// ******* Annotation MANAGER ******** // $axure.internal(function($ax) { var NOTE_SIZE = 10; var _annotationManager = $ax.annotation = {}; var _updateLinkLocations = $ax.annotation.updateLinkLocations = function(textId) { var diagramObject = $ax.getObjectFromElementId(textId); var rotation = (diagramObject && diagramObject.style.rotation); var shapeId = $ax.style.GetShapeIdFromText(textId); //we have to do this because webkit reports the post-transform position but when you set //positions it's pre-transform if(WEBKIT && rotation) { //we can dynamiclly rotate a widget now, show need to remember the transform rather than just remove it //here jquery.css will return 'none' if element is display none var oldShapeTransform = document.getElementById(shapeId).style['-webkit-transform']; var oldTextTransform = document.getElementById(textId).style['-webkit-transform']; $('#' + shapeId).css('-webkit-transform', 'scale(1)'); $('#' + textId).css('-webkit-transform', 'scale(1)'); } $('#' + textId).find('span[id$="_ann"]').each(function(index, value) { var elementId = value.id.replace('_ann', ''); var annPos = $(value).position(); var left = annPos.left - NOTE_SIZE; var top = annPos.top; $('#' + elementId + 'Note').css('left', left).css('top', top); }); //undo the transform reset if(WEBKIT && rotation) { $('#' + shapeId).css('-webkit-transform', oldShapeTransform || ''); $('#' + textId).css('-webkit-transform', oldTextTransform || ''); } }; var dialogs = {}; $ax.annotation.ToggleWorkflow = function(event, id, width, height) { if(dialogs[id]) { var $dialog = dialogs[id]; // reset the dialog dialogs[id] = undefined; if($dialog.dialog("isOpen")) { $dialog.dialog("close"); return; } } // we'll need to save the scroll position just for stupid IE which will skip otherwise var win = $(window); var scrollY = win.scrollTop(); var scrollX = win.scrollLeft(); var bufferH = 10; var bufferV = 10; var blnLeft = false; var blnAbove = false; var sourceTop = event.pageY - scrollY; var sourceLeft = event.pageX - scrollX; if(sourceLeft > width + bufferH) { blnLeft = true; } if(sourceTop > height + bufferV) { blnAbove = true; } var top = 0; var left = 0; if(blnAbove) top = sourceTop - height - 20; else top = sourceTop + 10; if(blnLeft) left = sourceLeft - width - 4; else left = sourceLeft - 6; $ax.globals.MaxZIndex = $ax.globals.MaxZIndex + 1; if(IE_10_AND_BELOW) height += 50; var dObj = $ax.getObjectFromElementId(id); var ann = dObj.annotation; var $dialog = $('<div></div>') .appendTo('body') .html($ax.legacy.GetAnnotationHtml(ann)) .dialog({ title: dObj.label, width: width, height: height, minHeight: 150, zIndex: $ax.globals.MaxZIndex, position: [left, top], dialogClass: 'dialogFix', autoOpen: false }); $dialog.parent().appendTo('#base'); $dialog.dialog('open'); dialogs[id] = $dialog; // scroll ... just for IE window.scrollTo(scrollX, scrollY); }; $ax.annotation.InitializeAnnotations = function (query) { if(!$ax.document.configuration.showAnnotations) return; query.each(function(dObj, elementId) { if(!dObj.annotation) return; if(dObj.type == 'hyperlink') { var textId = $ax.style.GetTextIdFromLink(elementId); var elementIdQuery = $('#' + elementId); elementIdQuery.after("<span id='" + elementId + "_ann'>​</span>"); if($ax.document.configuration.useLabels) { var label = $('#' + elementId).attr("data-label"); if(!label || label == "") label = "?"; $('#' + textId).append("<div id='" + elementId + "Note' class='annnotelabel' >" + label + "</div>"); } else { $('#' + textId).append("<div id='" + elementId + "Note' class='annnoteimage' ></div>"); } $('#' + elementId + 'Note').click(function(e) { $ax.annotation.ToggleWorkflow(e, elementId, 300, 200, false); return false; }); _updateLinkLocations(textId); } else { if($ax.document.configuration.useLabels) { var label = $('#' + elementId).attr("data-label"); if(!label || label == "") label = "?"; $('#' + elementId + "_ann").append("<div id='" + elementId + "Note' class='annnotelabel'>" + label + "</div>"); } else { $('#' + elementId + "_ann").append("<div id='" + elementId + "Note' class='annnoteimage'></div>"); } $('#' + elementId + 'Note').click(function(e) { $ax.annotation.ToggleWorkflow(e, elementId, 300, 200, false); return false; }); } $('#' + elementId + 'Note.annnoteimage').append("<div class='annnoteline'></div><div class='annnoteline'></div><div class='annnoteline'></div>"); }); }; $ax.annotation.jQueryAnn = function(query) { var elementIds = []; query.each(function(diagramObject, elementId) { if(diagramObject.annotation) elementIds[elementIds.length] = elementId; }); var elementIdSelectors = jQuery.map(elementIds, function(elementId) { return '#' + elementId + '_ann'; }); var jQuerySelectorText = (elementIdSelectors.length > 0) ? elementIdSelectors.join(', ') : ''; return $(jQuerySelectorText); }; $(window.document).ready(function() { $ax.annotation.InitializeAnnotations($ax(function(dObj) { return dObj.annotation; })); $ax.messageCenter.addMessageListener(function(message, data) { //If the annotations are being hidden via the Sitemap toggle button, hide any open dialogs if(message == 'annotationToggle') { if(data == false) { for(var index in dialogs) { var $dialog = dialogs[index]; if($dialog.dialog("isOpen")) { $dialog.dialog("close"); } } } } }); }); });