) {
            exports[eventName.substring(DX_PREFIX.length)] = eventName
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/parts/data.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var DevExpress = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 5);
        var data = DevExpress.data = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../bundles/modules/data */ 186);
        data.odata = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../bundles/modules/data.odata */ 191);
        module.exports = data
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/data.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var DevExpress = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 6);
        module.exports = DevExpress.data = DevExpress.data || {};
        Object.defineProperty(DevExpress.data, "errorHandler", {
            get: function() { /*! ../../data/errors */
                return __webpack_require__(155).errorHandler
            set: function(value) {
                __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/errors */ 155).errorHandler = value
        Object.defineProperty(DevExpress.data, "_errorHandler", {
            get: function() { /*! ../../data/errors */
                return __webpack_require__(155)._errorHandler
            set: function(value) {
                __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/errors */ 155)._errorHandler = value
        DevExpress.data.DataSource = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/data_source */ 187);
        DevExpress.data.query = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/query */ 159);
        DevExpress.data.Store = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/abstract_store */ 154);
        DevExpress.data.ArrayStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/array_store */ 158);
        DevExpress.data.CustomStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/custom_store */ 162);
        DevExpress.data.LocalStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/local_store */ 188);
        DevExpress.data.base64_encode = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/utils */ 137).base64_encode;
        DevExpress.data.Guid = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/guid */ 151);
        DevExpress.data.utils = {};
        DevExpress.data.utils.compileGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).compileGetter;
        DevExpress.data.utils.compileSetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).compileSetter;
        DevExpress.EndpointSelector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/endpoint_selector */ 189);
        DevExpress.data.queryImpl = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/query */ 159).queryImpl;
        DevExpress.data.queryAdapters = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/query_adapters */ 161);
        var dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/utils */ 137);
        DevExpress.data.utils.normalizeBinaryCriterion = dataUtils.normalizeBinaryCriterion;
        DevExpress.data.utils.normalizeSortingInfo = dataUtils.normalizeSortingInfo;
        DevExpress.data.utils.errorMessageFromXhr = dataUtils.errorMessageFromXhr;
        DevExpress.data.utils.aggregators = dataUtils.aggregators;
        DevExpress.data.utils.keysEqual = dataUtils.keysEqual;
        DevExpress.data.utils.isDisjunctiveOperator = dataUtils.isDisjunctiveOperator;
        DevExpress.data.utils.isConjunctiveOperator = dataUtils.isConjunctiveOperator;
        DevExpress.data.utils.processRequestResultLock = dataUtils.processRequestResultLock;
        DevExpress.data.utils.toComparable = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/data */ 50).toComparable;
        DevExpress.data.utils.multiLevelGroup = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/store_helper */ 156).multiLevelGroup;
        DevExpress.data.utils.arrangeSortingInfo = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/store_helper */ 156).arrangeSortingInfo;
        DevExpress.data.utils.normalizeDataSourceOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/data_source/data_source */ 153).normalizeDataSourceOptions
      !*** ./js/data/data_source.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./data_source/data_source */ 153).DataSource
      !*** ./js/data/local_store.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/class */ 25),
            abstract = Class.abstract,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors */ 155).errors,
            ArrayStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ./array_store */ 158);
        var LocalStoreBackend = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(store, storeOptions) {
                this._store = store;
                this._dirty = !!storeOptions.data;
                var immediate = this._immediate = storeOptions.immediate;
                var flushInterval = Math.max(100, storeOptions.flushInterval || 1e4);
                if (!immediate) {
                    var saveProxy = this.save.bind(this);
                    setInterval(saveProxy, flushInterval);
                    $(window).on("beforeunload", saveProxy);
                    if (window.cordova) {
                        document.addEventListener("pause", saveProxy, false)
            notifyChanged: function() {
                this._dirty = true;
                if (this._immediate) {
            load: function() {
                this._store._array = this._loadImpl();
                this._dirty = false
            save: function() {
                if (!this._dirty) {
                this._dirty = false
            _loadImpl: abstract,
            _saveImpl: abstract
        var DomLocalStoreBackend = LocalStoreBackend.inherit({
            ctor: function(store, storeOptions) {
                var name = storeOptions.name;
                if (!name) {
                    throw errors.Error("E4013")
                this._key = "dx-data-localStore-" + name;
                this.callBase(store, storeOptions)
            _loadImpl: function() {
                var raw = localStorage.getItem(this._key);
                if (raw) {
                    return JSON.parse(raw)
                return []
            _saveImpl: function(array) {
                if (!array.length) {
                } else {
                    localStorage.setItem(this._key, JSON.stringify(array))
        var localStoreBackends = {
            dom: DomLocalStoreBackend
        var LocalStore = ArrayStore.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                if ("string" === typeof options) {
                    options = {
                        name: options
                } else {
                    options = options || {}
                this._backend = new localStoreBackends[options.backend || "dom"](this, options);
            clear: function() {
            _insertImpl: function(values) {
                var b = this._backend;
                return this.callBase(values).done(b.notifyChanged.bind(b))
            _updateImpl: function(key, values) {
                var b = this._backend;
                return this.callBase(key, values).done(b.notifyChanged.bind(b))
            _removeImpl: function(key) {
                var b = this._backend;
                return this.callBase(key).done(b.notifyChanged.bind(b))
        }, "local");
        module.exports = LocalStore
      !*** ./js/data/endpoint_selector.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            proxyUrlFormatter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./proxy_url_formatter */ 190);
        var location = window.location,
            IS_WINJS_ORIGIN = "ms-appx:" === location.protocol,
            IS_LOCAL_ORIGIN = isLocalHostName(location.hostname);

        function isLocalHostName(url) {
            return /^(localhost$|127\.)/i.test(url)
        var EndpointSelector = function(config) {
            this.config = config
        EndpointSelector.prototype = {
            urlFor: function(key) {
                var bag = this.config[key];
                if (!bag) {
                    throw errors.Error("E0006")
                if (proxyUrlFormatter.isProxyUsed()) {
                    return proxyUrlFormatter.formatProxyUrl(bag.local)
                if (bag.production) {
                    if (IS_WINJS_ORIGIN && !Debug.debuggerEnabled || !IS_WINJS_ORIGIN && !IS_LOCAL_ORIGIN) {
                        return bag.production
                return bag.local
        module.exports = EndpointSelector
      !*** ./js/data/proxy_url_formatter.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            location = window.location,
            DXPROXY_HOST = "dxproxy.devexpress.com:8000",
            IS_DXPROXY_ORIGIN = location.host === DXPROXY_HOST,
            urlMapping = {};
        var parseUrl = function() {
            var a = document.createElement("a"),
                props = ["protocol", "hostname", "port", "pathname", "search", "hash"];
            var normalizePath = function(value) {
                if ("/" !== value.charAt(0)) {
                    value = "/" + value
                return value
            return function(url) {
                a.href = url;
                var result = {};
                $.each(props, function() {
                    result[this] = a[this]
                result.pathname = normalizePath(result.pathname);
                return result
        var extractProxyAppId = function() {
            return location.pathname.split("/")[1]
        module.exports = {
            parseUrl: parseUrl,
            isProxyUsed: function() {
                return IS_DXPROXY_ORIGIN
            formatProxyUrl: function(localUrl) {
                var urlData = parseUrl(localUrl);
                if (!/^(localhost$|127\.)/i.test(urlData.hostname)) {
                    return localUrl
                var proxyUrlPart = DXPROXY_HOST + "/" + extractProxyAppId() + "_" + urlData.port;
                urlMapping[proxyUrlPart] = urlData.hostname + ":" + urlData.port;
                var resultUrl = "http://" + proxyUrlPart + urlData.pathname + urlData.search;
                return resultUrl
            formatLocalUrl: function(proxyUrl) {
                if (proxyUrl.indexOf(DXPROXY_HOST) < 0) {
                    return proxyUrl
                var resultUrl = proxyUrl;
                for (var proxyUrlPart in urlMapping) {
                    if (urlMapping.hasOwnProperty(proxyUrlPart)) {
                        if (proxyUrl.indexOf(proxyUrlPart) >= 0) {
                            resultUrl = proxyUrl.replace(proxyUrlPart, urlMapping[proxyUrlPart]);
                return resultUrl
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/data.odata.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./data */ 186);
        DevExpress.data.ODataStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/odata/store */ 192);
        DevExpress.data.ODataContext = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/odata/context */ 196);
        DevExpress.data.utils = DevExpress.data.utils || {};
        DevExpress.data.utils.odata = {};
        DevExpress.data.utils.odata.keyConverters = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/odata/utils */ 193).keyConverters;
        DevExpress.data.EdmLiteral = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/odata/utils */ 193).EdmLiteral;
        var ODataUtilsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/odata/utils */ 193);
        DevExpress.data.utils.odata.serializePropName = ODataUtilsModule.serializePropName;
        DevExpress.data.utils.odata.serializeValue = ODataUtilsModule.serializeValue;
        DevExpress.data.utils.odata.serializeKey = ODataUtilsModule.serializeKey;
        DevExpress.data.utils.odata.sendRequest = ODataUtilsModule.sendRequest;
        DevExpress.data.OData__internals = ODataUtilsModule.OData__internals;
        DevExpress.data.queryAdapters = DevExpress.data.queryAdapters || {};
        DevExpress.data.queryAdapters.odata = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data/odata/query_adapter */ 195).odata
      !*** ./js/data/odata/store.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            odataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 193),
            proxyUrlFormatter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../proxy_url_formatter */ 190),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 155).errors,
            query = __webpack_require__( /*! ../query */ 159),
            Store = __webpack_require__( /*! ../abstract_store */ 154),
            mixins = __webpack_require__( /*! ./mixins */ 194),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./query_adapter */ 195);
        var ANONYMOUS_KEY_NAME = "5d46402c-7899-4ea9-bd81-8b73c47c7683";

        function expandKeyType(key, keyType) {
            var result = {};
            result[key] = keyType;
            return result

        function mergeFieldTypesWithKeyType(fieldTypes, keyType) {
            var result = {};
            for (var field in fieldTypes) {
                result[field] = fieldTypes[field]
            for (var keyName in keyType) {
                if (keyName in result) {
                    if (result[keyName] !== keyType[keyName]) {
                        errors.log("W4001", keyName)
                } else {
                    result[keyName] = keyType[keyName]
            return result
        var ODataStore = Store.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                var key = this.key(),
                    fieldTypes = options.fieldTypes,
                    keyType = options.keyType;
                if (keyType) {
                    var keyTypeIsString = "string" === typeof keyType;
                    if (!key) {
                        key = keyTypeIsString ? ANONYMOUS_KEY_NAME : Object.keys(keyType);
                        this._legacyAnonymousKey = key
                    if (keyTypeIsString) {
                        keyType = expandKeyType(key, keyType)
                    fieldTypes = mergeFieldTypesWithKeyType(fieldTypes, keyType)
                this._fieldTypes = fieldTypes || {};
                if (2 === this.version()) {
                    this._updateMethod = "MERGE"
                } else {
                    this._updateMethod = "PATCH"
            _customLoadOptions: function() {
                return ["expand", "customQueryParams"]
            _byKeyImpl: function(key, extraOptions) {
                var params = {};
                if (extraOptions) {
                    if (extraOptions.expand) {
                        params.$expand = $.map($.makeArray(extraOptions.expand), odataUtils.serializePropName).join()
                return this._sendRequest(this._byKeyUrl(key), "GET", params)
            createQuery: function(loadOptions) {
                var url, queryOptions;
                loadOptions = loadOptions || {};
                queryOptions = {
                    adapter: "odata",
                    beforeSend: this._beforeSend,
                    errorHandler: this._errorHandler,
                    jsonp: this._jsonp,
                    version: this._version,
                    withCredentials: this._withCredentials,
                    expand: loadOptions.expand,
                    requireTotalCount: loadOptions.requireTotalCount,
                    deserializeDates: this._deserializeDates,
                    fieldTypes: this._fieldTypes
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(loadOptions.urlOverride)) {
                    url = loadOptions.urlOverride
                } else {
                    url = this._url
                if (loadOptions.customQueryParams) {
                    var params = mixins.escapeServiceOperationParams(loadOptions.customQueryParams, this.version());
                    if (4 === this.version()) {
                        url = mixins.formatFunctionInvocationUrl(url, params)
                    } else {
                        queryOptions.params = params
                return query(url, queryOptions)
            _insertImpl: function(values) {
                var that = this,
                    d = $.Deferred();
                when(this._sendRequest(this._url, "POST", null, values)).done(function(serverResponse) {
                    d.resolve(values, that.keyOf(serverResponse))
                return d.promise()
            _updateImpl: function(key, values) {
                var d = $.Deferred();
                when(this._sendRequest(this._byKeyUrl(key), this._updateMethod, null, values)).done(function() {
                    d.resolve(key, values)
                return d.promise()
            _removeImpl: function(key) {
                var d = $.Deferred();
                when(this._sendRequest(this._byKeyUrl(key), "DELETE")).done(function() {
                return d.promise()
            _convertKey: function(value) {
                var result = value,
                    fieldTypes = this._fieldTypes,
                    key = this.key() || this._legacyAnonymousKey;
                if (Array.isArray(key)) {
                    result = {};
                    for (var keyIndex in key) {
                        var keyName = key[keyIndex];
                        result[keyName] = odataUtils.convertPrimitiveValue(fieldTypes[keyName], value[keyName])
                } else {
                    if (fieldTypes[key]) {
                        result = odataUtils.convertPrimitiveValue(fieldTypes[key], value)
                return result
            _byKeyUrl: function(value, useOriginalHost) {
                var baseUrl = useOriginalHost ? proxyUrlFormatter.formatLocalUrl(this._url) : this._url;
                var convertedKey = this._convertKey(value);
                return baseUrl + "(" + encodeURIComponent(odataUtils.serializeKey(convertedKey, this._version)) + ")"
        }, "odata").include(mixins.SharedMethods);
        module.exports = ODataStore
      !*** ./js/data/odata/utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            Guid = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/guid */ 151),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 155).errors,
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 137);
        var GUID_REGEX = /^(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})$/;
        var VERBOSE_DATE_REGEX = /^\/Date\((-?\d+)((\+|-)?(\d+)?)\)\/$/;
        var ISO8601_DATE_REGEX = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)?(Z|[-+]{1}\d{2}(:?)(\d{2})?)?$/;
        var JSON_VERBOSE_MIME_TYPE = "application/json;odata=verbose";

        function formatISO8601(date, skipZeroTime, skipTimezone) {
            var bag = [];
            var pad = function(n) {
                if (n < 10) {
                    return "0".concat(n)
                return String(n)
            var isZeroTime = function() {
                return date.getHours() + date.getMinutes() + date.getSeconds() + date.getMilliseconds() < 1
            bag.push(pad(date.getMonth() + 1));
            if (!(skipZeroTime && isZeroTime())) {
                if (date.getMilliseconds()) {
                if (!skipTimezone) {
            return bag.join("")

        function parseISO8601(isoString) {
            var result = new Date(60 * new Date(0).getTimezoneOffset() * 1e3),
                chunks = isoString.replace("Z", "").split("T"),
                date = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/.exec(chunks[0]),
                time = /(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.?(\d{0,7})?/.exec(chunks[1]);
            result.setMonth(Number(date[2]) - 1);
            if (Array.isArray(time) && time.length) {
                result.setMilliseconds(Number(String(time[4]).substr(0, 3)) || 0)
            return result

        function isAbsoluteUrl(url) {
            return /^(?:[a-z]+:)?\/\//i.test(url)

        function toAbsoluteUrl(basePath, relativePath) {
            var part;
            var baseParts = stripParams(basePath).split("/");
            var relativeParts = relativePath.split("/");

            function stripParams(url) {
                var index = url.indexOf("?");
                if (index > -1) {
                    return url.substr(0, index)
                return url
            while (relativeParts.length) {
                part = relativeParts.shift();
                if (".." === part) {
                } else {
            return baseParts.join("/")
        var ajaxOptionsForRequest = function(protocolVersion, request, options) {
            request = extend({
                async: true,
                method: "get",
                url: "",
                params: {},
                payload: null,
                headers: {},
                timeout: 3e4
            }, request);
            options = options || {};
            var beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
            if (beforeSend) {
            var method = (request.method || "get").toLowerCase(),
                isGet = "get" === method,
                useJsonp = isGet && options.jsonp,
                params = extend({}, request.params),
                ajaxData = isGet ? params : formatPayload(request.payload),
                qs = !isGet && $.param(params),
                url = request.url,
                contentType = !isGet && JSON_VERBOSE_MIME_TYPE;
            if (qs) {
                url += (url.indexOf("?") > -1 ? "&" : "?") + qs
            if (useJsonp) {
                ajaxData.$format = "json"
            return {
                url: url,
                data: ajaxData,
                dataType: useJsonp ? "jsonp" : "json",
                jsonp: useJsonp && "$callback",
                type: method,
                async: request.async,
                timeout: request.timeout,
                headers: request.headers,
                contentType: contentType,
                accepts: {
                    json: [JSON_VERBOSE_MIME_TYPE, "text/plain"].join()
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: options.withCredentials

            function formatPayload(payload) {
                return JSON.stringify(payload, function(key, value) {
                    if (!(this[key] instanceof Date)) {
                        return value
                    value = formatISO8601(this[key]);
                    switch (protocolVersion) {
                        case 2:
                            return value.substr(0, value.length - 1);
                        case 3:
                        case 4:
                            return value;
                            throw errors.Error("E4002")
        var sendRequest = function(protocolVersion, request, options) {
            var d = $.Deferred();
            var ajaxOptions = ajaxOptionsForRequest(protocolVersion, request, options);
            $.ajax(ajaxOptions).always(function(obj, textStatus) {
                var extra, transformOptions = {
                        deserializeDates: options.deserializeDates,
                        fieldTypes: options.fieldTypes
                    tuple = interpretJsonFormat(obj, textStatus, transformOptions),
                    error = tuple.error,
                    data = tuple.data,
                    nextUrl = tuple.nextUrl;
                if (error) {
                } else {
                    if (options.countOnly) {
                        if (isFinite(tuple.count)) {
                        } else {
                            d.reject(new errors.Error("E4018"))
                    } else {
                        if (nextUrl) {
                            if (!isAbsoluteUrl(nextUrl)) {
                                nextUrl = toAbsoluteUrl(ajaxOptions.url, nextUrl)
                            sendRequest(protocolVersion, {
                                url: nextUrl
                            }, options).fail(d.reject).done(function(nextData) {
                        } else {
                            if (isFinite(tuple.count)) {
                                extra = {
                                    totalCount: tuple.count
                            d.resolve(data, extra)
            return d.promise()
        var formatDotNetError = function(errorObj) {
            var message, currentError = errorObj;
            if ("message" in errorObj) {
                if (errorObj.message.value) {
                    message = errorObj.message.value
                } else {
                    message = errorObj.message
            while (currentError = currentError.innererror || currentError.internalexception) {
                message = currentError.message;
                if (currentError.internalexception && message.indexOf("inner exception") === -1) {
            return message
        var errorFromResponse = function(obj, textStatus) {
            if ("nocontent" === textStatus) {
                return null
            var httpStatus = 200,
                message = "Unknown error",
                response = obj;
            if ("success" !== textStatus) {
                httpStatus = obj.status;
                message = dataUtils.errorMessageFromXhr(obj, textStatus);
                try {
                    response = JSON.parse(obj.responseText)
                } catch (x) {}
            var errorObj = response && (response.then && response || response.error || response["odata.error"] || response["@odata.error"]);
            if (errorObj) {
                message = formatDotNetError(errorObj) || message;
                if (200 === httpStatus) {
                    httpStatus = 500
                if (errorObj.code) {
                    httpStatus = Number(errorObj.code)
                return extend(Error(message), {
                    httpStatus: httpStatus,
                    errorDetails: errorObj
            } else {
                if (200 !== httpStatus) {
                    return extend(Error(message), {
                        httpStatus: httpStatus
        var interpretJsonFormat = function(obj, textStatus, transformOptions) {
            var value, error = errorFromResponse(obj, textStatus);
            if (error) {
                return {
                    error: error
            if (!typeUtils.isPlainObject(obj)) {
                return {
                    data: obj
            if ("d" in obj && (Array.isArray(obj.d) || commonUtils.isObject(obj.d))) {
                value = interpretVerboseJsonFormat(obj, textStatus)
            } else {
                value = interpretLightJsonFormat(obj, textStatus)
            transformTypes(value, transformOptions);
            return value
        var interpretVerboseJsonFormat = function(obj) {
            var data = obj.d;
            if (!isDefined(data)) {
                return {
                    error: Error("Malformed or unsupported JSON response received")
            data = data;
            if (isDefined(data.results)) {
                data = data.results
            return {
                data: data,
                nextUrl: obj.d.__next,
                count: parseInt(obj.d.__count, 10)
        var interpretLightJsonFormat = function(obj) {
            var data = obj;
            if (isDefined(data.value)) {
                data = data.value
            return {
                data: data,
                nextUrl: obj["@odata.nextLink"],
                count: parseInt(obj["@odata.count"], 10)
        var EdmLiteral = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(value) {
                this._value = value
            valueOf: function() {
                return this._value
        var transformTypes = function(obj, options) {
            options = options || {};
            $.each(obj, function(key, value) {
                if (null !== value && "object" === typeof value) {
                    if ("results" in value) {
                        obj[key] = value.results
                    transformTypes(obj[key], options)
                } else {
                    if ("string" === typeof value) {
                        var fieldTypes = options.fieldTypes,
                            canBeGuid = !fieldTypes || "String" !== fieldTypes[key];
                        if (canBeGuid && GUID_REGEX.test(value)) {
                            obj[key] = new Guid(value)
                        if (false !== options.deserializeDates) {
                            if (value.match(VERBOSE_DATE_REGEX)) {
                                var date = new Date(Number(RegExp.$1) + 60 * RegExp.$2 * 1e3);
                                obj[key] = new Date(date.valueOf() + 60 * date.getTimezoneOffset() * 1e3)
                            } else {
                                if (ISO8601_DATE_REGEX.test(value)) {
                                    obj[key] = new Date(parseISO8601(obj[key]).valueOf())
        var serializeDate = function(date) {
            return "datetime'" + formatISO8601(date, true, true) + "'"
        var serializeString = function(value) {
            return "'" + value.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'"
        var serializePropName = function(propName) {
            if (propName instanceof EdmLiteral) {
                return propName.valueOf()
            return propName.replace(/\./g, "/")
        var serializeValueV4 = function(value) {
            if (value instanceof Date) {
                return formatISO8601(value, false, false)
            if (value instanceof Guid) {
                return value.valueOf()
            if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                return "[" + value.map(function(item) {
                    return serializeValueV4(item)
                }).join(",") + "]"
            return serializeValueV2(value)
        var serializeValueV2 = function(value) {
            if (value instanceof Date) {
                return serializeDate(value)
            if (value instanceof Guid) {
                return "guid'" + value + "'"
            if (value instanceof EdmLiteral) {
                return value.valueOf()
            if ("string" === typeof value) {
                return serializeString(value)
            return String(value)
        var serializeValue = function(value, protocolVersion) {
            switch (protocolVersion) {
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    return serializeValueV2(value);
                case 4:
                    return serializeValueV4(value);
                    throw errors.Error("E4002")
        var serializeKey = function(key, protocolVersion) {
            if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(key)) {
                var parts = [];
                $.each(key, function(k, v) {
                    parts.push(serializePropName(k) + "=" + serializeValue(v, protocolVersion))
                return parts.join()
            return serializeValue(key, protocolVersion)
        var keyConverters = {
            String: function(value) {
                return value + ""
            Int32: function(value) {
                return Math.floor(value)
            Int64: function(value) {
                if (value instanceof EdmLiteral) {
                    return value
                return new EdmLiteral(value + "L")
            Guid: function(value) {
                if (value instanceof Guid) {
                    return value
                return new Guid(value)
            Boolean: function(value) {
                return !!value
            Single: function(value) {
                if (value instanceof EdmLiteral) {
                    return value
                return new EdmLiteral(value + "f")
            Decimal: function(value) {
                if (value instanceof EdmLiteral) {
                    return value
                return new EdmLiteral(value + "m")
        var convertPrimitiveValue = function(type, value) {
            var converter = keyConverters[type];
            if (!converter) {
                throw errors.Error("E4014", type)
            return converter(value)
        exports.sendRequest = sendRequest;
        exports.serializePropName = serializePropName;
        exports.serializeValue = serializeValue;
        exports.serializeKey = serializeKey;
        exports.keyConverters = keyConverters;
        exports.convertPrimitiveValue = convertPrimitiveValue;
        exports.EdmLiteral = EdmLiteral;
        exports.OData__internals = {
            interpretJsonFormat: interpretJsonFormat
      !*** ./js/data/odata/mixins.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            stringUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/string */ 18),
            odataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 193);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./query_adapter */ 195);
        var formatFunctionInvocationUrl = function(baseUrl, args) {
            return stringUtils.format("{0}({1})", baseUrl, $.map(args || {}, function(value, key) {
                return stringUtils.format("{0}={1}", key, value)
        var escapeServiceOperationParams = function(params, version) {
            if (!params) {
                return params
            var result = {};
            $.each(params, function(k, v) {
                result[k] = odataUtils.serializeValue(v, version)
            return result
        var SharedMethods = {
            _extractServiceOptions: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                this._url = String(options.url).replace(/\/+$/, "");
                this._beforeSend = options.beforeSend;
                this._jsonp = options.jsonp;
                this._version = options.version || DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
                this._withCredentials = options.withCredentials;
                this._deserializeDates = options.deserializeDates
            _sendRequest: function(url, method, params, payload) {
                return odataUtils.sendRequest(this.version(), {
                    url: url,
                    method: method,
                    params: params || {},
                    payload: payload
                }, {
                    beforeSend: this._beforeSend,
                    jsonp: this._jsonp,
                    withCredentials: this._withCredentials,
                    deserializeDates: this._deserializeDates
            version: function() {
                return this._version
        exports.SharedMethods = SharedMethods;
        exports.escapeServiceOperationParams = escapeServiceOperationParams;
        exports.formatFunctionInvocationUrl = formatFunctionInvocationUrl
      !*** ./js/data/odata/query_adapter.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            queryAdapters = __webpack_require__( /*! ../query_adapters */ 161),
            odataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 193),
            serializePropName = odataUtils.serializePropName,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 155).errors,
            dataUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 137),
            isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction,
            isPlainObject = typeUtils.isPlainObject,
            grep = commonUtils.grep;
        var compileCriteria = function() {
            var protocolVersion, fieldTypes;
            var createBinaryOperationFormatter = function(op) {
                return function(prop, val) {
                    return prop + " " + op + " " + val
            var createStringFuncFormatter = function(op, reverse) {
                return function(prop, val) {
                    var bag = [op, "("];
                    if (reverse) {
                        bag.push(val, ",", prop)
                    } else {
                        bag.push(prop, ",", val)
                    return bag.join("")
            var formatters = {
                "=": createBinaryOperationFormatter("eq"),
                "<>": createBinaryOperationFormatter("ne"),
                ">": createBinaryOperationFormatter("gt"),
                ">=": createBinaryOperationFormatter("ge"),
                "<": createBinaryOperationFormatter("lt"),
                "<=": createBinaryOperationFormatter("le"),
                startswith: createStringFuncFormatter("startswith"),
                endswith: createStringFuncFormatter("endswith")
            var formattersV2 = extend({}, formatters, {
                contains: createStringFuncFormatter("substringof", true),
                notcontains: createStringFuncFormatter("not substringof", true)
            var formattersV4 = extend({}, formatters, {
                contains: createStringFuncFormatter("contains"),
                notcontains: createStringFuncFormatter("not contains")
            var compileBinary = function(criteria) {
                criteria = dataUtils.normalizeBinaryCriterion(criteria);
                var op = criteria[1],
                    formatters = 4 === protocolVersion ? formattersV4 : formattersV2,
                    formatter = formatters[op.toLowerCase()];
                if (!formatter) {
                    throw errors.Error("E4003", op)
                var fieldName = criteria[0],
                    value = criteria[2];
                if (fieldTypes && fieldTypes[fieldName]) {
                    value = odataUtils.convertPrimitiveValue(fieldTypes[fieldName], value)
                return formatter(serializePropName(fieldName), odataUtils.serializeValue(value, protocolVersion))
            var compileUnary = function(criteria) {
                var op = criteria[0],
                    crit = compileCore(criteria[1]);
                if ("!" === op) {
                    return "not (" + crit + ")"
                throw errors.Error("E4003", op)
            var compileGroup = function(criteria) {
                var groupOperator, nextGroupOperator, bag = [];
                $.each(criteria, function(index, criterion) {
                    if (Array.isArray(criterion)) {
                        if (bag.length > 1 && groupOperator !== nextGroupOperator) {
                            throw new errors.Error("E4019")
                        bag.push("(" + compileCore(criterion) + ")");
                        groupOperator = nextGroupOperator;
                        nextGroupOperator = "and"
                    } else {
                        nextGroupOperator = dataUtils.isConjunctiveOperator(this) ? "and" : "or"
                return bag.join(" " + groupOperator + " ")
            var compileCore = function(criteria) {
                if (Array.isArray(criteria[0])) {
                    return compileGroup(criteria)
                if (dataUtils.isUnaryOperation(criteria)) {
                    return compileUnary(criteria)
                return compileBinary(criteria)
            return function(criteria, version, types) {
                fieldTypes = types;
                protocolVersion = version;
                return compileCore(criteria)
        var createODataQueryAdapter = function(queryOptions) {
            var _select, _skip, _take, _countQuery, _sorting = [],
                _criteria = [],
                _expand = queryOptions.expand,
                _oDataVersion = queryOptions.version || DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
            var hasSlice = function() {
                return _skip || void 0 !== _take
            var hasFunction = function(criterion) {
                for (var i = 0; i < criterion.length; i++) {
                    if (isFunction(criterion[i])) {
                        return true
                    if (Array.isArray(criterion[i]) && hasFunction(criterion[i])) {
                        return true
                return false
            var generateSelectExpand = function() {
                var hasDot = function(x) {
                    return /\./.test(x)
                var generateSelect = function() {
                    if (!_select) {
                    if (_oDataVersion < 4) {
                        return serializePropName(_select.join())
                    return grep(_select, hasDot, true).join()
                var generateExpand = function() {
                    var generatorV2 = function() {
                        var hash = {};
                        if (_expand) {
                            $.each($.makeArray(_expand), function() {
                                hash[serializePropName(this)] = 1
                        if (_select) {
                            $.each($.makeArray(_select), function() {
                                var path = this.split(".");
                                if (path.length < 2) {
                                hash[serializePropName(path.join("."))] = 1
                        return $.map(hash, function(k, v) {
                            return v
                    var generatorV4 = function() {
                        var format = function(hash) {
                            var formatCore = function(hash) {
                                var result = "",
                                    select = [],
                                    expand = [];
                                $.each(hash, function(key, value) {
                                    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
                                        [].push.apply(select, value)
                                    if (isPlainObject(value)) {
                                        expand.push(key + formatCore(value))
                                if (select.length || expand.length) {
                                    result += "(";
                                    if (select.length) {
                                        result += "$select=" + $.map(select, serializePropName).join()
                                    if (expand.length) {
                                        if (select.length) {
                                            result += ";"
                                        result += "$expand=" + $.map(expand, serializePropName).join()
                                    result += ")"
                                return result
                            var result = [];
                            $.each(hash, function(key, value) {
                                result.push(key + formatCore(value))
                            return result.join()
                        var parseTree = function(exprs, root, stepper) {
                            var parseCore = function(exprParts, root, stepper) {
                                var result = stepper(root, exprParts.shift(), exprParts);
                                if (false === result) {
                                parseCore(exprParts, result, stepper)
                            $.each(exprs, function(_, x) {
                                parseCore(x.split("."), root, stepper)
                        var hash = {};
                        if (_expand || _select) {
                            if (_expand) {
                                parseTree($.makeArray(_expand), hash, function(node, key, path) {
                                    node[key] = node[key] || {};
                                    if (!path.length) {
                                        return false
                                    return node[key]
                            if (_select) {
                                parseTree(grep($.makeArray(_select), hasDot), hash, function(node, key, path) {
                                    if (!path.length) {
                                        node[key] = node[key] || [];
                                        return false
                                    return node[key] = node[key] || {}
                            return format(hash)
                    if (_oDataVersion < 4) {
                        return generatorV2()
                    return generatorV4()
                var tuple = {
                    $select: generateSelect() || void 0,
                    $expand: generateExpand() || void 0
                return tuple
            var requestData = function() {
                var result = {};
                if (!_countQuery) {
                    if (_sorting.length) {
                        result.$orderby = _sorting.join(",")
                    if (_skip) {
                        result.$skip = _skip
                    if (void 0 !== _take) {
                        result.$top = _take
                    var tuple = generateSelectExpand();
                    result.$select = tuple.$select;
                    result.$expand = tuple.$expand
                if (_criteria.length) {
                    var criteria = _criteria.length < 2 ? _criteria[0] : _criteria,
                        fieldTypes = queryOptions && queryOptions.fieldTypes;
                    result.$filter = compileCriteria(criteria, _oDataVersion, fieldTypes)
                if (_countQuery) {
                    result.$top = 0
                if (queryOptions.requireTotalCount || _countQuery) {
                    if (4 !== _oDataVersion) {
                        result.$inlinecount = "allpages"
                    } else {
                        result.$count = "true"
                return result
            return {
                exec: function(url) {
                    return odataUtils.sendRequest(_oDataVersion, {
                        url: url,
                        params: extend(requestData(), queryOptions && queryOptions.params)
                    }, {
                        beforeSend: queryOptions.beforeSend,
                        jsonp: queryOptions.jsonp,
                        withCredentials: queryOptions.withCredentials,
                        countOnly: _countQuery,
                        deserializeDates: queryOptions.deserializeDates,
                        fieldTypes: queryOptions.fieldTypes
                multiSort: function(args) {
                    var rules;
                    if (hasSlice()) {
                        return false
                    for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                        var rule, getter = args[i][0],
                            desc = !!args[i][1];
                        if ("string" !== typeof getter) {
                            return false
                        rule = serializePropName(getter);
                        if (desc) {
                            rule += " desc"
                        rules = rules || [];
                    _sorting = rules
                slice: function(skipCount, takeCount) {
                    if (hasSlice()) {
                        return false
                    _skip = skipCount;
                    _take = takeCount
                filter: function(criterion) {
                    if (hasSlice()) {
                        return false
                    if (!Array.isArray(criterion)) {
                        criterion = $.makeArray(arguments)
                    if (hasFunction(criterion)) {
                        return false
                    if (_criteria.length) {
                select: function(expr) {
                    if (_select || isFunction(expr)) {
                        return false
                    if (!Array.isArray(expr)) {
                        expr = $.makeArray(arguments)
                    _select = expr
                count: function() {
                    _countQuery = true
        queryAdapters.odata = createODataQueryAdapter;
        exports.odata = createODataQueryAdapter
      !*** ./js/data/odata/context.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            errorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../errors */ 155),
            ODataStore = __webpack_require__( /*! ./store */ 192),
            mixins = __webpack_require__( /*! ./mixins */ 194),
            when = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../integration/jquery/deferred */ 16).when;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./query_adapter */ 195);
        var ODataContext = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that._errorHandler = options.errorHandler;
                $.each(options.entities || [], function(entityAlias, entityOptions) {
                    that[entityAlias] = new ODataStore(extend({}, options, {
                        url: that._url + "/" + encodeURIComponent(entityOptions.name || entityAlias)
                    }, entityOptions))
            get: function(operationName, params) {
                return this.invoke(operationName, params, "GET")
            invoke: function(operationName, params, httpMethod) {
                params = params || {};
                httpMethod = (httpMethod || "POST").toLowerCase();
                var payload, d = $.Deferred(),
                    url = this._url + "/" + encodeURIComponent(operationName);
                if (4 === this.version()) {
                    if ("get" === httpMethod) {
                        url = mixins.formatFunctionInvocationUrl(url, mixins.escapeServiceOperationParams(params, this.version()));
                        params = null
                    } else {
                        if ("post" === httpMethod) {
                            payload = params;
                            params = null
                when(this._sendRequest(url, httpMethod, mixins.escapeServiceOperationParams(params, this.version()), payload)).done(function(r) {
                    if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(r) && operationName in r) {
                        r = r[operationName]
                }).fail([this._errorHandler, errorsModule._errorHandler, d.reject]);
                return d.promise()
            objectLink: function(entityAlias, key) {
                var store = this[entityAlias];
                if (!store) {
                    throw errorsModule.errors.Error("E4015", entityAlias)
                if (!commonUtils.isDefined(key)) {
                    return null
                return {
                    __metadata: {
                        uri: store._byKeyUrl(key, true)
        module.exports = ODataContext
    }, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      !*** ./js/core/utils/date_serialization.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var config = __webpack_require__( /*! ../config */ 15),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 14),
            isString = commonUtils.isString,
            isDate = commonUtils.isDate,
            isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric;
        var NUMBER_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT = "number",
            DATE_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd",
            DATETIME_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss";
        var ISO8601_PATTERN = /^(\d{4,})(-)?(\d{2})(-)?(\d{2})(?:T(\d{2})(:)?(\d{2})?(:)?(\d{2}(?:\.(\d+))?)?)?(Z|([\+\-])(\d{2})(:)?(\d{2})?)?$/;
        var ISO8601_TIME_PATTERN = /^(\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?$/;
        var ISO8601_PATTERN_PARTS = ["", "yyyy", "", "MM", "", "dd", "THH", "", "mm", "", "ss", ".SSS"];

        function leftPad(text, length) {
            while (text.length < length) {
                text = "0" + text
            return text
        var LDML_FORMATTERS = {
            y: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad(date[useUtc ? "getUTCFullYear" : "getFullYear"]().toString(), count)
            M: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad((date[useUtc ? "getUTCMonth" : "getMonth"]() + 1).toString(), Math.min(count, 2))
            d: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad(date[useUtc ? "getUTCDate" : "getDate"]().toString(), Math.min(count, 2))
            H: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad(date[useUtc ? "getUTCHours" : "getHours"]().toString(), Math.min(count, 2))
            m: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad(date[useUtc ? "getUTCMinutes" : "getMinutes"]().toString(), Math.min(count, 2))
            s: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad(date[useUtc ? "getUTCSeconds" : "getSeconds"]().toString(), Math.min(count, 2))
            S: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return leftPad(date[useUtc ? "getUTCMilliseconds" : "getMilliseconds"]().toString(), 3).substr(0, count)
            x: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                var timezoneOffset = useUtc ? 0 : date.getTimezoneOffset(),
                    signPart = timezoneOffset > 0 ? "-" : "+",
                    timezoneOffsetAbs = Math.abs(timezoneOffset),
                    hours = Math.floor(timezoneOffsetAbs / 60),
                    minutes = timezoneOffsetAbs % 60,
                    hoursPart = leftPad(hours.toString(), 2),
                    minutesPart = leftPad(minutes.toString(), 2);
                return signPart + hoursPart + (count >= 3 ? ":" : "") + (count > 1 || minutes ? minutesPart : "")
            X: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                if (useUtc || !date.getTimezoneOffset()) {
                    return "Z"
                return LDML_FORMATTERS.x(date, count, useUtc)
            Z: function(date, count, useUtc) {
                return LDML_FORMATTERS.X(date, count >= 5 ? 3 : 2, useUtc)
        var formatDate = function(date, format) {
            var charIndex, formatter, char, isCurrentCharEqualsNext, charCount = 0,
                separator = "'",
                isEscaping = false,
                result = "";
            if (!date) {
                return null
            if (!format) {
                return date
            var useUtc = "Z" === format[format.length - 1] || "'Z'" === format.slice(-3);
            for (charIndex = 0; charIndex < format.length; charIndex++) {
                char = format[charIndex];
                formatter = LDML_FORMATTERS[char];
                isCurrentCharEqualsNext = char === format[charIndex + 1];
                if (!isCurrentCharEqualsNext) {
                    if (formatter && !isEscaping) {
                        result += formatter(date, charCount, useUtc)
                    charCount = 0
                if (char === separator && !isCurrentCharEqualsNext) {
                    isEscaping = !isEscaping
                } else {
                    if (isEscaping || !formatter) {
                        result += char
                if (char === separator && isCurrentCharEqualsNext) {
            return result
        var dateParser = function(text, skipISO8601Parsing) {
            var result;
            var parsedValue;
            if (isString(text) && !skipISO8601Parsing) {
                result = parseISO8601String(text)
            if (!result) {
                parsedValue = !isDate(text) && Date.parse(text);
                result = isNumber(parsedValue) ? new Date(parsedValue) : text
            return result
        var parseISO8601String = function(text) {
            var parts = text.match(ISO8601_PATTERN);
            var timePart = function(part) {
                return +part || 0
            if (!parts) {
                parts = text.match(ISO8601_TIME_PATTERN);
                if (parts) {
                    return new Date(0, 0, 0, timePart(parts[1]), timePart(parts[2]), timePart(parts[4]))
            var year = parts[1],
                month = --parts[3],
                day = parts[5],
                timeZoneHour = 0,
                timeZoneMinute = 0;
            timeZoneHour = timePart(parts[14]);
            timeZoneMinute = timePart(parts[16]);
            if ("-" === parts[13]) {
                timeZoneHour = -timeZoneHour;
                timeZoneMinute = -timeZoneMinute
            var hour = timePart(parts[6]) - timeZoneHour,
                minute = timePart(parts[8]) - timeZoneMinute,
                second = timePart(parts[10]);
            if (!!parts[12]) {
                return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second))
            return new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
        var getIso8601Format = function(text, useUtc) {
            var parts = text.match(ISO8601_PATTERN),
                result = "";
            if (!parts) {
                parts = text.match(ISO8601_TIME_PATTERN);
                if (parts) {
                    return parts[3] ? "HH:mm:ss" : "HH:mm"
            for (var i = 1; i < ISO8601_PATTERN_PARTS.length; i++) {
                if (parts[i]) {
                    result += ISO8601_PATTERN_PARTS[i] || parts[i]
            if ("Z" === parts[12]) {
                result += "'Z'"
            if (parts[14]) {
                if (parts[15]) {
                    result += "xxx"
                } else {
                    if (parts[16]) {
                        result += "xx"
                    } else {
                        result += "x"
            return result
        var deserializeDate = function(value) {
            if ("number" === typeof value) {
                return new Date(value)
            return dateParser(value, !config().forceIsoDateParsing)
        var serializeDate = function(value, serializationFormat) {
            if (!serializationFormat) {
                return value
            if (!isDate(value)) {
                return null
            if (serializationFormat === NUMBER_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT) {
                return value && value.valueOf ? value.valueOf() : null
            return formatDate(value, serializationFormat)
        var getDateSerializationFormat = function(value) {
            if ("number" === typeof value) {
                return NUMBER_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT
            } else {
                if (isString(value)) {
                    var format;
                    if (config().forceIsoDateParsing) {
                        format = getIso8601Format(value)
                    if (format) {
                        return format
                    } else {
                        if (value.indexOf(":") >= 0) {
                            return DATETIME_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT
                        } else {
                            return DATE_SERIALIZATION_FORMAT
                } else {
                    if (value) {
                        return null
        module.exports = {
            dateParser: dateParser,
            deserializeDate: deserializeDate,
            serializeDate: serializeDate,
            getDateSerializationFormat: getDateSerializationFormat
    }, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/parts/viz.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var DevExpress = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 5);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./data */ 185);
        var viz = DevExpress.viz = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../bundles/modules/viz */ 507);
        viz.currentTheme = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).currentTheme;
        viz.registerTheme = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).registerTheme;
        viz.exportFromMarkup = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/export */ 510).exportFromMarkup;
        viz.getMarkup = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/export */ 510).getMarkup;
        viz.currentPalette = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/palette */ 512).currentPalette;
        viz.getPalette = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/palette */ 512).getPalette;
        viz.registerPalette = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/palette */ 512).registerPalette;
        viz.refreshTheme = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).refreshTheme;
        viz.dxChart = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/chart */ 513);
        viz.dxPieChart = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/pie_chart */ 584);
        viz.dxPolarChart = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/polar_chart */ 586);
        viz.dxLinearGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/linear_gauge */ 587);
        viz.dxCircularGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/circular_gauge */ 597);
        viz.dxBarGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/bar_gauge */ 601);
        viz.dxRangeSelector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/range_selector */ 603);
        viz.dxVectorMap = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/vector_map */ 613);
        viz.map = {};
        viz.map.sources = {};
        viz.map.projection = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/vector_map/projection */ 626).projection;
        viz.dxSparkline = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/sparkline */ 627);
        viz.dxBullet = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/bullet */ 630);
        viz.dxTreeMap = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/tree_map */ 632);
        var core = {};
        viz.core = core;
        core.currentTheme = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).currentTheme;
        core.registerTheme = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).registerTheme;
        core.currentPalette = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/palette */ 512).currentPalette;
        core.getPalette = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/palette */ 512).getPalette;
        core.registerPalette = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/palette */ 512).registerPalette;
        viz.BaseWidget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/core/base_widget */ 515);
        viz.findTheme = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).findTheme;
        viz.refreshAll = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/themes */ 508).refreshTheme;
        viz.refreshPaths = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/utils */ 655).refreshPaths;
        viz.gauges = {
            __internals: {}
        viz._dashboard = {};
        viz._dashboard.Renderer = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/core/renderers/renderer */ 518).Renderer;
        viz._dashboard.SvgElement = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/core/renderers/renderer */ 518).SvgElement;
        viz._dashboard.patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../viz/core/utils */ 509).patchFontOptions;
        module.exports = viz
      !*** ./js/bundles/modules/viz.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./core */ 6);
        module.exports = DevExpress.viz = DevExpress.viz || {}
      !*** ./js/viz/themes.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils */ 509),
            themes = {},
            themesMapping = {},
            themesSchemeMapping = {},
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            currentThemeName = null,
            nextCacheUid = 0,
            widgetsCache = {};

        function findTheme(themeName) {
            var name = _normalizeEnum(themeName);
            return themes[name] || themes[themesMapping[name] || currentThemeName]

        function findThemeNameByName(name, scheme) {
            return themesMapping[name + "." + scheme] || themesSchemeMapping[name + "." + scheme] || themesMapping[name]

        function findThemeNameByPlatform(platform, version, scheme) {
            return findThemeNameByName(platform + version, scheme) || findThemeNameByName(platform, scheme)

        function currentTheme(themeName, colorScheme) {
            if (!arguments.length) {
                return currentThemeName
            var scheme = _normalizeEnum(colorScheme);
            currentThemeName = (themeName && themeName.platform ? findThemeNameByPlatform(_normalizeEnum(themeName.platform), themeName.version, scheme) : findThemeNameByName(_normalizeEnum(themeName), scheme)) || currentThemeName;
            return this

        function getThemeInfo(themeName, splitter) {
            var k = themeName.indexOf(splitter);
            return k > 0 ? {
                name: themeName.substring(0, k),
                scheme: themeName.substring(k + 1)
            } : null

        function registerThemeName(themeName, targetThemeName) {
            var themeInfo = getThemeInfo(themeName, ".") || getThemeInfo(themeName, "-") || {
                    name: themeName
                name = themeInfo.name,
                scheme = themeInfo.scheme;
            if (scheme) {
                themesMapping[name] = themesMapping[name] || targetThemeName;
                themesMapping[name + "." + scheme] = themesMapping[name + "-" + scheme] = targetThemeName
            } else {
                themesMapping[name] = targetThemeName

        function registerTheme(theme, baseThemeName) {
            var themeName = _normalizeEnum(theme && theme.name);
            if (themeName) {
                registerThemeName(themeName, themeName);
                themes[themeName] = _extend(true, {}, findTheme(baseThemeName), patchTheme(theme))

        function registerThemeAlias(alias, theme) {
            registerThemeName(_normalizeEnum(alias), _normalizeEnum(theme))

        function registerThemeSchemeAlias(from, to) {
            themesSchemeMapping[from] = to

        function mergeScalar(target, field, source, sourceValue) {
            var _value = source ? source[field] : sourceValue;
            if (void 0 !== _value && void 0 === target[field]) {
                target[field] = _value

        function mergeObject(target, field, source, sourceValue) {
            var _value = source ? source[field] : sourceValue;
            if (void 0 !== _value) {
                target[field] = _extend(true, {}, _value, target[field])

        function patchTheme(theme) {
            theme = _extend(true, {
                loadingIndicator: {
                    font: {}
                "export": {
                    font: {}
                legend: {
                    font: {},
                    border: {}
                title: {
                    font: {}
                tooltip: {
                    font: {}
                "chart:common": {},
                "chart:common:axis": {
                    grid: {},
                    minorGrid: {},
                    tick: {},
                    minorTick: {},
                    title: {
                        font: {}
                    label: {
                        font: {}
                chart: {
                    commonSeriesSettings: {
                        candlestick: {}
                pie: {},
                polar: {},
                gauge: {
                    scale: {
                        tick: {},
                        minorTick: {},
                        label: {
                            font: {}
                barGauge: {},
                map: {
                    background: {}
                treeMap: {
                    tile: {
                        selectionStyle: {
                            border: {}
                    group: {
                        border: {},
                        selectionStyle: {
                            border: {}
                        label: {
                            font: {}
                rangeSelector: {
                    scale: {
                        tick: {},
                        minorTick: {},
                        label: {
                            font: {}
                    chart: {}
                sparkline: {},
                bullet: {}
            }, theme);
            mergeScalar(theme.loadingIndicator, "backgroundColor", theme);
            mergeScalar(theme.chart.commonSeriesSettings.candlestick, "innerColor", null, theme.backgroundColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.map.background, "color", null, theme.backgroundColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.title.font, "color", null, theme.primaryTitleColor);
            mergeObject(theme.title, "subtitle", null, theme.title);
            mergeScalar(theme.legend.font, "color", null, theme.secondaryTitleColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.legend.border, "color", null, theme.axisColor);
            _each(["chart", "pie", "polar", "gauge", "barGauge", "map", "treeMap", "rangeSelector", "sparkline", "bullet"], function(_, section) {
                mergeScalar(theme[section], "redrawOnResize", theme);
                mergeScalar(theme[section], "containerBackgroundColor", null, theme.backgroundColor);
                mergeObject(theme[section], "tooltip", theme)
            _each(["chart", "pie", "polar", "gauge", "barGauge", "map", "treeMap", "rangeSelector"], function(_, section) {
                mergeObject(theme[section], "loadingIndicator", theme);
                mergeObject(theme[section], "export", theme);
                mergeObject(theme[section], "legend", theme);
                mergeObject(theme[section], "title", theme)
            _each(["chart", "pie", "polar"], function(_, section) {
                mergeObject(theme, section, null, theme["chart:common"])
            _each(["chart", "polar"], function(_, section) {
                theme[section] = theme[section] || {};
                mergeObject(theme[section], "commonAxisSettings", null, theme["chart:common:axis"])
            mergeObject(theme.rangeSelector.chart, "commonSeriesSettings", theme.chart);
            mergeObject(theme.rangeSelector.chart, "dataPrepareSettings", theme.chart);
            mergeScalar(theme.treeMap.group.border, "color", null, theme.axisColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.treeMap.tile.selectionStyle.border, "color", null, theme.primaryTitleColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.treeMap.group.selectionStyle.border, "color", null, theme.primaryTitleColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.treeMap.group.label.font, "color", null, theme.secondaryTitleColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.map.legend, "backgroundColor", theme);
            return theme

        function patchAxes(theme) {
            var commonAxisSettings = theme["chart:common:axis"],
                colorFieldName = "color";
            _each([commonAxisSettings, commonAxisSettings.grid, commonAxisSettings.minorGrid, commonAxisSettings.tick, commonAxisSettings.minorTick], function(_, obj) {
                mergeScalar(obj, colorFieldName, null, theme.axisColor)
            mergeScalar(commonAxisSettings.title.font, colorFieldName, null, theme.secondaryTitleColor);
            mergeScalar(commonAxisSettings.label.font, colorFieldName, null, theme.axisLabelColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.gauge.scale.label.font, colorFieldName, null, theme.axisLabelColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.gauge.scale.tick, colorFieldName, null, theme.backgroundColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.gauge.scale.minorTick, colorFieldName, null, theme.backgroundColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.rangeSelector.scale.tick, colorFieldName, null, theme.axisColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.rangeSelector.scale.minorTick, colorFieldName, null, theme.axisColor);
            mergeScalar(theme.rangeSelector.scale.label.font, colorFieldName, null, theme.axisLabelColor)

        function patchMapLayers(theme) {
            var map = theme.map;
            _each(["area", "line", "marker"], function(_, section) {
                mergeObject(map, "layer:" + section, null, map.layer)
            _each(["dot", "bubble", "pie", "image"], function(_, section) {
                mergeObject(map, "layer:marker:" + section, null, map["layer:marker"])

        function addCacheItem(target) {
            var cacheUid = ++nextCacheUid;
            target._cache = cacheUid;
            widgetsCache[cacheUid] = target

        function removeCacheItem(target) {
            delete widgetsCache[target._cache]

        function refreshTheme() {
            _each(widgetsCache, function() {
            return this
        _extend(exports, {
            currentTheme: currentTheme,
            registerTheme: registerTheme,
            findTheme: findTheme,
            registerThemeAlias: registerThemeAlias,
            registerThemeSchemeAlias: registerThemeSchemeAlias,
            refreshTheme: refreshTheme,
            addCacheItem: addCacheItem,
            removeCacheItem: removeCacheItem
        _extend(exports, {
            themes: themes,
            themesMapping: themesMapping,
            themesSchemeMapping: themesSchemeMapping,
            widgetsCache: widgetsCache,
            resetCurrentTheme: function() {
                currentThemeName = null
      !*** ./js/viz/core/utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _inArray = inArray,
            _each = $.each,
            _math = Math,
            _round = _math.round,
            _sqrt = Math.sqrt,
            _extend = extend;
        var PI = Math.PI,
            MAX_PIXEL_COUNT = 1e10,
            PI_DIV_180 = PI / 180,
            LN10 = Math.LN10;
        var cosFunc = Math.cos,
            sinFunc = Math.sin,
            abs = Math.abs,
            log = Math.log,
            floor = Math.floor,
            ceil = Math.ceil,
            max = Math.max,
            isNaN = window.isNaN,
            Number = window.Number,
            NaN = window.NaN;
        var isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            isExponential = commonUtils.isExponential;
        var getPrecision = function(value) {
            var stringFraction, startIndex, precision, stringValue = value.toString(),
                pointIndex = stringValue.indexOf(".");
            if (isExponential(value)) {
                precision = getDecimalOrder(value);
                if (precision < 0) {
                    return Math.abs(precision)
                } else {
                    return 0
            if (pointIndex !== -1) {
                startIndex = pointIndex + 1;
                stringFraction = stringValue.substring(startIndex, startIndex + 20);
                return stringFraction.length
            return 0
        var getLog = function(value, base) {
            if (!value) {
                return NaN
            return Math.log(value) / Math.log(base)
        var raiseTo = function(power, base) {
            return Math.pow(base, power)
        var normalizeAngle = function(angle) {
            return (angle % 360 + 360) % 360
        var convertAngleToRendererSpace = function(angle) {
            return 90 - angle
        var degreesToRadians = function(value) {
            return PI * value / 180
        var getCosAndSin = function(angle) {
            var angleInRadians = degreesToRadians(angle);
            return {
                cos: cosFunc(angleInRadians),
                sin: sinFunc(angleInRadians)
        var DECIMAL_ORDER_THRESHOLD = 1e-14;
        var getDistance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
            var diffX = x2 - x1,
                diffY = y2 - y1;
            return Math.sqrt(diffY * diffY + diffX * diffX)
        var getDecimalOrder = function(number) {
            var cn, n = abs(number);
            if (!isNaN(n)) {
                if (n > 0) {
                    n = log(n) / LN10;
                    cn = ceil(n);
                    return cn - n < DECIMAL_ORDER_THRESHOLD ? cn : floor(n)
                return 0
            return NaN
        var getAppropriateFormat = function(start, end, count) {
            var format, order = max(getDecimalOrder(start), getDecimalOrder(end)),
                precision = -getDecimalOrder(abs(end - start) / count);
            if (!isNaN(order) && !isNaN(precision)) {
                if (abs(order) <= 4) {
                    format = "fixedPoint";
                    precision < 0 && (precision = 0);
                    precision > 4 && (precision = 4)
                } else {
                    format = "exponential";
                    precision += order - 1;
                    precision > 3 && (precision = 3)
                return {
                    type: format,
                    precision: precision
            return null
        var getFraction = function(value) {
            var valueString, dotIndex;
            if (isNumber(value)) {
                valueString = value.toString();
                dotIndex = valueString.indexOf(".");
                if (dotIndex >= 0) {
                    if (isExponential(value)) {
                        return valueString.substr(dotIndex + 1, valueString.indexOf("e") - dotIndex - 1)
                    } else {
                        valueString = value.toFixed(20);
                        return valueString.substr(dotIndex + 1, valueString.length - dotIndex + 1)
            return ""
        var getSignificantDigitPosition = function(value) {
            var i, fraction = getFraction(value);
            if (fraction) {
                for (i = 0; i < fraction.length; i++) {
                    if ("0" !== fraction.charAt(i)) {
                        return i + 1
            return 0
        var adjustValue = function(value) {
            var nextValue, i, fraction = getFraction(value);
            if (fraction) {
                for (i = 1; i <= fraction.length; i++) {
                    nextValue = roundValue(value, i);
                    if (0 !== nextValue && fraction[i - 2] && fraction[i - 1] && fraction[i - 2] === fraction[i - 1]) {
                        return nextValue
            return value
        var roundValue = function(value, precision) {
            if (precision > 20) {
                precision = 20
            if (isNumber(value)) {
                if (isExponential(value)) {
                    return Number(value.toExponential(precision))
                } else {
                    return Number(value.toFixed(precision))
        var applyPrecisionByMinDelta = function(min, delta, value) {
            var minPrecision = getPrecision(min),
                deltaPrecision = getPrecision(delta);
            return roundValue(value, minPrecision < deltaPrecision ? deltaPrecision : minPrecision)
        var getPower = function(value) {
            return value.toExponential().split("e")[1]

        function map(array, callback) {
            var value, i = 0,
                len = array.length,
                result = [];
            while (i < len) {
                value = callback(array[i], i);
                if (null !== value) {
            return result

        function selectByKeys(object, keys) {
            return map(keys, function(key) {
                return object[key] ? object[key] : null

        function decreaseFields(object, keys, eachDecrease, decrease) {
            var dec = decrease;
            _each(keys, function(_, key) {
                if (object[key]) {
                    object[key] -= eachDecrease;
                    dec -= eachDecrease
            return dec

        function normalizeEnum(value) {
            return String(value).toLowerCase()

        function setCanvasValues(canvas) {
            if (canvas) {
                canvas.originalTop = canvas.top;
                canvas.originalBottom = canvas.bottom;
                canvas.originalLeft = canvas.left;
                canvas.originalRight = canvas.right

        function normalizeBBoxField(value) {
            return -MAX_PIXEL_COUNT < value && value < +MAX_PIXEL_COUNT ? value : 0

        function normalizeBBox(bBox) {
            var xl = normalizeBBoxField(floor(bBox.x)),
                yt = normalizeBBoxField(floor(bBox.y)),
                xr = normalizeBBoxField(ceil(bBox.width + bBox.x)),
                yb = normalizeBBoxField(ceil(bBox.height + bBox.y)),
                result = {
                    x: xl,
                    y: yt,
                    width: xr - xl,
                    height: yb - yt
            result.isEmpty = !result.x && !result.y && !result.width && !result.height;
            return result

        function rotateBBox(bBox, center, angle) {
            var cos = Number(cosFunc(angle * PI_DIV_180).toFixed(3)),
                sin = Number(sinFunc(angle * PI_DIV_180).toFixed(3)),
                w2 = bBox.width / 2,
                h2 = bBox.height / 2,
                centerX = bBox.x + w2,
                centerY = bBox.y + h2,
                w2_ = abs(w2 * cos) + abs(h2 * sin),
                h2_ = abs(w2 * sin) + abs(h2 * cos),
                centerX_ = center[0] + (centerX - center[0]) * cos + (centerY - center[1]) * sin,
                centerY_ = center[1] - (centerX - center[0]) * sin + (centerY - center[1]) * cos;
            return normalizeBBox({
                x: centerX_ - w2_,
                y: centerY_ - h2_,
                width: 2 * w2_,
                height: 2 * h2_
        extend(exports, {
            decreaseGaps: function(object, keys, decrease) {
                var arrayGaps;
                do {
                    arrayGaps = selectByKeys(object, keys);
                    arrayGaps.push(_math.ceil(decrease / arrayGaps.length));
                    decrease = decreaseFields(object, keys, _math.min.apply(null, arrayGaps), decrease)
                } while (decrease > 0 && arrayGaps.length > 1);
                return decrease
            normalizeEnum: normalizeEnum,
            parseScalar: function(value, defaultValue) {
                return void 0 !== value ? value : defaultValue
            enumParser: function(values) {
                var i, ii, stored = {};
                for (i = 0, ii = values.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    stored[normalizeEnum(values[i])] = 1
                return function(value, defaultValue) {
                    var _value = normalizeEnum(value);
                    return stored[_value] ? _value : defaultValue
            patchFontOptions: function(options) {
                var fontOptions = {};
                _each(options || {}, function(key, value) {
                    if (/^(cursor|opacity)$/i.test(key)) {} else {
                        if ("color" === key) {
                            key = "fill"
                        } else {
                            key = "font-" + key
                    fontOptions[key] = value
                return fontOptions
            convertPolarToXY: function(centerCoords, startAngle, angle, radius) {
                var cosSin, shiftAngle = 90;
                angle = _isDefined(angle) ? angle + startAngle - shiftAngle : 0;
                cosSin = getCosAndSin(angle);
                return {
                    x: _round(centerCoords.x + radius * cosSin.cos),
                    y: _round(centerCoords.y + radius * cosSin.sin)
            convertXYToPolar: function(centerCoords, x, y) {
                var radius = getDistance(centerCoords.x, centerCoords.y, x, y),
                    angle = _math.atan2(y - centerCoords.y, x - centerCoords.x);
                return {
                    phi: _round(normalizeAngle(180 * angle / _math.PI)),
                    r: _round(radius)
            processSeriesTemplate: function(seriesTemplate, items) {
                var series, length, data, customizeSeries = commonUtils.isFunction(seriesTemplate.customizeSeries) ? seriesTemplate.customizeSeries : commonUtils.noop,
                    nameField = seriesTemplate.nameField || "series",
                    generatedSeries = {},
                    seriesOrder = [],
                    i = 0;
                items = items || [];
                for (length = items.length; i < length; i++) {
                    data = items[i];
                    if (nameField in data) {
                        series = generatedSeries[data[nameField]];
                        if (!series) {
                            series = generatedSeries[data[nameField]] = {
                                name: data[nameField],
                                data: []
                return map(seriesOrder, function(orderedName) {
                    var group = generatedSeries[orderedName];
                    return extend(group, customizeSeries.call(null, group.name))
            getCategoriesInfo: function(categories, startValue, endValue) {
                if (!(categories && categories.length > 0)) {
                    return {}
                startValue = _isDefined(startValue) ? startValue : categories[0];
                endValue = _isDefined(endValue) ? endValue : categories[categories.length - 1];
                var visibleCategories, swapBuf, hasVisibleCategories, visibleCategoriesLen, categoriesValue = map(categories, function(category) {
                        return _isDefined(category) ? category.valueOf() : null
                    indexStartValue = _isDefined(startValue) ? _inArray(startValue.valueOf(), categoriesValue) : 0,
                    indexEndValue = _isDefined(endValue) ? _inArray(endValue.valueOf(), categoriesValue) : categories.length - 1,
                    inverted = false;
                indexStartValue < 0 && (indexStartValue = 0);
                indexEndValue < 0 && (indexEndValue = categories.length - 1);
                if (indexEndValue < indexStartValue) {
                    swapBuf = indexEndValue;
                    indexEndValue = indexStartValue;
                    indexStartValue = swapBuf;
                    inverted = true
                visibleCategories = categories.slice(indexStartValue, indexEndValue + 1);
                visibleCategoriesLen = visibleCategories.length;
                hasVisibleCategories = visibleCategoriesLen > 0;
                return {
                    categories: hasVisibleCategories ? visibleCategories : null,
                    start: hasVisibleCategories ? visibleCategories[inverted ? visibleCategoriesLen - 1 : 0] : null,
                    end: hasVisibleCategories ? visibleCategories[inverted ? 0 : visibleCategoriesLen - 1] : null,
                    inverted: inverted
            setCanvasValues: setCanvasValues,
            updatePanesCanvases: function(panes, canvas, rotated) {
                var weightSum = 0;
                _each(panes, function(_, pane) {
                    pane.weight = pane.weight || 1;
                    weightSum += pane.weight
                var distributedSpace = 0,
                    padding = panes.padding || 10,
                    paneSpace = rotated ? canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right : canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom,
                    oneWeight = (paneSpace - padding * (panes.length - 1)) / weightSum,
                    startName = rotated ? "left" : "top",
                    endName = rotated ? "right" : "bottom";
                _each(panes, function(_, pane) {
                    var calcLength = _round(pane.weight * oneWeight);
                    pane.canvas = pane.canvas || {};
                    _extend(pane.canvas, canvas);
                    pane.canvas[startName] = canvas[startName] + distributedSpace;
                    pane.canvas[endName] = canvas[endName] + (paneSpace - calcLength - distributedSpace);
                    distributedSpace = distributedSpace + calcLength + padding;
            unique: function(array) {
                var values = {};
                return map(array, function(item) {
                    var result = !values[item] ? item : null;
                    values[item] = true;
                    return result
            map: map,
            getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords: function(bBox, dy, center) {
                var isPositive = bBox.x + bBox.width / 2 >= center.x,
                    horizontalOffset1 = (isPositive ? bBox.x : bBox.x + bBox.width) - center.x,
                    verticalOffset1 = bBox.y - center.y,
                    verticalOffset2 = verticalOffset1 + dy,
                    horizontalOffset2 = _round(_sqrt(horizontalOffset1 * horizontalOffset1 + verticalOffset1 * verticalOffset1 - verticalOffset2 * verticalOffset2)),
                    dx = (isPositive ? +horizontalOffset2 : -horizontalOffset2) || horizontalOffset1;
                return {
                    x: center.x + (isPositive ? dx : dx - bBox.width),
                    y: bBox.y + dy
        exports.getPrecision = getPrecision;
        exports.getLog = getLog;
        exports.raiseTo = raiseTo;
        exports.normalizeAngle = normalizeAngle;
        exports.convertAngleToRendererSpace = convertAngleToRendererSpace;
        exports.degreesToRadians = degreesToRadians;
        exports.getCosAndSin = getCosAndSin;
        exports.getDecimalOrder = getDecimalOrder;
        exports.getAppropriateFormat = getAppropriateFormat;
        exports.getDistance = getDistance;
        exports.getFraction = getFraction;
        exports.adjustValue = adjustValue;
        exports.roundValue = roundValue;
        exports.applyPrecisionByMinDelta = applyPrecisionByMinDelta;
        exports.getSignificantDigitPosition = getSignificantDigitPosition;
        exports.getPower = getPower;
        exports.rotateBBox = rotateBBox;
        exports.normalizeBBox = normalizeBBox
      !*** ./js/viz/export.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/export */ 511)
      !*** ./js/viz/core/export.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).patchFontOptions,
            _extend = extend,
            clientExporter = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../client_exporter */ 20),
            messageLocalization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../localization/message */ 89),
            imageExporter = clientExporter.image,
            svgExporter = clientExporter.svg,
            pdfExporter = clientExporter.pdf,
            hoverEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/hover */ 103),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76),
            pointerActions = [pointerEvents.down, pointerEvents.move].join(" "),
            BUTTON_SIZE = 35,
            ICON_COORDS = [
                [9, 12, 26, 12, 26, 14, 9, 14],
                [9, 17, 26, 17, 26, 19, 9, 19],
                [9, 22, 26, 22, 26, 24, 9, 24]
            LIST_PADDING_TOP = 4,
            LIST_WIDTH = 120,
            VERTICAL_TEXT_MARGIN = 8,
            HORIZONTAL_TEXT_MARGIN = 15,
            MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT = 30,
            LIST_STROKE_WIDTH = 1,
            MARGIN = 10,
            SHADOW_OFFSET = 2,
            SHADOW_BLUR = 3,
            ALLOWED_EXPORT_FORMATS = ["PNG", "PDF", "JPEG", "SVG", "GIF"],
            EXPORT_CSS_CLASS = "dx-export-menu",
            EXPORT_DATA_KEY = "export-element-type",
            FORMAT_DATA_KEY = "export-element-format";

        function validateFormat(format) {
            var validatedFormat = String(format).toUpperCase();
            if (inArray(validatedFormat, ALLOWED_EXPORT_FORMATS) !== -1) {
                return validatedFormat

        function getCreatorFunc(format) {
            if ("SVG" === format) {
                return svgExporter.getData
            } else {
                if ("PDF" === format) {
                    return pdfExporter.getData
                } else {
                    return imageExporter.getData

        function doExport(menu, markup, options) {
            menu && menu.hide();
            clientExporter.export(markup(), options, getCreatorFunc(options.format));
            menu && menu.show()

        function print(data, backgroundColor) {
            var svg, vizWindow = window.open();
            if (!vizWindow) {
            svg = vizWindow.document.body.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
            svg && (svg.style.backgroundColor = backgroundColor);

        function getItemAttributes(options, type, itemIndex) {
            var path, attr = {},
                x = BUTTON_SIZE - LIST_WIDTH,
                y = BUTTON_SIZE + LIST_PADDING_TOP + itemIndex * MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT;
            attr.rect = {
                width: LIST_WIDTH - 2 * LIST_STROKE_WIDTH,
                height: MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT,
                x: x + LIST_STROKE_WIDTH,
                y: y
            attr.text = {
                x: x + HORIZONTAL_TEXT_MARGIN,
                align: "left"
            if ("printing" === type) {
                path = "M " + x + " " + (y + MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT - LIST_STROKE_WIDTH) + " L " + (x + LIST_WIDTH) + " " + (y + MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT - LIST_STROKE_WIDTH);
                attr.separator = {
                    stroke: options.button.default.borderColor,
                    "stroke-width": LIST_STROKE_WIDTH,
                    cursor: "pointer",
                    sharp: "v",
                    d: path
            return attr

        function createMenuItem(renderer, options, settings) {
            var menuItem, itemData = {},
                type = settings.type,
                format = settings.format,
                attr = getItemAttributes(options, type, settings.itemIndex),
                fontStyle = patchFontOptions(options.font),
                rect = renderer.rect(),
                text = renderer.text(settings.text);
            fontStyle["pointer-events"] = "none";
            menuItem = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": EXPORT_CSS_CLASS + "-list-item"
            itemData[EXPORT_DATA_KEY] = type;
            if (format) {
                itemData[FORMAT_DATA_KEY] = format
                cursor: "pointer",
                "pointer-events": "all"
            rect.on(hoverEvent.start + ".export", function() {
                    fill: options.button.hover.backgroundColor
            }).on(hoverEvent.end + ".export", function() {
                    fill: null
            if ("printing" === type) {
                renderer.path(null, "line").attr(attr.separator).append(menuItem)
            return {
                g: menuItem,
                rect: rect,
                resetState: function() {
                        fill: null

        function createMenuItems(renderer, options) {
            var formats = options.formats,
                items = [];
            if (options.printingEnabled) {
                items.push(createMenuItem(renderer, options, {
                    type: "printing",
                    text: messageLocalization.format("vizExport-printingButtonText"),
                    itemIndex: items.length
            items = formats.reduce(function(r, format) {
                format = validateFormat(format);
                if (format) {
                    r.push(createMenuItem(renderer, options, {
                        type: "exporting",
                        text: messageLocalization.getFormatter("vizExport-exportButtonText")(format),
                        format: format,
                        itemIndex: r.length
                return r
            }, items);
            return items
        exports.exportFromMarkup = function(markup, options) {
            options.format = validateFormat(options.format) || "PNG";
            options.fileName = options.fileName || "file";
            options.exportingAction = options.onExporting;
            options.exportedAction = options.onExported;
            options.fileSavingAction = options.onFileSaving;
            clientExporter.export(markup, options, getCreatorFunc(options.format))
        exports.getMarkup = function(widgets) {
            var svgArr = [],
                height = 0,
                width = 0;
            widgets.forEach(function(widget) {
                var size = widget.getSize();
                svgArr.push(widget.svg().replace("<svg", '<g transform="translate(0,' + height + ')" ').replace("</svg>", "</g>"));
                height += size.height;
                width = Math.max(width, size.width)
            return '<svg height="' + height + '" width="' + width + '" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">' + svgArr.join("") + "</svg>"
        exports.ExportMenu = function(params) {
            var that = this,
                renderer = that._renderer = params.renderer;
            that._incidentOccurred = params.incidentOccurred;
            that._svgMethod = params.svgMethod;
            that._shadow = renderer.shadowFilter("-50%", "-50%", "200%", "200%", SHADOW_OFFSET, 6, SHADOW_BLUR);
                opacity: .8
            that._group = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": EXPORT_CSS_CLASS
            }).linkOn(renderer.root, {
                name: "export-menu",
                after: "peripheral"
            that._buttonGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": EXPORT_CSS_CLASS + "-button"
            that._listGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": EXPORT_CSS_CLASS + "-list"
            that._overlay = renderer.rect(-LIST_WIDTH + BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE + LIST_PADDING_TOP, LIST_WIDTH, 0);
                "stroke-width": LIST_STROKE_WIDTH,
                cursor: "pointer",
                rx: 4,
                ry: 4,
                filter: that._shadow.id
                "export-element-type": "list"
        _extend(exports.ExportMenu.prototype, {
            getLayoutOptions: function() {
                if (this._hiddenDueToLayout) {
                    return {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                var bBox = this._buttonGroup.getBBox();
                bBox.cutSide = "vertical";
                bBox.cutLayoutSide = "top";
                bBox.height += MARGIN;
                bBox.position = {
                    vertical: "top",
                    horizontal: "right"
                bBox.verticalAlignment = "top";
                bBox.horizontalAlignment = "right";
                return bBox
            probeDraw: function() {
                this._hiddenDueToLayout = false;
            shift: function(_, y) {
                    translateY: this._group.attr("translateY") + y
            draw: function(width, height, canvas) {
                var layoutOptions;
                this._options.exportOptions.width = canvas.width;
                this._options.exportOptions.height = canvas.height;
                this._group.move(width - BUTTON_SIZE - SHADOW_OFFSET - SHADOW_BLUR + canvas.left, Math.floor(height / 2 - BUTTON_SIZE / 2));
                layoutOptions = this.getLayoutOptions();
                if (layoutOptions.width > width || layoutOptions.height > height) {
                    this._hiddenDueToLayout = true;
                return this
            show: function() {
                !this._hiddenDueToLayout && this._group.linkAppend()
            hide: function() {
            setOptions: function(options) {
                this._options = options;
                options.formats = options.formats || ALLOWED_EXPORT_FORMATS;
                options.printingEnabled = void 0 === options.printingEnabled ? true : options.printingEnabled;
                if (options.enabled && (options.formats.length || options.printingEnabled)) {
                } else {
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._shadow = that._group = that._listGroup = that._buttonGroup = that._button = null;
                that._options = null
            layoutOptions: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return options.enabled && {
                    horizontalAlignment: "right",
                    verticalAlignment: "top",
                    weak: true
            measure: function() {
                return [BUTTON_SIZE + SHADOW_OFFSET, BUTTON_SIZE]
            move: function(rect) {
                    translateX: Math.round(rect[0]),
                    translateY: Math.round(rect[1])
            _hideList: function() {
                this._listShown = false;
                this._menuItems.forEach(function(item) {
            _showList: function() {
                this._listShown = true
            _setButtonState: function(state) {
                var that = this,
                    style = that._options.button[state];
                    stroke: style.borderColor,
                    fill: style.backgroundColor
                    fill: style.color
            _subscribeEvents: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._renderer.root.on(pointerEvents.up + ".export", function(e) {
                    var exportOptions, elementType = e.target[EXPORT_DATA_KEY],
                        options = that._options;
                    if (!elementType) {
                        if (that._button) {
                    if ("button" === elementType) {
                        if (that._listShown) {
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        if ("printing" === elementType) {
                            print(that._svgMethod(), options.backgroundColor);
                        } else {
                            if ("exporting" === elementType) {
                                exportOptions = _extend({}, options.exportOptions, {
                                    format: e.target[FORMAT_DATA_KEY]
                                doExport(that, function() {
                                    return that._svgMethod()
                                }, exportOptions);
                that._listGroup.on(pointerActions, function(e) {
                that._buttonGroup.on(pointerEvents.enter, function() {
                that._buttonGroup.on(pointerEvents.leave, function() {
                    that._setButtonState(that._listShown ? "focus" : "default")
                that._buttonGroup.on(pointerEvents.down + ".export", function() {
            _unsubscribeEvents: function() {
            _updateButton: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    options = that._options,
                    iconAttr = {
                        fill: options.button.default.color,
                        cursor: "pointer"
                    exportData = {
                        "export-element-type": "button"
                if (!that._button) {
                    that._button = renderer.rect(0, 0, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE).append(that._buttonGroup);
                        rx: 4,
                        ry: 4,
                        fill: options.button.default.backgroundColor,
                        stroke: options.button.default.borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": 1,
                        cursor: "pointer"
                    that._icon = renderer.path(ICON_COORDS).append(that._buttonGroup);
            _updateList: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    buttonDefault = options.button.default,
                    listGroup = that._listGroup,
                    items = createMenuItems(that._renderer, options);
                    color: options.shadowColor
                    height: items.length * MENU_ITEM_HEIGHT,
                    fill: buttonDefault.backgroundColor,
                    stroke: buttonDefault.borderColor
                items.forEach(function(item) {
                that._menuItems = items

        function getExportOptions(widget, exportOptions, fileName, format) {
            return {
                format: validateFormat(format || exportOptions.format) || "PNG",
                fileName: fileName || exportOptions.fileName || "file",
                proxyUrl: exportOptions.proxyUrl,
                backgroundColor: exportOptions.backgroundColor,
                width: widget._canvas.width,
                height: widget._canvas.height,
                exportingAction: widget._createActionByOption("onExporting"),
                exportedAction: widget._createActionByOption("onExported"),
                fileSavingAction: widget._createActionByOption("onFileSaving")
        exports.plugin = {
            name: "export",
            init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._exportMenu = new exports.ExportMenu({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    svgMethod: function() {
                        return that.svg()
                    incidentOccurred: that._incidentOccurred
            dispose: function() {
                this._exportMenu = null
            members: {
                _getExportMenuOptions: function() {
                    var userOptions = this._getOption("export") || {},
                        options = getExportOptions(this, userOptions);
                    return _extend({}, userOptions, {
                        exportOptions: options
                exportTo: function(fileName, format) {
                    var that = this,
                        exportOptions = getExportOptions(that, that._getOption("export") || {}, fileName, format);
                    doExport(that._exportMenu, function() {
                        return that.svg()
                    }, exportOptions)
                print: function() {
                    print(this.svg(), this._getOption("export").backgroundColor)
            customize: function(constructor) {
                var proto = constructor.prototype;
                    code: "EXPORT",
                    handler: function() {
                    isThemeDependent: true,
                    isOptionChange: true,
                    option: "export"
                proto._optionChangesMap.onExporting = "EXPORT";
                proto._optionChangesMap.onExported = "EXPORT";
                proto._optionChangesMap.onFileSaving = "EXPORT"
      !*** ./js/viz/palette.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils */ 509),
            _floor = Math.floor,
            _ceil = Math.ceil,
            _Color = __webpack_require__( /*! ../color */ 38),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _extend = extend,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            HIGHLIGHTING_STEP = 50,
            DEFAULT = "default",
            currentPaletteName = DEFAULT;
        var palettes = {
            "default": {
                simpleSet: ["#5f8b95", "#ba4d51", "#af8a53", "#955f71", "#859666", "#7e688c"],
                indicatingSet: ["#a3b97c", "#e1b676", "#ec7f83"],
                gradientSet: ["#5f8b95", "#ba4d51"]
            "harmony light": {
                simpleSet: ["#fcb65e", "#679ec5", "#ad79ce", "#7abd5c", "#e18e92", "#b6d623", "#b7abea", "#85dbd5"],
                indicatingSet: ["#b6d623", "#fcb65e", "#e18e92"],
                gradientSet: ["#7abd5c", "#fcb65e"]
            "soft pastel": {
                simpleSet: ["#60a69f", "#78b6d9", "#6682bb", "#a37182", "#eeba69", "#90ba58", "#456c68", "#7565a4"],
                indicatingSet: ["#90ba58", "#eeba69", "#a37182"],
                gradientSet: ["#78b6d9", "#eeba69"]
            pastel: {
                simpleSet: ["#bb7862", "#70b3a1", "#bb626a", "#057d85", "#ab394b", "#dac599", "#153459", "#b1d2c6"],
                indicatingSet: ["#70b3a1", "#dac599", "#bb626a"],
                gradientSet: ["#bb7862", "#70b3a1"]
            bright: {
                simpleSet: ["#70c92f", "#f8ca00", "#bd1550", "#e97f02", "#9d419c", "#7e4452", "#9ab57e", "#36a3a6"],
                indicatingSet: ["#70c92f", "#f8ca00", "#bd1550"],
                gradientSet: ["#e97f02", "#f8ca00"]
            soft: {
                simpleSet: ["#cbc87b", "#9ab57e", "#e55253", "#7e4452", "#e8c267", "#565077", "#6babac", "#ad6082"],
                indicatingSet: ["#9ab57e", "#e8c267", "#e55253"],
                gradientSet: ["#9ab57e", "#e8c267"]
            ocean: {
                simpleSet: ["#75c099", "#acc371", "#378a8a", "#5fa26a", "#064970", "#38c5d2", "#00a7c6", "#6f84bb"],
                indicatingSet: ["#c8e394", "#7bc59d", "#397c8b"],
                gradientSet: ["#acc371", "#38c5d2"]
            vintage: {
                simpleSet: ["#dea484", "#efc59c", "#cb715e", "#eb9692", "#a85c4c", "#f2c0b5", "#c96374", "#dd956c"],
                indicatingSet: ["#ffe5c6", "#f4bb9d", "#e57660"],
                gradientSet: ["#efc59c", "#cb715e"]
            violet: {
                simpleSet: ["#d1a1d1", "#eeacc5", "#7b5685", "#7e7cad", "#a13d73", "#5b41ab", "#e287e2", "#689cc1"],
                indicatingSet: ["#d8e2f6", "#d0b2da", "#d56a8a"],
                gradientSet: ["#eeacc5", "#7b5685"]

        function currentPalette(name) {
            if (void 0 === name) {
                return currentPaletteName
            } else {
                name = _normalizeEnum(name);
                currentPaletteName = name in palettes ? name : DEFAULT

        function getPalette(palette, parameters) {
            var result, type = parameters && parameters.type;
            if (_isArray(palette)) {
                return palette.slice(0)
            } else {
                if (_isString(palette)) {
                    result = palettes[_normalizeEnum(palette)]
                if (!result) {
                    result = palettes[currentPaletteName]
            result = result || null;
            return type ? result ? result[type].slice(0) : result : result

        function registerPalette(name, palette) {
            var paletteName, item = {};
            if (_isArray(palette)) {
                item.simpleSet = palette.slice(0)
            } else {
                if (palette) {
                    item.simpleSet = _isArray(palette.simpleSet) ? palette.simpleSet.slice(0) : void 0;
                    item.indicatingSet = _isArray(palette.indicatingSet) ? palette.indicatingSet.slice(0) : void 0;
                    item.gradientSet = _isArray(palette.gradientSet) ? palette.gradientSet.slice(0) : void 0
            if (item.simpleSet || item.indicatingSet || item.gradientSet) {
                paletteName = _normalizeEnum(name);
                _extend(palettes[paletteName] = palettes[paletteName] || {}, item)

        function RingBuf(buf) {
            var ind = 0;
            this.next = function() {
                var res = buf[ind++];
                if (ind === buf.length) {
                return res
            this.reset = function() {
                ind = 0

        function Palette(palette, parameters) {
            parameters = parameters || {};
            var stepHighlight = parameters.useHighlight ? HIGHLIGHTING_STEP : 0;
            this._originalPalette = getPalette(palette, {
                type: parameters.type || "simpleSet"
            this._paletteSteps = new RingBuf([0, stepHighlight, -stepHighlight]);
        Palette.prototype = {
            constructor: Palette,
            dispose: function() {
                this._originalPalette = this._palette = this._paletteSteps = null
            getNextColor: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._currentColor >= that._palette.length) {
                return that._palette[that._currentColor++]
            _resetPalette: function() {
                var that = this,
                    step = that._paletteSteps.next();
                that._palette = step ? getAlteredPalette(that._originalPalette, step) : that._originalPalette.slice(0);
                that._currentColor = 0
            reset: function() {
                return this

        function getAlteredPalette(originalPalette, step) {
            var i, palette = [],
                ii = originalPalette.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                palette.push(getNewColor(originalPalette[i], step))
            return palette

        function getNewColor(currentColor, step) {
            var newColor = new _Color(currentColor).alter(step),
                lightness = getLightness(newColor);
            if (lightness > 200 || lightness < 55) {
                newColor = new _Color(currentColor).alter(-step / 2)
            return newColor.toHex()

        function getLightness(color) {
            return .3 * color.r + .59 * color.g + .11 * color.b

        function DiscretePalette(source, size) {
            var palette = size > 0 ? createDiscreteColors(getPalette(source, {
                type: "gradientSet"
            }), size) : [];
            this.getColor = function(index) {
                return palette[index] || null

        function createDiscreteColors(source, count) {
            var i, colorCount = count - 1,
                sourceCount = source.length - 1,
                colors = [],
                gradient = [];

            function addColor(pos) {
                var k = sourceCount * pos,
                    kl = _floor(k),
                    kr = _ceil(k);
                gradient.push(colors[kl].blend(colors[kr], k - kl).toHex())
            for (i = 0; i <= sourceCount; ++i) {
                colors.push(new _Color(source[i]))
            if (colorCount > 0) {
                for (i = 0; i <= colorCount; ++i) {
                    addColor(i / colorCount)
            } else {
            return gradient

        function GradientPalette(source) {
            var palette = getPalette(source, {
                    type: "gradientSet"
                color1 = new _Color(palette[0]),
                color2 = new _Color(palette[1]);
            this.getColor = function(ratio) {
                return 0 <= ratio && ratio <= 1 ? color1.blend(color2, ratio).toHex() : null
        _extend(exports, {
            Palette: Palette,
            DiscretePalette: DiscretePalette,
            GradientPalette: GradientPalette,
            registerPalette: registerPalette,
            getPalette: getPalette,
            currentPalette: currentPalette
        exports._DEBUG_palettes = palettes
      !*** ./js/viz/chart.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils */ 509),
            overlapping = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/base_chart */ 514).overlapping,
            LayoutManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/layout_manager */ 555),
            multiAxesSynchronizer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/multi_axes_synchronizer */ 562),
            AdvancedChart = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/advanced_chart */ 563).AdvancedChart,
            scrollBarModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/scroll_bar */ 582),
            crosshairModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/crosshair */ 581),
            DEFAULT_PANE_NAME = "default",
            DEFAULT_PANES = [{
                name: DEFAULT_PANE_NAME,
                border: {}
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _each = $.each,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined;

        function getFirstAxisNameForPane(axes, paneName, defaultPane) {
            var result;
            for (var i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) {
                if (axes[i].pane === paneName || void 0 === axes[i].pane && paneName === defaultPane) {
                    result = axes[i].name;
            if (!result) {
                result = axes[0].name
            return result

        function hideGridsOnNonFirstValueAxisForPane(valAxes, paneName, synchronizeMultiAxes) {
            var firstShownAxis, axesForPane = [];
            _each(valAxes, function(_, axis) {
                if (axis.pane === paneName) {
            if (axesForPane.length > 1 && synchronizeMultiAxes) {
                _each(axesForPane, function(_, axis) {
                    var gridOpt = axis.getOptions().grid,
                        minorGridOpt = axis.getOptions().minorGrid;
                    if (firstShownAxis && gridOpt && gridOpt.visible) {
                        gridOpt.visible = false;
                        minorGridOpt && (minorGridOpt.visible = false)
                    } else {
                        firstShownAxis = firstShownAxis ? firstShownAxis : gridOpt && gridOpt.visible

        function findAxisOptions(valueAxes, valueAxesOptions, axisName) {
            var result, axInd;
            for (axInd = 0; axInd < valueAxesOptions.length; axInd++) {
                if (valueAxesOptions[axInd].name === axisName) {
                    result = valueAxesOptions[axInd];
                    result.priority = axInd;
            if (!result) {
                for (axInd = 0; axInd < valueAxes.length; axInd++) {
                    if (valueAxes[axInd].name === axisName) {
                        result = valueAxes[axInd].getOptions();
                        result.priority = valueAxes[axInd].priority;
            return result

        function findAxis(paneName, axisName, axes) {
            var axis, i;
            for (i = 0; i < axes.length; i++) {
                axis = axes[i];
                if (axis.name === axisName && axis.pane === paneName) {
                    return axis
            if (paneName) {
                return findAxis(void 0, axisName, axes)

        function applyClipSettings(clipRects, settings) {
            _each(clipRects || [], function(_, c) {
                c && c.attr(settings)

        function compareAxes(a, b) {
            return a.priority - b.priority

        function doesPaneExist(panes, paneName) {
            var found = false;
            _each(panes, function(_, pane) {
                if (pane.name === paneName) {
                    found = true;
                    return false
            return found
        var prepareSegmentRectPoints = function(left, top, width, height, borderOptions) {
            var maxSW = ~~((width < height ? width : height) / 2),
                sw = borderOptions.width || 0,
                newSW = sw < maxSW ? sw : maxSW;
            left += newSW / 2;
            top += newSW / 2;
            width -= newSW;
            height -= newSW;
            var segmentSequence, right = left + width,
                bottom = top + height,
                points = [],
                segments = [],
                visiblyOpt = 0,
                prevSegmentVisibility = 0;
            var allSegment = {
                top: [
                    [left, top],
                    [right, top]
                right: [
                    [right, top],
                    [right, bottom]
                bottom: [
                    [right, bottom],
                    [left, bottom]
                left: [
                    [left, bottom],
                    [left, top]
            _each(allSegment, function(seg) {
                var visibility = !!borderOptions[seg];
                visiblyOpt = 2 * visiblyOpt + ~~visibility
            switch (visiblyOpt) {
                case 13:
                case 9:
                    segmentSequence = ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"];
                case 11:
                    segmentSequence = ["bottom", "left", "top", "right"];
                    segmentSequence = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"]
            _each(segmentSequence, function(_, seg) {
                var segmentVisibility = !!borderOptions[seg];
                if (!prevSegmentVisibility && segments.length) {
                    segments = []
                if (segmentVisibility) {
                    _each(allSegment[seg].slice(prevSegmentVisibility), function(_, segment) {
                        segments = segments.concat(segment)
                prevSegmentVisibility = ~~segmentVisibility
            segments.length && points.push(segments);
            1 === points.length && (points = points[0]);
            return {
                points: points,
                pathType: 15 === visiblyOpt ? "area" : "line"

        function accumulate(field, src1, src2, auxSpacing) {
            var val1 = src1[field] || 0,
                val2 = src2[field] || 0;
            return val1 + val2 + (val1 && val2 ? auxSpacing : 0)

        function pickMax(field, src1, src2) {
            return pickMaxValue(src1[field], src2[field])

        function pickMaxValue(val1, val2) {
            return Math.max(val1 || 0, val2 || 0)

        function getAxisMargins(axis) {
            return axis.getMargins()

        function getHorizontalAxesMargins(axes, getMarginsFunc) {
            return axes.reduce(function(margins, axis) {
                var axisMargins = getMarginsFunc(axis),
                    paneMargins = margins.panes[axis.pane] = margins.panes[axis.pane] || {},
                    spacing = axis.getMultipleAxesSpacing();
                paneMargins.top = accumulate("top", paneMargins, axisMargins, spacing);
                paneMargins.bottom = accumulate("bottom", paneMargins, axisMargins, spacing);
                paneMargins.left = pickMax("left", paneMargins, axisMargins);
                paneMargins.right = pickMax("right", paneMargins, axisMargins);
                margins.top = pickMax("top", paneMargins, margins);
                margins.bottom = pickMax("bottom", paneMargins, margins);
                margins.left = pickMax("left", paneMargins, margins);
                margins.right = pickMax("right", paneMargins, margins);
                return margins
            }, {
                panes: {}

        function getVerticalAxesMargins(axes) {
            return axes.reduce(function(margins, axis) {
                var axisMargins = axis.getMargins(),
                    paneMargins = margins.panes[axis.pane] = margins.panes[axis.pane] || {},
                    spacing = axis.getMultipleAxesSpacing();
                paneMargins.top = pickMax("top", paneMargins, axisMargins);
                paneMargins.bottom = pickMax("bottom", paneMargins, axisMargins);
                paneMargins.left = accumulate("left", paneMargins, axisMargins, spacing);
                paneMargins.right = accumulate("right", paneMargins, axisMargins, spacing);
                margins.top = pickMax("top", paneMargins, margins);
                margins.bottom = pickMax("bottom", paneMargins, margins);
                margins.left = pickMax("left", paneMargins, margins);
                margins.right = pickMax("right", paneMargins, margins);
                return margins
            }, {
                panes: {}

        function performActionOnAxes(axes, action, actionArgument1, actionArgument2) {
            axes.forEach(function(axis) {
                axis[action](actionArgument1 && actionArgument1[axis.pane], actionArgument2 && actionArgument2[axis.pane])

        function shrinkCanvases(isRotated, canvases, verticalMargins, horizontalMargins) {
            function getMargin(side, margins, pane) {
                var m = (isRotated ? ["left", "right"] : ["top", "bottom"]).indexOf(side) === -1 ? margins : margins.panes[pane] || {};
                return m[side]

            function getMaxMargin(side, margins1, margins2, pane) {
                return pickMaxValue(getMargin(side, margins1, pane), getMargin(side, margins2, pane))
            for (var pane in canvases) {
                canvases[pane].top = canvases[pane].originalTop + getMaxMargin("top", verticalMargins, horizontalMargins, pane);
                canvases[pane].bottom = canvases[pane].originalBottom + getMaxMargin("bottom", verticalMargins, horizontalMargins, pane);
                canvases[pane].left = canvases[pane].originalLeft + getMaxMargin("left", verticalMargins, horizontalMargins, pane);
                canvases[pane].right = canvases[pane].originalRight + getMaxMargin("right", verticalMargins, horizontalMargins, pane)
            return canvases

        function drawAxesWithTicks(axes, condition, canvases, panesBorderOptions) {
            if (condition) {
                performActionOnAxes(axes, "createTicks", canvases);
            performActionOnAxes(axes, "draw", !condition && canvases, panesBorderOptions)

        function shiftAxis(side1, side2) {
            var shifts = {};
            return function(axis) {
                var shift = shifts[axis.pane] = shifts[axis.pane] || {
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0,
                        bottom: 0,
                        right: 0
                    spacing = axis.getMultipleAxesSpacing(),
                    margins = axis.getMargins();
                shift[side1] = accumulate(side1, shift, margins, spacing);
                shift[side2] = accumulate(side2, shift, margins, spacing)

        function getCommonSize(side, margins) {
            var pane, paneMargins, size = 0;
            for (pane in margins.panes) {
                paneMargins = margins.panes[pane];
                size += "height" === side ? paneMargins.top + paneMargins.bottom : paneMargins.left + paneMargins.right
            return size

        function checkUsedSpace(sizeShortage, side, axes, getMarginFunc) {
            var size = 0;
            if (sizeShortage[side] > 0) {
                size = getCommonSize(side, getMarginFunc(axes, getAxisMargins));
                performActionOnAxes(axes, "hideTitle");
                sizeShortage[side] -= size - getCommonSize(side, getMarginFunc(axes, getAxisMargins))
            if (sizeShortage[side] > 0) {
                performActionOnAxes(axes, "hideOuterElements")
        var dxChart = AdvancedChart.inherit({
            _chartType: "chart",
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                _extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    "argumentAxis.label.overlappingBehavior.rotationAngle": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'argumentAxis.label.rotationAngle' option instead"
                    "argumentAxis.label.overlappingBehavior.staggeringSpacing": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'argumentAxis.label.staggeringSpacing' option instead"
                    "argumentAxis.label.overlappingBehavior.mode": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'overlappingBehavior' option directly"
                    "valueAxis.label.overlappingBehavior.rotationAngle": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'valueAxis.label.rotationAngle' option instead"
                    "valueAxis.label.overlappingBehavior.staggeringSpacing": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'valueAxis.label.staggeringSpacing' option instead"
                    "valueAxis.label.overlappingBehavior.mode": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'overlappingBehavior' option directly"
                    "commonAxisSettings.label.overlappingBehavior.rotationAngle": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'commonAxisSettings.label.rotationAngle' option instead"
                    "commonAxisSettings.label.overlappingBehavior.staggeringSpacing": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'commonAxisSettings.label.staggeringSpacing' option instead"
                    "commonAxisSettings.label.overlappingBehavior.mode": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'overlappingBehavior' option directly"
            _initCore: function() {
                this.paneAxis = {};
                this._panesClipRects = {};
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    disposeObjectsInArray = this._disposeObjectsInArray,
                    panesClipRects = that._panesClipRects;
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(panesClipRects, "fixed");
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(panesClipRects, "base");
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(panesClipRects, "wide");
                that._panesClipRects = null
            _correctAxes: function() {
            _getExtraOptions: commonUtils.noop,
            _processSingleSeries: commonUtils.noop,
            _cleanPanesClipRects: function(clipArrayName) {
                var that = this,
                    clipArray = that._panesClipRects[clipArrayName];
                _each(clipArray || [], function(_, clipRect) {
                    clipRect && clipRect.dispose()
                that._panesClipRects[clipArrayName] = []
            _createPanes: function() {
                var defaultPane, that = this,
                    panes = that.option("panes"),
                    panesNameCounter = 0;
                if (!panes || _isArray(panes) && !panes.length) {
                    panes = DEFAULT_PANES
                defaultPane = that.option("defaultPane");
                panes = _extend(true, [], _isArray(panes) ? panes : [panes]);
                _each(panes, function(_, pane) {
                    pane.name = !_isDefined(pane.name) ? DEFAULT_PANE_NAME + panesNameCounter++ : pane.name
                if (_isDefined(defaultPane)) {
                    if (!doesPaneExist(panes, defaultPane)) {
                        that._incidentOccurred("W2101", [defaultPane]);
                        defaultPane = panes[panes.length - 1].name
                } else {
                    defaultPane = panes[panes.length - 1].name
                that.defaultPane = defaultPane;
                panes = that._isRotated() ? panes.reverse() : panes;
                return panes
            _getAxisRenderingOptions: function() {
                return {
                    axisType: "xyAxes",
                    drawingType: "linear"
            _prepareAxisOptions: function(typeSelector, userOptions, rotated) {
                return {
                    isHorizontal: "argumentAxis" === typeSelector !== rotated
            _checkPaneName: function(seriesTheme) {
                var paneList = _map(this.panes, function(pane) {
                    return pane.name
                seriesTheme.pane = seriesTheme.pane || this.defaultPane;
                return inArray(seriesTheme.pane, paneList) !== -1
            _getValueAxis: function(paneName, axisName) {
                var axisOptions, axis, that = this,
                    valueAxes = that._valueAxes,
                    valueAxisOptions = that.option("valueAxis") || {},
                    valueAxesOptions = _isArray(valueAxisOptions) ? valueAxisOptions : [valueAxisOptions];
                axisName = axisName || getFirstAxisNameForPane(valueAxes, paneName, that.defaultPane);
                axis = findAxis(paneName, axisName, valueAxes);
                if (!axis) {
                    axisOptions = findAxisOptions(valueAxes, valueAxesOptions, axisName);
                    if (!axisOptions) {
                        that._incidentOccurred("W2102", [axisName]);
                        axisOptions = {
                            name: axisName,
                            priority: valueAxes.length
                    axis = that._createAxis("valueAxis", axisOptions, {
                        pane: paneName,
                        name: axisName
                    }, that._isRotated());
                return axis
            _correctValueAxes: function() {
                var that = this,
                    synchronizeMultiAxes = that._themeManager.getOptions("synchronizeMultiAxes"),
                    valueAxes = that._valueAxes,
                    paneWithAxis = {};
                that.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    var axis = series.getValueAxis();
                    paneWithAxis[axis.pane] = true
                that.panes.forEach(function(pane) {
                    var paneName = pane.name;
                    if (!paneWithAxis[paneName]) {
                    hideGridsOnNonFirstValueAxisForPane(valueAxes, pane.name, synchronizeMultiAxes)
                that._valueAxes = valueAxes.filter(function(axis) {
                    if (!axis.pane) {
                    return doesPaneExist(that.panes, axis.pane)
            _getSeriesForPane: function(paneName) {
                var paneSeries = [];
                _each(this.series, function(_, oneSeries) {
                    if (oneSeries.pane === paneName) {
                return paneSeries
            _createPanesBorderOptions: function() {
                var commonBorderOptions = this._themeManager.getOptions("commonPaneSettings").border,
                    panesBorderOptions = {};
                _each(this.panes, function(_, pane) {
                    panesBorderOptions[pane.name] = _extend(true, {}, commonBorderOptions, pane.border)
                return panesBorderOptions
            _createScrollBar: function() {
                var that = this,
                    scrollBarOptions = that._themeManager.getOptions("scrollBar") || {},
                    scrollBarGroup = that._scrollBarGroup;
                if (scrollBarOptions.visible) {
                    scrollBarOptions.rotated = that._isRotated();
                    that._scrollBar = (that._scrollBar || new scrollBarModule.ScrollBar(that._renderer, scrollBarGroup)).update(scrollBarOptions)
                } else {
                    that._scrollBar && that._scrollBar.dispose();
                    that._scrollBar = null
            _prepareToRender: function(drawOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    panesBorderOptions = that._createPanesBorderOptions(),
                    useAggregation = that._options.useAggregation,
                    canvas = that._canvas,
                    canvasLength = that._isRotated() ? canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom : canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right;
                that._transformed && that._resetTransform();
                if (useAggregation) {
                    that.series.forEach(function(series) {
                if ((useAggregation || _isDefined(that._zoomMinArg) || _isDefined(that._zoomMaxArg)) && that._themeManager.getOptions("adjustOnZoom")) {
                    that._valueAxes.forEach(function(axis) {
                        var viewport = that.series.filter(function(s) {
                            return s.getValueAxis() === axis
                        }).reduce(function(range, s) {
                            var seriesRange = s.getViewport();
                            range.min = range.min < seriesRange.min ? range.min : seriesRange.min;
                            range.max = range.max > seriesRange.max ? range.max : seriesRange.max;
                            return range
                        }, {});
                        axis.zoom(viewport.min, viewport.max)
                return panesBorderOptions
            _isLegendInside: function() {
                return this._legend && "inside" === this._legend.getPosition()
            _renderAxes: function(drawOptions, panesBorderOptions, rotated) {
                if (drawOptions && drawOptions.recreateCanvas) {
                    vizUtils.updatePanesCanvases(this.panes, this._canvas, rotated)
                this._drawAxes(drawOptions, panesBorderOptions)
            _isRotated: function() {
                return this._themeManager.getOptions("rotated")
            _getLayoutTargets: function() {
                return this.panes
            _applyClipRects: function(panesBorderOptions) {
                var i, that = this,
                    canvasClipRectID = that._getCanvasClipRectID();
                for (i = 0; i < that._argumentAxes.length; i++) {
                    that._argumentAxes[i].applyClipRects(that._getElementsClipRectID(that._argumentAxes[i].pane), canvasClipRectID)
                for (i = 0; i < that._valueAxes.length; i++) {
                    that._valueAxes[i].applyClipRects(that._getElementsClipRectID(that._valueAxes[i].pane), canvasClipRectID)
            _updateLegendPosition: function(drawOptions, legendHasInsidePosition) {
                var that = this;
                if (drawOptions.drawLegend && that._legend && legendHasInsidePosition) {
                    var panes = that.panes,
                        newCanvas = _extend({}, panes[0].canvas),
                        layoutManager = new LayoutManagerModule.LayoutManager;
                    newCanvas.right = panes[panes.length - 1].canvas.right;
                    newCanvas.bottom = panes[panes.length - 1].canvas.bottom;
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                    layoutManager.layoutElements([that._legend], newCanvas, commonUtils.noop, [{
                        canvas: newCanvas
                    }], void 0)
            _applyExtraSettings: function(series) {
                var that = this,
                    paneIndex = that._getPaneIndex(series.pane),
                    panesClipRects = that._panesClipRects,
                    wideClipRect = panesClipRects.wide[paneIndex];
                series.setClippingParams(panesClipRects.base[paneIndex].id, wideClipRect && wideClipRect.id, that._getPaneBorderVisibility(paneIndex))
            _updatePanesCanvases: function(drawOptions) {
                if (!drawOptions.recreateCanvas) {
                vizUtils.updatePanesCanvases(this.panes, this._canvas, this._isRotated())
            _restoreOriginalBusinessRange: function() {
                this._argumentAxes.concat(this._valueAxes).forEach(function(axis) {
            _prepareAxesAndDraw: function(drawOptions, panesBorderOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._isRotated(),
                    synchronizeMultiAxes = that._themeManager.getOptions("synchronizeMultiAxes"),
                    extendedArgAxes = (that._scrollBar ? [that._scrollBar] : []).concat(that._argumentAxes),
                    verticalAxes = rotated ? extendedArgAxes : that._valueAxes,
                    horizontalAxes = rotated ? that._valueAxes : extendedArgAxes,
                    allAxes = verticalAxes.concat(horizontalAxes);
                var panesCanvases = that.panes.reduce(function(canvases, pane) {
                    canvases[pane.name] = _extend({}, pane.canvas);
                    return canvases
                }, {});
                if (!drawOptions.adjustAxes) {
                    drawAxesWithTicks(verticalAxes, !rotated && synchronizeMultiAxes, panesCanvases, panesBorderOptions);
                    drawAxesWithTicks(horizontalAxes, rotated && synchronizeMultiAxes, panesCanvases, panesBorderOptions);
                if (that._scrollBar) {
                var vAxesMargins = {
                        panes: {}
                    hAxesMargins = getHorizontalAxesMargins(horizontalAxes, function(axis) {
                        return axis.estimateMargins(panesCanvases[axis.pane])
                panesCanvases = shrinkCanvases(rotated, panesCanvases, vAxesMargins, hAxesMargins);
                drawAxesWithTicks(verticalAxes, !rotated && synchronizeMultiAxes, panesCanvases, panesBorderOptions);
                vAxesMargins = getVerticalAxesMargins(verticalAxes);
                panesCanvases = shrinkCanvases(rotated, panesCanvases, vAxesMargins, hAxesMargins);
                drawAxesWithTicks(horizontalAxes, rotated && synchronizeMultiAxes, panesCanvases, panesBorderOptions);
                hAxesMargins = getHorizontalAxesMargins(horizontalAxes, getAxisMargins);
                panesCanvases = shrinkCanvases(rotated, panesCanvases, vAxesMargins, hAxesMargins);
                performActionOnAxes(allAxes, "updateSize", panesCanvases);
                horizontalAxes.forEach(shiftAxis("top", "bottom"));
                verticalAxes.forEach(shiftAxis("left", "right"));
                that.panes.forEach(function(pane) {
                    _extend(pane.canvas, panesCanvases[pane.name])
            _shrinkAxes: function(drawOptions, sizeShortage) {
                var panesCanvases, that = this,
                    rotated = that._isRotated(),
                    extendedArgAxes = (that._scrollBar ? [that._scrollBar] : []).concat(that._argumentAxes),
                    verticalAxes = rotated ? extendedArgAxes : that._valueAxes,
                    horizontalAxes = rotated ? that._valueAxes : extendedArgAxes,
                    allAxes = verticalAxes.concat(horizontalAxes);
                if (sizeShortage.width || sizeShortage.height) {
                    panesCanvases = that.panes.reduce(function(canvases, pane) {
                        canvases[pane.name] = _extend({}, pane.canvas);
                        return canvases
                    }, {});
                    checkUsedSpace(sizeShortage, "height", horizontalAxes, getHorizontalAxesMargins);
                    checkUsedSpace(sizeShortage, "width", verticalAxes, getVerticalAxesMargins);
                    panesCanvases = shrinkCanvases(rotated, panesCanvases, getVerticalAxesMargins(verticalAxes), getHorizontalAxesMargins(horizontalAxes, getAxisMargins));
                    performActionOnAxes(allAxes, "updateSize", panesCanvases);
                    horizontalAxes.forEach(shiftAxis("top", "bottom"));
                    verticalAxes.forEach(shiftAxis("left", "right"));
                    that.panes.forEach(function(pane) {
                        $.extend(pane.canvas, panesCanvases[pane.name])
            _getPanesParameters: function() {
                var i, that = this,
                    panes = that.panes,
                    params = [];
                for (i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) {
                    if (that._getPaneBorderVisibility(i)) {
                            coords: panes[i].borderCoords,
                            clipRect: that._panesClipRects.fixed[i]
                return params
            _createCrosshairCursor: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._themeManager.getOptions("crosshair") || {},
                    index = that._displayedArgumentAxisIndex,
                    axes = !that._isRotated() ? [
                        [that._argumentAxes[index]], that._valueAxes
                    ] : [that._valueAxes, [that._argumentAxes[index]]],
                    parameters = {
                        canvas: that._getCommonCanvas(),
                        panes: that._getPanesParameters(),
                        axes: axes
                if (!options || !options.enabled) {
                if (!that._crosshair) {
                    that._crosshair = new crosshairModule.Crosshair(that._renderer, options, parameters, that._crosshairCursorGroup)
                } else {
                    that._crosshair.update(options, parameters)
            _getCommonCanvas: function() {
                var i, canvas, commonCanvas, panes = this.panes;
                for (i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) {
                    canvas = panes[i].canvas;
                    if (!commonCanvas) {
                        commonCanvas = _extend({}, canvas)
                    } else {
                        commonCanvas.right = canvas.right;
                        commonCanvas.bottom = canvas.bottom
                return commonCanvas
            _createPanesBackground: function() {
                var backgroundColor, rect, i, that = this,
                    defaultBackgroundColor = that._themeManager.getOptions("commonPaneSettings").backgroundColor,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    rects = [];
                for (i = 0; i < that.panes.length; i++) {
                    backgroundColor = that.panes[i].backgroundColor || defaultBackgroundColor;
                    if (!backgroundColor || "none" === backgroundColor) {
                    rect = renderer.rect(0, 0, 0, 0).attr({
                        fill: backgroundColor,
                        "stroke-width": 0
                that.panesBackground = rects
            _fillPanesBackground: function() {
                var bc, that = this;
                _each(that.panes, function(i, pane) {
                    bc = pane.borderCoords;
                    if (null !== that.panesBackground[i]) {
                            x: bc.left,
                            y: bc.top,
                            width: bc.width,
                            height: bc.height
            _calcPaneBorderCoords: function(pane) {
                var canvas = pane.canvas,
                    bc = pane.borderCoords = pane.borderCoords || {};
                bc.left = canvas.left;
                bc.top = canvas.top;
                bc.right = canvas.width - canvas.right;
                bc.bottom = canvas.height - canvas.bottom;
                bc.width = Math.max(bc.right - bc.left, 0);
                bc.height = Math.max(bc.bottom - bc.top, 0)
            _drawPanesBorders: function(panesBorderOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._isRotated();
                _each(that.panes, function(i, pane) {
                    var bc, segmentRectParams, borderOptions = panesBorderOptions[pane.name],
                        attr = {
                            fill: "none",
                            stroke: borderOptions.color,
                            "stroke-opacity": borderOptions.opacity,
                            "stroke-width": borderOptions.width,
                            dashStyle: borderOptions.dashStyle,
                            "stroke-linecap": "square"
                    that._calcPaneBorderCoords(pane, rotated);
                    if (!borderOptions.visible) {
                    bc = pane.borderCoords;
                    segmentRectParams = prepareSegmentRectPoints(bc.left, bc.top, bc.width, bc.height, borderOptions);
                    that._renderer.path(segmentRectParams.points, segmentRectParams.pathType).attr(attr).append(that._panesBorderGroup)
            _createClipRect: function(clipArray, index, left, top, width, height) {
                var that = this,
                    clipRect = clipArray[index];
                if (!clipRect) {
                    clipRect = that._renderer.clipRect(left, top, width, height);
                    clipArray[index] = clipRect
                } else {
                        x: left,
                        y: top,
                        width: width,
                        height: height
            _createClipRectsForPanes: function() {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that._canvas;
                _each(that.panes, function(i, pane) {
                    var needWideClipRect = false,
                        bc = pane.borderCoords,
                        left = bc.left,
                        top = bc.top,
                        width = bc.width,
                        height = bc.height,
                        panesClipRects = that._panesClipRects;
                    that._createClipRect(panesClipRects.fixed, i, left, top, width, height);
                    that._createClipRect(panesClipRects.base, i, left, top, width, height);
                    _each(that.series, function(_, series) {
                        if (series.pane === pane.name && (series.isFinancialSeries() || series.areErrorBarsVisible())) {
                            needWideClipRect = true
                    if (needWideClipRect) {
                        if (that._isRotated()) {
                            top = 0;
                            height = canvas.height
                        } else {
                            left = 0;
                            width = canvas.width
                        that._createClipRect(panesClipRects.wide, i, left, top, width, height)
                    } else {
                        panesClipRects.wide[i] = null
            _getPaneIndex: function(paneName) {
                var paneIndex;
                _each(this.panes, function(index, pane) {
                    if (pane.name === paneName) {
                        paneIndex = index;
                        return false
                return paneIndex
            _getPaneBorderVisibility: function(paneIndex) {
                var commonPaneBorderVisible = this._themeManager.getOptions("commonPaneSettings").border.visible,
                    pane = this.panes[paneIndex] || {},
                    paneBorder = pane.border || {};
                return "visible" in paneBorder ? paneBorder.visible : commonPaneBorderVisible
            _getElementsClipRectID: function(paneName) {
                return this._panesClipRects.fixed[this._getPaneIndex(paneName)].id
            _getCanvasForPane: function(paneName) {
                var i, panes = this.panes,
                    panesNumber = panes.length;
                for (i = 0; i < panesNumber; i++) {
                    if (panes[i].name === paneName) {
                        return panes[i].canvas
            _getBusinessRange: function(paneName, axisName) {
                var foundRange, i, ranges = this.businessRanges || [],
                    rangesNumber = ranges.length;
                for (i = 0; i < rangesNumber; i++) {
                    if (ranges[i].val.pane === paneName && ranges[i].val.axis === axisName) {
                        foundRange = ranges[i];
                if (!foundRange) {
                    for (i = 0; i < rangesNumber; i++) {
                        if (ranges[i].val.pane === paneName) {
                            foundRange = ranges[i];
                return foundRange
            _transformArgument: function(translate, scale) {
                var settings, clipSettings, that = this,
                    rotated = that._isRotated(),
                    panesClipRects = that._panesClipRects;
                if (!that._transformed) {
                    that._transformed = true;
                    _each(that.series || [], function(i, s) {
                if (rotated) {
                    settings = {
                        translateY: translate,
                        scaleY: scale
                    clipSettings = {
                        translateY: -translate / scale,
                        scaleY: 1 / scale
                } else {
                    settings = {
                        translateX: translate,
                        scaleX: scale
                    clipSettings = {
                        translateX: -translate / scale,
                        scaleX: 1 / scale
                applyClipSettings(panesClipRects.base, clipSettings);
                applyClipSettings(panesClipRects.wide, clipSettings);
                that._scrollBar && that._scrollBar.transform(-translate, scale)
            _resetTransform: function() {
                var that = this,
                    settings = {
                        translateX: 0,
                        translateY: 0,
                        scaleX: null,
                        scaleY: null
                    panesClipRects = that._panesClipRects;
                applyClipSettings(panesClipRects.base, settings);
                applyClipSettings(panesClipRects.wide, settings);
                _each(that.series || [], function(i, s) {
                that._transformed = false
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    themeManager = that._themeManager;
                return _extend(this.callBase(), {
                    chart: that,
                    zoomingMode: themeManager.getOptions("zoomingMode"),
                    scrollingMode: themeManager.getOptions("scrollingMode"),
                    rotated: that._isRotated(),
                    crosshair: that._getCrosshairOptions().enabled ? that._crosshair : null
            _resolveLabelOverlappingStack: function() {
                var that = this,
                    isRotated = that._isRotated(),
                    shiftDirection = isRotated ? function(box, length) {
                        return {
                            x: box.x - length,
                            y: box.y
                    } : function(box, length) {
                        return {
                            x: box.x,
                            y: box.y - length
                _each(that._getStackPoints(), function(_, stacks) {
                    _each(stacks, function(_, points) {
                        overlapping.resolveLabelOverlappingInOneDirection(points, that._getCommonCanvas(), isRotated, shiftDirection)
            _getStackPoints: function() {
                var stackPoints = {},
                    visibleSeries = this._getVisibleSeries();
                _each(visibleSeries, function(_, singleSeries) {
                    var points = singleSeries.getPoints(),
                        stackName = singleSeries.getStackName() || null;
                    _each(points, function(_, point) {
                        var argument = point.argument;
                        if (!stackPoints[argument]) {
                            stackPoints[argument] = {}
                        if (!stackPoints[argument][stackName]) {
                            stackPoints[argument][stackName] = []
                return stackPoints
            _getCrosshairOptions: function() {
                return this._getOption("crosshair")
            zoomArgument: function(min, max, gesturesUsed) {
                var bounds, zoomArg, that = this;
                if (!_isDefined(min) && !_isDefined(max)) {
                if (!gesturesUsed) {
                zoomArg = that._argumentAxes[0].zoom(min, max, gesturesUsed);
                that._zoomMinArg = zoomArg.min;
                that._zoomMaxArg = zoomArg.max;
                that._notApplyMargins = gesturesUsed;
                    force: true,
                    drawTitle: false,
                    drawLegend: false,
                    adjustAxes: false,
                    animate: false
                bounds = that.getVisibleArgumentBounds();
                that._eventTrigger("zoomEnd", {
                    rangeStart: bounds.minVisible,
                    rangeEnd: bounds.maxVisible
            _resetZoom: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._zoomMinArg = that._zoomMaxArg = that._notApplyMargins = void 0;
                that._argumentAxes[0] && that._argumentAxes[0].resetZoom()
            getVisibleArgumentBounds: function() {
                var translator = this._argumentAxes[0].getTranslator(),
                    range = translator.getBusinessRange(),
                    isDiscrete = "discrete" === range.axisType,
                    categories = range.categories;
                return {
                    minVisible: isDiscrete ? range.minVisible || categories[0] : range.minVisible,
                    maxVisible: isDiscrete ? range.maxVisible || categories[categories.length - 1] : range.maxVisible
        dxChart.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/shutter_zoom */ 583));
        registerComponent("dxChart", dxChart);
        module.exports = dxChart;
        module.exports._test_prepareSegmentRectPoints = function() {
            var original = prepareSegmentRectPoints.original || prepareSegmentRectPoints;
            if (arguments[0]) {
                prepareSegmentRectPoints = arguments[0]
            prepareSegmentRectPoints.original = original;
            prepareSegmentRectPoints.restore = function() {
                prepareSegmentRectPoints = original
            return prepareSegmentRectPoints
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/base_chart.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71),
            BaseWidget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_widget */ 515),
            legendModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/legend */ 521),
            dataValidatorModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/data_validator */ 523),
            seriesModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../series/base_series */ 525),
            chartThemeManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/chart_theme_manager */ 549),
            LayoutManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./layout_manager */ 555),
            trackerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tracker */ 556),
            headerBlockModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./header_block */ 557),
            REINIT_REFRESH_ACTION = "_reinit",
            REINIT_DATA_SOURCE_REFRESH_ACTION = "_updateDataSource",
            DATA_INIT_REFRESH_ACTION = "_dataInit",
            FORCE_RENDER_REFRESH_ACTION = "_forceRender",
            RESIZE_REFRESH_ACTION = "_resize",
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _each = $.each,
            _extend = extend,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _setCanvasValues = vizUtils.setCanvasValues,
            DEFAULT_OPACITY = .3,
            REFRESH_SERIES_DATA_INIT_ACTION_OPTIONS = ["series", "commonSeriesSettings", "containerBackgroundColor", "dataPrepareSettings", "seriesSelectionMode", "pointSelectionMode", "useAggregation", "synchronizeMultiAxes"],
            REFRESH_SERIES_FAMILIES_ACTION_OPTIONS = ["equalBarWidth", "minBubbleSize", "maxBubbleSize", "barWidth", "negativesAsZeroes", "negativesAsZeros"],
            FORCE_RENDER_REFRESH_ACTION_OPTIONS = ["adaptiveLayout", "crosshair", "resolveLabelOverlapping", "adjustOnZoom", "zoomingMode", "scrollingMode"];

        function checkHeightLabelsInCanvas(points, canvas, isRotated) {
            var labels, label, allLabelsAreInvisible, commonLabelSize = 0,
                canvasSize = canvas.end - canvas.start;
            for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
                labels = points[i].getLabels();
                allLabelsAreInvisible = true;
                for (var j = 0; j < labels.length; j++) {
                    label = labels[j];
                    if (label.isVisible()) {
                        commonLabelSize += label.getBoundingRect()[isRotated ? "width" : "height"];
                        allLabelsAreInvisible = false
                if (allLabelsAreInvisible) {
                    points[i] = null
            if (canvasSize > 0) {
                while (commonLabelSize > canvasSize) {
                    commonLabelSize -= killSmallValues(points, isRotated)

        function killSmallValues(points, isRotated) {
            var indexOfPoint, smallestValuePoint = {
                    originalValue: 1 / 0
                bBox = 0;
            _each(points, function(index, point) {
                if (point && smallestValuePoint.originalValue >= point.originalValue) {
                    smallestValuePoint = point;
                    indexOfPoint = index
            if (null !== indexOfPoint) {
                points[indexOfPoint].getLabels().forEach(function(label) {
                    bBox += label.getBoundingRect()[isRotated ? "width" : "height"];
                points[indexOfPoint] = null;
                return bBox
            return 0

        function resolveLabelOverlappingInOneDirection(points, canvas, isRotated, shiftFunction) {
            var rollingStocks = [],
                stubCanvas = {
                    start: isRotated ? canvas.left : canvas.top,
                    end: isRotated ? canvas.width - canvas.right : canvas.height - canvas.bottom
                hasStackedSeries = false;
            checkHeightLabelsInCanvas(points, stubCanvas, isRotated);
            points.forEach(function(p) {
                if (!p) {
                hasStackedSeries = hasStackedSeries || p.series.isStackedSeries() || p.series.isFullStackedSeries();
                p.getLabels().forEach(function(l) {
                    l.isVisible() && rollingStocks.push(new RollingStock(l, isRotated, shiftFunction))
            if (hasStackedSeries) {
                !isRotated && rollingStocks.reverse()
            } else {
                rollingStocks.sort(function(a, b) {
                    return a.getInitialPosition() - b.getInitialPosition()
            if (!checkStackOverlap(rollingStocks)) {
            moveRollingStock(rollingStocks, stubCanvas)

        function overlapRollingStock(firstRolling, secondRolling) {
            if (!firstRolling || !secondRolling) {
            return firstRolling.getBoundingRect().end > secondRolling.getBoundingRect().start

        function checkStackOverlap(rollingStocks) {
            var i, currentRollingStock, overlap, root;
            for (i = 0; i < rollingStocks.length - 1; i++) {
                currentRollingStock = root || rollingStocks[i];
                if (overlapRollingStock(currentRollingStock, rollingStocks[i + 1])) {
                    currentRollingStock.toChain(rollingStocks[i + 1]);
                    rollingStocks[i + 1] = null;
                    root = currentRollingStock;
                    overlap = true
                } else {
                    root = null
            return overlap

        function moveRollingStock(rollingStocks, canvas) {
            var i, j, currentRollingStock, nextRollingStock, currentBBox, nextBBox;
            for (i = 0; i < rollingStocks.length; i++) {
                currentRollingStock = rollingStocks[i];
                if (rollingStocksIsOut(currentRollingStock, canvas)) {
                    currentBBox = currentRollingStock.getBoundingRect();
                    for (j = i + 1; j < rollingStocks.length; j++) {
                        nextRollingStock = rollingStocks[j];
                        if (!nextRollingStock) {
                        nextBBox = nextRollingStock.getBoundingRect();
                        if (nextBBox.end > currentBBox.start - (currentBBox.end - canvas.end)) {
                            rollingStocks[i] = currentRollingStock = null;
                currentRollingStock && currentRollingStock.setRollingStockInCanvas(canvas)

        function rollingStocksIsOut(rollingStock, canvas) {
            return rollingStock && rollingStock.getBoundingRect().end > canvas.end

        function RollingStock(label, isRotated, shiftFunction) {
            var bBox = label.getBoundingRect();
            this.labels = [label];
            this.shiftFunction = shiftFunction;
            this._bBox = {
                start: isRotated ? bBox.x : bBox.y,
                width: isRotated ? bBox.width : bBox.height,
                end: isRotated ? bBox.x + bBox.width : bBox.y + bBox.height
            this._initialPosition = isRotated ? bBox.x : bBox.y;
            return this
        RollingStock.prototype = {
            toChain: function(nextRollingStock) {
                var nextRollingStockBBox = nextRollingStock.getBoundingRect();
                nextRollingStock.shift(nextRollingStockBBox.start - this._bBox.end);
                this.labels = this.labels.concat(nextRollingStock.labels)
            getBoundingRect: function() {
                return this._bBox
            shift: function(shiftLength) {
                var shiftFunction = this.shiftFunction;
                _each(this.labels, function(index, label) {
                    var bBox = label.getBoundingRect(),
                        coords = shiftFunction(bBox, shiftLength);
                    label.shift(coords.x, coords.y)
                this._bBox.end -= shiftLength;
                this._bBox.start -= shiftLength
            setRollingStockInCanvas: function(canvas) {
                if (this._bBox.end > canvas.end) {
                    this.shift(this._bBox.end - canvas.end)
            getInitialPosition: function() {
                return this._initialPosition
            _changeBoxWidth: function(width) {
                this._bBox.end += width;
                this._bBox.width += width

        function getLegendFields(name) {
            return {
                nameField: name + "Name",
                colorField: name + "Color",
                indexField: name + "Index"

        function getLegendSettings(legendDataField) {
            var formatObjectFields = getLegendFields(legendDataField);
            return {
                getFormatObject: function(data) {
                    var res = {};
                    res[formatObjectFields.indexField] = data.id;
                    res[formatObjectFields.colorField] = data.states.normal.fill;
                    res[formatObjectFields.nameField] = data.text;
                    return res
                textField: formatObjectFields.nameField

        function setTemplateFields(data, templateData, series) {
            _each(data, function(_, data) {
                _each(series.getTemplateFields(), function(_, field) {
                    data[field.templateField] = data[field.originalField]

        function checkOverlapping(firstRect, secondRect) {
            return (firstRect.x <= secondRect.x && secondRect.x <= firstRect.x + firstRect.width || firstRect.x >= secondRect.x && firstRect.x <= secondRect.x + secondRect.width) && (firstRect.y <= secondRect.y && secondRect.y <= firstRect.y + firstRect.height || firstRect.y >= secondRect.y && firstRect.y <= secondRect.y + secondRect.height)
        var overlapping = {
            resolveLabelOverlappingInOneDirection: resolveLabelOverlappingInOneDirection

        function suppressCommonLayout(layout) {
            layout.forward = function(rect) {
                return rect
            layout.backward = _noop
        var BaseChart = BaseWidget.inherit({
            _eventsMap: {
                onSeriesClick: {
                    name: "seriesClick"
                onPointClick: {
                    name: "pointClick"
                onArgumentAxisClick: {
                    name: "argumentAxisClick"
                onLegendClick: {
                    name: "legendClick"
                onSeriesSelectionChanged: {
                    name: "seriesSelectionChanged"
                onPointSelectionChanged: {
                    name: "pointSelectionChanged"
                onSeriesHoverChanged: {
                    name: "seriesHoverChanged"
                onPointHoverChanged: {
                    name: "pointHoverChanged"
                onDone: {
                    name: "done"
                onZoomStart: {
                    name: "zoomStart"
                onZoomEnd: {
                    name: "zoomEnd"
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxc",
            _rootClass: "dxc-chart",
            _init: function() {
                this._savedBusinessRange = {};
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _initialChanges: ["REINIT"],
            _themeDependentChanges: ["REFRESH_SERIES_REINIT"],
            _createThemeManager: function() {
                var option = this.option(),
                    themeManager = new chartThemeManagerModule.ThemeManager(option, this._chartType);
                themeManager.setTheme(option.theme, option.rtlEnabled);
                return themeManager
            _initCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._canvasClipRect = that._renderer.clipRect();
                that._headerBlock = new headerBlockModule.HeaderBlock;
                that._needHandleRenderComplete = true;
                that.layoutManager = new LayoutManagerModule.LayoutManager;
                that._$element.on("contextmenu", function(event) {
                    that.eventType = "contextmenu";
                    if (eventUtils.isTouchEvent(event) || eventUtils.isPointerEvent(event)) {
                }).on("MSHoldVisual", function(event) {
                    that.eventType = "MSHoldVisual";
            _getLayoutItems: commonUtils.noop,
            _layoutManagerOptions: function() {
                return this._themeManager.getOptions("adaptiveLayout")
            _reinit: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._skipRender = true;
                if (!that.series) {
                that._skipRender = false;
            _correctAxes: _noop,
            _createHtmlStructure: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    root = renderer.root;
                that._backgroundRect = renderer.rect().attr({
                    fill: "gray",
                    opacity: 1e-4
                that._panesBackgroundGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-background"
                that._stripsGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-strips-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "strips");
                that._gridGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-grids-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "grids");
                that._axesGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-axes-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "axes");
                that._constantLinesGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-constant-lines-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "constant-lines");
                that._labelAxesGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-strips-labels-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "strips-labels");
                that._panesBorderGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-border"
                }).linkOn(root, "border");
                that._seriesGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-series-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "series");
                that._labelsGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-labels-group"
                }).linkOn(root, "labels");
                that._crosshairCursorGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-crosshair-cursor"
                }).linkOn(root, "crosshair");
                that._legendGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-legend",
                    "clip-path": that._getCanvasClipRectID()
                }).linkOn(root, "legend");
                that._scrollBarGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxc-scroll-bar"
                }).linkOn(root, "scroll-bar")
            _disposeObjectsInArray: function(propName, fieldNames) {
                _each(this[propName] || [], function(_, item) {
                    if (fieldNames && item) {
                        _each(fieldNames, function(_, field) {
                            item[field] && item[field].dispose()
                    } else {
                        item && item.dispose()
                this[propName] = null
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    disposeObject = function(propName) {
                        if (that[propName]) {
                            that[propName] = null
                    unlinkGroup = function(name) {
                    disposeObjectsInArray = this._disposeObjectsInArray;
                that.businessRanges = null;
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(that, "series");
                that.layoutManager = that._userOptions = that._canvas = that._groupsData = null;
            _getAnimationOptions: function() {
                return this._themeManager.getOptions("animation")
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return {
                    width: 400,
                    height: 400
            _getOption: function(name) {
                return this._themeManager.getOptions(name)
            _applySize: function() {
            _resize: function() {
                this._doRender(this.__renderOptions || {
                    animate: false,
                    isResize: true
            _trackerType: "ChartTracker",
            _createTracker: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._tracker = new trackerModule[that._trackerType]({
                    seriesGroup: that._seriesGroup,
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    tooltip: that._tooltip,
                    legend: that._legend,
                    eventTrigger: that._eventTrigger
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                return this._getSelectionModes()
            _getSelectionModes: function() {
                var themeManager = this._themeManager;
                return {
                    seriesSelectionMode: themeManager.getOptions("seriesSelectionMode"),
                    pointSelectionMode: themeManager.getOptions("pointSelectionMode")
            _updateTracker: function(trackerCanvases) {
                var that = this;
                    left: 0,
                    right: that._canvas.width,
                    top: 0,
                    bottom: that._canvas.height
                }, trackerCanvases)
            _doRender: function(_options) {
                var drawOptions, recreateCanvas, that = this;
                if ( /*!that._initialized || */ that._skipRender) {
                if (0 === that._canvas.width && 0 === that._canvas.height) {
                drawOptions = that._prepareDrawOptions(_options);
                recreateCanvas = drawOptions.recreateCanvas;
                that.__originalCanvas = that._canvas;
                that._canvas = extend({}, that._canvas);
                if (recreateCanvas) {
                    that.__currentCanvas = that._canvas
                } else {
                    that._canvas = that.__currentCanvas
                that.DEBUG_canvas = that._canvas;
                recreateCanvas && that._updateCanvasClipRect(that._canvas);
            _renderElements: function(drawOptions) {
                var argBusinessRange, zoomMinArg, zoomMaxArg, that = this,
                    preparedOptions = that._prepareToRender(drawOptions),
                    isRotated = that._isRotated(),
                    isLegendInside = that._isLegendInside(),
                    trackerCanvases = [],
                    layoutTargets = that._getLayoutTargets(),
                    dirtyCanvas = extend({}, that._canvas),
                    drawElements = [],
                    layoutCanvas = drawOptions.drawTitle && drawOptions.drawLegend && drawOptions.adjustAxes;
                that.DEBUG_dirtyCanvas = dirtyCanvas;
                if (layoutCanvas) {
                    drawElements = that._getDrawElements(drawOptions, isLegendInside)
                that.layoutManager.layoutElements(drawElements, that._canvas, function(sizeShortage) {
                    that._renderAxes(drawOptions, preparedOptions, isRotated);
                    sizeShortage && that._shrinkAxes(drawOptions, sizeShortage)
                }, layoutTargets, isRotated);
                layoutCanvas && that._updateCanvasClipRect(dirtyCanvas);
                _each(layoutTargets, function() {
                    var canvas = this.canvas;
                        left: canvas.left,
                        right: canvas.width - canvas.right,
                        top: canvas.top,
                        bottom: canvas.height - canvas.bottom
                if (that._scrollBar) {
                    argBusinessRange = that._argumentAxes[0].getTranslator().getBusinessRange();
                    if ("discrete" === argBusinessRange.axisType && argBusinessRange.categories && argBusinessRange.categories.length <= 1) {
                        zoomMinArg = zoomMaxArg = void 0
                    } else {
                        zoomMinArg = argBusinessRange.minVisible;
                        zoomMaxArg = argBusinessRange.maxVisible
                    that._scrollBar.init(argBusinessRange).setPosition(zoomMinArg, zoomMaxArg)
                that._updateLegendPosition(drawOptions, isLegendInside);
                that._renderSeries(drawOptions, isRotated, isLegendInside);
            _createCrosshairCursor: _noop,
            _appendSeriesGroups: function() {
            _renderSeries: function(drawOptions, isRotated, isLegendInside) {
                this._calculateSeriesLayout(drawOptions, isRotated);
                this._renderSeriesElements(drawOptions, isRotated, isLegendInside)
            _calculateSeriesLayout: function(drawOptions, isRotated) {
                drawOptions.hideLayoutLabels = this.layoutManager.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas(this._getLayoutTargets(), isRotated) && !this._themeManager.getOptions("adaptiveLayout").keepLabels;
                this._canvas = this.__originalCanvas
            _renderSeriesElements: function(drawOptions, isRotated, isLegendInside) {
                var i, singleSeries, that = this,
                    series = that.series,
                    seriesLength = series.length,
                    resolveLabelOverlapping = that._themeManager.getOptions("resolveLabelOverlapping");
                for (i = 0; i < seriesLength; i++) {
                    singleSeries = series[i];
                    that._applyExtraSettings(singleSeries, drawOptions);
                    singleSeries.draw(drawOptions.animate && singleSeries.getPoints().length <= drawOptions.animationPointsLimit && that._renderer.animationEnabled(), drawOptions.hideLayoutLabels, that._getLegendCallBack(singleSeries))
                "none" !== resolveLabelOverlapping && that._resolveLabelOverlapping(resolveLabelOverlapping);
            _resolveLabelOverlapping: function(resolveLabelOverlapping) {
                var func;
                switch (resolveLabelOverlapping) {
                    case "stack":
                        func = this._resolveLabelOverlappingStack;
                    case "hide":
                        func = this._resolveLabelOverlappingHide;
                    case "shift":
                        func = this._resolveLabelOverlappingShift
                commonUtils.isFunction(func) && func.call(this)
            _getVisibleSeries: function() {
                return commonUtils.grep(this.getAllSeries(), function(series) {
                    return series.isVisible()
            _resolveLabelOverlappingHide: function() {
                var currentLabel, nextLabel, currentLabelRect, nextLabelRect, i, j, points, labels = [],
                    series = this._getVisibleSeries();
                for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
                    points = series[i].getVisiblePoints();
                    for (j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
                        labels = labels.concat(points[j].getLabels())
                for (i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
                    currentLabel = labels[i];
                    currentLabelRect = currentLabel.getBoundingRect();
                    if (!currentLabel.isVisible()) {
                    for (j = i + 1; j < labels.length; j++) {
                        nextLabel = labels[j];
                        nextLabelRect = nextLabel.getBoundingRect();
                        if (checkOverlapping(currentLabelRect, nextLabelRect)) {
            _cleanGroups: function() {
                var that = this;
            _createLegend: function() {
                var that = this,
                    legendSettings = getLegendSettings(that._legendDataField);
                that._legend = new legendModule.Legend({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    group: that._legendGroup,
                    backgroundClass: "dxc-border",
                    itemGroupClass: "dxc-item",
                    textField: legendSettings.textField,
                    getFormatObject: legendSettings.getFormatObject
            _updateLegend: function() {
                var that = this,
                    themeManager = that._themeManager,
                    legendOptions = themeManager.getOptions("legend"),
                    legendData = that._getLegendData();
                legendOptions.containerBackgroundColor = themeManager.getOptions("containerBackgroundColor");
                legendOptions._incidentOccurred = that._incidentOccurred;
                that._legend.update(legendData, legendOptions)
            _prepareDrawOptions: function(drawOptions) {
                var options, animationOptions = this._getAnimationOptions();
                options = extend({}, {
                    force: false,
                    adjustAxes: true,
                    drawLegend: true,
                    drawTitle: true,
                    animate: animationOptions.enabled,
                    animationPointsLimit: animationOptions.maxPointCountSupported
                }, drawOptions, this.__renderOptions);
                if (!_isDefined(options.recreateCanvas)) {
                    options.recreateCanvas = options.adjustAxes && options.drawLegend && options.drawTitle
                return options
            _processRefreshData: function(newRefreshAction) {
                var currentRefreshActionPosition = inArray(this._currentRefreshData, ACTIONS_BY_PRIORITY),
                    newRefreshActionPosition = inArray(newRefreshAction, ACTIONS_BY_PRIORITY);
                if (!this._currentRefreshData || currentRefreshActionPosition >= 0 && newRefreshActionPosition < currentRefreshActionPosition) {
                    this._currentRefreshData = newRefreshAction
            _getLegendData: function() {
                return _map(this._getLegendTargets(), function(item) {
                    var legendData = item.legendData,
                        style = item.getLegendStyles,
                        opacity = style.normal.opacity;
                    if (!item.visible) {
                        if (!_isDefined(opacity) || opacity > DEFAULT_OPACITY) {
                            opacity = DEFAULT_OPACITY
                        legendData.textOpacity = DEFAULT_OPACITY
                    legendData.states = {
                        hover: style.hover,
                        selection: style.selection,
                        normal: _extend({}, style.normal, {
                            opacity: opacity
                    return legendData
            _getLegendOptions: function(item) {
                return {
                    legendData: {
                        text: item[this._legendItemTextField],
                        argument: item.argument,
                        id: item.index,
                        argumentIndex: item.argumentIndex
                    getLegendStyles: item.getLegendStyles(),
                    visible: item.isVisible()
            _disposeSeries: function() {
                var that = this;
                _each(that.series || [], function(_, series) {
                that.series = null;
                _each(that.seriesFamilies || [], function(_, family) {
                that.seriesFamilies = null;
                that._needHandleRenderComplete = true
            _optionChanged: function(arg) {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _applyChanges: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
            _optionChangesMap: {
                animation: "ANIMATION",
                dataSource: "DATA_SOURCE",
                palette: "PALETTE",
                legend: "DATA_INIT",
                seriesTemplate: "DATA_INIT",
                "export": "FORCE_RENDER",
                valueAxis: "AXES_AND_PANES",
                argumentAxis: "AXES_AND_PANES",
                commonAxisSettings: "AXES_AND_PANES",
                panes: "AXES_AND_PANES",
                defaultPane: "AXES_AND_PANES",
                rotated: "ROTATED",
                customizePoint: "REFRESH_SERIES_REINIT",
                customizeLabel: "REFRESH_SERIES_REINIT",
                scrollBar: "SCROLL_BAR"
            _change_ANIMATION: function() {
            _change_DATA_SOURCE: function() {
                this._needHandleRenderComplete = true;
            _change_PALETTE: function() {
            _change_REFRESH_SERIES_DATA_INIT: function() {
            _change_DATA_INIT: function() {
            _change_REFRESH_SERIES_FAMILIES: function() {
            _change_FORCE_RENDER: function() {
            _change_AXES_AND_PANES: function() {
            _change_ROTATED: function() {
            _change_REFRESH_SERIES_REINIT: function() {
            _change_SCROLL_BAR: function() {
            _change_CHART_TOOLTIP: function() {
            _change_REINIT: function() {
            _refreshSeries: function(actionName) {
            _doRefresh: function() {
                var methodName = this._currentRefreshData;
                if (methodName) {
                    this._currentRefreshData = null;
            _updateCanvasClipRect: function(canvas) {
                var width, height, that = this;
                width = Math.max(canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right, 0);
                height = Math.max(canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom, 0);
                    x: canvas.left,
                    y: canvas.top,
                    width: width,
                    height: height
                    x: canvas.left,
                    y: canvas.top,
                    width: width,
                    height: height
            _getCanvasClipRectID: function() {
                return this._canvasClipRect.id
            _dataSourceChangedHandler: function() {
            _dataInit: function() {
            _dataSpecificInit: function(needRedraw) {
                var that = this;
                that.series = that.series || that._populateSeries();
                needRedraw && that._forceRender()
            _forceRender: function() {
                    force: true
            _repopulateSeries: function() {
                var parsedData, that = this,
                    themeManager = that._themeManager,
                    data = that._dataSourceItems(),
                    dataValidatorOptions = themeManager.getOptions("dataPrepareSettings"),
                    seriesTemplate = themeManager.getOptions("seriesTemplate");
                if (seriesTemplate) {
                    that._templatedSeries = vizUtils.processSeriesTemplate(seriesTemplate, data);
                    delete that._templatedSeries;
                    data = that.templateData || data
                parsedData = dataValidatorModule.validateData(data, that._groupsData, that._incidentOccurred, dataValidatorOptions);
                that.series.forEach(function(singleSeries) {
            _organizeStackPoints: function() {
                var that = this,
                    themeManager = that._themeManager,
                    sharedTooltip = themeManager.getOptions("tooltip").shared,
                    stackPoints = {};
                _each(that.series || [], function(_, singleSeries) {
                    sharedTooltip && that._prepareStackPoints(singleSeries, stackPoints)
            _renderCompleteHandler: function() {
                var that = this,
                    allSeriesInited = true;
                if (that._needHandleRenderComplete) {
                    _each(that.series, function(_, s) {
                        allSeriesInited = allSeriesInited && s.canRenderCompleteHandle()
                    if (allSeriesInited) {
                        that._needHandleRenderComplete = false;
                        that._eventTrigger("done", {
                            target: that
            _getDrawElements: function(drawOptions, legendHasInsidePosition) {
                var legendOptions, that = this,
                    drawElements = [],
                    exportOptions = that._themeManager.getOptions("export"),
                    titleOptions = that._title.getLayoutOptions() || {},
                    headerElements = [];
                if (that._exportMenu && exportOptions.enabled) {
                if (drawOptions.drawTitle) {
                    "bottom" !== titleOptions.verticalAlignment && headerElements.length ? headerElements.push(that._title) : drawElements.push(that._title)
                if (drawOptions.drawLegend && that._legend) {
                    if (!legendHasInsidePosition) {
                        legendOptions = that._legend.getLayoutOptions();
                        if (1 === headerElements.length && "bottom" !== legendOptions.verticalAlignment && "vertical" === legendOptions.cutSide) {
                        } else {
                if (headerElements.length) {
                    that._headerBlock.update(headerElements, that._canvas)
                return drawElements
            _resetZoom: _noop,
            _dataIsReady: function() {
                return _isDefined(this.option("dataSource")) && this._dataIsLoaded()
            _populateSeries: function() {
                var particularSeriesOptions, particularSeries, seriesTheme, data, i, eventPipe, that = this,
                    themeManager = that._themeManager,
                    hasSeriesTemplate = !!themeManager.getOptions("seriesTemplate"),
                    seriesOptions = hasSeriesTemplate ? that._templatedSeries : that.option("series"),
                    allSeriesOptions = _isArray(seriesOptions) ? seriesOptions : seriesOptions ? [seriesOptions] : [],
                    extraOptions = that._getExtraOptions(),
                    seriesVisibilityChanged = function() {
                            force: true
                that.series = [];
                that.templateData = [];
                eventPipe = function(data) {
                    that.series.forEach(function(currentSeries) {
                for (i = 0; i < allSeriesOptions.length; i++) {
                    particularSeriesOptions = _extend(true, {}, allSeriesOptions[i], extraOptions);
                    if (!particularSeriesOptions.name) {
                        particularSeriesOptions.name = "Series " + (i + 1).toString()
                    data = particularSeriesOptions.data;
                    particularSeriesOptions.data = null;
                    particularSeriesOptions.rotated = that._isRotated();
                    particularSeriesOptions.customizePoint = themeManager.getOptions("customizePoint");
                    particularSeriesOptions.customizeLabel = themeManager.getOptions("customizeLabel");
                    particularSeriesOptions.visibilityChanged = seriesVisibilityChanged;
                    particularSeriesOptions.incidentOccurred = that._incidentOccurred;
                    seriesTheme = themeManager.getOptions("series", particularSeriesOptions);
                    if (!that._checkPaneName(seriesTheme)) {
                    particularSeries = new seriesModule.Series({
                        renderer: that._renderer,
                        seriesGroup: that._seriesGroup,
                        labelsGroup: that._labelsGroup,
                        eventTrigger: that._eventTrigger,
                        commonSeriesModes: that._getSelectionModes(),
                        eventPipe: eventPipe,
                        argumentAxis: that._getArgumentAxis(),
                        valueAxis: that._getValueAxis(seriesTheme.pane, seriesTheme.axis)
                    }, seriesTheme);
                    if (!particularSeries.isUpdated) {
                        that._incidentOccurred("E2101", [seriesTheme.type])
                    } else {
                        particularSeries.index = that.series.length;
                        if (hasSeriesTemplate) {
                            setTemplateFields(data, that.templateData, particularSeries)
                return that.series
            getAllSeries: function() {
                return this.series.slice()
            getSeriesByName: function(name) {
                var found = null;
                _each(this.series, function(i, singleSeries) {
                    if (singleSeries.name === name) {
                        found = singleSeries;
                        return false
                return found
            getSeriesByPos: function(pos) {
                return this.series[pos]
            clearSelection: function() {
            hideTooltip: function() {
            render: function(renderOptions) {
                var that = this;
                that.__renderOptions = renderOptions;
                that.__forceRender = renderOptions && renderOptions.force;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that.__renderOptions = that.__forceRender = null;
                return that
        REFRESH_SERIES_DATA_INIT_ACTION_OPTIONS.forEach(function(name) {
            BaseChart.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "REFRESH_SERIES_DATA_INIT"
        FORCE_RENDER_REFRESH_ACTION_OPTIONS.forEach(function(name) {
            BaseChart.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "FORCE_RENDER"
        REFRESH_SERIES_FAMILIES_ACTION_OPTIONS.forEach(function(name) {
            BaseChart.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "REFRESH_SERIES_FAMILIES"
        exports.overlapping = overlapping;
        exports.BaseChart = BaseChart;
        BaseChart.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/export */ 511).plugin);
        BaseChart.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/title */ 558).plugin);
        BaseChart.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/tooltip */ 559).plugin);
        BaseChart.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/loading_indicator */ 560).plugin);
        BaseChart.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/data_source */ 561).plugin);
        var _change_TITLE = BaseChart.prototype._change_TITLE;
        BaseChart.prototype._change_TITLE = function() {
            _change_TITLE.apply(this, arguments);
        var _change_TOOLTIP = BaseChart.prototype._change_TOOLTIP;
        BaseChart.prototype._change_TOOLTIP = function() {
            _change_TOOLTIP.apply(this, arguments);
      !*** ./js/viz/core/base_widget.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            version = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/version */ 19),
            _windowResizeCallbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/window */ 44).resizeCallbacks,
            _stringFormat = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/string */ 18).format,
            _isObject = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isObject,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _floor = Math.floor,
            DOMComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/dom_component */ 43),
            helpers = __webpack_require__( /*! ./helpers */ 516),
            _parseScalar = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).parseScalar,
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ./errors_warnings */ 517),
            _log = errors.log,
            rendererModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./renderers/renderer */ 518),
            _Layout = __webpack_require__( /*! ./layout */ 520),
            OPTION_RTL_ENABLED = "rtlEnabled",
            _option = DOMComponent.prototype.option;

        function getTrue() {
            return true

        function getFalse() {
            return false

        function areCanvasesDifferent(canvas1, canvas2) {
            return !(canvas1.width === canvas2.width && canvas1.height === canvas2.height && canvas1.left === canvas2.left && canvas1.top === canvas2.top && canvas1.right === canvas2.right && canvas1.bottom === canvas2.bottom)

        function createResizeHandler(callback) {
            var timeout, handler = function() {
                timeout = setTimeout(callback, 100)
            handler.dispose = function() {
                return this
            return handler

        function defaultOnIncidentOccurred(e) {
            _log.apply(null, [e.target.id].concat(e.target.args || []))
        var createIncidentOccurred = function(widgetName, eventTrigger) {
            return incidentOccurred;

            function incidentOccurred(id, args) {
                eventTrigger("incidentOccurred", {
                    target: {
                        id: id,
                        type: "E" === id[0] ? "error" : "warning",
                        args: args,
                        text: _stringFormat.apply(null, [errors.ERROR_MESSAGES[id]].concat(args || [])),
                        widget: widgetName,
                        version: version

        function pickPositiveValue(value, defaultValue) {
            return Number(value > 0 ? value : defaultValue || 0)
        module.exports = DOMComponent.inherit({
            _eventsMap: {
                onIncidentOccurred: {
                    name: "incidentOccurred"
                onDrawn: {
                    name: "drawn"
            _getDefaultOptions: function() {
                return extend(this.callBase(), {
                    onIncidentOccurred: defaultOnIncidentOccurred
            _useLinks: true,
            _init: function() {
                var linkTarget, that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that._changesLocker = 0;
                that._changes = helpers.changes();
                that._themeManager = that._createThemeManager();
                that._themeManager.setCallback(function() {
                linkTarget = that._useLinks && that._renderer.root;
                linkTarget && linkTarget.enableLinks().virtualLink("core").virtualLink("peripheral");
                that._incidentOccurred = createIncidentOccurred(that.NAME, that._eventTrigger);
                that._layout = new _Layout;
                linkTarget && linkTarget.linkAfter("core");
                linkTarget && linkTarget.linkAfter();
            _initialChanges: ["LAYOUT", "RESIZE_HANDLER", "THEME"],
            _initPlugins: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._plugins, function(_, plugin) {
            _disposePlugins: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that._plugins.slice().reverse(), function(_, plugin) {
            _change: function(codes) {
            _suspendChanges: function() {
            _resumeChanges: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (0 === --that._changesLocker && that._changes.count() > 0 && !that._applyingChanges) {
                    that._applyingChanges = true;
                    that._applyingChanges = false;
                    if (that._optionsQueue) {
            _applyQueuedOptions: function() {
                var that = this,
                    queue = that._optionsQueue;
                that._optionsQueue = null;
                $.each(queue, function(_, action) {
            _requestChange: function(codes) {
            _applyChanges: function() {
                var i, that = this,
                    changes = that._changes,
                    order = that._totalChangesOrder,
                    ii = order.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    if (changes.has(order[i])) {
                        that["_change_" + order[i]]()
            _optionChangesOrder: ["EVENTS", "THEME", "RENDERER", "RESIZE_HANDLER"],
            _layoutChangesOrder: ["ELEMENT_ATTR", "CONTAINER_SIZE", "LAYOUT"],
            _customChangesOrder: [],
            _change_EVENTS: function() {
            _change_THEME: function() {
            _change_RENDERER: function() {
            _change_RESIZE_HANDLER: function() {
            _change_ELEMENT_ATTR: function() {
            _change_CONTAINER_SIZE: function() {
            _change_LAYOUT: function() {
            _themeDependentChanges: ["RENDERER"],
            _initRenderer: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._canvas = that._calculateCanvas();
                that._renderer = new rendererModule.Renderer({
                    cssClass: that._rootClassPrefix + " " + that._rootClass,
                    pathModified: that.option("pathModified"),
                    container: that._$element[0]
                that._renderer.resize(that._canvas.width, that._canvas.height)
            _disposeRenderer: function() {
                this._useLinks && this._renderer.root.checkLinks();
            _getAnimationOptions: noop,
            render: function() {
            _onRender: noop,
            _dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that._themeManager = that._renderer = that._eventTrigger = null
            _initEventTrigger: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._eventTrigger = createEventTrigger(that._eventsMap, function(name) {
                    return that._createActionByOption(name)
            _calculateCanvas: function() {
                var that = this,
                    size = that.option("size") || {},
                    margin = that.option("margin") || {},
                    defaultCanvas = that._getDefaultSize() || {},
                    canvas = {
                        width: size.width <= 0 ? 0 : _floor(pickPositiveValue(size.width, that._$element.width() || defaultCanvas.width)),
                        height: size.height <= 0 ? 0 : _floor(pickPositiveValue(size.height, that._$element.height() || defaultCanvas.height)),
                        left: pickPositiveValue(margin.left, defaultCanvas.left || 0),
                        top: pickPositiveValue(margin.top, defaultCanvas.top || 0),
                        right: pickPositiveValue(margin.right, defaultCanvas.right || 0),
                        bottom: pickPositiveValue(margin.bottom, defaultCanvas.bottom || 0)
                if (canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right <= 0 || canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom <= 0) {
                    canvas = {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                return canvas
            _updateSize: function() {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that._calculateCanvas();
                if (areCanvasesDifferent(that._canvas, canvas) || that.__forceRender) {
                    that._canvas = canvas;
                    that._renderer.resize(canvas.width, canvas.height);
            _setContentSize: function() {
                var nextRect, canvas = this._canvas,
                    layout = this._layout,
                    rect = canvas.width > 0 && canvas.height > 0 ? [canvas.left, canvas.top, canvas.width - canvas.right, canvas.height - canvas.bottom] : [0, 0, 0, 0];
                rect = layout.forward(rect);
                nextRect = this._applySize(rect) || rect;
            DEBUG_getCanvas: function() {
                return this._canvas
            DEBUG_getEventTrigger: function() {
                return this._eventTrigger
            _getOption: function(name, isScalar) {
                var theme = this._themeManager.theme(name),
                    option = this.option(name);
                return isScalar ? void 0 !== option ? option : theme : extend(true, {}, theme, option)
            _setupResizeHandler: function() {
                if (_parseScalar(this._getOption("redrawOnResize", true), true)) {
                } else {
            _addResizeHandler: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._resizeHandler) {
                    that._resizeHandler = createResizeHandler(function() {
            _removeResizeHandler: function() {
                if (this._resizeHandler) {
                    this._resizeHandler = null
            _onBeginUpdate: noop,
            beginUpdate: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._initialized && 0 === that._updateLockCount) {
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                return that
            endUpdate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    initialized = that._initialized;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                if (initialized && 0 === that._updateLockCount) {
                return that
            option: function(name) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._initialized && that._applyingChanges && (arguments.length > 1 || _isObject(name))) {
                    that._optionsQueue = that._optionsQueue || [];
                } else {
                    return _option.apply(that, arguments)
            _getActionForUpdating: function(args) {
                var that = this;
                return that._deprecatedOptionsSuppressed ? function() {
                    _option.apply(that, args);
                } : function() {
                    _option.apply(that, args)
            _clean: noop,
            _render: noop,
            _optionChanged: function(arg) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._eventTrigger.change(arg.name)) {
                } else {
                    if (that._optionChangesMap[arg.name]) {
                    } else {
                        that.callBase.apply(that, arguments)
            _optionChangesMap: {
                size: "CONTAINER_SIZE",
                margin: "CONTAINER_SIZE",
                redrawOnResize: "RESIZE_HANDLER",
                theme: "THEME",
                rtlEnabled: "THEME",
                encodeHtml: "THEME",
                elementAttr: "ELEMENT_ATTR"
            _visibilityChanged: function() {
            _setThemeAndRtl: function() {
                this._themeManager.setTheme(this.option("theme"), this.option(OPTION_RTL_ENABLED))
            _getRendererOptions: function() {
                return {
                    rtl: this.option(OPTION_RTL_ENABLED),
                    encodeHtml: this.option("encodeHtml"),
                    animation: this._getAnimationOptions()
            _setRendererOptions: function() {
            svg: function() {
                return this._renderer.svg()
            getSize: function() {
                var canvas = this._canvas || {};
                return {
                    width: canvas.width,
                    height: canvas.height
            isReady: getFalse,
            _dataIsReady: getTrue,
            _resetIsReady: function() {
                this.isReady = getFalse
            _drawn: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.isReady = getFalse;
                if (that._dataIsReady()) {
                    that._renderer.onEndAnimation(function() {
                        that.isReady = getTrue
                that._eventTrigger("drawn", {})

        function createEventTrigger(eventsMap, callbackGetter) {
            var triggers = {};
            $.each(eventsMap, function(name, info) {
                if (info.name) {
            var changes;
            triggerEvent.change = function(name) {
                var eventInfo = eventsMap[name];
                if (eventInfo) {
                    (changes = changes || {})[name] = eventInfo
                return !!eventInfo
            triggerEvent.applyChanges = function() {
                if (changes) {
                    $.each(changes, function(name, eventInfo) {
                        createEvent(eventInfo.newName || name)
                    changes = null
            triggerEvent.dispose = function() {
                eventsMap = callbackGetter = triggers = null
            return triggerEvent;

            function createEvent(name) {
                var eventInfo = eventsMap[name];
                triggers[eventInfo.name] = callbackGetter(name)

            function triggerEvent(name, arg, complete) {
                complete && complete()
        module.exports.DEBUG_createEventTrigger = createEventTrigger;
        module.exports.DEBUG_createIncidentOccurred = createIncidentOccurred;
        module.exports.DEBUG_stub_createIncidentOccurred = function(stub) {
            createIncidentOccurred = stub
        module.exports.DEBUG_restore_createIncidentOccurred = function() {
            createIncidentOccurred = module.exports.DEBUG_createIncidentOccurred
        module.exports.DEBUG_createResizeHandler = createResizeHandler
      !*** ./js/viz/core/helpers.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend;

        function Flags() {
        Flags.prototype = {
            constructor: Flags,
            add: function(codes) {
                var i, ii = codes.length,
                    flags = this._flags;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    flags[codes[i]] = 1
                this._k += ii
            has: function(code) {
                return this._flags[code] > 0
            count: function() {
                return this._k
            reset: function() {
                this._flags = {};
                this._k = 0

        function combineMaps(baseMap, thisMap) {
            return baseMap !== thisMap ? _extend({}, baseMap, thisMap) : _extend({}, baseMap)

        function combineLists(baseList, thisList) {
            return baseList !== thisList ? baseList.concat(thisList) : baseList.slice()

        function buildTotalChanges(proto) {
            proto._totalChangesOrder = proto._optionChangesOrder.concat(proto._layoutChangesOrder, proto._customChangesOrder)

        function addChange(settings) {
            var proto = this.prototype,
                code = settings.code;
            proto["_change_" + code] = settings.handler;
            if (settings.isThemeDependent) {
            if (settings.option) {
                proto._optionChangesMap[settings.option] = code
            }(settings.isOptionChange ? proto._optionChangesOrder : proto._customChangesOrder).push(code);

        function addPlugin(plugin) {
            if (plugin.members) {
                _extend(this.prototype, plugin.members)
            if (plugin.customize) {
        exports.replaceInherit = function(widget) {
            var _inherit = widget.inherit;
            widget.inherit = function() {
                var proto = this.prototype,
                    plugins = proto._plugins,
                    eventsMap = proto._eventsMap,
                    initialChanges = proto._initialChanges,
                    themeDependentChanges = proto._themeDependentChanges,
                    optionChangesMap = proto._optionChangesMap,
                    optionChangesOrder = proto._optionChangesOrder,
                    layoutChangesOrder = proto._layoutChangesOrder,
                    customChangesOrder = proto._customChangesOrder,
                    result = _inherit.apply(this, arguments);
                proto = result.prototype;
                proto._plugins = combineLists(plugins, proto._plugins);
                proto._eventsMap = combineMaps(eventsMap, proto._eventsMap);
                proto._initialChanges = combineLists(initialChanges, proto._initialChanges);
                proto._themeDependentChanges = combineLists(themeDependentChanges, proto._themeDependentChanges);
                proto._optionChangesMap = combineMaps(optionChangesMap, proto._optionChangesMap);
                proto._optionChangesOrder = combineLists(optionChangesOrder, proto._optionChangesOrder);
                proto._layoutChangesOrder = combineLists(layoutChangesOrder, proto._layoutChangesOrder);
                proto._customChangesOrder = combineLists(customChangesOrder, proto._customChangesOrder);
                result.addPlugin = addPlugin;
                return result
            widget.prototype._plugins = [];
            widget.addChange = addChange;
            widget.addPlugin = addPlugin
        exports.changes = function() {
            return new Flags
      !*** ./js/viz/core/errors_warnings.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var errorUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/error */ 8),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7);
        module.exports = errorUtils(errors.ERROR_MESSAGES, {
            E2001: "Invalid data source",
            E2002: "Axis type and data type are incompatible",
            E2003: 'The "{0}" data source field contains data of unsupported type',
            E2004: 'The "{0}" data source field is inconsistent',
            E2101: "Unknown series type: {0}",
            E2102: "Ambiguity occurred between two value axes with the same name",
            E2103: 'The "{0}" option is given an invalid value. Assign a function instead',
            E2104: "Invalid logarithm base",
            E2105: 'Invalid value of a "{0}"',
            E2106: "Invalid visible range",
            E2202: "Invalid {0} scale value",
            E2203: "The range you are trying to set is invalid",
            W2002: "The {0} data field is absent",
            W2003: "Tick interval is too small",
            W2101: 'The "{0}" pane does not exist; the last pane is used by default',
            W2102: 'A value axis with the "{0}" name was created automatically',
            W2103: "The chart title was hidden due to the container size",
            W2104: "The legend was hidden due to the container size",
            W2105: 'The title of the "{0}" axis was hidden due to the container size',
            W2106: 'The labels of the "{0}" axis were hidden due to the container size',
            W2107: "The export menu was hidden due to the container size",
            W2301: "Invalid value range"
      !*** ./js/viz/core/renderers/renderer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/renderer */ 9),
            jQuery = __webpack_require__( /*! jquery */ 10),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            getSvgMarkup = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/svg */ 42).getSvgMarkup,
            doc = document,
            animation = __webpack_require__( /*! ./animation */ 519),
            math = Math,
            mathMin = math.min,
            mathMax = math.max,
            mathFloor = math.floor,
            mathRound = math.round,
            mathSin = math.sin,
            mathCos = math.cos,
            mathAbs = math.abs,
            mathPI = math.PI,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../utils */ 509),
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            _normalizeBBox = vizUtils.normalizeBBox,
            _rotateBBox = vizUtils.rotateBBox,
            PI_DIV_180 = mathPI / 180,
            _parseInt = parseInt,
            SHARPING_CORRECTION = .5,
            ARC_COORD_PREC = 5;
        var pxAddingExceptions = {
            "column-count": true,
            "fill-opacity": true,
            "flex-grow": true,
            "flex-shrink": true,
            "font-weight": true,
            "line-height": true,
            opacity: true,
            order: true,
            orphans: true,
            widows: true,
            "z-index": true,
            zoom: true
        var KEY_TEXT = "text",
            KEY_STROKE = "stroke",
            KEY_STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width",
            KEY_STROKE_OPACITY = "stroke-opacity",
            KEY_FONT_SIZE = "font-size",
            KEY_FONT_STYLE = "font-style",
            KEY_FONT_WEIGHT = "font-weight",
            KEY_TEXT_DECORATION = "text-decoration",
            NONE = "none";
        var objectCreate = function() {
            if (!Object.create) {
                return function(proto) {
                    var F = function() {};
                    F.prototype = proto;
                    return new F
            } else {
                return function(proto) {
                    return Object.create(proto)
        var DEFAULTS = {
            scaleX: 1,
            scaleY: 1
        var backupContainer = doc.createElement("div"),
            backupCounter = 0;
        backupContainer.style.left = "-9999px";
        backupContainer.style.position = "absolute";

        function backupRoot(root) {
            if (0 === backupCounter) {
                element: backupContainer

        function restoreRoot(root, container) {
                element: container
            if (0 === backupCounter) {
        var getNextDefsSvgId = function() {
            var numDefsSvgElements = 1;
            return function() {
                return "DevExpress_" + numDefsSvgElements++

        function isObjectArgument(value) {
            return value && "string" !== typeof value

        function createElement(tagName) {
            return doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", tagName)

        function getFuncIri(id, pathModified) {
            return null !== id ? "url(" + (pathModified ? window.location.href.split("#")[0] : "") + "#" + id + ")" : id

        function extend(target, source) {
            var key;
            for (key in source) {
                target[key] = source[key]
            return target

        function roundValue(value, exp) {
            value = value.toString().split("e");
            value = mathRound(+(value[0] + "e" + (value[1] ? +value[1] + exp : exp)));
            value = value.toString().split("e");
            return +(value[0] + "e" + (value[1] ? +value[1] - exp : -exp))
        var preserveAspectRatioMap = {
            full: NONE,
            lefttop: "xMinYMin",
            leftcenter: "xMinYMid",
            leftbottom: "xMinYMax",
            centertop: "xMidYMin",
            center: "xMidYMid",
            centerbottom: "xMidYMax",
            righttop: "xMaxYMin",
            rightcenter: "xMaxYMid",
            rightbottom: "xMaxYMax"

        function normalizeArcParams(x, y, innerR, outerR, startAngle, endAngle) {
            var isCircle, noArc = true,
                angleDiff = roundValue(endAngle, 3) - roundValue(startAngle, 3);
            if (angleDiff) {
                if (mathAbs(angleDiff) % 360 === 0) {
                    startAngle = 0;
                    endAngle = 360;
                    isCircle = true;
                    endAngle -= .01
                if (startAngle > 360) {
                    startAngle %= 360
                if (endAngle > 360) {
                    endAngle %= 360
                if (startAngle > endAngle) {
                    startAngle -= 360
                noArc = false
            startAngle *= PI_DIV_180;
            endAngle *= PI_DIV_180;
            return [x, y, mathMin(outerR, innerR), mathMax(outerR, innerR), mathCos(startAngle), mathSin(startAngle), mathCos(endAngle), mathSin(endAngle), isCircle, mathFloor(mathAbs(endAngle - startAngle) / mathPI) % 2 ? "1" : "0", noArc]
        var buildArcPath = function(x, y, innerR, outerR, startAngleCos, startAngleSin, endAngleCos, endAngleSin, isCircle, longFlag) {
            return ["M", (x + outerR * startAngleCos).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), (y - outerR * startAngleSin).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), "A", outerR.toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), outerR.toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), 0, longFlag, 0, (x + outerR * endAngleCos).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), (y - outerR * endAngleSin).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), isCircle ? "M" : "L", (x + innerR * endAngleCos).toFixed(5), (y - innerR * endAngleSin).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), "A", innerR.toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), innerR.toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), 0, longFlag, 1, (x + innerR * startAngleCos).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), (y - innerR * startAngleSin).toFixed(ARC_COORD_PREC), "Z"].join(" ")

        function buildPathSegments(points, type) {
            var list = [
                ["M", 0, 0]
            switch (type) {
                case "line":
                    list = buildLineSegments(points);
                case "area":
                    list = buildLineSegments(points, true);
                case "bezier":
                    list = buildCurveSegments(points);
                case "bezierarea":
                    list = buildCurveSegments(points, true)
            return list

        function buildLineSegments(points, close) {
            return buildSegments(points, buildSimpleLineSegment, close)

        function buildCurveSegments(points, close) {
            return buildSegments(points, buildSimpleCurveSegment, close)

        function buildSegments(points, buildSimpleSegment, close) {
            var i, ii, list = [];
            if (points[0] && points[0].length) {
                for (i = 0, ii = points.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    buildSimpleSegment(points[i], close, list)
            } else {
                buildSimpleSegment(points, close, list)
            return list

        function buildSimpleLineSegment(points, close, list) {
            var i = 0,
                k0 = list.length,
                k = k0,
                ii = (points || []).length;
            if (ii) {
                if (void 0 !== points[0].x) {
                    for (; i < ii;) {
                        list[k++] = ["L", points[i].x, points[i++].y]
                } else {
                    for (; i < ii;) {
                        list[k++] = ["L", points[i++], points[i++]]
                list[k0][0] = "M"
            } else {
                list[k] = ["M", 0, 0]
            close && list.push(["Z"]);
            return list

        function buildSimpleCurveSegment(points, close, list) {
            var i, k = list.length,
                ii = (points || []).length;
            if (ii) {
                if (void 0 !== points[0].x) {
                    list[k++] = ["M", points[0].x, points[0].y];
                    for (i = 1; i < ii;) {
                        list[k++] = ["C", points[i].x, points[i++].y, points[i].x, points[i++].y, points[i].x, points[i++].y]
                } else {
                    list[k++] = ["M", points[0], points[1]];
                    for (i = 2; i < ii;) {
                        list[k++] = ["C", points[i++], points[i++], points[i++], points[i++], points[i++], points[i++]]
            } else {
                list[k] = ["M", 0, 0]
            close && list.push(["Z"]);
            return list

        function combinePathParam(segments) {
            var i, segment, j, jj, d = [],
                k = 0,
                ii = segments.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                segment = segments[i];
                for (j = 0, jj = segment.length; j < jj; ++j) {
                    d[k++] = segment[j]
            return d.join(" ")

        function compensateSegments(oldSegments, newSegments, type) {
            var i, originalNewSegments, oldLength = oldSegments.length,
                newLength = newSegments.length,
                makeEqualSegments = type.indexOf("area") !== -1 ? makeEqualAreaSegments : makeEqualLineSegments;
            if (0 === oldLength) {
                for (i = 0; i < newLength; i++) {
            } else {
                if (oldLength < newLength) {
                    makeEqualSegments(oldSegments, newSegments, type)
                } else {
                    if (oldLength > newLength) {
                        originalNewSegments = newSegments.slice(0);
                        makeEqualSegments(newSegments, oldSegments, type)
            return originalNewSegments

        function prepareConstSegment(constSeg, type) {
            var x = constSeg[constSeg.length - 2],
                y = constSeg[constSeg.length - 1];
            switch (type) {
                case "line":
                case "area":
                    constSeg[0] = "L";
                case "bezier":
                case "bezierarea":
                    constSeg[0] = "C";
                    constSeg[1] = constSeg[3] = constSeg[5] = x;
                    constSeg[2] = constSeg[4] = constSeg[6] = y

        function makeEqualLineSegments(short, long, type) {
            var constSeg = short[short.length - 1].slice(),
                i = short.length;
            prepareConstSegment(constSeg, type);
            for (; i < long.length; i++) {
                short[i] = constSeg.slice(0)

        function makeEqualAreaSegments(short, long, type) {
            var i, head, constsSeg1, constsSeg2, shortLength = short.length,
                longLength = long.length;
            if ((shortLength - 1) % 2 === 0 && (longLength - 1) % 2 === 0) {
                i = (shortLength - 1) / 2 - 1;
                head = short.slice(0, i + 1);
                constsSeg1 = head[head.length - 1].slice(0);
                constsSeg2 = short.slice(i + 1)[0].slice(0);
                prepareConstSegment(constsSeg1, type);
                prepareConstSegment(constsSeg2, type);
                for (var j = i; j < (longLength - 1) / 2 - 1; j++) {
                    short.splice(j + 1, 0, constsSeg1);
                    short.splice(j + 3, 0, constsSeg2)

        function baseCss(that, styles) {
            var key, value, elemStyles = that._styles,
                str = "";
            styles = styles || {};
            for (key in styles) {
                value = styles[key];
                if (_isDefined(value)) {
                    if ("number" === typeof value && !pxAddingExceptions[key]) {
                        value += "px"
                    elemStyles[key] = "" !== value ? value : null
            for (key in elemStyles) {
                value = elemStyles[key];
                if (value) {
                    str += key + ":" + value + ";"
            str && that.element.setAttribute("style", str);
            return that

        function fixFuncIri(wrapper, attribute) {
            var element = wrapper.element,
                id = wrapper.attr(attribute);
            if (id && id.indexOf("DevExpress") !== -1) {
                element.setAttribute(attribute, getFuncIri(id, wrapper.renderer.pathModified))

        function baseAttr(that, attrs) {
            attrs = attrs || {};
            var key, value, hasTransformations, recalculateDashStyle, sw, i, settings = that._settings,
                attributes = {},
                elem = that.element,
                renderer = that.renderer,
                rtl = renderer.rtl;
            if (!isObjectArgument(attrs)) {
                if (attrs in settings) {
                    return settings[attrs]
                if (attrs in DEFAULTS) {
                    return DEFAULTS[attrs]
                return 0
            extend(attributes, attrs);
            for (key in attributes) {
                value = attributes[key];
                if (void 0 === value) {
                settings[key] = value;
                if ("align" === key) {
                    key = "text-anchor";
                    value = {
                        left: rtl ? "end" : "start",
                        center: "middle",
                        right: rtl ? "start" : "end"
                    }[value] || null
                } else {
                    if ("dashStyle" === key) {
                        recalculateDashStyle = true;
                    } else {
                        if (key === KEY_STROKE_WIDTH) {
                            recalculateDashStyle = true
                        } else {
                            if (value && ("fill" === key || "clip-path" === key || "filter" === key) && value.indexOf("DevExpress") !== -1) {
                                value = getFuncIri(value, renderer.pathModified)
                            } else {
                                if (/^(translate(X|Y)|rotate[XY]?|scale(X|Y)|sharp)$/i.test(key)) {
                                    hasTransformations = true;
                                } else {
                                    if (/^(x|y|d)$/i.test(key)) {
                                        hasTransformations = true
                if (null === value) {
                } else {
                    elem.setAttribute(key, value)
            if (recalculateDashStyle && "dashStyle" in settings) {
                value = settings.dashStyle;
                sw = ("_originalSW" in that ? that._originalSW : settings[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH]) || 1;
                key = "stroke-dasharray";
                value = null === value ? "" : _normalizeEnum(value);
                if ("" === value || "solid" === value || value === NONE) {
                } else {
                    value = value.replace(/longdash/g, "8,3,").replace(/dash/g, "4,3,").replace(/dot/g, "1,3,").replace(/,$/, "").split(",");
                    i = value.length;
                    while (i--) {
                        value[i] = _parseInt(value[i]) * sw
                    that.element.setAttribute(key, value.join(","))
            if (hasTransformations) {
            return that

        function pathAttr(attrs) {
            var segments, that = this;
            if (isObjectArgument(attrs)) {
                attrs = extend({}, attrs);
                segments = attrs.segments;
                if ("points" in attrs) {
                    segments = buildPathSegments(attrs.points, that.type);
                    delete attrs.points
                if (segments) {
                    attrs.d = combinePathParam(segments);
                    that.segments = segments;
                    delete attrs.segments
            return baseAttr(that, attrs)

        function arcAttr(attrs) {
            var x, y, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, settings = this._settings;
            if (isObjectArgument(attrs)) {
                attrs = extend({}, attrs);
                if ("x" in attrs || "y" in attrs || "innerRadius" in attrs || "outerRadius" in attrs || "startAngle" in attrs || "endAngle" in attrs) {
                    settings.x = x = "x" in attrs ? attrs.x : settings.x;
                    delete attrs.x;
                    settings.y = y = "y" in attrs ? attrs.y : settings.y;
                    delete attrs.y;
                    settings.innerRadius = innerRadius = "innerRadius" in attrs ? attrs.innerRadius : settings.innerRadius;
                    delete attrs.innerRadius;
                    settings.outerRadius = outerRadius = "outerRadius" in attrs ? attrs.outerRadius : settings.outerRadius;
                    delete attrs.outerRadius;
                    settings.startAngle = startAngle = "startAngle" in attrs ? attrs.startAngle : settings.startAngle;
                    delete attrs.startAngle;
                    settings.endAngle = endAngle = "endAngle" in attrs ? attrs.endAngle : settings.endAngle;
                    delete attrs.endAngle;
                    attrs.d = buildArcPath.apply(null, normalizeArcParams(x, y, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle))
            return baseAttr(this, attrs)

        function rectAttr(attrs) {
            var x, y, width, height, sw, maxSW, newSW, that = this;
            if (isObjectArgument(attrs)) {
                attrs = extend({}, attrs);
                if (void 0 !== attrs.x || void 0 !== attrs.y || void 0 !== attrs.width || void 0 !== attrs.height || void 0 !== attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH]) {
                    void 0 !== attrs.x ? x = that._originalX = attrs.x : x = that._originalX || 0;
                    void 0 !== attrs.y ? y = that._originalY = attrs.y : y = that._originalY || 0;
                    void 0 !== attrs.width ? width = that._originalWidth = attrs.width : width = that._originalWidth || 0;
                    void 0 !== attrs.height ? height = that._originalHeight = attrs.height : height = that._originalHeight || 0;
                    void 0 !== attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH] ? sw = that._originalSW = attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH] : sw = that._originalSW;
                    maxSW = ~~((width < height ? width : height) / 2);
                    newSW = (sw || 0) < maxSW ? sw || 0 : maxSW;
                    attrs.x = x + newSW / 2;
                    attrs.y = y + newSW / 2;
                    attrs.width = width - newSW;
                    attrs.height = height - newSW;
                    ((sw || 0) !== newSW || !(0 === newSW && void 0 === sw)) && (attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH] = newSW)
                if ("sharp" in attrs) {
                    delete attrs.sharp
            return baseAttr(that, attrs)

        function textAttr(attrs) {
            var settings, isResetRequired, wasStroked, isStroked, that = this;
            if (!isObjectArgument(attrs)) {
                return baseAttr(that, attrs)
            attrs = extend({}, attrs);
            settings = that._settings;
            wasStroked = _isDefined(settings[KEY_STROKE]) && _isDefined(settings[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH]);
            if (void 0 !== attrs[KEY_TEXT]) {
                settings[KEY_TEXT] = attrs[KEY_TEXT];
                delete attrs[KEY_TEXT];
                isResetRequired = true
            if (void 0 !== attrs[KEY_STROKE]) {
                settings[KEY_STROKE] = attrs[KEY_STROKE];
                delete attrs[KEY_STROKE]
            if (void 0 !== attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH]) {
                settings[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH] = attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH];
                delete attrs[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH]
            if (void 0 !== attrs[KEY_STROKE_OPACITY]) {
                settings[KEY_STROKE_OPACITY] = attrs[KEY_STROKE_OPACITY];
                delete attrs[KEY_STROKE_OPACITY]
            isStroked = _isDefined(settings[KEY_STROKE]) && _isDefined(settings[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH]);
            baseAttr(that, attrs);
            isResetRequired = isResetRequired || isStroked !== wasStroked && settings[KEY_TEXT];
            if (isResetRequired) {
                createTextNodes(that, settings.text, isStroked);
                that._hasEllipsis = false
            if (isResetRequired || void 0 !== attrs.x || void 0 !== attrs.y) {
            if (isStroked) {
            return that

        function textCss(styles) {
            styles = styles || {};
            baseCss(this, styles);
            if (KEY_FONT_SIZE in styles) {
            return this

        function orderHtmlTree(list, line, node, parentStyle, parentClassName) {
            var style, realStyle, i, ii, nodes;
            if (void 0 !== node.wholeText) {
                    value: node.wholeText,
                    style: parentStyle,
                    className: parentClassName,
                    line: line,
                    height: parentStyle[KEY_FONT_SIZE] || 0
            } else {
                if ("BR" === node.tagName) {
                } else {
                    if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        extend(style = {}, parentStyle);
                        switch (node.tagName) {
                            case "B":
                            case "STRONG":
                                style[KEY_FONT_WEIGHT] = "bold";
                            case "I":
                            case "EM":
                                style[KEY_FONT_STYLE] = "italic";
                            case "U":
                                style[KEY_TEXT_DECORATION] = "underline"
                        realStyle = node.style;
                        realStyle.color && (style.fill = realStyle.color);
                        realStyle.fontSize && (style[KEY_FONT_SIZE] = _parseInt(realStyle.fontSize, 10));
                        realStyle.fontStyle && (style[KEY_FONT_STYLE] = realStyle.fontStyle);
                        realStyle.fontWeight && (style[KEY_FONT_WEIGHT] = realStyle.fontWeight);
                        realStyle.textDecoration && (style[KEY_TEXT_DECORATION] = realStyle.textDecoration);
                        for (i = 0, nodes = node.childNodes, ii = nodes.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                            line = orderHtmlTree(list, line, nodes[i], style, node.className || parentClassName)
            return line

        function adjustLineHeights(items) {
            var i, ii, item, currentItem = items[0];
            for (i = 1, ii = items.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                item = items[i];
                if (item.line === currentItem.line) {
                    currentItem.height = mathMax(currentItem.height, item.height);
                    currentItem.inherits = currentItem.inherits || 0 === item.height;
                    item.height = NaN
                } else {
                    currentItem = item

        function removeExtraAttrs(html) {
            var findTagAttrs = /(?:<[a-z0-9])+(?:[\s\S]*?>)/gi,
                findStyleAttrWithValue = /(\S*\s*)=\s*(["'])(?:(?!\2).)*\2\s?/gi;
            return html.replace(findTagAttrs, function(allTagAttrs) {
                return allTagAttrs.replace(findStyleAttrWithValue, function(currentAttr, attrName) {
                    var lowerCaseAttrName = attrName.toLowerCase();
                    return "style" === lowerCaseAttrName || "class" === lowerCaseAttrName ? currentAttr : ""

        function parseHTML(text) {
            var items = [],
                div = doc.createElement("div");
            div.innerHTML = text.replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/\n/g, "<br/>");
            orderHtmlTree(items, 0, div, {}, "");
            return items

        function parseMultiline(text) {
            var texts = text.replace(/\r/g, "").split("\n"),
                i = 0,
                items = [];
            for (; i < texts.length; i++) {
                    value: texts[i],
                    height: 0
            return items

        function createTspans(items, element, fieldName) {
            var i, ii, item;
            for (i = 0, ii = items.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                item = items[i];
                item[fieldName] = createElement("tspan");
                item.style && baseCss({
                    element: item[fieldName],
                    _styles: {}
                }, item.style);
                item.className && item[fieldName].setAttribute("class", item.className);

        function applyEllipsis(maxWidth) {
            var lines, i, ii, lineParts, j, jj, text, ellipsis, ellipsisWidth, that = this,
                hasEllipsis = false;
            if (that._hasEllipsis) {
                    text: that._settings.text
            ellipsis = that.renderer.text("...").attr(that._styles).append(that.renderer.root);
            ellipsisWidth = ellipsis.getBBox().width;
            if (that._getElementBBox().width > maxWidth) {
                if (maxWidth - ellipsisWidth < 0) {
                    maxWidth = 0
                } else {
                    maxWidth -= ellipsisWidth
                lines = prepareLines(that.element, that._texts, maxWidth);
                for (i = 0, ii = lines.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    lineParts = lines[i].parts;
                    if (1 === lines[i].commonLength) {
                    for (j = 0, jj = lineParts.length; j < jj; ++j) {
                        text = lineParts[j];
                        if (_isDefined(text.endIndex)) {
                            setNewText(text, text.endIndex);
                            hasEllipsis = true
                        } else {
                            if (text.startBox > maxWidth) {
            that._hasEllipsis = hasEllipsis;
            return hasEllipsis

        function getIndexForEllipsis(text, maxWidth, startBox, endBox) {
            var k, kk;
            if (startBox <= maxWidth && endBox > maxWidth) {
                for (k = 1, kk = text.value.length; k <= kk; ++k) {
                    if (startBox + text.tspan.getSubStringLength(0, k) > maxWidth) {
                        return k - 1

        function prepareLines(element, texts, maxWidth) {
            var i, ii, text, startBox, endBox, lines = [];
            if (texts) {
                for (i = 0, ii = texts.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    text = texts[i];
                    if (!lines[text.line]) {
                        text.startBox = startBox = 0;
                            commonLength: text.value.length,
                            parts: [text]
                    } else {
                        text.startBox = startBox;
                        lines[text.line].commonLength += text.value.length
                    endBox = startBox + text.tspan.getSubStringLength(0, text.value.length);
                    text.endIndex = getIndexForEllipsis(text, maxWidth, startBox, endBox);
                    startBox = endBox
            } else {
                text = {
                    value: element.textContent,
                    tspan: element
                text.startBox = startBox = 0;
                endBox = text.value.length ? startBox + text.tspan.getSubStringLength(0, text.value.length) : 0;
                text.endIndex = getIndexForEllipsis(text, maxWidth, startBox, endBox);
                lines = [{
                    commonLength: element.textContent.length,
                    parts: [text]
            return lines

        function setNewText(text, index) {
            var newText = text.value.substr(0, index) + "...";
            text.tspan.textContent = newText;
            text.stroke && (text.stroke.textContent = newText)

        function removeTextSpan(text) {
            text.stroke && text.stroke.parentNode.removeChild(text.stroke)

        function createTextNodes(wrapper, text, isStroked) {
            var items, parsedHtml;
            wrapper._texts = null;
            if (null === text) {
            text = "" + text;
            if (!wrapper.renderer.encodeHtml && (/<[a-z][\s\S]*>/i.test(text) || text.indexOf("&") !== -1)) {
                parsedHtml = removeExtraAttrs(text);
                items = parseHTML(parsedHtml);
                wrapper.DEBUG_parsedHtml = parsedHtml
            } else {
                if (text.indexOf("\n") !== -1) {
                    items = parseMultiline(text)
                } else {
                    if (isStroked) {
                        items = [{
                            value: text,
                            height: 0
            if (items) {
                if (items.length) {
                    wrapper._texts = items;
                    if (isStroked) {
                        createTspans(items, wrapper.element, KEY_STROKE)
                    createTspans(items, wrapper.element, "tspan")
            } else {

        function setTextNodeAttribute(item, name, value) {
            item.tspan.setAttribute(name, value);
            item.stroke && item.stroke.setAttribute(name, value)

        function locateTextNodes(wrapper) {
            if (!wrapper._texts) {
            var i, ii, items = wrapper._texts,
                x = wrapper._settings.x,
                lineHeight = _parseInt(wrapper._styles[KEY_FONT_SIZE], 10) || 12,
                item = items[0];
            setTextNodeAttribute(item, "x", x);
            setTextNodeAttribute(item, "y", wrapper._settings.y);
            for (i = 1, ii = items.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                item = items[i];
                if (item.height >= 0) {
                    setTextNodeAttribute(item, "x", x);
                    setTextNodeAttribute(item, "dy", item.inherits ? mathMax(item.height, lineHeight) : item.height || lineHeight)

        function strokeTextNodes(wrapper) {
            if (!wrapper._texts) {
            var tspan, i, ii, items = wrapper._texts,
                stroke = wrapper._settings[KEY_STROKE],
                strokeWidth = wrapper._settings[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH],
                strokeOpacity = wrapper._settings[KEY_STROKE_OPACITY] || 1;
            for (i = 0, ii = items.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                tspan = items[i].stroke;
                tspan.setAttribute(KEY_STROKE, stroke);
                tspan.setAttribute(KEY_STROKE_WIDTH, strokeWidth);
                tspan.setAttribute(KEY_STROKE_OPACITY, strokeOpacity);
                tspan.setAttribute("stroke-linejoin", "round")

        function baseAnimate(that, params, options, complete) {
            options = options || {};
            var key, value, renderer = that.renderer,
                settings = that._settings,
                animationParams = {};
            var defaults = {
                translateX: 0,
                translateY: 0,
                scaleX: 1,
                scaleY: 1,
                rotate: 0,
                rotateX: 0,
                rotateY: 0
            if (complete) {
                options.complete = complete
            if (renderer.animationEnabled()) {
                for (key in params) {
                    value = params[key];
                    if (/^(translate(X|Y)|rotate[XY]?|scale(X|Y))$/i.test(key)) {
                        animationParams.transform = animationParams.transform || {
                            from: {},
                            to: {}
                        animationParams.transform.from[key] = key in settings ? Number(settings[key].toFixed(3)) : defaults[key];
                        animationParams.transform.to[key] = value
                    } else {
                        if ("arc" === key || "segments" === key) {
                            animationParams[key] = value
                        } else {
                            animationParams[key] = {
                                from: key in settings ? settings[key] : parseFloat(that.element.getAttribute(key) || 0),
                                to: value
                renderer.animateElement(that, animationParams, extend(extend({}, renderer._animation), options))
            } else {
                options.step && options.step.call(that, 1, 1);
                options.complete && options.complete.call(that);
            return that

        function pathAnimate(params, options, complete) {
            var newSegments, endSegments, that = this,
                curSegments = that.segments || [];
            if (that.renderer.animationEnabled() && "points" in params) {
                newSegments = buildPathSegments(params.points, that.type);
                endSegments = compensateSegments(curSegments, newSegments, that.type);
                params.segments = {
                    from: curSegments,
                    to: newSegments,
                    end: endSegments
                delete params.points
            return baseAnimate(that, params, options, complete)

        function arcAnimate(params, options, complete) {
            var that = this,
                settings = that._settings,
                arcParams = {
                    from: {},
                    to: {}
            if (that.renderer.animationEnabled() && ("x" in params || "y" in params || "innerRadius" in params || "outerRadius" in params || "startAngle" in params || "endAngle" in params)) {
                arcParams.from.x = settings.x || 0;
                arcParams.from.y = settings.y || 0;
                arcParams.from.innerRadius = settings.innerRadius || 0;
                arcParams.from.outerRadius = settings.outerRadius || 0;
                arcParams.from.startAngle = settings.startAngle || 0;
                arcParams.from.endAngle = settings.endAngle || 0;
                arcParams.to.x = "x" in params ? params.x : settings.x;
                delete params.x;
                arcParams.to.y = "y" in params ? params.y : settings.y;
                delete params.y;
                arcParams.to.innerRadius = "innerRadius" in params ? params.innerRadius : settings.innerRadius;
                delete params.innerRadius;
                arcParams.to.outerRadius = "outerRadius" in params ? params.outerRadius : settings.outerRadius;
                delete params.outerRadius;
                arcParams.to.startAngle = "startAngle" in params ? params.startAngle : settings.startAngle;
                delete params.startAngle;
                arcParams.to.endAngle = "endAngle" in params ? params.endAngle : settings.endAngle;
                delete params.endAngle;
                params.arc = arcParams
            return baseAnimate(that, params, options, complete)
        exports.DEBUG_set_getNextDefsSvgId = function(newFunction) {
            getNextDefsSvgId = newFunction
        exports.DEBUG_removeBackupContainer = function() {
            if (backupCounter) {
                backupCounter = 0;

        function buildLink(target, parameters) {
            var obj = {
                is: false,
                name: parameters.name || parameters,
                after: parameters.after
            if (target) {
                obj.to = target
            } else {
                obj.virtual = true
            return obj

        function SvgElement(renderer, tagName, type) {
            var that = this;
            that.renderer = renderer;
            that.element = createElement(tagName);
            that._settings = {};
            that._styles = {};
            if ("path" === tagName) {
                that.type = type || "line"
        exports.SvgElement = SvgElement;
        SvgElement.prototype = {
            constructor: SvgElement,
            _getJQElement: function() {
                return this._$element || (this._$element = jQuery(this.element))
            _addFixIRICallback: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._fixFuncIri = function() {
                    fixFuncIri(that, "fill");
                    fixFuncIri(that, "clip-path");
                    fixFuncIri(that, "filter")
                that._addFixIRICallback = function() {}
            dispose: function() {
                return this
            append: function(parent) {
                (parent || this.renderer.root).element.appendChild(this.element);
                return this
            remove: function() {
                var element = this.element;
                element.parentNode && element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
                return this
            enableLinks: function() {
                this._links = [];
                return this
            checkLinks: function() {
                var i, count = 0,
                    links = this._links,
                    ii = links.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    if (!links[i]._link.virtual) {
                if (count > 0) {
                    throw new Error("There are non disposed links!")
            virtualLink: function(parameters) {
                    _link: buildLink(null, parameters)
                }, this);
                return this
            linkAfter: function(name) {
                this._linkAfter = name;
                return this
            linkOn: function(target, parameters) {
                this._link = buildLink(target, parameters);
                linkItem(this, target);
                return this
            linkOff: function() {
                this._link = null;
                return this
            linkAppend: function() {
                var i, next, link = this._link,
                    items = link.to._links;
                for (i = link.i + 1;
                    (next = items[i]) && !next._link.is; ++i) {}
                this._insert(link.to, next);
                link.is = true;
                return this
            _insert: function(parent, next) {
                parent.element.insertBefore(this.element, next ? next.element : null)
            linkRemove: function() {
                this._link.is = false;
                return this
            clear: function() {
                return this
            toBackground: function() {
                var elem = this.element,
                    parent = elem.parentNode;
                parent && parent.insertBefore(elem, parent.firstChild);
                return this
            toForeground: function() {
                var elem = this.element,
                    parent = elem.parentNode;
                parent && parent.appendChild(elem);
                return this
            attr: function(attrs) {
                return baseAttr(this, attrs)
            smartAttr: function(attrs) {
                var that = this;
                if (attrs.hatching) {
                    attrs = extend({}, attrs);
                    attrs.fill = that._hatching = that.renderer.lockHatching(attrs.fill, attrs.hatching, that._hatching);
                    delete attrs.hatching
                } else {
                    if (that._hatching) {
                        that._hatching = null
                return that.attr(attrs)
            css: function(styles) {
                return baseCss(this, styles)
            animate: function(params, options, complete) {
                return baseAnimate(this, params, options, complete)
            sharp: function(pos) {
                return this.attr({
                    sharp: pos || true
            _applyTransformation: function() {
                var scaleXDefined, scaleYDefined, rotateX, rotateY, tr = this._settings,
                    transformations = [],
                    sharpMode = tr.sharp,
                    strokeOdd = tr[KEY_STROKE_WIDTH] % 2,
                    correctionX = strokeOdd && ("h" === sharpMode || true === sharpMode) ? SHARPING_CORRECTION : 0,
                    correctionY = strokeOdd && ("v" === sharpMode || true === sharpMode) ? SHARPING_CORRECTION : 0;
                transformations.push("translate(" + ((tr.translateX || 0) + correctionX) + "," + ((tr.translateY || 0) + correctionY) + ")");
                if (tr.rotate) {
                    if ("rotateX" in tr) {
                        rotateX = tr.rotateX
                    } else {
                        rotateX = tr.x
                    if ("rotateY" in tr) {
                        rotateY = tr.rotateY
                    } else {
                        rotateY = tr.y
                    transformations.push("rotate(" + tr.rotate + "," + (rotateX || 0) + "," + (rotateY || 0) + ")")
                scaleXDefined = _isDefined(tr.scaleX);
                scaleYDefined = _isDefined(tr.scaleY);
                if (scaleXDefined || scaleYDefined) {
                    transformations.push("scale(" + (scaleXDefined ? tr.scaleX : 1) + "," + (scaleYDefined ? tr.scaleY : 1) + ")")
                if (transformations.length) {
                    this.element.setAttribute("transform", transformations.join(" "))
            move: function(x, y, animate, animOptions) {
                var obj = {};
                _isDefined(x) && (obj.translateX = x);
                _isDefined(y) && (obj.translateY = y);
                if (!animate) {
                } else {
                    this.animate(obj, animOptions)
                return this
            rotate: function(angle, x, y, animate, animOptions) {
                var obj = {
                    rotate: angle || 0
                _isDefined(x) && (obj.rotateX = x);
                _isDefined(y) && (obj.rotateY = y);
                if (!animate) {
                } else {
                    this.animate(obj, animOptions)
                return this
            _getElementBBox: function() {
                var bBox, elem = this.element;
                try {
                    bBox = elem.getBBox && elem.getBBox()
                } catch (e) {}
                return bBox || {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: elem.offsetWidth || 0,
                    height: elem.offsetHeight || 0
            getBBox: function() {
                var transformation = this._settings,
                    bBox = this._getElementBBox();
                if (transformation.rotate) {
                    bBox = _rotateBBox(bBox, [("rotateX" in transformation ? transformation.rotateX : transformation.x) || 0, ("rotateY" in transformation ? transformation.rotateY : transformation.y) || 0], -transformation.rotate)
                } else {
                    bBox = _normalizeBBox(bBox)
                return bBox
            markup: function() {
                return getSvgMarkup(this.element)
            getOffset: function() {
                return this._getJQElement().offset()
            stopAnimation: function(disableComplete) {
                var animation = this.animation;
                animation && animation.stop(disableComplete);
                return this
            setTitle: function(text) {
                var titleElem = createElement("title");
                titleElem.textContent = text || "";
            data: function(obj, val) {
                var key, elem = this.element;
                if (void 0 !== val) {
                    elem[obj] = val
                } else {
                    for (key in obj) {
                        elem[key] = obj[key]
                return this
            on: function() {
                jQuery.fn.on.apply(this._getJQElement(), arguments);
                return this
            off: function() {
                jQuery.fn.off.apply(this._getJQElement(), arguments);
                return this
            trigger: function() {
                jQuery.fn.trigger.apply(this._getJQElement(), arguments);
                return this

        function PathSvgElement(renderer, type) {
            SvgElement.call(this, renderer, "path", type)
        exports.PathSvgElement = PathSvgElement;
        PathSvgElement.prototype = objectCreate(SvgElement.prototype);
        extend(PathSvgElement.prototype, {
            constructor: PathSvgElement,
            attr: pathAttr,
            animate: pathAnimate

        function ArcSvgElement(renderer) {
            SvgElement.call(this, renderer, "path", "arc")
        exports.ArcSvgElement = ArcSvgElement;
        ArcSvgElement.prototype = objectCreate(SvgElement.prototype);
        extend(ArcSvgElement.prototype, {
            constructor: ArcSvgElement,
            attr: arcAttr,
            animate: arcAnimate

        function RectSvgElement(renderer) {
            SvgElement.call(this, renderer, "rect")
        exports.RectSvgElement = RectSvgElement;
        RectSvgElement.prototype = objectCreate(SvgElement.prototype);
        extend(RectSvgElement.prototype, {
            constructor: RectSvgElement,
            attr: rectAttr

        function TextSvgElement(renderer) {
            SvgElement.call(this, renderer, "text")
        exports.TextSvgElement = TextSvgElement;
        TextSvgElement.prototype = objectCreate(SvgElement.prototype);
        extend(TextSvgElement.prototype, {
            constructor: TextSvgElement,
            attr: textAttr,
            css: textCss,
            applyEllipsis: applyEllipsis

        function updateIndexes(items, k) {
            var i, item;
            for (i = k; !!(item = items[i]); ++i) {
                item._link.i = i

        function linkItem(target, container) {
            var i, item, items = container._links,
                key = target._link.after = target._link.after || container._linkAfter;
            if (key) {
                for (i = 0;
                    (item = items[i]) && item._link.name !== key; ++i) {}
                if (item) {
                    for (++i;
                        (item = items[i]) && item._link.after === key; ++i) {}
            } else {
                i = items.length
            items.splice(i, 0, target);
            updateIndexes(items, i)

        function unlinkItem(target) {
            var i, items = target._link.to._links;
            for (i = 0; items[i] !== target; ++i) {}
            items.splice(i, 1);
            updateIndexes(items, i)

        function Renderer(options) {
            var that = this;
            that.root = that._createElement("svg", {
                xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
                "xmlns:xlink": "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
                version: "1.1",
                fill: NONE,
                stroke: NONE,
                "stroke-width": 0
                "class": options.cssClass
                "line-height": "normal",
                "-ms-user-select": NONE,
                "-moz-user-select": NONE,
                "-webkit-user-select": NONE,
                "-webkit-tap-highlight-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
                display: "block",
                overflow: "hidden"
            that.pathModified = !!options.pathModified;
            that._$container = $(options.container);
                element: options.container
            that._locker = 0;
            that._backed = false
        exports.Renderer = Renderer;
        Renderer.prototype = {
            constructor: Renderer,
            _init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._defs = that._createElement("defs").append(that.root);
                that._animationController = new animation.AnimationController(that.root.element);
                that._animation = {
                    enabled: true,
                    duration: 1e3,
                    easing: "easeOutCubic"
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that.rtl = !!options.rtl;
                that.encodeHtml = !!options.encodeHtml;
                that.updateAnimationOptions(options.animation || {});
                    direction: that.rtl ? "rtl" : "ltr"
                return that
            _createElement: function(tagName, attr, type) {
                var elem = new exports.SvgElement(this, tagName, type);
                attr && elem.attr(attr);
                return elem
            lock: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (0 === that._locker) {
                    that._backed = !that._$container.is(":visible");
                    if (that._backed) {
                return that
            unlock: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (0 === that._locker) {
                    if (that._backed) {
                        restoreRoot(that.root, that._$container[0])
                    that._backed = false
                return that
            resize: function(width, height) {
                if (width >= 0 && height >= 0) {
                        width: width,
                        height: height
                return this
            dispose: function() {
                var key, that = this;
                for (key in that) {
                    that[key] = null
                return that
            animationEnabled: function() {
                return !!this._animation.enabled
            updateAnimationOptions: function(newOptions) {
                extend(this._animation, newOptions);
                return this
            stopAllAnimations: function(lock) {
                this._animationController[lock ? "lock" : "stop"]();
                return this
            animateElement: function(element, params, options) {
                this._animationController.animateElement(element, params, options);
                return this
            svg: function() {
                return this.root.markup()
            getRootOffset: function() {
                return this.root.getOffset()
            onEndAnimation: function(endAnimation) {
            rect: function(x, y, width, height) {
                var elem = new exports.RectSvgElement(this);
                return elem.attr({
                    x: x || 0,
                    y: y || 0,
                    width: width || 0,
                    height: height || 0
            simpleRect: function() {
                return this._createElement("rect")
            circle: function(x, y, r) {
                return this._createElement("circle", {
                    cx: x || 0,
                    cy: y || 0,
                    r: r || 0
            g: function() {
                return this._createElement("g")
            image: function(x, y, w, h, href, location) {
                var image = this._createElement("image", {
                    x: x || 0,
                    y: y || 0,
                    width: w || 0,
                    height: h || 0,
                    preserveAspectRatio: preserveAspectRatioMap[_normalizeEnum(location)] || NONE
                image.element.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "href", href || "");
                return image
            path: function(points, type) {
                var elem = new exports.PathSvgElement(this, type);
                return elem.attr({
                    points: points || []
            arc: function(x, y, innerRadius, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle) {
                var elem = new exports.ArcSvgElement(this);
                return elem.attr({
                    x: x || 0,
                    y: y || 0,
                    innerRadius: innerRadius || 0,
                    outerRadius: outerRadius || 0,
                    startAngle: startAngle || 0,
                    endAngle: endAngle || 0
            text: function(text, x, y) {
                var elem = new exports.TextSvgElement(this);
                return elem.attr({
                    text: text,
                    x: x || 0,
                    y: y || 0
            pattern: function(color, hatching, _id) {
                hatching = hatching || {};
                var id, d, pattern, rect, path, that = this,
                    step = hatching.step || 6,
                    stepTo2 = step / 2,
                    stepBy15 = 1.5 * step,
                    direction = _normalizeEnum(hatching.direction);
                if ("right" !== direction && "left" !== direction) {
                    return {
                        id: color,
                        append: function() {
                            return this
                        clear: function() {},
                        dispose: function() {},
                        remove: function() {}
                id = _id || getNextDefsSvgId();
                d = "right" === direction ? "M " + stepTo2 + " " + -stepTo2 + " L " + -stepTo2 + " " + stepTo2 + " M 0 " + step + " L " + step + " 0 M " + stepBy15 + " " + stepTo2 + " L " + stepTo2 + " " + stepBy15 : "M 0 0 L " + step + " " + step + " M " + -stepTo2 + " " + stepTo2 + " L " + stepTo2 + " " + stepBy15 + " M " + stepTo2 + " " + -stepTo2 + " L " + stepBy15 + " " + stepTo2;
                pattern = that._createElement("pattern", {
                    id: id,
                    width: step,
                    height: step,
                    patternUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
                pattern.id = id;
                rect = that.rect(0, 0, step, step).attr({
                    fill: color,
                    opacity: hatching.opacity
                path = new exports.PathSvgElement(this).attr({
                    d: d,
                    "stroke-width": hatching.width || 1,
                    stroke: color
                pattern.rect = rect;
                pattern.path = path;
                return pattern
            clipRect: function(x, y, width, height) {
                var that = this,
                    id = getNextDefsSvgId(),
                    clipPath = that._createElement("clipPath", {
                        id: id
                    rect = that.rect(x, y, width, height).append(clipPath);
                rect.id = id;
                rect.clipPath = clipPath;
                rect.remove = function() {
                    throw "Not implemented"
                rect.dispose = function() {
                    clipPath = null;
                    return this
                return rect
            shadowFilter: function(x, y, width, height, offsetX, offsetY, blur, color, opacity) {
                var that = this,
                    id = getNextDefsSvgId(),
                    filter = that._createElement("filter", {
                        id: id,
                        x: x || 0,
                        y: y || 0,
                        width: width || 0,
                        height: height || 0
                    gaussianBlur = that._createElement("feGaussianBlur", {
                        "in": "SourceGraphic",
                        result: "gaussianBlurResult",
                        stdDeviation: blur || 0
                    offset = that._createElement("feOffset", {
                        "in": "gaussianBlurResult",
                        result: "offsetResult",
                        dx: offsetX || 0,
                        dy: offsetY || 0
                    flood = that._createElement("feFlood", {
                        result: "floodResult",
                        "flood-color": color || "",
                        "flood-opacity": opacity
                    composite = that._createElement("feComposite", {
                        "in": "floodResult",
                        in2: "offsetResult",
                        operator: "in",
                        result: "compositeResult"
                    finalComposite = that._createElement("feComposite", {
                        "in": "SourceGraphic",
                        in2: "compositeResult",
                        operator: "over"
                filter.id = id;
                filter.gaussianBlur = gaussianBlur;
                filter.offset = offset;
                filter.flood = flood;
                filter.composite = composite;
                filter.finalComposite = finalComposite;
                filter.attr = function(attrs) {
                    var that = this,
                        filterAttrs = {},
                        offsetAttrs = {},
                        floodAttrs = {};
                    "x" in attrs && (filterAttrs.x = attrs.x);
                    "y" in attrs && (filterAttrs.y = attrs.y);
                    "width" in attrs && (filterAttrs.width = attrs.width);
                    "height" in attrs && (filterAttrs.height = attrs.height);
                    baseAttr(that, filterAttrs);
                    "blur" in attrs && that.gaussianBlur.attr({
                        stdDeviation: attrs.blur
                    "offsetX" in attrs && (offsetAttrs.dx = attrs.offsetX);
                    "offsetY" in attrs && (offsetAttrs.dy = attrs.offsetY);
                    "color" in attrs && (floodAttrs["flood-color"] = attrs.color);
                    "opacity" in attrs && (floodAttrs["flood-opacity"] = attrs.opacity);
                    return that
                return filter
            brightFilter: function(type, slope) {
                var that = this,
                    id = getNextDefsSvgId(),
                    filter = that._createElement("filter", {
                        id: id
                    componentTransferElement = that._createElement("feComponentTransfer").append(filter),
                    attrs = {
                        type: type,
                        slope: slope
                filter.id = id;
                that._createElement("feFuncR", attrs).append(componentTransferElement);
                that._createElement("feFuncG", attrs).append(componentTransferElement);
                that._createElement("feFuncB", attrs).append(componentTransferElement);
                return filter
            getGrayScaleFilter: function() {
                if (this._grayScaleFilter) {
                    return this._grayScaleFilter
                var that = this,
                    id = getNextDefsSvgId(),
                    filter = that._createElement("filter", {
                        id: id
                    type: "matrix",
                    values: "0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0.3333 0.3333 0.3333 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 0"
                filter.id = id;
                that._grayScaleFilter = filter;
                return filter
            initHatching: function() {
                var name, storage = this._hatchingStorage = this._hatchingStorage || {
                        byHash: {},
                        baseId: getNextDefsSvgId()
                    byHash = storage.byHash;
                for (name in byHash) {
                storage.byHash = {};
                storage.refToHash = {};
                storage.nextId = 0
            lockHatching: function(color, hatching, ref) {
                var storageItem, pattern, storage = this._hatchingStorage,
                    hash = getHatchingHash(color, hatching);
                if (storage.refToHash[ref] !== hash) {
                    if (ref) {
                    storageItem = storage.byHash[hash];
                    if (!storageItem) {
                        pattern = this.pattern(color, hatching, storage.baseId + "-hatching-" + storage.nextId++);
                        storageItem = storage.byHash[hash] = {
                            pattern: pattern,
                            count: 0
                        storage.refToHash[pattern.id] = hash
                    ref = storageItem.pattern.id
                return ref
            releaseHatching: function(ref) {
                var storage = this._hatchingStorage,
                    hash = storage.refToHash[ref],
                    storageItem = storage.byHash[hash];
                if (0 === --storageItem.count) {
                    delete storage.byHash[hash];
                    delete storage.refToHash[ref]

        function getHatchingHash(color, hatching) {
            return "@" + color + "::" + hatching.step + ":" + hatching.width + ":" + hatching.opacity + ":" + hatching.direction
        var fixFuncIriCallbacks = function() {
            var callbacks = [];
            return {
                add: function(fn) {
                remove: function(fn) {
                    callbacks = callbacks.filter(function(el) {
                        return el !== fn
                fire: function() {
                    callbacks.forEach(function(fn) {
        exports.refreshPaths = function() {
      !*** ./js/viz/core/renderers/animation.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var animationFrame = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../animation/frame */ 59),
            noop = function() {},
            easingFunctions = {
                easeOutCubic: function(pos, start, end) {
                    return 1 === pos ? end : (1 - Math.pow(1 - pos, 3)) * (end - start) + +start
                linear: function(pos, start, end) {
                    return 1 === pos ? end : pos * (end - start) + +start
        exports.easingFunctions = easingFunctions;
        var animationSvgStep = {
            segments: function(elem, params, progress, easing, currentParams) {
                var curSeg, seg, i, j, from = params.from,
                    to = params.to,
                    segments = [];
                for (i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
                    curSeg = from[i];
                    seg = [curSeg[0]];
                    if (curSeg.length > 1) {
                        for (j = 1; j < curSeg.length; j++) {
                            seg.push(easing(progress, curSeg[j], to[i][j]))
                currentParams.segments = params.end && 1 === progress ? params.end : segments;
                    segments: segments
            arc: function(elem, params, progress, easing) {
                var from = params.from,
                    to = params.to,
                    current = {};
                for (var i in from) {
                    current[i] = easing(progress, from[i], to[i])
            transform: function(elem, params, progress, easing, currentParams) {
                var from = params.from,
                    to = params.to,
                    current = {};
                for (var i in from) {
                    current[i] = currentParams[i] = easing(progress, from[i], to[i])
            base: function(elem, params, progress, easing, currentParams, attributeName) {
                var obj = {};
                obj[attributeName] = currentParams[attributeName] = easing(progress, params.from, params.to);
            _: noop,
            complete: function(element, currentSettings) {

        function step(now) {
            var attrName, that = this,
                animateStep = that._animateStep;
            that._progress = that._calcProgress(now);
            for (attrName in that.params) {
                var anim = animateStep[attrName] || animateStep.base;
                anim(that.element, that.params[attrName], that._progress, that._easing, that._currentParams, attrName)
            that.options.step && that.options.step(that._easing(that._progress, 0, 1), that._progress);
            if (1 === that._progress) {
                return that.stop()
            return true

        function delayTick(now) {
            if (now - this._startTime >= this.delay) {
                this.tick = step
            return true

        function start(now) {
            this._startTime = now;
            this.tick = this.delay ? delayTick : step;
            return true

        function Animation(element, params, options) {
            var that = this;
            that._progress = 0;
            that.element = element;
            that.params = params;
            that.options = options;
            that.duration = options.partitionDuration ? options.duration * options.partitionDuration : options.duration;
            that.delay = options.delay && options.duration * options.delay || 0;
            that._animateStep = options.animateStep || animationSvgStep;
            that._easing = easingFunctions[options.easing] || easingFunctions.easeOutCubic;
            that._currentParams = {};
            that.tick = start
        Animation.prototype = {
            _calcProgress: function(now) {
                return Math.min(1, (now - this.delay - this._startTime) / this.duration)
            stop: function(disableComplete) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that.options,
                    animateStep = that._animateStep;
                that.stop = that.tick = noop;
                animateStep.complete && animateStep.complete(that.element, that._currentParams);
                options.complete && !disableComplete && options.complete()

        function AnimationController(element) {
            var that = this;
            that._animationCount = 0;
            that._timerId = null;
            that._animations = {};
            that.element = element
        exports.AnimationController = AnimationController;
        AnimationController.prototype = {
            _loop: function() {
                var an, that = this,
                    animations = that._animations,
                    activeAnimation = 0,
                    now = (new Date).getTime(),
                    endAnimation = that._endAnimation;
                for (an in animations) {
                    if (!animations[an].tick(now)) {
                        delete animations[an]
                if (0 === activeAnimation) {
                    that._endAnimationTimer = endAnimation && setTimeout(function() {
                        if (0 === that._animationCount) {
                            that._endAnimation = null
                that._timerId = animationFrame.requestAnimationFrame.call(null, function() {
                }, that.element)
            addAnimation: function(animation) {
                var that = this;
                that._animations[that._animationCount++] = animation;
                if (!that._timerId) {
                    that._startDelay = setTimeout(function() {
                        that._timerId = 1;
                    }, 0)
            animateElement: function(elem, params, options) {
                if (elem && params && options) {
                    elem.animation && elem.animation.stop();
                    this.addAnimation(elem.animation = new Animation(elem, params, options))
            onEndAnimation: function(endAnimation) {
                this._animationCount ? this._endAnimation = endAnimation : endAnimation()
            dispose: function() {
                this.element = null
            stop: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._animations = {};
                that._animationCount = 0;
                that._timerId = null
            lock: function() {
                var an, unstoppable, hasUnstoppableInAnimations, animations = this._animations;
                for (an in animations) {
                    unstoppable = animations[an].options.unstoppable;
                    hasUnstoppableInAnimations = hasUnstoppableInAnimations || unstoppable;
                    if (!unstoppable) {
                        delete animations[an]
                }!hasUnstoppableInAnimations && this.stop()
        exports.animationSvgStep = animationSvgStep;
        exports.Animation = Animation;
        exports.noop = noop
      !*** ./js/viz/core/layout.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            ALIGN_START = 0,
            ALIGN_MIDDLE = 1,
            ALIGN_END = 2,
            horizontalAlignmentMap = {
                left: ALIGN_START,
                center: ALIGN_MIDDLE,
                right: ALIGN_END
            verticalAlignmentMap = {
                top: ALIGN_START,
                center: ALIGN_MIDDLE,
                bottom: ALIGN_END
            sideMap = {
                horizontal: 0,
                vertical: 1
            slicersMap = {};
        slicersMap[ALIGN_START] = function(a, b, size) {
            return [a, _min(b, a + size)]
        slicersMap[ALIGN_MIDDLE] = function(a, b, size) {
            return [_max(a, (a + b - size) / 2), _min(b, (a + b + size) / 2)]
        slicersMap[ALIGN_END] = function(a, b, size) {
            return [_max(a, b - size), b]

        function pickValue(value, map, defaultValue) {
            var val = _normalizeEnum(value);
            return val in map ? map[val] : defaultValue

        function normalizeLayoutOptions(options) {
            var side = pickValue(options.side, sideMap, 1),
                alignment = [pickValue(options.horizontalAlignment, horizontalAlignmentMap, ALIGN_MIDDLE), pickValue(options.verticalAlignment, verticalAlignmentMap, ALIGN_START)];
            return {
                side: side,
                primary: bringToEdge(alignment[side]),
                secondary: alignment[1 - side],
                weak: options.weak

        function bringToEdge(primary) {
            return primary < 2 ? 0 : 2

        function getConjugateSide(side) {
            return 1 - side

        function getOppositeAlignment(alignment) {
            return 2 - alignment

        function getSlice(alignment, a, b, size) {
            return slicersMap[alignment](a, b, size)

        function getShrink(alignment, size) {
            return (alignment > 0 ? -1 : 1) * size

        function processForward(item, rect) {
            var side = item.side,
                size = item.element.measure([rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1]]),
                isValid = size[side] < rect[2 + side] - rect[side];
            if (isValid) {
                rect[item.primary + side] += getShrink(item.primary, size[side]);
                item.size = size
            return isValid

        function processBackward(item, rect) {
            var primarySide = item.side,
                secondarySide = getConjugateSide(primarySide),
                itemRect = [],
                secondary = getSlice(item.secondary, rect[secondarySide], rect[2 + secondarySide], item.size[secondarySide]);
            itemRect[primarySide] = itemRect[2 + primarySide] = rect[item.primary + primarySide];
            itemRect[item.primary + primarySide] = rect[item.primary + primarySide] -= getShrink(item.primary, item.size[primarySide]);
            itemRect[secondarySide] = secondary[0];
            itemRect[2 + secondarySide] = secondary[1];

        function Layout() {
            this._targets = []
        Layout.prototype = {
            constructor: Layout,
            dispose: function() {
                this._targets = null
            add: function(target) {
            forward: function(targetRect) {
                var i, rect = targetRect.slice(),
                    targets = createTargets(this._targets),
                    ii = targets.length,
                    cache = [];
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    if (processForward(targets[i], rect)) {
                this._cache = cache.reverse();
                return rect
            backward: function(targetRect) {
                var i, rect = targetRect.slice(),
                    targets = this._cache,
                    ii = targets.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    processBackward(targets[i], rect)
                this._cache = null

        function createTargets(targets) {
            var i, layout, ii = targets.length,
                collection = [];
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                layout = targets[i].layoutOptions();
                if (layout) {
                    layout = normalizeLayoutOptions(layout);
                    layout.element = targets[i];
            return collection

        function processWeakItems(collection) {
            var i, ii, j, weakItem, isProcessed = true;
            while (isProcessed) {
                isProcessed = false;
                ii = collection.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    if (collection[i].weak) {
                        weakItem = collection[i];
                        for (j = 0; j < ii; ++j) {
                            if (i !== j && weakItem.side === collection[j].side && weakItem.primary === collection[j].primary) {
                                collection[_min(i, j)] = makePair(collection[_min(i, j)], collection[_max(i, j)]);
                                collection.splice(_max(i, j), 1);
                                isProcessed = true;
                        if (isProcessed) {

        function makePair(first, second) {
            return {
                side: first.side,
                primary: first.primary,
                secondary: first.secondary === second.secondary ? first.secondary : bringToEdge(first.secondary) || bringToEdge(second.secondary),
                element: new PairElement(first, second)

        function PairElement(first, second) {
            this._first = first;
            this._second = second
        PairElement.prototype.measure = function(targetSize) {
            var secondSize, first = this._first,
                second = this._second,
                size = targetSize.slice(),
                primarySide = first.side,
                secondarySide = getConjugateSide(primarySide),
                firstSize = first.element.measure(size.slice());
            size[secondarySide] -= firstSize[secondarySide];
            secondSize = second.element.measure(size.slice());
            size[primarySide] = _max(firstSize[primarySide], secondSize[primarySide]);
            if (first.secondary === second.secondary) {
                size[secondarySide] = firstSize[secondarySide] + secondSize[secondarySide]
            } else {
                if (first.secondary === ALIGN_MIDDLE || second.secondary === ALIGN_MIDDLE) {
                    size[secondarySide] = targetSize[secondarySide] / 2 + (first.secondary === ALIGN_MIDDLE ? firstSize : secondSize)[secondarySide] / 2
                } else {
                    size[secondarySide] = targetSize[secondarySide]
            first.size = firstSize;
            second.size = secondSize;
            return size
        PairElement.prototype.move = function(targetRect) {
            var primary, secondary, rect, first = this._first,
                second = this._second,
                primarySide = first.side,
                secondarySide = getConjugateSide(primarySide),
                alignment = first.secondary === second.secondary ? bringToEdge(first.secondary) : first.secondary === ALIGN_MIDDLE ? getOppositeAlignment(bringToEdge(second.secondary)) : bringToEdge(first.secondary);
            primary = getSlice(ALIGN_MIDDLE, targetRect[primarySide], targetRect[2 + primarySide], first.size[primarySide]);
            secondary = getSlice(alignment, targetRect[secondarySide], targetRect[2 + secondarySide], first.size[secondarySide]);
            rect = [];
            rect[primarySide] = primary[0];
            rect[2 + primarySide] = primary[1];
            rect[secondarySide] = secondary[0];
            rect[2 + secondarySide] = secondary[1];
            primary = getSlice(ALIGN_MIDDLE, targetRect[primarySide], targetRect[2 + primarySide], second.size[primarySide]);
            secondary = getSlice(getOppositeAlignment(alignment), targetRect[secondarySide], targetRect[2 + secondarySide], targetRect[2 + secondarySide] - targetRect[secondarySide] - first.size[secondarySide]);
            secondary = getSlice(getOppositeAlignment(alignment), secondary[0], secondary[1], second.size[secondarySide]);
            rect = [];
            rect[primarySide] = primary[0];
            rect[2 + primarySide] = primary[1];
            rect[secondarySide] = secondary[0];
            rect[2 + secondarySide] = secondary[1];
        module.exports = Layout
      !*** ./js/viz/components/legend.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            layoutElementModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/layout_element */ 522),
            _Number = Number,
            _math = Math,
            _round = _math.round,
            _max = _math.max,
            _min = _math.min,
            _ceil = _math.ceil,
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction,
            _enumParser = vizUtils.enumParser,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10,
            CENTER = "center",
            RIGHT = "right",
            LEFT = "left",
            TOP = "top",
            BOTTOM = "bottom",
            HORIZONTAL = "horizontal",
            VERTICAL = "vertical",
            INSIDE = "inside",
            OUTSIDE = "outside",
            NONE = "none",
            HEIGHT = "height",
            WIDTH = "width",
            parseHorizontalAlignment = _enumParser([LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT]),
            parseVerticalAlignment = _enumParser([TOP, BOTTOM]),
            parseOrientation = _enumParser([VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL]),
            parseItemTextPosition = _enumParser([LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM]),
            parsePosition = _enumParser([OUTSIDE, INSIDE]),
            parseItemsAlignment = _enumParser([LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT]);

        function getState(state, color) {
            if (!state) {
            var hatching, direction = state.hatching.direction,
                colorFromAction = state.fill;
            color = colorFromAction === NONE ? color : colorFromAction;
            direction = !direction || direction === NONE ? RIGHT : direction;
            hatching = _extend({}, state.hatching, {
                direction: direction,
                step: DEFAULT_MARKER_HATCHING_STEP,
                width: DEFAULT_MARKER_HATCHING_WIDTH
            return {
                fill: color,
                hatching: hatching

        function parseMargins(options) {
            var margin = options.margin;
            if (margin >= 0) {
                margin = _Number(options.margin);
                margin = {
                    top: margin,
                    bottom: margin,
                    left: margin,
                    right: margin
            } else {
                margin = {
                    top: margin.top >= 0 ? _Number(margin.top) : DEFAULT_MARGIN,
                    bottom: margin.bottom >= 0 ? _Number(margin.bottom) : DEFAULT_MARGIN,
                    left: margin.left >= 0 ? _Number(margin.left) : DEFAULT_MARGIN,
                    right: margin.right >= 0 ? _Number(margin.right) : DEFAULT_MARGIN
            options.margin = margin

        function getSizeItem(options, markerSize, labelBBox) {
            var width, height, defaultXMargin = 7,
                defaultTopMargin = 4;
            switch (options.itemTextPosition) {
                case LEFT:
                case RIGHT:
                    width = markerSize + defaultXMargin + labelBBox.width;
                    height = _max(markerSize, labelBBox.height);
                case TOP:
                case BOTTOM:
                    width = _max(markerSize, labelBBox.width);
                    height = markerSize + defaultTopMargin + labelBBox.height
            return {
                width: width,
                height: height

        function calculateBBoxLabelAndMarker(markerBBox, labelBBox) {
            var bBox = {};
            bBox.left = _min(markerBBox.x, labelBBox.x);
            bBox.top = _min(markerBBox.y, labelBBox.y);
            bBox.right = _max(markerBBox.x + markerBBox.width, labelBBox.x + labelBBox.width);
            bBox.bottom = _max(markerBBox.y + markerBBox.height, labelBBox.y + labelBBox.height);
            return bBox

        function applyMarkerState(id, idToIndexMap, items, stateName) {
            var item = idToIndexMap && items[idToIndexMap[id]];
            if (item) {

        function parseOptions(options, textField) {
            if (!options) {
                return null
            var debug = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/console */ 13).debug;
            debug.assertParam(options.visible, "Visibility was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.markerSize, "markerSize was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.font.color, "fontColor was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.font.family, "fontFamily was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.font.size, "fontSize was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.paddingLeftRight, "paddingLeftRight was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.paddingTopBottom, "paddingTopBottom was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.columnItemSpacing, "columnItemSpacing was not passed");
            debug.assertParam(options.rowItemSpacing, "rowItemSpacing was not passed");
            options.horizontalAlignment = parseHorizontalAlignment(options.horizontalAlignment, RIGHT);
            options.verticalAlignment = parseVerticalAlignment(options.verticalAlignment, options.horizontalAlignment === CENTER ? BOTTOM : TOP);
            options.orientation = parseOrientation(options.orientation, options.horizontalAlignment === CENTER ? HORIZONTAL : VERTICAL);
            options.itemTextPosition = parseItemTextPosition(options.itemTextPosition, options.orientation === HORIZONTAL ? BOTTOM : RIGHT);
            options.position = parsePosition(options.position, OUTSIDE);
            options.itemsAlignment = parseItemsAlignment(options.itemsAlignment, null);
            options.hoverMode = _normalizeEnum(options.hoverMode);
            options.customizeText = _isFunction(options.customizeText) ? options.customizeText : function() {
                return this[textField]
            options.customizeHint = _isFunction(options.customizeHint) ? options.customizeHint : commonUtils.noop;
            options._incidentOccurred = options._incidentOccurred || commonUtils.noop;
            return options

        function createSquareMarker(renderer, size) {
            return renderer.rect(0, 0, size, size)

        function createCircleMarker(renderer, size) {
            return renderer.circle(size / 2, size / 2, size / 2)

        function isCircle(type) {
            return "circle" === _normalizeEnum(type)

        function inRect(rect, x, y) {
            return x >= rect.left && x <= rect.right && y >= rect.top && y <= rect.bottom

        function checkLinesSize(lines, layoutOptions, countItems) {
            var position = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                maxMeasureLength = 0,
                maxAltMeasureLength = 0;
            _each(lines, function(i, line) {
                var firstItem = line[0];
                _each(line, function(_, item) {
                    var offset = item.offset || layoutOptions.spacing;
                    position[layoutOptions.direction] += item[layoutOptions.measure] + offset;
                    maxMeasureLength = _max(maxMeasureLength, position[layoutOptions.direction])
                position[layoutOptions.direction] = 0;
                position[layoutOptions.altDirection] += firstItem[layoutOptions.altMeasure] + firstItem.altOffset || layoutOptions.altSpacing;
                maxAltMeasureLength = _max(maxAltMeasureLength, position[layoutOptions.altDirection])
            if (maxMeasureLength > layoutOptions.length) {
                layoutOptions.countItem = decreaseItemCount(layoutOptions, countItems);
                return true

        function decreaseItemCount(layoutOptions, countItems) {
            return _ceil(countItems / layoutOptions.altCountItem)

        function getLineLength(line, layoutOptions) {
            var lineLength = 0;
            _each(line, function(_, item) {
                var offset = item.offset || layoutOptions.spacing;
                lineLength += item[layoutOptions.measure] + offset
            return lineLength

        function getMaxLineLength(lines, layoutOptions) {
            var maxLineLength = 0;
            _each(lines, function(_, line) {
                maxLineLength = _max(maxLineLength, getLineLength(line, layoutOptions))
            return maxLineLength

        function getInitPositionForDirection(line, layoutOptions, maxLineLength) {
            var initPosition, lineLength = getLineLength(line, layoutOptions);
            switch (layoutOptions.itemsAlignment) {
                case RIGHT:
                    initPosition = maxLineLength - lineLength;
                case CENTER:
                    initPosition = (maxLineLength - lineLength) / 2;
                    initPosition = 0
            return initPosition

        function getPos(layoutOptions) {
            switch (layoutOptions.itemTextPosition) {
                case BOTTOM:
                    return {
                        horizontal: CENTER,
                        vertical: TOP
                case TOP:
                    return {
                        horizontal: CENTER,
                        vertical: BOTTOM
                case LEFT:
                    return {
                        horizontal: RIGHT,
                        vertical: CENTER
                case RIGHT:
                    return {
                        horizontal: LEFT,
                        vertical: CENTER

        function getLines(lines, layoutOptions, itemIndex) {
            var tableLine = {};
            if (itemIndex % layoutOptions.countItem === 0) {
                if (layoutOptions.markerOffset) {
                    lines.push([], [])
                } else {
            if (layoutOptions.markerOffset) {
                tableLine.firstLine = lines[lines.length - 1];
                tableLine.secondLine = lines[lines.length - 2]
            } else {
                tableLine.firstLine = tableLine.secondLine = lines[lines.length - 1]
            return tableLine

        function setMaxInLine(line, measure) {
            var maxLineSize = 0;
            _each(line, function(_, item) {
                if (!item) {
                maxLineSize = _max(maxLineSize, item[measure])
            _each(line, function(_, item) {
                if (!item) {
                item[measure] = maxLineSize

        function transpose(array) {
            var i, j, width = array.length,
                height = array[0].length,
                transposeArray = [];
            for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
                transposeArray[i] = [];
                for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                    transposeArray[i][j] = array[j][i]
            return transposeArray

        function getAlign(position) {
            switch (position) {
                case TOP:
                case BOTTOM:
                    return CENTER;
                case LEFT:
                    return RIGHT;
                case RIGHT:
                    return LEFT
        var getMarkerCreator = function(type) {
            return isCircle(type) ? createCircleMarker : createSquareMarker
        var _Legend = exports.Legend = function(settings) {
            var that = this;
            that._renderer = settings.renderer;
            that._legendGroup = settings.group;
            that._backgroundClass = settings.backgroundClass;
            that._itemGroupClass = settings.itemGroupClass;
            that._textField = settings.textField;
            that._getCustomizeObject = settings.getFormatObject
        var legendPrototype = _Legend.prototype = objectUtils.clone(layoutElementModule.LayoutElement.prototype);
        extend(legendPrototype, {
            constructor: _Legend,
            getOptions: function() {
                return this._options
            update: function(data, options) {
                var that = this;
                that._data = data;
                that._boundingRect = {
                    width: 0,
                    height: 0,
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0
                that._options = parseOptions(options, that._textField);
                return that
            draw: function(width, height) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    items = that._data;
                this._size = {
                    width: width,
                    height: height
                if (!(options && options.visible && items && items.length)) {
                    return that
                that._insideLegendGroup = renderer.g().append(that._legendGroup);
                if (that.getLayoutOptions().width > width || that.getLayoutOptions().height > height) {
                return that
            probeDraw: function(width, height) {
                return this.draw(width, height)
            _createItems: function(items) {
                var bBox, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    initMarkerSize = options.markerSize,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    maxBBoxHeight = 0,
                    createMarker = getMarkerCreator(options.markerShape || options.markerType);
                that._markersId = {};
                that._items = vizUtils.map(items, function(dataItem, i) {
                    var group = that._insideLegendGroup,
                        markerSize = _Number(dataItem.size > 0 ? dataItem.size : initMarkerSize),
                        stateOfDataItem = dataItem.states,
                        normalState = stateOfDataItem.normal,
                        normalStateFill = normalState.fill,
                        marker = createMarker(renderer, markerSize).attr({
                            fill: normalStateFill || options.markerColor,
                            opacity: normalState.opacity
                        label = that._createLabel(dataItem, group),
                        states = {
                            normal: {
                                fill: normalStateFill
                            hovered: getState(stateOfDataItem.hover, normalStateFill),
                            selected: getState(stateOfDataItem.selection, normalStateFill)
                        labelBBox = label.getBBox();
                    if (void 0 !== dataItem.id) {
                        that._markersId[dataItem.id] = i
                    bBox = getSizeItem(options, markerSize, labelBBox);
                    maxBBoxHeight = _max(maxBBoxHeight, bBox.height);
                    that._createHint(dataItem, label);
                    return {
                        label: label,
                        labelBBox: labelBBox,
                        group: group,
                        bBox: bBox,
                        marker: marker,
                        markerSize: markerSize,
                        tracker: {
                            id: dataItem.id,
                            argument: dataItem.argument,
                            argumentIndex: dataItem.argumentIndex
                        states: states,
                        itemTextPosition: options.itemTextPosition,
                        markerOffset: 0,
                        bBoxes: []
                if (options.equalRowHeight) {
                    _each(that._items, function(_, item) {
                        item.bBox.height = maxBBoxHeight
            _getItemData: function() {
                var items = this._data;
                if (this._options.inverted) {
                    items = items.slice().reverse()
                return items
            _finalUpdate: function(options) {
            erase: function() {
                var that = this,
                    insideLegendGroup = that._insideLegendGroup;
                insideLegendGroup && insideLegendGroup.dispose();
                that._insideLegendGroup = that._x1 = that._x2 = that._y2 = that._y2 = null;
                return that
            _locateElements: function(locationOptions) {
            _moveInInitialValues: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._legendGroup && that._legendGroup.move(0, 0);
                that._background && that._background.attr({
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: 0,
                    height: 0
            applySelected: function(id) {
                applyMarkerState(id, this._markersId, this._items, "selected");
                return this
            applyHover: function(id) {
                applyMarkerState(id, this._markersId, this._items, "hovered");
                return this
            resetItem: function(id) {
                applyMarkerState(id, this._markersId, this._items, "normal");
                return this
            _createLabel: function(data, group) {
                var labelFormatObject = this._getCustomizeObject(data),
                    align = getAlign(this._options.itemTextPosition),
                    text = this._options.customizeText.call(labelFormatObject, labelFormatObject),
                    fontStyle = _isDefined(data.textOpacity) ? _extend({}, this._options.font, {
                        opacity: data.textOpacity
                    }) : this._options.font;
                return this._renderer.text(text, 0, 0).css(vizUtils.patchFontOptions(fontStyle)).attr({
                    align: align
            _createHint: function(data, label) {
                var labelFormatObject = this._getCustomizeObject(data),
                    text = this._options.customizeHint.call(labelFormatObject, labelFormatObject);
                if (_isDefined(text) && "" !== text) {
            _createBackground: function() {
                var that = this,
                    isInside = that._options.position === INSIDE,
                    color = that._options.backgroundColor,
                    fill = color || (isInside ? that._options.containerBackgroundColor : NONE);
                if (that._options.border.visible || (isInside || color) && color !== NONE) {
                    that._background = that._renderer.rect(0, 0, 0, 0).attr({
                        fill: fill,
                        "class": that._backgroundClass
            _locateRowsColumns: function() {
                var lines, that = this,
                    iteration = 0,
                    layoutOptions = that._getItemsLayoutOptions(),
                    countItems = that._items.length;
                do {
                    lines = [];
                    that._createLines(lines, layoutOptions);
                    that._alignLines(lines, layoutOptions);
                } while (checkLinesSize(lines, layoutOptions, countItems) && iteration < countItems);
                that._applyItemPosition(lines, layoutOptions)
            _createLines: function(lines, layoutOptions) {
                _each(this._items, function(i, item) {
                    var firstItem, secondItem, tableLine = getLines(lines, layoutOptions, i),
                        labelBox = {
                            width: item.labelBBox.width,
                            height: item.labelBBox.height,
                            element: item.label,
                            bBox: item.labelBBox,
                            pos: getPos(layoutOptions),
                            itemIndex: i
                        markerBox = {
                            width: item.markerSize,
                            height: item.markerSize,
                            element: item.marker,
                            pos: {
                                horizontal: CENTER,
                                vertical: CENTER
                            bBox: {
                                width: item.markerSize,
                                height: item.markerSize,
                                x: 0,
                                y: 0
                            itemIndex: i
                        offsetDirection = layoutOptions.markerOffset ? "altOffset" : "offset";
                    if (layoutOptions.inverseLabelPosition) {
                        firstItem = labelBox;
                        secondItem = markerBox
                    } else {
                        firstItem = markerBox;
                        secondItem = labelBox
                    firstItem[offsetDirection] = layoutOptions.labelOffset;
            _alignLines: function(lines, layoutOptions) {
                var i, measure = layoutOptions.altMeasure;
                _each(lines, processLine);
                measure = layoutOptions.measure;
                if (layoutOptions.itemsAlignment) {
                    if (layoutOptions.markerOffset) {
                        for (i = 0; i < lines.length;) {
                            _each(transpose([lines[i++], lines[i++]]), processLine)
                } else {
                    _each(transpose(lines), processLine)

                function processLine(_, line) {
                    setMaxInLine(line, measure)
            _applyItemPosition: function(lines, layoutOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    position = {
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                    maxLineLength = getMaxLineLength(lines, layoutOptions);
                _each(lines, function(i, line) {
                    var firstItem = line[0],
                        altOffset = firstItem.altOffset || layoutOptions.altSpacing;
                    position[layoutOptions.direction] = getInitPositionForDirection(line, layoutOptions, maxLineLength);
                    _each(line, function(_, item) {
                        var offset = item.offset || layoutOptions.spacing,
                            wrap = new layoutElementModule.WrapperLayoutElement(item.element, item.bBox),
                            itemBBox = new layoutElementModule.WrapperLayoutElement(null, {
                                x: position.x,
                                y: position.y,
                                width: item.width,
                                height: item.height
                            itemLegend = that._items[item.itemIndex];
                        wrap.position({ of: itemBBox,
                            my: item.pos,
                            at: item.pos
                        position[layoutOptions.direction] += item[layoutOptions.measure] + offset
                    position[layoutOptions.altDirection] += firstItem[layoutOptions.altMeasure] + altOffset
                _each(this._items, function(_, item) {
                    var itemBBox = calculateBBoxLabelAndMarker(item.bBoxes[0].getLayoutOptions(), item.bBoxes[1].getLayoutOptions()),
                        horizontal = that._options.columnItemSpacing / 2,
                        vertical = that._options.rowItemSpacing / 2;
                    item.tracker.left = itemBBox.left - horizontal;
                    item.tracker.right = itemBBox.right + horizontal;
                    item.tracker.top = itemBBox.top - vertical;
                    item.tracker.bottom = itemBBox.bottom + vertical
            _getItemsLayoutOptions: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    orientation = options.orientation,
                    layoutOptions = {
                        itemsAlignment: options.itemsAlignment,
                        orientation: options.orientation
                    width = that._size.width - (that._background ? 2 * options.paddingLeftRight : 0),
                    height = that._size.height - (that._background ? 2 * options.paddingTopBottom : 0);
                if (orientation === HORIZONTAL) {
                    layoutOptions.length = width;
                    layoutOptions.spacing = options.columnItemSpacing;
                    layoutOptions.direction = "x";
                    layoutOptions.measure = WIDTH;
                    layoutOptions.altMeasure = HEIGHT;
                    layoutOptions.altDirection = "y";
                    layoutOptions.altSpacing = options.rowItemSpacing;
                    layoutOptions.countItem = options.columnCount;
                    layoutOptions.altCountItem = options.rowCount;
                    layoutOptions.marginTextLabel = 4;
                    layoutOptions.labelOffset = 7;
                    if (options.itemTextPosition === BOTTOM || options.itemTextPosition === TOP) {
                        layoutOptions.labelOffset = 4;
                        layoutOptions.markerOffset = true
                } else {
                    layoutOptions.length = height;
                    layoutOptions.spacing = options.rowItemSpacing;
                    layoutOptions.direction = "y";
                    layoutOptions.measure = HEIGHT;
                    layoutOptions.altMeasure = WIDTH;
                    layoutOptions.altDirection = "x";
                    layoutOptions.altSpacing = options.columnItemSpacing;
                    layoutOptions.countItem = options.rowCount;
                    layoutOptions.altCountItem = options.columnCount;
                    layoutOptions.marginTextLabel = 7;
                    layoutOptions.labelOffset = 4;
                    if (options.itemTextPosition === RIGHT || options.itemTextPosition === LEFT) {
                        layoutOptions.labelOffset = 7;
                        layoutOptions.markerOffset = true
                if (!layoutOptions.countItem) {
                    if (layoutOptions.altCountItem) {
                        layoutOptions.countItem = _ceil(that._items.length / layoutOptions.altCountItem)
                    } else {
                        layoutOptions.countItem = that._items.length
                if (options.itemTextPosition === TOP || options.itemTextPosition === LEFT) {
                    layoutOptions.inverseLabelPosition = true
                layoutOptions.itemTextPosition = options.itemTextPosition;
                layoutOptions.altCountItem = layoutOptions.altCountItem || _ceil(that._items.length / layoutOptions.countItem);
                return layoutOptions
            _adjustBackgroundSettings: function(locationOptions) {
                if (!this._background) {
                var border = locationOptions.border,
                    legendBox = this._insideLegendGroup.getBBox(),
                    backgroundSettings = {
                        x: _round(legendBox.x - locationOptions.paddingLeftRight),
                        y: _round(legendBox.y - locationOptions.paddingTopBottom),
                        width: _round(legendBox.width) + 2 * locationOptions.paddingLeftRight,
                        height: _round(legendBox.height) + 2 * locationOptions.paddingTopBottom,
                        opacity: locationOptions.backgroundOpacity
                if (border.visible && border.width && border.color && border.color !== NONE) {
                    backgroundSettings["stroke-width"] = border.width;
                    backgroundSettings.stroke = border.color;
                    backgroundSettings["stroke-opacity"] = border.opacity;
                    backgroundSettings.dashStyle = border.dashStyle;
                    backgroundSettings.rx = border.cornerRadius || 0;
                    backgroundSettings.ry = border.cornerRadius || 0
            _setBoundingRect: function(margin) {
                if (!this._insideLegendGroup) {
                var box = this._insideLegendGroup.getBBox();
                box.height += margin.top + margin.bottom;
                box.width += margin.left + margin.right;
                box.x -= margin.left;
                box.y -= margin.top;
                this._boundingRect = box
            getActionCallback: function(point) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._options.visible) {
                    return function(act) {
                } else {
                    return commonUtils.noop
            getLayoutOptions: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    boundingRect = this._insideLegendGroup ? this._boundingRect : {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0,
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                if (options) {
                    boundingRect.verticalAlignment = options.verticalAlignment;
                    boundingRect.horizontalAlignment = options.horizontalAlignment;
                    if (options.orientation === HORIZONTAL) {
                        boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.verticalAlignment;
                        boundingRect.cutSide = "vertical"
                    } else {
                        if (options.horizontalAlignment === CENTER) {
                            boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.verticalAlignment;
                            boundingRect.cutSide = "vertical"
                        } else {
                            boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.horizontalAlignment;
                            boundingRect.cutSide = "horizontal"
                    boundingRect.position = {
                        horizontal: options.horizontalAlignment,
                        vertical: options.verticalAlignment
                    return boundingRect
                return null
            shift: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    box = {};
                if (that._insideLegendGroup) {
                        translateX: x - that._boundingRect.x,
                        translateY: y - that._boundingRect.y
                    box = that._legendGroup.getBBox()
                that._x1 = box.x;
                that._y1 = box.y;
                that._x2 = box.x + box.width;
                that._y2 = box.y + box.height;
                return that
            getPosition: function() {
                return this._options.position
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                return x >= this._x1 && x <= this._x2 && y >= this._y1 && y <= this._y2
            getItemByCoord: function(x, y) {
                var items = this._items,
                    legendGroup = this._insideLegendGroup;
                x -= legendGroup.attr("translateX");
                y -= legendGroup.attr("translateY");
                for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                    if (inRect(items[i].tracker, x, y)) {
                        return items[i].tracker
                return null
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._legendGroup = that._insideLegendGroup = that._renderer = that._options = that._data = that._items = null;
                return that
        var __getMarkerCreator = getMarkerCreator;
        exports._DEBUG_stubMarkerCreator = function(callback) {
            getMarkerCreator = function() {
                return callback
        exports._DEBUG_restoreMarkerCreator = function() {
            getMarkerCreator = __getMarkerCreator
      !*** ./js/viz/core/layout_element.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            _round = Math.round,
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            defaultOffset = {
                horizontal: 0,
                vertical: 0
            alignFactors = {
                center: .5,
                right: 1,
                bottom: 1,
                left: 0,
                top: 0

        function LayoutElement(options) {
            this._options = options
        LayoutElement.prototype = {
            constructor: LayoutElement,
            position: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    ofBBox = options.of.getLayoutOptions(),
                    myBBox = that.getLayoutOptions(),
                    at = options.at,
                    my = options.my,
                    offset = options.offset || defaultOffset,
                    shiftX = -alignFactors[my.horizontal] * myBBox.width + ofBBox.x + alignFactors[at.horizontal] * ofBBox.width + parseInt(offset.horizontal),
                    shiftY = -alignFactors[my.vertical] * myBBox.height + ofBBox.y + alignFactors[at.vertical] * ofBBox.height + parseInt(offset.vertical);
                that.shift(_round(shiftX), _round(shiftY))
            getLayoutOptions: noop

        function WrapperLayoutElement(renderElement, bBox) {
            this._renderElement = renderElement;
            this._cacheBBox = bBox
        var wrapperLayoutElementPrototype = WrapperLayoutElement.prototype = objectUtils.clone(LayoutElement.prototype);
        wrapperLayoutElementPrototype.constructor = WrapperLayoutElement;
        wrapperLayoutElementPrototype.getLayoutOptions = function() {
            return this._cacheBBox || this._renderElement.getBBox()
        wrapperLayoutElementPrototype.shift = function(shiftX, shiftY) {
            var bBox = this.getLayoutOptions();
            this._renderElement.move(_round(shiftX - bBox.x), _round(shiftY - bBox.y))
        exports.LayoutElement = LayoutElement;
        exports.WrapperLayoutElement = WrapperLayoutElement
      !*** ./js/viz/components/data_validator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            STRING = "string",
            NUMERIC = "numeric",
            DATETIME = "datetime",
            DISCRETE = "discrete",
            SEMIDISCRETE = "semidiscrete",
            CONTINUOUS = "continuous",
            LOGARITHMIC = "logarithmic",
            VALUE_TYPE = "valueType",
            ARGUMENT_TYPE = "argumentType",
            axisTypeParser = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).enumParser([STRING, NUMERIC, DATETIME]),
            _getParser = __webpack_require__( /*! ./parse_utils */ 524).getParser,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isFunction = commonUtils.isFunction,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _isDate = commonUtils.isDate,
            _isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            _isObject = commonUtils.isObject;

        function groupingValues(data, others, valueField, index) {
            if (index >= 0) {
                data.slice(index).forEach(function(cell) {
                    if (_isDefined(cell[valueField])) {
                        others[valueField] += cell[valueField];
                        cell[valueField] = cell["original" + valueField] = void 0

        function processGroups(groups) {
            groups.forEach(function(group) {
                group.valueType = group.valueAxisType = null;
                group.series.forEach(function(series) {
                group.valueAxis && group.valueAxis.resetTypes(VALUE_TYPE)

        function resetArgumentAxes(axes) {
            axes && axes.forEach(function(axis) {

        function parseCategories(categories, parser) {
            var newArray = [];
            categories.forEach(function(category) {
                var parsedCategory = parser(category);
                void 0 !== parsedCategory && newArray.push(parsedCategory)
            return newArray

        function parseAxisCategories(groupsData, parsers) {
            var argumentCategories = groupsData.argumentOptions && groupsData.argumentOptions.categories,
                valueParser = parsers[1];
            groupsData.groups.forEach(function(valueGroup) {
                var categories = valueGroup.valueOptions && valueGroup.valueOptions.categories;
                if (categories) {
                    valueGroup.valueOptions.categories = parseCategories(categories, valueParser)
            if (argumentCategories) {
                groupsData.argumentOptions.categories = parseCategories(argumentCategories, parsers[0])

        function filterForLogAxis(val, field, incidentOccurred) {
            if (val <= 0 && null !== val) {
                incidentOccurred("E2004", [field]);
                val = null
            return val

        function eigen(x) {
            return x

        function getType(unit, type) {
            var result = type;
            if (type === STRING || _isString(unit)) {
                result = STRING
            } else {
                if (type === DATETIME || _isDate(unit)) {
                    result = DATETIME
                } else {
                    if (_isNumber(unit)) {
                        result = NUMERIC
            return result

        function correctAxisType(type, axisType, hasCategories, incidentOccurred) {
            if (type === STRING && (axisType === CONTINUOUS || axisType === LOGARITHMIC || axisType === SEMIDISCRETE)) {
            return axisType === LOGARITHMIC ? LOGARITHMIC : hasCategories || axisType === DISCRETE || type === STRING ? DISCRETE : axisType === SEMIDISCRETE ? SEMIDISCRETE : CONTINUOUS

        function validUnit(unit, field, incidentOccurred) {
            if (unit) {
                incidentOccurred(!_isNumber(unit) && !_isDate(unit) && !_isString(unit) ? "E2003" : "E2004", [field])

        function createParserUnit(type, axisType, ignoreEmptyPoints, skipFields, incidentOccurred) {
            var parser = type ? _getParser(type) : eigen,
                filter = axisType === LOGARITHMIC ? filterForLogAxis : eigen,
                filterInfinity = axisType !== DISCRETE ? function(x) {
                    return isFinite(x) || void 0 === x ? x : null
                } : eigen,
                filterNulls = ignoreEmptyPoints ? function(x) {
                    return null === x ? void 0 : x
                } : eigen;
            return function(unit, field) {
                var filterLogValues = function(x) {
                        return filter(x, field, incidentOccurred)
                    parseUnit = filterNulls(filterLogValues(filterInfinity(parser(unit))));
                if (void 0 === parseUnit) {
                    skipFields[field] = (skipFields[field] || 0) + 1;
                    validUnit(unit, field, incidentOccurred)
                return parseUnit

        function prepareParsers(groupsData, skipFields, incidentOccurred) {
            var sizeParser, valueParser, ignoreEmptyPoints, argumentParser = createParserUnit(groupsData.argumentType, groupsData.argumentAxisType, false, skipFields, incidentOccurred),
                categoryParsers = [argumentParser],
                cache = {},
                list = [];
            groupsData.groups.forEach(function(group) {
                group.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    ignoreEmptyPoints = series.getOptions().ignoreEmptyPoints;
                    valueParser = createParserUnit(group.valueType, group.valueAxisType, ignoreEmptyPoints, skipFields, incidentOccurred);
                    sizeParser = createParserUnit(NUMERIC, CONTINUOUS, ignoreEmptyPoints, skipFields, incidentOccurred);
                    cache[series.getArgumentField()] = argumentParser;
                    series.getValueFields().forEach(function(field) {
                        !categoryParsers[1] && (categoryParsers[1] = valueParser);
                        cache[field] = valueParser
                    if (series.getSizeField()) {
                        cache[series.getSizeField()] = sizeParser
                    if (series.getTagField()) {
                        cache[series.getTagField()] = eigen
            for (var field in cache) {
                list.push([field, cache[field]])
            list.length && parseAxisCategories(groupsData, categoryParsers);
            return list

        function getParsedCell(cell, parsers) {
            var i, field, value, ii = parsers.length,
                obj = {};
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                field = parsers[i][0];
                value = cell[field];
                obj[field] = parsers[i][1](value, field);
                obj["original" + field] = value
            return obj

        function parse(data, parsers) {
            var i, parsedData = [],
                ii = data.length;
            parsedData.length = ii;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                parsedData[i] = getParsedCell(data[i], parsers)
            return parsedData

        function findIndexByThreshold(data, valueField, threshold) {
            var i, value, ii = data.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                value = data[i][valueField];
                if (_isDefined(value) && threshold > value) {
            return i

        function groupMinSlices(originalData, argumentField, valueField, smallValuesGrouping) {
            smallValuesGrouping = smallValuesGrouping || {};
            var data, mode = smallValuesGrouping.mode,
                others = {};
            if (!mode || "none" === mode) {
            others[argumentField] = String(smallValuesGrouping.groupName || "others");
            others[valueField] = 0;
            data = originalData.slice();
            data.sort(function(a, b) {
                var isA = _isDefined(a[valueField]) ? 1 : 0,
                    isB = _isDefined(b[valueField]) ? 1 : 0;
                return isA && isB ? b[valueField] - a[valueField] : isB - isA
            groupingValues(data, others, valueField, "smallValueThreshold" === mode ? findIndexByThreshold(data, valueField, smallValuesGrouping.threshold) : smallValuesGrouping.topCount);
            others[valueField] && originalData.push(others)

        function groupPieData(data, groupsData) {
            var firstSeries = groupsData.groups[0] && groupsData.groups[0].series[0],
                isPie = firstSeries && ("pie" === firstSeries.type || "doughnut" === firstSeries.type || "donut" === firstSeries.type);
            if (!isPie) {
            groupsData.groups.forEach(function(group) {
                group.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    groupMinSlices(data, series.getArgumentField(), series.getValueFields()[0], series.getOptions().smallValuesGrouping)

        function addUniqueItemToCollection(item, collection, itemsHash) {
            if (!itemsHash[item]) {
                itemsHash[item] = true

        function getUniqueArgumentFields(groupsData) {
            var uniqueArgumentFields = [],
                hash = {};
            groupsData.groups.forEach(function(group) {
                group.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    addUniqueItemToCollection(series.getArgumentField(), uniqueArgumentFields, hash)
            return uniqueArgumentFields

        function sort(a, b) {
            var result = a - b;
            if (isNaN(result)) {
                if (!_isDefined(a)) {
                    return 1
                if (!_isDefined(b)) {
                    return -1
                return 0
            return result

        function sortByArgument(data, argumentField) {
            return data.slice().sort(function(a, b) {
                return sort(a[argumentField], b[argumentField])

        function sortByCallback(data, callback) {
            return data.slice().sort(callback)

        function checkValueTypeOfGroup(group, cell) {
            group.series.forEach(function(series) {
                series.getValueFields().forEach(function(field) {
                    group.valueType = getType(cell[field], group.valueType)
            return group.valueType

        function getSortByCategories(categories) {
            var hash = {};
            categories.forEach(function(value, i) {
                hash[value] = i
            return function(data, argumentField) {
                return data.slice().sort(function(a, b) {
                    return hash[a[argumentField]] - hash[b[argumentField]]

        function sortData(data, groupsData, sortingMethodOption, uniqueArgumentFields) {
            var reSortCategories, dataByArguments = {},
                isDiscrete = groupsData.argumentAxisType === DISCRETE,
                userCategories = isDiscrete && groupsData.argumentOptions && groupsData.argumentOptions.categories,
                sortFunction = function(data) {
                    return data
            if (!userCategories && _isFunction(sortingMethodOption)) {
                data = sortByCallback(data, sortingMethodOption)
            if (isDiscrete) {
                groupsData.categories = getCategories(data, uniqueArgumentFields, userCategories)
            if (userCategories || !_isFunction(sortingMethodOption) && groupsData.argumentType === STRING) {
                sortFunction = getSortByCategories(groupsData.categories)
            } else {
                if (true === sortingMethodOption && groupsData.argumentType !== STRING) {
                    sortFunction = sortByArgument;
                    reSortCategories = isDiscrete
            uniqueArgumentFields.forEach(function(field) {
                dataByArguments[field] = sortFunction(data, field)
            if (reSortCategories) {
                groupsData.categories = groupsData.categories.sort(sort)
            return dataByArguments

        function checkItemExistence(collection, item) {
            return collection.map(function(collectionItem) {
                return collectionItem.valueOf()
            }).indexOf(item.valueOf()) === -1

        function getCategories(data, uniqueArgumentFields, userCategories) {
            var categories = userCategories ? userCategories.slice() : [];
            uniqueArgumentFields.forEach(function(field) {
                data.forEach(function(item) {
                    var dataItem = item[field];
                    _isDefined(dataItem) && checkItemExistence(categories, dataItem) && categories.push(dataItem)
            return categories

        function checkArgumentTypeOfGroup(series, cell, groupsData) {
            series.forEach(function(currentSeries) {
                groupsData.argumentType = getType(cell[currentSeries.getArgumentField()], groupsData.argumentType)
            return groupsData.argumentType

        function checkType(data, groupsData, checkTypeForAllData) {
            var groupsIndexes, groupsWithUndefinedValueType = [],
                groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType = [],
                argumentTypeGroup = groupsData.argumentOptions && axisTypeParser(groupsData.argumentOptions.argumentType);
            groupsData.groups.forEach(function(group) {
                if (!group.series.length) {
                var valueTypeGroup = group.valueOptions && axisTypeParser(group.valueOptions.valueType);
                group.valueType = valueTypeGroup;
                groupsData.argumentType = argumentTypeGroup;
                !valueTypeGroup && groupsWithUndefinedValueType.push(group);
                !argumentTypeGroup && groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType.push(group)
            if (groupsWithUndefinedValueType.length || groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType.length) {
                groupsIndexes = groupsWithUndefinedValueType.map(function(_, index) {
                    return index
                data.some(function(cell) {
                    var defineArg;
                    groupsWithUndefinedValueType.forEach(function(group, groupIndex) {
                        if (checkValueTypeOfGroup(group, cell) && groupsIndexes.indexOf(groupIndex) >= 0) {
                            groupsIndexes.splice(groupIndex, 1)
                    if (!defineArg) {
                        groupsWithUndefinedArgumentType.forEach(function(group) {
                            defineArg = checkArgumentTypeOfGroup(group.series, cell, groupsData)
                    if (!checkTypeForAllData && defineArg && 0 === groupsIndexes.length) {
                        return true

        function checkAxisType(groupsData, incidentOccurred) {
            var argumentOptions = groupsData.argumentOptions || {},
                userArgumentCategories = argumentOptions && argumentOptions.categories || [],
                argumentAxisType = correctAxisType(groupsData.argumentType, argumentOptions.type, !!userArgumentCategories.length, incidentOccurred);
            groupsData.groups.forEach(function(group) {
                var valueOptions = group.valueOptions || {},
                    valueCategories = valueOptions.categories || [],
                    valueAxisType = correctAxisType(group.valueType, valueOptions.type, !!valueCategories.length, incidentOccurred);
                group.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    var optionsSeries = {};
                    optionsSeries.argumentAxisType = argumentAxisType;
                    optionsSeries.valueAxisType = valueAxisType;
                    groupsData.argumentAxisType = groupsData.argumentAxisType || optionsSeries.argumentAxisType;
                    group.valueAxisType = group.valueAxisType || optionsSeries.valueAxisType;
                    optionsSeries.argumentType = groupsData.argumentType;
                    optionsSeries.valueType = group.valueType;
                    optionsSeries.showZero = valueOptions.showZero;
                group.valueAxisType = group.valueAxisType || valueAxisType;
                if (group.valueAxis) {
                    group.valueAxis.setTypes(group.valueAxisType, group.valueType, VALUE_TYPE);
            groupsData.argumentAxisType = groupsData.argumentAxisType || argumentAxisType;
            if (groupsData.argumentAxes) {
                groupsData.argumentAxes.forEach(function(axis) {
                    axis.setTypes(groupsData.argumentAxisType, groupsData.argumentType, ARGUMENT_TYPE);

        function verifyData(source, incidentOccurred) {
            var i, ii, k, item, data = [],
                sourceIsDefined = _isDefined(source),
                hasError = sourceIsDefined && !_isArray(source);
            if (sourceIsDefined && !hasError) {
                for (i = 0, ii = source.length, k = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    item = source[i];
                    if (_isObject(item)) {
                        data[k++] = item
                    } else {
                        if (item) {
                            hasError = true
            if (hasError) {
            return data

        function validateData(data, groupsData, incidentOccurred, options) {
            var dataByArgumentFields, field, skipFields = {};
            data = verifyData(data, incidentOccurred);
            groupsData.argumentType = groupsData.argumentAxisType = null;
            checkType(data, groupsData, options.checkTypeForAllData);
            checkAxisType(groupsData, incidentOccurred);
            if (options.convertToAxisDataType) {
                data = parse(data, prepareParsers(groupsData, skipFields, incidentOccurred))
            groupPieData(data, groupsData);
            dataByArgumentFields = sortData(data, groupsData, options.sortingMethod, getUniqueArgumentFields(groupsData));
            for (field in skipFields) {
                if (skipFields[field] === data.length) {
                    incidentOccurred("W2002", [field])
            return dataByArgumentFields
        exports.validateData = validateData
      !*** ./js/viz/components/parse_utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            dateSerialization = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date_serialization */ 259),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            parsers = {
                string: function(val) {
                    return isDefined(val) ? "" + val : val
                numeric: function(val) {
                    if (!isDefined(val)) {
                        return val
                    var parsedVal = Number(val);
                    if (isNaN(parsedVal)) {
                        parsedVal = void 0
                    return parsedVal
                datetime: function(val) {
                    if (!isDefined(val)) {
                        return val
                    var parsedVal, numVal = Number(val);
                    if (!isNaN(numVal)) {
                        parsedVal = new Date(numVal)
                    } else {
                        parsedVal = dateSerialization.deserializeDate(val)
                    if (isNaN(Number(parsedVal))) {
                        parsedVal = void 0
                    return parsedVal

        function correctValueType(type) {
            return "numeric" === type || "datetime" === type || "string" === type ? type : ""
        module.exports = {
            correctValueType: correctValueType,
            getParser: function(valueType) {
                return parsers[correctValueType(valueType)] || commonUtils.noop
        module.exports.parsers = parsers
      !*** ./js/viz/series/base_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            seriesNS = {},
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            pointModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./points/base_point */ 526),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _each = $.each,
            _extend = extend,
            _isEmptyObject = typeUtils.isEmptyObject,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            _Event = $.Event,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            _inArray = inArray,
            states = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/consts */ 527).states,
            rangeCalculator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./helpers/range_data_calculator */ 539),
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540),
            lineSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./line_series */ 541),
            areaSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./area_series */ 542),
            barSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_series */ 543),
            rangeSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./range_series */ 544),
            bubbleSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bubble_series */ 545),
            pieSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pie_series */ 546),
            financialSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./financial_series */ 547),
            stackedSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./stacked_series */ 548),
            DISCRETE = "discrete",
            SELECTED_STATE = states.selectedMark,
            HOVER_STATE = states.hoverMark,
            HOVER = states.hover,
            NORMAL = states.normal,
            SELECTION = states.selection,
            APPLY_SELECTED = states.applySelected,
            APPLY_HOVER = states.applyHover,
            RESET_ITEM = states.resetItem,
            NONE_MODE = "none",
            INCLUDE_POINTS = "includepoints",
            NEAREST_POINT = "nearestpoint",
            SERIES_SELECTION_CHANGED = "seriesSelectionChanged",
            POINT_SELECTION_CHANGED = "pointSelectionChanged",
            SERIES_HOVER_CHANGED = "seriesHoverChanged",
            POINT_HOVER_CHANGED = "pointHoverChanged",
            ALL_SERIES_POINTS = "allseriespoints",
            ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS = "allargumentpoints",
            POINT_HOVER = "pointHover",
            CLEAR_POINT_HOVER = "clearPointHover",
            SERIES_SELECT = "seriesSelect",
            POINT_SELECT = "pointSelect",
            POINT_DESELECT = "pointDeselect",
            getEmptyBusinessRange = function() {
                return {
                    arg: {},
                    val: {}

        function triggerEvent(element, event, point) {
            element && element.trigger(event, point)
        seriesNS.mixins = {
            chart: {},
            pie: {},
            polar: {}
        seriesNS.mixins.chart.scatter = scatterSeries.chart;
        seriesNS.mixins.polar.scatter = scatterSeries.polar;
        extend(seriesNS.mixins.pie, pieSeries);
        extend(seriesNS.mixins.chart, lineSeries.chart, areaSeries.chart, barSeries.chart, rangeSeries.chart, bubbleSeries.chart, financialSeries, stackedSeries.chart);
        extend(seriesNS.mixins.polar, lineSeries.polar, areaSeries.polar, barSeries.polar, rangeSeries.polar, bubbleSeries.polar, stackedSeries.polar);

        function includePointsMode(mode) {
            mode = _normalizeEnum(mode);
            return mode === INCLUDE_POINTS || mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS

        function getLabelOptions(labelOptions, defaultColor) {
            var opt = labelOptions || {},
                labelFont = _extend({}, opt.font) || {},
                labelBorder = opt.border || {},
                labelConnector = opt.connector || {},
                backgroundAttr = {
                    fill: opt.backgroundColor || defaultColor,
                    "stroke-width": labelBorder.visible ? labelBorder.width || 0 : 0,
                    stroke: labelBorder.visible && labelBorder.width ? labelBorder.color : "none",
                    dashStyle: labelBorder.dashStyle
                connectorAttr = {
                    stroke: labelConnector.visible && labelConnector.width ? labelConnector.color || defaultColor : "none",
                    "stroke-width": labelConnector.visible ? labelConnector.width || 0 : 0
            labelFont.color = "none" === opt.backgroundColor && "#ffffff" === _normalizeEnum(labelFont.color) && "inside" !== opt.position ? defaultColor : labelFont.color;
            return {
                alignment: opt.alignment,
                format: opt.format,
                argumentFormat: opt.argumentFormat,
                precision: opt.precision,
                argumentPrecision: opt.argumentPrecision,
                percentPrecision: opt.percentPrecision,
                customizeText: commonUtils.isFunction(opt.customizeText) ? opt.customizeText : void 0,
                attributes: {
                    font: labelFont
                visible: 0 !== labelFont.size ? opt.visible : false,
                showForZeroValues: opt.showForZeroValues,
                horizontalOffset: opt.horizontalOffset,
                verticalOffset: opt.verticalOffset,
                radialOffset: opt.radialOffset,
                background: backgroundAttr,
                position: opt.position,
                connector: connectorAttr,
                rotationAngle: opt.rotationAngle

        function setPointHoverState(point, legendCallback) {
            point.fullState |= HOVER_STATE;

        function releasePointHoverState(point, legendCallback) {
            point.fullState &= ~HOVER_STATE;

        function setPointSelectedState(point, legendCallback) {
            point.fullState |= SELECTED_STATE;

        function releasePointSelectedState(point, legendCallback) {
            point.fullState &= ~SELECTED_STATE;

        function mergePointOptionsCore(base, extra) {
            var options = _extend({}, base, extra);
            options.border = _extend({}, base && base.border, extra && extra.border);
            return options

        function mergePointOptions(base, extra) {
            var options = mergePointOptionsCore(base, extra);
            options.image = _extend(true, {}, base.image, extra.image);
            options.selectionStyle = mergePointOptionsCore(base.selectionStyle, extra.selectionStyle);
            options.hoverStyle = mergePointOptionsCore(base.hoverStyle, extra.hoverStyle);
            return options

        function Series(settings, options) {
            var that = this;
            that.fullState = 0;
            that._extGroups = settings;
            that._renderer = settings.renderer;
            that._group = settings.renderer.g().attr({
                "class": "dxc-series"
            that._eventTrigger = settings.eventTrigger;
            that._eventPipe = settings.eventPipe;
            that._seriesModes = settings.commonSeriesModes;
            that._valueAxis = settings.valueAxis;
            that.axis = that._valueAxis && that._valueAxis.name;
            that._argumentAxis = settings.argumentAxis;
            that._legendCallback = _noop;
        exports.Series = Series;
        exports.mixins = seriesNS.mixins;
        Series.prototype = {
            constructor: Series,
            _createLegendState: _noop,
            getLegendStyles: function() {
                return this._styles.legendStyles
            _createStyles: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    mainSeriesColor = options.mainSeriesColor;
                that._styles = {
                    normal: that._parseStyle(options, mainSeriesColor, mainSeriesColor),
                    hover: that._parseStyle(options.hoverStyle || {}, mainSeriesColor, mainSeriesColor),
                    selection: that._parseStyle(options.selectionStyle || {}, mainSeriesColor, mainSeriesColor),
                    legendStyles: {
                        normal: that._createLegendState(options, mainSeriesColor),
                        hover: that._createLegendState(options.hoverStyle || {}, mainSeriesColor),
                        selection: that._createLegendState(options.selectionStyle || {}, mainSeriesColor)
            setClippingParams: function(baseId, wideId, forceClipping) {
                this._paneClipRectID = baseId;
                this._widePaneClipRectID = wideId;
                this._forceClipping = forceClipping
            applyClip: function() {
                    "clip-path": this._paneClipRectID
            resetClip: function() {
                    "clip-path": null
            getTagField: function() {
                return this._options.tagField || "tag"
            getValueFields: _noop,
            getSizeField: _noop,
            getArgumentField: _noop,
            getPoints: function() {
                return this._points
            _createPoint: function(data, pointsArray, index) {
                data.index = index;
                var options, arg, pointByArgument, that = this,
                    point = pointsArray[index],
                    pointsByArgument = that.pointsByArgument;
                if (that._checkData(data)) {
                    options = that._getCreatingPointOptions(data);
                    if (point) {
                        point.update(data, options)
                    } else {
                        point = new pointModule.Point(that, data, options);
                        if (that.isSelected() && includePointsMode(that.lastSelectionMode)) {
                    if (point.hasValue()) {
                        that.customizePoint(point, data)
                    arg = point.argument.valueOf();
                    pointByArgument = pointsByArgument[arg];
                    if (pointByArgument) {
                    } else {
                        pointsByArgument[arg] = [point]
                    return true
            getRangeData: function(zoomArgs, calcIntervalFunction) {
                if (this._visible) {
                    var range = this._getRangeData();
                    return range
                return getEmptyBusinessRange()
            getViewport: function() {
                return rangeCalculator.getViewport(this)
            _deleteGroup: function(groupName) {
                var group = this[groupName];
                if (group) {
                    this[groupName] = null
            _saveOldAnimationMethods: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._oldClearingAnimation = that._clearingAnimation;
                that._oldUpdateElement = that._updateElement;
                that._oldGetAffineCoordOptions = that._getAffineCoordOptions
            _deleteOldAnimationMethods: function() {
                this._oldClearingAnimation = null;
                this._oldUpdateElement = null;
                this._oldGetAffineCoordOptions = null
            updateOptions: function(newOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    widgetType = newOptions.widgetType,
                    oldType = that.type,
                    newType = newOptions.type;
                that.type = newType && _normalizeEnum(newType.toString());
                if (!that._checkType(widgetType) || that._checkPolarBarType(widgetType, newOptions)) {
                    that.isUpdated = false;
                if (oldType !== that.type) {
                    that._firstDrawing = true;
                    that._resetType(oldType, widgetType);
                    that._setType(that.type, widgetType)
                that._options = newOptions;
                that._pointOptions = null;
                that.name = newOptions.name;
                that.pane = newOptions.pane;
                that.tag = newOptions.tag;
                that._visible = newOptions.visible;
                that.isUpdated = true;
            _disposePoints: function(points) {
                _each(points || [], function(_, p) {
            _correctPointsLength: function(length, points) {
                this._oldPoints = points.splice(length, points.length)
            getErrorBarRangeCorrector: _noop,
            updateDataType: function(settings) {
                var that = this;
                that.argumentType = settings.argumentType;
                that.valueType = settings.valueType;
                that.argumentAxisType = settings.argumentAxisType;
                that.valueAxisType = settings.valueAxisType;
                that.showZero = settings.showZero;
                return that
            getOptions: function() {
                return this._options
            _resetRangeData: function() {
                this._rangeData = getEmptyBusinessRange()
            updateData: function(data) {
                var that = this,
                    points = that._originalPoints || [],
                    lastPointIndex = 0,
                    options = that._options,
                    i = 0,
                    len = data.length;
                that.pointsByArgument = {};
                if (data && data.length) {
                    that._canRenderCompleteHandle = true
                while (i < len) {
                    if (that._createPoint(that._getPointData(data[i], options), points, lastPointIndex)) {
                that._aggregatedPoints = null;
                that._points = that._originalPoints = points;
                that._correctPointsLength(lastPointIndex, points);
            getTemplateFields: function() {
                return this.getValueFields().concat(this.getTagField(), this.getSizeField()).map(function(field) {
                    return {
                        templateField: field + this.name,
                        originalField: field
                }, this)
            resamplePoints: function(canvasLength) {
                var categories, discreteMin, discreteMax, count, tickInterval, that = this,
                    sizePoint = that._getPointSize(),
                    pointsLength = that.getAllPoints().length,
                    argumentAxis = that.getArgumentAxis(),
                    viewport = argumentAxis.getViewport(),
                    min = viewport && viewport.min,
                    max = viewport && viewport.max,
                    argTranslator = argumentAxis.getTranslator(),
                    isDiscrete = that.argumentAxisType === DISCRETE || that.valueAxisType === DISCRETE,
                    businessRange = argTranslator.getBusinessRange(),
                    minMaxDefined = _isDefined(min) && _isDefined(max);
                if (pointsLength && pointsLength > 1) {
                    count = canvasLength / sizePoint;
                    count = count <= 1 ? 1 : count;
                    if (isDiscrete) {
                        if (that.argumentAxisType === DISCRETE) {
                            categories = businessRange.categories;
                            discreteMin = _inArray(min, categories);
                            discreteMax = _inArray(max, categories);
                            if (discreteMin !== -1 && discreteMax !== -1) {
                                categories = categories.slice(discreteMin, discreteMax + 1)
                            pointsLength = categories.length
                        tickInterval = Math.ceil(pointsLength / count)
                    } else {
                        tickInterval = (minMaxDefined ? max - min : businessRange.maxVisible - businessRange.minVisible) / count
                    that._points = that._resample(tickInterval, min - tickInterval, max + tickInterval, minMaxDefined)
            _removeOldSegments: function(startIndex) {
                var that = this;
                _each(that._graphics.splice(startIndex, that._graphics.length) || [], function(_, elem) {
                if (that._trackers) {
                    _each(that._trackers.splice(startIndex, that._trackers.length) || [], function(_, elem) {
            draw: function(animationEnabled, hideLayoutLabels, legendCallback) {
                var drawComplete, that = this;
                if (that._oldClearingAnimation && animationEnabled && that._firstDrawing) {
                    drawComplete = function() {
                        that._draw(true, hideLayoutLabels)
                } else {
                    that._draw(animationEnabled, hideLayoutLabels, legendCallback)
            _draw: function(animationEnabled, hideLayoutLabels, legendCallback) {
                var groupForPoint, that = this,
                    points = that._points || [],
                    segment = [],
                    segmentCount = 0,
                    firstDrawing = that._firstDrawing,
                    closeSegment = points[0] && points[0].hasValue() && that._options.closed;
                that._legendCallback = legendCallback || that._legendCallback;
                that._graphics = that._graphics || [];
                if (!that._visible) {
                    animationEnabled = false;
                that._setGroupsSettings(animationEnabled, firstDrawing);
                that._segments = [];
                that._drawnPoints = [];
                that._firstDrawing = points.length ? false : true;
                groupForPoint = {
                    markers: that._markersGroup,
                    errorBars: that._errorBarGroup
                _each(points, function(i, p) {
                    if (p.hasValue()) {
                            point: p,
                            groups: groupForPoint,
                            hasAnimation: animationEnabled,
                            firstDrawing: firstDrawing
                    } else {
                        if (segment.length) {
                            that._drawSegment(segment, animationEnabled, segmentCount++);
                            segment = []
                segment.length && that._drawSegment(segment, animationEnabled, segmentCount++, closeSegment);
                that._defaultSegments = that._generateDefaultSegments();
                hideLayoutLabels && that.hideLabels();
                animationEnabled && that._animate(firstDrawing);
                if (that.isSelected()) {
                    that._changeStyle(that.lastSelectionMode, void 0, true)
                } else {
                    if (that.isHovered()) {
                        that._changeStyle(that.lastHoverMode, void 0, true)
            _setLabelGroupSettings: function(animationEnabled) {
                var settings = {
                    "class": "dxc-labels"
                animationEnabled && (settings.opacity = .001);
            _checkType: function(widgetType) {
                return !!seriesNS.mixins[widgetType][this.type]
            _checkPolarBarType: function(widgetType, options) {
                return "polar" === widgetType && options.spiderWidget && this.type.indexOf("bar") !== -1
            _resetType: function(seriesType, widgetType) {
                var methodName, methods;
                if (seriesType) {
                    methods = seriesNS.mixins[widgetType][seriesType];
                    for (methodName in methods) {
                        delete this[methodName]
            _setType: function(seriesType, widgetType) {
                var methodName, methods = seriesNS.mixins[widgetType][seriesType];
                for (methodName in methods) {
                    this[methodName] = methods[methodName]
            _setPointsView: function(view, target) {
                this.getPoints().forEach(function(point) {
                    if (target !== point) {
            _resetPointsView: function(view, target) {
                this.getPoints().forEach(function(point) {
                    if (target !== point) {
            _resetNearestPoint: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._nearestPoint && that._nearestPoint.resetView(HOVER);
                that._nearestPoint = null
            _setSelectedState: function(mode) {
                var that = this;
                that.lastSelectionMode = _normalizeEnum(mode || that._options.selectionMode);
                that.fullState = that.fullState | SELECTED_STATE;
                if (that.lastSelectionMode !== NONE_MODE && that.isHovered() && includePointsMode(that.lastHoverMode)) {
            _releaseSelectedState: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.fullState = that.fullState & ~SELECTED_STATE;
                that._changeStyle(that.lastSelectionMode, SELECTION);
                if (that.lastSelectionMode !== NONE_MODE && that.isHovered() && includePointsMode(that.lastHoverMode)) {
            isFullStackedSeries: function() {
                return 0 === this.type.indexOf("fullstacked")
            isStackedSeries: function() {
                return 0 === this.type.indexOf("stacked")
            isFinancialSeries: function() {
                return "stock" === this.type || "candlestick" === this.type
            _canChangeView: function() {
                return !this.isSelected() && _normalizeEnum(this._options.hoverMode) !== NONE_MODE
            _changeStyle: function(mode, resetView, skipPoints) {
                var that = this,
                    state = that.fullState,
                    styles = [NORMAL, HOVER, SELECTION, SELECTION];
                if ("none" === that.lastHoverMode) {
                    state &= ~HOVER_STATE
                if ("none" === that.lastSelectionMode) {
                    state &= ~SELECTED_STATE
                if (includePointsMode(mode) && !skipPoints) {
                    if (!resetView) {
                    } else {
                that._legendCallback([RESET_ITEM, APPLY_HOVER, APPLY_SELECTED, APPLY_SELECTED][state]);
            updateHover: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    currentNearestPoint = that._nearestPoint,
                    point = that.isHovered() && that.lastHoverMode === NEAREST_POINT && that.getNeighborPoint(x, y);
                if (point !== currentNearestPoint && !(that.isSelected() && that.lastSelectionMode !== NONE_MODE)) {
                    if (point) {
                        that._nearestPoint = point
            _getMainAxisName: function() {
                return this._options.rotated ? "X" : "Y"
            areLabelsVisible: function() {
                return !_isDefined(this._options.maxLabelCount) || this._points.length <= this._options.maxLabelCount
            getLabelVisibility: function() {
                return this.areLabelsVisible() && this._options.label && this._options.label.visible
            customizePoint: function(point, pointData) {
                var customizeObject, pointOptions, customLabelOptions, customOptions, useLabelCustomOptions, usePointCustomOptions, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    customizePoint = options.customizePoint,
                    customizeLabel = options.customizeLabel;
                if (customizeLabel && customizeLabel.call) {
                    customizeObject = _extend({
                        seriesName: that.name
                    }, pointData);
                    customizeObject.series = that;
                    customLabelOptions = customizeLabel.call(customizeObject, customizeObject);
                    useLabelCustomOptions = customLabelOptions && !_isEmptyObject(customLabelOptions);
                    customLabelOptions = useLabelCustomOptions ? _extend(true, {}, options.label, customLabelOptions) : null
                if (customizePoint && customizePoint.call) {
                    customizeObject = customizeObject || _extend({
                        seriesName: that.name
                    }, pointData);
                    customizeObject.series = that;
                    customOptions = customizePoint.call(customizeObject, customizeObject);
                    usePointCustomOptions = customOptions && !_isEmptyObject(customOptions)
                if (useLabelCustomOptions || usePointCustomOptions) {
                    pointOptions = that._parsePointOptions(that._preparePointOptions(customOptions), customLabelOptions || options.label, pointData);
                    pointOptions.styles.useLabelCustomOptions = useLabelCustomOptions;
                    pointOptions.styles.usePointCustomOptions = usePointCustomOptions;
            show: function() {
                if (!this._visible) {
            hide: function() {
                if (this._visible) {
            _changeVisibility: function(visibility) {
                var that = this;
                that._visible = that._options.visible = visibility;
            _updatePointsVisibility: _noop,
            hideLabels: function() {
                _each(this._points, function(_, point) {
            _parsePointOptions: function(pointOptions, labelOptions, data) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    styles = that._createPointStyles(pointOptions, data),
                    parsedOptions = _extend({}, pointOptions, {
                        type: options.type,
                        rotated: options.rotated,
                        styles: styles,
                        widgetType: options.widgetType,
                        visibilityChanged: options.visibilityChanged
                parsedOptions.label = getLabelOptions(labelOptions, styles.normal.fill);
                if (that.areErrorBarsVisible()) {
                    parsedOptions.errorBars = options.valueErrorBar
                return parsedOptions
            _preparePointOptions: function(customOptions) {
                var pointOptions = this._getOptionsForPoint();
                return customOptions ? mergePointOptions(pointOptions, customOptions) : pointOptions
            _getMarkerGroupOptions: function() {
                return _extend(false, {}, this._getOptionsForPoint(), {
                    hoverStyle: {},
                    selectionStyle: {}
            _resample: function(ticksInterval, min, max, isDefinedMinMax) {
                var pointData, minTick, that = this,
                    fusionPoints = [],
                    nowIndexTicks = 0,
                    lastPointIndex = 0,
                    state = 0,
                    originalPoints = that.getAllPoints();

                function addFirstFusionPoint(point) {
                    minTick = point.argument;
                    if (isDefinedMinMax) {
                        if (point.argument < min) {
                            state = 1
                        } else {
                            if (point.argument > max) {
                                state = 2
                            } else {
                                state = 0
                if (that.argumentAxisType === DISCRETE || that.valueAxisType === DISCRETE) {
                    return _map(originalPoints, function(point, index) {
                        if (index % ticksInterval === 0) {
                            return point
                        return null
                that._aggregatedPoints = that._aggregatedPoints || [];
                _each(originalPoints, function(_, point) {
                    if (!fusionPoints.length) {
                    } else {
                        if (!state && Math.abs(minTick - point.argument) < ticksInterval) {
                        } else {
                            if (!(1 === state && point.argument < min) && !(2 === state && point.argument > max)) {
                                pointData = that._fusionPoints(fusionPoints, minTick, nowIndexTicks);
                                if (that._createPoint(pointData, that._aggregatedPoints, lastPointIndex)) {
                                fusionPoints = [];
                if (fusionPoints.length) {
                    pointData = that._fusionPoints(fusionPoints, minTick, nowIndexTicks);
                    if (that._createPoint(pointData, that._aggregatedPoints, lastPointIndex)) {
                that._correctPointsLength(lastPointIndex, that._aggregatedPoints);
                return that._aggregatedPoints
            canRenderCompleteHandle: function() {
                var result = this._canRenderCompleteHandle;
                delete this._canRenderCompleteHandle;
                return !!result
            isHovered: function() {
                return !!(1 & this.fullState)
            isSelected: function() {
                return !!(2 & this.fullState)
            isVisible: function() {
                return this._visible
            getAllPoints: function() {
                return (this._originalPoints || []).slice()
            getPointByPos: function(pos) {
                return (this._points || [])[pos]
            getVisiblePoints: function() {
                return (this._drawnPoints || []).slice()
            selectPoint: function(point) {
                if (!point.isSelected()) {
                    setPointSelectedState(point, this._legendCallback);
                        action: POINT_SELECT,
                        target: point
                    this._eventTrigger(POINT_SELECTION_CHANGED, {
                        target: point
            deselectPoint: function(point) {
                if (point.isSelected()) {
                    releasePointSelectedState(point, this._legendCallback);
                        action: POINT_DESELECT,
                        target: point
                    this._eventTrigger(POINT_SELECTION_CHANGED, {
                        target: point
            hover: function(mode) {
                var that = this,
                    eventTrigger = that._eventTrigger;
                if (that.isHovered()) {
                that.lastHoverMode = _normalizeEnum(mode || that._options.hoverMode);
                that.fullState = that.fullState | HOVER_STATE;
                that._changeStyle(that.lastHoverMode, void 0, that.isSelected() && that.lastSelectionMode !== NONE_MODE);
                eventTrigger(SERIES_HOVER_CHANGED, {
                    target: that
            clearHover: function() {
                var that = this,
                    eventTrigger = that._eventTrigger;
                if (!that.isHovered()) {
                that.fullState = that.fullState & ~HOVER_STATE;
                that._changeStyle(that.lastHoverMode, HOVER, that.isSelected() && that.lastSelectionMode !== NONE_MODE);
                eventTrigger(SERIES_HOVER_CHANGED, {
                    target: that
            hoverPoint: function(point) {
                var that = this;
                if (!point.isHovered()) {
                    setPointHoverState(point, that._legendCallback);
                    that._canChangeView() && that._applyStyle(that._styles.hover);
                        action: POINT_HOVER,
                        target: point
                    that._eventTrigger(POINT_HOVER_CHANGED, {
                        target: point
            clearPointHover: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.getPoints().some(function(currentPoint) {
                    if (currentPoint.isHovered()) {
                        releasePointHoverState(currentPoint, that._legendCallback);
                        that._canChangeView() && that._applyStyle(that._styles.normal);
                            action: CLEAR_POINT_HOVER,
                            target: currentPoint
                        that._eventTrigger(POINT_HOVER_CHANGED, {
                            target: currentPoint
                        return true
                    return false
            showPointTooltip: function(point) {
                triggerEvent(this._extGroups.seriesGroup, new _Event("showpointtooltip"), point)
            hidePointTooltip: function(point) {
                triggerEvent(this._extGroups.seriesGroup, new _Event("hidepointtooltip"), point)
            select: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!that.isSelected()) {
                        action: SERIES_SELECT,
                        target: that
                    that._eventTrigger(SERIES_SELECTION_CHANGED, {
                        target: that
            clearSelection: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that.isSelected()) {
                    that._eventTrigger(SERIES_SELECTION_CHANGED, {
                        target: that
            getPointsByArg: function(arg) {
                return this.pointsByArgument[arg.valueOf()] || []
            getPointsByKeys: function(arg) {
                return this.getPointsByArg(arg)
            notify: function(data) {
                var that = this,
                    action = data.action,
                    seriesModes = that._seriesModes,
                    target = data.target,
                    targetOptions = target.getOptions(),
                    pointHoverMode = _normalizeEnum(targetOptions.hoverMode),
                    selectionModeOfPoint = _normalizeEnum(targetOptions.selectionMode);
                if (action === POINT_HOVER) {
                    that._hoverPointHandler(target, pointHoverMode, data.notifyLegend)
                } else {
                    if (action === CLEAR_POINT_HOVER) {
                        that._clearPointHoverHandler(target, pointHoverMode, data.notifyLegend)
                    } else {
                        if (action === SERIES_SELECT) {
                            target !== that && "single" === seriesModes.seriesSelectionMode && that.clearSelection()
                        } else {
                            if (action === POINT_SELECT) {
                                if ("single" === seriesModes.pointSelectionMode) {
                                    that.getPoints().some(function(currentPoint) {
                                        if (currentPoint !== target && currentPoint.isSelected()) {
                                            return true
                                        return false
                                that._selectPointHandler(target, selectionModeOfPoint)
                            } else {
                                if (action === POINT_DESELECT) {
                                    that._deselectPointHandler(target, selectionModeOfPoint)
            _selectPointHandler: function(target, mode) {
                var that = this;
                if (mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS) {
                    target.series === that && that._setPointsView(SELECTION, target)
                } else {
                    if (mode === ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS) {
                        that.getPointsByKeys(target.argument, target.argumentIndex).forEach(function(currentPoint) {
                            currentPoint !== target && currentPoint.setView(SELECTION)
            _deselectPointHandler: function(target, mode) {
                if (mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS) {
                    target.series === this && this._resetPointsView(SELECTION, target)
                } else {
                    if (mode === ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS) {
                        this.getPointsByKeys(target.argument, target.argumentIndex).forEach(function(currentPoint) {
                            currentPoint !== target && currentPoint.resetView(SELECTION)
            _hoverPointHandler: function(target, mode, notifyLegend) {
                var that = this;
                if (target.series !== that && mode === ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS) {
                    that.getPointsByKeys(target.argument, target.argumentIndex).forEach(function(currentPoint) {
                    notifyLegend && that._legendCallback(target)
                } else {
                    if (mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS && target.series === that) {
                        that._setPointsView(HOVER, target)
            _clearPointHoverHandler: function(target, mode, notifyLegend) {
                var that = this;
                if (mode === ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS) {
                    target.series !== that && that.getPointsByKeys(target.argument, target.argumentIndex).forEach(function(currentPoint) {
                    notifyLegend && that._legendCallback(target)
                } else {
                    if (mode === ALL_SERIES_POINTS && target.series === that) {
                        that._resetPointsView(HOVER, target)
            _deletePoints: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._points = that._oldPoints = that._aggregatedPoints = that._originalPoints = that._drawnPoints = null
            _deleteTrackers: function() {
                var that = this;
                _each(that._trackers || [], function(_, tracker) {
                that._trackersGroup && that._trackersGroup.dispose();
                that._trackers = that._trackersGroup = null
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.dispose();
                that._errorBarGroup && that._errorBarGroup.dispose();
                that._group = that._extGroups = that._markersGroup = that._elementsGroup = that._bordersGroup = that._labelsGroup = that._errorBarGroup = that._graphics = that._rangeData = that._renderer = that._styles = that._options = that._pointOptions = that._drawnPoints = that._aggregatedPoints = that.pointsByArgument = that._segments = that._prevSeries = null
            correctPosition: _noop,
            drawTrackers: _noop,
            getNeighborPoint: _noop,
            areErrorBarsVisible: _noop,
            getColor: function() {
                return this.getLegendStyles().normal.fill
            getOpacity: function() {
                return this._options.opacity
            getStackName: function() {
                return "stackedbar" === this.type || "fullstackedbar" === this.type ? this._stackName : null
            getPointByCoord: function(x, y) {
                var point = this.getNeighborPoint(x, y);
                return point && point.coordsIn(x, y) ? point : null
            getValueAxis: function() {
                return this._valueAxis
            getArgumentAxis: function() {
                return this._argumentAxis
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/base_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/renderer */ 9),
            mixins = {},
            statesConsts = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../components/consts */ 527).states,
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            barPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_point */ 531),
            bubblePoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bubble_point */ 532),
            piePoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pie_point */ 533),
            rangeSymbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./range_symbol_point */ 534),
            rangeBarPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./range_bar_point */ 535),
            candlestickPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./candlestick_point */ 536),
            stockPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./stock_point */ 537),
            polarPoints = __webpack_require__( /*! ./polar_point */ 538),
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _extend = extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            SYMBOL_POINT = "symbolPoint",
            POLAR_SYMBOL_POINT = "polarSymbolPoint",
            BAR_POINT = "barPoint",
            POLAR_BAR_POINT = "polarBarPoint",
            PIE_POINT = "piePoint",
            SELECTED_STATE = statesConsts.selectedMark,
            HOVER_STATE = statesConsts.hoverMark,
            NORMAL_STATE = statesConsts.normalMark,
            HOVER = statesConsts.hover,
            NORMAL = statesConsts.normal,
            SELECTION = statesConsts.selection,
            pointTypes = {
                chart: {
                    scatter: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    line: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    spline: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    stepline: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    stackedline: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    fullstackedline: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    stackedspline: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    fullstackedspline: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    stackedsplinearea: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    fullstackedsplinearea: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    area: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    splinearea: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    steparea: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    stackedarea: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    fullstackedarea: SYMBOL_POINT,
                    rangearea: "rangeSymbolPoint",
                    bar: BAR_POINT,
                    stackedbar: BAR_POINT,
                    fullstackedbar: BAR_POINT,
                    rangebar: "rangeBarPoint",
                    bubble: "bubblePoint",
                    stock: "stockPoint",
                    candlestick: "candlestickPoint"
                pie: {
                    pie: PIE_POINT,
                    doughnut: PIE_POINT,
                    donut: PIE_POINT
                polar: {
                    scatter: POLAR_SYMBOL_POINT,
                    line: POLAR_SYMBOL_POINT,
                    area: POLAR_SYMBOL_POINT,
                    bar: POLAR_BAR_POINT,
                    stackedbar: POLAR_BAR_POINT

        function isNoneMode(mode) {
            return "none" === _normalizeEnum(mode)

        function Point(series, dataItem, options) {
            this.fullState = NORMAL_STATE;
            this.series = series;
            this.update(dataItem, options);
            this._viewCounters = {
                hover: 0,
                selection: 0
            this._emptySettings = {
                fill: null,
                stroke: null,
                dashStyle: null
        exports.Point = Point;
        mixins.symbolPoint = symbolPoint;
        mixins.barPoint = barPoint;
        mixins.bubblePoint = bubblePoint;
        mixins.piePoint = piePoint;
        mixins.rangeSymbolPoint = rangeSymbolPoint;
        mixins.rangeBarPoint = rangeBarPoint;
        mixins.candlestickPoint = candlestickPoint;
        mixins.stockPoint = stockPoint;
        mixins.polarSymbolPoint = polarPoints.polarSymbolPoint;
        mixins.polarBarPoint = polarPoints.polarBarPoint;
        Point.prototype = {
            constructor: Point,
            getColor: function() {
                if (!this.hasValue() && !this._styles.usePointCustomOptions) {
                    this.series.customizePoint(this, this._dataItem)
                return this._styles.normal.fill || this.series.getColor()
            _getStyle: function() {
                return this._styles[this._currentStyle || "normal"]
            update: function(dataItem, options) {
            updateData: function(dataItem) {
                var that = this;
                that.argument = that.initialArgument = that.originalArgument = dataItem.argument;
                that.tag = dataItem.tag;
                that.index = dataItem.index;
                this._dataItem = dataItem;
                that.lowError = dataItem.lowError;
                that.highError = dataItem.highError;
                !that.hasValue() && that.setInvisibility();
            deleteMarker: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that.graphic) {
                that.graphic = null
            _drawErrorBar: _noop,
            draw: function(renderer, groups, animationEnabled, firstDrawing) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._needDeletingOnDraw) {
                    that._needDeletingOnDraw = false
                if (that._needClearingOnDraw) {
                    that._needClearingOnDraw = false
                if (!that._hasGraphic()) {
                    that._getMarkerVisibility() && that._drawMarker(renderer, groups.markers, animationEnabled, firstDrawing)
                } else {
                    that._updateMarker(animationEnabled, this._getStyle(), groups.markers)
                that._drawErrorBar(renderer, groups.errorBars, animationEnabled);
                return that
            applyStyle: function(style, callback) {
                var that = this;
                that._currentStyle = style;
                if (that.graphic) {
                    if ("normal" === style) {
                    } else {
                    that._updateMarker(true, that._styles[style], void 0, callback)
                return that
            _getViewStyle: function() {
                var state = NORMAL_STATE,
                    fullState = this.fullState,
                    styles = [NORMAL, HOVER, SELECTION, SELECTION];
                if (this._viewCounters.hover) {
                    state |= HOVER_STATE
                if (this._viewCounters.selection) {
                    state |= SELECTED_STATE
                if (isNoneMode(this.getOptions().selectionMode)) {
                    fullState &= ~SELECTED_STATE
                if (isNoneMode(this.getOptions().hoverMode)) {
                    fullState &= ~HOVER_STATE
                state |= fullState;
                return styles[state]
            applyView: function(legendCallback) {
                var style = this._getViewStyle();
                this.applyStyle(style, legendCallback)
            setView: function(style) {
            resetView: function(style) {
                if (this._viewCounters[style] < 0) {
                    var debug = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/console */ 13).debug;
                    debug.assert(false, "incorrect view style couinter " + this._viewCounters[style] + " " + style)
            releaseHoverState: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that.graphic && !that.isSelected()) {
            select: function() {
            clearSelection: function() {
            hover: function() {
            clearHover: function() {
            showTooltip: function() {
            hideTooltip: function() {
            _checkLabelsChanging: function(oldType, newType) {
                var isNewRange = ~newType.indexOf("range"),
                    isOldRange = ~oldType.indexOf("range");
                return isOldRange && !isNewRange || !isOldRange && isNewRange
            updateOptions: function(newOptions) {
                if (!newOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    oldOptions = that._options,
                    widgetType = newOptions.widgetType,
                    oldType = oldOptions && oldOptions.type,
                    newType = newOptions.type,
                    newPointTypeMixin = pointTypes[widgetType][newType];
                if (oldType !== newType) {
                    that._needDeletingOnDraw = true;
                    that._needClearingOnDraw = false;
                    if (oldType) {
                        that._checkLabelsChanging(oldType, newType) && that.deleteLabel();
                } else {
                    that._needDeletingOnDraw = that._checkSymbol(oldOptions, newOptions);
                    that._needClearingOnDraw = that._checkCustomize(oldOptions, newOptions)
                that._options = newOptions;
            translate: function() {
                this.hasValue() && this._translate()
            _checkCustomize: function(oldOptions, newOptions) {
                return oldOptions.styles.usePointCustomOptions && !newOptions.styles.usePointCustomOptions
            _getCustomLabelVisibility: function() {
                return this._styles.useLabelCustomOptions ? !!this._options.label.visible : null
            getBoundingRect: function() {
                return this._getGraphicBBox()
            _resetType: function(methods) {
                for (var methodName in methods) {
                    delete this[methodName]
            _setType: function(methods) {
                for (var methodName in methods) {
                    this[methodName] = methods[methodName]
            isInVisibleArea: function() {
                return this.inVisibleArea
            isSelected: function() {
                return !!(this.fullState & SELECTED_STATE)
            isHovered: function() {
                return !!(this.fullState & HOVER_STATE)
            getOptions: function() {
                return this._options
            animate: function(complete, settings, partitionDuration) {
                if (!this.graphic) {
                    complete && complete();
                this.graphic.animate(settings, {
                    partitionDuration: partitionDuration
                }, complete)
            getCoords: function(min) {
                var that = this;
                if (!min) {
                    return {
                        x: that.x,
                        y: that.y
                if (!that._options.rotated) {
                    return {
                        x: that.x,
                        y: that.minY
                return {
                    x: that.minX,
                    y: that.y
            getDefaultCoords: function() {
                var that = this;
                return !that._options.rotated ? {
                    x: that.x,
                    y: that.defaultY
                } : {
                    x: that.defaultX,
                    y: that.y
            _getVisibleArea: function() {
                return this.series.getVisibleArea()
            _getArgTranslator: function() {
                return this.series.getArgumentAxis().getTranslator()
            _getValTranslator: function() {
                return this.series.getValueAxis().getTranslator()
            _calculateVisibility: function(x, y, width, height) {
                var that = this,
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                    rotated = that._options.rotated;
                if (visibleArea.minX > x + (width || 0) || visibleArea.maxX < x || visibleArea.minY > y + (height || 0) || visibleArea.maxY < y || rotated && _isDefined(width) && 0 !== width && (visibleArea.minX === x + width || visibleArea.maxX === x) || !rotated && _isDefined(height) && 0 !== height && (visibleArea.minY === y + height || visibleArea.maxY === y)) {
                    that.inVisibleArea = false
                } else {
                    that.inVisibleArea = true
            hasValue: function() {
                return null !== this.value && null !== this.minValue
            correctPosition: _noop,
            correctRadius: _noop,
            correctLabelRadius: _noop,
            getCrosshairData: _noop,
            getPointRadius: _noop,
            _populatePointShape: _noop,
            _checkSymbol: _noop,
            getMarkerCoords: _noop,
            hide: _noop,
            show: _noop,
            hideMarker: _noop,
            setInvisibility: _noop,
            clearVisibility: _noop,
            isVisible: _noop,
            resetCorrection: _noop,
            correctValue: _noop,
            resetValue: _noop,
            setPercentValue: _noop,
            correctCoordinates: _noop,
            coordsIn: _noop,
            getTooltipParams: _noop,
            setLabelEllipsis: _noop,
            setLabelTrackerData: _noop,
            updateLabelCoord: _noop,
            drawLabel: _noop,
            correctLabelPosition: _noop,
            setMaxLabelLength: _noop,
            getMinValue: _noop,
            getMaxValue: _noop,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._errorBar && this._errorBar.dispose();
                that._options = that._styles = that.series = that._errorBar = null
            getTooltipFormatObject: function(tooltip) {
                var that = this,
                    tooltipFormatObject = that._getFormatObject(tooltip),
                    sharedTooltipValuesArray = [],
                    tooltipStackPointsFormatObject = [];
                if (that.stackPoints) {
                    _each(that.stackPoints, function(_, point) {
                        if (!point.isVisible()) {
                        var formatObject = point._getFormatObject(tooltip);
                        sharedTooltipValuesArray.push(formatObject.seriesName + ": " + formatObject.valueText)
                    _extend(tooltipFormatObject, {
                        points: tooltipStackPointsFormatObject,
                        valueText: sharedTooltipValuesArray.join("\n"),
                        stackName: that.stackPoints.stackName
                return tooltipFormatObject
            setHole: function(holeValue, position) {
                var that = this,
                    minValue = isFinite(that.minValue) ? that.minValue : 0;
                if (_isDefined(holeValue)) {
                    if ("left" === position) {
                        that.leftHole = that.value - holeValue;
                        that.minLeftHole = minValue - holeValue
                    } else {
                        that.rightHole = that.value - holeValue;
                        that.minRightHole = minValue - holeValue
            resetHoles: function() {
                this.leftHole = null;
                this.minLeftHole = null;
                this.rightHole = null;
                this.minRightHole = null
            getLabel: function() {
                return this._label
            getLabels: function() {
                return [this._label]
      !*** ./js/viz/components/consts.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        module.exports = {
            events: {
                mouseover: "mouseover",
                mouseout: "mouseout",
                mousemove: "mousemove",
                touchstart: "touchstart",
                touchmove: "touchmove",
                touchend: "touchend",
                mousedown: "mousedown",
                mouseup: "mouseup",
                click: "click",
                selectSeries: "selectseries",
                deselectSeries: "deselectseries",
                selectPoint: "selectpoint",
                deselectPoint: "deselectpoint",
                showPointTooltip: "showpointtooltip",
                hidePointTooltip: "hidepointtooltip"
            states: {
                hover: "hover",
                normal: "normal",
                selection: "selection",
                normalMark: 0,
                hoverMark: 1,
                selectedMark: 2,
                applyHover: "applyHover",
                applySelected: "applySelected",
                resetItem: "resetItem"
            pieLabelIndent: 30,
            pieLabelSpacing: 10,
            pieSeriesSpacing: 4
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/symbol_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            labelModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./label */ 529),
            _extend = extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _math = Math,
            _round = _math.round,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _ceil = _math.ceil,
            DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH = 20,
            DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 20,
            LABEL_OFFSET = 10,
            CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT = "canvas_position_default";

        function getSquareMarkerCoords(radius) {
            return [-radius, -radius, radius, -radius, radius, radius, -radius, radius, -radius, -radius]

        function getPolygonMarkerCoords(radius) {
            var r = _ceil(radius);
            return [-r, 0, 0, -r, r, 0, 0, r, -r, 0]

        function getCrossMarkerCoords(radius) {
            var r = _ceil(radius),
                floorHalfRadius = _floor(r / 2),
                ceilHalfRadius = _ceil(r / 2);
            return [-r, -floorHalfRadius, -floorHalfRadius, -r, 0, -ceilHalfRadius, floorHalfRadius, -r, r, -floorHalfRadius, ceilHalfRadius, 0, r, floorHalfRadius, floorHalfRadius, r, 0, ceilHalfRadius, -floorHalfRadius, r, -r, floorHalfRadius, -ceilHalfRadius, 0]

        function getTriangleDownMarkerCoords(radius) {
            return [-radius, -radius, radius, -radius, 0, radius, -radius, -radius]

        function getTriangleUpMarkerCoords(radius) {
            return [-radius, radius, radius, radius, 0, -radius, -radius, radius]
        module.exports = {
            deleteLabel: function() {
                this._label = null
            _hasGraphic: function() {
                return this.graphic
            clearVisibility: function() {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic;
                if (graphic && graphic.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: null
            isVisible: function() {
                return this.inVisibleArea && this.series.isVisible()
            setInvisibility: function() {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic;
                if (graphic && "hidden" !== graphic.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: "hidden"
                that._errorBar && that._errorBar.attr({
                    visibility: "hidden"
            clearMarker: function() {
                var graphic = this.graphic;
                graphic && graphic.attr(this._emptySettings)
            _createLabel: function() {
                this._label = new labelModule.Label({
                    renderer: this.series._renderer,
                    labelsGroup: this.series._labelsGroup,
                    point: this
            _updateLabelData: function() {
            _updateLabelOptions: function() {
                !this._label && this._createLabel();
            _checkImage: function(image) {
                return _isDefined(image) && ("string" === typeof image || _isDefined(image.url))
            _fillStyle: function() {
                this._styles = this._options.styles
            _checkSymbol: function(oldOptions, newOptions) {
                var oldSymbol = oldOptions.symbol,
                    newSymbol = newOptions.symbol,
                    symbolChanged = "circle" === oldSymbol && "circle" !== newSymbol || "circle" !== oldSymbol && "circle" === newSymbol,
                    imageChanged = this._checkImage(oldOptions.image) !== this._checkImage(newOptions.image);
                return !!(symbolChanged || imageChanged)
            _populatePointShape: function(symbol, radius) {
                switch (symbol) {
                    case "square":
                        return getSquareMarkerCoords(radius);
                    case "polygon":
                        return getPolygonMarkerCoords(radius);
                    case "triangle":
                    case "triangleDown":
                        return getTriangleDownMarkerCoords(radius);
                    case "triangleUp":
                        return getTriangleUpMarkerCoords(radius);
                    case "cross":
                        return getCrossMarkerCoords(radius)
            correctValue: function(correction) {
                var that = this;
                if (that.hasValue()) {
                    that.value = that.initialValue + correction;
                    that.minValue = correction
            resetCorrection: function() {
                this.value = this.initialValue;
                this.minValue = CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT
            resetValue: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that.hasValue()) {
                    that.value = that.initialValue = 0;
                    that.minValue = 0;
                    that._label.setDataField("value", that.value)
            _getTranslates: function(animationEnabled) {
                var translateX = this.x,
                    translateY = this.y;
                if (animationEnabled) {
                    if (this._options.rotated) {
                        translateX = this.defaultX
                    } else {
                        translateY = this.defaultY
                return {
                    x: translateX,
                    y: translateY
            _createImageMarker: function(renderer, settings, options) {
                var width = options.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH,
                    height = options.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
                return renderer.image(-_round(.5 * width), -_round(.5 * height), width, height, options.url ? options.url.toString() : options.toString(), "center").attr({
                    translateX: settings.translateX,
                    translateY: settings.translateY,
                    visibility: settings.visibility
            _createSymbolMarker: function(renderer, pointSettings) {
                var marker, symbol = this._options.symbol;
                if ("circle" === symbol) {
                    delete pointSettings.points;
                    marker = renderer.circle().attr(pointSettings)
                } else {
                    if ("square" === symbol || "polygon" === symbol || "triangle" === symbol || "triangleDown" === symbol || "triangleUp" === symbol || "cross" === symbol) {
                        marker = renderer.path([], "area").attr(pointSettings).sharp()
                return marker
            _createMarker: function(renderer, group, image, settings) {
                var that = this,
                    marker = that._checkImage(image) ? that._createImageMarker(renderer, settings, image) : that._createSymbolMarker(renderer, settings);
                if (marker) {
                        "chart-data-point": that
                return marker
            _getSymbolBBox: function(x, y, r) {
                return {
                    x: x - r,
                    y: y - r,
                    width: 2 * r,
                    height: 2 * r
            _getImageBBox: function(x, y) {
                var image = this._options.image,
                    width = image.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH,
                    height = image.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
                return {
                    x: x - _round(width / 2),
                    y: y - _round(height / 2),
                    width: width,
                    height: height
            _getGraphicBBox: function() {
                var bBox, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    x = that.x,
                    y = that.y;
                if (options.visible) {
                    bBox = that._checkImage(options.image) ? that._getImageBBox(x, y) : that._getSymbolBBox(x, y, options.styles.normal.r)
                } else {
                    bBox = {
                        x: x,
                        y: y,
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                return bBox
            _isLabelInsidePoint: commonUtils.noop,
            _getShiftLabelCoords: function(label) {
                var coord = this._addLabelAlignmentAndOffset(label, this._getLabelCoords(label));
                return this._checkLabelPosition(label, coord)
            _drawLabel: function() {
                var that = this,
                    customVisibility = that._getCustomLabelVisibility(),
                    label = that._label;
                if (that._showForZeroValues() && that.hasValue() && false !== customVisibility && (that.series.getLabelVisibility() || customVisibility)) {
                } else {
            correctLabelPosition: function(label) {
                var coord, that = this;
                if (!that._isLabelInsidePoint(label)) {
                    coord = that._getShiftLabelCoords(label);
                    label.shift(_round(coord.x), _round(coord.y))
            _showForZeroValues: function() {
                return true
            _getLabelConnector: function(pointPosition) {
                var bBox = this._getGraphicBBox(pointPosition),
                    w2 = bBox.width / 2,
                    h2 = bBox.height / 2;
                return {
                    x: bBox.x + w2,
                    y: bBox.y + h2,
                    r: this._options.visible ? Math.max(w2, h2) : 0
            _getPositionFromLocation: function() {
                return {
                    x: this.x,
                    y: this.y
            _isPointInVisibleArea: function(visibleArea, graphicBBox) {
                return visibleArea.minX <= graphicBBox.x + graphicBBox.width && visibleArea.maxX >= graphicBBox.x && visibleArea.minY <= graphicBBox.y + graphicBBox.height && visibleArea.maxY >= graphicBBox.y
            _checkLabelPosition: function(label, coord) {
                var that = this,
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                    labelBBox = label.getBoundingRect(),
                    graphicBBox = that._getGraphicBBox(label.pointPosition),
                    offset = LABEL_OFFSET;
                if (that._isPointInVisibleArea(visibleArea, graphicBBox)) {
                    if (!that._options.rotated) {
                        if (visibleArea.minX > coord.x) {
                            coord.x = visibleArea.minX
                        if (visibleArea.maxX < coord.x + labelBBox.width) {
                            coord.x = visibleArea.maxX - labelBBox.width
                        if (visibleArea.minY > coord.y) {
                            coord.y = graphicBBox.y + graphicBBox.height + offset
                        if (visibleArea.maxY < coord.y + labelBBox.height) {
                            coord.y = graphicBBox.y - labelBBox.height - offset
                    } else {
                        if (visibleArea.minX > coord.x) {
                            coord.x = graphicBBox.x + graphicBBox.width + offset
                        if (visibleArea.maxX < coord.x + labelBBox.width) {
                            coord.x = graphicBBox.x - offset - labelBBox.width
                        if (visibleArea.minY > coord.y) {
                            coord.y = visibleArea.minY
                        if (visibleArea.maxY < coord.y + labelBBox.height) {
                            coord.y = visibleArea.maxY - labelBBox.height
                return coord
            _addLabelAlignmentAndOffset: function(label, coord) {
                var labelBBox = label.getBoundingRect(),
                    labelOptions = label.getLayoutOptions();
                if (!this._options.rotated) {
                    if ("left" === labelOptions.alignment) {
                        coord.x += labelBBox.width / 2
                    } else {
                        if ("right" === labelOptions.alignment) {
                            coord.x -= labelBBox.width / 2
                coord.x += labelOptions.horizontalOffset;
                coord.y += labelOptions.verticalOffset;
                return coord
            _getLabelCoords: function(label) {
                return this._getLabelCoordOfPosition(label, this._getLabelPosition(label.pointPosition))
            _getLabelCoordOfPosition: function(label, position) {
                var that = this,
                    labelBBox = label.getBoundingRect(),
                    graphicBBox = that._getGraphicBBox(label.pointPosition),
                    offset = LABEL_OFFSET,
                    centerY = graphicBBox.height / 2 - labelBBox.height / 2,
                    centerX = graphicBBox.width / 2 - labelBBox.width / 2,
                    x = graphicBBox.x,
                    y = graphicBBox.y;
                switch (position) {
                    case "left":
                        x -= labelBBox.width + offset;
                        y += centerY;
                    case "right":
                        x += graphicBBox.width + offset;
                        y += centerY;
                    case "top":
                        x += centerX;
                        y -= labelBBox.height + offset;
                    case "bottom":
                        x += centerX;
                        y += graphicBBox.height + offset;
                    case "inside":
                        x += centerX;
                        y += centerY
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    translates = that._getTranslates(animationEnabled),
                    style = that._getStyle();
                that.graphic = that._createMarker(renderer, group, options.image, _extend({
                    translateX: translates.x,
                    translateY: translates.y,
                    points: that._populatePointShape(options.symbol, style.r)
                }, style))
            _getErrorBarSettings: function() {
                return {
                    visibility: "visible"
            _drawErrorBar: function(renderer, group) {
                if (!this._options.errorBars) {
                var settings, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    errorBarOptions = options.errorBars,
                    points = [],
                    pos = that._errorBarPos,
                    high = that._highErrorCoord,
                    low = that._lowErrorCoord,
                    displayMode = _normalizeEnum(errorBarOptions.displayMode),
                    isHighDisplayMode = "high" === displayMode,
                    isLowDisplayMode = "low" === displayMode,
                    edgeLength = _floor(parseInt(errorBarOptions.edgeLength) / 2),
                    highErrorOnly = (isHighDisplayMode || !_isDefined(low)) && _isDefined(high) && !isLowDisplayMode,
                    lowErrorOnly = (isLowDisplayMode || !_isDefined(high)) && _isDefined(low) && !isHighDisplayMode;
                highErrorOnly && (low = that._baseErrorBarPos);
                lowErrorOnly && (high = that._baseErrorBarPos);
                if ("none" !== displayMode && _isDefined(high) && _isDefined(low) && _isDefined(pos)) {
                    !lowErrorOnly && points.push([pos - edgeLength, high, pos + edgeLength, high]);
                    points.push([pos, high, pos, low]);
                    !highErrorOnly && points.push([pos + edgeLength, low, pos - edgeLength, low]);
                    options.rotated && $.each(points, function(_, p) {
                    settings = that._getErrorBarSettings(errorBarOptions);
                    if (!that._errorBar) {
                        that._errorBar = renderer.path(points, "line").attr(settings).append(group)
                    } else {
                        settings.points = points;
                } else {
                    that._errorBar && that._errorBar.attr({
                        visibility: "hidden"
            getTooltipParams: function() {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic;
                return {
                    x: that.x,
                    y: that.y,
                    offset: graphic ? graphic.getBBox().height / 2 : 0
            setPercentValue: function(total, fullStacked, leftHoleTotal, rightHoleTotal) {
                var that = this,
                    valuePercent = that.value / total || 0,
                    minValuePercent = that.minValue / total || 0,
                    percent = valuePercent - minValuePercent;
                that._label.setDataField("percent", percent);
                that._label.setDataField("total", total);
                if (that.series.isFullStackedSeries() && that.hasValue()) {
                    if (that.leftHole) {
                        that.leftHole /= total - leftHoleTotal;
                        that.minLeftHole /= total - leftHoleTotal
                    if (that.rightHole) {
                        that.rightHole /= total - rightHoleTotal;
                        that.minRightHole /= total - rightHoleTotal
                    that.value = valuePercent;
                    that.minValue = !minValuePercent ? that.minValue : minValuePercent
            _storeTrackerR: function() {
                var minTrackerSize, that = this,
                    navigator = window.navigator,
                    r = that._options.styles.normal.r;
                navigator = that.__debug_navigator || navigator;
                that.__debug_browserNavigator = navigator;
                minTrackerSize = "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.msPointerEnabled && navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.pointerEnabled && navigator.maxTouchPoints ? 20 : 6;
                that._options.trackerR = r < minTrackerSize ? minTrackerSize : r;
                return that._options.trackerR
            _translateErrorBars: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    rotated = options.rotated,
                    errorBars = options.errorBars,
                    translator = that._getValTranslator();
                if (!errorBars) {
                _isDefined(that.lowError) && (that._lowErrorCoord = translator.translate(that.lowError));
                _isDefined(that.highError) && (that._highErrorCoord = translator.translate(that.highError));
                that._errorBarPos = _floor(rotated ? that.vy : that.vx);
                that._baseErrorBarPos = "stdDeviation" === errorBars.type ? that._lowErrorCoord + (that._highErrorCoord - that._lowErrorCoord) / 2 : rotated ? that.vx : that.vy
            _translate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    valTranslator = that._getValTranslator(),
                    argTranslator = that._getArgTranslator();
                if (that._options.rotated) {
                    that.vx = that.x = valTranslator.translate(that.value);
                    that.vy = that.y = argTranslator.translate(that.argument);
                    that.minX = valTranslator.translate(that.minValue);
                    that.defaultX = valTranslator.translate(CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT)
                } else {
                    that.vy = that.y = valTranslator.translate(that.value);
                    that.vx = that.x = argTranslator.translate(that.argument);
                    that.minY = valTranslator.translate(that.minValue);
                    that.defaultY = valTranslator.translate(CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT)
                that._calculateVisibility(that.x, that.y)
            _updateData: function(data) {
                var that = this;
                that.value = that.initialValue = that.originalValue = data.value;
                that.minValue = that.initialMinValue = that.originalMinValue = _isDefined(data.minValue) ? data.minValue : CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT
            _getImageSettings: function(image) {
                return {
                    href: image.url || image.toString(),
                    width: image.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH,
                    height: image.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT
            getCrosshairData: function() {
                var that = this,
                    r = that._options.rotated,
                    value = that.value,
                    argument = that.argument;
                return {
                    x: that.vx,
                    y: that.vy,
                    xValue: r ? value : argument,
                    yValue: r ? argument : value,
                    axis: that.series.axis
            getPointRadius: function() {
                var extraSpace, style = this._getStyle(),
                    options = this._options,
                    r = style.r,
                    symbol = options.symbol,
                    isSquare = "square" === symbol,
                    isTriangle = "triangle" === symbol || "triangleDown" === symbol || "triangleUp" === symbol;
                if (options.visible && !options.image && r) {
                    extraSpace = style["stroke-width"] / 2;
                    return (isSquare || isTriangle ? 1.4 * r : r) + extraSpace
                return 0
            _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) {
                var settings, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    image = options.image,
                    visibility = !that.isVisible() ? {
                        visibility: "hidden"
                    } : {};
                if (that._checkImage(image)) {
                    settings = _extend({}, {
                        visibility: style.visibility
                    }, visibility, that._getImageSettings(image))
                } else {
                    settings = _extend({}, style, visibility, {
                        points: that._populatePointShape(options.symbol, style.r)
                if (!animationEnabled) {
                    settings.translateX = that.x;
                    settings.translateY = that.y
            _getLabelFormatObject: function() {
                var that = this;
                return {
                    argument: that.initialArgument,
                    value: that.initialValue,
                    originalArgument: that.originalArgument,
                    originalValue: that.originalValue,
                    seriesName: that.series.name,
                    lowErrorValue: that.lowError,
                    highErrorValue: that.highError,
                    point: that
            _getLabelPosition: function() {
                var rotated = this._options.rotated;
                if (this.initialValue > 0) {
                    return rotated ? "right" : "top"
                } else {
                    return rotated ? "left" : "bottom"
            _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) {
                var that = this,
                    labelFormatObject = that._label.getData();
                return _extend({}, labelFormatObject, {
                    argumentText: tooltip.formatValue(that.initialArgument, "argument"),
                    valueText: tooltip.formatValue(that.initialValue)
                }, _isDefined(labelFormatObject.percent) ? {
                    percentText: tooltip.formatValue(labelFormatObject.percent, "percent")
                } : {}, _isDefined(labelFormatObject.total) ? {
                    totalText: tooltip.formatValue(labelFormatObject.total)
                } : {})
            _getMarkerVisibility: function() {
                return this._options.visible
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                var trackerRadius = this._storeTrackerR();
                return x >= this.x - trackerRadius && x <= this.x + trackerRadius && y >= this.y - trackerRadius && y <= this.y + trackerRadius
            getMinValue: function() {
                var errorBarOptions = this._options.errorBars;
                if (errorBarOptions) {
                    var displayMode = errorBarOptions.displayMode,
                        lowValue = "high" === displayMode ? this.value : this.lowError,
                        highValue = "low" === displayMode ? this.value : this.highError;
                    return lowValue < highValue ? lowValue : highValue
                } else {
                    return this.value
            getMaxValue: function() {
                var errorBarOptions = this._options.errorBars;
                if (errorBarOptions) {
                    var displayMode = errorBarOptions.displayMode,
                        lowValue = "high" === displayMode ? this.value : this.lowError,
                        highValue = "low" === displayMode ? this.value : this.highError;
                    return lowValue > highValue ? lowValue : highValue
                } else {
                    return this.value
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/label.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/renderer */ 9),
            _format = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/format */ 530),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils */ 509),
            _degreesToRadians = vizUtils.degreesToRadians,
            _patchFontOptions = vizUtils.patchFontOptions,
            _math = Math,
            _round = _math.round,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _getCosAndSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin,
            _rotateBBox = vizUtils.rotateBBox,

        function getClosestCoord(point, coords) {
            var closestCoord, closestDistance = 1 / 0;
            $.each(coords, function(_, coord) {
                var x = point[0] - coord[0],
                    y = point[1] - coord[1],
                    distance = x * x + y * y;
                if (distance < closestDistance) {
                    closestDistance = distance;
                    closestCoord = coord
            return closestCoord
        var barPointStrategy = {
            isLabelInside: function(labelPoint, figure) {
                return labelPoint.x >= figure.x && labelPoint.x <= figure.x + figure.width && labelPoint.y >= figure.y && labelPoint.y <= figure.y + figure.height
            prepareLabelPoints: function(points) {
                return points
            getFigureCenter: function(figure) {
                return [figure.x + figure.width / 2, figure.y + figure.height / 2]
            findFigurePoint: function(figure, labelPoint) {
                var figureCenter = barPointStrategy.getFigureCenter(figure),
                    point = getClosestCoord(labelPoint, [
                        [figure.x, figureCenter[1]],
                        [figureCenter[0], figure.y + figure.height],
                        [figure.x + figure.width, figureCenter[1]],
                        [figureCenter[0], figure.y]
                return [_round(point[0]), _round(point[1])]
        var symbolPointStrategy = {
            isLabelInside: function() {
                return false
            prepareLabelPoints: barPointStrategy.prepareLabelPoints,
            getFigureCenter: function(figure) {
                return [figure.x, figure.y]
            findFigurePoint: function(figure, labelPoint) {
                var angle = Math.atan2(figure.y - labelPoint[1], labelPoint[0] - figure.x);
                return [_round(figure.x + figure.r * Math.cos(angle)), _round(figure.y - figure.r * Math.sin(angle))]
        var piePointStrategy = {
            isLabelInside: function(_0, _1, isOutside) {
                return !isOutside
            prepareLabelPoints: function(points, center, angle) {
                var rotatedPoints = [],
                    x0 = center[0],
                    y0 = center[1],
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin(angle || 0);
                $.each(points, function(_, point) {
                    rotatedPoints.push([_round((point[0] - x0) * cosSin.cos + (point[1] - y0) * cosSin.sin + x0), _round(-(point[0] - x0) * cosSin.sin + (point[1] - y0) * cosSin.cos + y0)])
                return rotatedPoints
            getFigureCenter: symbolPointStrategy.getFigureCenter,
            findFigurePoint: function(figure, labelPoint) {
                var x = figure.x + (figure.y - labelPoint[1]) / Math.tan(_degreesToRadians(figure.angle)),
                    point = [figure.x, figure.y];
                if (figure.x <= x && x <= labelPoint[0] || figure.x >= x && x >= labelPoint[0]) {
                    point.push(_round(x), labelPoint[1])
                return point

        function selectStrategy(figure) {
            return void 0 !== figure.angle && piePointStrategy || void 0 !== figure.r && symbolPointStrategy || barPointStrategy

        function disposeItem(obj, field) {
            obj[field] && obj[field].dispose();
            obj[field] = null

        function checkBackground(background) {
            return background && (background.fill && "none" !== background.fill || background["stroke-width"] > 0 && background.stroke && "none" !== background.stroke)

        function checkConnector(connector) {
            return connector && connector["stroke-width"] > 0 && connector.stroke && "none" !== connector.stroke

        function formatText(data, options) {
            data.valueText = _format(data.value, options);
            data.argumentText = _format(data.argument, {
                format: options.argumentFormat,
                precision: options.argumentPrecision
            if (void 0 !== data.percent) {
                data.percentText = _format(data.percent, {
                    format: {
                        type: "percent",
                        precision: options.format && options.format.percentPrecision || options.percentPrecision
            if (void 0 !== data.total) {
                data.totalText = _format(data.total, options)
            if (void 0 !== data.openValue) {
                data.openValueText = _format(data.openValue, options)
            if (void 0 !== data.closeValue) {
                data.closeValueText = _format(data.closeValue, options)
            if (void 0 !== data.lowValue) {
                data.lowValueText = _format(data.lowValue, options)
            if (void 0 !== data.highValue) {
                data.highValueText = _format(data.highValue, options)
            if (void 0 !== data.reductionValue) {
                data.reductionValueText = _format(data.reductionValue, options)
            return options.customizeText ? options.customizeText.call(data, data) : data.valueText

        function Label(renderSettings) {
            this._renderer = renderSettings.renderer;
            this._container = renderSettings.labelsGroup;
            this._point = renderSettings.point
        Label.prototype = {
            constructor: Label,
            _setVisibility: function(value, state) {
                this._group && this._group.attr({
                    visibility: value
                this._visible = state
            clearVisibility: function() {
                this._setVisibility(null, true)
            hide: function() {
                this._setVisibility("hidden", false)
            show: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._point.hasValue()) {
            isVisible: function() {
                return this._visible
            setColor: function(color) {
                this._color = color
            setOptions: function(options) {
                this._options = options
            setData: function(data) {
                this._data = data
            setDataField: function(fieldName, fieldValue) {
                this._data = this._data || {};
                this._data[fieldName] = fieldValue
            getData: function() {
                return this._data
            setFigureToDrawConnector: function(figure) {
                this._figure = figure
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                disposeItem(that, "_group");
                that._data = that._options = that._textContent = that._visible = that._insideGroup = that._text = that._background = that._connector = that._figure = null
            _draw: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    container = that._container,
                    options = that._options || {},
                    text = that._textContent = formatText(that._data, that._options) || null;
                if (text) {
                    if (!that._group) {
                        that._group = renderer.g().append(container);
                        that._insideGroup = renderer.g().append(that._group);
                        that._text = renderer.text("", 0, 0).append(that._insideGroup)
                    that._text.css(options.attributes ? _patchFontOptions(options.attributes.font) : {});
                    if (checkBackground(options.background)) {
                        that._background = that._background || renderer.rect().append(that._insideGroup).toBackground();
                        that._color && that._background.attr({
                            fill: that._color
                    } else {
                        disposeItem(that, "_background")
                    if (checkConnector(options.connector)) {
                        that._connector = that._connector || renderer.path([], "line").sharp().append(that._group).toBackground();
                        that._color && that._connector.attr({
                            stroke: that._color
                    } else {
                        disposeItem(that, "_connector")
                        text: text
                    that._setVisibility("visible", true)
                } else {
                return that
            _updateBackground: function(bBox) {
                var that = this;
                that._textSize = [bBox.width, bBox.height];
                if (that._background) {
                    bBox.x -= LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X;
                    bBox.y -= LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y;
                    bBox.width += 2 * LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X;
                    bBox.height += 2 * LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y;
                if (that._options.rotationAngle) {
                    that._insideGroup.rotate(that._options.rotationAngle, bBox.x + bBox.width / 2, bBox.y + bBox.height / 2);
                    bBox = _rotateBBox(bBox, [bBox.x + bBox.width / 2, bBox.y + bBox.height / 2], -that._options.rotationAngle)
                that._bBox = bBox
            _getConnectorPoints: function() {
                var labelPoint, figurePoint, xc, yc, that = this,
                    figure = that._figure,
                    strategy = selectStrategy(figure),
                    bBox = that.getBoundingRect(),
                    points = [];
                if (!strategy.isLabelInside(bBox, figure, "inside" !== that._options.position)) {
                    xc = bBox.x + bBox.width / 2;
                    yc = bBox.y + bBox.height / 2;
                    points = strategy.prepareLabelPoints([
                        [xc, yc - that._textSize[1] / 2],
                        [xc + that._textSize[0] / 2, yc],
                        [xc, yc + that._textSize[1] / 2],
                        [xc - that._textSize[0] / 2, yc]
                    ], [xc, yc], -that._options.rotationAngle || 0);
                    labelPoint = getClosestCoord(strategy.getFigureCenter(figure), points);
                    labelPoint = [_floor(labelPoint[0]), _floor(labelPoint[1])];
                    figurePoint = strategy.findFigurePoint(figure, labelPoint);
                    points = figurePoint.concat(labelPoint)
                return points
            fit: function(maxWidth) {
                this._text && this._text.applyEllipsis(maxWidth);
            setTrackerData: function(point) {
                    "chart-data-point": point
                this._background && this._background.data({
                    "chart-data-point": point
            shift: function(x, y) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._textContent) {
                        translateX: that._x = _round(x - that._bBox.x),
                        translateY: that._y = _round(y - that._bBox.y)
                    if (that._connector) {
                            points: that._getConnectorPoints()
                return that
            getBoundingRect: function() {
                var bBox = this._bBox;
                return this._textContent ? {
                    x: bBox.x + this._x,
                    y: bBox.y + this._y,
                    width: bBox.width,
                    height: bBox.height
                } : {}
            getLayoutOptions: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return {
                    alignment: options.alignment,
                    background: checkBackground(options.background),
                    horizontalOffset: options.horizontalOffset,
                    verticalOffset: options.verticalOffset,
                    radialOffset: options.radialOffset,
                    position: options.position
        exports.Label = Label;
        Label._DEBUG_formatText = formatText
      !*** ./js/viz/core/format.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _format = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../format_helper */ 66).format;
        module.exports = function(value, options) {
            return _format(value, options.format, options.precision)
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/bar_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _extend = extend,
            _math = Math,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _min = _math.min,
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT = "canvas_position_default",
            RIGHT = "right",
            LEFT = "left",
            TOP = "top",
            BOTTOM = "bottom";
        module.exports = _extend({}, symbolPoint, {
            correctCoordinates: function(correctOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    correction = _floor(correctOptions.offset - correctOptions.width / 2);
                if (that._options.rotated) {
                    that.height = correctOptions.width;
                    that.yCorrection = correction
                } else {
                    that.width = correctOptions.width;
                    that.xCorrection = correction
            _getGraphicBBox: function() {
                var that = this,
                    bBox = {};
                bBox.x = that.x;
                bBox.y = that.y;
                bBox.width = that.width;
                bBox.height = that.height;
                return bBox
            _getLabelConnector: function(location) {
                return this._getGraphicBBox(location)
            _getLabelPosition: function() {
                var position, that = this,
                    initialValue = that.initialValue,
                    invert = that._getValTranslator().getBusinessRange().invert,
                    isDiscreteValue = "discrete" === that.series.valueAxisType,
                    isFullStacked = that.series.isFullStackedSeries(),
                    notAxisInverted = !isDiscreteValue && (initialValue >= 0 && !invert || initialValue < 0 && invert) || isDiscreteValue && !invert || isFullStacked;
                if (!that._options.rotated) {
                    position = notAxisInverted ? TOP : BOTTOM
                } else {
                    position = notAxisInverted ? RIGHT : LEFT
                return position
            _getLabelCoords: function(label) {
                var coords, that = this;
                if (0 === that.initialValue && that.series.isFullStackedSeries()) {
                    if (!this._options.rotated) {
                        coords = that._getLabelCoordOfPosition(label, TOP)
                    } else {
                        coords = that._getLabelCoordOfPosition(label, RIGHT)
                } else {
                    if ("inside" === label.getLayoutOptions().position) {
                        coords = that._getLabelCoordOfPosition(label, "inside")
                    } else {
                        coords = symbolPoint._getLabelCoords.call(this, label)
                return coords
            _checkLabelPosition: function(label, coord) {
                var that = this,
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea();
                if (that._isPointInVisibleArea(visibleArea, that._getGraphicBBox())) {
                    return that._moveLabelOnCanvas(coord, visibleArea, label.getBoundingRect())
                return coord
            _isLabelInsidePoint: function(label) {
                var that = this,
                    graphicBBox = that._getGraphicBBox(),
                    labelBBox = label.getBoundingRect();
                if (that._options.resolveLabelsOverlapping && "inside" === label.getLayoutOptions().position) {
                    if (labelBBox.width > graphicBBox.width || labelBBox.height > graphicBBox.height) {
                        return true
                return false
            _moveLabelOnCanvas: function(coord, visibleArea, labelBBox) {
                var x = coord.x,
                    y = coord.y;
                if (visibleArea.minX > x) {
                    x = visibleArea.minX
                if (visibleArea.maxX < x + labelBBox.width) {
                    x = visibleArea.maxX - labelBBox.width
                if (visibleArea.minY > y) {
                    y = visibleArea.minY
                if (visibleArea.maxY < y + labelBBox.height) {
                    y = visibleArea.maxY - labelBBox.height
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _showForZeroValues: function() {
                return this._options.label.showForZeroValues || this.initialValue
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) {
                var that = this,
                    style = that._getStyle(),
                    x = that.x,
                    y = that.y,
                    width = that.width,
                    height = that.height,
                    r = that._options.cornerRadius;
                if (animationEnabled) {
                    if (that._options.rotated) {
                        width = 0;
                        x = that.defaultX
                    } else {
                        height = 0;
                        y = that.defaultY
                that.graphic = renderer.rect(x, y, width, height).attr({
                    rx: r,
                    ry: r
                    "chart-data-point": that
            _getSettingsForTracker: function() {
                var that = this,
                    y = that.y,
                    height = that.height,
                    x = that.x,
                    width = that.width;
                if (that._options.rotated) {
                    if (1 === width) {
                        width = DEFAULT_BAR_TRACKER_SIZE;
                        x -= CORRECTING_BAR_TRACKER_VALUE
                } else {
                    if (1 === height) {
                        height = DEFAULT_BAR_TRACKER_SIZE;
                        y -= CORRECTING_BAR_TRACKER_VALUE
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    width: width,
                    height: height
            getGraphicSettings: function() {
                var graphic = this.graphic;
                return {
                    x: graphic.attr("x"),
                    y: graphic.attr("y"),
                    height: graphic.attr("height"),
                    width: graphic.attr("width")
            _getEdgeTooltipParams: function(x, y, width, height) {
                var xCoord, yCoord, isPositive = this.value >= 0,
                    invertedBusinessRange = this._getValTranslator().getBusinessRange().invert;
                if (this._options.rotated) {
                    yCoord = y + height / 2;
                    if (invertedBusinessRange) {
                        xCoord = isPositive ? x : x + width
                    } else {
                        xCoord = isPositive ? x + width : x
                } else {
                    xCoord = x + width / 2;
                    if (invertedBusinessRange) {
                        yCoord = isPositive ? y + height : y
                    } else {
                        yCoord = isPositive ? y : y + height
                return {
                    x: xCoord,
                    y: yCoord,
                    offset: 0
            getTooltipParams: function(location) {
                var x = this.x,
                    y = this.y,
                    width = this.width,
                    height = this.height;
                return "edge" === location ? this._getEdgeTooltipParams(x, y, width, height) : {
                    x: x + width / 2,
                    y: y + height / 2,
                    offset: 0
            _truncateCoord: function(coord, minBounce, maxBounce) {
                if (coord < minBounce) {
                    return minBounce
                if (coord > maxBounce) {
                    return maxBounce
                return coord
            _translateErrorBars: function(argVisibleArea) {
                if (this._errorBarPos < argVisibleArea.min || this._errorBarPos > argVisibleArea.max) {
                    this._errorBarPos = void 0
            _translate: function() {
                var arg, minArg, val, minVal, that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    valAxis = rotated ? "x" : "y",
                    argAxis = rotated ? "y" : "x",
                    valIntervalName = rotated ? "width" : "height",
                    argIntervalName = rotated ? "height" : "width",
                    argTranslator = that._getArgTranslator(),
                    valTranslator = that._getValTranslator(),
                    argVisibleArea = argTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                    valVisibleArea = valTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea();
                arg = minArg = argTranslator.translate(that.argument) + (that[argAxis + "Correction"] || 0);
                val = valTranslator.translate(that.value);
                minVal = valTranslator.translate(that.minValue);
                if (null === val) {
                    val = minVal
                that["v" + valAxis] = val;
                that["v" + argAxis] = arg + that[argIntervalName] / 2;
                that[valIntervalName] = _abs(val - minVal);
                that._calculateVisibility(rotated ? _min(val, minVal) : _min(arg, minArg), rotated ? _min(arg, minArg) : _min(val, minVal), that.width, that.height);
                val = that._truncateCoord(val, valVisibleArea.min, valVisibleArea.max);
                minVal = that._truncateCoord(minVal, valVisibleArea.min, valVisibleArea.max);
                that[argAxis] = arg;
                that["min" + argAxis.toUpperCase()] = minArg;
                that[valIntervalName] = _abs(val - minVal);
                that[valAxis] = _min(val, minVal) + (that[valAxis + "Correction"] || 0);
                that["min" + valAxis.toUpperCase()] = minVal + (that[valAxis + "Correction"] || 0);
                that["default" + valAxis.toUpperCase()] = valTranslator.translate(CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT);
                if (that.inVisibleArea) {
                    if (that[argAxis] < argVisibleArea.min) {
                        that[argIntervalName] = that[argIntervalName] - (argVisibleArea.min - that[argAxis]);
                        that[argAxis] = argVisibleArea.min;
                        that["min" + argAxis.toUpperCase()] = argVisibleArea.min
                    if (that[argAxis] + that[argIntervalName] > argVisibleArea.max) {
                        that[argIntervalName] = argVisibleArea.max - that[argAxis]
            _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) {
                this.graphic.smartAttr(_extend({}, style, !animationEnabled ? this.getMarkerCoords() : {}))
            getMarkerCoords: function() {
                return {
                    x: this.x,
                    y: this.y,
                    width: this.width,
                    height: this.height
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                var that = this;
                return x >= that.x && x <= that.x + that.width && y >= that.y && y <= that.y + that.height
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/bubble_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            _extend = extend,
            MIN_BUBBLE_HEIGHT = 20;
        module.exports = _extend({}, symbolPoint, {
            correctCoordinates: function(diameter) {
                this.bubbleSize = diameter / 2
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) {
                var that = this,
                    attr = _extend({
                        translateX: that.x,
                        translateY: that.y
                    }, that._getStyle());
                that.graphic = renderer.circle(0, 0, animationEnabled ? 0 : that.bubbleSize).smartAttr(attr).data({
                    "chart-data-point": that
            getTooltipParams: function(location) {
                var height, that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic;
                if (!graphic) {
                height = graphic.getBBox().height;
                return {
                    x: that.x,
                    y: height < MIN_BUBBLE_HEIGHT || "edge" === location ? this.y - height / 2 : this.y,
                    offset: 0
            _getLabelFormatObject: function() {
                var formatObject = symbolPoint._getLabelFormatObject.call(this);
                formatObject.size = this.initialSize;
                return formatObject
            _updateData: function(data) {
                symbolPoint._updateData.call(this, data);
                this.size = this.initialSize = data.size
            _getGraphicBBox: function() {
                var that = this;
                return that._getSymbolBBox(that.x, that.y, that.bubbleSize)
            _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) {
                var that = this;
                if (!animationEnabled) {
                    style = _extend({
                        r: that.bubbleSize,
                        translateX: that.x,
                        translateY: that.y
                    }, style)
            _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) {
                var formatObject = symbolPoint._getFormatObject.call(this, tooltip);
                formatObject.sizeText = tooltip.formatValue(this.initialSize);
                return formatObject
            _storeTrackerR: function() {
                return this.bubbleSize
            _getLabelCoords: function(label) {
                var coords;
                if ("inside" === label.getLayoutOptions().position) {
                    coords = this._getLabelCoordOfPosition(label, "inside")
                } else {
                    coords = symbolPoint._getLabelCoords.call(this, label)
                return coords
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/pie_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            CONNECTOR_LENGTH = 20,
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            _extend = extend,
            _round = Math.round,
            _sqrt = Math.sqrt,
            _acos = Math.acos,
            DEG = 180 / Math.PI,
            _abs = Math.abs,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils */ 509),
            _normalizeAngle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle,
            _getCosAndSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords = vizUtils.getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords,
            INDENT_FROM_PIE = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../components/consts */ 527).pieLabelIndent;
        module.exports = _extend({}, symbolPoint, {
            _updateData: function(data) {
                var that = this;
                symbolPoint._updateData.call(this, data);
                that._visible = true;
                that.minValue = that.initialMinValue = that.originalMinValue = _isDefined(data.minValue) ? data.minValue : 0
            animate: function(complete, duration, delay) {
                var that = this;
                    x: that.centerX,
                    y: that.centerY,
                    outerRadius: that.radiusOuter,
                    innerRadius: that.radiusInner,
                    startAngle: that.toAngle,
                    endAngle: that.fromAngle
                }, {
                    delay: delay,
                    partitionDuration: duration
                }, complete)
            correctPosition: function(correction) {
                var that = this;
                that.centerX = correction.centerX;
                that.centerY = correction.centerY
            correctRadius: function(correction) {
                this.radiusInner = correction.radiusInner;
                this.radiusOuter = correction.radiusOuter
            correctLabelRadius: function(radiusLabels) {
                this.radiusLabels = radiusLabels
            correctValue: function(correction, percent, base) {
                var that = this;
                that.value = (base || that.initialValue) + correction;
                that.minValue = correction;
                that.percent = percent;
                that._label.setDataField("percent", percent)
            setMaxLabelLength: function(maxLabelLength) {
                this._maxLabelLength = maxLabelLength
            _updateLabelData: function() {
            _getShiftLabelCoords: function() {
                var that = this,
                    bBox = that._label.getBoundingRect(),
                    coord = that._getLabelCoords(that._label),
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea();
                if (that._isLabelDrawingWithoutPoints) {
                    return that._checkLabelPosition(coord, bBox, visibleArea)
                } else {
                    return that._getLabelExtraCoord(coord, that._checkVerticalLabelPosition(coord, bBox, visibleArea), bBox)
            _getLabelPosition: function(options) {
                return options.position
            _getLabelCoords: function(label) {
                var rad, x, that = this,
                    bBox = label.getBoundingRect(),
                    options = label.getLayoutOptions(),
                    angleFunctions = _getCosAndSin(that.middleAngle),
                    position = that._getLabelPosition(options),
                    radiusInner = that.radiusInner,
                    radiusOuter = that.radiusOuter,
                    radiusLabels = that.radiusLabels;
                if ("inside" === position) {
                    rad = radiusInner + (radiusOuter - radiusInner) / 2 + options.radialOffset;
                    x = that.centerX + rad * angleFunctions.cos - bBox.width / 2
                } else {
                    rad = radiusLabels + options.radialOffset + INDENT_FROM_PIE;
                    if (angleFunctions.cos > .1) {
                        x = that.centerX + rad * angleFunctions.cos
                    } else {
                        if (angleFunctions.cos < -.1) {
                            x = that.centerX + rad * angleFunctions.cos - bBox.width
                        } else {
                            x = that.centerX + rad * angleFunctions.cos - bBox.width / 2
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: _round(that.centerY - rad * angleFunctions.sin - bBox.height / 2)
            _getColumnsCoord: function(coord) {
                var x, that = this,
                    label = that._label,
                    bBox = label.getBoundingRect(),
                    options = label.getLayoutOptions(),
                    rad = that.radiusLabels + options.radialOffset,
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                    rightBorderX = visibleArea.maxX - bBox.width,
                    leftBorderX = visibleArea.minX,
                    angleOfPoint = _normalizeAngle(that.middleAngle);
                if ("columns" !== options.position) {
                    return coord
                rad += CONNECTOR_LENGTH;
                if (angleOfPoint < 90 || angleOfPoint >= 270) {
                    x = that._maxLabelLength ? that.centerX + rad + that._maxLabelLength - bBox.width : rightBorderX;
                    x = x > rightBorderX ? rightBorderX : x
                } else {
                    x = that._maxLabelLength ? that.centerX - rad - that._maxLabelLength : leftBorderX;
                    x = x < leftBorderX ? leftBorderX : x
                coord.x = x;
                return coord
            drawLabel: function() {
                this._isLabelDrawingWithoutPoints = true;
                this._isLabelDrawingWithoutPoints = false
            updateLabelCoord: function() {
                var that = this,
                    bBox = that._label.getBoundingRect(),
                    coord = that._getColumnsCoord(bBox);
                coord = that._checkHorizontalLabelPosition(coord, bBox, that._getVisibleArea());
                that._label.shift(_round(coord.x), _round(bBox.y))
            _checkVerticalLabelPosition: function(coord, box, visibleArea) {
                var x = coord.x,
                    y = coord.y;
                if (coord.y + box.height > visibleArea.maxY) {
                    y = visibleArea.maxY - box.height
                } else {
                    if (coord.y < visibleArea.minY) {
                        y = visibleArea.minY
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _getLabelExtraCoord: function(coord, shiftCoord, box) {
                return coord.y !== shiftCoord.y ? getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords({
                    x: coord.x,
                    y: coord.y,
                    width: box.width,
                    height: box.height
                }, shiftCoord.y - coord.y, {
                    x: this.centerX,
                    y: this.centerY
                }) : coord
            _checkHorizontalLabelPosition: function(coord, box, visibleArea) {
                var x = coord.x,
                    y = coord.y;
                if (coord.x + box.width > visibleArea.maxX) {
                    x = visibleArea.maxX - box.width
                } else {
                    if (coord.x < visibleArea.minX) {
                        x = visibleArea.minX
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            setLabelEllipsis: function() {
                var that = this,
                    bBox = that._label.getBoundingRect(),
                    coord = that._checkHorizontalLabelPosition(bBox, bBox, that._getVisibleArea());
                that._label.fit(bBox.width - _abs(coord.x - bBox.x))
            setLabelTrackerData: function() {
            _checkLabelPosition: function(coord, bBox, visibleArea) {
                coord = this._checkHorizontalLabelPosition(coord, bBox, visibleArea);
                return this._checkVerticalLabelPosition(coord, bBox, visibleArea)
            _getLabelConnector: function() {
                var that = this,
                    rad = that.radiusOuter,
                    seriesStyle = that._options.styles.normal,
                    strokeWidthBy2 = seriesStyle["stroke-width"] / 2,
                    borderWidth = that.series.getOptions().containerBackgroundColor === seriesStyle.stroke ? _round(strokeWidthBy2) : _round(-strokeWidthBy2),
                    angleFunctions = _getCosAndSin(_round(that.middleAngle));
                return {
                    x: _round(that.centerX + (rad - borderWidth) * angleFunctions.cos),
                    y: _round(that.centerY - (rad - borderWidth) * angleFunctions.sin),
                    angle: that.middleAngle
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled, firstDrawing) {
                var that = this,
                    radiusOuter = that.radiusOuter,
                    radiusInner = that.radiusInner,
                    fromAngle = that.fromAngle,
                    toAngle = that.toAngle;
                if (animationEnabled) {
                    radiusInner = radiusOuter = 0;
                    if (!firstDrawing) {
                        fromAngle = toAngle = that.shiftedAngle
                that.graphic = renderer.arc(that.centerX, that.centerY, radiusInner, radiusOuter, toAngle, fromAngle).attr({
                    "stroke-linejoin": "round"
                    "chart-data-point": that
            getTooltipParams: function() {
                var that = this,
                    angleFunctions = _getCosAndSin(that.middleAngle),
                    radiusInner = that.radiusInner,
                    radiusOuter = that.radiusOuter;
                return {
                    x: that.centerX + (radiusInner + (radiusOuter - radiusInner) / 2) * angleFunctions.cos,
                    y: that.centerY - (radiusInner + (radiusOuter - radiusInner) / 2) * angleFunctions.sin,
                    offset: 0
            _translate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    angle = that.shiftedAngle || 0,
                    value = that.value,
                    minValue = that.minValue,
                    translator = that._getValTranslator();
                that.fromAngle = translator.translate(minValue) + angle;
                that.toAngle = translator.translate(value) + angle;
                that.middleAngle = translator.translate((value - minValue) / 2 + minValue) + angle;
                if (!that.isVisible()) {
                    that.middleAngle = that.toAngle = that.fromAngle = that.fromAngle || angle
            _getMarkerVisibility: function() {
                return true
            _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style, _, callback) {
                var that = this;
                if (!animationEnabled) {
                    style = _extend({
                        x: that.centerX,
                        y: that.centerY,
                        outerRadius: that.radiusOuter,
                        innerRadius: that.radiusInner,
                        startAngle: that.toAngle,
                        endAngle: that.fromAngle
                    }, style)
                callback && callback()
            getLegendStyles: function() {
                return this._styles.legendStyles
            isInVisibleArea: function() {
                return true
            hide: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._visible) {
                    that._visible = false;
            show: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._visible) {
                    that._visible = true;
            setInvisibility: function() {
            isVisible: function() {
                return this._visible
            _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) {
                var formatObject = symbolPoint._getFormatObject.call(this, tooltip),
                    percent = this.percent;
                formatObject.percent = percent;
                formatObject.percentText = tooltip.formatValue(percent, "percent");
                return formatObject
            getColor: function() {
                return this._styles.normal.fill
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                var angle, that = this,
                    lx = x - that.centerX,
                    ly = y - that.centerY,
                    r = _sqrt(lx * lx + ly * ly),
                    fromAngle = that.fromAngle % 360,
                    toAngle = that.toAngle % 360;
                if (r < that.radiusInner || r > that.radiusOuter || 0 === r) {
                    return false
                angle = _acos(lx / r) * DEG * (ly > 0 ? -1 : 1);
                if (angle < 0) {
                    angle += 360
                if (fromAngle === toAngle && _abs(that.toAngle - that.fromAngle) > 1e-4) {
                    return true
                } else {
                    return fromAngle >= toAngle ? angle <= fromAngle && angle >= toAngle : !(angle >= fromAngle && angle <= toAngle)
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/range_symbol_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            labelModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./label */ 529),
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            _extend = extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _min = _math.min,
            _max = _math.max,
            _round = _math.round,
            DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH = 20,
            DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 20;
        module.exports = _extend({}, symbolPoint, {
            deleteLabel: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._topLabel = null;
                that._bottomLabel = null
            hideMarker: function(type) {
                var graphic = this.graphic,
                    marker = graphic && graphic[type + "Marker"],
                    label = this["_" + type + "Label"];
                if (marker && "hidden" !== marker.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: "hidden"
            setInvisibility: function() {
            clearVisibility: function() {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic,
                    topMarker = graphic && graphic.topMarker,
                    bottomMarker = graphic && graphic.bottomMarker;
                if (topMarker && topMarker.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: null
                if (bottomMarker && bottomMarker.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: null
            clearMarker: function() {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic,
                    topMarker = graphic && graphic.topMarker,
                    bottomMarker = graphic && graphic.bottomMarker,
                    emptySettings = that._emptySettings;
                topMarker && topMarker.attr(emptySettings);
                bottomMarker && bottomMarker.attr(emptySettings)
            _getLabelPosition: function(markerType) {
                var position, labelsInside = "inside" === this._options.label.position;
                if (!this._options.rotated) {
                    position = "top" === markerType ^ labelsInside ? "top" : "bottom"
                } else {
                    position = "top" === markerType ^ labelsInside ? "right" : "left"
                return position
            _getLabelMinFormatObject: function() {
                var that = this;
                return {
                    index: 0,
                    argument: that.initialArgument,
                    value: that.initialMinValue,
                    seriesName: that.series.name,
                    originalValue: that.originalMinValue,
                    originalArgument: that.originalArgument,
                    point: that
            _updateLabelData: function() {
                var maxFormatObject = this._getLabelFormatObject();
                maxFormatObject.index = 1;
            _updateLabelOptions: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = this._options.label;
                (!that._topLabel || !that._bottomLabel) && that._createLabel();
            _createLabel: function() {
                var options = {
                    renderer: this.series._renderer,
                    labelsGroup: this.series._labelsGroup,
                    point: this
                this._topLabel = new labelModule.Label(options);
                this._bottomLabel = new labelModule.Label(options)
            _getGraphicBBox: function(location) {
                var bBox, options = this._options,
                    images = this._getImage(options.image),
                    image = "top" === location ? this._checkImage(images.top) : this._checkImage(images.bottom),
                    coord = this._getPositionFromLocation(location);
                if (options.visible) {
                    bBox = image ? this._getImageBBox(coord.x, coord.y) : this._getSymbolBBox(coord.x, coord.y, options.styles.normal.r)
                } else {
                    bBox = {
                        x: coord.x,
                        y: coord.y,
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                return bBox
            _getPositionFromLocation: function(location) {
                var x, y, isTop = "top" === location;
                if (!this._options.rotated) {
                    x = this.x;
                    y = isTop ? _min(this.y, this.minY) : _max(this.y, this.minY)
                } else {
                    x = isTop ? _max(this.x, this.minX) : _min(this.x, this.minX);
                    y = this.y
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _checkOverlay: function(bottomCoord, topCoord, topValue) {
                return bottomCoord < topCoord + topValue
            _getOverlayCorrections: function(topCoords, bottomCoords) {
                var rotated = this._options.rotated,
                    coordSelector = !rotated ? "y" : "x",
                    valueSelector = !rotated ? "height" : "width",
                    visibleArea = this._getValTranslator().getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                    minBound = visibleArea.min,
                    maxBound = visibleArea.max,
                    delta = _round((topCoords[coordSelector] + topCoords[valueSelector] - bottomCoords[coordSelector]) / 2),
                    coord1 = topCoords[coordSelector] - delta,
                    coord2 = bottomCoords[coordSelector] + delta;
                if (coord1 < minBound) {
                    delta = minBound - topCoords[coordSelector];
                    coord1 += delta;
                    coord2 += delta
                } else {
                    if (coord2 + bottomCoords[valueSelector] > maxBound) {
                        delta = -(bottomCoords[coordSelector] + bottomCoords[valueSelector] - maxBound);
                        coord1 += delta;
                        coord2 += delta
                return {
                    coord1: coord1,
                    coord2: coord2
            _checkLabelsOverlay: function(topLocation) {
                var that = this,
                    topCoords = that._topLabel.getBoundingRect(),
                    bottomCoords = that._bottomLabel.getBoundingRect(),
                    corrections = {};
                if (!that._options.rotated) {
                    if ("top" === topLocation) {
                        if (this._checkOverlay(bottomCoords.y, topCoords.y, topCoords.height)) {
                            corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections(topCoords, bottomCoords);
                            that._topLabel.shift(topCoords.x, corrections.coord1);
                            that._bottomLabel.shift(bottomCoords.x, corrections.coord2)
                    } else {
                        if (this._checkOverlay(topCoords.y, bottomCoords.y, bottomCoords.height)) {
                            corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections(bottomCoords, topCoords);
                            that._topLabel.shift(topCoords.x, corrections.coord2);
                            that._bottomLabel.shift(bottomCoords.x, corrections.coord1)
                } else {
                    if ("top" === topLocation) {
                        if (this._checkOverlay(topCoords.x, bottomCoords.x, bottomCoords.width)) {
                            corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections(bottomCoords, topCoords);
                            that._topLabel.shift(corrections.coord2, topCoords.y);
                            that._bottomLabel.shift(corrections.coord1, bottomCoords.y)
                    } else {
                        if (this._checkOverlay(bottomCoords.x, topCoords.x, topCoords.width)) {
                            corrections = this._getOverlayCorrections(topCoords, bottomCoords);
                            that._topLabel.shift(corrections.coord1, topCoords.y);
                            that._bottomLabel.shift(corrections.coord2, bottomCoords.y)
            _drawLabel: function() {
                var that = this,
                    labels = [],
                    notInverted = that._options.rotated ? that.x >= that.minX : that.y < that.minY,
                    customVisibility = that._getCustomLabelVisibility(),
                    topLabel = that._topLabel,
                    bottomLabel = that._bottomLabel;
                topLabel.pointPosition = notInverted ? "top" : "bottom";
                bottomLabel.pointPosition = notInverted ? "bottom" : "top";
                if ((that.series.getLabelVisibility() || customVisibility) && that.hasValue() && false !== customVisibility) {
                    false !== that.visibleTopMarker && labels.push(topLabel);
                    false !== that.visibleBottomMarker && labels.push(bottomLabel);
                    $.each(labels, function(_, label) {
                } else {
            _getImage: function(imageOption) {
                var image = {};
                if (_isDefined(imageOption)) {
                    if ("string" === typeof imageOption) {
                        image.top = image.bottom = imageOption
                    } else {
                        image.top = {
                            url: "string" === typeof imageOption.url ? imageOption.url : imageOption.url && imageOption.url.rangeMaxPoint,
                            width: "number" === typeof imageOption.width ? imageOption.width : imageOption.width && imageOption.width.rangeMaxPoint,
                            height: "number" === typeof imageOption.height ? imageOption.height : imageOption.height && imageOption.height.rangeMaxPoint
                        image.bottom = {
                            url: "string" === typeof imageOption.url ? imageOption.url : imageOption.url && imageOption.url.rangeMinPoint,
                            width: "number" === typeof imageOption.width ? imageOption.width : imageOption.width && imageOption.width.rangeMinPoint,
                            height: "number" === typeof imageOption.height ? imageOption.height : imageOption.height && imageOption.height.rangeMinPoint
                return image
            _checkSymbol: function(oldOptions, newOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    oldSymbol = oldOptions.symbol,
                    newSymbol = newOptions.symbol,
                    symbolChanged = "circle" === oldSymbol && "circle" !== newSymbol || "circle" !== oldSymbol && "circle" === newSymbol,
                    oldImages = that._getImage(oldOptions.image),
                    newImages = that._getImage(newOptions.image),
                    topImageChanged = that._checkImage(oldImages.top) !== that._checkImage(newImages.top),
                    bottomImageChanged = that._checkImage(oldImages.bottom) !== that._checkImage(newImages.bottom);
                return symbolChanged || topImageChanged || bottomImageChanged
            _getSettingsForTwoMarkers: function(style) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    settings = {},
                    x = options.rotated ? _min(that.x, that.minX) : that.x,
                    y = options.rotated ? that.y : _min(that.y, that.minY),
                    radius = style.r,
                    points = that._populatePointShape(options.symbol, radius);
                settings.top = _extend({
                    translateX: x + that.width,
                    translateY: y,
                    r: radius
                }, style);
                settings.bottom = _extend({
                    translateX: x,
                    translateY: y + that.height,
                    r: radius
                }, style);
                if (points) {
                    settings.top.points = settings.bottom.points = points
                return settings
            _hasGraphic: function() {
                return this.graphic && this.graphic.topMarker && this.graphic.bottomMarker
            _drawOneMarker: function(renderer, markerType, imageSettings, settings) {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic;
                if (graphic[markerType]) {
                    that._updateOneMarker(markerType, settings)
                } else {
                    graphic[markerType] = that._createMarker(renderer, graphic, imageSettings, settings)
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled, firstDrawing, style) {
                var that = this,
                    settings = that._getSettingsForTwoMarkers(style || that._getStyle()),
                    image = that._getImage(that._options.image);
                if (that._checkImage(image.top)) {
                    settings.top = that._getImageSettings(settings.top, image.top)
                if (that._checkImage(image.bottom)) {
                    settings.bottom = that._getImageSettings(settings.bottom, image.bottom)
                that.graphic = that.graphic || renderer.g().append(group);
                that.visibleTopMarker && that._drawOneMarker(renderer, "topMarker", image.top, settings.top);
                that.visibleBottomMarker && that._drawOneMarker(renderer, "bottomMarker", image.bottom, settings.bottom)
            _getSettingsForTracker: function(radius) {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated;
                return {
                    translateX: rotated ? _min(that.x, that.minX) - radius : that.x - radius,
                    translateY: rotated ? that.y - radius : _min(that.y, that.minY) - radius,
                    width: that.width + 2 * radius,
                    height: that.height + 2 * radius
            isInVisibleArea: function() {
                var notVisibleByArg, notVisibleByVal, tmp, visibleArgArea, visibleValArea, that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    argument = !rotated ? that.x : that.y,
                    maxValue = !rotated ? _max(that.minY, that.y) : _max(that.minX, that.x),
                    minValue = !rotated ? _min(that.minY, that.y) : _min(that.minX, that.x),
                    visibleTopMarker = true,
                    visibleBottomMarker = true,
                    visibleRangeArea = true;
                visibleArgArea = that._getArgTranslator().getCanvasVisibleArea();
                visibleValArea = that._getValTranslator().getCanvasVisibleArea();
                notVisibleByArg = visibleArgArea.max < argument || visibleArgArea.min > argument;
                notVisibleByVal = visibleValArea.min > minValue && visibleValArea.min > maxValue || visibleValArea.max < minValue && visibleValArea.max < maxValue;
                if (notVisibleByArg || notVisibleByVal) {
                    visibleTopMarker = visibleBottomMarker = visibleRangeArea = false
                } else {
                    visibleTopMarker = visibleValArea.min <= minValue && visibleValArea.max > minValue;
                    visibleBottomMarker = visibleValArea.min < maxValue && visibleValArea.max >= maxValue;
                    if (rotated) {
                        tmp = visibleTopMarker;
                        visibleTopMarker = visibleBottomMarker;
                        visibleBottomMarker = tmp
                that.visibleTopMarker = visibleTopMarker;
                that.visibleBottomMarker = visibleBottomMarker;
                return visibleRangeArea
            getTooltipParams: function() {
                var x, y, that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    minValue = !rotated ? _min(that.y, that.minY) : _min(that.x, that.minX),
                    side = !rotated ? "height" : "width",
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                    minVisible = rotated ? visibleArea.minX : visibleArea.minY,
                    maxVisible = rotated ? visibleArea.maxX : visibleArea.maxY,
                    min = _max(minVisible, minValue),
                    max = _min(maxVisible, minValue + that[side]);
                if (!rotated) {
                    x = that.x;
                    y = min + (max - min) / 2
                } else {
                    y = that.y;
                    x = min + (max - min) / 2
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    offset: 0
            _translate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated;
                that.height = rotated ? 0 : _abs(that.minY - that.y);
                that.width = rotated ? _abs(that.x - that.minX) : 0
            _updateData: function(data) {
                var that = this;
                symbolPoint._updateData.call(that, data);
                that.minValue = that.initialMinValue = that.originalMinValue = data.minValue
            _getImageSettings: function(settings, image) {
                return {
                    href: image.url || image.toString(),
                    width: image.width || DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH,
                    height: image.height || DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT,
                    translateX: settings.translateX,
                    translateY: settings.translateY
            getCrosshairData: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    minX = that.minX,
                    minY = that.minY,
                    vx = that.vx,
                    vy = that.vy,
                    value = that.value,
                    minValue = that.minValue,
                    argument = that.argument,
                    coords = {
                        axis: that.series.axis,
                        x: vx,
                        y: vy,
                        yValue: value,
                        xValue: argument
                if (rotated) {
                    coords.yValue = argument;
                    if (_abs(vx - x) < _abs(minX - x)) {
                        coords.xValue = value
                    } else {
                        coords.x = minX;
                        coords.xValue = minValue
                } else {
                    if (_abs(vy - y) >= _abs(minY - y)) {
                        coords.y = minY;
                        coords.yValue = minValue
                return coords
            _updateOneMarker: function(markerType, settings) {
                this.graphic && this.graphic[markerType] && this.graphic[markerType].attr(settings)
            _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style) {
                this._drawMarker(void 0, void 0, false, false, style)
            _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) {
                var that = this,
                    initialMinValue = that.initialMinValue,
                    initialValue = that.initialValue,
                    initialArgument = that.initialArgument,
                    minValue = tooltip.formatValue(initialMinValue),
                    value = tooltip.formatValue(initialValue);
                return {
                    argument: initialArgument,
                    argumentText: tooltip.formatValue(initialArgument, "argument"),
                    valueText: minValue + " - " + value,
                    rangeValue1Text: minValue,
                    rangeValue2Text: value,
                    rangeValue1: initialMinValue,
                    rangeValue2: initialValue,
                    seriesName: that.series.name,
                    point: that,
                    originalMinValue: that.originalMinValue,
                    originalValue: that.originalValue,
                    originalArgument: that.originalArgument
            getLabel: function() {
                return [this._topLabel, this._bottomLabel]
            getLabels: function() {
                return [this._topLabel, this._bottomLabel]
            getBoundingRect: commonUtils.noop,
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                var trackerRadius = this._storeTrackerR(),
                    xCond = x >= this.x - trackerRadius && x <= this.x + trackerRadius,
                    yCond = y >= this.y - trackerRadius && y <= this.y + trackerRadius;
                if (this._options.rotated) {
                    return yCond && (xCond || x >= this.minX - trackerRadius && x <= this.minX + trackerRadius)
                } else {
                    return xCond && (yCond || y >= this.minY - trackerRadius && y <= this.minY + trackerRadius)
            getMaxValue: function() {
                if ("discrete" !== this.series.valueAxisType) {
                    return this.minValue > this.value ? this.minValue : this.value
                return this.value
            getMinValue: function() {
                if ("discrete" !== this.series.valueAxisType) {
                    return this.minValue < this.value ? this.minValue : this.value
                return this.minValue
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/range_bar_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            barPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_point */ 531),
            rangeSymbolPointMethods = __webpack_require__( /*! ./range_symbol_point */ 534),
            _extend = extend;
        module.exports = _extend({}, barPoint, {
            deleteLabel: rangeSymbolPointMethods.deleteLabel,
            _getFormatObject: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getFormatObject,
            clearVisibility: function() {
                var graphic = this.graphic;
                if (graphic && graphic.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: null
            setInvisibility: function() {
                var graphic = this.graphic;
                if (graphic && "hidden" !== graphic.attr("visibility")) {
                        visibility: "hidden"
            getTooltipParams: function(location) {
                var x, y, that = this,
                    edgeLocation = "edge" === location;
                if (that._options.rotated) {
                    x = edgeLocation ? that.x + that.width : that.x + that.width / 2;
                    y = that.y + that.height / 2
                } else {
                    x = that.x + that.width / 2;
                    y = edgeLocation ? that.y : that.y + that.height / 2
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    offset: 0
            _translate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    barMethods = barPoint;
                if (that._options.rotated) {
                    that.width = that.width || 1
                } else {
                    that.height = that.height || 1
            _updateData: rangeSymbolPointMethods._updateData,
            _getLabelPosition: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getLabelPosition,
            _getLabelMinFormatObject: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getLabelMinFormatObject,
            _updateLabelData: rangeSymbolPointMethods._updateLabelData,
            _updateLabelOptions: rangeSymbolPointMethods._updateLabelOptions,
            getCrosshairData: rangeSymbolPointMethods.getCrosshairData,
            _createLabel: rangeSymbolPointMethods._createLabel,
            _checkOverlay: rangeSymbolPointMethods._checkOverlay,
            _checkLabelsOverlay: rangeSymbolPointMethods._checkLabelsOverlay,
            _getOverlayCorrections: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getOverlayCorrections,
            _drawLabel: rangeSymbolPointMethods._drawLabel,
            _getLabelCoords: rangeSymbolPointMethods._getLabelCoords,
            _getGraphicBBox: function(location) {
                var isTop = "top" === location,
                    bBox = barPoint._getGraphicBBox.call(this);
                if (!this._options.rotated) {
                    bBox.y = isTop ? bBox.y : bBox.y + bBox.height;
                    bBox.height = 0
                } else {
                    bBox.x = isTop ? bBox.x + bBox.width : bBox.x;
                    bBox.width = 0
                return bBox
            getLabel: rangeSymbolPointMethods.getLabel,
            getLabels: rangeSymbolPointMethods.getLabels,
            getBoundingRect: noop,
            getMinValue: rangeSymbolPointMethods.getMinValue,
            getMaxValue: rangeSymbolPointMethods.getMaxValue
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/candlestick_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var isNumeric = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14).isNumeric,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            barPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_point */ 531),
            _isNumeric = isNumeric,
            _extend = extend,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _min = _math.min,
            _max = _math.max,
            _round = _math.round,
        module.exports = _extend({}, barPoint, {
            _getContinuousPoints: function(minValueName, maxValueName) {
                var points, that = this,
                    x = that.x,
                    createPoint = that._options.rotated ? function(x, y) {
                        return [y, x]
                    } : function(x, y) {
                        return [x, y]
                    width = that.width,
                    min = that[minValueName],
                    max = that[maxValueName];
                if (min === max) {
                    points = [].concat(createPoint(x, that.highY)).concat(createPoint(x, that.lowY)).concat(createPoint(x, that.closeY)).concat(createPoint(x - width / 2, that.closeY)).concat(createPoint(x + width / 2, that.closeY)).concat(createPoint(x, that.closeY))
                } else {
                    points = [].concat(createPoint(x, that.highY)).concat(createPoint(x, max)).concat(createPoint(x + width / 2, max)).concat(createPoint(x + width / 2, min)).concat(createPoint(x, min)).concat(createPoint(x, that.lowY)).concat(createPoint(x, min)).concat(createPoint(x - width / 2, min)).concat(createPoint(x - width / 2, max)).concat(createPoint(x, max))
                return points
            _getCategoryPoints: function(y) {
                var that = this,
                    x = that.x,
                    createPoint = that._options.rotated ? function(x, y) {
                        return [y, x]
                    } : function(x, y) {
                        return [x, y]
                return [].concat(createPoint(x, that.highY)).concat(createPoint(x, that.lowY)).concat(createPoint(x, y)).concat(createPoint(x - that.width / 2, y)).concat(createPoint(x + that.width / 2, y)).concat(createPoint(x, y))
            _getPoints: function() {
                var points, minValueName, maxValueName, that = this,
                    openValue = that.openValue,
                    closeValue = that.closeValue;
                if (_isNumeric(openValue) && _isNumeric(closeValue)) {
                    minValueName = openValue > closeValue ? "closeY" : "openY";
                    maxValueName = openValue > closeValue ? "openY" : "closeY";
                    points = that._getContinuousPoints(minValueName, maxValueName)
                } else {
                    if (openValue === closeValue) {
                        points = [that.x, that.highY, that.x, that.lowY]
                    } else {
                        points = that._getCategoryPoints(_isNumeric(openValue) ? that.openY : that.closeY)
                return points
            getColor: function() {
                var that = this;
                return that._isReduction ? that._options.reduction.color : that._styles.normal.stroke || that.series.getColor()
            _drawMarkerInGroup: function(group, attributes, renderer) {
                var that = this;
                that.graphic = renderer.path(that._getPoints(), "area").attr({
                    "stroke-linecap": "square"
                    "chart-data-point": that
            _fillStyle: function() {
                var that = this,
                    styles = that._options.styles;
                if (that._isReduction && that._isPositive) {
                    that._styles = styles.reductionPositive
                } else {
                    if (that._isReduction) {
                        that._styles = styles.reduction
                    } else {
                        if (that._isPositive) {
                            that._styles = styles.positive
                        } else {
                            that._styles = styles
            _getMinTrackerWidth: function() {
                return 2 + 2 * this._styles.normal["stroke-width"]
            correctCoordinates: function(correctOptions) {
                var minWidth = this._getMinTrackerWidth(),
                    maxWidth = 10,
                    width = correctOptions.width;
                width = width < minWidth ? minWidth : width > maxWidth ? maxWidth : width;
                this.width = width + width % 2;
                this.xCorrection = correctOptions.offset
            _getMarkerGroup: function(group) {
                var markerGroup, that = this;
                if (that._isReduction && that._isPositive) {
                    markerGroup = group.reductionPositiveMarkersGroup
                } else {
                    if (that._isReduction) {
                        markerGroup = group.reductionMarkersGroup
                    } else {
                        if (that._isPositive) {
                            markerGroup = group.defaultPositiveMarkersGroup
                        } else {
                            markerGroup = group.defaultMarkersGroup
                return markerGroup
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group) {
                this._drawMarkerInGroup(this._getMarkerGroup(group), this._getStyle(), renderer)
            _getSettingsForTracker: function() {
                var x, y, width, height, that = this,
                    highY = that.highY,
                    lowY = that.lowY,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated;
                if (highY === lowY) {
                    highY = rotated ? highY + DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN : highY - DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_TRACKER_MARGIN;
                if (rotated) {
                    x = _min(lowY, highY);
                    y = that.x - that.width / 2;
                    width = _abs(lowY - highY);
                    height = that.width
                } else {
                    x = that.x - that.width / 2;
                    y = _min(lowY, highY);
                    width = that.width;
                    height = _abs(lowY - highY)
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    width: width,
                    height: height
            _getGraphicBBox: function() {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    x = that.x,
                    width = that.width,
                    lowY = that.lowY,
                    highY = that.highY;
                return {
                    x: !rotated ? x - _round(width / 2) : lowY,
                    y: !rotated ? highY : x - _round(width / 2),
                    width: !rotated ? width : highY - lowY,
                    height: !rotated ? lowY - highY : width
            getTooltipParams: function(location) {
                var that = this;
                if (that.graphic) {
                    var x, y, minValue = _min(that.lowY, that.highY),
                        maxValue = _max(that.lowY, that.highY),
                        visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                        edgeLocation = "edge" === location,
                        rotated = that._options.rotated,
                        minVisible = rotated ? visibleArea.minX : visibleArea.minY,
                        maxVisible = rotated ? visibleArea.maxX : visibleArea.maxY,
                        min = _max(minVisible, minValue),
                        max = _min(maxVisible, maxValue),
                        center = min + (max - min) / 2;
                    if (rotated) {
                        y = that.x;
                        x = edgeLocation ? max : center
                    } else {
                        x = that.x;
                        y = edgeLocation ? min : center
                    return {
                        x: x,
                        y: y,
                        offset: 0
            hasValue: function() {
                return null !== this.highValue && null !== this.lowValue
            _translate: function() {
                var centerValue, that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    valTranslator = that._getValTranslator();
                that.vx = that.vy = that.x = that._getArgTranslator().translate(that.argument) + (that.xCorrection || 0);
                that.openY = null !== that.openValue ? valTranslator.translate(that.openValue) : null;
                that.highY = valTranslator.translate(that.highValue);
                that.lowY = valTranslator.translate(that.lowValue);
                that.closeY = null !== that.closeValue ? valTranslator.translate(that.closeValue) : null;
                centerValue = _min(that.lowY, that.highY) + _abs(that.lowY - that.highY) / 2;
                that._calculateVisibility(!rotated ? that.x : centerValue, !rotated ? centerValue : that.x)
            getCrosshairData: function(x, y) {
                var yValue, coords, that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    origY = rotated ? x : y,
                    argument = that.argument,
                    coord = "low";
                if (_abs(that.lowY - origY) < _abs(that.closeY - origY)) {
                    yValue = that.lowY
                } else {
                    yValue = that.closeY;
                    coord = "close"
                if (_abs(yValue - origY) >= _abs(that.openY - origY)) {
                    yValue = that.openY;
                    coord = "open"
                if (_abs(yValue - origY) >= _abs(that.highY - origY)) {
                    yValue = that.highY;
                    coord = "high"
                if (rotated) {
                    coords = {
                        y: that.vy,
                        x: yValue,
                        xValue: that[coord + "Value"],
                        yValue: argument
                } else {
                    coords = {
                        x: that.vx,
                        y: yValue,
                        xValue: argument,
                        yValue: that[coord + "Value"]
                coords.axis = that.series.axis;
                return coords
            _updateData: function(data) {
                var that = this,
                    label = that._label,
                    reductionColor = this._options.reduction.color;
                that.value = that.initialValue = data.reductionValue;
                that.originalValue = data.value;
                that.lowValue = that.originalLowValue = data.lowValue;
                that.highValue = that.originalHighValue = data.highValue;
                that.openValue = that.originalOpenValue = data.openValue;
                that.closeValue = that.originalCloseValue = data.closeValue;
                that._isPositive = data.openValue < data.closeValue;
                that._isReduction = data.isReduction;
                if (that._isReduction) {
            _updateMarker: function(animationEnabled, style, group) {
                var that = this,
                    graphic = that.graphic;
                    points: that._getPoints()
                group && graphic.append(that._getMarkerGroup(group))
            _getLabelFormatObject: function() {
                var that = this;
                return {
                    openValue: that.openValue,
                    highValue: that.highValue,
                    lowValue: that.lowValue,
                    closeValue: that.closeValue,
                    reductionValue: that.initialValue,
                    argument: that.initialArgument,
                    value: that.initialValue,
                    seriesName: that.series.name,
                    originalOpenValue: that.originalOpenValue,
                    originalCloseValue: that.originalCloseValue,
                    originalLowValue: that.originalLowValue,
                    originalHighValue: that.originalHighValue,
                    originalArgument: that.originalArgument,
                    point: that
            _getFormatObject: function(tooltip) {
                var that = this,
                    highValue = tooltip.formatValue(that.highValue),
                    openValue = tooltip.formatValue(that.openValue),
                    closeValue = tooltip.formatValue(that.closeValue),
                    lowValue = tooltip.formatValue(that.lowValue),
                    symbolMethods = symbolPoint,
                    formatObject = symbolMethods._getFormatObject.call(that, tooltip);
                return _extend({}, formatObject, {
                    valueText: "h: " + highValue + ("" !== openValue ? " o: " + openValue : "") + ("" !== closeValue ? " c: " + closeValue : "") + " l: " + lowValue,
                    highValueText: highValue,
                    openValueText: openValue,
                    closeValueText: closeValue,
                    lowValueText: lowValue
            getMaxValue: function() {
                return this.highValue
            getMinValue: function() {
                return this.lowValue
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/stock_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            isNumeric = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14).isNumeric,
            candlestickPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./candlestick_point */ 536),
            _extend = extend,
            _isNumeric = isNumeric;
        module.exports = _extend({}, candlestickPoint, {
            _getPoints: function() {
                var points, that = this,
                    createPoint = that._options.rotated ? function(x, y) {
                        return [y, x]
                    } : function(x, y) {
                        return [x, y]
                    openYExist = _isNumeric(that.openY),
                    closeYExist = _isNumeric(that.closeY),
                    x = that.x,
                    width = that.width;
                points = [].concat(createPoint(x, that.highY));
                openYExist && (points = points.concat(createPoint(x, that.openY)));
                openYExist && (points = points.concat(createPoint(x - width / 2, that.openY)));
                openYExist && (points = points.concat(createPoint(x, that.openY)));
                closeYExist && (points = points.concat(createPoint(x, that.closeY)));
                closeYExist && (points = points.concat(createPoint(x + width / 2, that.closeY)));
                closeYExist && (points = points.concat(createPoint(x, that.closeY)));
                points = points.concat(createPoint(x, that.lowY));
                return points
            _drawMarkerInGroup: function(group, attributes, renderer) {
                this.graphic = renderer.path(this._getPoints(), "line").attr({
                    "stroke-linecap": "square"
                    "chart-data-point": this
            _getMinTrackerWidth: function() {
                var width = 2 + this._styles.normal["stroke-width"];
                return width + width % 2
      !*** ./js/viz/series/points/polar_point.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _extend = extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            symbolPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./symbol_point */ 528),
            barPoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_point */ 531),
            piePoint = __webpack_require__( /*! ./pie_point */ 533),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils */ 509),
            normalizeAngle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle,
            _math = Math,
            _max = _math.max,
            ERROR_BARS_ANGLE_OFFSET = 90,
            CANVAS_POSITION_END = "canvas_position_end",
            CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT = "canvas_position_default";
        exports.polarSymbolPoint = _extend({}, symbolPoint, {
            _getLabelCoords: piePoint._getLabelCoords,
            _moveLabelOnCanvas: barPoint._moveLabelOnCanvas,
            _getLabelPosition: function() {
                return "outside"
            _getCoords: function(argument, value) {
                var axis = this.series.getValueAxis(),
                    startAngle = axis.getAngles()[0],
                    angle = this._getArgTranslator().translate(argument),
                    radius = this._getValTranslator().translate(value),
                    coords = vizUtils.convertPolarToXY(axis.getCenter(), axis.getAngles()[0], angle, radius);
                coords.angle = angle + startAngle - 90, coords.radius = radius;
                return coords
            _translate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    center = that.series.getValueAxis().getCenter(),
                    coord = that._getCoords(that.argument, that.value);
                that.vx = normalizeAngle(coord.angle);
                that.vy = that.radiusOuter = that.radiusLabels = coord.radius;
                that.radius = coord.radius;
                that.middleAngle = -coord.angle;
                that.angle = -coord.angle;
                that.x = coord.x;
                that.y = coord.y;
                that.defaultX = that.centerX = center.x;
                that.defaultY = that.centerY = center.y;
                that.inVisibleArea = true
            _translateErrorBars: function() {
                var that = this,
                    errorBars = that._options.errorBars,
                    translator = that._getValTranslator();
                if (!errorBars) {
                isDefined(that.lowError) && (that._lowErrorCoord = that.centerY - translator.translate(that.lowError));
                isDefined(that.highError) && (that._highErrorCoord = that.centerY - translator.translate(that.highError));
                that._errorBarPos = that.centerX;
                that._baseErrorBarPos = "stdDeviation" === errorBars.type ? that._lowErrorCoord + (that._highErrorCoord - that._lowErrorCoord) / 2 : that.centerY - that.radius
            _getTranslates: function(animationEnabled) {
                return animationEnabled ? this.getDefaultCoords() : {
                    x: this.x,
                    y: this.y
            getDefaultCoords: function() {
                var cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(-this.angle),
                    radius = this._getValTranslator().translate(CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT),
                    x = this.defaultX + radius * cosSin.cos,
                    y = this.defaultY + radius * cosSin.sin;
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _addLabelAlignmentAndOffset: function(label, coord) {
                return coord
            _checkLabelPosition: function(label, coord) {
                var that = this,
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                    graphicBBox = that._getGraphicBBox();
                if (that._isPointInVisibleArea(visibleArea, graphicBBox)) {
                    coord = that._moveLabelOnCanvas(coord, visibleArea, label.getBoundingRect())
                return coord
            _getErrorBarSettings: function(errorBarOptions, animationEnabled) {
                var settings = symbolPoint._getErrorBarSettings.call(this, errorBarOptions, animationEnabled);
                settings.rotate = ERROR_BARS_ANGLE_OFFSET - this.angle;
                settings.rotateX = this.centerX;
                settings.rotateY = this.centerY;
                return settings
            getCoords: function(min) {
                return min ? this.getDefaultCoords() : {
                    x: this.x,
                    y: this.y
        exports.polarBarPoint = _extend({}, barPoint, {
            _translateErrorBars: exports.polarSymbolPoint._translateErrorBars,
            _getErrorBarSettings: exports.polarSymbolPoint._getErrorBarSettings,
            _moveLabelOnCanvas: barPoint._moveLabelOnCanvas,
            _getLabelCoords: piePoint._getLabelCoords,
            _getLabelConnector: piePoint._getLabelConnector,
            getTooltipParams: piePoint.getTooltipParams,
            _getLabelPosition: piePoint._getLabelPosition,
            _getCoords: exports.polarSymbolPoint._getCoords,
            _translate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    translator = that._getValTranslator(),
                    maxRadius = translator.translate(CANVAS_POSITION_END);
                that.radiusInner = translator.translate(that.minValue);
                if (null === that.radiusInner) {
                    that.radiusInner = that.radius = maxRadius
                } else {
                    if (null === that.radius) {
                        this.radius = this.value >= 0 ? maxRadius : 0
                that.radiusOuter = that.radiusLabels = _max(that.radiusInner, that.radius);
                that.radiusInner = that.defaultRadius = _math.min(that.radiusInner, that.radius);
                that.middleAngle = that.angle = -normalizeAngle(that.middleAngleCorrection - that.angle)
            getMarkerCoords: function() {
                return {
                    x: this.centerX,
                    y: this.centerY,
                    outerRadius: this.radiusOuter,
                    innerRadius: this.defaultRadius,
                    startAngle: this.middleAngle - this.interval / 2,
                    endAngle: this.middleAngle + this.interval / 2
            _drawMarker: function(renderer, group, animationEnabled) {
                var that = this,
                    styles = that._getStyle(),
                    coords = that.getMarkerCoords(),
                    innerRadius = coords.innerRadius,
                    outerRadius = coords.outerRadius,
                    start = that._getCoords(that.argument, CANVAS_POSITION_DEFAULT),
                    x = coords.x,
                    y = coords.y;
                if (animationEnabled) {
                    innerRadius = 0;
                    outerRadius = 0;
                    x = start.x;
                    y = start.y
                that.graphic = renderer.arc(x, y, innerRadius, outerRadius, coords.startAngle, coords.endAngle).attr(styles).data({
                    "chart-data-point": that
            _checkLabelPosition: function(label, coord) {
                var that = this,
                    visibleArea = that._getVisibleArea(),
                    angleFunctions = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(that.middleAngle),
                    x = that.centerX + that.defaultRadius * angleFunctions.cos,
                    y = that.centerY - that.defaultRadius * angleFunctions.sin;
                if (x > visibleArea.minX && x < visibleArea.maxX && y > visibleArea.minY && y < visibleArea.maxY) {
                    coord = that._moveLabelOnCanvas(coord, visibleArea, label.getBoundingRect())
                return coord
            _addLabelAlignmentAndOffset: function(label, coord) {
                return coord
            correctCoordinates: function(correctOptions) {
                this.middleAngleCorrection = correctOptions.offset;
                this.interval = correctOptions.width
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                var val = vizUtils.convertXYToPolar(this.series.getValueAxis().getCenter(), x, y),
                    coords = this.getMarkerCoords(),
                    isBetweenAngles = coords.startAngle < coords.endAngle ? -val.phi >= coords.startAngle && -val.phi <= coords.endAngle : -val.phi <= coords.startAngle && -val.phi >= coords.endAngle;
                return val.r >= coords.innerRadius && val.r <= coords.outerRadius && isBetweenAngles
      !*** ./js/viz/series/helpers/range_data_calculator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            unique = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils */ 509).unique,
            _isDefined = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../../core/utils/common */ 14).isDefined,
            DISCRETE = "discrete";

        function addLabelPaddings(series, valueRange) {
            var labelOptions = series.getOptions().label;
            if (series.areLabelsVisible() && labelOptions && labelOptions.visible && "inside" !== labelOptions.position) {
                if (valueRange.min < 0) {
                    valueRange.minSpaceCorrection = true
                if (valueRange.max > 0) {
                    valueRange.maxSpaceCorrection = true

        function addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings(series, range) {
            if (series.areLabelsVisible() && series._options.label.visible && "inside" !== series._options.label.position) {
                range.minSpaceCorrection = range.maxSpaceCorrection = true

        function continuousRangeCalculator(range, minValue, maxValue) {
            range.min = range.min < minValue ? range.min : minValue;
            range.max = range.max > maxValue ? range.max : maxValue

        function getRangeCalculator(axisType, calcInterval) {
            if (axisType === DISCRETE) {
                return function(range, minValue, maxValue) {
                    if (minValue !== maxValue) {
            if (calcInterval) {
                return function(range, value) {
                    var interval = calcInterval(value, range.prevValue),
                        minInterval = range.interval;
                    range.interval = (minInterval < interval ? minInterval : interval) || minInterval;
                    range.prevValue = value;
                    continuousRangeCalculator(range, value, value)
            return continuousRangeCalculator

        function getInitialRange(axisType, dataType, firstValue) {
            var range = {
                axisType: axisType,
                dataType: dataType
            if (axisType === DISCRETE) {
                range.categories = []
            } else {
                range.min = firstValue;
                range.max = firstValue
            return range

        function processCategories(range) {
            if (range.categories) {
                range.categories = unique(range.categories)

        function getValueForArgument(point, extraPoint, x) {
            if (extraPoint) {
                var y1 = point.value,
                    y2 = extraPoint.value,
                    x1 = point.argument,
                    x2 = extraPoint.argument;
                return (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) + y1
            } else {
                return point.value

        function getViewPortFilter(viewport) {
            if (!_isDefined(viewport.max) && !_isDefined(viewport.min)) {
                return function() {
                    return true
            if (!_isDefined(viewport.max)) {
                return function(argument) {
                    return argument >= viewport.min
            if (!_isDefined(viewport.min)) {
                return function(argument) {
                    return argument <= viewport.max
            return function(argument) {
                return argument >= viewport.min && argument <= viewport.max

        function calculateRangeBetweenPoints(rangeCalculator, range, point, prevPoint, bound) {
            var value = getValueForArgument(point, prevPoint, bound);
            rangeCalculator(range, value, value)

        function getViewportReducer(series) {
            var viewportFilter, rangeCalculator = getRangeCalculator(series.valueAxisType),
                viewport = series.getArgumentAxis() && series.getArgumentAxis().getViewport() || {};
            viewportFilter = getViewPortFilter(viewport);
            return function(range, point, index, points) {
                var argument = point.argument;
                if (!point.hasValue()) {
                    return range
                if (viewportFilter(argument)) {
                    if (!range.startCalc) {
                        range.startCalc = true;
                        calculateRangeBetweenPoints(rangeCalculator, range, point, points[index - 1], viewport.min)
                    rangeCalculator(range, point.getMinValue(), point.getMaxValue())
                } else {
                    if (_isDefined(viewport.max) && argument > viewport.max) {
                        if (!range.startCalc) {
                            calculateRangeBetweenPoints(rangeCalculator, range, point, points[index - 1], viewport.min)
                        range.endCalc = true;
                        calculateRangeBetweenPoints(rangeCalculator, range, point, points[index - 1], viewport.max)
                return range

        function getIntervalCalculator(series) {
            var calcInterval = series.getArgumentAxis() && series.getArgumentAxis().calcInterval;
            if (calcInterval) {
                return calcInterval
            return function(value, prevValue) {
                return _abs(value - prevValue)
        module.exports = {
            getRangeData: function(series) {
                var points = series.getPoints(),
                    intervalCalculator = getIntervalCalculator(series),
                    argumentCalculator = getRangeCalculator(series.argumentAxisType, points.length > 1 && intervalCalculator),
                    valueRangeCalculator = getRangeCalculator(series.valueAxisType),
                    viewportReducer = getViewportReducer(series),
                    range = points.reduce(function(range, point, index, points) {
                        var argument = point.argument;
                        argumentCalculator(range.arg, argument, argument);
                        if (point.hasValue()) {
                            valueRangeCalculator(range.val, point.getMinValue(), point.getMaxValue());
                            viewportReducer(range.viewport, point, index, points)
                        return range
                    }, {
                        arg: getInitialRange(series.argumentAxisType, series.argumentType, points.length ? points[0].argument : void 0),
                        val: getInitialRange(series.valueAxisType, series.valueType, points.length ? series.getValueRangeInitialValue() : void 0),
                        viewport: getInitialRange(series.valueAxisType, series.valueType, points.length ? series.getValueRangeInitialValue() : void 0)
                return range
            getViewport: function(series) {
                var reducer, points = series.getPoints(),
                    range = {};
                if (series.valueAxisType !== DISCRETE && series.argumentAxisType !== DISCRETE) {
                    reducer = getViewportReducer(series);
                    range = getInitialRange(series.valueAxisType, series.valueType, points.length ? series.getValueRangeInitialValue() : void 0);
                    points.some(function(point, index) {
                        reducer(range, point, index, points);
                        return range.endCalc
                return range
            addLabelPaddings: addLabelPaddings,
            addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings: addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings
      !*** ./js/viz/series/scatter_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            rangeCalculator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./helpers/range_data_calculator */ 539),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _each = $.each,
            _extend = extend,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            math = Math,
            _floor = math.floor,
            _abs = math.abs,
            _sqrt = math.sqrt,
            _min = math.min,
            _max = math.max,
            DEFAULT_TRACKER_WIDTH = 12,
            DEFAULT_DURATION = 400,
            HIGH_ERROR = "highError",
            LOW_ERROR = "lowError",
            ORIGINAL = "original",
            VARIANCE = "variance",
            STANDARD_DEVIATION = "stddeviation",
            STANDARD_ERROR = "stderror",
            PERCENT = "percent",
            FIXED = "fixed",
            UNDEFINED = "undefined",
            DISCRETE = "discrete",
            LOGARITHMIC = "logarithmic",
            DATETIME = "datetime";
        exports.chart = {};
        exports.polar = {};

        function sum(array) {
            var result = 0;
            _each(array, function(_, value) {
                result += value
            return result

        function isErrorBarTypeCorrect(type) {
            return inArray(type, [FIXED, PERCENT, VARIANCE, STANDARD_DEVIATION, STANDARD_ERROR]) !== -1

        function variance(array, expectedValue) {
            return sum(_map(array, function(value) {
                return (value - expectedValue) * (value - expectedValue)
            })) / array.length
        var baseScatterMethods = {
            _defaultDuration: DEFAULT_DURATION,
            _defaultTrackerWidth: DEFAULT_TRACKER_WIDTH,
            _applyStyle: _noop,
            _updateOptions: _noop,
            _parseStyle: _noop,
            _prepareSegment: _noop,
            _drawSegment: _noop,
            _generateDefaultSegments: _noop,
            _prepareSeriesToDrawing: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._oldPoints = null
            _appendInGroup: function() {
            _createLegendState: function(styleOptions, defaultColor) {
                return {
                    fill: styleOptions.color || defaultColor,
                    hatching: styleOptions.hatching
            updateTemplateFieldNames: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                options.valueField = that.getValueFields()[0] + that.name;
                options.tagField = that.getTagField() + that.name
            _applyElementsClipRect: function(settings) {
                settings["clip-path"] = this._paneClipRectID
            _applyMarkerClipRect: function(settings) {
                settings["clip-path"] = this._forceClipping ? this._paneClipRectID : null
            _createGroup: function(groupName, parent, target, settings) {
                var group = parent[groupName] = parent[groupName] || this._renderer.g();
                target && group.append(target);
                settings && group.attr(settings)
            _applyClearingSettings: function(settings) {
                settings.opacity = null;
                settings.scale = null;
                if (this._options.rotated) {
                    settings.translateX = null
                } else {
                    settings.translateY = null
            _createGroups: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._createGroup("_markersGroup", that, that._group);
                that._createGroup("_labelsGroup", that)
            _setMarkerGroupSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    settings = that._createPointStyles(that._getMarkerGroupOptions()).normal;
                settings.class = "dxc-markers";
                settings.opacity = 1;
            getVisibleArea: function() {
                return this._visibleArea
            areErrorBarsVisible: function() {
                var errorBarOptions = this._options.valueErrorBar;
                return errorBarOptions && this._errorBarsEnabled() && "none" !== errorBarOptions.displayMode && (isErrorBarTypeCorrect(_normalizeEnum(errorBarOptions.type)) || _isDefined(errorBarOptions.lowValueField) || _isDefined(errorBarOptions.highValueField))
            _createErrorBarGroup: function(animationEnabled) {
                var settings, that = this,
                    errorBarOptions = that._options.valueErrorBar;
                if (that.areErrorBarsVisible()) {
                    settings = {
                        "class": "dxc-error-bars",
                        stroke: errorBarOptions.color,
                        "stroke-width": errorBarOptions.lineWidth,
                        opacity: animationEnabled ? .001 : errorBarOptions.opacity || 1,
                        "stroke-linecap": "square",
                        sharp: true,
                        "clip-path": that._forceClipping ? that._paneClipRectID : that._widePaneClipRectID
                    that._createGroup("_errorBarGroup", that, that._group, settings)
            _setGroupsSettings: function(animationEnabled) {
                var that = this;
            _getCreatingPointOptions: function() {
                var defaultPointOptions, normalStyle, that = this,
                    creatingPointOptions = that._predefinedPointOptions;
                if (!creatingPointOptions) {
                    defaultPointOptions = that._getPointOptions();
                    that._predefinedPointOptions = creatingPointOptions = _extend(true, {
                        styles: {}
                    }, defaultPointOptions);
                    normalStyle = defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal || {};
                    creatingPointOptions.styles = creatingPointOptions.styles || {};
                    creatingPointOptions.styles.normal = {
                        "stroke-width": normalStyle["stroke-width"],
                        r: normalStyle.r,
                        opacity: normalStyle.opacity
                return creatingPointOptions
            _getPointOptions: function() {
                return this._parsePointOptions(this._preparePointOptions(), this._options.label)
            _getOptionsForPoint: function() {
                return this._options.point
            _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor, defaultSize) {
                var border = style.border || {},
                    sizeValue = void 0 !== style.size ? style.size : defaultSize;
                return {
                    fill: style.color || defaultColor,
                    stroke: border.color || defaultBorderColor,
                    "stroke-width": border.visible ? border.width : 0,
                    r: sizeValue / 2 + (border.visible && 0 !== sizeValue ? ~~(border.width / 2) || 0 : 0)
            _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    mainPointColor = pointOptions.color || that._options.mainSeriesColor,
                    containerColor = that._options.containerBackgroundColor,
                    normalStyle = that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions, mainPointColor, mainPointColor);
                normalStyle.visibility = pointOptions.visible ? "visible" : "hidden";
                return {
                    normal: normalStyle,
                    hover: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.hoverStyle, containerColor, mainPointColor, pointOptions.size),
                    selection: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.selectionStyle, containerColor, mainPointColor, pointOptions.size)
            _checkData: function(data) {
                return _isDefined(data.argument) && void 0 !== data.value
            getErrorBarRangeCorrector: function() {
                var mode, func;
                if (this.areErrorBarsVisible()) {
                    mode = _normalizeEnum(this._options.valueErrorBar.displayMode);
                    func = function(point) {
                        var lowError = point.lowError,
                            highError = point.highError;
                        switch (mode) {
                            case "low":
                                return [lowError];
                            case "high":
                                return [highError];
                            case "none":
                                return [];
                                return [lowError, highError]
                return func
            getValueRangeInitialValue: function() {
            _getRangeData: function() {
                return rangeCalculator.getRangeData(this)
            _processRange: function(range) {
                rangeCalculator.addLabelPaddings(this, range.val)
            _getPointData: function(data, options) {
                var pointData = {
                    value: data[options.valueField || "val"],
                    argument: data[options.argumentField || "arg"],
                    tag: data[options.tagField || "tag"]
                this._fillErrorBars(data, pointData, options);
                return pointData
            _errorBarsEnabled: function() {
                return this.valueAxisType !== DISCRETE && this.valueAxisType !== LOGARITHMIC && this.valueType !== DATETIME
            _fillErrorBars: function(data, pointData, options) {
                var errorBars = options.valueErrorBar;
                if (this.areErrorBarsVisible()) {
                    pointData.lowError = data[errorBars.lowValueField || LOW_ERROR];
                    pointData.highError = data[errorBars.highValueField || HIGH_ERROR]
            _drawPoint: function(options) {
                var point = options.point;
                if (point.isInVisibleArea()) {
                    point.draw(this._renderer, options.groups, options.hasAnimation, options.firstDrawing);
                } else {
            _clearingAnimation: function(drawComplete) {
                var that = this,
                    params = {
                        opacity: .001
                    options = {
                        duration: that._defaultDuration,
                        partitionDuration: .5
                that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate(params, options, function() {
                    that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.animate(params, options, drawComplete)
            _animateComplete: function() {
                var that = this,
                    animationSettings = {
                        duration: that._defaultDuration
                that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({
                    opacity: 1
                }, animationSettings);
                that._errorBarGroup && that._errorBarGroup.animate({
                    opacity: that._options.valueErrorBar.opacity || 1
                }, animationSettings)
            _animate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    lastPointIndex = that._drawnPoints.length - 1;
                _each(that._drawnPoints || [], function(i, p) {
                    p.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? function() {
                    } : void 0, {
                        translateX: p.x,
                        translateY: p.y
            _getPointSize: function() {
                return this._options.point.visible ? this._options.point.size : DEFAULT_SYMBOL_POINT_SIZE
            _calcMedianValue: function(fusionPoints, valueField) {
                var result, allValue = _map(fusionPoints, function(point) {
                    return _isDefined(point[valueField]) ? point[valueField] : null
                allValue.sort(function(a, b) {
                    return a - b
                result = allValue[_floor(allValue.length / 2)];
                return _isDefined(result) ? result : null
            _calcErrorBarValues: function(fusionPoints) {
                if (!fusionPoints.length) {
                    return {}
                var lowError, highError, lowValue = fusionPoints[0].lowError,
                    highValue = fusionPoints[0].highError,
                    i = 1,
                    length = fusionPoints.length;
                for (i; i < length; i++) {
                    lowError = fusionPoints[i].lowError;
                    highError = fusionPoints[i].highError;
                    if (_isDefined(lowError) && _isDefined(highError)) {
                        lowValue = _min(lowError, lowValue);
                        highValue = _max(highError, highValue)
                return {
                    low: lowValue,
                    high: highValue
            _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick, index) {
                var errorBarValues = this._calcErrorBarValues(fusionPoints);
                return {
                    value: this._calcMedianValue(fusionPoints, "value"),
                    argument: tick,
                    tag: null,
                    index: index,
                    seriesName: this.name,
                    lowError: errorBarValues.low,
                    highError: errorBarValues.high
            _endUpdateData: function() {
                delete this._predefinedPointOptions
            getArgumentField: function() {
                return this._options.argumentField || "arg"
            getValueFields: function() {
                var lowValueField, highValueField, options = this._options,
                    errorBarsOptions = options.valueErrorBar,
                    valueFields = [options.valueField || "val"];
                if (errorBarsOptions) {
                    lowValueField = errorBarsOptions.lowValueField;
                    highValueField = errorBarsOptions.highValueField;
                    _isString(lowValueField) && valueFields.push(lowValueField);
                    _isString(highValueField) && valueFields.push(highValueField)
                return valueFields
            _calculateErrorBars: function(data) {
                if (!this.areErrorBarsVisible()) {
                var value, valueArray, valueArrayLength, meanValue, processDataItem, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    errorBarsOptions = options.valueErrorBar,
                    errorBarType = _normalizeEnum(errorBarsOptions.type),
                    floatErrorValue = parseFloat(errorBarsOptions.value),
                    valueField = that.getValueFields()[0],
                    lowValueField = errorBarsOptions.lowValueField || LOW_ERROR,
                    highValueField = errorBarsOptions.highValueField || HIGH_ERROR,
                    addSubError = function(_i, item) {
                        value = item[valueField];
                        item[lowValueField] = value - floatErrorValue;
                        item[highValueField] = value + floatErrorValue
                switch (errorBarType) {
                    case FIXED:
                        processDataItem = addSubError;
                    case PERCENT:
                        processDataItem = function(_, item) {
                            value = item[valueField];
                            var error = value * floatErrorValue / 100;
                            item[lowValueField] = value - error;
                            item[highValueField] = value + error
                    case UNDEFINED:
                        processDataItem = function(_, item) {
                            item[lowValueField] = item[ORIGINAL + lowValueField];
                            item[highValueField] = item[ORIGINAL + highValueField]
                        valueArray = _map(data, function(item) {
                            return _isDefined(item[valueField]) ? item[valueField] : null
                        valueArrayLength = valueArray.length;
                        floatErrorValue = floatErrorValue || 1;
                        switch (errorBarType) {
                            case VARIANCE:
                                floatErrorValue = variance(valueArray, sum(valueArray) / valueArrayLength) * floatErrorValue;
                                processDataItem = addSubError;
                            case STANDARD_DEVIATION:
                                meanValue = sum(valueArray) / valueArrayLength;
                                floatErrorValue = _sqrt(variance(valueArray, meanValue)) * floatErrorValue;
                                processDataItem = function(_, item) {
                                    item[lowValueField] = meanValue - floatErrorValue;
                                    item[highValueField] = meanValue + floatErrorValue
                            case STANDARD_ERROR:
                                floatErrorValue = _sqrt(variance(valueArray, sum(valueArray) / valueArrayLength) / valueArrayLength) * floatErrorValue;
                                processDataItem = addSubError
                processDataItem && _each(data, processDataItem)
            _beginUpdateData: function(data) {
        exports.chart = _extend({}, baseScatterMethods, {
            drawTrackers: function() {
                var trackers, trackersGroup, that = this,
                    segments = that._segments || [],
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    cat = [];
                if (!that.isVisible()) {
                if (segments.length) {
                    trackers = that._trackers = that._trackers || [];
                    trackersGroup = that._trackersGroup = (that._trackersGroup || that._renderer.g().attr({
                        fill: "gray",
                        opacity: .001,
                        stroke: "gray",
                        "class": "dxc-trackers"
                        "clip-path": this._paneClipRectID || null
                    _each(segments, function(i, segment) {
                        if (!trackers[i]) {
                            trackers[i] = that._drawTrackerElement(segment).data({
                                "chart-data-series": that
                        } else {
                            that._updateTrackerElement(segment, trackers[i])
                that._trackersTranslator = cat;
                _each(that.getVisiblePoints(), function(_, p) {
                    var pointCoord = parseInt(rotated ? p.vy : p.vx);
                    if (!cat[pointCoord]) {
                        cat[pointCoord] = p
                    } else {
                        Array.isArray(cat[pointCoord]) ? cat[pointCoord].push(p) : cat[pointCoord] = [cat[pointCoord], p]
            getNeighborPoint: function(x, y) {
                var minDistance, pCoord = this._options.rotated ? y : x,
                    nCoord = pCoord,
                    cat = this._trackersTranslator,
                    point = null,
                    oppositeCoord = this._options.rotated ? x : y,
                    oppositeCoordName = this._options.rotated ? "vx" : "vy";
                if (this.isVisible() && cat) {
                    point = cat[pCoord];
                    do {
                        point = cat[nCoord] || cat[pCoord];
                    } while ((pCoord >= 0 || nCoord < cat.length) && !point);
                    if (Array.isArray(point)) {
                        minDistance = _abs(point[0][oppositeCoordName] - oppositeCoord);
                        _each(point, function(i, p) {
                            var distance = _abs(p[oppositeCoordName] - oppositeCoord);
                            if (minDistance >= distance) {
                                minDistance = distance;
                                point = p
                return point
            _applyVisibleArea: function() {
                var that = this,
                    rotated = that._options.rotated,
                    visibleX = (rotated ? that.getValueAxis() : that.getArgumentAxis()).getTranslator().getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                    visibleY = (rotated ? that.getArgumentAxis() : that.getValueAxis()).getTranslator().getCanvasVisibleArea();
                that._visibleArea = {
                    minX: visibleX.min,
                    maxX: visibleX.max,
                    minY: visibleY.min,
                    maxY: visibleY.max
        exports.polar = _extend({}, baseScatterMethods, {
            drawTrackers: function() {
                var index, cat = this._trackersTranslator;
                if (!this.isVisible()) {
                _each(cat, function(i, category) {
                    if (category) {
                        index = i;
                        return false
                cat[index + 360] = cat[index]
            getNeighborPoint: function(x, y) {
                var pos = vizUtils.convertXYToPolar(this.getValueAxis().getCenter(), x, y);
                return exports.chart.getNeighborPoint.call(this, pos.phi, pos.r)
            _applyVisibleArea: function() {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that.getValueAxis().getCanvas();
                that._visibleArea = {
                    minX: canvas.left,
                    maxX: canvas.width - canvas.right,
                    minY: canvas.top,
                    maxY: canvas.height - canvas.bottom
      !*** ./js/viz/series/line_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            series = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540),
            chartScatterSeries = series.chart,
            polarScatterSeries = series.polar,
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            normalizeAngle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle,
            DISCRETE = "discrete",
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each;
        exports.chart = {};
        exports.polar = {};

        function clonePoint(point, newX, newY, newAngle) {
            var p = objectUtils.clone(point);
            p.x = newX;
            p.y = newY;
            p.angle = newAngle;
            return p

        function getTangentPoint(point, prevPoint, centerPoint, tan, nextStepAngle) {
            var correctAngle = point.angle + nextStepAngle,
                cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(correctAngle),
                x = centerPoint.x + (point.radius + tan * nextStepAngle) * cosSin.cos,
                y = centerPoint.y - (point.radius + tan * nextStepAngle) * cosSin.sin;
            return clonePoint(prevPoint, x, y, correctAngle)
        var lineMethods = {
            _applyGroupSettings: function(style, settings, group) {
                var that = this;
                settings = _extend(settings, style);
            _setGroupsSettings: function(animationEnabled) {
                var that = this,
                    style = that._styles.normal;
                that._applyGroupSettings(style.elements, {
                    "class": "dxc-elements"
                }, that._elementsGroup);
                that._bordersGroup && that._applyGroupSettings(style.border, {
                    "class": "dxc-borders"
                }, that._bordersGroup);
                chartScatterSeries._setGroupsSettings.call(that, animationEnabled);
                animationEnabled && that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.attr({
                    opacity: .001
            _createGroups: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._createGroup("_elementsGroup", that, that._group);
                that._areBordersVisible() && that._createGroup("_bordersGroup", that, that._group);
            _areBordersVisible: function() {
                return false
            _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) {
                return {
                    line: _map(segment.line || [], function(pt) {
                        return pt.getDefaultCoords()
            _prepareSegment: function(points) {
                return {
                    line: points
            _parseLineOptions: function(options, defaultColor) {
                return {
                    stroke: options.color || defaultColor,
                    "stroke-width": options.width,
                    dashStyle: options.dashStyle || "solid"
            _parseStyle: function(options, defaultColor) {
                return {
                    elements: this._parseLineOptions(options, defaultColor)
            _applyStyle: function(style) {
                var that = this;
                that._elementsGroup && that._elementsGroup.attr(style.elements);
                _each(that._graphics || [], function(_, graphic) {
                    graphic.line && graphic.line.attr({
                        "stroke-width": style.elements["stroke-width"]
            _drawElement: function(segment, group) {
                return {
                    line: this._createMainElement(segment.line, {
                        "stroke-width": this._styles.normal.elements["stroke-width"]
            _removeElement: function(element) {
            _generateDefaultSegments: function() {
                var that = this;
                return _map(that._segments || [], function(segment) {
                    return that._getDefaultSegment(segment)
            _updateElement: function(element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete) {
                var params = {
                        points: segment.line
                    lineElement = element.line;
                animate ? lineElement.animate(params, animateParams, complete) : lineElement.attr(params)
            _clearingAnimation: function(drawComplete) {
                var that = this,
                    lastIndex = that._graphics.length - 1,
                    settings = {
                        opacity: .001
                    options = {
                        duration: that._defaultDuration,
                        partitionDuration: .5
                that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate(settings, options, function() {
                    that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.animate(settings, options, function() {
                        _each(that._defaultSegments || [], function(i, segment) {
                            that._oldUpdateElement(that._graphics[i], segment, true, {
                                partitionDuration: .5
                            }, i === lastIndex ? drawComplete : void 0)
            _animateComplete: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._markersGroup && that._markersGroup.animate({
                    opacity: 1
                }, {
                    duration: that._defaultDuration
            _animate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    lastIndex = that._graphics.length - 1;
                _each(that._graphics || [], function(i, elem) {
                    that._updateElement(elem, that._segments[i], true, {
                        complete: i === lastIndex ? function() {
                        } : void 0
            _drawPoint: function(options) {
                chartScatterSeries._drawPoint.call(this, {
                    point: options.point,
                    groups: options.groups
            _createMainElement: function(points, settings) {
                return this._renderer.path(points, "line").attr(settings).sharp()
            _drawSegment: function(points, animationEnabled, segmentCount, lastSegment) {
                var that = this,
                    segment = that._prepareSegment(points, that._options.rotated, lastSegment);
                if (!that._graphics[segmentCount]) {
                    that._graphics[segmentCount] = that._drawElement(animationEnabled ? that._getDefaultSegment(segment) : segment, that._elementsGroup)
                } else {
                    if (!animationEnabled) {
                        that._updateElement(that._graphics[segmentCount], segment)
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    defaultTrackerWidth = that._defaultTrackerWidth,
                    strokeWidthFromElements = that._styles.normal.elements["stroke-width"];
                return {
                    "stroke-width": strokeWidthFromElements > defaultTrackerWidth ? strokeWidthFromElements : defaultTrackerWidth,
                    fill: "none"
            _getMainPointsFromSegment: function(segment) {
                return segment.line
            _drawTrackerElement: function(segment) {
                return this._createMainElement(this._getMainPointsFromSegment(segment), this._getTrackerSettings(segment))
            _updateTrackerElement: function(segment, element) {
                var settings = this._getTrackerSettings(segment);
                settings.points = this._getMainPointsFromSegment(segment);
        exports.chart.line = _extend({}, chartScatterSeries, lineMethods);
        exports.chart.stepline = _extend({}, exports.chart.line, {
            _calculateStepLinePoints: function(points) {
                var segment = [];
                _each(points, function(i, pt) {
                    var stepY, point;
                    if (!i) {
                    stepY = segment[segment.length - 1].y;
                    if (stepY !== pt.y) {
                        point = objectUtils.clone(pt);
                        point.y = stepY;
                return segment
            _prepareSegment: function(points) {
                return exports.chart.line._prepareSegment(this._calculateStepLinePoints(points))
        exports.chart.spline = _extend({}, exports.chart.line, {
            _calculateBezierPoints: function(src, rotated) {
                var bezierPoints = [],
                    pointsCopy = src,
                    checkExtremum = function(otherPointCoord, pointCoord, controlCoord) {
                        return otherPointCoord > pointCoord && controlCoord > otherPointCoord || otherPointCoord < pointCoord && controlCoord < otherPointCoord ? otherPointCoord : controlCoord
                if (1 !== pointsCopy.length) {
                    pointsCopy.forEach(function(curPoint, i) {
                        var leftControlX, leftControlY, rightControlX, rightControlY, xCur, yCur, x1, x2, y1, y2, curIsExtremum, leftPoint, rightPoint, a, b, c, xc, yc, shift, prevPoint = pointsCopy[i - 1],
                            nextPoint = pointsCopy[i + 1],
                            lambda = .5;
                        if (!i || i === pointsCopy.length - 1) {
                            bezierPoints.push(curPoint, curPoint);
                        xCur = curPoint.x;
                        yCur = curPoint.y;
                        x1 = prevPoint.x;
                        x2 = nextPoint.x;
                        y1 = prevPoint.y;
                        y2 = nextPoint.y;
                        curIsExtremum = !!(!rotated && (yCur <= prevPoint.y && yCur <= nextPoint.y || yCur >= prevPoint.y && yCur >= nextPoint.y) || rotated && (xCur <= prevPoint.x && xCur <= nextPoint.x || xCur >= prevPoint.x && xCur >= nextPoint.x));
                        if (curIsExtremum) {
                            if (!rotated) {
                                rightControlY = leftControlY = yCur;
                                rightControlX = (xCur + nextPoint.x) / 2;
                                leftControlX = (xCur + prevPoint.x) / 2
                            } else {
                                rightControlX = leftControlX = xCur;
                                rightControlY = (yCur + nextPoint.y) / 2;
                                leftControlY = (yCur + prevPoint.y) / 2
                        } else {
                            a = y2 - y1;
                            b = x1 - x2;
                            c = y1 * x2 - x1 * y2;
                            if (!rotated) {
                                if (!b) {
                                    bezierPoints.push(curPoint, curPoint, curPoint);
                                xc = xCur;
                                yc = -1 * (a * xc + c) / b;
                                shift = yc - yCur;
                                y1 -= shift;
                                y2 -= shift
                            } else {
                                if (!a) {
                                    bezierPoints.push(curPoint, curPoint, curPoint);
                                yc = yCur;
                                xc = -1 * (b * yc + c) / a;
                                shift = xc - xCur;
                                x1 -= shift;
                                x2 -= shift
                            rightControlX = (xCur + lambda * x2) / (1 + lambda);
                            rightControlY = (yCur + lambda * y2) / (1 + lambda);
                            leftControlX = (xCur + lambda * x1) / (1 + lambda);
                            leftControlY = (yCur + lambda * y1) / (1 + lambda)
                        if (!rotated) {
                            leftControlY = checkExtremum(prevPoint.y, yCur, leftControlY);
                            rightControlY = checkExtremum(nextPoint.y, yCur, rightControlY)
                        } else {
                            leftControlX = checkExtremum(prevPoint.x, xCur, leftControlX);
                            rightControlX = checkExtremum(nextPoint.x, xCur, rightControlX)
                        leftPoint = clonePoint(curPoint, leftControlX, leftControlY);
                        rightPoint = clonePoint(curPoint, rightControlX, rightControlY);
                        bezierPoints.push(leftPoint, curPoint, rightPoint)
                } else {
                return bezierPoints
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                return exports.chart.line._prepareSegment(this._calculateBezierPoints(points, rotated))
            _createMainElement: function(points, settings) {
                return this._renderer.path(points, "bezier").attr(settings).sharp()
        exports.polar.line = _extend({}, polarScatterSeries, lineMethods, {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated, lastSegment) {
                var i, preparedPoints = [],
                    centerPoint = this.getValueAxis().getCenter();
                lastSegment && this._closeSegment(points);
                if (this.argumentAxisType !== DISCRETE && this.valueAxisType !== DISCRETE) {
                    for (i = 1; i < points.length; i++) {
                        preparedPoints = preparedPoints.concat(this._getTangentPoints(points[i], points[i - 1], centerPoint))
                    if (!preparedPoints.length) {
                        preparedPoints = points
                } else {
                    return exports.chart.line._prepareSegment.apply(this, arguments)
                return {
                    line: preparedPoints
            _getRemainingAngle: function(angle) {
                var normAngle = normalizeAngle(angle);
                return angle >= 0 ? 360 - normAngle : -normAngle
            _closeSegment: function(points) {
                var point, differenceAngle;
                if (this._segments.length) {
                    point = this._segments[0].line[0]
                } else {
                    point = clonePoint(points[0], points[0].x, points[0].y, points[0].angle)
                if (points[points.length - 1].angle !== point.angle) {
                    if (normalizeAngle(Math.round(points[points.length - 1].angle)) === normalizeAngle(Math.round(point.angle))) {
                        point.angle = points[points.length - 1].angle
                    } else {
                        differenceAngle = points[points.length - 1].angle - point.angle;
                        point.angle = points[points.length - 1].angle + this._getRemainingAngle(differenceAngle)
            _getTangentPoints: function(point, prevPoint, centerPoint) {
                var i, tangentPoints = [],
                    betweenAngle = Math.round(prevPoint.angle - point.angle),
                    tan = (prevPoint.radius - point.radius) / betweenAngle;
                if (0 === betweenAngle) {
                    tangentPoints = [prevPoint, point]
                } else {
                    if (betweenAngle > 0) {
                        for (i = betweenAngle; i >= 0; i--) {
                            tangentPoints.push(getTangentPoint(point, prevPoint, centerPoint, tan, i))
                    } else {
                        for (i = 0; i >= betweenAngle; i--) {
                            tangentPoints.push(getTangentPoint(point, prevPoint, centerPoint, tan, betweenAngle - i))
                return tangentPoints
      !*** ./js/viz/series/area_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540).chart,
            lineSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./line_series */ 541),
            chartLineSeries = lineSeries.chart.line,
            polarLineSeries = lineSeries.polar.line,
            _map = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).map,
            _extend = extend;
        exports.chart = {};
        exports.polar = {};
        var baseAreaMethods = {
            _createBorderElement: chartLineSeries._createMainElement,
            _createLegendState: function(styleOptions, defaultColor) {
                var legendState = scatterSeries._createLegendState.call(this, styleOptions, defaultColor);
                legendState.opacity = styleOptions.opacity;
                return legendState
            getValueRangeInitialValue: function() {
                if ("logarithmic" !== this.valueAxisType && "datetime" !== this.valueType && false !== this.showZero) {
                    return 0
                } else {
                    return scatterSeries.getValueRangeInitialValue.call(this)
            _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) {
                var defaultSegment = chartLineSeries._getDefaultSegment(segment);
                defaultSegment.area = defaultSegment.line.concat(defaultSegment.line.slice().reverse());
                return defaultSegment
            _updateElement: function(element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete) {
                var lineParams = {
                        points: segment.line
                    areaParams = {
                        points: segment.area
                    borderElement = element.line;
                if (animate) {
                    borderElement && borderElement.animate(lineParams, animateParams);
                    element.area.animate(areaParams, animateParams, complete)
                } else {
                    borderElement && borderElement.attr(lineParams);
            _removeElement: function(element) {
                element.line && element.line.remove();
            _drawElement: function(segment) {
                return {
                    line: this._bordersGroup && this._createBorderElement(segment.line, {
                        "stroke-width": this._styles.normal.border["stroke-width"]
                    area: this._createMainElement(segment.area).append(this._elementsGroup)
            _applyStyle: function(style) {
                var that = this;
                that._elementsGroup && that._elementsGroup.smartAttr(style.elements);
                that._bordersGroup && that._bordersGroup.attr(style.border);
                (that._graphics || []).forEach(function(graphic) {
                    graphic.line && graphic.line.attr({
                        "stroke-width": style.border["stroke-width"]
            _parseStyle: function(options, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor) {
                var borderOptions = options.border || {},
                    borderStyle = chartLineSeries._parseLineOptions(borderOptions, defaultBorderColor);
                borderStyle.stroke = borderOptions.visible && borderStyle["stroke-width"] ? borderStyle.stroke : "none";
                borderStyle["stroke-width"] = borderStyle["stroke-width"] || 1;
                return {
                    border: borderStyle,
                    elements: {
                        stroke: "none",
                        fill: options.color || defaultColor,
                        hatching: options.hatching,
                        opacity: options.opacity
            _areBordersVisible: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return options.border.visible || options.hoverStyle.border.visible || options.selectionStyle.border.visible
            _createMainElement: function(points, settings) {
                return this._renderer.path(points, "area").attr(settings)
            _getTrackerSettings: function(segment) {
                return {
                    "stroke-width": segment.singlePointSegment ? this._defaultTrackerWidth : 0
            _getMainPointsFromSegment: function(segment) {
                return segment.area
        exports.chart.area = _extend({}, chartLineSeries, baseAreaMethods, {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                var processedPoints = this._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated);
                return {
                    line: processedPoints,
                    area: _map(processedPoints, function(pt) {
                        return pt.getCoords()
                    }).concat(_map(processedPoints.slice().reverse(), function(pt) {
                        return pt.getCoords(true)
                    singlePointSegment: processedPoints !== points
            _processSinglePointsAreaSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                if (1 === points.length) {
                    var p = points[0],
                        p1 = objectUtils.clone(p);
                    p1[rotated ? "y" : "x"] += 1;
                    p1.argument = null;
                    return [p, p1]
                return points
        exports.polar.area = _extend({}, polarLineSeries, baseAreaMethods, {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated, lastSegment) {
                lastSegment && polarLineSeries._closeSegment.call(this, points);
                var preparedPoints = exports.chart.area._prepareSegment.call(this, points);
                return preparedPoints
            _processSinglePointsAreaSegment: function(points) {
                return lineSeries.polar.line._prepareSegment.call(this, points).line
        exports.chart.steparea = _extend({}, exports.chart.area, {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                points = exports.chart.area._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated);
                return exports.chart.area._prepareSegment.call(this, lineSeries.chart.stepline._calculateStepLinePoints(points))
        exports.chart.splinearea = _extend({}, exports.chart.area, {
            _areaPointsToSplineAreaPoints: function(areaPoints) {
                var previousMiddlePoint = areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2 - 1],
                    middlePoint = areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2];
                areaPoints.splice(areaPoints.length / 2, 0, {
                    x: previousMiddlePoint.x,
                    y: previousMiddlePoint.y
                }, {
                    x: middlePoint.x,
                    y: middlePoint.y
                if (previousMiddlePoint.defaultCoords) {
                    areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2].defaultCoords = true
                if (middlePoint.defaultCoords) {
                    areaPoints[areaPoints.length / 2 - 1].defaultCoords = true
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                var areaSeries = exports.chart.area,
                    processedPoints = areaSeries._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated),
                    areaSegment = areaSeries._prepareSegment.call(this, lineSeries.chart.spline._calculateBezierPoints(processedPoints, rotated));
                areaSegment.singlePointSegment = processedPoints !== points;
                return areaSegment
            _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) {
                var areaDefaultSegment = exports.chart.area._getDefaultSegment(segment);
                return areaDefaultSegment
            _createMainElement: function(points, settings) {
                return this._renderer.path(points, "bezierarea").attr(settings)
            _createBorderElement: lineSeries.chart.spline._createMainElement
      !*** ./js/viz/series/bar_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540),
            areaSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./area_series */ 542).chart.area,
            chartSeries = scatterSeries.chart,
            polarSeries = scatterSeries.polar,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            DEFAULT_BAR_POINT_SIZE = 3;
        exports.chart = {};
        exports.polar = {};
        var baseBarSeriesMethods = {
            _updateOptions: function(options) {
                this._stackName = "axis_" + (options.axis || "default") + "_stack_" + (options.stack || "default")
            _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, defaultBorderColor) {
                var color = style.color || defaultColor,
                    base = chartSeries._parsePointStyle.call(this, style, color, defaultBorderColor);
                base.fill = color;
                base.hatching = style.hatching;
                base.dashStyle = style.border && style.border.dashStyle || "solid";
                delete base.r;
                return base
            _applyMarkerClipRect: function(settings) {
                settings["clip-path"] = null
            _clearingAnimation: function(drawComplete) {
                var that = this,
                    settings = that._oldGetAffineCoordOptions() || that._getAffineCoordOptions();
                that._labelsGroup && that._labelsGroup.animate({
                    opacity: .001
                }, {
                    duration: that._defaultDuration,
                    partitionDuration: .5
                }, function() {
                    that._markersGroup.animate(settings, {
                        partitionDuration: .5
                    }, function() {
                            scaleX: null,
                            scaleY: null,
                            translateX: 0,
                            translateY: 0
            _setGroupsSettings: function(animationEnabled, firstDrawing) {
                var that = this,
                    settings = {};
                chartSeries._setGroupsSettings.apply(that, arguments);
                if (animationEnabled && firstDrawing) {
                    settings = this._getAffineCoordOptions()
                } else {
                    if (!animationEnabled) {
                        settings = {
                            scaleX: 1,
                            scaleY: 1,
                            translateX: 0,
                            translateY: 0
            _drawPoint: function(options) {
                options.hasAnimation = options.hasAnimation && !options.firstDrawing;
                options.firstDrawing = false;
                chartSeries._drawPoint.call(this, options)
            _getMainColor: function() {
                return this._options.mainSeriesColor
            _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    mainColor = pointOptions.color || that._getMainColor();
                return {
                    normal: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions, mainColor, mainColor),
                    hover: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.hoverStyle || {}, mainColor, mainColor),
                    selection: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.selectionStyle || {}, mainColor, mainColor)
            _updatePointsVisibility: function() {
                var visibility = this._options.visible;
                $.each(this._points, function(_, point) {
                    point._options.visible = visibility
            _getOptionsForPoint: function() {
                return this._options
            _animate: function(firstDrawing) {
                var that = this,
                    complete = function() {
                    animateFunc = function(drawnPoints, complete) {
                        var lastPointIndex = drawnPoints.length - 1;
                        _each(drawnPoints || [], function(i, point) {
                            point.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? complete : void 0, point.getMarkerCoords())
                that._animatePoints(firstDrawing, complete, animateFunc)
            _getPointSize: function() {
                return DEFAULT_BAR_POINT_SIZE
            getValueRangeInitialValue: areaSeries.getValueRangeInitialValue
        exports.chart.bar = _extend({}, chartSeries, baseBarSeriesMethods, {
            _getAffineCoordOptions: function() {
                var rotated = this._options.rotated,
                    direction = rotated ? "X" : "Y",
                    settings = {
                        scaleX: rotated ? .001 : 1,
                        scaleY: rotated ? 1 : .001
                settings["translate" + direction] = this.getValueAxis().getTranslator().translate("canvas_position_default");
                return settings
            _processRange: function(range) {
                areaSeries._processRange.apply(this, arguments);
                range.arg.stick = false
            _animatePoints: function(firstDrawing, complete, animateFunc) {
                var that = this;
                    scaleX: 1,
                    scaleY: 1,
                    translateY: 0,
                    translateX: 0
                }, void 0, complete);
                if (!firstDrawing) {
                    animateFunc(that._drawnPoints, complete)
        exports.polar.bar = _extend({}, polarSeries, baseBarSeriesMethods, {
            _animatePoints: function(firstDrawing, complete, animateFunc) {
                animateFunc(this._drawnPoints, complete)
            _setGroupsSettings: chartSeries._setGroupsSettings,
            _drawPoint: function(point, groups, animationEnabled) {
                chartSeries._drawPoint.call(this, point, groups, animationEnabled)
            _parsePointStyle: function(style) {
                var base = baseBarSeriesMethods._parsePointStyle.apply(this, arguments);
                base.opacity = style.opacity;
                return base
            _createGroups: chartSeries._createGroups,
            _setMarkerGroupSettings: function() {
                var groupSettings, that = this,
                    markersSettings = that._createPointStyles(that._getMarkerGroupOptions()).normal;
                markersSettings.class = "dxc-markers";
                groupSettings = _extend({}, markersSettings);
                delete groupSettings.opacity;
            _createLegendState: areaSeries._createLegendState
      !*** ./js/viz/series/range_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _extend = extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _map = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).map,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            rangeCalculator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./helpers/range_data_calculator */ 539),
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540).chart,
            barSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_series */ 543).chart.bar,
            areaSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./area_series */ 542).chart.area;
        exports.chart = {};
        var baseRangeSeries = {
            _beginUpdateData: _noop,
            areErrorBarsVisible: _noop,
            _createErrorBarGroup: _noop,
            _checkData: function(data) {
                return _isDefined(data.argument) && void 0 !== data.value && void 0 !== data.minValue
            updateTemplateFieldNames: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    valueFields = that.getValueFields(),
                    name = that.name;
                options.rangeValue1Field = valueFields[0] + name;
                options.rangeValue2Field = valueFields[1] + name;
                options.tagField = that.getTagField() + name
            getValueRangeInitialValue: scatterSeries.getValueRangeInitialValue,
            _getPointData: function(data, options) {
                return {
                    tag: data[options.tagField || "tag"],
                    minValue: data[options.rangeValue1Field || "val1"],
                    value: data[options.rangeValue2Field || "val2"],
                    argument: data[options.argumentField || "arg"]
            _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick) {
                var calcMedianValue = scatterSeries._calcMedianValue,
                    value = calcMedianValue.call(this, fusionPoints, "value"),
                    minValue = calcMedianValue.call(this, fusionPoints, "minValue");
                if (null === value || null === minValue) {
                    value = minValue = null
                return {
                    minValue: minValue,
                    value: value,
                    argument: tick,
                    tag: null
            getValueFields: function() {
                return [this._options.rangeValue1Field || "val1", this._options.rangeValue2Field || "val2"]
            _processRange: function(range) {
                rangeCalculator.addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings(this, range.val)
        exports.chart.rangebar = _extend({}, barSeries, baseRangeSeries);
        exports.chart.rangearea = _extend({}, areaSeries, {
            _drawPoint: function(options) {
                var point = options.point;
                if (point.isInVisibleArea()) {
                    point.draw(this._renderer, options.groups);
                    if (!point.visibleTopMarker) {
                    if (!point.visibleBottomMarker) {
                } else {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                var processedPoints = this._processSinglePointsAreaSegment(points, rotated),
                    processedMinPointsCoords = _map(processedPoints, function(pt) {
                        return pt.getCoords(true)
                return {
                    line: processedPoints,
                    bottomLine: processedMinPointsCoords,
                    area: _map(processedPoints, function(pt) {
                        return pt.getCoords()
                    singlePointSegment: processedPoints !== points
            _getDefaultSegment: function(segment) {
                var defaultSegment = areaSeries._getDefaultSegment.call(this, segment);
                defaultSegment.bottomLine = defaultSegment.line;
                return defaultSegment
            _removeElement: function(element) {
                areaSeries._removeElement.call(this, element);
                element.bottomLine && element.bottomLine.remove()
            _drawElement: function(segment, group) {
                var that = this,
                    drawnElement = areaSeries._drawElement.call(that, segment, group);
                drawnElement.bottomLine = that._bordersGroup && that._createBorderElement(segment.bottomLine, {
                    "stroke-width": that._styles.normal.border["stroke-width"]
                return drawnElement
            _applyStyle: function(style) {
                var that = this,
                    elementsGroup = that._elementsGroup,
                    bordersGroup = that._bordersGroup;
                elementsGroup && elementsGroup.smartAttr(style.elements);
                bordersGroup && bordersGroup.attr(style.border);
                (that._graphics || []).forEach(function(graphic) {
                    graphic.line && graphic.line.attr({
                        "stroke-width": style.border["stroke-width"]
                    graphic.bottomLine && graphic.bottomLine.attr({
                        "stroke-width": style.border["stroke-width"]
            _updateElement: function(element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete) {
                areaSeries._updateElement.call(this, element, segment, animate, animateParams, complete);
                var bottomLineParams = {
                        points: segment.bottomLine
                    bottomBorderElement = element.bottomLine;
                if (bottomBorderElement) {
                    animate ? bottomBorderElement.animate(bottomLineParams, animateParams) : bottomBorderElement.attr(bottomLineParams)
        }, baseRangeSeries)
      !*** ./js/viz/series/bubble_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            lineSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./line_series */ 541).chart.line,
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540).chart,
            areaSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./area_series */ 542).chart.area,
            barSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_series */ 543),
            chartBarSeries = barSeries.chart.bar,
            polarBarSeries = barSeries.polar.bar,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop;
        exports.chart = {};
        exports.chart.bubble = _extend({}, scatterSeries, {
            _fillErrorBars: _noop,
            getErrorBarRangeCorrector: _noop,
            _calculateErrorBars: _noop,
            _getMainColor: chartBarSeries._getMainColor,
            _createPointStyles: chartBarSeries._createPointStyles,
            _updatePointsVisibility: chartBarSeries._updatePointsVisibility,
            _getOptionsForPoint: chartBarSeries._getOptionsForPoint,
            _applyMarkerClipRect: lineSeries._applyElementsClipRect,
            _parsePointStyle: polarBarSeries._parsePointStyle,
            _createLegendState: areaSeries._createLegendState,
            _setMarkerGroupSettings: polarBarSeries._setMarkerGroupSettings,
            areErrorBarsVisible: _noop,
            _createErrorBarGroup: _noop,
            _checkData: function(data) {
                return _isDefined(data.argument) && _isDefined(data.size) && void 0 !== data.value
            _getPointData: function(data, options) {
                var pointData = scatterSeries._getPointData.call(this, data, options);
                pointData.size = data[options.sizeField || "size"];
                return pointData
            _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick) {
                var calcMedianValue = scatterSeries._calcMedianValue;
                return {
                    size: calcMedianValue.call(this, fusionPoints, "size"),
                    value: calcMedianValue.call(this, fusionPoints, "value"),
                    argument: tick,
                    tag: null
            getValueFields: function() {
                return [this._options.valueField || "val"]
            getSizeField: function() {
                return this._options.sizeField || "size"
            updateTemplateFieldNames: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    name = that.name;
                options.valueField = that.getValueFields()[0] + name;
                options.sizeField = that.getSizeField() + name;
                options.tagField = that.getTagField() + name
            _clearingAnimation: function(drawComplete) {
                var that = this,
                    partitionDuration = .5,
                    lastPointIndex = that._drawnPoints.length - 1,
                    labelsGroup = that._labelsGroup;
                labelsGroup && labelsGroup.animate({
                    opacity: .001
                }, {
                    duration: that._defaultDuration,
                    partitionDuration: partitionDuration
                }, function() {
                    _each(that._drawnPoints || [], function(i, p) {
                        p.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? drawComplete : void 0, {
                            r: 0
                        }, partitionDuration)
            _animate: function() {
                var that = this,
                    lastPointIndex = that._drawnPoints.length - 1,
                    labelsGroup = that._labelsGroup,
                    labelAnimFunc = function() {
                        labelsGroup && labelsGroup.animate({
                            opacity: 1
                        }, {
                            duration: that._defaultDuration
                _each(that._drawnPoints || [], function(i, p) {
                    p.animate(i === lastPointIndex ? labelAnimFunc : void 0, {
                        r: p.bubbleSize,
                        translateX: p.x,
                        translateY: p.y
      !*** ./js/viz/series/pie_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            chartScatterSeries = scatterSeries.chart,
            barSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_series */ 543).chart.bar,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = noop,
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            _max = Math.max,
            ANIMATION_DURATION = .7,
            INSIDE = "inside";
        exports.pie = _extend({}, barSeries, {
            _setGroupsSettings: chartScatterSeries._setGroupsSettings,
            _createErrorBarGroup: _noop,
            _drawPoint: function(options) {
                var point = options.point,
                    legendCallback = this._legendCallback;
                chartScatterSeries._drawPoint.call(this, options);
                !point.isVisible() && point.setInvisibility();
                point.isSelected() && legendCallback()
            adjustLabels: function() {
                var maxLabelLength, that = this,
                    points = that._points || [],
                    labelsBBoxes = [];
                _each(points, function(_, point) {
                    if (point._label.isVisible()) {
                        if (point._label.getLayoutOptions().position !== INSIDE) {
                if (labelsBBoxes.length) {
                    maxLabelLength = _max.apply(null, labelsBBoxes)
                _each(points, function(_, point) {
                    if (point._label.isVisible() && point._label.getLayoutOptions().position !== INSIDE) {
            _processRange: _noop,
            _applyElementsClipRect: _noop,
            getColor: _noop,
            areErrorBarsVisible: _noop,
            _prepareSeriesToDrawing: _noop,
            _endUpdateData: function() {
                this._arrayArguments = {};
            drawLabelsWOPoints: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._options.label.position === INSIDE) {
                    return false
                (that._points || []).forEach(function(point) {
                return true
            _getCreatingPointOptions: function(data) {
                return this._getPointOptions(data)
            _updateOptions: function(options) {
                this.labelSpace = 0;
                this.innerRadius = "pie" === this.type ? 0 : options.innerRadius
            _checkData: function(data) {
                var base = barSeries._checkData(data);
                return this._options.paintNullPoints ? base : base && null !== data.value
            _createGroups: chartScatterSeries._createGroups,
            _setMarkerGroupSettings: function() {
                var that = this;
                    "class": "dxc-markers"
            _getMainColor: function(data) {
                var that = this,
                    arr = that._arrayArguments || {},
                    argument = data.argument;
                arr[argument] = ++arr[argument] || 0;
                that._arrayArguments = arr;
                return that._options.mainSeriesColor(argument, arr[argument])
            _getPointOptions: function(data) {
                return this._parsePointOptions(this._preparePointOptions(), this._options.label, data)
            _getRangeData: function() {
                return this._rangeData
            _getArrangeTotal: function(points) {
                var total = 0;
                _each(points, function(_, point) {
                    if (point.isVisible()) {
                        total += point.initialValue
                return total
            _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions, data) {
                var that = this,
                    mainColor = pointOptions.color || that._getMainColor(data);
                return {
                    normal: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions, mainColor, mainColor),
                    hover: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.hoverStyle, mainColor, mainColor),
                    selection: that._parsePointStyle(pointOptions.selectionStyle, mainColor, mainColor),
                    legendStyles: {
                        normal: that._createLegendState(pointOptions, mainColor),
                        hover: that._createLegendState(pointOptions.hoverStyle, mainColor),
                        selection: that._createLegendState(pointOptions.selectionStyle, mainColor)
            _getArrangeMinShownValue: function(points, total) {
                var minSegmentSize = this._options.minSegmentSize,
                    totalMinSegmentSize = 0,
                    totalNotMinValues = 0;
                total = total || points.length;
                _each(points, function(_, point) {
                    if (point.isVisible()) {
                        if (point.initialValue < minSegmentSize * total / 360) {
                            totalMinSegmentSize += minSegmentSize
                        } else {
                            totalNotMinValues += point.initialValue
                return totalMinSegmentSize < 360 ? minSegmentSize * totalNotMinValues / (360 - totalMinSegmentSize) : 0
            _applyArrangeCorrection: function(points, minShownValue, total) {
                var percent, options = this._options,
                    isClockWise = "anticlockwise" !== options.segmentsDirection,
                    shiftedAngle = _isFinite(options.startAngle) ? vizUtils.normalizeAngle(options.startAngle) : 0,
                    minSegmentSize = options.minSegmentSize,
                    correction = 0,
                    zeroTotalCorrection = 0;
                if (0 === total) {
                    total = points.filter(function(el) {
                        return el.isVisible()
                    zeroTotalCorrection = 1
                _each(isClockWise ? points : points.concat([]).reverse(), function(_, point) {
                    var updatedZeroValue, val = point.isVisible() ? zeroTotalCorrection || point.initialValue : 0;
                    if (minSegmentSize && point.isVisible() && val < minShownValue) {
                        updatedZeroValue = minShownValue
                    percent = val / total;
                    point.correctValue(correction, percent, zeroTotalCorrection + (updatedZeroValue || 0));
                    point.shiftedAngle = shiftedAngle;
                    correction += updatedZeroValue || val
                this._rangeData = {
                    val: {
                        min: 0,
                        max: correction
            _removePoint: function(point) {
                var points = this.getPointsByArg(point.argument);
                points.splice(points.indexOf(point), 1);
            arrangePoints: function() {
                var minShownValue, total, points, that = this,
                    originalPoints = that._originalPoints || [],
                    minSegmentSize = that._options.minSegmentSize,
                    isAllPointsNegative = true,
                    i = 0,
                    len = originalPoints.length;
                while (i < len && isAllPointsNegative) {
                    isAllPointsNegative = originalPoints[i].value <= 0;
                points = that._originalPoints = that._points = _map(originalPoints, function(point) {
                    if (null === point.value || !isAllPointsNegative && point.value < 0) {
                        return null
                    } else {
                        return point
                total = that._getArrangeTotal(points);
                if (minSegmentSize) {
                    minShownValue = this._getArrangeMinShownValue(points, total)
                that._applyArrangeCorrection(points, minShownValue, total)
            correctPosition: function(correction, canvas) {
                var debug = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/console */ 13).debug;
                debug.assert(correction, "correction was not passed");
                debug.assertParam(correction.centerX, "correction.centerX was not passed");
                debug.assertParam(correction.centerY, "correction.centerY was not passed");
                debug.assertParam(correction.radiusInner, "correction.radiusInner was not passed");
                debug.assertParam(correction.radiusOuter, "correction.radiusOuter was not passed");
                debug.assertParam(canvas, "correction.canvas was not passed");
                _each(this._points, function(_, point) {
            correctRadius: function(correction) {
                _each(this._points, function(_, point) {
            correctLabelRadius: function(labelRadius) {
                _each(this._points, function(_, point) {
            setVisibleArea: function(canvas) {
                this._visibleArea = {
                    minX: canvas.left,
                    maxX: canvas.width - canvas.right,
                    minY: canvas.top,
                    maxY: canvas.height - canvas.bottom
            _applyVisibleArea: _noop,
            _animate: function(firstDrawing) {
                var animatePoint, that = this,
                    points = that._points,
                    pointsCount = points && points.length,
                    completeFunc = function() {
                if (firstDrawing) {
                    animatePoint = function(p, i) {
                        p.animate(i === pointsCount - 1 ? completeFunc : void 0, ANIMATION_DURATION, (1 - ANIMATION_DURATION) * i / (pointsCount - 1))
                } else {
                    animatePoint = function(p, i) {
                        p.animate(i === pointsCount - 1 ? completeFunc : void 0)
            getVisiblePoints: function() {
                return _map(this._points, function(p) {
                    return p.isVisible() ? p : null
            getPointsByKeys: function(arg, argumentIndex) {
                var pointsByArg = this.getPointsByArg(arg);
                return pointsByArg[argumentIndex] && [pointsByArg[argumentIndex]] || pointsByArg
        exports.doughnut = exports.donut = exports.pie
      !*** ./js/viz/series/financial_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            scatterSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./scatter_series */ 540).chart,
            barSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_series */ 543).chart.bar,
            rangeCalculator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./helpers/range_data_calculator */ 539),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
        exports.stock = _extend({}, scatterSeries, {
            _animate: _noop,
            _applyMarkerClipRect: function(settings) {
                settings["clip-path"] = this._forceClipping ? this._paneClipRectID : this._widePaneClipRectID
            _updatePointsVisibility: barSeries._updatePointsVisibility,
            _getOptionsForPoint: barSeries._getOptionsForPoint,
            getErrorBarRangeCorrector: _noop,
            _createErrorBarGroup: _noop,
            areErrorBarsVisible: _noop,
            _createGroups: scatterSeries._createGroups,
            _setMarkerGroupSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    markersGroup = that._markersGroup,
                    styles = that._createPointStyles(that._getMarkerGroupOptions()),
                    defaultStyle = _extend(styles.normal, {
                        "class": "default-markers"
                    defaultPositiveStyle = _extend(styles.positive.normal, {
                        "class": "default-positive-markers"
                    reductionStyle = _extend(styles.reduction.normal, {
                        "class": "reduction-markers"
                    reductionPositiveStyle = _extend(styles.reductionPositive.normal, {
                        "class": "reduction-positive-markers"
                    markerSettings = {
                        "class": "dxc-markers"
                that._createGroup("defaultMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, defaultStyle);
                that._createGroup("reductionMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, reductionStyle);
                that._createGroup("defaultPositiveMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, defaultPositiveStyle);
                that._createGroup("reductionPositiveMarkersGroup", markersGroup, markersGroup, reductionPositiveStyle)
            _setGroupsSettings: function() {
                scatterSeries._setGroupsSettings.call(this, false)
            _clearingAnimation: function(drawComplete) {
            _getCreatingPointOptions: function() {
                var defaultPointOptions, that = this,
                    creatingPointOptions = that._predefinedPointOptions;
                if (!creatingPointOptions) {
                    defaultPointOptions = this._getPointOptions();
                    that._predefinedPointOptions = creatingPointOptions = _extend(true, {
                        styles: {}
                    }, defaultPointOptions);
                    creatingPointOptions.styles.normal = creatingPointOptions.styles.positive.normal = creatingPointOptions.styles.reduction.normal = creatingPointOptions.styles.reductionPositive.normal = {
                        "stroke-width": defaultPointOptions.styles && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal && defaultPointOptions.styles.normal["stroke-width"]
                return creatingPointOptions
            _checkData: function(data) {
                return _isDefined(data.argument) && void 0 !== data.highValue && void 0 !== data.lowValue && void 0 !== data.openValue && void 0 !== data.closeValue
            _getPointData: function(data, options) {
                var level, reductionValue, that = this,
                    openValueField = options.openValueField || "open",
                    closeValueField = options.closeValueField || "close",
                    highValueField = options.highValueField || "high",
                    lowValueField = options.lowValueField || "low";
                that.level = options.reduction.level;
                switch (_normalizeEnum(that.level)) {
                    case "open":
                        level = openValueField;
                    case "high":
                        level = highValueField;
                    case "low":
                        level = lowValueField;
                        level = closeValueField;
                        that.level = "close"
                reductionValue = data[level];
                return {
                    argument: data[options.argumentField || "date"],
                    highValue: data[highValueField],
                    lowValue: data[lowValueField],
                    closeValue: data[closeValueField],
                    openValue: data[openValueField],
                    reductionValue: reductionValue,
                    tag: data[options.tagField || "tag"],
                    isReduction: that._checkReduction(reductionValue)
            _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, innerColor) {
                return {
                    stroke: style.color || defaultColor,
                    "stroke-width": style.width,
                    fill: style.color || innerColor
            updateTemplateFieldNames: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    valueFields = that.getValueFields(),
                    name = that.name;
                options.openValueField = valueFields[0] + name;
                options.highValueField = valueFields[1] + name;
                options.lowValueField = valueFields[2] + name;
                options.closeValueField = valueFields[3] + name;
                options.tagField = that.getTagField() + name
            _getDefaultStyle: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    mainPointColor = options.color || that._options.mainSeriesColor;
                return {
                    normal: that._parsePointStyle(options, mainPointColor, mainPointColor),
                    hover: that._parsePointStyle(options.hoverStyle, mainPointColor, mainPointColor),
                    selection: that._parsePointStyle(options.selectionStyle, mainPointColor, mainPointColor)
            _getReductionStyle: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    reductionColor = options.reduction.color;
                return {
                    normal: that._parsePointStyle({
                        color: reductionColor,
                        width: options.width,
                        hatching: options.hatching
                    }, reductionColor, reductionColor),
                    hover: that._parsePointStyle(options.hoverStyle, reductionColor, reductionColor),
                    selection: that._parsePointStyle(options.selectionStyle, reductionColor, reductionColor)
            _createPointStyles: function(pointOptions) {
                var positiveStyle, reductionStyle, reductionPositiveStyle, that = this,
                    innerColor = that._options.innerColor,
                    styles = that._getDefaultStyle(pointOptions);
                positiveStyle = _extend(true, {}, styles);
                reductionStyle = that._getReductionStyle(pointOptions);
                reductionPositiveStyle = _extend(true, {}, reductionStyle);
                positiveStyle.normal.fill = positiveStyle.hover.fill = positiveStyle.selection.fill = innerColor;
                reductionPositiveStyle.normal.fill = reductionPositiveStyle.hover.fill = reductionPositiveStyle.selection.fill = innerColor;
                styles.positive = positiveStyle;
                styles.reduction = reductionStyle;
                styles.reductionPositive = reductionPositiveStyle;
                return styles
            _endUpdateData: function() {
                delete this.prevLevelValue;
                delete this._predefinedPointOptions
            _checkReduction: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    result = false;
                if (null !== value) {
                    if (_isDefined(that.prevLevelValue)) {
                        result = value < that.prevLevelValue
                    that.prevLevelValue = value
                return result
            _fusionPoints: function(fusionPoints, tick) {
                var reductionLevel, openValue, closeValue, fusedPointData = {},
                    highValue = -(1 / 0),
                    lowValue = +(1 / 0);
                if (!fusionPoints.length) {
                    return {}
                _each(fusionPoints, function(_, point) {
                    if (!point.hasValue()) {
                    highValue = Math.max(highValue, point.highValue);
                    lowValue = Math.min(lowValue, point.lowValue);
                    openValue = void 0 !== openValue ? openValue : point.openValue;
                    closeValue = void 0 !== point.closeValue ? point.closeValue : closeValue
                fusedPointData.argument = tick;
                fusedPointData.openValue = openValue;
                fusedPointData.closeValue = closeValue;
                fusedPointData.highValue = highValue;
                fusedPointData.lowValue = lowValue;
                fusedPointData.tag = null;
                switch (_normalizeEnum(this.level)) {
                    case "open":
                        reductionLevel = openValue;
                    case "high":
                        reductionLevel = highValue;
                    case "low":
                        reductionLevel = lowValue;
                        reductionLevel = closeValue
                fusedPointData.reductionValue = reductionLevel;
                fusedPointData.isReduction = this._checkReduction(reductionLevel);
                return fusedPointData
            _getPointSize: function() {
                return DEFAULT_FINANCIAL_POINT_SIZE
            getValueFields: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return [options.openValueField || "open", options.highValueField || "high", options.lowValueField || "low", options.closeValueField || "close"]
            getArgumentField: function() {
                return this._options.argumentField || "date"
            _beginUpdateData: _noop,
            _processRange: function(range) {
                rangeCalculator.addRangeSeriesLabelPaddings(this, range.val)
        exports.candlestick = _extend({}, exports.stock, {
            _beginUpdateData: barSeries._beginUpdateData,
            _parsePointStyle: function(style, defaultColor, innerColor) {
                var color = style.color || innerColor,
                    base = exports.stock._parsePointStyle.call(this, style, defaultColor, color);
                base.fill = color;
                base.hatching = style.hatching;
                return base
      !*** ./js/viz/series/stacked_series.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            areaSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./area_series */ 542).chart,
            chartAreaSeries = areaSeries.area,
            barSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./bar_series */ 543),
            chartBarSeries = barSeries.chart.bar,
            lineSeries = __webpack_require__( /*! ./line_series */ 541).chart,
            _extend = extend,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            _noop = noop,
            baseStackedSeries = {
                getErrorBarRangeCorrector: _noop,
                _fillErrorBars: _noop,
                _calculateErrorBars: _noop
            baseFullStackedSeries = _extend({}, baseStackedSeries, {
                isFullStackedSeries: function() {
                    return true
        exports.chart = {};
        exports.polar = {};
        exports.chart.stackedline = _extend({}, lineSeries.line, baseStackedSeries, {});
        exports.chart.stackedspline = _extend({}, lineSeries.spline, baseStackedSeries, {});
        var fullStackedLineSeries = exports.chart.fullstackedline = _extend({}, lineSeries.line, baseFullStackedSeries, {
            _processRange: function(range) {
                lineSeries.line._processRange.apply(this, arguments);
                range.val.percentStick = true
            getValueRangeInitialValue: areaSeries.area.getValueRangeInitialValue
        exports.chart.fullstackedspline = _extend({}, lineSeries.spline, baseFullStackedSeries, {
            _processRange: function(range) {
                lineSeries.line._processRange.apply(this, arguments);
                range.val.percentStick = true
            getValueRangeInitialValue: areaSeries.area.getValueRangeInitialValue
        exports.chart.stackedbar = _extend({}, chartBarSeries, baseStackedSeries, {});
        exports.chart.fullstackedbar = _extend({}, chartBarSeries, baseFullStackedSeries, {
            _processRange: function(range) {
                chartBarSeries._processRange.apply(this, arguments);
                range.val.percentStick = true

        function clonePoint(point, value, minValue, position) {
            point = objectUtils.clone(point);
            point.value = value;
            point.minValue = minValue;
            point.argument = point.argument + position;
            return point

        function preparePointsForStackedAreaSegment(points) {
            var p, array, i = 0,
                result = [],
                len = points.length;
            while (i < len) {
                p = points[i];
                array = [p];
                if (p.leftHole) {
                    array = [clonePoint(p, p.leftHole, p.minLeftHole, "left"), p]
                if (p.rightHole) {
                    array.push(clonePoint(p, p.rightHole, p.minRightHole, "right"))
            return [].concat.apply([], result)
        exports.chart.stackedarea = _extend({}, chartAreaSeries, baseStackedSeries, {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                return chartAreaSeries._prepareSegment.call(this, preparePointsForStackedAreaSegment(points, this._prevSeries), rotated)
            _appendInGroup: function() {

        function getPointsByArgFromPrevSeries(prevSeries, argument) {
            var result;
            while (!result && prevSeries) {
                result = prevSeries._segmentByArg && prevSeries._segmentByArg[argument];
                prevSeries = prevSeries._prevSeries
            return result
        exports.chart.stackedsplinearea = _extend({}, areaSeries.splinearea, baseStackedSeries, {
            _prepareSegment: function(points, rotated) {
                var areaSegment, that = this;
                points = preparePointsForStackedAreaSegment(points, that._prevSeries);
                if (!this._prevSeries || 1 === points.length) {
                    areaSegment = areaSeries.splinearea._prepareSegment.call(this, points, rotated)
                } else {
                    var forwardPoints = lineSeries.spline._calculateBezierPoints(points, rotated),
                        backwardPoints = vizUtils.map(points, function(p) {
                            var point = p.getCoords(true);
                            point.argument = p.argument;
                            return point
                        prevSeriesForwardPoints = [],
                        pointByArg = {},
                        i = 0,
                        len = that._prevSeries._segments.length;
                    while (i < len) {
                        prevSeriesForwardPoints = prevSeriesForwardPoints.concat(that._prevSeries._segments[i].line);
                    $.each(prevSeriesForwardPoints, function(_, p) {
                        if (null !== p.argument) {
                            var argument = p.argument.valueOf();
                            if (!pointByArg[argument]) {
                                pointByArg[argument] = [p]
                            } else {
                    that._prevSeries._segmentByArg = pointByArg;
                    backwardPoints = lineSeries.spline._calculateBezierPoints(backwardPoints, rotated);
                    $.each(backwardPoints, function(i, p) {
                        var prevSeriesPoints, argument = p.argument.valueOf();
                        if (i % 3 === 0) {
                            prevSeriesPoints = pointByArg[argument] || getPointsByArgFromPrevSeries(that._prevSeries, argument);
                            if (prevSeriesPoints) {
                                backwardPoints[i - 1] && prevSeriesPoints[0] && (backwardPoints[i - 1] = prevSeriesPoints[0]);
                                backwardPoints[i + 1] && (backwardPoints[i + 1] = prevSeriesPoints[2] || p)
                    areaSegment = {
                        line: forwardPoints,
                        area: forwardPoints.concat(backwardPoints.reverse())
                return areaSegment
            _appendInGroup: exports.chart.stackedarea._appendInGroup
        exports.chart.fullstackedarea = _extend({}, chartAreaSeries, baseFullStackedSeries, {
            _prepareSegment: exports.chart.stackedarea._prepareSegment,
            _appendInGroup: exports.chart.stackedarea._appendInGroup,
            _processRange: fullStackedLineSeries._processRange
        exports.chart.fullstackedsplinearea = _extend({}, areaSeries.splinearea, baseFullStackedSeries, {
            _prepareSegment: exports.chart.stackedsplinearea._prepareSegment,
            _appendInGroup: exports.chart.stackedarea._appendInGroup,
            _processRange: fullStackedLineSeries._processRange
        exports.polar.stackedbar = _extend({}, barSeries.polar.bar, baseStackedSeries, {})
      !*** ./js/viz/components/chart_theme_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            BaseThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550).BaseThemeManager,
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            FONT = "font",
            COMMON_AXIS_SETTINGS = "commonAxisSettings",
            PIE_FONT_FIELDS = ["legend." + FONT, "title." + FONT, "title.subtitle." + FONT, "tooltip." + FONT, "loadingIndicator." + FONT, "export." + FONT, "commonSeriesSettings.label." + FONT],
            CHART_FONT_FIELDS = POLAR_FONT_FIELDS.concat(["crosshair.label." + FONT]),
            chartToFontFieldsMap = {
                pie: PIE_FONT_FIELDS,
                chart: CHART_FONT_FIELDS,
                polar: POLAR_FONT_FIELDS
        var ThemeManager = BaseThemeManager.inherit(function() {
            var ctor = function(options, themeGroupName) {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                options = options || {};
                that._userOptions = options;
                that._mergeAxisTitleOptions = [];
                that._multiPieColors = {};
                that._themeSection = themeGroupName;
                that._fontFields = chartToFontFieldsMap[themeGroupName];
                that._callback = commonUtils.noop
            var dispose = function() {
                var that = this;
                that.palette && that.palette.dispose();
                that.palette = that._userOptions = that._mergedSettings = that._multiPieColors = null;
                return that.callBase.apply(that, arguments)
            var resetPalette = function() {
                this._multiPieColors = {}
            var updatePalette = function(palette) {
                this.palette = this.createPalette(palette, {
                    useHighlight: true
            var processTitleOptions = function(options) {
                return _isString(options) ? {
                    text: options
                } : options
            var processAxisOptions = function(axisOptions) {
                if (!axisOptions) {
                axisOptions = extend(true, {}, axisOptions);
                axisOptions.title = processTitleOptions(axisOptions.title);
                if ("logarithmic" === axisOptions.type && axisOptions.logarithmBase <= 0 || axisOptions.logarithmBase && !commonUtils.isNumeric(axisOptions.logarithmBase)) {
                    axisOptions.logarithmBase = void 0;
                    axisOptions.logarithmBaseError = true
                if (axisOptions.label) {
                    if (axisOptions.label.alignment) {
                        axisOptions.label.userAlignment = true
                    if (_isString(axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior)) {
                        axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = {
                            mode: axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior
                    if (!axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior || !axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior.mode) {
                        axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = axisOptions.label.overlappingBehavior || {}
                return axisOptions
            var applyParticularAxisOptions = function(name, userOptions, rotated) {
                var theme = this._theme,
                    position = !(rotated ^ "valueAxis" === name) ? "horizontalAxis" : "verticalAxis",
                    commonAxisSettings = processAxisOptions(this._userOptions.commonAxisSettings, name);
                return extend(true, {}, theme.commonAxisSettings, theme[position], theme[name], commonAxisSettings, processAxisOptions(userOptions, name))
            var mergeOptions = function(name, userOptions) {
                userOptions = userOptions || this._userOptions[name];
                var theme = this._theme[name],
                    result = this._mergedSettings[name];
                if (result) {
                    return result
                if (typeUtils.isPlainObject(theme) && typeUtils.isPlainObject(userOptions)) {
                    result = extend(true, {}, theme, userOptions)
                } else {
                    result = _isDefined(userOptions) ? userOptions : theme
                this._mergedSettings[name] = result;
                return result
            var applyParticularTheme = {
                base: mergeOptions,
                argumentAxis: applyParticularAxisOptions,
                valueAxisRangeSelector: function() {
                    return mergeOptions.call(this, "valueAxis")
                valueAxis: applyParticularAxisOptions,
                series: function(name, userOptions) {
                    var settings, mainSeriesColor, seriesVisibility, that = this,
                        theme = that._theme,
                        userCommonSettings = that._userOptions.commonSeriesSettings || {},
                        themeCommonSettings = theme.commonSeriesSettings,
                        widgetType = that._themeSection.split(".").slice(-1)[0],
                        type = _normalizeEnum(userOptions.type || userCommonSettings.type || themeCommonSettings.type || "pie" === widgetType && theme.type),
                        palette = that.palette,
                        isBar = ~type.indexOf("bar"),
                        isLine = ~type.indexOf("line"),
                        isArea = ~type.indexOf("area"),
                        isBubble = "bubble" === type,
                        resolveLabelsOverlapping = that.getOptions("resolveLabelsOverlapping"),
                        containerBackgroundColor = that.getOptions("containerBackgroundColor");
                    if (isBar || isBubble) {
                        userOptions = extend(true, {}, userCommonSettings, userCommonSettings[type], userOptions);
                        seriesVisibility = userOptions.visible;
                        userCommonSettings = {
                            type: {}
                        extend(true, userOptions, userOptions.point);
                        userOptions.visible = seriesVisibility
                    settings = extend(true, {}, themeCommonSettings, themeCommonSettings[type], userCommonSettings, userCommonSettings[type], userOptions);
                    settings.type = type;
                    settings.widgetType = widgetType;
                    settings.containerBackgroundColor = containerBackgroundColor;
                    if ("pie" !== widgetType) {
                        mainSeriesColor = settings.color || palette.getNextColor()
                    } else {
                        mainSeriesColor = function(argument, index) {
                            var cat = argument + index;
                            if (!that._multiPieColors[cat]) {
                                that._multiPieColors[cat] = palette.getNextColor()
                            return that._multiPieColors[cat]
                    settings.mainSeriesColor = mainSeriesColor;
                    settings.resolveLabelsOverlapping = resolveLabelsOverlapping;
                    if (settings.label && (isLine || isArea && "rangearea" !== type || "scatter" === type)) {
                        settings.label.position = "outside"
                    return settings
                animation: function(name) {
                    var userOptions = this._userOptions[name];
                    userOptions = typeUtils.isPlainObject(userOptions) ? userOptions : _isDefined(userOptions) ? {
                        enabled: !!userOptions
                    } : {};
                    return mergeOptions.call(this, name, userOptions)
            return {
                _themeSection: "chart",
                ctor: ctor,
                dispose: dispose,
                resetPalette: resetPalette,
                getOptions: function(name) {
                    return (applyParticularTheme[name] || applyParticularTheme.base).apply(this, arguments)
                refresh: function() {
                    this._mergedSettings = {};
                    return this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
                _initializeTheme: function() {
                    var that = this;
                    that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                resetOptions: function(name) {
                    this._mergedSettings[name] = null
                update: function(options) {
                    this._userOptions = options
                updatePalette: updatePalette
        exports.ThemeManager = ThemeManager
      !*** ./js/viz/core/base_theme_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            paletteModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../palette */ 512),
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _parseScalar = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).parseScalar,
            themeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../themes */ 508),
            _findTheme = themeModule.findTheme,
            _addCacheItem = themeModule.addCacheItem,
            _removeCacheItem = themeModule.removeCacheItem,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./default */ 551);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./ios */ 552);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./android */ 553);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./win */ 554);

        function getThemePart(theme, path) {
            var _theme = theme;
            path && _each(path.split("."), function(_, pathItem) {
                return _theme = _theme[pathItem]
            return _theme
        exports.BaseThemeManager = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function() {
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._callback = that._theme = that._font = null;
                return that
            setCallback: function(callback) {
                this._callback = callback;
                return this
            setTheme: function(theme, rtl) {
                this._current = theme;
                this._rtl = rtl;
                return this.refresh()
            refresh: function() {
                var that = this,
                    current = that._current || {},
                    theme = _findTheme(current.name || current);
                that._themeName = theme.name;
                that._defaultPalette = theme.defaultPalette;
                that._font = _extend({}, theme.font, current.font);
                that._themeSection && _each(that._themeSection.split("."), function(_, path) {
                    theme = _extend(true, {}, theme[path])
                that._theme = _extend(true, {}, theme, _isString(current) ? {} : current);
                if (_parseScalar(that._rtl, that._theme.rtlEnabled)) {
                    _extend(true, that._theme, that._theme._rtl)
                return that
            theme: function(path) {
                return getThemePart(this._theme, path)
            themeName: function() {
                return this._themeName
            createPalette: function(palette, options) {
                return new paletteModule.Palette(palette || this._defaultPalette, options)
            createDiscretePalette: function(palette, count) {
                return new paletteModule.DiscretePalette(palette || this._defaultPalette, count)
            createGradientPalette: function(palette) {
                return new paletteModule.GradientPalette(palette || this._defaultPalette)
            _initializeTheme: function() {
                var that = this;
                _each(that._fontFields || [], function(_, path) {
                    that._initializeFont(getThemePart(that._theme, path))
            _initializeFont: function(font) {
                _extend(font, this._font, _extend({}, font))
      !*** ./js/viz/core/default.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
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            TARGET_COLOR = "#8e8e8e",
            POSITIVE_COLOR = "#b8b8b8",
            LINE_COLOR = "#c7c7c7",
            AREA_LAYER_COLOR = "#686868",
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            INSIDE = "inside",
            OUTSIDE = "outside",
            themeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../themes */ 508),
            registerTheme = themeModule.registerTheme,
            registerThemeAlias = themeModule.registerThemeAlias;
            name: "generic.light",
            font: {
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            axisLabelColor: SECONDARY_TITLE_COLOR,
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                text: "Loading..."
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                    invalidRangeColor: RED,
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      !*** ./js/viz/core/ios.js ***!
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      !*** ./js/viz/core/android.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
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      !*** ./js/viz/core/win.js ***!
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      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/layout_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            layoutElementModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/layout_element */ 522),
            _isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            _floor = Math.floor,
            _sqrt = Math.sqrt,
            _extend = extend,
            consts = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/consts */ 527),
            pieLabelIndent = consts.pieLabelIndent,
            pieLabelSpacing = consts.pieLabelSpacing;

        function getNearestCoord(firstCoord, secondCoord, pointCenterCoord) {
            var nearestCoord;
            if (pointCenterCoord < firstCoord) {
                nearestCoord = firstCoord
            } else {
                if (secondCoord < pointCenterCoord) {
                    nearestCoord = secondCoord
                } else {
                    nearestCoord = pointCenterCoord
            return nearestCoord

        function getLabelLayout(point) {
            if (point._label.isVisible() && "inside" !== point._label.getLayoutOptions().position) {
                return point._label.getBoundingRect()

        function getPieRadius(series, paneCenterX, paneCenterY, accessibleRadius, minR) {
            var radiusIsFound = false;
            series.forEach(function(singleSeries) {
                if (radiusIsFound) {
                    return false
                singleSeries.getVisiblePoints().forEach(function(point) {
                    var labelBBox = getLabelLayout(point);
                    if (labelBBox) {
                        var xCoords = getNearestCoord(labelBBox.x, labelBBox.x + labelBBox.width, paneCenterX),
                            yCoords = getNearestCoord(labelBBox.y, labelBBox.y + labelBBox.height, paneCenterY);
                        accessibleRadius = _min(_max(getLengthFromCenter(xCoords, yCoords, paneCenterX, paneCenterY) - pieLabelIndent, minR), accessibleRadius);
                        radiusIsFound = true
            return accessibleRadius

        function getSizeLabels(series) {
            var sizes = [],
                commonWidth = 0;
            series.forEach(function(singleSeries) {
                var maxWidth = 0;
                singleSeries.getVisiblePoints().forEach(function(point) {
                    var labelBBox = getLabelLayout(point);
                    if (labelBBox) {
                        maxWidth = _max(labelBBox.width + pieLabelSpacing, maxWidth)
                commonWidth += maxWidth
            return {
                sizes: sizes,
                common: commonWidth

        function correctLabelRadius(sizes, radius, series, canvas, averageWidthLabels) {
            var curRadius, i, centerX = (canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right) / 2;
            for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
                if (0 === sizes[i]) {
                    curRadius && (curRadius += sizes[i - 1]);
                curRadius = _floor(curRadius ? curRadius + sizes[i - 1] : radius);
                if (averageWidthLabels && i !== series.length - 1) {
                    sizes[i] = averageWidthLabels;
                        left: centerX - radius - averageWidthLabels * (i + 1),
                        right: canvas.width - (centerX + radius + averageWidthLabels * (i + 1)),
                        top: canvas.top,
                        bottom: canvas.bottom,
                        width: canvas.width,
                        height: canvas.height

        function getLengthFromCenter(x, y, paneCenterX, paneCenterY) {
            return _sqrt((x - paneCenterX) * (x - paneCenterX) + (y - paneCenterY) * (y - paneCenterY))

        function getInnerRadius(series) {
            var innerRadius;
            if ("pie" === series.type) {
                innerRadius = 0
            } else {
                innerRadius = _isNumber(series.innerRadius) ? Number(series.innerRadius) : .5;
                innerRadius = innerRadius < .2 ? .2 : innerRadius;
                innerRadius = innerRadius > .8 ? .8 : innerRadius
            return innerRadius
        var inverseAlign = {
            left: "right",
            right: "left",
            top: "bottom",
            bottom: "top",
            center: "center"

        function downSize(canvas, layoutOptions) {
            canvas[layoutOptions.cutLayoutSide] += "horizontal" === layoutOptions.cutSide ? layoutOptions.width : layoutOptions.height

        function getOffset(layoutOptions, offsets) {
            var side = layoutOptions.cutLayoutSide,
                offset = {
                    horizontal: 0,
                    vertical: 0
            switch (side) {
                case "top":
                case "left":
                    offset[layoutOptions.cutSide] = -offsets[side];
                case "bottom":
                case "right":
                    offset[layoutOptions.cutSide] = offsets[side]
            return offset

        function LayoutManager() {}

        function toLayoutElementCoords(canvas) {
            return new layoutElementModule.WrapperLayoutElement(null, {
                x: canvas.left,
                y: canvas.top,
                width: canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right,
                height: canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom

        function correctAvailableRadius(availableRadius, canvas, series, minPiePercentage, paneCenterX, paneCenterY) {
            var averageWidthLabels, minR = minPiePercentage * availableRadius,
                sizeLabels = getSizeLabels(series),
                countSeriesWithOuterLabels = 0,
                fullRadiusWithLabels = paneCenterX - sizeLabels.common + canvas.left;
            if (fullRadiusWithLabels < minR) {
                availableRadius = minR;
                sizeLabels.sizes.forEach(function(size) {
                    0 !== size && countSeriesWithOuterLabels++
                averageWidthLabels = (paneCenterX - availableRadius - canvas.left) / countSeriesWithOuterLabels
            } else {
                availableRadius = _min(getPieRadius(series, paneCenterX, paneCenterY, availableRadius, minR), fullRadiusWithLabels)
            correctLabelRadius(sizeLabels.sizes, availableRadius, series, canvas, averageWidthLabels);
            return availableRadius
        LayoutManager.prototype = {
            constructor: LayoutManager,
            setOptions: function(options) {
                this._options = options
            applyPieChartSeriesLayout: function(canvas, series, hideLayoutLabels) {
                var availableRadius, paneSpaceHeight = canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom,
                    paneSpaceWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right,
                    paneCenterX = paneSpaceWidth / 2 + canvas.left,
                    paneCenterY = paneSpaceHeight / 2 + canvas.top,
                    piePercentage = this._options.piePercentage;
                if (_isNumber(piePercentage)) {
                    availableRadius = piePercentage * _min(canvas.height, canvas.width) / 2
                } else {
                    availableRadius = _min(paneSpaceWidth, paneSpaceHeight) / 2;
                    if (!hideLayoutLabels) {
                        availableRadius = correctAvailableRadius(availableRadius, canvas, series, this._options.minPiePercentage, paneCenterX, paneCenterY)
                return {
                    centerX: _floor(paneCenterX),
                    centerY: _floor(paneCenterY),
                    radiusInner: _floor(availableRadius * getInnerRadius(series[0])),
                    radiusOuter: _floor(availableRadius)
            applyEqualPieChartLayout: function(series, layout) {
                var radius = layout.radius;
                return {
                    centerX: _floor(layout.x),
                    centerY: _floor(layout.y),
                    radiusInner: _floor(radius * getInnerRadius(series[0])),
                    radiusOuter: _floor(radius)
            needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas: function(panes, rotated) {
                var options = this._options,
                    width = options.width,
                    height = options.height,
                    piePercentage = options.piePercentage,
                    percentageIsValid = _isNumber(piePercentage),
                    needHorizontalSpace = 0,
                    needVerticalSpace = 0;
                panes.forEach(function(pane) {
                    var paneCanvas = pane.canvas,
                        minSize = percentageIsValid ? _min(paneCanvas.width, paneCanvas.height) * piePercentage : void 0,
                        needPaneHorizontalSpace = (percentageIsValid ? minSize : width) - (paneCanvas.width - paneCanvas.left - paneCanvas.right),
                        needPaneVerticalSpace = (percentageIsValid ? minSize : height) - (paneCanvas.height - paneCanvas.top - paneCanvas.bottom);
                    if (rotated) {
                        needHorizontalSpace += needPaneHorizontalSpace > 0 ? needPaneHorizontalSpace : 0;
                        needVerticalSpace = _max(needPaneVerticalSpace > 0 ? needPaneVerticalSpace : 0, needVerticalSpace)
                    } else {
                        needHorizontalSpace = _max(needPaneHorizontalSpace > 0 ? needPaneHorizontalSpace : 0, needHorizontalSpace);
                        needVerticalSpace += needPaneVerticalSpace > 0 ? needPaneVerticalSpace : 0
                return needHorizontalSpace > 0 || needVerticalSpace > 0 ? {
                    width: needHorizontalSpace,
                    height: needVerticalSpace
                } : false
            layoutElements: function(elements, canvas, funcAxisDrawer, panes, rotated) {
                this._elements = elements;
                this._processAdaptiveLayout(panes, rotated, canvas, funcAxisDrawer);
            _processAdaptiveLayout: function(panes, rotated, canvas, funcAxisDrawer) {
                var that = this,
                    size = that.needMoreSpaceForPanesCanvas(panes, rotated),
                    items = this._elements;
                if (!size) {

                function processCanvases(item, layoutOptions, side) {
                    if (!item.getLayoutOptions()[side]) {
                        canvas[layoutOptions.cutLayoutSide] -= layoutOptions[side];
                        size[side] = Math.max(size[side] - layoutOptions[side], 0)
                items.slice().reverse().forEach(function(item) {
                    var sizeObject, layoutOptions = _extend({}, item.getLayoutOptions());
                    if (!layoutOptions) {
                    sizeObject = extend({}, layoutOptions);
                    if ("vertical" === layoutOptions.cutSide && size.height) {
                        item.draw(sizeObject.width, sizeObject.height - size.height);
                        processCanvases(item, layoutOptions, "height")
                    if ("horizontal" === layoutOptions.cutSide && size.width) {
                        item.draw(sizeObject.width - size.width, sizeObject.height);
                        processCanvases(item, layoutOptions, "width")
            _probeDrawing: function(canvas) {
                var that = this;
                this._elements.forEach(function(item) {
                    var sizeObject, layoutOptions = item.getLayoutOptions();
                    if (!layoutOptions) {
                    sizeObject = {
                        width: canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right,
                        height: canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom
                    if ("vertical" === layoutOptions.cutSide) {
                        sizeObject.height -= that._options.height
                    } else {
                        sizeObject.width -= that._options.width
                    item.probeDraw(sizeObject.width, sizeObject.height);
                    downSize(canvas, item.getLayoutOptions())
            _drawElements: function(canvas) {
                this._elements.slice().reverse().forEach(function(item) {
                    var sizeObject, cutSide, length, layoutOptions = item.getLayoutOptions();
                    if (!layoutOptions) {
                    sizeObject = {
                        width: canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right,
                        height: canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom
                    cutSide = layoutOptions.cutSide;
                    length = "horizontal" === cutSide ? "width" : "height";
                    sizeObject[length] = layoutOptions[length];
                    item.draw(sizeObject.width, sizeObject.height)
            _positionElements: function(canvas) {
                var offsets = {
                    left: 0,
                    right: 0,
                    top: 0,
                    bottom: 0
                this._elements.slice().reverse().forEach(function(item) {
                    var position, cutSide, my, layoutOptions = item.getLayoutOptions();
                    if (!layoutOptions) {
                    position = layoutOptions.position;
                    cutSide = layoutOptions.cutSide;
                    my = {
                        horizontal: position.horizontal,
                        vertical: position.vertical
                    my[cutSide] = inverseAlign[my[cutSide]];
                    item.position({ of: toLayoutElementCoords(canvas),
                        my: my,
                        at: position,
                        offset: getOffset(layoutOptions, offsets)
                    offsets[layoutOptions.cutLayoutSide] += layoutOptions["horizontal" === layoutOptions.cutSide ? "width" : "height"]
        exports.LayoutManager = LayoutManager
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/tracker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            clickEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/click */ 75),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            consts = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/consts */ 527),
            eventsConsts = consts.events,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76),
            wheelEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/wheel */ 85),
            holdEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/hold */ 164),
            addNamespace = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71).addNamespace,
            devices = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/devices */ 53),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _floor = Math.floor,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            HOVER_STATE = consts.states.hoverMark,
            NORMAL_STATE = consts.states.normalMark,
            EVENT_NS = "dxChartTracker",
            DOT_EVENT_NS = "." + EVENT_NS,
            POINTER_ACTION = addNamespace([pointerEvents.down, pointerEvents.move], EVENT_NS),
            LEGEND_CLICK = "legendClick",
            SERIES_CLICK = "seriesClick",
            POINT_CLICK = "pointClick",
            ZOOM_START = "zoomStart",
            POINT_DATA = "chart-data-point",
            SERIES_DATA = "chart-data-series",
            ARG_DATA = "chart-data-argument",
            DELAY = 100,
            NONE_MODE = "none",
            ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS_MODE = "allargumentpoints",
            INCLUDE_POINTS_MODE = "includepoints",
            EXLUDE_POINTS_MODE = "excludepoints",

        function getData(event, dataKey) {
            var target = event.target;
            return ("tspan" === target.tagName ? target.parentNode : target)[dataKey]

        function eventCanceled(event, target) {
            return event.cancel || !target.getOptions()

        function inCanvas(canvas, x, y) {
            return x >= canvas.left && x <= canvas.right && y >= canvas.top && y <= canvas.bottom

        function correctLegendHoverMode(mode) {
            if (LEGEND_HOVER_MODES.indexOf(mode) > -1) {
                return mode
            } else {
                return INCLUDE_POINTS_MODE

        function correctHoverMode(target) {
            var mode = target.getOptions().hoverMode;
            return mode === NONE_MODE ? mode : ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS_MODE
        var baseTrackerPrototype = {
            ctor: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    data = {
                        tracker: that
                that._renderer = options.renderer;
                that._legend = options.legend;
                that._tooltip = options.tooltip;
                that._eventTrigger = options.eventTrigger;
                that._seriesGroup = options.seriesGroup;
                options.seriesGroup.off(DOT_EVENT_NS).on(addNamespace(eventsConsts.showPointTooltip, EVENT_NS), data, that._showPointTooltip).on(addNamespace(eventsConsts.hidePointTooltip, EVENT_NS), data, that._hidePointTooltip);
                that._renderer.root.off(DOT_EVENT_NS).on(POINTER_ACTION, data, that._pointerHandler).on(addNamespace(clickEvent.name, EVENT_NS), data, that._clickHandler).on(addNamespace(holdEvent.name, EVENT_NS), {
                    timeout: 300
                }, _noop)
            update: function(options) {
            updateSeries: function(series) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._storedSeries !== series) {
                    that._storedSeries = series || [];
                } else {
            setCanvases: function(mainCanvas, paneCanvases) {
                this._mainCanvas = mainCanvas;
                this._canvases = paneCanvases
            repairTooltip: function() {
                var point = this.pointAtShownTooltip;
                if (point && !point.isVisible()) {
                    this._hideTooltip(point, true)
                } else {
            _prepare: function() {
            _toggleParentsScrollSubscription: function(subscribe) {
                var that = this,
                    $parents = $(that._renderer.root.element).parents(),
                    scrollEvents = addNamespace("scroll", EVENT_NS);
                if ("generic" === devices.real().platform) {
                    $parents = $parents.add(window)
                if (subscribe) {
                    $parents.on(scrollEvents, function() {
                    that._$prevRootParents = $parents
            _setHoveredPoint: function(point) {
                if (point === this._hoveredPoint) {
                this._hoveredPoint = point
            _releaseHoveredPoint: function() {
                if (this._hoveredPoint && this._hoveredPoint.getOptions()) {
                    this._hoveredPoint = null;
                    if (this._tooltip.isEnabled()) {
            _setHoveredSeries: function(series, mode) {
                this.hoveredSeries = series
            _releaseHoveredSeries: function(needSetHoverView, hoveredPoint) {
                if (this.hoveredSeries) {
                    this.hoveredSeries = null
            clearSelection: function() {
                this._storedSeries.forEach(function(series) {
                    series.getPoints().forEach(function(point) {
            _clean: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.hoveredPoint = that.hoveredSeries = that._hoveredArgumentPoints = null;
            _clearHover: function() {
            _hideTooltip: function(point, silent) {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._tooltip || point && that.pointAtShownTooltip !== point) {
                if (!silent && that.pointAtShownTooltip) {
                    that.pointAtShownTooltip = null
            _showTooltip: function(point) {
                var tooltipFormatObject, eventData, that = this;
                if (point && point.getOptions()) {
                    tooltipFormatObject = point.getTooltipFormatObject(that._tooltip);
                    if (!isDefined(tooltipFormatObject.valueText) && !tooltipFormatObject.points || !point.isVisible()) {
                    if (!that.pointAtShownTooltip || that.pointAtShownTooltip !== point) {
                        eventData = {
                            target: point
                    var coords = point.getTooltipParams(that._tooltip.getLocation()),
                        rootOffset = that._renderer.getRootOffset();
                    coords.x += rootOffset.left;
                    coords.y += rootOffset.top;
                    if (!that._tooltip.show(tooltipFormatObject, coords, eventData)) {
                    that.pointAtShownTooltip = point
            _showPointTooltip: function(event, point) {
                var that = event.data.tracker,
                    pointWithTooltip = that.pointAtShownTooltip;
                if (pointWithTooltip && pointWithTooltip !== point) {
            _hidePointTooltip: function(event, point) {
            _enableOutHandler: function() {
                if (this._outHandler) {
                var that = this,
                    handler = function(e) {
                        var rootOffset = that._renderer.getRootOffset(),
                            x = _floor(e.pageX - rootOffset.left),
                            y = _floor(e.pageY - rootOffset.top);
                        if (!inCanvas(that._mainCanvas, x, y)) {
                $(document).on(POINTER_ACTION, handler);
                this._outHandler = handler
            _disableOutHandler: function() {
                this._outHandler && $(document).off(POINTER_ACTION, this._outHandler);
                this._outHandler = null
            _pointerOut: function() {
                this._tooltip.isEnabled() && this._hideTooltip(this.pointAtShownTooltip)
            _triggerLegendClick: function(eventArgs, elementClick) {
                var eventTrigger = this._eventTrigger;
                eventTrigger(LEGEND_CLICK, eventArgs, function() {
                    !eventCanceled(eventArgs.jQueryEvent, eventArgs.target) && eventTrigger(elementClick, eventArgs)
            _hoverLegendItem: function(x, y) {
                var series, that = this,
                    item = that._legend.getItemByCoord(x, y),
                    legendHoverMode = correctLegendHoverMode(that._legend.getOptions().hoverMode);
                if (item) {
                    series = that._storedSeries[item.id];
                    if (!series.isHovered() || series.lastHoverMode !== legendHoverMode) {
                        that._setHoveredSeries(series, legendHoverMode)
                    that._tooltip.isEnabled() && that._hideTooltip(that.pointAtShownTooltip)
                } else {
            _hoverArgument: function(argument, argumentIndex) {
                var that = this,
                    hoverMode = that._getArgumentHoverMode();
                if (isDefined(argument)) {
                    that._hoveredArgument = argument;
                    that._argumentIndex = argumentIndex;
                        action: "pointHover",
                        notifyLegend: that._notifyLegendOnHoverArgument,
                        target: {
                            argument: argument,
                            fullState: HOVER_STATE,
                            argumentIndex: argumentIndex,
                            getOptions: function() {
                                return {
                                    hoverMode: hoverMode
            _resetHoveredArgument: function() {
                var hoverMode, that = this;
                if (isDefined(that._hoveredArgument)) {
                    hoverMode = that._getArgumentHoverMode();
                        action: "clearPointHover",
                        notifyLegend: that._notifyLegendOnHoverArgument,
                        target: {
                            fullState: NORMAL_STATE,
                            argumentIndex: that._argumentIndex,
                            argument: that._hoveredArgument,
                            getOptions: function() {
                                return {
                                    hoverMode: hoverMode
                    that._hoveredArgument = null
            _notifySeries: function(data) {
                this._storedSeries.forEach(function(series) {
            _pointerHandler: function(e) {
                var that = e.data.tracker,
                    rootOffset = that._renderer.getRootOffset(),
                    x = _floor(e.pageX - rootOffset.left),
                    y = _floor(e.pageY - rootOffset.top),
                    canvas = that._getCanvas(x, y),
                    series = getData(e, SERIES_DATA),
                    point = getData(e, POINT_DATA) || series && series.getPointByCoord(x, y);
                if (that._checkGestureEvents(e, canvas, rootOffset)) {
                if (that._legend.coordsIn(x, y)) {
                    that._hoverLegendItem(x, y);
                if (that.hoveredSeries && that.hoveredSeries !== that._stuckSeries) {
                if (that._hoverArgumentAxis(x, y, e)) {
                if (that._isPointerOut(canvas, point)) {
                if (!canvas && !point) {
                if (series && !point) {
                    point = series.getNeighborPoint(x, y);
                    if (series !== that.hoveredSeries) {
                        that._setTimeout(function() {
                            that._setStuckSeries(e, series, x, y);
                            that._pointerComplete(point, x, y)
                        }, series);
                } else {
                    if (point) {
                        if (that.hoveredSeries) {
                            that._setTimeout(function() {
                                that._pointerOnPoint(point, x, y, e)
                            }, point)
                        } else {
                            that._pointerOnPoint(point, x, y, e)
                    } else {
                        if (that._setStuckSeries(e, void 0, x, y)) {
                            series = that._stuckSeries;
                            point = series.getNeighborPoint(x, y);
                            point && that._setHoveredPoint(point)
                that._pointerComplete(point, x, y)
            _pointerOnPoint: function(point, x, y) {
                this._pointerComplete(point, x, y)
            _pointerComplete: function(point) {
                this.pointAtShownTooltip !== point && this._tooltip.isEnabled() && this._showTooltip(point)
            _clickHandler: function(e) {
                var that = e.data.tracker,
                    rootOffset = that._renderer.getRootOffset(),
                    x = _floor(e.pageX - rootOffset.left),
                    y = _floor(e.pageY - rootOffset.top),
                    point = getData(e, POINT_DATA),
                    series = that._stuckSeries || getData(e, SERIES_DATA) || point && point.series,
                    axis = that._argumentAxis;
                if (that._legend.coordsIn(x, y)) {
                    var item = that._legend.getItemByCoord(x, y);
                    if (item) {
                        that._legendClick(item, e)
                } else {
                    if (axis && axis.coordsIn(x, y)) {
                        var argument = getData(e, ARG_DATA);
                        if (isDefined(argument)) {
                            that._eventTrigger("argumentAxisClick", {
                                argument: argument,
                                jQueryEvent: e
                    } else {
                        if (series) {
                            point = point || series.getPointByCoord(x, y);
                            if (point) {
                                that._pointClick(point, e)
                            } else {
                                getData(e, SERIES_DATA) && that._eventTrigger(SERIES_CLICK, {
                                    target: series,
                                    jQueryEvent: e
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
        var ChartTracker = function(options) {
        extend(ChartTracker.prototype, baseTrackerPrototype, {
            _pointClick: function(point, event) {
                var that = this,
                    eventTrigger = that._eventTrigger,
                    series = point.series;
                eventTrigger(POINT_CLICK, {
                    target: point,
                    jQueryEvent: event
                }, function() {
                    !eventCanceled(event, series) && eventTrigger(SERIES_CLICK, {
                        target: series,
                        jQueryEvent: event
            __trackerDelay: DELAY,
            update: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that._zoomingMode = _normalizeEnum(options.zoomingMode);
                that._scrollingMode = _normalizeEnum(options.scrollingMode);
                baseTrackerPrototype.update.call(this, options);
                that._argumentAxis = options.argumentAxis || {};
                that._axisHoverEnabled = that._argumentAxis && _normalizeEnum(that._argumentAxis.getOptions().hoverMode) === ALL_ARGUMENT_POINTS_MODE;
                that._chart = options.chart;
                that._rotated = options.rotated;
                that._crosshair = options.crosshair
            _getCanvas: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    canvases = that._canvases || [];
                for (var i = 0; i < canvases.length; i++) {
                    var c = canvases[i];
                    if (inCanvas(c, x, y)) {
                        return c
                return null
            _isPointerOut: function(canvas) {
                return !canvas && this._stuckSeries
            _hideCrosshair: function() {
                this._crosshair && this._crosshair.hide()
            _moveCrosshair: function(point, x, y) {
                if (point && this._crosshair && point.isVisible()) {
                        point: point,
                        x: x,
                        y: y
            _prepare: function() {
                var that = this,
                    root = that._renderer.root,
                    touchScrollingEnabled = "all" === that._scrollingMode || "touch" === that._scrollingMode,
                    touchZoomingEnabled = "all" === that._zoomingMode || "touch" === that._zoomingMode,
                    cssValue = (!touchScrollingEnabled ? "pan-x pan-y " : "") + (!touchZoomingEnabled ? "pinch-zoom" : "") || "none",
                    rootStyles = {
                        "touch-action": cssValue,
                        "-ms-touch-action": cssValue
                    wheelZoomingEnabled = "all" === that._zoomingMode || "mouse" === that._zoomingMode;
                root.off(addNamespace([wheelEvent.name, "dxc-scroll-start", "dxc-scroll-move"], EVENT_NS));
                if (!that._gestureEndHandler) {
                    that._gestureEndHandler = function() {
                        that._gestureEnd && that._gestureEnd()
                    $(document).on(addNamespace(pointerEvents.up, EVENT_NS), that._gestureEndHandler)
                wheelZoomingEnabled && root.on(addNamespace(wheelEvent.name, EVENT_NS), function(e) {
                    var rootOffset = that._renderer.getRootOffset(),
                        x = that._rotated ? e.pageY - rootOffset.top : e.pageX - rootOffset.left,
                        scale = that._argumentAxis.getTranslator().getMinScale(e.delta > 0),
                        translate = x - x * scale,
                        zoom = that._argumentAxis.getTranslator().zoom(-translate, scale);
                    that._chart.zoomArgument(zoom.min, zoom.max, true);
                root.on(addNamespace("dxc-scroll-start", EVENT_NS), function(e) {
                    that._startScroll = true;
                    that._gestureStart(that._getGestureParams(e, {
                        left: 0,
                        top: 0
                }).on(addNamespace("dxc-scroll-move", EVENT_NS), function(e) {
                    that._gestureChange(that._getGestureParams(e, {
                        left: 0,
                        top: 0
                    })) && e.preventDefault()
            _getGestureParams: function(e, offset) {
                var x1, x2, left, right, that = this,
                    touches = e.pointers.length,
                    eventCoordField = that._rotated ? "pageY" : "pageX";
                offset = that._rotated ? offset.top : offset.left;
                if (2 === touches) {
                    x1 = e.pointers[0][eventCoordField] - offset;
                    x2 = e.pointers[1][eventCoordField] - offset
                } else {
                    if (1 === touches) {
                        x1 = x2 = e.pointers[0][eventCoordField] - offset
                left = Math.min(x1, x2);
                right = Math.max(x1, x2);
                return {
                    center: left + (right - left) / 2,
                    distance: right - left,
                    touches: touches,
                    scale: 1,
                    pointerType: e.pointerType
            _gestureStart: function(gestureParams) {
                var that = this;
                that._startGesture = that._startGesture || gestureParams;
                if (that._startGesture.touches !== gestureParams.touches) {
                    that._startGesture = gestureParams
            _gestureChange: function(gestureParams) {
                var that = this,
                    startGesture = that._startGesture,
                    gestureChanged = false,
                    scrollingEnabled = "all" === that._scrollingMode || "none" !== that._scrollingMode && that._scrollingMode === gestureParams.pointerType,
                    zoomingEnabled = "all" === that._zoomingMode || "touch" === that._zoomingMode;
                if (!startGesture) {
                    return gestureChanged
                if (1 === startGesture.touches && Math.abs(startGesture.center - gestureParams.center) < 3) {
                    return gestureChanged
                if (2 === startGesture.touches && zoomingEnabled) {
                    gestureChanged = true;
                    startGesture.scale = gestureParams.distance / startGesture.distance;
                    startGesture.scroll = gestureParams.center - startGesture.center + (startGesture.center - startGesture.center * startGesture.scale)
                } else {
                    if (1 === startGesture.touches && scrollingEnabled) {
                        gestureChanged = true;
                        startGesture.scroll = gestureParams.center - startGesture.center
                if (gestureChanged) {
                    if (that._startScroll) {
                        that._startScroll = false
                    startGesture.changed = gestureChanged;
                    that._chart._transformArgument(startGesture.scroll, startGesture.scale)
                return gestureChanged
            _gestureEnd: function() {
                var zoom, that = this,
                    startGesture = that._startGesture,
                    renderer = that._renderer;
                that._startGesture = null;
                that._startScroll = false;

                function complete() {
                    that._chart.zoomArgument(zoom.min, zoom.max, true)
                if (startGesture && startGesture.changed) {
                    zoom = that._argumentAxis._translator.zoom(-startGesture.scroll, startGesture.scale);
                    if (renderer.animationEnabled() && (-startGesture.scroll !== zoom.translate || startGesture.scale !== zoom.scale)) {
                        var translateDelta = -(startGesture.scroll + zoom.translate),
                            scaleDelta = startGesture.scale - zoom.scale;
                            _: 0
                        }, {
                            step: function(pos) {
                                var translateValue = -startGesture.scroll - translateDelta * pos,
                                    scaleValue = startGesture.scale - scaleDelta * pos;
                                that._chart._transformArgument(-translateValue, scaleValue)
                            complete: complete,
                            duration: 250
                    } else {
            _clean: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._stuckSeries = null
            _getSeriesForShared: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    points = [],
                    point = null,
                    distance = 1 / 0;
                if (that._tooltip.isShared() && !that.hoveredSeries) {
                    _each(that._storedSeries, function(_, series) {
                        var point = series.getNeighborPoint(x, y);
                        point && points.push(point)
                    _each(points, function(_, p) {
                        var coords = p.getCrosshairData(x, y),
                            d = vizUtils.getDistance(x, y, coords.x, coords.y);
                        if (d < distance) {
                            point = p;
                            distance = d
                return point && point.series
            _setTimeout: function(callback, keeper) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._timeoutKeeper !== keeper) {
                    that._hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                        that._timeoutKeeper = null
                    }, DELAY);
                    that._timeoutKeeper = keeper
            _resetTimer: function() {
                this._timeoutKeeper = this._hoverTimeout = null
            _checkGestureEvents: function(e, canvas, rootOffset) {
                var that = this;
                if (e.type === pointerEvents.down) {
                    if (canvas) {
                        that._startScroll = true;
                        that._gestureStart(that._getGestureParams(e, rootOffset))
                } else {
                    if (that._startGesture && canvas) {
                        if (that._gestureChange(that._getGestureParams(e, rootOffset))) {
                            return true
            _setStuckSeries: function(e, series, x, y) {
                if ("mouse" !== e.pointerType) {
                    this._stuckSeries = null
                } else {
                    this._stuckSeries = series || this._stuckSeries || this._getSeriesForShared(x, y)
                return !!this._stuckSeries
            _pointerOut: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._stuckSeries = null;
            _hoverArgumentAxis: function(x, y, e) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._axisHoverEnabled && that._argumentAxis.coordsIn(x, y)) {
                    that._hoverArgument(getData(e, ARG_DATA));
                    return true
            _pointerComplete: function(point, x, y) {
                var that = this;
                that.hoveredSeries && that.hoveredSeries.updateHover(x, y);
                that._moveCrosshair(point, x, y);
                baseTrackerPrototype._pointerComplete.call(that, point)
            _legendClick: function(item, e) {
                var series = this._storedSeries[item.id];
                    target: series,
                    jQueryEvent: e
                }, SERIES_CLICK)
            _hoverLegendItem: function(x, y) {
                this._stuckSeries = null;
                baseTrackerPrototype._hoverLegendItem.call(this, x, y)
            _pointerOnPoint: function(point, x, y, e) {
                this._setStuckSeries(e, point.series, x, y);
                baseTrackerPrototype._pointerOnPoint.call(this, point, x, y, e)
            _notifyLegendOnHoverArgument: false,
            _getArgumentHoverMode: function() {
                return correctHoverMode(this._argumentAxis)
            dispose: function() {
                $(document).off(DOT_EVENT_NS, this._gestureEndHandler);
        var PieTracker = function(options) {
        extend(PieTracker.prototype, baseTrackerPrototype, {
            _isPointerOut: function(_, point) {
                return !point
            _legendClick: function(item, e) {
                var that = this,
                    points = [];
                that._storedSeries.forEach(function(s) {
                    points.push.apply(points, s.getPointsByKeys(item.argument, item.id))
                that._eventTrigger(LEGEND_CLICK, {
                    target: item.argument,
                    points: points,
                    jQueryEvent: e
            _pointClick: function(point, e) {
                this._eventTrigger(POINT_CLICK, {
                    target: point,
                    jQueryEvent: e
            _hoverLegendItem: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    item = that._legend.getItemByCoord(x, y);
                if (item) {
                    that._hoverArgument(item.argument, item.argumentIndex)
                } else {
            _getArgumentHoverMode: function() {
                return correctHoverMode(this._legend)
            _hoverArgumentAxis: _noop,
            _setStuckSeries: _noop,
            _getCanvas: _noop,
            _checkGestureEvents: _noop,
            _notifyLegendOnHoverArgument: true
        exports.ChartTracker = ChartTracker;
        exports.PieTracker = PieTracker
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/header_block.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            LayoutElementModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/layout_element */ 522),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each;

        function HeaderBlock() {}
        _extend(HeaderBlock.prototype, LayoutElementModule.LayoutElement.prototype, {
            update: function(elements, canvas) {
                this._elements = $.map(elements, function(element) {
                    return element.getLayoutOptions() ? element : null
                this._canvas = canvas
            dispose: function() {
                this._elements = null
            measure: function() {
                var result, that = this,
                    layoutOptions = that.getLayoutOptions();
                if (layoutOptions) {
                    result = {
                        size: [layoutOptions.width, layoutOptions.height],
                        alignment: [layoutOptions.horizontalAlignment, layoutOptions.verticalAlignment],
                        side: 1
                    _each(that._elements, function(_, elem) {
                        elem.draw(layoutOptions.width, layoutOptions.height, that._canvas)
                return result || null
            getLayoutOptions: function() {
                var firstElement, layout, elementLayout, that = this,
                    elements = that._elements,
                    length = elements.length,
                    i = 1;
                if (!length) {
                    return null
                firstElement = elements[0];
                layout = _extend(true, {}, firstElement.getLayoutOptions());
                layout.position = layout.position || {};
                for (i; i < length; i++) {
                    elementLayout = elements[i].getLayoutOptions();
                    if (elementLayout.height > layout.height) {
                        layout.height = elementLayout.height
                    layout.width += elementLayout.width;
                    if (elementLayout.position) {
                        layout.position = elementLayout.position;
                        layout.verticalAlignment = elementLayout.position.vertical;
                        layout.horizontalAlignment = elementLayout.position.horizontal
                return layout
            probeDraw: function(width, height) {
                this._elements.forEach(function(e) {
                    e.probeDraw(width, height);
                    width -= e.getLayoutOptions().width
            draw: function(width, height) {
                var canvas = this._canvas;
                this._elements.forEach(function(e) {
                    e.draw(width, height, canvas);
                    width -= e.getLayoutOptions().width
            shift: function(x, y) {
                _each(this._elements, function(_, elem) {
                    elem.shift(x, y)
        exports.HeaderBlock = HeaderBlock
      !*** ./js/viz/core/title.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _Number = Number,
            _isString = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isString,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).patchFontOptions,
            parseHorizontalAlignment = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).enumParser(["left", "center", "right"]),
            parseVerticalAlignment = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).enumParser(["top", "bottom"]),
            DEFAULT_MARGIN = 10,
            DEFAULT_GAP = 3;

        function hasText(text) {
            return !!(text && String(text).length > 0)

        function processTitleLength(elem, text, width) {
            if (elem.attr({
                    text: text
                }).applyEllipsis(width)) {

        function pickMarginValue(value) {
            return value >= 0 ? _Number(value) : DEFAULT_MARGIN

        function validateMargin(margin) {
            var result;
            if (margin >= 0) {
                result = {
                    left: _Number(margin),
                    top: _Number(margin),
                    right: _Number(margin),
                    bottom: _Number(margin)
            } else {
                margin = margin || {};
                result = {
                    left: pickMarginValue(margin.left),
                    top: pickMarginValue(margin.top),
                    right: pickMarginValue(margin.right),
                    bottom: pickMarginValue(margin.bottom)
            return result

        function Title(params) {
            this._params = params;
            this._group = params.renderer.g().attr({
                "class": params.cssClass
            }).linkOn(params.renderer.root, {
                name: "title",
                after: "peripheral"
            this._hasText = false
        extend(Title.prototype, __webpack_require__( /*! ./layout_element */ 522).LayoutElement.prototype, {
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._titleElement) {
                    that._titleElement = that._subtitleElement = that._clipRect = null
                that._params = that._group = that._options = null
            _updateOptions: function(options) {
                this._options = options;
                this._options.horizontalAlignment = parseHorizontalAlignment(options.horizontalAlignment, "center");
                this._options.verticalAlignment = parseVerticalAlignment(options.verticalAlignment, "top");
                this._options.margin = validateMargin(options.margin)
            _updateStructure: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._params.renderer,
                    group = that._group,
                    alignObj = {
                        align: that._options.horizontalAlignment
                if (!that._titleElement) {
                    that._titleElement = renderer.text().attr(alignObj).append(group);
                    that._subtitleElement = renderer.text().attr(alignObj);
                    that._clipRect = renderer.clipRect();
                        "clip-path": that._clipRect.id
                hasText(that._options.subtitle.text) ? that._subtitleElement.append(group) : that._subtitleElement.remove()
            _updateTexts: function() {
                var titleBox, y, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    subtitleOptions = options.subtitle,
                    titleElement = that._titleElement,
                    subtitleElement = that._subtitleElement,
                    testText = "A";
                    text: testText,
                    y: 0
                titleBox = titleElement.getBBox();
                that._titleTextY = titleBox.height + titleBox.y;
                    text: options.text
                titleBox = titleElement.getBBox();
                y = -titleBox.y;
                    y: y
                if (hasText(subtitleOptions.text)) {
                    y += titleBox.height + titleBox.y;
                        text: subtitleOptions.text,
                        y: 0
                    y += -subtitleElement.getBBox().y - that._titleTextY + DEFAULT_GAP;
                        y: y
            _updateBoundingRectAlignment: function() {
                var boundingRect = this._boundingRect,
                    options = this._options;
                boundingRect.verticalAlignment = options.verticalAlignment;
                boundingRect.horizontalAlignment = options.horizontalAlignment;
                boundingRect.cutLayoutSide = options.verticalAlignment;
                boundingRect.cutSide = "vertical";
                boundingRect.position = {
                    horizontal: options.horizontalAlignment,
                    vertical: options.verticalAlignment
            update: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    _hasText = hasText(options.text),
                    isLayoutChanged = _hasText || _hasText !== that._hasText;
                if (_hasText) {
                    that._boundingRect = {};
                } else {
                    that._boundingRect = null
                that._hasText = _hasText;
                return isLayoutChanged
            draw: function(width, height) {
                var layoutOptions, that = this;
                layoutOptions = that.getLayoutOptions();
                if (layoutOptions.height > height) {
                    that._boundingRect.width = that._boundingRect.height = 0
                return that
            probeDraw: function(width, height) {
                this.draw(width, height);
                return this
            _correctTitleLength: function(width) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    margin = options.margin,
                    maxWidth = width - margin.left - margin.right;
                processTitleLength(that._titleElement, options.text, maxWidth);
                that._subtitleElement && processTitleLength(that._subtitleElement, options.subtitle.text, maxWidth);
            getLayoutOptions: function() {
                return this._boundingRect || null
            shift: function(x, y) {
                var that = this,
                    box = that.getLayoutOptions();
                that._group.move(x - box.x, y - box.y);
                return that
            _setClipRectSettings: function() {
                var bBox = this.getLayoutOptions();
                    x: bBox.x,
                    y: bBox.y,
                    width: bBox.width,
                    height: bBox.height
            _updateBoundingRect: function() {
                var box, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    margin = options.margin,
                    boundingRect = that._boundingRect;
                box = that._group.getBBox();
                box.height += margin.top + margin.bottom - that._titleTextY;
                box.width += margin.left + margin.right;
                box.x -= margin.left;
                box.y += that._titleTextY - margin.top;
                if (options.placeholderSize > 0) {
                    box.height = options.placeholderSize
                boundingRect.height = box.height;
                boundingRect.width = box.width;
                boundingRect.x = box.x;
                boundingRect.y = box.y
            layoutOptions: function() {
                return this._boundingRect && {
                    horizontalAlignment: this._boundingRect.horizontalAlignment,
                    verticalAlignment: this._boundingRect.verticalAlignment
            measure: function(size) {
                this.draw(size[0], size[1]);
                return [this._boundingRect.width, this._boundingRect.height]
            move: function(rect) {
                var boundingRect = this._boundingRect;
                if (rect[2] - rect[0] < boundingRect.width || rect[3] - rect[1] < boundingRect.height) {
                    this.draw(rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1])
                this.shift(Math.round(rect[0]), Math.round(rect[1]))
        exports.Title = Title;
        Title.prototype.DEBUG_getOptions = function() {
            return this._options

        function processTitleOptions(options) {
            var newOptions = _isString(options) ? {
                text: options
            } : options || {};
            newOptions.subtitle = _isString(newOptions.subtitle) ? {
                text: newOptions.subtitle
            } : newOptions.subtitle || {};
            return newOptions
        exports.plugin = {
            name: "title",
            init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._title = new exports.Title({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    cssClass: that._rootClassPrefix + "-title",
                    incidentOccurred: that._incidentOccurred
            dispose: function() {
                this._title = null
            members: {
                _getTitleOptions: function() {
                    return extend(true, {}, this._themeManager.theme("title"), processTitleOptions(this.option("title")))
            customize: function(constructor) {
                    code: "TITLE",
                    handler: function() {
                        if (this._title.update(this._getTitleOptions())) {
                    isThemeDependent: true,
                    option: "title",
                    isOptionChange: true
      !*** ./js/viz/core/tooltip.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var doc = document,
            win = window,
            $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            rendererModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./renderers/renderer */ 518),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            typeUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/type */ 12),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            HALF_ARROW_WIDTH = 10,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509),
            _format = __webpack_require__( /*! ./format */ 530),
            mathCeil = Math.ceil;

        function hideElement($element) {
                left: "-9999px"

        function getSpecialFormatOptions(options, specialFormat) {
            var result = options;
            switch (specialFormat) {
                case "argument":
                    result = {
                        format: options.argumentFormat,
                        precision: options.argumentPrecision
                case "percent":
                    result = {
                        format: {
                            type: "percent",
                            precision: options.format && options.format.percentPrecision || options.percentPrecision
            return result

        function Tooltip(params) {
            var renderer, root, that = this;
            that._eventTrigger = params.eventTrigger;
            that._wrapper = $("<div>").css({
                position: "absolute",
                overflow: "visible",
                height: "1px",
                "pointer-events": "none"
            that._renderer = renderer = new rendererModule.Renderer({
                pathModified: params.pathModified,
                container: that._wrapper[0]
            root = renderer.root;
                "pointer-events": "none"
            that._cloud = renderer.path([], "area").sharp().append(root);
            that._shadow = renderer.shadowFilter();
            that._textGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                align: "center"
            that._text = renderer.text(void 0, 0, 0).append(that._textGroup);
            that._textGroupHtml = $("<div>").css({
                position: "absolute",
                width: 0,
                padding: 0,
                margin: 0,
                border: "0px solid transparent"
            that._textHtml = $("<div>").css({
                position: "relative",
                display: "inline-block",
                padding: 0,
                margin: 0,
                border: "0px solid transparent"
        Tooltip.prototype = {
            constructor: Tooltip,
            dispose: function() {
                this._options = null
            _getContainer: function() {
                var container = $(this._options.container);
                return (container.length ? container : $("body")).get(0)
            setOptions: function(options) {
                options = options || {};
                var that = this,
                    cloudSettings = that._cloudSettings = {
                        opacity: options.opacity,
                        filter: that._shadow.id,
                        "stroke-width": null,
                        stroke: null
                    borderOptions = options.border || {};
                that._shadowSettings = extend({
                    x: "-50%",
                    y: "-50%",
                    width: "200%",
                    height: "200%"
                }, options.shadow);
                that._options = options;
                if (borderOptions.visible) {
                    extend(cloudSettings, {
                        "stroke-width": borderOptions.width,
                        stroke: borderOptions.color,
                        "stroke-opacity": borderOptions.opacity,
                        dashStyle: borderOptions.dashStyle
                that._textFontStyles = vizUtils.patchFontOptions(options.font);
                that._textFontStyles.color = options.font.color;
                    "z-index": options.zIndex
                that._customizeTooltip = commonUtils.isFunction(options.customizeTooltip) ? options.customizeTooltip : null;
                return that
            setRendererOptions: function(options) {
                    direction: options.rtl ? "rtl" : "ltr"
                return this
            render: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._eventData = null;
                return that
            update: function(options) {
                return this.setOptions(options).render()
            _prepare: function(formatObject, state) {
                var options = this._options,
                    customize = {};
                if (this._customizeTooltip) {
                    customize = this._customizeTooltip.call(formatObject, formatObject);
                    customize = typeUtils.isPlainObject(customize) ? customize : {};
                    if ("text" in customize) {
                        state.text = commonUtils.isDefined(customize.text) ? String(customize.text) : ""
                    if ("html" in customize) {
                        state.html = commonUtils.isDefined(customize.html) ? String(customize.html) : ""
                if (!("text" in state) && !("html" in state)) {
                    state.text = formatObject.valueText || ""
                state.color = customize.color || options.color;
                state.borderColor = customize.borderColor || (options.border || {}).color;
                state.textColor = customize.fontColor || (options.font || {}).color;
                return !!state.text || !!state.html
            show: function(formatObject, params, eventData) {
                var bBox, contentSize, that = this,
                    state = {},
                    options = that._options,
                    paddingLeftRight = options.paddingLeftRight,
                    paddingTopBottom = options.paddingTopBottom,
                    textGroupHtml = that._textGroupHtml,
                    textHtml = that._textHtml,
                    ss = that._shadowSettings,
                    xOff = ss.offsetX,
                    yOff = ss.offsetY,
                    blur = 2 * ss.blur + 1,
                    getComputedStyle = win.getComputedStyle;
                if (!that._prepare(formatObject, state)) {
                    return false
                that._state = state;
                state.tc = {};
                    fill: state.color,
                    stroke: state.borderColor
                if (state.html) {
                        text: ""
                        color: state.textColor,
                        width: that._getCanvas().width
                    if (getComputedStyle) {
                        bBox = getComputedStyle(textHtml.get(0));
                        bBox = {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0,
                            width: mathCeil(parseFloat(bBox.width)),
                            height: mathCeil(parseFloat(bBox.height))
                    } else {
                        bBox = textHtml.get(0).getBoundingClientRect();
                        bBox = {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0,
                            width: mathCeil(bBox.width ? bBox.width : bBox.right - bBox.left),
                            height: mathCeil(bBox.height ? bBox.height : bBox.bottom - bBox.top)
                } else {
                        fill: state.textColor
                        text: state.text
                    bBox = that._textGroup.css({
                        fill: state.textColor
                contentSize = state.contentSize = {
                    x: bBox.x - paddingLeftRight,
                    y: bBox.y - paddingTopBottom,
                    width: bBox.width + 2 * paddingLeftRight,
                    height: bBox.height + 2 * paddingTopBottom,
                    lm: blur - xOff > 0 ? blur - xOff : 0,
                    rm: blur + xOff > 0 ? blur + xOff : 0,
                    tm: blur - yOff > 0 ? blur - yOff : 0,
                    bm: blur + yOff > 0 ? blur + yOff : 0
                contentSize.fullWidth = contentSize.width + contentSize.lm + contentSize.rm;
                contentSize.fullHeight = contentSize.height + contentSize.tm + contentSize.bm + options.arrowLength;
                that.move(params.x, params.y, params.offset);
                that._eventData && that._eventTrigger("tooltipHidden", that._eventData);
                that._eventData = eventData;
                that._eventTrigger("tooltipShown", that._eventData);
                return true
            hide: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._eventData && that._eventTrigger("tooltipHidden", that._eventData);
                that._eventData = null
            move: function(x, y, offset) {
                offset = offset || 0;
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that._getCanvas(),
                    state = that._state,
                    coords = state.tc,
                    contentSize = state.contentSize;
                if (that._calculatePosition(x, y, offset, canvas)) {
                        points: coords.cloudPoints
                    }).move(contentSize.lm, contentSize.tm);
                    if (state.html) {
                            left: -contentSize.x + contentSize.lm,
                            top: -contentSize.y + contentSize.tm + coords.correction
                    } else {
                        that._textGroup.move(-contentSize.x + contentSize.lm, -contentSize.y + contentSize.tm + coords.correction)
                    that._renderer.resize("out" === coords.hp ? canvas.fullWidth - canvas.left : contentSize.fullWidth, "out" === coords.vp ? canvas.fullHeight - canvas.top : contentSize.fullHeight)
                offset = that._wrapper.css({
                    left: 0,
                    top: 0
                    left: coords.x - offset.left,
                    top: coords.y - offset.top,
                    width: contentSize.fullWidth
            formatValue: function(value, _specialFormat) {
                var options = _specialFormat ? getSpecialFormatOptions(this._options, _specialFormat) : this._options;
                return _format(value, options)
            getLocation: function() {
                return vizUtils.normalizeEnum(this._options.location)
            isEnabled: function() {
                return !!this._options.enabled
            isShared: function() {
                return !!this._options.shared
            _calculatePosition: function(x, y, offset, canvas) {
                var cloudPoints, y1, y3, hasDeprecatedPosition, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    arrowLength = options.arrowLength,
                    state = that._state,
                    coords = state.tc,
                    contentSize = state.contentSize,
                    contentWidth = contentSize.width,
                    halfContentWidth = contentWidth / 2,
                    contentHeight = contentSize.height,
                    cTop = y - canvas.top,
                    cBottom = canvas.top + canvas.height - y,
                    cLeft = x - canvas.left,
                    cRight = canvas.width + canvas.left - x,
                    tTop = contentHeight + arrowLength + offset + contentSize.tm,
                    tBottom = contentHeight + arrowLength + offset + contentSize.bm,
                    tLeft = contentWidth + contentSize.lm,
                    tRight = contentWidth + contentSize.rm,
                    tHalfLeft = halfContentWidth + contentSize.lm,
                    tHalfRight = halfContentWidth + contentSize.rm,
                    correction = 0,
                    arrowPoints = [6, 0],
                    x1 = halfContentWidth + HALF_ARROW_WIDTH,
                    x2 = halfContentWidth,
                    x3 = halfContentWidth - HALF_ARROW_WIDTH,
                    y2 = contentHeight + arrowLength,
                    hp = "center",
                    vp = "bottom";
                y1 = y3 = contentHeight;
                switch (options.verticalAlignment) {
                    case "top":
                        vp = "bottom";
                        hasDeprecatedPosition = true;
                    case "bottom":
                        vp = "top";
                        hasDeprecatedPosition = true
                if (!hasDeprecatedPosition) {
                    if (tTop > cTop && tBottom > cBottom) {
                        vp = "out"
                    } else {
                        if (tTop > cTop) {
                            vp = "top"
                hasDeprecatedPosition = false;
                switch (options.horizontalAlignment) {
                    case "left":
                        hp = "right";
                        hasDeprecatedPosition = true;
                    case "center":
                        hp = "center";
                        hasDeprecatedPosition = true;
                    case "right":
                        hp = "left";
                        hasDeprecatedPosition = true
                if (!hasDeprecatedPosition) {
                    if (tLeft > cLeft && tRight > cRight) {
                        hp = "out"
                    } else {
                        if (tHalfLeft > cLeft && tRight < cRight) {
                            hp = "left"
                        } else {
                            if (tHalfRight > cRight && tLeft < cLeft) {
                                hp = "right"
                if ("out" === hp) {
                    x = canvas.left
                } else {
                    if ("left" === hp) {
                        x1 = HALF_ARROW_WIDTH;
                        x2 = x3 = 0
                    } else {
                        if ("right" === hp) {
                            x1 = x2 = contentWidth;
                            x3 = contentWidth - HALF_ARROW_WIDTH;
                            x -= contentWidth
                        } else {
                            if ("center" === hp) {
                                x -= halfContentWidth
                if ("out" === vp) {
                    y = canvas.top
                } else {
                    if ("top" === vp) {
                        "out" !== hp && (correction = arrowLength);
                        arrowPoints[0] = 2;
                        y1 = y3 = arrowLength;
                        y2 = x1;
                        x1 = x3;
                        x3 = y2;
                        y2 = 0;
                        y += offset
                    } else {
                        y -= contentHeight + arrowLength + offset
                coords.x = x - contentSize.lm;
                coords.y = y - contentSize.tm;
                coords.correction = correction;
                if (hp === coords.hp && vp === coords.vp) {
                    return false
                coords.hp = hp;
                coords.vp = vp;
                cloudPoints = [0, 0 + correction, contentWidth, 0 + correction, contentWidth, contentHeight + correction, 0, contentHeight + correction];
                if ("out" !== hp && "out" !== vp) {
                    arrowPoints.splice(2, 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
                    cloudPoints.splice.apply(cloudPoints, arrowPoints)
                coords.cloudPoints = cloudPoints;
                return true
            _getCanvas: function() {
                var html = doc.documentElement,
                    body = doc.body;
                return {
                    left: win.pageXOffset || html.scrollLeft || 0,
                    top: win.pageYOffset || html.scrollTop || 0,
                    width: html.clientWidth || 0,
                    height: html.clientHeight || 0,
                    fullWidth: Math.max(body.scrollWidth, html.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, html.offsetWidth, body.clientWidth, html.clientWidth),
                    fullHeight: Math.max(body.scrollHeight, html.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.offsetHeight, body.clientHeight, html.clientHeight)
        exports.Tooltip = Tooltip;
        exports.plugin = {
            name: "tooltip",
            init: function() {
            dispose: function() {
            members: {
                _initTooltip: function() {
                    this._tooltip = new exports.Tooltip({
                        cssClass: this._rootClassPrefix + "-tooltip",
                        eventTrigger: this._eventTrigger,
                        pathModified: this.option("pathModified")
                _disposeTooltip: function() {
                    this._tooltip = null
                _hideTooltip: function() {
                _onRender: function() {
                    if (!this._$element.is(":visible")) {
                _setTooltipRendererOptions: function() {
                _setTooltipOptions: function() {
            customize: function(constructor) {
                var proto = constructor.prototype;
                proto._eventsMap.onTooltipShown = {
                    name: "tooltipShown"
                proto._eventsMap.onTooltipHidden = {
                    name: "tooltipHidden"
                    code: "TOOLTIP_RENDERER",
                    handler: function() {
                    isThemeDependent: true,
                    isOptionChange: true
                    code: "TOOLTIP",
                    handler: function() {
                    isThemeDependent: true,
                    isOptionChange: true,
                    option: "tooltip"
      !*** ./js/viz/core/loading_indicator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509).patchFontOptions,
            STATE_HIDDEN = 0,
            STATE_SHOWN = 1,
            ANIMATION_EASING = "linear",
            ANIMATION_DURATION = 400,
            LOADING_INDICATOR_READY = "loadingIndicatorReady";

        function LoadingIndicator(parameters) {
            var that = this,
                renderer = parameters.renderer;
            that._group = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": "dx-loading-indicator"
            }).linkOn(renderer.root, {
                name: "loading-indicator",
                after: "peripheral"
            that._rect = renderer.rect().attr({
                opacity: 0
            that._text = renderer.text().attr({
                align: "center"
            that._createStates(parameters.eventTrigger, that._group, renderer.root, parameters.notify)
        LoadingIndicator.prototype = {
            constructor: LoadingIndicator,
            _createStates: function(eventTrigger, group, root, notify) {
                var that = this;
                that._states = [{
                    opacity: 0,
                    start: function() {
                    complete: function() {
                            "pointer-events": ""
                }, {
                    opacity: .85,
                    start: function() {
                            "pointer-events": "none"
                    complete: function() {
                that._state = STATE_HIDDEN
            setSize: function(size) {
                var width = size.width,
                    height = size.height;
                    width: width,
                    height: height
                    x: width / 2,
                    y: height / 2
            setOptions: function(options) {
                    fill: options.backgroundColor
                    text: options.text
                this[options.show ? "show" : "hide"]()
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._group = that._rect = that._text = that._states = null
            _transit: function(stateId) {
                var state, that = this;
                if (that._state !== stateId) {
                    that._state = stateId;
                    that._isHiding = false;
                    state = that._states[stateId];
                        opacity: state.opacity
                    }, {
                        complete: state.complete,
                        easing: ANIMATION_EASING,
                        duration: ANIMATION_DURATION,
                        unstoppable: true
                    that._noHiding = true;
                    that._noHiding = false
            show: function() {
            hide: function() {
            scheduleHiding: function() {
                if (!this._noHiding) {
                    this._isHiding = true
            fulfillHiding: function() {
                if (this._isHiding) {
        exports.LoadingIndicator = LoadingIndicator;
        exports.plugin = {
            name: "loading_indicator",
            init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._loadingIndicator = new exports.LoadingIndicator({
                    eventTrigger: that._eventTrigger,
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    notify: notify

                function notify(state) {
                    that._skipLoadingIndicatorOptions = true;
                    that.option("loadingIndicator", {
                        show: state
                    that._skipLoadingIndicatorOptions = false;
                    if (state) {
                        that._hideTooltip && that._hideTooltip()
            dispose: function() {
                this._loadingIndicator = null
            members: {
                _scheduleLoadingIndicatorHiding: function() {
                _fulfillLoadingIndicatorHiding: function() {
                showLoadingIndicator: function() {
                hideLoadingIndicator: function() {
                _onBeginUpdate: function() {
            customize: function(constructor) {
                var proto = constructor.prototype;
                if (proto._dataSourceChangedHandler) {
                    var _dataSourceChangedHandler = proto._dataSourceChangedHandler;
                    proto._dataSourceChangedHandler = function() {
                        _dataSourceChangedHandler.apply(this, arguments)
                var _setContentSize = proto._setContentSize;
                proto._setContentSize = function() {
                    _setContentSize.apply(this, arguments);
                    code: "LOADING_INDICATOR",
                    handler: function() {
                        if (!this._skipLoadingIndicatorOptions) {
                    isThemeDependent: true,
                    option: "loadingIndicator",
                    isOptionChange: true
                proto._eventsMap.onLoadingIndicatorReady = {
                    name: "loadingIndicatorReady"
                var _drawn = proto._drawn;
                proto._drawn = function() {
                    _drawn.apply(this, arguments);
                    if (this._dataIsReady()) {
      !*** ./js/viz/core/data_source.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var name, noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            DataHelperMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data_helper */ 152),
            postCtor = DataHelperMixin.postCtor,
            members = {
                _dataSourceLoadErrorHandler: function() {
                _dataSourceOptions: function() {
                    return {
                        paginate: false
                _updateDataSource: function() {
                    if (!this.option("dataSource")) {
                _dataIsLoaded: function() {
                    return !this._dataSource || this._dataSource.isLoaded()
                _dataSourceItems: function() {
                    return this._dataSource && this._dataSource.items()
        for (name in DataHelperMixin) {
            if ("postCtor" === name) {
            members[name] = DataHelperMixin[name]
        exports.plugin = {
            name: "data_source",
            init: function() {
            dispose: noop,
            members: members
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/multi_axes_synchronizer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            debug = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/console */ 13).debug,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _adjustValue = vizUtils.adjustValue,
            _applyPrecisionByMinDelta = vizUtils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _math = Math,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _max = _math.max,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _each = $.each,
            _map = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).map,
        var getValueAxesPerPanes = function(valueAxes) {
            var result = {};
            _each(valueAxes, function(_, axis) {
                var pane = axis.pane;
                if (!result[pane]) {
                    result[pane] = []
            return result
        var linearConverter = {
            transform: function(v, b) {
                return vizUtils.getLog(v, b)
            addInterval: function(v, i) {
                return v + i
            getInterval: function(base, tickInterval) {
                return tickInterval
            adjustValue: _floor
        var logConverter = {
            transform: function(v, b) {
                return vizUtils.raiseTo(v, b)
            addInterval: function(v, i) {
                return v * i
            getInterval: function(base, tickInterval) {
                return _math.pow(base, tickInterval)
            adjustValue: _adjustValue
        var convertAxisInfo = function(axisInfo, converter) {
            if (!axisInfo.isLogarithmic) {
            var tick, interval, i, base = axisInfo.logarithmicBase,
                tickValues = axisInfo.tickValues,
                ticks = [];
            axisInfo.minValue = converter.transform(axisInfo.minValue, base);
            axisInfo.oldMinValue = converter.transform(axisInfo.oldMinValue, base);
            axisInfo.maxValue = converter.transform(axisInfo.maxValue, base);
            axisInfo.oldMaxValue = converter.transform(axisInfo.oldMaxValue, base);
            axisInfo.tickInterval = _math.round(axisInfo.tickInterval);
            if (axisInfo.tickInterval < 1) {
                axisInfo.tickInterval = 1
            interval = converter.getInterval(base, axisInfo.tickInterval);
            tick = converter.transform(tickValues[0], base);
            for (i = 0; i < tickValues.length; i++) {
                tick = converter.addInterval(tick, interval)
            ticks.tickInterval = axisInfo.tickInterval;
            axisInfo.tickValues = ticks
        var populateAxesInfo = function(axes) {
            return _map(axes, function(axis) {
                var minValue, maxValue, businessRange, tickInterval, synchronizedValue, ticksValues = axis.getTicksValues(),
                    majorTicks = ticksValues.majorTicksValues,
                    options = axis.getOptions(),
                    axisInfo = null;
                if (majorTicks && majorTicks.length > 0 && commonUtils.isNumeric(majorTicks[0]) && "discrete" !== options.type) {
                    businessRange = axis.getTranslator().getBusinessRange();
                    tickInterval = axis._tickManager.getTickInterval();
                    minValue = businessRange.minVisible;
                    maxValue = businessRange.maxVisible;
                    synchronizedValue = options.synchronizedValue;
                    if (minValue === maxValue && _isDefined(synchronizedValue)) {
                        tickInterval = _abs(majorTicks[0] - synchronizedValue) || 1;
                        minValue = majorTicks[0] - tickInterval;
                        maxValue = majorTicks[0] + tickInterval
                    axisInfo = {
                        axis: axis,
                        isLogarithmic: "logarithmic" === options.type,
                        logarithmicBase: businessRange.base,
                        tickValues: majorTicks,
                        minorValues: ticksValues.minorTicksValues,
                        minValue: minValue,
                        oldMinValue: minValue,
                        maxValue: maxValue,
                        oldMaxValue: maxValue,
                        inverted: businessRange.invert,
                        tickInterval: tickInterval,
                        synchronizedValue: synchronizedValue
                    if (businessRange.stubData) {
                        axisInfo.stubData = true;
                        axisInfo.tickInterval = axisInfo.tickInterval || options.tickInterval;
                        axisInfo.isLogarithmic = false
                    convertAxisInfo(axisInfo, linearConverter);
                    debug.assert(void 0 !== axisInfo.tickInterval && null !== axisInfo.tickInterval, "tickInterval was not provided")
                return axisInfo
        var updateTickValues = function(axesInfo) {
            var maxTicksCount = 0;
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) {
                maxTicksCount = _max(maxTicksCount, axisInfo.tickValues.length)
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) {
                var ticksMultiplier, ticksCount, additionalStartTicksCount = 0,
                    synchronizedValue = axisInfo.synchronizedValue,
                    tickValues = axisInfo.tickValues,
                    tickInterval = axisInfo.tickInterval;
                if (_isDefined(synchronizedValue)) {
                    axisInfo.baseTickValue = axisInfo.invertedBaseTickValue = synchronizedValue;
                    axisInfo.tickValues = [axisInfo.baseTickValue]
                } else {
                    if (tickValues.length > 1 && tickInterval) {
                        ticksMultiplier = _floor((maxTicksCount + 1) / tickValues.length);
                        ticksCount = ticksMultiplier > 1 ? _floor((maxTicksCount + 1) / ticksMultiplier) : maxTicksCount;
                        additionalStartTicksCount = _floor((ticksCount - tickValues.length) / 2);
                        while (additionalStartTicksCount > 0 && 0 !== tickValues[0]) {
                            tickValues.unshift(_applyPrecisionByMinDelta(tickValues[0], tickInterval, tickValues[0] - tickInterval));
                        while (tickValues.length < ticksCount) {
                            tickValues.push(_applyPrecisionByMinDelta(tickValues[0], tickInterval, tickValues[tickValues.length - 1] + tickInterval))
                        axisInfo.tickInterval = tickInterval / ticksMultiplier
                    axisInfo.baseTickValue = tickValues[0];
                    axisInfo.invertedBaseTickValue = tickValues[tickValues.length - 1]
        var getAxisRange = function(axisInfo) {
            return axisInfo.maxValue - axisInfo.minValue || 1
        var getMainAxisInfo = function(axesInfo) {
            for (var i = 0; i < axesInfo.length; i++) {
                if (!axesInfo[i].stubData) {
                    return axesInfo[i]
            return null
        var correctMinMaxValues = function(axesInfo) {
            var mainAxisInfo = getMainAxisInfo(axesInfo),
                mainAxisInfoTickInterval = mainAxisInfo.tickInterval;
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) {
                var scale, move, mainAxisBaseValueOffset, valueFromAxisInfo;
                if (axisInfo !== mainAxisInfo) {
                    if (mainAxisInfoTickInterval && axisInfo.tickInterval) {
                        if (axisInfo.stubData && _isDefined(axisInfo.synchronizedValue)) {
                            axisInfo.oldMinValue = axisInfo.minValue = axisInfo.baseTickValue - (mainAxisInfo.baseTickValue - mainAxisInfo.minValue) / mainAxisInfoTickInterval * axisInfo.tickInterval;
                            axisInfo.oldMaxValue = axisInfo.maxValue = axisInfo.baseTickValue - (mainAxisInfo.baseTickValue - mainAxisInfo.maxValue) / mainAxisInfoTickInterval * axisInfo.tickInterval
                        scale = mainAxisInfoTickInterval / getAxisRange(mainAxisInfo) / axisInfo.tickInterval * getAxisRange(axisInfo);
                        axisInfo.maxValue = axisInfo.minValue + getAxisRange(axisInfo) / scale
                    if (mainAxisInfo.inverted && !axisInfo.inverted || !mainAxisInfo.inverted && axisInfo.inverted) {
                        mainAxisBaseValueOffset = mainAxisInfo.maxValue - mainAxisInfo.invertedBaseTickValue
                    } else {
                        mainAxisBaseValueOffset = mainAxisInfo.baseTickValue - mainAxisInfo.minValue
                    valueFromAxisInfo = getAxisRange(axisInfo);
                    move = (mainAxisBaseValueOffset / getAxisRange(mainAxisInfo) - (axisInfo.baseTickValue - axisInfo.minValue) / valueFromAxisInfo) * valueFromAxisInfo;
                    axisInfo.minValue -= move;
                    axisInfo.maxValue -= move
        var calculatePaddings = function(axesInfo) {
            var minPadding, maxPadding, startPadding = 0,
                endPadding = 0;
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, axisInfo) {
                var inverted = axisInfo.inverted;
                minPadding = axisInfo.minValue > axisInfo.oldMinValue ? (axisInfo.minValue - axisInfo.oldMinValue) / getAxisRange(axisInfo) : 0;
                maxPadding = axisInfo.maxValue < axisInfo.oldMaxValue ? (axisInfo.oldMaxValue - axisInfo.maxValue) / getAxisRange(axisInfo) : 0;
                startPadding = _max(startPadding, inverted ? maxPadding : minPadding);
                endPadding = _max(endPadding, inverted ? minPadding : maxPadding)
            return {
                start: startPadding,
                end: endPadding
        var correctMinMaxValuesByPaddings = function(axesInfo, paddings) {
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, info) {
                var range = getAxisRange(info),
                    inverted = info.inverted;
                info.minValue -= paddings[inverted ? "end" : "start"] * range;
                info.maxValue += paddings[inverted ? "start" : "end"] * range;
                if (range > MIN_RANGE_FOR_ADJUST_BOUNDS) {
                    info.minValue = _math.min(info.minValue, _adjustValue(info.minValue));
                    info.maxValue = _max(info.maxValue, _adjustValue(info.maxValue))
        var updateTickValuesIfSynchronizedValueUsed = function(axesInfo) {
            var hasSynchronizedValue = false;
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, info) {
                hasSynchronizedValue = hasSynchronizedValue || _isDefined(info.synchronizedValue)
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, info) {
                var lastTickValue, tickInterval = info.tickInterval,
                    tickValues = info.tickValues,
                    maxValue = info.maxValue,
                    minValue = info.minValue;
                if (hasSynchronizedValue && tickInterval) {
                    while (tickValues[0] - tickInterval >= minValue) {
                        tickValues.unshift(_adjustValue(tickValues[0] - tickInterval))
                    lastTickValue = tickValues[tickValues.length - 1];
                    while ((lastTickValue += tickInterval) <= maxValue) {
                        tickValues.push(commonUtils.isExponential(lastTickValue) ? _adjustValue(lastTickValue) : _applyPrecisionByMinDelta(minValue, tickInterval, lastTickValue))
                while (tickValues[0] < minValue) {
                while (tickValues[tickValues.length - 1] > maxValue) {
        var applyMinMaxValues = function(axesInfo) {
            _each(axesInfo, function(_, info) {
                var axis = info.axis,
                    range = axis.getTranslator().getBusinessRange();
                if (range.min === range.minVisible) {
                    range.min = info.minValue
                if (range.max === range.maxVisible) {
                    range.max = info.maxValue
                range.minVisible = info.minValue;
                range.maxVisible = info.maxValue;
                if (_isDefined(info.stubData)) {
                    range.stubData = info.stubData
                if (range.min > range.minVisible) {
                    range.min = range.minVisible
                if (range.max < range.maxVisible) {
                    range.max = range.maxVisible
                range.isSynchronized = true;
                    majorTicks: info.tickValues,
                    minorTicks: info.minorValues
        var correctAfterSynchronize = function(axesInfo) {
            var correctValue, validAxisInfo, invalidAxisInfo = [];
            _each(axesInfo, function(i, info) {
                if (info.oldMaxValue - info.oldMinValue === 0) {
                } else {
                    if (!_isDefined(correctValue) && !_isDefined(info.synchronizedValue)) {
                        correctValue = _abs((info.maxValue - info.minValue) / (info.tickValues[_floor(info.tickValues.length / 2)] - info.minValue || info.maxValue));
                        validAxisInfo = info
            if (!_isDefined(correctValue)) {
            _each(invalidAxisInfo, function(i, info) {
                var firstTick = info.tickValues[0],
                    correctedTick = firstTick * correctValue,
                    tickValues = validAxisInfo.tickValues,
                    centralTick = tickValues[_floor(tickValues.length / 2)];
                if (firstTick > 0) {
                    info.maxValue = correctedTick;
                    info.minValue = 0
                } else {
                    if (firstTick < 0) {
                        info.minValue = correctedTick;
                        info.maxValue = 0
                    } else {
                        if (0 === firstTick) {
                            info.maxValue = validAxisInfo.maxValue - centralTick;
                            info.minValue = validAxisInfo.minValue - centralTick
        var multiAxesSynchronizer = {
            synchronize: function(valueAxes) {
                _each(getValueAxesPerPanes(valueAxes), function(_, axes) {
                    var axesInfo, paddings;
                    if (axes.length > 1) {
                        axesInfo = populateAxesInfo(axes);
                        if (0 === axesInfo.length || !getMainAxisInfo(axesInfo)) {
                        paddings = calculatePaddings(axesInfo);
                        correctMinMaxValuesByPaddings(axesInfo, paddings);
                        _each(axesInfo, function() {
                            convertAxisInfo(this, logConverter)
        module.exports = multiAxesSynchronizer
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/advanced_chart.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            rangeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/range */ 564),
            DEFAULT_AXIS_NAME = "defaultAxisName",
            axisModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../axes/base_axis */ 565),
            seriesFamilyModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/series_family */ 580),
            BaseChart = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_chart */ 514).BaseChart,
            crosshairModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./crosshair */ 581),
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            _extend = extend,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _map = vizUtils.map;

        function getCrosshairMargins(crosshairOptions) {
            crosshairOptions = crosshairOptions || {};
            var crosshairEnabled = crosshairOptions.enabled,
                margins = crosshairModule.getMargins();
            return {
                x: crosshairEnabled && crosshairOptions.horizontalLine.visible ? margins.x : 0,
                y: crosshairEnabled && crosshairOptions.verticalLine.visible ? margins.y : 0

        function prepareAxis(axisOptions) {
            return _isArray(axisOptions) ? 0 === axisOptions.length ? [{}] : axisOptions : [axisOptions]
        var AdvancedChart = BaseChart.inherit({
            _dispose: function() {
                var that = this,
                    disposeObjectsInArray = this._disposeObjectsInArray;
                that.panes = null;
                if (that._legend) {
                    that._legend = null
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(that, "panesBackground");
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(that, "seriesFamilies");
            _reinitAxes: function() {
                this.panes = this._createPanes();
            _populateAxes: function() {
                var argumentAxes, paneWithNonVirtualAxis, that = this,
                    valueAxes = [],
                    panes = that.panes,
                    rotated = that._isRotated(),
                    valueAxisOptions = that.option("valueAxis") || {},
                    argumentOption = that.option("argumentAxis") || {},
                    argumentAxesOptions = prepareAxis(argumentOption)[0],
                    valueAxesOptions = prepareAxis(valueAxisOptions),
                    axisNames = [],
                    valueAxesCounter = 0,
                    crosshairMargins = getCrosshairMargins(that._getCrosshairOptions());

                function getNextAxisName() {
                    return DEFAULT_AXIS_NAME + valueAxesCounter++
                if (rotated) {
                    paneWithNonVirtualAxis = "right" === argumentAxesOptions.position ? panes[panes.length - 1].name : panes[0].name
                } else {
                    paneWithNonVirtualAxis = "top" === argumentAxesOptions.position ? panes[0].name : panes[panes.length - 1].name
                argumentAxes = _map(panes, function(pane, index) {
                    return that._createAxis("argumentAxis", argumentAxesOptions, {
                        pane: pane.name,
                        crosshairMargin: rotated ? crosshairMargins.x : crosshairMargins.y
                    }, rotated, pane.name !== paneWithNonVirtualAxis, index)
                _each(valueAxesOptions, function(priority, axisOptions) {
                    var axisPanes = [],
                        name = axisOptions.name;
                    if (name && inArray(name, axisNames) !== -1) {
                    name && axisNames.push(name);
                    if (axisOptions.pane) {
                    if (axisOptions.panes && axisOptions.panes.length) {
                        axisPanes = axisPanes.concat(axisOptions.panes.slice(0))
                    axisPanes = vizUtils.unique(axisPanes);
                    if (!axisPanes.length) {
                        axisPanes.push(void 0)
                    _each(axisPanes, function(_, pane) {
                        valueAxes.push(that._createAxis("valueAxis", axisOptions, {
                            name: name || getNextAxisName(),
                            pane: pane,
                            priority: priority,
                            crosshairMargin: rotated ? crosshairMargins.y : crosshairMargins.x
                        }, rotated))
                that._valueAxes = valueAxes;
                that._argumentAxes = argumentAxes
            _prepareStackPoints: function(singleSeries, stackPoints) {
                var points = singleSeries.getPoints(),
                    stackName = singleSeries.getStackName();
                _each(points, function(_, point) {
                    var argument = point.argument;
                    if (!stackPoints[argument]) {
                        stackPoints[argument] = {};
                        stackPoints[argument][null] = []
                    if (stackName && !_isArray(stackPoints[argument][stackName])) {
                        stackPoints[argument][stackName] = [];
                        _each(stackPoints[argument][null], function(_, point) {
                            if (!point.stackName) {
                    if (stackName) {
                    } else {
                        _each(stackPoints[argument], function(_, stack) {
                    point.stackPoints = stackPoints[argument][stackName];
                    point.stackName = stackName
            _resetStackPoints: function(singleSeries) {
                _each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(_, point) {
                    point.stackPoints = null;
                    point.stackName = null
            _disposeAxes: function() {
                var that = this,
                    disposeObjectsInArray = that._disposeObjectsInArray;
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(that, "_argumentAxes");
                disposeObjectsInArray.call(that, "_valueAxes")
            _drawAxes: function(drawOptions, panesBorderOptions) {
                this._prepareAxesAndDraw(drawOptions, panesBorderOptions)
            _restoreOriginalBusinessRange: _noop,
            _appendAdditionalSeriesGroups: function() {
                this._scrollBar && this._scrollBarGroup.linkAppend()
            _getLegendTargets: function() {
                var that = this;
                return _map(that.series, function(item) {
                    if (item.getOptions().showInLegend) {
                        return that._getLegendOptions(item)
                    return null
            _legendItemTextField: "name",
            _seriesPopulatedHandlerCore: function() {
            _renderTrackers: function() {
                var i, that = this;
                for (i = 0; i < that.series.length; ++i) {
            _specialProcessSeries: function() {
            _processSeriesFamilies: function() {
                var paneSeries, that = this,
                    types = [],
                    families = [],
                    themeManager = that._themeManager,
                    negativesAsZeroes = themeManager.getOptions("negativesAsZeroes"),
                    negativesAsZeros = themeManager.getOptions("negativesAsZeros"),
                    familyOptions = {
                        equalBarWidth: themeManager.getOptions("equalBarWidth"),
                        minBubbleSize: themeManager.getOptions("minBubbleSize"),
                        maxBubbleSize: themeManager.getOptions("maxBubbleSize"),
                        barWidth: themeManager.getOptions("barWidth"),
                        negativesAsZeroes: _isDefined(negativesAsZeroes) ? negativesAsZeroes : negativesAsZeros
                if (that.seriesFamilies && that.seriesFamilies.length) {
                    _each(that.seriesFamilies, function(_, family) {
                _each(that.series, function(_, item) {
                    if (inArray(item.type, types) === -1) {
                _each(that._getLayoutTargets(), function(_, pane) {
                    paneSeries = that._getSeriesForPane(pane.name);
                    _each(types, function(_, type) {
                        var family = new seriesFamilyModule.SeriesFamily({
                            type: type,
                            pane: pane.name,
                            equalBarWidth: familyOptions.equalBarWidth,
                            minBubbleSize: familyOptions.minBubbleSize,
                            maxBubbleSize: familyOptions.maxBubbleSize,
                            barWidth: familyOptions.barWidth,
                            negativesAsZeroes: familyOptions.negativesAsZeroes,
                            rotated: that._isRotated()
                that.seriesFamilies = families
            _updateSeriesDimensions: function() {
                var i, that = this,
                    seriesFamilies = that.seriesFamilies || [];
                for (i = 0; i < seriesFamilies.length; i++) {
                    var family = seriesFamilies[i];
            _getLegendCallBack: function(series) {
                return this._legend && this._legend.getActionCallback(series)
            _appendAxesGroups: function() {
                var that = this;
            _populateBusinessRange: function() {
                var that = this,
                    businessRanges = [],
                    rotated = that._isRotated(),
                    argAxes = that._argumentAxes,
                    argRange = new rangeModule.Range({
                        rotated: !!rotated
                    groupsData = that._groupsData;
                that.businessRanges = null;
                _each(argAxes, function(_, axis) {
                that._valueAxes.forEach(function(valueAxis) {
                    var groupRange = new rangeModule.Range({
                            rotated: !!rotated,
                            pane: valueAxis.pane,
                            axis: valueAxis.name
                        groupAxisRange = valueAxis.getRangeData(),
                        groupSeries = that.series.filter(function(series) {
                            return series.getValueAxis() === valueAxis
                    groupSeries.forEach(function(series) {
                        var seriesRange = series.getRangeData();
                    if (!groupRange.isDefined()) {
                    if (valueAxis.getOptions().showZero) {
                        val: groupRange,
                        arg: argRange
                if (!argRange.isDefined()) {
                that._argumentAxes.forEach(function(a) {
                that.businessRanges = businessRanges
            _getArgumentAxis: function() {
                return this._argumentAxes[0]
            _getArgumentAxes: function() {
                return this._argumentAxes
            _getValueAxes: function() {
                return this._valueAxes
            _getGroupsData: function() {
                var that = this,
                    groups = [];
                that._valueAxes.forEach(function(axis) {
                        series: that.series.filter(function(series) {
                            return series.getValueAxis() === axis
                        valueAxis: axis,
                        valueOptions: axis.getOptions()
                return {
                    groups: groups,
                    argumentAxes: that._argumentAxes,
                    argumentOptions: that._argumentAxes[0].getOptions()
            _groupSeries: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._groupsData = that._getGroupsData()
            _processValueAxisFormat: function() {
                var axesWithFullStackedFormat = [];
                this.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    var axis = series.getValueAxis();
                    if (series.isFullStackedSeries()) {
                this._valueAxes.forEach(function(axis) {
                    if (axesWithFullStackedFormat.indexOf(axis) === -1) {
            _createAxis: function(typeSelector, userOptions, axisOptions, rotated, virtual, index) {
                var axis, that = this,
                    renderingSettings = _extend({
                        renderer: that._renderer,
                        incidentOccurred: that._incidentOccurred,
                        axisClass: "argumentAxis" === typeSelector ? "arg" : "val",
                        widgetClass: "dxc",
                        stripsGroup: that._stripsGroup,
                        labelAxesGroup: that._labelAxesGroup,
                        constantLinesGroup: that._constantLinesGroup,
                        axesContainerGroup: that._axesGroup,
                        gridGroup: that._gridGroup
                    }, that._getAxisRenderingOptions(typeSelector)),
                    preparedUserOptions = that._prepareStripsAndConstantLines(typeSelector, userOptions, rotated),
                    options = _extend(true, {}, preparedUserOptions, axisOptions, that._prepareAxisOptions(typeSelector, preparedUserOptions, rotated));
                if (virtual) {
                    options.visible = options.tick.visible = options.minorTick.visible = options.label.visible = false;
                    options.title = {}
                axis = new axisModule.Axis(renderingSettings);
                if (!virtual && _isDefined(index)) {
                    that._displayedArgumentAxisIndex = index
                return axis
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                return _extend(this.callBase(), {
                    argumentAxis: this._argumentAxes[this._displayedArgumentAxisIndex]
            _prepareStripsAndConstantLines: function(typeSelector, userOptions, rotated) {
                userOptions = this._themeManager.getOptions(typeSelector, userOptions, rotated);
                if (userOptions.strips) {
                    _each(userOptions.strips, function(i) {
                        userOptions.strips[i] = _extend(true, {}, userOptions.stripStyle, userOptions.strips[i])
                if (userOptions.constantLines) {
                    _each(userOptions.constantLines, function(i, line) {
                        userOptions.constantLines[i] = _extend(true, {}, userOptions.constantLineStyle, line)
                return userOptions
            _legendDataField: "series",
            _adjustSeries: _noop,
            _correctValueAxes: _noop
        exports.AdvancedChart = AdvancedChart
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/range.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _Range, commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isDate = commonUtils.isDate,
            unique = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).unique,
            minSelector = "min",
            maxSelector = "max",
            minVisibleSelector = "minVisible",
            maxVisibleSelector = "maxVisible",
            baseSelector = "base",
            axisTypeSelector = "axisType";

        function otherLessThan(thisValue, otherValue) {
            return otherValue < thisValue

        function otherGreaterThan(thisValue, otherValue) {
            return otherValue > thisValue

        function compareAndReplace(thisValue, otherValue, setValue, compare) {
            var otherValueDefined = _isDefined(otherValue);
            if (_isDefined(thisValue)) {
                if (otherValueDefined && compare(thisValue, otherValue)) {
            } else {
                if (otherValueDefined) {
        _Range = exports.Range = function(range) {
            range && extend(this, range)
        _Range.prototype = {
            constructor: _Range,
            addRange: function(otherRange) {
                var that = this,
                    categories = that.categories,
                    otherCategories = otherRange.categories;
                var compareAndReplaceByField = function(field, compare) {
                    compareAndReplace(that[field], otherRange[field], function(value) {
                        that[field] = value
                    }, compare)
                var controlValuesByVisibleBounds = function(valueField, visibleValueField, compare) {
                    compareAndReplace(that[valueField], that[visibleValueField], function(value) {
                        _isDefined(that[valueField]) && (that[valueField] = value)
                    }, compare)
                var checkField = function(field) {
                    that[field] = that[field] || otherRange[field]
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(otherRange.stick)) {
                    that.stick = otherRange.stick
                if ("logarithmic" === that[axisTypeSelector]) {
                } else {
                    that[baseSelector] = void 0
                compareAndReplaceByField(minSelector, otherLessThan);
                compareAndReplaceByField(maxSelector, otherGreaterThan);
                if ("discrete" === that[axisTypeSelector]) {
                } else {
                    compareAndReplaceByField(minVisibleSelector, otherLessThan);
                    compareAndReplaceByField(maxVisibleSelector, otherGreaterThan)
                compareAndReplaceByField("interval", otherLessThan);
                controlValuesByVisibleBounds(minSelector, minVisibleSelector, otherLessThan);
                controlValuesByVisibleBounds(minSelector, maxVisibleSelector, otherLessThan);
                controlValuesByVisibleBounds(maxSelector, maxVisibleSelector, otherGreaterThan);
                controlValuesByVisibleBounds(maxSelector, minVisibleSelector, otherGreaterThan);
                if (void 0 === categories) {
                    that.categories = otherCategories
                } else {
                    that.categories = otherCategories ? unique(categories.concat(otherCategories)) : categories
                return that
            isDefined: function() {
                return _isDefined(this[minSelector]) && _isDefined(this[maxSelector]) || this.categories && this.categories.length
            setStubData: function(dataType) {
                var that = this,
                    year = (new Date).getFullYear() - 1,
                    isDate = "datetime" === dataType,
                    axisType = that[axisTypeSelector],
                    min = "logarithmic" === axisType ? 1 : 0;
                if ("discrete" === axisType) {
                    that.categories = isDate ? [new Date(year, 0, 1), new Date(year, 3, 1), new Date(year, 6, 1), new Date(year, 9, 1)] : ["0", "1", "2"]
                } else {
                    that[minSelector] = isDate ? new Date(year, 0, 1) : min;
                    that[maxSelector] = isDate ? new Date(year, 11, 31) : 10
                that.stubData = true;
                return that
            correctValueZeroLevel: function() {
                var that = this;
                if ("logarithmic" === that[axisTypeSelector] || _isDate(that[maxSelector]) || _isDate(that[minSelector])) {
                    return that

                function setZeroLevel(min, max) {
                    that[min] < 0 && that[max] < 0 && (that[max] = 0);
                    that[min] > 0 && that[max] > 0 && (that[min] = 0)
                setZeroLevel(minSelector, maxSelector);
                setZeroLevel(minVisibleSelector, maxVisibleSelector);
                return that
            sortCategories: function(arr) {
                var cat = this.categories,
                    callback = "datetime" === this.dataType ? function(item) {
                        return cat.map(Number).indexOf(item.valueOf()) !== -1
                    } : function(item) {
                        return cat.indexOf(item) !== -1
                arr && cat && (this.categories = arr.filter(callback))
            checkZeroStick: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that.min >= 0 && that.max >= 0) {
                    that.minStickValue = 0
                } else {
                    if (that.min <= 0 && that.max <= 0) {
                        that.maxStickValue = 0
                return that
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/base_axis.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var Axis, $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            constants = __webpack_require__( /*! ./axes_constants */ 566),
            parseUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/parse_utils */ 524),
            tickManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_tick_manager */ 567),
            Translator2DModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/translator2d */ 571),
            rangeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/range */ 564),
            tick = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tick */ 577).tick,
            formatLabel = constants.formatLabel,
            convertTicksToValues = constants.convertTicksToValues,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            _getSignificantDigitPosition = vizUtils.getSignificantDigitPosition,
            _roundValue = vizUtils.roundValue,
            patchFontOptions = vizUtils.patchFontOptions,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _max = _math.max,
            _min = _math.min,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            TOP = constants.top,
            BOTTOM = constants.bottom,
            LEFT = constants.left,
            RIGHT = constants.right,
            CENTER = constants.center;

        function createMajorTick(axis, renderer) {
            var options = axis.getOptions();
            return tick(axis, renderer, options.tick, options.grid, axis._getSkippedCategory(), axis._translator.getBusinessRange().stubData)

        function createMinorTick(axis, renderer) {
            var options = axis.getOptions();
            return tick(axis, renderer, options.minorTick, options.minorGrid)

        function createBoundaryTick(axis, renderer, isFirst) {
            var options = axis.getOptions();
            return tick(axis, renderer, extend({}, options.tick, {
                visible: options.showCustomBoundaryTicks
            }), options.grid, void 0, false, isFirst ? -1 : 1)

        function callAction(ticks, action, actionArgument) {
            ticks.forEach(function(tick) {

        function initTickCoords(ticks) {
            callAction(ticks, "initCoords")

        function drawTickMarks(ticks) {
            callAction(ticks, "drawMark")

        function drawGrids(ticks, drawLine) {
            callAction(ticks, "drawGrid", drawLine)

        function updateTicksPosition(ticks) {
            callAction(ticks, "updateTickPosition")

        function updateGridsPosition(ticks) {
            callAction(ticks, "updateGridPosition")

        function measureLabels(items) {
            items.forEach(function(item) {
                item.labelBBox = item.label ? item.label.getBBox() : {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    width: 0,
                    height: 0

        function isEmptyArray(categories) {
            return categories && categories.length

        function getMarginValue(range, margin, checkMax) {
            var min = _isDefined(range.minVisible) ? range.minVisible : range.min,
                max = _isDefined(range.maxVisible) ? range.maxVisible : range.max;
            return vizUtils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta(checkMax ? max : min, margin || 0, _abs(max - min) * margin)

        function getAddFunction(range) {
            if ("datetime" === range.dataType) {
                return function(rangeValue, marginValue) {
                    return new Date(rangeValue.getTime() + marginValue)
            return function(rangeValue, marginValue) {
                return rangeValue + marginValue

        function validateAxisOptions(options) {
            var labelOptions = options.label,
                position = options.position,
                defaultPosition = options.isHorizontal ? BOTTOM : LEFT,
                secondaryPosition = options.isHorizontal ? TOP : RIGHT;
            if (position !== defaultPosition && position !== secondaryPosition) {
                position = defaultPosition
            if (position === RIGHT && !labelOptions.userAlignment) {
                labelOptions.alignment = LEFT
            options.position = position;
            options.hoverMode = options.hoverMode ? options.hoverMode.toLowerCase() : "none";
            labelOptions.minSpacing = _isDefined(labelOptions.minSpacing) ? labelOptions.minSpacing : DEFAULT_AXIS_LABEL_SPACING

        function getOptimalAngle(boxes, labelOpt) {
            var angle = 180 * _math.asin((boxes[0].height + labelOpt.minSpacing) / (boxes[1].x - boxes[0].x)) / _math.PI;
            return angle < 45 ? -45 : -90

        function updateLabels(ticks, step, func) {
            ticks.forEach(function(tick, index) {
                if (tick.label) {
                    if (index % step !== 0) {
                    } else {
                        if (func) {
                            func(tick, index)
        Axis = exports.Axis = function(renderSettings) {
            var that = this;
            that._renderer = renderSettings.renderer;
            that._incidentOccurred = renderSettings.incidentOccurred;
            that._stripsGroup = renderSettings.stripsGroup;
            that._labelAxesGroup = renderSettings.labelAxesGroup;
            that._constantLinesGroup = renderSettings.constantLinesGroup;
            that._axesContainerGroup = renderSettings.axesContainerGroup;
            that._gridContainerGroup = renderSettings.gridGroup;
            that._axisCssPrefix = renderSettings.widgetClass + "-" + (renderSettings.axisClass ? renderSettings.axisClass + "-" : "");
            that._setType(renderSettings.axisType, renderSettings.drawingType);
            that._tickManager = that._createTickManager();
            that._translator = that._createTranslator()
        Axis.prototype = {
            constructor: Axis,
            _updateIntervalAndBounds: function() {
                var i, ticks, length, minInterval, bounds, that = this,
                    translator = that._translator,
                    businessRange = translator.getBusinessRange();
                if (!isEmptyArray(businessRange.categories)) {
                    ticks = that._majorTicks;
                    length = ticks.length;
                    if (!businessRange.isSynchronized) {
                        bounds = this._tickManager.getTickBounds()
                    if (length > 1) {
                        minInterval = _abs(ticks[0].value - ticks[1].value);
                        for (i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
                            minInterval = _min(_abs(ticks[i].value - ticks[i + 1].value), minInterval)
                        bounds = extend({
                            interval: minInterval
                        }, bounds)
                    if (bounds) {
            _drawAxis: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                if (!options.visible) {
                this._axisElement = this._createAxisElement();
                    "stroke-width": options.width,
                    stroke: options.color,
                    "stroke-opacity": options.opacity
            _correctMinForTicks: function(min, max, screenDelta) {
                var correctingValue, diff = _abs(max - min) / screenDelta,
                    digitPosition = commonUtils.isExponential(diff) && diff < 1 ? vizUtils.getPrecision(diff) : _getSignificantDigitPosition(diff),
                    newMin = _roundValue(Number(min), digitPosition);
                if (newMin < min) {
                    correctingValue = _math.pow(10, -digitPosition);
                    newMin = vizUtils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta(newMin, correctingValue, newMin + correctingValue)
                if (newMin > max) {
                    newMin = min
                return newMin
            _getTickManagerData: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    screenDelta = that._getScreenDelta(),
                    min = that._minBound,
                    max = that._maxBound,
                    categories = that._translator.getVisibleCategories() || that._translator.getBusinessRange().categories,
                    customTicks = options.customTicks || (isEmptyArray(categories) ? categories : that._majorTicks && that._majorTicks.length && convertTicksToValues(that._majorTicks)),
                    customMinorTicks = options.customMinorTicks || that._minorTicks && that._minorTicks.length && convertTicksToValues(that._minorTicks);
                if (_isNumber(min) && options.type !== constants.logarithmic) {
                    min = that._correctMinForTicks(min, max, screenDelta)
                return {
                    min: min,
                    max: max,
                    customTicks: customTicks,
                    customMinorTicks: customMinorTicks,
                    customBoundTicks: options.customBoundTicks,
                    screenDelta: screenDelta
            _getTickManagerTypes: function() {
                return {
                    axisType: this._options.type,
                    dataType: this._options.dataType
            _getTicksOptions: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return {
                    base: options.type === constants.logarithmic ? options.logarithmBase : void 0,
                    tickInterval: this._translator.getBusinessRange().stubData ? null : options.tickInterval,
                    gridSpacingFactor: options.axisDivisionFactor,
                    minorGridSpacingFactor: options.minorAxisDivisionFactor,
                    numberMultipliers: options.numberMultipliers,
                    incidentOccurred: options.incidentOccurred,
                    setTicksAtUnitBeginning: options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning,
                    showMinorTicks: options.minorTick.visible || options.minorGrid.visible,
                    minorTickInterval: options.minorTickInterval,
                    minorTickCount: options.minorTickCount,
                    showCalculatedTicks: options.tick.showCalculatedTicks,
                    showMinorCalculatedTicks: options.minorTick.showCalculatedTicks
            _createTickManager: function() {
                return new tickManagerModule.TickManager({}, {})
            _getMarginsOptions: function() {
                var range = this._translator.getBusinessRange();
                return {
                    stick: range.stick || this._options.stick,
                    minStickValue: range.minStickValue,
                    maxStickValue: range.maxStickValue,
                    percentStick: range.percentStick,
                    minSpaceCorrection: range.minSpaceCorrection,
                    maxSpaceCorrection: range.maxSpaceCorrection,
                    minValueMargin: this._options.minValueMargin,
                    maxValueMargin: this._options.maxValueMargin
            _getLabelOptions: function() {
                return {
                    hasLabelFormat: this._hasLabelFormat,
                    isMarkersVisible: "discrete" === this._options.type ? false : this._options.marker.visible,
                    addMinMax: this._options.showCustomBoundaryTicks ? this._boundaryTicksVisibility : void 0,
                    forceUserTickInterval: "ignore" === this._options.label.overlappingBehavior.mode ? true : this._options.forceUserTickInterval
            _updateTickManager: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = extend(true, that._getMarginsOptions(), that._getTicksOptions(), that._getLabelOptions());
                this._tickManager.update(that._getTickManagerTypes(), that._getTickManagerData(), options)
            _correctLabelFormat: function() {
                var labelFormat = this._tickManager.getOptions().labelFormat;
                if (labelFormat) {
                    this._options.label.format = labelFormat
            _createPathElement: function(points, attr) {
                return this._renderer.path(points, "line").attr(attr).sharp(this._getSharpParam())
            _getGridLineDrawer: function(borderOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    isHorizontal = that._isHorizontal;
                return function(tick, gridStyle) {
                    that.borderOptions = borderOptions;
                    var element, canvasStart = isHorizontal ? LEFT : TOP,
                        canvasEnd = isHorizontal ? RIGHT : BOTTOM,
                        axisCanvas = that.getCanvas(),
                        canvas = {
                            left: axisCanvas.left,
                            right: axisCanvas.width - axisCanvas.right,
                            top: axisCanvas.top,
                            bottom: axisCanvas.height - axisCanvas.bottom
                        firstBorderLinePosition = borderOptions.visible && borderOptions[canvasStart] ? canvas[canvasStart] : void 0,
                        lastBorderLinePosition = borderOptions.visible && borderOptions[canvasEnd] ? canvas[canvasEnd] : void 0,
                        tickPositionField = isHorizontal ? "x" : "y",
                        minDelta = MAX_GRID_BORDER_ADHENSION + firstBorderLinePosition,
                        maxDelta = lastBorderLinePosition - MAX_GRID_BORDER_ADHENSION;
                    if (void 0 === tick.coords[tickPositionField] || tick.coords[tickPositionField] < minDelta || tick.coords[tickPositionField] > maxDelta) {
                    var grid = that._getGridPoints(tick.coords);
                    if (grid.points) {
                        element = that._createPathElement(grid.points, gridStyle)
                    return element
            _getGridPoints: function(coords) {
                var isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal,
                    tickPositionField = isHorizontal ? "x" : "y",
                    orthogonalPositions = this._orthogonalPositions,
                    positionFrom = orthogonalPositions.start,
                    positionTo = orthogonalPositions.end;
                return {
                    points: isHorizontal ? null !== coords[tickPositionField] ? [coords[tickPositionField], positionFrom, coords[tickPositionField], positionTo] : null : null !== coords[tickPositionField] ? [positionFrom, coords[tickPositionField], positionTo, coords[tickPositionField]] : null
            _getConstantLinePos: function(lineValue, canvasStart, canvasEnd) {
                var parsedValue = this._validateUnit(lineValue, "E2105", "constantLine"),
                    value = this._getTranslatedCoord(parsedValue);
                if (!_isDefined(value) || value < _min(canvasStart, canvasEnd) || value > _max(canvasStart, canvasEnd)) {
                    return {}
                return {
                    value: value,
                    parsedValue: parsedValue
            _getConstantLineGraphicAttributes: function(value) {
                var positionFrom = this._orthogonalPositions.start,
                    positionTo = this._orthogonalPositions.end;
                return {
                    points: this._isHorizontal ? [value, positionFrom, value, positionTo] : [positionFrom, value, positionTo, value]
            _createConstantLine: function(value, attr) {
                return this._createPathElement(this._getConstantLineGraphicAttributes(value).points, attr)
            _drawConstantLinesAndLabels: function(position, lineOptions, canvasStart, canvasEnd) {
                if (!_isDefined(lineOptions.value)) {
                    return {
                        line: null,
                        label: null,
                        options: lineOptions
                var side, that = this,
                    pos = that._getConstantLinePos(lineOptions.value, canvasStart, canvasEnd),
                    labelOptions = lineOptions.label || {},
                    value = pos.value,
                    attr = {
                        stroke: lineOptions.color,
                        "stroke-width": lineOptions.width,
                        dashStyle: lineOptions.dashStyle
                    group = that._axisConstantLineGroups[position];
                if (!group) {
                    side = that._isHorizontal ? labelOptions.verticalAlignment : labelOptions.horizontalAlignment;
                    group = that._axisConstantLineGroups[side]
                if (!_isDefined(value)) {
                    return {
                        line: null,
                        label: null,
                        options: lineOptions
                return {
                    line: that._createConstantLine(value, attr).append(that._axisConstantLineGroups.inside),
                    label: labelOptions.visible ? that._drawConstantLineLabels(pos.parsedValue, labelOptions, value, group) : null,
                    options: lineOptions,
                    labelOptions: labelOptions,
                    coord: value
            _drawConstantLines: function(position) {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that._getCanvasStartEnd();
                if (that._translator.getBusinessRange().stubData) {
                    return []
                return (that._options.constantLines || []).reduce(function(result, constantLine) {
                    var labelPos = constantLine.label.position;
                    if (labelPos === position || !labelPos && "inside" === position) {
                        result.push(that._drawConstantLinesAndLabels(position, constantLine, canvas.start, canvas.end))
                    return result
                }, [])
            _drawConstantLineLabelText: function(text, x, y, constantLineLabelOptions, group) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    labelOptions = options.label;
                return that._renderer.text(text, x, y).css(patchFontOptions(extend({}, labelOptions.font, constantLineLabelOptions.font))).attr({
                    align: "center"
            _drawConstantLineLabels: function(parsedValue, lineLabelOptions, value, group) {
                var coords, that = this,
                    text = lineLabelOptions.text,
                    options = that._options,
                    labelOptions = options.label;
                text = _isDefined(text) ? text : formatLabel(parsedValue, labelOptions);
                coords = that._getConstantLineLabelsCoords(value, lineLabelOptions);
                return that._drawConstantLineLabelText(text, coords.x, coords.y, lineLabelOptions, group)
            _getStripPos: function(startValue, endValue, canvasStart, canvasEnd, range) {
                var start, end, swap, startCategoryIndex, endCategoryIndex, isContinuous = !!(range.minVisible || range.maxVisible),
                    categories = range.categories || [],
                    min = range.minVisible;
                if (!isContinuous) {
                    if (_isDefined(startValue) && _isDefined(endValue)) {
                        startCategoryIndex = inArray(startValue, categories);
                        endCategoryIndex = inArray(endValue, categories);
                        if (startCategoryIndex === -1 || endCategoryIndex === -1) {
                            return {
                                from: 0,
                                to: 0
                        if (startCategoryIndex > endCategoryIndex) {
                            swap = endValue;
                            endValue = startValue;
                            startValue = swap
                if (_isDefined(startValue)) {
                    startValue = this._validateUnit(startValue, "E2105", "strip");
                    start = this._getTranslatedCoord(startValue, -1);
                    if (!_isDefined(start) && isContinuous) {
                        start = startValue < min ? canvasStart : canvasEnd
                } else {
                    start = canvasStart
                if (_isDefined(endValue)) {
                    endValue = this._validateUnit(endValue, "E2105", "strip");
                    end = this._getTranslatedCoord(endValue, 1);
                    if (!_isDefined(end) && isContinuous) {
                        end = endValue > min ? canvasEnd : canvasStart
                } else {
                    end = canvasEnd
                return start < end ? {
                    from: start,
                    to: end
                } : {
                    from: end,
                    to: start
            _getStripGraphicAttributes: function(fromPoint, toPoint) {
                var x, y, width, height, orthogonalPositions = this._orthogonalPositions,
                    positionFrom = orthogonalPositions.start,
                    positionTo = orthogonalPositions.end;
                if (this._isHorizontal) {
                    x = fromPoint;
                    y = _min(positionFrom, positionTo);
                    width = toPoint - fromPoint;
                    height = _abs(positionFrom - positionTo)
                } else {
                    x = _min(positionFrom, positionTo);
                    y = fromPoint;
                    width = _abs(positionFrom - positionTo);
                    height = _abs(fromPoint - toPoint)
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    width: width,
                    height: height
            _createStrip: function(fromPoint, toPoint, attr) {
                var attrs = this._getStripGraphicAttributes(fromPoint, toPoint);
                return this._renderer.rect(attrs.x, attrs.y, attrs.width, attrs.height).attr(attr)
            _drawStrips: function() {
                var i, stripOptions, stripPos, stripLabelOptions, attr, labelCoords, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    stripData = options.strips,
                    canvas = this._getCanvasStartEnd(),
                    range = that._translator.getBusinessRange(),
                    strips = [];
                if (!stripData || range.stubData) {
                    return []
                for (i = 0; i < stripData.length; i++) {
                    stripOptions = stripData[i];
                    stripLabelOptions = stripOptions.label || {};
                    attr = {
                        fill: stripOptions.color
                    if ((_isDefined(stripOptions.startValue) || _isDefined(stripOptions.endValue)) && _isDefined(stripOptions.color)) {
                        stripPos = that._getStripPos(stripOptions.startValue, stripOptions.endValue, canvas.start, canvas.end, range);
                        labelCoords = stripLabelOptions.text ? that._getStripLabelCoords(stripPos.from, stripPos.to, stripLabelOptions) : null;
                        if (stripPos.to - stripPos.from === 0 || !_isDefined(stripPos.to) || !_isDefined(stripPos.from)) {
                            rect: that._createStrip(stripPos.from, stripPos.to, attr).append(that._axisStripGroup),
                            options: stripOptions,
                            label: stripLabelOptions.text ? that._drawStripLabel(stripLabelOptions, labelCoords) : null,
                            labelCoords: labelCoords
                return strips
            _drawStripLabel: function(stripLabelOptions, coords) {
                return this._renderer.text(stripLabelOptions.text, coords.x, coords.y).css(patchFontOptions(extend({}, this._options.label.font, stripLabelOptions.font))).attr({
                    align: "center"
            _adjustStripLabels: function() {
                var that = this;
                this._strips.forEach(function(strip) {
                    if (strip.label) {
            _adjustLabels: function(offset) {
                var that = this,
                    maxSize = that._majorTicks.reduce(function(size, tick) {
                        var bBox = tick.labelRotationAngle ? vizUtils.rotateBBox(tick.labelBBox, [tick.labelCoords.x, tick.labelCoords.y], -tick.labelRotationAngle) : tick.labelBBox;
                        return {
                            width: _max(size.width || 0, bBox.width),
                            height: _max(size.height || 0, bBox.height),
                            offset: _max(size.offset || 0, tick.labelOffset || 0)
                    }, {}),
                    additionalOffset = that._isHorizontal ? maxSize.height : maxSize.width;
                that._majorTicks.forEach(function(tick) {
                    if (tick.label) {
                        tick.label.attr(that._getLabelAdjustedCoord(tick, offset + (tick.labelOffset || 0), maxSize.width))
                return offset + additionalOffset + (additionalOffset && that._options.label.indentFromAxis) + maxSize.offset
            _getLabelAdjustedCoord: function(tick, offset, maxWidth) {
                offset = offset || 0;
                var translateX, translateY, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    box = vizUtils.rotateBBox(tick.labelBBox, [tick.labelCoords.x, tick.labelCoords.y], -tick.labelRotationAngle || 0),
                    position = options.position,
                    textAlign = tick.labelAlignment || options.label.alignment,
                    indentFromAxis = options.label.indentFromAxis,
                    axisPosition = that._axisPosition,
                    labelCoords = tick.labelCoords,
                    labelX = labelCoords.x;
                if (that._isHorizontal) {
                    if (position === BOTTOM) {
                        translateY = axisPosition + indentFromAxis - box.y + offset
                    } else {
                        translateY = axisPosition - indentFromAxis - (box.y + box.height) - offset
                    if (textAlign === RIGHT) {
                        translateX = labelX - box.x - box.width
                    } else {
                        if (textAlign === LEFT) {
                            translateX = labelX - box.x
                        } else {
                            translateX = labelX - box.x - box.width / 2
                } else {
                    translateY = labelCoords.y - box.y - box.height / 2;
                    if (position === LEFT) {
                        if (textAlign === LEFT) {
                            translateX = axisPosition - indentFromAxis - maxWidth - box.x
                        } else {
                            if (textAlign === CENTER) {
                                translateX = axisPosition - indentFromAxis - maxWidth / 2 - box.x - box.width / 2
                            } else {
                                translateX = axisPosition - indentFromAxis - box.x - box.width
                        translateX -= offset
                    } else {
                        if (textAlign === RIGHT) {
                            translateX = axisPosition + indentFromAxis + maxWidth - box.x - box.width
                        } else {
                            if (textAlign === CENTER) {
                                translateX = axisPosition + indentFromAxis + maxWidth / 2 - box.x - box.width / 2
                            } else {
                                translateX = axisPosition + indentFromAxis - box.x
                        translateX += offset
                return {
                    translateX: translateX,
                    translateY: translateY
            _createAxisGroups: function() {
                var insideGroup, outsideGroup1, outsideGroup2, that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    classSelector = that._axisCssPrefix,
                    constantLinesClass = classSelector + "constant-lines";
                that._axisGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "axis"
                that._axisStripGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "strips"
                that._axisGridGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "grid"
                that._axisElementsGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "elements"
                that._axisLineGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "line"
                that._axisTitleGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "title"
                insideGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": constantLinesClass
                outsideGroup1 = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": constantLinesClass
                outsideGroup2 = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": constantLinesClass
                that._axisConstantLineGroups = {
                    inside: insideGroup,
                    outside1: outsideGroup1,
                    left: outsideGroup1,
                    top: outsideGroup1,
                    outside2: outsideGroup2,
                    right: outsideGroup2,
                    bottom: outsideGroup2
                that._axisStripLabelGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": classSelector + "axis-labels"
            _clearAxisGroups: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._axisLineGroup && that._axisLineGroup.clear();
                that._axisStripGroup && that._axisStripGroup.clear();
                that._axisGridGroup && that._axisGridGroup.clear();
                that._axisStripLabelGroup && that._axisStripLabelGroup.clear()
            _formatTickLabel: function(value) {
                return formatLabel(value, this._options.label, {
                    min: this._minBound,
                    max: this._maxBound
            _setTickOffset: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    discreteAxisDivisionMode = options.discreteAxisDivisionMode;
                this._tickOffset = +("crossLabels" !== discreteAxisDivisionMode || !discreteAxisDivisionMode)
            getMargins: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    position = options.position,
                    placeholderSize = options.placeholderSize,
                    canvas = that.getCanvas(),
                    cLeft = canvas.left,
                    cTop = canvas.top,
                    cRight = canvas.width - canvas.right,
                    cBottom = canvas.height - canvas.bottom,
                    boxes = [that._axisElementsGroup, that._axisConstantLineGroups.outside1, that._axisConstantLineGroups.outside2].map(function(group) {
                        return group && group.getBBox()
                    }).concat(function(group) {
                        var box = group && group.getBBox();
                        if (!box || box.isEmpty) {
                            return box
                        if (that._isHorizontal) {
                            box.x = cLeft;
                            box.width = cRight - cLeft
                        } else {
                            box.y = cTop;
                            box.height = cBottom - cTop
                        return box
                    margins = boxes.reduce(function(margins, bBox) {
                        if (!bBox || bBox.isEmpty) {
                            return margins
                        return {
                            left: _max(margins.left, cLeft - bBox.x),
                            top: _max(margins.top, cTop - bBox.y),
                            right: _max(margins.right, bBox.x + bBox.width - cRight),
                            bottom: _max(margins.bottom, bBox.y + bBox.height - cBottom)
                    }, {
                        left: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 0
                margins[position] += options.crosshairMargin;
                if (placeholderSize) {
                    margins[position] = placeholderSize
                return margins
            _validateUnit: function(unit, idError, parameters) {
                var that = this;
                unit = that.parser(unit);
                if (void 0 === unit && idError) {
                    that._incidentOccurred(idError, [parameters])
                return unit
            _setType: function(axisType, drawingType) {
                var axisTypeMethods, that = this;
                switch (axisType) {
                    case "xyAxes":
                        axisTypeMethods = __webpack_require__( /*! ./xy_axes */ 578);
                    case "polarAxes":
                        axisTypeMethods = __webpack_require__( /*! ./polar_axes */ 579)
                _each(axisTypeMethods[drawingType], function(methodName, method) {
                    that[methodName] = method
            _getSharpParam: function() {
                return true
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._axisElementsGroup && that._axisElementsGroup.dispose();
                that._strips = null;
                that._title = null;
                that._axisStripGroup = that._axisConstantLineGroups = that._axisStripLabelGroup = null;
                that._axisLineGroup = that._axisElementsGroup = that._axisGridGroup = null;
                that._axisGroup = that._axisTitleGroup = null;
                that._axesContainerGroup = that._stripsGroup = that._constantLinesGroup = null;
                that._renderer = that._options = that._textOptions = that._textFontStyles = null;
                that._translator = null;
                that._majorTicks = that._minorTicks = null;
                that._tickManager = null
            getOptions: function() {
                return this._options
            setPane: function(pane) {
                this.pane = pane;
                this._options.pane = pane
            setTypes: function(type, axisType, typeSelector) {
                this._options.type = type || this._options.type;
                this._options[typeSelector] = axisType || this._options[typeSelector]
            resetTypes: function(typeSelector) {
                this._options.type = this._initTypes.type;
                this._options[typeSelector] = this._initTypes[typeSelector]
            getTranslator: function() {
                return this._translator
            updateOptions: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    labelOpt = options.label;
                that._options = options;
                options.tick = options.tick || {};
                options.minorTick = options.minorTick || {};
                options.grid = options.grid || {};
                options.minorGrid = options.minorGrid || {};
                options.title = options.title || {};
                options.marker = options.marker || {};
                that._initTypes = {
                    type: options.type,
                    argumentType: options.argumentType,
                    valueType: options.valueType
                that._isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal;
                that.pane = options.pane;
                that.name = options.name;
                that.priority = options.priority;
                that._hasLabelFormat = "" !== labelOpt.format && _isDefined(labelOpt.format);
                that._textOptions = {
                    opacity: labelOpt.opacity,
                    align: "center"
                that._textFontStyles = vizUtils.patchFontOptions(labelOpt.font);
                if (options.type === constants.logarithmic) {
                    if (options.logarithmBaseError) {
                        delete options.logarithmBaseError
                    that.calcInterval = function(value, prevValue) {
                        return vizUtils.getLog(value / prevValue, options.logarithmBase)
            _processCanvas: function(canvas) {
                return canvas
            updateCanvas: function(canvas) {
                var positions = this._orthogonalPositions = {
                    start: !this._isHorizontal ? canvas.left : canvas.top,
                    end: !this._isHorizontal ? canvas.width - canvas.right : canvas.height - canvas.bottom
                this._canvas = canvas;
                positions.center = positions.start + (positions.end - positions.start) / 2;
            getCanvas: function() {
                return this._canvas
            hideTitle: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._options.title.text) {
                    that._incidentOccurred("W2105", [that._isHorizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical"]);
            hideOuterElements: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    constantLineLabels = that._outsideConstantLines.map(function(line) {
                        return line.label
                if ((options.label.visible || constantLineLabels.length) && !that._translator.getBusinessRange().stubData) {
                    that._incidentOccurred("W2106", [that._isHorizontal ? "horizontal" : "vertical"]);
                    constantLineLabels.forEach(function(label) {
                        label && label.remove()
            _saveBusinessRange: function() {
                this._storedBusinessRange = new rangeModule.Range(this._translator.getBusinessRange())
            restoreBusinessRange: function() {
                var zoomArgs = this._zoomArgs,
                    range = new rangeModule.Range(this._storedBusinessRange);
                if (zoomArgs) {
                    this.zoom(zoomArgs.min, zoomArgs.max, zoomArgs.stick)
                } else {
            _applyMargins: function(range) {
                var minMarginValue, maxMarginValue, options = this._options,
                    type = options.type,
                    valueMarginsEnabled = options.valueMarginsEnabled && "logarithmic" !== type && "discrete" !== type,
                    add = getAddFunction(range);
                if (valueMarginsEnabled) {
                    minMarginValue = getMarginValue(range, options.minValueMargin);
                    maxMarginValue = getMarginValue(range, options.maxValueMargin, true);
                        min: add(range.min, -minMarginValue),
                        max: add(range.max, maxMarginValue),
                        minVisible: _isDefined(range.minVisible) ? add(range.minVisible, -minMarginValue) : void 0,
                        maxVisible: _isDefined(range.maxVisible) ? add(range.maxVisible, maxMarginValue) : void 0
            setBusinessRange: function(range) {
            _updateBusinessRange: function(range) {
                var that = this;
                that._minBound = range.minVisible;
                that._maxBound = range.maxVisible
            getLabelsPosition: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    position = options.position,
                    labelShift = options.label.indentFromAxis + (that._axisShift || 0) + that._constantLabelOffset,
                    axisPosition = that._axisPosition;
                return position === TOP || position === LEFT ? axisPosition - labelShift : axisPosition + labelShift
            getFormattedValue: function(value, options, point) {
                var labelOptions = this._options.label;
                return _isDefined(value) ? formatLabel(value, extend(true, {}, labelOptions, options), void 0, point) : null
            _getBoundaryTicks: function() {
                var categories = this._translator.getVisibleCategories() || this._translator.getBusinessRange().categories;
                return isEmptyArray(categories) && this._tickOffset ? [categories[0], categories[categories.length - 1]] : this._tickManager.getBoundaryTicks()
            setPercentLabelFormat: function() {
                if (!this._hasLabelFormat) {
                    this._options.label.format = "percent"
            resetAutoLabelFormat: function() {
                if (!this._hasLabelFormat) {
                    delete this._options.label.format
            getMultipleAxesSpacing: function() {
                return this._options.multipleAxesSpacing || 0
            getTicksValues: function() {
                return {
                    majorTicksValues: convertTicksToValues(this._majorTicks),
                    minorTicksValues: convertTicksToValues(this._minorTicks)
            setTicks: function(ticks) {
                this._majorTicks = (ticks.majorTicks || []).map(createMajorTick(this, this._renderer));
                this._minorTicks = (ticks.minorTicks || []).map(createMinorTick(this, this._renderer));
            createTicks: function(canvas) {
                var boundaryTicks, that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    tickManager = that._tickManager;
                if (!canvas) {
                that._majorTicks = that._minorTicks = null;
                that._majorTicks = tickManager.getTicks().map(createMajorTick(this, renderer));
                that._minorTicks = tickManager.getMinorTicks().map(createMinorTick(this, renderer));
                boundaryTicks = that._getBoundaryTicks();
                if (this._options.showCustomBoundaryTicks && boundaryTicks.length) {
                    that._boundaryTicks = [boundaryTicks[0]].map(createBoundaryTick(this, renderer, true));
                    if (boundaryTicks.length > 1) {
                        that._boundaryTicks = that._boundaryTicks.concat([boundaryTicks[1]].map(createBoundaryTick(this, renderer, false)))
            correctTicksOnDeprecated: function() {
                var behavior = this._options.label.overlappingBehavior,
                    majorTicks = this._majorTicks,
                    length = majorTicks.length;
                if (length) {
                    majorTicks[0].withoutLabel = behavior.hideFirstLabel;
                    majorTicks[length - 1].withoutLabel = behavior.hideLastLabel;
                    majorTicks[0].withoutPath = behavior.hideFirstTick;
                    majorTicks[length - 1].withoutPath = behavior.hideLastTick
            draw: function(canvas, borderOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    drawGridLine = that._getGridLineDrawer(borderOptions || {
                        visible: false
                initTickCoords(that._boundaryTicks || []);
                drawTickMarks(that._boundaryTicks || []);
                drawGrids(that._majorTicks, drawGridLine);
                drawGrids(that._minorTicks, drawGridLine);
                callAction(that._majorTicks, "drawLabel");
                that._outsideConstantLines = that._drawConstantLines("outside");
                that._insideConstantLines = that._drawConstantLines("inside");
                that._strips = that._drawStrips();
                that._dateMarkers = that._drawDateMarkers() || [];
                that._labelAxesGroup && that._axisStripLabelGroup.append(that._labelAxesGroup);
                that._gridContainerGroup && that._axisGridGroup.append(that._gridContainerGroup);
                that._stripsGroup && that._axisStripGroup.append(that._stripsGroup);
                if (that._constantLinesGroup) {
                var offset = that._constantLabelOffset = that._adjustConstantLineLabels(that._outsideConstantLines);
                if (!that._translator.getBusinessRange().stubData) {
                    offset = that._adjustLabels(offset)
                offset = that._adjustDateMarkers(offset);
            _measureTitle: _noop,
            updateSize: function(canvas) {
                var that = this;
                var canvasStartEnd = that._getCanvasStartEnd();
                initTickCoords(that._boundaryTicks || []);
                updateTicksPosition(that._boundaryTicks || []);
                callAction(that._majorTicks, "updateLabelPosition");
                that._outsideConstantLines.concat(that._insideConstantLines || []).forEach(function(item) {
                    var coord = that._getConstantLinePos(item.options.value, canvasStartEnd.start, canvasStartEnd.end).value;
                    item.label && item.label.attr(that._getConstantLineLabelsCoords(coord, item.labelOptions));
                    item.line && item.line.attr(that._getConstantLineGraphicAttributes(coord))
                (that._strips || []).forEach(function(item) {
                    var range = that._translator.getBusinessRange(),
                        stripPos = that._getStripPos(item.options.startValue, item.options.endValue, canvasStartEnd.start, canvasStartEnd.end, range);
                    item.label && item.label.attr(that._getStripLabelCoords(stripPos.from, stripPos.to, item.options.label));
                    item.rect && item.rect.attr(that._getStripGraphicAttributes(stripPos.from, stripPos.to))
            applyClipRects: function(elementsClipID, canvasClipID) {
                    "clip-path": canvasClipID
                    "clip-path": elementsClipID
            validate: function(isArgumentAxis) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    dataType = isArgumentAxis ? options.argumentType : options.valueType,
                    parser = dataType ? parseUtils.getParser(dataType) : function(unit) {
                        return unit
                that.parser = parser;
                options.dataType = dataType;
                if (void 0 !== options.min) {
                    options.min = that._validateUnit(options.min, "E2106")
                if (void 0 !== options.max) {
                    options.max = that._validateUnit(options.max, "E2106")
                if (void 0 !== that._minBound) {
                    that._minBound = that._validateUnit(that._minBound)
                if (void 0 !== that._maxBound) {
                    that._maxBound = that._validateUnit(that._maxBound)
            zoom: function(min, max, skipAdjusting) {
                var that = this,
                    minOpt = that._options.min,
                    maxOpt = that._options.max,
                    stick = skipAdjusting,
                    businessRange = new rangeModule.Range(this._storedBusinessRange),
                    translatorRange = this._translator.getBusinessRange(),
                    isDiscrete = that._options.type === constants.discrete;
                skipAdjusting = skipAdjusting || isDiscrete;
                min = that._validateUnit(min);
                max = that._validateUnit(max);
                if (!isDiscrete && _isDefined(min) && _isDefined(max) && min > max) {
                    max = [min, min = max][0]
                if (!skipAdjusting) {
                    if (void 0 !== minOpt) {
                        min = minOpt > min ? minOpt : min;
                        max = minOpt > max ? minOpt : max
                    if (void 0 !== maxOpt) {
                        max = maxOpt < max ? maxOpt : max;
                        min = maxOpt < min ? maxOpt : min
                that._zoomArgs = {
                    min: min,
                    max: max,
                    stick: stick
                businessRange.minVisible = min;
                businessRange.maxVisible = max;
                if (stick && !isDiscrete) {
                    businessRange.min = translatorRange.min;
                    businessRange.max = translatorRange.max;
                    businessRange.stick = stick
                return that._zoomArgs
            resetZoom: function() {
                this._zoomArgs = null
            getViewport: function() {
                var that = this,
                    minOpt = that._options.min,
                    maxOpt = that._options.max;
                if (that._zoomArgs) {
                    return that._zoomArgs
                if (_isDefined(minOpt) || _isDefined(maxOpt)) {
                    return {
                        min: minOpt,
                        max: maxOpt
            getRangeData: function() {
                var rangeMin, rangeMax, rangeMinVisible, rangeMaxVisible, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    minMax = that._getMinMax(),
                    min = minMax.min,
                    max = minMax.max,
                    zoomArgs = that._zoomArgs || {},
                    type = options.type;
                if (type === constants.logarithmic) {
                    min = min <= 0 ? void 0 : min;
                    max = max <= 0 ? void 0 : max
                if (type !== constants.discrete) {
                    rangeMin = min;
                    rangeMax = max;
                    if (_isDefined(min) && _isDefined(max)) {
                        rangeMin = min < max ? min : max;
                        rangeMax = max > min ? max : min
                    rangeMinVisible = _isDefined(zoomArgs.min) ? zoomArgs.min : rangeMin;
                    rangeMaxVisible = _isDefined(zoomArgs.max) ? zoomArgs.max : rangeMax
                } else {
                    rangeMinVisible = _isDefined(zoomArgs.min) ? zoomArgs.min : min;
                    rangeMaxVisible = _isDefined(zoomArgs.max) ? zoomArgs.max : max
                return {
                    min: rangeMin,
                    max: rangeMax,
                    stick: that._getStick(),
                    categories: options.categories,
                    dataType: options.dataType,
                    axisType: type,
                    base: options.logarithmBase,
                    invert: options.inverted,
                    addSpiderCategory: that._getSpiderCategoryOption(),
                    minVisible: rangeMinVisible,
                    maxVisible: rangeMaxVisible
            getFullTicks: function() {
                return this._tickManager.getFullTicks()
            measureLabels: function(withIndents) {
                var ticks, maxText, text, box, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    widthAxis = options.visible ? options.width : 0,
                    indent = withIndents ? options.label.indentFromAxis + .5 * options.tick.length : 0;
                if (!options.label.visible || !that._axisElementsGroup) {
                    return {
                        height: widthAxis,
                        width: widthAxis,
                        x: 0,
                        y: 0
                ticks = that._tickManager.getTicks();
                maxText = ticks.reduce(function(prevValue, tick, index) {
                    var label = that._formatTickLabel(tick);
                    if (prevValue[0].length < label.length) {
                        return [label, tick]
                    } else {
                        return prevValue
                }, [that._formatTickLabel(ticks[0]), ticks[0]]);
                text = that._renderer.text(maxText[0], 0, 0).css(that._textFontStyles).attr(that._textOptions).append(that._renderer.root);
                box = text.getBBox();
                return {
                    x: box.x,
                    y: box.y,
                    width: box.width + indent,
                    height: box.height + indent
            _setLabelsPlacement: function() {
                if (!this._options.label.visible) {
                var notRecastStep, step, that = this,
                    labelOpt = that._options.label,
                    displayMode = that._validateDisplayMode(labelOpt.displayMode),
                    overlappingMode = that._validateOverlappingMode(labelOpt.overlappingBehavior.mode, displayMode),
                    rotationAngle = labelOpt.overlappingBehavior.rotationAngle,
                    staggeringSpacing = labelOpt.overlappingBehavior.staggeringSpacing,
                    ignoreOverlapping = "none" === overlappingMode || "ignore" === overlappingMode,
                    behavior = {
                        rotationAngle: _isDefined(rotationAngle) ? rotationAngle : labelOpt.rotationAngle,
                        staggeringSpacing: _isDefined(staggeringSpacing) ? staggeringSpacing : labelOpt.staggeringSpacing
                    boxes = that._majorTicks.map(function(tick) {
                        return tick.labelBBox
                step = that._getStep(boxes);
                switch (displayMode) {
                    case "rotate":
                        if (ignoreOverlapping) {
                            notRecastStep = true;
                            step = 1
                        that._applyLabelMode(displayMode, step, boxes, labelOpt, notRecastStep);
                    case "stagger":
                        if (ignoreOverlapping) {
                            step = 2
                        that._applyLabelMode(displayMode, _max(step, 2), boxes, labelOpt);
                        that._applyLabelOverlapping(boxes, overlappingMode, step, behavior)
            _applyLabelOverlapping: function(boxes, mode, step, behavior) {
                var that = this,
                    labelOpt = that._options.label,
                    majorTicks = that._majorTicks;
                if ("none" === mode || "ignore" === mode) {
                var checkLabels = function(box, index, array) {
                    if (0 === index) {
                        return false
                    return constants.areLabelsOverlap(box, array[index - 1], labelOpt.minSpacing, labelOpt.alignment)
                if (step > 1 && boxes.some(checkLabels)) {
                    that._applyLabelMode(mode, step, boxes, behavior)
                if ("hide" === mode) {
                    that._checkBoundedLabelsOverlapping(step, majorTicks, boxes)
            _applyLabelMode: function(mode, step, boxes, behavior, notRecastStep) {
                var labelHeight, alignment, func, that = this,
                    majorTicks = that._majorTicks,
                    labelOpt = that._options.label,
                    angle = behavior.rotationAngle;
                switch (mode) {
                    case "rotate":
                        if (!labelOpt.userAlignment) {
                            alignment = angle < 0 ? RIGHT : LEFT;
                            if (angle % 90 === 0) {
                                alignment = CENTER
                        step = notRecastStep ? step : that._getStep(boxes, angle);
                        func = function(tick) {
                            tick.labelRotationAngle = angle;
                            alignment && (tick.labelAlignment = alignment)
                        updateLabels(majorTicks, step, func);
                    case "stagger":
                        labelHeight = that._getMaxLabelHeight(that._options.position === TOP, boxes, behavior.staggeringSpacing);
                        func = function(tick, index) {
                            if (index / (step - 1) % 2 !== 0) {
                                tick.labelOffset = labelHeight
                        updateLabels(majorTicks, step - 1, func);
                    case "auto":
                    case "_auto":
                        if (2 === step) {
                            that._applyLabelMode("stagger", step, boxes, behavior)
                        } else {
                            that._applyLabelMode("rotate", step, boxes, {
                                rotationAngle: getOptimalAngle(boxes, labelOpt)
                        updateLabels(majorTicks, step)
            getMarkerTrackers: _noop,
            _drawDateMarkers: _noop,
            _adjustDateMarkers: _noop,
            coordsIn: _noop,
            _getSkippedCategory: _noop,
            _initAxisPositions: _noop,
            _drawTitle: _noop,
            _updateTitleCoords: _noop,
            _adjustConstantLineLabels: _noop,
            _createTranslator: function() {
                return new Translator2DModule.Translator2D({}, {}, {})
            _updateTranslator: function() {
                this._translator.update({}, {}, {
                    isHorizontal: this._isHorizontal,
                    interval: this._options.semiDiscreteInterval
            _adjustTitle: _noop,
            _checkTitleOverflow: _noop,
            getSpiderTicks: _noop,
            setSpiderTicks: _noop,
            _checkBoundedLabelsOverlapping: _noop,
            _getTickMarkPoints: _noop,
            _validateOverlappingMode: _noop,
            _getStep: _noop,
            _validateDisplayMode: _noop,
            shift: _noop
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/axes_constants.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            _map = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).map,
            _format = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/format */ 530);

        function getFormatObject(value, options, axisMinMax, point) {
            var formatObject = {
                value: value,
                valueText: _format(value, options) || ""
            if (axisMinMax) {
                formatObject.min = axisMinMax.min;
                formatObject.max = axisMinMax.max
            if (point) {
                formatObject.point = point
            return formatObject
        module.exports = {
            logarithmic: "logarithmic",
            discrete: "discrete",
            numeric: "numeric",
            left: "left",
            right: "right",
            top: "top",
            bottom: "bottom",
            center: "center",
            canvasPositionPrefix: "canvas_position_",
            canvasPositionTop: "canvas_position_top",
            canvasPositionBottom: "canvas_position_bottom",
            canvasPositionLeft: "canvas_position_left",
            canvasPositionRight: "canvas_position_right",
            canvasPositionStart: "canvas_position_start",
            canvasPositionEnd: "canvas_position_end",
            horizontal: "horizontal",
            vertical: "vertical",
            convertTicksToValues: function(ticks) {
                return _map(ticks || [], function(item) {
                    return item.value
            validateOverlappingMode: function(mode) {
                return "ignore" === mode || "none" === mode ? mode : "hide"
            formatLabel: function(value, options, axisMinMax, point) {
                var formatObject = getFormatObject(value, options, axisMinMax, point);
                return isFunction(options.customizeText) ? options.customizeText.call(formatObject, formatObject) : formatObject.valueText
            formatHint: function(value, options, axisMinMax) {
                var formatObject = getFormatObject(value, options, axisMinMax);
                return isFunction(options.customizeHint) ? options.customizeHint.call(formatObject, formatObject) : void 0
            getTicksCountInRange: function(ticks, valueKey, range) {
                var i = 1;
                if (ticks.length > 1) {
                    for (; i < ticks.length; i++) {
                        if (Math.abs(ticks[i].coords[valueKey] - ticks[0].coords[valueKey]) >= range) {
                return i
            areLabelsOverlap: function(bBox1, bBox2, spacing, alignment) {
                var hasHorizontalOverlapping, hasVerticalOverlapping, horizontalInverted = bBox1.x > bBox2.x,
                    verticalInverted = bBox1.y > bBox2.y,
                    x1 = bBox1.x,
                    x2 = bBox2.x,
                    width1 = bBox1.width,
                    width2 = bBox2.width;
                if ("center" === alignment) {
                    x1 -= width1 / 2;
                    x2 -= width2 / 2
                } else {
                    if ("right" === alignment) {
                        x1 -= width1;
                        x2 -= width2
                hasHorizontalOverlapping = horizontalInverted ? x2 + width2 + spacing > x1 : x1 + width1 + spacing > x2;
                hasVerticalOverlapping = verticalInverted ? bBox2.y + bBox2.height > bBox1.y : bBox1.y + bBox1.height > bBox2.y;
                return hasHorizontalOverlapping && hasVerticalOverlapping
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/base_tick_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var TickManager, $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            coreTickManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./numeric_tick_manager */ 568),
            dateTimeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./datetime_tick_manager */ 569),
            logarithmicMethods = __webpack_require__( /*! ./logarithmic_tick_manager */ 570),
            dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            formatHelper = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../format_helper */ 66),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            _addInterval = dateUtils.addInterval,
            utils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _adjustValue = utils.adjustValue,
            _map = utils.map,
            _each = $.each,
            _inArray = inArray,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            DEFAULT_NUMBER_MULTIPLIERS = [1, 2, 3, 5],
            TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT = 2e3,

        function getUniqueValues(array) {
            var currentValue, lastValue = array[0],
                result = [lastValue.obj],
                length = array.length,
                i = 1;
            for (i; i < length; i++) {
                currentValue = array[i];
                if (lastValue.value !== currentValue.value) {
                    lastValue = currentValue
            return result

        function concatAndSort(array1, array2) {
            if (!array1.length && !array2.length) {
                return []
            var array = array1.concat(array2),
                values = [],
                length = array.length,
                hasNull = false,
                i = 0;
            for (i; i < length; i++) {
                if (null !== array[i]) {
                        obj: array[i],
                        value: array[i].valueOf()
                } else {
                    hasNull = true
            values.sort(function(x, y) {
                return x.value - y.value
            values = getUniqueValues(values);
            hasNull && values.push(null);
            return values

        function convertTickIntervalToNumeric(interval) {
            if (!_isNumber(interval)) {
                var date = new Date;
                interval = _addInterval(date, interval) - date
            return interval

        function checkUserTickInterval(userTickInterval, calculatedTickInterval, forceUserTickInterval) {
            if (forceUserTickInterval && userTickInterval) {
                return userTickInterval
            if (!userTickInterval) {
                return calculatedTickInterval
            var tickInterval1 = convertTickIntervalToNumeric(userTickInterval),
                tickInterval2 = convertTickIntervalToNumeric(calculatedTickInterval);
            if (_isNumber(tickInterval1) && _isNumber(tickInterval2)) {
                if (tickInterval1 > tickInterval2) {
                    return userTickInterval
            return calculatedTickInterval
        exports.discrete = extend({}, coreTickManager.continuous, {
            _calculateMinorTicks: _noop,
            _findTickInterval: _noop,
            _createTicks: function() {
                return []
            _generateBounds: _noop,
            _correctMin: _noop,
            _correctMax: _noop,
            _findBusinessDelta: _noop,
            _addBoundedTicks: _noop,
            getFullTicks: function() {
                return this._customTicks
            getMinorTicks: function() {
                return []
            _findTickIntervalForCustomTicks: function() {
                return 1
        TickManager = exports.TickManager = function(types, data, options) {
            options = options || {};
            this.update(types || {}, data || {}, options)
        TickManager.prototype = {
            constructor: TickManager,
            dispose: function() {
                this._ticks = null;
                this._minorTicks = null;
                this._boundaryTicks = null;
                this._options = null
            update: function(types, data, options) {
                this._updateOptions(options || {});
                this._min = data.min;
                this._updateTypes(types || {});
                this._updateData(data || {})
            _updateMinMax: function(data) {
                var min = data.min || 0,
                    max = data.max || 0,
                    newMinMax = this._applyMinMaxMargins(min, max);
                this._min = this._originalMin = newMinMax.min;
                this._max = this._originalMax = newMinMax.max;
            _updateBusinessDelta: function() {
                this._businessDelta = this._findBusinessDelta && this._findBusinessDelta(this._min, this._max)
            _updateTypes: function(types) {
                var that = this,
                    axisType = that._validateAxisType(types.axisType),
                    dataType = that._validateDataType(types.dataType);
                this._axisType = axisType;
                this._dataType = dataType;
            _updateData: function(data) {
                data = extend({}, data);
                data.min = _isDefined(data.min) ? data.min : this._originalMin;
                data.max = _isDefined(data.max) ? data.max : this._originalMax;
                this._customTicks = data.customTicks && data.customTicks.slice();
                this._customMinorTicks = data.customMinorTicks;
                this._customBoundTicks = data.customBoundTicks;
                this._screenDelta = data.screenDelta || 0
            _updateOptions: function(options) {
                var opt;
                this._options = opt = options;
                opt.gridSpacingFactor = opt.gridSpacingFactor || DEFAULT_GRID_SPACING_FACTOR;
                opt.minorGridSpacingFactor = opt.minorGridSpacingFactor || DEFAULT_MINOR_GRID_SPACING_FACTOR;
                opt.numberMultipliers = opt.numberMultipliers || DEFAULT_NUMBER_MULTIPLIERS
            getTickBounds: function() {
                return {
                    minVisible: this._minBound,
                    maxVisible: this._maxBound
            getTicks: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                that._ticks = that._calculateMajorTicks();
                if (options.showMinorTicks) {
                    that._minorTicks = that._calculateMinorTicks()
                return that._ticks
            getMinorTicks: function() {
                return concatAndSort(this._minorTicks || [], [])
            getFullTicks: function() {
                var that = this,
                    needCalculateMinorTicks = that._ticks && !that._minorTicks,
                    minorTicks = needCalculateMinorTicks ? that._calculateMinorTicks() : that._minorTicks || [];
                return concatAndSort(that._ticks || [], minorTicks.concat(that.getBoundaryTicks()))
            getBoundaryTicks: function() {
                return this._boundaryTicks || []
            getTickInterval: function() {
                return this._tickInterval
            getMinorTickInterval: function() {
                return this._minorTickInterval
            getOptions: function() {
                return this._options
            _calculateMajorTicks: function() {
                var ticks, that = this;
                if (that._options.showCalculatedTicks || !that._customTicks) {
                    ticks = that._createTicks(that._options.showCalculatedTicks ? that._customTicks || [] : [], that._findTickInterval(), that._min, that._max)
                } else {
                    ticks = that._customTicks.slice();
                    that._tickInterval = ticks.length > 1 ? that._findTickIntervalForCustomTicks() : 0
                return ticks
            _applyMinMaxMargins: function(min, max) {
                var newMin = min > max ? max : min,
                    newMax = max > min ? max : min;
                this._minCorrectionEnabled = this._getCorrectionEnabled(min, "min");
                this._maxCorrectionEnabled = this._getCorrectionEnabled(max, "max");
                return {
                    min: newMin,
                    max: newMax
            _checkBoundedTickInArray: function(value, array) {
                var arrayValues = _map(array || [], function(item) {
                        return item.valueOf()
                    minorTicksIndex = _inArray(value.valueOf(), arrayValues);
                if (minorTicksIndex !== -1) {
                    array.splice(minorTicksIndex, 1)
            _checkLabelFormat: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                if ("datetime" === this._dataType && !options.hasLabelFormat && this._ticks.length) {
                    options.labelFormat = options.isMarkersVisible ? dateUtils.getDateFormatByTickInterval(this._tickInterval) : formatHelper.getDateFormatByTicks(this._ticks)
            _generateBounds: function() {
                var that = this,
                    interval = that._getBoundInterval(),
                    stick = that._options.stick,
                    minStickValue = that._options.minStickValue,
                    maxStickValue = that._options.maxStickValue,
                    minBound = that._minCorrectionEnabled && !stick ? that._getNextTickValue(that._min, interval, true) : that._originalMin,
                    maxBound = that._maxCorrectionEnabled && !stick ? that._getNextTickValue(that._max, interval) : that._originalMax;
                that._minBound = minBound < minStickValue ? minStickValue : minBound;
                that._maxBound = maxBound > maxStickValue ? maxStickValue : maxBound
            _addBoundedTicks: function() {
                var that = this,
                    tickValues = _map(that._ticks, function(tick) {
                        return tick.valueOf()
                    customBounds = that._customBoundTicks,
                    min = that._originalMin,
                    max = that._originalMax,
                    addMinMax = that._options.addMinMax || {};

                function processTick(tick) {
                    that._checkBoundedTickInArray(tick, that._minorTicks)
                that._boundaryTicks = [];
                if (customBounds) {
                    if (addMinMax.min && _isDefined(customBounds[0])) {
                    if (addMinMax.max && _isDefined(customBounds[1])) {
                } else {
                    if (addMinMax.min && _inArray(min.valueOf(), tickValues) === -1) {
                    if (addMinMax.max && _inArray(max.valueOf(), tickValues) === -1) {
            _getCorrectionEnabled: function(value, marginSelector) {
                var options = this._options || {},
                    hasPercentStick = options.percentStick && 1 === Math.abs(value),
                    hasValueMargin = options[marginSelector + "ValueMargin"];
                return !hasPercentStick && !hasValueMargin
            _validateAxisType: function(type) {
                var defaultType = "continuous",
                    allowedTypes = {
                        continuous: true,
                        discrete: true,
                        logarithmic: true
                return allowedTypes[type] ? type : defaultType
            _validateDataType: function(type) {
                var allowedTypes = {
                    numeric: true,
                    datetime: true,
                    string: true
                if (!allowedTypes[type]) {
                    type = _isDefined(this._min) ? this._getDataType(this._min) : "numeric"
                return type
            _getDataType: function(value) {
                return commonUtils.isDate(value) ? "datetime" : "numeric"
            _getMethods: function() {
                var methods;
                if ("continuous" === this._axisType) {
                    methods = "datetime" === this._dataType ? dateTimeManager.datetime : coreTickManager.continuous
                } else {
                    switch (this._axisType) {
                        case "discrete":
                            methods = exports.discrete;
                        case "logarithmic":
                            methods = logarithmicMethods.logarithmic;
                            methods = coreTickManager.continuous
                return methods
            _resetMethods: function() {
                var that = this,
                    methods = that._getMethods();
                _each(methods, function(name) {
                    if (that[name]) {
                        delete that[name]
            _initMethods: function(methods) {
                var that = this;
                methods = methods || that._getMethods();
                _each(methods, function(name, func) {
                    that[name] = func
            _getDeltaCoef: function(screenDelta, businessDelta, gridSpacingFactor) {
                var count;
                gridSpacingFactor = gridSpacingFactor || this._options.gridSpacingFactor;
                screenDelta = screenDelta || this._screenDelta;
                businessDelta = businessDelta || this._businessDelta;
                count = screenDelta / gridSpacingFactor;
                count = count <= 1 ? MIN_ARRANGEMENT_TICKS_COUNT : count;
                return businessDelta / count
            _adjustNumericTickValue: function(value, interval, min) {
                return commonUtils.isExponential(value) ? _adjustValue(value) : utils.applyPrecisionByMinDelta(min, interval, value)
            _isTickIntervalCorrect: function(tickInterval, tickCountLimit, businessDelta) {
                var date;
                businessDelta = businessDelta || this._businessDelta;
                if (!_isNumber(tickInterval)) {
                    date = new Date;
                    tickInterval = _addInterval(date, tickInterval) - date;
                    if (!tickInterval) {
                        return false
                if (_isNumber(tickInterval)) {
                    if (tickInterval > 0 && businessDelta / tickInterval > tickCountLimit) {
                        if (this._options.incidentOccurred) {
                    } else {
                        return true
                return false
            _correctValue: function(valueTypeSelector, tickInterval, correctionMethod) {
                var that = this,
                    correctionEnabledSelector = "_" + valueTypeSelector + "CorrectionEnabled",
                    spaceCorrectionSelector = valueTypeSelector + "SpaceCorrection",
                    valueSelector = "_" + valueTypeSelector,
                    minStickValue = that._options.minStickValue,
                    maxStickValue = that._options.maxStickValue;
                if (that[correctionEnabledSelector]) {
                    if (that._options[spaceCorrectionSelector]) {
                        that[valueSelector] = that._getNextTickValue(that[valueSelector], tickInterval, "min" === valueTypeSelector)
                    correctionMethod.call(this, tickInterval)
                if ("min" === valueTypeSelector) {
                    that[valueSelector] = that[valueSelector] < minStickValue ? minStickValue : that[valueSelector]
                if ("max" === valueTypeSelector) {
                    that[valueSelector] = that[valueSelector] > maxStickValue ? maxStickValue : that[valueSelector]
            _findTickInterval: function() {
                var tickInterval, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    calculatedTickInterval = that._getInterval(),
                    userTickInterval = that._isTickIntervalValid(options.tickInterval) && that._isTickIntervalCorrect(options.tickInterval, TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT) && options.tickInterval;
                tickInterval = checkUserTickInterval(userTickInterval, calculatedTickInterval, options.forceUserTickInterval);
                if (that._isTickIntervalValid(tickInterval)) {
                    that._correctValue("min", tickInterval, that._correctMin);
                    that._correctValue("max", tickInterval, that._correctMax);
                that._tickInterval = tickInterval;
                return tickInterval
            _findMinorTickInterval: function(firstTick, secondTick) {
                var that = this,
                    ticks = that._ticks,
                    intervals = that._options.stick ? ticks.length - 1 : ticks.length;
                if (intervals < 1) {
                    intervals = 1
                that._getMinorInterval(that._screenDelta / intervals, that._findBusinessDelta(firstTick, secondTick, false));
                return that._minorTickInterval
            _createMinorTicks: function(ticks, firstTick, secondTick) {
                var that = this,
                    tickInterval = that._findMinorTickInterval(firstTick, secondTick),
                    isTickIntervalNegative = false,
                    isTickIntervalWithPow = false,
                    needCorrectTick = false,
                    startTick = that._getNextTickValue(firstTick, tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, needCorrectTick);
                if (that._isTickIntervalValid(tickInterval)) {
                    ticks = that._createCountedTicks(ticks, tickInterval, startTick, secondTick, that._minorTickCount, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, needCorrectTick)
                return ticks
            _calculateMinorTicks: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    minorTicks = [],
                    ticks = that._ticks,
                    ticksLength = ticks.length,
                    hasUnitBeginningTick = that._hasUnitBeginningTickCorrection(),
                    i = hasUnitBeginningTick ? 1 : 0;
                if (options.showMinorCalculatedTicks || !that._customMinorTicks) {
                    if (ticks.length) {
                        minorTicks = that._getBoundedMinorTicks(minorTicks, that._minBound, ticks[0], true);
                        if (hasUnitBeginningTick) {
                            minorTicks = that._getUnitBeginningMinorTicks(minorTicks)
                        for (i; i < ticksLength - 1; i++) {
                            minorTicks = that._createMinorTicks(minorTicks, ticks[i], ticks[i + 1])
                        minorTicks = that._getBoundedMinorTicks(minorTicks, that._maxBound, ticks[ticksLength - 1])
                    } else {
                        minorTicks = that._createMinorTicks(minorTicks, that._minBound, that._maxBound)
                    options.showMinorCalculatedTicks && (minorTicks = minorTicks.concat(that._customMinorTicks || []))
                } else {
                    minorTicks = that._customMinorTicks
                return minorTicks
            _createCountedTicks: function(ticks, tickInterval, min, max, count, isTickIntervalWithPow, needMax) {
                var i, value = min;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    if (!(false === needMax && value.valueOf() === max.valueOf())) {
                    value = this._getNextTickValue(value, tickInterval, false, isTickIntervalWithPow, false)
                return ticks
            _createTicks: function(ticks, tickInterval, min, max, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, withCorrection) {
                var leftBound, rightBound, boundedRule, that = this,
                    value = min,
                    newValue = min;
                if (that._isTickIntervalValid(tickInterval)) {
                    boundedRule = min - max < 0;
                    do {
                        value = newValue;
                        if (that._options.stick) {
                            if (value >= that._originalMin && value <= that._originalMax) {
                        } else {
                        newValue = that._getNextTickValue(value, tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, withCorrection);
                        if (value.valueOf() === newValue.valueOf()) {
                        leftBound = newValue - min >= 0;
                        rightBound = max - newValue >= 0
                    } while (boundedRule === leftBound && boundedRule === rightBound)
                } else {
                return ticks
            _getBoundedMinorTicks: function(minorTicks, boundedTick, tick, isNegative) {
                var startTick, endTick, that = this,
                    needCorrectTick = false,
                    nextTick = that._tickInterval ? this._getNextTickValue(tick, that._tickInterval, isNegative, true, needCorrectTick) : boundedTick,
                    tickInterval = that._findMinorTickInterval(tick, nextTick),
                    isTickIntervalCorrect = that._isTickIntervalCorrect(tickInterval, TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT, that._findBusinessDelta(tick, boundedTick, false)),
                    boundedTickValue = boundedTick.valueOf();
                if (isTickIntervalCorrect && that._isTickIntervalValid(tickInterval) && that._minorTickCount > 0) {
                    if (isNegative) {
                        if (tick.valueOf() <= boundedTickValue) {
                            return minorTicks
                        while (nextTick.valueOf() < boundedTickValue) {
                            nextTick = this._getNextTickValue(nextTick, tickInterval, false, false, needCorrectTick)
                        startTick = nextTick;
                        endTick = that._getNextTickValue(tick, tickInterval, true, false, false)
                    } else {
                        startTick = that._getNextTickValue(tick, tickInterval, false, false, false);
                        endTick = boundedTick
                    minorTicks = that._createTicks(minorTicks, tickInterval, startTick, endTick, false, false, needCorrectTick)
                return minorTicks
            getTypes: function() {
                return {
                    axisType: this._axisType,
                    dataType: this._dataType
            getData: function() {
                return {
                    min: this._min,
                    max: this._max,
                    customTicks: this._customTicks,
                    customMinorTicks: this._customMinorTicks,
                    screenDelta: this._screenDelta
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/numeric_tick_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _adjustValue = vizUtils.adjustValue,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _ceil = _math.ceil,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            MINOR_TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT = 200,
            DEFAULT_MINOR_NUMBER_MULTIPLIERS = [2, 4, 5, 8, 10];
        exports.continuous = {
            _hasUnitBeginningTickCorrection: _noop,
            _correctMax: function(tickInterval) {
                this._max = this._adjustNumericTickValue(_ceil(this._max / tickInterval) * tickInterval, tickInterval, this._min)
            _correctMin: function(tickInterval) {
                this._min = this._adjustNumericTickValue(_floor(this._min / tickInterval) * tickInterval, tickInterval, this._min)
            _findBusinessDelta: function(min, max) {
                return _adjustValue(_abs(min - max))
            _findTickIntervalForCustomTicks: function() {
                return _abs(this._customTicks[1] - this._customTicks[0])
            _getBoundInterval: function() {
                var that = this,
                    boundCoef = that._options.boundCoef;
                return _isDefined(boundCoef) && isFinite(boundCoef) ? that._tickInterval * _abs(boundCoef) : that._tickInterval / 2
            _getInterval: function(deltaCoef, numberMultipliers) {
                var factor, newResult, i, interval = deltaCoef || this._getDeltaCoef(this._screenDelta, this._businessDelta, this._options.gridSpacingFactor),
                    multipliers = numberMultipliers || this._options.numberMultipliers,
                    result = 0,
                    hasResult = false;
                if (interval > 1) {
                    for (factor = 1; !hasResult; factor *= 10) {
                        for (i = 0; i < multipliers.length; i++) {
                            result = multipliers[i] * factor;
                            if (interval <= result) {
                                hasResult = true;
                } else {
                    if (interval > 0) {
                        result = 1;
                        for (factor = .1; !hasResult; factor /= 10) {
                            for (i = multipliers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                                newResult = multipliers[i] * factor;
                                if (interval > newResult) {
                                    hasResult = true;
                                result = newResult
                return _adjustValue(result)
            _getDefaultMinorInterval: function(screenDelta, businessDelta) {
                var result, deltaCoef = this._getDeltaCoef(screenDelta, businessDelta, this._options.minorGridSpacingFactor),
                    multipliers = DEFAULT_MINOR_NUMBER_MULTIPLIERS,
                    i = multipliers.length - 1;
                for (i; i >= 0; i--) {
                    result = businessDelta / multipliers[i];
                    if (deltaCoef <= result) {
                        return _adjustValue(result)
                return 0
            _getMinorInterval: function(screenDelta, businessDelta) {
                var interval, intervalsCount, count, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    minorTickInterval = options.minorTickInterval,
                    minorTickCount = options.minorTickCount;
                if (isFinite(minorTickInterval) && that._isTickIntervalCorrect(minorTickInterval, MINOR_TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT, businessDelta)) {
                    interval = minorTickInterval;
                    count = interval < businessDelta ? _ceil(businessDelta / interval) - 1 : 0
                } else {
                    if (_isDefined(minorTickCount)) {
                        intervalsCount = _isDefined(minorTickCount) ? minorTickCount + 1 : _floor(screenDelta / options.minorGridSpacingFactor);
                        count = intervalsCount - 1;
                        interval = count > 0 ? businessDelta / intervalsCount : 0
                    } else {
                        interval = that._getDefaultMinorInterval(screenDelta, businessDelta);
                        count = interval < businessDelta ? _floor(businessDelta / interval) - 1 : 0
                that._minorTickInterval = interval;
                that._minorTickCount = count
            _getNextTickValue: function(value, tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative) {
                tickInterval = _isDefined(isTickIntervalNegative) && isTickIntervalNegative ? -tickInterval : tickInterval;
                value += tickInterval;
                return this._adjustNumericTickValue(value, tickInterval, this._min)
            _isTickIntervalValid: function(tickInterval) {
                return _isDefined(tickInterval) && isFinite(tickInterval) && 0 !== tickInterval
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/datetime_tick_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            tickManagerContinuous = __webpack_require__( /*! ./numeric_tick_manager */ 568).continuous,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _convertDateUnitToMilliseconds = dateUtils.convertDateUnitToMilliseconds,
            _correctDateWithUnitBeginning = dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning,
            _dateToMilliseconds = dateUtils.dateToMilliseconds,
            _convertMillisecondsToDateUnits = dateUtils.convertMillisecondsToDateUnits,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _ceil = _math.ceil,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            MINOR_TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT = 50,
                millisecond: [1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 100, 250, 300, 500],
                second: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30],
                minute: [1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30],
                hour: [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12],
                day: [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14],
                month: [1, 2, 3, 6]

        function correctDate(date, tickInterval, correctionMethod) {
            var interval = _dateToMilliseconds(tickInterval),
                timezoneOffset = 60 * date.getTimezoneOffset() * 1e3;
            return new Date(Math[correctionMethod]((date - 0 - timezoneOffset) / interval) * interval + timezoneOffset)
        exports.datetime = extend({}, tickManagerContinuous, {
            _correctMax: function(tickInterval) {
                this._max = correctDate(this._max, tickInterval, "ceil")
            _correctMin: function(tickInterval) {
                this._min = correctDate(this._min, tickInterval, "floor");
                if (this._options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning) {
                    this._min = _correctDateWithUnitBeginning(this._min, tickInterval)
            _findTickIntervalForCustomTicks: function() {
                return _convertMillisecondsToDateUnits(_abs(this._customTicks[1] - this._customTicks[0]))
            _getBoundInterval: function() {
                var that = this,
                    interval = that._tickInterval,
                    intervalInMs = _dateToMilliseconds(interval),
                    boundCoef = that._options.boundCoef,
                    boundIntervalInMs = _isDefined(boundCoef) && isFinite(boundCoef) ? intervalInMs * _abs(boundCoef) : intervalInMs / 2;
                return _convertMillisecondsToDateUnits(boundIntervalInMs)
            _getInterval: function(deltaCoef) {
                var factor, i, key, specificMultipliers, yearsCount, interval = deltaCoef || this._getDeltaCoef(this._screenDelta, this._businessDelta, this._options.gridSpacingFactor),
                    multipliers = this._options.numberMultipliers,
                    result = {};
                if (interval > 0 && interval < 1) {
                    return {
                        milliseconds: 1
                if (0 === interval) {
                    return 0
                for (key in DEFAULT_DATETIME_MULTIPLIERS) {
                    if (DEFAULT_DATETIME_MULTIPLIERS.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                        specificMultipliers = DEFAULT_DATETIME_MULTIPLIERS[key];
                        for (i = 0; i < specificMultipliers.length; i++) {
                            if (interval <= _convertDateUnitToMilliseconds(key, specificMultipliers[i])) {
                                result[key + "s"] = specificMultipliers[i];
                                return result
                for (factor = 1;; factor *= 10) {
                    for (i = 0; i < multipliers.length; i++) {
                        yearsCount = factor * multipliers[i];
                        if (interval <= _convertDateUnitToMilliseconds("year", yearsCount)) {
                            return {
                                years: yearsCount
            _getMinorInterval: function(screenDelta, businessDelta) {
                var interval, intervalInMs, intervalsCount, count, that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                if (_isDefined(options.minorTickInterval) && that._isTickIntervalCorrect(options.minorTickInterval, MINOR_TICKS_COUNT_LIMIT, businessDelta)) {
                    interval = options.minorTickInterval;
                    intervalInMs = _dateToMilliseconds(interval);
                    count = intervalInMs < businessDelta ? _ceil(businessDelta / intervalInMs) - 1 : 0
                } else {
                    intervalsCount = _isDefined(options.minorTickCount) ? options.minorTickCount + 1 : _floor(screenDelta / options.minorGridSpacingFactor);
                    count = intervalsCount - 1;
                    interval = count > 0 ? _convertMillisecondsToDateUnits(businessDelta / intervalsCount) : 0
                that._minorTickInterval = interval;
                that._minorTickCount = count
            _getNextTickValue: function(value, tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, withCorrection) {
                var newValue = dateUtils.addInterval(value, tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative);
                if (this._options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning && false !== withCorrection) {
                    newValue = _correctDateWithUnitBeginning(newValue, tickInterval, true);
                    this._correctDateWithUnitBeginningCalled = true
                return newValue
            _getUnitBeginningMinorTicks: function(minorTicks) {
                var that = this,
                    ticks = that._ticks,
                    tickInterval = that._findMinorTickInterval(ticks[1], ticks[2]),
                    isTickIntervalNegative = true,
                    isTickIntervalWithPow = false,
                    needCorrectTick = false,
                    startTick = that._getNextTickValue(ticks[1], tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, needCorrectTick);
                if (that._isTickIntervalValid(tickInterval)) {
                    minorTicks = that._createTicks(minorTicks, tickInterval, startTick, ticks[0], isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow, needCorrectTick)
                return minorTicks
            _hasUnitBeginningTickCorrection: function() {
                var ticks = this._ticks;
                if (ticks.length < 3) {
                    return false
                return ticks[1] - ticks[0] !== ticks[2] - ticks[1] && this._options.setTicksAtUnitBeginning && this._options.minorTickCount
            _isTickIntervalValid: function(tickInterval) {
                return _isDefined(tickInterval) && 0 !== _dateToMilliseconds(tickInterval)
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/logarithmic_tick_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _addInterval = dateUtils.addInterval,
            _adjustValue = vizUtils.adjustValue,
            tickManagerContinuous = __webpack_require__( /*! ./numeric_tick_manager */ 568).continuous,
            _getLog = vizUtils.getLog,
            _raiseTo = vizUtils.raiseTo,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _ceil = _math.ceil,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _round = _math.round;
        exports.logarithmic = extend({}, tickManagerContinuous, {
            _correctMax: function() {
                var base = this._options.base;
                this._max = _adjustValue(_raiseTo(_ceil(_adjustValue(_getLog(this._max, base))), base))
            _correctMin: function() {
                var base = this._options.base;
                this._min = _adjustValue(_raiseTo(_floor(_adjustValue(_getLog(this._min, base))), base))
            _findBusinessDelta: function(min, max, isTickIntervalWithPow) {
                var delta;
                if (min <= 0 || max <= 0) {
                    return 0
                if (false === isTickIntervalWithPow) {
                    delta = tickManagerContinuous._findBusinessDelta(min, max)
                } else {
                    delta = _round(_abs(_getLog(min, this._options.base) - _getLog(max, this._options.base)))
                return delta
            _findTickIntervalForCustomTicks: function() {
                return _adjustValue(_getLog(this._customTicks[1] / this._customTicks[0], this._options.base))
            _getInterval: function(deltaCoef) {
                var factor, i, interval = deltaCoef || this._getDeltaCoef(this._screenDelta, this._businessDelta, this._options.gridSpacingFactor),
                    multipliers = this._options.numberMultipliers,
                    result = 0,
                    hasResult = false;
                if (0 !== interval) {
                    for (factor = 1; !hasResult; factor *= 10) {
                        for (i = 0; i < multipliers.length; i++) {
                            result = multipliers[i] * factor;
                            if (interval <= result) {
                                hasResult = true;
                return _adjustValue(result)
            _getMinorInterval: function(screenDelta, businessDelta) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    minorTickCount = options.minorTickCount,
                    intervalsCount = _isDefined(minorTickCount) ? minorTickCount + 1 : _floor(screenDelta / options.minorGridSpacingFactor),
                    count = intervalsCount - 1,
                    interval = count > 0 ? businessDelta / intervalsCount : 0;
                that._minorTickInterval = interval;
                that._minorTickCount = count
            _getNextTickValue: function(value, tickInterval, isTickIntervalNegative, isTickIntervalWithPow) {
                var pow, nextTickValue, that = this;
                tickInterval = _isDefined(isTickIntervalNegative) && isTickIntervalNegative ? -tickInterval : tickInterval;
                if (false === isTickIntervalWithPow) {
                    nextTickValue = value + tickInterval
                } else {
                    pow = _addInterval(_getLog(value, that._options.base), tickInterval, that._min > that._max);
                    nextTickValue = _adjustValue(_raiseTo(pow, that._options.base))
                return nextTickValue
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/translator2d.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _Translator2d, $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            numericTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./numeric_translator */ 572),
            categoryTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./category_translator */ 573),
            intervalTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./interval_translator */ 574),
            datetimeTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./datetime_translator */ 575),
            logarithmicTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./logarithmic_translator */ 576),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            getLog = vizUtils.getLog,
            getPower = vizUtils.getPower,
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _abs = Math.abs,
            CANVAS_PROP = ["width", "height", "left", "top", "bottom", "right"],
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            addInterval = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63).addInterval;
        var validateCanvas = function(canvas) {
            $.each(CANVAS_PROP, function(_, prop) {
                canvas[prop] = parseInt(canvas[prop]) || 0
            return canvas
        var makeCategoriesToPoints = function(categories) {
            var categoriesToPoints = {};
            categories.forEach(function(item, i) {
                categoriesToPoints[item.valueOf()] = i
            return categoriesToPoints
        var validateBusinessRange = function(businessRange) {
            function validate(valueSelector, baseValueSelector) {
                if (!isDefined(businessRange[valueSelector]) && isDefined(businessRange[baseValueSelector])) {
                    businessRange[valueSelector] = businessRange[baseValueSelector]
            validate("minVisible", "min");
            validate("maxVisible", "max");
            return businessRange

        function valuesIsDefinedAndEqual(val1, val2) {
            return isDefined(val1) && isDefined(val2) && val1.valueOf() === val2.valueOf()

        function getCanvasBounds(range) {
            var newMin, newMax, min = range.min,
                max = range.max,
                minVisible = range.minVisible,
                maxVisible = range.maxVisible,
                base = range.base,
                isDateTime = commonUtils.isDate(max) || commonUtils.isDate(min),
                isLogarithmic = "logarithmic" === range.axisType;
            if (isLogarithmic) {
                maxVisible = getLog(maxVisible, base);
                minVisible = getLog(minVisible, base);
                min = getLog(min, base);
                max = getLog(max, base)
            if (valuesIsDefinedAndEqual(min, max)) {
                newMin = min.valueOf() - correction;
                newMax = max.valueOf() + correction;
                if (isDateTime) {
                    min = new Date(newMin);
                    max = new Date(newMax)
                } else {
                    min = 0 !== min || isLogarithmic ? newMin : 0;
                    max = newMax
            if (valuesIsDefinedAndEqual(minVisible, maxVisible)) {
                newMin = minVisible.valueOf() - correction;
                newMax = maxVisible.valueOf() + correction;
                if (isDateTime) {
                    minVisible = newMin < min.valueOf() ? min : new Date(newMin);
                    maxVisible = newMax > max.valueOf() ? max : new Date(newMax)
                } else {
                    if (0 !== minVisible || isLogarithmic) {
                        minVisible = newMin < min ? min : newMin
                    maxVisible = newMax > max ? max : newMax
            return {
                base: base,
                rangeMin: min,
                rangeMax: max,
                rangeMinVisible: minVisible,
                rangeMaxVisible: maxVisible
        exports.Translator2D = _Translator2d = function(businessRange, canvas, options) {
            this.update(businessRange, canvas, options)
        _Translator2d.prototype = {
            constructor: _Translator2d,
            reinit: function() {
                var that = this,
                    range = that._businessRange,
                    categories = range.categories || [],
                    script = {},
                    canvasOptions = that._prepareCanvasOptions(),
                    visibleCategories = vizUtils.getCategoriesInfo(categories, range.minVisible, range.maxVisible).categories,
                    categoriesLength = (visibleCategories || categories).length;
                switch (range.axisType) {
                    case "logarithmic":
                        script = logarithmicTranslator;
                    case "semidiscrete":
                        script = intervalTranslator;
                        canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange = canvasOptions.canvasLength / (addInterval(canvasOptions.rangeMaxVisible, that._options.interval) - canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible);
                    case "discrete":
                        script = categoryTranslator;
                        that._categories = categories;
                        canvasOptions.interval = that._getDiscreteInterval(range.addSpiderCategory ? categoriesLength + 1 : categoriesLength, canvasOptions);
                        that._categoriesToPoints = makeCategoriesToPoints(categories, canvasOptions.invert);
                        if (visibleCategories && categoriesLength) {
                            canvasOptions.startPointIndex = that._categoriesToPoints[visibleCategories[0].valueOf()];
                            that.visibleCategories = visibleCategories
                        if ("datetime" === range.dataType) {
                            script = datetimeTranslator
                        } else {
                            script = numericTranslator
                extend(that, script);
                that._conversionValue = that._options.conversionValue ? function(value) {
                    return value
                } : function(value) {
                    return Math.round(value)
            _getDiscreteInterval: function(categoriesLength, canvasOptions) {
                var correctedCategoriesCount = categoriesLength - (this._businessRange.stick ? 1 : 0);
                return correctedCategoriesCount > 0 ? canvasOptions.canvasLength / correctedCategoriesCount : canvasOptions.canvasLength
            _prepareCanvasOptions: function() {
                var length, that = this,
                    businessRange = that._businessRange,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions = getCanvasBounds(businessRange),
                    canvas = that._canvas;
                if (that._options.isHorizontal) {
                    canvasOptions.startPoint = canvas.left;
                    length = canvas.width;
                    canvasOptions.endPoint = canvas.width - canvas.right;
                    canvasOptions.invert = businessRange.invert
                } else {
                    canvasOptions.startPoint = canvas.top;
                    length = canvas.height;
                    canvasOptions.endPoint = canvas.height - canvas.bottom;
                    canvasOptions.invert = !businessRange.invert
                that.canvasLength = canvasOptions.canvasLength = canvasOptions.endPoint - canvasOptions.startPoint;
                canvasOptions.rangeDoubleError = Math.pow(10, getPower(canvasOptions.rangeMax - canvasOptions.rangeMin) - getPower(length) - 2);
                canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange = canvasOptions.canvasLength / (canvasOptions.rangeMaxVisible - canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible);
                return canvasOptions
            updateCanvas: function(canvas) {
                this._canvas = validateCanvas(canvas);
            updateBusinessRange: function(businessRange) {
                this._businessRange = validateBusinessRange(businessRange);
            update: function(businessRange, canvas, options) {
                var that = this;
                that._options = extend(that._options || {}, options);
                that._canvas = validateCanvas(canvas);
            getBusinessRange: function() {
                return this._businessRange
            getCanvasVisibleArea: function() {
                return {
                    min: this._canvasOptions.startPoint,
                    max: this._canvasOptions.endPoint
            _calculateSpecialValues: function() {
                var invert, canvas_position_default, canvas_position_center_middle, that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint,
                    endPoint = canvasOptions.endPoint,
                    range = that._businessRange,
                    minVisible = range.minVisible,
                    maxVisible = range.maxVisible;
                if (minVisible <= 0 && maxVisible >= 0) {
                    that.sc = {};
                    canvas_position_default = that.translate(0)
                } else {
                    invert = range.invert ^ (minVisible <= 0 && maxVisible <= 0);
                    if (that._options.isHorizontal) {
                        canvas_position_default = invert ? endPoint : startPoint
                    } else {
                        canvas_position_default = invert ? startPoint : endPoint
                canvas_position_center_middle = startPoint + canvasOptions.canvasLength / 2;
                that.sc = {
                    canvas_position_default: canvas_position_default,
                    canvas_position_left: startPoint,
                    canvas_position_top: startPoint,
                    canvas_position_center: canvas_position_center_middle,
                    canvas_position_middle: canvas_position_center_middle,
                    canvas_position_right: endPoint,
                    canvas_position_bottom: endPoint,
                    canvas_position_start: canvasOptions.invert ? endPoint : startPoint,
                    canvas_position_end: canvasOptions.invert ? startPoint : endPoint
            translateSpecialCase: function(value) {
                return this.sc[value]
            _calculateProjection: function(distance) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions;
                return canvasOptions.invert ? canvasOptions.endPoint - distance : canvasOptions.startPoint + distance
            _calculateUnProjection: function(distance) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions;
                return canvasOptions.invert ? canvasOptions.rangeMaxVisible.valueOf() - distance : canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible.valueOf() + distance
            getVisibleCategories: function() {
                return this.visibleCategories
            getMinBarSize: function(minBarSize) {
                var visibleArea = this.getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                    minValue = this.untranslate(visibleArea.min + minBarSize);
                return _abs(this.untranslate(visibleArea.min) - (!isDefined(minValue) ? this.untranslate(visibleArea.max) : minValue))
            translate: _noop,
            untranslate: _noop,
            getInterval: _noop,
            zoom: _noop,
            getMinScale: _noop,
            getRange: function() {
                return [this.untranslate(this._canvasOptions.startPoint, -1), this.untranslate(this._canvasOptions.endPoint, 1)]
            isEmptyValueRange: function() {
                return this._businessRange.stubData
            getScreenRange: function() {
                return [this._canvasOptions.startPoint, this._canvasOptions.endPoint]
            add: function(value, diff, dir) {
                return this._add(value, diff, (this._businessRange.invert ? -1 : 1) * dir)
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/numeric_translator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            round = Math.round;
        module.exports = {
            translate: function(bp) {
                var that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    doubleError = canvasOptions.rangeDoubleError,
                    specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(bp);
                if (isDefined(specialValue)) {
                    return specialValue
                if (isNaN(bp) || bp.valueOf() + doubleError < canvasOptions.rangeMin || bp.valueOf() - doubleError > canvasOptions.rangeMax) {
                    return null
                return that._conversionValue(that._calculateProjection((bp - canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible) * canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange))
            untranslate: function(pos, _directionOffset, enableOutOfCanvas) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions,
                    startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint;
                if (!enableOutOfCanvas && (pos < startPoint || pos > canvasOptions.endPoint) || !isDefined(canvasOptions.rangeMin) || !isDefined(canvasOptions.rangeMax)) {
                    return null
                return this._calculateUnProjection((pos - startPoint) / canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange)
            getInterval: function() {
                return round(this._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange * (this._businessRange.interval || Math.abs(this._canvasOptions.rangeMax - this._canvasOptions.rangeMin)))
            _getValue: function(val) {
                return val
            zoom: function(translate, scale) {
                var that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint,
                    endPoint = canvasOptions.endPoint,
                    newStart = (startPoint + translate) / scale,
                    newEnd = (endPoint + translate) / scale,
                    translatedRangeMinMax = [that.translate(that._getValue(canvasOptions.rangeMin)), that.translate(that._getValue(canvasOptions.rangeMax))],
                    minPoint = Math.min(translatedRangeMinMax[0], translatedRangeMinMax[1]),
                    maxPoint = Math.max(translatedRangeMinMax[0], translatedRangeMinMax[1]);
                if (minPoint > newStart) {
                    newEnd -= newStart - minPoint;
                    newStart = minPoint
                if (maxPoint < newEnd) {
                    newStart -= newEnd - maxPoint;
                    newEnd = maxPoint
                if (maxPoint - minPoint < newEnd - newStart) {
                    newStart = minPoint;
                    newEnd = maxPoint
                translate = (endPoint - startPoint) * newStart / (newEnd - newStart) - startPoint;
                scale = (startPoint + translate) / newStart || 1;
                return {
                    min: that.untranslate(newStart, void 0, true),
                    max: that.untranslate(newEnd, void 0, true),
                    translate: translate,
                    scale: scale
            getMinScale: function(zoom) {
                return zoom ? 1.1 : .9
            getScale: function(val1, val2) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions;
                val1 = isDefined(val1) ? val1 : canvasOptions.rangeMin;
                val2 = isDefined(val2) ? val2 : canvasOptions.rangeMax;
                return (canvasOptions.rangeMax - canvasOptions.rangeMin) / Math.abs(val1 - val2)
            isValid: function(value) {
                var co = this._canvasOptions;
                return null !== value && !isNaN(value) && value.valueOf() + co.rangeDoubleError >= co.rangeMin && value.valueOf() - co.rangeDoubleError <= co.rangeMax
            parse: function(value) {
                return Number(value)
            to: function(value) {
                return this._conversionValue(this._calculateProjection((value - this._canvasOptions.rangeMinVisible) * this._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange))
            from: function(position) {
                return this._calculateUnProjection((position - this._canvasOptions.startPoint) / this._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange)
            _add: function(value, diff, coeff) {
                return value + diff * coeff
            isValueProlonged: false
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/category_translator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            round = Math.round;
        module.exports = {
            translate: function(category, directionOffset) {
                var stickDelta, that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    categoryIndex = that._categoriesToPoints[category.valueOf()],
                    specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(category),
                    startPointIndex = canvasOptions.startPointIndex || 0,
                    stickInterval = that._businessRange.stick ? 0 : .5;
                if (isDefined(specialValue)) {
                    return specialValue
                if (!categoryIndex && 0 !== categoryIndex) {
                    return null
                directionOffset = directionOffset || 0;
                stickDelta = categoryIndex + stickInterval - startPointIndex + .5 * directionOffset;
                return round(that._calculateProjection(canvasOptions.interval * stickDelta))
            untranslate: function(pos, directionOffset, enableOutOfCanvas) {
                var that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint,
                    categories = that.visibleCategories || that._categories,
                    categoriesLength = categories.length,
                    result = 0,
                    stickInterval = that._businessRange.stick ? .5 : 0;
                if (!enableOutOfCanvas && (pos < startPoint || pos > canvasOptions.endPoint)) {
                    return null
                directionOffset = directionOffset || 0;
                result = round((pos - startPoint) / canvasOptions.interval + stickInterval - .5 - .5 * directionOffset);
                if (categoriesLength === result) {
                if (result === -1) {
                    result = 0
                if (canvasOptions.invert) {
                    result = categoriesLength - result - 1
                return categories[result]
            getInterval: function() {
                return this._canvasOptions.interval
            zoom: function(translate, scale) {
                var endCategoryIndex, newVisibleCategories, newInterval, that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    stick = that._businessRange.stick,
                    invert = canvasOptions.invert,
                    interval = canvasOptions.interval * scale,
                    translateCategories = translate / interval,
                    startCategoryIndex = parseInt((canvasOptions.startPointIndex || 0) + translateCategories + .5),
                    categoriesLength = parseInt(canvasOptions.canvasLength / interval + (stick ? 1 : 0)) || 1,
                    categories = that._categories;
                if (invert) {
                    startCategoryIndex = parseInt((canvasOptions.startPointIndex || 0) + (that.visibleCategories || []).length - translateCategories + .5) - categoriesLength
                if (startCategoryIndex < 0) {
                    startCategoryIndex = 0
                endCategoryIndex = startCategoryIndex + categoriesLength;
                if (endCategoryIndex > categories.length) {
                    endCategoryIndex = categories.length;
                    startCategoryIndex = endCategoryIndex - categoriesLength;
                    if (startCategoryIndex < 0) {
                        startCategoryIndex = 0
                newVisibleCategories = categories.slice(parseInt(startCategoryIndex), parseInt(endCategoryIndex));
                newInterval = that._getDiscreteInterval(newVisibleCategories.length, canvasOptions);
                scale = newInterval / canvasOptions.interval;
                translate = that.translate(!invert ? newVisibleCategories[0] : newVisibleCategories[newVisibleCategories.length - 1]) * scale - (canvasOptions.startPoint + (stick ? 0 : newInterval / 2));
                return {
                    min: newVisibleCategories[0],
                    max: newVisibleCategories[newVisibleCategories.length - 1],
                    translate: translate,
                    scale: scale
            getMinScale: function(zoom) {
                var that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    categoriesLength = (that.visibleCategories || that._categories).length;
                categoriesLength += (parseInt(.1 * categoriesLength) || 1) * (zoom ? -2 : 2);
                return canvasOptions.canvasLength / (Math.max(categoriesLength, 1) * canvasOptions.interval)
            getScale: function(min, max) {
                var that = this,
                    canvasOptions = that._canvasOptions,
                    visibleArea = that.getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                    stickOffset = !that._businessRange.stick && 1,
                    minPoint = isDefined(min) ? that.translate(min, -stickOffset) : null,
                    maxPoint = isDefined(max) ? that.translate(max, +stickOffset) : null;
                if (null === minPoint) {
                    minPoint = canvasOptions.invert ? visibleArea.max : visibleArea.min
                if (null === maxPoint) {
                    maxPoint = canvasOptions.invert ? visibleArea.min : visibleArea.max
                return that.canvasLength / Math.abs(maxPoint - minPoint)
            isValid: function(value) {
                return isDefined(value) ? this._categoriesToPoints[value.valueOf()] >= 0 : false
            parse: function(value) {
                return value
            to: function(value, direction) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions,
                    businessRange = this._businessRange,
                    categoryIndex = this._categoriesToPoints[value.valueOf()],
                    startPointIndex = canvasOptions.startPointIndex || 0,
                    stickInterval = businessRange.stick ? 0 : .5,
                    stickDelta = categoryIndex + stickInterval - startPointIndex + (businessRange.invert ? -1 : 1) * direction * .5;
                return round(this._calculateProjection(canvasOptions.interval * stickDelta))
            from: function(position, direction) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions,
                    businessRange = this._businessRange,
                    startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint,
                    categories = this._categories,
                    categoriesLength = categories.length,
                    stickInterval = businessRange.stick ? .5 : 0,
                    result = round((position - startPoint) / canvasOptions.interval + stickInterval - .5 - .5 * direction);
                if (categoriesLength === result) {
                if (result === -1) {
                    result = 0
                if (canvasOptions.invert) {
                    result = categoriesLength - result - 1
                return categories[result]
            _add: function() {
                return NaN
            isValueProlonged: true
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/interval_translator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var adjustValue = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).adjustValue,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63),
            addInterval = dateUtils.addInterval,
            dateToMilliseconds = dateUtils.dateToMilliseconds,
            floor = Math.floor;
        module.exports = {
            _intervalize: function(value, interval) {
                if (!isDefined(value)) {
                if ("datetime" === this._businessRange.dataType) {
                    if (isNumber(value)) {
                        value = new Date(value)
                    } else {
                        value = new Date(value.getTime())
                    value = dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(value, interval)
                } else {
                    value = adjustValue(floor(value / interval) * interval)
                return value
            translate: function(bp, direction, interval) {
                var that = this,
                    specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(bp);
                if (isDefined(specialValue)) {
                    return specialValue
                interval = interval || that._options.interval;
                if (!that.isValid(bp, interval)) {
                    return null
                return that.to(bp, direction, interval)
            untranslate: function(pos, direction, enableOutOfCanvas) {
                var canvasOptions = this._canvasOptions,
                    startPoint = canvasOptions.startPoint;
                if (!enableOutOfCanvas && (pos < startPoint || pos > canvasOptions.endPoint) || !isDefined(canvasOptions.rangeMin) || !isDefined(canvasOptions.rangeMax)) {
                    return null
                return this.from(pos, direction)
            getInterval: function() {
                return Math.round(this._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange * (this._businessRange.interval || Math.abs(this._canvasOptions.rangeMax - this._canvasOptions.rangeMin)))
            _getValue: function() {},
            zoom: function() {},
            getMinScale: function() {},
            getScale: function() {},
            isValid: function(value, interval) {
                var that = this,
                    co = that._canvasOptions,
                    rangeMin = co.rangeMin,
                    rangeMax = co.rangeMax;
                interval = interval || that._options.interval;
                if (null === value || isNaN(value)) {
                    return false
                value = "datetime" === that._businessRange.dataType && isNumber(value) ? new Date(value) : value;
                if (interval !== that._options.interval) {
                    rangeMin = that._intervalize(rangeMin, interval);
                    rangeMax = that._intervalize(rangeMax, interval)
                if (value.valueOf() < rangeMin || value.valueOf() >= addInterval(rangeMax, interval)) {
                    return false
                return true
            parse: function(value) {
                return "datetime" === this._businessRange.dataType ? isNumber(value) ? new Date(value) : value : Number(value)
            to: function(bp, direction, interval) {
                var that = this;
                interval = interval || that._options.interval;
                var v1 = that._intervalize(bp, interval),
                    v2 = addInterval(v1, interval),
                    res = that._to(v1),
                    p2 = that._to(v2);
                if (!direction) {
                    res = floor((res + p2) / 2)
                } else {
                    if (direction > 0) {
                        res = p2
                return res
            _to: function(value) {
                var co = this._canvasOptions,
                    rMin = co.rangeMinVisible,
                    rMax = co.rangeMaxVisible,
                    offset = value - rMin;
                if (value < rMin) {
                    offset = 0
                } else {
                    if (value > rMax) {
                        offset = addInterval(rMax, this._options.interval) - rMin
                return this._conversionValue(this._calculateProjection(offset * this._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange))
            from: function(position, direction) {
                var value, that = this,
                    origInterval = that._options.interval,
                    interval = origInterval,
                    co = that._canvasOptions,
                    rMin = co.rangeMinVisible,
                    rMax = co.rangeMaxVisible;
                if ("datetime" === that._businessRange.dataType) {
                    interval = dateToMilliseconds(origInterval)
                value = that._calculateUnProjection((position - that._canvasOptions.startPoint) / that._canvasOptions.ratioOfCanvasRange);
                value = that._intervalize(addInterval(value, interval / 2, direction > 0), origInterval);
                if (value < rMin) {
                    value = rMin
                } else {
                    if (value > rMax) {
                        value = rMax
                return value
            _add: function() {
                return NaN
            isValueProlonged: true
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/datetime_translator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var numericTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./numeric_translator */ 572);
        module.exports = {
            translate: numericTranslator.translate,
            untranslate: function() {
                var result = numericTranslator.untranslate.apply(this, arguments);
                return null === result ? result : new Date(result)
            _getValue: numericTranslator._getValue,
            getInterval: numericTranslator.getInterval,
            zoom: numericTranslator.zoom,
            getMinScale: numericTranslator.getMinScale,
            getScale: numericTranslator.getScale,
            isValid: function(value) {
                return numericTranslator.isValid.call(this, new Date(value))
            parse: function(value) {
                return new Date(value)
            to: numericTranslator.to,
            from: function(position) {
                return new Date(numericTranslator.from.call(this, position))
            _add: __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63).addDateInterval,
            isValueProlonged: numericTranslator.isValueProlonged
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/logarithmic_translator.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var numericTranslator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./numeric_translator */ 572),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            raiseTo = vizUtils.raiseTo,
            getLog = vizUtils.getLog;
        module.exports = {
            translate: function(bp) {
                var that = this,
                    specialValue = that.translateSpecialCase(bp);
                if (commonUtils.isDefined(specialValue)) {
                    return specialValue
                return numericTranslator.translate.call(that, getLog(bp, that._businessRange.base))
            untranslate: function() {
                var result = numericTranslator.untranslate.apply(this, arguments);
                return null === result ? result : raiseTo(result, this._businessRange.base)
            getInterval: numericTranslator.getInterval,
            _getValue: function(value) {
                return Math.pow(this._canvasOptions.base, value)
            zoom: numericTranslator.zoom,
            getMinScale: numericTranslator.getMinScale,
            getScale: function(val1, val2) {
                var base = this._businessRange.base;
                val1 = commonUtils.isDefined(val1) ? getLog(val1, base) : void 0;
                val2 = commonUtils.isDefined(val2) ? getLog(val2, base) : void 0;
                return numericTranslator.getScale.call(this, val1, val2)
            isValid: function(value) {
                return numericTranslator.isValid.call(this, getLog(value, this._businessRange.base))
            parse: numericTranslator.parse,
            to: function(value) {
                return numericTranslator.to.call(this, getLog(value, this._businessRange.base))
            from: function(position) {
                return raiseTo(numericTranslator.from.call(this, position), this._businessRange.base)
            _add: function(value, diff, dir) {
                var b = this._businessRange.base;
                return raiseTo(numericTranslator._add(getLog(value, b), diff, dir), b)
            isValueProlonged: numericTranslator.isValueProlonged
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/tick.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var isDefined = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isDefined,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            constants = __webpack_require__( /*! ./axes_constants */ 566);

        function getPathStyle(options) {
            return {
                stroke: options.color,
                "stroke-width": options.width,
                "stroke-opacity": options.opacity

        function createTick(axis, renderer, tickOptions, gridOptions, skippedCategory, skipLabels, offset) {
            var tickOffset = offset || axis._tickOffset,
                lineGroup = axis._axisLineGroup,
                elementsGroup = axis._axisElementsGroup,
                tickStyle = getPathStyle(tickOptions),
                gridStyle = getPathStyle(gridOptions),
                emptyStrRegExp = /^\s+$/,
                axisOptions = axis.getOptions(),
                labelOptions = axisOptions.label,
                labelStyle = axis._textOptions;

            function getLabelFontStyle(tick) {
                var fontStyle = axis._textFontStyles,
                    customizeColor = labelOptions.customizeColor;
                if (customizeColor && customizeColor.call) {
                    fontStyle = extend({}, axis._textFontStyles, {
                        fill: customizeColor.call(tick, tick)
                return fontStyle
            return function(value) {
                var tick = {
                    value: value,
                    initCoords: function() {
                        this.coords = axis._getTranslatedValue(value, tickOffset)
                    drawMark: function() {
                        if (!tickOptions.visible || skippedCategory === value) {
                        if (this.withoutPath) {
                        this.mark = axis._createPathElement([], tickStyle).append(lineGroup);
                    updateTickPosition: function() {
                        if (!this.mark) {
                            points: axis._getTickMarkPoints(tick, tickOptions.length)
                        this.coords.angle && axis._rotateTick(this.mark, this.coords)
                    drawLabel: function() {
                        if (!labelOptions.visible || skipLabels) {
                        if (this.withoutLabel) {
                        var labelHint, axisBounds = {
                                min: axis._minBound,
                                max: axis._maxBound
                            text = constants.formatLabel(value, labelOptions, axisBounds);
                        if (isDefined(text) && "" !== text && !emptyStrRegExp.test(text)) {
                            this.label = renderer.text(text).css(getLabelFontStyle(this)).attr(labelStyle).data("chart-data-argument", this.value).append(elementsGroup);
                            labelHint = constants.formatHint(this.value, labelOptions, axisBounds);
                            if (isDefined(labelHint) && "" !== labelHint) {
                    updateLabelPosition: function() {
                        if (!this.label) {
                        var coords = axis._getTranslatedValue(value);
                        this.labelCoords = coords;
                            x: coords.x,
                            y: coords.y
                    drawGrid: function(drawLine) {
                        if (gridOptions.visible && skippedCategory !== this.value) {
                            this.grid = drawLine(this, gridStyle);
                            this.grid && this.grid.append(axis._axisGridGroup)
                    updateGridPosition: function(updateLine) {
                        this.grid && this.grid.attr(axis._getGridPoints(tick.coords))
                return tick
        exports.tick = createTick
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/xy_axes.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var formatHelper = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../format_helper */ 66),
            dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            getNextDateUnit = dateUtils.getNextDateUnit,
            correctDateWithUnitBeginning = dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            constants = __webpack_require__( /*! ./axes_constants */ 566),
            _extend = extend,
            _math = Math,
            _max = _math.max,
            TOP = constants.top,
            BOTTOM = constants.bottom,
            LEFT = constants.left,
            RIGHT = constants.right,
            CENTER = constants.center;

        function prepareDatesDifferences(datesDifferences, tickInterval) {
            var dateUnitInterval, i;
            if ("week" === tickInterval) {
                tickInterval = "day"
            if ("quarter" === tickInterval) {
                tickInterval = "month"
            if (datesDifferences[tickInterval]) {
                for (i = 0; i < dateUtils.dateUnitIntervals.length; i++) {
                    dateUnitInterval = dateUtils.dateUnitIntervals[i];
                    if (datesDifferences[dateUnitInterval]) {
                        datesDifferences[dateUnitInterval] = false;
                    if (dateUnitInterval === tickInterval) {

        function getMarkerDates(min, max, markerInterval) {
            var dates, origMin = min;
            min = correctDateWithUnitBeginning(min, markerInterval);
            max = correctDateWithUnitBeginning(max, markerInterval);
            dates = dateUtils.getSequenceByInterval(min, max, markerInterval);
            if (dates.length && origMin > dates[0]) {
                dates = dates.slice(1)
            return dates

        function getStripHorizontalAlignmentPosition(alignment) {
            var position = "start";
            if ("center" === alignment) {
                position = "center"
            if ("right" === alignment) {
                position = "end"
            return position

        function getStripVerticalAlignmentPosition(alignment) {
            var position = "start";
            if ("center" === alignment) {
                position = "center"
            if ("bottom" === alignment) {
                position = "end"
            return position

        function getMarkerInterval(tickInterval) {
            var markerInterval = getNextDateUnit(tickInterval);
            if ("quarter" === markerInterval) {
                markerInterval = getNextDateUnit(markerInterval)
            return markerInterval

        function getMarkerFormat(curDate, prevDate, tickInterval, markerInterval) {
            var format = markerInterval,
                datesDifferences = prevDate && dateUtils.getDatesDifferences(prevDate, curDate);
            if (prevDate && "year" !== tickInterval) {
                prepareDatesDifferences(datesDifferences, tickInterval);
                format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByDifferences(datesDifferences)
            return format

        function getMaxSide(act, boxes) {
            return boxes.reduce(function(prevValue, box) {
                return _max(prevValue, act(box))
            }, 0)

        function getDistanceByAngle(bBox, rotationAngle) {
            rotationAngle = _math.abs(rotationAngle);
            rotationAngle = rotationAngle % 180 >= 90 ? 90 - rotationAngle % 90 : rotationAngle % 90;
            var a = rotationAngle * (_math.PI / 180);
            if (a >= _math.atan(bBox.height / bBox.width)) {
                return bBox.height / _math.abs(_math.sin(a))
            } else {
                return bBox.width

        function getMaxConstantLinePadding(constantLines) {
            return constantLines.reduce(function(padding, options) {
                return _max(padding, options.paddingTopBottom)
            }, 0)

        function getConstantLineLabelMarginForVerticalAlignment(constantLines, alignment, labelHeight) {
            return constantLines.some(function(options) {
                return options.label.verticalAlignment === alignment
            }) && labelHeight || 0

        function getLeftMargin(bBox) {
            return _math.abs(bBox.x) || 0

        function getRightMargin(bBox) {
            return _math.abs(bBox.width - _math.abs(bBox.x)) || 0
        module.exports = {
            linear: {
                _getStep: function(boxes, rotationAngle) {
                    var spacing = this._options.label.minSpacing,
                        func = this._isHorizontal ? function(box) {
                            return box.width + spacing
                        } : function(box) {
                            return box.height
                        maxLabelLength = getMaxSide(func, boxes);
                    if (rotationAngle) {
                        maxLabelLength = getDistanceByAngle({
                            width: maxLabelLength,
                            height: this._getMaxLabelHeight(false, boxes, 0)
                        }, rotationAngle)
                    return constants.getTicksCountInRange(this._majorTicks, this._isHorizontal ? "x" : "y", maxLabelLength)
                _getMaxLabelHeight: function(isNegative, boxes, spacing) {
                    return (isNegative ? -1 : 1) * (getMaxSide(function(box) {
                        return box.height
                    }, boxes) + spacing)
                _validateOverlappingMode: function(mode, displayMode) {
                    if (this._isHorizontal && ("rotate" === displayMode || "stagger" === displayMode) || !this._isHorizontal) {
                        return constants.validateOverlappingMode(mode)
                    return mode
                _validateDisplayMode: function(mode) {
                    return this._isHorizontal ? mode : "standard"
                getMarkerTrackers: function() {
                    return this._markerTrackers
                _getSharpParam: function(opposite) {
                    return this._isHorizontal ^ opposite ? "h" : "v"
                _createAxisElement: function() {
                    return this._renderer.path([], "line")
                _updateAxisElementPosition: function() {
                    if (!this._axisElement) {
                    var axisCoord = this._axisPosition,
                        canvas = this._getCanvasStartEnd();
                        points: this._isHorizontal ? [canvas.start, axisCoord, canvas.end, axisCoord] : [axisCoord, canvas.start, axisCoord, canvas.end]
                _getTranslatedCoord: function(value, offset) {
                    return this._translator.translate(value, offset)
                _getCanvasStartEnd: function() {
                    var isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal,
                        canvas = this._canvas,
                        invert = this._translator.getBusinessRange().invert,
                        coords = isHorizontal ? [canvas.left, canvas.width - canvas.right] : [canvas.height - canvas.bottom, canvas.top];
                    invert && coords.reverse();
                    return {
                        start: coords[0],
                        end: coords[1]
                _getScreenDelta: function() {
                    var canvas = this._getCanvasStartEnd();
                    return _math.abs(canvas.start - canvas.end)
                _initAxisPositions: function() {
                    var that = this,
                        position = that._options.position;
                    that._axisPosition = that._orthogonalPositions["top" === position || "left" === position ? "start" : "end"]
                _getTickMarkPoints: function(tick, length) {
                    var coords = tick.coords,
                        isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal,
                        tickCorrection = {
                            left: -1,
                            top: -1,
                            right: 0,
                            bottom: 0,
                            center: -.5
                        }[this._options.tickOrientation || "center"];
                    return [coords.x + (isHorizontal ? 0 : tickCorrection * length), coords.y + (isHorizontal ? tickCorrection * length : 0), coords.x + (isHorizontal ? 0 : tickCorrection * length + length), coords.y + (isHorizontal ? tickCorrection * length + length : 0)]
                _getTitleCoords: function() {
                    var that = this,
                        x = that._axisPosition,
                        y = that._axisPosition,
                        canvas = that._getCanvasStartEnd(),
                        center = canvas.start + (canvas.end - canvas.start) / 2;
                    if (that._isHorizontal) {
                        x = center
                    } else {
                        y = center
                    return {
                        x: x,
                        y: y
                _drawTitleText: function(group, coords) {
                    var options = this._options,
                        titleOptions = options.title,
                        attrs = {
                            opacity: titleOptions.opacity,
                            align: "center"
                    if (!titleOptions.text || !group) {
                    coords = coords || this._getTitleCoords();
                    if (!this._isHorizontal) {
                        attrs.rotate = options.position === LEFT ? 270 : 90
                    var text = this._renderer.text(titleOptions.text, coords.x, coords.y).css(vizUtils.patchFontOptions(titleOptions.font)).attr(attrs).append(group);
                    return text
                _updateTitleCoords: function() {
                    this._title && this._title.element.attr(this._getTitleCoords())
                _drawTitle: function() {
                    var title = this._drawTitleText(this._axisTitleGroup);
                    if (title) {
                        this._title = {
                            element: title
                _measureTitle: function() {
                    if (this._title) {
                        this._title.bBox = this._title.element.getBBox()
                _drawDateMarker: function(date, options) {
                    var text, pathElement, that = this,
                        markerOptions = that._options.marker,
                        invert = that._translator.getBusinessRange().invert,
                        textIndent = markerOptions.width + markerOptions.textLeftIndent;
                    if (null === options.x) {
                    if (!options.withoutStick) {
                        pathElement = that._renderer.path([options.x, options.y, options.x, options.y + markerOptions.separatorHeight], "line").attr({
                            "stroke-width": markerOptions.width,
                            stroke: markerOptions.color,
                            "stroke-opacity": markerOptions.opacity,
                            sharp: "h"
                    text = String(constants.formatLabel(date, options.labelFormat));
                    return {
                        date: date,
                        x: options.x,
                        y: options.y,
                        cropped: options.withoutStick,
                        label: that._renderer.text(text, options.x, options.y).css(vizUtils.patchFontOptions(markerOptions.label.font)).append(that._axisElementsGroup),
                        line: pathElement,
                        getEnd: function() {
                            return this.x + (invert ? -1 : 1) * (textIndent + this.labelBBox.width)
                        setTitle: function() {
                            this.title = text
                        hideLabel: function() {
                            this.label = null;
                            this.title = text
                        hide: function() {
                            if (pathElement) {
                                pathElement = null
                            this.label = null;
                            this.hidden = true
                _drawDateMarkers: function() {
                    var tickInterval, markerInterval, markerDates, markersAreaTop, dateMarker, that = this,
                        options = that._options,
                        translator = that._translator,
                        minBound = that._minBound,
                        dateMarkers = [];

                    function draw(markerDate, format, withoutStick) {
                        return that._drawDateMarker(markerDate, {
                            x: translator.translate(markerDate),
                            y: markersAreaTop,
                            labelFormat: that._getLabelFormatOptions(format),
                            withoutStick: withoutStick
                    if (!options.marker.visible || "datetime" !== options.argumentType || "discrete" === options.type || that._majorTicks.length <= 1) {
                        return []
                    markersAreaTop = that._axisPosition + options.marker.topIndent;
                    tickInterval = dateUtils.getDateUnitInterval(this._tickManager.getTickInterval());
                    markerInterval = getMarkerInterval(tickInterval);
                    markerDates = getMarkerDates(minBound, that._maxBound, markerInterval);
                    if (markerDates.length > 1 || 1 === markerDates.length && minBound < markerDates[0]) {
                        dateMarkers = markerDates.reduce(function(markers, curDate, i, dates) {
                            var marker = draw(curDate, getMarkerFormat(curDate, dates[i - 1] || minBound < curDate && minBound, tickInterval, markerInterval));
                            marker && markers.push(marker);
                            return markers
                        }, []);
                        if (minBound < markerDates[0]) {
                            dateMarker = draw(minBound, getMarkerFormat(minBound, markerDates[0], tickInterval, markerInterval), true);
                            dateMarker && dateMarkers.unshift(dateMarker)
                    return dateMarkers
                _adjustDateMarkers: function(offset) {
                    offset = offset || 0;
                    var that = this,
                        markerOptions = this._options.marker,
                        textIndent = markerOptions.width + markerOptions.textLeftIndent,
                        invert = this._translator.getBusinessRange().invert,
                        canvas = that._getCanvasStartEnd(),
                        dateMarkers = this._dateMarkers;
                    if (!dateMarkers.length) {
                        return offset
                    if (dateMarkers[0].cropped) {
                        if (!this._checkMarkersPosition(invert, dateMarkers[1], dateMarkers[0])) {
                    var prevDateMarker;
                    dateMarkers.forEach(function(marker, i, markers) {
                        if (marker.cropped) {
                        if (invert ? marker.getEnd() < canvas.end : marker.getEnd() > canvas.end) {
                        } else {
                            if (that._checkMarkersPosition(invert, marker, prevDateMarker)) {
                                prevDateMarker = marker
                            } else {
                    this._dateMarkers.forEach(function(marker) {
                        if (marker.label) {
                            var labelBBox = marker.labelBBox,
                                dy = marker.y + markerOptions.textTopIndent - labelBBox.y;
                                translateX: invert ? marker.x - textIndent - labelBBox.x - labelBBox.width : marker.x + textIndent - labelBBox.x,
                                translateY: dy + offset
                        if (marker.line) {
                                translateY: offset
                    return offset + markerOptions.topIndent + markerOptions.separatorHeight
                _checkMarkersPosition: function(invert, dateMarker, prevDateMarker) {
                    if (void 0 === prevDateMarker) {
                        return true
                    return invert ? dateMarker.x < prevDateMarker.getEnd() : dateMarker.x > prevDateMarker.getEnd()
                _initializeMarkersTrackers: function(offset) {
                    var that = this,
                        separatorHeight = that._options.marker.separatorHeight,
                        renderer = that._renderer,
                        businessRange = this._translator.getBusinessRange(),
                        canvas = that._getCanvasStartEnd(),
                        group = that._axisElementsGroup;
                    that._markerTrackers = this._dateMarkers.filter(function(marker) {
                        return !marker.hidden
                    }).map(function(marker, i, markers) {
                        var nextMarker = markers[i + 1] || {
                                x: canvas.end,
                                date: businessRange.max
                            x = marker.x,
                            y = marker.y + offset,
                            markerTracker = renderer.path([x, y, x, y + separatorHeight, nextMarker.x, y + separatorHeight, nextMarker.x, y, x, y], "area").attr({
                                "stroke-width": 1,
                                stroke: "grey",
                                fill: "grey",
                                opacity: 1e-4
                        markerTracker.data("range", {
                            startValue: marker.date,
                            endValue: nextMarker.date
                        if (marker.title) {
                        return markerTracker
                _getLabelFormatOptions: function(formatString) {
                    var that = this,
                        markerLabelOptions = that._markerLabelOptions;
                    if (!markerLabelOptions) {
                        that._markerLabelOptions = markerLabelOptions = _extend(true, {}, that._options.marker.label)
                    if (!_isDefined(that._options.marker.label.format)) {
                        markerLabelOptions.format = formatString
                    return markerLabelOptions
                _adjustConstantLineLabels: function(constantLines) {
                    var that = this,
                        axisPosition = that._options.position,
                        canvas = that.getCanvas(),
                        canvasLeft = canvas.left,
                        canvasRight = canvas.width - canvas.right,
                        canvasTop = canvas.top,
                        canvasBottom = canvas.height - canvas.bottom,
                        verticalCenter = canvasTop + (canvasBottom - canvasTop) / 2,
                        horizontalCenter = canvasLeft + (canvasRight - canvasLeft) / 2,
                        maxLabel = 0;
                    constantLines.forEach(function(item) {
                        var translateX, translateY, isHorizontal = that._isHorizontal,
                            linesOptions = item.options,
                            paddingTopBottom = linesOptions.paddingTopBottom,
                            paddingLeftRight = linesOptions.paddingLeftRight,
                            labelOptions = linesOptions.label,
                            labelVerticalAlignment = labelOptions.verticalAlignment,
                            labelHorizontalAlignment = labelOptions.horizontalAlignment,
                            labelIsInside = "inside" === labelOptions.position,
                            label = item.label,
                            box = item.labelBBox;
                        if (null === label) {
                        if (isHorizontal) {
                            if (labelIsInside) {
                                if (labelHorizontalAlignment === LEFT) {
                                    translateX = item.coord - paddingLeftRight - box.x - box.width
                                } else {
                                    translateX = item.coord + paddingLeftRight - box.x
                                switch (labelVerticalAlignment) {
                                    case CENTER:
                                        translateY = verticalCenter - box.y - box.height / 2;
                                    case BOTTOM:
                                        translateY = canvasBottom - paddingTopBottom - box.y - box.height;
                                        translateY = canvasTop + paddingTopBottom - box.y
                            } else {
                                if (axisPosition === labelVerticalAlignment) {
                                    maxLabel = _max(maxLabel, box.height + paddingTopBottom)
                                translateX = item.coord - box.x - box.width / 2;
                                if (labelVerticalAlignment === BOTTOM) {
                                    translateY = canvasBottom + paddingTopBottom - box.y
                                } else {
                                    translateY = canvasTop - paddingTopBottom - box.y - box.height
                        } else {
                            if (labelIsInside) {
                                if (labelVerticalAlignment === BOTTOM) {
                                    translateY = item.coord + paddingTopBottom - box.y
                                } else {
                                    translateY = item.coord - paddingTopBottom - box.y - box.height
                                switch (labelHorizontalAlignment) {
                                    case CENTER:
                                        translateX = horizontalCenter - box.x - box.width / 2;
                                    case RIGHT:
                                        translateX = canvasRight - paddingLeftRight - box.x - box.width;
                                        translateX = canvasLeft + paddingLeftRight - box.x
                            } else {
                                if (axisPosition === labelHorizontalAlignment) {
                                    maxLabel = _max(maxLabel, box.width + paddingLeftRight)
                                translateY = item.coord - box.y - box.height / 2;
                                if (labelHorizontalAlignment === RIGHT) {
                                    translateX = canvasRight + paddingLeftRight - box.x
                                } else {
                                    translateX = canvasLeft - paddingLeftRight - box.x - box.width
                            translateX: translateX,
                            translateY: translateY
                    return maxLabel
                _drawConstantLinesForEstimating: function(constantLines) {
                    var that = this,
                        renderer = this._renderer,
                        group = renderer.g();
                    constantLines.forEach(function(options) {
                        that._drawConstantLineLabelText(options.label.text, 0, 0, options.label, group).attr({
                            align: "center"
                    return group.append(renderer.root)
                _estimateLabelHeight: function(bBox, labelOptions) {
                    var height = bBox.height,
                        drawingType = labelOptions.drawingType;
                    if ("stagger" === this._validateDisplayMode(drawingType) || "stagger" === this._validateOverlappingMode(labelOptions.overlappingBehavior, drawingType)) {
                        height = 2 * height + labelOptions.staggeringSpacing
                    if ("rotate" === this._validateDisplayMode(drawingType) || "rotate" === this._validateOverlappingMode(labelOptions.overlappingBehavior, drawingType)) {
                        var sinCos = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(labelOptions.rotationAngle);
                        height = height * sinCos.cos + bBox.width * sinCos.sin
                    return height && (height + labelOptions.indentFromAxis || 0) || 0
                _estimateLabelFormat: function(canvas) {
                estimateMargins: function(canvas) {
                    var that = this,
                        options = this._options,
                        constantLineOptions = (options.constantLines || []).filter(function(options) {
                            return "outside" === options.label.position && options.label.visible
                        rootElement = that._renderer.root,
                        businessRange = that._translator.getBusinessRange(),
                        labelIsVisible = options.label.visible && !that._translator.getBusinessRange().stubData,
                        labelValue = labelIsVisible && constants.formatLabel("discrete" === businessRange.axisType ? businessRange.categories[0] : businessRange.max, options.label),
                        labelElement = labelIsVisible && that._renderer.text(labelValue, 0, 0).css(that._textFontStyles).attr(that._textOptions).append(rootElement),
                        titleElement = that._drawTitleText(rootElement, {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0
                        constantLinesLabelsElement = that._drawConstantLinesForEstimating(constantLineOptions),
                        labelBox = labelElement && labelElement.getBBox() || {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0,
                            width: 0,
                            height: 0
                        titleBox = titleElement && titleElement.getBBox() || {
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0,
                            width: 0,
                            height: 0
                        constantLinesBox = constantLinesLabelsElement.getBBox(),
                        titleHeight = titleBox.height ? titleBox.height + options.title.margin : 0,
                        labelHeight = that._estimateLabelHeight(labelBox, options.label),
                        constantLinesHeight = constantLinesBox.height ? constantLinesBox.height + getMaxConstantLinePadding(constantLineOptions) : 0,
                        height = labelHeight + titleHeight,
                        margins = {
                            left: _max(getLeftMargin(labelBox), getLeftMargin(constantLinesBox)),
                            right: _max(getRightMargin(labelBox), getRightMargin(constantLinesBox)),
                            top: ("top" === options.position ? height : 0) + getConstantLineLabelMarginForVerticalAlignment(constantLineOptions, "top", constantLinesHeight),
                            bottom: ("top" !== options.position ? height : 0) + getConstantLineLabelMarginForVerticalAlignment(constantLineOptions, "bottom", constantLinesHeight)
                    labelElement && labelElement.remove();
                    titleElement && titleElement.remove();
                    constantLinesLabelsElement && constantLinesLabelsElement.remove();
                    return margins
                _checkAlignmentConstantLineLabels: function(labelOptions) {
                    var position = labelOptions.position,
                        verticalAlignment = (labelOptions.verticalAlignment || "").toLowerCase(),
                        horizontalAlignment = (labelOptions.horizontalAlignment || "").toLowerCase();
                    if (this._isHorizontal) {
                        if ("outside" === position) {
                            verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment === BOTTOM ? BOTTOM : TOP;
                            horizontalAlignment = CENTER
                        } else {
                            verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment === CENTER ? CENTER : verticalAlignment === BOTTOM ? BOTTOM : TOP;
                            horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment === LEFT ? LEFT : RIGHT
                    } else {
                        if ("outside" === position) {
                            verticalAlignment = CENTER;
                            horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment === LEFT ? LEFT : RIGHT
                        } else {
                            verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment === BOTTOM ? BOTTOM : TOP;
                            horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment === RIGHT ? RIGHT : horizontalAlignment === CENTER ? CENTER : LEFT
                    labelOptions.verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment;
                    labelOptions.horizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment
                _getConstantLineLabelsCoords: function(value, lineLabelOptions) {
                    var that = this,
                        x = value,
                        y = value;
                    if (that._isHorizontal) {
                        y = that._orthogonalPositions["top" === lineLabelOptions.verticalAlignment ? "start" : "end"]
                    } else {
                        x = that._orthogonalPositions["right" === lineLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment ? "end" : "start"]
                    return {
                        x: x,
                        y: y
                _getAdjustedStripLabelCoords: function(strip) {
                    var stripOptions = strip.options,
                        paddingTopBottom = stripOptions.paddingTopBottom,
                        paddingLeftRight = stripOptions.paddingLeftRight,
                        horizontalAlignment = stripOptions.label.horizontalAlignment,
                        verticalAlignment = stripOptions.label.verticalAlignment,
                        box = strip.labelBBox,
                        labelHeight = box.height,
                        labelWidth = box.width,
                        labelCoords = strip.labelCoords,
                        y = labelCoords.y - box.y,
                        x = labelCoords.x - box.x;
                    if (verticalAlignment === TOP) {
                        y += paddingTopBottom
                    } else {
                        if (verticalAlignment === CENTER) {
                            y -= labelHeight / 2
                        } else {
                            if (verticalAlignment === BOTTOM) {
                                y -= paddingTopBottom + labelHeight
                    if (horizontalAlignment === LEFT) {
                        x += paddingLeftRight
                    } else {
                        if (horizontalAlignment === CENTER) {
                            x -= labelWidth / 2
                        } else {
                            if (horizontalAlignment === RIGHT) {
                                x -= paddingLeftRight + labelWidth
                    return {
                        translateX: x,
                        translateY: y
                _adjustTitle: function(offset) {
                    offset = offset || 0;
                    if (!this._title) {
                    var that = this,
                        options = that._options,
                        position = options.position,
                        margin = options.title.margin,
                        title = that._title,
                        boxTitle = title.bBox,
                        x = boxTitle.x,
                        y = boxTitle.y,
                        width = boxTitle.width,
                        height = boxTitle.height,
                        axisPosition = that._axisPosition,
                        loCoord = axisPosition - margin - offset,
                        hiCoord = axisPosition + margin + offset,
                        params = {};
                    if (that._isHorizontal) {
                        if (position === TOP) {
                            params.translateY = loCoord - (y + height)
                        } else {
                            params.translateY = hiCoord - y
                    } else {
                        if (position === LEFT) {
                            params.translateX = loCoord - (x + width)
                        } else {
                            params.translateX = hiCoord - x
                _checkTitleOverflow: function() {
                    if (!this._title) {
                    var canvasLength = this._getScreenDelta(),
                        title = this._title,
                        boxTitle = title.bBox;
                    if ((this._isHorizontal ? boxTitle.width : boxTitle.height) > canvasLength) {
                        title.element.applyEllipsis(canvasLength) && title.element.setTitle(this._options.title.text)
                coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                    var canvas = this.getCanvas(),
                        isHorizontal = this._options.isHorizontal,
                        position = this._options.position,
                        coord = isHorizontal ? y : x;
                    if (isHorizontal && position === constants.top || !isHorizontal && position === constants.left) {
                        return coord < canvas[position]
                    return coord > canvas[isHorizontal ? "height" : "width"] - canvas[position]
                _boundaryTicksVisibility: {
                    min: true,
                    max: true
                _getMinMax: function() {
                    return {
                        min: this._options.min,
                        max: this._options.max
                _getStick: function() {
                    return !this._options.valueMarginsEnabled
                _getStripLabelCoords: function(from, to, stripLabelOptions) {
                    var x, y, that = this,
                        orthogonalPositions = that._orthogonalPositions,
                        isHorizontal = that._isHorizontal,
                        horizontalAlignment = stripLabelOptions.horizontalAlignment,
                        verticalAlignment = stripLabelOptions.verticalAlignment;
                    if (isHorizontal) {
                        if (horizontalAlignment === CENTER) {
                            x = from + (to - from) / 2
                        } else {
                            if (horizontalAlignment === LEFT) {
                                x = from
                            } else {
                                if (horizontalAlignment === RIGHT) {
                                    x = to
                        y = orthogonalPositions[getStripVerticalAlignmentPosition(verticalAlignment)]
                    } else {
                        x = orthogonalPositions[getStripHorizontalAlignmentPosition(horizontalAlignment)];
                        if (verticalAlignment === TOP) {
                            y = from
                        } else {
                            if (verticalAlignment === CENTER) {
                                y = to + (from - to) / 2
                            } else {
                                if (verticalAlignment === BOTTOM) {
                                    y = to
                    return {
                        x: x,
                        y: y
                _getTranslatedValue: function(value, offset) {
                    var pos1 = this._translator.translate(value, offset, "semidiscrete" === this._options.type && this._options.tickInterval),
                        pos2 = this._axisPosition,
                        isHorizontal = this._isHorizontal;
                    return {
                        x: isHorizontal ? pos1 : pos2,
                        y: isHorizontal ? pos2 : pos1
                _getSkippedCategory: function() {
                    var skippedCategory, categories = this._translator.getVisibleCategories() || this._translator.getBusinessRange().categories;
                    if (categories && categories.length && !!this._tickOffset) {
                        skippedCategory = categories[categories.length - 1]
                    return skippedCategory
                _getSpiderCategoryOption: commonUtils.noop,
                shift: function(margins) {
                    var that = this,
                        options = that._options,
                        isHorizontal = options.isHorizontal,
                        axesSpacing = that.getMultipleAxesSpacing(),
                        constantLinesGroups = that._axisConstantLineGroups;

                    function shiftGroup(side, group) {
                        var attr = {},
                            shift = margins[side] + axesSpacing;
                        attr[isHorizontal ? "translateY" : "translateX"] = ("left" === side || "top" === side ? -1 : 1) * shift;
                        if (margins[side]) {
                            (group[side] || group).attr(attr);
                            return shift
                    that._axisShift = shiftGroup(options.position, that._axisGroup);
                    if (isHorizontal) {
                        shiftGroup("top", constantLinesGroups);
                        shiftGroup("bottom", constantLinesGroups)
                    } else {
                        shiftGroup("left", constantLinesGroups);
                        shiftGroup("right", constantLinesGroups)
      !*** ./js/viz/axes/polar_axes.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var circularAxes, polarAxes, vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            constants = __webpack_require__( /*! ./axes_constants */ 566),
            xyAxesLinear = __webpack_require__( /*! ./xy_axes */ 578).linear,
            tick = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tick */ 577).tick,
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _round = _math.round,
            convertPolarToXY = vizUtils.convertPolarToXY,
            _extend = extend,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            HALF_PI_ANGLE = 90;

        function getPolarQuarter(angle) {
            var quarter;
            angle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle(angle);
            if (angle >= 315 && angle <= 360 || angle < 45 && angle >= 0) {
                quarter = 1
            } else {
                if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) {
                    quarter = 2
                } else {
                    if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) {
                        quarter = 3
                    } else {
                        if (angle >= 225 && angle < 315) {
                            quarter = 4
            return quarter
        polarAxes = exports;
        circularAxes = polarAxes.circular = {
            _updateTranslator: function() {
                this._translator.update({}, {}, {
                    isHorizontal: true,
                    conversionValue: true
            getCenter: function() {
                return this._center
            getRadius: function() {
                return this._radius
            getAngles: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return [options.startAngle, options.endAngle]
            _updateRadius: function(canvas) {
                var rad = Math.min(canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right, canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom) / 2;
                this._radius = rad < 0 ? 0 : rad
            _updateCenter: function(canvas) {
                this._center = {
                    x: canvas.left + (canvas.width - canvas.right - canvas.left) / 2,
                    y: canvas.top + (canvas.height - canvas.top - canvas.bottom) / 2
            _processCanvas: function(canvas) {
                var options = this._options;
                return {
                    left: 0,
                    right: 0,
                    width: _math.abs(options.endAngle - options.startAngle)
            _createAxisElement: function() {
                return this._renderer.circle()
            _updateAxisElementPosition: function() {
                var center = this.getCenter();
                    cx: center.x,
                    cy: center.y,
                    r: this.getRadius()
            _boundaryTicksVisibility: {
                min: true
            _getSpiderCategoryOption: function() {
                return this._options.firstPointOnStartAngle
            _getMinMax: function() {
                var max, options = this._options,
                    min = commonUtils.isNumeric(options.originValue) ? options.originValue : void 0;
                if (options.period > 0 && options.argumentType === constants.numeric) {
                    min = min || 0;
                    max = min + options.period
                return {
                    min: min,
                    max: max
            _getStick: function() {
                return this._options.firstPointOnStartAngle || this._options.type !== constants.discrete
            _getTranslatedCoord: function(value, offset) {
                return this._translator.translate(value, offset) - HALF_PI_ANGLE
            _getCanvasStartEnd: function() {
                return {
                    start: 0 - HALF_PI_ANGLE,
                    end: 360 - HALF_PI_ANGLE
            _getStripGraphicAttributes: function(fromAngle, toAngle) {
                var center = this.getCenter(),
                    angle = this.getAngles()[0],
                    r = this.getRadius();
                return {
                    x: center.x,
                    y: center.y,
                    innerRadius: 0,
                    outerRadius: r,
                    startAngle: -toAngle - angle,
                    endAngle: -fromAngle - angle
            _createStrip: function(fromAngle, toAngle, attr) {
                var coords = this._getStripGraphicAttributes(fromAngle, toAngle);
                return this._renderer.arc(coords.x, coords.y, coords.innerRadius, coords.outerRadius, coords.startAngle, coords.endAngle).attr(attr)
            _getStripLabelCoords: function(from, to) {
                var that = this,
                    coords = that._getStripGraphicAttributes(from, to),
                    angle = coords.startAngle + (coords.endAngle - coords.startAngle) / 2,
                    cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(angle),
                    halfRad = that.getRadius() / 2,
                    center = that.getCenter(),
                    x = _round(center.x + halfRad * cosSin.cos),
                    y = _round(center.y - halfRad * cosSin.sin);
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    align: constants.center
            _getConstantLineGraphicAttributes: function(value) {
                var center = this.getCenter(),
                    r = this.getRadius();
                return {
                    points: [center.x, center.y, center.x + r, center.y]
            _createConstantLine: function(value, attr) {
                var center = this.getCenter();
                return this._createPathElement(this._getConstantLineGraphicAttributes(value).points, attr).rotate(value + this.getAngles()[0], center.x, center.y)
            _getConstantLineLabelsCoords: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(-value - that.getAngles()[0]),
                    halfRad = that.getRadius() / 2,
                    center = that.getCenter(),
                    x = _round(center.x + halfRad * cosSin.cos),
                    y = _round(center.y - halfRad * cosSin.sin);
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _checkAlignmentConstantLineLabels: _noop,
            _getScreenDelta: function() {
                var angles = this.getAngles();
                return _abs(angles[0] - angles[1]) * this.getRadius() * Math.PI / 180
            _getTickMarkPoints: function(tick, length) {
                var center = this.getCenter(),
                    corrections = {
                        inside: -1,
                        center: -.5,
                        outside: 0
                    radiusWithTicks = this.getRadius() + length * corrections[this._options.tickOrientation || "center"];
                return [center.x + radiusWithTicks, center.y, center.x + radiusWithTicks + length, center.y]
            _getLabelAdjustedCoord: function(tick) {
                var that = this,
                    labelCoords = tick.labelCoords,
                    labelY = labelCoords.y,
                    labelAngle = labelCoords.angle,
                    cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(labelAngle),
                    cos = cosSin.cos,
                    sin = cosSin.sin,
                    box = tick.labelBBox,
                    halfWidth = box.width / 2,
                    halfHeight = box.height / 2,
                    indentFromAxis = that._options.label.indentFromAxis || 0,
                    x = labelCoords.x + indentFromAxis * cos,
                    y = labelY + (labelY - box.y - halfHeight) + indentFromAxis * sin;
                switch (getPolarQuarter(labelAngle)) {
                    case 1:
                        x += halfWidth;
                        y += halfHeight * sin;
                    case 2:
                        x += halfWidth * cos;
                        y += halfHeight;
                    case 3:
                        x += -halfWidth;
                        y += halfHeight * sin;
                    case 4:
                        x += halfWidth * cos;
                        y += -halfHeight
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _getGridLineDrawer: function() {
                var that = this;
                return function(tick, gridStyle) {
                    var center = that.getCenter();
                    return that._createPathElement(that._getGridPoints().points, gridStyle).rotate(tick.coords.angle, center.x, center.y)
            _getGridPoints: function() {
                var r = this.getRadius(),
                    center = this.getCenter();
                return {
                    points: [center.x, center.y, center.x + r, center.y]
            _getTranslatedValue: function(value, offset) {
                var startAngle = this.getAngles()[0],
                    angle = this._translator.translate(value, -offset),
                    coords = convertPolarToXY(this.getCenter(), startAngle, angle, this.getRadius());
                return {
                    x: coords.x,
                    y: coords.y,
                    angle: angle + startAngle - HALF_PI_ANGLE
            _getAdjustedStripLabelCoords: function(strip) {
                var box = strip.labelBBox;
                return {
                    translateY: strip.label.attr("y") - box.y - box.height / 2
            coordsIn: function(x, y) {
                return vizUtils.convertXYToPolar(this.getCenter(), x, y).r > this.getRadius()
            _rotateTick: function(element, coords) {
                var center = this.getCenter();
                element.rotate(coords.angle, center.x, center.y)
            _validateOverlappingMode: function(mode) {
                return constants.validateOverlappingMode(mode)
            _validateDisplayMode: function() {
                return "standard"
            _getStep: function(boxes) {
                var that = this,
                    radius = that.getRadius() + (that._options.label.indentFromAxis || 0),
                    maxLabelBox = boxes.reduce(function(prevValue, box) {
                        var curValue = prevValue;
                        if (prevValue.width < box.width) {
                            curValue.width = box.width
                        if (prevValue.height < box.height) {
                            curValue.height = box.height
                        return curValue
                    }, {
                        width: 0,
                        height: 0
                    angle1 = _abs(2 * _math.atan(maxLabelBox.height / (2 * radius - maxLabelBox.width)) * 180 / _math.PI),
                    angle2 = _abs(2 * _math.atan(maxLabelBox.width / (2 * radius - maxLabelBox.height)) * 180 / _math.PI);
                return constants.getTicksCountInRange(that._majorTicks, "angle", _math.max(angle1, angle2))
            _checkBoundedLabelsOverlapping: function(step, majorTicks, boxes) {
                var lastVisibleLabelIndex = _math.floor((boxes.length - 1) / step) * step,
                    labelOpt = this._options.label;
                if (!lastVisibleLabelIndex) {
                if (constants.areLabelsOverlap(boxes[0], boxes[lastVisibleLabelIndex], labelOpt.minSpacing, constants.center)) {
                    "first" === labelOpt.overlappingBehavior.hideFirstOrLast ? majorTicks[0].label.remove() : majorTicks[lastVisibleLabelIndex].label.remove()
            shift: function(margins) {
                    translateX: margins.right,
                    translateY: margins.bottom
        exports.circularSpider = _extend({}, circularAxes, {
            _createAxisElement: function() {
                return this._renderer.path([], "area")
            _updateAxisElementPosition: function() {
                    points: _map(this.getSpiderTicks(), function(tick) {
                        return {
                            x: tick.coords.x,
                            y: tick.coords.y
            _getStick: function() {
                return true
            _getSpiderCategoryOption: function() {
                return true
            getSpiderTicks: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._spiderTicks = that._tickManager.getFullTicks().map(tick(that, that.renderer, {}, {}, that._getSkippedCategory(), true));
                that._spiderTicks.forEach(function(tick) {
                return that._spiderTicks
            _getStripGraphicAttributes: function(fromAngle, toAngle) {
                var firstTick, lastTick, nextTick, tick, center = this.getCenter(),
                    spiderTicks = this.getSpiderTicks(),
                    points = [],
                    i = 0,
                    len = spiderTicks.length;
                while (i < len) {
                    tick = spiderTicks[i].coords;
                    if (tick.angle >= fromAngle && tick.angle <= toAngle) {
                        if (!firstTick) {
                            firstTick = (spiderTicks[i - 1] || spiderTicks[spiderTicks.length - 1]).coords;
                            points.push((tick.x + firstTick.x) / 2, (tick.y + firstTick.y) / 2)
                        points.push(tick.x, tick.y);
                        nextTick = (spiderTicks[i + 1] || spiderTicks[0]).coords;
                        lastTick = {
                            x: (tick.x + nextTick.x) / 2,
                            y: (tick.y + nextTick.y) / 2
                points.push(lastTick.x, lastTick.y);
                points.push(center.x, center.y);
                return {
                    points: points
            _createStrip: function(fromAngle, toAngle, attr) {
                var points = this._getStripGraphicAttributes(fromAngle, toAngle).points;
                return this._renderer.path(points, "area").attr(attr)
            _getTranslatedCoord: function(value, offset) {
                return this._translator.translate(value, offset) - HALF_PI_ANGLE
            _setTickOffset: function() {
                this._tickOffset = false
        polarAxes.linear = {
            _getMinMax: circularAxes._getMinMax,
            _getStick: xyAxesLinear._getStick,
            _getSpiderCategoryOption: commonUtils.noop,
            _updateTranslator: function() {
                this._translator.update({}, {}, {
                    isHorizontal: true
            _updateRadius: circularAxes._updateRadius,
            getRadius: circularAxes.getRadius,
            getCenter: circularAxes.getCenter,
            getAngles: circularAxes.getAngles,
            _updateCenter: circularAxes._updateCenter,
            _processCanvas: function(canvas) {
                return {
                    left: 0,
                    right: 0,
                    width: this.getRadius()
            _createAxisElement: xyAxesLinear._createAxisElement,
            _updateAxisElementPosition: function() {
                var centerCoord = this.getCenter();
                    points: [centerCoord.x, centerCoord.y, centerCoord.x + this.getRadius(), centerCoord.y]
                }).rotate(this.getAngles()[0] - HALF_PI_ANGLE, centerCoord.x, centerCoord.y)
            _getScreenDelta: function() {
                return this.getRadius()
            _getTickMarkPoints: function(tick, length) {
                var coords = tick.coords;
                return [coords.x - length / 2, coords.y, coords.x + length / 2, coords.y]
            _getLabelAdjustedCoord: function(tick) {
                var x, y, that = this,
                    labelCoords = tick.labelCoords,
                    labelY = labelCoords.y,
                    cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(labelCoords.angle),
                    indentFromAxis = that._options.label.indentFromAxis || 0,
                    box = tick.labelBBox;
                x = labelCoords.x - _abs(indentFromAxis * cosSin.sin) + _abs(box.width / 2 * cosSin.cos) - box.width / 2;
                y = labelY + (labelY - box.y) - _abs(box.height / 2 * cosSin.sin) + _abs(indentFromAxis * cosSin.cos);
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y
            _getGridLineDrawer: function() {
                var that = this;
                return function(tick, gridStyle) {
                    var grid = that._getGridPoints(tick.coords);
                    return that._renderer.circle(grid.x, grid.y, grid.r).attr(gridStyle).sharp()
            _getGridPoints: function(coords) {
                var pos = this.getCenter();
                return {
                    x: pos.x,
                    y: pos.y,
                    r: vizUtils.getDistance(pos.x, pos.y, coords.x, coords.y)
            _getTranslatedValue: function(value, offset) {
                var startAngle = this.getAngles()[0],
                    xy = convertPolarToXY(this.getCenter(), startAngle, 0, this._translator.translate(value, offset));
                return {
                    x: xy.x,
                    y: xy.y,
                    angle: startAngle - HALF_PI_ANGLE
            _getTranslatedCoord: function(value, offset) {
                return this._translator.translate(value, offset)
            _getCanvasStartEnd: function() {
                return {
                    start: 0,
                    end: this.getRadius()
            _getStripGraphicAttributes: function(fromPoint, toPoint) {
                var center = this.getCenter();
                return {
                    x: center.x,
                    y: center.y,
                    innerRadius: fromPoint,
                    outerRadius: toPoint
            _createStrip: function(fromPoint, toPoint, attr) {
                var attrs = this._getStripGraphicAttributes(fromPoint, toPoint);
                return this._renderer.arc(attrs.x, attrs.y, attrs.innerRadius, attrs.outerRadius, 0, 360).attr(attr)
            _getAdjustedStripLabelCoords: circularAxes._getAdjustedStripLabelCoords,
            _getStripLabelCoords: function(from, to) {
                var that = this,
                    labelPos = from + (to - from) / 2,
                    center = that.getCenter(),
                    y = _round(center.y - labelPos);
                return {
                    x: center.x,
                    y: y,
                    align: constants.center
            _getConstantLineGraphicAttributes: function(value) {
                var center = this.getCenter();
                return {
                    cx: center.x,
                    cy: center.y,
                    r: value
            _createConstantLine: function(value, attr) {
                var attrs = this._getConstantLineGraphicAttributes(value);
                return this._renderer.circle(attrs.cx, attrs.cy, attrs.r).attr(attr).sharp()
            _getConstantLineLabelsCoords: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    center = that.getCenter(),
                    y = _round(center.y - value);
                return {
                    x: center.x,
                    y: y
            _checkAlignmentConstantLineLabels: _noop,
            _rotateTick: function(element, coords) {
                element.rotate(coords.angle + HALF_PI_ANGLE, coords.x, coords.y)
            _validateOverlappingMode: circularAxes._validateOverlappingMode,
            _validateDisplayMode: circularAxes._validateDisplayMode,
            _getStep: function(boxes) {
                var quarter = getPolarQuarter(this.getAngles()[0]),
                    spacing = this._options.label.minSpacing,
                    func = 2 === quarter || 4 === quarter ? function(box) {
                        return box.width + spacing
                    } : function(box) {
                        return box.height
                    maxLabelLength = boxes.reduce(function(prevValue, box) {
                        return _math.max(prevValue, func(box))
                    }, 0);
                return constants.getTicksCountInRange(this._majorTicks, 2 === quarter || 4 === quarter ? "x" : "y", maxLabelLength)
        polarAxes.linearSpider = _extend({}, polarAxes.linear, {
            _createPathElement: function(points, attr) {
                return this._renderer.path(points, "area").attr(attr).sharp()
            setSpiderTicks: function(ticks) {
                this._spiderTicks = ticks
            _getGridLineDrawer: function() {
                var that = this;
                return function(tick, gridStyle, element) {
                    return that._createPathElement(that._getGridPoints(tick.coords).points, gridStyle)
            _getGridPoints: function(coords) {
                var pos = this.getCenter(),
                    radius = vizUtils.getDistance(pos.x, pos.y, coords.x, coords.y);
                return this._getGridPointsByRadius(radius)
            _getGridPointsByRadius: function(radius) {
                var pos = this.getCenter();
                return {
                    points: _map(this._spiderTicks, function(tick) {
                        var cosSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin(tick.coords.angle);
                        return {
                            x: _round(pos.x + radius * cosSin.cos),
                            y: _round(pos.y + radius * cosSin.sin)
            _getStripGraphicAttributes: function(fromPoint, toPoint) {
                var innerPoints = this._getGridPointsByRadius(toPoint).points,
                    outerPoints = this._getGridPointsByRadius(fromPoint).points;
                return {
                    points: [outerPoints, innerPoints.reverse()]
            _createStrip: function(fromPoint, toPoint, attr) {
                var points = this._getStripGraphicAttributes(fromPoint, toPoint).points;
                return this._renderer.path(points, "area").attr(attr)
            _getConstantLineGraphicAttributes: function(value) {
                return this._getGridPointsByRadius(value)
            _createConstantLine: function(value, attr) {
                return this._createPathElement(this._getConstantLineGraphicAttributes(value).points, attr)
      !*** ./js/viz/core/series_family.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            _math = Math,
            _round = _math.round,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _pow = _math.pow,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./utils */ 509),
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum;

        function getStacksWithArgument(stackKeepers, argument) {
            var stacksWithArgument = [];
            _each(stackKeepers, function(stackName, seriesInStack) {
                _each(seriesInStack, function(_, singleSeries) {
                    var i, points = singleSeries.getPointsByArg(argument),
                        pointsLength = points.length;
                    for (i = 0; i < pointsLength; ++i) {
                        if (points[i].hasValue()) {
                            return false
            return stacksWithArgument

        function correctPointCoordinatesForStacks(stackKeepers, stacksWithArgument, argument, parameters) {
            _each(stackKeepers, function(stackName, seriesInStack) {
                var offset, stackIndex = inArray(stackName, stacksWithArgument);
                if (stackIndex === -1) {
                offset = getOffset(stackIndex, parameters);
                _each(seriesInStack, function(_, singleSeries) {
                    correctPointCoordinates(singleSeries.getPointsByArg(argument) || [], parameters.width, offset)

        function adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, stackCount, options, seriesStackIndexCallback) {
            var percentWidth, stackIndex, i, points, stackName, stacksWithArgument, parameters, argumentsKeeper = {},
                stackKeepers = {},
                barsArea = series[0] && .7 * series[0].getArgumentAxis().getTranslator().getInterval(),
                barWidth = options.barWidth;
            if (options.equalBarWidth) {
                percentWidth = barWidth && (barWidth < 0 || barWidth > 1) ? 0 : barWidth;
                parameters = calculateParams(barsArea, stackCount, percentWidth);
                for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
                    stackIndex = seriesStackIndexCallback(i, stackCount);
                    points = series[i].getPoints();
                    correctPointCoordinates(points, parameters.width, getOffset(stackIndex, parameters))
            } else {
                _each(series, function(i, singleSeries) {
                    stackName = singleSeries.getStackName && singleSeries.getStackName();
                    stackName = stackName || i.toString();
                    if (!stackKeepers[stackName]) {
                        stackKeepers[stackName] = []
                    _each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(_, point) {
                        var argument = point.argument;
                        if (!argumentsKeeper.hasOwnProperty(argument)) {
                            argumentsKeeper[argument.valueOf()] = 1
                for (var argument in argumentsKeeper) {
                    stacksWithArgument = getStacksWithArgument(stackKeepers, argument);
                    parameters = calculateParams(barsArea, stacksWithArgument.length);
                    correctPointCoordinatesForStacks(stackKeepers, stacksWithArgument, argument, parameters)

        function calculateParams(barsArea, count, percentWidth) {
            var spacing, width, middleIndex = count / 2;
            if (!percentWidth) {
                spacing = _round(barsArea / count * .2);
                width = _round((barsArea - spacing * (count - 1)) / count)
            } else {
                width = _round(barsArea * percentWidth / count);
                spacing = _round(count > 1 ? (barsArea - barsArea * percentWidth) / (count - 1) : 0)
            return {
                width: width > 1 ? width : 1,
                spacing: spacing,
                middleIndex: middleIndex

        function getOffset(stackIndex, parameters) {
            return (stackIndex - parameters.middleIndex + .5) * parameters.width - (parameters.middleIndex - stackIndex - .5) * parameters.spacing

        function correctPointCoordinates(points, width, offset) {
            _each(points, function(_, point) {
                    width: width,
                    offset: offset

        function checkMinBarSize(value, minShownValue) {
            return _abs(value) < minShownValue ? value >= 0 ? minShownValue : -minShownValue : value

        function getValueType(value) {
            return value >= 0 ? "positive" : "negative"

        function getVisibleSeries(that) {
            return that.series.filter(function(s) {
                return s.isVisible()

        function getAbsStackSumByArg(stackKeepers, stackName, argument) {
            var positiveStackValue = (stackKeepers.positive[stackName] || {})[argument] || 0,
                negativeStackValue = -(stackKeepers.negative[stackName] || {})[argument] || 0;
            return positiveStackValue + negativeStackValue

        function getSeriesStackIndexCallback(rotated, series, stackIndexes) {
            if (!rotated) {
                return function(seriesIndex) {
                    return stackIndexes ? stackIndexes[series[seriesIndex].getStackName()] : seriesIndex
            } else {
                return function(seriesIndex, stackCount) {
                    return stackCount - (stackIndexes ? stackIndexes[series[seriesIndex].getStackName()] : seriesIndex) - 1

        function adjustBarSeriesDimensions() {
            var that = this,
                series = getVisibleSeries(that);
            adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, series.length, that._options, getSeriesStackIndexCallback(that.rotated, series))

        function adjustStackedBarSeriesDimensions() {
            var that = this,
                series = getVisibleSeries(that),
                stackIndexes = {},
                stackCount = 0;
            _each(series, function() {
                var stackName = this.getStackName();
                if (!stackIndexes.hasOwnProperty(stackName)) {
                    stackIndexes[stackName] = stackCount++
            adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, stackCount, that._options, getSeriesStackIndexCallback(that.rotated, series, stackIndexes))

        function adjustStackedSeriesValues() {
            var that = this,
                negativesAsZeroes = that._options.negativesAsZeroes,
                series = getVisibleSeries(that),
                stackKeepers = {
                    positive: {},
                    negative: {}
                holesStack = {
                    left: {},
                    right: {}
            _each(series, function(seriesIndex, singleSeries) {
                var points = singleSeries.getPoints(),
                    hole = false;
                singleSeries._prevSeries = series[seriesIndex - 1];
                singleSeries.holes = extend(true, {}, holesStack);
                _each(points, function(index, point) {
                    var currentStack, value = point.initialValue,
                        argument = point.argument.valueOf(),
                        stackName = singleSeries.getStackName(),
                        stacks = value >= 0 ? stackKeepers.positive : stackKeepers.negative;
                    if (negativesAsZeroes && value < 0) {
                        stacks = stackKeepers.positive;
                        value = 0;
                    stacks[stackName] = stacks[stackName] || {};
                    currentStack = stacks[stackName];
                    if (currentStack[argument]) {
                        currentStack[argument] += value
                    } else {
                        currentStack[argument] = value;
                    if (!point.hasValue()) {
                        var prevPoint = points[index - 1];
                        if (!hole && prevPoint && prevPoint.hasValue()) {
                            argument = prevPoint.argument.valueOf();
                            prevPoint._skipSetRightHole = true;
                            holesStack.right[argument] = (holesStack.right[argument] || 0) + (prevPoint.value - (isFinite(prevPoint.minValue) ? prevPoint.minValue : 0))
                        hole = true
                    } else {
                        if (hole) {
                            hole = false;
                            holesStack.left[argument] = (holesStack.left[argument] || 0) + (point.value - (isFinite(point.minValue) ? point.minValue : 0));
                            point._skipSetLeftHole = true
            _each(series, function(seriesIndex, singleSeries) {
                var points = singleSeries.getPoints(),
                    holes = singleSeries.holes;
                _each(points, function(index, point) {
                    var argument = point.argument.valueOf();
                    !point._skipSetLeftHole && point.setHole(holes.left[argument] || holesStack.left[argument] && 0, "left");
                    !point._skipSetRightHole && point.setHole(holes.right[argument] || holesStack.right[argument] && 0, "right");
                    point._skipSetLeftHole = null;
                    point._skipSetRightHole = null
            that._stackKeepers = stackKeepers;
            _each(series, function(_, singleSeries) {
                _each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(_, point) {
                    var argument = point.argument.valueOf();
                    point.setPercentValue(getAbsStackSumByArg(stackKeepers, singleSeries.getStackName(), argument), that.fullStacked, holesStack.left[argument], holesStack.right[argument])

        function updateStackedSeriesValues() {
            var that = this,
                series = getVisibleSeries(that),
                stack = that._stackKeepers,
                stackKeepers = {
                    positive: {},
                    negative: {}
            _each(series, function(_, singleSeries) {
                var minBarSize = singleSeries.getOptions().minBarSize,
                    minShownBusinessValue = minBarSize && singleSeries.getValueAxis().getTranslator().getMinBarSize(minBarSize),
                    stackName = singleSeries.getStackName();
                _each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(index, point) {
                    if (!point.hasValue()) {
                    var updateValue, valueType, currentStack, value = point.initialValue,
                        argument = point.argument.valueOf();
                    if (that.fullStacked) {
                        value = value / getAbsStackSumByArg(stack, stackName, argument) || 0
                    updateValue = checkMinBarSize(value, minShownBusinessValue);
                    valueType = getValueType(updateValue);
                    currentStack = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] = stackKeepers[valueType][stackName] || {};
                    if (currentStack[argument]) {
                        point.minValue = currentStack[argument];
                        currentStack[argument] += updateValue
                    } else {
                        currentStack[argument] = updateValue
                    point.value = currentStack[argument]
            if (that.fullStacked) {
                updateFullStackedSeriesValues(series, stackKeepers)

        function updateFullStackedSeriesValues(series, stackKeepers) {
            _each(series, function(_, singleSeries) {
                var stackName = singleSeries.getStackName ? singleSeries.getStackName() : "default";
                _each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(index, point) {
                    var stackSum = getAbsStackSumByArg(stackKeepers, stackName, point.argument.valueOf());
                    point.value = point.value / stackSum;
                    if (commonUtils.isNumeric(point.minValue)) {
                        point.minValue = point.minValue / stackSum

        function updateBarSeriesValues() {
            _each(this.series, function(_, singleSeries) {
                var minBarSize = singleSeries.getOptions().minBarSize,
                    minShownBusinessValue = minBarSize && singleSeries.getValueAxis().getTranslator().getMinBarSize(minBarSize);
                if (minShownBusinessValue) {
                    _each(singleSeries.getPoints(), function(index, point) {
                        if (point.hasValue()) {
                            point.value = checkMinBarSize(point.initialValue, minShownBusinessValue)

        function adjustCandlestickSeriesDimensions() {
            var series = getVisibleSeries(this);
            adjustBarSeriesDimensionsCore(series, series.length, {
                barWidth: null,
                equalBarWidth: true
            }, getSeriesStackIndexCallback(this.rotated, series))

        function adjustBubbleSeriesDimensions() {
            var series = getVisibleSeries(this);
            if (!series.length) {
            var pointSize, bubbleArea, sizeProportion, sizeDispersion, areaDispersion, options = this._options,
                argTranslator = series[0].getArgumentAxis().getTranslator(),
                valTranslator = series[0].getValueAxis().getTranslator(),
                visibleAreaX = argTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                visibleAreaY = valTranslator.getCanvasVisibleArea(),
                min = _math.min(visibleAreaX.max - visibleAreaX.min, visibleAreaY.max - visibleAreaY.min),
                minBubbleArea = _pow(options.minBubbleSize, 2),
                maxBubbleArea = _pow(min * options.maxBubbleSize, 2),
                equalBubbleSize = (min * options.maxBubbleSize + options.minBubbleSize) / 2,
                minPointSize = 1 / 0,
                maxPointSize = 0;
            _each(series, function(_, seriesItem) {
                _each(seriesItem.getPoints(), function(_, point) {
                    maxPointSize = maxPointSize > point.size ? maxPointSize : point.size;
                    minPointSize = minPointSize < point.size ? minPointSize : point.size
            sizeDispersion = maxPointSize - minPointSize;
            areaDispersion = _abs(maxBubbleArea - minBubbleArea);
            minPointSize = minPointSize < 0 ? 0 : minPointSize;
            _each(series, function(_, seriesItem) {
                _each(seriesItem.getPoints(), function(_, point) {
                    if (maxPointSize === minPointSize) {
                        pointSize = _round(equalBubbleSize)
                    } else {
                        sizeProportion = _abs(point.size - minPointSize) / sizeDispersion;
                        bubbleArea = areaDispersion * sizeProportion + minBubbleArea;
                        pointSize = _round(_math.sqrt(bubbleArea))

        function SeriesFamily(options) {
            var debug = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/console */ 13).debug;
            debug.assert(options.type, "type was not passed or empty");
            var that = this;
            that.type = _normalizeEnum(options.type);
            that.pane = options.pane;
            that.rotated = options.rotated;
            that.series = [];
            switch (that.type) {
                case "bar":
                    that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustBarSeriesDimensions;
                    that.updateSeriesValues = updateBarSeriesValues;
                case "rangebar":
                    that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustBarSeriesDimensions;
                case "fullstackedbar":
                    that.fullStacked = true;
                    that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustStackedBarSeriesDimensions;
                    that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues;
                    that.updateSeriesValues = updateStackedSeriesValues;
                case "stackedbar":
                    that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustStackedBarSeriesDimensions;
                    that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues;
                    that.updateSeriesValues = updateStackedSeriesValues;
                case "fullstackedarea":
                case "fullstackedline":
                case "fullstackedspline":
                case "fullstackedsplinearea":
                    that.fullStacked = true;
                    that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues;
                case "stackedarea":
                case "stackedsplinearea":
                case "stackedline":
                case "stackedspline":
                    that.adjustSeriesValues = adjustStackedSeriesValues;
                case "candlestick":
                case "stock":
                    that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustCandlestickSeriesDimensions;
                case "bubble":
                    that.adjustSeriesDimensions = adjustBubbleSeriesDimensions
        exports.SeriesFamily = SeriesFamily;
        SeriesFamily.prototype = {
            constructor: SeriesFamily,
            adjustSeriesDimensions: _noop,
            adjustSeriesValues: _noop,
            updateSeriesValues: _noop,
            updateOptions: function(options) {
                this._options = options
            dispose: function() {
                this.series = null
            add: function(series) {
                var type = this.type;
                this.series = vizUtils.map(series, function(singleSeries) {
                    return singleSeries.type === type ? singleSeries : null
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/crosshair.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var math = Math,
            mathAbs = math.abs,
            mathMin = math.min,
            mathMax = math.max,
            mathFloor = math.floor,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            HORIZONTAL = "horizontal",
            VERTICAL = "vertical",
            CENTER = "center",
            RIGHT = "right",
            LEFT = "left",
            TOP = "top",
            BOTTOM = "bottom";
        exports.getMargins = function() {
            return {
                x: LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X,

        function getRectangleBBox(bBox) {
            return {
                x: bBox.x - LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X,
                y: bBox.y - LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y,
                width: bBox.width + 2 * LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_X,
                height: bBox.height + 2 * LABEL_BACKGROUND_PADDING_Y

        function getLabelCheckerPosition(x, y, isHorizontal, canvas) {
            var params = isHorizontal ? ["x", "width", "y", "height", y, 0] : ["y", "height", "x", "width", x, 1];
            return function(bBox, position, coord) {
                var labelCoord = {
                        x: coord.x,
                        y: coord.y
                    rectangleBBox = getRectangleBBox(bBox),
                    delta = isHorizontal ? coord.y - bBox.y - bBox.height / 2 : coord.y - bBox.y;
                labelCoord.y = isHorizontal || !isHorizontal && position === BOTTOM ? coord.y + delta : coord.y;
                if (rectangleBBox[params[0]] < 0) {
                    labelCoord[params[0]] -= rectangleBBox[params[0]]
                } else {
                    if (rectangleBBox[params[0]] + rectangleBBox[params[1]] + delta * params[5] > canvas[params[1]]) {
                        labelCoord[params[0]] -= rectangleBBox[params[0]] + rectangleBBox[params[1]] + delta * params[5] - canvas[params[1]]
                if (params[4] - rectangleBBox[params[3]] / 2 < 0) {
                    labelCoord[params[2]] -= params[4] - rectangleBBox[params[3]] / 2
                } else {
                    if (params[4] + rectangleBBox[params[3]] / 2 > canvas[params[3]]) {
                        labelCoord[params[2]] -= params[4] + rectangleBBox[params[3]] / 2 - canvas[params[3]]
                return labelCoord

        function Crosshair(renderer, options, params, group) {
            var that = this;
            that._renderer = renderer;
            that._crosshairGroup = group;
            that._options = {};
            that.update(options, params)
        Crosshair.prototype = {
            constructor: Crosshair,
            update: function(options, params) {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = params.canvas;
                that._canvas = {
                    top: canvas.top,
                    bottom: canvas.height - canvas.bottom,
                    left: canvas.left,
                    right: canvas.width - canvas.right,
                    width: canvas.width,
                    height: canvas.height
                that._axes = params.axes;
                that._panes = params.panes;
                that._prepareOptions(options, HORIZONTAL);
                that._prepareOptions(options, VERTICAL)
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._renderer = that._crosshairGroup = that._options = that._axes = that._canvas = that._horizontalGroup = that._verticalGroup = that._horizontal = that._vertical = that._circle = that._panes = null
            _prepareOptions: function(options, direction) {
                var lineOptions = options[direction + "Line"];
                this._options[direction] = {
                    visible: lineOptions.visible,
                    line: {
                        stroke: lineOptions.color || options.color,
                        "stroke-width": lineOptions.width || options.width,
                        dashStyle: lineOptions.dashStyle || options.dashStyle,
                        opacity: lineOptions.opacity || options.opacity,
                        "stroke-linecap": "butt"
                    label: extend(true, {}, options.label, lineOptions.label)
            _createLines: function(options, sharpParam, group) {
                var lines = [],
                    canvas = this._canvas,
                    points = [canvas.left, canvas.top, canvas.left, canvas.top];
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    lines.push(this._renderer.path(points, "line").attr(options).sharp(sharpParam).append(group))
                return lines
            render: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    options = that._options,
                    verticalOptions = options.vertical,
                    horizontalOptions = options.horizontal,
                    extraOptions = horizontalOptions.visible ? horizontalOptions.line : verticalOptions.line,
                    circleOptions = {
                        stroke: extraOptions.stroke,
                        "stroke-width": extraOptions["stroke-width"],
                        dashStyle: extraOptions.dashStyle,
                        opacity: extraOptions.opacity
                    canvas = that._canvas;
                that._horizontal = {};
                that._vertical = {};
                that._circle = renderer.circle(canvas.left, canvas.top, 0).attr(circleOptions).append(that._crosshairGroup);
                that._horizontalGroup = renderer.g().append(that._crosshairGroup);
                that._verticalGroup = renderer.g().append(that._crosshairGroup);
                if (verticalOptions.visible) {
                    that._vertical.lines = that._createLines(verticalOptions.line, "h", that._verticalGroup);
                    that._vertical.labels = that._createLabels(that._axes[0], verticalOptions, false, that._verticalGroup)
                if (horizontalOptions.visible) {
                    that._horizontal.lines = that._createLines(horizontalOptions.line, "v", that._horizontalGroup);
                    that._horizontal.labels = that._createLabels(that._axes[1], horizontalOptions, true, that._horizontalGroup)
            _createLabels: function(axes, options, isHorizontal, group) {
                var x, y, text, background, currentLabelPos, that = this,
                    canvas = that._canvas,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    labels = [],
                    labelOptions = options.label;
                if (labelOptions.visible) {
                    axes.forEach(function(axis) {
                        var align, position = axis.getOptions().position;
                        if (axis.getTranslator().getBusinessRange().stubData) {
                        currentLabelPos = axis.getLabelsPosition();
                        if (isHorizontal) {
                            y = canvas.top;
                            x = currentLabelPos
                        } else {
                            x = canvas.left;
                            y = currentLabelPos
                        align = position === TOP || position === BOTTOM ? CENTER : position === RIGHT ? LEFT : RIGHT;
                        background = renderer.rect(0, 0, 0, 0).attr({
                            fill: labelOptions.backgroundColor || options.line.stroke
                        text = renderer.text("0", 0, 0).css(vizUtils.patchFontOptions(options.label.font)).attr({
                            align: align
                            text: text,
                            background: background,
                            axis: axis,
                            options: labelOptions,
                            pos: {
                                coord: currentLabelPos,
                                side: position
                            startXY: {
                                x: x,
                                y: y
                return labels
            _updateText: function(value, axisName, labels, point, func) {
                var that = this;
                labels.forEach(function(label) {
                    var axis = label.axis,
                        coord = label.startXY,
                        textElement = label.text,
                        backgroundElement = label.background,
                        text = "";
                    if (!axis.name || axis.name === axisName) {
                        text = axis.getFormattedValue(value, label.options, point)
                    if (text) {
                            text: text,
                            x: coord.x,
                            y: coord.y
                        textElement.attr(func(textElement.getBBox(), label.pos.side, coord));
                    } else {
                            text: ""
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0,
                            width: 0,
                            height: 0
            hide: function() {
                    visibility: "hidden"
            _updateLinesCanvas: function(label) {
                var position = label.pos.side,
                    labelCoord = label.pos.coord,
                    coords = this._linesCanvas,
                    canvas = this._canvas;
                coords[position] = coords[position] !== canvas[position] && mathAbs(coords[position] - canvas[position]) < mathAbs(labelCoord - canvas[position]) ? coords[position] : labelCoord
            _updateLines: function(lines, x, y, r, isHorizontal) {
                var coords = this._linesCanvas,
                    canvas = this._canvas,
                    points = isHorizontal ? [
                        [mathMin(x - r, coords.left), canvas.top, x - r, canvas.top],
                        [x + r, canvas.top, mathMax(coords.right, x + r), canvas.top]
                    ] : [
                        [canvas.left, mathMin(coords.top, y - r), canvas.left, y - r],
                        [canvas.left, y + r, canvas.left, mathMax(coords.bottom, y + r)]
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                        points: points[i]
            _resetLinesCanvas: function() {
                var canvas = this._canvas;
                this._linesCanvas = {
                    left: canvas.left,
                    right: canvas.right,
                    top: canvas.top,
                    bottom: canvas.bottom
            _getClipRectForPane: function(x, y) {
                var i, coords, panes = this._panes;
                for (i = 0; i < panes.length; i++) {
                    coords = panes[i].coords;
                    if (coords.left <= x && coords.right >= x && coords.top <= y && coords.bottom >= y) {
                        return panes[i].clipRect
                return {
                    id: null
            show: function(data) {
                var that = this,
                    point = data.point,
                    pointData = point.getCrosshairData(data.x, data.y),
                    r = point.getPointRadius(),
                    horizontal = that._horizontal,
                    vertical = that._vertical,
                    rad = !r ? 0 : r + 3,
                    canvas = that._canvas,
                    x = mathFloor(pointData.x),
                    y = mathFloor(pointData.y);
                if (x >= canvas.left && x <= canvas.right && y >= canvas.top && y <= canvas.bottom) {
                        visibility: "visible"
                        cx: x,
                        cy: y,
                        r: rad,
                        "clip-path": that._getClipRectForPane(x, y).id
                    if (horizontal.lines) {
                        that._updateText(pointData.yValue, pointData.axis, horizontal.labels, point, getLabelCheckerPosition(x, y, true, canvas));
                        that._updateLines(horizontal.lines, x, y, rad, true);
                            translateY: y - canvas.top
                    if (vertical.lines) {
                        that._updateText(pointData.xValue, pointData.axis, vertical.labels, point, getLabelCheckerPosition(x, y, false, canvas));
                        that._updateLines(vertical.lines, x, y, rad, false);
                            translateX: x - canvas.left
                } else {
        exports.Crosshair = Crosshair
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/scroll_bar.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            MIN_SCROLL_BAR_SIZE = 2,
            translator2DModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/translator2d */ 571),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76),
            isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max;
        var ScrollBar = function(renderer, group) {
            this._translator = new translator2DModule.Translator2D({}, {}, {});
            this._scroll = renderer.rect().append(group);

        function _getXCoord(canvas, pos, offset, width) {
            var x = 0;
            if ("right" === pos) {
                x = canvas.width - canvas.right + offset
            } else {
                if ("left" === pos) {
                    x = canvas.left - offset - width
            return x

        function _getYCoord(canvas, pos, offset, width) {
            var y = 0;
            if ("top" === pos) {
                y = canvas.top - offset
            } else {
                if ("bottom" === pos) {
                    y = canvas.height - canvas.bottom + width + offset
            return y
        ScrollBar.prototype = {
            _addEvents: function() {
                var that = this,
                    $scroll = $(that._scroll.element),
                    startPosX = 0,
                    startPosY = 0,
                    scrollChangeHandler = function(e) {
                        var dX = (startPosX - e.pageX) * that._scale,
                            dY = (startPosY - e.pageY) * that._scale;
                        $scroll.trigger(new $.Event("dxc-scroll-move", extend(e, {
                            type: "dxc-scroll-move",
                            pointers: [{
                                pageX: startPosX + dX,
                                pageY: startPosY + dY
                $scroll.on(pointerEvents.down, function(e) {
                    startPosX = e.pageX;
                    startPosY = e.pageY;
                    $scroll.trigger(new $.Event("dxc-scroll-start", {
                        pointers: [{
                            pageX: startPosX,
                            pageY: startPosY
                    $(document).on(pointerEvents.move, scrollChangeHandler)
                $(document).on(pointerEvents.up, function() {
                    $(document).off(pointerEvents.move, scrollChangeHandler)
            update: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    position = options.position,
                    isVertical = options.rotated,
                    defaultPosition = isVertical ? "right" : "top",
                    secondaryPosition = isVertical ? "left" : "bottom";
                if (position !== defaultPosition && position !== secondaryPosition) {
                    position = defaultPosition
                    rotate: !options.rotated ? -90 : 0,
                    rotateX: 0,
                    rotateY: 0,
                    fill: options.color,
                    width: options.width,
                    opacity: options.opacity
                that._layoutOptions = {
                    width: options.width,
                    offset: options.offset,
                    vertical: isVertical,
                    position: position
                return that
            init: function(range) {
                var that = this;
                that._translateWithOffset = "discrete" === range.axisType && !range.stick && 1 || 0;
                that._translator.update(extend({}, range, {
                    minVisible: null,
                    maxVisible: null,
                    visibleCategories: null
                }), that._canvas, {
                    isHorizontal: !that._layoutOptions.vertical
                return that
            getOptions: function() {
                return this._layoutOptions
            setPane: function(panes) {
                var pane, position = this._layoutOptions.position;
                if ("left" === position || "top" === position) {
                    pane = panes[0]
                } else {
                    pane = panes[panes.length - 1]
                this.pane = pane.name;
                return this
            updateSize: function(canvas) {
                this._canvas = extend({}, canvas);
                var options = this._layoutOptions,
                    pos = options.position,
                    offset = options.offset,
                    width = options.width;
                    translateX: _getXCoord(canvas, pos, offset, width),
                    translateY: _getYCoord(canvas, pos, offset, width)
            getMultipleAxesSpacing: function() {
                return 0
            estimateMargins: function() {
                return this.getMargins()
            getMargins: function() {
                var options = this._layoutOptions,
                    margins = {
                        left: 0,
                        top: 0,
                        right: 0,
                        bottom: 0
                margins[options.position] = options.width + options.offset;
                return margins
            draw: function() {},
            shift: function() {},
            hideTitle: function() {},
            hideOuterElements: function() {},
            setPosition: function(min, max) {
                var that = this,
                    translator = that._translator,
                    minPoint = isDefined(min) ? translator.translate(min, -that._translateWithOffset) : translator.translate("canvas_position_start"),
                    maxPoint = isDefined(max) ? translator.translate(max, that._translateWithOffset) : translator.translate("canvas_position_end");
                that._offset = _min(minPoint, maxPoint);
                that._scale = translator.getScale(min, max);
                that._applyPosition(_min(minPoint, maxPoint), _max(minPoint, maxPoint))
            transform: function(translate, scale) {
                var translator = this._translator,
                    x = translator.getCanvasVisibleArea().min,
                    dx = x - (x * scale - translate),
                    lx = this._offset + dx / (this._scale * scale);
                this._applyPosition(lx, lx + translator.canvasLength / (this._scale * scale))
            dispose: function() {
                this._scroll = this._translator = null
            _applyPosition: function(x1, x2) {
                var height, that = this,
                    visibleArea = that._translator.getCanvasVisibleArea();
                x1 = _max(x1, visibleArea.min);
                x1 = _min(x1, visibleArea.max);
                x2 = _min(x2, visibleArea.max);
                x2 = _max(x2, visibleArea.min);
                height = Math.abs(x2 - x1);
                    y: x1,
                    height: height < MIN_SCROLL_BAR_SIZE ? MIN_SCROLL_BAR_SIZE : height
        exports.ScrollBar = ScrollBar
      !*** ./js/viz/chart_components/shutter_zoom.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var dragEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/drag */ 110),
            SHUTTER_EVENTS_NS = ".shutter-zoom",
            DRAG_START_EVENT_NAME = dragEvents.start + SHUTTER_EVENTS_NS,
            DRAG_UPDATE_EVENT_NAME = dragEvents.move + SHUTTER_EVENTS_NS,
            DRAG_END_EVENT_NAME = dragEvents.end + SHUTTER_EVENTS_NS;

        function getPointerCoord(rootOffset, canvas, rotated, e) {
            var coord = Math.floor(rotated ? e.pageY - rootOffset.top : e.pageX - rootOffset.left),
                min = rotated ? canvas.y1 : canvas.x1,
                max = rotated ? canvas.y2 : canvas.x2;
            if (coord < min) {
                coord = min
            } else {
                if (coord > max) {
                    coord = max
            return coord

        function checkCoords(rootOffset, canvas, e) {
            var x = e.pageX - rootOffset.left,
                y = e.pageY - rootOffset.top;
            return x >= canvas.x1 && x <= canvas.x2 && y >= canvas.y1 && y <= canvas.y2

        function dragStartHandler(ctx) {
            return function(e) {
                var offset = ctx.getRootOffset(),
                    canvas = ctx.getCanvas();
                if (!checkCoords(offset, canvas, e)) {
                    e.cancel = true;
                ctx.rootOffset = offset;
                ctx.canvas = canvas;
                ctx.startCoord = getPointerCoord(offset, canvas, ctx.rotated, e);
                    x: canvas.x1,
                    y: canvas.y1,
                    width: canvas.width,
                    height: canvas.height

        function dragHandler(ctx) {
            return function(e) {
                var curCoord = getPointerCoord(ctx.rootOffset, ctx.canvas, ctx.rotated, e),
                    attr = {};
                ctx.curCoord = curCoord;
                attr[ctx.rotated ? "y" : "x"] = Math.min(ctx.startCoord, curCoord);
                attr[ctx.rotated ? "height" : "width"] = Math.abs(ctx.startCoord - curCoord);

        function dragEndHandler(ctx) {
            return function(e) {

        function shutterZoom(options) {
            var chart = options.chart,
                renderer = options.renderer,
                rotated = options.rotated,
                rect = renderer.rect(0, 0, 0, 0).attr(options.shutterOptions),
                shutter = {
                    rect: rect,
                    root: renderer.root,
                    rotated: rotated,
                    triggerStart: function() {
                    triggerEnd: function() {
                        var tr = chart._argumentAxes[0].getTranslator(),
                            rangeStart = Math.min(this.startCoord, this.curCoord),
                            rangeEnd = Math.max(this.startCoord, this.curCoord);
                        chart._eventTrigger("zoomEnd", {
                            rangeStart: tr.untranslate(rangeStart),
                            rangeEnd: tr.untranslate(rangeEnd)
                    dispose: function() {
                    getRootOffset: function() {
                        return renderer.getRootOffset()
                    getCanvas: function() {
                        var canvas = chart._canvas,
                            panes = chart.panes,
                            firstPane = panes[0].canvas,
                            lastPane = panes[panes.length - 1].canvas;
                        return {
                            x1: firstPane.left,
                            y1: firstPane.top,
                            x2: canvas.width - lastPane.right,
                            y2: canvas.height - lastPane.bottom,
                            width: canvas.width - firstPane.left - lastPane.right,
                            height: canvas.height - firstPane.top - lastPane.bottom
            renderer.root.off(SHUTTER_EVENTS_NS).on(DRAG_START_EVENT_NAME, {
                direction: rotated ? "vertical" : "horizontal",
                immediate: true
            }, dragStartHandler(shutter)).on(DRAG_UPDATE_EVENT_NAME, dragHandler(shutter)).on(DRAG_END_EVENT_NAME, dragEndHandler(shutter));
            return shutter
        module.exports = {
            name: "shutter_zoom",
            init: function() {
                var options = this.option("shutterZoom") || {};
                if (!options.enabled) {
                this._shutterZoom = shutterZoom({
                    chart: this,
                    renderer: this._renderer,
                    rotated: this.option("rotated"),
                    shutterOptions: options
            dispose: function() {
                this._shutterZoom && this._shutterZoom.dispose()
      !*** ./js/viz/pie_chart.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/renderer */ 9),
            errors = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/errors */ 7),
            seriesConsts = __webpack_require__( /*! ./components/consts */ 527),
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils */ 509),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14),
            rangeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./translators/range */ 564),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            baseChartModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/base_chart */ 514),
            BaseChart = baseChartModule.BaseChart,
            overlapping = baseChartModule.overlapping,
            seriesSpacing = seriesConsts.pieSeriesSpacing,
            translator1DModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./translators/translator1d */ 585),
            OPTIONS_FOR_REFRESH_SERIES = ["startAngle", "innerRadius", "segmentsDirection", "type"],
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            _getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils */ 509).getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords,
            states = seriesConsts.states,
            NORMAL_STATE = states.normalMark,
            LEGEND_ACTIONS = [states.resetItem, states.applyHover, states.applySelected, states.applySelected];

        function getLegendItemAction(points) {
            var state = NORMAL_STATE;
            points.forEach(function(point) {
                state |= point.fullState
            return LEGEND_ACTIONS[state]

        function correctPercentValue(value) {
            if (commonUtils.isNumeric(value)) {
                if (value > 1) {
                    value = 1
                } else {
                    if (value < 0) {
                        value = 0
            } else {
                value = void 0
            return value
        var dxPieChart = BaseChart.inherit({
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                _extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    "series.innerRadius": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'innerRadius' option instead"
                    "series.startAngle": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'startAngle' option instead"
                    "series.segmentsDirection": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'segmentsDirection' option instead"
                    "series.type": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'type' option instead"
            _chartType: "pie",
            _layoutManagerOptions: function() {
                return _extend(true, {}, this.callBase(), {
                    piePercentage: correctPercentValue(this._themeManager.getOptions("diameter")),
                    minPiePercentage: correctPercentValue(this._themeManager.getOptions("minDiameter"))
            _optionChangesMap: {
                diameter: "REINIT",
                minDiameter: "REINIT",
                sizeGroup: "REINIT"
            _disposeCore: function() {
            _groupSeries: function() {
                var series = this.series;
                this._groupsData = {
                    groups: [{
                        series: series,
                        valueOptions: {
                            valueType: "numeric"
                    argumentOptions: series[0] && series[0].getOptions()
            _getArgumentAxis: function() {
                return null
            _getValueAxis: function() {
                var translator = (new translator1DModule.Translator1D).setCodomain(360, 0);
                return {
                    getTranslator: function() {
                        return translator
                    setBusinessRange: function(range) {
                        translator.setDomain(range.min, range.max)
            _populateBusinessRange: function() {
                this.businessRanges = this.series.map(function(series) {
                    var range = new rangeModule.Range;
                    if (!range.isDefined()) {
                    return range
            _specialProcessSeries: function() {
                _each(this.series, function(_, singleSeries) {
            _checkPaneName: function() {
                return true
            _processSingleSeries: function(singleSeries) {
            _getLegendTargets: function() {
                var that = this,
                    itemsByArgument = {},
                    items = [];
                that.series.forEach(function(series) {
                    _each(series.pointsByArgument, function(argument, points) {
                        points.forEach(function(point, index) {
                            var key = argument.valueOf().toString() + index;
                            itemsByArgument[key] = itemsByArgument[key] || [];
                            var argumentCount = itemsByArgument[key].push(point);
                            point.index = itemsByArgument[key][argumentCount - 2] ? itemsByArgument[key][argumentCount - 2].index : Object.keys(itemsByArgument).length - 1;
                            point.argumentIndex = index
                _each(itemsByArgument, function(_, points) {
                    points.forEach(function(point, index) {
                        if (0 === index) {
                        } else {
                            if (!items[items.length - 1].visible) {
                                items[items.length - 1].visible = point.isVisible()
                return items
            _getLayoutTargets: function() {
                return [{
                    canvas: this._canvas
            _getLayoutSeries: function(series, drawOptions) {
                var layout, that = this,
                    canvas = that._canvas,
                    drawnLabels = false;
                layout = that.layoutManager.applyPieChartSeriesLayout(canvas, series, true);
                series.forEach(function(singleSeries) {
                    singleSeries.correctPosition(layout, canvas);
                    drawnLabels = singleSeries.drawLabelsWOPoints() || drawnLabels
                if (drawnLabels) {
                    layout = that.layoutManager.applyPieChartSeriesLayout(canvas, series, drawOptions.hideLayoutLabels)
                series.forEach(function(singleSeries) {
                that._sizeGroupLayout = {
                    x: layout.centerX,
                    y: layout.centerY,
                    radius: layout.radiusOuter,
                    drawOptions: drawOptions
                return layout
            _getLayoutSeriesForEqualPies: function(series, sizeGroupLayout) {
                var canvas = this._canvas,
                    layout = this.layoutManager.applyEqualPieChartLayout(series, sizeGroupLayout);
                series.forEach(function(s) {
                    s.correctPosition(layout, canvas)
                return layout
            _updateSeriesDimensions: function(drawOptions) {
                var innerRad, delta, layout, that = this,
                    visibleSeries = that._getVisibleSeries(),
                    lengthVisibleSeries = visibleSeries.length,
                    sizeGroupLayout = drawOptions.sizeGroupLayout;
                if (lengthVisibleSeries) {
                    layout = sizeGroupLayout ? that._getLayoutSeriesForEqualPies(visibleSeries, sizeGroupLayout) : that._getLayoutSeries(visibleSeries, drawOptions);
                    delta = (layout.radiusOuter - layout.radiusInner - seriesSpacing * (lengthVisibleSeries - 1)) / lengthVisibleSeries;
                    innerRad = layout.radiusInner;
                        x: layout.centerX,
                        y: layout.centerY
                    _each(visibleSeries, function(_, singleSeries) {
                            radiusInner: innerRad,
                            radiusOuter: innerRad + delta
                        innerRad += delta + seriesSpacing
            _renderSeries: function(drawOptions, isRotated, isLegendInside) {
                this._calculateSeriesLayout(drawOptions, isRotated);
                if (!drawOptions.sizeGroupLayout && this.getSizeGroup()) {
                this._renderSeriesElements(drawOptions, isRotated, isLegendInside)
            _getLegendCallBack: function() {
                var that = this,
                    legend = this._legend,
                    items = this._getLegendTargets().map(function(i) {
                        return i.legendData
                return function(target) {
                    items.forEach(function(data) {
                        var points = [],
                            callback = legend.getActionCallback({
                                index: data.id
                        that.series.forEach(function(series) {
                            var seriesPoints = series.getPointsByKeys(data.argument, data.argumentIndex);
                            points.push.apply(points, seriesPoints)
                        if (target && target.argument === data.argument && target.argumentIndex === data.argumentIndex) {
            _adjustSeries: function() {
                _each(this.series, function(_, singleSeries) {
            _prepareStackPoints: _noop,
            _resetStackPoints: _noop,
            _applyExtraSettings: _noop,
            _resolveLabelOverlappingShift: function() {
                var that = this,
                    series = that.series,
                    center = that._center;
                _each(series, function(_, singleSeries) {
                    if ("inside" === singleSeries.getOptions().label.position) {
                    var points = singleSeries.getVisiblePoints(),
                        lPoints = [],
                        rPoints = [];
                    $.each(points, function(_, point) {
                        var angle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle(point.middleAngle);
                        (angle <= 90 || angle >= 270 ? rPoints : lPoints).push(point)
                    overlapping.resolveLabelOverlappingInOneDirection(lPoints, that._canvas, false, shiftFunction);
                    overlapping.resolveLabelOverlappingInOneDirection(rPoints, that._canvas, false, shiftFunction)

                function shiftFunction(box, length) {
                    return _getVerticallyShiftedAngularCoords(box, -length, center)
            _setCenter: function(center) {
                this._center = center
            _disposeSeries: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._abstractSeries = null
            getSeries: function() {
                errors.log("W0002", "dxPieChart", "getSeries", "15.2", "Use the 'getAllSeries' method instead");
                return this.series[0]
            _legendDataField: "point",
            _legendItemTextField: "argument",
            _updateLegendPosition: _noop,
            _renderTrackers: _noop,
            _trackerType: "PieTracker",
            _createScrollBar: _noop,
            _updateAxesLayout: _noop,
            _applyClipRects: _noop,
            _appendAdditionalSeriesGroups: _noop,
            _prepareToRender: _noop,
            _isLegendInside: _noop,
            _renderAxes: _noop,
            _shrinkAxes: _noop,
            _isRotated: _noop,
            _seriesPopulatedHandlerCore: _noop,
            _reinitAxes: _noop,
            _correctAxes: _noop,
            _getExtraOptions: function() {
                var that = this;
                return {
                    startAngle: that.option("startAngle"),
                    innerRadius: that.option("innerRadius"),
                    segmentsDirection: that.option("segmentsDirection"),
                    type: that.option("type")
            getSizeGroup: function() {
                return this._themeManager.getOptions("sizeGroup")
            getSizeGroupLayout: function() {
                return this._sizeGroupLayout
            setPieSize: function(layout) {
                var drawOptions = this._sizeGroupLayout.drawOptions;
                drawOptions.sizeGroupLayout = layout;
                this._renderSeries(drawOptions, this._isRotated(), this._isLegendInside())
        _each(OPTIONS_FOR_REFRESH_SERIES, function(_, name) {
            dxPieChart.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "REFRESH_SERIES_DATA_INIT"
        registerComponent("dxPieChart", dxPieChart);
        module.exports = dxPieChart;
        var pieSizeEqualizer = function() {
            function equalize(group, allPies) {
                var pies = allPies.filter(function(p) {
                        return p.getSizeGroup() === group
                    minRadius = Math.min.apply(null, pies.map(function(p) {
                        return p.getSizeGroupLayout().radius
                    layout = pies.filter(function(p) {
                        return p.getSizeGroupLayout().radius === minRadius
                pies.forEach(function(p) {
                        x: layout.x,
                        y: layout.y,
                        radius: minRadius

            function removeFromList(list, item) {
                return list.filter(function(li) {
                    return li !== item

            function addToList(list, item) {
                return removeFromList(list, item).concat(item)
            var pies = [],
                timers = {};
            return {
                queue: function(pie) {
                    var group = pie.getSizeGroup();
                    pies = addToList(pies, pie);
                    timers[group] = setTimeout(function() {
                        equalize(group, pies)
                remove: function(pie) {
                    pies = removeFromList(pies, pie);
                    if (!pies.length) {
                        timers = {}
      !*** ./js/viz/translators/translator1d.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var _Number = Number;

        function Translator1D() {
            this.setDomain(arguments[0], arguments[1]).setCodomain(arguments[2], arguments[3])
        Translator1D.prototype = {
            constructor: Translator1D,
            setDomain: function(domain1, domain2) {
                var that = this;
                that._domain1 = _Number(domain1);
                that._domain2 = _Number(domain2);
                that._domainDelta = that._domain2 - that._domain1;
                return that
            setCodomain: function(codomain1, codomain2) {
                var that = this;
                that._codomain1 = _Number(codomain1);
                that._codomain2 = _Number(codomain2);
                that._codomainDelta = that._codomain2 - that._codomain1;
                return that
            getDomain: function() {
                return [this._domain1, this._domain2]
            getCodomain: function() {
                return [this._codomain1, this._codomain2]
            getDomainStart: function() {
                return this._domain1
            getDomainEnd: function() {
                return this._domain2
            getCodomainStart: function() {
                return this._codomain1
            getCodomainEnd: function() {
                return this._codomain2
            getDomainRange: function() {
                return this._domainDelta
            getCodomainRange: function() {
                return this._codomainDelta
            translate: function(value) {
                var ratio = (_Number(value) - this._domain1) / this._domainDelta;
                return 0 <= ratio && ratio <= 1 ? this._codomain1 + ratio * this._codomainDelta : NaN
            adjust: function(value) {
                var ratio = (_Number(value) - this._domain1) / this._domainDelta,
                    result = NaN;
                if (ratio < 0) {
                    result = this._domain1
                } else {
                    if (ratio > 1) {
                        result = this._domain2
                    } else {
                        if (0 <= ratio && ratio <= 1) {
                            result = _Number(value)
                return result
        exports.Translator1D = Translator1D
      !*** ./js/viz/polar_chart.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/utils */ 509),
            AdvancedChart = __webpack_require__( /*! ./chart_components/advanced_chart */ 563).AdvancedChart,
            _noop = noop,
            DEFAULT_PANE_NAME = "default";
        var dxPolarChart = AdvancedChart.inherit({
            _chartType: "polar",
            _createPanes: function() {
                return [{
                    name: DEFAULT_PANE_NAME
            _checkPaneName: function() {
                return true
            _getAxisRenderingOptions: function(typeSelector) {
                var isArgumentAxis = "argumentAxis" === typeSelector,
                    type = isArgumentAxis ? "circular" : "linear",
                    useSpiderWeb = this.option("useSpiderWeb");
                if (useSpiderWeb) {
                    type += "Spider"
                return {
                    axisType: "polarAxes",
                    drawingType: type
            _prepareAxisOptions: function(typeSelector, axisOptions) {
                var isArgumentAxis = "argumentAxis" === typeSelector,
                    themeManager = this._themeManager,
                    axisUserOptions = this.option("argumentAxis"),
                    argumentAxisOptions = themeManager.getOptions("argumentAxis", axisUserOptions) || {},
                    startAngle = isFinite(argumentAxisOptions.startAngle) ? vizUtils.normalizeAngle(argumentAxisOptions.startAngle) : 0;
                return {
                    type: this.option("useSpiderWeb") && isArgumentAxis ? "discrete" : axisOptions.type,
                    isHorizontal: true,
                    showCustomBoundaryTicks: isArgumentAxis,
                    startAngle: startAngle,
                    endAngle: startAngle + 360
            _optionChangesMap: {
                useSpiderWeb: "REINIT"
            _getExtraOptions: function() {
                return {
                    spiderWidget: this.option("useSpiderWeb")
            _prepareToRender: function() {
                return {}
            _renderAxes: function(drawOptions) {
            _getValueAxis: function() {
                return this._valueAxes[0]
            _prepareAxesAndDraw: function(drawOptions, panesBorderOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    valueAxis = that._getValueAxis(),
                    argumentAxis = that._getArgumentAxis();
                var canvas = that._calcCanvas(argumentAxis.measureLabels(true));
            _shrinkAxes: function(drawOptions, sizeShortage) {
                var valueAxis = this._getValueAxis(),
                    argumentAxis = this._getArgumentAxis();
                if (sizeShortage.width || sizeShortage.height) {
            _calcCanvas: function(measure) {
                var canvas = extend({}, this._canvas);
                canvas.left += measure.width;
                canvas.right += measure.width;
                canvas.top += measure.height;
                canvas.bottom += measure.height;
                return canvas
            _getLayoutTargets: function() {
                return [{
                    canvas: this._canvas
            _getSeriesForPane: function() {
                return this.series
            _applyExtraSettings: _noop,
            _updateLegendPosition: _noop,
            _createScrollBar: _noop,
            _applyClipRects: _noop,
            _isRotated: _noop,
            _getCrosshairOptions: _noop,
            _isLegendInside: _noop,
            _processSingleSeries: _noop
        registerComponent("dxPolarChart", dxPolarChart);
        module.exports = dxPolarChart
      !*** ./js/viz/linear_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./gauges/linear_gauge */ 588)
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/linear_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            _max = Math.max,
            _min = Math.min,
            _round = Math.round,
            _each = $.each,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            dxBaseGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_gauge */ 589).dxBaseGauge,
            dxGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 591).dxGauge,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            linearIndicatorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./linear_indicators */ 592),
            createIndicatorCreator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 591).createIndicatorCreator,
            LinearRangeContainer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./linear_range_container */ 594),
            ThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./theme_manager */ 596);
        var dxLinearGauge = dxGauge.inherit({
            _rootClass: "dxg-linear-gauge",
            _factoryMethods: {
                rangeContainer: "createLinearRangeContainer",
                indicator: "createLinearIndicator"
            _gridSpacingFactor: 25,
            _scaleTypes: {
                type: "xyAxes",
                drawingType: "linear"
            _getTicksOrientation: function(scaleOptions) {
                return scaleOptions.isHorizontal ? scaleOptions.verticalOrientation : scaleOptions.horizontalOrientation
            _updateScaleTickIndent: function(scaleOptions) {
                var orientation, textCorrection, tickCorrection, indentFromTick = scaleOptions.label.indentFromTick,
                    length = scaleOptions.tick.length,
                    textParams = this._scale.measureLabels(),
                    verticalTextCorrection = scaleOptions.isHorizontal ? textParams.height + textParams.y : 0,
                    isIndentPositive = indentFromTick > 0;
                if (scaleOptions.isHorizontal) {
                    orientation = isIndentPositive ? {
                        center: .5,
                        middle: .5,
                        top: 0,
                        bottom: 1
                    } : {
                        center: .5,
                        middle: .5,
                        top: 1,
                        bottom: 0
                    tickCorrection = length * orientation[scaleOptions.verticalOrientation];
                    textCorrection = textParams.y
                } else {
                    orientation = isIndentPositive ? {
                        center: .5,
                        left: 0,
                        right: 1
                    } : {
                        center: .5,
                        left: 1,
                        right: 0
                    tickCorrection = length * orientation[scaleOptions.horizontalOrientation];
                    textCorrection = -textParams.width
                scaleOptions.label.indentFromAxis = -indentFromTick + (isIndentPositive ? -tickCorrection + textCorrection : tickCorrection - verticalTextCorrection);
            _shiftScale: function(layout, scaleOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = extend({}, that._canvas),
                    isHorizontal = scaleOptions.isHorizontal,
                    scale = that._scale;
                canvas[isHorizontal ? "left" : "top"] = that._area[isHorizontal ? "startCoord" : "endCoord"];
                canvas[isHorizontal ? "right" : "bottom"] = canvas[isHorizontal ? "width" : "height"] - that._area[isHorizontal ? "endCoord" : "startCoord"];
                    left: -layout.x,
                    top: -layout.y
            _setupCodomain: function() {
                var that = this,
                    geometry = that.option("geometry") || {},
                    vertical = "vertical" === _normalizeEnum(geometry.orientation);
                that._area = {
                    vertical: vertical,
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    startCoord: -100,
                    endCoord: 100
                that._rangeContainer.vertical = vertical
            _getScaleLayoutValue: function() {
                return this._area[this._area.vertical ? "x" : "y"]
            _getTicksCoefficients: function(options) {
                var coefs = {
                    inner: 0,
                    outer: 1
                if (this._area.vertical) {
                    if ("left" === options.horizontalOrientation) {
                        coefs.inner = 1;
                        coefs.outer = 0
                    } else {
                        if ("center" === options.horizontalOrientation) {
                            coefs.inner = coefs.outer = .5
                } else {
                    if ("top" === options.verticalOrientation) {
                        coefs.inner = 1;
                        coefs.outer = 0
                    } else {
                        if ("center" === options.verticalOrientation || "middle" === options.verticalOrientation) {
                            coefs.inner = coefs.outer = .5
                return coefs
            _correctScaleIndents: function(result, indentFromTick, textParams) {
                var vertical = this._area.vertical;
                if (indentFromTick >= 0) {
                    result.max += indentFromTick + textParams[vertical ? "width" : "height"]
                } else {
                    result.min -= -indentFromTick + textParams[vertical ? "width" : "height"]
                result.indent = textParams[vertical ? "height" : "width"] / 2
            _measureMainElements: function(elements, scaleMeasurement) {
                var that = this,
                    x = that._area.x,
                    y = that._area.y,
                    minBound = 1e3,
                    maxBound = 0,
                    indent = 0,
                    scale = that._scale;
                _each(elements.concat(scale), function(_, element) {
                    var bounds = element.measure ? element.measure({
                        x: x + element.getOffset(),
                        y: y + element.getOffset()
                    }) : scaleMeasurement;
                    void 0 !== bounds.max && (maxBound = _max(maxBound, bounds.max));
                    void 0 !== bounds.min && (minBound = _min(minBound, bounds.min));
                    bounds.indent > 0 && (indent = _max(indent, bounds.indent))
                return {
                    minBound: minBound,
                    maxBound: maxBound,
                    indent: indent
            _applyMainLayout: function(elements, scaleMeasurement) {
                var rect, offset, that = this,
                    measurements = that._measureMainElements(elements, scaleMeasurement),
                    area = that._area;
                if (area.vertical) {
                    rect = selectRectBySizes(that._innerRect, {
                        width: measurements.maxBound - measurements.minBound
                    offset = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2 - (measurements.minBound + measurements.maxBound) / 2;
                    area.startCoord = rect.bottom - measurements.indent;
                    area.endCoord = rect.top + measurements.indent;
                    area.x = _round(area.x + offset)
                } else {
                    rect = selectRectBySizes(that._innerRect, {
                        height: measurements.maxBound - measurements.minBound
                    offset = (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2 - (measurements.minBound + measurements.maxBound) / 2;
                    area.startCoord = rect.left + measurements.indent;
                    area.endCoord = rect.right - measurements.indent;
                    area.y = _round(area.y + offset)
                that._translator.setCodomain(area.startCoord, area.endCoord);
                that._innerRect = rect
            _getElementLayout: function(offset) {
                return {
                    x: _round(this._area.x + offset),
                    y: _round(this._area.y + offset)
            _getApproximateScreenRange: function() {
                var that = this,
                    area = that._area,
                    s = area.vertical ? that._canvas.height : that._canvas.width;
                s > area.totalSize && (s = area.totalSize);
                s = .8 * s;
                return s
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                var geometry = this.option("geometry") || {};
                if ("vertical" === geometry.orientation) {
                    return {
                        width: 100,
                        height: 300
                } else {
                    return {
                        width: 300,
                        height: 100
            _factory: objectUtils.clone(dxBaseGauge.prototype._factory)

        function selectRectBySizes(srcRect, sizes, margins) {
            var step, rect = extend({}, srcRect);
            margins = margins || {};
            if (sizes) {
                rect.left += margins.left || 0;
                rect.right -= margins.right || 0;
                rect.top += margins.top || 0;
                rect.bottom -= margins.bottom || 0;
                if (sizes.width > 0) {
                    step = (rect.right - rect.left - sizes.width) / 2;
                    if (step > 0) {
                        rect.left += step;
                        rect.right -= step
                if (sizes.height > 0) {
                    step = (rect.bottom - rect.top - sizes.height) / 2;
                    if (step > 0) {
                        rect.top += step;
                        rect.bottom -= step
            return rect
        dxLinearGauge._TESTS_selectRectBySizes = selectRectBySizes;
        var indicators = dxLinearGauge.prototype._factory.indicators = {};
        dxLinearGauge.prototype._factory.createIndicator = createIndicatorCreator(indicators);
        indicators._default = linearIndicatorsModule._default;
        indicators.rectangle = linearIndicatorsModule.rectangle;
        indicators.rhombus = linearIndicatorsModule.rhombus;
        indicators.circle = linearIndicatorsModule.circle;
        indicators.trianglemarker = linearIndicatorsModule.trianglemarker;
        indicators.textcloud = linearIndicatorsModule.textcloud;
        indicators.rangebar = linearIndicatorsModule.rangebar;
        dxLinearGauge.prototype._factory.RangeContainer = LinearRangeContainer;
        dxLinearGauge.prototype._factory.ThemeManager = ThemeManager.inherit({
            _subTheme: "_linear"
        registerComponent("dxLinearGauge", dxLinearGauge);
        module.exports = dxLinearGauge
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/base_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _Number = Number,
            _getAppropriateFormat = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).getAppropriateFormat,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            translator1DModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/translator1d */ 585),
            _extend = extend,
            BaseWidget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_widget */ 515),
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            Tracker = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tracker */ 590),
            _isString = commonUtils.isString;
        var dxBaseGauge = BaseWidget.inherit({
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxg",
            _createThemeManager: function() {
                return new this._factory.ThemeManager
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                _extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    subtitle: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'title.subtitle' option instead"
                    "title.position": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'verticalAlignment' and 'horizontalAlignment' options instead"
                    "scale.hideFirstTick": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "The functionality is not more available"
                    "scale.hideLastTick": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "The functionality is not more available"
                    "scale.hideFirstLabel": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "The functionality is not more available"
                    "scale.hideLastLabel": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "The functionality is not more available"
                    "scale.majorTick": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'tick' option instead"
                    "scale.minorTick.showCalculatedTicks": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "The functionality is not more available"
                    "scale.minorTick.customTickValues": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'customMinorTicks' option instead"
                    "scale.minorTick.tickInterval": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'minorTickInterval' option instead"
                    "scale.label.overlappingBehavior.useAutoArrangement": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'scale.label.overlappingBehavior' option instead"
                    "scale.label.overlappingBehavior.hideFirstOrLast": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'scale.label.hideFirstOrLast' option instead"
            _initCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    root = that._renderer.root;
                that._valueChangingLocker = 0;
                that._translator = that._factory.createTranslator();
                that._tracker = that._factory.createTracker({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    container: root
            _beginValueChanging: function() {
            _endValueChanging: function() {
                if (0 === --this._valueChangingLocker) {
            _initDeltaIndicator: function() {
                var that = this,
                    DeltaIndicator = that._DeltaIndicator;
                if (DeltaIndicator) {
                    that._deltaIndicator = new DeltaIndicator({
                        renderer: that._renderer,
                        container: that._renderer.root
                    that._deltaIndicator.layoutOptions = function() {
                        var options = this.getLayoutOptions();
                        this._size = options ? [options.width, options.height] : null;
                        return options && {
                            horizontalAlignment: options.horizontalAlignment || "center",
                            verticalAlignment: options.verticalAlignment || "bottom"
                    that._deltaIndicator.measure = function() {
                        return this._size
                    that._deltaIndicator.move = function(rect) {
                        return this.shift(Math.round(rect[0]), Math.round(rect[1]))
            _disposeDeltaIndicator: function() {
                if (this._deltaIndicator) {
            _setTrackerCallbacks: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    tooltip = that._tooltip;
                    "tooltip-show": function(target, info) {
                        var tooltipParameters = target.getTooltipParameters(),
                            offset = renderer.getRootOffset(),
                            formatObject = _extend({
                                value: tooltipParameters.value,
                                valueText: tooltip.formatValue(tooltipParameters.value),
                                color: tooltipParameters.color
                            }, info);
                        return tooltip.show(formatObject, {
                            x: tooltipParameters.x + offset.left,
                            y: tooltipParameters.y + offset.top,
                            offset: tooltipParameters.offset
                        }, {
                            target: info
                    "tooltip-hide": function() {
                        return tooltip.hide()
            _dispose: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._translator = that._tracker = null
            _cleanCore: function() {
                var that = this;
            _renderCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._isValidDomain) {
                that._noAnimation = false;
                that._debug_rendered && that._debug_rendered()
            _applyChanges: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                this._resizing = this._noAnimation = false
            _setContentSize: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._resizing = that._noAnimation = 2 === that._changes.count();
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments)
            _applySize: function(rect) {
                var that = this;
                that._DEBUG_rootRect = rect;
                that._innerRect = {
                    left: rect[0],
                    top: rect[1],
                    right: rect[2],
                    bottom: rect[3]
                var layoutCache = that._layout._cache;
                that._layout._cache = that._layout._cache || layoutCache;
                return [rect[0], that._innerRect.top, rect[2], that._innerRect.bottom]
            _initialChanges: ["DOMAIN"],
            _themeDependentChanges: ["DOMAIN"],
            _optionChangesMap: {
                subtitle: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                indicator: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                geometry: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                animation: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                startValue: "DOMAIN",
                endValue: "DOMAIN"
            _optionChangesOrder: ["DOMAIN", "MOSTLY_TOTAL"],
            _change_DOMAIN: function() {
            _change_MOSTLY_TOTAL: function() {
            _setupDomain: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._isValidDomain = isFinite(1 / (that._translator.getDomain()[1] - that._translator.getDomain()[0]));
                if (!that._isValidDomain) {
            _applyMostlyTotalChange: function() {
                var that = this;
            _setupAnimationSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    option = that.option("animation");
                that._animationSettings = null;
                if (void 0 === option || option) {
                    option = _extend({
                        enabled: true,
                        duration: 1e3,
                        easing: "easeOutCubic"
                    }, option);
                    if (option.enabled && option.duration > 0) {
                        that._animationSettings = {
                            duration: _Number(option.duration),
                            easing: option.easing
                that._containerBackgroundColor = that.option("containerBackgroundColor") || that._themeManager.theme().containerBackgroundColor
            _setupDefaultFormat: function() {
                var domain = this._translator.getDomain();
                this._defaultFormatOptions = _getAppropriateFormat(domain[0], domain[1], this._getApproximateScreenRange())
            _setupDomainCore: null,
            _calculateSize: null,
            _cleanContent: null,
            _renderContent: null,
            _setupCodomain: null,
            _getApproximateScreenRange: null,
            _factory: {
                createTranslator: function() {
                    return new translator1DModule.Translator1D
                createTracker: function(parameters) {
                    return new Tracker(parameters)
        exports.dxBaseGauge = dxBaseGauge;
        var _format = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/format */ 530);
        var formatValue = function(value, options, extra) {
            options = options || {};
            var formatObject, text = _format(value, options);
            if ("function" === typeof options.customizeText) {
                formatObject = _extend({
                    value: value,
                    valueText: text
                }, extra);
                return String(options.customizeText.call(formatObject, formatObject))
            return text
        var getSampleText = function(translator, options) {
            var text1 = formatValue(translator.getDomainStart(), options),
                text2 = formatValue(translator.getDomainEnd(), options);
            return text1.length >= text2.length ? text1 : text2
        exports.formatValue = formatValue;
        exports.getSampleText = getSampleText;
        exports.compareArrays = function(array1, array2) {
            return array1 && array2 && array1.length === array2.length && compareArraysElements(array1, array2)

        function compareArraysElements(array1, array2) {
            var i, ii = array1.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                if (array1[i] !== array2[i]) {
                    return false
            return true
        dxBaseGauge.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/export */ 511).plugin);
        dxBaseGauge.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/title */ 558).plugin);
        dxBaseGauge.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/tooltip */ 559).plugin);
        dxBaseGauge.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/loading_indicator */ 560).plugin);
        var _setTooltipOptions = dxBaseGauge.prototype._setTooltipOptions;
        dxBaseGauge.prototype._setTooltipOptions = function() {
            _setTooltipOptions.apply(this, arguments);
            this._tracker && this._tracker.setTooltipState(this._tooltip.isEnabled())

        function processTitleOptions(options) {
            return _isString(options) ? {
                text: options
            } : options || {}
        dxBaseGauge.prototype._getTitleOptions = function() {
            var options, position, that = this,
                titleOptions = processTitleOptions(that.option("title"));
            titleOptions.subtitle = extend(processTitleOptions(titleOptions.subtitle), processTitleOptions(that.option("subtitle")));
            options = _extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme("title"), titleOptions);
            if (options.position) {
                position = _normalizeEnum(options.position).split("-");
                options.verticalAlignment = position[0];
                options.horizontalAlignment = position[1]
            return options
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/tracker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            _abs = Math.abs,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25),
            wheelEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/wheel */ 85),
            TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY = 300,
            TOOLTIP_HIDE_DELAY = 300,
            TOOLTIP_TOUCH_SHOW_DELAY = 400,
            TOOLTIP_TOUCH_HIDE_DELAY = 300;
        var Tracker = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(parameters) {
                var debug = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/console */ 13).debug;
                debug.assertParam(parameters, "parameters");
                debug.assertParam(parameters.renderer, "parameters.renderer");
                debug.assertParam(parameters.container, "parameters.container");
                var that = this;
                that._element = parameters.renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxg-tracker",
                    stroke: "none",
                    "stroke-width": 0,
                    fill: "#000000",
                    opacity: 1e-4
                }).linkOn(parameters.container, {
                    name: "tracker",
                    after: "peripheral"
                that._showTooltipCallback = function() {
                    that._showTooltipTimeout = null;
                    var target = that._tooltipEvent.target,
                        data_target = target["gauge-data-target"],
                        data_info = target["gauge-data-info"];
                    that._targetEvent = null;
                    if (that._tooltipTarget !== target && that._callbacks["tooltip-show"](data_target, data_info)) {
                        that._tooltipTarget = target
                that._hideTooltipCallback = function() {
                    that._hideTooltipTimeout = null;
                    that._targetEvent = null;
                    if (that._tooltipTarget) {
                        that._tooltipTarget = null
                that._dispose = function() {
                    that._showTooltipCallback = that._hideTooltipCallback = that._dispose = null
                that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutSet = that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutCleared = that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutSet = that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutCleared = 0;
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._element = that._context = that._callbacks = null;
                return that
            activate: function() {
                return this
            deactivate: function() {
                return this
            attach: function(element, target, info) {
                    "gauge-data-target": target,
                    "gauge-data-info": info
                return this
            detach: function(element) {
                return this
            setTooltipState: function(state) {
                var data, that = this;
                if (state) {
                    data = {
                        tracker: that
                    that._element.on(tooltipMouseEvents, data).on(tooltipTouchEvents, data).on(tooltipMouseWheelEvents, data)
                return that
            setCallbacks: function(callbacks) {
                this._callbacks = callbacks;
                return this
            _showTooltip: function(event, delay) {
                var that = this;
                that._hideTooltipTimeout && ++that._DEBUG_hideTooltipTimeoutCleared;
                that._hideTooltipTimeout = null;
                if (that._tooltipTarget === event.target) {
                that._tooltipEvent = event;
                that._showTooltipTimeout = setTimeout(that._showTooltipCallback, delay)
            _hideTooltip: function(delay) {
                var that = this;
                that._showTooltipTimeout && ++that._DEBUG_showTooltipTimeoutCleared;
                that._showTooltipTimeout = null;
                if (delay) {
                    that._hideTooltipTimeout = setTimeout(that._hideTooltipCallback, delay)
                } else {
        var tooltipMouseEvents = {
            "mouseover.gauge-tooltip": handleTooltipMouseOver,
            "mouseout.gauge-tooltip": handleTooltipMouseOut
        var tooltipMouseMoveEvents = {
            "mousemove.gauge-tooltip": handleTooltipMouseMove
        var tooltipMouseWheelEvents = {};
        tooltipMouseWheelEvents[wheelEvent.name + ".gauge-tooltip"] = handleTooltipMouseWheel;
        var tooltipTouchEvents = {
            "touchstart.gauge-tooltip": handleTooltipTouchStart

        function handleTooltipMouseOver(event) {
            var tracker = event.data.tracker;
            tracker._x = event.pageX;
            tracker._y = event.pageY;
            tracker._element.off(tooltipMouseMoveEvents).on(tooltipMouseMoveEvents, event.data);
            tracker._showTooltip(event, TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY)

        function handleTooltipMouseMove(event) {
            var tracker = event.data.tracker;
            if (tracker._showTooltipTimeout && _abs(event.pageX - tracker._x) > 4 || _abs(event.pageY - tracker._y) > 4) {
                tracker._x = event.pageX;
                tracker._y = event.pageY;
                tracker._showTooltip(event, TOOLTIP_SHOW_DELAY)

        function handleTooltipMouseOut(event) {
            var tracker = event.data.tracker;

        function handleTooltipMouseWheel(event) {
        var active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null;
        Tracker._DEBUG_reset = function() {
            active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null

        function handleTooltipTouchStart(event) {
            var tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker;
            if (tracker && tracker !== event.data.tracker) {
            tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker = event.data.tracker;
            tracker._showTooltip(event, TOOLTIP_TOUCH_SHOW_DELAY);
            tracker._touch = true

        function handleTooltipDocumentTouchStart() {
            var tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker;
            if (tracker) {
                if (!tracker._touch) {
                    active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null
                tracker._touch = null

        function handleTooltipDocumentTouchEnd() {
            var tracker = active_touch_tooltip_tracker;
            if (tracker) {
                if (tracker._showTooltipTimeout) {
                    active_touch_tooltip_tracker = null
            "touchstart.gauge-tooltip": handleTooltipDocumentTouchStart,
            "touchend.gauge-tooltip": handleTooltipDocumentTouchEnd
        module.exports = Tracker
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/common.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            dxBaseGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_gauge */ 589).dxBaseGauge,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            rangeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/range */ 564),
            axisModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../axes/base_axis */ 565),
            _map = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).map,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _compareArrays = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_gauge */ 589).compareArrays,
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            _Number = Number,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            SHIFT_ANGLE = 90,
            OPTION_VALUE = "value",
            OPTION_SUBVALUES = "subvalues",
            DEFAULT_NUMBER_MULTIPLIERS = [1, 2, 5];

        function processValue(value, fallbackValue) {
            return _isFinite(value) ? _Number(value) : fallbackValue

        function parseArrayOfNumbers(arg) {
            return _isArray(arg) ? arg : _isNumber(arg) ? [arg] : null
        exports.dxGauge = dxBaseGauge.inherit({
            _initCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer;
                that.__subvalues = parseArrayOfNumbers(that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES));
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that._rangeContainer = new that._factory.RangeContainer({
                    renderer: renderer,
                    container: renderer.root,
                    translator: that._translator,
                    themeManager: that._themeManager
            _initScale: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._scaleGroup = that._renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxg-scale"
                }).linkOn(that._renderer.root, "scale");
                that._scale = new axisModule.Axis({
                    incidentOccurred: that._incidentOccurred,
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    axesContainerGroup: that._scaleGroup,
                    axisType: that._scaleTypes.type,
                    drawingType: that._scaleTypes.drawingType,
                    widgetClass: "dxg"
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that._scale = that._scaleGroup = that._rangeContainer = null
            _disposeValueIndicators: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._valueIndicator && that._valueIndicator.dispose();
                that._subvalueIndicatorsSet && that._subvalueIndicatorsSet.dispose();
                that._valueIndicator = that._subvalueIndicatorsSet = null
            _setupDomainCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    scaleOption = that.option("scale") || {},
                    startValue = that.option("startValue"),
                    endValue = that.option("endValue");
                startValue = _isNumber(startValue) ? _Number(startValue) : _isNumber(scaleOption.startValue) ? _Number(scaleOption.startValue) : 0;
                endValue = _isNumber(endValue) ? _Number(endValue) : _isNumber(scaleOption.endValue) ? _Number(scaleOption.endValue) : 100;
                that._baseValue = startValue < endValue ? startValue : endValue;
                that._translator.setDomain(startValue, endValue)
            _cleanContent: function() {
                var that = this;
            _measureScale: function(scaleOptions) {
                var textParams, layoutValue, result, coefs, innerCoef, outerCoef, that = this,
                    majorTick = scaleOptions.tick,
                    majorTickEnabled = majorTick.visible && majorTick.length > 0 && majorTick.width > 0,
                    minorTick = scaleOptions.minorTick,
                    minorTickEnabled = minorTick.visible && minorTick.length > 0 && minorTick.width > 0,
                    label = scaleOptions.label,
                    indentFromTick = Number(label.indentFromTick);
                if (!majorTickEnabled && !minorTickEnabled && !label.visible) {
                    return {}
                textParams = that._scale.measureLabels();
                layoutValue = that._getScaleLayoutValue();
                result = {
                    min: layoutValue,
                    max: layoutValue
                coefs = that._getTicksCoefficients(scaleOptions);
                innerCoef = coefs.inner;
                outerCoef = coefs.outer;
                if (majorTickEnabled) {
                    result.min = _min(result.min, layoutValue - innerCoef * majorTick.length);
                    result.max = _max(result.max, layoutValue + outerCoef * majorTick.length)
                if (minorTickEnabled) {
                    result.min = _min(result.min, layoutValue - innerCoef * minorTick.length);
                    result.max = _max(result.max, layoutValue + outerCoef * minorTick.length)
                label.visible && that._correctScaleIndents(result, indentFromTick, textParams);
                return result
            _renderContent: function() {
                var elements, that = this,
                    scaleOptions = that._prepareScaleSettings();
                that._rangeContainer.render(_extend(that._getOption("rangeContainer"), {
                    vertical: that._area.vertical
                elements = _map([that._rangeContainer].concat(that._prepareValueIndicators()), function(element) {
                    return element && element.enabled ? element : null
                that._applyMainLayout(elements, that._measureScale(scaleOptions));
                _each(elements, function(_, element) {
                that._shiftScale(that._getElementLayout(0), scaleOptions);
            _prepareScaleSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    scaleOptions = extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme("scale"), that.option("scale")),
                    scaleMajorTick = scaleOptions.majorTick,
                    scaleMinorTick = scaleOptions.minorTick,
                    overlappingBehavior = scaleOptions.label.overlappingBehavior,
                    useAutoArrangement = overlappingBehavior.useAutoArrangement;
                if (_isString(overlappingBehavior)) {
                    overlappingBehavior = {
                        mode: overlappingBehavior
                if (scaleMajorTick) {
                    scaleOptions.tick = _extend(scaleOptions.tick, scaleMajorTick);
                    useAutoArrangement = _isDefined(scaleMajorTick.useTickAutoArrangement) ? scaleMajorTick.useTickAutoArrangement : useAutoArrangement;
                    void 0 !== scaleMajorTick.tickInterval && (scaleOptions.tickInterval = scaleMajorTick.tickInterval);
                    void 0 !== scaleMajorTick.customTickValues && (scaleOptions.customTicks = scaleMajorTick.customTickValues);
                    if (scaleOptions.customTicks) {
                        scaleOptions.tick.showCalculatedTicks = void 0 !== scaleMajorTick.showCalculatedTicks ? scaleMajorTick.showCalculatedTicks : true
                    } else {
                        scaleOptions.tick.showCalculatedTicks = false
                overlappingBehavior.hideFirstTick = scaleOptions.hideFirstTick;
                overlappingBehavior.hideFirstLabel = scaleOptions.hideFirstLabel;
                overlappingBehavior.hideLastTick = scaleOptions.hideLastTick;
                overlappingBehavior.hideLastLabel = scaleOptions.hideLastLabel;
                if (!_isDefined(overlappingBehavior.hideFirstOrLast)) {
                    overlappingBehavior.hideFirstOrLast = scaleOptions.label.hideFirstOrLast
                if (_isDefined(useAutoArrangement)) {
                    overlappingBehavior.mode = useAutoArrangement ? "hide" : "none"
                void 0 !== scaleMinorTick.customTickValues && (scaleOptions.customMinorTicks = scaleOptions.minorTick.customTickValues);
                void 0 !== scaleMinorTick.tickInterval && (scaleOptions.minorTickInterval = scaleOptions.minorTick.tickInterval);
                if (scaleOptions.customMinorTicks) {
                    scaleMinorTick.showCalculatedTicks = void 0 !== scaleMinorTick.showCalculatedTicks ? scaleMinorTick.showCalculatedTicks : true
                } else {
                    scaleMinorTick.showCalculatedTicks = false
                scaleOptions.label.indentFromAxis = 0;
                scaleOptions.isHorizontal = !that._area.vertical;
                scaleOptions.axisDivisionFactor = that._gridSpacingFactor;
                scaleOptions.minorAxisDivisionFactor = DEFAULT_MINOR_AXIS_DIVISION_FACTOR;
                scaleOptions.numberMultipliers = DEFAULT_NUMBER_MULTIPLIERS;
                scaleOptions.tickOrientation = that._getTicksOrientation(scaleOptions);
                if (scaleOptions.label.useRangeColors) {
                    scaleOptions.label.customizeColor = function() {
                        return that._rangeContainer.getColorForValue(this.value)
                scaleOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = overlappingBehavior;
                return scaleOptions
            _renderScale: function(scaleOptions) {
                var that = this,
                    bounds = that._translator.getDomain(),
                    startValue = bounds[0],
                    endValue = bounds[1],
                    angles = that._translator.getCodomain();
                scaleOptions.min = startValue;
                scaleOptions.max = endValue;
                scaleOptions.startAngle = SHIFT_ANGLE - angles[0];
                scaleOptions.endAngle = SHIFT_ANGLE - angles[1];
                that._scale.setBusinessRange(new rangeModule.Range({
                    axisType: "continuous",
                    dataType: "numeric",
                    stick: true,
                    minVisible: startValue,
                    maxVisible: endValue,
                    invert: startValue > endValue
                that._scale.draw(extend({}, that._canvas))
            _updateIndicatorSettings: function(settings) {
                var that = this;
                settings.currentValue = settings.baseValue = _isFinite(that._translator.translate(settings.baseValue)) ? _Number(settings.baseValue) : that._baseValue;
                settings.vertical = that._area.vertical;
                if (settings.text && !settings.text.format && !settings.text.precision) {
                    settings.text.format = that._defaultFormatOptions
            _prepareIndicatorSettings: function(options, defaultTypeField) {
                var that = this,
                    theme = that._themeManager.theme("valueIndicators"),
                    type = _normalizeEnum(options.type || that._themeManager.theme(defaultTypeField)),
                    settings = _extend(true, {}, theme._default, theme[type], options);
                settings.type = type;
                settings.animation = that._animationSettings;
                settings.containerBackgroundColor = that._containerBackgroundColor;
                return settings
            _cleanValueIndicators: function() {
                this._valueIndicator && this._valueIndicator.clean();
                this._subvalueIndicatorsSet && this._subvalueIndicatorsSet.clean()
            _prepareValueIndicators: function() {
                var that = this;
                null !== that.__subvalues && that._prepareSubvalueIndicators();
                return [that._valueIndicator, that._subvalueIndicatorsSet]
            _updateActiveElements: function() {
            _prepareValueIndicator: function() {
                var that = this,
                    target = that._valueIndicator,
                    settings = that._prepareIndicatorSettings(that.option("valueIndicator") || {}, "valueIndicatorType");
                if (target && target.type !== settings.type) {
                    target = null
                if (!target) {
                    target = that._valueIndicator = that._createIndicator(settings.type, that._renderer.root, "dxg-value-indicator", "value-indicator")
            _createSubvalueIndicatorsSet: function() {
                var that = this,
                    root = that._renderer.root;
                return new ValueIndicatorsSet({
                    createIndicator: function(type, i) {
                        return that._createIndicator(type, root, "dxg-subvalue-indicator", "subvalue-indicator", i)
                    createPalette: function(palette) {
                        return that._themeManager.createPalette(palette)
            _prepareSubvalueIndicators: function() {
                var isRecreate, dummy, that = this,
                    target = that._subvalueIndicatorsSet,
                    settings = that._prepareIndicatorSettings(that.option("subvalueIndicator") || {}, "subvalueIndicatorType");
                if (!target) {
                    target = that._subvalueIndicatorsSet = that._createSubvalueIndicatorsSet()
                isRecreate = settings.type !== target.type;
                target.type = settings.type;
                dummy = that._createIndicator(settings.type, that._renderer.root);
                if (dummy) {
                    target.render(settings, isRecreate)
            _setupValue: function(value) {
                this.__value = processValue(value, this.__value)
            _setupSubvalues: function(subvalues) {
                var i, ii, list, vals = void 0 === subvalues ? this.__subvalues : parseArrayOfNumbers(subvalues);
                if (null === vals) {
                for (i = 0, ii = vals.length, list = []; i < ii; ++i) {
                    list.push(processValue(vals[i], this.__subvalues[i]))
                this.__subvalues = list
            _updateValueIndicator: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._valueIndicator && that._valueIndicator.value(that.__value, that._noAnimation)
            _updateSubvalueIndicators: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._subvalueIndicatorsSet && that._subvalueIndicatorsSet.values(that.__subvalues, that._noAnimation)
            value: function(arg) {
                if (void 0 !== arg) {
                    return this
                return this.__value
            subvalues: function(arg) {
                if (void 0 !== arg) {
                    return this
                return null !== this.__subvalues ? this.__subvalues.slice() : void 0
            _changeValue: function(value) {
                var that = this;
                if (that.__value !== that.option(OPTION_VALUE)) {
                    that.option(OPTION_VALUE, that.__value)
            _changeSubvalues: function(subvalues) {
                var that = this;
                if (null !== that.__subvalues) {
                } else {
                    that.__subvalues = parseArrayOfNumbers(subvalues);
                if (!_compareArrays(that.__subvalues, that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES))) {
                    that.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES, that.__subvalues)
            _optionChangesMap: {
                scale: "DOMAIN",
                rangeContainer: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                valueIndicator: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                subvalueIndicator: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                containerBackgroundColor: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                value: "VALUE",
                subvalues: "SUBVALUES",
                valueIndicators: "MOSTLY_TOTAL"
            _customChangesOrder: ["VALUE", "SUBVALUES"],
            _change_VALUE: function() {
            _change_SUBVALUES: function() {
            _applyMainLayout: null,
            _getElementLayout: null,
            _createIndicator: function(type, owner, className, trackerType, trackerIndex, _strict) {
                var that = this,
                    indicator = that._factory.createIndicator({
                        renderer: that._renderer,
                        translator: that._translator,
                        owner: owner,
                        tracker: that._tracker,
                        className: className
                    }, type, _strict);
                if (indicator) {
                    indicator.type = type;
                    indicator._trackerInfo = {
                        type: trackerType,
                        index: trackerIndex
                return indicator
            _getApproximateScreenRange: null

        function valueGetter(arg) {
            return arg ? arg.value : null

        function setupValues(that, fieldName, optionItems) {
            var currentValues = that[fieldName],
                newValues = _isArray(optionItems) ? _map(optionItems, valueGetter) : [],
                i = 0,
                ii = newValues.length,
                list = [];
            for (; i < ii; ++i) {
                list.push(processValue(newValues[i], currentValues[i]))
            that[fieldName] = list

        function selectMode(gauge) {
            if (void 0 === gauge.option(OPTION_VALUE) && void 0 === gauge.option(OPTION_SUBVALUES)) {
                if (void 0 !== gauge.option("valueIndicators")) {

        function disableDefaultMode(that) {
            that.value = that.subvalues = _noop;
            that._setupValue = that._setupSubvalues = that._updateValueIndicator = that._updateSubvalueIndicators = null

        function selectHardMode(that) {
            that._indicatorValues = [];
            setupValues(that, "_indicatorValues", that.option("valueIndicators"));
            that._valueIndicators = [];
            var _applyMostlyTotalChange = that._applyMostlyTotalChange;
            that._applyMostlyTotalChange = function() {
                setupValues(this, "_indicatorValues", this.option("valueIndicators"));
            that._updateActiveElements = updateActiveElements_hardMode;
            that._prepareValueIndicators = prepareValueIndicators_hardMode;
            that._disposeValueIndicators = disposeValueIndicators_hardMode;
            that._cleanValueIndicators = cleanValueIndicators_hardMode;
            that.indicatorValue = indicatorValue_hardMode

        function updateActiveElements_hardMode() {
            var that = this;
            _each(that._valueIndicators, function(_, valueIndicator) {
                valueIndicator.value(that._indicatorValues[valueIndicator.index], that._noAnimation)

        function prepareValueIndicators_hardMode() {
            var ii, that = this,
                valueIndicators = that._valueIndicators || [],
                userOptions = that.option("valueIndicators"),
                optionList = [],
                i = 0;
            for (ii = _isArray(userOptions) ? userOptions.length : 0; i < ii; ++i) {
            for (ii = valueIndicators.length; i < ii; ++i) {
            var newValueIndicators = [];
            _each(optionList, function(i, userSettings) {
                var valueIndicator = valueIndicators[i];
                if (!userSettings) {
                    valueIndicator && valueIndicator.dispose();
                var settings = that._prepareIndicatorSettings(userSettings, "valueIndicatorType");
                if (valueIndicator && valueIndicator.type !== settings.type) {
                    valueIndicator = null
                if (!valueIndicator) {
                    valueIndicator = that._createIndicator(settings.type, that._renderer.root, "dxg-value-indicator", "value-indicator", i, true)
                if (valueIndicator) {
                    valueIndicator.index = i;
            that._valueIndicators = newValueIndicators;
            return that._valueIndicators

        function disposeValueIndicators_hardMode() {
            _each(this._valueIndicators, function(_, valueIndicator) {
            this._valueIndicators = null

        function cleanValueIndicators_hardMode() {
            _each(this._valueIndicators, function(_, valueIndicator) {

        function indicatorValue_hardMode(index, value) {
            return accessPointerValue(this, this._valueIndicators, this._indicatorValues, index, value)

        function accessPointerValue(that, pointers, values, index, value) {
            if (void 0 !== value) {
                if (void 0 !== values[index]) {
                    values[index] = processValue(value, values[index]);
                    pointers[index] && pointers[index].value(values[index])
                return that
            } else {
                return values[index]

        function ValueIndicatorsSet(parameters) {
            this._parameters = parameters;
            this._indicators = []
        ValueIndicatorsSet.prototype = {
            constructor: ValueIndicatorsSet,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                _each(that._indicators, function(_, indicator) {
                that._parameters = that._options = that._indicators = that._colorPalette = that._palette = null;
                return that
            clean: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._sample && that._sample.clean().dispose();
                _each(that._indicators, function(_, indicator) {
                that._sample = that._options = that._palette = null;
                return that
            render: function(options, isRecreate) {
                var that = this;
                that._options = options;
                that._sample = that._parameters.createIndicator(that.type);
                that.enabled = that._sample.enabled;
                that._palette = _isDefined(options.palette) ? that._parameters.createPalette(options.palette) : null;
                if (that.enabled) {
                    that._indicators = _map(that._indicators, function(indicator, i) {
                        if (isRecreate) {
                            indicator = that._parameters.createIndicator(that.type, i)
                        return indicator
                return that
            getOffset: function() {
                return _Number(this._options.offset) || 0
            resize: function(layout) {
                var that = this;
                that._layout = layout;
                _each(that._indicators, function(_, indicator) {
                return that
            measure: function(layout) {
                return this._sample.measure(layout)
            _getIndicatorOptions: function(index) {
                var result = this._options;
                if (this._colorPalette) {
                    result = _extend({}, result, {
                        color: this._colorPalette[index]
                return result
            _generatePalette: function(count) {
                var that = this,
                    colors = null;
                if (that._palette) {
                    colors = [];
                    var i = 0;
                    for (; i < count; ++i) {
                that._colorPalette = colors
            _adjustIndicatorsCount: function(count) {
                var i, ii, indicator, that = this,
                    indicators = that._indicators,
                    indicatorsLen = indicators.length;
                if (indicatorsLen > count) {
                    for (i = count, ii = indicatorsLen; i < ii; ++i) {
                    that._indicators = indicators.slice(0, count);
                } else {
                    if (indicatorsLen < count) {
                        for (i = indicatorsLen, ii = count; i < ii; ++i) {
                            indicator = that._parameters.createIndicator(that.type, i);
            values: function(arg, _noAnimation) {
                var that = this;
                if (!that.enabled) {
                if (void 0 !== arg) {
                    if (!_isArray(arg)) {
                        arg = _isFinite(arg) ? [Number(arg)] : null
                    if (arg) {
                        _each(that._indicators, function(i, indicator) {
                            indicator.value(arg[i], _noAnimation)
                    return that
                return _map(that._indicators, function(indicator) {
                    return indicator.value()
        exports.createIndicatorCreator = function(indicators) {
            return function(parameters, type, _strict) {
                var indicatorType = indicators[_normalizeEnum(type)] || !_strict && indicators._default;
                return indicatorType ? new indicatorType(parameters) : null
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/linear_indicators.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var baseIndicatorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_indicators */ 593),
            BaseIndicator = baseIndicatorsModule.BaseIndicator,
            BaseTextCloudMarker = baseIndicatorsModule.BaseTextCloudMarker,
            BaseRangeBar = baseIndicatorsModule.BaseRangeBar,
            _Number = Number,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum;
        var SimpleIndicator = BaseIndicator.inherit({
            _move: function() {
                var that = this,
                    delta = that._actualPosition - that._zeroPosition;
                that._rootElement.move(that.vertical ? 0 : delta, that.vertical ? delta : 0);
                that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.move(that.vertical ? 0 : delta, that.vertical ? delta : 0)
            _isEnabled: function() {
                this.vertical = this._options.vertical;
                return this._options.length > 0 && this._options.width > 0
            _isVisible: function() {
                return true
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                var x1, x2, y1, y2, options = this._options,
                    width = options.width / 2,
                    length = options.length / 2,
                    p = this._zeroPosition;
                width > 10 || (width = 10);
                length > 10 || (length = 10);
                if (this.vertical) {
                    x1 = options.x - length;
                    x2 = options.x + length;
                    y1 = p + width;
                    y2 = p - width
                } else {
                    x1 = p - width;
                    x2 = p + width;
                    y1 = options.y + length;
                    y2 = options.y - length
                return {
                    points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]
            _render: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._zeroPosition = that._translator.getCodomainStart()
            _clear: function() {
                delete this._element
            measure: function(layout) {
                var p = this.vertical ? layout.x : layout.y;
                return {
                    min: p - this._options.length / 2,
                    max: p + this._options.length / 2
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    p = that._actualPosition,
                    parameters = {
                        x: p,
                        y: p,
                        value: that._currentValue,
                        color: options.color,
                        offset: options.width / 2
                that.vertical ? parameters.x = options.x : parameters.y = options.y;
                return parameters
        var rectangle = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _render: function() {
                var p, x1, x2, y1, y2, that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                p = that._zeroPosition;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    x1 = options.x - options.length / 2;
                    x2 = options.x + options.length / 2;
                    y1 = p + options.width / 2;
                    y2 = p - options.width / 2
                } else {
                    x1 = p - options.width / 2;
                    x2 = p + options.width / 2;
                    y1 = options.y + options.length / 2;
                    y2 = options.y - options.length / 2
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                    points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]
        var rhombus = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _render: function() {
                var x, y, dx, dy, that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    x = options.x;
                    y = that._zeroPosition;
                    dx = options.length / 2 || 0;
                    dy = options.width / 2 || 0
                } else {
                    x = that._zeroPosition;
                    y = options.y;
                    dx = options.width / 2 || 0;
                    dy = options.length / 2 || 0
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                    points: [x - dx, y, x, y - dy, x + dx, y, x, y + dy]
        var circle = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _render: function() {
                var x, y, r, that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    x = options.x;
                    y = that._zeroPosition
                } else {
                    x = that._zeroPosition;
                    y = options.y
                r = options.length / 2 || 0;
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.circle().append(that._rootElement);
                    cx: x,
                    cy: y,
                    r: r
        var triangleMarker = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _isEnabled: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.vertical = that._options.vertical;
                that._inverted = that.vertical ? "right" === _normalizeEnum(that._options.horizontalOrientation) : "bottom" === _normalizeEnum(that._options.verticalOrientation);
                return that._options.length > 0 && that._options.width > 0
            _isVisible: function() {
                return true
            _render: function() {
                var x1, x2, y1, y2, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    settings = {
                        stroke: "none",
                        "stroke-width": 0,
                        "stroke-linecap": "square"
                if (that.vertical) {
                    x1 = options.x;
                    y1 = that._zeroPosition;
                    x2 = x1 + _Number(that._inverted ? options.length : -options.length);
                    settings.points = [x1, y1, x2, y1 - options.width / 2, x2, y1 + options.width / 2]
                } else {
                    y1 = options.y;
                    x1 = that._zeroPosition;
                    y2 = y1 + _Number(that._inverted ? options.length : -options.length);
                    settings.points = [x1, y1, x1 - options.width / 2, y2, x1 + options.width / 2, y2]
                if (options.space > 0) {
                    settings["stroke-width"] = Math.min(options.space, options.width / 4) || 0;
                    settings.stroke = settings["stroke-width"] > 0 ? options.containerBackgroundColor || "none" : "none"
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                var x1, x2, y1, y2, result, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    width = options.width / 2,
                    length = _Number(options.length);
                width > 10 || (width = 10);
                length > 20 || (length = 20);
                if (that.vertical) {
                    x1 = x2 = options.x;
                    x2 = x1 + (that._inverted ? length : -length);
                    y1 = that._zeroPosition + width;
                    y2 = that._zeroPosition - width;
                    result = [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2]
                } else {
                    y1 = options.y;
                    y2 = y1 + (that._inverted ? length : -length);
                    x1 = that._zeroPosition - width;
                    x2 = that._zeroPosition + width;
                    result = [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]
                return {
                    points: result
            measure: function(layout) {
                var minBound, maxBound, that = this,
                    length = _Number(that._options.length);
                if (that.vertical) {
                    minBound = maxBound = layout.x;
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        maxBound = minBound + length
                    } else {
                        minBound = maxBound - length
                } else {
                    minBound = maxBound = layout.y;
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        maxBound = minBound + length
                    } else {
                        minBound = maxBound - length
                return {
                    min: minBound,
                    max: maxBound,
                    indent: that._options.width / 2
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    s = (that._inverted ? options.length : -options.length) / 2,
                    parameters = that.callBase();
                that.vertical ? parameters.x += s : parameters.y += s;
                parameters.offset = options.length / 2;
                return parameters
        var textCloud = BaseTextCloudMarker.inherit({
            _isEnabled: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.vertical = that._options.vertical;
                that._inverted = that.vertical ? "right" === _normalizeEnum(that._options.horizontalOrientation) : "bottom" === _normalizeEnum(that._options.verticalOrientation);
                return true
            _isVisible: function() {
                return true
            _getTextCloudOptions: function() {
                var type, that = this,
                    x = that._actualPosition,
                    y = that._actualPosition;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    x = that._options.x;
                    type = that._inverted ? "top-left" : "top-right"
                } else {
                    y = that._options.y;
                    type = that._inverted ? "right-top" : "right-bottom"
                return {
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    type: type
            measure: function(layout) {
                var minBound, maxBound, indent, that = this,
                    arrowLength = _Number(that._options.arrowLength) || 0;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    indent = that._textFullHeight;
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        minBound = layout.x;
                        maxBound = layout.x + arrowLength + that._textFullWidth
                    } else {
                        minBound = layout.x - arrowLength - that._textFullWidth;
                        maxBound = layout.x
                } else {
                    indent = that._textFullWidth;
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        minBound = layout.y;
                        maxBound = layout.y + arrowLength + that._textFullHeight
                    } else {
                        minBound = layout.y - arrowLength - that._textFullHeight;
                        maxBound = layout.y
                return {
                    min: minBound,
                    max: maxBound,
                    indent: indent
        var rangeBar = BaseRangeBar.inherit({
            _isEnabled: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.vertical = that._options.vertical;
                that._inverted = that.vertical ? "right" === _normalizeEnum(that._options.horizontalOrientation) : "bottom" === _normalizeEnum(that._options.verticalOrientation);
                return that._options.size > 0
            _isVisible: function() {
                return true
            _createBarItem: function() {
                return this._renderer.path([], "area").append(this._rootElement)
            _createTracker: function() {
                return this._renderer.path([], "area")
            _setBarSides: function() {
                var minSide, maxSide, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    size = _Number(options.size);
                if (that.vertical) {
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        minSide = options.x;
                        maxSide = options.x + size
                    } else {
                        minSide = options.x - size;
                        maxSide = options.x
                } else {
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        minSide = options.y;
                        maxSide = options.y + size
                    } else {
                        minSide = options.y - size;
                        maxSide = options.y
                that._minSide = minSide;
                that._maxSide = maxSide;
                that._minBound = minSide;
                that._maxBound = maxSide
            _getSpace: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return options.space > 0 ? _Number(options.space) : 0
            _isTextVisible: function() {
                var textOptions = this._options.text || {};
                return textOptions.indent > 0 || textOptions.indent < 0
            _getTextAlign: function() {
                return this.vertical ? this._options.text.indent > 0 ? "left" : "right" : "center"
            _setTextItemsSides: function() {
                var that = this,
                    indent = _Number(that._options.text.indent);
                if (indent > 0) {
                    that._lineStart = that._maxSide;
                    that._lineEnd = that._maxSide + indent;
                    that._textPosition = that._lineEnd + (that.vertical ? 2 : that._textHeight / 2);
                    that._maxBound = that._textPosition + (that.vertical ? that._textWidth : that._textHeight / 2)
                } else {
                    if (indent < 0) {
                        that._lineStart = that._minSide;
                        that._lineEnd = that._minSide + indent;
                        that._textPosition = that._lineEnd - (that.vertical ? 2 : that._textHeight / 2);
                        that._minBound = that._textPosition - (that.vertical ? that._textWidth : that._textHeight / 2)
            _getPositions: function() {
                var mainPosition1, mainPosition2, backPosition1, backPosition2, that = this,
                    startPosition = that._startPosition,
                    endPosition = that._endPosition,
                    space = that._space,
                    basePosition = that._basePosition,
                    actualPosition = that._actualPosition;
                if (startPosition < endPosition) {
                    if (basePosition < actualPosition) {
                        mainPosition1 = basePosition;
                        mainPosition2 = actualPosition
                    } else {
                        mainPosition1 = actualPosition;
                        mainPosition2 = basePosition
                    backPosition1 = mainPosition1 - space;
                    backPosition2 = mainPosition2 + space
                } else {
                    if (basePosition > actualPosition) {
                        mainPosition1 = basePosition;
                        mainPosition2 = actualPosition
                    } else {
                        mainPosition1 = actualPosition;
                        mainPosition2 = basePosition
                    backPosition1 = mainPosition1 + space;
                    backPosition2 = mainPosition2 - space
                return {
                    start: startPosition,
                    end: endPosition,
                    main1: mainPosition1,
                    main2: mainPosition2,
                    back1: backPosition1,
                    back2: backPosition2
            _buildItemSettings: function(from, to) {
                var that = this,
                    side1 = that._minSide,
                    side2 = that._maxSide,
                    points = that.vertical ? [side1, from, side1, to, side2, to, side2, from] : [from, side1, from, side2, to, side2, to, side1];
                return {
                    points: points
            _updateTextPosition: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._text.attr(that.vertical ? {
                    x: that._textPosition,
                    y: that._actualPosition + that._textVerticalOffset
                } : {
                    x: that._actualPosition,
                    y: that._textPosition + that._textVerticalOffset
            _updateLinePosition: function() {
                var side1, side2, points, that = this,
                    actualPosition = that._actualPosition;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    if (that._basePosition >= actualPosition) {
                        side1 = actualPosition;
                        side2 = actualPosition + 2
                    } else {
                        side1 = actualPosition - 2;
                        side2 = actualPosition
                    points = [that._lineStart, side1, that._lineStart, side2, that._lineEnd, side2, that._lineEnd, side1]
                } else {
                    if (that._basePosition <= actualPosition) {
                        side1 = actualPosition - 2;
                        side2 = actualPosition
                    } else {
                        side1 = actualPosition;
                        side2 = actualPosition + 2
                    points = [side1, that._lineStart, side1, that._lineEnd, side2, that._lineEnd, side2, that._lineStart]
                    points: points
            _getTooltipPosition: function() {
                var that = this,
                    crossCenter = (that._minSide + that._maxSide) / 2,
                    alongCenter = (that._basePosition + that._actualPosition) / 2;
                return that.vertical ? {
                    x: crossCenter,
                    y: alongCenter
                } : {
                    x: alongCenter,
                    y: crossCenter
            measure: function(layout) {
                var minBound, maxBound, indent, that = this,
                    size = _Number(that._options.size),
                    textIndent = _Number(that._options.text.indent);
                if (that.vertical) {
                    minBound = maxBound = layout.x;
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        maxBound += size
                    } else {
                        minBound -= size
                    if (that._hasText) {
                        indent = that._textHeight / 2;
                        if (textIndent > 0) {
                            maxBound += textIndent + that._textWidth
                        if (textIndent < 0) {
                            minBound += textIndent - that._textWidth
                } else {
                    minBound = maxBound = layout.y;
                    if (that._inverted) {
                        maxBound += size
                    } else {
                        minBound -= size
                    if (that._hasText) {
                        indent = that._textWidth / 2;
                        if (textIndent > 0) {
                            maxBound += textIndent + that._textHeight
                        if (textIndent < 0) {
                            minBound += textIndent - that._textHeight
                return {
                    min: minBound,
                    max: maxBound,
                    indent: indent
        exports._default = rangeBar;
        exports.rectangle = rectangle;
        exports.rhombus = rhombus;
        exports.circle = circle;
        exports.trianglemarker = triangleMarker;
        exports.textcloud = textCloud;
        exports.rangebar = rangeBar
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/base_indicators.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            _Number = Number,
            _round = Math.round,
            baseGaugeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_gauge */ 589),
            _formatValue = baseGaugeModule.formatValue,
            _getSampleText = baseGaugeModule.getSampleText,
            _patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).patchFontOptions,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            Class = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/class */ 25);
        var BaseElement = Class.inherit({
            ctor: function(parameters) {
                var that = this;
                $.each(parameters, function(name, value) {
                    that["_" + name] = value
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                $.each(that, function(name) {
                    that[name] = null
                return that
            getOffset: function() {
                return _Number(this._options.offset) || 0
        var BaseIndicator = BaseElement.inherit({
            _init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._rootElement = that._createRoot().linkOn(that._owner, {
                    name: "value-indicator",
                    after: "core"
                that._trackerElement = that._createTracker()
            _dispose: function() {
            _setupAnimation: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._options.animation) {
                    that._animation = {
                        step: function(pos) {
                            that._actualValue = that._animation.start + that._animation.delta * pos;
                            that._actualPosition = that._translator.translate(that._actualValue);
                        duration: that._options.animation.duration > 0 ? _Number(that._options.animation.duration) : 0,
                        easing: that._options.animation.easing
            _runAnimation: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    animation = that._animation;
                animation.start = that._actualValue;
                animation.delta = value - that._actualValue;
                    _: 0
                }, {
                    step: animation.step,
                    duration: animation.duration,
                    easing: animation.easing
            _createRoot: function() {
                return this._renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": this._className
            _createTracker: function() {
                return this._renderer.path([], "area")
            _getTrackerSettings: noop,
            clean: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._animation && that._rootElement.stopAnimation();
                that._options = that.enabled = that._animation = null;
                return that
            render: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that.type = options.type;
                that._options = options;
                that._actualValue = that._currentValue = that._translator.adjust(that._options.currentValue);
                that.enabled = that._isEnabled();
                if (that.enabled) {
                        fill: that._options.color
                    that._tracker.attach(that._trackerElement, that, that._trackerInfo)
                return that
            resize: function(layout) {
                var that = this;
                that.visible = that._isVisible(layout);
                if (that.visible) {
                    extend(that._options, layout);
                    that._actualPosition = that._translator.translate(that._actualValue);
                return that
            value: function(arg, _noAnimation) {
                var val, that = this;
                if (void 0 !== arg) {
                    val = that._translator.adjust(arg);
                    if (that._currentValue !== val && _isFinite(val)) {
                        that._currentValue = val;
                        if (that.visible) {
                            if (that._animation && !_noAnimation) {
                            } else {
                                that._actualValue = val;
                                that._actualPosition = that._translator.translate(val);
                    return that
                return that._currentValue
            _isEnabled: null,
            _isVisible: null,
            _render: null,
            _clear: null,
            _move: null
        var COEFFICIENTS_MAP = {};
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["right-bottom"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.rb = [0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["bottom-right"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.br = [-1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["left-bottom"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.lb = [0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["bottom-left"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.bl = [1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["left-top"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.lt = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["top-left"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.tl = [1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["right-top"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.rt = [0, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0];
        COEFFICIENTS_MAP["top-right"] = COEFFICIENTS_MAP.tr = [-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1];

        function getTextCloudInfo(options) {
            var tailWidth, tailHeight, x = options.x,
                y = options.y,
                type = COEFFICIENTS_MAP[options.type],
                cloudWidth = options.textWidth + 2 * options.horMargin,
                cloudHeight = options.textHeight + 2 * options.verMargin,
                cx = x,
                cy = y;
            tailWidth = tailHeight = options.tailLength;
            if (1 & type[0]) {
                tailHeight = Math.min(tailHeight, cloudHeight / 3)
            } else {
                tailWidth = Math.min(tailWidth, cloudWidth / 3)
            return {
                cx: _round(cx + type[0] * tailWidth + (type[0] + type[2]) * cloudWidth / 2),
                cy: _round(cy + type[1] * tailHeight + (type[1] + type[3]) * cloudHeight / 2),
                points: [_round(x), _round(y), _round(x += type[0] * (cloudWidth + tailWidth)), _round(y += type[1] * (cloudHeight + tailHeight)), _round(x += type[2] * cloudWidth), _round(y += type[3] * cloudHeight), _round(x += type[4] * cloudWidth), _round(y += type[5] * cloudHeight), _round(x += type[6] * (cloudWidth - tailWidth)), _round(y += type[7] * (cloudHeight - tailHeight))]
        var BaseTextCloudMarker = BaseIndicator.inherit({
            _move: function() {
                var bBox, info, that = this,
                    textCloudOptions = that._getTextCloudOptions(),
                    text = _formatValue(that._actualValue, that._options.text);
                    text: text
                bBox = that._text.getBBox();
                info = getTextCloudInfo({
                    x: textCloudOptions.x,
                    y: textCloudOptions.y,
                    textWidth: bBox.width || text.length * that._textUnitWidth,
                    textHeight: bBox.height || that._textHeight,
                    horMargin: that._options.horizontalOffset,
                    verMargin: that._options.verticalOffset,
                    tailLength: that._options.arrowLength,
                    type: textCloudOptions.type
                    x: info.cx,
                    y: info.cy + that._textVerticalOffset
                    points: info.points
                that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.attr({
                    points: info.points
            _measureText: function() {
                var root, text, bBox, sampleText, that = this;
                if (!that._textVerticalOffset) {
                    root = that._createRoot().append(that._owner);
                    sampleText = _getSampleText(that._translator, that._options.text);
                    text = that._renderer.text(sampleText, 0, 0).attr({
                        align: "center"
                    bBox = text.getBBox();
                    that._textVerticalOffset = -bBox.y - bBox.height / 2;
                    that._textWidth = bBox.width;
                    that._textHeight = bBox.height;
                    that._textUnitWidth = that._textWidth / sampleText.length;
                    that._textFullWidth = that._textWidth + 2 * that._options.horizontalOffset;
                    that._textFullHeight = that._textHeight + 2 * that._options.verticalOffset
            _render: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._cloud = that._cloud || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                that._text = that._text || that._renderer.text().append(that._rootElement);
                    align: "center"
            _clear: function() {
                delete this._cloud;
                delete this._text
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var position = this._getTextCloudOptions();
                return {
                    x: position.x,
                    y: position.y,
                    value: this._currentValue,
                    color: this._options.color
        var BaseRangeBar = BaseIndicator.inherit({
            _measureText: function() {
                var root, text, bBox, that = this;
                that._hasText = that._isTextVisible();
                if (that._hasText && !that._textVerticalOffset) {
                    root = that._createRoot().append(that._owner);
                    text = that._renderer.text(_getSampleText(that._translator, that._options.text), 0, 0).attr({
                        "class": "dxg-text",
                        align: "center"
                    bBox = text.getBBox();
                    that._textVerticalOffset = -bBox.y - bBox.height / 2;
                    that._textWidth = bBox.width;
                    that._textHeight = bBox.height
            _move: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._hasText) {
                        text: _formatValue(that._actualValue, that._options.text)
            _updateBarItems: function() {
                var backgroundColor, spaceColor, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    translator = that._translator;
                that._startPosition = translator.translate(translator.getDomainStart());
                that._endPosition = translator.translate(translator.getDomainEnd());
                that._basePosition = translator.translate(options.baseValue);
                that._space = that._getSpace();
                backgroundColor = options.backgroundColor || "none";
                if ("none" !== backgroundColor && that._space > 0) {
                    spaceColor = options.containerBackgroundColor || "none"
                } else {
                    that._space = 0;
                    spaceColor = "none"
                    fill: backgroundColor
                    fill: backgroundColor
                    fill: spaceColor
                    fill: spaceColor
            _getSpace: function() {
                return 0
            _updateTextItems: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._hasText) {
                    that._line = that._line || that._renderer.path([], "line").attr({
                        "class": "dxg-main-bar",
                        "stroke-linecap": "square"
                    that._text = that._text || that._renderer.text("", 0, 0).attr({
                        "class": "dxg-text"
                        align: that._getTextAlign()
                } else {
                    if (that._line) {
                        delete that._line
                    if (that._text) {
                        delete that._text
            _isTextVisible: function() {
                return false
            _getTextAlign: function() {
                return "center"
            _getFontOptions: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    font = options.text.font;
                if (!font || !font.color) {
                    font = extend({}, font, {
                        color: options.color
                return _patchFontOptions(font)
            _updateBarItemsPositions: function() {
                var that = this,
                    positions = that._getPositions();
                that._backItem1.attr(that._buildItemSettings(positions.start, positions.back1));
                that._backItem2.attr(that._buildItemSettings(positions.back2, positions.end));
                that._spaceItem1.attr(that._buildItemSettings(positions.back1, positions.main1));
                that._spaceItem2.attr(that._buildItemSettings(positions.main2, positions.back2));
                that._mainItem.attr(that._buildItemSettings(positions.main1, positions.main2));
                that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.attr(that._buildItemSettings(positions.main1, positions.main2))
            _render: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._backItem1) {
                    that._backItem1 = that._createBarItem();
                        "class": "dxg-back-bar"
                if (!that._backItem2) {
                    that._backItem2 = that._createBarItem();
                        "class": "dxg-back-bar"
                if (!that._spaceItem1) {
                    that._spaceItem1 = that._createBarItem();
                        "class": "dxg-space-bar"
                if (!that._spaceItem2) {
                    that._spaceItem2 = that._createBarItem();
                        "class": "dxg-space-bar"
                if (!that._mainItem) {
                    that._mainItem = that._createBarItem();
                        "class": "dxg-main-bar"
            _clear: function() {
                var that = this;
                delete that._backItem1;
                delete that._backItem2;
                delete that._spaceItem1;
                delete that._spaceItem2;
                delete that._mainItem;
                delete that._hasText;
                delete that._line;
                delete that._text
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var position = this._getTooltipPosition();
                return {
                    x: position.x,
                    y: position.y,
                    value: this._currentValue,
                    color: this._options.color,
                    offset: 0
        exports.BaseElement = BaseElement;
        exports.BaseIndicator = BaseIndicator;
        exports.BaseTextCloudMarker = BaseTextCloudMarker;
        exports.BaseRangeBar = BaseRangeBar;
        exports.getTextCloudInfo = getTextCloudInfo
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/linear_range_container.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BaseRangeContainer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_range_container */ 595),
            _Number = Number,
            _max = Math.max,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum;
        var LinearRangeContainer = BaseRangeContainer.inherit({
            _processOptions: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.vertical = that._options.vertical;
                that._inner = that._outer = 0;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    switch (_normalizeEnum(that._options.horizontalOrientation)) {
                        case "left":
                            that._inner = 1;
                        case "center":
                            that._inner = that._outer = .5;
                            that._outer = 1
                } else {
                    switch (_normalizeEnum(that._options.verticalOrientation)) {
                        case "top":
                            that._inner = 1;
                        case "center":
                        case "middle":
                            that._inner = that._outer = .5;
                            that._outer = 1
            _isVisible: function() {
                return true
            _createRange: function(range, layout) {
                var points, that = this,
                    inner = that._inner,
                    outer = that._outer,
                    startPosition = that._translator.translate(range.start),
                    endPosition = that._translator.translate(range.end),
                    x = layout.x,
                    y = layout.y,
                    startWidth = range.startWidth,
                    endWidth = range.endWidth;
                if (that.vertical) {
                    points = [x - startWidth * inner, startPosition, x - endWidth * inner, endPosition, x + endWidth * outer, endPosition, x + startWidth * outer, startPosition]
                } else {
                    points = [startPosition, y + startWidth * outer, startPosition, y - startWidth * inner, endPosition, y - endWidth * inner, endPosition, y + endWidth * outer]
                return that._renderer.path(points, "area")
            measure: function(layout) {
                var width, result = {};
                result.min = result.max = layout[this.vertical ? "x" : "y"];
                width = this._options.width;
                width = _Number(width) || _max(_Number(width.start), _Number(width.end));
                result.min -= this._inner * width;
                result.max += this._outer * width;
                return result
        module.exports = LinearRangeContainer
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/base_range_container.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            BaseElement = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_indicators */ 593).BaseElement,
            _Number = Number,
            _abs = Math.abs,
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            _isString = commonUtils.isString,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            _each = $.each,
            _map = $.map;
        var BaseRangeContainer = BaseElement.inherit({
            _init: function() {
                this._root = this._renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxg-range-container"
                }).linkOn(this._container, "range-container")
            _dispose: function() {
            clean: function() {
                this._options = this.enabled = null;
                return this
            _getRanges: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    translator = that._translator,
                    totalStart = translator.getDomain()[0],
                    totalEnd = translator.getDomain()[1],
                    totalDelta = totalEnd - totalStart,
                    isNotEmptySegment = totalDelta >= 0 ? isNotEmptySegmentAsc : isNotEmptySegmentDesc,
                    subtractSegment = totalDelta >= 0 ? subtractSegmentAsc : subtractSegmentDesc,
                    list = [],
                    ranges = [],
                    backgroundRanges = [{
                        start: totalStart,
                        end: totalEnd
                    threshold = _abs(totalDelta) / 1e4,
                    palette = that._themeManager.createPalette(options.palette, {
                        type: "indicatingSet"
                    backgroundColor = _isString(options.backgroundColor) ? options.backgroundColor : "none",
                    width = options.width || {},
                    startWidth = _Number(width > 0 ? width : width.start),
                    endWidth = _Number(width > 0 ? width : width.end),
                    deltaWidth = endWidth - startWidth;
                if (void 0 !== options.ranges && !_isArray(options.ranges)) {
                    return null
                if (!(startWidth >= 0 && endWidth >= 0 && startWidth + endWidth > 0)) {
                    return null
                list = _map(_isArray(options.ranges) ? options.ranges : [], function(rangeOptions, i) {
                    rangeOptions = rangeOptions || {};
                    var start = translator.adjust(rangeOptions.startValue),
                        end = translator.adjust(rangeOptions.endValue);
                    return _isFinite(start) && _isFinite(end) && isNotEmptySegment(start, end, threshold) ? {
                        start: start,
                        end: end,
                        color: rangeOptions.color,
                        classIndex: i
                    } : null
                _each(list, function(i, item) {
                    var paletteColor = palette.getNextColor();
                    item.color = _isString(item.color) && item.color || paletteColor || "none";
                    item.className = "dxg-range dxg-range-" + item.classIndex;
                    delete item.classIndex
                _each(list, function(_, item) {
                    var i, ii, sub, subs, range, newRanges = [],
                        newBackgroundRanges = [];
                    for (i = 0, ii = ranges.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                        range = ranges[i];
                        subs = subtractSegment(range.start, range.end, item.start, item.end);
                        (sub = subs[0]) && (sub.color = range.color) && (sub.className = range.className) && newRanges.push(sub);
                        (sub = subs[1]) && (sub.color = range.color) && (sub.className = range.className) && newRanges.push(sub)
                    ranges = newRanges;
                    for (i = 0, ii = backgroundRanges.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                        range = backgroundRanges[i];
                        subs = subtractSegment(range.start, range.end, item.start, item.end);
                        (sub = subs[0]) && newBackgroundRanges.push(sub);
                        (sub = subs[1]) && newBackgroundRanges.push(sub)
                    backgroundRanges = newBackgroundRanges
                _each(backgroundRanges, function(_, range) {
                    range.color = backgroundColor;
                    range.className = "dxg-range dxg-background-range";
                _each(ranges, function(_, range) {
                    range.startWidth = (range.start - totalStart) / totalDelta * deltaWidth + startWidth;
                    range.endWidth = (range.end - totalStart) / totalDelta * deltaWidth + startWidth
                return ranges
            render: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that._options = options;
                that._ranges = that._getRanges();
                if (that._ranges) {
                    that.enabled = true;
                return that
            resize: function(layout) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._isVisible(layout)) {
                    _each(that._ranges, function(_, range) {
                        that._createRange(range, layout).attr({
                            fill: range.color,
                            "class": range.className
                return that
            _processOptions: null,
            _isVisible: null,
            _createRange: null,
            getColorForValue: function(value) {
                var color = null;
                _each(this._ranges, function(_, range) {
                    if (range.start <= value && value <= range.end || range.start >= value && value >= range.end) {
                        color = range.color;
                        return false
                return color

        function subtractSegmentAsc(segmentStart, segmentEnd, otherStart, otherEnd) {
            var result;
            if (otherStart > segmentStart && otherEnd < segmentEnd) {
                result = [{
                    start: segmentStart,
                    end: otherStart
                }, {
                    start: otherEnd,
                    end: segmentEnd
            } else {
                if (otherStart >= segmentEnd || otherEnd <= segmentStart) {
                    result = [{
                        start: segmentStart,
                        end: segmentEnd
                } else {
                    if (otherStart <= segmentStart && otherEnd >= segmentEnd) {
                        result = []
                    } else {
                        if (otherStart > segmentStart) {
                            result = [{
                                start: segmentStart,
                                end: otherStart
                        } else {
                            if (otherEnd < segmentEnd) {
                                result = [{
                                    start: otherEnd,
                                    end: segmentEnd
            return result

        function subtractSegmentDesc(segmentStart, segmentEnd, otherStart, otherEnd) {
            var result;
            if (otherStart < segmentStart && otherEnd > segmentEnd) {
                result = [{
                    start: segmentStart,
                    end: otherStart
                }, {
                    start: otherEnd,
                    end: segmentEnd
            } else {
                if (otherStart <= segmentEnd || otherEnd >= segmentStart) {
                    result = [{
                        start: segmentStart,
                        end: segmentEnd
                } else {
                    if (otherStart >= segmentStart && otherEnd <= segmentEnd) {
                        result = []
                    } else {
                        if (otherStart < segmentStart) {
                            result = [{
                                start: segmentStart,
                                end: otherStart
                        } else {
                            if (otherEnd > segmentEnd) {
                                result = [{
                                    start: otherEnd,
                                    end: segmentEnd
            return result

        function isNotEmptySegmentAsc(start, end, threshold) {
            return end - start >= threshold

        function isNotEmptySegmentDesc(start, end, threshold) {
            return start - end >= threshold
        module.exports = BaseRangeContainer
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/theme_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _extend = extend,
            BaseThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550).BaseThemeManager;
        var ThemeManager = BaseThemeManager.inherit({
            _themeSection: "gauge",
            _fontFields: ["scale.label.font", "valueIndicators.rangebar.text.font", "valueIndicators.textcloud.text.font", "title.font", "title.subtitle.font", "tooltip.font", "indicator.text.font", "loadingIndicator.font", "export.font"],
            _initializeTheme: function() {
                var subTheme, that = this;
                if (that._subTheme) {
                    subTheme = _extend(true, {}, that._theme[that._subTheme], that._theme);
                    _extend(true, that._theme, subTheme)
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments)
        module.exports = ThemeManager
      !*** ./js/viz/circular_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./gauges/circular_gauge */ 598)
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/circular_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            dxBaseGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_gauge */ 589).dxBaseGauge,
            dxGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 591).dxGauge,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _normalizeAngle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle,
            _getCosAndSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin,
            circularIndicatorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./circular_indicators */ 599),
            createIndicatorCreator = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 591).createIndicatorCreator,
            CircularRangeContainer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./circular_range_container */ 600),
            ThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ./theme_manager */ 596),
            _abs = Math.abs,
            _max = Math.max,
            _min = Math.min,
            _round = Math.round,
            _each = $.each,
            PI = Math.PI;

        function getSides(startAngle, endAngle) {
            var startCosSin = _getCosAndSin(startAngle),
                endCosSin = _getCosAndSin(endAngle),
                startCos = startCosSin.cos,
                startSin = startCosSin.sin,
                endCos = endCosSin.cos,
                endSin = endCosSin.sin;
            return {
                left: startSin <= 0 && endSin >= 0 || startSin <= 0 && endSin <= 0 && startCos <= endCos || startSin >= 0 && endSin >= 0 && startCos >= endCos ? -1 : _min(startCos, endCos, 0),
                right: startSin >= 0 && endSin <= 0 || startSin >= 0 && endSin >= 0 && startCos >= endCos || startSin <= 0 && endSin <= 0 && startCos <= endCos ? 1 : _max(startCos, endCos, 0),
                up: startCos <= 0 && endCos >= 0 || startCos <= 0 && endCos <= 0 && startSin >= endSin || startCos >= 0 && endCos >= 0 && startSin <= endSin ? -1 : -_max(startSin, endSin, 0),
                down: startCos >= 0 && endCos <= 0 || startCos >= 0 && endCos >= 0 && startSin <= endSin || startCos <= 0 && endCos <= 0 && startSin >= endSin ? 1 : -_min(startSin, endSin, 0)
        var dxCircularGauge = dxGauge.inherit({
            _rootClass: "dxg-circular-gauge",
            _factoryMethods: {
                rangeContainer: "createCircularRangeContainer",
                indicator: "createCircularIndicator"
            _gridSpacingFactor: 17,
            _scaleTypes: {
                type: "polarAxes",
                drawingType: "circular"
            _updateScaleTickIndent: function(scaleOptions) {
                var indentFromTick = scaleOptions.label.indentFromTick,
                    length = scaleOptions.tick.length,
                    textParams = this._scale.measureLabels(),
                    tickCorrection = length;
                if ("inside" === scaleOptions.orientation) {
                    tickCorrection = 0
                } else {
                    if ("center" === scaleOptions.orientation) {
                        tickCorrection = .5 * length
                scaleOptions.label.indentFromAxis = indentFromTick >= 0 ? indentFromTick + tickCorrection : indentFromTick - tickCorrection - _max(textParams.width, textParams.height);
            _setupCodomain: function() {
                var sides, that = this,
                    geometry = that.option("geometry") || {},
                    startAngle = geometry.startAngle,
                    endAngle = geometry.endAngle;
                startAngle = _isFinite(startAngle) ? _normalizeAngle(startAngle) : 225;
                endAngle = _isFinite(endAngle) ? _normalizeAngle(endAngle) : -45;
                if (_abs(startAngle - endAngle) < 1) {
                    endAngle -= 360;
                    sides = {
                        left: -1,
                        up: -1,
                        right: 1,
                        down: 1
                } else {
                    startAngle < endAngle && (endAngle -= 360);
                    sides = getSides(startAngle, endAngle)
                that._area = {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    radius: 100,
                    startCoord: startAngle,
                    endCoord: endAngle,
                    sides: sides
                that._translator.setCodomain(startAngle, endAngle)
            _shiftScale: function(layout) {
                var centerCoords, scale = this._scale,
                    canvas = scale.getCanvas();
                canvas.width = canvas.height = 2 * layout.radius;
                centerCoords = scale.getCenter();
                    right: layout.x - centerCoords.x,
                    bottom: layout.y - centerCoords.y
            _getScaleLayoutValue: function() {
                return this._area.radius
            _getTicksOrientation: function(scaleOptions) {
                return scaleOptions.orientation
            _getTicksCoefficients: function(options) {
                var coefs = {
                    inner: 0,
                    outer: 1
                if ("inside" === options.orientation) {
                    coefs.inner = 1;
                    coefs.outer = 0
                } else {
                    if ("center" === options.orientation) {
                        coefs.inner = coefs.outer = .5
                return coefs
            _correctScaleIndents: function(result, indentFromTick, textParams) {
                if (indentFromTick >= 0) {
                    result.horizontalOffset = indentFromTick + textParams.width;
                    result.verticalOffset = indentFromTick + textParams.height
                } else {
                    result.horizontalOffset = result.verticalOffset = 0;
                    result.min -= -indentFromTick + _max(textParams.width, textParams.height)
                result.inverseHorizontalOffset = textParams.width / 2;
                result.inverseVerticalOffset = textParams.height / 2
            _measureMainElements: function(elements, scaleMeasurement) {
                var that = this,
                    radius = that._area.radius,
                    maxRadius = 0,
                    minRadius = 1 / 0,
                    maxHorizontalOffset = 0,
                    maxVerticalOffset = 0,
                    maxInverseHorizontalOffset = 0,
                    maxInverseVerticalOffset = 0,
                    scale = that._scale;
                _each(elements.concat(scale), function(_, element) {
                    var bounds = element.measure ? element.measure({
                        radius: radius - element.getOffset()
                    }) : scaleMeasurement;
                    bounds.min > 0 && (minRadius = _min(minRadius, bounds.min));
                    bounds.max > 0 && (maxRadius = _max(maxRadius, bounds.max));
                    bounds.horizontalOffset > 0 && (maxHorizontalOffset = _max(maxHorizontalOffset, bounds.max + bounds.horizontalOffset));
                    bounds.verticalOffset > 0 && (maxVerticalOffset = _max(maxVerticalOffset, bounds.max + bounds.verticalOffset));
                    bounds.inverseHorizontalOffset > 0 && (maxInverseHorizontalOffset = _max(maxInverseHorizontalOffset, bounds.inverseHorizontalOffset));
                    bounds.inverseVerticalOffset > 0 && (maxInverseVerticalOffset = _max(maxInverseVerticalOffset, bounds.inverseVerticalOffset))
                maxHorizontalOffset = _max(maxHorizontalOffset - maxRadius, 0);
                maxVerticalOffset = _max(maxVerticalOffset - maxRadius, 0);
                return {
                    minRadius: minRadius,
                    maxRadius: maxRadius,
                    horizontalMargin: maxHorizontalOffset,
                    verticalMargin: maxVerticalOffset,
                    inverseHorizontalMargin: maxInverseHorizontalOffset,
                    inverseVerticalMargin: maxInverseVerticalOffset
            _applyMainLayout: function(elements, scaleMeasurement) {
                var x, y, measurements = this._measureMainElements(elements, scaleMeasurement),
                    area = this._area,
                    sides = area.sides,
                    margins = {
                        left: (sides.left < -.1 ? measurements.horizontalMargin : measurements.inverseHorizontalMargin) || 0,
                        right: (sides.right > .1 ? measurements.horizontalMargin : measurements.inverseHorizontalMargin) || 0,
                        top: (sides.up < -.1 ? measurements.verticalMargin : measurements.inverseVerticalMargin) || 0,
                        bottom: (sides.down > .1 ? measurements.verticalMargin : measurements.inverseVerticalMargin) || 0
                    rect = selectRectByAspectRatio(this._innerRect, (sides.down - sides.up) / (sides.right - sides.left), margins),
                    radius = _min(getWidth(rect) / (sides.right - sides.left), getHeight(rect) / (sides.down - sides.up));
                radius = radius - measurements.maxRadius + area.radius;
                x = rect.left - getWidth(rect) * sides.left / (sides.right - sides.left);
                y = rect.top - getHeight(rect) * sides.up / (sides.down - sides.up);
                area.x = _round(x);
                area.y = _round(y);
                area.radius = radius;
                rect.left -= margins.left;
                rect.right += margins.right;
                rect.top -= margins.top;
                rect.bottom += margins.bottom;
                this._innerRect = rect
            _getElementLayout: function(offset) {
                return {
                    x: this._area.x,
                    y: this._area.y,
                    radius: _round(this._area.radius - offset)
            _getApproximateScreenRange: function() {
                var that = this,
                    area = that._area,
                    r = _min(that._canvas.width / (area.sides.right - area.sides.left), that._canvas.height / (area.sides.down - area.sides.up));
                r > area.totalRadius && (r = area.totalRadius);
                r = .8 * r;
                return -that._translator.getCodomainRange() * r * PI / 180
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return {
                    width: 300,
                    height: 300
            _factory: objectUtils.clone(dxBaseGauge.prototype._factory)

        function getWidth(rect) {
            return rect.right - rect.left

        function getHeight(rect) {
            return rect.bottom - rect.top

        function selectRectByAspectRatio(srcRect, aspectRatio, margins) {
            var selfAspectRatio, rect = extend({}, srcRect),
                width = 0,
                height = 0;
            margins = margins || {};
            if (aspectRatio > 0) {
                rect.left += margins.left || 0;
                rect.right -= margins.right || 0;
                rect.top += margins.top || 0;
                rect.bottom -= margins.bottom || 0;
                if (getWidth(rect) > 0 && getHeight(rect) > 0) {
                    selfAspectRatio = getHeight(rect) / getWidth(rect);
                    if (selfAspectRatio > 1) {
                        aspectRatio < selfAspectRatio ? width = getWidth(rect) : height = getHeight(rect)
                    } else {
                        aspectRatio > selfAspectRatio ? height = getHeight(rect) : width = getWidth(rect)
                    width > 0 || (width = height / aspectRatio);
                    height > 0 || (height = width * aspectRatio);
                    width = (getWidth(rect) - width) / 2;
                    height = (getHeight(rect) - height) / 2;
                    rect.left += width;
                    rect.right -= width;
                    rect.top += height;
                    rect.bottom -= height
                } else {
                    rect.left = rect.right = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2;
                    rect.top = rect.bottom = (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2
            return rect
        dxCircularGauge._TESTS_selectRectByAspectRatio = selectRectByAspectRatio;
        var indicators = dxCircularGauge.prototype._factory.indicators = {};
        dxCircularGauge.prototype._factory.createIndicator = createIndicatorCreator(indicators);
        indicators._default = circularIndicatorsModule._default;
        indicators.rectangleneedle = circularIndicatorsModule.rectangleneedle;
        indicators.triangleneedle = circularIndicatorsModule.triangleneedle;
        indicators.twocolorneedle = circularIndicatorsModule.twocolorneedle;
        indicators.trianglemarker = circularIndicatorsModule.trianglemarker;
        indicators.textcloud = circularIndicatorsModule.textcloud;
        indicators.rangebar = circularIndicatorsModule.rangebar;
        dxCircularGauge.prototype._factory.RangeContainer = CircularRangeContainer;
        dxCircularGauge.prototype._factory.ThemeManager = ThemeManager.inherit({
            _subTheme: "_circular"
        registerComponent("dxCircularGauge", dxCircularGauge);
        module.exports = dxCircularGauge
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/circular_indicators.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var baseIndicatorsModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_indicators */ 593),
            BaseIndicator = baseIndicatorsModule.BaseIndicator,
            BaseTextCloudMarker = baseIndicatorsModule.BaseTextCloudMarker,
            BaseRangeBar = baseIndicatorsModule.BaseRangeBar,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _Number = Number,
            _getCosAndSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin,
            _convertAngleToRendererSpace = vizUtils.convertAngleToRendererSpace;
        var SimpleIndicator = BaseIndicator.inherit({
            _move: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    angle = _convertAngleToRendererSpace(that._actualPosition);
                that._rootElement.rotate(angle, options.x, options.y);
                that._trackerElement && that._trackerElement.rotate(angle, options.x, options.y)
            _isEnabled: function() {
                return this._options.width > 0
            _isVisible: function(layout) {
                return layout.radius - _Number(this._options.indentFromCenter) > 0
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    x = options.x,
                    y = options.y - (options.radius + _Number(options.indentFromCenter)) / 2,
                    width = options.width / 2,
                    length = (options.radius - _Number(options.indentFromCenter)) / 2;
                width > 10 || (width = 10);
                length > 10 || (length = 10);
                return {
                    points: [x - width, y - length, x - width, y + length, x + width, y + length, x + width, y - length]
            _renderSpindle: function() {
                var gapSize, that = this,
                    options = that._options;
                if (options.spindleSize > 0) {
                    gapSize = _Number(options.spindleGapSize) || 0;
                    if (gapSize > 0) {
                        gapSize = gapSize <= options.spindleSize ? gapSize : _Number(options.spindleSize)
                    that._spindleOuter = that._spindleOuter || that._renderer.circle().append(that._rootElement);
                    that._spindleInner = that._spindleInner || that._renderer.circle().append(that._rootElement);
                        "class": "dxg-spindle-border",
                        cx: options.x,
                        cy: options.y,
                        r: options.spindleSize / 2
                        "class": "dxg-spindle-hole",
                        cx: options.x,
                        cy: options.y,
                        r: gapSize / 2,
                        fill: options.containerBackgroundColor
            _render: function() {
                var that = this;
            _clearSpindle: function() {
                delete this._spindleOuter;
                delete this._spindleInner
            _clearPointer: function() {
                delete this._element
            _clear: function() {
            measure: function(layout) {
                var result = {
                    max: layout.radius
                if (this._options.indentFromCenter < 0) {
                    result.inverseHorizontalOffset = result.inverseVerticalOffset = -_Number(this._options.indentFromCenter)
                return result
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin(this._actualPosition),
                    r = (options.radius + _Number(options.indentFromCenter)) / 2;
                return {
                    x: options.x + cosSin.cos * r,
                    y: options.y - cosSin.sin * r,
                    value: this._currentValue,
                    color: options.color,
                    offset: options.width / 2
        var rectangleNeedle = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _renderPointer: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    y2 = options.y - options.radius,
                    y1 = options.y - _Number(options.indentFromCenter),
                    x1 = options.x - options.width / 2,
                    x2 = x1 + _Number(options.width);
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                    points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]
        var triangleNeedle = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _renderPointer: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    y2 = options.y - options.radius,
                    y1 = options.y - _Number(options.indentFromCenter),
                    x1 = options.x - options.width / 2,
                    x2 = options.x + options.width / 2;
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                    points: [x1, y1, options.x, y2, x2, y1]
        var twoColorNeedle = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _renderPointer: function() {
                var y2, y3, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    x1 = options.x - options.width / 2,
                    x2 = options.x + options.width / 2,
                    y4 = options.y - options.radius,
                    y1 = options.y - _Number(options.indentFromCenter),
                    fraction = _Number(options.secondFraction) || 0;
                if (fraction >= 1) {
                    y2 = y3 = y1
                } else {
                    if (fraction <= 0) {
                        y2 = y3 = y4
                    } else {
                        y3 = y4 + (y1 - y4) * fraction;
                        y2 = y3 + _Number(options.space)
                that._firstElement = that._firstElement || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                that._spaceElement = that._spaceElement || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                that._secondElement = that._secondElement || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                    points: [x1, y1, x1, y2, x2, y2, x2, y1]
                    points: [x1, y2, x1, y3, x2, y3, x2, y2],
                    "class": "dxg-hole",
                    fill: options.containerBackgroundColor
                    points: [x1, y3, x1, y4, x2, y4, x2, y3],
                    "class": "dxg-part",
                    fill: options.secondColor
            _clearPointer: function() {
                delete this._firstElement;
                delete this._secondElement;
                delete this._spaceElement
        var triangleMarker = SimpleIndicator.inherit({
            _isEnabled: function() {
                return this._options.length > 0 && this._options.width > 0
            _isVisible: function(layout) {
                return layout.radius > 0
            _render: function() {
                var settings, that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    x = options.x,
                    y1 = options.y - options.radius,
                    dx = options.width / 2 || 0,
                    y2 = y1 - _Number(options.length);
                that._element = that._element || that._renderer.path([], "area").append(that._rootElement);
                settings = {
                    points: [x, y1, x - dx, y2, x + dx, y2],
                    stroke: "none",
                    "stroke-width": 0,
                    "stroke-linecap": "square"
                if (options.space > 0) {
                    settings["stroke-width"] = Math.min(options.space, options.width / 4) || 0;
                    settings.stroke = settings["stroke-width"] > 0 ? options.containerBackgroundColor || "none" : "none"
            _clear: function() {
                delete this._element
            _getTrackerSettings: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    x = options.x,
                    y = options.y - options.radius - options.length / 2,
                    width = options.width / 2,
                    length = options.length / 2;
                width > 10 || (width = 10);
                length > 10 || (length = 10);
                return {
                    points: [x - width, y - length, x - width, y + length, x + width, y + length, x + width, y - length]
            measure: function(layout) {
                return {
                    min: layout.radius,
                    max: layout.radius + _Number(this._options.length)
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin(this._actualPosition),
                    r = options.radius + options.length / 2,
                    parameters = this.callBase();
                parameters.x = options.x + cosSin.cos * r;
                parameters.y = options.y - cosSin.sin * r;
                parameters.offset = options.length / 2;
                return parameters
        var textCloud = BaseTextCloudMarker.inherit({
            _isEnabled: function() {
                return true
            _isVisible: function(layout) {
                return layout.radius > 0
            _getTextCloudOptions: function() {
                var that = this,
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin(that._actualPosition),
                    nAngle = vizUtils.normalizeAngle(that._actualPosition);
                return {
                    x: that._options.x + cosSin.cos * that._options.radius,
                    y: that._options.y - cosSin.sin * that._options.radius,
                    type: nAngle > 270 ? "left-top" : nAngle > 180 ? "top-right" : nAngle > 90 ? "right-bottom" : "bottom-left"
            measure: function(layout) {
                var verticalOffset, horizontalOffset, that = this,
                    arrowLength = _Number(that._options.arrowLength) || 0;
                verticalOffset = that._textFullHeight + arrowLength;
                horizontalOffset = that._textFullWidth + arrowLength;
                return {
                    min: layout.radius,
                    max: layout.radius,
                    horizontalOffset: horizontalOffset,
                    verticalOffset: verticalOffset,
                    inverseHorizontalOffset: horizontalOffset,
                    inverseVerticalOffset: verticalOffset
        var rangeBar = BaseRangeBar.inherit({
            _isEnabled: function() {
                return this._options.size > 0
            _isVisible: function(layout) {
                return layout.radius - _Number(this._options.size) > 0
            _createBarItem: function() {
                return this._renderer.arc().attr({
                    "stroke-linejoin": "round"
            _createTracker: function() {
                return this._renderer.arc().attr({
                    "stroke-linejoin": "round"
            _setBarSides: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._maxSide = that._options.radius;
                that._minSide = that._maxSide - _Number(that._options.size)
            _getSpace: function() {
                var options = this._options;
                return options.space > 0 ? 180 * options.space / options.radius / Math.PI : 0
            _isTextVisible: function() {
                var options = this._options.text || {};
                return options.indent > 0
            _setTextItemsSides: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._options,
                    indent = _Number(options.text.indent);
                that._lineFrom = options.y - options.radius;
                that._lineTo = that._lineFrom - indent;
                that._textRadius = options.radius + indent
            _getPositions: function() {
                var mainPosition1, mainPosition2, that = this,
                    basePosition = that._basePosition,
                    actualPosition = that._actualPosition;
                if (basePosition >= actualPosition) {
                    mainPosition1 = basePosition;
                    mainPosition2 = actualPosition
                } else {
                    mainPosition1 = actualPosition;
                    mainPosition2 = basePosition
                return {
                    start: that._startPosition,
                    end: that._endPosition,
                    main1: mainPosition1,
                    main2: mainPosition2,
                    back1: Math.min(mainPosition1 + that._space, that._startPosition),
                    back2: Math.max(mainPosition2 - that._space, that._endPosition)
            _buildItemSettings: function(from, to) {
                var that = this;
                return {
                    x: that._options.x,
                    y: that._options.y,
                    innerRadius: that._minSide,
                    outerRadius: that._maxSide,
                    startAngle: to,
                    endAngle: from
            _updateTextPosition: function() {
                var that = this,
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin(that._actualPosition),
                    x = that._options.x + that._textRadius * cosSin.cos,
                    y = that._options.y - that._textRadius * cosSin.sin;
                x += cosSin.cos * that._textWidth * .6;
                y -= cosSin.sin * that._textHeight * .6;
                    x: x,
                    y: y + that._textVerticalOffset
            _updateLinePosition: function() {
                var x1, x2, that = this,
                    x = that._options.x;
                if (that._basePosition > that._actualPosition) {
                    x1 = x - 2;
                    x2 = x
                } else {
                    if (that._basePosition < that._actualPosition) {
                        x1 = x;
                        x2 = x + 2
                    } else {
                        x1 = x - 1;
                        x2 = x + 1
                    points: [x1, that._lineFrom, x1, that._lineTo, x2, that._lineTo, x2, that._lineFrom]
                }).rotate(_convertAngleToRendererSpace(that._actualPosition), x, that._options.y).sharp()
            _getTooltipPosition: function() {
                var that = this,
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin((that._basePosition + that._actualPosition) / 2),
                    r = (that._minSide + that._maxSide) / 2;
                return {
                    x: that._options.x + cosSin.cos * r,
                    y: that._options.y - cosSin.sin * r
            measure: function(layout) {
                var that = this,
                    result = {
                        min: layout.radius - _Number(that._options.size),
                        max: layout.radius
                if (that._hasText) {
                    result.max += _Number(that._options.text.indent);
                    result.horizontalOffset = that._textWidth;
                    result.verticalOffset = that._textHeight
                return result
        exports._default = rectangleNeedle;
        exports.rectangleneedle = rectangleNeedle;
        exports.triangleneedle = triangleNeedle;
        exports.twocolorneedle = twoColorNeedle;
        exports.trianglemarker = triangleMarker;
        exports.textcloud = textCloud;
        exports.rangebar = rangeBar
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/circular_range_container.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BaseRangeContainer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_range_container */ 595),
            _Number = Number,
            _max = Math.max,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum;
        var CircularRangeContainer = BaseRangeContainer.inherit({
            _processOptions: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._inner = that._outer = 0;
                switch (_normalizeEnum(that._options.orientation)) {
                    case "inside":
                        that._inner = 1;
                    case "center":
                        that._inner = that._outer = .5;
                        that._outer = 1
            _isVisible: function(layout) {
                var width = this._options.width;
                width = _Number(width) || _max(_Number(width.start), _Number(width.end));
                return layout.radius - this._inner * width > 0
            _createRange: function(range, layout) {
                var that = this,
                    width = (range.startWidth + range.endWidth) / 2;
                return that._renderer.arc(layout.x, layout.y, layout.radius - that._inner * width, layout.radius + that._outer * width, that._translator.translate(range.end), that._translator.translate(range.start)).attr({
                    "stroke-linejoin": "round"
            measure: function(layout) {
                var width = this._options.width;
                width = _Number(width) || _max(_Number(width.start), _Number(width.end));
                return {
                    min: layout.radius - this._inner * width,
                    max: layout.radius + this._outer * width
        module.exports = CircularRangeContainer
      !*** ./js/viz/bar_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./gauges/bar_gauge */ 602).dxBarGauge
      !*** ./js/viz/gauges/bar_gauge.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var PI_DIV_180 = Math.PI / 180,
            _abs = Math.abs,
            _round = Math.round,
            _floor = Math.floor,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            objectUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            baseGaugeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_gauge */ 589),
            dxBaseGauge = baseGaugeModule.dxBaseGauge,
            _getSampleText = baseGaugeModule.getSampleText,
            _formatValue = baseGaugeModule.formatValue,
            _compareArrays = baseGaugeModule.compareArrays,
            dxCircularGauge = __webpack_require__( /*! ./circular_gauge */ 598),
            BaseThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550).BaseThemeManager,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _convertAngleToRendererSpace = vizUtils.convertAngleToRendererSpace,
            _getCosAndSin = vizUtils.getCosAndSin,
            _patchFontOptions = vizUtils.patchFontOptions,
            _Number = Number,
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop,
            _extend = extend,
            OPTION_VALUES = "values";
        var dxBarGauge = dxBaseGauge.inherit({
            _rootClass: "dxbg-bar-gauge",
            _initCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that._barsGroup = that._renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxbg-bars"
                }).linkOn(that._renderer.root, "bars");
                that._values = [];
                that._context = {
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    translator: that._translator,
                    tracker: that._tracker,
                    group: that._barsGroup
                that._animateStep = function(pos) {
                    var i, ii, bars = that._bars;
                    for (i = 0, ii = bars.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                that._animateComplete = function() {
                    var i, ii, bars = that._bars;
                    for (i = 0, ii = bars.length; i < ii; ++i) {
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._barsGroup = that._values = that._context = that._animateStep = that._animateComplete = null;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments)
            _setupDomainCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    startValue = that.option("startValue"),
                    endValue = that.option("endValue");
                _isFinite(startValue) || (startValue = 0);
                _isFinite(endValue) || (endValue = 100);
                that._translator.setDomain(startValue, endValue);
                that._baseValue = that._translator.adjust(that.option("baseValue"));
                _isFinite(that._baseValue) || (that._baseValue = startValue < endValue ? startValue : endValue)
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return {
                    width: 300,
                    height: 300
            _setupCodomain: dxCircularGauge.prototype._setupCodomain,
            _getApproximateScreenRange: function() {
                var that = this,
                    sides = that._area.sides,
                    width = that._canvas.width / (sides.right - sides.left),
                    height = that._canvas.height / (sides.down - sides.up),
                    r = width < height ? width : height;
                return -that._translator.getCodomainRange() * r * PI_DIV_180
            _setupAnimationSettings: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                if (that._animationSettings) {
                    that._animationSettings.step = that._animateStep;
                    that._animationSettings.complete = that._animateComplete
            _cleanContent: function() {
                var i, ii, that = this;
                that._animationSettings && that._barsGroup.stopAnimation();
                for (i = 0, ii = that._bars ? that._bars.length : 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                that._palette = that._bars = null
            _renderContent: function() {
                var text, bBox, that = this,
                    labelOptions = that.option("label"),
                    context = that._context;
                context.textEnabled = void 0 === labelOptions || labelOptions && (!("visible" in labelOptions) || labelOptions.visible);
                if (context.textEnabled) {
                    context.textColor = labelOptions && labelOptions.font && labelOptions.font.color || null;
                    labelOptions = _extend(true, {}, that._themeManager.theme().label, labelOptions);
                    context.formatOptions = {
                        format: void 0 !== labelOptions.format ? labelOptions.format : that._defaultFormatOptions,
                        precision: labelOptions.precision,
                        customizeText: labelOptions.customizeText
                    context.textOptions = {
                        align: "center"
                    context.fontStyles = _patchFontOptions(_extend({}, that._themeManager.theme().label.font, labelOptions.font, {
                        color: null
                    that._textIndent = labelOptions.indent > 0 ? _Number(labelOptions.indent) : 0;
                    context.lineWidth = labelOptions.connectorWidth > 0 ? _Number(labelOptions.connectorWidth) : 0;
                    context.lineColor = labelOptions.connectorColor || null;
                    text = that._renderer.text(_getSampleText(that._translator, context.formatOptions), 0, 0).attr(context.textOptions).css(context.fontStyles).append(that._barsGroup);
                    bBox = text.getBBox();
                    context.textVerticalOffset = -bBox.y - bBox.height / 2;
                    context.textWidth = bBox.width;
                    context.textHeight = bBox.height
            _measureMainElements: function() {
                var result = {
                    maxRadius: this._area.radius
                if (this._context.textEnabled) {
                    result.horizontalMargin = this._context.textWidth;
                    result.verticalMargin = this._context.textHeight
                return result
            _renderBars: function() {
                var relativeInnerRadius, radius, that = this,
                    options = _extend({}, that._themeManager.theme(), that.option()),
                    area = that._area;
                that._palette = that._themeManager.createPalette(options.palette, {
                    useHighlight: true
                relativeInnerRadius = options.relativeInnerRadius > 0 && options.relativeInnerRadius < 1 ? _Number(options.relativeInnerRadius) : .1;
                radius = area.radius;
                if (that._context.textEnabled) {
                    that._textIndent = _round(_min(that._textIndent, radius / 2));
                    radius -= that._textIndent
                that._outerRadius = _floor(radius);
                that._innerRadius = _floor(radius * relativeInnerRadius);
                that._barSpacing = options.barSpacing > 0 ? _Number(options.barSpacing) : 0;
                _extend(that._context, {
                    backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor,
                    x: area.x,
                    y: area.y,
                    startAngle: area.startCoord,
                    endAngle: area.endCoord,
                    baseAngle: that._translator.translate(that._baseValue)
                that._bars = [];
            _arrangeBars: function(count) {
                var spacing, _count, unitOffset, i, that = this,
                    radius = that._outerRadius - that._innerRadius,
                    context = that._context;
                context.barSize = count > 0 ? _max((radius - (count - 1) * that._barSpacing) / count, 1) : 0;
                spacing = count > 1 ? _max(_min((radius - count * context.barSize) / (count - 1), that._barSpacing), 0) : 0;
                _count = _min(_floor((radius + spacing) / context.barSize), count);
                radius = that._outerRadius;
                context.textRadius = radius + that._textIndent;
                unitOffset = context.barSize + spacing;
                for (i = 0; i < _count; ++i, radius -= unitOffset) {
                        radius: radius,
                        color: that._palette.getNextColor()
            _setBarsCount: function(count) {
                var i, ii, that = this;
                if (that._bars.length > count) {
                    for (i = count, ii = that._bars.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    that._bars.splice(count, ii - count)
                } else {
                    if (that._bars.length < count) {
                        for (i = that._bars.length, ii = count; i < ii; ++i) {
                            that._bars.push(new BarWrapper(i, that._context))
                if (that._bars.length > 0) {
                    if (that._dummyBackground) {
                        that._dummyBackground = null
                } else {
                    if (!that._dummyBackground) {
                        that._dummyBackground = that._renderer.arc().attr({
                            "stroke-linejoin": "round"
                        x: that._context.x,
                        y: that._context.y,
                        outerRadius: that._outerRadius,
                        innerRadius: that._innerRadius,
                        startAngle: that._context.endAngle,
                        endAngle: that._context.startAngle,
                        fill: that._context.backgroundColor
            _updateBars: function(values) {
                var i, ii, that = this;
                for (i = 0, ii = that._bars.length; i < ii; ++i) {
            _animateBars: function(values) {
                var i, that = this,
                    ii = that._bars.length;
                if (ii > 0) {
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                        _: 0
                    }, that._animationSettings)
            _updateValues: function(values) {
                var i, value, that = this,
                    list = _isArray(values) && values || _isFinite(values) && [values] || [],
                    ii = list.length,
                    barValues = [];
                that._values.length = ii;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    value = list[i];
                    that._values[i] = value = _Number(_isFinite(value) ? value : that._values[i]);
                    if (_isFinite(value)) {
                that._animationSettings && that._barsGroup.stopAnimation();
                if (that._bars) {
                    if (that._animationSettings && !that._noAnimation) {
                    } else {
                if (!that._resizing) {
                    if (!_compareArrays(that._values, that.option(OPTION_VALUES))) {
                        that.option(OPTION_VALUES, that._values)
            values: function(arg) {
                if (void 0 !== arg) {
                    return this
                } else {
                    return this._values.slice(0)
            _optionChangesMap: {
                backgroundColor: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                relativeInnerRadius: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                barSpacing: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                label: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                palette: "MOSTLY_TOTAL",
                values: "VALUES"
            _customChangesOrder: ["VALUES"],
            _change_VALUES: function() {
            _factory: objectUtils.clone(dxBaseGauge.prototype._factory)
        var BarWrapper = function(index, context) {
            var that = this;
            that._context = context;
            that._background = context.renderer.arc().attr({
                "stroke-linejoin": "round",
                fill: context.backgroundColor
            that._bar = context.renderer.arc().attr({
                "stroke-linejoin": "round"
            if (context.textEnabled) {
                that._line = context.renderer.path([], "line").attr({
                    "stroke-width": context.lineWidth
                that._text = context.renderer.text().css(context.fontStyles).attr(context.textOptions).append(context.group)
            that._tracker = context.renderer.arc().attr({
                "stroke-linejoin": "round"
            context.tracker.attach(that._tracker, that, {
                index: index
            that._index = index;
            that._angle = context.baseAngle;
            that._settings = {
                x: context.x,
                y: context.y,
                startAngle: context.baseAngle,
                endAngle: context.baseAngle
        _extend(BarWrapper.prototype, {
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._context.textEnabled) {
                that._context = that._settings = that._background = that._bar = that._line = that._text = that._tracker = null;
                return that
            arrange: function(options) {
                var that = this,
                    context = that._context;
                that._settings.outerRadius = options.radius;
                that._settings.innerRadius = options.radius - context.barSize;
                that._background.attr(_extend({}, that._settings, {
                    startAngle: context.endAngle,
                    endAngle: context.startAngle
                that._color = options.color;
                    fill: options.color
                if (context.textEnabled) {
                        points: [context.x, context.y - that._settings.innerRadius, context.x, context.y - context.textRadius],
                        stroke: context.lineColor || options.color
                        fill: context.textColor || options.color
                return that
            getTooltipParameters: function() {
                var that = this,
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin((that._angle + that._context.baseAngle) / 2);
                return {
                    x: _round(that._context.x + (that._settings.outerRadius + that._settings.innerRadius) / 2 * cosSin.cos),
                    y: _round(that._context.y - (that._settings.outerRadius + that._settings.innerRadius) / 2 * cosSin.sin),
                    offset: 0,
                    color: that._color,
                    value: that._value
            setAngle: function(angle) {
                var cosSin, that = this;
                that._angle = angle;
                setAngles(that._settings, that._context.baseAngle, that._angle);
                if (that._context.textEnabled) {
                    var text = _formatValue(that._value, that._context.formatOptions, {
                        index: that._index
                        visibility: "" === text ? "hidden" : null
                    that._line.rotate(_convertAngleToRendererSpace(that._angle), that._context.x, that._context.y);
                    cosSin = _getCosAndSin(that._angle);
                        text: text,
                        x: that._context.x + (that._context.textRadius + .6 * that._context.textWidth) * cosSin.cos,
                        y: that._context.y - (that._context.textRadius + .6 * that._context.textHeight) * cosSin.sin + that._context.textVerticalOffset
                return that
            _processValue: function(value) {
                this._value = this._context.translator.adjust(value);
                return this._context.translator.translate(this._value)
            setValue: function(value) {
                return this.setAngle(this._processValue(value))
            beginAnimation: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    angle = this._processValue(value);
                if (!compareFloats(that._angle, angle)) {
                    that._start = that._angle;
                    that._delta = angle - that._angle;
                        visibility: "hidden"
                    if (that._context.textEnabled) {
                            visibility: "hidden"
                            visibility: "hidden"
                } else {
                    that.animate = _noop;
            animate: function(pos) {
                var that = this;
                that._angle = that._start + that._delta * pos;
                setAngles(that._settings, that._context.baseAngle, that._angle);
            endAnimation: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (void 0 !== that._delta) {
                    if (compareFloats(that._angle, that._start + that._delta)) {
                            visibility: null
                        if (that._context.textEnabled) {
                                visibility: null
                                visibility: null
                } else {
                    delete that.animate
                delete that._start;
                delete that._delta

        function setAngles(target, angle1, angle2) {
            target.startAngle = angle1 < angle2 ? angle1 : angle2;
            target.endAngle = angle1 < angle2 ? angle2 : angle1

        function compareFloats(value1, value2) {
            return _abs(value1 - value2) < 1e-4
        dxBarGauge.prototype._factory.ThemeManager = BaseThemeManager.inherit({
            _themeSection: "barGauge",
            _fontFields: ["label.font", "title.font", "tooltip.font", "loadingIndicator.font"]
        registerComponent("dxBarGauge", dxBarGauge);
        exports.dxBarGauge = dxBarGauge;
        var __BarWrapper = BarWrapper;
        exports.BarWrapper = __BarWrapper;
        exports.stubBarWrapper = function(barWrapperType) {
            BarWrapper = barWrapperType
        exports.restoreBarWrapper = function() {
            BarWrapper = __BarWrapper
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./range_selector/range_selector */ 604)
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/range_selector.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            registerComponent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            adjustValue = vizUtils.adjustValue,
            dateUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/date */ 63),
            addInterval = dateUtils.addInterval,
            dateToMilliseconds = dateUtils.dateToMilliseconds,
            getSequenceByInterval = dateUtils.getSequenceByInterval,
            rangeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/range */ 564),
            axisModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../axes/base_axis */ 565),
            patchFontOptions = vizUtils.patchFontOptions,
            parseUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/parse_utils */ 524),
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            formatHelper = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../format_helper */ 66),
            commonModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 605),
            slidersControllerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./sliders_controller */ 606),
            trackerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tracker */ 609),
            rangeViewModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./range_view */ 610),
            seriesDataSourceModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./series_data_source */ 611),
            themeManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./theme_manager */ 612),
            tickManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../axes/base_tick_manager */ 567),
            log = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7).log,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _isNumber = commonUtils.isNumeric,
            _isDate = commonUtils.isDate,
            _max = Math.max,
            _ceil = Math.ceil,
            _floor = Math.floor,
            START_VALUE = "startValue",
            END_VALUE = "endValue",
            DATETIME = "datetime",
            SELECTED_RANGE = "selectedRange",
            VALUE = "value",
            DISCRETE = "discrete",
            SEMIDISCRETE = "semidiscrete",
            STRING = "string",
            VALUE_CHANGED = VALUE + "Changed",
            CONTAINER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = "containerBackgroundColor",
            SLIDER_MARKER = "sliderMarker",
            OPTION_BACKGROUND = "background",
            LOGARITHMIC = "logarithmic",
            INVISIBLE_POS = -1e3,
            logarithmBase = 10;

        function calculateMarkerHeight(renderer, value, sliderMarkerOptions) {
            var formattedText = void 0 === value ? commonModule.consts.emptySliderMarkerText : commonModule.formatValue(value, sliderMarkerOptions),
                textBBox = getTextBBox(renderer, formattedText, sliderMarkerOptions.font);
            return _ceil(textBBox.height) + 2 * sliderMarkerOptions.paddingTopBottom + commonModule.consts.pointerSize

        function calculateScaleLabelHalfWidth(renderer, value, scaleOptions) {
            var formattedText = commonModule.formatValue(value, scaleOptions.label),
                textBBox = getTextBBox(renderer, formattedText, scaleOptions.label.font);
            return _ceil(textBBox.width / 2)

        function parseValue(value) {
            return {
                startValue: value[0],
                endValue: value[1]

        function parseSelectedRange(selectedRange) {
            return [selectedRange.startValue, selectedRange.endValue]

        function parseSliderMarkersPlaceholderSize(placeholderSize) {
            var placeholderWidthLeft, placeholderWidthRight, placeholderHeight;
            if (_isNumber(placeholderSize)) {
                placeholderWidthLeft = placeholderWidthRight = placeholderHeight = placeholderSize
            } else {
                if (placeholderSize) {
                    if (_isNumber(placeholderSize.height)) {
                        placeholderHeight = placeholderSize.height
                    if (_isNumber(placeholderSize.width)) {
                        placeholderWidthLeft = placeholderWidthRight = placeholderSize.width
                    } else {
                        if (placeholderSize.width) {
                            if (_isNumber(placeholderSize.width.left)) {
                                placeholderWidthLeft = placeholderSize.width.left
                            if (_isNumber(placeholderSize.width.right)) {
                                placeholderWidthRight = placeholderSize.width.right
                } else {
                    return null
            return {
                widthLeft: placeholderWidthLeft,
                widthRight: placeholderWidthRight,
                height: placeholderHeight

        function calculateIndents(renderer, scale, sliderMarkerOptions, indentOptions) {
            var leftMarkerHeight, rightMarkerHeight, placeholderHeight, parsedPlaceholderSize, leftScaleLabelWidth = 0,
                rightScaleLabelWidth = 0,
                placeholderWidthLeft = 0,
                placeholderWidthRight = 0;
            indentOptions = indentOptions || {};
            parsedPlaceholderSize = parseSliderMarkersPlaceholderSize(sliderMarkerOptions.placeholderSize);
            if (parsedPlaceholderSize && void 0 === indentOptions.left && void 0 === indentOptions.right) {
                placeholderWidthLeft = parsedPlaceholderSize.widthLeft;
                placeholderWidthRight = parsedPlaceholderSize.widthRight
            } else {
                placeholderWidthLeft = indentOptions.left;
                placeholderWidthRight = indentOptions.right
            if (parsedPlaceholderSize && void 0 === sliderMarkerOptions.placeholderHeight) {
                placeholderHeight = parsedPlaceholderSize.height
            } else {
                placeholderHeight = sliderMarkerOptions.placeholderHeight
            if (sliderMarkerOptions.visible) {
                leftMarkerHeight = calculateMarkerHeight(renderer, scale.startValue, sliderMarkerOptions);
                rightMarkerHeight = calculateMarkerHeight(renderer, scale.endValue, sliderMarkerOptions);
                if (void 0 === placeholderHeight) {
                    placeholderHeight = _max(leftMarkerHeight, rightMarkerHeight)
            if (scale.label.visible) {
                leftScaleLabelWidth = calculateScaleLabelHalfWidth(renderer, scale.startValue, scale);
                rightScaleLabelWidth = calculateScaleLabelHalfWidth(renderer, scale.endValue, scale)
            placeholderWidthLeft = void 0 !== placeholderWidthLeft ? placeholderWidthLeft : leftScaleLabelWidth;
            placeholderWidthRight = (void 0 !== placeholderWidthRight ? placeholderWidthRight : rightScaleLabelWidth) || 1;
            return {
                left: placeholderWidthLeft,
                right: placeholderWidthRight,
                top: placeholderHeight || 0,
                bottom: 0

        function calculateValueType(firstValue, secondValue) {
            var typeFirstValue = commonUtils.type(firstValue),
                typeSecondValue = commonUtils.type(secondValue),
                validType = function(type) {
                    return typeFirstValue === type || typeSecondValue === type
            return validType("date") ? DATETIME : validType("number") ? "numeric" : validType(STRING) ? STRING : ""

        function showScaleMarkers(scaleOptions) {
            return scaleOptions.valueType === DATETIME && scaleOptions.marker.visible

        function updateTranslatorRangeInterval(translatorRange, scaleOptions) {
            var intervalX = scaleOptions.minorTickInterval || scaleOptions.tickInterval;
            if ("datetime" === scaleOptions.valueType) {
                intervalX = dateUtils.dateToMilliseconds(intervalX)
                interval: intervalX

        function checkLogarithmicOptions(options, defaultLogarithmBase, incidentOccurred) {
            var logarithmBase;
            if (!options) {
            logarithmBase = options.logarithmBase;
            if (options.type === LOGARITHMIC && logarithmBase <= 0 || logarithmBase && !_isNumber(logarithmBase)) {
                options.logarithmBase = defaultLogarithmBase;
            } else {
                if (options.type !== LOGARITHMIC) {
                    options.logarithmBase = void 0

        function calculateScaleAreaHeight(renderer, scaleOptions, visibleMarkers) {
            var textBBox, value = "0",
                formatObject = {
                    value: 0,
                    valueText: value
                labelScaleOptions = scaleOptions.label,
                markerScaleOptions = scaleOptions.marker,
                customizeText = labelScaleOptions.customizeText,
                placeholderHeight = scaleOptions.placeholderHeight,
                text = commonUtils.isFunction(customizeText) ? customizeText.call(formatObject, formatObject) : value,
                visibleLabels = labelScaleOptions.visible;
            if (placeholderHeight) {
                return placeholderHeight
            } else {
                textBBox = getTextBBox(renderer, text, labelScaleOptions.font);
                return (visibleLabels ? labelScaleOptions.topIndent + textBBox.height : 0) + (visibleMarkers ? markerScaleOptions.topIndent + markerScaleOptions.separatorHeight : 0)

        function getNextTickInterval(tickInterval, minorTickInterval, isDateType) {
            if (!tickInterval) {
                tickInterval = minorTickInterval
            } else {
                if (isDateType) {
                    tickInterval = dateUtils.getNextDateUnit(tickInterval)
                } else {
                    tickInterval += minorTickInterval
            return tickInterval

        function calculateTickIntervalsForSemidiscreteScale(scaleOptions, min, max, screenDelta) {
            var interval, tickCountByInterval, tickCountByScreen, minorTickInterval = scaleOptions.minorTickInterval,
                tickInterval = scaleOptions.tickInterval,
                isDateType = "datetime" === scaleOptions.valueType,
                gridSpacingFactor = scaleOptions.axisDivisionFactor || {};
            if (!tickInterval) {
                do {
                    interval = getNextTickInterval(tickInterval, minorTickInterval, isDateType);
                    if (tickInterval !== interval) {
                        tickInterval = interval
                    } else {
                    if (isDateType) {
                        interval = dateToMilliseconds(tickInterval)
                    tickCountByInterval = _ceil((max - min) / interval);
                    tickCountByScreen = _floor(screenDelta / (gridSpacingFactor[tickInterval] || SEMIDISCRETE_GRID_SPACING_FACTOR)) || 1
                } while (interval && tickCountByInterval > tickCountByScreen)
            return {
                tickInterval: tickInterval,
                minorTickInterval: minorTickInterval,
                bounds: {
                    minVisible: min,
                    maxVisible: max
                ticks: []

        function updateTickIntervals(scaleOptions, screenDelta, incidentOccurred, range) {
            var result, tickManager, ticks, min = _isDefined(range.minVisible) ? range.minVisible : range.min,
                max = _isDefined(range.maxVisible) ? range.maxVisible : range.max,
                categoriesInfo = scaleOptions._categoriesInfo;
            if (scaleOptions.type === SEMIDISCRETE) {
                result = calculateTickIntervalsForSemidiscreteScale(scaleOptions, min, max, screenDelta)
            } else {
                tickManager = new tickManagerModule.TickManager({
                    axisType: scaleOptions.type,
                    dataType: scaleOptions.valueType
                }, {
                    min: min,
                    max: max,
                    screenDelta: screenDelta,
                    customTicks: categoriesInfo && categoriesInfo.categories
                }, {
                    labelOptions: {},
                    boundCoef: 1,
                    minorTickInterval: scaleOptions.minorTickInterval,
                    tickInterval: scaleOptions.tickInterval,
                    incidentOccurred: incidentOccurred,
                    base: scaleOptions.logarithmBase,
                    showMinorTicks: true,
                    withMinorCorrection: true,
                    stick: false !== range.stick
                ticks = tickManager.getTicks(true);
                result = {
                    tickInterval: tickManager.getTickInterval(),
                    minorTickInterval: tickManager.getMinorTickInterval(),
                    bounds: tickManager.getTickBounds(),
                    ticks: ticks
            return result

        function calculateTranslatorRange(seriesDataSource, scaleOptions) {
            var minValue, maxValue, isEqualDates, categories, categoriesInfo, rangeForCategories, inverted = false,
                startValue = scaleOptions.startValue,
                endValue = scaleOptions.endValue,
                translatorRange = seriesDataSource ? seriesDataSource.getBoundRange().arg : new rangeModule.Range,
                isDate = "datetime" === scaleOptions.valueType,
                minRange = scaleOptions.minRange;
            if (scaleOptions.type === DISCRETE) {
                rangeForCategories = new rangeModule.Range({
                    minVisible: startValue,
                    maxVisible: endValue
                translatorRange = rangeForCategories;
                categories = seriesDataSource ? seriesDataSource.argCategories : scaleOptions.categories || !seriesDataSource && startValue && endValue && [startValue, endValue];
                categories = categories || [];
                scaleOptions._categoriesInfo = categoriesInfo = vizUtils.getCategoriesInfo(categories, startValue || categories[0], endValue || categories[categories.length - 1])
            if (scaleOptions.type === SEMIDISCRETE) {
                startValue = scaleOptions.startValue = correctValueByInterval(scaleOptions.startValue, isDate, minRange);
                endValue = scaleOptions.endValue = correctValueByInterval(scaleOptions.endValue, isDate, minRange);
                translatorRange.minVisible = correctValueByInterval(translatorRange.minVisible, isDate, minRange);
                translatorRange.maxVisible = correctValueByInterval(translatorRange.maxVisible, isDate, minRange);
                translatorRange.min = correctValueByInterval(translatorRange.min, isDate, minRange);
                translatorRange.max = correctValueByInterval(translatorRange.max, isDate, minRange)
            if (_isDefined(startValue) && _isDefined(endValue)) {
                inverted = categoriesInfo ? categoriesInfo.inverted : startValue > endValue;
                minValue = categoriesInfo ? categoriesInfo.start : inverted ? endValue : startValue;
                maxValue = categoriesInfo ? categoriesInfo.end : inverted ? startValue : endValue
            } else {
                if (_isDefined(startValue) || _isDefined(endValue)) {
                    minValue = startValue;
                    maxValue = endValue
                } else {
                    if (categoriesInfo) {
                        minValue = categoriesInfo.start;
                        maxValue = categoriesInfo.end
            isEqualDates = _isDate(minValue) && _isDate(maxValue) && minValue.getTime() === maxValue.getTime();
            if (scaleOptions.type === SEMIDISCRETE || minValue !== maxValue && !isEqualDates) {
                    invert: inverted,
                    min: minValue,
                    max: maxValue,
                    minVisible: minValue,
                    maxVisible: maxValue,
                    dataType: scaleOptions.valueType
                categories: !seriesDataSource ? categories : void 0,
                base: scaleOptions.logarithmBase,
                axisType: scaleOptions.type
            seriesDataSource && translatorRange.sortCategories(categories);
            if (!translatorRange.isDefined()) {
                if (isEqualDates) {
                    scaleOptions.valueType = "numeric"
            return translatorRange

        function startEndNotDefined(start, end) {
            return !_isDefined(start) || !_isDefined(end)

        function getTextBBox(renderer, text, fontOptions) {
            var textElement = renderer.text(text, INVISIBLE_POS, INVISIBLE_POS).css(patchFontOptions(fontOptions)).append(renderer.root);
            var textBBox = textElement.getBBox();
            return textBBox

        function getDateMarkerVisibilityChecker(screenDelta) {
            return function(isDateScale, isMarkerVisible, min, max, tickInterval) {
                if (isMarkerVisible && isDateScale) {
                    if (tickInterval.years || tickInterval.months >= 6 || screenDelta / SEMIDISCRETE_GRID_SPACING_FACTOR < _ceil((max - min) / dateToMilliseconds("year")) + 1) {
                        isMarkerVisible = false
                return isMarkerVisible

        function updateScaleOptions(scaleOptions, seriesDataSource, translatorRange, tickIntervalsInfo, checkDateMarkerVisibility) {
            var bounds, isEmptyInterval, intervals, categoriesInfo = scaleOptions._categoriesInfo,
                isDateTime = scaleOptions.valueType === DATETIME;
            if (seriesDataSource && !seriesDataSource.isEmpty() && !translatorRange.stubData) {
                bounds = tickIntervalsInfo.bounds;
                scaleOptions.startValue = translatorRange.invert ? bounds.maxVisible : bounds.minVisible;
                scaleOptions.endValue = translatorRange.invert ? bounds.minVisible : bounds.maxVisible
            scaleOptions.marker.visible = checkDateMarkerVisibility(isDateTime && scaleOptions.type.indexOf(DISCRETE) === -1, scaleOptions.marker.visible, scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue, tickIntervalsInfo.tickInterval);
            if (categoriesInfo) {
                scaleOptions.startValue = categoriesInfo.start;
                scaleOptions.endValue = categoriesInfo.end
            if (scaleOptions.type.indexOf(DISCRETE) === -1) {
                isEmptyInterval = _isDate(scaleOptions.startValue) && _isDate(scaleOptions.endValue) && scaleOptions.startValue.getTime() === scaleOptions.endValue.getTime() || scaleOptions.startValue === scaleOptions.endValue
            scaleOptions.isEmpty = startEndNotDefined(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue) || isEmptyInterval;
            if (scaleOptions.isEmpty) {
                scaleOptions.startValue = scaleOptions.endValue = void 0
            } else {
                scaleOptions.minorTickInterval = tickIntervalsInfo.minorTickInterval;
                scaleOptions.tickInterval = tickIntervalsInfo.tickInterval;
                if (isDateTime && (!_isDefined(scaleOptions.label.format) || scaleOptions.type === SEMIDISCRETE && scaleOptions.minorTickInterval !== scaleOptions.tickInterval)) {
                    if (scaleOptions.type === DISCRETE) {
                        scaleOptions.label.format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByTicks(tickIntervalsInfo.ticks)
                    } else {
                        if (!scaleOptions.marker.visible) {
                            scaleOptions.label.format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByTickInterval(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue, scaleOptions.tickInterval)
                        } else {
                            scaleOptions.label.format = dateUtils.getDateFormatByTickInterval(scaleOptions.tickInterval)
            if (scaleOptions.type === SEMIDISCRETE) {
                intervals = getIntervalCustomTicks(scaleOptions);
                scaleOptions.customMinorTicks = intervals.altIntervals;
                scaleOptions.customTicks = intervals.intervals;
                scaleOptions.customBoundTicks = [scaleOptions.customTicks[0]]

        function prepareScaleOptions(scaleOption, seriesDataSource, incidentOccurred) {
            var parser, parsedValue = 0,
                valueType = parseUtils.correctValueType(_normalizeEnum(scaleOption.valueType)),
                validateStartEndValues = function(field, parser) {
                    var messageToIncidentOccurred = field === START_VALUE ? "start" : "end";
                    if (_isDefined(scaleOption[field])) {
                        parsedValue = parser(scaleOption[field]);
                        if (_isDefined(parsedValue)) {
                            scaleOption[field] = parsedValue
                        } else {
                            scaleOption[field] = void 0;
                            incidentOccurred("E2202", [messageToIncidentOccurred])
            if (seriesDataSource) {
                valueType = seriesDataSource.getCalculatedValueType() || valueType
            if (!valueType) {
                valueType = calculateValueType(scaleOption.startValue, scaleOption.endValue) || "numeric"
            if (valueType === STRING || scaleOption.categories) {
                scaleOption.type = DISCRETE;
                valueType = STRING
            scaleOption.valueType = valueType;
            parser = parseUtils.getParser(valueType);
            validateStartEndValues(START_VALUE, parser);
            validateStartEndValues(END_VALUE, parser);
            checkLogarithmicOptions(scaleOption, logarithmBase, incidentOccurred);
            if (!scaleOption.type) {
                scaleOption.type = "continuous"
            void 0 === scaleOption.tickInterval && (scaleOption.tickInterval = scaleOption.majorTickInterval);
            scaleOption.minorTick.visible && (scaleOption.minorTick.visible = scaleOption.showMinorTicks);
            scaleOption.parser = parser;
            if (scaleOption.type === SEMIDISCRETE) {
                scaleOption.minorTick.visible = false;
                scaleOption.minorTickInterval = scaleOption.minRange;
                scaleOption.marker.visible = false;
                scaleOption.maxRange = void 0
            return scaleOption

        function correctValueByInterval(value, isDate, interval) {
            if (_isDefined(value)) {
                value = isDate ? dateUtils.correctDateWithUnitBeginning(new Date(value), interval) : adjustValue(_floor(value / interval) * interval)
            return value

        function getIntervalCustomTicks(options) {
            var min = options.startValue,
                max = options.endValue,
                isDate = "datetime" === options.valueType,
                tickInterval = options.tickInterval,
                res = {
                    intervals: []
            if (!_isDefined(min) || !_isDefined(max)) {
                return res
            res.intervals = getSequenceByInterval(min, max, options.minorTickInterval);
            if (tickInterval !== options.minorTickInterval) {
                res.altIntervals = res.intervals;
                min = correctValueByInterval(min, isDate, tickInterval);
                max = correctValueByInterval(max, isDate, tickInterval);
                res.intervals = getSequenceByInterval(min, max, tickInterval)
            return res
        var dxRangeSelector = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_widget */ 515).inherit({
            _eventsMap: {
                onSelectedRangeChanged: {
                    name: SELECTED_RANGE_CHANGED
                onValueChanged: {
                    name: VALUE_CHANGED
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    "sliderMarker.padding": {
                        since: "15.1",
                        message: "Use the 'paddingTopBottom' and 'paddingLeftRight' options instead"
                    "sliderMarker.placeholderSize": {
                        since: "15.1",
                        message: "Use the 'placeholderHeight' and 'indent' options instead"
                    "scale.majorTickInterval": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'tickInterval' options instead"
                    "scale.showMinorTicks": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'minorTick.visible' options instead"
                    selectedRange: {
                        since: "16.2",
                        message: "Use the 'value' option instead"
                    onSelectedRangeChanged: {
                        since: "16.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onValueChanged' option instead"
                    "behavior.callSelectedRangeChanged": {
                        since: "16.2",
                        message: "Use the 'behavior.callValueChanged' option instead"
                    "scale.useTicksAutoArrangement": {
                        since: "17.1",
                        message: "Use the 'scale.label.overlappingBehavior' option instead"
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxrs",
            _rootClass: "dxrs-range-selector",
            _dataIsReady: function() {
                return this._dataIsLoaded()
            _initialChanges: ["DATA_SOURCE", "SELECTED_RANGE", "VALUE", "DISABLED"],
            _themeDependentChanges: ["MOSTLY_TOTAL"],
            _initCore: function() {
                var rangeViewGroup, slidersGroup, scaleGroup, trackersGroup, that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    root = renderer.root;
                    "touch-action": "pan-y",
                    "-ms-touch-action": "pan-y"
                that._clipRect = renderer.clipRect();
                rangeViewGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxrs-view"
                slidersGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxrs-slidersContainer",
                    "clip-path": that._clipRect.id
                scaleGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxrs-scale",
                    "clip-path": that._clipRect.id
                trackersGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxrs-trackers"
                that._axis = new AxisWrapper({
                    renderer: renderer,
                    root: scaleGroup,
                    updateSelectedRange: function(range) {
                that._rangeView = new rangeViewModule.RangeView({
                    renderer: renderer,
                    root: rangeViewGroup,
                    translator: that._axis.getTranslator()
                that._slidersController = new slidersControllerModule.SlidersController({
                    renderer: renderer,
                    root: slidersGroup,
                    trackersGroup: trackersGroup,
                    updateSelectedRange: function(range, lastSelectedRange) {
                        if (!that._rangeOption) {
                            that.option(SELECTED_RANGE, range);
                            that.option(VALUE, parseSelectedRange(range))
                        if (that._options.onSelectedRangeChanged || that.hasEvent("selectedRangeChanged")) {
                            that._eventTrigger(SELECTED_RANGE_CHANGED, {
                                startValue: range.startValue,
                                endValue: range.endValue
                        that._eventTrigger(VALUE_CHANGED, {
                            value: parseSelectedRange(range),
                            previousValue: parseSelectedRange(lastSelectedRange)
                    translator: that._axis.getTranslator()
                that._tracker = new trackerModule.Tracker({
                    renderer: renderer,
                    controller: that._slidersController
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return {
                    width: 400,
                    height: 160
            _disposeCore: function() {
            _createThemeManager: function() {
                return new themeManagerModule.ThemeManager
            _applySize: function(rect) {
                this._clientRect = rect.slice();
            _optionChangesMap: {
                scale: "SCALE",
                selectedRange: "SELECTED_RANGE",
                value: "VALUE",
                dataSource: "DATA_SOURCE",
                disabled: "DISABLED"
            _optionChangesOrder: ["SCALE", "DATA_SOURCE"],
            _change_SCALE: function() {
            _change_DATA_SOURCE: function() {
                if (this._initialized || this._options.dataSource) {
                    this._options[SELECTED_RANGE] = this._options[VALUE] = null;
            _customChangesOrder: ["MOSTLY_TOTAL", "SELECTED_RANGE", "VALUE", "SLIDER_SELECTION", "DISABLED"],
            _change_MOSTLY_TOTAL: function() {
            _change_SLIDER_SELECTION: function() {
                var that = this,
                    range = that._options[SELECTED_RANGE],
                    value = that._options[VALUE];
                that._slidersController.setSelectedRange(value ? parseValue(value) : range && range)
            _change_SELECTED_RANGE: function() {
                var that = this,
                    option = that._rangeOption && that._rangeOption[SELECTED_RANGE];
                if (option) {
                    that._options[SELECTED_RANGE] = option;
                    that._validateRange(option.startValue, option.endValue);
            _change_VALUE: function() {
                var that = this,
                    option = that._rangeOption && that._rangeOption[VALUE];
                if (option) {
                    that._options[VALUE] = option;
                    that._validateRange(option[0], option[1]);
            _change_DISABLED: function() {
                var renderer = this._renderer,
                    root = renderer.root;
                if (this.option("disabled")) {
                        "pointer-events": "none",
                        filter: renderer.getGrayScaleFilter().id
                } else {
                        "pointer-events": null,
                        filter: null
            _validateRange: function(start, end) {
                var that = this,
                    translator = that._axis.getTranslator();
                if (null !== start && !translator.isValid(start) || null !== end && !translator.isValid(end)) {
            _applyChanges: function() {
                var that = this,
                    selectedRange = that._options[SELECTED_RANGE],
                    value = that._options[VALUE];
                if (that._changes.has("VALUE") && value) {
                    that._rangeOption = {
                        value: [value[0], value[1]]
                } else {
                    if (that._changes.has("SELECTED_RANGE") && selectedRange) {
                        that._rangeOption = {
                            selectedRange: selectedRange
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                that._rangeOption = null;
                that.__isResizing = false
            _applyMostlyTotalChange: function() {
                var currentAnimationEnabled, that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer,
                    rect = that._clientRect;
                if (that.__isResizing) {
                    currentAnimationEnabled = renderer.animationEnabled();
                        enabled: false
                    x: rect[0],
                    y: rect[1],
                    width: rect[2] - rect[0],
                    height: rect[3] - rect[1]
                    left: rect[0],
                    top: rect[1],
                    width: rect[2] - rect[0],
                    height: rect[3] - rect[1]
                if (that.__isResizing) {
                        enabled: currentAnimationEnabled
            _dataSourceChangedHandler: function() {
            _updateContent: function(canvas) {
                var sliderMarkerOptions, indents, scaleLabelsAreaHeight, rangeContainerCanvas, that = this,
                    chartOptions = that.option("chart"),
                    seriesDataSource = that._createSeriesDataSource(chartOptions),
                    isCompactMode = !(seriesDataSource && seriesDataSource.isShowChart() || that.option("background.image.url")),
                    scaleOptions = prepareScaleOptions(that._getOption("scale"), seriesDataSource, that._incidentOccurred),
                    argTranslatorRange = calculateTranslatorRange(seriesDataSource, scaleOptions),
                    tickIntervalsInfo = updateTickIntervals(scaleOptions, canvas.width, that._incidentOccurred, argTranslatorRange),
                    chartThemeManager = seriesDataSource && seriesDataSource.isShowChart() && seriesDataSource.getThemeManager();
                if (chartThemeManager) {
                    checkLogarithmicOptions(chartOptions && chartOptions.valueAxis, chartThemeManager.getOptions("valueAxis").logarithmBase, that._incidentOccurred)
                updateScaleOptions(scaleOptions, seriesDataSource, argTranslatorRange, tickIntervalsInfo, getDateMarkerVisibilityChecker(canvas.width));
                updateTranslatorRangeInterval(argTranslatorRange, scaleOptions);
                sliderMarkerOptions = that._prepareSliderMarkersOptions(scaleOptions, canvas.width, tickIntervalsInfo);
                indents = calculateIndents(that._renderer, scaleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions, that.option("indent"));
                scaleLabelsAreaHeight = calculateScaleAreaHeight(that._renderer, scaleOptions, showScaleMarkers(scaleOptions));
                rangeContainerCanvas = {
                    left: canvas.left + indents.left,
                    top: canvas.top + indents.top,
                    width: _max(canvas.width + canvas.left - indents.right, 1),
                    height: _max(!isCompactMode ? canvas.height - indents.top - indents.bottom - scaleLabelsAreaHeight : commonModule.HEIGHT_COMPACT_MODE, 0),
                    right: 0,
                    bottom: 0
                that._axis.update(scaleOptions, isCompactMode, rangeContainerCanvas, argTranslatorRange);
                scaleOptions.minorTickInterval = scaleOptions.isEmpty ? 0 : scaleOptions.minorTickInterval;
                that._updateElements(scaleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions, isCompactMode, rangeContainerCanvas, seriesDataSource);
                if (chartThemeManager) {
            _updateElements: function(scaleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions, isCompactMode, canvas, seriesDataSource) {
                var that = this,
                    behavior = that._getOption("behavior"),
                    shutterOptions = that._getOption("shutter"),
                    isNotSemiDiscrete = scaleOptions.type !== SEMIDISCRETE;
                shutterOptions.color = shutterOptions.color || that._getOption(CONTAINER_BACKGROUND_COLOR, true);
                that._rangeView.update(that.option("background"), that._themeManager.theme("background"), canvas, isCompactMode, behavior.animationEnabled && that._renderer.animationEnabled(), seriesDataSource);
                that._isUpdating = true;
                that._slidersController.update([canvas.top, canvas.top + canvas.height], behavior, isCompactMode, that._getOption("sliderHandle"), sliderMarkerOptions, shutterOptions, {
                    minRange: isNotSemiDiscrete ? that.option("scale.minRange") : void 0,
                    maxRange: isNotSemiDiscrete ? that.option("scale.maxRange") : void 0
                }, that._axis.getFullTicks(), that._getOption("selectedRangeColor", true));
                that._isUpdating = false;
                that._tracker.update(!that._axis.getTranslator().isEmptyValueRange(), behavior)
            _createSeriesDataSource: function(chartOptions) {
                var seriesDataSource, that = this,
                    dataSource = that._dataSourceItems(),
                    scaleOptions = that._getOption("scale"),
                    valueType = scaleOptions.valueType || calculateValueType(scaleOptions.startValue, scaleOptions.endValue),
                    valueAxis = new axisModule.Axis({
                        renderer: that._renderer,
                        axisType: "xyAxes",
                        drawingType: "linear"
                    isHorizontal: false,
                    label: {}
                if (dataSource || chartOptions && chartOptions.series) {
                    chartOptions = extend({}, chartOptions, {
                        theme: that.option("theme")
                    seriesDataSource = new seriesDataSourceModule.SeriesDataSource({
                        renderer: that._renderer,
                        dataSource: dataSource,
                        valueType: _normalizeEnum(valueType),
                        axisType: scaleOptions.type,
                        chart: chartOptions,
                        dataSourceField: that.option("dataSourceField"),
                        incidentOccurred: that._incidentOccurred,
                        categories: scaleOptions.categories,
                        argumentAxis: that._axis,
                        valueAxis: valueAxis
                return seriesDataSource
            _prepareSliderMarkersOptions: function(scaleOptions, screenDelta, tickIntervalsInfo) {
                var businessInterval, that = this,
                    minorTickInterval = tickIntervalsInfo.minorTickInterval,
                    tickInterval = tickIntervalsInfo.tickInterval,
                    endValue = scaleOptions.endValue,
                    startValue = scaleOptions.startValue,
                    sliderMarkerOptions = that._getOption(SLIDER_MARKER),
                    sliderMarkerUserOption = that.option(SLIDER_MARKER) || {},
                    isTypeDiscrete = scaleOptions.type === DISCRETE,
                    isValueTypeDatetime = scaleOptions.valueType === DATETIME;
                sliderMarkerOptions.borderColor = that._getOption(CONTAINER_BACKGROUND_COLOR, true);
                if (!sliderMarkerOptions.format) {
                    if (!that._getOption("behavior").snapToTicks && _isNumber(scaleOptions.startValue)) {
                        businessInterval = Math.abs(endValue - startValue);
                        sliderMarkerOptions.format = {
                            type: "fixedPoint",
                            precision: vizUtils.getSignificantDigitPosition(businessInterval / screenDelta)
                    if (isValueTypeDatetime && !isTypeDiscrete) {
                        if (!scaleOptions.marker.visible) {
                            if (_isDefined(startValue) && _isDefined(endValue)) {
                                sliderMarkerOptions.format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByTickInterval(startValue, endValue, _isDefined(minorTickInterval) && 0 !== minorTickInterval ? minorTickInterval : tickInterval)
                        } else {
                            sliderMarkerOptions.format = dateUtils.getDateFormatByTickInterval(_isDefined(minorTickInterval) && 0 !== minorTickInterval ? minorTickInterval : tickInterval)
                    if (isValueTypeDatetime && isTypeDiscrete && tickIntervalsInfo.ticks.length) {
                        sliderMarkerOptions.format = formatHelper.getDateFormatByTicks(tickIntervalsInfo.ticks)
                if (void 0 !== sliderMarkerUserOption.padding && void 0 === sliderMarkerUserOption.paddingLeftRight && void 0 === sliderMarkerUserOption.paddingTopBottom) {
                    sliderMarkerOptions.paddingLeftRight = sliderMarkerOptions.paddingTopBottom = sliderMarkerUserOption.padding
                return sliderMarkerOptions
            getSelectedRange: function() {
                log("W0002", this.NAME, "getSelectedRange", "16.2", "Use the 'getValue' method instead");
                return parseValue(this.getValue())
            getValue: function() {
                return parseSelectedRange(this._slidersController.getSelectedRange())
            setSelectedRange: function(range) {
                log("W0002", this.NAME, "setSelectedRange", "16.2", "Use the 'setValue' method instead");
            setValue: function(value) {
                var current;
                if (!this._isUpdating && value) {
                    current = this._slidersController.getSelectedRange();
                    if (!current || current.startValue !== value[0] || current.endValue !== value[1]) {
            resetSelectedRange: function() {
            _setContentSize: function() {
                this.__isResizing = 2 === this._changes.count();
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments)
        $.each(["selectedRangeColor", "containerBackgroundColor", "sliderMarker", "sliderHandle", "shutter", OPTION_BACKGROUND, "behavior", "chart", "indent"], function(_, name) {
            dxRangeSelector.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "MOSTLY_TOTAL"

        function prepareAxisOptions(scaleOptions, isCompactMode, height, axisPosition) {
            scaleOptions.label.overlappingBehavior = {
                mode: _isDefined(scaleOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement) ? scaleOptions.useTicksAutoArrangement ? "hide" : "none" : scaleOptions.label.overlappingBehavior
            scaleOptions.marker.label.font = scaleOptions.label.font;
            scaleOptions.color = scaleOptions.marker.color = scaleOptions.tick.color;
            scaleOptions.opacity = scaleOptions.marker.opacity = scaleOptions.tick.opacity;
            scaleOptions.width = scaleOptions.marker.width = scaleOptions.tick.width;
            scaleOptions.placeholderSize = (scaleOptions.placeholderHeight || 0) + axisPosition;
            scaleOptions.argumentType = scaleOptions.valueType;
            scaleOptions.visible = isCompactMode;
            scaleOptions.minorTick.showCalculatedTicks = scaleOptions.isHorizontal = scaleOptions.stick = true;
            scaleOptions.semiDiscreteInterval = scaleOptions.minRange;
            if (!isCompactMode) {
                scaleOptions.minorTick.length = scaleOptions.tick.length = height
            scaleOptions.label.indentFromAxis = scaleOptions.label.topIndent + axisPosition;
            return scaleOptions

        function createDateMarkersEvent(scaleOptions, markerTrackers, setSelectedRange) {
            $.each(markerTrackers, function(_, value) {
                value.on("dxpointerdown", onPointerDown)

            function onPointerDown(e) {
                var range = e.target.range,
                    minRange = scaleOptions.minRange ? addInterval(range.startValue, scaleOptions.minRange) : void 0,
                    maxRange = scaleOptions.maxRange ? addInterval(range.startValue, scaleOptions.maxRange) : void 0;
                if (!(minRange && minRange > range.endValue || maxRange && maxRange < range.endValue)) {

        function AxisWrapper(params) {
            this._axis = new axisModule.Axis({
                renderer: params.renderer,
                axesContainerGroup: params.root,
                axisType: "xyAxes",
                drawingType: "linear",
                widgetClass: "dxrs",
                axisClass: "range-selector"
            this._updateSelectedRangeCallback = params.updateSelectedRange
        AxisWrapper.prototype = {
            constructor: AxisWrapper,
            dispose: function() {
            update: function(options, isCompactMode, canvas, businessRange) {
                var axis = this._axis;
                axis.updateOptions(prepareAxisOptions(options, isCompactMode, canvas.height, canvas.height / 2 - Math.ceil(options.width / 2)));
                    left: 0,
                    bottom: -canvas.height / 2 + canvas.top
                if (axis.getMarkerTrackers()) {
                    createDateMarkersEvent(options, axis.getMarkerTrackers(), this._updateSelectedRangeCallback)
            getFullTicks: function() {
                return this._axis.getFullTicks()
            getTranslator: function() {
                return this._axis.getTranslator()
            getViewport: function() {}
        registerComponent("dxRangeSelector", dxRangeSelector);
        module.exports = dxRangeSelector;
        dxRangeSelector.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/export */ 511).plugin);
        dxRangeSelector.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/title */ 558).plugin);
        dxRangeSelector.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/loading_indicator */ 560).plugin);
        dxRangeSelector.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/data_source */ 561).plugin)
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/common.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _format = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/format */ 530),
            isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            HEIGHT_COMPACT_MODE = 24,
            POINTER_SIZE = 4,
            EMPTY_SLIDER_MARKER_TEXT = ". . .";
        var utils = {
            trackerSettings: {
                fill: "grey",
                stroke: "grey",
                opacity: 1e-4
            animationSettings: {
                duration: 250
        var consts = {
            emptySliderMarkerText: EMPTY_SLIDER_MARKER_TEXT,
            pointerSize: POINTER_SIZE
        var formatValue = function(value, formatOptions) {
            var formatObject = {
                value: value,
                valueText: _format(value, formatOptions)
            return String(isFunction(formatOptions.customizeText) ? formatOptions.customizeText.call(formatObject, formatObject) : formatObject.valueText)
        exports.utils = utils;
        exports.consts = consts;
        exports.formatValue = formatValue;
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/sliders_controller.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            commonModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 605),
            animationSettings = commonModule.utils.animationSettings,
            emptySliderMarkerText = commonModule.consts.emptySliderMarkerText,
            Slider = __webpack_require__( /*! ./slider */ 607),
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum;

        function buildRectPoints(left, top, right, bottom) {
            return [left, top, right, top, right, bottom, left, bottom]

        function valueOf(value) {
            return value && value.valueOf()

        function isLess(a, b) {
            return a < b

        function isGreater(a, b) {
            return a > b

        function selectClosestValue(target, values) {
            var middle, start = 0,
                end = values ? values.length - 1 : 0,
                val = target;
            while (end - start > 1) {
                middle = start + end >> 1;
                val = values[middle];
                if (val === target) {
                    return target
                } else {
                    if (target < val) {
                        end = middle
                    } else {
                        start = middle
            if (values) {
                val = values[target - values[start] <= values[end] - target ? start : end]
            return val

        function dummyProcessSelectionChanged() {
            this._lastSelectedRange = this.getSelectedRange();
            delete this._processSelectionChanged

        function suppressSetSelectedRange(controller) {
            controller.setSelectedRange = noop;
            if (controller._processSelectionChanged === dummyProcessSelectionChanged) {

        function restoreSetSelectedRange(controller) {
            delete controller.setSelectedRange

        function SlidersController(params) {
            var that = this,
                sliderParams = {
                    renderer: params.renderer,
                    root: params.root,
                    trackersGroup: params.trackersGroup,
                    translator: params.translator
            that._params = params;
            that._areaTracker = params.renderer.path(null, "area").attr({
                "class": "area-tracker",
                fill: "#000000",
                opacity: 1e-4
            that._selectedAreaTracker = params.renderer.path(null, "area").attr({
                "class": "selected-area-tracker",
                fill: "#000000",
                opacity: 1e-4
            that._shutter = params.renderer.path(null, "area").append(params.root);
            that._sliders = [new Slider(sliderParams, 0), new Slider(sliderParams, 1)];
            that._processSelectionChanged = dummyProcessSelectionChanged
        SlidersController.prototype = {
            constructor: SlidersController,
            dispose: function() {
            getTrackerTargets: function() {
                return {
                    area: this._areaTracker,
                    selectedArea: this._selectedAreaTracker,
                    sliders: this._sliders
            _processSelectionChanged: function() {
                var that = this,
                    selectedRange = that.getSelectedRange();
                if (valueOf(selectedRange.startValue) !== valueOf(that._lastSelectedRange.startValue) || valueOf(selectedRange.endValue) !== valueOf(that._lastSelectedRange.endValue)) {
                    that._params.updateSelectedRange(selectedRange, that._lastSelectedRange);
                    that._lastSelectedRange = selectedRange
            update: function(verticalRange, behavior, isCompactMode, sliderHandleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions, shutterOptions, rangeBounds, fullTicks, selectedRangeColor) {
                var that = this,
                    callValueChanged = behavior.callValueChanged || behavior.callSelectedRangeChanged,
                    screenRange = that._params.translator.getScreenRange();
                that._verticalRange = verticalRange;
                that._minRange = rangeBounds.minRange;
                that._maxRange = rangeBounds.maxRange;
                that._animationEnabled = behavior.animationEnabled && that._params.renderer.animationEnabled();
                that._allowSlidersSwap = behavior.allowSlidersSwap;
                that._sliders[0].update(verticalRange, sliderHandleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions);
                that._sliders[1].update(verticalRange, sliderHandleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions);
                that._sliders[0]._position = that._sliders[1]._position = screenRange[0];
                that._values = !that._params.translator.isValueProlonged && behavior.snapToTicks ? fullTicks : null;
                    points: buildRectPoints(screenRange[0], verticalRange[0], screenRange[1], verticalRange[1])
                that._isCompactMode = isCompactMode;
                that._shutterOffset = sliderHandleOptions.width / 2;
                that._updateSelectedView(shutterOptions, selectedRangeColor);
                that._isOnMoving = "onmoving" === _normalizeEnum(callValueChanged);
            _updateSelectedView: function(shutterOptions, selectedRangeColor) {
                var settings = {
                    fill: null,
                    "fill-opacity": null,
                    stroke: null,
                    "stroke-width": null
                if (this._isCompactMode) {
                    settings.stroke = selectedRangeColor;
                    settings["stroke-width"] = 3;
                    settings.sharp = "v"
                } else {
                    settings.fill = shutterOptions.color;
                    settings["fill-opacity"] = shutterOptions.opacity
            _updateSelectedRange: function() {
                var that = this,
                    sliders = that._sliders;
                if (that._params.translator.isEmptyValueRange()) {
                    sliders[0]._value = sliders[1]._value = void 0;
                    sliders[0]._position = that._params.translator.getScreenRange()[0];
                    sliders[1]._position = that._params.translator.getScreenRange()[1];
                } else {
            _applyTotalPosition: function(isAnimated) {
                var areOverlapped, sliders = this._sliders;
                isAnimated = this._animationEnabled && isAnimated;
                areOverlapped = sliders[0].getCloudBorder() > sliders[1].getCloudBorder();
            _applyAreaTrackersPosition: function() {
                var that = this,
                    position1 = that._sliders[0].getPosition(),
                    position2 = that._sliders[1].getPosition();
                    points: buildRectPoints(position1, that._verticalRange[0], position2, that._verticalRange[1])
                    cursor: Math.abs(that._params.translator.getScreenRange()[1] - that._params.translator.getScreenRange()[0] - position2 + position1) < .001 ? "default" : "pointer"
            _applySelectedRangePosition: function(isAnimated) {
                var screenRange, points, that = this,
                    verticalRange = that._verticalRange,
                    pos1 = that._sliders[0].getPosition(),
                    pos2 = that._sliders[1].getPosition();
                if (that._isCompactMode) {
                    points = [pos1 + Math.ceil(that._shutterOffset), (verticalRange[0] + verticalRange[1]) / 2, pos2 - Math.floor(that._shutterOffset), (verticalRange[0] + verticalRange[1]) / 2]
                } else {
                    screenRange = that._params.translator.getScreenRange();
                    points = [buildRectPoints(screenRange[0], verticalRange[0], Math.max(pos1 - Math.floor(that._shutterOffset), screenRange[0]), verticalRange[1]), buildRectPoints(screenRange[1], verticalRange[0], Math.min(pos2 + Math.ceil(that._shutterOffset), screenRange[1]), verticalRange[1])]
                if (isAnimated) {
                        points: points
                    }, animationSettings)
                } else {
                        points: points
            getSelectedRange: function() {
                return {
                    startValue: this._sliders[0].getValue(),
                    endValue: this._sliders[1].getValue()
            setSelectedRange: function(arg) {
                arg = arg || {};
                var that = this,
                    translator = that._params.translator,
                    startValue = translator.isValid(arg.startValue) ? translator.parse(arg.startValue) : translator.getRange()[0],
                    endValue = translator.isValid(arg.endValue) ? translator.parse(arg.endValue) : translator.getRange()[1],
                    values = translator.to(startValue, -1) < translator.to(endValue, 1) ? [startValue, endValue] : [endValue, startValue];
                that._sliders[0]._position = translator.to(values[0], -1);
                that._sliders[1]._position = translator.to(values[1], 1);
            beginSelectedAreaMoving: function(initialPosition) {
                var that = this,
                    sliders = that._sliders,
                    offset = (sliders[0].getPosition() + sliders[1].getPosition()) / 2 - initialPosition,
                    currentPosition = initialPosition;
                move.complete = function() {
                return move;

                function move(position) {
                    if (position !== currentPosition && position > currentPosition === position > (sliders[0].getPosition() + sliders[1].getPosition()) / 2 - offset) {
                        that._moveSelectedArea(position + offset, false)
                    currentPosition = position
            _dockSelectedArea: function() {
                var translator = this._params.translator,
                    sliders = this._sliders;
                sliders[0]._position = translator.to(sliders[0].getValue(), -1);
                sliders[1]._position = translator.to(sliders[1].getValue(), 1);
            moveSelectedArea: function(screenPosition) {
                this._moveSelectedArea(screenPosition, true);
            _moveSelectedArea: function(screenPosition, isAnimated) {
                var startValue, that = this,
                    translator = that._params.translator,
                    sliders = that._sliders,
                    interval = sliders[1].getPosition() - sliders[0].getPosition(),
                    startPosition = screenPosition - interval / 2,
                    endPosition = screenPosition + interval / 2;
                if (startPosition < translator.getScreenRange()[0]) {
                    startPosition = translator.getScreenRange()[0];
                    endPosition = startPosition + interval
                if (endPosition > translator.getScreenRange()[1]) {
                    endPosition = translator.getScreenRange()[1];
                    startPosition = endPosition - interval
                startValue = selectClosestValue(translator.from(startPosition, -1), that._values);
                sliders[1].setDisplayValue(selectClosestValue(translator.from(translator.to(startValue, -1) + interval, 1), that._values));
                sliders[0]._position = startPosition;
                sliders[1]._position = endPosition;
                if (that._isOnMoving) {
            placeSliderAndBeginMoving: function(firstPosition, secondPosition) {
                var thresholdPosition, handler, that = this,
                    translator = that._params.translator,
                    sliders = that._sliders,
                    index = firstPosition < secondPosition ? 0 : 1,
                    dir = index > 0 ? 1 : -1,
                    compare = index > 0 ? isGreater : isLess,
                    antiCompare = index > 0 ? isLess : isGreater,
                    positions = [],
                    values = [];
                values[index] = translator.from(firstPosition, dir);
                values[1 - index] = translator.from(secondPosition, -dir);
                positions[1 - index] = secondPosition;
                if (translator.isValueProlonged) {
                    if (compare(firstPosition, translator.to(values[index], dir))) {
                        values[index] = translator.from(firstPosition, -dir)
                    if (compare(secondPosition, translator.to(values[index], -dir))) {
                        values[1 - index] = values[index]
                if (that._minRange) {
                    thresholdPosition = translator.to(translator.add(selectClosestValue(values[index], that._values), that._minRange, -dir), -dir);
                    if (compare(secondPosition, thresholdPosition)) {
                        values[1 - index] = translator.add(values[index], that._minRange, -dir)
                    thresholdPosition = translator.to(translator.add(translator.getRange()[1 - index], that._minRange, dir), -dir);
                    if (antiCompare(firstPosition, thresholdPosition)) {
                        values[1 - index] = translator.getRange()[1 - index];
                        values[index] = translator.add(values[1 - index], that._minRange, dir);
                        positions[1 - index] = firstPosition
                values[0] = selectClosestValue(values[0], that._values);
                values[1] = selectClosestValue(values[1], that._values);
                positions[index] = translator.to(values[index], dir);
                sliders[0]._position = positions[0];
                sliders[1]._position = positions[1];
                if (that._isOnMoving) {
                handler = that.beginSliderMoving(1 - index, secondPosition);
                sliders[1 - index]._sliderGroup.stopAnimation();
                return handler
            beginSliderMoving: function(initialIndex, initialPosition) {
                var that = this,
                    translator = that._params.translator,
                    sliders = that._sliders,
                    minPosition = translator.getScreenRange()[0],
                    maxPosition = translator.getScreenRange()[1],
                    index = initialIndex,
                    staticPosition = sliders[1 - index].getPosition(),
                    currentPosition = initialPosition,
                    dir = index > 0 ? 1 : -1,
                    compareMin = index > 0 ? isLess : isGreater,
                    compareMax = index > 0 ? isGreater : isLess,
                    moveOffset = sliders[index].getPosition() - initialPosition,
                    swapOffset = compareMin(sliders[index].getPosition(), initialPosition) ? -moveOffset : moveOffset;
                move.complete = function() {
                return move;

                function move(position) {
                    var isValid, temp, pos, slider, value;
                    if (position !== currentPosition) {
                        if (compareMin(position + swapOffset, staticPosition)) {
                            isValid = that._allowSlidersSwap;
                            if (isValid && !translator.isValueProlonged && that._minRange) {
                                isValid = translator.isValid(translator.add(sliders[1 - index].getValue(), that._minRange, -dir))
                            if (isValid) {
                                index = 1 - index;
                                dir = -dir;
                                temp = compareMin;
                                compareMin = compareMax;
                                compareMax = temp;
                                moveOffset = -dir * Math.abs(moveOffset);
                                swapOffset = -moveOffset
                        if (compareMax(position + moveOffset, staticPosition)) {
                            isValid = true;
                            slider = sliders[index];
                            value = sliders[1 - index].getValue();
                            pos = Math.max(Math.min(position + moveOffset, maxPosition), minPosition);
                            if (isValid && translator.isValueProlonged) {
                                isValid = !compareMin(pos, translator.to(value, dir))
                            if (isValid && that._minRange) {
                                isValid = !compareMin(pos, translator.to(translator.add(value, that._minRange, dir), dir))
                            if (isValid && that._maxRange) {
                                isValid = !compareMax(pos, translator.to(translator.add(value, that._maxRange, dir), dir))
                            slider.setDisplayValue(isValid ? selectClosestValue(translator.from(pos, dir), that._values) : slider.getValue());
                            slider._position = pos;
                            if (that._isOnMoving) {
                    currentPosition = position
            _changeMovingSlider: function(index) {
                var newValue, that = this,
                    translator = that._params.translator,
                    sliders = that._sliders,
                    position = sliders[1 - index].getPosition(),
                    dir = index > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                sliders[index].setDisplayValue(selectClosestValue(translator.from(position, dir), that._values));
                newValue = translator.from(position, -dir);
                if (translator.isValueProlonged) {
                    newValue = translator.from(position, dir)
                } else {
                    if (that._minRange) {
                        newValue = translator.add(newValue, that._minRange, -dir)
                sliders[1 - index].setDisplayValue(selectClosestValue(newValue, that._values));
                sliders[0]._position = sliders[1]._position = position
            foregroundSlider: function(index) {
        exports.SlidersController = SlidersController
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/slider.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var commonModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 605),
            animationSettings = commonModule.utils.animationSettings,
            formatValue = commonModule.formatValue,
            SliderMarker = __webpack_require__( /*! ./slider_marker */ 608),
            support = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/support */ 61),
            SPLITTER_WIDTH = 8,
            TOUCH_SPLITTER_WIDTH = 20;

        function getSliderTrackerWidth(sliderHandleWidth) {
            return support.touchEvents || support.pointer ? TOUCH_SPLITTER_WIDTH : SPLITTER_WIDTH < sliderHandleWidth ? sliderHandleWidth : SPLITTER_WIDTH

        function Slider(params, index) {
            var that = this;
            that._translator = params.translator;
            that._sliderGroup = params.renderer.g().attr({
                "class": "slider"
            that._line = params.renderer.path(null, "line").append(that._sliderGroup);
            that._marker = new SliderMarker(params.renderer, that._sliderGroup, 1 === index);
            that._tracker = params.renderer.rect().attr({
                "class": "slider-tracker",
                fill: "#000000",
                opacity: 1e-4
                cursor: "w-resize"
        Slider.prototype = {
            constructor: Slider,
            cancelAnimation: function() {
            applyPosition: function(isAnimated) {
                var that = this,
                    slider = that._sliderGroup,
                    tracker = that._tracker,
                    attrs = {
                        translateX: that._position
                if (isAnimated) {
                    slider.animate(attrs, animationSettings);
                    tracker.animate(attrs, animationSettings)
                } else {
            _setValid: function(isValid) {
                    stroke: this._colors[Number(isValid)]
            _setText: function(text) {
            update: function(verticalRange, sliderHandleOptions, sliderMarkerOptions) {
                var that = this;
                that._formatOptions = {
                    format: sliderMarkerOptions.format,
                    precision: sliderMarkerOptions.precision,
                    customizeText: sliderMarkerOptions.customizeText
                that._marker.applyOptions(sliderMarkerOptions, that._translator.getScreenRange());
                that._colors = [sliderMarkerOptions.invalidRangeColor, sliderHandleOptions.color];
                    translateY: verticalRange[0]
                    "stroke-width": sliderHandleOptions.width,
                    stroke: sliderHandleOptions.color,
                    "stroke-opacity": sliderHandleOptions.opacity,
                    sharp: "h",
                    points: [0, 0, 0, verticalRange[1] - verticalRange[0]]
                var trackerWidth = getSliderTrackerWidth(sliderHandleOptions.width);
                    x: -trackerWidth / 2,
                    y: 0,
                    width: trackerWidth,
                    height: verticalRange[1] - verticalRange[0],
                    translateY: verticalRange[0]
            toForeground: function() {
            getSliderTracker: function() {
                return this._tracker
            getPosition: function() {
                return this._position
            setDisplayValue: function(value) {
                this._value = value;
                this._setText(formatValue(value, this._formatOptions))
            setOverlapped: function(isOverlapped) {
            getValue: function() {
                return this._value
            on: function(event, handler) {
                this._tracker.on(event, handler);
                this._marker.getTracker().on(event, handler)
            getCloudBorder: function() {
                return this._marker.getBorderPosition()
            dispose: function() {
        module.exports = Slider
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/slider_marker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).patchFontOptions,
            POINTER_SIZE = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 605).consts.pointerSize;

        function SliderMarker(renderer, root, isLeftPointer) {
            var that = this;
            that._isLeftPointer = isLeftPointer;
            that._isOverlapped = false;
            that._group = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": "slider-marker"
            that._area = renderer.path(null, "area").append(that._group);
            that._label = renderer.text().attr({
                align: "left"
            that._tracker = renderer.rect().attr({
                "class": "slider-marker-tracker",
                fill: "#000000",
                opacity: 1e-4
                cursor: "pointer"
            that._border = renderer.rect(0, 0, 1, 0)
        SliderMarker.prototype = {
            constructor: SliderMarker,
            _getRectSize: function(textSize) {
                return {
                    width: Math.round(2 * this._paddingLeftRight + textSize.width),
                    height: Math.round(2 * this._paddingTopBottom + textSize.height)
            _getTextSize: function() {
                var textSize = this._label.getBBox();
                if (!this._textHeight && isFinite(textSize.height)) {
                    this._textHeight = textSize.height
                return {
                    width: textSize.width,
                    height: this._textHeight,
                    y: textSize.y
            _getAreaPointsInfo: function(textSize) {
                var that = this,
                    rectSize = that._getRectSize(textSize),
                    rectWidth = rectSize.width,
                    rectHeight = rectSize.height,
                    rectLeftBorder = -rectWidth,
                    rectRightBorder = 0,
                    pointerRightPoint = POINTER_SIZE,
                    pointerCenterPoint = 0,
                    pointerLeftPoint = -POINTER_SIZE,
                    position = that._position,
                    isLeft = that._isLeftPointer,
                    correctCloudBorders = function() {
                    checkPointerBorders = function() {
                        if (pointerRightPoint > rectRightBorder) {
                            pointerRightPoint = rectRightBorder
                        } else {
                            if (pointerLeftPoint < rectLeftBorder) {
                                pointerLeftPoint = rectLeftBorder
                        isLeft && correctCloudBorders()
                    borderPosition = position;
                if (isLeft) {
                    if (position > that._range[1] - rectWidth) {
                        rectRightBorder = -position + that._range[1];
                        rectLeftBorder = rectRightBorder - rectWidth;
                        borderPosition += rectLeftBorder
                    } else {
                        rectLeftBorder = pointerLeftPoint = 0;
                        rectRightBorder = rectWidth
                } else {
                    if (position - that._range[0] < rectWidth) {
                        rectLeftBorder = -(position - that._range[0]);
                        rectRightBorder = rectLeftBorder + rectWidth;
                        borderPosition += rectRightBorder
                    } else {
                        pointerRightPoint = 0;
                that._borderPosition = borderPosition;
                return {
                    offset: rectLeftBorder,
                    isCut: (!isLeft || pointerCenterPoint !== pointerLeftPoint) && (isLeft || pointerCenterPoint !== pointerRightPoint),
                    points: [rectLeftBorder, 0, rectRightBorder, 0, rectRightBorder, rectHeight, pointerRightPoint, rectHeight, pointerCenterPoint, rectHeight + POINTER_SIZE, pointerLeftPoint, rectHeight, rectLeftBorder, rectHeight]
            _update: function() {
                var textSize, currentTextSize, rectSize, that = this;
                    text: that._text || ""
                currentTextSize = that._getTextSize();
                rectSize = that._getRectSize(currentTextSize);
                textSize = that._textSize || currentTextSize;
                textSize = that._textSize = currentTextSize.width > textSize.width || currentTextSize.height > textSize.height ? currentTextSize : textSize;
                that._timeout = setTimeout(function() {
                    updateSliderMarker(currentTextSize, rectSize);
                    that._textSize = currentTextSize
                }, SLIDER_MARKER_UPDATE_DELAY);

                function updateSliderMarker(size, rectSize) {
                    var points, pointsData, offset;
                    rectSize = rectSize || that._getRectSize(size);
                        translateY: -(rectSize.height + POINTER_SIZE)
                    pointsData = that._getAreaPointsInfo(size);
                    points = pointsData.points;
                    offset = pointsData.offset;
                        points: points
                        x: that._isLeftPointer ? points[0] - 1 : points[2],
                        height: pointsData.isCut ? rectSize.height : rectSize.height + POINTER_SIZE
                        translateX: offset,
                        width: rectSize.width,
                        height: rectSize.height + POINTER_SIZE
                        translateX: that._paddingLeftRight + offset,
                        translateY: rectSize.height / 2 - (size.y + size.height / 2)
            setText: function(value) {
                this._text = value
            setPosition: function(position) {
                this._position = position;
            applyOptions: function(options, screenRange) {
                var that = this;
                that._range = screenRange;
                that._paddingLeftRight = options.paddingLeftRight;
                that._paddingTopBottom = options.paddingTopBottom;
                that._textHeight = null;
                that._colors = [options.invalidRangeColor, options.color];
                    fill: options.color
                    fill: options.borderColor
            getTracker: function() {
                return this._tracker
            setValid: function(isValid) {
                    fill: this._colors[Number(isValid)]
            setColor: function(color) {
                    fill: color
            dispose: function() {
            setOverlapped: function(isOverlapped) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._isOverlapped !== isOverlapped) {
                    if (isOverlapped) {
                    } else {
                        that._isOverlapped && that._border.remove()
                    that._isOverlapped = isOverlapped
            getBorderPosition: function() {
                return this._borderPosition
        module.exports = SliderMarker
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/tracker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            pointerEvents = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76),
            msPointerEnabled = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/support */ 61).pointer,

        function isLeftButtonPressed(event) {
            var e = event || window.event,
                originalEvent = e.originalEvent,
                touches = e.touches,
                pointerType = originalEvent ? originalEvent.pointerType : false,
                eventTouches = originalEvent ? originalEvent.touches : false,
                isMSPointerLeftClick = originalEvent && void 0 !== pointerType && (pointerType === (originalEvent.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || "touch") || pointerType === (originalEvent.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE || "mouse") && 1 === originalEvent.buttons),
                isTouches = touches && touches.length > 0 || eventTouches && eventTouches.length > 0;
            return 1 === e.which || isMSPointerLeftClick || isTouches

        function isMultiTouches(event) {
            var originalEvent = event.originalEvent,
                touches = event.touches,
                eventTouches = originalEvent && originalEvent.touches;
            return touches && touches.length > 1 || eventTouches && eventTouches.length > 1 || null

        function preventDefault(e) {
            if (!isMultiTouches(e)) {

        function stopPropagationAndPreventDefault(e) {
            if (!isMultiTouches(e)) {

        function isTouchEventArgs(e) {
            return e && e.type && 0 === e.type.indexOf("touch")

        function getEventPageX(event) {
            var originalEvent = event.originalEvent,
                result = 0;
            if (event.pageX) {
                result = event.pageX
            } else {
                if (originalEvent && originalEvent.pageX) {
                    result = originalEvent.pageX
            if (originalEvent && originalEvent.touches) {
                if (originalEvent.touches.length > 0) {
                    result = originalEvent.touches[0].pageX
                } else {
                    if (originalEvent.changedTouches.length > 0) {
                        result = originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX
            return result

        function initializeAreaEvents(controller, area, state, getRootOffsetLeft) {
            var isTouchEvent, initialPosition, isActive = false,
                movingHandler = null,
                docEvents = {};
            docEvents[pointerEvents.move] = function(e) {
                var position, offset;
                if (isTouchEvent !== isTouchEventArgs(e)) {
                if (!isLeftButtonPressed(e)) {
                if (isActive) {
                    position = getEventPageX(e);
                    offset = getRootOffsetLeft();
                    if (movingHandler) {
                        movingHandler(position - offset)
                    } else {
                        if (state.manualRangeSelectionEnabled && Math.abs(initialPosition - position) >= MIN_MANUAL_SELECTING_WIDTH) {
                            movingHandler = controller.placeSliderAndBeginMoving(initialPosition - offset, position - offset)
            docEvents[pointerEvents.up] = function(e) {
                var position;
                if (isActive) {
                    position = getEventPageX(e);
                    if (!movingHandler && state.moveSelectedRangeByClick && Math.abs(initialPosition - position) < MIN_MANUAL_SELECTING_WIDTH) {
                        controller.moveSelectedArea(position - getRootOffsetLeft())

            function cancel() {
                if (isActive) {
                    isActive = false;
                    if (movingHandler) {
                        movingHandler = null
            area.on(pointerEvents.down, function(e) {
                if (!state.enabled || !isLeftButtonPressed(e) || isActive) {
                isActive = true;
                isTouchEvent = isTouchEventArgs(e);
                initialPosition = getEventPageX(e)
            return docEvents

        function initializeSelectedAreaEvents(controller, area, state, getRootOffsetLeft) {
            var isTouchEvent, isActive = false,
                movingHandler = null,
                docEvents = {};
            docEvents[pointerEvents.move] = function(e) {
                if (isTouchEvent !== isTouchEventArgs(e)) {
                if (!isLeftButtonPressed(e)) {
                if (isActive) {
                    movingHandler(getEventPageX(e) - getRootOffsetLeft())
            docEvents[pointerEvents.up] = cancel;

            function cancel() {
                if (isActive) {
                    isActive = false;
                    movingHandler = null
            area.on(pointerEvents.down, function(e) {
                if (!state.enabled || !isLeftButtonPressed(e) || isActive) {
                isActive = true;
                isTouchEvent = isTouchEventArgs(e);
                movingHandler = controller.beginSelectedAreaMoving(getEventPageX(e) - getRootOffsetLeft());
            return docEvents

        function initializeSliderEvents(controller, sliders, state, getRootOffsetLeft) {
            var isTouchEvent, isActive = false,
                movingHandler = null,
                docEvents = {};
            docEvents[pointerEvents.move] = function(e) {
                if (isTouchEvent !== isTouchEventArgs(e)) {
                if (!isLeftButtonPressed(e)) {
                if (isActive) {
                    movingHandler(getEventPageX(e) - getRootOffsetLeft())
            docEvents[pointerEvents.up] = cancel;
            $.each(sliders, function(i, slider) {
                var events = {};
                events[pointerEvents.down] = function(e) {
                    if (!state.enabled || !isLeftButtonPressed(e) || isActive) {
                    isActive = true;
                    isTouchEvent = isTouchEventArgs(e);
                    movingHandler = controller.beginSliderMoving(i, getEventPageX(e) - getRootOffsetLeft());
                events[pointerEvents.move] = function() {
                    if (!movingHandler) {

            function cancel() {
                if (isActive) {
                    isActive = false;
                    movingHandler = null
            return docEvents

        function Tracker(params) {
            var state = this._state = {},
                targets = params.controller.getTrackerTargets();
            if (msPointerEnabled) {
                    msTouchAction: "pinch-zoom"
            this._docEvents = [initializeSelectedAreaEvents(params.controller, targets.selectedArea, state, getRootOffsetLeft), initializeAreaEvents(params.controller, targets.area, state, getRootOffsetLeft), initializeSliderEvents(params.controller, targets.sliders, state, getRootOffsetLeft)];
            $.each(this._docEvents, function(_, events) {

            function getRootOffsetLeft() {
                return params.renderer.getRootOffset().left
        Tracker.prototype = {
            constructor: Tracker,
            dispose: function() {
                $.each(this._docEvents, function(_, events) {
            update: function(enabled, behavior) {
                var state = this._state;
                state.enabled = enabled;
                state.moveSelectedRangeByClick = behavior.moveSelectedRangeByClick;
                state.manualRangeSelectionEnabled = behavior.manualRangeSelectionEnabled
        exports.Tracker = Tracker
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/range_view.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        function drawSeriesView(root, seriesDataSource, translator, canvas, isAnimationEnabled) {
            var series, i, valueAxis, seriesList = seriesDataSource.getSeries(),
                ii = seriesList.length;
            if (!seriesList.length) {
            valueAxis = seriesList[0].getValueAxis();
                top: canvas.top,
                bottom: 0,
                height: canvas.height + canvas.top
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                series = seriesList[i];
                series._extGroups.seriesGroup = series._extGroups.labelsGroup = root;

        function merge(a, b) {
            return void 0 !== a ? a : b

        function RangeView(params) {
            this._params = params;
            this._clipRect = params.renderer.clipRect();
                "clip-path": this._clipRect.id
        RangeView.prototype = {
            constructor: RangeView,
            update: function(backgroundOption, backgroundTheme, canvas, isCompactMode, isAnimationEnabled, seriesDataSource) {
                var seriesGroup, renderer = this._params.renderer,
                    root = this._params.root,
                    canvasWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left;
                backgroundOption = backgroundOption || {};
                    x: canvas.left,
                    y: canvas.top,
                    width: canvasWidth,
                    height: canvas.height
                if (!isCompactMode) {
                    if (merge(backgroundOption.visible, backgroundTheme.visible)) {
                        if (backgroundOption.color) {
                            renderer.rect(canvas.left, canvas.top, canvasWidth + 1, canvas.height).attr({
                                fill: merge(backgroundOption.color, backgroundTheme.color),
                                "class": "dx-range-selector-background"
                        if (backgroundOption.image && backgroundOption.image.url) {
                            renderer.image(canvas.left, canvas.top, canvasWidth + 1, canvas.height, backgroundOption.image.url, merge(backgroundOption.image.location, backgroundTheme.image.location)).append(root)
                    if (seriesDataSource && seriesDataSource.isShowChart()) {
                        seriesGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                            "class": "dxrs-series-group"
                        drawSeriesView(seriesGroup, seriesDataSource, this._params.translator, canvas, isAnimationEnabled)
        exports.RangeView = RangeView
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/series_data_source.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var SeriesDataSource, $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            seriesModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../series/base_series */ 525),
            seriesFamilyModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/series_family */ 580),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            rangeModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/range */ 564),
            dataValidatorModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/data_validator */ 523),
            ChartThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/chart_theme_manager */ 549).ThemeManager;
        var createThemeManager = function(chartOptions) {
            return new ChartThemeManager(chartOptions, "rangeSelector.chart")
        var processSeriesFamilies = function(series, equalBarWidth, minBubbleSize, maxBubbleSize, barWidth, negativesAsZeroes) {
            var families = [],
                types = [];
            $.each(series, function(i, item) {
                if (inArray(item.type, types) === -1) {
            $.each(types, function(_, type) {
                var family = new seriesFamilyModule.SeriesFamily({
                    type: type,
                    equalBarWidth: equalBarWidth,
                    minBubbleSize: minBubbleSize,
                    maxBubbleSize: maxBubbleSize,
                    barWidth: barWidth,
                    negativesAsZeroes: negativesAsZeroes
            return families
        var isStickType = function(type) {
            var nonStickTypes = ["bar", "candlestick", "stock", "bubble"],
                stickType = true;
            type = vizUtils.normalizeEnum(type);
            $.each(nonStickTypes, function(_, item) {
                if (type.indexOf(item) !== -1) {
                    stickType = false;
                    return false
            return stickType

        function setTemplateFields(data, templateData, series) {
            $.each(data, function(_, data) {
                $.each(series.getTemplateFields(), function(_, field) {
                    data[field.templateField] = data[field.originalField]
        SeriesDataSource = function(options) {
            var templatedSeries, seriesTemplate, topIndent, bottomIndent, negativesAsZeroes, negativesAsZeros, that = this,
                themeManager = that._themeManager = createThemeManager(options.chart);
            themeManager._fontFields = ["commonSeriesSettings.label.font"];
            topIndent = themeManager.getOptions("topIndent");
            bottomIndent = themeManager.getOptions("bottomIndent");
            that._indent = {
                top: topIndent >= 0 && topIndent < 1 ? topIndent : 0,
                bottom: bottomIndent >= 0 && bottomIndent < 1 ? bottomIndent : 0
            that._valueAxis = themeManager.getOptions("valueAxisRangeSelector") || {};
            that._hideChart = false;
            seriesTemplate = themeManager.getOptions("seriesTemplate");
            if (options.dataSource && seriesTemplate) {
                templatedSeries = vizUtils.processSeriesTemplate(seriesTemplate, options.dataSource)
            that._useAggregation = options.chart.useAggregation;
            that._series = that._calculateSeries(options, templatedSeries);
            negativesAsZeroes = themeManager.getOptions("negativesAsZeroes");
            negativesAsZeros = themeManager.getOptions("negativesAsZeros");
            that._seriesFamilies = processSeriesFamilies(that._series, themeManager.getOptions("equalBarWidth"), themeManager.getOptions("minBubbleSize"), themeManager.getOptions("maxBubbleSize"), themeManager.getOptions("barWidth"), commonUtils.isDefined(negativesAsZeroes) ? negativesAsZeroes : negativesAsZeros)
        SeriesDataSource.prototype = {
            constructor: SeriesDataSource,
            _calculateSeries: function(options, templatedSeries) {
                var particularSeriesOptions, seriesTheme, data, parsedData, dataSourceField, i, newSeries, groupsData, that = this,
                    series = [],
                    chartThemeManager = that._themeManager,
                    hasSeriesTemplate = !!chartThemeManager.getOptions("seriesTemplate"),
                    allSeriesOptions = hasSeriesTemplate ? templatedSeries : options.chart.series,
                    seriesValueType = options.chart.valueAxis && options.chart.valueAxis.valueType;
                that.templateData = [];
                if (options.dataSource && !allSeriesOptions) {
                    dataSourceField = options.dataSourceField || "arg";
                    allSeriesOptions = {
                        argumentField: dataSourceField,
                        valueField: dataSourceField
                    that._hideChart = true
                allSeriesOptions = Array.isArray(allSeriesOptions) ? allSeriesOptions : allSeriesOptions ? [allSeriesOptions] : [];
                for (i = 0; i < allSeriesOptions.length; i++) {
                    particularSeriesOptions = extend(true, {
                        incidentOccurred: options.incidentOccurred
                    }, allSeriesOptions[i]);
                    particularSeriesOptions.rotated = false;
                    data = particularSeriesOptions.data || options.dataSource;
                    seriesTheme = chartThemeManager.getOptions("series", particularSeriesOptions);
                    seriesTheme.argumentField = seriesTheme.argumentField || options.dataSourceField;
                    if (data && data.length > 0) {
                        newSeries = new seriesModule.Series({
                            renderer: options.renderer,
                            argumentAxis: options.argumentAxis,
                            valueAxis: options.valueAxis
                        }, seriesTheme);
                    if (hasSeriesTemplate) {
                        setTemplateFields(data, that.templateData, newSeries)
                data = hasSeriesTemplate ? that.templateData : data;
                if (series.length) {
                    groupsData = {
                        groups: [{
                            series: series,
                            valueOptions: {
                                valueType: dataSourceField ? options.valueType : seriesValueType
                        argumentOptions: {
                            categories: options.categories,
                            argumentType: options.valueType,
                            type: options.axisType
                    parsedData = dataValidatorModule.validateData(data, groupsData, options.incidentOccurred, chartThemeManager.getOptions("dataPrepareSettings"));
                    that.argCategories = groupsData.categories;
                    for (i = 0; i < series.length; i++) {
                return series
            adjustSeriesDimensions: function() {
                if (this._useAggregation) {
                    $.each(this._series, function(_, s) {
                $.each(this._seriesFamilies, function(_, family) {
            getBoundRange: function() {
                var rangeData, rangeYSize, rangeVisibleSizeY, minIndent, maxIndent, that = this,
                    valueAxisMin = that._valueAxis.min,
                    valueAxisMax = that._valueAxis.max,
                    valRange = new rangeModule.Range({
                        min: valueAxisMin,
                        minVisible: valueAxisMin,
                        max: valueAxisMax,
                        maxVisible: valueAxisMax,
                        axisType: that._valueAxis.type,
                        base: that._valueAxis.logarithmBase
                    argRange = new rangeModule.Range({});
                $.each(that._series, function(_, series) {
                    rangeData = series.getRangeData();
                    if (!isStickType(series.type)) {
                            stick: false
                if (valRange.isDefined() && argRange.isDefined()) {
                    minIndent = that._valueAxis.inverted ? that._indent.top : that._indent.bottom;
                    maxIndent = that._valueAxis.inverted ? that._indent.bottom : that._indent.top;
                    rangeYSize = valRange.max - valRange.min;
                    rangeVisibleSizeY = (commonUtils.isNumeric(valRange.maxVisible) ? valRange.maxVisible : valRange.max) - (commonUtils.isNumeric(valRange.minVisible) ? valRange.minVisible : valRange.min);
                    if (commonUtils.isDate(valRange.min)) {
                        valRange.min = new Date(valRange.min.valueOf() - rangeYSize * minIndent)
                    } else {
                        valRange.min -= rangeYSize * minIndent
                    if (commonUtils.isDate(valRange.max)) {
                        valRange.max = new Date(valRange.max.valueOf() + rangeYSize * maxIndent)
                    } else {
                        valRange.max += rangeYSize * maxIndent
                    if (commonUtils.isNumeric(rangeVisibleSizeY)) {
                        valRange.maxVisible = valRange.maxVisible ? valRange.maxVisible + rangeVisibleSizeY * maxIndent : void 0;
                        valRange.minVisible = valRange.minVisible ? valRange.minVisible - rangeVisibleSizeY * minIndent : void 0
                    valRange.invert = that._valueAxis.inverted
                return {
                    arg: argRange,
                    val: valRange
            getSeries: function() {
                return this._series
            isEmpty: function() {
                return 0 === this.getSeries().length
            isShowChart: function() {
                return !this._hideChart
            getCalculatedValueType: function() {
                var series = this._series[0];
                return series && series.argumentType
            getThemeManager: function() {
                return this._themeManager
        exports.SeriesDataSource = SeriesDataSource
      !*** ./js/viz/range_selector/theme_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BaseThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550).BaseThemeManager;
        exports.ThemeManager = BaseThemeManager.inherit({
            _themeSection: "rangeSelector",
            _fontFields: ["scale.label.font", "sliderMarker.font", "loadingIndicator.font", "export.font", "title.font", "title.subtitle.font"]
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./vector_map/vector_map */ 614)
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/vector_map.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            _parseScalar = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).parseScalar,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            projectionModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./projection.main */ 615),
            controlBarModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./control_bar */ 617),
            gestureHandlerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./gesture_handler */ 618),
            trackerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tracker */ 619),
            themeManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./theme_manager */ 620),
            dataExchangerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./data_exchanger */ 621),
            legendModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./legend */ 622),
            layoutModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./layout */ 623),
            mapLayerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./map_layer */ 624),
            tooltipViewerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tooltip_viewer */ 625),
            _noop = noop,
            _extend = extend,
            DEFAULT_WIDTH = 800,
            DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 400,
            nextDataKey = 1,
            RE_STARTS_LAYERS = /^layers/,
            RE_ENDS_DATA_SOURCE = /\.(dataSource|data)$/;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./projection */ 626);

        function generateDataKey() {
            return "vectormap-data-" + nextDataKey++
        var dxVectorMap = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_widget */ 515).inherit({
            _eventsMap: {
                onClick: {
                    name: "click"
                onCenterChanged: {
                    name: "centerChanged"
                onZoomFactorChanged: {
                    name: "zoomFactorChanged"
                onAreaClick: {
                    name: "areaClick"
                onAreaHoverChanged: {
                    name: "areaHoverChanged"
                onAreaSelectionChanged: {
                    name: "areaSelectionChanged"
                onMarkerClick: {
                    name: "markerClick"
                onMarkerHoverChanged: {
                    name: "markerHoverChanged"
                onMarkerSelectionChanged: {
                    name: "markerSelectionChanged"
                onHoverChanged: {
                    name: "hoverChanged"
                onSelectionChanged: {
                    name: "selectionChanged"
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
                _extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    areaSettings: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'layers' option instead"
                    markerSettings: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'layers' option instead"
                    mapData: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'layers' option instead"
                    markers: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'layers' option instead"
                    onAreaClick: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onClick' option instead"
                    onMarkerClick: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onClick' option instead"
                    onAreaHoverChanged: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onHoverChanged' option instead"
                    onMarkerHoverChanged: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onHoverChanged' option instead"
                    onAreaSelectionChanged: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onSelectionChanged' option instead"
                    onMarkerSelectionChanged: {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'onSelectionChanged' option instead"
                    "layers.data": {
                        since: "15.2",
                        message: "Use the 'layers.dataSource' option instead"
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxm",
            _rootClass: "dxm-vector-map",
            _createThemeManager: function() {
                return new themeManagerModule.ThemeManager
            _initLayerCollection: function(dataKey) {
                var that = this;
                that._layerCollection = new mapLayerModule.MapLayerCollection({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    projection: that._projection,
                    themeManager: that._themeManager,
                    tracker: that._tracker,
                    dataKey: dataKey,
                    eventTrigger: that._eventTrigger,
                    dataExchanger: that._dataExchanger,
                    tooltip: that._tooltip,
                    notifyDirty: that._notifyDirty,
                    notifyReady: that._notifyReady
                if (void 0 === that._options.layers && (that._options.mapData || that._options.markers)) {
                } else {
                    suspendLayersData(that._layerCollection, that._options.layers)
            _initLegendsControl: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._legendsControl = new legendModule.LegendsControl({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    container: that._root,
                    layoutControl: that._layoutControl,
                    themeManager: that._themeManager,
                    dataExchanger: that._dataExchanger,
                    notifyDirty: that._notifyDirty,
                    notifyReady: that._notifyReady
            _initControlBar: function(dataKey) {
                var that = this;
                that._controlBar = new controlBarModule.ControlBar({
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    container: that._root,
                    layoutControl: that._layoutControl,
                    projection: that._projection,
                    tracker: that._tracker,
                    dataKey: dataKey
            _initElements: function() {
                var that = this,
                    dataKey = generateDataKey(),
                    notifyCounter = 0;
                that._notifyDirty = function() {
                that._notifyReady = function() {
                    if (0 === --notifyCounter) {
                that._dataExchanger = new dataExchangerModule.DataExchanger;
                that._projection = new projectionModule.Projection({
                    centerChanged: function(value) {
                        if (that._initialized) {
                            that._eventTrigger("centerChanged", {
                                center: value
                    zoomChanged: function(value) {
                        if (that._initialized) {
                            that._eventTrigger("zoomFactorChanged", {
                                zoomFactor: value
                that._tracker = new trackerModule.Tracker({
                    root: that._root,
                    projection: that._projection,
                    dataKey: dataKey
                that._gestureHandler = new gestureHandlerModule.GestureHandler({
                    projection: that._projection,
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    tracker: that._tracker
                that._layoutControl = new layoutModule.LayoutControl;
                that._tooltipViewer = new tooltipViewerModule.TooltipViewer({
                    tracker: that._tracker,
                    tooltip: that._tooltip,
                    layerCollection: that._layerCollection
            _init: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _initialChanges: ["PROJECTION", "BOUNDS", "MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR", "ZOOM_FACTOR", "CENTER"],
            _afterInit: function() {
                resumeLayersData(this._layerCollection, this._options.layers, this._renderer)
            _initCore: function() {
                this._root = this._renderer.root.attr({
                    align: "center",
                    cursor: "default"
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._dataExchanger = that._gestureHandler = that._projection = that._tracker = that._layoutControl = that._root = that._layerCollection = that._controlBar = that._legendsControl = null
            _setupInteraction: function() {
                var options = {
                    centeringEnabled: !!_parseScalar(this._getOption("panningEnabled", true), true),
                    zoomingEnabled: !!_parseScalar(this._getOption("zoomingEnabled", true), true)
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return {
                    width: DEFAULT_WIDTH,
                    height: DEFAULT_HEIGHT
            _applySize: function(rect) {
                var layout = {
                    left: rect[0],
                    top: rect[1],
                    width: rect[2] - rect[0],
                    height: rect[3] - rect[1],
                    right: 0,
                    bottom: 0
                this._layerCollection.setRect([layout.left, layout.top, layout.width, layout.height])
            _optionChanging: function(name, currentValue, nextValue) {
                if (currentValue && nextValue) {
                    if (RE_STARTS_LAYERS.test(name)) {
                        if (currentValue.dataSource && nextValue.dataSource && currentValue !== nextValue) {
                            currentValue.dataSource = null
                        } else {
                            if (currentValue.data && nextValue.data && currentValue !== nextValue) {
                                currentValue.data = null
                            } else {
                                if (RE_ENDS_DATA_SOURCE.test(name)) {
                                    this.option(name, null)
                    if ("mapData" === name) {
                        this._options.mapData = null
                    if ("markers" === name) {
                        this._options.markers = null
            _applyChanges: function() {
                this.callBase.apply(this, arguments);
            _optionChangesMap: {
                background: "BACKGROUND",
                layers: "LAYERS",
                areaSettings: "LAYERS",
                markerSettings: "LAYERS",
                mapData: "LAYERS",
                markers: "LAYERS",
                controlBar: "CONTROL_BAR",
                legends: "LEGENDS",
                touchEnabled: "TRACKER",
                wheelEnabled: "TRACKER",
                panningEnabled: "INTERACTION",
                zoomingEnabled: "INTERACTION",
                projection: "PROJECTION",
                bounds: "BOUNDS",
                maxZoomFactor: "MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR",
                zoomFactor: "ZOOM_FACTOR",
                center: "CENTER"
            _change_PROJECTION: function() {
            _change_BOUNDS: function() {
            _change_MAX_ZOOM_FACTOR: function() {
            _change_ZOOM_FACTOR: function() {
            _change_CENTER: function() {
            _change_BACKGROUND: function() {
            _change_LAYERS: function() {
            _change_CONTROL_BAR: function() {
            _change_LEGENDS: function() {
            _change_TRACKER: function() {
            _change_INTERACTION: function() {
            _themeDependentChanges: ["BACKGROUND", "LAYERS", "CONTROL_BAR", "LEGENDS", "TRACKER", "INTERACTION"],
            _setProjection: function() {
            _setBounds: function() {
            _setMaxZoom: function() {
            _setZoom: function() {
            _setCenter: function() {
            _setBackgroundOptions: function() {
            _setLayerCollectionOptions: function() {
            _setControlBarOptions: function() {
            _setLegendsOptions: function() {
            _setTrackerOptions: function() {
                    touchEnabled: this._getOption("touchEnabled", true),
                    wheelEnabled: this._getOption("wheelEnabled", true)
            getLayers: function() {
                var i, layers = this._layerCollection.items(),
                    list = [],
                    ii = list.length = layers.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    list[i] = layers[i].proxy
                return list
            getLayerByIndex: function(index) {
                var layer = this._layerCollection.byIndex(index);
                return layer ? layer.proxy : null
            getLayerByName: function(name) {
                var layer = this._layerCollection.byName(name);
                return layer ? layer.proxy : null
            clearSelection: function(_noEvent) {
                var i, layers = this._layerCollection.items(),
                    ii = layers.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                return this
            getAreas: _noop,
            getMarkers: _noop,
            clearAreaSelection: _noop,
            clearMarkerSelection: _noop,
            center: function(value) {
                var that = this;
                if (void 0 === value) {
                    return that._projection.getCenter()
                } else {
                    return that
            zoomFactor: function(value) {
                var that = this;
                if (void 0 === value) {
                    return that._projection.getZoom()
                } else {
                    return that
            viewport: function(value) {
                var that = this;
                if (void 0 === value) {
                    return that._projection.getViewport()
                } else {
                    return that
            convertCoordinates: function(coordinates) {
                coordinates = coordinates && coordinates.length ? coordinates : [arguments[0], arguments[1]];
                return this._projection.fromScreenPoint(coordinates)

        function suspendLayersData(layerCollection, options) {
            if (options) {
                layerCollection.__data = options.length ? $.map(options, patch) : patch(options)

            function patch(ops) {
                var result = {};
                swapData(ops || {}, result);
                return result

        function resumeLayersData(layerCollection, options, renderer) {
            var data = layerCollection.__data;
            if (data) {
                layerCollection.__data = void 0;
                if (data.length) {
                    $.each(data, function(i, item) {
                        swapData(item, options[i])
                } else {
                    swapData(data, options)

        function swapData(source, target) {
            var name = !("dataSource" in source) && "data" in source ? "data" : "dataSource";
            target[name] = source[name];
            source[name] = void 0

        function applyDeprecatedMode(map) {
            var log = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/errors */ 7).log,
                mapData = map._options.mapData,
                markers = map._options.markers;
            map._options.mapData = map._options.markers = void 0;
            map._afterInit = function() {
                this._options.mapData = mapData;
                this._options.markers = markers;
                mapData = markers = void 0
            map._setLayerCollectionOptions = function() {
                var options = this._options,
                    mapData = options.mapData,
                    markers = options.markers;
                mapData = mapData && mapData.features ? _extend({}, mapData) : mapData;
                markers = markers && markers.features ? _extend({}, markers) : markers;
                this._layerCollection.setOptions([_extend({}, options.areaSettings, {
                    name: "areas",
                    _deprecated: true,
                    dataSource: mapData,
                    type: "area"
                }), _extend({}, options.markerSettings, {
                    name: "markers",
                    _deprecated: true,
                    dataSource: markers,
                    type: "marker",
                    elementType: options.markerSettings && options.markerSettings.type
            map.getAreas = function() {
                log("W0002", this.NAME, "getAreas", "15.2", "Use the 'getLayerByName('areas').getElements()' instead");
                return this.getLayerByName("areas").getElements()
            map.getMarkers = function() {
                log("W0002", this.NAME, "getMarkers", "15.2", "Use the 'getLayerByName('markers').getElements()' instead");
                return this.getLayerByName("markers").getElements()
            map.clearAreaSelection = function(_noEvent) {
                log("W0002", this.NAME, "clearAreaSelection", "15.2", "Use the 'getLayerByName('areas').clearSelection()' instead");
                return this
            map.clearMarkerSelection = function(_noEvent) {
                log("W0002", this.NAME, "clearMarkerSelection", "15.2", "Use the 'getLayerByName('markers').clearSelection()' instead");
                return this
            var clickMap = {
                    areas: "areaClick",
                    markers: "markerClick"
                hoverChangedMap = {
                    areas: "areaHoverChanged",
                    markers: "markerHoverChanged"
                selectionChangedMap = {
                    areas: "areaSelectionChanged",
                    markers: "markerSelectionChanged"
            map.on("click", function(e) {
                if (e.target) {
                    this._eventTrigger(clickMap[e.target.layer.name], e)
            map.on("hoverChanged", function(e) {
                if (e.target) {
                    this._eventTrigger(hoverChangedMap[e.target.layer.name], e)
            map.on("selectionChanged", function(e) {
                if (e.target) {
                    this._eventTrigger(selectionChangedMap[e.target.layer.name], e)
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57)("dxVectorMap", dxVectorMap);
        module.exports = dxVectorMap;
        module.exports._TESTS_resetDataKey = function() {
            nextDataKey = 1
        dxVectorMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/export */ 511).plugin);
        dxVectorMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/title */ 558).plugin);
        dxVectorMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/tooltip */ 559).plugin);
        dxVectorMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/loading_indicator */ 560).plugin)
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/projection.main.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            eventEmitterModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./event_emitter */ 616);
        var _Number = Number,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            _abs = Math.abs,
            _round = Math.round,
            _ln = Math.log,
            _pow = Math.pow,
            TWO_TO_LN2 = 2 / Math.LN2,
            MIN_BOUNDS_RANGE = 1 / 3600 / 180 / 10,
            DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM = 1,
            DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM = 256,
            DEFAULT_CENTER = [NaN, NaN],
            DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME = "mercator";

        function floatsEqual(f1, f2) {
            return _abs(f1 - f2) < 1e-8

        function arraysEqual(a1, a2) {
            return floatsEqual(a1[0], a2[0]) && floatsEqual(a1[1], a2[1])

        function parseAndClamp(value, minValue, maxValue, defaultValue) {
            var val = _Number(value);
            return isFinite(val) ? _min(_max(val, minValue), maxValue) : defaultValue

        function parseAndClampArray(value, minValue, maxValue, defaultValue) {
            return [parseAndClamp(value[0], minValue[0], maxValue[0], defaultValue[0]), parseAndClamp(value[1], minValue[1], maxValue[1], defaultValue[1])]

        function getEngine(engine) {
            return engine instanceof Engine && engine || projection.get(engine) || projection.get(DEFAULT_ENGINE_NAME)

        function Projection(parameters) {
            var that = this;
            that._params = parameters;
            that._engine = getEngine();
            that._center = that._engine.center();
        Projection.prototype = {
            constructor: Projection,
            _minZoom: DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM,
            _maxZoom: DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM,
            _zoom: DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM,
            _center: DEFAULT_CENTER,
            _canvas: {},
            _scale: [],
            dispose: function() {
            setEngine: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    engine = getEngine(value);
                if (that._engine !== engine) {
                    that._engine = engine;
                    if (that._changeCenter(engine.center())) {
                    if (that._changeZoom(that._minZoom)) {
            setBounds: function(bounds) {
                if (void 0 !== bounds) {
            _setupScreen: function() {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that._canvas,
                    width = canvas.width,
                    height = canvas.height,
                    aspectRatio = that._engine.ar();
                that._x0 = canvas.left + width / 2;
                that._y0 = canvas.top + height / 2;
                if (width / height <= aspectRatio) {
                    that._xRadius = width / 2;
                    that._yRadius = width / 2 / aspectRatio
                } else {
                    that._xRadius = height / 2 * aspectRatio;
                    that._yRadius = height / 2
            setSize: function(canvas) {
                var that = this;
                that._canvas = canvas;
            _toScreen: function(coordinates) {
                return [this._x0 + this._xRadius * coordinates[0], this._y0 + this._yRadius * coordinates[1]]
            _fromScreen: function(coordinates) {
                return [(coordinates[0] - this._x0) / this._xRadius, (coordinates[1] - this._y0) / this._yRadius]
            _toTransformed: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] * this._zoom + this._xCenter, coordinates[1] * this._zoom + this._yCenter]
            _toTransformedFast: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] * this._zoom, coordinates[1] * this._zoom]
            _fromTransformed: function(coordinates) {
                return [(coordinates[0] - this._xCenter) / this._zoom, (coordinates[1] - this._yCenter) / this._zoom]
            _adjustCenter: function() {
                var that = this,
                    center = that._engine.project(that._center);
                that._xCenter = -center[0] * that._zoom || 0;
                that._yCenter = -center[1] * that._zoom || 0
            project: function(coordinates) {
                return this._engine.project(coordinates)
            transform: function(coordinates) {
                return this._toScreen(this._toTransformedFast(coordinates))
            isInvertible: function() {
                return this._engine.isInvertible()
            getSquareSize: function(size) {
                return [size[0] * this._zoom * this._xRadius, size[1] * this._zoom * this._yRadius]
            getZoom: function() {
                return this._zoom
            _changeZoom: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    oldZoom = that._zoom,
                    newZoom = that._zoom = parseAndClamp(value, that._minZoom, that._maxZoom, that._minZoom),
                    isChanged = !floatsEqual(oldZoom, newZoom);
                if (isChanged) {
                return isChanged
            setZoom: function(value) {
                if (this._engine.isInvertible() && this._changeZoom(value)) {
            getScaledZoom: function() {
                return _round((this._scale.length - 1) * _ln(this._zoom) / _ln(this._maxZoom))
            setScaledZoom: function(scaledZoom) {
            changeScaledZoom: function(deltaZoom) {
                this.setZoom(this._scale[_max(_min(_round(this.getScaledZoom() + deltaZoom), this._scale.length - 1), 0)])
            getZoomScalePartition: function() {
                return this._scale.length - 1
            _setupScaling: function() {
                var step, zoom, that = this,
                    k = _round(TWO_TO_LN2 * _ln(that._maxZoom)),
                    i = 1;
                k = k > 4 ? k : 4;
                step = _pow(that._maxZoom, 1 / k);
                zoom = that._minZoom;
                that._scale = [zoom];
                for (; i <= k; ++i) {
                    that._scale.push(zoom *= step)
            setMaxZoom: function(maxZoom) {
                var that = this;
                that._minZoom = DEFAULT_MIN_ZOOM;
                that._maxZoom = parseAndClamp(maxZoom, that._minZoom, _Number.MAX_VALUE, DEFAULT_MAX_ZOOM);
                if (that._zoom > that._maxZoom) {
            getCenter: function() {
                return this._center.slice()
            setCenter: function(value) {
                if (this._engine.isInvertible() && this._changeCenter(value || [])) {
            _changeCenter: function(value) {
                var that = this,
                    engine = that._engine,
                    oldCenter = that._center,
                    newCenter = that._center = parseAndClampArray(value, engine.min(), engine.max(), engine.center()),
                    isChanged = !arraysEqual(oldCenter, newCenter);
                if (isChanged) {
                return isChanged
            _triggerCenterChanged: function() {
            _triggerZoomChanged: function() {
            setCenterByPoint: function(coordinates, screenPosition) {
                var that = this,
                    p = that._engine.project(coordinates),
                    q = that._fromScreen(screenPosition);
                that.setCenter(that._engine.unproject([-q[0] / that._zoom + p[0], -q[1] / that._zoom + p[1]]))
            beginMoveCenter: function() {
                if (this._engine.isInvertible()) {
                    this._moveCenter = this._center
            endMoveCenter: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._moveCenter) {
                    if (!arraysEqual(that._moveCenter, that._center)) {
                    that._moveCenter = null
            moveCenter: function(shift) {
                var current, center, that = this;
                if (that._moveCenter) {
                    current = that._toScreen(that._toTransformed(that._engine.project(that._center)));
                    center = that._engine.unproject(that._fromTransformed(that._fromScreen([current[0] + shift[0], current[1] + shift[1]])));
            getViewport: function() {
                var that = this,
                    unproject = that._engine.unproject,
                    lt = unproject(that._fromTransformed([-1, -1])),
                    lb = unproject(that._fromTransformed([-1, 1])),
                    rt = unproject(that._fromTransformed([1, -1])),
                    rb = unproject(that._fromTransformed([1, 1])),
                    minMax = findMinMax([selectFarthestPoint(lt[0], lb[0], rt[0], rb[0]), selectFarthestPoint(lt[1], rt[1], lb[1], rb[1])], [selectFarthestPoint(rt[0], rb[0], lt[0], lb[0]), selectFarthestPoint(lb[1], rb[1], lt[1], rt[1])]);
                return [].concat(minMax.min, minMax.max)
            setViewport: function(viewport) {
                var engine = this._engine,
                    data = viewport ? getZoomAndCenterFromViewport(engine.project, engine.unproject, viewport) : [this._minZoom, engine.center()];
            getTransform: function() {
                return {
                    translateX: this._xCenter * this._xRadius,
                    translateY: this._yCenter * this._yRadius
            fromScreenPoint: function(coordinates) {
                return this._engine.unproject(this._fromTransformed(this._fromScreen(coordinates)))
            _eventNames: ["engine", "screen", "center", "zoom", "max-zoom"]

        function selectFarthestPoint(point1, point2, basePoint1, basePoint2) {
            var basePoint = (basePoint1 + basePoint2) / 2;
            return _abs(point1 - basePoint) > _abs(point2 - basePoint) ? point1 : point2

        function selectClosestPoint(point1, point2, basePoint1, basePoint2) {
            var basePoint = (basePoint1 + basePoint2) / 2;
            return _abs(point1 - basePoint) < _abs(point2 - basePoint) ? point1 : point2

        function getZoomAndCenterFromViewport(project, unproject, viewport) {
            var lt = project([viewport[0], viewport[3]]),
                lb = project([viewport[0], viewport[1]]),
                rt = project([viewport[2], viewport[3]]),
                rb = project([viewport[2], viewport[1]]),
                l = selectClosestPoint(lt[0], lb[0], rt[0], rb[0]),
                r = selectClosestPoint(rt[0], rb[0], lt[0], lb[0]),
                t = selectClosestPoint(lt[1], rt[1], lb[1], rb[1]),
                b = selectClosestPoint(lb[1], rb[1], lt[1], rt[1]);
            return [2 / _max(_abs(l - r), _abs(t - b)), unproject([(l + r) / 2, (t + b) / 2])]

        function setMinMax(engine, p1, p2) {
            var minMax = findMinMax(p1, p2);
            engine.min = returnArray(minMax.min);
            engine.max = returnArray(minMax.max)

        function Engine(parameters) {
            var that = this,
                project = createProjectMethod(parameters.to),
                unproject = parameters.from ? createUnprojectMethod(parameters.from) : returnValue(DEFAULT_CENTER);
            that.project = project;
            that.unproject = unproject;
            that.original = returnValue(that);
            that.source = function() {
                return extend({}, parameters)
            that.isInvertible = returnValue(!!parameters.from);
            that.ar = returnValue(parameters.aspectRatio > 0 ? _Number(parameters.aspectRatio) : 1);
            that.center = returnArray(unproject([0, 0]));
            setMinMax(that, [unproject([-1, 0])[0], unproject([0, 1])[1]], [unproject([1, 0])[0], unproject([0, -1])[1]])
        Engine.prototype.aspectRatio = function(aspectRatio) {
            var engine = new Engine(extend(this.source(), {
                aspectRatio: aspectRatio
            engine.original = this.original;
            engine.min = this.min;
            engine.max = this.max;
            return engine
        Engine.prototype.bounds = function(bounds) {
            bounds = bounds || [];
            var engine, parameters = this.source(),
                min = this.min(),
                max = this.max(),
                b1 = parseAndClampArray([bounds[0], bounds[1]], min, max, min),
                b2 = parseAndClampArray([bounds[2], bounds[3]], min, max, max),
                p1 = parameters.to(b1),
                p2 = parameters.to(b2),
                delta = _min(_abs(p2[0] - p1[0]) > MIN_BOUNDS_RANGE ? _abs(p2[0] - p1[0]) : 2, _abs(p2[1] - p1[1]) > MIN_BOUNDS_RANGE ? _abs(p2[1] - p1[1]) : 2);
            if (delta < 2) {
                extend(parameters, createProjectUnprojectMethods(parameters.to, parameters.from, p1, p2, delta))
            engine = new Engine(parameters);
            engine.original = this.original;
            setMinMax(engine, b1, b2);
            return engine

        function isEngine(engine) {
            return engine instanceof Engine

        function invertVerticalAxis(pair) {
            return [pair[0], -pair[1]]

        function createProjectMethod(method) {
            return function(arg) {
                return invertVerticalAxis(method(arg))

        function createUnprojectMethod(method) {
            return function(arg) {
                return method(invertVerticalAxis(arg))

        function returnValue(value) {
            return function() {
                return value

        function returnArray(value) {
            return function() {
                return value.slice()

        function projection(parameters) {
            return parameters && parameters.to ? new Engine(parameters) : null

        function findMinMax(p1, p2) {
            return {
                min: [_min(p1[0], p2[0]), _min(p1[1], p2[1])],
                max: [_max(p1[0], p2[0]), _max(p1[1], p2[1])]
        var projectionsCache = {};
        projection.get = function(name) {
            return projectionsCache[name] || null
        projection.add = function(name, engine) {
            if (!projectionsCache[name] && isEngine(engine)) {
                projectionsCache[name] = engine
            return projection

        function createProjectUnprojectMethods(project, unproject, p1, p2, delta) {
            var x0 = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2 - delta / 2,
                y0 = (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2 - delta / 2,
                k = 2 / delta;
            return {
                to: function(coordinates) {
                    var p = project(coordinates);
                    return [-1 + (p[0] - x0) * k, -1 + (p[1] - y0) * k]
                from: function(coordinates) {
                    var p = [x0 + (coordinates[0] + 1) / k, y0 + (coordinates[1] + 1) / k];
                    return unproject(p)
        exports.Projection = Projection;
        exports.projection = projection;
        exports._TESTS_Engine = Engine
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/event_emitter.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9);
        var eventEmitterMethods = {
            _initEvents: function() {
                var i, names = this._eventNames,
                    ii = names.length,
                    events = this._events = {};
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    events[names[i]] = $.Callbacks()
            _disposeEvents: function() {
                var name, events = this._events;
                for (name in events) {
                this._events = null
            on: function(handlers) {
                var name, events = this._events;
                for (name in handlers) {
                return dispose;

                function dispose() {
                    for (name in handlers) {
            _fire: function(name, arg) {
        exports.makeEventEmitter = function(target) {
            var name, proto = target.prototype;
            for (name in eventEmitterMethods) {
                proto[name] = eventEmitterMethods[name]
        exports._TESTS_eventEmitterMethods = eventEmitterMethods
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/control_bar.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _math = Math,
            _min = _math.min,
            _max = _math.max,
            _round = _math.round,
            _floor = _math.floor,
            _sqrt = _math.sqrt,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _parseScalar = vizUtils.parseScalar,
            parseHorizontalAlignment = vizUtils.enumParser(["left", "center", "right"]),
            parseVerticalAlignment = vizUtils.enumParser(["top", "bottom"]),
            COMMAND_RESET = "command-reset",
            COMMAND_MOVE_UP = "command-move-up",
            COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT = "command-move-right",
            COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN = "command-move-down",
            COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT = "command-move-left",
            COMMAND_ZOOM_IN = "command-zoom-in",
            COMMAND_ZOOM_OUT = "command-zoom-out",
            COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG_LINE = "command-zoom-drag-line",
            COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG = "command-zoom-drag",
            EVENT_TARGET_TYPE = "control-bar",
            FLAG_CENTERING = 1,
            FLAG_ZOOMING = 2,
            SIZE_OPTIONS = {
                bigCircleSize: 58,
                smallCircleSize: 28,
                buttonSize: 10,
                arrowButtonOffset: 20,
                incDecButtonSize: 11,
                incButtonOffset: 66,
                decButtonOffset: 227,
                sliderLineStartOffset: 88.5,
                sliderLineEndOffset: 205.5,
                sliderLength: 20,
                sliderWidth: 8,
                trackerGap: 4
            OFFSET_X = 30.5,
            OFFSET_Y = 30.5,
            TOTAL_WIDTH = 61,
            TOTAL_HEIGHT = 274,
            COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP = {};

        function ControlBar(parameters) {
            var that = this;
            that._params = parameters;
            that._createElements(parameters.renderer, parameters.container, parameters.dataKey);
        ControlBar.prototype = {
            constructor: ControlBar,
            _flags: 0,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._params = that._root = that._offProjection = that._offTracker = that._callbacks = null
            _subscribeToProjection: function(projection) {
                var that = this;
                that._offProjection = projection.on({
                    engine: function() {
                    zoom: updateZoom,
                    "max-zoom": function() {
                        that._zoomPartition = projection.getZoomScalePartition();
                        that._sliderUnitLength = that._sliderLineLength / that._zoomPartition;

                function updateZoom() {
            _subscribeToTracker: function(tracker) {
                var that = this,
                    isActive = false;
                that._offTracker = tracker.on({
                    start: function(arg) {
                        isActive = arg.data.name === EVENT_TARGET_TYPE;
                        if (isActive) {
                            that._processStart(arg.data.index, arg)
                    move: function(arg) {
                        if (isActive) {
                            that._processMove(arg.data.index, arg)
                    end: function() {
                        if (isActive) {
                            isActive = false
            _createCallbacks: function(projection) {
                var that = this;
                that._callbacks = {
                    reset: function(isCenter, isZoom) {
                        if (isCenter) {
                        if (isZoom) {
                    beginMove: function() {
                    endMove: function() {
                    move: function(shift) {
                    zoom: function(zoom) {
            _createElements: function(renderer, container, dataKey) {
                var buttonsGroups, trackersGroup, that = this;
                that._root = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxm-control-bar"
                }).linkOn(container, "control-bar");
                buttonsGroups = that._buttonsGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxm-control-buttons"
                trackersGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    stroke: "none",
                    "stroke-width": 0,
                    fill: "#000000",
                    opacity: 1e-4
                    cursor: "pointer"
                that._createButtons(renderer, dataKey, buttonsGroups);
                that._createTrackers(renderer, dataKey, trackersGroup)
            _createButtons: function(renderer, dataKey, group) {
                var that = this,
                    options = SIZE_OPTIONS,
                    size = options.buttonSize / 2,
                    offset1 = options.arrowButtonOffset - size,
                    offset2 = options.arrowButtonOffset,
                    incDecButtonSize = options.incDecButtonSize / 2,
                    directionOptions = {
                        "stroke-linecap": "square",
                        fill: "none"
                    line = "line";
                renderer.circle(0, 0, options.bigCircleSize / 2).append(group);
                renderer.circle(0, 0, size).attr({
                    fill: "none"
                renderer.path([-size, -offset1, 0, -offset2, size, -offset1], line).attr(directionOptions).append(group);
                renderer.path([offset1, -size, offset2, 0, offset1, size], line).attr(directionOptions).append(group);
                renderer.path([size, offset1, 0, offset2, -size, offset1], line).attr(directionOptions).append(group);
                renderer.path([-offset1, size, -offset2, 0, -offset1, -size], line).attr(directionOptions).append(group);
                renderer.circle(0, options.incButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).append(group);
                    [-incDecButtonSize, options.incButtonOffset, incDecButtonSize, options.incButtonOffset],
                    [0, options.incButtonOffset - incDecButtonSize, 0, options.incButtonOffset + incDecButtonSize]
                ], "area").append(group);
                renderer.circle(0, options.decButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).append(group);
                renderer.path([-incDecButtonSize, options.decButtonOffset, incDecButtonSize, options.decButtonOffset], "area").append(group);
                that._zoomLine = renderer.path([], "line").append(group);
                that._zoomDrag = renderer.rect(_floor(-options.sliderLength / 2), _floor(options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderWidth / 2), options.sliderLength, options.sliderWidth).append(group);
                that._sliderLineLength = options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderLineStartOffset
            _createTrackers: function(renderer, dataKey, group) {
                var options = SIZE_OPTIONS,
                    size = _round((options.arrowButtonOffset - options.trackerGap) / 2),
                    offset1 = options.arrowButtonOffset - size,
                    offset2 = _round(_sqrt(options.bigCircleSize * options.bigCircleSize / 4 - size * size)),
                    size2 = offset2 - offset1;
                renderer.rect(-size, -size, 2 * size, 2 * size).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_RESET,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.rect(-size, -offset2, 2 * size, size2).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_MOVE_UP,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.rect(offset1, -size, size2, 2 * size).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.rect(-size, offset1, 2 * size, size2).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.rect(-offset2, -size, size2, 2 * size).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.circle(0, options.incButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_ZOOM_IN,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.circle(0, options.decButtonOffset, options.smallCircleSize / 2).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_ZOOM_OUT,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                renderer.rect(-2, options.sliderLineStartOffset - 2, 4, options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderLineStartOffset + 4).css({
                    cursor: "default"
                }).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG_LINE,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
                this._zoomDragTracker = renderer.rect(-options.sliderLength / 2, options.sliderLineEndOffset - options.sliderWidth / 2, options.sliderLength, options.sliderWidth).data(dataKey, {
                    index: COMMAND_ZOOM_DRAG,
                    name: EVENT_TARGET_TYPE
            resize: function(size) {
                if (this._isActive) {
                        visibility: null !== size ? null : "hidden"
            getLayoutOptions: function() {
                return this._isActive ? this._layoutOptions : null
            locate: function(x, y) {
                    translateX: x + this._margin + OFFSET_X,
                    translateY: y + this._margin + OFFSET_Y
            _update: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._isActive = that._isEnabled && that._flags && that._params.projection.isInvertible();
                if (that._isActive) {
                } else {
            setInteraction: function(interaction) {
                var that = this;
                if (_parseScalar(interaction.centeringEnabled, true)) {
                    that._flags |= FLAG_CENTERING
                } else {
                    that._flags &= ~FLAG_CENTERING
                if (_parseScalar(interaction.zoomingEnabled, true)) {
                    that._flags |= FLAG_ZOOMING
                } else {
                    that._flags &= ~FLAG_ZOOMING
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that._isEnabled = !!_parseScalar(options.enabled, true);
                that._margin = options.margin || 0;
                that._layoutOptions = {
                    width: 2 * that._margin + TOTAL_WIDTH,
                    height: 2 * that._margin + TOTAL_HEIGHT,
                    horizontalAlignment: parseHorizontalAlignment(options.horizontalAlignment, "left"),
                    verticalAlignment: parseVerticalAlignment(options.verticalAlignment, "top")
                    "stroke-width": options.borderWidth,
                    stroke: options.borderColor,
                    fill: options.color,
                    "fill-opacity": options.opacity
            _adjustZoom: function(zoom) {
                var transform, y, that = this,
                    start = SIZE_OPTIONS.sliderLineStartOffset,
                    end = SIZE_OPTIONS.sliderLineEndOffset,
                    h = SIZE_OPTIONS.sliderWidth;
                that._zoomFactor = _max(_min(_round(zoom), that._zoomPartition), 0);
                transform = {
                    translateY: -_round(that._zoomFactor * that._sliderUnitLength)
                y = end - h / 2 + transform.translateY;
                    points: [
                        [0, start, 0, _max(start, y)],
                        [0, _min(end, y + h), 0, end]
            _applyZoom: function() {
            _processStart: function(command, arg) {
                var commandType;
                if (this._isActive) {
                    commandType = COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP[command];
                    this._command = commandType && commandType.flags & this._flags ? new commandType(this, command, arg) : null
            _processMove: function(command, arg) {
                this._command && this._command.update(command, arg)
            _processEnd: function() {
                this._command && this._command.finish();
                this._command = null

        function disposeCommand(command) {
            delete command._owner;
            command.update = function() {};
            command.finish = function() {}

        function ResetCommand(owner, command) {
            this._owner = owner;
            this._command = command
        ResetCommand.flags = FLAG_CENTERING | FLAG_ZOOMING;
        ResetCommand.prototype.update = function(command) {
            command !== this._command && disposeCommand(this)
        ResetCommand.prototype.finish = function() {
            var flags = this._owner._flags;
            this._owner._callbacks.reset(!!(flags & FLAG_CENTERING), !!(flags & FLAG_ZOOMING));

        function MoveCommand(owner, command, arg) {
            this._command = command;
            var timeout = null,
                interval = 100,
                dx = 0,
                dy = 0;
            switch (this._command) {
                case COMMAND_MOVE_UP:
                    dy = -10;
                case COMMAND_MOVE_RIGHT:
                    dx = 10;
                case COMMAND_MOVE_DOWN:
                    dy = 10;
                case COMMAND_MOVE_LEFT:
                    dx = -10

            function callback() {
                owner._callbacks.move([dx, dy]);
                timeout = setTimeout(callback, interval)
            this._stop = function() {
                this._stop = owner = null;
                return this
            arg = null;
        MoveCommand.flags = FLAG_CENTERING;
        MoveCommand.prototype.update = function(command) {
            this._command !== command && this.finish()
        MoveCommand.prototype.finish = function() {

        function ZoomCommand(owner, command) {
            this._owner = owner;
            this._command = command;
            var timeout = null,
                interval = 150,
                dZoom = this._command === COMMAND_ZOOM_IN ? 1 : -1;

            function callback() {
                owner._adjustZoom(owner._zoomFactor + dZoom);
                timeout = setTimeout(callback, interval)
            this._stop = function() {
                this._stop = owner = null;
                return this
        ZoomCommand.flags = FLAG_ZOOMING;
        ZoomCommand.prototype.update = function(command) {
            this._command !== command && this.finish()
        ZoomCommand.prototype.finish = function() {

        function ZoomDragCommand(owner, command, arg) {
            this._owner = owner;
            this._zoomFactor = owner._zoomFactor;
            this._pos = arg.y
        ZoomDragCommand.flags = FLAG_ZOOMING;
        ZoomDragCommand.prototype.update = function(command, arg) {
            var owner = this._owner;
            owner._adjustZoom(this._zoomFactor + owner._zoomPartition * (this._pos - arg.y) / owner._sliderLineLength)
        ZoomDragCommand.prototype.finish = function() {
        exports.ControlBar = ControlBar;
        exports._TESTS_stubCommandToTypeMap = function(map) {
            COMMAND_TO_TYPE_MAP = map
        exports._TESTS_restoreCommandToTypeMap = function() {
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/gesture_handler.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var _ln = Math.log,
            _LN2 = Math.LN2;

        function GestureHandler(params) {
            var that = this;
            that._projection = params.projection;
            that._renderer = params.renderer;
            that._x = that._y = 0;
        GestureHandler.prototype = {
            constructor: GestureHandler,
            dispose: function() {
                this._offTracker = null
            _subscribeToTracker: function(tracker) {
                var that = this,
                    isActive = false;
                that._offTracker = tracker.on({
                    start: function(arg) {
                        isActive = "control-bar" !== arg.data.name;
                        if (isActive) {
                    move: function(arg) {
                        if (isActive) {
                    end: function() {
                        if (isActive) {
                    zoom: function(arg) {
            setInteraction: function(options) {
                this._centeringEnabled = options.centeringEnabled;
                this._zoomingEnabled = options.zoomingEnabled
            _processStart: function(arg) {
                if (this._centeringEnabled) {
                    this._x = arg.x;
                    this._y = arg.y;
            _processMove: function(arg) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._centeringEnabled) {
                        cursor: "move"
                    that._projection.moveCenter([that._x - arg.x, that._y - arg.y]);
                    that._x = arg.x;
                    that._y = arg.y
            _processEnd: function() {
                if (this._centeringEnabled) {
                        cursor: "default"
            _processZoom: function(arg) {
                var delta, screenPosition, coords, that = this;
                if (that._zoomingEnabled) {
                    if (arg.delta) {
                        delta = arg.delta
                    } else {
                        if (arg.ratio) {
                            delta = _ln(arg.ratio) / _LN2
                    if (that._centeringEnabled) {
                        screenPosition = that._renderer.getRootOffset();
                        screenPosition = [arg.x - screenPosition.left, arg.y - screenPosition.top];
                        coords = that._projection.fromScreenPoint(screenPosition)
                    if (that._centeringEnabled) {
                        that._projection.setCenterByPoint(coords, screenPosition)
        exports.GestureHandler = GestureHandler
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/tracker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _sqrt = _math.sqrt,
            _round = _math.round,
            eventEmitterModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./event_emitter */ 616),
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71),
            wheelEventName = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/wheel */ 85).name,
            _addNamespace = eventUtils.addNamespace,
            _parseScalar = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).parseScalar,
            _now = $.now,
            _NAME = "dxVectorMap",
            EVENTS = {};
        var EVENT_START = "start",
            EVENT_MOVE = "move",
            EVENT_END = "end",
            EVENT_ZOOM = "zoom",
            EVENT_HOVER_ON = "hover-on",
            EVENT_HOVER_OFF = "hover-off",
            EVENT_CLICK = "click",
            EVENT_FOCUS_ON = "focus-on",
            EVENT_FOCUS_MOVE = "focus-move",
            EVENT_FOCUS_OFF = "focus-off",
            CLICK_TIME_THRESHOLD = 500,
            FOCUS_ON_DELAY_MOUSE = 300,
            FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_MOUSE = 300,
            FOCUS_ON_DELAY_TOUCH = 300,
            FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_TOUCH = 400,
            WHEEL_COOLDOWN = 50,

        function Tracker(parameters) {
            var that = this;
            that._root = parameters.root;
            that._focus = new Focus(function(name, arg) {
                that._fire(name, arg)
        Tracker.prototype = {
            constructor: Tracker,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._root = that._focus = that._docHandlers = that._rootHandlers = null
            _startClick: function(event, data) {
                if (!data) {
                var coords = getEventCoords(event);
                this._clickState = {
                    x: coords.x,
                    y: coords.y,
                    threshold: isTouchEvent(event) ? CLICK_COORD_THRESHOLD_TOUCH : CLICK_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE,
                    time: _now()
            _endClick: function(event, data) {
                var threshold, coords, state = this._clickState;
                if (!state) {
                if (data && _now() - state.time <= CLICK_TIME_THRESHOLD) {
                    threshold = state.threshold;
                    coords = getEventCoords(event);
                    if (_abs(coords.x - state.x) <= threshold && _abs(coords.y - state.y) <= threshold) {
                        this._fire(EVENT_CLICK, {
                            data: data,
                            x: coords.x,
                            y: coords.y,
                            $event: event
                this._clickState = null
            _startDrag: function(event, data) {
                if (!data) {
                var coords = getEventCoords(event),
                    state = this._dragState = {
                        x: coords.x,
                        y: coords.y,
                        data: data
                this._fire(EVENT_START, {
                    x: state.x,
                    y: state.y,
                    data: state.data
            _moveDrag: function(event, data) {
                var coords, threshold, state = this._dragState;
                if (!state) {
                coords = getEventCoords(event);
                threshold = isTouchEvent(event) ? DRAG_COORD_THRESHOLD_TOUCH : DRAG_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE;
                if (state.active || _abs(coords.x - state.x) > threshold || _abs(coords.y - state.y) > threshold) {
                    state.x = coords.x;
                    state.y = coords.y;
                    state.active = true;
                    state.data = data || {};
                    this._fire(EVENT_MOVE, {
                        x: state.x,
                        y: state.y,
                        data: state.data
            _endDrag: function() {
                var state = this._dragState;
                if (!state) {
                this._dragState = null;
                this._fire(EVENT_END, {
                    x: state.x,
                    y: state.y,
                    data: state.data
            _wheelZoom: function(event, data) {
                if (!data) {
                var delta, coords, that = this,
                    lock = that._wheelLock,
                    time = _now();
                if (time - lock.time <= WHEEL_COOLDOWN) {
                if (time - lock.dirTime > WHEEL_DIRECTION_COOLDOWN) {
                    lock.dir = 0
                delta = adjustWheelDelta(event.delta / 120 || 0, lock);
                if (0 === delta) {
                coords = getEventCoords(event);
                that._fire(EVENT_ZOOM, {
                    delta: delta,
                    x: coords.x,
                    y: coords.y
                lock.time = lock.dirTime = time
            _startZoom: function(event, data) {
                if (!isTouchEvent(event) || !data) {
                var coords, pointer2, state = this._zoomState = this._zoomState || {};
                if (state.pointer1 && state.pointer2) {
                if (void 0 === state.pointer1) {
                    state.pointer1 = getPointerId(event) || 0;
                    coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, state.pointer1);
                    state.x1 = state.x1_0 = coords.x;
                    state.y1 = state.y1_0 = coords.y
                if (void 0 === state.pointer2) {
                    pointer2 = getPointerId(event) || 1;
                    if (pointer2 !== state.pointer1) {
                        coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, pointer2);
                        if (coords) {
                            state.x2 = state.x2_0 = coords.x;
                            state.y2 = state.y2_0 = coords.y;
                            state.pointer2 = pointer2;
                            state.ready = true;
            _moveZoom: function(event) {
                var coords, state = this._zoomState;
                if (!state || !isTouchEvent(event)) {
                if (void 0 !== state.pointer1) {
                    coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, state.pointer1);
                    if (coords) {
                        state.x1 = coords.x;
                        state.y1 = coords.y
                if (void 0 !== state.pointer2) {
                    coords = getMultitouchEventCoords(event, state.pointer2);
                    if (coords) {
                        state.x2 = coords.x;
                        state.y2 = coords.y
            _endZoom: function(event) {
                var startDistance, currentDistance, state = this._zoomState;
                if (!state || !isTouchEvent(event)) {
                if (state.ready) {
                    startDistance = getDistance(state.x1_0, state.y1_0, state.x2_0, state.y2_0);
                    currentDistance = getDistance(state.x1, state.y1, state.x2, state.y2);
                    this._fire(EVENT_ZOOM, {
                        ratio: currentDistance / startDistance,
                        x: (state.x1_0 + state.x2_0) / 2,
                        y: (state.y1_0 + state.y2_0) / 2
                this._zoomState = null
            _startHover: function(event, data) {
                this._doHover(event, data, true)
            _moveHover: function(event, data) {
                this._doHover(event, data, false)
            _doHover: function(event, data, isTouch) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._dragState && that._dragState.active || that._zoomState && that._zoomState.ready) {
                if (isTouchEvent(event) !== isTouch || that._hoverTarget === event.target || that._hoverState && that._hoverState.data === data) {
                if (data) {
                    that._hoverState = {
                        data: data
                    that._fire(EVENT_HOVER_ON, {
                        data: data
                that._hoverTarget = event.target
            _cancelHover: function() {
                var state = this._hoverState;
                this._hoverState = this._hoverTarget = null;
                if (state) {
                    this._fire(EVENT_HOVER_OFF, {
                        data: state.data
            _startFocus: function(event, data) {
                this._doFocus(event, data, true)
            _moveFocus: function(event, data) {
                this._doFocus(event, data, false)
            _doFocus: function(event, data, isTouch) {
                var that = this;
                if (that._dragState && that._dragState.active || that._zoomState && that._zoomState.ready) {
                if (isTouchEvent(event) !== isTouch) {
                that._focus.turnOff(isTouch ? FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_TOUCH : FOCUS_OFF_DELAY_MOUSE);
                data && that._focus.turnOn(data, getEventCoords(event), isTouch ? FOCUS_ON_DELAY_TOUCH : FOCUS_ON_DELAY_MOUSE, isTouch)
            _endFocus: function(event) {
                if (!isTouchEvent(event)) {
            _cancelFocus: function() {
            _createEventHandlers: function(DATA_KEY) {
                var that = this;
                that._docHandlers = {};
                that._rootHandlers = {};
                that._rootHandlers[EVENTS.start] = that._docHandlers[EVENTS.start] = function(event) {
                    var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event),
                        data = getData(event);
                    if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) {
                    if (data) {
                    that._startClick(event, data);
                    that._startDrag(event, data);
                    that._startZoom(event, data);
                    that._startHover(event, data);
                    that._startFocus(event, data)
                that._docHandlers[EVENTS.move] = function(event) {
                    var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event),
                        data = getData(event);
                    if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) {
                    that._moveDrag(event, data);
                    that._moveZoom(event, data);
                    that._moveHover(event, data);
                    that._moveFocus(event, data)
                that._docHandlers[EVENTS.end] = function(event) {
                    var isTouch = isTouchEvent(event),
                        data = getData(event);
                    if (isTouch && !that._isTouchEnabled) {
                    that._endClick(event, data);
                    that._endDrag(event, data);
                    that._endZoom(event, data);
                    that._endFocus(event, data)
                that._rootHandlers[EVENTS.wheel] = function(event) {
                    if (!that._isWheelEnabled) {
                    var data = getData(event);
                    if (data) {
                        that._wheelZoom(event, data)
                that._wheelLock = {
                    dir: 0

                function getData(event) {
                    var target = event.target;
                    return ("tspan" === target.tagName ? target.parentNode : target)[DATA_KEY]
            _createProjectionHandlers: function(projection) {
                var that = this;
                    center: handler,
                    zoom: handler

                function handler() {
            reset: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._clickState = null;
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that._isTouchEnabled = !!_parseScalar(options.touchEnabled, true);
                that._isWheelEnabled = !!_parseScalar(options.wheelEnabled, true);
            _detachHandlers: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._isTouchEnabled) {
                        "touch-action": "",
                        "-ms-touch-action": "",
                        "-webkit-user-select": ""
                    }).off(_addNamespace("MSHoldVisual", _NAME)).off(_addNamespace("contextmenu", _NAME))
            _attachHandlers: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._isTouchEnabled) {
                        "touch-action": "none",
                        "-ms-touch-action": "none",
                        "-webkit-user-select": "none"
                    }).on(_addNamespace("MSHoldVisual", _NAME), function(event) {
                    }).on(_addNamespace("contextmenu", _NAME), function(event) {
                        isTouchEvent(event) && event.preventDefault()
        var Focus = function(fire) {
            var _x, _y, that = this,
                _activeData = null,
                _data = null,
                _disabled = false,
                _onTimer = null,
                _offTimer = null;
            that.dispose = function() {
                that.turnOn = that.turnOff = that.cancel = that.cancelOn = that.dispose = that = fire = _activeData = _data = _onTimer = _offTimer = null
            that.turnOn = function(data, coords, timeout, forceTimeout) {
                if (data === _data && _disabled) {
                _disabled = false;
                _data = data;
                if (_activeData) {
                    _x = coords.x;
                    _y = coords.y;
                    _onTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                        _onTimer = null;
                        if (_data === _activeData) {
                            fire(EVENT_FOCUS_MOVE, {
                                data: _data,
                                x: _x,
                                y: _y
                        } else {
                            fire(EVENT_FOCUS_ON, {
                                data: _data,
                                x: _x,
                                y: _y,
                                done: onCheck
                    }, forceTimeout ? timeout : 0)
                } else {
                    if (!_onTimer || _abs(coords.x - _x) > FOCUS_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE || _abs(coords.y - _y) > FOCUS_COORD_THRESHOLD_MOUSE || forceTimeout) {
                        _x = coords.x;
                        _y = coords.y;
                        _onTimer = setTimeout(function() {
                            _onTimer = null;
                            fire(EVENT_FOCUS_ON, {
                                data: _data,
                                x: _x,
                                y: _y,
                                done: onCheck
                        }, timeout)

                function onCheck(result) {
                    _disabled = !result;
                    if (result) {
                        _activeData = _data;
                        _offTimer = null
            that.turnOff = function(timeout) {
                _onTimer = null;
                _data = null;
                if (_activeData && !_disabled) {
                    _offTimer = _offTimer || setTimeout(function() {
                        _offTimer = null;
                        fire(EVENT_FOCUS_OFF, {
                            data: _activeData
                        _activeData = null
                    }, timeout)
            that.cancel = function() {
                if (_activeData) {
                    fire(EVENT_FOCUS_OFF, {
                        data: _activeData
                _activeData = _data = _onTimer = _offTimer = null
            that.cancelOn = function() {
                _onTimer = null
        exports.Tracker = Tracker;
        var originFocus = Focus;
        exports._DEBUG_forceEventMode = function(mode) {
        exports.Focus = Focus;
        exports._DEBUG_stubFocusType = function(focusType) {
            Focus = focusType
        exports._DEBUG_restoreFocusType = function() {
            Focus = originFocus

        function getDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
            return _sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2))

        function isTouchEvent(event) {
            var type = event.originalEvent.type,
                pointerType = event.originalEvent.pointerType;
            return /^touch/.test(type) || /^MSPointer/.test(type) && 4 !== pointerType || /^pointer/.test(type) && "mouse" !== pointerType

        function selectItem(flags, items) {
            var item, i = 0,
                ii = flags.length;
            for (; i < ii; ++i) {
                if (flags[i]) {
                    item = items[i];
            return _addNamespace(item || items[i], _NAME)

        function setupEvents() {
            var flags = [navigator.pointerEnabled, navigator.msPointerEnabled, "ontouchstart" in window];
            if (arguments.length) {
                flags = ["pointer" === arguments[0], "MSPointer" === arguments[0], "touch" === arguments[0]]
            EVENTS = {
                start: selectItem(flags, ["pointerdown", "MSPointerDown", "touchstart mousedown", "mousedown"]),
                move: selectItem(flags, ["pointermove", "MSPointerMove", "touchmove mousemove", "mousemove"]),
                end: selectItem(flags, ["pointerup", "MSPointerUp", "touchend mouseup", "mouseup"]),
                wheel: _addNamespace(wheelEventName, _NAME)

        function getEventCoords(event) {
            var originalEvent = event.originalEvent,
                touch = originalEvent.touches && originalEvent.touches[0] || {};
            return {
                x: touch.pageX || originalEvent.pageX || event.pageX,
                y: touch.pageY || originalEvent.pageY || event.pageY

        function getPointerId(event) {
            return event.originalEvent.pointerId

        function getMultitouchEventCoords(event, pointerId) {
            var originalEvent = event.originalEvent;
            if (void 0 !== originalEvent.pointerId) {
                originalEvent = originalEvent.pointerId === pointerId ? originalEvent : null
            } else {
                originalEvent = originalEvent.touches[pointerId]
            return originalEvent ? {
                x: originalEvent.pageX || event.pageX,
                y: originalEvent.pageY || event.pageY
            } : null

        function adjustWheelDelta(delta, lock) {
            if (0 === delta) {
                return 0
            var _delta = _abs(delta),
                sign = _round(delta / _delta);
            if (lock.dir && sign !== lock.dir) {
                return 0
            lock.dir = sign;
            if (_delta < .1) {
                _delta = 0
            } else {
                if (_delta < 1) {
                    _delta = 1
                } else {
                    if (_delta > 4) {
                        _delta = 4
                    } else {
                        _delta = _round(_delta)
            return sign * _delta
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/theme_manager.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BaseThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550).BaseThemeManager;
        exports.ThemeManager = BaseThemeManager.inherit({
            _themeSection: "map",
            _fontFields: ["layer:area.label.font", "layer:marker:dot.label.font", "layer:marker:bubble.label.font", "layer:marker:pie.label.font", "layer:marker:image.label.font", "tooltip.font", "legend.font", "title.font", "title.subtitle.font", "loadingIndicator.font", "export.font"]
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/data_exchanger.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _Callbacks = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9).Callbacks;

        function DataExchanger() {
            this._store = {}
        DataExchanger.prototype = {
            constructor: DataExchanger,
            dispose: function() {
                this._store = null;
                return this
            _get: function(category, name) {
                var store = this._store[category] || (this._store[category] = {});
                return store[name] || (store[name] = {
                    callbacks: _Callbacks()
            set: function(category, name, data) {
                var item = this._get(category, name);
                item.data = data;
                return this
            bind: function(category, name, callback) {
                var item = this._get(category, name);
                item.data && callback(item.data);
                return this
            unbind: function(category, name, callback) {
                var item = this._get(category, name);
                return this
        exports.DataExchanger = DataExchanger
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/legend.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            legendModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/legend */ 521),
            _BaseLegend = legendModule.Legend;
        var sourceMap = {
            areacolorgroups: {
                category: "areas",
                name: "color"
            markercolorgroups: {
                category: "markers",
                name: "color"
            markersizegroups: {
                category: "markers",
                name: "size"
        var unknownSource = {
            category: "UNKNOWN",
            name: "UNKNOWN"

        function parseSource(source) {
            var result;
            if ("string" === typeof source) {
                result = sourceMap[source.toLowerCase()] || unknownSource
            } else {
                result = {
                    category: source.layer,
                    name: source.grouping
            return result

        function buildData(partition, values, field) {
            var i, item, ii = values.length,
                list = [];
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                list[i] = item = {
                    start: partition[i],
                    end: partition[i + 1],
                    index: i
                item[field] = values[i];
                item.states = {
                    normal: {
                        fill: item.color
            return list
        var Legend = function(parameters) {
            var that = this;
            that._params = parameters;
            that._root = parameters.renderer.g().attr({
                "class": "dxm-legend"
            }).linkOn(parameters.container, {
                name: "legend",
                after: "legend-base"
            _BaseLegend.call(that, {
                renderer: parameters.renderer,
                group: that._root,
                backgroundClass: null,
                itemsGroupClass: null,
                textField: "text",
                getFormatObject: function(data) {
                    return data
            that._onDataChanged = function(data) {
        Legend.prototype = _extend(__webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/object */ 27).clone(_BaseLegend.prototype), {
            constructor: Legend,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._params = that._root = that._onDataChanged = null;
                return _BaseLegend.prototype.dispose.apply(that, arguments)
            resize: function(size) {
                if (null === size) {
                } else {
                    this.draw(size.width, size.height)
            locate: _BaseLegend.prototype.shift,
            _updateData: function(data) {
                this.update(data ? buildData(data.partition, data.values, this._dataName) : [], this._options);
            _unbindData: function() {
                if (this._dataCategory) {
                    this._params.dataExchanger.unbind(this._dataCategory, this._dataName, this._onDataChanged)
            _bindData: function(arg) {
                this._params.dataExchanger.bind(this._dataCategory = arg.category, this._dataName = arg.name, this._onDataChanged)
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var that = this;
                that.update(that._data, options);
                that._bindData(options.source && parseSource(options.source) || unknownSource);
                return that

        function LegendsControl(parameters) {
            this._params = parameters;
            this._items = [];
        LegendsControl.prototype = {
            constructor: LegendsControl,
            dispose: function() {
                _each(this._items, function(_, item) {
                this._params = this._items = null
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var i, optionList = options && options.length ? options : [],
                    items = this._items,
                    ii = optionList.length,
                    params = this._params,
                    theme = params.themeManager.theme("legend");
                for (i = items.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    items[i] = new Legend(params)
                for (i = items.length - 1; i >= ii; --i) {
                    items.splice(i, 1)
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    items[i].setOptions(_extend(true, {}, theme, optionList[i]))
        exports.LegendsControl = LegendsControl;
        var originalLegend = Legend;
        exports._TESTS_Legend = Legend;
        exports._TESTS_stubLegendType = function(stub) {
            Legend = stub
        exports._TESTS_restoreLegendType = function() {
            Legend = originalLegend
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/layout.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            _round = Math.round,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            _each = $.each,
            _inArray = inArray,
            horizontalAlignmentMap = {
                left: 0,
                center: 1,
                right: 2
            verticalAlignmentMap = {
                top: 0,
                bottom: 1

        function getCellIndex(options) {
            return 3 * verticalAlignmentMap[options.verticalAlignment] + horizontalAlignmentMap[options.horizontalAlignment]

        function createCells(canvas, items) {
            var hStep = (canvas.right - canvas.left) / 3,
                vStep = (canvas.bottom - canvas.top) / 2,
                h1 = canvas.left,
                h2 = _round(h1 + hStep),
                h3 = _round(h1 + hStep + hStep),
                h4 = canvas.right,
                v1 = canvas.top,
                v2 = _round(v1 + vStep),
                v3 = canvas.bottom,
                cells = [{
                    rect: [h1, v1, h2, v2]
                }, {
                    rect: [h2, v1, h3, v2],
                    center: true
                }, {
                    rect: [h3, v1, h4, v2],
                    horInversion: true
                }, {
                    rect: [h1, v2, h2, v3],
                    verInversion: true
                }, {
                    rect: [h2, v2, h3, v3],
                    center: true,
                    verInversion: true
                }, {
                    rect: [h3, v2, h4, v3],
                    horInversion: true,
                    verInversion: true
                itemsList = [
            _each(items, function(_, item) {
                var options = item.getLayoutOptions();
                if (options) {
                        item: item,
                        width: options.width,
                        height: options.height
            _each(cells, function(i, cell) {
                if (itemsList[i].length) {
                    cell.items = itemsList[i]
                } else {
                    if (cell.center) {
                        cell.rect[0] = cell.rect[2] = (cell.rect[0] + cell.rect[2]) / 2
                    } else {
                        cell.rect[cell.horInversion ? 0 : 2] = cell.rect[cell.horInversion ? 2 : 0]
                    cell.rect[cell.verInversion ? 1 : 3] = cell.rect[cell.verInversion ? 3 : 1]
            return cells

        function adjustCellSizes(cells) {
            _each([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function(_, index) {
                var cell = cells[index],
                    otherCell = cells[(index + 3) % 6];
                if (cell.items) {
                    if (!otherCell.items) {
                        cell.rect[1] = _min(cell.rect[1], otherCell.rect[3]);
                        cell.rect[3] = _max(cell.rect[3], otherCell.rect[1])
            _each([1, 4], function(_, index) {
                var size1, size2, cell = cells[index],
                    otherCell1 = cells[index - 1],
                    otherCell2 = cells[index + 1];
                if (cell.items) {
                    if (!otherCell1.items && !otherCell2.items) {
                        size1 = cell.rect[0] - otherCell1.rect[2];
                        size2 = otherCell2.rect[0] - cell.rect[2];
                        if (size1 > size2) {
                            if (size1 / size2 >= 2) {
                                cell.rect[0] -= size1;
                                cell.right = true
                            } else {
                                cell.rect[0] -= size2;
                                cell.rect[2] += size2
                        } else {
                            if (size2 / size1 >= 2) {
                                cell.rect[2] += size2;
                                cell.center = null
                            } else {
                                cell.rect[0] -= size1;
                                cell.rect[2] += size1
                } else {
                    if (otherCell1.items) {
                        otherCell1.rect[2] = (cell.rect[0] + cell.rect[2]) / 2
                    if (otherCell2.items) {
                        otherCell2.rect[0] = (cell.rect[0] + cell.rect[2]) / 2

        function adjustCellsAndApplyLayout(cells, forceMode) {
            var hasHiddenItems = false;
            _each(cells, function(_, cell) {
                if (cell.items) {
                    hasHiddenItems = applyCellLayout(cell, forceMode) || hasHiddenItems
            return hasHiddenItems

        function applyCellLayout(cell, forceMode) {
            var cellRect = cell.rect,
                cellWidth = cellRect[2] - cellRect[0],
                cellHeight = cellRect[3] - cellRect[1],
                xOffset = 0,
                yOffset = 0,
                currentHeight = 0,
                totalL = cellRect[2],
                totalT = cellRect[3],
                totalR = cellRect[0],
                totalB = cellRect[1],
                moves = [],
                hasHiddenItems = false;
            _each(cell.items, function(_, item) {
                if (item.width > cellWidth || item.height > cellHeight) {
                    hasHiddenItems = true;
                    return forceMode || false
                if (xOffset + item.width > cellWidth) {
                    yOffset += currentHeight;
                    xOffset = currentHeight = 0
                if (yOffset + item.height > cellHeight) {
                    hasHiddenItems = true;
                    return forceMode || false
                currentHeight = _max(currentHeight, item.height);
                var dx = cell.horInversion ? cellRect[2] - item.width - xOffset : cellRect[0] + xOffset,
                    dy = cell.verInversion ? cellRect[3] - item.height - yOffset : cellRect[1] + yOffset;
                xOffset += item.width;
                totalL = _min(totalL, dx);
                totalT = _min(totalT, dy);
                totalR = _max(totalR, dx + item.width);
                totalB = _max(totalB, dy + item.height);
                moves.push([dx, dy])
            if (forceMode || !hasHiddenItems) {
                xOffset = 0;
                if (cell.right) {
                    xOffset = cellRect[2] - cellRect[0] - totalR + totalL
                } else {
                    if (cell.center) {
                        xOffset = _round((cellRect[2] - cellRect[0] - totalR + totalL) / 2)
                _each(cell.items, function(i, item) {
                    var move = moves[i];
                    if (move) {
                        item.item.locate(move[0] + xOffset, move[1])
                    } else {
                cell.rect = [totalL, totalT, totalR, totalB];
                cell.items = null
            return hasHiddenItems

        function applyLayout(canvas, items) {
            var cells = createCells(canvas, items);
            if (adjustCellsAndApplyLayout(cells)) {
                adjustCellsAndApplyLayout(cells, true)

        function LayoutControl() {
            var that = this;
            that._items = [];
            that._suspended = 0;
            that._updateLayout = function() {
        LayoutControl.prototype = {
            constructor: LayoutControl,
            dispose: function() {
                this._items = this._updateLayout = null
            setSize: function(canvas) {
                this._canvas = canvas;
            suspend: function() {
            resume: function() {
                if (0 === --this._suspended) {
            addItem: function(item) {
                item.updateLayout = this._updateLayout
            removeItem: function(item) {
                this._items.splice(_inArray(item, this._items), 1);
                item.updateLayout = null
            _update: function() {
                var canvas;
                if (0 === this._suspended) {
                    canvas = this._canvas;
                    _each(this._items, function(_, item) {
                        left: canvas.left,
                        top: canvas.top,
                        right: canvas.width + canvas.left,
                        bottom: canvas.height + canvas.top
                    }, this._items)
        exports.LayoutControl = LayoutControl
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/map_layer.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _Number = Number,
            _String = String,
            _abs = Math.abs,
            _round = Math.round,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            _sqrt = Math.sqrt,
            _utils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            DataHelperMixin = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../data_helper */ 152),
            _isFunction = _utils.isFunction,
            _isArray = Array.isArray,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _parseScalar = vizUtils.parseScalar,
            _patchFontOptions = vizUtils.patchFontOptions,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            _noop = noop,
            _extend = extend,
            _each = $.each,
            _concat = Array.prototype.concat,
            TYPE_AREA = "area",
            TYPE_LINE = "line",
            TYPE_MARKER = "marker",
            STATE_DEFAULT = 0,
            STATE_HOVERED = 1,
            STATE_SELECTED = 2,
            STATE_TO_INDEX = [0, 1, 2, 2],
            TOLERANCE = 1,
            SELECTIONS = {
                none: null,
                single: -1,
                multiple: NaN

        function getSelection(selectionMode) {
            var selection = _normalizeEnum(selectionMode);
            selection = selection in SELECTIONS ? SELECTIONS[selection] : SELECTIONS.single;
            if (null !== selection) {
                selection = {
                    state: {},
                    single: selection
            return selection

        function EmptySource() {}
        EmptySource.prototype.count = function() {
            return 0

        function ArraySource(raw) {
            this.raw = raw
        ArraySource.prototype = {
            constructor: ArraySource,
            count: function() {
                return this.raw.length
            item: function(index) {
                return this.raw[index]
            geometry: function(item) {
                return {
                    coordinates: item.coordinates
            attributes: function(item) {
                return item.attributes

        function GeoJsonSource(raw) {
            this.raw = raw
        GeoJsonSource.prototype = {
            constructor: GeoJsonSource,
            count: function() {
                return this.raw.features.length
            item: function(index) {
                return this.raw.features[index]
            geometry: function(item) {
                return item.geometry
            attributes: function(item) {
                return item.properties

        function isGeoJsonObject(obj) {
            return _isArray(obj.features)

        function unwrapFromDataSource(source) {
            var sourceType;
            if (source) {
                if (isGeoJsonObject(source)) {
                    sourceType = GeoJsonSource
                } else {
                    if (1 === source.length && source[0] && isGeoJsonObject(source[0])) {
                        sourceType = GeoJsonSource;
                        source = source[0]
                    } else {
                        if (_isArray(source)) {
                            sourceType = ArraySource
            sourceType = sourceType || EmptySource;
            return new sourceType(source)

        function wrapToDataSource(option) {
            return option ? isGeoJsonObject(option) ? [option] : option : []

        function customizeHandles(proxies, callback, widget) {
            callback.call(widget, proxies)

        function customizeHandles_deprecated(proxies, callback) {
            var i, proxy, settings, ii = proxies.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                proxy = proxies[i];
                settings = callback.call(proxy, proxy) || {};
                if (settings.isSelected) {

        function patchProxies(handles, name, data) {
            var i, dataItem, type = {
                    areas: "area",
                    markers: "marker"
                ii = handles.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                handles[i].proxy.type = type
            if ("marker" === type) {
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    dataItem = data.item(i);
                    _extend(handles[i].proxy, {
                        text: dataItem.text,
                        value: dataItem.value,
                        values: dataItem.values,
                        url: dataItem.url

        function setAreaLabelVisibility(label) {
                visibility: label.size[0] / label.spaceSize[0] < TOLERANCE && label.size[1] / label.spaceSize[1] < TOLERANCE ? null : "hidden"

        function setLineLabelVisibility(label) {
                visibility: label.size[0] / label.spaceSize[0] < TOLERANCE || label.size[1] / label.spaceSize[1] < TOLERANCE ? null : "hidden"

        function getDataValue(proxy, dataField, deprecatedField) {
            return proxy.attribute(dataField) || proxy[deprecatedField]
        var TYPE_TO_TYPE_MAP = {
            Point: TYPE_MARKER,
            MultiPoint: TYPE_LINE,
            LineString: TYPE_LINE,
            MultiLineString: TYPE_LINE,
            Polygon: TYPE_AREA,
            MultiPolygon: TYPE_AREA

        function pick(a, b) {
            return void 0 !== a ? a : b

        function guessTypeByData(sample) {
            var type = TYPE_TO_TYPE_MAP[sample.type],
                coordinates = sample.coordinates;
            if (!type) {
                if ("number" === typeof coordinates[0]) {
                    type = TYPE_MARKER
                } else {
                    if ("number" === typeof coordinates[0][0]) {
                        type = TYPE_LINE
                    } else {
                        type = TYPE_AREA
            return type
        var selectStrategy = function(options, data) {
            var sample, type = _normalizeEnum(options.type),
                elementType = _normalizeEnum(options.elementType),
                strategy = _extend({}, emptyStrategy);
            if (data.count() > 0) {
                sample = data.geometry(data.item(0));
                type = strategiesByType[type] ? type : guessTypeByData(sample);
                _extend(strategy, strategiesByType[type]);
                strategy.fullType = strategy.type = type;
                if (strategiesByGeometry[type]) {
                    _extend(strategy, strategiesByGeometry[type](sample))
                if (strategiesByElementType[type]) {
                    elementType = strategiesByElementType[type][elementType] ? elementType : strategiesByElementType[type]._default;
                    _extend(strategy, strategiesByElementType[type][elementType]);
                    strategy.elementType = elementType;
                    strategy.fullType += ":" + elementType
            return strategy

        function applyElementState(figure, styles, state, field) {
        var emptyStrategy = {
            setup: _noop,
            reset: _noop,
            arrange: _noop,
            updateGrouping: _noop
        var strategiesByType = {};
        strategiesByType[TYPE_AREA] = {
            projectLabel: projectAreaLabel,
            transform: transformPointList,
            transformLabel: transformAreaLabel,
            draw: function(context, figure, data) {
                figure.root = context.renderer.path([], "area").data(context.dataKey, data)
            refresh: _noop,
            getLabelOffset: function(label) {
                return [0, 0]
            getStyles: function(settings) {
                var color = settings.color || null,
                    borderColor = settings.borderColor || null,
                    borderWidth = pick(settings.borderWidth, null),
                    opacity = pick(settings.opacity, null);
                return {
                    root: [{
                        "class": "dxm-area",
                        stroke: borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": borderWidth,
                        fill: color,
                        opacity: opacity
                    }, {
                        "class": "dxm-area dxm-area-hovered",
                        stroke: settings.hoveredBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(settings.hoveredBorderWidth, borderWidth),
                        fill: settings.hoveredColor || color,
                        opacity: pick(settings.hoveredOpacity, opacity)
                    }, {
                        "class": "dxm-area dxm-area-selected",
                        stroke: settings.selectedBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(settings.selectedBorderWidth, borderWidth),
                        fill: settings.selectedColor || color,
                        opacity: pick(settings.selectedOpacity, opacity)
            setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "root")
            hasLabelsGroup: true,
            updateGrouping: function(context) {
        strategiesByType[TYPE_LINE] = {
            projectLabel: projectLineLabel,
            transform: transformPointList,
            transformLabel: transformLineLabel,
            draw: function(context, figure, data) {
                figure.root = context.renderer.path([], "line").data(context.dataKey, data)
            refresh: _noop,
            getLabelOffset: function(label) {
                return [0, 0]
            getStyles: function(settings) {
                var color = settings.color || settings.borderColor || null,
                    width = pick(settings.borderWidth, null),
                    opacity = pick(settings.opacity, null);
                return {
                    root: [{
                        "class": "dxm-line",
                        stroke: color,
                        "stroke-width": width,
                        opacity: opacity
                    }, {
                        "class": "dxm-line dxm-line-hovered",
                        stroke: settings.hoveredColor || settings.hoveredBorderColor || color,
                        "stroke-width": pick(settings.hoveredBorderWidth, width),
                        opacity: pick(settings.hoveredOpacity, opacity)
                    }, {
                        "class": "dxm-line dxm-line-selected",
                        stroke: settings.selectedColor || settings.selectedBorderColor || color,
                        "stroke-width": pick(settings.selectedBorderWidth, width),
                        opacity: pick(settings.selectedOpacity, opacity)
            setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "root")
            hasLabelsGroup: true,
            updateGrouping: function(context) {
        strategiesByType[TYPE_MARKER] = {
            project: projectPoint,
            transform: transformPoint,
            draw: function(context, figure, data) {
                figure.root = context.renderer.g();
                this._draw(context, figure, data)
            refresh: _noop,
            hasLabelsGroup: false,
            getLabelOffset: function(label, settings) {
                return [_round((label.size[0] + _max(settings.size || 0, 0)) / 2) + 2, 0]
            getStyles: function(settings) {
                var styles = {
                    root: [{
                        "class": "dxm-marker"
                    }, {
                        "class": "dxm-marker dxm-marker-hovered"
                    }, {
                        "class": "dxm-marker dxm-marker-selected"
                this._getStyles(styles, settings);
                return styles
            setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "root");
                this._setState(figure, styles, state)
            updateGrouping: function(context) {
        var strategiesByGeometry = {};
        strategiesByGeometry[TYPE_AREA] = function(sample) {
            var coordinates = sample.coordinates;
            return {
                project: coordinates[0] && coordinates[0][0] && coordinates[0][0][0] && "number" === typeof coordinates[0][0][0][0] ? projectMultiPolygon : projectPolygon
        strategiesByGeometry[TYPE_LINE] = function(sample) {
            var coordinates = sample.coordinates;
            return {
                project: coordinates[0] && coordinates[0][0] && "number" === typeof coordinates[0][0][0] ? projectPolygon : projectLineString
        var strategiesByElementType = {};
        strategiesByElementType[TYPE_MARKER] = {
            _default: "dot",
            dot: {
                setup: function(context) {
                    context.filter = context.renderer.shadowFilter("-40%", "-40%", "180%", "200%", 0, 1, 1, "#000000", .2)
                reset: function(context) {
                    context.filter = null
                _draw: function(ctx, figure, data) {
                    figure.back = ctx.renderer.circle().sharp().data(ctx.dataKey, data).append(figure.root);
                    figure.dot = ctx.renderer.circle().sharp().data(ctx.dataKey, data).append(figure.root)
                refresh: function(ctx, figure, data, proxy, settings) {
                        filter: settings.shadow ? ctx.filter.id : null
                _getStyles: function(styles, style) {
                    var size = style.size > 0 ? _Number(style.size) : 0,
                        hoveredSize = size,
                        selectedSize = size + (style.selectedStep > 0 ? _Number(style.selectedStep) : 0),
                        hoveredBackSize = hoveredSize + (style.backStep > 0 ? _Number(style.backStep) : 0),
                        selectedBackSize = selectedSize + (style.backStep > 0 ? _Number(style.backStep) : 0),
                        color = style.color || null,
                        borderColor = style.borderColor || null,
                        borderWidth = pick(style.borderWidth, null),
                        opacity = pick(style.opacity, null),
                        backColor = style.backColor || null,
                        backOpacity = pick(style.backOpacity, null);
                    styles.dot = [{
                        r: size / 2,
                        stroke: borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": borderWidth,
                        fill: color,
                        opacity: opacity
                    }, {
                        r: hoveredSize / 2,
                        stroke: style.hoveredBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(style.hoveredBorderWidth, borderWidth),
                        fill: style.hoveredColor || color,
                        opacity: pick(style.hoveredOpacity, opacity)
                    }, {
                        r: selectedSize / 2,
                        stroke: style.selectedBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(style.selectedBorderWidth, borderWidth),
                        fill: style.selectedColor || color,
                        opacity: pick(style.selectedOpacity, opacity)
                    styles.back = [{
                        r: size / 2,
                        stroke: "none",
                        "stroke-width": 0,
                        fill: backColor,
                        opacity: backOpacity
                    }, {
                        r: hoveredBackSize / 2,
                        stroke: "none",
                        "stroke-width": 0,
                        fill: backColor,
                        opacity: backOpacity
                    }, {
                        r: selectedBackSize / 2,
                        stroke: "none",
                        "stroke-width": 0,
                        fill: backColor,
                        opacity: backOpacity
                _setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                    applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "dot");
                    applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "back")
            bubble: {
                _draw: function(ctx, figure, data) {
                    figure.bubble = ctx.renderer.circle().sharp().data(ctx.dataKey, data).append(figure.root)
                refresh: function(ctx, figure, data, proxy, settings) {
                        r: settings.size / 2
                _getStyles: function(styles, style) {
                    var color = style.color || null,
                        borderColor = style.borderColor || null,
                        borderWidth = pick(style.borderWidth, null),
                        opacity = pick(style.opacity, null);
                    styles.bubble = [{
                        stroke: borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": borderWidth,
                        fill: color,
                        opacity: opacity
                    }, {
                        stroke: style.hoveredBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(style.hoveredBorderWidth, borderWidth),
                        fill: style.hoveredColor || style.color,
                        opacity: pick(style.hoveredOpacity, opacity)
                    }, {
                        stroke: style.selectedBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(style.selectedBorderWidth, borderWidth),
                        fill: style.selectedColor || style.color,
                        opacity: pick(style.selectedOpacity, opacity)
                _setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                    applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "bubble")
                arrange: function(context, handles) {
                    var i, minValue, maxValue, deltaValue, deltaSize, values = [],
                        ii = values.length = handles.length,
                        settings = context.settings,
                        dataField = settings.dataField,
                        minSize = settings.minSize > 0 ? _Number(settings.minSize) : 0,
                        maxSize = settings.maxSize > minSize ? _Number(settings.maxSize) : minSize;
                    if (settings.sizeGroups) {
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                        values[i] = _max(getDataValue(handles[i].proxy, dataField, "value") || 0, 0)
                    minValue = _min.apply(null, values);
                    maxValue = _max.apply(null, values);
                    deltaValue = maxValue - minValue || 1;
                    deltaSize = maxSize - minSize;
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                        handles[i]._settings.size = minSize + deltaSize * (values[i] - minValue) / deltaValue
                updateGrouping: function(context) {
                    var dataField = context.settings.dataField;
                    groupBySize(context, function(proxy) {
                        return getDataValue(proxy, dataField, "value")
            pie: {
                _draw: function(ctx, figure, data) {
                    figure.pie = ctx.renderer.g().append(figure.root);
                    figure.border = ctx.renderer.circle().sharp().data(ctx.dataKey, data).append(figure.root)
                refresh: function(ctx, figure, data, proxy, settings) {
                    var i, values = getDataValue(proxy, ctx.settings.dataField, "values") || [],
                        ii = values.length || 0,
                        colors = settings._colors,
                        sum = 0,
                        pie = figure.pie,
                        renderer = ctx.renderer,
                        dataKey = ctx.dataKey,
                        r = (settings.size > 0 ? _Number(settings.size) : 0) / 2,
                        start = 90,
                        end = start;
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                        sum += values[i] || 0
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                        start = end;
                        end += (values[i] || 0) / sum * 360;
                        renderer.arc(0, 0, 0, r, start, end).attr({
                            "stroke-linejoin": "round",
                            fill: colors[i]
                        }).data(dataKey, data).append(pie)
                        r: r
                _getStyles: function(styles, style) {
                    var opacity = pick(style.opacity, null),
                        borderColor = style.borderColor || null,
                        borderWidth = pick(style.borderWidth, null);
                    styles.pie = [{
                        opacity: opacity
                    }, {
                        opacity: pick(style.hoveredOpacity, opacity)
                    }, {
                        opacity: pick(style.selectedOpacity, opacity)
                    styles.border = [{
                        stroke: borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": borderWidth
                    }, {
                        stroke: style.hoveredBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(style.hoveredBorderWidth, borderWidth)
                    }, {
                        stroke: style.selectedBorderColor || borderColor,
                        "stroke-width": pick(style.selectedBorderWidth, borderWidth)
                _setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                    applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "pie");
                    applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "border")
                arrange: function(context, handles) {
                    var i, values, palette, ii = handles.length,
                        dataField = context.settings.dataField,
                        count = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                        values = getDataValue(handles[i].proxy, dataField, "values");
                        if (values && values.length > count) {
                            count = values.length
                    if (count > 0) {
                        values = [];
                        palette = context.params.themeManager.createPalette(context.settings.palette, {
                            useHighlight: true
                        for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                        context.settings._colors = values;
                        context.grouping.color = {
                            callback: _noop,
                            field: "",
                            partition: [],
                            values: []
                        context.params.dataExchanger.set(context.name, "color", {
                            partition: [],
                            values: values
            image: {
                _draw: function(ctx, figure, data) {
                    figure.image = ctx.renderer.image().attr({
                        location: "center"
                    }).data(ctx.dataKey, data).append(figure.root)
                refresh: function(ctx, figure, data, proxy) {
                        href: getDataValue(proxy, ctx.settings.dataField, "url")
                _getStyles: function(styles, style) {
                    var size = style.size > 0 ? _Number(style.size) : 0,
                        hoveredSize = size + (style.hoveredStep > 0 ? _Number(style.hoveredStep) : 0),
                        selectedSize = size + (style.selectedStep > 0 ? _Number(style.selectedStep) : 0),
                        opacity = pick(style.opacity, null);
                    styles.image = [{
                        x: -size / 2,
                        y: -size / 2,
                        width: size,
                        height: size,
                        opacity: opacity
                    }, {
                        x: -hoveredSize / 2,
                        y: -hoveredSize / 2,
                        width: hoveredSize,
                        height: hoveredSize,
                        opacity: pick(style.hoveredOpacity, opacity)
                    }, {
                        x: -selectedSize / 2,
                        y: -selectedSize / 2,
                        width: selectedSize,
                        height: selectedSize,
                        opacity: pick(style.selectedOpacity, opacity)
                _setState: function(figure, styles, state) {
                    applyElementState(figure, styles, state, "image")

        function projectPoint(projection, coordinates) {
            return projection.project(coordinates)

        function projectPointList(projection, coordinates) {
            var i, output = [],
                ii = output.length = coordinates.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                output[i] = projection.project(coordinates[i])
            return output

        function projectLineString(projection, coordinates) {
            return [projectPointList(projection, coordinates)]

        function projectPolygon(projection, coordinates) {
            var i, output = [],
                ii = output.length = coordinates.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                output[i] = projectPointList(projection, coordinates[i])
            return output

        function projectMultiPolygon(projection, coordinates) {
            var i, output = [],
                ii = output.length = coordinates.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                output[i] = projectPolygon(projection, coordinates[i])
            return _concat.apply([], output)

        function transformPoint(content, projection, coordinates) {
            var data = projection.transform(coordinates);
                translateX: data[0],
                translateY: data[1]

        function transformList(projection, coordinates) {
            var i, item, output = [],
                ii = coordinates.length,
                k = 0;
            output.length = 2 * ii;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                item = projection.transform(coordinates[i]);
                output[k++] = item[0];
                output[k++] = item[1]
            return output

        function transformPointList(content, projection, coordinates) {
            var i, output = [],
                ii = output.length = coordinates.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                output[i] = transformList(projection, coordinates[i])
                points: output

        function transformAreaLabel(label, projection, coordinates) {
            var data = projection.transform(coordinates[0]);
            label.spaceSize = projection.getSquareSize(coordinates[1]);
                translateX: data[0],
                translateY: data[1]

        function transformLineLabel(label, projection, coordinates) {
            var data = projection.transform(coordinates[0]);
            label.spaceSize = projection.getSquareSize(coordinates[1]);
                translateX: data[0],
                translateY: data[1]

        function getItemSettings(context, proxy, settings) {
            var result = combineSettings(context.settings, settings);
            proxy.text = proxy.text || settings.text;
            applyGrouping(context.grouping, proxy, result);
            if (void 0 === settings.color && settings.paletteIndex >= 0) {
                result.color = result._colors[settings.paletteIndex]
            return result

        function applyGrouping(grouping, proxy, settings) {
            _each(grouping, function(name, data) {
                var index = findGroupingIndex(data.callback(proxy, data.field), data.partition);
                if (index >= 0) {
                    settings[name] = data.values[index]

        function findGroupingIndex(value, partition) {
            var middle, start = 0,
                end = partition.length - 1,
                index = -1;
            if (partition[start] <= value && value <= partition[end]) {
                if (value === partition[end]) {
                    index = end - 1
                } else {
                    while (end - start > 1) {
                        middle = start + end >> 1;
                        if (value < partition[middle]) {
                            end = middle
                        } else {
                            start = middle
                    index = start
            return index

        function raiseChanged(context, handle, state, name) {
            context.params.eventTrigger(name, {
                target: handle.proxy,
                state: state

        function combineSettings(common, partial) {
            var obj = _extend({}, common, partial);
            obj.label = _extend({}, common.label, obj.label);
            obj.label.font = _extend({}, common.label.font, obj.label.font);
            return obj

        function processCommonSettings(type, options, themeManager) {
            var colors, i, palette, settings = combineSettings(themeManager.theme("layer:" + type) || {
                label: {}
            }, options);
            if (settings.paletteSize > 0) {
                palette = themeManager.createDiscretePalette(settings.palette, settings.paletteSize);
                for (i = 0, colors = []; i < settings.paletteSize; ++i) {
                settings._colors = colors
            return settings

        function valueCallback(proxy, dataField) {
            return proxy.attribute(dataField)
        var performGrouping = function(context, partition, settingField, dataField, valuesCallback) {
            var values;
            if (dataField && partition && partition.length > 1) {
                values = valuesCallback(partition.length - 1);
                context.grouping[settingField] = {
                    callback: _isFunction(dataField) ? dataField : valueCallback,
                    field: dataField,
                    partition: partition,
                    values: values
                context.params.dataExchanger.set(context.name, settingField, {
                    partition: partition,
                    values: values

        function dropGrouping(context) {
            var name = context.name,
                dataExchanger = context.params.dataExchanger;
            _each(context.grouping, function(field) {
                dataExchanger.set(name, field, null)
            context.grouping = {}
        var groupByColor = function(context) {
            performGrouping(context, context.settings.colorGroups, "color", context.settings.colorGroupingField, function(count) {
                var i, _palette = context.params.themeManager.createDiscretePalette(context.settings.palette, count),
                    list = [];
                for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                return list
        var groupBySize = function(context, valueCallback) {
            var settings = context.settings;
            performGrouping(context, settings.sizeGroups, "size", valueCallback || settings.sizeGroupingField, function(count) {
                var minSize = settings.minSize > 0 ? _Number(settings.minSize) : 0,
                    maxSize = settings.maxSize >= minSize ? _Number(settings.maxSize) : 0,
                    i = 0,
                    sizes = [];
                if (count > 1) {
                    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
                        sizes.push((minSize * (count - i - 1) + maxSize * i) / (count - 1))
                } else {
                    if (1 === count) {
                        sizes.push((minSize + maxSize) / 2)
                return sizes

        function setFlag(flags, flag, state) {
            if (state) {
                flags |= flag
            } else {
                flags &= ~flag
            return flags

        function hasFlag(flags, flag) {
            return !!(flags & flag)

        function createLayerProxy(layer, name, index) {
            var proxy = {
                index: index,
                name: name,
                getElements: function() {
                    return layer.getProxies()
                clearSelection: function(_noEvent) {
                    return proxy
                getDataSource: function() {
                    return layer.getDataSource()
            return proxy
        var MapLayer = function(params, container, name, index) {
            var that = this;
            that._params = params;
            that.proxy = createLayerProxy(that, name, index);
            that._context = {
                name: name,
                layer: that.proxy,
                renderer: params.renderer,
                projection: params.projection,
                params: params,
                dataKey: params.dataKey,
                str: emptyStrategy,
                hover: false,
                selection: null,
                grouping: {},
                root: params.renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxm-layer"
                }).linkOn(container, name).linkAppend()
            that._container = container;
            that._options = {};
            that._handles = [];
            that._data = new EmptySource
        MapLayer.prototype = _extend({
            constructor: MapLayer,
            _onProjection: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._removeHandlers = that._params.projection.on({
                    engine: function() {
                    screen: function() {
                    center: function() {
                    zoom: function() {
            _dataSourceLoadErrorHandler: function() {
            _dataSourceChangedHandler: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._data = unwrapFromDataSource(that._dataSource && that._dataSource.items());
            _dataSourceOptions: function() {
                return {
                    paginate: false
            _getSpecificDataSourceOption: function() {
                return this._specificDataSourceOption
            _offProjection: function() {
                this._removeHandlers = null
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._context.labelRoot && that._context.labelRoot.linkRemove().linkOff();
                that._params = that._container = that._context = that.proxy = null;
                return that
            TESTS_getContext: function() {
                return this._context
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var name, that = this;
                options = that._options = options || {};
                name = !("dataSource" in options) && "data" in options ? "data" : "dataSource";
                if (name in options && options[name] !== that._options_dataSource) {
                    that._options_dataSource = options[name];
                    that._specificDataSourceOption = wrapToDataSource(options[name]);
                } else {
                    if (that._data.count() > 0) {
                        that._update(void 0 !== options.type && options.type !== that._context.str.type || void 0 !== options.elementType && options.elementType !== that._context.str.elementType)
            _update: function(isContextChanged) {
                var that = this,
                    context = that._context;
                if (isContextChanged) {
                    context.labelRoot && context.labelRoot.clear();
                    context.str = selectStrategy(that._options, that._data);
                    that.proxy.type = context.str.type;
                    that.proxy.elementType = context.str.elementType
                context.settings = processCommonSettings(context.str.fullType, that._options, that._params.themeManager);
                context.hasSeparateLabel = !!(context.settings.label.enabled && context.str.hasLabelsGroup);
                context.hover = !!_parseScalar(context.settings.hoverEnabled, true);
                if (context.selection) {
                    _each(context.selection.state, function(_, handle) {
                        handle && handle.resetSelected()
                context.selection = getSelection(context.settings.selectionMode);
                if (context.hasSeparateLabel) {
                    if (!context.labelRoot) {
                        context.labelRoot = context.renderer.g().attr({
                            "class": "dxm-layer-labels"
                        }).linkOn(that._container, {
                            name: context.name + "-labels",
                            after: context.name
                } else {
                    if (context.labelRoot) {
                        context.labelRoot = null
                if (isContextChanged) {
                context.str.arrange(context, that._handles);
            _destroyHandles: function() {
                var i, handles = this._handles,
                    ii = handles.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                if (this._context.selection) {
                    this._context.selection.state = {}
                this._handles = []
            _createHandles: function() {
                var i, handle, dataItem, that = this,
                    handles = that._handles = [],
                    data = that._data,
                    ii = handles.length = data.count(),
                    context = that._context,
                    geometry = data.geometry,
                    attributes = data.attributes;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    dataItem = data.item(i);
                    handles[i] = new MapLayerElement(context, i, geometry(dataItem), attributes(dataItem))
                if (_isFunction(that._options.customize)) {
                    (that._options._deprecated ? customizeHandles_deprecated : customizeHandles)(that.getProxies(), that._options.customize, that._params.widget)
                if (that._options._deprecated) {
                    patchProxies(handles, context.name, data)
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    handle = handles[i];
                if (context.selection) {
                    _each(context.selection.state, function(_, handle) {
                        handle && handle.restoreSelected()
            _updateHandles: function() {
                var i, handles = this._handles,
                    ii = handles.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                if (this._context.settings.label.enabled) {
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
            _transformCore: function() {
                var transform = this._params.projection.getTransform();
                this._context.labelRoot && this._context.labelRoot.attr(transform)
            _project: function() {
                var i, handles = this._handles,
                    ii = handles.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
            _transform: function() {
                var i, handles = this._handles,
                    ii = handles.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
            getProxies: function() {
                var i, handles = this._handles,
                    proxies = [],
                    ii = proxies.length = handles.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    proxies[i] = handles[i].proxy
                return proxies
            getProxy: function(index) {
                return this._handles[index].proxy
            raiseClick: function(i, jQueryEvent) {
                this._params.eventTrigger("click", {
                    target: this._handles[i].proxy,
                    jQueryEvent: jQueryEvent
            hoverItem: function(i, state) {
            selectItem: function(i, state, _noEvent) {
                this._handles[i].setSelected(state, _noEvent)
            clearSelection: function() {
                var selection = this._context.selection;
                if (selection) {
                    _each(selection.state, function(_, handle) {
                        handle && handle.setSelected(false)
                    selection.state = {}
        }, DataHelperMixin);

        function createProxy(handle, coords, attrs) {
            var proxy = {
                coordinates: function() {
                    return coords
                attribute: function(name, value) {
                    if (arguments.length > 1) {
                        attrs[name] = value;
                        return proxy
                    } else {
                        return arguments.length > 0 ? attrs[name] : attrs
                selected: function(state, _noEvent) {
                    if (arguments.length > 0) {
                        handle.setSelected(state, _noEvent);
                        return proxy
                    } else {
                        return handle.isSelected()
                applySettings: function(settings) {
                    return proxy
            return proxy
        var MapLayerElement = function(context, index, geometry, attributes) {
            var that = this,
                proxy = that.proxy = createProxy(that, geometry.coordinates, _extend({}, attributes));
            that._ctx = context;
            that._index = index;
            that._fig = that._label = null;
            that._state = STATE_DEFAULT;
            that._coordinates = geometry.coordinates;
            that._settings = {
                label: {}
            proxy.index = index;
            proxy.layer = context.layer;
            that._data = {
                name: context.name,
                index: index
        MapLayerElement.prototype = {
            constructor: MapLayerElement,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._ctx = that.proxy = that._settings = that._fig = that._label = that.data = null;
                return that
            project: function() {
                var context = this._ctx;
                this._projection = context.str.project(context.projection, this._coordinates);
                if (context.hasSeparateLabel && this._label) {
            _projectLabel: function() {
                this._labelProjection = this._ctx.str.projectLabel(this._projection)
            draw: function() {
                var that = this,
                    context = this._ctx;
                context.str.draw(context, that._fig = {}, that._data);
            transform: function() {
                var that = this,
                    context = that._ctx;
                context.str.transform(that._fig, context.projection, that._projection);
                if (context.hasSeparateLabel && that._label) {
            _transformLabel: function() {
                this._ctx.str.transformLabel(this._label, this._ctx.projection, this._labelProjection)
            refresh: function() {
                var that = this,
                    strategy = that._ctx.str,
                    settings = getItemSettings(that._ctx, that.proxy, that._settings);
                that._styles = strategy.getStyles(settings);
                strategy.refresh(that._ctx, that._fig, that._data, that.proxy, settings);
            _refreshLabel: function(settings) {
                var that = this,
                    context = that._ctx,
                    labelSettings = settings.label,
                    label = that._label;
                if (context.settings.label.enabled) {
                    if (!label) {
                        label = that._label = {
                            root: context.labelRoot || that._fig.root,
                            text: context.renderer.text().attr({
                                "class": "dxm-label"
                            size: [0, 0]
                        if (context.hasSeparateLabel) {
                    label.value = _String(that.proxy.text || that.proxy.attribute(labelSettings.dataField) || "");
                    if (label.value) {
                            text: label.value,
                            x: 0,
                            y: 0
                            align: "center",
                            stroke: labelSettings.stroke,
                            "stroke-width": labelSettings["stroke-width"],
                            "stroke-opacity": labelSettings["stroke-opacity"]
                        }).data(context.dataKey, that._data).append(label.root);
                        label.settings = settings
                } else {
                    if (label) {
                        that._label = null
            measureLabel: function() {
                var bBox, label = this._label;
                if (label.value) {
                    bBox = label.text.getBBox();
                    label.size = [bBox.width, bBox.height, -bBox.y - bBox.height / 2]
            adjustLabel: function() {
                var offset, label = this._label;
                if (label.value) {
                    offset = this._ctx.str.getLabelOffset(label, label.settings);
                    label.settings = null;
                        x: offset[0],
                        y: offset[1] + label.size[2]
            update: function(settings) {
                var that = this;
                that._settings = combineSettings(that._settings, settings);
                if (that._fig) {
                    if (that._label && that._label.value) {
            _setState: function() {
                this._ctx.str.setState(this._fig, this._styles, STATE_TO_INDEX[this._state])
            _setForeground: function() {
                var root = this._fig.root;
                this._state ? root.toForeground() : root.toBackground()
            setHovered: function(state) {
                var that = this,
                    currentState = hasFlag(that._state, STATE_HOVERED),
                    newState = !!state;
                if (that._ctx.hover && currentState !== newState) {
                    that._state = setFlag(that._state, STATE_HOVERED, newState);
                    raiseChanged(that._ctx, that, newState, "hoverChanged")
                return that
            setSelected: function(state, _noEvent) {
                var tmp, that = this,
                    currentState = hasFlag(that._state, STATE_SELECTED),
                    newState = !!state,
                    selection = that._ctx.selection;
                if (selection && currentState !== newState) {
                    that._state = setFlag(that._state, STATE_SELECTED, newState);
                    tmp = selection.state[selection.single];
                    selection.state[selection.single] = null;
                    if (tmp) {
                    selection.state[selection.single || that._index] = state ? that : null;
                    if (that._fig) {
                        if (!_noEvent) {
                            raiseChanged(that._ctx, that, newState, "selectionChanged")
            isSelected: function() {
                return hasFlag(this._state, STATE_SELECTED)
            resetSelected: function() {
                this._state = setFlag(this._state, STATE_SELECTED, false)
            restoreSelected: function() {

        function calculatePolygonCentroid(coordinates) {
            var i, v1, cross, length = coordinates.length,
                v2 = coordinates[length - 1],
                cx = 0,
                cy = 0,
                area = 0,
                minX = 1 / 0,
                maxX = -(1 / 0),
                minY = 1 / 0,
                maxY = -(1 / 0);
            for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                v1 = v2;
                v2 = coordinates[i];
                cross = v1[0] * v2[1] - v2[0] * v1[1];
                area += cross;
                cx += (v1[0] + v2[0]) * cross;
                cy += (v1[1] + v2[1]) * cross;
                minX = _min(minX, v2[0]);
                maxX = _max(maxX, v2[0]);
                minY = _min(minY, v2[1]);
                maxY = _max(maxY, v2[1])
            return {
                area: _abs(area) / 2,
                center: [2 * cx / 3 / area - (minX + maxX) / 2, 2 * cy / 3 / area - (minY + maxY) / 2]

        function calculateLineStringData(coordinates) {
            var i, v1, t, ii = coordinates.length,
                v2 = coordinates[0] || [],
                totalLength = 0,
                items = [0],
                min0 = v2[0],
                max0 = v2[0],
                min1 = v2[1],
                max1 = v2[1];
            for (i = 1; i < ii; ++i) {
                v1 = v2;
                v2 = coordinates[i];
                totalLength += _sqrt((v1[0] - v2[0]) * (v1[0] - v2[0]) + (v1[1] - v2[1]) * (v1[1] - v2[1]));
                items[i] = totalLength;
                min0 = _min(min0, v2[0]);
                max0 = _max(max0, v2[0]);
                min1 = _min(min1, v2[1]);
                max1 = _max(max1, v2[1])
            i = findGroupingIndex(totalLength / 2, items);
            v1 = coordinates[i];
            v2 = coordinates[i + 1];
            t = (totalLength / 2 - items[i]) / (items[i + 1] - items[i]);
            return ii ? [
                [v1[0] * (1 - t) + v2[0] * t, v1[1] * (1 - t) + v2[1] * t],
                [max0 - min0, max1 - min1], totalLength
            ] : []

        function projectAreaLabel(coordinates) {
            var i, centroid, resultCentroid, ii = coordinates.length,
                maxArea = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                centroid = calculatePolygonCentroid(coordinates[i]);
                if (centroid.area > maxArea) {
                    maxArea = centroid.area;
                    resultCentroid = centroid
            return resultCentroid ? [resultCentroid.center, [_sqrt(resultCentroid.area), _sqrt(resultCentroid.area)]] : [

        function projectLineLabel(coordinates) {
            var i, data, resultData, ii = coordinates.length,
                maxLength = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                data = calculateLineStringData(coordinates[i]);
                if (data[2] > maxLength) {
                    maxLength = data[2];
                    resultData = data
            return resultData || [

        function MapLayerCollection(params) {
            var that = this,
                renderer = params.renderer;
            that._params = params;
            that._layers = [];
            that._layerByName = {};
            that._rect = [0, 0, 0, 0];
            that._clip = renderer.clipRect();
            that._background = renderer.rect().attr({
                "class": "dxm-background"
            }).data(params.dataKey, {
                name: "background"
            that._container = renderer.g().attr({
                "class": "dxm-layers",
                "clip-path": that._clip.id
            that._subscribeToTracker(params.tracker, renderer, params.eventTrigger)
        MapLayerCollection.prototype = {
            constructor: MapLayerCollection,
            dispose: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._params = that._offTracker = that._layers = that._layerByName = that._clip = that._background = that._container = null
            _subscribeToTracker: function(tracker, renderer, eventTrigger) {
                var that = this;
                that._offTracker = tracker.on({
                    click: function(arg) {
                        var offset = renderer.getRootOffset(),
                            layer = that.byName(arg.data.name);
                        arg.$event.x = arg.x - offset.left;
                        arg.$event.y = arg.y - offset.top;
                        if (layer) {
                            layer.raiseClick(arg.data.index, arg.$event)
                        } else {
                            if ("background" === arg.data.name) {
                                eventTrigger("click", {
                                    jQueryEvent: arg.$event
                    "hover-on": function(arg) {
                        var layer = that.byName(arg.data.name);
                        if (layer) {
                            layer.hoverItem(arg.data.index, true)
                    "hover-off": function(arg) {
                        var layer = that.byName(arg.data.name);
                        if (layer) {
                            layer.hoverItem(arg.data.index, false)
            setOptions: function(options) {
                var name, layer, i, ii, optionList = options ? options.length ? options : [options] : [],
                    layers = this._layers,
                    layerByName = this._layerByName,
                    params = this._params,
                    container = this._container;
                for (i = optionList.length, ii = layers.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    layer = layers[i];
                    delete layerByName[layer.proxy.name];
                layers.splice(optionList.length, layers.length - optionList.length);
                for (i = layers.length, ii = optionList.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    name = (optionList[i] || {}).name || "map-layer-" + i;
                    layer = layers[i] = new MapLayer(params, container, name, i);
                    layerByName[name] = layer
                for (i = 0, ii = optionList.length; i < ii; ++i) {
                    name = optionList[i] && optionList[i].name;
                    layer = layers[i];
                    if (name && name !== layer.proxy.name) {
                        delete layerByName[layer.proxy.name];
                        layer = layers[i] = new MapLayer(params, container, name, i);
                        layerByName[name] = layer
            _updateClip: function() {
                var rect = this._rect,
                    bw = this._borderWidth;
                    x: rect[0] + bw,
                    y: rect[1] + bw,
                    width: _max(rect[2] - 2 * bw, 0),
                    height: _max(rect[3] - 2 * bw, 0)
            setBackgroundOptions: function(options) {
                    stroke: options.borderColor,
                    "stroke-width": options.borderWidth,
                    fill: options.color
                this._borderWidth = _max(options.borderWidth, 0);
            setRect: function(rect) {
                this._rect = rect;
                    x: rect[0],
                    y: rect[1],
                    width: rect[2],
                    height: rect[3]
            byIndex: function(index) {
                return this._layers[index]
            byName: function(name) {
                return this._layerByName[name]
            items: function() {
                return this._layers
        exports.MapLayerCollection = MapLayerCollection;
        exports._TESTS_MapLayer = MapLayer;
        exports._TESTS_stub_MapLayer = function(stub) {
            MapLayer = stub
        exports._TESTS_selectStrategy = selectStrategy;
        exports._TESTS_stub_selectStrategy = function(stub) {
            selectStrategy = stub
        exports._TESTS_MapLayerElement = MapLayerElement;
        exports._TESTS_stub_MapLayerElement = function(stub) {
            MapLayerElement = stub
        exports._TESTS_createProxy = createProxy;
        exports._TESTS_stub_performGrouping = function(stub) {
            performGrouping = stub
        exports._TESTS_performGrouping = performGrouping;
        exports._TESTS_stub_groupByColor = function(stub) {
            groupByColor = stub
        exports._TESTS_groupByColor = groupByColor;
        exports._TESTS_stub_groupBySize = function(stub) {
            groupBySize = stub
        exports._TESTS_groupBySize = groupBySize;
        exports._TESTS_findGroupingIndex = findGroupingIndex
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/tooltip_viewer.js ***!
    function(module, exports) {
        var TOOLTIP_OFFSET = 12;

        function TooltipViewer(params) {
            this._subscribeToTracker(params.tracker, params.tooltip, params.layerCollection)
        TooltipViewer.prototype = {
            constructor: TooltipViewer,
            dispose: function() {
                this._offTracker = null
            _subscribeToTracker: function(tracker, tooltip, layerCollection) {
                this._offTracker = tracker.on({
                    "focus-on": function(arg) {
                        var layer, proxy, result = false;
                        if (tooltip.isEnabled()) {
                            layer = layerCollection.byName(arg.data.name);
                            proxy = layer && layer.getProxy(arg.data.index);
                            if (proxy && tooltip.show(proxy, {
                                    x: 0,
                                    y: 0,
                                    offset: 0
                                }, {
                                    target: proxy
                                })) {
                                tooltip.move(arg.x, arg.y, TOOLTIP_OFFSET);
                                result = true
                    "focus-move": function(arg) {
                        tooltip.move(arg.x, arg.y, TOOLTIP_OFFSET)
                    "focus-off": function() {
        exports.TooltipViewer = TooltipViewer
      !*** ./js/viz/vector_map/projection.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var projectionModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ./projection.main */ 615),
            projection = projectionModule.projection,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max,
            _sin = Math.sin,
            _asin = Math.asin,
            _tan = Math.tan,
            _atan = Math.atan,
            _exp = Math.exp,
            _log = Math.log,
            PI = Math.PI,
            PI_DIV_4 = PI / 4,
            GEO_LON_BOUND = 180,
            GEO_LAT_BOUND = 90,
            RADIANS = PI / 180,
            MERCATOR_LAT_BOUND = (2 * _atan(_exp(PI)) - PI / 2) / RADIANS,
            MILLER_LAT_BOUND = (2.5 * _atan(_exp(.8 * PI)) - .625 * PI) / RADIANS;

        function clamp(value, threshold) {
            return _max(_min(value, +threshold), -threshold)
        projection.add("mercator", projection({
            aspectRatio: 1,
            to: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] / GEO_LON_BOUND, _log(_tan(PI_DIV_4 + clamp(coordinates[1], MERCATOR_LAT_BOUND) * RADIANS / 2)) / PI]
            from: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] * GEO_LON_BOUND, (2 * _atan(_exp(coordinates[1] * PI)) - PI / 2) / RADIANS]
        projection.add("equirectangular", projection({
            aspectRatio: 2,
            to: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] / GEO_LON_BOUND, coordinates[1] / GEO_LAT_BOUND]
            from: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] * GEO_LON_BOUND, coordinates[1] * GEO_LAT_BOUND]
        projection.add("lambert", projection({
            aspectRatio: 2,
            to: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] / GEO_LON_BOUND, _sin(clamp(coordinates[1], GEO_LAT_BOUND) * RADIANS)]
            from: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] * GEO_LON_BOUND, _asin(clamp(coordinates[1], 1)) / RADIANS]
        projection.add("miller", projection({
            aspectRatio: 1,
            to: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] / GEO_LON_BOUND, 1.25 * _log(_tan(PI_DIV_4 + clamp(coordinates[1], MILLER_LAT_BOUND) * RADIANS * .4)) / PI]
            from: function(coordinates) {
                return [coordinates[0] * GEO_LON_BOUND, (2.5 * _atan(_exp(.8 * coordinates[1] * PI)) - .625 * PI) / RADIANS]
        exports.projection = projection
      !*** ./js/viz/sparkline.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./sparklines/sparkline */ 628)
      !*** ./js/viz/sparklines/sparkline.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var BaseSparkline = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_sparkline */ 629),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            dataValidatorModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../components/data_validator */ 523),
            seriesModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../series/base_series */ 525),
            MIN_BAR_WIDTH = 1,
            MAX_BAR_WIDTH = 50,
            DEFAULT_BAR_INTERVAL = 4,
            DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH = 250,
            DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT = 30,
            ALLOWED_TYPES = {
                line: true,
                spline: true,
                stepline: true,
                area: true,
                steparea: true,
                splinearea: true,
                bar: true,
                winloss: true
            _math = Math,
            _abs = _math.abs,
            _round = _math.round,
            _max = _math.max,
            _min = _math.min,
            _isFinite = isFinite,
            vizUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509),
            _map = vizUtils.map,
            _normalizeEnum = vizUtils.normalizeEnum,
            _isDefined = commonUtils.isDefined,
            _Number = Number,
            _String = String;
        var dxSparkline = BaseSparkline.inherit({
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxsl",
            _rootClass: "dxsl-sparkline",
            _widgetType: "sparkline",
            _defaultSize: {
                width: DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH,
                height: DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT,
                left: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN,
                right: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN,
                top: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN,
                bottom: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN
            _initCore: function() {
            _initialChanges: ["DATA_SOURCE"],
            _dataSourceChangedHandler: function() {
            _updateWidgetElements: function() {
            _disposeWidgetElements: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._series && that._series.dispose();
                that._series = that._seriesGroup = that._seriesLabelGroup = null
            _cleanWidgetElements: function() {
            _drawWidgetElements: function() {
                if (this._dataIsLoaded()) {
            _prepareOptions: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._allOptions = that.callBase();
                that._allOptions.type = _normalizeEnum(that._allOptions.type);
                if (!ALLOWED_TYPES[that._allOptions.type]) {
                    that._allOptions.type = "line"
            _createHtmlElements: function() {
                this._seriesGroup = this._renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxsl-series"
                this._seriesLabelGroup = this._renderer.g().attr({
                    "class": "dxsl-series-labels"
            _createSeries: function() {
                this._series = new seriesModule.Series({
                    renderer: this._renderer,
                    seriesGroup: this._seriesGroup,
                    labelsGroup: this._seriesLabelGroup,
                    argumentAxis: this._argumentAxis,
                    valueAxis: this._valueAxis
                }, {
                    widgetType: "chart",
                    type: "line"
            getSeriesOptions: function() {
                return this._series.getOptions()
            _updateSeries: function() {
                var groupsData, seriesOptions, that = this,
                    singleSeries = that._series;
                seriesOptions = that._prepareSeriesOptions();
                groupsData = {
                    groups: [{
                        series: [singleSeries]
                groupsData.argumentOptions = {
                    type: "bar" === seriesOptions.type ? "discrete" : void 0
                that._simpleDataSource = dataValidatorModule.validateData(that._simpleDataSource, groupsData, that._incidentOccurred, {
                    checkTypeForAllData: false,
                    convertToAxisDataType: true,
                    sortingMethod: true
                that._groupsDataCategories = groupsData.categories
            _optionChangesMap: {
                dataSource: "DATA_SOURCE"
            _optionChangesOrder: ["DATA_SOURCE"],
            _change_DATA_SOURCE: function() {
            _parseNumericDataSource: function(data, argField, valField) {
                var ignoreEmptyPoints = this.option("ignoreEmptyPoints");
                return _map(data, function(dataItem, index) {
                    var isDataNumber, value, item = null;
                    if (void 0 !== dataItem) {
                        item = {};
                        isDataNumber = _isFinite(dataItem);
                        item[argField] = isDataNumber ? _String(index) : dataItem[argField];
                        value = isDataNumber ? dataItem : dataItem[valField];
                        item[valField] = null === value ? ignoreEmptyPoints ? void 0 : value : _Number(value);
                        item = void 0 !== item[argField] && void 0 !== item[valField] ? item : null
                    return item
            _parseWinlossDataSource: function(data, argField, valField) {
                var lowBarValue = -1,
                    zeroBarValue = 0,
                    highBarValue = 1,
                    delta = 1e-4,
                    target = this._allOptions.winlossThreshold;
                return _map(data, function(dataItem) {
                    var item = {};
                    item[argField] = dataItem[argField];
                    if (_abs(dataItem[valField] - target) < delta) {
                        item[valField] = zeroBarValue
                    } else {
                        if (dataItem[valField] > target) {
                            item[valField] = highBarValue
                        } else {
                            item[valField] = lowBarValue
                    return item
            _prepareDataSource: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    argField = options.argumentField,
                    valField = options.valueField,
                    dataSource = that._dataSourceItems() || [],
                    data = that._parseNumericDataSource(dataSource, argField, valField);
                if ("winloss" === options.type) {
                    that._winlossDataSource = data;
                    that._simpleDataSource = that._parseWinlossDataSource(data, argField, valField)
                } else {
                    that._simpleDataSource = data
            _prepareSeriesOptions: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    type = "winloss" === options.type ? "bar" : options.type;
                return {
                    visible: true,
                    argumentField: options.argumentField,
                    valueField: options.valueField,
                    color: options.lineColor,
                    width: options.lineWidth,
                    widgetType: "chart",
                    type: type,
                    opacity: type.indexOf("area") !== -1 ? that._allOptions.areaOpacity : void 0,
                    customizePoint: that._getCustomizeFunction(),
                    point: {
                        size: options.pointSize,
                        symbol: options.pointSymbol,
                        border: {
                            visible: true,
                            width: 2
                        color: options.pointColor,
                        visible: false,
                        hoverStyle: {
                            border: {}
                        selectionStyle: {
                            border: {}
                    border: {
                        color: options.lineColor,
                        width: options.lineWidth,
                        visible: "bar" !== type
            _createBarCustomizeFunction: function(pointIndexes) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    winlossData = that._winlossDataSource;
                return function() {
                    var color, index = this.index,
                        isWinloss = "winloss" === options.type,
                        target = isWinloss ? options.winlossThreshold : 0,
                        value = isWinloss ? winlossData[index][options.valueField] : this.value,
                        positiveColor = isWinloss ? options.winColor : options.barPositiveColor,
                        negativeColor = isWinloss ? options.lossColor : options.barNegativeColor;
                    if (value >= target) {
                        color = positiveColor
                    } else {
                        color = negativeColor
                    if (index === pointIndexes.first || index === pointIndexes.last) {
                        color = options.firstLastColor
                    if (index === pointIndexes.min) {
                        color = options.minColor
                    if (index === pointIndexes.max) {
                        color = options.maxColor
                    return {
                        color: color
            _createLineCustomizeFunction: function(pointIndexes) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions;
                return function() {
                    var color, index = this.index;
                    if (index === pointIndexes.first || index === pointIndexes.last) {
                        color = options.firstLastColor
                    if (index === pointIndexes.min) {
                        color = options.minColor
                    if (index === pointIndexes.max) {
                        color = options.maxColor
                    return color ? {
                        visible: true,
                        border: {
                            color: color
                    } : {}
            _getCustomizeFunction: function() {
                var customizeFunction, that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    dataSource = that._winlossDataSource || that._simpleDataSource,
                    drawnPointIndexes = that._getExtremumPointsIndexes(dataSource);
                if ("winloss" === options.type || "bar" === options.type) {
                    customizeFunction = that._createBarCustomizeFunction(drawnPointIndexes)
                } else {
                    customizeFunction = that._createLineCustomizeFunction(drawnPointIndexes)
                return customizeFunction
            _getExtremumPointsIndexes: function(data) {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    lastIndex = data.length - 1,
                    indexes = {};
                that._minMaxIndexes = that._findMinMax(data);
                if (options.showFirstLast) {
                    indexes.first = 0;
                    indexes.last = lastIndex
                if (options.showMinMax) {
                    indexes.min = that._minMaxIndexes.minIndex;
                    indexes.max = that._minMaxIndexes.maxIndex
                return indexes
            _findMinMax: function(data) {
                var value, i, that = this,
                    valField = that._allOptions.valueField,
                    firstItem = data[0] || {},
                    firstValue = firstItem[valField] || 0,
                    min = firstValue,
                    max = firstValue,
                    minIndex = 0,
                    maxIndex = 0,
                    dataLength = data.length;
                for (i = 1; i < dataLength; i++) {
                    value = data[i][valField];
                    if (value < min) {
                        min = value;
                        minIndex = i
                    if (value > max) {
                        max = value;
                        maxIndex = i
                return {
                    minIndex: minIndex,
                    maxIndex: maxIndex
            _updateRange: function() {
                var valCoef, argCoef, that = this,
                    series = that._series,
                    type = series.type,
                    isBarType = "bar" === type,
                    isWinlossType = "winloss" === type,
                    DEFAULT_VALUE_RANGE_MARGIN = .15,
                    DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_RANGE_MARGIN = .1,
                    WINLOSS_MAX_RANGE = 1,
                    WINLOSS_MIN_RANGE = -1,
                    rangeData = series.getRangeData(),
                    minValue = that._allOptions.minValue,
                    hasMinY = _isDefined(minValue) && _isFinite(minValue),
                    maxValue = that._allOptions.maxValue,
                    hasMaxY = _isDefined(maxValue) && _isFinite(maxValue);
                valCoef = (rangeData.val.max - rangeData.val.min) * DEFAULT_VALUE_RANGE_MARGIN;
                if (isBarType || isWinlossType || "area" === type) {
                    if (0 !== rangeData.val.min) {
                        rangeData.val.min -= valCoef
                    if (0 !== rangeData.val.max) {
                        rangeData.val.max += valCoef
                } else {
                    rangeData.val.min -= valCoef;
                    rangeData.val.max += valCoef
                if (hasMinY || hasMaxY) {
                    if (hasMinY && hasMaxY) {
                        rangeData.val.minVisible = _min(minValue, maxValue);
                        rangeData.val.maxVisible = _max(minValue, maxValue)
                    } else {
                        rangeData.val.minVisible = hasMinY ? _Number(minValue) : void 0;
                        rangeData.val.maxVisible = hasMaxY ? _Number(maxValue) : void 0
                    if (isWinlossType) {
                        rangeData.val.minVisible = hasMinY ? _max(rangeData.val.minVisible, WINLOSS_MIN_RANGE) : void 0;
                        rangeData.val.maxVisible = hasMaxY ? _min(rangeData.val.maxVisible, WINLOSS_MAX_RANGE) : void 0
                if (series.getPoints().length > 1) {
                    if (isBarType) {
                        argCoef = (rangeData.arg.max - rangeData.arg.min) * DEFAULT_ARGUMENT_RANGE_MARGIN;
                        rangeData.arg.min = rangeData.arg.min - argCoef;
                        rangeData.arg.max = rangeData.arg.max + argCoef
                    } else {
                        rangeData.arg.stick = true
                rangeData.arg.categories = that._groupsDataCategories;
                that._ranges = rangeData
            _getBarWidth: function(pointsCount) {
                var that = this,
                    canvas = that._canvas,
                    intervalWidth = pointsCount * DEFAULT_BAR_INTERVAL,
                    rangeWidth = canvas.width - canvas.left - canvas.right - intervalWidth,
                    width = _round(rangeWidth / pointsCount);
                if (width < MIN_BAR_WIDTH) {
                    width = MIN_BAR_WIDTH
                if (width > MAX_BAR_WIDTH) {
                    width = MAX_BAR_WIDTH
                return width
            _correctPoints: function() {
                var barWidth, i, that = this,
                    seriesType = that._allOptions.type,
                    seriesPoints = that._series.getPoints(),
                    pointsLength = seriesPoints.length;
                if ("bar" === seriesType || "winloss" === seriesType) {
                    barWidth = that._getBarWidth(pointsLength);
                    for (i = 0; i < pointsLength; i++) {
                            width: barWidth,
                            offset: 0
            _drawSeries: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._simpleDataSource.length > 0) {
            _isTooltipEnabled: function() {
                return !!this._simpleDataSource.length
            _getTooltipData: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    dataSource = that._winlossDataSource || that._simpleDataSource,
                    tooltip = that._tooltip;
                if (0 === dataSource.length) {
                    return {}
                var minMax = that._minMaxIndexes,
                    valueField = options.valueField,
                    first = dataSource[0][valueField],
                    last = dataSource[dataSource.length - 1][valueField],
                    min = dataSource[minMax.minIndex][valueField],
                    max = dataSource[minMax.maxIndex][valueField],
                    formattedFirst = tooltip.formatValue(first),
                    formattedLast = tooltip.formatValue(last),
                    formattedMin = tooltip.formatValue(min),
                    formattedMax = tooltip.formatValue(max),
                    customizeObject = {
                        firstValue: formattedFirst,
                        lastValue: formattedLast,
                        minValue: formattedMin,
                        maxValue: formattedMax,
                        originalFirstValue: first,
                        originalLastValue: last,
                        originalMinValue: min,
                        originalMaxValue: max,
                        valueText: ["Start:", formattedFirst, "End:", formattedLast, "Min:", formattedMin, "Max:", formattedMax]
                if ("winloss" === options.type) {
                    customizeObject.originalThresholdValue = options.winlossThreshold;
                    customizeObject.thresholdValue = tooltip.formatValue(options.winlossThreshold)
                return customizeObject
        _map(["lineColor", "lineWidth", "areaOpacity", "minColor", "maxColor", "barPositiveColor", "barNegativeColor", "winColor", "lessColor", "firstLastColor", "pointSymbol", "pointColor", "pointSize", "type", "argumentField", "valueField", "winlossThreshold", "showFirstLast", "showMinMax", "ignoreEmptyPoints", "minValue", "maxValue"], function(name) {
            dxSparkline.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "OPTIONS"
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57)("dxSparkline", dxSparkline);
        module.exports = dxSparkline;
        dxSparkline.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/data_source */ 561).plugin)
      !*** ./js/viz/sparklines/base_sparkline.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            commonUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14),
            BaseWidget = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_widget */ 515),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING = 2,
            DEFAULT_EVENTS_DELAY = 200,
            TOUCH_EVENTS_DELAY = 1e3,
            eventUtils = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71),
            wheelEvent = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/core/wheel */ 85),
            baseThemeManagerModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550),
            translator2DModule = __webpack_require__( /*! ../translators/translator2d */ 571),
            _abs = Math.abs,
            _extend = extend,
            _noop = commonUtils.noop;

        function generateDefaultCustomizeTooltipCallback(fontOptions, rtlEnabled) {
            var lineSpacing = fontOptions.lineSpacing,
                lineHeight = (void 0 !== lineSpacing && null !== lineSpacing ? lineSpacing : DEFAULT_LINE_SPACING) + fontOptions.size;
            return function(customizeObject) {
                var html = "",
                    vt = customizeObject.valueText;
                for (var i = 0; i < vt.length; i += 2) {
                    html += "<tr><td>" + vt[i] + "</td><td style='width: 15px'></td><td style='text-align: " + (rtlEnabled ? "left" : "right") + "'>" + vt[i + 1] + "</td></tr>"
                return {
                    html: "<table style='border-spacing:0px; line-height: " + lineHeight + "px'>" + html + "</table>"

        function generateCustomizeTooltipCallback(customizeTooltip, fontOptions, rtlEnabled) {
            var defaultCustomizeTooltip = generateDefaultCustomizeTooltipCallback(fontOptions, rtlEnabled);
            if (commonUtils.isFunction(customizeTooltip)) {
                return function(customizeObject) {
                    var res = customizeTooltip.call(customizeObject, customizeObject);
                    if (!("html" in res) && !("text" in res)) {
                        _extend(res, defaultCustomizeTooltip.call(customizeObject, customizeObject))
                    return res
            } else {
                return defaultCustomizeTooltip

        function createAxis(isHorizontal) {
            var translator = new translator2DModule.Translator2D({}, {}, {
                isHorizontal: !!isHorizontal
            return {
                getTranslator: function() {
                    return translator
                update: function(range, canvas) {
                    translator.update(range, canvas)
                getViewport: function() {
        var BaseSparkline = BaseWidget.inherit({
            _setDeprecatedOptions: function() {
                _extend(this._deprecatedOptions, {
                    "tooltip.verticalAlignment": {
                        since: "15.1",
                        message: "Now tooltips are aligned automatically"
                    "tooltip.horizontalAlignment": {
                        since: "15.1",
                        message: "Now tooltips are aligned automatically"
            _getLayoutItems: _noop,
            _useLinks: false,
            _themeDependentChanges: ["OPTIONS"],
            _initCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._tooltipTracker = that._renderer.root;
                    "pointer-events": "visible"
                that._argumentAxis = createAxis(true);
                that._valueAxis = createAxis()
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return this._defaultSize
            _disposeCore: function() {
                this._ranges = null
            _optionChangesOrder: ["OPTIONS"],
            _change_OPTIONS: function() {
            _customChangesOrder: ["UPDATE"],
            _change_UPDATE: function() {
            _update: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._tooltipShown) {
                    that._tooltipShown = false;
            _updateWidgetElements: function() {
                this._argumentAxis.update(this._ranges.arg, this._canvas);
                this._valueAxis.update(this._ranges.val, this._canvas)
            _applySize: function(rect) {
                this._allOptions.size = {
                    width: rect[2] - rect[0],
                    height: rect[3] - rect[1]
            _setupResizeHandler: _noop,
            _prepareOptions: function() {
                return _extend(true, {}, this._themeManager.theme(), this.option())
            _createThemeManager: function() {
                var themeManager = new baseThemeManagerModule.BaseThemeManager;
                themeManager._themeSection = this._widgetType;
                themeManager._fontFields = ["tooltip.font"];
                return themeManager
            _getTooltipCoords: function() {
                var canvas = this._canvas,
                    rootOffset = this._renderer.getRootOffset();
                return {
                    x: canvas.width / 2 + rootOffset.left,
                    y: canvas.height / 2 + rootOffset.top
            _initTooltipEvents: function() {
                var that = this,
                    data = {
                        widget: that
                that._showTooltipCallback = function() {
                    var tooltip;
                    that._showTooltipTimeout = null;
                    if (!that._tooltipShown) {
                        that._tooltipShown = true;
                        tooltip = that._getTooltip();
                        tooltip.isEnabled() && that._tooltip.show(that._getTooltipData(), that._getTooltipCoords(), {})
                    that._DEBUG_showCallback && that._DEBUG_showCallback()
                that._hideTooltipCallback = function() {
                    var tooltipWasShown = that._tooltipShown;
                    that._hideTooltipTimeout = null;
                    if (that._tooltipShown) {
                        that._tooltipShown = false;
                    that._DEBUG_hideCallback && that._DEBUG_hideCallback(tooltipWasShown)
                that._disposeCallbacks = function() {
                    that = that._showTooltipCallback = that._hideTooltipCallback = that._disposeCallbacks = null
                that._tooltipTracker.on(mouseEvents, data).on(touchEvents, data).on(mouseWheelEvents, data);
            _disposeTooltipEvents: function() {
                var that = this;
            _getTooltip: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (!that._tooltip) {
                    _initTooltip.apply(this, arguments);
                    that._tooltipRendererOptions = null;
                return that._tooltip
        var menuEvents = {
            "contextmenu.sparkline-tooltip": function(event) {
                if (eventUtils.isTouchEvent(event) || eventUtils.isPointerEvent(event)) {
            "MSHoldVisual.sparkline-tooltip": function(event) {
        var mouseEvents = {
            "mouseover.sparkline-tooltip": function(event) {
                isPointerDownCalled = false;
                var widget = event.data.widget;
                widget._x = event.pageX;
                widget._y = event.pageY;
                widget._tooltipTracker.off(mouseMoveEvents).on(mouseMoveEvents, event.data);
            "mouseout.sparkline-tooltip": function(event) {
                if (isPointerDownCalled) {
                var widget = event.data.widget;
        var mouseWheelEvents = {};
        mouseWheelEvents[wheelEvent.name + ".sparkline-tooltip"] = function(event) {
        var mouseMoveEvents = {
            "mousemove.sparkline-tooltip": function(event) {
                var widget = event.data.widget;
                if (widget._showTooltipTimeout && (_abs(widget._x - event.pageX) > 3 || _abs(widget._y - event.pageY) > 3)) {
                    widget._x = event.pageX;
                    widget._y = event.pageY;
        var active_touch_tooltip_widget = null,
            touchStartTooltipProcessing = function(event) {
                var widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget;
                if (widget && widget !== event.data.widget) {
                widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget = event.data.widget;
                widget._touch = true
            touchStartDocumentProcessing = function() {
                var widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget;
                if (widget) {
                    if (!widget._touch) {
                        active_touch_tooltip_widget = null
                    widget._touch = null
            touchEndDocumentProcessing = function() {
                var widget = active_touch_tooltip_widget;
                if (widget) {
                    if (widget._showTooltipTimeout) {
                        active_touch_tooltip_widget = null
            isPointerDownCalled = false;
        var touchEvents = {
            "pointerdown.sparkline-tooltip": touchStartTooltipProcessing,
            "touchstart.sparkline-tooltip": touchStartTooltipProcessing
            "pointerdown.sparkline-tooltip": function() {
                isPointerDownCalled = true;
            "touchstart.sparkline-tooltip": touchStartDocumentProcessing,
            "pointerup.sparkline-tooltip": touchEndDocumentProcessing,
            "touchend.sparkline-tooltip": touchEndDocumentProcessing
        module.exports = BaseSparkline;
        module.exports._DEBUG_reset = function() {
            active_touch_tooltip_widget = null
        BaseSparkline.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/tooltip */ 559).plugin);
        var _initTooltip = BaseSparkline.prototype._initTooltip;
        BaseSparkline.prototype._initTooltip = _noop;
        var _disposeTooltip = BaseSparkline.prototype._disposeTooltip;
        BaseSparkline.prototype._disposeTooltip = function() {
            if (this._tooltip) {
                _disposeTooltip.apply(this, arguments)
        BaseSparkline.prototype._setTooltipRendererOptions = function() {
            var options = this._getRendererOptions();
            if (this._tooltip) {
            } else {
                this._tooltipRendererOptions = options
        BaseSparkline.prototype._setTooltipOptions = function() {
            var tooltip = this._tooltip,
                options = tooltip && this._getOption("tooltip");
            tooltip && tooltip.update(_extend({}, options, {
                customizeTooltip: generateCustomizeTooltipCallback(options.customizeTooltip, options.font, this.option("rtlEnabled")),
                enabled: options.enabled && this._isTooltipEnabled()
        BaseSparkline.prototype._showTooltip = function(delay) {
            var that = this;
            that._hideTooltipTimeout = null;
            that._showTooltipTimeout = setTimeout(that._showTooltipCallback, delay)
        BaseSparkline.prototype._hideTooltip = function(delay) {
            var that = this;
            that._showTooltipTimeout = null;
            if (delay) {
                that._hideTooltipTimeout = setTimeout(that._hideTooltipCallback, delay)
            } else {
        var exportPlugin = extend(true, {}, __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/export */ 511).plugin, {
            init: _noop,
            dispose: _noop,
            customize: null,
            members: {
                _getExportMenuOptions: null
      !*** ./js/viz/bullet.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./sparklines/bullet */ 631)
      !*** ./js/viz/sparklines/bullet.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            BaseSparkline = __webpack_require__( /*! ./base_sparkline */ 629),
            TARGET_MIN_Y = .02,
            TARGET_MAX_Y = .98,
            BAR_VALUE_MIN_Y = .1,
            BAR_VALUE_MAX_Y = .9,
            DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH = 300,
            DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT = 30,
            _Number = Number,
            _isFinite = isFinite;
        var dxBullet = BaseSparkline.inherit({
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxb",
            _rootClass: "dxb-bullet",
            _widgetType: "bullet",
            _defaultSize: {
                width: DEFAULT_CANVAS_WIDTH,
                height: DEFAULT_CANVAS_HEIGHT,
                left: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN,
                right: DEFAULT_HORIZONTAL_MARGIN,
                top: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN,
                bottom: DEFAULT_VERTICAL_MARGIN
            _disposeWidgetElements: function() {
                delete this._zeroLevelPath;
                delete this._targetPath;
                delete this._barValuePath
            _cleanWidgetElements: function() {
            _drawWidgetElements: function() {
            _createHtmlElements: function() {
                var renderer = this._renderer;
                this._zeroLevelPath = renderer.path(void 0, "line").attr({
                    "class": "dxb-zero-level",
                    "stroke-linecap": "square"
                this._targetPath = renderer.path(void 0, "line").attr({
                    "class": "dxb-target",
                    "stroke-linecap": "square"
                this._barValuePath = renderer.path(void 0, "line").attr({
                    "class": "dxb-bar-value",
                    "stroke-linecap": "square"
            _prepareOptions: function() {
                var options, startScaleValue, endScaleValue, level, value, target, isValueUndefined, isTargetUndefined, that = this;
                that._allOptions = options = that.callBase();
                isValueUndefined = void 0 === that._allOptions.value;
                isTargetUndefined = void 0 === that._allOptions.target;
                that._tooltipEnabled = !(isValueUndefined && isTargetUndefined);
                if (isValueUndefined) {
                    that._allOptions.value = 0
                if (isTargetUndefined) {
                    that._allOptions.target = 0
                options.value = value = _Number(options.value);
                options.target = target = _Number(options.target);
                if (void 0 === that._allOptions.startScaleValue) {
                    that._allOptions.startScaleValue = target < value ? target : value;
                    that._allOptions.startScaleValue = that._allOptions.startScaleValue < 0 ? that._allOptions.startScaleValue : 0
                if (void 0 === that._allOptions.endScaleValue) {
                    that._allOptions.endScaleValue = target > value ? target : value
                options.startScaleValue = startScaleValue = _Number(options.startScaleValue);
                options.endScaleValue = endScaleValue = _Number(options.endScaleValue);
                if (endScaleValue < startScaleValue) {
                    level = endScaleValue;
                    that._allOptions.endScaleValue = startScaleValue;
                    that._allOptions.startScaleValue = level;
                    that._allOptions.inverted = true
            _updateRange: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions;
                that._ranges = {
                    arg: {
                        invert: options.inverted,
                        min: options.startScaleValue,
                        max: options.endScaleValue,
                        axisType: "continuous",
                        dataType: "numeric"
                    val: {
                        min: 0,
                        max: 1,
                        axisType: "continuous",
                        dataType: "numeric"
            _drawBullet: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    isValidBounds = options.startScaleValue !== options.endScaleValue,
                    isValidMin = _isFinite(options.startScaleValue),
                    isValidMax = _isFinite(options.endScaleValue),
                    isValidValue = _isFinite(options.value),
                    isValidTarget = _isFinite(options.target);
                if (isValidBounds && isValidMax && isValidMin && isValidTarget && isValidValue) {
            _getTargetParams: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    translatorY = that._valueAxis.getTranslator(),
                    x = that._argumentAxis.getTranslator().translate(options.target);
                return {
                    points: [x, translatorY.translate(TARGET_MIN_Y), x, translatorY.translate(TARGET_MAX_Y)],
                    stroke: options.targetColor,
                    "stroke-width": options.targetWidth
            _getBarValueParams: function() {
                var x1, x2, that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    translatorX = that._argumentAxis.getTranslator(),
                    translatorY = that._valueAxis.getTranslator(),
                    startLevel = options.startScaleValue,
                    endLevel = options.endScaleValue,
                    value = options.value,
                    y2 = translatorY.translate(BAR_VALUE_MIN_Y),
                    y1 = translatorY.translate(BAR_VALUE_MAX_Y);
                if (value > 0) {
                    x1 = startLevel <= 0 ? 0 : startLevel;
                    x2 = value >= endLevel ? endLevel : value < x1 ? x1 : value
                } else {
                    x1 = endLevel >= 0 ? 0 : endLevel;
                    x2 = value < startLevel ? startLevel : value > x1 ? x1 : value
                x1 = translatorX.translate(x1);
                x2 = translatorX.translate(x2);
                return {
                    points: [x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2],
                    fill: options.color
            _getZeroLevelParams: function() {
                var that = this,
                    translatorY = that._valueAxis.getTranslator(),
                    x = that._argumentAxis.getTranslator().translate(0);
                return {
                    points: [x, translatorY.translate(TARGET_MIN_Y), x, translatorY.translate(TARGET_MAX_Y)],
                    stroke: that._allOptions.targetColor,
                    "stroke-width": 1
            _drawZeroLevel: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions;
                if (0 > options.endScaleValue || 0 < options.startScaleValue || !options.showZeroLevel) {
            _drawTarget: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    target = options.target;
                if (target > options.endScaleValue || target < options.startScaleValue || !options.showTarget) {
            _drawBarValue: function() {
            _getTooltipCoords: function() {
                var canvas = this._canvas,
                    rootOffset = this._renderer.getRootOffset(),
                    bBox = this._barValuePath.getBBox();
                return {
                    x: bBox.x + bBox.width / 2 + rootOffset.left,
                    y: canvas.height / 2 + rootOffset.top
            _getTooltipData: function() {
                var that = this,
                    tooltip = that._tooltip,
                    options = that._allOptions,
                    value = options.value,
                    target = options.target,
                    valueText = tooltip.formatValue(value),
                    targetText = tooltip.formatValue(target);
                return {
                    originalValue: value,
                    originalTarget: target,
                    value: valueText,
                    target: targetText,
                    valueText: ["Actual Value:", valueText, "Target Value:", targetText]
            _isTooltipEnabled: function() {
                return this._tooltipEnabled
        $.each(["color", "targetColor", "targetWidth", "showTarget", "showZeroLevel", "value", "target", "startScaleValue", "endScaleValue"], function(_, name) {
            dxBullet.prototype._optionChangesMap[name] = "OPTIONS"
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57)("dxBullet", dxBullet);
        module.exports = dxBullet
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map/tree_map */ 633)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tree_map.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var dxTreeMap = module.exports = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.squarified */ 639);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.strip */ 642);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.slice_and_dice */ 643);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.rotated_slice_and_dice */ 644);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing.discrete */ 641);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing.gradient */ 645);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing.range */ 646);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./api */ 647);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./hover */ 648);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./selection */ 650);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tooltip */ 651);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tracker */ 652);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./drilldown */ 653);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./plain_data_source */ 654);
        dxTreeMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/export */ 511).plugin);
        dxTreeMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/title */ 558).plugin);
        dxTreeMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/loading_indicator */ 560).plugin)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tree_map.base.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var common = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635),
            Node = __webpack_require__( /*! ./node */ 636),
            _getTilingAlgorithm = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637).getAlgorithm,
            _getColorizer = __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).getColorizer,
            _patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).patchFontOptions,
            _buildRectAppearance = common.buildRectAppearance,
            _buildTextAppearance = common.buildTextAppearance,
            _noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            _max = Math.max,
            directions = {
                lefttoprightbottom: [1, 1],
                leftbottomrighttop: [1, -1],
                righttopleftbottom: [-1, 1],
                rightbottomlefttop: [-1, -1]
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.squarified */ 639);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637).setDefaultAlgorithm("squarified");
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing.discrete */ 641);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).setDefaultColorizer("discrete");

        function pickPositiveInteger(val) {
            return val > 0 ? Math.round(val) : 0
        var dxTreeMap = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_widget */ 515).inherit({
            _handlers: {
                beginBuildNodes: _noop,
                buildNode: _noop,
                endBuildNodes: _noop,
                setTrackerData: _noop,
                calculateState: function(options) {
                    return _buildRectAppearance(options)
            _rootClass: "dxtm-tree-map",
            _rootClassPrefix: "dxtm",
            _getDefaultSize: function() {
                return {
                    width: 400,
                    height: 400
            _createThemeManager: function() {
                return new ThemeManager
            _init: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._rectOffsets = {};
                that._handlers = Object.create(that._handlers);
                that._context = {
                    suspend: function() {
                        if (!that._applyingChanges) {
                    resume: function() {
                        if (!that._applyingChanges) {
                    change: function(codes) {
                    settings: [{}, {}],
                    calculateState: that._handlers.calculateState,
                    calculateLabelState: _buildTextAppearance
                that._root = that._topNode = {
                    nodes: []
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments)
            _initialChanges: ["DATA_SOURCE"],
            _initCore: function() {
                var that = this,
                    renderer = that._renderer;
                that._tilesGroup = renderer.g().linkOn(renderer.root, "tiles").linkAppend();
                that._labelsGroup = renderer.g().attr({
                    align: "left"
                }).linkOn(renderer.root, "labels").linkAppend()
            _createProxyType: _noop,
            _disposeCore: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._filter && that._filter.dispose();
            _applySize: function(rect) {
                this._tilingRect = rect.slice();
            _optionChangesMap: {
                dataSource: "DATA_SOURCE",
                valueField: "NODES_CREATE",
                childrenField: "NODES_CREATE",
                colorField: "TILES",
                colorizer: "TILES",
                labelField: "LABELS",
                tile: "TILE_SETTINGS",
                group: "GROUP_SETTINGS",
                maxDepth: "MAX_DEPTH",
                layoutAlgorithm: "TILING",
                layoutDirection: "TILING",
                resolveLabelOverflow: "LABEL_OVERFLOW"
            _themeDependentChanges: ["TILE_SETTINGS", "GROUP_SETTINGS", "MAX_DEPTH"],
            _changeDataSource: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._isDataExpected = that._isSyncData = true;
                that._isSyncData = false;
                if (that._isDataExpected) {
            _dataSourceChangedHandler: function() {
                var that = this;
                if (that._isDataExpected) {
                    that._isDataExpected = false;
                    if (!that._isSyncData) {
                } else {
            _change_DATA_SOURCE: function() {
            _change_TILE_SETTINGS: function() {
            _change_GROUP_SETTINGS: function() {
            _change_LABEL_OVERFLOW: function() {
            _change_MAX_DEPTH: function() {
            _customChangesOrder: ["NODES_CREATE", "NODES_RESET", "TILES", "LABELS", "TILING", "LABELS_LAYOUT"],
            _change_NODES_CREATE: function() {
            _change_NODES_RESET: function() {
            _change_TILES: function() {
            _change_LABELS: function() {
            _change_TILING: function() {
            _change_LABELS_LAYOUT: function() {
            _applyChanges: function() {
                var that = this;
                that.callBase.apply(that, arguments);
                if (!that._isDataExpected) {
                that._context.forceReset = false
            _buildNodes: function() {
                var processedData, that = this,
                    root = that._root = that._topNode = new Node;
                root._id = 0;
                root.parent = {};
                root.data = {};
                root.level = root.index = -1;
                root.ctx = that._context;
                root.label = null;
                that._nodes = [root];
                processedData = that._processDataSourceItems(that._dataSourceItems() || []);
                traverseDataItems(root, processedData.items, 0, {
                    itemsField: !processedData.isPlain && that._getOption("childrenField", true) || "items",
                    valueField: that._getOption("valueField", true) || "value",
                    buildNode: that._handlers.buildNode,
                    ctx: that._context,
                    nodes: that._nodes
            _onNodesCreated: common.empty,
            _processDataSourceItems: function(items) {
                return {
                    items: items,
                    isPlain: false
            _changeTileSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._getOption("tile"),
                    offsets = that._rectOffsets,
                    borderWidth = pickPositiveInteger(options.border.width),
                    edgeOffset = borderWidth / 2,
                    innerOffset = 1 & borderWidth ? .5 : 0,
                    labelOptions = options.label,
                    settings = that._context.settings[0];
                that._change(["TILES", "LABELS"]);
                settings.state = that._handlers.calculateState(options);
                that._filter = that._filter || that._renderer.shadowFilter("-50%", "-50%", "200%", "200%");
                that._calculateLabelSettings(settings, labelOptions, that._filter.id);
                if (offsets.tileEdge !== edgeOffset || offsets.tileInner !== innerOffset) {
                    offsets.tileEdge = edgeOffset;
                    offsets.tileInner = innerOffset;
            _changeGroupSettings: function() {
                var that = this,
                    options = that._getOption("group"),
                    labelOptions = options.label,
                    offsets = that._rectOffsets,
                    borderWidth = pickPositiveInteger(options.border.width),
                    edgeOffset = borderWidth / 2,
                    innerOffset = 1 & borderWidth ? .5 : 0,
                    headerHeight = 0,
                    groupPadding = pickPositiveInteger(options.padding),
                    settings = that._context.settings[1];
                that._change(["TILES", "LABELS"]);
                settings.state = that._handlers.calculateState(options);
                that._calculateLabelSettings(settings, labelOptions);
                if (options.headerHeight >= 0) {
                    headerHeight = pickPositiveInteger(options.headerHeight)
                } else {
                    headerHeight = settings.labelParams.height + 2 * pickPositiveInteger(labelOptions.paddingTopBottom)
                if (that._headerHeight !== headerHeight) {
                    that._headerHeight = headerHeight;
                if (that._groupPadding !== groupPadding) {
                    that._groupPadding = groupPadding;
                if (offsets.headerEdge !== edgeOffset || offsets.headerInner !== innerOffset) {
                    offsets.headerEdge = edgeOffset;
                    offsets.headerInner = innerOffset;
            _calculateLabelSettings: function(settings, options, filter) {
                var bBox = this._getTextBBox(options.font),
                    paddingLeftRight = pickPositiveInteger(options.paddingLeftRight),
                    paddingTopBottom = pickPositiveInteger(options.paddingTopBottom);
                settings.labelState = _buildTextAppearance(options, filter);
                settings.labelState.visible = !("visible" in options) || !!options.visible;
                settings.labelParams = {
                    unitWidth: bBox.width,
                    height: bBox.height,
                    hOffset: paddingLeftRight,
                    vOffset: -bBox.y + paddingTopBottom,
                    rtlEnabled: this._getOption("rtlEnabled", true),
                    paddingTopBottom: paddingTopBottom,
                    paddingLeftRight: paddingLeftRight,
                    resolveLabelOverflow: this._getOption("resolveLabelOverflow", true)
            _changeMaxDepth: function() {
                var maxDepth = this._getOption("maxDepth", true);
                maxDepth = maxDepth >= 1 ? Math.round(maxDepth) : 1 / 0;
                if (this._maxDepth !== maxDepth) {
                    this._maxDepth = maxDepth;
            _resetNodes: function() {
                var that = this;
                that._context.forceReset = true;
                that._context.minLevel = that._topNode.level + 1;
                that._context.maxLevel = that._context.minLevel + that._maxDepth - 1;
                that._change(["TILES", "LABELS", "TILING"])
            _processNodes: function(context, process) {
                processNodes(context, this._topNode, process)
            _applyTilesAppearance: function() {
                var that = this,
                    colorizer = _getColorizer(that._getOption("colorizer"), that._themeManager, that._topNode);
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    group: that._tilesGroup,
                    setTrackerData: that._handlers.setTrackerData,
                    colorField: that._getOption("colorField", true) || "color",
                    getColor: colorizer
                }, processTileAppearance)
            _applyLabelsAppearance: function() {
                var that = this;
                    renderer: that._renderer,
                    group: that._labelsGroup,
                    setTrackerData: that._handlers.setTrackerData,
                    labelField: that._getOption("labelField", true) || "name"
                }, processLabelAppearance);
            _performTiling: function() {
                var that = this,
                    context = {
                        algorithm: _getTilingAlgorithm(that._getOption("layoutAlgorithm", true)),
                        directions: directions[String(that._getOption("layoutDirection", true)).toLowerCase()] || directions.lefttoprightbottom,
                        headerHeight: that._headerHeight,
                        groupPadding: that._groupPadding,
                        rectOffsets: that._rectOffsets
                that._topNode.innerRect = that._tilingRect;
                calculateRects(context, that._topNode);
                that._processNodes(context, processTiling);
            _onTilingPerformed: common.empty,
            _performLabelsLayout: function() {
                this._processNodes(null, processLabelsLayout)
            _getTextBBox: function(fontOptions) {
                var bBox, renderer = this._renderer,
                    text = this._textForCalculations || renderer.text("0", 0, 0);
                this._textForCalculations = text;
                bBox = text.getBBox();
                return bBox

        function traverseDataItems(root, dataItems, level, params) {
            var node, i, dataItem, items, nodes = [],
                allNodes = params.nodes,
                ii = dataItems.length,
                totalValue = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                dataItem = dataItems[i];
                node = new Node;
                node._id = allNodes.length;
                node.ctx = params.ctx;
                node.parent = root;
                node.level = level;
                node.index = nodes.length;
                node.data = dataItem;
                items = dataItem[params.itemsField];
                if (items && items.length) {
                    traverseDataItems(node, items, level + 1, params)
                if (dataItem[params.valueField] > 0) {
                    node.value = Number(dataItem[params.valueField])
                totalValue += node.value
            root.nodes = nodes;
            root.value = totalValue

        function processNodes(context, root, process) {
            var node, i, nodes = root.nodes,
                ii = nodes.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                node = nodes[i];
                process(context, node);
                if (node.isNode()) {
                    processNodes(context, node, process)

        function processTileAppearance(context, node) {
            node.color = node.data[context.colorField] || context.getColor(node) || node.parent.color;
            node.tile = !node.ctx.forceReset && node.tile || createTile[Number(node.isNode())](context, node);
        var createTile = [createLeaf, createGroup];

        function createLeaf(context, node) {
            var tile = context.renderer.simpleRect().append(context.group);
            context.setTrackerData(node, tile);
            return tile

        function createGroup(context, node) {
            var outer = context.renderer.simpleRect().append(context.group),
                inner = context.renderer.simpleRect().append(context.group);
            context.setTrackerData(node, inner);
            return {
                outer: outer,
                inner: inner

        function processLabelAppearance(context, node) {
            if (node.labelState.visible) {
                createLabel(context, node, node.labelState, node.labelParams)

        function createLabel(context, currentNode, settings, params) {
            var textData = currentNode.data[context.labelField];
            currentNode.label = textData ? String(textData) : null;
            textData = currentNode.customLabel || currentNode.label;
            if (textData) {
                currentNode.text = context.renderer.text(textData).attr(settings.attr).css(settings.css).append(context.group);
                context.setTrackerData(currentNode, currentNode.text);
                currentNode.textWidth = params.unitWidth * textData.length
        var emptyRect = [0, 0, 0, 0];

        function calculateRects(context, root) {
            var i, nodes = root.nodes,
                items = [],
                rects = [],
                sum = 0,
                ii = items.length = rects.length = nodes.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                sum += nodes[i].value;
                items[i] = {
                    value: nodes[i].value,
                    i: i
            if (sum > 0) {
                    items: items.slice(),
                    sum: sum,
                    rect: root.innerRect.slice(),
                    isRotated: 1 & nodes[0].level,
                    directions: context.directions
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                rects[i] = items[i].rect || emptyRect
            root.rects = rects

        function processTiling(context, node) {
            var headerHeight, rect = node.parent.rects[node.index],
                rectOffsets = context.rectOffsets;
            if (node.isNode()) {
                setRectAttrs(node.tile.outer, buildTileRect(rect, node.parent.innerRect, rectOffsets.headerEdge, rectOffsets.headerInner));
                rect = marginateRect(rect, context.groupPadding);
                headerHeight = Math.min(context.headerHeight, rect[3] - rect[1]);
                node.rect = [rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[1] + headerHeight];
                setRectAttrs(node.tile.inner, marginateRect(node.rect, rectOffsets.headerEdge));
                rect[1] += headerHeight;
                node.innerRect = rect;
                calculateRects(context, node)
            } else {
                node.rect = rect;
                setRectAttrs(node.tile, buildTileRect(rect, node.parent.innerRect, rectOffsets.tileEdge, rectOffsets.tileInner))

        function marginateRect(rect, margin) {
            return [rect[0] + margin, rect[1] + margin, rect[2] - margin, rect[3] - margin]

        function buildTileRect(rect, outer, edgeOffset, innerOffset) {
            return [rect[0] + (rect[0] === outer[0] ? edgeOffset : +innerOffset), rect[1] + (rect[1] === outer[1] ? edgeOffset : +innerOffset), rect[2] - (rect[2] === outer[2] ? edgeOffset : -innerOffset), rect[3] - (rect[3] === outer[3] ? edgeOffset : -innerOffset)]

        function setRectAttrs(element, rect) {
                x: rect[0],
                y: rect[1],
                width: _max(rect[2] - rect[0], 0),
                height: _max(rect[3] - rect[1], 0)

        function processLabelsLayout(context, node) {
            if (node.text && node.labelState.visible) {
                layoutTextNode(node, node.labelParams)

        function layoutTextNode(node, params) {
            var rect = node.rect,
                hOffset = params.hOffset,
                effectiveWidth = rect[2] - rect[0] - params.paddingLeftRight,
                fitByHeight = params.height + params.paddingTopBottom < rect[3] - rect[1],
                fitByWidth = node.textWidth < effectiveWidth;
            if ("ellipsis" === params.resolveLabelOverflow && fitByHeight) {
                if (!fitByWidth) {
                    fitByWidth = node.text.getBBox().width < effectiveWidth
                x: params.rtlEnabled ? rect[2] - hOffset : rect[0] + hOffset,
                y: rect[1] + params.vOffset,
                visibility: fitByHeight && fitByWidth ? "visible" : "hidden"
        var ThemeManager = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/base_theme_manager */ 550).BaseThemeManager.inherit({
            _themeSection: "treeMap",
            _fontFields: ["tile.label.font", "group.label.font", "loadingIndicator.font", "title.font", "title.subtitle.font", "tooltip.font"]
        __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/component_registrator */ 57)("dxTreeMap", dxTreeMap);
        module.exports = dxTreeMap;
        dxTreeMap.addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/data_source */ 561).plugin)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/common.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _patchFontOptions = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).patchFontOptions;

        function empty() {}
        exports.empty = empty;

        function createChainExecutor() {
            var chain = [];
            executeChain.add = function(item) {
            return executeChain;

            function executeChain() {
                var i, ii = chain.length;
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    chain[i].apply(this, arguments)
        exports.expand = function(target, name, expander) {
            var current = target[name];
            if (current.add) {
            } else {
                if (current === empty) {
                    current = expander
                } else {
                    current = createChainExecutor();
            target[name] = current
        exports.buildRectAppearance = function(option) {
            var border = option.border || {};
            return {
                fill: option.color,
                opacity: option.opacity,
                stroke: border.color,
                "stroke-width": border.width,
                "stroke-opacity": border.opacity,
                hatching: option.hatching
        exports.buildTextAppearance = function(options, filter) {
            return {
                attr: options["stroke-width"] ? {
                    stroke: options.stroke,
                    "stroke-width": options["stroke-width"],
                    "stroke-opacity": options["stroke-opacity"],
                    filter: filter
                } : {},
                css: _patchFontOptions(options.font)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/node.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend;

        function Node() {}
        _extend(Node.prototype, {
            value: 0,
            isNode: function() {
                return !!(this.nodes && this.level < this.ctx.maxLevel)
            isActive: function() {
                var ctx = this.ctx;
                return this.level >= ctx.minLevel && this.level <= ctx.maxLevel
            updateStyles: function() {
                var that = this,
                    isNode = Number(that.isNode());
                that.state = that._buildState(that.ctx.settings[isNode].state, !isNode && that.color && {
                    fill: that.color
            _buildState: function(state, extra) {
                var base = _extend({}, state);
                return extra ? _extend(base, extra) : base
            updateLabelStyle: function() {
                var settings = this.ctx.settings[Number(this.isNode())];
                this.labelState = settings.labelState;
                this.labelParams = settings.labelParams
            _getState: function() {
                return this.state
            applyState: function() {
                updateTile[Number(this.isNode())](this.tile, this._getState())
        var updateTile = [updateLeaf, updateGroup];

        function updateLeaf(content, attrs) {

        function updateGroup(content, attrs) {
                stroke: attrs.stroke,
                "stroke-width": attrs["stroke-width"],
                "stroke-opacity": attrs["stroke-opacity"]
                fill: attrs.fill,
                opacity: attrs.opacity,
                hatching: attrs.hatching
        module.exports = Node
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tiling.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var defaultAlgorithm, _isFunction = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).isFunction,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _round = Math.round,
            algorithms = {};
        exports.getAlgorithm = function(value) {
            return algorithms[_normalizeEnum(value)] || _isFunction(value) && value || defaultAlgorithm
        exports.addAlgorithm = function(name, callback) {
            algorithms[name] = callback
        exports.setDefaultAlgorithm = function(name) {
            defaultAlgorithm = algorithms[name]
        var directionToIndexOffsets = {};
        directionToIndexOffsets[-1] = [2, 0];
        directionToIndexOffsets[1] = [0, 2];
        var getStaticSideIndex = function(rect) {
            return rect[2] - rect[0] < rect[3] - rect[1] ? 0 : 1
        exports.getStaticSideIndex = getStaticSideIndex;
        exports.buildSidesData = function(rect, directions, _staticSideIndex) {
            var staticSideIndex = void 0 !== _staticSideIndex ? _staticSideIndex : getStaticSideIndex(rect),
                variedSideIndex = 1 - staticSideIndex,
                staticSideDirection = directions[staticSideIndex],
                variedSideDirection = directions[variedSideIndex],
                staticSideIndexOffsets = directionToIndexOffsets[staticSideDirection],
                variedSideIndexOffsets = directionToIndexOffsets[variedSideDirection];
            return {
                staticSide: rect[2 + staticSideIndex] - rect[staticSideIndex],
                variedSide: rect[2 + variedSideIndex] - rect[variedSideIndex],
                static1: staticSideIndex + staticSideIndexOffsets[0],
                static2: staticSideIndex + staticSideIndexOffsets[1],
                varied1: variedSideIndex + variedSideIndexOffsets[0],
                varied2: variedSideIndex + variedSideIndexOffsets[1],
                staticDir: staticSideDirection,
                variedDir: variedSideDirection
        exports.calculateRectangles = function(nodes, head, totalRect, sidesData, rowData) {
            var i, ii, rect, delta, variedSidePart = [0, 0, 0, 0],
                static1 = sidesData.static1,
                static2 = sidesData.static2,
                position = totalRect[static1],
                dir = sidesData.staticDir,
                side = sidesData.staticSide,
                sum = rowData.sum;
            variedSidePart[sidesData.varied1] = totalRect[sidesData.varied1];
            variedSidePart[sidesData.varied2] = totalRect[sidesData.varied1] + sidesData.variedDir * rowData.side;
            for (i = head, ii = head + rowData.count; i < ii; ++i) {
                rect = variedSidePart.slice();
                rect[static1] = position;
                delta = _round(side * nodes[i].value / sum) || 0;
                sum -= nodes[i].value;
                side -= delta;
                position += dir * delta;
                rect[static2] = position;
                nodes[i].rect = rect
            totalRect[sidesData.varied1] = variedSidePart[sidesData.varied2]
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/colorizing.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var defaultColorizerName, _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _noop = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/common */ 14).noop,
            colorizers = {};

        function wrapLeafColorGetter(getter) {
            return function(node) {
                return !node.isNode() ? getter(node) : void 0

        function wrapGroupColorGetter(getter) {
            return function(node) {
                var parent = !node.isNode() && node.parent;
                return parent ? parent._groupColor = parent._groupColor || getter(parent) : void 0
        exports.getColorizer = function(options, themeManager, root) {
            var type = _normalizeEnum(options.type || defaultColorizerName),
                colorizer = colorizers[type] && colorizers[type](options, themeManager, root);
            return colorizer ? (options.colorizeGroups ? wrapGroupColorGetter : wrapLeafColorGetter)(colorizer) : _noop
        exports.addColorizer = function(name, colorizer) {
            colorizers[name] = colorizer
        exports.setDefaultColorizer = function(name) {
            defaultColorizerName = name

        function getValueAsColorCode(node) {
            return node.value

        function createColorCodeGetter(colorCodeField) {
            return function(node) {
                return Number(node.data[colorCodeField])
        exports.createColorCodeGetter = function(options) {
            return options.colorCodeField ? createColorCodeGetter(options.colorCodeField) : getValueAsColorCode
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tiling.squarified.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _max = Math.max,
            _squarify = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.squarified.base */ 640);

        function accumulate(total, current) {
            return _max(total, current)

        function squarified(data) {
            return _squarify(data, accumulate, false)
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637).addAlgorithm("squarified", squarified);
        module.exports = squarified
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tiling.squarified.base.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _max = Math.max,
            _round = Math.round,
            tiling = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637);

        function compare(a, b) {
            return b.value - a.value

        function getAspectRatio(value) {
            return _max(value, 1 / value)

        function findAppropriateCollection(nodes, head, context) {
            var nextAspectRatio, nextSum, i, j, totalAspectRatio, bestAspectRatio = 1 / 0,
                sum = 0,
                ii = nodes.length,
                coeff = context.areaToValue / context.staticSide;
            for (i = head; i < ii;) {
                nextSum = sum + nodes[i].value;
                totalAspectRatio = context.staticSide / coeff / nextSum;
                nextAspectRatio = 0;
                for (j = head; j <= i; ++j) {
                    nextAspectRatio = context.accumulate(nextAspectRatio, getAspectRatio(totalAspectRatio * nodes[j].value / nextSum), j - head + 1)
                if (nextAspectRatio < bestAspectRatio) {
                    bestAspectRatio = nextAspectRatio;
                    sum = nextSum;
                } else {
            return {
                sum: sum,
                count: i - head,
                side: _round(coeff * sum)

        function getArea(rect) {
            return (rect[2] - rect[0]) * (rect[3] - rect[1])

        function doStep(nodes, head, context) {
            var sidesData = tiling.buildSidesData(context.rect, context.directions, context.staticSideIndex),
                area = getArea(context.rect),
                rowData = area > 0 ? findAppropriateCollection(nodes, head, {
                    areaToValue: area / context.sum,
                    accumulate: context.accumulate,
                    staticSide: sidesData.staticSide
                }) : {
                    sum: 1,
                    side: sidesData.variedSide,
                    count: nodes.length - head
            tiling.calculateRectangles(nodes, head, context.rect, sidesData, rowData);
            context.sum -= rowData.sum;
            return head + rowData.count
        module.exports = function(data, accumulate, isFixedStaticSide) {
            var i, items = data.items,
                ii = items.length,
                context = {
                    sum: data.sum,
                    rect: data.rect,
                    directions: data.directions,
                    accumulate: accumulate
            if (isFixedStaticSide) {
                context.staticSideIndex = tiling.getStaticSideIndex(context.rect)
            for (i = 0; i < ii;) {
                i = doStep(items, i, context)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/colorizing.discrete.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        function discreteColorizer(options, themeManager, root) {
            var palette = themeManager.createPalette(options.palette, {
                useHighlight: true
            return (options.colorizeGroups ? discreteGroupColorizer : discreteLeafColorizer)(palette, root)

        function generateColors(palette, colors, count) {
            var i;
            for (i = colors.length; i < count; ++i) {

        function discreteLeafColorizer(palette) {
            var colors = [];
            generateColors(palette, colors, 4);
            return function(node) {
                if (node.index >= colors.length) {
                    generateColors(palette, colors, 2 * colors.length)
                return colors[node.index]

        function prepareDiscreteGroupColors(palette, root) {
            var i, node, colors = {},
                allNodes = root.nodes.slice(),
                ii = allNodes.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                node = allNodes[i];
                if (node.isNode()) {
                    allNodes = allNodes.concat(node.nodes);
                    ii = allNodes.length
                } else {
                    if (!colors[node.parent._id]) {
                        colors[node.parent._id] = palette.getNextColor()
            return colors

        function discreteGroupColorizer(palette, root) {
            var colors = prepareDiscreteGroupColors(palette, root);
            return function(node) {
                return colors[node._id]
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).addColorizer("discrete", discreteColorizer);
        module.exports = discreteColorizer
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tiling.strip.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _squarify = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling.squarified.base */ 640);

        function accumulate(total, current, count) {
            return ((count - 1) * total + current) / count

        function strip(data) {
            return _squarify(data, accumulate, true)
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637).addAlgorithm("strip", strip);
        module.exports = strip
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tiling.slice_and_dice.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var tiling = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637);

        function sliceAndDice(data) {
            var items = data.items,
                sidesData = tiling.buildSidesData(data.rect, data.directions, data.isRotated ? 1 : 0);
            tiling.calculateRectangles(items, 0, data.rect, sidesData, {
                sum: data.sum,
                count: items.length,
                side: sidesData.variedSide
        tiling.addAlgorithm("sliceanddice", sliceAndDice);
        module.exports = sliceAndDice
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tiling.rotated_slice_and_dice.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var tiling = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tiling */ 637),
            sliceAndDiceAlgorithm = tiling.getAlgorithm("sliceanddice");

        function rotatedSliceAndDice(data) {
            data.isRotated = !data.isRotated;
            return sliceAndDiceAlgorithm.call(this, data)
        tiling.addAlgorithm("rotatedsliceanddice", rotatedSliceAndDice)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/colorizing.gradient.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _createColorCodeGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).createColorCodeGetter,
            _min = Math.min,
            _max = Math.max;

        function createSimpleColorizer(getColor, range) {
            return function(node) {
                return getColor(node, range)

        function getRangeData(range) {
            return [Number(range[0]) || 0, range[1] - range[0] || 1]

        function calculateRange(nodes, getValue) {
            var i, code, ii = nodes.length,
                codes = [];
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                code = getValue(nodes[i]);
                if (isFinite(code)) {
            return getRangeData([_min.apply(null, codes), _max.apply(null, codes)])

        function createGuessingColorizer(getColor, getValue) {
            var ranges = {};
            return function(node) {
                var parent = node.parent;
                return getColor(node, ranges[parent._id] || (ranges[parent._id] = calculateRange(parent.nodes, getValue)))

        function gradientColorizer(options, themeManager) {
            var palette = themeManager.createGradientPalette(options.palette),
                getValue = _createColorCodeGetter(options);
            return "range" in options ? createSimpleColorizer(getColor, getRangeData(options.range || [])) : createGuessingColorizer(getColor, getValue);

            function getColor(node, arg) {
                return palette.getColor((getValue(node) - arg[0]) / arg[1])
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).addColorizer("gradient", gradientColorizer);
        module.exports = gradientColorizer
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/colorizing.range.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var _createColorCodeGetter = __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).createColorCodeGetter;

        function getPaletteIndex(value, items) {
            var middle, start = 0,
                end = items.length - 1,
                index = -1;
            if (items[start] <= value && value <= items[end]) {
                if (value === items[end]) {
                    index = end - 1
                } else {
                    while (end - start > 1) {
                        middle = start + end >> 1;
                        if (value < items[middle]) {
                            end = middle
                        } else {
                            start = middle
                    index = start
            return index

        function rangeColorizer(options, themeManager) {
            var range = options.range || [],
                palette = themeManager.createDiscretePalette(options.palette, range.length - 1),
                getValue = _createColorCodeGetter(options);
            return function(node) {
                return palette.getColor(getPaletteIndex(getValue(node), range))
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./colorizing */ 638).addColorizer("range", rangeColorizer);
        module.exports = rangeColorizer
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/api.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            nodeProto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./node */ 636).prototype,
            _extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend;
        proto._eventsMap.onNodesInitialized = {
            name: "nodesInitialized"
        proto._eventsMap.onNodesRendering = {
            name: "nodesRendering"
        proto._createProxyType = function() {
            var nodes, that = this;
            Proxy.prototype = {
                constructor: Proxy,
                getParent: function() {
                    return nodes[this._id].parent.proxy || null
                getChild: function(index) {
                    var _nodes = nodes[this._id].nodes;
                    return _nodes ? _nodes[index].proxy : null
                getChildrenCount: function() {
                    var _nodes = nodes[this._id].nodes;
                    return _nodes ? _nodes.length : 0
                getAllChildren: function() {
                    var i, _nodes = nodes[this._id].nodes,
                        ii = _nodes && _nodes.length,
                        list = [];
                    for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    return list
                getAllNodes: function() {
                    var list = [];
                    collectNodes(nodes[this._id], list);
                    return list
                isLeaf: function() {
                    return !nodes[this._id].isNode()
                isActive: function() {
                    return nodes[this._id].isActive()
                value: function(arg) {
                    var result, node = nodes[this._id];
                    if (void 0 !== arg) {
                        updateValue(node, arg > 0 ? Number(arg) : 0);
                        change(node, ["TILING"]);
                        result = this
                    } else {
                        result = node.value
                    return result
                label: function(arg) {
                    var result, node = nodes[this._id];
                    if (void 0 !== arg) {
                        node.customLabel = arg ? String(arg) : null;
                        change(node, ["LABELS"]);
                        result = this
                    } else {
                        result = node.customLabel || node.label
                    return result
                customize: function(settings) {
                    var node = nodes[this._id];
                    if (settings) {
                        node._custom = node._custom || {};
                        _extend(true, node._custom, settings);
                        node._partialState = node._partialLabelState = null
                    change(node, ["TILES", "LABELS"]);
                    return this
                resetCustomization: function() {
                    var node = nodes[this._id];
                    node._custom = node._partialState = node._partialLabelState = null;
                    change(node, ["TILES", "LABELS"]);
                    return this

            function Proxy(node) {
                var that = this;
                node.proxy = that;
                that._id = node._id;
                that.level = node.level;
                that.index = node.index;
                that.data = node.data
            that._handlers.beginBuildNodes = function() {
                nodes = that._nodes;
                new Proxy(that._root)
            that._handlers.buildNode = function(node) {
                new Proxy(node)
            that._handlers.endBuildNodes = function() {
                that._eventTrigger("nodesInitialized", {
                    root: that._root.proxy

        function change(node, codes) {
            var ctx = node.ctx;

        function collectNodes(node, list) {
            var i, nodes = node.nodes,
                ii = nodes && nodes.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                collectNodes(nodes[i], list)

        function updateValue(node, value) {
            var delta = value - node.value;
            while (node) {
                node.value += delta;
                node = node.parent
        proto._extendProxyType = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635).empty;
        var _resetNodes = proto._resetNodes;
        proto._resetNodes = function() {
            this._eventTrigger("nodesRendering", {
                node: this._topNode.proxy
        var _updateStyles = nodeProto.updateStyles;
        nodeProto.updateStyles = function() {
            var that = this;
            if (that._custom) {
                that._partialState = !that.ctx.forceReset && that._partialState || that.ctx.calculateState(that._custom);
                _extend(true, that.state, that._partialState)
        var _updateLabelStyle = nodeProto.updateLabelStyle;
        nodeProto.updateLabelStyle = function() {
            var that = this,
                custom = that._custom;
            if (custom && custom.label) {
                that._partialLabelState = !that.ctx.forceReset && that._partialLabelState || calculatePartialLabelState(that, custom.label);
                that.labelState = _extend(true, {}, that.labelState, that._partialLabelState)

        function calculatePartialLabelState(node, settings) {
            var state = node.ctx.calculateLabelState(settings);
            if ("visible" in settings) {
                state.visible = !!settings.visible
            return state
        proto.getRootNode = function() {
            return this._root.proxy
        proto.resetNodes = function() {
            var context = this._context;
            return this
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/hover.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            nodeProto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./node */ 636).prototype,
            common = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635),
            _parseScalar = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).parseScalar,
            _buildRectAppearance = common.buildRectAppearance,
            STATE_CODE = 1;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./api */ 647);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./states */ 649);
        proto._eventsMap.onHoverChanged = {
            name: "hoverChanged"
        common.expand(proto._handlers, "calculateAdditionalStates", function(states, options) {
            states[1] = options.hoverStyle ? _buildRectAppearance(options.hoverStyle) : {}
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).addChange({
            code: "HOVER_ENABLED",
            handler: function() {
                var hoverEnabled = _parseScalar(this._getOption("hoverEnabled", true), true);
                if (!hoverEnabled) {
                this._hoverEnabled = hoverEnabled
            isThemeDependent: true,
            isOptionChange: true,
            option: "hoverEnabled"
        nodeProto.statesMap[1] = 1;
        common.expand(proto, "_extendProxyType", function(proto) {
            var that = this;
            proto.setHover = function() {
            proto.isHovered = function() {
                return that._hoverIndex === this._id
        common.expand(proto, "_onNodesCreated", function() {
            this._hoverIndex = -1
        common.expand(proto, "_changeGroupSettings", function() {
            var that = this;
            that._groupHoverEnabled = _parseScalar(that._getOption("group").hoverEnabled, true);
            if (!that._groupHoverEnabled) {
        proto._applyHoverState = function(index, state) {
            setNodeStateRecursive(this._nodes[index], STATE_CODE, state);
            this._eventTrigger("hoverChanged", {
                node: this._nodes[index].proxy

        function setNodeStateRecursive(node, code, state) {
            var i, nodes = node.isNode() && node.nodes,
                ii = nodes && nodes.length;
            node.setState(code, state);
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                setNodeStateRecursive(nodes[i], code, state)
        proto._hoverNode = function(index) {
            var that = this,
                currentIndex = that._hoverIndex;
            if (that._hoverEnabled && currentIndex !== index) {
                if (!that._groupHoverEnabled && index >= 0 && that._nodes[index].isNode()) {
                that._hoverIndex = -1;
                if (currentIndex >= 0) {
                    that._applyHoverState(currentIndex, false)
                that._hoverIndex = index;
                if (index >= 0) {
                    that._applyHoverState(index, true)
        proto.clearHover = function() {
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/states.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            nodeProto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./node */ 636).prototype,
            handlers = proto._handlers,
            _calculateState = handlers.calculateState,
            _buildState = nodeProto._buildState,
            _extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend;
        handlers.calculateState = function(options) {
            var states = {
                0: _calculateState(options)
            handlers.calculateAdditionalStates(states, options);
            return states
        handlers.calculateAdditionalStates = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635).empty;
        nodeProto.code = 0;
        nodeProto.statesMap = {
            0: 0
        nodeProto.additionalStates = [];
        nodeProto._buildState = function(state, extra) {
            var states = {
                0: _buildState(state[0], extra)
            if (this.additionalStates.length) {
                buildAdditionalStates(states, states[0], state, this.additionalStates)
            return states
        nodeProto._getState = function() {
            return this.state[this.statesMap[this.code]]
        nodeProto.setState = function(code, state) {
            if (state) {
                this.code |= code
            } else {
                this.code &= ~code

        function buildAdditionalStates(states, base, source, list) {
            var i, ii = list.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                states[list[i]] = _extend({}, base, source[list[i]])
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/selection.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            nodeProto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./node */ 636).prototype,
            common = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635),
            _buildRectAppearance = common.buildRectAppearance,
            _normalizeEnum = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).normalizeEnum,
            _inArray = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/array */ 26).inArray,
            MODE_NONE = 0,
            MODE_SINGLE = 1,
            MODE_MULTIPLE = 2,
            STATE_CODE = 2;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./api */ 647);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./states */ 649);
        proto._eventsMap.onSelectionChanged = {
            name: "selectionChanged"
        common.expand(proto._handlers, "calculateAdditionalStates", function(states, options) {
            states[2] = options.selectionStyle ? _buildRectAppearance(options.selectionStyle) : {}
        nodeProto.statesMap[2] = nodeProto.statesMap[3] = STATE_CODE;
        common.expand(proto, "_onNodesCreated", function() {
            this._selectionList.length = 0
        common.expand(proto, "_extendProxyType", function(proto) {
            var that = this;
            proto.select = function(state) {
                that._selectNode(this._id, !!state)
            proto.isSelected = function() {
                return _inArray(this._id, that._selectionList) >= 0
            that._selectionList = []
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).addChange({
            code: "SELECTION_MODE",
            handler: function() {
                var mode, tmp, that = this,
                    option = _normalizeEnum(that._getOption("selectionMode", true)),
                    selectionList = that._selectionList;
                mode = "none" === option ? MODE_NONE : "multiple" === option ? MODE_MULTIPLE : MODE_SINGLE;
                if (mode === MODE_SINGLE && selectionList.length > 1) {
                    tmp = selectionList.pop();
                } else {
                    if (mode === MODE_NONE) {
                that._selectionMode = mode
            isThemeDependent: true,
            isOptionChange: true,
            option: "selectionMode"
        common.expand(proto, "_applyTilesAppearance", function() {
            if (this._selectionList.length) {
                bringSelectedTilesToForeground(this._nodes, this._selectionList)

        function bringSelectedTilesToForeground(nodes, selectionList) {
            var i, node, ii = selectionList.length;
            for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                node = nodes[selectionList[i]];
        var tileToFront = [leafToFront, groupToFront];

        function leafToFront(content) {

        function groupToFront(content) {
        proto._applySelectionState = function(index, state) {
            var node = this._nodes[index];
            node.setState(STATE_CODE, state);
            this._eventTrigger("selectionChanged", {
                node: node.proxy
        proto._selectNode = function(index, state) {
            var selectionList, k, tmp, that = this;
            if (that._selectionMode !== MODE_NONE) {
                selectionList = that._selectionList;
                k = _inArray(index, selectionList);
                if (state && k === -1) {
                    if (that._selectionMode === MODE_SINGLE) {
                        if (selectionList.length) {
                            tmp = selectionList.pop();
                            that._applySelectionState(tmp, false)
                    that._applySelectionState(index, true)
                } else {
                    if (!state && k >= 0) {
                        selectionList.splice(k, 1);
                        that._applySelectionState(index, false)
        proto.clearSelection = function() {
            var i, that = this,
                selectionList = that._selectionList,
                ii = selectionList.length;
            if (that._selectionMode !== MODE_NONE) {
                for (i = 0; i < ii; ++i) {
                    that._applySelectionState(selectionList[i], false)
                selectionList.length = 0;
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tooltip.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            common = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./api */ 647);
        common.expand(proto, "_extendProxyType", function(proto) {
            var that = this;
            proto.showTooltip = function(coords) {
                that._showTooltip(this._id, coords)
        common.expand(proto, "_onNodesCreated", function() {
            if (this._tooltipIndex >= 0) {
            this._tooltipIndex = -1
        common.expand(proto, "_onTilingPerformed", function() {
            if (this._tooltipIndex >= 0) {

        function getCoords(rect, renderer) {
            var offset = renderer.getRootOffset();
            return [(rect[0] + rect[2]) / 2 + offset.left, (rect[1] + rect[3]) / 2 + offset.top]
        proto._showTooltip = function(index, coords) {
            var node, state, that = this,
                tooltip = that._tooltip;
            if (tooltip.isEnabled()) {
                node = that._nodes[index];
                state = that._tooltipIndex === index || tooltip.show({
                    value: node.value,
                    valueText: tooltip.formatValue(node.value),
                    node: node.proxy
                }, {
                    x: 0,
                    y: 0,
                    offset: 0
                }, {
                    node: node.proxy
                if (state) {
                    that._moveTooltip(node, coords)
                } else {
                that._tooltipIndex = state ? index : -1
        proto._moveTooltip = function(node, coords) {
            var xy = coords || node.rect && getCoords(node.rect, this._renderer) || [-1e3, -1e3];
            this._tooltip.move(xy[0], xy[1], 0)
        proto.hideTooltip = function() {
            if (this._tooltipIndex >= 0) {
                this._tooltipIndex = -1;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).addPlugin(__webpack_require__( /*! ../core/tooltip */ 559).plugin)
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/tracker.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            common = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635),
            extend = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/utils/extend */ 11).extend,
            _eventData = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/utils */ 71).eventData,
            _parseScalar = __webpack_require__( /*! ../core/utils */ 509).parseScalar,
            clickEventName = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/click */ 75).name,
            downPointerEventName = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76).down,
            movePointerEventName = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../events/pointer */ 76).move,
            $ = __webpack_require__( /*! ../../core/renderer */ 9),
            $doc = $(document),
            DATA_KEY_BASE = "__treemap_data_",
            dataKeyModifier = 0;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./api */ 647);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./hover */ 648);
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tooltip */ 651);
        proto._eventsMap.onClick = {
            name: "click"
        common.expand(proto, "_initCore", function() {
            var that = this,
                dataKey = DATA_KEY_BASE + dataKeyModifier++;
            that._tracker = new Tracker({
                widget: that,
                root: that._renderer.root,
                eventTrigger: that._eventTrigger,
                getData: function(e) {
                    var target = e.target;
                    return ("tspan" === target.tagName ? target.parentNode : target)[dataKey]
                getProxy: function(index) {
                    return that._nodes[index].proxy
                getCoords: function(e) {
                    var data = _eventData(e),
                        offset = that._renderer.getRootOffset();
                    return [data.x - offset.left, data.y - offset.top]
            that._handlers.setTrackerData = function(node, element) {
                element.data(dataKey, node._id)
            exports._TESTS_dataKey = dataKey
        common.expand(proto, "_disposeCore", function() {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).addChange({
            code: "INTERACT_WITH_GROUP",
            handler: function() {
                    interactWithGroup: _parseScalar(this._getOption("interactWithGroup", true), false)
            isThemeDependent: true,
            isOptionChange: true,
            option: "interactWithGroup"

        function Tracker(parameters) {
            this._options = {};
            this._initHandlers(parameters, this._options)
        Tracker.prototype = {
            constructor: Tracker,
            _initHandlers: function(parameters, options) {
                parameters.getNode = function(id) {
                    var proxy = parameters.getProxy(id);
                    return options.interactWithGroup && proxy.isLeaf() && proxy.getParent().isActive() ? proxy.getParent() : proxy
                parameters.root.on(clickEventName, clickHandler);
                parameters.root.on(downPointerEventName, downHandler);
                $doc.on(downPointerEventName, downHandler);
                $doc.on(movePointerEventName, moveHandler);
                this._disposeHandlers = function() {
                    parameters.root.off(clickEventName, clickHandler);
                    parameters.root.off(downPointerEventName, downHandler);
                    $doc.off(downPointerEventName, downHandler);
                    $doc.off(movePointerEventName, moveHandler)

                function clickHandler(e) {
                    processClick(e, parameters)
                var isRootDown = false;

                function downHandler(e) {
                    if (isRootDown) {
                        isRootDown = false
                    } else {
                        if (void 0 !== parameters.getData(e)) {
                            isRootDown = true

                function moveHandler(e) {
                    processHover(e, parameters);
                    processTooltip(e, parameters)
            dispose: function() {
            setOptions: function(options) {
                extend(this._options, options)

        function processClick(e, params) {
            var id = params.getData(e);
            if (id >= 0) {
                params.eventTrigger("click", {
                    node: params.getNode(id),
                    coords: params.getCoords(e),
                    jQueryEvent: e

        function processHover(e, params) {
            var id = params.getData(e);
            if (id >= 0) {
            } else {

        function processTooltip(e, params) {
            var coords, id = params.getData(e);
            if (id >= 0) {
                coords = _eventData(e);
                params.getNode(id).showTooltip([coords.x, coords.y])
            } else {
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/drilldown.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype,
            _expand = __webpack_require__( /*! ./common */ 635).expand;
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./api */ 647);
        proto._eventsMap.onDrill = {
            name: "drill"
        _expand(proto, "_extendProxyType", function(proto) {
            var that = this;
            proto.drillDown = function() {
        _expand(proto, "_onNodesCreated", function() {
            this._drilldownIndex = -1
        proto._drillToNode = function(index) {
            var node, that = this;
            if (that._drilldownIndex !== index) {
                node = that._nodes[index] || that._root;
                if (node.nodes) {
                    that._drilldownIndex = index;
                    that._topNode = node;
                    that._context.change(["MAX_DEPTH", "NODES_RESET"]);
                    that._eventTrigger("drill", {
                        node: node.proxy
        proto.resetDrillDown = function() {
            return this
        proto.drillUp = function() {
            this._drillToNode(this._topNode.parent._id || -1);
            return this
        proto.getCurrentNode = function() {
            return this._topNode.proxy
      !*** ./js/viz/tree_map/plain_data_source.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        var proto = __webpack_require__( /*! ./tree_map.base */ 634).prototype;
        proto._optionChangesMap.idField = proto._optionChangesMap.parentField = "NODES_CREATE";
        proto._processDataSourceItems = function(items) {
            var i, currentItem, parentId, tmpItems, item, struct = {},
                idField = this._getOption("idField", true),
                parentField = this._getOption("parentField", true),
                rootNodes = [];
            if (!idField || !parentField || 0 === items.length) {
                return {
                    items: items,
                    isPlain: true
            for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                currentItem = items[i];
                parentId = currentItem[parentField];
                if (!!parentId) {
                    struct[parentId] = struct[parentId] || {
                        items: []
                    tmpItems = struct[parentId].items
                } else {
                    tmpItems = rootNodes
                struct: struct,
                idField: idField
            }, rootNodes);
            for (item in struct) {
                struct[item] && rootNodes.push(struct[item])
            return {
                items: rootNodes,
                isPlain: true

        function treeFiller(context, items) {
            var currentItem, i, id, struct = context.struct;
            for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
                currentItem = items[i];
                id = currentItem[context.idField];
                if (struct[id]) {
                    currentItem.items = struct[id].items;
                    struct[id] = null;
                    treeFiller(context, currentItem.items)
      !*** ./js/viz/utils.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        exports.refreshPaths = __webpack_require__( /*! ./core/renderers/renderer */ 518).refreshPaths
    }, , , ,
      !*** ./js/bundles/dx.viz.js ***!
    function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
        __webpack_require__( /*! ./modules/parts/viz */ 506)