commonModule.directive('animationEnd', function () { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { animationEnd: '&' }, link: function(scope, element) { var events = 'animationend webkitAnimationEnd'; element.on(events, function (event) { if (_.isFunction(scope.animationEnd)) { scope.animationEnd({ '$event': event }); } }); } }; }); angular.module('mc.resizer', []).directive('resizer', ['$document', function ($document) { return function ($scope, $element, $attrs) { $element.on('mousedown', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); $document.on('mousemove', mousemove); $document.on('mouseup', mouseup); }); function mousemove(event) { if ($attrs.resizer == 'vertical') { // Handle vertical resizer var x = event.pageX; if ($attrs.resizerMax && x > $attrs.resizerMax) { x = parseInt($attrs.resizerMax); } $element.css({ left: x + 'px' }); $($attrs.resizerLeft).css({ width: x + 'px' }); $($attrs.resizerRight).css({ left: (x + parseInt($attrs.resizerWidth)) + 'px' }); } else { // Handle horizontal resizer var y = window.innerHeight - event.pageY; //������ʱʹ��Ĭ��ֵ,Ĭ��ֵΪ resizer �ָ�������ؼ��Ĺ�ͬ���ؼ��ĸ߶ȼ�ȥ resizer �ĸ߶� var bottomMax = $($attrs.resizerTop).parent().height() - parseInt($attrs.resizerHeight); var customBottomMAx = parseInt($attrs.bottomMax); bottomMax = (isNaN(customBottomMAx) || customBottomMAx > bottomMax) ? bottomMax : customBottomMAx; if (y > bottomMax) { y = bottomMax; } var bottomMin = $attrs.bottomMin ? parseInt($attrs.bottomMin) : 0; if (y < bottomMin) { y = bottomMin; } if ($attrs.icon && $attrs.iconDiff) { var diff = parseInt($attrs.iconDiff); $('#' + $attrs.icon).css({ bottom: (y - diff) + 'px' }); } $element.css({ bottom: y + 'px' }); $($attrs.resizerTop).css({ bottom: (y + parseInt($attrs.resizerHeight)) + 'px' }); $($attrs.resizerBottom).css({ height: y + 'px' }); } } function mouseup() { $document.unbind('mousemove', mousemove); $document.unbind('mouseup', mouseup); } }; }]); /* * @description: * scroll specified element to top when item clicked * * @usage: * <div ris-back-to-top="#elementid"> * */ commonModule.directive("risBackToTop", function () { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attr) { element.on("click", function () { $(attr.risBackToTop).animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "slow"); }); } }; }); commonModule.directive('risDatepickerPopup', function () { return { restrict: 'EAC', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, element, attr, controller) { //remove the default formatter from the input directive to prevent conflict controller.$formatters.shift(); } } }) /* focus on element when event is triggered. usage: <textarea id="newNoteTextArea" csd-focus-on="eventName"></textarea> */ commonModule.directive('risFocusOn', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { 'use strict'; return function (scope, elem, attr) { scope.$on(attr.risFocusOn, function () { $timeout(function () { elem[0].focus(); }, 500); }); }; }]); /* * @description: * only can input number [0-9] string and backspace, * but Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, enter, Ctrl+A, home, end, left, right * * @usage: * <div ris-input-number-string> * */ commonModule.directive("risInputNumberString", function () { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { element.on("keydown", function (e) { // Allow: backspace, delete, tab, escape, enter and . if (_.contains([46, 8, 9, 27, 13, 110], e.keyCode) || // Allow: Ctrl+A e.ctrlKey === true && _.contains([65, 67, 86, 88], e.keyCode) || // Allow: home, end, left, right (e.keyCode >= 35 && e.keyCode <= 39)) { // let it happen, don't do anything return; } // Ensure that it is a number and stop the keypress if ((e.shiftKey || (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57)) && (e.keyCode < 96 || e.keyCode > 105)) { e.preventDefault(); } }); element.on("paste", function (e) { var text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); if (text && !text.match(new RegExp("^\\d*$"))) { e.preventDefault(); } }); element.on("change", function () { if (attrs.risInputNumberString === 'LargerThanZero' && this.value === '0') { this.value = ''; } }); element.on("dragenter", function () { return false; }); element.on("dragover", function () { return false; }); element.on("dragleave", function () { return false; }); element.on("drop", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } }; }); /* * @description: * @usage: * <tr ris-repeat-done="items_done" ng-repeat="item in items"> */ commonModule.directive('risRepeatDone', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { restriction: 'A', link: function ($scope, element, attr) { if ($scope.$last) { $timeout(function () { $scope.$emit(attr.risRepeatDone || "repeat_done", element); }); } } } }]); /* * @description: * expand detail panel for a table row * * @usage: * <table data-template-url="app/insurance/views/patient-claims-detail-view.html" * [data-ris-table-expand="single"] [data-onload="loadClaimDetail"] [data-apply-on="PatientClaim:RepeatDone"]> * */ commonModule.directive('risTableExpand', ['$http', '$templateCache', '$compile', '$timeout', function ($http, $templateCache, $compile, $timeout) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'A', link: function (scope, element, attr) { var scrollIntoView = function (id) { if ($('#' + id).prev().length > 0) { $('#' + id).prev()[0].scrollIntoView(); } } var apply = function () { // gernarate uniq id for each tr element except header // and remove before attach click handler element.find("tbody > tr").uniqueId().off('click', expand).on('click', expand); } var expand = function () { var self = this; var $this = $(this); var id = $this.attr('id'); // handle with just open one row. if (attr.risTableExpand === "single") { // close other opend row element.find('.csd-expanded-row').not('.' + $this.attr('id')).hide(); element.find('.csd-selected-row').not('#' + $this.attr('id')).removeClass('csd-selected-row'); } // find expand detail var detail = element.find('.' + id); // if can't find then init the detail panel if (!detail.length) { // find click row scope by element var rowScope = angular.element(self).scope(); // attach hide fn rowScope.hide = function () { $this.trigger('click'); } // execute pre data load fn if existing attr.onload && scope[attr.onload](rowScope); // load and cache template $http.get(attr.templateUrl, { cache: true }).success(function (template) { // complie template with row scope var rowDetail = $compile(template)(rowScope); // insert after row $this.addClass('csd-selected-row').after(rowDetail.addClass('csd-expanded-row ' + id)); scrollIntoView(id); }); } else { // already existing, normaly toggle open and close detail.toggle('fast'); $this.toggleClass('csd-selected-row'); if (":visible")) { scrollIntoView(id); } } scope.$emit('table-row-expanded'); } // apply fn by event or default [table renderd] if (attr.applyOn) { scope.$on(attr.applyOn, apply); } else { $timeout(apply, 500); } } }; }]); /* angular-tablesort v1.0.4 (c) 2013 Mattias Holmlund, License: MIT */ commonModule.directive('risTableSortWrapper', ['$log', '$parse', function ($log, $parse) { 'use strict'; return { scope: true, controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.sortExpression = []; $scope.headings = []; var parse_sortexpr = function (expr) { return [$parse(expr), null, false]; }; this.setSortField = function (sortexpr, element) { var i; var expr = parse_sortexpr(sortexpr); if ($scope.sortExpression.length === 1 && $scope.sortExpression[0][0] === expr[0]) { if ($scope.sortExpression[0][2]) { element.removeClass("tablesort-desc"); element.addClass("tablesort-asc"); $scope.sortExpression[0][2] = false; } else { element.removeClass("tablesort-asc"); element.addClass("tablesort-desc"); $scope.sortExpression[0][2] = true; } } else { for (i = 0; i < $scope.headings.length; i = i + 1) { $scope.headings[i] .removeClass("tablesort-desc") .removeClass("tablesort-asc"); } element.addClass("tablesort-asc"); $scope.sortExpression = [expr]; } }; this.addSortField = function (sortexpr, element) { var i; var toggle_order = false; var expr = parse_sortexpr(sortexpr); for (i = 0; i < $scope.sortExpression.length; i = i + 1) { if ($scope.sortExpression[i][0] === expr[0]) { if ($scope.sortExpression[i][2]) { element.removeClass("tablesort-desc"); element.addClass("tablesort-asc"); $scope.sortExpression[i][2] = false; } else { element.removeClass("tablesort-asc"); element.addClass("tablesort-desc"); $scope.sortExpression[i][2] = true; } toggle_order = true; } } if (!toggle_order) { element.addClass("tablesort-asc"); $scope.sortExpression.push(expr); } }; this.registerHeading = function (headingelement) { $scope.headings.push(headingelement); }; $scope.sortFun = function (a, b) { var i, aval, bval, descending, filterFun; for (i = 0; i < $scope.sortExpression.length; i = i + 1) { aval = $scope.sortExpression[i][0](a); bval = $scope.sortExpression[i][0](b); filterFun = b[$scope.sortExpression[i][1]]; if (filterFun) { aval = filterFun(aval); bval = filterFun(bval); } if (_.isUndefined(aval) || _.isNull(aval)) { aval = ""; } if (_.isUndefined(bval) || _.isNull(bval)) { bval = ""; } descending = $scope.sortExpression[i][2]; if (aval > bval) { return descending ? -1 : 1; } else if (aval < bval) { return descending ? 1 : -1; } } return 0; }; }] }; }]); commonModule.directive('risTableSortCriteria', function () { return { require: "^risTableSortWrapper", link: function (scope, element, attrs, tsWrapperCtrl) { var clickingCallback = function (event) { scope.$apply(function () { if (event.shiftKey) { tsWrapperCtrl.addSortField(attrs.risTableSortCriteria, element); } else { tsWrapperCtrl.setSortField(attrs.risTableSortCriteria, element); } }); }; element.bind('click', clickingCallback); element.addClass('tablesort-sortable'); if ("risTableSortDefault" in attrs && attrs.risTableSortDefault !== "0") { tsWrapperCtrl.addSortField(attrs.risTableSortCriteria, element); if (attrs.risTableSortDefault === "descending") { tsWrapperCtrl.addSortField(attrs.risTableSortCriteria, element); } } tsWrapperCtrl.registerHeading(element); } }; }); commonModule.directive("risTableSortRepeat", ['$compile', function ($compile) { return { terminal: true, require: "^risTableSortWrapper", priority: 1000000, link: function (scope, element, attr) { var repeatExpr = element.attr("ng-repeat") || attr.ngRepeat; repeatExpr = repeatExpr.replace(/^\s*([\s\S]+?)\s+in\s+([\s\S]+?)(\s+track\s+by\s+[\s\S]+?)?\s*$/, "$1 in $2 | tablesortOrderBy:sortFun$3"); element.removeAttr("ris-table-sort-repeat"); element.attr("ng-repeat", repeatExpr); $compile(element)(scope); } }; }]); commonModule.filter('tablesortOrderBy', function () { return function (array, sortfun) { if (!array) return; var arrayCopy = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { arrayCopy.push(array[i]); } return arrayCopy.sort(sortfun); }; }); commonModule.filter('parseInt', function () { return function (input) { return parseInt(input); }; }); commonModule.filter('parseFloat', function () { return function (input) { return parseFloat(input); }; }); /* sticky table header * usage: * <div data-ris-table-sticky-header style="max-height: 170px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; margin-bottom: 10px;"> * <table id="transactions" class="csd-table csd-col8-right" style="display: table;"> * <thead> * <tr> */ commonModule.directive("risTableStickyHeader", ['$log', '$timeout', function ($log, $timeout) { 'use strict'; return function (scope, element, attrs) { // auto scroll if (attrs.scrollOn) { scope.$on(attrs.scrollOn, function (event, args) { // 35 for sticky header height element.scrollTop(element.scrollTop() - 35 + element.find('#' +'tr').position().top); }); } $timeout(function () { element.find('table').floatThead({ scrollContainer: function () { return element; } }); }, 1000); } }]); commonModule.filter('risTextHighlight', function() { // create highlight bit map, highlighted character will be marked value as 'true' // for example, {0: false, 1: true, 2: true} var buildHighlightMap = function(text, searchString) { var searchTermArray = searchString.trim().split(/\s+/gi); var highlightMap = {}; for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { // set all as 'false' by default highlightMap[i] = false; } var lowerCaseText = text.toLowerCase(); searchTermArray.forEach(function(term) { var startIndex = -1; do { startIndex = lowerCaseText.indexOf(term.toLowerCase(), startIndex + 1); if (startIndex !== -1) { for (var k = startIndex; k < startIndex + term.length; k++) { highlightMap[k] = true; } } else { break; } } while ((startIndex + term.length) <= text.length); }); return highlightMap; }; // split the text to be slices by hightlighted text. // for example, text = 'James', searchString = 'ame'. textSliceArray will be [{'J', false}, {'ame', true}, {'s', false}] var splitTextByHighlightedText = function(text, highlightMap) { // append a flag for the ending highlightMap[text.length] = !highlightMap[text.length - 1]; var textSliceArray = []; var highlightFlag = highlightMap[0]; var textSiice = []; for (var j = 0; j <= text.length; j++) { if (highlightFlag !== highlightMap[j]) { textSliceArray.push({ value: textSiice.join(''), highlight: highlightFlag }); textSiice = []; highlightFlag = highlightMap[j]; } if (j < text.length) { textSiice.push(text[j]); } }; return textSliceArray; }; var buildHighlightHTML = function(text, highlightMap) { var textSliceArray = splitTextByHighlightedText(text, highlightMap); var highlightedHTML = ''; _.each(textSliceArray, function(textSlice) { highlightedHTML += textSlice.highlight ? ('<span class="search-text-highlight">' + _.escape(textSlice.value) + '</span>') : _.escape(textSlice.value); }); return highlightedHTML; }; var buildSSNHighlightHTML = function(text) { // for SSN display ***-**-**** and show text as tooltip return '<span class="search-text-highlight" title="' + text + '">***-**-****</span>'; }; return function(text, searchString, isSSN) { /// <summary> /// Filter to highlight text. This filter will return html, so it will work with 'ng-bind-html'. /// This filter also depends on css class '.search-text-highlight' for the highlight style. /// @example, /// <span ng-bind-html="item.value | risTextHighlight : highlightTexts"></span> /// <span ng-bind-html="item.value | risTextHighlight : highlightTexts :'SSN'"></span> /// </summary> /// <param name="text">text to be highlighted</param> /// <param name="searchString">search string which can contain multiple terms with a space ' '.</param> /// <param name="isSSN">indicate if the text is SSN</param> /// <returns type="">formatted html for highlighting</returns> if ((text || angular.isNumber(text)) && (searchString || angular.isNumber(searchString))) { text = text.toString(); searchString = searchString.toString(); if (isSSN) { return buildSSNHighlightHTML(text); } // normal case to highlight matched characters var highlightMap = buildHighlightMap(text, searchString); var hasMatchedText = _.contains(highlightMap, true); if (hasMatchedText) { return buildHighlightHTML(text, highlightMap); } else { return _.escape(text); } } else { return _.escape(text); } }; }); // Directive for truncating the text and show whole text as tooltip if it is truncated. // Notice that this directive is working with the '.text-truncate' style class. // .text-truncate { // /*max-width: 200px;*/ // white-space: nowrap; // overflow: hidden; // text-overflow: ellipsis; // display:inline-block; // } // @example, // - truncate the tab.tabName if its width is greater than 150px. The max-width will be specifed by the value of this directive. // NOTE: specify the max-width in this directive is NOT recommended and may be removed! Please specify it in the css file. // <span ris-text-truncate="150px">{{tab.tabName}}</span> // - the value of max-width is optional, if you already have width or max-width set on the element. // <span ris-text-truncate>{{tab.tabName}}</span> // - in case you do not want to show default tooltip, specify the attribute 'disable-truncate-tooltip ="false"' // <span ris-text-truncate="150px" disable-truncate-tooltip="true">{{tab.tabName}}</span> // - 'truncate-tooltip' can be specified for tooltip content in case the text and tooltip is different or other specical cases. // <span ris-text-truncate="150px" truncate-tooltip="tooltip content">{{tab.tabName}}</span> commonModule.directive('risTextTruncate', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('risTextTruncate.ctor()...'); // Runs during compile return { scope: true, // {} = isolate, true = child, false/undefined = no change // conflict with translate -> multiple directives asking for isolated scope restrict: 'A', // E = Element, A = Attribute, C = Class, M = Comment link: function ($scope, iElm) { var maxWidthWithUnit = iElm.attr('ris-text-truncate'); if (maxWidthWithUnit) { iElm.css('max-width', maxWidthWithUnit); // ris-text-truncate: max-width should be set by CSS file on the HTML element, not by the value of "ris-text-truncate"! } // set 'text-truncate' class to current element iElm.addClass('text-truncate'); // show whole text as tooltip if text is truncated. var disableTruncateTooltip = iElm.attr('disable-truncate-tooltip'); if (!disableTruncateTooltip) { iElm.on('mouseover', function () { var jqThis = $(this); jqThis.css({ 'overflow': 'visible' }); if (this.scrollWidth > this.offsetWidth) { var tooltipText = iElm.attr('truncate-tooltip'); if (!angular.isString(tooltipText) && !angular.isNumber(tooltipText)) { tooltipText = jqThis.text(); } if (jqThis.attr('data-original-title') !== tooltipText) { jqThis.attr('data-original-title', tooltipText); jqThis.tooltip({ placement: 'bottom', container: 'body' }); jqThis.tooltip('show'); } } else { jqThis.attr('data-original-title', ''); jqThis.tooltip('hide'); } jqThis.css({ 'overflow': 'hidden' }); }); } } }; } ]); // Account select tree view, select multiple accounts with checkboxes commonModule.directive('accountMultiSelector', ['$log', '$translate', function ($log, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('accountMultiSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/account-multi-selector/account-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { accountDataSource: '=*', isShow: '=', selectedAccountCodes: '=', title: '=', isSingleMode: '=?', selectorOptions: '=?', selectorApi: '=?' // In: onSelectorClose, onSelectorConfirm; Out: getGridInstance }, link: function (scope, element) { scope.columnDefs = [{ caption: $translate.instant('SubjectCode'), dataField: 'code', isIdentity: true }, { caption: $translate.instant('SubjectName'), dataField: 'name' }, { caption: $translate.instant('SubjectDirection'), dataField: 'directionName' }, { caption: $translate.instant('SubjectType'), dataField: 'AcctPropName' }, { visible: false, dataField: 'parentCode', isParentKey: true }]; scope.parentCheckable = true; } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('accountSelectorController', ['$scope', function ($scope) { $scope.selectedAccount = null; $scope.getSelectedAccountDisplayText = function () { if ($scope.selectedAccountCode != null) { return $scope.selectedAccountCode + '-' + $scope.selectedAccountName; } else { return ''; } }; $scope.selectAccount = function (account) { $scope.selectedAccountCode = account.code; $scope.selectedAccountName =; }; } ]); // appDocumentTreeView // Document tree view commonModule.directive('accountSelector', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('accountSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/account-selector/account-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedAccountCode: '=', stdAccountsCategories: '=', selectedAccountName:'='}, controller: 'accountSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { element.find('.account-tree-container').show(); }); $(document).on('click', function () { element.find('.account-tree-container').hide(); }).on('click', '.account-tree-wrapper', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('accountVoucherGridFilterController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload' , 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', 'enums' , 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', 'region', 'vatSessionService', 'vatReductionService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload , dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants,enums , vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, region, vatSessionService, vatReductionService) { 'use strict'; $log.debug("accountVoucherGridFilterController start....."); $log.debug($scope.enterpriseCode); $log.debug($scope.periodId); $log.debug($scope.selectedVouchers); function initGridView(periodId, accountCode) { var remapBatchId = !_.isUndefined($scope.reMapItem) ? $scope.reMapItem.remapBatchId : null; vatReductionService.getVouchersByConditions(periodId, accountCode, $scope.processTypeId, remapBatchId) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { $scope.gridData = []; $scope.gridData =; $log.debug($scope.gridData); initGirdConfig(); } }); } function initGirdConfig() { initGridFilter(); $("#gridOptions").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: { store: { data: $scope.gridData, type: "array", key: 'voucherID' } }, allowColumnResizing: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), scrolling: { mode: "standard" //standard 设置为infinite或者virtual: paging配置将不可用 }, filterRow: { visible: true, applyFilter: "auto", showOperationChooser:false //filterRow是否出现放大镜的筛选条件 }, searchPanel: { visible: true, width: 240, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), }, pager:{ allowedPageSizes: "auto", visible: "auto" }, paging:{ enabled: true, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: }, selection : { mode: 'multiple', allowSelectAll: false, selectAllMode: 'allPages', showCheckBoxesMode: 'always', deferred: true }, selectionFilter: $scope.filterCondition, //使用filter来把$scope.selectedVouchers中的凭证勾选上 columns: [ { alignment: "left", dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), columnAutoWidth: true //sortOrder: 'asc', //sortIndex: 0 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), columnAutoWidth: true //sortOrder: 'asc', //sortIndex: 1 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), //sortIndex: 2, //sortOrder: 'asc', columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), //sortIndex: 3, //sortOrder: 'asc', columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "customerCode", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_CustomerCode'), columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", columnAutoWidth: true }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), alignment: "right", columnAutoWidth: true, visible: false }, { dataField: "voucherID", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_VoucherID'), alignment: "right", columnAutoWidth: true, visible: false }, { dataField: "itemID", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ItemID'), alignment: "right", columnAutoWidth: true, visible: false }, { dataField: "mappingUser", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_MappingUser'), alignment: "right", columnAutoWidth: true, visible: false }, ], onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems) { $scope.gridInstance.getSelectedRowsData().done(function (rowData) { $scope.selectedVouchers = rowData; }); }, onContentReady: function () { //setVoucherSelected(); $scope.gridInstance.getSelectedRowsData().done(function (rowData) { $scope.selectedVouchers = rowData; }); }, onCellPrepared: function (e) { //新增状态时,已经做过凭证重分类的分录不能选择 if ($scope.processTypeId === enums.processType.Add) { if (e.rowType === "data" && e.column.command === 'select') { var stdCode =; var remapId =; if (!_.isNull(stdCode) && !_.isNull(remapId)) { var instance = e.cellElement.find('.dx-select-checkbox').dxCheckBox("instance"); instance.option("disabled", true);; } } } //编辑状态时:1) 没有重对应过的分录 2)当前重对应记录对应的分录可以 check/uncheck; //对应到'其他'重对应记录的分录'不可以' check/uncheck (其实这些分录都不会显示出来) if ($scope.processTypeId === enums.processType.Edit) { if (e.rowType === "data" && e.column.command === 'select') { var stdCode =; var remapId =; if (!_.isNull(stdCode) && !_.isNull(remapId) && !_.isNull($scope.reMapItem) && !_.isUndefined($scope.reMapItem)) { var chkRepId = _.find($scope.reMapItem.remapIdes, function (num) { return num === remapId; }); if (_.isUndefined(chkRepId)) { var instance = e.cellElement.find('.dx-select-checkbox').dxCheckBox("instance"); instance.option("disabled", true);; } } } } } }); } //凭证重对应编辑时, 勾选已重对应的凭证 function setVoucherSelected () { if (!_.isNull($scope.selectedVouchers) && !_.isNull($scope.gridData) && $scope.selectedVouchers.length > 0 && $scope.gridData.length > 0) { var voucherIndexArray = []; var gridInstance = $('#gridOptions').dxDataGrid('instance'); var pageIndex = gridInstance.pageIndex(); var dataSource = gridInstance.option("dataSource"); var pageData = _.chain(dataSource).rest(pageIndex * $scope.selectedVouchers.forEach(function (item, index) { pageData.forEach(function (vdItem, vdIndex) { if (_.isEqual(item.voucherID, vdItem.voucherID)) { voucherIndexArray.push(vdIndex); } }); }); $log.debug(pageData); gridInstance.selectRowsByIndexes(voucherIndexArray); } }; //result example: // [ // ["voucherID", "=", "DEAC1059-5088-469B-B0C8-3A5612E1DF63"], "or", // ["voucherID", "=", "48F38499-762E-44D9-83A5-4FBFF8FA5A1A"], "or", // ["voucherID", "=", "E6886487-927C-4CF5-A3E4-7F94A856184F"] // ] function initGridFilter() { $scope.filterCondition = []; $scope.selectedVoucherIds =$scope.selectedVouchers, function (item) { return item.voucherID}); $scope.selectedVoucherIds.forEach(function (item, index) { var tempFilter = ["voucherID", "=", item]; if (index > 0) { $scope.filterCondition.push("or"); } $scope.filterCondition.push(tempFilter); }); $log.debug("initGridFilter"); $log.debug($scope.filterCondition); } //开始 (function initialize() { $scope.gridData = []; initGirdConfig(); $scope.initGridView = initGridView; $scope.gridInstance = $('#gridOptions').dxDataGrid('instance'); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('accountVoucherGridFilter', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('vatParentCodeModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/account-voucher-grid-filter/account-voucher-grid-filter.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'accountVoucherGridFilterController', scope: { isSearching: "=?", periodId: '=?', enterpriseCode: '=?', selectedVouchers: "=?", processTypeId: "=?", reMapItem: "=?" }, link: function ($scope, element) { $scope.$watch("isSearching", function (newValue, oldValue) { if (!_.isUndefined(newValue) && !_.isUndefined(oldValue)) { if (!_.isEqual(newValue, oldValue) && newValue) { $log.debug("start account-voucher-grid-filter.js watching: isSearching"); $scope.initGridView($scope.periodId, $scope.enterpriseCode); } } }); } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('ackPaginationController', ['SweetAlert', '$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$uibModal', '$document', 'InvoiceManageService', function (SweetAlert, $scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $uibModal, $document, InvoiceManageService) { //分页的设置 $scope.pagingOptions = { pageIndex: $scope.pageOptions.pageIndex || 1, //当前页码 totalItems: $scope.pageOptions.totalItems || 0, //总数据 totalPages: $scope.pageOptions.totalPages || 0,//总页数 maxSize: $scope.pageOptions.maxSize || 10, //分页数字的限制。 pageSize: $scope.pageOptions.pageSize ||[1], //每页多少条数据 pageSizeString:[1].toString(), firstPage: '<<', //$translate.instant('PagingFirstPage'), previousPage: '<', //$translate.instant('PagingPreviousPage'), nextPage:'>',// $translate.instant('PagingNextPage'), lastPage: '>>', //$translate.instant('PagingLastPage'), }; //赋值 $scope.pageOptions = $scope.pagingOptions; $scope.hideSelector = $scope.hidePageSizeSelector ? true : false; var refreshDataTable = function () { if (_.isFunction($scope.refreshTable)) { $scope.refreshTable(); } }; //分页里面的处理 $scope.pagingService = { //分页下拉组装 populatePagingSelection: function () { var pagingSelection = []; var pageArray =; for (var i = 0 ; i < pageArray.length; i++) { var selection = { id: pageArray[i], value: pageArray[i] }; pagingSelection.push(selection); } $scope.pageOptions.pagingSelection = pagingSelection; }, //分页的时候改变数字 pageIndexChanging: function () { if ($scope.pageOptions.pageIndex > $scope.pageOptions.totalPages) { $scope.pagingOptions.pageIndex = $scope.pageOptions.totalPages; } if ($scope.pageOptions.pageIndex <= 0) { $scope.pageOptions.pageIndex = 1; } $log.log('Page changed to: ' + $scope.pageOptions.pageIndex); refreshDataTable(); }, //每页显示的数据下拉改变 pageSizeSelectionChanged: function () { $scope.pageOptions.pageSize = parseInt($scope.pageOptions.pageSizeString); refreshDataTable(); }, }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('ackPaginationController.ctor()...'); $scope.pagingService.populatePagingSelection(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('ackPagination', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('ackPagination.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/ack-pagination/ack-pagination.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'ackPaginationController', scope: { //pageIndex: '=?', //pageSize: '=?', //totalItems: '=?', //totalPages: '=?', pageOptions: '=?', refreshTable: '&', hidePageSizeSelector: '=?', } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('addEnterpriseAccountModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'enterpriseAccountService', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, enterpriseAccountService, apiInterceptor, Upload) { var modalSelector = '#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop'; var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/enterpriseAccountManage/Upload'; var resumable = true; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function () { $(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { $scope.isAdd = true; showModal(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { } } }); $(".addEnterpriceAccountSetPop").on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; var hasDataUpdated = function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }; $scope.saveEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { resetErrorStatusSet(); if (!($('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm').valid())) { return false; } if ($scope.isAdd && !$scope.file) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(resources.setfileRequired)); return false; } enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate(); hasDataUpdated(); }; var importData = function () { if (!$scope.file || !$ {$translate.instant('SelectCustomerFileRequired')); return; } var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); // if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { // return; // } // var orgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; // var json = JSON.stringify(orgList); var enterpriseAccountSetID = $scope.isAdd ? '' : $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelect().id; // updateProgressToZero(); Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { cancel: false, filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName, Remark: $scope.remark, name: $, // selectedOrgList: json, enterpriseAccountSetID: enterpriseAccountSetID, isImportAppend: $scope.isImportAppend, }, file: $scope.file, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function (resp) { var ret =; if (ret.result) { $scope.errList = []; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; // 全部导入成功 $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); $('#importEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); if ($scope.isAdd) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('AddSuccess')); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); } } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); //SweetAlert.swal($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); $scope.errList = []; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } else { // 提示没有导入成功的数据 var codeNameList = []; var errorInfo = $translate.instant('ImportErrorTips').format(; $scope.errList =; $scope.ImportErrorTag = true; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountManage'), text: errorInfo, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); } } }, function (resp) { console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function (evt) { var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }; var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); } }; var saveEditEnterpriseAccountSet = function () { resetErrorStatusSet(); if (!($('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm').valid())) { return; } if ($scope.isAdd) { $scope.isImportAppend = false; importData(); } else { // 有文件的修改 if ($scope.file) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ComfirmImportData'), text: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetOverLayImportTips'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 importData(); } }); } else { // 没有文件修改 var model = { id: $scope.enterpriseAccountSetSelect().id, name: $, // enterpriseAccountSetOrgList: [] }; // if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { // return; // } // model.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; enterpriseAccountService.updateEnterpriseAccountSet(model).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetPop').modal('hide'); loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); } }); } } }; var getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI = function () { var enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; var isError = false; if ($scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList && $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length - 1; i++) { var row = $scope.editModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList[i]; var item = { OrganizationID: row.organizationID, EffectiveDateStr: row.effectiveDateStr, ExpiredDateStr: row.expiredDateStr }; if (!row.organizationID) { SweetAlert.warning(resources.organizationRequired); return false; } if (!row.effectiveDateStr) { SweetAlert.warning(resources.effectiveDateRequired); return false; } if (!row.expiredDateStr) { SweetAlert.warning(resources.expiredDateRequired); return false; } if (!validateDate(row.effectiveDateStr, row.expiredDateStr)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('EffectiveDateAreaProblem')); return false; } enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(item); }; } $scope.editModel.saveOrgList = enterpriseAccountSetOrgList; return true; }; var validateDate = function (from, to) { var fromDate = new Date(from + '-01'); var toDate = new Date(to + '-01'); toDate.setMonth(toDate.getMonth() + 1); toDate.setDate(toDate.getDate() - 1); if (fromDate <= toDate) { return true; } else { return false; } }; // 验证机构唯一性 var enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate = function () { var model = { id: $, enterpriseAccountSetOrgList: [] }; if (!getEnterpriseAccountSetOrgListUI()) { return; } model.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = $scope.editModel.saveOrgList; enterpriseAccountService.enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate(model).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { // 验证成功 saveEditEnterpriseAccountSet(); } else { if ( && > 0) { var orgNameList = []; var i = 1; (row) { orgNameList.push(i + '.' + $translate.instant('OrganizationName') + ':' + row.organizationName); i++; }); orgNameList = getLimitLogs(orgNameList); var str = orgNameList.join('<br/>'); str = "<div class='text-left'>" + str + '</div>'; SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), text: str, type: "warning", showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: false, html: true } ); } } }); }; var resetErrorStatusSet = function () { var currentForm = $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm'); $('#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm .has-error > label').remove(); currentForm.find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); validatorset.resetForm(); }; var resources = { codeRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountCodeRequired'), nameRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountNameRequired'), selectDirectionRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountRequired'), selectAcctPropRequired: $translate.instant('StandardAccountAccountTypesRequired'), setnameRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountSetNameRequired'), setfileRequired: $translate.instant('EnterpriceAccountSetFileRequired'), enterpriseAccountSetNameRepeat: $translate.instant('EnterpriseAccountSetNameRepeat'), organizationRequired: $translate.instant('SelectOrganizationRequired'), effectiveDateRequired: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateRequired'), expiredDateRequired: $translate.instant('ExpiredDateRequired') }; var validatorset = $("#addEnterpriceAccountSetForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { name: { required: true, remote: { type: "get", url: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + "/enterpriseAccountManage/enterpriseAccountSetNameValidate", data: { id: function () { return $("#enterpriseAccountSetID").val(); }, name: function () { return $("#enterpriseAccountSetName").val(); } }, dataType: "json", dataFilter: function (data, type) { var ret = JSON.parse(data); if (ret && ret.result) return true; else return false; } } }, fileName: { // 把这条注释条, ng-required生效 // required: true }, organization: { // required: true }, effectiveDate: { // required: true }, expiredDate: { // required: true } }, messages: { name: { required: resources.setnameRequired, remote: resources.enterpriseAccountSetNameRepeat }, fileName: { required: resources.setfileRequired }, organization: { required: resources.organizationRequired }, effectiveDate: { required: resources.effectiveDateRequired }, expiredDate: { required: resources.expiredDateRequired } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); (function initialize() { $log.debug('addEnterpriseAccountModalController.ctor()...'); // showModal(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('addEnterpriseAccountModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('addExistUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/add-enterprise-account-modal/add-enterprise-account-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'addEnterpriseAccountModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?' }, link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('addExistDimensionModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'roleService', 'userService', 'permissionService', 'dimensionService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, roleService, userService, permissionService, dimensionService) { $scope.searchValue = ""; var modalSelector = '#addDimensionModal'; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function () { $scope.originalList = angular.copy($scope.selectedDimensionList); getDimensionList(); $(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { showModal(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { } } }); $(".addRoleModal").on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; $scope.Save = function () { //返回用户ID列表 //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedRoleList)); $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; var setSelectItems = function (data) { if ($scope.selectedDimensionList && $scope.selectedDimensionList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if ($scope.selectedDimensionList.indexOf(data[i].id) > -1) { data[i].selected = true; data[i].expanded = true; } if (data[i].items && data[i].items.length > 0) { setSelectItems(data[i].items); } } } return data; }; //获取维度列表 var getDimensionList = function () { dimensionService.getDevDimensionTreeList().success(function (data) { if (data) { var data = setSelectItems(data); $scope.dimensionTreeViewData = data; } }); }; //var loadDimensionValueByID = function (dimensionID) { // dimensionService.getDimensionValueList(dimensionID).success(function (data) { // if (data) { // //$scope.dimensionValueTreeViewData = data; // } // }); //}; $scope.searchOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "searchValue" }, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: 518, mode: "search", valueChangeEvent: "keyup" }; //加载维度值配置 //var loadDimensionValueTree = function () { // $scope.dimensionValueTreeViewOptions = { // bindingOptions: { // dataSource: 'dimensionValueTreeViewData', // searchValue: 'searchValue' // }, // selection: { // mode: "multiple" // }, // loadPanel: { // enabled: true // }, // scrolling: { // mode: "virtual" // }, // keyExpr: "id", // parentIdExpr: "parentID", // showRowLines: true, // showColumnLines: true, // expandAllEnabled: true, // rowAlternationEnabled: true, // expandedRowKeys: [1], // showBorders: true, // noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), // selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), // displayExpr: 'name', //显示的属性名称,默认为text // itemsExpr: 'subRoles', //子层的数组名称,默认为items // //scrollDirection:'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' // selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 // showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' // onItemSelectionChanged: function (obj, element, model, node) { // populateSelectedRole(obj.itemData); // }, // onInitialized: function (e) { // //$scope.widgetInstance = e.component; // }, // //点击行,选中 // onItemClick: function (e) { // //loadDimensionValueByID(; // }, // onContentReady: function (object, container) { // object.element.find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass('dx-state-disabled'); // } // }; //}; //加载维度配置 var loadDimensionTree = function () { $scope.dimensionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'dimensionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue' }, selection: { mode: "multiple" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", //parentIdExpr: "parentID", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, expandAllEnabled: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, expandedRowKeys: [1], showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), //displayExpr: 'name', //显示的属性名称,默认为text //itemsExpr: 'subRoles', //子层的数组名称,默认为items //scrollDirection:'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onItemSelectionChanged: function (obj, element, model, node) { populateSelectedDimensionValueList(obj.itemData); }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.widgetInstance = e.component; }, //点击行,选中 onItemClick: function (e) { //loadDimensionValueByID(; }, onItemRendered: function (e) { var originalList = $scope.originalList; if (e && e.itemData && originalList && originalList.length > 0) { if (originalList.indexOf( > -1) { e.itemElement.closest('li.dx-treeview-node').find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass("dx-state-disabled"); } if (e.itemData.items && e.itemData.items.length>0) { var subRoles = e.itemData.items; var subRoleId = _.pluck(subRoles, 'id'); var hasCheckedAll = true; for (var i = 0; i < originalList.length; i++) { var hasFind = _.find(subRoleId, function (item) { return == originalList[i].id; }); if (!hasFind) { hasCheckedAll = false; break; } } if (hasCheckedAll) { e.itemElement.closest('li.dx-treeview-node').find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass("dx-state-disabled"); } } } } //onContentReady: function (object, container) { // object.element.find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass('dx-state-disabled'); //} }; }; //构造选中的维度值list var populateSelectedDimensionValueList = function (itemData) { var itemIndex = -1; if (itemData.selected) { if (itemData.parentId != null && itemData.parentId !== undefined) { if ($scope.selectedDimensionList.indexOf( < 0) { $scope.selectedDimensionList.push({ 'parentID': itemData.parentId, 'id': }); } } else { itemData.items.forEach(function (x) { if ($scope.selectedDimensionList.indexOf( < 0) { $scope.selectedDimensionList.push({ 'parentID':, //当前选中节点的ID,也就是父级ID 'id': //叶子节点ID }); } }); } } else if (!itemData.selected) { if (itemData.parentId != null && itemData.parentId !== undefined) { $.each($scope.selectedDimensionList, function (index, item) { if ( === { $scope.selectedDimensionList.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); } else { var parentID =; var cloneSelectedDimensionList = angular.copy($scope.selectedDimensionList); var removeIndexList = []; $.each(cloneSelectedDimensionList, function (index, item) { itemData.items.forEach(function (x) { if ( === && item.parentID === parentID) { removeIndexList.push(index); } }); }); //从后往前删除 for (var i = removeIndexList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { $scope.selectedDimensionList.splice(removeIndexList[i], 1); } $scope.selectedDimensionList.forEach(function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(item); }); } } console.log($scope.selectedDimensionList); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('addExistDimensionModalController.ctor()...'); //loadDimensionValueTree(); loadDimensionTree(); // showModal(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('addExistDimensionModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('addExistDimensionModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/add-exist-dimension-modal/add-exist-dimension-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'addExistDimensionModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?', selectedDimensionList: '=?' }, link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('addExistOrganizationModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'orgService', 'userService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, orgService, userService) { $scope.gridInstance = null; var modalSelector = '#addOrgModal'; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function () { $scope.originalList = angular.copy($scope.selectedKeyItems); $scope.selectedOrgList = []; getOrgList(); $(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { showModal(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { } } }); $(".addOrgModal").on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.DataGridSource=[]; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.DataGridSource=[]; }; $scope.Save = function () { //返回机构列表 //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedOrgList)); $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.DataGridSource=[]; $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; var setSelectItems=function(selectedKeyItems) { //设置选中 $timeout(function () { $scope.gridInstance.clearSelection(); if (selectedKeyItems && selectedKeyItems.length > 0) { $scope.gridInstance.selectRows(selectedKeyItems, true); } }, 100); }; var getOrgList = function () { orgService.getOrgListLevel().success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.DataGridSource = data; setSelectItems($scope.selectedKeyItems); } }); }; var loadDatagrid = function () { $scope.orgDataGridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'DataGridSource' }, columns: [ { dataField: "name", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), width:200 }, { dataField: "businessUnitName", caption: $translate.instant('BusinessUnit') }, { dataField: "areaName", caption: $translate.instant('AreaTitleName'), width:100 }, { dataField: "industryName", caption: $translate.instant('PIndustry') } ], loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selection: { mode: "multiple", showCheckBoxesMode: "always", allowSelectAll: false }, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, autoExpandAll: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showBorders: true, //sorting: { // mode: "none" //}, searchPanel: { placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width:518, visible: true }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; }, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { //整个集合 List var rowList = e.selectedRowsData; $scope.selectedOrgList = rowList; //只有orgID List var keyList = e.selectedRowKeys; $scope.selectedKeyItems = keyList; }, onRowPrepared: function (e) { if (e && { if ($scope.originalList.indexOf( > -1) { e.rowElement.addClass("dx-state-disabled"); } } }, onContentReady: function (e, container) { //e.element.find('.dx-selection .dx-checkbox-checked').addClass('dx-state-disabled'); //e.element.find('.dx-selection').addClass('dx-state-disabled'); //e.element.find('.dx-selection .dx-checkbox-checked').addClass('dx-state-disabled'); //var $checkBox = $('.dx-header-row .dx-checkbox').first(); //$checkBox.on('dxclick', function (e) { // var isChecked = $checkBox.dxCheckBox('instance').option('value'); // if (!isChecked) // { //追加原始角色选中 // if ($scope.originalList && $scope.originalList.length > 0) // { // setSelectItems($scope.originalList); // } // } //}); } }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('addExistOrganizationModalController.ctor()...'); loadDatagrid(); // showModal(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('addExistOrganizationModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('addExistUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/add-exist-organization-modal/add-exist-organization-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'addExistOrganizationModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?', selectedOrgList: '=?', selectedKeyItems: '=?' } , link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('addExistRoleModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'roleService', 'userService', 'permissionService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, roleService, userService, permissionService) { $scope.searchValue = ""; var modalSelector = '#addRoleModal'; $scope.allowUncheck = false; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function () { // $scope.selectedRoleList = []; // $scope.selectedRoleList = ['1a22c719-9751-4a7c-a3b5-6bf333567970', '468AAF7D-268B-4ADF-A331-FF762C950EC6']; $scope.originalRoleList = angular.copy($scope.selectedRoleList); getDataList(); initPermissionByRoleIDList($scope.selectedRoleList); $(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { reset(); if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { showModal(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { } } }); var reset = function () { $scope.searchValue = ''; }; $(".addRoleModal").on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; $scope.Save = function () { //返回用户ID列表 //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedRoleList)); $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; var setSelectItems = function (roleData) { if ($scope.selectedRoleList && $scope.selectedRoleList.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < roleData.length; i++) { if ($scope.selectedRoleList.indexOf(roleData[i].id) > -1) { roleData[i].selected = true; roleData[i].expanded = true; } if (roleData[i].subRoles && roleData[i].subRoles.length > 0) { setSelectItems(roleData[i].subRoles); } } } return roleData; }; var getDataList = function () { roleService.getRoleListByServiceGroup().success(function (roleData) { if (roleData) { var data = setSelectItems(roleData); $scope.roleTreeViewData = data; } }); }; var initPermissionByRoleIDList = function (roleIDList) { permissionService.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleIDList(roleIDList, constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.permissionTreeViewData = data; } }); }; var loadPermissionByRoleID = function (roleID) { permissionService.getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID(roleID, constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.permissionTreeViewData = data.permissionDevTreeList; } }); }; $scope.searchOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "searchValue" }, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: 518, mode: "search", valueChangeEvent: "keyup" }; var loadPermissionTree = function () { $scope.permissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'permissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "single" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", // parentIdExpr: "pLevel", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll') }; }; var loadRoleTree = function () { $scope.roleTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'roleTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue' }, selection: { mode: "multiple" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, expandAllEnabled: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, expandedRowKeys: [1], showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), displayExpr: 'name', //显示的属性名称,默认为text itemsExpr: 'subRoles', //子层的数组名称,默认为items //scrollDirection:'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onItemSelectionChanged: function (obj, element, model, node) { populateSelectedRole(obj.itemData); }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.widgetInstance = e.component; }, //点击行,选中 onItemClick: function (e) { loadPermissionByRoleID(; }, onItemRendered: function (e) { if ($scope.allowUncheck) { return;} var originalRoleList = $scope.originalRoleList; if (e && e.itemData && originalRoleList && originalRoleList.length>0) { if (originalRoleList.indexOf( > -1) { e.itemElement.closest('li.dx-treeview-node').find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass("dx-state-disabled"); } if (e.itemData.isRoleCategory && e.itemData.subRoles.length > 0) { var subRoles = e.itemData.subRoles; var subRoleId = _.pluck(subRoles, 'id'); var hasCheckedAll = true; for (var i = 0; i < originalRoleList.length; i++) { var hasFind = _.find(subRoleId, function (item) { return == originalRoleList[i].id; }); if (!hasFind) { hasCheckedAll = false; break; } } if (hasCheckedAll) { e.itemElement.closest('li.dx-treeview-node').find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass("dx-state-disabled"); } } } } }; }; //构造选中的角色list var populateSelectedRole = function (itemData) { var itemIndex = -1; $.each($scope.selectedRoleList, function (index, item) { if ( === { itemIndex = index; return false; } }); if (itemData.selected && itemIndex === -1) { if (itemData.isRoleCategory) { //选择父级角色分类 itemData.subRoles.forEach(function (item) { if ($scope.selectedRoleList.indexOf( < 0) { $scope.selectedRoleList.push(; } }); } else { //选择叶子节点角色 $scope.selectedRoleList.push(; } } else if (!itemData.selected) { //$scope.selectedRoleList.splice(itemIndex, 1); //$scope.selectedRoleList.forEach(function (item) { // $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(item); //}); if (!itemData.isRoleCategory) { //叶子节点取消选中情况 $.each($scope.selectedRoleList, function (index, item) { if (item === { $scope.selectedRoleList.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); } else { var cloneSelectedRoleList = angular.copy($scope.selectedRoleList); var removeIndexList = []; $.each(cloneSelectedRoleList, function (index, item) { itemData.subRoles.forEach(function (x) { if (item === { removeIndexList.push(index); } }); }); //从后往前删除 for (var i = removeIndexList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { $scope.selectedRoleList.splice(removeIndexList[i], 1); } $scope.selectedRoleList.forEach(function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(item); }); if (!$scope.allowUncheck) { $scope.originalRoleList.forEach(function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(item); }); } } } $scope.selectedItemList = []; $scope.roleTreeViewData.forEach(function (item) { var subRoles = _.filter(item.subRoles, function (item) { return $scope.selectedRoleList.indexOf( > -1; }); subRoles.forEach(function (row) { $scope.selectedItemList.push(row); }); }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('addExistUserModalController.ctor()...'); loadRoleTree(); loadPermissionTree(); // showModal(); }) (); } ]); commonModule.directive('addExistRoleModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('addExistUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/add-exist-role-modal/add-exist-role-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'addExistRoleModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?', selectedRoleList: '=?', //only id selectedItemList: '=?', //include id, name,etc, allowUncheck: '=?', }, link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('addExistUserModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', 'ackUibModal', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'dimensionService', 'userService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, ackUibModal, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, dimensionService, userService) { $scope.gridInstance = null; var modalSelector = '#addUserModal'; $scope.allowUncheck = false; //弹框服务 $scope.modalService = { userModal: { open: function () { $scope.userModalInstance = ackUibModal($scope, 'addExistUserModal.html', 'add-exist-user-modal-wrap', '.add-exist-user-modal-wrap', 'static', function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $; }, close: function () { $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.userModalInstance.close(); }, cancel: function () { $scope.userModalInstance.cancel(); }, } } var showModal = function () { //$scope.selectedKeyItems = ['90154bc8-be4a-46f2-ac08-84c1cdf8b381', 'f525f1f1-749b-4dc8-9d86-72d9014156a3', 'b5050352-e095-4d5a-bd74-dced354d063e', '8be3ce87-1193-4b35-8fda-2d5a191ce341'] $scope.selectedUserList = []; $scope.originalList = angular.copy($scope.selectedKeyItems); getUserList(); $; }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { showModal(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { } } }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.modalService.userModal.cancel(); }; $scope.Save = function () { //返回用户ID列表 //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedUserList)); //$scope.operateType = null; //$scope.isUpdate = true; // $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); $scope.modalService.userModal.close(); }; //将角色列表换成逗号分隔 var formatRoleList = function (roleInfoList) { var newList = ""; roleInfoList.forEach(function (row) { if (row) { newList += + constant.comma; } }); if (newList.length > 0) { newList = newList.substr(0, newList.length - 1); } return newList; } var setUserCheckStatus = function (selectedKeyItems) { if (selectedKeyItems && selectedKeyItems.length > 0) { var selectItems = []; selectedKeyItems.forEach(function (key) { var temp = _.find($scope.userDataGridSource, function (item) { return item.userID === key; }); if (temp && temp != null) { selectItems.push(temp); } }); $timeout(function () { $scope.gridInstance.clearSelection(); var key = $scope.gridInstance.keyOf(selectItems); $scope.gridInstance.selectRows(key, true); }, 100); } else { $timeout(function () { $scope.gridInstance.clearSelection(); }, 100); } }; var getUserList = function () { userService.getAllUserRoleList(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (data) { if (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { var roleNames = _.pluck(row.roleInfoList, 'name'); row.roleInfoStr = roleNames.join(constant.comma); }); $scope.userDataGridSource = data; //console.log('$scope.selectedKeyItems : ' + $scope.selectedKeyItems); setUserCheckStatus($scope.selectedKeyItems); } }); }; var loadUserDatagrid = function () { $scope.userDataGridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'userDataGridSource', }, selection: { mode: "multiple", showCheckBoxesMode: 'always' }, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, columns: [ { dataField: "userName", caption: $translate.instant('PUserName'), width:100 }, { dataField: "roleInfoStr", caption: $translate.instant('Role'), width: 250 }, { dataField: "organizationName", caption: $translate.instant('PCompany'), width: 200 } ], loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, //showCheckBoxesMode: 'always', //keyExpr: "userID", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, sorting: { mode: "none" }, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), searchPanel: { placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: 567, visible: true }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; }, onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems,a,b,c) { //整个集合 List var rowList = selectedItems.selectedRowsData; $scope.selectedUserList = rowList; //只有orgID List var keyList = $.map(rowList, function (value) { return value.userID }); $scope.selectedKeyItems = keyList; ////追加原始的 //if ($scope.selectedKeyItems.length == 0) { // setUserCheckStatus($scope.originalList); //} }, onContentReady: function (e, container) { if (!$scope.allowUncheck) { var $checkBox = $('.dx-header-row .dx-checkbox').first(); $checkBox.on('dxclick', function (e) { var isChecked = $checkBox.dxCheckBox('instance').option('value'); if (!isChecked) { //追加原始角色选中 if ($scope.originalList && $scope.originalList.length > 0) { setUserCheckStatus($scope.originalList); } } }); } }, onRowPrepared: function (e) { //只有不允许取消的时候才disabled if (!$scope.allowUncheck) { if (e && { if ($scope.originalList.indexOf( > -1) { e.rowElement.addClass("dx-state-disabled"); } } } } }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('addExistUserModalController.ctor()...'); loadUserDatagrid(); //showModal(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('addExistUserModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('addExistUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/add-exist-user-modal/add-exist-user-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'addExistUserModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?', selectedUserList: '=?', selectedKeyItems: '=?', allowUncheck: '=?', }, link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('AreaSelectorController', ['$scope', 'areaService','$translate', function ($scope, areaService, $translate) { $scope.pleaseSelect = $translate.instant('PleaseSelect') ; $scope.init = function () { if ($scope.isShowAll) { areaService.tree(1).success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.areaList = data; } }); } else { areaService.tree(0).success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.areaList = data; } }); } }; $scope.selectedArea = null; $scope.getSelectedAreaDisplayText = function () { if ($scope.selectedAreaId != null) { return $scope.selectedAreaName; } else { return ''; } }; $scope.selectArea = function (area) { $scope.selectedAreaName =; $scope.selectedAreaId =; $scope.componentSelectedArea = area; $('.dropdown').removeClass('open'); // $scope.onChange(); }; $scope.$watch('selectedAreaId', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { // $scope.onChange(); } // 强制重新取数据 if ($scope.componentSelectedArea && $scope.componentSelectedArea.forceRefresh) { $scope.init(); } }); $scope.init(); } ]); commonModule.directive('areaSelector', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('areaSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/area-selector/area-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedAreaCode: '=', selectedAreaName: '=', selectedAreaId: '=', componentSelectedArea: '=', isShowAll: '=', loadData: '&', onChange: '&onChange' }, controller: 'AreaSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { $(document).on('click', '.custom-tree-wrapper', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }; } ]); frameworkModule.directive('atmsBusyIndicator', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('atms-busy-indicator constructor...'); return { restrict: "E", templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/atms-busy-indicator/atms-busy-indicator.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, link: function (scope, element) { // hide the element initially element.hide(); } }; }]); commonModule.controller('cellDetailPanelController', ['$log', '$scope', '$translate', function ($log, $scope, $translate) { var hidePanel = function () { $('#cellDetailPanel').hide('normal'); }; var lastHeight = -1; var togglePanel = function () { $('#cellDetailConent').toggle('normal'); $scope.isExpand = !$scope.isExpand; if ($scope.isExpand) { if (lastHeight === -1) lastHeight = '650px'; $('#cellDetailPanel').css({ 'min-height': '650px', 'height': lastHeight }); } else { lastHeight = $('#cellDetailPanel').css('height'); $('#cellDetailPanel').css({ 'min-height': '0px', 'height': '0px' }); } }; var initGrid = function () { $scope.gridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'detail.dataSources', columns: 'columnsOptions', height:'height' }, showColumnLines: false, showBorders: true, showColumnHeaders: true, showRowLines: false, width: '100%', noDataText: '', paging: { enabled: false }, summary: { totalItems: [ //{ // column: 'id', // customizeText: function (data) { // return $translate.instant('Subtotal'); // } //}, { column: "amount", customizeText: function (data) { var message = $translate.instant('Subtotal') + ' '; if ($scope.detail.cellValue != null && $scope.detail.cellValue!=undefined) { message += Number($scope.detail.cellValue).formatAmount(); } return message; } } ] } }; }; $scope.$watch('sourceType', function (newData, oldData) { if (newData !== oldData) { if ($scope.sourceType === -1) { $scope.columnsOptions = [ { dataField: 'id', caption: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), width: '20%', alignment: 'left' }, { dataField: 'rowName', caption: $translate.instant('Project'), width: '40%' }, { dataField: 'columnName', caption: $translate.instant('TaxReportColumn'), width: '40%' }, { dataField: 'cellPosition', caption: $translate.instant('CellColumn'), width: '40%' }, { dataField: 'amount', caption: $translate.instant('Amount'), width: '42%', format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 } } ]; } else { $scope.columnsOptions = [ { dataField: 'id', caption: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), width: '18%', alignment: 'left' }, { dataField: 'name', caption: $translate.instant('CITProject'), width: '50%' }, { dataField: 'amount', caption: $translate.instant('Amount'), width: '42%', format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 } } ]; } } }); (function () { $scope.hidePanel = hidePanel; $scope.isExpand = true; $scope.togglePanel = togglePanel; initGrid(); })(); }]); commonModule.directive('cellDetailPanel', ['$log','$timeout', function ($log, $timeout) { $log.debug('cellDetailPanel directive start...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/atms-cell-detail-panel/cell-detail-panel.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { detail: '=', sourceType:'=' }, controller: 'cellDetailPanelController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { $element.draggable({ cancel: '#data-source' }); //计算datagrid的高度 $scope.setInvoiceGridHeight = function () { var pageHeight = $('#cellDetailConent').height(); var topTitleHeight = $('#cell-position').outerHeight(); var pageSearchHeight = $('#key-data').outerHeight(); var pageFastSearchHeight = $('#cell-formula').outerHeight(); var subHeight = pageHeight - topTitleHeight - pageSearchHeight - pageFastSearchHeight-100; $('#data-source').css({ height: subHeight }); var dataSourceTitleHeight = $('#datasource-title').outerHeight(); $scope.height = subHeight - dataSourceTitleHeight - 20; try { $('#bspl-dataSourceGrid').dxDataGrid('instance').repaint(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; //注册广播 $scope.$on('refreshCellPanel', function (isShow) { if (isShow) { //设置表格高度 //$timeout(function () { $scope.setInvoiceGridHeight(); //}, 500); } }); $("#cellDetailPanel").resizable({ stop: function (event, ui) { $scope.setInvoiceGridHeight(); } }); } } }]); commonModule.directive('atmsPermission', ['$compile', '$document', '$parse', 'userService', 'loginContext', 'vatSessionService', '$state', function ($compile, $document, $parse, userService, loginContext, vatSessionService, $state) { return { restrict: "A", link: function (scope, element, attr) { var permissionCode = attr['permissionCode']; var controlType = attr['permissionControlType']; console.log('controlType', controlType); var orgID = vatSessionService && vatSessionService.project ? vatSessionService.project.organizationID : null; var setUI = function (isshow) { if (isshow) { return; } if (!isshow) { element[0].disabled = true; element.addClass('no-permission'); } if (controlType && controlType.toLowerCase() === 'ngif') { element.css('display', 'none'); } else if (controlType && (controlType.toLowerCase() === 'ngshow' || controlType.toLowerCase() === 'nghide')) { element.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } else if (controlType && controlType.toLowerCase() === 'prohibit') { $state.go('noPermissionPage'); } }; userService.getUserPermissionNew(loginContext.userName, function (data) { var isshow = false; if (orgID) { isshow = window.PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission(orgID, permissionCode, data); } else { isshow = window.PWC.isHavePermission(permissionCode, data); } setUI(isshow); }); } }; }]); // Popover control inherit from bootstrap popover. // Simplest eg. //<button title="Test Title" data-content="Here is an example popover" data-placement="right" atms-popover>PopTest</button> // data-placement attribute. // It is used to specify the placement of popover. // Available values: 'bottom' 'top' 'left' 'right' 'topLeft' 'topRight' 'rightTop' 'rightBottom' 'bottomLeft' 'bottomRight' 'leftTop' 'leftBottom' // Use 'auto' option in data-placement. // This will allow popover to locate itself automatically which consider the boundary of its parent. // It will go through an ordered placement list. If there is not enough space for current placement, then it will go to next. // The placements specified in data-placement attribute will be add to the top of the ordered list. // eg. <button title="Test Title" data-content="Here is an example popover" data-placement="auto right left top bottom" atms-popover>PopTest</button> // popover-auto-hide attribute. // It is used to specify whether hide the popover when mouse click out. // Set it to 'true' to hide the popover otherwise 'false'. // Default is 'false'. // eg. <button popover-auto-hide="true" title="Test Title" data-content="Here is an example popover" atms-popover>PopTest</button> // data-templateurl attribute. // It is used to specify url of html template. This template will be load each time the popover openned. // It will be compiled and link to the scope of this directive. // eg. <button data-templateurl="/app/atms-popover-test.html" atms-popover>PopTest</button> // 'onPopoverShown' will be triggered when popover is shown. for example, on-popover-shown="onPopupShown" // 'onPopoverHidden' will be triggered when popover is hidden. for exmaple, on-popover-hidden="onPopupHidden" commonModule.directive('atmsPopover', ['$compile', '$document', '$parse', function ($compile, $document, $parse) { return { restrict: "A", link: function (scope, element, attr) { var popoverOptions = { compliler: $compile, scope: scope, // Disable fade animation for now. Because if you click the button to toggle popover multiple times, sometimes the // popover is not removed from DOM and is invisible. This will block you to click the content behind it. animation: false }; if (attr['useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm']) { popoverOptions.useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm = attr['useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm']; } if (attr['popoverContainer']) { popoverOptions.container = attr['popoverContainer']; } if (attr['popoverTrigger']) { popoverOptions.trigger = attr['popoverTrigger']; } element.popover(popoverOptions); var popContent; var onClick = function (event) { if (!popContent) return; var iswithinElement = popContent.find( > 0 || popContent.context ===; var isOnCalendar = $('.datepicker').length > 0; var isInTooltip = $('.tooltip-inner').length > 0; //=>Alsace Updatev var isInChildPopver = $('.child-popover').length > 0; if (iswithinElement || isOnCalendar || isInTooltip || isInChildPopver) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { element.popover('hide'); } }; var onResize = function () { element.popover('hide'); }; var subscribeGlobalEvent = function () { $document.on('mousedown', onClick); $(window).on('resize', onResize); }; var unsubscribeGlobalEvent = function () { $'mousedown', onClick); $(window).off('resize', onResize); }; var isAutoHide = attr['popoverAutoHide'] === 'true'; var onShowPopover = attr['onShowPopover']; if (onShowPopover) { element.on('', function (event) { scope[onShowPopover](event); }); } element.on('', function (event, popElement) { var onPopoverShown = attr['onPopoverShown']; if (onPopoverShown) { var onPopoverShownAction = $parse(onPopoverShown); onPopoverShownAction(scope).call(); } if (isAutoHide) { unsubscribeGlobalEvent(); subscribeGlobalEvent(); popContent = $(popElement); } }); element.on('', function (event) { var onPopoverHidden = attr['onPopoverHidden']; if (onPopoverHidden) { scope[onPopoverHidden](event); } unsubscribeGlobalEvent(); }); scope.$on('atms-popover:event', function (event, action) { element.popover(action); }); } }; }]); commonModule. controller('customAttributeModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'areaRegionService', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'statisticAttributeService', 'dimensionService','enums', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, areaRegionService, $filter, SweetAlert, statisticAttributeService, dimensionService,enums) { var selectedModel = '#addDimensionModal' + $scope.dimensionId; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var getDimensionList = function () { dimensionService.getDimensionList().success(function (data) { $scope.customDimensionList = _.where(data, function (item) { return item.isSystemDimension === true; }); $log.debug($scope.customDimensionList); //$scope.selectedFirst = $scope.orgFields[6]; //$scope.selectedSecond = $scope.orgFields[3]; }); }; //自定义显示属性列表 var getStatisticAttributeList = function () { var parentDimensionID = $scope.dimensionId; //属性列表,多少个自定义属性,多少个dropdown list if ($scope.tabType !== 3) { statisticAttributeService.getByParentDimensionID(parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.statisticAttrList = data; if (!$scope.statisticAttrList || $scope.statisticAttrList.length === 0) { var statisticAttrTemp = { }; $scope.statisticAttrList.push(statisticAttrTemp); } //下拉列表内容 getDropdownList(''); } }); } else { //如果是机构Tab的话 statisticAttributeService.getOrgSubChildrenStatAttributeList(parentDimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.statisticAttrList = data; $scope.firstRowList = []; var list = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.statisticAttrList)); $scope.firstRowList.push(list[0]); $scope.firstRowList.push(list[1]); $scope.statisticAttrList.splice(0, 2); //下拉列表内容 getDropdownList(constant.DimensionType.OrgSubChildren); } }); } }; var getDropdownList = function (dictionaryCode) { //下拉列表内容 statisticAttributeService.get(dictionaryCode).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.dimensionList = data; //显示已经设置的自定义属性 var list = $scope.statisticAttrList; if (dictionaryCode == constant.DimensionType.OrgSubChildren) { $scope.withoutOrgAttrList = _.filter(data, function (item) { return item.isOrgSelfProperty != true; }); } $scope.isBUTabType = false; //事业部,第一行的机构,固定 if ($scope.tabType == 1) { //第一行,永远显示机构数,并且不可编辑 list[0].attrSelectedID = constant.attributeID.orgSubChildrenID; $scope.isBUTabType = true; for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].attrSelectedID = list[i].attributeID; } } else if ($scope.tabType === 3) { var firstRowlist = $scope.firstRowList; for (var i = 0; i < firstRowlist.length; i++) { firstRowlist[i].attrSelectedID = firstRowlist[i].attributeID; } for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].attrSelectedID = list[i].attributeID; } } else if ($scope.tabType == 2) { // 这是区域 $scope.firstRowList = []; var notFirstRowList = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].attrSelectedID = list[i].attributeID; if (i <=1){ $scope.firstRowList.push(list[i]); } else{ notFirstRowList.push(list[i]); } } $scope.statisticAttrList = notFirstRowList; } else { for (var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) { list[0].attrSelectedID = list[i].attributeID; } } } }); }; var editAttributeModel = function () { initData(); // $('#addDimensionModal').appendTo("body").modal('show'); $(selectedModel).modal('show'); } $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { editAttributeModel(); } } }); $(".addDimensionModal").on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; //自定义显示属性后,保存 var saveAttr = function () { //fix bug for 10146. 如果没有选择值 请弹出错误提示框! var filterResult = _.filter($scope.statisticAttrList, function (row) { return !row.attrSelectedID; }); if (filterResult && filterResult.length > 0) { showWarning("PleaseSelectAttr"); return false; } if ($scope.tabType !== 3 && $scope.tabType !== 2) { saveAttrExceptOrgStructure(); } else { saveAttrForOrgStructure(); } }; var saveAttrForOrgStructure = function () { var selectedAttr = []; var selectedAttrTemp = []; var selectedAttrTempFirstRow = []; var firstRowList = $scope.firstRowList; var list = $scope.statisticAttrList; var hasError = false; firstRowList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.attrSelectedID) { var selectedID = row.attrSelectedID; //维度不能重复选择 if (selectedAttrTempFirstRow.indexOf(selectedID) >= 0) { hasError = true; return; } selectedAttrTempFirstRow.push(selectedID); selectedAttr.push({ attributeID: selectedID, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId }); } }); list.forEach(function (row) { if (row.attrSelectedID) { var selectedID = row.attrSelectedID; //维度不能重复选择 if (selectedAttrTemp.indexOf(selectedID) >= 0) { hasError = true; return; } selectedAttrTemp.push(selectedID); selectedAttr.push({ attributeID: selectedID, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId }); } }); if (hasError) { showWarning("SelectAttrDuplicated"); return false; } //至少选择一个维度 if (selectedAttrTemp.length == 0) { showWarning("SelectOneAttr"); return false; } statisticAttributeService.updateRange(selectedAttr).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg('SaveSuccess'); $(selectedModel).modal('hide'); $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; // $scope.refreshAttributeList(); } }); }; ///除了机构层级之外的 var saveAttrExceptOrgStructure = function () { var selectedAttr = []; var selectedAttrTemp = []; var list = $scope.statisticAttrList; var hasError = false; list.forEach(function (row) { if (row.attrSelectedID) { var selectedID = row.attrSelectedID; //维度不能重复选择 if (selectedAttrTemp.indexOf(selectedID) >= 0) { hasError = true; return; } selectedAttrTemp.push(selectedID); selectedAttr.push({ attributeID: selectedID, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId }); } }); if (hasError) { showWarning("SelectAttrDuplicated"); return false; } //至少选择一个维度 if (selectedAttrTemp.length == 0) { showWarning("SelectOneAttr"); return false; } //$state.params.dimensionID statisticAttributeService.updateRange(selectedAttr).success(function (data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg('SaveSuccess'); $(selectedModel).modal('hide'); $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.refreshAttributeList(); } }); }; //删除自定义的维度 var deleteAttr = function (row) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.statisticAttrList.length; i++) { if ($scope.statisticAttrList[i].attributeID == row.attributeID) { $scope.statisticAttrList.splice(i, 1); break; } } }; //添加自定义显示属性 var AddAttr = function () { if ($scope.statisticAttrList.length < $scope.dimensionList.length) { var newObject = { dimensionID: '', name: '', IsActive: true }; $scope.statisticAttrList.push(newObject); } else { showWarning("AddToMaximum"); } }; var initData = function () { getStatisticAttributeList(); getDimensionList(); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('orgCustomAttributeModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.refreshAttributeList = getStatisticAttributeList; $scope.AddAttr = AddAttr; $scope.SaveAttr = saveAttr; $scope.deleteAttr = deleteAttr; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('customAttributeModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgCustomAttributeModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/custom-attribute-modal/custom-attribute-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'customAttributeModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', attributeId: '=?', isUpdate: '=?', dimensionId: '=?', //维度类型,目的是为了区分弹出框的样式 //tabType=1 事业部 //tabType=2 区域 //tabType=3 机构层次 //tabType=4 其他自定义 tabType: '=?', // 配置的纬度值列表 statisticAttrList: '=?', } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editBusinessUnitModalController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'businessUnitService', 'uiGridConstants', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', '$interval', '$q', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, businessUnitService, uiGridConstants, Upload, apiInterceptor, $interval, $q) { var editModalSelector = "#BU-modal"; $scope.editingObject = { id: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; //显示指定消息编码对应的翻译文本信息 var showError = function (messageCode) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(messageCode); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var resetError = function () { var elms = $(editModalSelector).find("form:first div[data-for]"); elms.html(""); elms.attr("class", "validate-success"); $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; }; //获取事业部数据 var getbusinessUnitList = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); businessUnitService.getBusinessUnitList().success(function (data) { $scope.businessUnitList = data; deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }; var editBU = function () { getbusinessUnitList().then(function () { $scope.isEdit = true; if ($scope.selectedBusinessUnitId) { var data = _.find($scope.businessUnitList, function (num) { return === $scope.selectedBusinessUnitId; }); if (data) { $scope.editingObject = { id:, Name:, IsActive: data.isActive }; } } $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }); }; var addBU = function () { getbusinessUnitList().then(function () { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.editingObject = { id: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { resetError(); if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { addBU(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { editBU(); } } }); $(editModalSelector).on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; //保存当前正在编辑数据行,经过界面初步校验后才会进入本功能 $ = function () { if ($scope.editingObject == null) { return; } if (!($(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").valid())) { return; } var businessUnitArray = []; businessUnitArray.push($scope.editingObject); var successedFun = function (rst) { $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); if ($scope.isEdit) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureEditSuccess")); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureAddSuccess")); } $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.refreshBuList(); } if ($scope.isEdit) { businessUnitService.updateBusinessUnit(businessUnitArray).success(successedFun); } else { businessUnitService.addBusinessUnit(businessUnitArray).success(successedFun); } }; var intiValidate = function () { $.validator.addMethod("BusinessUnitRepeated", function (value, element, param) { if ($scope.businessUnitList && $scope.businessUnitList.length > 0) { var objects = $.grep($scope.businessUnitList, function (n, i) { return $ != && $.trim( == $.trim(value); }); return objects.length < 1; } return true; }); formValidator = $(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").validate({ debug: true, rules: { Name: { required: true, minlength: 2, maxlength: 50, BusinessUnitRepeated: true }, IsActive: { required: "input[name='IsActive']:checked" } }, messages: { Name: { required: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitEmptyNode'), minlength: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitEmptyNode'), maxlength: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitOutOfLengthNode'), BusinessUnitRepeated: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitDuplicateNode') }, IsActive: $translate.instant('BusinessUnitStatusUnsureness') }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { var elm = $(element).parents("form:first"); elm = elm.find("div[data-for='" + element.attr("name") + "']"); elm.html(error); elm.attr("class", "validate-fail"); } } ); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('editBusinessUnitModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.refreshBuList = getbusinessUnitList; intiValidate(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editBusinessUnitModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editRegionModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-business-unit-modal/edit-business-unit-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editBusinessUnitModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', selectedBusinessUnitId: '=?', isUpdate: '=?' } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editDimensionValueModalController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'dimensionService', 'uiGridConstants', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', '$interval', '$q', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, dimensionService, uiGridConstants, Upload, apiInterceptor, $interval, $q) { var editModalSelector = "#Dimension-value-modal"; $scope.editingObject = { id: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; //显示指定消息编码对应的翻译文本信息 var showError = function (messageCode) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(messageCode); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var resetError = function () { var elms = $(editModalSelector).find("form:first div[data-for]"); elms.html(""); elms.attr("class", "validate-success"); $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", Name: "", IsActive: true }; }; //获取维度值数据 var getDimensionValueList = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); var dimensionID = $scope.dimensionId; dimensionService.getDimensionValueList(dimensionID).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.DimensionValueList = data; deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise; }; var editDimensionValue = function () { getDimensionValueList().then(function () { $scope.isEdit = true; if ($scope.selectedDimensionValueId) { var data = _.find($scope.DimensionValueList, function (num) { return === $scope.selectedDimensionValueId; }); if (data) { $scope.editingObject = { id:, Name:, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, IsActive: data.isActive }; $scope.DimensionName = $scope.dimensionName; } } $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }); }; var addDimensionValue = function () { getDimensionValueList().then(function () { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.editingObject = { id: "", Name: "", IsActive: true, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId }; $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { resetError(); if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { addDimensionValue(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { editDimensionValue(); } } }); $(editModalSelector).on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; //保存当前正在编辑数据行,经过界面初步校验后才会进入本功能 $ = function () { if ($scope.editingObject == null) { return; } if (!($(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").valid())) { return; } var editModel = $scope.editingObject; var successedFun = function (rst) { if (!rst.result) { showError(rst.resultMsg); return false; } $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); if ($scope.isEdit) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureEditSuccess")); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureAddSuccess")); } $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.refreshDimensionValueList(); } if ($scope.isEdit) { dimensionService.updateDimensionValue(editModel).success(successedFun); } else { dimensionService.addDimensionValue(editModel).success(successedFun); } }; var intiValidate = function () { $.validator.addMethod("dimensionValueRepeated", function (value, element, param) { if ($scope.DimensionValueList && $scope.DimensionValueList.length > 0) { var objects = $.grep($scope.DimensionValueList, function (n, i) { return $ != && $.trim( == $.trim(value); }); return objects.length < 1; } return true; }); formValidator = $(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").validate({ debug: true, rules: { Name: { required: true, minlength: 2, maxlength: 50, dimensionValueRepeated: true }, IsActive: { required: "input[name='IsActive']:checked" } }, messages: { Name: { required: $translate.instant('DimensionValueEmptyNode'), minlength: $translate.instant('DimensionValueEmptyNode'), maxlength: $translate.instant('DimensionValueOutOfLengthNode'), dimensionValueRepeated: $translate.instant('DimensionValueDuplicated') }, IsActive: $translate.instant('DimensionValueStatusUnsureness') }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { var elm = $(element).parents("form:first"); elm = elm.find("div[data-for='" + element.attr("name") + "']"); elm.html(error); elm.attr("class", "validate-fail"); } } ); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('editDimensionValueModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.refreshDimensionValueList = getDimensionValueList; intiValidate(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editDimensionValueModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editRegionModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-dimension-value-modal/edit-dimension-value-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editDimensionValueModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', selectedDimensionValueId: '=?', isUpdate: '=?', dimensionName: '=?', dimensionId: '=?' } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editFormulaModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', '$q', 'SweetAlert', '$uibModal', 'serviceTypeService', 'formulaService', function($scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, $q, SweetAlert, $uibModal, serviceTypeService, formulaService) { var allCategory = { id: "-1", name: $translate.instant("All"), prefix: "ALL", isActive: true }; var thisConstant = { serviceTypeSelect: 'serviceTypeSelect', formulaDxList: 'formulaDxList', formulaNameGet: 'GET' }; var thisData = { serviceTypeList: [], formulaList: [], formulaTreeView: null, }; var thisDataService = { newModel: function() { var editModel = {}; return editModel; }, save: function() { // if ($scope.selectFormula) { // $log.debug('选中的公式为:' + JSON.stringify($scope.selectFormula)); // } thisModalService.close($scope.selectFormula); } }; var thisModalService = { modalInstance: null, open: function(editModel) { $scope.editModel = editModel; mainModule.resetSelectedFormula(); var container; if ($scope.containerSelector) { container = angular.element($scope.containerSelector); } else { container = angular.element('body'); } if (container.length > 1) { container = angular.element(container[0]); } var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editFormulaModal.html', appendTo: container, scope: $scope, windowClass: 'edit-formula-modal-wrapper', resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.closed.then(function () { if ($scope.isUpdate) { $scope.onClosed({ formula: $scope.selectFormula }); } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); thisModalService.modalInstance = modalInstance; // 加载服务类型 $timeout(function () { var promise; if (thisData.serviceTypeList && thisData.serviceTypeList.length > 0) { mainModule.renderServiceTypeSelect(thisData.serviceTypeList); promise = $q.when(); } else { promise = mainModule.loadServiceType(); } promise = promise.then(function () { thisData.formulaList = $scope.formulaList; $scope.formulaTranslatorModel.formulaList = thisData.formulaList; // 确定 $ =; // 取消 $scope.cancel = thisModalService.cancel; // 加载公式 if (!thisData.formulaList || thisData.formulaList.length === 0) { return mainModule.loadFormulaList(); } else { return $q.when(); } }); promise = promise.then(function () { mainModule.searchFormula(); $(".edit-formula-modal-wrapper .modal-content").css('top', '0px'); $(".edit-formula-modal-wrapper .modal-content").css('left', '0px'); $(".edit-formula-modal-wrapper .modal-content").draggable({ cursor: "cursor", scroll: true, cancel: '.btn, input, .form-control, .formula-text, .close, div.label' }); }); }, 10); }, newModel: function() { var editModel = thisDataService.newModel();; }, close: function(result) { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.close(result); } }, cancel: function() { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } }; var mainModule = { main: function() { $scope.formulaTranslatorModel = { formulaList: [], formulaName: '', formulaParams: '' }; mainModule.watchFunction(); }, watchFunction: function() { $scope.$watch('operateType', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { thisModalService.newModel(); } }); }, loadServiceType: function() { return serviceTypeService.getServiceTypeList().success(function(data) { // 只拿有效的 data = _.filter(data, function(row) { return row.isActive; }); if (data) { data.unshift(allCategory); thisData.serviceTypeList = data; mainModule.renderServiceTypeSelect(data); } }); }, loadFormulaList: function() { return formulaService.getAll().success(function(data) { var tempList; if (data && { tempList =, function (row) { return { id:, code: row.formulaName, name: row.chineseName, description: row.description, englishName: row.englishName, requiredParamNum: row.requiredParamNum, params: '' }; }); } else { tempList = []; } thisData.formulaList = tempList; $scope.formulaTranslatorModel.formulaList = tempList; }); }, renderServiceTypeSelect: function(data) { var value = data && data.length > 0 ? data[0].id : null; $('#' + thisConstant.serviceTypeSelect).dxSelectBox({ dataSource: data, valueExpr: 'id', displayExpr: 'name', value: value, onSelectionChanged: function(args) { $scope.editModel.searchText = ''; mainModule.resetSelectedFormula(); mainModule.searchFormula(); } }); }, resetServiceType: function () { var o = $('#' + thisConstant.serviceTypeSelect).dxSelectBox('option'); var onSelectionChanged = o.onSelectionChanged; $('#' + thisConstant.serviceTypeSelect).dxSelectBox({ onSelectionChanged: null }); $('#' + thisConstant.serviceTypeSelect).dxSelectBox({ value: }); $('#' + thisConstant.serviceTypeSelect).dxSelectBox({ onSelectionChanged: onSelectionChanged }); }, resetSelectedFormula: function () { $scope.formulaTranslatorModel.params = '' $scope.formulaTranslatorModel.formulaName = ''; $scope.selectFormula = null; }, searchFormula: function() { var o = $('#' + thisConstant.serviceTypeSelect).dxSelectBox('option'); var serviceType = o.value; var filterList = []; if ($scope.editModel.searchText) { // 搜索框有值则只显示匹配输入值的公式 var upperText = $scope.editModel.searchText.toUpperCase(); filterList = _.filter(thisData.formulaList, function(row) { if (row.code && row.code.toUpperCase().indexOf(upperText) > -1) { return true; } if ( && > -1) { return true; } return false; }); filterList = mainModule.filterServiceType(, filterList); } else { // 搜索框无值则显示选择的税种对应的公式 filterList = mainModule.filterServiceType(serviceType, thisData.formulaList); } mainModule.renderFormulaDxTreeView(filterList); }, searchFormulaByName: function () { mainModule.resetServiceType(); mainModule.searchFormula(); }, filterServiceType: function(serviceType, filterSearchList) { if (!filterSearchList || filterSearchList.length === 0) { filterSearchList = thisData.formulaList; } var filterList = _.filter(filterSearchList, function(row) { if (row.code === thisConstant.formulaNameGet) { // get 函数不展示 return false; } if (serviceType === { // 选择所有类别时 return true; } if (!row.serviceType) { // 不知道服务类型的,也返回 return true; } if (row.serviceType && row.serviceType === serviceType) { return true; } return false; }); return filterList; }, renderFormulaDxTreeView: function(data) { data = angular.copy(data); data.forEach(function(row) { row.label = row.code + '(' + + ')'; }); var $treeView = $('#' + thisConstant.formulaDxList).dxTreeView({ dataSource: data, keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", displayExpr: "label", selectByClick: true, expandAllEnabled: true, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "none", selectionMode: 'single', height: '130px', noDataText: '', onItemSelectionChanged: function (args) { $scope.$apply(function () { var itemData = args.itemData; $scope.formulaTranslatorModel.formulaName = itemData.code; // $scope.formulaTranslatorModel.params = itemData.params; $scope.selectFormula = itemData; }); } }); thisData.formulaTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); }, }; (function initialize() { mainModule.main(); $scope.searchFormulaByName = mainModule.searchFormulaByName; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editFormulaModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-formula-modal/edit-formula-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editFormulaModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', accountDataSource: '=?', selectFormula:'=?', formulaList: '=?', containerSelector: '@?', onClosed: '&' } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule.controller('editInvoiceModalController', ['$log', '$scope', '$translate', '$uibModal', '$document', 'SweetAlert', 'enums', '$timeout', '$document', '$compile', 'vatOutputInvoiceManageService', 'userService', 'loginContext', 'cardValidationService', '$state','$q', function ($log, $scope, $translate, $uibModal, $document, SweetAlert, enums, $timeout, $document, $compile, vatOutputInvoiceManageService, userService, loginContext, cardValidationService, $state,$q) { var thisService = { // 最大金额 MaxPrice: 10000000.00, debug: false, // 从数据库中获取的修改理由 OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList: null, // 选中BD列表 selectEntityList_ID: 'selectEntityList_ID', // 手动添加发票 select_ADD_EntityList_ID: 'select_ADD_EntityList_ID', isChanged: false, // debug 用的 理由 与 OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList 结构相同 reasonList: [ { id: '0062b0da-08a5-44e7-8dfd-5b880e20e8cc', englishName: 'Autopilot Hardware', chineseName: '辅助驾驶金额未加,手动调价' }, { id: '1062b0da-08a5-44e7-8dfd-5b880e20e8cc', englishName: 'High Amperage Charger Upgrade', chineseName: '高功率车载充电器金额未加,手动调价' }, { englishName: 'Insurance Subsidy', chineseName: '保险优惠未扣,手动调价' }, { englishName: 'Trade-in Value Uplift', chineseName: '置换激励未扣,手动调价' }, { englishName: 'Referral Credit', chineseName: '老车主推荐激励未扣,手动调价' } ], // 测试编辑数据 testEditModel: null, OwnerOrgModel: {}, // 主函数 main: function () { $scope.isReadOnly = true; // 只能查看,不能修改 $scope.isQueryOnly = false; $scope.editModel = {}; thisService.getUserOwnerOrganization(); $scope.updateStatus = thisService.updateStatus; thisService.watchCollection(); thisService.test(); thisService.bindEvent(); }, // 绑定事件 bindEvent: function () { $scope.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment = thisService.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment; }, // 限制输入两位小数 limitTwoDigital: function (value) { //先把非数字的都替换掉,除了数字和. value = value.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ""); //必须保证第一个为数字而不是. value = value.replace(/^\./g, ""); //保证只有出现一个.而没有多个. value = value.replace(/\.{2,}/g, "."); //保证.只出现一次,而不能出现两次以上 value = value.replace(".", "$#$").replace(/\./g, "").replace("$#$", "."); //保证.只后面只能出现两位有效数字 value = value.replace(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{2})[0-9]*/, "$1"); return value; }, // 购房名称及身份证号码,组织机构代码 getBuyerInfo: function (data) { var str = ''; if (!data) { return str; } // if (data.registrationLocalName) { // str = data.registrationLocalName; // } if (data.driverLicense) { str += data.driverLicense; } if (data.organizationCode) { str += data.organizationCode; } return str; }, // 设置价格 setPrice: function (data) { // 不含税价 if (data.vatRateorLevyRate && data.subtotalforFinalPayment) { // var rateStr = data.vatRateorLevyRate.replace('%', ''); // var rate = parseInt(rateStr) / 100; // var notExcludeTaxPrice = data.subtotalforFinalPayment / (1 + rate); // var price = Math.floor(notExcludeTaxPrice * 100) / 100; // // 为了精确度的问题 // data.vatTax = (data.subtotalforFinalPayment * 10000 - price * 10000) / 10000; // data.excludeTaxPrice = price; vatOutputInvoiceManageService.computeBDPrice(data).success(function (ret) { data.vatTax = ret.vatTax; data.excludeTaxPrice = ret.excludeTaxPrice }); } }, // 测试辅助方法 test: function () { if (thisService.debug) { // 测试编辑数据 thisService.testEditModel = { registrationLocalName: 'tom li', companyVATIDTaxID: '234826348762384', governmentClassification: '小轿车', brandandModelNumber: '拓速乐纯电动轿车 S60R5', producingPlace: '美国', certificateNumber: '', importCertificateNumber: 'H34234234234', ciqNumber: 'A234234234', motorNumber: 'T937459834', vin: '5Y837438743743', subtotalforFinalPaymentCH: '陆拾伍万', subtotalforFinalPayment: '650000.00', invoiceCode: '', invoiceNumber: '', salesUnitName: '特斯拉汽车销售服务(xx)有限公司', salesUnitPhoneNumber: '020-37253253', salesTaxPayerNumber: '977277237575276354', salesAccount: '23123123123', salesAddress: 'XXX市~~~', salesBankName: '花旗银行', vatRateorLevyRate: '', taxableSubtotal: 650000.00, mainTaxAuthoritiesCode: 'XXX市 9274387293874', excludeTaxPrice: 650000.00, taxPaymentCertificateNumber: '123123213', // 吨位 tonnage: null, // 限乘人数 capacity: 5, // 生产企业名称 manufacturer: 'tesla' }; } }, // watch 数据 watchCollection: function () { $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue === constant.Operation.Add) { thisService.addInvoiceModalDialog(); } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Edit) { //$scope.isReadOnly = true;; } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Query) { // thisService.showInvoiceDialog(); $scope.isQueryOnly = true;; } } }); //$scope.$watch('editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment', function (newValue, oldValue) { // if (newValue) { // thisService.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment(); // } //}); }, // 设置勾选 setCheck: function (data) { if (data.historyReasonList && data.historyReasonList.length > 0) { data.historyReasonList = angular.copy(data.historyReasonList); if (data.reasonIDList && data.reasonIDList.length > 0) { var checkedList = _.filter(data.historyReasonList, function (row) { return data.reasonIDList.indexOf( > -1; }); if (checkedList && checkedList.length > 0) { checkedList.forEach(function (row) { row.checked = true; }); } } } return data; }, // 编辑发票修改 editCheckInvoice: function (model) { if (!model.reasonList || model.reasonList.length === 0) { return $translate.instant('ReasonRequire'); } if (!model.subtotalforFinalPayment) { return $translate.instant('SubtotalforFinalPaymentRequire'); } return null; }, // 首次设置价格 firstSetPrice: function (data) { if (data.vatTax === null || data.excludeTaxPrice === null) { data = this.setPrice(data); } return data; }, addControlsInit: function () { var selectedTaxControlId = null; if (thisService.OwnerOrgModel && thisService.OwnerOrgModel.taxControlDiskList && thisService.OwnerOrgModel.taxControlDiskList.length === 1) { $scope.editModel.taxControlDisk = thisService.OwnerOrgModel.taxControlDiskList[0]; selectedTaxControlId = thisService.OwnerOrgModel.taxControlDiskList[0].id; } $scope.textBoxOption = { registrationLocalNameOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.registrationLocalName', }, maxLength: 100, placeholder: $translate.instant('RegistrationLocalNamePlaceholder') }, buyerCodeOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.buyerIDOrCode', }, maxLength: 100, placeholder: $translate.instant('BuyerCodePlaceholder') }, companyVATIDTaxIDOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.companyVATIDTaxID', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('CompanyVATIDTaxIDPlaceholder') }, governmentClassificationOpt: { dataSource:constant.CarType, bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.governmentClassification', }, }, brandandModelNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.brandandModelNumber', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('BrandandModelNumberPlaceholder') }, producingPlaceOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.producingPlace', }, maxLength: 20, placeholder: $translate.instant('ProducingPlacePlaceholder') }, certificateNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.certificateNumber', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('CertificateNumberPlaceholder') }, importCertificateNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.importCertificateNumber', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('ImportCertificateNumberPlaceholder') }, ciqNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.ciqNumber', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('CiqNumberPlaceholder') }, motorNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.motorNumber', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('MotorNumberPlaceholder') }, vinOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: '', }, maxLength: 50, placeholder: $translate.instant('VinPlaceholder') }, subtotalforFinalPaymentCHOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.subtotalforFinalPaymentCH', }, readOnly: true }, subtotalforFinalPaymentOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment', }, valueChangeEvent: "keyup", maxLength: 20, placeholder: $translate.instant('SubtotalforFinalPaymentPlaceholder'), onValueChanged: function (e) { $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment = e.value; thisService.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment(); } }, salesUnitNameOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.salesUnitName', }, readOnly: true }, salesUnitPhoneNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.salesUnitPhoneNumber', }, readOnly: true }, salesTaxPayerNumberOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.salesTaxPayerNumber', }, readOnly: true }, salesAccountOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.salesAccount', }, readOnly: true }, salesAddressOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.salesAddress', }, readOnly: true }, salesBankNameOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.salesBankName', }, readOnly: true }, vatRateorLevyRateOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.vatRateorLevyRate', }, height: 44, readOnly: true }, vatTaxOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.vatTax', }, height: 44, readOnly: true }, excludeTaxPriceOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.excludeTaxPrice', }, readOnly: true }, tonnageOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.tonnage', }, maxLength: 10, placeholder: $translate.instant('TonnagePlaceholder') }, capacityOpt: { bindingOptions: { value: 'editModel.capacity', }, maxLength: 10, valueChangeEvent: "keyup", // placeholder:$translate.instant('CapacityPlaceholder'), onValueChanged: function (e) { $scope.editModel.capacity = e.value.replace(/[^\d]/g, ""); } }, selectTaxControlDiskOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'editModel.taxControlDiskList', value: '', }, //dataSource: thisService.OwnerOrgModel.taxControlDiskList, onSelectionChanged: function (args) { $scope.editModel.taxControlDisk = args.selectedItem; }, itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { var span = $('<span title="' + + '">').text(; itemElement.append(span); }, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), valueExpr: 'id', displayExpr: 'name' }, }; $scope.validateOption = { registrationLocalNameOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('RegistrationLocalNameRequire') }] }, buyerCodeOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('BuyerCodePlaceholder') }, { type: 'stringLength', min: 18, max: 18, message: $translate.instant('LengthNotEqual') + ' 18' }, { type: "pattern", pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', message: $translate.instant('NotLetterAndNumber') }, //{ // type: "custom", // validationCallback: function (options) { // //表示目前的值是组织机构代码 // if ($scope.editModel.companyVATIDTaxID) { // return true; // } // //身份证号码 // var data = options.value; // var r = cardValidationService.CardCheck(data); // options.rule.message = r.message; // return r.pass; // } //} ] }, companyVATIDTaxIDOpt: { validationRules: [ // { // type: "required", // message: $translate.instant('CompanyVATIDTaxIDRequire') //}, //{ // type: 'stringLength', // min: 18, max: 18, // message: $translate.instant('LengthNotEqual') + ' 18' //}, //{ // type: "pattern", // pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', // message: $translate.instant('NotLetterAndNumber') //}, { type: "custom", message: $translate.instant('OrgCompanyIDNotEqual'), validationCallback: function (options) { var data = options.value; if (data !== null && data !== undefined && data !== '') { if (data !== $scope.editModel.buyerIDOrCode) { options.rule.message = $translate.instant('OrgCompanyIDNotEqual'); return false; } } return true; } }] }, governmentClassificationOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('GovernmentClassificationRequire') }] }, brandandModelNumberOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('BrandandModelNumberRequire') }] }, producingPlaceOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('ProducingPlaceRequire') }] }, certificateNumberOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('CertificateNumberRequire') }] }, importCertificateNumberOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('ImportCertificateNumberRequire') }, { type: 'stringLength', min: 12, max: 12, message: $translate.instant('LengthNotEqual') + ' 12' }, { type: "pattern", pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', message: $translate.instant('NotLetterAndNumber') } ] }, ciqNumberOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('CiqNumberRequire') }, { type: 'stringLength', min: 9, max: 9, message: $translate.instant('LengthNotEqual') + ' 9' }, { type: "pattern", pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', message: $translate.instant('NotLetterAndNumber') }] }, motorNumberOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('MotorNumberRequire') }] }, vinOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('VinRequire') }, { type: 'stringLength', min: 17, max: 17, message: $translate.instant('LengthNotEqual') + ' 17' }, { type: "pattern", pattern: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$', message: $translate.instant('NotLetterAndNumber') }] }, subtotalforFinalPaymentOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('SubtotalforFinalPaymentRequire') } ] }, tonnageOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('TonnageRequire') }] }, capacityOpt: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('CapacityRequire') }] }, selectTaxControlDiskOptions: { validationRules: [{ type: "required", message: $translate.instant('TaxControlDiskRequire') }] } }; }, parseDbModel: function (model) { if (!model.vehicleModel) { //model.vehicleModel = model.governmentClassification; } if (!model.cabinConfiguration) { var temp = window.PWC.convertChineseSimple(model.capacity); model.cabinConfiguration = temp + "座座椅布局"; } return model; }, // 打开弹出框 open: function () { var editModel = {}; thisService.isChanged = false; if (this.testEditModel) { editModel = thisService.testEditModel; } $scope.showCancelRemark = false; if ($scope.invoiceModel) { thisService.setPrice($scope.invoiceModel); if ($scope.isReadOnly) { if ($scope.invoiceModel.bdStatus === 5) { $scope.showCancelRemark = true; } if ($scope.invoiceModel.bdStatus === 'Cancelled') { $scope.showCancelRemark = true; } } $scope.editModel = $scope.invoiceModel; if (!$scope.editModel.buyerIDOrCode) { $scope.editModel.buyerIDOrCode = thisService.getBuyerInfo($scope.invoiceModel); } if ($scope.editModel.bdIssuedDate) { $scope.editModel.bdIssuedDate = new Date($scope.editModel.bdIssuedDate).formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd'); } } else { $scope.editModel = editModel; } //editModel.historyReasonList = thisService.reasonList; if (thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList && thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList.length > 0) { $scope.editModel.historyReasonList = _.filter(thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList, function (row) { return row.type === constant.OutputInvoiceReasonType.EditInvoiceReason; }); $scope.editModel.historyReasonList = angular.copy($scope.editModel.historyReasonList); thisService.firstSetPrice($scope.editModel); // $scope.invoiceModel.checked } else { vatOutputInvoiceManageService.getAllOutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList().success(function (data) { thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList = data; $scope.editModel.historyReasonList = _.filter(thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList, function (row) { return row.type === constant.OutputInvoiceReasonType.EditInvoiceReason; }); $scope.editModel.historyReasonList = angular.copy($scope.editModel.historyReasonList); thisService.firstSetPrice($scope.editModel); }); } var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editInvoiceModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-invoice-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, size: 'size', resolve: { editModel: $scope.editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { // $scope.templateModel = data; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.isReadOnly = true; $scope.isQueryOnly = false; $scope.operateType = null; }, function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isReadOnly = true; $scope.isUpdate = false; $scope.isQueryOnly = false; // $scope.onClosed({ param: {} }); // 如果修改了,数据,点取消之后,数据应该同步 if (thisService.isChanged && $scope.onChanged) { $scope.onChanged({ param: {} }); } $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); var saveData = function (model) { vatOutputInvoiceManageService.addOutputInvoicePrinted(model, true).success(function (ret) { if (ret.result) { $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isReadOnly = true; // SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); modalInstance.close(model); $scope.onClosed({ param: model }); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant('SaveFail'), 'warning'); } }); }; // 打印 $ = function () { var model = $scope.editModel; // 选中的理由 model.reasonList = _.filter(model.historyReasonList, function (row) { return row.checked; }); var checkResult = thisService.editCheckInvoice(model); if (checkResult) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), checkResult, 'warning'); return; } model = thisService.parseDbModel(model); saveData(model); }; $scope.saveUpdate = function () { var model = $scope.editModel; // 选中的理由 model.reasonList = _.filter(model.historyReasonList, function (row) { return row.checked; }); var checkResult = thisService.editCheckInvoice(model); if (checkResult) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), checkResult, 'warning'); return; } = model.editInvoiceId; model = thisService.parseDbModel(model); vatOutputInvoiceManageService.updateOutputInvoiceEdit(model).success(function (ret) { if (ret.result) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); $scope.isReadOnly = true; thisService.isChanged = true; // 保持成功修改后添加历史记录 $scope.saveEditInvoiceHistory(); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant('SaveFail'), 'warning'); } }); }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function () { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; // 设置entity info var setEntityInfo = function (data) { $scope.editModel.salesUnitName =; $scope.editModel.salesUnitPhoneNumber = data.phoneNumber; $scope.editModel.salesTaxPayerNumber = data.taxPayerNumber; $scope.editModel.salesAccount = data.bankAccountNumber; $scope.editModel.salesAddress = data.manufactureAddress; $scope.editModel.salesBankName = data.bankAccountName; $scope.editModel.salesOrgID =; $scope.editModel.taxControlDisk = {}; if (data.taxControlDiskList && data.taxControlDiskList.length > 0) { data.taxControlDiskList.forEach(function (row) { = row.taxControlDiskSerialNumber + row.taxControlDiskDescribe; }); if (data.taxControlDiskList.length === 1) { $scope.editModel.taxControlDisk = data.taxControlDiskList[0]; } } $scope.editModel.taxControlDiskList = data.taxControlDiskList; }; if ($scope.editModel.salesUnitName) { var obj = _.find($scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList, function (row) { return === $scope.editModel.salesUnitName; }); if (obj) { $scope.editModel.salesOrgID =; } } if ($scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList && $scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList.length > 0) { $timeout(function () { $('#' + thisService.selectEntityList_ID).dxSelectBox({ dataSource: $scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList, valueExpr: 'id', value: $scope.invoiceModel.salesOrgID, displayExpr: 'name', onSelectionChanged: function (args) { setEntityInfo(args.selectedItem); } }); }, 50); } }, // 手动添加发票弹出框 addInvoiceModalDialog: function () { thisService.addControlsInit(); var editModel = { registrationLocalName: '', companyVATIDTaxID: '', governmentClassification: '', brandandModelNumber: '', producingPlace: '美国', certificateNumber: '无', importCertificateNumber: '', ciqNumber: '', motorNumber: '', vin: '', subtotalforFinalPaymentCH: '', subtotalforFinalPayment: '', invoiceCode: '', invoiceNumber: '', salesUnitName: '', salesUnitPhoneNumber: '', salesTaxPayerNumber: '', salesAccount: '', salesAddress: '', salesBankName: '', vatRateorLevyRate: '17%', taxableSubtotal: 0.00, mainTaxAuthoritiesCode: '', excludeTaxPrice: 0, taxPaymentCertificateNumber: '', // 吨位 tonnage: '无', // 限乘人数 capacity: '', // 生产企业名称 manufacturer: '拓速乐佛利蒙总装厂' }; //editModel.historyReasonList = thisService.reasonList; // thisService.setPrice(editModel); $scope.editModel = editModel; $scope.editModel.buyerInfo = thisService.getBuyerInfo($scope.editModel); if (thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList && thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList.length > 0) { var reasonListTemp = _.filter(thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList, function (row) { return row.type === constant.OutputInvoiceReasonType.ManualInvoiceReason; }); $scope.editModel.historyReasonList = angular.copy(reasonListTemp); } else { vatOutputInvoiceManageService.getAllOutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList().success(function (data) { thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList = data; var reasonListTemp = _.filter(thisService.OutputInvoiceUpdateReasonList, function (row) { return row.type === constant.OutputInvoiceReasonType.ManualInvoiceReason; }); $scope.editModel.historyReasonList = angular.copy(reasonListTemp); }); } var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'addInvoiceModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-invoice-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, size: 'add', resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { // $scope.templateModel = data; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.isReadOnly = true; // $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); $scope.operateType = null; }, function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isReadOnly = true; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); var saveData = function (model) { vatOutputInvoiceManageService.addOutputInvoicePrinted(model, true).success(function (ret) { if (ret.result) { $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); modalInstance.close(model); $state.go('outputInvoiceManage.issuedInvoiceBdView'); //$scope.onClosed({ param: model }); } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant('SaveFail'), 'warning'); } }); }; $scope.checkReasonChanged = function () { $scope.editModel.reasonList = _.filter($scope.editModel.historyReasonList, function (row) { return === $scope.editModel.selectReasonID; }); if (!$scope.editModel.reasonList || $scope.editModel.reasonList.length === 0) { $scope.editModel.historyReasonListError = $translate.instant('ManualReasonRequire'); return; } else { $scope.editModel.historyReasonListError = null; } }; // 保存 $ = function (params) { var model = $scope.editModel; // 选中的理由 $scope.checkReasonChanged(); var dxResult = DevExpress.validationEngine.validateGroup($('#addInvoiceModalForm').dxValidationGroup("instance")).isValid; var specialValid = true; //表示目前的值是组织机构代码 if (!$scope.editModel.companyVATIDTaxID) { //身份证号码 // var data = options.value; var r = cardValidationService.CardCheck($scope.editModel.buyerIDOrCode); var IDCard = $("#buyer-code").dxTextBox('instance'); IDCard.option("isValid", r.pass); IDCard.option("validationError", { message: r.message }); specialValid = r.pass; } else { //表示不是身份证,需要验证2个是否相等 var company = $("#company-taxID").dxTextBox('instance'); if ($scope.editModel.companyVATIDTaxID !== $scope.editModel.buyerIDOrCode) { company.option("isValid", false); company.option("validationError", { message: $translate.instant('OrgCompanyIDNotEqual') }); specialValid = false; } else { company.option("isValid", true); company.option("validationError", { message: '' }); } } if (!dxResult || $scope.editModel.historyReasonListError !== null || !specialValid) { return; } $scope.invoiceConfirmModel = { type:1, taxControlDiskID:$, }; $scope.invoiceConfirmType = constant.Operation.Open; model = thisService.parseDbModel(model); $scope.invoiceConfirmFunction = function(param){ saveData(model); }; }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function () { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; // 设置entity info var setEntityInfo = function (data) { $scope.editModel.salesUnitName =; $scope.editModel.salesUnitPhoneNumber = data.phoneNumber; $scope.editModel.salesTaxPayerNumber = data.taxPayerNumber; $scope.editModel.salesAccount = data.bankAccountNumber; $scope.editModel.salesAddress = data.manufactureAddress; $scope.editModel.salesBankName = data.bankAccountName; $scope.editModel.vehicleroutinglocation = data.vehicleroutinglocation; $scope.editModel.salesOrgID =; $scope.editModel.taxControlDisk = {}; if (data.taxControlDiskList && data.taxControlDiskList.length > 0) { data.taxControlDiskList.forEach(function (row) { = row.taxControlDiskSerialNumber + row.taxControlDiskDescribe; }); if (data.taxControlDiskList.length === 1) { $scope.editModel.taxControlDisk = data.taxControlDiskList[0]; } } $scope.editModel.taxControlDiskList = data.taxControlDiskList; }; $timeout(function () { setEntityInfo(thisService.OwnerOrgModel); $scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList = thisService.OwnerOrgModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList; if ($scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList && $scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList.length > 0) { $('#' + thisService.select_ADD_EntityList_ID).dxSelectBox({ dataSource: $scope.editModel.sameVehicleroutinglocationList, valueExpr: 'id', value: $scope.editModel.salesOrgID, displayExpr: 'name', onSelectionChanged: function (args) { setEntityInfo(args.selectedItem); } }); } }, 50); }, // 验证输入的发票信息 checkInputInvoice: function (data) { if (!data.registrationLocalName) { data.registrationLocalNameHasError = true; return $translate.instant('RegistrationLocalNameRequire'); } else { data.registrationLocalNameHasError = false; } if (!data.companyVATIDTaxID) { data.companyVATIDTaxIDHasError = true; return $translate.instant('CompanyVATIDTaxIDRequire'); } else { data.companyVATIDTaxIDHasError = false; } if (!data.governmentClassification) { return $translate.instant('GovernmentClassificationRequire'); } if (!data.brandandModelNumber) { return $translate.instant('BrandandModelNumberRequire'); } if (!data.producingPlace) { return $translate.instant('ProducingPlaceRequire'); } if (!data.certificateNumber) { return $translate.instant('CertificateNumberRequire'); } if (!data.importCertificateNumber) { return $translate.instant('ImportCertificateNumberRequire'); } if (!data.ciqNumber) { return $translate.instant('CiqNumberRequire'); } if (!data.motorNumber) { return $translate.instant('MotorNumberRequire'); } if (! { return $translate.instant('VinRequire'); } if (!data.subtotalforFinalPayment) { return $translate.instant('SubtotalforFinalPaymentRequire'); } if (!data.tonnage) { return $translate.instant('TonnageRequire'); } if (!data.capacity) { return $translate.instant('CapacityRequire'); } return null; }, // 查看发票 showInvoiceDialog: function () { var editModel = {}; if ($scope.invoiceModel) { $scope.editModel = $scope.invoiceModel; thisService.setPrice($scope.invoiceModel); $scope.editModel.buyerInfo = thisService.getBuyerInfo($scope.invoiceModel); } else { $scope.editModel = editModel; } var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'queryInvoiceModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-invoice-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, size: 'show', resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { // $scope.templateModel = data; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.isReadOnly = true; // $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); $scope.operateType = null; }, function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isReadOnly = true; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); // 取消 $scope.cancel = function () { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; }, // 进入编辑状态 updateStatus: function () { $scope.isReadOnly = false; }, // 验证输入金额 // 小写金额 自动转大写 changeSubtotalforFinalPayment: function () { var value = $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment; value = thisService.limitTwoDigital(value); if (value != $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment) { $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment = value; } if (value) { var temp = parseFloat(value); if (temp > thisService.MaxPrice) { value = value.substr(0, value.length - 1); $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment = value; } } if (value) { $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPaymentCH = window.PWC.convertChineseCurrency(value); } else { $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPaymentCH = ''; } thisService.setPrice($scope.editModel); }, getUserOwnerOrganization: function () { userService.getUserOwnerOrganization().success(function (data) { if (data) { if (data.taxControlDiskList && data.taxControlDiskList.length > 0) { data.taxControlDiskList.forEach(function (row) { = row.taxControlDiskSerialNumber + row.taxControlDiskDescribe; }); } } thisService.OwnerOrgModel = data; }); } }; var historyService = { main: function () { //显示手工导入数据历史记录 $scope.openEditInvoiceHistory = function (event) { $('#history-pop-container').css({ 'top': 120 + 'px', 'left': -90 + 'px' }).show(500); }; //关闭手工导入数据历史记录 $scope.closeEditInvoiceHistory = function () { var model = $scope.invoiceModel; $('#history-pop-container').hide(500); }; //toggle手工导入数据历史记录 $scope.toggleEditInvoiceHistory = function () { $('#history-pop-container').css({ 'top': 120 + 'px', 'left': -90 + 'px' }).toggle(500); }; //获取手工导入数据历史记录 var getEditInvoiceHistory = function () { if ($scope.editModel && $scope.editModel.editInvoiceId) { vatOutputInvoiceManageService.getOutputInvoiceEditHistory($scope.editModel.editInvoiceId).success(function (result) { if (result && result.length > 0) { _.each(result, function (item) { item.createTime = (new Date(item.createTime)).dateTimeToString('yyyyMMdd hh:mm'); if (item.amount) { item.amount = item.amount.formatAmount(2); } }); $scope.syncHistoryList = result; } else { $scope.syncHistoryList = []; } }); } }; $scope.$watch('editModel.editInvoiceId', function () { getEditInvoiceHistory(); }); $scope.$watch('editModel', function () { if ($scope.editModel) { $scope.manufacturerOrg = $scope.editModel.manufacturer; $scope.salesUnitNameOrg = $scope.editModel.salesUnitName; } }); $scope.saveEditInvoiceHistory = function () { //保存手工编辑发票的历史记录 var historyModel = {}; historyModel.outputInvoiceID = $scope.editModel.editInvoiceId; historyModel.amount = $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment; historyModel.createBy = loginContext.userName; _.each($scope.editModel.historyReasonList, function (item) { if (item.checked) { if (historyModel.englishReasons) { historyModel.reasonIDs += ',' +; historyModel.englishReasons += '|' + item.englishName; historyModel.chineseReasons += '|' + item.chineseName; } else { historyModel.reasonIDs =; historyModel.englishReasons = item.englishName; historyModel.chineseReasons = item.chineseName; } historyModel.manufacturer = ''; historyModel.issuingEntity = ''; if ($scope.manufacturerOrg != $scope.editModel.manufacturer) { historyModel.manufacturer = $scope.editModel.manufacturer; } if ($scope.salesUnitNameOrg != $scope.editModel.salesUnitName) { historyModel.issuingEntity = $scope.editModel.salesUnitName; } } }); //添加手工修改数据的历史记录 vatOutputInvoiceManageService.addOutputInvoiceEditHistory(historyModel).success(function () { $scope.manufacturerOrg = $scope.editModel.manufacturer; $scope.salesUnitNameOrg = $scope.editModel.salesUnitName; getEditInvoiceHistory(); }); }; } }; (function () { thisService.main(); historyService.main(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editInvoiceModal', ['$log', function ($log) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-invoice-modal/edit-invoice-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { operateType: '=', invoiceModel:'=?', onClosed:'&', onChanged:'&' }, controller: 'editInvoiceModalController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { } } }]); commonModule. controller('editOrganizationModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'areaRegionService', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'regionService', 'orgService', 'enterpriseAccountService', 'organizationStructureService', 'businessUnitService', 'projectService', 'dimensionService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, areaRegionService, $filter, SweetAlert, regionService, orgService, enterpriseAccountService, organizationStructureService, businessUnitService, projectService, dimensionService) { var selectedModel = '.addOrgControlPop'; //'#addOrgControlPop' + $scope.dimensionId; $scope.pleaseSelect = $translate.instant('PleaseSelect'); var defaultSelcectRegion = { id: 0, name: '', shortName: '', mergerName: '', }; $scope.showPage = function (pageIndex) { // if (pageIndex === 0) // { // $('#orgModalFooter').css('padding-left','139px'); // } else{ // $('#orgModalFooter').css('padding-left','35px'); // } }; // 新建机构 var newOrg = function () { $scope.editOrgModel = { TypeLevel: 1, code:'' }; refreshOrg(); $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.isShowBasic = false; $scope.isShowAdvanced = false; $scope.isShowRight = false; $scope.selfDimensionError = false; // 选项清空 $scope.selectLevelType = null; $scope.selectProvince = null; $scope.selectRegionID = null; $scope.selectRegion = defaultSelcectRegion; $scope.selectProjectIndustry = null; $scope.selectBusinessUnit = null; if ($scope.newOrganization) { // 默认事业部 if ($scope.newOrganization.businessUnitID) { $scope.selectBusinessUnit = _.find($scope.businessUnitList, function (num) { return === $scope.newOrganization.businessUnitID; }); } // 默认区域 if ($scope.newOrganization.areaID && $scope.newOrganization.areaName) { $scope.editOrgModel.areaID = $scope.newOrganization.areaID; $scope.editOrgModel.areaName = $scope.newOrganization.areaName; } } $scope.orgAccountList = []; $scope.serviceList = []; $scope.isCheckedServiceList = []; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex = 1; $scope.newOrgAccountRow(); $scope.selfDimensionModel = getAddOrgSetDimension(); initIsCheckedServiceList(); // resetErrorStatus(); $scope.orgControlForm.$setPristine(); $scope.advancedControlForm.$setPristine(); // set first active page is basic info $('#orgControlTab a:first').tab('show'); // $('#orgModalFooter').css('padding-left','139px'); $(selectedModel).modal('show'); }; $scope.nameKeyUp = function(){ var hasSpecialChar = window.PWC.hasSpecialChar($; if (hasSpecialChar){ $scope.editOrgModel.nameError = $translate.instant('SpecialChar'); } else{ $scope.editOrgModel.nameError = null; } } // 保存机构 $scope.saveOrg = function () { this.orgControlForm.$setSubmitted(); var hasSpecialChar = window.PWC.hasSpecialChar($; if (hasSpecialChar) { $scope.editOrgModel.nameError = $translate.instant('SpecialChar'); $scope.isShowBasic = true; return false; } if (this.orgControlForm.$invalid ) { $scope.isShowBasic = true; return; } else { $scope.isShowBasic = false; } if (checkEnterpriseSetOrg() || checkTemplateList()) { $scope.isShowAdvanced = true; return; } else { $scope.isShowAdvanced = false; } //this.advancedControlForm.$setSubmitted(); //if (this.advancedControlForm.$invalid) { // $scope.isShowAdvanced = true; // return; //} else { // $scope.isShowAdvanced = false; //} //客户代码是固定死的 $scope.editOrgModel.clientCode = $scope.projectClientName; var editModel = $scope.editOrgModel; //判断新增或修改 //$scope.isAdd = editModel.SaveAsNew; if ($scope.selectProjectIndustry) { editModel.industryID = $; } //层级 if ($scope.selectLevelType) { editModel.structureID = $; editModel.structureName = $; } // 区域是必填项 if ($scope.selectProvince && $scope.selectRegionID) { editModel.regionID = $scope.selectRegionID; } var pId = editModel.parentID; //上级公司 if (!pId || pId === constant.organization.parentIdNull) { editModel.parentID = constant.organization.parentIdNull; } //事业部 if ($scope.selectBusinessUnit) { editModel.businessUnitID = $; } //账套 if ($scope.orgAccountList) { $scope.editOrgModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList = []; $scope.orgAccountList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID) { var enterpriseAccountSetOrg = {}; enterpriseAccountSetOrg.enterpriseAccountSetID = row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID; enterpriseAccountSetOrg.effectiveDateStr = row.startDate; enterpriseAccountSetOrg.expiredDateStr = row.endDate; enterpriseAccountSetOrg.organizationID = $; =; $scope.editOrgModel.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.push(enterpriseAccountSetOrg); } }); } //服务 if ($scope.isCheckedServiceList) { $scope.editOrgModel.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList = []; $scope.isCheckedServiceList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.isChecked) { var organizationServiceTemplateGroup = {}; organizationServiceTemplateGroup.organizationID = $; organizationServiceTemplateGroup.serviceTypeID =; organizationServiceTemplateGroup.templateGroupID =; $scope.editOrgModel.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList.push(organizationServiceTemplateGroup) } }); } // 自定义属性 editModel.dimensionValueOrgList = getSelfDimensionSetValueList(); if ($scope.selfDimensionError) { $scope.isShowBasic = true; return; } if ($scope.isAdd) { editModel.isActive = true; orgService.addOrg(editModel).success(function (orgId) { if (orgId && !orgId.result) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(orgId.resultMsg)); return; }; $(selectedModel).modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); refreshOrg(); $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }); } else { if (editModel.parentID && $scope.selectedOrganization.suborgList) { if (editModel.parentID === { SweetAlert.warning('上级机构不能为机构本身'); return; }; var subOrg = _.find($scope.selectedOrganization.suborgList, function (row) { return === editModel.parentID; }); if (subOrg) { SweetAlert.warning('不能将当前机构的下级机构设置为其上级公司'); return; } }; editModel.isActive = !editModel.isActive; orgService.updateOrg(editModel).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { //"Disable", orgId); SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return; }; $(selectedModel).modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); refreshOrg(); $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }); } }; var checkSelfDimensionSetList = function () { }; // 获取设置的DimensionValue var getSelfDimensionSetValueList = function () { $scope.selfDimensionError = false; var dimensionValueOrgList = []; if (!$scope.selfDimensionModel) { return dimensionValueOrgList; } if ($scope.selfDimensionModel.leftList && $scope.selfDimensionModel.leftList.length > 0) { $scope.selfDimensionModel.leftList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.selectDimensionValueID) { var dimensionValueOrg = { dimensionValueID: row.selectDimensionValueID, dimensionID:, organizationID: $, }; dimensionValueOrgList.push(dimensionValueOrg); row.error = ''; } else { if (row.isMandatory && row.dimensionValueList && row.dimensionValueList.length > 0) { row.error = $translate.instant('PleaseSelect'); $scope.selfDimensionError = true; } else { row.error = ''; } } }); } if ($scope.selfDimensionModel.rightList && $scope.selfDimensionModel.rightList.length > 0) { $scope.selfDimensionModel.rightList.forEach(function (row) { if (row.selectDimensionValueID) { var dimensionValueOrg = { dimensionValueID: row.selectDimensionValueID, dimensionID:, organizationID: $, }; dimensionValueOrgList.push(dimensionValueOrg); row.error = ''; } else { if (row.isMandatory && row.dimensionValueList && row.dimensionValueList.length > 0) { row.error = $translate.instant('PleaseSelect'); $scope.selfDimensionError = true; } else { row.error = ''; } } }); } return dimensionValueOrgList; }; // 加载机构 var loadOrg = function (orgId) { resetRegion(); //清空组织机构,重新获取,达到刷新效果 $scope.editOrgModel = { TypeLevel: 1 }; refreshOrg(); $scope.isShowBasic = false; $scope.orgControlForm.$setPristine(); if (!orgId) { orgId = $; } $("#selectedOrgName-error").hide(); $scope.isAdd = false; $scope.orgHasAccountMapping = false; enterpriseAccountService.getAccountMappingOrg(orgId).success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.orgHasAccountMapping = true; } }); orgService.getSingleOrg(orgId).success(function (orgData) { $scope.selectCompany = orgData; // 设置上级公司 if (orgData.parentName == null || orgData.parentID == null) { var NoOptions = { 'id': constant.organization.parentIdNull, 'name': $translate.instant('OrgSelectNoOption') }; orgData.parentName =; orgData.parentID =; } $scope.selfDimensionError = false; // 设置层级 $scope.selectLevelType = _.find($scope.levelTypeList, function (num) { return === orgData.structureID; }); // 设置行业 $scope.selectProjectIndustry = _.find($scope.projectIndustryList, function (num) { return === orgData.industryID; }); $scope.editOrgModel = orgData; // 设置地区 loadProvinceList(); loadCityList(orgData.parentRegionID); //设置事业部 var businessUnitList = $scope.businessUnitList; $scope.selectBusinessUnit = _.find(businessUnitList, function (num) { return === orgData.businessUnitID; }); if ($scope.selectBusinessUnit === undefined) { //angular方式控制出现了很多问题,暂时先用这样的解决方案 $scope.selectBusinessUnit = $scope.businessUnitList[0]; //直接选第一个,“请选择” // $('#selectBusinessUnit').append('<option disabled selected="selected">' + orgData.businessUnitName + '</option>'); } $scope.orgAccountList = []; $scope.serviceList = []; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex = 1; $scope.selfDimensionModel = getUpdateOrgSetDimension(, orgData.dimensionValueOrgList); setEnterpriseOrgRowList(orgData); setIsCheckedServiceList(orgData); }); // set first active page is basic info $('#orgControlTab a:first').tab('show'); // $('#orgModalFooter').css('padding-left','139px'); $(selectedModel).modal('show'); }; var populateDDL = function (data) { if (data) { var findSelect = _.find(data, function (item) { return == -1; }); if (!findSelect) { data.unshift({ id: -1, name: $scope.pleaseSelect }); } } return data; }; $scope.removeDisabled = function () { var businessUnitList = $scope.businessUnitList; $scope.businessUnitList = _.without(businessUnitList, _.findWhere(businessUnitList, { id: 'newadd' })); }; // 重置机构信息 var resetRegion = function () { var defaultData = null; $scope.CityList = defaultData; $scope.ProvinceList = defaultData; $scope.selectProvince = defaultData; $scope.selectRegionID = defaultData; }; // 获取账套 var loadEnterpriseAccountSetList = function () { enterpriseAccountService.getEnterpriseAccountSetList().success(function (data) { // 只获取启用状态的账套 //data = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.isActive }); $scope.enterpriseAccountSetList = data; if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = true; } else { $scope.hasEnterpriseAccountSet = false; } }); }; // 获取行业信息 var loadProjectIndustryList = function () { orgService.getProjectIndustrys().success(function (data) { $scope.projectIndustryList = data; }); }; // 获取机构层级 var loadOrganizationStructureService = function () { organizationStructureService.getOrganizationStructureList().success(function (data) { var filterData = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.isActive; }); $scope.levelTypeList = filterData; }); }; // 获取事业部 var loadBusinessUnitList = function () { businessUnitService.getBusinessUnitList().success(function (data) { var filterData = _.filter(data, function (item) { return item.isActive; }); $scope.businessUnitList = populateDDL(filterData); }); }; //获取项目客户信息 var loadprojectClient = function () { projectService.getProjectClientList().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.projectClientName = data[0].name; } }); }; // 获取省市 var loadProvinceList = function () { areaRegionService.getProvinces().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.ProvinceList = data; $scope.selectProvince = _.find($scope.ProvinceList, function (num) { return num.regionID === $scope.editOrgModel.parentRegionID; }); if ($scope.selectProvince) { loadCityList($scope.selectProvince.regionID); } } else { data = null; $scope.ProvinceList = data; $scope.selectProvince = data; } }); }; // 加载城市信息 var loadCityList = function (regionID) { if (regionID !== undefined && regionID !== null) { areaRegionService.getCities(regionID).success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.CityList = data; var target = _.find($scope.CityList, function (num) { return num.regionID === $scope.editOrgModel.regionID; }); if (target) { $scope.selectRegionID = $scope.editOrgModel.regionID; } else { $scope.selectRegionID = data[0].regionID; } } else { data = null; $scope.CityList = data; $scope.selectRegionID = null; } }); } }; // 基础数据初始化 var init = function () { loadProjectIndustryList(); loadOrganizationStructureService(); loadBusinessUnitList(); loadProvinceList(); loadEnterpriseAccountSetList(); getAllDimensionList(); loadprojectClient(); }; // 验证账套 var checkEnterpriseSetOrg = function () { if ($scope.orgAccountList && $scope.orgAccountList.length > 0) { $scope.orgAccountList.forEach(function (row) { $scope.checkEnterpriseAccountSetSelect(row); $scope.checkStartDate(row); $scope.checkEndDate(row); }); } var errorList = _.filter($scope.orgAccountList, function (num) { return num.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError || num.startDateError || num.endDateError; }); if (errorList && errorList.length > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }; $scope.checkEnterpriseAccountSetSelect = function (row) { if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID && !row.startDate && !row.endDate) { row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError = null; return; } if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID) { row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError = $scope.resources.OrganizationMsgEnterpriseAccountSetRequired; } else { row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectError = null; } }; // 验证开始时间 $scope.checkStartDate = function (row) { if (row.startDate && !window.PWC.checkMonth(row.startDate)) { row.startDateError = $scope.resources.DateMonthFormatError; return; } else { row.startDateError = null; } if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID && !row.startDate && !row.endDate) { row.startDateError = null; return; } // if (!row.startDate) { // row.startDateError = $scope.resources.EffectiveDateRequired; // } else { // row.startDateError = null; // } if (row.startDate && row.endDate) { if (!validateDate(row.startDate, row.endDate)) { row.startDateError = $scope.resources.EffectiveDateAreaProblem; } else { row.startDateError = null; } } }; // 验证结束时间 $scope.checkEndDate = function (row) { // if (!row.endDate) { // row.endDateError = $scope.resources.ExpiredDateRequired; // } else { // row.endDateError = null; // } if (row.endDate && !window.PWC.checkMonth(row.endDate)) { row.endDateError = $scope.resources.DateMonthFormatError; return; } else { row.endDateError = null; } if (!row.enterpriseAccountSetSelectID && !row.startDate && !row.endDate) { row.endDateError = null; return; } if (row.startDate && row.endDate) { if (!validateDate(row.startDate, row.endDate)) { row.startDateError = $scope.resources.EffectiveDateAreaProblem; } else { row.startDateError = null; } } }; // 验证模板列表 var checkTemplateList = function () { var hasError = false; if ($scope.isCheckedServiceList && $scope.isCheckedServiceList.length > 0) { $scope.isCheckedServiceList.forEach(function (row) { $scope.checkTemplate(row); if (row.selectedTemplateError) { hasError = true; } }); } return hasError; }; // 验证模板方法 $scope.checkTemplate = function (row) { if (row.isChecked) { if (!row.selectedTemplate) { row.selectedTemplateError = $scope.resources.OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired; } else { row.selectedTemplateError = null; } } else { row.selectedTemplateError = null; } }; // 添加一行账套设置 $scope.newOrgAccountRow = function () { var index = $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex; var enterpriseAccountSetList = copyArray($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList); var d = new Date(); var now = d.formatDateTime('yyyy-MM'); var row = { enterpriseAccountSetList: enterpriseAccountSetList, enterpriseAccountSetSelect: null, startDate: null, endDate: null, fromID: 'orgFrom' + index, toID: 'orgTo' + index }; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex++; $scope.orgAccountList.push(row); $timeout(function () { setDatepickerRow(row); }, 200); }; // 删除一行账套 $scope.deleteAccountModule = function (model) { if (model) { $scope.orgAccountList.splice(jQuery.inArray(model, $scope.orgAccountList), 1); }; }; // 选择自定义属性校验 $scope.checkSelfDimension = function (row) { if (row.isMandatory && row.dimensionValueList && row.dimensionValueList.length > 0) { if (!row.selectDimensionValueID) { row.error = $translate.instant('PleaseSelect'); return; } } row.error = ''; }; // 修改机构时,设置账套设置的值 var setEnterpriseOrgRowList = function (enterpriseAccountSetData) { $scope.orgAccountList = []; if (!enterpriseAccountSetData.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList || enterpriseAccountSetData.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.length === 0) { return; } var enterpriseAccountSetList = copyArray($scope.enterpriseAccountSetList); enterpriseAccountSetData.enterpriseAccountSetOrgList.forEach(function (row) { var index = $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex; var rowData = { enterpriseAccountSetList: enterpriseAccountSetList, enterpriseAccountSetSelectID: row.enterpriseAccountSetID, startDate: row.effectiveDateStr, endDate: row.expiredDateStr, fromID: 'orgFrom' + index, toID: 'orgTo' + index,, }; $scope.OrgAccountRowIndex++; $scope.orgAccountList.push(rowData); $timeout(function () { setDatepickerRow(rowData); }, 100); }); }; // 设置时间控件 var setDatepickerRow = function (rowData) { $("#" + rowData.fromID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: "zh-CN", format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + rowData.toID).datepicker({ minViewMode: 1, autoclose: true, language: "zh-CN", format: "yyyy-mm" }); $("#" + rowData.fromID).on('changeDate', function () { if ($("#" + rowData.fromID).val === '') { } else { $("#" + rowData.toID).datepicker('setStartDate', $("#" + rowData.fromID).val()); } }); // 默认的错误信息先设置为空 rowData.startDateError = null; rowData.endDateError = null; } // 数组复制 var copyArray = function (data) { var ret = []; data.forEach(function (row) { ret.push(row); }); return ret; }; // 初始化选择服务选项 var initIsCheckedServiceList = function () { $scope.isCheckedServiceList = []; projectService.getServiceList().success(function (serviceListData) { $scope.serviceList = serviceListData; serviceListData.forEach(function (rowData) { var row = { id:, name:, templateGroupList: rowData.templateGroupList, selectedTemplate: null, isChecked: false, } $scope.isCheckedServiceList.push(row); }); }); }; // 设置是否选择服务模板 var setIsCheckedServiceList = function (orgData) { $scope.isCheckedServiceList = []; projectService.getServiceList().success(function (serviceListData) { $scope.serviceList = serviceListData; serviceListData.forEach(function (rowData) { var temp = _.find(orgData.organizationServiceTemplateGroupList, function (num) { return num.serviceTypeID == }); var ischecked = true; var selectTemplateID = -1; if (temp == undefined) { ischecked = false; } else { selectTemplateID = temp.templateGroupID; } var row = { id:, name:, templateGroupList: rowData.templateGroupList, selectedTemplate: _.find(rowData.templateGroupList, function (num) { return == selectTemplateID }), isChecked: ischecked, } $scope.isCheckedServiceList.push(row); }); }); }; // 说明 $scope.resources = { OrganizationName: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), OrganizationMsgNameRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgNameRequired'), OrganizationParent: $translate.instant('OrganizationParent'), OrganizationLevelType: $translate.instant('OrganizationLevelType'), OrganizationMsgLevelTypeRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgLevelTypeRequired'), OrganizationClientCode: $translate.instant('OrganizationClientCode'), OrganizationMsgClientCodeRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgClientCodeRequired'), OrganizationCode: $translate.instant('OrganizationCode'), OrganizationMsgCodeRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgCodeRequired'), OrganizationMsgCodeMaxLength: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgCodeMaxLength'), OrganizationMsgCodePattern: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgCodePattern'), OrganizationMsgCodeUnique: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgCodeUnique'), OrganizationTaxPayerNumber: $translate.instant('OrganizationTaxPayerNumber'), OrganizationMsgTaxPayerNumberUnique: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgTaxPayerNumberUnique'), OrganizationMsgAreaRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgAreaRequired'), OrganizationMsgProvinceRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgProvinceRequired'), OrganizationMsgCityRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgCityRequired'), OrganizationMsgEnterpriseAccountSetRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgEnterpriseAccountSetRequired'), EffectiveDateRequired: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateRequired'), ExpiredDateRequired: $translate.instant('ExpiredDateRequired'), EffectiveDateAreaProblem: $translate.instant('EffectiveDateAreaProblem'), OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgTemplateRequired'), OrganizationMsgProjectIndustryRequired: $translate.instant('OrganizationMsgProjectIndustryRequired'), DateMonthFormatError: $translate.instant('DateMonthFormatError') }; // 客户代码跟着上级机构是一样的 //$scope.$watch('editOrgModel.parentName', function (newValue, oldValue) { // if (newValue !== oldValue && newValue && newValue.length > 0 && $scope.editOrgModel.componentSelectedOrg && $scope.isAdd) { // if ($scope.editOrgModel.componentSelectedOrg.clientCode) { // $scope.editOrgModel.clientCode = $scope.editOrgModel.componentSelectedOrg.clientCode; // } // } // if ($scope.editOrgModel.componentSelectedOrg && !$scope.isAdd) { // // 修改机构的上级公司,不能为自己及下级节点 // } //}); // 行业发生改变时,只有在已经做过科目对应的机构,且行业是非房地产和房地产 切换时,才需要给出需要重新做科目对应的提示 $scope.ProjectIndustryChanged = function () { //添加机构,过滤, 如果没有做过科目对应,过滤 if ($scope.isAdd || !$scope.orgHasAccountMapping) { return; } var com = $scope.selectCompany; var industry = $scope.selectProjectIndustry; if (!industry || !com) return; var orgID = $; //房地产行业ID var Estateid = constant.organization.EstateIndustryId; ////仅仅在房地产行业和非房地产行业之间切换时给予提示 if (com.industryID != { if (com.industryID == Estateid && != Estateid) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant("OrganizationIndustryChanged")); } else if (com.industryID != Estateid && == Estateid) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant("OrganizationIndustryChanged")); } ////仅仅在房地产行业和非房地产行业之间切换时给予提示 //if (com.industryID != Estateid && != Estateid) // return; //SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant("OrganizationIndustryChanged")); } }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { // add newOrg(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { if ($scope.selectedOrganization) { loadOrg($; } } } }); $scope.$watch('forceUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.forceUpdate = false; initParams(); init(); } }); // 强制刷新机构控件里的机构 var refreshOrg = function () { $scope.editOrgModel.componentSelectedOrg = {}; $scope.editOrgModel.componentSelectedOrg.forceRefresh = true; } $(".addOrgControlPop").on("", function () { $('.modal-backdrop').remove(); $(".addOrgControlPop").hide(); $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; // 初始化参数信息 var initParams = function () { $scope.editOrgModel = {}; $scope.selectCompany = {}; }; // 省改变时联动市 $scope.populateCities = function () { var regionID = $scope.selectProvince && $scope.selectProvince.regionID; loadCityList(regionID); }; // 验证是否为时间段 var validateDate = function (from, to) { var fromDate = new Date(from + '-01'); var toDate = new Date(to + '-01'); toDate.setMonth(toDate.getMonth() + 1); toDate.setDate(toDate.getDate() - 1); if (fromDate <= toDate) { return true; } else { return false; } }; // 获取所有维度值和维度值配置信息 var getAllDimensionList = function () { dimensionService.getAllDimensionList().success(function (data) { $scope.dimensionList = data; }); }; // 获取添加自定义纬度列表 var getAddOrgSetDimension = function () { var dimensionList = _.filter($scope.dimensionList, function (data) { return data.dimensionType === constant.dimensionType.SelfDimension; }); if (dimensionList && dimensionList.length > 0) { var rightList = []; var leftList = []; for (var i = 0; i < dimensionList.length; i++) { var row = dimensionList[i]; // 初始化的时候不选择值 row.selectDimensionValueID = ''; if (i % 2 === 1) { leftList.push(row); } else { rightList.push(row); } } var model = { leftList: leftList, rightList: rightList }; return model; } return { leftList: [], rightList: [] }; }; // 获取修改机构的时候,自定义维度列表 var getUpdateOrgSetDimension = function (orgid, dimensionValueOrgList) { var dimensionList = _.filter($scope.dimensionList, function (data) { return data.dimensionType === constant.dimensionType.SelfDimension; }); if (dimensionList && dimensionList.length > 0) { var rightList = []; var leftList = []; for (var i = 0; i < dimensionList.length; i++) { var row = dimensionList[i]; // 设置默认选中值 var selectObj = _.find(dimensionValueOrgList, function (data) { return data.dimensionID === && data.organizationID === orgid; }); row.selectDimensionValueID = selectObj ? selectObj.dimensionValueID : ''; if (i % 2 === 1) { leftList.push(row); } else { rightList.push(row); } } var model = { leftList: leftList, rightList: rightList }; return model; } return { leftList: [], rightList: [] }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('editOrganizationModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.maxdropLength = 20; $scope.maxTitleLength = 10; initParams(); init(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editOrganizationModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editOrganizationModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-organization-modal/edit-organization-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editOrganizationModalController', scope: { //区分是添加还是编辑 operateType: '=', //如果是编辑的话,传递机构ID selectedOrganization: '=?', //watch 是否有机构添加或者编辑 isUpdate: '=?', newOrganization: '=?', dimensionId: '=?', forceUpdate:'=?' } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editOrganizationStructureModalController', ['$scope', '$log', 'SweetAlert', '$translate', 'organizationStructureService', 'uiGridConstants', 'Upload', 'apiInterceptor', '$interval', '$q', function ($scope, $log, SweetAlert, $translate, organizationStructureService, uiGridConstants, Upload, apiInterceptor, $interval, $q) { var editModalSelector = "#org-structure-modal"; $scope.editingObject = { id: "", name: "", IsActive: true }; //显示指定消息编码对应的翻译文本信息 var showError = function (messageCode) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(messageCode); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var resetError = function () { var elms = $(editModalSelector).find("form:first div[data-for]"); elms.html(""); elms.attr("class", "validate-success"); $scope.editingObject = { ID: "", name: "", IsActive: true }; }; //获取机构层级数据 var getOrgStructureList = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); organizationStructureService.getOrganizationStructureList().success(function (data) { $scope.organizationStructureList = data; deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; }; var editRow = function () { getOrgStructureList().then(function () { $scope.isEdit = true; if ($scope.selectedId) { var data = _.find($scope.organizationStructureList, function (num) { return === $scope.selectedId; }); if (data) { $scope.editingObject = { id:, name:, IsActive: data.isActive }; } } $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }); }; var addRow = function () { getOrgStructureList().then(function () { $scope.isEdit = false; $scope.editingObject = { id: "", name: "", IsActive: true }; $(editModalSelector).modal('show'); }); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { resetError(); if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { addRow(); } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { editRow(); } } }); $(editModalSelector).on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; //保存当前正在编辑数据行,经过界面初步校验后才会进入本功能 $ = function () { if ($scope.editingObject == null) { showError("OrganizationStructureNoSelected"); return; } if ($scope.editingObject && $ == 0) { showError("OrganizationStructureEmptyNode"); return; } if (!($(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").valid())) { return; } var osArray = []; osArray.push($scope.editingObject); var successedFun = function (rst) { if ($scope.isEdit) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureEditSuccess")); } else { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant("OrganizationStructureAddSuccess")); } $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.refreshData(); $(editModalSelector).modal('hide'); } if ($scope.isEdit) { organizationStructureService.updateOrganizationStructure(osArray).success(successedFun); } else { organizationStructureService.addOrganizationStructure(osArray).success(successedFun); } }; var intiValidate = function () { $.validator.addMethod("OrgStructureRepeated", function (value, element, param) { if ($scope.organizationStructureList && $scope.organizationStructureList.length > 0) { var objects = $.grep($scope.organizationStructureList, function (n, i) { return $ != && $.trim( == $.trim(value); }); return objects.length < 1; } return true; }); formValidator = $(editModalSelector).find("#edit-form").validate({ debug: true, rules: { name: { required: true, minlength: 2, maxlength: 50, OrgStructureRepeated: true }, IsActive: { required: "input[name='IsActive']:checked" } }, messages: { name: { required: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEmptyNode'), minlength: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureEmptyNode'), maxlength: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureOutOfLengthNode'), OrgStructureRepeated: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureDuplicateNode') }, IsActive: $translate.instant('OrganizationStructureStatusUnsureness') }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { var elm = $(element).parents("form:first"); elm = elm.find("div[data-for='" + element.attr("name") + "']"); elm.html(error); elm.attr("class", "validate-fail"); } }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('editOrganizationStructureModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.refreshData = getOrgStructureList; intiValidate(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editOrganizationStructureModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editRegionModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-organization-structure-modal/edit-organization-structure-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editOrganizationStructureModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', selectedId: '=?', isUpdate: '=?' } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('editPriceModalController', ['$log', '$scope', '$translate', '$uibModal', '$document', 'SweetAlert', 'enums', '$timeout', '$document', '$compile', 'vatOutputInvoiceManageService', function($log, $scope, $translate, $uibModal, $document, SweetAlert, enums, $timeout, $document, $compile, vatOutputInvoiceManageService) { var thisService = { debug: false, // 主函数 main: function() { $scope.editModel = {}; thisService.watchCollection(); $scope.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment = thisService.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment; }, // 限制输入两位小数 limitTwoDigital: function(value) { //先把非数字的都替换掉,除了数字和. value = value.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ""); //必须保证第一个为数字而不是. value = value.replace(/^\./g, ""); //保证只有出现一个.而没有多个. value = value.replace(/\.{2,}/g, "."); //保证.只出现一次,而不能出现两次以上 value = value.replace(".", "$#$").replace(/\./g, "").replace("$#$", "."); //保证.只后面只能出现两位有效数字 value = value.replace(/([0-9]+\.[0-9]{2})[0-9]*/, "$1"); return value; }, // watch 数据 watchCollection: function() { $scope.$watch('operateType', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue === constant.Operation.Edit) { //$scope.isReadOnly = true;; } } }); //$scope.$watch('editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment', function (newValue, oldValue) { // if (newValue) { // thisService.changeSubtotalforFinalPayment(); // } //}); }, // 打开弹出框 open: function() { var editModel = {}; if ($scope.operateModel) { $scope.editModel = $scope.operateModel; } else { $scope.editModel = editModel; } $scope.editModel.oldSubtotalforFinalPayment = $scope.editModel.subtotalforFinalPayment; var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editInvoicePriceModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-price-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: $scope.editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { // $scope.templateModel = data; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.isReadOnly = true; // $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); $scope.operateType = null; }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isReadOnly = true; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); var saveData = function(model) { if (!model.bdSubtotalforFinalPayment) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant('PleaseInputPrice'), 'warning'); return; } vatOutputInvoiceManageService.manualAdjustPrice(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { modalInstance.close(model); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); if ($scope.onClosed) { $scope.onClosed({ param: model }); } } else { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant('SaveFail'), 'warning'); } }); }; // 保存 $ = function() { var model = $scope.editModel; saveData(model); }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; }, // 验证输入金额 // 小写金额 自动转大写 changeSubtotalforFinalPayment: function() { var value = $scope.editModel.bdSubtotalforFinalPayment; value = thisService.limitTwoDigital(value); $scope.editModel.bdSubtotalforFinalPayment = value; } }; (function() { thisService.main(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editPriceModal', ['$log', function ($log) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-price-modal/edit-price-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { operateType: '=', operateModel: '=?', onClosed:'&' }, controller: 'editPriceModalController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { } } }]); commonModule. controller('editRegionModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'areaRegionService', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'regionService', '$uibModal', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, areaRegionService, $filter, SweetAlert, regionService, $uibModal) { var $ctrl = this; var loadProvinceAndCity = function () { regionService.getProvinceAndCityTreeList().success(function (data) { // 只取有效的数据 //data = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.isActive }); //$scope.provinceList = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.levelType === 1 }); //$scope.allCityList = _.filter(data, function (num) { return num.levelType === 2 }); $scope.provinceCityData = data; }); }; var getProvinceAndCityList = function (branch) { var citys = []; if ( { // 如果是自定义区域 if (branch.items && branch.items.length > 0) { branch.items.forEach(function (row) { if (! { var tempList = getProvinceAndCityList(row); citys = _.union(citys, tempList); } }); } } else { // 如果是行政区域, 省 if (branch.items && branch.items.length > 0) { var tempCities = []; branch.items.forEach(function (row) { citys.push({ id:, name: row.text, level: 2, status: 2, parentId: row.parentId }); }); } else { // 市 } } return citys; }; var getLabelName = function (item) { if (item.items.length == 0) { selectedCityList.push(item.label); return; } item.items.forEach(function (itm) { getLabelName(itm); }); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == 'add') { // add $scope.isAdd = true; // if (!$scope.selectedRegion) { // $scope.selectedRegion = { // // 父节点默认大中华区 // id: '000000', // name: '大中华区' // }; // } thisModalService.newModel(); } else if (newValue == 'edit' && $scope.selectedRegion && $ { thisModalService.loadModel(); } } }); var thisDataService = { newModel: function () { var editModel = {}; editModel.isActive = true; editModel.RegionNames = []; editModel.selectedNodeList = []; editModel.isAdd = true; editModel.areaName = ''; return editModel; }, save: function () { var validateTemp = getValidateService(); validateTemp.resetErrorStatus(); if (!($('#addRegionControlForm').valid())) { return; } var areaId = $scope.editModel ? $ : null; var parentId = $scope.editModel ? $scope.editModel.parentID : null; var name = $scope.editModel.areaName; var selectedCity = $scope.editModel.selectedNodeList; if (!$ { // 添加 var saveModel = { parentId: areaId, name: name, cityList: selectedCity }; areaRegionService.add(saveModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); thisModalService.close($scope.editModel); }); } else { var saveModel = { id: areaId, parentId: parentId, name: name, cityList: selectedCity, isActive: $scope.editModel.isActive }; areaRegionService.update(saveModel).success(function (data) { if (!data.result) { swal($translate.instant('SaveFail'), $translate.instant(data.resultMsg), 'warning'); return; } SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('SaveSuccess')); thisModalService.close($scope.editModel); }); } } }; var thisModalService = { modalInstance: null, open: function (editModel) { $scope.editModel = editModel; var modalInstance = ${ animation: $ctrl.animationsEnabled, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editRegionModal.html', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { $ctrl.editModel = data; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }, function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); thisModalService.modalInstance = modalInstance; // 确定 $ =; // 取消 $scope.cancel = thisModalService.cancel; }, newModel: function () { var editModel = thisDataService.newModel();; }, loadModel: function () { regionService.getAreRegionTreeByNodeID($ (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.selectedBranch = data[0]; // this action only get active area $scope.selectedBranch.isActive = true; //$scope.selectedRegion = data[0].data; var editModel = data[0]; editModel.SelectedCityList = getProvinceAndCityList(editModel); editModel.IsEdit = true; editModel.areaName = $scope.selectedBranch.text; editModel.isAdd = false;; } }); }, close: function (result) { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.close(result); } }, cancel: function () { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } }; var getValidateService = function () { var resources = { provinceRequired: $translate.instant('ProvinceRequired'), areaNameRequired: $translate.instant('AreaNameRequired') }; // 数据验证相关方法 var validator = $("#addRegionControlForm").validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { province: { required: true }, areaName: { required: true, maxlength: 50 } }, messages: { province: { required: resources.provinceRequired }, areaName: { required: resources.areaNameRequired, maxlength: $translate.instant('AreaNameOutOfLengthNode') } }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); // 设置错误样式 var setErrorStyle = function (error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); // error.addClass('label-danger'); } }; // 重置错误样式 var resetErrorStatus = function () { var currentForm = $('#addRegionControlForm'); $.each(currentForm.children(), function (index, element) { // $(element).find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); $(element).find('.has-error label').remove(); }); validator.resetForm(); }; return { validator: validator, setErrorStyle: setErrorStyle, resetErrorStatus: resetErrorStatus }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('editRegionModalController.ctor()...'); //loadProvinceAndCity(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editRegionModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editRegionModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-region-modal/edit-region-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editRegionModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', selectedRegion: '=?', isUpdate: '=?' } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editTemplateModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', '$uibModal', 'apiInterceptor', '$q', 'Upload', 'templateGroupService', 'enums', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, $uibModal, apiInterceptor, $q, Upload, templateGroupService, enums) { var thisConstant = { sheetSelectDxID: window.PWC.newGuid(), sheetDxTreeID: window.PWC.newGuid(), // 查找现有报表模板 findSheetDxDropID: window.PWC.newGuid(), findSheetDxTreeID: window.PWC.newGuid(), searchBoxDivId: window.PWC.newGuid(), // get sheetName list uploadUrl: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/templateGroup/getSheetNameList', // resumable:true, getSheetNameListError: '获取Sheet下拉列表失败', getSheetNameTitle: '解析Excel', allSheets: '所有报表', pleaseSelectFile: '请选择文件', pleaseSelectTemplate: '请选择报表', deleteSuccess: '删除成功', // 上传报表路径 importTemplateExcelFile: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/templateGroup/importTemplateExcelFile', // 是否是第一次画sheet 的dropdown isFirstDrawDxDropDown: true, underLineSeparator: '_', codeReg: /^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]*$/, codeError: 'code必须为英文字母或者数字', }; var thisData = { // 所有 sheet Name的数组 sheetNameList: [], // 所有sheet name 的列表[{id:1, name:'sheet名称'}] sheetNameObjList: [], sheetTreeView: null, // dropdown的显示文字 sheetText: thisConstant.allSheets, selectSheetNameList: [], // 查找现有报表,选择的报表列表 selectTemplateCodeList: [], findSheetTreeView: null }; var thisDataService = { newModel: function() { var editModel = {}; editModel.sheetSelectDxID = thisConstant.sheetSelectDxID; editModel.templateGroupID = $scope.templateModel.templateGroupID; editModel.addExists = true; editModel.findSheetDxDropID = thisConstant.findSheetDxDropID; editModel.reportType = $scope.templateModel.reportType; return editModel; }, // 获取sheet列表 getSheetList: function() { if (!$scope.editModel || !$scope.editModel.file) { return; } var deferred = $q.defer(); var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); Upload.upload({ url: thisConstant.uploadUrl, data: { filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName, }, file: $scope.editModel.file, // resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function(resp) { var ret =; $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); deferred.resolve(); if (ret.result) { // 导入成功 thisData.sheetNameList =; thisData.sheetNameObjList = thisDataService.parseSheetNameObjList(; // thisDataService.refreshSheetNameDropDownList(thisData.sheetNameObjList); thisDataService.drawSheetNameDropDownList(); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.swal({ title: thisConstant.getSheetNameTitle, text: thisConstant.getSheetNameListError, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); } } }, function(resp) { deferred.resolve(); if (resp.statusText === 'HttpRequestValidationException') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('HttpRequestValidationException')); } else { SweetAlert.warning('SaveFail'); } console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function(evt) { deferred.resolve(); var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }, // 验证Template 的code list 必须为英文字母或者数字 validateTemplateCodeList: function(data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!thisDataService.validateTemplateCode(data[i])) { return data[i] + thisConstant.codeError; } } } return null; }, // 验证Template 的code 必须为英文字母或者数字 validateTemplateCode: function(value) { // body... var arr = value.split(thisConstant.underLineSeparator); if (arr && arr.length > 0) { // code必须为英文字母或者数字 if (!thisConstant.codeReg.test(arr[0])) { return false; } } return true; }, // 转换sheet obj List parseSheetNameObjList: function(data) { var ret = []; if (data && data.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var row = data[i]; var item = { name: row, }; = row; ret.push(item); } } return ret; }, // 绘制sheet drop down list drawSheetNameDropDownList: function() { thisData.dxTreeViewDiv = '<div class="tree-view-list margin-sheet" id="' + thisConstant.sheetDxTreeID + '">'; $("#" + thisConstant.sheetSelectDxID).dxDropDownBox({ value: [], valueExpr: "id", displayExpr: "name", // text: thisConstant.allSheets, showClearButton: false, noDataText: '', dataSource: thisData.sheetNameObjList, contentTemplate: function(e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $(thisData.dxTreeViewDiv).dxTreeView({ dataSource: e.component.option("dataSource"), dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, noDataText: '', expandAllEnabled: true, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: '全部', onSelectionChanged: function(args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); thisData.selectSheetNameList = value; e.component.option("value", value); } }); thisData.sheetTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.sheetText = e.component.option("text"); e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // var value = args.value; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.sheetTreeView, value); }); return $treeView; } }); }, // 上传报表 save: function(modalInstance) { if (!$scope.editModel || !$scope.editModel.file) { SweetAlert.warning(thisData.pleaseSelectFile); return; } var deferred = $q.defer(); var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); var json = ''; if (thisData.selectSheetNameList && thisData.selectSheetNameList.length > 0) { var validateRet = thisDataService.validateTemplateCodeList(thisData.selectSheetNameList); if (validateRet) { SweetAlert.warning(validateRet); return; } json = JSON.stringify(thisData.selectSheetNameList); } else { SweetAlert.warning(thisData.pleaseSelectTemplate); return; } // 转圈圈 $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); Upload.upload({ url: thisConstant.importTemplateExcelFile, data: { templateGroupID: $scope.editModel.templateGroupID, sheetList: json, filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName, reportType: $scope.editModel.reportType }, file: $scope.editModel.file, // resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function(resp) { var ret =; $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); deferred.resolve(); if (ret.result) { // 导入成功 // 获取name var array = thisData.selectSheetNameList[0].split(thisConstant.underLineSeparator); var resultModel = { name: array[1] }; modalInstance.close(resultModel); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning( + $translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.swal({ title: thisConstant.getSheetNameTitle, text: thisConstant.getSheetNameListError, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); } } }, function(resp) { deferred.resolve(); if (resp.statusText === 'HttpRequestValidationException') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('HttpRequestValidationException')); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function(evt) { deferred.resolve(); var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }, saveFindAdd: function(modalInstance) { // body... if (!thisData.selectTemplateCodeList || thisData.selectTemplateCodeList.length === 0) { SweetAlert.warning(thisConstant.pleaseSelectTemplate); } var model = { serviceTypeID: $scope.editModel.serviceTypeID, payTaxType: $scope.editModel.payTaxType, reportType: $scope.editModel.reportType, industryIDs: $scope.editModel.industryIDs, templateGroupID: $scope.editModel.templateGroupID, templateIdList: thisData.selectTemplateCodeList }; var filterTemplate = _.filter(thisData.allTemplateList, function(row) { return model.templateIdList.indexOf( > -1; }); var codeKey = _.uniq(_.pluck(filterTemplate, 'code')); var repeatCode = []; codeKey.forEach(function(row) { var filter = _.filter(filterTemplate, function(t) { return row === t.code; }); if (filter && filter.length > 1) { repeatCode.push(row); } }); if (repeatCode && repeatCode.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning(repeatCode.join(',') + '代码重复'); return; } templateGroupService.addExistTemplate(model).success(function(ret) { console.log(ret); if (ret.result) { // 选中的第一个报表 var bindModel = _.find(thisData.allTemplateList, function(row) { return row.templateGroupID && thisData.selectTemplateCodeList.indexOf( > -1; }); thisData.resultModel = bindModel; $scope.operateType = null; thisData.isUpdate = true; modalInstance.close(bindModel); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } } }); }, // 绘制查找sheet的dropdown 列表 drawFindSheetDropDownList: function(data) { // body... thisData.dxTreeViewFindDiv = '<div class="tree-view-list margin-find" id="' + thisConstant.findSheetDxTreeID + '">'; thisData.searchBoxDiv = '<div class="search-box" id="' + thisConstant.searchBoxDivId + '">'; // data.forEach(function(row){ // row.expanded = true; // }); var getSearchList = function(dataSource, value) { if (!value) { return dataSource; } dataSource.forEach(function (x) { x.expanded = false; }); var groupIDs = _.uniq(_.pluck(dataSource, 'parentID')); var group = _.filter(dataSource, function(row) { return groupIDs.indexOf( >= 0; }); var result = _.filter(dataSource, function(row) { if (!row.nameDisplay) { return false; } return row.nameDisplay.toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) > -1; }); if (result && result.length > 0) { var templateGroup = _.uniq(_.pluck(result, 'parentID')); templateGroup.forEach(function(id) { internalSearchParent(result, group, id); }); } return result; }; var internalSearchParent = function (result, group, id) { var find = _.find(result, function (t) { return === id; }); if (!find) { find = _.find(group, function (t) { return === id; }); if (find) { if (find.parentID && !find.expanded) { internalSearchParent(result, group, find.parentID); } find.expanded = true; result.push(find); } } else if (find.parentID && !find.expanded) { internalSearchParent(result, group, find.parentID); } else { find.expanded = true; } }; var searchTextChange = function(value) { var o = $('#' + thisConstant.findSheetDxTreeID).dxTreeView('option'); var orgList = getSearchList(thisData.allTemplateList, value); o.dataSource = orgList; o.value = []; $('#' + thisConstant.findSheetDxTreeID).dxTreeView('option', o); }; $("#" + thisConstant.findSheetDxDropID).dxDropDownBox({ value: [], valueExpr: "id", displayExpr: "nameDisplay", // text: thisConstant.allSheets, showClearButton: false, noDataText: '', dataSource: thisData.allTemplateList, contentTemplate: function(e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $(thisData.dxTreeViewFindDiv).dxTreeView({ dataSource: e.component.option("dataSource"), dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "nameDisplay", expandedExpr: 'expanded', selectByClick: true, expandAllEnabled: true, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "normal", noDataText: '', height: '300px', value: [], itemTemplate: function(itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { itemElement.append("<span title='" + itemData.nameDisplay + "'>" + itemData.nameDisplay + "</span>"); }, onItemSelectionChanged: function(args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); thisData.selectTemplateCodeList = value; e.component.option("value", value); } }); thisData.findSheetTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.sheetText = e.component.option("text"); var textBox = $(thisData.searchBoxDiv).dxTextBox({ placeholder: "搜索", mode: "search", onValueChanged: function(args) { var value = args.value; searchTextChange(value); }, onKeyUp: function(args) { var value = $(args.element).dxTextBox('option').text; searchTextChange(value); } }); e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // var value = args.value; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.sheetTreeView, value); }); var wrapper = $("<div>").append(textBox).append('<br/>').append($treeView); return wrapper; } }); }, // 删除系统级别的报表 deleteSystemTemplate: function() { // 删除模板服务 var deleteTemplate = function(model) { templateGroupService.deleteTemplate(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; SweetAlert.warning('删除成功'); $scope.onClosed({ model: null }); $scope.operateType = null; } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } }); }; var text = "确定要删除报表" + $ + "吗?"; SweetAlert.swal({ title: '确定删除吗?', text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var model = { id: $, isDeletePermanent: false, path: $scope.templateModel.path }; deleteTemplate(model); } else { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; } }); } }; var thisModalService = { modalInstance: null, open: function(editModel) { $scope.editModel = editModel; var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editTemplateModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-template-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { thisData.isUpdate = true; thisData.resultModel = data; $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); $scope.operateType = null; }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); $scope.getSheetList = thisDataService.getSheetList; // 确定 $ = function() { if ($scope.editModel.addExists) { thisDataService.saveFindAdd(modalInstance); } else {; } } // 取消 $scope.cancel = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $timeout(function() { thisData.sheetNameObjList = []; // 下拉框内容 thisDataService.drawSheetNameDropDownList(); }, 10); }, newModel: function() { var editModel = thisDataService.newModel();; var serviceTypeID = $scope.templateModel.serviceTypeID; var payTaxType = (serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.CIT) ? '' : $scope.templateModel.payTaxType; var reportType = (serviceTypeID === enums.serviceType.CIT) ? $scope.templateModel.reportType : ''; var industryIDs = $scope.templateModel.industryIDs; templateGroupService.getTemplateUniqList(serviceTypeID, payTaxType, reportType, industryIDs).success(function (data) { var result = data; if ($scope.templateModel.currentTemplateCodeList && $scope.templateModel.currentTemplateCodeList.length > 0) { result = _.filter(data, function(row) { return $scope.templateModel.currentTemplateCodeList.indexOf(row.code) === -1; }); } if (result && result.length > 0) { result.forEach(function(row) { if (row.code) { row.nameDisplay = + thisConstant.underLineSeparator + row.code; } else { row.nameDisplay =; } }); } thisData.allTemplateList = result; $timeout(function() { thisDataService.drawFindSheetDropDownList(thisData.allTemplateList); }, 10); }); }, // 删除报表Comfirm框 deleteTemplateComfirmModel: function() { var editModel = {}; editModel.title = "删除报表" + $scope.templateModel.code + thisConstant.underLineSeparator + $; editModel.deleteConfirmText = '从当前模板删除还是整个系统中删除?'; = $; editModel.code = $scope.templateModel.code; = $; editModel.isSystemType = $scope.templateModel.isSystemType; editModel.path = $scope.templateModel.path; $scope.editModel = editModel; var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'deleteTemplateModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-template-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { $scope.templateModel = data; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); $scope.operateType = null; }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); // 删除模板服务 var deleteTemplate = function(model) { templateGroupService.deleteTemplate(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { modalInstance.close(model); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } }); }; // 删除关联 $scope.deleteRelation = function() { // thisDataService.saveFindAdd(modalInstance) var model = { id: $, isDeletePermanent: false, path: $scope.editModel.path }; deleteTemplate(model); }; // 永久删除 $scope.deletePermanent = function() { // var model = { id: $, isDeletePermanent: true, path: $scope.editModel.path }; deleteTemplate(model); }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; }, // 编辑报表名称 editTemplateNameModal: function() { var editModel = { name: $, id: $, code: $scope.templateModel.code, title: '编辑报表' + $ }; $scope.editModel = editModel; var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editTemplateNameModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-template-name-wrapper', size: 'sm', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); $scope.operateType = null; }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); // 删除模板服务 var updateTemplateName = function(model) { templateGroupService.updateTemplateName(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { // 导入成功 modalInstance.close(model); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning( + $translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } } }); }; // 修改报表名称 $scope.saveUpdateTemplateName = function() { // thisDataService.saveFindAdd(modalInstance) var model = { id: $, name: $, }; updateTemplateName(model); }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; } }; var mainModule = { main: function() { $scope.editModel = {}; mainModule.watchFunction(); }, watchFunction: function() { $scope.$watch('operateType', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { thisData.isUpdate = false; thisData.resultModel = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; } if (newValue === constant.Operation.Add) { thisModalService.newModel(); } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Delete) { // 删除 if ($scope.templateModel) { if ($scope.templateModel.isSystemType) { // 系统级别直接删除,不用提示 thisDataService.deleteSystemTemplate(); } else { thisModalService.deleteTemplateComfirmModel(); } } } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Edit) { thisModalService.editTemplateNameModal(); } }); } }; (function initialize() { mainModule.main(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editTemplateModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-template-modal/edit-template-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editTemplateModalController', scope: { operateType:'=', templateModel:'=?', isUpdate:'=?', onClosed: '&' } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editTemplategroupModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', '$uibModal', 'apiInterceptor', '$q', 'Upload', 'templateGroupService', function($scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, $uibModal, apiInterceptor, $q, Upload, templateGroupService) { var thisConstant = { sheetSelectDxID: window.PWC.newGuid(), sheetDxTreeID: window.PWC.newGuid(), // 查找现有报表模板 findSheetDxDropID: window.PWC.newGuid(), findSheetDxTreeID: window.PWC.newGuid(), // get sheetName list uploadUrl: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/templateGroup/getSheetNameList', // resumable:true, getSheetNameListError: '获取Sheet下拉列表失败', getSheetNameTitle: '解析Excel', allSheets: '所有报表', pleaseSelectFile: '请选择文件', pleaseSelectTemplate: '请选择报表', deleteSuccess: '删除成功', // 上传报表路径 importTemplateExcelFile: apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/templateGroup/importTemplateGroupExcelFile', // 是否是第一次画sheet 的dropdown isFirstDrawDxDropDown: true, underLineSeparator: '_', codeReg: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, codeError: 'code必须为英文字母或者数字', }; $scope.resource = { nameRequire: '请输入报表名称', }; var thisData = { // 所有 sheet Name的数组 sheetNameList: [], // 所有sheet name 的列表[{id:1, name:'sheet名称'}] sheetNameObjList: [], sheetTreeView: null, // dropdown的显示文字 sheetText: thisConstant.allSheets, selectSheetNameList: [], // 查找现有报表,选择的报表列表 selectTemplateCodeList: [], findSheetTreeView: null }; var thisDataService = { newModel: function() { var editModel = {}; editModel.sheetSelectDxID = thisConstant.sheetSelectDxID; editModel.templateGroupID = $scope.objectModel.templateGroupID; return editModel; }, // 获取sheet列表 getSheetList: function() { if (!$scope.editModel || !$scope.editModel.file) { return; } var deferred = $q.defer(); var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); Upload.upload({ url: thisConstant.uploadUrl, data: { filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName, }, file: $scope.editModel.file, // resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function(resp) { var ret =; $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); deferred.resolve(); if (ret.result) { // 导入成功 thisData.sheetNameList =; thisData.sheetNameObjList = thisDataService.parseSheetNameObjList(; // thisDataService.refreshSheetNameDropDownList(thisData.sheetNameObjList); thisDataService.drawSheetNameDropDownList(); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.swal({ title: thisConstant.getSheetNameTitle, text: thisConstant.getSheetNameListError, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); } } }, function(resp) { deferred.resolve(); if (resp.statusText === 'HttpRequestValidationException') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('HttpRequestValidationException')); } else { SweetAlert.warning('SaveFail'); } console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function(evt) { deferred.resolve(); var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }, // 验证Template 的code list 必须为英文字母或者数字 validateTemplateCodeList: function(data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (!thisDataService.validateTemplateCode(data[i])) { return data[i] + thisConstant.codeError; } } } return null; }, // 验证Template 的code 必须为英文字母或者数字 validateTemplateCode: function(value) { // body... var arr = value.split(thisConstant.underLineSeparator); if (arr && arr.length > 0) { // code必须为英文字母或者数字 if (!thisConstant.codeReg.test(arr[0])) { return false; } } return true; }, // 转换sheet obj List parseSheetNameObjList: function(data) { var ret = []; if (data && data.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var row = data[i]; var item = { name: row, }; = row; ret.push(item); } } return ret; }, // 绘制sheet drop down list drawSheetNameDropDownList: function() { thisData.dxTreeViewDiv = '<div class="tree-view-list margin-sheet" id="' + thisConstant.sheetDxTreeID + '">'; $("#" + thisConstant.sheetSelectDxID).dxDropDownBox({ value: [], valueExpr: "id", displayExpr: "name", // text: thisConstant.allSheets, showClearButton: false, dataSource: thisData.sheetNameObjList, contentTemplate: function(e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $(thisData.dxTreeViewDiv).dxTreeView({ dataSource: e.component.option("dataSource"), dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, expandAllEnabled: true, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: '全部', onSelectionChanged: function(args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); thisData.selectSheetNameList = value; e.component.option("value", value); } }); thisData.sheetTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.sheetText = e.component.option("text"); e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // var value = args.value; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.sheetTreeView, value); }); return $treeView; } }); }, // 上传报表 save: function(modalInstance) { // this.editTemplateGroupModalForm.$setSubmitted(); $scope.validateName(); if ($scope.editModel.nameError) { return; } if (!$scope.editModel || !$scope.editModel.file) { SweetAlert.warning(thisConstant.pleaseSelectFile); return; } var deferred = $q.defer(); var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); var json = ''; var model = $scope.editModel; model.sheetNameList = thisData.selectSheetNameList; if (thisData.selectSheetNameList && thisData.selectSheetNameList.length > 0) { var validateRet = thisDataService.validateTemplateCodeList(thisData.selectSheetNameList); if (validateRet) { SweetAlert.warning(validateRet); return; } } else { SweetAlert.warning(thisConstant.pleaseSelectTemplate); return; } json = JSON.stringify(model); // 转圈圈 $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); Upload.upload({ url: thisConstant.importTemplateExcelFile, data: { jsonModel: json, filename: $, tempFileName: tempFileName }, file: $scope.editModel.file, // resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function(resp) { var ret =; $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); deferred.resolve(); if (ret.result) { // 导入成功 modalInstance.close(model); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning( + $translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.swal({ title: thisConstant.getSheetNameTitle, text: thisConstant.getSheetNameListError, type: "info", showCancelButton: false, closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true, html: true }); } } }, function(resp) { deferred.resolve(); if (resp.statusText === 'HttpRequestValidationException') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('HttpRequestValidationException')); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } console.log('Error status: ' + resp.status); }, function(evt) { deferred.resolve(); var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $log.debug('progress: ' + progressPercentage + '% ' +; }); }, saveFindAdd: function(modalInstance) { // body... var model = { serviceTypeID: $scope.editModel.serviceTypeID, payTaxType: $scope.editModel.payTaxType, industryIDs: $scope.editModel.industryIDs, templateGroupID: $scope.editModel.templateGroupID, templateCodeList: thisData.selectTemplateCodeList }; templateGroupService.addExistTemplate(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { modalInstance.close(model); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } } }); }, // 绘制查找sheet的dropdown 列表 drawFindSheetDropDownList: function(data) { // body... thisData.dxTreeViewDiv = '<div id="' + thisConstant.findSheetDxTreeID + '">'; $("#" + thisConstant.findSheetDxDropID).dxDropDownBox({ value: [], valueExpr: "code", displayExpr: "name", // text: thisConstant.allSheets, showClearButton: false, dataSource: thisData.allTemplateList, contentTemplate: function(e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $(thisData.dxTreeViewDiv).dxTreeView({ dataSource: e.component.option("dataSource"), dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "code", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, expandAllEnabled: true, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "normal", onItemSelectionChanged: function(args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); thisData.selectTemplateCodeList = value; e.component.option("value", value); } }); thisData.findSheetTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.sheetText = e.component.option("text"); e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // var value = args.value; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.sheetTreeView, value); }); return $treeView; } }); }, // 删除系统级别的报表 deleteTemplateGroup: function() { // 删除模板服务 var deleteTemplate = function(model) { templateGroupService.deleteTemplateGroup(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; SweetAlert.warning('删除成功'); $scope.onClosed({ model: null }); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; } }); }; var text = "确定要删除" + $ + "吗?"; SweetAlert.swal({ title: '确定删除吗?', text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var model = $scope.objectModel; deleteTemplate(model); } else{ $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; } }); }, // 验证TemplateGroupName validateName: function() { if ($ { $scope.editModel.nameError = null; } else { $scope.editModel.nameError = $scope.resource.nameRequire; } } }; var thisModalService = { newModel: function() { var editModel = $scope.objectModel; $scope.editModel = editModel; $ = ''; $scope.editModel.sheetSelectDxID = thisConstant.sheetSelectDxID; $scope.editModel.file = null; $scope.editModel.nameError = null; var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editTemplateGroupModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-templategroup-modal-wrapper', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); $scope.getSheetList = thisDataService.getSheetList; $scope.validateName = thisDataService.validateName; // 确定 $ = function() { } // 取消 $scope.cancel = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; }, addGroupFirstModal: function () { var editModel = $scope.objectModel; $scope.editModel = editModel; $scope.editModel.title = '添加模板'; $ = ''; $scope.editModel.groupType = 1; $scope.editModel.nameError = null; var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editTemplateGroupNameModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-template-groupName', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); }, function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); $scope.validateName = thisDataService.validateName; // 修改报表名称 $scope.saveUpdateTemplateGroupName = function () { $scope.validateName(); if ($scope.editModel.nameError) { return; } templateGroupService.addTemplateGroupWithoutTemplate($scope.editModel).success(function (ret) { if (ret.result) { // 添加成功 modalInstance.close($scope.editModel); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } } }); }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function () { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; }, // 编辑报表名称 editTemplateNameModal: function() { var editModel = { name: $, id: $, nameError: null, title: '编辑模板' //'编辑报表' + $ }; $scope.editModel = editModel; var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'editTemplateGroupNameModal.html', windowClass: 'edit-template-groupName', scope: $scope, resolve: { editModel: editModel } }); modalInstance.result.then(function(data) { $scope.editModel = data; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.onClosed({ model: data }); }, function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); // 修改TemplateGroupName var updateTemplateName = function(model) { $scope.validateName(); if ($scope.editModel.nameError) { return; } templateGroupService.updateTemplateGroupName(model).success(function(ret) { if (ret.result) { // 导入成功 modalInstance.close(model); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(ret.resultMsg)); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SaveFail')); } } }); }; $scope.validateName = thisDataService.validateName; // 修改报表名称 $scope.saveUpdateTemplateGroupName = function() { // thisDataService.saveFindAdd(modalInstance) var model = { id: $, name: $, }; updateTemplateName(model); }; // 取消 $scope.cancel = function() { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; } }; var mainModule = { main: function() { $scope.editModel = {}; mainModule.watchFunction(); }, watchFunction: function() { $scope.$watch('operateType', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === constant.TemplateGroupOperation.AddDirectly) { thisModalService.newModel(); } else if (newValue === constant.TemplateGroupOperation.AddGroupFirst) { thisModalService.addGroupFirstModal(); } else if (newValue === constant.TemplateGroupOperation.Delete) { // 删除 if ($scope.objectModel) { if (!$scope.objectModel.isSystemType) { // 系统级别直接删除,不用提示 thisDataService.deleteTemplateGroup(); } } } else if (newValue === constant.TemplateGroupOperation.Edit) { thisModalService.editTemplateNameModal(); } }); } }; (function initialize() { mainModule.main(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editTemplategroupModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editTemplategroupModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-templategroup-modal/edit-templategroup-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editTemplategroupModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', objectModel: '=?', isUpdate: '=?', onClosed: '&' } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule. controller('editUserModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'areaRegionService', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'regionService', 'userService', 'enums', function($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, areaRegionService, $filter, SweetAlert, regionService, userService, enums) { // newUser var newUser = function() { $scope.isAdd = true; $scope.editUserModel = {}; $scope.editUserModel.isAdmin = false; resetErrorStatus(); $('.edit-user-modal-wrapper .modal').modal('show'); }; // loadUser var loadUser = function(userId) { $scope.isAdd = false; resetErrorStatus(); userService.getSingleUser(userId).success(function(userData) { $scope.editUserModel = {}; $scope.editUserModel.ID =; $scope.editUserModel.UserName = userData.userName; $scope.editUserModel.Status = userData.status; $scope.editUserModel.OrganizationID = userData.organizationID; $scope.editUserModel.Email =; $scope.editUserModel.OrgName = userData.orgName; $scope.editUserModel.RoleIDs = userData.roleIDs; $scope.editUserModel.RoleNames = userData.roleNames; $scope.editUserModel.CreateTime = userData.createTime; $scope.editUserModel.Password = userData.password; $scope.editUserModel.isAdmin = userData.isAdmin; }); $('.edit-user-modal-wrapper .modal').modal('show'); }; // Save role info var saveUser = function() { var hasError = false; if (!($('#userForm').valid())) { hasError = true; } if (!$scope.editUserModel.OrganizationID) { $scope.editUserModel.organizationIDError = $translate.instant('SelectOrg'); $('#dropdownMenu1').addClass('error-button'); hasError = true; } // if (!$scope.editUserModel.isAdmin) { if (!$scope.editUserModel.RoleIDs || $scope.editUserModel.RoleIDs.length === 0) { //$('.selector-input').addClass('error-button'); $scope.editUserModel.RoleIDsError = $translate.instant('selectOneRoleDesc'); //hasError = true; } // } if (hasError) { return; } if ($scope.isAdd) { userService.addUser($scope.editUserModel).success(function(or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('AddUserSuccess')); $scope.editUserModel = {}; $scope.isUpdate = true; $('.edit-user-modal-wrapper .modal').modal('hide'); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } $scope.operateType = null; }); } else { userService.updateUser($scope.editUserModel).success(function(or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('UpdateUserSuccess')); $scope.editUserModel = {}; $scope.isUpdate = true; $('.edit-user-modal-wrapper .modal').modal('hide'); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } $scope.operateType = null; }); } }; // disable user account var disableUser = function(user) { console.log(JSON.stringify(user)); SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('StopUse') + '?', text: $translate.instant('Confirm') + $translate.instant('StopUse') + user.userName, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: true }, function(isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // 选中 userService.enableOrDisableUser(, 0).success(function(or) { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { $scope.selectedUser.status = enums.userStatus.disabled; $scope.selectedUser.statusName = $translate.instant('StopUse'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('DisableUserSuccess')); $scope.isUpdate = true; } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } }); } $scope.operateType = null; }); }; //enable user account var enableUser = function(userId) { userService.enableOrDisableUser(userId, { if (or) { if (or.result === true) { $scope.selectedUser.status =; $scope.selectedUser.statusName = $translate.instant('Enable'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('EnableUserSuccess')); $scope.isUpdate = true; } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(or.resultMsg)); } } $scope.operateType = null; }) }; // operate Type $scope.$watch('operateType', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue === constant.Operation.Add) { // add newUser(); } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Edit && $scope.selectedUser && $ { loadUser($; } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Disable) { // 禁用 disableUser($scope.selectedUser); } else if (newValue === constant.Operation.Enable) { enableUser($; } } }); $scope.$watch('editUserModel.OrganizationID', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.editUserModel.organizationIDError = null; } }); $scope.$watch('editUserModel.RoleIDs', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.editUserModel.RoleIDsError = null; } }); // close modal $scope.closeModal = function() { $scope.operateType = null; }; $(".addUserPop").on("", function() { $scope.operateType = null; }); var resources = { userNameRequired: $translate.instant('RequireUserName'), userEmailRequired: $translate.instant('RequireEmail'), userEmailCheck: $translate.instant('RequireCorrectEmail'), userOrgRequired: $translate.instant('RequireOrganization') }; var validator = $('#userForm').validate({ errorClass: "has-error", rules: { inputUserName: { required: true }, inputUserEmail: { required: true, email: true }, selectedOrgName: { required: true } }, messages: { inputUserName: { required: resources.userNameRequired }, inputUserEmail: { required: resources.userEmailRequired, email: resources.userEmailCheck }, selectedOrgName: { required: resources.userOrgRequired } }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { setErrorStyle(error, element); } }); var setErrorStyle = function(error, element) { if (element.hasClass('has-error')) { element.parent().addClass('has-error'); error.insertAfter(element); error.addClass('label'); } if (element[0].name === 'orgName') { element.parent().addClass('col-xs-9'); element.parent().addClass('padding-left-zero'); } }; var resetErrorStatus = function() { validator.resetForm(); var currentForm = $('#userForm'); $(currentForm).find('.has-error').removeClass('has-error'); $('#dropdownMenu1').removeClass('error-button'); $('.selector-input').removeClass('error-button'); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('editRegionModalController.ctor()...'); //Save user info $scope.saveUser = saveUser; //Load user info by userId $scope.loadUser = loadUser; //Clear user model $scope.newUser = newUser; //Enable user $scope.enableUser = enableUser; //Disable user $scope.disableUser = disableUser; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('editUserModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('editUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/edit-user-modal/edit-user-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'editUserModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', selectedUser: '=?', isUpdate: '=?', } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule. controller('exportButtonController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'areaRegionService', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'regionService', 'userService', 'enums', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, areaRegionService, $filter, SweetAlert, regionService, userService, enums) { (function initialize() { $log.debug('exportButtonController.ctor()...'); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('exportButton', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('exportButton.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/export-button/export-button.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'exportButtonController', scope: { operateType: '=', selectedUser: '=?', isUpdate: '=?', } }; } ]); // Formula parameter selector for formula editor commonModule.directive('formulaParamSelector', ['$log', '$q', '$timeout', '$translate', '$uibModal', 'enums', 'formulaTranslateUtil', 'stdAccountService', 'enterpriseAccountService', function ($log, $q, $timeout, $translate, $uibModal, enums, formulaTranslateUtil, stdAccountService, enterpriseAccountService) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('formulaParamSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/formula-param-selector/formula-param-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { isShow: '=', formulaList: '=*', formulaName: '=', formulaParams: '=', accountDataSource: '=?', containerSelector: '@?', selectorOptions: '=?', selectorApi: '=?' // In: onSelectorClose, onSelectorConfirm, getFormulaString }, link: function (scope, element, attr) { $log.debug(''); var options = { animation: true, backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'formulaParamModal.html', scope: scope, size: 'opened-param-selector', windowClass: 'formula-param-selector-wrapper' }; if (scope.containerSelector) { options.appendTo = angular.element(scope.containerSelector); } else { options.appendTo = angular.element('body'); } if (options.appendTo.length > 1) { options.appendTo = angular.element(options.appendTo[0]); } var thisModalService = { modalInstance: null, open: function () { var modalInstance = $; modalInstance.closed.then(function () { if (scope.isConfirm) { selectorConfirm(); } else { selectorClose(); } }); modalInstance.result.then(function () { scope.isConfirm = true; scope.isShow = false; $'Modal confirmed at: ' + new Date()); }, function () { scope.isConfirm = false; scope.isShow = false; $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); thisModalService.modalInstance = modalInstance; $timeout(function () { $(".formula-param-selector-wrapper .modal-content").draggable({ cursor: "cursor", scroll: true, cancel: '.btn, input, select, label, .form-control, .close, div.label, .formula-translator-wrapper + div' }); }, 10); }, close: function (result) { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.close(result); } }, cancel: function () { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } }; // 刷新选中的过滤凭证科目代码 var refreshAccountCode = function () { if (_.isNumber(scope.accountIndex) && !isNaN(scope.accountIndex)) { if (_.isEmpty(scope.selectedAccountCodes)) { scope.curFormula.params[scope.accountIndex].value = ''; } else { scope.curFormula.params[scope.accountIndex].value = scope.selectedAccountCodes[0]; } } }; // Register api functions in internalApi // If selectorApi passed is not undefined, we will use it as internalApi scope.internalApi = scope.selectorApi || {}; scope.close = function () { thisModalService.cancel(); }; scope.confirm = function () { thisModalService.close(); }; scope.getParamDisplayType = function (p) { if (p) { if (p.paramType === enums.paramType.dropdown) { return 'PleaseSelect'; } else if (p.paramType === enums.paramType.accountCode) { return 'SelectAccount'; } else if (p.paramDataType === enums.paramType.dropdownNumber) { return 'NumberType'; } else if (p.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { return 'NumberType'; } else { return 'StringType'; } } }; scope.getOptionText = function (o, displayFormat) { // 格式化字符串中,{0}: option.value, {1}:, {2}: option.shortName var paramStr; if (!_.isEmpty(displayFormat)) { paramStr = displayFormat .replace(/\{0\}/g, o.value) .replace(/\{1\}/g, .replace(/\{2\}/g, o.shortName); } else { paramStr = o.value; } return paramStr; }; scope.showSelect = function (paramType) { if (paramType === enums.paramType.dropdown) { return true; } else { return false; } } scope.showAccountSelector = function (paramType) { if (paramType === enums.paramType.accountCode) { return true; } else { return false; } }; scope.showInputSelect = function (paramType) { if (paramType === enums.paramType.dropdownNumber) { return true; } else { return false; } }; scope.openAccountSelect = function (paramIndex) { scope.accountIndex = paramIndex; scope.selectedAccountCodes.length = 0; var initAccount = scope.accountDataSource && _.some(scope.accountDataSource, { code: scope.curFormula.params[paramIndex].value }); if (initAccount) { scope.selectedAccountCodes.push(scope.curFormula.params[paramIndex].value); } scope.isAccountSelectorOpen = true; }; scope.inputSelectChanged = function (param) { if (param) { if (param.selectValue === 'Other') { param.value = null; $('#param-select' + param.index).removeClass('special-input-option'); $('#param-input' + param.index).removeClass('hide'); } else { param.value = param.selectValue; $('#param-input' + param.index).addClass('hide'); $('#param-select' + param.index).addClass('special-input-option'); } } }; // 设置科目代码选择器 scope.accountSelectorOptions = { height: 500, top: 140, width: 730 }; scope.accountSelectorApi = { onSelectorConfirm: refreshAccountCode }; scope.selectedAccountCodes = []; scope.isAccountSelectorOpen = false; var selectorClose = function () { if (scope.internalApi && _.isFunction(scope.internalApi.onSelectorClose)) { scope.internalApi.onSelectorClose(); } }; var selectorConfirm = function () { if (scope.internalApi && _.isFunction(scope.internalApi.onSelectorConfirm)) { var paramVals =, function (p) { var rtn = ''; if (p && p.value !== undefined && p.value !== null) { if (p.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { rtn = p.value.toString(); } else { rtn = '"' + p.value + '"'; } } return rtn; }); scope.resultParamStr = paramVals.join(',') + ')'; scope.internalApi.onSelectorConfirm({ 'formula': scope.formulaName, 'param': scope.resultParamStr }); } }; // Adjust the selector options var adjustOptions = function () { // Adjust the CSS styles of the selector, currently only support width, height, top and left. scope.selectorOptions = _.extend({}, scope.selectorOptions); var styleStr = ".modal-opened-param-selector > .modal-content > form > .modal-body {"; _.chain(scope.selectorOptions).pick('width', 'height', 'top', 'left').pairs().each(function (c) { styleStr = styleStr + c[0] + ':' + c[1] + 'px;'; }); scope.cssOptions = styleStr + '}'; }; var onFormulaChange = function () { if (_.isEmpty(scope.formulaName)) { scope.curFormula = {}; paramInfo = null; return; } scope.curFormula = _.findWhere(scope.formulaList, { code: scope.formulaName }); scope.resultParamStr = scope.formulaParams; var paramInfo = formulaTranslateUtil.getParamsFromStr(scope.resultParamStr); if (scope.curFormula && paramInfo) { scope.curFormula.params.forEach(function (p) { if (p.paramType === enums.paramType.dropdownNumber) { p.defaultOption = { name: $translate.instant('Other'), shortName: $translate.instant('Other'), value: 'Other' }; } if (paramInfo[p.index] && paramInfo[p.index].dataType === p.paramDataType) { p.value = paramInfo[p.index].value; if (!_.isString(p.value)) { p.value = p.value.toString(); } if (p.paramType === enums.paramType.dropdownNumber) { if (!_.isEmpty(p.options) && _.some(p.options, { value: p.value })) { p.selectValue = p.value; } else { p.selectValue = 'Other'; } } } else { if (p.paramType === enums.paramType.dropdownNumber) { p.selectValue = 'Other'; } p.value = null; } }); } }; var getFormulaString = function () { return scope.formulaName + '(' + scope.formulaParams; }; scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { adjustOptions(); if (scope.internalApi) { scope.internalApi.getFormulaString = getFormulaString; } onFormulaChange();; } }); scope.$watch('formulaName', function (newVal, oldValue) { onFormulaChange(); }); scope.$watch('formulaParams', function (newVal, oldValue) { onFormulaChange(); }); scope.$watchCollection('formulaList', function (newVal, oldValue) { onFormulaChange(); }); } }; } ]); // Formula translator, show translated formula info commonModule .factory('formulaTranslateUtil', ['$log', '$translate', 'enums', function ($log, $translate, enums) { 'use strict'; var getParamsFromStr = function (formulaParams) { var paramStrs = []; if (!_.isEmpty(formulaParams)) { formulaParams = formulaParams.trim(); if (formulaParams.length <= 1 || formulaParams.substring(formulaParams.length - 1) !== ')') { return paramStrs; } formulaParams = formulaParams.substring(0, formulaParams.length - 1); if (formulaParams.indexOf('(') >= 0 || formulaParams.indexOf(')') >= 0) { return paramStrs; } var params = formulaParams.split(','); paramStrs =, function (p) { var param = { value: p.trim(), dataType: enums.paramDataType.undefined }; if (param.value.length > 0) { var startChar = param.value.substring(0, 1); var endChar = param.value.substring(param.value.length - 1); try { param.value = eval(param.value); param.dataType = typeof (param.value) === 'string' ? enums.paramDataType.string : (typeof (param.value) === 'number' ? enums.paramDataType.number : enums.paramDataType.undefined); } catch (ex) { param.value = undefined; param.dataType = enums.paramDataType.undefined; } } return param; }); } return paramStrs; }; var translateFormula = function (formulaList, formulaName, formulaParams, includeOptional) { var rtn = ''; if (!_.isEmpty(formulaList) && !_.isEmpty(formulaName)) { var formula = _.findWhere(formulaList, { code: formulaName }); if (formula) { rtn = + '('; var paramInfo = getParamsFromStr(formulaParams); // 括号内输入的参数 var knownParams = angular.copy(formula.params || []); // 公式已知的参数(数据库中与该公式关联的参数) knownParams.forEach(function (p) { if (paramInfo[p.index] && ( === 'ColumnNum' || paramInfo[p.index].dataType === p.paramDataType || p.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.accountCode && paramInfo[p.index].dataType === enums.paramDataType.string)) { p.value = paramInfo[p.index].value; if (!_.isString(p.value)) { p.value = p.value.toString(); } } else { p.value = null; } }); var knownParamIndexList = _.pluck(knownParams, 'index'); var extraParams = _.filter(paramInfo, function (p) { return knownParamIndexList.indexOf(paramInfo.indexOf(p)) < 0; }); _.each(extraParams, function (p) { // 将输入的参数合并入knownParams knownParams.push({ index: paramInfo.indexOf(p), value: p.value, paramDataType: p.dataType, paramType: enums.paramType.input }); }); if (includeOptional == null || includeOptional == undefined) { includeOptional = 'true'; } rtn += getParamStrFromParamList(knownParams, formula.requiredParamNum, includeOptional); } } return rtn; }; var getParamStrFromParamList = function (params, requiredParamNum, includeOptional) { var rtn = ''; if (!_.isEmpty(params)) { for (var i = 0; i <= params[params.length - 1].index; i++) { var param = _.findWhere(params, { index: i }); if (includeOptional === 'true' || i < requiredParamNum || param.value !== undefined && param.value !== null && param.value !== '') { rtn += $translate.instant(getParamDisplayName(param, includeOptional)); rtn += ','; } } rtn = rtn.substring(0, rtn.length - 1); } rtn = rtn + ')'; return rtn; }; var getParamDisplayName = function (param, includeOptional) { if (!_.isEmpty(param)) { var paramStr = ''; if (param.paramType === enums.paramType.input || param.paramType === enums.paramType.dropdownNumber) { if (param.value === undefined || param.value === null) { if (includeOptional === 'true' && !_.isEmpty( { paramStr =; } } else { // 如果输入型参数有options,这些options是特殊情况,按option.name显示; // options里找不到再用displayFormat来格式化 var opt; if (_.isEmpty(param.options)) { opt = null; } else { if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.string) { opt = _.find(param.options, function (p) { return p.value.toLowerCase() === param.value.toLowerCase(); }); } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { opt = _.find(param.options, function (p) { return p.value === param.value.toString(); }); } } if ( === 'ColumnNum') { var val = param.value; if (!isNaN(param.value)) { val = PWC.numToLetter(val - 1); } if (!_.isEmpty(param.displayFormat)) { paramStr = param.displayFormat.replace(/\{0\}/g, val); } else { paramStr = '"' + param + '"'; } } else if (!_.isEmpty(opt)) { if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.string) { paramStr = '"' + + '"'; } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { paramStr =; } } else if (!_.isEmpty(param.displayFormat)) { var val = param.value; paramStr = param.displayFormat.replace(/\{0\}/g, val); } else { if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.string) { paramStr = '"' + param.value + '"'; } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { var val = param.value; paramStr = val.toString(); } } } } else if (param.paramType === enums.paramType.dropdown || param.paramType === enums.paramType.accountCode) { if (param.value === undefined || param.value === null) { if (includeOptional === 'true' && !_.isEmpty( { paramStr =; } } else if (!_.isEmpty(param.options)) { // 如果列表型参数有options,这些options是所有允许的值,将option值格式化后显示; // 格式化字符串中,{0}: option.value, {1}:, {2}: option.shortName var opt; if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.string) { opt = _.find(param.options, function (p) { return p.value.toLowerCase() === param.value.toLowerCase(); }); } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { opt = _.find(param.options, function (p) { return p.value === param.value.toString(); }); } if (!_.isEmpty(opt)) { if (!_.isEmpty(param.displayFormat)) { paramStr = param.displayFormat .replace(/\{0\}/g, opt.value) .replace(/\{1\}/g, .replace(/\{2\}/g, opt.shortName); } else { if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.string) { paramStr = '"' + opt.value + '"'; } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { paramStr = opt.value; } } } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.string) { paramStr = '"' + param.value + '"'; } else if (param.paramDataType === enums.paramDataType.number) { paramStr = param.value.toString(); } //else if (!_.isEmpty( { // paramStr =; //} } else if (!_.isEmpty( { paramStr =; } } return paramStr; } return ''; }; return { getParamsFromStr: getParamsFromStr, getParamDisplayName: getParamDisplayName, getParamStrFromParamList: getParamStrFromParamList, translateFormula: translateFormula }; }]) .directive('formulaTranslator', ['$log', '$translate', 'enums', 'formulaTranslateUtil', function ($log, $translate, enums, formulaTranslateUtil) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('formulaTranslator.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/formula-translator/formula-translator.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { hideMode: '=?', // hide or notVisible formulaList: '=*', keyValueList: '=*', formulaName: '=?', // 公式名,必须传入formulaExp,或是同时传入formulaName & formulaParams formulaParams: '=?', // 公式参数 formulaExp: '=?', // 公式表达式,包含了公式名与参数,支持同时包含多个公式 accountDataSource: '=', includeOptional: '@?', // Default is true. 如果为false,可选参数未输入则不显示;如果为true,可选参数未输入需显示 translatorFocus: '&', translatorBlur: '&' }, link: function (scope, element, attr) { var splitExp = function (exp) { var opExp = /[+\-*/]+/g; var leftExp = /\(/g; var rightExp = /\)/g; var strs = []; var rtn = []; if (_.isEmpty(exp)) { return rtn; } // B1 - (1 + BB("VAT001",1,1,0))*0.07 split to ['B1', '-', '(1', '+', 'BB("VAT001",1,1,0)', ')', '*', '0.07'] var lastIndex = 0; var result = null; while ((result = opExp.exec(exp)) != null) { var lastExp = exp.substring(lastIndex, opExp.lastIndex - result[0].length); if (!_.isEmpty(lastExp)) { strs.push(lastExp); } strs.push(result[0]); lastIndex = opExp.lastIndex; } strs.push(exp.substring(lastIndex)); var inFormula = false; var diff = 0; var startBlockIndex = 0; var toHandleBlocks = []; for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { strs[i] = strs[i].trim(); var leftTime = strs[i].match(leftExp); leftTime = leftTime ? leftTime.length : 0; var rightTime = strs[i].match(rightExp); rightTime = rightTime ? rightTime.length : 0; if (leftTime !== rightTime) { if (diff === 0) { diff = leftTime - rightTime; startBlockIndex = i; if (strs[i][0] !== '(') { inFormula = true; } else { inFormula = false; } } else { diff = diff + leftTime - rightTime; if (diff === 0) { toHandleBlocks.push({ start: startBlockIndex, end: i, inFormula: inFormula }); } } } } for (var i = toHandleBlocks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // 如果括号不平衡的块不是formula,需要将括号与内容分离,并需递归处理内容 if (toHandleBlocks[i].inFormula) { var newBlock = ''; for (var idx = toHandleBlocks[i].start; idx <= toHandleBlocks[i].end; idx++) { newBlock = newBlock + strs[idx]; } strs.splice(toHandleBlocks[i].start, toHandleBlocks[i].end - toHandleBlocks[i].start + 1, newBlock); } else { var subBlock = ''; var lastBlock = ''; for (var j = toHandleBlocks[i].start; j <= toHandleBlocks[i].end; j++) { var tmp = strs[j]; if (j === toHandleBlocks[i].start) { tmp = tmp.substring(1); } else if (j === toHandleBlocks[i].end) { var lastIndex = tmp.lastIndexOf(')'); tmp = tmp.substring(0, lastIndex); lastBlock = tmp.substring(lastIndex); } subBlock = subBlock + tmp; } var tmpArr = splitExp(subBlock); strs = _.flatten([strs.slice(0, toHandleBlocks[i].start), '(', tmpArr, ')', lastBlock, strs.slice(toHandleBlocks[i].end + 1)]); } } return strs; }; var getFormulaInfo = function (exp) { var arr = splitExp(exp); return, function (x) { var idx = x.indexOf('('); if (idx > 0) { return { formulaName: x.substring(0, idx), formulaParams: x.substring(idx + 1) }; } else { return x; } }); }; var translateExp = function (exp) { var formulaInfoList = getFormulaInfo(exp); scope.translatedFormula = _.reduce(formulaInfoList, function (memo, i) { if (!_.isEmpty(i.formulaName)) { return memo + formulaTranslateUtil .translateFormula(scope.formulaList, i.formulaName, i.formulaParams, scope.includeOptional); } else if (i[0] === '@') { var keyValue = _.find(scope.keyValueList, function (x) { return x.code.trim().toLowerCase() === i.toLowerCase(); }); if (!_.isEmpty(keyValue)) { return; } else { return i; } } else { return memo + i; } }, ''); }; scope.translatedFormula = ''; scope.isHide = function () { return _.isEmpty(scope.translatedFormula) && scope.hideMode === 'hide'; }; scope.isNotVisible = function () { return _.isEmpty(scope.translatedFormula) && scope.hideMode !== 'hide'; }; scope.$watch('formulaName', function (newVal, oldValue) { scope.translatedFormula = formulaTranslateUtil .translateFormula(scope.formulaList, newVal, scope.formulaParams, scope.includeOptional); }); scope.$watch('formulaParams', function (newVal, oldValue) { scope.translatedFormula = formulaTranslateUtil .translateFormula(scope.formulaList, scope.formulaName, newVal, scope.includeOptional); }); scope.$watch('formulaExp', function (newVal, oldValue) { translateExp(newVal); }); scope.$watchCollection('formulaList', function (newVal, oldValue) { newVal.forEach(function (f) { var params = _.find(f.params, { paramType: enums.paramType.accountCode }); if (!_.isEmpty(params) && _.isEmpty(params.options) && !_.isEmpty(scope.accountDataSource)) { params.options =, function (o) { return { value: o.code, name: o.fullName, shortName: }; }); } }); if (scope.formulaExp) { translateExp(scope.formulaExp); } else { scope.translatedFormula = formulaTranslateUtil .translateFormula(newVal, scope.formulaName, scope.formulaParams, scope.includeOptional); } }); scope.$watchCollection('keyValueList', function (newVal, oldValue) { if (scope.formulaExp) { translateExp(scope.formulaExp); } else { scope.translatedFormula = formulaTranslateUtil .translateFormula(newVal, scope.formulaName, scope.formulaParams, scope.includeOptional); } }); scope.$watchCollection('accountDataSource', function (newVal, oldValue) { if (scope.formulaList) { scope.formulaList.forEach(function (f) { var params = _.find(f.params, { paramType: enums.paramType.accountCode }); if (!_.isEmpty(params) && _.isEmpty(params.options) && !_.isEmpty(newVal)) { params.options =, function (o) { return { value: o.code, name: o.fullName, shortName: }; }); } }); } if (scope.formulaExp) { translateExp(scope.formulaExp); } else { scope.translatedFormula = formulaTranslateUtil .translateFormula(newVal, scope.formulaName, scope.formulaParams, scope.includeOptional); } }); element.bind('focus', function (e) { if (_.isFunction(scope.translatorFocus)) { scope.translatorFocus({ '$event': e }); } }); element.bind('blur', function (e) { if (_.isFunction(scope.translatorBlur)) { scope.translatorBlur({ '$event': e }); } }); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('importAuditAdjustController', ['$scope', '$log', '$timeout', '$q', '$translate', 'loginContext' , 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', 'vatImportService', 'citSessionService' , 'uiGridConstants', 'enums', 'vatCommonService', '$uibModal', function ($scope, $log, $timeout, $q, $translate, loginContext , apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert, vatImportService, citSessionService , uiGridConstants, enums, vatCommonService, $uibModal) { 'use strict'; var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.vatWebApiHostUrl + '/FileUpload/NewFile'; var successCount = 0; var resumable = true; var projectID =; var period = $scope.periodId; var projectDbName = citSessionService.project.dbName; $scope.chunkSize = 100000; var validationErrorType = { PeriodParseErrorType: $translate.instant('PeriodParseErrorType'), AdjustDateParseErrorType: $translate.instant('AdjustDateParseErrorType'), DebitParseErrorType: $translate.instant('DebitParseErrorType'), CreditParseErrorType: $translate.instant('CreditParseErrorType'), EmptyFieldErrorType: $translate.instant('EmptyFieldErrorType'), OverLengthFieldErrorType: $translate.instant('OverLengthFieldErrorType') }; var serverErrorType = { EmptyFieldErrorType: 'EmptyField', OverLengthFieldErrorType: 'OverLengthField' }; //初始化ack-pagination $scope.pagingOptions = { pageIndex: 1, //当前页码 totalItems: 0, //总数据 totalPages: 10, //总页数 maxSize: 5, //分页数字的限制。 pageSize: 5,//[3], //每页多少条数据,100条 pageSizeString:[3].toString(), firstPage: $translate.instant('PagingFirstPage'), previousPage: $translate.instant('PagingPreviousPage'), nextPage: $translate.instant('PagingNextPage'), lastPage: $translate.instant('PagingLastPage'), }; //初始化查询参数 $scope.queryParams = { pageInfo: { totalCount: 0, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 0, totalPage: 0, }, periodId: period }; //初始化汇总参数 $scope.totalData = { totalNumber: 0, debit: 0, credit: 0 }; var initColumns = function () { $scope.allColumns = [ $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn'), $translate.instant('period'), $translate.instant('adjustDate'), $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $translate.instant('JournalZY'), $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalDFJE') ]; $scope.necessoryColumns = [ $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalDFJE') ]; }; var initGrid = function () { $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableFullRowSelection: false, enableRowSelection: false, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: [ { field: 'index', name: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpNoCol'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: '', enableFiltering: false, cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApiTotal = gridApi; } }; $scope.gridOptions.noData = false; }; var setGridCols = function (data) { var colCnt = 3; var showPeriod = _.filter(data, function (i) { return !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(i.monthID); }).length > 0; if (showPeriod) colCnt++; var showDate = _.filter(data, function (i) { return != i.createTime; }).length > 0; if (showDate) colCnt++; var showSummary = _.filter(data, function (i) { return !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(i.summary); }).length > 0; if (showSummary) colCnt++; var colWidth = PWC.round(90 / colCnt, 0); var lastColWidth = 90 - (colCnt - 1) * colWidth; $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [ { name: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpNoCol'), width: '10%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }]; if (showPeriod) { $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('period'), width: colWidth.toString() + '%', headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.period}}</span></div>' }); } if (showDate) { $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('adjustDate'), width: colWidth.toString() + '%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{ | date:"yyyy-MM-dd"}}</span></div>' }); } $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), width: colWidth.toString() + '%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.acctCode}}</span></div>' }); if (showSummary) { $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('JournalZY'), width: colWidth.toString() + '%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.summary}}</span></div>' }); } $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), width: colWidth.toString() + '%', headerCellClass: 'right', format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.debit}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), width: lastColWidth.toString() + '%', headerCellClass: 'right', format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{}}</span></div>' }); }; $scope.$on(enums.vatEvent.layoutChanged, function () { $scope.gridApiTotal.core.handleWindowResize(); }); //parentIndex:column index //index:selecteditem index var mappingColumn = function (parentIndex, index, colName) { if (colName) { var oldColumn = $scope.selectedColumnMap[parentIndex]; var newColumn = $scope.allColumns[index]; if (oldColumn === newColumn) { return; } else { $scope.selectedColumnMap[parentIndex] = colName; if (colName !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { $scope.allColumns.splice(index, 1); if (oldColumn && oldColumn !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { $scope.allColumns.push(oldColumn); } } else { if (oldColumn) { $scope.allColumns.push(oldColumn); } } } } $log.debug($scope.selectedColumnMap); }; var UploadFile = function (file) { if (file) { if (!'.xls') && !'.xlsx')) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ImportFileInvalidType')); return; }; $scope.initIncomeInvoiceList = []; successCount = 0; if (!file.$error) { var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { filename:, tempFileName: tempFileName, file: file }, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken }, __RequestVerificationToken: $scope.token, withCredentials: true }).then(function (resp) { successCount++; $scope.fileName =; if (successCount === 1) { $scope.tempFileName =; changeSheet(0); } }); } } } var resetMappingRow = function () { initColumns(); $scope.selectedColumnMap = []; }; var changeSheet = function (index) { $scope.selectedSheet.sheetIndex = index; resetMappingRow(); if (_.isString($scope.tempFileName)) { //$scope.excelSource = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [] }; vatImportService.getFileContent($scope.tempFileName, $scope.selectedSheet.sheetIndex, $scope.selectedSheet.topRowNumber).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result === false) { SweetAlert.warning(data.resultMsg); return; } $scope.excelSource = data; $scope.firstDataRow = data.dataList[0]; $scope.startRowList = _.range(data.lastRowIndex); $scope.selectedSheet.sheetName = $scope.excelSource.sheetNameList[$scope.selectedSheet.sheetIndex]; citSessionService.dataChanged = true; }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }; var validateClientSide = function (dataList) { var periodIntCheckMsg = ''; var periodCnt = 0; var dateCheckMsg = ''; var dateCnt = 0; var creditNumberCheckMsg = ''; var creditCnt = 0; var debitNumberCheckMsg = ''; var debitCnt = 0; if (parseInt($scope.StartRowNum) > $scope.excelSource.dataList.length) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('StartRowNumberCheckMsg')); return; } for (var i = $scope.StartRowNum - 1; i < $scope.excelSource.dataList.length; i++) { var period1 = null; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('period'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { period1 = $scope.excelSource.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('period'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]; } var summary = null; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('JournalZY'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { summary = $scope.excelSource.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalZY'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]; } var adjustDate = null; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('adjustDate'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { adjustDate = $scope.excelSource.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('adjustDate'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]; } var credit = $scope.excelSource.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]; var debit = $scope.excelSource.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]; var code = $scope.excelSource.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]; var curRowInfo = '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: i + 1 }) + ')' + $translate.instant('period') + ':' + period1 + ',' + $translate.instant('adjustDate') + ':' + adjustDate + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalKMDM') + ':' + code + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalZY') + ':' + summary + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalJFJE') + ':' + debit + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalDFJE') + ':' + credit + ';<br />'; $scope.hasOtherPeriod = false; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('period'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { if (isNaN(parseInt(period1))) { periodIntCheckMsg += curRowInfo; periodCnt++; } else { if (period1 != period) { //CIT全年时不做此判断 if (period !== constant.WholeYearPeriod) { $scope.hasOtherPeriod = true; continue; } } } } if ($.inArray($translate.instant('adjustDate'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { if (!PWC.checkDate(adjustDate)) { dateCheckMsg += curRowInfo; dateCnt++; } } if (isNaN(parseFloat(credit))) { creditNumberCheckMsg += curRowInfo; creditCnt++; } if (isNaN(parseFloat(debit))) { debitNumberCheckMsg += curRowInfo; debitCnt++; } if (periodCnt == 0 && creditCnt == 0 && debitCnt == 0 && dateCnt == 0) { var item = { 'AcctCode': code, 'Period': period !== constant.WholeYearPeriod ? period : period1 , 'Debit': debit, 'Credit': credit, 'Summary': summary, 'MonthID': period1, 'CreateTime': null, 'Date': adjustDate }; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('adjustDate'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { item.CreateTime = new Date(); }; dataList.push(item); } } $scope.errorMsgMap = []; if (periodCnt > 0) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': validationErrorType.PeriodParseErrorType, 'errorCount': periodCnt, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('PeriodParseErrorMsg').formatObj({ rows: periodIntCheckMsg }) }); }; if (dateCnt > 0) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': validationErrorType.AdjustDateParseErrorType, 'errorCount': periodCnt, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('AdjustDateParseErrorMsg').formatObj({ rows: dateCheckMsg }) }); } if (debitCnt > 0) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': validationErrorType.DebitParseErrorType, 'errorCount': debitCnt, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('DebitParseErrorMsg').formatObj({ rows: debitNumberCheckMsg }) }); }; if (creditCnt > 0) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': validationErrorType.CreditParseErrorType, 'errorCount': creditCnt, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('CreditParseErrorMsg').formatObj({ rows: creditNumberCheckMsg }) }); }; if ($scope.errorMsgMap.length > 0) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); return false; } return true; }; var alerts = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); $scope.isContinue = true; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('period'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) >= 0) { if ($scope.hasOtherPeriod) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('PeriodDifferenceTip'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $scope.isContinue = isConfirm; deferred.resolve(); }); } else { $scope.isContinue = true; deferred.resolve(); } } else { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('NoPeriod'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $scope.isContinue = isConfirm; deferred.resolve(); }); }; return deferred.promise; }; function doSave2Server(saveType) { // saveType 1:override,2:append if ($scope.excelSource.sheetNameList.length == 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('PleaseSelectFileFirst')); return; } var notMappedColumns = ''; if ($scope.selectedColumnMap.length >= 0) { var count1 = 0; $scope.necessoryColumns.forEach(function (m) { if (m !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { if ($.inArray(m, $scope.selectedColumnMap) < 0) { notMappedColumns += m + ','; count1++; } } }); if (notMappedColumns) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ColumnsMapErrorMsg').formatObj({ columns: notMappedColumns.substring(0, notMappedColumns.length - 1) })); return; } } var dataList = []; if (!validateClientSide(dataList)) return; if (dataList.length == 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('noCurMonthRecordErrorMsg')); return; }; alerts().then(function () { if ($scope.isContinue) { $scope.errorMsgMap = []; if ($scope.errorMsgMap.length > 0) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); return; } else { vatImportService.ImportAuditAdjust(dataList, period, saveType).success(function (data) { if (data) { if (data.result) { vatImportService.getImportType(projectID, period).success(function (data1) { var type = data1; if (type == enums.vatDataImportStatus.ErpImported) { dataImportService.manageData(period).success(function (data2) { vatCommonService.importSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportAuditAdjust , enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isAdjustImport, true); //$log.debug("import auditAdjust save2Server: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isAdjustImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); resetMappingRow(); getVouchers(); }).error(function () { $log.debug('ErpImported-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } else if (type == enums.vatDataImportStatus.TbImported) { vatImportService.refreshTrialBalance(period).success(function (data3) { if (data3 === true) { vatCommonService.importSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportAuditAdjust , enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isAdjustImport, true); //$log.debug("import auditAdjust save2Server: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isAdjustImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); resetMappingRow(); getVouchers(); } else { $log.debug('TbImported-Server-Error()...'); } }).error(function () { $log.debug('TbImported-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } else { vatCommonService.importSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportAuditAdjust , enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isAdjustImport, true); //$log.debug("import auditAdjust save2Server: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isAdjustImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); resetMappingRow(); getVouchers(); } $scope.fileName = ''; }).error(function () { $log.debug('getImportType-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } else { processValidateMsg(; } } }).error(function () { $log.debug('ImportAuditAdjust-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } } }); } var save2Server = function (saveType) { if (citSessionService.project.projectStatusList[period] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('IsConfirmToReImport').formatObj({ status: vatCommonService.getProjectStautsEnumDesc(citSessionService.project.projectStatusList[period]) }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { doSave2Server(saveType); } else { swal.close(); } }); } else { doSave2Server(saveType); } }; var buildDataStr = function (p) { var empty = '<' + $translate.instant('empty') + '>'; return '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: p.rowIndex }) + ')' + $translate.instant('period') + ':' + (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(p.tranCode) ? empty : p.tranCode) + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalKMDM') + ':' + (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(p.period) ? empty : p.period) + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalZY') + ':' + (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(p.vid) ? empty : p.vid) + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalJFJE') + ':' + (PWC.isNullOrEmpty( ? empty : + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalDFJE') + ':' + (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(p.itemID) ? empty : p.itemID) + ';<br />'; return ''; }; var processValidateMsg = function (errorList) { if (errorList && errorList.length > 0) { errorList.forEach(function (v) { if (v.resultMsg === serverErrorType.EmptyFieldErrorType) { var vString = ''; (p) { vString += buildDataStr(p); }); $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': validationErrorType.EmptyFieldErrorType, 'errorCount':, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('EmptyFieldErrorMsg').formatObj({ rows: vString }) }); } else if (v.resultMsg === serverErrorType.OverLengthFieldErrorType) { var vString = ''; (p) { vString += buildDataStr(p); }); $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': validationErrorType.OverLengthFieldErrorType, 'errorCount':, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('OverLengthErrorMsg').formatObj({ rows: vString }) }); } }); }; if ($scope.errorMsgMap.length > 0) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); } }; var clear = function () { if (period === constant.WholeYearPeriod) { showPeriodDrapDown(); } else { $scope.selectedPeriod = period; deleteAdjustAuditByPeriod(); } }; //显示期间选择弹出框 var showPeriodDrapDown = function () { $scope.modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'audit-model-period-dropdown.html', scope: $scope, windowClass: "audit-model-period-dropdow-popup" }); $scope.closePeriodSelectModal = function () { $scope.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.selectBox = { simple: { dataSource: $scope.auditPeriods, displayExpr: "Period", valueExpr: "ID", searchEnabled: false, placeholder: $translate.instant('PleaseSelectPeriod'), noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataToDispaly'), maxLength: 2, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { $scope.selectedPeriod = e.selectedItem.Period; } } }; vatImportService.getAdjustAuditPeriods().success(function (re) { if (re.result) { $scope.auditPeriods = []; var id = 1; $.each(, function (index, item) { var periodDto = { ID: -1, Period: -1 }; periodDto.ID = id++; periodDto.Period = item; $scope.auditPeriods.push(periodDto); }); $("#auditPeriodSelectBox").dxSelectBox("instance").option("dataSource", $scope.auditPeriods); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } var deleteAdjustAuditByPeriod = function () { if (_.isNull($scope.selectedPeriod)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('PleaseSelectPeriod')); return; } var alertMsg = period === constant.WholeYearPeriod ? $translate.instant('AdjustAuditClearWarning') : $translate.instant('AdjustAuditClearTips'); swal({ title: "warning!", text: alertMsg, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var dataList = []; var saveType = 1;//overide var deleteDto = { serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, periodIds: [$scope.selectedPeriod] }; vatImportService.deleteAdjustAudit(deleteDto).success(function (data) { if (data.result) { $scope.selectedPeriod = null; if (period === constant.WholeYearPeriod) { $scope.closePeriodSelectModal(); } vatImportService.getImportType(projectID, period).success(function (data1) { var type = data1; if (type === enums.vatDataImportStatus.ErpImported) { dataImportService.manageData(period).success(function (data2) { vatCommonService.clearDataSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportAuditAdjust , enums.FinishStatusEnum.NotFinished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isAdjustImport, false); $log.debug("clear auditAdjust clear: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isAdjustImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ClearSuccess')); resetMappingRow(); getVouchers(); }).error(function () { $log.debug('ErpImported-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } else if (type === enums.vatDataImportStatus.TbImported) { vatImportService.refreshTrialBalance(period).success(function (data3) { if (data3 === true) { vatCommonService.clearDataSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportAuditAdjust , enums.FinishStatusEnum.NotFinished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isAdjustImport, false); //$log.debug("import auditAdjust clear: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isAdjustImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ClearSuccess')); resetMappingRow(); getVouchers(); } else { $log.debug('TbImported-Server-Error()...'); } }).error(function () { $log.debug('TbImported-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } else { vatCommonService.clearDataSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isAdjustImport, false); //$log.debug("import auditAdjust clear: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isAdjustImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ClearSuccess')); resetMappingRow(); getVouchers(); } }).error(function () { $log.debug('getImportType-Error()...'); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }); } }) }; var getVouchers = function () { $scope.queryParams.periodId = period; $scope.queryParams.pageInfo = { totalCount: $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems, pageIndex: $scope.pagingOptions.pageIndex, pageSize: $scope.pagingOptions.pageSize, totalPage: 0, }; vatImportService.queryAuditAdjust($scope.queryParams).success(function (re) { if (re) { $scope.excelSource = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [] }; initPagingControl(re.pageInfo.totalCount); $scope.mapppingList = re.list; var seqNo = 1; $scope.mapppingList.forEach(function (i) { i.index = seqNo++; i.debit = PWC.round(i.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); $scope.totalData.totalNumber = re.pageInfo.totalCount; $scope.totalData.debit = PWC.round(re.calculateData.debitSum, 2); $ = PWC.round(re.calculateData.creditSum, 2); setGridCols($scope.mapppingList); $ = $scope.mapppingList; $scope.gridOptions.noData = $scope.mapppingList.length === 0; $scope.firstDataRow = null; citSessionService.dataChanged = false; } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }; var initPagingControl = function (totalItemsCount) { $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems = totalItemsCount; } $scope.$watch('selectedFileName', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && newValue !== oldValue) { UploadFile($scope.selectedFileName); resetMappingRow(); } }); $scope.pagingService = { refreshInvoiceDataGrid: function () { $log.debug("refreshInvoiceDataGrid"); getVouchers(); }, }; (function initialize() { $scope.StartRowNum = 2; $scope.mapppingList = []; $scope.mappingRow = null; $scope.firstDataRow = null; $scope.selectedPeriod = null; $scope.selectedColumnMap = []; $scope.selectedFileName = ''; $scope.excelSource = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [] }; $scope.selectedSheet = { sheetName: '', sheetIndex: 0, topRowNumber: 0 }; $scope.deleteAdjustAuditByPeriod = deleteAdjustAuditByPeriod; initColumns(); initGrid(); getVouchers(); $scope.refresh = getVouchers; $scope.clear = clear; $scope.changeSheet = changeSheet; $scope.mappingColumn = mappingColumn; $scope.save2Server = save2Server; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('importAuditAdjust', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/import/import-audit-adjust/import-audit-adjust.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { serviceTypeId: "=?", periodId: "=?" }, controller: 'importAuditAdjustController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { $scope.token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('ImportDataCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', 'Upload', '$timeout', '$http', '$cookies', '$translate', '$interval', 'enums' , 'SweetAlert', 'dataImportService', 'vatImportService', 'modelConfigurationService' , 'vatSessionService', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'vatCommonService', 'vatOperationLogService', 'vatWorkflowService', function ($scope, $log, Upload, $timeout, $http, $cookies, $translate, $interval, enums , SweetAlert, dataImportService, vatImportService, modelConfigurationService , vatSessionService, uiGridConstants, projectService, vatCommonService, vatOperationLogService, vatWorkflowService) { var apiTokenObj = $cookies.getObject('AtmsApiToken'); var webHost = apiTokenObj.api_host; var fileGuid = ''; //保存上传文件后在server端生成的guid var importMethod = ''; //oneClick:一键导入;universal:万能导入 var importType = -1; //0:覆盖;1:添加 var projectId =; var period = vatSessionService.month; //period < 0 覆盖导入时会删除所有数据 var projectDbName = vatSessionService.project.dbName; var fileExtension = ''; var fileNames = []; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); var CONST_ACEOLEDB = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not registered"; //上传文件有效后缀名 var ValidFileExtension = { CSV: "csv", XLS: "xls", XLSX: "xlsx" } //对应PwC.Tax.Tech.Atms.Globals.Utils:ErpCheckType var ErpCheckTypeEnum = { Success : 0, ComBalanceAcctUnValidate : 1, VoucherAcctValidate : 2, VSingleDebitCreditUnValidate : 3, VEmptyCheckUnValidateItemID : 4, VEmptyCheckUnValidateGroup : 5, VEmptyCheckUnValidateAcctCode : 6, VEmptyCheckUnValidateSummary : 7, AcctBegBalAcctLevelUnValidate : 8, BegBalUnValidate : 9, CompCustEndBalUnValidate : 10, CompCustAmountUnValidate : 11, CompCustBegBalUnValidate : 12, BegEndBalUnValidate : 13, DuplicatedVoucher: 14, DuplicatedTb: 15 } var TbImportTypeEnum = { UnImported : 0, TbImported : 1, ErpImported : 2 } var validteCategoryEnum = { Basic: 1, Correctness: 2, Duplicate:3 } $scope.period = period; $scope.filePath = ''; $scope.showUniversal = false; $scope.startNumber = -1; $scope.excelDownloadPath = webHost + '/Resource/ImportData/万能模板.xls'; $scope.csvDownLoadPath = webHost + '/Resource/ImportData/csv万能模板.zip'; $scope.duplicateList = []; $scope.basicCheckList = []; $scope.correctCheckList = []; var validteCategory = validteCategoryEnum.Basic; //写日志 var comment = + " " + vatSessionService.project.year + "年" + vatSessionService.month + "月"; $scope.moduleid = enums.vatModuleEnum.Import_Erpdata; var logDto = { ID: '', OperationName: '', ModuleID: $scope.moduleid, OperationObject: $translate.instant('erpData'), OperationType: '', OperationContent: '', OriginalState: '', UpdateState: '', CreatorID: vatSessionService.logUser.ID, Comment: comment, IP: '', Period: $scope.period, }; //设置正确性、重复数据验证的错误提示图标 $scope.setValidationErrorStyle = function (chkCorrect,checkDuplicate) { var errorCount = 0; var duplicateNum = 0; var activeErrorStyle = { 'background-image': 'url(/app-resources/images/vat/error.png)', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat', 'background-position': 'right 5px center' } var inactiveErrorStyle = { 'background-image': 'none' } if (chkCorrect) { for (var i = 1; i < $scope.correctCheckList.length; i++) { errorCount = $scope.correctCheckList[i][3]; //[3]: errorCount if (errorCount > 0) { break; } } if (errorCount > 0) { return activeErrorStyle; } else { return inactiveErrorStyle; } } if (checkDuplicate) { for (var i = 1; i < $scope.duplicateList.length; i++) { duplicateNum = $scope.duplicateList[i][2]; //[2]: duplicateCount; if (duplicateNum > 0) { break; } } if (duplicateNum > 0) { return activeErrorStyle; } else { return inactiveErrorStyle; } } }; //点击一键/万能导入 $scope.switch = function (index) { //一键导入 if (index === 1) { $scope.filePath = $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle'); importMethod = 'oneClick'; $scope.showUniversal = false; $scope.startNumber = -1; $('#btnOneClick').removeClass('disableBtn'); $('#btnUniversal').addClass('disableBtn'); } //万能导入 if (index === 2) { $scope.filePath = $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle'); importMethod = 'universal'; $scope.showUniversal = true; $scope.startNumber = 0; $('#btnUniversal').removeClass('disableBtn'); $('#btnOneClick').addClass('disableBtn'); } } //上传文件 $scope.uploadFiles = function (files, errFiles) { $scope.f = files; $scope.showError = false; $scope.errFile = errFiles && errFiles[0]; if (files && files.length) { fileNames = []; angular.forEach($scope.f, function (file) { fileNames.push(; }) $scope.filePath = fileNames.toString();//$scope.f[0].name; if (!checkUploadFiles($scope.f)) { return false; } Upload.upload({ url: webHost + '/api/v1/financeImportData/importData/financeDataUpload', data: { importMethod: importMethod, file: files }, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiTokenObj.token_type + ' ' + apiTokenObj.access_token, from: vatSessionService.project.dbName + '' }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function (response) { var ret =; if (ret.result) { fileGuid =; fileExtension =; //swal({ // title: $translate.instant('SuccessTitle'), // text: $translate.instant('UploadFileSuccess'), // type: "success", // confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') //}); } else { if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { swal({ title:$translate.instant('FailureTitle'), text: $translate.instant('UploadFileFail') + ret.resultMsg, type: "error", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); //alert(ret.resultMsg); } } //$timeout(function () { // file.result =; //}); }, function (response) { console.log('import error: ' + response.status); if (response.status > 0) { //$scope.errorMsg = response.status + ': ' +; $log.debug('erp load file error:'); $log.debug(response.status + ': ' +; } }, function (evt) { //file.progress = Math.min(100, parseInt(100.0 * // evt.loaded /; $scope.progress = Math.min(100, parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; }); } else { // $scope.showError = true; } } //导入财务数据 $scope.importData = function (importTypeParam) { if ($scope.filePath == $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle')) { swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle'), text: $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFile'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes') }); return false; } if (vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[period] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Imported) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('IsConfirmToReImport').formatObj({ status: vatCommonService.getProjectStautsEnumDesc(vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[period]) }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('ConfirmYes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('ConfirmNo'), closeOnConfirm: false, closeOnCancel: false }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { swal.close(); startToImportErpData(importTypeParam); } else { swal.close(); } }); } else { startToImportErpData(importTypeParam); } } //日志 $scope.showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; function startToImportErpData(importTypeParam) { var importFileName = ""; $scope.f.forEach(function (item, index) { importFileName +=; }); logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = importFileName; if (importTypeParam === 0) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('ConvertErpData'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.CoverImport; } else if (importTypeParam === 1) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('AppendErpData'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.AddImport; } vatImportService.getImportType(projectId, period).success(function (data) { if (data === TbImportTypeEnum.UnImported || data === TbImportTypeEnum.ErpImported) { importErpData(importTypeParam); } if (data === TbImportTypeEnum.TbImported) { swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmCleartTbTitle'), text: $translate.instant('ConfirmTbDataToDelete'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { //1. 清除TB导入数据 if (isConfirm) { $log.debug("confirm to clear TB data"); vatImportService.deleteTbData(period) .success(function (data) { $log.debug("deleteTbData(period): ", data); //2. 导入财务数据 if (data) { importErpData(importTypeParam); } else { swal({ title: $translate.instant('FailureTitle'), text: $translate.instant('ClearTbError'), type: "error", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); } }); } }); } }); } //校验界面 $scope.openTab = function (evt, tabId) { var i, tabcontent, tablinks; //隐藏所有tabContent tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabContent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } //删除所有tab button中的active, inactive class tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" inactive", ""); tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" inactive-rightborder", ""); } //设置选中tab document.getElementById(tabId).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; //设置未选中tab for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { if (tablinks[i].id != { tablinks[i].className += " inactive"; if ($("#btnCorrectChk").attr("class").indexOf(" active") === -1) { if (_.isEqual(tablinks[i].id, "btnBasicChk")) { tablinks[i].className += " inactive-rightborder"; } if (_.isEqual(tablinks[i].id, "btnCorrectChk")) { //基础数据验证和数据正确性验证都不可用时,只要基础数据验证加右边框就可以了 if ($("#btnBasicChk").attr("class").indexOf("inactive-rightborder") === -1) { tablinks[i].className += " inactive-rightborder"; } } } } } //clearAllDataValidationArray(); if ( === "btnDuplicateData") { validteCategory = validteCategoryEnum.Duplicate; if ($scope.duplicateList.length === 0) { getDuplicateRecords(); } } if ( === "btnBasicChk") { validteCategory = validteCategoryEnum.Basic; if ($scope.basicCheckList.length === 0) { getBasicValidationRecords(); } } if ( === "btnCorrectChk") { validteCategory = validteCategoryEnum.Correctness; if ($scope.correctCheckList.length === 0) { getCorrectValidationRecords(); } } } //双击查看验证详细数据 $scope.checkDetailDbclick = function (evt) { //对应enum: ErpCheckType var erpCheckTypeId = -1; var errorCount = -1; if ($scope.basicCheckList.length > 0 && _.isEqual(validteCategory,validteCategoryEnum.Basic)) { erpCheckTypeId = $scope.basicCheckList[evt.currentTarget.rowIndex][5]; errorCount = $scope.basicCheckList[evt.currentTarget.rowIndex][3]; } if ($scope.correctCheckList.length > 0 && _.isEqual(validteCategory,validteCategoryEnum.Correctness)) { erpCheckTypeId = $scope.correctCheckList[evt.currentTarget.rowIndex][5]; errorCount = $scope.correctCheckList[evt.currentTarget.rowIndex][3]; } if ($scope.duplicateList.length > 0 && _.isEqual(validteCategory,validteCategoryEnum.Duplicate)) { erpCheckTypeId = $scope.duplicateList[evt.currentTarget.rowIndex][3]; errorCount = $scope.duplicateList[evt.currentTarget.rowIndex][2]; } if (errorCount > 0) { getCheckDetails(erpCheckTypeId); if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.DuplicatedVoucher) { $('#duplicatedVouchers').modal('show'); } else if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.DuplicatedTb) { $('#duplicatedTbes').modal('show'); } else { $('#detailListModal').modal('show'); } } else { swal({ title: $translate.instant('WarningTitle'), text: $translate.instant('ErpDetailWarning'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); } } //删除选中的Voucher $scope.deleteDuplicateVouchers = function () { var selectedVouchers = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedGridRows(); $log.debug("get selected duplicated voucher details"); $log.debug(selectedVouchers); if (selectedVouchers.length > 0) { var voucherIds = []; var voucherAccts = []; selectedVouchers.forEach(function(item,index){ if (!_.isNull(item.entity.voucherID)) { voucherIds.push(item.entity.voucherID); voucherAccts.push(item.entity.acctCode); } }); logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = voucherAccts.join(","); logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('DeleteVoucherDuplicate'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.DeleteDuplicate; $log.debug("voucherIds ready to be deleted: " + voucherIds); //delete dataImportService.deleteVoucherDuplicateItems(voucherIds) .success(function (data) { $log.debug("delete duplicated vouchers results: " + data); $('#duplicatedVouchers').modal('hide'); if (data) { swal({ title: $translate.instant('SuccessTitle'), text: $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'), type: "success", timer: 1000 }); logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); ReCheckAndManageData(); } }); } else { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); swal({ title: $translate.instant('WarningTitle'), text: $translate.instant('DeleteEmptyWarning'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); } } //删除选中的CustBalance $scope.deleteDuplicateTbes = function () { var selectedTbes = $scope.gridApiTb.selection.getSelectedGridRows(); $log.debug("get selected duplicated custbalance details"); $log.debug(selectedTbes); if (selectedTbes.length > 0) { var balanceIds = []; var balanceAccts = []; selectedTbes.forEach(function (item, index) { if (!_.isNull(item.entity.balanceId)) { balanceIds.push(item.entity.balanceId); balanceAccts.push(item.entity.acctCode); } }); logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = balanceAccts.join(","); logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('DeleteCustBalanceDuplicate'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.DeleteDuplicate; $log.debug("balanceIds ready to be deleted: " + balanceIds); //delete dataImportService.deleteCustBalanceItems(balanceIds) .success(function (data) { $log.debug("delete duplicated custbalance results: " + data); $('#duplicatedTbes').modal('hide'); if (data) { swal({ title: $translate.instant('SuccessTitle'), text: $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'), type: "success", timer: 1000 }); logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); ReCheckAndManageData(); } }); } else { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); swal({ title: $translate.instant('WarningTitle'), text: $translate.instant('DeleteEmptyWarning'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); } } //检查用户机构权限 $scope.checkUserOrganizationPermissionList = function () { var list = []; var userManageTemp = constant.vatPermission.dataImport.erpImport; list.push(userManageTemp.importCode); $scope.hasImportPermission = false; $scope.$root.checkUserOrganizationPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasImportPermission = data[userManageTemp.importCode]; }); }; //根据hasImportPermission设置按钮的样式 $scope.setButtonSetByPermission = function () { if (!$scope.hasImportPermission) { return { cursor: "not-allowed" }; } else { return { cursor: "default" }; } }; //清理数据校验的数组 function clearAllDataValidationArray() { $log.debug("start to clear all data validation array"); $scope.duplicateList = []; $scope.basicCheckList = []; $scope.correctCheckList = []; } //导入数据 function importErpData(importTypeParam) { $log.debug("start to import data"); importType = importTypeParam; $http({ method: 'POST', url: webHost + '/api/v1/financeImportData/importData/importFinancedata', params: { importMethod: importMethod, importType: importType, fileName: fileNames, fileGuid: fileGuid, fileExtension: fileExtension, period: period }, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiTokenObj.token_type + ' ' + apiTokenObj.access_token, from: vatSessionService.project.dbName + '' }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(function successCallback(response) { var ret =; if (ret.result) { swal({ title:$translate.instant('SuccessTitle'), text: $translate.instant('ImportErpDataSuccess'), type: "success", timer: 1000 }); $log.debug("import data successfully,start to update project import type"); logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); updateProjectImportType(); clearAllDataValidationArray(); vatCommonService.importSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, period , constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportErpData , enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isErpImport, true); $log.debug("import erp importErpData: " + vatSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isErpImport); startManageData(period); $scope.filePath = $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle');; //还原导入文件路径 $scope.isImportTypeErp = true; } else { $scope.filePath = $translate.instant('ConfirmSelectErpImportFileTitle');//还原导入文件路径; //清理导入文件路径 if (ret.resultMsg && ret.resultMsg.length > 0) { var errorMessages = ""; var popUpErrorMsg = ""; (item, index) { errorMessages = errorMessages + "\r\n" + item.errorMsg; }); //出错信息中包含CONST_ACEOLEDB的话,弹出特殊提示 errorMessages = errorMessages.toLowerCase(); if (errorMessages.indexOf(CONST_ACEOLEDB.toLowerCase()) > 0) { popUpErrorMsg = $translate.instant('ACEOLEDBUnInstallError'); } else { popUpErrorMsg = $translate.instant('ImportErpDataFail') + ret.resultMsg; } logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('FailureTitle'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); swal({ title: $translate.instant('FailureTitle'), text: popUpErrorMsg, type: "error", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); } } }, function errorCallback(response) { $log.debug('erp import data error'); $log.debug(response); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } //上传文件格式验证 function checkUploadFiles(files) { var result = true; for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var item = files[i]; var fileName =; var fileExtension = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, fileName.length - fileName.lastIndexOf(".")).toLowerCase(); if (fileExtension !== ValidFileExtension.CSV && fileExtension !== ValidFileExtension.XLS && fileExtension !== ValidFileExtension.XLSX) { swal({ title: $translate.instant('WarningTitle'), text: $translate.instant('ErpUploadFileExtensionCheck'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }); result = false; } if (fileName.length >= 30) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('FileNameTooLong')); result = false; } } return result; } //组装重复数据验证数据 function initDuplicateRecords(or) { //添加title var data =; $scope.duplicateList = []; var duplicateTitleDto = []; duplicateTitleDto.push($translate.instant('Num')); duplicateTitleDto.push($translate.instant('TableName')); duplicateTitleDto.push($translate.instant('DuplicateNum')); duplicateTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ErpCheckTypeId')); $scope.duplicateList.push(duplicateTitleDto); data.forEach(function (item, index) { var duplicateDto = []; if (duplicateTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('Num')) !== -1) { duplicateDto.push(item.num); } if (duplicateTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('TableName')) !== -1) { duplicateDto.push(item.tableName); } if (duplicateTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DuplicateNum')) !== -1) { duplicateDto.push(item.duplicateCount); } if (duplicateTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ErpCheckTypeId')) !== -1) { duplicateDto.push(item.erpCheckTypeId); } $scope.duplicateList.push(duplicateDto); }); if (or.resultMsg === constant.ValidationMessag.ReValidate) { vatWorkflowService.addErpImportExceptionMessage(projectDbName, period, enums.validationType.ErpDuplicate) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { $log.debug("send erp duplicate validation message successfully"); } }); } } //重复数据验证 function getDuplicateRecords() { dataImportService.getDuplicateResults().success(function (or) { initDuplicateRecords(or); }); } //组装基础校验数据 function initBasicValicationsRecords(or) { var data =; $scope.basicCheckList = []; //添加Title var basicChkTilteDto = []; basicChkTilteDto.push($translate.instant('Num')); basicChkTilteDto.push($translate.instant('ImagePic')); basicChkTilteDto.push($translate.instant('DataCheckType')); basicChkTilteDto.push($translate.instant('ErrorCount')); basicChkTilteDto.push($translate.instant('Tips')); basicChkTilteDto.push($translate.instant('ErpCheckTypeId')); $scope.basicCheckList.push(basicChkTilteDto); data.forEach(function (item, index) { var basicChkDto = []; if (basicChkTilteDto.indexOf($translate.instant('Num')) !== -1) { basicChkDto.push(item.num); } if (basicChkTilteDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ImagePic')) !== -1) { basicChkDto.push(item.imagePic); } if (basicChkTilteDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DataCheckType')) !== -1) { basicChkDto.push(item.dataCheckType); } if (basicChkTilteDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ErrorCount')) !== -1) { basicChkDto.push(item.errorCount); } if (basicChkTilteDto.indexOf($translate.instant('Tips')) !== -1) { basicChkDto.push(; } if (basicChkTilteDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ErpCheckTypeId')) !== -1) { basicChkDto.push(item.erpCheckTypeId); } $scope.basicCheckList.push(basicChkDto); }); if (or.resultMsg === constant.ValidationMessag.ReValidate) { vatWorkflowService.addErpImportExceptionMessage(projectDbName, period, enums.validationType.ErpBasicCheck) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { $log.debug("send erp basic validation message successfully"); } }); } } //基础数据验证 function getBasicValidationRecords() { dataImportService.getBasicValidationResults() .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { initBasicValicationsRecords(or); } }); } //组装数据正确性验证 function initCorrectValidationRecords(or) { //添加Title var data =; $scope.correctCheckList = []; var crtTitleDto = []; crtTitleDto.push($translate.instant('Num')); crtTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ImagePic')); crtTitleDto.push($translate.instant('DataCheckType')); crtTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ErrorCount')); crtTitleDto.push($translate.instant('Tips')); crtTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ErpCheckTypeId')); $scope.correctCheckList.push(crtTitleDto); data.forEach(function (item, index) { var crtValication = []; if (crtTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('Num')) !== -1) { crtValication.push(item.num); } if (crtTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ImagePic')) !== -1) { crtValication.push(item.imagePic); } if (crtTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DataCheckType')) !== -1) { crtValication.push(item.dataCheckType); } if (crtTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ErrorCount')) !== -1) { crtValication.push(item.errorCount); } if (crtTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('Tips')) !== -1) { crtValication.push(; } if (crtTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ErpCheckTypeId')) !== -1) { crtValication.push(item.erpCheckTypeId); } $scope.correctCheckList.push(crtValication); }); if (or.resultMsg === constant.ValidationMessag.ReValidate) { vatWorkflowService.addErpImportExceptionMessage(projectDbName, period, enums.validationType.ErpCorrect) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { $log.debug("send erp correctness validation message successfully"); } }); } } //数据正确性验证 function getCorrectValidationRecords() { dataImportService.getCorrectValidationResults(period).success(function (or) { initCorrectValidationRecords(or); }); } //运行所有校验并选中基础数据验证 function getAllValidationResults(isManage) { dataImportService.getBasicValidationResults().success(function (or) { initBasicValicationsRecords(or); dataImportService.getCorrectValidationResults(period).success(function (or) { initCorrectValidationRecords(or); dataImportService.getDuplicateResults().success(function (or) { initDuplicateRecords(or); triggBasicCheck(); $scope.setValidationErrorStyle(true, false); $scope.setValidationErrorStyle(false, true); if (isManage) { SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ManageDataSuccess')); } }); }); }); } //1.数据整理 function startManageData(period) { dataImportService.manageData(period).success(function (data) { getAllValidationResults(true); }); } //根据erpCheckTypeId初始化不同的详细数据 function getCheckDetails(erpCheckTypeId) { $scope.checkDetails = []; //试算平和表中的科目不在企业科目列表中 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.ComBalanceAcctUnValidate) { dataImportService.getAccountsNotInCompanyBalance() .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailAcct(data); }); } //Voucher中的科目不存在于科目表中 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.VoucherAcctValidate) { dataImportService.getAccountsNotInVoucherDetails() .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailAcct(data); }); } //单个凭证借贷平衡 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.VSingleDebitCreditUnValidate) { dataImportService.getSingleVoucherCheck() .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailByVoucher(data); }); } //Voucher ItemID 为空 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.VEmptyCheckUnValidateItemID) { dataImportService.getVoucherEmptyCheck(true, false, false, false, false) .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailByVoucher(data); }); } //Voucher Group 为空 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.VEmptyCheckUnValidateGroup) { dataImportService.getVoucherEmptyCheck(false, false, true, false, false) .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailByVoucher(data); }); } //Voucher AccontCode 为空 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.VEmptyCheckUnValidateAcctCode) { dataImportService.getVoucherEmptyCheck(false, false, false, true, false) .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailByVoucher(data); }); } //Voucher Summary 为空 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.VEmptyCheckUnValidateSummary) { dataImportService.getVoucherEmptyCheck(false,false,false,false,true) .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailByVoucher(data); }); } //试算平衡表中期初余额上下级不平衡 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.AcctBegBalAcctLevelUnValidate) { dataImportService.getAccountBegBalances(period) .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailAcct(data); }); } //试算平衡表中期初余额借贷不平衡 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.BegBalUnValidate) { dataImportService.getBegBalancesByPeriod(period) .success(function (data) { //title var detailTitleDto = []; detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('BegDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('BegCreditBal')); $scope.checkDetails.push(detailTitleDto); //body var detailDto = []; if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('BegDebitBal')) !== -1) { data.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.direction == "1") { detailDto.push(item.begBal); } }); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('BegCreditBal')) !== -1) { data.forEach(function (item, index) { if (item.direction == "-1") { detailDto.push(item.begBal); } }); } $scope.checkDetails.push(detailDto); }); } //原始/计算期末余额比较 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.CompCustEndBalUnValidate) { var isExistedEndBal = false; dataImportService.getCompCustBalanceDetail(period, period) .success(function (data) { dataImportService.isComBalanceEndBalNotZero(period) .success(function (enddata) { isExistedEndBal = enddata; $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailCompareEndBal(isExistedEndBal, data); }) }); } //原始/计算发生额比较 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.CompCustAmountUnValidate) { dataImportService.compareCompCustPeriodAmount(period, period) .success(function (data) { $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailCompareAmount(data); }); } //上月期末与导入的本月期初 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.BegEndBalUnValidate) { var isExistedEndBal = false; dataImportService.compareCustEndCompBeg(period, period) .success(function (data) { dataImportService.isComBalanceEndBalNotZero(period) .success(function (endData) { isExistedEndBal = endData; $scope.checkDetails = initCheckDetailEndBalCompare(isExistedEndBal, data); }); }); } //凭证重复 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.DuplicatedVoucher) { dataImportService.getDuplicateVouchers() .success(function (data) { $log.debug("set duplicated voucher details data"); $ = data; $log.debug($; }); } //CustBalance重复 if (erpCheckTypeId === ErpCheckTypeEnum.DuplicatedTb) { dataImportService.getCustBalanceDuplicateItems() .success(function (data) { $log.debug("set duplicated custbalance details data"); $ = data; $log.debug($; }); } } //初始化Voucher相关的详细信息 function initCheckDetailByVoucher(data) { var detailTitleDto = []; var voucherDetails = []; //title detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountCode')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('JournalKHDM')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('vid')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('vGroup')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('period')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('itemID')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('JournalZY')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('JournalJFJE')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('JournalDFJE')); voucherDetails.push(detailTitleDto); if (_.isNull(data)) { return false; } //body data.forEach(function(item,index){ var detailDto = []; if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountCode')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.acctCode); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('JournalKHDM')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.customerCode); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('vid')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.vid); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('vGroup')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(; } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('period')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.period); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('itemID')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.itemID); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('JournalZY')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.summary); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('JournalJFJE')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.debit); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('JournalDFJE')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(; } voucherDetails.push(detailDto); }); return voucherDetails; } //初始话科目相关的详细信息 function initCheckDetailAcct(data) { //title var detailTitleDto = []; var acctDetails = []; detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountCode')); acctDetails.push(detailTitleDto); if (_.isNull(data)) { return false; } //body data.forEach(function (item, index) { var detailDto = []; if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountCode')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.acctCode); } acctDetails.push(detailDto); }); return acctDetails } //初始化上月期末与导入的本月期初校验的详细信息 function initCheckDetailEndBalCompare(isEndBal, data) { var detailTitleDto = []; var compareDetails = []; //title detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('PeriodId')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountCode')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountName')); if (isEndBal) { detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('LastPeriodEndBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CurrentPeriodEndBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('BalDiff')); } else { detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('LastPeriodEndDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('LastPeriodEndCreditBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CurrentPeriodBegDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CurrentPeriodBegCreditBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CreditBalDiff')); } compareDetails.push(detailTitleDto); if (_.isNull(data)) { return false; } //body data.forEach(function (item, index) { var detailDto = []; if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('PeriodId')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.periodId); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountCode')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.accountCode); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountName')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.accountName); } if (isEndBal) { if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('LastPeriodEndBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custEndBal); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CurrentPeriodEndBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comBegBal); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('BalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.begBalDiff); } } else { if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('LastPeriodEndDebitBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custEndDebitBal); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('LastPeriodEndCreditBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custEndCreditBal); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CurrentPeriodBegDebitBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comBegDebitBal); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CurrentPeriodBegCreditBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comBegCreditBal); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.begDebitDiff); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CreditBalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.begCreditDiff); } } compareDetails.push(detailDto); }); return compareDetails; } //初始化原始/计算发生额的详细信息 function initCheckDetailCompareAmount(data) { var detailTitleDto = []; var amountsDetails = []; //title detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('PeriodId')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountCode')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountName')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ComDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ComCreditBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CustDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CustCreditBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CreditBalDiff')); amountsDetails.push(detailTitleDto); if (_.isNull(data)) { return false; } //body data.forEach(function (item, index) { var detailDto = []; if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('PeriodId')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.periodId); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountCode')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.accountCode); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountName')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.accountName); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ComDebitBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comDebitBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ComCreditBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comCreditBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CustDebitBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custDebitBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CustCreditBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custCreditBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.debitBalDiff.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.creditBalDiff.toFixed(2)); } amountsDetails.push(detailDto); }); return amountsDetails; } //初始化原始/计算期末余额的详细信息 function initCheckDetailCompareEndBal(isEndBal, data) { var detailTitleDto = []; var compareDetails = []; //title detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('PeriodId')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountCode')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('AccountName')); if (isEndBal) { detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ComEndBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CustEndBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('BalDiff')); } else { detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ComDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('ComCreditBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CustDebitBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CustCreditBal')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')); detailTitleDto.push($translate.instant('CreditBalDiff')); } compareDetails.push(detailTitleDto); if (_.isNull(data)) { return false; } //body data.forEach(function (item, index) { var detailDto = []; if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('PeriodId')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.periodId); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountCode')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.accountCode); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountName')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.accountName); } if (isEndBal) { if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ComEndBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comEndBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CustEndBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custEndBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('BalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.endDiff.toFixed(2)); } } else { if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ComDebitBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comEndDebitBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('ComCreditBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.comEndCreditBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CustDebitBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custEndDebitBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CustCreditBal')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.custEndCreditBal.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.debitBalDiff.toFixed(2)); } if (detailTitleDto.indexOf($translate.instant('CreditBalDiff')) !== -1) { detailDto.push(item.creditBalDiff.toFixed(2)); } } compareDetails.push(detailDto); }); return compareDetails; } //初始化重复Voucher弹出框 function initUiGvVoucherDupDetails() { $scope.gridUiDuplicateVouchers = { //set gridview options rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableHorizontalScrollbar, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: true, multiSelect: true, enableColumnResizing: true, columnDefs: [ { name: $translate.instant('period'), width: '10%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.period}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('vGroup'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('vid'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.vid}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('itemID'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.itemID}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.acctCode}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalZY'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.summary}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('DebitBal'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.debit}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('CreditBal'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{}}<span></div>' } //{ // name: $translate.instant('VoucherID'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.voucherID}}</span></div>' //} ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) { var msg = 'row selected ' + row.isSelected; $log.debug(msg); }); gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChangedBatch($scope, function (rows) { var msg = 'rows changed ' + rows.length; $log.debug(msg); }); } }; $ = []; } //初始化重复Tb弹出框 function initUiGvTbDupDetails() { $scope.gridUiDuplicateTbes = { //set gridview options rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableHorizontalScrollbar, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: true, multiSelect: true, columnDefs: [ { name: $translate.instant('period'), width: '10%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.periodId}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.acctCode}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalKHDM'), width: '15%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.customerCode}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('BegDebitBal'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.begDebitBal}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('BegCreditBal'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.begCreditBal}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('BegBal'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.begBal}}<span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApiTb = gridApi; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApiTb.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) { //var msg = 'row selected ' + row.isSelected; //$log.debug(msg); }); gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChangedBatch($scope, function (rows) { //var msg = 'rows changed ' + rows.length; //$log.debug(msg); }); } }; $ = []; } //更新TaxAdmin中dbo.PeriodInfo.ImportType function updateProjectImportType() { var queryImportDto = { serviceTypeId: constant.serviceType.VAT, periods: [period], projectId: projectId, importTypeId: enums.TbImportTypeEnum.ErpImported } vatImportService.updatePeriodStatus(queryImportDto) .success(function (data) { $log.debug("vatImportService.updatePeriodStatus complete"); }); } //重新校验和整理数据 function ReCheckAndManageData() { $log.debug("star to recheck and remanage data"); dataImportService.reManageData(period).success(function (data) { if (data) { $log.debug("remanage data successfully"); getAllValidationResults(true); } }); } function triggBasicCheck() { //默认选中基础校验 setTimeout(function () { $('#btnBasicChk').trigger('click'); }, 1000); } function getPeriodInfor() { vatImportService.getImportType(, period).success(function (data) { $scope.isImportTypeErp = enums.projectImportType.ErpImported === data ? true : false; }); } //默认显示万能导入 $scope.switch(2); $scope.checkUserOrganizationPermissionList(); getPeriodInfor(); getAllValidationResults(false); initUiGvVoucherDupDetails(); initUiGvTbDupDetails(); }]); commonModule.directive('importErp', function () { return { restrict: 'E', //transclude: true, templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/import/import-erpdata/import-erpdata.html', scope: { serviceTypeId: "=?", periodId: "=?" }, controller: 'ImportDataCtrl' } }); commonModule.controller('importJournalEntryController', ['$scope', '$log', 'loginContext', '$translate', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService' , 'SweetAlert', 'vatImportService', '$timeout', '$q', 'enums', 'uiGridConstants', '$interval' , 'citSessionService', 'vatOperationLogService', 'projectService', 'vatCommonService', '$uibModal', function ($scope, $log, loginContext, $translate, apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert , vatImportService, $timeout, $q, enums, uiGridConstants, $interval , citSessionService, vatOperationLogService, projectService, vatCommonService, $uibModal) { 'use strict'; var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.vatWebApiHostUrl + '/FileUpload/NewFile'; var successCount = 0; var resumable = true; var curPeriod = $scope.periodId;//citSessionService.month; //从页面顶部的选择月份获取月份跟年份 var curYear = citSessionService.project.year; var projectID =; var projectDbName = citSessionService.project.dbName; var comment = + " " + citSessionService.project.year + $translate.instant('Year') + citSessionService.month + $translate.instant('month'); var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); //导入方式 $scope.importEnum = { Import: 0, CoverImport: 1, AddImport: 2 }; $scope.chunkSize = 100000; $scope.columnNum = 0; $scope.selectedPeriod; $scope.showImportTable = false; //是否显示导入table $scope.showInitTable = false; //是否显示初始数据ui-grid $scope.showErrorTable = false; //是否显示错误信息列表 $scope.period = citSessionService.month; $scope.moduleid = enums.vatModuleEnum.Import_JournalEntry; var logDto = { ID: '', OperationName: '', ModuleID: $scope.moduleid, OperationObject: $translate.instant('JournalEntryTitle'), OperationType: '', OperationContent: '', OriginalState: '', UpdateState: '', CreatorID: citSessionService.logUser.ID, Comment: comment, IP: '', Period: $scope.period, }; var validationErrorType = { ColumnsMapErrorType: $translate.instant('ColumnsMapErrorType'), JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorType'), JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorType'), JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorType'), JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorType'), JournalEntryVoucherDateEmptyErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryVoucherDateEmptyErrorType'), JournalEntryDateFormatErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryDateFormatErrorType'), JournalEntryAmountErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryAmountErrorType'), JournalEntryItemIDFormatErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryItemIDFormatErrorType'), JournalEntryPeriodFormatErrorType: $translate.instant('JournalEntryPeriodFormatErrorType'), NumOutRangeErrorType: $translate.instant('NumOutRangeErrorType'), OutputStringLengthType: $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthType'), StartRowError: $translate.instant('StartRowError') }; //初始化ack-pagination $scope.pagingOptions = { pageIndex: 1, //当前页码 totalItems: 0, //总数据 totalPages: 10, //总页数 maxSize: 5, //分页数字的限制。 pageSize:[3], //每页多少条数据,100条 pageSizeString:[3].toString(), firstPage: $translate.instant('PagingFirstPage'), previousPage: $translate.instant('PagingPreviousPage'), nextPage: $translate.instant('PagingNextPage'), lastPage: $translate.instant('PagingLastPage'), }; //初始化查询参数 $scope.queryParams = { pageInfo: { totalCount: 0, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 0, totalPage: 0, }, periodId: curPeriod }; //初始化汇总参数 $scope.totalData = { totalNumber: 0, debit: 0, credit: 0 }; //初始化列数据 var initColumns = function () { //初始化进项发票汇总表列名(包括请选择列) $scope.journalEntryColumns = [ $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn'), $translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), $translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), $translate.instant('JournalPZH'), $translate.instant('JournalFLH'), $translate.instant('JournalQJ'), $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $translate.instant('JournalZY'), $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalKHDM') ]; $scope.initJournalEntryColumnsIndex = _.range(1, $scope.journalEntryColumns.length); //序时账所有列 $scope.journalEntryAllColumns = [ $translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), $translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), $translate.instant('JournalPZH'), $translate.instant('JournalFLH'), $translate.instant('JournalQJ'), $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $translate.instant('JournalZY'), $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalKHDM') ]; //必须进行map的列 $scope.mustMappingTotalColumns = [ $translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), $translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), $translate.instant('JournalPZH'), $translate.instant('JournalFLH'), $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $translate.instant('JournalDFJE') //$translate.instant('JournalKHDM') ]; }; //从数据库中load数据,如果有,则页面导入按钮为覆盖导入或追加导入,否则为导入按钮 var loadJournalEntryDataFromDB = function () { $scope.queryParams.periodId = curPeriod; $scope.queryParams.pageInfo = { totalCount: $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems, pageIndex: $scope.pagingOptions.pageIndex, pageSize: $scope.pagingOptions.pageSize, totalPage: 0, }; vatImportService.queryJournalEntryData($scope.queryParams).success(function (re) { if (re) { $scope.sheetData = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [], selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; var data = re.list; var index = 1; var debitSum = 0; var creditSum = 0; initPagingControl(re.pageInfo.totalCount); data.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); $scope.initJournalEntryList = data; $ = data; $scope.totalData.totalNumber = re.pageInfo.totalCount; $scope.totalData.debit = PWC.round(re.calculateData.debitSum, 2); $ = PWC.round(re.calculateData.creditSum, 2); $scope.itemIDCount = re.calculateData.itemIDCount; $scope.vidCount = re.calculateData.vidCount; //当数据库中数据>=0时,就显示初始化数据ui-grid, //但是需要当数据库中数据大于0时才不显示导入按钮,而显示覆盖导入和追加导入按钮 if (data.length >= 0) { if (data.length > 0) { $scope.isShowImportTotalBtn = false; } $scope.showInitTable = true; $scope.showImportTable = false; } //获取错误列表信息 getValidationList().then(function () { if ($scope.errorList.length > 0) { showErrTab(); $scope.toggleErrorTab(); //当有错误信息时,显示错误信息表 $scope.showErrorTable = true; } else { $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; $scope.showErrorTable = false; } }); setJeGridColumns(data); } }); }; //设置序时账Grid的columns var setJeGridColumns = function (data){ if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry.columnDefs = [{ name: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpNoCol'), width: 100, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{ | date:"yyyy-MM-dd"}}<span></div>' }]; //判断期间列是否需要显示 if (data[0].monthID != null) { $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('JournalQJ'), width: 100, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.period}}</span></div>' }); } $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{}}">{{}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalPZH'), width: 200, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{}}">{{row.entity.vid}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.acctCode}}">{{row.entity.acctCode}}</span></div>' }); //判断是否需要显示摘要列 if (data[0].summary != null) { $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('JournalZY'), width: 200, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.summary}}">{{row.entity.summary}}</span></div>' }); } $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), width: 150, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.debit}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), width: 150, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalKHDM'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.customerCode}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalFLH'), width: 100, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.itemID}}</span></div>' }); } else { $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry.columnDefs = [{ name: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpNoCol'), width: 100, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{ | date:"yyyy-MM-dd"}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalQJ'), width: 100, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.period}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalPZH'), width: 200, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.vid}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.acctCode}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalZY'), width: 200, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.summary}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), width: 150, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.debit}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), width: 150, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalKHDM'), width: 150, headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.customerCode}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('JournalFLH'), width: 100, headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right"><span>{{row.entity.itemID}}</span></div>' }]; } } //序时账选择列名事件 //parentIndex:当前列号 //index:下拉列表中选项的序号 var mappingColumn = function (parentIndex, index, colName) { if (colName) { var oldColumn = $scope.selectedColumnMap[parentIndex]; var newColumn = $scope.journalEntryColumns[index]; //如果新的选择项与老的选择项一致,则不进行操作 if (oldColumn === newColumn) { return; } else { $scope.selectedColumnMap[parentIndex] = colName; if (colName !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { //如果当前选择的不是"请选择列名",则将选项从数组中移除 $scope.journalEntryColumns.splice(index, 1); if (oldColumn && oldColumn !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { //将老的选项追加到选项列表中 $scope.journalEntryColumns.push(oldColumn); } } else { //如果当前选中的是"请选择列名",则将该列原来的列名追加到选项列表中 if (oldColumn) { $scope.journalEntryColumns.push(oldColumn); } } } } //$log.debug($scope.selectedColumnMap); }; //设置上传文件的文件名 var updateJournalEntryFileName = function (newValue) { $scope.fileName =; }; //上传文件 var doUploadJournalEntryFile = function (file) { if (file) { var arr ='.'); if (arr[arr.length - 1] !== 'xls' && arr[arr.length - 1] !== 'xlsx') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ImportFileInvalidType')); return; } $scope.initJournalEntryList = []; $ = []; successCount = 0; if (!file.$error) { var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { filename:, tempFileName: tempFileName, file: file }, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(uploadJournalEntrySuccess); } } }; //上传成功后执行函数 var uploadJournalEntrySuccess = function (resp) { console.log(resp); successCount++; if (successCount === 1) { $scope.tempFileName =; //初始化到excel文件的第一个sheet changeJournalEntrySheet(0); } }; //初始化需要展示的sheet var changeJournalEntrySheet = function (selectedSheet) { var sheetIndex = _.findIndex($scope.sheetData.sheetNameList, function (num) { return ===; }) $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex = sheetIndex === -1 ? 0 : sheetIndex; refreshJournalEntryTable(); }; //重新load页面上的table //做column mapping时只加载constant.pageSize行数据 var refreshJournalEntryTable = function () { //在切换显示页面导入数据时,直接设置初始化数据ui-grid表不可见,错误信息不可见 //导入数据表格可见 $scope.showImportTable = true; $scope.showErrorTable = false; $scope.showInitTable = false; if (_.isString($scope.tempFileName)) { $scope.sheetData = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [], selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; $scope.columnNum = 0; $scope.selectedColumnMap = []; vatImportService.getFileContent($scope.tempFileName, $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex, constant.pageSize).success(function (data) { //将导入文件的sheet赋值到数组 $scope.sheetData = data; //加入index序号 var index = 1; data.dataList.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; }); var sheetNameObjectArray = []; data.sheetNameList.forEach(function (v) { sheetNameObjectArray.push({ 'name': v }); }); $scope.sheetData.sheetNameList = sheetNameObjectArray; $scope.columnNum = data.dataList[0] ? data.dataList[0].length : $scope.columnNum; $scope.firstDataRow = data.dataList[0]; $scope.startRowList = _.range(data.lastRowIndex); $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetName = $scope.sheetData.sheetNameList[$scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex]; initColumns(); citSessionService.dataChanged = true; //设置为true表示在切换页面前数据有变更, 需要提示 if (data & data.result === false) { SweetAlert.warning(data.resultMsg); return; } }); } }; //对导入数据进行验证(前端) var FrontEndValidJournalEntryData = function (journalEntryList) { //2:验证关键字段不为空(凭证号,凭证类型,分录号,科目代码) //3:验证日期、金额格式、期间格式、分录号格式是否正确 if (!KeyColumnsEmptyValid(journalEntryList)) { return; } //4:所有验证都通过后,筛选符合期间条件的数据进库 FilterPeriodData(journalEntryList); }; //1.判断是否有没有map的必须列和起始行输入格式是否正确 var ColumnsMapCheck = function () { var result = true; var notMappedColumns = ''; if ($scope.selectedColumnMap.length >= 0) { var count1 = 0; $scope.mustMappingTotalColumns.forEach(function (m) { if (m !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { if ($.inArray(m, $scope.selectedColumnMap) < 0) { notMappedColumns += m + ','; count1++; } } }); if (count1) { result = false; //加入到错误列表中 $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.ColumnsMapErrorType, 'errorCount': count1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('ColumnsMapErrorMsg').formatObj({ columns: notMappedColumns.substring(0, notMappedColumns.length - 1) }) }); } } //2:判断起始行输入框输入内容是否合理 var startNumberCheckMsg = ''; var startRowNum = $('#StartRowNum').val(); if (startRowNum === '') { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.StartRowError, 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('StartRowNull') }); } else if (parseInt(startRowNum) > $scope.sheetData.dataList.length) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.StartRowError, 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('StartRowNumberCheckMsg') }); } return result; }; //2.验证关键字段不为空(凭证号,凭证类型,分录号,科目代码) //3.验证日期、金额格式、期间格式、分录号格式是否正确 var KeyColumnsEmptyValid = function (journalEntryList) { var result = true; //#region 定义错误信息 //凭证号为空 var VIDEmptyCheckMsg = ''; var VIDEmptyCheckCount = 0; //科目代码为空 var AcctCodeEmptyCheckMsg = ''; var AcctCodeEmptyCheckCount = 0; //验证凭证日期为空 var VoucherDateEmptyErrorMsg = ''; var VoucherDateEmptyErrorCount = 0; //验证凭证日期格式错误 var VourcharDateFormatErrorMsg = ''; var VourcharDateFormatErrorCount = 0; //验证借方金额、贷方金额格式错误 var AmountFormatErrorMsg = ''; var AmountFormatErrorCount = 0; //验证期间是否是正整数 var PeriodFormatErrorMsg = ''; var PeriodFormatErrorCount = 0; //验证分录号是否为正整数 //var ItemIDFormatErrorMsg = ''; //var ItemIDFormatErrorCount = 0; //数据范围超出范围 var numOutRangeCheckMsg = ''; var numOutRangeCheckCount = 0; //字符长度过长验证 var stringOverLengthCheckMsg = ''; var stringOverLengthCheckCount = 0; //凭证类型为空 var groupEmptyCheckMsg = ''; var groupEmptyCheckCount = 0; //分录号为空 var itemEmptyCheckMeg = ''; var itemEmptyCheckCount = 0; //#endregion //#region 验证错误信息 journalEntryList.forEach(function (m) { var tempVID = PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.VID) ? $translate.instant('NullValue') : m.VID; var tempGroup = PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.Group) ? $translate.instant('NullValue') : m.Group; var tempItemID = PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.ItemID) ? $translate.instant('NullValue') : m.ItemID; var curRowInfo = '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalPZH') + ':' + tempVID + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalPZLX') + ':' + tempGroup + ',' + $translate.instant('JournalFLH') + ':' + tempItemID + ';<br />'; //凭证号为空 if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.VID)) { VIDEmptyCheckCount++; VIDEmptyCheckMsg += curRowInfo; } else { //如果凭证号超过50个字符 if (m.VID.length > constant.validateLength.StringLength_50) { stringOverLengthCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalPZH') + $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthMsg') + ';<br />'; stringOverLengthCheckCount++; } } if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.Group)) { groupEmptyCheckCount++; groupEmptyCheckMsg += curRowInfo; } else { //如果凭证类型超过50个字符 if (m.Group.length > constant.validateLength.StringLength_50) { stringOverLengthCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalPZLX') + $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthMsg') + ';<br />'; stringOverLengthCheckCount++; } } if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.ItemID)) { itemEmptyCheckCount++; itemEmptyCheckMeg += curRowInfo; } else { //如果分录号超过50个字符 if (m.ItemID.length > constant.validateLength.StringLength_50) { stringOverLengthCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalFLH') + $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthMsg') + ';<br />'; stringOverLengthCheckCount++; } } //科目代码为空 if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.AcctCode)) { AcctCodeEmptyCheckCount++; AcctCodeEmptyCheckMsg += curRowInfo; } else { //如果科目代码超过50个字符 if (m.AcctCode.length > constant.validateLength.StringLength_50) { stringOverLengthCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalKMDM') + $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthMsg') + ';<br />'; stringOverLengthCheckCount++; } } //凭证日期为空 if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.Date)) { VoucherDateEmptyErrorCount++; VoucherDateEmptyErrorMsg += curRowInfo; } else { //凭证日期格式错误 if (!PWC.checkDate(m.Date)) { VourcharDateFormatErrorMsg += curRowInfo; VourcharDateFormatErrorCount++; } } //验证金额 if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.Debit)) || isNaN(parseFloat(m.Credit))) { AmountFormatErrorMsg += curRowInfo; AmountFormatErrorCount++; } else { //如果在规定的数值范围外,则提示错误 if (parseFloat(m.Debit) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.Debit) > constant.endNum) { numOutRangeCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalJFJE') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; numOutRangeCheckCount++; } else { m.Debit = PWC.round(m.Debit, 2); } //如果在规定的数值范围外,则提示错误 if (parseFloat(m.Credit) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.Credit) > constant.endNum) { numOutRangeCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalDFJE') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; numOutRangeCheckCount++; } else { m.Credit = PWC.round(m.Credit, 2); } } //验证期间为正整数 if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.Period)) { if (!PWC.isPositiveInteger(m.Period)) { PeriodFormatErrorMsg += curRowInfo; PeriodFormatErrorCount++; } else { if (m.Period < 1 || m.Period > 12) { numOutRangeCheckCount++; numOutRangeCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalQJ') + $translate.instant('PeriodOverLengthMsg') + ';<br />'; } } } //验证客户代码不能超过50个字符 if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.CustomerCode) && m.CustomerCode.length > constant.validateLength.StringLength_50) { stringOverLengthCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalKHDM') + $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthMsg') + ';<br />'; stringOverLengthCheckCount++; } //摘要不能超过200个字符 if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.Summary) && m.Summary.length > constant.validateLength.StringLength_200) { stringOverLengthCheckMsg += '(' + $translate.instant('RowIndex').formatObj({ rowIndex: m.Index }) + ')' + $translate.instant('JournalZY') + $translate.instant('OutputStringLengthMsg_200') + ';<br />'; stringOverLengthCheckCount++; } }); //#endregion //#region 添加错误信息到错误列表 //push凭证号空信息到错误列表 if (VIDEmptyCheckCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryVIDEmptyErrorType, 'errorCount': VIDEmptyCheckCount, 'errorContent': VIDEmptyCheckMsg }); } if (AcctCodeEmptyCheckCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryAcctCodeEmptyErrorType, 'errorCount': AcctCodeEmptyCheckCount, 'errorContent': AcctCodeEmptyCheckMsg }); } if (VoucherDateEmptyErrorCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryVoucherDateEmptyErrorType, 'errorCount': VoucherDateEmptyErrorCount, 'errorContent': VoucherDateEmptyErrorMsg }); } if (VourcharDateFormatErrorCount) { result = false; //凭证日期格式错误 $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryDateFormatErrorType, 'errorCount': VourcharDateFormatErrorCount, 'errorContent': VourcharDateFormatErrorMsg }); } //金额格式错误 if (AmountFormatErrorCount) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryAmountErrorType, 'errorCount': AmountFormatErrorCount, 'errorContent': AmountFormatErrorMsg }); } //验证期间为正整数 if (PeriodFormatErrorCount) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryPeriodFormatErrorType, 'errorCount': PeriodFormatErrorCount, 'errorContent': PeriodFormatErrorMsg }); } //push字符串过长的错误信息到错误列表 if (stringOverLengthCheckCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.OutputStringLengthType, 'errorCount': stringOverLengthCheckCount, 'errorContent': stringOverLengthCheckMsg }); } //push数值超过范围的错误信息到列表 if (numOutRangeCheckCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.NumOutRangeErrorType, 'errorCount': numOutRangeCheckCount, 'errorContent': numOutRangeCheckMsg }); } if (groupEmptyCheckCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryGroupEmptyErrorType, 'errorCount': groupEmptyCheckCount, 'errorContent': groupEmptyCheckMsg }); } if (itemEmptyCheckCount > 0) { result = false; $scope.errorMsgMap.push({ 'errorType': validationErrorType.JournalEntryItemIDEmptyErrorType, 'errorCount': itemEmptyCheckCount, 'errorContent': itemEmptyCheckMeg }); } //#endregion return result; }; //4:筛选符合期间条件的数据进库 var FilterPeriodData = function (journalEntryList) { //存放筛选后的数据 $scope.journalEntryListFilter = []; if ($.inArray($translate.instant('JournalQJ'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) > -1) { $scope.MapPeriodFlag = true; //是否对应了期间列 journalEntryList.forEach(function (item) { //截断过长的内容 item.Group = item.Group.substring(0, constant.validateLength.StringLength_50); item.VID = item.VID.substring(0, constant.validateLength.StringLength_256); item.AcctCode = item.AcctCode.substring(0, constant.validateLength.StringLength_50); $scope.journalEntryListFilter.push(item); }); } else { $scope.MapPeriodFlag = false; //是否对应了期间列 journalEntryList.forEach(function (item) { //截断过长的内容 item.Group = item.Group.substring(0, constant.validateLength.StringLength_50); item.VID = item.VID.substring(0, constant.validateLength.StringLength_256); item.AcctCode = item.AcctCode.substring(0, constant.validateLength.StringLength_50); $scope.journalEntryListFilter.push(item); }); $scope.journalEntryListFilter = journalEntryList; } }; //点击导入按钮时,进行导入操作 var importJournalEntryData = function (importType) { //todo: if (citSessionService.project.projectStatusList[curPeriod] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('IsConfirmToReImport').formatObj({ status: vatCommonService.getProjectStautsEnumDesc(citSessionService.project.projectStatusList[curPeriod]) }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { doImportJournalEntryData(importType); } else { swal.close(); } }); } else { doImportJournalEntryData(importType); } }; var doImportJournalEntryData = function (importType) { if (!$scope.fileName) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('PleaseSelectFileFirst')); return; } var importType = importType; //0:第一次导入,1:覆盖导入,2:追加导入 //设置数据导入时的起始行,默认设置从第一行开始 var startRowNum = 1; if ($('#StartRowNum').val()) { startRowNum = $('#StartRowNum').val(); } //验证前,将错误数据清空 $scope.errorMsgMap = []; //1:判断是否有没有map的必须列和起始行输入格式是否正确 if (!ColumnsMapCheck()) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); return; } //将需要导入的数据组装到list中 var inputJournalEntryList = []; vatImportService.getFileContent($scope.tempFileName, $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex, constant.allDataPageSize) .success(function (data) { var allSheetData = data.dataList; for (var i = startRowNum - 1; i < allSheetData.length; i++) { var journalEntryInfo = { 'Index': i + 1, //行号 'Period': allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalQJ'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //期间 'Date': allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //凭证日期 'Group': allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //凭证类型 'VID': allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalPZH'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //凭证号 'ItemID': allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalFLH'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //分录号 'AcctCode': allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //科目代码 'Summary': $.inArray($translate.instant('JournalZY'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) > -1 ? allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalZY'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)] : null, //摘要 'Debit': PWC.isNullOrEmpty(allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]) ? 0 : allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //如果金额为空,则设置为0 'Credit': PWC.isNullOrEmpty(allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)]) ? 0 : allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)], //如果金额为空,则设置为0 'CustomerCode': $.inArray($translate.instant('JournalKHDM'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) > -1 ? allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalKHDM'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)] : null, //如果用户对应了客户代码,则保存用户对应的客户代码数据,否则保存为null 'ImportType': enums.vatImportType.journalEntry, //导入类型 'MonthID': $.inArray($translate.instant('JournalQJ'), $scope.selectedColumnMap) > -1 ? allSheetData[i][$.inArray($translate.instant('JournalQJ'), $scope.selectedColumnMap)] : null //如果用户对应了期间字段,则保存用户对应的期间,否则保存为null }; inputJournalEntryList.push(journalEntryInfo); } //前台数据验证 FrontEndValidJournalEntryData(inputJournalEntryList); if ($scope.errorMsgMap.length > 0) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); return; } else { logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = $scope.fileName; if (importType === $scope.importEnum.Import) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('ImportJournalEntry'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.Import; } else if (importType === $scope.importEnum.CoverImport) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('CoverImportJournalEntry'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.CoverImport; } else if (importType === $scope.importEnum.AddImport) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('AddImportJournalEntry'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.AddImport; } var servicePeriods = []; if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { servicePeriods = _.chain($scope.journalEntryListFilter).map(function (item) { return item.PeriodId }).uniq().value(); } else if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { servicePeriods = [curPeriod]; } var queryImportDto = { serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, periods: servicePeriods, projectId: projectID } vatImportService.getProjectImportType(queryImportDto).success(function (re) { if (re.result) { var periodInforData =; var notImported = _.find(periodInforData, function (item) { return item.importType === enums.projectImportType.UnImported; }); var erpImported = _.find(periodInforData, function (item) { return item.importType === enums.projectImportType.ErpImported; }); if (!_.isUndefined(notImported) && notImported.length === periodInforData.length) { //没有导入过tb或者erp。则提示需要先导入TB SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('JournalEntryImportErrorNotImportTBData')); } else if (!_.isUndefined(erpImported)) { //有任一期间导入过erp,则提示不能导入 SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('JournalEntryImportErrorERPDataImportedAlready')); } else { //如果没有选择期间,则系统给出导入所有数据的提示,确认后数据进库,否则,取消导入操作 if (!$scope.MapPeriodFlag) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('NoPeriod'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { //数据进库 vatImportService.importJournalEntryData($scope.journalEntryListFilter, importType).success(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); //todo vatCommonService.setProjectStatus(projectDbName, curPeriod, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Imported, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportJournalEntry, enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isEntryImport, true); //$log.debug("import entry importJournalEntryData: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isEntryImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); $scope.fileName = ''; citSessionService.dataChanged = false; //设置为false表示在切换页面前数据没有变更,不需要提示 }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportFail'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); }); } }); } else { //数据进库 vatImportService.importJournalEntryData($scope.journalEntryListFilter, importType).success(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); //todo vatCommonService.setProjectStatus(projectDbName, curPeriod, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Imported, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportJournalEntry, enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isEntryImport, true); //$log.debug("import entry importJournalEntryData: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isEntryImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ImportSuccess')); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); $scope.fileName = ''; citSessionService.dataChanged = false; //设置为false表示在切换页面前数据没有变更,不需要提示 }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportFail'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); }); } } } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }); } //获取验证信息 var getValidationList = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); vatImportService.getValidationDtoInfo(enums.validationType.JournalEntry, curPeriod).success(function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { var index = 1; data.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; }); $scope.errorList = data; $ = data; } else { $scope.errorList = []; $ = []; } deferred.resolve(); }); return deferred.promise; } var showErrTab = function () { $scope.ImportErrorTab = true; //默认显示顶部block $scope.ImportErrorTag = true; //默认隐藏下方的错误信息列表 $scope.errorMsg = $translate.instant('ImportErrorMsg').formatObj({ "NumberOfError": $scope.errorList.length }); }; var setErrorWrapCssDefault = function () { $('#content-resizer').css('bottom', '10px'); $('#topIcon').css({ bottom: '-501px' }); $('.error-info-wrapper').css('height', '0px'); }; //显示图标 var errorLevelToString = function (errorLevel) { if (errorLevel === 0) { return '/app-resources/images/vat/error.png'; } if (errorLevel === 1) { return '/app-resources/images/vat/warning.png'; } if (errorLevel === 2) { return '/app-resources/images/vat/tips.png'; } else { return '/app-resources/images/vat/tips.png'; } }; //显示分录明细 var showJournalEntryModal = function (typeid, items) { var data = JSON.parse(items); $scope.devgridDataSource = data; //组装列 var columns = []; columns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('JournalPZRQ'), dataField: "Date", dataType: "date", width: 100 }); //如果期间不为null,则加入期间列 if (data[0].Period != null) { columns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('JournalQJ'), dataField: "Period", width: 50 }); } columns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('JournalPZLX'), dataField: "Group", width: 160 }, { caption: $translate.instant('JournalPZH'), dataField: "VID", width: 130 }, { caption: $translate.instant('JournalKMDM'), dataField: "AcctCode", width: 100 }); //如果摘要不为null,则加入摘要列 if (data[0].Summary != null) { columns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('JournalZY'), dataField: "Summary", width: 150 }); } columns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('JournalJFJE'), dataField: "Debit", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }, { caption: $translate.instant('JournalDFJE'), dataField: "Credit", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }, { caption: $translate.instant('JournalKHDM'), dataField: "CustomerCode", width: 100 }, { caption: $translate.instant('JournalFLH'), dataField: "ItemID", width: 70 }); //如果不是重复数据,就展示普通明细弹出框,否则就显示重复数据明细弹出框 if (typeid !== 52) { $scope.gridJournalEntryItemGridOptions = { columns: columns, selection: { mode: "single" }, bindingOptions: { "dataSource": "devgridDataSource" }, scrolling: { mode: "standard", showScrollbar: "always" }, hoverStateEnabled: true, paging: { pageSize: 10 } } $('#jounarEntryItemModal').modal('show'); } else { $scope.deferStatus = true; $scope.filterCondition = ["IsDuplicate", "=", true]; $scope.gridJournalEntryDuplicateItemGridOptions = { columns: columns, bindingOptions: { "": "devgridDataSource", "selection.deferred": "deferStatus", "selectionFilter": "filterCondition" }, dataSource: { store: { type: "array", key: 'VoucherID' } }, selection: { selectAllMode: "allPages", showCheckBoxesMode: "always", mode: "multiple" }, scrolling: { mode: "standard", showScrollbar: "always" }, hoverStateEnabled: true, paging: { pageSize: 10 } } $('#jounarEntryDuplicateItemModal').modal('show'); } }; //删除重复数据 var deleteDuplicateData = function () { var dataGrid = $('#gridJournalEntryDuplicateItemGrid').dxDataGrid("instance"); var deleteList = []; dataGrid.getSelectedRowsData().done(function (rowData) { for (var i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) { deleteList.push(rowData[i].AcctCode); } }); dataGrid.getSelectedRowKeys().done(function (keys) { if (keys && keys.length === 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('DeleteEmptyWarning')); return; } logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = deleteList.join(","); logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('DeleteDuplicateData'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.DeleteDuplicate; vatImportService.deleteJournalEntryData(keys).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { //删除数据后重新校验 vatImportService.validateJournalEntryByPeriods().success(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); $('#jounarEntryDuplicateItemModal').modal('hide'); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('DeleteSuccess')); //获取错误列表信息 getValidationList().then(function () { if ($scope.errorList.length > 0) { showErrTab(); $scope.toggleErrorTab(); //当有错误信息时,显示错误信息表 $scope.showErrorTable = true; } else { $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } }); }); } }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }); }; //弹出期间选择框,清空数据 var clearJournalEntryData = function () { if (curPeriod === constant.WholeYearPeriod) { showPeriodDrapDown(); } else { $scope.selectedPeriod = curPeriod; startToDeleteJe(); } }; //删除JE var startToDeleteJe = function () { if (curPeriod === constant.WholeYearPeriod && ( _.isUndefined($scope.selectedPeriod) || _.isNull($scope.selectedPeriod))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectPeriodDelete')); } else { var alertMsg = curPeriod === constant.WholeYearPeriod ? $translate.instant('JournalEntryClearWarning') : $translate.instant('JournalEntryClearTips') swal({ title: "warning!", text: alertMsg, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = ''; logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('ClearTrialBalance'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.ClearData; vatImportService.clearJournalEntryData($scope.selectedPeriod).success(function (data) { if (data && data.result) { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ClearSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); //todo: vatCommonService.clearDataSetProjectStatusSimple(projectDbName, curPeriod, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportJournalEntry, enums.FinishStatusEnum.NotFinished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isEntryImport, false); //$log.debug("clear entry clearJournalEntryData: " + citSessionService.project.importSubStatus.isEntryImport); SweetAlert.success($translate.instant('ClearSuccess')); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); $scope.isShowImportTotalBtn = true; } else { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ClearFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ClearFailed')); } $scope.selectedPeriod = null; if (curPeriod === constant.WholeYearPeriod) { $scope.closePeriodSelectModal(); } }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ClearFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); $scope.selectedPeriod = null; if (curPeriod === constant.WholeYearPeriod) { $scope.closePeriodSelectModal(); } SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }); } } //刷新数据,实质是重新校验数据 var refreshJournalEntryData = function () { logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = ''; logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('RefreshValidationData'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.Refresh; vatImportService.validateJournalEntryByPeriods().success(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('RefreshSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); //获取错误列表信息 getValidationList().then(function () { if ($scope.errorList.length > 0) { showErrTab(); $scope.toggleErrorTab(); //当有错误信息时,显示错误信息表 $scope.showErrorTable = true; } else { $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } }); }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('RefreshTbFail'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); });; }; //日志 var showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; var initPagingControl = function (totalItemsCount) { $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems = totalItemsCount; } //显示期间选择弹出框 var showPeriodDrapDown = function () { $scope.modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'je-model-period-dropdown.html', scope: $scope, windowClass: "je-model-period-dropdow-popup" }); $scope.closePeriodSelectModal = function () { $scope.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.selectBox = { simple: { dataSource: $scope.jePeriods, displayExpr: "Period", valueExpr: "ID", searchEnabled: false, placeholder: $translate.instant('PleaseSelectPeriod'), noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataToDispaly'), maxLength: 2, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { $log.debug(e); $scope.selectedPeriod = e.selectedItem.Period; } } }; vatImportService.getJePeriods().success(function (re) { if (re.result) { $scope.jePeriods = []; var id = 1; $.each(, function (index, item) { var periodDto = { ID: -1, Period: -1 }; periodDto.ID = id++; periodDto.Period = item; $scope.jePeriods.push(periodDto); }); $("#jePeriodSelectBox").dxSelectBox("instance").option("dataSource", $scope.jePeriods); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } //编辑状态时,按钮区域的样式 var setButtonWrapStyle = function () { if ($scope.showImportTable) { return { width: "100%" }; } }; //初始化错误提示grid var initErrorMsgGrid = function () { $scope.gridOptionsErrorMsg = { enableColumnResizing: true, rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, virtualizationThreshold: 50, //默认加载50条数据,避免在数据展示时,只显示前面4条 enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableHorizontalScrollbar, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, columnDefs: [{ name: ' ', width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span><img data-ng-src="{{grid.appScope.errorLevelToString(row.entity.errorLevel)}}"><span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpNoCol'), width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ErrorResult'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.validationResult}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ImportErrorPopUpErrorCountCol'), width: '10%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.number}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.periodId}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ErrorDetail'), width: '10%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><a ng-click="grid.appScope.showJournalEntryModal(row.entity.erpCheckTypeId, row.entity.validationDetails)">{{"ViewDetails" | translate}}</a></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ValidationTips'), width: '35%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.validationTips}}" data-ng-bind-html="row.entity.validationTips"></span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.errorGridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.errorGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //初始化JE展示grid var initJeGrid = function () { $scope.gridOptionsJournalEntry = { enableColumnResizing: true, rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, //selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, flatEntityAccess: true, //virtualizationThreshold: 50,//默认加载50条数据,避免在数据展示时,只显示前面4条 //enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableHorizontalScrollbar, //enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; $scope.getGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { return { height: ($('.journal-entry-grid-wrapper').height()) + "px" }; } else { return { height: 0 + "px" }; } }; $scope.toggleErrorTab = function () { $scope.ImportErrorTag = !$scope.ImportErrorTag; // topIcon and content-resize gapBottom 15px if (!$scope.ImportErrorTag) { setErrorWrapCssDefault(); } else { if (parseInt($('#content-resizer').css('bottom')) < 100) { $('#content-resizer').css('bottom', '130px'); $('#topIcon').css({ bottom: '-381px' }); $('.error-info-wrapper').css('height', '130px'); } } }; $scope.getErrorGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $("#error-info-wrapper").height(); // Enough space if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight; return { height: y + "px" }; } else { return { height: '0px' }; } } return {}; }; $scope.pagingService = { refreshInvoiceDataGrid: function () { $log.debug("refreshInvoiceDataGrid"); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); }, }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('importJournalEntryController.ctor()...'); $scope.errorMsgMap = []; $scope.journalEntryFileName = ''; $scope.selectedColumnMap = []; $scope.journalEntryColumns = []; $scope.initJournalEntryColumnsIndex = []; $scope.startRowList = []; $scope.isShowImportTotalBtn = true; $scope.changeJournalEntrySheet = changeJournalEntrySheet; $scope.mappingColumn = mappingColumn; $scope.importJournalEntryData = importJournalEntryData; $scope.errorLevelToString = errorLevelToString; $scope.showJournalEntryModal = showJournalEntryModal; $scope.deleteDuplicateData = deleteDuplicateData; $scope.clearJournalEntryData = clearJournalEntryData; $scope.refreshJournalEntryData = refreshJournalEntryData; $scope.showOperateLogPop = showOperateLogPop; $scope.startToDeleteJe = startToDeleteJe; $scope.setButtonWrapStyle = setButtonWrapStyle; $scope.sheetData = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [], selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; $scope.sheetInfo = { selectedSheetName: '', selectedSheetIndex: 0, topRowNumber: 0 }; initErrorMsgGrid(); initJeGrid(); initColumns(); loadJournalEntryDataFromDB(); $scope.$watch('journalEntryFileName', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && newValue !== oldValue) { updateJournalEntryFileName(newValue); doUploadJournalEntryFile($scope.journalEntryFileName); $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; $('#StartRowNum').val('2'); //$scope.ImportFlag = true; } }); $timeout(function () { $scope.isLoadComplete = true; }, 500); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('importJournalEntry', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('importJournalEntry.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/import/import-journal-entry/import-journal-entry.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { serviceTypeId: "=?", periodId: "=?" }, controller: 'importJournalEntryController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]).filter('propsFilter', function () { return function (items, props) { var out = []; if (angular.isArray(items)) { var keys = Object.keys(props); items.forEach(function (item) { var itemMatches = false; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var prop = keys[i]; var text = props[prop].toLowerCase(); if (!_.isUndefined(item[prop])) { if (item[prop].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(text) !== -1) { itemMatches = true; break; } } } if (itemMatches) { out.push(item); } }); } else { // Let the output be the input untouched out = items; } return out; }; }); commonModule.controller('importTBController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', '$q', '$interval' , 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'vatImportService', 'SweetAlert', 'uiGridConstants', '$uibModal' , 'vatSessionService', 'enums', 'vatOperationLogService' , 'projectService', 'vatCommonService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, $q, $interval , apiInterceptor, Upload, vatImportService, SweetAlert, uiGridConstants, $uibModal , vatSessionService, enums, vatOperationLogService , projectService, vatCommonService) { 'use strict'; var successCount = 0; var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.vatWebApiHostUrl + '/FileUpload/NewFile'; var _BlankChar = $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn'); var resumable = true; var comment = + " " + vatSessionService.project.year + "年" + vatSessionService.month + "月"; var projectDbName = vatSessionService.project.dbName; var servicePeriods = []; $scope.period = $scope.periodId; $scope.moduleid = enums.vatModuleEnum.Import_TrialBalance; $scope.chunkSize = 100000; $scope.success = false; $scope.showErrorTable = false; $scope.showInitTable = false; $scope.showImportTable = false $scope.isSelectPeriod = true; $scope.isShowImportTotalBtn = true; $scope.projectID =; $scope.startRowNum = 2; $scope.validationType = 0; $scope.sheetData = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [], selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; $scope.sheetInfo = { selectedSheetName: '', selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; $scope.balanceInputList = []; $scope.toInputList = []; $scope.importEnum = { Import: 0, CoverImport: 1, AddImport: 2 }; //导入方式 $scope.selectedPeriod = null; $scope.showTotalSecondRow = false; //写日志 var logDto = { ID: '', OperationName: '', ModuleID: $scope.moduleid, OperationObject: $translate.instant('MyTrialBalanceTitle'), OperationType: '', OperationContent: '', OriginalState: '', UpdateState: '', CreatorID: vatSessionService.logUser.ID, Comment: comment, IP: '', Period: $scope.period, }; //初始化ack-pagination $scope.pagingOptions = { pageIndex: 1, //当前页码 totalItems: 0, //总数据 totalPages: 10, //总页数 maxSize: 5, //分页数字的限制。 pageSize:[3], //每页多少条数据,100条 pageSizeString:[3].toString(), firstPage: $translate.instant('PagingFirstPage'), previousPage: $translate.instant('PagingPreviousPage'), nextPage: $translate.instant('PagingNextPage'), lastPage: $translate.instant('PagingLastPage'), }; //初始化查询参数 $scope.queryParams = { pageInfo: { totalCount: 0, pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 0, totalPage: 0, }, periodId: $scope.period, serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, projectId: $scope.projectID }; $scope.totalData = { totalNumber: 0, begDebitTotal: 0, begCreditTotal: 0, endDebitTotal: 0, endCreditTotal: 0, begBalTotal: 0, endBalTotal: 0, debitTotal: 0, creditTotal: 0, }; $scope.showTotalValue = { showBegDebitBal: false, showBegCreditBal: false, showEndDebitBal: false, showEndCreditBal: false }; //分页获取数据 $scope.eventService = { refreshInvoiceDataGrid: function () { $log.debug("refreshInvoiceDataGrid"); GetBalanceList(); }, }; //初始化GridView var initGirdView = { initBalanceOuput: function () { return { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableHorizontalScrollbar, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, columnDefs: [], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } } }, initErrorMsg: function () { return { rowHeight: constant.UIGrid.rowHeight, selectionRowHeaderWidth: constant.UIGrid.selectionRowHeaderWidth, enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableHorizontalScrollbar, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, columnDefs: [ { name: $translate.instant('Icon'), width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span><img data-ng-src="{{grid.appScope.errorLevelToString(row.entity.errorLevel)}}"><span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.periodId}}<span></div>' , visible: $scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT }, { name: $translate.instant('ErrorResult'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.validationResult}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ErrorCount'), width: '10%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.number}}<span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant('ErrorDetail'), width: '35%', cellTemplate: dealDetail(), }, { name: $translate.instant('ValidationTips'), width: '25%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" title="{{row.entity.validationTips}}"><span>{{row.entity.validationTips}}<span></div>' }, ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.errorGridApi = gridApi; $interval(function () { $scope.errorGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } } } } //初始化列数据 var initColumns = function () { //初始化进项发票汇总表列名 $scope.mapNameList = [ $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn'), $translate.instant('AccountCode'), $translate.instant('PeriodId'), $translate.instant('CustomerCode'), $translate.instant('BegDebitBal'), $translate.instant('BegCreditBal'), $translate.instant('EndDebitBal'), $translate.instant('EndCreditBal'), $translate.instant('DebitBal'), $translate.instant('CreditBal'), $translate.instant('BegBal'), $translate.instant('EndBal') ]; }; //上传文件 var uploadfile = function (file) { if (file) { successCount = 0; if (!file.$error) { var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; var token = $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(); Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { cancel: false, filename:, tempFileName: tempFileName, file: file }, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken }, __RequestVerificationToken: token, withCredentials: true }).then(uploadSuccess); } } }; //上传成功 var uploadSuccess = function (resp) { successCount++; if (successCount === 1) { $scope.tempFileName =; changeSheet(0); } }; //选择sheet var changeSheet = function (selectedSheet) { var sheetIndex = _.findIndex($scope.sheetData.sheetNameList, function (num) { return ===; }) $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex = sheetIndex === -1 ? 0 : sheetIndex; refreshTable(); }; //刷新列表 var refreshTable = function () { //在切换显示页面导入数据时,直接设置初始化数据ui-grid表不可见,错误信息不可见 //导入数据表格可见 $scope.showErrorTable = false; if (_.isString($scope.tempFileName)) { $scope.sheetData = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [], selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; $scope.selectedMappingList = []; $ = []; vatImportService.getFileContent($scope.tempFileName, $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex, 0).success(function (data) { if (data.result === false) { $scope.showInitTable = true; $scope.showImportTable = false; initTableTitle(); SweetAlert.warning(data.resultMsg); } else { $scope.showInitTable = false; $scope.showImportTable = true } $scope.sheetData = data; //加入index序号 var index = 1; data.dataList.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; }); var sheetNameObjectArray = []; data.sheetNameList.forEach(function (v) { sheetNameObjectArray.push({ 'name': v }); }); $scope.sheetData.sheetNameList = sheetNameObjectArray; $scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetName = $scope.sheetData.sheetNameList[$scope.sheetInfo.selectedSheetIndex]; initColumns(); vatSessionService.dataChanged = true; }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }; //发票信息汇总数据表选择列名事件 //parentIndex:当前列号 //index:下拉列表中选项的序号 var changeMapping = function (parentIndex, index, colName) { if (colName) { var newColumn = $scope.mapNameList[index]; var oldColumn = $scope.selectedMappingList[parentIndex]; //如果新的选择项与老的选择项一致,则不进行操作 if (oldColumn === newColumn) { return; } else { $scope.selectedMappingList[parentIndex] = colName; if (colName !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { //如果当前选择的不是"请选择列名",则将选项从数组中移除 $scope.mapNameList.splice(index, 1); if (oldColumn && oldColumn !== $translate.instant('PleaseSelectColumn')) { //将老的选项追加到选项列表中 $scope.mapNameList.push(oldColumn); } } else { //如果当前选中的是"请选择列名",则将该列原来的列名追加到选项列表中 if (oldColumn) { $scope.mapNameList.push(oldColumn); } } } } $log.debug($scope.selectedMappingList); }; //转换没有选中的列值 var undefinedStringToNull = function (i, stringName) { var data = $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant(stringName), $scope.selectedMappingList)]; if (_.isUndefined(data)) { return null; } else { if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { return ""; } else { return data; } } } //转换没有选中的列值 var undefinedNumToNull = function (i, stringName) { var data = $scope.sheetData.dataList[i][$.inArray($translate.instant(stringName), $scope.selectedMappingList)]; if (_.isUndefined(data)) { return null; } else { if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(data)) { return 0; } else { return data; } } } //验证每行数据类型 var valueTypeValidation = function (balanceinputlist) { var AccountCodeOverLengthMsg = ''; var AccountCodeNullMsg = ''; var PeriodMsg = ''; var BegDebitBalMsg = ''; var BegCreditBalMsg = ''; var DebitBalMsg = ''; var CreditBalMsg = ''; var EndDebitBalMsg = ''; var EndCreditBalMsg = ''; var BegBalMsg = ''; var EndBalMsg = ''; var NumlengthMsg = ''; var AccountCodeOverLengthCount = 0; var AccountCodeNullCount = 0; var PeriodCount = 0; var BegDebitBalCount = 0; var BegCreditBalCount = 0; var DebitBalCount = 0; var CreditBalCount = 0; var EndDebitBalCount = 0; var EndCreditBalCount = 0; var BegBalCount = 0; var EndBalCount = 0; var NumLengthCount = 0; //验证前,将错误数据清空 $scope.errorMsgMap = []; for (var i = 0; i < balanceinputlist.length; i++) { var m = balanceinputlist[i]; if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(m.AcctCode)) { AccountCodeNullMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('AccountCodeNullMag') + '<br />'; AccountCodeNullCount++; } if (m.AcctCode !== null && m.AcctCode.length > 50) { AccountCodeOverLengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('AccountCodeOverLengthMag') + '<br />'; AccountCodeOverLengthCount++; } if (m.MonthId !== null) { if (!PWC.isInteger(m.MonthId)) { PeriodMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('PeriodErrorMag') + '<br />'; PeriodCount++; } else if (PWC.isInteger(m.MonthId) && (parseInt(m.MonthId) < 1 || parseInt(m.MonthId) > 12)) { NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('PeriodId') + $translate.instant('PeriodOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; NumLengthCount++; } } if (m.BegDebitBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.BegDebitBal))) { BegDebitBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('BegDebitBalMsg') + '<br />'; BegDebitBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.BegDebitBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.BegDebitBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('BegDebitBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.BegDebitBal = PWC.round(m.BegDebitBal, 2); } } if (m.BegCreditBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.BegCreditBal))) { BegCreditBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('BegCreditBalMsg') + '<br />'; BegCreditBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.BegCreditBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.BegCreditBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('BegCreditBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.BegCreditBal = PWC.round(m.BegCreditBal, 2); } } if (m.DebitBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.DebitBal))) { DebitBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('DebitBalMsg') + '<br />'; DebitBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.DebitBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.DebitBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('DebitBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.DebitBal = PWC.round(m.DebitBal, 2); } } if (m.CreditBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.CreditBal))) { CreditBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('CreditBalMsg') + '<br />'; CreditBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.CreditBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.CreditBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('CreditBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.CreditBal = PWC.round(m.CreditBal, 2); } } if (m.EndDebitBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.EndDebitBal))) { EndDebitBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('EndDebitBalMsg') + '<br />'; EndDebitBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.EndDebitBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.EndDebitBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('EndDebitBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.EndDebitBal = PWC.round(m.EndDebitBal, 2); } } if (m.EndCreditBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.EndCreditBal))) { EndCreditBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('EndCreditBalMsg') + '<br />'; EndCreditBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.EndCreditBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.EndCreditBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('EndCreditBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.EndCreditBal = PWC.round(m.EndCreditBal, 2); } } if (m.BegBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.BegBal))) { BegBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('BegBalMsg') + '<br />'; BegBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.BegBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.BegBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('BegBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.BegBal = PWC.round(m.BegBal, 2); } } if (m.EndBal !== null) { if (isNaN(parseFloat(m.EndBal))) { EndBalMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('EndBalMsg') + '<br />'; EndBalCount++; } //else if (parseFloat(m.EndBal) < constant.startNum || parseFloat(m.EndBal) > constant.endNum) { // NumlengthMsg += $translate.instant('LineNum') + ':' + m.SeqNum + ',' + $translate.instant('EndBal') + $translate.instant('NumOverLengthMsg') + '<br />'; // NumLengthCount++; //} else { m.EndBal = PWC.round(m.EndBal, 2); } } } if (AccountCodeNullMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('AccountCodeNullType'), 'errorCount': AccountCodeNullCount, 'errorContent': AccountCodeNullMsg }); } if (AccountCodeOverLengthMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('AccountCodeOverLengthType'), 'errorCount': AccountCodeOverLengthCount, 'errorContent': AccountCodeOverLengthMsg }); } if (NumLengthCount > 0) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('NumOutRangeErrorType'), 'errorCount': NumLengthCount, 'errorContent': NumlengthMsg }); } if (PeriodMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('PeriodErrorType'), 'errorCount': PeriodCount, 'errorContent': PeriodMsg }); } if (BegDebitBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('BegDebitBalType'), 'errorCount': BegDebitBalCount, 'errorContent': BegDebitBalMsg }); } if (BegCreditBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('BegCreditBalType'), 'errorCount': BegCreditBalCount, 'errorContent': BegCreditBalMsg }); } if (CreditBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('CreditBalType'), 'errorCount': CreditBalCount, 'errorContent': CreditBalMsg }); } if (DebitBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('DebitBalType'), 'errorCount': DebitBalCount, 'errorContent': DebitBalMsg }); } if (EndDebitBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('EndDebitBalType'), 'errorCount': EndDebitBalCount, 'errorContent': EndDebitBalMsg }); } if (EndCreditBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('EndCreditBalType'), 'errorCount': EndCreditBalCount, 'errorContent': EndCreditBalMsg }); } if (BegBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('BegBalType'), 'errorCount': BegBalCount, 'errorContent': BegBalMsg }); } if (EndBalMsg) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('EndBalType'), 'errorCount': EndBalCount, 'errorContent': EndBalMsg }); } if ($scope.errorMsgMap.length > 0) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); return false; } return true; } //验证是否选中了正确的列名 var validationColumnMapping = function () { $scope.errorMsgMap = []; //0.判断选择的开始导入行是否大于实际数据行 if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.startRowNum)) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('StartRowError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('StartRowNull') }); } if (parseInt($scope.startRowNum) > $scope.sheetData.dataList.length) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('StartRowError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('StartRowNumberCheckMsg') }); } //1.科目代码必选 if ($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('AccountCode')) === -1) { //errorMsg += $translate.instant('NoAccountCode') + '\n'; $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('NoAccountCode') }); } //借方期初,贷方期初同时必选 if (($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegDebitBal')) === -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegCreditBal')) !== -1) || ($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegDebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegCreditBal')) === -1)) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition1') }); } //借方发生额,贷方发生额同时必选 if (($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBal')) === -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('CreditBal')) !== -1) || ($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('CreditBal')) === -1)) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition6') }); } //借方期末,贷方期末同时必选 if (($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndDebitBal')) === -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndCreditBal')) !== -1) || ($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndDebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndCreditBal')) === -1)) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition7') }); } //2.期初余额必选或者(借方期初,贷方期初)必选 if (!($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegBal')) !== -1 || $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegDebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegCreditBal')) !== -1)) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition2') }); } //3.(借方发生额,贷方发生额)或者(借方期末,贷方期末)或者 期末余额 必选 if (!($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('DebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('CreditBal')) !== -1 || $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndDebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndCreditBal')) !== -1 || $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndBal')) !== -1) ) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition3') }); } //4.期初余额与借方期初,贷方期初不能同时选 if ($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegDebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('BegCreditBal')) !== -1) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition4') }); } //5.期末余额与借方期末,贷方期末不能同时选 if ($scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndDebitBal')) !== -1 && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('EndCreditBal')) !== -1) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('Condition5') }); } //6. CIT时期间必须 if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT && $scope.selectedMappingList.indexOf($translate.instant('PeriodId')) === -1) { $scope.errorMsgMap.push( { 'errorType': $translate.instant('SelectColumnError'), 'errorCount': 1, 'errorContent': $translate.instant('PeriodColumnRequired') }); } if ($scope.errorMsgMap.length > 0) { $('#errorListModal').modal('show'); return false; } return true; } //验证数据 var validationTbData = function () { var defer = $q.defer(); $scope.balanceInputList = []; for (var i = $scope.startRowNum - 1; i < $scope.sheetData.dataList.length; i++) { var balanceDto = { 'SeqNum': i + 1, 'BalanceId': PWC.newGuid(), 'PeriodId': undefinedStringToNull(i, 'PeriodId'), 'AcctCode': undefinedStringToNull(i, 'AccountCode'), 'CustomerCode': undefinedStringToNull(i, 'CustomerCode'), 'MonthId': undefinedStringToNull(i, 'PeriodId'), 'BegDebitBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'BegDebitBal'), 'BegCreditBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'BegCreditBal'), 'DebitBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'DebitBal'), 'CreditBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'CreditBal'), 'EndDebitBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'EndDebitBal'), 'EndCreditBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'EndCreditBal'), 'BegBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'BegBal'), 'EndBal': undefinedNumToNull(i, 'EndBal'), }; $scope.balanceInputList.push(balanceDto); } if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { $scope.isSelectPeriod = $scope.balanceInputList[0].MonthId !== null ? true : false; var isOk = valueTypeValidation($scope.balanceInputList); defer.resolve(isOk); return defer.promise; } else if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { if ($scope.balanceInputList[0].MonthId === null) {//没有选中月份,默认导入所有期间 $scope.isSelectPeriod = false; swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('NoPeriod'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $timeout(function () { if (isConfirm) { var isok = valueTypeValidation($scope.balanceInputList); defer.resolve(isok); } else { defer.resolve(false); } }, 300); }); return defer.promise; } else { $scope.isSelectPeriod = true; var isSame = true; $scope.balanceInputList.forEach(function (m) { if (m.MonthId !== m.PeriodId.toString()) { isSame = false; } }); if (isSame === false) { //是否只导入当前月份数据 swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('PeriodDifferenceTip'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $timeout(function () { if (isConfirm) { var isOk = valueTypeValidation($scope.balanceInputList); defer.resolve(isOk); } else { defer.resolve(false); } }, 300); }); return defer.promise; } else { var isOk = valueTypeValidation($scope.balanceInputList); defer.resolve(isOk); return defer.promise; } } } } //获取要导入数据, 并通过期间过滤数据 var getImportTbList = function (isSelect) { var importList = []; if (isSelect) { $scope.balanceInputList.forEach(function (m) { if (filterImportData(m)) { var balanceDto = { 'BalanceId': m.BalanceId, 'PeriodId': m.PeriodId, 'AcctCode': m.AcctCode, 'CustomerCode': m.CustomerCode, 'MonthId': m.PeriodId, 'BegDebitBal': m.BegDebitBal, 'BegCreditBal': m.BegCreditBal, 'DebitBal': m.DebitBal, 'CreditBal': m.CreditBal, 'EndDebitBal': m.EndDebitBal, 'EndCreditBal': m.EndCreditBal, 'BegBal': m.BegBal, 'EndBal': m.EndBal, }; importList.push(balanceDto); } }); } else { $scope.balanceInputList.forEach(function (m) { //VAT没有选择‘期间列’,所有导入数据的期间为$scope.period //CIT没有选择‘期间列’,所有导入数据的期间为它本身的期间值 var tempPeriodId = $scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT ? $scope.period : m.PeriodId var balanceDto = { 'BalanceId': m.BalanceId, 'PeriodId': tempPeriodId, 'AcctCode': m.AcctCode, 'CustomerCode': m.CustomerCode, 'MonthId': null, 'BegDebitBal': m.BegDebitBal, 'BegCreditBal': m.BegCreditBal, 'DebitBal': m.DebitBal, 'CreditBal': m.CreditBal, 'EndDebitBal': m.EndDebitBal, 'EndCreditBal': m.EndCreditBal, 'BegBal': m.BegBal, 'EndBal': m.EndBal, }; importList.push(balanceDto); }); } if (importList.length === 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('NoTbDataToImport')); return false; } else { $scope.toInputList = importList; return true; } } //根据PeriodId过滤数据 var filterImportData = function (m) { var filterData = false; if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { filterData = m.MonthId === m.PeriodId && m.PeriodId === $scope.period.toString(); } else if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { filterData = m.MonthId === m.PeriodId; } return filterData; } //上传导入,并进行计算 var importBalanceList = function (importType) { logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = $scope.fileName; if (importType === $scope.importEnum.Import) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('ImportTrialBalance'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.Import; } else if (importType === $scope.importEnum.CoverImport) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('CoverImportTrialBalance'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.CoverImport; } else if (importType === $scope.importEnum.AddImport) { logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('AddImportTrialBalance'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.AddImport; } vatImportService.importBalanceList($scope.toInputList, importType, $scope.serviceTypeId).success(function (rsp) { if (rsp.result) { var queryImportDto = { serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, periods: servicePeriods, projectId: $scope.projectID, importTypeId: enums.TbImportTypeEnum.TbImported } //修改项目状态 vatImportService.updatePeriodStatus(queryImportDto).success(function () { refreshByService.refreshSuccess(enums.optionType.Import); vatCommonService.importSetProjectStatus(projectDbName, $scope.period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportBalanceTable , enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isTbImport, true); $scope.fileName = ''; showTotalValue($scope.toInputList[0]); }); } else { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportFail'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('ImportFail')); } }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportFail'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } //是否已经导入财务数据 var isImportedErpData = function (importtype) { servicePeriods = []; if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { servicePeriods = [$scope.period]; } else if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { servicePeriods = _.chain($scope.toInputList).map(function (item) { return item.PeriodId }).uniq().value(); } var queryImportDto = { serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, periods: servicePeriods, projectId: $scope.projectID } vatImportService.getProjectImportType(queryImportDto).success(function (re) { if (re.result) { //var periods = _.chain($scope.toInputList).map(function (item) { return item.PeriodId }).uniq().value(); var importedErpData = _.find(, function (item) { return item.importType === enums.projectImportType.ErpImported }); if (!_.isUndefined(importedErpData)) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('ImportTypeTip'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $timeout(function () { //清除财务数据 if (isConfirm) { vatImportService.clearTableByPeriods(servicePeriods).success(function (re) { if (re.result && { importBalanceList(importtype); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }, 300); }); } else { importBalanceList(importtype); } } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }; //导入事件 var doUploadTbResult = function (importType) { if (vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[$scope.period] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.AccountMapSubmitted) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('IsConfirmToReImport').formatObj({ status: vatCommonService.getProjectStautsEnumDesc(vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[$scope.period]) }), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $timeout(function () { if (isConfirm) { $log.debug("doUploadTbResult confirmed"); uploadTbResult(importType); } else { swal.close(); } }, 300); }); } else { uploadTbResult(importType); } } var uploadTbResult = function (importType) { if ($scope.sheetData.dataList.length == 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('PleaseSelectFileFirst')); return; } //列名对应验证 if (validationColumnMapping()) { //数据类型验证 validationTbData().then(function (isSuccess) { if (isSuccess) { //获取要导入的数据 if (getImportTbList($scope.isSelectPeriod)) { //财务账提示 isImportedErpData(importType); } } }); } } //显示图标 var errorLevelToString = function (errorLevel) { if (errorLevel === 0) { return '/app-resources/images/vat/error.png'; } if (errorLevel === 1) { return '/app-resources/images/vat/warning.png'; } if (errorLevel === 2) { return '/app-resources/images/vat/tips.png'; } else { return '/app-resources/images/vat/tips.png'; } } //显示明细 var dealDetail = function () { return '<div ng-if="row.entity.isShowDetail === 1" class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span><a ng-click="grid.appScope.openTab(row.entity.erpCheckTypeId,row.entity.validationDetails)">错误明细</a><span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.isShowDetail !== 1" class="ui-grid-cell-contents" title="{{row.entity.validationDetails}}"><span>{{row.entity.validationDetails}}<span></div>'; } //显示重复验证明细界面 var dispalyduplicatedValidation = function (data) { $scope.detailData = data; $scope.dupColumns = []; $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), dataField: "AcctCode", width: 100 }); $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('AccountName'), dataField: "AccountName", width: 120 }); if (data[0].MonthId !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('PeriodId'), dataField: "MonthId", width: 100 }); } if (data[0].BegBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('BegBal'), dataField: "BegBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].BegDebitBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('BegDebitBal'), dataField: "BegDebitBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].BegCreditBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('BegCreditBal'), dataField: "BegCreditBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].DebitBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('DebitBal'), dataField: "DebitBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].CreditBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('CreditBal'), dataField: "CreditBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].EndDebitBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('EndDebitBal'), dataField: "EndDebitBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].EndCreditBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('EndCreditBal'), dataField: "EndCreditBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } if (data[0].EndBal !== null) { $scope.dupColumns.push({ caption: $translate.instant('EndBal'), dataField: "EndBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, width: 100 }); } $scope.filterCondition = ["IsDuplicate", "=", true]; $scope.gridDuplicatedOptions = { allowColumnResizing: true, bindingOptions: { "": "detailData", //"selection.deferred": "deferStatus", "selectionFilter": "filterCondition", "columns": "dupColumns" }, dataSource: { store: { type: "array", key: 'BalanceId' } }, columns: $scope.dupColumns, selection: { mode: "multiple", selectAllMode: "allPages", showCheckBoxesMode: "always", deferred: true }, hoverStateEnabled: true, paging: { pageSize: 10 }, } $('#duplicatedValidationModal').modal('show'); } //显示本月与上月验证明细界面 var dispalyPeriodValidation = function (data) { $scope.devgridDataSource = data; $scope.gridPeriodOptions = { columnAutoWidth: true, columns: [ { caption: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), dataField: "AcctCode", textalign: "center", }, { caption: $translate.instant('LastMonth'), alignment: 'center', columns: [ { caption: $translate.instant('EndBal'), dataField: "EndBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, }, { caption: $translate.instant('EndDebitBal'), dataField: "EndDebitBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, }, { caption: $translate.instant('EndCreditBal'), dataField: "EndCreditBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, }, ] }, { caption: $translate.instant('CurrentMonth'), alignment: 'center', columns: [ { caption: $translate.instant('BegBal'), dataField: "BegBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, }, { caption: $translate.instant('BegDebitBal'), dataField: "BegDebitBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, }, { caption: $translate.instant('BegCreditBal'), dataField: "BegCreditBal", format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 }, }, ] }, ], bindingOptions: { "dataSource": "devgridDataSource" //"": "devgridDataSource", }, hoverStateEnabled: true, paging: { pageSize: 10 } } $('#periodValidationModal').modal('show'); } //月份验证信息 var openTab = function (errorType, rowdata) { var data = JSON.parse(rowdata); if (errorType === 31) { dispalyPeriodValidation(data); } else if (errorType === 39) { dispalyduplicatedValidation(data); } } //删除重复数据 var deleteDupData = function () { var dataGrid = $('#gridDuplicatedValidation').dxDataGrid("instance"); var deleteList = []; dataGrid.getSelectedRowsData().done(function (rowData) { for (var i = 0; i < rowData.length; i++) { deleteList.push(rowData[i].AcctCode); } }); dataGrid.getSelectedRowKeys().done(function (keys) { if (keys && keys.length === 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('DeleteEmptyWarning')); return; } logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = deleteList.join(","); logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('DeleteDuplicateData'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.DeleteDuplicate; vatImportService.deleteDuplicateTbData(keys).success(function (rsp) { if (rsp === true) { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); refreshByService.callRefresh($scope.serviceTypeId, enums.optionType.DeleteDuplicate); } else { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); } }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('DeleteFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }); } //刷新操作 var refreshTbData = function () { logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = ''; logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('RefreshValidationData'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.Refresh; refreshByService.callRefresh($scope.serviceTypeId, enums.optionType.Refresh); } //开始清空数据 var clearTbData = function () { if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { showPeriodDrapDown(); } if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { $scope.selectedPeriod = $scope.period; deleteTbData(); } }; //清空数据 var deleteTbData = function () { if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT && _.isNull($scope.selectedPeriod)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('SelectPeriodDelete')); return; } var alterMsg = $scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT ? $translate.instant('ClearDataCITWarning') : $translate.instant('ClearDataVATWarning'); swal({ title: "warning!", text: alterMsg, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { $timeout(function () { if (isConfirm) { logDto.ID = PWC.newGuid(); logDto.CreateTime = new Date(); logDto.UpdateTime = new Date(); logDto.OperationContent = ''; logDto.OperationName = $translate.instant('ClearTrialBalance'); logDto.OperationType = enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.ClearData; var dto = { serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, periods: [$scope.selectedPeriod], projectId: $scope.projectID } vatImportService.clearServiceTbData(dto).success(function (data) { if (data) { var queryImportDto = { serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId, periods: [$scope.selectedPeriod], projectId: $scope.projectID, importTypeId: enums.TbImportTypeEnum.UnImported } //修改项目状态 vatImportService.updatePeriodStatus(queryImportDto).success(function () { $scope.selectedPeriod = null; if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { $scope.closePeriodSelectModal(); } resetTotalValue(); refreshByService.callRefresh($scope.serviceTypeId, enums.optionType.Clear); vatCommonService.clearProjectStatus(projectDbName, $scope.period, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFImportBalanceTable , enums.FinishStatusEnum.NotFinished); vatCommonService.setImportSubStatus(enums.VatImportSubStatus.isTbImport, false); }); } else { $scope.selectedPeriod = null; if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { $scope.closePeriodSelectModal(); } logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ClearFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ClearFailed')); } }).error(function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ClearFailed'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } else { return; } }, 300); }); } var getGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { return { height: ($('.balance-ouput-grid-wrapper').height()) + "px" }; } else { return { height: 0 + "px" }; } }; var getErrorGridHeight = function () { if ($scope.isLoadComplete) { var y = $("#error-info-wrapper").height(); // Enough space if (y > constant.UIGrid.gapHeight) { y = y - constant.UIGrid.gapHeight; return { height: y + "px" }; } else { return { height: '0px' }; } } return {}; }; //获取tb数据 var GetBalanceList = function () { $scope.queryParams.pageInfo = { totalCount: $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems, pageIndex: $scope.pagingOptions.pageIndex, pageSize: $scope.pagingOptions.pageSize, totalPage: 0, }; vatImportService.queryTrialBalanceData($scope.queryParams).success(function (retData) { if (retData) { var data = retData.list; $scope.isShowImportTotalBtn = false; GetValidationList(); initPagingControl(retData.pageInfo.totalCount); var index = 1; data.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; v.begDebitBal = PWC.round(v.begDebitBal, 2); v.begCreditBal = PWC.round(v.begCreditBal, 2); v.begBal = PWC.round(v.begBal, 2); v.debitBal = PWC.round(v.debitBal, 2); v.creditBal = PWC.round(v.creditBal, 2); v.endDebitBal = PWC.round(v.endDebitBal, 2); v.endCreditBal = PWC.round(v.endCreditBal, 2); v.endBal = PWC.round(v.endBal, 2); }); $ = data; $scope.totalData.totalNumber = retData.pageInfo.totalCount; $scope.totalData.begDebitTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.begDebitBal) ? PWC.round("0.00",2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.begDebitBal, 2); $scope.totalData.begCreditTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.begCreditBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.begCreditBal, 2); $scope.totalData.endDebitTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.endDebitBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.endDebitBal, 2); $scope.totalData.endCreditTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.endCreditBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.endCreditBal, 2); $scope.totalData.begBalTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.begBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.begBal, 2); $scope.totalData.endBalTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.endBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.endBal, 2); $scope.totalData.debitTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.debitBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.debitBal, 2); $scope.totalData.creditTotal = _.isNull(retData.calculateData.creditBal) ? PWC.round("0.00", 2) : PWC.round(retData.calculateData.creditBal, 2); if (data.length > 0) { initGridBalanceOuputColumn(data); } else { initTableTitle(); } $log.debug("获取数据成功"); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } //初始化columns var initGridBalanceOuputColumn = function (data) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs = []; $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push ({ name: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), width: '5%', headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents " title="{{row.entity.index}}"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }); if (data[0].monthId !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('PeriodId'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents " title="{{row.entity.monthId}}"><span>{{row.entity.monthId}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].customerCode !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('CustomerCode'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents " title="{{row.entity.customerCode}}"><span>{{row.entity.customerCode}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].acctCode !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" title="{{row.entity.acctCode}}"><span>{{row.entity.acctCode}}<span></div>' }); } $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('AccountName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents" title="{{row.entity.accountName}}"><span>{{row.entity.accountName}}<span></div>' }); if (data[0].begDebitBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('BegDebitBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.begDebitBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.begDebitBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].begCreditBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('BegCreditBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.begCreditBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.begCreditBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].begBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('BegBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.begBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.begBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].debitBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('DebitBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.debitBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.debitBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].creditBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('CreditBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.creditBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.creditBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].endDebitBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('EndDebitBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.endDebitBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.endDebitBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].endCreditBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('EndCreditBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.endCreditBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.endCreditBal}}<span></div>' }); } if (data[0].endBal !== null) { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push( { name: $translate.instant('EndBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents right" title="{{row.entity.endBal}}"><span>{{row.entity.endBal}}<span></div>' }); } showTotalValue(data[0]); }; var initBalanceDataFromDB = function () { $scope.showInitTable = true; $scope.showImportTable = false; vatSessionService.dataChanged = false; $ = []; $scope.sheetData = { sheetNameList: [], dataList: [], selectedSheetIndex: 0 }; //判断当前导入数据类型 vatImportService.isImportData($scope.projectID, enums.projectImportType.TbImported) .success(function (re) { if (re.result) { if ( { GetBalanceList(); } else { initTableTitle(); } } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } //初始化列名 var initTableTitle = function () { $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs = []; $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), headerCellClass: 'right', width: '5%', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.index}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.acctCode}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('BegDebitBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.begDebitBal}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('BegCreditBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.begCreditBal}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('DebitBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.debitBal}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('CreditBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.creditBal}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('EndDebitBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.endDebitBal}}<span></div>' }); $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput.columnDefs.push({ name: $translate.instant('EndCreditBal'), headerCellClass: 'right', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.endCreditBal}}<span></div>' }); } //获取验证信息 var GetValidationList = function () { vatImportService.getServiceValidationList($scope.validationType, $scope.period, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.projectID).success(function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { var index = 1; data.forEach(function (v) { v.index = index++; }); $scope.errorList = data; $ = data; showErrTab(); $scope.toggleErrorTab(); $scope.showErrorTable = true; } else { $scope.errorList = []; $ = []; $scope.showErrorTable = false; $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } //显示验证信息 var toggleErrorTab = function () { $scope.ImportErrorTag = !$scope.ImportErrorTag; // topIcon and content-resize gapBottom 15px if (!$scope.ImportErrorTag) { setErrorWrapCssDefault(); } else { if (parseInt($('#content-resizer').css('bottom')) < 100) { $('#content-resizer').css('bottom', '150px'); $('#topIcon').css({ bottom: '-381px' }); $('.error-info-wrapper').css('height', '150px'); } } }; var setErrorWrapCssDefault = function () { $('#content-resizer').css('bottom', '0px'); $('#topIcon').css({ bottom: '-501px' }); $('.error-info-wrapper').css('height', '0px'); }; var showErrTab = function() { $scope.ImportErrorTab = true; $scope.ImportErrorTag = true; $scope.errorMsg = $translate.instant('ImportErrorMsg').formatObj({ "NumberOfError": $scope.errorList.length }); }; //加载文档后操作 var initImportFile = function (fileName) { var arr ='.'); if (arr[arr.length - 1] !== 'xls' && arr[arr.length - 1] !== 'xlsx') { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('ImportFileInvalidType')); return; } $scope.fileName =; uploadfile($scope.fileNameWrapper); //初始化数据 $scope.selectedMappingList = []; initColumns(); $scope.ImportErrorTab = false; $scope.ImportErrorTag = false; } //日志 var showOperateLogPop = function () { $scope.isShowLog = true; }; var initPagingControl = function (totalItemsCount) { $scope.pagingOptions.totalItems = totalItemsCount; } // 检查用户机构权限 var checkUserOrganizationPermissionList = function () { var list = []; var userManageTemp = constant.vatPermission.dataImport.balanceSheet; list.push(userManageTemp.importCode); $scope.hasImportPermission = false; $scope.$root.checkUserOrganizationPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasImportPermission = data[userManageTemp.importCode]; }); }; //控制明细信息中删除权限 var getUserPermission = function () { var list = []; var code = constant.vatPermission.dataImport.balanceSheet.importCode; list.push(code); $scope.$root.checkUserOrganizationPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasEditPermission = data[code]; }); }; var setButtonWrapStyle = function () { if ($scope.fileName) { return { width: "100%" }; } }; //显示期间选择弹出框 var showPeriodDrapDown = function () { $scope.modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'tb-model-period-dropdown.html', scope: $scope, windowClass: "tb-model-period-dropdow-popup" }); $scope.closePeriodSelectModal = function () { $scope.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; $scope.selectBox = { simple: { dataSource: $scope.tbPeriods, displayExpr: "Period", valueExpr: "ID", searchEnabled: false, placeholder: $translate.instant('PleaseSelectPeriod'), noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataToDispaly'), maxLength: 2, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { $scope.selectedPeriod = e.selectedItem.Period; } } }; vatImportService.getTBImportedPeriods($scope.projectID, $scope.serviceTypeId).success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.tbPeriods = []; var id = 1; $.each(data, function (index, item) { var periodDto = { ID: -1, Period: -1 }; periodDto.ID = id++; periodDto.Period = item; $scope.tbPeriods.push(periodDto); }); $("#tbPeriodSelectBox").dxSelectBox("instance").option("dataSource", $scope.tbPeriods); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }; //重置汇总数据为0 var resetTotalValue = function () { if ($scope.serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { $scope.totalData.totalNumber = 0; $scope.totalData.begDebitTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.begCreditTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.endDebitTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.endCreditTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.begBalTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.endBalTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.debitTotal = 0; $scope.totalData.creditTotal = 0; } }; //设置汇总数据的显示 var showTotalValue = function (data) { $scope.showTotalValue.showBegDebitBal = !_.isNull(data.begDebitBal) ? true : false; $scope.showTotalValue.showBegCreditBal = !_.isNull(data.begCreditBal) ? true : false; $scope.showTotalValue.showEndDebitBal = !_.isNull(data.endDebitBal) ? true : false; $scope.showTotalValue.showEndCreditBal = !_.isNull(data.endCreditBal) ? true : false; $scope.showTotalSecondRow = $scope.showTotalValue.showBegDebitBal || $scope.showTotalValue.showBegCreditBal || $scope.showTotalValue.showEndDebitBal || $scope.showTotalValue.showEndCreditBal ? true : false; }; var setGridStyle = function () { if ($scope.showTotalSecondRow) { return { 'margin-top': '60px' } } else { return { 'margin-top': '55px' } } } var refreshByService = { //VAT刷新数据,重新计算 vatRefresh: function (operation) { vatImportService.refreshTrialBalance($scope.period, $scope.serviceTypeId).success(function (data) { if (data === true) { refreshByService.refreshSuccess(operation); } else { refreshByService.refreshFail(); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); }, //CIT刷新数据,重新计算 citRefresh: function (operation) { vatImportService.getTBImportedPeriods($scope.projectID, $scope.serviceTypeId).success(function (data) { if (!_.isUndefined(data)) { var citImportedPeriods = []; var id = 1; $.each(data, function (index, item) { citImportedPeriods.push(item); }); var importDto = { periods: citImportedPeriods, serviceTypeId: $scope.serviceTypeId }; vatImportService.refreshTrialBalancePeriods(importDto) .success(function (data) { if (data) { refreshByService.refreshSuccess(operation); } else { refreshByService.refreshFail(); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }); } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error($translate.instant('PleaseContactAdministrator')); }) }, //只获取TB数据,不计算 refreshSuccess: function (operation) { var successMsg = ""; if (operation === enums.optionType.DeleteDuplicate) { $('#duplicatedValidationModal').modal('hide'); successMsg = $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'); } if (operation === enums.optionType.Refresh) { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('RefreshSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); successMsg = $translate.instant('RefreshSuccess'); } if (operation === enums.optionType.Clear) { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ClearSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); successMsg = $translate.instant('ClearSuccess'); } if (operation === enums.optionType.Import) { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('ImportSuccess'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); successMsg = $translate.instant('ImportSuccess'); } SweetAlert.success(successMsg); initBalanceDataFromDB(); }, refreshFail: function () { logDto.UpdateState = $translate.instant('RefreshTbFail'); vatOperationLogService.addOperationLog(logDto); SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('RefreshTbFail')); }, callRefresh: function (serviceTypeId, operation) { if (serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.VAT) { refreshByService.vatRefresh(operation); } if (serviceTypeId === constant.serviceType.CIT) { refreshByService.citRefresh(operation); } } }; //开始 (function initialize() { $log.debug('ImportTBController.ctor()...'); checkUserOrganizationPermissionList(); $scope.changeSheet = changeSheet; $scope.changeMapping = changeMapping; $scope.doUploadTbResult = doUploadTbResult; $scope.deleteDupData = deleteDupData; $scope.refreshTbData = refreshTbData; $scope.deleteTbData = deleteTbData; $scope.clearTbData = clearTbData; $scope.initPagingControl = initPagingControl; $scope.setButtonWrapStyle = setButtonWrapStyle; $scope.errorLevelToString = errorLevelToString; $scope.openTab = openTab; $scope.getGridHeight = getGridHeight; $scope.getErrorGridHeight = getErrorGridHeight; $scope.toggleErrorTab = toggleErrorTab; $scope.showOperateLogPop = showOperateLogPop; $scope.gridOptionsBalanceOuput = initGirdView.initBalanceOuput(); $scope.gridOptionsErrorMsg = initGirdView.initErrorMsg(); $scope.setGridStyle = setGridStyle; getUserPermission(); initBalanceDataFromDB(); $scope.$watch('fileNameWrapper', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== null && newValue !== oldValue) { initImportFile(newValue); } }); $timeout(function () { $scope.isLoadComplete = true; }, 500); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('importTrialBalance', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/import/import-trialbalance/import-trialbalance.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { serviceTypeId: "=?", periodId: "=?" }, controller: 'importTBController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('indexMultiSelectorController', ['$scope', 'indexAnalysisDetailService', function($scope, indexAnalysisDetailService) { // 本页面常量 var thisConstant = { indexMultiSelectorTreeView: 'indexMultiSelectorTreeView', }; var treeView; // 数据 var thisData = { selectedIndexSet: {}, }; // 主模块 var mainModule = { // 加载数据并显示 loadData: function() { if (!$scope.selectIdList) { $scope.selectIdList = []; } indexAnalysisDetailService.getIndexAnalysisDropDownList().success(function(data) { thisData.indexList = data; mainModule.drawdxDropDownBox(data); }); }, // 绘制dxDropDownBox drawdxDropDownBox: function(dataArray) { var syncTreeViewSelection = function(treeView, value) { if (!value) { treeView.unselectAll(); return; } value.forEach(function(key) { treeView.selectItem(key); }); $scope.selectIndexList = _.filter(thisData.indexList, function(row) { return value.indexOf( > -1 && !row.parentId; }); // console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectIndexList)); }; $("#" + thisConstant.indexMultiSelectorTreeView).dxDropDownBox({ value: $scope.selectIdList, valueExpr: "id", displayExpr: "name", placeholder: "", showClearButton: true, dataSource: dataArray, contentTemplate: function(e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $("<div>").dxTreeView({ dataSource: e.component.option("dataSource"), dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentId", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, onContentReady: function(args) { syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value); }, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "normal", onItemSelectionChanged: function(args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); e.component.option("value", value); } }); treeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { var value = args.value; syncTreeViewSelection(treeView, value); }); return $treeView; } }); }, }; (function() { mainModule.loadData(); })(); } ]); // Model select tree view, select multiple models with checkboxes commonModule.directive('indexMultiSelector', ['$log', '$translate', function ($log, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('indexMultiSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/index-multi-selector/index-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'indexMultiSelectorController', scope: { selectIndexList:'=?', selectIdList:'=?', }, link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('invoiceExaminationModalController', ['SweetAlert', '$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$uibModal','$document','InvoiceManageService', function (SweetAlert, $scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $uibModal, $document, InvoiceManageService) { $scope.isShow = false; $scope.remarksOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: 'invoiceEntity.comments' }, }; //模态框 $scope.modalService = { modalInstance: null, open: function () { var parentSelector = '.invoice-examination-modal-wrapper'; var parentElem = parentSelector ? angular.element($document[0].querySelector(parentSelector)) : undefined; var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'invoiceExaminationTemplate.html', scope: $scope, backdrop: 'static', windowClass: 'invoice-examination-modal-wrapper', appendTo: parentElem, }); $scope.modalService.modalInstance = modalInstance; }, //手动验真 invoceExamination: function () { if ($scope.modalService.modalInstance) { $scope.isShow = false; var invoiceList = []; // $scope.invoiceEntity.comments = $scope.comments; invoiceList.push($scope.invoiceEntity); //手动验真 InvoiceManageService.invoiceManualExamination(invoiceList).success(function (res) { if (_.isFunction($scope.refreshTable)) { $scope.refreshTable(); } SweetAlert.success("验真成功"); $scope.modalService.modalInstance.close(); }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error('', $translate.instant('CommonFail')); }); } }, //退票 invoiceRefund: function () { if ($scope.modalService.modalInstance) { $scope.isShow = false; var selectedInvoiceIDList = []; // $scope.invoiceEntity.comments = $scope.comments; selectedInvoiceIDList.push($; var status =; InvoiceManageService.updateInvoiceStatus(status, selectedInvoiceIDList).success(function (data) { if (data) { if (_.isFunction($scope.refreshTable)) { $scope.refreshTable(); SweetAlert.success("退票成功"); $scope.modalService.modalInstance.close(); } } }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error('', $translate.instant('CommonFail')); }); } }, cancel: function () { if ($scope.modalService.modalInstance) { $scope.isShow = false; $scope.modalService.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('invoiceExaminationModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $; } }); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('invoiceExaminationModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('invoiceExaminationModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/invoice-examination-modal/invoice-examination-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'invoiceExaminationModalController', scope: { isShow: '=', refreshTable: '&', invoiceEntity:'=?', } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('invoiceManualAddModalController', ['SweetAlert', '$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$uibModal', function (SweetAlert, $scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $uibModal) { $scope.animationsEnabled = true; var templateUrl = ''; $scope.isShow = false; $scope.pleaseSelect = $translate.instant("ChoosePlaceholder"); $scope.pleaseInput = ''; //$translate.instant('InputPlaceholder'), $scope.invoiceEntityOptions = {} $scope.invoiceEntity = {}; //当前页面的事件 var thisPageService = { //保存NIS数据 saveNisData: function (modalInstance) { // SweetAlert.swal('保存Nis数据成功!'); modalInstance.close($scope.invoiceEntity); modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } }; //当前modal的服务 var thisModalService = { createInstance: function () { //实例化一个modal并打开 var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: 'addNewInvoiceTemplate.html', scope: $scope, backdrop: 'static', //点击父页面不会自动关闭 windowClass: 'invoice-manual-add-modal-wrapper', //resolve: { // items: function () {//items是一个回调函数 // return $scope.items;//这个值会被模态框的控制器获取到 // } //} }); //modal关闭之后接收返回值的函数 modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { //设置isShow变量为false $scope.isUpdate = true; $scope.operateType = null; $scope.invoiceEntity = data;//模态框的返回值 }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); //点击modal窗口上的确定事件 $ = function () { thisPageService.saveNisData(modalInstance); }; //点击modal窗口上的取消事件 $scope.cancel = function () { $scope.operateType = null; modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; } }; //文本框初始化 var initTextBoxContorls = function () { var isShowClearButton = false; $scope.invoiceEntityOptions = { //1. 发票代码 txtInvoiceCodeOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'invoiceEntity.invoiceCode', }, placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, showClearButton: isShowClearButton, }, //2. 票面金额 (含税 txtAmountOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'invoiceEntity.amount', }, placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, showClearButton: isShowClearButton, }, //3. 发票号码 txtInvoiceNumberOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'invoiceEntity.invoiceNumber', }, placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, showClearButton: isShowClearButton, }, //4. 税额 //txtTaxAmountOptions: { // bindingOptions: { // value: 'invoiceEntity.taxAmount', // }, // placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, // showClearButton: isShowClearButton, //}, ////5. 购方税号 //txtBuyerTaxNumberOptions: { // bindingOptions: { // value: 'invoiceEntity.buyerTaxNumber', // }, // placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, // showClearButton: isShowClearButton, //}, //6. 开票日期 txtInvoiceDateOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'invoiceEntity.invoiceDate', },, placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, showClearButton: isShowClearButton, }, ////7. 消方税号 //txtSellerTaxNumberOptions: { // bindingOptions: { // value: 'invoiceEntity.sellerTaxNumber', // }, // placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, // showClearButton: isShowClearButton, //}, txtRemarksOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'invoiceEntity.remarks' }, //displayFormat: placeholder: $scope.pleaseInput, showClearButton: isShowClearButton, }, } }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('invoiceManualAddModalController.ctor()...'); initTextBoxContorls(); //thisModalService.createInstance(); $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { thisModalService.createInstance(); //if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { // thisModalService.createInstance(); //} //else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { // thisModalService.createInstance(); //} } }); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('invoiceManualAddModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('invoiceRelevanceModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/invoice-manual-add-modal/invoice-manual-add-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'invoiceManualAddModalController', scope: { invoiceEntity: '=?', isUpdate: '=?', operateType: '=?', } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('invoiceRelevanceModalController', ['SweetAlert', '$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$uibModal', function (SweetAlert, $scope, $log, $translate, $location, $timeout, $interval, $uibModal) { $scope.items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3']; $scope.animationsEnabled = true; var templateUrl = ''; $scope.isShow = false; $scope.selected = { item: $scope.items[0] }; //当前选中的发票 $scope.currentInvoice = ''; //初始化NIS模板页面控件 var initNISPageControl = function () { var simpleProducts = [ "原料采购", "非原料集中采购", "报销" ]; //发票来源 $("#invoiceSourceNIS").dxSelectBox({ items: simpleProducts }); //收货单号输入框 $("#acceptNOsNIS").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入收货单号", }); //商品种类 $("#productTypeNIS").dxSelectBox({ items: ["原料"], value: '原料', readOnly: true }); //是否计入进项税额 $("#isIncludedInTaxAmountNIS").dxSelectBox({ items: ['是', '否'], value: '是', readOnly: true }); }; //初始化CSSP-四家模板页面控件 var initCSSPFourPageControl = function () { var sales = [{ "orderId": 10248 }, { "orderId": 10249 }, { "orderId": 10250 }, { "orderId": 10251 }]; var simpleProducts = [ "原料采购", "非原料集中采购", "报销" ]; //发票来源 $("#invoiceSourceCSSPFour").dxSelectBox({ items: simpleProducts }); //采购单号输入框 $("#purchaseOrderCSSPFour").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入采购单号", }); //商品种类 $("#productTypeCSSPFour").dxSelectBox({ items: ["原料"], value: '原料', readOnly: true }); //是否计入进项税额 $("#isIncludedInTaxAmountCSSPFour").dxSelectBox({ items: ['是', '否'], value: '是', readOnly: true }); //初始化公司代码code var dataGrid = $("#company-code-container").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: sales, selection: { mode: "multiple", showCheckBoxesMode: 'always' }, paging: { pageSize: 10 }, filterRow: { visible: true }, columns: [{ dataField: "orderId", caption: "公司代码", width: 150 }] }).dxDataGrid("instance"); //初始化成本中心code var dataGrid = $("#cost-center-container").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: sales, selection: { mode: "multiple", showCheckBoxesMode: 'always' }, paging: { pageSize: 10 }, filterRow: { visible: true }, columns: [{ dataField: "orderId", caption: "成本中心", width: 150 }] }).dxDataGrid("instance"); //凭证号输入框 $("#voucherNoCSSPFour").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入凭证号", }); }; //初始化CSSP模板页面控件 var initCSSPPageControl = function () { var simpleProducts = [ "原料采购", "非原料集中采购", "报销" ]; //发票来源 $("#invoiceSourceCSSP").dxSelectBox({ items: simpleProducts }); //采购单号输入框 $("#purchaseOrderCSSP").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入采购单号", }); //商品种类 $("#productTypeCSSP").dxSelectBox({ items: ["原料"], value: '原料', readOnly: true }); //强制应税checkbox $("#forceTaxCheckboxCSSP").dxCheckBox({ value: true, width: 80, text: "强制应税" }); //强制应税原因 $("#forceTaxReasonCSSP").dxTextArea({ value: '', height: 90 }) //是否计入进项税额 $("#isIncludedInTaxAmountCSSP").dxSelectBox({ items: ['是', '否'], value: '是', readOnly: true }); //凭证号输入框 $("#voucherNoCSSP").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入凭证号", }); }; //初始化报销模板页面控件 var initApplyForReimbursementPageControl = function () { var simpleProducts = [ "原料采购", "非原料集中采购", "报销" ]; //发票来源 $("#invoiceSourceReibursement").dxSelectBox({ items: simpleProducts }); //员工编号输入框 $("#purchaseOrderReibursement").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入员工编号", }); //商品种类 $("#productTypeReibursement").dxSelectBox({ items: ["原料"], value: '原料', readOnly: true }); //是否计入进项税额 $("#isIncludedInTaxAmountReibursement").dxSelectBox({ items: ['是', '否'], value: '是', readOnly: true }); //凭证号输入框 $("#voucherNoReibursement").dxTextBox({ value: "", placeholder: "请输入凭证号", }); }; //当前页面的事件 var thisPageService = { //保存NIS数据 saveNisData: function (modalInstance) { SweetAlert.swal('保存Nis数据成功!'); modalInstance.close($scope.selected.item); modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } }; //当前modal的服务 var thisModalService = { createInstance: function () { //判断当前需要打开的是哪一个modal if ($scope.relevanceType == 1) { //NIS模板 templateUrl = 'relevance-nis.html'; } else if ($scope.relevanceType == 2) { //CSSP-四家模板 templateUrl = 'relevance-cssp-four.html'; } else if ($scope.relevanceType == 3) { //CSSP templateUrl = 'relevance-cssp.html'; } else if ($scope.relevanceType == 4) { //报销 templateUrl = 'relevance-apply-for-reimbursement.html'; } //实例化一个modal并打开 var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, templateUrl: templateUrl, scope: $scope, backdrop: 'static', windowClass: 'invoice-relevance-modal-wrapper', resolve: { items: function () {//items是一个回调函数 return $scope.items;//这个值会被模态框的控制器获取到 } } }); //modal关闭之后接收返回值的函数 modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { //设置isShow变量为false $scope.isShow = false; //设置关联的类型为-1 $scope.relevanceType = -1; $scope.selected = data;//模态框的返回值 }, function () { $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date()); }); //点击modal窗口上的确定事件 $ = function () { if ($scope.relevanceType == 1) { thisPageService.saveNisData(modalInstance); } }; //点击modal窗口上的取消事件 $scope.cancel = function () { //设置isShow变量为false $scope.isShow = false; //设置关联的类型为-1 $scope.relevanceType = -1; modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; } }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('invoiceRelevanceModalController.ctor()...'); $scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === true) { thisModalService.createInstance(); $timeout(function () { if ($scope.relevanceType == 1) { initNISPageControl(); } else if ($scope.relevanceType == 2) { initCSSPFourPageControl(); } else if ($scope.relevanceType == 3) { initCSSPPageControl(); } else if ($scope.relevanceType == 4) { initApplyForReimbursementPageControl(); } }, 500); } }); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('invoiceRelevanceModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('invoiceRelevanceModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/invoice-relevance-modal/invoice-relevance-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'invoiceRelevanceModalController', scope: { isShow: '=', relevanceType: '=', relevanceDataModel: '=' } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('invoiceTableTemplateController', ['$log', '$scope', '$translate', 'InvoiceManageService', 'SweetAlert', function ($log, $scope, $translate,InvoiceManageService, SweetAlert) { "use strict"; $log.debug('invoiceTableTemplateController.ctor()...'); var loadDetail=function(){ InvoiceManageService.getInputInvoiceItemList($ (response) { $scope.invoice.items = response; }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error('', $translate.instant('CommonFail')); }); }; (function initialize() { if ($scope.isLoadDetail) { loadDetail(); } })(); }]); commonModule.directive('invoiceTableTemplate', ['$log', '$translate', function ($log, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('invoiceTableTemplate.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/invoice-table-template/invoice-table-template.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'invoiceTableTemplateController', scope: { invoice: '=', //是否需要加载明细,如果Invoice中不包含,请值为true isLoadDetail:'=?' }, link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); // key value select tree view, select key value pair(s) with checkbox(es) commonModule.directive('keyValueSelector', ['$log', '$q', '$timeout', '$translate', 'KeyValueConfigService', function ($log, $q, $timeout, $translate, KeyValueConfigService) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('keyValueSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/key-value-selector/key-value-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { isShow: '=', title: '=', selectorOptions: '=?', selectorApi: '=?', // In: onSelectorClose, onSelectorConfirm; Out: getSelection selectedKeyCode: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { $log.debug(''); var newSelectionIndicies = []; var gridInstance = null; scope.keyValueDataSource = []; // Handle id of the element to make sure it is unique. // keyValueSelector is used to add the style tag to work-around // DX grid height issue if (_.isEmpty(attrs['id'])) { var randomStr = Math.random().toString().replace(/\./g, ''); element.attr('id', 'grid' + randomStr); scope.gridSelector = '#grid' + randomStr; } else { scope.gridSelector = '#' + attrs['id']; } // Register api functions in internalApi // If selectorApi passed is not undefined, we will use it as internalApi scope.internalApi = scope.selectorApi || {}; // Work-around for DX grid height issue. element.find('.modal').on('', function () { scope.getDataGrid().refresh(); }); // Clear selected key value pairs and related rows. var resetSelection = function () { scope.getDataGrid().clearSelection(); }; var scrollToRowElement = function (gridInstance) { if (newSelectionIndicies.length > 0) { var scrollable = gridInstance.getScrollable(); var selectedRowElements = gridInstance.getCellElement(newSelectionIndicies[0], 0); $timeout(function () { scrollable.scrollToElement(selectedRowElements.parent()); }); newSelectionIndicies = []; } }; var selectRow = function (gridInstance, selectedObj) { var dataSourceInstance = $.extend({}, gridInstance.getDataSource()); dataSourceInstance.paginate(false); var absoluteRowIndex = 0; dataSourceInstance.load().done(function (result) { absoluteRowIndex = _.findIndex(result, function (item) { return angular.equals(item, selectedObj); }); if (absoluteRowIndex >= 0) { var pgSize = gridInstance.pageSize(); var pageIndex = Math.floor(absoluteRowIndex / pgSize); var visibleRowIndex = absoluteRowIndex - (pageIndex * pgSize); newSelectionIndicies = [visibleRowIndex]; gridInstance.beginUpdate(); var key = gridInstance.keyOf(result[absoluteRowIndex]); gridInstance.selectRows([key], true); if (pageIndex !== gridInstance.pageIndex()) { gridInstance.pageIndex(pageIndex); } else { //当前页内容发生改变时才会触发 onContentReady 事件,所以当选择的焦点行就在当前显示页的时候,需要主动执行一次 scrollToRowElement scrollToRowElement(gridInstance); } gridInstance.endUpdate(); } }).fail(function (error) { console.log(error); }); }; scope.gridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: { deep: false, dataPath: 'keyValueDataSource' }, height: 'selectorOptions.gridHeight', width: 'selectorOptions.gridWidth', 'paging.pageSize': 'selectorOptions.pageSize' }, columns: [ { dataField: 'id', visible: false }, { caption: $translate.instant('KeyName'), dataField: 'name' }, { caption: $translate.instant('DataSourceName'), dataField: 'dataSourceStr' }, { caption: $translate.instant('Formula'), dataField: 'formula' }, { caption: $translate.instant('Description'), dataField: 'description' }, { caption: $translate.instant('ApplicationScope'), calculateCellValue: function (rowData) { return $translate.instant(rowData.scopeSummary); }, calculateFilterExpression: function (filterValue, selectedFilterOperation) { return [this.calculateCellValue, selectedFilterOperation || 'contains', filterValue]; } }, { caption: $translate.instant('ApplyService'), dataField: 'serviceTypes' } ], loadPanel: { enabled: false }, pager: { showNavigationButtons: true }, scrolling: { mode: "standard" }, searchPanel: { visible: true, width: 240 }, selection: { mode: 'single', deferred: false }, sorting: { mode: 'single' }, filterRow: { visible: true }, allowColumnResizing: true, hoverStateEnabled: true, showBorders: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, onContentReady: function (e) { scrollToRowElement(e.component); gridInstance = e.component; } }; var loadData = function () { return KeyValueConfigService.getAll().then(function (res) { if ( && > 0) { (item) { if (item.dataSource) { var arr = item.dataSource.split('_'); if (arr.length >= 2) { item.dataSourceStr = arr[1]; } } }); } scope.keyValueDataSource =; return $q.when(scope.keyValueDataSource); }, function (response) { return $q.reject($translate.instant("DataLoadingError")); }); }; // Adjust the selector options var adjustOptions = function () { // Adjust the CSS styles of the selector, currently only support width, height, top and left. var width = 730; var computeWidth = parseInt(window.window.innerWidth * 0.7); if (computeWidth > width && computeWidth < 1500) { width = computeWidth; } scope.selectorOptions = _.extend({ // Default options height: 556, width: width, pageSize: 7 }, scope.selectorOptions); if (_.isNumber(scope.selectorOptions.height)) { scope.selectorOptions.gridHeight = scope.selectorOptions.height > 145 ? (scope.selectorOptions.height - 145) : 1; } if (_.isNumber(scope.selectorOptions.width)) { scope.selectorOptions.gridWidth = scope.selectorOptions.width - 30; } scope.cssOptions = _.pick(scope.selectorOptions, 'width', 'height', 'top', 'left'); }; var getSelectionRowData = function () { var selectedRows = gridInstance.getSelectedRowsData(); return selectedRows.length ? selectedRows[0] : null; }; scope.getDataGrid = function () { return element.find(".key-value-selector-grid").dxDataGrid("instance"); }; scope.selectorClose = function () { if (scope.internalApi && _.isFunction(scope.internalApi.onSelectorClose)) { scope.internalApi.onSelectorClose(); } scope.isShow = false; }; scope.selectorConfirm = function () { var selectedRow = getSelectionRowData(); scope.selectedKeyCode = selectedRow === null ? null : selectedRow.keyCode; if (scope.internalApi && _.isFunction(scope.internalApi.onSelectorConfirm)) { scope.internalApi.onSelectorConfirm(); } scope.isShow = false; }; scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { // refresh the dxDataGrid data source every time when the modal is opening loadData().then(function (data) { //refresh dxDataGrid,so we need user give the selected item id element.children('.modal').modal('show'); if (scope.internalApi) { scope.internalApi.getSelection = getSelectionRowData; } resetSelection(); //获取指定的选中行,并高亮焦点显示该行 var absoluteRowIndex = _.findIndex(data, function (item) { return item.keyCode === scope.selectedKeyCode; }); if (gridInstance) { gridInstance.refresh(); if (absoluteRowIndex >= 0) { selectRow(gridInstance, data[absoluteRowIndex]); } else if (data.length > 0) { gridInstance.pageIndex(0); } } $(".key-value-selector-wrapper .modal-content").draggable({ cursor: "cursor", scroll: true, cancel: '.btn, input, .form-control, .key-value-selector-grid, .close' }); }); } }); adjustOptions(); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('mentionInputController', ['$scope', '$q', '$log', '$interval', '$timeout', '$translate', function ($scope, $q, $log, $interval, $timeout, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('mentionInputController.ctor()...'); var searchKeyValue = function (term) { var searchedList = []; if (!_.isEmpty($scope.keyValueList)) { searchedList = _.filter($scope.keyValueList, function (tag) { return tag && (tag.code.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()) >= 0 || $scope.showName && && >= 0); }); } $scope.searchedKeyValueList = searchedList; return $q.when(searchedList); }; var searchFormula = function (term) { var searchedList = []; if (!_.isEmpty($scope.formulaList)) { searchedList = _.filter($scope.formulaList, function (tag) { return tag && tag.code.toUpperCase().indexOf(term.toUpperCase()) >= 0; }); } $scope.searchedFormulaList = searchedList; return $q.when(searchedList); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('mentionInputController.initialize()...'); // keyValueList is the list of all candidate mention items, searchedKeyValueList is the list filtered by $scope.searchedKeyValueList = angular.copy($scope.keyValueList); $scope.searchKeyValue = searchKeyValue; $scope.searchedFormulaList = angular.copy($scope.formulaList); $scope.searchFormula = searchFormula; })(); } ]); // twitter-like mention input // For, refer to commonModule .directive('contenteditable', ['$rootScope', '$translate', 'mentioUtil', function ($rootScope, $translate, mentioUtil) { return { restrict: 'A', // only activate on element attribute require: ['?ngModel', '^?mentionInput'], // get a hold of NgModelController and parent directive link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) return; var ngModel = ctrl[0]; var mentionInput = ctrl[1]; // do nothing if no ng-model or not in mention-input directive if (!ngModel || !mentionInput) { return; } var nameStr = $translate.instant('Name'); var descStr = $translate.instant('Description'); var keyCodeExp = /@[A-Za-z0-9\.]+?\s/g; // like @VAT.ZPXSE.17 var formulaExp = /[A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*\([^\(\)]*\)/g; // like BB("VAT001", 1, 1, 0) var tagExp = /<[^>]+?>/g; // like <a>, <span style=''>, <br/> //var otherTagExp = /(?!<pre(>|<\/>|\s.*>))<[^>]+?>/g; // like <a>, <span style=''>, <br/> scope.isValid = true; var read = function () { if (mentioUtil.clearEmptyTextNode) { mentioUtil.clearEmptyTextNode(element[0]); } // If show-name is true, replace code with name; otherwise do nothing. var txt = element.text(); if (scope.showName) { var pres = element.find('pre').toArray(); pres.forEach(function (e) { if (angular.element(e).attr('data-type') === '0') { var code = angular.element(e).attr('data-code'); if (code) { txt = txt.replace(angular.element(e).text(), code + ' '); } } }); } if (txt) { // replace and \r, \n if exist txt = txt.replace(/\xA0/g, ' ').replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\r/g, ''); txt = _.unescape(txt); } ngModel.$setViewValue(txt); }; var customValidator = function (ngModelValue) { if (_.isFunction(scope.customValidator)) { scope.isValid = scope.customValidator({ 'value': ngModelValue, 'ngModel': ngModel }); } return ngModelValue; }; ngModel.$parsers.unshift(customValidator); ngModel.$formatters.unshift(customValidator); // Specify how UI should be updated ngModel.$render = function () { // trans between $viewValue and element html // $viewValue sample: @CH.BQ.QCYE +@VAT.ZPXSE.17 // element html sample:<pre>@CH.BQ.QCYE </pre>+<pre>@VAT.ZPXSE.17 </pre> var viewValue = ngModel.$viewValue; viewValue = _.escape(viewValue); var matches = viewValue ? viewValue.match(keyCodeExp) : []; if (matches) { matches = _.uniq(matches); matches.forEach(function (m) { var patt = new RegExp(m, "g"); var item; if (!_.isEmpty(scope.keyValueList)) { item = _.findWhere(scope.keyValueList, { code: $.trim(m) }); } if (!_.isEmpty(item) && !_.isEmpty(item.code)) { if (scope.showName) { viewValue = viewValue.replace(patt, '<pre data-type="0" title="' + item.description + '" data-code="' + item.code + '" contenteditable="false">' + '@' + + ' </pre>'); } else { viewValue = viewValue.replace(patt, '<pre data-type="0" title="' + nameStr + ':' + + ' ' + descStr + ':' + item.description + '" contenteditable="false">' + item.code + ' </pre>'); } } else { viewValue = viewValue.replace(patt, '<pre data-type="0" contenteditable="false">' + $.trim(m) + ' </pre>'); } }); } matches = viewValue ? viewValue.match(formulaExp) : []; if (matches) { matches.forEach(function (m) { var firstBracketIdx = m.indexOf('('); var formulaName = m.substring(0, firstBracketIdx); var paramStr = m.substring(firstBracketIdx + 1); var item; if (!_.isEmpty(scope.formulaList)) { item = _.findWhere(scope.formulaList, { code: formulaName }); } if (!_.isEmpty(item) && !_.isEmpty(item.code)) { viewValue = viewValue.replace(m, '<pre data-type="1" data-description="' + item.description + '" data-name="' + + '" data-code="' + item.code + '" contenteditable="inherit"><span contenteditable="false">' + item.code + '(</span>' + paramStr + '</pre>'); } }); } element.html(viewValue || ''); }; // Listen for change events to enable binding element.on('blur keyup change', function () { if (!$rootScope.$$phase) { scope.$apply(read); } else { read(); } }); } }; }]) .directive('mentionInput', ['$rootScope', '$log', '$translate', 'mentioUtil', 'enums', function ($rootScope, $log, $translate, mentioUtil, enums) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('mentionInput.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/mention-input/mention-input.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { inputClass: '@', inputId: '@', ngModelVal: '=ngModel', inputReadonly: '=', includeBtn: '=', showName: '=', keyValueList: '=*mentionList', formulaList: '=*', displayMode: '=?', // input or textarea mentionApi: '=?', firedName: '=?', firedTagType: '=?', firedFormulaParams: '=?', btnClick: '&', btn2Click: '&', customValidator: '&', doubleClick: '&', inputFocus: '&', inputBlur: '&' }, controller: 'mentionInputController', link: function (scope, element, attr) { // Register api functions in internalApi // If selectorApi passed is not undefined, we will use it as internalApi scope.internalApi = scope.mentionApi || {}; scope.rangeInfo = {}; var content = element.find('.mention-input-content'); var nameStr = $translate.instant('Name'); var descStr = $translate.instant('Description'); // Set input classes var classAttrs = scope.inputClass; if (!_.isEmpty(classAttrs)) { content.addClass(classAttrs); } scope.$watch('inputReadonly', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (!newValue) { content.attr('contenteditable', true); } else if (!oldValue) { content.attr('contenteditable', false); } }); scope.$watch('rangeInfo', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { getFiredFormulaInfo(); } }); // Build tag for selected key value item var getKeyValueText = function (item) { var rtn; if (!_.isEmpty(item) && !_.isEmpty(item.code)) { if (scope.showName) { rtn = '<pre data-type="0" title="' + item.description + '" data-code="' + item.code + '" contenteditable="false">' + '@' + + ' </pre>'; } else { rtn = '<pre data-type="0" title="' + nameStr + ':' + + ' ' + descStr + ':' + item.description + '" contenteditable="false">' + item.code + ' </pre>'; } } else { rtn = '<pre contenteditable="false">' + (item.code || ('@' + item.label)) + ' </pre>'; } return rtn; }; // Build tag for selected formula item var getFormulaText = function (item) { var rtn; if (!_.isEmpty(item) && !_.isEmpty(item.code)) { rtn = '<pre data-type="1" data-description="' + item.description + '" data-name="' + + '" data-code="' + item.code + '" contenteditable="inherit"><span contenteditable="false">' + item.code + '(</span>)</pre>'; } else { rtn = item.code || item.label; } return rtn; }; // multiple types of elements can be selected: // <pre contenteditable='false'>@QCYE</pre> // <pre contenteditable='inherit'><span contenteditable='false'>BB</span>(1,2,3,4)</pre> var getStartEndInfo = function (range) { var rtn = null; if (!range) { var selection = window.getSelection(); try { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } catch (ex) { } if (!range) { return rtn; } } // Only workable with range objects. if ('Range') >= 0) { rtn = { startEle: range.startContainer, endEle: range.endContainer, startOffset: range.startOffset, // The selection offset in the startEle, -1 represents the whole element is selected. endOffset: range.endOffset // The selection offset in the endEle, -1 represents the whole element is selected. } var curNode = rtn.startEle; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!curNode || curNode === content[0]) { break; } curNode = curNode.parentNode; } if (curNode !== content[0]) { rtn.startEle = null; rtn.startOffset = -1; } curNode = rtn.endEle; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!curNode || curNode === content[0]) { break; } curNode = curNode.parentNode; } if (curNode !== content[0]) { rtn.endEle = null; rtn.endOffset = -1; } // End element in the range is the contenteditable div itself // That means the real end element is the last element on or before the endOffset. if (rtn.endEle === content[0]) { rtn.endEle = rtn.endOffset <= 0 ? null : rtn.endEle.childNodes[rtn.endOffset - 1]; rtn.endOffset = -1; } // Ignore empty #text while (rtn.endEle && rtn.endEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text && rtn.endEle.nodeValue === '') { rtn.endEle = rtn.endEle.previousSibling; rtn.endOffset = -1; } // #text not empty , get its parent. If parent is not contenteditable div itself, // set endEle to the parent element. if (rtn.endEle && rtn.endEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text) { var parentEle = rtn.endEle.parentNode; if (!parentEle.isContentEditable) { // For IE, the startContainer/endContainer are always #text // even if actually it is an element rtn.endEle = parentEle; } else if (rtn.endOffset === 0 && parentEle === content[0]) { // endOffset === 0 means the #text is next to the real endEle rtn.endEle = rtn.endEle.previousSibling; if (rtn.endEle) { if (rtn.endEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text) { rtn.endOffset = rtn.endEle.length; } else { rtn.endOffset = -1; } } } else if (rtn.endOffset < 0) { // endOffset < 0 means the range.endOffset is actually the offset of #text in its parent // set endOffset to the end of #text rtn.endOffset = rtn.endEle.length; } } // Start element in the range is the contenteditable div itself // That means the real start element is the first element on or after the startOffset. if (rtn.startEle === content[0]) { rtn.startEle = rtn.startOffset >= rtn.startEle.childNodes.length ? null : rtn.startEle.childNodes[rtn.startOffset]; rtn.startOffset = -1; } // Ignore empty #text while (rtn.startEle && rtn.startEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text && rtn.startEle.nodeValue === '') { rtn.startEle = rtn.startEle.nextSibling; rtn.startOffset = -1; } // #text not empty , get its parent. If parent is not contenteditable div itself, // set startEle to the parent element. if (rtn.startEle && rtn.startEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text) { var parentEle = rtn.startEle.parentNode; if (!parentEle.isContentEditable) { // For IE, the startContainer/endContainer are always #text // even if actually it is an element rtn.startEle = parentEle; } else if (rtn.startOffset === rtn.startEle.length && parentEle === content[0]) { // startOffset === startEle.length means the #text is previous to the real startEle rtn.startEle = rtn.startEle.nextSibling; if (rtn.startEle) { if (rtn.startEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text) { rtn.startOffset = 0; } else { rtn.startOffset = -1; } } } else if (rtn.startOffset < 0) { // startOffset < 0 means the range.startOffset is actually the offset of #text in its parent // set startOffset to the start of #text rtn.startOffset = 0; } } } return rtn; }; var getFiredFormulaInfo = function () { if (!attr.firedName || !attr.firedFormulaParams) { return; } var selection = window.getSelection(); var range; try { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } catch (ex) { } if (!range) { getFiredFormulaByElement(null); return; } $log.debug(range); var startEndInfo = getStartEndInfo(range); $log.debug(startEndInfo); if (!startEndInfo) { getFiredFormulaByElement(null); return; } if (startEndInfo.startEle && startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode !== content[0]) { startEndInfo.startEle = startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode; } if (startEndInfo.endEle && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode !== content[0]) { startEndInfo.endEle = startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode; } if (range.startContainer !== range.endContainer && startEndInfo.startEle !== startEndInfo.endEle) { getFiredFormulaByElement(null); } else if (range.startContainer === range.endContainer) { // caret between two elements if (startEndInfo.endEle && startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text) { getFiredFormulaByElement(startEndInfo.endEle); } else if (startEndInfo.startEle && startEndInfo.startEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text) { getFiredFormulaByElement(startEndInfo.startEle); } else { getFiredFormulaByElement(null); } } else if (startEndInfo.endEle && startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text) { // Same element, not #text getFiredFormulaByElement(startEndInfo.endEle); } else { getFiredFormulaByElement(null); } }; var getFiredFormulaByElement = function (ele) { if (!ele) { scope.firedName = ''; scope.firedFormulaParams = ''; scope.firedTag = null; } else { var wrappedEle = angular.element(ele); if (wrappedEle.attr('data-type') === '1') { var firedFormulaParams = wrappedEle.text(); var firstBracketPos = firedFormulaParams.indexOf('('); if (firstBracketPos > 0) { scope.firedName = wrappedEle.attr('data-code'); firedFormulaParams = firedFormulaParams.substring(firstBracketPos + 1, firedFormulaParams.length); scope.firedFormulaParams = firedFormulaParams; scope.firedTag = ele; scope.firedTagType = wrappedEle.attr('data-type'); } else { scope.firedName = ''; scope.firedFormulaParams = ''; scope.firedTag = null; } } else { var firedName = wrappedEle.attr('data-code'); if (firedName && firedName.length > 1 && firedName.charAt(0) === '@') { firedName = firedName.substring(1); scope.firedName = firedName; scope.firedFormulaParams = ''; scope.firedTag = ele; scope.firedTagType = wrappedEle.attr('data-type'); } } } }; var deleteRange = function (startEndInfo) { if (startEndInfo && startEndInfo.startEle && startEndInfo.endEle) { // If part of the range is out of the editor, block this operation. if (startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode !== content[0] && (!startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode || startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode.parentNode !== content[0]) || startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode !== content[0] && (!startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode || startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode.parentNode !== content[0])) { return; } var startEle = startEndInfo.startEle; var startOffset = startEndInfo.startOffset; var endEle = startEndInfo.endEle; var endOffset = startEndInfo.endOffset; // Delete the elements between start element and end element // If start element and end element are not in the same level or not in same parent, treat both children of content[0]. if (startEle.parentNode !== content[0] && endEle.parentNode !== content[0] && startEle.parentNode !== endEle.parentNode) { startEle = startEle.parentNode; endEle = endEle.parentNode; } else if (startEle.parentNode !== content[0] && endEle.parentNode === content[0]) { startEle = startEle.parentNode; } else if (endEle.parentNode !== content[0] && startEle.parentNode === content[0]) { endEle = endEle.parentNode; } var curEle = startEle; var toDeleteNodes = []; if (curEle !== endEle) { while (curEle.nextSibling !== endEle && curEle.nextSibling) { curEle = curEle.nextSibling; toDeleteNodes.push(curEle); } toDeleteNodes.forEach(function (n) { if (n.parentNode === content[0]) { n.parentNode.removeChild(n); } }); } // If selection is in a #text node, delete the selected content if (startEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text && startEle === endEle) { startEle.deleteData(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset); } else { // If selection start or end is not #text, just delete the element directly; otherwise delete the selected content if (startEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text) { if (startEle.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(startEle); } else if (startEle.parentNode && startEle.parentNode.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(startEle.parentNode); } } else { startEle.deleteData(startOffset, startEle.length - startOffset); } if (endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text) { if (endEle.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(endEle); } else if (endEle.parentNode && endEle.parentNode.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(endEle.parentNode); } } else { endEle.deleteData(0, endOffset); } } } }; // <div contenteditable>""|"text1"|""|<pre>"" "preText" "" "" </pre>|""|" "|"" </div> var handleBackspace = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var selection = window.getSelection(); var range; try { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } catch (ex) { } var startEndInfo = getStartEndInfo(range); if (startEndInfo) { // selection type is caret if (range.startContainer === range.endContainer && range.startOffset === range.endOffset && startEndInfo.endEle) { if (startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text) { if (startEndInfo.endOffset > 0) { // Delete character before caret startEndInfo.endEle.deleteData(startEndInfo.endOffset - 1, 1); } } else { if (startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(startEndInfo.endEle); } else if (startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode); } } } else { // selection type is range deleteRange(startEndInfo); } } content.trigger('keyup'); }; var handleDelete = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var selection = window.getSelection(); var range; try { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } catch (ex) { } var startEndInfo = getStartEndInfo(range); if (startEndInfo) { // selection type is caret if (range.startContainer === range.endContainer && range.startOffset === range.endOffset && startEndInfo.startEle) { if (startEndInfo.startEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text) { if (startEndInfo.startOffset < startEndInfo.startEle.length) { // Delete character after caret startEndInfo.startEle.deleteData(startEndInfo.startOffset, 1); } } else { if (startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(startEndInfo.startEle); } else if (startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode && startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode.parentNode === content[0]) { content[0].removeChild(startEndInfo.startEle.parentNode); } } } else { // selection type is range deleteRange(startEndInfo); } } content.trigger('keyup'); }; var isValid = function () { return scope.isValid; }; if (scope.internalApi) { scope.internalApi.isValid = isValid; scope.internalApi.triggerValidator = function (val, field) { if (_.isFunction(scope.customValidator)) { scope.isValid = scope.customValidator({ 'value': val, 'ngModel': field }); } }; } content.bind('keydown', function (e) { if (scope.inputReadonly) { return; } // Clear empty text node in contenteditable to make sure mentio work. // And after empty text been cleared, Enter does not work issue is fixed. Why??? mentioUtil.clearEmptyTextNode(content[0]); // Since backspace in IE11 will delete characters in contenteditable="false" elements, // we have to add custom backspace handler. switch (e.keyCode) { case enums.keyCode.enter: // prevent the default behaviour of return key pressed e.preventDefault(); break; case enums.keyCode.backspace: handleBackspace(e); break; case enums.keyCode.delete: handleDelete(e); break; default: break; } }); // Fix issue - <pre contenteditable="false"></pre> can be modified in IE11 content.bind('keypress', function (e) { if (scope.inputReadonly || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) { return; } var selection = window.getSelection(); var range; try { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } catch (ex) { } var startEndInfo = getStartEndInfo(range); if (startEndInfo && startEndInfo.endEle) { // selection type is caret if (range.startContainer === range.endContainer && range.startOffset === range.endOffset) { // caret is not in #text, but after or in a <pre> node in contenteditable if (startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode === content[0]) { // caret after <span> node in <pre> node, only appear in IE. if (startEndInfo.endOffset === 1 && startEndInfo.childNodes && startEndInfo.childNodes[0] !== enums.domNodeType.text) { return; } // Find the offset of the node in contenteditable var offset = -1; for (offset = 0; offset < content[0].childNodes.length; offset++) { var n = content[0].childNodes[offset]; if (n === startEndInfo.endEle) { break; } } if (offset < 0) { // Cannot find the node offset, it may not be in the contenteditable return; } // caret is at the beginning of editable <pre> node, only appear in IE. if (startEndInfo.endOffset === 0 && offset === 0 && startEndInfo.endEle.childNodes.length > 0 && startEndInfo.endEle.childNodes[0] !== enums.domNodeType.text) { // Add the key to the left of the node. //e.preventDefault(); var txtNode = document.createTextNode('\xA0'); //var newRange = document.createRange(); var maxLength = content[0].childNodes ? content[0].childNodes.length : 0; range.setStart(content[0], 0); range.setEnd(content[0], 0); range.insertNode(txtNode); range.collapse(false); range = range.cloneRange(); range.setStart(txtNode, 0); range.setEnd(txtNode, txtNode.length); //range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } else { // Add the key to the right of the node. //e.preventDefault(); var txtNode = document.createTextNode('\xA0'); //var newRange = document.createRange(); var maxLength = content[0].childNodes ? content[0].childNodes.length : 0; range.setStart(content[0], maxLength > offset ? (offset + 1) : maxLength); range.setEnd(content[0], maxLength > offset ? (offset + 1) : maxLength); range.insertNode(txtNode); range.collapse(false); range = range.cloneRange(); range.setStart(txtNode, 0); range.setEnd(txtNode, txtNode.length); //range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } // caret is in #text, but in the end of the text node in editable <pre> node in contenteditable else if (startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType === enums.domNodeType.text && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode.parentNode === content[0] && startEndInfo.endEle.length === range.endOffset) { // Find the offset of the node in contenteditable var offset = -1; for (offset = 0; offset < content[0].childNodes.length; offset++) { var n = content[0].childNodes[offset]; if (n === startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode) { break; } } if (offset < 0) { // Cannot find the node offset, it may not be in the contenteditable return; } // Add the key to the right of the node. //e.preventDefault(); var txtNode = document.createTextNode('\xA0'); //var newRange = range.cloneRange(); var maxLength = content[0].childNodes ? content[0].childNodes.length : 0; range.setStart(content[0], maxLength > offset ? (offset + 1) : maxLength); range.setEnd(content[0], maxLength > offset ? (offset + 1) : maxLength); range.insertNode(txtNode); range.collapse(false); range = range.cloneRange(); range.setStart(txtNode, txtNode.length); range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } // caret is at the beginning of <span> node in editable <pre>, only appear in IE. else if (startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode && startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode.parentNode === content[0] && 0 === range.endOffset) { // Find the offset of the node in contenteditable var offset = -1; for (offset = 0; offset < content[0].childNodes.length; offset++) { var n = content[0].childNodes[offset]; if (n === startEndInfo.endEle.parentNode) { break; } } if (offset < 0) { // Cannot find the node offset, it may not be in the contenteditable return; } // Add the key to the left of <pre> node. //e.preventDefault(); var txtNode = document.createTextNode('\xA0'); //var newRange = document.createRange(); range.setStart(content[0], offset); range.setEnd(content[0], offset); range.insertNode(txtNode); range.collapse(false); range = range.cloneRange(); range.setStart(txtNode, offset); range.setEnd(txtNode, offset + txtNode.length); //range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } else if (startEndInfo.startEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text || startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text) { // selection type is range and startEle or EndEle is not #text, // then prevent the operation. e.preventDefault(); } } }); var onDoubleClick = function () { if (_.isFunction(scope.doubleClick)) { if (_.isEmpty(scope.firedTag)) { $log.debug('dblclick event: get fired formula'); getFiredFormulaInfo(); } scope.doubleClick({ '$event': { tagInfo: scope.firedTag, name: scope.firedName, formulaParams: scope.firedFormulaParams, tagType: scope.firedTagType } }); } }; // Block pasting elements content.bind('paste', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (scope.inputReadonly) { return; } var text = null; if (window.clipboardData && clipboardData.setData) { // IE text = window.clipboardData.getData('text'); } else { text = (e.originalEvent || e).clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); } text = text.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/\n/g, ''); // For IE, only support 11+ var selection = window.getSelection(); var range; try { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } catch (ex) { } var startEndInfo = getStartEndInfo(range); if (startEndInfo) { // Block paste operation while selection start or end is not #text node. if (startEndInfo.startEle && startEndInfo.endEle && (startEndInfo.startEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text || startEndInfo.endEle.nodeType !== enums.domNodeType.text)) { return; } // selection type is not caret, then delete the selected range first. if (range.startContainer !== range.endContainer || range.startOffset !== range.endOffset) { deleteRange(startEndInfo); } var txtNode = document.createTextNode(text); range.insertNode(txtNode); // Preserve the selection range = range.cloneRange(); range.setStart(txtNode, txtNode.length); range.collapse(true); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } content.trigger('keyup'); }); content.bind('focus', function (e) { if (_.isFunction(scope.inputFocus)) { scope.inputFocus({ '$event': e }); } }); content.bind('blur', function (e) { if (_.isFunction(scope.inputBlur)) { scope.inputBlur({ '$event': e }); } }); scope.getKeyValueText = getKeyValueText; scope.getFormulaText = getFormulaText; scope.getFiredFormulaInfo = getFiredFormulaInfo; scope.onDoubleClick = onDoubleClick; } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('menuSelectorController', ['$scope', 'menuService', function ($scope, menuService) { //toggle tree node $scope.toggleMenu = function (scope) { scope.toggle(); }; function FindParentMenu(menus, id) { var parentMenu = null; for (var i = 0, len = menus.length; i < len; i++) { if (menus[i].id === id) { parentMenu = menus[i]; break; } else if (menus[i].subMenus && menus[i].subMenus.length > 0) { parentMenu = FindParentMenu(menus[i].subMenus, id); if (parentMenu != null) break; } } return parentMenu; }; function CheckedParentMenu(menus, id) { var parentObj = FindParentMenu(menus, id); if (parentObj) { var allCheck = true; for (var i = 0, len = parentObj.subMenus.length; i < len; i++) { if (!parentObj.subMenus[i].isChecked) { allCheck = false; break; } } if (allCheck) { parentObj.isChecked = true; $scope.checkedMenusNameSet[id] =; if (parentObj.parentID && $.inArray(parentObj.parentID + "", $scope.selectedMenuCodes) === -1) { CheckedParentMenu($scope.menuData, parentObj.parentID); } } } else { console.error("Not found the parent authority."); } }; function UnCheckParentMenu(menus, id) { var parentObj = FindParentMenu(menus, id); if (parentObj) { parentObj.isChecked = false; delete $scope.checkedMenusNameSet[id]; if (parentObj.parentID && $.inArray(parentObj.parentID + "", $scope.selectedMenuCodes) !== -1) { UnCheckParentMenu($scope.menuData, parentObj.parentID); } } else { console.error("Not found the parent authority."); } }; $scope.toggleMenuSub = function (menu) { if (menu.isChecked) { $scope.checkedMenusNameSet[] =; if (menu.parentID && $.inArray(menu.parentID + "", $scope.selectedMenuCodes) === -1) { CheckedParentMenu($scope.menuData, menu.parentID); } } else { delete $scope.checkedMenusNameSet[]; //if the menu is child menu, and parent menu is checked, need to uncheck parent menu if (menu.parentID && $.inArray(menu.parentID + "", $scope.selectedMenuCodes) !== -1) { UnCheckParentMenu($scope.menuData, menu.parentID); } } $scope.selectedMenuCodes = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusNameSet); $scope.selectedMenuNames = _.values($scope.checkedMenusNameSet); if (!menu.subMenus) { return; } menu.subMenus.forEach(function (d) { d.isChecked = menu.isChecked; $scope.toggleMenuSub(d); }); }; $scope.getSelectedOrgDisplayText = function () { if ($scope.selectedMenuNames !== "") { return $scope.selectedMenuNames; } else { return ''; } }; function checkSelectMenu(menuArray) { menuArray.forEach(function (menu) { if ($scope.selectedMenuNames.indexOf( > -1) { menu.isChecked = true; // drop dirty data: $scope.$digest(); $scope.checkedMenusNameSet[] =; } if (menu.subMenus && menu.subMenus.length > 0) { checkSelectMenu(menu.subMenus); } }); $scope.selectedMenuCodes = _.keys($scope.checkedMenusNameSet); $scope.selectedMenuNames = _.values($scope.checkedMenusNameSet); } //fix issue: when re-create dialog, the menu check still keep last status, not refresh; $scope.updateMenuChecked = function () { $scope.checkedMenusNameSet = {}; //clear all checked status $scope.menuData.forEach(function (menu) { menu.isChecked = false; if (!menu.subMenus || menu.subMenus.length === 0) { return; } menu.subMenus.forEach(function (subMenu) { subMenu.isChecked = false; }); }); if ($scope.selectedMenuNames && $scope.selectedMenuNames.length > 0) { checkSelectMenu($scope.menuData); } }; $scope.$watch('serviceId', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === oldValue) { return newValue; } getMenusByService(newValue); }); function getMenusByService(serviceID) { if (serviceID != null && angular.isString(serviceID)) { menuService.getMenus(serviceID).success(function (menuData) { $scope.menuData = menuData; }); } } (function () { getMenusByService($scope.serviceId); //menu property $scope.menuData = []; $scope.checkedMenusNameSet = {}; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('menuSelector', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('menuSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/menu-multi-selector/menu-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedMenuCodes: '=', selectedMenuNames: '=', serviceId: '=', serviceRequired: '&' }, controller: 'menuSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { // in dialog element.find('.selector-input').on('click', function () { //console.log('click call....') if (scope.serviceId != null && angular.isString(scope.serviceId)) { scope.updateMenuChecked(); scope.$digest(); element.find('.menu-tree-container').show(); } else { scope.serviceRequired(); } }); $(document).on('click', function () { element.find('.menu-tree-container').hide(); }).on('click', '.menu-tree-wrapper', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('modelAnalysisReportIssueFilterController', ['$scope', '$translate', '$uibModal', 'modelConfigurationService', 'vatPreviewService', '$compile', '$q', 'dxDataGridService', function ($scope, $translate, $uibModal, modelConfigurationService, vatPreviewService, $compile, $q, dxDataGridService) { 'use strict'; $scope.trans = { OTNoDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText') }; var ENTRY_COLUMNS = [ { alignment: "left", dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), //sortIndex: 0, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: 65 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), //sortIndex: 1, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: 95 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), //sortIndex: 2, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: 180 }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), //sortIndex: 3, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "20%" }, { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "30%" }, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), width: "20%" }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), width: "30%" }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", width: 120 }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", width: 120 } //{ // dataField: "isFiltered", // caption: "过滤", // alignment: "right", // width: 50 //} ]; var SINGULAR_VOUCHER_COLUMNS = [ { alignment: "left", dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "30%" }, { alignment: "left", dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), //sortIndex: 0, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "35%" }, { alignment: "left", dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), //sortIndex: 1, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "35%" }, { alignment: "right", dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), width: 170 }, { alignment: "right", dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), width: 170 }]; var VOUCHER_COLUMNS = [ { dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), //sortIndex: 0, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: 130 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), format: "yyyy-MM-dd", //sortIndex: 1, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: 100 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), //sortIndex: 2, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "50%" }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), //sortIndex: 3, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "50%" }, { dataField: "debitSum", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebitSum'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }, { dataField: "creditSum", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCreditSum'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }]; var VOUCHER_DETAIL_COLUMNS = [ { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "50%" }, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), //sortIndex: 1, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "25%" }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), //sortIndex: 0, //sortOrder: 'asc', width: "25%" }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }]; var DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 100; //加载分录数据 var loadEntryData = function () { var viewModel = $scope.entry; var pagingInfo = { pageIndex: viewModel.pagingOptions.pageIndex, pageSize: viewModel.pagingOptions.pageSize }; //TODO:前台 modelType 与数据中 Model 的 Type 是否一致,此时数据库中存在 Type != 1 & 2 的情况 var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getEntriesModelResultDetail; apiFunc($scope.modelId, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.modelType, $scope.periodFrom, $scope.periodTo, pagingInfo, $scope.filterIssue, false).then(function (response) { var data =; viewModel.debitSum = _.reduce(data, function (sum, x) { return sum + ($.isNumeric(x.debit) ? parseFloat(x.debit) : 0); }, 0); viewModel.debitSum = PWC.round(viewModel.debitSum); viewModel.creditSum = _.reduce(data, function (sum, x) { return sum + ($.isNumeric( ? parseFloat( : 0); }, 0); viewModel.creditSum = PWC.round(viewModel.creditSum); viewModel.entryCount = data.length; viewModel.voucherCount = _.keys(_.groupBy(data, function (item) { return item.period + "_" + + "_" + item.vid; })).length; $.each(data, function (i, row) { row.debit = PWC.round(row.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); fillSummaryFields(viewModel); viewModel.isLoaded = true; selectFilteredItems(viewModel.dataGridInstance); viewModel.dataSource = data; }); }; //加载凭证列表数据 var loadVoucherData = function () { var viewModel = $scope.voucher; var pagingInfo = { pageIndex: viewModel.pagingOptions.pageIndex, pageSize: viewModel.pagingOptions.pageSize }; var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getEntriesModelResultDetailByVoucher; apiFunc($scope.modelId, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.modelType, $scope.periodFrom, $scope.periodTo, pagingInfo, $scope.filterIssue).then(function (response) { var data =; viewModel.debitSum = PWC.round(data.debitSum, 2); viewModel.creditSum = PWC.round(data.creditSum, 2); viewModel.voucherCount = data.vidCount; viewModel.entryCount = data.itemIDCount; data.voucherMainList.forEach(function (row) { row.debitSum = PWC.round(row.debitSum, 2); row.creditSum = PWC.round(row.creditSum, 2); }); fillSummaryFields(viewModel); viewModel.isLoaded = true; selectFilteredItems(viewModel.dataGridInstance); viewModel.dataSource = data.voucherMainList; }); }; //加载单凭证数据(弹出框 & 凭证列表明细表) var loadSingularVoucherDetailData = function (period, voucherNum, group) { var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getEntriesByVoucher; return apiFunc($scope.modelId, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.modelType, $scope.periodFrom, $scope.periodTo, period, voucherNum, group, $scope.filterIssue).then(function (response) { var data =; $.each(data, function (i, item) { item.debit = PWC.round(item.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); return data }); }; //创建凭证明细 dataGrid 控件(模板) var voucherDetailTemplate = function (container, options) { var gridOption = $.extend(true, {}, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS, { columns: VOUCHER_DETAIL_COLUMNS, dataSource: new{ load: function (loadOptions) { return loadSingularVoucherDetailData(,,; } }), onRowPrepared: function (e) { if ($scope.filterIssue && e.rowType == 'data' && && === 1) e.rowElement.addClass('entriesHighLight'); } }); $("<div>").dxDataGrid(gridOption).appendTo(container); }; var fillSummaryFields = function (viewModel) { $scope.entryCount = viewModel.entryCount; $scope.voucherCount = viewModel.voucherCount; $scope.debitSum = viewModel.debitSum; $scope.creditSum = viewModel.creditSum; }; var selectFilteredItems = function (gridInstance) { if (!$scope.isFilter) return; var dataSource = gridInstance.getDataSource(); gridInstance.clearSelection(); var selectedItems = _.filter(, function (item) { return item.isFiltered === 1 }); if (selectedItems && selectedItems.length > 0) { gridInstance.selectRows(selectedItems); } }; var checkRequestAccessible = function () { return !!$scope.modelId && !!$scope.modelType && !!$scope.periodFrom && !!$scope.periodTo && !!$scope.serviceTypeId && ($scope.displayMode === 1 || $scope.displayMode === 2); }; //根据当前 "参数" 重新加载数据 var reloadViewModelData = function () { var reModel = $scope.displayMode === 1 ? $scope.voucher : $scope.entry; //在数据源重新加载数据后,在 load 里面 fillSummaryFields if (!reModel.isLoaded) { reModel.pagingOptions.pageIndex = 1; if (!(!!$scope.modelId && !!$scope.modelType && !!$scope.periodFrom && !!$scope.periodTo && !!$scope.serviceTypeId && ($scope.displayMode === 1 || $scope.displayMode === 2))) return; reModel.getItemsTotalCount(); $scope.displayMode === 1 ? loadVoucherData() : loadEntryData(); } else { fillSummaryFields(reModel); } }; $scope.$watchGroup(["modelId", "modelType", "periodFrom", "periodTo", "serviceTypeId"], function (newValue, oldValue) { $scope.entry.isLoaded = false; $scope.voucher.isLoaded = false; reloadViewModelData(); }); $scope.$watch("displayMode", function (newValue, oldValue) { reloadViewModelData(); }); $scope.exportSupported = !!$scope.exportSupported; $scope.displayMode = $scope.displayMode || 2; $scope.entryCount = 0; $scope.voucherCount = 0; $scope.debitSum = 0; $scope.creditSum = 0; /* * 为了使切换 "分录" 与 "凭证" 不引起数据重加载,需要注意: * 1.summary 数据必须针对 "分录" 与 "凭证" 进行缓存,使切换显示方式时,不用进行远程网络请求 * 2.分页控件也需要独立设置,切换或进行分页显示时可以"记忆"该模式下的分页信息 * 3.仅当"分析结果"焦点行发生变化时刷新本模块数据 * 4.刷新加载数据时仅加载当前显示模式的数据,当切换到的模式下没有数据时,进行数据请求,需要对两个显示方式分别设置 已加载数据的标志值,并在 3 的情景下,重设标志值 * */ //分录列表 $scope.entry = { entryCount: 0, voucherCount: 0, debitSum: 0, creditSum: 0, dataGridInstance: null, dataSource: [], dxDataGridOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: "entry.dataSource" }, columns: ENTRY_COLUMNS, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.entry.dataGridInstance = e.component; dxDataGridService.fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight(e.component); dxDataGridService.registerRowDbClick(e.component); }, onRowDbClick: function (e) { $scope.singularVoucher.openEntriesCheckSingularVoucher(,,,; }, onRowPrepared: function (e) { if (!$scope.filterIssue) { if (e.rowType !== 'header' && && === 1) e.rowElement.addClass('entriesHighLight'); } }, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { if (!$scope.filterIssue) return; var dataSource = $scope.entry.dxDataGridOptions.dataSource; var selectedItems = []; $.each(e.currentSelectedRowKeys, function (i, selectedItem) { $.each(dataSource._array, function (j, item) { if (item.period === selectedItem.period && === && item.vid === selectedItem.vid) selectedItems.push(item); }); }); $scope.entry.dataGridInstance.selectRows(selectedItems); } }, isLoaded: false, pagingOptions: { pageIndex: 1, pageSize: DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, totalItems: 0 }, getItemsTotalCount: function () { var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getEntriesModelResultDetailCount; apiFunc($scope.modelId, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.modelType, $scope.periodFrom, $scope.periodTo, true).then(function (response) { $scope.entry.pagingOptions.totalItems =; }); } }; //凭证列表 $scope.voucher = { entryCount: 0, voucherCount: 0, debitSum: 0, creditSum: 0, dataGridInstance: null, dataSource: [], dxDataGridOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: "voucher.dataSource" }, columns: VOUCHER_COLUMNS, masterDetail: { enabled: true, template: voucherDetailTemplate }, onCellPrepared: function (e) { if (e.rowType === "header" && $(e.cellElement).hasClass("dx-command-expand")) { var btn = $("<div class='dx-datagrid-group-closed'></div>"); btn.attr("ng-click", "voucher.toggleAllMasterRows($event)"); e.cellElement.html($compile(btn)($scope)); } }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.voucher.dataGridInstance = e.component; dxDataGridService.fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight(e.component); dxDataGridService.registerRowDbClick(e.component); }, onRowDbClick: function (e) { $scope.singularVoucher.openEntriesCheckSingularVoucher(,,,; } }, isLoaded: false, pagingOptions: { pageIndex: 1, pageSize: DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, totalItems: 0 }, getItemsTotalCount: function () { var apiFunc = vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedCount; apiFunc('8', true, false, []).then(function (response) { $scope.entry.pagingOptions.totalItems =; }); }, toggleAllMasterRows: function ($event) { var expand = "dx-datagrid-group-closed"; var collapse = "dx-datagrid-group-opened"; if ($($ { $scope.voucher.dataGridInstance.expandAll(-1); $($; $($; } else { $scope.voucher.dataGridInstance.collapseAll(-1); $($; $($; } } }; //单张凭证详细信息(弹出框) $scope.singularVoucher = { //凭证日期 date: null, //期间 period: null, //凭证类型 group: null, //凭证号 voucherNum: null, dataGridInstance: null, dataSource: [], dxDataGridOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: "singularVoucher.dataSource" }, columns: SINGULAR_VOUCHER_COLUMNS, onInitialized: function (e) { dxDataGridService.fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight(e.component); } }, openEntriesCheckSingularVoucher: function (date, period, group, voucherNum) { var singularVoucher = $scope.singularVoucher; = new Date(date).dateTimeToString("yyyyMMdd"); singularVoucher.period = period; = group; singularVoucher.voucherNum = voucherNum; singularVoucher.modalOpened = false; loadSingularVoucherDetailData(period, voucherNum, group).then(function (data) { $scope.singularVoucher.dataSource = data; }); var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', backdrop: "static", templateUrl: 'model-analysis-entries-check-singular-voucher.html', scope: $scope, windowClass: "model-analysis-entries-check-singular-voucher" }); singularVoucher.close = function () { modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } }; $scope.exportCurrentPageToExcel = function () { console.log("//TODO:尚未实现 exportCurrentPageToExcel"); }; $scope.exportAllPageToExcel = function () { console.log("//TODO:尚未实现 exportAllPageToExcel"); }; (function initialize() { $.extend(true, $scope.entry.dxDataGridOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS); $.extend(true, $scope.voucher.dxDataGridOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS); $.extend(true, $scope.singularVoucher.dxDataGridOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS); })(); //TODO:针对于"总账->明细账"的数据获取,"总账->明细账"的数据获取/count计算/分页/listQueryCondition 等信息获取未实现 var drillDownDetailVoucherDataLoad = function (pageIndex) { var drillDownDetail = $scope.indexAnalysis.drillDownDetail; drillDownDetail.curVoucherItemPage = pageIndex; drillDownDetail.pagingInfo.pageIndex = pageIndex; if (drillDownDetail.displayMode === 1) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByVoucher('8', false, drillDownDetail.pagingInfo, drillDownDetail.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { = PWC.round(, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); (v) { v.debitSum = PWC.round(v.debitSum, 2); v.creditSum = PWC.round(v.creditSum, 2); }); drillDownDetail.dataList =; drillDownDetail.voucherCount =; drillDownDetail.entryCount =; drillDownDetail.debitSum =; drillDownDetail.creditSum =; //先加载Div $timeout(function () { initIndexDetailVoucherDataGrid(); }, 100); }); } else { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByEntry('8', false, drillDownDetail.pagingInfo, drillDownDetail.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { = PWC.round(, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); drillDownDetail.dataList =; drillDownDetail.voucherCount =; drillDownDetail.entryCount =; drillDownDetail.debitSum =; drillDownDetail.creditSum =; //先加载Div $timeout(function () { initIndexDetailVoucherDataGrid(); }, 100); }); } computeVoucherItemPage(false); }; }]); commonModule.directive('modelAnalysisReportIssueFilter', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/model-analysis-report-issue-filter/model-analysis-report-issue-filter.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { exportSupported: "=?",////默认不支持导出 displayMode: "=?",//默认的显示类型为 2(按凭证显示) filterIssue: "=", modelId: "=", modelType: "=", periodFrom: "=", periodTo: "=", serviceTypeId: "=" }, controller: 'modelAnalysisReportIssueFilterController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { } }; }]); commonModule.controller('modelAnalysisReportController', ['$scope', '$translate', '$uibModal', 'modelConfigurationService', '$compile', '$q', 'dxDataGridService', function ($scope, $translate, $uibModal, modelConfigurationService, $compile, $q, dxDataGridService) { 'use strict'; $scope.trans = { OPCancel: $translate.instant('Cancel'), OPConfirm: $translate.instant('Confirm'), OPDelete: $translate.instant('Delete'), OPDeleteSelected: $translate.instant('DeleteSelected'), OPEdit: $translate.instant('Edit'), OTAddSuccess: $translate.instant('AddSuccess'), OTBoolFalse: $translate.instant('False'), OTBoolTrue: $translate.instant('True'), OTDeleteConfirm: $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'), OTDeleteSelected: $translate.instant('DeleteSelected'), OTDeleteSuccess: $translate.instant('DeleteSuccess'), OTEditSuccess: $translate.instant('EditSuccess'), OTNoDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), OTSearch: $translate.instant('Search'), }; $scope.isModelBackFill = (typeof $scope.isModelBackFill) === "string" ? $scope.isModelBackFill === "true" : !!$scope.isModelBackFill; var ENTRIES_CHECK_COLUMNS = [ { dataField: "showIndex", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColNO'), width: "5.5em", allowEditing: false, alignment: "center", visible: !$scope.isModelBackFill }, { allowEditing: false, alignment: "center", dataField: "isException", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColStatus'), width: "8em" }, { allowEditing: false, alignment: "left", dataField: "name", caption: $translate.instant('ModelName'), width: "40%" }, { allowEditing: false, alignment: "center", dataField: "voucherNum", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColVoucherNumberCount'), width: "6.5em", visible: !$scope.isModelBackFill }, { allowEditing: false, alignment: "center", dataField: "isFilter", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColFilterIssue'), width: "6.5em", visible: !$scope.isModelBackFill }, { allowEditing: false, alignment: "center", dataField: "voucherDoubts", caption: $translate.instant('IssueNumber'), width: "5.5em" }, { allowEditing: false, dataField: "debitRelevantAmt", dataType: 'number', caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColDebitAcctualAmount'), width: "8.5em", alignment: "right", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 } }, { allowEditing: false, dataField: "creditRelevantAmt", dataType: 'decimal', caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColCreditAcctualAmount'), width: "8.5em", alignment: "right", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 } }, { allowEditing: false, alignment: "left", dataField: "description", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColModelDescription'), width: "60%", visible: !$scope.isModelBackFill }, { allowEditing: true, alignment: "right", dataField: "writeBackData", caption: "回填金额", dataType: "number", width: "8em", visible: false, format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 } } ]; var INDEX_ANALYSIS_COLUMNS = [ { alignment: "center", dataField: "showIndex", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColNO'), width: "5.5em", allowEditing: false, visible: !$scope.isModelBackFill }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "isException", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColStatus'), width: "8em" }, { alignment: "left", dataField: "name", caption: $translate.instant('ModelName'), width: "40%" }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "mainValue", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColCalculatedValue'), width: "6.5em" }, { alignment: "left", dataField: "description", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColModelDescription'), width: "60%", visible: !$scope.isModelBackFill }, { dataField: "monthExplain", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColMonthlyWarningValue'), width: "9.5em", alignment: "left" }, { alignment: "left", dataField: "yearExplain", caption: $translate.instant('Model_ColYearWarningValue'), width: "9.5em" } ]; var INDEX_ANALYSIS_GENERAL_LEDGER_COLUMNS = [ { dataField: "acctCode", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountCode'), width: "20%" }, { dataField: "accountName", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountName'), width: "30%" }, { alignment: "center", caption: "期初余额", columns: [ { alignment: "right", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), dataField: "begDebitBal", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }, width: 120 }, { alignment: "right", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), dataField: "begCreditBal", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }, width: 120 } ] }, { alignment: "center", caption: "累计发生额", columns: [ { alignment: "right", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), dataField: "debitBal", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }, width: 120 }, { alignment: "right", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), dataField: "creditBal", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }, width: 120 } ] }, { alignment: "center", caption: "期末余额", columns: [ { alignment: "right", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), dataField: "endDebitBal", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }, width: 120 }, { alignment: "right", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), dataField: "endCreditBal", format: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }, width: 120 } ] } ]; //检查请求参数是否符合网络请求规范,减少异常的网络访问 var checkRequestAccessible = function () { var accessible = true; accessible &= $scope.modelType === 1 || $scope.modelType === 2; accessible &= _.isString($scope.categoryId) && !!$scope.categoryId; accessible &= _.isString($scope.organizationId) && !!$scope.organizationId; accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.industryId); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.serviceTypeId); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.projectYear); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.periodFrom); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.periodTo); return !!accessible; }; var loadEntriesCheckData = function () { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck; viewModel.dataSource = []; var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getEntriesModelResultByCategory; apiFunc($scope.categoryId, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.organizationId, $scope.industryId, $scope.periodFrom, $scope.periodTo).then(function (response) { viewModel.dataSource =; viewModel.isLoaded = true; }); }; var loadIndexAnalysisData = function () { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis; viewModel.dataSource = []; var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getIndexModelResultByCategory; apiFunc($scope.categoryId, $scope.serviceTypeId, $scope.organizationId, $scope.industryId).then(function (response) { viewModel.dataSource =; viewModel.isLoaded = true; }); }; //检查请求参数是否符合网络请求规范,减少异常的网络访问 var checkModelBackFillRequestAccessible = function () { var accessible = true; accessible &= $scope.modelType === 1 || $scope.modelType === 2; accessible &= _.isString($scope.cellDataId) && !!$scope.cellDataId; accessible &= $.isArray($scope.modelIdList); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.projectYear); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.periodFrom); accessible &= $.isNumeric($scope.periodTo); return !!accessible; }; var loadModelBackFillEntriesCheckData = function () { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck; viewModel.dataSource = []; var paramModel = { cellDataId: $scope.cellDataId, modelIdList: $scope.modelIdList }; var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getEntriesModelResultByCellInfo; apiFunc(paramModel).then(function (response) { var data =; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i].originalWriteBackData = data[i].writeBackData; } var hasWriteBackData = _.any(data, function (e) { return !!e.originalWriteBackData; }); if (hasWriteBackData && !!viewModel.dataGridInstance) { viewModel.dataGridInstance.columnOption("writeBackData", "visible", true); } viewModel.dataSource = data; viewModel.isLoaded = true; }); }; var loadModelBackFillIndexAnalysisData = function () { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis; viewModel.dataSource = []; var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getIndexModelResultByCellInfo; apiFunc($scope.modelIdList).then(function (reason) { viewModel.dataSource =; viewModel.isLoaded = true; }); }; var loadIndexAnalysisGeneralLedgerData = function () { var glViewModel = $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger; glViewModel.dataSource = []; var apiFunc = modelConfigurationService.getGL; apiFunc(glViewModel.resultId, glViewModel.periodFrom, glViewModel.periodTo).then(function (reason) { glViewModel.dataSource =; }); }; //重新加载所有数据 var reloadAnalysisResultData = function () { $scope.analysisResult.selectedRow = null; $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.isLoaded = false; $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dataSource = []; $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis.isLoaded = false; $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis.dataSource = []; var checkRst = $scope.isModelBackFill ? checkModelBackFillRequestAccessible() : checkRequestAccessible(); if (!checkRst) return; if ($scope.isModelBackFill) $scope.modelType === 1 ? loadModelBackFillIndexAnalysisData() : loadModelBackFillEntriesCheckData(); else $scope.modelType === 1 ? loadIndexAnalysisData() : loadEntriesCheckData(); }; var calcResizableHeightLimit = function () { //计算 dataGrid 能调整的高度 var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult[($scope.modelType & 1) === 1 ? "indexAnalysis" : "entriesCheck"]; if ((!viewModel.dataSource) || viewModel.dataSource.length < 1) { $scope.analysisResult.height = $scope.element.height(); $scope.analysisResult.selectedRow = null; return; } var gvMinHeight = 34 + (viewModel.dataSource.length >= 3 ? 3 : viewModel.dataSource.length) * 32; var gvMaxHeight = 34 + (viewModel.dataSource.length >= 10 ? 10 : viewModel.dataSource.length) * 32; //计算 dxResizable 能调整的高度 var minHeight = $scope.element.height() - 5 - gvMaxHeight; var maxHeight = $scope.element.height() - 5 - gvMinHeight; var resizableInstance = $scope.dxResizableOption.dxResizableInstance; var opHeight = resizableInstance.option("height"); var opMaxHeight = resizableInstance.option("maxHeight"); var opMinHeight = resizableInstance.option("minHeight"); if (maxHeight !== opMaxHeight) resizableInstance.option("maxHeight", maxHeight); if (minHeight !== opMinHeight) resizableInstance.option("minHeight", minHeight); var height = opHeight; if (opHeight < minHeight) height = minHeight; if (opHeight > maxHeight) height = maxHeight; if (height !== opHeight) resizableInstance.option("height", height); }; $scope.$watch("modelType", function (newValue, oldValue) { var selectedRows = []; var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult; if (newValue === 1) { if (!viewModel.indexAnalysis.isLoaded) { $scope.isModelBackFill ? loadModelBackFillIndexAnalysisData() : loadIndexAnalysisData(); } else if (!!viewModel.indexAnalysis.dataGridInstance) { selectedRows = viewModel.indexAnalysis.dataGridInstance.getSelectedRowsData(); } } else { if (!viewModel.entriesCheck.isLoaded) { $scope.isModelBackFill ? loadModelBackFillEntriesCheckData() : loadEntriesCheckData(); } else if (!!viewModel.entriesCheck.dataGridInstance) { selectedRows = viewModel.entriesCheck.dataGridInstance.getSelectedRowsData(); } } $scope.analysisResult.selectedRow = selectedRows.length > 0 ? selectedRows[0] : null; }); $scope.$watch("selectedRow", function (newValue, oldValue) { calcResizableHeightLimit(); }); $scope.$on("EditModelWriteBack", function (event, data) { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck; viewModel.dataGridInstance.option("editing.allowUpdating", true); viewModel.dataGridInstance.columnOption("writeBackData", "visible", true); }); $scope.$on("CancelEditModelWriteBack", function (event, data) { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck; var hasWriteBackData = _.any(viewModel.dataSource, function (e) { return !!e.originalWriteBackData; }); for (var i = 0; i < viewModel.dataSource.length; i++) { viewModel.dataSource[i].writeBackData = viewModel.dataSource[i].originalWriteBackData; } viewModel.dataGridInstance.option("editing.allowEditing", false); viewModel.dataGridInstance.columnOption("writeBackData", "visible", hasWriteBackData); }); $scope.$on("CheckModelWriteBackHasChanged", function (event, data) { var viewModel = $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck; viewModel.dataGridInstance.saveEditData(); if (!$scope.modelDataSourceId) $scope.modelDataSourceId = PWC.newGuid(); var eventData = {cellDataId: $scope.cellDataId, dataSourceId: $scope.modelDataSourceId}; eventData.haveChanged = _.any(viewModel.dataSource, function (e) { return e.originalWriteBackData !== e.writeBackData; }); var originalWriteBackData = _.filter(viewModel.dataSource, function (e) { return !!e.originalWriteBackData; }); eventData.originalWriteBackData = []; _.each(originalWriteBackData, function (e) { eventData.originalWriteBackData.push({key:, value: e.originalWriteBackData}); }); var currentWriteBackData = _.filter(viewModel.dataSource, function (e) { return !!e.writeBackData; }); eventData.currentWriteBackData = []; _.each(currentWriteBackData, function (e) { eventData.currentWriteBackData.push({key:, value: e.writeBackData}); }); $scope.$emit("ModelWriteBackHasChanged", eventData); //提交事件后修改 DataGrid 不能修改 var hasWriteBackData = _.any(viewModel.dataSource, function (e) { return !!e.writeBackData; }); viewModel.dataGridInstance.option("editing.allowEditing", false); viewModel.dataGridInstance.columnOption("writeBackData", "visible", hasWriteBackData); }); $scope.dxResizableOption = { dxResizableInstance: null, width: "100%", height: 200, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: 500, handles: "top", onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxResizableOption.dxResizableInstance = e.component; }, onResizeStart: function (e) { calcResizableHeightLimit(); }, onResize: function (e) { //计算 dataGrid 能调整的高度 var height = $scope.element.height() - 5 - e.height; $scope.analysisResult.height = height; } }; $scope.analysisResult = { entriesCheck: { isLoaded: false, dataGridInstance: null, dataSource: [], //在 模型回填中需要用到合计汇总信息 dxDataGridSummary: { totalItems: [ { column: 'voucherDoubts', customizeText: function (data) { return $translate.instant('Subtotal'); } }, { column: 'debitRelevantAmt', displayFormat: "{0}", summaryType: 'sum', valueFormat: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 } }, { column: 'creditRelevantAmt', displayFormat: "{0}", summaryType: 'sum', valueFormat: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 } }, { column: 'writeBackData', displayFormat: "{0}", summaryType: 'sum', valueFormat: { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 } } ] }, writeBackData: null, dxDataGridOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: "analysisResult.entriesCheck.dataSource", height: "analysisResult.height" }, columns: ENTRIES_CHECK_COLUMNS, onCellPrepared: function (e) { if (e.rowType != "data") return; if (e.column.dataField === "isException") { $(e.cellElement).html(e.value ? "<span><i class='fa fa-exclamation-circle'></i>系统检测异常</span>" : "<span><i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i>系统检测正常</span>"); } if (e.column.dataField === "voucherNum") { $(e.cellElement).html("<span class=\"voucher-num\">" + (e.value > 0 && == 1 ? e.value : "-") + "</span>"); } if (e.column.dataField === "isFilter") { if ( == 1 && > 0) { var editorBtn = $("<div class=\"filter-btn\" ng-disabled=\"!hasFilterIssuePermission\"><span class=\"fa fa-ellipsis-h\"></span></div>"); editorBtn.attr("ng-click", "vouchersAndEntriesModal.openModal($event,1)"); $(e.cellElement).html($compile(editorBtn)($scope)); } else { $(e.cellElement).html("<span class=\"voucher-num\">-</span>"); } } if (e.column.dataField === "voucherDoubts" && e.value > 0) { $(e.cellElement).html("<div class=\"voucher-doubts\"><span>" + e.value + "</span></div>"); } }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dataGridInstance = e.component; dxDataGridService.fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight(e.component); }, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { if (e.selectedRowsData.length < 1) return; var data = e.selectedRowsData[0]; $scope.analysisResult.selectedRow = data; $scope.analysisDetailResult.modelName =; $scope.analysisDetailResult.modelDesc = data.description; } } }, indexAnalysis: { isLoaded: false, dataGridInstance: null, dataSource: [], dxDataGridOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: "analysisResult.indexAnalysis.dataSource", height: "analysisResult.height" }, columns: INDEX_ANALYSIS_COLUMNS, onCellPrepared: function (e) { if (e.rowType !== "data") return; if (e.column.dataField === "isException") { $(e.cellElement).html(e.value ? "<span><i class='fa fa-exclamation-circle'></i>系统检测异常</span>" : "<span><i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i>系统检测正常</span>"); } }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis.dataGridInstance = e.component; dxDataGridService.fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight(e.component); dxDataGridService.registerRowDbClick(e.component); }, onRowDbClick: function (e) { if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.openModal(; } }, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { if (e.selectedRowsData.length < 1) return; var data = e.selectedRowsData[0]; $scope.analysisResult.selectedRow = data; $scope.analysisDetailResult.modelName =; $scope.analysisDetailResult.modelDesc = data.description; var maxSqence = _.max(data.indexAnalysisDetailResults, function (element) { return element.sequence }); var resultDetailDataList = []; var searchData = data.indexAnalysisDetailResults; var isShowMonthJudge = !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(data.monthExplain); var tempColumns = []; tempColumns.push({ dataField: "period", caption: "期间", width: 70, alignment: "center" }); for (var i = 1; i <= 13; i++) { var rowObj = {period: i === 13 ? "年度" : i}; for (var m = 1; m <= maxSqence.sequence; m++) { var cellData = _.first(_.filter(searchData, function (element) { return (element.period === i && element.sequence === m); })); if (cellData) { if (cellData.displayType === 1 || cellData.displayType === 2) { rowObj["colmun" + m] = PWC.isNullOrEmpty(cellData.indexResult) ? 0 : parseFloat(cellData.indexResult); } else if (cellData.displayType === 3) { rowObj["colmun" + m] = cellData.indexResult === "1" ? '是' : '否'; } else { rowObj["colmun" + m] = cellData.indexResult; } //是否添加月度判断 if (isShowMonthJudge === true && cellData.isMainValue === 1) { if (i !== 13) rowObj["monthJudge"] = cellData.isMonExp === 1; else rowObj["monthJudge"] = cellData.isYearExp === 1; } //动态添加列 if (i === 1) { var colmun = {}; colmun.dataField = "colmun" + m, colmun.caption = cellData.indexName; if (cellData.displayType === 1) { colmun.format = { type: "fixedPoint", precision: 2 }; } if (cellData.displayType === 2) { colmun.format = { type: "percent", precision: 2 }; } if (cellData.displayType === 3) { colmun.format = { type: "bool", precision: 2 }; } tempColumns.push(colmun) } //设置基础信息 if (i === 13) { if (cellData.isMainValue === 1) { resultDetailDataList.mainColmunName = cellData.indexName; if (cellData.displayType === 1 || cellData.displayType === 2) { if (cellData.displayType === 1) { resultDetailDataList.mainValue = PWC.isNullOrEmpty(cellData.indexResult) ? PWC.round(0, 2) : PWC.round(cellData.indexResult, 2); } else { resultDetailDataList.mainValue = PWC.isNullOrEmpty(cellData.indexResult) ? PWC.round(0, 2) + "%" : PWC.round(cellData.indexResult * 100, 2) + "%"; } } else { $scope.indexResultData.mainValue = cellData.indexResult; } if (cellData.displayType === 3) { resultDetailDataList.yearException = cellData.isYearExp === 1; } } } } } resultDetailDataList.push(rowObj); } //是否添加月度判断 if (isShowMonthJudge === true) { var colmunJudge = {}; colmunJudge.dataField = "monthJudge"; colmunJudge.caption = "异常判断"; colmunJudge.dataType = "boolean"; colmunJudge.alignment = 'left'; tempColumns.push(colmunJudge) } $scope.analysisDetailResult.indexAnalysis.dataGridInstance.option("columns", tempColumns); $scope.analysisDetailResult.indexAnalysis.dataSource = resultDetailDataList; } } }, height: null, selectedRow: null }; $scope.analysisDetailResult = { indexAnalysis: { dataGridInstance: null, dataSource: [], dxDataGridOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: "analysisDetailResult.indexAnalysis.dataSource" }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.analysisDetailResult.indexAnalysis.dataGridInstance = e.component; dxDataGridService.fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight(e.component); } } }, modelName: "", modelDesc: "" }; //"分录比对->问题筛选" & "指标分析->总帐->明细账" 两个弹出框共用该模型 $scope.vouchersAndEntriesModal = { title: null, subTitle: null, exportSupported: false, filterIssue: false, modelId: null, modelType: null, periodFrom: null, periodTo: null, serviceTypeId: null, //usage === 1:分录比对->问题筛选,usage === 2:指标分析->总帐->明细账 openModal: function (event, usage) { var model = $scope.vouchersAndEntriesModal; model.filterIssue = usage === 1; model.exportSupported = usage === 2; if (usage === 1) { model.periodFrom = $scope.periodFrom; model.periodTo = $scope.periodTo; var focusedRowData = $(event.originalEvent.currentTarget).closest("tr.dx-row").data("options").data; model.modelId = focusedRowData.modelID; model.modelType = focusedRowData.type; model.serviceTypeId = focusedRowData.serviceTypeID; model.title = "筛选问题"; model.subTitle = $translate.instant("EntryComparison") + ":" +; } else { model.periodFrom = $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.periodFrom; model.periodTo = $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.periodTo; //TODO:未实现 model.modelId =; model.modelType = $scope.modelType; model.serviceTypeId = $scope.serviceTypeId; model.title = "指标分析:"; model.subTitle = + "分析/总帐/明细账"; } var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', backdrop: "static", templateUrl: "model-analysis-report-vouchers-and-entries-modal.html", scope: $scope, windowClass: "model-analysis-report-vouchers-and-entries-modal" }); modalInstance.closed.then(function () { if (usage === 1) loadEntriesCheckData(); }); model.confirm = function ($event) { if (usage === 1) return; var selectedRows = $(".model-analysis-report-vouchers-and-entries-modal [dx-data-grid]").dxDataGrid("instance").getSelectedRowsData(); var filterList = _.groupBy(selectedRows, function (item) { return item.period + "_" + + "_" + item.vid; }); filterList = $.map(filterList, function (item) { return {period: item[0].period, group: item[0].group, vid: item[0].vid}; }); var paramQuery = {}; paramQuery.modelId = model.modelId; paramQuery.serviceTypeId = model.serviceTypeId; paramQuery.modelType = model.modelType; paramQuery.entriesList = filterList; paramQuery.period = $scope.period; modelConfigurationService.updateEntriesFiter(paramQuery).then(function (response) { if ( modalInstance.close(; }); }; model.dismiss = function (reason) { modalInstance.dismiss(reason); }; } }; //"指标分析->总帐" 弹出框模型 $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger = { dataSource: [], title: null, subTitle: null, periodFrom: null, periodTo: null, resultId: null, treeListOptions: { allowColumnResizing: true, bindingOptions: { dataSource: "indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.dataSource" }, columns: INDEX_ANALYSIS_GENERAL_LEDGER_COLUMNS, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "acctCode", parentIdExpr: "parentCode", onCellPrepared: function (e) { if (e.rowType === "header" && e.column.dataField === "acctCode") { var icon = $("<div class=\"dx-treelist-icon-container\"><div class=\"dx-treelist-empty-space\"><span></span></div></div>"); icon.find(".dx-treelist-empty-space").addClass("dx-treelist-collapsed"); icon.find("span").attr("ng-click", "indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.toggleAllExpanded($event)"); e.cellElement.prepend($compile(icon)($scope)); } }, onInitialized: function (e) { dxDataGridService.registerRowDbClick(e.component); }, onRowDbClick: function (e) { $scope.vouchersAndEntriesModal.openModal(e, 2); } }, openModal: function (indexAnalysisResultRow) { var modalInstance = ${ animation: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', backdrop: "static", templateUrl: 'model-analysis-report-index-analysis-general-ledger-modal.html', scope: $scope, windowClass: "model-analysis-report-index-analysis-general-ledger-modal" }); var glViewModel = $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger; glViewModel.title =; glViewModel.periodFrom = $scope.periodFrom; glViewModel.periodTo = $scope.periodTo; glViewModel.resultId =; loadIndexAnalysisGeneralLedgerData(); var rangePicker = null; modalInstance.rendered.then(function () { //初始化期间选择控件 var input = $(".model-analysis-report-index-analysis-general-ledger-modal .modal-body .field .period-range input"); var monthList = [ $translate.instant('Month01'), $translate.instant('Month02'), $translate.instant('Month03'), $translate.instant('Month04'), $translate.instant('Month05'), $translate.instant('Month06'), $translate.instant('Month07'), $translate.instant('Month08'), $translate.instant('Month09'), $translate.instant('Month10'), $translate.instant('Month11'), $translate.instant('Month12') ]; input = input.rangePicker({ minDate: [1, $scope.projectYear], maxDate: [12, $scope.projectYear], setDate: [ [glViewModel.periodFrom, $scope.projectYear], [glViewModel.periodTo, $scope.projectYear] ], months: monthList, ConfirmBtnText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), CancelBtnText: $translate.instant('ButtonCancel') }); input.on('datePicker.done', function (e, result) { $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.periodFrom = result[0][0]; $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.periodTo = result[1][0]; loadIndexAnalysisGeneralLedgerData(); }); rangePicker = $(input).data("_ranegPicker"); }); $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.dismiss = function (reason) { modalInstance.dismiss(reason); rangePicker.destroy(); }; } }; (function initialize() { var customOption = {loadPanel: {enabled: false}}; $.extend(true, $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dxDataGridOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS, customOption); $.extend(true, $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis.dxDataGridOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS, customOption); $.extend(true, $scope.analysisDetailResult.indexAnalysis.dxDataGridOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS); $.extend(true, $scope.indexAnalysisGeneralLedger.treeListOptions, dxDataGridService.BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS, {keyExpr: "balanceId"}); if ($scope.isModelBackFill) { $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dxDataGridOptions.editing.mode = "cell"; $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dxDataGridOptions.summary = $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dxDataGridSummary; $scope.$watchGroup(["cellDataId", "projectYear", "periodFrom", "periodTo"], function (newValue, oldValue) { reloadAnalysisResultData(); }); $scope.$watchCollection("modelIdList", function (e) { reloadAnalysisResultData(); }); } else { $scope.$watchGroup(["categoryId", "industryId", "organizationId", "serviceTypeId", "projectYear", "periodFrom", "periodTo"], function (newValue, oldValue) { reloadAnalysisResultData(); }); } })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('modelAnalysisReport', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/model-analysis-report/model-analysis-report.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { hasQueryPermission: "=", hasFilterIssuePermission: "=", modelType: "=", projectYear: "=", periodFrom: "=", periodTo: "=", //以下三个参数模型回填特有 isModelBackFill: "=?", cellDataId: "=?", modelDataSourceId: "=?", modelIdList: "=?", //以下四个参数模型分析特有 categoryId: "=?", industryId: "=?", organizationId: "=?", serviceTypeId: "=?" }, controller: 'modelAnalysisReportController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { $scope.element = $element; //由于 dx-resizable 没有 onContentReady 事件,所以在第一次渲染时进行判断并添加 collapse.png $scope.$watch("analysisResult.selectedRow", function (newValue, oldValue) { var detailElem = $($element).find(".detail[dx-resizable]"); var handleElem = detailElem.find(".dx-resizable-handle-top"); if (handleElem.length > 0 && handleElem.has("img").length == 0) { handleElem.html("<img src='../../../../app-resources/images/collapse.png'/>"); } if ((!!newValue) != (!!oldValue)) { $scope.analysisResult.indexAnalysis.dataGridInstance.resize(); $scope.analysisResult.entriesCheck.dataGridInstance.resize(); } }); } }; }]); // Model select tree view, select multiple models with checkboxes commonModule.directive('modelMultiSelector', ['$log', '$translate', function ($log, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('modelMultiSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/model-multi-selector/model-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { modelDataSource: '=*', isShow: '=', selectedModelIds: '=', title: '=', selectorOptions: '=?', selectorApi: '=?' // In: onSelectorClose, onSelectorConfirm; Out: getGridInstance }, link: function (scope, element) { scope.columnDefs = [{ visible: false, caption: $translate.instant('ModelCode'), dataField: 'code' }, { caption: $translate.instant('ModelName'), dataField: 'name' }, { caption: $translate.instant('ModelDescription'), width: '20%', dataField: 'description' }, { caption: $translate.instant('ModelFeature'), dataField: 'featureName' }, { caption: $translate.instant('ModelType'), dataField: 'modelTypeName' }, { caption: $translate.instant('ModelOrganization'), dataField: 'organizationName' }, { visible: false, dataField: 'id', isIdentity: true }, { visible: false, dataField: 'parentID', isParentKey: true }]; } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('operateLogController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'operationLogService', '$filter', 'loginContext', 'userService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, operationLogService, $filter, loginContext, userService) { var logTypeMap = { organization: { index: "organization", logTitle: "OperateOrganizationLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogOrganization, moduleName: 'Organization' }, user: { index: "user", logTitle: "OperateUserLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogUser, moduleName: 'User' }, userlist: { index: "user", logTitle: "OperateUserLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogUser, moduleName: 'User' }, userDetail: { index: "user", logTitle: "OperateUserLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogUser, moduleName: 'User' }, project: { index: "project", logTitle: "OperateProjectLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogProject, moduleName: 'Project' }, role: { index: "role", logTitle: "OperateRoleLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogRole, moduleName: 'Role' }, declarationFormConfiguration: { index: "declarationFormConfiguration", logTitle: "ReportConfigurationDescLogTitle", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogReport, moduleName: 'ReportConfiguration' }, subjectCorresponding: { index: "subjectCorresponding", logTitle: "SubjectCorrespondingLogTitle", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogSubjectCorres, moduleName: 'BasicDataEnterpriceAccount' }, orangizationStructureManage: { index: "orangizationStructureManage", logTitle: "OrangizationStructureManageLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogBasicData, moduleName: 'BasicDataOrganizationStructure' }, businessUnit: { index: "businessUnit", logTitle: "BusinessUnitLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogBasicData, moduleName: 'BasicDataBusinessUnit' }, regionManage: { index: "regionManage", logTitle: "RegionManageLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogBasicData, moduleName: 'BasicDataArea' }, enterpriseAccountManage: { index: "enterpriseAccountManage", logTitle: "EnterpriseAccountManageLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogEnterPrise, moduleName: 'BasicDataEnterpriceAccount' }, customerListManage: { index: "customerListManage", logTitle: "CustomerListManageLog", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogBasicData, moduleName: 'BasicDataCustomer' }, keyCodeConfiguration: { index: "keyValueConfig", logTitle: "KeyValueConfigurationLogTitle", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationKeyvalueConfiguration, moduleName: 'KeyValueConfig' }, modelconfiguration: { index: "modelConfiguration", logTitle: "ModelConfigurationLogLogTitle", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogModelConfiguration, moduleName: 'ModelConfiguration' }, ruleEngineConfiguration: { index: "ruleEngineConfig", logTitle: "RuleSourceLogTitle", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationRuleEngineConfiguration, moduleName: 'RuleEngineConfig' }, workFlowManage: { index: "workFlowManage", logTitle: "LogTitleWorkflow", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogWorkflow, moduleName: 'Workflow' }, storeArchitectureView: { index: "storeArchitectureView", logTitle: "LogTitleStock", type: constant.OperateLogType.OperationLogStock, moduleName: 'Stock' }, }; var commonTitle = { logType: "OperationContent", logOperateObject: "LogOperateObject", logOriginalState: "LogOriginalState", logUpdateState: "LogUpdateState", logOperationDescription: "LogOperationDescription", logOperationUser: "LogOperationUser", logOperationTime: "LogOperationTime", logOperationOID: "LogOperationOID", logOperationIP: "LogOperationIP", logComments: 'LogComments' }; var actionMap = { 1: $translate.instant('New'), 2: $translate.instant('Update'), 3: $translate.instant('Delete'), 4: $translate.instant('Copy'), 5: $translate.instant('AutoMapping'), 6: $translate.instant('ManualMapping'), 7: $translate.instant('CancelMapping'), 8: $translate.instant('AddEnterpriseAccountSet'), 9: $translate.instant('UpdateEnterpriseAccountSet'), 10: $translate.instant('AddEnterpriseAccount'), 11: $translate.instant('UpdateEnterpriseAccount'), 12: $translate.instant('AddRelevantOrgAction'), 13: $translate.instant('UpdateRelevantOrg'), 14: $translate.instant('DeleteRelevantOrg'), 15: $translate.instant('AddNewUser'), 16: $translate.instant('DeleteUser'), 17: $translate.instant('AddNewPermission'), 18: $translate.instant('DeletePermission') }; var perationModuleMap = { 1: 'OrganizationStructureDesc', 2: 'RegionDesc', 3: 'StandardAccountDesc', 4: 'WordLibraryDesc', 5: 'KeyValueDesc', 6: 'ProjectDesc', 7: 'ProjectServiceTypeDesc', 8: 'UserDesc', 9: 'OrganizationDesc', 10: 'RoleDesc', 11: 'UserRoleDesc', 12: 'EnterpriceAccountDesc', 13: 'TemplateFormulaDesc', 14: 'TemplateDesc', 15: 'TemplateGroupDesc', 16: 'ReportConfigurationDesc', 17: 'AreaDesc', 18: 'CustomerDesc', 19: 'BusinessUnitDesc' }; //点击任意一页事件 var load_page = function (pageIndex) { getLogs(pageIndex); }; var getLogs = function (pageIndex) { // $scope.InitType(); $scope.curPage = pageIndex; $scope.paginInfo = { totalCount: $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount, pageIndex: pageIndex, pageSize: $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize }; var model = {}; model.pageInfo = $scope.paginInfo; model.logType = $scope.logObj.type; model.searchText = $scope.searchText; model.moduleName = $scope.logObj.moduleName; model.operationObject = $scope.logObj.operationObject; if ($scope.filterOperationObjectList) { model.filterOperationObjectList = $scope.filterOperationObjectList; } operationLogService.getOrgLogList(model).success(function (data) { if (data != '') { if (data && data.pageInfo && data.pageInfo.totalCount > 0) { var i = 1 + (pageIndex - 1) * $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize; data.list.forEach(function (row) { = i; row.createTime = $filter('date')(row.createTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'); row.operationObject = $translate.instant(row.operationObject); row.comment = $translate.instant(row.comment); row.operationContent = $translate.instant(row.operationContent); row.action = actionMap[row.action]; row.originalState = $translate.instant(row.originalState); row.updateState = $translate.instant(row.updateState); i++; }); //$ = data.list; $scope.operateGridDataSource = data.list; $scope.queryResult = data; computeTotalPage(); } else { //$ = data.list; $scope.operateGridDataSource = data.list; $scope.queryResult = data; computeTotalPage(); } } }); }; var computeTotalPage = function () { if ($scope.queryResult.pageInfo && $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount > 0) { var totalPage = parseInt($scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount / $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize); totalPage = $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount % $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize == 0 ? totalPage : totalPage + 1; $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalPage = totalPage; $scope.creatPage = $(".tcdPageCode").createPage({ pageCount: totalPage, current: $scope.curPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 getLogs(p); } }); $('.tcdPageCode').css('display', 'inline-block'); } else { $scope.creatPage = $(".tcdPageCode").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 getLogs(p); } }); $('.tcdPageCode').css('display', 'inline-block'); } }; var prePage = function () { if ($scope.curPage > 1) { $scope.curPage--; } getLogs($scope.curPage); }; var nextPage = function () { if ($scope.curPage < $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalPage) { $scope.curPage++; } loadSAPDataByPageIndex($scope.curPage); }; var normalDataGridOptions = function () { var columnNameMap = $scope.logObj; $scope.operateGridDataSource = []; //var height = $(window).height(); //var gridHeight = Math.ceil(height * 0.8); $scope.operateLogGridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'operateGridDataSource' }, // keyExpr: "ID", selection: { mode: "single", }, paging: { enabled: false, }, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, width: '1140px', height: 460, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), onContentReady: function (e) { $scope.invoiceGridInstance = e.component; }, onSelectionChanged: function (data) { }, columns: [ { dataField: 'id', caption: $translate.instant('LogIndex') }, { dataField: 'createTime', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperationTime) }, { dataField: 'operationObject', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperateObject), width: 140 }, { dataField: 'action', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperationDescription) }, { dataField: 'operationContent', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logType) }, { dataField: 'originalState', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOriginalState) }, //税额合计小写 { dataField: 'updateState', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logUpdateState) }, //税额 { dataField: 'operationUser', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperationUser), width: 70 }, //开票日期 { dataField: 'comment', caption: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logComments) }, //开票日期 ] }; }; $scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.searchText = ''; $scope.queryResult = { list: [], pageInfo: { totalCount: -1, pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100, totalPage: 0, } }; $scope.InitType(); load_page(1); $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); } }); // 获取用户机构权限 var thisPermission = { // 获取用户权限 getUserOrganzationPermission: function () { if ($scope.queryOrganizationCode) { userService.getUserPermission(loginContext.userName).success(function (userPermission) { var orgList = thisPermission.getHasPermissionOrgList($scope.queryOrganizationCode, userPermission); var orgNameList = _.pluck(orgList, 'name'); $scope.filterOperationObjectList = orgNameList; }); } else { } }, // filter机构列表 getHasPermissionOrgList: function (permissionCode, permission) { var orgList = []; if (permission.isAdmin) { permission.organizationPermissionList.forEach(function (row) { orgList.push({ id:, name: }); }); } else { permission.organizationPermissionList.forEach(function (row) { var find = _.find(row.permissionList, function (num) { return num.code.indexOf(permissionCode) > -1; }); if (find) { orgList.push({ id:, name: }); } }); } return orgList; } }; $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.isShow = false; }; $scope.InitType = function () { var url = $location.absUrl(); //if ($scope.lastUrl === url) { // return; //} $scope.lastUrl = url; var array = url.substr(url.indexOf('#') + 2).split('/'); $scope.curRoute = array[array.length - 1]; // 根据logType映射过来的数据 var columnNameMap = logTypeMap[$scope.curRoute]; // 弄个默认的 if (!columnNameMap) { if (array.length > 1) { columnNameMap = logTypeMap[array[array.length - 2]]; } if (!columnNameMap) { columnNameMap = logTypeMap.organization; } } $scope.logObj = columnNameMap; $scope.logTitle = $translate.instant(columnNameMap.logTitle); $scope.searchText = ''; $scope.queryResult = { list: [], pageInfo: { totalCount: -1, pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100, totalPage: 0, } } $scope.curPage = 1; thisPermission.getUserOrganzationPermission(); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('operateLogController.ctor()...'); $scope.InitType(); normalDataGridOptions(); $scope.load_page = load_page; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('operateLog', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('operateLog.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/operate-log/operate-log.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'operateLogController', scope: { isShow: '=', searchText: '=?', filterOperationObjectList: '=?', queryOrganizationCode: '=?', } //, //link: function (scope, element) { // element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').show(); // }); // $(document).on('click', function () { // element.find('.org-tree-container').hide(); // }).on('click', '.org-tree-wrapper', function (e) { // e.stopPropagation(); // }); //} }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgAreaIndustryController', ['$scope', 'orgService','$log','uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants','$translate','$interval','$q', function ($scope, orgService, $log, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $translate, $interval,$q) { 'use strict'; $scope.collapse = function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); } $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return {}; }; $scope.getOrgListForDashboard = function (orgId) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; //var orgId = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; orgService.getOrgListForDashboard(orgId).success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { if (row.level != null) { row.$$treeLevel = parseInt(row.level); } }); //往uigrid填充数据并默认展开所有的节点 $ = data; $timeout(function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); }, 500); deferred.resolve(data); }); return deferred.promise; }; var areaORGGridInit = function () { $scope.areaORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'orgName', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[!row.entity.isOrganization]"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}">{{row.entity.orgName|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'areaName', name: $translate.instant('AreaDesc'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.areaName}}">{{row.entity.areaName|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'industryName', name: $translate.instant('PIndustry'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.industryName}}</span></div>' }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrgAreaIndustryController.ctor()...'); areaORGGridInit(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgAreaIndustry', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgChart.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'AE', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-area-industry/org-area-industry.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { orgId: '=', isRenderCompleted: '=' }, controller: 'OrgAreaIndustryController', link: function (scope, element) { scope.$watch('orgId', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { //refresh ui grid with new data scope.getOrgListForDashboard(newValue).then(function () { scope.isRenderCompleted = true; }); } //点击弹出的面板,禁止冒泡事件 $("#orgAreaIndustryPopup").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }) } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgChartController', ['$scope', 'areaService', function ($scope, areaService) { 'use strict'; } ]); commonModule.directive('orgChart', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgChart.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'A', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-chart/org-chart.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedAreaCode: '=', selectedAreaName: '=', selectedAreaId: '=', componentSelectedArea: '=', isShowAll: '=', loadData: '&', onChange: '&onChange' }, controller: 'OrgChartController', link: function (scope, element) { var nameAttr = $compile($('#node-name').html())(scope); var titleAttr = $compile($('#node-title').html())(scope); var topFirstAttr=$compile($('#topNode').html())(scope); var nameTemplate, titleTemplate,topTemplate; var myInterval = $interval(function () { nameTemplate = nameAttr.html(); titleTemplate = titleAttr.html(); topTemplate = topFirstAttr.html(); if (nameTemplate !== undefined && titleTemplate !== undefined && topTemplate !== undefined) { $interval.cancel(myInterval); var datascource = { 'name': topTemplate, // 'title': 'general manager', 'children': [ { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate, 'age': '12' }, { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate, 'children': [ { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate }, { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate, 'children': [ { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate }, { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate } ] } ] }, { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate }, { 'name': nameTemplate, 'title': titleTemplate } ] }; $('#subsidiary-chart').orgchart({ 'data': datascource, 'nodeContent': 'title', 'pan': true, 'zoom': true, "draggable": true }); } }, 100) } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgCityAreaUserController', ['$scope', 'orgService', '$log', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants', '$translate', '$interval', '$q', function ($scope, orgService, $log, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $translate, $interval,$q) { 'use strict'; $scope.collapse = function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); } $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return {}; }; $scope.getOrgCityAreaUserCountList = function (orgId) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; //var orgId = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; orgService.getOrgCityAreaUserCountList(orgId).success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { if (row.level != null) { row.$$treeLevel = parseInt(row.level); } }); //往uigrid填充数据并默认展开所有的节点 $ = data; $timeout(function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); }, 500); deferred.resolve(data); }); return deferred.promise; }; var areaORGGridInit = function () { $scope.areaORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'orgName', name: $translate.instant('OrgShortName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[!row.entity.isOrganization]"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}">{{row.entity.orgName|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'orgCity', name: $translate.instant('OrgCity'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.orgCity}}">{{row.entity.orgCity|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'orgArea', name: $translate.instant('OrgArea'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.orgArea}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'orgUserCount', name: $translate.instant('OrgUser'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.orgUserCount}}</span></div>' }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; $scope.test = function () { $scope.testOrgID = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; $scope.getOrgCityAreaUserCountList($scope.testOrgID).then(function () { }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrgCityAreaUserController.ctor()...'); areaORGGridInit(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgCityAreaUser', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgCityAreaUser.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'AE', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-city-area-user/org-city-area-user.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { orgIdCityAreaUser: '=', isRenderCompletedCityAreaUser: '=' }, controller: 'OrgCityAreaUserController', link: function (scope, element) { scope.$watch('orgIdCityAreaUser', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { var orgId = newValue.substring(0, newValue.indexOf('|')); //refresh ui grid with new data scope.getOrgCityAreaUserCountList(orgId).then(function () { scope.isRenderCompletedCityAreaUser = true; }); } //点击弹出的面板,禁止冒泡事件 $("#orgCityAreaUserPop").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }) } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgAreaIndustryController', ['$scope', 'orgService','$log','uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants','$translate','$interval','$q', function ($scope, orgService, $log, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $translate, $interval,$q) { 'use strict'; $scope.collapse = function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); } $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return {}; }; $scope.getOrgListForDashboard = function (orgId) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; //var orgId = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; orgService.getOrgListForDashboard(orgId).success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { if (row.level != null) { row.$$treeLevel = parseInt(row.level); } }); //往uigrid填充数据并默认展开所有的节点 $ = data; $timeout(function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); }, 500); deferred.resolve(data); }); return deferred.promise; }; var areaORGGridInit = function () { $scope.areaORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'orgName', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'text-align-left-padding\'}[!row.entity.isOrganization]"><span title="{{row.entity.orgName}}">{{row.entity.orgName|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'areaName', name: $translate.instant('AreaDesc'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span title="{{row.entity.areaName}}">{{row.entity.areaName|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'industryName', name: $translate.instant('PIndustry'), headerCellClass: '', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left"><span>{{row.entity.industryName}}</span></div>' }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrgAreaIndustryController.ctor()...'); areaORGGridInit(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgAreaIndustry', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgChart.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'AE', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-area-industry/org-area-industry.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { orgId: '=', isRenderCompleted: '=' }, controller: 'OrgAreaIndustryController', link: function (scope, element) { scope.$watch('orgId', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { //refresh ui grid with new data scope.getOrgListForDashboard(newValue).then(function () { scope.isRenderCompleted = true; }); } //点击弹出的面板,禁止冒泡事件 $("#orgAreaIndustryPopup").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }) } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgGeneralInfoController', ['$scope', 'orgService', '$log', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants', '$translate', '$interval', '$q', 'dimensionService', function ($scope, orgService, $log, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $translate, $interval, $q, dimensionService) { 'use strict'; var getDimensionList = function () { dimensionService.getDimensionList().success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.customDimensionList = data; $log.debug($scope.customDimensionList); $scope.businessName = dimension.getBusinessUnitName(); $scope.areaName = dimension.getAreaName(); } }); }; var dimension = { getBusinessUnitName: function () { var findResult = _.find($scope.customDimensionList, function (item) { return == constant.dimensionID.businessUnitID; }); if (findResult) { return; } else { return ''; } }, getAreaName: function () { var findResult = _.find($scope.customDimensionList, function (item) { return == constant.dimensionID.areaID; }); if (findResult) { return; } else { return ''; } } }; $scope.getGeneralInfo = function (orgId) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; //var orgId = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; orgService.getGeneralInfo(orgId).success(function (data) { if (data) { $ = data; $ = orgId; deferred.resolve(data); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } }); return deferred.promise; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrgGeneralInfoController.ctor()...'); getDimensionList(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgGeneralInfo', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgGeneralInfo.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'AE', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-general-info/org-general-info.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { orgIdGeneralInfo: '=', isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo: '=' }, controller: 'OrgGeneralInfoController', link: function (scope, element) { $(".org-general-info").draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor" }); scope.$watch('orgIdGeneralInfo', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { //refresh ui grid with new data scope.getGeneralInfo(newValue).then(function (row) { scope.isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo = true; }); } }); var orgCityAreaUserPop, orgUserListPop, row, oldOrgId, oldOprType; // 显示机构 区域和行业的卡片 //var showCard = function (pop, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { // pop.css("display", "block").css("top", (function (r) { // if (r.offset().top > window.innerHeight - pop.height()) // return r.offset().top - topOffset; // else // return r.offset().top - topOffset; // })(row)).css("left", (function (r) { // if (r.offset().left + r.width() > window.innerWidth - pop.width()) // return r.offset().left - leftOffset; // else // return r.offset().left - leftOffset; // })(row)).show(); // $(document).one('click', function () { // pop.hide(); // orgCityAreaUserPop.hide(); // orgUserListPop.hide(); // }); //}; var showCard = function (pop, row, topOffset, leftOffset,self) { var $popover =; var pos = $.PositionCalculator({ target: this, targetAt: 'top right', item: $popover, itemAt: 'top left', flip: 'both' }).calculate(); $popover.css({ top: parseInt($popover.css('top')) + pos.moveBy.y + 'px', left: parseInt($popover.css('left')) + pos.moveBy.x + 'px' }); $(document).one('click', function () { pop.hide(); orgCityAreaUserPop.hide(); orgUserListPop.hide(); }); }; //先判断directive中的uigrid是否渲染完成,如果完成那么就显示card scope.$watch('isRenderCompletedCityAreaUser', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== undefined && oldValue !== undefined) { showCard(orgCityAreaUserPop, row, 258, 677); } }); scope.$watch('isRenderCompletedUserList', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== undefined && oldValue !== undefined) { showCard(orgUserListPop, row, 258, 661); } }); $(".close-card").on("click", function (e) { scope.isRenderCompletedGeneralInfo = false; }); //点击弹出的面板,禁止冒泡事件 $("#orgGeneralInfoPop").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); //$('.general-tmpl').click(function () { // orgCityAreaUserPop = $("#orgCityAreaUserPop"); // orgUserListPop = $('#orgUserListPop'); // row = $(this); // var orgId = row.find('#OrgID').text(); // var oprType = row.find('#OrgID').attr('data-opr-type'); // if (oprType === 'enum.orgCityAreaUserOpr') { // orgUserListPop.hide(); // //如果两个值不同,说明点击的是不同的机构, // //需要给orgId赋值触发directive的watch更新uigrid的数据 // if (orgId !== oldOrgId || oprType !== oldOprType) { // scope.isRenderCompletedCityAreaUser = false; // scope.orgIdCityAreaUser = orgId + '|' + Math.random(); ////会触发directive的watch操作,从而更新数据 // } else { // // 如果点击的是同一个子公司,需要直接显示 // //showCard(pop, row); // orgCityAreaUserPop.toggle(); // if (':visible')) { // //如果当前是可视的那么再绑定一次 // $(document).one('click', function () { // orgCityAreaUserPop.hide(); // }); // } // } // oldOrgId = orgId; // oldOprType = oprType; // } else if (oprType === 'enum.orgUserList') { // orgCityAreaUserPop.hide(); // // 如果两个值不同,说明点击的是不同的机构, // // 需要给orgId赋值触发directive的watch更新uigrid的数据 // if (orgId !== oldOrgId || oprType !== oldOprType) { // scope.isRenderCompletedUserList = false; // scope.orgIdUserList = orgId + '|' + Math.random(); ////会触发directive的watch操作,从而更新数据 // } else { // // 如果点击的是同一个子公司,需要直接显示 // //showCard(pop, row); // orgUserListPop.toggle(); // if (':visible')) { // //如果当前是可视的那么再绑定一次 // $(document).one('click', function () { // orgUserListPop.hide(); // }); // } // } // oldOrgId = orgId; // oldOprType = oprType; // } //}); } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('orgMultiSelectorController', ['$scope', '$timeout','orgService', function ($scope,$timeout, orgService) { $scope.requiredValidation = function ($event) { $timeout(function () { if ($scope.selectedNames && $scope.selectedNames.length > 0) return; // $($'input').css('border-color', 'red'); $($'border-color', 'red'); }, 1000, false); }; } ]); commonModule.directive('orgMultiSelector', ['$log','orgService', function ($log, orgService) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('regionSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-multi-selector/org-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedNoList: '=', provinceCityData: '=', }, controller: 'orgMultiSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { var provinceMap = {}; scope.selectedNames = ''; scope.$watch('provinceCityData', function (newValue, oldValue) { scope.provinceCityData.forEach(function (row) { provinceMap[] = row; }); refresh(); }); scope.$watch('selectedNoList', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { refresh(); } }); function refresh() { scope.selectedNames = ''; scope.selectedNoList.forEach(function (id) { if (provinceMap[id]) { scope.selectedNames += provinceMap[id].name + ','; } }); scope.selectedNames = scope.selectedNames.substring(0, scope.selectedNames.length - 2); } (function () { })(); } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgPermissionFilterController', ['$scope', 'orgService', 'userService', 'loginContext', '$translate', function ($scope, orgService, userService, loginContext, $translate) { // 本页面常量 var thisConstant = { businessUnitID: 'businessUnitID', businessUnitName: 'businessUnitName', // 所有事业部 allBusinessUnits: $translate.instant('AllBusinessUnit'), // 所有区域 allAreas: $translate.instant('AllArea'), // 所有机构 allOrgs: $translate.instant('AllOrganization'), // 所有税种 allTaxs: $translate.instant('AllTax'), areaID: 'areaID', areaName: 'areaName', name: 'name', id: 'id', // UI事业部ID uiBusinessUnitID: 'org_businessUnit', // UI区域ID uiAreaID: 'org_Area', // UI机构ID uiOrgID: 'org_OrgTreeList', // ui税种 uiTaxID: 'org_taxTreeList', }; // 缓存的数据 var thisData = { // 所有机构,包括无效,无权限的 organizationList: [], // 有效的事业部列表,包括所有事业部,id,name,parentID, expanded businessUnitList: [], // 有效的区域列表,包括所有区域,id,name,parentID,expanded areaList: [], // 有效的机构列表,包括所有机构,id,name,parentID,expanded orgList: [], selectOrgMap: {}, // 选中的事业ID部列表 selectBusinessList: [], // 选中区域ID列表 selectAreaList: [], // 选中机构ID列表 selectOrgList: [], // 选中税种列表 selectTaxList: [], // 默认drop down 展示的字符串 businessUnitText: thisConstant.allBusinessUnits, areaText: thisConstant.allAreas, orgText: thisConstant.allOrgs, taxText: thisConstant.allTaxs, }; // 临时数据,以后可能会从后台读取 var thisTempData = { taxList: [ { id: '823492374928739847329843', name: '增值税', selected: true } ], }; var dataType = { isPrefixNumber: function (value) { var reg = /^\d+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixChar: function (value) { var reg = /^[a-zA-Z]+/; if (reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } }, isPrefixNumberOrChar: function (value) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumber(value)) { return true; } if (dataType.isPrefixChar(value)) { return true; } return false; } } var sortByName = function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var charList = []; var nocharList = []; data.forEach(function (row) { if (dataType.isPrefixNumberOrChar( { row.nameSort =; if (row.nameSort) { row.nameSort = row.nameSort.toLowerCase(); } charList.push(row); } else { nocharList.push(row); } }); charList = _.sortBy(charList, 'nameSort'); nocharList = nocharList.sort(function compareFunction(param1, param2) { return, 'zh'); }); var all = _.union(charList, nocharList); return all; } return data; }; // 本页面数据服务 var thisUtilService = { getMap: function (data, idCol, nameCol, allName) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var idList = _.uniq(_.pluck(data, idCol)); var list = []; idList.forEach(function (row) { if (row) { var findOne = _.find(thisData.organizationList, function (o) { return o[idCol] === row; }); if (findOne && findOne[nameCol]) { list.push({ id: row, name: findOne[nameCol], selected: true, }); } } }); list = sortByName(list); return list; } else { return []; } }, getIDList: function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var list = _.pluck(data,; return list; } return []; }, filterDropDownOrgList: function (orgList, selectIDList, idCol) { if (!orgList || orgList.length === 0) { return orgList; } // 什么都没有选 if (!selectIDList) { return orgList; } // 按照条件进行过滤 orgList = _.filter(orgList, function (row) { return selectIDList.indexOf(row[idCol]) > -1; }); return orgList; }, // 过滤无查看权限的机构 setOrgPermissionList: function (filter) { if (!filter && filter.length === 0) { return filter; } if ($scope.queryPermissionCode) { var permission = thisData.userPermission; if (permission.isAdmin) { filter.forEach(function (row) { // 默认都是有权限的 row.isHaveOrganizationPermission = true; }); return filter; } filter.forEach(function (row) { row.isHaveOrganizationPermission = window.PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission(, $scope.queryPermissionCode, permission); }); // 返回权限设置情况 return filter; } else { filter.forEach(function (row) { // 默认都是有权限的 row.isHaveOrganizationPermission = true; }); return filter; } }, filterOrgs: function () { if (thisData.organizationList && thisData.organizationList.length > 0) { // 只要启用的和有权限的机构 var filter = _.filter(thisData.organizationList, function (row) { return row.isActive && row.isHaveOrganizationPermission; }); // var filter = thisData.organizationList; // 过滤事业部 if (thisData.businessUnitText !== thisConstant.allBusinessUnits) { // 没有选中所有事业部 if (thisData.selectBusinessList && thisData.selectBusinessList.length !== thisData.businessUnitList.length) { filter = thisUtilService.filterDropDownOrgList(filter, thisData.selectBusinessList, thisConstant.businessUnitID); } } // 过滤区域 if (thisData.areaText !== thisConstant.allAreas) { // 没有选中所有区域 if (thisData.selectAreaList && thisData.selectAreaList.length != thisData.areaList.length) { filter = thisUtilService.filterDropDownOrgList(filter, thisData.selectAreaList, thisConstant.areaID); } } return filter; } else { return []; } }, // 获取机构drop down的list getOrgDropDownList: function () { var showList = thisUtilService.filterOrgs(); showList = angular.copy(showList); showList = sortByName(showList); for (var i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) { var item = showList[i]; item.selected = true; if (item.parentID === null) { continue; } var parentNode = _.find(showList, function (num) { return === item.parentID }); if (parentNode) { continue; } item.parentID = getParentID(item, thisData.organizationList, showList); } var idList = _.pluck(showList, 'id'); $scope.selectedOrganizationList = idList; // var topNodeList = _.filter(showList, function(org) { // return idList.indexOf(org.parentID) === -1; // }); // var orgList = []; // topNodeList.forEach(function(org) { // var item = { // id:, // name:, // }; // // 构造子节点 // orgList.push(item); // var tempList = thisUtilService.getSubOrgDropDownList(org, showList); // orgList = _.union(orgList, tempList); // }); // return orgList; return showList; }, getSubOrgDropDownList: function (current, showList) { var sublist = _.filter(showList, function (row) { return row.parentID ===; }); var list = []; if (!sublist || sublist.length === 0) { return list; } sublist.forEach(function (row) { var item = { id:, name:, parentID:, expanded: true, } list.push(item); var tempList = thisUtilService.getSubOrgDropDownList(row, showList); if (tempList && tempList.length > 0) { list = _.union(list, tempList); } }); return list; }, isChangedArray: function (newValue, oldValue) { if (!newValue && !oldValue) { return false; } if (!newValue) { return true; } if (!oldValue) { return true; } if (newValue.length !== oldValue.length) { return true; } // 排序 newValue = newValue.sort(); oldValue = oldValue.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < newValue.length; i++) { if (newValue[i] !== oldValue[i]) { return true; } } return false; } }; // 获取父节点 var getParentID = function (current, allList, orgDtoList) { if (current.parentID === null) { return null; } var findParent = _.find(allList, function (num) { return === current.parentID; }); if (!findParent) { } var parent = _.find(orgDtoList, function (num) { return ===; }); if (parent != null) { return; } else { return getParentID(findParent, allList, orgDtoList); } }; // 主模块 var mainModule = { main: function () { mainModule.initParams(); if ($scope.queryPermissionCode) { userService.getUserPermission(loginContext.userName).success(function (userPermission) { thisData.userPermission = userPermission; mainModule.loadData(); }); } else { mainModule.loadData(); } }, // 出事化参数 initParams: function () { // 所有事业部 $scope.selectedBusinessNames = thisConstant.allBusinessUnits; // 所有区域 $scope.selectedareaNames = thisConstant.allAreas; // 所有机构 $scope.selectedOrgNames = thisConstant.allOrgs; // 所有税种 $scope.selectedTaxNames = thisConstant.allTaxs; }, // 加载数据 loadData: function () { orgService.getOrganizationFilterList().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { data = thisUtilService.setOrgPermissionList(data); thisData.organizationList = data; thisData.orgList = thisUtilService.getOrgDropDownList(); thisData.businessUnitList = thisUtilService.getMap(thisData.orgList, thisConstant.businessUnitID, thisConstant.businessUnitName, thisConstant.allBusinessUnits); thisData.selectBusinessList = thisUtilService.getIDList(thisData.businessUnitList); thisData.areaList = thisUtilService.getMap(thisData.orgList, thisConstant.areaID, thisConstant.areaName, thisConstant.allAreas); thisData.selectAreaList = thisUtilService.getIDList(thisData.areaList); thisData.selectOrgList = thisUtilService.getIDList(thisData.orgList); // 事业部drop down mainModule.drawBusinessUnitDropDownList(thisConstant.uiBusinessUnitID, thisData.businessUnitList); // 区域Drop down mainModule.drawAreaDropDownList(thisConstant.uiAreaID, thisData.areaList); $scope.selectedOrganizationList = thisData.selectOrgList; // 机构dropDown mainModule.drawOrgDropDownList(thisData.orgList); // 绘制税种 thisData.selectTaxList = thisUtilService.getIDList(thisTempData.taxList); mainModule.drawTaxDropDownList(); } }); // 税种数据使用临时数据 $scope.taxList = thisTempData.taxList; }, // 事业部DropDownList drawBusinessUnitDropDownList: function (uiID, dataArray) { var syncTreeViewSelection = function (treeView, value) { if (!value) { treeView.unselectAll(); return; } value.forEach(function (key) { treeView.selectItem(key); }); var orgList = thisUtilService.getOrgDropDownList(); mainModule.drawOrgDropDownList(orgList); }; var getText = function (value) { var text = ''; if (value && value.length === dataArray.length) { text = thisConstant.allBusinessUnits; } else { text = '选中' + value.length + '个事业部'; } return text; }; $("#" + uiID).dxDropDownBox({ // valueExpr: "id", // displayExpr: "name", value: thisConstant.allBusinessUnits, showClearButton: false, // dataSource: dataArray, contentTemplate: function (e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $("<div>").dxTreeView({ dataSource: dataArray, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, // onContentReady: function(args) { // syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value); // }, itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { itemElement.append("<span title='" + + "'>" + + "</span>"); }, selectNodesRecursive: true, expandAllEnabled: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: thisConstant.allBusinessUnits, onItemSelectionChanged: function (args) { // console.log('事业部onItemSelectionChanged'); // var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); // // e.component.option("value", value); // var text = ''; // if (value && value.length === dataArray.length) { // text = thisConstant.allBusinessUnits; // } else { // text = '选中' + value.length + '个事业部'; // } // thisData.selectBusinessList = value; // e.component.option("text", text); // $('#' + thisConstant.uiBusinessUnitID).dxDropDownBox('repaint'); // thisData.businessUnitText = text; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.buTreeView, value); }, onSelectionChanged: function (args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); // e.component.option("value", value); var text = getText(value); thisData.selectBusinessList = value; e.component.option("value", text); // $('#' + +thisConstant.uiBusinessUnitID).dxDropDownBox('repaint'); $('#' + +thisConstant.uiBusinessUnitID).dxDropDownBox('option', e.component.option()); thisData.businessUnitText = text; syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.buTreeView, value); } }); thisData.buTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.businessUnitText = e.component.option("text"); // e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // if (thisUtilService.isChangedArray(args.previousValue, args.value)) { // var value = args.value; // thisData.selectBusinessList = value; // thisData.businessUnitText = e.component.option("text"); // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.buTreeView, value); // } // }); return $treeView; } }); }, // 区域dropdownList drawAreaDropDownList: function (uiID, dataArray) { var syncTreeViewSelection = function (treeView, value) { // if (!value) { // treeView.unselectAll(); // return; // } // value.forEach(function(key) { // treeView.selectItem(key); // }); thisData.selectAreaList = value; var orgList = thisUtilService.getOrgDropDownList(); mainModule.drawOrgDropDownList(orgList); }; var getText = function (value) { var text = ''; if (value && value.length === dataArray.length) { text = thisConstant.allAreas; } else { text = '选中' + value.length + '个区域'; } return text; }; $("#" + uiID).dxDropDownBox({ // valueExpr: "id", // displayExpr: "name", // placeholder: thisConstant.allAreas, value: thisConstant.allAreas, showClearButton: false, // dataSource: dataArray, contentTemplate: function (e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $("<div>").dxTreeView({ dataSource: dataArray, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, // onContentReady: function(args) { // syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value); // }, itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { itemElement.append("<span title='" + + "'>" + + "</span>"); }, selectNodesRecursive: true, expandAllEnabled: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: thisConstant.allAreas, onItemSelectionChanged: function (args) { // var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); // var text = ''; // if (value && value.length === dataArray.length) { // text = thisConstant.allAreas; // } else { // text = '选中' + value.length + '个区域'; // } // thisData.selectAreaList = value; // e.component.option("text", text); // $('#' + thisConstant.uiAreaID).dxDropDownBox('repaint'); // thisData.areaText = text; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.areaTreeView, value); }, onSelectionChanged: function (args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); var text = getText(value); thisData.selectAreaList = value; e.component.option("value", text); // $('#' + thisConstant.uiAreaID).dxDropDownBox('repaint'); thisData.areaText = text; syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.areaTreeView, value); } }); thisData.areaText = e.component.option("text"); thisData.areaTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); // e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // if (thisUtilService.isChangedArray(args.previousValue, args.value)) { // var value = args.value; // thisData.areaText = args.component.option("text"); // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.areaTreeView, value); // } // }); return $treeView; } }); }, // 机构drop down list drawOrgDropDownList: function (data) { thisData.selectOrgList = _.pluck(data, 'id'); $scope.onChanged({ model: thisData.selectOrgList }); var syncTreeViewSelection = function (treeView, value, isReady) { // if (!value) { // treeView.unselectAll(); // return; // } // value.forEach(function(key) { // treeView.selectItem(key); // }); if (isReady) { $scope.selectedOrganizationList = thisData.selectOrgList; $scope.onChanged({ model: thisData.selectOrgList }); } else { $scope.selectedOrganizationList = value; $scope.onChanged({ model: value }); } }; var getText = function (value) { var text = ''; if (value && value.length === data.length) { text = thisConstant.allOrgs; } else { text = '选中' + value.length + '个机构'; } return text; }; thisData.orgDropDownInstantce = $("#" + thisConstant.uiOrgID).dxDropDownBox({ // valueExpr: "id", // displayExpr: "name", // placeholder: thisConstant.allOrgs, value: thisConstant.allOrgs, showClearButton: false, // dataSource: data, contentTemplate: function (e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $("<div>").dxTreeView({ dataSource: data, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, noDataText: '', itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { itemElement.append("<span title='" + + "'>" + + "</span>"); }, onContentReady: function (args) { // syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value, true); }, selectNodesRecursive: false, expandAllEnabled: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: thisConstant.allOrgs, onItemSelectionChanged: function (args) { // var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); // var text = ''; // if (value && value.length === data.length) { // text = thisConstant.allOrgs; // } else { // text = '选中' + value.length + '个机构'; // } // thisData.selectOrgList = value; // e.component.option("text", text); // $('#' + thisConstant.uiOrgID).dxDropDownBox('repaint'); // thisData.orgText = text; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.orgTreeView, value, false); }, onSelectionChanged: function (args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); var text = getText(value); thisData.selectOrgList = value; e.component.option("value", text); // $('#' + thisConstant.uiOrgID).dxDropDownBox('repaint'); thisData.orgText = text; syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.orgTreeView, value, false); } }); thisData.orgTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.orgText = e.component.option("text"); // e.component.on("valueChanged", function(args) { // if (thisUtilService.isChangedArray(args.previousValue, args.value)) { // var value = args.value; // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.orgTreeView, value, false); // } // }); return $treeView; } }); }, // 税种 drawTaxDropDownList: function () { var syncTreeViewSelection = function (treeView, value, isReady) { if (!value) { treeView.unselectAll(); return; } value.forEach(function (key) { treeView.selectItem(key); }); }; var getText = function (value) { var text = ''; if (value && value.length === thisTempData.taxList.length) { text = thisConstant.allTaxs; } else { text = '选中' + value.length + '个税种'; } return text; }; $("#" + thisConstant.uiTaxID).dxDropDownBox({ value: thisConstant.allTaxs, showClearButton: false, dataSource: thisTempData.taxList, contentTemplate: function (e) { var value = e.component.option("value"), $treeView = $("<div>").dxTreeView({ dataSource: e.component.option("dataSource"), dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "multiple", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, expandAllEnabled: true, // showCheckBoxesMode: 'selectAll', // onContentReady: function(args) { // syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value); // }, selectNodesRecursive: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "selectAll", selectAllText: thisConstant.allTaxs, onSelectionChanged: function (args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); var text = getText(value); e.component.option("value", text); } }); thisData.taxTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); thisData.taxText = e.component.option("text"); return $treeView; } }); }, }; (function () { mainModule.main(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgPermissionFilter', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgPermissionFilter.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-permission-filter/org-permission-filter.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { queryPermissionCode:'=?', selectedOrganizationList:'=?', onChanged: '&' }, controller: 'OrgPermissionFilterController', link: function (scope, element) { // in dialog } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgSearchSelectorController', ['$scope', 'orgService', 'userService', 'loginContext', '$translate', '$timeout', function ($scope, orgService, userService, loginContext, $translate, $timeout) { // 本页面常量 var thisConstant = { allOrgs: $translate.instant('PleaseSelect'), name: 'name', id: 'id', }; // 缓存的数据 var thisData = { // 所有机构,包括无效,无权限的 organizationList: [], // 有效的机构列表,包括所有机构,id,name,parentID,expanded orgList: [], selectOrgMap: {}, // 选中机构ID列表 selectOrgList: [], orgText: thisConstant.allOrgs, selectOrg: null, // 查询机构字符串 searchText: null }; // 本页面数据服务 var thisUtilService = { getMap: function (data, idCol, nameCol, allName) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var idList = _.uniq(_.pluck(data, idCol)); var list = []; idList.forEach(function (row) { if (row) { var findOne = _.find(thisData.organizationList, function (o) { return o[idCol] === row; }); if (findOne[nameCol]) { list.push({ id: row, name: findOne[nameCol] }); } } }); return list; } else { return []; } }, getIDList: function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var list = _.pluck(data,; return list; } return []; }, filterDropDownOrgList: function (orgList, selectIDList, idCol) { if (!orgList || orgList.length === 0) { return orgList; } // 什么都没有选 if (!selectIDList) { return orgList; } // 按照条件进行过滤 orgList = _.filter(orgList, function (row) { return selectIDList.indexOf(row[idCol]) > -1; }); return orgList; }, // 过滤无查看权限的机构 setOrgPermissionList: function (filter) { if (!filter && filter.length === 0) { return filter; } if ($scope.queryPermissionCode || $scope.editPermissionCode) { var permission = thisData.userPermission; if (permission.isAdmin) { filter.forEach(function (row) { // 默认都是有权限的 row.isHaveOrganizationPermission = true; // editPermissionCode row.isHaveEditPermission = true; }); return filter; } filter.forEach(function (row) { if ($scope.queryPermissionCode) { row.isHaveOrganizationPermission = window.PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission(, $scope.queryPermissionCode, permission); } if ($scope.editPermissionCode) { row.isHaveEditPermission = window.PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission(, $scope.editPermissionCode, permission); } }); // 返回权限设置情况 return filter; } else { filter.forEach(function (row) { // 默认都是有权限的 row.isHaveOrganizationPermission = true; }); return filter; } }, filterOrgs: function () { if (thisData.organizationList && thisData.organizationList.length > 0) { // 只要启用的和有权限的机构,或者当前选中的机构 var filter = _.filter(thisData.organizationList, function (row) { return (row.isActive || === $scope.editOrgId) && row.isHaveOrganizationPermission; }); // 过滤value 相似的字段 if (thisData.searchText) { thisData.searchText = thisData.searchText.toLowerCase(); filter = _.filter(filter, function (row) { if ( { var a =; if (a.indexOf(thisData.searchText) > -1) { return true; } } return false; }); } return filter; } else { return []; } }, // 获取机构drop down的list getOrgDropDownList: function () { var showList = thisUtilService.filterOrgs(); showList = angular.copy(showList); for (var i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) { var item = showList[i]; if (item.parentID === null) { continue; } var parentNode = _.find(showList, function (num) { return === item.parentID }); if (parentNode) { continue; } item.parentID = getParentID(item, thisData.organizationList, showList); } var idList = _.pluck(showList, 'id'); $scope.selectedOrganizationList = idList; // var topNodeList = _.filter(showList, function(org) { // return idList.indexOf(org.parentID) === -1; // }); // var orgList = []; // topNodeList.forEach(function(org) { // var item = { // id:, // name:, // }; // // 构造子节点 // orgList.push(item); // var tempList = thisUtilService.getSubOrgDropDownList(org, showList); // orgList = _.union(orgList, tempList); // }); // return orgList; return showList; }, getSubOrgDropDownList: function (current, showList) { var sublist = _.filter(showList, function (row) { return row.parentID ===; }); var list = []; if (!sublist || sublist.length === 0) { return list; } sublist.forEach(function (row) { var item = { id:, name:, parentID:, expanded: true, } list.push(item); var tempList = thisUtilService.getSubOrgDropDownList(row, showList); if (tempList && tempList.length > 0) { list = _.union(list, tempList); } }); return list; }, // 数组是否发生变化 isChangedArray: function (newValue, oldValue) { if (!newValue && !oldValue) { return false; } if (!newValue) { return true; } if (!oldValue) { return true; } if (newValue.length !== oldValue.length) { return true; } // 排序 newValue = newValue.sort(); oldValue = oldValue.sort(); for (var i = 0; i < newValue.length; i++) { if (newValue[i] !== oldValue[i]) { return true; } } return false; }, // 异步选择机构 synSelectOrg: function (values) { if (values && values.length === 1) { var orgid = values[0]; if ($scope.selectedOrgId !== orgid) { var selectModel = _.find(thisData.orgList, function (row) { return === orgid; }); if (selectModel) { $timeout(function () { $scope.selectedOrgId =; $scope.selectedOrgName =; $scope.selectedOrgModel = selectModel; }, 50); // $scope.selectionChanged(); // console.log('选中的为:' + JSON.stringify(selectModel)); } } } } }; // 获取父节点 var getParentID = function (current, allList, orgDtoList) { if (current.parentID === null) { return null; } var findParent = _.find(allList, function (num) { return === current.parentID; }); var parent = _.find(orgDtoList, function (num) { return ===; }); if (parent != null) { return; } else { return getParentID(findParent, allList, orgDtoList); } }; // 主模块 var mainModule = { main: function () { mainModule.initParams(); if ($scope.queryPermissionCode) { userService.getUserPermission(loginContext.userName).success(function (userPermission) { thisData.userPermission = userPermission; mainModule.loadData(); }); } else { mainModule.loadData(); } }, // 出事化参数 initParams: function () { // 所有机构 $scope.selectedOrgNames = thisConstant.allOrgs; // 搜素框ID $scope.searchTextBox = window.PWC.newGuid(); // drop down 的ID $scope.orgTreeDropDownID = window.PWC.newGuid(); // 机构树ID $scope.orgTreeID = window.PWC.newGuid(); // 机构树的Div thisData.orgTreeDiv = '<div id="' + $scope.orgTreeID + '">'; thisData.searchBoxDiv = '<div id="' + $scope.searchTextBox + '">'; }, // 加载数据 loadData: function () { orgService.getOrganizationFilterList().success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { data = thisUtilService.setOrgPermissionList(data); thisData.organizationList = data; thisData.orgList = thisUtilService.getOrgDropDownList(); if ($scope.selectedOrgId && $scope.selectedOrgId.length > 0) { thisData.selectOrgList = []; thisData.selectOrgList.push($scope.selectedOrgId); thisData.orgText = $scope.selectedOrgName; } else { if ($scope.isFirstDefault) { thisData.selectOrgList = []; if (thisData.orgList && thisData.orgList.length > 0) { thisData.selectOrgList.push(thisData.orgList[0].id); thisData.orgText = thisData.orgList[0].name; } } } $scope.selectedOrganizationList = thisData.selectOrgList; // 机构dropDown mainModule.drawOrgDropDownList(thisData.orgList); } }); }, drawOrgDropDownList: function (data) { // thisData.selectOrgList = _.pluck(data, 'id'); // 异步处理选中状态 var syncTreeViewSelection = function (treeView, value, isReady) { if (!value && isReady && treeView) { treeView.unselectAll(); return; } if (treeView && isReady) { value.forEach(function (key) { treeView.selectItem(key); }); } if (isReady) { $scope.selectedOrganizationList = thisData.selectOrgList; } else { $scope.selectedOrganizationList = value; } thisUtilService.synSelectOrg(value); }; // 初始化orgTreeView var renderOrgTreeView = function (e, data, value) { $treeView = $(thisData.orgTreeDiv).dxTreeView({ dataSource: data, dataStructure: "plain", keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selectionMode: "single", displayExpr: "name", selectByClick: true, noDataText: '', value: thisData.selectOrgList, height: '300px', itemTemplate: function (itemData, itemIndex, itemElement) { itemElement.append("<span title='" + + "'>" + + "</span>"); }, onContentReady: function (args) { var value = args.component.option("value"); syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value, true); }, selectNodesRecursive: false, expandAllEnabled: true, showCheckBoxesMode: "none", selectAllText: thisConstant.allOrgs, onItemSelectionChanged: function (args) { var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); e.component.option("value", value); // syncTreeViewSelection(args.component, value, false); }, onSelectionChanged: function (args) { // 没什么卵用 // var value = args.component.getSelectedNodesKeys(); // e.component.option("value", value); } }); thisData.orgTreeView = $treeView.dxTreeView("instance"); // thisData.orgDxTreeView = $treeView; return $treeView; }; // 搜索框发生变化时 var searchTextChange = function (value) { if (thisData.searchText === value) { return; } thisData.searchText = value; var orgList = thisUtilService.getOrgDropDownList(); var o = $('#' + $scope.orgTreeID).dxTreeView('option'); o.dataSource = orgList; o.value = ''; $('#' + $scope.orgTreeID).dxTreeView('option', o); }; var treeViewDiv = $('#' + $scope.orgTreeDropDownID); thisData.orgDropDownInstantce = treeViewDiv.dxDropDownBox({ value: thisData.selectOrgList[0], valueExpr: "id", displayExpr: "name", // placeholder: thisConstant.allOrgs, text: thisData.orgText, showClearButton: false, dataSource: data, onContentReady: function (args) { var value = args.component.option("value"); syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.orgTreeView, thisData.selectOrgList, false); }, contentTemplate: function (e) { thisData.DropDownEvent = e; var value = e.component.option("value"); var $treeView = renderOrgTreeView(e, data, value); e.component.on("valueChanged", function (args) { if (thisUtilService.isChangedArray(args.previousValue, args.value)) { var value = args.value; syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.orgTreeView, value, false); // $scope.selectionChanged(); $('#' + $scope.orgTreeDropDownID).dxDropDownBox('close'); } }); var textBox = $(thisData.searchBoxDiv).dxTextBox({ placeholder: "搜索", mode: "search", onValueChanged: function (args) { var value = args.value; searchTextChange(value); }, onKeyUp: function (args) { var value = $(args.element).dxTextBox('option').text; searchTextChange(value); } }); var wrapper = $("<div>").append(textBox).append('<br/>').append($treeView); return wrapper; } }); // if ($scope.isFirstDefault) { // syncTreeViewSelection(thisData.orgTreeView, thisData.orgList, false); // } } }; (function () { mainModule.main(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgSearchSelector', ['$log', function($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgSearchSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-search-selector/org-search-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedOrgName: '=', selectedOrgId: '=', selectedOrgModel: '=?', queryPermissionCode: '=?', isFirstDefault:'=?', editPermissionCode: '=?', editOrgId:'=?' }, controller: 'OrgSearchSelectorController', link: function(scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('orgSelectorModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'orgService', 'userService','$rootScope', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, orgService, userService,$rootScope) { $scope.gridInstance = null; var modalSelector = '#addOrgModal'; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; $(".addOrgModal").on("", function () { }); $scope.$watch("operation", function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue && newValue.type === 'open') { $scope.selectedOrgList = []; $scope.selectedKeyItems = angular.copy($scope.selectedOrgs); getOrgList(); $(modalSelector).modal("show"); isOpened = true; } }); //$scope.$on("openOrgSelectorModel", function (event,data) { // $scope.selectedOrgList = []; // //copy = data; // data = []; // $scope.selectedKeyItems = angular.copy(data);; // getOrgList(); // $(modalSelector).modal("show"); //}); $scope.Save = function () { $scope.selectedOrgs = $scope.selectedKeyItems; $rootScope.$broadcast('orgsChanged', $scope.selectedKeyItems); $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; var setSelectItems=function(selectedKeyItems) { //设置选中 $timeout(function () { $scope.gridInstance.clearSelection(); if (selectedKeyItems && selectedKeyItems.length > 0) { $scope.gridInstance.selectRows(selectedKeyItems, true); } }, 100); }; var getOrgList = function () { if (!$scope.DataGridSource) { orgService.getOrgListLevel().success(function (data) { if (data) { $scope.DataGridSource = data; setSelectItems($scope.selectedKeyItems); } }); } else { setSelectItems($scope.selectedKeyItems); } }; var loadDatagrid = function () { $scope.orgDataGridOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'DataGridSource' }, columns: [ { dataField: "name", caption: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), width:200 }, { dataField: "businessUnitName", caption: $translate.instant('BusinessUnit') }, { dataField: "areaName", caption: $translate.instant('AreaTitleName'), width:100 }, { dataField: "industryName", caption: $translate.instant('PIndustry') } ], loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", parentIdExpr: "parentID", selection: { mode: "multiple", showCheckBoxesMode: "always", allowSelectAll: false }, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, autoExpandAll: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), showBorders: true, //sorting: { // mode: "none" //}, searchPanel: { placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width:518, visible: true }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; }, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { //只有orgID List $scope.selectedKeyItems = e.selectedRowKeys;; }, onRowPrepared: function (e) { //if (e && { // if ($scope.originalList.indexOf( > -1) // { // e.rowElement.addClass("dx-state-disabled"); // } //} }, onContentReady: function (e, container) { } }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('addExistOrganizationModalController.ctor()...'); loadDatagrid(); // showModal(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgSelectorModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgSelectorModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-selector-modal/org-selector-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'orgSelectorModalController', scope: { selectedOrgs: '=', operation:'=' } , link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('orgSelectorController', ['$scope', 'orgService', '$translate', 'userService', 'loginContext', function ($scope, orgService, $translate, userService, loginContext) { var NoOptions = { 'id': constant.organization.parentIdNull, 'name': $translate.instant('OrgSelectNoOption') }; var selectorg = $translate.instant('SelectOrg'); $scope.pleaseSelect = $translate.instant('PleaseSelect') ; $scope.init = function () { //设置每一项的默认最大长度 $scope.itemMaxLength = angular.isDefined($scope.itemMaxLength) ? $scope.itemMaxLength : constant.organization.defaultMaxLength; $scope.isRequire = angular.isDefined($scope.itemMaxLength) ? $scope.isRequire : true; $scope.isAdminUser = false; var useType = $scope.isShowAll ? 1 : 0; orgService.getOrgList(useType).success(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { if ($scope.selectNoOption) { data.splice(0, 0, NoOptions); } if (!$scope.queryOrganizationCode && !$scope.editOrganizationCode) { // 设置机构树和默认值 setDataAndFirstDefault(data); setSelectOrg(); } else { getUserOrganzationPermission(data); } } }); }; $scope.selectedOrg = null; $scope.getSelectedOrgDisplayText = function () { if ($scope.selectedOrgId != null) { return $scope.selectedOrgName; } else { return ''; } }; $scope.selectOrg = function (org) { $scope.selectedOrgName =; $scope.selectedOrgId =; $scope.componentSelectedOrg = org; $('.dropdown').removeClass('open'); $("#selectedOrgName").val(; if ($("#selectedOrgName").val() != null && $("#selectedOrgName").val() != selectorg && $("#selectedOrgName").val() != '') { $("#selectedOrgName-error").hide(); } else { $("#selectedOrgName-error").show(); } }; $scope.loadParentData = function () { $scope.loadData(); }; $scope.getNumber = function (num) { if (!num) { num = 0; } return new Array(num); } var findOrg = function (orgid, data) { if (data && data.length > 0) { var target = _.find(data, function (num) { return === orgid }); if (target) { return target; } for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) { var row = data[i]; target = findOrg(orgid, row.subOrgs); if (target) { return target; } } } return null; }; var setSelectOrg = function () { if ($scope.selectedOrgId && !$scope.selectedOrgName) { var target = findOrg($scope.selectedOrgId, $scope.orgList); if (target) { $scope.selectOrg(target); } } }; $scope.$watch('selectedOrgId', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { if ($scope.componentSelectedOrg) { if ($scope.isAdminUser) { $scope.componentSelectedOrg.isHaveQueryPermission = true; $scope.componentSelectedOrg.isHaveEditPermission = true; } } $scope.loadParentData(); } // 强制重新取数据 if ($scope.componentSelectedOrg && $scope.componentSelectedOrg.forceRefresh) { $scope.init(); } }); // 获取所有机构列表 var getAllOrganizationList = function (orgList) { var showIDList = []; orgList.forEach(function (row) { showIDList.push(row); if (row.subOrgs && row.subOrgs.length > 0) { var tempIDList = getAllOrganizationList(row.subOrgs); if (tempIDList && tempIDList.length > 0) { showIDList = _.union(showIDList, tempIDList); } } }); return showIDList; }; // 设置机构权限 var setOrgPermission = function (orgList, userPermission) { orgList.forEach(function (row) { row.isHaveQueryPermission = window.PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission(, $scope.queryOrganizationCode, userPermission); row.isHaveEditPermission = window.PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission(, $scope.editOrganizationCode, userPermission); }); return orgList; }; // 获取父节点 var getParentID = function (current, allList, orgDtoList) { if (current.parentID === null) { return null; } var findParent = _.find(allList, function (num) { return === current.parentID; }); var parent = _.find(orgDtoList, function (num) { return ===; }); if (parent != null) { return; } else { return getParentID(findParent, allList, orgDtoList); } }; // tree 数据 var buildOrgTree = function (or, orgList) { var orgItem = or; var selfDimensionIndex = 1; var sublist = _.filter(orgList, function (org) { return org.parentID ===; }); var children = []; if (sublist != null && sublist.length > 0) { sublist.forEach(function (org) { var temp = buildOrgTree(org); children.push(temp); }); } orgItem.subOrgs = children; return orgItem; }; // 设置第一个机构为默认选择机构 var setDataAndFirstDefault = function (orgTreeList) { $scope.orgList = orgTreeList; if ($scope.isFirstDefault) { if (orgTreeList && orgTreeList.length > 0) { $scope.selectedOrgId = orgTreeList[0].id; $scope.selectedOrgName = orgTreeList[0].name; $scope.componentSelectedOrg = orgTreeList[0]; } else { $scope.selectedOrgId = null; $scope.selectedOrgName = null; $scope.componentSelectedOrg = {}; } } }; // 获取设置权限后的机构树 var getUserOrganzationTreeList = function (orgTreeList, userPermission) { if (userPermission.isAdmin) { $scope.isAdminUser = true; // 默认选中第一条数据 setDataAndFirstDefault(orgTreeList); } else { // 转换成机构列表 var allOrgList = getAllOrganizationList(orgTreeList); // 设置机构权限 var setOrgPermissionList = setOrgPermission(allOrgList, userPermission); // 获取有查看或者编辑权限的机构 var showList = _.filter(setOrgPermissionList, function (row) { return row.isHaveQueryPermission || row.isHaveEditPermission; }); // 重新设置上级节点 for (var i = 0; i < showList.length; i++) { var item = showList[i]; if (item.parentID === null) { continue; } var parentNode = _.find(showList, function (num) { return === item.parentID }); if (parentNode) { continue; } item.parentID = getParentID(item, setOrgPermissionList, showList); } // 构造树形结构 // 获取所有根节点的机构 var idList = _.pluck(showList, 'id'); var topNodeList = _.filter(showList, function (org) { return idList.indexOf(org.parentID) === -1; }); // 构造树形列表 var orglist = []; topNodeList.forEach(function (org) { var temp = buildOrgTree(org, showList); orglist.push(temp); }); // 设置机构树和默认值 setDataAndFirstDefault(orglist); } }; // 获取用户机构权限 var getUserOrganzationPermission = function (orgData) { userService.getUserPermission(loginContext.userName).success(function (userPermission) { getUserOrganzationTreeList(orgData, userPermission); setSelectOrg(); }); }; $scope.init(); $scope.isOpen = false; $scope.closeDropdown = function ($event) { var elem = $event.originalEvent.srcElement; if ($(elem).hasClass("fa")) { $scope.isOpen = true; $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); } } } ]); commonModule.directive('orgSelector', [ '$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-selector/org-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedOrgCode: '=', selectedOrgName: '=', selectedOrgId: '=', componentSelectedOrg: '=', isShowAll: '=', selectNoOption: '=', loadData: '&', itemMaxLength: '=?', isRequire: '=?', queryOrganizationCode: '=?', editOrganizationCode: '=?', isFirstDefault: '=?', }, controller: 'orgSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('OrgUserListController', ['$scope', 'orgService', '$log', 'uiGridTreeViewConstants', '$timeout', 'areaService', 'uiGridConstants', '$translate', '$interval', '$q', function ($scope, orgService, $log, uiGridTreeViewConstants, $timeout, areaService, uiGridConstants, $translate, $interval, $q) { 'use strict'; $scope.collapse = function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); } $scope.getGridHeight = function () { return {}; }; $scope.getOrgUserList = function (orgId) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; //var orgId = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; orgService.getOrgUserList(orgId).success(function (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { if (row.isUserType != null && row.isUserType!==undefined && row.isUserType===true) { row.$$treeLevel = 0; } else { row.$$treeLevel = 1; } }); //往uigrid填充数据并默认展开所有的节点 $ = data; $timeout(function () { $scope.gridApi.treeBase.expandAllRows(); }, 500); deferred.resolve(data); }); return deferred.promise; }; var areaORGGridInit = function () { $scope.areaORGGridList = { enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [{ field: 'orgUser', name: $translate.instant('OrgUser'), headerCellClass: '', width: '60%', cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-bold\', false: \'xxx\'}[row.entity.isUserType]"><span title="{{row.entity.orgUser}}">{{row.entity.orgUser|limitString:16}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'orgUserAction', name: $translate.instant('OrgUserAction'), headerCellClass: '', width: '40%', //cellTemplate: '<div ng-class="{true: \'text-align-left\', false: \'xxx\'}[row.entity.isUserType]"><span title=""><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></div>' cellTemplate:'' }], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; var onRowsRenderedOff = gridApi.core.on.rowsRendered(null, function () { onRowsRenderedOff(); // run once PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick('#etsGrid'); // requires '.ui-grid-canvas' }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; $scope.test = function () { $scope.testOrgID = '81a3df63-b87d-4d7f-b3af-54169c13fa15'; $scope.getOrgUserList($scope.testOrgID).then(function () { }); }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('OrgUserListController.ctor()...'); areaORGGridInit(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('orgUserList', ['$log', '$compile', '$timeout', '$interval', function ($log, $compile, $timeout, $interval) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgUserList.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'AE', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/org-user-list/org-user-list.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { orgIdUserList: '=', isRenderCompletedUserList: '=' }, controller: 'OrgUserListController', link: function (scope, element) { scope.$watch('orgIdUserList', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { var orgId = newValue.substring(0, newValue.indexOf('|')); //refresh ui grid with new data scope.getOrgUserList(orgId).then(function () { scope.isRenderCompletedUserList = true; }); } //点击弹出的面板,禁止冒泡事件 $("#orgUserListPop").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }) } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('outputInvoiceCancelController', ['$scope', '$log', '$uibModal', '$document', 'modalAdapterService', function ($scope, $log, $uibModal,$document, modalAdapterService) { } ]); commonModule.directive('outputInvoiceCancel', ['$log', '$uibModal', '$document', 'modalAdapterService', function ($log, $uibModal, $document, modalAdapterService) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('orgUserList.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/output-invoice-cancel-modal/output-invoice-cancel-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { parentElement:'@', cancelTitle: '=', callBack:'&', }, controller: 'outputInvoiceCancelController', link: function ($scope, $element, attrs) { // ensure id attribute exists if (! { console.error('modal must have an id'); return; } console.log($scope.cancelTitle); $scope.cancelDialog = { confirm: function () { if (_.isFunction($scope.callBack)) { $scope.callBack(); } }, //id: 'cancelGDModal.html', id:, parentID:$scope.parentElement, modalInstance: null, open: function () { var parentElem = $scope.parentElement ? angular.element($document[0].querySelector('.' + $scope.parentElement)) : undefined; $scope.cancelDialog.modalInstance = ${ animation: false, //backdrop: false, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'cancelGDModal.html', //windowClass: 'GD-Vechicle-detail', scope: $scope, appendTo: parentElem }); }, cancel: function () { $scope.cancelDialog.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); // $scope.cancelDialog.modalInstance = null; } }; modalAdapterService.add($scope.cancelDialog); // remove self from modal service when directive is destroyed $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { modalAdapterService.remove(, $scope.cancelDialog.parentID); $element.remove(); }); } }; }]); commonModule. controller('permissionSelectorController', ['$scope', 'menuService', 'permissionService', '$translate', function ($scope, menuService, permissionService, $translate) { $scope.serviceType = constant.serviceType.VAT; $scope.selectedItemData = []; $scope.$watch('selectedPermissionNames', function (newValue, oldValue) { //先全部清空 $scope.widgetInstance.unselectAll(); $scope.selectedItemData = []; }); var addSelectedItemData = function (node) { $scope.selectedItemData.push(node.itemData); if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) { node.children.forEach(function (item) { $scope.selectedItemData.push(item.itemData); addSelectedItemData(item); }); } }; var removeSelectedItemData = function (node) { $scope.selectedItemData = _.without($scope.selectedItemData, _.find($scope.selectedItemData, function (item) { return === node.key })); if (node.children && node.children.length > 0) { node.children.forEach(function (item) { $scope.selectedItemData = _.without($scope.selectedItemData, _.find($scope.selectedItemData, function (sub) { return === item.key })); removeSelectedItemData(item); }); } }; $scope.searchOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "searchValue" }, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: '92%', mode: "search", valueChangeEvent: "keyup" }; //初始化dx-tree-view结构 var loadAllPermissionTree = function () { $scope.allPermissionTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'allPermissionTreeViewData', searchValue: 'searchValue', expandAllEnabled: 'expandAll' }, dataStructure: "plain", selection: { mode: "multiple" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, showBorders: true, selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), scrollDirection: 'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.widgetInstance = e.component; // $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem($; }, onItemSelectionChanged: function (e) { var node = e.node; var relyOnCodesStr = node.itemData.relyOnCodes; //如果是选中的状态,将其添加的选中的列表中,否则移除 if (node.selected) { addSelectedItemData(node); } else { removeSelectedItemData(node); } if (relyOnCodesStr !== null && relyOnCodesStr !== undefined) { var relyOnCodesArray = relyOnCodesStr.split(','); if (relyOnCodesArray && relyOnCodesArray.length > 0) { //提取出统一层级的属性为数组 var relyOnCodeList =, function (item) { return { 'key': item.key, 'code': item.itemData.relyOnCodes, 'selected': item.itemData.selected }; }); node.parent.children.forEach(function (child) { if (!node.selected) { var filtered = _.filter(relyOnCodeList, function (item) { return item.code == child.itemData.code && item.selected !== node.selected; }); if (filtered && filtered.length >= 0) return; } // if (relyOnCodesArray.indexOf(child.itemData.code) >= 0) { if (node.selected) { $scope.widgetInstance.selectItem(child.key); } else { $scope.widgetInstance.unselectItem(child.key); } } }); } } else { if (node.selected) { //返回选中的keys $scope.selectedPermissionCodes = $scope.widgetInstance.getSelectedNodesKeys(); return; } //比如手动取消查看的权限,那么此时修改等权限也应该做相应的改动 var codeList =, function (item) { return { 'key': item.key, 'selected': item.selected, 'relyOnCodes': item.itemData.relyOnCodes }; }); var filtered = _.filter(codeList, function (item) { return item.relyOnCodes !== null && item.relyOnCodes.indexOf(node.itemData.code) >= 0 && item.selected == true; }); //unchecked _.each(filtered, function (item) { $scope.widgetInstance.unselectItem(item.key); }); } //返回选中的keys $scope.selectedPermissionCodes = $scope.widgetInstance.getSelectedNodesKeys(); } }; }; ///初始化权限列表 var initPermission = function () { permissionService.getAllPermissions($scope.serviceType).success(function (data) { $scope.allPermissionTreeViewData = data; //先全部清空 $scope.widgetInstance.unselectAll(); }); }; //获取选中的名字并且在textbox显示 $scope.getSelectedOrgDisplayText = function () { var selectedRoleNameList = _.pluck($scope.selectedItemData, 'text'); var unique = _.uniq(selectedRoleNameList); return unique.join(','); }; (function () { loadAllPermissionTree(); initPermission(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('permissionSelector', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('permissionSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/permission-selector/permission-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedPermissionCodes: '=', selectedPermissionNames: '=' }, controller: 'permissionSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { // in dialog element.find('.selector-input').on('click', function () { element.find('.menu-tree-container').show(); }); $(document).on('click', function () { element.find('.menu-tree-container').hide(); }).on('click', '.permission-selector-wrapper', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('previewAccountVoucherController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', '$uibModal', 'vatPreviewService', '$http', 'region', 'citSessionService', '$state', '$compile', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants, vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, $uibModal, vatPreviewService, $http, region, citSessionService, $state, $compile) { 'use strict'; // Subject Code Popup $scope.getCIT = "CIT"; $scope.serviceType = $scope.project.serviceTypeID; $scope.popTheParentCode = function (e) { $scope.isShowParentCodePop = true; $(e.originalEvent.srcElement).parents(".dx-texteditor:first").dxAutocomplete("instance").option("opened", false); } $scope.confirmCodes = function (confirmedRecords) { var codes = ""; $scope.queryParams.inputs.accountCode = ""; confirmedRecords.forEach(function (item) { codes = codes + " " + item.subjectCode + " "; }); //$scope.filterData.accountCode = codes; $scope.queryParams.inputs.accountCode = codes; } $scope.cancelCodes = function () { } // Subject Code Popup var projectYear = $scope.project.year; var startMonth = 1; var endMonth = 12; //VAT if ($scope.serviceType === '2') { var startMonth = $scope.month; var endMonth = $scope.month; } var minDate = new Date("2010-01-01"); var maxDate = new Date("2030-12-31"); var defaultPeriodDate = { from: new Date(projectYear, startMonth-1, 1), to: new Date(new Date(projectYear, endMonth, 1) - 10000) }; var pageCanLeave = false; $scope.$on("$stateChangeStart", function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams, options) { //根据 Michelle YT Yao 的要求取消跳转提示拦截,但是以下代码保留,可能以后会需要拦截 //将 pageCanLeave 设为 true 表示可以直接跳转 pageCanLeave = true; if (!pageCanLeave) { event.preventDefault(); var msgboxOptions = { title: $translate.instant('WarningTitle'), text: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AlertMsg_Leave'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#e0301e", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('ConfirmYes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('ConfirmNo'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }; SweetAlert.swal(msgboxOptions, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { pageCanLeave = true; $state.go(toState, toParams, options); }; }); } return false; }); $scope.filterMode = { //普通查询 normal: true, //高级查询 advanced: false, //自定义查询 custom: false, //借/贷方关联科目查询 debitCrebitAccountCode: false } $scope.openAccountCodeModal = function () { ${ animation: true, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'account-code.html', controller: 'vatPreviewAccountVoucherAccountCodeCtrl', controllerAs: '$accountCodeCtrl', size: "520px", scope: $scope }); } var closeAccountVoucherFilterDialog = function (e) { var dialogs = $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']:visible"); //不存在查询窗体事可以离开当前界面 if (dialogs.length < 1) { return; } if (!(e && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.srcElement)) return; var srcElement = e.originalEvent.srcElement; /* * 不关闭 filterDialog 的情形 * 1.触发点击事件的控件在 filterDialog 内部时 * 2.在打开 filterDialog 的菜单中时 * 3.存在显示的 modal 时 * 4.点击会计期间控件时 * 5.点击自动补全控件内容时 */ for (var i = 0; i < dialogs.length; i++) { if (dialogs[i].contains(srcElement)) return; } if ($("#mainPreviewDiv .filter-menu")[0].contains(srcElement)) return; if ($(".sweet-alert:visible").length > 0 || $(".modal-open").length > 0) return; var rp = dialogs.find('#period-picker').data("_ranegPicker"); if (rp && rp.tether && rp.tether.element && rp.tether.element.contains(srcElement)) { return; } //点击的是自动补全控件时不关闭 if ($(srcElement).parents("md-virtual-repeat-container:first").length > 0) return; dialogs.hide(); $(".vat-preview-account-voucher#mainPreviewDiv").off("click", closeAccountVoucherFilterDialog); } $scope.showFilterDialog = function ($evn, selector) { var target = $evn.delegateTarget; var fDialog = $(selector); if (fDialog.length < 1) return; var dialogs = $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']"); $.each(dialogs, function (i, n) { if (n == fDialog[0]) return; $(n).hide(); }); fDialog.css({ "top": ((target.offsetHeight + target.offsetTop) + "px"), "left": (target.offsetLeft + "px") });; $(".vat-preview-account-voucher#mainPreviewDiv").on("click", closeAccountVoucherFilterDialog); $scope.UpdateDisableStatusManual("accountCode", $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountCode.selected); $scope.UpdateDisableStatusManual("accountName", $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountName.selected); //初始化month-picker ,以下代码被屏蔽:界面暂时不再使用 rangePicker ,切换到 dx 的 dateBox 控件 //var rp = fDialog.find('#period-picker').data("_ranegPicker"); //if (!rp) { // var monthList = [ // $translate.instant('Month01'), // $translate.instant('Month02'), // $translate.instant('Month03'), // $translate.instant('Month04'), // $translate.instant('Month05'), // $translate.instant('Month06'), // $translate.instant('Month07'), // $translate.instant('Month08'), // $translate.instant('Month09'), // $translate.instant('Month10'), // $translate.instant('Month11'), // $translate.instant('Month12') // ]; // fDialog.find('#period-picker').rangePicker({ // minDate: [1, citSessionService.project.year], // maxDate: [12, citSessionService.project.year], // setDate: [ // [citSessionService.month, citSessionService.project.year], // [citSessionService.month, citSessionService.project.year] // ], // months: monthList, // ConfirmBtnText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), // CancelBtnText: $translate.instant('ButtonCancel') // }) // .on('datePicker.done', function (e, result) { // //开始月份 // var startMonth = result[0][0]; // //结束月份 // var endMonth = result[1][0]; // $scope.queryParams.inputs.period.from = startMonth; // $ = endMonth; // }) // .data("_ranegPicker") // .applyDate(); //} if ($scope.accountCodes.length < 1) { vatPreviewService.getEnterpriseAccount().success(function (data) { $scope.accountCodes = data; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { $[i]); } $scope.autocompleteDataSource.load(); }); } } $scope.autocompleteDataSource = new[]); $scope.autocompleteAccountCodeSearchMode = "startswith"; $scope.autocompleteAccountCodePlaceholder = $translate.instant("AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text"); $scope.autocompleteAccountNameSearchMode = "startswith"; $scope.autocompleteAccountNamePlaceholder = $translate.instant("AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Text"); $scope.UpdateDisableStatusManual = function (type, item) { if (!(type && item)) return; //var searchModes = ["contains", "startswith"]; var input = $("#filterMode-normal div[ng-class*='" + type + "'] input"); if ( && !$scope.isFromReMapping) { input.removeAttr("disabled"); var searchMode = ( == "1" || == "2") ? "startswith" : "contains"; if (type.toLowerCase() === "accountCode".toLowerCase()) { $scope.autocompleteAccountCodeSearchMode = searchMode; } else { $scope.autocompleteAccountNameSearchMode = searchMode; } } else { input.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } $scope.getVoucherDataFromDatabase = function (mainRelation, allJe, period, vID, group, queryCondition) { var deferred = $q.defer(); vatPreviewService.getVoucherByConditon(mainRelation, allJe, period, vID, group, queryCondition).success(function (dataList) { deferred.resolve(dataList); }).error(function () { deferred.reject(); }); return deferred.promise; }; var voucherDataLoad = function (pageIndex) { $log.debug("vat-preview-accountVoucher-ctrl: voucherDataLoad"); $scope.curVoucherItemPage = pageIndex; $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.pageIndex = pageIndex; $log.debug($scope.queryParams); if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByEntry($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { = PWC.round(, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); $scope.voucherDataList =; //var dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance'); //dataGrid.refresh(); initDataGrid(); vatPreviewService.getSelectWhereString($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (queryString) { showVoucherCount(,,,, queryString); }); }); computeVoucherItemPage(false); } else { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByVoucher($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { = PWC.round(, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); (v) { v.debitSum = PWC.round(v.debitSum, 2); v.creditSum = PWC.round(v.creditSum, 2); }); $scope.voucherDataList =; //var dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance'); //dataGrid.refresh(); initDataGrid(); vatPreviewService.getSelectWhereString($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (queryString) { showVoucherCount(,,,, queryString); }); }); computeVoucherItemPage(false); } }; //显示凭证相关信息(分录数、凭证数、借贷方总金额、查询条件) var showVoucherCount = function (itemIDCount, vIDCount, debitSum, creditSum, queryString) { $scope.vIDCount = vIDCount; $scope.itemIDCount = itemIDCount; $scope.debitSum = debitSum; $scope.creditSum = creditSum; $scope.queryString = queryString; }; //计算页数,创建分页栏 var computeVoucherItemPage = function (fristLoad) { if (!fristLoad) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedCount($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow, $scope.queryParams.allJe, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (data) { if (data && !data.result) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant(data.resultMsg)); return false; } $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount =; if ($scope.queryParams.pagingInfo && $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount > 0) { var totalPage = parseInt($scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount / $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.pageSize); totalPage = $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.totalCount % $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo.pageSize == 0 ? totalPage : totalPage + 1; var createPage = $("#totalVoucherPage").createPage({ pageCount: totalPage, current: $scope.curVoucherItemPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 voucherDataLoad(p); } }); $('#totalVoucherPage').css('display', 'inline-block'); } else { var createPage = $("#totalVoucherPage").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curVoucherItemPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 voucherDataLoad(p); } }); $('#totalVoucherPage').css('display', 'inline-block'); } }); } else { var createPage = $("#totalVoucherPage").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curVoucherItemPage, backFn: function (p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 voucherDataLoad(p); } }); $('#totalVoucherPage').css('display', 'inline-block'); } return true; }; $scope.queryParams = { //查询模板 listQueryCondition: [], //分页信息 pagingInfo: { "totalCount": 0, "pageIndex": 1, "pageSize": 100 }, andOr: 'AND', //主条件 mainRelation: '8', //是否显示所有凭证 allJe: false, //是否为分录显示 isEntryShow: true, //二级子查询-期间 period: '', //二级子查询-凭证编号 vID: '', //二级子查询-凭证类型 group: null }; $scope.queryConditionTemp = { conditionName: null, searchKeyWord: 0, searchValue: null }; var copyArray = function (data) { var ret = []; data.forEach(function (row) { ret.push(row); }); return ret; }; //按凭证显示 var voucherShow = function () { if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = false; if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition && $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length > 0) { $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; computeVoucherItemPage(false); voucherDataLoad($scope.curVoucherItemPage); } else { initDataGrid(); } } }; //按分录显示 var entryShow = function () { if (!$scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = true; if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition && $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length > 0) { $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; computeVoucherItemPage(false); voucherDataLoad($scope.curVoucherItemPage); } else { initDataGrid(); } } }; //查询确定 var selectVoucher = function () { $log.debug("start to selectVoucher"); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition = []; //条件间主关系 if ($scope.queryParams.andOr == "AND") { $scope.queryParams.mainRelation = '8'; } else { $scope.queryParams.mainRelation = '7'; } //是否显示所有凭证 //$scope.queryParams.allJe = $scope.filterParams.isAllJe; //是否按分录显示 //$scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = $scope.filterParams.isEntryShow; //$scope.queryParams.pagingInfo = $scope.pagingInfo; var selectors = $scope.queryParams.selectors; var inputs = $scope.queryParams.inputs; //企业科目代码 if ( { //期望使用该字段参与查询,却不给定查询关键字时,给出提示 if (!inputs.accountCode) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountCodeEmpty')); return; } var accountCodeMto = {}; accountCodeMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountCode'); accountCodeMto.searchKeyWord =; accountCodeMto.searchValue = inputs.accountCode; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(accountCodeMto); } //企业科目名称 if ( { if (!inputs.accountName) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_AccountNameEmpty')); return; } var accountNameMto = {}; accountNameMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountName'); accountNameMto.searchKeyWord =; accountNameMto.searchValue = inputs.accountName; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(accountNameMto); } //会计期间 if (inputs.period.from || { var from = inputs.period.from; var to =; if (to && from && to < from) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_PeriodEndMonthTooBig')); return; } var periodMto = {}; periodMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Period'); periodMto.searchKeyWord = 14; periodMto.searchValue = (from ? from.getMonth() + 1 : "null") + " " + (to ? to.getMonth() + 1 : "null"); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(periodMto); } //凭证类型 if ( { if (! { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupEmpty')); return; } var groupMto = {}; groupMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Group'); groupMto.searchKeyWord =; groupMto.searchValue =; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(groupMto); } //凭证编号 if ( { if (!inputs.groupNum) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_GroupNumEmpty')); return; } var groupNumMto = {}; groupNumMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_GroupNum'); groupNumMto.searchKeyWord =; groupNumMto.searchValue = inputs.groupNum; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(groupNumMto); } //凭证摘要 if ( { if (!inputs.summary) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryEmpty')); return; } if (inputs.summary.toString().length < 3) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_SummaryTooShort')); return; } var summaryMto = {}; summaryMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Summary'); summaryMto.searchKeyWord =; summaryMto.searchValue = inputs.summary; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(summaryMto); } //往来核算代码 //if ( { // if (!inputs.customerCode) { // SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerCodeEmpty')); // return; // } // var customerCodeMto = {}; // customerCodeMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_CustomerCode'); // customerCodeMto.searchKeyWord =; // customerCodeMto.searchValue = inputs.customerCode; // $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(customerCodeMto); //} //往来核算名称 //if ( { // if (!inputs.customerName) { // SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CustomerNameEmpty')); // return; // } // var customerNameMto = {}; // customerNameMto.conditionName =$translate.instant('AccountVoucher_CustomerName')"; // customerNameMto.searchKeyWord =; // customerNameMto.searchValue = inputs.customerName; // $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(customerNameMto); //} //凭证日期 if ( || { var from =; var to =; if ((from && (from > maxDate || from < minDate)) || (to && (to > maxDate || to < minDate))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateInvalid')); return; } if (to && from && to < from) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DateEndDateTooBig')); return; } var dateMto = {}; dateMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Date'); dateMto.searchKeyWord = 14; dateMto.searchValue = (from ? moment(from).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "null") + " " + (to ? moment(to).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "null"); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(dateMto); } //借方金额 if (inputs.debit.from || { var from = inputs.debit.from; var to =; from = from == null ? "" : from; to = to == null ? "" : to; if ((from && isNaN(from)) || (to && isNaN(to))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitInvalid')); return; } if (to && from && Number(to) < Number(from)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_DebitEndAmountTooBig')); return; } if (!from) { from = "null"; } if (!to) { to = "null"; } var debitMto = {}; debitMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Debit'); debitMto.searchKeyWord = 14; debitMto.searchValue = from + " " + to; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(debitMto); } //贷方金额 if ( || { var from =; var to =; from = from == null ? "" : from; to = to == null ? "" : to; if ((from && isNaN(from)) || (to && isNaN(to))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditInvalid')); return; } if (to && from && Number(to) < Number(from)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AccountVoucher_FVMsg_CreditEndAmountTooBig')); return; } if (!from) { from = "null"; } if (!to) { to = "null"; } var creditMto = {}; creditMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Credit'); creditMto.searchKeyWord = 14; creditMto.searchValue = from + " " + to; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(creditMto); } setRemapSearchConditions(); if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length == 0) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant("NotInputTheQueryConditions")); return; } $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; if (computeVoucherItemPage(false)) { $log.debug("start to voucherDataLoad"); voucherDataLoad($scope.curVoucherItemPage); $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']:visible").hide(); } }; //查询重置 var resetSelectCondition = function () { var obj = { id: "" }; $scope.queryParams.andOr = "AND"; $scope.queryParams.allJe = false; $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountCode.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.accountName.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.period.selected = obj; $ = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.groupNum.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.selectors.summary.selected = obj; $scope.queryParams.inputs = { accountCode: null, accountName: null, period: { from: new Date(projectYear, startMonth - 1, 1), to: new Date(projectYear, endMonth - 1, 1) }, group: null, groupNum: null, summary: null, date: { from: new Date(defaultPeriodDate.from), to: new Date( }, debit: { from: null, to: null }, credit: { from: null, to: null } }; //以下代码被屏蔽:界面暂时不再使用 rangePicker ,切换到 dx 的 dateBox 控件 //var dialog = $("div.filter-dialog[id^='filterMode-']"); //var rq = dialog.find("#period-picker").data("_ranegPicker"); //if (!_.isNull(rq) && !_.isUndefined(rq)) { // rq.result[0][0] = citSessionService.month; // rq.result[0][1] = citSessionService.project.year; // rq.result[1][0] = citSessionService.month; // rq.result[1][1] = citSessionService.project.year; // rq.update(rq.result); //} } //导出 var exportToExcel = function () { var dataGrid = $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance'); setExportFileName(); var exportValues = dataGrid.option("export"); exportValues.fileName = $scope.exportToExcelFileName; dataGrid.option("export", exportValues); //dataGrid.fileName="testExport", dataGrid.exportToExcel(false); }; // **************************************************************************************** //************ EXCEL EXPORT FUNCTION ***************/ $scope.$on('ngEntryRepeatFinished', function (ngRepeatFinishedEvent) { if ($scope.isToPrint) { setExportFileName(); export_table_to_excel('exportEntryTable', $scope.exportToExcelFileName, 'xlsx', ''); } $scope.isToPrint = false; }); $scope.$on('ngVoucherRepeatFinished', function (ngRepeatFinishedEvent) { if ($scope.isToPrint) { setExportFileName(); export_table_to_excel('exportVoucherTable', $scope.exportToExcelFileName, 'xlsx', ''); } $scope.isToPrint = false; }); //导出全部 $scope.exportAllToExcel = function () { $scope.isToPrint = true; $scope.getExportData(); }; $scope.getExportData = function () { if ($scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition && $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.length > 0) { if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByEntry($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, null, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); $scope.exportEntryDataList =; }); } else { vatPreviewService.voucherSelectAdvancedByVoucher($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, null, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).success(function (listData) { (v) { v.debitSum = PWC.round(v.debitSum, 2); v.creditSum = PWC.round(v.creditSum, 2); }); $scope.exportVoucherDataList =; }); } } }; $scope.toggleAllMasterRows = function ($event) { var expand = "dx-datagrid-group-closed"; var collapse = "dx-datagrid-group-opened"; if ($($ { $scope.gridInstance.expandAll(-1); $($; $($; } else { $scope.gridInstance.collapseAll(-1); $($; $($; } } var initDataGrid = function () { //分录显示 $log.debug("start to initDataGrid"); if ($scope.queryParams.isEntryShow) { $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: $scope.voucherDataList, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, sorting: { mode: "none" }, export: { fileName: $scope.exportToExcelFileName }, allowColumnResizing: true, //columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), columns: [ { alignment: "left", dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 65 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), sortIndex: 1, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 95 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), sortIndex: 2, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 180 }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), sortIndex: 3, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "20%" }, { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "30%" }, //{ // dataField: "customerCodeAndNameShow", // caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow'), // //width: 170 //}, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), width: "20%" }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), width: "30%" }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", width: 120 }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", width: 120 } ], masterDetail: { enabled: false }, onContentReady: function () { $log.debug("onContentReady entry"); $scope.setVoucherSelected(); }, onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; } }); } else { $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ dataSource: $scope.voucherDataList, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, sorting: { mode: "none" }, export: { fileName: $scope.exportToExcelFileName, }, allowColumnResizing: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_NoDataText'), columns: [ { dataField: "period", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColPeriod'), sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 130 }, { alignment: "center", dataField: "date", dataType: "date", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDate'), format: "yyyy-MM-dd", sortIndex: 1, sortOrder: 'asc', width: 100 }, { dataField: "group", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColGroup'), sortIndex: 2, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "50%" }, { dataField: "vid", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColVID'), sortIndex: 3, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "50%" }, { dataField: "debitSum", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebitSum'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }, { dataField: "creditSum", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCreditSum'), alignment: "right", width: 170 } ], masterDetail: { enabled: true, template: function (container, options) { var currentVoucherData =; $scope.queryParams.period = currentVoucherData.period; $scope.queryParams.vID = currentVoucherData.vid; $ =; container.addClass("internal-grid-container"); $("<div>") .addClass("internal-grid") .dxDataGrid({ columnAutoWidth: true, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, showBorders: true, sorting: { mode: "none" }, columns: [ { dataField: "summary", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColSummary'), width: "50%" }, //{ // dataField: "customerCodeAndNameShow", // caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCustomerCodeAndNameShow') , // //width: 170 //}, { dataField: "acctCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColAcctCodeAndNameShow'), sortIndex: 1, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "25%" }, { dataField: "stdCodeAndNameShow", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColStdCodeAndNameShow'), sortIndex: 0, sortOrder: 'asc', width: "25%" }, { dataField: "debit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColDebit'), alignment: "right", width: 170 }, { dataField: "credit", caption: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_DataGrid_ColCredit'), alignment: "right", width: 170 } ], dataSource: { store: new{ load: function (loadOptions) { return $scope.getVoucherDataFromDatabase($scope.queryParams.mainRelation, $scope.queryParams.allJe, currentVoucherData.period, currentVoucherData.vid,, $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition).then(function (data) { (v) { v.debit = PWC.round(v.debit, 2); = PWC.round(, 2); }); return { data:, totalCount: }; }, function () { return $q.reject($translate.instant("DataLoadingError")); }); } }) } }).appendTo(container); } }, onCellPrepared: function(e) { if (e.rowType === "header" && $(e.cellElement).hasClass("dx-command-expand")) { var btn = $("<div class='dx-datagrid-group-closed'></div>"); btn.attr("ng-click", "toggleAllMasterRows($event)"); e.cellElement.empty(); e.cellElement.append($compile(btn) ($scope)); } }, onContentReady: function() { $log.debug("onContentReady voucher"); $scope.setVoucherSelected(); }, onInitialized: function(e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; } }); } }; var setExportFileName = function () { var myDate = new Date(); var now = myDate.formatDateTime('yyyy-MM-dd') + " " + myDate.formatDateTime('HH') + myDate.formatDateTime('mm') + myDate.formatDateTime('ss'); $scope.exportToExcelFileName = $translate.instant('Voucher_Export_result')+" " + now ; }; $scope.queryParams.selectors = { accountCode: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, accountName: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "3", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_3') }, { id: "4", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_4') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, period: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, group: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "3", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_3') }, { id: "4", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_4') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, groupNum: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, summary: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "1", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_1') }, { id: "3", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_3') }, { id: "4", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_4') }, { id: "2", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_2') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, date: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "9", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_9') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, debit: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "9", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_9') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } }, credit: { itemArray: [ { id: "", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_SelectorEmpty') }, { id: "9", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_9') }, { id: "10", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_10') }, { id: "11", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_11') }, { id: "12", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_12') }, { id: "13", name: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Selector_13') } ], selected: { id: "" } } }; $scope.queryParams.inputs = { accountCode: null, accountName: null, period: { from: null, to: null }, group: null, groupNum: null, summary: null, date: { from: null, to: null }, debit: { from: null, to: null }, credit: { from: null, to: null } }; $scope.accountCodes = []; $scope.dxControlsOptions = { queryPeriodFrom: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy年MM月", max: new Date(projectYear, 11, 31), min: new Date(projectYear, 0, 1), maxZoomLevel: "year", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "queryParams.inputs.period.from" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryPeriodFrom.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryPeriodTo: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy年MM月", max: new Date(projectYear, 11, 31), min: new Date(projectYear, 0, 1), maxZoomLevel: "year", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Period'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryPeriodTo.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryDateFrom: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", maxZoomLevel: "month", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryDateFrom.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryDateTo: { ControlOption: { acceptCustomValue: false, displayFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd", maxZoomLevel: "month", minZoomLevel: "year", placeholder: $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Placeholder_Date'), showClearButton: true, bindingOptions: { value: "" } }, validatorOption: { validationRules: [], onInitialized: function (e) { $scope.dxControlsOptions.queryDateTo.validatorInstance = e.component; } }, validatorInstance: null }, queryAccountCode: { dataSource: $scope.autocompleteDataSource, minSearchLength: 1, maxItemCount: 7, searchTimeout: 50, maxlength: 12, placeholder: $scope.autocompleteAccountCodePlaceholder, valueExpr: 'acctCode', searchExpr: 'acctCode', focusStateEnabled: true, itemTemplate: 'autocompleteAcctCodeItemTemplate', bindingOptions: { disabled: "!", searchMode: 'autocompleteAccountCodeSearchMode', value: 'queryParams.inputs.accountCode' }, onInitialized: function (e) { var initialBtn = function () { if (e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-buttons-container").length < 1) return false; if (e.element.find(".display-flex.dx-dropdowneditor-icon").length > 0) return true; var btnStr = '<div class="dx-dropdowneditor-button dx-button-normal dx-widget" ng-click="popTheParentCode($event)" role="button">' + '<div class="dx-button-content">' + '<div class="dx-dropdowneditor-icon display-flex justify-content-center align-items-center">' + '<i class="fa fa-columns"></i>' + '</div></div></div>'; var button = $(btnStr); var container = e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-buttons-container"); container.empty(); container.append($compile(button)($scope)); e.element.find(".dx-texteditor-input").css("padding-right", "34px"); return true; } var tryInitialBtn = function () { if (initialBtn()) return; var rst = $timeout(initialBtn, 100); rst.then(function (data) { if (!data) tryInitialBtn(); }); } tryInitialBtn(); } }, queryAccountName: { dataSource: $scope.autocompleteDataSource, minSearchLength: 1, maxItemCount: 7, searchTimeout: 50, maxlength: 12, placeholder: $scope.autocompleteAccountNamePlaceholder, valueExpr: 'name', searchExpr: 'name', focusStateEnabled: true, itemTemplate: 'autocompleteAccountNameItemTemplate', bindingOptions: { disabled: "!", searchMode: 'autocompleteAccountNameSearchMode', value: 'queryParams.inputs.accountName' } } }; //凭证重对应编辑时, 勾选已重对应的凭证 var setVoucherSelected = function () { $log.debug("setVoucherSelected"); if ($scope.isFromReMapping && !_.isUndefined($scope.selectedVouchers) && !_.isNull($scope.selectedVouchers) && !_.isUndefined($scope.voucherDataList) && !_.isNull($scope.voucherDataList) && $scope.selectedVouchers.length > 0 && $scope.voucherDataList.length > 0) { $log.debug("star to setVoucherSelected"); var voucherIndexArray = []; $scope.selectedVouchers.forEach(function (item, index) { $scope.voucherDataList.forEach(function (vdItem, vdIndex) { if (_.isEqual(item.voucherID, vdItem.voucherID)) { $log.debug(vdIndex); voucherIndexArray.push(vdIndex); } }); }); $log.debug(voucherIndexArray); $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance').selectRowsByIndexes(voucherIndexArray); } } //从科目对应调用时,初始化整个页面 function InitPageFromReMapping(fromReMapping) { $log.debug("start InitPageFromReMapping"); if (fromReMapping) { //初始化页面样式 $("#mainPreviewDiv").addClass('vat-preview-account-voucher-accountmapping'); $("#filterMode-normal").css({ "left": 10 + "px" }); //初始化grid $("#gridContainer").dxDataGrid({ selection: { mode: 'multiple', allowSelectAll: false, selectAllMode: 'allPages', showCheckBoxesMode: 'always' }, onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems) { $scope.selectedVouchers = selectedItems.selectedRowsData; VoucherReMapping($scope.selectedVouchers); } }); } } function VoucherReMapping(selectedVouchers) { $log.debug("start VoucherReMapping"); $log.debug(selectedVouchers); } //科目重对应时设置默认的查询条件 function setRemapSearchConditions() { if ($scope.isFromReMapping && $scope.isEdit) { $log.debug("start to setRemapSearchConditions"); $scope.resetSelectCondition(); $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition = []; var acctMto = {}; //科目代码 acctMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_AccountCode'); acctMto.searchKeyWord = "1"; acctMto.searchValue = $scope.enterpriseCode; $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(acctMto); //会计期间 var periodMto = {}; periodMto.conditionName = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Period'); periodMto.searchKeyWord = 14; periodMto.searchValue = startMonth + " " + endMonth; //eg: "5 5" $scope.queryParams.listQueryCondition.push(periodMto); //其它查询条件 $scope.queryParams.pagingInfo = { pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100, totalCount: 87 }; $scope.queryParams.andOr = "AND", $scope.queryParams.mainRelation = '8'; $scope.queryParams.allJe = false; $scope.queryParams.isEntryShow = true; $scope.queryParams.period = ""; $scope.queryParams.vID = ""; $ = null; $log.debug($scope.queryParams); } } //开始 (function initialize() { $scope.curVoucherItemPage = 1; $scope.selectVoucher = selectVoucher; $scope.resetSelectCondition = resetSelectCondition; $scope.voucherShow = voucherShow; $scope.entryShow = entryShow; $scope.selectedVouchers; $scope.enterpriseCode; $scope.setVoucherSelected = setVoucherSelected; $scope.isEdit; $scope.exportToExcel = exportToExcel; showVoucherCount("0", "0", "0", "0", null); computeVoucherItemPage(true); $timeout(function () { initDataGrid(); InitPageFromReMapping($scope.isFromReMapping); }, 100); $scope.resetSelectCondition(); $scope.selectVoucher(); // Reposition Header when the window is resized //$(window).on('resize', function () { // SetUiGridHeader(); //}); })(); } ]); //树形控件弹出模态框 commonModule.controller('vatPreviewAccountVoucherAccountCodeCtrl', ["$scope", "$translate", "$uibModalInstance", "ivhTreeviewBfs", function ($scope, $translate, $uibModalInstance, ivhTreeviewBfs) { var $ctrl = this; var initControls = function () { var itemSource = angular.copy($scope.$parent.accountCodes); var dic = {}; var debit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit'), credit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit'); for (var ix = 0; ix < itemSource.length; ix++) { var item = itemSource[ix]; dic[item.acctCode] = { id: item.acctCode, code: item.acctCode, name:, selected: false, parentNode: null, parentCode: item.parentCode, direction: item.direction == 1 ? debit : credit, children: [], data: item }; } //查找每个节点是否存在父节点,并维护父节点与本节点的关系 for (var key in dic) { if (dic.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var item = dic[key]; var pCode = item.parentCode || "undefined"; var p = dic[pCode]; if (!p) continue; if (pCode == "undefined") throw "parentCode is undefined,please check the data in database"; item.parentNode = p; p.children.push(item); } } //node 是已经转化的数据结构 var trans = function (node) { for (var ix = 0; ix < node.children.length; ix++) { var cn = node.children[ix]; cn.parentNode = node; trans(cn); } } //对于树节点的根节点(没有父节点信息的节点)的所有子节点数据格式进行转换,并缓存到所有根节点 srcData 中 var srcData = []; for (var key in dic) { if (dic.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var item = dic[key]; if (!item || item.parentNode) continue; trans(item); srcData.push(item); } } //会计科目分类 var groupData = [ { id: "1", code: "资产", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "2", code: "负债", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "3", code: "共同", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "4", code: "权益", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "5", code: "成本", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }, { id: "6", code: "损益", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] } ]; //其他未知类型 var other = { id: "0", code: "其他", name: "", selected: false, direction: "", data: null, children: [] }; //将会计科目进行分类 for (var ix = 0; ix < srcData.length; ix++) { item = srcData[ix]; var p = _.find(groupData, function (n) { return Number( === Number(; }); if (p) { item.parentNode = p; item.parentCode =; p.children.push(item); } else { other.children.push(item); } } if (other.children.length > 0) { groupData.push(other); } $ctrl.treeSrcData = groupData; $ctrl.treeViewOps = { idAttribute: 'id', labelAttribute: 'code', childrenAttribute: 'children', selectedAttribute: 'selected', useCheckboxes: true, expandToDepth: 0, validate: true, defaultSelectedState: false, twistieExpandedTpl: '<span class="fa fa-caret-right"></span>', twistieCollapsedTpl: '<span class="fa fa-caret-right"></span>', twistieLeafTpl: ' ', nodeTpl: [ '<div class="ivh-treeview-node-content" title="{{trvw.label(node)}}">', '<div>', '<div>', '<span ivh-treeview-toggle>', '<span class="ivh-treeview-twistie-wrapper" ivh-treeview-twistie></span>', '</span>', '<span class="ivh-treeview-checkbox-wrapper" ng-if="trvw.useCheckboxes()" ivh-treeview-checkbox></span>', '<span class="ivh-treeview-node-label" ivh-treeview-label-select>{{trvw.label(node)}}</span>', '</div>', '<span class="accountName">{{}}</span>', '<span class="debitOrCredit">{{node.direction}}</span>', '</div>', '<div ivh-treeview-children></div>', '</div>' ].join('\n') }; } $ctrl.ok = function () { var selects = []; ivhTreeviewBfs($ctrl.treeSrcData, $ctrl.treeViewOps, function (node) { if (node.selected && && > 1) selects.push(; return true; }); selects = selects.join(' '); $scope.$parent.queryParams.inputs.accountCode = selects; $uibModalInstance.close(); }; $ctrl.cancel = function () { $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); }; initControls(); }]); commonModule.directive('previewAccountVoucher', ['$log', 'browserService', '$translate', function ($log, browserService, $translate) { $log.debug('previewAccountVoucher.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/preview-account-voucher/preview-account-voucher.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { isFromReMapping: '@', reMappId: '@', isEdit: '@', enterpriseCode: '=?', selectedVouchers: "=?", project: '=?', month:'=?', }, controller: 'previewAccountVoucherController', link: function ($scope, element) { // ************************************************************************************************ // Perform Data filter $scope.doDataFilter = function (removeData) { $scope.filterData.periodFrom = $; $scope.filterData.periodTo = $; if ($scope.filterData.periodFrom > $scope.filterData.periodTo) { $scope.filterData.periodTo = $scope.filterData.periodFrom; } if (removeData !== "") { $scope.openFilterPopup(); var textBoxNames = removeData.split("|"); for (var i = 0; i < textBoxNames.length; i++) $("#" + textBoxNames[i]).val(""); } $scope.filterData = { periodFrom: $scope.filterData.periodFrom, periodTo: $scope.filterData.periodTo, accountCode: $("#accountCode").val().trim(), accountName: $("#accountName").val().trim(), debitOpeningBalanceFrom: $("#debitOpeningBalanceFrom").val().trim(), debitOpeningBalanceTo: $("#debitOpeningBalanceTo").val().trim(), creditOpeningBalanceFrom: $("#creditOpeningBalanceFrom").val().trim(), creditOpeningBalanceTo: $("#creditOpeningBalanceTo").val().trim(), accumulatedDebitAmountFrom: $("#accumulatedDebitAmountFrom").val().trim(), accumulatedDebitAmountTo: $("#accumulatedDebitAmountTo").val().trim(), accumulatedCreditAmountFrom: $("#accumulatedCreditAmountFrom").val().trim(), accumulatedCreditAmountTo: $("#accumulatedCreditAmountTo").val().trim(), debitClosingBalanceFrom: $("#debitClosingBalanceFrom").val().trim(), debitClosingBalanceTo: $("#debitClosingBalanceTo").val().trim(), creditClosingBalanceFrom: $("#creditClosingBalanceFrom").val().trim(), creditClosingBalanceTo: $("#creditClosingBalanceTo").val().trim() }; //******************************************************************************** // add to Criteria List for display on top of the grid: var crits = $scope.filterData; $scope.criteriaList = []; var crit = []; if (crits.accountCode !== "null" && crits.accountCode.length > 0) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccountCode'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accountCode; crit.propertyName = "accountCode"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.accountName !== "null" && crits.accountName.length > 0) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccountName'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accountName; crit.propertyName = "accountName"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.debitOpeningBalanceFrom !== "null" && crits.debitOpeningBalanceFrom.length > 0 || crits.debitOpeningBalanceTo !== "null" && crits.debitOpeningBalanceTo.length) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('DebitOpeningBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.debitOpeningBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.debitOpeningBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "debitOpeningBalanceFrom|debitOpeningBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.creditOpeningBalanceFrom !== "null" && crits.creditOpeningBalanceFrom.length > 0 || crits.creditOpeningBalanceTo !== "null" && crits.creditOpeningBalanceTo.length) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('CreditOpeningBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.creditOpeningBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.creditOpeningBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "creditOpeningBalanceFrom|creditOpeningBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom !== "null" && crits.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom.length > 0 || crits.accumulatedDebitAmountTo !== "null" && crits.accumulatedDebitAmountTo.length) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccumulatedDebitAmount'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.accumulatedDebitAmountTo; crit.propertyName = "accumulatedDebitAmountFrom|accumulatedDebitAmountTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom !== "null" && crits.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom.length > 0 || crits.accumulatedCreditAmountTo !== "null" && crits.accumulatedCreditAmountTo.length) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccumulatedCreditAmount'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.accumulatedCreditAmountTo; crit.propertyName = "accumulatedCreditAmountFrom|accumulatedCreditAmountTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.debitClosingBalanceFrom !== "null" && crits.debitClosingBalanceFrom.length > 0 || crits.debitClosingBalanceTo !== "null" && crits.debitClosingBalanceTo.length) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('DebitClosingBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.debitClosingBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.debitClosingBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "debitClosingBalanceFrom|debitClosingBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (crits.creditClosingBalanceFrom !== "null" && crits.creditClosingBalanceFrom.length > 0 || crits.creditClosingBalanceTo !== "null" && crits.creditClosingBalanceTo.length) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('CreditClosingBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.creditClosingBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.creditClosingBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "creditClosingBalanceFrom|creditClosingBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } // add to Criteria List for display on top of the grid: //******************************************************************************** var criteria = JSON.stringify($scope.filterData); if (browserService.isIE() || browserService.isEdge()) criteria = encodeURIComponent(criteria); $scope.getDataFromDatabase($scope.currentCategory, $scope.filterData.periodFrom, $scope.filterData.periodTo, criteria); $('.justPopMeOver').popover("hide"); }; // Perform Data filter // ************************************************************************************************ $scope.openFilterPopup = function () { $("#accountCode").val($scope.filterData.accountCode); $("#accountName").val($scope.filterData.accountName); $("#debitOpeningBalanceFrom").val($scope.filterData.debitOpeningBalanceFrom); $("#debitOpeningBalanceTo").val($scope.filterData.debitOpeningBalanceTo); $("#creditOpeningBalanceFrom").val($scope.filterData.creditOpeningBalanceFrom); $("#creditOpeningBalanceTo").val($scope.filterData.creditOpeningBalanceTo); $("#accumulatedDebitAmountFrom").val($scope.filterData.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom); $("#accumulatedDebitAmountTo").val($scope.filterData.accumulatedDebitAmountTo); $("#accumulatedCreditAmountFrom").val($scope.filterData.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom); $("#accumulatedCreditAmountTo").val($scope.filterData.accumulatedCreditAmountTo); $("#debitClosingBalanceFrom").val($scope.filterData.debitClosingBalanceFrom); $("#debitClosingBalanceTo").val($scope.filterData.debitClosingBalanceTo); $("#creditClosingBalanceFrom").val($scope.filterData.creditClosingBalanceFrom); $("#creditClosingBalanceTo").val($scope.filterData.creditClosingBalanceTo); }; $scope.isFromReMapping = false; $scope.$watch("enterpriseCode", function (newValue, oldValue) { //选择不同COA时,初始化搜索条件 if ($scope.isFromReMapping) { $log.debug("start vat-preview-accountVoucher.js watching enterpriseCode"); //设置科目代码 $("#coaAutoComplete").dxAutocomplete("instance").option("value", newValue); if (!_.isUndefined(newValue) && !_.isUndefined(oldValue)) { if (!_.isEqual(newValue, oldValue)) { $scope.voucherDataList = []; $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance').option("dataSource", $scope.voucherDataList); //切换不同的COA时,查询界面重置为空 $scope.queryString = ''; //查询条件汇总 $scope.vIDCount = 0;//凭证数 $scope.itemIDCount = 0;//分路数 $scope.debitSum = 0;//借方金额 $scope.creditSum = 0;//贷方金额 } } } }); $scope.$watch("isEdit", function (newValue, oldValue) { $log.debug("start vat-preview-accountVoucher.js watching isEdit"); $log.debug($scope.enterpriseCode); $log.debug($scope.selectedVouchers); $log.debug($scope.isEdit); if ($scope.isFromReMapping) { $("#coaAutoComplete").dxAutocomplete("instance").option("value", $scope.enterpriseCode); $scope.voucherDataList = []; $('#gridContainer').dxDataGrid('instance').option("dataSource", $scope.voucherDataList); //切换不同的COA时,查询界面重置为空 $scope.queryString = ''; //查询条件汇总 $scope.vIDCount = 0;//凭证数 $scope.itemIDCount = 0;//分路数 $scope.debitSum = 0;//借方金额 $scope.creditSum = 0;//贷方金额 //当凭证重对应点击编辑按钮时,调用查询 if (!_.isNull($scope.selectedVouchers) && $scope.isEdit === "true") { $log.debug("start vat-preview-accountVoucher.js watching selectVoucher "); $scope.selectVoucher(); } } }); } }; } ]); commonModule.directive('convertToNumber', function () { return { require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { ngModel.$parsers.push(function (val) { return val != null ? parseInt(val, 10) : null; }); ngModel.$formatters.push(function (val) { return val != null ? '' + val : null; }); } }; }); commonModule.controller('previewTrialBalanceController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', 'region', 'citSessionService', 'enums', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants, vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, region, citSessionService, enums) { 'use strict'; $scope.serviceType = $scope.project.serviceTypeID; $scope.startDate = new Date($scope.project.year, 0, 1); $scope.endDate = new Date($scope.project.year, 11, 31); $scope.dateFormat = $translate.instant('dateFormat4YearMonthDay'); $scope.isReadOnly = false; var minDate = [1, $scope.project.year]; var maxDate = [12, $scope.project.year]; var setDate = [ [$scope.month, $scope.project.year], [$scope.month, $scope.project.year]]; $scope.treeData = null; $scope.stupidData = null; $scope.isShowParentCodePop = false; $scope.isToClearSelection = false; $scope.isRunningTheFirstTime = true; $scope.isToPrint = false; $scope.switchedToCIT = false; //Date range picker: // ********************************************************************** $scope.filterDataCriteria = ""; $scope.filterData = { periodFrom: $scope.month, periodTo: $scope.month, accountCode: null, accountName: null, debitOpeningBalanceFrom: null, debitOpeningBalanceTo: null, creditOpeningBalanceFrom: null, creditOpeningBalanceTo: null, accumulatedDebitAmountFrom: null, accumulatedDebitAmountTo: null, accumulatedCreditAmountFrom: null, accumulatedCreditAmountTo: null, debitClosingBalanceFrom: null, debitClosingBalanceTo: null, creditClosingBalanceFrom: null, creditClosingBalanceTo: null, hideAllZeroRecords: false }; //CIT if ($scope.serviceType === '6') { $scope.isReadOnly = true; setDate = [[1, $scope.project.year], [12, $scope.project.year]]; $scope.filterData.periodFrom = 1; $scope.filterData.periodTo = 12; } $scope.criteriaList = []; // current CATEGORY: $scope.categoryList = [{ id: 'CIT', name: $translate.instant('CITProject') }, { id: 'STD', name: $translate.instant('STANDARDProject') }]; $scope.currentCategory = { }; $scope.currentCategory.selected = { id: 'CIT', name: $translate.instant('CITProject') }; $scope.monthList = [$translate.instant('Month01'), $translate.instant('Month02'), $translate.instant('Month03'), $translate.instant('Month04'), $translate.instant('Month05'), $translate.instant('Month06'), $translate.instant('Month07'), $translate.instant('Month08'), $translate.instant('Month09'), $translate.instant('Month10'), $translate.instant('Month11'), $translate.instant('Month12') ]; $scope.subtotals = { TitleName: '', BegDebitBal: '0.00', BegCreditBal: '0.00', EndDebitBal: '0.00', EndCreditBal: '0.00', YearDebitBal: '0.00', YearCreditBal: '0.00' }; $scope.confirmCodes = function (confirmedRecords) { var codes = ""; $scope.filterData.accountCode = ""; confirmedRecords.forEach(function (item) { codes = codes + " " + item.subjectCode + " "; }); $scope.filterData.accountCode = codes; $timeout(function () { $("#filterButton").click(); }, 500); } $scope.cancelCodes = function () { $timeout(function () { $("#filterButton").click(); }, 500); } //************ EXCEL EXPORT FUNCTION ***************/ $scope.$on('ngRepeatFinished', function (ngRepeatFinishedEvent) { if ($scope.isToPrint) export_table_to_excel('exportTable', 'GL', 'xlsx', ''); $scope.isToPrint = false; }); $scope.doExport = function (fileName, type, fn) { $scope.isToPrint = true; $scope.getDataFromDatabase($, $scope.filterData.periodFrom, $scope.filterData.periodTo, $scope.filterDataCriteria, true); } // function to get data from Backend $scope.getDataFromDatabase = function (category, from, to, criteria, isExportOnly) { vatImportService.getBalanceDataForDisplay(category, from, to, criteria).success(function (trialBalance) { $scope.treeData = JSON.parse(trialBalance); writeoutNode($scope.treeData.List, 0, newTree); //check to see if user switch to STD subject: if ($scope.switchedToCIT && ($scope.treeData === null || $scope.treeData.length <= 0)) { var selectedDisplaySubjectName = $translate.instant('SwitchToSTANDARDProject'); // give a notice: swal({ title: "", text: selectedDisplaySubjectName, type: "warning", confirmButtonText: "确定" }); $scope.switchedToCIT = false; } if (isExportOnly !== null && isExportOnly) { $scope.exportDataList = newTree; } else { $ = newTree; //populate standard parents code: if ($scope.isRunningTheFirstTime) { var formedNewTree; var formedNewTrees = []; var debit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit'), credit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit'); newTree.forEach(function (item) { formedNewTree = new Object(); formedNewTree.$$treeLevel = item.$$treeLevel; formedNewTree.subjectCode = item.accountCode; formedNewTree.subjectName = item.accountName; formedNewTree.acctProp = item.acctProp; formedNewTree.direction = item.direction === "1" ? debit : credit; formedNewTrees.push(formedNewTree); }); $scope.stupidData = formedNewTrees; $scope.isRunningTheFirstTime = false; } newTree = []; $scope.subtotals = $scope.treeData.SubTotals; $('.filter-button').popover("hide"); setTimeout(function () { SetUiGridHeader(); }, 900); } $scope.isToClearSelection = false; }); }; // Write UI GRID TREE NOTES: var newTree = []; var id = "0"; var writeoutNode = function (childArray, currentLevel, dataArray) { childArray.forEach(function (childNode) { if (childNode.children.length > 0) { childNode.$$treeLevel = currentLevel; id = childNode.accountCode; } else { childNode.$$treeLevel = currentLevel; } dataArray.push(childNode); writeoutNode(childNode.children, currentLevel + 1, dataArray); }); }; //************************EXCEL EXPORT FUNCTION ********************************** $scope.initGridOption = function () { $scope.gridOptions = { rowHeight: 50, showGridFooter: false, showColumnFooter: true, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 50, enableFullRowSelection: false, enableRowSelection: false, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableGridMenu: false, enableSelectAll: false, //exporterLinkLabel: 'get it here', //exporterCsvFilename: 'GL.csv', exporterOlderExcelCompatibility: true, virtualizationThreshold: 50, exporterHeaderFilter: function (displayName) { var headerName = ""; if (displayName === $translate.instant('Debitor')) headerName = $translate.instant('DebitOpeningBalance'); else if (displayName === $translate.instant('Creditor')) headerName = $translate.instant('CreditOpeningBalance'); else if (displayName === $translate.instant('Debitor') + ' ') headerName = $translate.instant('AccumulatedDebitAmount'); else if (displayName === $translate.instant('Creditor') + ' ') headerName = $translate.instant('AccumulatedCreditAmount'); else if (displayName === $translate.instant('Debitor') + ' ') headerName = $translate.instant('DebitClosingBalance'); else if (displayName === $translate.instant('Creditor') + ' ') headerName = $translate.instant('CreditClosingBalance'); else headerName = displayName; return headerName; }, exporterHeaderFilterUseName: true, exportCsvLinkElement: angular.element(document.querySelectorAll(".custom-csv-link-location")), onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { //$scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApiTotal = gridApi; //$timeout(function () { // $scope.gridApiTotal.core.handleWindowResize(); //}); var counterx = 1; $interval(function () { if (counterx === 1) { $scope.gridApiTotal.core.handleWindowResize(); counterx++; } }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); }, columnDefs: [ { field: 'accountCode', name: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), headerCellClass: 'dataColumn1', cellTemplate: '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==0" class=""><span>{{row.entity.accountCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==1" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.accountCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==2" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.accountCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==3" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.accountCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==4" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.accountCode}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'accountName', width: 200, name: $translate.instant('AccountName'), headerCellClass: 'dataColumn2', cellTemplate: '<div class=""><span>{{row.entity.accountName}}<span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.TitleName}}: </div>' }, { field: 'debitOpeningBalance', name: $translate.instant('Debitor'), headerCellClass: 'alignCenter dataColumn3', cellTemplate: '<div class="alignRight margin-right5"><span>{{row.entity.debitOpeningBalance}}</span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.BegDebitBal}}</div>' }, { field: 'creditOpeningBalance', name: $translate.instant('Creditor'), headerCellClass: 'alignCenter dataColumn4', cellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5"><span>{{row.entity.creditOpeningBalance}}</span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.BegCreditBal}}</div>' }, { field: 'accumulatedDebitAmount', name: $translate.instant('Debitor') + ' ', headerCellClass: 'alignCenter dataColumn5', cellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5"><span>{{row.entity.accumulatedDebitAmount}}</span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.DebitBal}}</div>' }, { field: 'accumulatedCreditAmount', name: $translate.instant('Creditor') + ' ', headerCellClass: 'alignCenter dataColumn6', cellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5"><span>{{row.entity.accumulatedCreditAmount}}</span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.CreditBal}}</div>' }, { field: 'debitClosingBalance', name: $translate.instant('Debitor') + ' ', headerCellClass: 'alignCenter dataColumn7', cellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5"><span>{{row.entity.debitClosingBalance}}</span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class="alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.EndDebitBal}}</div>' }, { field: 'creditClosingBalance', name: $translate.instant('Creditor') + ' ', headerCellClass: 'alignCenter dataColumn8', cellTemplate: '<div class=" alignRight margin-right5"><span>{{row.entity.creditClosingBalance}}</span></div>' , footerCellTemplate: '<div class="alignRight margin-right5 margin-top5" >{{grid.appScope.subtotals.EndCreditBal}}</div>' } ] }; // Get initial Data from Backend to fill the UI grid Tree: $scope.getDataFromDatabase($, $scope.filterData.periodFrom, $scope.filterData.periodTo, ""); }; $scope.doDataFilterReset = function () { var from = $scope.filterData.periodFrom; var to = $scope.filterData.periodTo; $scope.filterData = { periodFrom: from, periodTo: to, accountCode: null, accountName: null, debitOpeningBalanceFrom: null, debitOpeningBalanceTo: null, creditOpeningBalanceFrom: null, creditOpeningBalanceTo: null, accumulatedDebitAmountFrom: null, accumulatedDebitAmountTo: null, accumulatedCreditAmountFrom: null, accumulatedCreditAmountTo: null, debitClosingBalanceFrom: null, debitClosingBalanceTo: null, creditClosingBalanceFrom: null, creditClosingBalanceTo: null, hideAllZeroRecords: false }; // $scope.criteriaList = []; //$scope.getDataFromDatabase($, from, to, ""); $scope.isToClearSelection = true; } $scope.doDataFilter = function (removeData) { if ($scope.filterData.periodFrom > $scope.filterData.periodTo) { $scope.filterData.periodTo = $scope.filterData.periodFrom; } // Filter validations: if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.debitOpeningBalanceFrom) && !PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.debitOpeningBalanceTo) && $scope.filterData.debitOpeningBalanceFrom > $scope.filterData.debitOpeningBalanceTo) { swal({ title: "", text: $translate.instant('AmountWarningSearch'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: "确定" }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $("#filterButton").click(); } }); } else if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.creditOpeningBalanceFrom) && !PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.creditOpeningBalanceTo) && $scope.filterData.creditOpeningBalanceFrom > $scope.filterData.creditOpeningBalanceTo) { swal({ title: "", text: $translate.instant('AmountWarningSearch'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $("#filterButton").click(); } }); } else if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom) && !PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.accumulatedDebitAmountTo) && $scope.filterData.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom > $scope.filterData.accumulatedDebitAmountTo) { swal({ title: "", text: $translate.instant('AmountWarningSearch'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $("#filterButton").click(); } }); } else if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom) && !PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.accumulatedCreditAmountTo) && $scope.filterData.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom > $scope.filterData.accumulatedCreditAmountTo) { swal({ title: "", text: $translate.instant('AmountWarningSearch'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $("#filterButton").click(); } }); } else if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.debitClosingBalanceFrom) && !PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.debitClosingBalanceTo) && $scope.filterData.debitClosingBalanceFrom > $scope.filterData.debitClosingBalanceTo) { swal({ title: "", text: $translate.instant('AmountWarningSearch'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $("#filterButton").click(); } }); } else if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.creditClosingBalanceFrom) && !PWC.isNullOrEmpty($scope.filterData.creditClosingBalanceTo) && $scope.filterData.creditClosingBalanceFrom > $scope.filterData.creditClosingBalanceTo) { swal({ title: "", text: $translate.instant('AmountWarningSearch'), type: "warning", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm') }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { $("#filterButton").click(); } }); } else { //设置需要去掉的查询条件的值为空 if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(removeData)) { var removeItem = removeData.split("|"); removeItem.forEach(function (v) { $scope.filterData[v] = null; }); } //******************************************************************************** // add to Criteria List for display on top of the grid: var crits = $scope.filterData; $scope.criteriaList = []; var crit = []; if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.accountCode)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccountCode'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accountCode; crit.propertyName = "accountCode"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.accountName)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccountName'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accountName; crit.propertyName = "accountName"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.debitOpeningBalanceFrom) || !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.debitOpeningBalanceTo)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('DebitOpeningBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.debitOpeningBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.debitOpeningBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "debitOpeningBalanceFrom|debitOpeningBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.creditOpeningBalanceFrom) || !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.creditOpeningBalanceTo)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('CreditOpeningBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.creditOpeningBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.creditOpeningBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "creditOpeningBalanceFrom|creditOpeningBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom) || !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.accumulatedDebitAmountTo)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccumulatedDebitAmount'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accumulatedDebitAmountFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.accumulatedDebitAmountTo; crit.propertyName = "accumulatedDebitAmountFrom|accumulatedDebitAmountTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom) || !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.accumulatedCreditAmountTo)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('AccumulatedCreditAmount'); crit.valueFrom = crits.accumulatedCreditAmountFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.accumulatedCreditAmountTo; crit.propertyName = "accumulatedCreditAmountFrom|accumulatedCreditAmountTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.debitClosingBalanceFrom) || !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.debitClosingBalanceTo)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('DebitClosingBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.debitClosingBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.debitClosingBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "debitClosingBalanceFrom|debitClosingBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } if (!PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.creditClosingBalanceFrom) || !PWC.isNullOrEmpty(crits.creditClosingBalanceTo)) { crit = new Object; = $translate.instant('CreditClosingBalance'); crit.valueFrom = crits.creditClosingBalanceFrom; crit.valueTo = crits.creditClosingBalanceTo; crit.propertyName = "creditClosingBalanceFrom|creditClosingBalanceTo"; $scope.criteriaList.push(crit); } // add to Criteria List for display on top of the grid: //******************************************************************************** var criteria = JSON.stringify($scope.filterData); $scope.filterDataCriteria = criteria; $scope.getDataFromDatabase($, $scope.filterData.periodFrom, $scope.filterData.periodTo, criteria, false); } }; $scope.popTheParentCode = function () { $scope.isShowParentCodePop = true; $scope.isToClearSelection = false; $('.filter-button').popover("hide"); } $scope.hideAllZeroRecords = function () { $scope.filterData.hideAllZeroRecords = $("#ckbHideAllZeroRecords").is(":checked"); var criteria = JSON.stringify($scope.filterData); $scope.getDataFromDatabase($, $scope.filterData.periodFrom, $scope.filterData.periodTo, criteria, false); }; //过滤条件变化 $scope.doCategoryChange = function () { $scope.doDataFilterReset(); $scope.criteriaList = []; $scope.isRunningTheFirstTime = true; $scope.filterData.hideAllZeroRecords = false; $("#ckbHideAllZeroRecords").prop('checked', false); $scope.doDataFilter(''); var selectedSubjectName = $; if (selectedSubjectName === "CIT") $scope.switchedToCIT = true; }; // ************************************************************************************************ // Control how the Header looks: function SetUiGridHeader() { var column1 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .ui-grid-header-cell").first(); var column2 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn1"); var column3 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn2"); var column4 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn3"); var column5 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn4"); var column6 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn5"); var column7 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn6"); var column8 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn7"); var column9 = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .dataColumn8"); var col1 = column1.width(); var col2 = column2.width(); var col3 = column3.width(); var col4 = column4.width(); var col5 = column5.width(); var col6 = column6.width(); var col7 = column7.width(); var col8 = column8.width(); var col9 = column9.width(); var marginSize = "-20px"; var marginSizeForIcon = "-17px"; if (browserService.isIE() || browserService.isEdge()) { $("#UIHeaderCol001").width(col1 - 1); $("#UIHeaderCol01").width(col2); $("#UIHeaderCol1").width(col3); $("#UIHeaderCol2").width(col4 + col5 + 1); $("#UIHeaderCol3").width(col6 + col7 + 1); } else if (browserService.isFirefox()) { $("#UIHeaderCol001").width(col1); $("#UIHeaderCol01").width(col2); $("#UIHeaderCol1").width(col3); $("#UIHeaderCol2").width(col4 + col5 + 1); $("#UIHeaderCol3").width(col6 + col7 + 1); marginSize = "-16px"; marginSizeForIcon = "-16px"; } else if (browserService.isChrome()) { $("#UIHeaderCol001").width(col1 - 1); $("#UIHeaderCol01").width(col2); $("#UIHeaderCol1").width(col3); $("#UIHeaderCol2").width(col4 + col5 + 1); $("#UIHeaderCol3").width(col6 + col7 + 1); marginSize = "-15px"; marginSizeForIcon = "-15px"; } var treeExpanderIcon = $("#tbDataPreviewGrid .ui-grid-tree-base-row-header-buttons").first(); treeExpanderIcon.css("margin-top", marginSizeForIcon); var subjectCode = column2.find('span'); var subjectName = column3.find('span'); subjectCode.css("margin-top", 0); subjectName.css("margin-top", 0); setTimeout(function () { subjectName.css("position", "absolute"); subjectName.css("margin-top", marginSize); subjectCode.css("position", "absolute"); subjectCode.css("margin-top", marginSize); }, 900); }; //开始 (function initialize() { //初始化month-picker $('#input-invoice-period-picker').rangePicker({ minDate: minDate, maxDate: maxDate, setDate: setDate, months: $scope.monthList,//['1月', '2月', '3月', '4月', '5月', '6月', '7月', '8月', '9月', '10月', '11月', '12月'], ConfirmBtnText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), CancelBtnText: $translate.instant('ButtonCancel') }) .on('', function (ev, picker) { $('.filter-button').popover("hide"); }) .on('datePicker.done', function (e, result) { //开始月份 var startMonth = result[0][0]; //结束月份 var endMonth = result[1][0]; $scope.filterData.periodFrom = startMonth; $scope.filterData.periodTo = endMonth; var criteria = JSON.stringify($scope.filterData); $scope.getDataFromDatabase($, $scope.filterData.periodFrom, $scope.filterData.periodTo, criteria); }); $scope.initGridOption(); $scope.$on(enums.vatEvent.layoutChanged, function () { $scope.gridApiTotal.core.handleWindowResize(); SetUiGridHeader(); }); // Reposition Header when the window is resized $(window).on('resize', function () { $scope.gridApiTotal.core.handleWindowResize(); SetUiGridHeader(); }); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('previewTrialBalance', ['$log', 'browserService', '$translate', function ($log, browserService, $translate) { $log.debug('previewTrialBalance.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/preview-trial-balance/preview-trial-balance.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { project: '=?', month:'=?', }, controller: 'previewTrialBalanceController', link: function ($scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('refundReasonController', ['$log', '$translate', '$uibModal', '$scope', '$document', 'InvoiceManageService', 'SweetAlert', function ($log, $translate, $uibModal, $scope, $document, InvoiceManageService, SweetAlert) { 'use strict'; $scope.refundReason = { reasonSelectOptions: { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'reasons' }, width: "60%", height:"32px", onSelectionChanged: function (e) { var selectItem = e.selectedItem; if ( === 4) { $scope.refundReason.remarkEntity.value = null; //OtherReason $('#otherReasonRemark').show(); } else { $('#otherReasonRemark').hide(); $ =; $scope.refundReason.remarkEntity.value = selectItem.value; } }, valueExpr: 'id', displayExpr: 'value', placeHolder: $translate.instant('ChoosePlaceholder') }, otherReasonOptions: { bindingOptions: { value: 'refundReason.remarkEntity.value' } }, remarkEntity: { id: null, value: null } }; $scope.refundReasonModal = { modalInstance: null, open: function () { var parentSelector = '.refund-reason-modal'; var parentElem = parentSelector ? angular.element($document[0].querySelector(parentSelector)) : undefined; var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'refund-reason.html', windowClass: 'reason-modal', scope: $scope, appendTo: parentElem, }); $scope.refundReasonModal.modalInstance = modalInstance; }, close: function () { if ($scope.refundReasonModal.modalInstance) { $scope.isShow = false; //发票IDs 退票原因 var dto = { invoiceIDs: $scope.invoiceIds, remark: $ + '_' + $scope.refundReason.remarkEntity.value, type: null, userID: null }; InvoiceManageService.addRefundRemark(dto).success(function (res) { if (_.isFunction($scope.refreshTable)) { $scope.refreshTable(); } $scope.refundReasonModal.modalInstance.close(); }).error(function () { SweetAlert.error('', $translate.instant('CommonFail')); }); } }, cancel: function () { if ($scope.refundReasonModal.modalInstance) { $scope.isShow = false; $scope.refundReasonModal.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } }; } ]); commonModule.directive('refundReason', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('refundReason.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/refund-reason/refund-reason.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { //display reason list reasons: '=', //which invoices need to refund invoiceIds: '=', isShow: '=', refreshTable: '&' }, controller: 'refundReasonController', link: function ($scope, element) { $scope.$watch('isShow', function (newVal, oldValue) { if (newVal !== oldValue && newVal) { $; } }); } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('regionSelectorController', ['$scope', 'regionService', '$translate', '$timeout', function($scope, regionService, $translate, $timeout) { var showRegionTree = function() { //默认全部不选择 $scope.gridInstance.unselectAll(); //如果之前的操作有展开的情况,全部收缩 var data = $scope.dsCheckBoxTreeView; data.forEach(function(item) { if (item.expanded) { $scope.gridInstance.collapseItem(item); } }); $timeout(InitSelectedNode, 10); //展开和隐藏区域选择框 if ($('.region-tree-wrapper').is(":hidden")) { $(".region-tree-wrapper").show(); } else { $(".region-tree-wrapper").hide(); } $(document).one("click", function() { $(".region-tree-wrapper").hide(); }); event.stopPropagation(); }; //当进入编辑状态的时候,前端会传一个选中的城市列表过来,然后根据前端传过来的选中列表去初始化选中的状态 //所以检测该变量,一旦该变量发生改变 $scope.$watch('selectedCityList', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { //初始化选中的节点 $scope.selectedNodeList = []; //如果是编辑状态,进入界面前先初始化选中的城市节点 $timeout(InitSelectedNode, 10); // InitSelectedNode(); } }); var InitSelectedNode = function() { //属于该区域的需要选中 //selectedCityList选中当前节点之后通过directive传过来的 $scope.cityNameStr = ''; if ($scope.selectedCityList != undefined) { var citiesOnly = _.filter($scope.selectedCityList, function(item) { return item.level == 2; }); if (citiesOnly && citiesOnly.length > 0) { var cityNameList = _.uniq(_.pluck(citiesOnly, 'name')); $scope.cityNameStr = cityNameList.join(','); } var provincesOnly = _.uniq(_.pluck($scope.selectedCityList, 'parentId')); citiesOnly.forEach(function(item) { $scope.gridInstance.selectItem(; }); $scope.selectedNodeList = citiesOnly; provincesOnly.forEach(function(item) { // $scope.gridInstance.expandItem(; if (item) { $scope.gridInstance.expandItem(item); } }); // $scope.selectedNodeList = $scope.selectedCityList; } }; var getSelectedOrgDisplayText = function() { if ($scope.selectedNodeList !== undefined && $scope.selectedNodeList.length > 0) { var cityTextList =$scope.selectedNodeList, function(node) { return node.level == 2; }), function(item) { return; }); return cityTextList.join(','); } else { return ''; } }; //加载省市数据 var loadProvinceAndCity = function() { regionService.getProvinceAndCityTreeList().success(function(data) { $scope.dsCheckBoxTreeView = data; }); }; $scope.searchOptions = { bindingOptions: { value: "searchValue" }, placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), width: 240, mode: "search", valueChangeEvent: "keyup" }; var dataSource = new{ load: function(loadOptions) { var d = new $.Deferred(); regionService.getProvinceAndCityTreeList().success(function(data) { $scope.dsCheckBoxTreeView = data; d.resolve(data); }); // regionService.getSettingRegionTree().success(function(data) { // initParam(); // setAreaRegionTreeColor(data); // //$scope.areaRegionTreeData = data; // $timeout(function() { // if ($scope.selectedBranch) { // $scope.gridInstance.selectItem($scope.selectedBranch.key); // } else { // $scope.gridInstance.selectItem(data[0].id); // } // }, 20); // d.resolve(data); // }); return d.promise(); } }); //加载区域选择树形结构 var loadRegionCheckboxTreeViewSettings = function() { $scope.regionCheckboxTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'dsCheckBoxTreeView', searchValue: 'searchValue' }, //dataSource: dataSource, selection: { mode: "multiple" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, keyExpr: "id", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, expandAllEnabled: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, expandedRowKeys: [1], showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), displayExpr: 'text', //显示的属性名称,默认为text itemsExpr: 'items', //子层的数组名称,默认为items //scrollDirection:'vertical', //Accepted Values: 'vertical' | 'horizontal' | 'both' selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'normal', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onInitialized: function(e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; }, onItemSelectionChanged: function(e) { if (e.node.selected) { //如果选中的是叶子节点 if (e.node.children.length == 0) { var selectedNode = { id: e.node.key, parentId: e.node.parent == undefined ? null : e.node.parent.key, name: e.node.text, level: 2 }; //检查是否重复,只添加不存在的 if (!checkNodeExistence($scope.selectedNodeList, selectedNode)) { $scope.selectedNodeList.push(selectedNode); } } else { //选中的是父级节点,需要包含所有的子节点 e.node.children.forEach(function(item) { var selectedNode = { id: item.key, parentId: item.parent.key, name: item.text, level: 2 }; //检查是否重复,只添加不存在的 if (!checkNodeExistence($scope.selectedNodeList, selectedNode)) { $scope.selectedNodeList.push(selectedNode); } }); } } else { //如果只是取消叶子节点 if (e.node.children.length == 0) { var selectedNodeList = $scope.selectedNodeList; var findUncheckedOne = _.find(selectedNodeList, function(item) { return === e.node.key && == e.node.text; }); $scope.selectedNodeList = _.without(selectedNodeList, findUncheckedOne); } else { //如果取消父级节点 var selectedNodeList = $scope.selectedNodeList; var idList =, function(item) { return item.key; }); var findUncheckedList = _.filter(selectedNodeList, function(item) { return idList.indexOf( >= 0; }); $scope.selectedNodeList = _.difference(selectedNodeList, findUncheckedList); } } }, //点击行,选中 onItemClick: function(e) { var data = e.itemData; }, onContentReady: function(object, container) { //object.element.find('.dx-checkbox-checked').addClass('dx-state-disabled'); } }; }; var checkNodeExistence = function(allSelectedNodeList, node) { var filteredItem = _.find(allSelectedNodeList, function(item) { return == && ==; }); if (filteredItem) { return true; } return false; }; (function() { $(".region-tree-wrapper").on("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $scope.isfirstShow = true; $scope.checkedRegionsNameSet = {}; $scope.cityNameStr = ''; //加载dev Treeview的配置 loadRegionCheckboxTreeViewSettings(); //加载省市数据 loadProvinceAndCity(); $scope.showRegionTree = showRegionTree; $scope.getSelectedOrgDisplayText = getSelectedOrgDisplayText; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('regionSelector', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('regionSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/region-selector/region-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedNodeList: '=', selectedCityList: '=', isEdit: '=' }, controller: 'regionSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('roleMultiSelectorController', ['$scope', 'roleService', function ($scope, roleService) { roleService.getRoleTreeList().success(function (data) { $scope.roleList = data; }); $scope.toggleRoleSpan = function(role){ if (!{ return; } if (role.isChecked){ role.isChecked = false; } else { role.isChecked = true; } $scope.toggleRoleSub(role); }; $scope.toggleRoleSub = function (role) { //根据当前的SelectedRoleIds判断是新增还是修改, //如果为空,则表示是新增操作,需要将checkedRolesSet和checkedRolesNameSet设置为空 if (!$scope.selectedRoleIds) { $scope.checkedRolesSet = {}; $scope.checkedRolesNameSet = {}; } if (role.isChecked) { $scope.checkedRolesSet[] = role; $scope.checkedRolesNameSet[] = role.label; } else { delete $scope.checkedRolesSet[]; delete $scope.checkedRolesNameSet[]; } $scope.selectedRoleIds = _.keys($scope.checkedRolesSet); $scope.selectedRoleNames = _.values($scope.checkedRolesNameSet); if (!role.subRoles) { return; } role.subRoles.forEach(function (d) { d.isChecked = role.isChecked; if (role.isChecked) { $scope.checkedRolesSet[] = d; $scope.checkedRolesNameSet[] = d.label; } else { delete $scope.checkedRolesSet[]; delete $scope.checkedRolesNameSet[]; } }); $scope.selectedRoleIds = _.keys($scope.checkedRolesSet); $scope.selectedRoleNames = _.values($scope.checkedRolesNameSet); }; $scope.getSelectedRoleDisplayText = function () { if ($scope.selectedRoleNames && $scope.selectedRoleNames.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedRoleIds.length; i++) { $scope.checkedRolesSet[$scope.selectedRoleIds[i]] = { 'id': $scope.selectedRoleIds[i], 'name': $scope.selectedRoleNames[i] }; $scope.checkedRolesNameSet[$scope.selectedRoleIds[i]] = $scope.selectedRoleNames[i]; } return $scope.selectedRoleNames; } else { return ''; } }; var clearAllChecked = function () { $scope.roleList.forEach(function (m) { m.children.forEach(function (n) { n.isChecked = false; }); }); } $scope.initialCheckedNode = function () { if ($scope.selectedRoleIds !== '') { clearAllChecked(); $scope.roleList.forEach(function (m) { m.children.forEach(function (n) { if ($.inArray(, $scope.selectedRoleIds) > -1) { n.isChecked = true; } }); }); } else { clearAllChecked(); } }; (function () { //role property if (!angular.isDefined($scope.itemMaxLength)){ $scope.itemMaxLength = 40; } $scope.roleList = []; $scope.checkedRolesSet = {}; $scope.checkedRolesNameSet = {}; $scope.selectedRoleIds = []; $scope.selectedRoleNames = []; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('roleMultiSelector', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('roleMultiSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/role-multi-selector/role-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { selectedRoleIds: '=', selectedRoleNames: '=', itemMaxLength:'=?' }, controller: 'roleMultiSelectorController', link: function (scope, element) { element.find('.selector-input').on('focus', function () { scope.initialCheckedNode(); scope.$digest(); element.find('.role-tree-container').show(); }); $(document).on('click', function () { element.find('.role-tree-container').hide(); }).on('click', '.role-multi-selector-container', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('standardAccountGridFilterModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload' , 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants' , 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', 'region', 'vatSessionService' , 'vatReductionService', '$uibModal', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload , dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants , vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, region, vatSessionService , vatReductionService, $uibModal) { 'use strict'; $log.debug("standardAccountGridFilterModalController start....."); //开始 (function initialize() { })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('standardAccountGridFilterModal', ['$log','$translate','$uibModal', function ($log, $translate,$uibModal) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('standardAccountGridFilterModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/standard-account-grid-filter-modal/standard-account-grid-filter-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'standardAccountGridFilterModalController', scope: { isShowStdFilter: "=", stdAccountList: "=?", selectedStdCode: "=?" }, link: function ($scope, element) { var selectedStdItem; $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.isShowStdFilter = false; $('#stdAccountFilterModel').modal('hide'); } $scope.selectStdCode = function () { if (!_.isUndefined(selectedStdItem)) { $scope.selectedStdCode = selectedStdItem[0].code; } $scope.closeModal(); } $scope.showStdGridFilter = function () { $scope.stdAccountList = _.sortBy($scope.stdAccountList, 'code'); $scope.treeListOptions = { dataSource: $scope.stdAccountList, keyExpr: "code", parentIdExpr: "parentCode", columns: [ { dataField: "code", caption: $translate.instant('StdSubjectCodeCol'), }, { dataField: "fullName", caption: $translate.instant('StdSubjectNameCol'), }, { dataField: "directionDesc", caption: $translate.instant('SubjectDirectionCol'), }, { dataField: "parentCode", caption: $translate.instant('ParentCode'), }, { dataField: "hasChildren", caption: $translate.instant('DoesHasChildren'), visible:false } ], scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, sorting: { mode: 'single' }, filterRow: { visible: true, applyFilter: "auto", showOperationChooser: false //filterRow是否出现放大镜的筛选条件 }, searchPanel: { placeholder: $translate.instant('Search'), visible: true, width: 200 }, selection: { allowSelectAll: false, mode: "single" }, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 showBorders: true, expandedRowKeys: [1], //onInitialized: function (e) { // $scope.treeViewInstance = e.component; //}, onSelectionChanged: function (e) { selectedStdItem = e.component.getSelectedRowsData(); } }; $('#stdAccountFilterModel').modal('show'); } $scope.$watch("isShowStdFilter", function (newValue, oldValue) { $log.debug("standard-account-grid-filter-modal.js isShow watching:"); $log.debug("newValue:" + newValue + " oldValue:" + oldValue); $log.debug($scope.stdAccountList); if (newValue) { $scope.showStdGridFilter(); } }); } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('taxReportAnalyzeReportController', ['$scope', '$translate', 'SweetAlert', 'enums', 'modelConfigurationService', '$compile', function ($scope, $translate, SweetAlert, enums, modelConfigurationService, $compile) { $scope.modelType = 2; $scope.editModalWriteBackData = false; //焦点单元格发生变化和显示类型发生变化时,若当前正在编辑"模型回填"则直接取消,编辑 $scope.$watch("modelType", "cellDataId", function (newValue, oldValue) { if ($scope.editModalWriteBackData) $scope.fireCancelEditModelWriteBack(); }); //数据源列表发生变化时,获取当前单元格的模型回填数据源 Id,并绑定到 model-analysis-report 中,用于提交回填更改时需要 dataSourceId 的要求 $scope.$watchCollection("modelDataSourceItems", function (newValue, oldValue) { $scope.dataSource = _.find(newValue, function (e) { return e.type === enums.formulaDataSourceType.ModelDatasource; }); }); $scope.fireEditModelWriteBack = function () { $scope.editModalWriteBackData = true; $scope.$broadcast("EditModelWriteBack"); }; $scope.fireCancelEditModelWriteBack = function () { $scope.editModalWriteBackData = false; $scope.$broadcast("CancelEditModelWriteBack"); }; $scope.fireCheckModelWriteBackHasChanged = function () { $scope.$broadcast("CheckModelWriteBackHasChanged"); $scope.editModalWriteBackData = false; }; } ]); commonModule.directive('taxReportAnalyzeReport', [function () { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/tax-report-analyze-report/tax-report-analyze-report.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { cellDataId: '=', modelDataSourceItems: '=', modelIdList: '=', projectYear: '=', period: '=' }, controller: 'taxReportAnalyzeReportController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { } } }]); commonModule.controller('taxReportCellDetailModalController', ['$log', '$scope', '$q', '$translate', '$uibModal', '$document','$rootScope' ,'SweetAlert', 'enums', 'vatReportService', 'loginContext', 'vatSessionService', 'stdAccountService', 'vatCommonService', 'formulaService', 'KeyValueConfigService', 'modelConfigurationService', '$timeout', 'cellCommentService', 'modifiedReportCellService', function ($log, $scope, $q, $translate, $uibModal, $document, $rootScope, SweetAlert, enums, vatReportService, loginContext, vatSessionService, stdAccountService, vatCommonService, formulaService, KeyValueConfigService, modelConfigurationService, $timeout, cellCommentService, modifiedReportCellService) { var activeClass = 'active'; $scope.currentUserName = loginContext.userName; $scope.tabType = 1; $scope.isWriteBackUpdate = false; $scope.projectYear = vatSessionService.year; $scope.projectPeriod= vatSessionService.month; //关闭数据源弹出框 var hidePanel = function () { $scope.selectedDataSourceTabIndex = 1; $scope.tabType = 1; $('#taxReportCellDetailModal').hide('normal'); $('#taxReportCellDetailModal #cellDetailConent').show(); $scope.detail.items = []; //隐藏凭证范围弹出框 $scope.closePropover(); }; $scope.$watch('detail.config.cellID', function () { if ($scope.detail.config != null) { cellCommentService.getCellComments($scope.detail.config.cellID).success(function (op) { if (op.result === true) { $scope.remarks =; } }); } }); /******************单元格值修改*********************************/ //打开修改单元格值弹出框 $scope.openModifyCellDataDialog = function () { var parentElem = angular.element($document[0].querySelector('#modifyCellDataContainer')); var modalInstance = ${ ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'modifyCellData.html', controller: modifyCellDataController, windowClass: 'modification-table', appendTo: parentElem, scope: $scope }); }; var modifyCellDataController = function ($scope) { $scope.modifyReportCellModel = {}; $scope.modifyReportCellModel.originalValue = $scope.$parent.detail.cellInfo.modifiedReportCell ? $scope.$parent.detail.cellInfo.modifiedReportCell.originalValue : $scope.$parent.detail.cellInfo.value; $scope.modifyReportCellModel.col = $scope.$parent.detail.config.columnIndex; $scope.modifyReportCellModel.row = $scope.$parent.detail.config.rowIndex; $scope.modifyReportCellModel.reportId = $scope.$parent.detail.reportId; $scope.saveModification = function () { modifiedReportCellService.update($scope.modifyReportCellModel).success(function (ret) { $scope.$parent.detail.cellInfo.modifiedReportCell =; $scope.$parent.detail.cellInfo.value = $scope.modifyReportCellModel.value; $scope.$ = $scope.modifyReportCellModel.value; $rootScope.$broadcast('cellValueModified', { modifiedReportCell: }); $scope.$dismiss({ $value: 'cancel' }); }); }; $scope.hide = function () { $scope.$dismiss({ $value: 'cancel' }); }; }; $scope.resetReportCell = function () { modifiedReportCellService.reset($ () { $ = $scope.detail.cellInfo.modifiedReportCell.originalValue; $scope.detail.cellInfo.modifiedReportCell = null; $rootScope.$broadcast('cellValueReset', { row: $scope.detail.rowIndex, col: $scope.detail.columnIndex, }); }); }; modifyCellDataController.$inject = ['$scope']; /******************End of 单元格值修改*********************************/ /******************单元格备注*****************************/ $scope.addCellComment = function (content) { var addingComment = { userId: loginContext.userId, cellDataId: $scope.detail.config.cellID, userName: loginContext.userName, comment: $scope.addingRemark, }; cellCommentService.addCellComment(addingComment).success(function (op) { if (op.result === true) { $scope.remarks.push(addingComment); $scope.addingRemark = ''; } }); }; $scope.addRemark = function () { var now = new Date(); $scope.remarks.push({ cellDataId: $scope.detail.config.cellID, userName: loginContext.userName, content: $scope.addingRemark, }); $scope.addingRemark = ''; }; $scope.deleteComment = function (comment) { cellCommentService.deleteCellComment( () { var index = $scope.remarks.indexOf(comment); if (index !== -1) { $scope.remarks.splice(index,1); } }); }; $scope.openReplyBox = function (remark) { var now = new Date(); swal({ title: $translate.instant('cellCommentReply'), type: "input", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: true, },function(inputValue){ if (inputValue === false) return false; if (inputValue === "") { swal.showInputError($translate.instant('cellCommentReplyEmptyMsg')); return false } $scope.$apply(function () { var addingComment = { userId: loginContext.userId, cellDataId: $scope.detail.config.cellID, userName: loginContext.userName, replyToUserName:remark.userName, comment: inputValue, }; cellCommentService.addCellComment(addingComment).success(function (op) { if (op.result === true) { $scope.remarks.push(addingComment); } }); }); return true; }); }; /***********************end of 单元格备注**********************/ //展开|收起数据源弹出框 var togglePanel = function () { if ($('#taxReportCellDetailModal #cellDetailConent').css('display') == 'none') { $('#taxReportCellDetailModal').height(700); } else { $('#taxReportCellDetailModal').height(40); } $timeout(function () { $('#taxReportCellDetailModal #cellDetailConent').toggle('normal'); $('#taxReportCellDetailModal').height(); $scope.isExpand = !$scope.isExpand; }, 50) }; function doConfirmEventHandler() { var r = /^00\d*|^\.\d+|\.$/; if ($scope.detail.inputValue && (isNaN($scope.detail.inputValue) || r.test($scope.detail.inputValue))) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('CheckInputValueFormat')); return; } if ($scope.detail.inputValue && parseFloat($scope.detail.inputValue).toFixed(2) > 9999999999999) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('CheckInputValueLength')); return; } if ($scope.detail.dataType === 5) { r = /^(-[1-9]\d*|[1-9]\d*|[0]{1,1})$/; if (!r.test($scope.detail.inputValue)) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('CheckIntInputValue')); return; } } if ($scope.detail.inputMemo && $scope.detail.inputMemo.length > 500) { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('CheckInputMemoLength')); return; } if ($scope.detail.inputMemo && !$scope.detail.inputValue) { $scope.detail.inputValue = 0; } if (!$scope.detail.inputValue) { $scope.detail.inputValue = "0"; } $scope.detail.inputValue = $scope.detail.dataType === 5 ? parseInt($scope.detail.inputValue) : parseFloat($scope.detail.inputValue).toFixed(2); $scope.onConfirm(); var status = vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month]; //已生成,已提交=>原状态 if (_.isEqual(vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month], constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated) || _.isEqual(vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month], constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportSubmitted)) { status = vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month]; } //已审核及后续状态=>已生成 if (vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportApproved) { status = constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated; } $scope.hidePanel(); vatCommonService.setProjectStatus(vatSessionService.project.dbName, vatSessionService.month, status, null, null); }; //确定点击事件的处理函数 var confirmEventHandler = function () { if (vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.AccountMapSubmitted) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('IsConfirmSaveReport').formatObj({status: vatCommonService.getProjectStautsEnumDesc(vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month])}), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { doConfirmEventHandler(); } else { swal.close(); } }); } else { doConfirmEventHandler(); } }; //切换数据源tab时执行 var changeTabColor = function (type, typeId, typeName, operationType) { $scope.detail.cellType = type; $scope.detail.cellTypeId = typeId; $scope.selectedTabIndex = type; $scope.selectedTabId = typeId; $scope.selectedTypeName = typeName; $scope.currentOperationType = operationType; $($scope.detail.items).each(function (index, element) { if (element.type === type && (!typeId || typeId == && (element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.OutputInvoice && element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Voucher && element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Special || typeName === { $scope.detail.dataGridSource = element.dataSource; // TODO: Justify IF //if ( === 'MaxConditionDataSource') { // $scope.dataSourceOptions.summary.totalItems[4].summaryType = 'max'; //} else { // $scope.dataSourceOptions.summary.totalItems[4].summaryType = 'min'; //} return; } }); }; // 如果公式数据源为销项发票或凭证,该数据源可能是未开票数据源, // 这两类公式数据源可能会同时存在多个tab,判断时要加上Name作为判断条件 var checkIfSelectedTab = function (tabIndex, item) { var rtn = false; if (tabIndex === 1) { // 非手工数据源 rtn = $scope.selectedTabIndex === item.type && $scope.selectedDataSourceTabIndex === 1 && $scope.selectedTabId === && (item.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.OutputInvoice && item.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Voucher && item.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Special || $scope.selectedTypeName ===; } else if (tabIndex === 2) { // 手工数据源 rtn = $scope.selectedDataSourceTabIndex == 2 || ($scope.detail.dataSourceCount == 1 && $scope.detail.hasKeyIn); } return rtn; }; var changeVisibleDataSourceContainer = function (num) { $scope.selectedDataSourceTabIndex = num; }; //---------------------------凭证范围-------------------------//start $scope.formulaList = []; $scope.keyValueList = []; $scope.accountDataSource = []; $scope.selectedAccount = []; $scope.selectedAccountCodes = []; $scope.selectedAccountTemp = []; //凭证范围grid设置。 var voucherRangeOptions = { paging: { enabled: false }, bindingOptions: { dataSource: { deep: false, dataPath: 'selectedAccount' } }, height: 140, columns: [ {caption: $translate.instant('KjSubjectCodeCol'), dataField: 'code', alignment: 'left'}, {caption: $translate.instant('KjSubjectNameCol'), dataField: 'name', alignment: 'left'}, {caption: $translate.instant('SubjectDirectionCol'), dataField: 'directionName', alignment: 'left'}, {caption: $translate.instant('SubjectTypeCol'), dataField: 'acctPropName', alignment: 'left'}, { alignment: 'center', width: '60px', caption: $translate.instant('BtnDelete'), cellTemplate: function (container, options) { $('<a/>').addClass('dx-link dx-link-delete') .html('<i class="fa fa-trash" aria-hidden="true"></i>') .on('dxclick', function () { options.component.removeRow(options.rowIndex); }) .appendTo(container); } } ], customizeColumns: function (columns) { $.each(columns, function (_, element) { //定义表头的模板 element.headerCellTemplate = function (header, info) { $('<span>').html(info.column.caption).appendTo(header); $(header).parent().css({'color': '#444', 'background-color': '#fdd', 'font-family': '微软雅黑'}) .parent().css('border', '1px #ccc solid'); }; }); }, columnAutoWidth: true, showBorders: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, allowColumnResizing: true, hoverStateEnabled: true }; //关闭凭证范围弹出框 var closePropover = function () { $('.tab-add-voucher-area').popover('hide'); $('.add-voucher-range-propover').hide(); $scope.selectedAccount = $scope.selectedAccountTemp; $scope.selectedAccountCodes = _.pluck($scope.selectedAccount, 'code'); }; //打开凭证范围弹出框 var openAcctPropover = function () { $('.add-voucher-range-propover').show(); $scope.selectedAccount = $scope.selectedAccountTemp; } //保存新的凭证范围。 var voucherRangeConfirm = function () { var keyValue = ''; var newStdAccountCodes =$scope.selectedAccount, function (item) { return item.code; }).join(','); keyValue = newStdAccountCodes; if ($scope.voucherRange.filterWay == '2') { keyValue = $scope.voucherRange.voucherKeyword; } vatReportService .updateCellAccountRangeAndSummary($scope.detail.cellTemplateId, vatSessionService.month, keyValue, $scope.voucherRange.filterWay) .success(function () { if ($scope.voucherRange.filterWay == '2') { $scope.selectedAccount = []; $scope.selectedAccountCodes = []; } else { $scope.voucherRange.voucherKeyword = ''; $scope.selectedAccountTemp = $scope.selectedAccount; } $scope.closePropover(); }); }; // 刷新选中的过滤凭证科目代码 var refreshVoucherFilter = function () { if (!$scope.selectedAccountCodes) { $scope.selectedAccountCodes = []; } if (!_.isEmpty($scope.selectedAccountCodes)) { var selectedData = _.filter($scope.accountDataSource, function (data) { return $scope.selectedAccountCodes.indexOf(data.code) > -1; }); $scope.selectedAccount = selectedData; } else { $scope.selectedAccount = []; } }; // 设置科目代码选择器 $scope.accountTitle = $translate.instant('AddAccount'); $scope.accountSelectorOptions = { height: 500, top: 140, width: 730 }; $scope.accountSelectorApi = { onSelectorConfirm: refreshVoucherFilter }; var showSelectAccountPop = function () { $scope.isShowAccounts = true; }; //--------------------------凭证范围-----------------------------//end //删除所有凭证|发票筛选 var removeVoucherFilterTab = function (event) { if ( === 'span') { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete'), text: '', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { //获取当前要删除的筛选类型 var currentType = $('data-type'); var currentTypeId = $('data-type-id'); var tempDetailItems = _.filter($scope.detail.items, function (sourceItem) { return sourceItem.type != currentType || != currentTypeId }); var deleteService = currentType == $scope.ModelDatasource ? modelConfigurationService.deleteModelBackFill : vatReportService[vatSessionService.citFlag === "cit" ? "citDeleteCellDatasource" : "deleteCellDatasource"]; deleteService(currentTypeId, $scope.detail.config.cellID).success(function (rst) { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant(rst.result ? "DeleteSuccess" : rst.resultMsg), text: '', type: "warning", confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), closeOnConfirm: true }); if (rst.result) { if (currentType == $scope.ModelDatasource) { //通知父层去更新 数据 $scope.$emit("hasModelWriteBackUpdated", { isupdated: true }); } else { if (currentType == $scope.VoucherFilter || currentType == $scope.InvoiceFilter) { _.each($scope.detail.items, function (item) { if (item.type == currentType && === currentTypeId) { item.dataSource = []; } }); } var tabContainer = $(".tab-container"); $(".tab").remove(); var firstTab = tabContainer.find(".tab:eq(0)"); if (firstTab.length > 0) { var tabIndex = firstTab.attr('data-tab-index'); var dataType = firstTab.attr('data-type'); var dataTypeId = firstTab.attr('data-type-id'); var dataTypeName = firstTab.attr('data-type-name'); if (dataType !== undefined) { $scope.selectedTabIndex = parseInt(dataType); $scope.selectedTabId = dataTypeId; $scope.selectedTypeName = dataTypeName; $scope.detail.cellType = parseInt(dataType); $scope.detail.cellTypeId = dataTypeId; } $scope.selectedDataSourceTabIndex = parseInt(tabIndex); } else { $scope.detail.cellType = 0; } $scope.detail.dataSourceCount--; $scope.detail.items = tempDetailItems; } } }); } }); } }; //设置数据源表格的合计与表格高度 function setSummaryColumnAndHeight() { $timeout(function () { $("#dataSourceGrid .dx-datagrid-total-footer").hide(); $scope.dataSourceOptions.width = '100%'; //if ($scope.selectedTabIndex == enums.formulaDataSourceType.Report || // $scope.selectedTabIndex == enums.formulaDataSourceType.Judgment || // $scope.selectedTabIndex == enums.formulaDataSourceType.ModelDatasource) { // $("#dataGridFooterSummary").show(); // $scope.dataGridHeight = 165; //} else if ($scope.selectedTabIndex == enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter || // $scope.selectedTabIndex == enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter) { // $("#dataGridFooterSummary").hide(); // $scope.dataGridHeight = 165; //} else { // $("#dataGridFooterSummary").hide(); // $scope.dataGridHeight = 195; //} if ($scope.selectedTabIndex != enums.formulaDataSourceType.KeyInSource && $scope.selectedTabIndex != enums.formulaDataSourceType.RuleSource && $scope.selectedTabIndex != enums.formulaDataSourceType.Special) { $("#dataGridFooterSummary").show(); $scope.dataGridHeight = 165; } else { $("#dataGridFooterSummary").hide(); $scope.dataGridHeight = 195; } }, 100); } var dataGridCommonOptions = { bindingOptions: { columns: 'dataGridColumns', dataSource: 'detail.dataGridSource', height: 'dataGridHeight' }, //添加合计(dx的合计行隐藏,用重写合计行替代,fixed bug 10941) summary: { totalItems: [{ column: 'reportColumn', displayFormat: $translate.instant('Conclusion') }, { column: 'cellName', customizeText: function (data) { $("#dataSourceGrid .dx-datagrid-total-footer").hide(); return $scope.detail.summaryExp; } }, /*{ column: 'cellValue', summaryType: 'sum', customizeText: function (data) { } },*/ { column: 'cellConditionName', customizeText: function (data) { $("#dataSourceGrid .dx-datagrid-total-footer").hide(); return $scope.detail.summaryExp; } }/*, { column: 'cellConditionValue', customizeText: function (data) { var precition = 2; //如果数值是份数类型,则精度为0,否则为2 if ($scope.detail.dataType === 5) { precition = 0; } var evalVal = 0; try { evalVal = eval($scope.detail.summaryValue); if (_.isNaN(evalVal)) { evalVal = Number(evalVal); } else { evalVal = 0; } } catch (ex) { } var val = evalVal.formatAmount(precition); $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($scope.detail.summaryExp + ' ' + val); setSummaryColumnAndHeight(); return val; } }*/] }, paging: { enabled: false }, showBorders: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, allowColumnResizing: true, //columnAutoWidth: true, hoverStateEnabled: true }; var getConclusionVal = function () { var precition = 2; //如果数值是份数类型,则精度为0,否则为2 if ($scope.detail.dataType === 5) { precition = 0; } var summaryValue = $scope.detail.summaryValue; var isShowCellNameSummary = $scope.detail.showFormulaSummary; if ((typeof summaryValue) === "string") summaryValue = summaryValue.replace("--", "- -").replace("++", "+ +"); var evalVal = 0; var evalTaxVal = 0; try { evalVal = eval(summaryValue); if (!_.isNaN(evalVal)) { evalVal = Number(evalVal); } else { evalVal = 0; } } catch (ex) { } if ($scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.InputInvoice || $scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.InputInvoiceDetail || $scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.OutputInvoice || $scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter) { evalVal = _.reduce($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (memo, x) { return memo +; }, 0); evalTaxVal = _.reduce($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (memo, x) { return memo + x.taxMoney; }, 0); $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($translate.instant('Conclusion') + ' ' + $translate.instant('Amount') + ': ' + evalVal.formatAmount(precition) + ' ' + $translate.instant('TaxAmount') + ': ' + evalTaxVal.formatAmount(precition)); } else if ($scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.Voucher) { evalVal = _.reduce($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (memo, x) { return memo + x.debit -; }, 0); $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($translate.instant('Conclusion') + ' ' + evalVal.formatAmount(precition)); } else if ($scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter) { evalVal = _.reduce($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (memo, x) { return memo + x.debitAmount - x.creditAmount; }, 0); $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($translate.instant('Conclusion') + ' ' + evalVal.formatAmount(precition)); } //else if ($scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.BSPL) { // evalVal = _.reduce($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (memo, x) { // return memo + x.amount; // }, 0); // $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($translate.instant('Conclusion') // + ' ' + evalVal.formatAmount(precition)); //} else if ($scope.selectedTabIndex === enums.formulaDataSourceType.ModelDatasource) { evalVal = _.reduce($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (memo, x) { return memo + x.cellValue; }, 0); $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($translate.instant('Conclusion') + ' ' + evalVal.formatAmount(precition)); } else { // For 报表数据源 and BSPL数据源 var summaryExp = ''; if (isShowCellNameSummary && !_.isEmpty($scope.detail.summaryExp) && $scope.detail.summaryExp.indexOf('DS[') < 0) { // 在Demo中,去掉结论中的未替换表达式 summaryExp = ' ' + $scope.detail.summaryExp; } $("#dataGridFooterSummary").html($translate.instant('Conclusion') + summaryExp + ' ' + evalVal.formatAmount(precition)); } setSummaryColumnAndHeight(); return evalVal.formatAmount(precition); }; //设置数据源表格的列 var getDataGridColumns = function () { var dataGridColumns; switch ($scope.detail.cellType) { case enums.formulaDataSourceType.InputInvoice: //进项数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '9%' }, { dataField: 'date', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceRZRQ'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceCode', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPDM'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceNumber', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPHM'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'saleId', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceXFSBH'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'money', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceJE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'taxMoney', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceType', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPLX'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.InputInvoiceDetail: //进项明细数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '9%' }, { dataField: 'date', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceKPRQ'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceCode', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPDM'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceNumber', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPHM'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'money', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceJE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'taxRate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSL'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'taxMoney', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'cargoName', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceHWMC'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.OutputInvoice: //销项发票数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '8%' }, { dataField: 'date', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceKPRQ'), alignment: 'left', width: '11%' }, { dataField: 'acquiringEnterprise', caption: $translate.instant('BuyerName'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceCode', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPDM'), alignment: 'left', width: '11%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceNumber', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPHM'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'money', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceJE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '11%' }, { dataField: 'taxRate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSL'), alignment: 'left', width: '11%' }, { dataField: 'taxMoney', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '11%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceType', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceType'), alignment: 'left', width: '11%' } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.Voucher: //凭证数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '10%' }, { dataField: 'voucherDate', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherDate'), alignment: 'left', width: '15%' }, { dataField: 'acctCode', caption: $translate.instant('EntempriseAccount'), alignment: 'left', width: '15%' }, { dataField: 'voucherID', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherCode'), alignment: 'left', width: '15%' }, { dataField: 'summary', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherSummary'), alignment: 'left', width: '15%' }, { dataField: 'debit', caption: $translate.instant('DebitAmount'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '15%' }, { dataField: 'credit', caption: $translate.instant('CreditAmount'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, width: '15%' } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter: //凭证筛选 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '9%' }, { dataField: 'date', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherDate'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'enterpriseAccounting', caption: $translate.instant('EntempriseAccount'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'voucherNumber', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherCode'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'voucherSammary', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherSummary'), alignment: 'left', width: '13%' }, { dataField: 'debitAmount', caption: $translate.instant('DebitAmount'), alignment: 'right', width: '13%', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, { dataField: 'creditAmount', caption: $translate.instant('CreditAmount'), alignment: 'right', width: '13%', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, { dataField: 'operate', caption: $translate.instant('Operate'), alignment: 'center', width: '13%', cellTemplate: function (element, info) { $('<span>').css('cursor', 'pointer').html('<i class="fa fa-trash delete-icon" style="color: red;" role="button" tabindex="0" />').appendTo(element); $(element).click(function () { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete'), text: '', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var id =; $scope.detail.items =$scope.detail.items, function (item) { if (item.type == $scope.detail.cellType && == $scope.selectedTabId) { item.dataSource = _.filter(item.dataSource, function (itemData) { return != id; }); //重新计算datasource的值 calculateFilterDatasourceAmount(item); //更新数据库 vatReportService.updateDataSourceAmount(, item.amount); vatReportService.deleteCellVoucher(id,; } return item; }); $scope.detail.dataGridSource = _.filter($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (item) { return != id; }); } }); }); } } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.Report: //报表数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '10%', visible: vatSessionService.citFlag ? false : true }, { dataField: 'reportName', caption: $translate.instant('ReportName'), alignment: 'left', width: '16%' }, {dataField: 'project', caption: $translate.instant('Project'), alignment: 'left', width: '25%'}, { dataField: 'reportColumn', caption: $translate.instant('TaxReportColumn'), alignment: 'left', width: '17%' }, { dataField: 'cellName', caption: $translate.instant('CellColumn'), alignment: 'left', width: '16%' }, { dataField: 'cellValue', caption: $translate.instant('CellValue'), alignment: 'right', width: '16%', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: $scope.detail.dataType === 5 ? 0 : 2} } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.BSPL: //BSPL数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'index', caption: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), alignment: 'center', width: '10%' }, { dataField: 'account', caption: $translate.instant('Account'), alignment: 'left', width: '60%' }, { dataField: 'amount', caption: $translate.instant('Amount'), alignment: 'right', width: '30%', format: { type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2 } } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.Judgment: //条件判断数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'cellIndex', caption: $translate.instant('SequenceNo'), alignment: 'center', width: '10%' }, { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '10%' }, { dataField: 'reportName', caption: $translate.instant('ReportName'), alignment: 'left', width: '16%' }, {dataField: 'project', caption: $translate.instant('Project'), alignment: 'left', width: '16%'}, { dataField: 'column', caption: $translate.instant('TaxReportColumn'), alignment: 'left', width: '16%' }, { dataField: 'cellConditionName', caption: $translate.instant('CellColumn'), alignment: 'left', width: '16%' }, { dataField: 'cellConditionValue', caption: $translate.instant('CellValue'), alignment: 'right', width: '16%', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter: //发票筛选 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '10%' }, { dataField: 'inputInvoiceDate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceRZRQ'), alignment: 'left', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 1, width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'outputInvoiceDate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceKPRQ'), alignment: 'left', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 2, width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'IssueDate', caption: $translate.instant('CustomsIssueDate'), alignment: 'left', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 3, width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceCode', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPDM'), alignment: 'left', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType != 3, width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'invoiceNumber', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPHM'), alignment: 'left', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType != 3, width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'payNum', caption: $translate.instant('CustomsPayNum'), alignment: 'left', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 3, width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'amount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceJE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2, width: '20%'} }, { dataField: 'taxRate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSL'), alignment: 'left', width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'taxAmount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', width: '20%', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2}, visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType != 3 }, { dataField: 'productionName', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceHWMC'), alignment: 'left', width: '20%', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 1 }, { dataField: 'buyerName', caption: $translate.instant('BuyerName'), alignment: 'left', width: '20%', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 2 }, { dataField: 'invoiceType', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceType'), alignment: 'left', width: '20%', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 2 }, { dataField: 'auditResult', caption: $translate.instant('CustomsAuditResult'), alignment: 'left', width: '20%', visible: $scope.detail.invoiceType === 3 }, { dataField: 'operate', caption: $translate.instant('Operate'), alignment: 'center', width: '20%', cellTemplate: function (element, info) { $('<span>').css('cursor', 'pointer').html('<i class="fa fa-trash delete-icon" style="color: red;" role="button" tabindex="0" />').appendTo(element); $(element).click(function () { SweetAlert.swal({ title: $translate.instant('ConfirmDelete'), text: '', type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { var id =; $scope.detail.items =$scope.detail.items, function (item) { if (item.type == $scope.detail.cellType && == $scope.selectedTabId) { item.dataSource = _.filter(item.dataSource, function (itemData) { return != id; }); calculateFilterDatasourceAmount(item); vatReportService.updateDataSourceAmount(, item.amount); vatReportService.deleteCellInvoice(id,; } return item; }); $scope.detail.dataGridSource = _.filter($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (item) { return != id; }); } }); }); } } ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.ModelDatasource: dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'index', caption: $translate.instant('ModelPeriod'), alignment: 'center', width: '20%' }, { dataField: 'reportColumn', caption: $translate.instant('ModelName'), alignment: 'left', width: '40%' }, { dataField: 'cellValue', caption: $translate.instant('FillBack'), alignment: 'left', width: '40%', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: $scope.detail.dataType === 5 ? 0 : 2} }, ]; break; case enums.formulaDataSourceType.Special: dataGridColumns = [ {dataField: 'money', caption: 'Amount', alignment: 'center', width: '100%'}, ]; break; } return dataGridColumns; }; //设置数据源表格的列 var getAllDataGridColumns = function () { var dataGridColumns; switch ($scope.detail.allCellType) { case enums.cellDataSourceType.InputInvoice: //进项明细数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '80px' }, { dataField: 'invoiceDate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceKPRQ'), alignment: 'left', dataType: "date", customizeText: function (cellInfo) { if (cellInfo && cellInfo.value) { return new Date(cellInfo.value).dateTimeToString('yyyyMMdd'); } return ""; } }, {dataField: 'invoiceCode', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPDM'), alignment: 'left'}, {dataField: 'invoiceNumber', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPHM'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'taxAmount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceJE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, {dataField: 'rate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSL'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'taxAmount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, {dataField: 'productionName', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceHWMC'), alignment: 'left'} ]; break; case enums.cellDataSourceType.OutputInvoice: //销项发票数据源 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '80px' }, {dataField: 'invoiceCode', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPDM'), alignment: 'left'}, {dataField: 'invoiceNumber', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceFPHM'), alignment: 'left'}, {dataField: 'buyerName', caption: $translate.instant('BuyerName'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'invoiceDate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceKPRQ'), alignment: 'left', customizeText: function (cellInfo) { if (cellInfo && cellInfo.value) { return new Date(cellInfo.value).dateTimeToString('yyyyMMdd'); } return ""; } }, {dataField: 'taxRate', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSL'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'amount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceJE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, { dataField: 'taxAmount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, {dataField: 'invoiceType', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceType'), alignment: 'left'} ]; break; case enums.cellDataSourceType.CustomInvoice: //海关稽核 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'periodId', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '80px' }, { dataField: 'issueDate', caption: $translate.instant('CustomsIssueDate'), alignment: 'left', customizeText: function (cellInfo) { if (cellInfo && cellInfo.value) { return new Date(cellInfo.value).dateTimeToString('yyyyMMdd'); } return ""; } }, {dataField: 'payNum', caption: $translate.instant('CustomsPayNum'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'invoiceTaxAmount', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceSE'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, { dataField: 'invoiceAmount', caption: $translate.instant('Amount'), alignment: 'left', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, {dataField: 'auditResult', caption: $translate.instant('CustomsAuditResult'), alignment: 'left'} ]; break; case enums.cellDataSourceType.Voucher: //凭证选择 dataGridColumns = [ { dataField: 'period', caption: $translate.instant('InvoiceQJ'), alignment: 'center', width: '80px' }, {dataField: 'date', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherDate'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'accountSubject', caption: $translate.instant('EntempriseAccount'), alignment: 'left' }, {dataField: 'voucherCode', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherCode'), alignment: 'left'}, {dataField: 'voucherSummary', caption: $translate.instant('VoucherSummary'), alignment: 'left'}, { dataField: 'debitAmount', caption: $translate.instant('DebitAmount'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} }, { dataField: 'creditAmount', caption: $translate.instant('CreditAmount'), alignment: 'right', format: {type: 'fixedPoint', precision: 2} } ]; break; } return dataGridColumns; }; //添加数据源(发票|凭证)数据过滤 var allDataFilter = function (config, data) { var dataGridColumns; switch ($scope.detail.allCellType) { case enums.cellDataSourceType.Voucher: data =, function (item) { = ? (new Date('yyyyMMdd') : "" return item; }); return data.filter(function (x) { if ($scope.voucherRange.voucherKeyword) { return x.voucherSummary && x.voucherSummary.indexOf($scope.voucherRange.voucherKeyword) > -1; } else { return _.contains(config.accountCodes, x.accountSubject) } }); case enums.cellDataSourceType.InputInvoice: return data.filter(function (x) { return (config.taxRate == "99" || _.contains( (r) { return percentToPoint(r) }), x.rate)) && _.contains(config.invoiceCategory, x.invoiceType); }); case enums.cellDataSourceType.OutputInvoice: data = data.filter(function (x) { return (_.contains( (r) { return percentToPoint(r) }), x.taxRate) || config.taxRate == "99") && _.contains(config.invoiceCategory, x.invoiceType); }); data =, function (item) { item.invoiceType = getOutputInvoiceTypeName(item.invoiceType); return item; }); return data; case enums.cellDataSourceType.CustomInvoice: return data; } }; //添加数据源 var addDataSource = function () { var parentElem = angular.element($document[0].querySelector('#addSourceContainer')); var modalInstance = ${ ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', templateUrl: 'addDataSourceModal.html', controller: addDataSourceController, windowClass: 'data-table', appendTo: parentElem, scope: $scope }); }; //添加发票|凭证 var addInvoiceAndVoucher = function (type) { $scope.addDataSourceType = type; $scope.selectedInvoice = []; $scope.addInvoiceClick = true; _.each($scope.detail.dataGridSource, function (item) { $scope.selectedInvoice.push( }); addDataSource(); } //计算凭证的数值 function calculateVoucherValue(voucher) { return voucher.direction * ((voucher.debitAmount ? voucher.debitAmount : 0) - (voucher.creditAmount ? voucher.creditAmount : 0)); } var addDataSourceController = function ($scope) { var config = $scope.$parent.detail.config; //default value if (config.hasVoucher && !config.hasInvoice) { config.voucherClass = activeClass; } else if (!config.hasVoucher && config.hasInvoice) { config.invoiceClass = activeClass; } config.addClass = activeClass; config.contentStatus = 'dataSourceTitle'; config.dataSourceName = ''; //如果是以添加发票|添加凭证的形式打开弹框 if ($scope.$parent.addInvoiceClick) { config.contentStatus = 'dataSourceDetail'; var dataSourceType = 0; if (config.hasVoucher) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.Voucher; } else if (config.hasInvoice) { if (config.invoiceType === 1) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.InputInvoice; } else if (config.invoiceType === 2) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.OutputInvoice; } else if (config.invoiceType === 3) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.CustomInvoice; } } config.dataSourceType = dataSourceType; config.dataSourceID = $scope.$parent.selectedTabId; config.dataSourceName = $scope.$parent.selectedTypeName; showAllItems(config); //以添加凭证或添加发票打开,则运算方法取当前选中tab的运算方法。 config.OperationType = $scope.$parent.currentOperationType; $scope.$parent.addInvoiceClick = false; } $scope.config = config; $scope.choiceGroupButton = choiceGroupButton; $scope.confirmAddDataSource = function (config) { if (config.contentStatus === 'dataSourceTitle') { saveDataSource(config); config.contentStatus === 'dataSourceDetail' } else { //添加数据源 var invoiceList = $scope.$parent.selectedAddDatasourceItems; var tabValue = 0; if (invoiceList && invoiceList.length > 0) { $(invoiceList).each(function (index, item) { if (config.hasVoucher) { item.type = enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter; } else { item.type = enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter; } }); $scope.$parent.detail.items =$scope.$parent.detail.items, function (item) { if ( === config.dataSourceID && === config.dataSourceName) { item.dataSource = []; } return item; }); _.each(invoiceList, function (invoice) { var model = {}; if (config.hasVoucher) { tabValue += calculateVoucherValue(invoice); model = translateInvoiceFilterDataSource(invoice, invoice.type, config.OperationType); } else { if (config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.amount) { tabValue += invoice.amount; } else if (config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.taxAmount) { tabValue += invoice.taxAmount; } else if (config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.quntity) { tabValue += 1; } model = translateInvoiceFilterDataSource(invoice, config.invoiceType, config.OperationType); } var filterItems = _.where($scope.$parent.detail.items, { id: config.dataSourceID, name: config.dataSourceName }); if (filterItems && filterItems.length > 0) { $scope.$parent.detail.items =$scope.$parent.detail.items, function (item) { if ( === config.dataSourceID && === config.dataSourceName && item.type === invoice.type) { item.dataSource.push(model); } return item; }); } else { $scope.$parent.detail.cellType = invoice.type; $scope.$parent.detail.cellTypeId = config.dataSourceID; $scope.$parent.selectedDataSourceTabIndex = 1; $scope.$parent.detail.dataSourceCount++; $scope.$parent.detail.items.push({ type: invoice.type, name: config.dataSourceName, id: config.dataSourceID, operationType: config.OperationType, amount: 0, dataSource: [model] }); } }); } var dataSource = { id: config.dataSourceID, items: $scope.selectedItems, projectID:, amount: tabValue, serviceTypeID: vatSessionService.project.serviceTypeID, DataSourceType: config.dataSourceType }; vatReportService.addDataSourceItems(dataSource).success(function () { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('AddSuccess')); $scope.$dismiss({$value: 'cancel'}); }); } }; $scope.hideAddDataSourcePanel = function () { $scope.$dismiss({$value: 'cancel'}); }; }; addDataSourceController.$inject = ['$scope']; var saveDataSource = function (config) { var dataSourceType = 0; if (config.hasVoucher) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.Voucher; } else if (config.hasInvoice) { if (config.invoiceType === 1) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.InputInvoice; } else if (config.invoiceType === 2) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.OutputInvoice; } else if (config.invoiceType === 3) { dataSourceType = enums.cellDataSourceType.CustomInvoice; } } config.dataSourceType = dataSourceType; var newDataSource = { Name: config.dataSourceName, DataSourceType: dataSourceType, CellDataID: config.cellID, Creator: loginContext.userId, Updater: loginContext.userId, OperationType: config.addClass === activeClass ? 1 : 2 }; config.OperationType = config.addClass === activeClass ? 1 : 2; vatReportService.addDataSource(newDataSource).success(function (result) { if (result && result.result) { config.dataSourceID =; showAllItems(config); } }); }; //根据销项发票类型获取销项发票类型名称 var getOutputInvoiceTypeName = function (invoiceType) { for (var item in enums.outputInvoiceType) { if (enums.outputInvoiceType[item] == invoiceType) { return $translate.instant(item); } } return invoiceType; } //解析发票筛选|凭证筛选数据 var translateInvoiceFilterDataSource = function (sourceData, type, operationType) { var obj = new Object(); switch (type) { case 1: =; obj.period = sourceData.period; obj.inputInvoiceDate = sourceData.invoiceDate ? (new Date(sourceData.invoiceDate)).dateTimeToString('yyyyMMdd') : ""; obj.invoiceCode = sourceData.invoiceCode; obj.invoiceNumber = sourceData.invoiceNumber; obj.amount = sourceData.amount; obj.taxRate = sourceData.rate * 100 + '%'; obj.taxAmount = sourceData.taxAmount; obj.productionName = sourceData.productionName; obj.operationType = operationType; break; case 2: =; obj.period = sourceData.period; obj.outputInvoiceDate = sourceData.invoiceDate ? sourceData.invoiceDate.substring(0, 10) : ''; obj.buyerName = sourceData.buyerName; obj.invoiceCode = sourceData.invoiceCode; obj.invoiceNumber = sourceData.invoiceNumber; obj.amount = sourceData.amount; obj.taxRate = sourceData.taxRate * 100 + '%'; obj.taxAmount = sourceData.taxAmount; obj.invoiceType = getOutputInvoiceTypeName(sourceData.invoiceType); obj.operationType = operationType; break; case 3: = sourceData.customsId; obj.period = sourceData.periodId; obj.IssueDate = sourceData.IssueDate; obj.amount = sourceData.InvoiceAmount; obj.taxRate = sourceData.InvoiceTaxAmount; obj.payNum = sourceData.payNum; obj.auditResult = sourceData.auditResult; obj.operationType = operationType; break; //凭证筛选 case enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter: =; obj.period = sourceData.period; = ? (new Date('yyyyMMdd') : ""; obj.enterpriseAccounting = sourceData.accountSubject; obj.voucherNumber = sourceData.voucherCode; obj.voucherSammary = sourceData.voucherSummary; obj.debitAmount = sourceData.debitAmount; obj.creditAmount = sourceData.creditAmount; obj.operationType = operationType; obj.direction = sourceData.direction; break; } return obj; } var allItemsDataSourceOptions = { bindingOptions: { columns: 'allItemDataGridColumns', dataSource: 'detail.allItemsDataGridSource', height: 'allItemDataGridHeight', selectedRowKeys: 'selectedInvoice' }, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "standard" }, searchPanel: { visible: false }, selection: { mode: "multiple", allowSelectAll: false }, sorting: { mode: 'single' }, filterRow: { visible: true }, onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems) { $scope.selectedItems = $.map(selectedItems.selectedRowsData, function (data) { $scope.selectedAddDatasourceItems = selectedItems.selectedRowsData; return; }); $log.debug($scope.selectedItems); }, allowColumnResizing: true, hoverStateEnabled: true, showBorders: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, }; var showAllItems = function (config) { config.contentStatus = 'allItems'; var project = vatSessionService.project; vatReportService.getAllDataItems(config.dataSourceType).success(function (result) { if (result && result.length > 0) { $scope.detail.allCellType = config.dataSourceType; $scope.detail.allItemsDataGridSource = { store: { data: allDataFilter(config, result), type: 'array', key: 'id' } }; } }); }; var choiceGroupButton = function (config, selectCode, unSelectCode) { config[selectCode] = activeClass; config[unSelectCode] = ''; }; var percentToPoint = function (percent) { var str = percent.replace("%", ""); str = str / 100; return str; }; var getFormulaList = function () { $q.all([ formulaService.getAll(), formulaService.getAllParam(), formulaService.getAllParamMapping() ]).then(function (result) { if (!_.isEmpty(result[0]) && !_.isEmpty(result[0].data) && !_.isEmpty(result[0] { var formulaList =[0], function (config) { return { id:, code: config.formulaName, name: config.chineseName, description: config.description, englishName: config.englishName, requiredParamNum: config.requiredParamNum } }); if (!_.isEmpty(result[1]) && !_.isEmpty(result[1].data) && !_.isEmpty(result[1] && !_.isEmpty(result[2]) && !_.isEmpty(result[2].data) && !_.isEmpty(result[2] { var groupedParamList = _.groupBy(result[2], 'formulaID'); var paramList = result[1]; _.each(groupedParamList, function (val, key) { var formula = _.findWhere(formulaList, {id: key}); if (formula) { formula.params = _.chain(val) .map(function (p) { return {id: p.formulaParamID, index: p.paramIndex}; }) .sortBy(function (p) { return p.index; }).value(); _.each(formula.params, function (p, idx) { var param = _.findWhere(paramList, {id:}); _.extend(p, param); }); } }); } $scope.formulaList = formulaList; } }); }; //计算每个datasource的值 function calculateFilterDatasourceAmount(filterDatasource, isDirectionCal) { isDirectionCal = isDirectionCal || false; var datasourceAmountValue = 0; if (filterDatasource.type == enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter) { _.each(filterDatasource.dataSource, function (voucher) { if (!isDirectionCal || filterDatasource.operationType == 1) { //加法 datasourceAmountValue += calculateVoucherValue(voucher); } else if (filterDatasource.operationType == 2) { //减法 datasourceAmountValue -= calculateVoucherValue(voucher); } }); filterDatasource.amount = datasourceAmountValue; } else if (filterDatasource.type == enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter) { _.each(filterDatasource.dataSource, function (invoice) { if (!isDirectionCal || filterDatasource.operationType == 1) { //加法 if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.amount) { datasourceAmountValue += invoice.amount; } else if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.taxAmount) { datasourceAmountValue += invoice.taxAmount; } else if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.quntity) { datasourceAmountValue += 1; } } else if (filterDatasource.operationType == 2) { //减法 if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.amount) { datasourceAmountValue -= invoice.amount; } else if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.taxAmount) { datasourceAmountValue -= invoice.taxAmount; } else if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.quntity) { datasourceAmountValue -= 1; } } }); filterDatasource.amount = datasourceAmountValue; } return datasourceAmountValue; } $scope.$watch('detail.dataGridSource', function (newVal, oldValue) { $timeout(function () { $scope.selectedTabIndex = $scope.detail.cellType; $scope.selectedTabId = $scope.detail.cellTypeId; $($scope.detail.items).each(function (index, element) { if (element.type === $scope.detail.cellType && === $scope.selectedTabId && (element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.OutputInvoice && element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Voucher && element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Special || _.isEmpty($scope.selectedTypeName) || $scope.selectedTypeName === { $scope.detail.dataGridSource = element.dataSource; $scope.selectedTypeName =; //if ( === 'MaxConditionDataSource') { // $scope.dataSourceOptions.summary.totalItems[4].summaryType = 'max'; //} else { // $scope.dataSourceOptions.summary.totalItems[4].summaryType = 'min'; //} return; } }); $scope.dataGridColumns = getDataGridColumns(); getConclusionVal(); }, 500); }); //当数据源数量变化是,重新排序数据源 $scope.$watch('detail.items.length', function (newVal, oldValue) { if (newVal) { $scope.detail.items = _.sortBy($scope.detail.items, function (item) { if (item.type === enums.formulaDataSourceType.ModelDatasource || item.type === enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter || item.type === enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter) { return new Date(item.createTime).dateTimeToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'); } else { return new Date().dateTimeToString('yyyyMMddHHmmss'); } }); var firstItem = _.first($scope.detail.items); $scope.detail.cellType = firstItem.type; $scope.detail.cellTypeId =; $scope.selectedTabIndex = $scope.detail.cellType; $scope.selectedTabId = $scope.detail.cellTypeId; $scope.selectedTypeName =; } }); $scope.$watch('detail.items', function(newVal, oldValue) { $timeout(function() { $scope.selectedTabIndex = $scope.detail.cellType; $scope.selectedTabId = $scope.detail.cellTypeId; $scope.selectedTypeName = null; var cellAmountValue = 0; $($scope.detail.items).each(function (index, element) { if (!$scope.selectedTabId) { $scope.selectedTabIndex = element.type; $scope.selectedTabId =; } if (element.type === $scope.detail.cellType && === $scope.selectedTabId && (element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.OutputInvoice && element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Voucher && element.type !== enums.formulaDataSourceType.Special || _.isEmpty($scope.selectedTypeName) || $scope.selectedTypeName === { $scope.detail.dataGridSource = element.dataSource; $scope.selectedTypeName =; $scope.currentOperationType = element.operationType //if ( === 'MaxConditionDataSource') { // $scope.dataSourceOptions.summary.totalItems[4].summaryType = 'max'; //} else { // $scope.dataSourceOptions.summary.totalItems[4].summaryType = 'min'; //} } cellAmountValue += calculateFilterDatasourceAmount(element, true); }); if ($scope.detail && $scope.detail.cellInfo && ($scope.detail.config.hasInvoice || $scope.detail.config.hasVoucher)) { //数值 = 单元格的除凭证和发票外的数值 + 凭证和发票的数值 $ = $scope.detail.cellSubValue + cellAmountValue; if ($scope.detail.config.invoiceAmountType == enums.invoiceAmountType.quntity) { $ = $; } else { $ = $; } } $scope.dataGridColumns = getDataGridColumns(); getConclusionVal(); $scope.isWriteBackUpdate = true; }, 500); }); $scope.$watchGroup(['detail.rowIndex', 'detail.columnIndex'], function () { //获取凭证筛选范围 if ($scope.detail.reportTemplateId) { vatReportService.getCellAccountRange($scope.detail.reportTemplateId, vatSessionService.month, $scope.detail.rowIndex, $scope.detail.columnIndex).success(function (result) { if (result && && > 0) { $scope.selectedAccount =; $scope.selectedAccountTemp =; $scope.selectedAccountCodes = _.pluck($scope.selectedAccount, 'code'); } else { $scope.selectedAccount = []; $scope.selectedAccountTemp = []; $scope.selectedAccountCodes = []; } }); vatReportService.getCellTemplateConfig($scope.detail.reportTemplateId, vatSessionService.month, $scope.detail.rowIndex, $scope.detail.columnIndex).success(function (result) { if (result && { if ( { $scope.voucherRange.filterWay = '2'; $scope.voucherRange.voucherKeyword =; } else { $scope.voucherRange.filterWay = '1'; } } else { $scope.voucherRange.filterWay = '1'; } }); } //获取标准科目用于设置凭证筛选范围。 vatReportService.getStdAccountByIndustryID(vatSessionService.project.industryID) .success(function (data) { _.each(data, function (account) { account.directionName = $translate.instant(enums.standardAccountDirection[account.direction]); account.acctPropName = $translate.instant(enums.standardAccountAcctProp[account.acctProp]); account.AcctPropName = $translate.instant(enums.standardAccountAcctProp[account.acctProp]); account.code = account.acctCode; }); if (data && data.length > 0) { $scope.accountDataSource = data; } }); }); $scope.$watch('detail.allItemsDataGridSource', function (newVal, oldValue) { if (newVal !== oldValue) { $scope.allItemDataGridColumns = getAllDataGridColumns(); $scope.allItemDataGridHeight = $scope.detail.allItemsDataGridSource && $ > 4 ? '535px' : 'auto'; $scope.allItemDataGridHeight = '535px'; } }); // 特别奇怪监控不了 uib-btn-radio 的值,加上 uib-uncheckable="tabType" 就可以了 $scope.$watch('tabType', function (newVal, oldValue) { if (newVal !== oldValue) { if (newVal === 1 && $scope.detail && $scope.isWriteBackUpdate) { $scope.detail.dataGridSource = angular.copy($scope.detail.dataGridSource); $scope.isWriteBackUpdate = false; } } }); (function () { $scope.hidePanel = hidePanel; $scope.isExpand = true; $scope.togglePanel = togglePanel; $scope.changeTabColor = changeTabColor; $scope.changeVisibleDataSourceContainer = changeVisibleDataSourceContainer; $scope.confirmEventHandler = confirmEventHandler; $scope.addDataSource = addDataSource; $scope.selectedDataSourceTabIndex = 1; $scope.voucherFilter = enums.formulaDataSourceType.VoucherFilter; $scope.InvoiceFilter = enums.formulaDataSourceType.InvoiceFilter; $scope.ModelDatasource = enums.formulaDataSourceType.ModelDatasource; $scope.closePropover = closePropover; $scope.openAcctPropover = openAcctPropover; $scope.voucherRangeOptions = voucherRangeOptions; $scope.showSelectAccountPop = showSelectAccountPop; $scope.voucherRangeConfirm = voucherRangeConfirm; $scope.removeVoucherFilterTab = removeVoucherFilterTab; $scope.addInvoiceAndVoucher = addInvoiceAndVoucher; $scope.checkIfSelectedTab = checkIfSelectedTab; $scope.numToExcelChar = PWC.numToExcelChar; $scope.voucherRange = { voucherKeyword: '', filterWay: 1 }; $scope.dataSourceOptions = dataGridCommonOptions; $scope.allItemsDataSourceOptions = allItemsDataSourceOptions; switch ($scope.detail.cellType) { case 5: //定义表头样式 $scope.dataSourceOptions.customizeColumns = function (columns) { $.each(columns, function (_, element) { //定义表头的模板 element.headerCellTemplate = function (header, info) { $('<span>').html(info.column.caption).appendTo(header); $(header).parent().css({ 'color': 'white', 'background-color': '#d00', 'font-family': '微软雅黑' }) }; }); } break; case 6: $scope.dataSourceOptions.customizeColumns = function (columns) { $.each(columns, function (_, element) { element.headerCellTemplate = function (header, info) { $('<span>').html(info.column.caption).appendTo(header); $(header).parent().css({ 'color': 'white', 'background-color': '#d00', 'font-family': '微软雅黑' }) }; }); } break; } getFormulaList(); KeyValueConfigService.getAll().success(function (data) { $scope.keyValueList =, function (config) { return { code: '@' + config.keyCode, name:, description: config.description } }); }); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('taxReportCellDetailModal', ['$log', function ($log) { return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/tax-report-cell-detail-modal/tax-report-cell-detail-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), scope: { detail: '=', onConfirm: '&' }, controller: 'taxReportCellDetailModalController', link: function ($scope, $element, $attr) { $("#taxReportCellDetailModal").resizable({ minHeight: 700, maxHeight: 700, minWidth: 650 }); $($element).draggable({ scroll: true, cancel: '#dataSourceGrid,.hand-input-container,.add-voucher-range-propover,.add-invoice,.tab-type,.dx-texteditor-input,input,.btn,#remark-input-textarea,.tax-report-analyze-report' }); } } }]); // Common multiple select tree view, select multiple items with checkboxes commonModule.directive('treeMultiSelector', ['$log', '$timeout', '$interval', '$translate', function($log, $timeout, $interval, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('treeMultiSelector.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/tree-multi-selector/tree-multi-selector.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, scope: { columnDefs: '=', treeDataSource: '=*', isShow: '=', selectedItems: '=', title: '=?', parentCheckable: '=?', isSingleMode: '=?', selectorOptions: '=?', selectorApi: '=?' // In: onSelectorClose, onSelectorConfirm; Out: getGridInstance }, link: function(scope, element, attrs) { $log.debug(''); var treeList = undefined; // Handle id of the element to make sure it is unique. // treeListSelector is used to add the style tag to work-around // DX grid height issue if (_.isEmpty(attrs['id'])) { var randomStr = Math.random().toString().replace(/\./g, ''); element.attr('id', 'tree-list' + randomStr); scope.treeListSelector = '#tree-list' + randomStr; } else { scope.treeListSelector = '#' + attrs['id']; } scope.showParentCheckbox = scope.parentCheckable ? '' : 'display: none;'; // Register api functions in internalApi // If selectorApi passed is not undefined, we will use it as internalApi scope.internalApi = scope.selectorApi || {}; scope.internalApi.getGridInstance = function() { return element.find('.tree-multi-selector-grid').dxTreeList('instance'); }; // Work-around for DX grid height issue. element.find('.modal').on('', function() { scope.internalApi.getGridInstance().refresh(); }); var getsubNodesRecursive = function(key) { var keyList = []; var subList = _.filter(scope.treeDataSource, function(row) { return row[scope.parentKey] === key }); if (subList && subList.length > 0) { subList.forEach(function(row) { var temp = getsubNodesRecursive(row[scope.idField]); keyList.push(row[scope.idField]); if (temp && temp.length > 0) { keyList = _.union(keyList, temp); } }); } return keyList; }; var getParentRecursive = function(key) { var parentList = []; var node = _.find(scope.treeDataSource, function(row) { return row[scope.idField] === key; }); if (node && node[scope.parentKey]) { parentList.push(node[scope.parentKey]); var temp = getParentRecursive(node[scope.parentKey]); if (temp && temp.length > 0) { parentList = parentList.concat(temp); } } return parentList; }; var getchildren = function(selectKeyList) { var keyList = []; if (selectKeyList && selectKeyList.length > 0) { selectKeyList.forEach(function(key) { keyList.push(key); var temp = getsubNodesRecursive(key); if (temp && temp.length > 0) { keyList = _.union(keyList, temp); } }); } return keyList; }; var getParentList = function(keys) { if (keys && keys.length > 0) { // 子节点全部选中,父节点选中 // 子节点未选中,父节点不选中 var selectNodeList = _.filter(scope.treeDataSource, function(row) { return keys.indexOf(row[scope.idField]) > -1; }); var parentKeyList = _.uniq(_.pluck(selectNodeList, scope.parentKey)); parentKeyList = _.filter(parentKeyList, function(row) { if (row && row !== '') { return true; } else { return false; } }); // 没有被选中的Key parentKeyList = _.difference(parentKeyList, keys); var parentSelectedKeyList = []; var parentUncheckList = []; parentKeyList.forEach(function(row) { var subList = getsubNodesRecursive(row); var noCheck = _.difference(subList, keys); if (!noCheck || noCheck.length === 0) { parentSelectedKeyList.push(row); } if (noCheck && noCheck.length === subList.length) { parentUncheckList.push(row); } }); keys = _.union(keys, parentSelectedKeyList); keys = _.difference(keys, parentUncheckList); return keys; } return keys; }; var getCheckParentList = function(key, selectKeyList) { var parentCodeList = getParentRecursive(key); var checkParentList = []; if (parentCodeList && parentCodeList.length > 0) { var uncheckParentCodeList = _.difference(parentCodeList, selectKeyList); for (var i = 0; i < uncheckParentCodeList.length; i++) { var row = uncheckParentCodeList[i]; var subList = getsubNodesRecursive(row); if (subList && subList.length > 0) { var noCheck = _.difference(subList, selectKeyList); if (!noCheck || noCheck.length === 0) { selectKeyList.push(row); checkParentList.push(row); } else{ break; } } } } return checkParentList; }; var isAutoSetting = false; var gridOptions = function() { return { dataSource: scope.treeDataSource, keyExpr: scope.idField, parentIdExpr: scope.parentKey, height: scope.selectorOptions.gridHeight, columns: scope.columnDefs, loadPanel: { enabled: false }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, searchPanel: { visible: true }, selection: { mode: scope.isSingleMode ? "single" : "multiple", allowSelectAll: false }, sorting: { mode: 'single' }, filterRow: { visible: false }, //cacheEnabled: true, allowColumnResizing: true, columnAutoWidth: true, showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, //单双行颜色 showBorders: true, expandedRowKeys: [1], onSelectionChanged: function(item) { var selectKeyList = item.selectedRowKeys; if (item.selectedRowKeys && item.selectedRowKeys.length ===0){ isAutoSetting = false; } if (!isAutoSetting) { if (scope.selectorOptions.selectNodesRecursive) { var unCheckList = []; var checkList = selectKeyList; var checkOnlyList = []; if (item.currentDeselectedRowKeys && item.currentDeselectedRowKeys.length > 0) { // uncheck children unCheckList = getchildren(item.currentDeselectedRowKeys); // uncheck parent var parentList = getParentRecursive(item.currentDeselectedRowKeys[0]); unCheckList = _.union(unCheckList, parentList); var pureUnCheckList = _.filter(unCheckList, function(row){ return selectKeyList.indexOf(row) > -1; }); checkOnlyList = _.difference(checkList, unCheckList); if (pureUnCheckList && pureUnCheckList.length > 0) { isAutoSetting = true; item.component.deselectRows(pureUnCheckList); } } else { // check var checkChildren = getchildren(item.currentSelectedRowKeys); checkList = _.union(checkList, checkChildren); // check parent var checkParentList = getCheckParentList(item.currentSelectedRowKeys[0],checkList); checkList = _.union(checkList, checkParentList); checkOnlyList = checkList; var auoCheckList = _.difference(checkOnlyList, selectKeyList); if (auoCheckList && auoCheckList.length > 0) { isAutoSetting = true; item.component.selectRows(checkOnlyList, false); } } selectKeyList = checkOnlyList; } } else { isAutoSetting = false; } scope.tmpSelectedItems = selectKeyList; } }; }; // Try to get identity column field from columnDefs var getIdField = function(columnDefs) { if (_.isEmpty(columnDefs)) { return null; } var idColumn = _.findWhere(columnDefs, { isIdentity: true }); if (_.isEmpty(idColumn)) { idColumn = columnDefs[0]; } return idColumn.dataField; } // Try to get parent key column field from columnDefs var getParentKey = function(columnDefs) { if (_.isEmpty(columnDefs)) { return null; } var keyColumn = _.findWhere(columnDefs, { isParentKey: true }); if (_.isEmpty(keyColumn)) { keyColumn = columnDefs[0]; } return keyColumn.dataField; }; var loadColumnDefs = function(columnDefs) { scope.idField = getIdField(columnDefs); if (_.isEmpty(scope.idField)) { throw new Error('Identity field must be defined!'); } scope.parentKey = getParentKey(columnDefs); if (_.isEmpty(scope.parentKey)) { throw new Error('Parent key field must be defined!'); } if (scope.idField === scope.parentKey) { throw new Error('Parent key field should not be the same as identity field!'); } }; var loadData = function(data) { var idList = _.pluck(data, scope.idField); _.each(data, function(d) { if (!_.contains(idList, d[scope.parentKey])) { d[scope.parentKey] = null; } }); }; var initSelections = function() { scope.tmpSelectedItems = angular.copy(scope.selectedItems); scope.internalApi.getGridInstance().selectRows(scope.tmpSelectedItems || []); }; // Adjust the selector options var adjustOptions = function() { // Adjust the CSS styles of the selector, currently only support width, height, top and left. scope.selectorOptions = _.extend({ // Default options height: 400, width: 730 }, scope.selectorOptions); if (_.isNumber(scope.selectorOptions.height)) { scope.selectorOptions.gridHeight = scope.selectorOptions.height > 90 ? (scope.selectorOptions.height - 90) : 1; } scope.cssOptions = _.pick(scope.selectorOptions, 'width', 'height', 'top', 'left'); }; scope.$watchCollection('treeDataSource', function(newValue, oldValue) { var internalDataSource = angular.copy(newValue); loadData(internalDataSource); loadColumnDefs(scope.columnDefs); if (treeList) { treeList.option({ keyExpr: scope.idField, parentIdExpr: scope.parentKey, columns: scope.columnDefs, dataSource: internalDataSource }); } else { element.find('.tree-multi-selector-grid').dxTreeList(gridOptions()); treeList = element.find('.tree-multi-selector-grid').dxTreeList('instance'); treeList.option('columns', scope.columnDefs); } // Use $timeout to make sure hash of the data generated before initSelections $timeout(initSelections, 10); }); scope.$watch('isShow', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { var internalDataSource = angular.copy(scope.treeDataSource); loadData(internalDataSource); loadColumnDefs(scope.columnDefs); if (treeList) { treeList.option({ keyExpr: scope.idField, parentIdExpr: scope.parentKey, columns: scope.columnDefs, dataSource: internalDataSource }); } else { element.find('.tree-multi-selector-grid').dxTreeList(gridOptions()); treeList = element.find('.tree-multi-selector-grid').dxTreeList('instance'); treeList.option('columns', scope.columnDefs); } element.find('.modal').modal('show'); // Use $timeout to make sure hash of the data generated before initSelections $timeout(initSelections, 10); } else { element.find('.modal').modal('hide'); } }); scope.selectorClose = function() { if (scope.internalApi && _.isFunction(scope.internalApi.onSelectorClose)) { scope.internalApi.onSelectorClose(); } scope.isShow = false; }; scope.selectorConfirm = function() { // Copy selected items to selectedItems scope.selectedItems.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < scope.tmpSelectedItems.length; i++) { scope.selectedItems.push(scope.tmpSelectedItems[i]); } if (scope.internalApi && _.isFunction(scope.internalApi.onSelectorConfirm)) { scope.internalApi.onSelectorConfirm(); } scope.isShow = false; }; adjustOptions(); if (!scope.treeDataSource) { scope.treeDataSource = []; } } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('uploaderContoller', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('uploaderContoller.ctor()...'); var uploadUrl = apiInterceptor.webApiHostUrl + '/FileUpload/NewFile'; $scope.chunkSize = 100000; $scope.success = false; var resumable = true; var allFilesCount = 0; var successCount = 0; var updateProgressToZero = function () { $scope.percentNumber = '0%'; $scope.showLoading = false; }; var uploadSuccess = function (resp) { successCount++; if (successCount === allFilesCount) { $scope.tempFileName =; changeSheet(0); $scope.showLoading = false; } }; var updateProgress = function (evt) { $scope.showLoading = true; var progressPercentage = parseInt(100.0 * evt.loaded /; $scope.percentNumber = progressPercentage + '%'; }; var uploadfile = function (files) { if (files && files.length) { allFilesCount = files.length; successCount = 0; var uploadSuccessCallBack = function () { updateProgressToZero(); } for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var file = files[i]; if (!file.$error) { var tempFileName = PWC.newGuid() + '.dat'; updateProgressToZero(); Upload.upload({ url: uploadUrl, data: { cancel: false, filename:, tempFileName: tempFileName, FileTypeID: $scope.fileType, ProjectID: $scope.projectID, Remark: $scope.remark, file: file }, resumeChunkSize: resumable ? $scope.chunkSize : null, headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken } }).then(uploadSuccess, uploadSuccessCallBack, updateProgress); } } } }; var changeloadingTitle = function (title) { $scope.loadingTitle = $translate.instant(title); }; var doUploadFile = function () { $scope.pageStatus = pageStatusEnum.Mapping; changeloadingTitle('fileUploading'); uploadfile($scope.fileNameWrapper); }; var updateFileName = function (newValue) { $scope.fileName = ''; _.each(newValue, function (item) { $scope.fileName =; }); }; $scope.$watch('fileNameWrapper', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== oldValue) { updateFileName(newValue); doUploadFile(); } }); } ]); commonModule.directive('uploader', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('uploader constructor...'); return { restrict: "E", templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/uploader/uploader.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), controller: 'uploaderController', replace: true }; }]); commonModule. controller('userBusinessUnitModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'dimensionService', 'userService', 'roleService','$q', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, dimensionService, userService, roleService, $q) { var modalSelector="#userBuModal"; var roleCardSelector = '#assign-user-box'; var showWarning = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function (resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function () { getSpecialUserRoleList().then(function () { $(modalSelector).modal("show");; }); //getSpecialUserRoleList(); //$(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { showModal(); } } }); //如果添加了用户,则写入该维度下的库 $scope.$watch('addUserIsUpdate', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if ($scope.selectedUserList && $scope.selectedUserList.length > 0) { //console.log(JSON.stringify($scope.selectedUserList)); addUserToDimensionValue($scope.selectedUserList); } } }); //为当前维度添加用户 var addUserToDimensionValue = function (selectedUserArray) { var selectedArr = []; if (selectedUserArray && selectedUserArray.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < selectedUserArray.length; i++) { //用户的角色列表 //var roleList = selectedUserArray[i].roleInfoList; //去掉在当前维度下存在的用户,当前用户的权限可能已经改动过 var isUserExist = _.find($, function (num) { return num.userID == selectedUserArray[i].userID; }); if (isUserExist) { continue; } selectedArr.push(selectedUserArray); uiGridAction.addRow(selectedUserArray[i]); } } if (selectedArr.length == 0) { showWarning('UserExists'); } }; $(modalSelector).on("", function () { $scope.operateType = null; }); //添加用户,弹框,call指令 add-exist-user-modal $scope.addUser = function () { var selectedKeyItem = []; $ (row) { selectedKeyItem.push(row.userID); }); $scope.addUserOperateType = constant.Operation.Add; $scope.addUserIsUpdate = false; $scope.selectedKeyItems = selectedKeyItem; }; var dataHasChanged = function () { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }; $ = function () { //比较新旧数据的变化更新数据库 var oldData = $scope.oldUIGridData; var newData = uiGridAction.populateDataObject($; if (angular.equals(oldData, newData)) { //nothing to do // alert('same data'); } else { // alert('something changed'); var deleteList = []; var addList = []; var updateList = []; //旧数据在新数据中没有找到,则放到addList newData.forEach(function (row) { var findResult = _.find(oldData, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //旧数据没有找到,说明是新加的数据 if (!findResult) { addList.push(row); //添加的用户,改变了默认值,则添加到update list if (!row.isAccessible || !row.hasOriginalRole || row.extraRoleList.length > 0) { updateList.push(row); } } else { //如果旧数据找到了,查看是否相等,,不等的话,放到update list if (!angular.equals(row, findResult)) { updateList.push(row); } } }); //新数据在旧数据中没有找到,则放到deleteList oldData.forEach(function (row) { var findResult = _.find(newData, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //新数据没有找到,说明是删除的数据 if (!findResult) { deleteList.push(row); } }); //console.log('addList: ' + JSON.stringify(addList)); //console.log('updateList: ' + JSON.stringify(updateList)); //console.log('deleteList: ' + JSON.stringify(deleteList)); service.addList(addList).then(function () { service.updateList(updateList).then(function () { service.deleteList(deleteList).then(function () { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); dataHasChanged(); }); }); }); } $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; //数据库更新 var service = { addList: function (rowList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var selectedArr = []; rowList.forEach(function (row) { var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: row.userID, IsAccessible: true, //添加用户,默认可访问 hasOriginalRole: true,//添加用户,默认继承原始角色 }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (selectedArr.length > 0) { //添加用户 userService.updateUserRoleForDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; }, updateList: function (rowList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var selectedArr = []; rowList.forEach(function (row) { //如果有附加角色 if (row.extraRoleList && row.extraRoleList.length > 0) { row.extraRoleList.forEach(function (item) { var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: $scope.currentUserID, roleID:, isAdd: true, IsAccessible: row.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: row.hasOriginalRole || false }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); } else { //如果没有附加角色 var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: $scope.currentUserID, // roleID:, isAdd: false, IsAccessible: row.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: row.hasOriginalRole || false }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); } }); if (selectedArr.length > 0) { //edit row userService.updateUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; }, deleteList: function (rowList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var selectedArr = []; rowList.forEach(function (row) { var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: row.userID } selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); if (selectedArr.length > 0) { //删除用户橘色 userService.deleteUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { if (data) { deferred.resolve(data); } }); } else { deferred.resolve(true); } return deferred.promise; } }; $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.operateType = null; }; //用户角色框隐藏 $scope.closeSetRoleCard = function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }; //所有角色,全选和全不选的时候 $scope.AllRoleChecked = function () { angular.forEach($scope.roleList, function (item) { item.isChecked = $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked; }); }; $scope.rowItemClick = function () { var hasCheckAll = true; var roleList = $scope.roleList; for (var i = 0; i < roleList.length; i++) { if (!roleList[i].isChecked) { hasCheckAll = false; break; } } $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked = hasCheckAll; }; //显示角色卡片的时候,原始角色绑定,并绑定是否选中 //var getOrignalUserRole = function (userID) { // //getUserRoleListByUserID // userService.getUserRoleListByUserID(userID).success(function (data) { // if (data) { // var subRoleList = data && data.roleInfoList || []; // $scope.originalUserRoleList = subRoleList; // //console.log(JSON.stringify("rolelist:" + JSON.stringify(data.RoleInfoList))); // } // }); //}; //所有角色列表 var getRoleByService = function (row) { roleService.getRoleListByRoleTypeId(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function (roleData) { if (roleData) { $scope.roleList = roleData; } }); }; //显示角色卡片的时候,获取所有当前用户的角色列表,如果在所有角色列表中有存在,则选中 var setRoleByService = function (row) { //当前用户行 var selectedUserRole = _.find($scope.useRoleList, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //当前用户行的角色列表 var roleInfoList = selectedUserRole && selectedUserRole.extraRoleList; var hasAllCheck = true; // if (selectedUserRole && roleInfoList && roleInfoList.length > 0) { $scope.roleList.forEach(function (roleItem) { //只有是附加维度上的角色才显示在所有角色列表 var selectedRole = _.find(roleInfoList, function (item) { return ==; }); if (selectedRole) { roleItem.isChecked = true; } else { roleItem.isChecked = false; hasAllCheck = false; } }); $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked = hasAllCheck; $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable = row.hasOriginalRole; $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible = row.isAccessible; }; //为事业部的值(其他维度的值)编辑用户角色 $scope.setRoleToDimensionValue = function () { var selectedArr = []; var hasOneItem = false; $scope.roleList.forEach(function (item) { if (item.isChecked) { hasOneItem = true; //var selectedObject = { // //id: PWC.newGuid(), // //dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, // //dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, // //userID: $scope.currentUserID, // roleID: // //IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, // //hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable || false //}; selectedArr.push(item); } }); if (!hasOneItem && $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible && !$scope.roleEntity.isHeritable) { showWarning("SelectAtLeastOneRole"); return false; }; uiGridAction.updateRow(selectedArr); //userService.updateUserRoleDimension(selectedArr).success(function (data) { // if (data) // { // showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); // //刷新角色列表 // getUserRoleList(); // $scope.hasDataChanged = true; // hideRoleInfoCard(); // } //}); hideRoleInfoCard(); } var confirmWarningWindow = function (title, text) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; //删除用户角色 $scope.deleteUserRole = function (row) { //var selectedObject = { // dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, // dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, // userID: row.userID //}; var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'); confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (data) { if (data) { //userService.deleteUserRoleDimension(selectedObject).success(function () { // showSuccessMsg("OrganizationStructureDeleteSuccess"); // //刷新角色列表 // getUserRoleList(); //}); uiGridAction.deleteRow(row.userID); } }); }; //ui grid上面的增加删除修改 var uiGridAction = { deleteRow: function (userID) { var tempData = $; for (var i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { if (tempData[i].userID == userID) { tempData.splice(i, 1); break; } } $ = tempData; }, addRow: function (row) { var tempData = $; var hasSpecialRole = false; var specialRole = _.find($scope.specialUserRoleList, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); //默认为原始角色,设置角色来源于原始角色 row.roleInfoList.forEach(function (item) { item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.OriginalLevel; }); if (specialRole) { hasSpecialRole = true; } var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionValueID: $scope.dimensionValueId, dimensionID: $scope.dimensionId, userID: row.userID, userName:row.userName, isAccessible: true, hasOriginalRole: true, extraRoleList: [], roleInfoStr: row.roleInfoStr, roleInfoList: row.roleInfoList, hasSpecialRole: hasSpecialRole }; tempData.push(selectedObject); $ = tempData; }, updateRow: function (extraRoleList) { var allShowList = angular.copy(extraRoleList); var tempData = $; //追加原始角色 if ($scope.roleEntity.isHeritable) { $scope.originalUserRoleList.forEach(function (row) { var newRow = { id:, roleSource: constant.roleSource.OriginalLevel, name: } allShowList.push(newRow); }); } //附加角色 extraRoleList.forEach(function (row) { row.roleSource = constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; var newRow = { id:, roleSource: constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel, name: } allShowList.push(newRow); }); var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(allShowList, function (item) { return }); for (var i = 0; i < tempData.length; i++) { var row = tempData[i]; if (row.userID == $scope.currentUserID) { row.isAccessible = $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible; row.hasOriginalRole = $scope.roleEntity.isHeritable || false; row.extraRoleList = extraRoleList; if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleInfoStr =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); } break; } } $ = tempData; },//构造对象,用来比较对象是否相等 populateDataObject: function (uiGridData) { var arraryList = []; if (uiGridData) { uiGridData.forEach(function (row) { var newObject = {}; newObject.userID = row.userID; newObject.userName = row.userName; newObject.isAccessible = row.isAccessible; newObject.hasOriginalRole = row.hasOriginalRole; newObject.extraRoleList = row.extraRoleList; arraryList.push(newObject); }); } return arraryList; } }; //点击显示当前用户的角色卡片 $scope.showRoleInfoCard = function (row) { $scope.roleEntity = {}; $scope.currentUserID = row.entity.userID; var roleCard = $(roleCardSelector); var rowId = $('#' + row.entity.userID); //原始角色 var originalRole = _.filter(row.entity.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.OriginalLevel; }); $scope.originalUserRoleList = originalRole; setRoleByService(row.entity); showOrgCard(roleCard, rowId, -60, -270); stopPropagation(); }; var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } // 显示机构角色卡片 var showOrgCard = function (popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.offset().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - 20; } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.offset().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.offset().left - popCard.width() - 30; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }); }; var hideRoleInfoCard = function () { $(roleCardSelector).hide(); }; //初始化也的ui grid var initUIGrid = function () { userUIGridInit(); priUIGridInit(); }; //用户角色数据初始化 var getUserRoleList = function () { var deferred = $q.defer(); userService.getUserRoleByDimensionValueID($scope.dimensionId, $scope.dimensionValueId).success(function (data) { if (data) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); data.forEach(function (row) { //这儿包括了原始角色和附加角色,不管有没有可继承 var roleInfoList = angular.copy(row.roleInfoList); if (!row.hasOriginalRole) { roleInfoList= _.filter(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; }); } var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(roleInfoList, function (item) { return }); //附加角色 row.extraRoleList = _.filter(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return item.roleSource == constant.roleSource.DimensionLevel; }); if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleInfoStr =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); } var specialRole = _.find($scope.specialUserRoleList, function (item) { return item.userID == row.userID; }); if (specialRole) { row['hasSpecialRole'] = true; } else { row['hasSpecialRole'] = false; } }); $scope.useRoleList = data; $ = data; $scope.oldUIGridData = uiGridAction.populateDataObject(data); deferred.resolve(); } }); return deferred.promise; }; //机构特殊权限初始化 var getSpecialUserRoleList = function () { var parentDimensionID = $scope.dimensionId; var dimensionValueID = $scope.dimensionValueId ; var deferred = $q.defer(); userService.getSpecialUserRoleByDimensionValueID(parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID).success(function (data) { if (data) { data.forEach(function (row) { var uniqRoleList = _.uniq(row.roleInfoList, function (item) { return }); if (row.isAccessible) { if (uniqRoleList && uniqRoleList.length > 0) { row.roleInfoStr =, function (x) { return; }).join(constant.comma); } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NoRole'); } } else { row.roleInfoStr = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); } row.isHighLight = false; }); $scope.specialUserRoleList = data; $ = data; //初始化角色列表 getUserRoleList().then(function () { deferred.resolve(); }); } }); return deferred.promise; }; //reset hightlight to false. var setDefaultTheme = function () { if ($ && $ > 0) { $ (row) { row.isHighLight = false; }); } }; //选中高亮特殊角色 $scope.chooseRelavantRow = function (row) { setDefaultTheme(); if (row.hasSpecialRole == true) { var matchList = _.filter($, function (num) { return num.userID == row.userID; }); if (matchList && matchList.length > 0) { matchList.forEach(function (row2) { row2.isHighLight = !row2.isHighLight; }); } } }; var userUIGridInit = function () { $scope.columns = [ { field: 'userName', name: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), width: '25%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ><span title="{{row.entity.userName }}">{{row.entity.userName | limitString:20}}</span></div>' } ]; if ($scope.hasEditPermission) { var column = { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{row.entity.userID}}" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.showRoleInfoCard(row)"><span title="{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}">{{row.entity.roleInfoStr | limitString:24}}</span><i class="fa fa-caret-down icon-right" ></i></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); column = { field: 'isAccess', name: $translate.instant('SpecialAccess'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-left:22px" ng-show="row.entity.hasSpecialRole==true" > <span><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true" ></i> </span></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); column = { field: 'Delete', name: $translate.instant('Delete'), headerCellClass: 'text-align-left', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-left:5px"> \ <a class="operate-btn" href="javascript:void(0)">\ <i class="material-icons highlight-tag" ng-click="grid.appScope.deleteUserRole(row.entity)"></i></a></div>', width: '15%', }; $scope.columns.push(column); } else { var column = { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), width: '55%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{row.entity.userID}}" aria-hidden="true"><span title="{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}">{{row.entity.roleInfoStr | limitString:40}}</span></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); column = { field: 'isAccess', name: $translate.instant('SpecialAccess'), width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-left:22px" ng-show="row.entity.hasSpecialRole==true" > <span><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true" ></i> </span></div>' }; $scope.columns.push(column); } $scope.userUIGridOptions = { data: [], enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, renderContainers: undefined, enableSorting: true, enableColumnMenus: false, enableColumnResizing: false, enableFiltering: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: $scope.columns, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.userGridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.userGridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; //如果有特殊权限,就高亮特殊角色的那行 gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) { $scope.chooseRelavantRow(row.entity); }); // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.userGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //特殊权限UI grid初始化 var priUIGridInit = function () { $scope.priUIGridOptions = { data:[], enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, renderContainers: undefined, enableSorting: true, enableColumnResizing: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; rowTemplate: '<div ng-repeat="(colRenderIndex, col) in colContainer.renderedColumns track by" class="ui-grid-cell" ng-class="{\'ui-grid-row-header-cell\':col.isRowHeader,\'red-color\':row.entity.isHighLight }" ui-grid-cell></div>', columnDefs: [ { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('UserDesc'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" title ="{{row.entity.userName}}"><span>{{row.entity.userName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'name', name: $translate.instant('OrganizationName'), width: '30%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" title ="{{row.entity.organizationName}}"><span>{{row.entity.organizationName}}</span></div>' }, { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" style="margin-right:30px;" ><span title="{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}">{{row.entity.roleInfoStr}}</span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function () { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; //权限check var checkUserPermission = function () { var list = []; $scope.hasQueryPermission = false; $scope.hasEditPermission = false; //权限设置的权限 var tempAcess = constant.adminPermission.infrastructure.accessSetting; list.push(tempAcess.queryCode); list.push(tempAcess.editCode); $scope.$root.checkUserPermissionList(list).success(function (data) { $scope.hasQueryPermission = data[tempAcess.queryCode]; $scope.hasEditPermission = data[tempAcess.editCode]; if ($scope.hasQueryPermission) { initUIGrid(); } }); }; ;(function initialize() { $log.debug('userBusinessUnitModalController.ctor()...'); // $scope.dimensionId = 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5'; //$scope.dimensionValueId = '0bae00f7-96dc-46c8-b6f5-a427616c5bcf'; checkUserPermission(); getRoleByService(); // showModal(); //$scope.setRoleToDimensionValue = setRoleToDimensionValue; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('userBusinessUnitModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('userBusinessUnitModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/user-business-unit-modal/user-business-unit-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'userBusinessUnitModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?', dimensionId: '=?', dimensionValueId: '=?', dimensionValueName: '=?' }, link: function (scope, element) { $(".assign-user-box").draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor" }); $(".assign-user-box").on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('userOrganizationAccessModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', '$filter', 'SweetAlert', 'dimensionService', 'userService', '$q', 'roleService', function($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, $filter, SweetAlert, dimensionService, userService, $q, roleService) { $scope.gridInstance = null; var modalSelector = '#userOrgModal'; var roleCardSelector = '#assign-role-box'; var showWarning = function(resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.warning(errMsg); }; var showSuccessMsg = function(resultMsg) { var errMsg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); SweetAlert.success(errMsg); }; var showModal = function() { $scope.userId = $scope.userId || ''; $scope.organizationId = $scope.organizationId || ''; resetErrorMsg(); //绑定原始角色 getOrignalUserRole($scope.userId); //获取所有角色 getAllRole(); $scope.hasDataChanged = false; $scope.currentNavItem = 'page1'; hideRoleInfoCard(); $scope.roleEntity = {}; loadUserRole(); $(modalSelector).modal("show"); }; $scope.$watch('operateType', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { if (newValue == constant.Operation.Add) { } else if (newValue == constant.Operation.Edit) { showModal(); } } }); //点击每一行的三角符号,添加原始和附加用户,显示卡片 $scope.showRoleCard = function(row) { $scope.selectedId =; var roleCard = $(roleCardSelector); var rowId = $('#' +; setRowCardCheck(row); showCard(roleCard, rowId, 160, 20); stopPropagation(); }; //用户角色框隐藏 $scope.closeSetRoleCard = function() { hideRoleInfoCard(); }; var stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } } // 显示机构角色卡片 var showCard = function(popCard, row, topOffset, leftOffset) { popCard.css("display", "block"); var top = row.position().top + topOffset; if (top + popCard.height() > window.innerHeight) { top = window.innerHeight - popCard.height() - 20; } popCard.css('top', top + 'px'); var left = row.position().left + leftOffset; if (left + popCard.width() > window.innerWidth) { left = row.position().left - popCard.width() - 30; } popCard.css('left', left + 'px');; $(document).one('click', function () { hideRoleInfoCard(); }); }; var hideRoleInfoCard = function() { $(roleCardSelector).hide(); }; var setRowCardCheck = function(row) { //附加机构的角色列表 var roleInfoList = $scope.extraRoleList; var hasAllCheck = true; if (roleInfoList && roleInfoList.length > 0) { $scope.roleList.forEach(function(roleItem) { //只有是附加维度上的角色才显示在所有角色列表 var selectedRole = _.find(roleInfoList, function(item) { return ==; }); if (selectedRole) { roleItem.isChecked = true; } else { roleItem.isChecked = false; hasAllCheck = false; } }); } else { hasAllCheck = false; } $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked = hasAllCheck; } //绑定原始角色 var getOrignalUserRole = function(userID) { //getUserRoleListByUserID userService.getUserRoleListByUserID(userID).success(function(data) { if (data) { var subRoleList = data && data.roleInfoList || []; $scope.originalUserRoleList = subRoleList; } }); }; //全部选中 $scope.AllRoleChecked = function() { angular.forEach($scope.roleList, function(item) { item.isChecked = $scope.roleEntity.isAllRoleChecked; }); }; //所有的角色列表 var getAllRole = function() { roleService.getRoleListByRoleTypeId(constant.serviceType.VAT).success(function(roleData) { if (roleData) { $scope.roleList = roleData; // console.log(JSON.stringify(roleData)); } }); }; $(".userOrgModal").on("", function() { $scope.operateType = null; if ($scope.hasDataChanged) { dataHasChanged(); } }); $scope.closeModal = function() { $scope.operateType = null; }; $scope.Save = function() { var oldUser = $scope.oldUIGridUser; var oldDimension = $scope.oldUIGridDimension; var newUser = populateDataObject($, 1); var newDimension = populateDataObject($, 2); if (angular.equals(oldUser, newUser) && angular.equals(oldDimension, newDimension)) { //nothing to do } else { var hasExtraRole = _.filter($, function(item) { return item.dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID; }); var hasOriginalRole = _.filter($, function(item) { return item.dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID; }); if (hasExtraRole && hasExtraRole.length >= 2 || hasOriginalRole && hasOriginalRole.length >= 2) { //只能添加一个原始角色和一个附加角色 showWarning('OnlyAddOneOriginalRoleAndExtraRole'); return false; } if (hasExtraRole.length > 0 && (!$scope.extraRoleList || $scope.extraRoleList.length == 0)) { //请选择附加角色 showWarning('SelectExtraRole'); return false; } //比较用户上的新旧不一致 if (!angular.equals(oldUser, newUser)) { setRoleToOrganization(); } //比较维度上的的新旧不一致 if (!angular.equals(oldDimension, newDimension)) { var dimensionDifferList = []; newDimension.forEach(function(newData) { oldDimension.forEach(function(oldData) { if (newData.isHeritable != oldData.isHeritable) { //是否有维度是继承关系不一致 dimensionDifferList.push(newData); } }); }); setDimensionIsHeritable(dimensionDifferList); } } $(modalSelector).modal("hide"); }; var dataHasChanged = function() { $scope.operateType = null; $scope.isUpdate = true; }; var confirmWarningWindow = function(title, text) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title + ' ?', text: text, type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function(isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; //弹出卡片 设置角色,可添加或取消原始角色,可添加和取消额外角色。可设置访问不可访问 var setRoleToOrganization = function() { var selectedArr = []; var hasOneItem = false; //有附加角色 if ($scope.extraRoleList && $scope.extraRoleList.length > 0) { $scope.extraRoleList.forEach(function(item) { var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), userID: $scope.userId, organizationID: $scope.organizationId, roleID:, IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); } //没有附加角色 else { var selectedObject = { id: PWC.newGuid(), userID: $scope.userId, organizationID: $scope.organizationId, IsAccessible: $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible, hasOriginalRole: $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); } if (selectedArr != null && selectedArr.length > 0) { //showWarning("SelectAtLeastOneRole"); //return false; userService.updateUserRoleOrganization(selectedArr).success(function(data) { if (data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); hideRoleInfoCard(); //update the update flag dataHasChanged(); } }); } }; //维度上的是否继承设置 var setDimensionIsHeritable = function(data) { var selectedArr = []; if (data && data.length > 0) { data.forEach(function(row) { var selectedObject = { dimensionValueID: row.dimensionValueID, dimensionID: row.dimensionID, userID: $scope.userId, organizationID: $scope.organizationId, isHeritable: row.isHeritable //设置维度在机构上,是否可继承 }; selectedArr.push(selectedObject); }); } //维度上做修改 if (selectedArr.length > 0) { userService.deleteUserOrg(selectedArr).success(function(data) { showSuccessMsg("SaveSuccess"); //update the update flag dataHasChanged(); }); } }; var showErrorMsg = function (msg) { $scope.isShowError = true; $scope.errorMsg = msg; }; var resetErrorMsg = function () { $scope.isShowError = false; $scope.errorMsg = ''; }; $scope.resetError = function () { resetErrorMsg(); }; $scope.setOrgAccessible = function () { resetErrorMsg(); var isAccessible = $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible; //设置用户在机构上可访问 if (isAccessible) { //是否有维度上的继承不可访问 var hasHeritableNonAccess = _.find($, function(item) { return item.dimensionID != constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID && !item.isAccessible && item.isHeritable; }); //维度上有继承的不可访问的权限,不能点击 if (hasHeritableNonAccess && hasHeritableNonAccess != null) { $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible = false; showErrorMsg($translate.instant('DimensionBecomeNonheritable')); //var confirmMsg = $translate.instant('DimensionBecomeNonheritable'); //confirmWarningWindow(confirmMsg, '').then(function(result) { // if (result) { // var data = $; // for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) { // //如果是不是附加的维度,继承了不可访问,要将可继承改为为不可继承 // if (data[i].dimensionID != constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID && !data[i].isAccessible && data[i].isHeritable) { // data[i].isHeritable = false; // } // } // $ = data; // } //}); } //else //设置用户在机构上不可访问 //{ // //nothing to //} } } //删除或设置维度的继承关系,维度上,设置可继承,还是不可以继承 //删除,原始角色,或者附加角色 $scope.rowUpdate = function(row) { if (row.isDeleted) { var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('ConfirmToDelete'); confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (result) { if (result) { var data = $; for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) { if (data[i].id == { //删除了原始角色 if (data[i].dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID) { $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole = false; } //删除了附加角色 if (data[i].dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID) { $scope.extraRoleList = []; } data.splice(i, 1); break; } } $ = data; } }); } else { resetErrorMsg(); //维度允许继承点击事件 if (!row.isAccessible && row.isHeritable && $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible) //维度不可访问的时候,当点击继承的时候,机构上的将变成不可访问 { var data = $; for (var i = 0; i < $; i++) { if (data[i].id == { data[i].isHeritable = false; break; } } $ = data; showErrorMsg($translate.instant('OrganizatoinBecomeNonheritable')); //var confirmToDelete = $translate.instant('OrganizatoinBecomeNonheritable'); //confirmWarningWindow(confirmToDelete, '').then(function (result) { // if (result) { // $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible = false; // } //}); } } }; $scope.getGridHeight = function() { return $('.user-role').css('height') + 'px'; }; var populateDataObject = function(data, enumType) { var arraryList = []; if (data) { var hasOriginalRole = false; $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole = false; var findResult = _.find(data, function (item) { return item.dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID }); if (findResult) { hasOriginalRole = true; $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole = true; } data.forEach(function(row) { if (enumType == 1) { //用户上的 if (row) { var newObject = {}; // if (row.dimensionID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID) { newObject.isAccessible = $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible; //newObject.hasOriginalRole = $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole; newObject.hasOriginalRole = hasOriginalRole; //附加额外的角色 if (row.dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID) { newObject.extraRoleList = $scope.extraRoleList; } // } arraryList.push(newObject); } } else if (enumType == 2) //维度上的 { if (row) { if (row.dimensionID != constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID) { var newObject = {}; newObject.dimensionID = row.dimensionID; newObject.dimensionValueID = row.dimensionValueID; newObject.dimensionName = row.dimensionName; newObject.dimensionValueName = row.dimensionValueName; newObject.isHeritable = row.isHeritable; arraryList.push(newObject); } } } }); }; return arraryList; }; var loadUserRole = function() { var userID = $scope.userId; var orgID = $scope.organizationId; userService.getUserRoleByOrgIDUserID(userID, orgID).success(function(data) { $scope.extraRoleList = []; if (data) { $scope.userName = data.userName; $scope.orgName = data.organizationName; //计算出来的,是否可以访问 $scope.isAccessible = data.isAccessible; //$scope.hasOriginalRole = data.hasOriginalRole; //该机构是否包含原始角色 $scope.roleEntity.hasOriginalRole = data.hasOriginalRole; //该机构是否可访问 $scope.roleEntity.isAccessible = data.isAccessible; var dimensionUserList = data.dimensionUserList; if (dimensionUserList && dimensionUserList.length > 0) { dimensionUserList.forEach(function(row) { if (row) { =; row.dimensionID = row.dimensionID; row.dimensionValueID = row.dimensionValueID; row.dimensionName = row.dimensionName; row.dimensionValueName = row.dimensionValueName; row.isHeritable = row.isHeritable; //附加额外的角色 if (row.dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID) { $scope.extraRoleList = row.roleList; row.isExtraRole = true; } //附加的角色(原始和附加),只可以做删除 if (row.dimensionID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID) { row.isHeritableStr = 'Delete'; row.isDeleted = true; row.extraOptions = extraOptions; //选中是原始角色还是附加角色 row.extraSelected = _.find(extraOptions, function(item) { return == row.dimensionValueID }); } else { //维度上的角色,可继承不可继承 row.isHeritableStr = $translate.instant('AllowInherit'); //row.isHeritable == true ? $translate.instant('AllowInherit') : $translate.instant('NoInherit'); row.isDeleted = false; } if (row.isAccessible || row.dimensionID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID) { var roleNames = _.pluck(row.roleList, 'name'); row.roleNameList = roleNames.join(constant.comma); } else { //只有在维度上的才出现不可访问,附加角色和原始角色照样显示 row.roleNameList = $translate.instant('NonAccessible'); //不可访问 } } }); } $ = dimensionUserList; $scope.roleTreeViewData = data.permissionTreeList //构造旧的数据 $scope.oldUIGridUser = populateDataObject(dimensionUserList, 1); $scope.oldUIGridDimension = populateDataObject(dimensionUserList, 2); // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); } }); }; var loadRoleTree = function() { $scope.roleTreeViewOptions = { bindingOptions: { dataSource: 'roleTreeViewData' }, selection: { mode: "single" }, loadPanel: { enabled: true }, scrolling: { mode: "virtual" }, // keyExpr: "id", //parentIdExpr: "parentId", showRowLines: true, showColumnLines: true, expandAllEnabled: true, rowAlternationEnabled: true, expandedRowKeys: [1], showBorders: true, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), selectAllText: $translate.instant('SelectAll'), selectNodesRecursive: true, //级联选择 showCheckBoxesMode: 'none', //Accepted Values: 'none' | 'normal' | 'selectAll' onItemSelectionChanged: function(obj, element, model, node) { populateSelectedRole(obj.itemData); }, onInitialized: function(e) { $scope.gridInstance = e.component; } }; }; //下拉列表,原始角色和附加角色 var extraOptions = [{ id: constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID, value: constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueName }, { id: constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID, value: constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueName }]; //卡片弹框点击确认后,给附加的角色,设置角色 $scope.setRoleToRow = function() { $scope.extraRoleList = []; $scope.roleList.forEach(function(item) { if (item.isChecked) { var selectedObject = { id:, name: }; $scope.extraRoleList.push(selectedObject); } }); var data = $; data.forEach(function(item) { if ( == $scope.selectedId) { item.isExtraRole = true; item.roleList = $scope.extraRoleList; var roleNames = _.pluck($scope.extraRoleList, 'name'); item.roleNameList = roleNames.join(constant.comma); item.dimensionValueID = constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID; } }); $ = data; hideRoleInfoCard(); }; //添加附加原始和额外角色 数据行 $scope.addRow = function() { var hasExtraRole = _.filter($, function(item) { return item.dimensionID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID; }); if (hasExtraRole && hasExtraRole.length >= 2) { //只能添加一个原始角色和一个附加角色 showWarning('OnlyAddOneOriginalRoleAndExtraRole'); return false; } //判断是否已经有原始角色 var hasOrignialRole = _.find($, function (item) { return item.dimensionValueID == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID; }); var defaultDimensionValueID = constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID; var defaultSelected = _.find(extraOptions, function (item) { return == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID; }); var roleNames = _.pluck($scope.originalUserRoleList, 'name'); var defaultRoleNameList = roleNames.join(constant.comma); var defaultIsExtraRole = false; //如果有原始角色,默认添加的是附加角色 if (hasOrignialRole) { defaultSelected = _.find(extraOptions, function (item) { return == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID; }); defaultDimensionValueID = constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID; defaultRoleNameList = ''; defaultIsExtraRole = true; } var newRow = { id: PWC.newGuid(), dimensionID: constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionID, dimensionValueID: defaultDimensionValueID, dimensionName: constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extaDimensionName, isDeleted: true, //可删除,说明是附加的角色 userID: $scope.userId, extraOptions: extraOptions, extraSelected: defaultSelected, roleNameList: defaultRoleNameList, isExtraRole: defaultIsExtraRole }; $; }; //选中原始角色和附加角色切换时 $scope.extraRowSelectionChanged = function(row) { var data = $; if ( == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID) //原始角色 { data.forEach(function(item) { if ( == { item.isExtraRole = false; var roleNames = _.pluck($scope.originalUserRoleList, 'name'); item.roleList = $scope.originalUserRoleList; item.roleNameList = roleNames.join(constant.comma); item.dimensionValueID = constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.originalRoleDimensionValueID; } }); } else if ( == constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID) //附加角色,才会弹框编辑角色 { data.forEach(function(item) { if ( == { item.isExtraRole = true; var roleNames = _.pluck($scope.extraRoleList, 'name'); item.roleList = $scope.extraRoleList; item.roleNameList = roleNames.join(constant.comma); item.dimensionValueID = constant.userRoleDimensionValueID.extraOrgDimensionValueID; } }); } $ = data; //console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); }; var userUIGridInit = function() { $scope.userUIGridOptions = { data: [], enableRowSelection: true, enableSelectAll: false, rowHeight: 30, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, modifierKeysToMultiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, enableVerticalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.enableVerticalScrollbar, renderContainers: undefined, enableSorting: true, enableColumnResizing: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableFiltering: false, enableFullRowSelection: true, //是否点击行任意位置后选中,默认为false multiSelect: false, // 是否可以选择多个,默认为true; columnDefs: [ { field: 'dimensionName', name: $translate.instant('RoleDimensionTitle'), //角色维度 width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ><span>{{row.entity.dimensionName }}</span></div>' }, { field: 'role', name: $translate.instant('DimensionName'), //维度名称 width: '20%', cellTemplate: '<div ng-if="!row.entity.isDeleted" class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{row.entity.userID}}" aria-hidden="true" ><span title="{{row.entity.dimensionValueName}}">{{row.entity.dimensionValueName }}</span></div>\ <div ng-if="row.entity.isDeleted" class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{row.entity.userID}}" aria-hidden="true" ><select class="extra-select" ng-options="item.value for item in row.entity.extraOptions" ng-model="row.entity.extraSelected" ng-change="grid.appScope.extraRowSelectionChanged(row)"></select></div>' }, { field: 'Role', name: $translate.instant('Role'), //角色 width: '40%', cellTemplate: '<div ng-if="!row.entity.isExtraRole" class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{}}" aria-hidden="true" ><span title="{{row.entity.roleNameList}}">{{row.entity.roleNameList | limitString:22 }}</span></div>\ <div ng-if="row.entity.isExtraRole" class="text-align-left-padding" id="{{}}" aria-hidden="true" ng-click="grid.appScope.showRoleCard(row)"><span title="{{row.entity.roleNameList}}">{{row.entity.roleNameList | limitString:22 }}</span><select class="extra-select icon-right" ></select></div>' }, { field: 'Setting', name: $translate.instant('Setting'), //设置 cellTemplate: '<div class="text-align-left-padding" ng-click="grid.appScope.rowUpdate(row.entity)"> <span title="{{row.entity.isHeritableStr}}" ng-if="!row.entity.isDeleted"><input type="checkbox" ng-model="row.entity.isHeritable">{{row.entity.isHeritableStr }}</span>\ <span ng-if="row.entity.isDeleted" ><i class="material-icons button-icons icon-delete">delete</i></span></div>', width: '20%', } ], onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) { $scope.userGridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridSelectCount = $scope.userGridApi.selection.getSelectedRows().length; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function() { $scope.userGridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('addExistUserModalController.ctor()...'); userUIGridInit(); loadRoleTree(); // showModal(); })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('userOrganizationAccessModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('addExistUserModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/user-organization-access-modal/user-organization-access-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'userOrganizationAccessModalController', scope: { operateType: '=', isUpdate: '=?', userId: '=?', organizationId:'=?' }, link: function (scope, element) { var rolecardSelector = '.assign-role-box'; $(rolecardSelector).draggable({ containment: "parent", cursor: "cursor" }); $(rolecardSelector).on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); //element.on('click', ':not(.text-align-left-padding)', function () { // $(rolecardSelector).css('display', 'none'); // //stopPropagation(); //}); } }; } ]); commonModule. controller('vatOperateLogController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', 'uiGridConstants', '$location', '$timeout', '$interval', 'vatOperationLogService', '$filter', 'enums', function ($scope, $log, $translate, uiGridConstants, $location, $timeout, $interval, vatOperationLogService, $filter, enums) { var commonTitle = { logType: "OperationContent", logOperateObject: "LogOperateObject", logOriginalState: "LogOriginalState", logUpdateState: "LogUpdateState", logOperationDescription: "LogOperationDescription", logOperationUser: "LogOperationUser", logOperationTime: "LogOperationTime", logOperationOID: "LogOperationOID", logOperationIP: "LogOperationIP", logComments: 'LogComments' }; //点击任意一页事件 var load_page = function(pageIndex) { getLogs(pageIndex); }; //获取vat日志记录 var getLogs = function(pageIndex) { $scope.InitPagination(); $scope.curPage = pageIndex; $scope.paginInfo = { totalCount: $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount, pageIndex: pageIndex, pageSize: $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize }; var model = {}; model.pageInfo = $scope.paginInfo; model.period = $scope.period; model.queryValue = $scope.searchText; model.moduleID = $scope.moduleType; model.userId = $scope.userId; vatOperationLogService.getOperationLogList(model).success(function (data) { if (data != '') { if (data && data.pageInfo && data.pageInfo.totalCount > 0) { var i = model.pageInfo.pageSize * (model.pageInfo.pageIndex - 1) + 1; data.list.forEach(function(row) { row.index = i++; row.createTime = $filter('date')(row.createTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'); row.operationObject = $translate.instant(row.operationObject); row.comment = $translate.instant(row.comment); row.operationContent = $translate.instant(row.operationContent); //row.action = actionMap[row.action]; row.originalState = $translate.instant(row.originalState); row.updateState = $translate.instant(row.updateState); }); $ = data.list; $scope.queryResult = data; computeTotalPage(); } else { $ = data.list; $scope.queryResult = data; computeTotalPage(); } } }); }; var computeTotalPage = function() { if ($scope.queryResult.pageInfo && $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount > 0) { var totalPage = parseInt($scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount / $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize); totalPage = $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalCount % $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.pageSize == 0 ? totalPage : totalPage + 1; $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalPage = totalPage; $scope.creatPage = $(".tcdPageCode").createPage({ pageCount: totalPage, current: $scope.curPage, backFn: function(p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 getLogs(p); } }); $('.tcdPageCode').css('display', 'inline-block'); } else { $scope.creatPage = $(".tcdPageCode").createPage({ pageCount: 0, current: $scope.curPage, backFn: function(p) { //单击回调方法,p是当前页码 getLogs(p); } }); $('.tcdPageCode').css('display', 'inline-block'); } }; var prePage = function() { if ($scope.curPage > 1) { $scope.curPage--; } getLogs($scope.curPage); }; var nextPage = function() { if ($scope.curPage < $scope.queryResult.pageInfo.totalPage) { $scope.curPage++; } getLogs($scope.curPage); }; var normalDataGridOptions = function() { $scope.operateLogGridOptions = { rowHeight: 45, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 45, enableFullRowSelection: true, enableRowSelection: true, enableColumnResizing: true, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: false, multiSelect: false, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, columnDefs: [{ name: $translate.instant('LogIndex'), width: '8%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.index}}">{{row.entity.index}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperationTime), width: '14%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span>{{row.entity.createTime}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperateObject), width: '15%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.operationObject}}">{{row.entity.operationObject}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperationDescription), width: '8%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.operationTypeName}}">{{row.entity.operationTypeName}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logType), width: '13%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.operationContent}}">{{row.entity.operationContent}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOriginalState), width: '11%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.originalState}}">{{row.entity.originalState}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logUpdateState), width: '11%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.updateState}}">{{row.entity.updateState}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logOperationUser), width: '10%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.userName}}">{{row.entity.userName}}</span></div>' }, { name: $translate.instant(commonTitle.logComments), width: '10%', headerCellClass: 'header-cell-class', cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents"><span title="{{row.entity.comment}}">{{row.entity.comment}}</span></div>' } ], onRegisterApi: function(gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; // call resize every 500 ms for 5 s after modal finishes opening - usually only necessary on a bootstrap modal $interval(function() { $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); }, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); } }; }; $scope.$watch('isShow', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { load_page(1); $('#showOperatePop').modal('show'); } }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.isShow = false; }; $scope.InitData = function () { $scope.logTitle = $translate.instant('Logtitle') + $translate.instant(enums.vatModuleNameDic[$scope.moduleType]); $scope.searchText = ''; } $scope.InitPagination = function () { $scope.queryResult = { list: [], pageInfo: { totalCount: -1, pageIndex: 1, pageSize: 100, totalPage: 0, } } $scope.curPage = 1; }; (function initialize() { $log.debug('operateLogController.ctor()...'); $scope.InitData(); $scope.InitPagination(); normalDataGridOptions(); $scope.load_page = load_page; })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('vatOperateLog', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('vatOperateLog.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/vat-operate-log/vat-operate-log.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'vatOperateLogController', scope: { period: '=', moduleType: '=', isShow: '=', userId: '=?' } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('vatParentCodeModalController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', 'region', 'vatSessionService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants, vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, region, vatSessionService) { 'use strict'; $scope.subjectNames = []; $scope.selectedSubjectCodes = ["", "资产", "负债", "共同", "权益", "成本", "损益", "其他"]; $scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $('#showParentCodePop').modal('show'); } else { $('#showParentCodePop').modal('hide'); } }); $scope.$watch('isUncheckedAll', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.gridApi.selection.clearSelectedRows(); $scope.selectedSubjectCodes = []; } }); $scope.closeModal = function () { $scope.isShow = false; }; $scope.cancelModal = function () { }; // $scope.confirmedRecords = []; $scope.cancelModal = function () { $scope.isShow = false; $scope.onCancelSelection(); }; $scope.getSelectedCodes = function () { $scope.selectedSubjectCodes = []; var selectedCodeRecords = $scope.gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows(); selectedCodeRecords.forEach(function (item) { if (item.subjectCode.length > 0) $scope.selectedSubjectCodes.push(item); }); $scope.onConfirmSelection({ confirmedRecords: $scope.selectedSubjectCodes }); $scope.isShow = false; }; // ************************************************************************************************ // SETUP UI GRID TREE: var treeData; // 国际化; // i18nService.setCurrentLang("zh-cn"); $scope.parentCodePopOptions = { rowHeight: 40, showGridFooter: false, showColumnFooter: false, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 30, enableFullRowSelection: false, enableRowSelection: true, enableSorting: false, enableFiltering: false, enableColumnMenus: false, enableRowHeaderSelection: true, multiSelect: true, enableHorizontalScrollbar: uiGridConstants.scrollbars.NEVER, showTreeExpandNoChildren: false, enableGridMenu: false, enableSelectAll: true, onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) { $scope.gridApi = gridApi; $scope.gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function (row) { if (row.treeNode.children.length > 0 && row.isSelected == true) { var childRows = row.treeNode.children; for (var j = 0, length = childRows.length; j < length; j++) { var rowEntity = childRows[j].row.entity; $scope.gridApi.selection.selectRow(rowEntity); } } if (row.treeNode.children.length > 0 && row.isSelected == false) { var childRows = row.treeNode.children; for (var j = 0, length = childRows.length; j < length; j++) { var rowEntity = childRows[j].row.entity; $scope.gridApi.selection.unSelectRow(rowEntity); } } }); //$interval(function () { // $scope.gridApi.core.handleWindowResize(); //}, 500, 60 * 60 * 8); }, columnDefs: [ { field: 'subjectCode', name: $translate.instant('AccountCode'), cellTemplate: '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==0" class=""><span>{{row.entity.subjectCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==1" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.subjectCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==2" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.subjectCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==3" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.subjectCode}}<span></div>' + '<div ng-if="row.entity.$$treeLevel==4" class="text-align-left-padding"><span> {{row.entity.subjectCode}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'subjectName', width: 220, name: $translate.instant('AccountName'), cellTemplate: '<div class=""><span title={{row.entity.subjectName}}>{{row.entity.subjectName | limitString:25}}<span></div>' } , { field: 'direction', width: 80, name: $translate.instant('SubjectDirectionCol'), cellTemplate: '<div class=""><span>{{row.entity.direction}}<span></div>' }, { field: 'acctProp', width: 80, name: $translate.instant('SubjectTypeCol'), cellTemplate: '<div class=""><span>{{row.entity.acctProp}}<span></div>' } ] }; // SETUP UI GRID TREE: // ************************************************************************************************ function increaseTreeLevelGroup(group) { group.forEach(function (item) { // item.parentCode = 'A'; increaseTreeLevel(item); }); } function increaseTreeLevel(item) { item.$$treeLevel++; if (angular.isArray(item.children) && item.children.length > 0) { item.children.forEach(function (chiild) { increaseTreeLevel(chiild); }); } } $scope.$watch('uBackendData', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue === oldValue && typeof (newValue) != "undefined") { $scope.getSubjectDataFromDatabase(newValue); } }); $scope.$watch('uList', function (newV, oldV) { if (newV !== oldV) { var subjectNewTree; var subjectNewTrees = []; newV.forEach(function (item) { subjectNewTree = item; subjectNewTree.acctProp = $scope.selectedSubjectCodes[item.acctProp]; subjectNewTrees.push(subjectNewTree); }); $ = subjectNewTrees; /* var headerItems=[]; var headerItem; // add header name to data BEGIN: var group_1 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "1"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_1); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[资产]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_1); //2: var group_2 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "2"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_2); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[负债]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_2); //3 var group_3 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "3"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_3); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[共同]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_3); //4 var group_4 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "4"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_4); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[权益]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_4); //5 var group_5 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "5"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_5); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[成本]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_5); //6 var group_6 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "6"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_6); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[损益]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_6); //7 var group_7 = newV.filter(function (o) { return (o.acctProp !== "1" && o.acctProp !== "2" && o.acctProp !== "3" && o.acctProp !== "4" && o.acctProp !== "5" && o.acctProp !== "6"); }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_7); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[其他]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_7); // add header name to data END; $ = headerItems; console.log(group_1); */ } }); // ************************************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************************************ // function to get data subjectFrom Backend $scope.getSubjectDataFromDatabase = function (subjectCategory) { // vatImportService.getBalanceDataForDisplay(subjectCategory, subjectFrom, subjecTo, "").success(function (subjectxData) { vatImportService.getParentCodesForDisplay(subjectCategory).success(function (subjectxData) { var subjectTreeData = JSON.parse(subjectxData); writeoutSubjectNode(subjectTreeData, 0, newTree); var subjectNewTree; var subjectNewTrees = []; var debit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Debit'), credit = $translate.instant('AccountVoucher_Direction_Credit'); newTree.forEach(function (item) { subjectNewTree = new Object(); subjectNewTree.$$treeLevel = item.$$treeLevel; subjectNewTree.subjectCode = item.accountCode; subjectNewTree.subjectName = item.accountName; subjectNewTree.acctProp = $scope.selectedSubjectCodes[item.acctProp]; subjectNewTree.direction = item.direction === "1" ? debit : credit; // subjectNewTree.category= subjectNewTrees.push(subjectNewTree); }); $ = subjectNewTrees; /* var headerItems = []; var headerItem; var newV = subjectNewTrees; // add header name to data BEGIN: var group_1 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "1"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_1); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[资产]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_1); //2: var group_2 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "2"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_2); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[负债]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_2); //3 var group_3 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "3"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_3); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[共同]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_3); //4 var group_4 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "4"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_4); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[权益]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_4); //5 var group_5 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "5"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_5); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[成本]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_5); //6 var group_6 = newV.filter(function (o) { return o.acctProp === "6"; }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_6); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[损益]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_6); //7 var group_7 = newV.filter(function (o) { return (o.acctProp !== "1" && o.acctProp !== "2" && o.acctProp !== "3" && o.acctProp !== "4" && o.acctProp !== "5" && o.acctProp !== "6"); }); increaseTreeLevelGroup(group_7); headerItem = {}; headerItem.$$treeLevel = 0; headerItem.subjectCode = ""; headerItem.subjectName = "[其他]"; headerItems.push(headerItem); headerItems = headerItems.concat(group_7); // add header name to data END; $ = headerItems; */ }); }; // function to get data subjectFrom Backend // ************************************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************************************ // Write UI GRID TREE NOTES: var newTree = []; var id = "0"; var writeoutSubjectNode = function (childArray, currentLevel, dataSubjectArray) { childArray.forEach(function (childNode) { if (childNode.children.length > 0) { childNode.$$treeLevel = currentLevel; id = childNode.accountCode; } else { childNode.$$treeLevel = currentLevel; } dataSubjectArray.push(childNode); writeoutSubjectNode(childNode.children, currentLevel + 1, dataSubjectArray); }); }; // Write UI GRID TREE NOTES: // ************************************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************************************ // ************************************************************************************************ //开始 (function initialize() { })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('vatParentCodeModal', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('vatParentCodeModal.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/vat-parent-code-modal/vat-parent-code-modal.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'vatParentCodeModalController', scope: { uList: '=', uBackendData: '=', onConfirmSelection: '&', onCancelSelection: '&', isShow: '=', isUncheckedAll: '=' } }; } ]); commonModule.controller('workflowNodeController', ['$scope', '$log', '$translate', '$timeout', 'apiInterceptor', 'Upload', 'dataImportService', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'uiGridConstants', 'projectService', 'uiGridGroupingConstants', 'vatImportService', 'i18nService', 'browserService', '$interval', 'region', 'vatSessionService', 'vatCommonService', 'enums','vatWorkflowService', function ($scope, $log, $translate, $timeout, apiInterceptor, Upload, dataImportService, SweetAlert, $q, uiGridConstants, projectService, uiGridGroupingConstants, vatImportService, i18nService, browserService, $interval, region, vatSessionService, vatCommonService, enums, vatWorkflowService) { 'use strict'; var defaultTaskes = [ { "key": "DataImport", "taskes": [{ "hasPermission":true, "taskName": "数据预览", "taskUrl": "#/vat/previewData", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" }] } , { "key": "DataProcess", "taskes": [{ "hasPermission": true, "taskName": "查看未开票销售", "taskUrl": "#/vat/reductionData/unbilledInvoice", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" }] } , { "key": "ViewReport", "taskes": [ { "hasPermission": true, "taskName": "查看财务报表", "taskUrl": "#/vat/generateReport", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" }, { "hasPermission": true, "taskName": "查看纳税申报表", "taskUrl": "#/vat/generateReport", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" }] } , { "key": "ApproveReport", "taskes": [{ "hasPermission": true, "taskName": "查看财务报表", "taskUrl": "#/vat/generateReport", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" } , { "hasPermission": true, "taskName": "查看纳税申报表", "taskUrl": "#/vat/generateReport", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" }] } , { "key": "DeclarationComplete", "hasPermission": true, "taskes": [{ "taskName": "查看财务报表", "taskUrl": "#/vat/generateReport", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" } , { "hasPermission": true, "taskName": "查看纳税申报表", "taskUrl": "#/vat/generateReport", "taskIsActive": true, "taskIsDone": false, "taskAllowUserToUpdate": true, "orgID": "" }] }]; $scope.$watch('isShow', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $('#showParentCodePop').modal('show'); } else { $('#showParentCodePop').modal('hide'); } }); $scope.$watch('uStep', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== undefined) { $scope.currentStep = newValue; } }); $scope.$watch('uOrg', function (newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue !== undefined) { $scope.organization = newValue; } }); var PREV_NODE_STATUS=true; $scope.$watch('uList', function (newV, oldV) { if (newV !== undefined) { var currentOrg = $scope.organization; var currentStep=$scope.currentStep // Check if all Mandatory taskes are all completed in the Previous Node var preViousNodeHasAllMandatoryTaskesCompleted = true; if (currentStep > 1) { var previousWorkflow = newV.filter(function (wf) { return wf.orderIndex === (currentStep - 1); }); previousWorkflow = previousWorkflow[0]; if (previousWorkflow !== undefined && previousWorkflow !== null) { if (previousWorkflow.isDone !== null && previousWorkflow.isDone === true) { preViousNodeHasAllMandatoryTaskesCompleted = true; } else { var isAllCompleted = true; previousWorkflow.workflowTaskList.forEach(function (task) { if (task.isActive && task.isMandatory) { if (task !== null && task.isDone !== true) isAllCompleted = false; } }); preViousNodeHasAllMandatoryTaskesCompleted = isAllCompleted; PREV_NODE_STATUS = isAllCompleted; } } else preViousNodeHasAllMandatoryTaskesCompleted = PREV_NODE_STATUS; } //Get the current Step (there are step 1,2,3,4,5) var currentWorkflow = newV.filter(function (wf) { return wf.orderIndex === currentStep; }); // Current Node var workFlowNodes = []; var workflowNode; currentWorkflow.forEach(function (thisNode) { workflowNode = new Object(); workflowNode.hasPermission = thisNode.hasPermission; workflowNode.nodeName = thisNode.dictionaryValue; workflowNode.nodeIsActive = thisNode.isActive /*||( previousWorkflow!== undefined && !previousWorkflow.isActive) */; workflowNode.nodeIsDone = thisNode.isDone; workflowNode.nodeIsClickable = preViousNodeHasAllMandatoryTaskesCompleted; workflowNode.nodeDoneBy = thisNode.doneBy; workflowNode.nodeDoneOn = (thisNode.doneOn !== null) ? thisNode.doneOn : ""; //disable if no taskes: if (thisNode.workflowTaskList.length === 0 || (currentStep > 1 && PREV_NODE_STATUS === false)) workflowNode.nodeIsClickable = false; // Current Taskes var task; var taskes = []; var defaultTaskesForThisNode = _.find(defaultTaskes, function (defaultTask) { return defaultTask.key === thisNode.dictionaryKey }); //***************************************************************** //*************** Add default task for everyone: Add to the Top if (defaultTaskesForThisNode !== undefined && (defaultTaskesForThisNode.key === "ViewReport" || defaultTaskesForThisNode.key === "ApproveReport" || defaultTaskesForThisNode.key === "DeclarationComplete")) { defaultTaskesForThisNode.taskes.forEach(function (dTask) { task = new Object(); task.hasPermission = dTask.hasPermission; task.taskName = dTask.taskName; task.taskUrl = dTask.taskUrl; task.taskIsActive = dTask.taskIsActive; task.taskIsDone = dTask.taskIsDone; task.taskAllowUserToUpdate = dTask.taskAllowUserToUpdate; task.orgID = currentOrg.organizationID; taskes.push(task); }); } //*************** Add default task for everyone: Add to the Top //***************************************************************** var noDuplication=true; thisNode.workflowTaskList.forEach(function (item) { task = new Object(); task.hasPermission = item.hasPermission; task.taskName = item.dictionaryValue; task.taskUrl = item.vatLink; task.taskIsActive = item.isActive; task.taskIsDone = item.isDone; task.taskAllowUserToUpdate = (item.dictionaryKey === "WFReportApproval") ? false : true; // a label,not button. in step 4 (审核报表) task.reportApprovalStatus = item.reportApprovalStatus; task.reportApprovedNumber = item.reportApprovedNumber; task.orgID = currentOrg.organizationID; task.isMandatory = item.isMandatory; // remove 审核报表 duplications if (item.dictionaryKey !== "WFReportApproval" || (item.dictionaryKey === "WFReportApproval" && noDuplication)) { taskes.push(task); noDuplication = false; } }); //***************************************************************** //*************** Add default task for everyone: Add to the Bottom if (defaultTaskesForThisNode !== undefined && (defaultTaskesForThisNode.key === "DataImport" || defaultTaskesForThisNode.key === "DataProcess")) { defaultTaskesForThisNode.taskes.forEach(function (dTask) { task = new Object(); task.hasPermission = dTask.hasPermission; task.taskName = dTask.taskName; task.taskUrl = dTask.taskUrl; task.taskIsActive = dTask.taskIsActive; task.taskIsDone = dTask.taskIsDone; task.taskAllowUserToUpdate = dTask.taskAllowUserToUpdate; task.orgID = currentOrg.organizationID; taskes.push(task); }); } //*************** Add default task for everyone: Add to the Bottom //***************************************************************** workflowNode.taskes = taskes; workFlowNodes.push(workflowNode); }); $scope.workflowNode = workFlowNodes[0]; } }); $scope.jumpToPage = function (task) { var orgID= task.orgID; var url = task.taskUrl; if (url !== undefined) { var allProjects = vatSessionService.projects; var project = _.find(allProjects, function (project) { return (project.organizationID === orgID && project.year === vatSessionService.year && project.serviceTypeID === "2" && vatSessionService.month >= project.startPeriod && vatSessionService.month <= project.endPeriod) }); if (project.haveCreateProject) { if (_.isUndefined(project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month])) { //如果当前期间还没有导入任何数据的话,就添加一条未开始状态的记录 projectService.setProjectStatus(project.dbName, vatSessionService.month, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted) .success(function (or) { if (or.result) { //添加完成后,在vatSessionService.project中添加新加入的数据 project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] = constant.ProjectStatusEnum.UnStarted; } }); } vatSessionService.project = project; //vatSessionService.reset(); if (url === "#_voucherModal") { $scope.onClickVoucher({ isVoucherModalShow: true }); } else if (url === "#_completedTaxFiling") { $scope.declarationComplete(enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.ApproveReport); } else { setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = url; }, 200); } } else { projectService.addProject(project).success(function (rsp) { if (rsp && rsp.result) { project.haveCreateProject = true; project.dbName = rsp.resultMsg; vatSessionService.project = project; setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = url; }, 200); } }); } } }; //enums.vatLogOperationTypeEnum.SubmitReport //申报完成 $scope.declarationComplete = function (operationTypeId) { if ( vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] >= constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Generated && vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] !== constant.ProjectStatusEnum.ReportRejected) { swal({ title: "warning!", text: $translate.instant('IsConfirmToCompleteDeclaration'), type: "warning", showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Yes'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('No'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { if (isConfirm) { // setApproveValue(operationTypeId); projectService.setProjectStatus(vatSessionService.project.dbName, vatSessionService.month, constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Completed) .success(function (r1) { //设置项目状态 if (!r1.result) { return false; } // $rootScope.$broadcast('statusChanged', { status: constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Completed }); vatSessionService.project.projectStatusList[vatSessionService.month] = constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Completed; vatWorkflowService.setProcessLog(constant.ProjectStatusEnum.Completed, vatSessionService.project.dbName, vatSessionService.month, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFDeclarationComplete, enums.FinishStatusEnum.Finished) .success(function (r2) { //更新WorkflowTaskLog记录 //if (!r2.result) { return false; } //vatWorkflowService.addApproveReportLog($scope.approveReportLogDto) // .success(function (r3) { //添加WorkflowApproveReportLog记录 // if (!r3.result) { return false; } // vatWorkflowService.getWorkflowDetailByDb(vatSessionService.project.dbName, vatSessionService.month) // .success(function (r4) { //获取Workflow详细内容 // if (r4.result) { // vatSessionService.project.workflow =; // $log.debug("$scope.declarationComplete : workflowData.result"); // $log.debug(vatSessionService.project.workflow); // //setCompleteBtShow(); // } // }) // }) }) }); } else { swal.close(); } }); } else { SweetAlert.warning($translate.instant('CompleteDeclarationStatusCheck')); } }; //开始 (function initialize() { })(); } ]); commonModule.directive('workflowNode', ['$log', function ($log) { 'use strict'; $log.debug('workflowNode.ctor()...'); return { restrict: 'E', templateUrl: '/app/common/controls/workflow-node/workflow-node.html' + '?_=' + Math.random(), replace: true, controller: 'workflowNodeController', scope: { uStep: '=', uOrg:'=', uList: '=', onClickVoucher: '&', //onCancelSelection: '&', isShow: '=' } }; } ]); commonModule.filter('dateFormat', function () { return function (str, format) { //_.isEmpty(str) && if (_.isFunction(moment)) { return moment(str).format(format); } return ''; } }); commonModule.filter('limitString', function () { return function (str, maxLength) { //_.isEmpty(str) && if (str != '' && str != undefined && str != null) { var apostrophe = '...'; var twoChar = 'mm'; var r = /[^\x00-\xff]/g; if (str.replace(r, twoChar).length <= maxLength) { return str; } var m = Math.floor(maxLength / 2); for (var i = m; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.substr(0, i).replace(r, twoChar).length >= maxLength) { return str.substr(0, i) + apostrophe; } } return str; } } }); commonModule.filter("statusFilter", ["enums", function () { 'use strict'; var filterfun = function (status, statusList) { var statusText = status, statusDic; if (statusList) { statusDic = _.findWhere(statusList, { value: status + '' }); } if (statusDic) { statusText = statusDic.text; } return statusText; }; return filterfun; }]); commonModule.directive("outsideClick", ['$document', function ($document) { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attributes) { var scopeExpression = $attributes.outsideClick, ignore = $attributes.ignore var onDocumentClick = function (event) { var isChild = $element.find( > 0 || (ignore ? === ignore : false); if (!isChild) { $scope.$apply(scopeExpression); } }; $document.on("click", onDocumentClick); $element.on('$destroy', function () { $"click", onDocumentClick); }); } } }]); //unknown: 0, // noCheck: 10, //checkIn: 20, //repeatshot: 25, //examing: 30, //rpCancel: 40, //examination: 50, //draft: 100, //reject: 105, //submit: 110, //firstApprove: 120, //secondApprove: 130 commonModule.factory('browserService', [function () { 'use strict'; function isIE() { // Internet Explorer 6-11 var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode; return isIE; } function isEdge() { var isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode; // Edge 20+ var isEdge = !isIE && !!window.StyleMedia; return isEdge; } function isChrome() { // Chrome 1+ var isChrome = !! && !!; return isChrome; } function isFirefox() { // Firefox 1.0+ var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; return isFirefox; } function isOpera() { // Opera 8.0+ var isOpera = (!!window.opr && !!opr.addons) || !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0; return isOpera; } return { isIE: isIE, isEdge: isEdge, isChrome: isChrome, isFirefox: isFirefox, isOpera: isOpera } }]); commonModule.factory('canvasUtil',['$q',function ($q) { var dataURLToByteArray = function (dataURL) { var BASE64_MARKER = ';base64,'; if (dataURL.indexOf(BASE64_MARKER) == -1) { var parts = dataURL.split(','); var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; var raw = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]); return new Blob([raw], { type: contentType }); } var parts = dataURL.split(BASE64_MARKER); var contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; var raw = window.atob(parts[1]); var rawLength = raw.length; var uInt8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength); for (var i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) { uInt8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i); } //return new Blob([uInt8Array], {type: contentType}); return uInt8Array; }; var hideElement= function(element) { var e = document.getElementsByClassName(element); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { e[i].style.display = 'none'; } }; var showElement = function (element) { var e = document.getElementsByClassName(element); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { e[i].style.display = 'block'; } }; return { toBinaryData: function (dom) { return dataURLToByteArray(dom.querySelector('canvas').toDataURL()); }, saveAsImage: function (name, dom,hiddenElement) { hideElement(hiddenElement); html2canvas(dom).then(function (canvas) { canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { saveAs(blob, name + '.png'); }); }); showElement(hiddenElement); }, }; }]); // define the constant values commonModule.constant('constants', { guid: { empty: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' }, tabCeiling: 10, pageSize: 20 }); commonModule.factory('dictionaryManager', ['$log', 'configurationService', 'loginContext', '$q', function ($log, configurationService, loginContext, $q) { $log.debug('dictionaryManager.ctor()...'); return { getDictionaries: function (dictionaryTag) { var deferred = $q.defer(); configurationService.getDictionaries( (data) { if (data != null && data.length > 0) { var dictionary = _.findWhere(data, { tag: dictionaryTag }); if (dictionary) { deferred.resolve(dictionary.values); } } deferred.reject('Cannot find dictionary value by tag ' + dictionaryTag); }).error(function () { deferred.reject('Cannot find dictionary value by tag ' + dictionaryTag); }); return deferred.promise; } }; }]) commonModule.factory('dxDataGridService', ['$translate', function ($translate) { 'use strict'; var resize = function (instance) { var rootElement = instance.element(); var gridView = instance.getView("gridView"); var rowsView = instance.getView("rowsView"); var rowsViewHeight = rowsView.element().height(); var origRootHeigth = rootElement.height(); var origGridViewHeigth = gridView.getElementHeight(); var constHeight = origGridViewHeigth - rowsViewHeight; var tableElements = rowsView.getTableElements(); if (tableElements.find("> tbody > .dx-freespace-row:visible").length > 0 && !instance.option("editing.allowUpdating")) { tableElements.find("> tbody > .dx-freespace-row:visible").hide(); } if (instance.getController("data").items().length > 0) { rowsViewHeight = 0; _.forEach(tableElements, function (item) { rowsViewHeight += $(item).height(); }); } //用于测试观察控件高度变化 //console.log("TIME: " + moment().format("HH:mm:ss.SSSS") + " TableElements height : " + rowsViewHeight + "px"); var excpHeight = constHeight + rowsViewHeight; rootElement.css("maxHeight", "none"); rootElement.css("minHeight", "none"); var $testDiv = $("<div>").height(99999).appendTo(rootElement); var maxHeight = rootElement.height(); $testDiv.remove(); var fHeight = excpHeight > maxHeight ? maxHeight : excpHeight; /* 如果没有设置 overflow-y 为 hidden 则,不调整高度,防止高度过度溢出 */ if (rootElement.css("overflow-y") === "hidden") { rootElement.css("maxHeight", fHeight + "px"); rootElement.css("minHeight", fHeight + "px"); } if (Math.abs(origRootHeigth - fHeight) < 2 && Math.abs(origGridViewHeigth - fHeight) < 2) { return; } instance.resize(); }; //1.在内容发生变化时,重新 resize var registerAutoSize = function (instance) { var contentReady = instance.option("onContentReady"); var rowCollapsed = instance.option("onRowCollapsed"); var rowExpanded = instance.option("onRowExpanded"); instance.option("onContentReady", function (e) { if (contentReady) contentReady(e); resize(instance); }); instance.option("onRowCollapsed", function (e) { if (rowCollapsed) rowCollapsed(e); resize(instance); }); instance.option("onRowExpanded", function (e) { if (rowExpanded) rowExpanded(e); resize(instance); }); $(window).on("resize", function () { instance.repaint(); }); }; //2.列头单元格渲染完成后,如果单元格存在排序箭头则,将箭头设置靠右,文本内容居中 var repaintHeaderCell = function (dataGridInstance) { }; // 本方法仅为了解决 dxDataGrid 设置了 max-height 没有设置 height 导致的内容溢出问题 //为 onInitialized 时添加 min-height,使 dxDataGrid 之 _hasHeight 为真,使 rowsView 高度可以通过 dxDataGrid 来计算,避免内容溢出 //在 onRowPrepared 时取消 rowsView 的 min-height //在 onContentReady 时检验数据数量,当数量为 0 时,设置 rowsView min-height = 100px,以此弥补为 dxDataGrid 设置 min-height 时导致的 rowsView 高度为 0 问题 var fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight = function (instance) { var height = instance.option("height"); //若有 height 则不再进行高度调整 if (height && height != "auto") return; var contentReady = instance.option("onContentReady"); var onRowPrepared = instance.option("onRowPrepared"); instance.element().addClass("dx-datagrid-1em-min-height"); instance.option("onContentReady", function (e) { if (e.component.getDataSource().items().length === 0) e.component.getView("rowsView").element().addClass("dx-datagrid-empty-rows-view"); if (!!contentReady) contentReady(e); }); instance.option("onRowPrepared", function (e) { var element = e.component.getView("rowsView").element(); if (!!element) element.removeClass("dx-datagrid-empty-rows-view"); if (!!onRowPrepared) onRowPrepared(e); }); } //通过在 onInitialized 事件中添加 registerRowDbClick 方法注册,且 option 中应配置 onRowDbClick 回调函数 var dxRowDbClickMock = function (instance) { var rowClick = instance.option("onRowClick"); instance.option("onRowClick", function (e) { try { if (rowClick) rowClick(e); } finally { var option = e.component.option(); var preTimeStamp = option.rowClickTimeStamp || 0; option.rowClickTimeStamp = e.jQueryEvent.timeStamp; if (option.rowClickTimeStamp - preTimeStamp > 300 || !!option.rowDbClickIsProcessing) return; option.rowDbClickIsProcessing = true; var rowDbClick = option.onRowDbClick; try { if (rowDbClick) rowDbClick(e) } finally { option.rowDbClickIsProcessing = false; } } }); }; var BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS = { allowColumnResizing: true, editing: { allowAdding: false, allowDeleting: false, allowUpdating: false }, focusStateEnabled: true, hoverStateEnabled: true, keyExpr: "id", loadPanel: { enabled: true }, noDataText: $translate.instant('NoDataText'), paging: { enabled: false }, rowAlternationEnabled: false, //单双行颜色 scrolling: { mode: "infinite" }, selection: { allowSelectAll: false, mode: "single" }, showBorders: true, showColumnLines: true, showRowLines: true, sorting: { mode: "single" }, }; return { registerAutoSize: registerAutoSize, registerRepaintHeaderCell: repaintHeaderCell, resize: resize, fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight: fixContentOverflowWithMaxHeight, registerRowDbClick: dxRowDbClickMock, BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS: BASIC_GRID_OPTIONS, }; }]); commonModule.factory('loginContext', ['$log', '$cookies', '$location', '$window', function ($log, $cookies, $location, $window) { $log.debug('loginContext.ctor()...'); var apiTokenObj = $cookies.getObject('AtmsApiToken'); $cookies.put('logout', '0'); var redirectToLogOut = function () { var status = $cookies.get('logout'); if (status !== '1') { alert("登录已经超时,请重新登录"); $window.location.href = '/Account/LogOut' + '?_=' + (new Date).valueOf(); // in order to fix ie 10 not reload issue $("a[href='/Account/LogOut?_=" + (new Date).valueOf() + "']").click(); $cookies.put('logout', '1'); } }; if (!(apiTokenObj)) { $log.error("loginContext: Fail to get api token, please log in first."); redirectToLogOut(); return {}; } var serverUrl = $location.protocol() + '://' + $ + ':' + $location.port(); return { redirectToLogOutFunction: redirectToLogOut, apiToken: apiTokenObj.access_token, tokenType: apiTokenObj.token_type, apiHost: apiTokenObj.api_host, vatApiToken: apiTokenObj.vat_access_token, vatTokenType: apiTokenObj.vat_token_type, vatApiHost: apiTokenObj.vat_api_host, tpUrl: apiTokenObj.tp_url, pdfService: apiTokenObj.pdf_service, clinetAgentVersion: apiTokenObj.client_agent, printHtml: apiTokenObj.print_html, printService: apiTokenObj.print_service, risgcService: apiTokenObj.risgc_service, userName: decodeURI(apiTokenObj.user_name), localName: decodeURI(apiTokenObj.local_name), userId: apiTokenObj.user_id, domain: apiTokenObj.domain, site:, language: apiTokenObj.language, serverUrl: serverUrl, needChangePassword: apiTokenObj.need_change_password, isExternalUser: apiTokenObj.is_external_user, projectCustomerName: apiTokenObj.project_customer_name, passwordHash: apiTokenObj.password_hash }; }]) commonModule.factory('modalAdapterService', [function () { var modals = []; // array of modals on the page var service = {}; service.add = Add; service.remove = Remove; = Open; service.close = Close; return service; function Add(modal) { var find = _.findWhere(modals, { id:, parentID: modal.parent }); if (find) return; // add modal to array of active modals modals.push(modal); }; function Remove(id,parent) { // remove modal from array of active modals var modalToRemove = _.findWhere(modals, { id: id,parentID:parent }); modals = _.without(modals, modalToRemove); }; function RemoveSpecific(modalToRemove) { // remove modal from array of active modals modals = _.without(modals, modalToRemove); }; function Open(id,parent) { // open modal specified by id var modal = _.findWhere(modals, { id: id,parentID:parent });; }; function Close(id,parent) { // close modal specified by id var modal = _.findWhere(modals, { id: id ,parentID:parent}); modal.cancel(); }; }]); commonModule.factory('ngGridUtil', [function () { 'use strict'; return { GridLayoutPlugin: function () { var self = this; this.grid = null; this.scope = null; this.init = function (scope, grid, services) { self.domUtilityService = services.DomUtilityService; self.grid = grid; self.scope = scope; }; this.updateGridLayout = function () { if (!self.scope.$$phase) { self.scope.$apply(function () { self.domUtilityService.RebuildGrid(self.scope, self.grid); }); } else { // $digest or $apply already in progress self.domUtilityService.RebuildGrid(self.scope, self.grid); } }; }, FlexRowHeight: function () { var self = this; self.grid = null; self.scope = null; self.init = function (scope, grid, services) { self.domUtilityService = services.DomUtilityService; self.grid = grid; self.scope = scope; var adjust = function () { setTimeout(function () { var row = $(self.grid.$canvas).find('.ngRow'), offs; row.each(function () { var mh = 0, s = angular.element(this).scope(); $(this).find('> div').each(function () { var h = $(this)[0].scrollHeight; if (h > mh) mh = h $(this).css('height', '100%'); }); $(this).height(mh) if (offs) $(this).css('top', offs + 'px'); offs = $(this).position().top + mh; self.scope.$apply(function () { s.rowHeight = mh; }); }); }, 1); } self.adjust = adjust; self.scope.$watch(, adjust, true); } } } }]); commonModule.factory('profileManager', ['$log', 'configurationService', 'loginContext', '$q', function ($log, configurationService, loginContext, $q) { $log.debug('profileManager.ctor()...'); var resolve = function (profileName, profiles, deferred) { if (profiles != null && profiles.length > 0) { var profile = _.findWhere(profiles, { name: profileName }); if (profile) { deferred.resolve(profile.value); return true; } } return false; }; return { getProfileValue: function (profileName) { var deferred = $q.defer(); configurationService.getProfiles(loginContext.userId).success(function (data) { if (resolve(profileName, data.userProiles, deferred)) return deferred.promise; if (resolve(profileName, data.roleProiles, deferred)) return deferred.promise; if (resolve(profileName, data.siteProiles, deferred)) return deferred.promise; if (resolve(profileName, data.systemProiles, deferred)) return deferred.promise; deferred.reject("Cannot find profile value!"); }).error(function () { deferred.reject("Cannot find profile value!"); }); return deferred.promise; } }; }]) commonModule.factory('risDialog', ["$document", "$compile", "$rootScope", "$controller", "$timeout", function ($document, $compile, $rootScope, $controller, $timeout) { var defaults = { id: null, template: null, templateUrl: null, title: 'Default Title', backdrop: true, success: { label: 'OK', fn: null, param:null }, cancel: { label: 'Close', fn: null }, controller: null, //just like route controller declaration backdropClass: "modal-backdrop", backdropCancel: true, footerTemplate: null, modalClass: "modal", css: { margin: '0 auto', 'z-index': 1050 } }; var body = $document.find('body'); return function Dialog(templateUrl/*optional*/, options, passedInLocals) { // Handle arguments if optional template isn't provided. if (angular.isObject(templateUrl)) { passedInLocals = options; options = templateUrl; } else { options.templateUrl = templateUrl; } options = angular.extend({}, defaults, options); //options defined in constructor var key; var idAttr = ? ' id="' + + '" ' : ''; var defaultFooter = '<button class="btn" ng-click="$modalCancel()">{{$modalCancelLabel}}</button>' + '<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="$modalSuccess()">{{$modalSuccessLabel}}</button>'; var footerTemplate = '<div class="modal-footer">' + (options.footerTemplate || defaultFooter) + '</div>'; var modalBody = (function () { if (options.template) { if (angular.isString(options.template)) { // Simple string template return '<div class="modal-body">' + options.template + '</div>'; } else { // jQuery/JQlite wrapped object return '<div class="modal-body">' + options.template.html() + '</div>'; } } else { // Template url return '<div class="modal-body" ng-include="\'' + options.templateUrl + '\'"></div>' } })(); //We don't have the scope we're gonna use yet, so just get a compile function for modal var modalEl = angular.element( '<div class="' + options.modalClass + ' fade"' + idAttr + ' style="display: block;">' + ' <div class="modal-dialog">' + ' <div class="modal-content">' + ' <div class="modal-header">' + ' <button type="button" class="close" ng-click="$modalCancel()">×</button>' + ' <h2>{{$title}}</h2>' + ' </div>' + modalBody + footerTemplate + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>'); for (key in options.css) { if (options.css.hasOwnProperty(key)) { modalEl.css(key, options.css[key]); } } var divHTML = "<div "; if (options.backdropCancel) { divHTML += 'ng-click="$modalCancel()"'; } divHTML += ">"; var backdropEl = angular.element(divHTML); backdropEl.addClass(options.backdropClass); backdropEl.addClass('fade in'); var ctrl, locals, scope = options.scope || $rootScope.$new(); scope.$title = options.title; scope.$modalClose = closeFn; scope.$modalCancel = function () { var callFn = options.cancel.fn || closeFn;; scope.$modalClose(); }; scope.$modalSuccess = function () { var callFn = options.success.fn || closeFn;, options.success.param); scope.$modalClose(); }; scope.$modalSuccessLabel = options.success.label; scope.$modalCancelLabel = options.cancel.label; var handleEscPressed = function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 27) { scope.$modalCancel(); } }; var closeFn = function () { body.unbind('keydown', handleEscPressed); modalEl.remove(); if (options.backdrop) { backdropEl.remove(); } }; body.bind('keydown', handleEscPressed); if (options.controller) { locals = angular.extend({ $scope: scope }, passedInLocals); ctrl = $controller(options.controller, locals); // Yes, ngControllerController is not a typo modalEl.contents().data('$ngControllerController', ctrl); } $compile(modalEl)(scope); $compile(backdropEl)(scope); body.append(modalEl); if (options.backdrop) body.append(backdropEl); $timeout(function () { modalEl.addClass('in'); }, 200); }; }]); cacheModule.factory('signalRSvc', ['$log', 'CacheFactory', 'loginContext','cacheService','notify','$translate', function ($log, CacheFactory, loginContext, cacheService, notify, $translate) { 'use strict'; $log.debug(''); return { initialize: function () { //**************************************************************************************************************** // refer to // The following is for generated proxy,if you want to register multiple event handler // for a client method that the server calls, you can't use the generated proxy //**************************************************************************************************************** var cacheName = constant.cache.cacheName; var hubName = constant.cache.hubName; var cacheUpdateMessage = constant.cache.cacheUpdateMessage; var connection = $.hubConnection(loginContext.apiHost); var cacheHub = connection.createHubProxy(hubName); cacheHub.on('updateSignalrCache', function (data) { updateCache(data); }); cacheHub.on('updateUserOnlineCount', function (count) {'online user count New:', count); }); connection.start().done(function () { console.log('Now connected -webapi , connection ID=' +; }).fail(function (error) { console.log('Could not connect - webapi', error); }); //用户修改数据之后通过SignalR让在线用户及时更新缓存 var updateCache = function (data) { //data对应服务端的dto对象ClientCacheDto var dataCache = CacheFactory.get(cacheName); var cacheKey = data.CacheKey; var cacheTime = data.CacheTime; console.log('signal update triggerred to remove expired cache...,cacheKey:'+cacheKey); var keys = dataCache.keys(); _.each(keys, function (key) { if (key.toLowerCase().indexOf(cacheKey.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { var removeKey = dataCache.remove(key); console.log(key + ' was removed'); } }); notify({ message: cacheUpdateMessage, position: constant.cache.notify.position, classes: constant.cache.notify.classes }); } } }; }]); commonModule.factory('spreadJsTipService', ['$rootScope', '$log', '$uibModal', '$translate', function ($rootScope, $log, $uibModal, $translate) { 'use strict'; var hasInvoiceImg; var hasVoucherImg; var hasKeyInImg; var hasModelImg; var hasExceptionImg; var hasValidationImg; var heightOffset = 150; var widthOffset = 250; var initialize = function (sheet) { sheet.isPaintSuspended(true); hasVoucherImg = new Image(); hasVoucherImg.src = '/app-resources/images/vat/hasVoucher.png'; hasVoucherImg.onload = function () { sheet.repaint(); } hasInvoiceImg = new Image(); hasInvoiceImg.src = '/app-resources/images/vat/hasInvoice.png'; hasInvoiceImg.onload = function () { sheet.repaint(); } hasKeyInImg = new Image(); hasKeyInImg.src = '/app-resources/images/vat/hasKeyIn.png'; hasKeyInImg.onload = function () { sheet.repaint(); } hasModelImg = new Image(); hasModelImg.src = '/app-resources/images/vat/hasModel.png'; hasModelImg.onload = function () { sheet.repaint(); } hasExceptionImg = new Image(); hasExceptionImg.src = '/app-resources/images/vat/hasException.png'; hasExceptionImg.onload = function () { sheet.repaint(); } hasValidationImg = new Image(); hasValidationImg.src = '/app-resources/images/vat/hasValidation.png'; hasValidationImg.onload = function () { sheet.repaint(); } }; var paintSheet = function (sheet) { sheet.isPaintSuspended(false); }; var setCellTipString = function (cell, tip) { //cell.cellType(new IconCellType(null, null, 0, null, tip)); cell.cellType(new IconsCellType([], [], tip)); } var setCellTipByCellData = function (cell, cellData) { var tips = null; //BSPL if (cellData && cellData.formulaDescription) { tips = cellData.formulaDescription; } if (cellData && cellData.cellTemplateConfig && !_.isEmpty(cellData.cellTemplateConfig.formulaDescription)) { tips = cellData.cellTemplateConfig.formulaDescription; } var icons = []; var infos = []; var hasException = false; var exceptionMsg = ''; if (cellData.hasModelError) { hasException = true; exceptionMsg = $translate.instant('ModelException'); } if (!_.isEmpty(cellData.validationErrorList)) { hasException = true; if (_.isEmpty(exceptionMsg)) { exceptionMsg = $translate.instant('ValidationException'); } else { exceptionMsg = exceptionMsg + '; ' + $translate.instant('ValidationException'); } } if (hasException) { cell.value(cell.text() + ' '); // Edmond TODO: Temp move cell value for CIT demo icons.push(hasExceptionImg); infos.push(exceptionMsg); } cell.cellType(new IconsCellType(icons, infos, tips)); } var setCellTip = function (cell, config) { var tips = null; if (config.formulaDescription) { tips = config.formulaDescription; } //if (config.hasVoucher && !config.hasInvoice) { // cell.cellType(new IconCellType(hasVoucherImg, null, 1, [getHoverTip('voucher', config), null], tips)).hAlign(0); //}else if (config.hasInvoice && !config.hasVoucher) { // cell.cellType(new IconCellType(hasInvoiceImg, null, 1, [getHoverTip('invoice', config), null], tips)).hAlign(0); //}else if (config.hasInvoice && config.hasVoucher) { // cell.cellType(new IconCellType(hasVoucherImg, hasInvoiceImg, 2, [getHoverTip('voucher', config), getHoverTip('invoice', config)], tips)).hAlign(0); //} else if (config.formulaDescription) { // cell.cellType(new IconCellType(null, null, 0, null, tips)).hAlign(0); //} var icons = []; var infos = []; if (config.validation) { icons.push(hasValidationImg); infos.push($translate.instant('ReportValidation')); } if (config.hasModel) { icons.push(hasModelImg); infos.push($translate.instant('LinkModel')); } if (config.hasKeyIn) { icons.push(hasKeyInImg); infos.push($translate.instant('ManualInput')); } if (config.hasVoucher) { icons.push(hasVoucherImg); infos.push(getHoverTip('voucher', config)); } if (config.hasInvoice) { icons.push(hasInvoiceImg); infos.push(getHoverTip('invoice', config)); } //--不需要左对齐对齐 if (tips === null) { cell.cellType(new IconsCellType(icons, infos, tips)); }else{ cell.cellType(new IconsCellType(icons, infos, tips)).hAlign(0); } }; var getHoverTip = function (tipType, config) { if (config) { if (tipType === 'voucher') { return $translate.instant('VoucherTip') + getCodejoinString(config.accountCodes); } else if (tipType === 'invoice') { return $translate.instant('InvoiceTip') + getInvoiceNameTip(config.invoiceType, config) + getInvoiceAmountName(config.invoiceAmountType); } } }; var getCodejoinString = function (array) { if (array) { return array.join(','); } else { return ''; } }; var getInvoiceNameTip = function (invoiceType, config) { var taxRateStr = _.contains(config.taxRate, constant.selectAllValue) ? '' : ($translate.instant('TaxRate') + getCodejoinString(config.taxRate)); if (invoiceType === 1) { return $translate.instant('Income') + ':' + taxRateStr; } else if (invoiceType === 2) { return $translate.instant('Output') + ':' + taxRateStr; } else if (invoiceType === 3) { return $translate.instant('CustomsAudit') + ':'; } else { return ''; } }; var getInvoiceAmountName = function (invoiceAmountType) { if (invoiceAmountType === 1) { return $translate.instant('TotalAmount'); } else if (invoiceAmountType === 2) { return $translate.instant('TaxAmount'); } else if (invoiceAmountType === 3) { return $translate.instant('CopyNumber'); } else { return ''; } }; var IconsCellType = function (icons, infos, formula) { if (icons && icons.length > 0) { this.Icons = icons; this.count = icons.length; this.Infos = infos; this.Formula = formula; } else { this.count = 0; this.Formula = formula; } } //var IconCellType = function (icon1, icon2, count, infos, formula) { // this.icon1 = icon1; // this.icon2 = icon2; // this.count = count; // this.Infos = infos; // this.Formula = formula; //} IconsCellType.prototype = new GcSpread.Sheets.TextCellType(); IconsCellType.prototype.paint = function (ctx, value, x, y, w, h, style, context) {, ctx, value, x, y, w, h, style, context); for (var i = 1; i <= this.count; i++) { //距离当前单元格左侧距离,距离顶部距离 , ICON宽度,ICON高度 ctx.drawImage(this.Icons[i-1], x + w - (h - 3) * i + (h - 6 - 18) * i, y + 3 + (h / 2 - 3 - 9), 18, 18); //if (i == 1 && this.icon1) { // //距离当前单元格左侧距离,距离顶部距离 , ICON宽度,ICON高度 // ctx.drawImage(this.icons[i], x + w - (h - 3) * i + (h - 6 - 18) * i, y + 3 + (h / 2 - 3 - 9), 18, 18); //} //if (i == 2 && this.icon2) { // //第二个图标相对于第一个图标向左偏移一个单位的宽度加间隙 // ctx.drawImage(this.icon2, x + w - (h - 3) * i + (h - 6 - 18) * i, y + 3 + (h / 2 - 3 - 9), 18, 18); //} } } IconsCellType.prototype.getHitInfo = function (x, y, cellStyle, cellRect, context) { var index = x - (cellRect.x + cellRect.width - (cellRect.height - 3) * this.count) > 0 ? Math.floor(this.count - (x - (cellRect.x + cellRect.width - (cellRect.height - 3) * this.count)) / (cellRect.height - 3)) : -1; return { x: x, y: y, row: context.row, col: context.col, cellStyle: cellStyle, cellRect: cellRect, sheetArea: context.sheetArea, reservedLocationIndex: index }; } IconsCellType.prototype.processMouseMove = function (hitinfo) { //console.log(hitinfo); //if (!this.Formula) { // return; //} //console.log(hitinfo.reservedLocationIndex); var tipInfo = this.Formula; if (hitinfo.reservedLocationIndex >= 0) { tipInfo = this.Infos[hitinfo.reservedLocationIndex]; //console.log(this.Infos[hitinfo.reservedLocationIndex]); } //如果没有Tip信息就不再做tip显示。 if (!tipInfo) { return; } if (this._toolTipElement) { $(this._toolTipElement).text(tipInfo) .css("top", hitinfo.y + 15 + heightOffset) .css("left", hitinfo.x + 15 + widthOffset); } else { var div = document.createElement("div"); $(div).css("position", "absolute") .css("border", "1px #C0C0C0 solid") .css("box-shadow", "1px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)") .css("font", "9pt Arial") .css("background", "white") .css("max-width", "400px") .css("word-wrap", "break-word") .css("padding", 5); this._toolTipElement = div; $(this._toolTipElement).css("top", hitinfo.y + 15 + heightOffset) .css("left", hitinfo.x + 15 + widthOffset); $(this._toolTipElement).hide(); document.body.insertBefore(this._toolTipElement, null); $(this._toolTipElement).show("fast"); } }; IconsCellType.prototype.processMouseLeave = function (hitinfo) { if (this._toolTipElement) { document.body.removeChild(this._toolTipElement); this._toolTipElement = null; } }; return { initialize: initialize, setCellTip: setCellTip, setCellTipString: setCellTipString, setCellTipByCellData:setCellTipByCellData, paintSheet: paintSheet }; }]); //常用公用方法 commonModule.factory('ackLib', ['$translate', function ($translate) { 'use strict'; var ackLib = {}; //辅助方法 ackLib.Helper = { //翻译,仅此一个入口 translate: function (value) { return $translate.instant(value); } } //验证 ackLib.validation = { //是否为日期验证,如果验证成功,返回true,否则返回false isDate: function (value, dateSeparator) { try { var dateSplit = dateSeparator ||; var arr = value.split(dateSplit); var year = parseInt(arr[0]); var month = parseInt(arr[1]); var day = parseInt(arr[2]); var date = new Date(year, month - 1, day); if (date.getFullYear() == year && date.getMonth() + 1 == month && date.getDate() == day) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (e) { return false; } }, isEmpty: function (str) { if (!str || str === '') { return true; } else { return false; } } }; //翻译,所有的翻译都放这,到时直接调用,不用每个页面都去做翻译 ackLib.translation = {}; //常用翻译 ackLib.translation.common = { Remark: ackLib.Helper.translate('Remark'), //备注 DownloadTemplateFail: ackLib.Helper.translate('DownloadTemplateFail'), //下载模板失败 FileUploadSuccess: ackLib.Helper.translate('FileUploadSuccess'), //文件上传成功 SelectAtLeastOneRecord: ackLib.Helper.translate('SelectAtLeastOneRecord'), //请至少选择一条记录 OperateSuccess: ackLib.Helper.translate('OperateSuccess'), //操作成功 UploadSuccess: ackLib.Helper.translate('UploadSuccess'), //上传成功 PleaseSelectFile: ackLib.Helper.translate('PleaseSelectFile'), //请先选择文件 NoDataText: ackLib.Helper.translate('NoDataText'), //没有数据 pleaseSelect: ackLib.Helper.translate('ChoosePlaceholder'), //-请选择- pleaseInput: ackLib.Helper.translate('InputPlaceholder'), //-请输入- PleaseSelectRecordToDelete: ackLib.Helper.translate('PleaseSelectRecordToDelete'), //请选择需要删除的记录 FileName: ackLib.Helper.translate('FileNameTitle'), //文件名称 ErrorMessage: ackLib.Helper.translate('ErrorMessage'), //错误消息 Confirm: ackLib.Helper.translate('Confirm'), //错误消息 Cancel: ackLib.Helper.translate('Cancel'), //错误消息 }; //发票相关 ackLib.translation.inputInvoice = { AllowRefundInvoiceInfo: ackLib.Helper.translate('AllowRefundInvoiceInfo'), //只有状态为识别成功,识别失败,无法识别,待退票或待匹配的发票才可以做退票操作 SpecialToInvoiceRecognizeSuccessInfo: ackLib.Helper.translate('SpecialToInvoiceRecognizeSuccessInfo'), //对于发票来源为“发票章错误,待退票”且发票状态为【待退票】的发票,只支持单张退票,不支持与其他发票一起批量退票 SpecialToInvoicePendingRefundInfo: ackLib.Helper.translate('SpecialToInvoicePendingRefundInfo'), //对于发票来源为“发票章错误,待退票”且发票状态为【识别成功】的发票,支持批量退票,不支持将此类发票与其他发票一起批量退票。 AllowInvoiceRecognizeWithUpload: ackLib.Helper.translate('AllowInvoiceRecognizeWithUpload'), //只有已上传或者已补录的发票可以做发票识别 RecognizeInvoiceSuccess: ackLib.Helper.translate('RecognizeInvoiceSuccess'), //发票识别成功 VerifyInvoiceSuccess: ackLib.Helper.translate('VerifyInvoiceSuccess'), //发票验真成功 CannotExpireInvoice: ackLib.Helper.translate('CannotExpireInvoice'), //已认证、已失效、已清理、已匹配、已退票的发票不能做失效操作 ConfirmToExpireInvoice: ackLib.Helper.translate('ConfirmToExpireInvoice'), //确认要把选中的发票进行失效处理吗 } //浏览器检测 ackLib.Browser = { isIE: (function () { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/msie/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/trident/i)) { return true; } return false; })(), }; //小数点位数 var fixedNumber = constant.toFixedNumber; //数字的格式化 ackLib.Number = { toFixed: function (num) { return num.toFixed(fixedNumber); }, } //阻止冒泡 ackLib.stopPropagation = function (event) { event = event || window.event; if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } }; //动态构造table ackLib.populateTable = function (columnList, valueList) { var table = ''; var tableHeader = '<table class="table table-striped table-hover table-bordered" style="max-height:200px; overflow:auto; text-align:left">'; var tbody = ''; var th = ''; columnList.forEach(function (item) { th += '<th>' + item + '</th>'; }); var thead = '<tr>' + th + '</tr>'; valueList.forEach(function (row) { var tr = ''; columnList.forEach(function (item) { tr += '<td>' + row[item] + '</td>'; }); tbody += '<tr>' + tr + '</tr>'; }); table = tableHeader + thead + tbody + '</table>'; // console.log(table); return table; }; return ackLib; }]); /*文件上传:目前支持单文件上传,支持跨域上传 创建于:2017/09/08 */ commonModule.factory('ackFileUploader', ['Upload', '$q', 'apiInterceptor', 'ackLib', function (Upload, $q, apiInterceptor, ackLib) { 'use strict'; var defaultOptions = { chunkSize: '10MB', resumable: true, token: $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val(), url: '', cancel: false, maximumSize: 1024 * 1024 * 10, //10MB, isAppend: true, //默认为追加 }; defaultOptions.headers = { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', Authorization: apiInterceptor.tokenType + ' ' + apiInterceptor.apiToken, __RequestVerificationToken: defaultOptions.token, withCredentials: true } var ackFileUploader = { //上传单个文件 upload: function (myfile, options) { var deferred = $q.defer(); options = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOptions, options); var fileName =; var self = ackFileUploader; if (!fileName || fileName.size == 0) { deferred.reject("FileIsEmpty"); } if (myfile.size > options.maximumSize) { deferred.reject("FileSizeExceedMaximum"); } var optionsData = { cancel: options.cancel, filename: fileName, } optionsData = $.extend(true, {}, optionsData,; Upload.upload({ url: options.url, data:optionsData, file: myfile, resumeChunkSize: options.resumable ? options.chunkSize : null, headers: options.headers, withCredentials: true }).then(function (resp) { deferred.resolve(resp); }); return deferred.promise; }, //uploadMultiple: function (files, options) { // if (files && files.length > 0) { // for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { // ackFileUploader.upload(files[i], options); // } // } //} }; return ackFileUploader; }]); //消息弹框 commonModule.factory('ackMessageBox', ['$translate', 'SweetAlert', '$q', 'ackLib', function ($translate, SweetAlert, $q, ackLib) { 'use strict'; //只负责弹框,保持独立性 var messageBox = { success: function (title, message) { if (arguments.length == 1) { // message is undefined SweetAlert.success(title, ''); } else if (arguments.length == 2) { // message is undefined SweetAlert.success(title, message); } }, warning: function (title, message) { if (arguments.length == 1) { // message is undefined SweetAlert.warning(title, ''); } else if (arguments.length == 2) { // message is undefined SweetAlert.warning(title, message); } }, close: function () { swal.close(); }, //有确认和取消按钮 confirm: function (title, text, customClass) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, html: true, type: "warning", customClass: customClass || '', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: ackLib.translation.common.Confirm, cancelButtonText: ackLib.translation.common.Cancel, closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }, //没有取消按钮 info: function (title, text, customClass) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, html: true, type: "warning", customClass: customClass || 'swal-info', showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: ackLib.translation.common.Confirm, cancelButtonText: ackLib.translation.common.Cancel, closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: false }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }, }; return messageBox; }]); //UIModal模态框 commonModule.factory('ackUibModal', ['$translate', 'SweetAlert', '$q', '$uibModal', '$document', function ($translate, SweetAlert, $q, $uibModal, $document) { 'use strict'; //模态框 /*参数currentScope:页面的scope templateUrl:定义弹框的模板, windowClass:定义弹框的css, parentSelector:父框, isbackrop:,‘static’, or 'trye' resetCallbackFunc: 回调函数 */ var createModalInstance = function (currentScope, templateUrl, windowClass, parentSelector, isbackrop, resetCallbackFunc) { var thisModalService = new Object(); isbackrop = isbackrop ? isbackrop : true; var parentElem = parentSelector ? angular.element($document[0].querySelector(parentSelector)) : undefined; = function () { var modalInstance = ${ animation: true, ariaLabelledBy: 'modal-title', ariaDescribedBy: 'modal-body', backdrop: isbackrop, //点击父页面不会自动关闭 templateUrl: templateUrl, //script模板 windowClass: windowClass, //弹框页面的css scope: currentScope, appendTo: parentElem, }); thisModalService.modalInstance = modalInstance; //modal关闭之后接收返回值的函数 modalInstance.result.then(function (data) { //call close的时候调用这里 }, function () { //取消的时候触发这里 }).finally(function () { resetCallbackFunc(); //回调函数 thisModalService = null; }); }; thisModalService.close = function (result) { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.close(result); } }; thisModalService.cancel = function () { if (thisModalService.modalInstance) { thisModalService.modalInstance.dismiss('cancel'); } } return thisModalService; }; return createModalInstance; }]); (function ($) { "use strict"; var _super = $.fn.popover; var Popover = function (element, options) { _super.Constructor.apply(this, arguments); }; Popover.prototype = $.extend({}, _super.Constructor.prototype, { constructor: Popover, _super: function () { var args = $.makeArray(arguments); _super.Constructor.prototype[args.shift()].apply(this, args); }, show: function () { var that = this; var e = $.Event('' + this.type); var templateUrl = this.$element.attr('data-templateUrl'); var onShow = function () { if (templateUrl) { $.get(templateUrl, function (template) { var tip = $(template); that.options.compliler(tip[0])(that.options.scope); that.options.scope.$apply(); that.$tip = tip; that.onTipLoaded(that.$tip); }) } else { that.onTipLoaded(that.tip()); } } e.onShow = onShow; if ((this.hasContent() || templateUrl) && this.enabled) { this.$element.trigger(e); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return; onShow(); } }, onTipLoaded: function (tip) { var that = this; var $tip = tip; if (this.$element.attr('data-overwrite') !== 'true') { this.setContent(); } if (this.options.animation) $tip.addClass('fade'); var placement = typeof this.options.placement === 'function' ?, $tip[0], this.$element[0]) : this.options.placement; placement = placement.trim(); var autoToken = /\s?auto?\s?/i; var autoPlace = autoToken.test(placement); if (autoPlace) { placement = placement.replace(autoToken, '') || 'rightTop'; } $tip .detach() .css({ top: 0, left: 0, display: 'block' }) .addClass(placement); this.options.container ? $tip.appendTo(this.options.container) : $tip.insertAfter(this.$element); var pos = this.getPosition(); var actualWidth = $tip[0].offsetWidth; var actualHeight = $tip[0].offsetHeight; if (autoPlace) { var $parent = this.$element.parent(); var orgPlacement = placement; var docScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; var parentWidth = this.options.container === 'body' ? window.innerWidth : $parent.outerWidth(); var parentHeight = this.options.container === 'body' ? window.innerHeight : $parent.outerHeight(); var parentLeft = this.options.container === 'body' ? 0 : $parent.offset().left; var parentTop = this.options.container === 'body' ? 0 : $parent.offset().top; parentTop += docScroll; var placementOrder = placement.split(' '); placement = this.getPlacement({ placementOrder: placementOrder, pos: pos, actualWidth: actualWidth, actualHeight: actualHeight, parentWidth: parentWidth, parentHeight: parentHeight, parentTop: parentTop, parentLeft: parentLeft, useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm: this.options.useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm }); $tip .removeClass(orgPlacement) .addClass(placement); } var calculatedOffset = this.getCalculatedOffset(placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight); this.applyPlacement(calculatedOffset, placement); this.hoverState = null; var complete = function () { that.$element.trigger('' + that.type, $tip); }; $.support.transition && this.$tip.hasClass('fade') ? $tip .one($.support.transition.end, complete) .emulateTransitionEnd(150) : complete(); }, getCalculatedOffset: function (placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight) { return placement === 'bottom' ? { top: + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } : placement === 'top' ? { top: - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - actualWidth / 2 } : placement === 'left' ? { top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left - actualWidth } : placement === 'right' ? { top: + pos.height / 2 - actualHeight / 2, left: pos.left + pos.width } : placement === 'topLeft' ? { top: - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - (actualWidth * .25) } : placement === 'topRight' ? { top: - actualHeight, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - (actualWidth * .75) } : placement === 'rightTop' ? { top: + pos.height / 2 - (actualHeight * .25), left: pos.left + pos.width } : placement === 'rightBottom' ? { top: + pos.height / 2 - (actualHeight * .75), left: pos.left + pos.width } : placement === 'bottomLeft' ? { top: + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - (actualWidth * .25) } : placement === 'bottomRight' ? { top: + pos.height, left: pos.left + pos.width / 2 - (actualWidth * .75) } : placement === 'leftTop' ? { top: + pos.height / 2 - (actualHeight * .25), left: pos.left - actualWidth } : /*placement === 'leftBottom' ?*/ { top: + pos.height / 2 - (actualHeight * .75), left: pos.left - actualWidth }; }, getPlacement: function (placementInfo) { placementInfo.placementOrder.splice(placementInfo.placementOrder.length, 0 , 'rightTop' , 'rightBottom' , 'leftTop' , 'leftBottom' , 'bottomLeft' , 'bottomRight' , 'topLeft' , 'topRight'); var placementOrder = placementInfo.placementOrder; var pos = placementInfo.pos; var actualWidth = placementInfo.actualWidth; var actualHeight = placementInfo.actualHeight; var parentTop = placementInfo.parentTop; var parentLeft = placementInfo.parentLeft; var parentWidth = placementInfo.parentWidth; var parentHeight = placementInfo.parentHeight; var minOffsetRate = 100; var minOffsetRateIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < placementOrder.length; i++) { var placement = placementOrder[i]; var tl = this.getCalculatedOffset(placement, pos, actualWidth, actualHeight); var canDisplay = >= parentTop && tl.left >= parentLeft && tl.left + actualWidth <= parentLeft + parentWidth && + actualHeight <= parentTop + parentHeight; if (canDisplay) { return placement; } else if (placementInfo.useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm) { // calculate the offset rate (area of popup outside parent area/popup area) var offsetRate = 0; if (tl.left < parentLeft) { offsetRate += (parentLeft - tl.left) / actualWidth; } if (tl.left + actualWidth > parentLeft + parentWidth) { offsetRate += (tl.left + actualWidth - parentLeft - parentWidth) / actualWidth; } if ( < parentTop) { offsetRate += (parentTop - / actualHeight; } if ( + actualHeight > parentTop + parentHeight) { offsetRate += ( + actualHeight - parentTop - parentHeight) / actualHeight; } // find the minimal offset rate if (offsetRate < minOffsetRate) { minOffsetRate = offsetRate; minOffsetRateIndex = i; } } } return placementOrder[placementInfo.useOptimizedPlacementAlgorithm ? minOffsetRateIndex : 0]; }, getPosition: function ($element) { $element = $element || this.$element var el = $element[0] var isBody = el.tagName === 'BODY' var parentDeclare = this.$element.attr('data-placement-target'); if (parentDeclare) { var parents = this.$element.parents(parentDeclare); if (parents.length > 0) { el = parents[0]; } } if (!el) { el = this.$element[0]; } var elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect() if (elRect.width == null) { // width and height are missing in IE8, so compute them manually; see elRect = $.extend({}, elRect, { width: elRect.right - elRect.left, height: elRect.bottom - }) } var elOffset = isBody ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : $element.offset() var scroll = { scroll: isBody ? document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop : $element.scrollTop() } var outerDims = isBody ? { width: $(window).width(), height: $(window).height() } : null return $.extend({}, elRect, scroll, outerDims, elOffset) } }); $.fn.popover = $.extend(function (option) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this) , data = $'bs.popover') , options = typeof option === 'object' && option; if (!data) $'bs.popover', (data = new Popover(this, options))); if (typeof option === 'string') data[option](); }); }, _super); })(jQuery); var constant = {}; constant.guid = { empty: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } //数据验证起始值范围 constant.startNum = -1000000000000; constant.endNum = 1000000000000; constant.organization = { parentIdNull: "-1", defaultMaxLength: 25, EstateIndustryId: 23, NonEstateIndustryId: 0, } = { maxDate: '9999-11', minDate: '1900-01', dateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd', dateFormatUppercase: 'YYYY-MM-DD', dateFormatyyyyMMdd: 'yyyy/MM/dd', dateFormatyyyyMMddUppper: 'YYYY/MM/DD', dateFormatSeparator: '/', hourSelection: [0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120] } constant.workflow = { codeStartWith: 10000, } constant.toFixedNumber4 = 4; constant.toFixedNumber2 = 2; constant.priority = { low: 1, medium: 2, high: 3 } constant.customer = { codeMaxLength: 50, nameMaxLength: 100, errorArray: ['CustomerImportDataFormatError', 'SaveFileError', 'CustomerCodeOutOfLength', 'CustomerNameOutOfLength'] } constant.payTaxTypeList = [ { value: 1, name: '一般纳税人' }, { value: 2, name: '小规模纳税人' }]; constant.citReportTypeList = [ { value: 1, name: '纳税申报表' }, { value: 2, name: '季度预缴表' }, { value: 3, name: '工作底稿' }]; constant.cfReportTypeList = [ { value: 1, name: '企业所得税预算' }, { value: 2, name: '增值税预算' }, { value: 3, name: '消费税预算' }, { value: 4, name: '增值税&消费税附加税费预算' }, { value: 5, name: '房产税税预算' }, { value: 6, name: '城镇土地使用税预算' }, { value: 7, name: '印花税预算' }, { value: 8, name: '契税预算' }, { value: 9, name: '车辆购置税预算' }, { value: 10, name: '车船税预算' }, { value: 11, name: '土地增值税预算' }, { value: 12, name: '个人所得税预算' }, { value: 13, name: '关税预算' } ]; constant.businessUnit = { BUmaxLength: 21 } constant.activeStatus = { active: 1, deactive: 0 } constant.organizationStructManage = { nameMaxLength: 21 } constant.webapi = { prefix: '/api/v1' } constant.cache = { cacheName: 'webadmin', hubName: 'cacheHub', storageMode: 'localStorage', defaultCacheTime: '00000000', cacheUpdateMessage: '系统有更新,为了保证数据准确性,请刷新页面更新系统!', //will move to i18n cachePrex: '', notify: { position: 'right', classes: 'alert-danger' } } constant.common = { undefined: 'undefined' } constant.serviceType = { Admin: 1, VAT: 2, AM: 3, FDD: 4, Dashboard: 5, CIT: 6, TCS: 7 } constant.roleSource = { Unknown: 0, OrganizationLevel: 1, AreaLevel: 2, BusinessUnitLevel: 3, OriginalLevel: 4, DimensionLevel: 5, } constant.import = { overwrite: '1', append: '2' } constant.OperateLogType = { OperationLogOrganization: 0, OperationLogUser: 1, OperationLogProject: 2, OperationLogBasicData: 3, OperationLogReport: 4, OperationLogEnterPrise: 5, OperationLogSubjectCorres: 6, OperationLogRole: 7, OperationLogModelConfiguration: 8, OperationRuleEngineConfiguration: 9, OperationKeyvalueConfiguration: 10, OperationLogWorkflow: 11, OperationLogStock: 12 } = { pageSize: 10 } = [10, 20, 50, 100, 5]; constant.Action = { View: 0, New: 1, Update: 2, Delete: 3, Copy: 4, AutoMapping: 5, ManualMapping: 6, CancelMapping: 7, Edit: 8 } constant.OperationModule = { BasicDataOrganizationStructure: 1, BasicDataRegion: 2, BasicDataStandardAccount: 3, BasicDataWordLibrary: 4, BasicDataKeyValue: 5, Project: 6, ProjectServiceType: 7, User: 8, Organization: 9, Role: 10, UserRole: 11, BasicDataEnterpriceAccount: 12, TemplateFormula: 13, Template: 14, TemplateGroup: 15, ReportConfiguration: 16, BasicDataArea: 17, BasicDataCustomer: 18, BusinessUnit: 19 }; constant.UIGrid = { rowHeight: 40, selectionRowHeaderWidth: 40, errorRowHeight: 30, errorRowHeaderWidth: 30, minRowHeight: 25, minselectionRowHeaderWidth: 25, gapHeight: 6 } constant.enterpriceAccount = { codeEmpty: 'EnterpriseAccountCodeEmpty', codeMaxLength: 'EnterpriseAccountCodeMaxLength', enterpriseAccountNameEmpty: 'EnterpriseAccountNameEmpty', nameMaxLength: 'EnterpriseAccountNameMaxLength', directionFormatError: 'DirectionFormatError', acctPropFormatError: 'AcctPropFormatError', noParentCode: 'NoParentCode', } constant.dimensionID = { businessUnitID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5", areaID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e6", //机构层级和子公司不是一个定义,机构层级的ID之后用到会更改 organizationStructureID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7", orgSubChildrenID: "c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7" } // 系统定义的属性ID constant.attributeID = { businessUnitID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e5', areaID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e6', organizationStructureID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053966537e8', userID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053996237e8', industryID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053996537e8', orgSubChildrenID: 'c61a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053995237e7', administrativeAreaID: 'c62a5bd6-a996-4952-9869-d053996537e88' } constant.userRoleDimensionValueID = { extraOrgDimensionID: 'extraOrgDimensionID', extaDimensionName: '附加', extraOrgDimensionValueName: '附加角色', originalRoleDimensionValueName: '原始角色', //附加在维度上的角色 extraOrgDimensionValueID: 'extraOrgDimensionValueID', //附加原始角色 originalRoleDimensionValueID: 'originalRoleDimensionValueID' } constant.dimensionType = { Unknown: 0, SelfDimension: 1, BusinessUnit: 2, Area: 3, OrganizationStructure: 4, User: 5, Industry: 6, OrgSubChildren: 7 } constant.attributeType = { Unknown: 0, SelfDimension: 1, BusinessUnit: 2, Area: 3, OrganizationStructure: 4, User: 5, Industry: 6, OrgSubChildren: 7, RegionID: 10 } // 区域排除的下拉选项 constant.areaExcludeAttributeType = [ // 未知 0, ]; constant.excludeAttributeType = [ 0, 5, 7 ] constant.level = { First: 0 } constant.espAccountFilter = { key_0: '0', key_1: '1', key_2: '2', key_3: '3', key_4: '4', data: [{ key: '0', value: 'AllMappingStatus' }, { key: '1', value: 'Unmapped' }, { key: '2', value: 'Mapped' }, { key: '3', value: 'DirectionDifferent' }, { key: '4', value: 'AccountTypeDifferent' }] } constant.taxpayerNumberFilter = { key_0: '0', key_1: '1', key_2: '2', } constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.dataSource = [ { key: constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_0, value: 'All' }, { key: constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_1, value: 'HasTaxPayerNumber' }, { key: constant.taxpayerNumberFilter.key_2, value: 'NoTaxPayerNumber' }, ]; constant.comma = ','; constant.DimensionType = { Unknown: 0, SelfDimension: 1, BusinessUnit: 2, Area: 3, OrganizationStructure: 4, User: 5, Industry: 6, OrgSubChildren: 7, Stock: 8 } constant.Operation = { Add: 'add', Edit: 'edit', // 禁用 Disable: 'disable', // 启用 Enable: 'enable', // 查找添加 findAdd: 'findAdd', // 删除 Delete: 'delete', // 查询 Query: 'Query', // 打开 Open: 'Open', // 关闭 Close: 'Close' } constant.TemplateGroupOperation = { // 直接连模板一起添加 AddDirectly: 'addDirectly', // 先加模板组,暂不加模板 AddGroupFirst: 'addGroupFirst', Edit: 'edit', // 删除 Delete: 'delete' } constant.selectAllValue = '99'; constant.BasicDataManageMenuID = 'F9A18F3A-7E39-4661-BA00-F149710577C8'; constant.noPermissionClass = "no-permission"; constant.attributeTypeIDColMap = { 0: '', 1: '', 2: 'businessUnitID', 3: 'areaID', 4: 'structureID', 5: '', 6: 'industryID', 7: 'structureID', 10: 'regionID' }; constant.attributeTypeNameColMap = { 0: '', 1: '', 2: 'businessUnitName', 3: 'areaName', 4: 'structureName', 5: '', 6: 'industryName', 7: 'structureName', 10: 'regionName' }; // vat权限code constant.vatPermission = { dataImport: { dataImportCode: '02.001', balanceSheet: { queryCode: '02.001.001', importCode: '02.001.002' }, journalEntry: { queryCode: '02.001.003', importCode: '02.001.004' }, erpImport: { queryCode: '02.001.005', importCode: '02.001.006' }, outputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.001.009', importCode: '02.001.010' }, inputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.001.011', importCode: '02.001.012' }, customInvoice: { queryCode: '02.001.013', importCode: '02.001.014' }, voucherMapping: { queryCode: '02.001.015', importCode: '02.001.016' }, invoiceMapping: { queryCode: '02.001.017', importCode: '02.001.018' }, auditAdjust: { queryCode: '02.001.007', importCode: '02.001.008' }, }, dataPreview: { dataPreviewCode: '02.002', balanceSheet: { queryCode: '02.002.001' }, accountVoucher: { queryCode: '02.002.002' }, customInvoice: { queryCode: '02.002.006' }, outputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.002.004' }, inputInvoice: { queryCode: '02.002.003' } }, dataManage: { dataManageCode: '02.003', accountMappingCode: '02.003.001', accountMapping: { queryCode: '', importCode: '' }, goodsMappingCode: '02.003.002', goodsMapping: { queryCode: '', saveCode: '' }, caculateDataCode: '02.003.003', unbilledInvoiceCode: '02.003.004', }, reportView: { reportViewCode: '02.004', bsplCode: '02.004.001', bspl: { bsCode: '', plCode: '' }, taxReturnCode: '02.004.002', taxReturn: { queryCode: '', editCode: '' }, }, dataAnalysis: { dataAnalysisCode: '02.005', modelAnalysisCode: '02.005.001', modelAnalysis: { queryCode: '', filterCode: '' }, dashboard: { dashboardCode: '02.005.002', querySummaryDashboardCode: '', singleOrgIndexDashboardCode: '', } }, outputInvoice: { importVehicelCase: { queryCode: '', holdCaseCode: '', reassignCaseCode: '', triggerSyncCode: '' }, bdInvoice: { queryCode: '', manualPrintBDInvoiceCode: '', autoPrintBDInvoiceCode: '', editVehicleCaseCode: '', cancelAndReprintCode: '', cancelInvoiceCode: '' }, gdInvoice: { queryCode: '', printCode: '', cancelAndReprintCode: '', cancelInvoiceCode: '', RedLetterCode: '', fapiaoQuotaSettingsCode: '', markupRateCode: '' }, gdShipment: { queryCode: '', importCodeCode: '' }, reconciliationConfig: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', deleteCode: '', reSortCode: '' }, outputReconciliationOverview: { queryCode: '' }, mappingConfig: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', }, taxControlDisk: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', } } }; // 权限代码 constant.adminPermission = { basicData: { // 企业账套 enterpriseAccountSet: { // 查看 queryCode: '01.001.001', // 添加 addCode: '01.001.002', // 维护 editCode: '01.001.003' }, // 事业部 businessUnit: { queryCode: '01.001.008', editCode: '01.001.009' }, // 区域 areaManage: { queryCode: '01.001.010', editCode: '01.001.011' }, // 机构层级 orangizationStructure: { queryCode: '01.001.006', editCode: '01.001.007' }, // 客户列表 customerList: { queryCode: '01.001.004', editCode: '01.001.005' }, // 自定义维度 selfDimension: { queryCode: '01.001.012', editCode: '01.001.013' } }, infrastructure: { //用户管理 userManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '' }, //机构管理 organizationManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', }, //角色管理 roleManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', }, //自定义显示属性管理 customAttribute: { queryCode: '', }, //维度上的用户权限设置 accessSetting: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', }, //工作流配置 workflowManage: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '', }, }, systemConfiguration: { //报表配置 declarationFormConfigurationCode: '01.003.002', declarationFormConfiguration: { queryCode: '', addCode: '', editCode: '' }, //分析模型配置 modelConfiguration: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', maintainCustomCode: '', maintainModelTreeCode: '' }, // 科目对应 subjectCorresponding: { queryCode: '', editCode: '', }, ruleEnginee: { viewRatePayer: '', defaultRatePayerAction: '', specialRatePayerAction: '', //地方税 LocalTax: '01.004.002', //地方税-城市建设 viewCityBuilding: '', defaultCityBuildingAction: '', specialCityBuildingAction: '', //地方教育 viewLocalEducation: '', defaultLocalEducationAction: '', specialLocalEducationAction: '', //教育费附加税 viewEducationAttach: '', defaultEducationAttachAction: '', specialEducationAttachAction: '', //印花税 viewStampTax: '', defaultStampTaxAction: '', specialStampTaxAction: '', //水利基金 viewWaterFund: '', defaultWaterFundAction: '', specialWaterFundAction: '' }, keyValueConfig: { viewKey: '', keyAction: '' } } }; constant.basicDataUrl = { orangizationStructureManage: '#/masterData/orangizationStructureManage', businessUnit: '#/masterData/businessUnit', regionManage: '#/masterData/regionManage', enterpriseAccountManage: '#/financialData/enterpriseAccountManage', customerListManage: '#/financialData/customerListManage', }; /************************************************vat constant start*************************************************/ constant.inputInvoice = { //发票状态 statusType: { InvoiceHasUpload: { id: 1, value: 'InvoiceHasUpload' }, //上传 InvoiceHasAddRecord: { id: 2, value: 'InvoiceHasAddRecord' },//补录 InvoiceUnrecognize: { id: 3, value: 'InvoiceUnrecognize' }, //无法识别 InvoiceHasRefund: { id: 4, value: 'InvoiceHasRefund' }, //已退票 InvoiceRecognizeSuccess: { id: 5, value: 'InvoiceRecognizeSuccess' }, //识别成功 InvoiceVerifyFailure: { id: 6, value: 'InvoiceVerifyFailure' }, //验真失败 InvoicePendingMatch: { id: 7, value: 'InvoicePendingMatch' }, //待匹配 InvoiceHasMatch: { id: 8, value: 'InvoiceHasMatch' }, InvoicePendingVerify: { id: 9, value: 'InvoicePendingVerify' }, InvoiceHasVerify: { id: 10, value: 'InvoiceHasVerify' }, InvoiceUnableVerify: { id: 11, value: 'InvoiceUnableVerify' }, InvoiceManualVerify: { id: 12, value: 'InvoiceManualVerify' }, InvoiceHasClean: { id: 13, value: 'InvoiceHasClean' },//已清理 InvoiceHasExpired: { id: 14, value: 'InvoiceHasExpired' }, //已失效 InvoiceRecognizeFailure: { id: 15, value: 'InvoiceRecognizeFailure' }, //识别失败 }, //发票类型,普票或专票 invoiceType: { VatInvoiceSpecialTicket: { id: 1, value: 'VatInvoiceSpecialTicket' }, VatInvoiceOrdinaryTicket: { id: 2, value: 'VatInvoiceOrdinaryTicket' }, }, //发票来源类型,原料采购,非原料集中采购,报销 invoiceSourceType: { InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase: { id: 1, value: 'InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase' }, InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase: { id: 2, value: 'InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase' }, InvoiceClaim: { id: 3, value: 'InvoiceClaim' }, }, //发票实体类型,纸票或电子票 invoiceEntityType: { InvoicePaperTicket: { id: 1, value: 'InvoicePaperTicket' }, InvoiceElectronicTicket: { id: 2, value: 'InvoiceElectronicTicket' }, }, //发票上传方式,纸质文档,扫描枪,扫描仪 invoiceUploadType: { InvoiceModePDF: { id: 1, value: 'InvoiceModePDF' }, InvoiceModeScan: { id: 2, value: 'InvoiceModeScan' }, InvoiceModeMobileDevice: { id: 3, value: 'InvoiceModeMobileDevice' }, //扫描抢 }, //上传文件的时候,上传的状态,成功,失败,和重复 invoiceUploadStatus: { success: { id: 1, value: 'UploadSuccess' }, failure: { id: 2, value: 'UploadFailure' }, duplicate: { id: 3, value: 'UploadDuplicate' }, } } constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceTypeArray = [constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceType.InvoiceRawMaterialPurchase, constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceType.InvoiceNonRawMaterialPurchase, constant.inputInvoice.invoiceSourceType.InvoiceClaim ]; constant.inputInvoiceImportBackEndErrorType = { DuplicateInputInvoice: 'DuplicateInputInvoice', InputInvoiceAlreadyPassed: 'InputInvoiceAlreadyPassed', LessThanDetailsTotal: 'LessThanDetailsTotal', NotHaveTotalInvoice: 'NotHaveTotalInvoice' }; constant.errorLength = 600; constant.errorMaxLine = 10; constant.validateLength = { StringLength_50: 50, StringLength_100: 100, StringLength_256: 256, StringLength_500: 500, StringLength_200: 200 } constant.effectiveTaxRate = ['17%', '13%', '11%', '6%', '5%', '3%', '1.5%', '0.17', '0.13', '0.11', '0.06', '0.05', '0.03', '0.015']; constant.outputTaxRate = ['17%', '13%', '11%', '6%', '5%', '3%', '1.5%', '0%', '0.17', '0.13', '0.11', '0.06', '0.05', '0.03', '0.015', '0', '0.00']; constant.AccountMappingProcessKey = { UnSelected: 'UnSelected', Submit: 'Submit', Undo: 'Undo' } constant.pagesize = 100; constant.ErpCheckType = { CustomInvoice_DuplicatePayNum: 20 } constant.ProjectStatusEnum = { UnStarted: 10, Imported: 20, AccountMapSubmitted: 30, Generated: 40, ReportSubmitted: 50, ReportApproved: 60, ReportRejected: 70, Completed: 100 } //对应TaxAdmin.Dictionary表中workflow相关的Task的Dickey constant.DictionaryDictKey = { //节点: ApproveReport: 'ApproveReport', //报表审核 DataImport: 'DataImport', //数据导入 DeclarationComplete: 'DeclarationComplete', //申报完成 DataProcess: 'DataProcess', //数据处理 ViewReport: 'ViewReport',//查看报表 //数据导入Task: WFImportErpData: 'WFImportErpData', WFImportBalanceTable: 'WFImportBalanceTable', WFImportJournalEntry: 'WFImportJournalEntry', WFImportOutputInvoice: 'WFImportOutputInvoice', WFImportIncomeInvoice: 'WFImportIncomeInvoice', WFImportCustomInvoice: 'WFImportCustomInvoice', WFImportVoucherMap: 'WFImportVoucherMap', WFImportInvoiceMap: 'WFImportInvoiceMap', WFImportAuditAdjust: 'WFImportAuditAdjust', //数据整理Task WFAccountMap: 'WFAccountMap', WFCargoNameMatch: 'WFCargoNameMatch', //货物名称匹配 WFDataProcess: 'WFDataProcess', //数据处理 WFUnBilledInvoice: 'WFUnBilledInvoice', //未开票销售 //查看报表Task: WFViewFinancialReport: 'WFViewFinancialReport', //查看财务报表 WFSubmitReport: 'WFSubmitReport', //提交审核 //报表审核Task: WFReportApproval: 'WFReportApproval',//审核报表 //WFApproveReport: 'WFApproveReport', //报表审核 //完成申报Task: WFDeclarationComplete: 'WFDeclarationComplete', //完成申报 WFUploadCertificate: 'WFUploadCertificate',//上传凭证 } //task一旦启用,必须为选中Mandatory constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFMandatoryTask = [constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFSubmitReport, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFReportApproval, constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFDeclarationComplete]; //task不能选择mandatory constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFNoSelectionTask = [constant.DictionaryDictKey.WFCargoNameMatch]; constant.inValidNum = -1; constant.ReMapMaxLength = { MaxStdCodeLength: 20, MaxTextLength: 20, MaxRemarkLength: 50 } constant.ValidationMessag = { ValidationExisted: "validation existed", ReValidate: "revalidate" } constant.WorkflowMessage = { Issue: "异常事项:", CalDateTime: "计算时间:", MessageDetail: "异常详情:", ExceptionIssueValue: "数据处理" } constant.WholeYearPeriod = -1; constant.DataProccessStatus = { Unstarted: "unstarted", //未生成 Processing: "processing", //处理中 Completed: "completed",//已生成 ToUpdate: "toUpdate",//需更新 NoData: "noData",//无数据 Error: "error"//错误 } /************************************************vat constant end*************************************************/ /********key value*****************/ constant.keyValueType = [ { value: 1, name: '系统公共' }, { value: 2, name: '自定义' } ]; constant.geoCoordMap = { '海门': [121.15, 31.89], '鄂尔多斯': [109.781327, 39.608266], '招远': [120.38, 37.35], '舟山': [122.207216, 29.985295], '齐齐哈尔': [123.97, 47.33], '盐城': [120.13, 33.38], '赤峰': [118.87, 42.28], '青岛': [120.33, 36.07], '乳山': [121.52, 36.89], '金昌': [102.188043, 38.520089], '泉州': [118.58, 24.93], '莱西': [120.53, 36.86], '日照': [119.46, 35.42], '胶南': [119.97, 35.88], '南通': [121.05, 32.08], '拉萨': [91.11, 29.97], '云浮': [112.02, 22.93], '梅州': [116.1, 24.55], '文登': [122.05, 37.2], '上海': [121.48, 31.22], '攀枝花': [101.718637, 26.582347], '威海': [122.1, 37.5], '承德': [117.93, 40.97], '厦门': [118.1, 24.46], '汕尾': [115.375279, 22.786211], '潮州': [116.63, 23.68], '丹东': [124.37, 40.13], '太仓': [121.1, 31.45], '曲靖': [103.79, 25.51], '烟台': [121.39, 37.52], '福州': [119.3, 26.08], '瓦房店': [121.979603, 39.627114], '即墨': [120.45, 36.38], '抚顺': [123.97, 41.97], '玉溪': [102.52, 24.35], '张家口': [114.87, 40.82], '阳泉': [113.57, 37.85], '莱州': [119.942327, 37.177017], '湖州': [120.1, 30.86], '汕头': [116.69, 23.39], '昆山': [120.95, 31.39], '宁波': [121.56, 29.86], '湛江': [110.359377, 21.270708], '揭阳': [116.35, 23.55], '荣成': [122.41, 37.16], '连云港': [119.16, 34.59], '葫芦岛': [120.836932, 40.711052], '常熟': [120.74, 31.64], '东莞': [113.75, 23.04], '河源': [114.68, 23.73], '淮安': [119.15, 33.5], '泰州': [119.9, 32.49], '南宁': [108.33, 22.84], '营口': [122.18, 40.65], '惠州': [114.4, 23.09], '江阴': [120.26, 31.91], '蓬莱': [120.75, 37.8], '韶关': [113.62, 24.84], '嘉峪关': [98.289152, 39.77313], '广州': [113.23, 23.16], '延安': [109.47, 36.6], '太原': [112.53, 37.87], '清远': [113.01, 23.7], '中山': [113.38, 22.52], '昆明': [102.73, 25.04], '寿光': [118.73, 36.86], '盘锦': [122.070714, 41.119997], '长治': [113.08, 36.18], '深圳': [114.07, 22.62], '珠海': [113.52, 22.3], '宿迁': [118.3, 33.96], '咸阳': [108.72, 34.36], '铜川': [109.11, 35.09], '平度': [119.97, 36.77], '佛山': [113.11, 23.05], '海口': [110.35, 20.02], '江门': [113.06, 22.61], '章丘': [117.53, 36.72], '肇庆': [112.44, 23.05], '大连': [121.62, 38.92], '临汾': [111.5, 36.08], '吴江': [120.63, 31.16], '石嘴山': [106.39, 39.04], '沈阳': [123.38, 41.8], '苏州': [120.62, 31.32], '茂名': [110.88, 21.68], '嘉兴': [120.76, 30.77], '长春': [125.35, 43.88], '胶州': [120.03336, 36.264622], '银川': [106.27, 38.47], '张家港': [120.555821, 31.875428], '三门峡': [111.19, 34.76], '锦州': [121.15, 41.13], '南昌': [115.89, 28.68], '柳州': [109.4, 24.33], '三亚': [109.511909, 18.252847], '自贡': [104.778442, 29.33903], '吉林': [126.57, 43.87], '阳江': [111.95, 21.85], '泸州': [105.39, 28.91], '西宁': [101.74, 36.56], '宜宾': [104.56, 29.77], '呼和浩特': [111.65, 40.82], '成都': [104.06, 30.67], '大同': [113.3, 40.12], '镇江': [119.44, 32.2], '桂林': [110.28, 25.29], '张家界': [110.479191, 29.117096], '宜兴': [119.82, 31.36], '北海': [109.12, 21.49], '西安': [108.95, 34.27], '金坛': [119.56, 31.74], '东营': [118.49, 37.46], '牡丹江': [129.58, 44.6], '遵义': [106.9, 27.7], '绍兴': [120.58, 30.01], '扬州': [119.42, 32.39], '常州': [119.95, 31.79], '潍坊': [119.1, 36.62], '重庆': [106.54, 29.59], '台州': [121.420757, 28.656386], '南京': [118.78, 32.04], '滨州': [118.03, 37.36], '贵阳': [106.71, 26.57], '无锡': [120.29, 31.59], '本溪': [123.73, 41.3], '克拉玛依': [84.77, 45.59], '渭南': [109.5, 34.52], '马鞍山': [118.48, 31.56], '宝鸡': [107.15, 34.38], '焦作': [113.21, 35.24], '句容': [119.16, 31.95], '北京': [116.46, 39.92], '徐州': [117.2, 34.26], '衡水': [115.72, 37.72], '包头': [110, 40.58], '绵阳': [104.73, 31.48], '乌鲁木齐': [87.68, 43.77], '枣庄': [117.57, 34.86], '杭州': [120.19, 30.26], '淄博': [118.05, 36.78], '鞍山': [122.85, 41.12], '溧阳': [119.48, 31.43], '库尔勒': [86.06, 41.68], '安阳': [114.35, 36.1], '开封': [114.35, 34.79], '济南': [117, 36.65], '德阳': [104.37, 31.13], '温州': [120.65, 28.01], '九江': [115.97, 29.71], '邯郸': [114.47, 36.6], '临安': [119.72, 30.23], '兰州': [103.73, 36.03], '沧州': [116.83, 38.33], '临沂': [118.35, 35.05], '南充': [106.110698, 30.837793], '天津': [117.2, 39.13], '富阳': [119.95, 30.07], '泰安': [117.13, 36.18], '诸暨': [120.23, 29.71], '郑州': [113.65, 34.76], '哈尔滨': [126.63, 45.75], '聊城': [115.97, 36.45], '芜湖': [118.38, 31.33], '唐山': [118.02, 39.63], '平顶山': [113.29, 33.75], '邢台': [114.48, 37.05], '德州': [116.29, 37.45], '济宁': [116.59, 35.38], '荆州': [112.239741, 30.335165], '宜昌': [111.3, 30.7], '义乌': [120.06, 29.32], '丽水': [119.92, 28.45], '洛阳': [112.44, 34.7], '秦皇岛': [119.57, 39.95], '株洲': [113.16, 27.83], '石家庄': [114.48, 38.03], '莱芜': [117.67, 36.19], '常德': [111.69, 29.05], '保定': [115.48, 38.85], '湘潭': [112.91, 27.87], '金华': [119.64, 29.12], '岳阳': [113.09, 29.37], '长沙': [113, 28.21], '衢州': [118.88, 28.97], '廊坊': [116.7, 39.53], '菏泽': [115.480656, 35.23375], '合肥': [117.27, 31.86], '武汉': [114.31, 30.52], '大庆': [125.03, 46.58], '香港特别行政区': [113.95, 22.26] }; constant.colorArray = ['#a32020', '#eb8c00', '#db536a', '#dc6900', '#e0301e', '#602320', '#3f3f40', '#968c6d']; /************************************************cit constant start*************************************************/ constant.yearPeriod = -1; constant.pageSize = 100; constant.allDataPageSize = 0; constant.periodInforConst = { NoRecord: -10, //没有记录 }; constant.OutputInvoiceCancalDialog = "cancelGDModal.html"; constant.CaseImportedStatusEnum = { Normal: 1, Opccupied: 2, Duplicated: 3, Prohibit: 4, Holded: 5 }; constant.TagRule = { Unknown: 0, // 自动 Auto: 1, // 顺序计算 Aggregation: 2, // 手动 Manual: 3, }; constant.purchaserSeller = { "N": 0, "Y": 1, "N/A": 2 }; constant.specialText = { "NULL": 0, "Other": 1, "N/A": 2 }; constant.teslaConfirmClassName = 'tesla-confirm'; constant.splitValidation = "<#@@#>"; //身份证省份 constant.vcity = { 11: "北京", 12: "天津", 13: "河北", 14: "山西", 15: "内蒙古", 21: "辽宁", 22: "吉林", 23: "黑龙江", 31: "上海", 32: "江苏", 33: "浙江", 34: "安徽", 35: "福建", 36: "江西", 37: "山东", 41: "河南", 42: "湖北", 43: "湖南", 44: "广东", 45: "广西", 46: "海南", 50: "重庆", 51: "四川", 52: "贵州", 53: "云南", 54: "西藏", 61: "陕西", 62: "甘肃", 63: "青海", 64: "宁夏", 65: "新疆", 71: "台湾", 81: "香港", 82: "澳门", 91: "国外" }; constant.taxControlStatus = { 0: 'InActive', 1: 'Active', null: '' }; constant.TaxControlDiskType = { 1: 'BaiWang', 2: 'HangXing', null: '' }; constant.CarType = ['纯电动轿车', '纯电动乘用车']; /************************************************cit constant end*************************************************/ // enum for object model commonModule.factory('enums', ['$translate', function ($translate) { 'use strict'; return { tabType: { main: 0, dashboard: 1, chartEdit: 2, commonUrl: 3 }, keyCode: { backspace: 8, tab: 9, enter: 13, shift: 16, ctrl: 17, alt: 18, esc: 27, space: 32, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, select: 41, delete: 46, number0: 48, at: 64, letterz: 90, padmin: 96, padmax: 111, semicolon: 186, graveaccent: 192, openbracket: 219, singlequote: 222 }, domNodeType: { element: 1, attr: 2, text: 3 }, userStatus: { active: 1, inActive: -1, disabled: 0, locked: -2 }, adminEvent: { layoutChanged: 'admin:layoutChanged' }, standardAccountDirection: { '1': 'StandardAccountDebit', '-1': 'StandardAccountCredit' }, standardAccountAcctProp: { 1: 'Asset', 2: 'Debt', 3: 'Joint', 4: 'Equity', 5: 'Cost', 6: 'Loss' }, modelType: { 1: 'SystemCommonModel', 2: 'OrgCommonModel', 3: 'OrgCustomModel' }, modelFeature: { 1: 'IndexAnalysis', 2: 'EntriesCheck' }, /*************************************vat enum start************************************/ vatImportType: { erp: 1, //财务数据导入 incomeInvoice: 2, //进项发票导入 journalEntry: 3, //序时账导入 outputInvoice: 4, //销项发票导入 tb: 5, //TB导入 mapping: 6 //Mapping关系导入 }, vatDataImportStatus: { UnImported: 0, //未导入 TbImported: 1, //TB数据已导入 ErpImported: 2 //财务数据已导入 }, validationType: { TrialBalance: 0, //试算平衡表 InputVoice: 1, //进项发票 OutputVoice: 2, //销项发票 ErpDuplicate: 3, //重复数据 ErpBasicCheck: 4, //基础数据校验 ErpCorrect: 5, //数据正确性 JournalEntry: 6, //序时账验证错误 InputInvoiceItem: 7 //进项发票明细 }, vatMenuStates: { expanded: 0, collapsing: 1, expanding: 2, collapsed: 3 }, vatEvent: { layoutChanged: 'vat:layoutChanged' }, serviceType: { VAT: "2", FDD: "4", CIT: "6", TaxAudit: "8", RPT: "9", DTA: "10", CF: "11", AssetsManage: "12" }, //发票类型 invoiceType: { VATInvoice: 1, FreightTransport: 2, MotorVehicle: 3, AgriculturalProduct: 4, Other: 5 }, cellDataType: { Accounting: 1, Percentage: 2, Boolean: 3, String: 4, Integer: 5 }, //销项发票类型 outputInvoiceType: { Normal: 0, Special: 1, }, cellDataSourceType: { /// <summary> /// 公式(包含KeyValue) /// </summary> Formula: 1, /// <summary> /// 凭证 /// </summary> Voucher: 2, /// <summary> /// 销项发票 /// </summary> OutputInvoice: 3, /// <summary> /// 进项发票 /// </summary> InputInvoice: 4, /// <summary> /// 海关发票 /// </summary> CustomInvoice: 5, /// <summary> /// 手工录入 /// </summary> KeyIn: 6, /// <summary> /// 关联模型 /// </summary> RelatedModel: 7, /// <summary> /// SAP日报 /// </summary> SapDaily: 8 }, //vat导入按钮类型 vatImportBtnType: { Import: 0, //导入 CoverImport: 1, //覆盖导入 AddImport: 2 //追加导入 }, vatCompareStatus: { None: 0, UnBilled: 10, PartBilled: 20, Billed: 30, UnAccounted: 40, PartAccounted: 50, Accounted: 60 }, //科目重对应类型 vatReMapType: { ReMapVoucher: 1, ReMapCust: 2 }, vatModuleEnum: { //[Display(Name = "试算平衡表导入")] Import_TrialBalance: 1, //[Display(Name = "序时账导入")] Import_JournalEntry: 2, //[Display(Name = "财务数据导入")] Import_Erpdata: 3, //[Display(Name = "销项发票导入")] Import_OutputInvoice: 4, //[Display(Name = "进项发票导入")] Import_InputInvoice: 5, //[Display(Name = "海关清单导入")] Import_CustomInvoice: 6, //[Display(Name = "凭证对应关系导入")] Import_VoucherMapping: 7, //[Display(Name = "发票对应关系导入")] Import_InvoiceMapping: 8, //[Display(Name = "审计调整")] Import_AuditAdjust: 9, //[Display(Name = "科目对应")] Import_AccountMapping: 20, //[Display(Name = "数据处理")] Import_CalculateData: 21, //[Display(Name = "货物名称匹配")] Import_GoodsMapping: 22, // [Display(Name = "未开票销售")] Import_UnbilledInvoice: 23, //[Description("模型分析")] Result_ModelAnalysisResult: 26, //[Description("纳税申报表")] Report_TaxDeclaration: 60, //[Description("增值说纳税申报表")] Report_VatTaxReturn: 61, //[Description("本期销售情况明细(附表一)")] Report_CurrentSalesDetailOne: 62, //[Description("本期销售情况明细(附表二)")] Report_CurrentSalesDetailTwo: 63, //[Description("服务,不动产和无形资产扣除项目明细(附表三)")] Report_ServiceAssets: 64, //[Description("税额抵减情况表(附表四)")] Report_TaxOffset: 65, //[Description("不动产分期抵扣表(附表五)")] Report_AssetsDeducted: 66, //[Description("固定资产")] Report_Assets: 67, //[Description("抵扣进项税额结构明细表")] Report_IncomeTaxDeducted: 68, //[Description("增值说减免税申报明细表")] Report_VatTaxRelief: 69, //[Description("附加税报表")] Report_AdditionalTax: 70, // [Description("报表生成-财务报表")] Report_BSPL: 100 }, vatModuleNameDic: { //[Display(Name = "试算平衡表导入")] '1': 'Import_TrialBalance', //[Display(Name = "序时账导入")] '2': 'Import_JournalEntry', //[Display(Name = "财务数据导入")] '3': 'Import_Erpdata', //[Display(Name = "销项发票导入")] '4': 'Import_OutputInvoice', //[Display(Name = "进项发票导入")] '5': 'Import_InputInvoice', //[Display(Name = "海关清单导入")] '6': 'Import_CustomInvoice', //[Display(Name = "凭证对应关系导入")] '7': 'Import_VoucherMapping', //[Display(Name = "发票对应关系导入")] '8': 'Import_InvoiceMapping', //[Display(Name = "审计调整")] '9': 'Import_AuditAdjust', //[Display(Name = "科目对应")] '20': 'Import_AccountMapping', //[Display(Name = "数据处理")] '21': 'Import_CalculateData', //[Display(Name = "货物名称匹配")] '22': 'Import_GoodsMapping', // [Display(Name = "未开票销售")] '23': 'Import_UnbilledInvoice', '100': 'FinancialReturn', '26': 'Result_ModelAnalysisResult', '60': 'TaxReturn' }, vatLogOperationTypeEnum: { //[Display(Name = "添加")] AddData: 1, //[Display(Name = "删除")] DeleteData: 2, //[Display(Name = "导入")] Import: 10, //[Display(Name = "覆盖导入")] CoverImport: 11, //[Display(Name = "追加导入")] AddImport: 12, //[Display(Name = "清空")] ClearData: 13, //[Display(Name = "删除重复记录")] DeleteDuplicate: 14, //[Display(Name = "刷新校验")] Refresh: 15, //[Display(Name = "手工对应")] GM_ManualMapping: 20, // [Display(Name = "取消对应")] GM_CancelMapping: 21, //[Display(Name = "自动对应")] AM_AutoMapping: 30, // [Display(Name = "手工对应")] AM_ManualMapping: 31, //[Display(Name = "取消对应")] AM_CancelMapping: 32, //[Display(Name = "新增手工重分类")] AM_AddManualClass: 33, //[Display(Name = "删除手工重分类")] AM_DeleteManualClass: 34, //[Display(Name = "编辑手工重分类")] AM_EditManualClass: 35, //[Display(Name = "新增凭证重分类")] AM_AddVoucherClass: 36, //[Display(Name = "删除凭证重分类")] AM_DeleteVoucherClass: 37, //[Display(Name = "编辑凭证重分类")] AM_EditVoucherClass: 38, //[Display(Name = "数据处理")] CalculateData: 40, //[Display(Name = "自动数据处理")] AutoCalculateData: 41, //[Description("财务报表生成")] Generate_BSPL: 42, //[Description("提交报表")] SubmitReport: 43, //[Description("撤销报表")] WithdrawReport: 44, //[Description("审核通过报表")] ApproveReport: 45, //[Description("拒绝审核")] RejectReport: 46, //[Description("完成申报")] DeclarationComplete: 47, //[Description("上传凭证")] UploadCertificate: 48, //[Description("疑点筛选")] DoubtFilter: 53, }, formulaDataSourceType: { // 其他数据源,如公式中的税率、数字部分 Other: 0, // 进项数据源 InputInvoice: 1, // 进项明细数据源 InputInvoiceDetail: 2, // 销项数据源 OutputInvoice: 3, // 凭证数据源 Voucher: 4, // 报表数据源 Report: 5, // 条件判断数据源 Judgment: 6, //// Sap日报数据源 //SapDaily: 7, //// 土地出让金数据源 //LandSell: 8, ////未开票数据源 //Unbilled: 9, KeyInSource: 10, QCYESource: 11, QMYESource: 12, ModelSource: 13, FSESource: 14, RuleSource: 15, //凭证筛选 VoucherFilter: 16, //发票筛选 InvoiceFilter: 17, //模型数据源 ModelDatasource: 18, // 用于存放特殊逻辑中获取的数据源数值与备注等信息,如未开票视同销售等 Special: 19, BSPL: 20 }, VatImportSubStatus: { isAdjustImport: 1, //审计调整 isCustomInvoiceImport: 2, //海关清单 isEntryImport: 3, //序时账 isErpImport: 4, //财务数据 isInputInvoiceImport: 5, //进项发票 isInvoiceMapImport: 6, //发票对应 isOutputInvoiceImport: 7,//销项发票 isTbImport: 8,//试算平衡表 isVoucherMapImport: 9 //凭证对应 }, ReportTemplateCode: { TaxDeclarationCategory: "TaxDeclaration", //纳税申报表(不是具体的template,是一个类别) VAT000: 'VAT000', //增值税纳税申报表 VAT001: 'VAT001', //本期销售情况明细(附表一) VAT002: 'VAT002', //本期进项税额明细(附表二) VAT003: 'VAT003', //服务,不动产和无形资产扣除项目明细(附表三) VAT004: 'VAT004', //税额抵减情况表(附表四) VAT005: 'VAT005', //不动产分期抵扣表(附表五) VAT006: 'VAT006', //固定资产 VAT007: 'VAT007', //抵扣进项税额结构明细表 VAT008: 'VAT008', //增值税减免税申报明细表 VAT009: 'VAT009', //附加税报表 VAT010: 'VAT010', //增值税预缴税款表 VAT011: 'VAT011' //营改增税负分析测算明细表 }, FinishStatusEnum: { NotFinished: 0, Finished: 1 }, paramDataType: { undefined: -1, string: 0, number: 1 }, paramType: { input: 0, dropdown: 1, accountCode: 2, dropdownNumber: 3 }, sqlBitEnum: { asFalse: 0, asTrue: 1 }, linkShort: { PreviewData: 'previewData', ReductionData: 'reductionData', ImportData: 'importData' }, //Workflow Task的DictionayKey和vat-import-layout.ctrl.js中$scope.menus中name之间的mapping关系 dictionaryKeyMenusMap: { WFImportErpData: 'erpData', WFImportBalanceTable: 'balanceSheet', WFImportJournalEntry: 'journalEntry', WFImportOutputInvoice: 'outputInvoice', WFImportIncomeInvoice: 'inputInvoice', WFImportCustomInvoice: 'customInvoice', WFImportVoucherMap: 'voucherMapping', WFImportInvoiceMap: 'invoiceMapping', WFImportAuditAdjust: 'auditAdjust', WFUnBilledInvoice: 'unbilledInvoice', WFDataProcess: 'caculateData', WFAccountMap: 'accountMapping', WFCargoNameMatch: 'goodsMapping' }, projectImportType: { UnImported: 0, TbImported: 1, ErpImported: 2 }, processType: { UnDefined: -1, Add: 1, Edit: 2, Delete: 3 }, optionType :{ Add: "Add", Edit: "Edit", DeleteDuplicate: "DeleteDuplicate", Refresh: "Refresh", Clear: "Clear", Import: "Import" }, /*************************************vat enum end**************************************/ //发票发生类型 invoiceAmountType: { amount: 1, //金额 taxAmount: 2, //税额 quntity: 3 //份数 }, //项目服务类型 projectServiceType: { VAT: 2, CIT: 6, }, /*************************************cit enum start**************************************/ erpCheckTypeId: { Tb_NoAcctCode: 30,//Tb验证 科目不在科目表中 Tb_PeriodBalance: 31,//本月期初 = 上月期末 Tb_BegBalDebitAndCreditBanlace: 32,//期初余额借贷平衡 Tb_BegBalUpAndDownBanlace: 33,//期初余额上下级平衡 Tb_CurentDebitAndCreditBanlace: 34,//发生额借贷平衡 Tb_CurrentUpAndDownBanlace: 35,//发生额上下级平衡 Tb_EndBalDebitAndCreditBanlace: 36,//期末借贷平衡 Tb_EndBalUpAndDownBanlace: 37,//期末上下级平衡 Tb_CurrentBalance: 38,//期末:期初+(借-贷)*方向 Tb_DuplicatedData: 39//重复数据 }, ImageType: { Success: 1, //成功 Alert: 2, //提示 Warning: 3,//警告 Error: 4 //错误 }, //对应PwC.Tax.Tech.Atms.Globals.Utils:ErpCheckType ErpCheckTypeEnum: { Success: 0, ComBalanceAcctUnValidate: 1, VoucherAcctValidate: 2, VSingleDebitCreditUnValidate: 3, VEmptyCheckUnValidateItemID: 4, VEmptyCheckUnValidateGroup: 5, VEmptyCheckUnValidateAcctCode: 6, VEmptyCheckUnValidateSummary: 7, AcctBegBalAcctLevelUnValidate: 8, BegBalUnValidate: 9, CompCustEndBalUnValidate: 10, CompCustAmountUnValidate: 11, CompCustBegBalUnValidate: 12, BegEndBalUnValidate: 13, DuplicatedVoucher: 14, DuplicatedTb: 15 }, ValidateCategoryEnum: { Basic: 1, Correctness: 2, Duplicate: 3 }, TbImportTypeEnum: { UnImported: 0, TbImported: 1, ErpImported: 2 }, //上传文件有效后缀名 ValidFileExtension: { CSV: "csv", XLS: "xls", XLSX: "xlsx" }, BDStatusEnum: { NormalStatus: 1, Duplicated: 2, Matched: 3, Unmatched: 4, Cancelled: 5, RedLettered: 6 }, IssuanceType: { SalesForce: 1, SmartTax: 2, Local: 3 }, //针对GD-BD车辆的状态 GDBDStatusEnum: { issued: 1, redLettered: 2, readyToIssue: 3, needRedLetter: 4, cancelled: 5, pendingForApproval: 6 }, //针对GD发票的状态 GDInvoiceStatusEnum: { issued: 1, redLettered: 2, partialRedLettered: 3, //needRedLetter: 4, cancelled: 5, // pendingForApproval: 6 }, // 发车清单比较状态 ShipmentCheckStatusEnum: { Normal: 1, Unbalance: 2, CantFind: 3 }, EditValueTypeEnum: { Warranty14: 1, FaPiao17: 2, FaPiao6: 3 }, IsNeedSendEmailEnum: { Need: 1, NotNeed: 2 } /*************************************cit enum end**************************************/ } }]); commonModule.factory('messagebox', ['$q', '$translate', 'SweetAlert', function ($q, $translate, SweetAlert) { 'use strict'; var getMsg = function (resultMsg, hasTranslated) { hasTranslated = hasTranslated || false; var msg = resultMsg; if (!hasTranslated) { msg = $translate.instant(resultMsg); } return msg; }; var success = function (resultMsg, hasTranslated) { var msg = this.getMsg(resultMsg, hasTranslated) SweetAlert.success(msg); }; var warning = function (resultMsg, hasTranslated) { var msg = this.getMsg(resultMsg, hasTranslated) SweetAlert.warning(msg); }; //有确认和取消按钮 var confirm = function (title, text, customClass) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, html: true, type: "warning", customClass: customClass || '', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: true }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; //没有取消按钮 var info = function (title, text, customClass) { var deferred = $q.defer(); SweetAlert.swal({ title: title, text: text, html: true, type: "warning", customClass: customClass || '', showCancelButton: false, confirmButtonColor: "#DD6B55", allowOutsideClick: false, confirmButtonText: $translate.instant('Confirm'), cancelButtonText: $translate.instant('Cancel'), closeOnConfirm: true, closeOnCancel: false }, function (isConfirm) { deferred.resolve(isConfirm); }); return deferred.promise; }; return { getMsg: getMsg, success: success, warning: warning, confirm: confirm, info: info } }]); (function (window, undefined) { PWC = window.PWC || {}; //string extention if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = function () { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function (match, number) { return typeof args[number] !== 'undefined' ? args[number] : match; }); }; } if (!String.prototype.formatObj) { String.prototype.formatObj = function () { var str = this.toString(); if (!arguments.length) { return str; } var args = typeof arguments[0]; args = (("string" === args || "number" === args) ? arguments : arguments[0]); for (var arg in args) { if (args.hasOwnProperty(arg)) { str = str.replace(RegExp("\\{" + arg + "\\}", "gi"), args[arg]); } } return str; } } if (!String.prototype.replaceToEnd) { String.prototype.replaceToEnd = function (search, replacement) { var target = this; return target.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement); } } if (!String.prototype.endsWith) { String.prototype.endsWith = function (pattern) { var d = this.length - pattern.length; return d >= 0 && this.lastIndexOf(pattern) === d; }; } if (!String.prototype.startWith) { String.prototype.startWith = function (pattern) { var reg = new RegExp("^" + pattern); return reg.test(this); }; } if (!Number.prototype.formatAmount) { Number.prototype.formatAmount = function (decPlaces) { decPlaces = isNaN(decPlaces = Math.abs(decPlaces)) ? 2 : decPlaces; var n = this.toFixed(decPlaces); if (decPlaces) { var i = n.substr(0, n.length - (decPlaces + 1)); var j = '.' + n.substr(-decPlaces); } else { i = n; j = ''; } function reverse(str) { var sr = ''; for (var l = str.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) { sr += str.charAt(l); } return sr; } if (parseInt(i)) { i = reverse(reverse(i).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + ',')); } return i + j; }; } PWC.AccountToFloat = function (data) { if (data == null || data == undefined) return data; var result = { value: '', isNumber: true }; var formatExp = /^\d+$/; //根据.拆分 var array1 = data.split('.'); if (array1.length > 0) { //根据,拆分 var array2 = array1[0].split(','); for (var i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) { var item = array2[i]; if (formatExp.test(item)) { result.value += item; } else { result.isNumber = false; break; } } } if (result.isNumber && array1.length === 2) { if (formatExp.test(array1[1])) { result.value += '.' + array1[1]; } else { result.isNumber = false; } } return result; }; //解决toFixed的小数精度问题 : Number.prototype.toFixed = function (d) { var s = this + ""; if (!d) d = 0; if (s.indexOf(".") == -1) s += "."; s += new Array(d + 1).join("0"); if (new RegExp("^(-|\\+)?(\\d+(\\.\\d{0," + (d + 1) + "})?)\\d*$").test(s)) { var s = "0" + RegExp.$2, pm = RegExp.$1, a = RegExp.$3.length, b = true; if (a == d + 2) { a = s.match(/\d/g); if (parseInt(a[a.length - 1]) > 4) { for (var i = a.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) { a[i] = parseInt(a[i]) + 1; if (a[i] == 10) { a[i] = 0; b = i != 1; } else break; } } s = a.join("").replace(new RegExp("(\\d+)(\\d{" + d + "})\\d$"), "$1.$2"); } if (b) s = s.substr(1); return (pm + s).replace(/\.$/, ""); } return this + ""; }; if (!Array.prototype.sortBy) { Array.prototype.sortBy = function (f) { return this.sort(function (a, b) { if (a[f] === b[f]) return 0; if (a[f] && b[f]) { return a[f].toLowerCase() < b[f].toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1; } return a[f] < b[f] ? -1 : 1; }); }; } //Get duplicate object in array if (!Array.prototype.objectDuplicate) { Array.prototype.duplicate = function () { var tmp = []; this.concat().sort().sort(function (a, b) { if (isObjectValueEqual(a, b) && tmp.indexOf(a) === -1) { tmp.push(a); } }); return tmp; }; } //check two object Is congruent function isObjectValueEqual(a, b) { if (typeof a == 'number' && typeof b == 'number') { return a == b } var aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a); var bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b); if (aProps.length != bProps.length) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) { var propName = aProps[i]; if ([propName]) == '[object Object]' ||[propName]) == '[object Object]') { var flag = isObjectValueEqual(a[propName], b[propName]); if (!flag) { return flag; } } else if (a[propName] !== b[propName]) { return false; } } return true; } if (!Object.keys) { Object.keys = function (obj) { if (obj !== Object(obj)) { throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object'); } var ret = [], p; for (p in obj) { if (, p)) { ret.push(p); } } return ret; } } PWC.newGuid = function () { function s4() { return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1); }; return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4(); } // PWC.enum = function (enumArray) { var self = { all: [], keys: enumArray, }; for (var i = enumArray.length; i--;) { self[enumArray[i]] = self.all[i] = i; } return self; }; // get callee arguments // export injected args to global // only work in non use strict mode // usage PWC.debugger(); // 'use strict'; PWC.debugger = function () { var fn = arguments.callee.caller; if (fn) { var tmp = fn.toString().match(/\(.*?\)/)[0]; var argumentNames = tmp.replace(/[()\s]/g, '').split(','); var result = {}; [], 0).forEach(function (arg, i) { result[argumentNames[i]] = arg; }); angular.extend(window, result); } else { console.error('debugger not work, check and disable strict mode'); } } // // get the milliseconds from 1970/1/1 until now. // input date format: ISO8601 format date string. PWC.parseISO8601 = function (str) { // we assume str is a UTC date ending in ‘Z’ var parts = str.split('T'); var dateParts = parts[0].split('-'); var timeParts = parts[1].split('Z'); timeParts = timeParts[0].split('-'); timeParts = timeParts[0].split('+'); var timeSubParts = timeParts[0].split(':'); var timeSecParts = timeSubParts[2].split('.'); var timeHours = Number(timeSubParts[0]); var date = new Date; date.setUTCFullYear(Number(dateParts[0])); date.setUTCMonth(Number(dateParts[1]) - 1); date.setUTCDate(Number(dateParts[2])); date.setUTCHours(Number(timeHours)); date.setUTCMinutes(Number(timeSubParts[1])); date.setUTCSeconds(Number(timeSecParts[0])); if (timeSecParts[1]) date.setUTCMilliseconds(Number(timeSecParts[1])); return date; }; // Parse date object from a local time string. PWC.parseFromLocalTimeString = function (dateString) { var parts = dateString.split('T'); var dateParts = parts[0].split('-'); var timeParts = parts[1].split('Z'); timeParts = timeParts[0].split('-'); timeParts = timeParts[0].split('+'); var timeSubParts = timeParts[0].split(':'); var timeSecParts = timeSubParts[2].split('.'); var timeHours = Number(timeSubParts[0]); var date = new Date; date.setFullYear(Number(dateParts[0])); date.setMonth(Number(dateParts[1]) - 1); date.setDate(Number(dateParts[2])); date.setHours(Number(timeHours)); date.setMinutes(Number(timeSubParts[1])); date.setSeconds(Number(timeSecParts[0])); if (timeSecParts[1]) date.setMilliseconds(Number(timeSecParts[1])); return date; }; PWC.getDateFromTimeSpan = function (dateString, timeSpan, isLocalTime) { var datePart = dateString.split('T')[0]; var timeString = datePart + 'T' + timeSpan; if (isLocalTime) { return PWC.parseFromLocalTimeString(timeString); } else { return PWC.parseISO8601(timeString); } } // convert the database utc time to local time. PWC.toLocalTime = function (dateString) { return (new Date(PWC.parseISO8601(dateString))); }; // date extention if (!Date.prototype.formatDateTime) { Date.prototype.formatDateTime = function (formatStr) { var date = this; var zeroize = function (value, length) { if (!length) { length = 2; } value = new String(value); for (var i = 0, zeros = ''; i < (length - value.length) ; i++) { zeros += '0'; } return zeros + value; }; return formatStr.replace(/"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\b(?:d{1,4}|M{1,4}|yy(?:yy)?|([hHmstT])\1?|[lLZ])\b/g, function ($0) { switch ($0) { case 'yyyyMMdd': return 'AAAAA'; case 'd': return date.getDate(); case 'dd': return zeroize(date.getDate()); case 'ddd': return ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thr', 'Fri', 'Sat'][date.getDay()]; case 'dddd': return ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'][date.getDay()]; case 'M': return date.getMonth() + 1; case 'MM': return zeroize(date.getMonth() + 1); case 'MMM': return ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][date.getMonth()]; case 'MMMM': return ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'][date.getMonth()]; case 'yy': return new String(date.getFullYear()).substr(2); case 'yyyy': return date.getFullYear(); case 'h': return date.getHours() % 12 || 12; case 'hh': return zeroize(date.getHours() % 12 || 12); case 'H': return date.getHours(); case 'HH': return zeroize(date.getHours()); case 'm': return date.getMinutes(); case 'mm': return zeroize(date.getMinutes()); case 's': return date.getSeconds(); case 'ss': return zeroize(date.getSeconds()); case 'l': return date.getMilliseconds(); case 'll': return zeroize(date.getMilliseconds()); case 'tt': return date.getHours() < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm'; case 'TT': return date.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; } }); }; } if (!Date.prototype.dateTimeToString) { Date.prototype.dateTimeToString = function (formatStr) { switch (formatStr) { case 'yyyyMMdd': return this.formatDateTime('yyyy') + '-' + this.formatDateTime('MM') + '-' + this.formatDateTime('dd'); case 'yyyyMMdd hh:mm': return this.formatDateTime('yyyy') + '-' + this.formatDateTime('MM') + '-' + this.formatDateTime('dd') + " " + this.formatDateTime('HH') + ":" + this.formatDateTime('mm'); case 'yyyyMMddHHmmss': return this.formatDateTime('yyyy') + this.formatDateTime('MM') + this.formatDateTime('dd') + this.formatDateTime('HH') + this.formatDateTime('mm') + this.formatDateTime('ss'); case 'dd/MM/yyyy': return this.formatDateTime('dd') + '/' + this.formatDateTime('MM') + '/' + this.formatDateTime('yyyy'); } } } /* 得到日期年月日等加数字后的日期 */ if (!Date.prototype.dateAdd) { Date.prototype.dateAdd = function (interval, number) { var d = this; var k = { 'y': 'FullYear', 'q': 'Month', 'm': 'Month', 'w': 'Date', 'd': 'Date', 'h': 'Hours', 'n': 'Minutes', 's': 'Seconds', 'ms': 'MilliSeconds' }; var n = { 'q': 3, 'w': 7 }; eval('d.set' + k[interval] + '(d.get' + k[interval] + '()+' + ((n[interval] || 1) * number) + ')'); return d; }; } PWC.clearArray = function (array) { if (_.isArray(array)) { while (array.length > 0) { array.pop(); } } }; = function () { var now = new Date(); var today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()); return today; }; PWC.toDate = function (value) { if (_.isString(value)) { value = new Date(value); } if (_.isDate(value)) { var date = new Date(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth(), value.getDate()); return date; } return null; }; //考虑传入字符的中文和英文的区别 PWC.getLength = function strlen(str) { var len = 0; if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(str)) { return 0; } for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i); //单字节加1 if ((c >= 0x0001 && c <= 0x007e) || (0xff60 <= c && c <= 0xff9f)) { len++; } else { len += 2; } } return len; }; //不考虑中英文区别,直接获取length PWC.getStringLength = function (str) { if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(str)) { return 0; } else { return str.length; } }; PWC.nIndexOf = function (str, pat, n) { var len = str.length, i = -1; while (n-- && i++ < len) { i = str.indexOf(pat, i); if (i < 0) break; } return i; }; PWC.isNullOrWhiteSpace = function (obj) { if (_.isUndefined(obj) || _.isNull(obj) || _.isEmpty(obj)) { return true; } return false; }; PWC.isNullOrEmpty = function (obj) { if (_.isUndefined(obj) || _.isNull(obj) || $.trim(obj) === '') { return true; } return false; }; //验证是否为正整数 PWC.isPositiveInteger = function (obj) { var r = /^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$/;//正整数 return r.test(obj); }; //验证是否为整数 PWC.isInteger = function (obj) { var r = /^\d+$/;//正整数 return r.test(obj); }; PWC.limitString = function (str, len) { if (str.length <= len) { return str; } else { return str.substring(0, len) + "..."; } } PWC.round = function (num, decimals) { if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(num) || isNaN(parseFloat(num))) { return num; } return parseFloat(num).formatAmount(decimals); }; PWC.parseFloatRound = function (number, decimals) { if (_.isNumber(number)) { return parseFloat(parseFloat(number).toFixed(decimals)); } else { var numberNoCommas = number.replace(/,/g, ''); if (PWC.isNullOrEmpty(numberNoCommas) || isNaN(parseFloat(numberNoCommas))) { return num; } return parseFloat(parseFloat(numberNoCommas).toFixed(decimals)); } } PWC.checkDate = function (dateval) { var arr = new Array(); // if (dateval.indexOf(".") != -1) { dateval = dateval.replace(/\./g, '-'); } if (dateval.indexOf("-") != -1) { arr = dateval.toString().split("-"); } else if (dateval.indexOf("/") != -1) { arr = dateval.toString().split("/"); } else { return false; } //yyyy-mm-dd || yyyy/mm/dd if (arr[0].length == 4) { var date = new Date(arr[0], arr[1] - 1, arr[2]); if (date.getFullYear() == arr[0] && date.getMonth() == arr[1] - 1 && date.getDate() == arr[2]) { return true; } } //dd-mm-yyyy || dd/mm/yyyy if (arr[2] && arr[2].length == 4) { var date = new Date(arr[2], arr[1] - 1, arr[0]); if (date.getFullYear() == arr[2] && date.getMonth() == arr[1] - 1 && date.getDate() == arr[0]) { return true; } } //mm-dd-yyyy || mm/dd/yyyy if (arr[2] && arr[2].length == 4) { var date = new Date(arr[2], arr[0] - 1, arr[1]); if (date.getFullYear() == arr[2] && date.getMonth() == arr[0] - 1 && date.getDate() == arr[1]) { return true; } } return false; } PWC.checkMonth = function (dateval) { var arr = new Array(); // if (dateval.indexOf(".") != -1) { dateval = dateval.replace(/\./g, '-'); } if (dateval.indexOf("-") != -1) { arr = dateval.toString().split("-"); } else if (dateval.indexOf("/") != -1) { arr = dateval.toString().split("/"); } else { return false; } //yyyy-mm || yyyy/mm if (arr[0].length == 4) { var date = new Date(arr[0], arr[1] - 1, 1); if (date.getFullYear() == arr[0] && date.getMonth() == arr[1] - 1 && date.getDate() == 1) { return true; } } //dd-mm-yyyy || dd/mm/yyyy if (arr[1] && arr[1].length == 4) { var date = new Date(arr[1], arr[0] - 1, 1); if (date.getFullYear() == arr[2] && date.getMonth() == arr[1] - 1 && date.getDate() == 1) { return true; } } //mm-yyyy || mm/yyyy if (arr[1] && arr[1].length == 4) { var date = new Date(arr[1], arr[0] - 1, 1); if (date.getFullYear() == arr[2] && date.getMonth() == arr[0] - 1 && date.getDate() == 1) { return true; } } return false; } //控制在input中输入金额时,必须为数字,且只能保留2位小数 PWC.inputNumberFormat = function (obj) { obj.value = obj.value.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ""); //清除“数字”和“.”以外的字符 obj.value = obj.value.replace(/\.{2,}/g, "."); //只保留第一个. 清除多余的 obj.value = obj.value.replace(".", "$#$").replace(/\./g, "").replace("$#$", "."); obj.value = obj.value.replace(/^(\-)*(\d+)\.(\d\d).*$/, '$1$2.$3');//只能输入两个小数 if (obj.value.indexOf(".") < 0 && obj.value != "") {//以上已经过滤,此处控制的是如果没有小数点,首位不能为类似于 01、02的金额 obj.value = parseFloat(obj.value); } } PWC.stringNumberFormat = function (string) { string = string + ""; string = string.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ""); //清除“数字”和“.”以外的字符 string = string.replace(/\.{2,}/g, "."); //只保留第一个. 清除多余的 string = string.replace(".", "$#$").replace(/\./g, "").replace("$#$", "."); string = string.replace(/^(\-)*(\d+)\.(\d\d).*$/, '$1$2.$3');//只能输入两个小数 if (string.indexOf(".") < 0 && string != "") {//以上已经过滤,此处控制的是如果没有小数点,首位不能为类似于 01、02的金额 string = parseFloat(string); } return string; } //UI Grid to trigger the click for the tick icon PWC.triggerRowSelectOnClick = function (gridID) { $(gridID + ' .ui-grid-contents-wrapper > [role=grid] .ui-grid-canvas') .on('click', '.ui-grid-row', function (ev) { var jqRow = $(this); // '.ui-grid-row' var index = jqRow.index(); var commonAncestor = jqRow.closest(gridID + ' .ui-grid-contents-wrapper'); var selectButtonQuery = [ '.ui-grid-pinned-container', // left side class '[role=grid] .ui-grid-canvas', // redundant, but doesn't hurt '.ui-grid-row .ui-grid-selection-row-header-buttons' // select button class ].join(' '); var checkboxDiv = commonAncestor.find(selectButtonQuery); checkboxDiv.get(index).click(); }); }; PWC.uiTree = {}; //ui tree 折叠所有 PWC.uiTree.collapsedAll = function (childNodes) { if (!childNodes || childNodes.length == 0) return; var collapseNode = function (c) { if (!c) return; c.collapse(); var childs = c.childNodes(); for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) { collapseNode(childs[i]); } } for (var i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { collapseNode(childNodes[i]); } }; //ui tree 展开所有 PWC.uiTree.expandAll = function (childNodes) { if (!childNodes || childNodes.length == 0) return; var expandNode = function (c) { if (!c) return; c.expand(); var childs = c.childNodes(); for (var i = 0, len = childs.length; i < len; i++) { expandNode(childs[i]); } } for (var i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; i++) { expandNode(childNodes[i]); } }; PWC.numToLetter = function (num) { num++; var remainder = 0; var colHandler = function (num, result) { if (num > 0) { if (num >= 1 && num <= 26) { result = String.fromCharCode(64 + parseInt(num)); } else { while (num > 26) { var count = parseInt(num / 26); var remainder = num % 26; if (remainder == 0) { remainder = 26; count--; } result = String.fromCharCode(64 + parseInt(remainder)) + result; num = count; } result = String.fromCharCode(64 + parseInt(num)) + result; } return result; } } return colHandler(num, ''); }; PWC.numToExcelChar = function (row, col) { if (!_.isNumber(col) || isNaN(col) || col < 0 || !_.isNumber(row) || isNaN(row) || row < 0) { return ''; } var rowHandler = function (num, n) { num = (++num).toString(); var len = num.length; while (num.length < n) { num = "0" + num; len++; } return num; } return PWC.numToLetter(col) + rowHandler(row, 2); }; var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var isObject = function (o) { return == '[object Object]' } var isArray = function (o) { return == '[object Array]' } PWC.assignModel = function (source, dest) { if (isObject(source) && isObject(dest)) { for (var dProp in dest) { if (dest.hasOwnProperty(dProp) === true && source.hasOwnProperty(dProp) == true) { dest[dProp] = source[dProp]; } } } }; PWC.toDict = function (array, keyProp) { var dic = {}; if (isArray(array)) { array.forEach(function (item) { dic[item[keyProp]] = item; }); } return dic; }; PWC.isHavePermissionForOrg = function (orgID, permission) { var isShow = false; if (permission) { if (permission.isSuperAdmin) { isShow = true; } else { // 查找机构 var findOrg = _.find(permission.organizationPermissionList, function (num) { return === orgID; }); if (findOrg && findOrg.permissionList && findOrg.permissionList.length > 0) { // 查看具体权限 isShow = true; } } } return isShow; } PWC.isHavePermission = function (permissionCode, permission) { var isShow = false; if (permission) { if (permission.isSuperAdmin) { isShow = true; } else if (permission.isAdmin && permissionCode.startWith('01')) { isShow = true; } else { var find = _.find(permission.permissionList, function (num) { return num.code.startWith(permissionCode); }); if (find) { isShow = true; } } } return isShow; }; PWC.isHaveOrganizationPermission = function (orgID, permissionCode, permission) { var isShow = false; if (permission) { if (permission.isSuperAdmin) { isShow = true; } else if (permission.isAdmin && permissionCode.startWith('01')) { isShow = true; } else { // 查找机构 var findOrg = _.find(permission.organizationPermissionList, function (num) { return === orgID; }); if (findOrg) { // 查看具体权限 var find = _.find(findOrg.permissionList, function (num) { return num.code.startWith(permissionCode); }); if (find) { isShow = true; } } } } return isShow; }; PWC.hasSpecialChar = function (value) { var reg = /^[\(\)()\w\u4e00-\u9fa5]+$/; if (reg.test(value)) { return false; } else { return true; } }; PWC.simulateProgress = function () { $('#busy-indicator-container').show(); setTimeout(function () { $('#busy-indicator-container').hide(); }, 2000); }; PWC.convertDataForMap = function (data) { var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var geoCoord = constant.geoCoordMap[data[i].name]; if (geoCoord) { res.push({ name: data[i].name, value: geoCoord.concat(data[i].value) }); } } return res; }; PWC.sortJSON = function (data) { if (_.isString(data)) { data = JSON.parse(data); } // Sort object keys data = _.chain(data).pairs().sortBy(function (x) { return x[0]; }).value(); // Build new object data = _.object.apply(_,, data)); data = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4); return data; }; PWC.convertChineseCurrency = function (money) { //汉字的数字 var cnNums = new Array('零', '壹', '贰', '叁', '肆', '伍', '陆', '柒', '捌', '玖'); //基本单位 var cnIntRadice = new Array('', '拾', '佰', '仟'); //对应整数部分扩展单位 var cnIntUnits = new Array('', '万', '亿', '兆'); //对应小数部分单位 var cnDecUnits = new Array('角', '分', '毫', '厘'); //整数金额时后面跟的字符 var cnInteger = '整'; //整型完以后的单位 var cnIntLast = '元'; //最大处理的数字 var maxNum = 999999999999999.9999; //金额整数部分 var integerNum; //金额小数部分 var decimalNum; //输出的中文金额字符串 var chineseStr = ''; //分离金额后用的数组,预定义 var parts; if (money == '') { return ''; } money = parseFloat(money); if (money >= maxNum) { //超出最大处理数字 return ''; } if (money == 0) { chineseStr = cnNums[0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; return chineseStr; } //转换为字符串 money = money.toString(); if (money.indexOf('.') == -1) { integerNum = money; decimalNum = ''; } else { parts = money.split('.'); integerNum = parts[0]; decimalNum = parts[1].substr(0, 4); } //获取整型部分转换 if (parseInt(integerNum, 10) > 0) { var zeroCount = 0; var IntLen = integerNum.length; for (var i = 0; i < IntLen; i++) { var n = integerNum.substr(i, 1); var p = IntLen - i - 1; var q = p / 4; var m = p % 4; if (n == '0') { zeroCount++; } else { if (zeroCount > 0) { chineseStr += cnNums[0]; } //归零 zeroCount = 0; chineseStr += cnNums[parseInt(n)] + cnIntRadice[m]; } if (m == 0 && zeroCount < 4) { chineseStr += cnIntUnits[q]; } } chineseStr += cnIntLast; } //小数部分 if (decimalNum != '') { var decLen = decimalNum.length; for (var i = 0; i < decLen; i++) { var n = decimalNum.substr(i, 1); if (n != '0') { chineseStr += cnNums[Number(n)] + cnDecUnits[i]; } } } if (chineseStr == '') { chineseStr += cnNums[0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; } else if (decimalNum == '') { chineseStr += cnInteger; } return chineseStr; }; PWC.convertChineseSimple = function (money) { //汉字的数字 var cnNums = new Array('零', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '七', '八', '九'); //基本单位 var cnIntRadice = new Array('', '十', '百', '千'); //对应整数部分扩展单位 var cnIntUnits = new Array('', '万', '亿', '兆'); //对应小数部分单位 var cnDecUnits = new Array('角', '分', '毫', '厘'); //整数金额时后面跟的字符 '整' var cnInteger = ''; //整型完以后的单位 '元' var cnIntLast = ''; //最大处理的数字 var maxNum = 999999999999999.9999; //金额整数部分 var integerNum; //金额小数部分 var decimalNum; //输出的中文金额字符串 var chineseStr = ''; //分离金额后用的数组,预定义 var parts; if (money == '') { return ''; } money = parseFloat(money); if (money >= maxNum) { //超出最大处理数字 return ''; } if (money == 0) { chineseStr = cnNums[0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; return chineseStr; } //转换为字符串 money = money.toString(); if (money.indexOf('.') == -1) { integerNum = money; decimalNum = ''; } else { parts = money.split('.'); integerNum = parts[0]; decimalNum = parts[1].substr(0, 4); } //获取整型部分转换 if (parseInt(integerNum, 10) > 0) { var zeroCount = 0; var IntLen = integerNum.length; for (var i = 0; i < IntLen; i++) { var n = integerNum.substr(i, 1); var p = IntLen - i - 1; var q = p / 4; var m = p % 4; if (n == '0') { zeroCount++; } else { if (zeroCount > 0) { chineseStr += cnNums[0]; } //归零 zeroCount = 0; chineseStr += cnNums[parseInt(n)] + cnIntRadice[m]; } if (m == 0 && zeroCount < 4) { chineseStr += cnIntUnits[q]; } } chineseStr += cnIntLast; } //小数部分 if (decimalNum != '') { var decLen = decimalNum.length; for (var i = 0; i < decLen; i++) { var n = decimalNum.substr(i, 1); if (n != '0') { chineseStr += cnNums[Number(n)] + cnDecUnits[i]; } } } if (chineseStr == '') { chineseStr += cnNums[0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; } else if (decimalNum == '') { chineseStr += cnInteger; } return chineseStr; }; PWC.getEnumKeyByValue = function (enumObj, value) { for (var key in enumObj) { if (enumObj[key] === value) { return key; } } return ""; }; PWC.prefixInteger = function (num, length) { return (Array(length).join('0') + num).slice(-length); }; })(window); // registration web service proxy webservices.factory('accountService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getAccountDemoOne: function (accountId) { var config = { ignoreLoadingBar: true }; return $http.get('/NewAccount/' + accountId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getAccountDemoList: function () { var config = { ignoreLoadingBar: true }; return $http.get('/NewAccount', apiConfig.create(config)); }, getAccountGroup : function(){ var config = { ignoreLoadingBar: true }; return $http.get('/AccountGroup', apiConfig.create(config)); }, getProjectList: function (){ return $http.get('/Account/UserProjects', apiConfig.create()); }, getEnterpriseAccounts: function (){ return $http.get('/EnterpriseAccount', apiConfig.create()); }, mapAccount: function (accountMap){ return $'/EnterpriseAccount/Map', accountMap, apiConfig.create()); }, clearAccountMap: function (codes){ return $'/EnterpriseAccount/ClearMap', codes, apiConfig.create()); }, clearAllAccountMap: function (){ return $'/EnterpriseAccount/ClearAllMap', {},apiConfig.create()); }, autoMap: function () { return $'/EnterpriseAccount/AutoMap', {}, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('areaService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { tree: function (type) { return $http.get('/area/tree?type=' + type, apiConfig.create()); }, add: function (model) { return $'/area/add', model, apiConfig.create()); }, update: function (model) { return $'/area/update', model, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteArea: function (model) { return $'/area/delete', model, apiConfig.create()); }, isactive: function (model) { return $'/area/isactive', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getAreaList: function (type) { return $http.get('/area/getAreaList?type=' + type, apiConfig.create()); }, getAreaTreeByID: function (id) { return $http.get('/area/getAreaTreeByID?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('areaRegionService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { add: function (model) { return $'/areaRegion/add', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getProvinces: function () { //return $http.get('/areaRegion/getProvinces', apiConfig.create()); return httpCacheService.get('/areaRegion/getProvinces'); }, getCities: function (parentID) { //return $http.get('/areaRegion/getCities?parentID=' + parentID, apiConfig.create()); return httpCacheService.get('/areaRegion/getCities?parentID=' + parentID); }, update: function (model) { return $'/areaRegion/update', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getRegionOrganizationInfo: function () { return $http.get('/areaRegion/getRegionOrganizationInfo', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('businessUnitService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getBusinessUnitList: function () { return $http.get('/businessunit/getlist', apiConfig.create()); }, updateBusinessUnit: function (organizationStructure) { return $http.put('/businessunit', organizationStructure, apiConfig.create()); }, addBusinessUnit: function (organizationStructure) { return $'/businessunit/add', organizationStructure, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteBusinessUnit: function (id) { return $'/businessunit/delete', { id: id }, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); webservices.factory('cacheService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getAllCache: function () { return $http.get('/cache/getallcache', apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getCacheByKey: function (cacheKey) { return $http.get('/cache/getcachebykey?cacheKey=' + cacheKey, apiConfig.create()); }, } }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('cellCommentService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getCellComments: function (cellDataId) { return $http.get('/CellComment/List?cellDataId=' + cellDataId, apiConfig.createVat()); }, addCellComment: function (cellComment) { return $'/CellComment/Add', cellComment, apiConfig.createVat()); }, deleteCellComment: function (commentId) { return $'/CellComment/Delete/' + commentId, {}, apiConfig.createVat()); }, }; }]); // common web service proxy webservices.factory('commonWebService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'loginContext', 'vatSessionService', function ($http, apiConfig, loginContext, vatSessionService) { 'use strict'; var getCookie = function (cname) { var name = cname + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) { var c = ca[i].trim(); // if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length); if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return ATMS_EXTRA.decodeCookieValue(c.substring(name.length, c.length)); } return ""; }; var apiTokenObj = JSON.parse(getCookie('AtmsApiToken')); var apiToken = apiTokenObj.access_token; var tokenType = apiTokenObj.token_type; var api_host = apiTokenObj.api_host; var glyph_opts = { map: { doc: "glyphicon glyphicon-file", docOpen: "glyphicon glyphicon-file", checkbox: "glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked", checkboxSelected: "glyphicon glyphicon-check", checkboxUnknown: "glyphicon glyphicon-share", dragHelper: "glyphicon glyphicon-play", dropMarker: "glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right", error: "glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign", expanderClosed: "fa fa-plus", expanderLazy: "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right", // glyphicon-plus-sign expanderOpen: "fa fa-minus", // glyphicon-collapse-down folder: "glyphicon glyphicon-folder-close", folderOpen: "glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open", loading: "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-spin" } }; return { changePassword: function (passwordList) { return $http.put('/Account/userPassword', passwordList, apiConfig.create()); }, initFancyTreeAjax: function (treeID, ajaxUrl, dblFn) { var prefixUrl = loginContext.apiHost + constant.webapi.prefix; var ajaxUrl = prefixUrl + ajaxUrl; var ajaxSource = $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrl, beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', tokenType + ' ' + apiToken); } }); var treeOptions = { extensions: ["edit", "glyph", "table", "filter"], quicksearch: true, checkbox: false, glyph: glyph_opts, source: ajaxSource, table: { checkboxColumnIdx: 1, nodeColumnIdx: 2 }, dblclick: function (event, data) { var node =; var code = node.code; var name = node.fullName; var acctProp = node.acctProp; var direction = node.direction; var hasChildren = node.hasChildren; if (code != null && !hasChildren) { dblFn(code, name, acctProp, direction); } }, renderColumns: function (event, data) { var node = data.node, $tdList = $(">td"); $tdList.eq(3).text(!!node.folder); }, filter: { autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded autoExpand: true, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered counter: true, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar' hideExpandedCounter: false, // Hide counter badge if parent is expanded hideExpanders: false, // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside <mark> tags leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only nodata: true, // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty mode: "hide", // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead) regularExpression: false, matchWholeBranch: false } }; ///由于fancyTree第一次ajax请求加载的时候,只需要把发送ajax option即可,不需要使用callback去赋值 ///但是第二次ajax请求重新渲染fancytree的话,需要ajax.done获取返回的数据并做为参数传递给fancytree去重新渲染 ///所以使用了tick来判断是否是首次请求 var tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#" + treeID); if (tree) { ajaxSource.done(function (data) { tree.reload(data).done(function () { console.log('reloaded'); }); }).fail(function (err) { console.log(err); }); } else { $("#" + treeID).fancytree(treeOptions); } $("input[name=fancytree-search]").keyup(function (e) { var n, tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#" + treeID), opts = {}, filterFunc = tree.options.filter.matchWholeBranch ? tree.filterBranches : tree.filterNodes, match = $(this).val(); opts.nodata = tree.options.filter.nodata; opts.leavesOnly = tree.options.filter.leavesOnly; opts.highlight = tree.options.filter.highlight; opts.hideExpanders = tree.options.filter.hideExpanders; opts.fuzzy = tree.options.filter.fuzzy; opts.autoApply = tree.options.filter.autoApply; opts.mode = tree.options.filter.mode; opts.autoExpand = tree.options.filter.autoExpand; opts.counter = tree.options.filter.counter; if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE || $.trim(match) === "") { $("input[name=fancytree-search]").val(""); tree.clearFilter(); return; } //opts. if (tree.options.filter.regularExpression) { // Pass function to perform match n =, function (node) { return new RegExp(match, "i").test(node.title); }, opts); } else { // Pass a string to perform case insensitive matching n =, match, opts); } }).focus(); }, initVATFancyTreeAjax: function (treeID, ajaxUrl, dblFn) { var prefixUrl = loginContext.vatApiHost + constant.webapi.prefix; var ajaxUrl = prefixUrl + ajaxUrl; var ajaxSource = $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrl, beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', tokenType + ' ' + apiToken); xhr.setRequestHeader('from', vatSessionService.project.dbName + ''); } }); ajaxSource.done(function (data) { var treeOptions = { extensions: ["edit", "glyph", "table", "filter"], quicksearch: true, checkbox: false, glyph: glyph_opts, source: JSON.parse(data), table: { checkboxColumnIdx: 1, nodeColumnIdx: 2 }, dblclick: function (event, data) { var node =; var code = node.code; var name = node.fullName; var acctProp = node.acctProp; var direction = node.direction; var hasChildren = node.hasChildren; if (code != null && !hasChildren) { dblFn(code, name, acctProp, direction); } }, renderColumns: function (event, data) { var node = data.node, $tdList = $(">td"); $tdList.eq(3).text(!!node.folder); }, filter: { autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded autoExpand: true, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered counter: true, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar' hideExpandedCounter: false, // Hide counter badge if parent is expanded hideExpanders: false, // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside <mark> tags leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only nodata: true, // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty mode: "hide", // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead) regularExpression: false, matchWholeBranch: false } }; $("#" + treeID).fancytree(treeOptions); $("input[name=fancytree-vat-search]").keyup(function (e) { var n, tree = $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#" + treeID), opts = {}, filterFunc = tree.options.filter.matchWholeBranch ? tree.filterBranches : tree.filterNodes, match = $(this).val(); opts.nodata = tree.options.filter.nodata; opts.leavesOnly = tree.options.filter.leavesOnly; opts.highlight = tree.options.filter.highlight; opts.hideExpanders = tree.options.filter.hideExpanders; opts.fuzzy = tree.options.filter.fuzzy; opts.autoApply = tree.options.filter.autoApply; opts.mode = tree.options.filter.mode; opts.autoExpand = tree.options.filter.autoExpand; opts.counter = tree.options.filter.counter; if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE || $.trim(match) === "") { $("input[name=fancytree-vat-search]").val(""); tree.clearFilter(); return; } //opts. if (tree.options.filter.regularExpression) { // Pass function to perform match n =, function (node) { return new RegExp(match, "i").test(node.title); }, opts); } else { // Pass a string to perform case insensitive matching n =, match, opts); } }).focus(); }); }, expandCollapseAll: function (treeID, isCollapsed) { if (!isCollapsed) { $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#" + treeID).visit(function (node) { node.setExpanded(); }); } else { $.ui.fancytree.getTree("#" + treeID).visit(function (node) { node.setExpanded(false); }); } } }; }]); // configuration web service proxy webservices.factory('configurationService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getProfiles: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/profiles', apiConfig.create()); }, getModalityTypes: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/modalitytypes', apiConfig.create()); }, getModalities: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/modalities' , apiConfig.create()); }, getDictionaries: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/dictionaries' , apiConfig.create()); }, getApplyDepts: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/applydepts' , apiConfig.create()); }, getApplyDoctors: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/applydoctors' , apiConfig.create()); }, getUserName: function () { return $http.get('/configuration/getusername' , apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for customer webservices.factory('customerService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { get: function () { return $http.get('/customer/get', apiConfig.create()); }, getByID: function (ID) { return $http.get('/customer/getByID?ID=' +ID , apiConfig.create()); }, addRange: function (customerList) { return $'/customer/AddRange', customerList, apiConfig.create()); }, updateRange: function (customerList) { return $'/customer/UpdateRange', customerList, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteRange: function (model) { return $'/customer/DeleteRange', model, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // configuration web service proxy webservices.factory('dashboardService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getChartSetting: function (chartId) { return $http.get('/Dashboard/ChartSetting/' + chartId, apiConfig.create()); }, removeChartSetting: function (chartId) { return $http.delete('/Dashboard/ChartSetting/' + chartId, apiConfig.create()); }, updateChartSortId: function(onechartId,anotherChartId){ return $http.put('/Dashboard/ChartSort/' + onechartId + '/' + anotherChartId, {_:2}, apiConfig.create()); }, getChartData: function (chartType,projectList,yearList,monthList) { return $'/Dashboard/ChartData/' + chartType, { PorjectIdList: projectList, ProjectYearList: yearList, MonthList: monthList }, apiConfig.create()); }, getRangeChartData: function (chartType, projectList, endDate, isMonth) { return $'/Dashboard/RangeChartData/' + chartType, { PorjectIdList: projectList, EndDate: endDate, IsMonth: isMonth }, apiConfig.create()); }, saveSetting: function (chartId,chartName, chartType ,argumentField, valueField, showValue) { return $http.put('/Dashboard/ChartSetting/' + chartId, {Name: chartName, ChartTypeValue: chartType, ArgumentField: argumentField, valueField: valueField, ShowValue: showValue}, apiConfig.create()) }, getChartList: function () { return $http.get('/Dashboard/ChartList', apiConfig.create()); }, getSystemChartList: function () { return $http.get('/Dashboard/systemcharts', apiConfig.create()); }, addUserChart: function (systemchartId) { return $http.get('/Dashboard/addUserChart/' + systemchartId, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('dashboardConfigSummaryService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { querySummaryData: function (model) { return $'/dashboardConfigSummary/querySummaryData', model, apiConfig.create()); }, queryOrganizationData: function (organizationId,year,period) { return $http.get('/dashboardConfigSummary/queryOrganizationData/'+ organizationId + '/' + year + '/' + period, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for data file upload webservices.factory('dataImportService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { //getFileContent: function (tempFileName, selectedSheetIndex, topRowNumber) { // return $http.get('/DataImport/FileContent/' + tempFileName + '/' + selectedSheetIndex + '/' + topRowNumber, apiConfig.create()); //}, //importBalanceList: function (balanceList, importType) { // return $'/DataImport/ImportBalance', { balanceList: balanceList, importType: importType }, apiConfig.create()); //}, //getBalanceList: function (period) { // return $http.get('/DataImport/GetBalanceList/' + period, apiConfig.create()); //}, //getValidationList: function (type, period) { // return $http.get('/DataImport/GetValidationList/' + type + '/' + period, apiConfig.create()); //}, getDuplicateResults: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/importData/getDuplicateItems', apiConfig.create()); }, getBasicValidationResults: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/checkData/basicCheck', apiConfig.create()); }, getCorrectValidationResults: function (periodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/checkData/correctCheck/' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, manageData: function (period) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/manageData/' + period, apiConfig.create()); }, getVoucherEmptyCheck: function (itemId, period, group, acctCode, summary) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/voucheEmpty/' + itemId + '/' + period + '/' + group + '/' + acctCode + '/' + summary, apiConfig.create()); }, getCompanyBalanceAcctChecks: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getCompBalanceAcct', apiConfig.create()); }, getVoucherAccountChecks: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getVoucherAcct', apiConfig.create()); }, getAccountsNotInVoucherDetails: function(){ return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getAccountsNotInVoucherDetails', apiConfig.create()); }, getAccountsNotInCompanyBalance: function(){ return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getAccountsNotInCompanyBalance', apiConfig.create()); }, getSingleVoucherCheck: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getVSingle', apiConfig.create()); }, getAccountBegBalances: function (periodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getAcctBegBalances/' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, getBegBalancesByPeriod: function (periodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getBegBalances/' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, isComBalanceEndBalNotZero: function (periodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getIsExistsEndBal/' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, compareCustEndCompBeg: function (compPeriodId, custPeriodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getCompareCustEndCompBeg/' + compPeriodId + '/' + custPeriodId, apiConfig.create()); }, compareCompCustPeriodAmount: function (compPeriodId, custPeriodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getCompareAmount/' + compPeriodId + '/' + custPeriodId, apiConfig.create()); }, getCompCustBalanceDetail: function (compPeriodId, custPeriodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getCompareEndBal/' + compPeriodId + '/' + custPeriodId, apiConfig.create()); }, getDuplicateVouchers: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getDuplicateVouchers', apiConfig.create()); }, deleteVoucherDuplicateItems: function (voucherIds) { return $'/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/deleteVouchers',voucherIds,apiConfig.create()); }, getCustBalanceDuplicateItems: function (periodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/getDuplicateTbes?periodId=' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteCustBalanceItems: function (balanceIds) { return $'/financeImportData/getCheckDetail/deleteCustBalances',balanceIds,apiConfig.create()); }, reManageData: function (periodId) { return $http.get('/financeImportData/reManageData/' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, /***************************************cit services start**************************************************************/ getCitCorrectValidationResults: function () { return $http.get('/financeImportData/checkData/citCorrectCheck', apiConfig.create()); }, /***************************************cit services end**************************************************************/ }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('dataInitService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService','FileSaver', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService, FileSaver) { 'use strict'; return { //tree: function (type) { // return $http.get('/area/tree?type=' + type, apiConfig.create()); //}, downloadTemplate: function () { var thisConfig = apiConfig.create(); thisConfig.responseType = "arraybuffer"; return $'/init/downloadTemplate', {}, thisConfig).then(function (response) { var data = new Blob([], { type: response.headers('Content-Type') }); // var filename1 = response.headers('Content-Disposition').split(';')[1].trim().substr('filename='.length); var filename = '基础数据模板.xlsx'; FileSaver.saveAs(data, filename); }); } }; }]); // web service proxy for data file upload webservices.factory('dataUploadService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getUploadFileList: function (projectId) { return $http.get('/FileUpload/uploadfile/' + projectId, apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectList: function () { return $http.get('/FileUpload/projectlist/', apiConfig.create()); }, getUploadFileTypeList: function (){ return $http.get('/FileUpload/FileTypes', apiConfig.create()); }, getFileUploadLimit: function () { return $http.get('/FileUpload/FileUploadLimit', apiConfig.create()); }, removeUploadFile: function (fileId) { return $http.delete('/FileUpload/File/' + fileId, apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('dimensionService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getDimensionStatics: function (espID, orgID) { return $http.get('/dimension/getDimensionStatics', apiConfig.create()); }, getAllDimensionOrgList: function () { return $http.get('/dimension/getAllDimensionOrgList', apiConfig.create()); }, getDimensionList: function () { return $http.get('/dimension/getDimensionList', apiConfig.create()); }, getDimensionById: function (id) { return $http.get('/dimension/getDimensionById?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, addDimension: function (model) { return $'/dimension/addDimension', model, apiConfig.create()); }, updateDimension: function (model) { return $'/dimension/updateDimension', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getDimensionValueList: function (dimensionID) { return $http.get('/dimension/getDimensionValueList?dimensionID=' + dimensionID, apiConfig.create()); }, getDevDimensionTreeList: function () { return $http.get('/dimension/getDevDimensionTreeList', apiConfig.create({ cache: true })); }, updateDimensionValue: function (model) { return $'/dimension/updateDimensionValue', model, apiConfig.create()); }, addDimensionValue: function (model) { return $'/dimension/addDimensionValue', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getAllDimensionList: function () { return $http.get('/dimension/getAllDimensionList', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for document hierarchy. webservices.factory('documentHierarchyService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getDocumentHierarchy: function (documentType) { return $http.get('/documenthierarchy?documentType=' + documentType, apiConfig.create()); }, getDocumentByCode: function (code) { return $http.get('/documenthierarchy/document/'+code, apiConfig.create()); }, getDocumentList: function (documentType) { return $http.get('/documenthierarchy/documentlist/' + documentType, apiConfig.create()); }, downloadTemplate : function (documentlist) { return $'/documenthierarchy/download/template', { documentlist: documentlist }, apiConfig.create({ responseType: 'arraybuffer' })); } }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('enterpriseAccountService', ['$http', 'apiConfig','FileSaver', function ($http, apiConfig, FileSaver) { 'use strict'; return { getEnterpriceAccountList: function (espID, orgID, filterType) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getEnterpriseAccountList?espID=' + espID + '&orgID=' + orgID + '&filterType=' + filterType, apiConfig.create()); }, add: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/add', model, apiConfig.create()); }, update: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/update', model, apiConfig.create()); }, isactive: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/isactive', model, apiConfig.create()); }, get: function (id) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getsingle?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, mapAccount: function (accountMapDto) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/mapAccount', { 'EnterpriseAccountCodes': accountMapDto.enterpriseAccountCodes, 'orgID': accountMapDto.orgID, 'StandardAccountCode': accountMapDto.standardAccountCode, "AccountSetID": accountMapDto.accountSetID }, apiConfig.create()); }, autoMap: function (orgID, accountSetID) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/autoMap?orgID=' + orgID + '&accountSetID=' + accountSetID, apiConfig.create()); }, clearMap: function (enterpriseAccountIDs, orgId) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/clearMap?orgId=' + orgId, enterpriseAccountIDs, apiConfig.create()); }, copyMapping: function (mappings) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/copyMapping', mappings, apiConfig.create()); }, checkMapped: function (orgIDs, orgSetID) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/checkMapped?orgSetID=' + orgSetID, orgIDs, apiConfig.create()); }, upload: function (model) { $'/enterpriseAccountManage/Upload', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getListByEnterpriseAccountSetID: function (enterpriseAccountSetID) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getListByEnterpriseAccountSetID?enterpriseAccountSetID=' + enterpriseAccountSetID, apiConfig.create()); }, getEnterpriseAccountSetList: function () { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getEnterpriseAccountSetList', apiConfig.create()); }, getEnterpriseAccountSetListByOrgID: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getEnterpriseAccountSetListByOrgID?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create()); }, getEnterpriseAccountSet: function (id) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getEnterpriseAccountSet?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getAccountMappingOrg: function (organizationID) { return $http.get('/enterpriseAccountManage/getAccountMappingOrg?organizationID=' + organizationID, apiConfig.create()); }, enterpriseAccountSetNameValidate: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/enterpriseAccountSetNameValidate', model, apiConfig.create()); }, enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/enterpriseAccountSetOrgValidate', model, apiConfig.create()); }, updateEnterpriseAccountSet: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/updateEnterpriseAccountSet', model, apiConfig.create()); }, clearRepeatEnterpriseAccountList: function (enterpriseAccountSetID, repeatCodeList) { var model = { id: enterpriseAccountSetID, repeatCodeList: repeatCodeList }; return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/clearRepeatEnterpriseAccountList', model, apiConfig.create()); }, addEnterpriseAccountSetOrg: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/addEnterpriseAccountSetOrg', model, apiConfig.create()); }, updateEnterpriseAccountSetOrg: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/updateEnterpriseAccountSetOrg', model, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteEnterpriseAccountSetOrg: function (model) { return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/deleteEnterpriseAccountSetOrg', model, apiConfig.create()); }, downEntepriseAccountTemplate: function () { var thisConfig = apiConfig.create(); thisConfig.responseType = "arraybuffer"; return $'/enterpriseAccountManage/downEntepriseAccountTemplate', {},thisConfig).then(function (response) { var data = new Blob([], { type: response.headers('Content-Type') }); // var filename1 = response.headers('Content-Disposition').split(';')[1].trim().substr('filename='.length); var filename = '企业账套模板.xlsx'; FileSaver.saveAs(data, filename); }); } }; }]); // web service proxy for formula webservices.factory('formulaService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { getAll: function () { return $http.get('/formula/get', apiConfig.create()); }, getAllParam: function () { return $http.get('/formula/param/get', apiConfig.create()); }, getAllParamMapping: function () { return $http.get('/formula/parammapping/get', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for menu webservices.factory('httpCacheService', ['$http', '$q', 'apiConfig', 'CacheFactory', '$log', 'cacheService', function ($http, $q, apiConfig, CacheFactory, $log, cacheService) { 'use strict'; var deferred, promise; //Tell $http to use a cache created by CacheFactory for a specific request var getData = function (webApiUrl, isDbRequest) { deferred = $q.defer(); promise = deferred.promise; var cacheName = constant.cache.cacheName; var start = new Date().getTime(); var isFromCache = true; var cacheKey = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl; var slashIndex = PWC.nIndexOf(webApiUrl, '/', 2); var questionMarkIndex = PWC.nIndexOf(webApiUrl, '?', 1); var routePrefix, dataCache; // Check to make sure the cache doesn't already exist //get method might be return error,so use the following way if (!CacheFactory.get(cacheName)) { CacheFactory(cacheName, { storageMode: constant.cache.storageMode, // This cache will use `localStorage`. }); } dataCache = CacheFactory.get(cacheName); if (slashIndex >= 0) { routePrefix = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl.substring(0, slashIndex); } else if (questionMarkIndex >= 0) { routePrefix = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl.substring(0, questionMarkIndex); } else { routePrefix = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl; console.warn('need to verify the routePrefix in httpCache.svc.js'); } // Now that control of inserting/removing from the cache is in our hands, // we can interact with the data in "dataCache" outside of this context, // e.g. Modify the data after it has been returned from the server and // save those modifications to the cache. this.finishedCache = false; if (dataCache.get(cacheKey) && !isDbRequest) { var data = dataCache.get(cacheKey); deferred.resolve(data.cacheResult); isFromCache = true; logTimeTakenInfo(cacheKey, start, isFromCache); promise = deferred.promise; this.finishedCache = true; return this; } else { var that = this; $http.get(webApiUrl, apiConfig.create()).success(function (data) { cacheService.getCacheByKey(routePrefix).success(function (cache) { var cacheResult = {}; isFromCache = false; deferred.resolve(data); logTimeTakenInfo(cacheKey, start, isFromCache); //if could get the last modify time from cache, then align the same cache time if (!cache && typeof (cache) != constant.common.undefined && cache != 0) { cacheResult = { 'cacheResult': data, 'cacheTime': constant.cache.defaultCacheTime }; } else { cacheResult = { 'cacheResult': data, 'cacheTime': cache.lastModifyTime }; } promise = deferred.promise; dataCache.put(cacheKey, cacheResult); that.finishedCache = true; }); }); } return this; }; var promiseSuccess = function (fn) { promise.then(function (data) { fn(data); }); return this; }; var promiseError = function (fn) { promise.then(null, function (response) { fn(data); }); return this; }; var logTimeTakenInfo = function (cacheKey, start, isFromCache) { if (isFromCache) { $'time taken from cache - ' + cacheKey + ': ' + (new Date().getTime() - start) + 'ms'); } else { $'time taken from server - ' + cacheKey + ': ' + (new Date().getTime() - start) + 'ms'); } }; // 加这个方法的原因是,getData 方法,在处理多个请求并发从后端取数据就会出现问题,可能是因为promise已经被替换成最新的了。 var getCache = function (webApiUrl, isDbRequest, fn) { var cacheName = constant.cache.cacheName; var start = new Date().getTime(); var isFromCache = true; var cacheKey = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl; var slashIndex = PWC.nIndexOf(webApiUrl, '/', 2); var questionMarkIndex = PWC.nIndexOf(webApiUrl, '?', 1); var routePrefix, dataCache; // Check to make sure the cache doesn't already exist //get method might be return error,so use the following way if (!CacheFactory.get(cacheName)) { CacheFactory(cacheName, { storageMode: constant.cache.storageMode, // This cache will use `localStorage`. }); } dataCache = CacheFactory.get(cacheName); if (slashIndex >= 0) { routePrefix = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl.substring(0, slashIndex); } else if (questionMarkIndex >= 0) { routePrefix = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl.substring(0, questionMarkIndex); } else { routePrefix = constant.webapi.prefix + webApiUrl; console.warn('need to verify the routePrefix in httpCache.svc.js'); } // Now that control of inserting/removing from the cache is in our hands, // we can interact with the data in "dataCache" outside of this context, // e.g. Modify the data after it has been returned from the server and // save those modifications to the cache. if (dataCache.get(cacheKey) && !isDbRequest) { var data = dataCache.get(cacheKey); isFromCache = true; logTimeTakenInfo(cacheKey, start, isFromCache); if (fn) { fn(data.cacheResult); } } else { $http.get(webApiUrl, apiConfig.create()).success(function (data) { cacheService.getCacheByKey(routePrefix).success(function (cache) { var cacheResult = {}; isFromCache = false; logTimeTakenInfo(cacheKey, start, isFromCache); //if could get the last modify time from cache, then align the same cache time if (!cache && typeof (cache) != constant.common.undefined && cache != 0) { cacheResult = { 'cacheResult': data, 'cacheTime': constant.cache.defaultCacheTime }; } else { cacheResult = { 'cacheResult': data, 'cacheTime': cache.lastModifyTime }; } dataCache.put(cacheKey, cacheResult); //promiseSuccess(thisObj.success); if (fn) { fn(data); } }); }); } }; return { get: getData, success: promiseSuccess, error: promiseError, getCache: getCache }; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('indexAnalysisDetailService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getIndexAnalysisTreeList: function () { return $http.get('/indexAnalysisDetail/getIndexAnalysisTreeList', apiConfig.create()); }, getIndexAnalysisDropDownList: function () { return $http.get('/indexAnalysisDetail/getIndexAnalysisDropDownList', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for industry webservices.factory('industryService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getAllAvailableIndustry: function (accountCode) { return $http.get('/industry/getAllAvailableIndustry', apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('KeyValueConfigService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { getAll: function () { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig', apiConfig.create()); }, getFinacialReference: function (id) { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig/getFinacialReference/'+id, apiConfig.create()); }, getTaxReference: function (id) { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig/getTaxReference/'+id, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelReference: function (id) { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig/getModelReference/'+id, apiConfig.create()); }, remove: function (id) { return $http.delete('/keyValueConfig?keyValueID=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, addNewKeyValueConifg: function (newKeyValueConfig) { return $'/keyValueConfig/add', newKeyValueConfig, apiConfig.create()); }, updateNewKeyValueConifg: function (updatedKeyValueConfig) { return $'/keyValueConfig/update', updatedKeyValueConfig, apiConfig.create()); }, getByOrgID: function (id) { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig/getByOrgID/' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, mappingDataSource: function (formula) { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig/mappingDataSource/' + formula, apiConfig.create()); }, getAllDataSource: function () { return $http.get('/keyValueConfig/dataSource', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('keywordmapService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { get: function (type) { return $http.get('/keywordmap/get?type=' + type, apiConfig.create()); }, getsingle: function (type) { return $http.get('/keywordmap/getsingle?keywordId=' + type, apiConfig.create()); }, add: function (model) { return $'/keywordmap/add', model, apiConfig.create()); }, update: function (model) { return $'/keywordmap/update', model, apiConfig.create()); }, isactive: function (model) { return $'/keywordmap/isactive', model, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('landManageService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { addLand: function (land) { return $'/landManage/land', land, apiConfig.create()); }, updateLand: function (land) { return $http.put('/landManage/land', land, apiConfig.create()); }, disableOrEnableLand: function (land) { return $http.put('/landManage/disable', land, apiConfig.create()); }, loadAll: function () { return $http.get('/landManage/land',apiConfig.create()); }, loadAllTax: function (landID) { return $http.get('/landManage/taxbasic/' + landID, apiConfig.create()); }, addTaxBasic: function (tax) { return $'/landManage/taxbasic', tax, apiConfig.create()); }, updateTaxBasic: function (tax) { return $http.put('/landManage/taxbasic', tax, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteTaxBasic: function (taxID) { return $http.delete('/landManage/taxbasic/' + taxID, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for menu webservices.factory('menuService', ['$http', '$q', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, $q, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { getMenusForDisplay: function (serviceId) { return httpCacheService.get('/menu/display?serviceId=' + serviceId); //return $http.get('/menu/display?serviceId=' + serviceId, apiConfig.create()); }, getMenus: function (serviceId) { //return $http.get('/menu?serviceId=' + serviceId, apiConfig.create()); return httpCacheService.get('/menu?serviceId=' + serviceId); }, getMenusNew: function (serviceId, fn) { return httpCacheService.getCache('/menu?serviceId=' + serviceId, false, fn); }, GetMenusForIvhTree: function (serviceId) { return $http.get('/menu/GetMenusForIvhTree?serviceId=' + serviceId, apiConfig.create()); }, updateMenu: function (menu) { return $http.put('/menu', menu, apiConfig.create()); }, addMenu: function (menu) { return $'/menu/Add', menu, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteMenu: function (menuID) { return $'/menu/Delete', menuID, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteMenus: function (menuIDs) { return $'/menu/DeleteMulti', menuIDs, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); webservices.factory('modelConfigurationService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getModelList: function (OrgID, listQueryCondition) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getModelList', { OrgID: OrgID, ListQueryCondition: listQueryCondition }, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelListByIndustry: function (serviceTypeID, industryID) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/model/byIndustry/' + serviceTypeID + '/' + industryID, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelSingle: function (orgID, modelId, categoryId) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getModelSingle', { OrgID: orgID, ModelID: modelId, CategoryID: categoryId }, apiConfig.create()); }, addModel: function (modelProfile) { return $'/modelConfiguration/addModel', modelProfile, apiConfig.create()); }, updateModel: function (modelProfile) { return $'/modelConfiguration/updateModel', modelProfile, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelResult: function (projectId, serviceTypeId, period) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getModelResult', { projectId: projectId, serviceTypeId: serviceTypeId, period: period }, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, migrateModelResult: function (project) { return $'/modelConfiguration/migrateModelResult', project, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, resetOrgModelSetting: function (modelId, orgId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/resetOrgModelSetting?modelId=' + modelId + '&orgId=' + orgId, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelDefaultSetting: function (orgID, modelId, categoryId) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getModelDefaultSetting', { OrgID: orgID, ModelID: modelId, CategoryID: categoryId }, apiConfig.create()); }, getIndustry: function (orgId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getIndustry?orgId=' + orgId, apiConfig.create()); }, updateCategory: function (categoryMto) { return $'/modelConfiguration/updateCategory', categoryMto, apiConfig.create()); }, updateModelConfig: function (modelID, oldCategoryID, newCategoryID) { return $'/modelConfiguration/updateModelConfig', { OrgID: newCategoryID, ModelID: modelID, CategoryID: oldCategoryID }, apiConfig.create()); }, updateCategoryWhenMove: function (id, oldCategoryID, newCategoryID, sortCurrent) { return $'/modelConfiguration/updateCategoryWhenMove', { OrgID: newCategoryID, ModelID: id, CategoryID: oldCategoryID, SortCurrent: sortCurrent }, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteCategory: function (id, orgId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/deleteCategory?id=' + id + '&orgId=' + orgId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteModel: function (modelId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/deleteModel?modelId=' + modelId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteModelBackFill: function (id) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/deleteModelBackFill?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, uniqueModelName: function (modelName, modelId, orgId, isAdd) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/uniqueModelName?modelName=' + modelName + '&modelId=' + modelId + '&orgId=' + orgId + '&isAdd=' + isAdd, apiConfig.create()); }, uniqueCategoryName: function (categoryName, orgId, modelId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/uniqueCategoryName?categoryName=' + categoryName + '&orgId=' + orgId + '&modelId=' + modelId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteModelResult: function () { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/deleteModelResult', apiConfig.create()); }, getProject: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getProject?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create()); }, getServiceList: function (orgId, modelId, isAdd) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getServiceList?orgId=' + orgId + '&modelId=' + modelId + '&isAdd=' + isAdd, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelPreviewResult: function (modelProfile, project) { var parmDto = { OrgID: project[0].id, Project: project, ModelProfile: modelProfile }; return $'/modelConfiguration/getModelPreviewResult', parmDto, apiConfig.create({ dbName: project[0].dbName })); }, getModelCategoryString: function (orgId, modelCategoryId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getModelCategoryString?orgId=' + orgId + '&modelCategoryId=' + modelCategoryId, apiConfig.create()); }, getModelCategory: function (organizationId, industryId, serviceTypeId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getModelCategory?organizationId=' + organizationId + '&industryId=' + industryId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId, apiConfig.create()); }, getIndexModelResultByCategory: function (categoryId, serviceTypeId, organizationId, industryId) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getIndexModelResultByCategory?categoryId=' + categoryId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId + '&organizationId=' + organizationId + '&industryId=' + industryId, apiConfig.create()); }, getEntriesModelResultByCategory: function (categoryId, serviceTypeId, organizationId, industryId, periodFrom, periodTo) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getEntriesModelResultByCategory?categoryId=' + categoryId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId + '&organizationId=' + organizationId + '&industryId=' + industryId + '&periodFrom=' + periodFrom + '&periodTo=' + periodTo, apiConfig.create()); }, getEntriesModelResultDetail: function (modelId, serviceTypeId, type, periodFrom, periodTo, pagingInfo, isShowFilter, preview) { var pageIndex = 0; var pageSize = 0 if (pagingInfo != null) { pageIndex = pagingInfo.pageIndex; pageSize = pagingInfo.pageSize } return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getEntriesModelResultDetail?modelId=' + modelId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId + '&type=' + type + '&periodFrom=' + periodFrom + '&periodTo=' + periodTo + '&pageIndex=' + pageIndex + '&pageSize=' + pageSize + '&isShowFilter=' + isShowFilter + '&preview=' + preview, apiConfig.create()); }, getEntriesModelResultDetailByVoucher: function (modelId, serviceTypeId, type, periodFrom, periodTo, pagingInfo, isShowFilter) { var pageIndex = 0; var pageSize = 0 if (pagingInfo != null) { pageIndex = pagingInfo.pageIndex; pageSize = pagingInfo.pageSize; } return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getEntriesModelResultDetailByVoucher?modelId=' + modelId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId + '&type=' + type + '&periodFrom=' + periodFrom + '&periodTo=' + periodTo + '&pageIndex=' + pageIndex + '&pageSize=' + pageSize + '&isShowFilter=' + isShowFilter, apiConfig.create()); }, getEntriesByVoucher: function (modelId, serviceTypeId, type, periodFrom, periodTo, period, vid, group, isShowFilter) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/GetEntriesByVoucher?modelId=' + modelId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId + '&type=' + type + '&periodFrom=' + periodFrom + '&periodTo=' + periodTo + '&period=' + period + '&vid=' + vid + '&group=' + group + '&isShowFilter=' + isShowFilter, apiConfig.create()); }, updateEntriesFiter: function (entriesDto) { return $'/modelConfiguration/updateEntriesFiter', entriesDto, apiConfig.create()); }, getGL: function (resultId, fromPeriod, toPeriod) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getGL?resultId=' + resultId + '&fromPeriod=' + fromPeriod + '&toPeriod=' + toPeriod, apiConfig.create()); }, projectHasDirtyData: function (projectID, serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/projectHasDirtyData/' + projectID + '/' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, updateProjectModelDirtyDataSingleCard: function (projectID, serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/updateProjectModelDirtyDataSingleCard/' + projectID + '/' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, organizationsHasDirtyData: function (organizationIDs, year, serviceTypeID) { return $'/modelConfiguration/organizationsHasDirtyData', { OrganizationIDs: organizationIDs, Year: year, ServiceTypeID: serviceTypeID }, apiConfig.create()); }, updateOrganizationsModelDirtyData: function (organizationIDs, year, serviceTypeID) { return $'/modelConfiguration/updateOrganizationsModelDirtyData', { OrganizationIDs: organizationIDs, Year: year, ServiceTypeID: serviceTypeID }, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getEntriesModelResultDetailCount: function (modelId, serviceTypeId, type, periodFrom, periodTo, isEntriesShow) { return $http.get('/modelConfiguration/getEntriesModelResultDetailCount?modelId=' + modelId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId + '&type=' + type + '&periodFrom=' + periodFrom + '&periodTo=' + periodTo + '&isEntriesShow=' + isEntriesShow, apiConfig.create()); }, getIndexModelResultByCellInfo: function (model) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getIndexModelResultByCellInfo', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getEntriesModelResultByCellInfo: function (modelIdList) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getEntriesModelResultByCellInfo', modelIdList, apiConfig.create()); }, modelBackFill: function (model) { return $'/modelConfiguration/modelBackFill', model, apiConfig.create()); }, getOutputModelResult: function (modelFeature, project, periodFrom, periodTo, fileName,sheetNames) { return $'/modelConfiguration/getOutputModelResult', { ModelFeature: modelFeature, Project: project, PeriodFrom: periodFrom, PeriodTo: periodTo, FileName: fileName, SheetNames: sheetNames }, apiConfig.create({ responseType: 'arraybuffer' })); }}; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('modifiedReportCellService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { update: function (modifiedReportCell) { return $'/ModifiedReportCell/Update', modifiedReportCell, apiConfig.createVat()); }, reset: function (id) { return $'/ModifiedReportCell/Reset/' + id, {}, apiConfig.createVat()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for operationlog webservices.factory('operationLogService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getOrgLogList: function (model) { return $'/operationlog/getorgloglist', model , apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('orgService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getOrgList: function (type) { return $http.get('/org/display?useType=' + type, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgListToJson: function (type) { return $http.get('/org/getjson?useType=' + type, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgListForGrid: function () { return $http.get('/org/displayForGrid', apiConfig.create()); }, getSingleOrg: function (orgId) { return $http.get('/org/displaySingle?orgId=' + orgId, apiConfig.create()); }, addOrg: function (org) { return $'/org/add', org, apiConfig.create()); }, updateOrg: function (org) { return $http.put('/org/update', org, apiConfig.create()); }, updateHierarchy: function (srcOrgID, destOrgID) { return $http.put('/org/updateHierarchy?srcOrgID=' + srcOrgID + '&destOrgID=' + destOrgID, org, apiConfig.create()); }, disableOrgs: function (orgList) { return $'/org/disableOrgs', orgList, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteOrg: function (org) { return $'/org/delete', org, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteOrgs: function (orgList) { return $'/org/deleteOrgs', { orgList: orgList }, apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectIndustrys: function () { return $http.get('/org/getProjectIndustrys', apiConfig.create()); }, enableOrgs: function (id) { return $http.get('/org/enableOrgs?orgID=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgIvhTreeList: function (useType, orgSetID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgIvhTreeList?useType=' + useType + '&orgSetID=' + orgSetID, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgDevTreeList: function (useType, orgSetID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgDevTreeList?useType=' + useType + '&orgSetID=' + orgSetID, apiConfig.create()); }, codeUniqueValidate: function (id, viewValue) { return $'/org/codeUniqueValidate', { Id: id, Value: viewValue }, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, taxPayerNumberUniqueValidate: function (id, viewValue) { return $'/org/taxPayerNumberUniqueValidate', { Id: id, Value: viewValue }, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getAreaStatistics: function () { return $http.get('/org/getAreaStatistics', apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgListForDashboard: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgListForDashboard?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getOrgListFirstLevel: function () { return $http.get('/org/getOrgListFirstLevel', apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgAreaDashboard: function (dimensionValueID, parentDimensionID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgAreaDashboard?dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID + '&parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID, apiConfig.create()); }, //getOrgBuDashboard: function (parentDimensionID) { // return $http.get('/org/getOrgBuDashboard?parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID, apiConfig.create()); //}, getOrgCustomDashbord: function (dimensionValueID, parentDimensionID, attributeID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgCustomDashbord?dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID + '&parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID + '&attributeID=' + attributeID, apiConfig.create()); }, getAreaOrganizationStaticsTreeList: function () { return $http.get('/org/getAreaOrganizationStaticsTreeList', apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgUserList: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgUserList?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getOrgCityAreaUserCountList: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgCityAreaUserCountList?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getGeneralInfo: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/org/getGeneralInfo?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getOrgBuAreaIndustryUser: function (userID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgBuAreaIndustryUser?userID=' + userID, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgRoleListView: function (userID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgRoleListView?userID=' + userID, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgListCountDashboard: function (dimensionValueID, parentDimensionID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgListCountDashboard?dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID + '&parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, getOrgDashboard: function (dimensionID, parentOrgID, expandedOrgList) { return $'/org/getOrgDashboard?dimensionID=' + dimensionID + '&parentOrgID=' + parentOrgID, expandedOrgList, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgDashboardOnly: function (dimensionID, parentOrgID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrgDashboardOnly?dimensionID=' + dimensionID + '&parentOrgID=' + parentOrgID, apiConfig.create()); }, getBusinessUnitOrganizationStaticsTreeList: function () { return $http.get('/org/getBusinessUnitOrganizationStaticsTreeList', apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgListLevel: function () { return $http.get('/org/getOrgListLevel', apiConfig.create()); }, updateOrgToDimension: function (dimensionValueID, parentDimensionID, orgList) { return $'/org/updateOrgToDimension', { dimensionValueID: dimensionValueID, dimensionID: parentDimensionID, orgDtoList: orgList }, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteUserDimensionValue: function (dimensionRoleDto, userID) { return $'/org/deleteUserDimensionValue?userID=' + userID, dimensionRoleDto, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteUserOrg: function (orgRoleDto, userID) { return $'/org/deleteUserOrg?userID=' + userID, orgRoleDto, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrganizationListByAreaID: function (areaID, attributeID) { return $http.get('/org/getOrganizationListByAreaID?areaID=' + areaID + '&attributeID=' + attributeID, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrganizationFilterList: function () { return $http.get('/org/getOrganizationFilterList', apiConfig.create()); }, getActiveOrganizationList: function () { return $http.get('/org/getActiveOrganizationList', apiConfig.create()); }, getGd: function () { return $http.get('/org/gd', apiConfig.create()); }, getBdList: function () { return $http.get('/org/bdList', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('organizationStructureService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getOrganizationStructureList: function () { return $http.get('/organizationstructure/getlist', apiConfig.create()); }, updateOrganizationStructure: function (organizationStructure) { return $http.put('/organizationstructure', organizationStructure, apiConfig.create()); }, addOrganizationStructure: function (organizationStructure) { return $'/organizationstructure/add', organizationStructure, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteOrganizationStructure: function (id) { return $'/organizationstructure/delete', { id: id }, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for menu webservices.factory('permissionService', ['$http', '$q', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, $q, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { getPermissionTreeList: function (serviceId) { return $http.get('/permission/getlist?serviceId=' + serviceId, apiConfig.create()); }, getDevTreePermissionsByRoleID: function (roleID, serviceType) { var config = { ignoreLoadingBar: false }; return $http.get('/permission/getIvhTreePermissionsByRoleID?roleID=' + roleID + '&serviceType=' + serviceType, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getDevTreePermissionsByRoleIDList: function (roldIDList, serviceType) { return $'/permission/getIvhTreePermissionsByRoleIDList?serviceType=' + serviceType, roldIDList, apiConfig.create()); }, //返回DevTreeDto list getAllPermissions: function (serviceType) { return $http.get('/permission/getAllPermissions?serviceType=' + serviceType, apiConfig.create()); //return httpCacheService.get('/permission/getAllPermissions?serviceType=' + serviceType); }, getPermissionListByRoleID: function (roleID, serviceType) { var config = { ignoreLoadingBar: false }; return $http.get('/permission/getPermissionListByRoleID?roleID=' + roleID + '&serviceType=' + serviceType, apiConfig.create(config)); } }; }]); // registration web service proxy webservices.factory('productService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getFileContent: function (tempFileName, selectedSheetIndex, topRowNumber) { return $http.get('/product/FileContent/' + tempFileName + '/' + selectedSheetIndex + '/' + topRowNumber, apiConfig.create()); }, getProductList: function () { return $http.get('/product/listProduct', apiConfig.create()); }, getProductItemList: function (fSetCode, productIDs) { return $http.get('/product/listProductItem/'+fSetCode+'/'+productIDs, apiConfig.create()); }, getProductItemListByPage: function (paras) { return $'/product/listProductItemByPage', paras, apiConfig.create()); }, getProductItemValueAmount: function (paras) { return $'/product/productItemValueAmount', paras, apiConfig.create()); }, importProductItemData: function (productItemList, importType,startYear,startMonth) { return $'/product/productItemListImport', { ProductItemList: productItemList, ImportType: importType, StartYear: startYear, StartMonth: startMonth }, apiConfig.create()); }, addNewProduct: function (product) { return $'/product/addNewProduct', product, apiConfig.create()); }, importProductData: function (importProductList) { return $'/product/productImport', { ProductList: importProductList }, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for project webservices.factory('projectService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getServiceList: function () { return $http.get('/project/listService', apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectList: function (orgID, serviceID, projectYear) { return $http.get('/project/display?orgID=' + orgID + '&serviceID=' + serviceID + '&projectYear=' + projectYear, apiConfig.create()); }, getOneProjectByDbNameServiceIdAndPeriodId: function (dbName, serviceID, periodId) { return $http.get('/project/getOneProjectByDbNameServiceIdAndPeriodId?dbName=' + dbName + '&serviceID=' + serviceID + '&periodId=' + periodId, apiConfig.create()); }, getAllProjectList: function (orgID, serviceID, projectYear) { return $http.get('/project/getAllProjectList?orgID=' + orgID + '&serviceID=' + serviceID + '&projectYear=' + projectYear, apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectByID: function (projectID) { return $http.get('/project/getProject?projectID=' + projectID, apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectExceptSelected: function (userId) { return $http.get('/project/displayExceptSelected?userID=' + userId, apiConfig.create()); }, getSingleProject: function (projectID) { return $http.get('/project/displaySingle?projectID=' + projectID, apiConfig.create()); }, addProject: function (projectDto) { return $'/project/add', projectDto, apiConfig.create()); }, updateProject: function (projectDto) { return $http.put('/project/update', projectDto, apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectClientList: function (projectID) { return $http.get('/project/getProjectClientList', apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectStatus: function (dbName, projectId, periodId) { return $http.get('/ProjectStatusManage/getProjectStatus/' + dbName + '/' + projectId + '/' + periodId, apiConfig.createVat()); }, setProjectStatus: function (dbName, periodId, status) { return $http.get('/ProjectStatusManage/setProjectStatus/' + dbName + '/' + periodId + '/' + status, apiConfig.createVat()); }, isImportedAnyData: function (periodId,projectId) { return $http.get('/ProjectStatusManage/isImportedAnyData/' + periodId + '/' + projectId, apiConfig.createVat()); }, isProjectStatusExisted: function (dbName, periodId) { return $http.get('/ProjectStatusManage/isProjectStatusExisted/' + dbName + '/' + periodId, apiConfig.createVat()); }, getProjectAllStatus: function (dbName) { return $http.get('/project/getProjectAllStatus/' + dbName, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // registration web service proxy webservices.factory('recategoryService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { addAccountRecategory: function (recategory) { return $'/AccountRecategory',recategory, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteAccountRecategory: function (recategoryIds) { return $'/AccountRecategory/Delete', recategoryIds, apiConfig.create()); }, updateAccountRecategory: function (recategory) { return $http.put('/AccountRecategory', recategory, apiConfig.create()); }, getRecategoriesByAccountCode: function (accountCode) { return $http.get('/AccountRecategory?accountCode=' + accountCode, apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for org webservices.factory('regionService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { //tree: function (type) { // return $http.get('/region/tree?isactive=' + type, apiConfig.create()); //}, //add: function (model) { // return $'/region/add', model, apiConfig.create()); //}, //update: function (model) { // return $'/region/update', model, apiConfig.create()); //}, //isactive: function (model) { // return $'/region/isactive', model, apiConfig.create()); //}, //getRegionList: function (type) { // return $http.get('/region/getRegionList?isactive=' + type, apiConfig.create()); //}, //getRegionTreeByID: function (id) { // return $http.get('/region/getRegionTreeByID?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); //}, //getProvinceAndCityList: function () { // //return $http.get('/region/getProvinceAndCityList', apiConfig.create()); // return httpCacheService.get('/region/getProvinceAndCityList'); //}, //getProvinceAndCityListForIvhTree: function () { // //return $http.get('/region/getProvinceAndCityList', apiConfig.create()); // return httpCacheService.get('/region/getProvinceAndCityListForIvhTree'); //}, getSettingRegionTree: function () { return $http.get('/region/getSettingRegionTree', apiConfig.create()); //return httpCacheService.get('/region/getSettingRegionTree'); }, getAreRegionTreeByNodeID: function (areaID) { return $http.get('/region/getAreRegionTreeByNodeID?areaID=' + areaID, apiConfig.create()); }, getProvinceAndCityTreeList: function () { //return $http.get('/region/getProvinceAndCityList', apiConfig.create()); return httpCacheService.get('/region/getProvinceAndCityTreeList'); } }; }]); // registration web service proxy webservices.factory('registrationService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { searchPatient: function (patientName) { var config = { params: { patientName: patientName }, isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/patients/search', apiConfig.create(config)); }, saveNewRegistration: function (registration) { var config = {isBusyRequest: true }; return $'/registration/orders/newRegistration', registration, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getPatient:function(id){ var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get("/registration/patients/"+id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, updatePatient: function (patient,order) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; var data = { patient: patient, order: order }; return $http.put("/registration/patients/" + patient.uniqueID, data, apiConfig.create(config)); }, updateOrder: function (order) { var config = {isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.put("/registration/orders/" + order.uniqueID, order, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getPatientNO: function (site) { var config = {params:{}, isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/orders/generate/patientNo/'+site, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getAccNo: function () { var config = { params: {}, isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/orders/generate/accNo', apiConfig.create(config)); }, getProcedures: function (patientId) { return $http.get('/registration/patients/procedures/' + patientId, apiConfig.create()); }, getProcedure: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/procedures/' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, updateProcedure: function (id, proceduresRelated) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.put("/registration/procedures/" + id, proceduresRelated, apiConfig.create(config)); }, addProcedure:function(proceduresRelated){ var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $"/registration/procedures", proceduresRelated, apiConfig.create(config)); }, deleteProcedure:function(id){ return $http.delete('/registration/procedures/' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getEnglishName: function (strChinese, UpperFirstLetter, SeparatePolicy, Separator) { var data = { LocalName: strChinese, UpperFirstLetter: UpperFirstLetter, SeparatePolicy: SeparatePolicy, Separator: Separator }; return $'/registration/orders/simplifiedToEnglish', data, apiConfig.create()); }, getRequisitionUrl: function (accNo, modalityType) { var config = { params: { accNo: accNo, modalityType: modalityType }, isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/orders/requisition/url', apiConfig.create(config)); }, getBarCodeUrl: function (accNo, modalityType) { var config = { params: { accNo: accNo, modalityType: modalityType }, isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/orders/barcode/url', apiConfig.create(config)); }, getOrder: function (orderId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/orders/' + orderId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getRegistrationInfo: function (orderId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/registration/' + orderId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getProcedureCodes: function () { return $http.get('/registration/procedurecodes', apiConfig.create()); }, getBodySystemMaps: function () { return $http.get('/registration/bodySystemMaps', apiConfig.create()); }, getAccountDemoOne: function (accountId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/NewAccount/' + accountId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getAccountDemoList: function () { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/NewAccount', apiConfig.create(config)); }, getAccountGroup : function(){ var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/AccountGroup', apiConfig.create(config)); }, finishExam: function (order) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.put("/registration/finishexam/" + order.uniqueID, order, apiConfig.create(config)); }, }; }]); // worklist web service proxy webservices.factory('reportService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getReport: function (reportId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/reports/' + reportId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getReportByProcedureID: function (procedureId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/reportbyprocedureid/' + procedureId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, createReport: function (newData) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; var data = JSON.stringify(newData); return $'/report/reports', data, apiConfig.create(config)); }, updateReport: function (newData) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; var data = JSON.stringify(newData); return $http.put('/report/reports/' + newData.uniqueID, data, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getBaseInfo: function (procedureId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/baseinfo/' + procedureId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getBaseInfoDesc: function (procedureId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/baseinfodesc/' + procedureId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getBaseInfoDescByOrderID: function (orderId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/baseinfodescbyorderid/' + orderId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getBaseInfoByOrderID: function (orderId) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/baseinfobyorderid/' + orderId, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getProceduresByOrderID: function (orderId) { return $http.get('/report/getproceduresbyorderid/' + orderId, apiConfig.create()); }, getProceduresByReportID: function (reportId) { return $http.get('/report/getproceduresbyreportid/' + reportId, apiConfig.create()); }, getLock: function (reportId) { return $http.get('/report/getlock/' + reportId, apiConfig.create()); }, getLockByOrderID: function (orderId) { return $http.get('/report/getlockbyorderid/' + orderId, apiConfig.create()); }, getLockByOrderIDByAnyLockType: function (orderId) { return $http.get('/report/getlockbyorderidbyanylocktype/' + orderId, apiConfig.create()); }, addLock: function (reportId) { return $http.get('/report/addlockbyreportid/' + reportId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteLock: function (reportId) { return $http.delete('/report/deletelockbyreportid/' + reportId, apiConfig.create()); }, addLockByOrderID: function (orderId) { return $http.get('/report/addlockbyorderid/' + orderId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteLockByOrderID: function (orderId) { return $http.delete('/report/deletelockbyorderid/' + orderId, apiConfig.create()); }, addLockByProcedureID: function (procedureId) { return $http.get('/report/addlockbyprocedureid/' + procedureId, apiConfig.create()); }, addLockByProcedureIDs: function (ids) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; var data = JSON.stringify(ids); return $'/report/addlockbyprocedureids', data, apiConfig.create(config)); }, deleteLockByProcedureID: function (procedureId) { return $http.delete('/report/deletelockbyprocedureid/' + procedureId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteLockByProcedureIDs: function (ids) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; var data = JSON.stringify(ids); return $'/report/deletelockbyprocedureids', data, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getAllUserByParentID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/userforreportbyparentid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getTemplateByParentID: function (id) { return $http.get('/report/gettemplatebyparentid/' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getTemplateID: function (id) { return $http.get('/report/getreporttemplate/' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getProcedureByID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getprocedurebyid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getExamedProcedureByOrderID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getexamedproceduresbyorderid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getReportViewerByProcedureID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getreportviewerbyprocedureid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getReportPrintUrlByProcedureID: function (id) { var config = {isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getreportprinturlbyprocedureid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, updateReportPrintStatusByProcedureID: function (id, printer) { return $http.get('/report/updatereportprintstatusbyprocedureid/' + id + '/' + printer, apiConfig.create()); }, getServerTime: function () { return $http.get('/report/getservertime' , apiConfig.create()); }, updateComments: function (newData) { var data = JSON.stringify(newData); return $'/report/updatecomments', data, apiConfig.create()); }, getReportListByID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getreportlistbyid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getOtherReportListByID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getotherreportlistbyid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getOtherReportListByProcedureID: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/report/getotherreportlistbyprocedureid/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('roleService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getRoleListByServiceGroup: function () { return $http.get('/role/displayByServiceGroup', apiConfig.create()); }, getUsersByRoleID: function (roleId) { return $http.get('/role/getUsersByRoleID?roleId=' + roleId, apiConfig.create()); }, getExtraUsersByRoleID: function (roleId) { return $http.get('/role/getExtraUsersByRoleID?roleId=' + roleId, apiConfig.create()); }, getRoleListByRoleTypeId: function (roleTypeId) { return $http.get('/role/displayByRoleType?roleTypeId=' + roleTypeId, apiConfig.create()); }, getSingleRole: function (roleId) { return $http.get('/role/displaySingle?roleId=' + roleId, apiConfig.create()); }, addRole: function (role) { return $'/role/add', role, apiConfig.create()); }, updateRole: function (updateRole, roleId) { return $http.put('/role/update?roleID=' + roleId, updateRole, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteRole: function (role) { return $'/role/delete', role, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteRoles: function (roleList) { return $'/role/deleteRoleList', { roleList: roleList }, apiConfig.create()); }, checkRoleExist: function (roleId) { return $http.get('/role/exist?roleId=' + roleId, apiConfig.create()); }, checkReference: function (roleID) { return $http.get('/role/checkReferenceforRole?roleID=' + roleID, apiConfig.create()); }, getroletree: function (serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/role/getroletree?serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, getRoleTreeList: function () { return $http.get('/role/getRoleTreeList', apiConfig.create()); }, getUserRoleList: function (organizationID, dimensionID, dimensionValueID) { return $http.get('/role/getUserRoleList?organizationID=' + organizationID + '&dimensionID=' + dimensionID + '&dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID, apiConfig.create()); }, getAllUserRoleList: function () { return $http.get('/role/getAllUserRoleList', apiConfig.create()); }, getAllUserRoleListByUserID: function (userID) { return $http.get('/role/getAllUserRoleListByUserID?userID=' + userID, apiConfig.create()); }, //用户下面多个角色,多少个机构 getDimensionUserRoleList: function (dimensionID, dimensionValueID) { return $http.get('/role/getDimensionUserRoleList?dimensionID=' + dimensionID + '&dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID, apiConfig.create()); }, getDimensionRoleUserList: function (dimensionID, dimensionValueID) { return $http.get('/role/getDimensionRoleUserList?dimensionID=' + dimensionID + '&dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID, apiConfig.create()); }, getAllOwnUserRoleList: function () { return $http.get('/role/getAllOwnUserRoleList', apiConfig.create()); }, removeUserRole: function (userID, roleIDList, serviceTypeID) { return $'/role/removeUserRole?userID=' + userID + '&serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID, roleIDList, apiConfig.create()); }, getAllRoleListByUserID: function (userID, serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/role/getAllRoleListByUserID?userID=' + userID + '&serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, updateUserRole: function (userRoleUpdteModel) { return $'/role/updateUserRole', userRoleUpdteModel, apiConfig.create()); }, updateDimensionValues: function (dimensionValueModel) { return $'/role/updateDimensionValues', dimensionValueModel, apiConfig.create()); }, updateUserOrg: function (orgIdList, userID) { return $'/role/updateUserOrg?userID=' + userID, orgIdList, apiConfig.create()); }, validateRoleNameUnique: function (roleName, oldRoleName) { return $http.get('/role/validateRoleNameUnique?roleName=' + roleName + '&oldRoleName=' + oldRoleName, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, addRoleCategory: function (name, roleCategoryID) { return $http.get('/role/addRoleCategory?name=' + encodeURI(name) + '&roleCategoryID=' + roleCategoryID, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: false })); }, updateRoleCategory: function (updateName, id) { return $http.get('/role/updateRoleCategory?updateName=' + encodeURI(updateName) + '&id=' + id, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: false })); }, deleteRoleCategory: function (id) { return $http.get('/role/deleteRoleCategory?id=' + id, apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: false })); }, getAllRolePermission: function (serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/role/getAllRolePermission?serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, getActiveUserRoleListByAreaID: function (areaId) { return $http.get('/role/getActiveUserRoleListByAreaID?areaID=' + areaId, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for project webservices.factory('ruleEngineService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getTaxPayerReportMapping: function () { return $http.get('/ruleEngineeConfig/taxPayerReportMapping', apiConfig.create()); }, getTaxRuleSetting: function (orgID, serviceID, projectYear) { return $http.get('/ruleEngineeConfig/taxRuleSetting', apiConfig.create()); }, saveTaxRuleSettings: function (taxRuleSettings) { return $'/ruleEngineeConfig/taxRuleSetting/Save', taxRuleSettings, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for role webservices.factory('serviceTypeService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getServiceTypeList: function () { return $http.get('/servicetype/getlist', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for spreadjs display webservices.factory('spreadJsService', ['$log', '$q', '$http', 'apiConfig', 'documentHierarchyService', function ($log, $q, $http, apiConfig, documentHierarchyService) { 'use strict'; var formulaValues; var editingText; var getJsonFromExcel = function (filepath) { return $'/spreadjs/getjson', { documentpath: filepath }, apiConfig.create()); }; var exportExcel = function (jsonContent) { return $'/spreadjs/exportExcel', { jsonContent: jsonContent, fileType: 'application/json' }, apiConfig.create()); }; var getFormulaValueByDocumentId = function (documentId) { return $http.get('/spreadjs/formulavalue/' + documentId, apiConfig.create()); }; //通过公式列表获取公式值 var getFormulaValueByFormulaList = function (formulaList) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; $http.get('/spreadjs/formulavaluebyformula/' + JSON.stringify(formulaList), apiConfig.create()) .success(function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }) .error(function (error) { deferred.reject(error); }); return promise; }; //通过文件code获取公式值 var getFormulaValueByDocumentCode = function (code) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; $http.get('/spreadjs/formulavaluebycode/' + code, apiConfig.create()) .success(function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }) .error(function (error) { deferred.reject(error); }); return promise; }; //通过文件名获取公式值 //ND(-1): 999, BB("CL027",2,5,2,0,0): 888, QR("1471",-1): 100, QR("1471",0): 100, QR("1471",1): 100 var getFormulaValueByFileName = function (filepath) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; $http.get('/spreadjs/formulavalue/' + filepath, apiConfig.create()) .success(function (data) { deferred.resolve(data); }) .error(function (error) { deferred.reject(error); }); return promise; }; var getDocumentCell = function (filepath) { return $http.get('/documentcell/byname/' + filepath, apiConfig.create()); }; var getDocumentCellByDocumentId = function (documentId) { return $http.get('/documentcell/byid/' + documentId, apiConfig.create()); }; var getCustomFunctions = function () { return $http.get('/spreadjs/customfunction', apiConfig.create()); }; var renderFormulaCell = function (sheet, celllist) { $.each(celllist, function (n, val) { var cIndex = val.columnIndex; var rIndex = val.rowIndex; var formula = val.formula; sheet.setFormula(rIndex, cIndex, "=" + formula); sheet.setTag(rIndex, cIndex, "=" + formula); }) }; var initSpreadCustomFunction = function (sheet, name, minArgs, maxArgs) { var customFunction = function (name, minArgs, maxArgs) { = name; this.maxArgs = maxArgs; this.minArgs = minArgs; }; customFunction.prototype = new GcSpread.Sheets.Calc.Functions.Function(); customFunction.prototype.evaluate = function (args) { var formulaName = + "("; for (var j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { if (j < args.length - 1) { formulaName += args[j].toString() .replace("\"", "") .replace("\"", "") .replace(" ", "") + ","; } else { formulaName += args[j].toString() .replace("\"", "") .replace("\"", "") .replace(" ", ""); } } formulaName += ")"; var value = formulaValues['' + formulaName + '']; return value; }; var cf = new customFunction(name, minArgs, maxArgs); sheet.addCustomFunction(cf); }; var initSpreadExcel = function (id, ssjsondata) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; var spread = new GcSpread.Sheets.Spread(document.getElementById(id)); var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); spread.showVerticalScrollbar(true); spread.showHorizontalScrollbar(true); spread.tabNavigationVisible(false); spread.tabStripVisible(false); spread.newTabVisible(false); spread.isPaintSuspended(true); spread.fromJSON(JSON.parse(ssjsondata)); spread.isPaintSuspended(false); sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); if (sheet != null) { sheet.setRowHeaderVisible(true); sheet.setColumnHeaderVisible(true); sheet.setIsProtected(false); } spread.bind(GcSpread.Sheets.Events.CellClick, function (sender, args) { if (args.sheetArea === GcSpread.Sheets.SheetArea.colHeader) { $log.debug("The column header was clicked."); } if (args.sheetArea === GcSpread.Sheets.SheetArea.rowHeader) { $log.debug("The row header was clicked."); } if (args.sheetArea === GcSpread.Sheets.SheetArea.corner) { $log.debug("The corner header was clicked."); } $log.debug("cIndex: " + args.col); $log.debug("rIndex: " + args.row); $log.debug(sheet.getTag(args.row, args.col)); }); spread.bind(GcSpread.Sheets.Events.EditEnding, function (sender, args) { var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); editingText = args.editingText; var reg = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z]+[\((]([0-9a-zA-Z,"".]|(-)?)*[\))]'); var res = reg.test(editingText); if (res) { var name = editingText.substring(1, editingText.indexOf("(")); $log.debug(name); initSpreadCustomFunctionAsync(sheet, name); } }); deferred.resolve(spread); return promise; }; var renderSpreadExcelSimple = function (id, filepath) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; getJsonFromExcel(filepath).then(function (ssjson) { //4. 加载SpreadExcel initSpreadExcel(id, (spread) { deferred.resolve(spread); }); }); return promise; }; /** * 通过document code获取该code下对应的公式以及公式的值 * @method renderSpreadExcelFormulaByCode * @for 所属类名 * @param {string} id spreadjs div的id * @param {string} code document code,该code在 CIT_DocumentHierarchy中查到 * @return {spread} 返回spread的对象 */ var renderSpreadExcelFormulaByCode = function (id, code) { var customfunctions; //1. 获取自定义函数名及对应的计算值 getFormulaValueByDocumentCode(code).then(function (formuladata) { formulaValues = JSON.parse(formuladata); $log.debug(formulaValues); //2. 获取自定义函数名 getCustomFunctions().then(function (functiondata) { customfunctions =; //通过code获取document filepath documentHierarchyService.getDocumentByCode(code).success(function (documentObj) { //3. 获取Excel的ssjon getJsonFromExcel(documentObj.documentPath).then(function (ssjson) { //4. 加载SpreadExcel initSpreadExcel(id, (spread) { //4. 初始化自定义函数名 var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); for (var i = 0; i < customfunctions.length; i++) { var func = customfunctions[i]; initSpreadCustomFunction(sheet,, 0, func.parameterCount); } //5. Get Document Cell getDocumentCellByDocumentId(documentObj.documentID).then(function (celldata) { renderFormulaCell(sheet,; }); }); }); }); }); }); }; //最开始设计的版本 var renderSpreadExcelFormula = function (id, documentName) { var customfunctions; //1. 获取自定义函数名及对应的计算值 getFormulaValueByFileName(documentName).then(function (formuladata) { formulaValues = JSON.parse(formuladata); $log.debug(formulaValues); //2. 获取自定义函数名 getCustomFunctions().then(function (functiondata) { customfunctions =; //3. 获取Excel的ssjon getJsonFromExcel(documentName).then(function (ssjson) { //4. 加载SpreadExcel initSpreadExcel(id, (spread) { //4. 初始化自定义函数名 var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); for (var i = 0; i < customfunctions.length; i++) { var func = customfunctions[i]; initSpreadCustomFunction(sheet,, 0, func.parameterCount); } //5. Get Document Cell getDocumentCell(documentName).then(function (celldata) { renderFormulaCell(sheet,; }); }); }); }); }); }; var initSpreadCustomFunctionAsync = function (sheet, name) { var asum = function () { } //Define a class "ASUM" that extends AsyncFunction asum.prototype = new GcSpread.Sheets.Calc.Functions.AsyncFunction(name, 1, 255); //Set default value to "Loading..." asum.prototype.defaultValue = function () { return "Loading..."; }; //Override the evaluateAsync function asum.prototype.evaluateAsync = function (args, context) { var formulaName = + "("; for (var j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { if (j < args.length - 1) { formulaName += args[j].toString() .replace("\"", "") .replace("\"", "") .replace(" ", "") + ","; } else { formulaName += args[j].toString() .replace("\"", "") .replace("\"", "") .replace(" ", ""); } } formulaName += ")"; var value = formulaValues['' + formulaName + '']; if (value === undefined) { var formula = editingText.replace('=', ''); var formulaList = [formula]; //从服务端获取数据 getFormulaValueByFormulaList(formulaList).then(function (formuladata) { var data = JSON.parse(formuladata); //添加到全局formulaValues对象中 formulaValues[formula] = data[formula]; $log.debug(formulaValues); var result = formulaValues['' + formulaName + '']; context.SetAsyncResult(result); }); } return value; }; var cf = new asum(); sheet.addCustomFunction(cf); }; return { getJsonFromExcel: getJsonFromExcel, exportExcel: exportExcel, getFormulaValueByDocumentId: getFormulaValueByDocumentId, getFormulaValueByFileName: getFormulaValueByFileName, getDocumentCell: getDocumentCell, getCustomFunctions: getCustomFunctions, initSpreadCustomFunction: initSpreadCustomFunction, initSpreadExcel: initSpreadExcel, renderFormulaCell: renderFormulaCell, renderSpreadExcelSimple: renderSpreadExcelSimple, renderSpreadExcelFormula: renderSpreadExcelFormula, renderSpreadExcelFormulaByCode: renderSpreadExcelFormulaByCode }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('statisticAttributeService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { get: function (dictionaryCode) { return $http.get('/statisticAttribute/get?dictionaryCode=' + dictionaryCode, apiConfig.create()); }, getByParentDimensionID: function (parentDimensionID) { return $http.get('/statisticAttribute/getByParentDimensionID?parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID, apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgSubChildrenStatAttributeList: function (parentDimensionID) { return $http.get('/statisticAttribute/getOrgSubChildrenStatAttributeList?parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID, apiConfig.create()); }, add: function (model) { return $'/statisticAttribute/add', model, apiConfig.create()); }, updateRange: function (modelList) { return $'/statisticAttribute/update', modelList, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('stdAccountService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getStdAccountHierarchy: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/StdAccount/StdAccountHierarchy?orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create()); }, GetStdAccountList: function () { return $http.get('/StdAccount/GetStdAccountList', apiConfig.create()); }, add: function (model) { return $'/StdAccount/add', model, apiConfig.create()); }, update: function (model) { return $'/StdAccount/update', model, apiConfig.create()); }, isactive: function (model) { return $'/StdAccount/isactive', model, apiConfig.create()); }, get: function (id) { return $http.get('/StdAccount/getsingle?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getStdAccountLinkEtsAccount: function (orgID, accountSetID) { return $http.get('/StdAccount/getStdAccountLinkEtsAccount?orgID=' + orgID + '&accountSetID=' + accountSetID, apiConfig.create()); }, getStdAccountByOrgID: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/StdAccount/getStdAccountByOrgID?orgID=' + orgID , apiConfig.create()); }, getStdAccountByIndustryID: function (industryID) { return $http.get('/stdAccount/stdAccount/byIndustry/' + industryID, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // registration web service proxy webservices.factory('stockService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getStockList: function (param) { return $'/stock/getList', param, apiConfig.create()); }, updateStock: function (stock) { return $http.put('/stock/update', stock, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteOrgList: function (stockList, orgID) { return $'/stock/delete?orgID=' + orgID, stockList, apiConfig.create()); }, addOrgList: function (stockList, orgID) { return $'/stock/add?orgID=' + orgID, stockList, apiConfig.create()); }, getStockListByOrgID: function (param) { return $'/stock/getStockListByOrgID' ,param, apiConfig.create()); }, updateOrgList: function (stockList, orgID) { return $'/stock/update?orgID=' + orgID, stockList, apiConfig.create()); }, //添加变更历史记录 addHistoryStocks: function (stock) { return $'/stock/addHistoryStock', stock, apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('templateService', ['$log', '$http', '$q', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService','$timeout','$rootScope','$interval', function ($log, $http, $q, apiConfig, httpCacheService, $timeout, $rootScope, $interval) { 'use strict'; var getTemplateJson = function (templateID) { //return $http.get('/template/getTemplateJson?templateID=' + templateID, apiConfig.create()); var result = httpCacheService.get('/template/getTemplateJson?templateID=' + templateID); if (result.finishedCache) { return result; } else { return $http.get('/template/getTemplateJson?templateID=' + templateID, apiConfig.create()); } }; var initSpreadExcel = function (id, ssjsondata) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; var spread = new GcSpread.Sheets.Spread(document.getElementById(id)); spread.showVerticalScrollbar(true); spread.showHorizontalScrollbar(true); spread.scrollbarMaxAlign(true); spread.scrollbarShowMax(true); spread.tabNavigationVisible(true); spread.newTabVisible(false); spread.tabEditable(false); spread.tabStripVisible(false); spread.newTabVisible(false); spread.allowUndo(false); spread.allowUserResize(false); spread.canUserDragDrop(false); spread.canUserDragFill(false); spread.canUserEditFormula(false); spread.isPaintSuspended(true); spread.fromJSON(JSON.parse(ssjsondata)); spread.isPaintSuspended(false); var sheet = spread.getActiveSheet(); if (sheet != null) { sheet.setRowHeaderVisible(true); sheet.setColumnHeaderVisible(true); sheet.setGridlineOptions({ showVerticalGridline: false, showHorizontalGridline: false }); } deferred.resolve(spread); return promise; }; var renderSpreadExcelSimple = function (id, templateID) { var deferred = $q.defer(); var promise = deferred.promise; var spreadSheet; getTemplateJson(templateID).success(function (result) { spreadSheet = initSpreadExcel(id, === undefined ? result :; deferred.resolve(spreadSheet); }); return promise; }; var setRowColName = function (id, rowCellInfo) { return $'/template/rowColName/' + id, rowCellInfo, apiConfig.create()); }; return { getTemplateJson: getTemplateJson, renderSpreadExcelSimple: renderSpreadExcelSimple, initSpreadExcel: initSpreadExcel, setRowColName: setRowColName }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('templateFormulaService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getByStandardCode: function (standardCode) { return $http.get('/templateFormula/getByStandardCode?standardCode=' + standardCode, apiConfig.create()); }, getByTemplateGroupID: function (templateGroupID) { return $http.get('/templateFormula/getByTemplateGroupID?templateGroupID=' + templateGroupID, apiConfig.create()); }, saveTemplateFormulaList: function (templateFormulaList) { return $'/templateFormula/saveTemplateFormulaList', templateFormulaList, apiConfig.create()); }, getConfigurationAndFormulaByTemplateID: function (templateID) { return $http.get('/templateFormula/getConfigurationAndFormulaByTemplateID?templateID=' + templateID, apiConfig.create()); }, validate: function (formula) { return $'/templateFormula/validate', angular.toJson(formula), apiConfig.create({ ignoreLoadingBar: true })); }, saveOrUpdateCellTemplateConfig: function (templateConfig) { return $'/celltemplate/config', templateConfig, apiConfig.create()); }, getCellTemplateConfig: function (cellTemplateID) { return $http.get('/celltemplate/config/' + cellTemplateID, apiConfig.create()); }, getCellTemplateConfigList: function (templateID) { return $http.get('/celltemplate/configList/' + templateID, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for standard account webservices.factory('templateGroupService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { getall: function () { return $http.get('/templateGroup/getall', apiConfig.create()); }, getByServiceType: function (serviceTypeID,taxPayType) { return $http.get('/templateGroup/getByServiceType/' + serviceTypeID + '/' + taxPayType , apiConfig.create()); }, addTemplateGroup: function (templateGroup) { return $'/templateGroup/addTemplateGroup', templateGroup, apiConfig.create()); }, addTemplateGroupWithoutTemplate: function (templateGroup) { return $'/templateGroup/templateGroup/withoutTemplate', templateGroup, apiConfig.create()); }, getTemplateList: function (templateGroupID, reportType) { return $http.get('/template/get?templateGroupID=' + templateGroupID + '&reportType=' + reportType, apiConfig.create()); }, getGroupTemplate: function (projectID, serviceType) { return $http.get('/template/getGroupTemplate?projectID=' + projectID + '&serviceType=' + serviceType, apiConfig.create()); }, getGroupTemplateByGroupID: function (templateGroupID, projectID) { return $http.get('/template/getGroupTemplateByGroupID?templateGroupID=' + templateGroupID + '&projectID=' + projectID, apiConfig.create()); }, getTemplateByTree:function (projectID, serviceType) { return $http.get('/template/getGroupTemplateTree?projectID=' + projectID + '&serviceType=' + serviceType, apiConfig.create()); }, getByIndustry: function (serviceTypeID, taxPayType, industryID) { return $http.get('/templateGroup/getByIndustry/' + serviceTypeID + '/' + industryID + '?taxPayType=' + (taxPayType || ''), apiConfig.create()); } , getTemplateUniqList:function(serviceTypeID,payTaxType,reportType,industryIDs){ return $http.get('/template/getTemplateUniqList?serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID + '&payTaxType='+payTaxType + '&reportType=' + reportType + '&industryIDs='+industryIDs , apiConfig.create()); } ,addExistTemplate:function(model){ return $'/template/addExistTemplate', model, apiConfig.create()); } ,deleteTemplate:function(model){ return $'/template/deleteTemplate', model, apiConfig.create()); } ,updateTemplateName:function(model){ return $'/template/updateTemplateName', model, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteTemplateGroup:function(model){ return $'/templateGroup/deleteTemplateGroup', model, apiConfig.create()); }, updateTemplateGroupName:function(model){ return $'/templateGroup/updateTemplateGroupName', model, apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for user webservices.factory('userService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', 'loginContext', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService, loginContext) { 'use strict'; return { getUserList: function () { return $http.get('/user/display', apiConfig.create()); //return httpCacheService.getData('/user/display'); }, getUserListByOrgID: function (orgID) { return $http.get('/user/displayByOrgID?orgId=' + orgID, apiConfig.create()); //return httpCacheService.getData('/user/displayByOrgID?orgId=' + orgID); }, getSingleUser: function (userId) { return $http.get('/user/displaySingle?userId=' + userId, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserByName: function (userName) { return $'/user/getUserByName', { UserName: userName }, apiConfig.create()); }, addUser: function (user) { return $'/user/add', user, apiConfig.create()); }, updateUser: function (user) { return $http.put('/user/update', user, apiConfig.create()); }, enableOrDisableUser: function (userId, updateType) { return $'/user/enableordisableuser', { 'UserId': userId, 'UpdateType': updateType }, apiConfig.create()); }, getRoleTypeList: function () { return $http.get('/user/roleTypeList', apiConfig.create()); }, getRoleList: function (roleTypeId) { return $http.get('/user/roleList?roleTypeId=' + roleTypeId, apiConfig.create()); }, getRoleDisplayList: function () { return $http.get('/user/roleDisplayList', apiConfig.create()); }, getUserTreeList: function () { return $http.get('/user/userTreeList', apiConfig.create()); //return httpCacheService.getData('/user/userTreeList'); }, getProjectListByUserId: function (userId) { return $http.get('/user/projectListByUserId?userId=' + userId, apiConfig.create()); }, addProjectToUser: function (userProjectInfo) { return $'/user/addProjectToUser', { 'UserId': userProjectInfo.UserId, 'ProjectService': userProjectInfo.ProjectIds }, apiConfig.create()); }, removeProjectFromUser: function (userProjectInfo) { return $'/user/removeProjectFromUser', { 'UserId': userProjectInfo.UserId, 'ProjectService': userProjectInfo.ProjectIds }, apiConfig.create()); }, getProjectRoles: function (userProjectInfo) { return $'/user/getProjectRoles', { 'UserId': userProjectInfo.UserId, 'ProjectService': userProjectInfo.ProjectIds }, apiConfig.create()); }, operateProjectRole: function (userProjectInfo) { return $'/user/operateProjectRole', { 'UserId': userProjectInfo.UserId, 'ProjectService': userProjectInfo.ProjectIds, 'IsAdd': userProjectInfo.IsAdd, 'RoleID': userProjectInfo.RoleID }, apiConfig.create()) }, setProjectUserRole: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/setProjectUserRole', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, getUserRoleSetList: function (userid, serviceTypeid, projectid) { return $http.get('/user/getUserRoleSetList?userid=' + userid + '&serviceTypeid=' + serviceTypeid + '&projectid=' + projectid, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserListByProject: function (projectID, serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/user/userTreeListByProject?projectID=' + projectID + '&serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, GetUserById: function (userId) { return $http.get('/user/getUser/' + userId, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserRoleByDimensionValueID: function (parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID) { return $http.get('/user/getUserRoleByDimensionValueID?parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID + '&dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID, apiConfig.create()); }, getSpecialUserRoleByDimensionValueID: function (parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID) { return $http.get('/user/getSpecialUserRoleByDimensionValueID?parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID + '&dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID, apiConfig.create()); }, updateUserRoleDimension: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/updateUserRoleDimension', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, updateUserToRole: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/addUsersToRole', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, getUserRoleListByUserID: function (userId) { return $http.get('/user/getUserRoleListByUserID?userId=' + userId, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteUserRoleDimension: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/deleteUserRoleDimension', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, getAllUserRoleList: function (serviceTypeID) { return $http.get('/user/getAllUserRoleList?serviceTypeID=' + serviceTypeID, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteUserRoleForOrg: function (userOrgdto) { return $'/user/deleteUserRoleForOrg', userOrgdto, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserRoleByOrgIDUserID: function (userID, orgID) { return $http.get('/user/getUserRoleByOrgIDUserID?userID=' + userID + '&orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserRoleByUserID: function (userID) { return $http.get('/user/getUserRoleByUserID?userID=' + userID, apiConfig.create()); }, updateUserRoleForOrg: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/updateUserRoleForOrg', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, updateUserRoleForDimension: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/updateUserRoleForDimension', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, deleteUserOrg: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/deleteUserOrg', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, updateUserRoleOrganization: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/updateUserRoleOrganization', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, getUserPermission: function (userName) { return httpCacheService.get('/user/getUserPermission?userName=' + userName); }, getUserPermissionNew: function (userName, fn) { return httpCacheService.getCache('/user/getUserPermissionKey?userName=' + userName, false, fn); }, deleteUserRoleOrg: function (userRoleList) { return $'/user/deleteUserRoleOrg', userRoleList, apiConfig.create()) }, getDimensionUserRoleList: function (parentDimensionID, dimensionValueID) { return $http.get('/user/getDimensionUserRoleList?parentDimensionID=' + parentDimensionID + '&dimensionValueID=' + dimensionValueID, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserOrgPermission: function (userID, orgID) { return $http.get('/user/getUserOrgPermission?userID=' + userID + '&orgID=' + orgID, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserListByPermissionCode: function (permissionCode) { return $http.get('/user/getUserListByPermissionCode?permissionCode=' + permissionCode, apiConfig.create()); }, getUserOwnerOrganization: function () { return $http.get('/user/getUserOwnerOrganization', apiConfig.create()); } }; }]); // web service proxy for voucher webservices.factory('voucherService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { getVouchersByAccountCode: function (accountCode) { return $http.get('/voucher?accountCode=' + accountCode, apiConfig.create()); }, getRecategoryVouchers: function (accountRecategoryId) { return $http.get('/voucher?accountRecategoryId=' + accountRecategoryId, apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // web service proxy for customer webservices.factory('workflowService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', 'httpCacheService', function ($http, apiConfig, httpCacheService) { 'use strict'; return { getWorkflowCategoryList: function () { return $http.get('/workflow/getWorkflowCategoryList', apiConfig.create()); }, getWorkflowCategorymenuList: function () { return $http.get('/workflow/getWorkflowCategorymenuList', apiConfig.create()); }, getOrgMenuList: function () { return $http.get('/workflow/getOrgMenuList', apiConfig.create()); }, getWorkflowBasicInfo: function (id) { return $http.get('/workflow/getWorkflowBasicInfo?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getWorkFlowDisplayInfo: function (id) { return $http.get('/workflow/getWorkFlowDisplayInfo?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getTaskListByNodeID: function (id) { return $http.get('/workflow/getTaskListByNodeID?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getExistWorkflowOrgList: function (orgList) { return $'/workflow/getExistWorkflowOrgList', orgList, apiConfig.create()); }, getWorkflowNodeByOrgList: function (orgIDList) { return $'/workflow/getWorkflowNodeByOrgList', orgIDList, apiConfig.create()); }, getWorkflowNodeByYearMonth: function (year, month, serviceId) { return $http.get('/workflow/getWorkflowNodeByYearMonth?year=' + year + '&month=' + month + '&serviceType=' + serviceId, apiConfig.create()); }, getPushNotifications: function (criteria) { return $'/workflow/getPushNotifications', { IsFirstTimeLoading: criteria.isFirstTimeLoading, FilterType: criteria.filterType, ServiceType: criteria.serviceType, MainFilter: criteria.mainFilter, SingleNode: criteria.singleNode, SingleTask: criteria.singleTask, MultipleNode: criteria.multipleNode, MultipleTask: criteria.multipleTask, MultipleStatus: criteria.multipleStatus, MultipleDueDate: criteria.multipleDueDate, MultiplePriority: criteria.multiplePriority, MultipleType: criteria.multipleType, SearchKeyword: criteria.searchKeyword }, apiConfig.create()); }, setMessageRead: function (id) { return $http.get('/workflow/setMessageRead?id=' + id, apiConfig.create()); }, getApprovalLogInfo: function (workflowNodeId, dbName, periodId, serviceTypeId) { return $http.get('/workflow/getApprovalLogInfo?workflowNodeId=' + workflowNodeId + '&dbName=' + dbName + '&periodId=' + periodId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId, apiConfig.create()); }, getErpValidationInfo: function ( dbName, periodId, serviceTypeId) { return $http.get('/workflowMessageJob/getErpValidationInfo?dbName=' + dbName + '&periodId=' + periodId + '&serviceTypeId=' + serviceTypeId, apiConfig.create()); }, updateTaskMessage: function (workflowMessageList) { return $'/workflow/updateTaskMessage', workflowMessageList, apiConfig.create()); }, addWorkFlow: function (workflow) { return $'/workflow/addWorkFlow', workflow, apiConfig.create()); }, updateWorkFlow: function (workflow) { return $'/workflow/updateWorkFlow', workflow, apiConfig.create()); }, copyWorkFlow: function (workflow) { return $'/workflow/copyWorkFlow', workflow, apiConfig.create()); }, getWorkflowNodeAndTask: function () { return $http.get('/workflow/getWorkflowNodeAndTask', apiConfig.create()); }, getDicTaskListByNodeID: function (nodeID) { return $http.get('/workflow/getDicTaskListByNodeID?nodeID=' + nodeID, apiConfig.create()); }, getTaskMessageUserRole: function (taskID) { return $http.get('/workflow/getTaskMessageUserRole?taskID=' + taskID, apiConfig.create()); }, deleteWorkFlow: function (workflow) { return $'/workflow/deleteWorkFlow', workflow, apiConfig.create()); }, }; }]); // worklist web service proxy webservices.factory('worklistService', ['$http', 'apiConfig', function ($http, apiConfig) { 'use strict'; return { simpleSearch: function (criteria) { var config = { params: { json: JSON.stringify(criteria) }, isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/worklist/simple/search/result', apiConfig.create(config)); }, advancedSearch: function (criteria) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $'/worklist/advanced/search/result', criteria, apiConfig.create(config)); }, getShortcuts: function () { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/worklist/shortcuts', apiConfig.create(config)); }, addShortcut: function (data) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $'/worklist/shortcuts', data, apiConfig.create(config)); }, deleteShortcut: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.delete('/worklist/shortcuts/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); }, setDefaultShortcut: function (id) { var config = { isBusyRequest: true }; return $http.get('/worklist/shortcuts/default/' + id, apiConfig.create(config)); } }; }]);