infrastructureModule.controller('landManageController', ['$log', '$scope', '$translate', '$timeout', 'orgService', 'landManageService', 'SweetAlert', 'loginContext', function ($log, $scope, $translate, $timeout, orgService, landManageService, SweetAlert, loginContext) { //---------------land---manage------------------- $scope.pageStatus = { noData: 0, hasData: 1 }; var showAddLandDialog = function () { $scope.editLand = initLand(); $scope.isEdit = false; $('#add-land').modal('show'); }; var showEditLandDialog = function () { $scope.editLand = angular.copy($scope.Land); $scope.isEdit = true; $('#add-land').modal('show'); }; var toDisplay = function () { $scope.Land.computeTaxWayText = $scope.Land.computeTaxWay === 1 ? $translate.instant('SpecialComputeTaxWay') : $translate.instant('GeneralComputeTaxWay'); $scope.Land.isPrepaidText = $scope.Land.isPrepaid ? $translate.instant('Yes') : $translate.instant('No'); }; var addorUpdateLand = function () { // $scope.editLand.updator = loginContext.userId; if ($scope.isEdit) { $scope.editLand.updater = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; landManageService.updateLand($scope.editLand).success(function (data) { if (data.result) { $scope.Land = $scope.editLand; //toDisplay(); //initGrid(); //$scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.hasData; } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('AddLandFail'), ''); } }).error(function (err) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); } else { $scope.editLand.creator = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; landManageService.addLand($scope.editLand).success(function (data) { if (data.result) { $scope.Land = $scope.editLand; $ = data.resultMsg;//new land id toDisplay(); initGrid(); $scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.hasData; } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('AddLandFail'), ''); } }).error(function (err) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); } }; var initLand = function () { return { id: '', //because organization selector need it organization: { id: null, name: '' }, //in order to map the backend feild organizationID: '', organizationName: '', code: '', name: '', area: '', city: '', period: '', amount: null, computeTaxWay: 0, isPrepaid: false, creator: null, updater: null, isActive: 1 }; }; var loadLandData = function () { landManageService.loadAll().success(function (data) { if (data.result) { if ( && > 0) { $scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.hasData; $scope.LandList =; } else { $scope.landLoadstatus = $scope.pageStatus.noData } } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); }; var showLand = function (land) { $scope.Land = land; toDisplay(); var datagrid = $('#taxGrid').dxDataGrid("instance"); datagrid.refresh(); $('#detail-content').show(); }; var disableOrActiveLand = function () { $scope.Land.isActive = !$scope.Land.isActive var currentLand = initLand(); = $; currentLand.isActive = $scope.Land.isActive; currentLand.updater = $scope.Land.updater; landManageService.disableOrEnableLand(currentLand).success(function (res) { if (!res.result) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); }; //------------------taxation----basic----------------------------------- var getTaxData = function () { landManageService.loadAllTax($ .then(function (response) { $scope.taxBasicData =; //return { data:, totalCount: }; }, function (response) { return SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); }); }; var initGrid = function () { // getTaxData(); // customStore(); CustomStore $scope.taxBasicSource = new{ load: function (loadOptions) { return landManageService.loadAllTax($ .then(function (response) { return { data:, totalCount: }; }, function (response) { return $q.reject($translate.instant('CommonFail')); }); }, key: 'id', insert: function (values) { values.landManageID = $; values.creator = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; values.updater = '66933E7B-DA75-4B2E-B7D6-AB65DCA20D50'; //validation return landManageService.addTaxBasic(values); }, //onInserted: function (values, key) { // console.log('inserted'); // console.log(values); // console.log(key); //}, remove: function (key) { return landManageService.deleteTaxBasic(key); }, update: function (key, values) { return landManageService.updateTaxBasic(values); }, errorHandler: function (error) { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('CommonFail'), ''); return false; } }); //loadAllTax $scope.gridOptions = { height:300, dataSource: $scope.taxBasicSource, paging: { pageSize: 6 }, pager: { showNavigationButtons: true }, editing: { mode: "form", allowUpdating: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, form: { colCount: 2, items: [ 'accountCode', 'accountName', { colSpan: 2, dataField: "description", editorType: "dxTextArea" //editorOptions: { // height: 90, //} }, "isTaxpaying" ] } }, //scrolling:{ // mode: 'standard', // showScrollbar: 'Always' //}, searchPanel: { visible: true, width: 240, placeholder: "Search..." }, onRowUpdating: function (e) { // console.log(e.oldData); e.newData = _.extend(e.oldData, e.newData); }, showBorders: true, showRowLines: true, columns: [ //{ dataField: 'id', caption: 'ID', width: '3%' }, { dataField: 'accountCode', caption: $translate.instant('SubjectCode'), width: '25%', validationRules: [{ type: "required" }] }, { dataField: 'accountName', caption: $translate.instant('SubjectName'), width: '25%', validationRules: [{ type: "required" }] }, { dataField: 'description', caption: $translate.instant('Description'), width: '37%', editCellTemplate: function (cellElement, cellInfo) { $('<div/>').dxTextArea({ value: cellInfo.value, valueChangeEvent: "change", onValueChanged: function (data) { cellInfo.setValue(data.value); } }).appendTo(cellElement); } //cellTemplate: function (cellElement, cellInfo) { // console.log(cellInfo.value); //} }, { dataField: 'isTaxpaying', dataType: 'boolean', caption: $translate.instant('IsCompute'), width: '13%' }, ], onCellPrepared: function (e) { if (e.rowType === "data" && e.column.command === "edit") { var isEditing = e.row.isEditing, $links = e.cellElement.find(".dx-link"); $links.text(""); if (isEditing) { //$links.filter(".dx-link-save").addClass("dx-icon-save"); //$links.filter(".dx-link-cancel").addClass("dx-icon-revert"); $links.filter(".dx-link-save").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-floppy-o").addClass('action-icon'); $links.filter(".dx-link-cancel").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-undo").addClass('action-icon'); } else { //$links.filter(".dx-link-edit").addClass("dx-icon-edit"); //$links.filter(".dx-link-delete").addClass("dx-icon-trash"); $links.filter(".dx-link-edit").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-pencil-square-o").addClass('action-icon'); $links.filter(".dx-link-delete").addClass("fa").addClass("fa-trash-o").addClass('action-icon'); } } } }; }; var filterTax = function (value) { var dataGrid = $('#taxGrid').dxDataGrid("instance"); if (value === -1) dataGrid.clearFilter(); else dataGrid.filter(["isTaxpaying", "=", value]); }; var initTaxation = function () { return { id: '', landManageID: '', accountCode: null, accountName: null, description: null, isTaxpaying: false, creator: null, updater: null } }; //----------------------taxation----basic-end------------------------------- (function initialize() { $scope.addorUpdateLand = addorUpdateLand; $scope.disableOrActiveLand = disableOrActiveLand; $scope.showEditLandDialog = showEditLandDialog; $scope.showAddLandDialog = showAddLandDialog; loadLandData(); //current land $scope.Land = {}; $scope.editLand = {}; $scope.initLand = initLand; $scope.ways = [ { id: 0, name: $translate.instant('GeneralComputeTaxWay') }, { id: 1, name: $translate.instant('SpecialComputeTaxWay') }, ]; $scope.wayOptions = { dataSource: $scope.ways, valueExpr: 'id', displayExpr: 'name', bindingOptions: { value: "editLand.computeTaxWay" } }; //show land detail $scope.showLand = showLand; initGrid(); //taxation basic $scope.filterTax = filterTax; $scope.editTaxationBasic = {}; })(); }]); infrastructureModule.directive('landManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('landManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/landManage/land-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, controller: 'landManageController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { //all validation put here $scope.periodOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "editLand.period" }, onKeyPress: function (e) { var event = e.jQueryEvent, str = event.key || String.fromCharCode(event.which); if (/^[\.\,e]$/.test(str)) event.preventDefault(); }, }; } }; } ]); infrastructureModule. controller('MenuManageController', ['$scope', '$rootScope', '$log', '$http', '$location', '$translate', '$timeout', '$attrs', 'ngDraggable', 'menuService', 'serviceTypeService', function ($scope, $rootScope, $log, $http, $location, $translate, $timeout, $attrs, ngDraggable, menuService, serviceTypeService) { //'use strict'; $log.debug('MenuManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.bag = [{ label: 'Glasses', value: 'glasses', children: [{ label: 'Top Hat', value: 'top_hat', children: [{ label: 'Top Hat 2', value: 'top_hat 2' }, { label: 'Top Hat 3', value: 'top_hat 3' }] }, { label: 'Curly Mustache', value: 'mustachio' }] }]; $scope.awesomeCallback = function (node, tree) { // Do something with node or tree $'callback'); }; $scope.otherAwesomeCallback = function (node, isSelected, tree) { // Do soemthing with node or tree based on isSelected $'other call back',node); } //scope model $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.selectedMenu = null; $scope.editMenuModel = null; $scope.menuData = []; $scope.checkedMenusSet = {}; $scope.set = []; $scope.defaultServiceType = {}; $scope.currentServiceTypeId = null; var getMenusByServiceTypeId = function (serviceTypeId) { menuService.getMenus(serviceTypeId).success(function(menuData) { $scope.menuData = menuData; }); }; //根据serviceTypeId重新获取菜单 $scope.updateMenus = function (selectedServiceType) { $scope.currentServiceTypeId =; $scope.selectedMenu = null; menuService.getMenus($scope.currentServiceTypeId).success(function (menuData) { if (menuData.length === 0) { $scope.showTree = false; $scope.menuData = []; return; } $scope.menuData = menuData; $scope.editMenuModel = null; $scope.showTree = true; }); }; serviceTypeService.getServiceTypeList().success(function (serviceTypeList) { $scope.serviceTypeList = serviceTypeList; $scope.selectedServiceType = _.find($scope.serviceTypeList, function (num) { return === '1'; }); $scope.currentServiceTypeId = $; getMenusByServiceTypeId($scope.currentServiceTypeId); $scope.showTree = true; }); //scope function $scope.addMenu = function () { $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.editMenuModel = {}; }; $scope.toggle = function (scope) { scope.toggle(); }; $scope.toggleSub = function (menu) { if (menu.isChecked) { $scope.checkedMenusSet[] = menu; } else { delete $scope.checkedMenusSet[]; //if the menu is child menu, and parent menu is checked, need to uncheck parent menu if (!menu.parentID) { //return; } if ($.inArray(menu.parentID + "", $scope.set) !== - 1) { delete $scope.checkedMenusSet[menu.parentID]; for (var i = 0, len = $scope.menuData.length; i < len; i++) { var parentMenu = $scope.menuData[i]; if ( === menu.parentID) { parentMenu.isChecked = false; break; } } } } $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); if (!menu.subMenus) { return; } menu.subMenus.forEach(function (d) { d.isChecked = menu.isChecked; if (menu.isChecked) { $scope.checkedMenusSet[] = d; } else { delete $scope.checkedMenusSet[]; } }); $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); }; $ = function () { if (!$scope.editMenuModel) { return; } if (!$scope.isAdd) { $scope.editMenuModel.serviceTypeID = $scope.currentServiceTypeId; menuService.updateMenu($scope.editMenuModel).success(function () { exchangeModel($scope.editMenuModel, $scope.selectedMenu); $scope.editMenuModel = null; $scope.selectedMenu = null; $log.debug('Update menu successfully'); }); } else { if ($scope.selectedMenu != null) { $scope.editMenuModel.parentID = $; } $scope.editMenuModel.serviceTypeID = $scope.currentServiceTypeId; menuService.addMenu($scope.editMenuModel).success(function (id) { $ = id; if ($scope.selectedMenu != null) { $scope.selectedMenu.subMenus = $scope.selectedMenu.subMenus || []; //when parent menu check box is checked, the new child should be checked as well. if ($scope.selectedMenu.isChecked) { $scope.editMenuModel.isChecked = true; $scope.checkedMenusSet[$scope.editMenuModel.ID]= $scope.editMenuModel; $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); } $scope.selectedMenu.subMenus.push($scope.editMenuModel); $scope.showTree = true; } else { $scope.editMenuModel.parentID = null; $scope.editMenuModel.subMenus = []; $scope.menuData.push($scope.editMenuModel); $scope.showTree = true; } $scope.selectedMenu = null; $scope.editMenuModel = null; $log.debug('Add new menu successfully'); }); } }; $scope.cancel = function () { $scope.selectedMenu = null; $scope.editMenuModel = null; }; //$scope.selectMenu = function (node, isSelected, tree) { // menu = node.value; // $scope.isAdd = false; // $scope.selectedMenu = menu; // $scope.editMenuModel = {}; // exchangeModel(menu, $scope.editMenuModel); //}; $scope.selectMenu = function (menu) { $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.selectedMenu = menu; $scope.editMenuModel = { }; exchangeModel(menu, $scope.editMenuModel); }; function exchangeModel(from, to) { =; to.orderIndex = from.orderIndex; to.parentID = from.parentID; to.navigationUrl = from.navigationUrl; to.isActive = from.isActive; to.isVisible = from.isVisible; to.moduleID = from.moduleID; to.iconClassName = from.iconClassName; =; to.createTime = from.createTime; to.updateTime = from.updateTime; }; $scope.deleteMenus = function () { menuService.deleteMenus($scope.set) .success(function () { $scope.set = []; menuService.getMenus($scope.currentServiceTypeId).success(function (menuData) { $scope.menuData = menuData; }); }); //.fail(function () { //}); } } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('menuManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('menuManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/menuManage/menu-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: {}, controller: 'MenuManageController', }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('OrganizationAreaViewController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'regionService', '$translate', 'areaRegionService', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants', '$interval', 'orgService', 'dimensionService', '$state', '$stateParams', 'statisticAttributeService', '$q', 'roleService', 'enums', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, regionService, $translate, areaRegionService, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $interval, orgService, dimensionService, $state, $stateParams, statisticAttributeService, $q, roleService, enums) { 'use strict'; // 机构缩略图 var isGeneral = true; var defaultValue = { unknownArea: '未知分区', notSetAttribute: '未設置值', }; // 机构缩略图ID var orgGeneralInfoPopId = '#orgGeneralInfoPop'; var unassisgnText = $translate.instant('UnAssignText'); $scope.unassisgnText = unassisgnText; var areaCommonCardID = '#areaOrgCard'; var areaUserCardID = '#areaUserCard'; // 系统级别的纬度id列表 var systemDimensionIdList = [ constant.attributeID.businessUnitID, constant.attributeID.areaID, constant.attributeID.organizationStructureID, constant.attributeID.userID, constant.attributeID.industryID, constant.attributeID.rgSubChildrenID ]; // 颜色模板 var colorPanel = { // 颜色列表 // yellow,orange,gold colorList: ['#FFB300', '#FEE002', '#FFFA23'], createNew: function () { var colorPanelInstance = {}; colorPanelInstance.index = -1; colorPanelInstance.getNextColor = function () { if (colorPanelInstance.index >= colorPanel.colorList.length - 1) { colorPanelInstance.index = 0; } else { colorPanelInstance.index++; } return colorPanel.colorList[colorPanelInstance.index]; } return colorPanelInstance; } }; // 颜色实例 var colorPanelInstance = colorPanel.createNew(); var barColorPanel = { // 颜色列表 // yellow,orange,gold colorList: [{ name: 'orange-color', value: '#FDB37F', lightColor: '#FEDEBB' }, { name: 'purple-color', value: '#CE97D7', lightColor: '#F3DEF0' }, { name: 'green-color', value: '#B0DC56', lightColor: '#E0E0A4' }], createNew: function () { var colorPanelInstance = {}; colorPanelInstance.index = -1; colorPanelInstance.currentColor = {}; colorPanelInstance.getNextColor = function () { if (colorPanelInstance.index >= barColorPanel.colorList.length - 1) { colorPanelInstance.index = 0; } else { colorPanelInstance.index++; } colorPanelInstance.currentColor = barColorPanel.colorList[colorPanelInstance.index]; return colorPanelInstance.currentColor; }; return colorPanelInstance; } }; // 柱状图颜色实例 var barColorPanelInstance = barColorPanel.createNew(); // 初始化维度展示列表Grid var areaDimensionORGGridListInit = function () { var columns = [{ field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('ProjectCompanyCol'), headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', width: '100%', cellTemplate: '<div ng-if="row.entity.isOrg" ng-class="{0: \'text-align-left\', 1: \'padding-left1\', 2:\'padding-left2\'}[row.entity.paddingLevel]">\ <span class="org-show-general" ng-click="grid.appScope.ShowOrgGeneralInfo(row,$event)" title="{{}}" id="{{}}">{{|limitString:16}}</span>\ </div>\ <div ng-if="!row.entity.isOrg" ng-class="{0: \'text-align-left\', 1: \'padding-left1\', 2:\'padding-left2\'}[row.entity.paddingLevel]">\ <span title="{{}}" id="{{}}">{{|limitString:16}}</span>\ </div>\ ' }]; $scope.areaDimensionORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: columns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApiareaDimensionORGGridList = gridApi; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApiareaDimensionORGGridList.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $ = []; }; // 区域UI-Grid图 var areaORGGridInit = function () { $scope.columns = [{ field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('FieldorgName'), headerCellClass: '', // width: '50%', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{0: \'text-align-left\', 1: \'padding-left1\', 2:\'padding-left2\'}[row.entity.paddingLevel]">\ <span class="org-show-general" ng-click="grid.appScope.ShowOrgGeneralInfo(row,$event)" title="{{}}" id="{{}}">{{|limitString:16}}</span>\ </div>' }]; $scope.areaORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.errorRowHeight, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: $scope.columns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApiAreaORGGridList = gridApi; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApiAreaORGGridList.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $ = []; }; var initUserSumDevGrid = function () { $scope.userDatagridDataSource = []; $scope.areaUserdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'userDatagridDataSource' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [{ dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "roleInfo", caption: $translate.instant('Role') }, { dataField: "orgCount", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationCount'), alignment: 'center' }, ], loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; $scope.$on("DimensionUpdate", function (event, data) { // console.log('DimensionUpdate' + JSON.stringify(data)); // 强制刷新机构部分 $scope.forceOrgUpdate = true; // 修改维度可能修改到的值 init(); }); // 绘制中国地图 var drawChinaMap = function () { $.get('/app-resources/map/china.json', function (chinaJson) { echarts.registerMap('china', chinaJson); var mychart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('chinaShowOrganizationMap')); var option = { // remove hover show // tooltip: { // trigger: 'item', // // triggerOn: 'click', 调试tooltip样式使用 // showDelay: 10, // enterable: true, // formatter: fomatterFunction, // }, legend: { orient: 'vertical', left: 'left', data: [] }, textStyle: { color: '#000', fontWeight: 'bold' }, series: [{ type: 'map', map: 'china', nameMap: { 'China': '中国' }, label: { normal: { show: true, textStyle: { color: '#894A00', fontWeight: 'normal' } }, emphasis: { //textStyle: { // color: '#fff' //} } }, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: '#C9C9C9', borderColor: 'white', borderWidth: 0.5, label: { show: false } }, emphasis: { areaColor: '#F2D997', label: { show: true } } }, zoom: 1.2, scaleLimit: { min: 1 }, selectedMode: false, roam: true, data: [], markPoint: { symbol: 'pin', symbolSize: 50, label: { normal: { show: true, formatter: function (d) { return } } }, data: [ // { // name: '武汉', // coord: [114.31, 30.52] // },{ // name:'临汾市', // coord:[111.517975,36.08415] // } ] } }] }; $scope.chinaMapOption = option; mychart.setOption(option); $scope.chinaMapChart = mychart; }); }; // 自动加上id、颜色及样式信息 var generateID = function () { var index = 0; if ($scope.areaInfoList && $scope.areaInfoList.length > 0) { $scope.areaInfoList.forEach(function (row) { row.randomID = "area" + index; row.totalCount = 0; if (row.cityStatistics && row.cityStatistics.length > 0) { row.cityStatistics.forEach(function (r) { row.totalCount += r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics.length; }); } // var areaOrgList = _.filter($scope.organizationList, function(org){ // return org.areaID ===; // }); // if (areaOrgList && areaOrgList.length > 0){ // row.organizationCount = areaOrgList.length; // } else{ // row.organizationCount = 0; // } // 颜色及样式 row.theme = barColorPanelInstance.getNextColor(); row.detailTitle = + $translate.instant('AreaDetail'); index++; }); } }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return {}; }; // 构造机构层级父子节点树 var parseDataGridOnlyOrg = function () { var gridData = []; // 直接看区域上设置的AreaID,不用根据行政区域划分到哪个分区来计算【简单做】 var allOrgList = $scope.panelArea.organizationList; if (allOrgList && allOrgList.length > 0) { // $scope.panelArea.cityStatistics.forEach(function (r) { // if (r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics && r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics.length > 0) { // allOrgList = _.union(r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics, allOrgList); // } // }); // 先复制一份,要改parentID,不要相互影响 allOrgList = angular.copy(allOrgList); // 设置自定义维度的值 for (var i = 0; i < $scope.statisticAttrList.length; i++) { var index = i + 1; var attr = $scope.statisticAttrList[i]; if (attr.attributeType === constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { var relevantOrgList = _.filter($scope.dimensionOrgList, function (dimensionOrg) { return dimensionOrg.dimensionID === attr.belongDimensionID; }); relevantOrgList.forEach(function (dimensionOrg) { var org = _.find(allOrgList, function (org) { return === dimensionOrg.organizationID; }); if (org) { org['selfDimension' + index] = dimensionOrg.dimensionValue; } }); } } if ($scope.selectAttribute.attributeType === constant.attributeType.OrgSubChildren) { // 机构维度 gridData = buildOrgTreeData(allOrgList); } else if ($scope.selectAttribute.attributeType === constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { // 自定义维度 var row = $scope.selectAttribute; var orgidList = _.pluck(allOrgList, 'id'); var targetDimensionValueList = _.filter($scope.dimensionOrgList, function (data) { return data.dimensionID === row.belongDimensionID && orgidList.indexOf(data.organizationID) > -1; }); var orgList = []; if (targetDimensionValueList && targetDimensionValueList.length > 0) { orgList = _.uniq(_.pluck(targetDimensionValueList, 'dimensionValueID')); } gridData = selfDimensionOrgTree(allOrgList, targetDimensionValueList); } else { // 其他维度 var idCol = constant.attributeTypeIDColMap[$scope.selectAttribute.attributeType]; var nameCol = constant.attributeTypeNameColMap[$scope.selectAttribute.attributeType]; gridData = systemDimensionOrgTree(allOrgList, idCol, nameCol); } } $ = gridData; // $log.debug("gridData:" + JSON.stringify(gridData)); }; var buildOrgTreeData = function (allOrgList) { $scope.commonCountDataSource = []; if (!allOrgList) { allOrgList = []; } $scope.commonCountDataSource.push({ name: '机构数', count: allOrgList.length }); // 获取所有根节点的机构 var idList = _.pluck(allOrgList, 'id'); var topNodeList = _.filter(allOrgList, function (org) { return idList.indexOf(org.parentID) === -1; }); var orglist = []; topNodeList.forEach(function (org) { var temp = buildOrgTree(org, allOrgList); orglist.push(temp); }); var templist = parseUIGridTreeList(orglist, 0); return templist; }; // 获取父节点 var getParentID = function (current, allList, orgDtoList) { if (current.parentID === null) { return null; } var findParent = _.find(allList, function (num) { return === current.parentID; }); var parent = _.find(orgDtoList, function (num) { return ===; }); if (parent != null) { return; } else { return getParentID(findParent, allList, orgDtoList); } }; // 构造UITree var parseUIGridTreeList = function (orglist, level) { var all = []; if (orglist && orglist.length > 0) { orglist.forEach(function (org) { if (level <= 2) { org.paddingLevel = level; } else { org.paddingLevel = 2; } if (org.children && org.children.length > 0) { org.$$treeLevel = level; all.push(org); var temp = parseUIGridTreeList(org.children, level + 1); all = _.union(all, temp); } else { org.$$treeLevel = level; all.push(org); } }); } return all; }; // tree 数据 var buildOrgTree = function (or, orgList) { var orgItem = or; var selfDimensionIndex = 1; var sublist = _.filter(orgList, function (org) { return org.parentID ===; }); var children = []; if (sublist != null && sublist.length > 0) { sublist.forEach(function (org) { var temp = buildOrgTree(org); children.push(temp); }); } orgItem.children = children; return orgItem; }; // 转换为UI Grid数据格式 var parseDataGrid = function () { var gridData = []; if ($scope.panelArea.cityStatistics && $scope.panelArea.cityStatistics.length > 0) { $scope.panelArea.cityStatistics.forEach(function (r) { var cityItem = { id:, name:, isOrganization: false, businessUnitName: '', structureName: '', userCount: 0, $$treeLevel: 0 }; gridData.push(cityItem); if (r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics && r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics.length - 1; i++) { var or = r.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics[i]; var orgItem = { id:, name:, isOrganization: true, businessUnitName: or.businessUnitName, structureName: or.structureName, userCount: or.userCount, areaName: or.areaName, industryName: or.industryName }; var selfDimensionIndex = 1; $scope.subDimensionidList.forEach(function (id) { if (systemDimensionIdList.indexOf(id) === -1) { var targetValue = _.find($scope.dimensionOrgList, function (valueOrg) { return valueOrg.organizationID === && valueOrg.dimensionID === id; }); if (targetValue) { orgItem['selfDimension' + selfDimensionIndex] = targetValue.dimensionValue; } else { orgItem['selfDimension' + selfDimensionIndex] = ''; } } selfDimensionIndex++; }); cityItem.userCount += cityItem.userCount + or.userCount; gridData.push(orgItem); } } }); } $log.debug("gridData:" + JSON.stringify(gridData)); $log.debug("columns:" + JSON.stringify($scope.columns)); $ = gridData; }; // 显示机构缩略图 $scope.ShowOrgGeneralInfo = function (row, $event) { $scope.orgIdGeneralInfo =; var orgGeneralInfoPopup = $(orgGeneralInfoPopId); var a = $('#' +; showOrgCard(orgGeneralInfoPopup, a, 30, 50); $event.stopPropagation(); }; // 显示用户数卡片 var showUserSumCard = function () { // 关闭其他卡片 $scope.closeOrgCard(); $scope.dimensionValue = $; $scope.attributeName = '用户数'; $(areaUserCardID).css('visibility', 'visible'); $scope.userDatagridDataSource = []; $scope.roleCountDataSource = []; roleService.getActiveUserRoleListByAreaID($ (data) { buildUserCardInfo(data); }); }; // 显示机构数 var showAreaOrgCard = function () { // 关闭用户卡片 $scope.closeUserCard(); $ = []; $scope.commonCountDataSource = []; if ($scope.panelArea.organizationList && $scope.panelArea.organizationList.length > 0) { parseDataGridOnlyOrg(); } else { orgService.getOrganizationListByAreaID($, $scope.selectAttribute.attributeID).success(function (data) { $scope.panelArea.organizationList = data; parseDataGridOnlyOrg(); }); } $scope.isShowOrgCard = true; $(areaCommonCardID).css('visibility', 'visible'); $timeout(function () { $scope.gridApiAreaORGGridList.treeBase.collapseAllRows(); }, 500); }; // 根据维度展示卡片 $scope.showDimensionCard = function (row) { $scope.selectAttribute = row; $scope.cardTitle = $ + '-' + row.attributeName; if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.User) { showUserSumCard(); return; } else { setColumns(); showAreaOrgCard(); return; } }; // 构造用户卡片 var buildUserCardInfo = function (thisAreaUserRoleList) { var userList = []; var userIdList = _.uniq(_.pluck(thisAreaUserRoleList, 'id')); // 当修改用户权限的时候可能会改到用户个数 if (userIdList) { var findUserAttr = _.find($scope.statisticAttrList, function (row) { return row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.User; }); if (findUserAttr) { findUserAttr.count = userIdList.length; } } var roleCountDataSource = []; userIdList.forEach(function (row) { var thisUserOrgList = _.filter(thisAreaUserRoleList, function (num) { return === row; }); var first = thisUserOrgList[0]; var item = { userID:, userName: first.userName, orgCount: thisUserOrgList.length, }; var roleNameList = []; thisUserOrgList.forEach(function (user) { if (user.roleInfoList && user.roleInfoList.length > 0) { var tempRoleNameList = _.pluck(user.roleInfoList, 'name'); roleNameList = _.union(roleNameList, tempRoleNameList); } }); roleNameList = _.uniq(roleNameList); // 设置角色统计 for (var i = 0; i < roleNameList.length; i++) { var roleName = roleNameList[i]; var find = _.find(roleCountDataSource, function (num) { return === roleName; }); if (find) { find.count++; } else { roleCountDataSource.push({ name: roleName, count: 1 }); } } item.roleInfo = roleNameList.join(','); userList.push(item); }); $scope.roleCountDataSource = roleCountDataSource; $scope.panelArea.userDatagridDataSource = userList; $scope.userDatagridDataSource = userList; }; $scope.closeUserCard = function () { $(areaUserCardID).css('visibility', 'hidden'); }; // 地图上面绘制泡泡图markPoint var writeMap = function () { // clear old Map data $scope.chinaMapOption.series[0] = []; if ($scope.panelArea.cityStatistics && $scope.panelArea.cityStatistics.length > 0) { $scope.panelArea.cityStatistics.forEach(function (row) { var item = { name:, coord: [row.longitude, row.latitude] }; if (row.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics && row.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics.length > 0) { $scope.chinaMapOption.series[0]; } }); } $scope.chinaMapOption.color = [$scope.panelArea.theme.value]; $scope.chinaMapChart.setOption($scope.chinaMapOption); }; // 选中区域 $scope.chooseArea = function (areaInfo) { $scope.isChooseAllArea = false; //$scope.closeUserCard(); //$scope.closeOrgCard(); $scope.panelArea = areaInfo; setAreaStatisticAttrOrgCount(); //var firstDimension = null; //var secondDimension = null; //$scope.belowDimensionList = []; //if ($scope.statisticAttrList) { // if ($scope.statisticAttrList.length > 0) { // firstDimension = $scope.statisticAttrList[0]; // } // if ($scope.statisticAttrList.length > 1) { // secondDimension = $scope.statisticAttrList[1]; // } // if ($scope.statisticAttrList.length > 2) { // for (var i = 2; i < $scope.statisticAttrList.length; i++) { // var row = $scope.statisticAttrList[i]; // $scope.belowDimensionList.push(row); // } // } //} //$scope.firstDimension = firstDimension; //$scope.secondDimension = secondDimension; setMapData(); //hideOrgGeneralInfo(); thisCardService.closeALLCard(); //$timeout(function () { // // writeMap(); // setMapData(); // hideOrgGeneralInfo(); // $scope.hideCard(); //}, 10); }; // choose all area $scope.chooseAllArea = function () { // body... $scope.isChooseAllArea = true; $scope.closeUserCard(); $scope.closeOrgCard(); $scope.panelArea = {}; setAllAreaMapData(); //$timeout(function () { // setAllAreaMapData(); //}, 10); }; // 自定义维度机构树 var selfDimensionOrgTree = function (thisAreaOrgList, targetDimensionValueList) { var dimensionValueObjList = []; targetDimensionValueList.forEach(function (row) { var find = _.find(dimensionValueObjList, function (num) { return === row.dimensionValueID; }); if (!find && row.dimensionValue) { var item = { id: row.dimensionValueID, name: row.dimensionValue }; dimensionValueObjList.push(item); } }); return buildDimensionTreeList(thisAreaOrgList, dimensionValueObjList, targetDimensionValueList); }; // 构造维度机构树 var buildDimensionTreeList = function (thisAreaOrgList, dimensionValueObjList, targetDimensionValueList) { dimensionValueObjList = _.sortBy(dimensionValueObjList, 'name'); var treeList = []; $scope.commonCountDataSource = []; dimensionValueObjList.forEach(function (attr) { var dimensionOrgList = _.filter(targetDimensionValueList, function (row) { return row.dimensionValueID ===; }); var orgidlist = _.pluck(dimensionOrgList, 'organizationID'); var itemCount = {}; =; itemCount.count = orgidlist.length; $scope.commonCountDataSource.push(itemCount); var orgList = _.filter(thisAreaOrgList, function (org) { return orgidlist.indexOf( > -1; }); var firstNode = {}; =; =; firstNode.isOrg = false; firstNode.$$treeLevel = 0; treeList.push(firstNode); orgList.forEach(function (org) { var orgItem = org; orgItem.isOrg = true; orgItem.paddingLevel = 1; //var orgItem = { // id:, // name:, // isOrg: true, // paddingLevel: 1, //}; treeList.push(orgItem); }); }); return treeList; }; // 系统级维度树 var systemDimensionOrgTree = function (thisAreaOrgList, idCol, nameCol) { var dimensionValueObjList = []; thisAreaOrgList.forEach(function (row) { var find = _.find(dimensionValueObjList, function (num) { return === row[idCol]; }); if (!find && row[nameCol]) { var item = { id: row[idCol], name: row[nameCol] }; dimensionValueObjList.push(item); } }); dimensionValueObjList = _.sortBy(dimensionValueObjList, 'name'); var treeList = []; $scope.commonCountDataSource = []; dimensionValueObjList.forEach(function (attr) { var itemCount = {}; =; var orgList = _.filter(thisAreaOrgList, function (org) { return org[idCol] ===; }); var firstNode = {}; =; =; firstNode.isOrg = false; firstNode.$$treeLevel = 0; treeList.push(firstNode); itemCount.count = orgList.length; $scope.commonCountDataSource.push(itemCount); orgList.forEach(function (org) { var orgItem = org; orgItem.isOrg = true; orgItem.paddingLevel = 1; //var orgItem = { // id:, // name:, // isOrg: true, // paddingLevel: 1, //}; treeList.push(orgItem); }); }); return treeList; }; // 设置每个维度的个数、事业部,统计这个区域下有几个事业部 var setAreaStatisticAttrOrgCount = function () { var thisAreaOrgList = _.filter($scope.organizationList, function (num) { return num.areaID === $; }); var orgidList = _.pluck(thisAreaOrgList, 'id'); $scope.panelArea.organizationCount = orgidList.length; $scope.panelArea.organizationIDList = orgidList; // 设置每个维度的个数 $scope.statisticAttrList.forEach(function (row) { row.count = $scope.panelArea.attributeStatics[row.attributeID]; //var orgList = []; //if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { // var targetDimensionValueList = _.filter($scope.dimensionOrgList, function (data) { // return data.dimensionID === row.belongDimensionID && orgidList.indexOf(data.organizationID) > -1; // }); // if (targetDimensionValueList && targetDimensionValueList.length > 0) { // orgList = _.uniq(_.pluck(targetDimensionValueList, 'dimensionValueID')); // } //} else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.RegionID) { // // 行政省市 // var administrativeAreaIDList = _.uniq(_.pluck(thisAreaOrgList, 'cityID')); // row.count = administrativeAreaIDList.length; //} else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.Unknown) { // // 未知不做 //} else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.User) { // // 用户 不做 // row.count = $scope.panelArea.userCount; //} else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.OrgSubChildren) { // // 机构个数 // row.count = orgidList.length; //} else { // var idCol = constant.attributeTypeIDColMap[row.attributeType]; // orgList = _.uniq(_.pluck(thisAreaOrgList, idCol)); //} //if (orgList && orgList.length > 0) { // orgList = _.filter(orgList, function (num) { // if (num) { // return true; // } else { // return false; // } // }); // row.count = orgList.length; //} }); }; // 统计用户数 var setUserCount = function () { $scope.panelArea.userCount = 0; if ($scope.userRoleList && $scope.userRoleList.length > 0) { var filterList = _.filter($scope.userRoleList, function (row) { return row.areaID === $; }); if (filterList && filterList.length > 0) { var userIdList = _.uniq(_.pluck(filterList, 'id')); $scope.panelArea.userCount = userIdList.length; } } }; // 隐藏机构数 $scope.closeOrgCard = function () { $(areaCommonCardID).css('visibility', 'hidden'); }; // 显示卡片 $scope.showCard = function () { // parseDataGrid(); parseDataGridOnlyOrg(); $scope.isShowCard = true; $timeout(function () { $scope.gridApiareaDimensionORGGridList.treeBase.collapseAllRows(); }, 500); }; // 隐藏机构缩略图 var hideOrgGeneralInfo = function () { $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).hide(); }; // 设置UI grid的列 var setColumns = function () { if ($scope.columns.length > 1) { $scope.columns.splice(1); } if ($scope.statisticAttrList && $scope.statisticAttrList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.statisticAttrList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.statisticAttrList[i]; var index = i + 1; if (row.attributeID === $scope.selectAttribute.attributeID) { continue; } if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { var str = '<div class="text-align-left text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.selfDimension' + index + '}}">{{row.entity.selfDimension' + index + '|limitString:16}}</span></div>'; var nameCol = 'selfDimension' + index; var businessUnit = { field: nameCol, name: row.attributeName, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: str }; $scope.columns.push(businessUnit); } else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.Unknown) { // 未知不做 } else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.User) { // 用户不做 } else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.OrgSubChildren) { // 机构个数 } else if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.RegionID) { // 行政省市 var str = '<div class="text-align-left text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.regionName}}">{{row.entity.regionName|limitString:16}}</span></div>'; var nameCol = 'regionName'; var businessUnit = { field: nameCol, name: row.attributeName, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: str }; $scope.columns.push(businessUnit); } else { var idCol = constant.attributeTypeIDColMap[row.attributeType]; var nameCol = constant.attributeTypeNameColMap[row.attributeType]; var str = '<div class="text-align-left text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.' + nameCol + '}}">{{row.entity.' + nameCol + '|limitString:16}}</span></div>'; var nameStr = row.attributeName; if (row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.OrgSubChildren || row.attributeType === constant.attributeType.OrganizationStructure) { nameStr = $translate.instant('OrganizationLevelType'); } var businessUnit = { field: nameCol, name: nameStr, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: str }; $scope.columns.push(businessUnit); } } } }; // 设置选中区域地图背景色 var setMapData = function () { $scope.chinaMapOption.series[0].data = []; if ($scope.panelArea.provinceNameList && $scope.panelArea.provinceNameList.length > 0 ) { var reg = /省$/gi; var cityreg = /市$/gi; var provinceNameList = $scope.panelArea.provinceNameList; provinceNameList.forEach(function (provinceName) { var provinceNameShow = provinceName; if (provinceName === '香港特别行政区') { provinceNameShow = '香港'; } else if (provinceName === '澳门特别行政区') { provinceNameShow = '澳门'; } else { provinceNameShow = provinceName.replace(reg, '').replace(cityreg, '') } var item = { name: provinceNameShow, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: $scope.panelArea.theme.lightColor } }, label: { normal: { show: true, textStyle: { color: '#894A00', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }; $scope.chinaMapOption.series[0].data.push(item); }); }; $scope.chinaMapChart.setOption($scope.chinaMapOption); }; // choose all area var setAllAreaMapData = function () { $scope.chinaMapOption.series[0].data = []; if ($scope.areaInfoList && $scope.areaInfoList.length > 0) { var reg = /省$/gi; var cityreg = /市$/gi; $scope.areaInfoList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.provinceNameList && row.provinceNameList.length > 0) { var provinceNameList = row.provinceNameList; provinceNameList.forEach(function (provinceName) { var provinceNameShow = provinceName; if (provinceName === '香港特别行政区') { provinceNameShow = '香港'; } else if (provinceName === '澳门特别行政区') { provinceNameShow = '澳门'; } else { provinceNameShow = provinceName.replace(reg, '').replace(cityreg, '') } var item = { name: provinceNameShow, itemStyle: { normal: { areaColor: row.theme.lightColor } }, label: { normal: { show: true, textStyle: { color: '#894A00', fontWeight: 'normal' } } } }; $scope.chinaMapOption.series[0].data.push(item); }); } }); } $scope.chinaMapChart.setOption($scope.chinaMapOption); }; // 隐藏卡片 $scope.hideCard = function () { $scope.isShowCard = false; hideOrgGeneralInfo(); }; // 添加区域 $scope.addRegion = function ($event) { $scope.regionOperateType = 'add'; $scope.isRegionUpdate = false; $scope.selectedRegion = null; $event.stopPropagation(); }; // 编辑区域 $scope.editRegion = function (areaInfo, $event) { $scope.regionOperateType = 'edit'; $scope.selectedRegion = { id: }; $scope.isRegionUpdate = false; $event.stopPropagation(); }; // 添加或者编辑区域成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isRegionUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { getAreaStatistics(); } }); // 添加机构 $scope.addOrg = function ($event) { $scope.orgOperateType = 'add'; $scope.newOrganization = { areaID: $, areaName: $ }; $scope.selectedOrg = null; $event.stopPropagation(); }; //添加现有机构到当前的维度 $scope.addExistOrg = function () { $scope.selectedKeyItems = []; var selectedKeyItem = $scope.panelArea.organizationIDList; $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; $scope.addExistOrgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addExistOrgIsUpdate = false; $scope.addExistOrgDimensionValueID = $; }; // add exist org succes and refresh page $scope.$watch('addExistOrgIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedExistOrgList && $scope.selectedExistOrgList.length > 0) { orgService.updateOrgToDimension($, $scope.parentDimensionID, $scope.selectedExistOrgList).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); getAreaStatistics(); }); } } }); // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isOrgUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { init(); } }); //自定义显示内容修改 $scope.$watch('isAttributeUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { getAreaStatistics(); } }); // 获取所有机构 var getAllOrgList = function () { // var organizationList = []; // { // areaList:[{ // id:'', // name:'', // cityStatistics:[ // { // RegionID:'', // AreaID:'', // Name:'', // ProvinceName:'', // Longitude:'', // Latitude:'', // }, // ] // }] // organizationList:[{ // ID:'', // Name:'', // ParentID:'', // BusinessUnitID:'', // BusinessUnitName:'', // UserCount:'', // RegionID:'', // IndustryID:'', // IndustryName:'', // StructureID:'', // StructureName:'', // }] // } if ($scope.originalData && $scope.originalData.areaList.length > 0) { $scope.originalData.areaList.forEach(function (area) { if (area.cityStatistics && area.cityStatistics.length > 0) { area.cityStatistics.forEach(function (city) { city.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics = _.filter($scope.originalData.organizationList, function (org) { return org.cityID === city.regionID; }); }); } }); }; return $scope.originalData.organizationList; }; // 以区域划分s属性 var showDimensionByArea = function (idcol, namecol, dimensionName, attributeID) { // 第一个纬度始终是区域 $scope.organizationList = _.sortBy($scope.organizationList, 'areaName'); var structureidList = _.uniq(_.pluck($scope.organizationList, 'areaID')); $scope.areaInfoList = []; var structureList = []; if ($scope.originalData.areaList && $scope.originalData.areaList.length > 0) { $scope.originalData.areaList.forEach(function (row) { var model = {}; =; =; model.organizationCount = 0; model.userCount = row.userCount; if (! { = defaultValue.unknownArea; = ''; } var areaIDList = _.uniq(_.pluck(row.cityStatistics, 'areaID')); var matchOrgList = _.filter($scope.organizationList, function (num) { return num.areaID ===; }); model.cityStatistics = []; if (matchOrgList && matchOrgList.length > 0) { model.orgIDList = _.pluck(matchOrgList, 'id'); if (attributeID) { model.cityStatistics = getSelfAttributeCityStatistics(attributeID, matchOrgList); } else { model.cityStatistics = getSystemAttributeCityStatistics(row, idcol, namecol, matchOrgList); } $scope.areaInfoList.push(model); model.organizationCount = matchOrgList.length; } }); } // 未设置部分 var notsetOrgList = _.filter($scope.organizationList, function (org) { return !org.areaID; }); if (notsetOrgList && notsetOrgList.length > 0) { var model = {}; // = 'noset' + idcol; = defaultValue.notSetAttribute; if (attributeID) { model.cityStatistics = getSelfAttributeCityStatistics(attributeID, notsetOrgList); } else { model.cityStatistics = getSystemAttributeCityStatistics(idcol, namecol, notsetOrgList); } $scope.areaInfoList.push(model); } renderUI(); }; // 按照系统属性构造数据 var getSystemAttributeCityStatistics = function (area, idcol, namecol, matchOrgList) { var cityStatistics = []; if (!matchOrgList || matchOrgList.length === 0) { return cityStatistics; } matchOrgList = sortAttribute(matchOrgList, namecol); var attributeList = []; if (idcol === 'businessUnitID') { // 事业部 attributeList = $scope.originalData.businessUnitList; } else if (idcol === 'structureID') { // 行业 attributeList = $scope.originalData.organizationStructureList; } else if (idcol === 'industryID') { // 机构层级 attributeList = $scope.originalData.industryList; } else if (idcol === 'cityID') { if (area.cityStatistics && area.cityStatistics.length > 0) { area.cityStatistics.forEach(function (city) { var cityItem = {}; cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics = _.filter(matchOrgList, function (org) { return org.cityID === city.regionID; });; =; = city.regionID; cityStatistics.push(cityItem); }); } return cityStatistics; } var setOrgIDList = []; if (attributeList && attributeList.length > 0) { attributeList.forEach(function (attr) { var cityItem = {}; cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics = _.filter(matchOrgList, function (num) { return num[idcol] ===; }); =; =; if (cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics && cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics.length > 0) { var orgidList = _.pluck(cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics, 'id'); setOrgIDList = _.union(setOrgIDList, orgidList); } cityStatistics.push(cityItem); }); if (setOrgIDList && setOrgIDList.length === matchOrgList.length) { // 全部设置完毕 } else { // 未设置 var cityItem = {}; = idcol + 'notSet'; = defaultValue.notSetAttribute; cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics = _.filter(matchOrgList, function (org) { return setOrgIDList.indexOf( === -1; }); cityStatistics.push(cityItem); } } return cityStatistics; }; // 按照自定义属性去构造数据 var getSelfAttributeCityStatistics = function (attributeID, matchOrgList) { var dimensionID = $scope.statisticAttrList[0].belongDimensionID; var targetDimensionValueList = _.filter($scope.dimensionOrgList, function (data) { return data.dimensionID === dimensionID; }); var dimensionVauleIDList = _.uniq(_.pluck(targetDimensionValueList, 'dimensionValueID')); var cityStatistics = []; var setOrgIDList = []; if (dimensionVauleIDList && dimensionVauleIDList.length > 0) { dimensionVauleIDList.forEach(function (valueID) { var cityItem = {}; var relaventOrgList = _.filter(targetDimensionValueList, function (org) { return org.dimensionValueID === valueID; }); if (relaventOrgList && relaventOrgList.length > 0) { = relaventOrgList[0].dimensionValue; var orgidList = _.uniq(_.pluck(relaventOrgList, 'organizationID')); cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics = _.filter(matchOrgList, function (num) { return orgidList.indexOf( > -1; }); if (orgidList && orgidList.length > 0) { setOrgIDList = _.union(setOrgIDList, orgidList); } cityStatistics.push(cityItem); } }); } if (setOrgIDList.length === matchOrgList.length) { // 全部设置好属性的 } else { var notSetAttributeList = _.filter(matchOrgList, function (org) { return setOrgIDList.indexOf( === -1; }); if (notSetAttributeList && notSetAttributeList.length > 0) { var cityItem = {}; = defaultValue.notSetAttribute; cityItem.organizationBusinessUnitStatistics = notSetAttributeList; cityStatistics.push(cityItem); } } return cityStatistics }; // 切换主 纬度的时候, 渲染UI var renderUI = function () { generateID(); $scope.hideCard(); //setColumns(); // default choose all area var findArea = null; if ($scope.panelArea && $ { findArea = _.find($scope.areaInfoList, function (row) { return === $; }); } if (findArea) { $scope.chooseArea(findArea); } else { $scope.chooseAllArea(); } }; // 获取所有机构设置的自定义纬度 var getAllDimensionOrgList = function () { dimensionService.getAllDimensionOrgList().success(function (data) { $scope.dimensionOrgList = data; }); }; // 初始化数据 var init = function () { // 获取区域统计数据 getAreaStatistics(); // 获取所有机构设置的自定义纬度 getAllDimensionOrgList(); }; // 排序方法,包含中英文 var sortAttribute = function (data, colName) { if (data && data.length > 0) { try { var charList = []; var nocharList = []; var digitalReg = /^\d+/; var charReg = /^[a-zA-Z]+/; data.forEach(function (row) { if (digitalReg.test(row[colName]) || charReg.test(row[colName])) { charList.push(row); } else { nocharList.push(row); } }); charList = _.sortBy(charList, colName); nocharList = nocharList.sort(function compareFunction(param1, param2) { return param1[colName].localeCompare(param2[colName]); }); var all = _.union(charList, nocharList); return all; } catch (e) { $log.debug("sort exception:" + e); } } return data; }; // 出事化参数 var initParams = function () { $scope.orgIdGeneralInfo = null; $scope.isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo = false; $scope.isShowUserCard = false; $scope.isShowCard = false; $scope.isShowOrgCard = false; $scope.isChooseAllArea = true; }; // 显示机构缩略图,并设置好位置 var showOrgCard = function (pop, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { pop.css("display", "block"); var top = window.innerHeight - pop.height(); if (row.offset().top + topOffset < window.innerHeight - pop.height()) { top = row.offset().top + topOffset; } pop.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = window.innerWidth - pop.width(); if (row.offset().left + leftOffset < window.innerWidth - pop.width()) { left = row.offset().left - leftOffset; } pop.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function () { hideOrgGeneralInfo(); }); }; //show自定义显示属性 $scope.showCustomAttriute = function () { $scope.statisticAttrListCopy = $scope.statisticAttrList; $scope.attributeOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.isAttributeUpdate = false; }; // 获取机构区域统计 var getAreaStatistics = function () { orgService.getAreaStatistics().success(function (data) { $scope.originalData = data; $scope.organizationList = data.organizationList; $scope.areaInfoList = data.areaList; $scope.statisticAttrList = data.attributeList; renderUI(); //getStatisticAttribute(); }); }; // 获取设置过的纬度值 var getStatisticAttribute = function () { statisticAttributeService.getByParentDimensionID($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { //$scope.statisticAttrList = data; //renderUI(); // switchByCustomAttriute(); } }); }; $scope.userBUSetting = function () { $scope.userBUOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.userBUIsUpdate = false; $scope.userBUDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.userBUDimensionValueID = $; //dimensionValueID,如事业部1,事业部2,产品线1 等 }; // 获取用户权限 var getUserPermission = function () { var list = []; var editRegionCode = constant.adminPermission.basicData.areaManage.editCode; var orgPermission = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage.addCode; //自定义显示属性的权限 var tempAttr = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.customAttribute; list.push(editRegionCode); list.push(orgPermission.addCode); list.push(orgPermission.editCode); list.push(tempAttr.queryCode); //权限设置的权限 var tempAcess = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.accessSetting; list.push(tempAcess.queryCode); list.push(tempAcess.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasEditRegionPermission = data[editRegionCode]; $scope.hasAddOrgPermission = data[orgPermission.addCode]; $scope.hasEditOrgPermission = data[orgPermission.addCode]; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = data[tempAttr.queryCode]; $scope.hasAccessSettingQueryPermission = data[tempAcess.queryCode]; $scope.hasAccessSettingEditPermission = data[tempAcess.editCode]; }); }; //用户权限更新,刷新orgchart $scope.$watch('userBUIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { showUserSumCard(); $scope.userBUIsUpdate = false; } }); // UI 服务 var thisCardService = { closeALLCard: function () { // 用户和机构卡片 $('.card').css('visibility', 'hidden'); // 机构general $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).hide(); } }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrganizationAreaViewController.ctor()...' + $state.params.dimensionID); $log.debug($state.params.dimensionID); var dimensionID = constant.dimensionID.areaID; $scope.parentDimensionID = $state.params.dimensionID || dimensionID; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.panelArea = {}; getUserPermission(); // uigrid 定义 init(); initParams(); // 总机构数统计 areaORGGridInit(); // 初始化维度展示列表 areaDimensionORGGridListInit(); // 用户卡片里面的devGrid initUserSumDevGrid(); $scope.userRoleList = []; drawChinaMap(); $scope.forceOrgUpdate = false; })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('organizationAreaView', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('organizationAreaView.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/organizationAreaView/organization-area-view.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'OrganizationAreaViewController', link: function (scope, element) { // 可以拖拽 $(".card").draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor", handle: ".card-header" }); } }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('organizationBusinessUnitViewController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', 'uiGridConstants', '$timeout', 'orgService', 'statisticAttributeService', 'dimensionService', '$state', '$stateParams', '$interval', 'roleService', '$q','userService', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, uiGridTreeViewConstants, uiGridConstants, $timeout, orgService, statisticAttributeService, dimensionService, $state, $stateParams, $interval, roleService, $q, userService) { 'use strict'; // 机构缩略图ID var orgGeneralInfoPopId = '#orgGeneralInfoPop'; var template = { topNodeTemplate: $("#dimension-topNode").html(), //最顶层节点 nameNodeEdit: $("#dimension-node-name-edit").html(), //机构名称 nameNodeQuery: $("#dimension-node-name-query").html(), //机构名称 hightNode: $("#dimension-hight-node").html(), //子分公司,高亮部分 rowNode: $("#dimension-row-node").html() //普通行 }; var ReplaceObj = { //顶部节点 topNodeName: '{{#topNodeName#}}', //事业部名称 dimensionValue: '{{#dimensionValue#}}', dimensionValueID: '{{#dimensionValueID#}}', createNewOrg: '{{#AddOrganization#}}', addExistOrg: '{{#AddExistOrganization#}}', //高亮部分统计 //hightNodeCount: '{{#dimensionValueCount#}}', //比如 '100' //hightNodeName: '{{#attributeName#}}', //比如'分公司' //普通维度统计 attributeID: '{{#attributeID#}}', attributeName: '{{#attributeName#}}', //维度名字,如用户数,覆盖区域,所属行业等 attributeValueCount: '{{#attributeValueCount#}}', //对于维度的统计 attributeType: '{{#attributeType#}}' //维度的类型区分值,如1:事业部,2:分公司 }; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var createNewOrg = $translate.instant('AddOrganization'); var addExistOrg = $translate.instant('AddExistOrganization'); var unassisgnText = $translate.instant('UnAssignText'); $scope.unassisgnText = unassisgnText; //构造Echart模板,并且初始化数据 var PopulateChartDatasource = function () { //如果没有编辑维度值的权限,则不显示编辑的笔icon var templateNameNode = template.nameNodeQuery; if ($scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission) { templateNameNode = template.nameNodeEdit; }; orgService.getOrgDashboard($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { //重置 orgchart $scope.renderOrgChart({}); if (data !== undefined && data !== null && data.length > 0) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); var topNodeName = template.topNodeTemplate.replace(ReplaceObj.topNodeName, $scope.parentDimensionName); var datascource = { 'name': topNodeName, 'children': [] }; data.forEach(function (row) { var temp = []; var node = { 'name': templateNameNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValue, row.dimensionValue) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValueID, row.dimensionValueID), 'title': (function () { row.orgDtoList.forEach(function (item, index) { if (index == 0) //第一条数据为高亮数据 { temp = template.hightNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeName, item.attributeName) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeValueCount, item.attributeValueCount) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValueID, row.dimensionValueID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValue, row.dimensionValue) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeID, item.attributeID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.createNewOrg, createNewOrg) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.addExistOrg, addExistOrg) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeType, item.attributeType); } else { temp += template.rowNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeName, item.attributeName) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeValueCount, item.attributeValueCount) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValueID, row.dimensionValueID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValue, row.dimensionValue) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeID, item.attributeID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeType, item.attributeType); } }); return temp; })() } datascource.children.push(node); }); //生成orgchart $scope.renderOrgChart(datascource); } }); }; //将角色列表换成逗号分隔 var formatRoleList = function (roleInfoList) { var newList = ""; roleInfoList.forEach(function (row) { if (row) { newList += + constant.comma; } }); if (newList.length > 0) { newList = newList.substr(0, newList.length - 1); } return newList; }; var array_unique = function (array) { var unique = []; for (var i = 0 ; i < array.length ; ++i) { if (unique.indexOf(array[i]) == -1) unique.push(array[i]); } return unique; } //用户卡片弹框 var getUserStatisCard = function (dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID) { $scope.userBUDimensionValueID = dimensionValueID; $scope.dimensionValue = dimensionValue; $scope.attributeName = attributeName; userService.getDimensionUserRoleList($scope.parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID).success(function (data) { if (data) { var groupByRole = _.groupBy(data, function (item) { return item.roleID; }); var dataRoleList =, function (group) { return { roleID: group[0].roleID, roleName: group[0].roleName } }); //角色下面,多少个用户 var roleSource = []; dataRoleList.forEach(function (row) { var filterData = _.filter(data, function (item) { return item.roleID == row.roleID; }); var userData = array_unique(_.pluck(filterData, 'userID')); //用户下 去重复,一个用户,2个机构,同一个角色,统计算一个角色 var roleName = row.roleName; var object = { name: roleName, count: userData.length } roleSource.push(object); }); $scope.roleCountDataSource = roleSource; //用户下面多个角色,多少个机构 var groupByUser = _.groupBy(data, function (item) { return item.userID; }); var dataUserList =, function (group) { return { userID: group[0].userID, userName: group[0].userName } }); var userSource = []; dataUserList.forEach(function (row) { var filterData = _.filter(data, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); var roleNames = array_unique(_.pluck(filterData, 'roleName')); //用户下的角色 var orgIDList = array_unique(_.pluck(filterData, 'orgID')); //用户下的访问机构数 var object = { userID: row.userID, userName: row.userName, roleInfo: roleNames.join(constant.comma), orgCount: orgIDList.length } userSource.push(object); }); $scope.userDatagridDataSource = userSource; } }); }; //所属行业弹框,也是通用模板 var getCommonCard = function (dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $scope.gridApi.treeBase.collapseAllRows(); $ = []; //参数,维度值的ID,如事业部1,事业部2 ,然后是顶层事业部,如事业部 orgService.getOrgCustomDashbord(dimensionValueID, $scope.parentDimensionID, attributeID).success(function (data) { if (data) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); data.orgDtoList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.level != null) { row.$$treeLevel = parseInt(row.level); } }); $scope.orgCustomList = data.orgCustomDtoList; $scope.orgList = data.orgDtoList; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.orgList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.orgList[i]; //自定义显示属性 if ($scope.attributeList && $scope.attributeList.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < $scope.attributeList.length; j++) { //只有是自定义的属性才构造新列 if ($scope.attributeList[j].attributeType === constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { var targetVaule = _.find($scope.orgCustomList, function (data) { return data.orgID === row.orgID && data.dimensionID === $scope.attributeList[j].belongDimensionID; }); if (targetVaule) { row["selfDimension" + j] = targetVaule.dimensionValueName; } else { row["selfDimension" + j] = ''; } } } } }; $scope.dimensionValue = dimensionValue; $scope.attributeName = attributeName; $ = $scope.orgList; $scope.commonCountDataSource = data.orgCountList; //console.log("Org: "+JSON.stringify($scope.orgList)); // console.log("cusomer:" + JSON.stringify(data.orgCustomDtoList)); //console.log("111:" + JSON.stringify($scope.attributeList)); //console.log("orgcountList:" + JSON.stringify(data.orgCountList)); deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; }; //ng-repeat,根据字符串转换为json对象 var getJson = function (obj) { if (obj) { return JSON.parse(obj); } }; var initOrgChartData = function () { PopulateChartDatasource(); }; // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isOrgUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); notifyTopPage(); } }); // 添加或者编辑事业部成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isBusinessUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); notifyTopPage(); } }); // 添加或者编辑机构层级成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isOrgStructureUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); notifyTopPage(); } }); //自定义显示属性更新后,刷新当前页面的orgchart $scope.$watch('isAttributeUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); populateUIGridColumns(); } }); //自定义维度值(添加)更新后,刷新当前页面的orgchart $scope.$watch('isDimensionValueUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); notifyTopPage(); } }); //用户权限更新,刷新orgchart $scope.$watch('userBUIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); } }); //添加现有机构 $scope.$watch('addExistOrgIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedExistOrgList && $scope.selectedExistOrgList.length > 0) { // console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedExistOrgList)); UpdateOrgToDimensionValue($scope.selectedExistOrgList).then(function (data) { if (data) { initOrgChartData(); notifyTopPage(); } }); } } }); //顶部的维度状态改变,更新orgchart $scope.$on('DimensionUpdate', function (event, data) { initOrgChartData(); setParentDimension(); }) //通知父层去更新统计 var notifyTopPage = function () { $scope.$emit("hasDimensionUpdated", { isupdated: true }); }; //添加现有机构到当前维度 var UpdateOrgToDimensionValue = function (existOrgList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); orgService.updateOrgToDimension($scope.addExistOrgDimensionValueID, $scope.parentDimensionID, existOrgList).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; }; // 新增机构 $scope.editOrg = function (buID) { $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.selectedOrg = null; $scope.isOrgUpdate = false; $scope.organization = { businessUnitID: buID }; }; //添加现有机构到当前的维度 $scope.addExistOrg = function (demensionValueID, attributeID) { $scope.selectedKeyItems = []; getCommonCard(demensionValueID, '', '', attributeID).then(function (data) { var selectedKeyItem = []; $ (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.orgID); }); $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; $scope.addExistOrgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addExistOrgIsUpdate = false; $scope.addExistOrgDimensionValueID = demensionValueID; }); }; //编辑事业部 $scope.editBu = function (buID) { $scope.orgOperateBusinessType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.businessUnitID = buID; $scope.isBusinessUpdate = false; }; //编辑机构层级 $scope.editOrgStructureType = function (selectedId) { $scope.orgOperateOrgStructureType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.selectedOrgStructureID = selectedId; $scope.isOrgStructureUpdate = false; }; //添加事业部,机构层级,自定义维度的值等等 $scope.addDimensionValue = function () { if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.BusinessUnit) { $scope.orgOperateBusinessType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.businessUnitID = null; $scope.isBusinessUpdate = false; } if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.OrganizationStructure) { $scope.orgOperateOrgStructureType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.selectedOrgStructureID = null; $scope.isOrgStructureUpdate = false; } else if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.SelfDimension) { $scope.dimensionValueOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.dimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.dimensionName = $scope.parentDimensionName; $scope.isDimensionValueUpdate = false; $scope.selectedDimensionValueID = null; } }; //编辑自定义显示属性 $scope.showCustomAttriute = function () { $scope.attributeOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.isAttributeUpdate = false; }; //编辑自定义维度的值,功能如编辑事业部的,事业部1,事业部2 的值 $scope.editCustomDimensionValue = function (dimensionValueID) { $scope.dimensionValueOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.dimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.dimensionName = $scope.parentDimensionName; $scope.isDimensionValueUpdate = false; $scope.selectedDimensionValueID = dimensionValueID; }; //点击机构名称,显示详细信息 $scope.showOrgGenerateInfo = function (row) { // $scope.isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo = false; $scope.orgIdGeneralInfo = row.entity.orgID; var orgGeneralInfoPopup = $(orgGeneralInfoPopId); var rowId = $('#' + row.entity.orgID); showOrgCard(orgGeneralInfoPopup, rowId, 30, 50); }; //用户权限设置,乘用车事业部 $scope.userBUSetting = function () { $scope.userBUOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.userBUIsUpdate = false; $scope.userBUDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.userBUDimensionValueID; //dimensionValueID,如事业部1,事业部2,产品线1 等 }; //隐藏机构general info var hideOrgGeneralInfo = function () { $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).hide(); }; // 显示机构general info,并设置好位置 var showOrgCard = function (popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.offset().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - topOffset; //top = row.offset().top - topOffset - popCard.height(); } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.offset().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.offset().left - popCard.width() - leftOffset; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function (e) { hideOrgGeneralInfo(); }); }; var InitDXDataGrid = function () { loadUserDatagrid(); }; //构造用户datagrid var loadUserDatagrid = function () { $scope.userdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'userDatagridDataSource' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), width:"30%", cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "roleInfo", caption: $translate.instant('Role'), width: "50%", }, { dataField: "orgCount", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationCount'), alignment: 'center', width: "20%", }, ], loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, allowColumnResizing: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; //根据自定义维度设置显示的卡片的列 var populateUIGridColumns = function () { //获取维度值数据 statisticAttributeService.getByParentDimensionID($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (result) { if (result) { $scope.attributeList = result; var column = {}; $scope.uigridColumns.splice(1); var index = 0; result.forEach(function (attr) { if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.BusinessUnit) { column = { field: 'businessUnitName', name: attr.attributeName, headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.businessUnitName}}">{{row.entity.businessUnitName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.OrganizationStructure) { column = { type: 'string', field: 'structureName', name: attr.attributeName, headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.structureName}}">{{row.entity.structureName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.Industry) { column = { type: 'string', field: 'industryName', name: attr.attributeName, headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.industryName}}">{{row.entity.industryName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.Area) { column = { type: 'string', field: 'areaName', name: attr.attributeName, headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.areaName}}">{{row.entity.areaName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { var column = { field: 'selfDimension' + index, name: attr.attributeName, headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding"><span title="{{row.entity.selfDimension' + index + '}}">{{row.entity.selfDimension' + index + '}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } index++; }); } }); }; var initUIGrid = function () { commonUIGridInit(); populateUIGridColumns(); }; //设置维度的名称和值,和类型 var setParentDimension = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); dimensionService.getDimensionById($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.parentDimensionName =; $scope.parentDimensionType = data.dimensionType; deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; } //通用的ui grid 模板 var commonUIGridInit = function () { $scope.uigridColumns = [{ field: 'orgName', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), //cellTemplate: '<div ng-mouseover="grid.appScope.showOrgGenerateInfo(row)" ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[row.entity.level==' + constant.level.First + ']">\ //<a title="{{row.entity.orgName}}" href="#/organization/{{row.entity.orgID}}" target="_blank" id="{{row.entity.orgID}}">{{row.entity.orgName|limitString:16}}</a>\ //</div>' cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[row.entity.level==' + constant.level.First + ']"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}" id="{{row.entity.orgID}}" ng-click="grid.appScope.showOrgGenerateInfo(row)">{{row.entity.orgName==null||row.entity.orgName==""?"' + unassisgnText + '":row.entity.orgName}}</span></div>' } ]; $scope.commonUIGridList = { data:[], enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableColumnResizing: true, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: $scope.uigridColumns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; //$scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAccessSettingQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAccessSettingEditPermission = false; //查看机构的权限 var tempOrg = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage; list.push(tempOrg.addCode); list.push(tempOrg.queryCode); list.push(tempOrg.editCode); //自定义显示属性的权限 var tempAttr = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.customAttribute; list.push(tempAttr.queryCode); //权限设置的权限 var tempAcess = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.accessSetting; list.push(tempAcess.queryCode); list.push(tempAcess.editCode); $scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission = false; //编辑自定义维度值的时候的权限 if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.BusinessUnit) { var tempDV = constant.adminPermission.basicData.businessUnit; list.push(tempDV.editCode); } else { //自定义维度的权限 var tempDV = constant.adminPermission.basicData.selfDimension; list.push(tempDV.editCode); } $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { // console.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); $scope.hasAddPermission = data[tempOrg.addCode]; $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[tempOrg.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[tempOrg.editCode]; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = data[tempAttr.queryCode]; $scope.hasAccessSettingQueryPermission = data[tempAcess.queryCode]; $scope.hasAccessSettingEditPermission = data[tempAcess.editCode]; $scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission = data[tempDV.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initOrgChartData(); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('organizationBusinessUnitViewController.ctor()...'); $log.debug($state.params.dimensionID); var dimensionID = 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5'; //集团为事业部 // $scope.parentDimensionID = $state.params.dimensionID || 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e8'; var parentDimensionID = $state.params.dimensionID || dimensionID; $scope.parentDimensionID = parentDimensionID; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; initUIGrid(); InitDXDataGrid(); //事业部和自定义维度的权限 setParentDimension().then(function (data) { checkUserPermission(); });; $scope.getCommonCard = getCommonCard; $scope.getUserStatisCard = getUserStatisCard; })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('organizationBusinessUnitView', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('organizationBusinessUnitView.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/organizationBusinessUnitView/organization-business-unit-view.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'organizationBusinessUnitViewController', link: function (scope, element) { $(".card").draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor", handle: ".card-header" }); var showCardSeleted = '.show-card'; // 机构缩略图ID var orgGeneralInfoPopId = '#orgGeneralInfoPop'; //$(document).off('click');'click'); scope.renderOrgChart = function (datasource) { $('.card').css('visibility', 'hidden'); $('#chart-container').html(''); //渲染orgchart $('#chart-container').orgchart({ 'data': datasource, 'pan': false, 'zoom': false, "draggable": false, 'exportButton': false, 'nodeContent': 'title', 'exportFilename': 'SportsChart', 'parentNodeSymbol': 'fa-th-large' }); //var chartWidth = $('#chart-container').width() //var chartWidth = ($(window).width() - $(this).outerWidth()) / 2; var horizontalCenter = Math.floor(window.innerWidth / 2); console.log('horizontalCenter: ' + horizontalCenter); $("#chart-container").scrollLeft(horizontalCenter); } //点击header,选中高亮 element.on('click', '.title-header', function () { $('.title-header').removeClass('title-header-active'); $(this).toggleClass("title-header-active"); }); var hideDropdownMenu = function () { $('.title-header .dropdown-menu').css('display', 'none'); }; //点击高亮部分弹框,弹框去选择新增机构或者添加现有机构 element.on('mouseenter', '.title-header .add-org', function () { if (!scope.hasAddPermission) { return false; } $('.title-header .dropdown-menu').css('display', 'none'); var thisCard = $(this).closest('.dropdown').find('.dropdown-menu'); thisCard.css('display', 'block');"click", function () { thisCard.css('display', 'none'); }); stopPropagation(); }); element.on('mouseleave', '.title-header', function () { $('.title-header .dropdown-menu').css('display', 'none'); stopPropagation(); }); element.on('click', showCardSeleted, function () { $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).css('display', 'none'); stopPropagation(); }); //点击高亮部分新增机构 element.on('click', '.title-header .add-new-org', function () { stopPropagation(); hideCard(); //事业部ID var demensionValueID = $(this).attr("data-demension-value-id"); //维度的值,如产品,事业部等 var attrbutetype = $(this).attr("data-attribute-type"); //自定义属性枚举值,如分公司,产品等 console.log("demensionValueID: " + demensionValueID); //前提:高亮部分为分公司(机构)才触发这个事件 //if (attrbutetype == constant.dimensionType.OrgSubChildren) { if (scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.BusinessUnit) { scope.editOrg(demensionValueID); } else { scope.editOrg(''); } }); //点击高亮部分添加现有机构 element.on('click', '.title-header .add-exist-org', function () { stopPropagation(); hideCard(); //事业部ID var demensionValueID = $(this).attr("data-demension-value-id"); //维度的值,如产品,事业部等 var attrbutetype = $(this).attr("data-attribute-type"); //自定义属性枚举值,如分公司,产品等 var attributeID = $(this).attr("data-attribute-id"); console.log("demensionValueID: " + demensionValueID); //前提:高亮部分为分公司(机构)才触发这个事件 // if (attrbutetype == constant.dimensionType.OrgSubChildren) { scope.addExistOrg(demensionValueID, attributeID); // } }); //如果维度是事业部,编辑事业部名称,如果是自定义维度,则编辑其定义维度的值 element.on('click', '.edit-dimension-value', function () { hideCard(); if (!scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission) { return false; } //事业部ID var demensionValueID = $(this).attr("data-dimension-value-id"); if (demensionValueID) { console.log("demensionValueID: " + demensionValueID); if (scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.BusinessUnit) { scope.editBu(demensionValueID); } //如果是机构层级 else if (scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.OrganizationStructure) { scope.editOrgStructureType(demensionValueID); } //如果是自定义的维度 else if (scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.SelfDimension) { scope.editCustomDimensionValue(demensionValueID); } } return false; // stopPropagation(); }); //点击不同的属性显示卡片 element.on('click', showCardSeleted, function (e) { stopPropagation(); $(showCardSeleted).removeClass('row-highlight'); var $this = $(this); $this.addClass('row-highlight'); //维度,如用户数,覆盖区域,所属行业等 var attributeType = $this.attr("data-attribute-type"); //维度值的ID,相当于某个事业部ID, var dimensionValueID = $this.attr("data-demension-value-id"); var dimensionValue = $this.attr('data-demension-value'); var attributeName = $this.attr('data-attribute-name'); var attributeID = $this.attr("data-attribute-id"); //data-attribute-name //如果是用户数 if (attributeType == constant.attributeType.User) { scope.getUserStatisCard(dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID); showCard('.user-card', $this.closest('.node')); } //自定义维度,如产品线1,产品线2,通用,分公司,机构层级 else { scope.getCommonCard(dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID); showCard('.common-card',$this.closest('.node')); } stopPropagation(); }); $(".card").on("click", function (e) { stopPropagation(); }); $(".close-card").on("click", function (e) { hideCard(); //$(this).closest('.card').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); var hideCard = function () { $(".card").css('visibility', 'hidden'); $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).hide(); }; var showCard = function (thisCard,node) { hideCard(); var nodeOffset = $(node).offset(); // var nodeOuterWidth = $("#chart-container .node").first().outerWidth(); var nodeOuterWidth = $(node).outerWidth(); var leftLen = nodeOffset.left + nodeOuterWidth + 10; if (leftLen + $(thisCard).width() > window.innerWidth) { leftLen = leftLen - nodeOuterWidth - $(thisCard).width() - 20; } $(thisCard).css("left", leftLen); $(thisCard).css("top",; if ($(thisCard + ":hidden")) { $(thisCard).css('visibility', 'visible'); } else { $(thisCard).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } }; scope.fullScreenText = '全屏展示'; scope.showFullScreen = function () { $('.business-unit-view').parent().toggleClass('fullScreen'); if ($('.business-unit-view').parent().hasClass('fullScreen')) { scope.fullScreenText = '退出全屏'; scope.isShowFullScreen = true; } else { scope.fullScreenText = '全屏展示'; scope.isShowFullScreen = false; } } var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } } }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('OrganizationListViewController', ['$location', '$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'areaRegionService', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'dimensionService', '$interval', 'orgService', '$q','loginContext', function ($location, $scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, areaRegionService, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, dimensionService, $interval, orgService, $q, loginContext) { $scope.expanded = true; var translate={ Enabled:$translate.instant('BusinessUnitActive'), //已启用 Disabled: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitDisabled'),//已停用 }; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; //添加过滤下拉列表 var InitFilterList = function () { //初始化选择器为空 $scope.filter = {}; $scope.filter.selected = []; var datasource = constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.dataSource; datasource.forEach(function (row) { row.value = $translate.instant(row.value); }); $scope.taxPayerFilterList = datasource; }; //筛选的时候,ng-check event will be triggered $scope.stateChanged = function ($event, data) { $scope.filter.selected = []; var checkbox = $; if (checkbox.checked && $scope.filter.selected.indexOf(data.key) < 0) { $scope.filter.selected.push(data.key); } taxPayerFilterChanged(); }; var taxPayerFilterChanged = function () { var selectedList = $scope.filter.selected; if (selectedList.length == 0) return; var selectedID = $scope.filter.selected[0] || constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0; var oldData = angular.copy($scope.oldData); switch (selectedID) { //所有对应状态,取默认值 case constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0: //all data $scope.DataGridSource = oldData; break; //have taxpayerNumber case constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_1: var findResult = _.filter(oldData, function (item) { return item.taxPayerNumber !== null && item.taxPayerNumber != ''; }); $scope.DataGridSource = findResult; break; //Don't have taxpayerNumber case constant.espAccountFilter.key_2: var findResult = _.filter(oldData, function (item) { return item.taxPayerNumber == null || item.taxPayerNumber == ''; }); $scope.DataGridSource = findResult; break; } $scope.orgTreeListInstance.refresh(); }; $scope.createOrg = function () { $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.selectedOrg = null; $scope.isOrgUpdate = false; }; // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isOrgUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { getOrgList(); } }); var getOrgList = function () { orgService.getOrgListLevel().success(function (data) { if (data) { //data.forEach(function (row) { // if (row.userList) { // row.userListStr =, function (x) { return x.userName; }).join(constant.comma); // } //}); //console.log("dat:" + JSON.stringify(data)); if (loginContext.userName && loginContext.userName.toLowerCase() === "simon") { data = _.filter(data, function (row) { return row && row.industryID === "10"; }); } $scope.DataGridSource = data; $scope.oldData = angular.copy(data); $scope.setGridHeight(); } }); }; $scope.collapseAll = function () { var treeList = $scope.orgTreeListInstance; treeList.beginUpdate(); $scope.DataGridSource.forEach(function (item) { treeList.collapseRow(; }); treeList.endUpdate(); $scope.expanded = false; } $scope.expandAll = function () { var treeList = $scope.orgTreeListInstance; treeList.beginUpdate(); $scope.DataGridSource.forEach(function (item) { treeList.expandRow(; }); treeList.endUpdate(); $scope.expanded = true; } var loadDatagrid = function () { $scope.orgUserTreeOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'DataGridSource' }, columns: [ { dataField: "name", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), allowHeaderFiltering:false, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a class="hyper-link">' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/organization/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "code", allowHeaderFiltering: false, caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationCode') }, { dataField: "taxPayerNumber", allowHeaderFiltering: true, caption: $translate.instant('TaxPayerNumber'), //headerFilter: { // dataSource: { // load: function () { // return [{ // text: hasTaxpayNumer, // value: [['taxPayerNumber', '<>', null],'and', ['taxPayerNumber', '<>', '']] // }, { // text: noTaxpayNumer, // value: [['taxPayerNumber', '=', null], 'or', ['taxPayerNumber', '=', '']] // }]; // } // } //}, }, { dataField: "structureName", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDesc') }, { dataField: "regionName", caption: $translate.instant('AreaRegionTitle'), allowHeaderFiltering: false, }, { dataField: "businessUnitName", caption: $scope.businessName, allowHeaderFiltering: false, }, { dataField: "areaName", caption: $scope.areaName, allowHeaderFiltering: false, }, { dataField: "industryName", caption: $translate.instant('PIndustry'), allowHeaderFiltering: false, }, { dataField: "isActive", caption: $translate.instant('EnableStatus'), allowHeaderFiltering: false, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { if ( { $('<span>').text(translate.Enabled).appendTo(container); } else { $('<span style="color:gray">').text(translate.Disabled).appendTo(container); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } } ], onContentReady: function (e) { $scope.orgTreeListInstance = e.component; var totalCount =e.component.totalCount(); if(totalCount>0) { $scope.totalCount=totalCount; } }, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selection: { mode: "single" }, autoExpandAll:true, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), searchPanel: { placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: 518, visible: true }, headerFilter: { visible: false, texts: { cancel: $translate.instant('Cancel'), ok: $translate.instant('Confirm'), emptyValue: $translate.instant('Empty'), selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), } }, //columnHidingEnabled: true, //自定义显示列 //columnChooser: { // enabled: true, // mode: "select" //}, }; }; var getDimensionList = function () { dimensionService.getDimensionList().success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.customDimensionList = data; $log.debug($scope.customDimensionList); $scope.businessName = dimension.getBusinessUnitName(); $scope.areaName = dimension.getAreaName(); loadDatagrid(); } }); }; var dimension = { getBusinessUnitName: function () { var findResult = _.find($scope.customDimensionList, function (item) { return == constant.dimensionID.businessUnitID; }); if (findResult) { return; } else { return ''; } }, getAreaName: function () { var findResult = _.find($scope.customDimensionList, function (item) { return == constant.dimensionID.areaID; }); if (findResult) { return; } else { return ''; } } }; var initData = function () { InitFilterList(); getDimensionList(); getOrgList(); }; var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; var temp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage; list.push(temp.queryCode); list.push(temp.addCode); list.push(temp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[temp.queryCode]; $scope.hasAddPermission = data[temp.addCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[temp.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initData(); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrganizationListViewController.ctor()...'); checkUserPermission(); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('organizationListView', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('organizationListView.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/organizationListView/organization-list-view.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'OrganizationListViewController', link: function (scope, element) { scope.setGridHeight = function () { var pageWrapSelector = ".organization-list-view"; var menuSelector = ".menu-header"; var contentHeader = '.content-container .header'; var dxGridSelctor = "#orgGridContainer"; var contentHeaderHeight = parseInt($(contentHeader).css('height').replace('px', '')); var pageHeight = parseInt($(pageWrapSelector).css('height').replace('px', '')); var menuHeight = parseInt($(menuSelector).css('height').replace('px', '')); var height = pageHeight - menuHeight - contentHeaderHeight - 40 + 'px'; $(dxGridSelctor).css('max-height', height); }; $(window).resize(function () { scope.setGridHeight(); }); var filterSelector = '.filter-select'; $(filterSelector).on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); scope.showFilter = function () { if ($(filterSelector).is(":hidden")) { $(filterSelector).show(); } else { $(filterSelector).hide(); } $(document).one("click", function () { $(filterSelector).hide(); }); event.stopPropagation(); }; }//# end of link } } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('OrganizationManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'orgService', '$interval', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', 'projectService', '$translate', '$timeout', 'organizationStructureService', 'areaRegionService', 'apiInterceptor', 'enterpriseAccountService', 'businessUnitService', 'userService', 'roleService', '$q', 'permissionService', 'dimensionService','region', function ($scope, $log, orgService, $interval, uiGridTreeViewConstants, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, projectService, $translate, $timeout, organizationStructureService, areaRegionService, apiInterceptor, enterpriseAccountService, businessUnitService, userService, roleService, $q, permissionService, dimensionService, region) { 'use strict'; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; //jack $scope.getBottomHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $(".company-detail").height(); var parent = $('.org-right-container').height(); return { height: parent - y + 'px' }; } return {}; }; var getDimensionList = function () { dimensionService.getDimensionList().success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.customDimensionList = data; $log.debug($scope.customDimensionList); $scope.businessName = dimension.getBusinessUnitName(); $scope.areaName = dimension.getAreaName(); } }); }; var dimension = { getBusinessUnitName: function () { var findResult = _.find($scope.customDimensionList, function (item) { return == constant.dimensionID.businessUnitID; }); if (findResult) { return; } else { return ''; } }, getAreaName: function () { var findResult = _.find($scope.customDimensionList, function (item) { return == constant.dimensionID.areaID; }); if (findResult) { return; } else { return ''; } } }; ////添加企业账套 //$scope.newAccountSetModal = function () //{ // $scope.accountSetOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; // $scope.accountSetIsUpdate = false; //}; // 机构树 var tree; // 是佛启用禁用Map var isActiveMap = { false: 'Enable', true: 'Disable' }; // 获取账套 var loadEnterpriseAccountSetList = function () { enterpriseAccountService.getEnterpriseAccountSetList().success(function (data) { // 只获取启用状态的账套 //data = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.isActive }); $scope.enterpriseAccountSetList = sortByEnterpriseName(data); if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = true; } else { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = false; } }); }; var dataType = { isPrefixNumber: function (value) { var reg = /^\d+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixChar: function (value) { var reg = /^[a-zA-Z]+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixNumberOrChar: function (value) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumber(value)) { return true; } if (dataType.isPrefixChar(value)) { return true; } return false; } }; var sortByEnterpriseName = function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var charList = []; var nocharList = []; data.forEach(function (row) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumberOrChar( { row.nameSort =; if (row.nameSort) { row.nameSort = row.nameSort.toLowerCase(); } charList.push(row); } else { nocharList.push(row); } }); charList = _.sortBy(charList, 'nameSort'); nocharList = nocharList.sort(function compareFunction(param1, param2) { return, 'zh'); }); var all = _.union(charList, nocharList); return all; } return data; }; // 初始化函数 var initOrg = function () { getDimensionList(); loadorgTree(); loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); getServiceList(); }; // 保存启用、启用的操作结果 $scope.updateIsActive = function () { $scope.isCanOrganizationIsActiveBtn = false; var isActive = !$scope.selectCompany.isActive; if (isActive) { orgService.enableOrgs($ () { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('EnableUserSuccess')); $scope.selectCompany.isActive = !$scope.selectCompany.isActive; $scope.selectCompany.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$scope.selectCompany.isActive]); $log.debug('enabled success!'); $scope.organizationId = $; loadorgTree(); })['finally'](function () { $scope.isCanOrganizationIsActiveBtn = true; }); } else { var list = []; list.push($; orgService.disableOrgs(list).success(function () { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('DisableUserSuccess')); $scope.selectCompany.isActive = !$scope.selectCompany.isActive; $scope.selectCompany.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$scope.selectCompany.isActive]); $log.debug('disabled orgs success!'); $scope.organizationId = $; loadorgTree(); })['finally'](function () { $scope.isCanOrganizationIsActiveBtn = true; }); } }; // 进入高级配置编辑状态 $scope.editAdvancedConfigurationStatus = function () { $scope.selectCompany.isUpdate = true; setEnterpriseOrgRowList($scope.selectCompany); if ($scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList && $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.length > 0) { $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.forEach(function (row) { row.templateGroupList = _.find($scope.serviceList, function (num) { return === row.serviceTypeID }).templateGroupList; }); } }; // 添加服务模板 $scope.addOrganizationServiceTemplateGroupRow = function () { var row = {}; $scope.selectCompany.isUpdate = true; $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.push(row); }; // 验证账套 $scope.checkEnterpriseAccountSetSelect = function (row) { if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetID && !row.effectiveDateStr && !row.expiredDateStr) { row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError = null; return; } if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetID) { row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError = $scope.resources.OrganizationMsgEnterpriseAccountSetRequired; } else { row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError = null; } }; // 删除企业账套 $scope.deleteAccountSet = function (row) { var index = jQuery.inArray(row, $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList); $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.splice(index, 1); }; // 删除服务 $scope.deleteService = function (row) { var index = jQuery.inArray(row, $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList); $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.splice(index, 1); }; // 保存高级配置修改 $scope.saveAdvancedConfiguration = function () { if (checkEnterpriseSetOrg() || checkTemplateList() || checkServiceTypeList()) { return; } var branch = { data: { id: $ } }; orgService.updateOrg($scope.selectCompany).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $scope.selectOrganization(branch); }); }; // 取消高级配置修改 $scope.cancelAdvancedConfiguration = function () { $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = angular.copy($scope.backups.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList); $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList = angular.copy($scope.backups.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList); $scope.selectCompany.isUpdate = false; }; // 关于日志部分 $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; // 添加机构 $scope.addOrg = function () { $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.selectedOrg = null; }; // 添加机构 $scope.updateOrg = function () { $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.selectedOrg = $scope.selectCompany; }; // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isOrgUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectCompany && !$scope.isAdd) { $scope.organizationId = $; } else { $scope.organizationId = null; } initOrg(); $scope.isOrgUpdate = false; } }); // 选中服务更改时 $scope.serviceTypeChange = function (service) { if ($scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList && $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.length > 0) { var sameServiceTypeIDList = _.filter($scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList, function (num) { return num.serviceTypeID === service.serviceTypeID; }); if (sameServiceTypeIDList && sameServiceTypeIDList.length > 1) { service.serviceTypeError = $scope.resources.ServiceExists; } else { service.serviceTypeError = null; } } else { service.serviceTypeError = null; } service.templateGroupList = _.find($scope.serviceList, function (num) { return === service.serviceTypeID }).templateGroupList; service.templateGroupID = ''; }; // 判断服务的选择是否有错误 var checkServiceTypeList = function () { var hasError = false; if ($scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList && $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.length > 0) { var serviceTypeIDList = []; $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.forEach(function (row) { if (serviceTypeIDList.indexOf(row.serviceTypeID) > -1) { row.serviceTypeError = $scope.resources.ServiceExists; hasError = true; } else { row.serviceTypeError = null; } if (!row.templateGroupID) { hasError = true; row.selectedTemplateError = $scope.resources.OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired; } else { row.selectedTemplateError = null; } serviceTypeIDList.push(row.serviceTypeID); }); // 有错误 return hasError; } // 没有错误 return hasError; }; var loadRootOrg = function () { orgService.getSingleOrg(constant.guid.empty).success(function (rootOrg) { $scope.rootOrg = rootOrg; }); }; //加载用户权限list var loadUserRoleList = function (orgID) { roleService.getUserRoleList(orgID, '', '').success(function (data) { // 构造用户信息 var roleStaticsList = []; var userRoleShowList = []; if (data && data.length > 0) { data.forEach(function (row) { var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return }); row.roleNameList =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); //var roleNames = _.pluck(row.roleInfoList, 'name'); //row.roleNameList = roleNames.join(','); if (!row.isAccessible) { row.roleNameList = $translate.instant('UnAccessable'); } row.hasEditPermission = $scope.hasEditPermission; userRoleShowList.push({ id:, userName: row.userName, roleNameList: row.roleNameList }); row.roleInfoList.forEach(function (role) { var one = _.find(roleStaticsList, function (data) { return ===; }); if (one) { one.count++; } else { role.count = 1; roleStaticsList.push(role); } }); }); } $scope.roleStaticsList = roleStaticsList; $scope.userRoleList = JSON.stringify(userRoleShowList); $ = data; //用户数统计 $scope.userCount = data.length || 0; }); }; // 选中机构 $scope.selectOrganization = function (branch) { var org =; $scope.output = "You selected: " +; var suborgList = getSubOrgList(branch); $scope.selectedOrgID =; // 选中事件 // $scope.selectCompany = org; orgService.getSingleOrg( (data) { $scope.selectCompany = data; $scope.selectCompany.isActiveStr = $translate.instant(isActiveMap[$scope.selectCompany.isActive]); //$log.debug("org.regionID: " + org.regionID); $scope.selectCompany.suborgList = suborgList; $scope.backups = {}; $scope.backups.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = angular.copy($scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList); $scope.backups.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList = angular.copy($scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList); var orgAttributeList = _.filter(data.dimensionValueOrgList, function (attr) { if ( { return true; } else { return false; } }); var orgAttributeRowList = []; if (orgAttributeList && orgAttributeList.length > 0) { $scope.firstAttribute = orgAttributeList[0]; for (var i = 1; i < orgAttributeList.length; i = i + 2) { var model = { left: orgAttributeList[i], }; if (i + 1 < orgAttributeList.length) { model.right = orgAttributeList[i + 1]; } orgAttributeRowList.push(model); } } $scope.selectCompany.orgAttributeRowList = orgAttributeRowList; //加载用户权限list loadUserRoleList(; }); }; $scope.resources = { EffectiveDateRequired: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateRequired'), ExpiredDateRequired: $translate.instant('ExpiredDateRequired'), EffectiveDateAreaProblem: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateAreaProblem'), OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired'), OrganizationMsgProjectIndustryRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgProjectIndustryRequired'), ServiceExists: $translate.instant('ServiceExists'), DateMonthFormatError: $translate.instant('DateMonthFormatError') }; // 验证开始时间 $scope.checkStartDate = function (row) { // if (!row.effectiveDateStr) { // row.startDateError = $scope.resources.EffectiveDateRequired; // } else { // row.startDateError = null; // } if (row.effectiveDateStr && !window.PWC.checkMonth(row.effectiveDateStr)) { row.startDateError = $scope.resources.DateMonthFormatError; return; } else { row.startDateError = null; } if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetID && !row.effectiveDateStr && !row.expiredDateStr) { row.startDateError = null; return; } if (row.effectiveDateStr && row.expiredDateStr) { if (!validateDate(row.effectiveDateStr, row.expiredDateStr)) { row.startDateError = $scope.resources.EffectiveDateAreaProblem; } else { row.startDateError = null; } } }; // 验证结束时间 $scope.checkEndDate = function (row) { //结束时间可为空,默认9999-12 // if (!row.expiredDateStr) { // row.endDateError = $scope.resources.ExpiredDateRequired; // } else { // row.endDateError = null; // } if (row.expiredDateStr && !window.PWC.checkMonth(row.expiredDateStr)) { row.endDateError = $scope.resources.DateMonthFormatError; return; } else { row.endDateError = null; } if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetID && !row.effectiveDateStr && !row.expiredDateStr) { row.endDateError = null; return; } if (row.effectiveDateStr && row.expiredDateStr) { if (!validateDate(row.effectiveDateStr, row.expiredDateStr)) { row.startDateError = $scope.resources.EffectiveDateAreaProblem; } else { row.startDateError = null; } } }; // 加载机构树 $scope.my_tree = tree = {}; var loadorgTree = function () { $scope.orgList = []; $scope.doing_async = true; $scope.showOrgTree = false; orgService.getOrgListToJson(1).success(function (data) { $scope.orgList = data; $log.debug(data); // 设置默认选中机构 if (data && data.length > 0) { var selectOrg = data[0]; if ($scope.organizationId) { selectOrg = findBranch($scope.organizationId, $scope.orgList); if (!selectOrg) { selectOrg = data[0]; } } $scope.selectOrganization(selectOrg); } $scope.doing_async = false; return $timeout(function () { $scope.my_tree.expand_level_function(); $scope.my_tree.select_branch(selectOrg); $scope.showOrgTree = true; }, 200); return tree.expand_level_function(); }).error(function (data) { $log.debug(JSON.stringify(data)); }); }; // 查找选中的分支 var findBranch = function (orgid, orgTree) { if (orgTree && orgTree.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < orgTree.length; i++) { var row = orgTree[i]; // 查看当前节点 if ( === orgid) { target = row; return target; } // 查看子节点 var target = findBranch(orgid, row.children); if (target) { return target; } } return null; } else { return null; } }; // Copy Array var copyArray = function (data) { var ret = []; data.forEach(function (row) { ret.push(row); }); return ret; }; // 修改机构时,设置账套设置的值 var setEnterpriseOrgRowList = function (enterpriseAccountSetData) { $scope.orgAccountList = []; if (!enterpriseAccountSetData.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList || enterpriseAccountSetData.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length === 0) { return; } var enterpriseAccountSetList = copyArray($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList); var index = 1; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex = index; enterpriseAccountSetData.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.forEach(function (row) { row.fromID = 'advancedSetFrom' + index; row.toID = 'advancedSetTo' + index; index++; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex = index; $timeout(function () { setDatepickerRow(row); }, 100); }); }; var setDatepickerRow = function (rowData) { $("#" + rowData.fromID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: region, format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + rowData.toID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: region, format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + rowData.fromID).on('changeDate', function () { var fromValue = $("#" + rowData.fromID).val(); var toValue = $("#" + rowData.toID).val(); if (fromValue) { // 如果结束值为空,或者有效时间是一个时间段,则设置结束时间的开始时间 if (!toValue || validateDate(fromValue, toValue)) { $("#" + rowData.toID).datepicker('setStartDate', fromValue); } } }); // 默认的错误信息先设置为空 rowData.startDateError = null; rowData.endDateError = null; }; // 获取所有服务列表 var getServiceList = function () { projectService.getServiceList().success(function (serviceListData) { $scope.serviceList = serviceListData; }); }; // 验证是否为时间段 var validateDate = function (from, to) { var fromDate = new Date(from + '-01'); var toDate = new Date(to + '-01'); toDate.setMonth(toDate.getMonth() + 1); toDate.setDate(toDate.getDate() - 1); if (fromDate <= toDate) { return true; } else { return false; } }; // 验证账套修改 var checkEnterpriseSetOrg = function () { var enterpriseSetList = []; if ($scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList && $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length > 0) { $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.forEach(function (row) { $scope.checkEnterpriseAccountSetSelect(row); $scope.checkStartDate(row); $scope.checkEndDate(row); if (row.enterpriseAccountSetID) { enterpriseSetList.push(row); } }); } $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = enterpriseSetList; var errorList = _.filter($scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList, function (num) { return num.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError || num.startDateError || num.endDateError; }); if (errorList && errorList.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; // 验证模板列表 var checkTemplateList = function () { var hasError = false; if ($scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList && $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.length > 0) { $scope.selectCompany.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.forEach(function (row) { $scope.checkTemplate(row); if (row.selectedTemplateError) { hasError = true; } }); } return hasError; }; // 验证模板方法 $scope.checkTemplate = function (row) { if (!row.templateGroupID) { row.selectedTemplateError = $scope.resources.OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired; } else { row.selectedTemplateError = null; } }; // 获取当前机构下的子机构 var getSubOrgList = function (branch) { var orgList = []; if (branch.children && branch.children.length > 0) { branch.children.forEach(function (row) { orgList.push(; var tempList = getSubOrgList(row); if (tempList && tempList.length > 0) { orgList = _.union(orgList, tempList); } }); } return orgList; }; var showUserTab = function () { var generateData = function (count) { var i; var surnames = ['Smith', 'Johnson', 'Brown', 'Taylor', 'Anderson', 'Harris', 'Clark', 'Allen', 'Scott', 'Carter']; var names = ['James', 'John', 'Robert', 'Christopher', 'George', 'Mary', 'Nancy', 'Sandra', 'Michelle', 'Betty']; var gender = ['Male', 'Female']; var items = []; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var nameIndex = i; var item = { id: i + 1, userName: names[nameIndex], roleNameList: surnames[nameIndex], }; items.push(item); } return items; }; var generateData2 = function () { //showUserTab(); return dataSource; }; $scope.showRowLines = true; $scope.showBorders = false; $scope.showColumnLines = false; $scope.BUDataGridOptions = { dataSource: 'userRoleList', rowTemplate: $("#gridRow"), bindingOptions: { showBorders: 'showBorders', showColumnLines: 'showColumnLines', showRowLines: 'showRowLines', }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [{ dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserTitleName'), width: '40%', }, { dataField: "roleNameList", caption: $translate.instant('RoleDesc'), width: '50%', }, { caption: $translate.instant('Operation'), width: '10%', }], //, //loadPanel: { // enabled: false //}, //scrolling: { // mode: "virtual" //}, //sorting: { // mode: "none" //} }; }; var setUserRoleUIGridColumns = function () { // $scope.uigridColumns.splice(1); }; var initUserRoleUIGrid = function () { $scope.UIGridColumns = [{ field: 'userName', name: $translate.instant('UserTitleName'), width: '30%', headerCellClass: 'right', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span title="{{row.entity.userName}}">{{row.entity.userName}}<span></div>' }]; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { var colum = { field: 'roleNameList', name: $translate.instant('RoleDesc'), width: '60%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.roleNameList}}<span></div>' }; $scope.UIGridColumns.push(colum); colum = { name: $translate.instant('Operation'), width: '10%', field: 'Operation', headerCellClass: 'center', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="project-manage-grid-operation ui-grid-cell-contents">' + '<span ng-click="grid.appScope.updateUserRole(row.entity)" class="operate-span" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="false" style=""><i class="material-icons middle black-color">create</i></span>' + '<span ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteUserRole(row.entity)" class="operate-span" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-hidden="false" style=""><i class="material-icons button-icons icon-delete">delete</i></span>' + '</div>' }; $scope.UIGridColumns.push(colum); } else { var columns = { field: 'roleNameList', name: $translate.instant('RoleDesc'), width: '70%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.roleNameList}}<span></div>' }; $scope.UIGridColumns.push(columns); } $scope.userRoleGridOptions = { rowHeight: 30, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowSelection: true, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: $scope.UIGridColumns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //如果添加了用户,则写入该机构下的库 $scope.$watch('addUserIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedKeyItems && $scope.selectedUserList.length > 0) { // console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedUserList)); addUserToOrg($scope.selectedUserList); } } }); //为当前机构添加用户 var addUserToOrg = function (selectedUserArray) { var selectedArr = []; if (selectedUserArray && selectedUserArray.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < selectedUserArray.length; i++) { ////用户的角色列表 //var roleList = selectedUserArray[i].roleInfoList; //去掉在当前机构下存在的用户,当前用户的权限可能已经改动过 var isUserExist = _.find($, function (num) { return num.userID == selectedUserArray[i].userID; }); if (isUserExist) { continue; } var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), userID: selectedUserArray[i].userID, organizationID: $scope.selectedOrgID, IsAccessible: true, hasOriginalRole: true }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); } } if (selectedArr.length > 0) { userService.updateUserRoleForOrg(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); //重新加载用户list loadUserRoleList($scope.selectedOrgID); } }); } else { showWarning('UserExists'); } }; //添加用户,弹框,call指令 add-exist-user-modal $scope.addUser = function () { var selectedKeyItem = []; $ (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(; }); $scope.addUserOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addUserIsUpdate = false; $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; }; $scope.permissionPopover = { //content: $scope.permissionList, templateUrl: 'permissionPopoverTemplate.html', title: $translate.instant('TPermission') }; //Jack $scope.showPermission = function (item) { var roleID =; $scope.permissionList = []; var currentPermission = _.find($scope.allRolePermission, function (row) { return row.roleID == roleID; }); if (currentPermission && currentPermission.permissionList) { $scope.permissionList = currentPermission.permissionList; var copyData = angular.copy(currentPermission.permissionList); copyData.forEach(function (item) { var findParent = _.find(currentPermission.permissionList, function (num) { return === item.parentID; }); if (!findParent) { item.parentID = null; } }); $scope.permissionTreeViewData = copyData;// currentPermission.permissionList; // console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.permissionTreeViewData)); } // console.log(JSON.stringify(item)); }; var getAllRolePermission = function () { roleService.getAllRolePermission(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.allRolePermission = data; //console.log('all permission: '+JSON.stringify(data)); } }); }; //$scope.showRoleInfo = function (data) { // $scope.currentEmployee = data.model.employee; // $scope.visiblePopup = true; //}; var confirmWarningWindow = function (title, text) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; //删除用户角色 $scope.deleteUserRole = function (userModel) { var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'); confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (data) { if (data) { var userOrgDto = { userID:, OrgID: $scope.selectedOrgID } //$log.debug(JSON.stringify(userModel)); userService.deleteUserRoleForOrg(userOrgDto).success(function (data) { showSuccessMsg("OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess"); //重新加载用户list loadUserRoleList($scope.selectedOrgID); }); } }); }; // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('userRolesIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { //重新加载用户list loadUserRoleList($scope.selectedOrgID); } }); //编辑用户角色 $scope.updateUserRole = function (userRole) { $scope.userRoleOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.selectedOrgID = $scope.selectedOrgID; $scope.selectedUserID =; $scope.userRolesIsUpdate = false; }; // 添加一行账套设置 (jack) $scope.newOrgAccountRow = function () { var index = $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex; var enterpriseAccountSetList = copyArray($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList); var d = new Date(); var now = d.formatDateTime('yyyy-MM'); var row = { enterpriseAccountSetName: '', effectiveDateStr: null, expiredDateStr: null, organizationID: $scope.selectedOrgID, fromID: 'advancedSetFrom' + index, toID: 'advancedSetTo' + index }; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex++; $scope.selectCompany.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(row); $timeout(function () { setDatepickerRow(row); }, 200); }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return { height: $(".dx-viewport").height() + "px" }; }; //获取当前角色对应的权限列表 var loadPermissionTree = function () { $scope.permissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'permissionTreeViewData', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "single" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, parentIdExpr: "parentID", keyExpr: "id", displayExpr: 'name', showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 //showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.permissionTreeViewInstance = e.component; // $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem($; } }; }; var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; $scope.hasUserQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasUserEditPermission = false; ////查看用户角色的权限 //var tempUser = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.userManage; //list.push(tempUser.queryCode); //list.push(tempUser.editCode); var temp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage; list.push(temp.queryCode); list.push(temp.addCode); list.push(temp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[temp.queryCode]; $scope.hasAddPermission = data[temp.addCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[temp.editCode]; //$scope.hasUserQueryPermission = data[tempUser.queryCode]; //$scope.hasUserEditPermission = data[tempUser.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initUserRoleUIGrid(); loadPermissionTree(); initOrg(); getAllRolePermission(); } }); }; (function initialize() { $scope.showRowLines = true; $log.debug('organizationManageController.ctor()...'); //scope model $scope.title = $translate.instant('OrganizationManageTitle'); $scope.orgList = []; $scope.checkedOrgsSet = {}; $scope.set = []; $scope.maxTitleLength = 10; $scope.maxValueLength = 20; $scope.selectCompany = {}; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = 'orgmanage'; $scope.searchText = ''; $scope.isCanOrganizationIsActiveBtn = true; $scope.currentNavItem = 'page1'; $scope.userRoleList = "[]"; //showUserTab(); checkUserPermission(); $timeout(function () { $scope.isLoadComplete = true; }, 500); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('organizationManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('organizationManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/organizationManage/organization-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { organizationId: '@' }, controller: 'OrganizationManageController', link: function (scope, element, attrs, $element) { // Split(['#org-left-container', '#org-right-container'], { //An array of initial sizes of the elements, specified as percentage values. Example: Setting the initial sizes to 25% and 75%. sizes: [20, 80], //An array of minimum sizes of the elements, specified as pixel values. Example: Setting the minimum sizes to 100px and 300px, respectively. minSize: [200, 750], onDragEnd: function () { //$timeout(function () { // $rootScope.$broadcast(enums.vatEvent.layoutChanged, {}); //}, 700); } }) } }; } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('taxPayerNumberUnique', ['$q','orgService',function ($q, orgService) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) return; ctrl.$asyncValidators.taxPayerNumberUnique = function (modelValue, viewValue) { if (ctrl.$isEmpty(modelValue)) { $q.resolve(); } var def = $q.defer(); var id = scope.isAdd ? "" :; orgService.taxPayerNumberUniqueValidate(id, viewValue) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { if (data) { def.resolve(); } else { def.reject(); } }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { def.reject(); }); return def.promise; }; } } }]); infrastructureModule.directive('codeUnique', ['$q','orgService',function ($q, orgService) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) return; ctrl.$asyncValidators.codeUnique = function (modelValue, viewValue) { if (ctrl.$isEmpty(modelValue)) { $q.resolve(); } var def = $q.defer(); var id = scope.isAdd ? "" :; orgService.codeUniqueValidate(id, viewValue) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { if (data) { def.resolve(); } else { def.reject(); } }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { def.reject(); }); return def.promise; }; } } }]); infrastructureModule .controller('OrganizationSubsidiaryViewController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'dimensionService', 'statisticAttributeService', 'regionService', '$translate', 'areaRegionService', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants', '$interval', 'orgService', '$q', '$state', '$filter', 'roleService', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, dimensionService, statisticAttributeService, regionService, $translate, areaRegionService, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $interval, orgService, $q, $state, $filter, roleService) { 'use strict'; var orgGeneralInfoPopId = '#orgGeneralInfoPop'; var unassisgnText = $translate.instant('UnAssignText'); $scope.unassisgnText = unassisgnText; // 系统级别的纬度id列表 var systemDimensionIdList = [ constant.attributeID.businessUnitID, constant.attributeID.areaID, constant.attributeID.organizationStructureID, constant.attributeID.userID, constant.attributeID.industryID, constant.attributeID.rgSubChildrenID ]; var template = { topNodeTemplate: $("#dimension-topNode").html(), //最顶层节点 nameNodeQuery: $("#dimension-org-node-name-query").html(), //机构名称 nameNodeEdit: $("#dimension-org-node-name-edit").html(), //机构名称 rowNode: $("#dimension-row-node").html() //普通行 }; //设置维度的名称和值,和类型 var setParentDimension = function () { dimensionService.getDimensionById($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.parentDimensionName =; $scope.parentDimensionType = data.dimensionType; } }); }; //隐藏机构general info var hideOrgGeneralInfo = function () { $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).hide(); }; // 显示机构general info,并设置好位置 var showOrgCard = function (popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.offset().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - topOffset; } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.offset().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.offset().left - popCard.width() - leftOffset; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function () { hideOrgGeneralInfo(); }); }; //添加事业部,机构层级,自定义维度的值等等 $scope.addDimensionValue = function () { if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.BusinessUnit) { $scope.orgOperateBusinessType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.businessUnitID = null; $scope.isBusinessUpdate = false; } if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.OrganizationStructure) { $scope.orgOperateOrgStructureType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.selectedOrgStructureID = null; $scope.isOrgStructureUpdate = false; } else if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.SelfDimension) { $scope.dimensionValueOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.dimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.dimensionName = $scope.parentDimensionName; $scope.isDimensionValueUpdate = false; $scope.selectedDimensionValueID = null; } }; $scope.AddOrg = function () { $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.selectedOrg = null; $scope.isOrgUpdate = false; $scope.organization = { }; }; $scope.EditOrg = function (orgID) { $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; //$scope.selectedOrg = orgID; $scope.isOrgUpdate = false; $scope.selectedOrg = { id: orgID }; }; //点击机构名称,显示详细信息 $scope.showOrgGenerateInfo = function (row) { // $scope.isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo = false; $scope.orgIdGeneralInfo = row.entity.orgID; var orgGeneralInfoPopup = $(orgGeneralInfoPopId); var rowId = $('#' + row.entity.orgID); showOrgCard(orgGeneralInfoPopup, rowId, 30, 50); }; // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isOrgUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); notifyTopPage(); } }); //自定义显示属性更新后,刷新当前页面的orgchart $scope.$watch('isAttributeUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); populateUIGridColumns(); } }); // 添加或者编辑事业部成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isBusinessUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); } }); //修改机构成功之后 通知父层去更新机构数的统计 var notifyTopPage = function () { $scope.$emit("hasOrgUpdated", { isupdated: true }); }; //所属行业弹框,也是通用模板 var getCommonCard = function (dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID) { populateUIGridColumns(); //参数,维度值的ID,如事业部1,事业部2 ,然后是顶层事业部,如事业部 orgService.getOrgCustomDashbord(dimensionValueID, $scope.parentDimensionID, attributeID).success(function (data) { if (data) { console.log('data:'); console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); data.orgDtoList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.level != null) { row.$$treeLevel = parseInt(row.level); } }); $scope.orgCustomList = data.orgCustomDtoList; $scope.orgList = data.orgDtoList; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.orgList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.orgList[i]; if ($scope.attributeList && $scope.attributeList.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < $scope.attributeList.length; j++) { if (systemDimensionIdList.indexOf($scope.attributeList[j].attributeID) === -1) { var targetVaule = _.find($scope.orgCustomList, function (data) { return data.orgID === row.orgID && data.dimensionID === $scope.attributeList[j].belongDimensionID; }); if (targetVaule) { row["selfDimension" + j] = targetVaule.dimensionValueName; } else { row["selfDimension" + j] = ''; } } } } }; $scope.dimensionValue = dimensionValue; $scope.attributeName = attributeName; $ = $scope.orgList; $scope.commonCountDataSource = data.orgCountList; console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.orgList)); console.log("cusomer:" + JSON.stringify(data.orgCustomDtoList)); console.log("111:" + JSON.stringify($scope.attributeList)); } }); }; //将角色列表换成逗号分隔 var formatRoleList = function (roleInfoList) { var newList = ""; roleInfoList.forEach(function (row) { if (row) { newList += + constant.comma; } }); if (newList.length > 0) { newList = newList.substr(0, newList.length - 1); } return newList; }; //用户卡片弹框 var getUserStatisCard = function (dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID) { $scope.userBUDimensionValueID = dimensionValueID; $scope.dimensionValue = dimensionValue; $scope.attributeName = attributeName; //用户下面多个角色,多少个机构 roleService.getDimensionUserRoleList($scope.parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID).success(function (data) { if (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var row = data[i]; data[i].userID = row.userID; data[i].userName = row.userName; data[i].roleInfo = formatRoleList(row.roleList); data[i].orgCount = row && row.orgList && row.orgList.length; } //用户数据绑定 $scope.userDatagridDataSource = data; } }); //角色统计,角色下面多少个用户 roleService.getDimensionRoleUserList($scope.parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID).success(function (data) { if (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var row = data[i]; data[i].count = row && row.userList && row.userList.length; data[i].name = row.roleName; } $scope.roleCountDataSource = data; } }); }; var ReplaceObj = { //顶部节点 topNodeName: '{{#topNodeName#}}', //事业部名称 dimensionValue: '{{#dimensionValue#}}', dimensionValueID: '{{#dimensionValueID#}}', //高亮部分统计 //hightNodeCount: '{{#dimensionValueCount#}}', //比如 '100' //hightNodeName: '{{#attributeName#}}', //比如'分公司' //普通维度统计 attributeID: '{{#attributeID#}}', attributeName: '{{#attributeName#}}', //维度名字,如用户数,覆盖区域,所属行业等 attributeValueCount: '{{#attributeValueCount#}}', //对于维度的统计 attributeType: '{{#attributeType#}}', //维度的类型区分值,如1:事业部,2:分公司 firstAttrName: '{{#firstAttr}}', secondAttrName: '{{#secondAttr}}', firstAttrTitle: '{{#firstAttrTitle}}', secondAttrTitle: '{{#secondAttrTitle}}' }; //构造Echart模板,并且初始化数据 $scope.populateChartDatasource = function (parentOrgID, expandedList) { $scope.renderOrgChart({}); console.log('expandedOrgList', expandedList); $scope.pLevel = 0; orgService.getOrgDashboard($scope.parentDimensionID, parentOrgID, expandedList).success(function (data) { if (data !== undefined && data !== null && data.length > 0) { var topNodeName = '集团'; //template.topNodeTemplate.replace(ReplaceObj.topNodeName, $scope.parentDimensionName); var datascource = { 'id': 'topid', 'name': topNodeName, 'pLevel': $scope.pLevel, 'children': [], 'relationship': '111' }; data.forEach(function (row) { var newNode = createNewNode(row); datascource.children.push(newNode); if (row.children !== null && row.children.length > 0) { $scope.pLevel = $scope.pLevel + 1; createNodeRecursion(row.children, newNode); } }); //生成orgchart $scope.renderOrgChart(datascource); } }); }; var createNodeRecursion = function (childrenList, parentNode) { if (childrenList.length == 0) return; childrenList.forEach(function (row) { var newNode = createNewNode(row); parentNode.children.push(newNode); if (row.children !== null && row.children.length > 0) { $scope.pLevel = $scope.pLevel + 1; createNodeRecursion(row.children, newNode); } }); }; //创建orgchart节点 var createNewNode = function (row) { var templateNameNode = template.nameNodeQuery; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { templateNameNode = template.nameNodeEdit; } var temp = []; var relationship = '110'; if (row.hasChildren !== undefined && row.hasChildren) { relationship = '111'; } var node = { 'id': row.dimensionValueID, 'pLevel': $scope.pLevel, 'name': templateNameNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValue, row.dimensionValue) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValueID, row.dimensionValueID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValueID, row.dimensionValueID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.firstAttrName, row.firstAttrName === null ? ' 未指定 ' : $filter('limitString')(row.firstAttrName, 10)) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.secondAttrName, row.secondAttrName === null ? ' 未指定 ' : $filter('limitString')(row.secondAttrName, 10)) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.firstAttrTitle, row.firstAttrName === null ? ' 未指定 ' : row.firstAttrName) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.secondAttrTitle, row.secondAttrName === null ? ' 未指定 ' : row.secondAttrName), 'title': (function () { row.orgDtoList.forEach(function (item, index) { temp += template.rowNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeName, item.attributeName) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeValueCount, item.attributeValueCount) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValueID, row.dimensionValueID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.dimensionValue, row.dimensionValue) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeID, item.attributeID) .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.attributeType, item.attributeType); }); return temp; })(), 'children': [], 'relationship': relationship }; //特殊处理,如果没有子机构,只显示本身即可 if (row.hasChildren === undefined || !row.hasChildren) { node.title = ''; } return node; }; //编辑自定义显示属性 $scope.showCustomAttriute = function () { $scope.attributeOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID;; $scope.isAttributeUpdate = false; }; //自定义显示属性更新后,刷新当前页面的orgchart $scope.$watch('isAttributeUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { initOrgChartData(); populateUIGridColumns(); } }); //通用的ui grid 模板 var commonUIGridInit = function () { $scope.uigridColumns = [{ field: 'orgName', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), cellTemplate: '<div id="{{row.entity.orgID}}" ng-click="grid.appScope.showOrgGenerateInfo(row)" ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[row.entity.level==' + constant.level.First + ']"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}" >{{row.entity.orgName==null||row.entity.orgName==""?"' + unassisgnText + '":row.entity.orgName}}</span></div>' }]; $scope.commonUIGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableColumnResizing: true, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: $scope.uigridColumns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //添加过滤下拉列表 var InitFilterList = function () { //初始化选择器为空 $scope.filter = {}; $scope.filter.selected = []; var datasource = constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.dataSource; datasource.forEach(function (row) { row.value = $translate.instant(row.value); }); $scope.taxPayerFilterList = datasource; }; //筛选的时候,ng-check event will be triggered $scope.stateChanged = function ($event, data) { $scope.filter.selected = []; var checkbox = $; if (checkbox.checked && $scope.filter.selected.indexOf(data.key) < 0) { $scope.filter.selected.push(data.key); } orgDashboardFilterChanged(); }; var orgDashboardFilterChanged = function () { $('#orgName-search').find('input').val('') var selectedList = $scope.filter.selected; if (selectedList.length == 0) return; var selectedID = $scope.filter.selected[0] || constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0; $scope.orgDashboardFilteredID = selectedID; var oldData = []; switch (selectedID) { //所有对应状态,取默认值 case constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0: //all data $scope.populateChartDatasource(0); break; //have taxpayerNumber case constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_1: $scope.populateChartDatasource(1); break; case constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_2: $scope.populateChartDatasource(2); break; } }; var InitDXDataGrid = function () { loadUserDatagrid(); }; //构造用户datagrid var loadUserDatagrid = function () { $scope.userdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'userDatagridDataSource' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), width: "30%", cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "roleInfo", caption: $translate.instant('Role'), width: "50%" }, { dataField: "orgCount", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationCount'), alignment: 'center', width: "20%" }, ], loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, allowColumnResizing: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; //根据自定义维度设置显示的卡片的列 var populateUIGridColumns = function () { //获取维度值数据 statisticAttributeService.getByParentDimensionID($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (result) { if (result) { $scope.attributeList = result; var column = { }; $scope.uigridColumns.splice(1); var j = 0; result.forEach(function (attr) { if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.BusinessUnit) { column = { field: 'businessUnitName', name: attr.attributeName, cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.businessUnitName}}">{{row.entity.businessUnitName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.OrganizationStructure) { column = { type: 'string', field: 'structureName', name: attr.attributeName, cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.structureName}}">{{row.entity.structureName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.Industry) { column = { type: 'string', field: 'industryName', name: attr.attributeName, cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.industryName}}">{{row.entity.industryName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } //else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.User) { // column = { // type: 'string', // field: 'industryName', // name: attr.attributeName, // cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.businessUnitName}}">{{row.entity.businessUnitName}}</span></div>' // }; // $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); //} else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.Area) { column = { type: 'string', field: 'areaName', name: attr.attributeName, cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.areaName}}">{{row.entity.areaName}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } else if (attr.attributeType == constant.attributeType.SelfDimension) { //column = { // type: 'string', // field: 'dimensionValueName', // name: attr.attributeName, // cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.dimensionValueName}}">{{row.entity.dimensionValueName}}</span></div>' //}; var column = { field: 'selfDimension' + j, name: attr.attributeName, cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.selfDimension' + j + '}}">{{row.entity.selfDimension' + j + '}}</span></div>' }; $scope.uigridColumns.push(column); } j++; }); } }); }; var initUIGrid = function () { commonUIGridInit(); }; var initOrgChartData = function () { $scope.orgDashboardFilteredID = constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0; InitFilterList(); $scope.populateChartDatasource(''); }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = false; var temp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage; list.push(temp.queryCode); list.push(temp.addCode); list.push(temp.editCode); //自定义显示属性的权限 var tempAttr = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.customAttribute; list.push(tempAttr.queryCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[temp.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[temp.editCode]; $scope.hasAddPermission = data[temp.addCode]; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = data[tempAttr.queryCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initOrgChartData(); getOrgList(); } }); }; var getOrgList = function () { orgService.getOrgListLevel().success(function (orgList) { if (orgList) { var orgNameList = _.pluck(orgList, 'name'); $("#orgName-search").dxAutocomplete({ dataSource: orgNameList, placeholder: "请输入机构名", showClearButton: true, onContentReady: function (e) { //var btn = $("<button class='fa fa-cogs'></button>"); //e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-buttons-container").append(btn); }, onValueChanged: function (data) { var org = _.find(orgList, function (item) { return == data.value; }); if (org && { $scope.populateChartDatasource('@@Current@@' +; } else if (data.value == '') { $scope.populateChartDatasource(''); } } }); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrganizationSubsidaryViewController.ctor()...'); $log.debug('$state.params.dimensionID:' + $state.params.dimensionID); $scope.dimensionId = $state.params.dimensionID === null ? 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7' : $state.params.dimensionID; var parentDimensionID = $state.params.dimensionID || $scope.dimensionId; $scope.parentDimensionID = parentDimensionID; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.orgID = ''; $scope.createNewNode = createNewNode; $scope.template = template; $scope.ReplaceObj = ReplaceObj; $scope.showOrgCard = showOrgCard; setParentDimension(); InitDXDataGrid(); initUIGrid(); checkUserPermission(); $scope.getCommonCard = getCommonCard; $scope.getUserStatisCard = getUserStatisCard; })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('organizationSubsidiaryView', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', '$q', 'orgService', 'loginContext', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval, $q, orgService, loginContext) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('organizationSubsidiaryView.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/organizationSubsidiaryView/organization-subsidiary-view.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'OrganizationSubsidiaryViewController', link: function (scope, element) { var getId = function () { return (new Date().getTime()) * 1000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1001); }; $(".card").draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor", handle: ".card-header" }); var title = $('#node-title').html(); title = title.replace('{{#OrgID}}', 'test') .replace('{{#SubsidiaryCount}}', '0') .replace('{{#AreaCount}}', '0'); //渲染orgchart var ajaxURLs = { 'children': function (nodeData) { var dimensionID = scope.parentDimensionID; var webApiHostUrl = loginContext.apiHost + constant.webapi.prefix + '/org/getOrgDashboardOnly?dimensionID=' + dimensionID + '&parentOrgID=' + + '&filterFlag=' + scope.orgDashboardFilteredID return webApiHostUrl; } }; var showCardSeleted = '.show-card'; // 机构缩略图ID var orgGeneralInfoPopId = '#orgGeneralInfoPop'; element.on('click', showCardSeleted, function () { $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).css('display', 'none'); stopPropagation(); }); scope.fullScreenText = '全屏展示'; scope.showFullScreen = function () { $('.organization-subsidiary-view').parent().toggleClass('fullScreen'); if ($('.organization-subsidiary-view').parent().hasClass('fullScreen')) { scope.fullScreenText = '退出全屏'; scope.isShowFullScreen = true; } else { scope.fullScreenText = '全屏展示'; scope.isShowFullScreen = false; } } scope.renderOrgChart = function (datasource) { $('#subsidiary-chart').html(''); $('#subsidiary-chart').orgchart({ 'ajaxURL': ajaxURLs, 'nodeId': 'id', 'data': datasource, 'pan': true, 'zoom': false, "draggable": true, 'exportButton': false, 'nodeContent': 'title', 'exportFilename': 'SportsChart', 'parentNodeSymbol': 'fa-th-large', 'depth': 999, 'createNode': function ($node, data) { $node[0].id = getId(); if (data.pLevel == 0) { $node.find('.title').addClass('orgchart-background-0').attr('pLevel', data.pLevel); } else if (data.pLevel == 1) { $node.find('.title').addClass('orgchart-background-1').attr('pLevel', data.pLevel);; } else { $node.find('.title').addClass('orgchart-background-2').attr('pLevel', data.pLevel);; } }, 'initOrgChartData': scope.populateChartDatasource, 'hasEditPermission': scope.hasEditPermission, }) .on('click', '.node', function () { var $this = $(this); var title = $this.find('.title').text(); $('#selected-node').val($.trim(title)).data('node', $this); }) .on('click', '.orgchart', function (event) { if (!$('.node').length) { $('#selected-node').val(''); } }); }; var filterSelector = '.filter-select'; $(filterSelector).on("click", function (e) { stopPropagation(); }); scope.showFilter = function () { if ($(filterSelector).is(":hidden")) { $(filterSelector).show(); } else { $(filterSelector).hide(); } $(document).one("click", function () { $(filterSelector).hide(); }); stopPropagation(); }; $('input[name="chart-state"]').on('click', function () { $('.orgchart').toggleClass('view-state', this.value !== 'view'); $('#edit-panel').toggleClass('view-state', this.value === 'view'); if ($(this).val() === 'edit') { $('.orgchart').find('tr').removeClass('hidden') .find('td').removeClass('hidden') .find('.node').removeClass('slide-up slide-down slide-right slide-left'); } else { $('#btn-reset').trigger('click'); } }); $('input[name="node-type"]').on('click', function () { var $this = $(this); if ($this.val() === 'parent') { $('#edit-panel').addClass('edit-parent-node'); $('#new-nodelist').children(':gt(0)').remove(); } else { $('#edit-panel').removeClass('edit-parent-node'); } }); $('#btn-add-input').on('click', function () { $('#new-nodelist').append('<li><input type="text" class="new-node"></li>'); }); $('#btn-remove-input').on('click', function () { var inputs = $('#new-nodelist').children('li'); if (inputs.length > 1) { inputs.last().remove(); } }); //添加节点 $('#btn-add-nodes').on('click', function () { var $chartContainer = $('#subsidiary-chart'); var nodeVals = []; $('#new-nodelist').find('.new-node').each(function (index, item) { var validVal = item.value.trim(); if (validVal.length) { nodeVals.push(validVal); } }); var $node = $('#selected-node').data('node'); if (!nodeVals.length) { alert('Please input value for new node'); return; } var nodeType = $('input[name="node-type"]:checked'); if (!nodeType.length) { alert('Please select a node type'); return; } if (nodeType.val() !== 'parent' && !$('.orgchart').length) { alert('Please creat the root node firstly when you want to build up the orgchart from the scratch'); return; } if (nodeType.val() !== 'parent' && !$node) { alert('Please select one node in orgchart'); return; } if (nodeType.val() === 'parent') { if (!$chartContainer.children().length) {// if the original chart has been deleted $chartContainer.orgchart({ 'data': { 'name': nodeVals[0] }, 'exportButton': true, 'exportFilename': 'SportsChart', 'parentNodeSymbol': 'fa-th-large', 'createNode': function ($node, data) { $node[0].id = getId(); } }) .find('.orgchart').addClass('view-state'); } else { $chartContainer.orgchart('addParent', $chartContainer.find('.node:first'), { 'name': nodeVals[0], 'Id': getId() }); } } else if (nodeType.val() === 'siblings') { $chartContainer.orgchart('addSiblings', $node, { 'siblings': (item) { var name = $('#node-name').html(); name = name.replace('{{#OrgName}}', item) .replace('{{#BusinessUnitName}}', 'xxx事业部') .replace('{{#AreaName}}', 'xx区域') .replace('{{#OrgID}}', 'test'); return { 'name': name.replace('{{name}}', item), 'title': title, 'relationship': '110', 'Id': getId() }; }) }); } else { var hasChild = $node.parent().attr('colspan') > 0 ? true : false; if (!hasChild) { var rel = nodeVals.length > 1 ? '110' : '100'; $chartContainer.orgchart('addChildren', $node, { 'children': (item) { return { 'name': item, 'relationship': rel, 'Id': getId() }; }) }, $.extend({}, $chartContainer.find('.orgchart').data('options'), { depth: 0 })); } else { $chartContainer.orgchart('addSiblings', $node.closest('tr').siblings('.nodes').find('.node:first'), { 'siblings': (item) { return { 'name': item, 'relationship': '110', 'Id': getId() }; }) }); } } }); //删除节点 $('#btn-delete-nodes').on('click', function () { var $node = $('#selected-node').data('node'); if (!$node) { alert('Please select one node in orgchart'); return; } else if ($node[0] === $('.orgchart').find('.node:first')[0]) { if (!window.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the whole chart?')) { return; } } $('#subsidiary-chart').orgchart('removeNodes', $node); $('#selected-node').val('').data('node', null); }); //重置节点输入框 $('#btn-reset').on('click', function () { $('.orgchart').find('.focused').removeClass('focused'); $('#selected-node').val(''); $('#new-nodelist').find('input:first').val('').parent().siblings().remove(); $('#node-type-panel').find('input').prop('checked', false); }); var drag_start = function (event) { var style = window.getComputedStyle(, null); event.dataTransfer.setData("text", (parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("left"), 10) - event.clientX) + ',' + (parseInt(style.getPropertyValue("top"), 10) - event.clientY)); } var drag_over = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } var drop = function (event) { var offset = event.dataTransfer.getData("text").split(','); var dm = document.getElementById('edit-panel'); = (event.clientX + parseInt(offset[0], 10)) + 'px'; = (event.clientY + parseInt(offset[1], 10)) + 'px'; event.preventDefault(); return false; } var dm = document.getElementById('edit-panel'); dm.addEventListener('dragstart', drag_start, false); document.body.addEventListener('dragover', drag_over, false); document.body.addEventListener('drop', drop, false); var orgAreaIndustryPopup, orgGeneralInfoPopup, row; var oldOrgId, oldOprType; var oldGeneralOrgId, oldGeneralOprType; var self, isGeneral; var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } var showCard = function (thisCard, node) { $(".card").css('visibility', 'hidden'); var nodeOffset = $(node).offset(); // var nodeOuterWidth = $("#chart-container .node").first().outerWidth(); var nodeOuterWidth = $(node).outerWidth(); var leftLen = nodeOffset.left + nodeOuterWidth + 10; if (leftLen + $(thisCard).width() > window.innerWidth) { leftLen = leftLen - nodeOuterWidth - $(thisCard).width() - 20; } $(thisCard).css("left", leftLen); $(thisCard).css("top",; if ($(thisCard + ":hidden")) { $(thisCard).css('visibility', 'visible'); } else { $(thisCard).css('visibility', 'hidden'); } }; //如果维度是事业部,编辑事业部名称,如果是自定义维度,则编辑其定义维度的值 $(document).on('click', '.edit-dimension-value', function () { if (!scope.hasEditPermission) { return false; } //事业部ID var demensionValueID = $(this).attr("data-dimension-value-id"); if (demensionValueID) { console.log("demensionValueID: " + demensionValueID); scope.EditOrg(demensionValueID); } return false; // stopPropagation(); }); //先判断directive中的uigrid是否渲染完成,如果完成那么就显示card scope.$watch('isRenderCompleted', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== undefined && oldValue !== undefined) { showCard(orgAreaIndustryPopup, row, 133, 286); } }); //点击卡片头显示机构general info scope.$watch('isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== undefined && oldValue !== undefined && newValue) { scope.showOrgCard($('#orgGeneralInfoPop'), row, 60, 0); //$(document).one('click', function () { // orgAreaIndustryPopup.hide(); // orgGeneralInfoPopup.hide(); //}); } }); // 单击子公司个数,获取到pop对象,然后获取到当前点击的orgID // 绑定获取到机构ID,然后绑定给directive的OrgID,然后触发UIGRID数据获取和绑定 // 如果数据获取成功且绑定, 那么isRenderCompleted=true $(document).on('click', '.item, .name-tpl', function (e) { orgAreaIndustryPopup = $("#orgAreaIndustryPopup"); orgGeneralInfoPopup = $('#orgGeneralInfoPop'); row = $(this); var orgId = row.find('#OrgID').text(); var oprType = row.find('#OrgID').attr('data-opr-type'); self = this; if (oprType === 'enum.general') { isGeneral = true; scope.isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo = false; scope.orgIdGeneralInfo = orgId; oldGeneralOrgId = orgId; oldGeneralOprType = oprType; } else if (oprType === 'enum.orgAreaIndustry') { isGeneral = false; // 如果两个值不同,说明点击的是不同的机构, // 需要给orgId赋值触发directive的watch更新uigrid的数据 if (orgId !== oldOrgId) { //将当前的orgId复制给orgId //从而触发directlive里面的watch操作,从而更新数据, //更新数据成功之后,isRenderCompleted会变为true //再次触发isRenderCompleted的watch操作显示卡片 scope.isRenderCompleted = false; scope.orgId = orgId; ////会触发directive的watch操作,从而更新数据 } else { // 如果点击的是同一个子公司,需要直接显示 orgAreaIndustryPopup.toggle(); if (':visible')) { //如果当前是可视的那么再绑定一次 $(document).one('click', function () { orgAreaIndustryPopup.hide(); }); } } oldOrgId = orgId; oldOprType = oprType; } }); $(document).on('click', '.node', function () { $('.title').removeClass('node-active'); $(this).find('.title').toggleClass('node-active'); }); $(".close-card").on("click", function (e) { $('.card').css('visibility', 'hidden'); }); $(".card").on("click", function (e) { stopPropagation(); }); //点击不同的属性显示卡片 element.on('click', '.show-card', function (e) { //if (!scope.hasEditPermission) { // return false; //} var $this = $(this); //维度,如用户数,覆盖区域,所属行业等 var attributeType = $this.attr("data-attribute-type"); //维度值的ID,相当于某个事业部ID, var dimensionValueID = $this.attr("data-demension-value-id"); var dimensionValue = $this.attr('data-demension-value'); var attributeName = $this.attr('data-attribute-name'); var attributeID = $this.attr("data-attribute-id"); //如果是用户数 if (attributeType == constant.attributeType.User) { scope.getUserStatisCard(dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID); showCard('.user-card', $this.closest('.node')); } //自定义维度,如产品线1,产品线2,通用,分公司,机构层级 else { scope.getCommonCard(dimensionValueID, dimensionValue, attributeName, attributeID); showCard('.common-card', $this.closest('.node')); } stopPropagation(); }); }//# end of link } } ]); basicDataModule .controller('OrganizationViewInfrastructureController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'organizationStructureService', '$translate', 'businessUnitService', 'customerService', 'dimensionService', '$timeout', '$location', '$window', '$state', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, organizationStructureService, $translate, businessUnitService, customerService, dimensionService, $timeout, $location, $window, $state) { 'use strict'; var tabColor = ['orange', 'orange', 'orange', 'purple', 'pink', 'orange', 'purple', 'pink', 'orange']; var dimensionId = "#editDimensionModal"; var dimensionFormValidator = null; var selected = null, previous = null; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; var getDimensionStatics = function () { dimensionService.getDimensionStatics().success(function (data) { // 个数一样,改了统计值 $scope.dimensionStatics = data; if ($scope.tabItems && $scope.tabItems.length > 0) { // 如果是修改维度值 updateTabItem(); } else { // 如果是新增维度值 //$location.path(path); initTabItem(); } }); }; var updateTabItem = function () { if ($scope.dimensionStatics && $scope.dimensionStatics.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.dimensionStatics.length; i++) { var row = $scope.dimensionStatics[i]; var existTab = _.find($scope.tabItems, function (tab) { return ===; }); if (existTab) { = row; continue; } var item = { id: i, color: tabColor[row.dimensionType], isEdit: true, data: row, }; // 变成灰色 if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.BusinessUnit) { // 事业部 if ($scope.hasBuQueryPermission) { item.iconCss = 'fa fa-bank fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationBusinessUnitView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } } else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.Area) { // 区域 if ($scope.hasAreaQueryPermission) { item.iconCss = 'material-icons'; item.iconText = 'place'; item.uiSref = '.organizationAreaView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } } //else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.OrganizationStructure && $scope.hasOrgQueryPermission) { // //机构层级 // item.iconCss = 'fa fa-building fa-2x'; // item.uiSref = '.organizationSubsidiaryView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; //} else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.OrgSubChildren) { if ($scope.hasOrgQueryPermission) { //机构 - 子分公司 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-building fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationSubsidiaryView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } } //股权架构 else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.Stock) { if ($scope.hasOrgQueryPermission) { //股权架构 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-building fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.storeArchitectureView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } } else { if ($scope.hasDimensionQueryPermission) { // 自定义维度和其他 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-cube fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationBusinessUnitView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } } if (item.uiSref) { $scope.tabItems.push(item); } } } }; var initTabItem = function () { var tabItems = []; if ($scope.dimensionStatics && $scope.dimensionStatics.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.dimensionStatics.length; i++) { var row = $scope.dimensionStatics[i]; var item = { id: i, color: tabColor[row.dimensionType], isEdit: true, canEdit: false, data: row, }; // 变成灰色 if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.BusinessUnit) { // 事业部 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-bank fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationBusinessUnitView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; item.canEdit = $scope.hasBuEditPermission; } else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.Area) { // 区域 item.iconCss = 'material-icons'; item.iconText = 'place'; item.uiSref = '.organizationAreaView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; item.canEdit = $scope.hasAreaEditPermission; } //else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.OrganizationStructure && $scope.hasOrgQueryPermission) { // //机构层级 // item.iconCss = 'fa fa-building fa-2x'; // item.uiSref = '.organizationSubsidiaryView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; //} else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.OrgSubChildren) { //机构 - 子分公司 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-building fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationSubsidiaryView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; item.canEdit = $scope.hasOrgEditPermission; } else if (row.dimensionType === constant.DimensionType.Stock) { if ($scope.hasOrgQueryPermission) { //股权架构 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-building fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.storeArchitectureView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } } else { // 自定义维度和其他 item.iconCss = 'fa fa-cube fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationBusinessUnitView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; item.canEdit = $scope.hasDimensionEditPermission; } if (item.uiSref) { tabItems.push(item); } } } var item = { id: $scope.dimensionStatics.length, color: 'gray-style', iconCss: 'fa fa-plus fa-2x', uiSref: '', isEdit: false, data: { dimensionValueCount: '', name: '添加维度', isActive: true, isMandatory: false, } }; item.canEdit = $scope.hasDimensionEditPermission; tabItems.push(item); $scope.tabItems = tabItems; }; var watchSelectedIndex = function () { $scope.$watch('selectedIndex', function (current, old) { previous = selected; if (!$scope.tabItems) { return; } if (current) { selected = $scope.tabItems[current]; } if (old + 1 && (old != current) && previous) $log.debug('Goodbye ' + + '!'); if (current + 1 && selected) $log.debug('Hello ' + + '!'); }); }; $scope.$on("hasDimensionUpdated", function (event, data) { // console.log('DimensionUpdate' + JSON.stringify(data)); // 强制刷新机构部分 console.log('before:selectedIndex' + $scope.selectedIndex); var oldselectedIndex = $scope.selectedIndex; $scope.selectedIndex = oldselectedIndex; getDimensionStatics(); $scope.selectedIndex = oldselectedIndex; }); $scope.$on("hasOrgUpdated", function (event, data) { // console.log('DimensionUpdate' + JSON.stringify(data)); // 强制刷新机构部分 getDimensionStatics(); }); $scope.getWidth = function () { var latitudeGroupWidth = $('.latitude-group').css('width'); var width = 800; if (latitudeGroupWidth) { width = parseInt(latitudeGroupWidth) - 20; var latitudeWidth = parseInt((width - 124) / 4); if (latitudeWidth > 200) { $('.latitude').css('width', latitudeWidth + 'px'); // $('.md-tab').css('width', (latitudeWidth + 20) + 'px'); } } return { width: width + 'px' }; }; //添加维度,使用模态框实现编辑入口tabItems $scope.newDimension = function (data, $event) { if (!data.canEdit) { return; } $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.editingObject = { dimensionValueCount: 0, name: '', isActive: true, isMandatory: false, }; $ = ''; resetDimensionField(); $(dimensionId).modal('show'); $event.stopPropagation(); }; $scope.editDimension = function (data, $event) { if (!data.canEdit) { return; } $scope.isEdit = true; $scope.editingObject = angular.copy(; resetDimensionField(); $(dimensionId).modal('show'); $event.stopPropagation(); }; //清空当前编辑字段值 var resetDimensionField = function () { var elms = $(dimensionId).find("form:first div[data-for]"); elms.html(""); elms.attr("class", "validate-success"); }; //保存当前正在编辑数据行,经过界面初步校验后才会进入本功能 $scope.saveDimension = function () { if ($scope.editingObject == null) { showError("BusinessUnitNoSelected"); return; } if (!($(dimensionId).find("form").valid())) { return; } var saveDimensionCallBack = function (data) { if (data && data.result) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $(dimensionId).modal('hide'); if (!$scope.isEdit) { // 如果是添加 var secondLast = $scope.tabItems.length - 1; var row =; var item = { id: $scope.tabItems.length, color: tabColor[row.dimensionType], isEdit: true, data: row, }; if ($scope.hasDimensionQueryPermission && row.isActive) { item.iconCss = 'fa fa-cube fa-2x'; item.uiSref = '.organizationBusinessUnitView({dimensionID:"' + + '"})'; } $scope.tabItems.splice(secondLast, 0, item); if (item.uiSref) { $state.go('organizationView.organizationBusinessUnitView', { dimensionID: }); return; } } //$window.location.reload(); getDimensionStatics(); //注册一个向下传播的事件,eventName:'FromSelf', data:oneObject $scope.$broadcast("DimensionUpdate", { isupdated: true }); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } }; if (!$scope.isEdit) { dimensionService.addDimension($scope.editingObject).success(saveDimensionCallBack); } else { dimensionService.updateDimension($scope.editingObject).success(saveDimensionCallBack); } }; var initValidateDimension = function () { $.validator.addMethod("dimensionNameRepeated", function (value, element, param) { if ($scope.tabItems && $scope.tabItems.length > 0) { var objects = $.grep($scope.tabItems, function (n, i) { return $ != && $.trim( == $.trim(value); }); return objects.length < 1; } return true; }); dimensionFormValidator = $(dimensionId).find("form").validate({ debug: true, rules: { name: { required: true, minlength: 2, maxlength: 20, dimensionNameRepeated: true }, isActive: { required: "input[name='isActive']:checked" } }, messages: { name: { required: $translate.instant('DimensionNameRequired'), minlength: $translate.instant('DimensionNameRequired'), maxlength: $translate.instant('DimensionNameOutOfLength'), dimensionNameRepeated: $translate.instant('DimensionNameRepeated') }, isActive: $translate.instant('DimensionStatusUnsureness') }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { var elm = $(element).parents("form:first"); elm = elm.find("div[data-for='" + element.attr("name") + "']"); elm.html(error); elm.attr("class", "validate-fail"); } }); }; var initParams = function () { // 设置默认tab选中项 var url = $location.absUrl(); // 只有第一次打开这个页面才会进来 // console.log(url); if (url.indexOf('organizationAreaView') > -1) { $scope.selectedIndex = 1; } else if (url.indexOf('organizationSubsidiaryView') > -1) { $scope.selectedIndex = 2; } else if (url.indexOf('organizationSubsidiaryView') > -1) { $scope.selectedIndex = 3; } else { //$state.go('organizationView.organizationBusinessUnitView', { dimensionID: 'a971fe7c-079d-4722-820c-fe367a80d4cc' }); $scope.selectedIndex = 0; } }; var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasDimensionQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasDimensionEditPermission = false; $scope.hasOrgQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasOrgEditPermission = false; $scope.hasAreaQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAreaEditPermission = false; $scope.hasBuQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasBuEditPermission = false; var dimensionTemp = constant.adminPermission.basicData.selfDimension; list.push(dimensionTemp.queryCode); list.push(dimensionTemp.editCode); var orgTemp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage; list.push(orgTemp.queryCode); list.push(orgTemp.editCode); var areaTemp = constant.adminPermission.basicData.areaManage; list.push(areaTemp.queryCode); list.push(areaTemp.editCode); var buTemp = constant.adminPermission.basicData.businessUnit; list.push(buTemp.queryCode); list.push(buTemp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { // console.log('data: ' + data); $scope.hasDimensionQueryPermission = data[dimensionTemp.queryCode]; $scope.hasDimensionEditPermission = data[dimensionTemp.editCode]; $scope.hasOrgQueryPermission = data[orgTemp.queryCode]; $scope.hasOrgEditPermission = data[orgTemp.editCode]; $scope.hasAreaQueryPermission = data[areaTemp.queryCode]; $scope.hasAreaEditPermission = data[areaTemp.editCode]; $scope.hasBuQueryPermission = data[buTemp.queryCode]; $scope.hasBuEditPermission = data[buTemp.editCode]; if ($scope.hasOrgQueryPermission) { getDimensionStatics(); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrganizationViewInfrastructureController.ctor()...'); initParams(); initValidateDimension(); watchSelectedIndex(); checkUserPermission(); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('organizationViewInfrastructure', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('organizationViewInfrastructure.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/organizationViewInfrastructure/organization-view-infrastructure.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { state: '=' }, controller: 'OrganizationViewInfrastructureController', link: function (scope, element) { //$; } }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('ProjectManageController', ['$scope', '$log', '$timeout', '$translate', 'projectService', 'userService', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', 'orgService', 'roleService', 'templateGroupService', function ($scope, $log, $timeout, $translate, projectService, userService, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, orgService, roleService, templateGroupService) { 'use strict'; var testModuleList = [{ id: '1', name: '2016' }, { id: '1', name: '2017' }]; var loadProjectIndustryList = function () { orgService.getProjectIndustrys().success(function (data) { $scope.projectIndustryList = data; }); }; var loadAllTemplate = function () { templateGroupService.getall().success(function (data) { $scope.templateGroupList = data; }); }; var getTemplate = function (serviceTypeId) { return _.filter($scope.templateGroupList, function (num) { return num.serviceTypeID === serviceTypeId }); }; var initServiceList = function () { projectService.getServiceList().success(function (serviceListData) { $scope.serviceList = serviceListData; // $timeout(function () { // initMultipleSelect(); // }, 10); $scope.projectModuleList = []; $scope.newProjectModuleRow(); }); }; $scope.newProjectModuleRow = function () { if ($scope.serviceList.length <= $scope.projectModuleList.length) { return; } var serviceList = copyArray($scope.serviceList); var row = { serviceList: serviceList, moduleList: [], selectedService: null, selectedModule: null }; $scope.projectModuleList.push(row); }; var setProjectModuleRowList = function (projectData) { $scope.projectModuleList = []; if ($scope.serviceList.length <= $scope.projectModuleList.length) { return; } if (projectData.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList && projectData.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList.length > 0) { projectData.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList.forEach(function (row) { var serviceList = copyArray($scope.serviceList); var moduleList = getTemplate(row.serviceTypeID); var row = { projectServiceTypeID: row.projectServiceTypeID, serviceList: serviceList, moduleList: moduleList, selectedService: _.find(serviceList, function (num) { return === row.serviceTypeID }), selectedModule: _.find(moduleList, function (num) { return === row.templateGroupID }) }; $scope.projectModuleList.push(row); }); } }; $scope.changeProjectService = function (projectModule) { var moduleList = getTemplate(; projectModule.moduleList = moduleList; if (moduleList && moduleList.length > 0) { projectModule.selectedModule = moduleList[0]; } else { projectModule.selectedModule = {}; } }; var copyArray = function (data) { var ret = []; data.forEach(function (row) { ret.push(row); }); return ret; }; $scope.deleteProjectModule = function (model) { if (model) { $scope.projectModuleList.splice(jQuery.inArray(model, $scope.projectModuleList), 1); }; }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return { height: ($(".system-manage #projectDataList").height() - $(".system-manage #projectDataList .project-manage-menu").height()) + "px" }; } var initProjectList = function (orgID, serviceID, projectYear) { if (!orgID) { orgID = ''; } if (!serviceID) { serviceID = ''; } if (!projectYear) { projectYear = null; } projectService.getProjectList(orgID, serviceID, projectYear).success(function (projectListData) { if ($scope.projectId && $scope.serviceType) { $log.debug('projectID:' + $scope.projectId + '; serviceType:' + $scope.serviceType); projectListData = _.where(projectListData, { id: $scope.projectId.toLowerCase(), serviceTypeID: parseInt($scope.serviceType) }); } //set index number, ui-grid have no $$index var projectIndex = 1; var curProject = null; projectListData.forEach(function (p) { if (!curProject) { curProject = p; p.index = projectIndex++; p.nameDisplay =; p.organizationNameDisplay = p.organizationName; p.yearDisplay = p.year; p.industryNameDisplay = p.industryName; } else { if ( == { p.nameDisplay = ''; p.organizationNameDisplay = ''; p.yearDisplay = ''; p.industryNameDisplay = ''; } else { curProject = p; p.index = projectIndex++; p.nameDisplay =; p.organizationNameDisplay = p.organizationName; p.yearDisplay = p.year; p.industryNameDisplay = p.industryName; } } }); $ = projectListData; $scope.gridOptions.noData = projectListData.length === 0; }); }; var initProjectYear = function () { var arrYear = '['; var curYear = new Date().getFullYear(); for (var beginYear = curYear - 4; beginYear <= curYear + 4; beginYear++) { arrYear += '{"year"' + ':' + beginYear + '},'; } arrYear = arrYear.substring(0, arrYear.length - 1) + ']'; $scope.projectYearList = JSON.parse(arrYear); }; var newProject = function () { $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.editProjectModel = {}; $scope.editProjectModel.serviceSelectedList = []; $scope.editProjectModel.serviceSelectedList = []; $scope.projectModuleList = []; $scope.newProjectModuleRow(); $scope.selectedIndustry = null; $scope.editProjectModel.selectedYear = null; $scope.editProjectModel.componentSelectedOrg = null; resetErrorStatus(); $("#selectedOrgName-error").hide(); $('#addProjectPop').modal('show'); }; //save project var saveProject = function () { if (!($('#projectForm').valid())) { return; } if (!$scope.editProjectModel) { return; } if ($scope.projectModuleList) { $scope.editProjectModel.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList = []; var iserror = false; $scope.projectModuleList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.selectedService && && row.selectedModule && && !iserror) { // 先判断是否有一样的了 if (_.find($scope.editProjectModel.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList, function (num) { return num.serviceTypeID === && num.templateGroupID === })) { if (!iserror) { iserror = true; SweetAlert.warning( + '-' + + $translate.instant('HasSelected')); } } else { var serviceTypeTemplateGroup = {}; serviceTypeTemplateGroup.serviceTypeID =; serviceTypeTemplateGroup.templateGroupID =; if (row.projectServiceTypeID) { serviceTypeTemplateGroup.projectServiceTypeID = row.projectServiceTypeID; } serviceTypeTemplateGroup.serviceTypeName =; serviceTypeTemplateGroup.templateGroupName =; $scope.editProjectModel.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList.push(serviceTypeTemplateGroup); } } else { // 服务和模型都必须选择 // 这里可以提示 if (!iserror) { iserror = true; SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectBothServiceAndTemplate')); } } }); if (iserror) { return; } } if ($scope.selectedIndustry && $ { $scope.editProjectModel.industryID = $; } if ($scope.isAdd) { $scope.editProjectModel.year = $scope.editProjectModel.selectedYear.year; $scope.editProjectModel.OrganizationID = $scope.editProjectModel.organizationID; projectService.addProject($scope.editProjectModel).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } $log.debug('add success' + projectID); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $scope.editProjectModel = {}; initProjectList(); }); } else { if (ischangeProjectService()) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('Change') + '?', text: $translate.instant('ChangeProjectTips'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { projectService.updateProject($scope.editProjectModel).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('Change'), $translate.instant("SaveSuccess"), "success"); $scope.editProjectModel = {}; initProjectList(); }); } }); } else { projectService.updateProject($scope.editProjectModel).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $scope.editProjectModel = {}; initProjectList(); }); } } $('#addProjectPop').modal('hide'); }; var ischangeProjectService = function () { var ischange = false; if ($scope.editProjectModel && $scope.editProjectModel.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList && $scope.currentProjectData && $scope.currentProjectData.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList) { $scope.currentProjectData.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList.forEach(function (row) { var updateModel = _.find($scope.editProjectModel.serviceTypeTemplateGroupList, function (num) { return === }); if (!updateModel) { ischange = true; } if (updateModel.serviceTypeID != row.serviceTypeID || updateModel.templateGroupID !== row.templateGroupID) { ischange = true; } }); } return ischange; }; //load project var loadProject = function (projectID) { $scope.isAdd = false; projectService.getSingleProject(projectID).success(function (projectData) { //set ServiceBelong $scope.editProjectModel = projectData; var first = _.find($scope.projectIndustryList, function (num) { return + '' === $scope.editProjectModel.industryID }); if (first) { $scope.selectedIndustry = first; } $scope.currentProjectData = projectData; setProjectModuleRowList(projectData); //set ProjectYear $scope.editProjectModel.selectedYear = _.find($scope.projectYearList, function (num) { return num.year === projectData.year }); // $scope.selectedIndustry = _.find($scope.projectIndustryList, function (num) { return + '' === projectData.industryID }); }); resetErrorStatus(); $('#addProjectPop').modal('show'); }; //Delete project info var deleteProject = function () { projectService.deleteProject($scope.toDeleteModel).success(function () { $('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('hide'); //Reload project list initProjectList(); $log.debug('delete success!'); }); }; //Deleted projects var deleteProjects = function () { projectService.deleteProjects($scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows()).success(function () { $('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('hide'); initProjectList(); $log.debug('delete projects success!'); }); }; //delete project confirm var deleteProjectConfirm = function (project) { $scope.isMore = false; $scope.toDeleteModel = project; $scope.toDeleteName = project.projectName; $scope.toDeleteCode = project.projectCode; $('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('show'); }; //delete projects confirm var deleteProjectsConfirm = function () { if ($scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedCount() > 0) { $scope.isMore = true; $('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('show'); } else { $log.debug('plese select projects first!'); } }; var reloadProjectData = function () { var orgId = $scope.queryOrgId; var serviceId = $scope.queryService; var projectId = $scope.queryProjectYear; initProjectList(orgId, serviceId, projectId); }; var toggleSub = function (roleNode) { if (roleNode.isChecked) { $scope.checkedRolesSet[roleNode.roleID] = roleNode; } else { delete $scope.checkedRolesSet[roleNode.roleID]; } $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusSet); if (!roleNode.subNodeList) { return; } roleNode.subNodeList.forEach(function (d) { d.isChecked = roleNode.isChecked; if (roleNode.isChecked) { $scope.checkedRolesSet[d.roleID] = d; } else { delete $scope.checkedRolesSet[d.roleID]; } }); $scope.set = _.keys($scope.checkedRolesSet); }; var clearRoleIsChecked = function () { if ($scope.roleNodeList && $scope.roleNodeList.length > 0) { for (var i = $scope.roleNodeList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { $scope.roleNodeList[i].isChecked = false; toggleSub($scope.roleNodeList[i]); } } }; var roleTreeLoad = function () { userService.getRoleDisplayList().success(function (roleDisplayTypeData) { if (roleDisplayTypeData && roleDisplayTypeData.length > 0) { var group = _.groupBy(roleDisplayTypeData, function (n) { return n.roleTypeId; }); var roleNode = []; var roleTypeIdList = []; for (var i = roleDisplayTypeData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { roleTypeIdList.push(roleDisplayTypeData[i].roleTypeId); } roleTypeIdList = _.uniq(roleTypeIdList); for (var m = roleTypeIdList.length - 1; m >= 0; m--) { var subList = group[roleTypeIdList[m]]; if (subList) { var model = { name: subList[0].roleTypeName, roleTypeName: subList[0].roleTypeName, roleTypeId: subList[0].roleTypeId, description: '', roleID: subList[0].roleTypeId, subNodeList: subList }; roleNode.push(model); } } $scope.roleNodeList = roleNode; } else { $scope.roleNodeList = []; } }); }; var assignUser = function (projectData) { $scope.assignProject = projectData; resetSelectedUser($scope.userList); $scope.selectUserSpan = {}; userService.getUserListByProject(, projectData.serviceTypeID).success(function (userData) { $scope.userList = userData; checkUser($scope.userList[0].subUsers[0]); $scope.assignUserSet = getUserSet(userData); $('#assignUserPop').modal('show'); }); roleService.getroletree(projectData.serviceTypeID).success(function (data) { $scope.roleTreeData = data; }); }; var getUserChecked = function (user, chk) { if (chk === true) { $scope.selectUserIDs += user.userID + ','; } else { $scope.selectUserIDs = $scope.selectUserIDs.replace(',' + user.userID + ',', ','); } $log.debug($scope.selectUserIDs); }; var findRoleByRoleID = function (roleList, roleId) { var ret = _.find(roleList, function (num) { return num.roleID + '' === roleId; }); return ret; }; var findAllCheckedList = function (roleList) { var checkedList = _.filter(roleList, function (num) { return num.isChecked; }); return checkedList; }; var selectNode = function (roleNode) { $scope.selectedRole = roleNode; }; var toggle = function (scope) { scope.toggle(); }; var initMultipleSelect = function () { var multiOption = { includeSelectAllOption: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('allService'), nonSelectedText: $translate.instant('nonSelectedService'), allSelectedText: $translate.instant('allService') }; $('#serviceTypeList').show().multiselect(multiOption); }; var search = function () { $scope.gridApi.grid.refresh(); }; //Initial user list var initUser = function () { userService.getUserTreeList().success(function (userData) { $scope.userList = userData; checkUser($scope.userList[0].subUsers[0]); $scope.assignUserSet = getUserSet(userData); }) }; var getUserSet = function (userData) { var userSet = []; userData.forEach(function (row) { row.isSelected = row.isChecked; userSet.push(row); if (row.subUsers && row.subUsers.length > 0) { var subUserSet = getUserSet(row.subUsers); userSet = _.union(userSet, subUserSet); } }); return userSet; }; //select tree node event var checkUser = function (user) { var isSelected = !user.isSelected; // 设置子节点 setUserRecursion(user, isSelected); // 设置父级节点状态 setParentRecursion(user, isSelected); }; var setUserRoleSetList = function (user) { if (!$scope.roleTreeData || $scope.roleTreeData.length === 0) { return; } // 都要设置成不选择 $scope.roleTreeData[0].isChecked = false; $scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles.forEach(function (row) { row.isChecked = false; }); if (!user || ! { return; } userService.getUserRoleSetList(, $scope.assignProject.serviceTypeID, $ (data) { if (data && data.length) { data.forEach(function (row) { var filter = _.filter($scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles, function (num) { return === row.roleID }); if (filter && filter.length > 0) { filter.forEach(function (row2) { row2.isChecked = true; }); } }); var filter = _.filter($scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles, function (num) { return num.isChecked }); if (filter.length === $scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles.length) { $scope.roleTreeData[0].isChecked = true; } } }); }; var setUserRecursion = function (user, isSelected) { user.isSelected = isSelected; if (user.subUsers && user.subUsers.length > 0) { user.subUsers.forEach(function (row) { setUserRecursion(row, isSelected); }); } }; var setParentRecursion = function (user, isSelected) { if (user.parent && user.parent.subUsers && user.parent.subUsers.length > 0) { var selectSubUserList = _.filter(user.parent.subUsers, function (num) { return num.isSelected === isSelected }); if (user.parent.subUsers && selectSubUserList && user.parent.subUsers.length === selectSubUserList.length) { user.parent.isSelected = isSelected; } else { user.parent.isSelected = false; } if (user.parent.parent) { setParentRecursion(user.parent, isSelected); } } }; var resetSelectedUser = function (userList, parent) { userList.forEach(function (row) { row.isSelected = false; if (parent && !row.parent) { row.parent = parent; } if (row.subUsers && row.subUsers.length > 0) { resetSelectedUser(row.subUsers, row); } }); }; $scope.toggleRoleSub = function (role) { if (role.isChecked) { role.isChecked = false; } else { role.isChecked = true; } // 如果是父节点,同步设置子节点 if ( === constant.guid.empty) { if (role.subRoles && role.subRoles.length > 0) { role.subRoles.forEach(function (row) { row.isChecked = role.isChecked; }); } } else { var selectedRoleList = _.filter($scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles, function (num) { return num.isChecked }); if (selectedRoleList && selectedRoleList.length === $scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles.length) { $scope.roleTreeData[0].isChecked = role.isChecked; } else { $scope.roleTreeData[0].isChecked = false; } } }; $scope.setProjectUserRole = function () { if (!$scope.roleTreeData || $scope.roleTreeData.length === 0) { $log.debug('no role list'); return; } // 保存用户分配信息 var selectedUser = _.filter($scope.assignUserSet, function (num) { return (!num.subUsers || num.subUsers.length === 0) && !== $ }); if (!selectedUser || selectedUser.length === 0) { $log.debug('please select user....'); return; } var inpara = []; // 选中checkbox 设置默认权限 selectedUser.forEach(function (userInfo) { var para = {}; para.UserID =; para.userName = userInfo.userName; para.projectID = $; para.projectName = $; para.serviceTypeID = $scope.assignProject.serviceTypeID; para.serviceTypeName = $scope.assignProject.serviceTypeName; para.isActive = userInfo.isSelected; inpara.push(para); }); // 设置单选的用户的权限 if ($scope.selectUserSpan && $ { $scope.roleTreeData[0].subRoles.forEach(function (roleInfo) { var para = {}; para.UserID = $; para.userName = $scope.selectUserSpan.userName; para.roleID =; para.roleName =; para.projectID = $; para.projectName = $; para.serviceTypeID = $scope.assignProject.serviceTypeID; para.serviceTypeName = $scope.assignProject.serviceTypeName; para.isActive = roleInfo.isChecked; inpara.push(para); }); } userService.setProjectUserRole(inpara).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $log.debug('setProjectUserRole success...'); $('#assignUserPop').modal('hide'); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } }); }; $scope.selectUserSpanClick = function (user) { if ($scope.selectUserSpan && $ && $ === { $scope.selectUserSpan = {}; } else { $scope.selectUserSpan = user; } setUserRoleSetList($scope.selectUserSpan); }; // form validate var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#projectForm'); currentForm.find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); var settingForm = $('.project-modal-table')[0]; $(settingForm).find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); validator.resetForm(); }; var resources = { nameRequired: $translate.instant('ProjectNameRequired'), codeRequired: $translate.instant('ProjectCodeRequired'), selectOrganizationRequired: $translate.instant('SelectOrganizationRequired'), selectIndustryRequired: $translate.instant('SelectIndustryRequired'), selectedYearRequired: $translate.instant('SelectedYearRequired'), selectedServiceRequired: $translate.instant('SelectedServiceRequired'), selectedModuleRequired: $translate.instant('SelectedModuleRequired'), }; var validator = $("#projectForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", ignore: "", rules: { name: { required: true }, code: { required: true }, //orgName: { // required: true //}, selectedIndustry: { required: true }, selectedYear: { required: true }, selectedService: { required: true }, selectedModule: { required: true }, selectedOrgName: { required: true, } }, messages: { name: { required: resources.nameRequired }, code: { required: resources.codeRequired }, //orgName: { // required: resources.selectOrganizationRequired //}, selectedIndustry: { required: resources.selectIndustryRequired }, selectedYear: { required: resources.selectedYearRequired }, selectedService: { required: resources.selectedServiceRequired }, selectedModule: { required: resources.selectedModuleRequired }, selectedOrgName: { required: resources.selectOrganizationRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); // error.addClass('label-danger'); } }; $scope.$watch('editProjectModel.organizationID', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue && $scope.editProjectModel.componentSelectedOrg) { $log.debug('newValue:' + newValue + ',oldValue:' + oldValue); $scope.editProjectModel.industryID = $scope.editProjectModel.componentSelectedOrg.industryID; var first = _.find($scope.projectIndustryList, function (num) { return === $scope.editProjectModel.industryID }); if (first) { $scope.selectedIndustry = first; } } }); $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('projectManageController.ctor()...'); //scope model $scope.title = '项目管理'; $scope.serviceList = []; $scope.queryService = ''; $scope.projectYearList = []; $scope.projectIndustryList = []; $scope.queryProjectYear = ''; $scope.projectList = []; $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.editProjectModel = {}; $scope.chk = false; $scope.userList = []; $scope.selectUserIDs = ','; $scope.checkedRolesSet = {}; $scope.selectedIndustry = {}; $scope.selectProject = {}; $scope.set = []; $scope.searchText = ''; $scope.selectUserSpan = {}; $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: 50, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 50, enableFullRowSelection: false, enableRowSelection: false, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: [ { field: 'index', name: $translate.instant('SequenceNoCol'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: 'right', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('ProjectNameCol'), width: '20%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.nameDisplay}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'organizationName', name: $translate.instant('ProjectCompanyCol'), width: '25%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.organizationNameDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'industryName', name: $translate.instant('PIndustry'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.industryNameDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'year', name: $translate.instant('ProjectYearCol'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.yearDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'serviceTypeName', name: $translate.instant('ProjectServiceCol'), width: '15%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.serviceTypeName}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOperation'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: 'center', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="project-manage-grid-operation ui-grid-cell-contents">' + '<a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="grid.appScope.assignUser(row.entity)"> <i class="material-icons">person</i><span></span></a>' + '<a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="grid.appScope.loadProject("> <i ng-if="row.entity.nameDisplay" class="material-icons">create</i><span></span></a>' + '</div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.grid.registerRowsProcessor($scope.singleFilter, 200); } }; $scope.singleFilter = function (renderableRows) { var matcher = new RegExp($scope.searchProjectText); var isSelectYear = false; if ($scope.queryProjectYear && $scope.queryProjectYear.length > 0) { isSelectYear = true; }; renderableRows.forEach(function (row) { var match = false; if (isSelectYear && row.entity.year + '' !== $scope.queryProjectYear) { match = false; } else { ['name', 'serviceTypeName', 'organizationName', 'industryName'].forEach(function (field) { if (row.entity[field].match(matcher)) { match = true; } }); } if (!match) { row.visible = false; } }); return renderableRows; }; $scope.gridOptions.noData = false; $scope.newProject = newProject; $scope.saveProject = saveProject; $scope.loadProject = loadProject; $scope.deleteProject = deleteProject; $scope.deleteProjects = deleteProjects; $scope.deleteProjectConfirm = deleteProjectConfirm; $scope.deleteProjectsConfirm = deleteProjectsConfirm; $scope.reloadProjectData = reloadProjectData; $scope.assignUser = assignUser; $scope.getUserChecked = getUserChecked; $scope.initProjectList = initProjectList; $scope.roleTreeLoad = roleTreeLoad; $scope.selectNode = selectNode; $scope.toggle = toggle; $scope.toggleSub = toggleSub; $ = search; $scope.checkUser = checkUser; //init project list //init service dropdown list initServiceList(); initProjectList(); //init project year dropdown list initProjectYear(); loadProjectIndustryList(); loadAllTemplate(); // 加载用户列表 // initUser(); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('projectManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('projectManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/projectManage/project-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { projectId: '@', serviceType: '@' }, controller: 'ProjectManageController', }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('RoleManageController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'roleService', 'risDialog', 'permissionService', '$state', '$q', '$timeout', 'menuService', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', 'userService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, roleService, risDialog, permissionService, $state, $q, $timeout, menuService, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, userService) { 'use strict'; $ = false; $scope.openRolePanel = false; $scope.serviceType = constant.serviceType.VAT; $scope.validateOnServer = function (newValue, role) { $scope.editRole = role; var defer = $q.defer(); //check duplication name var nodeListWithoutCurrentOne = _.without($scope.roleList, role); var IsFindExistOne = _.find(nodeListWithoutCurrentOne, function (item) { return === newValue.trim(); }); if (IsFindExistOne) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('hasDuplicateRoleCategory')); defer.reject(); } else if (newValue.trim() === '') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('roleCategoryNameEmptyWarn')); defer.reject(); } else if (newValue.trim().length > 50) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('roleCategoryName50Warn')); defer.reject(); } else { $scope.updateRoleCategory(newValue.trim()); defer.resolve(); } return defer.promise; }; $scope.updateRoleCategory = function (updateName) { $ = updateName; console.log($scope.editRole); var roleCategoryID = $ == undefined ? $scope.editRole.roleCategoryID : $; roleService.updateRoleCategory(updateName, roleCategoryID).success(function (data) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('updateRoleCategoryTitle'), $translate.instant('updateRoleCategorySuccess')); }); }; //添加用户,弹框,call指令 add-exist-user-modal $scope.addUser = function () { var selectedKeyItem = []; $scope.nameList.forEach(function (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.userID); }); $scope.addUserOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addUserIsUpdate = false; $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem.length == 0 ? [''] : selectedKeyItem; }; //如果添加了用户,则写入该维度下的库 $scope.$watch('addUserIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedUserList && $scope.selectedUserList.length > 0) { console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedUserList)); addUsersToRole($scope.selectedUserList); } } }); //为当前维度添加用户 var addUsersToRole = function (selectedUserArray) { var userIdList =$scope.nameList, function (item) { return item.userID; }); var selectedUserIdList =, function (item) { return item.userID; }); var addedUserList = []; selectedUserIdList.forEach(function (item) { if (userIdList.indexOf(item) < 0) { addedUserList.push(item); } }); var updatedModel = { userIdList: addedUserList, serviceTypeID: $scope.serviceType, roleID: $ }; if (addedUserList && addedUserList.length > 0) { userService.updateUserToRole(updatedModel).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); //刷新角色列表 getUsersByRoleID($; } }); } }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; //删除用户 $scope.removeUser = function (user) { var roleID = user.roleID; var userID = user.userID; var userName = user.userName; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('UserDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + userName + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var roleIDList = []; roleIDList.push(roleID); roleService.removeUserRole(userID, roleIDList, $scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { $scope.nameList = _.without($scope.nameList, _.find($scope.nameList, function (item) { return item.userID === userID })); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteUserRole'), $translate.instant('deleteUserSuccess')); }); } }); }; //获取当前角色对应的权限列表 var loadPermissionTree = function () { $scope.permissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'permissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "single" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 //showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), }; }; //获取所有的权限 var breakFlag = false; var loadAllPermissionTree = function () { $scope.allPermissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'allPermissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "multiple" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.widgetInstance = e.component; // $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem($; }, onItemSelectionChanged: function (e) { var node = e.node; var relyOnCodesStr = node.itemData.relyOnCodes; if (relyOnCodesStr !== null && relyOnCodesStr !== undefined) { var relyOnCodesArray = relyOnCodesStr.split(','); if (relyOnCodesArray && relyOnCodesArray.length > 0) { //提取出统一层级的属性为数组 var relyOnCodeList =, function (item) { return { 'key': item.key, 'code': item.itemData.relyOnCodes, 'selected': item.itemData.selected }; }); node.parent.children.forEach(function (child) { if (!node.selected) { var filtered = _.filter(relyOnCodeList, function (item) { return item.code == child.itemData.code && item.selected !== node.selected; }); if (filtered && filtered.length >= 0) return; } // if (relyOnCodesArray.indexOf(child.itemData.code) >= 0) { if (node.selected) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(child.key); } else { $scope.widgetInstance.unselectItem(child.key); } } }); } } else { if (node.selected) return; //比如手动取消查看的权限,那么此时修改等权限也应该做相应的改动 var codeList =, function (item) { return { 'key': item.key, 'selected': item.selected, 'relyOnCodes': item.itemData.relyOnCodes }; }); var filtered = _.filter(codeList, function (item) { return item.relyOnCodes !== null && item.relyOnCodes.indexOf(node.itemData.code) >= 0 && item.selected == true; }); //unchecked _.each(filtered, function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.unselectItem(item.key); }); } } }; }; $scope.searchOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "searchValue" }, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: '92%', mode: "search", valueChangeEvent: "keyup" }; var checkedRelyOnCodesRecursion = function (child, relyOnCodesArray, selected) { if (child === undefined || child.items === undefined || child.items.length == 0) return; child.items.forEach(function (sub) { if (relyOnCodesArray.indexOf(sub.code) >= 0) { sub.selected = selected; } checkedRelyOnCodesRecursion(sub, relyOnCodesArray, selected); }); }; function clearAddFormValidation() { $scope.newRoleModel = {}; //form validation $scope.roleNameExist = false; $scope.notServiceSelected = false; $scope.roleCategory = undefined; }; function clearAllExceptRoleList() { //To save new role model or edit role model $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.editRoleModel = {}; $scope.selectedRole = null; $scope.isSelected = false; //search $scope.searchText = ''; //loading $scope.loadingMenu = false; clearAddFormValidation(); }; var initVariable = function () { //display $scope.roleList = []; clearAllExceptRoleList(); }; //Save role info var createRole = function () { var roleName = $scope.newRoleModel.Name; if (!$scope.newRoleModel || !$scope.newRoleModel.Name || !$scope.newRoleModel.RoleCategoryID) { return; } $scope.newRoleModel.ServiceTypeID = $scope.serviceType; $scope.newRoleModel.PermissionIDs = $scope.selectedPermissionCodes; roleService.addRole($scope.newRoleModel).success(function (res) { if ( === -1) { $scope.roleNameExist = true; } else { initVariable(); $('#addRolePop').modal('hide'); //Reload role list $scope.roleList =; var newRole; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if ( == roleName) { newRole = item; } if (item.subRoles && item.subRoles.length > 0) { item.subRoles.forEach(function (child) { if ( == roleName) { newRole = child; } }); } }); if (newRole !== undefined) { selectRole(newRole); } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('createRole'), $translate.instant('addOneRole')); } }); }; var selectedPermissons = []; var selectedPermissonsRecursion = function (p) { if (p.items === null && p.items === undefined && p.items.length == 0) return; p.items.forEach(function (child) { if (child.selected) { var selectedItem = { id:, pLevel: child.pLevel, name: child.text }; var find = _.find(selectedPermissons, function (item) { return ===; }); if (find === undefined) { selectedPermissons.push(selectedItem); } } selectedPermissonsRecursion(child); }); }; var saveRole = function () { //save role description selectedPermissons = []; //get all selected item var selectedItemKeys = $scope.widgetInstance.getSelectedNodesKeys(); selectedItemKeys.forEach(function (items) { //为了与后端统一,暂时传对象 var selectedItem = { id: items }; selectedPermissons.push(selectedItem); }); var updatedRoleInfo = { }; updatedRoleInfo.updateRolePermissionDtoList = selectedPermissons; //add role name, role desc updatedRoleInfo.roleName = $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editRoleName; updatedRoleInfo.roleDescription = $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editDescription; //save to database roleService.updateRole(updatedRoleInfo, $ (roleData) { $scope.isEdit = false; $ = updatedRoleInfo.roleName; $scope.selectedRole.description = updatedRoleInfo.roleDescription; getPermissionsByService($scope.serviceType, $; SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); }); }; $scope.updateRoleName = function (data) { console.log(data); }; //获取特定服务下制定角色的权限列表 function getPermissionsByService(serviceID, roleID) { if (roleID !== undefined) { $scope.permissionTreeViewData = []; permissionService.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID(roleID, serviceID).success(function (data) { //指定roleId下所拥有的权限 只显示有权限的列表,然后不需要显示checkbox $scope.permissionTreeViewData = data.permissionDevTreeList; $scope.rolePermissionList = data.rolePermissionList console.log('permissionTreeViewData', data); //先全部清空 $scope.widgetInstance.unselectAll(); $scope.rolePermissionList.forEach(function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(item.permissionID); }); //permissionService.getPermissionListByRoleID(roleID, serviceID).success(function (permissionList) { // //编辑模式下默认checked上拥有的权限 // $scope.permisionTreeview = angular.copy($scope.allRawPermissionTreeViewData); // $scope.permisionTreeview.forEach(function (s) { // if (s.items && s.items.length > 0) { // s.items.forEach(function (sub) { // if (isPermissionChecked(permissionList, sub)) { // //,js,output // sub.selected = true; // } // checkedAuthorityDataRecursion(permissionList, sub); // }); // } // }); // $scope.allPermissionTreeViewData = $scope.permisionTreeview; //}); }); // 获取对应用户 getUsersByRoleID(roleID); //获取额外添加此角色的用户 getExtraUserByRoleID(roleID); } }; var getExtraUserByRoleID = function (roleID) { $scope.extraUserList = []; roleService.getExtraUsersByRoleID(roleID).success(function (extraUsers) { extraUsers.forEach(function (row) { if (!row.orgName) { row.orgName = $translate.instant('NoOrganization'); } }); $scope.extraUserList = extraUsers; $scope.rightUserGridInstance.refresh(); console.log("extraUsers: ", $scope.extraUserList); }); }; $scope.gotoPage1 = function () { $scope.leftUserGridInstance.refresh(); }; $scope.gotoPage2 = function () { $scope.rightUserGridInstance.refresh(); }; var getUsersByRoleID = function (roleID) { //获取对应用户 $scope.nameList = []; roleService.getUsersByRoleID(roleID).success(function (users) { if (users) { users.forEach(function (row) { if (!row.orgName) { row.orgName = $translate.instant('NoOrganization'); } }); $scope.nameList = users; $scope.leftUserGridInstance.refresh(); console.log("nameList: ", $scope.nameList); } }); }; var checkedAuthorityDataRecursion = function (permissionList, subPermission) { if (subPermission === undefined || subPermission.items === undefined || subPermission.items.length == 0) return; subPermission.items.forEach(function (sub) { if (isPermissionChecked(permissionList, sub)) { sub.selected = true; } checkedAuthorityDataRecursion(permissionList, sub); }); }; ///检查当前permission是否在list中存在 var isPermissionChecked = function (permissionList, permission) { var isChecked = false; permissionList.forEach(function (s) { if (s.permissionID === { isChecked = true; } }); return isChecked; }; //select an org var selectRole = function (role) { if (! || === role.roleCategoryID) { return; } clearAllExceptRoleList(); $scope.isSelected = true; $scope.selectedRole = role; if ( !== role.roleCategoryID) { $scope.editRoleModel.ServiceTypeId = role.serviceTypeID; getPermissionsByService(role.serviceTypeID,; } }; //Clear role model var newRole = function () { $scope.newRoleModel = {}; $scope.roleNameExist = false; //初始化权限选中状态 $scope.selectedPermissionNames = []; $('#addRolePop').modal('show'); }; //create role category $scope.addRoleCategory = function () { $scope.newRoleCategory = ''; $scope.isShow = !$scope.isShow; }; // function setEndOfContenteditable(contentEditableElement) { var range, selection; if (document.createRange)//Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE 9+ { range = document.createRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible) range.selectNodeContents(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start selection = window.getSelection();//get the selection object (allows you to change selection) selection.removeAllRanges();//remove any selections already made selection.addRange(range);//make the range you have just created the visible selection } else if (document.selection)//IE 8 and lower { range = document.body.createTextRange();//Create a range (a range is a like the selection but invisible) range.moveToElementText(contentEditableElement);//Select the entire contents of the element with the range range.collapse(false);//collapse the range to the end point. false means collapse to end rather than the start;//Select the range (make it the visible selection } } $scope.modifyRoleCategoryName = function (role, $event) { var element = $; var div = $(element).parent().siblings('.divRoleCategoryName'); if ($(div).attr('contenteditable')) { $(div).removeAttr('contenteditable'); } else { $(div).attr('contenteditable', true); } setTimeout(function () { div.focus(); //setEndOfContenteditable(div); }, 0); $scope.editRole = role; }; $scope.deleteRoleCategoryName = function (role) { if (!(role &&{ SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('RoleCategoryNotFound')); return; } if (role.subRoles && role.subRoles.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('hasSubRolesWarn')); return; } SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('roleCategoryDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { roleService.deleteRoleCategory( (data) { if (!data.result) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; } $scope.roleList = _.without($scope.roleList, role); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteRoleCategoryTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteRoleCategorySuccess')); }); } }); }; $scope.cancelRoleCategoryPanel = function () { $scope.isShow = false; }; $scope.createRoleCategory = function () { var roleCategoryName = $scope.newRoleCategory; //check existance var roleCategoryList = _.pluck($scope.roleList, 'name'); if (roleCategoryList.indexOf(roleCategoryName) >= 0) { SweetAlert.warning("", $translate.instant('updateRoleCategoryDuplicate')); return; } $scope.isShow = !$scope.isShow; var roleCategoryID = PWC.newGuid(); roleService.addRoleCategory(roleCategoryName, roleCategoryID).success(function (data) { var newRoleCategory = { id: roleCategoryID, isRoleCategory: true, name: roleCategoryName, subRoles: [] }; $scope.roleList.push(newRoleCategory); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('createRoleCategoryTitle'), $translate.instant('createRoleCategorySuccess')); }); }; //$translate.instant(selectOneRole) var editRole = function () { if (!$scope.isSelected) { SweetAlert.warning("", $translate.instant('selectOneRole')); return; } $scope.roleUpdatedModel = {}; $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editDescription = $scope.selectedRole.description; $scope.roleUpdatedModel.editRoleName = $; $scope.isEdit = true; }; var deleteRole = function () { roleService.deleteRole($scope.selectedRole).success(function (roleData) { //$('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteOneRoleTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteOneRole')); initVariable(); //reload data $scope.roleList = roleData; //select first one if (roleData[0].subRoles[0]) { selectRole(roleData[0].subRoles[0]); } }); }; //Delete role info var deleteRoleConfirm = function () { if (!$scope.isSelected) { SweetAlert.warning("", $translate.instant('selectOneRole')); return; } //if there is at least user have this role, not allow to delete the role. roleService.checkReference($ (canDelete) { if (eval(canDelete)) { //$('#deleteConfirmPop').modal('show'); deleteConfirmPop(); } else { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('notDeleteOneRoleTitle'), $translate.instant('notDeleteOneRole')) } }); }; var deleteConfirmPop = function () { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('roleDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + $ + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { deleteRole(); } }); }; /*-------------------------------------------------------org list function start-------------------------------------------------*/ //init org list var initRoleList = function () { $scope.isSelected = false; roleService.getRoleListByServiceGroup().success(function (roleData) { console.log('roleData:', roleData); $scope.roleList = roleData; if (roleData[0].subRoles != null && roleData[0].subRoles !== undefined && roleData[0].subRoles[0]) { permissionService.getAllPermissions($scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { $scope.allRawPermissionTreeViewData = data; $scope.allPermissionTreeViewData = data; selectRole(roleData[0].subRoles[0]); }); } }); }; //toggle tree node var toggleItem = function (icon) { icon.toggle(); }; var fillServiceType = function () { $scope.newRoleModel.RoleCategoryID = $scope.roleCategory; }; var cancelRole = function () { clearAddFormValidation(); }; var cancelSave = function () { $scope.isEdit = false; }; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; //构造用户datagrid var loadLeftUserDatagrid = function () { //删除列定义 var deleteColumnDef = { dataField: "userID", caption: $translate.instant('Delete'), alignment: 'center', cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { var template = '<i class="material-icons highlight-tag" style="font-size:18px; cursor:pointer;"></i>'; $(template).on('dxclick', function () { $scope.removeUser(; }).appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }; //grid 列定义 var columnsDef = [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "orgName", caption: $translate.instant('PCompany') } ]; //如果有编辑权限,那么添加删除列到grid中 if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { columnsDef.push(deleteColumnDef); } $scope.leftUserdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'nameList' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: columnsDef, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.leftUserGridInstance = e.component; }, allowColumnResizing: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, rowAlternationEnabled: false, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; var loadRightUserDatagrid = function () { $scope.rightUserdatagridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'extraUserList' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a>' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "orgName", caption: $translate.instant('PCompany') } ], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.rightUserGridInstance = e.component; }, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, allowColumnResizing: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: false, showRowLines: false, rowAlternationEnabled: false, showBorders: false, sorting: { mode: "none" } }; }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; $scope.hasUserQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasOrgQueryPermission = false; //角色管理查看,添加和编辑角色权限Code var temp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.roleManage; list.push(temp.queryCode); list.push(temp.addCode); list.push(temp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[temp.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[temp.editCode]; $scope.hasAddPermission = data[temp.addCode]; loadLeftUserDatagrid(); }); }; /*-------------------------------------------------------org list function end-------------------------------------------------*/ (function initialize() { $log.debug('RoleManageController.ctor()...'); initVariable(); initRoleList(); $scope.currentNavItem = 'page1'; loadRightUserDatagrid(); //Save role info $scope.createRole = createRole; $scope.saveRole = saveRole; //Clear role model $scope.newRole = newRole; $scope.editRole = editRole; //Delete role info $scope.deleteRole = deleteRole; $scope.deleteRoleConfirm = deleteRoleConfirm; $scope.selectRole = selectRole; $scope.cancelRole = cancelRole; $scope.fillServiceType = fillServiceType; $scope.cancelSave = cancelSave; loadPermissionTree(); loadAllPermissionTree(); checkUserPermission(); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('roleManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('roleManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/roleManage/views/role-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: {}, controller: 'RoleManageController', link: function (scope, element) { $(document).on({ mouseenter: function (e) { $(this).css('font-weight', 'bold'); }, mouseleave: function (e) { $(this).css('font-weight', 'normal'); } }, '.icon-role-category-modify,.icon-role-category-delete,.ng-inline-edit__button'); $(document).on('click', '.ng-inline-edit__button--edit', function () { }); Split(['#left-container', '#right-container'], { //An array of initial sizes of the elements, specified as percentage values. Example: Setting the initial sizes to 25% and 75%. sizes: [22, 78], //An array of minimum sizes of the elements, specified as pixel values. Example: Setting the minimum sizes to 100px and 300px, respectively. minSize: [250, 750], onDragEnd: function () { //$timeout(function () { // $rootScope.$broadcast(enums.vatEvent.layoutChanged, {}); //}, 700); } }) } }; } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('roleNameUnique', ['$q', 'roleService', function ($q, roleService) { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) return; ctrl.$asyncValidators.roleNameUnique = function (modelValue, viewValue) { if (ctrl.$isEmpty(modelValue)) { $q.resolve(); } var def = $q.defer(); var newRoleName = $('#EditRoleName').val(); //scope.roleUpdatedModel.editRoleName; var oldRoleName =; roleService.validateRoleNameUnique(newRoleName, oldRoleName) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { if (data) { def.resolve(); } else { def.reject(); } }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { def.reject(); }); return def.promise; }; } } }]); infrastructureModule.directive("editableDiv", function () { return { restrict: "A", require: "ngModel", link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { function read() { // view -> model var html = element.html(); html = html.replace(/ /g, "\u00a0"); ngModel.$setViewValue(html); } // model -> view ngModel.$render = function () { element.html(ngModel.$viewValue || ""); }; element.bind("blur", function () { scope.$apply(read); }); element.bind("keydown keypress", function (event) { if (event.which === 13) { this.blur(); event.preventDefault(); } }); } }; }); infrastructureModule .controller('storeArchitectureViewController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', '$timeout', 'stockService', '$document', '$state', '$stateParams', '$interval', 'roleService', '$q', 'userService', '$uibModal', 'dimensionService', 'CacheFactory','ackMessageBox','ackUibModal','ackLib', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, $timeout, stockService, $document, $state, $stateParams, $interval, roleService, $q, userService, $uibModal, dimensionService, CacheFactory, ackMessageBox, ackUibModal,ackLib) { 'use strict'; var charContainerID = '#store-chart-container'; $scope.entity = { stockDate: new Date(), currentDate: new Date() }; $scope.stockOptions = { empty: 0, modify: 1, //修改 addHistory: 2 //变更 } $scope.stockStatus = $scope.stockOptions.empty; var template = { topNodeTemplate: $("#topNode-name").html(), //最顶层节点 nameNodeEdit: $("#node-name-edit").html(), //name,机构名称 nameNodeQuery: $("#node-name-query").html(), // titleNode: $("#title-name-node").html() //普通行 }; var ReplaceObj = { //顶部节点 topNodeName: '{{#topNodeName#}}', //机构名称 organizationName: '{{#organizationName#}}', organizationID: '{{#organizationID#}}', moneyNumber: '{{#moneyNumber#}}', //多少钱 stockPercent stockPercent: '{{#stockPercent#}}', }; // 关于日志部分 $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; $(document).on('blur', '#stockList .dx-texteditor-input', function (e) { $scope.stockGridInstance.focus($(this)); }); var orgchartService = { //获取stock架构的列表 getDataSource: function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); var param = { currentDate: $scope.entity.stockDate || '' }; stockService.getStockList(param).success(function (data) { if (data) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; }, //创建orgchart节点 createNewNode: function (row, templateNameNode, templateTitleNode) { var temp = []; var relationship = '110'; if (row.children && row.children.length > 0) { relationship = '111'; } var node = { 'name': templateNameNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.organizationName, .replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.organizationID,, 'stockAmount': row.stockAmount, 'capitalPercent': row.capitalPercent, //'title': templateTitleNode.replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.moneyNumber, row.capitalAmount).replaceToEnd(ReplaceObj.stockPercent, row.capitalPercent == undefined ? '0' : row.capitalPercent), 'children': [], 'relationship': relationship }; return node; }, //递归生成子节点 createNodeRecursion: function (childrenList, parentNode, templateNameNode, templateTitleNode) { if (childrenList.length == 0) return; childrenList.forEach(function (row) { var newNode = orgchartService.createNewNode(row, templateNameNode, templateTitleNode); parentNode.children.push(newNode); if (row.children && row.children.length > 0) { orgchartService.createNodeRecursion(row.children, newNode, templateNameNode, templateTitleNode); } }); }, populateOrgChart: function () { this.getDataSource().then(function (data) { //如果没有编辑维度值的权限,则不显示编辑的笔icon var templateNameNode = template.nameNodeQuery; if ($scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission) { templateNameNode = template.nameNodeEdit; }; var templateTitleNode = template.titleNode; // orgService.getOrgDashboard($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { orgchartService.renderOrgChart({}); if (data !== undefined && data !== null && data.length > 0) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); var topNodeName = template.topNodeTemplate.replace(ReplaceObj.topNodeName, data[0].name); var datasource = { 'name': topNodeName, 'children': [] }; data.forEach(function (row) { var newNode = orgchartService.createNewNode(row, templateNameNode, templateTitleNode); datasource.children = newNode.children; if (row.children && row.children.length > 0) { orgchartService.createNodeRecursion(row.children, newNode, templateNameNode, templateTitleNode); } }); //生成orgchart if (datasource.children.length > 0) { $scope.stockArchitectureCache = datasource; orgchartService.renderOrgChart(datasource); } } }); }, //开始生产org chart树 renderOrgChart: function (datasource) { $(charContainerID).html(''); //渲染orgchart $(charContainerID).orgchart({ 'data': datasource, 'pan': false, 'zoom': false, "draggable": false, 'exportButton': false, 'direction': 'l2r', 'nodeContent': 'title', 'exportFilename': 'SportsChart', 'parentNodeSymbol': 'fa-th-large', 'zoomoutLimit': 2, 'zoominLimit': 7, 'depth': 5, 'createNode': function ($node, data) { if (data.relationship != '001') { var amount = data.stockAmount <= 0 ? '-' : data.stockAmount; var leftMenu = '<div class="node-line-left"><span >' + amount + '</span>'; var rightMenu = '<div class="node-line-right"><span >' + data.capitalPercent + '%</span>'; $node.append(leftMenu).append(rightMenu); } } }); var horizontalCenter = Math.floor(window.innerHeight / 2); console.log('horizontalCenter: ' + horizontalCenter); $(charContainerID).scrollTop(horizontalCenter + 'px'); }, }; $scope.modalService = { stockModal: { open: function () { $scope.stockModalInstance = ackUibModal($scope, 'stockEdit.html', 'stockEditModal', '.store-architecture-view', 'static') $; }, save: function (result) { $scope.saveStock(); }, cancel: function () { $scope.stockModalInstance.cancel(); } } }; var getService = { getStockListByOrgID: function (param) { var deferred = $q.defer(); stockService.getStockListByOrgID(param).success(function (data) { if (data) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; } }; var updateService = { updateStock: function (stock) { var deferred = $q.defer(); stockService.updateStock(stock).success(function (data) { if (data) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; }, //删除机构 deleteOrgList: function (stockList, orgID) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if (stockList.length > 0) { stockService.deleteOrgList(stockList, orgID).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; }, //添加机构 addOrgList: function (stockList, orgID) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if (stockList.length > 0) { stockService.addOrgList(stockList, orgID).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; }, updateOrgList: function (stockList, orgID) { var deferred = $q.defer(); if (stockList.length > 0) { stockService.updateOrgList(stockList, orgID).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; } }; $scope.fullScreenText = '全屏展示'; $scope.showBefore = true; //顶部的维度状态改变,更新orgchart $scope.$on('DimensionUpdate', function (event, data) { initData(); setParentDimension(); }); //通知父层去更新统计 var notifyTopPage = function () { $scope.$emit("hasDimensionUpdated", { isupdated: true }); }; //隐藏机构general info var hideOrgGeneralInfo = function () { $(orgGeneralInfoPopId).hide(); }; // 显示机构general info,并设置好位置 var showOrgCard = function (popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.offset().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - topOffset; //top = row.offset().top - topOffset - popCard.height(); } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.offset().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.offset().left - popCard.width() - leftOffset; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function (e) { hideOrgGeneralInfo(); }); }; //设置维度的名称和值,和类型 var setParentDimension = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); dimensionService.getDimensionById($scope.parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.parentDimensionName =; $scope.parentDimensionType = data.dimensionType; deferred.resolve(data); } }); return deferred.promise; } //点击编辑的时候,弹框编辑 $scope.editOrgStock = function (orgID) { $scope.selectedOrgID = orgID; $scope.editStockModal = {}; populateModal(orgID); $; }; var resetStatus = function () { $scope.stockGridInstance.columnOption('删除', 'visible', false); $scope.stockGridInstance.columnOption('showStockAmount', 'allowEditing', false); $scope.stockStatus = $scope.stockOptions.empty; }; var populateModal = function (orgID) { resetEditModalData(); $scope.stockStatus = $scope.stockOptions.empty; var param = { currentDate: $scope.entity.stockDate, orgID: orgID }; getService.getStockListByOrgID(param).then(function (data) { if (data) { populateTabData(data, orgID); } }); }; var populateTabData = function (data,orgID) { resetStatus(); //当前记录 data.parentList.forEach(function (item) { = || PWC.newGuid(); item.effectiveDate = ackLib.validation.isEmpty(item.effectiveDate) ? '' : moment(item.effectiveDate).format(; item.expiredDate = ackLib.validation.isEmpty(item.expiredDate) ? '' : moment(item.expiredDate).format(; item.stockAmount = parseFloat(item.stockAmount).toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2); }); //历史记录 data.historyParentList.forEach(function (item) { || PWC.newGuid(); item.effectiveDate = ackLib.validation.isEmpty(item.effectiveDate) ? '' : moment(item.effectiveDate).format(; item.expiredDate = ackLib.validation.isEmpty(item.expiredDate) ? '' : moment(item.expiredDate).format(; item.alterDate = ackLib.validation.isEmpty(item.alterDate) ? '' : moment(item.alterDate).format(; item.stockAmount = parseFloat(item.stockAmount).toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2); }); var tabList = []; var orderIndex = 0; var currentNode = data.stockDto; var beforeText = "之前"; var firstEntity = { id: orderIndex, name:, code: currentNode.code, capitalAmount: currentNode.capitalAmount.toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2), //注册资本 showCapitalAmount: currentNode.capitalAmount <= 0 ? '-' : currentNode.capitalAmount.toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2), capitalPercent: currentNode.capitalPercent, //股权比例 stockDataGridDataSource: data.parentList, index: orderIndex, atlerDate:'最新', text:'最新', stockStatus: $scope.stockOptions.empty, } tabList.push(firstEntity); var historyAlterDate = _.unique(_.pluck(data.historyParentList, 'alterDate'), function (item) { return item; }); historyAlterDate.forEach(function (alterDate) { //根据某一天来获取当天的所有数据 var findAlterDate = _.filter(data.historyParentList, function (item) { return item.alterDate == alterDate; }); var first = findAlterDate[0] if (first) { orderIndex = orderIndex + 1; var entity = { id: orderIndex, name:, code: firstEntity.code, capitalAmount: first.capitalAmount.toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2), //注册资本 showCapitalAmount: first.capitalAmount <= 0 ? '-' : first.capitalAmount.toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2), capitalPercent: first.capitalPercent, //股权比例 stockDataGridDataSource: findAlterDate, index: orderIndex, atlerDate: first.alterDate, text: first.alterDate + beforeText, stockStatus: $scope.stockOptions.empty, } tabList.push(entity); } }); $scope.tabInstance.selectedItemKeys = [firstEntity.index]; $scope.stockTabList = tabList; $scope.editStockModal = firstEntity; populdateStockDataSource(firstEntity.stockDataGridDataSource); $scope.selectTab = 0; $scope.tabInstance.repaint(); }; var populdateStockDataSource = function (dataSource) { $scope.stockDataSource = dataSource; $scope.oldStockData = populateDataObject($scope.stockDataSource); $scope.stockGridInstance.refresh(); }; //保存股权信息 $scope.saveStock = function () { ////存一个历史记录 //// Check to make sure the cache doesn't already exist //stockCache.put('oldStock', $scope.stockArchitectureCache); var oldData = $scope.oldStockData; var newData = populateDataObject($scope.stockDataSource); if (angular.equals(oldData, newData) && $scope.stockStatus==$scope.stockOptions.empty) { //nothing to do // alert('same data'); $scope.stockModalInstance.close(); } else { var deleteList = []; var addList = []; var updateList = []; //旧数据在新数据中没有找到,则放到addList newData.forEach(function (row) { updateList.push(row); var findResult = _.find(oldData, function (item) { return ==; }); //旧数据没有找到,说明是新加的数据 if (!findResult) { addList.push(row); } //else { // //如果旧数据找到了,查看是否相等,,不等的话,放到update list // if (!angular.equals(row, findResult)) { // updateList.push(row); // } //} }); //新数据在旧数据中没有找到,则放到deleteList oldData.forEach(function (row) { var findResult = _.find(newData, function (item) { return ==; }); //新数据没有找到,说明是删除的数据 if (!findResult) { deleteList.push(row); } }); var addHistory = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); //变更 if ($scope.stockStatus == $scope.stockOptions.addHistory) { var stockParam = { currentDate: $scope.entity.currentDate, orgID: $scope.selectedOrgID } stockService.addHistoryStocks(stockParam).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); ////刷新历史变更记录 //populateModal($scope.selectedOrgID); } }); } //修改 else if ($scope.stockStatus !== $scope.stockOptions.addHistory) { deferred.resolve(true); $scope.stockModalInstance.close(); } return deferred.promise; }; //console.log('addList: ' + JSON.stringify(addList)); //console.log('updateList: ' + JSON.stringify(updateList)); //console.log('deleteList: ' + JSON.stringify(deleteList)); //添加历史记录 addHistory().then(function (data) { //添加新增的记录 updateService.addOrgList(addList, $scope.selectedOrgID).then(function (data) { updateList.forEach(function (item) { item.capitalAmount = $scope.editStockModal.capitalAmount; }); //修改记录 updateService.updateOrgList(updateList, $scope.selectedOrgID).then(function (data) { //删除记录 updateService.deleteOrgList(deleteList, $scope.selectedOrgID).then(function (data) { if (data) { ackMessageBox.success(ackLib.Helper.translate("SaveSuccess")); //刷新历史变更记录 populateModal($scope.selectedOrgID); //刷新 orgchartService.populateOrgChart(); } }); }); }) }); } }; //删除某一个机构(jack delete) $scope.removeStock = function (stock) { var stockList = []; var deleteObj = { id:, name: }; stockList.push(deleteObj); var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'); ackMessageBox.confirm(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (data) { if (data) { var tempData = $scope.stockDataSource; for (var i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { if (tempData[i].id == { tempData.splice(i, 1); break; } } $scope.stockDataSource = tempData; } }); }; //添加现有机构 $scope.$watch('addExistOrgIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedExistOrgList && $scope.selectedExistOrgList.length > 0) { //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedExistOrgList)); addOrgToStockList($scope.selectedExistOrgList); } } }); //修改注册资本的时候,比例要重新计算 $scope.$watch('editStockModal.showCapitalAmount', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (!$scope.editStockModal || !$scope.stockDataSource) return; if (newValue && newValue > 0) { $scope.editStockModal.capitalAmount = newValue; } else { // $scope.editStockModal.showCapitalAmount = '-'; $scope.editStockModal.capitalAmount = 0; } $scope.stockDataSource.forEach(function (row) { if (row.stockAmount > 0) { row.showStockAmount = row.stockAmount; if (newValue && newValue > 0) { row.capitalPercent = parseFloat(row.stockAmount / newValue * 100).toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2); row.canEditPercent = false; } else { //如果任意一个资本没有填,股权占比就允许手工填入,可以直接修改股权占比 row.canEditPercent = true; } } else { row.canEditPercent = true; row.showStockAmount = '-'; } }); $scope.stockGridInstance.refresh(); }); ////修改注册资本的时候,比例要重新计算 $scope.$watch('stockDataSource', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && oldValue && newValue !== oldValue) { for (var i = 0; i < newValue.length; i++) { var row = newValue[i]; if (!row.showStockAmount) { row.showStockAmount = row.stockAmount; } if (row.showStockAmount != '-' && row.showStockAmount > 0) { row.stockAmount = row.showStockAmount; } else { row.stockAmount = 0; } if (row.stockAmount > 0) { if ($scope.editStockModal.capitalAmount > 0) { row.capitalPercent = parseFloat(row.stockAmount / $scope.editStockModal.capitalAmount * 100).toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber4); row.canEditPercent = false; } else { } } else { row.canEditPercent = true; row.showStockAmount = '-'; } } $scope.stockGridInstance.refresh(); } },true); var populateDataObject = function (data) { var arraryList = []; if (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { var newObject = {}; =; =; newObject.capitalAmount = row.capitalAmount; newObject.capitalPercent = row.capitalPercent; newObject.parentID = row.parentID; newObject.stockAmount = row.stockAmount; arraryList.push(newObject); }); } return arraryList; } //添加机构列表 (jack add) var addOrgToStockList = function (orgList) { var stockList = []; var index = 20; var childrenAmount = $scope.editStockModal.capitalAmount; var hasExist = false; for (var i = 0; i < orgList.length; i++) { var row = orgList[i]; var findExist = _.find($scope.stockDataSource, function (item) { return ==; }); if (findExist) { hasExist = true; continue; } if (!findExist) { var randomNum = parseFloat(Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2); if (randomNum > childrenAmount) { randomNum = childrenAmount; } var newData = { id:, name:, code: row.code, capitalAmount: randomNum, capitalPercent: index, parentID: $scope.selectedOrgID, stockAmount: parseFloat(childrenAmount * index / 100).toFixed(constant.toFixedNumber2), } stockList.push(newData); $scope.stockDataSource.push(newData); } } //if (hasExist) //{ // showWarning("不能添加已经存在的机构"); //} //updateService.addOrgList(stockList, $scope.selectedOrgID).then(function (data) { // if (data) { // populateModal($scope.selectedOrgID); // } //}); }; //添加现有机 $scope.addExistOrg = function () { $scope.selectedKeyItems = []; var selectedKeyItem = []; $scope.stockDataSource.forEach(function (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(; }); $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; $scope.addExistOrgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addExistOrgIsUpdate = false; } var initStockDatagrid = function () { var commonOptions = { bindingOptions: { }, selection: { mode: "single" }, columns: [], loadPanel: { enabled: false, }, keyExpr: "id", scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, allowColumnResizing: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showColumnLines: true, showRowLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, sorting: { mode: "none" }, }; var commonColumns = [ { dataField: "name", caption: "出资人名称", alignment: 'center', allowEditing: false, }, { dataField: "code", caption: "代码", alignment: 'center', allowEditing: false, }, { dataField: "showStockAmount", caption: "出资额(万元)", alignment: 'center', allowEditing: true, format: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber2 } }, { dataField: "capitalPercent", caption: "股权占比(%)", alignment: 'center', allowEditing: false, format: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber4 } }, { dataField: "id", caption: $translate.instant('Delete'), alignment: 'center', width: 50, visible: $scope.stockStatus !== $scope.stockOptions.empty, allowEditing: false, cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { var template = '<i class="material-icons highlight-tag" style="font-size:18px; cursor:pointer;"></i>'; $(template).on('dxclick', function () { $scope.removeStock(; }).appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } } ]; var options = angular.copy(commonOptions); var historyOptions = angular.copy(commonOptions); //当前的 $scope.dataGridStockOptions = angular.extend(options, { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'stockDataSource' }, keyExpr: "id", columns: commonColumns, summary: { totalItems: [ { column: "showStockAmount", displayFormat: "{0}", valueFormat: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber2 }, summaryType: "sum" }, { column: "capitalPercent", displayFormat: "{0}", valueFormat: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber4 }, summaryType: "sum" }, { showInColumn: "name", displayFormat: "合计" } ] }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.stockGridInstance = e.component; }, editing: { mode: "cell", allowUpdating: true, //texts:{ // editRow: "编辑", // cancelRowChanges: "取消", // saveRowChanges: "确定", //}, }, onCellClick: function (e) { if (e.rowType == "data" && e.column.dataField == "capitalPercent") { if ( { e.isEditing = true; $scope.stockGridInstance.editCell(e.rowIndex, e.columnIndex); $('.dx-texteditor-input').focus(); } else { e.isEditing = false; } } }, }); //历史记录 $scope.historyDataGridStockOptions = angular.extend(historyOptions, { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'historyStockDataSource' }, keyExpr: "id", columns: [ { dataField: "name", caption: "出资人名称", alignment: 'center', }, { dataField: "code", caption: "代码", alignment: 'center', }, { dataField: "stockAmount", caption: "出资额(万元)", alignment: 'center', format: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber2 } }, { dataField: "capitalPercent", caption: "股权占比(%)", alignment: 'center', format: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber4 } }, { dataField: "effectiveDate", caption: "有效起始日", alignment: 'center', }, { dataField: "expiredDate", caption: "有效截止日", alignment: 'center', }, ], summary: { totalItems: [ { column: "stockAmount", displayFormat: "{0}", valueFormat: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber2 }, summaryType: "sum" }, { column: "capitalPercent", displayFormat: "{0}", valueFormat: { type: 'currency', precision: constant.toFixedNumber4 }, summaryType: "sum" }, { showInColumn: "name", displayFormat: "合计", } ] }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.historyStockGridInstance = e.component; }, }); }; var initData = function () { orgchartService.populateOrgChart(); initStockDatagrid(); // $; }; var resetEditModalData = function () { $scope.currentNavItem = "page0"; $scope.stockStatus = $scope.stockOptions.empty; $scope.historyStockDataSource = []; $scope.stockDataSource = []; } //初始化控件 var initTextBoxContorls = function () { var isShowClearButton = true; var boxHeight = '35px'; $scope.entityOptions = { txtStockeDateOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'entity.stockDate', }, valueChangeEvent: "change", onValueChanged: function (e) { var stockDate = e.value; if (stockDate != e.previousValue) { if (!stockDate || (stockDate && stockDate != '' && ackLib.validation.isDate(stockDate))) { //刷新 orgchartService.populateOrgChart(); } } }, displayFormat:, dateSerializationFormat:, placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, invalidDateMessage: "请输入正确的日期格式(如1990/01/01)", showClearButton: isShowClearButton, height: boxHeight, }, //变更日期 txtStockUpdateOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'entity.currentDate', }, valueChangeEvent: "change", onValueChanged: function (e) { var stockDate = e.value; }, displayFormat:, dateSerializationFormat:, placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, invalidDateMessage: "请输入正确的日期格式(如1990/01/01)", showClearButton: isShowClearButton, height: boxHeight, } }, $scope.modalStock = { //修改 modifyStock: function () { $scope.stockStatus = $scope.stockOptions.modify; $scope.stockGridInstance.columnOption('删除', 'visible', true); $scope.stockGridInstance.columnOption('showStockAmount', 'allowEditing', true); }, //变更 addHistoryStock: function () { $scope.stockStatus = $scope.stockOptions.addHistory; $scope.stockGridInstance.columnOption('删除', 'visible', true); $scope.stockGridInstance.columnOption('showStockAmount', 'allowEditing', true); }, cancelChange: function () { resetStatus(); } } $scope.stockTab = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'stockTabList', selectedIndex :'selectTab' }, scrollByContent: true, showNavButtons: true, selectedIndex: 0, //默认选中第一个 //width:500, onContentReady:function(e) { e.component.selectedItemKeys=[0]; }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.tabInstance = e.component; }, onSelectionChanged:function(e) { if (e.addedItems.length > 0 && e.addedItems[0]) { var itemData = e.addedItems[0]; $scope.currentNavItem = 'page' + itemData.index; $scope.editStockModal = itemData; if (itemData.index == 0) { //当前数据 $scope.stockDataSource = itemData.stockDataGridDataSource; $scope.stockGridInstance.refresh(); $scope.oldStockData = populateDataObject($scope.stockDataSource); } else { //历史数据 $scope.historyStockDataSource = itemData.stockDataGridDataSource; $scope.historyStockGridInstance.refresh(); } } }, //点击行,选中 onItemClick: function (e) { }, }; }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAccessSettingQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAccessSettingEditPermission = false; //查看机构的权限 var tempOrg = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.organizationManage; list.push(tempOrg.addCode); list.push(tempOrg.queryCode); list.push(tempOrg.editCode); //自定义显示属性的权限 var tempAttr = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.customAttribute; list.push(tempAttr.queryCode); //权限设置的权限 var tempAcess = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.accessSetting; list.push(tempAcess.queryCode); list.push(tempAcess.editCode); $scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission = false; //编辑自定义维度值的时候的权限 if ($scope.parentDimensionType == constant.dimensionType.BusinessUnit) { var tempDV = constant.adminPermission.basicData.businessUnit; list.push(tempDV.editCode); } else { //自定义维度的权限 var tempDV = constant.adminPermission.basicData.selfDimension; list.push(tempDV.editCode); } $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { // console.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); $scope.hasAddPermission = data[tempOrg.addCode]; $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[tempOrg.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[tempOrg.editCode]; $scope.hasAttributeQueryPermission = data[tempAttr.queryCode]; $scope.hasAccessSettingQueryPermission = data[tempAcess.queryCode]; $scope.hasAccessSettingEditPermission = data[tempAcess.editCode]; $scope.hasDimensionValueEditPermission = data[tempDV.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initOrgChartData(); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('storeArchitectureViewController.ctor()...'); $log.debug($state.params.dimensionID); var dimensionID = 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5'; //集团为事业部 // $scope.parentDimensionID = $state.params.dimensionID || 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e8'; var parentDimensionID = $state.params.dimensionID || dimensionID; $scope.parentDimensionID = parentDimensionID; $scope.showAttributeDimensionID = $scope.parentDimensionID; $scope.canEditPercent = false; initTextBoxContorls(); initData(); //事业部和自定义维度的权限 setParentDimension().then(function (data) { //checkUserPermission(); }); // $scope.editOrgStock("231c835b-169e-4963-b6f5-1601c0795fa6"); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('storeArchitectureView', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('storeArchitectureView.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/storeArchitectureView/store-architecture-view.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'storeArchitectureViewController', link: function (scope, element) { $(".card").draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor", handle: ".card-header" }); var showCardSeleted = '.show-card'; //$(document).off('click');'click'); var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } }; element.on('mouseenter', '.node', function () { $(this).find('.title-name-edit').css('display', 'block'); stopPropagation(); }); element.on('mouseleave', '.node', function () { $(this).find('.title-name-edit').css('display', 'none'); stopPropagation(); }); //编辑机构的股权结构 element.on('click', '.edit-stock-value', function () { //事业部ID var orgID = $(this).attr("data-organization-id"); if (orgID) { console.log("orgID: " + orgID); scope.editOrgStock(orgID); } stopPropagation(); return false; // stopPropagation(); }); scope.showFullScreen = function () { $('.store-architecture-view').parent().toggleClass('fullScreen'); if ($('.store-architecture-view').parent().hasClass('fullScreen')) { scope.fullScreenText = '退出全屏'; scope.isShowFullScreen = true; } else { scope.fullScreenText = '全屏展示'; scope.isShowFullScreen = false; } } } }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('UserDetailViewController', ['$window', '$location', 'userService', '$stateParams', '$location', '$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', 'permissionService', '$translate', 'areaRegionService', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants', '$interval', 'orgService', '$q', 'roleService', '$rootScope', '$state', 'userService', function ($window, $location, userService, $stateParams, $location, $scope, $log, SweetAlert, permissionService, $translate, areaRegionService, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $interval, orgService, $q, roleService, $rootScope, $state, userService) { $scope.serviceType = constant.serviceType.VAT; var roleCardSelector = '#assign-user-box'; $scope.back = function () { if ($rootScope.previousLocation.indexOf('user') > 0) { //重新刷新数据 $state.go('user'); } else { $window.history.back(); } }; $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; // 添加或者编辑机构层级成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('userRolesIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); } }); //设置角色,可添加或取消原始角色,可添加和取消额外角色。可设置访问不可访问 $scope.setRoleToOrganization = function () { var selectedArr = []; var hasOneItem = false; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isChecked) { hasOneItem = true; } var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: $scope.userId, organizationID: $scope.organizationId, roleID:, isAdd: item.isChecked, IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (!hasOneItem && $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible && !$scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole) { showWarning("SelectAtLeastOneRole"); return false; }; userService.updateUserRoleOrganization(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); //刷新用户角色列表 loadUserRole(); } }); }; //用户角色框隐藏 $scope.closeSetRoleCard = function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }; var hideRoleInfoCard = function () { $(roleCardSelector).hide(); }; //添加现有机构到当前用户权限控制 $scope.addExistOrg = function () { var selectedKeyItem = []; $ (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.orgID); }); $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; $scope.addExistOrgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addExistOrgIsUpdate = false; }; //添加现有权限 $scope.popupRoleAddWin = function () { if (!$scope.hasEditPermission) { return; } var selectedKeyItem = []; $scope.roleInfoList.forEach(function (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.roleID); }); $scope.addExistRoleOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addExistRoleIsUpdated = false; $scope.selectedRoleList = selectedKeyItem; }; $scope.$watch('addExistRoleIsUpdated', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedRoleList && $scope.selectedRoleList.length > 0) { var removedRoles = []; var addedRoles = []; var roleIdList =$scope.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleID; }); var userRoleUpdateModel = {}; roleIdList.forEach(function (item) { if ($scope.selectedRoleList.indexOf(item) < 0) { removedRoles.push(item); } }); $scope.selectedRoleList.forEach(function (item) { if (roleIdList.indexOf(item) < 0) { addedRoles.push(item); } }); var userID = $; userRoleUpdateModel.userID = userID; userRoleUpdateModel.removedRoles = []; //如果取消掉,根据现在的需求不需要删除 userRoleUpdateModel.addedRoles = addedRoles; if (addedRoles.length > 0) { roleService.updateUserRole(userRoleUpdateModel).success(function (data) { $scope.getUserRoleData(); $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('addUserRoleTitle'), $translate.instant('addUserRoleSuccess')); }); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('operationSuccess'), $translate.instant('noAdditionalRoleAdded')); } } } }); // 添加范围确认之后触发数据库更新操作 $scope.$watch('addExistDimensionIsUpdated', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedDimensionValueList && $scope.selectedDimensionValueList.length > 0) { var addedDimensions = []; var dimensionValueUpdateModel = {}; $scope.selectedDimensionValueList.forEach(function (item) { if ($scope.originalDVlist == undefined || $scope.originalDVlist.indexOf(item) < 0) { addedDimensions.push(item); } }); var userID = $; dimensionValueUpdateModel.userID = userID; dimensionValueUpdateModel.addedDimensions = addedDimensions; var invalidItems = _.filter(addedDimensions, function (item) { return item.parentID == null; }); if (invalidItems.length == addedDimensions.length) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('addDimensionValueFirstWarn')); return; } else { roleService.updateDimensionValues(dimensionValueUpdateModel).success(function (data) { $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('addDimensionTitle'), $translate.instant('addDimensionSuccess')); }); } } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('addDimensionValueFirstWarn')); return; } } }); $scope.$watch('isUpdateUser', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.getUserRoleData(); $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); } }); var loadPermissionTree = function () { $scope.permissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'permissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "single" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 //showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), }; }; //显示角色卡片的时候,原始角色绑定,并绑定是否选中 var getOrignalUserRole = function (userID) { //getUserRoleListByUserID userService.getUserRoleListByUserID(userID).success(function (data) { if (data) { var subRoleList = data && data.roleInfoList || []; $scope.originalUserRoleList = subRoleList; //console.log(JSON.stringify("rolelist:" + JSON.stringify(data.RoleInfoList))); } }); }; //显示角色卡片的时候,获取所有当前用户的角色列表,如果在所有角色列表中有存在,则选中 var getRoleByService = function (row, enumSettingType) { roleService.getRoleListByRoleTypeId(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (roleData) { if (roleData) { //$scope.roleList = roleData; var selectedUserRole; if (enumSettingType == 1) { //当前维度行 selectedUserRole = _.find($scope.dimensionRoleList, function (item) { return item.dimensionID == row.dimensionID && item.dimensionValueID == row.dimensionValueID; }); } else { selectedUserRole = _.find($scope.orgRoleList, function (item) { return item.orgID == row.orgID; }); } //当前用户行的角色列表 var roleInfoList = selectedUserRole && selectedUserRole.extraRoleList; var hasAllCheck = true; if (roleInfoList && roleInfoList.length > 0) { roleData.forEach(function (roleItem) { var selectedRole = _.find(roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleID ==; }); if (selectedRole) { roleItem.isChecked = true; } else { roleItem.isChecked = false; hasAllCheck = false; } }); } else { hasAllCheck = false; } $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked = hasAllCheck; $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable = row.hasOriginalRole; $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible = row.isAccessible; $scope.roleList = roleData; // console.log(JSON.stringify(roleData)); } }); }; //点击显示当前用户的角色卡片 $scope.showRoleInfoCard = function (row, enumSettingType) { $scope.enumSettingType = enumSettingType; $scope.roleEntity = {}; $scope.dimensionValueID = row.entity.dimensionValueID; $scope.orgID = row.entity.orgID; $scope.dimensionID = row.entity.dimensionID; var roleCard = $(roleCardSelector); var rowId = $('#' + (row.entity.dimensionValueID || row.entity.orgID)); getOrignalUserRole($scope.userID); getRoleByService(row.entity, enumSettingType); showOrgCard(roleCard, rowId, 40, 0); }; //全部选中 $scope.AllRoleChecked = function () { angular.forEach($scope.roleList, function (item) { item.isChecked = $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked; }); }; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; //为事业部的值(其他维度的值)添加用户角色 $scope.setRoleToDimensionValue = function () { if ($scope.enumSettingType == 1) { saveUpdateRoleDimensionValue(); } else { saveUpateRoleOrg(); } $scope.closeSetRoleCard(); }; var saveUpateRoleOrg = function () { var selectedArr = []; var hasOneItem = false; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isChecked) { hasOneItem = true; } var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), userID: $scope.userID, organizationID: $scope.orgID, roleID:, isAdd: item.isChecked, IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable || false }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (!hasOneItem && $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible && !$scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole) { showWarning("SelectAtLeastOneRole"); return false; }; userService.updateUserRoleOrganization(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); //刷新用户角色列表 $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); } }); }; var saveUpdateRoleDimensionValue = function () { var selectedArr = []; var hasOneItem = false; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isChecked) { hasOneItem = true; } var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueID, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionID, userID: $scope.userID, roleID:, isAdd: item.isChecked, IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable || false }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (!hasOneItem && $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible && !$scope.roleEntity.isHeritable) { showWarning("SelectAtLeastOneRole"); return false; }; userService.updateUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); } }); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; //用户角色框隐藏 $scope.closeSetRoleCard = function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }; var hideRoleInfoCard = function () { $(roleCardSelector).hide(); }; // 显示机构角色卡片 var showOrgCard = function (popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.offset().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - 20; } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.offset().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.offset().left - popCard.width() - 30; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; event.stopPropagation(); }; $scope.loadPermissions = function (roleID, $event) { //如果点击的是x,就不需要加载其他数据了 var element = $; var closeEle = $(element).hasClass('fa'); if (closeEle) { return; } //获取全部的权限 //前端选中该节点 $scope.selectedRoleID = roleID; if (roleID == '0') { getAllPermissionsByRoleIDList(); } else { $scope.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID($scope.selectedRoleID, $scope.serviceType); } }; var getAllPermissionsByRoleIDList = function () { var roleIDList =$scope.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleID; }); $scope.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleIDList(roleIDList, $scope.serviceType); }; //获取指定角色ID的权限 $scope.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID = function (roleID, serviceID) { permissionService.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID(roleID, serviceID).success(function (data) { $scope.permissionTreeViewData = data.permissionDevTreeList;; }); }; //获取指定角色列表的权限合集 $scope.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleIDList = function (roleIDList, serviceID) { permissionService.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleIDList(roleIDList, serviceID).success(function (data) { $scope.permissionTreeViewData = data; }); }; // 修改用户 $scope.updateUser = function (user) { if (!$scope.hasEditPermission) { return; } if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Edit) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = { id: }; }; // 禁用用户 $scope.disableUser = function (user) { if (!$scope.hasEditPermission) { return; } if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Disable) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Disable; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = { id:, userName: user.userName, currentStatus: user.status }; }; // 启用用户 $scope.enable = function (user) { if (!$scope.hasEditPermission) { return; } if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Enable) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Enable; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = { id:, userName: user.userName, currentStatus: user.status }; }; //删除用户角色 $scope.removeRole = function (role) { if (!$scope.hasEditPermission) { return; } var roleDeleteText; if (role.roleID !== '0') { roleDeleteText = $translate.instant('roleDeleteConfirm') + ' - ' + role.roleName + '?'; } else { roleDeleteText = $translate.instant('allRoleDeleteConfirm') + '?'; } SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: roleDeleteText, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { if (role.roleID == '0') { var roleIDList =$scope.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleID; }); roleService.removeUserRole($scope.userID, roleIDList, $scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { if (data) { //同时刷新上层维度设置和各机构设置 $scope.getUserRoleData(); $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); } }); $scope.roleInfoList = []; } else { var roleList = []; roleList.push(role.roleID); roleService.removeUserRole($scope.userID, roleList, $scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { if (data) { //同时刷新上层维度设置和各机构设置 $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); } }); $scope.roleInfoList = _.without($scope.roleInfoList, _.find($scope.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleID === role.roleID })); if ($scope.roleInfoList.length === 1) { var singleRole = $scope.roleInfoList[0]; if (singleRole.roleID === '0') { getAllPermissionsByRoleIDList(); } } } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteUserRoleTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteUserRoleSuccess')); } }); }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return {}; }; $scope.getUserRoleData = function () { var userId = $; $scope.userID = userId; userService.GetUserById(userId).success(function (data) { $scope.user = data; var filterOperationObjectList = []; filterOperationObjectList.push(data.userName); $scope.filterOperationObjectList = filterOperationObjectList; console.log(data); }); $scope.selectedUser = { id: userId }; roleService.getAllRoleListByUserID(userId, $scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { //默认添加全部角色 data.unshift({ roleName: '全部角色', roleID: '0' }); $scope.roleInfoList = data; $scope.selectedRoleID = data !== undefined && data.length > 0 ? data[0].roleID : ''; //$scope.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID($scope.selectedRoleID, $scope.serviceType); getAllPermissionsByRoleIDList(); }); }; $scope.toggleCallback = function (ivhNode, isExpand, ivhTree) { console.log(ivhNode); }; $scope.tickCheckbox = function (ivhNode, isExpand, ivhTree) { console.log(ivhNode); }; $scope.filter = function () { var searchValue = $scope.searchText; if (searchValue !== '') { var xx = $.extend(true, {}, $; var tempData = _.filter(xx, function (item) { return (item.orgName !== undefined && item.orgName.indexOf(searchValue) >= 0) || (item.businessUnit !== undefined && item.businessUnit.indexOf(searchValue) >= 0) || (item.areaName !== undefined && item.areaName.indexOf(searchValue) >= 0) || (item.industryName !== undefined && item.industryName.indexOf(searchValue) >= 0) || (item.userInfo !== undefined && item.userInfo.indexOf(searchValue) >= 0); }); tempData.forEach(function (item) { item.$$treeLevel = 0; }); $ = tempData; } else { $ = $; } }; $scope.AddOrg = function (buID) { $scope.orgOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.selectedOrg = null; $scope.isOrgUpdate = false; $scope.organization = { businessUnitID: buID }; }; //添加现有维度 $scope.popupDimensionAddWin = function () { $scope.addExisDimensionOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addExistDimensionIsUpdated = false; $scope.selectedDimensionValueList = []; $ (item) { $scope.selectedDimensionValueList.push(item.dimensionValueID); $scope.originalDVlist = angular.copy($scope.selectedDimensionValueList); }); }; //获取机构上层维度设置 $scope.getDimensionRoleListView = function () { var userId = $; orgService.getOrgBuAreaIndustryUser(userId).success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { var uniqueRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleList, function (item) { return item.roleID; }); if (row.isAccessible) { var roleNameList =, function (x) { return x.roleName; }).join(','); row.roleName = roleNameList; } else { row.roleName = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); //不可访问 } row.extraRoleList = _.filter(row.roleList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; }); }); $scope.dimensionRoleList = data; $ = data; $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); }); }; //获取机构设置 $scope.getOrgRoleListView = function () { var userId = $; userService.getUserRoleByUserID(userId).success(function (data) { if (data && data.orgDtoList) data.orgDtoList.forEach(function (row) { //var uniqueRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleList, function (item) { // return; //}); //var roleNameList =, function (x) { return; }).join(','); //row.roleName = roleNameList; //row.extraRoleList = _.filter(row.roleList, function (item) { // return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.OrganizationLevel; //}); var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleList, function (item) { return }); if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleName =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleName = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleName = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); //不可访问 } }); $scope.orgRoleList = data.orgDtoList; $ = data.orgDtoList; $scope.allOrgInfo = data.orgRoleInfoList; }); }; //添加现有机构 $scope.$watch('addExistOrgIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedExistOrgList && $scope.selectedExistOrgList.length > 0) { var orgList = []; var newAddedItems = []; $ (row) { orgList.push(row.orgID); }); var selectedOrgIdList =$scope.selectedExistOrgList, function (item) { return; }); selectedOrgIdList.forEach(function (orgId) { if (orgList.indexOf(orgId) < 0) { newAddedItems.push(orgId); } }); var userID = $; roleService.updateUserOrg(newAddedItems, userID).success(function (data) { $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('addExistOrgTitle'), $translate.instant('addOrgListSuccess')); }); } } }); var areaORGGridInit = function () { $scope.areaORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 40, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'orgName', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[!row.entity.isOrganization]"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}">{{row.entity.orgName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'businessUnit', name: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitTitleName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.businessUnit}}">{{row.entity.businessUnit}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'area', name: $translate.instant('AreaTitleName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.areaName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'industry', name: $translate.instant('IndustryTitleName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.industryName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'user', name: $translate.instant('UserTitleName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.userInfo}}</span></div>' }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $scope.getRoleListWithComma = function (roleList) { var nameList =, function (item) { return item.roleName }); return nameList.join(','); }; var str = ''; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { str = '<div class="text-align-left"><span> <i class="fa fa-trash" style="color:#ee7749" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteDimensionRole(row)"></i></span></div>'; } else { str = '<div class="text-align-left"><span class="no-permission"> <i class="fa fa-trash" style="color:#ee7749" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></div>'; } //机构上层维度设置 grid初始化 $scope.generalSettingList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 40, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'roleObject', width: '20%', name: $translate.instant('RoleDimensionTitle'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div><span title="{{row.entity.dimensionName}}" style="padding-left:10px;">{{row.entity.dimensionName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'accessControl', name: $translate.instant('DimensionName'), headerCellClass: '', width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div><span title="{{row.entity.dimensionValueName}}" style="padding-left:10px;">{{row.entity.dimensionValueName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('RoleTitle'), headerCellClass: '', width: '39%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left" id="{{row.entity.dimensionValueID}}" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.showRoleInfoCard(row,1)"><span title="{{row.entity.roleName}}">{{row.entity.roleName |limitString:32 }}</span></div>' }, { field: 'array', name: '', headerCellClass: '', width: '1%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left" id="{{row.entity.dimensionValueID}}" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.showRoleInfoCard(row,1)"><i class="fa fa-caret-down icon-right" style="padding-left: 0px;"></i></div>' }, { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('OrgUserAction'), headerCellClass: '', width: '20%', cellTemplate: str }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once //PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; $scope.isChecked = true; $scope.switchCheck = function () { $scope.isChecked = !$scope.isChecked; }; var orgStr = ''; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { orgStr = '<div class="text-align-left"><span><i style="color: #404041;" class="material-icons" ng-click="grid.appScope.modifyOrgRole(row)">create</i> <i class="fa fa-trash" style="color:#ee7749" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteOrgRole(row)"></i></span></div>'; } else { orgStr = '<div class="text-align-left"><span class="no-permission"><i class="material-icons">create</i> <i class="fa fa-trash" style="color:#ee7749" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></div>'; } //机构设置 grid初始化 $scope.orgSettingList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 40, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, //enableColumnResizing: true, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'orgNameTitle', name: $translate.instant('OrgNameTitle'), headerCellClass: '', width: '35%', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[!row.entity.isOrganization]"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}">{{row.entity.orgName | limitString:30}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'roleTitle', name: $translate.instant('RoleTitle'), headerCellClass: '', width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left" id="{{row.entity.orgID}}" aria-hidden="true"><span title="{{row.entity.roleName}}">{{row.entity.roleName |limitString:32 }}</span></div>' }, { field: 'roleAction', name: $translate.instant('OrgUserAction'), headerCellClass: '', width: '25%', cellTemplate: orgStr }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once //PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; $scope.modifyDimensionRole = function (data) { console.log('modifyDimensionRole:', data); }; $scope.deleteDimensionRole = function (data) { var userId = $; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('userDimensionDeleteConfirm') + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { orgService.deleteUserDimensionValue(data.entity, userId).success(function (data) { $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteRoleUserDetailTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteUserDimensionSuccess')); }); } }); }; $scope.modifyOrgRole = function (row) { console.log(row); $scope.userRoleOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.selectedOrgID = row.entity.orgID; $scope.selectedUserID = $scope.userID; $scope.userRolesIsUpdate = false; }; $scope.deleteOrgRole = function (data) { var userId = $; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete') + '?', text: $translate.instant('userOrgDeleteConfirm') + '?', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var selectedArr = []; var allOrgInfo = _.filter($scope.allOrgInfo, function (item) { return item.organizationID == data.entity.orgID; }); if (allOrgInfo && allOrgInfo.length > 0) { allOrgInfo.forEach(function (row) { var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: row.dimensionValueID, dimensionID: row.dimensionID, userID: userId, organizationID: row.organizationID, isHeritable: false //设置维度在机构上,是否可继承 }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); } userService.deleteUserRoleOrg(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteRoleUserDetailTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteUserOrgSuccess')); $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); } }); //orgService.deleteUserOrg(data.entity, userId).success(function (data) { // $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); // SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('deleteRoleUserDetailTitle'), $translate.instant('deleteUserOrgSuccess')); //}); } }); }; var getUserPermission = function () { var list = []; var userManageTemp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.userManage; list.push(userManageTemp.addCode); list.push(userManageTemp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasAddPermission = data[userManageTemp.addCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[userManageTemp.editCode]; areaORGGridInit(); }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('UserDetailViewController.ctor()...'); $scope.roleEntity = {}; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; getUserPermission(); loadPermissionTree(); $scope.getDimensionRoleListView(); $scope.getOrgRoleListView(); $scope.getUserRoleData(); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('userDetailView', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('userDetailView.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/userDetail/user-detail-view.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: {}, replace: true, controller: 'UserDetailViewController', link: function (scope, element) { $(document).on({ mouseenter: function () { $(this).find('.remove-role-name').css('display', 'inline'); }, mouseleave: function () { $(this).find('.remove-role-name').css('display', 'none'); } }, ".role-name"); //pass the element as an argument to .on $(document).on('click', function (e) { var container = $(".assign-user-box"); // if the target of the click isn't the container nor a descendant of the container if (! && container.has( === 0) { container.hide(); } }); var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } }//# end of link } } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('userListController', ['$scope', '$log', 'userService', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', 'projectService', 'roleService', '$translate', 'enums', function($scope, $log, userService, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, projectService, roleService, $translate, enums) { 'use strict'; /***********************************************************new code start*********************************************************/ $scope.totalCount = 0; var showOperateLogPop = function() { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; // 修改用户 $scope.createUser = function() { $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Add $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = {}; }; //如果添加了用户,则刷新 $scope.$watch('isUpdateUser', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { getUserList(); } }); var getUserList = function() { userService.getAllUserRoleList(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function(data) { if (data) { data.forEach(function(row) { var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleInfoList, function(item) { return }); row.roleNameList =, function(x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); row.statusDesc = row.status == ? $translate.instant('Enable') : $translate.instant('Disabled'); }); $scope.treeListSource = data; //console.log("JSON: " + JSON.stringify(data)); $scope.setGridHeight(); } }); }; var loadTreeList = function() { $scope.userTreeOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'treeListSource' }, columns: [{ dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('PUserName'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { try { $('<a class="hyper-link">' + options.value + '</a>') .attr('href', '#/userDetail/' + .appendTo(container); } catch (e) { $log.error(e); } } }, { dataField: "email", caption: $translate.instant('PE-mail') }, { dataField: "organizationName", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationID') }, { dataField: "roleNameList", caption: $translate.instant('Role'), width: 350 }, { dataField: "statusDesc", caption: $translate.instant('PStatus') }], loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selection: { mode: "single" }, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showBorders: true, //sorting: { // mode: "none" //}, searchPanel: { placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: 518, visible: true }, onContentReady: function (e) { var totalCount = e.component.totalCount(); if (totalCount > 0) { $scope.totalCount = totalCount; } }, }; }; // 关于日志部分 $scope.showOperateLogPop = function() { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; var temp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.userManage; list.push(temp.queryCode); list.push(temp.addCode); list.push(temp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[temp.queryCode]; $scope.hasAddPermission = data[temp.addCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[temp.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { getUserList(); } }); }; //init page (function initialize() { $log.debug('UserList.ctor()...'); loadTreeList(); checkUserPermission(); })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('userList', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('userList.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/userList/user-list.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: {}, controller: 'userListController', link: function (scope, element) { scope.setGridHeight = function () { var pageWrapSelector = ".user-list-wrap"; var menuSelector = ".menu-header"; var contentHeader = '.content-container .header'; var dxGridSelctor = "#userGridContainer"; var contentHeaderHeight = parseInt($(contentHeader).css('height').replace('px', '')); var pageHeight = parseInt($(pageWrapSelector).css('height').replace('px', '')); var menuHeight = parseInt($(menuSelector).css('height').replace('px', '')); var height = pageHeight - menuHeight - contentHeaderHeight - 40 + 'px'; $(dxGridSelctor).css('max-height', height); }; $(window).resize(function () { scope.setGridHeight(); }); //var lazyLayout = _.debounce(setGridHeight, 50); //$(window).resize(lazyLayout); } }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('UserManageController', ['$scope', '$log', 'userService', 'orgService', 'uiGridConstants', 'SweetAlert', 'projectService', 'roleService', '$translate', 'enums', function ($scope, $log, userService, orgService, uiGridConstants, SweetAlert, projectService, roleService, $translate, enums) { 'use strict'; /***********************************************************new code start*********************************************************/ //Clear user model var newUser = function () { $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.editUserModel = {}; resetErrorStatus(); $('#addUserPop').modal('show'); }; //Initial user list var initUser = function () { userService.getUserTreeList().success(function (userData) { $scope.userList = userData; selectedUser($scope.userList[0].subUsers[0]); getProjectByUserId($scope.userList[0].subUsers[0].id); }); }; //select tree node event var selectedUser = function (user) { if ( === constant.guid.empty) { return; } $scope.selectUser = user; $scope.selectUser.statusName = $scope.selectUser.status === enums.userStatus.disabled ? $translate.instant('UserStateDisable') : ($scope.selectUser.status === ? $translate.instant('UserStateEnable') : ($scope.selectUser.status === enums.userStatus.inActive ? $translate.instant('UserStateUnActive') : ($scope.selectUser.status === enums.userStatus.locked ? $translate.instant('UserStateLocked') : $translate.instant('UserStateUnknow')))); if ($scope.selectUser.organizationID) { orgService.getSingleOrg($scope.selectUser.organizationID).success(function (orgData) { $scope.selectUser.OrgName =; }); } else { $scope.selectUser.OrgName = ''; } getProjectByUserId($; }; //Load user info by userId var loadUser = function (userId) { $scope.isAdd = false; resetErrorStatus(); userService.getSingleUser(userId).success(function (userData) { $scope.editUserModel.IsAdmin = userData.isAdmin; $scope.editUserModel.ID =; $scope.editUserModel.UserName = userData.userName; $scope.editUserModel.Status = userData.status; $scope.editUserModel.OrganizationID = userData.organizationID; $scope.editUserModel.Email =; $scope.editUserModel.OrgName = userData.orgName; $scope.editUserModel.RoleIDs = userData.roleIDs; $scope.editUserModel.RoleNames = userData.roleNames; $scope.editUserModel.CreateTime = userData.createTime; $scope.editUserModel.Password = userData.password; }); $('#addUserPop').modal('show'); }; //Save role info var saveUser = function () { if (!($('#userForm').valid())) { return; } if ($scope.isAdd) { userService.addUser($scope.editUserModel).success(function (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('AddUserSuccess')); $scope.editUserModel = {}; initUser(); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); } else { userService.updateUser($scope.editUserModel).success(function (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('UpdateUserSuccess')); $scope.editUserModel = {}; initUser(); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); } $('#addUserPop').modal('hide'); }; //disable user account var disableUser = function (user) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('StopUse') + '?', text: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('StopUse') + user.userName, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 userService.enableOrDisableUser(, 0).success(function (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { $scope.selectUser.status = enums.userStatus.disabled; $scope.selectUser.statusName = $translate.instant('StopUse'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('DisableUserSuccess')); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); } }); }; //enable user account var enableUser = function (userId) { userService.enableOrDisableUser(userId, (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { $scope.selectUser.status =; $scope.selectUser.statusName = $translate.instant('Enable'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('EnableUserSuccess')); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }) }; //get project list by userid var getProjectByUserId = function (userId) { userService.getProjectListByUserId(userId).success(function (projectData) { var curProject = null; projectData.forEach(function (p) { if (!curProject) { curProject = p; p.nameDisplay =; p.organizationNameDisplay = p.organizationName; p.yearDisplay = p.year; } else { if ( == { p.nameDisplay = ''; p.organizationNameDisplay = ''; p.yearDisplay = ''; } else { curProject = p; p.nameDisplay =; p.organizationNameDisplay = p.organizationName; p.yearDisplay = p.year; } } }); $ = projectData; }); }; //add project pop up var addProjectPopUp = function () { if (!$scope.selectUser) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectUserFirst')); return; } if ($scope.selectUser.status === 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('DisabledUser')); return; } projectService.getProjectExceptSelected($ (allProjectData) { //set index number, ui-grid have no $$index var projectIndex = 1; var curProject = null; allProjectData.forEach(function (p) { if (!curProject) { curProject = p; p.index = projectIndex++; p.nameDisplay =; p.organizationNameDisplay = p.organizationName; p.yearDisplay = p.year; p.industryNameDisplay = p.industryName; } else { if ( == { p.nameDisplay = ''; p.organizationNameDisplay = ''; p.yearDisplay = ''; p.industryNameDisplay = ''; } else { curProject = p; p.index = projectIndex++; p.nameDisplay =; p.organizationNameDisplay = p.organizationName; p.yearDisplay = p.year; p.industryNameDisplay = p.industryName; } } }); $ = allProjectData; }); $scope.gridApiAllProject.selection.clearSelectedRows(); $('#addProjectPop').modal('show'); }; //add project to user var addProject = function () { var selectedProject = $scope.gridApiAllProject.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedProject && selectedProject.length === 0) { showInfo($translate.instant('AssignProject'), $translate.instant('SelectOneProjectToAdd'), 'addProjectPop'); return; } var selectedProjectIds = []; if (selectedProject) { selectedProject.forEach(function (s) { selectedProjectIds.push({ 'projectID':, 'serviceTypeID': s.serviceTypeID }); }); } var userProject = {}; userProject.UserId = $; userProject.ProjectIds = selectedProjectIds; userService.addProjectToUser(userProject).success(function (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('AddProjectToUserSuccess')); getProjectByUserId($; $('#addProjectPop').modal('hide'); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); }; //remove project from user var removeProject = function () { var selectedProject = $scope.gridApiProject.selection.getSelectedRows(); if (selectedProject && selectedProject.length === 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectOneProjectToDelete')); return; } var selectedProjectIds = []; if (selectedProject) { selectedProject.forEach(function (s) { selectedProjectIds.push({ 'projectID':, 'serviceTypeID': s.serviceTypeID }); }); } var userProject = {}; userProject.UserId = $; userProject.ProjectIds = selectedProjectIds; userService.removeProjectFromUser(userProject).success(function (or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('RemoveProjectFromUserSuccess')); getProjectByUserId($; $scope.gridApiProject.selection.clearSelectedRows(); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); }; //assign role to project var assignRole = function (event, project) { if ($('.assign-user-box').is(":hidden")) { $('.assign-user-box').css('top', event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop); $('.assign-user-box').css('left', event.clientX - 110); $(".assign-user-box").show(); } else { $(".assign-user-box").hide(); } $(document).one("click", function () { $(".assign-user-box").hide(); }); event.stopPropagation(); $scope.roleList = []; getRoleByService(project); //set currentProject $scope.curProject = project; }; //get role by serviceType var getRoleByService = function (project) { var selectedProjectIds = []; selectedProjectIds.push({ 'projectID':, 'serviceTypeID': project.serviceTypeID }); var userProject = {}; userProject.UserId = $; userProject.ProjectIds = selectedProjectIds; roleService.getRoleListByRoleTypeId(project.serviceTypeID).success(function (roleData) { //get project's own roles userService.getProjectRoles(userProject).success(function (checkedRole) { $scope.roleChecked = checkedRole; //checked own roles roleData.forEach(function (r) { if ($.inArray(, $scope.roleChecked) > -1) { r.isChecked = true; } }); $scope.roleList = roleData; }); }); }; //add or remove role to project var setRoleToProject = function (role) { $log.debug(role.isChecked); $log.debug(; var selectedProjectIds = []; selectedProjectIds.push({ 'projectID': $, 'serviceTypeID': $scope.curProject.serviceTypeID }); var userProject = {}; userProject.UserId = $; userProject.ProjectIds = selectedProjectIds; userProject.RoleID =; if (role.isChecked) { userProject.IsAdd = true; userService.operateProjectRole(userProject).success(function (or) { }); } else { userProject.IsAdd = false; userService.operateProjectRole(userProject).success(function (or) { }); } }; var resources = { userNameRequired: $translate.instant('RequireUserName'), userEmailRequired: $translate.instant('RequireEmail'), userEmailCheck: $translate.instant('RequireCorrectEmail'), userOrgRequired: $translate.instant('RequireOrganization') }; var validator = $('#userForm').validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { inputUserName: { required: true }, inputUserEmail: { required: true, email: true }, orgName: { required: true } }, messages: { inputUserName: { required: resources.userNameRequired }, inputUserEmail: { required: resources.userEmailRequired, email: resources.userEmailCheck }, orgName: { required: resources.userOrgRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); } if (element[0].name === 'orgName') { element.parent().addClass('col-xs-9'); element.parent().addClass('padding-left-zero'); } }; var resetErrorStatus = function () { validator.resetForm(); var currentForm = $('#userForm'); $(currentForm).find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); }; var showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; // $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return { height: ($(".user-manage .project-list-container").height() - $(".user-manage .project-list-container .buttons").height()) + "px" }; }; //init page (function initialize() { $log.debug('UserManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.userList = []; $scope.isAdd = false; //To save new role model or edit role model $scope.editUserModel = {}; /*************************new variables****************************/ $scope.selectUser = {}; $scope.searchText = ''; $scope.roleList = []; $scope.roleChecked = []; $(".assign-user-box").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $scope.gridOptionsProjectList = { rowHeight: 55, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 55, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: true, columnDefs: [ { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('ProjectNameCol'), width: '29.5%', headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div><span>{{row.entity.nameDisplay}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'organizationName', name: $translate.instant('ProjectCompanyCol'), width: '23.5%', headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div><span>{{row.entity.organizationNameDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'year', name: $translate.instant('ProjectYearCol'), width: '11.8%', headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-center', cellTemplate: '<div class="cell-text-align-center"><span>{{row.entity.yearDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'serviceTypeName', name: $translate.instant('ProjectServiceCol'), width: '17.6%', headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div><span>{{row.entity.serviceTypeName}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('AssignRoleCol'), width: '17.6%', headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-center', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="cell-text-align-center">' + '<a class="assignA" href="javascript:void(0)" ng-click="grid.appScope.assignRole($event,row.entity)"> <i class="material-icons">rate_review</i></a>' + '</div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApiProject = gridApi; } }; $scope.gridOptionsAllProjectList = { rowHeight: 55, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 55, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: true, columnDefs: [ { field: 'index', name: $translate.instant('SequenceNoCol'), width: 90, headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-center', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="cell-text-align-center"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('ProjectNameCol'), width: 250, headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div><span>{{row.entity.nameDisplay}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'organizationName', name: $translate.instant('ProjectCompanyCol'), width: 200, headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div><span>{{row.entity.organizationNameDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'year', name: $translate.instant('ProjectYearCol'), width: 100, headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-center', cellTemplate: '<div class="cell-text-align-center"><span>{{row.entity.yearDisplay}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'serviceTypeName', name: $translate.instant('ProjectServiceCol'), width: 220, headerCellClass: 'cell-text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div><span>{{row.entity.serviceTypeName}}</span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApiAllProject = gridApi; } }; initUser(); //Save user info $scope.saveUser = saveUser; //Load user info by userId $scope.loadUser = loadUser; //Clear user model $scope.newUser = newUser; //Enable user $scope.enableUser = enableUser; //Disable user $scope.disableUser = disableUser; //Select user $scope.selectedUser = selectedUser; //Assign role $scope.assignRole = assignRole; //Add project pop up $scope.addProjectPopUp = addProjectPopUp; //Add project $scope.addProject = addProject; //Remove project $scope.removeProject = removeProject; //Set role to project $scope.setRoleToProject = setRoleToProject; $scope.resetErrorStatus = resetErrorStatus; $scope.showOperateLogPop = showOperateLogPop; })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('userManage', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('userManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/userManage/user-manage.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: {}, controller: 'UserManageController', }; } ]); infrastructureModule .controller('UserManageListController', ['$state', '$scope', '$log', 'userService', 'orgService', 'SweetAlert', 'projectService', 'roleService', '$translate', 'enums', 'businessUnitService', 'areaService', '$timeout', 'loginContext', function ($state, $scope, $log, userService, orgService, SweetAlert, projectService, roleService, $translate, enums, businessUnitService, areaService, $timeout, loginContext) { 'use strict'; /***********************************************************new code start*********************************************************/ var orgTree, roleTree; $scope.orgTree = orgTree = {}; $scope.roleTree = roleTree = {}; // 机构列表树 $scope.getOrgListToJson = function () { $scope.doing_async = true; orgService.getOrgListToJson(0).success(function (data) { var filterData = []; if (loginContext.userName && loginContext.userName.toLowerCase() === "simon") { data.forEach(function (row) { if (row && === '10') { filterData.push(row); } }); } else { filterData = data; } $scope.orgTreeData = filterData; $scope.doing_async = false; }).error(function (data) { $log.debug(JSON.stringify(data)); }); }; // 单击机构 $scope.singleClickOrg = function (org) { if (org.selected) { org.selected = false; $scope.selectOrgList.splice(jQuery.inArray(org, $scope.selectOrgList), 1); } else { org.selected = true; $scope.selectOrgList.push(org); } queryOnPage(); }; // 事业部单选 $scope.singleClickBusinessUnit = function (businessUnitModel) { if (businessUnitModel.selected) { businessUnitModel.selected = false; $scope.selectBusinessUnitList.splice(jQuery.inArray(businessUnitModel, $scope.selectBusinessUnitList), 1); } else { businessUnitModel.selected = true; $scope.selectBusinessUnitList.push(businessUnitModel); } queryOnPage(); }; // 区域单选 $scope.singleClickArea = function (model) { if (model.selected) { model.selected = false; $scope.selectAreaList.splice(jQuery.inArray(model, $scope.selectAreaList), 1); } else { model.selected = true; $scope.selectAreaList.push(model); } queryOnPage(); }; // 角色单选 $scope.singleClickRole = function (model) { if (! { // 是角色分类,不是角色 return; } if (model.selected) { model.selected = false; $scope.selectRoleList.splice(jQuery.inArray(model, $scope.selectRoleList), 1); } else { model.selected = true; $scope.selectRoleList.push(model); } queryOnPage(); }; // 添加用户 $scope.addUser = function () { if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Add) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = null; }; // 修改用户 $scope.updateUser = function (user, $event) { if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Edit) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Edit; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = { id: }; $event.stopPropagation(); }; // 禁用用户 $scope.disableUser = function (user, $event) { if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Disable) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Disable; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = { id:, userName: user.userName }; $event.stopPropagation(); }; // 启用用户 $scope.enableUsers = function (user, $event) { if ($scope.userOperateType === constant.Operation.Enable) { $scope.userOperateType = null; } $scope.userOperateType = constant.Operation.Enable; $scope.isUpdateUser = false; $scope.selectedUser = { id:, userName: user.userName }; $event.stopPropagation(); }; // 角色树列表 var getRoleTreeList = function () { $scope.doing_async_role = true; $scope.roleTreeData = []; roleService.getRoleTreeList().success(function (data) { $scope.roleTreeData = data; $scope.doing_async_role = false; setRoleColor(); getAllUserRoleList(); }); }; // 颜色模板 var colorPanel = { // 颜色列表 // yellow,orange,gold colorList: ['admin-color', 'role-color1', 'role-color2', 'manager-color', 'normal-color'], createNew: function () { var colorPanelInstance = {}; colorPanelInstance.index = -1; colorPanelInstance.getNextColor = function () { if (colorPanelInstance.index >= colorPanel.colorList.length - 1) { colorPanelInstance.index = 0; } else { colorPanelInstance.index++; } return colorPanel.colorList[colorPanelInstance.index]; } return colorPanelInstance; } }; // 颜色实例 var colorPanelInstance = colorPanel.createNew(); // 颜色板 var roleColorPanel = {}; // 设置颜色 var setRoleColor = function () { if ($scope.roleTreeData && $scope.roleTreeData.length > 0) { $scope.roleTreeData.forEach(function (roleType) { if (roleType.children && roleType.children.length > 0) { roleType.children.forEach(function (role) { roleColorPanel[] = colorPanelInstance.getNextColor(); }); } }); }; }; // 获取区域列表 var getAreaList = function () { // body... areaService.getAreaList(0).success(function (data) { $scope.areaList = data; }); }; // 事业部-机构树列表 $scope.getBusinessUnitOrganizationStaticsTreeList = function () { $scope.selectAreaType = false; $scope.doing_async = true; $scope.areaTreeData = []; orgService.getBusinessUnitOrganizationStaticsTreeList().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { data.forEach(function (row) { row.count =; row.isShowCount = true; }); } $scope.areaTreeData = data; $scope.doing_async = false; return areaTree.expand_level_function(); }); }; // 选中角色节点 $scope.selectRoleNode = function (branch) { }; // 选择区域节点 $scope.selectOrgTreeNode = function (branch) { // $scope.selectOrgBranch = branch; queryOnPage(); }; $scope.goToUserDetail = function (userID) { $state.go('userDetail', { id: userID }); }; $scope.toggleUserStatus = function () { if ($scope.showActiveUser) { $scope.showActiveUser = false; } else { $scope.showActiveUser = true; } queryOnPage(); }; $scope.selectTab = function (index) { if (index === $scope.selectTabIndex) { return; } $scope.selectTabIndex = index; clearStaticsAndQueryInfo(); getAllUserRoleList(); }; var clearStaticsAndQueryInfo = function () { clearOrgTree($scope.orgTreeData); clearArea(); clearBusinessUnit(); clearRole(); initParams(); }; // 获取事业部列表 var getBusinessUnitList = function () { businessUnitService.getBusinessUnitList().success(function (data) { data = _.filter(data, function (row) { return row.isActive; }); $scope.businessUnitList = data; }); }; var dataType = { isPrefixNumber: function (value) { var reg = /^\d+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixChar: function (value) { var reg = /^[a-zA-Z]+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixNumberOrChar: function (value) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumber(value)) { return true; } if (dataType.isPrefixChar(value)) { return true; } return false; } } var sortByUserName = function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var charList = []; var nocharList = []; data.forEach(function (row) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumberOrChar(row.userName)) { row.userNameSort = row.userName; if (row.userNameSort) { row.userNameSort = row.userNameSort.toLowerCase(); } charList.push(row); } else { nocharList.push(row); } }); charList = _.sortBy(charList, 'userNameSort'); nocharList = nocharList.sort(function compareFunction(param1, param2) { return param1.userName.localeCompare(param2.userName, 'zh'); }); var all = _.union(charList, nocharList); return all; } return data; }; var getAllUserRoleList = function () { if ($scope.selectTabIndex === 1) { roleService.getAllUserRoleList().success(function (data) { data = _.filter(data, function (row) { return row.userName && row.userName.toLowerCase() !== "admin"; }); if (loginContext.userName.toLowerCase() === "simon") { data = _.filter(data, function (row) { return row.userName !== "aaa" && row.userName !== "bbb"; }); } // 先排序 data = sortByUserName(data); $scope.originalUserRoleList = data; var copy = angular.copy($scope.originalUserRoleList); // $scope.userRoleList = _.filter(copy, function(row) { // return copy.status !== enums.userStatus.disabled; // }); $scope.userRoleList = copy; queryOnPage(); }); } else { roleService.getAllOwnUserRoleList().success(function (data) { data = _.filter(data, function (row) { return row.userName && row.userName.toLowerCase() !== "admin"; }); if (loginContext.userName.toLowerCase() === "simon") { data = _.filter(data, function (row) { return row.userName !== "aaa" && row.userName !== "bbb"; }); } // 先排序 data = sortByUserName(data); $scope.originalUserRoleList = data; var copy = angular.copy($scope.originalUserRoleList); // $scope.userRoleList = _.filter(copy, function(row) { // return copy.status !== enums.userStatus.disabled; // }); $scope.userRoleList = copy; queryOnPage(); }); } }; var renderStatics = function () { setOrgTreeCount($scope.orgTreeData); setBusinessUnitCount(); setAreaCount(); setRoleCount(); }; // 设置机构树的用户个数 var setOrgTreeCount = function (orgTreeList) { // isShowCount, count if (orgTreeList && orgTreeList.length > 0) { orgTreeList.forEach(function (row) { var userList = _.filter($scope.userRoleList, function (data) { return data.organizationID ===; }); if (userList && userList.length > 0) { var userNameList = _.uniq(_.pluck(userList, 'userName')); row.count = userNameList.length; row.isShowCount = true; } else { row.isShowCount = false; row.count = 0; } setOrgTreeCount(row.children); }); } }; // 清除机构树设置信息 var clearOrgTree = function (orgTreeList) { if (orgTreeList && orgTreeList.length > 0) { orgTreeList.forEach(function (row) { row.isShowCount = false; row.count = 0; row.selected = false; clearOrgTree(row.children); }); } }; // 事业部的count var setBusinessUnitCount = function () { if ($scope.businessUnitList && $scope.businessUnitList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.businessUnitList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.businessUnitList[i]; var query = _.filter($scope.userRoleList, function (user) { return user.businessUnitID ===; }); if (query && query.length > 0) { var userNameList = _.uniq(_.pluck(query, 'userName')); row.count = userNameList.length; row.isShowCount = true; row.count = query.length; } else { row.isShowCount = false; row.count = 0; } } } }; // 清除事业部设置信息 var clearBusinessUnit = function () { if ($scope.businessUnitList && $scope.businessUnitList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.businessUnitList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.businessUnitList[i]; row.isShowCount = false; row.count = 0; row.selected = false; } } }; // 设置区域统计 var setAreaCount = function () { if ($scope.areaList && $scope.areaList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.areaList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.areaList[i]; var query = _.filter($scope.userRoleList, function (user) { return user.areaID ===; }); if (query && query.length > 0) { var userNameList = _.uniq(_.pluck(query, 'userName')); row.count = userNameList.length; row.isShowCount = true; row.count = query.length; } else { row.isShowCount = false; row.count = 0; } } } }; // 清除区域设置信息 var clearArea = function () { if ($scope.areaList && $scope.areaList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.areaList.length; i++) { var row = $scope.areaList[i]; row.isShowCount = false; row.count = 0; row.selected = false; } } }; // 设置角色个数 var setRoleCount = function () { if ($scope.roleTreeData && $scope.roleTreeData.length > 0) { $scope.roleTreeData.forEach(function (roleType) { // 角色分类 if (roleType.children && roleType.children.length > 0) { roleType.children.forEach(function (role) { // 角色 var query = _.filter($scope.userRoleList, function (data) { var roleQuery = _.filter(data.roleInfoList, function (roleInfo) { return ===; }); if (roleQuery && roleQuery.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }); if (query && query.length > 0) { var userNameList = _.uniq(_.pluck(query, 'userName')); role.count = userNameList.length; role.isShowCount = true; role.count = query.length; } else { role.isShowCount = false; role.count = 0; } }); } }); } }; // 清除角色 var clearRole = function () { if ($scope.roleTreeData && $scope.roleTreeData.length > 0) { $scope.roleTreeData.forEach(function (roleType) { // 角色分类 if (roleType.children && roleType.children.length > 0) { roleType.children.forEach(function (role) { // 角色 role.isShowCount = false; role.count = 0; role.selected = false; }); } }); } }; // 页面级别筛选 var queryOnPage = function () { $scope.disabledUsersCount = 0; if (!$scope.originalUserRoleList || $scope.originalUserRoleList.length === 0) { return; } var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.originalUserRoleList.length; i++) { var user = $scope.originalUserRoleList[i]; // 根据用户名或者邮箱做筛选 if ($scope.queryUser) { // 转换大小写 var userName = user.userName ? user.userName.toLowerCase() : ''; var email = ? : ''; if (userName.indexOf($scope.queryUser.toLowerCase()) === -1 && email.indexOf($scope.queryUser.toLowerCase()) === -1) { continue; } // 只显示禁用的用户 if (!$scope.showActiveUser && user.status != enums.userStatus.disabled) { continue; } } else { // 用户状态筛选 // 只显示启用的 if ($scope.showActiveUser && user.status === enums.userStatus.disabled) { continue; } // 只显示禁用的用户 if (!$scope.showActiveUser && user.status != enums.userStatus.disabled) { continue; } } // 根据机构做筛选 if ($scope.selectOrgBranch && user.organizationID != $ { continue; } // 机构筛选 if ($scope.selectOrgList && $scope.selectOrgList.length > 0) { var query = _.filter($scope.selectOrgList, function (row) { return === user.organizationID; }); if (!query || query.length == 0) { continue; } } // 事业部筛选 if ($scope.selectBusinessUnitList && $scope.selectBusinessUnitList.length > 0) { var query = _.filter($scope.selectBusinessUnitList, function (row) { return === user.businessUnitID; }); if (!query || query.length == 0) { continue; } } // 区域 if ($scope.selectAreaList && $scope.selectAreaList.length > 0) { var query = _.filter($scope.selectAreaList, function (row) { return === user.areaID; }); if (!query || query.length == 0) { continue; } } // 角色筛选 if ($scope.selectRoleList && $scope.selectRoleList.length > 0) { var roleIdList = _.pluck(user.roleInfoList, 'id'); var query = _.filter($scope.selectRoleList, function (row) { return roleIdList.indexOf( > -1; }); if (!query || query.length == 0) { continue; } } user.roleInfoList.forEach(function (role) { role.theme = roleColorPanel[]; }); result.push(user); } $scope.userRoleList = result; if ($scope.showActiveUser && !$scope.queryUser) { var disabledUser = _.filter($scope.originalUserRoleList, function (data) { return data.status === enums.userStatus.disabled; }); if (disabledUser) { $scope.disabledUsersCount = disabledUser.length; } } else { var disabledUser = _.filter($scope.userRoleList, function (data) { return data.status === enums.userStatus.disabled; }); if (disabledUser) { $scope.disabledUsersCount = disabledUser.length; } } // 先排序 //sort(); $scope.curPage = 1; computePager($scope.curPage); //creatPager($scope.userRoleList.length, $scope.curPage); renderStatics(); }; //var creatPager = function (totalPage, curPage) { // $scope.creatPage = $("#userManagePager").createPage({ // pageCount: totalPage, // current: curPage, // backFn: function (p) { // //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 // computePager(p); // } // }); // $('#userManagePager').css('display', 'inline-block'); //}; var computePager = function (pageIndex) { $scope.curPage = pageIndex; if ($scope.userRoleList && $scope.userRoleList.length > 0) { $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount = $scope.userRoleList.length; var totalPage = parseInt($scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount / $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize); totalPage = $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount % $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize == 0 ? totalPage : totalPage + 1; $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalPage = totalPage; $scope.creatPage = $("#userManagePager").createPage({ pageCount: totalPage, current: $scope.curPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 computePager(p); } }); $('#userManagePager').css('display', 'inline-block'); getList(); } else { $scope.curPage = 1; $scope.creatPage = $("#userManagePager").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 computePager(p); } }); $scope.queryResult.list = []; $('#userManagePager').css('display', 'inline-block'); } }; // 前台分页 var getList = function () { var startIndex = ($scope.curPage - 1) * $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize; var endIndex = $scope.curPage * $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize; var resultList = []; var userNameList = ''; if (endIndex < $scope.userRoleList.length) { resultList = $scope.userRoleList.slice(startIndex, endIndex); userNameList = _.pluck(resultList, 'userName').join(','); } else { resultList = $scope.userRoleList.slice(startIndex); } for (var i = 0; i < resultList.length; i++) { var row = resultList[i]; if (i >= 9) { row.popoverPlace = "top-right"; } else { row.popoverPlace = 'bottom-right'; } } return $timeout(function () { $scope.queryResult.list = resultList; }, 100); }; var sort = function () { $scope.userRoleList = _.sortBy($scope.userRoleList, 'userName'); if (!$scope.sortAsc) { $scope.userRoleList = $scope.userRoleList.reverse(); } }; $scope.modifySort = function () { if ($scope.sortAsc) { $scope.sortAsc = false; } else { $scope.sortAsc = true; } queryOnPage(); }; // 查询用户事件 $scope.queryUserEvent = function () { if ($scope.queryUser) { clearOrgTree($scope.orgTreeData); clearArea(); clearBusinessUnit(); clearRole(); $scope.selectOrgList = []; // 选择事业部 $scope.selectBusinessUnitList = []; $scope.selectAreaList = []; // 查询角色 $scope.selectRoleList = []; } queryOnPage(); }; // 清除输入的查询用户条件 $scope.clearQueryUser = function () { $scope.queryUser = ''; queryOnPage(); }; $scope.showMoreOrgClick = function () { if ($scope.showMoreOrg) { $scope.showMoreOrg = false; $scope.showMoreOrgStr = $translate.instant('ShowMore'); } else { $scope.showMoreOrg = true; $scope.showMoreOrgStr = $translate.instant('Packup'); } }; $scope.showMoreBusinessUnitClick = function () { if ($scope.showMoreBusinessUnit) { $scope.showMoreBusinessUnit = false; $scope.showMoreBusinessUnitStr = $translate.instant('ShowMore'); } else { $scope.showMoreBusinessUnit = true; $scope.showMoreBusinessUnitStr = $translate.instant('Packup'); } }; $scope.showMoreAreaToggle = function () { if ($scope.showMoreArea) { $scope.showMoreArea = false; $scope.showMoreAreaStr = $translate.instant('ShowMore'); } else { $scope.showMoreArea = true; $scope.showMoreAreaStr = $translate.instant('Packup'); } }; $scope.showMoreRoleToggle = function () { if ($scope.showMoreRole) { $scope.showMoreRole = false; } else { $scope.showMoreRole = true; } } // 添加或者编辑机构成功之后,刷新当前页面的数据 $scope.$watch('isUpdateUser', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { getAllUserRoleList(); } }); $scope.selectUserRole = function (x, $event) { x.isOpen = true; $event.stopPropagation(); } // 关于日志部分 $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; var initParams = function () { // 机构默认显示 $scope.showMoreOrg = true; $scope.showMoreOrgStr = $translate.instant('ShowMore'); // 区域默认简化显示 $scope.showMoreArea = false; $scope.showMoreAreaStr = $translate.instant('ShowMore'); // 事业部默认简化显示 $scope.showMoreBusinessUnit = false; $scope.showMoreBusinessUnitStr = $translate.instant('ShowMore'); // 角色默认简化显示 $scope.showMoreRole = false; // 选择机构 $scope.selectOrgList = []; // 选择事业部 $scope.selectBusinessUnitList = []; // 查询用户 $scope.queryUser = ''; // 查询区域 $scope.selectAreaList = []; // 查询角色 $scope.selectRoleList = []; // 取第几页数据 $scope.curPage = 1; $scope.sortAsc = true; $scope.isShowBoard = true; $scope.showActiveUser = true; $scope.templateUrl = 'userRolePopoverTemplate.html'; }; $scope.getUserBodyHeight = function () { var right_container = $('.right-container').height(); var tool_bar = $('.tool-bar').height(); var height = right_container - tool_bar - 53; return { height: height + 'px' } }; var getUserPermission = function () { var list = []; var userManageTemp = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.userManage; list.push(userManageTemp.addCode); list.push(userManageTemp.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasAddPermission = data[userManageTemp.addCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[userManageTemp.editCode]; }); }; $scope.stopPropagation = function ($event) { $event.stopPropagation(); }; //init page (function initialize() { $log.debug('UserManageController.ctor()...'); $scope.hasAddPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; // 默认选择可访问tab $scope.selectTabIndex = 0; initParams(); getUserPermission(); // 用户编辑框ID $scope.getOrgListToJson(); getRoleTreeList(); getBusinessUnitList(); getAreaList(); $scope.queryResult = { pageInfo: { totalCount: 0, pageSize: 12, list: [] } }; })(); } ]); infrastructureModule.directive('userManageList', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('userManage.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/admin/infrastructure/userManageList/user-manage-list.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: {}, controller: 'UserManageListController', }; } ]);