{ "1stQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "1st Quarterly CIT Filing Return", "2ndQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "2nd Quarterly CIT Filing Return", "3rdQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "3rd Quarterly CIT Filing Return", "4thQuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "4th Quarterly CIT Filing Return", "ACEOLEDBUnInstallError": "Import Failed. Please Confirm if the Microsoft Office Driver AccessDatabaseEngine.exe is Installed.", "AccountCode": "Account Code", "AccountCodeNullMag": "Null Account Code", "AccountCodeNullType": "Account Code Null Error", "AccountCodeOverLengthMag": "Account Code Length Over 50", "AccountCodeOverLengthType": "Account Code Length Error", "AccountIncome": "Account Income", "AccountMapFailed": "AccountMap Failed!", "AccountMapSuccess": "AccountMap Success!", "AccountMappingMenuUnSelect": "Please Select Menu", "AccountMappingSubmit": "Submit", "AccountMappingSubmitComplete": "Mapping Submit Complete", "AccountMappingTitle": "Title", "AccountMappingUndo": "Undo", "AccountName": "Account Name", "AccountPeriod": "Account Period", "Save": "Save", "Undo": "Undo", "AssetListImport": "Import Asset List", "AssetList": "Asset List", "FixedAssets": "Fixed Assets", "LongTermPrepaid": "LongTerm Prepaid", "InvisibleAssets": "Invisible Assets", "AssetClassification": "Asset Classification", "FixAssetClassification": "Fix Asset Classification", "LongTermPrepaidClassification": "LongTerm Prepaid Classification", "InvisibleAssetsClassification": "Invisible Assets Classification", "AssetNumber": "Asset Number", "AssetGroupName": "Asset GroupName", "AssetGroupNameValidation": "Pleas Enter Asset GroupName", "AssetDescription": "Asset Description", "BuyDate": "Buy Date", "DepreciationDate": "Depreciation Start Date", "DepreciationPeriod": "Depreciation Period", "AcquisitionValue": "Acquisition Value", "TotalAccountAcquisitionValue": "Total Account Acquisition Value:", "TotalAccountYearDepreciationAmount": "Total Account Year Depreciation Amount:", "TotalTaxCurrentYearDepreciationAmount": "Total Tax Current Year Depreciation Amount:", "TotalYearDifferenceAmount": "Total Year Difference Amount:", "AdjustmentValue": "Adjustment Value", "DisposedDate": "Disposed Date", "ResidualRate": "Residual Rate", "TaxMonthDepreciationAmount": "Monthly Depreciation Amount(Tax)", "TaxToCurrentYearDepreciationAmount": "Up To Current Year Depreciation Amount(Tax)", "ReportExportConfirm": "The Report Data Has not Been Saved, and the Operation Result May be Inconsistent With the Actual.Confirm to perform this operation??", "LeaveReport": "The Report Data Has not Been Saved,Confirm to Leave?Leaving Will Miss All the Data", "TaxCurrentYearDepreciationAmount": "Current Year Depreciation Amount(Tax)", "TaxYearDepreciationPeriod": "Current Year Depreciation Period", "PerMonthDepreciationAmount": "PerMonth Depreciation Amount", "YearDepreciationAmount": "Year Depreciation Amount", "YearAdjustmentAmount": "Year Adjustment Amount", "YearEndValue": "Year End Value", "AssetStatus": "Status", "AccountData": "Account Data", "TaxData": "Tax Data", "AccountTotalepreciationAmount": "Accumulated Depreciation Amount", "SetAssetGroup": "Asset Group", "LevelOneGroup": "Level One Group", "LevelTwoGroup": "Level Two Group", "LevelOneGroupValidation": "Please select Group One", "LevelTwoGroupValidation": "Please select Group Two", "DepreciationPeriodValidation": "Please Enter Depreciation Period", "AssetNameValidation": "Asset Type Cannot be Repeated", "SaveSuccess": "Save Successfully", "AssetDiffData": "Data Difference", "LastYear": "Last Year", "AssetDifferent": "Difference", "TotalDifferenceAmount": "Accumulated Difference Amount", "YearDifferenceAmount": "Current Year Difference Amount", "IsRetain": "Confirm to Keep?", "LastAcquisitionValue": "Last Year Acquisition Value", "CurrentYear": "Current Year", "CurrentAcquisitionValue": "Current Year Acquisition Value", "TaxGroupType": "Tax Group", "TaxToLastYearDepreciationPeriod": "Up to Last Year Depreciation Period", "TaxToCurrentYearDepreciationPeriod": "Up to Current Year Depreciation Period", "BuyDateType": "Buy Date Type Error", "AssetNumberType": "Asset Number Error", "AssetGroupNameType": "Asset Group Name Error", "AcquisitionValueType": "Acquisition Value Error", "DataTypeError": "Data Type Error", "DepreciationDateErrorMsg": "Depreciation Start Date Error", "DataTypeErrorMsg": "Data Type Error", "BuyDateErrorMsg": "Buy Date Error", "BuyDateNullMsg": "Buy Date Null", "AssetNumberNullMsg": "Asset Number Null", "AssetGroupNameNullMsg": "Asset Group Name Null", "AcquisitionValueNullMsg": "Acquisition Value Null", "PleaseSetAssetGroupInfo": "Please Set Asset Group Info", "ViewAssetList": "View Asset List", "NoProjet": "No Project", "AssetListDataSource": "Asset List Data Source", "UpdateAssetReportFail": "Update Asset Report Data Fail,Please contact administrator...", "NumberDataTypeError": "Data Type Error", "DateTypeError": "Format Error", "DataTypeNull": "Data Type Null", "NumberDataTypeValidate": "Data Type Invalid", "DateTypeValidate": "Date Type Invalid", "DataTypeNullValidate": "Required Field Validate", "AccountReMapVoucherDetailTitle": "Voucher Information", "AccountReMappingCredit": "ReMapping Credit Amount", "AccountReMappingCustomerCode": "Customer Code", "AccountReMappingDebit": "ReMapping Debit Amount", "AccountReMappingFail": "Fail", "AccountReMappingSelectOne": "Please select one", "AccountReMappingSuccess": "Success", "AccountReMappingType": "ReMapping Type", "AccountRemMappingStdReMapResult": "Standard Account Remapping Result", "AccountTypeDifferent": "Account Type Different", "AccountVoucher_AccountCode": "Account Code", "AccountVoucher_AccountName": "Account Name", "AccountVoucher_AccountVoucher": "Account Voucher", "AccountVoucher_AlertMsg_Leave": "Leaving the Current Page Will Lose the Current Query Result.Confirm to Abandon the Current Query Operation?", "AccountVoucher_Credit": "Credit Amount", "AccountVoucher_CustomerCode": "Customer Code", "AccountVoucher_CustomerName": "Customer Name", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow": "Business Account", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit": "Credit Amount", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCreditSum": "Total Credit Amount", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow": "Accounting", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate": "Voucher Date", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit": "Debit Amount", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebitSum": "Total Debit Amount", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup": "Voucher Group", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod": "Period", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow": "Standard Account", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary": "Summary", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID": "Voucher ID", "AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText": "No Data Can be Displayed Under Current Conditions", "AccountVoucher_Date": "Voucher Date", "AccountVoucher_Debit": "Debit Amount", "AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit": "Credit", "AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit": "Debit", "AccountVoucher_Display": "Display", "AccountVoucher_Display_InEntry": "Display_In Entry", "AccountVoucher_Display_InVoucher": "Display In Voucher", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountCodeEmpty": "Please Enter Account Code", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountNameEmpty": "Please Enter Account Name", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEmpty": "Please Enter Credit Amount", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEndAmountTooBig": "Credit Amount Invalid,Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal to The Maximum Value", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditInvalid": "Credit Amount Invalid,Please Enter Valid Number", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerCodeEmpty": "Please Enter Customer Code", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerNameEmpty": "Please Enter Customer Name", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Date", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEndDateTooBig": "Voucher Date Invalid,Start Date Should be Less Than End Date", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateInvalid": "Voucher Date Invalid,Please Enter Valid Date", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEmpty": "Please Enter Debit Amount", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEndAmountTooBig": "Debit Amount Invalid,Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal to The Maximum Value", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitInvalid": "Debit Amount Invalid,Please Enter Valid Number", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Group", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupNumEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Number", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEmpty": "Please Enter Accounting Period", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEndMonthTooBig": "Accounting Period Invalid,Minimum Value Should be Less Than or Equal to The Maximum Value", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodInvalid": "Accounting Period Invalid,Please Enter Integer Between 1 to 12", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryEmpty": "Please Enter Voucher Summary", "AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryTooShort": "Please Enter 3 or Above Voucher Summary Characters", "AccountVoucher_Fields_AND": "And", "AccountVoucher_Fields_AllJe": "Display all Voucher", "AccountVoucher_Fields_AndOr": "Condition", "AccountVoucher_Fields_ChoiceAccountCode": "Select Account Code", "AccountVoucher_Fields_CreditSum": "Credit Amount", "AccountVoucher_Fields_DebitCredit": "Direction", "AccountVoucher_Fields_DebitSum": "Debit Amount", "AccountVoucher_Fields_ItemIDCount": "Number of Entries", "AccountVoucher_Fields_OR": "Or", "AccountVoucher_Fields_VIDCount": "Voucher Count", "AccountVoucher_FilterMode": "Filter", "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Advanced": "Advanced Inquiry", "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Custom": "Custom Inquiry", "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_DebitCrebitAccountCode": "Debit/Credit Related Account Inquiry", "AccountVoucher_FilterMode_Normal": "Inquiry", "AccountVoucher_Group": "Voucher Group", "AccountVoucher_GroupNum": "Voucher Number", "AccountVoucher_Menu_RecordDoubtfulPoint": "Record Doubtful Point", "AccountVoucher_Period": "Accounting Period", "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Amount": "Please Enter Amount", "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date": "Please Enter Voucher Date", "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period": "Please Enter Accounting Period", "AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text": "Please Enter Keyword", "AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty": "", "AccountVoucher_Selector_1": "Equal to any Keyword", "AccountVoucher_Selector_10": "More Than", "AccountVoucher_Selector_11": "More Than or Equal to", "AccountVoucher_Selector_12": "Less Than", "AccountVoucher_Selector_13": "Less Than or Equal to", "AccountVoucher_Selector_2": "Start With Any Keyword", "AccountVoucher_Selector_3": "Contain all Keywords", "AccountVoucher_Selector_4": "Contains Any Keyword", "AccountVoucher_Selector_5": "", "AccountVoucher_Selector_6": "", "AccountVoucher_Selector_7": "", "AccountVoucher_Selector_8": "", "AccountVoucher_Selector_9": "Equal to", "AccountVoucher_Summary": "Summary", "AccumulatedAmount": "Accumulated Amount", "AccumulatedCreditAmount": "Accumulated Credit Amount", "AccumulatedDebitAmount": "Accumulated Debit Amount", "AddAccount": "Add Account", "AddCertificate": "Add Voucher", "AddCertificateCancel": "Cancel", "AddCertificateConfirm": "Confirm", "AddChart": "Add Chart", "AddChartButton": "Add Confirm", "AddChartDefault": "Custom Dashboard", "AddChartDescF": "You can Add New Charts, Drag and Drop to Change the Position of the Chart, or Delete Unwanted Charts.", "AddChartDescS": "You can Select the Data Source in the Add Chart Function and the Selected Chart Will be Added to Your Dashboard", "AddChartDescT": "You can Modify the Analysis Dimensions and Chart Styles in the Edit Charts Feature.", "AddImportBtn": "Additional Import", "AddImportInputInvoice": "Input Invoice Import", "AddImportInputInvoiceItem": "Input Invoice Item Import", "AddImportJournalEntry": "Journal Entry Import", "AddImportOutputInvoice": "Output Invoice Import", "AddImportTrialBalance": "Trial Balance Import", "AddReclassificationItem": "New Account Reclassification", "AdjustDateParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Adjustment Data Error", "AdjustDateParseErrorType": "Adjust Date Error", "AdjustmentReasonCol": "Adjustment Reason", "After": "After", "AgriculturalProduct": "Agricultural Product Invoice", "AllArea": "All Area", "AllBusinessUnit": "All Business Unit", "AllMappingStatus": "All Mapping Status", "AllOrganization": "All Organization", "AllTask": "All", "AllTax": "All Tax", "AllTheItems": "All Select", "AllTheItemsCancel": "All Select Cancel", "Alltotal": "Total", "Amount": "Amoun", "AmountCompareErrorType": "The Product of the Amount and the Tax Rate is Compared With the Tax Amount Imported", "AmountDifference": "Difference", "AmountNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Incorrect Amount", "AmountNumberCheckErrorType": "Amount Data Type Error", "AmountQueryError": "The Amount Range is Incorrect, Please Re-enter!", "AmountTips": "Enter the Reclassification Amount", "AmountTotal": "Total Amount", "AmountWarningSearch": "The Previous Amount Cannot be Greater Than the Post Amount", "AnnualCITFilingReturn": "Filing Return", "AnnualCITFilingWorkingPaper": "Working Paper", "ApproveLevelDescTitle": "({level})", "ApproveProcess": "Approval Process", "ApproveReportStatusCheck": "Only After the Submission Has been Submitted or the Superior Review Can be Reviewed", "AuantityNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Quantity Data Type Error!", "AuantityNumberCheckErrorType": "Quantity Data Type Error", "AuditFeedback": "Tax Review Feedback", "AuditImplementation": "Tax Review Implementation", "AuditNotice": "Tax Review Notice", "AuditReport": "Audit Report", "AuditSolution": "Tax Review Solution", "AutoCalcCreditAmount": "Auto Calcuate Credit Amount", "AutoCalcDebitAmount": "Auto Calcuate Debit Amount", "AutoGoodsMapping": "Auto Mapping", "AutoMapping": "Auto Mapping", "AllowKeyInByDefault": "Allow Key In By Default", "BNDKJTXE": "Accounting Amortization For the Year:", "BackEndDuplicateInputInvoiceErrorMsg": "{rows}is Repeated in the Database;", "BackEndDuplicateInputInvoiceErrorType": "Invoice Information is Repeated in the Database", "BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorMsg": "{rows}is Wrong Invoice;", "BackEndInputInvoiceAlreadyPassedErrorType": "Invoice Information Error", "BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorMsg": "The Cumulative Amount or Tax Amount of the{rows}Detailed Information is Greater Than the Amount or Tax Amount of the Input Summary Table.", "BackEndLessThanDetailsTotalErrorType": "Comparison of the Input Summary Table and the Schedule Amount", "BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorMsg": "The {rows} of the Input Schedule is not Associated With the Input Summary Table", "BackEndNotHaveTotalInvoiceErrorType": "Relationship With the Input Summary Table", "BalDiff": "Difference", "BalanceId": "BalanceId", "BankAccount": "Bank Account", "BankGroup": "Bank Group", "BasicDataCheck": "Basic Data Check", "Before": "Before", "BegBal": "Beginning Balance", "BegBalMsg": "Beginning Balance Type Error", "BegBalPlusBal": "Opening Balance + Balance", "BegBalType": "Beginning Balance Type Error", "BegCreditBal": "Beginning Credit Balance", "BegCreditBalMsg": "Beginning Credit Balance Type Error", "BegCreditBalType": "Beginning Credit Balance Type Error", "BegDebitBal": "Beginning Debit Balance", "BegDebitBalMsg": "Beginning Debit Balance Type Error", "BegDebitBalType": "Beginning Debit Balance Type Error", "Bi": "records", "BillIncome": "Billing Income", "BtnDelete": "Delete", "ButtonBrowser": "Browser", "Browse": "Browser.", "ButtonCancel": "Cancel", "BuyerName": "Buyer Name", "BuyerTaxNumber": "Buyer Tax Number", "CITProject": "CIT Project", "CallbackError": "Error: {errorMsg}", "CancelGoodsMapping": "Cancel Mapping", "CancelMapping": "Cancel Mapping", "Cancellation": "Branch Established in Clearing and Writing Off", "CellColumn": "Cell", "CellInfo": "Cell Info", "CellInfoFail": "Cell Information Fail", "CellValue": "Value", "CertificationDateCheckErrorMsg": "Certification Date Check Error", "CertificationDateEmptyCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Empty", "CertificationDateFormatCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Format Error", "CertificationDateFormatMsg": "Certification Date Error", "CertificationDateNullMsg": "Certification Date Null", "CertificationDateRangeCheckErrorType": "Certification Date Range Check Error", "CertificationNotPass": "Certification Fail", "CertificationPass": "Certification Pass", "CheckInputMemoLength": "Memo Input Length Too Long, The Length Can Not Exceed 500!", "CheckInputValueFormat": "The Type of Numeric Input is Incorrect, Can Only Enter Numeric Types!", "CheckInputValueLength": "The Value Exceeds the Upper Limit of 9999999999999!", "CheckIntInputValue": "Input Format is Wrong, the Number of Copies Can only be Entered as an Integer!", "CheckOrganizationDashboardConfig": "The Indicator Configuration is Invalid. Please Reconfigure!", "ChildAcctBegSubSum": "Sub-account Opening Balance Summary Amount", "ChildAcctCode": "Sub-account code", "ClassCode": "Class Code", "ClearAll": "Clear All", "ClearFailed": "Clear Failed!", "ClearInputInvoice": "Clear Input Invoice", "ClearInputInvoiceItem": "Clear Input Invoice Item", "ClearJournalEntry": "Clear Journal Entry", "ClearMapFailed": "Clear Mapping Failed!", "ClearMapSuccess": "Clear Mapping Success!", "ClearMapping": "Cancel Mapping", "ClearOutputInvoice": "Clear Output Invoice", "ClearSuccess": "Clear Success!", "ClearTbError": "Error Deleting TB Data, Financial Data not Imported", "ClearTips": "Confirm to Clear all Records for this Month?", "ClearTrialBalance": "Clear Trial Balance", "CloseButton": "Close", "CodeVersion": "Commodity Code Version Number", "ColumnsMapErrorMsg": "Required Field: {columns} does not Correspond!", "ColumnsMapErrorType": "Required Field Check", "ComCreditBal": "Original Credit Balance", "ComDebitBal": "Original Debit Balance", "ComEndBal": "Original Ending Balance", "ComEndCreditBal": "Original Ending Credit Balance", "ComEndDebitBal": "Original Ending Debit Balance", "ComfirmIgnoreUnsavedChanges": "The page has been changed and not saved. If you leave the page, you will lose your changes. Do you want to continue?", "ComfirmToReMap": "The enterprise subject has been corresponding to the standard subject, is it necessary to re-correspond and overwrite the existing correspondence?", "CompleteDeclarationStatusCheck": "The declaration can only be completed if the project status is generated and is not equal to the rejected status.", "CompleteTask": "Task Completed", "Conclusion": "Total", "Condition1": "Both the beginning of the debit and the beginning of the credit must be selected at the same time", "Condition2": "The opening balance or (at the beginning of the debit, the beginning of the credit) must be selected.", "Condition3": "(Debit balance, credit balance) or (Debit ending balance, credit ending balance) or ending balance must be selected.", "Condition4": "The opening balance or (the debit opening balance, the credit opening balance) cannot be selected at the same time.", "Condition5": "The ending balance or (the debit ending balance, the credit ending balance) cannot be selected at the same time.", "Condition6": "Debit balance and credit balance must be selected at the same time.", "Condition7": "the debit ending balance and the credit ending balance must be selected at the same time.", "ConditionDataSource": "Conditional data source", "Confirm": "Confirm", "ConfirmClearCustomsInvoice": "Are you sure to delete the customs certification list data?", "ConfirmCleartTbTitle": "Do you want to delete the data related to the trial balance import?", "ConfirmCredit": "Confirm Credit Amount", "ConfirmDebit": "Confirm Debit Amount", "ConfirmSelectErpImportFile": "Import File not Selected, Cannot be Imported", "ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle": "Please Select Import File", "ConfirmTbDataToDelete": "The data has been imported through the trial balance table and must be cleaned before the financial data can be imported. Do you confirm the deletion?", "ConfirmToContinue": "Confirm to Continue?", "ConfirmToMapForDiffAcctProp": "The corresponding corporate subject is not the same subject type in the standard subject. Are you sure to correspond?", "ConfirmToMapForDiffDirection": "The corresponding corporate subjects are not in the same lending direction in the standard Account. Are you sure to correspond?", "ConsumDocumentListRoot": "Tax Fee Related", "ContactAdmin": "Please Contact Admin", "ConverImportBtn": "Append", "CoverImportInputInvoice": "Overwrite Import Invoice Summary", "CoverImportInputInvoiceItem": "Overwrite import invoice details", "CoverImportJournalEntry": "Overwrite import Journal Entry", "CoverImportOutputInvoice": "Overwrite import Output Invoice", "CoverImportTrialBalance": "Overwrite import Trial Balance", "CreateTask": "Create Task", "CreditAmount": "Credit Amount", "CreditAmountConfirmCol": "Final Confirmation Number(credit)", "CreditBal": "Credit Balance", "CreditBalDiff": "Credit Balance Difference", "CreditBalMsg": "Credit Balance Type Error", "CreditBalType": "Credit Balance Type Error", "CreditClosingBalance": "Credit Ending Balance", "CreditOpeningBalance": "Credit Beginning Balance", "CreditParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Incorrect Credit Balance!", "CreditParseErrorType": "Incorrect Credit Balance", "CreditReclassificationCol": "Credit Rclassification!", "CreditReclassificationCountCol": "Credit Rclassification Amount", "CreditRecord": "Tax Incentive Filing", "CreditRelevantAmtCol": "Credit Balance (including audit adjustments)", "CreditTips": "Please enter the reclassified credit amount", "Creditor": "Credit", "CurrentMonth": "Current Month", "CurrentPeriod": "Current Month", "CurrentPeriodBegCreditBal": "Current Period Beginning Credit Balance", "CurrentPeriodBegDebitBal": "Current Period Beginning Debit Balance", "CurrentPeriodEndBal": "Current Period Beginning Balance", "CustCreditBal": "System Credit Balance", "CustDebitBal": "System Debit Balance", "CustEndBal": "System Ending Balance", "CustEndCreditBal": "System Ending Credit Balance", "CustEndDebitBal": "System Ending Debit Balance", "CustGoodsName": "Business name", "CustomInvoiceFileCheck": "Please check the upload file format. Upload files can only be xls, xlsx Format", "CustomsAuditResult": "Result", "CustomsAuditResultError": "For the {rowIndex} line, please confirm the customs payment number: {rows}audit result", "CustomsCertList": "Customs Certification List", "CustomsIssueDate": "Issue Date", "CustomsIssueEmpty": " The {rowIndex} line, the date of issue cannot be empty", "CustomsIssueError": "For the {rowIndex} line, please confirm the customs payment number: {rows} date of issue (different from the period)", "CustomsIssueNotDate": "For the {rowIndex} line, please confirm the customs payment number: {rows} was issued with an illegal date format", "CustomsPayNum": "Customs Payment Number", "CustomsPayNumDuplicate": "Customs Payment Number Duplicate", "CustomsPayNumEorror": "The {rowIndex} line customs payment book number is empty, please confirm", "CustomsPayNumExisted": "Line {rowIndex}, customs payment book number: {rows} already exists", "CustomsPayNumExistedInSheet": "The {rowIndex} line in Sheet has duplicate customs payment numbers: {rows} ", "DFFSETotal": "Total Credit Balance:", "DFJETotal": "Total Credit Balance:", "DFQCTotal": "Credit Beginning Balance:", "DFQMTotal": "Credit Ending Balance:", "DataCheckType": "Type", "DataCorrectnessCheck": "Data Correctness Verification", "DataFilter": "Data Filter", "DataLoadingError": "Data Loading Error!", "DataProcessDataName_AnnualSettlement": "-Annual settlement and payment", "DataProcessDataName_CITFirstQuarterly": "First quarter prepayment schedule", "DataProcessDataName_CITForthQuarterly": "· Fourth quarter prepayment schedule", "DataProcessDataName_CITQuarterly": "- Income tax quarterly prepayment", "DataProcessDataName_CITSecondQuarterly": "· Second quarter prepayment", "DataProcessDataName_CITThirdQuarterly": "· Third quarter prepayment", "DataProcessDataName_UpdateReportConfig": "Report configuration update", "DataProcessDataName_FinanceReport": "- Finance Report", "DataProcessDataName_GenerateReport": "Generate Report", "DataProcessDataName_ModelAnalysis": "Model Analysis", "DataProcessDataName_UpdateTB": "Update Standard Trial Balance", "DataProcessDataName_YearWorkPaper": "-Annual Working Paper", "DataProcessData_Generate": "Generate", "DataProcessData_PreGenerate": "PreGenerate", "DataProcessData_Update": "Update", "DataSourceCountFirst": "Total", "DataSourceCountSecond": "DataSource", "DataSourceInfo": "Data Source Information", "DataSourceNotFound": "Data Source Not Found", "DataValidation": "Data Validation", "DateWarningSearch": "The previous date cannot be greater than the last date", "DebitAmount": "Debit Amount", "DebitAmountConfirmCol": "Debit Amount Confirm", "DebitBal": "Debit Balance", "DebitBalDiff": "Debit Balance Difference", "DebitBalMsg": "Debit Balance Type Error", "DebitBalType": "Debit Balance Type Error", "DebitClosingBalance": "Debit Ending Balance", "DebitOpeningBalance": "Debit Beginning Balance", "DebitParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Incorrect Debit Balance", "DebitParseErrorType": "Incorrect Debit Balance", "DebitReclassificationCol": "Debit Balance Reclassification", "DebitReclassificationCountCol": "Debit Balance Reclassification Count", "DebitRelevantAmtCol": "Debit Balance(Contains Audit Adjustment)", "DebitTips": "Please enter a reclassified debit amount", "Debitor": "Debit", "DeleteDuplicateData": "Delete Duplicate Data", "DeleteEmptyWarning": "Please select the data and then delete it.", "DeleteFailed": "Delete Failed", "DeleteFailure": "Delete Failed", "DeleteFiles": "Delete Files", "DeleteSuccess": "Delete Succeeded", "DeleteTbDataTip": "Are you sure to clear the current month's data? Data cannot be recovered after clearing", "DeleteTips": "Please select the data you want to delete", "DepreciationCurrentYearTotal": "Depreciation Current Year Total", "DepreciationPerTaxCurrentYearTotal": "Depreciation PerTax Current Year Total", "DirectionDifferent": "Direction Different", "Display": "Display", "DisplayCurrentPeriod": "Display Current Period", "DividendReturn": "Dividend Return", "DocumentNum": "Document Number", "DownLoadCsvTemplate": "DownLoad Csv Template", "DownLoadExcelTemplate": "DownLoad Excel Template", "DownloadFiles": "Download Files", "DownloadOutputTemplate": "Download Template", "DownloadTemplateFail": "Download Template Failed,Please Contact Admin.", "DueDate": "Due Date", "DuplicateCheckErrorMsg": "{rows} is repeated in the import file", "DuplicateCheckErrorType": "Duplicate import document invoice information", "DuplicateDataCheck": "Duplicate Data Check", "DuplicateInDBErrorMsg": "{rows} already exists in the system!", "DuplicateInDBErrorType": "The information in the import file is duplicated with the existing information in the system", "DuplicateInFileErrorMsg": "{rows} is repeated in the import file!", "DuplicateInFileErrorType": "Duplicate information in the import file", "DuplicateNum": "Duplicate Number", "EmptyFieldErrorMsg": "{rows}Required fields have null values!", "EmptyFieldErrorType": "Empty Field Check", "EmptyFileContent": "The file content is empty. Please select a file with content.", "EndBal": "Ending Balance", "EndBalMsg": "Ending Balance Type Error", "EndBalType": "Ending Balance Type Error", "EndCreditBal": "Ending Credit Balance", "EndCreditBalMsg": "Ending Credit Type Error", "EndCreditBalType": "Ending Credit Type Error", "EndDebitBal": "Ending Debit Balance", "EndDebitBalMsg": "Ending Debit Type Error", "EndDebitBalType": "Ending Debit Type Error", "EntempriseAccount": "Account", "EnterpriseCodeDirection": "Enterprise Code Direction", "Enum_Accounting": "Booked", "Enum_Billed": "Recorded", "Enum_DisplayIncoice": "Display Incoice", "Enum_DisplayVoucher": "Display Voucher", "Enum_NotAccounting": "Unrecorded", "Enum_PartAccounting": "Partly Recorded", "Enum_PartBilled": "Partly Billed", "Enum_UnBilled": "UnBilled", "EprConfirmImportData": "The status of the project is: {status}, whether to confirm the {importTypeStr} data", "EprConfirmImportDataTitle": "Confirm To Import Data?", "ErpCheckTypeId": "Financial Data Recommendation Type Id", "ErpDetailWarning": "Verify correctly, no error details", "ErpDownloadFileTitle": "Download the universal template file and fill in the corresponding data according to the field requirements of the universal template.", "ErpFileUploadLimits": "The import file cannot exceed:", "ErpImportFileTitle": "Import data source files (see note)", "ErpImportTitle": "Financial Data", "ErpToolTips": "Note: 1. The csv file naming format is: Balance_*.csv, Voucher_*.csv; 2. Data is divided by Tab; 3. You can select multiple files to upload while holding down the Ctrl key.", "ErpUploadFileExtensionCheck": "Please check the upload file format. Upload files can only be csv, xls, xlsx file format", "ErrorCount": "Error Count", "ErrorDetail": "Error Details", "ErrorDetails": "Error Details", "ErrorFileMsg": ".EXE file is not supported", "ErrorFileType": "File Type Error", "ErrorResult": "Validate Result", "EtsSubjectNameCol": "Corresponding Corporate Account", "EvidenceTab": "Evidence", "ExportBtn": "Export", "ExportExcel": "Expor Excel", "FLCITCount": "Total Number of Entries:", "FailureTitle": "Failure!", "FileName": "File Name:", "Filter": "Filter:", "FilterCriteriaTags": "Filter Result", "FilterMapStatus": "Filter Status", "FinalCredit": "Final Credit Amount", "FinalDebit": "Final Debit Amount", "FinancialReturn": "Financial Statements", "FreightTransport": "Freight Transport Invoice", "GP_BuildService": "Building Installation Service", "GP_EstateLeasingService": "Estate Leasing Service", "GP_FinancialService": "Financial insurance service", "GP_GoodsAndRepairService": "Goods and Repair Service", "GP_InvisibleCapital": "Invisible Capital", "GP_LandUseRight": "Transfer of Land Use Right", "GP_LifeService": "Life Service", "GP_TangibleMovablesService": "Tangible movable property leasing service", "GP_TelecomService": "Telecom Service", "GP_TransportationService": "Transportation Service", "GetVoucherDetailsFail": "Get Voucher Details Failed", "HandInputValue": "Value", "HandleMapping": "Mannual Mapping", "Help": "Help", "HideAllZeroRecords": "Hide All Zero Records", "HistoryPeriod": "History Period", "Icon": " ", "ImagePic": "Validate Result", "ImportBtn": "Import", "ImportDocumentList": "Import Document List", "ImportErpDataFail": "Import Data Failed: ", "ImportErpDataSuccess": "Data import is successful, start to organize data", "ImportAssetErrorMsg": "A warning appears at {NumberOfError}, please click on the details to view the details.", "ImportErrorMsg": "An error occurred at {NumberOfError}, please correct it and click the refresh button to re-verify", "ImportErrorPopUpErrorCountCol": "Error Count", "ImportErrorPopUpErrorDescCol": "Error Description", "ImportErrorPopUpErrorDetail": "Error Detail", "ImportErrorPopUpErrorInfoCol": "Error Information", "ImportErrorPopUpErrorTypeCol": "Error Type", "ImportErrorPopUpNoCol": "Number", "ImportErrorPopUpTitle": "The following error was found during the import process, the import is about to be terminated, please re-import after correction", "ImportFail": "Import Failed", "ImportFileInvalidType": "Import File Type Invalid!", "ImportInputInvoice": "Import Input Invoice", "ImportInputInvoiceItem": "Import Input Invoice Item", "ImportJournalEntry": "Import Journal Entry", "ImportOutputInvoice": "Import Output Invoice", "ImportSuccess": "Import Succeeded", "ImportTrialBalance": "Import Trial Balance", "ImportTypeTip": "Need to Clear the Financial Data Imported This Month, Whether to Confirm?", "Import_AccountMapping": "Account Mapping", "Import_AuditAdjust": "Audit Adjustment", "Import_CalculateData": "Data Processing", "Import_CustomInvoice": "Customs List Import", "Import_Erpdata": "Financial Data Import", "Import_GoodsMapping": "Goods Mapping Import", "Import_InputInvoice": "Input Invoice Import", "Import_InvoiceMapping": "Invoice Mapping Import", "Import_JournalEntry": "Journal Entry Import", "Import_OutputInvoice": "Output Invoice Import", "Import_TrialBalance": "Trial Balance Import", "Import_UnbilledInvoice": "Unbilled Invoice", "Import_VoucherMapping": "Voucher Mapping Import", "Importing": "Importing", "IncomeDataSource": "Input DataSource", "IncomeDetailDataSource": "Input Detail DataSource", "IncomeInvoiceDetail": "Input Invoice Detail", "IncomeInvoiceTitle": "Input Invoice", "IncomeInvoiceTotal": "Total Input Invoice", "InprogressTask": "In progress", "InputInvoiceClearTips": "All Incoming Summary and Entry Schedule Information Will be Cleared this Month?", "InputInvoiceCoverImportTips": " If the Summary Table is Overwritten, the Entry Schedule Information Will be Cleared?", "InputInvoiceItemClearTips": "Information For All Incoming Schedules Will be Cleared This Month.?", "InvoiceDate": "Invoice Date", "InvoiceDateEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Date Empty", "InvoiceDateErrorMsg": "Invoice Date Error", "InvoiceDateErrorType": "Invoice Date Error Type", "InvoiceDateNullMsg": "Invoice Date Null", "InvoiceDateQueryError": "The Time Range is Incorrect, Please Re-enter!!", "InvoiceDateRangeCheckErrorMsg": "The Billing Date Does Not Match the Selected Period", "InvoiceDateRangeCheckErrorType": "Billing Date is Not in the Selected Period", "InvoiceFPDM": "Invoice Code", "InvoiceFPDMQuery": "Invoice Code:", "InvoiceFPFS": "Invoice Count", "InvoiceFPHM": "Invoice Number", "InvoiceFPHMQuery": "Invoice Number:", "InvoiceFPLX": "Invoice Type", "InvoiceFPLXQuery": "Invoice Type:", "InvoiceGHFSH": "Supplier Tax Number", "InvoiceGHFSHQuery": "Supplier Tax Number:", "InvoiceHWMC": "Goods Name", "InvoiceInfoDetailTab": "Detail List", "InvoiceInfoEmptyCheckErrorMsg": "Invoice Code, Invoice Number or Invoice Type is Empty", "InvoiceInfoEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Code, Invoice Number or Invoice Type is Empty", "InvoiceInfoTotalTab": "Invoice Information Summary", "InvoiceItemAmount": "Item Total Amount", "InvoiceItemInfoEmptyCheckErrorMsg": "Invoice Code or Invoice Number is Empty", "InvoiceItemInfoEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Code or Invoice Number is Empty", "InvoiceItemTaxAmount": "Detail Total Tax Amount", "InvoiceJE": "Amount", "InvoiceJEError": " For the {rowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Customs Payment Number:{rows}Tax Amount", "InvoiceJEQuery": "Amount:", "InvoiceKPRQ": "Invoice Date", "InvoiceNumber": "Invoice Number", "InvoiceQJ": "Period", "InvoiceRZJG": "Certification result", "InvoiceRZJGQuery": "Certification result:", "InvoiceRZRQ": "Certification Date", "InvoiceRZRQQuery": "Certification Date:", "InvoiceSE": "Tax", "InvoiceSEError": "For the {rowIndex} Line, Please Confirm the Customs Payment Number: {rows} Tax Information", "InvoiceSEQuery": "Tax:", "InvoiceSL": "Tax Rate", "InvoiceTotalAmount": "Summary Table Amount", "InvoiceTotalTaxAmount": "Summary Table Tax Amount", "InvoiceType": "Invoice Type", "InvoiceTypeEmptyCheckErrorType": "Invoice Type Empty", "InvoiceTypeErrorMsg": "Invoice Type Error", "InvoiceTypeErrorType": "Invoice Type Error", "IsComfirmToSubmitReport": "Confirm to Sumbit For Approve?", "IsComfirmToWithdrawSubmitReport": "Confirm to Withdraw Submitting the Report?", "IsConfirmCancelMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Confirm to Cancel Mapping?", "IsConfirmManualReClassify": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm to Save Mannual Reclassification?", "IsConfirmReCalcuate": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm to Recalculate?", "IsConfirmSaveReport": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm to Save the Report?", "IsConfirmToApproveReport": "Whether to Confirm to approved?", "IsConfirmToApproveReportTitle": "Whether to Confirm to approved?", "IsConfirmToCompleteDeclaration": "Whether to Confirm Completing the declaration?", "IsConfirmToReImport": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm Reimport?", "IsConfirmToReMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm The Remapping?", "IsConfirmToRejectReport": "Confirm To Reject Review?", "IsConfirmToRejectReportTitle": "Confirm To Reject Review?", "IsConfirmToSubmitReportTitle": "Confirm To Submit Report Review?", "IsConfirmToWithdrawSubmitReportTitle": "Whether to Confirm the Withdrawal of the Submission of the Report Review?", "IsConfirmUndoMap": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Whether to Confirm The Withdrawal?", "IsConfirmVoucherReClassify": "The System Has Reached the {status} Status,Confirm to Save Voucher Reclassification?", "IsDelete": "Are You Sure to Delete??", "IsInputNecessary": "Required or not", "ItemIDParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Wrong Entry Number Value!", "ItemIDParseErrorType": "Wrong Entry Value", "JFFSETotal": "Total Debit Blance:", "JFJETotal": "Debit Amount Total:", "JFQCTotal": "Debit Beiginning Balance:", "JFQMTotal": "Debit Ending Balance:", "JournalDFJE": "Credit Amount", "JournalEntryAccountCodeTooLongErrorMsg": "Account Code Cannot exceed 50 Characters!", "JournalEntryAccountCodeTooLongErrorType": "Account Code Too Long", "JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorMsg": "Account Code Empty Error!", "JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorType": "Account Code Empty Error", "JournalEntryAmountErrorMsg": "{rows}Debot Amount or Credit Amount Format Error!", "JournalEntryAmountErrorType": "Amount Format Error", "JournalEntryClearTips": "All the Journal Enrty Information Will Be Cleared This Month.?", "JournalEntryClearWarning": "Confirm Clearing the Journal Enrty of the Selected Period?", "JournalEntryCustomerCodeTooLongErrorMsg": "Customer Code Can Not Exceed 50 Characters!", "JournalEntryCustomerCodeTooLongErrorType": "Customer Code Too Long", "JournalEntryDateFormatErrorMsg": "{rows}Voucher Date Format Error!", "JournalEntryDateFormatErrorType": "Date Format Error", "JournalEntryDuplicateErrorMsg": "Duplicate Credentials in the Import File!", "JournalEntryDuplicateErrorType": "Duplicate Data Check", "JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher Type Empty Error!", "JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Type Empty Error", "JournalEntryGroupTooLongErrorMsg": "Voucher Type Cannot Exceed 50 Characters!", "JournalEntryGroupTooLongErrorType": "Journal Entry Group Too Long", "JournalEntryImportErrorERPDataImportedAlready": "Financial Data Has Been Imported,Can Not Import Enrty Journal,Please Import Trial Balance First!", "JournalEntryImportErrorNotImportTBData": "Trial Balance Has Not Been Imported,Journal Entry Can Not be Imported!", "JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorMsg": "Voucher Entry Number Can Not be Empty!", "JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorType": "Voucher Entry Number Error", "JournalEntryItemIDFormatErrorType": "Incorrect Entry Number Format", "JournalEntryItemIDTooLongErrorMsg": "Entry Number Cannot Exceed 50 Characters!", "JournalEntryItemIDTooLongErrorType": "Entry Number is Too Long", "JournalEntryPeriodErrorMsg": "The Period of {rows} Does Not Match The Currently Selected Interval", "JournalEntryPeriodErrorType": "Period Error", "JournalEntryPeriodFormatErrorType": "Period Format Error", "JournalEntrySummaryTooLongErrorMsg": "Summary Cannot Exceed 200 Characters!", "JournalEntrySummaryTooLongErrorType": "Summary Too Long", "JournalEntryTitle": "Journal Entry", "JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorMsg": "Vouher ID Can Not Be Null!", "JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorType": "Journal Entry Vouher ID Empty", "JournalEntryVIDTooLongErrorMsg": "Journal Entry Voucher ID Can Not More Than 50 Character!", "JournalEntryVIDTooLongErrorType": "Journal Entry Voucher ID Too Long", "JournalEntryVoucherDateEmptyErrorType": "Journal Entry Voucher Date Empty", "JournalFLCount": "Entry Amount", "JournalFLH": "Entry Number", "JournalJFJE": "Debit Amount", "JournalKHDM": "Business Code", "JournalKMDM": "Account Code", "JournalPZCount": "Voucher Amount", "JournalPZH": "Voucher ID", "JournalPZLX": "Voucher Type", "JournalPZRQ": "Voucher Data", "JournalQJ": "Period", "JournalZY": "Summary", "KeyData": "Key Data:", "LastMonth": "Last Month", "LastPeriodEndBal": "Last Period Ending Balance", "LastPeriodEndCreditBal": "Last Period Ending Credit Balance", "LastPeriodEndDebitBal": "Last Period Ending Debit Balance", "LessThan": "Less Than", "LineNum": "Line Number", "Logtitle": "Logtitle", "ManageDataSuccess": "Manage Data Success", "ManualInput": "Manual Input", "ManualInputDataSource": "Manual Input Data Source", "ManualInputFail": "Manual Input Fail", "ManualInputSuccess": "Manual Input Success", "ManualReclassification": "Manual Reclassification", "Mapped": "Mapped", "MappingResult": "Mapping Result", "MaxConditionDataSource": "Conditional Judgment Data Source (Take The Large)", "Memo": "Memo", "MinConditionDataSource": "Conditional Judgment Data Source (Take The Small)", "ModelBackFillAmountNotFound": "Model Backfill Data Does Not Exist", "Modify": "Modify", "MoreThan": "More Than", "MotorVehicle": "Motor Vehicle Invoice", "MyTrialBalanceTitle": "Trial Balance", "NeedToUpdate": "Need To Update", "NoAccountCode": "No Account Code Selected.", "NoCurrentPeriodData": "There is no Data Matching the Current Month.", "NoCustomsAuditResult": "Required Fields:Result No Check, Please Confirm", "NoCustomsIssueDate": "Required Fields: Date No Check, Please Confirm", "NoCustomsPayNum": "Required Fields: Customs Payment Book Number No Check, Please Confirm", "NoData": "No Data", "NoDataAvailable": "No Data Can be Displayed Under Current Conditions", "NoDataToDispaly": "No Data", "NoInvoiceSE": "Required Fields: Tax No Check, Please Confirm", "NoPeriod": "No Period,the System Imports All Data by Default, Whether to Confirm?", "NoPeriodCannotImport": "Cannot Import Without Selection Period", "NoSearchContent": "Sorry, No match!", "Normal": "General Invoice", "NotAllowDataProcess": "No Account Correspondence is Submitted, Data Processing is not Possible", "NotAllowSubmitAccountMap": "No Import Data,No Account Correspondence", "NotBegin": "Not Started", "NotBeginTask": "Not Started", "NotInputTheQueryConditions": "No Query Condition Entered!", "NullValue": "Null", "Num": "Number", "NumOutRangeErrorType": "Wrong Data Range", "NumOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range (-1 Trillion to +1 Trillion)", "OnGoing": "Processing", "OnlyInvoiceItemCheckErrorMsg": "Please Import The Item Summary Table Information First.", "OnlyInvoiceItemCheckErrorType": "Import Item List Separately", "Operate": "Operate", "OperationLogApproveContent": "{level}Level Review", "OperationLogApproveUpdateStauts": "Reviewed level{level}", "OrderBy": "Order", "OrderByFileType": "By File Type", "OrderByPeriod": "By Month", "OrderyByFileName": "By File Name", "OrderyByName": "By Name", "OrderyByServiceType": "By Service Type", "OrderyByStatus": "By Status", "OrderyByYear": "By Year", "OrganizationsHasDirtyData": "Model Data is Updated, is the Model Data Recalculated??", "OtherRecordFiling": "Other Record Filing", "OutDateTask": "Out Of Date", "OutOfAmount": "Can Only Upload up to 5 Files at a Time", "OutOfAmountType": "Out Of Amount", "OutOfDateTask": "Out Of Date", "OutOfSize": "{rows}File Size Cannot Exceed 10M", "OutOfSizeType": "Wrong File Size", "Output100LengthMsg": "Length Over 100", "OutputCount": "Output Incoive Amount Total", "OutputInvoiceDataSource": "Output Incoive Datasource", "OutputInvoiceErrorMsg": "Invoice Number, Invoice Code or Invoice Category is Empty", "OutputInvoiceErrorType": "Invoice Number, Invoice Code or Invoice Category is Empty", "OutputInvoiceTab": "Invoice", "OutputInvoiceTitle": "Output Invoice", "OutputInvoiceTypeErrorMsg": "Invoice Type Error", "OutputInvoiceTypeErrorType": "Invoice Type Error", "OutputStringLengthMsg": "More Than 50 in Length", "OutputStringLengthMsg_200": "More Than 200 in Length", "OutputStringLengthType": "Wrong Data Length", "OutputTempError": "Not Importing According to a Standard Template,Use the Standard Template to Import", "OverLengthErrorMsg": "{rows} Exists Field Length Exceeds Maximum Length Limit!", "OverLengthFieldErrorType": "Field Length Check", "PIndustry": "Industry", "PZCITCount": "Voucher Total:", "PagingFirstPage": "First Page", "TotalDebit": "Debit", "PagingLastPage": "Last Page", "PagingNextPage": "Next Page", "PagingPreviousPage": "Previous Page", "ParentAcctCode": "Parent Account Code", "PeriodDifferenceTip": "Whether to Import Only the Current Month Data?", "PeriodErrorMag": "Period Type Error。", "PeriodErrorType": "Period Type Error ", "PeriodId": "Period", "PeriodInputValueErrors": "Period Input Value Errors!", "PeriodOverLengthMsg": "Over Length(1-12)", "PeriodParseErrorMsg": "{rows}Illegal Period Value!", "PeriodParseErrorType": "Illegal pPeriod Value", "PhoneNum": "Address&Telephone", "Planning": "Tax Planning", "PleaseSelectAtLeastOneItem": "Please Select At Least One Item!", "PleaseSelectColumn": "Please Select Column", "PleaseSelectFileFirst": "Please Select A File First!", "PleaseSelectPeriod": "Please Select A Period", "PleaseSelectTB": "Please Select to Update The Standard Account Balance Sheet", "ProductName": "Product Name", "ProductStandar": "Specification", "ProejctStatusCompleted": "Completed", "ProfitAndLossStatement": "Income Statement", "Project": "Row", "ProjectNameCol": "Project Name", "ProjectServiceCol": "Service", "ProjectStatus": "Project Status", "ProjectStatusAcccountMapSubmitted": "Mapped", "ProjectStatusGenerated": "Generated", "ProjectStatusImported": "Imported", "ProjectStatusStarted": "Start", "ProjectStatusTitle": "Project Status:", "ProjectStatusUnStarted": "UnStarted", "ProjectYearCol": "Year", "PropertyDocumentListRoot": "Document List", "QCYETotal": "Total Opening Balance:", "QMYETotal": "Total Ending Balance:", "QNDKJZJE": "Accounting Depreciation Amount Last Year:", "Quantity": "Quantity", "QuantityOverLengthMsg": "Out of Range(1-9999)", "QuarterlyCITFilingReturn": "Quarterly CIT Filing Return", "Reason": "Reason", "ReclassificationItem": "Reclassification Details", "ReclassificationName": "Reclassification Name", "ReclassificationNameCol": "Reclassification Name", "ReclassificationNameTips": "Custom Reclassification Name", "RecordFiling": "Asset Loss Income Tax Pre-tax Deduction", "Refresh": "Refresh", "RefreshInputInvoiceItemValidationData": "Refresh the Invoice Detail Verification Result", "RefreshInputInvoiceValidationData": "Refresh The Input Invoice Total Verification Result", "RefreshSuccess": "Refresh Successfully!", "RefreshTbFail": "Failed to Refresh Data, Please Reload Page", "RefreshValidationData": "Refresh Check Result", "RejectReportStatusCheck": "Reject The Review Only After Submitting The Review", "RelatedAttach": "Related Attachment", "RelatedAttachmentCol": "Related Attachment", "RelatedVoucherCol": "Related Voucher", "Remarks": "Log", "ReportDataSource": "Report Data Source", "ReportName": "Report Name", "RequiredColumnNotSelect": "Please Select The Required Field: {errorMsg} Import The Data", "RowIndex": "Line {rowIndex}", "STANDARDProject": "Standard Account", "SealerTaxNumber": "Sales Tax Number", "SearchFileName": "Search File Name", "SearchFileType": "File Type", "SearchHintText": "Search", "SearchResult": "Search Result", "SelectAFile": "Browse...", "SelectASheet": "Select Sheet", "SelectColumnError": "Column Name Corresponds to Error", "SelectFile": "Select File...", "SelectFileToUpload": "Upload File...", "SelectMappTips": "Please Select The Name of The Company First..", "SelectOneAccountToClearMap": "Please Select at Least One Business Account to Cancel the Corresponding!", "SelectOneAccountToManualReclassificate": "Please Select a Corporate Subject For Manual Rclassification!", "SelectOneAccountToMap": "Please Select at Least One Business Account to Correspond!", "SelectOneAccountToVoucherReclassificate": "Please Select a Corporate Account For Reclassification of Documents!", "SelectPeriodDelete": "Please Select a Period Before Deleting", "SelectStdAccount": "Select Standard Account", "SellerTaxNumber": "Seller Tax Number", "SetProjectStatusError": "Project Status Error", "ShowDetail": "Show Detail", "ShowInPeriod": "Show In Period", "SourceOrFormula": "Instructions For Filling Out", "Special": "Special Invoice", "SpecialTasks": "Special Tasks", "StandardAccountAcctPropAsset": "Asset", "StandardAccountAcctPropCommon": "Common", "StandardAccountAcctPropCost": "Cost", "StandardAccountAcctPropDebt": "Liability", "StandardAccountAcctPropInterest": "Rights and Interests", "StandardAccountAcctPropProfitAndLoss": "Profit And Loss", "StandardAccountCredit": "Credit", "StandardAccountDebit": "Debit", "StandardAccoutDoubleClick": "Standard Chart of Accounts (Double Click to Correspond)", "StandardSubjectCol": "Corresponding state", "StartRowError": "Start Row Error", "StartRowNull": "Start Row Cannot Null", "StartRowNum": "Start Row:", "StartRowNumberCheckMsg": "The Starting Line Cannot be Greater Than The Total Number of Currently Imported Data!", "StartingDate": "Start Date", "StdAccountMappingResult": "Standard Account Mapping Result", "StdCodeDirection": "Standard Account Direction", "StdGoodsName": "Standard Goods Name", "StdGoodsNameList": "Standard Goods Name List(Double Click To Match)", "StdSubjectCodeCol": "Standard Account Code", "StdSubjectNameCol": "Standard Account Name", "SubjectCodeCol": "Account Code", "SubjectDirectionCol": "Direction", "SubjectNameCol": "Account Name", "SubjectTypeCol": "Account Type", "SubmitReportStatusCheck": "Report Review Can Only be Submitted if The Status Has Been Generated or Rejected", "SubsidiaryAccounts": "View Ledger", "Subtotal": "Subtotal", "SuccessTitle": "Succeeded!", "SwitchToCITProject": "Display Business Account Data", "SwitchToSTANDARDProject": "Please Organize The Data First Then View The General Ledger In a Standard Account.", "SelectReportTemplate": "Select Report", "SelectReportTemplateType": "Select Report Type", "TBDataNum": "Trial Balance Amount:", "TableName": "Table Name", "TaskDescription": "Task Description", "TaskEntity": "Task Entity", "TaskName": "Task Name", "TaxAmountCheckErrorMsg": "Please Confirm The Correct Amount of {rows}, The Tax Rate And The Value of The Tax Amount", "TaxAmountNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Amount Error", "TaxAmountNumberCheckErrorType": "Tax Amount Type Error", "TaxAmountQueryError": "Tax Amount Range Incorrect,Please Try Again!", "TaxClassCode": "Tax Class Code", "TaxInspection": "Tax Inspection", "TaxRate": "Tax Rate", "TaxRateCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Rate Number Error!", "TaxRateCheckErrorType": "Tax Rate Number Error", "TaxRateNumberCheckErrorMsg": "Tax Rate Error", "TaxRateNumberCheckErrorType": "Tax Rate Type Error", "TaxReportColumn": "Column", "TaxStatistics": "Tax Bureau's Various Survey Statistics", "TaxTaskManage": "Tax Task", "TaxTaskType": "Task Classification", "TaxTotal": "Tax Total: ", "TemplateDownload": "Template Download", "ThisMonth": "This Month", "ThisWeek": "This Week", "Tips": "Tips", "Today": "Today", "TotalAmount": "Total Amount:", "TotalCreditAmount": "Total Credit Amount:", "TotalDebitAmount": "Total Debit Amount:", "TotalLoanAmountColon": "Total Loan Amount:", "TotalNo": "Total:", "TotalTaxAmount": "Tax Total:", "TrialBalanceDataSource": "Trial Balance Data Source", "TrialBalanceTitle": "General Ledger", "UnbilledInvoiceTitle": "Unbilled Invoice", "TemplateFile": "Template File", "Unit": "Unit", "UnitPrice": "Unit Price", "UnitPriceNumberCheckErrorMsg": "UnitPrice Number Error!", "UnitPriceNumberCheckErrorType": "UnitPrice Type Error", "UniversalImport": "Universal Import", "Unmapped": "Unmapped", "UnsavedChange": "Change Unsaved", "UpdateFailed": "Data Update Failed!", "UpdateSuccess": "Data Update Succeeded!", "UploadCertificate": "Upload Voucher", "UploadFileFail": "Upload File Fail", "UploadFileSuccess": "Upload File Success", "VATInvoice": "VAT Invoice", "ValidationDetails": "Validation Details", "ValidationTips": "Tips", "ViewDetails": "View Details", "ViewRelatedDocument": "View Related Document", "VoucherAccountCode": "Account", "VoucherCode": "Voucher Code", "VoucherCreditAmount": "Voucher Credit Amount", "VoucherDataSource": "Voucher Data Source", "VoucherDate": "Voucher Date", "VoucherDebitAmount": "Voucher Debit Amount", "VoucherID": "Voucher ID", "VoucherInvoiceMapTitle": "Voucher Invoice Mapping", "VoucherRange": "Voucher Range", "VoucherReclassification": "Voucher Reclassification", "VoucherReclassificationTitle": "Voucher Reclassification", "VoucherSummary": "Voucher Summary", "Voucher_Export_result": "Voucher Query Result", "WaitCompleteTask": "Waiting Task Complete", "WarningTitle": "Warning!", "WithdrawReportStatusCheck": "Please Submit a Report Review First, And You Can Undo The Report Review Only if You Have Submitted Your Status.", "WorkSheet": "Work Sheet:", "YearSelection": "Year", "Yuan": "Yuan", "accountMapping": "Account Mapping", "accountVoucher": "Account Voucher", "addMeansures": "Add Index", "addMeasures": "Add", "adjustDate": "Adjusted Date", "analyzeReport": "Data Analysis", "areachart": "Area Chart", "auditAdjust": "Audit Adjustment", "auditAdjustDesc": "Audit Adjustment", "balanceSheet": "Balance Sheet", "barchart": "Barchart", "c_businessIncome": "Business Income", "c_declareIncome": "Declare Income", "c_gap": "Gap", "c_income": "Input Tax Amount", "c_inputTaxAmount": "Input Tax Amount", "c_mainBusinessIncomeAmount": "Main Business Income", "c_month": "Month", "c_otherReceivableAmount": "Other Receivable Amount", "c_outcome": "Output Tax Amount", "c_outputTaxAmount": "Output Tax Amount", "c_projectID": "Project", "c_rateType": "Tax Rate", "c_receivableAmount": "Receivable Amount", "c_region": "Region", "c_regionID": "Region", "c_salesAmount": "Sales Amount", "c_vatShouldTaxAmount": "Actual Paid Tax ", "c_vatType": "VAT Tax Type", "c_year": "Declaration Year", "caculateData": "Data Process", "chartData": "Data", "chartFullNameTitle": "Chart Name", "chartName": "Chart Name", "chartNameTooLong": "Chart Name Too Long", "chartType": "Chart Type", "completed": "Completed", "customInvoice": "Customs List", "dateFormat4Year": " yyyy", "dateFormat4YearMonth": " yyyy-mm", "dateFormat4YearMonthDay": "yyyy-mm-dd", "dateFormat4YearMonthDayCh": "yyyy-mm-dd", "deleteChart": "Sure to delete the chart?", "deleteChartTitle": "Delete Chart", "dimension": "Analysis Dimension", "dimensionOrMeasuresError": "Dimensions or metrics cannot be empty", "documentList": "Business Information list", "documentListTip": "Document List", "empty": "Empty", "erpData": "Financial Data", "error": "Error", "generateReport": "View Report", "goodsMapping": "Goods Mapping", "importData": "Import Data", "inputInvoice": "Input Invoice", "invoiceCode": "Invoice Code", "invoiceMapping": "Invoice Mapping", "invoiceMappingDesc": "Invoice Correspondence", "invoiceNumber": "Invoice Number", "isRequired": "Is Required", "itemID": "Journal Entry ID", "journalEntry": "Journal Entry", "linechart": "Line Chart", "measures": "Analysis Indicators", "measuresExist": "Current Analysis Indicators exist", "modelNameTitle": "Model name", "month": "Month", "noChartName": "Chart Name Not Set", "noCurMonthRecordErrorMsg": "No Current Period Records", "noData": "No Data", "off": "OFF", "on": "ON", "outputInvoice": "Output Invoice", "period": "Period", "piechart": "Pie Chart", "previewData": "Data Preview", "processing": "Processing...", "rbarchart": "Bar Chart", "reductionData": "Data Sorting", "reportAnalysisConfig": "Report Analysis Config", "saveData": "Save Changes", "showData": "Display Data", "startCaculateData": "Start Processing", "stepchart": "Step Chart", "switchValue": "Display Value", "taxDashboardConfig": "Tax Dashboard Config", "toUpdate": "To Update", "tranCode": "TransCode", "unbilledInvoice": "Unbilled Invoice", "unstarted": "Unstarted", "vGroup": "Voucher Group", "vatCaculateDataDesc": "Data Processing", "vid": "Voucher Code", "voucherMapping": "Voucher Mapping", "voucherMappingDesc": "Voucher Mapping Condition", "~MustBeEndOneApp": "I Must be the End One, please!", "DataSourceFilter": "Data Source Filter", "PleaseSelectDatabase": "Please Select Database", "PleaseEnterTheFiledWordings": "Please Enter The Value Field", "PleaseEnterTheFilteredCondition": "Please Enter The Filter Condition", "PleaseSelectTheField": "Please Select The Field", "PleaseFillinAllDataField": "Please Fill in All Data Field", "@HowToUse": "在提交前,使用PWC.sortJson()对json内容进行排序", "BS": "Balance sheet", "FinancialReport": "Financial Report", "PL": "Profit and Loss statement", "isRetainDifference": "Is Retain Difference", "TaxAccountDifference": "Tax Account Difference", "TaxDepreciation": "Tax Depreciation", "AccountDepreciation": "Account Depreciation", "CitJournalAdjustImport": "Cit-Journal Adjust Import", "CitBalanceSheetPrcAdjustImport": "Cit-Balance Sheet Prc Adjust Import", "CitProfitPrcAdjustImport": "Cit-Profit Prc Adjust Import", "CitTrialBalanceImport": "Cit-Trial Balance Import", "CitSalaryAdvanceImport": "Cit-Salary Advance Import", "CitEAMAssetsDisposalImport": "Cit-EAM Assets Disposal Import", "CitDraftAccountMappingImport": "Cit-Draft Account Mapping Import", "PleaseSelectOrganization": "Please Select Organization!", "bsGenerateVer": "Balance Sheet Generate Version", "bsMappingVer": "Balance Sheet Mapping Version", "salaryAdvance": "Salary Advance", "eamDisposal": "EAM Disposal", "createTime": "CreateTime", "importWay": "Import Way", "TrialBalanceGeneVer": "Trial Balance Generate Ver", "TrialBalanceMappingVer": "Trial Balance Mapping Ver", "AccountDescription": "Account Description", "BeginningBalance": "Beginning Balance", "EndingBalance": "Ending Balance", "Attribute": "Attribute", "MainBodyCode": "Main Body Code", "AssetEamMapping": "Asset Eam Mapping", "DisposalProfitAndLoss": "Disposal Profit And Loss", "TaxNetValue": "Tax Net Value", "DisposalTaxBenefit": "Disposal Tax Benefit" }