frameworkModule.controller('appOverviewController', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$timeout', '$q', '$log', '$translate', '$state', '$interval', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'vatSessionService', 'orgService', 'serviceTypeService', 'userService', 'loginContext', 'enums', 'citSessionService', 'region', 'SweetAlert', 'productService', 'localStorageService', 'assetsManageSessionService','serviceLogService', 'ackUibModal', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', function ($rootScope, $scope, $timeout, $q, $log, $translate, $state, $interval, uiGridConstants, projectService, vatSessionService, orgService, serviceTypeService, userService, loginContext, enums, citSessionService, region, SweetAlert, productService, localStorageService, assetsManageSessionService, serviceLogService, ackUibModal, Upload, apiInterceptor) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('appOverviewController.ctor()...'); var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/product/NewFile'; var resumable = true; $scope.chunkSize = 100000; $scope.conditionChange = false; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); //$scope.randomDemoData = { // projectId:null, // taxAmount: 0, // prepadidTaxAmount: 0, // taxRate: 0 //}; //********************************************************************************************** $scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4Year'); //always select a month before current month: update the year if the current month is Jan.(1) var date = new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear(); var month = date.getMonth(); //$scope.selectedDate = new Date(year, month - 1, 1); $scope.startDate = new Date(year - 20, 1, 1); $scope.endDate = new Date(year + 20, 1, 1); $scope.selectedDate = new Date(vatSessionService.year, vatSessionService.month - 1, 1); $scope.selectedStartDate = new Date(vatSessionService.year, vatSessionService.month - 1, 1); $scope.serviceTypeId = $scope.servicetypeid.toString(); $scope.ongoingNum = 0; $scope.notBeginNum = 0; $scope.completedNum = 0; //************************************************************************************************* $scope.randomCounter = 0; $scope.allResults = []; $scope.checkedOrgs = {}; $scope.orgList = []; $scope.orderYear = true; $scope.orderName = true; $scope.orderStatus = true; $scope.orderType = true; $scope.isFirst = true; $scope.haveVatPermission = false; $scope.haveCitPermission = false; $scope.currentSelectedMonth = vatSessionService.month; $scope.currentSelectedYear = vatSessionService.year; var thisData = { userPermission: {} }; userService.getUserByName(loginContext.userName).success(function (userData) { vatSessionService.logUser = userData; }); $scope.doWorkflowSort = function (sortstr) { $scope.randomCounter++; $scope.sortString = sortstr + "_" + $scope.randomCounter; }; //设置项目状态Title function setLayoutStatusTitle(statusIds) { var currentMonth = vatSessionService.month; var statusId; //(p.projectStatusList !== null && p.projectStatusList[1] !== undefined) ? setLayoutStatusTitle(p.projectStatusList[1]) : $scope.translateProjectStatus(p.haveCreateProject) if (statusIds === null || (statusIds !== null && statusIds[currentMonth] === undefined)) statusId = 0; else { statusId = statusIds[currentMonth]; } var status = "../../../app-resources/images/overview/"; if (region === 'zh-CN') { status += 'zh-CN'; } else { status += 'en-US'; } // $log.debug("setLayoutStatusTitle"); // $scope.statusTitle = $translate.instant('ProjectStatusTitle'); switch (statusId) { case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted: status += "/01.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusUnStarted'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Imported: status += "/02.png"; // $translate.instant('ProjectStatusImported'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.AccountMapSubmitted: status += "/03.png";// $translate.instant('ProjectStatusAcccountMapSubmitted'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated: status += "/04.png";// $translate.instant('ProjectStatusGenerated'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportSubmitted: status += "/05.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusReportSubmitted'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportApproved: status += "/07.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusReportApproved'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportRejected: status += "/06.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusReportRejected'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Completed: status += "/08.png";// $translate.instant('ProejctStatusCompleted'); break; default: status += "/01.png"; } return status; } function setLayoutStatusTitleForCIT(statusIds) { var currentMonth = vatSessionService.month; var statusId; //(p.projectStatusList !== null && p.projectStatusList[1] !== undefined) ? setLayoutStatusTitle(p.projectStatusList[1]) : $scope.translateProjectStatus(p.haveCreateProject) if (statusIds === null || (statusIds !== null && statusIds.length === 0)) statusId = 0; else { statusId = statusIds[Object.keys(statusIds)[Object.keys(statusIds).length - 1]] // statusId = statusIds[currentMonth]; } var status = "../../../app-resources/images/overview/"; if (region === 'zh-CN') { status += 'zh-CN'; } else { status += 'en-US'; } // $log.debug("setLayoutStatusTitle"); // $scope.statusTitle = $translate.instant('ProjectStatusTitle'); switch (statusId) { case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted: status += "/01.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusUnStarted'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Imported: status += "/02.png"; // $translate.instant('ProjectStatusImported'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.AccountMapSubmitted: status += "/03.png";// $translate.instant('ProjectStatusAcccountMapSubmitted'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated: status += "/04.png";// $translate.instant('ProjectStatusGenerated'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportSubmitted: status += "/05.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusReportSubmitted'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportApproved: status += "/07.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusReportApproved'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportRejected: status += "/06.png"; //$translate.instant('ProjectStatusReportRejected'); break; case constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Completed: status += "/08.png";// $translate.instant('ProejctStatusCompleted'); break; default: status += "/01.png"; } return status; } function initListGrid() { var listColumns = [ { caption: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), dataField: "index", width: 100, }, //{ caption: $translate.instant('SapDate'), dataField: "sapDate", dataType: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd", }, //{ caption: $translate.instant('ProjectNameCol'), dataField: "name", }, { caption: $translate.instant('ProjectCompanyCol'), dataField: "organizationName", }, { caption: $translate.instant('PIndustry'), dataField: "industryName", }, //{ // caption: $translate.instant('SapProductType'), dataField: "sapProductType", // calculateCellValue: function (rowData) { // return rowData.sapProductType ? convertProductTypeToStr(rowData.sapProductType) : null; // }, //}, { caption: $translate.instant('ProjectYearCol'), dataField: "year", width: 100, }, { caption: $translate.instant('ProjectServiceCol'), dataField: "serviceTypeName", }, { caption: $translate.instant('ProjectStatus'), dataField: "projectStatusDisplay", }, // { // caption: $translate.instant('TotalBuildAmount'), dataField: "totalAmount", // format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, // }, ]; $scope.deferStatus = true; $scope.gridListOptions = { columns: listColumns, bindingOptions: { "dataSource": "queryResults" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, //scrolling: { // mode: "virtual" //}, hoverStateEnabled: true, paging: { pageSize: 20 }, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), selection: { mode: "single" }, onRowClick: function (e) { $scope.goToService(; } } }; // TODO: REAL Translation for Industry and Region var initIndustryName = function (industryID, industryName) { var industryKey = ''; switch (industryID) { case '0': industryKey = 'GeneralIndustry'; break; case '1': industryKey = 'IndustryIndustry'; break; case '10': industryKey = 'AssetManagement'; break; case '13': industryKey = 'MobileManufacturingIndustry'; break; case '14': industryKey = 'FinancialServiceIndustry'; break; case '20': industryKey = 'ManufacturingIndustry'; break; case '23': industryKey = 'EstateIndustry'; break; default: break; } if (!_.isEmpty(industryKey)) { industryName = $translate.instant(industryKey); } return industryName; }; var initRegionName = function (regionID, regionName) { var regionKey = ''; switch (regionID) { case '310000': case '310100': regionKey = 'Shanghai'; break; case '110000': case '110100': regionKey = 'Beijing'; break; case '440300': regionKey = 'Shenzhen'; break; default: break; } if (!_.isEmpty(regionKey)) { regionName = $translate.instant(regionKey); } return regionName; }; $scope.loginAtms =function(){ document.cookie="LtpaToken=AAECAzVCRkQ2QTAwNUMyNEY2RkZTdXBlckFkbWlumd6hrZ2+cxiAEdE7sMEjLrIBGGg=;";"http://localhost:18080/index","_blank"); } $scope.initCitDataProcessMockData = function () { var task = function (id, status, name, tasklevel, parentId, hasButton, seqNo) { = id; = _.isEmpty(name) ? $translate.instant(id) : name; this.status = status; this.text = $translate.instant(status); this.tasklevel = tasklevel; this.parentId = parentId; this.hasButton = hasButton; this.ngClassCol = ''; this.seqNo = seqNo; }; var result = []; result.push(new task(1, constant.DataProccessStatus.ToUpdate, 'DataProcessDataName_UpdateTB', 1, 0, true, 1)); result.push(new task(2, constant.DataProccessStatus.Unstarted, 'DataProcessDataName_GenerateReport', 1, 0, false, 2)); result.push(new task(3, constant.DataProccessStatus.ToUpdate, 'DataProcessDataName_UpdateReportConfig', 2, 2, true, 3)); result.push(new task(4, constant.DataProccessStatus.ToUpdate, 'DataProcessDataName_FinanceReport', 2, 2, true, 4)); result.push(new task(5, constant.DataProccessStatus.Unstarted, 'DataProcessDataName_CITQuarterly', 2, 2, false, 5)); result.push(new task(6, constant.DataProccessStatus.Completed,'DataProcessDataName_CITFirstQuarterly', 3, 5, true, 6)); result.push(new task(7, constant.DataProccessStatus.Unstarted,'DataProcessDataName_CITSecondQuarterly', 3, 5, true, 6)); result.push(new task(8, constant.DataProccessStatus.NoData, 'DataProcessDataName_CITThirdQuarterly', 3, 5, true, 6)); result.push(new task(9, constant.DataProccessStatus.NoData, 'DataProcessDataName_CITForthQuarterly', 3, 5, true, 6)); result.push(new task(10, constant.DataProccessStatus.Unstarted, 'DataProcessDataName_YearWorkPaper', 2, 2, true, 7)); result.push(new task(11, constant.DataProccessStatus.Unstarted, 'DataProcessDataName_AnnualSettlement', 2, 2, true, 8)); result.push(new task(12, constant.DataProccessStatus.Completed, 'DataProcessDataName_ModelAnalysis', 1, 0, true, 9)); return result; } $scope.initProjectList = function (orgID, serviceID, projectYear) { $scope.currentView = 'cardView'; if (!orgID) { orgID = ''; } if (!serviceID) { serviceID = ''; } if (!projectYear) { projectYear = null; } projectService.getAllProjectList(orgID, serviceID, projectYear).success(function (projectListData) { if (projectListData && projectListData.length > 0) { var index = 1; $timeout(function () { projectListData.forEach(function (p) { //if (thisDataService.isHaveOrganizationPermission(p.organizationID)) { if (PWC.isHavePermissionForOrg(p.organizationID, vatSessionService.userPermission)) // && $scope.haveVatPermission) { $scope.allResults.push({ index: index++, id:, name:, year: p.year, code: p.code, clientCode: p.clientCode, isActive: p.isActive, createTime: p.createTime, updateTime: p.updateTime, regionID: p.regionID, industryID: p.industryID, ruleType: p.ruleType, organizationID: p.organizationID, dbName: p.dbName, serviceTypeID: p.serviceTypeID, region: p.region, haveCreateProject: p.haveCreateProject, yearDisplay: $scope.getYearDisplay(p), projectStatusDisplay: $scope.translateProjectStatus(p.haveCreateProject), serviceIcon: getServiceIcon(p.serviceTypeID), color: getColor(p.serviceTypeID), organizationName: p.organizationName, serviceTypeName: getServiceTypeName(p.serviceTypeID), industryName: initIndustryName(p.industryID, p.industryName), //p.industryName, enterpriseAccountSetID: p.enterpriseAccountSetID, templateGroupID: p.templateGroupID, startPeriod: p.startPeriod, endPeriod: p.endPeriod, projectStatusList: p.projectStatusList, //Dictionary<int,int>类型,存放当前项目每个期间的状态的。第一个int:期间,第二个int:状态 importSubStatus: null, //当前项目,当前期间的子状态(是否导入Tb,序时账等等) workflow: null, //当前项目workflow数据 regionName: initRegionName(p.regionID, p.regionName), //p.regionName, finalStatus: setLayoutStatusTitle(null) //(p.projectStatusList !== null && p.projectStatusList[1] !== undefined) ? setLayoutStatusTitle(p.projectStatusList[1]) : $scope.translateProjectStatus(p.haveCreateProject) , taxAmount: 0 , prepadidTaxAmount: 0 , taxRate: 0 , periodDate: getPeriodDate(p.serviceTypeID) , modelAbnormal: false , riskWarning: false , reportAbnormal: false, citDataProcessMockData: $scope.initCitDataProcessMockData() }); } }); vatSessionService.projects = _.clone($scope.allResults); $scope.queryResults = _.clone($scope.allResults); $scope.gridListOptions.bindingOptions = { "dataSource": "queryResults" }; //$scope.query(); goQueryState(); }, 300); } else { vatSessionService.projects = []; $scope.queryResults = []; $scope.gridListOptions.bindingOptions = []; } }); }; $scope.smartSearch = function (isReset) { if (isReset) { $scope.searchKeyword = ""; } vatSessionService.queryDto.searchKeyword = $scope.searchKeyword; if ($scope.serviceTypeId !== '12') { $scope.query(); } }; $scope.translateProjectStatus = function (isCreate) { if (isCreate) { return $translate.instant('OnGoing'); } else { return $translate.instant('NotBegin'); } } $scope.getYearDisplay = function (p) { if (p.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT || p.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { return p.year + "." + p.startPeriod + "-" + p.year + "." + p.endPeriod; } else { return p.year; } } var getColor = function (serType) { var color = "#e0301e"; switch (serType) { case enums.serviceType.VAT: color = "#e0301e"; break; case enums.serviceType.FDD: color = "#d04a02"; break; case enums.serviceType.CIT: color = "#a32020"; break; case enums.serviceType.TaxAudit: color = "#602320"; break; case enums.serviceType.RPT: color = "#d93954"; break; } return color; }; var getServiceIcon = function (serType) { var type = "fa fa-diamond"; switch (serType) { case enums.serviceType.VAT: type = "fa fa-diamond"; break; case enums.serviceType.FDD: type = "fa fa-credit-card"; break; case enums.serviceType.CIT: type = "fa fa-building"; break; case enums.serviceType.TaxAudit: type = "fa fa-money"; break; case enums.serviceType.RPT: type = "fa fa-globe"; break; } return type; }; var getServiceTypeName = function (serType) { var rtn; switch (serType) { case enums.serviceType.VAT: rtn = $translate.instant("VATType"); break; case enums.serviceType.CIT: rtn = $translate.instant("CITType"); break; default: rtn = $translate.instant("VATType"); break; } return rtn; }; var getPeriodDate = function (serType) { var periodDate; if (serType === enums.serviceType.CIT) { periodDate = $scope.currentSelectedYear + ""; } else { periodDate = $scope.currentSelectedYear + "." + $scope.currentSelectedMonth; } return periodDate; }; $scope.query = function () { if (!$scope.allResults) return; var temp = $scope.allResults; if ($scope.checkedOrgs && _.keys($scope.checkedOrgs).length > 0) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return _.contains(_.values($scope.checkedOrgs), i.organizationName); }); } //if ($scope.checkedYears && $scope.checkedYears.length > 0) { // temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return _.contains(_.pluck($scope.checkedYears, 'name'), i.year) }) //} if ($scope.serviceTypeId) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return $scope.serviceTypeId == i.serviceTypeID; }); } if (vatSessionService.year) { if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.VAT) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { if (i.startPeriod <= vatSessionService.month && i.endPeriod >= vatSessionService.month && i.year == vatSessionService.year) { return i; } }); } else if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.CIT) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return vatSessionService.year == i.year; }); } } if ($scope.checkedRegions && $scope.checkedRegions.length > 0) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return _.contains(_.pluck($scope.checkedRegions, 'name'), i.region); }); } if ($scope.checkedStatus && $scope.checkedStatus.length > 0) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return _.contains(_.pluck($scope.checkedStatus, 'name'), i.status); }); } if ($scope.searchKeyword !== undefined && $scope.searchKeyword.length > 0) { temp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { return ($scope.searchKeyword.toUpperCase()) > -1 || i.organizationName.toUpperCase().indexOf($scope.searchKeyword.toUpperCase()) > -1); // return $ == i.serviceTypeID }) } var demoData = $scope.demoDataWithStateSaved(temp); var counter = 0; var setWarningToTrue = false; temp.forEach(function (project) { setWarningToTrue = false; project.finalStatus = (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT) ? setLayoutStatusTitle(project.projectStatusList) : setLayoutStatusTitleForCIT(project.projectStatusList); project.periodDate = (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT) ? ($scope.currentSelectedYear + "." + $scope.currentSelectedMonth) : ($scope.currentSelectedYear + ""); var oneDemoData = _.find(demoData, function (one) { return === }); if (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT) { if (project.projectStatusList !== null && project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] !== undefined && project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] !== 10 && oneDemoData!==undefined) { project.taxAmount = oneDemoData.taxAmount; project.prepadidTaxAmount = oneDemoData.prepadidTaxAmount; project.taxRate = oneDemoData.taxRate; project.hasWarning = oneDemoData.hasWarning; } // START: For --->> Edmond Meng, CIT Demo if (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT && === "8d8b13e7-07e1-4d84-8984-7b86e8ec6137" && project.code === "Demo111" && project.periodDate === '2017.1') { project.taxAmount = "38669.27"; project.prepadidTaxAmount = "53866925.13"; project.taxRate = 15; project.hasWarning = true; } // END: For --->> Edmond Meng, CIT Demo } else { if (project.projectStatusList !== null && (Object.keys(project.projectStatusList).length > 0 && project.projectStatusList[Object.keys(project.projectStatusList)[Object.keys(project.projectStatusList).length - 1]] !== 10) && oneDemoData!==undefined) { project.taxAmount = oneDemoData.taxAmount; project.prepadidTaxAmount = oneDemoData.prepadidTaxAmount; project.taxRate = oneDemoData.taxRate; project.hasWarning = oneDemoData.hasWarning; } // START: For --->> Edmond Meng, CIT Demo if (project.serviceTypeID !== enums.serviceType.VAT && === "8d8b13e7-07e1-4d84-8984-7b86e8ec6137" && project.code === "Demo111") { var status = "../../../app-resources/images/overview/"; if (region === 'zh-CN') { status += 'zh-CN'; } else { status += 'en-US'; } status += '/04.png'; project.finalStatus = status; project.taxAmount = "38669.27"; project.prepadidTaxAmount = "53866925.13"; project.taxRate = 15; project.hasWarning = true; } // END: For --->> Edmond Meng, CIT Demo } counter++; }); $scope.queryResults = temp; $ = $scope.queryResults; $scope.projectMsg = $translate.instant('ProjectResultMsg').formatObj({ "ProjectNum": $scope.queryResults.length }); var notBeginTemp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { if (i.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT) return ((i.projectStatusList === null || (i.projectStatusList !== null && i.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] === undefined) || (i.projectStatusList !== null && i.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] === 10))); else return ((i.projectStatusList === null || (i.projectStatusList !== null && Object.keys(i.projectStatusList).length === 0) || i.projectStatusList[Object.keys(i.projectStatusList)[Object.keys(i.projectStatusList).length - 1]] === 10)); }); if (notBeginTemp) { $scope.notBeginNum = notBeginTemp.length; } var completedTemp = _.filter(temp, function (i) { if (i.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT) { if (i.projectStatusList && i.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] != null) { return i.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] === 100; } } else { if (i.projectStatusList && i.projectStatusList.length > 0) { return i.projectStatusList[Object.keys(i.projectStatusList)[Object.keys(i.projectStatusList).length - 1]] === 100; } } }); if (completedTemp) { $scope.completedNum = completedTemp.length; } $scope.ongoingNum = $scope.queryResults.length - $scope.notBeginNum - $scope.completedNum; }; $scope.demoDataWithStateSaved = function (temp) { var demoData = []; var data; var demoDataComposedByLocalStorage = $scope.serviceTypeId + "_" + vatSessionService.year + "_" + vatSessionService.month; data = localStorageService.get(demoDataComposedByLocalStorage); if (data === null || data.length === 0) { var counter = 0; var everyXnumberToSetTrue = 3; var dData; // Set State: temp.forEach(function (item) { dData = new Object(); //generate random data =; dData.taxAmount = randomXToY(10000, 99999999, 2); dData.prepadidTaxAmount = randomXToY(10000, 99999999, 2); dData.taxRate = randomXToY(1, 35, 0); dData.hasWarning = false; if (counter >= everyXnumberToSetTrue && (counter % everyXnumberToSetTrue === 0)) dData.hasWarning = true; demoData.push(dData); counter++; }); localStorageService.set(demoDataComposedByLocalStorage, demoData); } else { // Get from State: demoData = localStorageService.get(demoDataComposedByLocalStorage); } return demoData; }; $scope.fileSort = function (sortstr) { if ($scope.queryResults.length > 0) { if (sortstr == 'year') { if ($scope.orderYear) { $scope.orderYear = false; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'year'); $scope.queryResults = list; } else { $scope.orderYear = true; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'year'); $scope.queryResults = list.reverse(); } } if (sortstr == 'name') { if ($scope.orderName) { $scope.orderName = false; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'name'); $scope.queryResults = list; } else { $scope.orderName = true; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'name'); $scope.queryResults = list.reverse(); } } if (sortstr == 'status') { if ($scope.orderStatus) { $scope.orderStatus = false; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'haveCreateProject'); $scope.queryResults = list; } else { $scope.orderStatus = true; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'haveCreateProject'); $scope.queryResults = list.reverse(); } } if (sortstr == 'type') { if ($scope.orderType) { $scope.orderType = false; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'serviceTypeID'); $scope.queryResults = list; } else { $scope.orderType = true; var list = _.sortBy($scope.queryResults, 'serviceTypeID'); $scope.queryResults = list.reverse(); } } } } $scope.goToService = function (project) { if (!project.clicked) { project.clicked = true; $log.debug('goToService()...'); serviceLogService.addEnterProjectLog(loginContext.displayUserName, 'Enter project (id: ' + + ', serviceType: ' + project.serviceTypeID + ')').then(function () { if (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { $state.go('assetsManage.importData.productItem'); assetsManageSessionService.product.fSetCode = project.fSetCode; assetsManageSessionService.product.productIDs = project.productIDs; assetsManageSessionService.project.organizationName = project.fSetName; =; assetsManageSessionService.project.serviceTypeID = project.serviceTypeID; //window.location.href = '/#/assetsManage/importData/productItem'; } else if (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.VAT) { if (project.haveCreateProject) { if (_.isUndefined(project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month])) { //如果当前期间还没有导入任何数据的话,就添加一条未开始状态的记录 projectService.setProjectStatus(, vatSessionService.month, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { //添加完成后,在vatSessionService.project中添加新加入的数据 project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] = constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted; vatSessionService.project = project; goRightPath(project); } }); } else { vatSessionService.project = citSessionService.project = project; goRightPath(project); } } else { projectService.addProject(project).success(function (rsp) { if (rsp && rsp.result) { project.haveCreateProject = true; project.dbName = rsp.dbname; = rsp.projectID; if (_.isNull(project.projectStatusList)) { //如果当前期间还没有导入任何数据的话,就添加一条未开始状态的记录 projectService.setProjectStatus(, vatSessionService.month, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { projectService.getProjectAllStatus( (org) { //添加完成后,在vatSessionService.project中添加新加入的数据 project.projectStatusList = org; projectService.getProjectStatus(, vatSessionService.month) .success(function (or1) { if (or1.result) { project.importSubStatus =; vatSessionService.project = project; goRightPath(project); } }); }) } }); } else { vatSessionService.project = project; goRightPath(project); } } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('AddProjectFail')); } }); } } else { // project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.CIT if (project.haveCreateProject) { if (_.isUndefined(project.projectStatusList[enums.wholeYearPeriod.import])) { //如果当前期间还没有导入任何数据的话,就添加一条未开始状态的记录 projectService.setProjectStatus(, enums.wholeYearPeriod.import, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { //添加完成后,在vatSessionService.project中添加新加入的数据 project.projectStatusList[enums.wholeYearPeriod.import] = constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted; vatSessionService.project = citSessionService.project = project; citSessionService.year = $scope.currentSelectedYear; goRightPath(project); } }); } else { vatSessionService.project = citSessionService.project = project; citSessionService.year = $scope.currentSelectedYear; goRightPath(project); } } else { projectService.addProject(project).success(function (rsp) { if (rsp && rsp.result) { project.haveCreateProject = true; project.dbName = rsp.dbname; = rsp.projectID; if (_.isNull(project.projectStatusList)) { //如果当前期间还没有导入任何数据的话,就添加一条未开始状态的记录 projectService.setProjectStatus(, enums.wholeYearPeriod.import, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { projectService.getProjectAllStatus( (org) { //添加完成后,在vatSessionService.project中添加新加入的数据 project.projectStatusList = org; projectService.getProjectStatus(, enums.wholeYearPeriod.import) .success(function (or1) { if (or1.result) { project.importSubStatus =; vatSessionService.project = citSessionService.project = project; citSessionService.year = $scope.currentSelectedYear; goRightPath(project); } }); }) } }); } else { vatSessionService.project = citSessionService.project = project; citSessionService.year = $scope.currentSelectedYear; goRightPath(project); } } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('AddProjectFail')); } }); } } $timeout(function () { project.clicked = false; }, 1000); }); } }; $scope.toggleExpand = function (item) { item.expand = !item.expand; }; var goRightPath = function (project) { // TODO: CIT 权限 if (project.serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.CIT) { $state.go('cit.importData.balanceSheet'); } else { var menuList = [ // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.balanceSheet.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.journalEntry.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.erpImport.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.outputInvoice.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.inputInvoice.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.customInvoice.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.voucherMapping.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.invoiceMapping.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataImport.auditAdjust.queryCode, constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.balanceSheet.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.accountVoucher.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.customInvoice.queryCode, constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.outputInvoice.queryCode, constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.inputInvoice.queryCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataManage.accountMappingCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataManage.goodsMappingCode, constant.vatPermission.dataManage.caculateDataCode, // constant.vatPermission.dataManage.unbilledInvoiceCode, constant.vatPermission.reportView.bsplCode, constant.vatPermission.reportView.taxReturnCode, constant.vatPermission.dataAnalysis.modelAnalysisCode, constant.vatPermission.dataAnalysis.dashboard.dashboardCode, //constant.vatPermission.dataAnalysis.vatTaxDifferenceCode, ]; $scope.$root.checkUserOrganizationPermissionList(menuList).success(function (data) { if (data) { // if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.balanceSheet.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.balanceSheet'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.journalEntry.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.journalEntry'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.erpImport.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.erpData'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.auditAdjust.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.auditAdjust'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.outputInvoice.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.outputInvoice'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.inputInvoice.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.inputInvoice'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.customInvoice.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.customInvoice'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.voucherMapping.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.importData.voucherMapping'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataImport.invoiceMapping.queryCode]) {./ // $state.go('vat.importData.invoiceMapping'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.balanceSheet.queryCode]) { $state.go('vat.previewData.balanceSheet'); } // else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.accountVoucher.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.previewData.accountVoucher'); // } else else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.inputInvoice.queryCode]) { $state.go('vat.previewData.inputInvoice'); } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.outputInvoice.queryCode]) { $state.go('vat.previewData.outputInvoice'); } // else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataPreview.customInvoice.queryCode]) { // $state.go('vat.previewData.customInvoice'); // } // else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataManage.accountMappingCode]) { // $state.go('vat.reductionData.accountMapping'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataManage.goodsMappingCode]) { // $state.go('vat.reductionData.goodsMapping'); // } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataManage.caculateDataCode]) { $state.go('vat.reductionData.caculateData'); } /*else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataManage.unbilledInvoiceCode]) { $state.go('vat.reductionData.unbilledInvoice'); }*/ else if (data[constant.vatPermission.reportView.bsplCode] || data[constant.vatPermission.reportView.taxReturnCode]) { $state.go('vat.generateReport'); } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataAnalysis.modelAnalysisCode]) { $state.go('vat.analyzeLayout.analyzeReport'); } else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataAnalysis.dashboard.dashboardCode]) { $state.go('analyzeOrganizeDashboard'); } //else if (data[constant.vatPermission.dataAnalysis.vatTaxDifferenceCode]) { // $state.go('vat.analyzeLayout.vatTaxDifference'); //} } }); } } $scope.toggleItemSub = function (item, parent) { // orgDisplay.showBusy(); if (item.isChecked) { if (!item.dimensionId) { $scope.checkedOrgs[] =; } else { item.subOrgs.forEach(function (org) { $scope.checkedOrgs[] =; org.isChecked = true; }); } } else { if (!item.dimensionId) { delete $scope.checkedOrgs[]; } else { item.subOrgs.forEach(function (org) { org.isChecked = false; delete $scope.checkedOrgs[]; }); } } $scope.checkedIds = _.keys($scope.checkedOrgs); vatSessionService.queryDto.checkedOrgs = $scope.checkedOrgs; if ($scope.serviceTypeId !== enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { $scope.query(); } // orgDisplay.hideBusy(); }; $scope.toggleItemSubSpan = function (item) { if (item.isChecked) { item.isChecked = false; } else { item.isChecked = true; } $scope.toggleItemSub(item, null); }; $scope.toggleView = function (clickedView) { if (clickedView == $scope.currentView) return; $scope.currentView = clickedView; }; var thisDataService = { isHaveOrganizationPermission: function (orgID) { var permission = thisData.userPermission; var isShow = false; if (permission) { if (permission.isSuperAdmin || permission.isADUser) { isShow = true; } else { // 查找机构 var findOrg = _.find(permission.organizationPermissionList, function (num) { return === orgID; }); if (findOrg && findOrg.permissionList && findOrg.permissionList.length > 0) { // 查看具体权限 isShow = true; } } } return isShow; }, }; var initDatePickers = function () { if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.CIT) { $scope.systemTitle = $translate.instant('CIT'); $scope.viewMode = 2; $scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4Year'); } if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.VAT) { $scope.systemTitle = $translate.instant('MenuVAT'); $scope.viewMode = 1; $scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4YearMonth'); } if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { $scope.systemTitle = $translate.instant('AssetTitle'); $scope.viewMode = 1; $scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4YearMonth'); } var ele1 = $("#overviewDatepicker"); ele1.datepicker({ startDate: $scope.startDate, endDate: $scope.endDate, language: region, viewMode: $scope.viewMode, minViewMode: $scope.viewMode, autoclose: true, //选中之后自动隐藏日期选择框 clearBtn: true, //清除按钮 todayBtn: false, //今日按钮 format: $scope.dateFormat //日期格式,详见 }).on('changeDate', function (e) { $scope.changeDate(e); }); ele1.datepicker("setDate", $scope.selectedDate); }; $scope.changeStartDate = function (e) { if (e&& { var tempYear =; var tempMonth = + 1; $scope.currentSelectedStartMonth = tempMonth; $scope.currentSelectedStartYear = tempYear; } }; $scope.changeDate = function (e) { if (e && { var isDateUpdated = false; var tempYear =; var tempMonth = + 1; if (tempYear !== vatSessionService.year || tempMonth !== vatSessionService.month) { isDateUpdated = true; } vatSessionService.year = tempYear; vatSessionService.month = tempMonth; $scope.currentSelectedMonth = tempMonth; $scope.currentSelectedYear = tempYear; if (isDateUpdated) { //$scope.$apply(function () { // $scope.conditionChange = !$scope.conditionChange; //}); $timeout(function () { $scope.conditionChange = !$scope.conditionChange; }); } if ($scope.serviceTypeId !== enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { $scope.query(); } } }; var orgDisplay = { orgList: [], grayColorD9: '#d9d9d9', currentIdcol: '', currentNamecol: 'orgName', activeColor: 'black', activeBackgroundColor: '#fbf8f5', whiteColor: 'white', main: function () { $scope.dimensionOrgShow = function (idcol, namecol) { orgDisplay.showBusy(); vatSessionService.queryDto.fieldId = idcol; vatSessionService.queryDto.filedName = namecol; orgDisplay.currentIdcol = idcol; orgDisplay.currentNamecol = namecol; $('.operate-icon').css('background-color', orgDisplay.whiteColor); $('.operate-icon i').css('color', orgDisplay.grayColorD9); $scope.checkedOrgs = {}; //$scope.query(); var orgData = []; if (idcol) { orgData = orgDisplay.otherShow(idcol, namecol); } else { orgData = orgDisplay.orgShow(); } $('.' + namecol).css('color', orgDisplay.activeColor); $('.' + namecol).parent().css('background-color', orgDisplay.activeBackgroundColor); $timeout(function () { orgDisplay.hideBusy(); if ($scope.isFirst) { $scope.setTreeChecked(orgData); $scope.isFirst = false; } $scope.orgData = orgData; }, 50); }; orgDisplay.getOrgData(); }, getOrgData: function () { orgService.getOrgListLevel().success(function (data) { if (!data) { data = []; } var result = []; //如果是资产管理,则只获取资产管理类型的组织机构 if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { result = _.filter(data, function (item) { return item.industryID == '10'; }); } else { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var item = data[i]; if (thisDataService.isHaveOrganizationPermission( { result.push(item); } } } orgDisplay.orgList = result; //$scope.dimensionOrgShow('', 'orgName'); $scope.dimensionOrgShow(vatSessionService.queryDto.fieldId, vatSessionService.queryDto.filedName); }); // orgDisplay.orgList = testOrgList; }, orgShow: function () { var showList = angular.copy(orgDisplay.orgList); // 构造父子节点 for (var i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) { var item = showList[i]; if (item.parentID === null) { continue; } var parentNode = _.find(showList, function (num) { return === item.parentID }); if (parentNode) { continue; } item.parentID = orgDisplay.getParentID(item, orgDisplay.orgList, showList); } var idList = _.pluck(showList, 'id'); var topNodeList = _.filter(showList, function (org) { return idList.indexOf(org.parentID) === -1; }); var orgList = []; topNodeList.forEach(function (org) { var item = { id:, name: }; var tempList = orgDisplay.getSubOrgDropDownList(org, showList); item.subOrgs = tempList; // 构造子节点 orgList.push(item); // orgList = _.union(orgList, tempList); }); return orgList; }, // 获取父节点 getParentID: function (current, allList, orgDtoList) { if (current.parentID === null) { return null; } var findParent = _.find(allList, function (num) { return === current.parentID; }); if (!findParent) { return null; } var parent = _.find(orgDtoList, function (num) { return ===; }); if (parent != null) { return; } else { return orgDisplay.getParentID(findParent, allList, orgDtoList); } }, getSubOrgDropDownList: function (current, showList) { var sublist = _.filter(showList, function (row) { return row.parentID ===; }); var list = []; if (!sublist || sublist.length === 0) { return list; } sublist.forEach(function (row) { var item = { id:, name:, parentID:, expanded: true, }; var tempList = orgDisplay.getSubOrgDropDownList(row, showList); item.subOrgs = tempList; list.push(item); }); return list; }, otherShow: function (idcol, namecol) { var showList = angular.copy(orgDisplay.orgList); var otherList = orgDisplay.getMap(showList, idcol, namecol); var list = []; otherList.forEach(function (other) { var item = other; item.dimensionId = idcol; item.subOrgs = _.filter(showList, function (t) { return t[idcol] ===; }); list.push(item); }); return list; }, getMap: function (data, idCol, nameCol) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var idList = _.uniq(_.pluck(data, idCol)); var list = []; idList.forEach(function (row) { if (row) { var findOne = _.find(data, function (o) { return o[idCol] === row; }); if (findOne && findOne[nameCol]) { list.push({ id: row, name: findOne[nameCol], selected: true, }); } } }); return list; } else { return []; } }, showBusy: function () { $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); }, hideBusy: function () { $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); } }; $scope.setTreeChecked = function (dataList) { if (dataList && dataList.length > 0 && _.keys(vatSessionService.queryDto.checkedOrgs).length > 0) { dataList.forEach(function (v) { if (vatSessionService.queryDto.checkedOrgs[]) { v.isChecked = true; } if (v.subOrgs && v.subOrgs.length > 0) { $scope.setTreeChecked(v.subOrgs); } }); } } var goQueryState = function () { $scope.searchKeyword = vatSessionService.queryDto.searchKeyword; $scope.checkedOrgs = vatSessionService.queryDto.checkedOrgs; if ($scope.serviceTypeId !== enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { $scope.query(); } }; //function to get random number upto m function randomXToY(minVal, maxVal, floatVal) { var randVal = minVal + (Math.random() * (maxVal - minVal)); return typeof floatVal == 'undefined' ? Math.round(randVal) : randVal.toFixed(floatVal); } /**********************************资产配置*************************************/ //初始化产品列表 function initProductListGrid() { var listColumns = [ { caption: '年份', dataField: 'fYear' }, { caption: '产品标识', dataField: "fSetID" }, { caption: '产品编号', dataField: "fSetCode" }, { caption: '产品描述(名称)', dataField: "fSetName" }, { caption: '财务主管', dataField: "fManager" }, { caption: '启用年份', dataField: "fStartYear" }, { caption: '启用月份', dataField: "fStartMonth" }, { caption: '所属机构', dataField: "accountDepartment" } ]; $scope.gridListOptions = { showBorders: true, columns: listColumns, bindingOptions: { "dataSource": "productListQueryResult" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, hoverStateEnabled: true, paging: { pageSize: 20 }, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), selection: { mode: "single" }, onRowClick: function (e) { $scope.goToService(; }, onContentReady: function (e) { $scope.productListGridInstance = e.component; } } }; $scope.initProductList = function () { productService.getProductList().success(function (data) { $scope.productListQueryResult = data; $scope.totolCount = data.length; var index = 1; data.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; v.serviceTypeID = enums.serviceType.AssetsManage; }); }); }; //重新设置产品列表grid $scope.updateProductList = function () { $scope.updateStatus = true; }; $scope.addNewProduct = function () { $; }; $scope.product = { fYear: "", fSetId: "", fSetName: "", fManager: "" }; $scope.modalService = { newProductModal: { open: function () { $scope.product = { fYear: "", fSetId: "", fSetName: "", fManager: "" }; var treeView; var syncTreeViewSelection = function (treeView) { if (!treeView) return; if (!$scope.treeBoxValue) { treeView.unselectAll(); return; } $scope.treeBoxValue.forEach(function (key) { treeView.selectItem(key); }); }; $scope.treeBoxValue = [""]; $scope.treeDataSource = []; $scope.treeBoxNameValue = [""]; productService.getProductList().success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (v) { if (!v.productIDs) { var item = new Object; = v.fSetName; item.content = { id: v.fSetCode, guid:}; $scope.treeDataSource.push(item); } }); }); $scope.treeBoxOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: 'treeBoxNameValue' }, valueExpr: "ID", displayExpr: "name", placeholder: "选择...", showClearButton: false, dataSource: $scope.treeDataSource, onValueChanged: function () { syncTreeViewSelection(treeView); }, treeView: { dataSource: $scope.treeDataSource, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "ID", parentIdExpr: "categoryId", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, selectNodesRecursive: false, showCheckBoxesMode: "normal", bindingOptions: { selectionMode: "selectionMode" }, onContentReady: function (e) { treeView = e.component; syncTreeViewSelection(treeView); }, onItemSelectionChanged: function (args) { var keyValue = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); if (keyValue.length===0) { keyValue = [""]; } var value = [""]; var nodes = args.component.getNodes(); var newValue = [""]; var nameValue = [""]; keyValue.forEach(function (v) { var findResult = _.find(nodes, function (node) { return node.key === v; }); if (findResult) { newValue.push(findResult.itemData.content.guid); value.push(; nameValue.push(; } }); $scope.treeBoxValue = keyValue; $scope.newNewtreeBoxValue = value; $scope.newTreeBoxValue = newValue; var tempArray = nameValue.length===1?nameValue:nameValue.shift(); $scope.treeBoxNameValue = nameValue; } } }; $timeout(function () { var ele2 = $("#productStartDate"); ele2.datepicker({ startDate: $scope.startDate, endDate: $scope.endDate, language: region, viewMode: $scope.viewMode, minViewMode: $scope.viewMode, autoclose: true, //选中之后自动隐藏日期选择框 clearBtn: true, //清除按钮 todayBtn: false, //今日按钮 format: $scope.dateFormat //日期格式,详见 }).on('changeDate', function (e) { $scope.changeStartDate(e); }); ele2.datepicker("setDate", $scope.selectedStartDate); }, 100); $scope.newProductModalInstance = ackUibModal($scope, 'addNewProduct.html', 'addNewProduct', '.app-overview ', 'static') $; }, save: function (result) { $scope.saveProduct(); $scope.newProductModalInstance.close(); }, cancel: function () { $scope.newProductModalInstance.cancel(); } } }; $scope.changeWithZeroNumber = function (sourceNumber) { if (sourceNumber.length > 1) { if (sourceNumber < 10) { return sourceNumber.replace(/0/g, ''); } else { return sourceNumber; } } else { return sourceNumber; } }; $scope.saveProduct = function () { //$scope.product.fSetCode = $scope.treeBoxValue.toString(); $scope.product.fStartYear = $scope.currentSelectedStartYear; $scope.product.fStartMonth = $scope.changeWithZeroNumber($scope.currentSelectedStartMonth); $scope.product.productIDs = $scope.newTreeBoxValue.toString(); //调用service插入数据库 productService.addNewProduct($scope.product).success(function () { $scope.initProductList(); }) }; var successCount = 0; var doUploadProductFileName = function (file) { if (file) { var arr ='.'); if (arr[arr.length - 1] !== 'xls' && arr[arr.length - 1] !== 'xlsx') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ImportFileInvalidType')); return; } //$scope.initJournalEntryList = []; //$ = []; successCount = 0; if (!file.$error) { var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { filename:, tempFileName: tempFileName, file: file }, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken() }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(uploadJournalEntrySuccess); } } }; //上传成功后执行函数 var uploadJournalEntrySuccess = function (resp) { console.log(resp); successCount++; if (successCount === 1) { $scope.tempFileName =; //初始化到excel文件的第一个sheet getUploadFileContent(0); } }; var getUploadFileContent = function () { if (_.isString($scope.tempFileName)) { productService.getFileContent($scope.tempFileName, 0, 0).success(function (data) { //将导入文件的sheet赋值到数组 $scope.sheetData = data; //加入index序号 var index = 1; data.dataList.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; }); //先将完整数据深拷贝存放到变量中 $scope.sheetData.excelSheetAllData = angular.copy(data.dataList); var number = 1; $scope.sheetData.excelSheetAllData.forEach(function (v) { v.index = number++; }); //将导入文件的sheet赋值到数组 //只赋值data的前500条到sheetData的dataList中,防止数据量太大渲染的时候卡死浏览器 $scope.sheetData.dataList = data.dataList.slice(0, 500); if (data & data.result === false) { SweetAlert.warning(data.resultMsg); return; } //upload data to DB saveProductDataToDatabase(); }); } }; var saveProductDataToDatabase = function () { //将需要导入的数据组装到list中 var importProductList = []; var startRowNum = 3; for (var i = startRowNum - 1; i < $scope.sheetData.dataList.length; i++) { var productInfo = { 'Index': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i].index, 'FYear': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][0], 'FSETID': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][1], 'FSETCODE': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][2], 'FSETNAME': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][3], 'FMANAGER': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][4], 'FSTARTYEAR': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][5], 'FSTARTMONTH': $scope.changeWithZeroNumber($scope.sheetData.dataList[i][6]), 'FMONTH': $scope.changeWithZeroNumber($scope.sheetData.dataList[i][7]), 'ACCOUNTDEPARTMENT': $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][8] }; importProductList.push(productInfo); } productService.importProductData(importProductList).success(function () { //logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportSuccess'); //vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); //vatCommonService.importSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, curPeriod // , constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportJournalEntry // , enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); //vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isEntryImport, true); //$log.debug("import entry importJournalEntryData: " + vatSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isEntryImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); $scope.initProductList(); }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); //logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportFail'); //vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); }); }; /**********************************资产配置*************************************/ (function initialize() { if ($scope.serviceTypeId !== enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { initListGrid(); } initDatePickers(); $scope.updateStatus = false; userService.getUserPermission(loginContext.userName).success(function (userPermission) { thisData.userPermission = userPermission; userPermission.permissionList.forEach(function (p) { if (p.code.startWith('02')) { $scope.haveVatPermission = true; return; } if (p.code.startWith('03')) { $scope.haveCitPermission = true; return; } }); vatSessionService.userPermission = userPermission; orgDisplay.main(); if ($scope.serviceTypeId === enums.serviceType.AssetsManage) { $scope.projectMsg = $translate.instant('ProjectResultMsg').formatObj({ "ProjectNum": 66 }); initProductListGrid(); $scope.initProductList(); $scope.toggleView('listView'); } else { $scope.initProjectList(); } }); $scope.$watch('productFileName', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && newValue !== oldValue) { doUploadProductFileName(newValue); } }); })(); } ]); frameworkModule.factory('assetsManageSessionService', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('assetsManageSessionService.ctor()...'); var date = new Date(); var month = date.getMonth(); var projectyear = 2017; if (month <= 0) { month = 1; } var logUser = { ID: "66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50", UserName: "Admin", }; var reset = function () { var date = new Date(); var m = date.getMonth(); if (m <= 0) { m = 1; } this.month = m; }; return { month: 6, year: projectyear, project: { year: projectyear, projectStatusList: [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30], importSubStatus: 1, dbName: 'AssetsManage', id: '99999', name: '阳光证券有限公司增值税申报项目', organizationName: '阳光证券有限公司增值税申报项目' }, projects: [], dataChanged: false, logUser: logUser, reset: reset, product: { fSetCode: '11111111111111111111', productIDs:'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' } } }]); frameworkModule.factory("demoDataService", function ($window, $rootScope) { 'use strict'; return { setData: function (val) { $window.localStorage && $window.localStorage.setItem('overview-demo-data', val); return this; }, getData: function () { return $window.localStorage && $window.localStorage.getItem('overview-demo-data'); } }; });