Commit d247dd16 authored by neo's avatar neo

[dev] add json filed name for balance

parent e3047353
package pwc.taxtech.atms.dto.vatdto;
import java.util.List;
public class JsonTrialBalanceTreeNode {
......@@ -7,17 +9,25 @@ public class JsonTrialBalanceTreeNode {
private Integer periodId;
private String direction;
private String customerCode;
private String begDebitBal;
private String begCreditBal;
private String begBal;
private String endBal;
private String endDebitBal;
private String endCreditBal;
private Integer monthID;
private String debitBal;
private String creditBal;
private String accountName;
private String acctProp;
private String acctCode;
private String parentCode;
private List<JsonTrialBalanceTreeNode> children;
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